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Value Of A College Education Essay
Crafting an essay on the value of a college education can be both challenging and rewarding.
The complexity arises from the need to navigate through a multitude of perspectives and
arguments surrounding this topic. The subject is multifaceted, requiring a careful examination of
various factors such as economic impact, personal development, societal benefits, and potential
One of the difficulties lies in striking a balance between presenting factual information and
incorporating a personal stance. It's crucial to gather data on statistics related to job
opportunities, income differentials, and career advancement associated with a college degree.
Simultaneously, the essay should reflect a nuanced understanding of the intangible aspects of
education, such as critical thinking skills, cultural awareness, and the ability to adapt to a rapidly
changing world.
Moreover, addressing counterarguments and potential criticisms adds another layer of
complexity. A well-rounded essay should acknowledge opposing views while articulately
defending the chosen perspective. This necessitates thorough research and a deep understanding
of the various viewpoints in the ongoing debate about the value of a college education.
Additionally, the essay should be structured coherently, with a clear introduction, body
paragraphs that flow logically, and a compelling conclusion. This requires careful planning to
ensure that each section contributes meaningfully to the overall argument. Balancing the length
and depth of each point is crucial to maintain the reader's engagement throughout the essay.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the value of a college education demands a comprehensive
exploration of diverse aspects, including statistical data, personal development, societal
implications, and potential criticisms. Achieving a well-rounded and coherent discussion requires
both extensive research and thoughtful consideration of various perspectives on the topic.
And remember, if you find yourself needing assistance with essays or any other academic
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essays tailored to your specific requirements.
Value Of A College Education EssayValue Of A College Education Essay
Little Brother Literary Analysis Essay
Literary Analysis Little Brother
Should the government be allowed to disregard the rights that are entitled to the
people whenever it pleases? In Corry Doctorow s book, Little Brother, Marcus
endures continuous conflicts with the Department of Homeland Security. The DHS
proclaims that everything they are doing is to protect the citizens, but Marcus does
not think that is the case. After experiencing abuse from the Department of Homeland
Security, Marcus sense of injustice is a catalyst for rebellion, retribution, and the need
to reveal the truth.
Marcus is a student who hacks plenty of the devices set up by the DHS without any
objective to harm them, but this all changed after a terrorist attack. The DHS
interrogated Marcus and his friends when they were innocent, and the treatment
they experienced was very extreme and uncalled for. You re talking about
defending my freedom by tearing up the Bill of Rights (55), is when Marcus
finally realizes the DHS would sacrifice the rights of the people in order to
contribute to their own belief of protection. Marcus begins rebelling by telling
people on Xnet not to listen to the things the DHS proclaim, and would openly taint
the view people had of the DHS. Marcus is aware of the things the DHS is doing
and knows that he does not have to ... Show more content on ...
Marcus relied on Xnet to spread what was on his mind about the DHS, and plenty
of people were present to see what he had to say. Marcus described how the DHS
should derive its power from the governed and exposed their wronging. Marcus
wanted to rely on numbers and get others to see the truth behind the DHS. This
does not cause any immediate change in the DHS, but could have made people
question what could really be going on and wonder if that they believe to be safe is
a lie projected to them by the DHS. This is not enough to change the DHS so
Marcus has to find a way to persuade the
Advantages Of Airbnb
For the travel enthusiasts, whether it is hotels, motels, or rental, they may not need
the most luxurious swimming pool. It s a comfortable bed and a cup of warm
coffee in the morning. Travelers who travel need a new alternative to hotel
accommodation. An entry point that connects people and people, rooms and rooms,
as well as culture and culture. Those who have traveled will find that low end
hotels in good locations are expensive, while cheap motels are incredibly remote.
Airbnb, low end hotels, and motels can categorize into travel lodging. When people
choose the travel lodging, they want to see cost effective alternatives. The emergence
of Airbnb has dramatically changed our travel lodging. Therefore, Airbnb is the best
choice for people seeking cost efficient, time flexible, and multiple location options
when in search of a place to stay during their travels.
In the travel lodging categories, the cost of travel ... Show more content on ...
Airbnb owner have unique decoration in the house. Each house has its different
characteristics. It s not like low end hotels, or motels room has standardized
renovated, and stereotyped will cause visual fatigue. The low end hotel and motel in
order to save costs are implemented by a unified decoration. Airbnb has a large
number of villas, castles, treehouses and other novelty of the house, fabulous to meet
people s fantastic imagination of the housing. Airbnb allows guests to experience a
unique experience in another city. It offers a variety of kitchen utensils to make the
customer feel at home. The low end hotels and motels do offer some rooms with
kitchenettes, but only a few. People can also experience the living environment of the
local s home and chat with them to understand their culture and life. For example, the
landlord brings guests to the city s most authentic restaurant, and only locals know
the attractions, and then for the guests must be an exciting
My Spiritual And Discipleship Condition Essay
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if
there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting (KJV Ps. 139:23
24). In this verse, David asks God to help him search his heart so that he can be
closer to God. Without God, the process of self evaluation is impossible as David
states in his psalm. What makes David such a good source for advice? In the Bible,
David is known as a man after Gods own heart (1 Sam. 13:14). If David recognized
the importance of self evaluation, then every Christian should continually evaluate
themselves according to God s principles in the Bible. In this paper, I will be
examining my spiritual and discipleship condition in relation to myself, God, and
In relation to myself, my biggest weakness would be my fear and anxiety. My biggest
fear is change. In the past, I have had many bad experiences with change. For
example, the most traumatic change in my life was the move from England to
South Korea. The leaving behind of friends, culture, and comfort caused great
distress. Another challenge and change was moving from South Korea to America
when my mother became very sick. This change had a very big impact on anxiety as
the fear of losing my mother changed me emotionally. During sixth grade, I went to
the middle school and was bullied. This experience motivated me to become
homeschooled. The most recent big change that I experienced was going to college.
Because of my past traumatizing change,
Medea Assignment 2 Essay
Medea Assignment II In the play of Medea, a lot of turmoil has come her way and
now she hates everyone and swears for revenge. She gains a friend along the way
Aegeus who is king of Athens and promises protection for Medea, because she is
about to unleash hell. The nurse who cares for her and her children is kind and tries
her best to keep Medeawrath from her children but is unsuccessful. Jasonwho was her
husband is the culprit in the story and the cause of Medea s behavior. In this paper
the betrayal and the wrath of Medea will be presented along with the rest of the
characters. At the start of the play, Medea is broken and enraged. Her husband
Jason, has married King Creon s royal daughter Glauce and has left behind his wife
and children. Medea s starts to conjure her plot... Show more content on ...
They were now both exiled and held the title of murderers, Jason and Medea settled
in Corinth, and that s where the setting of Euripides play begins. Together they
created a family having two children and a clean slate for both of them. The action
of the play opens with Jason divorcing Medea and starting a whole with a new
family. Eventually she cast revenge on Jason with murders, and the deaths of her
own children. On (page 531, line 117 119 Medea states, The pain that I ve suffered,
I ve suffered so much, worth oceans of weeping. O children, accursed, may you die
with your father! Your mother is hateful. )
Fearing revenge, Creon banishes Medea and her children from the city. After
begging to stay, Medea is granted one day to make plans for refuge before she
must leave. She plans to kill Creon, Glauce, and Jason. Jason and Medea talk he
claims that his decision to remarry was in everyone s best interest. Medea thinks he
is a fool, and she simply doesn t want his help she wants revenge. On (page 544, line
640 states and I would never accept a thing from you, don t even
Sexuality In Wonder Woman
Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer. Sexuality, and how people identify. Our
sexualities are who we are and in this society we are often hiding this aspect of us
because we are worried how we will be viewed if we are open about it. The media
in today s society tries to hide it away and act as if it does not exist. This is exactly
the case from the recent Warner Brothers movie Wonder Woman. Sexuality is
hardly shown in the movie Wonder Woman, but is very prevalent in the comics.
Wonder Woman the movie should not hide the sexual aspects that the comics
show because in the comics she shows it is okay to be sexual, and to be proud of
your sexuality. Wonder Woman has been a hero who stands for who she is, this is
shown, but the film hides her ties to bondage, a part of who she is. Her authors
found a sanctity in bondage, and gave this belief to her. As Irene Javors states,
Maston and Peter conveyed their unique notions of liberation through bondage
(Javors 1), her two authors, Harry Peter and William Marston both found liberation
in bondage, a freeing sense in being helpless. This concept stems from the belief of
freeing yourself by letting someone else take control, associated with the concept
of submission. This concept is shown greatly in the comic via Wonder Woman
herself. She, in one comic says On Paradise Island where we play many binding
games, this is considered the safest method of tying a girls arms By saying this, the
reader gains information on Wonder Woman s background. She grew up on an all
female island and her comment stated above explains that they practiced bondage
ties. She knew what the safest way to tie someone s arms behind their back using
rope, a common form of bondage in society. Another example of bondage in the
comics is when she states That Velma is a clever girl I ought to bind her hand and
foot! But if I m gone long, tight bonds might make her uncomfortable . Diana knows
that if someone is in a bondage tie for too long that they will get uncomfortable.
While yes that can be seen as common knowledge, she says it in a manner that she
knows first hand it can be uncomfortable. With three easily found examples in the
comics about Wonder Woman s ties to bondage, it raises the
The Aztec Creation Myth
The creation myth of the Aztec religion is one that strikes me as somewhat
moredrawn out of a longer type of process than that of most other religions that we
havelearned about. I have found that there are a few different variations as could be
the casewith some religions whereas a particular group leaning more towards one set
of beliefscan sometimes skew or evolve original learning. The creation mythto the
Aztecs iscontinuous story of creations and destructions called suns. The legend that
tells the storyis called the Legend of the Fifth Sun . At the beginning of the world
there was onlydarkness before the first god Ometecuhtli who by the way was both
good and bad, maleand female created itself. Ometecuhtli gave birth to four other
gods... Show more content on ...
Even though in our society welook fond upon the death of an elder by taking
solace in the fact that they lived a long andfulfilling life the Aztecs took somewhat
of an opposite stance. The individuals who diedof old age were looked at as having
avoided the risks that may lead to a premature deathand were frowned
upon(Saunders, Jen. Death Beliefs Rituals of the Aztec Culture.The Classroom
Synonym. The Classroom. Demand Media, n.d Web. 14 June 2015).These
individuals upon death were sent to the Aztec concept of Hades, known
asMictlan(Cartwright, Mark. Aztec Civilization. Ancient History Encyclopedia.
N.p., 26Feb. 2014. Web. 14 June 2015). This was a dark underworld ruled by a
skeletal deathgod. The body would be cremated along with sometimes a dog so
the person would havea guide and companion in the underworld(Dockray, Hilary.
Ancient Aztec Perspectiveon Death and Afterlife. The Christi Center. N.p., 11
Feb. 2013. Web. 14 June 2015.). On the flip side of this equation is the Hero Death
. This was reserved for warriorswho were slain in battle and also those who
willingly gave themselves up as humansacrifices. These individuals were the noble
ones who took the risk for the greater goodand didn t look back. I find in intriguing
that in the Aztec belief basically the deeds andactions of life carry little effect as
long as the end death was in a noble way. Theseindividuals received great glory and
honor. The reward for
Conducting A Norm Experiment
In today s society, norms are expected by everyone. According to the book
Essentials of Sociology a Down To Earth Approach, Hansen states that norms are
expectations of right behavior (Hansen, 2014). There are also two forms of norms
that may be strictly enforced or not. There is folkways and mores. Folkwaysare norms
that aren t strictly enforced while mores are strictly enforced for essential thought
to care values or the well being of a group (Hansen, 2014). Along with a norm and
the two types, there may also be reactions to it. These reactions may be positive or
negative and termed as sanctions. Sanctions are either expressions of an approval
given to people for upholding norms or expression of disapproval for violating them
(Hansen, 2014). In conducting a norm experiment, the terms were put to a test. The
experiment consisted of an observed norm violation and an individual norm violation.
The experiments resulted in what I had hypothesized. My hypothesisconsisted of
sanctions of the norms that were conducted.
In the observe norm violation experiment, it was concluded to result in negative
sanction. The experiment consisted of a friend of mine and I ordering our lunch at
In n Out. It was my friend, Denise s turn to order her meal. Denise ordered a double
double with no cheese, no thousand island spread, a single patty and only onions,
tomatoes, and lettuce. The employee looked at her in a dumbfound manner and
confirmed her ordered as a hamburger. Denise was not
Personal Narrative On Marty
All safety is illusion.
A stranger stabs a man repeatedly in the face and neck as he rides the rush hour train
to work, a man s parachute fails, an infant boy quietly dies in his sleep. This never
ending parade, this supporting cast that comes and goes and on and on; this ceaseless,
synchronous choir marching and singing solemnly in the echoing expanse of
It s 2:33 p.m. Central Standard Time: Minneapolis. Inside Old Chicago on First
Avenue, I ve been enjoying an afternoon of Double Deckerroni pizza, two large
mugs of beer and four shots of whiskey.
Ethereal tides sway each bobbling bottle in the sea all around and together and apart
or any which way.
My cell phone rings.
What re you up to, tonight? James s voice pulses ... Show more content on ...
Marty had sandy blonde hair, perpetual scruff, an ever dazed look in his green eyes.
Unlike James, nothing looked particularly Native American about Marty, other than
his nose, I guess, and his innumerable addictions.
The last time I d seen James or Marty was at The White Party thrown at the Fine
Line downtown two years before.
That night I recall that I d discreetly finished a fifth of Bombay Sapphire while I
worked my shift at Chino Latino. After I d counted down my till, I decided to take
the bus directly downtown rather than go home to Lana s sad eyes and her questions.
The White Party: Everyone attending was supposed to wear, of course, only white,
but I knew the theme, mostly, referred to whatever was laid out on the table and
shoveled into our noses in discreetly dark barroom corners.
I just needed a taste. I d been good long enough.
I didn t give a fuck if I wore my black t shirt, black pants, black work boots
contrarian Dakota, contemptible Dakota would probably slink into a corner to jerk
off or fuck some strange girl before the night s
Personal Note On The Worst Nightmare Of My Life
I had never been so tense and angry in my life. I spend the last seven months with an
infinite to do list, yet my worst nightmare was about to begin. When I look back to
these memories, this experience left a bad taste in my mouth. I realize that I would
not have completed it without the assistance and support of my family. The story
began on December 15, my birthday, when I first met my dear husband Mostafa. I
started dreaming about a perfect, loving, and cheerful life. Soon after that, we got to
know each other and started to plan for our life and our journey to the United States.
Ten days later, my life took a tragic turn. My mother was at the hospital for almost
two weeks. She had a knee replacementsurgery, which is a painful and agonizing
operation. I felt terrible; it was as if someone took a piece of my heart. However,
this incident left me high and dry. My mother was no longer around to help me
because at that time I really needed her by my side. Nevertheless, I told myself, I
need to control these emotions and be strong for her. When you do not think that
things could get worse, it really does. My mom s wound got infected and she had to
go under the knife again to sterilize the wound and stitch it, but this time she was
only hospitalize for two days. Subsequently, she left the hospital and I started my
duty as a full time nurse to my beloved mother.
While taking care of my mother, things become out of control when my brother
decided that I would also be
Slang Is So Popular With The Younger Generations
The way in which we speak changes drastically depending on the situation,
environment we are in and who we are speaking to. The use of slang in today s
society is increasingly becoming more and more common. However, this new,
modern way of speaking also comes with negative connotations. For this reason,
people have had to learn to adapt their speech to their situation. I will be discussing
the reasons behind the use of slang, why some people disapprove of it and I will
analyse how people change the way in which they speak depending on their
situation.Many young people use slang in order to fit in with their peers. Because
slang is mainly spoken by younger people, the use of it almost puts up a barrier
between children and adults. This barrier gives the youth a sense of rebellion. This
may be one of the reasons why slang is so popular with the younger generations,
this feeling gives them a sense of freedom and independence. Additionally, this
may also be one of the reasons why many people disapprove of the use of slang.
Some people believe that the use of slang suggests bad manners and morals, this
leads to them distrusting people who use slang. People also believe that the
common use of slang is causing the deterioration of Standard English. This can
cause many problems in society because it is easy for assumptions to be made about
people because of the way they speak. For this reason, the younger generation have
learnt to adapt the way they speak around different
Walmart Case
Discussion Questions: 1. Why did Mexico make such a good proving ground for Wal
Mart s foreign expansion strategy?
There were various strategic reasons why Mexico made such a good proving ground
for Wal Mart s foreign expansion strategy.
Since the early 1990s, when Wal Mart had realized that its U.S. growth prospects
were ultimately limited by market saturation, they decided to enter Mexico retail
market considering the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that would
lower barriers to cross border trade and investment.
As Mexico is very well connected by land, the planning and control of the flow of
goods and materials through an organization or manufacturing process was easier
with the company s hub and spoke based ... Show more content on ...
7. Well treating its employees. Profit sharing plan and stock ownership plan for all
employees made every employee think and behave like an owner of the company. As
a result, it generated high productivity, thus translating into lower cost.
Although Mexico had embraced free market reforms, there are some barriers for
Wal mart to cross border trade and investment in this country. 1. The US and
Mexico had different culture in supporting information and logistics systems. This
would be difficult when transferring franchise and doing license with a local
company. 2. Mexican retail market was still very fragmented and dispersed. 3.
Mexican population mostly was poor although they were classified as middle
class. 4. Higher prices reflected the transportation costs between Wal mart
distribution center in Laredo and its Monterrey store. NAFTA had not yet been
implemented tariffs, so high tariffs contributed to the higher prices. 5. Wal mart
had problems replicating its US distribution system in Mexico including poor
infrastructure, crowded roads, and a lack of leverage with local suppliers. Many or
local suppliers could not deliver directly to Wal mart stores or distribution centers.
This led to higher prices and lower margin for Wal mart. 6. Wal mart did not offer the
right selection of merchandise for Mexican market. Some products were popular in
the US but not in Mexico. 7. Government bureaucrats
Full Inclusion versus Self-Contained or Special Schools
Full Inclusion Versus Self Contained or Special Schools The treatment of individuals
with disabilities has changed dramatically since the 1800 s. Reynolds 1988,
describes, Progressive inclusion, the evolution of services provided to those with
various disabilities. In the early 1800 s residential institutions, or asylums were seem
as common place accommodations for individuals with hearing, visual, mental or
emotional impairments. Institutions remained the primary educational support until a
century later in the early 1900 s. The parents of students with disabilities brought
upon a legislation change. During the 1950 s and 1960 s, these parents pressured
courts and legislatures to introduce a change in educational services. Reynolds...
Show more content on ...
In this case, a self contained program or special school may be considered. Some
individuals believe that inclusion settings may leave teachers with lacking
resources, training and other supports necessary to teach students with disabilities
in their classrooms. Tornillo 1994, believes that a student with extensive needs
placed in an inclusion setting are not getting appropriate, specialized attention and
care, and the regular students education is disrupted constantly. Tornillo 1994, also
argues that teachers are required to direct excessive attention to a few students,
thereby decreasing the amount of time and energy dissected towards the rest of the
class. Therefore, the mandates for greater academic accountability and
achievement are unable to be met. Mauro 2009 indicates placement in a self
contained classroom or special school means that the child would be removed from
the general school population for all academic subjects to work in a controlled
setting with a specialized teacher. Students in self contained programs or special
schools may be working at all different levels, with different textbooks, and different
curricula. Self contained classes and special schools offer structure, routine, and
appropriate expectations according to Mauro 2009. Additionally, full inclusive
models do not account for students who are unable to learn from a typical model of
instruction. For example, a Deaf student who is unable to lip read would require a
full time interpreter and
The Health Center Is The Only Health Resource
The Student Health Center is the only health resource that is on campus for
students to access. The staff at the health center consists of physicians, nurses, and
other health care professionals that are available to help during open hours. For
enrolled students, a visit to the health center is free of charge with the exception of
certain labs and x rays that ranges in costs. You can either walk in Monday through
Thursdays between 8am 6pm and on Fridays from 8am 4pm. You can also schedule
a same day appointment if you feel more comfortable with that. The health center
offers a lot of services within the center including men s services, women s services,
immunizations, laboratory, and many more, however, some of these services have
underlying issues. The issues that I found within the Health Center are all centered
around costs and fees, such as the women and men services and having an unfair
costs between those services that are given. The Health Center also has more
expensive prices for the services that they administer compared to other college
campuses and they charge unnecessary costs to some of the laboratory tests. Lastly,
students get charged the health fee for both semesters when they are not even using
the resource, making it something that is benefitting everyone else but themselves.
Mens/ Women s Service s The men s services that are offered at the Health Center
consists of health promotion and disease prevention, addressing concerns with male
genitalia along
Analysis Of The Dogs Could Teach Me By Gary Paulsen
(T) Out of the three stories, The Dogs Could Teach Me, The Sniper, and The
Flowers, The Dogs Could Teach Me by Gary Paulsen best demonstrates
description. (I #1) This is so because Paulsen consistently describes situations,
feelings, and scenery throughout the entire story unlike The Sniper. (Q E #1)
Paulsen begins The Dogs Could Teach Me by writing, There was a point where an
old logging trail went through a small, sharp sided gully a tiny canyon...It might
have been a game trail that was slightly widened or an old foot trail that had not
caved in. Likewise, Liam O Flaherty starts out The Sniper by writing, Dublin lay
enveloped in darkness but for the dim light of the moon that shone through fleecy
clouds, casting a pale light as of approaching dawn over the streets... However, by
the third paragraph of The Dogs Could Teach Me Paulsen continues the same
pattern of writing saying, Later I saw the beauty of it, the falling lobes of blue ice
that had grown as the water froze and refroze, layering on itself, while O Flaherty
scrivens, He was eating a sandwich hungrily. He had eaten nothing since morning.
He had been too excited to eat, by the third paragraph. (A #1) Even though the very
beginning of The Sniper was much like the very beginning of The Dogs Could Teach
Me, in the sense that both of the authors started out with very strong descriptions,
Paulsen s portrayals end up turning out more powerful because of how consistent they
are. Between
How To Prevent Chromebook Persuasive Essay
Students think they are taking good care of their Chromebooks, but there is a rule
getting in the way of that. By allowing their batteries to completely deplete
destorys the batteries inside. The lithium ion batteries lose their ability to hold a
charge as they age, and lose that ability even faster if they completely die. New
Chromebooks have an average battery life of 7 9 hours on full charge. However,
when that time decreases, they can barely last the 8 hour school day, with many
over a year old dying in 7th or 8th hour. Chargers should be allowed for
Chromebooks over one year old during the day because a Chromebook s battery life
decreases as they are used more, and allowing their batteries to completely deplete
can destroy the Chromebooks.... Show more content on ...
Their Chromebooks are the newest, so they have the maximum battery life. Even
if they don t charge it every night, it still can survive the day. However, once it has
had that hard use over a year, its battey life decreases. Now, many students with
Chromebooks one year old can t last the day, regardless of how much they charged
it. Others who do not go to school have the same problem, making it a common
issue. Issue description: I ve had my chromebook for about 17 months... Within the
past month, the life has plummeted to maybe 2 hours on minimum screen brightness
and basic web surfing/Google Drive work/etc (no YouTube, no video ads, 5 8 tabs
open). (Itlebo, Google
Coaching Analysis
Assignment one
Analysis of sports performance is of great importance to a higher performance sports
coach. Coaching is about enhancing an athlete(s) performance a principal means by
which this achieved is through feedback however research as proven that human
observation and memory are not reliable enough to provide the detailed information
necessary to secure behavioural changes (Franks and Miller 1986) P101.
According to world renowned rugby union coach Graham Henry A successful coach
is one who prepares his team to deal with all eventualities, are fully briefed on the
game and understand their requirements. A coach s job is to familiarise them with
their particular strengths and weaknesses (Henry 1999). ... Show more content on ...
Analysis can also be used whilst coaching on a one to one basis. The athlete can then
view their performance techniques in order to ascertain information required in
enhancing their performance.
2. The methods and systems used in performance analysis
1.2.1 The human memory can be used to aid a coach in his analysis of performance
however this way is not known to be the most effective way to support performance
analysis. Human memory is limited so it is almost impossible to remember and
acknowledge everything that happens throughout a game type situation.
For example Franks and Miller (1986) provided information research collected that
showed less than 45 percent of football coaches where accurate in their post match
assessment using the method of human memory (Hughes 2008) p103. Even though
the use of human memory can give the coach a general idea of how a team or athlete
as done throughout a game or event, it should not be used to determine accurate
observational or statistical conclusions.
1.2.2 Hand notion is relatively accurate and cheap but it does have disadvantages
(Hughes 2008) p101. This type of method often consists of relevant details of
performance that is often collected by one or more persons throughout an event or
game type situation. Analysis data is collected and presented to the coach often in the
form of graphs pie charts, and bar
Questions For Interviews With Nursing And Non Nursing
Eastern New Mexico University N425LP Nursing Leadership Practicum Questions
for Interviews with nursing and non nursing leaders 1.How do you get others to
accept your ideas? пѓ In my opinion the way to get other to accept your ideas is you
have to be a person of integrity, this is the first and foremost key to being able to
have others accept your ideas. Once you have respect with others your words will
have meaning and people will accept your ideas, doesn t mean they may agree with
them but they can at least respect them. 2.Are you more effective in a group or a one
on one basis? пѓ In my opinion the key to being an effective leader is knowing
how to be effective in both, whether you are working in a group or if you are
working one on one. It takes different strategies to work in either situation. My
personal strength is working one on one; I am passionate about seeing others grow
beyond what they think they are cable of doing. There should be no greater joy
then seeing someone you have mentored or an employee you have coached move
up in their career, that is the key to being a good leader help others grow. 3.How
would you go about getting cohesion among a team who disagree? пѓ In my opinion
the first key to cohesion is a common goal for the team to be focused on, if the
team is focused on accomplishing the same goal and they can see it in front them
cohesion will begin to happen. The other key weather a small or large team is
making sure every person knows they
Benefits of Playing Video Games Essay
Video games have been argued about for decades. Some people have argued that
video games are linked to violence. However, new research shows that video games
can be used for therapeutic purposes, exercise, stress relievers, positive interactive
learning, hand eye coordination, and different types of patient treatment for people
all around the world.
When playing video games, the coordination and concentration can physically,
socially, and mentally benefit the user. Research today shows that certain video
games can reduce fat and therefore promote weight loss. Other sources state that
doctors have instructed parents to let their children play video games to help control
focus. It is found that video games can improve hand eye ... Show more content on ...
Active video games are also being marketed for adults. New Gaming companies
have been turning their gaming systems into exercise machines (Recio 143). This
new game keeps the player fit while watching television. One machine will
incorporate a favorite show into an aerobic workout by broadcasting the selected
show loud and clear during the exercise. Once the person starts to decrease their
effort the volume will drop, and if they continue to decrease, the television will shut
off leaving nothing to watch. This creates a good workout environment involving
exercises and entertainment into a strict exercise agenda. Workout levels can range
from heavy lifting or swimming (Recio 143). These workout levels are increasing
stamina causing weight loss and health awareness. The new video machines can
drastically change an adults workout routine.
Video games can improve visual skills and brain function. Video games increase
spatial awareness. When playing different video games eyes are focused on a video
game a person are more likely to gain different eye strengths after training the brain.
Action video games train the brain to better process certain visual information. When
people play action video games, they re changing the brain s pathway responsible for
visual processing (Masnick 1). Video games change brain functions. Researchers
today are reporting that first person shooter
The Scent Of Green Mango
The Scent of Green Papaya is a 1993 seductive drama that was written and directed
by Tran Anh Huang in colonial Vietnam. This film was set in Saigon, Vietnam in
1951 following the life of a 10 year old girl, Mui played by Lu Man San who was
hired to be the servant of a wealthy merchant family and is later taken under the
wing of the housekeeper who teaches her how to perform the necessary daily tasks
such as cooking and cleaning which Mui does with grace. As Mui performs her tasks
she learns that the familyis dealing with some hardships and that the family is
mourning the death of their daughter To, who would have been the same age as her.
As Mui spends more time around the family, the mistress begins to look to Mui as
her own ... Show more content on ...
Soon after a young boy enters, walking to the dinner table asking the father to go for
some tea with his friend.
Within these three minutes I saw how the director and cinematographer used
camera movement to show the audience the family s dynamic through the eyes of
Mui. The opening shot beginning at 11:00 started off in a low angle, medium wide
shot. Which then led the camera to follow the mistress and Mui from the outdoor
kitchen into the house. As Mui got to the dinner table the camera ended up in a
wide shot revealing the father and sons seated at the dinner table all taking place in
one continuous long shot, tilting and panning according to the movement of the
actors. As Mui walked off screen the there was a seamless edit, cutting to Khuyen
entering the screen asking for permission to go for some tea with his friends. From
there, there were a few quick cuts getting reaction shots of the two young boys and
their father. The next shot began with an immediate pan left as Mui was walking
into the shot, the mistress was also walking into the shot coming down the stairs.
They were coming from two different directions but they both landed in the frame at
the same time. The camera was set in a position where they were able to get both
actors crossing paths and as they reached the same point in the frame the camera
panned displaying the father and kids at the table in a medium wide shot. In
Living by Numbers
Question 1
Determine the economic earnings of MarineCorp Sdn. Bhd., Green Port Sdn. Bhd
and Sungai Emas Port Sdn. Bhd.
| Economic Earnings| MarineCorp Sdn Bhd| RM 14,274,611| Green Port Sdn Bhd|
RM (14,588,232)| Sungai Emas Port Sdn Bhd| RM 5,030,563|
Green Port will have negative economic earnings and the other two will have positive
economic earnings.
Positive Earnings = provides higher return than the cost of capital
Negative Earnings = the value of the company was destroyed and investment should
be avoided from this company because it indicates that the company failure to provide
higher returns than the cost of capital.
Question 2
Rank the companies in terms of their performance.
We ... Show more content on ...
Here a few suggestion:
Cash in MarineCorp and Sungai Emas Marine Copr and Sungai Emas possess a
huge amount of cash. In addition, they do not have much long term obligation to
worry about. However, the cash are there only for the purpose of earning interest in
order to generate more additional income to increase the profit. The cash increased
from year to year and yet it does not utilized for other purpose than earning interest.
We suggest the available cash in MarineCorp and Sungai Emas to be used for
investment purposes in order to generate more profit to the MarineCorp as well as
Sungai Emas. The companies can invest in securities such as shares, sukuk or even in
property which will give long term benefits to the company. Despite the higher risk
compare to the interest earning, it can give higher profit for the companies in which
will improve the performance of those companies. Moreover, a right investment could
give a long term performance benefit to the company.
Green Port switch from owner operator to operator mode Green port operate under
owner operator mode where all its tangible assets are funded by SURIA. Due to this
arrangement, Green Port record a very high capital charged which lead to negative
economic earning which means destroying value. SURIA should convert Green Port
from owner operator to operator mode.
My Goal As An Educator
It is my goal as an educator to guide students and help them to explore, follow, and
achieve their dreams to the fullest. I also would like students to know and realize
that learning is an ongoing process that never ends. It is important to teach students
about respecting others and to treat others how they would like to be treated. I
believe that my future students should be in a safe environment, which will improve
their social, intellectual, and emotional skills. Students spend much more time in the
classroom than they spend at home participating in eight hours of learning,
socializing, and remolding themselves around the classroom. Therefore they should
feel like school is a safe environment to be in. Teachers should let students feel
comfortable in relating to them as a friend, motherly figure, and as a tool to lead
them to success. Students are from diverse cultures and ethnicity; they should
understand and respect each other customs and ways of life. It is my responsibility
as a teacher to instill in them these values. This will then help them to develop and
become open minded to others. It is also very vital that a teacher provides many
different kinds of learning approaches/techniques to a child, so that they don t
become fixated or trapped in their most comfortable learning style. Learning has been
proven to be most successful when students can relate the information that has been
given to them to real life experiences. It is highly important to incorporate
The Case Of Daniel Handley
The Case of Daniel Handley
On October 7, 1994 in Beckton, London, England, while Daniel Handley was
working on his bicycle, he was approached by two men in a Peugeot 405, who
claimed to be lost and sought direction from Daniel on their map. Meanwhile, their
fantasy was to abduct a young fair haired, pre teen buy and sexually abuse him and
kill him to hide their crime. With the map placed in the back seat of their car, as
Daniel leaned in to look at it, he was pushed into the car and they drove off. At
their flat, both men sexually abused him while the other videoed the activity. Then,
Daniel was taken to a layby by Hungerford in Berkshire and strangled to death with a
rope. His body was dumped in a shallow grave near Bristol and found in March 1995.
This paper is to look at why child kidnapping and abuse happened and still happens to
this day. To also look at what kind of person would take pleasure from raping and
killing a ten year old boy?
Keywords: child abuse; kidnapping; sexual abuse; strangulation; England
The abduction, sexual abuse, and strangulation of Daniel Handley in Beckton,
London, England on October 7, 1994, caught the nation by surprise. Law
enforcement personnel and all concerned citizens frantically joined hands searching
for him, until his body was found on March 1995, in a shallow grave, near Bristol,
England. Two men, Tim Morss, aged 31 and Brett Tyler, aged 29, who met in prison
Vikings Identity
What impact have the Vikings had on the history and identity of northern England?
The Impact the Vikings had on the history and identity of northern England is of a
complex nature. Ethnic identities consist of many different factors from an
individual s language, religion, culture, it could also be defined by history,
geographical or ancestry origin. It is possible national identities could also be
undermined by regional identity. This could be from social roles, like a father,
farmer or a vicar which assume other identities. For these reasons, it is clearly
extremely difficult to define the identity of a society. The historical impact the
Vikings left behind in northern England can be seen in place names, the use of
language and accents, as well as some cultural aspects.
To understand what identity ... Show more content on ...
It refers to the act of travelling to raid, steal and plunder. A generalist term used for
people of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Vikings have several labels in medieval
texts which suggest several assigned identities; scholar Alcuin wrote from the
court of Charlemagne to Bishop Higebald, following the first recorded Viking raid
in 793 on the monastery at Lindisfarne. Outraged, he describes the Vikings as
heathens [who] desecrated god s sanctuaries . They were repeatedly referred to as
Gaill or foreigners in The Annals of Ulster. Historical sources show that England was
subject to regular attacks from Scandinavians so it was no surprise that they were
given these names like Heathens, Pagans, Northmen and Danes. The English referred
to them primarily as Vikings. These multiple identities are linked to the Viking
invasions and raids of England and aids in developing and understanding how the
lasting history and identities where formed in the north of England. It could be said
much of the history and identity was shaped from the identities orchestrated
politically by the kings of Wessex to achieve unity
Questions On Sexual Offences Act Essay
The parties mentioned in the question may be charged with three different sexual
offences. The first possible scenario is rape, contrary to Section 1 of the Sexual
Offences Act 2003 (henceforth referred to as SOA 2003 ) and the parties that may
be liable are Steve and Ryan. The second offence is one contrary to Section 4 SOA
2003: causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent. The parties
that could be held accountable are Steve for his actions concerning Sonia as well
as Jane and Leela for their actions against Steve. Finally, the third offence is sexual
assault contrary to Section SOA 2003 and Jane is the person concerned. Rape
Steve Steve engaged in unprotected sex with Leela after having falsely convinced
her that she could not get pregnant as a result of it. He may be liable for rape
depending on whether or not Leela s consent is deemed to be initially valid and
unaffected by Steve s deception. There is potential scope for prosecution under
Section 74 of SOA 2003 which postulates that consent is considered to be given if
he agrees by choice, and has the freedom and capacity to make that choice .
Although capacity has not been expressly defined in statute, according to the
guidelines established in IM v LM Others [2014], in order for a person to have the
mental capacity to consent to sex , he/she need only have a basic understanding of
the act sex: what it involves physically, the fact that there may be health risks and the
fact that some
Tuesdays With Morrie
Tuesdays with Morrie , by Mitch Albom, is a nonfiction retelling of a student s
meetings with his former mentor. Mitch, now a corporate lapdog, revisits one of
his old college professors after he hears that he has contracted ALS, a terminal
disease with no known cure. Mitch and his old professor, Morrie, discuss Morrie s
life every tuesday, and these talks continuously make Mitch a better person than who
he was. Throughout this book many different themes are touched upon. One of
these such theme is the theme, and also Morrie s saying, Love or Perish .
Throughout the book Morrie regularly hammers in the point that to live without
love, is to not live at all. Morrie is able to explain to Mitch that the essence of love is
the reason which... Show more content on ...
Even in Morrie s dying state, the slightest brush of skin to skin contact with Mitch
is enough to make Morrie happy. Morrie relays that without his wife, without his
nurses, and most importantly without Mitch, he would not have been able to last
as long as he did with his ALS. Another theme throughout the book is that Morrie
teaches Mitch to live life his own way. Morrie is disgusted by america s lust for
greed, fakeness, and violence, and teaches to establish your own way of thinking.
While the O.J. Simpson case was going on, Morrie completely shut himself off from
the case, and instead focused on his family and friends. Morrie built his life on the
foundation of love and forgiving, two things that are shunned in America, in Morrie s
eyes. Morrie teaches Mitch that creating his own values and beliefs leads to a much
more enjoyable life than accepting mainstream America. One more theme evident in
Tuesdays with Morrie is the theme that life is full of choices. Morrie says early on
in the book that he had two choices when he got sick, feel sorry for himself or do
something to try and help the world. Morrie choose the second
Violence Numbers in the Middle East
While the rest of the world appears to be seeing decreasing levels of violence, it
appears the Middle East has yet to experience this same trend. The past couple of
decades have seen either a decrease in violence and types of violence that the West
has not experienced for a time. This then brings the questions, is the Middle East
more violent or is nothing more than Islamophobia. One way to answer this
question is to look at the numbers. In Pinker s, The Better Angels of our Nature, he
compares the number of interstate conflicts with the number of Islamic conflicts.
By this graph, it can be clearly seen that since the 1990s, the number of interstate
conflicts has been decreasing, but the number of Islamic conflicts has not. With
the use of this data, he shows that the Middle East has not been following the
trends of less violence as compared with the rest of the world. However, is this data
alone to say that the Middle East is more violent? There are a number of issues
need to be looked at besides conflict. These include other types of violence. A type
of violence that can be quantified is homicide rates. In comparing homicide rates
from the Middle East with other areas of the world like Western powers of the
United States, Canada, and England an interesting set of date emerge. Data from the
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) from the years 1999 2011 will
be used. United States
1999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011 Rate 5.65.5
Grande Odalisque And The Nightmare Comparison
Both Grande Odalisque and The Nightmare, were created during a time period ruled
by Neoclassism and Romanticism. Grande Odalisque is an oil painting created by
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres in 1814. The Nightmare is an oil painting created by
Henry Fuseli in 1781. Grande Odalisque and The Nightmare have very unique themes
that represent each of their artists own unique style, despite their differences they still
maintain certain similarities through the Romantic qualities that each possess. In
order to fully comprehend the meaning of works of art, it is important to understand
the artist behind them. Obtaining knowledge on an artist s life can help the viewer
comprehend possible messages that a work of art is trying to present. Jean Auguste...
Show more content on ...
He achieves this by using oil paint on canvas. Its main focus is that of a nude
European woman in the foreground, the woman stares apathetically at the viewer.
Her body is lounging on a blue couch, with rich linens crumpled beneath her. There
are elaborately embroidered curtains hanging behind her. The only thing adorning
her body is a turban in her hair and a peacock feathered fan clutched in her hand.
The feathers could be symbolizing the woman s integrity and high social standing,
which is indicative to peacocks. The cool blue tones used throughout the piece help
emphasize the woman s calm demeanor. Her body is long and languid, which
Ingres was able to achieve with illusionism. He often distorted the human form to
achieve idealistic images, such as the lengthening of the woman s torso ( Jean 122).
The contrast between her skin and the environment helps her body stand out in
comparison. The lines that define her body curve softly, giving her a sensual and
smooth appearance in contrast to the angular lines used in the environment. Ingres
portrays the young woman as a concubine in a harem looking over her shoulder at
her master. Although he had attempted Neoclassicism this picture leans to a more
Romantic approach, which is the reason it was not well received when it was
displayed in a Salon in Paris ( Jean
Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis
Week Three Team Assignment World Of Warcraft Eco 365 January 7, 2013 Week
Three Team Assignment World Of Warcraft World Of Warcraft derives from the
Warcraft series developed by Blizzard Entertainment. World Of Warcraft has been
one of the leading multiple player online based games on the market for years
since its initial release. The game maintains a high level of subscriptions that cost a
fixed rate of $15 per month. The game itself once controlled over 50% of the
multiple player market shares in 2006 for the western region. Subscriptions have
reached more than five million by 2006 and exceeded 10 million subscribers for a
2nd time by the end of 2012. Subscriptions for this game have even exceeded 14
million in year 2009. At... Show more content on ...
The price of $15 per month or equivalent in other regions, are a standard set by
previous successful developers within the market. The pricing structure provides
foresight of future profits based on subscription levels. Increased monthly
subscriptions have become more unattractive as other platforms for massive
multiplayer games have moved towards free to play gaming and focus their
revenue earning on selling in game items. Consumers have steadily started to
consider other games that have no cost to play. Free to play games have been
known to rise quickly in subscriptions while still generating revenue from frequent
players. Repeat players often seek out premium items paid for with cash. These
items create a virtual market for virtual items and provide value by making them
premium items or services. Supply cost has decreased as technology improves and
becomes cheaper in price. Supply for this market is based on the server performance
with high volumes of users; along with, connection speeds for sending data back to
users. Both of these variables are highly adjustable to meet minimum requirements.
When servers or connection speed lack in performance, these types of games become
affected by latency issues and make the game unplayable while online. Server
performance is critical in maintaining player satisfaction along with other attributes in
the game design. Improved technology has allowed developers to host
Character Analysis Of Rumble Fish By Rusty James
The protagonist of the book is Rusty James. He is a fourteen your old boy that
smokes and drinks and fights already in the 1960 1970s in a southwest town. He
pushes himself to be like the Motorcycle boy (his brother). He starts to follow the
Motorcycle boy around to seem tougher and uncovers a new side of the Motorcycle
boy. The antagonist of Rumble Fishis not really a person but poverty. His dad drinks
away the child support money and is always drunk. Rusty is left to fend for
himself which makes him steal and drink and smoke and fight for money. The two
main themes of Rumble Fish are alienation and abandonment. Rusty James is just
trying to fit in but all the gangs split up and he has nowhere to go so he follows the
Motorcycle boy around to feel like he fits in. He is also abandoned by his father
and mother. His mother left when he was a baby and, his father is always drunk
and wastes the money. I would definitely recommend this book to someone. It is a
little slow but it has a good story line and it gets more interesting the more you read
it and the deeper you get. The exposition in the story in the story is when we learn
about Rusty James and his little crew who he hangs out with and how he is going to
fight Biff Wilcox. The conflict in the story is between the relationship between Rusty
James and his brother, the Motorcycle boy. The motorcycle boy tries to leave his gang
roots but Rusty keeps bringing him back. The climax is when the Motorcycle Boy,
Rusty James and Rusty s friend Steve go to town, get drunk They are split up and
Rusty and Steve get beat up. The Motorcycle boy then has to come and save them.
The resolution is when Rusty James and Steve meet at the end of the book and Steve
is a successful person and rusty James is in a rehabilitation house getting help. Book
Freshman English
Mrs. Young
Title: Rumble Fish
Author: S.E. Hinton
Number of Pages: 150
Rumble Fish This book is Young Adult Fiction. Wrote by S.E. Hinton about a
fourteen year old teenager that is a rebel that drinks and smokes and fights. The
gangs have been broken up for a few years now but he still acts like he is the leader.
Rusty fights a rival gang member Biff Wilcox and gets
Sharecropping In Post-Bellum South
In the post Bellum South, the Economic situation, that followed emancipation and
the loss of Labor, forced the South to find a suitable replacement for slavery. This
also meant enacting laws designed to keep former slaves tied to the land. The
economic system which replaced slavery was sharecropping. But to keep the
former slaves tied to the land laws, such as the black codes which ensured a steady
streamer of workers to harvest the crops, and vagrancy laws which were designed to
punish vagrants by making them harvest crop for a plantation owner, were passed.
In the following pages this paper will summarize three primary sources, Working on
Shares, The Black Codes of Mississippi, and Post Bellum Southern Rental Contracts.
After summarizing ... Show more content on ...
Thus, the Black Codes were created to keep former Slaves tied to the land so that the
crop could be harvested. A look at section four of the Black Codes of Mississippi is
an example of a law that aimed to keep former African Americanslaves tied to the
land so that the crop could be harvested. In section four it says that, if the worker
left the Master without his or her approval that they the master had the right to not
only go after the worker but to capture the worker. The master then would bring him
before the courts who then remand the worker back into the employment of the
master. however, if the worker refuses to go back to work for the master then
worker is place in jail. And if it is found that the worker left the master without good
cause to then order him to be punished. But if the court finds that the worker had
good cause to leave the master then the judgment shall be against the master and then
the worker is let go of his employment from the
Examples Of Ethos In The Declaration Of Independence
Classical rhetoric considers that a speaker or writer has three appeals at his or her
disposal: to ethos (the standing of the writer or speaker), to pathos (emotion), and to
logos (reason), divided into deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning. (The
Declaration) Jefferson s drafting of the Declaration of Independence is based on three
types of argument ethos, pathos, logos which are modes of persuasion. They are also
referred to as the three artistic proofs (Aristotlecoined the terms), and are all
represented by Greek words. (Holliday)
The principle of ethos is to prove to the audience/reader that the writer is a
reasonable person and is therefore credible. The writers of the Declaration of
Independence establish their ethical standing, that they are men of good sense, good
character, and good will; first, by acknowledging that they need to explain to the
world the reasons for their actions. (The Declaration) Jefferson does this very
skillfully in the first line of the Declaration when he announces to the world that the
Declaration is written out of respect for those who must judge the rightness or
wrongness of the colonies decision to break with Great Britain: ...decent respect to
the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel ...
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Biodex Gait Trainer Case Study
The Biodex Gait Trainer 2TM used to evaluate gait parameters including; average
step length (m), walking speed (m/sec), and time on each foot (recorded as a
percent of gait cycle). For evaluation of gait parameters, each child first allowed to
be familiar with the gait trainer set up before starting recording the gait parameters.
This achieved through instructing the child to walk over the gait trainer and to
follow the tread belt movement for 3 5 minutes. This might be repeated two or three
times till the child became adapted with the apparatus. To start the evaluation
process, the tread belt was ramp up slowly to 0.3 meter/hour. The speed setting then
increased gradually to a comfortable pace for the child. Once the child was
A Study On Korean University Curriculum
According to the above research about Korean university curriculum, most of courses
aim to educate BIM, which means they are fully related to BIM. On the other hands,
a few of them are digital graphic representation course, which educate BIM modelling
in order to improve architectural presentation skill.
Additionally, engineering program curriculum of the 10 universities, mentioned
previously, are also researched in order to find out whether their engineering programs
have any cooperation courses for BIM education. In engineering program, BIM is
able to apply on administration of construction process, integrated design delivery
project, construction management, structural analysis, and costing construction, and
it has many other related subjects which is able to applied indirectly. However, only 2
universities have BIM course, and 1 university is planning to apply into the
engineering program curriculum among the previously mentioned 10 university.
According to the Universities engineering program curriculum, their major goal of
the courses is that students have effective architectural digital design skill and
flexibly responding technique to the design changes during the project. Moreover,
during the courses, student can understand how data or information of architectural
design is shared with construction by computer science and digital technology in
design and construction phase. Therefore, according to the researches in terms of
BIM course in architecture and
Case Study On Blood Transfusion
Blood is one of the integral components of body constituents, which flows throughout
body and becomes a reason for survival. Blood transfusion is a life saving
intervention for patients in need of transfusion. Blood borne infections are common
serious hurdles of blood transfusion. Considering the serious consequences of these
infections and to hold back the transmission to minimum, it is extremely important to
remain vigilant about the possible spread of these diseases in the course of blood
transfusion1. Transfusion safety begins with healthy donors. Blood transfusion is
safer than ever before through continuous improvements in donor recruitment,
screening, testing of donated blood with increasingly sensitive assays, and
appropriate clinical use of blood. Serologic testing for transfusion transmitted
infections had historically been the foundation of blood screening, while newer
strategies like nucleic acid testing (NAT) have helped further shorten the window
period . Moreover, threat of infectious agents entering the blood supply is not
constant and may evolve as new pathogens emerge or when old ones change their
epidemiological pattern. In 2002, the Government of India adopted the National
Blood Policy An action plan for blood ... Show more content on ...
WHO recommends that all blood donations should be screened for infection prior to
use. The World Health Organization s (WHO) goal is for all countries to obtain all
blood supplies from voluntary unpaid donors by 20203.
The national blood policy in India relies heavily on voluntary blood donors, as they
are usually assumed to be associated with low levels of transfusion transmitted
infection4. In India, it is mandatory to test every unit of blood collected for hepatitis B
, hepatitis C, HIV, syphilis and malaria. If donor test positive to any of the five
infections, their blood is
Essay On Tony Awards
The nominees for the Tony Awards are chosen by a revolving group of 10 to 50
people picked by the Tony Awards Administration Committee (TAAC). These
people are tasked with attending or seeing every show that Broadway puts on.
They all gather at the end of the year and discuss which shows will make it onto
their ballot system and then they all vote from the ballots. The major categories for
the Awards are as follows: Best Play, Best Musical, Best Book of a Musical, Best
Original Score (Music and/or Lyrics) Written for the Theatre, Best Revival of a Play,
Best Revival of a Musical, Best Performance by an Actorin a Leading Role in a Play,
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Play, Best Performance by an
Actor in a Leading Role
Protecting Wireless Sensor Network From Internet Attacks
Protect wireless sensor network from Internet attacks
As the rapid development of internet, the technology of wireless sensor network
(WSN) plays an important role in our real life. Moreover, WSN are the essential
elements on a wide range of fields such as Internet of things (IOT). Thus, it is
necessary to prevent WSN from internet attacks and maintain its stability. Sensor
nodes in WSN can not only collect and process physical data, but also communicate
with other entities. Therefore, this essay will illustrate three approaches on the
security of WSN and analyze as well as discuss the three approaches based on attacks
types, attacks source, applied range and energy consumption and so on.
Nowadays, there are already a large number of new ... Show more content on ...
Although wireless sensor network and the other types of network sometimes need
same security requirements, providing security service for WSN own more
challenges when compared with secure foundation of network because of limited
energy, the nodes number, storage, Internet bandwidth, communication of sensor
nodes and the capabilities of computation. Two main reasons are computation
capabilities and low traffic rates. The low traffic rate of sensor nodes can not support
battery of sensors to make the network smooth for a long time and devices in the
WSN can not support very complex computation to deal with some typical internet
attacks. Additionally, Internet attacks can be divided into two types: internal attacks
and external attacks. Generally, internal attacks are produced from malicious nodes.
On the other hand, when it comes to the external attacks, wireless sensor network are
easy to be attacked by several types of external internet attacks, which can be
considered to three main aspects: secrecy and authentication attacks, network
availability attacks and replay attacks.(p135, denial). Although many traditional
techniques that have been used to resist various kinds of attacks, there are still remain
serious problems in security of WSN. As a result, it is necessary to come up with the
most effective approach to handle the Internet attacks in time because the faster
development of technology, the more security problems. For these reasons, the
prevention of
Lab Report On Catalase
Catalase lab background
The question being answered by these experiments is: How do different conditions
affect the productivity of enzymes? Enzymes are produced by cells and they act as
catalysts, which means they are organic molecules that speed up chemical reactions.
How effectively they work depends on the conditions they are in, such as level of
temperature, pH level, substrate concentration, and salt concentration. In these
experiments, Catalase will be placed in different conditions with hydrogen peroxide.
How active the enzyme is in these different conditions will be measured by the
amount of oxygen gas being produced. A very high increase in oxygen will indicate
a high reaction rate and a low production of oxygen will show that there is a low
reaction rate. On the other hand, if there is no change in the level of oxygen, it will
indicate that the Catalase is denatured and is no longer functioning.
In temperature, when it increases, it is expected that the activity of Catalase will
also increase up to a certain temperature. After a certain degree, it is expected that
the activity of Catalase will slow down and eventually come to stop. Similarly, it is
expected that more concentration of substrates will lead to higher activity of
Catalase up to a certain concentration level. Past that certain level, the productivity of
the enzyme will stop. On the other hand, for pH and salt concentration level, it is
expected that too low or too high in either variable will lead to
Early Learning Mission Statement
The Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts is a section of Wolf Trap,
dedicated to providing kids with the proper artistic tools necessary to make learning
easier and more efficient. Their mission statement is broad: There is a wealth of
research showing the efficacy of using the performing artsto engage children early
and improve the way they learn. But these resources are frequently unavailable or
under utilized... The mission of Wolf Trap Institute for Early LearningThrough the
Arts is to address this challenge in classrooms nationwide. This means that the
Institute is dedicated to providing artistic learning opportunities to children around
the globe. The Institute has four main goals in the pursuit of this task. They want to
The Writer s Duty Of William Faulkner s Nobel Prize...
Addie Champlin
English II AP
Dr. Payne
September 9 2016
The Writer s Duty In William Faulkner s Nobel Prize acceptance speech, he speaks
about the true purpose of writing and the importance of genuinely putting your heart
into your work. He discusses how the only way writing can truly be valuable is if the
author is dedicated to showing the authentic love the human spirit holds and what that
love is capable of accomplishing. A good piece of writingwill show both strength and
vulnerability and will not be written for fame or recognition. It will be written for the
sake of creating and spreading a message that is important to the author. In their
memoirs, An American Childhood and The Road from Coorain, Annie Dillardand Jill
Ker Conway, both feel very strongly about their purpose for writing. Conway tends
to express her reasons for writing explicitly, while Dillard chooses to do it more
In An American Childhood by Annie Dillard, she clearly demonstrates the
meaning of the novel in one passage that reads, Children wake up and find
themselves here, discover themselves to have been here all along; is this sad?
They wake like sleepwalkers, in full stride; they wake like people brought back
from cardiac arrest or from drowning: in medias res, surrounded by familiar people
and objects, equipped with a hundred skills. They know the neighborhood, they can
read and write English, they are old hands at the commonplace mysteries, and yet
they feel themselves to have just
Muslim and Hindu Wedding Ceremony
The Islamic and Hindu religions have an array of similarities and differences
regarding their customs and laws in relation to the wedding ceremony .
Within Islam, the wedding ceremony is believed to be both a religious and social
obligation to get married. As a result, there is a great weight placed on religious,
social and cultural dimensions of the ceremony which tends to be simple in nature,
paralleling Islamic beliefs. Hindus also place a lot of importance on marriage
ceremonies which signify customs, rituals and elaborate celebrations. However, a
key difference lies in the fact that Islamic marriages are seen as contractual
agreements, whereas Hindu marriages are perceived to be sacrilegious.
This essay compares ... Show more content on ...
The Hindu service is performed by a male Brahmin priest ( Pundit ), in accordance
with the holy verses ( mantras ) from the Vedas the Hindu Holy Book. Often the
ceremony can be conducted in Sanskrit which gets its roots from Hinduism and
embraces a rich tradition of poetry as well as practical and philosophical texts.
The Venue
An Islamic wedding ceremony can take place in many places apart from a Mosque,
even though a Mosque is highly preferred. Before the ceremony, the bride and
groom should find out whether it s possible to video and take photos of the event.
Flowers and ornaments are not allowed in the Mosque even though the bride and
groom are decorated with flowers for the service. If the ceremony takes place in a
venue which isn t a Mosque, the bride and groom have more freedom to decorate,
providing they seek advice from the local Imam , of what is appropriate.
The Hindu marriage usually takes in the bride s hometown or city. The venue is
generally a town or community hall, or a hotel, depending on the budget of the bride
s family. There are often blessings in the temple before or after the service.
Wedding Attire
Customarily, the Arab Muslim bride wears a simple white dress and veil, very
similar to the Christian faith. An Asian Muslim bride however, is much more
colourful and wears glittering clothes, plenty of jewellery and flower garlands
around her. The hands and feet of the bride are often decorated with henna ( Mehndi
). The
Thesis About Ice Cube
One of the greatest American rap musicians is Ice Cube. How did he get the name
Ice Cube? His Brother Called him that as a joke because he was trying to be cool
with the ladies and he liked it so much he began to tell everyone in the hood and that
s how he became Ice Cube. He has pleased and helped many with his art work and
confidence. You might think Ice Cubeis just a gangster rapper and actor but, he is so
much greater than just that. He s a serious artist dedicated to racial advancement and
series of black pride. This is what most of his fans like about him including his
music. He is a artist, film actor, rapper, actor, father, son, songwriter, record producer,
screenwriter, and entrepreneur. His strongest times are by himself instead... Show
more content on ...
One of the most difficulties was when his home town turned to all violence, drugs
and murder all his friends were getting killed. He didn t have much failures but, his
Awards was in 1992, he received the chicago Film Critics Association Award in the
Category, Most Promising Actor for the film Boyz n the Hood. In 2006, he was
honoured at the VH1 1s Annual Hip Hop Honors ceremony. And in 2009, he
received the BET Hip Hop Awards. Latter on in life he got married and continued his
career. His Mentors in getting started in his career where Dr. Dre, Eazy E, Dj Yella
and MC Ren as I mentioned was the people in the group N.W.A. they helped him in
Nt1330 Unit 4.2 Paper
4.2 Implementation Details 4.2.1 Data Source Random Bernoulli generator
generates binary data on a per frame basis. In data output, 144 samples per frame
are used, and data rate is 36 Mbps. Figure 4.2: Data Source 4.2.2 Forward Error
Correction Coding A typical problem in OFDM based systems is a high Peak to
Average Power Ratio (PAPR). The available RF power amplifiers usually have a
limited linear dynamic range. This is not a problem for constant amplitude signals,
however, in OFDM, due to IFFT operation, some of the sub carriers add
constructively to large amplitudes while others add destructively. The amplitude of
the signals thus varies randomly and for large amplitude signals, non linear
amplifications cause errors. Therefore, error correction codes are employed. In
HiperLan2, the data is coded with a convolutional encoder of rate 1/2. The
convolutional encoder uses the industry standard generator polynomials, g0 = 1338
and g1 = 1718, and is shown in Figure 4.3. The bit denoted as A is the first output
from the encoder while the bit denoted B is the second one. Higher code rates are
derived via puncturing. In puncturing, some of the encoded bits in the transmitter are
removed... Show more content on ...
The stream of complex numbers is rearranged so that the pilots can be inserted. In
each OFDM symbol, four pilot signals are inserted in order to make the coherent
detection robust against frequency offsets and phase noise. The pilots are BPSK
modulated by a pseudo binary sequence to prevent the generation of spectral lines
[18]. A zero padded block adds zeros, in the right places, to adjust the IFFT bin size
to length N. Selector block rearranges the sub carriers so that real signal output can
be generated. The IFFT block then computes the Inverse Fast Fourier Transform
(IFFT) of length N, where, for ease of implementation, N is a power of
Child Observation Of A Confidential Child
The child that I chose is a ten month old Caucasian boy named Luke. Luke has an
identical twin brother, with Luke being the elder of the set. They were delivered full
term and have no known delays or health issues. Even though they are identical twins
you can distinguish these two by their face and hair. Luke has a rounder plumper face
and thinner hair than his brother. Luke has brown hair and blue eyes. He has two
bottom front teeth that have just recently come out fully. They live with their mother
and father in a home outside the city limits. Both parents, in their mid twenties, work
in well established fields. One being a nurse and the other an employee of the city
maintenance department. Luke and his brother are their only children,... Show more
content on ...
He is meeting the developmental milestones for his age in the physical, cognitive,
and language areas (Berks Meyers, 2016, p. 282). I observed Luke while he was
working with his teacher during a learning exercise, he used a combination of
extending one arm and then using this pincer grasp to pick up a small wooden
block that was hidden under a cloth. The teacher clapped and smiled giving him
positive reinforcement, at which he babbled, laughed, and smiled. She then
repeated the experience again, resulting in Luke reaching and again pulling the
cloth off the cube and picking up the cube. As noted in Infants and Children.
Prenatal through Middle Childhood, Berks Meyers, (2016), state that once an
infant passes the 7th month of age they become more coordinated and are able to
use a one arm reach for items near to them (Berks Meyers, 2016, p. 185). They also
further discuss that infants who are near the one year old mark should be able to
use the pincer grasp. This particular grip is accomplished when the child can use
the thumb and index finger in a well coordinated grasp (Berks Meyers, 2016, p.
186). This observation clearly demonstrated the dynamic systems theory of motor
development, since Luke used two skills that he had already master, the reaching
with one arm and the pincer grasp, together forming a complex systems of action
(Berks Meyers, 2016, p. 181), he was able to successfully remove the cloth and pick
up the small
Coach Yoast And Laziness
This brings be back to the reasons why each individual lead the way that they did,
Boone had most likely had nothing handed to him, and as he stated in the movie he
had 12 brothers and sisters that he was expected to raise, he was never in the
position to allow individuals the latitude to find themselves, and as far as he saw it,
neither did the black individuals on his team. Conversely CoachYoast had worked
with the white individuals on his team since they were children, affording him the
luxury of time that allowed him to lead the way he did. You can see the same
authoritarian style appear when needed, for example at the beginning of the movie
when a group of the team ran off to protect the store owner, there was no question in
his... Show more content on ...
Group types are important but it is too important to know that flexibility within a
group is valuable also, you never know what will be the key to reaching someone.
Leadership styles vary and morph, we do not and cannot stay constant because
what is needed of us changes. Our power bases fluctuate as the situation arises and
should because you may be in a different situation where you need a different
power and not know how to use it correctly. Being aware of our impact at each
level that we interact is important, understanding that my norms may not be your
norms so defining what those norms are if valuable to the congruency of the group.
Often times non verbal is not individual, it is antagonized by a situation, or a bias,
or a person, regardless of the reason being self aware is paramount to good non verbal
Summary Of Pax By Sara Pennypacker
Strength is made by perseverance through hard times. All of us will run into a
difficult period in our lives but it will not last forever. During this time we all have
to find ourselves in order to undergo the challenge that appeared in our life. In the
story Pax, a twelve year old boy named Peter must face many obstacles in front of
him. He must be strong through the hard time and figure out how to perceiver and
prevail. Throughout Pax, Sara Pennypacker did a wonderful job of creating a
beautifully crafting story with great examples of hardship. The Book starts out
with Peter by the woods. His father is forcing him to return Pax into the wild. This
chapter is in Pax s perspective which is very memorable because the author
describes Pax being confused that Peter his boy is crying even though he is not
heart physically. Since Pax has lived with Peter every since he was a small kitt
because Peter rescued him, Pat has not experence in the wild. At this point... Show
more content on ...
Peter s dad took him to his grandfather s house for a place to stay while he is at war.
Being with his grandfather reminds Peter of the anger he sees in his father and
also himself. This is something very troublesome because, at a young age Peter
lost his mother. On that day, Peter became angered by her and broke her glass
globe. Peter s mother betrayed him from going to the store with her because of
this. It ended up being the day Peter s mother died in the car crash, which makes
Peter blame himself for the accident. When this quickly becomes unbearable for
Peter, he leaves on an adventure to find his best friend. Peter s grandfather s house
is very far from where they left Pax so the trip is grueling and exhausting. Take
note that Peter is going to walk on this journey, but it really show what he will do
for his friend. This part of the story is very obvious that Peter is struggling but he is
also persevering because he keeps
The Transformation of Society in The City of the End of...
The future of society is an often unpredictable topic due to its many variables. In
The Lost Island and in The City of the End of Things , the future is depicted as
something detrimental to the society each story represents. In Pauline Johnson s
short story, The Lost Island , this concept is manifested in the visions given by the
Medicine Man, who foretells the oppression of his people by the arrival of the
colonizers. In Archibald Lampman s poem, The City of the End of Things , this
concept is expressed through the downfall of greater humansociety in favour of a
colder, more robotic age. These two texts exemplify the variable nature of the future
by focusing on the harmful possibilities that may befall society. Each of these... Show
more content on ...
In the poem The City of the End of Things , the narrator recalls the manner in which
humanity existed before the rise of the technological era so that the current
environment has a greater impact. The story The Lost Island represents the status of
the Aboriginal people as the confirmation of a prophecy which foretold their
inevitable oppression. This detrimental state of their society is the result of the
foreseen arrival of the non Aboriginal people to Vancouver. The prophecy that
foretold this states of the people is told by the character known only as my old
tallicum [friend] (Johnson 233). Within the story, this character is telling another,
unnamed character, a specific story about the history of their people (Johnson 233).
According to this story, an old medicine man was once plagued by visions of the
future. He was described as hearing voices throughout his life, which told him about
the inevitable arrival of the white man...many hundreds of them, many thousands of
them (Johnson 234). The prophecy continued, claiming that the Indians will learn
[the white man s] ways...will become as they will be as if the Indians had
lost all bravery, all courage, all confidence (Johnson 234). The accuracy of this
prophecy is made clear in earlier passages of the story. The Lost Island began with the
main character saying, we Indians have lost...our lands...[our] language and the
legends and the traditions... (Johnson 233). From this it is
Analysis Of Mademoiselle Maurice
1) Brand fit: Through symbolic, emotional, visual, social and aesthetic values, the
installation reflected the colourful upcoming spring with a connection to the nature
bringing about happiness and positive feelings. The following pertained what
Mademoiselle Maurice highlights and transfers to the public through her art.
Moreover, Bikini Berlin s peculiarity of unique concept and a public space is in line
with Mademoiselle Maurice s street art concept of designing public installations.
Furthermore, the unique image of connecting the urban environment, i.e. city s nature
through the views on the Berlin s Zoo and the vibrant city life corresponds to
Mademoiselle Maurice s values of human nature relation as an urban artist.
Bikini Berlin and Mademoiselle Maurice established a fit in values, visions, voices,
and personalities.
(2) Product fit: The ... Show more content on ...
(4) Artist profile: According to StudioNOW, the profile of Mademoiselle Maurice,
her brand, did not have any impact on the decision making of her collaboration with
Bikini Berlin.
As it was commented, her art and not Mademoiselle Maurice as a brand was in
consideration. Nevertheless, Mademoiselle Maurice is a known artist within the
street art community with an existing broad media, social media coverage and
credibility. Hence, one may assume that the following had an impact on the viral
effect of the project.
(5) Target group: As was stated by StudioNOW, Mademoiselle Maurice, as a French
artist that presents and shares her art worldwide, fit Bikini Berlin s target group,
which is broad cosmopolitan and international audience. Therefore, the combination
of being hip and established, street art incorporation into Bikini Berlin s campaign
was assessed with an acceptance from the
Informative Speech on Alcatraz
Informative Speech Outline
General Purpose: To inform the class
Specific Purpose: To describe to the audience a brief history of Alcatraz.
Thesis: Alcatraz has been a popular social topic because of the mystery that
surrounds it and the stories exaggerated in movies and television shows.
I. If you disobey the rules of society, they send you to prison; if you disobey the rules
of the prison, they send you to Alcatraz.
II. Alcatraz has been a popular social topic because of the mystery that surrounds it
and the stories of mistreatment and escape attempts exaggerated in movies and
television shows.
III. Alcatraz served as the federal government s response to post prohibition America.
Both the institution and the men ... Show more content on ...
At Alcatraz, there was not special treatment for any inmate, though many tried. C. As
quoted in a report by the Bureau of Prisons, ... Alcatraz served an important purpose
in taking the strain off the older and greatly overcrowded institutions... since it
enabled us to move the smaller, closely guarded escape artists, the big time
racketeers... and those who needed protection from other groups...
Now that you know the kind of prisoners that were sent to Alcatraz,
II. I will discuss life on the island and as an inmate in the prison. A. Each prisoner
received a copy of the Rules and Regulations for the Government... Correctional
Institutions as well as a copy of the warden s special rules that explained the daily
routine of work and counts. The inmates were awakened at 6:30am to begin their
day. They were required to clean up themselves and their cell and required to shave
three times a week. B. Alcatraz was to be operated on the principle of very limited
privileges to inmates. The privilege of visitors had to be earned, and mail privileges
were limited. They each held jobs within the prison in the tailor shop, laundry,
cobblers shop, model shop, gardening, or help with the food prep in the mess hall. C.
Contrary to what the movies portray, there were no experiments made on the
prisoners, and the inmates that were transferred there were already twisted and
disturbed; Alcatraz didn t turn them into monsters. There was however, a dungeon
that prisoners were
Lenin s Legacy Of The Soviet Revolution
Lenin s Legacy
History will not forgive Revolutionaries for procrastinating when they could be
victorious today, while they risk losing much tomorrow, in fact, they risk losing
everything (Vladimir Lenin. Call to Power). Lenin was a persistent Russian ruler
who wished to instill his communist views in Russian society at all costs. He was
influential in motivating his followers to rise up and overthrow Russia s weak
government which lead to the reformation of Russia s weak economy. Although
Lenin faced opposing forces from the West, he was able to institute a number of
reforms which boosted Russia s broken economy and led to the transformation of
Russia from a war struck country into an economically stable power, prior to his
Prior to Lenin coming into power, Russia s corrupt government was stuck in a state
of war with Germany along with other Western European powers which ultimately
led to the revolts of angry Russians due to famine and political issues. The Russo
Japanese war began the first Russian revolution in 1905 when Russia suffered a
tragic loss on the battlefield (Vladimir Lenin. World History). The Russian loss to
Japan forced the government to give up on its expansionist policy resulting in the
government losing its followers. This was the most devastating defeat Russia has
ever faced to a non European force and proved Czar Nicholas unfit to rule the nation.
To restore order within the society, Czar Nicholas instituted the October Manifesto,

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Value Of A College Education Essay

  • 1. Value Of A College Education Essay Crafting an essay on the value of a college education can be both challenging and rewarding. The complexity arises from the need to navigate through a multitude of perspectives and arguments surrounding this topic. The subject is multifaceted, requiring a careful examination of various factors such as economic impact, personal development, societal benefits, and potential drawbacks. One of the difficulties lies in striking a balance between presenting factual information and incorporating a personal stance. It's crucial to gather data on statistics related to job opportunities, income differentials, and career advancement associated with a college degree. Simultaneously, the essay should reflect a nuanced understanding of the intangible aspects of education, such as critical thinking skills, cultural awareness, and the ability to adapt to a rapidly changing world. Moreover, addressing counterarguments and potential criticisms adds another layer of complexity. A well-rounded essay should acknowledge opposing views while articulately defending the chosen perspective. This necessitates thorough research and a deep understanding of the various viewpoints in the ongoing debate about the value of a college education. Additionally, the essay should be structured coherently, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs that flow logically, and a compelling conclusion. This requires careful planning to ensure that each section contributes meaningfully to the overall argument. Balancing the length and depth of each point is crucial to maintain the reader's engagement throughout the essay. In conclusion, writing an essay on the value of a college education demands a comprehensive exploration of diverse aspects, including statistical data, personal development, societal implications, and potential criticisms. Achieving a well-rounded and coherent discussion requires both extensive research and thoughtful consideration of various perspectives on the topic. And remember, if you find yourself needing assistance with essays or any other academic writing tasks, various services, including, offer support in creating custom essays tailored to your specific requirements. Value Of A College Education EssayValue Of A College Education Essay
  • 2. Little Brother Literary Analysis Essay Literary Analysis Little Brother Should the government be allowed to disregard the rights that are entitled to the people whenever it pleases? In Corry Doctorow s book, Little Brother, Marcus endures continuous conflicts with the Department of Homeland Security. The DHS proclaims that everything they are doing is to protect the citizens, but Marcus does not think that is the case. After experiencing abuse from the Department of Homeland Security, Marcus sense of injustice is a catalyst for rebellion, retribution, and the need to reveal the truth. Marcus is a student who hacks plenty of the devices set up by the DHS without any objective to harm them, but this all changed after a terrorist attack. The DHS interrogated Marcus and his friends when they were innocent, and the treatment they experienced was very extreme and uncalled for. You re talking about defending my freedom by tearing up the Bill of Rights (55), is when Marcus finally realizes the DHS would sacrifice the rights of the people in order to contribute to their own belief of protection. Marcus begins rebelling by telling people on Xnet not to listen to the things the DHS proclaim, and would openly taint the view people had of the DHS. Marcus is aware of the things the DHS is doing and knows that he does not have to ... Show more content on ... Marcus relied on Xnet to spread what was on his mind about the DHS, and plenty of people were present to see what he had to say. Marcus described how the DHS should derive its power from the governed and exposed their wronging. Marcus wanted to rely on numbers and get others to see the truth behind the DHS. This does not cause any immediate change in the DHS, but could have made people question what could really be going on and wonder if that they believe to be safe is a lie projected to them by the DHS. This is not enough to change the DHS so Marcus has to find a way to persuade the
  • 3. Advantages Of Airbnb For the travel enthusiasts, whether it is hotels, motels, or rental, they may not need the most luxurious swimming pool. It s a comfortable bed and a cup of warm coffee in the morning. Travelers who travel need a new alternative to hotel accommodation. An entry point that connects people and people, rooms and rooms, as well as culture and culture. Those who have traveled will find that low end hotels in good locations are expensive, while cheap motels are incredibly remote. Airbnb, low end hotels, and motels can categorize into travel lodging. When people choose the travel lodging, they want to see cost effective alternatives. The emergence of Airbnb has dramatically changed our travel lodging. Therefore, Airbnb is the best choice for people seeking cost efficient, time flexible, and multiple location options when in search of a place to stay during their travels. In the travel lodging categories, the cost of travel ... Show more content on ... Airbnb owner have unique decoration in the house. Each house has its different characteristics. It s not like low end hotels, or motels room has standardized renovated, and stereotyped will cause visual fatigue. The low end hotel and motel in order to save costs are implemented by a unified decoration. Airbnb has a large number of villas, castles, treehouses and other novelty of the house, fabulous to meet people s fantastic imagination of the housing. Airbnb allows guests to experience a unique experience in another city. It offers a variety of kitchen utensils to make the customer feel at home. The low end hotels and motels do offer some rooms with kitchenettes, but only a few. People can also experience the living environment of the local s home and chat with them to understand their culture and life. For example, the landlord brings guests to the city s most authentic restaurant, and only locals know the attractions, and then for the guests must be an exciting
  • 4. My Spiritual And Discipleship Condition Essay Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting (KJV Ps. 139:23 24). In this verse, David asks God to help him search his heart so that he can be closer to God. Without God, the process of self evaluation is impossible as David states in his psalm. What makes David such a good source for advice? In the Bible, David is known as a man after Gods own heart (1 Sam. 13:14). If David recognized the importance of self evaluation, then every Christian should continually evaluate themselves according to God s principles in the Bible. In this paper, I will be examining my spiritual and discipleship condition in relation to myself, God, and others. In relation to myself, my biggest weakness would be my fear and anxiety. My biggest fear is change. In the past, I have had many bad experiences with change. For example, the most traumatic change in my life was the move from England to South Korea. The leaving behind of friends, culture, and comfort caused great distress. Another challenge and change was moving from South Korea to America when my mother became very sick. This change had a very big impact on anxiety as the fear of losing my mother changed me emotionally. During sixth grade, I went to the middle school and was bullied. This experience motivated me to become homeschooled. The most recent big change that I experienced was going to college. Because of my past traumatizing change,
  • 5. Medea Assignment 2 Essay Medea Assignment II In the play of Medea, a lot of turmoil has come her way and now she hates everyone and swears for revenge. She gains a friend along the way Aegeus who is king of Athens and promises protection for Medea, because she is about to unleash hell. The nurse who cares for her and her children is kind and tries her best to keep Medeawrath from her children but is unsuccessful. Jasonwho was her husband is the culprit in the story and the cause of Medea s behavior. In this paper the betrayal and the wrath of Medea will be presented along with the rest of the characters. At the start of the play, Medea is broken and enraged. Her husband Jason, has married King Creon s royal daughter Glauce and has left behind his wife and children. Medea s starts to conjure her plot... Show more content on ... They were now both exiled and held the title of murderers, Jason and Medea settled in Corinth, and that s where the setting of Euripides play begins. Together they created a family having two children and a clean slate for both of them. The action of the play opens with Jason divorcing Medea and starting a whole with a new family. Eventually she cast revenge on Jason with murders, and the deaths of her own children. On (page 531, line 117 119 Medea states, The pain that I ve suffered, I ve suffered so much, worth oceans of weeping. O children, accursed, may you die with your father! Your mother is hateful. ) Fearing revenge, Creon banishes Medea and her children from the city. After begging to stay, Medea is granted one day to make plans for refuge before she must leave. She plans to kill Creon, Glauce, and Jason. Jason and Medea talk he claims that his decision to remarry was in everyone s best interest. Medea thinks he is a fool, and she simply doesn t want his help she wants revenge. On (page 544, line 640 states and I would never accept a thing from you, don t even
  • 6. Sexuality In Wonder Woman Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer. Sexuality, and how people identify. Our sexualities are who we are and in this society we are often hiding this aspect of us because we are worried how we will be viewed if we are open about it. The media in today s society tries to hide it away and act as if it does not exist. This is exactly the case from the recent Warner Brothers movie Wonder Woman. Sexuality is hardly shown in the movie Wonder Woman, but is very prevalent in the comics. Wonder Woman the movie should not hide the sexual aspects that the comics show because in the comics she shows it is okay to be sexual, and to be proud of your sexuality. Wonder Woman has been a hero who stands for who she is, this is shown, but the film hides her ties to bondage, a part of who she is. Her authors found a sanctity in bondage, and gave this belief to her. As Irene Javors states, Maston and Peter conveyed their unique notions of liberation through bondage (Javors 1), her two authors, Harry Peter and William Marston both found liberation in bondage, a freeing sense in being helpless. This concept stems from the belief of freeing yourself by letting someone else take control, associated with the concept of submission. This concept is shown greatly in the comic via Wonder Woman herself. She, in one comic says On Paradise Island where we play many binding games, this is considered the safest method of tying a girls arms By saying this, the reader gains information on Wonder Woman s background. She grew up on an all female island and her comment stated above explains that they practiced bondage ties. She knew what the safest way to tie someone s arms behind their back using rope, a common form of bondage in society. Another example of bondage in the comics is when she states That Velma is a clever girl I ought to bind her hand and foot! But if I m gone long, tight bonds might make her uncomfortable . Diana knows that if someone is in a bondage tie for too long that they will get uncomfortable. While yes that can be seen as common knowledge, she says it in a manner that she knows first hand it can be uncomfortable. With three easily found examples in the comics about Wonder Woman s ties to bondage, it raises the
  • 7. The Aztec Creation Myth The creation myth of the Aztec religion is one that strikes me as somewhat moredrawn out of a longer type of process than that of most other religions that we havelearned about. I have found that there are a few different variations as could be the casewith some religions whereas a particular group leaning more towards one set of beliefscan sometimes skew or evolve original learning. The creation mythto the Aztecs iscontinuous story of creations and destructions called suns. The legend that tells the storyis called the Legend of the Fifth Sun . At the beginning of the world there was onlydarkness before the first god Ometecuhtli who by the way was both good and bad, maleand female created itself. Ometecuhtli gave birth to four other gods... Show more content on ... Even though in our society welook fond upon the death of an elder by taking solace in the fact that they lived a long andfulfilling life the Aztecs took somewhat of an opposite stance. The individuals who diedof old age were looked at as having avoided the risks that may lead to a premature deathand were frowned upon(Saunders, Jen. Death Beliefs Rituals of the Aztec Culture.The Classroom Synonym. The Classroom. Demand Media, n.d Web. 14 June 2015).These individuals upon death were sent to the Aztec concept of Hades, known asMictlan(Cartwright, Mark. Aztec Civilization. Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., 26Feb. 2014. Web. 14 June 2015). This was a dark underworld ruled by a skeletal deathgod. The body would be cremated along with sometimes a dog so the person would havea guide and companion in the underworld(Dockray, Hilary. Ancient Aztec Perspectiveon Death and Afterlife. The Christi Center. N.p., 11 Feb. 2013. Web. 14 June 2015.). On the flip side of this equation is the Hero Death . This was reserved for warriorswho were slain in battle and also those who willingly gave themselves up as humansacrifices. These individuals were the noble ones who took the risk for the greater goodand didn t look back. I find in intriguing that in the Aztec belief basically the deeds andactions of life carry little effect as long as the end death was in a noble way. Theseindividuals received great glory and honor. The reward for
  • 8. Conducting A Norm Experiment In today s society, norms are expected by everyone. According to the book Essentials of Sociology a Down To Earth Approach, Hansen states that norms are expectations of right behavior (Hansen, 2014). There are also two forms of norms that may be strictly enforced or not. There is folkways and mores. Folkwaysare norms that aren t strictly enforced while mores are strictly enforced for essential thought to care values or the well being of a group (Hansen, 2014). Along with a norm and the two types, there may also be reactions to it. These reactions may be positive or negative and termed as sanctions. Sanctions are either expressions of an approval given to people for upholding norms or expression of disapproval for violating them (Hansen, 2014). In conducting a norm experiment, the terms were put to a test. The experiment consisted of an observed norm violation and an individual norm violation. The experiments resulted in what I had hypothesized. My hypothesisconsisted of sanctions of the norms that were conducted. In the observe norm violation experiment, it was concluded to result in negative sanction. The experiment consisted of a friend of mine and I ordering our lunch at In n Out. It was my friend, Denise s turn to order her meal. Denise ordered a double double with no cheese, no thousand island spread, a single patty and only onions, tomatoes, and lettuce. The employee looked at her in a dumbfound manner and confirmed her ordered as a hamburger. Denise was not
  • 9. Personal Narrative On Marty All safety is illusion. A stranger stabs a man repeatedly in the face and neck as he rides the rush hour train to work, a man s parachute fails, an infant boy quietly dies in his sleep. This never ending parade, this supporting cast that comes and goes and on and on; this ceaseless, synchronous choir marching and singing solemnly in the echoing expanse of nothingness. It s 2:33 p.m. Central Standard Time: Minneapolis. Inside Old Chicago on First Avenue, I ve been enjoying an afternoon of Double Deckerroni pizza, two large mugs of beer and four shots of whiskey. Ethereal tides sway each bobbling bottle in the sea all around and together and apart or any which way. My cell phone rings. What re you up to, tonight? James s voice pulses ... Show more content on ... Marty had sandy blonde hair, perpetual scruff, an ever dazed look in his green eyes. Unlike James, nothing looked particularly Native American about Marty, other than his nose, I guess, and his innumerable addictions. The last time I d seen James or Marty was at The White Party thrown at the Fine Line downtown two years before. That night I recall that I d discreetly finished a fifth of Bombay Sapphire while I worked my shift at Chino Latino. After I d counted down my till, I decided to take the bus directly downtown rather than go home to Lana s sad eyes and her questions. The White Party: Everyone attending was supposed to wear, of course, only white, but I knew the theme, mostly, referred to whatever was laid out on the table and shoveled into our noses in discreetly dark barroom corners. I just needed a taste. I d been good long enough. I didn t give a fuck if I wore my black t shirt, black pants, black work boots contrarian Dakota, contemptible Dakota would probably slink into a corner to jerk off or fuck some strange girl before the night s
  • 10. Personal Note On The Worst Nightmare Of My Life I had never been so tense and angry in my life. I spend the last seven months with an infinite to do list, yet my worst nightmare was about to begin. When I look back to these memories, this experience left a bad taste in my mouth. I realize that I would not have completed it without the assistance and support of my family. The story began on December 15, my birthday, when I first met my dear husband Mostafa. I started dreaming about a perfect, loving, and cheerful life. Soon after that, we got to know each other and started to plan for our life and our journey to the United States. Ten days later, my life took a tragic turn. My mother was at the hospital for almost two weeks. She had a knee replacementsurgery, which is a painful and agonizing operation. I felt terrible; it was as if someone took a piece of my heart. However, this incident left me high and dry. My mother was no longer around to help me because at that time I really needed her by my side. Nevertheless, I told myself, I need to control these emotions and be strong for her. When you do not think that things could get worse, it really does. My mom s wound got infected and she had to go under the knife again to sterilize the wound and stitch it, but this time she was only hospitalize for two days. Subsequently, she left the hospital and I started my duty as a full time nurse to my beloved mother. While taking care of my mother, things become out of control when my brother decided that I would also be
  • 11. Slang Is So Popular With The Younger Generations The way in which we speak changes drastically depending on the situation, environment we are in and who we are speaking to. The use of slang in today s society is increasingly becoming more and more common. However, this new, modern way of speaking also comes with negative connotations. For this reason, people have had to learn to adapt their speech to their situation. I will be discussing the reasons behind the use of slang, why some people disapprove of it and I will analyse how people change the way in which they speak depending on their situation.Many young people use slang in order to fit in with their peers. Because slang is mainly spoken by younger people, the use of it almost puts up a barrier between children and adults. This barrier gives the youth a sense of rebellion. This may be one of the reasons why slang is so popular with the younger generations, this feeling gives them a sense of freedom and independence. Additionally, this may also be one of the reasons why many people disapprove of the use of slang. Some people believe that the use of slang suggests bad manners and morals, this leads to them distrusting people who use slang. People also believe that the common use of slang is causing the deterioration of Standard English. This can cause many problems in society because it is easy for assumptions to be made about people because of the way they speak. For this reason, the younger generation have learnt to adapt the way they speak around different
  • 12. Walmart Case Discussion Questions: 1. Why did Mexico make such a good proving ground for Wal Mart s foreign expansion strategy? There were various strategic reasons why Mexico made such a good proving ground for Wal Mart s foreign expansion strategy. Since the early 1990s, when Wal Mart had realized that its U.S. growth prospects were ultimately limited by market saturation, they decided to enter Mexico retail market considering the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that would lower barriers to cross border trade and investment. As Mexico is very well connected by land, the planning and control of the flow of goods and materials through an organization or manufacturing process was easier with the company s hub and spoke based ... Show more content on ... 7. Well treating its employees. Profit sharing plan and stock ownership plan for all employees made every employee think and behave like an owner of the company. As a result, it generated high productivity, thus translating into lower cost. Barriers: Although Mexico had embraced free market reforms, there are some barriers for Wal mart to cross border trade and investment in this country. 1. The US and Mexico had different culture in supporting information and logistics systems. This would be difficult when transferring franchise and doing license with a local company. 2. Mexican retail market was still very fragmented and dispersed. 3. Mexican population mostly was poor although they were classified as middle class. 4. Higher prices reflected the transportation costs between Wal mart distribution center in Laredo and its Monterrey store. NAFTA had not yet been implemented tariffs, so high tariffs contributed to the higher prices. 5. Wal mart had problems replicating its US distribution system in Mexico including poor infrastructure, crowded roads, and a lack of leverage with local suppliers. Many or local suppliers could not deliver directly to Wal mart stores or distribution centers. This led to higher prices and lower margin for Wal mart. 6. Wal mart did not offer the right selection of merchandise for Mexican market. Some products were popular in the US but not in Mexico. 7. Government bureaucrats
  • 13. Full Inclusion versus Self-Contained or Special Schools Full Inclusion Versus Self Contained or Special Schools The treatment of individuals with disabilities has changed dramatically since the 1800 s. Reynolds 1988, describes, Progressive inclusion, the evolution of services provided to those with various disabilities. In the early 1800 s residential institutions, or asylums were seem as common place accommodations for individuals with hearing, visual, mental or emotional impairments. Institutions remained the primary educational support until a century later in the early 1900 s. The parents of students with disabilities brought upon a legislation change. During the 1950 s and 1960 s, these parents pressured courts and legislatures to introduce a change in educational services. Reynolds... Show more content on ... In this case, a self contained program or special school may be considered. Some individuals believe that inclusion settings may leave teachers with lacking resources, training and other supports necessary to teach students with disabilities in their classrooms. Tornillo 1994, believes that a student with extensive needs placed in an inclusion setting are not getting appropriate, specialized attention and care, and the regular students education is disrupted constantly. Tornillo 1994, also argues that teachers are required to direct excessive attention to a few students, thereby decreasing the amount of time and energy dissected towards the rest of the class. Therefore, the mandates for greater academic accountability and achievement are unable to be met. Mauro 2009 indicates placement in a self contained classroom or special school means that the child would be removed from the general school population for all academic subjects to work in a controlled setting with a specialized teacher. Students in self contained programs or special schools may be working at all different levels, with different textbooks, and different curricula. Self contained classes and special schools offer structure, routine, and appropriate expectations according to Mauro 2009. Additionally, full inclusive models do not account for students who are unable to learn from a typical model of instruction. For example, a Deaf student who is unable to lip read would require a full time interpreter and
  • 14. The Health Center Is The Only Health Resource The Student Health Center is the only health resource that is on campus for students to access. The staff at the health center consists of physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals that are available to help during open hours. For enrolled students, a visit to the health center is free of charge with the exception of certain labs and x rays that ranges in costs. You can either walk in Monday through Thursdays between 8am 6pm and on Fridays from 8am 4pm. You can also schedule a same day appointment if you feel more comfortable with that. The health center offers a lot of services within the center including men s services, women s services, immunizations, laboratory, and many more, however, some of these services have underlying issues. The issues that I found within the Health Center are all centered around costs and fees, such as the women and men services and having an unfair costs between those services that are given. The Health Center also has more expensive prices for the services that they administer compared to other college campuses and they charge unnecessary costs to some of the laboratory tests. Lastly, students get charged the health fee for both semesters when they are not even using the resource, making it something that is benefitting everyone else but themselves. Mens/ Women s Service s The men s services that are offered at the Health Center consists of health promotion and disease prevention, addressing concerns with male genitalia along
  • 15. Analysis Of The Dogs Could Teach Me By Gary Paulsen (T) Out of the three stories, The Dogs Could Teach Me, The Sniper, and The Flowers, The Dogs Could Teach Me by Gary Paulsen best demonstrates description. (I #1) This is so because Paulsen consistently describes situations, feelings, and scenery throughout the entire story unlike The Sniper. (Q E #1) Paulsen begins The Dogs Could Teach Me by writing, There was a point where an old logging trail went through a small, sharp sided gully a tiny canyon...It might have been a game trail that was slightly widened or an old foot trail that had not caved in. Likewise, Liam O Flaherty starts out The Sniper by writing, Dublin lay enveloped in darkness but for the dim light of the moon that shone through fleecy clouds, casting a pale light as of approaching dawn over the streets... However, by the third paragraph of The Dogs Could Teach Me Paulsen continues the same pattern of writing saying, Later I saw the beauty of it, the falling lobes of blue ice that had grown as the water froze and refroze, layering on itself, while O Flaherty scrivens, He was eating a sandwich hungrily. He had eaten nothing since morning. He had been too excited to eat, by the third paragraph. (A #1) Even though the very beginning of The Sniper was much like the very beginning of The Dogs Could Teach Me, in the sense that both of the authors started out with very strong descriptions, Paulsen s portrayals end up turning out more powerful because of how consistent they are. Between
  • 16. How To Prevent Chromebook Persuasive Essay Students think they are taking good care of their Chromebooks, but there is a rule getting in the way of that. By allowing their batteries to completely deplete destorys the batteries inside. The lithium ion batteries lose their ability to hold a charge as they age, and lose that ability even faster if they completely die. New Chromebooks have an average battery life of 7 9 hours on full charge. However, when that time decreases, they can barely last the 8 hour school day, with many over a year old dying in 7th or 8th hour. Chargers should be allowed for Chromebooks over one year old during the day because a Chromebook s battery life decreases as they are used more, and allowing their batteries to completely deplete can destroy the Chromebooks.... Show more content on ... Their Chromebooks are the newest, so they have the maximum battery life. Even if they don t charge it every night, it still can survive the day. However, once it has had that hard use over a year, its battey life decreases. Now, many students with Chromebooks one year old can t last the day, regardless of how much they charged it. Others who do not go to school have the same problem, making it a common issue. Issue description: I ve had my chromebook for about 17 months... Within the past month, the life has plummeted to maybe 2 hours on minimum screen brightness and basic web surfing/Google Drive work/etc (no YouTube, no video ads, 5 8 tabs open). (Itlebo, Google
  • 17. Coaching Analysis Assignment one Introduction: Analysis of sports performance is of great importance to a higher performance sports coach. Coaching is about enhancing an athlete(s) performance a principal means by which this achieved is through feedback however research as proven that human observation and memory are not reliable enough to provide the detailed information necessary to secure behavioural changes (Franks and Miller 1986) P101. According to world renowned rugby union coach Graham Henry A successful coach is one who prepares his team to deal with all eventualities, are fully briefed on the game and understand their requirements. A coach s job is to familiarise them with their particular strengths and weaknesses (Henry 1999). ... Show more content on ... Analysis can also be used whilst coaching on a one to one basis. The athlete can then view their performance techniques in order to ascertain information required in enhancing their performance. 2. The methods and systems used in performance analysis 1.2.1 The human memory can be used to aid a coach in his analysis of performance however this way is not known to be the most effective way to support performance analysis. Human memory is limited so it is almost impossible to remember and acknowledge everything that happens throughout a game type situation. For example Franks and Miller (1986) provided information research collected that showed less than 45 percent of football coaches where accurate in their post match assessment using the method of human memory (Hughes 2008) p103. Even though the use of human memory can give the coach a general idea of how a team or athlete as done throughout a game or event, it should not be used to determine accurate observational or statistical conclusions. 1.2.2 Hand notion is relatively accurate and cheap but it does have disadvantages (Hughes 2008) p101. This type of method often consists of relevant details of performance that is often collected by one or more persons throughout an event or game type situation. Analysis data is collected and presented to the coach often in the form of graphs pie charts, and bar
  • 18. Questions For Interviews With Nursing And Non Nursing Leaders Eastern New Mexico University N425LP Nursing Leadership Practicum Questions for Interviews with nursing and non nursing leaders 1.How do you get others to accept your ideas? пѓ In my opinion the way to get other to accept your ideas is you have to be a person of integrity, this is the first and foremost key to being able to have others accept your ideas. Once you have respect with others your words will have meaning and people will accept your ideas, doesn t mean they may agree with them but they can at least respect them. 2.Are you more effective in a group or a one on one basis? пѓ In my opinion the key to being an effective leader is knowing how to be effective in both, whether you are working in a group or if you are working one on one. It takes different strategies to work in either situation. My personal strength is working one on one; I am passionate about seeing others grow beyond what they think they are cable of doing. There should be no greater joy then seeing someone you have mentored or an employee you have coached move up in their career, that is the key to being a good leader help others grow. 3.How would you go about getting cohesion among a team who disagree? пѓ In my opinion the first key to cohesion is a common goal for the team to be focused on, if the team is focused on accomplishing the same goal and they can see it in front them cohesion will begin to happen. The other key weather a small or large team is making sure every person knows they
  • 19. Benefits of Playing Video Games Essay Video games have been argued about for decades. Some people have argued that video games are linked to violence. However, new research shows that video games can be used for therapeutic purposes, exercise, stress relievers, positive interactive learning, hand eye coordination, and different types of patient treatment for people all around the world. When playing video games, the coordination and concentration can physically, socially, and mentally benefit the user. Research today shows that certain video games can reduce fat and therefore promote weight loss. Other sources state that doctors have instructed parents to let their children play video games to help control focus. It is found that video games can improve hand eye ... Show more content on ... Active video games are also being marketed for adults. New Gaming companies have been turning their gaming systems into exercise machines (Recio 143). This new game keeps the player fit while watching television. One machine will incorporate a favorite show into an aerobic workout by broadcasting the selected show loud and clear during the exercise. Once the person starts to decrease their effort the volume will drop, and if they continue to decrease, the television will shut off leaving nothing to watch. This creates a good workout environment involving exercises and entertainment into a strict exercise agenda. Workout levels can range from heavy lifting or swimming (Recio 143). These workout levels are increasing stamina causing weight loss and health awareness. The new video machines can drastically change an adults workout routine. Video games can improve visual skills and brain function. Video games increase spatial awareness. When playing different video games eyes are focused on a video game a person are more likely to gain different eye strengths after training the brain. Action video games train the brain to better process certain visual information. When people play action video games, they re changing the brain s pathway responsible for visual processing (Masnick 1). Video games change brain functions. Researchers today are reporting that first person shooter
  • 20. The Scent Of Green Mango The Scent of Green Papaya is a 1993 seductive drama that was written and directed by Tran Anh Huang in colonial Vietnam. This film was set in Saigon, Vietnam in 1951 following the life of a 10 year old girl, Mui played by Lu Man San who was hired to be the servant of a wealthy merchant family and is later taken under the wing of the housekeeper who teaches her how to perform the necessary daily tasks such as cooking and cleaning which Mui does with grace. As Mui performs her tasks she learns that the familyis dealing with some hardships and that the family is mourning the death of their daughter To, who would have been the same age as her. As Mui spends more time around the family, the mistress begins to look to Mui as her own ... Show more content on ... Soon after a young boy enters, walking to the dinner table asking the father to go for some tea with his friend. Within these three minutes I saw how the director and cinematographer used camera movement to show the audience the family s dynamic through the eyes of Mui. The opening shot beginning at 11:00 started off in a low angle, medium wide shot. Which then led the camera to follow the mistress and Mui from the outdoor kitchen into the house. As Mui got to the dinner table the camera ended up in a wide shot revealing the father and sons seated at the dinner table all taking place in one continuous long shot, tilting and panning according to the movement of the actors. As Mui walked off screen the there was a seamless edit, cutting to Khuyen entering the screen asking for permission to go for some tea with his friends. From there, there were a few quick cuts getting reaction shots of the two young boys and their father. The next shot began with an immediate pan left as Mui was walking into the shot, the mistress was also walking into the shot coming down the stairs. They were coming from two different directions but they both landed in the frame at the same time. The camera was set in a position where they were able to get both actors crossing paths and as they reached the same point in the frame the camera panned displaying the father and kids at the table in a medium wide shot. In
  • 21. Living by Numbers LIVING BY NUMBERS Question 1 Determine the economic earnings of MarineCorp Sdn. Bhd., Green Port Sdn. Bhd and Sungai Emas Port Sdn. Bhd. | Economic Earnings| MarineCorp Sdn Bhd| RM 14,274,611| Green Port Sdn Bhd| RM (14,588,232)| Sungai Emas Port Sdn Bhd| RM 5,030,563| Green Port will have negative economic earnings and the other two will have positive economic earnings. Positive Earnings = provides higher return than the cost of capital Negative Earnings = the value of the company was destroyed and investment should be avoided from this company because it indicates that the company failure to provide higher returns than the cost of capital. Question 2 Rank the companies in terms of their performance. We ... Show more content on ... Here a few suggestion: Cash in MarineCorp and Sungai Emas Marine Copr and Sungai Emas possess a huge amount of cash. In addition, they do not have much long term obligation to worry about. However, the cash are there only for the purpose of earning interest in order to generate more additional income to increase the profit. The cash increased from year to year and yet it does not utilized for other purpose than earning interest. We suggest the available cash in MarineCorp and Sungai Emas to be used for investment purposes in order to generate more profit to the MarineCorp as well as Sungai Emas. The companies can invest in securities such as shares, sukuk or even in property which will give long term benefits to the company. Despite the higher risk compare to the interest earning, it can give higher profit for the companies in which will improve the performance of those companies. Moreover, a right investment could give a long term performance benefit to the company. Green Port switch from owner operator to operator mode Green port operate under owner operator mode where all its tangible assets are funded by SURIA. Due to this arrangement, Green Port record a very high capital charged which lead to negative economic earning which means destroying value. SURIA should convert Green Port from owner operator to operator mode.
  • 22. My Goal As An Educator It is my goal as an educator to guide students and help them to explore, follow, and achieve their dreams to the fullest. I also would like students to know and realize that learning is an ongoing process that never ends. It is important to teach students about respecting others and to treat others how they would like to be treated. I believe that my future students should be in a safe environment, which will improve their social, intellectual, and emotional skills. Students spend much more time in the classroom than they spend at home participating in eight hours of learning, socializing, and remolding themselves around the classroom. Therefore they should feel like school is a safe environment to be in. Teachers should let students feel comfortable in relating to them as a friend, motherly figure, and as a tool to lead them to success. Students are from diverse cultures and ethnicity; they should understand and respect each other customs and ways of life. It is my responsibility as a teacher to instill in them these values. This will then help them to develop and become open minded to others. It is also very vital that a teacher provides many different kinds of learning approaches/techniques to a child, so that they don t become fixated or trapped in their most comfortable learning style. Learning has been proven to be most successful when students can relate the information that has been given to them to real life experiences. It is highly important to incorporate
  • 23. The Case Of Daniel Handley The Case of Daniel Handley Abstract On October 7, 1994 in Beckton, London, England, while Daniel Handley was working on his bicycle, he was approached by two men in a Peugeot 405, who claimed to be lost and sought direction from Daniel on their map. Meanwhile, their fantasy was to abduct a young fair haired, pre teen buy and sexually abuse him and kill him to hide their crime. With the map placed in the back seat of their car, as Daniel leaned in to look at it, he was pushed into the car and they drove off. At their flat, both men sexually abused him while the other videoed the activity. Then, Daniel was taken to a layby by Hungerford in Berkshire and strangled to death with a rope. His body was dumped in a shallow grave near Bristol and found in March 1995. This paper is to look at why child kidnapping and abuse happened and still happens to this day. To also look at what kind of person would take pleasure from raping and killing a ten year old boy? Keywords: child abuse; kidnapping; sexual abuse; strangulation; England THE CASE OF DANIEL HANDLEY3 The abduction, sexual abuse, and strangulation of Daniel Handley in Beckton, London, England on October 7, 1994, caught the nation by surprise. Law enforcement personnel and all concerned citizens frantically joined hands searching for him, until his body was found on March 1995, in a shallow grave, near Bristol, England. Two men, Tim Morss, aged 31 and Brett Tyler, aged 29, who met in prison for
  • 24. Vikings Identity What impact have the Vikings had on the history and identity of northern England? The Impact the Vikings had on the history and identity of northern England is of a complex nature. Ethnic identities consist of many different factors from an individual s language, religion, culture, it could also be defined by history, geographical or ancestry origin. It is possible national identities could also be undermined by regional identity. This could be from social roles, like a father, farmer or a vicar which assume other identities. For these reasons, it is clearly extremely difficult to define the identity of a society. The historical impact the Vikings left behind in northern England can be seen in place names, the use of language and accents, as well as some cultural aspects. To understand what identity ... Show more content on ... It refers to the act of travelling to raid, steal and plunder. A generalist term used for people of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Vikings have several labels in medieval texts which suggest several assigned identities; scholar Alcuin wrote from the court of Charlemagne to Bishop Higebald, following the first recorded Viking raid in 793 on the monastery at Lindisfarne. Outraged, he describes the Vikings as heathens [who] desecrated god s sanctuaries . They were repeatedly referred to as Gaill or foreigners in The Annals of Ulster. Historical sources show that England was subject to regular attacks from Scandinavians so it was no surprise that they were given these names like Heathens, Pagans, Northmen and Danes. The English referred to them primarily as Vikings. These multiple identities are linked to the Viking invasions and raids of England and aids in developing and understanding how the lasting history and identities where formed in the north of England. It could be said much of the history and identity was shaped from the identities orchestrated politically by the kings of Wessex to achieve unity
  • 25. Questions On Sexual Offences Act Essay The parties mentioned in the question may be charged with three different sexual offences. The first possible scenario is rape, contrary to Section 1 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 (henceforth referred to as SOA 2003 ) and the parties that may be liable are Steve and Ryan. The second offence is one contrary to Section 4 SOA 2003: causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent. The parties that could be held accountable are Steve for his actions concerning Sonia as well as Jane and Leela for their actions against Steve. Finally, the third offence is sexual assault contrary to Section SOA 2003 and Jane is the person concerned. Rape Steve Steve engaged in unprotected sex with Leela after having falsely convinced her that she could not get pregnant as a result of it. He may be liable for rape depending on whether or not Leela s consent is deemed to be initially valid and unaffected by Steve s deception. There is potential scope for prosecution under Section 74 of SOA 2003 which postulates that consent is considered to be given if he agrees by choice, and has the freedom and capacity to make that choice . Although capacity has not been expressly defined in statute, according to the guidelines established in IM v LM Others [2014], in order for a person to have the mental capacity to consent to sex , he/she need only have a basic understanding of the act sex: what it involves physically, the fact that there may be health risks and the fact that some
  • 26. Tuesdays With Morrie Tuesdays with Morrie , by Mitch Albom, is a nonfiction retelling of a student s meetings with his former mentor. Mitch, now a corporate lapdog, revisits one of his old college professors after he hears that he has contracted ALS, a terminal disease with no known cure. Mitch and his old professor, Morrie, discuss Morrie s life every tuesday, and these talks continuously make Mitch a better person than who he was. Throughout this book many different themes are touched upon. One of these such theme is the theme, and also Morrie s saying, Love or Perish . Throughout the book Morrie regularly hammers in the point that to live without love, is to not live at all. Morrie is able to explain to Mitch that the essence of love is the reason which... Show more content on ... Even in Morrie s dying state, the slightest brush of skin to skin contact with Mitch is enough to make Morrie happy. Morrie relays that without his wife, without his nurses, and most importantly without Mitch, he would not have been able to last as long as he did with his ALS. Another theme throughout the book is that Morrie teaches Mitch to live life his own way. Morrie is disgusted by america s lust for greed, fakeness, and violence, and teaches to establish your own way of thinking. While the O.J. Simpson case was going on, Morrie completely shut himself off from the case, and instead focused on his family and friends. Morrie built his life on the foundation of love and forgiving, two things that are shunned in America, in Morrie s eyes. Morrie teaches Mitch that creating his own values and beliefs leads to a much more enjoyable life than accepting mainstream America. One more theme evident in Tuesdays with Morrie is the theme that life is full of choices. Morrie says early on in the book that he had two choices when he got sick, feel sorry for himself or do something to try and help the world. Morrie choose the second
  • 27. Violence Numbers in the Middle East While the rest of the world appears to be seeing decreasing levels of violence, it appears the Middle East has yet to experience this same trend. The past couple of decades have seen either a decrease in violence and types of violence that the West has not experienced for a time. This then brings the questions, is the Middle East more violent or is nothing more than Islamophobia. One way to answer this question is to look at the numbers. In Pinker s, The Better Angels of our Nature, he compares the number of interstate conflicts with the number of Islamic conflicts. By this graph, it can be clearly seen that since the 1990s, the number of interstate conflicts has been decreasing, but the number of Islamic conflicts has not. With the use of this data, he shows that the Middle East has not been following the trends of less violence as compared with the rest of the world. However, is this data alone to say that the Middle East is more violent? There are a number of issues need to be looked at besides conflict. These include other types of violence. A type of violence that can be quantified is homicide rates. In comparing homicide rates from the Middle East with other areas of the world like Western powers of the United States, Canada, and England an interesting set of date emerge. Data from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) from the years 1999 2011 will be used. United States 1999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011 Rate 5.65.5
  • 28. Grande Odalisque And The Nightmare Comparison Both Grande Odalisque and The Nightmare, were created during a time period ruled by Neoclassism and Romanticism. Grande Odalisque is an oil painting created by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres in 1814. The Nightmare is an oil painting created by Henry Fuseli in 1781. Grande Odalisque and The Nightmare have very unique themes that represent each of their artists own unique style, despite their differences they still maintain certain similarities through the Romantic qualities that each possess. In order to fully comprehend the meaning of works of art, it is important to understand the artist behind them. Obtaining knowledge on an artist s life can help the viewer comprehend possible messages that a work of art is trying to present. Jean Auguste... Show more content on ... He achieves this by using oil paint on canvas. Its main focus is that of a nude European woman in the foreground, the woman stares apathetically at the viewer. Her body is lounging on a blue couch, with rich linens crumpled beneath her. There are elaborately embroidered curtains hanging behind her. The only thing adorning her body is a turban in her hair and a peacock feathered fan clutched in her hand. The feathers could be symbolizing the woman s integrity and high social standing, which is indicative to peacocks. The cool blue tones used throughout the piece help emphasize the woman s calm demeanor. Her body is long and languid, which Ingres was able to achieve with illusionism. He often distorted the human form to achieve idealistic images, such as the lengthening of the woman s torso ( Jean 122). The contrast between her skin and the environment helps her body stand out in comparison. The lines that define her body curve softly, giving her a sensual and smooth appearance in contrast to the angular lines used in the environment. Ingres portrays the young woman as a concubine in a harem looking over her shoulder at her master. Although he had attempted Neoclassicism this picture leans to a more Romantic approach, which is the reason it was not well received when it was displayed in a Salon in Paris ( Jean
  • 29. Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis Week Three Team Assignment World Of Warcraft Eco 365 January 7, 2013 Week Three Team Assignment World Of Warcraft World Of Warcraft derives from the Warcraft series developed by Blizzard Entertainment. World Of Warcraft has been one of the leading multiple player online based games on the market for years since its initial release. The game maintains a high level of subscriptions that cost a fixed rate of $15 per month. The game itself once controlled over 50% of the multiple player market shares in 2006 for the western region. Subscriptions have reached more than five million by 2006 and exceeded 10 million subscribers for a 2nd time by the end of 2012. Subscriptions for this game have even exceeded 14 million in year 2009. At... Show more content on ... The price of $15 per month or equivalent in other regions, are a standard set by previous successful developers within the market. The pricing structure provides foresight of future profits based on subscription levels. Increased monthly subscriptions have become more unattractive as other platforms for massive multiplayer games have moved towards free to play gaming and focus their revenue earning on selling in game items. Consumers have steadily started to consider other games that have no cost to play. Free to play games have been known to rise quickly in subscriptions while still generating revenue from frequent players. Repeat players often seek out premium items paid for with cash. These items create a virtual market for virtual items and provide value by making them premium items or services. Supply cost has decreased as technology improves and becomes cheaper in price. Supply for this market is based on the server performance with high volumes of users; along with, connection speeds for sending data back to users. Both of these variables are highly adjustable to meet minimum requirements. When servers or connection speed lack in performance, these types of games become affected by latency issues and make the game unplayable while online. Server performance is critical in maintaining player satisfaction along with other attributes in the game design. Improved technology has allowed developers to host
  • 30. Character Analysis Of Rumble Fish By Rusty James The protagonist of the book is Rusty James. He is a fourteen your old boy that smokes and drinks and fights already in the 1960 1970s in a southwest town. He pushes himself to be like the Motorcycle boy (his brother). He starts to follow the Motorcycle boy around to seem tougher and uncovers a new side of the Motorcycle boy. The antagonist of Rumble Fishis not really a person but poverty. His dad drinks away the child support money and is always drunk. Rusty is left to fend for himself which makes him steal and drink and smoke and fight for money. The two main themes of Rumble Fish are alienation and abandonment. Rusty James is just trying to fit in but all the gangs split up and he has nowhere to go so he follows the Motorcycle boy around to feel like he fits in. He is also abandoned by his father and mother. His mother left when he was a baby and, his father is always drunk and wastes the money. I would definitely recommend this book to someone. It is a little slow but it has a good story line and it gets more interesting the more you read it and the deeper you get. The exposition in the story in the story is when we learn about Rusty James and his little crew who he hangs out with and how he is going to fight Biff Wilcox. The conflict in the story is between the relationship between Rusty James and his brother, the Motorcycle boy. The motorcycle boy tries to leave his gang roots but Rusty keeps bringing him back. The climax is when the Motorcycle Boy, Rusty James and Rusty s friend Steve go to town, get drunk They are split up and Rusty and Steve get beat up. The Motorcycle boy then has to come and save them. The resolution is when Rusty James and Steve meet at the end of the book and Steve is a successful person and rusty James is in a rehabilitation house getting help. Book report Freshman English Mrs. Young Title: Rumble Fish Author: S.E. Hinton Number of Pages: 150 Rumble Fish This book is Young Adult Fiction. Wrote by S.E. Hinton about a fourteen year old teenager that is a rebel that drinks and smokes and fights. The gangs have been broken up for a few years now but he still acts like he is the leader. Rusty fights a rival gang member Biff Wilcox and gets
  • 31. Sharecropping In Post-Bellum South In the post Bellum South, the Economic situation, that followed emancipation and the loss of Labor, forced the South to find a suitable replacement for slavery. This also meant enacting laws designed to keep former slaves tied to the land. The economic system which replaced slavery was sharecropping. But to keep the former slaves tied to the land laws, such as the black codes which ensured a steady streamer of workers to harvest the crops, and vagrancy laws which were designed to punish vagrants by making them harvest crop for a plantation owner, were passed. In the following pages this paper will summarize three primary sources, Working on Shares, The Black Codes of Mississippi, and Post Bellum Southern Rental Contracts. After summarizing ... Show more content on ... Thus, the Black Codes were created to keep former Slaves tied to the land so that the crop could be harvested. A look at section four of the Black Codes of Mississippi is an example of a law that aimed to keep former African Americanslaves tied to the land so that the crop could be harvested. In section four it says that, if the worker left the Master without his or her approval that they the master had the right to not only go after the worker but to capture the worker. The master then would bring him before the courts who then remand the worker back into the employment of the master. however, if the worker refuses to go back to work for the master then worker is place in jail. And if it is found that the worker left the master without good cause to then order him to be punished. But if the court finds that the worker had good cause to leave the master then the judgment shall be against the master and then the worker is let go of his employment from the
  • 32. Examples Of Ethos In The Declaration Of Independence Classical rhetoric considers that a speaker or writer has three appeals at his or her disposal: to ethos (the standing of the writer or speaker), to pathos (emotion), and to logos (reason), divided into deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning. (The Declaration) Jefferson s drafting of the Declaration of Independence is based on three types of argument ethos, pathos, logos which are modes of persuasion. They are also referred to as the three artistic proofs (Aristotlecoined the terms), and are all represented by Greek words. (Holliday) The principle of ethos is to prove to the audience/reader that the writer is a reasonable person and is therefore credible. The writers of the Declaration of Independence establish their ethical standing, that they are men of good sense, good character, and good will; first, by acknowledging that they need to explain to the world the reasons for their actions. (The Declaration) Jefferson does this very skillfully in the first line of the Declaration when he announces to the world that the Declaration is written out of respect for those who must judge the rightness or wrongness of the colonies decision to break with Great Britain: ...decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel ... Show more content on ... (Holliday)
  • 33. Biodex Gait Trainer Case Study The Biodex Gait Trainer 2TM used to evaluate gait parameters including; average step length (m), walking speed (m/sec), and time on each foot (recorded as a percent of gait cycle). For evaluation of gait parameters, each child first allowed to be familiar with the gait trainer set up before starting recording the gait parameters. This achieved through instructing the child to walk over the gait trainer and to follow the tread belt movement for 3 5 minutes. This might be repeated two or three times till the child became adapted with the apparatus. To start the evaluation process, the tread belt was ramp up slowly to 0.3 meter/hour. The speed setting then increased gradually to a comfortable pace for the child. Once the child was comfortable,
  • 34. A Study On Korean University Curriculum According to the above research about Korean university curriculum, most of courses aim to educate BIM, which means they are fully related to BIM. On the other hands, a few of them are digital graphic representation course, which educate BIM modelling in order to improve architectural presentation skill. Additionally, engineering program curriculum of the 10 universities, mentioned previously, are also researched in order to find out whether their engineering programs have any cooperation courses for BIM education. In engineering program, BIM is able to apply on administration of construction process, integrated design delivery project, construction management, structural analysis, and costing construction, and it has many other related subjects which is able to applied indirectly. However, only 2 universities have BIM course, and 1 university is planning to apply into the engineering program curriculum among the previously mentioned 10 university. According to the Universities engineering program curriculum, their major goal of the courses is that students have effective architectural digital design skill and flexibly responding technique to the design changes during the project. Moreover, during the courses, student can understand how data or information of architectural design is shared with construction by computer science and digital technology in design and construction phase. Therefore, according to the researches in terms of BIM course in architecture and
  • 35. Case Study On Blood Transfusion INTRODUCTION Blood is one of the integral components of body constituents, which flows throughout body and becomes a reason for survival. Blood transfusion is a life saving intervention for patients in need of transfusion. Blood borne infections are common serious hurdles of blood transfusion. Considering the serious consequences of these infections and to hold back the transmission to minimum, it is extremely important to remain vigilant about the possible spread of these diseases in the course of blood transfusion1. Transfusion safety begins with healthy donors. Blood transfusion is safer than ever before through continuous improvements in donor recruitment, screening, testing of donated blood with increasingly sensitive assays, and appropriate clinical use of blood. Serologic testing for transfusion transmitted infections had historically been the foundation of blood screening, while newer strategies like nucleic acid testing (NAT) have helped further shorten the window period . Moreover, threat of infectious agents entering the blood supply is not constant and may evolve as new pathogens emerge or when old ones change their epidemiological pattern. In 2002, the Government of India adopted the National Blood Policy An action plan for blood ... Show more content on ... WHO recommends that all blood donations should be screened for infection prior to use. The World Health Organization s (WHO) goal is for all countries to obtain all blood supplies from voluntary unpaid donors by 20203. The national blood policy in India relies heavily on voluntary blood donors, as they are usually assumed to be associated with low levels of transfusion transmitted infection4. In India, it is mandatory to test every unit of blood collected for hepatitis B , hepatitis C, HIV, syphilis and malaria. If donor test positive to any of the five infections, their blood is
  • 36. Essay On Tony Awards The nominees for the Tony Awards are chosen by a revolving group of 10 to 50 people picked by the Tony Awards Administration Committee (TAAC). These people are tasked with attending or seeing every show that Broadway puts on. They all gather at the end of the year and discuss which shows will make it onto their ballot system and then they all vote from the ballots. The major categories for the Awards are as follows: Best Play, Best Musical, Best Book of a Musical, Best Original Score (Music and/or Lyrics) Written for the Theatre, Best Revival of a Play, Best Revival of a Musical, Best Performance by an Actorin a Leading Role in a Play, Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Play, Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role
  • 37. Protecting Wireless Sensor Network From Internet Attacks Protect wireless sensor network from Internet attacks As the rapid development of internet, the technology of wireless sensor network (WSN) plays an important role in our real life. Moreover, WSN are the essential elements on a wide range of fields such as Internet of things (IOT). Thus, it is necessary to prevent WSN from internet attacks and maintain its stability. Sensor nodes in WSN can not only collect and process physical data, but also communicate with other entities. Therefore, this essay will illustrate three approaches on the security of WSN and analyze as well as discuss the three approaches based on attacks types, attacks source, applied range and energy consumption and so on. Nowadays, there are already a large number of new ... Show more content on ... Although wireless sensor network and the other types of network sometimes need same security requirements, providing security service for WSN own more challenges when compared with secure foundation of network because of limited energy, the nodes number, storage, Internet bandwidth, communication of sensor nodes and the capabilities of computation. Two main reasons are computation capabilities and low traffic rates. The low traffic rate of sensor nodes can not support battery of sensors to make the network smooth for a long time and devices in the WSN can not support very complex computation to deal with some typical internet attacks. Additionally, Internet attacks can be divided into two types: internal attacks and external attacks. Generally, internal attacks are produced from malicious nodes. On the other hand, when it comes to the external attacks, wireless sensor network are easy to be attacked by several types of external internet attacks, which can be considered to three main aspects: secrecy and authentication attacks, network availability attacks and replay attacks.(p135, denial). Although many traditional techniques that have been used to resist various kinds of attacks, there are still remain serious problems in security of WSN. As a result, it is necessary to come up with the most effective approach to handle the Internet attacks in time because the faster development of technology, the more security problems. For these reasons, the prevention of
  • 38. Lab Report On Catalase Catalase lab background The question being answered by these experiments is: How do different conditions affect the productivity of enzymes? Enzymes are produced by cells and they act as catalysts, which means they are organic molecules that speed up chemical reactions. How effectively they work depends on the conditions they are in, such as level of temperature, pH level, substrate concentration, and salt concentration. In these experiments, Catalase will be placed in different conditions with hydrogen peroxide. How active the enzyme is in these different conditions will be measured by the amount of oxygen gas being produced. A very high increase in oxygen will indicate a high reaction rate and a low production of oxygen will show that there is a low reaction rate. On the other hand, if there is no change in the level of oxygen, it will indicate that the Catalase is denatured and is no longer functioning. In temperature, when it increases, it is expected that the activity of Catalase will also increase up to a certain temperature. After a certain degree, it is expected that the activity of Catalase will slow down and eventually come to stop. Similarly, it is expected that more concentration of substrates will lead to higher activity of Catalase up to a certain concentration level. Past that certain level, the productivity of the enzyme will stop. On the other hand, for pH and salt concentration level, it is expected that too low or too high in either variable will lead to
  • 39. Early Learning Mission Statement The Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts is a section of Wolf Trap, dedicated to providing kids with the proper artistic tools necessary to make learning easier and more efficient. Their mission statement is broad: There is a wealth of research showing the efficacy of using the performing artsto engage children early and improve the way they learn. But these resources are frequently unavailable or under utilized... The mission of Wolf Trap Institute for Early LearningThrough the Arts is to address this challenge in classrooms nationwide. This means that the Institute is dedicated to providing artistic learning opportunities to children around the globe. The Institute has four main goals in the pursuit of this task. They want to
  • 40. The Writer s Duty Of William Faulkner s Nobel Prize... Addie Champlin English II AP Dr. Payne September 9 2016 The Writer s Duty In William Faulkner s Nobel Prize acceptance speech, he speaks about the true purpose of writing and the importance of genuinely putting your heart into your work. He discusses how the only way writing can truly be valuable is if the author is dedicated to showing the authentic love the human spirit holds and what that love is capable of accomplishing. A good piece of writingwill show both strength and vulnerability and will not be written for fame or recognition. It will be written for the sake of creating and spreading a message that is important to the author. In their memoirs, An American Childhood and The Road from Coorain, Annie Dillardand Jill Ker Conway, both feel very strongly about their purpose for writing. Conway tends to express her reasons for writing explicitly, while Dillard chooses to do it more implicitly. In An American Childhood by Annie Dillard, she clearly demonstrates the meaning of the novel in one passage that reads, Children wake up and find themselves here, discover themselves to have been here all along; is this sad? They wake like sleepwalkers, in full stride; they wake like people brought back from cardiac arrest or from drowning: in medias res, surrounded by familiar people and objects, equipped with a hundred skills. They know the neighborhood, they can read and write English, they are old hands at the commonplace mysteries, and yet they feel themselves to have just
  • 41. Muslim and Hindu Wedding Ceremony INTRODUCTION: The Islamic and Hindu religions have an array of similarities and differences regarding their customs and laws in relation to the wedding ceremony . Within Islam, the wedding ceremony is believed to be both a religious and social obligation to get married. As a result, there is a great weight placed on religious, social and cultural dimensions of the ceremony which tends to be simple in nature, paralleling Islamic beliefs. Hindus also place a lot of importance on marriage ceremonies which signify customs, rituals and elaborate celebrations. However, a key difference lies in the fact that Islamic marriages are seen as contractual agreements, whereas Hindu marriages are perceived to be sacrilegious. This essay compares ... Show more content on ... The Hindu service is performed by a male Brahmin priest ( Pundit ), in accordance with the holy verses ( mantras ) from the Vedas the Hindu Holy Book. Often the ceremony can be conducted in Sanskrit which gets its roots from Hinduism and embraces a rich tradition of poetry as well as practical and philosophical texts. The Venue An Islamic wedding ceremony can take place in many places apart from a Mosque, even though a Mosque is highly preferred. Before the ceremony, the bride and groom should find out whether it s possible to video and take photos of the event. Flowers and ornaments are not allowed in the Mosque even though the bride and groom are decorated with flowers for the service. If the ceremony takes place in a venue which isn t a Mosque, the bride and groom have more freedom to decorate, providing they seek advice from the local Imam , of what is appropriate. The Hindu marriage usually takes in the bride s hometown or city. The venue is generally a town or community hall, or a hotel, depending on the budget of the bride s family. There are often blessings in the temple before or after the service. Wedding Attire Customarily, the Arab Muslim bride wears a simple white dress and veil, very similar to the Christian faith. An Asian Muslim bride however, is much more colourful and wears glittering clothes, plenty of jewellery and flower garlands around her. The hands and feet of the bride are often decorated with henna ( Mehndi ). The
  • 42. Thesis About Ice Cube One of the greatest American rap musicians is Ice Cube. How did he get the name Ice Cube? His Brother Called him that as a joke because he was trying to be cool with the ladies and he liked it so much he began to tell everyone in the hood and that s how he became Ice Cube. He has pleased and helped many with his art work and confidence. You might think Ice Cubeis just a gangster rapper and actor but, he is so much greater than just that. He s a serious artist dedicated to racial advancement and series of black pride. This is what most of his fans like about him including his music. He is a artist, film actor, rapper, actor, father, son, songwriter, record producer, screenwriter, and entrepreneur. His strongest times are by himself instead... Show more content on ... One of the most difficulties was when his home town turned to all violence, drugs and murder all his friends were getting killed. He didn t have much failures but, his Awards was in 1992, he received the chicago Film Critics Association Award in the Category, Most Promising Actor for the film Boyz n the Hood. In 2006, he was honoured at the VH1 1s Annual Hip Hop Honors ceremony. And in 2009, he received the BET Hip Hop Awards. Latter on in life he got married and continued his career. His Mentors in getting started in his career where Dr. Dre, Eazy E, Dj Yella and MC Ren as I mentioned was the people in the group N.W.A. they helped him in his
  • 43. Nt1330 Unit 4.2 Paper 4.2 Implementation Details 4.2.1 Data Source Random Bernoulli generator generates binary data on a per frame basis. In data output, 144 samples per frame are used, and data rate is 36 Mbps. Figure 4.2: Data Source 4.2.2 Forward Error Correction Coding A typical problem in OFDM based systems is a high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR). The available RF power amplifiers usually have a limited linear dynamic range. This is not a problem for constant amplitude signals, however, in OFDM, due to IFFT operation, some of the sub carriers add constructively to large amplitudes while others add destructively. The amplitude of the signals thus varies randomly and for large amplitude signals, non linear amplifications cause errors. Therefore, error correction codes are employed. In HiperLan2, the data is coded with a convolutional encoder of rate 1/2. The convolutional encoder uses the industry standard generator polynomials, g0 = 1338 and g1 = 1718, and is shown in Figure 4.3. The bit denoted as A is the first output from the encoder while the bit denoted B is the second one. Higher code rates are derived via puncturing. In puncturing, some of the encoded bits in the transmitter are removed... Show more content on ... The stream of complex numbers is rearranged so that the pilots can be inserted. In each OFDM symbol, four pilot signals are inserted in order to make the coherent detection robust against frequency offsets and phase noise. The pilots are BPSK modulated by a pseudo binary sequence to prevent the generation of spectral lines [18]. A zero padded block adds zeros, in the right places, to adjust the IFFT bin size to length N. Selector block rearranges the sub carriers so that real signal output can be generated. The IFFT block then computes the Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) of length N, where, for ease of implementation, N is a power of
  • 44. Child Observation Of A Confidential Child The child that I chose is a ten month old Caucasian boy named Luke. Luke has an identical twin brother, with Luke being the elder of the set. They were delivered full term and have no known delays or health issues. Even though they are identical twins you can distinguish these two by their face and hair. Luke has a rounder plumper face and thinner hair than his brother. Luke has brown hair and blue eyes. He has two bottom front teeth that have just recently come out fully. They live with their mother and father in a home outside the city limits. Both parents, in their mid twenties, work in well established fields. One being a nurse and the other an employee of the city maintenance department. Luke and his brother are their only children,... Show more content on ... He is meeting the developmental milestones for his age in the physical, cognitive, and language areas (Berks Meyers, 2016, p. 282). I observed Luke while he was working with his teacher during a learning exercise, he used a combination of extending one arm and then using this pincer grasp to pick up a small wooden block that was hidden under a cloth. The teacher clapped and smiled giving him positive reinforcement, at which he babbled, laughed, and smiled. She then repeated the experience again, resulting in Luke reaching and again pulling the cloth off the cube and picking up the cube. As noted in Infants and Children. Prenatal through Middle Childhood, Berks Meyers, (2016), state that once an infant passes the 7th month of age they become more coordinated and are able to use a one arm reach for items near to them (Berks Meyers, 2016, p. 185). They also further discuss that infants who are near the one year old mark should be able to use the pincer grasp. This particular grip is accomplished when the child can use the thumb and index finger in a well coordinated grasp (Berks Meyers, 2016, p. 186). This observation clearly demonstrated the dynamic systems theory of motor development, since Luke used two skills that he had already master, the reaching with one arm and the pincer grasp, together forming a complex systems of action (Berks Meyers, 2016, p. 181), he was able to successfully remove the cloth and pick up the small
  • 45. Coach Yoast And Laziness This brings be back to the reasons why each individual lead the way that they did, Boone had most likely had nothing handed to him, and as he stated in the movie he had 12 brothers and sisters that he was expected to raise, he was never in the position to allow individuals the latitude to find themselves, and as far as he saw it, neither did the black individuals on his team. Conversely CoachYoast had worked with the white individuals on his team since they were children, affording him the luxury of time that allowed him to lead the way he did. You can see the same authoritarian style appear when needed, for example at the beginning of the movie when a group of the team ran off to protect the store owner, there was no question in his... Show more content on ... Group types are important but it is too important to know that flexibility within a group is valuable also, you never know what will be the key to reaching someone. Leadership styles vary and morph, we do not and cannot stay constant because what is needed of us changes. Our power bases fluctuate as the situation arises and should because you may be in a different situation where you need a different power and not know how to use it correctly. Being aware of our impact at each level that we interact is important, understanding that my norms may not be your norms so defining what those norms are if valuable to the congruency of the group. Often times non verbal is not individual, it is antagonized by a situation, or a bias, or a person, regardless of the reason being self aware is paramount to good non verbal
  • 46. Summary Of Pax By Sara Pennypacker Strength is made by perseverance through hard times. All of us will run into a difficult period in our lives but it will not last forever. During this time we all have to find ourselves in order to undergo the challenge that appeared in our life. In the story Pax, a twelve year old boy named Peter must face many obstacles in front of him. He must be strong through the hard time and figure out how to perceiver and prevail. Throughout Pax, Sara Pennypacker did a wonderful job of creating a beautifully crafting story with great examples of hardship. The Book starts out with Peter by the woods. His father is forcing him to return Pax into the wild. This chapter is in Pax s perspective which is very memorable because the author describes Pax being confused that Peter his boy is crying even though he is not heart physically. Since Pax has lived with Peter every since he was a small kitt because Peter rescued him, Pat has not experence in the wild. At this point... Show more content on ... Peter s dad took him to his grandfather s house for a place to stay while he is at war. Being with his grandfather reminds Peter of the anger he sees in his father and also himself. This is something very troublesome because, at a young age Peter lost his mother. On that day, Peter became angered by her and broke her glass globe. Peter s mother betrayed him from going to the store with her because of this. It ended up being the day Peter s mother died in the car crash, which makes Peter blame himself for the accident. When this quickly becomes unbearable for Peter, he leaves on an adventure to find his best friend. Peter s grandfather s house is very far from where they left Pax so the trip is grueling and exhausting. Take note that Peter is going to walk on this journey, but it really show what he will do for his friend. This part of the story is very obvious that Peter is struggling but he is also persevering because he keeps
  • 47. The Transformation of Society in The City of the End of... The future of society is an often unpredictable topic due to its many variables. In The Lost Island and in The City of the End of Things , the future is depicted as something detrimental to the society each story represents. In Pauline Johnson s short story, The Lost Island , this concept is manifested in the visions given by the Medicine Man, who foretells the oppression of his people by the arrival of the colonizers. In Archibald Lampman s poem, The City of the End of Things , this concept is expressed through the downfall of greater humansociety in favour of a colder, more robotic age. These two texts exemplify the variable nature of the future by focusing on the harmful possibilities that may befall society. Each of these... Show more content on ... In the poem The City of the End of Things , the narrator recalls the manner in which humanity existed before the rise of the technological era so that the current environment has a greater impact. The story The Lost Island represents the status of the Aboriginal people as the confirmation of a prophecy which foretold their inevitable oppression. This detrimental state of their society is the result of the foreseen arrival of the non Aboriginal people to Vancouver. The prophecy that foretold this states of the people is told by the character known only as my old tallicum [friend] (Johnson 233). Within the story, this character is telling another, unnamed character, a specific story about the history of their people (Johnson 233). According to this story, an old medicine man was once plagued by visions of the future. He was described as hearing voices throughout his life, which told him about the inevitable arrival of the white man...many hundreds of them, many thousands of them (Johnson 234). The prophecy continued, claiming that the Indians will learn [the white man s] ways...will become as they will be as if the Indians had lost all bravery, all courage, all confidence (Johnson 234). The accuracy of this prophecy is made clear in earlier passages of the story. The Lost Island began with the main character saying, we Indians have lost...our lands...[our] language and the legends and the traditions... (Johnson 233). From this it is
  • 48. Analysis Of Mademoiselle Maurice 1) Brand fit: Through symbolic, emotional, visual, social and aesthetic values, the installation reflected the colourful upcoming spring with a connection to the nature bringing about happiness and positive feelings. The following pertained what Mademoiselle Maurice highlights and transfers to the public through her art. Moreover, Bikini Berlin s peculiarity of unique concept and a public space is in line with Mademoiselle Maurice s street art concept of designing public installations. Furthermore, the unique image of connecting the urban environment, i.e. city s nature through the views on the Berlin s Zoo and the vibrant city life corresponds to Mademoiselle Maurice s values of human nature relation as an urban artist. Bikini Berlin and Mademoiselle Maurice established a fit in values, visions, voices, and personalities. (2) Product fit: The ... Show more content on ... (4) Artist profile: According to StudioNOW, the profile of Mademoiselle Maurice, her brand, did not have any impact on the decision making of her collaboration with Bikini Berlin. As it was commented, her art and not Mademoiselle Maurice as a brand was in consideration. Nevertheless, Mademoiselle Maurice is a known artist within the street art community with an existing broad media, social media coverage and credibility. Hence, one may assume that the following had an impact on the viral effect of the project. (5) Target group: As was stated by StudioNOW, Mademoiselle Maurice, as a French artist that presents and shares her art worldwide, fit Bikini Berlin s target group, which is broad cosmopolitan and international audience. Therefore, the combination of being hip and established, street art incorporation into Bikini Berlin s campaign was assessed with an acceptance from the
  • 49. Informative Speech on Alcatraz Informative Speech Outline General Purpose: To inform the class Specific Purpose: To describe to the audience a brief history of Alcatraz. Thesis: Alcatraz has been a popular social topic because of the mystery that surrounds it and the stories exaggerated in movies and television shows. INTRODUCTION I. If you disobey the rules of society, they send you to prison; if you disobey the rules of the prison, they send you to Alcatraz. II. Alcatraz has been a popular social topic because of the mystery that surrounds it and the stories of mistreatment and escape attempts exaggerated in movies and television shows. III. Alcatraz served as the federal government s response to post prohibition America. Both the institution and the men ... Show more content on ... At Alcatraz, there was not special treatment for any inmate, though many tried. C. As quoted in a report by the Bureau of Prisons, ... Alcatraz served an important purpose in taking the strain off the older and greatly overcrowded institutions... since it enabled us to move the smaller, closely guarded escape artists, the big time racketeers... and those who needed protection from other groups... Now that you know the kind of prisoners that were sent to Alcatraz, II. I will discuss life on the island and as an inmate in the prison. A. Each prisoner received a copy of the Rules and Regulations for the Government... Correctional Institutions as well as a copy of the warden s special rules that explained the daily routine of work and counts. The inmates were awakened at 6:30am to begin their day. They were required to clean up themselves and their cell and required to shave three times a week. B. Alcatraz was to be operated on the principle of very limited privileges to inmates. The privilege of visitors had to be earned, and mail privileges were limited. They each held jobs within the prison in the tailor shop, laundry, cobblers shop, model shop, gardening, or help with the food prep in the mess hall. C. Contrary to what the movies portray, there were no experiments made on the prisoners, and the inmates that were transferred there were already twisted and disturbed; Alcatraz didn t turn them into monsters. There was however, a dungeon that prisoners were
  • 50. Lenin s Legacy Of The Soviet Revolution Lenin s Legacy History will not forgive Revolutionaries for procrastinating when they could be victorious today, while they risk losing much tomorrow, in fact, they risk losing everything (Vladimir Lenin. Call to Power). Lenin was a persistent Russian ruler who wished to instill his communist views in Russian society at all costs. He was influential in motivating his followers to rise up and overthrow Russia s weak government which lead to the reformation of Russia s weak economy. Although Lenin faced opposing forces from the West, he was able to institute a number of reforms which boosted Russia s broken economy and led to the transformation of Russia from a war struck country into an economically stable power, prior to his death. Prior to Lenin coming into power, Russia s corrupt government was stuck in a state of war with Germany along with other Western European powers which ultimately led to the revolts of angry Russians due to famine and political issues. The Russo Japanese war began the first Russian revolution in 1905 when Russia suffered a tragic loss on the battlefield (Vladimir Lenin. World History). The Russian loss to Japan forced the government to give up on its expansionist policy resulting in the government losing its followers. This was the most devastating defeat Russia has ever faced to a non European force and proved Czar Nicholas unfit to rule the nation. To restore order within the society, Czar Nicholas instituted the October Manifesto, which