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Violence In Video Games Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of violence in video games is a challenging task that requires
careful consideration of various perspectives and the ability to navigate a complex and
controversial subject. The difficulty arises from the multifaceted nature of the topic, involving
psychological, social, and cultural aspects.
Firstly, delving into the psychological impact of violent video games on individuals requires a
nuanced understanding of human behavior and the potential influence of virtual experiences on
real-world actions. This necessitates extensive research into psychology, cognitive science, and
related fields to form a well-rounded argument.
Secondly, addressing the social dimension involves examining the broader impact of violent
video games on society. This requires an exploration of how these games may contribute to
desensitization, aggression, or other behavioral changes in individuals, as well as considering
societal attitudes and norms surrounding gaming.
Furthermore, delving into the cultural aspects of the issue involves analyzing how video games
are perceived and integrated into different cultures. This necessitates an understanding of the
evolution of gaming culture, the role of video games in entertainment, and how societal attitudes
towards violence in media have evolved over time.
Complicating matters further is the ongoing debate among scholars, researchers, and the general
public about the causal relationship between playing violent video games and real-world
aggression. This requires critically evaluating and synthesizing a multitude of studies, theories,
and empirical evidence.
In summary, crafting an essay on the topic of violence in video games demands a thorough
examination of psychological, social, and cultural dimensions, as well as the ability to critically
analyze conflicting perspectives. It involves synthesizing a vast array of information and
presenting a well-structured argument that is supported by credible sources. Despite the
difficulty, approaching the topic with an open mind and a commitment to thorough research can
lead to a comprehensive and insightful exploration of this complex issue.
For those who find themselves in need of assistance, it's worth noting that
offers a range of services where similar essays and much more can be ordered, providing support
for individuals navigating the challenges of academic writing.
Violence In Video Games EssayViolence In Video Games Essay
Technological Advancements
The purpose of this article is to give information about the increasing developments
on warfare technology. It explains the potential gains and setbacks to these
inventions and the effects it could have on both sides of a battle. In Paul Marks
article Armchair Warlords and Robot Hordes , he provides facts on the developed
technologies and the viewpoints towards the overall idea. Marks main topic is based
around the U.S Department of Defense and its plan to replace warvehicles and
weapons with robotized technologywithin the next few years. Paul Marks provides
the reader with information on what technologies are planned and already created. He
explains the purpose of these highly developed robots and where the military plans to
put them... Show more content on ...
Radar became an important tool in militaries around the world. It also prompted the
United States to invest in research and development for new ways to confound
radar. The result was stealth aircraft technology is one of Strickland s prime
examples (Strickland 1). He used this example to provide explanation on how these
technologies evolve. Another everyday used technology that Strickland uses in his
article is the internet In a way, the Internet itself began as a military project.
Beginning in the 1960s, the U.S. Department of Defense funded a project called
ARPANET...This would allow people to share information with each other at
unprecedented speeds (2). The worldwide phenomenon, the space race, is another
one of Strickland s examples. The space race was a symbolic conflict between both
countries and put pressure on the scientists and engineers developing the systems and
vehicles necessary to put men and women into space. Some of this technology later
evolved into other forms, and was eventually adapted to serve civilian purposes states
Strickland (2). Jonathan Strickland explains how many warfare technologies manage
their way into everyday appliances and throughout the article, he provides several
examples to support his
Rhetorical Analysis Of Super Size Me
Choosing a topic for this paper brought great difficulty. However, with a brief
comparison of the options it soon became clear what the topic was going to be:
Parks and Rec. Parks and Rec takes place in a small, fictional town in Indiana
called Pawnee. The show is about a government employee named Leslie Knope, who
aspires to become the first female president of the United States of America one day.
Along her journey, Leslie encounters many obstacles that prevent her from
progressing through governmental hierarchy. Nevertheless, she continues to pursue
her goals. Her main objective is to turn an impoverished lot into an angelic park.
She strives to accomplish her goal with the help of Ann Perkins, who happens to be
Leslie s best friend. Throughout the show, Leslie s most significant setback is
backlash from the community as well as bureaucratic red tape; however, there is
nothing that is going to stop Leslie Knope from accomplishing her goal.... Show more
content on ...
Using this phenomenon, various types of media can promote change. Media does
this by informing the general populace about a given dilemma, and by doing so
their intent is people will realize the issue and attempt to rectify it. For example,
the film Super Size Me, directed by Morgan Spurlock, discusses the issues with
fast food chains, especially McDonalds. In the film, Spurlock eats McDonalds food
every meal for an entire month to showcase the drastic ramifications fast food has
on our physical health. Spurlock gained approximately 24 pounds and endured a
few other side effects. Because of the film, McDonalds replaced the super size with
a healthier option compared to the normal food. Based on the events of the film, it
is clear to see how a single piece of media can promote change within a
Gibson Guitar Case Study
2.Plan the Negotiation2
2.1.Music Store Overview and the existing Relation with Gibson2
2.2.The Lead Negotiator3
2.3.Identify and Prioritize objectives3
3.Defining the negotiation strategy5
3.1.The ocean approach7
4. Conclusion8
The present report intends to briefly describe a negotiation strategy in order to
successfully build a global partnership between the world famous guitar manufacture
Gibson and one of the major European retailers in the business Music Store, a
company based in Cologne, Germany.
The report will focus on the power of the knowledge and preparation of possible case
scenarios in order to perceive successfully ... Show more content on
Cologne Guitar Town
Sponsored by The Gibson Foundation, Guitar Town is a famous event where a town
is filled with huge guitar sculptures replicas of Gibson most famous models. The
event also includes special concerts, workshops, lectures and get together with guitar
legends. So far, this event only once came to Europe, was in London 2007.
After the exhibition of the guitars, they enter in an auction and the money generated
is given to social causes.
Gibson wishes to do such a program in Cologne. The need to enter and gain
customer proximity in the European market makes this an excellent choice and so,
Gibson is seeking a partnership with Music Store in order to bring the event to
Cologne. Also, is important to state that joining both brands in such invent is a way
to Gibson generates a strategic position near a major retailer in Europe.
Special Productions
As previous stated, although Music Store has in its catalogue several products from
Gibson, truth is, Gibson isn t in the best sellers list. The main reason identified for
that is probably the premium position that Gibson has. Their Guitars are priced above
the regular and most sold guitars in the store.
In order to invert this tendency, it may be possible to create a special line just for
Europe and have the launching fully dedicated to Music Store for a pre determined
set of time. This way it could be price controlled, targeting an European Market that is
investing less in premium
The Different Stakeholders Of Zara
Private Organization The different stakeholders that affect ZARA are the owners,
employees, customer, suppliers, government and the investors. All these
stakeholders play a big role in the business. Without them, ZARA will not be as
successful as it is right now. Zara s first stakeholder is the owners. Owners of the
shop plays the biggest role in the company. They are the ones who started Zara and
are the people behind the success of the business. The owners are the principal
strategist and planner. They are the ones who understand the business so well and
they started up capital to get established and grow their products and services. They
also comply with federal and business licensing laws. From forming a limited
liability company to creating legal contracts, they know basics of the law and have
access to an attorney if legal problems with customers or employees arise.... Show
more content on ...
They are giving a big help to Zara to have customers by working hard to make their
relationship with the customer even better. Zara s employees would innovative
and coming up with new ideas for the company. Zara is known for setting trends
into global fashion industry, so the designers/employees need to get more unique
and different sort of ideas. They are also giving all their best to provide them a
good customer service. Third are the customers, they are the ones who buy and
support the products of Zara. There are different types of customers of Zara. There
are bulk buyers, loyal customers, need based customers and wandering customers but
these types doesn t matter for Zara because they are still the same. They give the
company ideas and strategies on how to improve the products and the interior of the
shop by taking their suggestions and recommendations for the shop to achieve its
goals and
Kant s Philosophy
Kant opens with discussion of how philosophy contains three sciences; logic,
ethics, and physics. Throughout the entire section of reading, I found myself to be
struggling quite a lot (which is not such a surprise since we were told in advance
that Kant can be very difficult to comprehend). I found myself slightly
understanding aspects only to be thrown off just a little later and somehow end up
lost by the end. However, there was a part that I found to be very interesting (that I
could actually understand)! This was when he discusses specialization; how one
person cannot do everything, but rather each person specializes in one aspect of the
whole and works to make that part perfect. My question then is if this could be
related to the
My Metaacognition Is The Weakest Mode Of Metacognition
Metacognition is a deeper level of thinking that includes your ability to think about
your thinking; how you understand, adapt, change, control, and use your thought
processes (Linde). This cognitive function has shaped the way I learned and
allowed me to evaluate the best ways to learn. My comprehension and
memorization skills are my most relevant modes of metacognition. These skills
have always led me to a successful outcome. When I listen to lectures, I am not
only able to remember what was discussed but comprehend the concepts behind
them. My weakest mode of metacognition is my ability to follow through with
planning. I have a part time job and I have to plan around it so I can get my work
done. I often disregard my weekly outline and I m
Renaissance Man Thesis
I can t believe how much time has gone by. This was my first thought when I
looked at the clock on my laptop screen. I had done it again. I was researching a
topic we had discussed that day in history, and I got side tracked. Instead of just
reading what needed to be read, I dug even deeper into the subject, reading article
after article on The Renaissance. Why did I have to be so fascinated with The
Renaissance? I asked myself. I could have this entire assignment done by now. I
looked down at the worksheet, and I had only done half of it. I laughed at this
because I knew all the answers. Well, I guess all that researching was worth it. I
completed the assignment in ten minutes but I didn t stop there. I watched
documentaries on The Renaissance... Show more content on ...
He is known as The Renaissance Man because he was a jack of all trades, including
artist and scientist. He is the first person who accurately depicted and documented
human anatomy. His medical journals became the basis for what we know
commonly today as Gray s Anatomy. Without his curiosity of the human body, we
might not have the same knowledge as we do today. History shapes every subject we
take in school, not only science. We have art and music history, the history of
language, psychology, as well as others, and of course, the history of history itself.
In conclusion, my love for European history engulfs me. I love reading about it and
watching documentaries about it. I have my own collection of books on it that I
bought to further my learning and education of it. It has also influenced my career
path because I m considering a major in history. I am thankful for my love of history
because I have learned so much about other cultures, societies, and even civilizations.
History enriches our lives and expands our minds and our experiences, both real and
vicarious. Knowing the past and embracing it will, hopefully, point us to a bright
Urinary Tract Infection Research Paper
Urinary Tract Infection and Unprotected Sex
Bonni M Villarreal
Brookline College
Urinary tract infections are not generally considered as a sexually transmitted
infection, however is it possible to contract the infection from unprotected sex? It is
safe to assume that any bacteria present in the genital tract or area during unprotected
sex could be transmitted to another person who comes in contact with that area
during sexual intercourse. The question is does that bacteria spread and cause
infection in the other person? It is always a smart idea for a person to protect his or
herself by using a condom every time he or she has sex to eliminate or reduce the
chance of contracting any sexually transmitted infection. ... Show more content on ...
Usually the infection is treated with antibiotics, with no further complications.
However, it is possible for the infection to spread to the ureters, and or kidneys,
causing a kidney infection and causing serious complications. Early detection and
diagnosis of a urinary tract infection is key to a good prognosis and recovery, and
practicing safe sex can reduce the chance of reoccurrence (Rodriguez, Diane
Everyday Health, 2016.)
Finally, Urinary tract infections are not generally considered as a sexually
transmitted infection, however it is possible to contract bacteria that causes the
infection from unprotected sex. It is safe to assume that any bacteria present in the
genital tract or area during unprotected sex could be transmitted to another person
who comes in contact with that area during sexual intercourse. That bacteria can
spread and cause infection to the other person. It is always a smart idea for a person
to protect his or herself by using a condom every time he or she has sex to eliminate
or reduce the chance of contracting any sexually transmitted
Narcissistic Personality Disorder Research Paper
Narcissistic Personality Disorder Research Paper
By Jonathan Ilunga
Sonoma State University
This paper will aim to define narcissistic personality disorder as a whole. The
document will cover the topics of symptoms, prevalence, and contributing factor. In
addition to covering the general description of the disorder the paper will present a
case study to provide a clearer image of the parameters of NPD. 2 scientific studies
will be presented in order to offer empirical data regarding NPD and to add
knowledge recently acquired through experimentation.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder Research Pa
In Greek mythology Narcissus was a handsome young hunter who was so captivated
by his own reflection in a pool of ... Show more content on ...
These include limited reparenting(which centers in spotlighting and helping cope
with issues during early development that may have led to mental problems),
imagery, flashcards(in order for treatment to be maintained outside of the office),
chair work, and a diary. These separate forms of psychotherapy are used together to
promote empathy, introspection, and healthy coping methods in patients with NPD.(
Young p.177)
Case Study: H
A prime poster boy for narcissistic personality disorder subject H was a middle aged
Iranian man in the midst of drug rehabilitation. It is common for people with NPD
to become dependent on substances due to their necessity to cope with
inadequacy.(Donaldson Pressman, The Narcissistic Family 1994) Like many
people with NPD he was very handsome and held a demanding presence.(DSM) H s
symptoms were first noticed by his therapist during a group talk session. H was
noted to recount stories of vicious spousal abuse (throwing his ex wife out of a
moving car in rage) and robberies he committed against family members at gunpoint,
with a sense of pride and content. H s therapist decided to see how he interacted
with his parents in order to develop a better diagnosis. His therapist Stras describes
the session:
For two hours tonight, he sits in between his parents with his arms spread out and
draped behind their backs. He holds the tops of each of their heads and they nod and
blankly drone on about what a wonder and a gift
Character Analysis Of Charlotte Douglas
Surprisingly, I found myself liking Charlotte Douglas from Didion s novel more
than any of the other characters that we have read so far. Grace s initial analysis of
Charlotte as someone who merely dreams their life left me with the impression that
she was not going to be a character I would relate to or even remotely identify with.
As the book went on, Charlotte grew on me more and more. I loved how mysterious
behaviors such as her frequent visits to the airport were explained early on in the
book as a mere vehicle for socialization, masquerading, and entertainment, leaving the
readerto view her with a certain degree of disdain. Later in the book, the reader
begins to realize that Charlotte is possibly using the airport as a means of... Show
more content on ...
Churchgoing Christian men are convinced they are on a moral crusade to violently put
an end to the convent in Ruby only through a series of misunderstandings that lead
them to believe that mass abortions and witchcraft are occurring in the confines of
their town. Even though readers will not often particularly like many characters in
the novels they read, insights can absolutely be gained from them.
The differing styles in approaching perspectives in their storytelling between
Didion and the combination of Boyle and Morrison have significant effects on
each of their stories. Didion chooses to provide her story through the use of a
singular narrator, while Boyle and Morrison choose to offer multiple perspectives.
At no point did I feel like my involvement in A Book of Common Prayer was
affected negatively by the use of a singular narrator. By only introducing the reader
to Grace s point of view, the reader is able to fully immerse themselves in the allure
of Charlotte Douglas s character and Grace s fascination with her. The reader is
able to see their own opinion of Charlotte change just as Grace s does when she is
provided with new information about her character. Had Didion s novel been from
multiple perspectives, it likely would have been a vastly more political novel, with
the tensions of Marin, Antonio, Gerardo, and Victor s characters being highlighted.
The singular perspective of A Book of Common Prayer allows for more impetus to
be put
Native American Racism
Native American racism has long been going on in the United States and is still
prevalent to this day. The actions on the part of the people and government of the
United States against the Native Americans has had a lasting effect on Native
Americans. From the beginnings of the the United States, the U.S. government has
pushed Native Americans off of their land to make way for white settlers and
manifest destiny. The reservations that Native Americans were pushed onto have
some of the lowest living conditions in the country and have high rates of poverty and
unemployment. Over a span of just under one hundred years, the U.S. government
pushed many Native American children into boarding schools and assimilation
programs. These assimilation programs effectively slowed down the passing down of
generational customs because the children were forced to adopt the new customs that
the government wanted them to adopt. Children s books commonly have stereotypes
against Native Americans that warp young children s perceptions of that particular
group of people. Many sports teams across the country have Native American mascots
and team names. These mascots are insensitive and contain offensive stereotypes that
hurt people s perceptions of Native Americans. For some, these are the only examples
of Native Americans that they ever see, further damaging their outlook on Native
American perspectives. It is important for the citizens of the United Statesto learn
about Native American history
Invasive Species Essay
My aquatic invasive species is the water chestnut. Though it is not too common in
Indiana waters, it is on the invasive species list, due to the prediction that it will
quickly become a threat. It is an aquatic plant native to Eurasia. Currently, it is
naturalized in North America and Australia. The states that it is most common in
Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, and others on the eastern coast. The water chestnut or
the Trapas Natan is a rosette of floating leaves usually rooted in mud near small
marshes, lakes, and nutrient rich river banks. Its stem can grow up to 15 feet long,
and allows movement in mucky substances. It has small white flower with four
petals. The water chestnut plantproduces a small, nut like fruitabout an inch wide.
Each individual rosette can produce up to 25 seeds, leading to extremely quick
growth. The water chestnut was introduced to the area by University botanists that
were studying the plant. And due to the quick... Show more content on ...
Other less successful attempts include using biological insects to control the
population and large scale harvesting. Both of these failed due to the water chestnut
replacing itself at an exponential rate. And as the seeds are carried by wind and
water, they make their way to new areas, where they are established within a few
days, there is no true method developed to stop the growth of water chestnuts.
My terrestrial invasive species is the mute swan. Other swan species like the
trumpeter swan and tundra swan are protected under the Migratory Bird Species
Act, the mute swan is exotic and was removed from the protected list. However,
Indiana has a law against owning or killing a mute swan, so they are becoming a
problem in our area. The mute swan is native to Europe and Asia, but is now
acclimated to the Midwest and the Eastern Coast of the United States, where the
Essay Disadvantages Of Deficit Spending
Deficit spending is defined as government spending, in excess of revenue, of funds
raised by borrowing rather than from taxation . Government deficit is the foundation
of our economical system. Deficit spending is the process of spending more money
than you have coming in. Government purchases make up the next largest category
and this contains items that the government pays for to continue to operate plus the
value of the goods and services put out by the government. It does not however
include government payments such as welfare or social security. There are many
advantages in deficit spending; one for example is increase growth within the
economy. When the government spend excessively then it creates affordable supply
and demand for the country. This creates long term jobs and adds to the workforce.
Money flowing through the country overall impacts the country to increase more
revenue. Another positive role that deficit spending can have is that it creates control
within the country.... Show more content on ...
This is used as an indicator of the economic climate of that nation. This information
is release each quarter for each nation and can be used to determine the growth of a
nation either during a time of economic downturn or during a recession.
Disadvantage of a spending deficit is that it creates room for no savings. There is
usually no savings during a deficit period because you will be paying back what you
have spent and borrowed. Also when dealing with deficit there is no set interest rate
and can become very, very price. Excessive debt will continue to increase and
therefore creating other issue. Rising cost is another issue, during the period of
deficit spending prices rise more to create an equilibrium balance. In return this
creates inflation that affects the community. This then effects unemployment rates
Wrongful Convictions Of Innocent People Essay
Unfortunately, wrongful convictions of innocent people sometimes happen in the
criminal justice system. According to a new report from the University of
Michigan Law School s National Registry of Exonerations, 2015 set a record for
the number of wrongly convicted Americans who received justice; 149 people who
were either declared innocent or cleared of their convictions or guilty pleas. Many of
them had already served long prison terms for crimes they did not commit
(Mencimer, 2016.)
There are many causes that can contribute to a wrongful conviction. Witness
misidentification is the most common cause; we know that the human mind is not
like a tape recorder, and can make mistakes. Forensic analysts presenting evidence
that has little or no scientific basis, false confessions by suspects during the
interrogation process, government officials taking steps to ensure that a suspect is
convicted despite poor evidence, testimony by people with incentives to testify, and
poorly prepared lawyers are just some of the other causes that can result in a wrongful
conviction. The death penalty case of Cameron Todd Willingham, of Corsicana, Texas,
is one that experts now agree that the evidence proves he was wrongfully convicted.
But unfortunately, he was already put to death by lethal injection.
On December 23, 1991, the Willingham family home was engulfed in flames. Stacey
Willingham was shopping for Christmas gifts, while Cameron Todd Willingham was
home sleeping at the time of the
Prosthetic Limb
The method of making a biocompatible prosthesis is made from a substrate of
electro conductive material whose surface is exposed to a biological environment,
such as living animal tissue or blood, to impart to said material biocompatibility at
the site of exposure.
Artificial limbs is a fake part of your body that can replace a limb that you may have
lost. They are very useful to many people
Biocompatibility is the capability of a prosthesis implanted in the body to exist in
harmony with tissue without causing deleterious changes .
A transtibial prosthesis is an artificial limb that replaces a leg missing below the knee.
A transtibial amputee is usually able to regain normal movement more readily than
someone with a transfemoral ... Show more content on ...
2. Have traditional technologies been modified or improved through the use of
The history of biomechanical involve many modifications through its creation,it went
from wooden legs and arms to newly desired metal. Whether it be sailing the seas or
fighting for your life on the battlefield!
3. What are the major challenges to research and scientific advancement in this area
of biotechnology?
The main challenges to research in this area of biotechnology: Artificial Limbs, is
finding the right articles that provide the most credible information as possible.
There are thousands of cases but google helps pull out the specific articles I desire
from the most view to the least. Although this struggle is for the reader, the
thousands of dollars immunologists pay for equipment and experiments, knowing
there will be a 50/50 chance, is a huge set back for more advanced discoveries, that
put many lives at risk or on hold. The major scientific advancements in the area of
regenerative medicine and biomedical engineering are the immunosuppressive anti
rejection medications and advanced biomaterials for prostheses construction. These
advancements prevent immune rejection and repairing of the body giving the owners
a new chance of service and
Religion, Judaism, And Islam
The city of Jerusalem, located in the country of Israel, is considered to be one of the
holiest cities on Earth. 890,428 individuals are currently living in the city ( Where is
Jerusalem ). What makes Jerusalem such a holy land is because of its significance to
three religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam ( History of Jerusalem). While
Jerusalem is considered the holy land , it is also a place that has endured countless
wars, bloodshed, and controversy. The city has been ruled by infamous leaders and
praised individuals, it is a city with a very rich history, and its history allows one to
understand the vital role it plays in the Palestine Israelconflict. Abraham, the father
of Judaism, is the root of Jerusalem s holiness. It is said that the Lord appeared to
Abraham and said that a land (Jerusalem) would be given to both him and his
descendants ( History of Jerusalem ). It is said God spoke to Abraham and set him
through a series of trials in which Abraham proved time after time. His loyalty to
the lord never faltered, and thus, Judaism was born ( Abraham ). Jews revere this
man as the first person to teach the idea of monotheism, and it is Abraham as well,
who is deeply rooted with the beginnings of Islam ( Abraham ). The Jewish king
David captured the city of Jerusalem from the Jebusites about 1,000 years before
the birth of Christ ( History of Jerusalem ). King David is explicitly known for his
wish to build a beautiful new temple in which he could honor
The Pros And Cons Of Polygamy
Polygamy is a marriage that involves multiple spouses depending on the group of
people culture will determine whether or not the multiple spouses are male or
female. Due to the fact that there are different pros and cons that come with the
practice of polygamy. There are two different branches of polygamy: polyandryand
polygyny. Even though both branches of polygamyhas their cultural pros and cons
and differ in family construction and kinship, the sigma that the American culture has
placed upon this type of marriage has given the people predetermined but condemning
Dr. Goldstein, a professor of anthropology at Western Reserve University in
Cleveland, Ohio wrote an ethnography of the cultural practice of fraternal
polyandry in Limi, Tibet. Within this his paper, Dr. Goldstein discusses how the
practice of fraternal polyandry is where two or more brothers (blood related) will
take one wife into marriage. This will is beneficial when deciding which child in
the next generation will inherit and work the farming land that will be passed down
within the family. When Dr. Goldstein asks why the gentleman will not take one
wife each and all live on the family land the response was that was given was that
there would too many wives competing to make sure that their child gets equal and/or
more share of the land when the fathers dies. Another reason for the practice was the
fact that the eldest son within the culture will inherit the most goods and land from
their family.
USInvasion Of Cambodia Essay
The banyan tree grows throughout Cambodia. It may reach a height of over 100
feet, and as it grows, new roots descend from its branches, pushing into the ground
and forming new trunks. The roots grow relentlessly; many of the ancient temples of
Angkor have toppled as these roots have become embedded in the cracks and
crevices between their massive stones. A single tree might have dozens of trunks, and
it is often impossible to tell which is the original.
This is Cambodia today: a thousand intertwined branches, a thousand stories woven
together, a thousand currents of history swirling in different directions. To understand
Cambodia in the present, it is necessary to look at Cambodia in the past. ... Show
more content on ...
The French quickly usurped all but ceremonial powers from the monarch, Norodom.
When he died in 1904, the French passed over his sons and handed the throne to his
brother, Sisowath. Sisowath and his son ruled until 1941, when Norodom Sihanouk
was elevated to power. Sihanouk s coronation, along with the Japanese occupation
during the war, worked to reinforce a sentiment among Cambodians that the region
should be free from outside control. After World War II, Cambodians sought
independence, but France was reluctant to part with its colony. Cambodia was
granted independence within the French Union in 1949. But the French Indochinese
War provided an opportunity for Sihanouk to gain full military control of the country.
In 1953, Cambodia managed to gain their independence in spite of World War II and
the First Indochina War. Their independence was obtained through the political savvy
of King Sihanouk. Wanting to be released from the pressures of the monarchy,
Sihanouk abdicated the throne and became a full time politician.
He started a political faction called the People s Socialist Community (Sangkum
Reastr Niyum) which then won by a landslide in the 1955 national elections.
In 1960, when his father died he was named head of state (up until then he d been the
prime minister). Although he had remained neutral in a
Medicine in Colonial Days Essay
The Colonial Period The improvement of medicine over the course of the human
successes gave great convenience to the people of today. Science has cured and
prevented many illnesses from occurring and is on its way to cure some of the most
dreadful and harmful illnesses. As the world modernizes due to the industrialization,
so does the ways of medicine. Some cures are approached by chance, some, through
intense, scientific measures. Medicine has come a long way from the Greek period.
Theories composed of the four elements were used to explain the sick phenomenon
that happens to our bodies. Many of the those theories are not relevant as of now.
Medicine and remedies has begun with the Earth, providing all types of compounds
and... Show more content on ...
Beginning with the newly founded nation: America, many colonial people
encountered illnesses they have never been subjected to. Despite the different
times in history, there is a similarity that is still ongoing today. Those who have
little income or live in rural settings have trouble obtaining the health they need
when an illness occurs. Hospitals are either too far to reach in time or the bills are
too expensive to pay. Now, there are countries who offer free health care but it does
not pertain to the land of America. America is based on money, and the old ways of
paying back someone through bales of wheat or firewood just will not cut it.
There were doctors in Colonial America. When a doctor visits a patient to check upon
the sick person s health, their pay will be in anything but money such as chopped
woods, vegetables, et cetera for the poor people. The poor people did not have
money as stated in A Visit to a Colonial Times Doctor s Office. They usually rely on
their farming to feed their families and things such as money were scarce. Those
who are of the contrary to the low income and the rural settings have better access to
health and opportunities as written in Colonial Medicine (5). They can pay their
doctor on the spot and can even request their choice of doctors. In modern America, a
new change to the health care business is arriving. With the currently new healthcare,
everyone shall be able to hopefully
Comparing The Works Of Emerson And Ralph Waldo
To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private
heart is true for all men that is genius. is in itself a truly contradicting and false
statement. This quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson is saying how if you believe
something is right, that it is right for all men. So what about the rest of the world?
Do they all agree with everything? And what if another man who also believes his
thoughts that clash with the first one thoughts? Not both can be right and having a
personal automatically assuming that they are right at all times is just flat out hard
headed, not genius. That is why I disagree with Emerson s quote. As I was saying, it
is not possible for everyone to be right because they believe in their own thoughts.
Essay about Gender Communication in a Relationship
In A Relationship you need:
Gendered Communication
One of the most important topics in communications is gender communications and
that is why I decided to write about it. Gender communication is communication
about and between women and men. It is the most important thing to almost
everyone in the world. I learned about gender communication in a class last year with
Naaeke and I think it is really important to have if any ones wants to have a good
relationship with someone and everyone usually wants to build there life through a
relationship between a man and a women.
To start off a relationship the two in the relationship have to have good
communication with each other. The different kinds of communication are linear,
interactive, ... Show more content on ...
It is when the two are talking to each other at the same time and are understanding
each other and is acknowledging what they have to say. This usually doesn t
happen until the two get to know each other better. This could be good because
they would know they are connecting in some way. The bad thing that could happen
is the one thinks the other one is rude and don t listen completely. But no matter
what happens you have to have one of this in a relationship to make it work because
if communication isn t in a relationship then it will just fall apart. The way
communication works between two people is, there is a sender and a receiver. They
relay messages back and forth to each other. When the sender sends the messagethe
receiver has encode it and send feed back. But there is usually noise between what
the sender sends and the receiver receives. Noise is a distraction the cause the
message to be messed up or encoded wrong. To help a relation the two usually need
to close the gap between each other so that the noise gets minimized. Most
relationships starts with being friends, then moving to romance which turns into
marriage, then it goes to conflict and divorce. But in good relationships the
communication is good and the can settle a conflict by talking it out with each other.
To me personally I like to have communication between me and my girl friend and
the only way our relationship has worked is through good communication. If we didn t
The Hare Advert
In 2013 the 2D animated advert The Bear and the Hare was first shown as a teaser
during Agatha Christie s Poirot, Wednesday the 6th of November before releasing
it on Saturday the same week. The advert was directed by Elliot Dear and Yves
Geleyn with the animations created by Aaron Blaise. Blaise who has been a
Disney animator (The Lion King, Pocahontas, Beauty and the Beast) (https:/
/ created in the advert had a similar look. The advert has
been ranked as one of the top five John Lewis adverts and has won several awards
( The advert had no dialogue and was
accompanied only by music, British singer Lily Allen sang a cover of Keane s
Somewhere only we know Another advert that was well received was Monty the
Penguin directed by Dougal Wilson, it shows a year in the life of a little boy and
his best friend, a real life penguin (created by 3D animation) in the end it is realised
that it s a toy penguin and it s only the boys imagination that makes him real. British
singer songwriter Tom Odell sang a cover of John Lennons Real Love... Show more
content on ...
The advert was created using a real dog for some of the advert then a digital double
for the jumping on the trampoline, enhancing facial expressions was also made
with CGI. A cover of Randy Crawford s One Day I ll Fly Away was performed by
the English band Vaults. These three adverts create the base for this dissertation,
choosing them based on different techniques with animals, one 2D animated, one 3D
animated with a toy penguin and one 3D animated with a real
Pico Della Mirandola s On The Dignity Of Man
The human condition is a philosophical point that has been analyzed and given
thought by many scholars throughout history. Many such individuals include the
Italian philosophers Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, more commonly referred to
only as Pico, and Niccolo Machiavelli, as well as the English philosopher Thomas
Moore and lastly, the French aristocrat Michel de Montaigne. Each of these
philosophers have pondered the question that is the humancondition and influenced
the thoughts on the human condition during their time. Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola
is most commonly known for his oration On the dignity of man. This text is regarded
as one of the most vital publications of humanism during the renaissance. Pico
established in his work On the Dignity of Man that human nature has no limits. Pico
asserts, I feel that I have come to some understanding of why man is most fortunate
of all living things and, consequently, deserving of all admiration...[by]... Show more
content on ...
Montaigne states, I am heartily sorry that, judging their faults rightly, we should be
so blind to our own. I think there is more barbarity in eating a man alive than in
eating him dead. Within the quote Montaigne questions the human condition by
comparing what is considered the barbaric traditions of indigenous people
(cannibalism) to the practices of individuals within his own society alluding to the
widespread slavery that has perforated European society during their period of
imperialism. By drawing a parallel between what is considered barbaric by European
standards to the inhumane, yet socially acceptable, practices within his own society
Montaigne challenges the values of human nature and reveals the subjectivity in the
perception of individuals based on her or his place of
Peers Pressure In Macbeth By William Shakespeare
Peers Pressure If your friend jumps off of a cliff are you going to do it too? How
many times have you heard those lines? Peers pressure people no matter what age.
People make decisions based on the influences around them. In the story of
Macbeth a faithful helper of the king became corrupt and killed the king in order
to obtain his own destiny of becoming king as well as killing off anyone else who
might threaten his position; however he didn t do it alone. Influences and pressures
of the people around him were assets to why he did the things he did. So the
question remains, who is in control? The first influence in Macbeth s life is the three
witch sisters that he runs into on his walk with Banquo. Their statements about him
becoming a king and all of these sought after positions in the community got into his
head. He believed that they were a type of prophets when their words soon became
true. He began to believe everything that they said and he was now taking action to
make sure that everything happened the way he wanted it to. His thoughts really got
into his head . His actions became influenced by the words that continuously fell from
their lips in the two times... Show more content on ...
Macbeth questioned if he wanted to follow through with the murder of King
Duncan and almost did not proceed with the task but with the whispers of his wife
in his ear and her clever mind for the after effect the task was completed. Macbeth
probably would not have killed the king should it not have been for his wife,
however he trusted her to be on his side and help him. Once it was all over and
Macbeth was on top his wife soon got her taste of her own medicine. When she
began to envision the blood of Duncan on her hands and that she couldn t get it off
with washing it she committed suicide and left Macbeth to fend for himself, which
was not a problem being that he did not feel guilty for any of
Indian Reservations
When the settlers invaded the Indian s homeland, they weren t happy about it.
They were very angry. Some were forced out of their homeland, and others decided
to stay because they were afraid to leave. The people who stayed were put into
reservations. Reservations still exist today; it is land that is reserved for Indians
under a treaty or an agreement. The Indians didn t want to be put into reservations,
but they had no other option but to agree with the government. I looked into the
reservations and they still exist today. The Indian Country Today states that there is a
housing crisis in Indian country. Despite the Indian Housing Authority s (IHAs)
recent efforts, the need for adequate housing on reservations remains acute. I think
that it is horrible what they re going through after all of these years, you would think
that they re living conditions would have gotten better, but sadly it hasn t improved.
Moreover, I did some more research and Mr. Vanderstel from Conner Prairie stated
that the migration was primarily a personal decision, dependent upon a variety of...
Show more content on ...
According to Pioneers West website, it states that the diseases proved to be the
biggest killer of emigrants in the West. Smallpox, cholera, tuberculosis, diphtheria,
typhoid, mountain fever, and a host of other sicknesses frequently struck down
settlers, who had little or no medical expertise. Imagine having to travel with
someone who has contracted the disease, and you can t help the person out because
there is no medicine that could treat him or her. The only option is to wait patiently
until they have passed away and find somewhere to bury them. The people who died
on the road were put into holes. When they dug up the graves they would mark the
graves, some would even try to camouflage the graves to keep animals and even
How The Cost Of Shelters And Age Distribution Affects
The Relationship Among Aboriginal Population, Age and Shelter Costs
Course: SOC222H
Professor s Name Riva Lieflander
Name: Yingjun Li
Student ID: 1000677957
Date: 04/20/2015
The 2006 Census Public Use Microdata File (PUMF) involved a total of 844,476
people. Participants were randomly selected in a manner that represented all social
characteristics that existed among Canadians. Technically, it was estimated that the
number represented only 2.7% of the Canadian population. It is also on record that the
2006 PUMF involved a total of 123 population variables, of which 83% (102)
represented individual variables, while the remaining 17% (21) of all variables used
represented family, dwelling, and household variables. The purpose of this research
is to determine how the cost of shelters and age distribution affects the Aboriginal
people of Canada in relation to the 2006 Census Public Use Microdata File (PUMF)
on individuals. The research employs both age distribution and shelter cost as major
variables affecting the Aboriginal population. The research will conduct an inferential
statistical analysis on three major variables: Aboriginal population, shelter cost, and
age. For the purpose of this research, both age and shelter costs will be employed as
independent variables relating to the overall Aboriginal population, which is the
dependent variable. Another question that the paper aims to research is whether there
exists a relationship
The Pros And Cons Of The Scientific Revolution
The discoveries made during the Scientific Revolution were incredible, impactful, and
never even thought about before. However, these new discoveries were constantly
under fire from the church. Even so, the breakthroughs kept coming, and the church
couldn t stop them. Some of these scientific discoveries are still in use today, and
were the building blocks to modern science. The people who made these revelations
were the scientists who first found out that the earth revolved around the sun, or that
the moon was full of holes and craters. There were many conflicts throughout this
period, as the church didn t want their power and ideas to come into question. That
was unacceptable to them.
One of the many people who contributed to the Scientific Revolution was Nicolaus
Copernicus. In 1543 he wrote and published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly
Spheres. This was his proposal of his theory of a sun centered universe, called a
heliocentric. He proposed that the sun was the center of the universe, not the earth,
as it was widely accepted to be at the time. He further said that the earth, along with
all the other planets in the solar system, revolved around the sun. In his predecessor s
theory, Claudius Ptolemy, it showed that the earth was the center of the universe, and
the sun and planets revolved around it. To show this, he made a geocentric model
depicting that theory, and it was widely accepted. Meanwhile, Copernicus made a
heliocentric model for his theory. It, naturally, showed his idea of a sun centered
universe (Document 1). Lots of people, experts, and especially the church, rejected
this revolutionary theory. People simply didn t want to believe, after years and years
of accepting that the center of the universe was themselves, that they, in fact, weren t.
In Europe, all scientific knowledge and religious teaching were heavily based on the
ideas and arguments of classical thinkers. They thought that if Ptolemy s geocentric
theory was wrong, then their entire scientific and worldly understanding might be in
question. However in the late 1500s, another astronomer, Tycho Brahe, found
evidence that supported Copernicus. Brahe constructed an astronomical observatory,
and spent years carefully studying and
Managing Communication, Knowledge and Information
Information amp; Work based knowledge To: Maersk Line of Management Alan Ho
From: Communication Manager Liu Zuo Jun Subject: Managing Communications,
Knowledge and Information Date: 28 November 2011
Summary We are continue talking about Maersk Line information and work based
knowledge. Having 2 tasks. Outcome 3 Develop communication process to improve
the gathering and dissemination of information and organiational knowledge.
Including: Evaluate existing processes of communication in an organization and look
to ensure and improve ... Show more content on ...
Maersk Line designed new product in the past) * Getting the volume right * Accuracy
within the user s need * Inspiring user s confidence * Timeliness * Appropriately
communicated * Cost effective 1. Effective communication is a two way process,
perhaps best expressed as a cycle. Signals or messages are sent by the communicator
and received and understood. Within communication process it is also important to
note the problem of noise , Noise can arise from many sources. 2. Choosing the
communication channel Choosing the right method of communication is important,
and depends on numerous factors including: Time, Complexity, Distance, Written
record, Feedback/interaction, Confidentiality, Receipt, Cost. Communication tools
are including: Conversation, Meeting, Memorandum, Letter, Report, Presentation,
Telephone, Facsimile, Electronic mail. 3.2 Implement and justify improvements to
ensure greater integration of systems of communication in Maersk Line Implement
solutions to improve and integrate the communication systems and then justify them:
e.g. email copy to other department and function managers and hold regular
consultation meetings with them and minutes of meeting posted in MIS using SAP
in ERP to control authorized access; this allow all related managers to be aware of
each other situations and problems hence enable each to understand and adjust, make
allowance for the problems or
Hypovolemia Case Studies
Question 1:
Hypovolemia can be due to many predisposing factors such as fracture and surgery.
The patient experienced a type of open fracture which is categorize by a wound in
combination with the fracture (Whiteing, N., 2008, p. 50). Open Reduction Internal
Fixation (ORIF) is the most common surgical technique for patients with open
fracture which also includes tibia and fibula (William, L Hopper, P., 2011, p. 1071).
Since it was a major surgery massive blood loss or hypovolemia can be experience by
a patient who will undergo this procedure. Craft, J., Gordon C., Tiziani, A. (2011, p.
895) states that hypovolemia is a decrease in extracellular fluid volume and decrease
in blood volume. In addition, Buttaro, T., (2013, p. 982) implies that there is
approximately two (2) ... Show more content on ...
55). According to Wen Chih et al. (2010, p.11), ageing patients are susceptible to
blood loss since they have limited physiological replacement. Thus, considering
the age and the surgical procedure the patient is at high risk of hypovolemia. If the
loss of blood progresses and the body is unable to compensate, the patient will be
at risk for hypovolemic shock (D Angelo, M., Dutton, R., 2009, p. 279).
Hypovolemic shock means deficit in flowing blood causing to ineffectively filing
the intravascular space. Mamaril, M., Child, S., Sortman, S., 2007, p. 191.
Kolecki, P., Menckhoff, C. (2014) emphasizes that there are four (4) classification
of hypovolemic shock. Class 1 is when there is 0 15% of blood loss with only
slight change in heart rate. If the patient heart rate becomes more than 100 beats per
minute and they experience tachypnoea and has cool clammy skin, the patient is in
the class 2 of hypovolemic shock. Class 3 and 4 is when the patient will manifest
the severe sympathetic response of the body due to the inability of compensate with
the blood loss. Thus, considering the age and the surgical procedure the patient is at
high risk of hypovolemia or even the more severe
Women Are The Ones Who Handle Household Chores
Always women are the ones who handle the household chores
Household chores like doing the laundry, cleaning the utensils, taking care of
children and making food is always done by women. If both, husband and wife are
working, it is always the woman doing the domestic work. But this is not always
true. This is in fact a gender stereotype which has existed since many years. Maybe
not all men or fathers do household chores, but many do. According to Catherine
Rampell, a writer for The New York Times newspaper, on an average day, 66.6%
men and 85% women report doing some sort of household activity.
Almost everybody believe in this stereotype. Even if a man is sharing household work
with his spouse or any other female in the house, his image is presented as if he
does nothing. Even if he is contributing little, he is at least doing something, and
something is definitely better than nothing. No man s conscious would allow him
to see his wife or any female in the house do all the work in the house alone. Even if
a man is going out for groceries, it is not considered a household work by the
female, just because he did not contribute to do the work in the house. Women tend
to see the results instead of the work done to get those particular results. If men are
doing the dishes, it is considered nothing because they are just rinsing them and
putting them in the dish washer, which is an easy job. But it takes time to do it. Men
are using up their time, in which they relax, to do the
Franz Schubert Research Paper
Biography of Franz Schubert *No Works Cited Many prominent musicians produced
major works during the romantic period. Among these are Beethoven, Strause, and
Bach. But the musician that I think had the most impact, was Franz Schubert. Franz
Peter, born on 31 January 1797 was one of fourteen children born of Franz
Theodore Schubert and Elisabeth Vietz, four of which survived. He grew up in an
apartment that daily converted to a classroom in which his father taught several
elementary school classes. He received a thorough basic education; his father being a
good teacher, and son being a bright student. From his father Franz also learned to
play the violin, and from his... Show more content on ...
He was orderly and disciplined in his creative musical life and rather free spirited
in his social life, spending evenings in Vienna s numerous cafes. Never successful
in obtaining a steady position, he was largely supported by his wealthy male
friends, occasional funds from publishers, and such short term positions as a foray
to Hungary to teach the wealthy Esterhazy daughters. Schubert is music history s
first bohemian. Schubert lived the whole of his life in Vienna, a city much
overshadowed by Mozart, Beethoven, and Haydn. With the rise of a middle class
society, opera houses and concert halls were very much a part of everyday life.
Vienna, however, was also under great political stress during this period, constantly
at odds with France. When Schubert was an adolescent, Vienna was invaded and
occupied by Napoleon. Schubert lived in a climate both preoccupied by music,
occupied by French armies, and governed by oppressive political administrations. In
his music can be heard the cheerfulness of stoicism and the influence of the common
man being invited into the sphere of art music. A significant characteristic of
Schubert s life is the blending of his devotion to compose and his need for
socializing. His circle of friends, which included artists, poets, and musicians, would
often gather to hear the music of their composer friend, who they affectionately
nicknamed Schwammerl . These gatherings came to be known as Schubertiads . This
was the
Fingerprints Are Not The Same Techniques We Use Today
Fingerprints have been used for a very long time, as far back as 3,000 years ago in
China as identification. The use of ancient fingerprints are not the same techniques
we use today. In 1880, a man by the name of Henry Fauld, a Scottish physician
working in a hospital in Japan, published his own views on the potential application
of fingerprinting to personal identification (Saferstein, 2016, pg. 164). He suggested
that the skin patterns could be important for the identification of criminals. After
comparing different fingerprints, he began to realize that each print looked
remarkably different. Fauld believed that fingerprints could be used as evidence and
suggested the proposal to a fingerprinttesting center, but the offer was rejected. Years
later, the first prosecution fingerprints were used in the year 1905 in London
(Rotella, Abbott, Gold, 2001). Ever since then fingerprints have been a valuable part
of crime scene investigations and if present, it is almost guaranteed that the criminal
will fit the crime. It has been a successful technique that has proved more success
than any other piece of evidence.
When looking at two pairs of hands it is hard to notice anything different between the
two. However, there are remarkable differences between the individual s fingerprints.
Fingerprint analysts have formulated three basic principles of fingerprints that hold
the prints uniqueness, stability, and appropriateness as a mean of identification.
Before being able to
The Gettysburg Address
The Impact of the Gettysburg Address on the United States
The speech we now know as the Gettysburg Address was given to consecrate the
fallen soldiers in the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. It is known as one of the
most influential speeches ever and has been recognized in hindsight as pivotal in the
outcome of the war. Its brevity and poetry emphasized America s original dream, the
importance of equality, and the opportunity for a new birth of freedom, a message
which continues to be of relevance today.
The Gettysburg Address was powerful because each word was thought out and was
meaningful to Lincoln. It was on November 19, 1863, when Lincoln delivered the
speech after the battle of Gettysburg. The Battle of Gettysburg was the most
demoralizing battle of the Civil war between the Union and the Confederacy, with
over 50,000 casualties in just three days. Lincoln spoke at the ceremonies honoring
the brave Union soldiers after Edward Everett, a famous orator who spoke for two
hours. In contrast Lincoln captivated his crowd for just over two minutes with a
mere 272 words. He was concise and to the point while also poetic. Everett is
known to have sent Lincoln a letter after the ceremony that said; I should be glad, if
I could flatter myself that I came as near to the central idea of the occasion, in two
hours, as you did in two minutes. Lincoln repeated words that he wanted to
emphasize; we, dedicated, and nation. He stressed these words to make his message
Sport Gambling
Illegal in all but four states, sports wagering, or gambling, is an extremely lucrative
industry. Despite bringing in nearly $500 billion dollars, sport gambling has an
extremely negative effect on the perception and reliability of sport. There have been
several scandals and instances involving players and officials that were caused by
sport gambling. Congress passed the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act
of 1992 (PASPA) to prohibit states from licensing sport related gambling. PASPA
places this restriction on states and individuals. The difference between the person
and the state is the stipulation that the state cannot license gambling. PASPA included
a grandfather clause that omits Nevadafrom the restrictions of the act, a clause...
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One of those was that PASPA told the states what to do, and therefore hindered states
abilities to govern the sports gambling industry. The court said that PASPA only tells
states what they cannot do, and hence that argument is thrown out. The court
determined that PASPA was constitutional because gambling is a commercial
transaction that has an effect on interstate business, putting PASPA in position to
legally regulate sports gambling. The State also attempts to argue that fans will not
think negatively of the Leagues, but rather think negatively of the State for licensing
sport gambling. The State also argues that the Leagues do well and are unaffected by
the sports gambling that takes place in Nevada, and that some fans would not be fans
if they did not have the opportunity to win money through sport gambling. The State
also argues that the Leagues have contests in Canada and England where sport
gambling is
Illegal Narcotic Dealers From Mexico And The United States
Prior to September 11, 2001 security in the United States, physical, technical, have
not had any major changes, the changes that were done were subtle. The number one
threat were illegal narcotic dealers, which included international and national
violators. The US was fighting a war against cocaine dealers originating from
Mexico and other Spanish dominated countries. This war caused major threats to law
enforcement agencies across the country because these drug dealers were ruthless
and carried high powered weapons. This fight against these dealers prompted police
agencies to arm their officers with better weaponry. This armament of the police
was not a cheap transition for these state and local police agencies, so the
government had to step in with funding for new weapons and equipment. Another
problem the police faced were how to stop these dealers, during the early years the
police had to attempt to use wiretap techniques to record their conversations, there
were no cell phones and during the time when cell phones were used, there were
phones that were pre paid with a street name of a burner . The cell phone classified
as burners were used to conduct illegal transactions, then they were destroyed and
discarded, this made it difficult for the police to track. In addition to the drug dealers
there were the threat of the Mafia that were using illegal money to attempt to open
legitimate business. Thus the government had to combat these homegrown threats
and formed the RICO
Psychological Conditioning and Theories of Behavior
Introduction In the field of psychology, behaviorism was one of the theoretical ideas
that changed quite drastically during the 20th century. Behaviorism tried to diminish
the emphasis on the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind, instead putting
forward a new way to look at human behavior that is empirical (observed, quantified,
and measured). Ivan Pavlov, for instance, was researching the digestive systems of
dogs and led him to the discovery of classical condition, a way to modify behaviors
using conditioned responses. Pavlov s views intrigued American John Watson, who
pushed the idea forward in up through the 1950s. Building on these theories, but
amending the model with the effects of punishment and reward, B.F. Skinner s work
had a revolutionary effect on behaviorism, now called operant conditioning(Shiraev,
2010, pp. 246 54).
Learning Theory Some say a logical reaction to Darwinism and the theory of natural
selection, some say the logical offshoot of 19th century social science, learning theory
became extremely importantly by the end of the 19th and beginning of the early 20th
centuries. One of the central aspects of the continual debate on learning theory is the
difference between empirical and theoretical learning. Empirical learning is a process
that compares items (objects) and finds observable characteristics and similarities.
Theoretical learning holds that the individual is supplied with environmental stimuli
(instruction, for instance) and a set of
Theory of the Origin of Life being Underwater
Theory of the Origin of Life being Underwater Hydrothermal Vents
According to the Bible, God created the first man, Adam, from the soil and the first
woman, Eve, from Adam s rib. These events happened in the Garden of Eden almost
six thousand years ago. That is one of the many beliefs of how carbon based life
forms, otherwise referred to as living organisms, came to exist on Earth. Since the
beginning of man s reign on earth he has tried to explain his origins. He has used
various religions and myths of being created by some higher power and he has
looked toward the stars and planets thinking that perhaps life came to earth by way
of space ship or meteorite. Even in today s world of high technology we have yet to
answer that age old ... Show more content on ...
Because of the water pressure the high temperature was not as dangerous to the
animal life as it would have been on the surface. Many of the hydrothermal vent
animals consist of entire groupings of animals that only exist at the vents. The fauna
is endemic at high taxonomic levels, including a class, an order, five super families,
eight families, and numerous genera. The distinctiveness shows a period of long
evolution and many show origins from the Mesozoic or earlier. It has been
determined that these creatures are living off of microbes that come from the interior
of the earth. These microbes convert carbon dioxide, water, and nitrate into a usable
organic food source in much the same way a plant uses photosynthesis to convert
elements into its food source (Humphris 1995). The creatures acquire their oxygen
source from iron oxides and sulfates, which consist of weakly bound oxygen and
other elements (Gold 1999). Many scientists now believe that life could have
developed around these vents where photosynthesis does not supply the energy
source. On the bottom of the ocean the first organisms would have been protected
from extreme radiation from the sun and space and would have survived any
organism sterilizing events such as crashing meteorites. In order for life to have begun
Domestic Inequalities in The USA and Denmark Essay
Societies and their governments have developed different policy approaches to
addressing domestic inequality. Compare and contrast two different countries and
evaluate the effectiveness of their key policy measures in addressing inequality.
It is a commonly accepted that inequality is increasing throughout the globe, with
startling statistics such as the recent Oxfam report indicating that the richest 85
people in the world own more wealth than the poorest 3.5 billion people(Oxfam
Australia Media, 2014). Inequality is thought of as disparities or gaps, such as the
distance between a low income and a high income household, or the ratio of their
incomes (Divided We Stand, 2011). Domestic inequality refers to inequality within a
country and ... Show more content on ...
Wealth and assets refer to the stock of an individual or household, inequality if often
generated from inherited wealth. Physical environment affects inequality through
access and availability to natural resources, raw materials and the natural climatic
factors that may enhance or disadvantage, leading to inequality.
Although different societies have varying perceptions of what is an acceptable level
of equity, it is generally accepted that inequality has an impact on key social
determinants such as health, wellbeing, political trust and violence. Wilkinson and
Pickett (2009) highlight the social costs of inequality on a whole range of aspects of
our lives. Wilkinson and Pickett (2009) argue that if inequality were reduced, there
would be significant reductions in mental illness, murder rates, imprisonment and an
improvement in social mobility (Wilkinson and Pickett, 2009).
Image: Index of health and social factors life expectancy; maths and literacy; infant
mortality; homicides; imprisonment; teenage births; trust; obesity; mental illness,
including drug and alcohol addiction; and social mobility relative to income
inequality. (Wilkinson and Pickett, 2009).
Domestic inequality is most commonly measured using the Gini coefficient that
varies between 1 and 0. A coefficient of 1 implies inequality is
The Effects Of Fungal Diseases
diseases in addition to physiological disorder. However, fungal diseases, especially
rust is considered one of the major destructive diseases affecting the crop yield
(Hagedron, 1984 and Kraft, and Pfleger, 2001), especially in the north and middle
parts of the Delta in Egypt and several countries in the world (Abada et al., 1997;
Gupta and Shayam, 1998 and Parilli et al., 2015).
The fungus Uromyces pisi is a heteroecious rust pathogen, completing its life cycle
on two host plant species. The sexual stages are completed on Euphorbia cyparissias
(cypress spurge), while the asexual lifecycle stages are completed on leguminous
crop hosts such as Lathyrus, Orobus, Pisum and Vicia spp. E. cyparissias is an erect,
branching, rhizomatous ... Show more content on ...
The nectar contains fungal gametes (spermatia) that are transferred by nectar feeding
insects (including bees and ants) from one fungal mating type to another. Once
fertilization has occurred, aeciospores are released which infect leguminous host
plants including field peas.
Managing plant diseases with fungicides sometimes gives good results. However,
improper use of fungicides leads mostly to environmental pollution, disasters
throughout the world and the phenomena of resistance to the causal pathogens
(Brewer and Larkin, 2005). Therefore, to overcome these difficulties, it is urgent to
apply alternative safe efficient methods against such disease or at least rationalization
their application.
Biological control is considered an important approach of agricultural biotechnology
in recent years for controlling many fungal plant pathogens. Both Bacillus and
Trichoderma spp. are the most promising and effective bioagents against
various plant pathogenic fungi (Deshmukh et al., 2010; Barakat et al., 2014 and
Ragab et al., 2015). Trichoderma as antagonist is much more complex, that is nutrient
competition, hyperparasitism, antibiosis, space and cell wall degrading enzymes
(Abd El Khair et al., 2010 and Junid et al., 2013).
It was also found that there is a large variety of volatile secondary metabolites
produced by Trichoderma spp. such as ethylene, carbon dioxide, hydrogen cyanide,
aldehydes and ketones which play an important role in controlling many plant
Argumentative Essay On Confederate Flag
The Confederate flag has been around since 1861, as a symbol of endless war, and
detestation towards African Americans. Today, 154 years later, some states still
incorporate the confederate flag into their state flags. The Confederate flag does
not show progression in history, rather it is offensive to many groups and should
be put to rest, because it does not promote unity in America. The Confederate flag
holds America back and keeps our country stuck in the past. Today the Confederate
Flag is still incorporated into five state flags. Those states are, Alabama, Arkansas,
Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi. The Confederate flag is still currently flying over
South Carolina s capital, Columbia, because of a state law. This law is known as
The South Carolina Heritage Act of 2000. Section 1 10 30 of The South Carolina
Heritage Act of 2000 states, The Infantry Battle Flag of the Confederate Army of
Northern Virginia (Confederate Battle Flag) displayed on the Confederate Soldiers
Monument on the State House grounds, and any monument, marker, memorial,
school, or street erected... Show more content on ...
Governor Folsom also said, This has been a divisive issue in our state, and I
believe it is time we put it behind us and move our state forward (New York Times,
7). However the Confederate Flag was originally created in 1861 during the First
Battle of Manassas. Confederate soldiers had trouble distinguishing which troops
were carrying the American flag and which were hoisting what was then the flag of
the rebellious Southern states. In order to resolve this problem the Confederate Flag
was created, to avoid this confusion. During the Civil War, the Confederate Flag
stood for war, conflict, and southern pride. Today one in ten Americans have a
positive reaction when they see the Confederate flag displayed (Pew Research Center,
Ucoat It Case Study
At UCoat It, we believe that you shouldn t have to choose between high
performance floors and beautiful ones. Our floor coating systems are true,
commercial grade coatings formulated for industrial, commercial and residential use
that come in a variety of systems and colors specifically designed for you to get that
personalized looking floor. One of the many benefits of choosing UCoat It floor
coating systems is the unique ability for customization. We offer plenty of different
options to suit all of your needs. With UCoat It floor coating systems, you can truly
have a one of a kind floor that adds protection, professionalism, and personality.
All of our floor coating systems come in a variety of colors including the recently
introduced: Midnight Blue, Explorer Blue, and Latte colors available in our UCoat It
system. The exact color options depend upon the system but all systems offer a wide
range of choices for personalization.
Highlight pictures of our most popular colors OR showcase all the systems with their
color choices
UFlek Flakes
In addition to our variety of base color options, our UFlek flakes are a popular way to
add additional decorative qualities to your floor. Available in 12 standard blends, 42
colors, 4 metallic, and glow in the dark, ... Show more content on ...
Available in 9 solid colors, 9 pre mixed 1:1 with white options, and 4 color blends,
URock creates a very textured surface that helps to create an anti slip surface, ideal
for those floor areas that come in contact with bare feet and/or your pet s paws. These
easily hand dispensable granules can be applied as light or as heavy as you desire
during the bond coat application process. All that is needed for the finishing touch
is either UGloss, UGloss AF or UGlaze as a top coat to seal and provide additional
Who Is The Manipulation Of Power In The Book 1984 By...
In the book, 1984, written by George Orwell, tells his story of the dictatorial party of
Airstrip One, That tries to maintain their everlasting power by the manipulation and
mind control of personal thought, individuality, opinion, and the whole timeline of
history itself. With these set goals they have brainwashed the penniless population of
Oceania into believing that their lives revolve around Big Brother and they are
taught to love and surrender everything to him. Big Brother and the party have
discovered a way to manipulate the people s language and opinions by the language
of, Newspeak, with this, the party was able to destroy the forbidden words that
creates one s mind to develop personal thought and feelings. In the book, Syme,
Winston s acquaintance talks about the manipulation of language, [...] the whole aim
of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? [...] we shall make thoughtcrime
literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it (Orwell
68). The Party and Big Brother have used Newspeak to their advantage to eliminate
any possibility of revolt against them. Another way The Party had manipulated people
is through technology. They had annihilated the discovery of science and even the ...
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This is because with the elimination of all the possibilities of being able to search
and confirm something yourself would not exist. Your only knowledge of what is
wrong and what is right would be everything that is told or shown to you. If this
was our society today, there would be a strong likelihood of the Big Brother
situation happening to ourselves. With our society being so immersed in the social
media world we practically believe majority of the news we see online. But, in
reality the articles and information we see are most of the time biased or tweaked to
the point where we see what we want to hear and not the actual
Care and Treatment for the Mentally Ill
Care and treatment for the mentally ill is administered differently by modern
standards compared to those of the nineteenth century. Reasonably, the medications
and understanding of the mind were not as advanced resulting, therefore, in a
simple diagnoses for a much more complicated ailment. Despite some of the major
differences between today and then, there is a consistent appreciation for
examining the connection between patients and art. The value of this examination
is even more beneficial when the patient is a trained artist like Richard Dadd.
Richard Dadd (1817 1886) is known and recognized not only for his artistic
contributions, but also because of the circumstances under which many of his
works were created. As a trained artist, he was admitted to the Royal Academy at
the age of twenty. His recognized talent led him to his association with Sir Thomas
Phillips, whom he accompanied in 1842 on a trip traveling through Europe and the
Middle East. It was during the end of this trip, and upon his return home, that Dadd
began experiencing his mental disturbances that led to the murder of his father.
Without a trial, Dadd was classified as insane and placed in the care of Bethlem
Hospital. Dadd spent the reminder of his life in hospital care until his death in 1886.
During his hospitalized years Dadd, with the encouragement and allowance of his
doctors, continued to create works of art from his sketches and memory. The mental
illnessthat inflicted Richard Dadd did not
A Normal Distribution Based On The Shapiro Wilk Test
3. RESULTS All data demonstrated a normal distribution based on the Shapiro
Wilk test for normality; therefore, no further transformation was required. Mean
ages (SDs) of the participants were 24 (3.7) years in the PA group and 23.6 (2.3)
years in the placebo group. Baseline characteristics between the groups were
similar for all variables (P 0.05) (Table 1). A total of 44 enrolled participants
completed the follow up (Figure 1). Participants denied any adverse and/or side
effects during the follow up periods. A mixed effect model of repeated measure
analysis showed no significant between group differences for HR (Figure 2) and
DBP (Figure 4). On the contrary, the averaged total HR, regardless of the groups,
showed a statistically significant change over time (p value=0.0043 in Table 2).
The overall group by time interaction for the mixed model was statistically
significant only for SBP (p value=0.0105) in that PA group had significantly
reduced SBP while the placebo group had increased SBP during intervention. The
95% CI of the change in SBP (1.65 to 4.25 mmHg) exceeded the minimal detectable
change (MDC) of 4.16 mmHg (Yung et al 2014) for some individuals. The post hoc
analysis revealed that the changed SBP during intervention was significantly
different between the PA and the PA P group (p value=0.003 in Figure 3). The
between group differences were no longer significant at post follow up. Males had
statistically higher SBP than females overall (p value=0.0027 in Table
The Importance Of The Film Inception
Planning and shooting play key roles in creating a work of art through film that has
meaning and can provoke emotions in an audience. Cinematography encompasses
these tasks and other factors that contribute to a film s production, ranging from
styling variables like color and contrast to the types of camera lenses used to camera
positions used while filming. While a director or producer has the primary voice in
determining what a filmwill consist of, the cinematographerdoes more than any other
person working on the film to mold a director s vision into reality. These individuals
have the crucial task of creating and framing every visual that will appear in a movie.
There are few cinematographers who do this in as compelling of a way as the
cinematographer for the film Inception, Wally Pfister. Pfister has worked on many
notable films and has been nominated for several awards, but he won his Academy
Award for Best Cinematography for the 2010 film.
Despite the controversy and debate that surround the film, one can easily see the
merits of the film s cinematography that earned Inception the Oscar. The film
contains visual elements that leave the audience in awe, as it takes the viewer into
a dream world that has not been explored by many other big motion pictures. The
dream sequences we observe are in every way larger than life, yet the
cinematography makes them also seem tangible to the viewer. In the scene of the
dream sequence that takes place in Paris, Cobb (Leonardo
Essay on The Woman Warrior, by Maxine Hong Kingston
The theme of voiceless woman throughout the book the woman warrior is of great
importance. Maxine Kingston narrates several stories in which gives clear examples
on how woman in her family are diminished and silenced by Chinese culture. The
author not only provides a voice for herself but also for other women in her family
and in her community that did not had the opportunity to speak out and tell their
The author starts the book with the story of her aunt. This story was a well kept
family secret being that her aunt s actions were of great disappointment to the family.
The no name woman as the story names her, was forgotten by all her family because
she had a child that was not from her husband. This story gives a clear ... Show more
content on ...
After so many years of being subjected by other people, she finally took her life into
her own hands and made an attempt to be happy.
According to the book, this woman gave birth to a baby which was a symbol of
embarrassment and humiliation not only for the villagers but for all the family.
Even though this baby did not have any notion of what was going on, she was still
a victim of Chinese norms. This baby also became forgotten being that she was not
given the opportunity to be alive. Kingston s aunt decision of killing the baby, had
to do greatly with the fact that she was girl. As the book states it was probably a
girl; there is some hope for forgiveness for boys . Without any doubt, if the baby
was given the opportunity to live she would have been mistreated and condemned all
her life. She would not have had the opportunity to developed her own identity or
raise her own voice .
Additionally, another example that implies that Kingston aunt had no voice is when
the author states, The work of preservation demands that the feelings playing about
in one s guts not to be turned into action. Just watch their passing like cherry
blossoms (Kingston 8). This sentence can be interpreted that a women s feelings
and wishes were not allowed to be turned into reality or to be expressed. On the
contrary, their feelings and wishes were only allowed to be kept to their selves as if
Alienation In The Misanthrope
According to Florencia, the play The Misanthrope is very contemporary because the
story revolves around the feeling of rejection towards society and almost everything
that surrounds it. Also, she added the subsequent isolation that a person feels. It
happens all the time. People tend to hate the people around them yet, they can t stand
that deep loneliness they find. People will have different perceptions why they would
experience such situation. Some would believe that they are indeed cursed or have
been hit by karma and then kind of give up, accepting that miserable existence. They
might accept it until they find that special someone that dislikes that side of the
world, too. That What! You too? I thought that no one but myself... moment. Or they
die alone, whatever comes first. No matter the time or place, some people feel like
outcasts, and that brings the issue of alienation. Other people would start to look at
them like the personification of abnormality. Like human beings that just hate
humanity for the hell of it. Like misanthropes.
Moreover, Florencia said that the book was an insightful play about the essence of
human nature, our virtues and flaws. MoliГЁre brilliantly portrayed the hypocrisy of
its time through Alceste, the protagonist. A man with a profound existential conflict...
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If you are an honest, decent person it s very difficult not to be a misanthrope. He said
misanthropy was not his choice, it was a simple, natural response to the way most
people are, or at least seem to be. The author have seen and experienced too much
selfishness, egotism, narcissism, megalomania, phoniness, duplicity, nastiness and
just pure downright evil in people for them to be even remotely likeable. And he don
t use the term evil in the religious sense, but as an accurate descriptor of the malice
which seems to reside within a great many
Pet Overpopulation Is A Serious Problem
Did you know about 25 million puppies and kittens are born into the United States
each year? That s more than 50,000 born each day in this country alone. Twenty
five million pets produce yearly greatly exceeds the amount of willing families to
take care of these animals that are born into the world. Even though, these massive
amount of litters may in fact be completely healthy there is just not a sufficient
enough of homes for this animals to be place in. statically reported by the humane
society of the united states in October 2011 6 to 8 million animals who have no
place to call their home are put into animal shelters. Unfortunately, due to the
excessive surplus of these animals about half which is 3 to 4 million only make it
out alive. The other half left to be euthanize by the shelter to make room for the new
incoming animals. This turns out to be one animal euthanize every 8 sec. Pet
overpopulation has been a serious problem throughout the nation for many years. The
on ongoing cycle of bring unwanted litters of pets into the world makes it extremely
difficult to reduce the amount of animals being euthanize across the nation each and
every day. It s important for people to understand the need to spay and neuter their
family s pets and all pets in general, all though people don t understand that need its
extremely important to take into account that these thousands of wanted any
unneeded animals being born into the world each day will statically end up homeless,
place in
Britain s The European Union
Britain took a giant leap of faith when they decided to leave the European Union.
Some might look at this decision being unprecedented as a good thing; but that s
exactly why it s a bad thing. Britain needs the EU to survive, the same way that the
EU needs Britain to thrive the way they do. The British exit from the European Union
, or Brexit in short, is the name for the recently passed referendum involving the
UK s decision to part ways with the European Union. The vote took place on June
23, 2016 and passed. The decision to leave the European Union won by 52% to
48%. The vote was very close which raises an ample amount of concern. Contrary
to what those 52% of voters believe, the decision to leave the EU was bad in many
ways. Brexit now has the potential to yield devastating outcomes on the UK and
every nation attached to them. One great concern following Brexit is whether or not
Erasmus will remain intact. Erasmus stands for European Community Action Scheme
for the Mobility of University Students. Erasmus is essentially a higher education
and exchange program that gives access to students in universities from 33 different
countries. According to Ed Vulliamy of The Observer, since the program was
launched in 1987, more than two million young people have benefitted from EU
funded grants to study in 27 countries (Vulliamy). The Erasmus program clearly has
a multitude of benefits to UK students, and it is safe to say that nobody opposes it. It
impacts the lives of

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Violence In Video Games Essay

  • 1. Violence In Video Games Essay Writing an essay on the topic of violence in video games is a challenging task that requires careful consideration of various perspectives and the ability to navigate a complex and controversial subject. The difficulty arises from the multifaceted nature of the topic, involving psychological, social, and cultural aspects. Firstly, delving into the psychological impact of violent video games on individuals requires a nuanced understanding of human behavior and the potential influence of virtual experiences on real-world actions. This necessitates extensive research into psychology, cognitive science, and related fields to form a well-rounded argument. Secondly, addressing the social dimension involves examining the broader impact of violent video games on society. This requires an exploration of how these games may contribute to desensitization, aggression, or other behavioral changes in individuals, as well as considering societal attitudes and norms surrounding gaming. Furthermore, delving into the cultural aspects of the issue involves analyzing how video games are perceived and integrated into different cultures. This necessitates an understanding of the evolution of gaming culture, the role of video games in entertainment, and how societal attitudes towards violence in media have evolved over time. Complicating matters further is the ongoing debate among scholars, researchers, and the general public about the causal relationship between playing violent video games and real-world aggression. This requires critically evaluating and synthesizing a multitude of studies, theories, and empirical evidence. In summary, crafting an essay on the topic of violence in video games demands a thorough examination of psychological, social, and cultural dimensions, as well as the ability to critically analyze conflicting perspectives. It involves synthesizing a vast array of information and presenting a well-structured argument that is supported by credible sources. Despite the difficulty, approaching the topic with an open mind and a commitment to thorough research can lead to a comprehensive and insightful exploration of this complex issue. For those who find themselves in need of assistance, it's worth noting that offers a range of services where similar essays and much more can be ordered, providing support for individuals navigating the challenges of academic writing. Violence In Video Games EssayViolence In Video Games Essay
  • 2. Technological Advancements The purpose of this article is to give information about the increasing developments on warfare technology. It explains the potential gains and setbacks to these inventions and the effects it could have on both sides of a battle. In Paul Marks article Armchair Warlords and Robot Hordes , he provides facts on the developed technologies and the viewpoints towards the overall idea. Marks main topic is based around the U.S Department of Defense and its plan to replace warvehicles and weapons with robotized technologywithin the next few years. Paul Marks provides the reader with information on what technologies are planned and already created. He explains the purpose of these highly developed robots and where the military plans to put them... Show more content on ... Radar became an important tool in militaries around the world. It also prompted the United States to invest in research and development for new ways to confound radar. The result was stealth aircraft technology is one of Strickland s prime examples (Strickland 1). He used this example to provide explanation on how these technologies evolve. Another everyday used technology that Strickland uses in his article is the internet In a way, the Internet itself began as a military project. Beginning in the 1960s, the U.S. Department of Defense funded a project called ARPANET...This would allow people to share information with each other at unprecedented speeds (2). The worldwide phenomenon, the space race, is another one of Strickland s examples. The space race was a symbolic conflict between both countries and put pressure on the scientists and engineers developing the systems and vehicles necessary to put men and women into space. Some of this technology later evolved into other forms, and was eventually adapted to serve civilian purposes states Strickland (2). Jonathan Strickland explains how many warfare technologies manage their way into everyday appliances and throughout the article, he provides several examples to support his
  • 3. Rhetorical Analysis Of Super Size Me Choosing a topic for this paper brought great difficulty. However, with a brief comparison of the options it soon became clear what the topic was going to be: Parks and Rec. Parks and Rec takes place in a small, fictional town in Indiana called Pawnee. The show is about a government employee named Leslie Knope, who aspires to become the first female president of the United States of America one day. Along her journey, Leslie encounters many obstacles that prevent her from progressing through governmental hierarchy. Nevertheless, she continues to pursue her goals. Her main objective is to turn an impoverished lot into an angelic park. She strives to accomplish her goal with the help of Ann Perkins, who happens to be Leslie s best friend. Throughout the show, Leslie s most significant setback is backlash from the community as well as bureaucratic red tape; however, there is nothing that is going to stop Leslie Knope from accomplishing her goal.... Show more content on ... Using this phenomenon, various types of media can promote change. Media does this by informing the general populace about a given dilemma, and by doing so their intent is people will realize the issue and attempt to rectify it. For example, the film Super Size Me, directed by Morgan Spurlock, discusses the issues with fast food chains, especially McDonalds. In the film, Spurlock eats McDonalds food every meal for an entire month to showcase the drastic ramifications fast food has on our physical health. Spurlock gained approximately 24 pounds and endured a few other side effects. Because of the film, McDonalds replaced the super size with a healthier option compared to the normal food. Based on the events of the film, it is clear to see how a single piece of media can promote change within a
  • 4. Gibson Guitar Case Study GIBSON GUITARS CASE STUDY CONTENTS 1.Summary2 2.Plan the Negotiation2 2.1.Music Store Overview and the existing Relation with Gibson2 2.2.The Lead Negotiator3 2.3.Identify and Prioritize objectives3 3.Defining the negotiation strategy5 3.1.The ocean approach7 4. Conclusion8 5.Bibliography8 1.SUMMARY The present report intends to briefly describe a negotiation strategy in order to successfully build a global partnership between the world famous guitar manufacture Gibson and one of the major European retailers in the business Music Store, a company based in Cologne, Germany. The report will focus on the power of the knowledge and preparation of possible case scenarios in order to perceive successfully ... Show more content on ... Cologne Guitar Town Sponsored by The Gibson Foundation, Guitar Town is a famous event where a town is filled with huge guitar sculptures replicas of Gibson most famous models. The event also includes special concerts, workshops, lectures and get together with guitar legends. So far, this event only once came to Europe, was in London 2007. After the exhibition of the guitars, they enter in an auction and the money generated is given to social causes. Gibson wishes to do such a program in Cologne. The need to enter and gain customer proximity in the European market makes this an excellent choice and so, Gibson is seeking a partnership with Music Store in order to bring the event to Cologne. Also, is important to state that joining both brands in such invent is a way to Gibson generates a strategic position near a major retailer in Europe. Special Productions As previous stated, although Music Store has in its catalogue several products from Gibson, truth is, Gibson isn t in the best sellers list. The main reason identified for that is probably the premium position that Gibson has. Their Guitars are priced above
  • 5. the regular and most sold guitars in the store. In order to invert this tendency, it may be possible to create a special line just for Europe and have the launching fully dedicated to Music Store for a pre determined set of time. This way it could be price controlled, targeting an European Market that is investing less in premium
  • 6. The Different Stakeholders Of Zara Private Organization The different stakeholders that affect ZARA are the owners, employees, customer, suppliers, government and the investors. All these stakeholders play a big role in the business. Without them, ZARA will not be as successful as it is right now. Zara s first stakeholder is the owners. Owners of the shop plays the biggest role in the company. They are the ones who started Zara and are the people behind the success of the business. The owners are the principal strategist and planner. They are the ones who understand the business so well and they started up capital to get established and grow their products and services. They also comply with federal and business licensing laws. From forming a limited liability company to creating legal contracts, they know basics of the law and have access to an attorney if legal problems with customers or employees arise.... Show more content on ... They are giving a big help to Zara to have customers by working hard to make their relationship with the customer even better. Zara s employees would innovative and coming up with new ideas for the company. Zara is known for setting trends into global fashion industry, so the designers/employees need to get more unique and different sort of ideas. They are also giving all their best to provide them a good customer service. Third are the customers, they are the ones who buy and support the products of Zara. There are different types of customers of Zara. There are bulk buyers, loyal customers, need based customers and wandering customers but these types doesn t matter for Zara because they are still the same. They give the company ideas and strategies on how to improve the products and the interior of the shop by taking their suggestions and recommendations for the shop to achieve its goals and
  • 7. Kant s Philosophy Kant opens with discussion of how philosophy contains three sciences; logic, ethics, and physics. Throughout the entire section of reading, I found myself to be struggling quite a lot (which is not such a surprise since we were told in advance that Kant can be very difficult to comprehend). I found myself slightly understanding aspects only to be thrown off just a little later and somehow end up lost by the end. However, there was a part that I found to be very interesting (that I could actually understand)! This was when he discusses specialization; how one person cannot do everything, but rather each person specializes in one aspect of the whole and works to make that part perfect. My question then is if this could be related to the
  • 8. My Metaacognition Is The Weakest Mode Of Metacognition Metacognition is a deeper level of thinking that includes your ability to think about your thinking; how you understand, adapt, change, control, and use your thought processes (Linde). This cognitive function has shaped the way I learned and allowed me to evaluate the best ways to learn. My comprehension and memorization skills are my most relevant modes of metacognition. These skills have always led me to a successful outcome. When I listen to lectures, I am not only able to remember what was discussed but comprehend the concepts behind them. My weakest mode of metacognition is my ability to follow through with planning. I have a part time job and I have to plan around it so I can get my work done. I often disregard my weekly outline and I m
  • 9. Renaissance Man Thesis I can t believe how much time has gone by. This was my first thought when I looked at the clock on my laptop screen. I had done it again. I was researching a topic we had discussed that day in history, and I got side tracked. Instead of just reading what needed to be read, I dug even deeper into the subject, reading article after article on The Renaissance. Why did I have to be so fascinated with The Renaissance? I asked myself. I could have this entire assignment done by now. I looked down at the worksheet, and I had only done half of it. I laughed at this because I knew all the answers. Well, I guess all that researching was worth it. I completed the assignment in ten minutes but I didn t stop there. I watched documentaries on The Renaissance... Show more content on ... He is known as The Renaissance Man because he was a jack of all trades, including artist and scientist. He is the first person who accurately depicted and documented human anatomy. His medical journals became the basis for what we know commonly today as Gray s Anatomy. Without his curiosity of the human body, we might not have the same knowledge as we do today. History shapes every subject we take in school, not only science. We have art and music history, the history of language, psychology, as well as others, and of course, the history of history itself. In conclusion, my love for European history engulfs me. I love reading about it and watching documentaries about it. I have my own collection of books on it that I bought to further my learning and education of it. It has also influenced my career path because I m considering a major in history. I am thankful for my love of history because I have learned so much about other cultures, societies, and even civilizations. History enriches our lives and expands our minds and our experiences, both real and vicarious. Knowing the past and embracing it will, hopefully, point us to a bright
  • 10. Urinary Tract Infection Research Paper Urinary Tract Infection and Unprotected Sex Bonni M Villarreal Brookline College Abstract Urinary tract infections are not generally considered as a sexually transmitted infection, however is it possible to contract the infection from unprotected sex? It is safe to assume that any bacteria present in the genital tract or area during unprotected sex could be transmitted to another person who comes in contact with that area during sexual intercourse. The question is does that bacteria spread and cause infection in the other person? It is always a smart idea for a person to protect his or herself by using a condom every time he or she has sex to eliminate or reduce the chance of contracting any sexually transmitted infection. ... Show more content on ... Usually the infection is treated with antibiotics, with no further complications. However, it is possible for the infection to spread to the ureters, and or kidneys, causing a kidney infection and causing serious complications. Early detection and diagnosis of a urinary tract infection is key to a good prognosis and recovery, and practicing safe sex can reduce the chance of reoccurrence (Rodriguez, Diane Everyday Health, 2016.) Finally, Urinary tract infections are not generally considered as a sexually transmitted infection, however it is possible to contract bacteria that causes the infection from unprotected sex. It is safe to assume that any bacteria present in the genital tract or area during unprotected sex could be transmitted to another person who comes in contact with that area during sexual intercourse. That bacteria can spread and cause infection to the other person. It is always a smart idea for a person to protect his or herself by using a condom every time he or she has sex to eliminate or reduce the chance of contracting any sexually transmitted
  • 11. Narcissistic Personality Disorder Research Paper Narcissistic Personality Disorder Research Paper By Jonathan Ilunga Sonoma State University Abstract This paper will aim to define narcissistic personality disorder as a whole. The document will cover the topics of symptoms, prevalence, and contributing factor. In addition to covering the general description of the disorder the paper will present a case study to provide a clearer image of the parameters of NPD. 2 scientific studies will be presented in order to offer empirical data regarding NPD and to add knowledge recently acquired through experimentation. Narcissistic Personality Disorder Research Pa In Greek mythology Narcissus was a handsome young hunter who was so captivated by his own reflection in a pool of ... Show more content on ... These include limited reparenting(which centers in spotlighting and helping cope with issues during early development that may have led to mental problems), imagery, flashcards(in order for treatment to be maintained outside of the office), chair work, and a diary. These separate forms of psychotherapy are used together to promote empathy, introspection, and healthy coping methods in patients with NPD.( Young p.177) Case Study: H A prime poster boy for narcissistic personality disorder subject H was a middle aged Iranian man in the midst of drug rehabilitation. It is common for people with NPD to become dependent on substances due to their necessity to cope with inadequacy.(Donaldson Pressman, The Narcissistic Family 1994) Like many people with NPD he was very handsome and held a demanding presence.(DSM) H s symptoms were first noticed by his therapist during a group talk session. H was noted to recount stories of vicious spousal abuse (throwing his ex wife out of a moving car in rage) and robberies he committed against family members at gunpoint, with a sense of pride and content. H s therapist decided to see how he interacted with his parents in order to develop a better diagnosis. His therapist Stras describes the session: For two hours tonight, he sits in between his parents with his arms spread out and draped behind their backs. He holds the tops of each of their heads and they nod and blankly drone on about what a wonder and a gift
  • 12. Character Analysis Of Charlotte Douglas Surprisingly, I found myself liking Charlotte Douglas from Didion s novel more than any of the other characters that we have read so far. Grace s initial analysis of Charlotte as someone who merely dreams their life left me with the impression that she was not going to be a character I would relate to or even remotely identify with. As the book went on, Charlotte grew on me more and more. I loved how mysterious behaviors such as her frequent visits to the airport were explained early on in the book as a mere vehicle for socialization, masquerading, and entertainment, leaving the readerto view her with a certain degree of disdain. Later in the book, the reader begins to realize that Charlotte is possibly using the airport as a means of... Show more content on ... Churchgoing Christian men are convinced they are on a moral crusade to violently put an end to the convent in Ruby only through a series of misunderstandings that lead them to believe that mass abortions and witchcraft are occurring in the confines of their town. Even though readers will not often particularly like many characters in the novels they read, insights can absolutely be gained from them. The differing styles in approaching perspectives in their storytelling between Didion and the combination of Boyle and Morrison have significant effects on each of their stories. Didion chooses to provide her story through the use of a singular narrator, while Boyle and Morrison choose to offer multiple perspectives. At no point did I feel like my involvement in A Book of Common Prayer was affected negatively by the use of a singular narrator. By only introducing the reader to Grace s point of view, the reader is able to fully immerse themselves in the allure of Charlotte Douglas s character and Grace s fascination with her. The reader is able to see their own opinion of Charlotte change just as Grace s does when she is provided with new information about her character. Had Didion s novel been from multiple perspectives, it likely would have been a vastly more political novel, with the tensions of Marin, Antonio, Gerardo, and Victor s characters being highlighted. The singular perspective of A Book of Common Prayer allows for more impetus to be put
  • 13. Native American Racism Native American racism has long been going on in the United States and is still prevalent to this day. The actions on the part of the people and government of the United States against the Native Americans has had a lasting effect on Native Americans. From the beginnings of the the United States, the U.S. government has pushed Native Americans off of their land to make way for white settlers and manifest destiny. The reservations that Native Americans were pushed onto have some of the lowest living conditions in the country and have high rates of poverty and unemployment. Over a span of just under one hundred years, the U.S. government pushed many Native American children into boarding schools and assimilation programs. These assimilation programs effectively slowed down the passing down of generational customs because the children were forced to adopt the new customs that the government wanted them to adopt. Children s books commonly have stereotypes against Native Americans that warp young children s perceptions of that particular group of people. Many sports teams across the country have Native American mascots and team names. These mascots are insensitive and contain offensive stereotypes that hurt people s perceptions of Native Americans. For some, these are the only examples of Native Americans that they ever see, further damaging their outlook on Native American perspectives. It is important for the citizens of the United Statesto learn about Native American history
  • 14. Invasive Species Essay My aquatic invasive species is the water chestnut. Though it is not too common in Indiana waters, it is on the invasive species list, due to the prediction that it will quickly become a threat. It is an aquatic plant native to Eurasia. Currently, it is naturalized in North America and Australia. The states that it is most common in Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, and others on the eastern coast. The water chestnut or the Trapas Natan is a rosette of floating leaves usually rooted in mud near small marshes, lakes, and nutrient rich river banks. Its stem can grow up to 15 feet long, and allows movement in mucky substances. It has small white flower with four petals. The water chestnut plantproduces a small, nut like fruitabout an inch wide. Each individual rosette can produce up to 25 seeds, leading to extremely quick growth. The water chestnut was introduced to the area by University botanists that were studying the plant. And due to the quick... Show more content on ... Other less successful attempts include using biological insects to control the population and large scale harvesting. Both of these failed due to the water chestnut replacing itself at an exponential rate. And as the seeds are carried by wind and water, they make their way to new areas, where they are established within a few days, there is no true method developed to stop the growth of water chestnuts. My terrestrial invasive species is the mute swan. Other swan species like the trumpeter swan and tundra swan are protected under the Migratory Bird Species Act, the mute swan is exotic and was removed from the protected list. However, Indiana has a law against owning or killing a mute swan, so they are becoming a problem in our area. The mute swan is native to Europe and Asia, but is now acclimated to the Midwest and the Eastern Coast of the United States, where the population
  • 15. Essay Disadvantages Of Deficit Spending Deficit spending is defined as government spending, in excess of revenue, of funds raised by borrowing rather than from taxation . Government deficit is the foundation of our economical system. Deficit spending is the process of spending more money than you have coming in. Government purchases make up the next largest category and this contains items that the government pays for to continue to operate plus the value of the goods and services put out by the government. It does not however include government payments such as welfare or social security. There are many advantages in deficit spending; one for example is increase growth within the economy. When the government spend excessively then it creates affordable supply and demand for the country. This creates long term jobs and adds to the workforce. Money flowing through the country overall impacts the country to increase more revenue. Another positive role that deficit spending can have is that it creates control within the country.... Show more content on ... This is used as an indicator of the economic climate of that nation. This information is release each quarter for each nation and can be used to determine the growth of a nation either during a time of economic downturn or during a recession. Disadvantage of a spending deficit is that it creates room for no savings. There is usually no savings during a deficit period because you will be paying back what you have spent and borrowed. Also when dealing with deficit there is no set interest rate and can become very, very price. Excessive debt will continue to increase and therefore creating other issue. Rising cost is another issue, during the period of deficit spending prices rise more to create an equilibrium balance. In return this creates inflation that affects the community. This then effects unemployment rates
  • 16. Wrongful Convictions Of Innocent People Essay Unfortunately, wrongful convictions of innocent people sometimes happen in the criminal justice system. According to a new report from the University of Michigan Law School s National Registry of Exonerations, 2015 set a record for the number of wrongly convicted Americans who received justice; 149 people who were either declared innocent or cleared of their convictions or guilty pleas. Many of them had already served long prison terms for crimes they did not commit (Mencimer, 2016.) There are many causes that can contribute to a wrongful conviction. Witness misidentification is the most common cause; we know that the human mind is not like a tape recorder, and can make mistakes. Forensic analysts presenting evidence that has little or no scientific basis, false confessions by suspects during the interrogation process, government officials taking steps to ensure that a suspect is convicted despite poor evidence, testimony by people with incentives to testify, and poorly prepared lawyers are just some of the other causes that can result in a wrongful conviction. The death penalty case of Cameron Todd Willingham, of Corsicana, Texas, is one that experts now agree that the evidence proves he was wrongfully convicted. But unfortunately, he was already put to death by lethal injection. On December 23, 1991, the Willingham family home was engulfed in flames. Stacey Willingham was shopping for Christmas gifts, while Cameron Todd Willingham was home sleeping at the time of the
  • 17. Prosthetic Limb GENERAL INFORMATION The method of making a biocompatible prosthesis is made from a substrate of electro conductive material whose surface is exposed to a biological environment, such as living animal tissue or blood, to impart to said material biocompatibility at the site of exposure. Artificial limbs is a fake part of your body that can replace a limb that you may have lost. They are very useful to many people Biocompatibility is the capability of a prosthesis implanted in the body to exist in harmony with tissue without causing deleterious changes . A transtibial prosthesis is an artificial limb that replaces a leg missing below the knee. A transtibial amputee is usually able to regain normal movement more readily than someone with a transfemoral ... Show more content on ... 2. Have traditional technologies been modified or improved through the use of biotechnology? The history of biomechanical involve many modifications through its creation,it went from wooden legs and arms to newly desired metal. Whether it be sailing the seas or fighting for your life on the battlefield! 3. What are the major challenges to research and scientific advancement in this area of biotechnology? The main challenges to research in this area of biotechnology: Artificial Limbs, is finding the right articles that provide the most credible information as possible. There are thousands of cases but google helps pull out the specific articles I desire from the most view to the least. Although this struggle is for the reader, the thousands of dollars immunologists pay for equipment and experiments, knowing there will be a 50/50 chance, is a huge set back for more advanced discoveries, that put many lives at risk or on hold. The major scientific advancements in the area of regenerative medicine and biomedical engineering are the immunosuppressive anti rejection medications and advanced biomaterials for prostheses construction. These advancements prevent immune rejection and repairing of the body giving the owners a new chance of service and
  • 18. Religion, Judaism, And Islam The city of Jerusalem, located in the country of Israel, is considered to be one of the holiest cities on Earth. 890,428 individuals are currently living in the city ( Where is Jerusalem ). What makes Jerusalem such a holy land is because of its significance to three religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam ( History of Jerusalem). While Jerusalem is considered the holy land , it is also a place that has endured countless wars, bloodshed, and controversy. The city has been ruled by infamous leaders and praised individuals, it is a city with a very rich history, and its history allows one to understand the vital role it plays in the Palestine Israelconflict. Abraham, the father of Judaism, is the root of Jerusalem s holiness. It is said that the Lord appeared to Abraham and said that a land (Jerusalem) would be given to both him and his descendants ( History of Jerusalem ). It is said God spoke to Abraham and set him through a series of trials in which Abraham proved time after time. His loyalty to the lord never faltered, and thus, Judaism was born ( Abraham ). Jews revere this man as the first person to teach the idea of monotheism, and it is Abraham as well, who is deeply rooted with the beginnings of Islam ( Abraham ). The Jewish king David captured the city of Jerusalem from the Jebusites about 1,000 years before the birth of Christ ( History of Jerusalem ). King David is explicitly known for his wish to build a beautiful new temple in which he could honor
  • 19. The Pros And Cons Of Polygamy Polygamy is a marriage that involves multiple spouses depending on the group of people culture will determine whether or not the multiple spouses are male or female. Due to the fact that there are different pros and cons that come with the practice of polygamy. There are two different branches of polygamy: polyandryand polygyny. Even though both branches of polygamyhas their cultural pros and cons and differ in family construction and kinship, the sigma that the American culture has placed upon this type of marriage has given the people predetermined but condemning conclusion. Dr. Goldstein, a professor of anthropology at Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio wrote an ethnography of the cultural practice of fraternal polyandry in Limi, Tibet. Within this his paper, Dr. Goldstein discusses how the practice of fraternal polyandry is where two or more brothers (blood related) will take one wife into marriage. This will is beneficial when deciding which child in the next generation will inherit and work the farming land that will be passed down within the family. When Dr. Goldstein asks why the gentleman will not take one wife each and all live on the family land the response was that was given was that there would too many wives competing to make sure that their child gets equal and/or more share of the land when the fathers dies. Another reason for the practice was the fact that the eldest son within the culture will inherit the most goods and land from their family.
  • 20. USInvasion Of Cambodia Essay The banyan tree grows throughout Cambodia. It may reach a height of over 100 feet, and as it grows, new roots descend from its branches, pushing into the ground and forming new trunks. The roots grow relentlessly; many of the ancient temples of Angkor have toppled as these roots have become embedded in the cracks and crevices between their massive stones. A single tree might have dozens of trunks, and it is often impossible to tell which is the original. This is Cambodia today: a thousand intertwined branches, a thousand stories woven together, a thousand currents of history swirling in different directions. To understand Cambodia in the present, it is necessary to look at Cambodia in the past. ... Show more content on ... The French quickly usurped all but ceremonial powers from the monarch, Norodom. When he died in 1904, the French passed over his sons and handed the throne to his brother, Sisowath. Sisowath and his son ruled until 1941, when Norodom Sihanouk was elevated to power. Sihanouk s coronation, along with the Japanese occupation during the war, worked to reinforce a sentiment among Cambodians that the region should be free from outside control. After World War II, Cambodians sought independence, but France was reluctant to part with its colony. Cambodia was granted independence within the French Union in 1949. But the French Indochinese War provided an opportunity for Sihanouk to gain full military control of the country. In 1953, Cambodia managed to gain their independence in spite of World War II and the First Indochina War. Their independence was obtained through the political savvy of King Sihanouk. Wanting to be released from the pressures of the monarchy, Sihanouk abdicated the throne and became a full time politician. He started a political faction called the People s Socialist Community (Sangkum Reastr Niyum) which then won by a landslide in the 1955 national elections. In 1960, when his father died he was named head of state (up until then he d been the prime minister). Although he had remained neutral in a
  • 21. Medicine in Colonial Days Essay The Colonial Period The improvement of medicine over the course of the human successes gave great convenience to the people of today. Science has cured and prevented many illnesses from occurring and is on its way to cure some of the most dreadful and harmful illnesses. As the world modernizes due to the industrialization, so does the ways of medicine. Some cures are approached by chance, some, through intense, scientific measures. Medicine has come a long way from the Greek period. Theories composed of the four elements were used to explain the sick phenomenon that happens to our bodies. Many of the those theories are not relevant as of now. Medicine and remedies has begun with the Earth, providing all types of compounds and... Show more content on ... Beginning with the newly founded nation: America, many colonial people encountered illnesses they have never been subjected to. Despite the different times in history, there is a similarity that is still ongoing today. Those who have little income or live in rural settings have trouble obtaining the health they need when an illness occurs. Hospitals are either too far to reach in time or the bills are too expensive to pay. Now, there are countries who offer free health care but it does not pertain to the land of America. America is based on money, and the old ways of paying back someone through bales of wheat or firewood just will not cut it. There were doctors in Colonial America. When a doctor visits a patient to check upon the sick person s health, their pay will be in anything but money such as chopped woods, vegetables, et cetera for the poor people. The poor people did not have money as stated in A Visit to a Colonial Times Doctor s Office. They usually rely on their farming to feed their families and things such as money were scarce. Those who are of the contrary to the low income and the rural settings have better access to health and opportunities as written in Colonial Medicine (5). They can pay their doctor on the spot and can even request their choice of doctors. In modern America, a new change to the health care business is arriving. With the currently new healthcare, everyone shall be able to hopefully
  • 22. Comparing The Works Of Emerson And Ralph Waldo Emerson To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men that is genius. is in itself a truly contradicting and false statement. This quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson is saying how if you believe something is right, that it is right for all men. So what about the rest of the world? Do they all agree with everything? And what if another man who also believes his thoughts that clash with the first one thoughts? Not both can be right and having a personal automatically assuming that they are right at all times is just flat out hard headed, not genius. That is why I disagree with Emerson s quote. As I was saying, it is not possible for everyone to be right because they believe in their own thoughts.
  • 23. Essay about Gender Communication in a Relationship In A Relationship you need: Gendered Communication One of the most important topics in communications is gender communications and that is why I decided to write about it. Gender communication is communication about and between women and men. It is the most important thing to almost everyone in the world. I learned about gender communication in a class last year with Naaeke and I think it is really important to have if any ones wants to have a good relationship with someone and everyone usually wants to build there life through a relationship between a man and a women. To start off a relationship the two in the relationship have to have good communication with each other. The different kinds of communication are linear, interactive, ... Show more content on ... It is when the two are talking to each other at the same time and are understanding each other and is acknowledging what they have to say. This usually doesn t happen until the two get to know each other better. This could be good because they would know they are connecting in some way. The bad thing that could happen is the one thinks the other one is rude and don t listen completely. But no matter what happens you have to have one of this in a relationship to make it work because if communication isn t in a relationship then it will just fall apart. The way communication works between two people is, there is a sender and a receiver. They relay messages back and forth to each other. When the sender sends the messagethe receiver has encode it and send feed back. But there is usually noise between what the sender sends and the receiver receives. Noise is a distraction the cause the message to be messed up or encoded wrong. To help a relation the two usually need to close the gap between each other so that the noise gets minimized. Most relationships starts with being friends, then moving to romance which turns into marriage, then it goes to conflict and divorce. But in good relationships the communication is good and the can settle a conflict by talking it out with each other. To me personally I like to have communication between me and my girl friend and the only way our relationship has worked is through good communication. If we didn t
  • 24. The Hare Advert In 2013 the 2D animated advert The Bear and the Hare was first shown as a teaser during Agatha Christie s Poirot, Wednesday the 6th of November before releasing it on Saturday the same week. The advert was directed by Elliot Dear and Yves Geleyn with the animations created by Aaron Blaise. Blaise who has been a Disney animator (The Lion King, Pocahontas, Beauty and the Beast) (https:/ / created in the advert had a similar look. The advert has been ranked as one of the top five John Lewis adverts and has won several awards ( The advert had no dialogue and was accompanied only by music, British singer Lily Allen sang a cover of Keane s Somewhere only we know Another advert that was well received was Monty the Penguin directed by Dougal Wilson, it shows a year in the life of a little boy and his best friend, a real life penguin (created by 3D animation) in the end it is realised that it s a toy penguin and it s only the boys imagination that makes him real. British singer songwriter Tom Odell sang a cover of John Lennons Real Love... Show more content on ... The advert was created using a real dog for some of the advert then a digital double for the jumping on the trampoline, enhancing facial expressions was also made with CGI. A cover of Randy Crawford s One Day I ll Fly Away was performed by the English band Vaults. These three adverts create the base for this dissertation, choosing them based on different techniques with animals, one 2D animated, one 3D animated with a toy penguin and one 3D animated with a real
  • 25. Pico Della Mirandola s On The Dignity Of Man The human condition is a philosophical point that has been analyzed and given thought by many scholars throughout history. Many such individuals include the Italian philosophers Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola, more commonly referred to only as Pico, and Niccolo Machiavelli, as well as the English philosopher Thomas Moore and lastly, the French aristocrat Michel de Montaigne. Each of these philosophers have pondered the question that is the humancondition and influenced the thoughts on the human condition during their time. Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola is most commonly known for his oration On the dignity of man. This text is regarded as one of the most vital publications of humanism during the renaissance. Pico established in his work On the Dignity of Man that human nature has no limits. Pico asserts, I feel that I have come to some understanding of why man is most fortunate of all living things and, consequently, deserving of all admiration...[by]... Show more content on ... Montaigne states, I am heartily sorry that, judging their faults rightly, we should be so blind to our own. I think there is more barbarity in eating a man alive than in eating him dead. Within the quote Montaigne questions the human condition by comparing what is considered the barbaric traditions of indigenous people (cannibalism) to the practices of individuals within his own society alluding to the widespread slavery that has perforated European society during their period of imperialism. By drawing a parallel between what is considered barbaric by European standards to the inhumane, yet socially acceptable, practices within his own society Montaigne challenges the values of human nature and reveals the subjectivity in the perception of individuals based on her or his place of
  • 26. Peers Pressure In Macbeth By William Shakespeare Peers Pressure If your friend jumps off of a cliff are you going to do it too? How many times have you heard those lines? Peers pressure people no matter what age. People make decisions based on the influences around them. In the story of Macbeth a faithful helper of the king became corrupt and killed the king in order to obtain his own destiny of becoming king as well as killing off anyone else who might threaten his position; however he didn t do it alone. Influences and pressures of the people around him were assets to why he did the things he did. So the question remains, who is in control? The first influence in Macbeth s life is the three witch sisters that he runs into on his walk with Banquo. Their statements about him becoming a king and all of these sought after positions in the community got into his head. He believed that they were a type of prophets when their words soon became true. He began to believe everything that they said and he was now taking action to make sure that everything happened the way he wanted it to. His thoughts really got into his head . His actions became influenced by the words that continuously fell from their lips in the two times... Show more content on ... Macbeth questioned if he wanted to follow through with the murder of King Duncan and almost did not proceed with the task but with the whispers of his wife in his ear and her clever mind for the after effect the task was completed. Macbeth probably would not have killed the king should it not have been for his wife, however he trusted her to be on his side and help him. Once it was all over and Macbeth was on top his wife soon got her taste of her own medicine. When she began to envision the blood of Duncan on her hands and that she couldn t get it off with washing it she committed suicide and left Macbeth to fend for himself, which was not a problem being that he did not feel guilty for any of
  • 27. Indian Reservations When the settlers invaded the Indian s homeland, they weren t happy about it. They were very angry. Some were forced out of their homeland, and others decided to stay because they were afraid to leave. The people who stayed were put into reservations. Reservations still exist today; it is land that is reserved for Indians under a treaty or an agreement. The Indians didn t want to be put into reservations, but they had no other option but to agree with the government. I looked into the reservations and they still exist today. The Indian Country Today states that there is a housing crisis in Indian country. Despite the Indian Housing Authority s (IHAs) recent efforts, the need for adequate housing on reservations remains acute. I think that it is horrible what they re going through after all of these years, you would think that they re living conditions would have gotten better, but sadly it hasn t improved. Moreover, I did some more research and Mr. Vanderstel from Conner Prairie stated that the migration was primarily a personal decision, dependent upon a variety of... Show more content on ... According to Pioneers West website, it states that the diseases proved to be the biggest killer of emigrants in the West. Smallpox, cholera, tuberculosis, diphtheria, typhoid, mountain fever, and a host of other sicknesses frequently struck down settlers, who had little or no medical expertise. Imagine having to travel with someone who has contracted the disease, and you can t help the person out because there is no medicine that could treat him or her. The only option is to wait patiently until they have passed away and find somewhere to bury them. The people who died on the road were put into holes. When they dug up the graves they would mark the graves, some would even try to camouflage the graves to keep animals and even people
  • 28. How The Cost Of Shelters And Age Distribution Affects The... The Relationship Among Aboriginal Population, Age and Shelter Costs Course: SOC222H Professor s Name Riva Lieflander Name: Yingjun Li Student ID: 1000677957 Date: 04/20/2015 Introduction The 2006 Census Public Use Microdata File (PUMF) involved a total of 844,476 people. Participants were randomly selected in a manner that represented all social characteristics that existed among Canadians. Technically, it was estimated that the number represented only 2.7% of the Canadian population. It is also on record that the 2006 PUMF involved a total of 123 population variables, of which 83% (102) represented individual variables, while the remaining 17% (21) of all variables used represented family, dwelling, and household variables. The purpose of this research is to determine how the cost of shelters and age distribution affects the Aboriginal people of Canada in relation to the 2006 Census Public Use Microdata File (PUMF) on individuals. The research employs both age distribution and shelter cost as major variables affecting the Aboriginal population. The research will conduct an inferential statistical analysis on three major variables: Aboriginal population, shelter cost, and age. For the purpose of this research, both age and shelter costs will be employed as independent variables relating to the overall Aboriginal population, which is the dependent variable. Another question that the paper aims to research is whether there exists a relationship
  • 29. The Pros And Cons Of The Scientific Revolution The discoveries made during the Scientific Revolution were incredible, impactful, and never even thought about before. However, these new discoveries were constantly under fire from the church. Even so, the breakthroughs kept coming, and the church couldn t stop them. Some of these scientific discoveries are still in use today, and were the building blocks to modern science. The people who made these revelations were the scientists who first found out that the earth revolved around the sun, or that the moon was full of holes and craters. There were many conflicts throughout this period, as the church didn t want their power and ideas to come into question. That was unacceptable to them. One of the many people who contributed to the Scientific Revolution was Nicolaus Copernicus. In 1543 he wrote and published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres. This was his proposal of his theory of a sun centered universe, called a heliocentric. He proposed that the sun was the center of the universe, not the earth, as it was widely accepted to be at the time. He further said that the earth, along with all the other planets in the solar system, revolved around the sun. In his predecessor s theory, Claudius Ptolemy, it showed that the earth was the center of the universe, and the sun and planets revolved around it. To show this, he made a geocentric model depicting that theory, and it was widely accepted. Meanwhile, Copernicus made a heliocentric model for his theory. It, naturally, showed his idea of a sun centered universe (Document 1). Lots of people, experts, and especially the church, rejected this revolutionary theory. People simply didn t want to believe, after years and years of accepting that the center of the universe was themselves, that they, in fact, weren t. In Europe, all scientific knowledge and religious teaching were heavily based on the ideas and arguments of classical thinkers. They thought that if Ptolemy s geocentric theory was wrong, then their entire scientific and worldly understanding might be in question. However in the late 1500s, another astronomer, Tycho Brahe, found evidence that supported Copernicus. Brahe constructed an astronomical observatory, and spent years carefully studying and
  • 30. Managing Communication, Knowledge and Information Information amp; Work based knowledge To: Maersk Line of Management Alan Ho From: Communication Manager Liu Zuo Jun Subject: Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information Date: 28 November 2011 Summary We are continue talking about Maersk Line information and work based knowledge. Having 2 tasks. Outcome 3 Develop communication process to improve the gathering and dissemination of information and organiational knowledge. Including: Evaluate existing processes of communication in an organization and look to ensure and improve ... Show more content on ... Maersk Line designed new product in the past) * Getting the volume right * Accuracy within the user s need * Inspiring user s confidence * Timeliness * Appropriately communicated * Cost effective 1. Effective communication is a two way process, perhaps best expressed as a cycle. Signals or messages are sent by the communicator and received and understood. Within communication process it is also important to note the problem of noise , Noise can arise from many sources. 2. Choosing the communication channel Choosing the right method of communication is important, and depends on numerous factors including: Time, Complexity, Distance, Written record, Feedback/interaction, Confidentiality, Receipt, Cost. Communication tools are including: Conversation, Meeting, Memorandum, Letter, Report, Presentation, Telephone, Facsimile, Electronic mail. 3.2 Implement and justify improvements to ensure greater integration of systems of communication in Maersk Line Implement solutions to improve and integrate the communication systems and then justify them: e.g. email copy to other department and function managers and hold regular consultation meetings with them and minutes of meeting posted in MIS using SAP in ERP to control authorized access; this allow all related managers to be aware of each other situations and problems hence enable each to understand and adjust, make allowance for the problems or
  • 31. Hypovolemia Case Studies Question 1: Hypovolemia can be due to many predisposing factors such as fracture and surgery. The patient experienced a type of open fracture which is categorize by a wound in combination with the fracture (Whiteing, N., 2008, p. 50). Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF) is the most common surgical technique for patients with open fracture which also includes tibia and fibula (William, L Hopper, P., 2011, p. 1071). Since it was a major surgery massive blood loss or hypovolemia can be experience by a patient who will undergo this procedure. Craft, J., Gordon C., Tiziani, A. (2011, p. 895) states that hypovolemia is a decrease in extracellular fluid volume and decrease in blood volume. In addition, Buttaro, T., (2013, p. 982) implies that there is approximately two (2) ... Show more content on ... 55). According to Wen Chih et al. (2010, p.11), ageing patients are susceptible to blood loss since they have limited physiological replacement. Thus, considering the age and the surgical procedure the patient is at high risk of hypovolemia. If the loss of blood progresses and the body is unable to compensate, the patient will be at risk for hypovolemic shock (D Angelo, M., Dutton, R., 2009, p. 279). Hypovolemic shock means deficit in flowing blood causing to ineffectively filing the intravascular space. Mamaril, M., Child, S., Sortman, S., 2007, p. 191. Kolecki, P., Menckhoff, C. (2014) emphasizes that there are four (4) classification of hypovolemic shock. Class 1 is when there is 0 15% of blood loss with only slight change in heart rate. If the patient heart rate becomes more than 100 beats per minute and they experience tachypnoea and has cool clammy skin, the patient is in the class 2 of hypovolemic shock. Class 3 and 4 is when the patient will manifest the severe sympathetic response of the body due to the inability of compensate with the blood loss. Thus, considering the age and the surgical procedure the patient is at high risk of hypovolemia or even the more severe
  • 32. Women Are The Ones Who Handle Household Chores Always women are the ones who handle the household chores Household chores like doing the laundry, cleaning the utensils, taking care of children and making food is always done by women. If both, husband and wife are working, it is always the woman doing the domestic work. But this is not always true. This is in fact a gender stereotype which has existed since many years. Maybe not all men or fathers do household chores, but many do. According to Catherine Rampell, a writer for The New York Times newspaper, on an average day, 66.6% men and 85% women report doing some sort of household activity. Almost everybody believe in this stereotype. Even if a man is sharing household work with his spouse or any other female in the house, his image is presented as if he does nothing. Even if he is contributing little, he is at least doing something, and something is definitely better than nothing. No man s conscious would allow him to see his wife or any female in the house do all the work in the house alone. Even if a man is going out for groceries, it is not considered a household work by the female, just because he did not contribute to do the work in the house. Women tend to see the results instead of the work done to get those particular results. If men are doing the dishes, it is considered nothing because they are just rinsing them and putting them in the dish washer, which is an easy job. But it takes time to do it. Men are using up their time, in which they relax, to do the
  • 33. Franz Schubert Research Paper Biography of Franz Schubert *No Works Cited Many prominent musicians produced major works during the romantic period. Among these are Beethoven, Strause, and Bach. But the musician that I think had the most impact, was Franz Schubert. Franz Peter, born on 31 January 1797 was one of fourteen children born of Franz Theodore Schubert and Elisabeth Vietz, four of which survived. He grew up in an apartment that daily converted to a classroom in which his father taught several elementary school classes. He received a thorough basic education; his father being a good teacher, and son being a bright student. From his father Franz also learned to play the violin, and from his... Show more content on ... He was orderly and disciplined in his creative musical life and rather free spirited in his social life, spending evenings in Vienna s numerous cafes. Never successful in obtaining a steady position, he was largely supported by his wealthy male friends, occasional funds from publishers, and such short term positions as a foray to Hungary to teach the wealthy Esterhazy daughters. Schubert is music history s first bohemian. Schubert lived the whole of his life in Vienna, a city much overshadowed by Mozart, Beethoven, and Haydn. With the rise of a middle class society, opera houses and concert halls were very much a part of everyday life. Vienna, however, was also under great political stress during this period, constantly at odds with France. When Schubert was an adolescent, Vienna was invaded and occupied by Napoleon. Schubert lived in a climate both preoccupied by music, occupied by French armies, and governed by oppressive political administrations. In his music can be heard the cheerfulness of stoicism and the influence of the common man being invited into the sphere of art music. A significant characteristic of Schubert s life is the blending of his devotion to compose and his need for socializing. His circle of friends, which included artists, poets, and musicians, would often gather to hear the music of their composer friend, who they affectionately nicknamed Schwammerl . These gatherings came to be known as Schubertiads . This was the
  • 34. Fingerprints Are Not The Same Techniques We Use Today Fingerprints have been used for a very long time, as far back as 3,000 years ago in China as identification. The use of ancient fingerprints are not the same techniques we use today. In 1880, a man by the name of Henry Fauld, a Scottish physician working in a hospital in Japan, published his own views on the potential application of fingerprinting to personal identification (Saferstein, 2016, pg. 164). He suggested that the skin patterns could be important for the identification of criminals. After comparing different fingerprints, he began to realize that each print looked remarkably different. Fauld believed that fingerprints could be used as evidence and suggested the proposal to a fingerprinttesting center, but the offer was rejected. Years later, the first prosecution fingerprints were used in the year 1905 in London (Rotella, Abbott, Gold, 2001). Ever since then fingerprints have been a valuable part of crime scene investigations and if present, it is almost guaranteed that the criminal will fit the crime. It has been a successful technique that has proved more success than any other piece of evidence. When looking at two pairs of hands it is hard to notice anything different between the two. However, there are remarkable differences between the individual s fingerprints. Fingerprint analysts have formulated three basic principles of fingerprints that hold the prints uniqueness, stability, and appropriateness as a mean of identification. Before being able to
  • 35. The Gettysburg Address The Impact of the Gettysburg Address on the United States The speech we now know as the Gettysburg Address was given to consecrate the fallen soldiers in the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. It is known as one of the most influential speeches ever and has been recognized in hindsight as pivotal in the outcome of the war. Its brevity and poetry emphasized America s original dream, the importance of equality, and the opportunity for a new birth of freedom, a message which continues to be of relevance today. The Gettysburg Address was powerful because each word was thought out and was meaningful to Lincoln. It was on November 19, 1863, when Lincoln delivered the speech after the battle of Gettysburg. The Battle of Gettysburg was the most demoralizing battle of the Civil war between the Union and the Confederacy, with over 50,000 casualties in just three days. Lincoln spoke at the ceremonies honoring the brave Union soldiers after Edward Everett, a famous orator who spoke for two hours. In contrast Lincoln captivated his crowd for just over two minutes with a mere 272 words. He was concise and to the point while also poetic. Everett is known to have sent Lincoln a letter after the ceremony that said; I should be glad, if I could flatter myself that I came as near to the central idea of the occasion, in two hours, as you did in two minutes. Lincoln repeated words that he wanted to emphasize; we, dedicated, and nation. He stressed these words to make his message clearer.
  • 36. Sport Gambling Illegal in all but four states, sports wagering, or gambling, is an extremely lucrative industry. Despite bringing in nearly $500 billion dollars, sport gambling has an extremely negative effect on the perception and reliability of sport. There have been several scandals and instances involving players and officials that were caused by sport gambling. Congress passed the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992 (PASPA) to prohibit states from licensing sport related gambling. PASPA places this restriction on states and individuals. The difference between the person and the state is the stipulation that the state cannot license gambling. PASPA included a grandfather clause that omits Nevadafrom the restrictions of the act, a clause... Show more content on ... One of those was that PASPA told the states what to do, and therefore hindered states abilities to govern the sports gambling industry. The court said that PASPA only tells states what they cannot do, and hence that argument is thrown out. The court determined that PASPA was constitutional because gambling is a commercial transaction that has an effect on interstate business, putting PASPA in position to legally regulate sports gambling. The State also attempts to argue that fans will not think negatively of the Leagues, but rather think negatively of the State for licensing sport gambling. The State also argues that the Leagues do well and are unaffected by the sports gambling that takes place in Nevada, and that some fans would not be fans if they did not have the opportunity to win money through sport gambling. The State also argues that the Leagues have contests in Canada and England where sport gambling is
  • 37. Illegal Narcotic Dealers From Mexico And The United States Prior to September 11, 2001 security in the United States, physical, technical, have not had any major changes, the changes that were done were subtle. The number one threat were illegal narcotic dealers, which included international and national violators. The US was fighting a war against cocaine dealers originating from Mexico and other Spanish dominated countries. This war caused major threats to law enforcement agencies across the country because these drug dealers were ruthless and carried high powered weapons. This fight against these dealers prompted police agencies to arm their officers with better weaponry. This armament of the police was not a cheap transition for these state and local police agencies, so the government had to step in with funding for new weapons and equipment. Another problem the police faced were how to stop these dealers, during the early years the police had to attempt to use wiretap techniques to record their conversations, there were no cell phones and during the time when cell phones were used, there were phones that were pre paid with a street name of a burner . The cell phone classified as burners were used to conduct illegal transactions, then they were destroyed and discarded, this made it difficult for the police to track. In addition to the drug dealers there were the threat of the Mafia that were using illegal money to attempt to open legitimate business. Thus the government had to combat these homegrown threats and formed the RICO
  • 38. Psychological Conditioning and Theories of Behavior Introduction In the field of psychology, behaviorism was one of the theoretical ideas that changed quite drastically during the 20th century. Behaviorism tried to diminish the emphasis on the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind, instead putting forward a new way to look at human behavior that is empirical (observed, quantified, and measured). Ivan Pavlov, for instance, was researching the digestive systems of dogs and led him to the discovery of classical condition, a way to modify behaviors using conditioned responses. Pavlov s views intrigued American John Watson, who pushed the idea forward in up through the 1950s. Building on these theories, but amending the model with the effects of punishment and reward, B.F. Skinner s work had a revolutionary effect on behaviorism, now called operant conditioning(Shiraev, 2010, pp. 246 54). Learning Theory Some say a logical reaction to Darwinism and the theory of natural selection, some say the logical offshoot of 19th century social science, learning theory became extremely importantly by the end of the 19th and beginning of the early 20th centuries. One of the central aspects of the continual debate on learning theory is the difference between empirical and theoretical learning. Empirical learning is a process that compares items (objects) and finds observable characteristics and similarities. Theoretical learning holds that the individual is supplied with environmental stimuli (instruction, for instance) and a set of
  • 39. Theory of the Origin of Life being Underwater Hydrothermal... Theory of the Origin of Life being Underwater Hydrothermal Vents According to the Bible, God created the first man, Adam, from the soil and the first woman, Eve, from Adam s rib. These events happened in the Garden of Eden almost six thousand years ago. That is one of the many beliefs of how carbon based life forms, otherwise referred to as living organisms, came to exist on Earth. Since the beginning of man s reign on earth he has tried to explain his origins. He has used various religions and myths of being created by some higher power and he has looked toward the stars and planets thinking that perhaps life came to earth by way of space ship or meteorite. Even in today s world of high technology we have yet to answer that age old ... Show more content on ... Because of the water pressure the high temperature was not as dangerous to the animal life as it would have been on the surface. Many of the hydrothermal vent animals consist of entire groupings of animals that only exist at the vents. The fauna is endemic at high taxonomic levels, including a class, an order, five super families, eight families, and numerous genera. The distinctiveness shows a period of long evolution and many show origins from the Mesozoic or earlier. It has been determined that these creatures are living off of microbes that come from the interior of the earth. These microbes convert carbon dioxide, water, and nitrate into a usable organic food source in much the same way a plant uses photosynthesis to convert elements into its food source (Humphris 1995). The creatures acquire their oxygen source from iron oxides and sulfates, which consist of weakly bound oxygen and other elements (Gold 1999). Many scientists now believe that life could have developed around these vents where photosynthesis does not supply the energy source. On the bottom of the ocean the first organisms would have been protected from extreme radiation from the sun and space and would have survived any organism sterilizing events such as crashing meteorites. In order for life to have begun
  • 40. Domestic Inequalities in The USA and Denmark Essay Societies and their governments have developed different policy approaches to addressing domestic inequality. Compare and contrast two different countries and evaluate the effectiveness of their key policy measures in addressing inequality. It is a commonly accepted that inequality is increasing throughout the globe, with startling statistics such as the recent Oxfam report indicating that the richest 85 people in the world own more wealth than the poorest 3.5 billion people(Oxfam Australia Media, 2014). Inequality is thought of as disparities or gaps, such as the distance between a low income and a high income household, or the ratio of their incomes (Divided We Stand, 2011). Domestic inequality refers to inequality within a country and ... Show more content on ... Wealth and assets refer to the stock of an individual or household, inequality if often generated from inherited wealth. Physical environment affects inequality through access and availability to natural resources, raw materials and the natural climatic factors that may enhance or disadvantage, leading to inequality. Although different societies have varying perceptions of what is an acceptable level of equity, it is generally accepted that inequality has an impact on key social determinants such as health, wellbeing, political trust and violence. Wilkinson and Pickett (2009) highlight the social costs of inequality on a whole range of aspects of our lives. Wilkinson and Pickett (2009) argue that if inequality were reduced, there would be significant reductions in mental illness, murder rates, imprisonment and an improvement in social mobility (Wilkinson and Pickett, 2009). Image: Index of health and social factors life expectancy; maths and literacy; infant mortality; homicides; imprisonment; teenage births; trust; obesity; mental illness, including drug and alcohol addiction; and social mobility relative to income inequality. (Wilkinson and Pickett, 2009). Domestic inequality is most commonly measured using the Gini coefficient that varies between 1 and 0. A coefficient of 1 implies inequality is
  • 41. The Effects Of Fungal Diseases diseases in addition to physiological disorder. However, fungal diseases, especially rust is considered one of the major destructive diseases affecting the crop yield (Hagedron, 1984 and Kraft, and Pfleger, 2001), especially in the north and middle parts of the Delta in Egypt and several countries in the world (Abada et al., 1997; Gupta and Shayam, 1998 and Parilli et al., 2015). The fungus Uromyces pisi is a heteroecious rust pathogen, completing its life cycle on two host plant species. The sexual stages are completed on Euphorbia cyparissias (cypress spurge), while the asexual lifecycle stages are completed on leguminous crop hosts such as Lathyrus, Orobus, Pisum and Vicia spp. E. cyparissias is an erect, branching, rhizomatous ... Show more content on ... The nectar contains fungal gametes (spermatia) that are transferred by nectar feeding insects (including bees and ants) from one fungal mating type to another. Once fertilization has occurred, aeciospores are released which infect leguminous host plants including field peas. Managing plant diseases with fungicides sometimes gives good results. However, improper use of fungicides leads mostly to environmental pollution, disasters throughout the world and the phenomena of resistance to the causal pathogens (Brewer and Larkin, 2005). Therefore, to overcome these difficulties, it is urgent to apply alternative safe efficient methods against such disease or at least rationalization their application. Biological control is considered an important approach of agricultural biotechnology in recent years for controlling many fungal plant pathogens. Both Bacillus and Trichoderma spp. are the most promising and effective bioagents against various plant pathogenic fungi (Deshmukh et al., 2010; Barakat et al., 2014 and Ragab et al., 2015). Trichoderma as antagonist is much more complex, that is nutrient competition, hyperparasitism, antibiosis, space and cell wall degrading enzymes (Abd El Khair et al., 2010 and Junid et al., 2013). It was also found that there is a large variety of volatile secondary metabolites produced by Trichoderma spp. such as ethylene, carbon dioxide, hydrogen cyanide, aldehydes and ketones which play an important role in controlling many plant
  • 42. Argumentative Essay On Confederate Flag The Confederate flag has been around since 1861, as a symbol of endless war, and detestation towards African Americans. Today, 154 years later, some states still incorporate the confederate flag into their state flags. The Confederate flag does not show progression in history, rather it is offensive to many groups and should be put to rest, because it does not promote unity in America. The Confederate flag holds America back and keeps our country stuck in the past. Today the Confederate Flag is still incorporated into five state flags. Those states are, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi. The Confederate flag is still currently flying over South Carolina s capital, Columbia, because of a state law. This law is known as The South Carolina Heritage Act of 2000. Section 1 10 30 of The South Carolina Heritage Act of 2000 states, The Infantry Battle Flag of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia (Confederate Battle Flag) displayed on the Confederate Soldiers Monument on the State House grounds, and any monument, marker, memorial, school, or street erected... Show more content on ... Governor Folsom also said, This has been a divisive issue in our state, and I believe it is time we put it behind us and move our state forward (New York Times, 7). However the Confederate Flag was originally created in 1861 during the First Battle of Manassas. Confederate soldiers had trouble distinguishing which troops were carrying the American flag and which were hoisting what was then the flag of the rebellious Southern states. In order to resolve this problem the Confederate Flag was created, to avoid this confusion. During the Civil War, the Confederate Flag stood for war, conflict, and southern pride. Today one in ten Americans have a positive reaction when they see the Confederate flag displayed (Pew Research Center,
  • 43. Ucoat It Case Study At UCoat It, we believe that you shouldn t have to choose between high performance floors and beautiful ones. Our floor coating systems are true, commercial grade coatings formulated for industrial, commercial and residential use that come in a variety of systems and colors specifically designed for you to get that personalized looking floor. One of the many benefits of choosing UCoat It floor coating systems is the unique ability for customization. We offer plenty of different options to suit all of your needs. With UCoat It floor coating systems, you can truly have a one of a kind floor that adds protection, professionalism, and personality. Colors All of our floor coating systems come in a variety of colors including the recently introduced: Midnight Blue, Explorer Blue, and Latte colors available in our UCoat It system. The exact color options depend upon the system but all systems offer a wide range of choices for personalization. Highlight pictures of our most popular colors OR showcase all the systems with their color choices UFlek Flakes In addition to our variety of base color options, our UFlek flakes are a popular way to add additional decorative qualities to your floor. Available in 12 standard blends, 42 colors, 4 metallic, and glow in the dark, ... Show more content on ... Available in 9 solid colors, 9 pre mixed 1:1 with white options, and 4 color blends, URock creates a very textured surface that helps to create an anti slip surface, ideal for those floor areas that come in contact with bare feet and/or your pet s paws. These easily hand dispensable granules can be applied as light or as heavy as you desire during the bond coat application process. All that is needed for the finishing touch is either UGloss, UGloss AF or UGlaze as a top coat to seal and provide additional
  • 44. Who Is The Manipulation Of Power In The Book 1984 By... In the book, 1984, written by George Orwell, tells his story of the dictatorial party of Airstrip One, That tries to maintain their everlasting power by the manipulation and mind control of personal thought, individuality, opinion, and the whole timeline of history itself. With these set goals they have brainwashed the penniless population of Oceania into believing that their lives revolve around Big Brother and they are taught to love and surrender everything to him. Big Brother and the party have discovered a way to manipulate the people s language and opinions by the language of, Newspeak, with this, the party was able to destroy the forbidden words that creates one s mind to develop personal thought and feelings. In the book, Syme, Winston s acquaintance talks about the manipulation of language, [...] the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? [...] we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it (Orwell 68). The Party and Big Brother have used Newspeak to their advantage to eliminate any possibility of revolt against them. Another way The Party had manipulated people is through technology. They had annihilated the discovery of science and even the ... Show more content on ... This is because with the elimination of all the possibilities of being able to search and confirm something yourself would not exist. Your only knowledge of what is wrong and what is right would be everything that is told or shown to you. If this was our society today, there would be a strong likelihood of the Big Brother situation happening to ourselves. With our society being so immersed in the social media world we practically believe majority of the news we see online. But, in reality the articles and information we see are most of the time biased or tweaked to the point where we see what we want to hear and not the actual
  • 45. Care and Treatment for the Mentally Ill Care and treatment for the mentally ill is administered differently by modern standards compared to those of the nineteenth century. Reasonably, the medications and understanding of the mind were not as advanced resulting, therefore, in a simple diagnoses for a much more complicated ailment. Despite some of the major differences between today and then, there is a consistent appreciation for examining the connection between patients and art. The value of this examination is even more beneficial when the patient is a trained artist like Richard Dadd. Richard Dadd (1817 1886) is known and recognized not only for his artistic contributions, but also because of the circumstances under which many of his works were created. As a trained artist, he was admitted to the Royal Academy at the age of twenty. His recognized talent led him to his association with Sir Thomas Phillips, whom he accompanied in 1842 on a trip traveling through Europe and the Middle East. It was during the end of this trip, and upon his return home, that Dadd began experiencing his mental disturbances that led to the murder of his father. Without a trial, Dadd was classified as insane and placed in the care of Bethlem Hospital. Dadd spent the reminder of his life in hospital care until his death in 1886. During his hospitalized years Dadd, with the encouragement and allowance of his doctors, continued to create works of art from his sketches and memory. The mental illnessthat inflicted Richard Dadd did not
  • 46. A Normal Distribution Based On The Shapiro Wilk Test For... 3. RESULTS All data demonstrated a normal distribution based on the Shapiro Wilk test for normality; therefore, no further transformation was required. Mean ages (SDs) of the participants were 24 (3.7) years in the PA group and 23.6 (2.3) years in the placebo group. Baseline characteristics between the groups were similar for all variables (P 0.05) (Table 1). A total of 44 enrolled participants completed the follow up (Figure 1). Participants denied any adverse and/or side effects during the follow up periods. A mixed effect model of repeated measure analysis showed no significant between group differences for HR (Figure 2) and DBP (Figure 4). On the contrary, the averaged total HR, regardless of the groups, showed a statistically significant change over time (p value=0.0043 in Table 2). The overall group by time interaction for the mixed model was statistically significant only for SBP (p value=0.0105) in that PA group had significantly reduced SBP while the placebo group had increased SBP during intervention. The 95% CI of the change in SBP (1.65 to 4.25 mmHg) exceeded the minimal detectable change (MDC) of 4.16 mmHg (Yung et al 2014) for some individuals. The post hoc analysis revealed that the changed SBP during intervention was significantly different between the PA and the PA P group (p value=0.003 in Figure 3). The between group differences were no longer significant at post follow up. Males had statistically higher SBP than females overall (p value=0.0027 in Table
  • 47. The Importance Of The Film Inception Planning and shooting play key roles in creating a work of art through film that has meaning and can provoke emotions in an audience. Cinematography encompasses these tasks and other factors that contribute to a film s production, ranging from styling variables like color and contrast to the types of camera lenses used to camera positions used while filming. While a director or producer has the primary voice in determining what a filmwill consist of, the cinematographerdoes more than any other person working on the film to mold a director s vision into reality. These individuals have the crucial task of creating and framing every visual that will appear in a movie. There are few cinematographers who do this in as compelling of a way as the cinematographer for the film Inception, Wally Pfister. Pfister has worked on many notable films and has been nominated for several awards, but he won his Academy Award for Best Cinematography for the 2010 film. Despite the controversy and debate that surround the film, one can easily see the merits of the film s cinematography that earned Inception the Oscar. The film contains visual elements that leave the audience in awe, as it takes the viewer into a dream world that has not been explored by many other big motion pictures. The dream sequences we observe are in every way larger than life, yet the cinematography makes them also seem tangible to the viewer. In the scene of the dream sequence that takes place in Paris, Cobb (Leonardo
  • 48. Essay on The Woman Warrior, by Maxine Hong Kingston The theme of voiceless woman throughout the book the woman warrior is of great importance. Maxine Kingston narrates several stories in which gives clear examples on how woman in her family are diminished and silenced by Chinese culture. The author not only provides a voice for herself but also for other women in her family and in her community that did not had the opportunity to speak out and tell their stories. The author starts the book with the story of her aunt. This story was a well kept family secret being that her aunt s actions were of great disappointment to the family. The no name woman as the story names her, was forgotten by all her family because she had a child that was not from her husband. This story gives a clear ... Show more content on ... After so many years of being subjected by other people, she finally took her life into her own hands and made an attempt to be happy. According to the book, this woman gave birth to a baby which was a symbol of embarrassment and humiliation not only for the villagers but for all the family. Even though this baby did not have any notion of what was going on, she was still a victim of Chinese norms. This baby also became forgotten being that she was not given the opportunity to be alive. Kingston s aunt decision of killing the baby, had to do greatly with the fact that she was girl. As the book states it was probably a girl; there is some hope for forgiveness for boys . Without any doubt, if the baby was given the opportunity to live she would have been mistreated and condemned all her life. She would not have had the opportunity to developed her own identity or raise her own voice . Additionally, another example that implies that Kingston aunt had no voice is when the author states, The work of preservation demands that the feelings playing about in one s guts not to be turned into action. Just watch their passing like cherry blossoms (Kingston 8). This sentence can be interpreted that a women s feelings and wishes were not allowed to be turned into reality or to be expressed. On the contrary, their feelings and wishes were only allowed to be kept to their selves as if
  • 49. Alienation In The Misanthrope According to Florencia, the play The Misanthrope is very contemporary because the story revolves around the feeling of rejection towards society and almost everything that surrounds it. Also, she added the subsequent isolation that a person feels. It happens all the time. People tend to hate the people around them yet, they can t stand that deep loneliness they find. People will have different perceptions why they would experience such situation. Some would believe that they are indeed cursed or have been hit by karma and then kind of give up, accepting that miserable existence. They might accept it until they find that special someone that dislikes that side of the world, too. That What! You too? I thought that no one but myself... moment. Or they die alone, whatever comes first. No matter the time or place, some people feel like outcasts, and that brings the issue of alienation. Other people would start to look at them like the personification of abnormality. Like human beings that just hate humanity for the hell of it. Like misanthropes. Moreover, Florencia said that the book was an insightful play about the essence of human nature, our virtues and flaws. MoliГЁre brilliantly portrayed the hypocrisy of its time through Alceste, the protagonist. A man with a profound existential conflict... Show more content on ... If you are an honest, decent person it s very difficult not to be a misanthrope. He said misanthropy was not his choice, it was a simple, natural response to the way most people are, or at least seem to be. The author have seen and experienced too much selfishness, egotism, narcissism, megalomania, phoniness, duplicity, nastiness and just pure downright evil in people for them to be even remotely likeable. And he don t use the term evil in the religious sense, but as an accurate descriptor of the malice which seems to reside within a great many
  • 50. Pet Overpopulation Is A Serious Problem Did you know about 25 million puppies and kittens are born into the United States each year? That s more than 50,000 born each day in this country alone. Twenty five million pets produce yearly greatly exceeds the amount of willing families to take care of these animals that are born into the world. Even though, these massive amount of litters may in fact be completely healthy there is just not a sufficient enough of homes for this animals to be place in. statically reported by the humane society of the united states in October 2011 6 to 8 million animals who have no place to call their home are put into animal shelters. Unfortunately, due to the excessive surplus of these animals about half which is 3 to 4 million only make it out alive. The other half left to be euthanize by the shelter to make room for the new incoming animals. This turns out to be one animal euthanize every 8 sec. Pet overpopulation has been a serious problem throughout the nation for many years. The on ongoing cycle of bring unwanted litters of pets into the world makes it extremely difficult to reduce the amount of animals being euthanize across the nation each and every day. It s important for people to understand the need to spay and neuter their family s pets and all pets in general, all though people don t understand that need its extremely important to take into account that these thousands of wanted any unneeded animals being born into the world each day will statically end up homeless, place in
  • 51. Britain s The European Union Britain took a giant leap of faith when they decided to leave the European Union. Some might look at this decision being unprecedented as a good thing; but that s exactly why it s a bad thing. Britain needs the EU to survive, the same way that the EU needs Britain to thrive the way they do. The British exit from the European Union , or Brexit in short, is the name for the recently passed referendum involving the UK s decision to part ways with the European Union. The vote took place on June 23, 2016 and passed. The decision to leave the European Union won by 52% to 48%. The vote was very close which raises an ample amount of concern. Contrary to what those 52% of voters believe, the decision to leave the EU was bad in many ways. Brexit now has the potential to yield devastating outcomes on the UK and every nation attached to them. One great concern following Brexit is whether or not Erasmus will remain intact. Erasmus stands for European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students. Erasmus is essentially a higher education and exchange program that gives access to students in universities from 33 different countries. According to Ed Vulliamy of The Observer, since the program was launched in 1987, more than two million young people have benefitted from EU funded grants to study in 27 countries (Vulliamy). The Erasmus program clearly has a multitude of benefits to UK students, and it is safe to say that nobody opposes it. It impacts the lives of