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ADHD Effects On Children In Special Education
Growing up in a private school I was not exposed to what the special education system is and what the
purpose of this system was. I did have family members who were apart of this special education
system but I never looked at them any differently than anybody else. When I graduated, and began my
high school education at a public school I was exposed firsthand of this special education system. In
high school I was happy to engage and interact with children in the special education system. Arts and
crafts, and board games were activating that many students including myself played with children in
the special education system. I have learned that even though these children are put into a different
education system than many others they are still human. They are a wide variety of ... Show more
content on ...
There are only 13 diagnosis in special education, these diagnoses are Mental retardation, specific
learning disability, Autism, emotional disturbance, speech and language impairment, traumatic brain
injury, orthopedic impairment, deathless, blindness, deathless with blindness, multiple disabilities,
other health impairment, and developmental delay. These are the 13 federal special end labels. ADHD
is not there though, because ADHD is not a special end category. If ADHD is not in the special
education conditions then why are children being put into special education because of ADHD? That
fact doesn t even make sense, and to find out more people of color (minorities) are put into the ADHD
system than any race alone.
Special Education is a system and is also a topic that many people have
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Week 3 Team Paper QNT 351
Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc. Summarizing and Presenting Data
Team A
QNT / 351
May 28, 2015
Dr. Dotti Shelton
Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc. Summarizing and Presenting Data
Ballard integrated managed services (BIMS) is a contract company at Douglas Medical Center
(DMC). The company provides food and hospitality services for both the patients and staff (University
of Phoenix, 2015). Lately the moral of the staff has been a huge concern at BIMS due to the high
turnover rate. The rate has been higher than usual and management feels moral has a huge role to play
in the situation that is going on. BIMS has a total of 452 employees and has a 55 to 60% turnover rate.
In the past 4 months the rate has ... Show more content on ...
The last four question were asked pertaining to departments, years of service, gender, and if the
employee was a manager or a supervisor. The data collected is a combination of quantitative and
qualitative data. The quantitative data collected is the combination of years the employee has worked
with DMC and the number of employees within the company. This type of data can be categorized on
the nominal level of measurement. In data coding BIMS used numeric codes to represent the nominal,
ordinal and internal level of measurements. In Exhibit A of the report, it describes how the company
coded the employee s data numerically. Descriptive statistics including the average, mean medium and
mode were used to describe the middle of the scores or ratings and to reveal the findings of the survey.
Data Evaluation Sally and other staff members input the survey data. Sally decided, while entering the
data, she would give a zero score to any unanswered questions. Sally made some errors to the data
when she mistakenly entered fives as sixes. She also converted the length of time the employees
worked in years to only months. Sally entered some of the data incorrectly and will and it will need to
be fixed before the analysis can begin. To fix this data the sixes will need to be changed to fives and
the zeros will have to be eliminated (University of
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The Retrospective Analysis Of Quality Improvement...
The article, I chose is The Retrospective Analysis of Quality Improvement Throughput Measures at a
High Volume Community Emergency Department . The article is about overcrowding in the
emergency departments; which has caused patients to leave without being seen (LWBS) by a
physician or PA and the measurements taken to solve the problem. Two major and other minor
changes were implemented to improve the situation. In this paper, I will be addressing the problem of
crowding, the strategic plan taken and how the implementations were evaluated in the effort to
improve quality care and the outcomes. The emergency department (ED) is one of the busiest place in
most hospital and time is very crucial in some case. A survey done in 2002, shows that 90% of Level 1
trauma center and hospital are considered over capacity with more than 300 beds and 62 % of ED
considered themselves the same (Milsten, A., Klein, J., Liu, Q., Vibhakar, N., Linder, L., 2014. p.13).
Some might think it is beneficial in a business aspect; however, the negative effects have more weight
than the positive. As the number of population increases, the ED started to notice a correlation with
the increasing crowd, which has created a delay in treatment and even some patient had to leave
without being seen (LWBS) by a physician or PA. Patients being unable to see a healthcare
professional in the appropriate time and LWBS have been linked to the increase in mortality, physician
door to doctor time, patient
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The Feudal System Of The Middle Ages Of England
The Feudal System in the Middle Ages of England was not the best system of government to go by for
everyone since it gave most of its power to the King, and made it impossible for the lower class to
improve themselves economically. People of higher rank expected the lower ranks of society to pledge
their loyalty to them and in turn, protected them. There came a time where everybody became tired of
never progressing, and people started to do something about it. The end to Feudalism did not just
happen overnight, it took many years, a deadly disease and many angry peasants for the social class to
rise. First the nobles got the King to sign the Magna Carta, which limited the King s power, years later
a deadly disease caused the population of England to decrease by 1/3, and finally, The Peasants Revolt
which changed England forever. Feudalism first began after a collapse of the Roman Empire, and
barbarian tribes invading England. The social structure that became the Feudalism, consisted of the
clergy, knights and peasants. The clergy were the religious people that dedicated themselves to the
salvation of humanity. Kings, high nobles, and low nobles who were soldiers and meant to defend
others. The peasants were the people who grew crops and tended animals. Some rented their land and
the serfs worked for knights and were legally tied to that land. Everyone had obligations to someone.
This was the way the feudal system worked. As time went by though, people realized they
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Tankless Heaters Research Paper
Many homeowners are opting to switch to a tankless water heater. Tankless water heaters can also be
covered by a home appliance warranty. Anyone who has ever written a American Home Shield review
knows that a home appliance warranty can be very beneficial. The benefits of tankless water heaters
are numerous. Below are some of the reasons more people are opting to switch to a tankless water
The Lifespan
Many people who have written an American Home Shield review have noticed that their water heater
has only lasted for eight to 12 years. However, a tankless water heater can potentially last much longer
than that. In fact, your tankless water heater may last over 20 years. The key to making sure that your
tankless water heater lasts a long ... Show more content on ...
Tankless water heaters only use a fraction of the energy that traditional water heaters use. While
traditional water heaters will store water inside of the tank, tankless water heaters will only use water
when needed. This is why tankless water heaters do not have to use as much energy.
Keep in mind that you will be paying more initially for your hot water heater. However, the money
that you save with your hot water heater will make it a worthwhile investment. You may be able to cut
your energy costs by 30 percent each year.
Save Space
Many people who live in smaller homes have opted to switch to tankless water heaters. They take up
significantly less space than traditional water heaters. In fact, the average tankless water heater is only
1/4 of the size of a regular water heater. You will have more floor or closet space.
You Will Have Cleaner Water
Traditional water heaters are prone to scale and rust. This rust can end up in the water that you use to
drink and bathe. On the other hand, you will be able to have cleaner water if you have a tankless water
No More Cold
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A Serious Problem Of Testicular Cancer
A serious problem that exists among the Maori population in some areas of N.Z. is testicular (teste)
cancer. It affects young men from all backgrounds and there is little research on what risk factors there
are. The encyclopaedia Britannica online defines teste cancer as a disease characterized by
uncontrolled growth of cells within the testis, the reproductive organ that produces sperm. Testicular
cancer represents only 1 percent of all cancers in males, but it is the most common malignancy for
men between ages 15 and 35. 1 Whether or not teste cancer is the most serious health problem among
Maori arguable and additional health related problems should be discussed. First of all, testicular
cancer is one of the most crippling diseases creating significant damage on patient and family.
Additionally, the discrepancy between Maori and Pakeha diagnosis of testicular cancer is a cause for
concern. Contrariwise a lack of knowledge on the difference between Maori and Pakeha psychology
and the way Psychologist/Psychiatrist deal with Maori patients. Finally, there is general reluctance for
Maori to seek mental health which leads to difference between diagnosis and treatment.
Firstly, the mental and physical anguish that surrounds testicular cancer is so significant because it is
the most common cancer affecting men between the ages of 15 and 39, but it is not limited to this age
range. However, young men typically do not get a lot of cancer, so overall testicular cancer is a
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Compare And Contrast Clarke And The Sniper
The one time I have felt the most sensitive is when I gotten called a name that hurt my feelings more
than I thought it would. The story shows that I m sensitive by being called something that really hurt
my feelings. The characters Clarke and The Sniper are sensitive because of the reactions that they had
throughout their lives. Clarke from The 100 series shows that she is sensitive when it comes to her
parents. She wished she could share the experience with the two people who had made her yearn to
see earth. Clarke wouldn t have the chance, her parents were dead (kass morgan 95). Clarke wishes
that her parents were still alive to see the moment she makes her dream come true, she wishes that
they were here still to support her. It was almost unfathomable that Well s voice had once been her
favorite sound in the universe. ... Show more content on ...
Well s was the reason why her parents were dead, he opened his mouth about something that wasn t
supposed to be said by anyone, and he said it and which that caused Clarke s parents their lives.
Therefore Clarke is sensitive when it comes to her parents and the reactions she has to certain things.
The Sniper shows that he is sensitive when it comes to him realizing that being a sniper maybe wasn t
the right thing. He revolted from the sight of the shattered mass of his dead enemy. His teeth chattered,
he began to gibber to himself, cursing the war, cursing himself, cursing everybody ( O Flaherty 4).
The sniper basically is having second thoughts about what he does, he s sick of it and hates to kill and
curses everything cause it changed him. The Sniper looked at his enemy falling and he shuddered. The
lust of battle died in him. He became bitten by remorse ( O Flaherty 4). He didn t wanna kill anymore.
All of a sudden it just made him sick. The Sniper didn t wanna kill people anymore, and anything and
everything about the war was gone in
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The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow Character Analysis
Ichabod Crane is portrayed as an interesting, complex character in the story The Legend of Sleepy
Hollow. Crane is an excellent example of how not everyone is exactly how they seem. His slippery,
dark personality can not easily be identified on paper in the story, but Irving made sure the message
was deeper than it is on paper. Many readers understand the big plot and the exciting timeline of this
story, but what is communicated underneath is what is often looked over. Irving, by writing a comical
phenomenon, solidified himself as being one of the best writers of his era, but what really stood out
was what he used the character of Ichabod Crane to communicate about society.
It is evident throughout the story how Crane brings out the worst in people. Perhaps, the biggest
enemy Crane made was Brom Bones. For example, Of the sorts of falls that such an agent as he might
induce, consistent with Irving s fondness for his Dutch characters, there is sort of pillow soft, post
Miltonic fall of Brom, who, encountering evil without accepting it, passes from innocence to a
knowledge of virtuous action and in the process gains his method (Von Frank). Brom was not always
an angry, jealous person. Ichabod coming into town and trying to take his love away from him, set him
off in the wrong direction. Ichabod was very interested in Katrina Van Tassel, or rather, he was very
interested in Van Tassel s wealth. Crane was frustrated with his poverty and poor financial situation.
He concluded that he was going to marry Van Tassel just to inherit her wealth and live like a king.
Ichabod Crane had a soft and foolish heart towards the females; and it is not to be wondered at, that so
tempting a morsel soon found favor in his eyes; more especially after he had visited her in her paternal
mansion, old Baltus Van Tassel was a perfect picture of a thriving, contented, liberal hearted farmer
(Irving 14 15). He was never deeply interested in her personality, he was only trying her use her.
Irving portrayed that Brom was so upset with Crane for many reasons, ultimately ending up with the
fact that it was because of Crane s relentless pursuit of Van Tassel s wealth. The dark character traits
of jealousy and envy were portrayed by
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Informative Speech For Human Trafficking
All lives matter.
What s the word that describes someone who thinks that the world revolves around them? Self
centered? Egocentric? Narcissist? Vain? Self seeking? Selfish? Hm. Is that too harsh? We live in
society today where we are only concerned about ourselves. Somehow, we have adopted the mentality
that life revolves strictly around me and what I want. We are so consumed with ourselves that we have
totally forgotten about the thousands of people who struggle every day for their life. Who are these
people that I am talking about? The people who are promised a better life but instead are trapped into
this terrible system where they are forced to do things they never knew about. This system is called
Human trafficking. Today, I would like to convince you that this world does not revolve around you.
What exactly is human trafficking? We have all heard of it, but what actually is it. It s a modern form
of slavery. It involves controlling a person through force, fraud, or coercion to exploit the victim for
forced labor, sexual exploitation, or both. It strips victims of their freedom and violates our nation s
promise that every person in the U.S. is guaranteed basic human rights. This is a crime (Beccera).
Sadly, the United States is widely regarded as a destination country for human trafficking. According
to the federal reports, nearly 14,500 to 17,500 victims are trafficked in the United States annually.
That doesn t even include the number of victims that are trafficked WITHIN the United States. If you
are looking for a defined definition of human trafficking, California legislatures states it as being ALL
acts involved in the recruitment, abduction, transport, harboring, transfer, sale or receipt of persons,
within national or across international borders, through force, coercion, fraud or deception, to place
persons in situations of slavery or slavery like conditions, forced labor or services, such as forced
prostitution or sexual services, domestic servitude, bonded sweatshop labor, or other debt bondage.
(Beccera) This is a crime that needs to come to an end. While we look at human trafficking as just one
thing, there are various types of this crime. One, is sex trafficking. When you hear of
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Senator Rubio Case Study
Descriptive representation may not have a positive and significant impact on a politician s agenda.
This case study is on Republican U.S. Senator Marco Rubio. He was born on May 28, 1971 in Miami,
Florida. His parents were born in Cuba, which makes Senator Rubio a Cuban American. He makes a
great case study to reflect on the opposite idea of descriptive representation in the political system. It
is essential to talk about his parents history with immigration in order to understand why he does not
correctly represent Latinos, especially Cuban Americans or other minority groups that he should be
representing. His parents immigrated from Cuba to the United States in 1956 before the rise of Fidel
Castro, which was in January 1959. When Senator Rubio was born, neither of his parents were U.S.
citizens. ... Show more content on ...
citizenship, and got naturalized in 1975. The second time that his grandfather immigrated to the U.S.
in 1962, he did it illegally, so he was detained, and under the risk of deportation. At the end, Senator
Rubio s grandfather was able to stay in the U.S. His grandfather was given legal status. According to
McClain Johnson Carew, Cubans entering the United States after Castro s rise to power in 1959
generally enjoyed handsome financial support from the US government and were encourage to seek
US citizenship (17). His grandfather ended up applying for a permanent resident status in 1966, which
got approved, right after the Cuban Adjustment Act, which is a federal law that gives Cuban refugees
permanent resident status under certain circumstances. There were other relatives of Senator Rubio,
who immigrated to the U.S. as refugees as
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Analysis Of The Book Revelation Of The Bible
Since the beginning of time there has been a concept as old as thought itself: how will it all end? Not
just how will life end but how will the world end. Some cultures are molded by the way that specific
groups believe the end times will come to fruition. Eschatological concepts are those that concern
themselves with the end of the world, as we know it and how it will come about. One thing that is for
certain is across the ages there is a consensus that this will occur, though there may not be a consensus
on how. This concept has infiltrated almost all aspects of life from entertainment to daily practices.
There are numerous pieces of literature that addresses how the world will end and of them one of the
most well know is the Book of ... Show more content on ...
Jesus later goes on to explain that the seven stars that were in his hand represent the angels of seven
churches and the seven gold lamp stands represent the seven churches. Once he states this he begins to
address each church individually. The letters poses similarities while at the same time also possessing
differences. The overall structures of the letters are the same and follow these guidelines: address,
commendation/complaint, advice, appeal for others to listen, and then a promised reward for heading
the words of the Lord. The differences arise in the content of the addresses, how the problems should
be corrected and the reward that will come.
The seven letters serve as a connection between the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation.
Though the Book of Revelation lacks any direct Old Testament connection, the views and connection
between the two are seen throughout the Book of Revelation. The authorship by John took place
during the Greco Roman era but the structure of writing that the letters poses is more appropriate for
the prophetic lawsuit of the Old Testament. The difference between the styles lies in the fact that the
letters contain commendations and accusations along with the customary features judgment and
salvation, which makes them in concordance with prophetic lawsuit speech (Bandy 186). Bandy
stated, specifically, it resembles the covenant lawsuit whereby Christ scrutinizes the new
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Highlighting the Microbial Complexity of Foodborne Hazards...
The Microbial Ecology in Food Safety Risk Assessment written by Tom Ross, sets out to highlight the
microbial complexity of foodborne hazards and its subsequent impact on food safety and possible
outbreaks of foodborne illness. According to the author, In a system as complex as the production and
consumption of food, a variety of factors affect both the likelihood and severity of the occurrence of
foodborne disease, often for which little information is currently available..
The author proposes that current risk assessments for foodborne infection, which usually depend
heavily upon numbers of microorganisms present on the food at the time of consumption, present
challenges to industry professionals. As he postulates, the data are ... Show more content on ...
These depend on both physiochemical conditions of the food, and the condition of storage. He
highlights the main effecting factors to be considered are Aw, pH, temperature and time of storage and
processing, with time being the most important.
The author strongly argues that the ability of pathogenic bacteria to grow or die under certain
environmental conditions is of great importance in risk assessment. It essentially allows us to see
which hazards might occur; what is the likelihood; what is the severity, in biological terms if it does
occur. To predict impact and te exposure dose, microbial growth under a variety of conditions and
stressors much be evaluated. He believes modeling the behavior of microorganisms in the growth/no
growth region is now seen as an important component of predictive microbiology. As he comes back
to throughout the chapter, bacterial pathogens are exposed to a host of stresses during their lifetime, in
particular during food processing. Predictive microbial modeling, he argues, enables estimates to be
made of microbial growth under varying time, temperature and intrinsic conditions or stressors. He
talks again about the importance of predictive modeling as a way to quantify the combined effect of
various hurdles on the probability of growth and define combinations at which growth ceases. The
combination of factors applied in the form of what he
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The Central And Picc Line Insertion
I am going to discuss the central and PICC line insertion. I will to base about the safety of the
insertion process. The benefits that come along with choosing to insert a PICC line verse a peripheral
IV. Like most topics, there will be risks involved, but with proper technique, you can prevent these
This paper is going to cover peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) and central lines. I am going
to talk about what a PICC line is, how a PICC line is inserted, what the benefits of using a PICC line
are, the risks that come alone with the insertion process, and treatments offered when using this
method. There are many other ways to give treatments besides PICC line. A peripherally inserted
central catheter or PICC line is a thin soft flexible tube (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC).
(2015). It is usually inserted in the upper arm just above the elbow in a main vein that will lead to the
heart where the blood flows more rapidly. Midlines are inserted usually into the vein in the arm.
Sometimes you will need to use a leg vein when caring for infants. They last longer than a regular IV,
but not as long as a PICC line. It can usually be used for 2 4 weeks (Peripherally Inserted Central
Catheter (PICC). (2015). The central venous catheter is placed into a large vein leading into the heart
and comes out through a small opening in the chest area (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter
(PICC). (2015). which they call the exit site. The big
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Communication Log Analysis
This communication log supports the standards 6.1 and 6.2. This communication log displays my
efforts to effectively communicate to help the student succeed academically, functionally, and
behaviorally. This communication has helped us to make adjustments to how we handle his behavioral
needs and it has allowed him to access more academic content. This communication log also displays
how I have used communication to try and build a positive and professional relationship with parents.
I frequently communicate with the parent about the student s day and the academics he is working on.
This communication log has impacted my professional knowledge and practice by teaching me how
important it is to have a positive relationship with my parents.
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Therapeutic Modification Essay
After the ethical examination of both therapeutic and enhancement gene modification, it can be stated
that therapeutic gene modification is a good thing and enhancement gene modification can be a bad
thing. But the other issue is where do you draw the line between the two gene modifications. On paper
it might seem like a clear cut distinction but take the example of children who use human growth
hormone. Assume a child has a medical condition and their treatment stunts their growth, so they are
prescribed human growth hormone. The human growth hormone is able to help the child grow to his
normal hight thus returning him to the baseline. But now that there is a doctor prescribing human
growth hormone, and different parent hear about this treatment ... Show more content on ...
I believe that there is nothing wrong with the therapeutic gene modification when it involves somatic
cells. I think that it is our moral responsibility to do what we can to help save the lives of people who
are suffering. The doctors who would be proscribing the treatment have all made a hippocratic oath so
it would be their moral duty to follow through on using this particular treatment. Therapeutic gene
manipulation with somatic cells would break any moral, ethical, or legal laws. But the other forms of
genetic manipulation are a little tricky. Therapeutic gene manipulation of germ cells can be a useful
treatment of disease but its effect plays a role in a larger scope then just the patient alone. I think that it
poses a greater risk to the whole of humanity of we allow changes to germ cells and future
generations. It would open the door to all other types of genetic manipulation. So rules have to be put
in place so no abuse of medical treatment occurs. Finally there should not be any type of enhancement
gene modification occurring. I think that it will overall produce more harm then good. It is not a
medical procedure that is used to help people who are suffering it would simply be a mechanism that
would only play a negative role in human development, simultaneously breaking many ethical rules
along the way. Genetic
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Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and Bebo. Do any of these names sound familiar? I m going to paint you
a picture, of how social networking affects our interpersonal relationships. Social networking is
affecting numerous aspects of our lives, such as the work place, our love life, our identity, and how we
spend our spare time. Did you know that fifty four percent of companies prohibit the use of social
networking, but fifty seven percent of employees admit to using social networks during work time for
personal use? Social networks such as Twitter, MySpace, and even games such as Black Ops are
addictive, and hold a high priority in many people s lives. Twenty percent of all divorce cases are
directly caused by Facebook. Complaints ... Show more content on ...
First of all, and most importantly, you want security. Is the network you are joining ensuring security
of personal information, and do you have the ability to lock your profile from everyone, with the
exception of the people you choose to allow? Secondly, you want to make sure there is the ability to
make a profile. This allows family or friends to find you much easier if you have a picture, or personal
markers that help friends know if they found the person they re looking for. And finally, legitimate
friend focus. Ensure the network you re joining doesn t have spam, and you re able to reject friend
requests from people you don t know, or want to avoid, such as: internet stalkers, predators, hackers,
and so on. I d like to point out that social networks have positive and negative effects on interpersonal
relationships. They re a large part of our lives which affect work, love, and our identities. They ease
our boredom, reconnect us to friends and family, and ensure people are following the law. We can use
these networks in our everyday lives, but we have to know when to draw the line. Social networks are
defining a new meaning of friendship more and more every day, but the question is: are we
networking ourselves to
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Tragic Hero In Macbeth Essay
For a writer to take a good, noble man and destroy him is no easy task. To do
this while maintaining the reader s sympathy for the character is even harder. In
Macbeth, this is exactly the task writer William Shakespeare chose to do. Macbeth is
a play depicting the downfall of an honorable man named Macbeth. Shakespeare
creates a tragic hero in Macbeth, even though the task is hard. Although Macbeth s
downfall is gradual, the majority of the decisions he has to make to go down his path
occur towards the beginning of the play.
The play begins with a conversation about Macbeth fighting to save his
country, in which he courageously defeats his enemies. Macbeth s character first
appears onstage when three witches predict that ... Show more content on ...
Macbeth receives praise for his courage from his peers and from
the king. This way of Shakespeare introducing readers to the character of Macbeth
instantly instills the hero factor of Macbeth s tragic hero into the reader. Even
before Macbeth makes his entrance, the reader already believes that Macbeth is a
Once Macbeth is told by the witches of his ability to become kind, Macbeth
has a choice to make. If Macbeth truly were just a hero, the play would end here.
Macbeth would ignore the prophecy, Duncan s sons would eventually inherit the
throne, and that would be it. This is not the option Macbeth choses, though. Even this
early on in the play, just by one choice Macbeth makes, the reader is already exposed
to the downfall of Macbeth.
Macbeth then discusses the idea of murdering Duncan with his wife, Lady
Macbeth. Lady Macbeth does not outwardly appear to have any moral struggles
towards killing Duncan. She encourages Macbeth to kill Duncan. Macbeth settles on
killing Duncan, even though he knows it is wrong. I am settled ... on this terrible
feat, (Shakespeare, 60). This is when it becomes apparent that Macbeth s biggest
flaw is his ambition, because it allows him to become easily persuaded. His
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How Did Marie Antoinette Have A Failing Economy
Infamous queen Marie Antoinette is said to be a very misunderstood girl in history (Covington). Marie
enjoyed a life of luxury, as did many other queens did in history. But during her reign, the country of
France had a failing economy. In any country if the economy is good, people generally believe that
their leaders are great, but if the economy is bad then that s when the people starts turning against their
leaders. That poor economy that France faced had to be blamed on someone, which were blamed on
Marie Antoinette. Marie Antoinette s love of fashion has gotten her killed, but her love has kept her
alive in the world of fashion.
Marie Antoinette was the 15th child to Empress Maria Theresa of Austria and Holy Roman Emperor
Francis 1 (Castelot).
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Consumerism Ruining
Consumerism and how it is Ruining Us I am consumer. I buy and purchase products and services I
feel that I need or that I want. But do I really need them? Well, online ads and television
advertisements make it feel like I do. That if I don t have them then I am missing out or I can only be
happy if I get this product or service. So now I become addicted to consuming products and services
in the pursuit of an artificial happiness. Consumerism is ruining me with its illusion of bringing
happiness and the ideas of acceptance from my peers. But it is not just that alone that it can ruin.
Consumerism can ruin how relationships are viewed, how a young girl or young boy can view their
own bodies and left us all craving something that we honestly don t need. So I want to talk about the
different ways that consumerism is ruining us and the first hand experiences I have had with it.
Consumerism is basically the act of encouraging consumers to buy products and services, which is
seen a lot in today s day and age. Companies will spend large sums of money marketing a product to
consumers like me. They make it seem like I need this product because it will bring me happiness or
love or social acceptance. Jean Kilbourne who is an author and speaker, has been internationally
recognized for her work on the image of women in advertising. In her article Jesus is a Brand of Jeans
she points out how the problem with advertising isn t that it creates artificial needs but that it
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Michigan Minimum Wage Case Study
Michigan Wages to Increase Come 2018 Public Act 138 (WOWA) took effect on May 27, 2014. With
this, the Michigan Minimum Wage and Overtime At (Act 154) was replaced. WOWA is enforced by
the Wage and Hour Division, which is an agency within the Bureau of Employment Relations. Come
January 1, 2018, the minimum hourly wage will increase to $9.25 an hour. This is the final scheduled
increase provided for WOWA since its 2014 establishment. Following this, any further adjustments
cannot exceed 3.5 percent and must be established by the State Treasurer based on the unemployment
rate and Consumer Price Index. The new law applies to employers with two or more employees, ages
sixteen and older. WOWA also allows an employer in Michigan to pay
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The Theory Of Science And Technology
Alan Gonzalez
College Algebra
Science and technology is important to society and is often used in our everyday lives. We often have
no idea how science and technology really affect us. We work and live in a world driven by
technology and science. Science is crucial because it has helped form the world that we live in today.
Charles Robert Darwin was an English geologist and naturalist, best known for his significant addition
to the science of evolution. He had a theory that all species have inherited traits over time from
common ancestors, and in a partnership with Alfred Russel Wallace introduced his scientific theory
that this pattern of evolution resulted from an action that he called natural selection, in which the
struggle for ... Show more content on ...
The purpose of the trip was to take a five year survey trip around the world Commanded by Captain
Robert FitzRoy. The voyage would prove the opportunity of a lifetime for the Charles Robert Darwin.
The HMS Beagle set out on its voyage far and wide with Darwin on board on December 27, 1813.
Over the course of the excursion, Darwin recovered an assortment of characteristic examples,
including fossils, birds, and plants. Through extreme research, he had an exceptional opportunity to
watch the standards of topography, zoology, and natural science nearly. South America, The
Galapagos Archipelago, and The Pacific Island were of sure enthusiasm to Darwin. Charles Darwin
started to review his discoveries in the Diary of Examines, distributed as a component of Chief
FitzRoy s bigger report and later altered into the Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle, once Darwin
came back to Britain in 1836. The voyage enormously affected Darwin s perspective of common
history. He started to grow a significant hypothesis about the start of living creatures that was inverse
to the famous perspective of different naturalists at once.
Darwin s involvement with examples across the world brought up vital issues. Different researchers
trusted that all species either appeared toward the beginning of the world, or were made after some
time in natural history. In either case, the species were accepted to stay much the same all through
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Sprite Commercial
The first video that I found was a commercial for Sprite s new campaign, You Define Yourself . For
the commercial they hired a model that has vitiligo, Chantelle Winnie Harlow. She first made her
presence in the fashion world being a contestant on Cycle 21 of America s Next Top Model. Although
she did not win the contest, many people and companies loved her and found her look to be very
unique. Since being on ANTM she has modeled for brands such as: Desigual, Diesel, Swarovski and
has been featured in magazines such as: Glamour, Complex, Cosmopolitan and Vogue Italia. In the
commercial she speaks about how her first step in trying to get her career started she had a fake it til
you make it attitude and she had to exude confidence that ... Show more content on ...
In the video they show a city that has been deserted. After a while you start to see people, but they are
blending in with the backgrounds of where they are standing or sitting. Some blended into brick walls,
wall paper, buses, billboards, park benches and a variety of other things. One man pulls a Sprite out of
his bag, takes a sip and then realizes that he does not have to blend into the wall. He proceeds to take
of his clothing, which is the same color as the wall and remove the paint from his face until he is
wondering around in his underwear. He wonders around the city until he runs into this attractive
woman and he sees she has realized that same thing because her clothes are removed and she has a
Sprite in her hand. They then smile at each other and that s how the commercial ended. For this
commercial there were both good and bad comments. The positive comments talked about how cool it
was to have a camo theme for bringing out how unique everyone is and the negative, in my opinion
missed the entire message of the video and wrote about how tacky and disrespectful it was to have
people removing their
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How Interracial Marriage Affects Children
How interracial Marriage Affects Children
What do you think that your reactions would be if your sibling or friend introduced their spouse, who
happened to be from another race? Would you be taken aback? Would you never accept the situation?
If that would be the case, it is the time to face the reality.
These days, mixed color families and couples are common. I have personally seen many cases.
Interracial marriages happen everywhere. Even in Korea where people are proud of a five thousand
year of history of homogeneous population, interracial marriages occur. What is the interracial
marriage? It means marriage between different races that is a form of exogamy. The term of interracial
marriage is synonymous with interethnic marriage, ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, regardless of their own inner problems with identity, there would be negative effects from
outside. The first social group that children meet is family; parents role is specially important and has
the biggest impact in their lives. Multiracial parents are different races from the child. Between
parents, a multiracial child might try to choose one identity. One parent might try to pull child in one
direction while the other parent tries to pull the child in a different direction. At times, if one parent is
not chosen, he/she gives the child negative feedback to their child. This can cause lack of supporting
that the children should get from parents, and it may influence children s emotional stability. Even
though at times parents and child agree on the child s identity, society does not accept their decision.
In both cases, children might lay blame on their parents, and it brings resentment in a family. (
Interracial Marriages ) The other problem that the children may face in the family is conflict with
relatives or siblings (Rosenblatt, Karis, and Powell). Most times, grandparents are close to the
multiracial child. However, sometimes because of their traditional views, grandparents might be afraid
of being associated with children of another color. In other words, they feel fear from being
stigmatized whey they are seen with their multiracial grandchildren. At times, the child might be
pushed the one side of the family of the parents that the
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Copyright Protection on Internet
(08BS0001781) SECTION F Contents {text:bookmark start} INTRODUCTION {text:bookmark end}
{text:bookmark start} 1.1 About Intellectual Property [1] {text:bookmark end} It is not material wants
that seek ownership, but the ideas, skills and moral aspirations need equal protection. It refers to
creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs
used in commerce. Intellectual property is divided into two categories: Industrial property, which
includes inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial designs, and geographic indications of source;
and Copyright, which includes literary ... Show more content on ...
While India has entered the global patent regime, awareness and expertise on the subject of IPR in
India is still highly inadequate. Present skills do not extend towards protecting indigenous inventions
or understanding the implications of patents granted to competitors. Further, the ability to read or
write patents is grossly lacking when viewed in the context of global practices. Indian industry and
businessmen cannot afford to be indifferent to these new requirements. India s knowledge based
industries will be looking at filing international patents and their skills in filing, reading and exploring
patents will be very crucial in the years to come. Lawyers and Law firms are most useful in assisting
various IPR management, protection and infringement of patents in India and abroad. Any attorney
may register trademarks or copyrights, or initiate or defend any kind of IP litigation. Yet, because
many attorneys are unfamiliar with IP fundamentals, small business owners should seek advice of
specialists. Most people know enough about real estate property, rough cost according to its location.
They also know to clear title before making a purchase or commencing construction. However, when
it comes to IPR, most of them are ignorant and offer comparatively cheap insurances against the risk.
Few people starting businesses have equivalent knowledge
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Jimmy Baca s Life And Destiny
Born in 1952 in Santa Fe of Chicano and Apache descent, Jimmy Santiago Baca was abandoned by
his parents at the age of 13 years old, he got placed in an orphanage by his grandmother which he ran
away from as soon as possible. He was convicted on drug charges in 1973 and has spent five years in
prison. While he served prison he learned to read and began writing poetry. Jimmy Baca recaptures his
life and his struggles in A Place to Stand. When Jimmy was young he saw his father go to jail,
addicted to alcohol, a mother that abandoned him for another man, and siblings broken apart mentally.
This story explores the idea that no matter what background you come from you can rise above it and
overcome any obstacle. Also, the environment in ... Show more content on ...
The story explains how he had severe mental and physical abuse and how they treated him like an
animal while serving his sentence. The only way he was able to hold himself was through reading and
writing poetry, stories, and art. What made his story so special is that he is able to not only overcome
so many obstacles, but he also is able to better himself and get educated. He shows us readers how
even if you re in a bad situation like his, nothing could stop you from accomplishing your dream and
educating yourself to become a better version of yourself. Throughout his life Jimmy found passion
for poetry. Poetry became a big part of his life, he found out that it helped him escape his harsh reality
of being in prison. Poetry became something to aspire to live up. It informed how I saw the world and
purpose to it. pg (5)
He found poetry as a tool to help him escape from everything he had been through in his life. Which
made him more knowledgeable about life and the reasoning behind everything.
Jimmy went through a lot of pain his experience would soon be the cause of a life filled with trust
issues. I felt lost and confused around grown ups. They never told the truth. They were always hiding
something that would eventually hurt me. pg (19). This shows how people are not satisfied until they
sabatoge someone else s happiness. Be careful who you trust, not everyone can be trusted. Witnessing
his father in jail and addicted to alcohol, his mother leaving,
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Voter Suppression And Voting Suppression
What is voter suppression?
The voter suppression strategy is used to influence the outcome of an election by dissuading voters
from exercising their right to vote. Voter suppression should not be comparable to campaigning
because the two differs significantly. Campaigning in its political sense is the ability to change voter s
likelihood of voting behavior to change their opinions through persuasion. Voter suppression on the
other hand attempts to reduce the number of voters by means of suppression.
History of voter suppression The United States first began to deal with the issue of voter suppression
during the Reconstruction. During Reconstruction freed slaves earned their right to vote and hold
office through the fifteenth amendment in 1870. In 1877, Democrats, known as Dixiecrats, began to
impose laws that were designed to suppress the African American vote or better known as Jim Crow
Laws. The Jim Crow voting laws required the freedmen to pass literacy tests that they were unable to
pass because of no formal education because of their status of slaves. Many states created poll taxes,
which many poor Americans, white and black, were unable to pay. Many precincts made their voting
precincts white only so that blacks would have nowhere to cast their votes. The Jim Crow voter
suppression tactics were so successful that only three percent of African Americans in the south were
registered to vote in 1940. Although African American males were given the right to vote in
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Essay on Doomed Relationships in the Bread Givers by...
Doomed Relationships in the Bread Givers
The Bread Givers, written by Anzia Yezierska, revolves around a starving lower east side family
whose daughter rebels against her fathers strict conception of the role of a Jewish woman. The major
theme of this novel is doomed relationships. There are several of these that are thoroughly analyzed in
the novel. These include the relationship between Rabbi Smolinksy and the females in his family as
well as those in his society, between him and his son in laws, between the Smolinsky daughters and
their husbands, between the Smolinsky daughters and their heritage, between Rabbi Smolinksy and his
heritage, and lastly, between the old and the new. The following will concentrate on three of latter ...
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Of the doomed relationship between the females and Rabbi Smolinksy, there is one female that stands
out. This is the rocky relationship between Rabbi Smolinsky and his youngest daughter Sara. Sara,
from a young age, was independent. This independence was illustrated at the time when her family
was destitute and starving. On her own initiative, Sara ran out into the street to sell herring in order to
bring a couple of dollars home to her family. There is a conflict in Saras independence. On one hand,
her independence is useful in that it allowed her to assist with the family finances. On the other hand,
Rabbi Smolinsky is opposed to her independence because of the fear that she will leave the house, as
well as the family values, all together. Rabbi Smolinsky needs Sara at home indefinitely, or at least to
marry into a wealthy family, who will then support him. This is not Saras ambition. Due to their clash
in values, Sara reaches her breaking point and runs off to become the independent soul she is. My will
is as strong as yours, she replies. Nobody can stop me. I m not from the old country. I m American!
Sara then rediscovers her independence through education, employment, and love. The last doomed
relationship in the novel, is the relationship between Rabbi Smolinsky s daughters and their husbands.
Relationships require a stable foundation in which to grow. If that foundation is weak at
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Budgeting And Forecasting For Business
Budgeting and Forecasting for Business
By Steve AH Lloyd | Submitted On August 13, 2013
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Expert Author Steve AH Lloyd
Business purpose
The purpose of any budgeting or forecasting activity is to obtain a forward looking view of the
business in order to facilitate resource allocation and decision making. The financial forecasts you
prepare are a means to that end, not an end in themselves. You need to have this ... Show more content
on ...
You, or one of your team, should be available to support them in this exercise.
This should give you the basic information to prepare your operating profit and loss.
You then need assumptions on
· Borrowings Interest
· Tax
· Capex disposals
· Working capital movements
· Share issues
· Dividends
To allow you to work up a balance sheet and cash forecast.
Ensure you leave time in the plan for your team to pull the various components together and for at
least one re working of the budget if the original version is unsatisfactory.
Tools and systems
Everyone has access to Microsoft Excel and it is possible to build very effective budget systems with
this software. You need to be particularly aware of the risks of spreadsheets and the ease with which
errors can creep in.
Don t exclude the use of specialist budgeting software. Well implemented, it can dramatically reduce
timescales and improve accuracy. Look for a product that allows you to control different versions of
the budget and that integrates well both with Excel and your main business software.
In the first year of use, you need to allow plenty of time for implementation.
You will probably end up with myriad versions of the budget applying different assumptions. Keep a
log of the versions with the changes that were made so that you know exactly what each version
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Paul Giles Transnationalism
In 2003, as Paul Giles wrote his article Transnationalism and Classic American Literature , there was
no universal agreement among American Studies scholars on the theoretical approach that should be
viewed as principal (Giles 62 63). At that time, along with well established traditions, the idea of
transnationality of American culture in general and American literature in particular came into
consideration (Giles 62). In his article, Paul Giles appears as a supporter of the transnationalism. Giles
claims that both American culture and American literature have always been force fields of
transnational conflict and of struggles for dominion (75); in other words, he asserts that America has
never been completely separated from global affairs,
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The Correlation Between Influencing Organization Culture...
The correlation between influencing organization culture and leaderships go hand and hand.
Organizational culture refers to the beliefs and values that exist in an organization and to the beliefs of
the staff and the foreseen value of their work that will influence their work ethic. Schein (1992, 2004)
defines the culture of a group or organization as shared assumptions and beliefs about the world and
their place in it, the nature of time and space, human nature, and human relationships. (pg. 326) On the
other hand, leadership provides the vision and helps the organization move in the direction to
accomplish the best or the organization and the employees. It is important to understand the
relationship between organizational culture and leadership and how they influence each other. Yukl
states that by changing the culture of an organization, top management can indirectly influence the
motivation and behavior of organization members. Research on organizational culture provides further
insight into the dynamics of transformational leadership and the processes by which a leader s
charisma may become institutionalized. (pg. 326) In the article, it talks about four ways to influence
organizational culture Programs, Systems, Structures, and Cultural Forms.
Design of management systems and programs
Criteria for rewards and personnel decisions
Design of structure and facilities
Symbols, ritual, ceremonies, and stories.
Depending on the leadership
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My Life At The Medical School
When I started observing life, I was grandson of a carpenter, son of a businessman and a house wife,
brother of a veterinarian and two sisters. I found everyone loving and caring for me. They equipped
me with every single tool to make my way smooth toward my goal. I worked hard, stayed focused and
got admission in medical school. Being a medical student was more interesting than what I imagined
before going to the medical school. I found medical sciences dynamic and versatile. I studied well and
enjoyed every single aspect of my life at the medical school.
On the last day of my 4th year in medical school, I received a call from my brother about my nephew.
My nephew lost consciousness due to vomiting and dehydration with pneumonia at the age of 1 year. I
rushed to hospital and when I reached, I saw my nephew was in coma. I found it hard to bear the tears
in the eyes of my brother and rest of my family. He was diagnosed with ketoacidosis due to type 1
diabetes. He opened his eyes on 7th day of his admission with manifestations of severe cerebral insult.
After the discharge, he had several similar episodes with normal blood sugar levels and it was
described as honeymoon period for the disease. During an episode, we took him to another tertiary
care facility where he was diagnosed with organic academia. The pediatric Gastroenterologist Human
Arshad and pediatric Neurologist Akbar Malik took special interest and helped us to recover from the
episode. Unfortunately no diagnostic
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What Is The Pity For The Minotaur
Pity for the Minotaur There are many interesting Greek myths, but the Minotaur is one of the most
interesting to me. The Minotaur was an evil monster also known as the beast . He had the head of a
bull and the body of a man. He is the mutant child of a human mother and a bull father. I ask myself,
could life have been different for the Minotaur? I believe the Minotaur suffered the wrath of Poseidon
because of the greed and hubris of his father, Minos. I pity the beast because Poseidon s spell that was
placed on Pasiphae was to punish Minos for not sacrificing his bull. The spell was to make Pasiphae
lust after a bull that Minos liked and did not want to sacrifice and instead sacrificed a lesser bull.
Pasiphae became pregnant by the ... Show more content on ...
He is the reason of savagery and the order of chaos. We have all had times where we feel savage. The
beast was an untamable part of nature in the myth. To confront the Minotaur in the dark labyrinth is
the same as confronting our fears of the unknown, the labyrinth was a chamber of death . All humans
experience rage and aggression that builds inside them and some have a hard time knowing how to
control it where, as the Minotaur only knows rage and aggression because that is all he has been
shown. The Minotaur was also half human and could have been capable of good and rational thoughts
had he been raised to do so. In most stories of someone who has evil intentions, there is always a
reason and it usually comes from something in their past or how they were raised. I think the Minotaur
could have felt remorse, but in the Greek times his remorse would not have mattered. Greeks believed
human reason could do a lot, but the Minotaur was not all human and the Greeks seen him as the
enemy of reason . The story of the Minotaur could have been different, and he could have been the
hero instead of the fierce flesh eating beast that everyone feared. He could have saved the young
victims that were thrown into the labyrinth and they could have fought back against King Minos.
Maybe if he defeated King Minos he could have been the king, now that would have been a story to
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Licensed Practical Nurse Career Analysis
In this research paper the job of a licensed practical nurse (LPN) is explained. Many articles have been
used on this topic to support all of my information written. In detail you will learn about the type of
work done by an LPN, necessary personal qualities needed to be an LPN, benefits of this job,
educational requirements, the work environment, the job outlook , and much more. With the help of
many published articles from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Ferguson s Career Guidance
Center, and the New York State Education Department you will learn a great amount of information
related to this topic. I will also be gathering much detail from The Overview of Health Care Careers
written by R. Delaet (2014). This paper thoroughly examines ... Show more content on ...
Department of Labor (2014) LPNs are usually found working in home health care services, hospitals,
nursing care facilities, residential care facilities, and offices of physicians. It is also written that
examples of these would include nursing homes, private homes, and extended care facilities. Also
according to the U.S. Department of Labor (2014) it is said that hospitals usually hire the most LPNs
to work. Also mentioned, an LPN s work environment requires them to wear scrubs as their daily
uniforms. This job results in nurses on their feet a majority of their work hours. According to a reliable
article published on the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) a great amount of an LPNs work full time, in
shifts usually 8 hours
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Persuasive Essay on Layoffs
Persuasive Essay: Layoffs within a Company
Prudence Blackman
October 13, 2014
Dr. Stephanie Lyncheski
Persuasive Essay: Layoffs within a Company
The decision to lay off employees cannot be the easiest for companies. There is a variety of different
reasons why employers layoff their employees, and the laws in many states allow them to at any time
as long as the reason does not contravene state or federal law. Being let go from your job can happen
by firing or layoff, and though neither is, usually, desired, the layoff is typically the method that
carries less of a stigma. Firing occurs with one worker for any reason that, usually, involves job
performance, unethical behavior or personality differences. Meanwhile, a layoff, ... Show more
content on ...
The more you can provide them with the peace of mind that comes with knowing what is going on,
the more there will be in the office. Involve employees in brainstorming for solutions. Even if layoffs
are inevitable, there will be a ripple effect through the office, including the possibility of an increased
workload for many individuals. Get the employee s input on this process and allow them to have a say
in how those new responsibilities are addressed. The more you make them feel they have a voice, the
more loyal they will be through difficult times (Zatzick, Zhoa, amp; Tingling, 2014).
In an article Layoff: A Four Letter Word in the Economy Martin (1998 2014) states that, It has been
difficult in recent years to find good people. However, sometimes it is better to have a position vacant
than to hire poorly especially in management. One bad manager can take down tens to thousands with
them (Martin, 1998 2014, para.10). Maintain a flexible workforce, hire contractors for short term
needs, and hire temporary or seasonal help for short term work. Hire part timers who are willing to
work only during the peak periods of need. Offer job sharing options to current employees (para11).
Create a contingency plan. It is better to have well thought out and developed plan over a quickly
devised scheme. It is also much better off to have a plan to review if something bad happens than to
have to invent something in the heat of a crisis (Martin, 1998 2014, para.11).
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The Political Crisis Of Crimea
Topic Overview (300 words):
The situation in Crimea is one that is considered to be one of the most complex geo political crisis that
Europe has ever faced. When discussing this topic, the region of Crimea refers to the autonomous
republic within Ukraine which lies on a peninsula from the south of Ukraine, between the Black Sea
and the Sea of Azov.3 It is important to note that the region of Crimea contains a majority of
ethnically Russian population. Although these individuals are still Ukrainian citizens, they (generally)
identify closely with Russia. During this crisis, Ukraine faced the most amount of unrest from citizens
since its independence in 1991.1
On February 28th, 2014, the Crimean region of Ukraine was overtaken by a ... Show more content on ...
However, solutions to this conflict are bleak. Although it is important that Russia face it s deserved
retribution, the countries within the UNDP must conjure a solution which does not aggravate Russia to
an unstoppable extent. The Russian Federation has proven to be irrational, and ignorant to
international law, thus, a careful course of action must be taken. Historical Analysis (600 words):
Ukraine and the Soviet Union
On December 20th, 1922, Ukraine and Russia were two of the founding member countries who signed
the union treaty which formally began the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (the USSR.) In the
decades following, many Ukrainians showed discontent with the Soviet Regime 1. This discontent
was rooted due to many different circumstances, an integral one being the man made famine created
by Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union, during his collectivism campaign. In 1932,
approximately 7 million peasants perished, and many blamed the campaign started by the Soviet
Regime. Additionally, Ukrainians were punished severely for any anti government sentiment, and
millions were killed with purposeful starvation. In 1991, Ukraine finally gained its independence after
the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, Russian sentiments regarding its regional supremacy over
areas of Ukraine (such as Crimea) still live on to this day.
Ukraine since independence
Since the independence of Ukraine,
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  • 2. ADHD Effects On Children In Special Education Growing up in a private school I was not exposed to what the special education system is and what the purpose of this system was. I did have family members who were apart of this special education system but I never looked at them any differently than anybody else. When I graduated, and began my high school education at a public school I was exposed firsthand of this special education system. In high school I was happy to engage and interact with children in the special education system. Arts and crafts, and board games were activating that many students including myself played with children in the special education system. I have learned that even though these children are put into a different education system than many others they are still human. They are a wide variety of ... Show more content on ... There are only 13 diagnosis in special education, these diagnoses are Mental retardation, specific learning disability, Autism, emotional disturbance, speech and language impairment, traumatic brain injury, orthopedic impairment, deathless, blindness, deathless with blindness, multiple disabilities, other health impairment, and developmental delay. These are the 13 federal special end labels. ADHD is not there though, because ADHD is not a special end category. If ADHD is not in the special education conditions then why are children being put into special education because of ADHD? That fact doesn t even make sense, and to find out more people of color (minorities) are put into the ADHD system than any race alone. Special Education is a system and is also a topic that many people have ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Week 3 Team Paper QNT 351 Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc. Summarizing and Presenting Data Team A QNT / 351 May 28, 2015 Dr. Dotti Shelton Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc. Summarizing and Presenting Data Ballard integrated managed services (BIMS) is a contract company at Douglas Medical Center (DMC). The company provides food and hospitality services for both the patients and staff (University of Phoenix, 2015). Lately the moral of the staff has been a huge concern at BIMS due to the high turnover rate. The rate has been higher than usual and management feels moral has a huge role to play in the situation that is going on. BIMS has a total of 452 employees and has a 55 to 60% turnover rate. In the past 4 months the rate has ... Show more content on ... The last four question were asked pertaining to departments, years of service, gender, and if the employee was a manager or a supervisor. The data collected is a combination of quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data collected is the combination of years the employee has worked with DMC and the number of employees within the company. This type of data can be categorized on the nominal level of measurement. In data coding BIMS used numeric codes to represent the nominal, ordinal and internal level of measurements. In Exhibit A of the report, it describes how the company coded the employee s data numerically. Descriptive statistics including the average, mean medium and mode were used to describe the middle of the scores or ratings and to reveal the findings of the survey. Data Evaluation Sally and other staff members input the survey data. Sally decided, while entering the data, she would give a zero score to any unanswered questions. Sally made some errors to the data when she mistakenly entered fives as sixes. She also converted the length of time the employees worked in years to only months. Sally entered some of the data incorrectly and will and it will need to be fixed before the analysis can begin. To fix this data the sixes will need to be changed to fives and the zeros will have to be eliminated (University of ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Retrospective Analysis Of Quality Improvement... The article, I chose is The Retrospective Analysis of Quality Improvement Throughput Measures at a High Volume Community Emergency Department . The article is about overcrowding in the emergency departments; which has caused patients to leave without being seen (LWBS) by a physician or PA and the measurements taken to solve the problem. Two major and other minor changes were implemented to improve the situation. In this paper, I will be addressing the problem of crowding, the strategic plan taken and how the implementations were evaluated in the effort to improve quality care and the outcomes. The emergency department (ED) is one of the busiest place in most hospital and time is very crucial in some case. A survey done in 2002, shows that 90% of Level 1 trauma center and hospital are considered over capacity with more than 300 beds and 62 % of ED considered themselves the same (Milsten, A., Klein, J., Liu, Q., Vibhakar, N., Linder, L., 2014. p.13). Some might think it is beneficial in a business aspect; however, the negative effects have more weight than the positive. As the number of population increases, the ED started to notice a correlation with the increasing crowd, which has created a delay in treatment and even some patient had to leave without being seen (LWBS) by a physician or PA. Patients being unable to see a healthcare professional in the appropriate time and LWBS have been linked to the increase in mortality, physician door to doctor time, patient ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Feudal System Of The Middle Ages Of England The Feudal System in the Middle Ages of England was not the best system of government to go by for everyone since it gave most of its power to the King, and made it impossible for the lower class to improve themselves economically. People of higher rank expected the lower ranks of society to pledge their loyalty to them and in turn, protected them. There came a time where everybody became tired of never progressing, and people started to do something about it. The end to Feudalism did not just happen overnight, it took many years, a deadly disease and many angry peasants for the social class to rise. First the nobles got the King to sign the Magna Carta, which limited the King s power, years later a deadly disease caused the population of England to decrease by 1/3, and finally, The Peasants Revolt which changed England forever. Feudalism first began after a collapse of the Roman Empire, and barbarian tribes invading England. The social structure that became the Feudalism, consisted of the clergy, knights and peasants. The clergy were the religious people that dedicated themselves to the salvation of humanity. Kings, high nobles, and low nobles who were soldiers and meant to defend others. The peasants were the people who grew crops and tended animals. Some rented their land and the serfs worked for knights and were legally tied to that land. Everyone had obligations to someone. This was the way the feudal system worked. As time went by though, people realized they ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Tankless Heaters Research Paper Many homeowners are opting to switch to a tankless water heater. Tankless water heaters can also be covered by a home appliance warranty. Anyone who has ever written a American Home Shield review knows that a home appliance warranty can be very beneficial. The benefits of tankless water heaters are numerous. Below are some of the reasons more people are opting to switch to a tankless water heater: The Lifespan Many people who have written an American Home Shield review have noticed that their water heater has only lasted for eight to 12 years. However, a tankless water heater can potentially last much longer than that. In fact, your tankless water heater may last over 20 years. The key to making sure that your tankless water heater lasts a long ... Show more content on ... Tankless water heaters only use a fraction of the energy that traditional water heaters use. While traditional water heaters will store water inside of the tank, tankless water heaters will only use water when needed. This is why tankless water heaters do not have to use as much energy. Keep in mind that you will be paying more initially for your hot water heater. However, the money that you save with your hot water heater will make it a worthwhile investment. You may be able to cut your energy costs by 30 percent each year. Save Space Many people who live in smaller homes have opted to switch to tankless water heaters. They take up significantly less space than traditional water heaters. In fact, the average tankless water heater is only 1/4 of the size of a regular water heater. You will have more floor or closet space. You Will Have Cleaner Water Traditional water heaters are prone to scale and rust. This rust can end up in the water that you use to drink and bathe. On the other hand, you will be able to have cleaner water if you have a tankless water heater. No More Cold ... Get more on ...
  • 7. A Serious Problem Of Testicular Cancer A serious problem that exists among the Maori population in some areas of N.Z. is testicular (teste) cancer. It affects young men from all backgrounds and there is little research on what risk factors there are. The encyclopaedia Britannica online defines teste cancer as a disease characterized by uncontrolled growth of cells within the testis, the reproductive organ that produces sperm. Testicular cancer represents only 1 percent of all cancers in males, but it is the most common malignancy for men between ages 15 and 35. 1 Whether or not teste cancer is the most serious health problem among Maori arguable and additional health related problems should be discussed. First of all, testicular cancer is one of the most crippling diseases creating significant damage on patient and family. Additionally, the discrepancy between Maori and Pakeha diagnosis of testicular cancer is a cause for concern. Contrariwise a lack of knowledge on the difference between Maori and Pakeha psychology and the way Psychologist/Psychiatrist deal with Maori patients. Finally, there is general reluctance for Maori to seek mental health which leads to difference between diagnosis and treatment. Firstly, the mental and physical anguish that surrounds testicular cancer is so significant because it is the most common cancer affecting men between the ages of 15 and 39, but it is not limited to this age range. However, young men typically do not get a lot of cancer, so overall testicular cancer is a ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Compare And Contrast Clarke And The Sniper The one time I have felt the most sensitive is when I gotten called a name that hurt my feelings more than I thought it would. The story shows that I m sensitive by being called something that really hurt my feelings. The characters Clarke and The Sniper are sensitive because of the reactions that they had throughout their lives. Clarke from The 100 series shows that she is sensitive when it comes to her parents. She wished she could share the experience with the two people who had made her yearn to see earth. Clarke wouldn t have the chance, her parents were dead (kass morgan 95). Clarke wishes that her parents were still alive to see the moment she makes her dream come true, she wishes that they were here still to support her. It was almost unfathomable that Well s voice had once been her favorite sound in the universe. ... Show more content on ... Well s was the reason why her parents were dead, he opened his mouth about something that wasn t supposed to be said by anyone, and he said it and which that caused Clarke s parents their lives. Therefore Clarke is sensitive when it comes to her parents and the reactions she has to certain things. The Sniper shows that he is sensitive when it comes to him realizing that being a sniper maybe wasn t the right thing. He revolted from the sight of the shattered mass of his dead enemy. His teeth chattered, he began to gibber to himself, cursing the war, cursing himself, cursing everybody ( O Flaherty 4). The sniper basically is having second thoughts about what he does, he s sick of it and hates to kill and curses everything cause it changed him. The Sniper looked at his enemy falling and he shuddered. The lust of battle died in him. He became bitten by remorse ( O Flaherty 4). He didn t wanna kill anymore. All of a sudden it just made him sick. The Sniper didn t wanna kill people anymore, and anything and everything about the war was gone in ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow Character Analysis Ichabod Crane is portrayed as an interesting, complex character in the story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Crane is an excellent example of how not everyone is exactly how they seem. His slippery, dark personality can not easily be identified on paper in the story, but Irving made sure the message was deeper than it is on paper. Many readers understand the big plot and the exciting timeline of this story, but what is communicated underneath is what is often looked over. Irving, by writing a comical phenomenon, solidified himself as being one of the best writers of his era, but what really stood out was what he used the character of Ichabod Crane to communicate about society. It is evident throughout the story how Crane brings out the worst in people. Perhaps, the biggest enemy Crane made was Brom Bones. For example, Of the sorts of falls that such an agent as he might induce, consistent with Irving s fondness for his Dutch characters, there is sort of pillow soft, post Miltonic fall of Brom, who, encountering evil without accepting it, passes from innocence to a knowledge of virtuous action and in the process gains his method (Von Frank). Brom was not always an angry, jealous person. Ichabod coming into town and trying to take his love away from him, set him off in the wrong direction. Ichabod was very interested in Katrina Van Tassel, or rather, he was very interested in Van Tassel s wealth. Crane was frustrated with his poverty and poor financial situation. He concluded that he was going to marry Van Tassel just to inherit her wealth and live like a king. Ichabod Crane had a soft and foolish heart towards the females; and it is not to be wondered at, that so tempting a morsel soon found favor in his eyes; more especially after he had visited her in her paternal mansion, old Baltus Van Tassel was a perfect picture of a thriving, contented, liberal hearted farmer (Irving 14 15). He was never deeply interested in her personality, he was only trying her use her. Irving portrayed that Brom was so upset with Crane for many reasons, ultimately ending up with the fact that it was because of Crane s relentless pursuit of Van Tassel s wealth. The dark character traits of jealousy and envy were portrayed by ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Informative Speech For Human Trafficking All lives matter. What s the word that describes someone who thinks that the world revolves around them? Self centered? Egocentric? Narcissist? Vain? Self seeking? Selfish? Hm. Is that too harsh? We live in society today where we are only concerned about ourselves. Somehow, we have adopted the mentality that life revolves strictly around me and what I want. We are so consumed with ourselves that we have totally forgotten about the thousands of people who struggle every day for their life. Who are these people that I am talking about? The people who are promised a better life but instead are trapped into this terrible system where they are forced to do things they never knew about. This system is called Human trafficking. Today, I would like to convince you that this world does not revolve around you. What exactly is human trafficking? We have all heard of it, but what actually is it. It s a modern form of slavery. It involves controlling a person through force, fraud, or coercion to exploit the victim for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or both. It strips victims of their freedom and violates our nation s promise that every person in the U.S. is guaranteed basic human rights. This is a crime (Beccera). Sadly, the United States is widely regarded as a destination country for human trafficking. According to the federal reports, nearly 14,500 to 17,500 victims are trafficked in the United States annually. That doesn t even include the number of victims that are trafficked WITHIN the United States. If you are looking for a defined definition of human trafficking, California legislatures states it as being ALL acts involved in the recruitment, abduction, transport, harboring, transfer, sale or receipt of persons, within national or across international borders, through force, coercion, fraud or deception, to place persons in situations of slavery or slavery like conditions, forced labor or services, such as forced prostitution or sexual services, domestic servitude, bonded sweatshop labor, or other debt bondage. (Beccera) This is a crime that needs to come to an end. While we look at human trafficking as just one thing, there are various types of this crime. One, is sex trafficking. When you hear of ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Senator Rubio Case Study Descriptive representation may not have a positive and significant impact on a politician s agenda. This case study is on Republican U.S. Senator Marco Rubio. He was born on May 28, 1971 in Miami, Florida. His parents were born in Cuba, which makes Senator Rubio a Cuban American. He makes a great case study to reflect on the opposite idea of descriptive representation in the political system. It is essential to talk about his parents history with immigration in order to understand why he does not correctly represent Latinos, especially Cuban Americans or other minority groups that he should be representing. His parents immigrated from Cuba to the United States in 1956 before the rise of Fidel Castro, which was in January 1959. When Senator Rubio was born, neither of his parents were U.S. citizens. ... Show more content on ... citizenship, and got naturalized in 1975. The second time that his grandfather immigrated to the U.S. in 1962, he did it illegally, so he was detained, and under the risk of deportation. At the end, Senator Rubio s grandfather was able to stay in the U.S. His grandfather was given legal status. According to McClain Johnson Carew, Cubans entering the United States after Castro s rise to power in 1959 generally enjoyed handsome financial support from the US government and were encourage to seek US citizenship (17). His grandfather ended up applying for a permanent resident status in 1966, which got approved, right after the Cuban Adjustment Act, which is a federal law that gives Cuban refugees permanent resident status under certain circumstances. There were other relatives of Senator Rubio, who immigrated to the U.S. as refugees as ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Analysis Of The Book Revelation Of The Bible Since the beginning of time there has been a concept as old as thought itself: how will it all end? Not just how will life end but how will the world end. Some cultures are molded by the way that specific groups believe the end times will come to fruition. Eschatological concepts are those that concern themselves with the end of the world, as we know it and how it will come about. One thing that is for certain is across the ages there is a consensus that this will occur, though there may not be a consensus on how. This concept has infiltrated almost all aspects of life from entertainment to daily practices. There are numerous pieces of literature that addresses how the world will end and of them one of the most well know is the Book of ... Show more content on ... Jesus later goes on to explain that the seven stars that were in his hand represent the angels of seven churches and the seven gold lamp stands represent the seven churches. Once he states this he begins to address each church individually. The letters poses similarities while at the same time also possessing differences. The overall structures of the letters are the same and follow these guidelines: address, commendation/complaint, advice, appeal for others to listen, and then a promised reward for heading the words of the Lord. The differences arise in the content of the addresses, how the problems should be corrected and the reward that will come. The seven letters serve as a connection between the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation. Though the Book of Revelation lacks any direct Old Testament connection, the views and connection between the two are seen throughout the Book of Revelation. The authorship by John took place during the Greco Roman era but the structure of writing that the letters poses is more appropriate for the prophetic lawsuit of the Old Testament. The difference between the styles lies in the fact that the letters contain commendations and accusations along with the customary features judgment and salvation, which makes them in concordance with prophetic lawsuit speech (Bandy 186). Bandy stated, specifically, it resembles the covenant lawsuit whereby Christ scrutinizes the new ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Highlighting the Microbial Complexity of Foodborne Hazards... The Microbial Ecology in Food Safety Risk Assessment written by Tom Ross, sets out to highlight the microbial complexity of foodborne hazards and its subsequent impact on food safety and possible outbreaks of foodborne illness. According to the author, In a system as complex as the production and consumption of food, a variety of factors affect both the likelihood and severity of the occurrence of foodborne disease, often for which little information is currently available.. The author proposes that current risk assessments for foodborne infection, which usually depend heavily upon numbers of microorganisms present on the food at the time of consumption, present challenges to industry professionals. As he postulates, the data are ... Show more content on ... These depend on both physiochemical conditions of the food, and the condition of storage. He highlights the main effecting factors to be considered are Aw, pH, temperature and time of storage and processing, with time being the most important. The author strongly argues that the ability of pathogenic bacteria to grow or die under certain environmental conditions is of great importance in risk assessment. It essentially allows us to see which hazards might occur; what is the likelihood; what is the severity, in biological terms if it does occur. To predict impact and te exposure dose, microbial growth under a variety of conditions and stressors much be evaluated. He believes modeling the behavior of microorganisms in the growth/no growth region is now seen as an important component of predictive microbiology. As he comes back to throughout the chapter, bacterial pathogens are exposed to a host of stresses during their lifetime, in particular during food processing. Predictive microbial modeling, he argues, enables estimates to be made of microbial growth under varying time, temperature and intrinsic conditions or stressors. He talks again about the importance of predictive modeling as a way to quantify the combined effect of various hurdles on the probability of growth and define combinations at which growth ceases. The combination of factors applied in the form of what he ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Central And Picc Line Insertion I am going to discuss the central and PICC line insertion. I will to base about the safety of the insertion process. The benefits that come along with choosing to insert a PICC line verse a peripheral IV. Like most topics, there will be risks involved, but with proper technique, you can prevent these risks This paper is going to cover peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) and central lines. I am going to talk about what a PICC line is, how a PICC line is inserted, what the benefits of using a PICC line are, the risks that come alone with the insertion process, and treatments offered when using this method. There are many other ways to give treatments besides PICC line. A peripherally inserted central catheter or PICC line is a thin soft flexible tube (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC). (2015). It is usually inserted in the upper arm just above the elbow in a main vein that will lead to the heart where the blood flows more rapidly. Midlines are inserted usually into the vein in the arm. Sometimes you will need to use a leg vein when caring for infants. They last longer than a regular IV, but not as long as a PICC line. It can usually be used for 2 4 weeks (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC). (2015). The central venous catheter is placed into a large vein leading into the heart and comes out through a small opening in the chest area (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC). (2015). which they call the exit site. The big ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Communication Log Analysis This communication log supports the standards 6.1 and 6.2. This communication log displays my efforts to effectively communicate to help the student succeed academically, functionally, and behaviorally. This communication has helped us to make adjustments to how we handle his behavioral needs and it has allowed him to access more academic content. This communication log also displays how I have used communication to try and build a positive and professional relationship with parents. I frequently communicate with the parent about the student s day and the academics he is working on. This communication log has impacted my professional knowledge and practice by teaching me how important it is to have a positive relationship with my parents. ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Therapeutic Modification Essay After the ethical examination of both therapeutic and enhancement gene modification, it can be stated that therapeutic gene modification is a good thing and enhancement gene modification can be a bad thing. But the other issue is where do you draw the line between the two gene modifications. On paper it might seem like a clear cut distinction but take the example of children who use human growth hormone. Assume a child has a medical condition and their treatment stunts their growth, so they are prescribed human growth hormone. The human growth hormone is able to help the child grow to his normal hight thus returning him to the baseline. But now that there is a doctor prescribing human growth hormone, and different parent hear about this treatment ... Show more content on ... I believe that there is nothing wrong with the therapeutic gene modification when it involves somatic cells. I think that it is our moral responsibility to do what we can to help save the lives of people who are suffering. The doctors who would be proscribing the treatment have all made a hippocratic oath so it would be their moral duty to follow through on using this particular treatment. Therapeutic gene manipulation with somatic cells would break any moral, ethical, or legal laws. But the other forms of genetic manipulation are a little tricky. Therapeutic gene manipulation of germ cells can be a useful treatment of disease but its effect plays a role in a larger scope then just the patient alone. I think that it poses a greater risk to the whole of humanity of we allow changes to germ cells and future generations. It would open the door to all other types of genetic manipulation. So rules have to be put in place so no abuse of medical treatment occurs. Finally there should not be any type of enhancement gene modification occurring. I think that it will overall produce more harm then good. It is not a medical procedure that is used to help people who are suffering it would simply be a mechanism that would only play a negative role in human development, simultaneously breaking many ethical rules along the way. Genetic ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Obhr Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and Bebo. Do any of these names sound familiar? I m going to paint you a picture, of how social networking affects our interpersonal relationships. Social networking is affecting numerous aspects of our lives, such as the work place, our love life, our identity, and how we spend our spare time. Did you know that fifty four percent of companies prohibit the use of social networking, but fifty seven percent of employees admit to using social networks during work time for personal use? Social networks such as Twitter, MySpace, and even games such as Black Ops are addictive, and hold a high priority in many people s lives. Twenty percent of all divorce cases are directly caused by Facebook. Complaints ... Show more content on ... First of all, and most importantly, you want security. Is the network you are joining ensuring security of personal information, and do you have the ability to lock your profile from everyone, with the exception of the people you choose to allow? Secondly, you want to make sure there is the ability to make a profile. This allows family or friends to find you much easier if you have a picture, or personal markers that help friends know if they found the person they re looking for. And finally, legitimate friend focus. Ensure the network you re joining doesn t have spam, and you re able to reject friend requests from people you don t know, or want to avoid, such as: internet stalkers, predators, hackers, and so on. I d like to point out that social networks have positive and negative effects on interpersonal relationships. They re a large part of our lives which affect work, love, and our identities. They ease our boredom, reconnect us to friends and family, and ensure people are following the law. We can use these networks in our everyday lives, but we have to know when to draw the line. Social networks are defining a new meaning of friendship more and more every day, but the question is: are we networking ourselves to ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Tragic Hero In Macbeth Essay For a writer to take a good, noble man and destroy him is no easy task. To do this while maintaining the reader s sympathy for the character is even harder. In Macbeth, this is exactly the task writer William Shakespeare chose to do. Macbeth is a play depicting the downfall of an honorable man named Macbeth. Shakespeare creates a tragic hero in Macbeth, even though the task is hard. Although Macbeth s downfall is gradual, the majority of the decisions he has to make to go down his path occur towards the beginning of the play. The play begins with a conversation about Macbeth fighting to save his country, in which he courageously defeats his enemies. Macbeth s character first appears onstage when three witches predict that ... Show more content on ... Macbeth receives praise for his courage from his peers and from the king. This way of Shakespeare introducing readers to the character of Macbeth instantly instills the hero factor of Macbeth s tragic hero into the reader. Even before Macbeth makes his entrance, the reader already believes that Macbeth is a Once Macbeth is told by the witches of his ability to become kind, Macbeth has a choice to make. If Macbeth truly were just a hero, the play would end here. Macbeth would ignore the prophecy, Duncan s sons would eventually inherit the throne, and that would be it. This is not the option Macbeth choses, though. Even this early on in the play, just by one choice Macbeth makes, the reader is already exposed to the downfall of Macbeth.
  • 19. Macbeth then discusses the idea of murdering Duncan with his wife, Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth does not outwardly appear to have any moral struggles towards killing Duncan. She encourages Macbeth to kill Duncan. Macbeth settles on killing Duncan, even though he knows it is wrong. I am settled ... on this terrible feat, (Shakespeare, 60). This is when it becomes apparent that Macbeth s biggest flaw is his ambition, because it allows him to become easily persuaded. His ... Get more on ...
  • 20. How Did Marie Antoinette Have A Failing Economy Infamous queen Marie Antoinette is said to be a very misunderstood girl in history (Covington). Marie enjoyed a life of luxury, as did many other queens did in history. But during her reign, the country of France had a failing economy. In any country if the economy is good, people generally believe that their leaders are great, but if the economy is bad then that s when the people starts turning against their leaders. That poor economy that France faced had to be blamed on someone, which were blamed on Marie Antoinette. Marie Antoinette s love of fashion has gotten her killed, but her love has kept her alive in the world of fashion. Marie Antoinette was the 15th child to Empress Maria Theresa of Austria and Holy Roman Emperor Francis 1 (Castelot). ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Consumerism Ruining Consumerism and how it is Ruining Us I am consumer. I buy and purchase products and services I feel that I need or that I want. But do I really need them? Well, online ads and television advertisements make it feel like I do. That if I don t have them then I am missing out or I can only be happy if I get this product or service. So now I become addicted to consuming products and services in the pursuit of an artificial happiness. Consumerism is ruining me with its illusion of bringing happiness and the ideas of acceptance from my peers. But it is not just that alone that it can ruin. Consumerism can ruin how relationships are viewed, how a young girl or young boy can view their own bodies and left us all craving something that we honestly don t need. So I want to talk about the different ways that consumerism is ruining us and the first hand experiences I have had with it. Consumerism is basically the act of encouraging consumers to buy products and services, which is seen a lot in today s day and age. Companies will spend large sums of money marketing a product to consumers like me. They make it seem like I need this product because it will bring me happiness or love or social acceptance. Jean Kilbourne who is an author and speaker, has been internationally recognized for her work on the image of women in advertising. In her article Jesus is a Brand of Jeans she points out how the problem with advertising isn t that it creates artificial needs but that it ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Michigan Minimum Wage Case Study Michigan Wages to Increase Come 2018 Public Act 138 (WOWA) took effect on May 27, 2014. With this, the Michigan Minimum Wage and Overtime At (Act 154) was replaced. WOWA is enforced by the Wage and Hour Division, which is an agency within the Bureau of Employment Relations. Come January 1, 2018, the minimum hourly wage will increase to $9.25 an hour. This is the final scheduled increase provided for WOWA since its 2014 establishment. Following this, any further adjustments cannot exceed 3.5 percent and must be established by the State Treasurer based on the unemployment rate and Consumer Price Index. The new law applies to employers with two or more employees, ages sixteen and older. WOWA also allows an employer in Michigan to pay ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Theory Of Science And Technology Alan Gonzalez 5/6A College Algebra Science and technology is important to society and is often used in our everyday lives. We often have no idea how science and technology really affect us. We work and live in a world driven by technology and science. Science is crucial because it has helped form the world that we live in today. Charles Robert Darwin was an English geologist and naturalist, best known for his significant addition to the science of evolution. He had a theory that all species have inherited traits over time from common ancestors, and in a partnership with Alfred Russel Wallace introduced his scientific theory that this pattern of evolution resulted from an action that he called natural selection, in which the struggle for ... Show more content on ... The purpose of the trip was to take a five year survey trip around the world Commanded by Captain Robert FitzRoy. The voyage would prove the opportunity of a lifetime for the Charles Robert Darwin. The HMS Beagle set out on its voyage far and wide with Darwin on board on December 27, 1813. Over the course of the excursion, Darwin recovered an assortment of characteristic examples, including fossils, birds, and plants. Through extreme research, he had an exceptional opportunity to watch the standards of topography, zoology, and natural science nearly. South America, The Galapagos Archipelago, and The Pacific Island were of sure enthusiasm to Darwin. Charles Darwin started to review his discoveries in the Diary of Examines, distributed as a component of Chief FitzRoy s bigger report and later altered into the Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle, once Darwin came back to Britain in 1836. The voyage enormously affected Darwin s perspective of common history. He started to grow a significant hypothesis about the start of living creatures that was inverse to the famous perspective of different naturalists at once. Darwin s involvement with examples across the world brought up vital issues. Different researchers trusted that all species either appeared toward the beginning of the world, or were made after some time in natural history. In either case, the species were accepted to stay much the same all through time. ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Sprite Commercial The first video that I found was a commercial for Sprite s new campaign, You Define Yourself . For the commercial they hired a model that has vitiligo, Chantelle Winnie Harlow. She first made her presence in the fashion world being a contestant on Cycle 21 of America s Next Top Model. Although she did not win the contest, many people and companies loved her and found her look to be very unique. Since being on ANTM she has modeled for brands such as: Desigual, Diesel, Swarovski and has been featured in magazines such as: Glamour, Complex, Cosmopolitan and Vogue Italia. In the commercial she speaks about how her first step in trying to get her career started she had a fake it til you make it attitude and she had to exude confidence that ... Show more content on ... In the video they show a city that has been deserted. After a while you start to see people, but they are blending in with the backgrounds of where they are standing or sitting. Some blended into brick walls, wall paper, buses, billboards, park benches and a variety of other things. One man pulls a Sprite out of his bag, takes a sip and then realizes that he does not have to blend into the wall. He proceeds to take of his clothing, which is the same color as the wall and remove the paint from his face until he is wondering around in his underwear. He wonders around the city until he runs into this attractive woman and he sees she has realized that same thing because her clothes are removed and she has a Sprite in her hand. They then smile at each other and that s how the commercial ended. For this commercial there were both good and bad comments. The positive comments talked about how cool it was to have a camo theme for bringing out how unique everyone is and the negative, in my opinion missed the entire message of the video and wrote about how tacky and disrespectful it was to have people removing their ... Get more on ...
  • 25. How Interracial Marriage Affects Children How interracial Marriage Affects Children What do you think that your reactions would be if your sibling or friend introduced their spouse, who happened to be from another race? Would you be taken aback? Would you never accept the situation? If that would be the case, it is the time to face the reality. These days, mixed color families and couples are common. I have personally seen many cases. Interracial marriages happen everywhere. Even in Korea where people are proud of a five thousand year of history of homogeneous population, interracial marriages occur. What is the interracial marriage? It means marriage between different races that is a form of exogamy. The term of interracial marriage is synonymous with interethnic marriage, ... Show more content on ... Moreover, regardless of their own inner problems with identity, there would be negative effects from outside. The first social group that children meet is family; parents role is specially important and has the biggest impact in their lives. Multiracial parents are different races from the child. Between parents, a multiracial child might try to choose one identity. One parent might try to pull child in one direction while the other parent tries to pull the child in a different direction. At times, if one parent is not chosen, he/she gives the child negative feedback to their child. This can cause lack of supporting that the children should get from parents, and it may influence children s emotional stability. Even though at times parents and child agree on the child s identity, society does not accept their decision. In both cases, children might lay blame on their parents, and it brings resentment in a family. ( Interracial Marriages ) The other problem that the children may face in the family is conflict with relatives or siblings (Rosenblatt, Karis, and Powell). Most times, grandparents are close to the multiracial child. However, sometimes because of their traditional views, grandparents might be afraid of being associated with children of another color. In other words, they feel fear from being stigmatized whey they are seen with their multiracial grandchildren. At times, the child might be pushed the one side of the family of the parents that the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Copyright Protection on Internet LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ON INTERNET (08BS0001781) SECTION F Contents {text:bookmark start} INTRODUCTION {text:bookmark end} {text:bookmark start} 1.1 About Intellectual Property [1] {text:bookmark end} It is not material wants that seek ownership, but the ideas, skills and moral aspirations need equal protection. It refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. Intellectual property is divided into two categories: Industrial property, which includes inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial designs, and geographic indications of source; and Copyright, which includes literary ... Show more content on ... While India has entered the global patent regime, awareness and expertise on the subject of IPR in India is still highly inadequate. Present skills do not extend towards protecting indigenous inventions or understanding the implications of patents granted to competitors. Further, the ability to read or write patents is grossly lacking when viewed in the context of global practices. Indian industry and businessmen cannot afford to be indifferent to these new requirements. India s knowledge based industries will be looking at filing international patents and their skills in filing, reading and exploring patents will be very crucial in the years to come. Lawyers and Law firms are most useful in assisting various IPR management, protection and infringement of patents in India and abroad. Any attorney may register trademarks or copyrights, or initiate or defend any kind of IP litigation. Yet, because many attorneys are unfamiliar with IP fundamentals, small business owners should seek advice of specialists. Most people know enough about real estate property, rough cost according to its location. They also know to clear title before making a purchase or commencing construction. However, when it comes to IPR, most of them are ignorant and offer comparatively cheap insurances against the risk. Few people starting businesses have equivalent knowledge ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Jimmy Baca s Life And Destiny Born in 1952 in Santa Fe of Chicano and Apache descent, Jimmy Santiago Baca was abandoned by his parents at the age of 13 years old, he got placed in an orphanage by his grandmother which he ran away from as soon as possible. He was convicted on drug charges in 1973 and has spent five years in prison. While he served prison he learned to read and began writing poetry. Jimmy Baca recaptures his life and his struggles in A Place to Stand. When Jimmy was young he saw his father go to jail, addicted to alcohol, a mother that abandoned him for another man, and siblings broken apart mentally. This story explores the idea that no matter what background you come from you can rise above it and overcome any obstacle. Also, the environment in ... Show more content on ... The story explains how he had severe mental and physical abuse and how they treated him like an animal while serving his sentence. The only way he was able to hold himself was through reading and writing poetry, stories, and art. What made his story so special is that he is able to not only overcome so many obstacles, but he also is able to better himself and get educated. He shows us readers how even if you re in a bad situation like his, nothing could stop you from accomplishing your dream and educating yourself to become a better version of yourself. Throughout his life Jimmy found passion for poetry. Poetry became a big part of his life, he found out that it helped him escape his harsh reality of being in prison. Poetry became something to aspire to live up. It informed how I saw the world and purpose to it. pg (5) He found poetry as a tool to help him escape from everything he had been through in his life. Which made him more knowledgeable about life and the reasoning behind everything. Jimmy went through a lot of pain his experience would soon be the cause of a life filled with trust issues. I felt lost and confused around grown ups. They never told the truth. They were always hiding something that would eventually hurt me. pg (19). This shows how people are not satisfied until they sabatoge someone else s happiness. Be careful who you trust, not everyone can be trusted. Witnessing his father in jail and addicted to alcohol, his mother leaving, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Voter Suppression And Voting Suppression What is voter suppression? The voter suppression strategy is used to influence the outcome of an election by dissuading voters from exercising their right to vote. Voter suppression should not be comparable to campaigning because the two differs significantly. Campaigning in its political sense is the ability to change voter s likelihood of voting behavior to change their opinions through persuasion. Voter suppression on the other hand attempts to reduce the number of voters by means of suppression. History of voter suppression The United States first began to deal with the issue of voter suppression during the Reconstruction. During Reconstruction freed slaves earned their right to vote and hold office through the fifteenth amendment in 1870. In 1877, Democrats, known as Dixiecrats, began to impose laws that were designed to suppress the African American vote or better known as Jim Crow Laws. The Jim Crow voting laws required the freedmen to pass literacy tests that they were unable to pass because of no formal education because of their status of slaves. Many states created poll taxes, which many poor Americans, white and black, were unable to pay. Many precincts made their voting precincts white only so that blacks would have nowhere to cast their votes. The Jim Crow voter suppression tactics were so successful that only three percent of African Americans in the south were registered to vote in 1940. Although African American males were given the right to vote in ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Essay on Doomed Relationships in the Bread Givers by... Doomed Relationships in the Bread Givers The Bread Givers, written by Anzia Yezierska, revolves around a starving lower east side family whose daughter rebels against her fathers strict conception of the role of a Jewish woman. The major theme of this novel is doomed relationships. There are several of these that are thoroughly analyzed in the novel. These include the relationship between Rabbi Smolinksy and the females in his family as well as those in his society, between him and his son in laws, between the Smolinsky daughters and their husbands, between the Smolinsky daughters and their heritage, between Rabbi Smolinksy and his heritage, and lastly, between the old and the new. The following will concentrate on three of latter ... Show more content on ... Of the doomed relationship between the females and Rabbi Smolinksy, there is one female that stands out. This is the rocky relationship between Rabbi Smolinsky and his youngest daughter Sara. Sara, from a young age, was independent. This independence was illustrated at the time when her family was destitute and starving. On her own initiative, Sara ran out into the street to sell herring in order to bring a couple of dollars home to her family. There is a conflict in Saras independence. On one hand, her independence is useful in that it allowed her to assist with the family finances. On the other hand, Rabbi Smolinsky is opposed to her independence because of the fear that she will leave the house, as well as the family values, all together. Rabbi Smolinsky needs Sara at home indefinitely, or at least to marry into a wealthy family, who will then support him. This is not Saras ambition. Due to their clash in values, Sara reaches her breaking point and runs off to become the independent soul she is. My will is as strong as yours, she replies. Nobody can stop me. I m not from the old country. I m American! Sara then rediscovers her independence through education, employment, and love. The last doomed relationship in the novel, is the relationship between Rabbi Smolinsky s daughters and their husbands. Relationships require a stable foundation in which to grow. If that foundation is weak at ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Budgeting And Forecasting For Business Budgeting and Forecasting for Business By Steve AH Lloyd | Submitted On August 13, 2013 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Steve AH Lloyd Business purpose The purpose of any budgeting or forecasting activity is to obtain a forward looking view of the business in order to facilitate resource allocation and decision making. The financial forecasts you prepare are a means to that end, not an end in themselves. You need to have this ... Show more content on ... You, or one of your team, should be available to support them in this exercise. This should give you the basic information to prepare your operating profit and loss. You then need assumptions on · Borrowings Interest · Tax · Capex disposals · Working capital movements · Share issues · Dividends To allow you to work up a balance sheet and cash forecast. Ensure you leave time in the plan for your team to pull the various components together and for at least one re working of the budget if the original version is unsatisfactory. Tools and systems
  • 31. Everyone has access to Microsoft Excel and it is possible to build very effective budget systems with this software. You need to be particularly aware of the risks of spreadsheets and the ease with which errors can creep in. Don t exclude the use of specialist budgeting software. Well implemented, it can dramatically reduce timescales and improve accuracy. Look for a product that allows you to control different versions of the budget and that integrates well both with Excel and your main business software. In the first year of use, you need to allow plenty of time for implementation. You will probably end up with myriad versions of the budget applying different assumptions. Keep a log of the versions with the changes that were made so that you know exactly what each version ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Paul Giles Transnationalism In 2003, as Paul Giles wrote his article Transnationalism and Classic American Literature , there was no universal agreement among American Studies scholars on the theoretical approach that should be viewed as principal (Giles 62 63). At that time, along with well established traditions, the idea of transnationality of American culture in general and American literature in particular came into consideration (Giles 62). In his article, Paul Giles appears as a supporter of the transnationalism. Giles claims that both American culture and American literature have always been force fields of transnational conflict and of struggles for dominion (75); in other words, he asserts that America has never been completely separated from global affairs, ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Correlation Between Influencing Organization Culture... The correlation between influencing organization culture and leaderships go hand and hand. Organizational culture refers to the beliefs and values that exist in an organization and to the beliefs of the staff and the foreseen value of their work that will influence their work ethic. Schein (1992, 2004) defines the culture of a group or organization as shared assumptions and beliefs about the world and their place in it, the nature of time and space, human nature, and human relationships. (pg. 326) On the other hand, leadership provides the vision and helps the organization move in the direction to accomplish the best or the organization and the employees. It is important to understand the relationship between organizational culture and leadership and how they influence each other. Yukl states that by changing the culture of an organization, top management can indirectly influence the motivation and behavior of organization members. Research on organizational culture provides further insight into the dynamics of transformational leadership and the processes by which a leader s charisma may become institutionalized. (pg. 326) In the article, it talks about four ways to influence organizational culture Programs, Systems, Structures, and Cultural Forms. Design of management systems and programs Criteria for rewards and personnel decisions Design of structure and facilities Symbols, ritual, ceremonies, and stories. Depending on the leadership ... Get more on ...
  • 34. My Life At The Medical School When I started observing life, I was grandson of a carpenter, son of a businessman and a house wife, brother of a veterinarian and two sisters. I found everyone loving and caring for me. They equipped me with every single tool to make my way smooth toward my goal. I worked hard, stayed focused and got admission in medical school. Being a medical student was more interesting than what I imagined before going to the medical school. I found medical sciences dynamic and versatile. I studied well and enjoyed every single aspect of my life at the medical school. On the last day of my 4th year in medical school, I received a call from my brother about my nephew. My nephew lost consciousness due to vomiting and dehydration with pneumonia at the age of 1 year. I rushed to hospital and when I reached, I saw my nephew was in coma. I found it hard to bear the tears in the eyes of my brother and rest of my family. He was diagnosed with ketoacidosis due to type 1 diabetes. He opened his eyes on 7th day of his admission with manifestations of severe cerebral insult. After the discharge, he had several similar episodes with normal blood sugar levels and it was described as honeymoon period for the disease. During an episode, we took him to another tertiary care facility where he was diagnosed with organic academia. The pediatric Gastroenterologist Human Arshad and pediatric Neurologist Akbar Malik took special interest and helped us to recover from the episode. Unfortunately no diagnostic ... Get more on ...
  • 35. What Is The Pity For The Minotaur Pity for the Minotaur There are many interesting Greek myths, but the Minotaur is one of the most interesting to me. The Minotaur was an evil monster also known as the beast . He had the head of a bull and the body of a man. He is the mutant child of a human mother and a bull father. I ask myself, could life have been different for the Minotaur? I believe the Minotaur suffered the wrath of Poseidon because of the greed and hubris of his father, Minos. I pity the beast because Poseidon s spell that was placed on Pasiphae was to punish Minos for not sacrificing his bull. The spell was to make Pasiphae lust after a bull that Minos liked and did not want to sacrifice and instead sacrificed a lesser bull. Pasiphae became pregnant by the ... Show more content on ... He is the reason of savagery and the order of chaos. We have all had times where we feel savage. The beast was an untamable part of nature in the myth. To confront the Minotaur in the dark labyrinth is the same as confronting our fears of the unknown, the labyrinth was a chamber of death . All humans experience rage and aggression that builds inside them and some have a hard time knowing how to control it where, as the Minotaur only knows rage and aggression because that is all he has been shown. The Minotaur was also half human and could have been capable of good and rational thoughts had he been raised to do so. In most stories of someone who has evil intentions, there is always a reason and it usually comes from something in their past or how they were raised. I think the Minotaur could have felt remorse, but in the Greek times his remorse would not have mattered. Greeks believed human reason could do a lot, but the Minotaur was not all human and the Greeks seen him as the enemy of reason . The story of the Minotaur could have been different, and he could have been the hero instead of the fierce flesh eating beast that everyone feared. He could have saved the young victims that were thrown into the labyrinth and they could have fought back against King Minos. Maybe if he defeated King Minos he could have been the king, now that would have been a story to write ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Licensed Practical Nurse Career Analysis In this research paper the job of a licensed practical nurse (LPN) is explained. Many articles have been used on this topic to support all of my information written. In detail you will learn about the type of work done by an LPN, necessary personal qualities needed to be an LPN, benefits of this job, educational requirements, the work environment, the job outlook , and much more. With the help of many published articles from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Ferguson s Career Guidance Center, and the New York State Education Department you will learn a great amount of information related to this topic. I will also be gathering much detail from The Overview of Health Care Careers written by R. Delaet (2014). This paper thoroughly examines ... Show more content on ... Department of Labor (2014) LPNs are usually found working in home health care services, hospitals, nursing care facilities, residential care facilities, and offices of physicians. It is also written that examples of these would include nursing homes, private homes, and extended care facilities. Also according to the U.S. Department of Labor (2014) it is said that hospitals usually hire the most LPNs to work. Also mentioned, an LPN s work environment requires them to wear scrubs as their daily uniforms. This job results in nurses on their feet a majority of their work hours. According to a reliable article published on the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) a great amount of an LPNs work full time, in shifts usually 8 hours ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Persuasive Essay on Layoffs Persuasive Essay: Layoffs within a Company Prudence Blackman COMM/215 October 13, 2014 Dr. Stephanie Lyncheski Persuasive Essay: Layoffs within a Company The decision to lay off employees cannot be the easiest for companies. There is a variety of different reasons why employers layoff their employees, and the laws in many states allow them to at any time as long as the reason does not contravene state or federal law. Being let go from your job can happen by firing or layoff, and though neither is, usually, desired, the layoff is typically the method that carries less of a stigma. Firing occurs with one worker for any reason that, usually, involves job performance, unethical behavior or personality differences. Meanwhile, a layoff, ... Show more content on ... The more you can provide them with the peace of mind that comes with knowing what is going on, the more there will be in the office. Involve employees in brainstorming for solutions. Even if layoffs are inevitable, there will be a ripple effect through the office, including the possibility of an increased workload for many individuals. Get the employee s input on this process and allow them to have a say in how those new responsibilities are addressed. The more you make them feel they have a voice, the more loyal they will be through difficult times (Zatzick, Zhoa, amp; Tingling, 2014). In an article Layoff: A Four Letter Word in the Economy Martin (1998 2014) states that, It has been difficult in recent years to find good people. However, sometimes it is better to have a position vacant than to hire poorly especially in management. One bad manager can take down tens to thousands with them (Martin, 1998 2014, para.10). Maintain a flexible workforce, hire contractors for short term needs, and hire temporary or seasonal help for short term work. Hire part timers who are willing to work only during the peak periods of need. Offer job sharing options to current employees (para11). Create a contingency plan. It is better to have well thought out and developed plan over a quickly devised scheme. It is also much better off to have a plan to review if something bad happens than to have to invent something in the heat of a crisis (Martin, 1998 2014, para.11). ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Political Crisis Of Crimea Topic Overview (300 words): The situation in Crimea is one that is considered to be one of the most complex geo political crisis that Europe has ever faced. When discussing this topic, the region of Crimea refers to the autonomous republic within Ukraine which lies on a peninsula from the south of Ukraine, between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.3 It is important to note that the region of Crimea contains a majority of ethnically Russian population. Although these individuals are still Ukrainian citizens, they (generally) identify closely with Russia. During this crisis, Ukraine faced the most amount of unrest from citizens since its independence in 1991.1 On February 28th, 2014, the Crimean region of Ukraine was overtaken by a ... Show more content on ... However, solutions to this conflict are bleak. Although it is important that Russia face it s deserved retribution, the countries within the UNDP must conjure a solution which does not aggravate Russia to an unstoppable extent. The Russian Federation has proven to be irrational, and ignorant to international law, thus, a careful course of action must be taken. Historical Analysis (600 words): Ukraine and the Soviet Union On December 20th, 1922, Ukraine and Russia were two of the founding member countries who signed the union treaty which formally began the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (the USSR.) In the decades following, many Ukrainians showed discontent with the Soviet Regime 1. This discontent was rooted due to many different circumstances, an integral one being the man made famine created by Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union, during his collectivism campaign. In 1932, approximately 7 million peasants perished, and many blamed the campaign started by the Soviet Regime. Additionally, Ukrainians were punished severely for any anti government sentiment, and millions were killed with purposeful starvation. In 1991, Ukraine finally gained its independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, Russian sentiments regarding its regional supremacy over areas of Ukraine (such as Crimea) still live on to this day. Ukraine since independence Since the independence of Ukraine, ... Get more on ...