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Goals Essay. My Goal In Lif
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💋What Are Your Academic Goals Essay. My Goal In Lif 💋What Are Your Academic Goals Essay. My Goal In
Analysis Of Robert Frost s Home Burial And The Death Of...
Robert Frost, an American poet during the Nineteenth Century, Modernist Era, displayed the issues of
realism through his life issues of death and spousal relations through his poems: Home Burial and The
Death of the Hired Man .
Robert Frost s inspiration for his poetry derived from much of his life and the historical events that
surrounded him. American literary critic, Harold Bloom wrote in his Bloom s Major Poets, Robert
Frost is one of the major American the Nineteenth century (9). Frost portrayed the
Nineteenth century: Modernist Era, with his realistic illustrations of rural life and his understanding of
American idiomatic speech. He depicted the time period, as a significant time of modernism,
influenced by the emotions of his personal struggles. The Modernist impulse is fueled in various
literatures by industrialization and urbanization and by the search for an authentic response to a much
changed world...modernism as a literary movement is typically associated with the period after World
War I ( Modernism | Art ). Frost was perceived as a poet during a period when modernism was
predominant. Frost came of age during a time when Modernism was the dominant movement in
American and European literature... ( Frost ). This was the perspective for his poems Home Burial and
The Death of the Hired Man .
ROBERT FROST: A SHORT BIOGRPAHY Frost s life began on March 26, 1874 in San Francisco,
California. His parents were Isabella
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Extinction Of Dinosaurs Extinction
The extinction of dinosaurs could have been caused by many different things. One main reason that is
thought around the world is that dinosaurs went extinct because an asteroid fell onto earth at speeds
that are too fast for the human mind to even imagine. This idea was thought when and asteroid crater
was found near mexico. Also to support the facts many scientist found traces of rare metal onto the
earth s surface. This metal is not very common here but is really common in outer space. Today we
will be looking at why these huge creatures died of the face of the planet in just a matter of months.
One reason, these greatebeastes were exterminated was that they alter the asteroid hit the ground a
huge ball of dust and debris was sent into the earth. This dust covered the earth in just a matter of
hours. This was crucial to their extinction because the sun was blocked plants did not receive and sun
light and herbivorous ( plant eating animals) could not get any food from the plants because most of
the plants died. This was just one of the first reasons that the dinosaur race was wiped of this earth.
You may ask how big the asteroid had to be, well put it into perspective the asteroid was about the size
of 110 empire state buildings and had the weight of 211,000 empire states buildings put together. This
asteroid was the biggest asteroid to ever hit earth that we know of. This big of a hit throw 70 billion
tons of soot out of the earth and that dust polluted the skies. If
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Jim Carrey Research Paper
I don t think human beings learn anything without desperation. Desperation is a necessary ingredient
to learning anything, or creating anything. Period. If you ain t desperate at some point, you ain t
interesting. Jim Carrey (
Carrey knows what it takes to be a strong actor and he worked hard to get where he is today. Carrey
was very dedicated to his career and his past holds the key to his future success.
Carrey was born in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada on January 17th, 1962 and had what was considered
a normal life. His family was stable because their father was working. But, when Carrey was the age
of 15, his father was laid off. Carrey then had to go out and support his family. Carrey was a part of a
stand up comedy club before he dropped out of school and he loved it. He just didn t realize how
much that affected him later in life. ( His
mother was very ill when he dropped out of school and the family struggled to pay their bills, so
Carrey obtained a job as a janitor in a factory. ( actors who
had it tough_2.html ) He cared for his mother whenever he was able to and tried to support her. Things
started to look ... Show more content on ...
He said that his biggest break was his role in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective , and that was when people
started taking notice of him. After that, he played the lead role in The Mask, and Dumb and Dumber .
This set him up for future roles and made him realize that he wanted to continue in that field. He
wouldn t have done any of that had it not been for his past struggles and knowledge, and he couldn t
be more proud of what he has accomplished.
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Letters To Aztec Research Paper
Dear Mr. Cortez, you know how you asked me to research all about the Aztecs, to share with you?
Well here s what I have found out. When you come here, somethings may not make sense. Some
houses are bleached white, or have sun dried brick or stone, while others were tiny little huts with a
garden out back. This is the ranking for rich and poor, with the rich having stone, and the poor having
hut houses. You may see some people walking along the streets, and you must note who is who. Most
will presumably be carrying fruits and veggies, and wearing plain clothes that they had to create
themselves. Then there are the Nobles skipping down the street, and you will note that they are Nobles
as they will have feathers on their apparel. If you appear ... Show more content on ...
He puts a noble in charge of each city. Each city is independent, but they all have the same laws.
Everyone knows each of these laws, and they are pretty harsh. Most involve them killing you. There
is, however a mercy rule or the forgiveness law. If a criminal confesses his crime to a priest before it is
found out, he is excused of all charges placed against him. This does come with a price; you may only
use the forgiveness law once. Next time you break the law, you will be punished. The government is
well organized, but they have problems with such a growing population. They need more food,
storehouses, temples, and clothing. The Aztecs are determining to go to war as their answer, as they
have already captured a tribe. If the tribe does not pay them a tribute in building, and food, they will
sacrifice the entire tribe to the Aztec gods. Like I said earlier, it is seldom that these soldiers have ever
lost a
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Blindspot Lab
This lab report will focus on answering the question Is the blindspot variable in humans? I use three
participants to conduct an experiment to test that theory. After the experiment I gathered all the data
and calculations for review. My results showed that the blindspot is variable in humans.
● I am trying to answer the question Is the blind spot variable in humans?
● We are able to see the world around us thanks to our eyes. First light enters the cornea which is the
outermost layer of the eye. The cornea bends the light and it travels through the pupil to the lens
which again bends and shapes the light as it moves to the retina. The retina contains thousands of light
sensing nerves (rods and cones). These cells ... Show more content on ...
Developmental psychology focuses on development during the course of one s life. How personalities
and behaviors change over the course of someone s life.
The sixth is clinical. Clinical psychology focuses on mental illness, disease and the overall mental
health of an individual.
The seventh is individual differences/ personality. This field focuses on what personality means. The
uniqueness of each individual how no two people are the same. (Initiative, n.d)
This experiment would fall into the biological field of psychology as it focuses on the human eye.
Categorical variables are observations that can be sorted into categories like age or gender.
Quantitative variables are observations that can be measured like size or weight. In this experiment the
categorical variable was the age and gender of my participants. The quantitative value was the size of
the blindspot when measured. (Statistics, n.d.)
Independent variables are variables you can control. Like the dosage of a medication given during a
study. Dependant variables are variables you cannot control. Like the participants reaction to the
medication. In this experiment the independent variable was the blindspot test given to participants.
The dependant variable was the participant s individual blindspot size. (Helmenstine,
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Essay about Ernest Hemingway’s A Moveable Feast
Ernest Hemingway s A Moveable Feast
In Ernest Hemingway s A Moveable Feast he tells the tale of his early career and life in Paris. He tells
of his meetings with famous writers, poets, and the times that they had. He spoke especially of Scott
Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, and Ezra Pound. He did have a tendency to portray them a little bit
unfairly. He was a little critical of them because of the fact that he shared so much time with them.
Usually when people spend lots of time with each other they begin to be annoyed by their habits.
The first of the authors he spoke of was Gertrude Stein. He portrayed her as a talkative, outgoing, and
somewhat overbearing person. She was very critical about writing. She said that she really ... Show
more content on ...
He would help poets, painters, sculptors, writers, and anyone else the he believed in or was in trouble.
Ezra was probably his favorite person out of the many writers he met. He probably liked him so much
because of how generous and helpful he was to him.
The last big writer Hemingway talked about was Scott Fitzgerald. He talks to him just after The Great
Gadsby was released. He was rather impressed at how smart Scott was. But, it seemed he was
annoyed with him at times. Scott ended up to be rather untrustworthy. He missed most of a trip they
were suppose to make together because he was late. Hemingway finally figured out that the guys main
problem was that he was an alcoholic. That was why he ended up being somewhat distant. He was
very persistent about what he thought was right and that bugged Hemingway greatly. Scott was almost
to the point of being pugnacious at times. But, Hemingway still enjoyed his writing and liked him
because he showed that it was possible for him to become a successful writer. Here is a little quote he
had on him
His talent was as natural as the pattern that was made by the dust on a butterfly s wings. At one time
he understood it no more than the butterfly did and he did not know when it was brushed or marred.
Later he became conscious of his damaged wings and of their construction and he learned to think and
could not fly any more because the love of flight was gone and he
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Essay about Hmwk 1 Template
Students can print this template prior to viewing the online Video Lesson. These are the same
questions found online! You only need to watch each video and select the best of the multiple choice
options you feel best answer each question.
1. For Chapter 1, you will need to watch the videos listed in order to answer the following five
multiple choice questions. Which of the following statements is not true?
All types of businesses touch our lives every day.
We influence business by the buying decisions we make.
We choose one firm s products over another s because the selected products fulfill our needs.
An entrepreneur is guaranteed success if she or he can come up with a good idea for a business.
When we buy a firm s products, ... Show more content on ...
Empowering corporate managers to make decisions or local stores.
Having top management respond to customer complaints.
Continually stocking new products for customers to try.
8. Kodak s closed loop recycling program for Funsaver single use cameras
pays photofinishers to send excess materials to a central landfill.
Raises company costs but reduces land pollution
Is a legal requirement imposed on makers of disposable products.
Reimburses consumers for the cost of product disposal.
Cuts costs because recycled materials are cheaper than new.
9. As shown in the video, New Belgium Brewing follows the socioeconomic model of social
responsibility by
Emphasizing exploitation of natural resources over the quality of life.
Putting the community s interests before profitability.
Being actively involved in governmental and academic affairs.
Balancing economic and social returns.
Focusing on internal decision without regard for the community.
10. To meet its social responsibility, New Belgium Brewing is
preparing a code of ethics for employees.
Donating one dollar to charitable causes for every barrel of beer.
Respecting the six basic consumer rights.
Combating caveat emptor
Providing, opportunities for employees to behave more ethically.
11. For Chapter 3, you will need to watch the video case titled The Global Saga of Subway in order to
answer the following five multiple
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Motives For Colonization In New England And Chesapeake...
New England and the Chesapeake Region were both settled primarily by people of English origin,
however, by 1700 they had both transformed into two unique societies. This is because their motives
for colonization, their geographies, and their governments were all different. For example, the New
England colonies typically had much harsher winters than the Chesapeake region and their people
came to America to escape religious persecution in their mother country. On the other hand, the people
of the Chesapeake region experienced warmer summers and came there in search of gold. As
previously stated, different motives for colonization were partially responsible for transforming the
New England and Chesapeake regions into two unique societies. The New England colonies were
formed for religious reasons whereas the colonies of the Chesapeake region were formed for
economic purposes. To emphasize, the people that settled in the New England colonies had been
previously punished by their king, Henry VIII, for being non anglican and in turn they left the church
of England for the Netherlands (they became known as separatists due to how they separated
themselves from the Church). The Netherlands didn t happen to work out for the separatists, so they
went to the New World and settled in the New England region. Based on this, it could also be said that
the separatists were seeking permanent settlement (as they wanted to escape religious persecution)
whereas those in the Chesapeake region
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The Theme Of Change In The Catcher In The Rye
The only constant in life, whether people like it or not, is change. Something in life is always
changing. Even within J.D. Salinger s book, The Catcher in the Rye, change is always happening
despite the main character s wishes. Salinger uses symbols to bring a deeper understanding of the
theme about change to the reader in a way no other figurative language could. There are a variety of
symbols throughout the book, such as the ducks, to assist J.D. Salinger display his message. Holden
Caulfield, the atypical protagonist of this bildungsroman story, gets the ax from the prestigious
Pencey. Traveling back to his home state of New York, Holden lives incognito so his parents cannot
find out he flunked out of another boarding school. While experiencing New York on his own, a
natural maturing process begins to happen. Dreaded by the idea of adjustments within his life, Holden
tries to stay in his youthful and innocent state. Realizing this transition to adulthood is inevitable, he
tries to figure out what he needs to do, but deep down wishes he could keep everything as it currently
is. Holden seems frustrated, even depressed, to find out that he cannot keep life constant with drastic
changes always happening. J.D. Salinger uses the significant symbol of the Museum of Natural
History, in his novel The Catcher in the Rye, to show that despite desires to keep everything the same,
change is bound to happen. The Museum of Natural History was constant. Holden mentions that every
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Fidel Castro s Conspiracy
After Fidel Castro overthrew Cuban strongman Fulgencio Batista, expropriated American economic
assets and developed links with the Soviet Union, President Eisenhower authorized the CIA in March
1960 to develop a plan to overthrow Castro. The agency trained and armed Cuban exiles to carry out
the attack. Shortly after his inauguration, John F. Kennedy learned of the invasion plan, concluded that
Fidel Castro was a Soviet client posing a threat to all of Latin America and, after consultations with
his advisers, gave his consent in February 1961 for the CIA planned amphibious assault.
Launched from Guatemala on April 17, 1961, the invasion force of 1,400 Cuban exiles known as
Brigade 2506 landed at the beaches along the Bay of Pigs on the south
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The Incidence Of Thyroid Cancer
The incidence of thyroid cancer is rapidly rising in the US accounting for 62,980 cases with 1890
deaths every year[1]. It is the seventh most common cancer diagnosed in women and peaks earlier
than in men. Despite its high prevalence, death rate from thyroid cancer is fairly stable from past many
years. In general, thyroid cancer offers a good prognosis with an overall survival rate of approximately
90%[2]. Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) and follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) termed as
differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) contribute to majority of thyroid cancers sharing a superior
prognosis. Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), mostly acquired as a part of familial syndromes,
display only modest cure rates. While surgical resection followed by radioiodine therapy remains the
treatment of choice for localized thyroid cancer, it fails to eradicate tumors with aggressive behavior.
In marked contrast to DTC, anaplastic carcinoma (ATC), an undifferentiated sub type of thyroid
cancer, has a higher propensity to locally invade nearby structures and metastasize rapidly. It
approaches to almost 50% of all thyroid cancer related deaths, the median survival being only six
months[3]. The grim prognosis of ATC is due to the fact that it is diagnosed at an advanced stage
which offers palliative treatment as the only option for patients suffering from the disease. Because of
the chemo and radio resistant nature observed in aggressive thyroid cancers, many researchers have
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Flood In Louisiana Essay
Local churches and Red Cross have opened shelters for thousands escaping the massive flooding in
At least seven people have died and some 20,000 were rescued from about a dozen parishes in the
state. Louisiana government has declared emergency in the state while the federal government has
agreed to consider the flooding as a major disaster.
The Red Cross is collaborating with many churches to volunteer for those affected by the torrential
Thousands of people arrived at around 50 Red Cross shelters in Louisiana, many of which were based
in churches.
First Baptist Church (Zachary), Rock Church, Zoar Baptist Church, St. John Baptist Catholic are
working as shelters in East Baton Rough parish, while Fellowship Church and Mount ... Show more
content on ...
The United Methodist Church became an official Red Cross shelter about two years ago, and swiftly
responded to the disaster situation.
After the church [First United Methodist Church] was rebuilt in 2011, our church quickly did the work
to position itself as a disaster relief center as a way to pay it forward. In the fall of 2014, we arranged
to become a local Red Cross shelter, said Rev. Jacqueline King told the Louisiana Conference.
King said that the congregants of the church are themselves reeling from the havoc cause by the
floods, but have overcome their personal predicaments to help others.
... They ve risen from those challenges to help. I couldn t be more proud. It is difficult and challenging
but so incredibly rewarding to be the hands and feet of Christ.
Billy Graham Rapid Response Team have sent crisis trained chaplains to flood affected regions in
Louisiana, who are a part of crisis trained team that is spread across the world. They will work
together with Samaritan s Purse to alleviate the physical, emotional and spiritual sufferings of the
victims of flooding. The team focuses on offering prayer to those who are in need and are willing to
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Top Secret Manhattan Project
Two hundred thousand dead that was the result of the work accomplished in the top secret Manhattan
Project. This top secret project costed two billion dollars employed around twelve thousand people.
Although the government tried to hide such a big project, it wouldn t stay a secret for long. Those
scientists, employees, and all their work would prove not to be in vain because soon America would
repay Japan for the bombing of Pearl Harbor and furthermore win the war. The Manhattan Project, one
of the biggest secrets in American history led to the discovery of the atomic bomb and revolutionized
the playing field of warfare. In 1941 after the bombing of Pearl Harbor the U.S. was seeking a way to
design an atomic bomb. Doing this would win World War II for the United States. The government
tried and succeeded in acquiring all the materials and employees needed to do the job. One of those
people was Enrico Fermi who led a small group and conducted the first controlled nuclear chain
reaction. Now that milestones were reached to keep secret research was only to be based at few
universities. Again, the reaching of milestones not only made secrecy a priority but also now the funds
would ... Show more content on ...
One of those was as said earlier the first controlled nuclear chain reaction. That would later lead to the
biggest milestone to ever be met. However, there was still a few milestones and successes to be met
before that. The most significant of those seeing as how the list is too long to name is when Einstein
convinced them to work with the military and conduct a controlled a nuclear fission reaction. Now
comes the biggest one of them all, the testing of the bomb. This was a test in which no one knew what
to expect because it had never been done before. The testing resulted in a forty thousand foot tall
mushroom cloud that could be seen two hundred miles away, and blew out windows of homes one
hundred miles
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The Consequences Of Air Pollution
Air pollution is a global issue that the community should act upon to prevent any further
consequences. Air pollution is caused by toxic chemicals in the air. The essential wellsprings of
pollution are heaters in processing plants, motors in vehicles and the consuming of junk. Air Pollution
is a hurtful substance to the air that brings harm to the Earth and human wellbeing. Some air
pollutions come back to earth as acidic rain, which it can harm crops, and make streams harmful for
other plant and creature life. Haze is another outcome from air pollution, which is destructive to
people. Global warming can likely be a reason, because of air pollutions, which makes the earth
temperature increase. Air pollution is a global issue that concerns the environment because it can
negatively affect the health of the environment, cause global warming, as well as acidification. If
everyone lets this event continue, then it can affect the wellbeing of the environment and the
individuals around it.
Air pollution can drastically affect the health of the environment in various ways that can affect the
quality of life of individuals. For example, ground level ozone is a colorless gas that is formed when
nitrogen oxides volatile organic compounds react in the sun. This ozone is the reason why there is
smog. Air pollution causes exhaustion of the ozone layer, which permits a more prominent number of
bright beams to earth, that can be destructive for people. This issue affects not only human
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Mother To Son Tone
Mother to Son is by Langston Hughes and was published December 1922, in Crisis Magazine. Mother
to Son also reappeared in Hughes s first collection of poems called The Weary Blue in 1926. This
monologue is delivering a message of hope through imagery. A mother was explaining to her son that
she has faced many challenges in life but she was still set on never giving up and succeeding in life.
The mom wanted to give her son the same advice that although things may get hard and he may face
many challenges and setbacks in life, she proclaimed that he should never give up.
This poem is based on the idea of hope and reassurance to move on in life, regardless of all the
challenges that may come your way, or no matter how tough life may become. The mother displays
her love for her. The force behind her love is best stated through the idea of never giving up in life
period. The mother is constantly giving guidance and encouragement to her beloved son. The mother
has been faced with many challenges of life, and she wants her son to be brave and confident in the
face of these challenges that may occur and to also succeed in life. The poem gives insight to the
mother past experiences. The poems tone can be one that is best described as moralizing, heartening,
and hopeful. The message is relayed in this poem to the reader through the conversation between the
mother and her son. The mother states, Life for me ain t been no crystal stair (Hughes, 1922), just
letting her son know
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The New York Times By Catherine Rampell
The momentum of obsolescence became increasingly stronger as the decades passed, and in
contemporary society, the dynamics of planned, technological, and psychological obsolescence is
unmistakable. Today, products are made of faulty parts, and have become gradually more expensive to
repair. Consumers are now forced to weigh up the price of repair alongside the price of a replacement,
giving them little choice but to pick the easier alternative and replace the item. An example of this
modern triad of obsolescence can be seen within the Apple Conspiracy , where it is alleged that Apple
releases software updates for iPhones that instead of enhancing the performance of the phone as
promised, actually degrade it by making the phone slow, and decrease the battery life. Coincidentally,
this often occurs when the newest model of the iPhone is released, prompting frustrated users to either
upgrade their phone, or deal with a degraded product. The conspiracy s major mainstream moment
was an article in the New York Times by Catherine Rampell:
At first, I thought it was my imagination. Around the time the iPhone 5S and 5C were released, in
September, I noticed my sad old iPhone 4 was becoming a lot more sluggish. The battery was starting
to run down much faster, too. But the same thing seemed to be happening to a lot of people who, like
me, swear by their Apple products. When I called tech analysts, they said that the new operating
system (iOS 7) being pushed out to existing users
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Leading Community Businesses And Governments Admit...
Introduction Leading community businesses and governments admit Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) as an official policy objective. Those companies who apply CSR are able to maintain
sustainable progress. This development covers social, economic and environmental influence in how
they run (Clegg, 2011, p. 216). Three areas are the bases of the triple bottom line (TBL) approach
(Elkington, 1994). CSR itself has various meaning but in more simple way it can be defined as firms
obligation to act ethically and to facilitate elaboration. Thereby they try to make employees life better
and likewise help to demonstrate a positive impact on local society. Therefore businesses are
responsible for two factors of how they operate. Firstly, they should be concerned about the quality of
management including people and operations. Secondly, they have to consider the character and
amount of their effect on community in different fields. External stakeholders take a huge concern on
how an organisation acts whether they perform well in their products, services, and society or not.
Moreover they take an interest in how they care towards the workforce (Baker, 2004). The following
paper demonstrates the major reasons of why businesses should take CSR seriously and what
advantages does CSR have when they use it. First aspect will be related to reputation and brand image.
Then it will be followed by strategy of cost reduction. Third aspect will explain the approaches to gain
a competitive
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Canada On The Home Front Essay
Canada s contribution on the home front played a significant role in the war effort. The federal
government transformed the Canadian lifestyle by introducing rationing which limited the quantity
and type of goods we consumed. On September 3, 1939, Prime Minister Mackenzie King s
government established the Wartime Prices and Trade Board (WPTB) which introduced rationing and
controlled prices to avoid inflation. Every Canadian was issued a ration card to buy essentials such as
sugar, meat, gasoline etc. Even though the cards restricted the number of goods it ensured the limit
was enough to fulfill an individual s need. Special permits were required to purchase cars, appliances,
and other resource consuming. Overall, rationing was a ... Show more content on ...
The social acceptance of women in the workforce disappeared and they were back in their homes
performing the traditional roles of women ex cooking and cleaning. Additionally, they lost their
economic independence and once again had to rely on men for money. Fortunately, some brave
women resisted social norms and continued to work. Through their, efforts a national women s rights
movement was started that would completely change the economic and social status over the
Air Battle of Britain
The battle of Britain was the first major battle of world war 2. The purpose of this attack was to get
Britain to bomb Britain till they surrender so they can directly invade Britain. It began in september
1940 when the German Luftwaffe bombarding major British cities in a blitz of air attacks. British
citizens had to spend their night in underground bomb shelters. Eighty Canadian pilots join the royal
air force in order to prevent German attacks. The pilots faced a dangerous task and in the first few
weeks, 16 Canadian pilots were killed. However, as time went on there skills and success rates
improved. The battle continued until may 1941 and with the help Canadian pilots, 3000 enemy aircraft
were shot down. Canada s contribution was an essential cause of the victory.
Battle of Atlantic
The battle of Atlantic was one of the longest battles of the
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The Processes That Is Working Well Or Presenting...
The purpose of this short paper is to discuss the processes of microsystem in rehab unit, exploring
whether the process used is working well or presenting challenges. This paper analyzes the collective
data obtained from the completed microsystem assessment tool (MAT). As we know it, microsystem is
the logical ballgame for the connection between vision and transmission and thus functions as the
agent for change (Stanley, 2011).
Processes that are Working Well Based on page 11 12 of my MAT Core and Supporting Processess
that work well include Admission, Routine Care, Transfer from Inpatient, Discharge, Adverse Drug
Event, Code, Feeding Patients, Pain Management, Monitoring Confusion, At Risk for Falls, At Risk
for Decubitus, Answering Patient Lights, Restraint Process, Communicating with Families,
Laboratory Specimens, Pharmacy Questions, Dietary Process, Physician Orders, Medical Records,
CIS, Follow up Appointments, End of life/Code Status, Bed Management, Answering Phones,
Hazardous Materials, Housekeeping, and Consultations.
Processes that Present Challenges In contrast, the processes that present challenges, which can also be
found on the same page (11 12), consist of Medication Administration, Pharmacy Ordering, Pharmacy
Receiving, and Materials Equipment. Evidently, the medication administration is seriously delayed in
this case. This is why. As soon as the doctor has finished his evaluation, and as soon as the new set of
prescriptions has been generated,
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How Did Giovanni Boccaccio Decameron
The Decameron
Born in 1313, Giovanni Boccaccio is one of the greatest figures in Italian Literature. He was born in
Paris, France by a French woman who remains unknown, but on many occasion he speaks very highly
of her. His father is an Italian; they are part of the middle class. As for their professional status, they
were Merchants / Bankers. Although, Bocaccio was born out of wedlock, his father legitimized him
and took him to his house, provided him with a family and a good education.
In 1340 Boccaccio moved to Florence where he meets Petrarch in 1350, his mentor. He began study
Greek and Roman Classics. During 1339 to 1351 he writes The Decameron one of the most noted and
readable book in all ... Show more content on ...
They are merchants of grain with hired help who take their social power very seriously. Lorenzo, one
of their lead workers who takes care of their business is the handsome young man that Ellisabetta falls
heads over heels for. She and Lorenzo share the same compassion and love for one another and they
ignore the social acceptance of their relationship.
Unfortunately, Ellisabetta s brothers are not in agreement with this love affair and are furious about
the disgrace to their family. They are so disturbed about this relationship that they kill Lorenzo. This
misfortune, in turn, creates a major change in their sister s behavior causing her to be unhappy at all
times and without any desire to do anything other than cry. Furthermore, one night Ellisabetta has a
dream where Lorenzo appears and tells her that her brothers killed him and where they buried him.
Ellisabetta, being so blindly in love, went out the next morning to confirm her dream. To her surprise
she found Lorenzo s dead body. Her first reaction was to take him along with her. Since, he was too
heavy, she decided to take his head. This behavior reflects a girl s first and only love that keeps her
from forgetting that life goes on. Ellisabetta demonstrates without Lorenzo there is no meaning in life.
She could only keep living with a part of him by putting his head in a pot. Ellisabetta buries it with
dirt and plants basil over it. This plant becomes her savior or peace that keeps her alive. Her
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Adoration Of The Magi Analysis
The art piece that caught my attention was at the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art. The piece is called
The Adoration of the Magi, painted by Girolamo de Carpi. The Holy Family and the Three Magi s are
illustrated in the painting. They seem to be sitting outside on the ground behind a home made of brick.
A sense of space and perception is created because in the distance, behind the people in the painting
there is a beautiful view of a mountain and the sun in the sky far from where the people are. In the
artwork, de Carpi paints clothes on each person besides baby Christ, and the clothing differ in color;
there is red, green, yellow, blue. The colors seemed somewhat bright, in a way indicating that the
painting is representing a happy time. Also painted are horses depicted behind a short wall, next to the
horses seems to be a servant giving one of the Magis a vessel of some sort.
The idea of depicting this story from the Christian bible wasn t a new one, there are countless
paintings depicting this same story, although, only one of the four gospels of the Bible actually
mentions it. The story can originally be found in Matthew 2, saying that after Jesus was born, wise
men came to Jerusalem from the east. They were looking for the child after seeing a star that meant
the birth of the King of the Jews. When the King at the time, King Herod, heard of the mens search, he
was curious and wanted to know more about his possible competitor. It was believed by his scribes
and priests
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The Forty Developmental Assets in The Pigman by Paul...
Seventy five percent of girls have low self esteem, and they have engaged in harmful activities. Self
esteem is only one of the Forty Developmental Assets. What are the Forty Developmental Assets?
They are a set of building blocks that helps teenagers and people build up a healthy life. All good
friends should have the Developmental Assets. In the novel, The Pigman by Paul Zindel, Lorraine
Jensen demonstrates being caring, but she is missing self esteem and positive peer influence.
First, the character of Lorraine Jensen is missing a very important asset which is number thirty eight,
Self esteem. This is when a teenager has a high self esteem level. One example is how her mother is
always putting her down and saying mean things to her. ... Show more content on ...
As a result, Dennis came over for the first round seven thirty because I told him to steal a bottle of 80
proofer out of his father s whiskey cabinet, (131). This is not positive peer influence because her best
friend doesn t care about stealing which happens to be alcohol. This is the kind of people she hangs
out with, and teenagers this young shouldn t drink, or steal no matter what age they are.
Although Lorraine is missing Self esteem and Positive Peer Influence she is very Caring, asset number
twenty six. Caring is when a teenager or person places high value on helping other people. Another
example is how she doesn t think it is right to take money from the Pigman. For instance, Lorraine
says, Because it s wrong to take money from an old man, that s why, (30). This shows that Lorraine
feels like if they were to take the money from the Pigman that she would be taking advantage of him.
This also shows that she is caring because if she takes the money it s wrong because there is no real
reason to take it if they are just going to keep it for themselves. In addition to, I tried to explain to him
how dangerous it was, particularly smoking, and even went to the trouble of finding a case history
similar to his in a book by Sigmund Freud, (8). This is very caring because she went through so much
trouble to find something that would help John Conlan, who is her best friend in the
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Disadvantages Of Integrated Model
Abstract The integrated model is a new model that is recently developed to decrease from the classical
approach weaknesses and problems in building the management information systems (MIS s) that are
used to solve the management problems in the practical life. The use of this integrated model needs to
be tested, to prove how efficiently and successfully the model works. To achieving this objective, this
paper uses the mathematical probability theories to implement an internal test of the integrated model
work before using it in the practical life. The paper uses the qualitative research method in its
Keywords Integrated Model; Management Information System; MIS, Classical Approach; Information
System Life Cycle; ISLC, Simple ... Show more content on ...
Here the system will be programmed and operated [2],[3].
5 Test and Maintenance Stage: it is the fifth (final) stage in the information system life cycle. Here, the
system will be tested to verify whether it includes errors or if it needs improvements to be better and
effective in achieving the users requirements [2],[3].
1.b What is the drawback of the classical approach
The information system life cycle of the classical approach (ISLC) consists of five main stages that
are: planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance or test stages. The classical approach
uses these stages in its work in building the management information systems that will be used to
solve the management problems. The weakness and problem of the classical approach arises from the
permanent use of all of these five stages in all cases; because there are many cases that actually need
to use some of these stages but not to all of them, and as a result the classical approach suffers from
the weakness and problem in consuming more time and additional cost when it is used to build the
management information systems (MIS s) in order to solve the management problems
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Nazi Human Experimentation
In 1933 1945, under Adolf Hitler, the National Socialist German Workers party detained political
control over Germany. Members of this group more commonly known as the Nazi party, wanted to
institute Germany as a dominant world power. They began by establishing a dictatorship over all
cultural, economic, and political activities of the people (Nazis). This would launch the beginning of
the Holocaust, a massive massacre of roughly 11 million Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Soviet
prisoners of war, mentally handicapped, and countless more (The Simon). Most of these deaths
occurred in concentration camps that developed all throughout Europe. In particular camps such as
Dachau, Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Ravensbruck, and Sachsenhausen, medical experiments were cold
heartedly performed on selected prisoners without consent and generally, concluded in death,
mutilation or permanent disability (Nazi Science). Schools all over America teach a broad history of
the Holocaust and the concentration camps to their students at some point in time. However, from
experience, I do not recall ever discussing these medical experiments or the Nuremberg Code that
resulted from them. The Nuremburg code was created just after the Nuremburg trials following WWII.
These trials were held before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg against leading Nazi
doctors, whom twenty three received charges with War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity as
evidence exposed the many merciless tortures they had
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How Social Networks Can Help You Professionally
In my opinion I feel that information technology can assist me in various ways but mainly in my
social, educational and professional future by helping me looking for other jobs that I was not aware
of that were hiring or resources as in knowing what is going on in the today world. It can help me out
educationally so I would be able to be updated with the new homework assignment in college or what
is for lunch and even events afterschool. Professionally it would be able to help me when I would not
know if the business I work at is going good and escalating proficiently or about to go bankrupt and
have no job or even get paid. The internet is very helpful I feel that if there was no computer or
internet it would be very hard for people to get jobs or get notified about an opening if they have no
telephone to contact the company. So that is why it is always good to have some type of informational
Generally, the social network is rationally gossip only, but there are some networks where people put
together presentations for jobs and post pictures, let people know about openings, and sometimes help
people out with personal problems. Many articles on the social network are hard to believe but there
are times where you do not want to believe what you read because it is so sad and astonishing that
people would do those particular things to each other and have no remorse. Social media such as the
TV, radio, and volunteers notify many communities to come together when a
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The Phantom, By Lee Falk
The Phantom, just like the Phoenix myth appears, disappears and again reappears; born only when the
prior Phantom ceases to exist. The readers are quite aware of the fact that under the dark purple outfit
and the skull mask there lurked a white man, the man with white skin and black mask. And though
there was the mysterious Anglo credit Lee Falk on the top of each Phantom comics, the signature of
the author Lee Falk was unremarkable and the readers didn t know him as a person. What the readers
do know is the mysterious exotic Phantomic setting: darkest part of Africa with its big games, the
witch doctors and the almost naked black natives (Friese n.p).
The Phantomic paraphernalia is associated time and again with the colossal western ... Show more
content on ...
These treasures, on the other hand, are the symbolic denominations of the Western culture at different
points of history which make the skull cave an imaginary chronotope of almost everything that
nourishes western fantasies in the context of colonial enterprise at a non western space and making
him the grand example westernness per se. There are numerous spine chilling adventures of Phantom
down through the history the fifth Phantom fought with the pirate Blackbeard, in the first half of 15th
century, the 13th Phantom fought along with Lafitte in the battle of 1812. Fig. 28. The Brides of
Phantom. Lee Falk. The 22nd Phantom, n.p
One of the early Phantom married Columbus s granddaughter and another is known to have married
Shakespeare s niece and still another married a Mongolian princess (Amrita n.p). These facts, myths,
legends, anecdotes of several adventures including the ones in which Phantom encounters with the
orients the African, the Mongolians, the Red Indians and so on, and are brought together in the context
of Phantom s personal and familial histories thus providing a thorough details of Phantomic
genealogy. It should also be noted that the colour of Phantom s horse is white and its name is hero
symbolically suggesting an affiliation of whiteness with heroism. On the other hand, the colour of
Phantom s trained pet wolf is black and is named Devil the perennial association of
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Pros And Cons Of Search For Flights
airfare travel tips If you don t take long haul flights very often, everything about the experience can
seem intimidating the interminable hours aloft, the sketchy choice of seats, choosing an airline you
know nothing about, wondering if and how well you will be fed, dealing with boredom. And then
there s the pricing, which can put you back on your heels within seconds of clicking Search for
Flights. All told, a long haul flight can be the most physically and financially demanding component
of travel to faraway places. To help you keep long haul flying from becoming long suffering, here are
nine tips to consider before booking your next big international flight. 1. Do not judge by price alone.
Once you get into the stratosphere of long haul flight pricing, the numbers involved start to become a
little scary there aren t many three figure long haul price quotes out there, and the sticker shock can
sting. However, when you consider a long haul flight as a by the hour experience, a higher cost on a
decent flight on a comfortable aircraft with a stellar entertainment system and good food may start to
seem fairly attractive when compared to a hellish flight on a cramped aircraft with overhead screens
showing bad movies. So after reviewing the recommendations below, take stock of your options
carefully when weighing price vs. amenities; if you are going to be on a plane for a total of 30 hours
coming and going, and it costs an extra $150 to get a better flight on a
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The Big Tax Credits Are More Harmful Than Beneficial Or...
Summary of Problem
Pittsburgh, in recent years, has been trying to reinvent itself as a sort of east coast Hollywood and
raise a more prominent film industry here in the city. This has mainly been done through high tax
credits to filmmakers and film productions, however, some worry these tax credits are more harmful
than beneficial and are wasting tax payer s money. Those who oppose the tax credits fear that the
beneficial attributes to these tax credits are being exaggerated and that there hasn t been a consistent
enough rise in Pittsburgh based film production to account for these high tax credits. This problem is
important because an increase in film production in Pittsburgh would be an excellent source of
revenue for the city and ... Show more content on ...
My Role and Qualifications I will be conducting the interviews, analyzing both sides of this issue, and
proposing the best course of action for Pittsburgh to deal with incentivizing filmmakers without
hurting Pittsburgh and its population. As a filmmaker and someone who is deeply invested in the film
industry, I have a deep appreciation for Pittsburgh trying to build a film industry here, however, as
someone who has lived near Pittsburgh all my life, I need to ensure this isn t hurting Pittsburgh in the
Literature Review Pittsburgh Reinvents Itself as The New Hollywood (2012) This article is incredibly
useful since it talks about the groundworks Pittsburgh has set in place to become the, Tinseltown of
the East . The article shows how, due to the 25% tax credit on films who use more than 60% of their
production budget in Pittsburgh and the skilled inexpensive worker unions present here, the film
industry has a great reason to do production here in Pittsburgh. This article is great at showing what
Pittsburgh s plans were for increasing film production and their hope that, due to these efforts, they
could Pittsburgh from an industrial ghost town to a startup boomtown (Hipwell). Film Insiders Worry
About Western Pennsylvania Losing Role in Industry (2015) This article shows how the tax credits for
filmmakers could not only be hurting Pittsburgh s film industry, but also affecting local business
owners. One quote from the article
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Hall of Fame Steroids Paper
David Haynes
Mrs. Szabo
ENG 102
5 December, 2012
Hall of Famer? Major League Baseball (MLB) has always been one of the worst offenders of players
engaging in questionable behavior. With the MLB featuring as a key example in the steroid debate,
how can the Baseball Writers Association of America (BBWAA) electors decide which players are
eligible to be inducted into the Hall of Fame? Located in Cooperstown, New York, the National
Baseball Hall of Fame is in anticipation for new members. An election is held each year, no later than
January 15th, for players to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. The electors from BBWAA consist of
retired baseball players, which have been active writers for the BBWAA for at least ten years. These ...
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These candidates should not get the benefit of the doubt for playing during a time where steroids were
commonly used. Taking steroids is a choice; any player willing to take steroids is giving up the honor
of being inducted into the Hall of Fame (Shipigel B17). A prime example of steroid controversy on the
Hall of Fame ballot is Mark McGwire. McGwire (pictured left) hit 583 home runs, including what was
once a record of 70 in the 1998 season for the St. Louis Cardinals. McGwire s career was tainted when
he was caught with Androstenedione in his locker during the 1998 season. Androstenedione better
known as Andro, is a steroid precursor which is banned from baseball. When McGwire was
questioned about steroid use at a Congressional hearing on March 17, 2005, he repeatedly said, I m
not here to discuss the past (qtd. in McGwire Unlikely). This damaged McGwire s candidacy for the
Hall of Fame ballot by raising the suspicion of drug use, influencing BBWAA writers not to vote for
him. McGwire has received close to a 25 percent vote on the ballot the three years running up to 2012.
Not nearly the 75 percent needed for induction. Several BBWAA writers discussed their stance on
McGwire s silence at the Congressional hearing; that it was a tacit admission that he used steroids
while playing. McGwire needs to clarify his past and explain whether or not he used steroids, in order
to maintain his integrity and character. When evaluating McGwire s 16 year
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Mercury Contamination
Mercury Mercury is a chemical element of heavy silver and white metal that is liquid at ordinary
temperatures. The main use of mercury is the making of thermometers and barometers. Sometimes
mercury is used as an electrode in the production of batteries. Mercury can be very toxic and harmful
to the human body. If inhaled it can cause destruction to the nervous, digestive, and immune systems
and can even be fatal. Mercury is found in many natural sources such as volcanos, forest fires, and
fossil fuels (coal and petroleum). Studies show power plants to be the largest source of mercury in the
United States. Humans can prevent mercury contamination in several ways. When shopping for items
such as thermometers, try to get them mercury free.
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Comparison of Genesis I and Exodus 20 Essay
The purpose of the creation story is not central to the Bible but serves as a prologue to the historical
drama, which are the central concerns of the Bible. The narrative focus in the Bible is on the story that
begins with Noah and is centered on the exodus from Egypt. The central event in the Bible is the
creation of the covenant and the giving of laws and commandments. Although the creation of the
world in Genesis I and the pronouncement of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 are two
completely different accounts in the Bible, there lies a similar theme between them: God creates an
orderly and hierarchical universe, both natural and moral.
In Genesis I, God creates an orderly natural universe. He separates and categorizes everything he ...
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In conclusion, we human beings can rely on the order of nature to attain our ends.
In Exodus 20, God creates moral order. God s way of separation and categorization is a model for
human morality. Morality divides up actions into right and wrong, good and bad. To be moral is to
categorize actions and circumstances appropriately and follow the correct rules in each case. The Ten
Commandments serve as a guide for human beings to be moral. In disobeying these laws, God is well
known to punish, starting with Adam and Eve. God punishes because punishment is necessary in order
to create human beings who can be morally responsible for themselves. To be morally responsible, we
must be able to do the following things:
1. Recognize that we can choose to act one way or another. (Given the simplicity of life in the Garden
of Eden, Adam and Eve were barely aware of this.)
2. Be self conscious and self aware. We must be capable of looking at our actions or interpreting our
own actions.
3. We must be able to compare our actions to some ideal or standard of morality.
4. We must be able to stop and think before we act.
Recognition of a failure to follow God s commands brings about new capabilities. In violating God s
commandments, Adam and Eve come to learn that they can choose to live
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Tacit Agenda Of A Literary Approach To The Bible
Bible can be approached not only historically or generically but also literarily and this article, The
Tacit Agenda of a Literary Approach to the Bible, focuses on Leithwort which is repeated word that
helps to see Bible literarily. Buber and Rosenzweig think that Bible is more than just a Biblical text,
but it is more beautiful and well crafted literature and they also view the bible philosophically and
looked for deeper meaning. Rosenzwig claims that author s meaning could be interpreted differently
to the readers as one word has multiple meanings. Also, there is word called Leithwort. Leithwort is
the one of the way that Bible uses as a literature method of expressing the idea. Leithwort means
repeating same rooted word and by saying same rooted word over and over again it holds a powerful
meaning. Therefore, Burber says that it is important to understand and interpret properly Leithwort for
readers so that they could ... Show more content on ...
Leithwort is very powerful tool that author could show authorial intent to the readers but how the text
posses Leithwort is not clearly stated. Author uses Midrash, Jewish traditional reference, to find out
the meaning in the Leithwort and hidden meaning. Midrash is the fundamental raw material that
author uses to translate Bible and support their opinion. This article focuses on the Leithwort and says
how important Leithwort is. As mentioned above, Leithwort is repeating same rooted word over again
in the text and emphasize its importance of the repeated words and also convey author s intent to the
readers by using this method. However, in some culture, such as Korea, Leithwort would not be the
way of showing author s importance meaning or emphasizing what author wants to express to the
readers. Even it is obviously repeating same words, it does not give special meaning in some cultures.
Since the word is repeated people may think logically it could be
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The Pros And Cons Of Computer Games
At the present technology almost is an important essential for a daily life. More technology to progress
and more convenient for people. Of course, nothing comes easy then it is not only advantage of
technology but also there are disadvantages and that people don t think about it when they used it.
When the technology has a progress and convenient it that make many people using more technology
with their children about to learn or play games but there are some children who play a game more
than necessary. Many children are like to play computer games because funny and relaxness. Now
there are many games for children and several types such as an action game, adventure game or
fighting game. Some game is a rather about violence, such as GTA GAME, MANHUNT or KILLER
7. Which parent should suggestion of these games. (Bigta, 2014) to describe about of each a day the
children spend of time to play a computer game average about three and a half hours. Some ... Show
more content on ...
They spend of times to play computer games more than attend to study. It cause to have a problem of
study. The study is the best important thing for children should do it because the education is a basic
element for future life. At least children should be graduated high school. To play more computer
games that make they don t know what s going to do. It is bad behavior. For example, When they
finished class may have a homework, but they choose to play game first thing to do. Homework is
very important because of practices and to review after finishing the class. Moreover an effect from
not attention class and not finished homework. Aftereffect has failed an examination. Which the many
parents give precedence to a school record because they would like their children further education.
Sometimes if the children don t have a good school record or they don t graduate that the cause not to
further education and it is too serious if they abandon to
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Differences Between The Joy Luck Club Book And Movie
The Joy Luck Club
Comparative study
The Joy Luck Club (1989), introduced the cultural values of China and America which was highly
successful. It remained nine months on the Times Bestseller and was re created into a movie which
released in 1993 with the same name. Although there are not much influential differences, the
visual/audio effects in movies, structures and languages, including the tones and pronunciations made
some changes on the individual s preference.
Unlike the book, the movie The Joy Luck Club added audio and visual effects to make the plot more
emotional and empathic. In this case, the audio, including the background music fully demonstrated
the cultural aspects of Chinese American culture. For instance, the director solely used Chinese
traditional ... Show more content on ...
In the book, each chapter tells four stories of each character by the subtitles. This was successful for
the readers to understand the specific backgrounds of each story because a single section only
explained one character s story. Meaning that the book is more detailed to the movie. In the movie, the
scar of Anmei was created by a simple argument from her uncle and aunt. And the scene was simple
and quick which the director did not put a focal point on it. But in the book, there is a subtitle called
AN MEI HSU: Scar and the book described a lot more details about the beginning and end of the
argument. Comparatively, the movie did not portray the stories in order. The flow of the stories was
more fluent because it was about mentioning a story from other character s stories. Such as when the
daughters narrated the story, the stories of their mothers were mentioned and that naturally led to their
mother s stories. This allowed the audiences to be more concentrated to every story, because the flow
of the plot was natural and that helped the audiences to generally accept lots of stories at the same
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Parent Child Relationship in Greek Mythology Essay
It is inferred that the parents should take care of their children and have their best interest at heart.
This however, is not the case in Greek and Roman mythology. The killing of ones own children, or
filicide, was not viewed as negative upon in their era. The contemporary times contrast with the
ancient Greek and Roman s because it was justified to use any means necessary to obtain a higher
status. The Greeks and Romans valued keeping a high social reputation and having respect for those
of great power. The motherly union between their children conflict with the reality that the father
strives to retain or gain control. These circumstances cause a tense bond between the members of the
family. The strained parent to child relationship in ... Show more content on ...
Knowing that having the kingdom would make his name great throughout the nation, Pelias struggled
to keep it however way possible. This patriarchal love for control in turn leads to a discord of the
family, especially between the child and father. In contrast to the father, the mother had a connection
with their children, often leading to an overthrow of the husband. This materialistic love is easily
shown in the myth of Demeter and Persephone. The joy of Demeter s eternal lifetime was her
daughter, Persephone, whom she had borne to Zeus ( Rosenberg Demeter 94). After Persephone was
taken away, Demeter became infuriated and even withdrew her life sustaining powers,.. she broke the
plows, killed oxen, and caused the earth to shrivel ( Rosenberg Demeter 96). Seen from Demeter s
reaction to the situation, the bond between mother and child was very strong compared to that of the
father. When Persephone returns, she takes comfort in her mother rather than her father. Children
usually took the mother s side and went against their father s will. In the creation myth of the Greeks,
there were two generations in which the mother wanted to protect her children from the grasps of the
father. Gaea was afraid of what Uranus would do to their fearful children, and sought to protect them (
Rosenberg Creation 86). The wives of Cronus and Uranus both schemed the overthrow of their
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Ptp Essay
Describe how browsers use plug ins. See page 295. (1 point)
Browser s plug ins help browser be able to work with file formats. People can download plug ins from
the Internet, while looking for the plug ins, people need to use their browsers to find the correct
version plug ins to let them work.
2. Explain why cookies are useful in an environment that is based on a stateless protocol, and provide
some concrete examples of their use. See page 296 (2 points)
Stateless protocol means while people are visiting a webpage, the webpage does not record it.
The cookie is used to keep the track of your activities, which means it records everything you click,
and also your purchases.
Examples: When you go to Baidu and look for something, there will be ... Show more content on ...
Post: Use some file transfer utilities like FileZilla.
5. List the four most commonly used styles of citation and demonstrate how to correctly format a
citation to a Web page using each style. (1 point)
APA, Chicago, MLA, Turabian (Different in text citations same order as here).
You Earned It. (2015, July 7). Quotes: creativity and innovation in the work place. Retrieved from creativity and innovation in the workplace/ Chicago
Smith, Andrea, Boarding School Abuses, Human Rights, and Reparations. Social Justice 31, no.
4 (2004): 89 102.
Ambrose, Anthony. Letter. New England Journal of Medicine 337.2 (1997): 128. Print.
Franklin, John Hope. 1985. George Washington Williams: A biography. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
6. Explain two ways that shopping carts can work with cookies. (2 points)
Online shopping website might use your cookies to record the items that you put into shopping carts.
Online shopping website may use cookie to identify you as a single shopper, and differ you from the
7. List three threats to the security of credit card numbers and other sensitive data during ecommerce
transactions. Describe how the following e commerce technologies work: SSL and person to person
payment systems. (3 points)
Stolen credit card: Stealer might be able to use your credit card.
Hacked: Hacker might get your personal information through your credit card.
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Monkeypox Virus Research Paper
The monkeypox virus belongs to Poxviridae family, which also includes cowpox, vaccinia, and
variola (smallpox) viruses. Poxviruses are the largest vertebrate viruses known, infecting humans, and
other vertebrates (species of sub family Chondropoxvirinae), and arthropods (species of sub family
Entemopoxvirinae). There are around 70 known species of pox viruses spread among 28 genera and
two sub families (the Chordopoxvirinae and the Entomopoxvirinae). The virions contain a linear
double stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (dsDNA) genome and enzymes that synthesize messenger
ribonucleic acid (mRNA). They multiply in the cytoplasm of the host cells. The Chordopoxvirinae
consists of around ten genera including the genera which are genetically and
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The Revolt Of The Maccabees Dynasty
Revolt of the Maccabees and the Rise of the Hasmonean Dynasty (165 163 BC) Alexander the Great
of Macedon died in 323 B.C.E., marking the beginnings of a great political transition both in the
region of Palestine as well as the Macedonian Empire as a whole. While the nation of Israel
experienced foreign dominance during the Persian period (538 322 B.C.E.), Alexander s death brought
a unique struggle for power in the region as his generals (the Diadochi) attempted to maintain control
of the fragmented empire. Ptolemy I Soter, a Macedonian general who ruled in Egypt, defeated
general Antigonus in 301 B.C.E, and as a result was given control of the region of Palestine at the
agreement of the Diadochi. Nevertheless, conflict arose between Ptolemy I Soter and Seleucus I
Nicator since the latter, a post Alexander ruler of Syria, claimed the agreement between the Diadochi
and Ptolemy regarding Palestine was void. A series of military conflicts were then waged over control
of the Palestine region for the better part of a century, and yet the interior region was largely left
unaffected, leaving Jerusalem to thrive both financially and politically under Ptolemaic rule. The
Seleucid king, Antiochus III the Great, ended the Seleucid Ptolemy conflict in 219 B.C.E., gaining
decisive control of the region. Unfortunately for the Jews, Antiochus III was defeated by the Romans
at Magnesia in 190 B.C.E., and as a result, the Seleucids received a heavy taxation at the hands of the
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The Balkan Of World History
If one was to ask the experienced historian Andrew Watchtel, author of the book The Balkan in World
History , about the most peculiar aspect of East Central Europe, odds are, he would refer to its cultural
layering. Watchtel use the term cultural layering to define the collage of cultures that have fused over
time in this region. This cultural layering found in East Central Europe is reflected more evidently
with the infrastructure, language roots, and religion of the Balkan area. The Roman, Byzantine, and
Ottoman empires were the ones that for diverse reasons left a more lasting impression in this area. To
be more specific, by means of architecture, the province of Plovdiv, Bulgaria is the perfect example on
how these three empires left ... Show more content on ...
At last, the Roman set the Danube River as the empire s limit or natural divisor from the northern
European unconquered territories by building limes or fortified borders.
As Rome added new provinces to the empire set Greek as the official language of the Eastern part and
built infrastructure throughout the region. Before incorporating the Balkan Region into the empire,
Latin was the only official language in the empire. However, the language used in the Balkans area
was mostly Greek, so Romans decided set Greekas the the official language of the Eastern part of the
empire. Jean Sedlar, author of the book, East Central European in Middle Ages, estimated that one
reason of doing so may be because the Romans admired for the Greek civilization (Bideleux and
Jeffries 1998, 42). Moreover, his conjecture may be correct, due to the fact that the Roman culture was
based on Greek background. Therefore, most of the Eastern part of the empire used Greek as the
official language, but the Dacia province was the exception where the Romanian developed, a
romance or Latin derived language. One of the myriads of examples of Roman architecture can be
reflected with the Plovdiv Aqueduct located in present day Plovdiv, Bulgaria or the Ancient Roman
province of Thracia.
Secondly, the Byzantine Empire, also referred as the Eastern Roman Empire expanded to parts of
Eastern Central Europe as a measure of gaining control over the Holy Roman Empire. Byzantium was
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The Happiest Refugee Belonging Analysis
To belong with a person or group it means that we are accepted and tolerated and that we feel safe and
have a sense security when we are with that person or group, belonging can influence us in many
ways, it can change our sense of self and the way we perceive the world. The way our family and
friends influence us changes our sense of self and who we are. The Memoir The Happiest Refugee By
Anh Do, this memoir shows how when Anh Do arrived in Australia he did not belong due to his non
english background, Anh overcame many issues on his journey to belong and now is treated as a full
Australian citizen. Belonging to a family or group or religion makes us internalize beliefs, values and
attitudes and it shapes who we are, our sense of self and even our life cause as well as providing us
with a sense of security and safety. Anh s father always tried to teach him life lessons and always
encouraged him to try his hardest. The quote He taught me that I could do anything. is repeated
constantly throughout the book and provides us with high impact and shows us how many life lessons
Anh Do was taught. This quote shows that because Anh belonged with his family, he felt safe and
secure enough to take in these life lessons and internalize their beliefs and values as well as allowing
him to grow and foster his own opinions and attitudes. Furthermore Anh Do went for a trip with his
kids, wife and mother down at bobbin head, he hired a boat set out for a trip on the water and
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Revenge Conventions In Hamlet Essay
Hamlet is a play written by William Shakespeare that very closely follows the dramatic conventions of
revenge in Elizabethan theater. All revenge tragedies originally stemmed from the Greeks, who wrote
and performed the first plays. After the Greeks came Seneca who was very influential to all
Elizabethan tragedy writers. Seneca who was Roman, basically set all of the ideas and the norms for
all revenge play writers in the Renaissance era including William Shakespeare. The two most famous
English revenge tragedies written in the Elizabethan era were Hamlet, written by Shakespeare and The
Spanish Tragedy, written by Thomas Kyd. These two plays used mostly all of the Elizabethan
conventions for revenge tragedies in their plays. Hamlet ... Show more content on ...
Seneca s influence formed part of a developing tradition of tragedies whose plots hinge on political
power, forbidden sexuality, family honor and private revenge. There was no author who exercised a
wider or deeper influence upon the Elizabethan mind or upon the Elizabethan form of tragedy than did
Seneca. For the dramatists of Renaissance Italy, France and England, classical tragedy meant only the
ten Latin plays of Seneca and not Euripides, Aeschylus and Sophocles. Hamlet is certainly not much
like any play of Seneca s one can name, but Seneca is undoubtedly one of the effective ingredients in
the emotional charge of Hamlet. Hamlet without Seneca is inconceivable. During the time of
Elizabethan theater, plays about tragedy and revenge were very common and a regular convention
seemed to be formed on what aspects should be put into a typical revenge tragedy. In all revenge
tragedies first and foremost, a crime is committed and for various reasons laws and justice cannot
punish the crime so the individual who is the main character, goes through with the revenge in spite of
everything. The main character then usually had a period of doubt , where he tries to decide whether
or not to go through with the revenge, which usually involves tough and complex planning. Other
features that were typical were the appearance of a ghost, to get the revenger to go through with the
deed. The
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Comparing For The Sake Of The Song And Song Of Myself
For the Sake of the Song and Song of Myself share several key similarities, including a strong use of
figurative language, making a connection with humanity, and both are considered romantic poems.
Walt Whitman s poetry contains much figurative language and connections between individuals and
how they relate to the whole of society. Walt Whitman and Townes Van Zandt both seem pretty okay
with death, as they talk about dying in their writings a lot and they both seem pretty nonchalant about
it. In For the Sake of the Song you can find metaphor, personification, assonance, and many more
forms of figurative language throughout the piece. The moon is an angel (L1) is a perfect example of a
metaphor, we all know the moon is an inanimate
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Cirque Du Freak Is A Fantasy Book By Darren
The Book Cirque du Freak is a Fantasy book by Darren Shan. In this book, the characters Darren and
Steve end up at a freak show. At the show, a lot of really weird things happen. Then, the director of the
show, Mr. Creepsly s poisonous spider bites Steve and the only way Steve can survive is if Darren
becomes a vampire and saves him. Darren in the book Cirque Du Freak, is clearly an archetypal hero
by saving Steve. Darren saves Steve by becoming a Vampire. This can be proven by the Initiating
Event, Epic Quest, and the Special Weapons. Darren is an archetypal hero because he has an initiating
event to start his quest. Darren went to school one day and found a magazine in the garbage about a
Cirque Du Freak show. He ... Show more content on ...
In this book the special weapon is Madam Octa. She is special weapon because of her poison. When
Darren had her in his closet, he would play with it and feed it everything he could find. He tried to
play with it out of its cage a couple times. When he was playing with it, he would have to be very
careful because if it bit him, he would probably die. So one day Darren invited Steve over and showed
him the spider. Steve said,, you stole Madam Octa! [148]. He couldn t believe his eyes.
Steve wanted to pet it and play with it. Darren told Steve how to hold it and if it crawled on his head
to not move. So when the spider was on Steve, it started crawling up his neck. All of a sudden, it
jumped up and bit Steve in the neck! This leads to the Epic Quest. Darren is an archetypal hero by the
Epic Quest. When Madam Octa bit Steve, he was laying on the bed and couldn t move or talk. Darren
tried to help so he wouldn t get in trouble. He couldn t seem to know what was wrong. He ran down
stairs and told his mom he was in the bathroom and when he came back, Steve was laying there and
couldn t move. His mom said, Are you kidding me! [160]. They called nine one one. The ambulance
rushed Steve to the hospital and had know idea what happened. Darren told the doctor, Maybe he got
bit by something. The doctors said there almost one hundred percent sure he didn t get bit. When the
doctor said he
... Get more on ...

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What Are Your Academic Goals Essay. My Goal In Lif

  • 1. 💋What Are Your Academic Goals Essay. My Goal In Lif 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. 💋What Are Your Academic Goals Essay. My Goal In Lif 💋What Are Your Academic Goals Essay. My Goal In Lif
  • 2. Analysis Of Robert Frost s Home Burial And The Death Of... THESIS STATEMENT Robert Frost, an American poet during the Nineteenth Century, Modernist Era, displayed the issues of realism through his life issues of death and spousal relations through his poems: Home Burial and The Death of the Hired Man . INTRODUCTION Robert Frost s inspiration for his poetry derived from much of his life and the historical events that surrounded him. American literary critic, Harold Bloom wrote in his Bloom s Major Poets, Robert Frost is one of the major American the Nineteenth century (9). Frost portrayed the Nineteenth century: Modernist Era, with his realistic illustrations of rural life and his understanding of American idiomatic speech. He depicted the time period, as a significant time of modernism, influenced by the emotions of his personal struggles. The Modernist impulse is fueled in various literatures by industrialization and urbanization and by the search for an authentic response to a much changed world...modernism as a literary movement is typically associated with the period after World War I ( Modernism | Art ). Frost was perceived as a poet during a period when modernism was predominant. Frost came of age during a time when Modernism was the dominant movement in American and European literature... ( Frost ). This was the perspective for his poems Home Burial and The Death of the Hired Man . ROBERT FROST: A SHORT BIOGRPAHY Frost s life began on March 26, 1874 in San Francisco, California. His parents were Isabella ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Extinction Of Dinosaurs Extinction The extinction of dinosaurs could have been caused by many different things. One main reason that is thought around the world is that dinosaurs went extinct because an asteroid fell onto earth at speeds that are too fast for the human mind to even imagine. This idea was thought when and asteroid crater was found near mexico. Also to support the facts many scientist found traces of rare metal onto the earth s surface. This metal is not very common here but is really common in outer space. Today we will be looking at why these huge creatures died of the face of the planet in just a matter of months. One reason, these greatebeastes were exterminated was that they alter the asteroid hit the ground a huge ball of dust and debris was sent into the earth. This dust covered the earth in just a matter of hours. This was crucial to their extinction because the sun was blocked plants did not receive and sun light and herbivorous ( plant eating animals) could not get any food from the plants because most of the plants died. This was just one of the first reasons that the dinosaur race was wiped of this earth. You may ask how big the asteroid had to be, well put it into perspective the asteroid was about the size of 110 empire state buildings and had the weight of 211,000 empire states buildings put together. This asteroid was the biggest asteroid to ever hit earth that we know of. This big of a hit throw 70 billion tons of soot out of the earth and that dust polluted the skies. If ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Jim Carrey Research Paper I don t think human beings learn anything without desperation. Desperation is a necessary ingredient to learning anything, or creating anything. Period. If you ain t desperate at some point, you ain t interesting. Jim Carrey ( Carrey knows what it takes to be a strong actor and he worked hard to get where he is today. Carrey was very dedicated to his career and his past holds the key to his future success. Carrey was born in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada on January 17th, 1962 and had what was considered a normal life. His family was stable because their father was working. But, when Carrey was the age of 15, his father was laid off. Carrey then had to go out and support his family. Carrey was a part of a stand up comedy club before he dropped out of school and he loved it. He just didn t realize how much that affected him later in life. ( His mother was very ill when he dropped out of school and the family struggled to pay their bills, so Carrey obtained a job as a janitor in a factory. ( actors who had it tough_2.html ) He cared for his mother whenever he was able to and tried to support her. Things started to look ... Show more content on ... He said that his biggest break was his role in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective , and that was when people started taking notice of him. After that, he played the lead role in The Mask, and Dumb and Dumber . This set him up for future roles and made him realize that he wanted to continue in that field. He wouldn t have done any of that had it not been for his past struggles and knowledge, and he couldn t be more proud of what he has accomplished. ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Letters To Aztec Research Paper Dear Mr. Cortez, you know how you asked me to research all about the Aztecs, to share with you? Well here s what I have found out. When you come here, somethings may not make sense. Some houses are bleached white, or have sun dried brick or stone, while others were tiny little huts with a garden out back. This is the ranking for rich and poor, with the rich having stone, and the poor having hut houses. You may see some people walking along the streets, and you must note who is who. Most will presumably be carrying fruits and veggies, and wearing plain clothes that they had to create themselves. Then there are the Nobles skipping down the street, and you will note that they are Nobles as they will have feathers on their apparel. If you appear ... Show more content on ... He puts a noble in charge of each city. Each city is independent, but they all have the same laws. Everyone knows each of these laws, and they are pretty harsh. Most involve them killing you. There is, however a mercy rule or the forgiveness law. If a criminal confesses his crime to a priest before it is found out, he is excused of all charges placed against him. This does come with a price; you may only use the forgiveness law once. Next time you break the law, you will be punished. The government is well organized, but they have problems with such a growing population. They need more food, storehouses, temples, and clothing. The Aztecs are determining to go to war as their answer, as they have already captured a tribe. If the tribe does not pay them a tribute in building, and food, they will sacrifice the entire tribe to the Aztec gods. Like I said earlier, it is seldom that these soldiers have ever lost a ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Blindspot Lab Abstract: This lab report will focus on answering the question Is the blindspot variable in humans? I use three participants to conduct an experiment to test that theory. After the experiment I gathered all the data and calculations for review. My results showed that the blindspot is variable in humans. Introduction: ● I am trying to answer the question Is the blind spot variable in humans? ● We are able to see the world around us thanks to our eyes. First light enters the cornea which is the outermost layer of the eye. The cornea bends the light and it travels through the pupil to the lens which again bends and shapes the light as it moves to the retina. The retina contains thousands of light sensing nerves (rods and cones). These cells ... Show more content on ... Developmental psychology focuses on development during the course of one s life. How personalities and behaviors change over the course of someone s life. The sixth is clinical. Clinical psychology focuses on mental illness, disease and the overall mental health of an individual. The seventh is individual differences/ personality. This field focuses on what personality means. The uniqueness of each individual how no two people are the same. (Initiative, n.d) This experiment would fall into the biological field of psychology as it focuses on the human eye. Categorical variables are observations that can be sorted into categories like age or gender. Quantitative variables are observations that can be measured like size or weight. In this experiment the categorical variable was the age and gender of my participants. The quantitative value was the size of the blindspot when measured. (Statistics, n.d.) Independent variables are variables you can control. Like the dosage of a medication given during a study. Dependant variables are variables you cannot control. Like the participants reaction to the medication. In this experiment the independent variable was the blindspot test given to participants. The dependant variable was the participant s individual blindspot size. (Helmenstine, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Essay about Ernest Hemingway’s A Moveable Feast Ernest Hemingway s A Moveable Feast In Ernest Hemingway s A Moveable Feast he tells the tale of his early career and life in Paris. He tells of his meetings with famous writers, poets, and the times that they had. He spoke especially of Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, and Ezra Pound. He did have a tendency to portray them a little bit unfairly. He was a little critical of them because of the fact that he shared so much time with them. Usually when people spend lots of time with each other they begin to be annoyed by their habits. The first of the authors he spoke of was Gertrude Stein. He portrayed her as a talkative, outgoing, and somewhat overbearing person. She was very critical about writing. She said that she really ... Show more content on ... He would help poets, painters, sculptors, writers, and anyone else the he believed in or was in trouble. Ezra was probably his favorite person out of the many writers he met. He probably liked him so much because of how generous and helpful he was to him. The last big writer Hemingway talked about was Scott Fitzgerald. He talks to him just after The Great Gadsby was released. He was rather impressed at how smart Scott was. But, it seemed he was annoyed with him at times. Scott ended up to be rather untrustworthy. He missed most of a trip they were suppose to make together because he was late. Hemingway finally figured out that the guys main problem was that he was an alcoholic. That was why he ended up being somewhat distant. He was very persistent about what he thought was right and that bugged Hemingway greatly. Scott was almost to the point of being pugnacious at times. But, Hemingway still enjoyed his writing and liked him because he showed that it was possible for him to become a successful writer. Here is a little quote he had on him His talent was as natural as the pattern that was made by the dust on a butterfly s wings. At one time he understood it no more than the butterfly did and he did not know when it was brushed or marred. Later he became conscious of his damaged wings and of their construction and he learned to think and could not fly any more because the love of flight was gone and he ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Essay about Hmwk 1 Template Students can print this template prior to viewing the online Video Lesson. These are the same questions found online! You only need to watch each video and select the best of the multiple choice options you feel best answer each question. 1. For Chapter 1, you will need to watch the videos listed in order to answer the following five multiple choice questions. Which of the following statements is not true? All types of businesses touch our lives every day. We influence business by the buying decisions we make. We choose one firm s products over another s because the selected products fulfill our needs. X An entrepreneur is guaranteed success if she or he can come up with a good idea for a business. When we buy a firm s products, ... Show more content on ... Empowering corporate managers to make decisions or local stores. Having top management respond to customer complaints. Continually stocking new products for customers to try. 8. Kodak s closed loop recycling program for Funsaver single use cameras pays photofinishers to send excess materials to a central landfill. Raises company costs but reduces land pollution Is a legal requirement imposed on makers of disposable products. Reimburses consumers for the cost of product disposal. X Cuts costs because recycled materials are cheaper than new. 9. As shown in the video, New Belgium Brewing follows the socioeconomic model of social responsibility by Emphasizing exploitation of natural resources over the quality of life.
  • 9. Putting the community s interests before profitability. Being actively involved in governmental and academic affairs. X Balancing economic and social returns. Focusing on internal decision without regard for the community. 10. To meet its social responsibility, New Belgium Brewing is preparing a code of ethics for employees. X Donating one dollar to charitable causes for every barrel of beer. Respecting the six basic consumer rights. Combating caveat emptor Providing, opportunities for employees to behave more ethically. 11. For Chapter 3, you will need to watch the video case titled The Global Saga of Subway in order to answer the following five multiple ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Motives For Colonization In New England And Chesapeake... New England and the Chesapeake Region were both settled primarily by people of English origin, however, by 1700 they had both transformed into two unique societies. This is because their motives for colonization, their geographies, and their governments were all different. For example, the New England colonies typically had much harsher winters than the Chesapeake region and their people came to America to escape religious persecution in their mother country. On the other hand, the people of the Chesapeake region experienced warmer summers and came there in search of gold. As previously stated, different motives for colonization were partially responsible for transforming the New England and Chesapeake regions into two unique societies. The New England colonies were formed for religious reasons whereas the colonies of the Chesapeake region were formed for economic purposes. To emphasize, the people that settled in the New England colonies had been previously punished by their king, Henry VIII, for being non anglican and in turn they left the church of England for the Netherlands (they became known as separatists due to how they separated themselves from the Church). The Netherlands didn t happen to work out for the separatists, so they went to the New World and settled in the New England region. Based on this, it could also be said that the separatists were seeking permanent settlement (as they wanted to escape religious persecution) whereas those in the Chesapeake region ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Theme Of Change In The Catcher In The Rye The only constant in life, whether people like it or not, is change. Something in life is always changing. Even within J.D. Salinger s book, The Catcher in the Rye, change is always happening despite the main character s wishes. Salinger uses symbols to bring a deeper understanding of the theme about change to the reader in a way no other figurative language could. There are a variety of symbols throughout the book, such as the ducks, to assist J.D. Salinger display his message. Holden Caulfield, the atypical protagonist of this bildungsroman story, gets the ax from the prestigious Pencey. Traveling back to his home state of New York, Holden lives incognito so his parents cannot find out he flunked out of another boarding school. While experiencing New York on his own, a natural maturing process begins to happen. Dreaded by the idea of adjustments within his life, Holden tries to stay in his youthful and innocent state. Realizing this transition to adulthood is inevitable, he tries to figure out what he needs to do, but deep down wishes he could keep everything as it currently is. Holden seems frustrated, even depressed, to find out that he cannot keep life constant with drastic changes always happening. J.D. Salinger uses the significant symbol of the Museum of Natural History, in his novel The Catcher in the Rye, to show that despite desires to keep everything the same, change is bound to happen. The Museum of Natural History was constant. Holden mentions that every ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Fidel Castro s Conspiracy After Fidel Castro overthrew Cuban strongman Fulgencio Batista, expropriated American economic assets and developed links with the Soviet Union, President Eisenhower authorized the CIA in March 1960 to develop a plan to overthrow Castro. The agency trained and armed Cuban exiles to carry out the attack. Shortly after his inauguration, John F. Kennedy learned of the invasion plan, concluded that Fidel Castro was a Soviet client posing a threat to all of Latin America and, after consultations with his advisers, gave his consent in February 1961 for the CIA planned amphibious assault. Launched from Guatemala on April 17, 1961, the invasion force of 1,400 Cuban exiles known as Brigade 2506 landed at the beaches along the Bay of Pigs on the south ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Incidence Of Thyroid Cancer The incidence of thyroid cancer is rapidly rising in the US accounting for 62,980 cases with 1890 deaths every year[1]. It is the seventh most common cancer diagnosed in women and peaks earlier than in men. Despite its high prevalence, death rate from thyroid cancer is fairly stable from past many years. In general, thyroid cancer offers a good prognosis with an overall survival rate of approximately 90%[2]. Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) and follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) termed as differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) contribute to majority of thyroid cancers sharing a superior prognosis. Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), mostly acquired as a part of familial syndromes, display only modest cure rates. While surgical resection followed by radioiodine therapy remains the treatment of choice for localized thyroid cancer, it fails to eradicate tumors with aggressive behavior. In marked contrast to DTC, anaplastic carcinoma (ATC), an undifferentiated sub type of thyroid cancer, has a higher propensity to locally invade nearby structures and metastasize rapidly. It approaches to almost 50% of all thyroid cancer related deaths, the median survival being only six months[3]. The grim prognosis of ATC is due to the fact that it is diagnosed at an advanced stage which offers palliative treatment as the only option for patients suffering from the disease. Because of the chemo and radio resistant nature observed in aggressive thyroid cancers, many researchers have been ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Flood In Louisiana Essay Local churches and Red Cross have opened shelters for thousands escaping the massive flooding in Louisiana. At least seven people have died and some 20,000 were rescued from about a dozen parishes in the state. Louisiana government has declared emergency in the state while the federal government has agreed to consider the flooding as a major disaster. The Red Cross is collaborating with many churches to volunteer for those affected by the torrential rains. Thousands of people arrived at around 50 Red Cross shelters in Louisiana, many of which were based in churches. First Baptist Church (Zachary), Rock Church, Zoar Baptist Church, St. John Baptist Catholic are working as shelters in East Baton Rough parish, while Fellowship Church and Mount ... Show more content on ... The United Methodist Church became an official Red Cross shelter about two years ago, and swiftly responded to the disaster situation. After the church [First United Methodist Church] was rebuilt in 2011, our church quickly did the work to position itself as a disaster relief center as a way to pay it forward. In the fall of 2014, we arranged to become a local Red Cross shelter, said Rev. Jacqueline King told the Louisiana Conference. King said that the congregants of the church are themselves reeling from the havoc cause by the floods, but have overcome their personal predicaments to help others. ... They ve risen from those challenges to help. I couldn t be more proud. It is difficult and challenging but so incredibly rewarding to be the hands and feet of Christ. Billy Graham Rapid Response Team have sent crisis trained chaplains to flood affected regions in Louisiana, who are a part of crisis trained team that is spread across the world. They will work together with Samaritan s Purse to alleviate the physical, emotional and spiritual sufferings of the victims of flooding. The team focuses on offering prayer to those who are in need and are willing to ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Top Secret Manhattan Project Two hundred thousand dead that was the result of the work accomplished in the top secret Manhattan Project. This top secret project costed two billion dollars employed around twelve thousand people. Although the government tried to hide such a big project, it wouldn t stay a secret for long. Those scientists, employees, and all their work would prove not to be in vain because soon America would repay Japan for the bombing of Pearl Harbor and furthermore win the war. The Manhattan Project, one of the biggest secrets in American history led to the discovery of the atomic bomb and revolutionized the playing field of warfare. In 1941 after the bombing of Pearl Harbor the U.S. was seeking a way to design an atomic bomb. Doing this would win World War II for the United States. The government tried and succeeded in acquiring all the materials and employees needed to do the job. One of those people was Enrico Fermi who led a small group and conducted the first controlled nuclear chain reaction. Now that milestones were reached to keep secret research was only to be based at few universities. Again, the reaching of milestones not only made secrecy a priority but also now the funds would ... Show more content on ... One of those was as said earlier the first controlled nuclear chain reaction. That would later lead to the biggest milestone to ever be met. However, there was still a few milestones and successes to be met before that. The most significant of those seeing as how the list is too long to name is when Einstein convinced them to work with the military and conduct a controlled a nuclear fission reaction. Now comes the biggest one of them all, the testing of the bomb. This was a test in which no one knew what to expect because it had never been done before. The testing resulted in a forty thousand foot tall mushroom cloud that could be seen two hundred miles away, and blew out windows of homes one hundred miles ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Consequences Of Air Pollution Air pollution is a global issue that the community should act upon to prevent any further consequences. Air pollution is caused by toxic chemicals in the air. The essential wellsprings of pollution are heaters in processing plants, motors in vehicles and the consuming of junk. Air Pollution is a hurtful substance to the air that brings harm to the Earth and human wellbeing. Some air pollutions come back to earth as acidic rain, which it can harm crops, and make streams harmful for other plant and creature life. Haze is another outcome from air pollution, which is destructive to people. Global warming can likely be a reason, because of air pollutions, which makes the earth temperature increase. Air pollution is a global issue that concerns the environment because it can negatively affect the health of the environment, cause global warming, as well as acidification. If everyone lets this event continue, then it can affect the wellbeing of the environment and the individuals around it. Air pollution can drastically affect the health of the environment in various ways that can affect the quality of life of individuals. For example, ground level ozone is a colorless gas that is formed when nitrogen oxides volatile organic compounds react in the sun. This ozone is the reason why there is smog. Air pollution causes exhaustion of the ozone layer, which permits a more prominent number of bright beams to earth, that can be destructive for people. This issue affects not only human ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Mother To Son Tone Mother to Son is by Langston Hughes and was published December 1922, in Crisis Magazine. Mother to Son also reappeared in Hughes s first collection of poems called The Weary Blue in 1926. This monologue is delivering a message of hope through imagery. A mother was explaining to her son that she has faced many challenges in life but she was still set on never giving up and succeeding in life. The mom wanted to give her son the same advice that although things may get hard and he may face many challenges and setbacks in life, she proclaimed that he should never give up. This poem is based on the idea of hope and reassurance to move on in life, regardless of all the challenges that may come your way, or no matter how tough life may become. The mother displays her love for her. The force behind her love is best stated through the idea of never giving up in life period. The mother is constantly giving guidance and encouragement to her beloved son. The mother has been faced with many challenges of life, and she wants her son to be brave and confident in the face of these challenges that may occur and to also succeed in life. The poem gives insight to the mother past experiences. The poems tone can be one that is best described as moralizing, heartening, and hopeful. The message is relayed in this poem to the reader through the conversation between the mother and her son. The mother states, Life for me ain t been no crystal stair (Hughes, 1922), just letting her son know ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The New York Times By Catherine Rampell The momentum of obsolescence became increasingly stronger as the decades passed, and in contemporary society, the dynamics of planned, technological, and psychological obsolescence is unmistakable. Today, products are made of faulty parts, and have become gradually more expensive to repair. Consumers are now forced to weigh up the price of repair alongside the price of a replacement, giving them little choice but to pick the easier alternative and replace the item. An example of this modern triad of obsolescence can be seen within the Apple Conspiracy , where it is alleged that Apple releases software updates for iPhones that instead of enhancing the performance of the phone as promised, actually degrade it by making the phone slow, and decrease the battery life. Coincidentally, this often occurs when the newest model of the iPhone is released, prompting frustrated users to either upgrade their phone, or deal with a degraded product. The conspiracy s major mainstream moment was an article in the New York Times by Catherine Rampell: At first, I thought it was my imagination. Around the time the iPhone 5S and 5C were released, in September, I noticed my sad old iPhone 4 was becoming a lot more sluggish. The battery was starting to run down much faster, too. But the same thing seemed to be happening to a lot of people who, like me, swear by their Apple products. When I called tech analysts, they said that the new operating system (iOS 7) being pushed out to existing users ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Leading Community Businesses And Governments Admit... Introduction Leading community businesses and governments admit Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an official policy objective. Those companies who apply CSR are able to maintain sustainable progress. This development covers social, economic and environmental influence in how they run (Clegg, 2011, p. 216). Three areas are the bases of the triple bottom line (TBL) approach (Elkington, 1994). CSR itself has various meaning but in more simple way it can be defined as firms obligation to act ethically and to facilitate elaboration. Thereby they try to make employees life better and likewise help to demonstrate a positive impact on local society. Therefore businesses are responsible for two factors of how they operate. Firstly, they should be concerned about the quality of management including people and operations. Secondly, they have to consider the character and amount of their effect on community in different fields. External stakeholders take a huge concern on how an organisation acts whether they perform well in their products, services, and society or not. Moreover they take an interest in how they care towards the workforce (Baker, 2004). The following paper demonstrates the major reasons of why businesses should take CSR seriously and what advantages does CSR have when they use it. First aspect will be related to reputation and brand image. Then it will be followed by strategy of cost reduction. Third aspect will explain the approaches to gain a competitive ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Canada On The Home Front Essay Canada s contribution on the home front played a significant role in the war effort. The federal government transformed the Canadian lifestyle by introducing rationing which limited the quantity and type of goods we consumed. On September 3, 1939, Prime Minister Mackenzie King s government established the Wartime Prices and Trade Board (WPTB) which introduced rationing and controlled prices to avoid inflation. Every Canadian was issued a ration card to buy essentials such as sugar, meat, gasoline etc. Even though the cards restricted the number of goods it ensured the limit was enough to fulfill an individual s need. Special permits were required to purchase cars, appliances, and other resource consuming. Overall, rationing was a ... Show more content on ... The social acceptance of women in the workforce disappeared and they were back in their homes performing the traditional roles of women ex cooking and cleaning. Additionally, they lost their economic independence and once again had to rely on men for money. Fortunately, some brave women resisted social norms and continued to work. Through their, efforts a national women s rights movement was started that would completely change the economic and social status over the Air Battle of Britain The battle of Britain was the first major battle of world war 2. The purpose of this attack was to get Britain to bomb Britain till they surrender so they can directly invade Britain. It began in september 1940 when the German Luftwaffe bombarding major British cities in a blitz of air attacks. British citizens had to spend their night in underground bomb shelters. Eighty Canadian pilots join the royal air force in order to prevent German attacks. The pilots faced a dangerous task and in the first few weeks, 16 Canadian pilots were killed. However, as time went on there skills and success rates improved. The battle continued until may 1941 and with the help Canadian pilots, 3000 enemy aircraft were shot down. Canada s contribution was an essential cause of the victory. Battle of Atlantic The battle of Atlantic was one of the longest battles of the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Processes That Is Working Well Or Presenting... The purpose of this short paper is to discuss the processes of microsystem in rehab unit, exploring whether the process used is working well or presenting challenges. This paper analyzes the collective data obtained from the completed microsystem assessment tool (MAT). As we know it, microsystem is the logical ballgame for the connection between vision and transmission and thus functions as the agent for change (Stanley, 2011). Processes that are Working Well Based on page 11 12 of my MAT Core and Supporting Processess that work well include Admission, Routine Care, Transfer from Inpatient, Discharge, Adverse Drug Event, Code, Feeding Patients, Pain Management, Monitoring Confusion, At Risk for Falls, At Risk for Decubitus, Answering Patient Lights, Restraint Process, Communicating with Families, Laboratory Specimens, Pharmacy Questions, Dietary Process, Physician Orders, Medical Records, CIS, Follow up Appointments, End of life/Code Status, Bed Management, Answering Phones, Hazardous Materials, Housekeeping, and Consultations. Processes that Present Challenges In contrast, the processes that present challenges, which can also be found on the same page (11 12), consist of Medication Administration, Pharmacy Ordering, Pharmacy Receiving, and Materials Equipment. Evidently, the medication administration is seriously delayed in this case. This is why. As soon as the doctor has finished his evaluation, and as soon as the new set of prescriptions has been generated, ... Get more on ...
  • 22. How Did Giovanni Boccaccio Decameron The Decameron BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI Born in 1313, Giovanni Boccaccio is one of the greatest figures in Italian Literature. He was born in Paris, France by a French woman who remains unknown, but on many occasion he speaks very highly of her. His father is an Italian; they are part of the middle class. As for their professional status, they were Merchants / Bankers. Although, Bocaccio was born out of wedlock, his father legitimized him and took him to his house, provided him with a family and a good education. In 1340 Boccaccio moved to Florence where he meets Petrarch in 1350, his mentor. He began study Greek and Roman Classics. During 1339 to 1351 he writes The Decameron one of the most noted and readable book in all ... Show more content on ... They are merchants of grain with hired help who take their social power very seriously. Lorenzo, one of their lead workers who takes care of their business is the handsome young man that Ellisabetta falls heads over heels for. She and Lorenzo share the same compassion and love for one another and they ignore the social acceptance of their relationship. Unfortunately, Ellisabetta s brothers are not in agreement with this love affair and are furious about the disgrace to their family. They are so disturbed about this relationship that they kill Lorenzo. This misfortune, in turn, creates a major change in their sister s behavior causing her to be unhappy at all times and without any desire to do anything other than cry. Furthermore, one night Ellisabetta has a dream where Lorenzo appears and tells her that her brothers killed him and where they buried him. Ellisabetta, being so blindly in love, went out the next morning to confirm her dream. To her surprise she found Lorenzo s dead body. Her first reaction was to take him along with her. Since, he was too heavy, she decided to take his head. This behavior reflects a girl s first and only love that keeps her from forgetting that life goes on. Ellisabetta demonstrates without Lorenzo there is no meaning in life. She could only keep living with a part of him by putting his head in a pot. Ellisabetta buries it with dirt and plants basil over it. This plant becomes her savior or peace that keeps her alive. Her ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Adoration Of The Magi Analysis The art piece that caught my attention was at the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art. The piece is called The Adoration of the Magi, painted by Girolamo de Carpi. The Holy Family and the Three Magi s are illustrated in the painting. They seem to be sitting outside on the ground behind a home made of brick. A sense of space and perception is created because in the distance, behind the people in the painting there is a beautiful view of a mountain and the sun in the sky far from where the people are. In the artwork, de Carpi paints clothes on each person besides baby Christ, and the clothing differ in color; there is red, green, yellow, blue. The colors seemed somewhat bright, in a way indicating that the painting is representing a happy time. Also painted are horses depicted behind a short wall, next to the horses seems to be a servant giving one of the Magis a vessel of some sort. The idea of depicting this story from the Christian bible wasn t a new one, there are countless paintings depicting this same story, although, only one of the four gospels of the Bible actually mentions it. The story can originally be found in Matthew 2, saying that after Jesus was born, wise men came to Jerusalem from the east. They were looking for the child after seeing a star that meant the birth of the King of the Jews. When the King at the time, King Herod, heard of the mens search, he was curious and wanted to know more about his possible competitor. It was believed by his scribes and priests ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Forty Developmental Assets in The Pigman by Paul... Seventy five percent of girls have low self esteem, and they have engaged in harmful activities. Self esteem is only one of the Forty Developmental Assets. What are the Forty Developmental Assets? They are a set of building blocks that helps teenagers and people build up a healthy life. All good friends should have the Developmental Assets. In the novel, The Pigman by Paul Zindel, Lorraine Jensen demonstrates being caring, but she is missing self esteem and positive peer influence. First, the character of Lorraine Jensen is missing a very important asset which is number thirty eight, Self esteem. This is when a teenager has a high self esteem level. One example is how her mother is always putting her down and saying mean things to her. ... Show more content on ... As a result, Dennis came over for the first round seven thirty because I told him to steal a bottle of 80 proofer out of his father s whiskey cabinet, (131). This is not positive peer influence because her best friend doesn t care about stealing which happens to be alcohol. This is the kind of people she hangs out with, and teenagers this young shouldn t drink, or steal no matter what age they are. Although Lorraine is missing Self esteem and Positive Peer Influence she is very Caring, asset number twenty six. Caring is when a teenager or person places high value on helping other people. Another example is how she doesn t think it is right to take money from the Pigman. For instance, Lorraine says, Because it s wrong to take money from an old man, that s why, (30). This shows that Lorraine feels like if they were to take the money from the Pigman that she would be taking advantage of him. This also shows that she is caring because if she takes the money it s wrong because there is no real reason to take it if they are just going to keep it for themselves. In addition to, I tried to explain to him how dangerous it was, particularly smoking, and even went to the trouble of finding a case history similar to his in a book by Sigmund Freud, (8). This is very caring because she went through so much trouble to find something that would help John Conlan, who is her best friend in the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Disadvantages Of Integrated Model Abstract The integrated model is a new model that is recently developed to decrease from the classical approach weaknesses and problems in building the management information systems (MIS s) that are used to solve the management problems in the practical life. The use of this integrated model needs to be tested, to prove how efficiently and successfully the model works. To achieving this objective, this paper uses the mathematical probability theories to implement an internal test of the integrated model work before using it in the practical life. The paper uses the qualitative research method in its methodologies. Keywords Integrated Model; Management Information System; MIS, Classical Approach; Information System Life Cycle; ISLC, Simple ... Show more content on ... Here the system will be programmed and operated [2],[3]. 5 Test and Maintenance Stage: it is the fifth (final) stage in the information system life cycle. Here, the system will be tested to verify whether it includes errors or if it needs improvements to be better and effective in achieving the users requirements [2],[3]. 1.b What is the drawback of the classical approach The information system life cycle of the classical approach (ISLC) consists of five main stages that are: planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance or test stages. The classical approach uses these stages in its work in building the management information systems that will be used to solve the management problems. The weakness and problem of the classical approach arises from the permanent use of all of these five stages in all cases; because there are many cases that actually need to use some of these stages but not to all of them, and as a result the classical approach suffers from the weakness and problem in consuming more time and additional cost when it is used to build the management information systems (MIS s) in order to solve the management problems ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Nazi Human Experimentation In 1933 1945, under Adolf Hitler, the National Socialist German Workers party detained political control over Germany. Members of this group more commonly known as the Nazi party, wanted to institute Germany as a dominant world power. They began by establishing a dictatorship over all cultural, economic, and political activities of the people (Nazis). This would launch the beginning of the Holocaust, a massive massacre of roughly 11 million Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Soviet prisoners of war, mentally handicapped, and countless more (The Simon). Most of these deaths occurred in concentration camps that developed all throughout Europe. In particular camps such as Dachau, Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Ravensbruck, and Sachsenhausen, medical experiments were cold heartedly performed on selected prisoners without consent and generally, concluded in death, mutilation or permanent disability (Nazi Science). Schools all over America teach a broad history of the Holocaust and the concentration camps to their students at some point in time. However, from experience, I do not recall ever discussing these medical experiments or the Nuremberg Code that resulted from them. The Nuremburg code was created just after the Nuremburg trials following WWII. These trials were held before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg against leading Nazi doctors, whom twenty three received charges with War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity as evidence exposed the many merciless tortures they had ... Get more on ...
  • 27. How Social Networks Can Help You Professionally In my opinion I feel that information technology can assist me in various ways but mainly in my social, educational and professional future by helping me looking for other jobs that I was not aware of that were hiring or resources as in knowing what is going on in the today world. It can help me out educationally so I would be able to be updated with the new homework assignment in college or what is for lunch and even events afterschool. Professionally it would be able to help me when I would not know if the business I work at is going good and escalating proficiently or about to go bankrupt and have no job or even get paid. The internet is very helpful I feel that if there was no computer or internet it would be very hard for people to get jobs or get notified about an opening if they have no telephone to contact the company. So that is why it is always good to have some type of informational technology. Generally, the social network is rationally gossip only, but there are some networks where people put together presentations for jobs and post pictures, let people know about openings, and sometimes help people out with personal problems. Many articles on the social network are hard to believe but there are times where you do not want to believe what you read because it is so sad and astonishing that people would do those particular things to each other and have no remorse. Social media such as the TV, radio, and volunteers notify many communities to come together when a ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Phantom, By Lee Falk The Phantom, just like the Phoenix myth appears, disappears and again reappears; born only when the prior Phantom ceases to exist. The readers are quite aware of the fact that under the dark purple outfit and the skull mask there lurked a white man, the man with white skin and black mask. And though there was the mysterious Anglo credit Lee Falk on the top of each Phantom comics, the signature of the author Lee Falk was unremarkable and the readers didn t know him as a person. What the readers do know is the mysterious exotic Phantomic setting: darkest part of Africa with its big games, the witch doctors and the almost naked black natives (Friese n.p). The Phantomic paraphernalia is associated time and again with the colossal western ... Show more content on ... These treasures, on the other hand, are the symbolic denominations of the Western culture at different points of history which make the skull cave an imaginary chronotope of almost everything that nourishes western fantasies in the context of colonial enterprise at a non western space and making him the grand example westernness per se. There are numerous spine chilling adventures of Phantom down through the history the fifth Phantom fought with the pirate Blackbeard, in the first half of 15th century, the 13th Phantom fought along with Lafitte in the battle of 1812. Fig. 28. The Brides of Phantom. Lee Falk. The 22nd Phantom, n.p One of the early Phantom married Columbus s granddaughter and another is known to have married Shakespeare s niece and still another married a Mongolian princess (Amrita n.p). These facts, myths, legends, anecdotes of several adventures including the ones in which Phantom encounters with the orients the African, the Mongolians, the Red Indians and so on, and are brought together in the context of Phantom s personal and familial histories thus providing a thorough details of Phantomic genealogy. It should also be noted that the colour of Phantom s horse is white and its name is hero symbolically suggesting an affiliation of whiteness with heroism. On the other hand, the colour of Phantom s trained pet wolf is black and is named Devil the perennial association of ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Pros And Cons Of Search For Flights airfare travel tips If you don t take long haul flights very often, everything about the experience can seem intimidating the interminable hours aloft, the sketchy choice of seats, choosing an airline you know nothing about, wondering if and how well you will be fed, dealing with boredom. And then there s the pricing, which can put you back on your heels within seconds of clicking Search for Flights. All told, a long haul flight can be the most physically and financially demanding component of travel to faraway places. To help you keep long haul flying from becoming long suffering, here are nine tips to consider before booking your next big international flight. 1. Do not judge by price alone. Once you get into the stratosphere of long haul flight pricing, the numbers involved start to become a little scary there aren t many three figure long haul price quotes out there, and the sticker shock can sting. However, when you consider a long haul flight as a by the hour experience, a higher cost on a decent flight on a comfortable aircraft with a stellar entertainment system and good food may start to seem fairly attractive when compared to a hellish flight on a cramped aircraft with overhead screens showing bad movies. So after reviewing the recommendations below, take stock of your options carefully when weighing price vs. amenities; if you are going to be on a plane for a total of 30 hours coming and going, and it costs an extra $150 to get a better flight on a ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Big Tax Credits Are More Harmful Than Beneficial Or... Summary of Problem Pittsburgh, in recent years, has been trying to reinvent itself as a sort of east coast Hollywood and raise a more prominent film industry here in the city. This has mainly been done through high tax credits to filmmakers and film productions, however, some worry these tax credits are more harmful than beneficial and are wasting tax payer s money. Those who oppose the tax credits fear that the beneficial attributes to these tax credits are being exaggerated and that there hasn t been a consistent enough rise in Pittsburgh based film production to account for these high tax credits. This problem is important because an increase in film production in Pittsburgh would be an excellent source of revenue for the city and ... Show more content on ... My Role and Qualifications I will be conducting the interviews, analyzing both sides of this issue, and proposing the best course of action for Pittsburgh to deal with incentivizing filmmakers without hurting Pittsburgh and its population. As a filmmaker and someone who is deeply invested in the film industry, I have a deep appreciation for Pittsburgh trying to build a film industry here, however, as someone who has lived near Pittsburgh all my life, I need to ensure this isn t hurting Pittsburgh in the end. Literature Review Pittsburgh Reinvents Itself as The New Hollywood (2012) This article is incredibly useful since it talks about the groundworks Pittsburgh has set in place to become the, Tinseltown of the East . The article shows how, due to the 25% tax credit on films who use more than 60% of their production budget in Pittsburgh and the skilled inexpensive worker unions present here, the film industry has a great reason to do production here in Pittsburgh. This article is great at showing what Pittsburgh s plans were for increasing film production and their hope that, due to these efforts, they could Pittsburgh from an industrial ghost town to a startup boomtown (Hipwell). Film Insiders Worry About Western Pennsylvania Losing Role in Industry (2015) This article shows how the tax credits for filmmakers could not only be hurting Pittsburgh s film industry, but also affecting local business owners. One quote from the article ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Hall of Fame Steroids Paper David Haynes Mrs. Szabo ENG 102 5 December, 2012 Hall of Famer? Major League Baseball (MLB) has always been one of the worst offenders of players engaging in questionable behavior. With the MLB featuring as a key example in the steroid debate, how can the Baseball Writers Association of America (BBWAA) electors decide which players are eligible to be inducted into the Hall of Fame? Located in Cooperstown, New York, the National Baseball Hall of Fame is in anticipation for new members. An election is held each year, no later than January 15th, for players to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. The electors from BBWAA consist of retired baseball players, which have been active writers for the BBWAA for at least ten years. These ... Show more content on ... These candidates should not get the benefit of the doubt for playing during a time where steroids were commonly used. Taking steroids is a choice; any player willing to take steroids is giving up the honor of being inducted into the Hall of Fame (Shipigel B17). A prime example of steroid controversy on the Hall of Fame ballot is Mark McGwire. McGwire (pictured left) hit 583 home runs, including what was once a record of 70 in the 1998 season for the St. Louis Cardinals. McGwire s career was tainted when he was caught with Androstenedione in his locker during the 1998 season. Androstenedione better known as Andro, is a steroid precursor which is banned from baseball. When McGwire was questioned about steroid use at a Congressional hearing on March 17, 2005, he repeatedly said, I m not here to discuss the past (qtd. in McGwire Unlikely). This damaged McGwire s candidacy for the Hall of Fame ballot by raising the suspicion of drug use, influencing BBWAA writers not to vote for him. McGwire has received close to a 25 percent vote on the ballot the three years running up to 2012. Not nearly the 75 percent needed for induction. Several BBWAA writers discussed their stance on McGwire s silence at the Congressional hearing; that it was a tacit admission that he used steroids while playing. McGwire needs to clarify his past and explain whether or not he used steroids, in order to maintain his integrity and character. When evaluating McGwire s 16 year ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Mercury Contamination Mercury Mercury is a chemical element of heavy silver and white metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures. The main use of mercury is the making of thermometers and barometers. Sometimes mercury is used as an electrode in the production of batteries. Mercury can be very toxic and harmful to the human body. If inhaled it can cause destruction to the nervous, digestive, and immune systems and can even be fatal. Mercury is found in many natural sources such as volcanos, forest fires, and fossil fuels (coal and petroleum). Studies show power plants to be the largest source of mercury in the United States. Humans can prevent mercury contamination in several ways. When shopping for items such as thermometers, try to get them mercury free. ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Comparison of Genesis I and Exodus 20 Essay The purpose of the creation story is not central to the Bible but serves as a prologue to the historical drama, which are the central concerns of the Bible. The narrative focus in the Bible is on the story that begins with Noah and is centered on the exodus from Egypt. The central event in the Bible is the creation of the covenant and the giving of laws and commandments. Although the creation of the world in Genesis I and the pronouncement of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 are two completely different accounts in the Bible, there lies a similar theme between them: God creates an orderly and hierarchical universe, both natural and moral. In Genesis I, God creates an orderly natural universe. He separates and categorizes everything he ... Show more content on ... In conclusion, we human beings can rely on the order of nature to attain our ends. In Exodus 20, God creates moral order. God s way of separation and categorization is a model for human morality. Morality divides up actions into right and wrong, good and bad. To be moral is to categorize actions and circumstances appropriately and follow the correct rules in each case. The Ten Commandments serve as a guide for human beings to be moral. In disobeying these laws, God is well known to punish, starting with Adam and Eve. God punishes because punishment is necessary in order to create human beings who can be morally responsible for themselves. To be morally responsible, we must be able to do the following things: 1. Recognize that we can choose to act one way or another. (Given the simplicity of life in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were barely aware of this.) 2. Be self conscious and self aware. We must be capable of looking at our actions or interpreting our own actions. 3. We must be able to compare our actions to some ideal or standard of morality. 4. We must be able to stop and think before we act. Recognition of a failure to follow God s commands brings about new capabilities. In violating God s commandments, Adam and Eve come to learn that they can choose to live ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Tacit Agenda Of A Literary Approach To The Bible Bible can be approached not only historically or generically but also literarily and this article, The Tacit Agenda of a Literary Approach to the Bible, focuses on Leithwort which is repeated word that helps to see Bible literarily. Buber and Rosenzweig think that Bible is more than just a Biblical text, but it is more beautiful and well crafted literature and they also view the bible philosophically and looked for deeper meaning. Rosenzwig claims that author s meaning could be interpreted differently to the readers as one word has multiple meanings. Also, there is word called Leithwort. Leithwort is the one of the way that Bible uses as a literature method of expressing the idea. Leithwort means repeating same rooted word and by saying same rooted word over and over again it holds a powerful meaning. Therefore, Burber says that it is important to understand and interpret properly Leithwort for readers so that they could ... Show more content on ... Leithwort is very powerful tool that author could show authorial intent to the readers but how the text posses Leithwort is not clearly stated. Author uses Midrash, Jewish traditional reference, to find out the meaning in the Leithwort and hidden meaning. Midrash is the fundamental raw material that author uses to translate Bible and support their opinion. This article focuses on the Leithwort and says how important Leithwort is. As mentioned above, Leithwort is repeating same rooted word over again in the text and emphasize its importance of the repeated words and also convey author s intent to the readers by using this method. However, in some culture, such as Korea, Leithwort would not be the way of showing author s importance meaning or emphasizing what author wants to express to the readers. Even it is obviously repeating same words, it does not give special meaning in some cultures. Since the word is repeated people may think logically it could be ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Pros And Cons Of Computer Games At the present technology almost is an important essential for a daily life. More technology to progress and more convenient for people. Of course, nothing comes easy then it is not only advantage of technology but also there are disadvantages and that people don t think about it when they used it. When the technology has a progress and convenient it that make many people using more technology with their children about to learn or play games but there are some children who play a game more than necessary. Many children are like to play computer games because funny and relaxness. Now there are many games for children and several types such as an action game, adventure game or fighting game. Some game is a rather about violence, such as GTA GAME, MANHUNT or KILLER 7. Which parent should suggestion of these games. (Bigta, 2014) to describe about of each a day the children spend of time to play a computer game average about three and a half hours. Some ... Show more content on ... They spend of times to play computer games more than attend to study. It cause to have a problem of study. The study is the best important thing for children should do it because the education is a basic element for future life. At least children should be graduated high school. To play more computer games that make they don t know what s going to do. It is bad behavior. For example, When they finished class may have a homework, but they choose to play game first thing to do. Homework is very important because of practices and to review after finishing the class. Moreover an effect from not attention class and not finished homework. Aftereffect has failed an examination. Which the many parents give precedence to a school record because they would like their children further education. Sometimes if the children don t have a good school record or they don t graduate that the cause not to further education and it is too serious if they abandon to ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Differences Between The Joy Luck Club Book And Movie The Joy Luck Club Comparative study The Joy Luck Club (1989), introduced the cultural values of China and America which was highly successful. It remained nine months on the Times Bestseller and was re created into a movie which released in 1993 with the same name. Although there are not much influential differences, the visual/audio effects in movies, structures and languages, including the tones and pronunciations made some changes on the individual s preference. Unlike the book, the movie The Joy Luck Club added audio and visual effects to make the plot more emotional and empathic. In this case, the audio, including the background music fully demonstrated the cultural aspects of Chinese American culture. For instance, the director solely used Chinese traditional ... Show more content on ... In the book, each chapter tells four stories of each character by the subtitles. This was successful for the readers to understand the specific backgrounds of each story because a single section only explained one character s story. Meaning that the book is more detailed to the movie. In the movie, the scar of Anmei was created by a simple argument from her uncle and aunt. And the scene was simple and quick which the director did not put a focal point on it. But in the book, there is a subtitle called AN MEI HSU: Scar and the book described a lot more details about the beginning and end of the argument. Comparatively, the movie did not portray the stories in order. The flow of the stories was more fluent because it was about mentioning a story from other character s stories. Such as when the daughters narrated the story, the stories of their mothers were mentioned and that naturally led to their mother s stories. This allowed the audiences to be more concentrated to every story, because the flow of the plot was natural and that helped the audiences to generally accept lots of stories at the same ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Parent Child Relationship in Greek Mythology Essay It is inferred that the parents should take care of their children and have their best interest at heart. This however, is not the case in Greek and Roman mythology. The killing of ones own children, or filicide, was not viewed as negative upon in their era. The contemporary times contrast with the ancient Greek and Roman s because it was justified to use any means necessary to obtain a higher status. The Greeks and Romans valued keeping a high social reputation and having respect for those of great power. The motherly union between their children conflict with the reality that the father strives to retain or gain control. These circumstances cause a tense bond between the members of the family. The strained parent to child relationship in ... Show more content on ... Knowing that having the kingdom would make his name great throughout the nation, Pelias struggled to keep it however way possible. This patriarchal love for control in turn leads to a discord of the family, especially between the child and father. In contrast to the father, the mother had a connection with their children, often leading to an overthrow of the husband. This materialistic love is easily shown in the myth of Demeter and Persephone. The joy of Demeter s eternal lifetime was her daughter, Persephone, whom she had borne to Zeus ( Rosenberg Demeter 94). After Persephone was taken away, Demeter became infuriated and even withdrew her life sustaining powers,.. she broke the plows, killed oxen, and caused the earth to shrivel ( Rosenberg Demeter 96). Seen from Demeter s reaction to the situation, the bond between mother and child was very strong compared to that of the father. When Persephone returns, she takes comfort in her mother rather than her father. Children usually took the mother s side and went against their father s will. In the creation myth of the Greeks, there were two generations in which the mother wanted to protect her children from the grasps of the father. Gaea was afraid of what Uranus would do to their fearful children, and sought to protect them ( Rosenberg Creation 86). The wives of Cronus and Uranus both schemed the overthrow of their husbands, ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Ptp Essay Describe how browsers use plug ins. See page 295. (1 point) Browser s plug ins help browser be able to work with file formats. People can download plug ins from the Internet, while looking for the plug ins, people need to use their browsers to find the correct version plug ins to let them work. 2. Explain why cookies are useful in an environment that is based on a stateless protocol, and provide some concrete examples of their use. See page 296 (2 points) Stateless protocol means while people are visiting a webpage, the webpage does not record it. The cookie is used to keep the track of your activities, which means it records everything you click, and also your purchases. Examples: When you go to Baidu and look for something, there will be ... Show more content on ... Post: Use some file transfer utilities like FileZilla. 5. List the four most commonly used styles of citation and demonstrate how to correctly format a citation to a Web page using each style. (1 point) APA, Chicago, MLA, Turabian (Different in text citations same order as here). APA: You Earned It. (2015, July 7). Quotes: creativity and innovation in the work place. Retrieved from creativity and innovation in the workplace/ Chicago Smith, Andrea, Boarding School Abuses, Human Rights, and Reparations. Social Justice 31, no. 4 (2004): 89 102. MLA: Ambrose, Anthony. Letter. New England Journal of Medicine 337.2 (1997): 128. Print. Turabian: Franklin, John Hope. 1985. George Washington Williams: A biography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 6. Explain two ways that shopping carts can work with cookies. (2 points) Online shopping website might use your cookies to record the items that you put into shopping carts. Online shopping website may use cookie to identify you as a single shopper, and differ you from the others. 7. List three threats to the security of credit card numbers and other sensitive data during ecommerce transactions. Describe how the following e commerce technologies work: SSL and person to person payment systems. (3 points) Stolen credit card: Stealer might be able to use your credit card. Hacked: Hacker might get your personal information through your credit card. Illegal ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Monkeypox Virus Research Paper The monkeypox virus belongs to Poxviridae family, which also includes cowpox, vaccinia, and variola (smallpox) viruses. Poxviruses are the largest vertebrate viruses known, infecting humans, and other vertebrates (species of sub family Chondropoxvirinae), and arthropods (species of sub family Entemopoxvirinae). There are around 70 known species of pox viruses spread among 28 genera and two sub families (the Chordopoxvirinae and the Entomopoxvirinae). The virions contain a linear double stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (dsDNA) genome and enzymes that synthesize messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA). They multiply in the cytoplasm of the host cells. The Chordopoxvirinae consists of around ten genera including the genera which are genetically and ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Revolt Of The Maccabees Dynasty Revolt of the Maccabees and the Rise of the Hasmonean Dynasty (165 163 BC) Alexander the Great of Macedon died in 323 B.C.E., marking the beginnings of a great political transition both in the region of Palestine as well as the Macedonian Empire as a whole. While the nation of Israel experienced foreign dominance during the Persian period (538 322 B.C.E.), Alexander s death brought a unique struggle for power in the region as his generals (the Diadochi) attempted to maintain control of the fragmented empire. Ptolemy I Soter, a Macedonian general who ruled in Egypt, defeated general Antigonus in 301 B.C.E, and as a result was given control of the region of Palestine at the agreement of the Diadochi. Nevertheless, conflict arose between Ptolemy I Soter and Seleucus I Nicator since the latter, a post Alexander ruler of Syria, claimed the agreement between the Diadochi and Ptolemy regarding Palestine was void. A series of military conflicts were then waged over control of the Palestine region for the better part of a century, and yet the interior region was largely left unaffected, leaving Jerusalem to thrive both financially and politically under Ptolemaic rule. The Seleucid king, Antiochus III the Great, ended the Seleucid Ptolemy conflict in 219 B.C.E., gaining decisive control of the region. Unfortunately for the Jews, Antiochus III was defeated by the Romans at Magnesia in 190 B.C.E., and as a result, the Seleucids received a heavy taxation at the hands of the Romans. ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Balkan Of World History If one was to ask the experienced historian Andrew Watchtel, author of the book The Balkan in World History , about the most peculiar aspect of East Central Europe, odds are, he would refer to its cultural layering. Watchtel use the term cultural layering to define the collage of cultures that have fused over time in this region. This cultural layering found in East Central Europe is reflected more evidently with the infrastructure, language roots, and religion of the Balkan area. The Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman empires were the ones that for diverse reasons left a more lasting impression in this area. To be more specific, by means of architecture, the province of Plovdiv, Bulgaria is the perfect example on how these three empires left ... Show more content on ... At last, the Roman set the Danube River as the empire s limit or natural divisor from the northern European unconquered territories by building limes or fortified borders. As Rome added new provinces to the empire set Greek as the official language of the Eastern part and built infrastructure throughout the region. Before incorporating the Balkan Region into the empire, Latin was the only official language in the empire. However, the language used in the Balkans area was mostly Greek, so Romans decided set Greekas the the official language of the Eastern part of the empire. Jean Sedlar, author of the book, East Central European in Middle Ages, estimated that one reason of doing so may be because the Romans admired for the Greek civilization (Bideleux and Jeffries 1998, 42). Moreover, his conjecture may be correct, due to the fact that the Roman culture was based on Greek background. Therefore, most of the Eastern part of the empire used Greek as the official language, but the Dacia province was the exception where the Romanian developed, a romance or Latin derived language. One of the myriads of examples of Roman architecture can be reflected with the Plovdiv Aqueduct located in present day Plovdiv, Bulgaria or the Ancient Roman province of Thracia. Secondly, the Byzantine Empire, also referred as the Eastern Roman Empire expanded to parts of Eastern Central Europe as a measure of gaining control over the Holy Roman Empire. Byzantium was ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Happiest Refugee Belonging Analysis To belong with a person or group it means that we are accepted and tolerated and that we feel safe and have a sense security when we are with that person or group, belonging can influence us in many ways, it can change our sense of self and the way we perceive the world. The way our family and friends influence us changes our sense of self and who we are. The Memoir The Happiest Refugee By Anh Do, this memoir shows how when Anh Do arrived in Australia he did not belong due to his non english background, Anh overcame many issues on his journey to belong and now is treated as a full Australian citizen. Belonging to a family or group or religion makes us internalize beliefs, values and attitudes and it shapes who we are, our sense of self and even our life cause as well as providing us with a sense of security and safety. Anh s father always tried to teach him life lessons and always encouraged him to try his hardest. The quote He taught me that I could do anything. is repeated constantly throughout the book and provides us with high impact and shows us how many life lessons Anh Do was taught. This quote shows that because Anh belonged with his family, he felt safe and secure enough to take in these life lessons and internalize their beliefs and values as well as allowing him to grow and foster his own opinions and attitudes. Furthermore Anh Do went for a trip with his kids, wife and mother down at bobbin head, he hired a boat set out for a trip on the water and remarked ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Revenge Conventions In Hamlet Essay Hamlet is a play written by William Shakespeare that very closely follows the dramatic conventions of revenge in Elizabethan theater. All revenge tragedies originally stemmed from the Greeks, who wrote and performed the first plays. After the Greeks came Seneca who was very influential to all Elizabethan tragedy writers. Seneca who was Roman, basically set all of the ideas and the norms for all revenge play writers in the Renaissance era including William Shakespeare. The two most famous English revenge tragedies written in the Elizabethan era were Hamlet, written by Shakespeare and The Spanish Tragedy, written by Thomas Kyd. These two plays used mostly all of the Elizabethan conventions for revenge tragedies in their plays. Hamlet ... Show more content on ... Seneca s influence formed part of a developing tradition of tragedies whose plots hinge on political power, forbidden sexuality, family honor and private revenge. There was no author who exercised a wider or deeper influence upon the Elizabethan mind or upon the Elizabethan form of tragedy than did Seneca. For the dramatists of Renaissance Italy, France and England, classical tragedy meant only the ten Latin plays of Seneca and not Euripides, Aeschylus and Sophocles. Hamlet is certainly not much like any play of Seneca s one can name, but Seneca is undoubtedly one of the effective ingredients in the emotional charge of Hamlet. Hamlet without Seneca is inconceivable. During the time of Elizabethan theater, plays about tragedy and revenge were very common and a regular convention seemed to be formed on what aspects should be put into a typical revenge tragedy. In all revenge tragedies first and foremost, a crime is committed and for various reasons laws and justice cannot punish the crime so the individual who is the main character, goes through with the revenge in spite of everything. The main character then usually had a period of doubt , where he tries to decide whether or not to go through with the revenge, which usually involves tough and complex planning. Other features that were typical were the appearance of a ghost, to get the revenger to go through with the deed. The ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Comparing For The Sake Of The Song And Song Of Myself For the Sake of the Song and Song of Myself share several key similarities, including a strong use of figurative language, making a connection with humanity, and both are considered romantic poems. Walt Whitman s poetry contains much figurative language and connections between individuals and how they relate to the whole of society. Walt Whitman and Townes Van Zandt both seem pretty okay with death, as they talk about dying in their writings a lot and they both seem pretty nonchalant about it. In For the Sake of the Song you can find metaphor, personification, assonance, and many more forms of figurative language throughout the piece. The moon is an angel (L1) is a perfect example of a metaphor, we all know the moon is an inanimate ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Cirque Du Freak Is A Fantasy Book By Darren The Book Cirque du Freak is a Fantasy book by Darren Shan. In this book, the characters Darren and Steve end up at a freak show. At the show, a lot of really weird things happen. Then, the director of the show, Mr. Creepsly s poisonous spider bites Steve and the only way Steve can survive is if Darren becomes a vampire and saves him. Darren in the book Cirque Du Freak, is clearly an archetypal hero by saving Steve. Darren saves Steve by becoming a Vampire. This can be proven by the Initiating Event, Epic Quest, and the Special Weapons. Darren is an archetypal hero because he has an initiating event to start his quest. Darren went to school one day and found a magazine in the garbage about a Cirque Du Freak show. He ... Show more content on ... In this book the special weapon is Madam Octa. She is special weapon because of her poison. When Darren had her in his closet, he would play with it and feed it everything he could find. He tried to play with it out of its cage a couple times. When he was playing with it, he would have to be very careful because if it bit him, he would probably die. So one day Darren invited Steve over and showed him the spider. Steve said,, you stole Madam Octa! [148]. He couldn t believe his eyes. Steve wanted to pet it and play with it. Darren told Steve how to hold it and if it crawled on his head to not move. So when the spider was on Steve, it started crawling up his neck. All of a sudden, it jumped up and bit Steve in the neck! This leads to the Epic Quest. Darren is an archetypal hero by the Epic Quest. When Madam Octa bit Steve, he was laying on the bed and couldn t move or talk. Darren tried to help so he wouldn t get in trouble. He couldn t seem to know what was wrong. He ran down stairs and told his mom he was in the bathroom and when he came back, Steve was laying there and couldn t move. His mom said, Are you kidding me! [160]. They called nine one one. The ambulance rushed Steve to the hospital and had know idea what happened. Darren told the doctor, Maybe he got bit by something. The doctors said there almost one hundred percent sure he didn t get bit. When the doctor said he ... Get more on ...