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To His Coy Mistress Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic "To His Coy Mistress" can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a
nuanced understanding of the poem's themes, language, and historical context. Andrew Marvell's
poem is rich in metaphors and imagery, exploring complex ideas such as the transience of time,
the urgency of love, and the fleeting nature of human existence.
To begin with, analyzing the poem necessitates a deep dive into Marvell's use of language,
including his intricate metaphors and vivid imagery. Unraveling the layers of meaning within
each stanza requires a keen literary analysis, as well as an appreciation for the poet's ability to
convey profound ideas through his choice of words.
Moreover, situating the poem within its historical context adds another layer of complexity.
Understanding the political and social climate of the 17th century, along with Marvell's own
personal experiences, can provide valuable insights into the motivations behind the poem and its
relevance to the time period.
One must also grapple with the challenge of constructing a coherent and compelling argument
that engages with the critical discourse surrounding "To His Coy Mistress." Addressing various
interpretations and perspectives while presenting a unique and well-supported thesis demands a
thoughtful and meticulous approach.
Furthermore, the essay should showcase an adept ability to synthesize information, connecting
the dots between literary analysis, historical context, and critical perspectives. Balancing these
elements requires a careful blending of research, critical thinking, and writing skills.
In conclusion, composing an essay on "To His Coy Mistress" demands a high level of proficiency
in literary analysis, historical contextualization, and argumentative writing. The intricate layers of
Marvell's poem require a thorough exploration, and successfully navigating through its
complexities requires dedication, time, and a keen intellectual effort.
If you find yourself in need of assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing
challenges, you may consider seeking support from professional writing services. Platforms like can provide expert guidance, ensuring that your essays meet the highest
standards of quality and excellence.
To His Coy Mistress EssayTo His Coy Mistress Essay
Essay about Eating Disorders
Body Image in the Media
Plato once said, We behold beauty in the eye of the mind.... What some people
consider beauty others may not. From the actresses that are shown on television,
movies, models that are in magazines, and the pop stars that create hip and modern
music videos, one could be under the impression that to be beautiful you must thin.
Actresses such as Jennifer Aniston, Sarah Michelle Gheller, Clarista Flockheart,
Courtney Cox and Debra Messing all have staring roles in their own television shows
and are all extremely thin. The audiences of these shows being mostly women and
adolescent girls, what kind of message about body image are they sending out?
The stars of Hollywood are considered to be the ... Show more content on ...
Many health problems may arise due to excessive weight. The other extreme, the
anorexic look, can be just as unhealthy and just as unattractive. An anorexic
individual is malnourished which can put a lot of strain on the heart. Since your
body doesn t have fat to help keep warm, it produces more body hair. The emaciated
appearance of an anorexic even looks unhealthy with the bags under the eyes, pale
facial features and bony appearance.
Hollywood is all about appearances and looking your best. Why is it that
Hollywood portrays the image that in order to look your best, you have to be as
thin as possible? Let s look at the cast of Friend, Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox
Arquette, and Lisa Kudrow. Cox Arquette, and Aniston, it seemed were almost
having a weight loosing competition for the past couple of seasons. They both are
beautiful, talented actresses. Their weight on the other hand, is very low. They
both are stick figures and they seem to flaunt their perfect bodies on their show.
They are always dressed in tight little outfits. On the show, they are shown as being
happy and enjoying life. Some viewers who are conscious about their weight may
feel the reason why these characters are happy, is because they are thin. Women also
need to realize that these characters are just made up and the situations they deal
with on the show, they don t deal with in real life. These actresses are real
Little Ice Age
Europe had experienced a general cooling of the climate between years 1150 and
1460 and a very cold climate between 1560 and 1850. This event came to be known
as the Little Ice Age. This cold weather had impact on agriculture, health, economics,
emigration, and art and literature . The term Little Ice Age was named by Francois
Matthes in 1939 to describe the most destructive climatedrop in Europe. This ice age
was consisted of mountain glaciers which brought temperatures as low as 2 degrees
Fahrenheit. Numerous people got sick and some were even killed and starved to
death because of a famine. Farms and villages were lost due to the cold weather. It is
unknown on what caused this Little Ice Age. We do know that this event impacted...
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This ice age not only affected humans, but also the wildlife and everything around it.
The plants enzymes are failing them and their roots are struggling to find a way
through the frozen soil. These plants can t grow and maintain themselves in these
conditions. Pollination is nearly impossible during this time. The plants aren t able
to give off much oxygen into the atmosphere, which we breathe in. The true impact
of The Little Ice Age began around 1600 and lasted until the 1800 s. During that
time in Europe is when it was at its height. It was considered to be the most
significant climate event of the last millennium. Only until recently have
climatologist discovered research of climate conditions in historical times. As stated
before, no one is quite sure how The Little Ice Age evolved. Climatologist and
historians have had many discussions on what they think was the main cause of the
ice age. Today they are able to determine the yearly average temperatures, rainfalls,
volcanic activity, and the effect of the sunduring that period . What we know is that
the sun experienced a quiet period, meaning its intensity was not that strong.
Therefore, a cooling occurred. Sunspots which determine the suns strength were
noted to be in decline. Volcanic activity is to be another known source of the cause.
As the volcanoes erupted they shot out particles and gases into the air. With these
gases floating in the
Argument Essay On Equality
Equality Argument Essay THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally
equal. these are the first words read in the short story, Harrison Bergeron by Kurt
Vonnegut. The story is about a future where everyone in the world is, not only
equal in front of God and the law , but also equal in every which way, like
knowledge and looks and physical ability. In the story, a couple is watching tv and
witness their arrested son break into a ballet and dance a wonderful dance only to
be shot dead by the handicapper general herself. That leaves a question, what the
reader can easily tell from the story is that the author believes that equality is a bad
thing. To end, I believe that equality is not what we should need one hundred percent
but give everyone an equal chance and see where they take it.
To start, why would equality be so bad? From the first view, equality sounds like a
good thing. Everyone gets equal treatment, pay, etc. But what about when a serial
killer gets the same treatment a veterinarian. How fair would it be for someone
who saves animals lives to be treated the same publically as someone who s
murdered, multiple people? After seeing this, equality can seem fairly split, but
there s also a difference, there s equality then there s equity. Equality would be
people treated equal, especially socially and equal opportunities, while equity is
definite fairness. That means people brought down or up to meet the same level.
What I believe was exhibited in the story Harrison Bergeron , was not equality, but
actually equity. This can be seen by them bringing people down from their abilities
or up to meet a standard to make everyone equal. As the story states, A little mental
handicap radio in his ear. He was required by law to wear it at all times , that means
they are bringing some people down to the same level but at the same time not
bringing people up to that level. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else
, the idea of this, in theory, seems clever. Everyone equal in every single way, even
mentally. But the more the reader may think of it, they see little holes. There s no
drive to get better, no devotion to beat something, there s just what it is and the
reader can t do anything to get
Cervantes greatest work, Don Quixote, is a unique book of
multiple dimensions. From the moment of its appearance it
has amused readers or caused them to think, and its
influence has extended in literature not only to works of
secondary value but also to those which have universal
importance. Don Quixote is a country gentleman, an
enthusiastic visionary crazed by his reading of romances of
chivalry, who rides forth to defend the oppressed and to
right wrongs; so vividly was he presented by Cervantes that
many languages have borrowed the name of the hero as the
common term to designate a person inspired by lofty and
impractical ideals.
The theme of the book, in brief, concerns Hidalgo Alonso
Quijano, who, because of his ... Show more content on ...
Considerations of general
morality thus become intermingled with the psychological
and aesthetic experience of each individual reader in a way
that vastly stimulated the development of the literary genre
later known as the novel, and Fielding, Dickens, Flaubert,
Stendhal, Dostoyevsky, and many others have thus been
inspired by Cervantes. In Madame Bovary, is Gustave
Flaubert, for example, the heroine changes the orientation
of her life because she, like Don Quixote, has read her
romances of chivalry, the romantic novels of the nineteenth
Cervantes demonstrated to the Western world how poetry
and fantasy could coexist with the experience of reality
which is perceptible to the senses. He did this by
presenting poetic reality, which previously had been
confined to the ideal region of dream, as something
experienced by a real person, and the dream thus became
the reality of any man living his dream. Therefore, the
trivial fact that a poor hidalgo loses his reason for one cause
or another is of little importance. The innovation is that
Don Quixote s madness is converted into the theme of his
life and into a theme for the life of other people, who are
affected as much by the madness of the hidalgo as is he
himself. Some want him to revert to his condition of a
peaceful and sedentary hidalgo; others would like him to
keep on amusing or stupefying people with his deeds,
Ripley s Aquarium
My favorite vacations were when we went to the zoo and down to Gatlinburg,
Tennessee. I went to Ripley s Believe It or Not museum to the Ripley s Aquarium. I
love animals and weird people so these vacations were super important to me. When
I went to Gatlinburg, Tennessee I was with my parents, grandparents, my brother,
and my cousin Savannah. I got to go to all the little shops, Dig through rocks, and I
remember honking through this tunnel we drove in. I guess it was tradition. I
remember going to a mini amusement park where we rode go carts. I also remember
going to the Titanic museum. I remember touching the ice wall and seeing all the
sunken objects. I also remember seeing the grand staircase. I remember it feeling
super heavy and emotional
The Rise of Earthquakes in Oklahoma Essay
The Rise of Earthquakes in Oklahoma With earthquakes on the rise, we must figure
out the cause of them and determine a solution to help limit or even prevent them
from occurring. Since early 2009, earthquakes have been sweeping across the state
of Oklahoma, causing many people to worry about their own well being. Many
scientists speculate the source of the earthquakes might be a result of Hydraulic
Fracturing deep down in Earths crust. Hydraulic fracturing is a process in which oil
and natural gascompanies pump up to millions of gallons of wastewater, sand, and
chemicals down drilled holes in order to release pockets of shale within the earth.
This use of technology is in question of the potential cause or inducement of
earthquakes in... Show more content on ...
Areas that have become a prime source for these quakes are being heavily surveyed
for signs of structural damage along with potential changes and repairs by home
inspectors. Seismologists have recorded that most Oklahoma earthquakes
generally strike within the 2.5 3.0 magnitude on average. While some have been
recorded to spike up much higher which could potentially cause structural damage
to homes. Earthquakes of large magnitude have the potential to create large scale
destruction to homes, which do not meet building code requirements for
earthquakes of this magnitude. It has implications for calculated risks of seismic
hazard, and it will have an economic impact on the state if people have to start
building to more stringent design standards (Brus). Many scientists from around
the country believe there may be links to the earthquakes for hydraulic fracturing,
also known as fracking. Hydraulic fracturing is a process in which millions of
gallons of wastewater are pumped deep down in the earths crust to break down
rock releasing pockets of shale. This process is very important to the oil industry. It
is our leading method of obtaining oil and natural gas from the earth. America has a
very poor image when it comes to the oil industry. This process allows us to obtain
and become more sufficient in our pursuit for oil and natural gas. The U.S
Geological Survey and OGS have been conducting
Cause And Effect Of The Spill
On the Easter Sunday of March 24, 1989 an oil tanker destined for Long Beach,
California was stopped short of its destination when it struck the Prince William
Sound s Bligh Reef (PWS). In charge of the ship was Captain Joseph Jeffrey
Hazelwood. It was reported that Captain Hazelwood was not at the bridge of the ship
during the incident. Furthermore he was accused of alcohol intoxication that might
have contributed to the event. This event caused a catastrophic oil spill that resulted
in 11 million gallons of crude oil spreading throughout the ocean. At that time, it was
considered the largest oil that had ever happened in the United States, hence, it was
expected to have devastating effects on the ecology and the different species living...
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In charge of the ship was Captain Joseph Hazelwood. At the time of the time
incident, Hazelwood was reported to be in his stateroom while leaving Third Mate
Gregory Cousins in charge. This led to the failure of the ship to return to the
shipping lanes and eventually thrashing through the Bligh Reef. Although Captain
Hazelwood was accused and charged of alcohol intoxication while on duty,
Captain Hazelwood was acquitted of that charge, instead the state charged him
with a misdemeanor negligence. This misdemeanor gave Hazelwood a $50,000
fine and 1000 hour of community service. Nearly twenty seven years ago is when
the event took place and yet there are still thousands of gallons of oil that pollute
the beaches near Prince William Sound. The oil found in the beach still has it
adverse effects on the ecosystem near the shore. Although, observations have led
for most to believe that natural removal of the oil will take place overtime, a decline
in the rate of oil removal have proved them otherwise. From 1989 to 1992, the annual
rate for natural oil removal was at 80%, the following years of 1989 to 2001 took a
staggering decline at a rate of 22%. After 2001, a mere 4% rate was all that was left
to defend the oiled shore of Prince William Sound. Efforts to clean the oil proved to
be difficult due to its remote location and reachable only by air and sea
Iran-Contra Scandal And President Reagan
First, the Lebanese magazine Ash Shiraa reported that the United States had been
secretly selling weapons to Iran in an effort to guarantee the release of seven
American hostages. Furthermore, this illegal sale contradicted President Reagan s
vow never to negotiate with terrorists and violated the U.S. arms embargo against
Iran. Additionally, documents were shredded to mask the paper trail in the White
House. Therefore, no connection between the scandal and President Reagan was
ever proven. Whenever Reagan was asked about his knowledge of the Iran Contra
affair, he would claim, I don t remember. Regardless, during the Iran Contra Scandal,
only 14 percent of Americans believed the president when he said he had not traded
arms for hostages.
Plum Point Park Essay
Issue Proposition Plum Point Park was once a place for sprouted overgrown
weeds and rotting piers. Through initiative and optimism, West Ghent Civic
League proposed to transition the bleak plot of land into a permanent park in the
early 1990 s. 10 years and $1.5 million later, the park is now considered an open
natural refuge for local residents and home for various wildlife living along the
Elizabeth River. Granted Plum Point Park is an artificial park, there is still a lot of
potentials that the park can amount to. Due to the lack of green spaces and
aesthetically appealing areas throughout the park, the scenery can become very
monotonous. In August of 2016, Global Shapers Norfolk(GSN) produced a final
report, titled #WeAre757Millenials, based on responses from Millennials. Everything
from the good, the bad, and the ugly about Hampton Roads. One of the trending topics
that... Show more content on ...
Bridges the gap between social, economic, and generational groups.
It s a sustainable project that can last for the duration of Hampton Roads.
It makes the area look pretty!
About the Plot
The proposed plot is 290 square feet. It is located inside Plum Point Park at the first
entrance if walking from the Chelsea neighborhood on the Elizabeth River Walk
Trail.The current state of the plot is untreated and untended. There is an extensive
amount of overgrowth, weeds, foreign debris, and fallen leaves that are within the
plot s bed. Scope of Work Global Shapers Norfolk will be involved in the design,
formation, and construction of the garden. Also, all costs of the project will be
covered by the organization as well. However, the overall goal of this project is to
encourage the communities and outside organizations to get involved as well. The
rain garden will become part of the community.
Prior to
The Fast Food Industry In Canada
The fourth largest employer in Canada; fast food restaurants employ more than
6.9% of Canada s work force which is more than 1.2 million people and provide
first jobs more than any other industry (Health and Safety Report, 2016). As the
fast food industry employees more than 500,000 people (under the age of 25)
exposing a large number of the population (Health and Safety Report, 2016),
especially youth to various workplace hazards and health issues it is vital to discuss
this topic for all Canadians. The fast food industry does not only employ front desk
staff but involves employees working in the kitchen, dish washers, freezers, garbage
handling, cleaning, drive thru and even some of them working outside the
restaurants, in parking lots etc.... Show more content on ...
(2017, 01 17). Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from Healthy Day: https:/
/ and health 41/occupational health
news 507/fast food workers 646454.html Assessing Health Safety Issues. (2017, 02
11). Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety: Canada Occupational Health
and Safety Regulations (SOR/86 304). (2017, 02 09). Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from
Justice Laws Website: 86 304/page
40.html Canadian Occupational Health and Safety (OH S) Laws. (2017, 02 11).
Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety: Common accidents in the
retaurant industry. (2011, 03 06). Retrieved from Restobiz:
/common accidents in the restaurant industry/ Health and Safety Executive. (n.d.).
Retrieved from Health and Safety Executive:
/flash fries.htm Health and Safety Report. (2016, 07 28). Retrieved 02 11, 2017,
from Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety:
The Economic Problem of Population Ageing Essay
In the contemporary world, the economic problem of population ageing caused is
revealing gradually. UNESCO provides a standard that a single country or region in
the population over 60 years is more than 10% of the total population, which is into
the aging of the population. Both of developed and developing countries in recent
years have to face more serious agingimpacts for economic progress. According to
population prospects (2009), the whole world will accelerate the pace of ageingafter
2010. More precisely, share of elderly people is 22% in rich countries and 8% in
poorer countries, whereas these figures will rise to 33% and 20%, respectively. Why
does aging become a problem? The U.S. Census study points out that the worldwide
ageing... Show more content on ...
Consequently, in serious countries, some jobs will lack of employees to carry out.
Secondly, in order to promptly resolve the shortage of labour caused by ageing, many
countries have extended the time of retirement of the elderly. To illustrate, China
plans to start gradually raise the retirement age from 60 to 65 from 2010. However,
this approach may give rise to many controversies. Provided that the retire time to
be late, civil servants will support this resolution. As a consequence, a number of
university graduates will more difficult to find a job, and some laid off workers will
face delayed pensions; therefore, that government need to consider a wide ranges of
citizen interests.
Lastly, Skirbekk of the International Institute (The Economist, 2009, p.10),
researched the relationship between age and personal productivity, reached that
productivity in various job descends gradually in middle age. As a common sense,
when people reach middle age, health and intelligence will begin to decline; thus the
production efficiency of the elderly will not be better than young. Particularly, in the
use of high tech skills, the old usually lose young; thus employers may think that the
elderly will affect the productivity of workers. The Economist (2009 , p10) put
forward a solution that let active young and experienced old man work together
Chart 1. country Early retiring ageNormal ageEmployed, 55 59
Analyzing The Comic Book Understanding Rhetoric
In the comic book Understanding Rhetoric the viewer is guided through some key
points in conducting research. These key points include primary sources, secondary
sources ,source searching, paraphrasing etc. From pages 181 201 these key points
are explained in it s relation to conducting research. Like any great researcher one
must prepare themselves for research. Understanding the difference between a
primary and secondary source is important because it allows you to know which
source is most appropriate to support a particular claim or argument. A primary
source is an original or first hand account that provides an inside view. While in
contrast, a secondary source provides a second hand information that has been
digested, analyzed, reworded, or interpreted. The book recommends to devise a well
thought out approach accompanied by tactics that allow you to organize these
research findings. Such as storing research findings in accessible places, labeling,
creating folders,etc. This will allow one to keep organization in a time consuming
In research projects it is great to have an approach to locate viable sources so the
book recommends conducting advanced/ narrow searches to aid in finding the most
appropriate sources. In ... Show more content on ...
Nonetheless the projects were considerably fun and intriguing. I am interested in
researching sustainability because I not only have experience but admiration for
sustainability in general. I enjoy gaining new perspectives and new ways to organize
infrastructure. In particular I want to research sustainable communities who meet
energy demands and food security with the use of sustainable practices. I would like
to examine how the results of sustainability in these communities reshape equality,
environmental health, and human
Attitudes About Their Metacognitive And Emotional...
Previously prepared interview questions were designed to investigate in greater depth
students beliefs about their metacognitive and emotional regulatory abilities. These
were now augmented with further questions suggested by questionnaire responses at
the extreme ends of their scales. Students selected for interview were extreme
responders in this sense. Discourse analysis was used to qualitatively analyse the
interviews. Immediately, the first theme that occurred was that those who responded
extremely strongly agree (SA), tended to refer to internal regulation, identifying their
level of control over thoughts, feelings and behaviours whilst those who extremely
strongly disagree (SD) referred to external regulation; mainly the... Show more
content on ...
However, those extreme SA focussed much more on the content and subject of the
class Question three: All participants stated that they were better behaved in classes
that they enjoyed but extreme SA where much more detailed in their explanations
stating behaved as expected , be polite and kind and focus much more as opposed
to extreme SD who tended to give one word answered good and focused Question
four: There was a clear divide within this question across participants, extreme SD
stated that they didn t feel they could express themselves; however this was said to
be due to certain teachers or being ignored . On the other hand, two extreme SA
said they felt they could express themselves whilst one said sometimes. However,
the main difference was that extreme SA acknowledge that it was not a clear cut
yes or no, but in fact it depended on the context. More importantly they
acknowledged that when they did feel as if they could not express themselves it
was due to internal factors such as pressure . KJ stated that if they did feel as if they
could not express themselves they would find the appropriate time to do so whilst JF
stated that they may feel like that if
Book Report On Crank By Ellen Hopkins
Crank by Ellen Hopkins is a fiction novel depicting the life of a drug addict. A
teenage girl named Bree goes on a trip to visit her estranged father, where she
begins going on a downward spiral after being introduced to a new life full of love,
drugs, and bad choices. When Bree arrives back home, she realizes she must
choose between the normal life she has always known and her growing addiction to
crank. She continues to feed her addiction, both with drugs and boyfriends. Her
long series of terrible decisions lead her to make an extraordinary choice that will
change her life forever. The story takes place in Reno, Nevada in the present. The
most important characters in the book are Kristina and Bree. The protagonist in the
story is Kristina.... Show more content on ...
I know this was the theme because, Kristina did drugs one time and got addicted.
Because of this, she distanced herself from her family and friends and let the drugs
control her life. Evidence that supports this theme is that after the first time she
tried drugs, Kristina s life and choices just seemed to get worse. Symbolism in the
book is the monster. The monster represents whatever bad thing it is that you love
in life. For Kristina it is crank, but different people have different monsters. In the
book Kristina states, Life was good before I met the monster. After, life was great. At
least for a little while. This statement shows that while the monster made her feel
good for a short amount of time, eventually it caught up with her and the bad thing
she loved no longer made her feel
Digital Equipment Corporation and Hp
Hewlett Packard Introduction: Hewlett Packard is one of the largest corporations in
the world. Hewlett Packard is divided into three general segments: imaging and
printing systems, computing systems, and information technology services. After
acquiring Compaq Computer Company, HP is currently the world s largest
computer company. HP is a growth oriented corporation that strives to stay ahead in
all of its market segments. History: HP was started by two electrical engineers who
graduated from Stanford University in 1934. During a two week camping trip,
following graduation, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard became close friends. Bill
continued his education, taking graduate courses at MIT while Dave worked at
General... Show more content on ...
The 1960 s saw HP continue to develop as a well managed corporation that was
great to work for. In 1960 HP opened a manufacturing plant in Loveland, Colorado;
its first manufacturing plant in the U.S. that was outside of Palo Alto, California.
HP expanded into the medical field in 1961 with the acquisition of Sanborn
Company. This division would later become Agilent Technologies, a company
formed from HP. HP made Fortune magazine s top 500 U.S. companies in 1962 for
the first time. In 1963 HP entered the Asian market with a joint venture with
Yokogawa Electric Works. Through the rest of the 60 s HP continued to grow
rapidly. HP introduced a device to monitor fetal heart rates, acquired a company
that produced chemical analysis equipment, created a flexible work schedule
program, where employees could come in when they wanted and leave when they
wanted as long as they worked a certain number of hours per week. HP gave the
world the first desktop scientific calculator in 1968 and in 1969 Dave Packard was
appointed U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense. Dave used his management skills to
reconfigure cumbersome processes and made improvements in the military s
efficiency while lowering costs of carrying out processes. HP didn t slow down
growth at all during the 1970 s. HP introduced the world to the first handheld
scientific calculator in 1972. This device has recently been regarded by Forbes
Chrysanthemums Sexism
In his short story, Chrysanthemums , John Steinbeck characterizes Elisa as strong,
passionate, and slightly submissive. This story taking place in the era of the Great
Depression shows the role of women in this Californian farming society, and also the
sentiments of women and how sexism influenced their everyday life. Steinbeck uses
those three adjectives to show just how the women of the 30 s were treated and
looked at by men and society.
In the story Chrysanthemums , Steinbeck introduces Elisa, the wife of a farmer in the
Salinas Valley in California, as a womanwho is about her work and is very
dedicated to her garden of chrysanthemums. Women even today, although to a lower
degree, are seen as the weaker sex and are supposed to be homemakers ... Show more
content on ...
Being a farmer s wife, and living in the middle of practically nowhere in California,
her social activity is limited and spends a lot of her time either working, alone, or
waiting for her husband to finish working in the fields himself. Her
chrysanthemum garden provides a kind of outlet for her to have fun, and also be
involved in something besides work. Her passionate side is shown here, What s
them plants, ma am? The irritation and resistance melted from Elisa s face. Oh
those are chrysanthemums... Elisa s eyes grew alert and eager... Her eyes shone.
She tore off her hat and shook out her beautiful hair...Elisa ran excitedly along the
geranium path... This long dialogue between the man and Elisa show how excited
she became when he even noticed her flowers. She gave the travelling business man
a mini lesson to relay to the woman who was supposedly interested in her own flower
garden, showing the obvious passion and elation that someone else might share a
common interest as her. The mentioning of her flower garden by the businessman
was Steinbeck s way of characterizing Elisa as
Jackie Robinson Was The First African American Baseball...
Many athletes are just that, athletes. The crowd cheers as they hit a home run or
they make the shot. They re known for their performance on the field and only the
field. Instead of realizing the importance of their voice or their actions, they decide
to suppress their own voices, choosing to bask in the glory they receive due to their
performance during a game. It s easy to fall into the mindset that all athletes fall
under this category of ignorance or better yet indifference. Although a majority of
them represent this group, there a handful that dedicates their time and voice to bring
about change in society. Jackie Robinsonwas the first African American baseball
player on a team s roster. Not only did he change the sport of baseball forever, but
impacted millions of African Americans and his impact continues to affect lives today.
The first African American baseball player, Jackie Robinson and unfortunately that is
all the majority of Americans know him for. Personally, I had no intensive knowledge
on Robinson before this course. I knew what the rest of America knew, thinking his
legacy only pertained to the aspect of sports, the integration of sports and the mindset
and endurance that an athlete should have. Ignoring the fact that his legacy continues
today in the day to day of everyone not just athletes. Many fail to acknowledge the
ties that Robinson had with the fight for equality and the Civil Right Movement. His
deep involvement in the fight for
Hippocrates Influence On Ancient Greek Civilization
One of the most popular healers in the ancient civilization is Hippocrates. His
beliefs and practices are still being used until today like his belief that diseases arise
from things which enter and leave the body. He also believed that cleanliness and
rest are important for a sick or wounded patient. Hippocratesalso manifested the
characteristics of a scientist when he resisted the temptation to theorize without a
basis from carefully observed facts and the temptation to give supernatural causes into
medicine. In the mathematical aspect, the ancient people were not left behind. They
discovered different things in Mathematics to solve some problems in their daily
living. In the Egyptian civilization, they developed the science of geometry... Show
more content on ...
Most of them are students of the famous philosophers. Take for example,
Anaximander who is a student of Thales. He was the one who imported the sundial
from Egypt. There is also Anaximenes who is a student of Anaximander who
distinguished the planets and the stars. Pythagoras is also a student of Anaximander
who became a leader and reformer of the Orphic religion. He has made a lot of
contribution in the field of mathematics. He also inspired the idealistic philosophy
of Plato and his ideas about the spheres carrying the planets was developed by
Hipparchus and Ptolemy. Socrates, who proved that there is an absolute beauty and
absolute justice inspired Plato who made Socrates memory alive by writing
dialogues wherein he appeared as the
F Scott Fitzgerald Writing Style
Wealth, women, and writing, are all words that describe F. Scott Fitzgerald s life.
Fitzgerald started writing at a young age and did not become famous right away.
He fell in love with a southern belle, Zelda Fitzgerald, while he was in the army.
Fitzgerald wrote for the rest of his life, he died at the age of forty four. He also has a
particular writing style, such as using vivid imagery and a constant setting. Fitzgerald
made connections from his life into his writing by including the societal standards of
women and the time period.
F. Scott Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896 in St. Paul, Minnesota. His
mother, Mary McQuillan, was from Irish descent. His father, Edward Fitzgerald,
tried to provide for the family. At first, he was a manufacturer but he was not
successful, so he went into the sales business in New York. The Fitzgerald family
then moved to New York for Edward s work, but eventually moved back to St.
Paul. The family then lived off of Mary s inheritance (Bruccoli). Fitzgerald
published his first story at thirteen years old in the school newspaper, it was a
detective story (O Connor). This was the beginning of his writing career.
Fitzgerald started college at Princeton and was a part of the class of 1917. While
attending Princeton, he kept busy by writing lyrics and scripts for the Princeton
Triangle Club musicals. He also wrote for two magazines, the Princeton Tiger and
the Nassau Literary magazine (Bruccoli). Later in his college career, he dropped out
Touch the Energy Systems
Physical Education
Unit 2, 2012 Touch amp; the Energy Systems
Inocentes, Steven
Physical Education
Unit 2, 2012 Touch amp; the Energy Systems
Inocentes, Steven
Table of Contents 1.0
Introduction____________________________________________________2 2.0
Energy Systems used in touch______________________________________2 3.1
Fatigue and Performance during Touch________________________3 3.0
Recommendations Tactics / Strategies_____________________________3 4.0
Conclusion ____________________________________________________4 5.0
Reference List__________________________________________________4
1.0 Introduction
The ... Show more content on ...
However, after the 10 minute mark we can conclude that Green is feeling the fatigue
of lactic acid build up due to the fact that the peaks at the end of the 10 minute mark
looks unstable; his heart rate is immediately lowered after an intense action.
Therefore sufficient evidence can be analysed from the graph to support the
statement that, the build up of lactic acid affects the performance of the player,
limiting their capabilities. Recovery time is needed to compensate for the lactic acid
build up; which is the result of fatigue.
3.0 Recommendations Tactics / Strategies
As the St Mary s Open Touch Coach I must first understand the functions of energy
systems. Knowing how much a player can withstand a position on the field, before
their ATP and anaerobic glycolysisenergy system is depleted is essential for
success. To minimise as well as equalise work load, a strategy that can be used is
arrowing the side line a few times before splitting the ball to the other side. A
defensive strategy in touch, when an area is constantly being arrowed is for the
player to make the touch, while the player next to him commits the next touch... and
so forth. To maximise the performance of players, regular substitutions; especially
players In the middle should be made, taking into consideration that ATP is a short
burst of energy lasting for a maximum of 15 seconds and at least 2 minutes to
Philosophy of Religion
The Cosmological argument argues for the existence of God a posteriori based on
the apparent order in the universe. For Aristotle, the existence of the universe needs
an explanation, a cause, as it could not have come from nothing. Nothing comes from
nothing so since there is something, there must have been some other thing that is its
cause. Aristotle rules out an infinite progression of causes, so, that led to the
conclusion that there must be a First Cause. Likewise with motion, there must have
been a first cause; Aristotle calls this the Prime Mover . There is a God, says
Aristotle for how else does motion begin? Whilst this argument does generally offer
some support for the existenceof God, it does not prove his existence.
Aquinas ... Show more content on ...
Thus, Hume claimed that it is not possible to prove the existence of a being who is
unknowable and existentially different from all other beings.
A further argument against the cosmological argumentis presented by Anthony
Kenny. According to his analysis, the cause of change must possess a property which
will initiate the change. For example, for something to become hot, the thing that
causes the change must itself possess the property of heat. But modern science rejects
this argument, for instance, microwaves can generate heat without themselves being
hot. Therefore, it is not foolhardy to argue that the universe exists and as a result of
highly finely tuned probabilities, from simple compounds to what we see today. But
still, Descartes reconstruction of the argument seems to postulate that, the cause of
change must possess a property which will initiate the change, which is in direct
conflict with Kenny s point. Yet, Aquinas says Kenny is not giving a straightforward
metaphysical analysis, but an analysis which presumes a standard, and also doubtful
Overall, the cosmological argument, while making a good attempt to prove the
existence of God is largely unsuccessful chiefly because it makes huge empirical
assumptions. Firstly, it assumes that the world does, in fact, exist. And secondly, we
cannot prove that a world exists on the basis of a posteriori premises, therefore
cannot infer from it that it has a cause, and
Thomas Motor Company Case Study Essay
Case Study Thomas Motor Company
John Thomas is the Managing Director of the Thomas Motor Company. He
succeeded to the position of Managing Director after his father s untimely death in
May 1978. Martin Thomas, the founder of the Thomas Motor Company, Started
off as an apprentice mechanic in a suburban area of Melbourne when he was only
eighteen working as an assistant to Fred Luthans. Martin learnt all he knew about
automechanics from him. He was a keen and enthusiastic learner and Luthans like
people like that. He saw a lot of potential in Martin and once remarked to a fellow
worker after Martin completed a job in record time, That kid is going to be someone
someday. By the age of twenty one, Martin had become one of the fastest and ... Show
more content on ...
As Richards was still a novice, and since the workshop really needed another
mechanic, Richards agreed and Turner was hired.
In the beginning, Robbins has told Turner about the way in which things were done
around the place. Turner seemed very understanding and accommodating. He
seemed quite happy and enthusiastic about his newly found job. This was despite
the tact that he was the second lowest paid worker there. The pay was calculated by
computer, based on both seniority and skill. Turner, of course, lost out on seniority,
but he appeared not to mind this. Robbins thought that it was probably because he
felt lucky to even have a job.
The workshop opens at 8 am daily and the mechanics are assigned jobs by Robins. At
10:00 am there is an unofficial coffee break where the entire crew would go across
the street for a cup of coffee. This is looked upon as a social gathering, where the
men would get to know each other better. Being an unofficial coffee break, it is
agreed that anyone who does not complete his first job by 10:00 am has to forego his
coffee break for the day.
Now, Turner seemed to constantly miss his coffee breaks. Although skilful, he was
not as fast as either, Johnson, Kelly or Robbins. During his first three weeks there, he
only managed to attend one coffee break.
By the end of the fourth week, trouble was brewing. Turner had become quite
alienated and dissatisfied with his job. He tried to hurry through his work so that he
could make
Exclusionary Rule Pros And Cons
The Exclusionary rule, as defined in our Criminal Justice Book: 7e, is the principle
that illegally obtained evidence must be excluded from trial. If any evidence, that
falls within the field of the exclusionary rule, is found that would otherwise not have
been found by law enforcements, the rule applies to linked evidence found and all
the evidence after. This after evidence is often referred as fruit of the poisonous tree.
The exclusionary ruleis also looked at in a way to block law enforcement officers
from handling searches and/or seizures, a violation of the fourth amendment, possibly
aiding to defendants whose rights have been violated.
With the exclusionary rule comes a lot of critics who believe the Court s decisions
allow criminals
Life And Writing Of Elizabeth Bishop
When telling someone else s story perhaps even one s own it is hard not to do so
from a certain perspective or position. Two recent films whose subject is the poet
Elizabeth Bishop provide examples of distinct storytelling approaches: the first, a
documentary with a particular political slant; the second, a semi fictionalized biopic
that is a little fast and loose with facts and chronology.
With some anticipation I and my wife went to see Welcome to This House (2015),
Barbara Hammer s film about poet Elizabeth Bishop through the lens of her various
domiciles. I expected an exploration into the meaning and impact of those homes on
Bishop s life and writing, but I was disappointed.
Displaced most of her life, place became important ... Show more content on ...
This distracts us from the real power Bishop s homes had on her, especially the Great
Village house, with its famous scream from her short story, In the Village, but also
the house in the Brazilian mountains north of Rio, Samambaia, which Lota designed
and built and into which she and Bishop moved in 1952.
Samambaia became her true home, novelist William Boyd noted in the Guardian a
few years ago. She wrote many of her most famous poems in the house and in the
little studio Lota built for her on its grounds and when she lost it after Lota s death
(Lota bequeathed it to Mary Morse, about whom I ll say more below); Bishop lost
more than a house.
As Boyd writes, Bishop s eventual departure from the place that she had loved, and
that made her as a poet, was fraught, shaming and embittering.
To focus on Bishop s alleged affairs as Hammer does lends nothing to our
understanding of the poet or her poetry. Bishop led, as Boyd asserts, a life of
profound emotional and intellectual complexity. Reducing Bishop s life to sexual
pursuits or conquests that may or may not have taken place in these houses totally
misses the mark and makes the film a sort of agenda vehicle rather than documentary.
If only this film focused instead on the conflict Bishop felt between her
Basic Aspects Of Standards Research
This paper will discuss various aspects of standards research. First, it will select one
of the working groups in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) or Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and thoroughly summarize what this
group is working on. Next, this paper will justify the need of the IEEE 802 standard
used in networking. Also, it will evaluate the three standard organizations including
IEEE, ISO, and ANSI to determine the most important for communication
technology. Finally, this paper will describe the author s position on the need for a
Federal regulating body of standards such as NIST.
IETF Working Group OPSAWG
Generally, IETF Working Groups (WGs) are the primary apparatus for... Show more
content on ...
Clearly, the OPSAWG focuses on the operations side of the house, and would be the
most logical working group to submit a request for review of an operational guideline.
Specifically, the focus of this WG is on topics that manage the behavior of other
working groups in the O M area (e.g., manageability requirements). Equally important,
it focuses on small, highly focused projects that do not warrant a separate working
group, or belong to ones that have already concluded (e.g. advancement of documents
on the standards track, application statements, extensions of MIB modules).
(Operations and management area working group, n.d., para 3).
IEEE 802
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) decided that there was a
significant need for a set of rules or standards for data to travel from one computer to
another. Essentially, it decided to standardize these methods for data packets transfers
by implementing a set of rules and regulations called IEEE 802 standards.
Consequently, these standards help the industry by providing advantages such as low
product cost, interoperability, and easy to manage standards, divided into many parts.
Interestingly, these standard parts include everything from cabling to network
standards. Of note, these IEEE standards affect only Local Area Networks (LAN) and
Metropolitan Area Networks
Love Experience
In Everyone s life there are different experiences; one of those is the first love.
Love is a passionate feeling for another person that can be felt in a variety of shapes
and size. It was more romantic and emotionally uplifting than any other experience I
had ever been through. The object of my affection reciprocated that love instantly. It
was dazzling yet aching. It started one bright day in November. Oak tree leaves fell
like raindrops as I flow down the long curvy road that lead to the same boring high
school. It was a Tuesday when I saw Janice Marie Calloway. She was wearing a pink
sweater with a splash of purple. The jeans that she wore held onto every curve she
had. Her caramel brown eyes made my heart skip a ... Show more content on ...
Love is personal and deep within. The most important thing is that it makes people
feel good. When people love each other, there is no room for
Charleston There Was Life Analysis
The picture above, called Life is an illustration of two partners dancing the
Charleston illustrated by John Held. Charleston was one, if not the most popular
dance of Jazz music era. Jazz music was created by African Americans and originated
in New Orleans. It become popular among the white Americans and helped gained
most acceptance of African Americans from the whites. The picture above. Jazzmusic
and culture was the most signifying pop culture of the era. The music was enjoyed
almost by everybody and enjoyed dancing to dance moves associated with the music
such as the Charleston. Even though most musicians were African American, many
were white, too. On the radio, jazz music was played most often than not and most
listened and enjoyed it. The music was a signature to the young and women, mainly
flappers of the era. The music and dance were freedom for the young and women as
they did what they wanted to and no one could stop them from doing so. This
picture shows federal agents dumping out liquor from a speakise they must bust out
as NYPD officers watch on. This time is known as the Prohibition era, as the
prohibition law stated no one can distribute, sell, drink or have no connection... Show
more content on ...
In this era many modern ideas were against such Christian beliefs so many
religious people weren t too fond of it and the state made laws against the spread of
such ideas. An example is John Scope, a high school science teacher taught
evolution as encouraged by many people for him to do so in Tennessee where it is
illegal to teach fundamentalism. The picture above was prompted by the event for
fundamentalist to sell books against evolution so people would still belief in
Christian teachings and not the evolution. He was bought to trial and fined
excessively. The while country followed every moment of the trial closely. This led to
many states overturning their law against the teaching of
Persuasive Essay About Rugby
I believe that the old English sport, Rugby, should make it s big return in schools as
it would help spark a new passion for something that has faded away for almost 100
years since the last game our country has ever won medals in this Olympic sport.
For years, Rugby has been a neglected sport in the United States until recently it is
now the nation s fastest growing sport with over 1.2 million registered participants
across the country.
Rugby may not be that popular here in the United States of America as of now, but
it is very popular in Europe and some parts of Asia. Also, Rugby has been in a few
major events like the
Olympics, making it an Olympic sport which was introduced into the Olympics in the
year 1900, until its unfortunate end in 1924 where our national rugby team had won
gold ... Show more content on ...
There are players that joined from the fear of the dangers of American football and
saw rugby as a safer alternative to football, despite the few changes that made rugby
the modern version which is played today.
Rugby has many similarities as differences with American football like the pads
and referee which was stated before. Some similarities between the two are the
lines of scrummage or most commonly known in the united states as the line of
scrimmage, where the two teams are face to face with each other, the difference in
football is that the ball is thrown backwards and then given to the quarterback
which can be thrown forward. In rugby the player number 9 rolls the ball in the
scrum where 8 players bind onto each other and push forward so the team hook
can use their leg to swipe the ball back towards their team where they can pass to
the outside players, known as wings, and those players can run downfield and
score a try. In rugby a scrum consists of the 8 forwards, such as props, a hooker,
locks, flanks, and the 8 man. They push each other forward to gain the ball, when the
ball is in possession they can pass the ball
Marijuana Vs Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana has many beneficial effects due to natural healing factors but does
medical marijuana serve to replace pharmaceuticals. Many of us were taught to
believe that marijuana was bad but many of us did not care to see what does more
harm the medications doctor prescribe or something natural such as marijuana.
Medical marijuana has over 20 different flavonoids which are chemical components
most common in plant life. Most of the flavonoids are said to have anti inflammatory
, antioxidants , anti depressants factors that help prevent major diseases or relief
temporary pain. Due to marijuana s bad reputations that holds in recreational user that
abuse the drug not knowing that using marijuana could potentially leading to other...
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While it had been thought that there was a connection between marijuana smoking
and increased risk of lung cancer, even those who are heavy marijuana users do not
appear to be at greater risk for lung cancer according to a 2013 study by Dr. Donald
Tashkin, UCLA professor of pulmonary and critical care medicine. Medical marijuana
could also weaken a person s immune system making them much more prone to
infection and decrease their ability on fighting an infection. It can also reduce the
sperm production in men and it can also affect a woman s menstrual cycle . Medical
marijuana has some effects on both the mind and the body but compared to
pharmaceuticals it is less common to harm the body as at time pharmaceuticals fall
into the wrong hand and people often die of overdosing on their medications. So
although medical marijuana has some benefits it also consists of some flaws like
every other pharmaceutical out there ,but it also consist of many great factors that
can help many people that have tried medications but they are just simply not
working or have just not been successful. Overall it just depends on the person taking
the medical marijuana and the conditions that they could be
Descriptive Essay About Comeback
Comeback Wake up, Wake up, His mom yells him from his doorway. He slowly
got up out of his queen size bed and made out some of the words his mom said like
where, to, be, late, but nothing after that. He stuttered as he walked over to his
white dresser in the closet of his room. He opened the drawer slowly not knowing
what to wear. Which felt like an hour but was only forty five seconds he finally
found what he was going to wear. He soon made it to the bathroom, turning the
cold shiny handle of the shower and not even waiting for it to get warm. Hurry up,
his mom yelled as he hopped out of shower and quickly put his clothes on. He was
in such a hurry, he almost slipped on the slippery cold tile of the bathroom floor
barely catching himself with granite counter top of the sink. His mom was waiting
patiently in the car not knowing if he would be there until another two hours.
Suddenly as he looked at his phone charging on his bed stand he noticed the time.
He basically sprinted for the elevator in his five story house with his gear and rode
it down three floors to the main floor. He jumped out of the elevator and sprinted to
his car still sore from being at the icerink the last four nights practicing and training.
He wasn t happy that he couldn t get anything to eat, but new there would be snacks
on his plane. They sped out of the long driveway of the five story house in East
Grand Rapids. They raced down the streets taking any chance they could get to go
thru a
Examples Of Interdependence In The Giver
Interdependence is when someone realizes on eachother. In the book The Giver
interdependence is taught when the children get their coats with the buttons on the
back of them. Each of the other kids is taught to help each other out in the community
by helping other kids button the buttons on the back of their coat.
The difference between loss and release in their community is that a relises is
something either good or bad, it could be good because the elder could of lived its
long life and it would be released in a remembering way. On the other hand being
released on a bad term can be, because of breaking too many rules or being
malnourished of different during birth they would release you. A loss on the other
hand is because of a death from an incident of something else that went wrong. They
treat each one ... Show more content on ...
Jonas life will be much different than everyone else s because he is the Receiver.
This is because with his assignment he can not tell people what happens at work. So
what Jonas has to do is go straight to the Giver s office in the morning and then
straight home after work with no communication with friends. Jonas will also act
very different from everyone else, because he will be getting lots of memories and
all of these memories will make him look old and exhausted. Another big thing is
that he now knows everything that happened in the world so he can help in a bad
situation to see what is the best way to get out of it.
7. The rules for Jonas don t apply as much, like the lying doesn t apply. Also Jonas
can t apply for a release, or can t be telling people what he had learned from the
Giver. So Jonas can lie so that he can cover up what he is learning.
8. The old receiver who is now known as the Giver tells Jonas about his work and he
says that there are good memories that will feel good and some that are bad and will
hurt. He also says that his work is very tiring and he is very loaded down and tried.
So he wants to give them memories to
The Simulation And Factors Discuss Thereof From The
This paper is to discuss the simulation and factors discuss thereof from the Tata
Simulation Exercise. The following will consist of the explanations for the types of
market systems in place in a capitalist market. Following the explanations will be the
discussions of the different scenarios that took place. This will lead to the conclusion
of which will include the perfect competitionscenario.
Market Structure
This first subject will be covering the different structures of the market and how they
differ in the capitol economy. These are to include: monopoly, oligopoly,
monopolistic competition, and the perfect competition. Each of these structures will
be broken down into how they fit and which is the preferred method in product ...
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Additionally, there are a couple examples of monopolies that are allowed to service
certain segments of the public. These include, but are not limited to, most utilities
that are provided to the public as a regulated cost and pharmaceuticals that are patient
bound (Investopedia, 2016). The introduction of a product gives an advantage to the
pharmaceutical companies, but it also drives new and innovative research for new
medications on the market. The other example would be the utilities, which there
would be more chaos than competition, creating a need for the monopoly.
Next is the oligopoly strategy in a free market economy. With this type of strategy,
there are only a few providers of a good or service (Online Economics, 2016). This
also includes those that provide to both businesses and the general public at which
there are still some smaller companies that will operate as well. There are a few
examples of this type of strategy that are allowed in the free markets to include:
airlines, oil/gas, banks, supermarkets, and car dealers just to name a few that most
people in the United States use. There is little that can be done when these are more
resource based commodities and there cannot realistically be more than just a few
players in these industries. They use marketing tactics to sway a small amount of
people from another company in the same industry. A good example of this would be
Analysis Of Fredible By Daisy Greenleaf
A crucial aspect of Molly s leadership is her ability to persuade her followers.. All
of the other great characteristics of Molly s leadership wouldn t matter, if she
wasn t able to convince anyone to follow her. Greenleaf believes that inspiring and
motivating the entire organization is a key component to effective leadership.
Clear communication, powerful words, motivating appeals, inspiring challenges,
these must be the skills of an individual who hopes to be used as a servant leader.
While she succeeds in getting both Daisy and Grace to follow her in her plan to
escape and go home, she fails to keep the whole group together. An Aboriginal
traveller who tells Gracie about her mother and says they can get to Wiluna by train,
causing her to
The Fatigue Associated With Working The Night Shift
The fatigue associated with working the night shift was brought into the spotlight
after an aircraft incident that occurred on June 10, 1990. British Airways flight 5390
had just departed from Birmingham International Airport when the aircraft
experienced a rapid pressure loss due to the pilot s windshield blowing out of the
aircraft. This resulted in the pilot being sucked halfway out of the aircraft and another
flight crew member grabbing the pilots belt and holding him from being sucked
completely out while the copilot to take control of the aircraft and land it safely at a
nearby airport. The official findings of the accident investigation linked the
windshield blowout to the wrong size bolts being installed. The bolts were installed
early in the morning hours and the fatigued shift maintenance manager who installed
them didn t recognize that they were the wrong bolts. He thought that the
countersinking on the window was unusually large (Baron, 2009). This is just one
example of mistakes made on night shift due to fatigue. Fatigue is a dangerous
human factor that is present in the aircraft maintenance community.
There are ways to mitigate the risk of fatigue, though. It starts with the airline
companies themselves. Setting a work schedule that doesn t allow workers to work
more than 12 hours will allow their employees an opportunity to get the rest needed.
It is also up to the aircraft maintainers to ensure that their off duty responsibilities don
t interfere
Examples Of Greed In A Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol, which took place in 1843. The main
character, Ebenezer Scrooge was very wealthy and greedy. Three ghosts try to help
him become a kinder and generous man by haunting him. A Christmas Carol is the
story of how Ebenezer Scrooge transformed from an uncaring greedy man to one
who realized there was more to life than money. In the beginning of the novel,
Ebenezer Scroogewas a mean, greedy, and selfish person. Some examples of his
meanness, greed, and selfishness are, he never let his assistant Bob Cratchit put
any coal in the fire. He is rude to his nephew Fred who came over to give Ebenezer
Scrooge a gift and invite Scrooge to his Christmasparty. When Bob Cratchit tried to
help Fred, Ebenezer Scrooge
Analysis Of China s One-Child Policy
China s One Child policy has been called inhumane, harsh, and unnecessarily cruel
considering that other countries have been successful in controlling their population
without abducting babies, denying illegal second children an identity or forcing
abortions and sterilizations. Since the One Child Policy has been effective in slowing
the growth of Chinas populationeven though it has been heartbreaking to many
families, it is important to analyze the effects of the One Child Policyon the people
and economy of China to see if it was worth the issues it caused. The One Child
Policy created by the Chinese Communist Party, started in 1979 and ended in late
2015. China s population was at 969 million and was very quickly approaching 1
billion,... Show more content on ...
The foundation of the One Child Policy were the cluster leaders who enforced the
policy at a village level. They would ensure couples only had one child and if
violation of the One Child Policy they would receive the appropriate punishment.
If a couple qualified to have two children after their second child the mother or
father will be sterilized. These sterilizations were not by choice and if necessary
would be forced upon the woman or man. Couples would also be sterilized and
faced with a crippling fine if they disregarded the policy. These fines could be up to
10 times the couple s annual disposable income. An example of a chinese citizen
who faced a ridiculous fine was Zhang Yimou a film director. He was fined
7,480,000 yuan or 1,145,500 United States dollars for having three children before
he registered his second marriage. If couples were unable to pay the fine, their
houses would be raided. In addition to being forced to pay a fine and sterilized, a
second child might be regarded as illegal and never be recognized by the
government. These illegal children could not travel, receive a free education, get
public health care, or use a library. They were known as black children. It is
estimated that there are in between 10 to 20 million of these black children living in
China. Liu Xue is one of the illegal second children in China. The government
refuses to gives Liu her
The Cold Heavy Oil Production With Sand
A methodology has been developed for making low compressive strength cores that
will be used to experimentally examine the Cold Heavy Oil Production with Sand
(CHOPS) process occurring in unconsolidated oil reservoirs. The main objective is to
experimentally model wormhole (high permeability channel) development during
CHOPS and investigate the effect of various flow parameters such as core
permeability and porosity, compressive strength, oil/water viscosity contrast,
confining pressure and injection rate. Modeling the wormhole development and
propagation will enable us be able to developing approximate Inflow Performance
Relationship (IPR) curves.
Sands blends have been developed by varying the ratios of aggregate, cementing
material and water to prepare synthetic cores of compressive strength, permeability
and porosity ranging from 500 1500 psi, 0.5 1.5 Darcy and 20 30% respectively.
Experimental setup is developed to simulate wormhole propagation during CHOPS
process. In this process water is injected at varying range of 0.1 to 10 ml/min using
a syringe pump into floating piston accumulator to drive the oil ahead of piston to 2
x 4 synthetic core in core holder at a confining pressure of 500 1500 psi. The
differential pressure across the core is monitored throughout the process. LabVIEW
is used for data acquisition, instrument control, measurement analysis and data
Compressive strength test, Air Permeability Test and Porosity Test conducted on
Examples Of Americanism In The Awakening
The Awakening and Americanism
What it means to be an american is ever changing set of standards based on time,
traditions, and geographical regions. The Awakening reflects americanism during the
Victorian Age: also know as the Gilded Age due to its appearance of affluence which
served to mask the many social injustices and high crime rates. Kate Chopin uses The
Awakening to illustrate social injustices; such as, the oppression of women,
withholding of freedoms from those seen as insubordinate, and the limits of self
expression. These dark, yet common, themes of americanism have been affecting
minorities and groups viewed as subordinate since the founding of the country.
Chopin does not shy away from highlighting these issues which shaped America and
The Awakening.... Show more content on ...
In the Victorian Era an ideal american woman was to be quiet, domestic, obedient,
and beautiful. A woman s role was to take care of children and accommodated
guest all while directing glory to her husband was considered her most important
duty. The illustration of this theme in americanism was brought to attention by the
inner struggles of Edna Pontellier when it came to her domestic life and her duties
to her children and husband and the reaction of her peers when she tries to escape
them.. Mrs. Pontellier felt trapped in her home life: feeling more like a possession
than a person and was met with shock and disdain when she expressed her
unhappiness with her life. This reaction of disdain and shock shows how unusual
and frowned it was for women to seek a major source of joy outside of her domestic
Queer Theory And The Ballroom Community
Why is it that Queer is perceived as odd, strange, or out of place? Whenever there
is a community of individuals, no one should be viewed as out of place because of
their sexual orientation. Believe it or not, the term queer can be seen as an insult.
But of course this is still prevalent today due to the fact that queerdisrupts alleged
stability between biological sex , gender and sexual desire. Queer Theory challenges
the apparent coherence of heterosexuality, which is actually unstable and insecure,
and depends on carefully constructed individual performances. The apparent
coherence of heterosexuality also constantly denies and excludes homosexualityas an
equal possibility for sexual desire and gender roles. The fact of the matter... Show
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For example, Constructing Home and Family: How the Ballroom Community
Supports African American GLBTQ Youth in the Face of HIV/AIDS focuses on how
another group of oppressed individuals reacts to being oppressed and marginalized
racially, sexually, and economically like women; The Ballroom culture. The Ballroom
communities are houses that consist of mainly Black African American men from the
LGBT community. Though this is a community with men from several different
backgrounds, some share similarities because most of the members are
marginalized racially, sexually, and economically. Some may even share similarities
in terms of struggles that they have experienced. Baily explains how the ballroom
community creates a place for the African American men to fluidly express
themselves with their gender and sexuality. Baily also explains how because of the
issues they face such as high chances of HIV/AIDS, the ballroom culture educates
them and encourages them to take the precautions they need to take in order to not
contract diseases. None of the members in the ballroom community are blood related
but in the community is constructed to be like a households with mothers and fathers
and sisters and brothers; but not in a systematic way. Each participant of the
ballroom community comes from different backgrounds and walks of life. They
each have a story that could be something in the sense of not having a family, which
creates a rough life for them; they come from battered lives but this community, the
ballroom community creates a family. They will also compete against each other and
vogue until they fall out, literally. This is the life they ve created for themselves and
because they all have a connection, they love
How Prisons Have Changed On Today s Prison System
How Prisons Have Changed
Jordan Coldren
Florida Gulf Coast University
The History of prisons goes through many eras. Many of these eras have a major
impact on today s prison system. The different was that the system worked and didn
t work really showed what was possibly and what should not be tried again. Each era
tried to do something new are recreate something that had already been done by
making changes to the way that they treated the inmates all the way to how they were
housed and how much contact they had with one another. The different eras gave the
present day prison system many great things to think about. Such as large capacity
housing so you can properly use all the space in the prison and hold it to capacity.
There is also the parole system that gives inmates a chance to work get out early and
spend the rest of their sentence on the outside. These many great traits that the prison
system today has all come from the hundreds of years of trial and error that occurred
throughout the world.
When we talk about incarceration, and prisons you have to start with the beginning. It
all started with The Penitentiary Era, the very beginning of the prison system. The
Quakers saw incarceration as a place where the individuals could make good for their
wrongs against humanity, and society. The way that the Quakers believed with
incarceration in rehabilitation and deterrence, carries over to present day. During the
Penitentiary Era the bible was
The Preparation Of Grignard Reagents
The preparation of Grignard reagents typically involves the reaction of an alkyl halide
or aryl halide with magnesium metal in an anhydrous ethereal solvent. This reaction
results in the formation of a carbon magnesium complex within an alkyl magnesium
halide or aryl magnesium halide. Grignard reagents are considered to be strong
nucleophiles and strong bases that have the ability to react with acidic proton sources
and carbonyl functional groups. The preparation of Grignard reagents must be
conducted in aprotic solvents to minimize interactions with strong proton sources that
may result in undesired products. Furthermore, the solvent chosen for the reaction
must dissolve everything in solution. Commonly used solvents in Grignard reactions
are diethyl etherand tetrahydrofuran (THF). They are preferred over hexane solvents
due to the presence of an oxygenatom which contains a lone electron pair that attracts
the partially positive magnesium metal, resulting in increased stability. As mentioned
previously, Grignard reagents are strong nucleophiles. Thus, there is a possibility that
they may react with other molecules in side reactions. One such side reaction
involves the Grignard reagent reacting with molecular oxygen (O2) to form a
peroxide molecule. In another side reaction, the Grignard reagent may react with
carbon dioxide(CO2) to form a carboxylate molecule. These side reactions can pose a
problem since molecular oxygen and carbon dioxide are in excess under normal
Essay on Life Under the Taliban
Life Under the Taliban
Afghanistan is one of the poorest and most troubled countries in the world. The land
that occupies Afghanistan has a long history of domination by foreign conquerors
and strife among internally warring factions. At the gateway between Asia and
Europe, this land was conquered by Darius I of Babylonia circa 500 B.C., and
Alexander the Great of Macedonia in 329 B.C., among others. In recent years, war
and lawlessness had destroyed much of the country; millions of people went into
exile and brought its economy to a standstill. This paper looks to explore the recent
history of Afghanistan, how the Taliban came to power, and the impact their Islamic
laws had on the Afghanistan society including their treatment of ... Show more
content on ...
The tribes living in these two regions have ethnic affinities with the Afghan tribes,
and India and its Afghan allies were supporting secessionist movement in these two
What followed was a ten year long guerilla war. The United States gave billions of
dollars, through a secret CIA operation, to revolutionary militia forces called the
mujahideen (soldiers of God) . Thousands of people including more than 50,000
Russians were killed . With U.S. weapons and Pakistan?s support, the Afghan
mujahideen forced the Soviet Union to leave Afghanistan in 1989. Unfortunately,
when the Soviet Union pulled out, different factions of the mujahideen entered into a
civil war.
Afghanistan Civil War
The Afghan civil war was been one of the deadliest and most persistent conflicts of
the second half of the twentieth century. Nearly 2 million Afghans have been killed
and 600,000 to 2 million wounded . More then 6 million Afghans fled to Pakistan
and Iran, producing the world?s largest single refugee population since 1981, while
at least 2 million more Afghans were internally displaced . Thus, more than 50
percent of Afghanistan?s indigenous population (estimated at 15 to 17 million
persona at the wars beginning now estimated to be as many as 22 million) became
casualties killed, wounded or made homeless by the war .
In 1996 the Taliban emerged as the controlling force of the civil war. The
Third Presidential Debate Analysis
I watched the third presidential debate on Wednesday, October 19, at 8 pm. Chris
Wallace moderated the debate between the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and
Republican nominee Donald Trump. The purpose of the debate was to allow for
both candidates to be compared side by side in order to determine who would be a
better candidate to become the president of the United States.
In general, the debate was not unlike any other presidential debate. The candidates did
their best to avoid answering questions that made them look bad by responding with
an answer to a different question. When given a chance to respond, the opponent
would present their own argument, which always sounded like a rebuttal but never
really addressed their opponent. Throughout

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To His Coy Mistress Essay

  • 1. To His Coy Mistress Essay Crafting an essay on the topic "To His Coy Mistress" can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a nuanced understanding of the poem's themes, language, and historical context. Andrew Marvell's poem is rich in metaphors and imagery, exploring complex ideas such as the transience of time, the urgency of love, and the fleeting nature of human existence. To begin with, analyzing the poem necessitates a deep dive into Marvell's use of language, including his intricate metaphors and vivid imagery. Unraveling the layers of meaning within each stanza requires a keen literary analysis, as well as an appreciation for the poet's ability to convey profound ideas through his choice of words. Moreover, situating the poem within its historical context adds another layer of complexity. Understanding the political and social climate of the 17th century, along with Marvell's own personal experiences, can provide valuable insights into the motivations behind the poem and its relevance to the time period. One must also grapple with the challenge of constructing a coherent and compelling argument that engages with the critical discourse surrounding "To His Coy Mistress." Addressing various interpretations and perspectives while presenting a unique and well-supported thesis demands a thoughtful and meticulous approach. Furthermore, the essay should showcase an adept ability to synthesize information, connecting the dots between literary analysis, historical context, and critical perspectives. Balancing these elements requires a careful blending of research, critical thinking, and writing skills. In conclusion, composing an essay on "To His Coy Mistress" demands a high level of proficiency in literary analysis, historical contextualization, and argumentative writing. The intricate layers of Marvell's poem require a thorough exploration, and successfully navigating through its complexities requires dedication, time, and a keen intellectual effort. If you find yourself in need of assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing challenges, you may consider seeking support from professional writing services. Platforms like can provide expert guidance, ensuring that your essays meet the highest standards of quality and excellence. To His Coy Mistress EssayTo His Coy Mistress Essay
  • 2. Essay about Eating Disorders Body Image in the Media Plato once said, We behold beauty in the eye of the mind.... What some people consider beauty others may not. From the actresses that are shown on television, movies, models that are in magazines, and the pop stars that create hip and modern music videos, one could be under the impression that to be beautiful you must thin. Actresses such as Jennifer Aniston, Sarah Michelle Gheller, Clarista Flockheart, Courtney Cox and Debra Messing all have staring roles in their own television shows and are all extremely thin. The audiences of these shows being mostly women and adolescent girls, what kind of message about body image are they sending out? The stars of Hollywood are considered to be the ... Show more content on ... Many health problems may arise due to excessive weight. The other extreme, the anorexic look, can be just as unhealthy and just as unattractive. An anorexic individual is malnourished which can put a lot of strain on the heart. Since your body doesn t have fat to help keep warm, it produces more body hair. The emaciated appearance of an anorexic even looks unhealthy with the bags under the eyes, pale facial features and bony appearance. Hollywood is all about appearances and looking your best. Why is it that Hollywood portrays the image that in order to look your best, you have to be as thin as possible? Let s look at the cast of Friend, Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox Arquette, and Lisa Kudrow. Cox Arquette, and Aniston, it seemed were almost having a weight loosing competition for the past couple of seasons. They both are beautiful, talented actresses. Their weight on the other hand, is very low. They both are stick figures and they seem to flaunt their perfect bodies on their show. They are always dressed in tight little outfits. On the show, they are shown as being happy and enjoying life. Some viewers who are conscious about their weight may feel the reason why these characters are happy, is because they are thin. Women also need to realize that these characters are just made up and the situations they deal with on the show, they don t deal with in real life. These actresses are real
  • 3. Little Ice Age Europe had experienced a general cooling of the climate between years 1150 and 1460 and a very cold climate between 1560 and 1850. This event came to be known as the Little Ice Age. This cold weather had impact on agriculture, health, economics, emigration, and art and literature . The term Little Ice Age was named by Francois Matthes in 1939 to describe the most destructive climatedrop in Europe. This ice age was consisted of mountain glaciers which brought temperatures as low as 2 degrees Fahrenheit. Numerous people got sick and some were even killed and starved to death because of a famine. Farms and villages were lost due to the cold weather. It is unknown on what caused this Little Ice Age. We do know that this event impacted... Show more content on ... This ice age not only affected humans, but also the wildlife and everything around it. The plants enzymes are failing them and their roots are struggling to find a way through the frozen soil. These plants can t grow and maintain themselves in these conditions. Pollination is nearly impossible during this time. The plants aren t able to give off much oxygen into the atmosphere, which we breathe in. The true impact of The Little Ice Age began around 1600 and lasted until the 1800 s. During that time in Europe is when it was at its height. It was considered to be the most significant climate event of the last millennium. Only until recently have climatologist discovered research of climate conditions in historical times. As stated before, no one is quite sure how The Little Ice Age evolved. Climatologist and historians have had many discussions on what they think was the main cause of the ice age. Today they are able to determine the yearly average temperatures, rainfalls, volcanic activity, and the effect of the sunduring that period . What we know is that the sun experienced a quiet period, meaning its intensity was not that strong. Therefore, a cooling occurred. Sunspots which determine the suns strength were noted to be in decline. Volcanic activity is to be another known source of the cause. As the volcanoes erupted they shot out particles and gases into the air. With these gases floating in the
  • 4. Argument Essay On Equality Equality Argument Essay THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. these are the first words read in the short story, Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut. The story is about a future where everyone in the world is, not only equal in front of God and the law , but also equal in every which way, like knowledge and looks and physical ability. In the story, a couple is watching tv and witness their arrested son break into a ballet and dance a wonderful dance only to be shot dead by the handicapper general herself. That leaves a question, what the reader can easily tell from the story is that the author believes that equality is a bad thing. To end, I believe that equality is not what we should need one hundred percent but give everyone an equal chance and see where they take it. To start, why would equality be so bad? From the first view, equality sounds like a good thing. Everyone gets equal treatment, pay, etc. But what about when a serial killer gets the same treatment a veterinarian. How fair would it be for someone who saves animals lives to be treated the same publically as someone who s murdered, multiple people? After seeing this, equality can seem fairly split, but there s also a difference, there s equality then there s equity. Equality would be people treated equal, especially socially and equal opportunities, while equity is definite fairness. That means people brought down or up to meet the same level. What I believe was exhibited in the story Harrison Bergeron , was not equality, but actually equity. This can be seen by them bringing people down from their abilities or up to meet a standard to make everyone equal. As the story states, A little mental handicap radio in his ear. He was required by law to wear it at all times , that means they are bringing some people down to the same level but at the same time not bringing people up to that level. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else , the idea of this, in theory, seems clever. Everyone equal in every single way, even mentally. But the more the reader may think of it, they see little holes. There s no drive to get better, no devotion to beat something, there s just what it is and the reader can t do anything to get
  • 5. Cervantes Cervantes greatest work, Don Quixote, is a unique book of multiple dimensions. From the moment of its appearance it has amused readers or caused them to think, and its influence has extended in literature not only to works of secondary value but also to those which have universal importance. Don Quixote is a country gentleman, an enthusiastic visionary crazed by his reading of romances of chivalry, who rides forth to defend the oppressed and to right wrongs; so vividly was he presented by Cervantes that many languages have borrowed the name of the hero as the common term to designate a person inspired by lofty and impractical ideals. The theme of the book, in brief, concerns Hidalgo Alonso Quijano, who, because of his ... Show more content on ... Considerations of general morality thus become intermingled with the psychological and aesthetic experience of each individual reader in a way that vastly stimulated the development of the literary genre later known as the novel, and Fielding, Dickens, Flaubert, Stendhal, Dostoyevsky, and many others have thus been inspired by Cervantes. In Madame Bovary, is Gustave Flaubert, for example, the heroine changes the orientation of her life because she, like Don Quixote, has read her
  • 6. romances of chivalry, the romantic novels of the nineteenth century. Cervantes demonstrated to the Western world how poetry and fantasy could coexist with the experience of reality which is perceptible to the senses. He did this by presenting poetic reality, which previously had been confined to the ideal region of dream, as something experienced by a real person, and the dream thus became the reality of any man living his dream. Therefore, the trivial fact that a poor hidalgo loses his reason for one cause or another is of little importance. The innovation is that Don Quixote s madness is converted into the theme of his life and into a theme for the life of other people, who are affected as much by the madness of the hidalgo as is he himself. Some want him to revert to his condition of a peaceful and sedentary hidalgo; others would like him to keep on amusing or stupefying people with his deeds,
  • 7. Ripley s Aquarium My favorite vacations were when we went to the zoo and down to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. I went to Ripley s Believe It or Not museum to the Ripley s Aquarium. I love animals and weird people so these vacations were super important to me. When I went to Gatlinburg, Tennessee I was with my parents, grandparents, my brother, and my cousin Savannah. I got to go to all the little shops, Dig through rocks, and I remember honking through this tunnel we drove in. I guess it was tradition. I remember going to a mini amusement park where we rode go carts. I also remember going to the Titanic museum. I remember touching the ice wall and seeing all the sunken objects. I also remember seeing the grand staircase. I remember it feeling super heavy and emotional
  • 8. The Rise of Earthquakes in Oklahoma Essay The Rise of Earthquakes in Oklahoma With earthquakes on the rise, we must figure out the cause of them and determine a solution to help limit or even prevent them from occurring. Since early 2009, earthquakes have been sweeping across the state of Oklahoma, causing many people to worry about their own well being. Many scientists speculate the source of the earthquakes might be a result of Hydraulic Fracturing deep down in Earths crust. Hydraulic fracturing is a process in which oil and natural gascompanies pump up to millions of gallons of wastewater, sand, and chemicals down drilled holes in order to release pockets of shale within the earth. This use of technology is in question of the potential cause or inducement of earthquakes in... Show more content on ... Areas that have become a prime source for these quakes are being heavily surveyed for signs of structural damage along with potential changes and repairs by home inspectors. Seismologists have recorded that most Oklahoma earthquakes generally strike within the 2.5 3.0 magnitude on average. While some have been recorded to spike up much higher which could potentially cause structural damage to homes. Earthquakes of large magnitude have the potential to create large scale destruction to homes, which do not meet building code requirements for earthquakes of this magnitude. It has implications for calculated risks of seismic hazard, and it will have an economic impact on the state if people have to start building to more stringent design standards (Brus). Many scientists from around the country believe there may be links to the earthquakes for hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking. Hydraulic fracturing is a process in which millions of gallons of wastewater are pumped deep down in the earths crust to break down rock releasing pockets of shale. This process is very important to the oil industry. It is our leading method of obtaining oil and natural gas from the earth. America has a very poor image when it comes to the oil industry. This process allows us to obtain and become more sufficient in our pursuit for oil and natural gas. The U.S Geological Survey and OGS have been conducting
  • 9. Cause And Effect Of The Spill On the Easter Sunday of March 24, 1989 an oil tanker destined for Long Beach, California was stopped short of its destination when it struck the Prince William Sound s Bligh Reef (PWS). In charge of the ship was Captain Joseph Jeffrey Hazelwood. It was reported that Captain Hazelwood was not at the bridge of the ship during the incident. Furthermore he was accused of alcohol intoxication that might have contributed to the event. This event caused a catastrophic oil spill that resulted in 11 million gallons of crude oil spreading throughout the ocean. At that time, it was considered the largest oil that had ever happened in the United States, hence, it was expected to have devastating effects on the ecology and the different species living... Show more content on ... In charge of the ship was Captain Joseph Hazelwood. At the time of the time incident, Hazelwood was reported to be in his stateroom while leaving Third Mate Gregory Cousins in charge. This led to the failure of the ship to return to the shipping lanes and eventually thrashing through the Bligh Reef. Although Captain Hazelwood was accused and charged of alcohol intoxication while on duty, Captain Hazelwood was acquitted of that charge, instead the state charged him with a misdemeanor negligence. This misdemeanor gave Hazelwood a $50,000 fine and 1000 hour of community service. Nearly twenty seven years ago is when the event took place and yet there are still thousands of gallons of oil that pollute the beaches near Prince William Sound. The oil found in the beach still has it adverse effects on the ecosystem near the shore. Although, observations have led for most to believe that natural removal of the oil will take place overtime, a decline in the rate of oil removal have proved them otherwise. From 1989 to 1992, the annual rate for natural oil removal was at 80%, the following years of 1989 to 2001 took a staggering decline at a rate of 22%. After 2001, a mere 4% rate was all that was left to defend the oiled shore of Prince William Sound. Efforts to clean the oil proved to be difficult due to its remote location and reachable only by air and sea
  • 10. Iran-Contra Scandal And President Reagan First, the Lebanese magazine Ash Shiraa reported that the United States had been secretly selling weapons to Iran in an effort to guarantee the release of seven American hostages. Furthermore, this illegal sale contradicted President Reagan s vow never to negotiate with terrorists and violated the U.S. arms embargo against Iran. Additionally, documents were shredded to mask the paper trail in the White House. Therefore, no connection between the scandal and President Reagan was ever proven. Whenever Reagan was asked about his knowledge of the Iran Contra affair, he would claim, I don t remember. Regardless, during the Iran Contra Scandal, only 14 percent of Americans believed the president when he said he had not traded arms for hostages.
  • 11. Plum Point Park Essay Issue Proposition Plum Point Park was once a place for sprouted overgrown weeds and rotting piers. Through initiative and optimism, West Ghent Civic League proposed to transition the bleak plot of land into a permanent park in the early 1990 s. 10 years and $1.5 million later, the park is now considered an open natural refuge for local residents and home for various wildlife living along the Elizabeth River. Granted Plum Point Park is an artificial park, there is still a lot of potentials that the park can amount to. Due to the lack of green spaces and aesthetically appealing areas throughout the park, the scenery can become very monotonous. In August of 2016, Global Shapers Norfolk(GSN) produced a final report, titled #WeAre757Millenials, based on responses from Millennials. Everything from the good, the bad, and the ugly about Hampton Roads. One of the trending topics that... Show more content on ... Bridges the gap between social, economic, and generational groups. It s a sustainable project that can last for the duration of Hampton Roads. It makes the area look pretty! About the Plot The proposed plot is 290 square feet. It is located inside Plum Point Park at the first entrance if walking from the Chelsea neighborhood on the Elizabeth River Walk Trail.The current state of the plot is untreated and untended. There is an extensive amount of overgrowth, weeds, foreign debris, and fallen leaves that are within the plot s bed. Scope of Work Global Shapers Norfolk will be involved in the design, formation, and construction of the garden. Also, all costs of the project will be covered by the organization as well. However, the overall goal of this project is to encourage the communities and outside organizations to get involved as well. The rain garden will become part of the community. Prior to
  • 12. The Fast Food Industry In Canada The fourth largest employer in Canada; fast food restaurants employ more than 6.9% of Canada s work force which is more than 1.2 million people and provide first jobs more than any other industry (Health and Safety Report, 2016). As the fast food industry employees more than 500,000 people (under the age of 25) exposing a large number of the population (Health and Safety Report, 2016), especially youth to various workplace hazards and health issues it is vital to discuss this topic for all Canadians. The fast food industry does not only employ front desk staff but involves employees working in the kitchen, dish washers, freezers, garbage handling, cleaning, drive thru and even some of them working outside the restaurants, in parking lots etc.... Show more content on ... (2017, 01 17). Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from Healthy Day: https:/ / and health 41/occupational health news 507/fast food workers 646454.html Assessing Health Safety Issues. (2017, 02 11). Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety: Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (SOR/86 304). (2017, 02 09). Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from Justice Laws Website: 86 304/page 40.html Canadian Occupational Health and Safety (OH S) Laws. (2017, 02 11). Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety: Common accidents in the retaurant industry. (2011, 03 06). Retrieved from Restobiz: /common accidents in the restaurant industry/ Health and Safety Executive. (n.d.). Retrieved from Health and Safety Executive: /flash fries.htm Health and Safety Report. (2016, 07 28). Retrieved 02 11, 2017, from Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety:
  • 13. The Economic Problem of Population Ageing Essay In the contemporary world, the economic problem of population ageing caused is revealing gradually. UNESCO provides a standard that a single country or region in the population over 60 years is more than 10% of the total population, which is into the aging of the population. Both of developed and developing countries in recent years have to face more serious agingimpacts for economic progress. According to population prospects (2009), the whole world will accelerate the pace of ageingafter 2010. More precisely, share of elderly people is 22% in rich countries and 8% in poorer countries, whereas these figures will rise to 33% and 20%, respectively. Why does aging become a problem? The U.S. Census study points out that the worldwide ageing... Show more content on ... Consequently, in serious countries, some jobs will lack of employees to carry out. Secondly, in order to promptly resolve the shortage of labour caused by ageing, many countries have extended the time of retirement of the elderly. To illustrate, China plans to start gradually raise the retirement age from 60 to 65 from 2010. However, this approach may give rise to many controversies. Provided that the retire time to be late, civil servants will support this resolution. As a consequence, a number of university graduates will more difficult to find a job, and some laid off workers will face delayed pensions; therefore, that government need to consider a wide ranges of citizen interests. Lastly, Skirbekk of the International Institute (The Economist, 2009, p.10), researched the relationship between age and personal productivity, reached that productivity in various job descends gradually in middle age. As a common sense, when people reach middle age, health and intelligence will begin to decline; thus the production efficiency of the elderly will not be better than young. Particularly, in the use of high tech skills, the old usually lose young; thus employers may think that the elderly will affect the productivity of workers. The Economist (2009 , p10) put forward a solution that let active young and experienced old man work together Chart 1. country Early retiring ageNormal ageEmployed, 55 59
  • 14. Analyzing The Comic Book Understanding Rhetoric In the comic book Understanding Rhetoric the viewer is guided through some key points in conducting research. These key points include primary sources, secondary sources ,source searching, paraphrasing etc. From pages 181 201 these key points are explained in it s relation to conducting research. Like any great researcher one must prepare themselves for research. Understanding the difference between a primary and secondary source is important because it allows you to know which source is most appropriate to support a particular claim or argument. A primary source is an original or first hand account that provides an inside view. While in contrast, a secondary source provides a second hand information that has been digested, analyzed, reworded, or interpreted. The book recommends to devise a well thought out approach accompanied by tactics that allow you to organize these research findings. Such as storing research findings in accessible places, labeling, creating folders,etc. This will allow one to keep organization in a time consuming process. In research projects it is great to have an approach to locate viable sources so the book recommends conducting advanced/ narrow searches to aid in finding the most appropriate sources. In ... Show more content on ... Nonetheless the projects were considerably fun and intriguing. I am interested in researching sustainability because I not only have experience but admiration for sustainability in general. I enjoy gaining new perspectives and new ways to organize infrastructure. In particular I want to research sustainable communities who meet energy demands and food security with the use of sustainable practices. I would like to examine how the results of sustainability in these communities reshape equality, environmental health, and human
  • 15. Attitudes About Their Metacognitive And Emotional... Previously prepared interview questions were designed to investigate in greater depth students beliefs about their metacognitive and emotional regulatory abilities. These were now augmented with further questions suggested by questionnaire responses at the extreme ends of their scales. Students selected for interview were extreme responders in this sense. Discourse analysis was used to qualitatively analyse the interviews. Immediately, the first theme that occurred was that those who responded extremely strongly agree (SA), tended to refer to internal regulation, identifying their level of control over thoughts, feelings and behaviours whilst those who extremely strongly disagree (SD) referred to external regulation; mainly the... Show more content on ... However, those extreme SA focussed much more on the content and subject of the class Question three: All participants stated that they were better behaved in classes that they enjoyed but extreme SA where much more detailed in their explanations stating behaved as expected , be polite and kind and focus much more as opposed to extreme SD who tended to give one word answered good and focused Question four: There was a clear divide within this question across participants, extreme SD stated that they didn t feel they could express themselves; however this was said to be due to certain teachers or being ignored . On the other hand, two extreme SA said they felt they could express themselves whilst one said sometimes. However, the main difference was that extreme SA acknowledge that it was not a clear cut yes or no, but in fact it depended on the context. More importantly they acknowledged that when they did feel as if they could not express themselves it was due to internal factors such as pressure . KJ stated that if they did feel as if they could not express themselves they would find the appropriate time to do so whilst JF stated that they may feel like that if
  • 16. Book Report On Crank By Ellen Hopkins Crank by Ellen Hopkins is a fiction novel depicting the life of a drug addict. A teenage girl named Bree goes on a trip to visit her estranged father, where she begins going on a downward spiral after being introduced to a new life full of love, drugs, and bad choices. When Bree arrives back home, she realizes she must choose between the normal life she has always known and her growing addiction to crank. She continues to feed her addiction, both with drugs and boyfriends. Her long series of terrible decisions lead her to make an extraordinary choice that will change her life forever. The story takes place in Reno, Nevada in the present. The most important characters in the book are Kristina and Bree. The protagonist in the story is Kristina.... Show more content on ... I know this was the theme because, Kristina did drugs one time and got addicted. Because of this, she distanced herself from her family and friends and let the drugs control her life. Evidence that supports this theme is that after the first time she tried drugs, Kristina s life and choices just seemed to get worse. Symbolism in the book is the monster. The monster represents whatever bad thing it is that you love in life. For Kristina it is crank, but different people have different monsters. In the book Kristina states, Life was good before I met the monster. After, life was great. At least for a little while. This statement shows that while the monster made her feel good for a short amount of time, eventually it caught up with her and the bad thing she loved no longer made her feel
  • 17. Digital Equipment Corporation and Hp Hewlett Packard Introduction: Hewlett Packard is one of the largest corporations in the world. Hewlett Packard is divided into three general segments: imaging and printing systems, computing systems, and information technology services. After acquiring Compaq Computer Company, HP is currently the world s largest computer company. HP is a growth oriented corporation that strives to stay ahead in all of its market segments. History: HP was started by two electrical engineers who graduated from Stanford University in 1934. During a two week camping trip, following graduation, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard became close friends. Bill continued his education, taking graduate courses at MIT while Dave worked at General... Show more content on ... The 1960 s saw HP continue to develop as a well managed corporation that was great to work for. In 1960 HP opened a manufacturing plant in Loveland, Colorado; its first manufacturing plant in the U.S. that was outside of Palo Alto, California. HP expanded into the medical field in 1961 with the acquisition of Sanborn Company. This division would later become Agilent Technologies, a company formed from HP. HP made Fortune magazine s top 500 U.S. companies in 1962 for the first time. In 1963 HP entered the Asian market with a joint venture with Yokogawa Electric Works. Through the rest of the 60 s HP continued to grow rapidly. HP introduced a device to monitor fetal heart rates, acquired a company that produced chemical analysis equipment, created a flexible work schedule program, where employees could come in when they wanted and leave when they wanted as long as they worked a certain number of hours per week. HP gave the world the first desktop scientific calculator in 1968 and in 1969 Dave Packard was appointed U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense. Dave used his management skills to reconfigure cumbersome processes and made improvements in the military s efficiency while lowering costs of carrying out processes. HP didn t slow down growth at all during the 1970 s. HP introduced the world to the first handheld scientific calculator in 1972. This device has recently been regarded by Forbes
  • 18. Chrysanthemums Sexism In his short story, Chrysanthemums , John Steinbeck characterizes Elisa as strong, passionate, and slightly submissive. This story taking place in the era of the Great Depression shows the role of women in this Californian farming society, and also the sentiments of women and how sexism influenced their everyday life. Steinbeck uses those three adjectives to show just how the women of the 30 s were treated and looked at by men and society. In the story Chrysanthemums , Steinbeck introduces Elisa, the wife of a farmer in the Salinas Valley in California, as a womanwho is about her work and is very dedicated to her garden of chrysanthemums. Women even today, although to a lower degree, are seen as the weaker sex and are supposed to be homemakers ... Show more content on ... Being a farmer s wife, and living in the middle of practically nowhere in California, her social activity is limited and spends a lot of her time either working, alone, or waiting for her husband to finish working in the fields himself. Her chrysanthemum garden provides a kind of outlet for her to have fun, and also be involved in something besides work. Her passionate side is shown here, What s them plants, ma am? The irritation and resistance melted from Elisa s face. Oh those are chrysanthemums... Elisa s eyes grew alert and eager... Her eyes shone. She tore off her hat and shook out her beautiful hair...Elisa ran excitedly along the geranium path... This long dialogue between the man and Elisa show how excited she became when he even noticed her flowers. She gave the travelling business man a mini lesson to relay to the woman who was supposedly interested in her own flower garden, showing the obvious passion and elation that someone else might share a common interest as her. The mentioning of her flower garden by the businessman was Steinbeck s way of characterizing Elisa as
  • 19. Jackie Robinson Was The First African American Baseball... Many athletes are just that, athletes. The crowd cheers as they hit a home run or they make the shot. They re known for their performance on the field and only the field. Instead of realizing the importance of their voice or their actions, they decide to suppress their own voices, choosing to bask in the glory they receive due to their performance during a game. It s easy to fall into the mindset that all athletes fall under this category of ignorance or better yet indifference. Although a majority of them represent this group, there a handful that dedicates their time and voice to bring about change in society. Jackie Robinsonwas the first African American baseball player on a team s roster. Not only did he change the sport of baseball forever, but impacted millions of African Americans and his impact continues to affect lives today. The first African American baseball player, Jackie Robinson and unfortunately that is all the majority of Americans know him for. Personally, I had no intensive knowledge on Robinson before this course. I knew what the rest of America knew, thinking his legacy only pertained to the aspect of sports, the integration of sports and the mindset and endurance that an athlete should have. Ignoring the fact that his legacy continues today in the day to day of everyone not just athletes. Many fail to acknowledge the ties that Robinson had with the fight for equality and the Civil Right Movement. His deep involvement in the fight for
  • 20. Hippocrates Influence On Ancient Greek Civilization One of the most popular healers in the ancient civilization is Hippocrates. His beliefs and practices are still being used until today like his belief that diseases arise from things which enter and leave the body. He also believed that cleanliness and rest are important for a sick or wounded patient. Hippocratesalso manifested the characteristics of a scientist when he resisted the temptation to theorize without a basis from carefully observed facts and the temptation to give supernatural causes into medicine. In the mathematical aspect, the ancient people were not left behind. They discovered different things in Mathematics to solve some problems in their daily living. In the Egyptian civilization, they developed the science of geometry... Show more content on ... Most of them are students of the famous philosophers. Take for example, Anaximander who is a student of Thales. He was the one who imported the sundial from Egypt. There is also Anaximenes who is a student of Anaximander who distinguished the planets and the stars. Pythagoras is also a student of Anaximander who became a leader and reformer of the Orphic religion. He has made a lot of contribution in the field of mathematics. He also inspired the idealistic philosophy of Plato and his ideas about the spheres carrying the planets was developed by Hipparchus and Ptolemy. Socrates, who proved that there is an absolute beauty and absolute justice inspired Plato who made Socrates memory alive by writing dialogues wherein he appeared as the
  • 21. F Scott Fitzgerald Writing Style Wealth, women, and writing, are all words that describe F. Scott Fitzgerald s life. Fitzgerald started writing at a young age and did not become famous right away. He fell in love with a southern belle, Zelda Fitzgerald, while he was in the army. Fitzgerald wrote for the rest of his life, he died at the age of forty four. He also has a particular writing style, such as using vivid imagery and a constant setting. Fitzgerald made connections from his life into his writing by including the societal standards of women and the time period. F. Scott Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896 in St. Paul, Minnesota. His mother, Mary McQuillan, was from Irish descent. His father, Edward Fitzgerald, tried to provide for the family. At first, he was a manufacturer but he was not successful, so he went into the sales business in New York. The Fitzgerald family then moved to New York for Edward s work, but eventually moved back to St. Paul. The family then lived off of Mary s inheritance (Bruccoli). Fitzgerald published his first story at thirteen years old in the school newspaper, it was a detective story (O Connor). This was the beginning of his writing career. Fitzgerald started college at Princeton and was a part of the class of 1917. While attending Princeton, he kept busy by writing lyrics and scripts for the Princeton Triangle Club musicals. He also wrote for two magazines, the Princeton Tiger and the Nassau Literary magazine (Bruccoli). Later in his college career, he dropped out
  • 22. Touch the Energy Systems 11 Physical Education Unit 2, 2012 Touch amp; the Energy Systems Inocentes, Steven 11 Physical Education Unit 2, 2012 Touch amp; the Energy Systems Inocentes, Steven Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction____________________________________________________2 2.0 Energy Systems used in touch______________________________________2 3.1 Fatigue and Performance during Touch________________________3 3.0 Recommendations Tactics / Strategies_____________________________3 4.0 Conclusion ____________________________________________________4 5.0 Reference List__________________________________________________4 Appendices____________________________________________________4 1.0 Introduction The ... Show more content on ... However, after the 10 minute mark we can conclude that Green is feeling the fatigue of lactic acid build up due to the fact that the peaks at the end of the 10 minute mark looks unstable; his heart rate is immediately lowered after an intense action. Therefore sufficient evidence can be analysed from the graph to support the statement that, the build up of lactic acid affects the performance of the player, limiting their capabilities. Recovery time is needed to compensate for the lactic acid build up; which is the result of fatigue. 3.0 Recommendations Tactics / Strategies As the St Mary s Open Touch Coach I must first understand the functions of energy systems. Knowing how much a player can withstand a position on the field, before their ATP and anaerobic glycolysisenergy system is depleted is essential for success. To minimise as well as equalise work load, a strategy that can be used is arrowing the side line a few times before splitting the ball to the other side. A defensive strategy in touch, when an area is constantly being arrowed is for the player to make the touch, while the player next to him commits the next touch... and so forth. To maximise the performance of players, regular substitutions; especially players In the middle should be made, taking into consideration that ATP is a short burst of energy lasting for a maximum of 15 seconds and at least 2 minutes to replenish,
  • 23. Philosophy of Religion The Cosmological argument argues for the existence of God a posteriori based on the apparent order in the universe. For Aristotle, the existence of the universe needs an explanation, a cause, as it could not have come from nothing. Nothing comes from nothing so since there is something, there must have been some other thing that is its cause. Aristotle rules out an infinite progression of causes, so, that led to the conclusion that there must be a First Cause. Likewise with motion, there must have been a first cause; Aristotle calls this the Prime Mover . There is a God, says Aristotle for how else does motion begin? Whilst this argument does generally offer some support for the existenceof God, it does not prove his existence. Aquinas ... Show more content on ... Thus, Hume claimed that it is not possible to prove the existence of a being who is unknowable and existentially different from all other beings. A further argument against the cosmological argumentis presented by Anthony Kenny. According to his analysis, the cause of change must possess a property which will initiate the change. For example, for something to become hot, the thing that causes the change must itself possess the property of heat. But modern science rejects this argument, for instance, microwaves can generate heat without themselves being hot. Therefore, it is not foolhardy to argue that the universe exists and as a result of highly finely tuned probabilities, from simple compounds to what we see today. But still, Descartes reconstruction of the argument seems to postulate that, the cause of change must possess a property which will initiate the change, which is in direct conflict with Kenny s point. Yet, Aquinas says Kenny is not giving a straightforward metaphysical analysis, but an analysis which presumes a standard, and also doubtful physics. Overall, the cosmological argument, while making a good attempt to prove the existence of God is largely unsuccessful chiefly because it makes huge empirical assumptions. Firstly, it assumes that the world does, in fact, exist. And secondly, we cannot prove that a world exists on the basis of a posteriori premises, therefore cannot infer from it that it has a cause, and
  • 24. Thomas Motor Company Case Study Essay Case Study Thomas Motor Company John Thomas is the Managing Director of the Thomas Motor Company. He succeeded to the position of Managing Director after his father s untimely death in May 1978. Martin Thomas, the founder of the Thomas Motor Company, Started off as an apprentice mechanic in a suburban area of Melbourne when he was only eighteen working as an assistant to Fred Luthans. Martin learnt all he knew about automechanics from him. He was a keen and enthusiastic learner and Luthans like people like that. He saw a lot of potential in Martin and once remarked to a fellow worker after Martin completed a job in record time, That kid is going to be someone someday. By the age of twenty one, Martin had become one of the fastest and ... Show more content on ... As Richards was still a novice, and since the workshop really needed another mechanic, Richards agreed and Turner was hired. In the beginning, Robbins has told Turner about the way in which things were done around the place. Turner seemed very understanding and accommodating. He seemed quite happy and enthusiastic about his newly found job. This was despite the tact that he was the second lowest paid worker there. The pay was calculated by computer, based on both seniority and skill. Turner, of course, lost out on seniority, but he appeared not to mind this. Robbins thought that it was probably because he felt lucky to even have a job. The workshop opens at 8 am daily and the mechanics are assigned jobs by Robins. At 10:00 am there is an unofficial coffee break where the entire crew would go across the street for a cup of coffee. This is looked upon as a social gathering, where the men would get to know each other better. Being an unofficial coffee break, it is agreed that anyone who does not complete his first job by 10:00 am has to forego his coffee break for the day. Now, Turner seemed to constantly miss his coffee breaks. Although skilful, he was not as fast as either, Johnson, Kelly or Robbins. During his first three weeks there, he only managed to attend one coffee break. By the end of the fourth week, trouble was brewing. Turner had become quite alienated and dissatisfied with his job. He tried to hurry through his work so that he could make
  • 25. Exclusionary Rule Pros And Cons The Exclusionary rule, as defined in our Criminal Justice Book: 7e, is the principle that illegally obtained evidence must be excluded from trial. If any evidence, that falls within the field of the exclusionary rule, is found that would otherwise not have been found by law enforcements, the rule applies to linked evidence found and all the evidence after. This after evidence is often referred as fruit of the poisonous tree. The exclusionary ruleis also looked at in a way to block law enforcement officers from handling searches and/or seizures, a violation of the fourth amendment, possibly aiding to defendants whose rights have been violated. With the exclusionary rule comes a lot of critics who believe the Court s decisions allow criminals
  • 26. Life And Writing Of Elizabeth Bishop When telling someone else s story perhaps even one s own it is hard not to do so from a certain perspective or position. Two recent films whose subject is the poet Elizabeth Bishop provide examples of distinct storytelling approaches: the first, a documentary with a particular political slant; the second, a semi fictionalized biopic that is a little fast and loose with facts and chronology. With some anticipation I and my wife went to see Welcome to This House (2015), Barbara Hammer s film about poet Elizabeth Bishop through the lens of her various domiciles. I expected an exploration into the meaning and impact of those homes on Bishop s life and writing, but I was disappointed. Displaced most of her life, place became important ... Show more content on ... This distracts us from the real power Bishop s homes had on her, especially the Great Village house, with its famous scream from her short story, In the Village, but also the house in the Brazilian mountains north of Rio, Samambaia, which Lota designed and built and into which she and Bishop moved in 1952. Samambaia became her true home, novelist William Boyd noted in the Guardian a few years ago. She wrote many of her most famous poems in the house and in the little studio Lota built for her on its grounds and when she lost it after Lota s death (Lota bequeathed it to Mary Morse, about whom I ll say more below); Bishop lost more than a house. As Boyd writes, Bishop s eventual departure from the place that she had loved, and that made her as a poet, was fraught, shaming and embittering. To focus on Bishop s alleged affairs as Hammer does lends nothing to our understanding of the poet or her poetry. Bishop led, as Boyd asserts, a life of profound emotional and intellectual complexity. Reducing Bishop s life to sexual pursuits or conquests that may or may not have taken place in these houses totally misses the mark and makes the film a sort of agenda vehicle rather than documentary. If only this film focused instead on the conflict Bishop felt between her
  • 27. Basic Aspects Of Standards Research Introduction This paper will discuss various aspects of standards research. First, it will select one of the working groups in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) or Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and thoroughly summarize what this group is working on. Next, this paper will justify the need of the IEEE 802 standard used in networking. Also, it will evaluate the three standard organizations including IEEE, ISO, and ANSI to determine the most important for communication technology. Finally, this paper will describe the author s position on the need for a Federal regulating body of standards such as NIST. IETF Working Group OPSAWG Generally, IETF Working Groups (WGs) are the primary apparatus for... Show more content on ... Clearly, the OPSAWG focuses on the operations side of the house, and would be the most logical working group to submit a request for review of an operational guideline. Specifically, the focus of this WG is on topics that manage the behavior of other working groups in the O M area (e.g., manageability requirements). Equally important, it focuses on small, highly focused projects that do not warrant a separate working group, or belong to ones that have already concluded (e.g. advancement of documents on the standards track, application statements, extensions of MIB modules). (Operations and management area working group, n.d., para 3). IEEE 802 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) decided that there was a significant need for a set of rules or standards for data to travel from one computer to another. Essentially, it decided to standardize these methods for data packets transfers by implementing a set of rules and regulations called IEEE 802 standards. Consequently, these standards help the industry by providing advantages such as low product cost, interoperability, and easy to manage standards, divided into many parts. Interestingly, these standard parts include everything from cabling to network standards. Of note, these IEEE standards affect only Local Area Networks (LAN) and Metropolitan Area Networks
  • 28. Love Experience LOVE EXPERIENCE In Everyone s life there are different experiences; one of those is the first love. Love is a passionate feeling for another person that can be felt in a variety of shapes and size. It was more romantic and emotionally uplifting than any other experience I had ever been through. The object of my affection reciprocated that love instantly. It was dazzling yet aching. It started one bright day in November. Oak tree leaves fell like raindrops as I flow down the long curvy road that lead to the same boring high school. It was a Tuesday when I saw Janice Marie Calloway. She was wearing a pink sweater with a splash of purple. The jeans that she wore held onto every curve she had. Her caramel brown eyes made my heart skip a ... Show more content on ... Love is personal and deep within. The most important thing is that it makes people feel good. When people love each other, there is no room for
  • 29. Charleston There Was Life Analysis The picture above, called Life is an illustration of two partners dancing the Charleston illustrated by John Held. Charleston was one, if not the most popular dance of Jazz music era. Jazz music was created by African Americans and originated in New Orleans. It become popular among the white Americans and helped gained most acceptance of African Americans from the whites. The picture above. Jazzmusic and culture was the most signifying pop culture of the era. The music was enjoyed almost by everybody and enjoyed dancing to dance moves associated with the music such as the Charleston. Even though most musicians were African American, many were white, too. On the radio, jazz music was played most often than not and most listened and enjoyed it. The music was a signature to the young and women, mainly flappers of the era. The music and dance were freedom for the young and women as they did what they wanted to and no one could stop them from doing so. This picture shows federal agents dumping out liquor from a speakise they must bust out as NYPD officers watch on. This time is known as the Prohibition era, as the prohibition law stated no one can distribute, sell, drink or have no connection... Show more content on ... In this era many modern ideas were against such Christian beliefs so many religious people weren t too fond of it and the state made laws against the spread of such ideas. An example is John Scope, a high school science teacher taught evolution as encouraged by many people for him to do so in Tennessee where it is illegal to teach fundamentalism. The picture above was prompted by the event for fundamentalist to sell books against evolution so people would still belief in Christian teachings and not the evolution. He was bought to trial and fined excessively. The while country followed every moment of the trial closely. This led to many states overturning their law against the teaching of
  • 30. Persuasive Essay About Rugby I believe that the old English sport, Rugby, should make it s big return in schools as it would help spark a new passion for something that has faded away for almost 100 years since the last game our country has ever won medals in this Olympic sport. For years, Rugby has been a neglected sport in the United States until recently it is now the nation s fastest growing sport with over 1.2 million registered participants across the country. Rugby may not be that popular here in the United States of America as of now, but it is very popular in Europe and some parts of Asia. Also, Rugby has been in a few major events like the Olympics, making it an Olympic sport which was introduced into the Olympics in the year 1900, until its unfortunate end in 1924 where our national rugby team had won gold ... Show more content on ... There are players that joined from the fear of the dangers of American football and saw rugby as a safer alternative to football, despite the few changes that made rugby the modern version which is played today. Rugby has many similarities as differences with American football like the pads and referee which was stated before. Some similarities between the two are the lines of scrummage or most commonly known in the united states as the line of scrimmage, where the two teams are face to face with each other, the difference in football is that the ball is thrown backwards and then given to the quarterback which can be thrown forward. In rugby the player number 9 rolls the ball in the scrum where 8 players bind onto each other and push forward so the team hook can use their leg to swipe the ball back towards their team where they can pass to the outside players, known as wings, and those players can run downfield and score a try. In rugby a scrum consists of the 8 forwards, such as props, a hooker, locks, flanks, and the 8 man. They push each other forward to gain the ball, when the ball is in possession they can pass the ball
  • 31. Marijuana Vs Medical Marijuana Medical marijuana has many beneficial effects due to natural healing factors but does medical marijuana serve to replace pharmaceuticals. Many of us were taught to believe that marijuana was bad but many of us did not care to see what does more harm the medications doctor prescribe or something natural such as marijuana. Medical marijuana has over 20 different flavonoids which are chemical components most common in plant life. Most of the flavonoids are said to have anti inflammatory , antioxidants , anti depressants factors that help prevent major diseases or relief temporary pain. Due to marijuana s bad reputations that holds in recreational user that abuse the drug not knowing that using marijuana could potentially leading to other... Show more content on ... While it had been thought that there was a connection between marijuana smoking and increased risk of lung cancer, even those who are heavy marijuana users do not appear to be at greater risk for lung cancer according to a 2013 study by Dr. Donald Tashkin, UCLA professor of pulmonary and critical care medicine. Medical marijuana could also weaken a person s immune system making them much more prone to infection and decrease their ability on fighting an infection. It can also reduce the sperm production in men and it can also affect a woman s menstrual cycle . Medical marijuana has some effects on both the mind and the body but compared to pharmaceuticals it is less common to harm the body as at time pharmaceuticals fall into the wrong hand and people often die of overdosing on their medications. So although medical marijuana has some benefits it also consists of some flaws like every other pharmaceutical out there ,but it also consist of many great factors that can help many people that have tried medications but they are just simply not working or have just not been successful. Overall it just depends on the person taking the medical marijuana and the conditions that they could be
  • 32. Descriptive Essay About Comeback Comeback Wake up, Wake up, His mom yells him from his doorway. He slowly got up out of his queen size bed and made out some of the words his mom said like where, to, be, late, but nothing after that. He stuttered as he walked over to his white dresser in the closet of his room. He opened the drawer slowly not knowing what to wear. Which felt like an hour but was only forty five seconds he finally found what he was going to wear. He soon made it to the bathroom, turning the cold shiny handle of the shower and not even waiting for it to get warm. Hurry up, his mom yelled as he hopped out of shower and quickly put his clothes on. He was in such a hurry, he almost slipped on the slippery cold tile of the bathroom floor barely catching himself with granite counter top of the sink. His mom was waiting patiently in the car not knowing if he would be there until another two hours. Suddenly as he looked at his phone charging on his bed stand he noticed the time. He basically sprinted for the elevator in his five story house with his gear and rode it down three floors to the main floor. He jumped out of the elevator and sprinted to his car still sore from being at the icerink the last four nights practicing and training. He wasn t happy that he couldn t get anything to eat, but new there would be snacks on his plane. They sped out of the long driveway of the five story house in East Grand Rapids. They raced down the streets taking any chance they could get to go thru a
  • 33. Examples Of Interdependence In The Giver Interdependence is when someone realizes on eachother. In the book The Giver interdependence is taught when the children get their coats with the buttons on the back of them. Each of the other kids is taught to help each other out in the community by helping other kids button the buttons on the back of their coat. The difference between loss and release in their community is that a relises is something either good or bad, it could be good because the elder could of lived its long life and it would be released in a remembering way. On the other hand being released on a bad term can be, because of breaking too many rules or being malnourished of different during birth they would release you. A loss on the other hand is because of a death from an incident of something else that went wrong. They treat each one ... Show more content on ... Jonas life will be much different than everyone else s because he is the Receiver. This is because with his assignment he can not tell people what happens at work. So what Jonas has to do is go straight to the Giver s office in the morning and then straight home after work with no communication with friends. Jonas will also act very different from everyone else, because he will be getting lots of memories and all of these memories will make him look old and exhausted. Another big thing is that he now knows everything that happened in the world so he can help in a bad situation to see what is the best way to get out of it. 7. The rules for Jonas don t apply as much, like the lying doesn t apply. Also Jonas can t apply for a release, or can t be telling people what he had learned from the Giver. So Jonas can lie so that he can cover up what he is learning. 8. The old receiver who is now known as the Giver tells Jonas about his work and he says that there are good memories that will feel good and some that are bad and will hurt. He also says that his work is very tiring and he is very loaded down and tried. So he wants to give them memories to
  • 34. The Simulation And Factors Discuss Thereof From The Tata... This paper is to discuss the simulation and factors discuss thereof from the Tata Simulation Exercise. The following will consist of the explanations for the types of market systems in place in a capitalist market. Following the explanations will be the discussions of the different scenarios that took place. This will lead to the conclusion of which will include the perfect competitionscenario. Market Structure This first subject will be covering the different structures of the market and how they differ in the capitol economy. These are to include: monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition, and the perfect competition. Each of these structures will be broken down into how they fit and which is the preferred method in product ... Show more content on ... Additionally, there are a couple examples of monopolies that are allowed to service certain segments of the public. These include, but are not limited to, most utilities that are provided to the public as a regulated cost and pharmaceuticals that are patient bound (Investopedia, 2016). The introduction of a product gives an advantage to the pharmaceutical companies, but it also drives new and innovative research for new medications on the market. The other example would be the utilities, which there would be more chaos than competition, creating a need for the monopoly. Next is the oligopoly strategy in a free market economy. With this type of strategy, there are only a few providers of a good or service (Online Economics, 2016). This also includes those that provide to both businesses and the general public at which there are still some smaller companies that will operate as well. There are a few examples of this type of strategy that are allowed in the free markets to include: airlines, oil/gas, banks, supermarkets, and car dealers just to name a few that most people in the United States use. There is little that can be done when these are more resource based commodities and there cannot realistically be more than just a few players in these industries. They use marketing tactics to sway a small amount of people from another company in the same industry. A good example of this would be
  • 35. Analysis Of Fredible By Daisy Greenleaf A crucial aspect of Molly s leadership is her ability to persuade her followers.. All of the other great characteristics of Molly s leadership wouldn t matter, if she wasn t able to convince anyone to follow her. Greenleaf believes that inspiring and motivating the entire organization is a key component to effective leadership. Clear communication, powerful words, motivating appeals, inspiring challenges, these must be the skills of an individual who hopes to be used as a servant leader. While she succeeds in getting both Daisy and Grace to follow her in her plan to escape and go home, she fails to keep the whole group together. An Aboriginal traveller who tells Gracie about her mother and says they can get to Wiluna by train, causing her to
  • 36. The Fatigue Associated With Working The Night Shift The fatigue associated with working the night shift was brought into the spotlight after an aircraft incident that occurred on June 10, 1990. British Airways flight 5390 had just departed from Birmingham International Airport when the aircraft experienced a rapid pressure loss due to the pilot s windshield blowing out of the aircraft. This resulted in the pilot being sucked halfway out of the aircraft and another flight crew member grabbing the pilots belt and holding him from being sucked completely out while the copilot to take control of the aircraft and land it safely at a nearby airport. The official findings of the accident investigation linked the windshield blowout to the wrong size bolts being installed. The bolts were installed early in the morning hours and the fatigued shift maintenance manager who installed them didn t recognize that they were the wrong bolts. He thought that the countersinking on the window was unusually large (Baron, 2009). This is just one example of mistakes made on night shift due to fatigue. Fatigue is a dangerous human factor that is present in the aircraft maintenance community. There are ways to mitigate the risk of fatigue, though. It starts with the airline companies themselves. Setting a work schedule that doesn t allow workers to work more than 12 hours will allow their employees an opportunity to get the rest needed. It is also up to the aircraft maintainers to ensure that their off duty responsibilities don t interfere
  • 37. Examples Of Greed In A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol, which took place in 1843. The main character, Ebenezer Scrooge was very wealthy and greedy. Three ghosts try to help him become a kinder and generous man by haunting him. A Christmas Carol is the story of how Ebenezer Scrooge transformed from an uncaring greedy man to one who realized there was more to life than money. In the beginning of the novel, Ebenezer Scroogewas a mean, greedy, and selfish person. Some examples of his meanness, greed, and selfishness are, he never let his assistant Bob Cratchit put any coal in the fire. He is rude to his nephew Fred who came over to give Ebenezer Scrooge a gift and invite Scrooge to his Christmasparty. When Bob Cratchit tried to help Fred, Ebenezer Scrooge
  • 38. Analysis Of China s One-Child Policy China s One Child policy has been called inhumane, harsh, and unnecessarily cruel considering that other countries have been successful in controlling their population without abducting babies, denying illegal second children an identity or forcing abortions and sterilizations. Since the One Child Policy has been effective in slowing the growth of Chinas populationeven though it has been heartbreaking to many families, it is important to analyze the effects of the One Child Policyon the people and economy of China to see if it was worth the issues it caused. The One Child Policy created by the Chinese Communist Party, started in 1979 and ended in late 2015. China s population was at 969 million and was very quickly approaching 1 billion,... Show more content on ... The foundation of the One Child Policy were the cluster leaders who enforced the policy at a village level. They would ensure couples only had one child and if violation of the One Child Policy they would receive the appropriate punishment. If a couple qualified to have two children after their second child the mother or father will be sterilized. These sterilizations were not by choice and if necessary would be forced upon the woman or man. Couples would also be sterilized and faced with a crippling fine if they disregarded the policy. These fines could be up to 10 times the couple s annual disposable income. An example of a chinese citizen who faced a ridiculous fine was Zhang Yimou a film director. He was fined 7,480,000 yuan or 1,145,500 United States dollars for having three children before he registered his second marriage. If couples were unable to pay the fine, their houses would be raided. In addition to being forced to pay a fine and sterilized, a second child might be regarded as illegal and never be recognized by the government. These illegal children could not travel, receive a free education, get public health care, or use a library. They were known as black children. It is estimated that there are in between 10 to 20 million of these black children living in China. Liu Xue is one of the illegal second children in China. The government refuses to gives Liu her
  • 39. The Cold Heavy Oil Production With Sand A methodology has been developed for making low compressive strength cores that will be used to experimentally examine the Cold Heavy Oil Production with Sand (CHOPS) process occurring in unconsolidated oil reservoirs. The main objective is to experimentally model wormhole (high permeability channel) development during CHOPS and investigate the effect of various flow parameters such as core permeability and porosity, compressive strength, oil/water viscosity contrast, confining pressure and injection rate. Modeling the wormhole development and propagation will enable us be able to developing approximate Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) curves. Sands blends have been developed by varying the ratios of aggregate, cementing material and water to prepare synthetic cores of compressive strength, permeability and porosity ranging from 500 1500 psi, 0.5 1.5 Darcy and 20 30% respectively. Experimental setup is developed to simulate wormhole propagation during CHOPS process. In this process water is injected at varying range of 0.1 to 10 ml/min using a syringe pump into floating piston accumulator to drive the oil ahead of piston to 2 x 4 synthetic core in core holder at a confining pressure of 500 1500 psi. The differential pressure across the core is monitored throughout the process. LabVIEW is used for data acquisition, instrument control, measurement analysis and data presentation. Compressive strength test, Air Permeability Test and Porosity Test conducted on
  • 40. Examples Of Americanism In The Awakening The Awakening and Americanism What it means to be an american is ever changing set of standards based on time, traditions, and geographical regions. The Awakening reflects americanism during the Victorian Age: also know as the Gilded Age due to its appearance of affluence which served to mask the many social injustices and high crime rates. Kate Chopin uses The Awakening to illustrate social injustices; such as, the oppression of women, withholding of freedoms from those seen as insubordinate, and the limits of self expression. These dark, yet common, themes of americanism have been affecting minorities and groups viewed as subordinate since the founding of the country. Chopin does not shy away from highlighting these issues which shaped America and The Awakening.... Show more content on ... In the Victorian Era an ideal american woman was to be quiet, domestic, obedient, and beautiful. A woman s role was to take care of children and accommodated guest all while directing glory to her husband was considered her most important duty. The illustration of this theme in americanism was brought to attention by the inner struggles of Edna Pontellier when it came to her domestic life and her duties to her children and husband and the reaction of her peers when she tries to escape them.. Mrs. Pontellier felt trapped in her home life: feeling more like a possession than a person and was met with shock and disdain when she expressed her unhappiness with her life. This reaction of disdain and shock shows how unusual and frowned it was for women to seek a major source of joy outside of her domestic
  • 41. Queer Theory And The Ballroom Community Why is it that Queer is perceived as odd, strange, or out of place? Whenever there is a community of individuals, no one should be viewed as out of place because of their sexual orientation. Believe it or not, the term queer can be seen as an insult. But of course this is still prevalent today due to the fact that queerdisrupts alleged stability between biological sex , gender and sexual desire. Queer Theory challenges the apparent coherence of heterosexuality, which is actually unstable and insecure, and depends on carefully constructed individual performances. The apparent coherence of heterosexuality also constantly denies and excludes homosexualityas an equal possibility for sexual desire and gender roles. The fact of the matter... Show more content on ... For example, Constructing Home and Family: How the Ballroom Community Supports African American GLBTQ Youth in the Face of HIV/AIDS focuses on how another group of oppressed individuals reacts to being oppressed and marginalized racially, sexually, and economically like women; The Ballroom culture. The Ballroom communities are houses that consist of mainly Black African American men from the LGBT community. Though this is a community with men from several different backgrounds, some share similarities because most of the members are marginalized racially, sexually, and economically. Some may even share similarities in terms of struggles that they have experienced. Baily explains how the ballroom community creates a place for the African American men to fluidly express themselves with their gender and sexuality. Baily also explains how because of the issues they face such as high chances of HIV/AIDS, the ballroom culture educates them and encourages them to take the precautions they need to take in order to not contract diseases. None of the members in the ballroom community are blood related but in the community is constructed to be like a households with mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers; but not in a systematic way. Each participant of the ballroom community comes from different backgrounds and walks of life. They each have a story that could be something in the sense of not having a family, which creates a rough life for them; they come from battered lives but this community, the ballroom community creates a family. They will also compete against each other and vogue until they fall out, literally. This is the life they ve created for themselves and because they all have a connection, they love
  • 42. How Prisons Have Changed On Today s Prison System How Prisons Have Changed Jordan Coldren Florida Gulf Coast University Abstract The History of prisons goes through many eras. Many of these eras have a major impact on today s prison system. The different was that the system worked and didn t work really showed what was possibly and what should not be tried again. Each era tried to do something new are recreate something that had already been done by making changes to the way that they treated the inmates all the way to how they were housed and how much contact they had with one another. The different eras gave the present day prison system many great things to think about. Such as large capacity housing so you can properly use all the space in the prison and hold it to capacity. There is also the parole system that gives inmates a chance to work get out early and spend the rest of their sentence on the outside. These many great traits that the prison system today has all come from the hundreds of years of trial and error that occurred throughout the world. When we talk about incarceration, and prisons you have to start with the beginning. It all started with The Penitentiary Era, the very beginning of the prison system. The Quakers saw incarceration as a place where the individuals could make good for their wrongs against humanity, and society. The way that the Quakers believed with incarceration in rehabilitation and deterrence, carries over to present day. During the Penitentiary Era the bible was
  • 43. The Preparation Of Grignard Reagents The preparation of Grignard reagents typically involves the reaction of an alkyl halide or aryl halide with magnesium metal in an anhydrous ethereal solvent. This reaction results in the formation of a carbon magnesium complex within an alkyl magnesium halide or aryl magnesium halide. Grignard reagents are considered to be strong nucleophiles and strong bases that have the ability to react with acidic proton sources and carbonyl functional groups. The preparation of Grignard reagents must be conducted in aprotic solvents to minimize interactions with strong proton sources that may result in undesired products. Furthermore, the solvent chosen for the reaction must dissolve everything in solution. Commonly used solvents in Grignard reactions are diethyl etherand tetrahydrofuran (THF). They are preferred over hexane solvents due to the presence of an oxygenatom which contains a lone electron pair that attracts the partially positive magnesium metal, resulting in increased stability. As mentioned previously, Grignard reagents are strong nucleophiles. Thus, there is a possibility that they may react with other molecules in side reactions. One such side reaction involves the Grignard reagent reacting with molecular oxygen (O2) to form a peroxide molecule. In another side reaction, the Grignard reagent may react with carbon dioxide(CO2) to form a carboxylate molecule. These side reactions can pose a problem since molecular oxygen and carbon dioxide are in excess under normal
  • 44. Essay on Life Under the Taliban Life Under the Taliban Afghanistan is one of the poorest and most troubled countries in the world. The land that occupies Afghanistan has a long history of domination by foreign conquerors and strife among internally warring factions. At the gateway between Asia and Europe, this land was conquered by Darius I of Babylonia circa 500 B.C., and Alexander the Great of Macedonia in 329 B.C., among others. In recent years, war and lawlessness had destroyed much of the country; millions of people went into exile and brought its economy to a standstill. This paper looks to explore the recent history of Afghanistan, how the Taliban came to power, and the impact their Islamic laws had on the Afghanistan society including their treatment of ... Show more content on ... The tribes living in these two regions have ethnic affinities with the Afghan tribes, and India and its Afghan allies were supporting secessionist movement in these two provinces. What followed was a ten year long guerilla war. The United States gave billions of dollars, through a secret CIA operation, to revolutionary militia forces called the mujahideen (soldiers of God) . Thousands of people including more than 50,000 Russians were killed . With U.S. weapons and Pakistan?s support, the Afghan mujahideen forced the Soviet Union to leave Afghanistan in 1989. Unfortunately, when the Soviet Union pulled out, different factions of the mujahideen entered into a civil war. Afghanistan Civil War The Afghan civil war was been one of the deadliest and most persistent conflicts of the second half of the twentieth century. Nearly 2 million Afghans have been killed and 600,000 to 2 million wounded . More then 6 million Afghans fled to Pakistan and Iran, producing the world?s largest single refugee population since 1981, while at least 2 million more Afghans were internally displaced . Thus, more than 50 percent of Afghanistan?s indigenous population (estimated at 15 to 17 million persona at the wars beginning now estimated to be as many as 22 million) became casualties killed, wounded or made homeless by the war . In 1996 the Taliban emerged as the controlling force of the civil war. The
  • 45. Third Presidential Debate Analysis I watched the third presidential debate on Wednesday, October 19, at 8 pm. Chris Wallace moderated the debate between the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump. The purpose of the debate was to allow for both candidates to be compared side by side in order to determine who would be a better candidate to become the president of the United States. In general, the debate was not unlike any other presidential debate. The candidates did their best to avoid answering questions that made them look bad by responding with an answer to a different question. When given a chance to respond, the opponent would present their own argument, which always sounded like a rebuttal but never really addressed their opponent. Throughout