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The Ultimate Inspirational
Writing Quotes (As Memes) |
Positive Writer
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The Ultimate Inspirational Writing Quotes (As Memes) | Positive Writer The Ultimate Inspirational Writing Quotes
(As Memes) | Positive Writer
Leg Training Machines
3 sets of Gethin approved chest training machines
When you climb the leg crimper and use it to operate the chest, you may get an obscure appearance
from other gym players. But please believe Kris Gethin and his fanatical view of the gym and open a
possible world!
Even if I have raised the weight for nearly two decades, I can still use my previous experience to
surprise my muscles. As a weight training student always allows me to find something different, even
if I am only familiar with the tools in my master.
For example, machine designs are easy to use, but they are also well suited for use in body parts that
are not designed for them. There is little imagination, the chest machine can become a rowing
machine. Leg crimp or extension can ... Show more content on ...
Smith machine weighted push pull
After applying the right weight on the Smith machine, I like to set it as low as possible, and then put
my body underneath, face down, and press the bar in the middle of my back. From here, I will do push
ups, increase resistance, make every delegate work harder.
The push ups are undoubtedly the poor exercise of chest exercises, and I think the resistance with
Smith machines is the perfect way to eliminate the skin. My favorite method is to use a controlled
rhythm to make the tension really burnt my skin while avoiding excessive stress on the shoulder and
In my third week practicing eight weeks hardcore trainer s third week, I took the next step with this
unique collection: 10 on behalf of the bar with my shoulders, and then when I failed, I climbed out and
immediately again Failed weight.
I am in another unique sport, launched barbell fly, more than 3 times 10 behalf of the exercise.
2. Leg Crimping Machine Down Button
This may seem like an extension of the triceps at first glance, but try it and it will soon become
obvious that it is perfectly done to complete the pecs. Also, the execution is almost stupid. Kneeling in
front of the sitting leg crimping machine, I just pushed the mat from
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Mcgraw Hill Companies, Inc.
McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. As said by the company s vision declaration, its intention is to unlock
the full potential of each learner. Because the learning methods and styles are extremely important to
be tailored individually, the company s main efforts are based on making this process easy, accessible,
and convenient as much as possible. The action of digitalizing the learning tools and services
supported by online sources, are the best ways of attracting learners, and make their educational lives
easier. McGraw Hill s uses the digital and online tools and technology to make schooling available to
every instructor, student, researcher, and etc. all around the world without the time and place
limitations and restrictions. The close connection between the company s (all departments ) employees
and instructors (globally) enables the firm to be up to date with teachers needs, desires, and wishes,
and create tools, services, and platforms that will make teaching and learning interesting and exciting.
The company s desire is to increase the students grades and passing statistics by making studying as
affordable and easy as possible. It s the wish of the firm to create more educated people that is a noble
intention (McGraw Hill Education).
McGraw Hill takes part in community responsibility by trying to create a brighter future for learners
around the world . It takes pride in its various educational research departments such as science,
technology, internet, and all other
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Descriptive Essay About Swimming
There were families and friends along with me sitting in the benches surrounding the pool area.
Patiently waiting for the swimmers to arrive. After a couple of minutes we turn our heads to the left
and saw different schools arriving with swimmers on every yellow bus. All of them with their duffle
bags heading to the locker room. As the swimmers approached the pool area the smell of sunscreen
and chlorine surrounded us. We were now going to see the development of every swimmer after their
long hours and weeks of practice. The swimmers were all doing different types of things. Some
finishing putting sunscreen on, others asking for help to put their caps on, and the rest socializing.
Coaches then giving them a warning to finish up and gather around. As the swimmers gathered you
could see how anxious they all were. The coaches assigned them to different lanes to do a 500 yard
warm up of every stroke and dive. These strokes were freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly, and back.
Every stroke they practiced had there own technique. This was the last time swimmers were able to
work on their stroke techniques, turns, and dives before their events. As they were all coming to an
end of their warm up you could see the anxiety on their faces. Coaches calling them over one last
time. They were explaining to every single one of their swimmers the rules and events they would be
competing. Some swimmers looked excited and others begging their coaches to change their events.
They were either
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Themes Of The Four Quartets
Manganiello focuses on the interplay between Dante and Eliot manifested in their use of the
Incarnation. Drawing on the intent search of the confused speaker of The Waste Land, Manganiello
proposes that the Four Quartets answers the search for the essential word with Logos. The epigraphs
for Burnt Norton, the opening quartet, center around Logos and the intersections of time. Manganiello
fleshes out Eliot s exploration of time and eternity through the lens of the Incarnation. The Incarnation
is, of course, the meeting of divinity and humanity, of time and timelessness, of Logos and flesh.
Drawing on Dante s comparison of God to both a circle and a point the eternal and the temporal
Manganiello begins utilizing images from the Divine Comedy, specifically the Paradiso, to provide a
deeper understanding of Eliot s themes in the Four Quartets. Focusing specifically on Burnt Norton,
Manganiello narrows in on the rose garden, examining the primal memories of both an earthly and
supra terrestrial paradise of bliss it triggers. He eventually concludes that, Eliot, like Dante, invites the
reader to cross over from the human to the divine, from time to eternity (111). Switching his focus to
the intersection of time and eternity in the Incarnation, Manganiello discusses an article Eliot
translated for the Criterion entitled On Reading Einstein . The article, written by Charles Mauron,
argues that Einstein s theory of relativity does not
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Vaccines Are The Best Effective Preventative Tools Against...
Vaccines are thought to be some of the most effective preventative tools against highly infectious
disease processes and their complications. Routine vaccinations in the United States have led to
drastic declines in vaccine preventable diseases (Omer, Salmon, Orenstein, DeHart, Halsey, 2010)
such as mumps, rubella, polio, smallpox and diphtheria. These diseases are occurring at less than 1%
of what they were during the pre vaccine era, especially in higher income countries. Vaccination
requirements can be traced back to 1855, when United States schools began requiring immunizations
for school entry. As a result of this requirement, vaccine coverage levels have resulted in widespread
immunity throughout the population, thus significantly ... Show more content on ...
Aside from the safety and efficacy concerns, are parental concerns that their children could not handle
the administration of simultaneous vaccinations. To combat this concern, 26% of parents elect to
follow an alternative vaccination schedule (as opposed to the schedule recommended by the Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices) and have been reported to refuse vaccines such as those for
MMR, while another 54% delay the administration of the vaccine (Shimi, 2012). Some of the most
recent parental concerns in regards to vaccine safety are a result of the unsubstantiated link between
vaccines and autism. Although unsupported by a credible body of scientific evidence, there has been a
marked increase in the number of parents refusing or delaying vaccinations. Plain and simple, refusing
immunizations places the public at great risk and can impact the health of the community as well as
the delivery and practice of public health. In 2007, an article published within the Journal of the
Medical Association paralleled the annual average sum of cases and resulting deaths of assorted
diseases before the advent of vaccines, to those occurring just the year prior. Before the advent of an
effective diphtheria vaccine in the 1930s, the
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Essay about Mark Twain
Mark Twain
Mark Twain is believed to be the father of all American literature. Twain was known for writing about
issues of his time such as slavery, due to his style of honesty and truth he was known as one of the
very first modernist writers. Mark Twain had many inspirations that motivated him to write his novels.
The inspirations varied from events that he witnessed and experienced, people he met in his lifetime,
other stories he read or heard about, and his environment. The writer known as, Mark Twain, was
actually born with the name Samuel Langhorne Clemens in Florida, Missouri, to John Marshall
Clemens and Jane Lampton Clemens on November 30, 1835. While Samuel Clemens was very young
the Clemens family moved to Hannibal, ... Show more content on ...
He deserted two weeks after enlisting.
Later that same year, Clemens headed West with his older brother, Orion, in search of great wealth,
mining silver in the deserts of Nevada. Samuel Langhorne Clemens was a completely unsuccessful
miner; however he still managed to make a living, largely due to his skills in journalism. He was
employed by the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise. In the years that he was employed by the
Territorial Enterprise, Clemens developed his abilities as a reporter and humorist. In 1863, while still
employed by the Territorial Enterprise, Clemens adopted the pseudonym Mark Twain which is a
riverboat term meant two fathoms deep. Clemens made a gradual change to using Mark Twain as his
official pen name. The name Mark Twain gave Clemens the confidence and freedom to make his
writing more humoristic. Due to his new confidence and humorist style Twain began a rivalry with
another local journalist. The rivalry eventually caused Twain to flee Virginia City or lose his life in a
pistol duel to the rival journalist. Twain relocated in San Francisco, where he continually attacked the
metropolis government, which caused him to flee to a nearby settlement from the city s police force.
Twain heard some local folklore about a leaping frog which prompted him to write a humorous piece
titled, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County which was circulated by the New York
Saturday Press. The piece enabled Twain to gain the respect of
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Mark Twain Writing Style Analysis
Mark Twain has a very unique writing style compared to the many other authors in the world.
Growing up, his father had died due to pneumonia, so he quit school to work as a printer s apprentice
with the Hannibal Journal to help support his family. Working at the Virginia City newspaper he began
using his new famous pen name, Mark Twain. From there, he published his first book in 1869 known
as, The Innocents Abroad. Mark Twain wrote many books that were inspired by his childhood,
traveling frequently, and his time spent in the library educating himself. Twain has a style that no
author will have as he wrote many of his books talking abouthis childhood. This attracts a lot of
attention from readers as he actually had not had a father in his life. In the book, The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn, on page 134, it states, Yes, he s got a father, but you can t ever find him these days.
This means that although he does have a father, it does not necessarily mean that he is in his life.
Another childhood quote from the book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, was stated on page
156. It states, I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. Although Twain was required
to attend school, he felt there was no substitute for educating himself through living life to the fullest.
The first hand accounts that Twain experienced during his childhood helped mold his ideas and views
of society. Another factor that influenced Twain s writing style was traveling frequently.
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The Importance Of Religion In Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. knew from an early age how important religion was for his family. King came
from a family of preachers, his father and grandfather, who helped lead him to also being a preacher.
King went to college for theology and continued his academic career by earning a doctorate degree in
theological studies. These degrees will help guide King in his writings and speeches. King uses
religion to prove the point on why the protests are not a bad thing to the audience of the eight
clergymen. King wrote a letter that reaches audiences that weren t thought of when it was written. He
knew of the clergyman and many of the then present day populations that were going to read his story,
but the letters have touched so many people in the present day. King knew his then present day
audience to a tee. He starts his letter with one of his key indicators; My dear Fellow Clergymen (263).
While doing this he knew who was going to read the letter but also that these people will understand
his references to religion, in which the letter is littered with references to the Bible. King uses religion
to prove why he is in Birmingham. He is there to spread the message, but was thrown into jail and is
trying to prove a point on why there is significance for the protest in Birmingham; I am in
Birmingham because injustice is here. Just as the eight century prophets left their little villages and
carried their thus saith the Lord far beyond the boundaries of their home town, and just
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Hernan Cortes Impact On The Aztec Civilization
Accomplished navigator Hernan Cortes had many significant expeditions including the conquer that
impacted the Aztec Civilisation all due to his motives, causes and changes. Spanish conquistador and
explorer Hernando Cortez growing up with military running in the blood as his father was an officer
of the Spanish Army had an extremely pressured life. Both parents wanting his to become a lawyer, he
attended an university at age of 14. By the age of 19 he was pursuing his dream and began his first
voyage, becoming one of the most significant figures in history. Born in 1485, Medellin, Spain
conquistador Cortes was best known for his many expeditions and his well known expedition to the
now known Mexico, where he conquered the Aztec society.
In 1516, Cortes started his own expedition, Velaquez tried to cancel it but he dis obeyed his orders. He
set off with 500 men, 11 ships. Cortes had heard rumours that the expedition could contain great
wealth. Although he might have been wanting just to spread the Spanish society or bring the Cristian
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This is when Spain claimed Mexico and other indigenous states around. The Spaniards began building
churches and buildings on sacred grounds why trying to destroy the Aztec culture. This is very
significant because there was no more culture for the remaining Aztecs to live off and was definitely a
change. The Spanish language was also brought in during this period of time and they only taught
Spanish and English language from the moment the empire was taken over. Several years after Cortes
s conquest of Mexico he was governor for a while but got taken from power once he returned from
another conquest. Years after the defeat of the empire Spaniards began building Mexico city on the
ruins, later after many Spaniards and Europeans began living there. There was a series of epidemics 50
60 years later but nothing major
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Case Study Of Pepsi Cola
Long before now has branding been considered as one of the peripheral aspects of business.
Manufacturers, investors and other key players focused on the product without paying much attention
to the consumer. But as the business landscape got tougher, marketing became not just an integral part
of business but one of the fundamental principles of success.
In recent times, branding has played a pivotal role in some brands success. This has been made
possible through the ability of some marketers to capture the essence and minds of people
(consumers), and put the trends and characteristics into the personality of a brand. Customers have
always found ways to identify themselves with certain products, and on several occasions, branding
campaigns ... Show more content on ...
Belch and Belch (2001) stated that the ultimate goal of an organization is to create brand loyalty,
which in return, ensures continued patronage. Pepsi Cola is one of the world s most popular drinks
holding about 29.3% of the entire fizzy drinks market (Esterel, 2011). Pepsi cola is a brand known for
reinventing itself with its various logo changes. These rebranding campaigns have been strategically
positioned to keep the Pepsi brand relevant within its target audience, the youth. Pepsi still desires to
be perceived as trendy, and appealing to the younger generation. The rebranding campaigns are meant
to appeal to the forth coming generation and eventually create brand loyalty. Pepsi have adopted a
brand campaign set to distinguish them from other brands. They present the brand as a contemporary
product as opposed to a classic relic and thus they grab the attention of the youth. It is therefore very
important to understand the loyalty consumers have towards a brand that has undergone several
changes that include facelifts and general rebranding. It should however be noted that any one of these
evolutionary trends will always have consequences. It would be interesting to unravel how much of a
success Pepsi has achieved over the years especially with its most recent rebranding
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Jamie Fielder Essay
Superpowers. Life would function a lot easier if everyone possessed these incredible abilities. Sadly
though, these abilities live in the mythical worlds of comic books and movies. Even though some
people are led to believe that their lives would be a million times better with these capabilities, they
would not be. Life may contain hard times and good times, although, the way those times are handled
is what really matters. There is one woman in this world who conquered obstacle after obstacle and
has found the way to deal with anything she faces. She was able to find the perfect balance between
family, friends, work, and volunteering in her life, and her name is Jamie Fielder. No matter what the
job or activity, Jamie does it full time. Jamie ... Show more content on ...
Originally she attended the University of Rhode Island to become a special education teacher,
although she left school with her degree in nursing. The rather large change in career choices was
driven by one of Jamie s biggest act with her superpowers. During Jamie s attendance at URI her
father in law was diagnosed with Parkinson s disease a disorder that affects the central nervous system
that often causes tremors and affects muscle movements. It was taking care of her father in law that
really brought the superhero light out in her. Day in and day out she would be by his side whenever he
needed her. Also, at the time Jamie was going through an extremely rigorous program to become
licensed in the field of nursing. Without a doubt, during this point her life there was a lot going on,
despite it all though, she went through the time better than most would have. Now invision that
moment in the movie or comic book when all hope seems lost, but in spite of all of it, the superhero
comes and helps the ones in need and saves the day. Jamie did just that to the best of her ability for her
father in law until his very sorrowful but inevitable death from Parkinson s
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Rhetorical Analysis Of The ASPCA Commercial By Sarah...
The commercial by ASPCA has one message, and that is to protect and better the condition of life for
national, farm, and wild animals. ASPCA is a non profit organization dedicated to preventing cruelty
to animals. They have a mission, that is to rescue, save and help animals all around North America
because there are way too many cases of animal cruelty and neglect. Sarah McLachlan makes an
argument about animals being abused and neglected, and how we can change that by a mere donation.
This argument persuades the audience with the small videos and pictures in the background showing
sad, hurt, and neglected animals that need a home with owners who will love and take care of them.
The commercial is very persuasive in many aspects. Throughout
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Preventing Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Children Essay
Preventing Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Children
Hospitalization for any family is a hard situation to deal with, when it is a child in the hospital the
situation because even tougher to handle. Because of the delicate situation of family members in the
hospital it is imperative that the patient does not obtain any hospital acccuired conditions. One of the
most common hospital acquired infections (HAI) is ventilator assocaited pneumonia (VAP). Although
it is commonly seen in the hospital setting it can have devastating effects, especially on children.
Prevention of VAP is the goal for critical care nurses in all hospitals.
Although many people have heard of or had pneumonia many people are not aware of what ventilator
associated ... Show more content on ...
Younger children are more likely to acuire VAP than adults because of their decrease function of the
immune system.
Dental plaque is a main culprit of causing VAP in young patients. The mouth harbors many bacterias
including gram positive and gram negative bacterias. To prevent ventilator associated pneumonia from
dental plaque guidelines have been set up to decrease the risks. For all infants and children every two
hours the oral cavity should be moistened and the lips should be coated with petroleum jelly. For
children with teeth it is recommended that the teeth be brushed every twelve hours with fluoride
toothpaste, oral cavity suctioning should be done frequently but do not rinse the mouth. Daily oral
care with 0.6% chlorhexidine for children over 6 who have teeth is also indicated.
There are numerous other techniques used to prevent VAP. Like many respiratory problems the head
of the bed should always be elevated to between 30 and 45 degrees to prevent aspiration of fluids and
sputum. The tubing for the ventilator should only be changed on a as needed basis. The continuous
changing of tubes moves the bacteria and can introduce new bacteria into the respiratory system.
Patients should also receive sedation vacations and prophylaxis medications to prevent peptic ulcers.
Weaning of the mechanical ventilator should also be done as soon as possible
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An Individual s Reflexes Increase With Age
An individual s reflexes decrease with age which affects their ability to drive. The ability to make
quick decisions is an important skill to have to avoid accidents. Reflexes allow an individual to react
quickly to a dangerous driving situation. It is the time an individual takes to slam on the brake or
avoid an obstruction that makes reflexes so important while driving, Geriatrics poor reflexes create
delayed reactions which ultimately increase the risk for accidents. Reflexes are needed to prevent
various types of accidents such as rear ending and pedestrian striking. It is probable that as one ages,
the connection between the two hemispheres of your brain become delayed (University of Michigan).
Author Rachael Seidler states, The ... Show more content on ...
Cognition is defined as a mental action that is a result of intuition, sensation, and perception. Medical
Doctors at Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine states, cognitive impairment is
defined as a decline in at least one of the following domains: short term memory, attention,
orientation, judgment and problem solving skills, and visuospatial skills (Washington University). All
important skills to have drive, it is evident that geriatrics cognitive impairment affect the ability to
drive safely. Prevalent medical problems such as Dementia and Alzheimer s disease also contribute to
an older driver s cognitive impairment. Whether it is forgetting to put on a seatbelt or forgetting how
to drive to a familiar location, these diseases affect safe driving. According to S. Lloyd, Outpatient
surveys indicate that about 30 percent of older adults with dementia are current drivers (American
Academy of Family Physicians). Dementia can affect memory, visual perception, and focus while
driving. One of the most dangerous symptoms of Dementia is confusion. Confusion varies including
forgetting familiar roads, forgetting meanings of road signs, or forgetting the basic rules of the road. It
is evident that confusion at four way stops and intersections increases the risk for accident occurrence
as well. One of the most prevalent type of accidents occurs due to brake pedal confusion. At a local
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America s Education And Political Leaders Essay
By January, 2014, even former U.S. Secretary of Education Arnie Duncan had noticed the dysfunction
(Elliott, 2014) among Indiana s education and political leaders. A 2015 Senate Bill was even authored
that would have ended Indiana s practice of electing the state education chief so one could be
appointed by the governor (SB 24). A look at the headlines in the Indianapolis Star over the past
couple of years sums up nicely the relationship among Indian s educational and political leaders:
November 5, 2014: 10 epic clashes between Glenda Ritz, Indiana State Board of Education
December 3, 2014: Glenda Ritz loses another State Board of Education battle
January 14, 2015: Senate education bills would strip power from Glenda Ritz
February 18, 2015: Senate OKs change in selection of Education Board chair; Glenda Ritz could be
left out
April 30, 2015: Glenda Ritz considers running for governor after legislative attacks
May 7, 2015: Pence signs bill stripping Ritz of education authority
August 30, 2015: GOP struggling to find challenger for Glenda Ritz
(Nice long lull in the headlines...)
March 13, 2016: With election looming, Indiana lawmakers played it safe in 2016 session After two
years of public bickering over such topics as rules of order, school A F grades, the Center for
Education and Career Innovation, NCLB waivers, and state takeovers of failing schools, Governor
Pence signed SB 1 in 2015 that will strip leadership of the State Board of Education from the elected
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Confucianism In Chin The Fall Of The Qin Dynasty
There have been many debates among Chinese historians as to the cause of the fall of the Qin
Dynasty. The Qin used force and strict rules to keep a short leash on the people of the kingdom.
However, with the precautions taken by the government, they did not know it would ultimately be
their demise. In order to contain rebellion and to keep the people of the empire ignorant, the
combination of brutality, persecutions, antagonizing of the elites, and denying the Way, led to the short
reign and ultimately the fall of the Qin Dynasty.
In order to start at the very core of the problem with the Qin, one must look into Confucianism.
Confucius, known as Master Qiu or Our Master Kong, lived during the Spring and Autumn Period of
the Zhou Dynasty from 551 479 B.C.E. He was born in Lu in Eastern China of low nobility, but
educated. During this time, war was imminent. He spent a time during his life traveling from state to
state helping, and became employed by rulers who shared his view and perspective of life.
Now labeled as Confucianism, his teachings and philosophies shaped the Chinese world for thousands
of years. Confucius surviving teachings are published in his Analects. Three important conducts that
Confucius associated with moral nobility were: filial, humaneness, and ritual decorum. Filial piety is
the devotion, respect for elders and know your place within the family. A young person who is filial
and respectful of his elders rarely becomes the kind of person who is
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Captain Of Industry Analysis
During the Gilded Age (1870 1900), a period in which things were fraudulent and deceitful, the
surface was clinquant while underneath that lustrous coat laid corruption. Although, entrepreneurs
such as Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould, and Cornelius Vanderbilt also
known as Captains of Industry are recognized for economic prosperity in America after the Civil War,
in 1873 and 1893 the United States suffered from a grave economic depression due to the perfidious
methods the Captain of Industry utilized. Techniques that involved corruption in the government
resulting in monopolies dominating the industry, and increasing their wealth by exploiting workers
often by extended hours and exceedingly low wages. Eventually, ... Show more content on ...
The techniques included employees being paid low wages for long hours; the average income for a
worker was $380 (Captains of Industry or Robber Barons, background essay). By paying the workers
extremely low wages then the more profits for the employer. In 1883, a cartoon named The Protectors
of our Industry displays the inequality between the distribution of wealth in America between the
Captains of Industry and the working class. It demonstrates the Captains of Industry accruing more
wealth through the labor of the workers. As a result of the tactics utilized the men s wealth multiplied
and 9 percent of Americans controlled 75 percent of the national wealth (Captains of Industry or
Robber Barons, background essay). The author s purpose in drawing this was to inform the common
people and the working people and for them to realize what the Captains of Industry are doing is
unequitable. In 1953, a historian stated that the methods that were used were ethically questionable but
it was a natural response to the cutthroat competition of the period . However, the tactics they used by
ruining their competitors and cheating stockholders only managed to create the Panic of 1873 and the
Panic of
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Analysis Of Jack Kerouac s On The Road
Author and Beat literary movement pioneer Jack Kerouac adopts what he calls spontaneous prose as
his own unique style in On the Road. Otherwise known as stream of consciousness, this is a method of
writing that essentially captures the nebulous and unrelated thoughts that cross the narrator s mind at
any given moment, without break for explanation. Critics are quick to point out that this concept is
materialized in the premise of Kerouac s novel On the Road itself, citing the cross country trek that is
the center around which the novel revolves. It is one of confusion, calamity, and carelessness, as well
as fast paced, unpredictable change of direction and complete emancipation of personal responsibility
that is the self proclaimed ... Show more content on ...
Neal s attitude towards society is one more of individuality rather than rebellion. As one critic puts it,
[Neal] doesn t want to overthrow the government, but he doesn t want a government, or anyone else
for that matter, to have control over him (Napierkowski and Stanley 188). He begins to idolize Neal
and his viral, vivid personality. One critic describes the pair s relationship as one of lost brother[s],
and goes on to describe Neal as the like minded, vibrant wanderer that Kerouac desired (Cunnel 8).
Kerouac even grows jealous when Neal meets Allen Ginsberg, where he writes, Two keen minds that
[Allen and Neal] are they took to each other at the drop of a hat... the holy con man the great
sorrowful poetic con man that is Allen Ginsberg. From that moment on I saw very little of Neal and I
was a little sorry too... Their energies met head on. I was a lout compared; I couldn t keep up with
them (Kerouac 112). Kerouac s feelings of inadequacy in terms of the explosive personalities of the
two survive through his strong affinity towards Neal. While in Denver, Neal and Allen try to soul
connect, the two of them both having taken Benzedrine and babbling complete nonsense to each other
straight through the night. The pair realize [Kerouac s] been awake all this time listening, and
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Is Hadoop A Great Data Storage Choice And Hadoop...
Hadoop is a great data storage choice and Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) or Hive is often
used to store transactional data in its raw state. The map reduce processing supported by these Hadoop
frameworks can deliver great performance, but it does not support the same specialized query
optimization that mature relational database technologies do. Improving query performance, at this
time, requires acquiring query accelerators or writing code. Every company who chose to use Hadoop
needs to optimize their architecture in a way compatible to Hadoop.
For example using Hadoop in the architecture would be able process large data sets and if the query
performance is not optimized or if the query is not able to accept the data given, the ... Show more
content on ...
Hadoop excels with managing and processing file based data, especially when the data is voluminous
in the extreme and the data would not benefit from transformation and loading into a DBMS. In fact,
for the kinds of discovery analytics involved with Hadoop, it s best to keep the data in its raw, source
form. This is why Hadoop has such a well deserved reputation with big data analytics.
Using the right combination of Hadoop products and the other platforms can be sensational in terms of
analytics because it has the capacity to analyze analysis of petabytes of Web log data in large Internet
firms, and now is being applied to similar analytic applications involving call detail records in
telecommunications, XML documents in supply chain industries (retail and manufacturing),
unstructured claims documents in insurance, sessionized spatial data in logistics, and a wide variety of
log data from machines and sensors. Hadoop enabled analytics are sometimes deployed in silos, but
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History of Ancient China Essay
History of Ancient China
China is located in East Asia. Ancient China is surrounded by Gobi Desert in the north, the Pacific
Ocean in the east, the Himalayan Mountains in the southwest, and the Taklimakan desert in the west.
This land has a wide variation of animals because of the different habitats provided for them. Most
farming was done in the very fertile lands of the Yangtze valley. Present China is much bigger than
Ancient China, which means that over time, the kings and different dynasties went gaining more and
more land and wealth. All of the major rivers go in a western to eastern direction, and end up in the
Pacific Ocean. The two major rivers of China are the Yangtze and the Huan He. The major river of
North China is ... Show more content on ...
China started having a government in the Shang dynasty. They ruled what would now be Henan,
Hubei, Shandong and part of Anhui. The Shang were an aristocratic society, or a heredity ruling class.
This dynasty was also the first to leave written records. The principal Shang city was Anyang, it was
in a clearance deep inside the forest. In 1027 BC, the Zhou overthrew the Shang and made their own
dynasty. They were both very alike, and there was not much change in culture. But the Zhou brought
up many fresh ideas, which would seem obvious because all people think in different ways, and have
different solutions to their problems. As an excuse of overthrowing the Shang, they said that the last
Shang king had done so badly, that the gods weren t satisfied, so they decided to let the Zhou rule.
This is a part of the mandate of heaven, which meant that the ruler had approval from the gods. The
Zhou dynasty also appointed lands to nobles and members of the king s family, these nobles were
granted land, but the land wasn t theirs, because it all belonged to the king, this was called feudalism.
These nobles had to provide protection to the people that lived there. The social pyramid in this
government are the following. At the top was the king, ruler of all. He appointed nobles, to manage
some land and territory. The nobles were very close to the king, or
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Literature Review On Sales Promotion
Introduction and Literature review Sales promotion is very significant tool of marketing .The purpose
of sales promotion is to increase sales by instilling feeling of purchase on the spot in the mindset of
customers. Behavior of customer is influenced by activities of sales promotion.The sales promotion
tools affect directly on the purchase behavior of the firm s consumers. Firms need to think the
relationship between attitude and behavior of their consumers.
Sales promotion serves three essential roles ; information, persuasion and reminder. The simple
definition given for sales promotion is Sales promotion consist of diverse collection of incentive tools,
mostly short term, designed to stimulate quicker and/or greater purchase of particular ... Show more
content on ...
These factors are target market, Nature of product and services, Stage of the product life cycle and
budget available for promotion. A target market can be in any of six stages namely: awareness,
knowledge, liking, preference, conviction and purchase. Product related issues to be considered are
:Whether product is demonstrable or not, what kind of services are required, what price is acceptable
by target market and how much customization is possible. Product life stage calls for understanding of
various phases such as : Introduction, growth, maturity and decline. Last but not least is promotion
budget. Different methods are available for preparing budgets. (gupta, 2010)
According to Shultz, et al. (1998) also behavior is influenced directly by promotional techniques. It
has little impact on attitude changing factors related to consumers. According to Kwok Uncles(2005)
role of sales promotion is observed in final stages of buying. When the customer is about to finalize
from the chosen choice list sales promotion may trigger the activities.
According to Dotson, M.J. andHyatt, E.M. (2012) companies rely heavily on promotional schemes.
They spend huge promotional budget (75%) on sale promotion. The relative weightage for advertising
is lesser and amounts to 25 percent
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How Does The Nature Of Death Affect Emily Dickinson s Poetry
Death is a Gentleman
Emily Dickinson was a simple woman who was perceived the world around her in complex and novel
ways. Her poetry is nothing short of amazing and she would go on to become one of the greatest
American poets regardless of the fact that she stayed in her parents home for almost all of her life. Her
poetry represented her own faith and objectivity which made her a staple for future poets. Dickinson s
poetry manifests an ongoing struggle with, and strong aversion to many core tenets of, the Christian
religion. (Hughes) Her family and friends where religious and in her poetry she emphasizes the
questioning and rejection of sin, hell and damnation, election, and redemption. (Hughes) Dickinson
was also a transcendentalist, she sought to comprehend the world ... Show more content on ...
Her poetry reflected both aspects and she adopted the ideals of a non strict powerful being. In the
ideals of death Dickinson follows her transcendentalist roots by not associating death as strict, evil, or
in the form of the grim reaper. I believe Emily Dickinson respected death and associated it to be a
force that is not evil but absolute, kind and timeless, through her use of personification, symbolization,
and style in Because I could not stop for Death.
Dickinson in Because I could not stop for Death refers to death as a gentleman reflecting a personal
level of respect. In the first two poetic lines of Because I could not stop for Death/ He kindly stopped
for me (1 2). We see death become personified trough the actions of Death, stopping and being kind to
the speaker. By capitalizing the D in death she has attributed that death is a living being.
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Sexual Stereotyping Of Men And Women
All through society, men and women both have been relied upon to live by rules comprising of media
created thoughts and methods for living out life. Both genders reasoning procedures are being adjusted
the negative impacts of society s broad communications. For both genders, this rehashing negative
introduction causes a consistent defeat in mental self portrait and makes media affected choices that
prompt undesirable ways of life. The media impacts the reasoning procedure of both men and ladies in
negative ways accordingly media should be intensely directed. The sexual stereotyping of men and
women affects our general public. From sex generalizations about men in relationship to
generalizations of ladies sexuality, these biased demeanors influence every one of us.The sexual
stereotyping of men and women really changes the perspective of things. From sex generalizations
about men in relationship to generalizations of ladies sexuality, these biased states of mind influence
every one of us. The advances made recently set up uniformity between the genders, society reflects
less states of mind that bolster separation and imbalance in the middle of men and ladies. The greater
part of us embrace a perspective that is freed from old sexual biases that once verged on racial
fanaticism. Nonetheless, despite the fact that we are freed in our convictions and demeanors, a large
portion of our activities are still affected by sex stereotyping and
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Old Cutler Trail Research Paper
If staying in shape by running, walking, or biking is important to you, there are many quality trails
around South Miami, FL for you to enjoy. Consider these three.
Commodore Trail
This five mile trail is great for bikers, inline skaters, and those walking or jogging. It is even
wheelchair accessible. On one end, the trail connects to Old Cutler Trail, and on the end, it connects
with Rickenbacker Trail, allowing you to make your trail adventure longer. Commodore Trail is a mix
of paved paths, sidewalks, and shared road. Take extra caution when traveling on the shared road
portion of the trail. Places along the trail which might be of particular interest include both Kennedy
Park and The Barnacle Historic State Park.
Old Cutler Trail
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How Color Affects Heating By Absorption Of Light
The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate how color affects heating by absorption of light.
Background Information
The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of wavelengths over which electromagnetic radiation
extends (Merriam Webster Dictionary). The visible part of the spectrum is light and we can see colors
from blue to red. On the left side of the spectrum is blue where the wavelength is shorter. On the right
side of the spectrum is red where the wavelength is much longer than the blue end. These wavelengths
are called the visible spectrum and an example of this is a rainbow. For a light wave to be absorbed by
an object, the single frequency light wave must come in contact with the object. Although light colors
reflect part of the visible light, black absorbs all energy and wavelengths.
If different colored pieces of construction paper are used, then the darkest piece will absorb the most
light through the heat lamp after one hour.
6 identical glass jars, 1 quart size, with lids
6 sheets of different colored construction paper (1 piece of red, orange, yellow, green, purple, and
21 cups of water
Mercury thermometer
White modeling clay
Heat lamp
Drill and 1/4 of an inch bit
Gather all of the necessary materials.
Drill a hole relatively larger than the thermometer in the lid of one of the jars. Only one lid needs to
have a hole because the jars will be tested separately.
Take a piece of construction
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The Radical Groups Of Thinkers
Throughout the recent centuries, biologists, psychologist, and sociologists have been franticly
researching a single question, which if solved, can help us decode our every behavior and decision.
Why exactly are we the people we are today? This question has sparked many passionate debates, one
of them being; Nature (Genetics, biological traits,) versus Nurture (Environmental effects, learning
behavior). There are two radical groups of thinkers in which strictly oppose each other, Nativists and
Empiricist and with a common interest in mind, their perspective of how a being develops
behaviorally and cognitively differ drastically with very few to none similarities. This theory provides
the most insight to the mystery that is ourselves. ... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, we have not the slightest proof that behavioral traits are passed down through
genetics, which leads us to believe that our next best answer would consist of environmental stimuli
influencing our development of the mind. An example of an environmental stimuli would be social
interaction, in which we all show signs of change from our fetal stages to the day we die. During this
time span of time we form our own unique individuality and behavior. There are many different
perspectives of psychology in which psychologists try to explain the reasoning behind humanistic
behavior and thinking. There are two extremist groups of psychologists that strictly oppose each other
when it comes to the Nature vs. Nurture theory. Nativists, psychologists who adopt strong hereditary
reasoning or Nature theory, believe humans are a product of evolution and our inner and external traits
as well as our behavior are due to our very complex genetic form. The Nativists believe our
individuality is a result of the mixed genetic code, which we get from both of our parents. This code is
solely different from any other being in the world. Nativists strongly believe every reaction we have
and behavior we exhibit is part of our genetic code, which still remains a mystery today. These
thoughts are so radical that after decades of research and experimentation, it is still strongly believed
that our genetic code is the proper
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The Ideal of a Man, the Ideal of a Woman of the Heian...
Seen from descriptions in the most prominent literature works in Heian era, such as Ise Monotagari,
Kagerō Nikki, Izumi Shikibu Nikki, Makura no Shōshi, and Genji Monogatari, gender roles during the
period were implicitly or explicitly defined, and I assume, because of this climate, they were
considered as major parts of the society, and vice versa. There are many characters appearing in Genji
Monogatari. I think each of them is a representation of people whom Murasaki Shikibu had observed
around her in her time, and that reviews of those characters are the key to a glimpse into ideal
manliness and ideal femininity and manliness in the Heian era. In this paper, I will discuss the ideal
images of men and women in Heian era by analyzing ... Show more content on ...
That the emperor takes Fujitsubo as his second wife because she resembles Kiritsubo no Kōi shows
that how beautiful they both are. Kiritsubo s death, as still being beautiful and beloved by the man she
loves, reminds me of the concept of mono no aware, referring to beauty, fragileness, and virtue of
mortality. Similarly, Fujitsubo, who is the daughter of the earlier emperor, is physically attractive and
loyal although she is rather attracted to Genji but does her best to adhere to her position as the emperor
s wife; she is a good representation of mono no aware as well in that to Genji she is unreachable
although she, mutually caring for him, seems so close. Ustusemi, appearing in the chapters 2 and 3,
also represents what was considered to be a good woman; she is attractive, reserved, and witty enough
to reply Genji s poem. Despite the success of Genji s first unexpected approach to Utsusemi,
afterwards she consistently refuses him due to her strong, reasonable determination not to see him
again; her refusal to accept Genji may relate to her age, which is unknown but presumably older than
Genji, which may go against the social preference of relationships in the period. Looking from another
perspective, I think how Genji reacts to her attitudes toward him provides the reader with a peep of
Murasaki Shikibu feminism; that is,
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Chemical Burn Research Paper
The severity of a chemical burn depends on the following factors: corrosive capability of the chemical
burn, concentration of the chemical, temperature of the chemical or the solution in which it dissolved
and lastly, duration of the contact with the chemical (page 294). Also an important dependent on the
severity of the burn is by how deep the burn in question penetrates through the skin. This is
determined by the location of the burn, age of the victim, and the amount of burned area (page 293).
Chemical burns can destroy body tissue, depending on the extent of destruction including the severity
of the burn. However, chemical burns can also cause a high risk of infection in victims. Due to this
risk of infection it is important to keep the
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Analysis Of The Story The Kim Family
Moral of the story The Kim s family story about their Thanksgiving trip during winter weather was
truly tragic. They made a decision to take a road trip under harsh weather conditions with limited
amount of food and gas. They missed their exit, and decided to take an unknown, dangerous route
where they got stuck for nine days. In my opinion, the moral of the story is to plan and prepare for a
road trip especially under inclement weather. It s essential to carry an emergency kit, extra food,
water, and clothing in case one gets stuck due to poor road conditions. Prior to starting a road trip, it s
important to know about the weather conditions and travel advisories on the area. Family members
should know the route of the planned trip. The vehicle must have a full tank of gas, and be in good
mechanical condition to withstand a road trip under harsh weather. Most importantly, we should pay
attention to warning signs such as fatigue, fuel levels and bad road conditions to stop, and reconvene
the trip when it s safe to travel to our final destination.
Major negative issues that hindered their survival The Kim s family survival was impacted by many
adverse actions. First, James drove the entire trip. He was probably tired which most likely increased
his driving risk on winter weather. He kept driving at night and missed the exit. They didn t turn
around because they wanted to get to their hotel. Instead, they took a short cut, Bear Camp road. This
path is known to be dangerous,
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Robin Williams Tragic Hero
Tragic heroes can be described as people who had royal beginnings, but had a downfall because of a
flaw, or multiple flaws. Due to this downfall, the tragic hero can impact the lives of many people.
Robin williams can be defined as a tragic hero. He was an actor beloved by all from his many comedic
acting roles, such as those in Mrs.Doubtfire and Hook. He seemed to be the best example of a perfect
person, but became a tragic hero after all of his hardships and addictions. Robin Williams was a great
actor and he helped wherever he could, but suffered with his flaws of substance dependence and
depression, leading to his untimely death. However, his influence will live on forever.
In his lifetime, Robin Williams did a plentiful amount of charity, and had a long lasting ... Show more
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He was last seen alive at 10:30 P.M. by his wife who was going to bed. At 11:45 A.M. his personal
assistant became concerned after he didn t answer the door (SFGate). His suicide was what he thought
of as a way to escape the treacherous world he was living with, but his death had a great impact on
others as well. His family and friends were very concerned for him and were devastated when they
lost him. I lost my father and best friend and the world got a little greyer. I will carry his heart with me
everyday. I would like those who loved him to remember him by being as gentle, kind, and generous
as he would be (SFGate, Zak Williams). Even with the mistakes and wrongs he made, many people
will remember him as the bright, happy person he was on the screen. His death didn t create his
impact, but instead increased the greatness of the impacts he made when he was alive. The happy,
humorous, loving person has passed through to his children and to his adoring fans. Robin Williams
made mistakes, but his goodness towards others and his wonderful humor has and will make the
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Book Thief Theme
Alexis Javier Mrs. Rosenwasser English 9H October 13, 2014 The Book Thief by Markus Zusak The
Book Thief is a text set in Germany during the time of World War II, focused on the life of the
protagonist, Liesel Meminger. Liesel, a young German girl, loses her family including her brother
Werner who died on a train on the way to Munich. She comprehends the feeling of loss and pain and
is conscious that she is existing in hard times. The narrator of the story, Death, witnesses her brother s
demise and kneels down to extract the boy s soft and cold spirit as Liesel shakes Werner in an attempt
to resuscitate him (Zusak 21). Of course, it does not work as Death questions Liesel s struggle to
restore her fallen brother. Thereafter, Lisel picks ... Show more content on ...
However, one interesting theme is forming ties with others. In Liesel s journey, she meets many
people, exclusively through her love of books and words. For instance, Liesel and her foster father,
Hans Hubermann, did not have a strong bond with each other. It was evident that Liesel did not want
to be with Rosa and Hans Hubermann. Later on, Liesel would have to deal with the constant remarks
of Saumensch, Saukerl, or Arschloch by Rosa. On the other hand, she became more comfortable living
with them because of reading and learning words from The Grave Digger s Handbook. Hans and
Liesel establish a deeper and more involved relationship with these books. For example, Hans and
Liesel study the alphabet which shows their bond developing. [Hans] patted the girl s hair. She d fallen
into his trap. With a smile like that, you don t need eyes. He hugged her and then looked again at the
picture, with a face of warm silver. Now for T (68). Moreover, Hans gifted Liesel with books for her
birthday such as The Mud Men, which intensified their relationship even more. Based on this
evidence, it is palpable that Hans and Liesel s bond strengthened through books and words from the
moment of Liesel s arrival through the end of their
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Washington Dc Vs Riyadh Research Paper
Have you ever thought about the similarities and differences between to different cities from two
different countries? Some countries are similar in many traditions. Also, you can find major tradition
differences between two different countries. A Capital is usually the biggest city in a country. I have
been to Washington D.C and Al Riyadh, they both are cities from two different countries which are the
United States and Saudi Arabia. we can compare and contrast both cities in terms of food, weather,
and festivals.
To begin with the similarity, DC and Al Riyadh are both big capital cities because as I mentioned
above usually a capital is the big city in the country. You can find in the both cities the government
and high authority branches ... Show more content on ...
For example, Thanks Giving is a day that all families gather together and eat turkey for dinner, Black
Friday is a day that comes after thanksgiving in U.S and this day you can find huge discounts that the
stores provide for the costumers, and the New Year s eve is the first day of the year all the countries
have a vacation on this day and most of the people celebrate with their friends family and enjoy
watching fireworks. In Riyadh there are only two special festivals, Eid Al Fitter which comes after
Ramadan all Muslims celebrate this special holiday because it is in their religion, the wear new clothes
and go to the mosque to pray in the morning and after that they visit their friends and families and go
back home to wait for an guests to come. Eid Al Adha, is the second special holiday and it comes in
the 10th day of Eid Al Haj and we sacrifice a sheep and volunteer to poor people meat.
To sum up, each capital has similar and different traditions. There is a huge difference between these
two capitals D.C and Al Riyadh more than the similarities. However, capital cities have a prominent
place in the countries. I have been to both capitals and I think D.C has most spectacular places, and
incredible nature. Finally, there is many places to visit and have many activities to
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The, Not All A Dream
The speaker begins his poem as a dream but not all a dream (line 1), immediately casting doubt upon
the story to follow. The poet then imagines the end of the world through a series of natural, social, and
possibly supernatural events. The sad/dark, cold earth reduces/lessens for weeks or months, long
enough for men to forget their strong emotions (line 7) and turn their hearts only to survival or
feelings that there is no hope. To stop/hold back the darkness, they burn everything they can, including
their homes. Both palaces and huts are burned to give light and warmth. Around the fires, men are at
first glad to see other faces but then they see in those faces such feelings that there is no hope that they
begin to cry, smile (in a ... Show more content on ...
Soon all the world is dead from the widespread death from starving, with the exception of two men
and they are in some way enemies. They terribly and unfortunately approach a (high table at the front
of a church) (in which/during which/in what way/in what) holy interesting (old) objects were used in
unholy ceremonies (such as burning (related to religion or the soul) things not meant to be burned),
there to add fuel to the glowing pieces of wood of a nearly gone forever fire for a few moments more
light. Once the fire is bright enough, the two men look at one another, seeing each other s terrible,
scary, starving face; what each man sees frightens him to death, this way ending the human race. With
people gone forever, the earth becomes a dead rock. The moon, long since destroyed, no longer moves
the waves or wind, so all is totally still upon the planet. Darkness wins (by force) all: She was the
Universe (line 82). Analysis Byron wrote Darkness in July August 1816. The poem is at least partly
influenced by the mass panic/very strong emotion of the time brought about by an Italian astronomer s
(statement about a possible future event) that the sun would burn itself out on July 18th, this way
destroying the world. The prediction gained members due to the increase in sunspot activity at the
time and the (what people
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Miss Brill Analysis
Imagination is a notion that serves as the very spark that kindles the fire of the mind. It is the motor
that propels a child s toy car forward; the wind beneath the whimsical wings of an individual who
wishes to fly. Often, it is seen as a means of escape from the calamities that life has to offer. In
Katherine Mansfield s short story Miss Brill , the titular character shows how imagination can be used
as a tool to subvert one s own perception of reality.
The reader is first introduced to Miss Brill during her trek to the park on a chilly autumn afternoon. At
first glance, she appears to be haughty and materialistic. She dons a red eiderdown that she personally
groomed for the purpose of wearing it to the park, and frowns at those other
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Slavery During The United States
It seems as though slavery has always been etched into our history since the beginning of time. The
first recordings of slaves are from the Biblical times. From the Babylonian s, 18th century BC; to the
abolishment of slavery in the United States, 1865; people across the world endured the hardships of
slavery. People of all races were enslaved, from the Jews to the African American people. The Jewish
people suffered a great deal from the Holocaust, according to, the Detroit News, Germany has agreed
to pay the Jewish survivors $89 billion in reparations ( While the United States, has
made no effort to repay the African American descendants, any reparations. Slavery in American is
forever deeply rooted in its history. ... Show more content on ...
( Although this was a step in the right direction, African Americans were still
discriminated against, beaten and separated from the whites.
Many leaders came about during these times in order to lead the African American people out of
racism and to establish equal rights for themselves. Many well known activists such as W.E.B DuBois,
Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X all paved the way for African Americans and
their advancement. But it was not until the Civil Rights Movement, led by Martin Luther King, Jr, that
made major strides for the African American people.
The Civil Rights Movement, the courage and tenacity people showed in their own communities in
their determination to attack segregation and exclusion from the political process. (The African
American Odyssey, pg 596.) The Civil Rights focused on peaceful protests, and non violent acts. The
March on Washington held great significance. Many people believe the Civil Rights movement was a
success, but there were also some people who believed the Civil Rights failed the African American
During the Civil Rights Movement there were many supporters as well as those who opposed the
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Workrate Definition
How do you define workrate?
The term workrate was introduced to me during the earlier stages of my wrestling fandom when I
stumbled upon online communities who would throw the word around quite readily. Even with the
term still in common usage, I have never seen it given a widely agreed upon and concrete definition.
In my view workrate is somewhat distinct from good work , and refers to the athletic and mechanical
aspects of a match, in addition to the fluidity of its execution, bumping, and the like. It says very little
for the emotional components of a match or wrestler, for facials, and more complex elements of
selling. Whilst this does mean that many, if not most good workrate matches are well worked, and
many high workrate wrestlers are great workers, the contrapositive does not hold those who do not
have the mechanical and athletic prowess of a high workrate performer may very well be just as good
as far as quality of match output is concerned.
Is workrate important to you?
Workrate is important to me and my enjoyment in a match, most certainly. Mitsuharu Misawa and
Kenta Kobashi, two of my all time favourite wrestlers exhibited exceptionally high workrate
throughout their storied careers; particularly at their peaks. But, does ... Show more content on ...
At the time super athleticism and movez were a top priority in my evaluations, and were lumped under
the umbrella heading of workrate . Exploring the wrestling world outside of 90s All Japan and mid
2000s Ring of Honor most definitely assisted with what would become a gradual evolution of my
outlook, and what is more, aided me, specifically in the case of 90s All Japan, in recognising just why
some of those matches were as great as they were for reasons beyond workrate
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The Ethical Issues Surrounding Cognitive Enhancers
Humans have been seeking many different ways to improve their cognitive ability for thousands of
years. For example, education has been used in order to learn and improve on cognitive ability and to
improve our understanding of the world (Bostrom and Sandberg, 2009). With the advance of
technology, resources and medicine, humans have managed to develop cognitive enhancing drugs that
improve our cognitive ability by improving the attention, motivation and working memory.
One example of a cognitive enhancer that is commonly used today to improve alertness is caffeine,
which is contained in tea, coffee and many fizzy drinks (Bostrom and Sandberg, 2009). Other
cognitive enhancers used today include Ritalin (Methylphenidate), which is used to ... Show more
content on ...
The hypoactivity of dopamine then causes reduced attention, impaired working memory and poor
behavioural organisation. Ritalin has been used to treat ADHD by blocking the neurotransmitters so
they don t reuptake dopamine, resulting in dopamine being in the system for longer. This means that
there is increased motivation and attention, helping some of the symptoms that ADHD produces.
There are many studies showing that Ritalin is an effective drug to treat ADHD, with studies showing
that Ritalin decreases any abnormalities found in patients with ADHD (Hart et al., 2013; Spencer et
al., 2013).
Despite Ritalin reducing the symptoms of ADHD, the disorder is normally first diagnosed in children
as this is when symptoms first start appearing. This causes problems as children may not understand
the side effects of the drugs (e.g. anxiety, nausea, insomnia, psychosis) and are too young to give
informed consent. This means that the parent or guardian would have to give consent on behalf of the
child which relies on the child having a parent and a parent that is not neglecting of the child.
Questions arise such as, how do we know the parent has the child s best interest at heart? Who makes
the decision if the child is orphaned? What if the child doesn t want the drug, but the parent does who
makes the decision? Another problem with treating children with ADHD is the risk of depending on
medical fixes
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The Treasure Of Lemon Brown Analysis
One day I was walking down fifth street and I saw a man pull something out of the trash and he saw
me eyeing him and he told me what was one man s trash is another man s treasure. The kid wanted to
play on the recreation basketball team, but, his grades were poor, so he left the house in a rage and
meet someone. In the story The Treasure of Lemon Brown written by Walter Dean Myers, the author
portrays the theme that sometimes you have to let someone else open your eyes because people get too
focused on one thing that they can t see other things.
The author uses the character s actions to prove the theme because, the boy changes his view on his
dad. When the character in the story storms out of the house he doesn t realize that his dad s trying to
help ... Show more content on ...
When the boys leaves home, he doesn t really care about what his dad says or what lemon brown is
saying to him he his talking to Lemon brown, but doesn t think he s harmful or cares enough to give
him a good answer, Greg relaxed. He had seen the man before, picking through the trash on the corner
and pulling clothes out of a Salvation Army box. There was no sign of a razor that could cut a week
into nine days. This shows he doesn t care about brown and just wants to be left alone. It also shows
greg thinks Lemon Brown is weak. When the boy howls when the gang is trying to take Lemon
Brown s treasure he takes him seriously along with his dad the boy realizes Lemon Brown is powerful
and that his dad is trying to help him succeed, As Greg howled, the light moved away from Lemon
Brown, but not before Greg saw him hurl his body down the stairs at the men who had come to take
his treasure. There was a crashing noise, and then footsteps. This shows that the boy learned Lemon
Brown can be powerful if he wants to be. It also shows Greg respects Lemon Brown for being
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Humanist Movement During The Middle Ages
The tendency of those to look towards a higher being for guidance has been part of human nature
since the birth of religion. This tendency has made religion a cornerstone of human civilization, and a
subject of focus throughout history. During the Middle Ages, the works of John Wycliff and Jan Hus
sought to reform the church and return power to its followers. This self empowerment through the
reformation of their religious studies fathered core beliefs of the Humanism movement during the
Renaissance. This movement uses the work of Wycliff and Hus to establish their own ideas about how
to use scripture, and gives merit to the significance of the Middle Ages. John Wycliff, an English
scholar and theologian, believed that the most important ... Show more content on ...
An important piece of literature to humanists was the bible, and the translation of it was crucial to
humanist learning. The power of a translated bible, shown by Wycliff and Hus, was realized by many
humanists during the Renaissance such as Desiderius Erasmus. Erasmus, a dutch humanist, believed
in the power of a translated bible and in his writings he expresses his wish that even the weakest
woman should read the gospel should read the epistles of Paul. And I wish these were translated into
all languages so that they might be read and understood, not only by scots and Irishmen, but also by
Turks and Saracens. (McKay 371) This call for the translation of scripture into all languages showed
Erasmus s fundamental idea that Education in the the means to reform, the key to moral and
intellectual improvement. (McKay 371) The translation of the bible, like in the case of Wycliff and
Hus, allowed the common literate population to be freed from the constraints of the church, and
formulate their own ideas about christianity. This idea was made plausible through the printing press,
which allowed books to be produced and distributed at a much faster rate, and gave it legs to stand on.
Erasmus, one of many who called for reform in the church during the Renaissance, brought this key
humanistic idea to the
... Get more on ...
Mind Control Vs Cults
Mind control can be defined under its many names like brainwashing, exploitative persuasion ,
uninformed consent, manipulation, coercive persuasion, malignant use of group dynamics, socio
psychological manipulation, behavioral change technology, and compliance gaining influence. Cults
are also known by other names: closed system of logic, authoritarian structure, ideological totalism,
and coercive organization (rational . Mind control is a rather elusive topics as people
don t want to believe how easily influenced and malleable their minds are , people generally like to
think in a pretentious manner about their minds yet in reality we are as open to these topics ... Show
more content on ...
once they start to break down, their identity is up for grabs. At this point, they basically are yours. At
this point offer some kindness or mercy no matter how small. Even a glass of water sets the seed.
Faced with contrast and guilt, the target feels compelled to confess and show gratitude. The target at
this point doesn t know what they did wrong, so the agent pins it on their current beliefs.they then try
to escape their wrongness by escaping their belief system as to save themselves. introduce a new path
to good that they can accept. Generally used so they look to the agent. Contrasting the agony of the
old with the peacefulness of the new, so that the victim has something to believe in. Finally They will
then cling to it for support as their entire way of life changes. This is how cults brainwash seemingly
normal people to do crazy things and take up radical beliefs. One example of another more direct use
of mind control was the use of the mk ultra program by the cia subjects are first de patterned by
manipulating their mental states and drastically changing their brain functions This is done through a
term called E.C.T (Electroconvulsive Therapy) which is the administration of drugs, hypnosis, sensory
and sleep deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other various forms of torture. As
a result, and as a creative way to deal with extreme trauma, the victims brains would develop Multiple
Personalities Disorder or
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Tradeaway.Com, Barterquest.Com, and U-Exchange.Com
1. Examine how bartering is conducted online at , , and u compare and contrast the functionalities and ease of use of these sites.
TradeAway wants to offer you a fun and exciting way to buy, sell, or trade your personal property,
cars, boats, horses, real estate, toys, and more. TradeAway is made up of creative people like you who
are waiting for creative offers.
TradeAway is a People to People e commerce site. TradeAway will give People the opportunity, in a
barter auction format, to get value out of their unused merchandise or services with, or without the use
of cash, utilizing the
Internet as a medium to trade, barters, sell, or find their merchandise, Services, real ... Show more
content on ...
o BarterQuest provides a trading platform based on proprietary technology (patents filed) that
instantly matches the haves and wants of users for two party and multi party trades.
o Barter is facilitated by a user friendly Web design that is unique in its combination of features that
support trading.
o Many barter sites are limited to trading certain types of items, for example, books for books or
timeshares for timeshares. BarterQuest supports th exchange of all types of items and, as a result,
opens up your possibilities.
o Other sites that support barter are limited geographically. BarterQuest is both local and national.
In Contrast, The disadvantage and the reason for the development of money is that there is no standard
unit of value. Multiple party transfers get very complicated for one thing; you don t even know how to
measure values of unlike items.
Trade Anything, Pay Nothing. U Exchange is the Largest Swap Site that specializes in every type of
trade. No barter currencies or commissions taken on trades. Contact, post and swap with other
U is a place where you can barter services without having to worry about transaction or
membership fees, barter currency or commissions. It s free to contact, post and trade. They provide the
meeting ground and you set up the trades. It s that
... Get more on ...
The Limited Partnership Act 2008 Essay
The Limited Partnership Act 2008 came into force on 2nd May 2008 enabling registration of limited
Partnership and Overseas Limited Partnership. The primary function objective for the introduction of
the Limited Partnerships regime is to facilitate sustainable growth in New Zealand s venture capital
and private equity Industries. This introduction of internationally recognized Limited Partnership
opens the gate way for foreign capital investment which helps the company in their initially setup start
and also proves to be a valuable tool for their company. On other hand it also allows New Zealand to
compete internationally for venture capital funds.
This act came into action because of three main reasons ; firstly to revoke the special partnership
provision (Part II) of the Partnership Act 1908; Secondly to create modern rules which are simple and
similar to internationally recognized limited partnership in use overseas and thirdly to allow the
development of venture capital industry of New Zealand. By bringing this law into action New
Zealand lines up with similar regime in Australia and United Kingdom. The new law simplifies the
registration requirement, as compared to the formalities required by the old law, which gives great
flexibility in the rules of governing self management that in case with companies whilst at the same
time adopting many rules drawn from the company and partnership law. It evidently states the point to
which investor can contribute in management
... Get more on ...
Robespierre, The French Revolution And The Symbol Of Evil...
Those people of the past that are studied as historical figures major and minor make up a virtually
insignificant portion of the people that have inhabited the earth since the beginning of civilization.
And yet to die without a memorable legacy is much more desirable a fate than to be remembered with
enduring hatred for what one accomplished and stood for during life. Certainly, there are many who
deserve to be remembered with spite people whose beliefs and actions were unacceptable whether
evaluated in a modern context or that of their own period. And yet still some are hated for centuries,
mainly due to having made powerful enemies while alive. Maximilien Robespierre, who is often
regarded as the leading figure of the French Revolution and the symbol of violent excess during that
period, was one such person. Although the view of Robespierre within the historical community has
softened (to a certain degree), he remains a personification of evil in the public mind. For example, the
first result of a quick Google search for most evil people includes a list of 25 historical figures, with
Robespierre at no. 17, ahead of others such as Adolf Eichmann, Heinrich Himmler, and Osama bin
Laden. While this website is by no means a scholarly source, it serves to underline the way in which
the average person views Robespierre in a grossly inaccurate fashion. The legacy that was created for
Robespierre by political opponents who used him as a scapegoat is not at all one that
... Get more on ...

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The Ultimate Inspirational Writing Quotes (As Memes) Positive Writer

  • 1. The Ultimate Inspirational Writing Quotes (As Memes) | Positive Writer 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. The Ultimate Inspirational Writing Quotes (As Memes) | Positive Writer The Ultimate Inspirational Writing Quotes (As Memes) | Positive Writer
  • 2. Leg Training Machines 3 sets of Gethin approved chest training machines When you climb the leg crimper and use it to operate the chest, you may get an obscure appearance from other gym players. But please believe Kris Gethin and his fanatical view of the gym and open a possible world! Even if I have raised the weight for nearly two decades, I can still use my previous experience to surprise my muscles. As a weight training student always allows me to find something different, even if I am only familiar with the tools in my master. For example, machine designs are easy to use, but they are also well suited for use in body parts that are not designed for them. There is little imagination, the chest machine can become a rowing machine. Leg crimp or extension can ... Show more content on ... Smith machine weighted push pull After applying the right weight on the Smith machine, I like to set it as low as possible, and then put my body underneath, face down, and press the bar in the middle of my back. From here, I will do push ups, increase resistance, make every delegate work harder. The push ups are undoubtedly the poor exercise of chest exercises, and I think the resistance with Smith machines is the perfect way to eliminate the skin. My favorite method is to use a controlled rhythm to make the tension really burnt my skin while avoiding excessive stress on the shoulder and triceps. In my third week practicing eight weeks hardcore trainer s third week, I took the next step with this unique collection: 10 on behalf of the bar with my shoulders, and then when I failed, I climbed out and immediately again Failed weight. I am in another unique sport, launched barbell fly, more than 3 times 10 behalf of the exercise. 2. Leg Crimping Machine Down Button This may seem like an extension of the triceps at first glance, but try it and it will soon become obvious that it is perfectly done to complete the pecs. Also, the execution is almost stupid. Kneeling in front of the sitting leg crimping machine, I just pushed the mat from ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Mcgraw Hill Companies, Inc. McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. As said by the company s vision declaration, its intention is to unlock the full potential of each learner. Because the learning methods and styles are extremely important to be tailored individually, the company s main efforts are based on making this process easy, accessible, and convenient as much as possible. The action of digitalizing the learning tools and services supported by online sources, are the best ways of attracting learners, and make their educational lives easier. McGraw Hill s uses the digital and online tools and technology to make schooling available to every instructor, student, researcher, and etc. all around the world without the time and place limitations and restrictions. The close connection between the company s (all departments ) employees and instructors (globally) enables the firm to be up to date with teachers needs, desires, and wishes, and create tools, services, and platforms that will make teaching and learning interesting and exciting. The company s desire is to increase the students grades and passing statistics by making studying as affordable and easy as possible. It s the wish of the firm to create more educated people that is a noble intention (McGraw Hill Education). McGraw Hill takes part in community responsibility by trying to create a brighter future for learners around the world . It takes pride in its various educational research departments such as science, technology, internet, and all other ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Descriptive Essay About Swimming There were families and friends along with me sitting in the benches surrounding the pool area. Patiently waiting for the swimmers to arrive. After a couple of minutes we turn our heads to the left and saw different schools arriving with swimmers on every yellow bus. All of them with their duffle bags heading to the locker room. As the swimmers approached the pool area the smell of sunscreen and chlorine surrounded us. We were now going to see the development of every swimmer after their long hours and weeks of practice. The swimmers were all doing different types of things. Some finishing putting sunscreen on, others asking for help to put their caps on, and the rest socializing. Coaches then giving them a warning to finish up and gather around. As the swimmers gathered you could see how anxious they all were. The coaches assigned them to different lanes to do a 500 yard warm up of every stroke and dive. These strokes were freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly, and back. Every stroke they practiced had there own technique. This was the last time swimmers were able to work on their stroke techniques, turns, and dives before their events. As they were all coming to an end of their warm up you could see the anxiety on their faces. Coaches calling them over one last time. They were explaining to every single one of their swimmers the rules and events they would be competing. Some swimmers looked excited and others begging their coaches to change their events. They were either ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Themes Of The Four Quartets Manganiello focuses on the interplay between Dante and Eliot manifested in their use of the Incarnation. Drawing on the intent search of the confused speaker of The Waste Land, Manganiello proposes that the Four Quartets answers the search for the essential word with Logos. The epigraphs for Burnt Norton, the opening quartet, center around Logos and the intersections of time. Manganiello fleshes out Eliot s exploration of time and eternity through the lens of the Incarnation. The Incarnation is, of course, the meeting of divinity and humanity, of time and timelessness, of Logos and flesh. Drawing on Dante s comparison of God to both a circle and a point the eternal and the temporal Manganiello begins utilizing images from the Divine Comedy, specifically the Paradiso, to provide a deeper understanding of Eliot s themes in the Four Quartets. Focusing specifically on Burnt Norton, Manganiello narrows in on the rose garden, examining the primal memories of both an earthly and supra terrestrial paradise of bliss it triggers. He eventually concludes that, Eliot, like Dante, invites the reader to cross over from the human to the divine, from time to eternity (111). Switching his focus to the intersection of time and eternity in the Incarnation, Manganiello discusses an article Eliot translated for the Criterion entitled On Reading Einstein . The article, written by Charles Mauron, argues that Einstein s theory of relativity does not ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Vaccines Are The Best Effective Preventative Tools Against... Vaccines are thought to be some of the most effective preventative tools against highly infectious disease processes and their complications. Routine vaccinations in the United States have led to drastic declines in vaccine preventable diseases (Omer, Salmon, Orenstein, DeHart, Halsey, 2010) such as mumps, rubella, polio, smallpox and diphtheria. These diseases are occurring at less than 1% of what they were during the pre vaccine era, especially in higher income countries. Vaccination requirements can be traced back to 1855, when United States schools began requiring immunizations for school entry. As a result of this requirement, vaccine coverage levels have resulted in widespread immunity throughout the population, thus significantly ... Show more content on ... Aside from the safety and efficacy concerns, are parental concerns that their children could not handle the administration of simultaneous vaccinations. To combat this concern, 26% of parents elect to follow an alternative vaccination schedule (as opposed to the schedule recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) and have been reported to refuse vaccines such as those for MMR, while another 54% delay the administration of the vaccine (Shimi, 2012). Some of the most recent parental concerns in regards to vaccine safety are a result of the unsubstantiated link between vaccines and autism. Although unsupported by a credible body of scientific evidence, there has been a marked increase in the number of parents refusing or delaying vaccinations. Plain and simple, refusing immunizations places the public at great risk and can impact the health of the community as well as the delivery and practice of public health. In 2007, an article published within the Journal of the Medical Association paralleled the annual average sum of cases and resulting deaths of assorted diseases before the advent of vaccines, to those occurring just the year prior. Before the advent of an effective diphtheria vaccine in the 1930s, the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Essay about Mark Twain Mark Twain Mark Twain is believed to be the father of all American literature. Twain was known for writing about issues of his time such as slavery, due to his style of honesty and truth he was known as one of the very first modernist writers. Mark Twain had many inspirations that motivated him to write his novels. The inspirations varied from events that he witnessed and experienced, people he met in his lifetime, other stories he read or heard about, and his environment. The writer known as, Mark Twain, was actually born with the name Samuel Langhorne Clemens in Florida, Missouri, to John Marshall Clemens and Jane Lampton Clemens on November 30, 1835. While Samuel Clemens was very young the Clemens family moved to Hannibal, ... Show more content on ... He deserted two weeks after enlisting. Later that same year, Clemens headed West with his older brother, Orion, in search of great wealth, mining silver in the deserts of Nevada. Samuel Langhorne Clemens was a completely unsuccessful miner; however he still managed to make a living, largely due to his skills in journalism. He was employed by the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise. In the years that he was employed by the Territorial Enterprise, Clemens developed his abilities as a reporter and humorist. In 1863, while still employed by the Territorial Enterprise, Clemens adopted the pseudonym Mark Twain which is a riverboat term meant two fathoms deep. Clemens made a gradual change to using Mark Twain as his official pen name. The name Mark Twain gave Clemens the confidence and freedom to make his writing more humoristic. Due to his new confidence and humorist style Twain began a rivalry with another local journalist. The rivalry eventually caused Twain to flee Virginia City or lose his life in a pistol duel to the rival journalist. Twain relocated in San Francisco, where he continually attacked the metropolis government, which caused him to flee to a nearby settlement from the city s police force. Twain heard some local folklore about a leaping frog which prompted him to write a humorous piece titled, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County which was circulated by the New York Saturday Press. The piece enabled Twain to gain the respect of ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Mark Twain Writing Style Analysis Mark Twain has a very unique writing style compared to the many other authors in the world. Growing up, his father had died due to pneumonia, so he quit school to work as a printer s apprentice with the Hannibal Journal to help support his family. Working at the Virginia City newspaper he began using his new famous pen name, Mark Twain. From there, he published his first book in 1869 known as, The Innocents Abroad. Mark Twain wrote many books that were inspired by his childhood, traveling frequently, and his time spent in the library educating himself. Twain has a style that no author will have as he wrote many of his books talking abouthis childhood. This attracts a lot of attention from readers as he actually had not had a father in his life. In the book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, on page 134, it states, Yes, he s got a father, but you can t ever find him these days. This means that although he does have a father, it does not necessarily mean that he is in his life. Another childhood quote from the book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, was stated on page 156. It states, I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. Although Twain was required to attend school, he felt there was no substitute for educating himself through living life to the fullest. The first hand accounts that Twain experienced during his childhood helped mold his ideas and views of society. Another factor that influenced Twain s writing style was traveling frequently. ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Importance Of Religion In Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. knew from an early age how important religion was for his family. King came from a family of preachers, his father and grandfather, who helped lead him to also being a preacher. King went to college for theology and continued his academic career by earning a doctorate degree in theological studies. These degrees will help guide King in his writings and speeches. King uses religion to prove the point on why the protests are not a bad thing to the audience of the eight clergymen. King wrote a letter that reaches audiences that weren t thought of when it was written. He knew of the clergyman and many of the then present day populations that were going to read his story, but the letters have touched so many people in the present day. King knew his then present day audience to a tee. He starts his letter with one of his key indicators; My dear Fellow Clergymen (263). While doing this he knew who was going to read the letter but also that these people will understand his references to religion, in which the letter is littered with references to the Bible. King uses religion to prove why he is in Birmingham. He is there to spread the message, but was thrown into jail and is trying to prove a point on why there is significance for the protest in Birmingham; I am in Birmingham because injustice is here. Just as the eight century prophets left their little villages and carried their thus saith the Lord far beyond the boundaries of their home town, and just ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Hernan Cortes Impact On The Aztec Civilization Accomplished navigator Hernan Cortes had many significant expeditions including the conquer that impacted the Aztec Civilisation all due to his motives, causes and changes. Spanish conquistador and explorer Hernando Cortez growing up with military running in the blood as his father was an officer of the Spanish Army had an extremely pressured life. Both parents wanting his to become a lawyer, he attended an university at age of 14. By the age of 19 he was pursuing his dream and began his first voyage, becoming one of the most significant figures in history. Born in 1485, Medellin, Spain conquistador Cortes was best known for his many expeditions and his well known expedition to the now known Mexico, where he conquered the Aztec society. In 1516, Cortes started his own expedition, Velaquez tried to cancel it but he dis obeyed his orders. He set off with 500 men, 11 ships. Cortes had heard rumours that the expedition could contain great wealth. Although he might have been wanting just to spread the Spanish society or bring the Cristian ... Show more content on ... This is when Spain claimed Mexico and other indigenous states around. The Spaniards began building churches and buildings on sacred grounds why trying to destroy the Aztec culture. This is very significant because there was no more culture for the remaining Aztecs to live off and was definitely a change. The Spanish language was also brought in during this period of time and they only taught Spanish and English language from the moment the empire was taken over. Several years after Cortes s conquest of Mexico he was governor for a while but got taken from power once he returned from another conquest. Years after the defeat of the empire Spaniards began building Mexico city on the ruins, later after many Spaniards and Europeans began living there. There was a series of epidemics 50 60 years later but nothing major ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Case Study Of Pepsi Cola Long before now has branding been considered as one of the peripheral aspects of business. Manufacturers, investors and other key players focused on the product without paying much attention to the consumer. But as the business landscape got tougher, marketing became not just an integral part of business but one of the fundamental principles of success. In recent times, branding has played a pivotal role in some brands success. This has been made possible through the ability of some marketers to capture the essence and minds of people (consumers), and put the trends and characteristics into the personality of a brand. Customers have always found ways to identify themselves with certain products, and on several occasions, branding campaigns ... Show more content on ... Belch and Belch (2001) stated that the ultimate goal of an organization is to create brand loyalty, which in return, ensures continued patronage. Pepsi Cola is one of the world s most popular drinks holding about 29.3% of the entire fizzy drinks market (Esterel, 2011). Pepsi cola is a brand known for reinventing itself with its various logo changes. These rebranding campaigns have been strategically positioned to keep the Pepsi brand relevant within its target audience, the youth. Pepsi still desires to be perceived as trendy, and appealing to the younger generation. The rebranding campaigns are meant to appeal to the forth coming generation and eventually create brand loyalty. Pepsi have adopted a brand campaign set to distinguish them from other brands. They present the brand as a contemporary product as opposed to a classic relic and thus they grab the attention of the youth. It is therefore very important to understand the loyalty consumers have towards a brand that has undergone several changes that include facelifts and general rebranding. It should however be noted that any one of these evolutionary trends will always have consequences. It would be interesting to unravel how much of a success Pepsi has achieved over the years especially with its most recent rebranding ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Jamie Fielder Essay Superpowers. Life would function a lot easier if everyone possessed these incredible abilities. Sadly though, these abilities live in the mythical worlds of comic books and movies. Even though some people are led to believe that their lives would be a million times better with these capabilities, they would not be. Life may contain hard times and good times, although, the way those times are handled is what really matters. There is one woman in this world who conquered obstacle after obstacle and has found the way to deal with anything she faces. She was able to find the perfect balance between family, friends, work, and volunteering in her life, and her name is Jamie Fielder. No matter what the job or activity, Jamie does it full time. Jamie ... Show more content on ... Originally she attended the University of Rhode Island to become a special education teacher, although she left school with her degree in nursing. The rather large change in career choices was driven by one of Jamie s biggest act with her superpowers. During Jamie s attendance at URI her father in law was diagnosed with Parkinson s disease a disorder that affects the central nervous system that often causes tremors and affects muscle movements. It was taking care of her father in law that really brought the superhero light out in her. Day in and day out she would be by his side whenever he needed her. Also, at the time Jamie was going through an extremely rigorous program to become licensed in the field of nursing. Without a doubt, during this point her life there was a lot going on, despite it all though, she went through the time better than most would have. Now invision that moment in the movie or comic book when all hope seems lost, but in spite of all of it, the superhero comes and helps the ones in need and saves the day. Jamie did just that to the best of her ability for her father in law until his very sorrowful but inevitable death from Parkinson s ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Rhetorical Analysis Of The ASPCA Commercial By Sarah... The commercial by ASPCA has one message, and that is to protect and better the condition of life for national, farm, and wild animals. ASPCA is a non profit organization dedicated to preventing cruelty to animals. They have a mission, that is to rescue, save and help animals all around North America because there are way too many cases of animal cruelty and neglect. Sarah McLachlan makes an argument about animals being abused and neglected, and how we can change that by a mere donation. This argument persuades the audience with the small videos and pictures in the background showing sad, hurt, and neglected animals that need a home with owners who will love and take care of them. The commercial is very persuasive in many aspects. Throughout ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Preventing Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Children Essay Preventing Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Children Hospitalization for any family is a hard situation to deal with, when it is a child in the hospital the situation because even tougher to handle. Because of the delicate situation of family members in the hospital it is imperative that the patient does not obtain any hospital acccuired conditions. One of the most common hospital acquired infections (HAI) is ventilator assocaited pneumonia (VAP). Although it is commonly seen in the hospital setting it can have devastating effects, especially on children. Prevention of VAP is the goal for critical care nurses in all hospitals. Although many people have heard of or had pneumonia many people are not aware of what ventilator associated ... Show more content on ... Younger children are more likely to acuire VAP than adults because of their decrease function of the immune system. Dental plaque is a main culprit of causing VAP in young patients. The mouth harbors many bacterias including gram positive and gram negative bacterias. To prevent ventilator associated pneumonia from dental plaque guidelines have been set up to decrease the risks. For all infants and children every two hours the oral cavity should be moistened and the lips should be coated with petroleum jelly. For children with teeth it is recommended that the teeth be brushed every twelve hours with fluoride toothpaste, oral cavity suctioning should be done frequently but do not rinse the mouth. Daily oral care with 0.6% chlorhexidine for children over 6 who have teeth is also indicated. There are numerous other techniques used to prevent VAP. Like many respiratory problems the head of the bed should always be elevated to between 30 and 45 degrees to prevent aspiration of fluids and sputum. The tubing for the ventilator should only be changed on a as needed basis. The continuous changing of tubes moves the bacteria and can introduce new bacteria into the respiratory system. Patients should also receive sedation vacations and prophylaxis medications to prevent peptic ulcers. Weaning of the mechanical ventilator should also be done as soon as possible ... Get more on ...
  • 15. An Individual s Reflexes Increase With Age An individual s reflexes decrease with age which affects their ability to drive. The ability to make quick decisions is an important skill to have to avoid accidents. Reflexes allow an individual to react quickly to a dangerous driving situation. It is the time an individual takes to slam on the brake or avoid an obstruction that makes reflexes so important while driving, Geriatrics poor reflexes create delayed reactions which ultimately increase the risk for accidents. Reflexes are needed to prevent various types of accidents such as rear ending and pedestrian striking. It is probable that as one ages, the connection between the two hemispheres of your brain become delayed (University of Michigan). Author Rachael Seidler states, The ... Show more content on ... Cognition is defined as a mental action that is a result of intuition, sensation, and perception. Medical Doctors at Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine states, cognitive impairment is defined as a decline in at least one of the following domains: short term memory, attention, orientation, judgment and problem solving skills, and visuospatial skills (Washington University). All important skills to have drive, it is evident that geriatrics cognitive impairment affect the ability to drive safely. Prevalent medical problems such as Dementia and Alzheimer s disease also contribute to an older driver s cognitive impairment. Whether it is forgetting to put on a seatbelt or forgetting how to drive to a familiar location, these diseases affect safe driving. According to S. Lloyd, Outpatient surveys indicate that about 30 percent of older adults with dementia are current drivers (American Academy of Family Physicians). Dementia can affect memory, visual perception, and focus while driving. One of the most dangerous symptoms of Dementia is confusion. Confusion varies including forgetting familiar roads, forgetting meanings of road signs, or forgetting the basic rules of the road. It is evident that confusion at four way stops and intersections increases the risk for accident occurrence as well. One of the most prevalent type of accidents occurs due to brake pedal confusion. At a local ... Get more on ...
  • 16. America s Education And Political Leaders Essay By January, 2014, even former U.S. Secretary of Education Arnie Duncan had noticed the dysfunction (Elliott, 2014) among Indiana s education and political leaders. A 2015 Senate Bill was even authored that would have ended Indiana s practice of electing the state education chief so one could be appointed by the governor (SB 24). A look at the headlines in the Indianapolis Star over the past couple of years sums up nicely the relationship among Indian s educational and political leaders: November 5, 2014: 10 epic clashes between Glenda Ritz, Indiana State Board of Education December 3, 2014: Glenda Ritz loses another State Board of Education battle January 14, 2015: Senate education bills would strip power from Glenda Ritz February 18, 2015: Senate OKs change in selection of Education Board chair; Glenda Ritz could be left out April 30, 2015: Glenda Ritz considers running for governor after legislative attacks May 7, 2015: Pence signs bill stripping Ritz of education authority August 30, 2015: GOP struggling to find challenger for Glenda Ritz (Nice long lull in the headlines...) March 13, 2016: With election looming, Indiana lawmakers played it safe in 2016 session After two years of public bickering over such topics as rules of order, school A F grades, the Center for Education and Career Innovation, NCLB waivers, and state takeovers of failing schools, Governor Pence signed SB 1 in 2015 that will strip leadership of the State Board of Education from the elected State ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Confucianism In Chin The Fall Of The Qin Dynasty There have been many debates among Chinese historians as to the cause of the fall of the Qin Dynasty. The Qin used force and strict rules to keep a short leash on the people of the kingdom. However, with the precautions taken by the government, they did not know it would ultimately be their demise. In order to contain rebellion and to keep the people of the empire ignorant, the combination of brutality, persecutions, antagonizing of the elites, and denying the Way, led to the short reign and ultimately the fall of the Qin Dynasty. In order to start at the very core of the problem with the Qin, one must look into Confucianism. Confucius, known as Master Qiu or Our Master Kong, lived during the Spring and Autumn Period of the Zhou Dynasty from 551 479 B.C.E. He was born in Lu in Eastern China of low nobility, but educated. During this time, war was imminent. He spent a time during his life traveling from state to state helping, and became employed by rulers who shared his view and perspective of life. Now labeled as Confucianism, his teachings and philosophies shaped the Chinese world for thousands of years. Confucius surviving teachings are published in his Analects. Three important conducts that Confucius associated with moral nobility were: filial, humaneness, and ritual decorum. Filial piety is the devotion, respect for elders and know your place within the family. A young person who is filial and respectful of his elders rarely becomes the kind of person who is ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Captain Of Industry Analysis During the Gilded Age (1870 1900), a period in which things were fraudulent and deceitful, the surface was clinquant while underneath that lustrous coat laid corruption. Although, entrepreneurs such as Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould, and Cornelius Vanderbilt also known as Captains of Industry are recognized for economic prosperity in America after the Civil War, in 1873 and 1893 the United States suffered from a grave economic depression due to the perfidious methods the Captain of Industry utilized. Techniques that involved corruption in the government resulting in monopolies dominating the industry, and increasing their wealth by exploiting workers often by extended hours and exceedingly low wages. Eventually, ... Show more content on ... The techniques included employees being paid low wages for long hours; the average income for a worker was $380 (Captains of Industry or Robber Barons, background essay). By paying the workers extremely low wages then the more profits for the employer. In 1883, a cartoon named The Protectors of our Industry displays the inequality between the distribution of wealth in America between the Captains of Industry and the working class. It demonstrates the Captains of Industry accruing more wealth through the labor of the workers. As a result of the tactics utilized the men s wealth multiplied and 9 percent of Americans controlled 75 percent of the national wealth (Captains of Industry or Robber Barons, background essay). The author s purpose in drawing this was to inform the common people and the working people and for them to realize what the Captains of Industry are doing is unequitable. In 1953, a historian stated that the methods that were used were ethically questionable but it was a natural response to the cutthroat competition of the period . However, the tactics they used by ruining their competitors and cheating stockholders only managed to create the Panic of 1873 and the Panic of ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Analysis Of Jack Kerouac s On The Road Author and Beat literary movement pioneer Jack Kerouac adopts what he calls spontaneous prose as his own unique style in On the Road. Otherwise known as stream of consciousness, this is a method of writing that essentially captures the nebulous and unrelated thoughts that cross the narrator s mind at any given moment, without break for explanation. Critics are quick to point out that this concept is materialized in the premise of Kerouac s novel On the Road itself, citing the cross country trek that is the center around which the novel revolves. It is one of confusion, calamity, and carelessness, as well as fast paced, unpredictable change of direction and complete emancipation of personal responsibility that is the self proclaimed ... Show more content on ... Neal s attitude towards society is one more of individuality rather than rebellion. As one critic puts it, [Neal] doesn t want to overthrow the government, but he doesn t want a government, or anyone else for that matter, to have control over him (Napierkowski and Stanley 188). He begins to idolize Neal and his viral, vivid personality. One critic describes the pair s relationship as one of lost brother[s], and goes on to describe Neal as the like minded, vibrant wanderer that Kerouac desired (Cunnel 8). Kerouac even grows jealous when Neal meets Allen Ginsberg, where he writes, Two keen minds that [Allen and Neal] are they took to each other at the drop of a hat... the holy con man the great sorrowful poetic con man that is Allen Ginsberg. From that moment on I saw very little of Neal and I was a little sorry too... Their energies met head on. I was a lout compared; I couldn t keep up with them (Kerouac 112). Kerouac s feelings of inadequacy in terms of the explosive personalities of the two survive through his strong affinity towards Neal. While in Denver, Neal and Allen try to soul connect, the two of them both having taken Benzedrine and babbling complete nonsense to each other straight through the night. The pair realize [Kerouac s] been awake all this time listening, and ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Is Hadoop A Great Data Storage Choice And Hadoop... Hadoop is a great data storage choice and Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) or Hive is often used to store transactional data in its raw state. The map reduce processing supported by these Hadoop frameworks can deliver great performance, but it does not support the same specialized query optimization that mature relational database technologies do. Improving query performance, at this time, requires acquiring query accelerators or writing code. Every company who chose to use Hadoop needs to optimize their architecture in a way compatible to Hadoop. For example using Hadoop in the architecture would be able process large data sets and if the query performance is not optimized or if the query is not able to accept the data given, the ... Show more content on ... Hadoop excels with managing and processing file based data, especially when the data is voluminous in the extreme and the data would not benefit from transformation and loading into a DBMS. In fact, for the kinds of discovery analytics involved with Hadoop, it s best to keep the data in its raw, source form. This is why Hadoop has such a well deserved reputation with big data analytics. Using the right combination of Hadoop products and the other platforms can be sensational in terms of analytics because it has the capacity to analyze analysis of petabytes of Web log data in large Internet firms, and now is being applied to similar analytic applications involving call detail records in telecommunications, XML documents in supply chain industries (retail and manufacturing), unstructured claims documents in insurance, sessionized spatial data in logistics, and a wide variety of log data from machines and sensors. Hadoop enabled analytics are sometimes deployed in silos, but the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. History of Ancient China Essay History of Ancient China China is located in East Asia. Ancient China is surrounded by Gobi Desert in the north, the Pacific Ocean in the east, the Himalayan Mountains in the southwest, and the Taklimakan desert in the west. This land has a wide variation of animals because of the different habitats provided for them. Most farming was done in the very fertile lands of the Yangtze valley. Present China is much bigger than Ancient China, which means that over time, the kings and different dynasties went gaining more and more land and wealth. All of the major rivers go in a western to eastern direction, and end up in the Pacific Ocean. The two major rivers of China are the Yangtze and the Huan He. The major river of North China is ... Show more content on ... China started having a government in the Shang dynasty. They ruled what would now be Henan, Hubei, Shandong and part of Anhui. The Shang were an aristocratic society, or a heredity ruling class. This dynasty was also the first to leave written records. The principal Shang city was Anyang, it was in a clearance deep inside the forest. In 1027 BC, the Zhou overthrew the Shang and made their own dynasty. They were both very alike, and there was not much change in culture. But the Zhou brought up many fresh ideas, which would seem obvious because all people think in different ways, and have different solutions to their problems. As an excuse of overthrowing the Shang, they said that the last Shang king had done so badly, that the gods weren t satisfied, so they decided to let the Zhou rule. This is a part of the mandate of heaven, which meant that the ruler had approval from the gods. The Zhou dynasty also appointed lands to nobles and members of the king s family, these nobles were granted land, but the land wasn t theirs, because it all belonged to the king, this was called feudalism. These nobles had to provide protection to the people that lived there. The social pyramid in this government are the following. At the top was the king, ruler of all. He appointed nobles, to manage some land and territory. The nobles were very close to the king, or ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Literature Review On Sales Promotion Introduction and Literature review Sales promotion is very significant tool of marketing .The purpose of sales promotion is to increase sales by instilling feeling of purchase on the spot in the mindset of customers. Behavior of customer is influenced by activities of sales promotion.The sales promotion tools affect directly on the purchase behavior of the firm s consumers. Firms need to think the relationship between attitude and behavior of their consumers. Sales promotion serves three essential roles ; information, persuasion and reminder. The simple definition given for sales promotion is Sales promotion consist of diverse collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate quicker and/or greater purchase of particular ... Show more content on ... These factors are target market, Nature of product and services, Stage of the product life cycle and budget available for promotion. A target market can be in any of six stages namely: awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction and purchase. Product related issues to be considered are :Whether product is demonstrable or not, what kind of services are required, what price is acceptable by target market and how much customization is possible. Product life stage calls for understanding of various phases such as : Introduction, growth, maturity and decline. Last but not least is promotion budget. Different methods are available for preparing budgets. (gupta, 2010) According to Shultz, et al. (1998) also behavior is influenced directly by promotional techniques. It has little impact on attitude changing factors related to consumers. According to Kwok Uncles(2005) role of sales promotion is observed in final stages of buying. When the customer is about to finalize from the chosen choice list sales promotion may trigger the activities. According to Dotson, M.J. andHyatt, E.M. (2012) companies rely heavily on promotional schemes. They spend huge promotional budget (75%) on sale promotion. The relative weightage for advertising is lesser and amounts to 25 percent ... Get more on ...
  • 23. How Does The Nature Of Death Affect Emily Dickinson s Poetry Death is a Gentleman Emily Dickinson was a simple woman who was perceived the world around her in complex and novel ways. Her poetry is nothing short of amazing and she would go on to become one of the greatest American poets regardless of the fact that she stayed in her parents home for almost all of her life. Her poetry represented her own faith and objectivity which made her a staple for future poets. Dickinson s poetry manifests an ongoing struggle with, and strong aversion to many core tenets of, the Christian religion. (Hughes) Her family and friends where religious and in her poetry she emphasizes the questioning and rejection of sin, hell and damnation, election, and redemption. (Hughes) Dickinson was also a transcendentalist, she sought to comprehend the world ... Show more content on ... Her poetry reflected both aspects and she adopted the ideals of a non strict powerful being. In the ideals of death Dickinson follows her transcendentalist roots by not associating death as strict, evil, or in the form of the grim reaper. I believe Emily Dickinson respected death and associated it to be a force that is not evil but absolute, kind and timeless, through her use of personification, symbolization, and style in Because I could not stop for Death. Dickinson in Because I could not stop for Death refers to death as a gentleman reflecting a personal level of respect. In the first two poetic lines of Because I could not stop for Death/ He kindly stopped for me (1 2). We see death become personified trough the actions of Death, stopping and being kind to the speaker. By capitalizing the D in death she has attributed that death is a living being. ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Sexual Stereotyping Of Men And Women All through society, men and women both have been relied upon to live by rules comprising of media created thoughts and methods for living out life. Both genders reasoning procedures are being adjusted the negative impacts of society s broad communications. For both genders, this rehashing negative introduction causes a consistent defeat in mental self portrait and makes media affected choices that prompt undesirable ways of life. The media impacts the reasoning procedure of both men and ladies in negative ways accordingly media should be intensely directed. The sexual stereotyping of men and women affects our general public. From sex generalizations about men in relationship to generalizations of ladies sexuality, these biased demeanors influence every one of us.The sexual stereotyping of men and women really changes the perspective of things. From sex generalizations about men in relationship to generalizations of ladies sexuality, these biased states of mind influence every one of us. The advances made recently set up uniformity between the genders, society reflects less states of mind that bolster separation and imbalance in the middle of men and ladies. The greater part of us embrace a perspective that is freed from old sexual biases that once verged on racial fanaticism. Nonetheless, despite the fact that we are freed in our convictions and demeanors, a large portion of our activities are still affected by sex stereotyping and ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Old Cutler Trail Research Paper If staying in shape by running, walking, or biking is important to you, there are many quality trails around South Miami, FL for you to enjoy. Consider these three. Commodore Trail This five mile trail is great for bikers, inline skaters, and those walking or jogging. It is even wheelchair accessible. On one end, the trail connects to Old Cutler Trail, and on the end, it connects with Rickenbacker Trail, allowing you to make your trail adventure longer. Commodore Trail is a mix of paved paths, sidewalks, and shared road. Take extra caution when traveling on the shared road portion of the trail. Places along the trail which might be of particular interest include both Kennedy Park and The Barnacle Historic State Park. Old Cutler Trail Beginning ... Get more on ...
  • 26. How Color Affects Heating By Absorption Of Light Purpose The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate how color affects heating by absorption of light. Background Information The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of wavelengths over which electromagnetic radiation extends (Merriam Webster Dictionary). The visible part of the spectrum is light and we can see colors from blue to red. On the left side of the spectrum is blue where the wavelength is shorter. On the right side of the spectrum is red where the wavelength is much longer than the blue end. These wavelengths are called the visible spectrum and an example of this is a rainbow. For a light wave to be absorbed by an object, the single frequency light wave must come in contact with the object. Although light colors reflect part of the visible light, black absorbs all energy and wavelengths. Hypothesis If different colored pieces of construction paper are used, then the darkest piece will absorb the most light through the heat lamp after one hour. Materials 6 identical glass jars, 1 quart size, with lids 6 sheets of different colored construction paper (1 piece of red, orange, yellow, green, purple, and black) Scissors Tape 21 cups of water Mercury thermometer White modeling clay Heat lamp Timer Drill and 1/4 of an inch bit Procedure Gather all of the necessary materials. Drill a hole relatively larger than the thermometer in the lid of one of the jars. Only one lid needs to have a hole because the jars will be tested separately. Take a piece of construction ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Radical Groups Of Thinkers Throughout the recent centuries, biologists, psychologist, and sociologists have been franticly researching a single question, which if solved, can help us decode our every behavior and decision. Why exactly are we the people we are today? This question has sparked many passionate debates, one of them being; Nature (Genetics, biological traits,) versus Nurture (Environmental effects, learning behavior). There are two radical groups of thinkers in which strictly oppose each other, Nativists and Empiricist and with a common interest in mind, their perspective of how a being develops behaviorally and cognitively differ drastically with very few to none similarities. This theory provides the most insight to the mystery that is ourselves. ... Show more content on ... On the other hand, we have not the slightest proof that behavioral traits are passed down through genetics, which leads us to believe that our next best answer would consist of environmental stimuli influencing our development of the mind. An example of an environmental stimuli would be social interaction, in which we all show signs of change from our fetal stages to the day we die. During this time span of time we form our own unique individuality and behavior. There are many different perspectives of psychology in which psychologists try to explain the reasoning behind humanistic behavior and thinking. There are two extremist groups of psychologists that strictly oppose each other when it comes to the Nature vs. Nurture theory. Nativists, psychologists who adopt strong hereditary reasoning or Nature theory, believe humans are a product of evolution and our inner and external traits as well as our behavior are due to our very complex genetic form. The Nativists believe our individuality is a result of the mixed genetic code, which we get from both of our parents. This code is solely different from any other being in the world. Nativists strongly believe every reaction we have and behavior we exhibit is part of our genetic code, which still remains a mystery today. These thoughts are so radical that after decades of research and experimentation, it is still strongly believed that our genetic code is the proper ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Ideal of a Man, the Ideal of a Woman of the Heian... Seen from descriptions in the most prominent literature works in Heian era, such as Ise Monotagari, Kagerō Nikki, Izumi Shikibu Nikki, Makura no Shōshi, and Genji Monogatari, gender roles during the period were implicitly or explicitly defined, and I assume, because of this climate, they were considered as major parts of the society, and vice versa. There are many characters appearing in Genji Monogatari. I think each of them is a representation of people whom Murasaki Shikibu had observed around her in her time, and that reviews of those characters are the key to a glimpse into ideal manliness and ideal femininity and manliness in the Heian era. In this paper, I will discuss the ideal images of men and women in Heian era by analyzing ... Show more content on ... That the emperor takes Fujitsubo as his second wife because she resembles Kiritsubo no Kōi shows that how beautiful they both are. Kiritsubo s death, as still being beautiful and beloved by the man she loves, reminds me of the concept of mono no aware, referring to beauty, fragileness, and virtue of mortality. Similarly, Fujitsubo, who is the daughter of the earlier emperor, is physically attractive and loyal although she is rather attracted to Genji but does her best to adhere to her position as the emperor s wife; she is a good representation of mono no aware as well in that to Genji she is unreachable although she, mutually caring for him, seems so close. Ustusemi, appearing in the chapters 2 and 3, also represents what was considered to be a good woman; she is attractive, reserved, and witty enough to reply Genji s poem. Despite the success of Genji s first unexpected approach to Utsusemi, afterwards she consistently refuses him due to her strong, reasonable determination not to see him again; her refusal to accept Genji may relate to her age, which is unknown but presumably older than Genji, which may go against the social preference of relationships in the period. Looking from another perspective, I think how Genji reacts to her attitudes toward him provides the reader with a peep of Murasaki Shikibu feminism; that is, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Chemical Burn Research Paper The severity of a chemical burn depends on the following factors: corrosive capability of the chemical burn, concentration of the chemical, temperature of the chemical or the solution in which it dissolved and lastly, duration of the contact with the chemical (page 294). Also an important dependent on the severity of the burn is by how deep the burn in question penetrates through the skin. This is determined by the location of the burn, age of the victim, and the amount of burned area (page 293). Chemical burns can destroy body tissue, depending on the extent of destruction including the severity of the burn. However, chemical burns can also cause a high risk of infection in victims. Due to this risk of infection it is important to keep the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Analysis Of The Story The Kim Family Moral of the story The Kim s family story about their Thanksgiving trip during winter weather was truly tragic. They made a decision to take a road trip under harsh weather conditions with limited amount of food and gas. They missed their exit, and decided to take an unknown, dangerous route where they got stuck for nine days. In my opinion, the moral of the story is to plan and prepare for a road trip especially under inclement weather. It s essential to carry an emergency kit, extra food, water, and clothing in case one gets stuck due to poor road conditions. Prior to starting a road trip, it s important to know about the weather conditions and travel advisories on the area. Family members should know the route of the planned trip. The vehicle must have a full tank of gas, and be in good mechanical condition to withstand a road trip under harsh weather. Most importantly, we should pay attention to warning signs such as fatigue, fuel levels and bad road conditions to stop, and reconvene the trip when it s safe to travel to our final destination. Major negative issues that hindered their survival The Kim s family survival was impacted by many adverse actions. First, James drove the entire trip. He was probably tired which most likely increased his driving risk on winter weather. He kept driving at night and missed the exit. They didn t turn around because they wanted to get to their hotel. Instead, they took a short cut, Bear Camp road. This path is known to be dangerous, ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Robin Williams Tragic Hero Tragic heroes can be described as people who had royal beginnings, but had a downfall because of a flaw, or multiple flaws. Due to this downfall, the tragic hero can impact the lives of many people. Robin williams can be defined as a tragic hero. He was an actor beloved by all from his many comedic acting roles, such as those in Mrs.Doubtfire and Hook. He seemed to be the best example of a perfect person, but became a tragic hero after all of his hardships and addictions. Robin Williams was a great actor and he helped wherever he could, but suffered with his flaws of substance dependence and depression, leading to his untimely death. However, his influence will live on forever. In his lifetime, Robin Williams did a plentiful amount of charity, and had a long lasting ... Show more content on ... He was last seen alive at 10:30 P.M. by his wife who was going to bed. At 11:45 A.M. his personal assistant became concerned after he didn t answer the door (SFGate). His suicide was what he thought of as a way to escape the treacherous world he was living with, but his death had a great impact on others as well. His family and friends were very concerned for him and were devastated when they lost him. I lost my father and best friend and the world got a little greyer. I will carry his heart with me everyday. I would like those who loved him to remember him by being as gentle, kind, and generous as he would be (SFGate, Zak Williams). Even with the mistakes and wrongs he made, many people will remember him as the bright, happy person he was on the screen. His death didn t create his impact, but instead increased the greatness of the impacts he made when he was alive. The happy, humorous, loving person has passed through to his children and to his adoring fans. Robin Williams made mistakes, but his goodness towards others and his wonderful humor has and will make the greater ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Book Thief Theme Alexis Javier Mrs. Rosenwasser English 9H October 13, 2014 The Book Thief by Markus Zusak The Book Thief is a text set in Germany during the time of World War II, focused on the life of the protagonist, Liesel Meminger. Liesel, a young German girl, loses her family including her brother Werner who died on a train on the way to Munich. She comprehends the feeling of loss and pain and is conscious that she is existing in hard times. The narrator of the story, Death, witnesses her brother s demise and kneels down to extract the boy s soft and cold spirit as Liesel shakes Werner in an attempt to resuscitate him (Zusak 21). Of course, it does not work as Death questions Liesel s struggle to restore her fallen brother. Thereafter, Lisel picks ... Show more content on ... However, one interesting theme is forming ties with others. In Liesel s journey, she meets many people, exclusively through her love of books and words. For instance, Liesel and her foster father, Hans Hubermann, did not have a strong bond with each other. It was evident that Liesel did not want to be with Rosa and Hans Hubermann. Later on, Liesel would have to deal with the constant remarks of Saumensch, Saukerl, or Arschloch by Rosa. On the other hand, she became more comfortable living with them because of reading and learning words from The Grave Digger s Handbook. Hans and Liesel establish a deeper and more involved relationship with these books. For example, Hans and Liesel study the alphabet which shows their bond developing. [Hans] patted the girl s hair. She d fallen into his trap. With a smile like that, you don t need eyes. He hugged her and then looked again at the picture, with a face of warm silver. Now for T (68). Moreover, Hans gifted Liesel with books for her birthday such as The Mud Men, which intensified their relationship even more. Based on this evidence, it is palpable that Hans and Liesel s bond strengthened through books and words from the moment of Liesel s arrival through the end of their ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Washington Dc Vs Riyadh Research Paper Have you ever thought about the similarities and differences between to different cities from two different countries? Some countries are similar in many traditions. Also, you can find major tradition differences between two different countries. A Capital is usually the biggest city in a country. I have been to Washington D.C and Al Riyadh, they both are cities from two different countries which are the United States and Saudi Arabia. we can compare and contrast both cities in terms of food, weather, and festivals. To begin with the similarity, DC and Al Riyadh are both big capital cities because as I mentioned above usually a capital is the big city in the country. You can find in the both cities the government and high authority branches ... Show more content on ... For example, Thanks Giving is a day that all families gather together and eat turkey for dinner, Black Friday is a day that comes after thanksgiving in U.S and this day you can find huge discounts that the stores provide for the costumers, and the New Year s eve is the first day of the year all the countries have a vacation on this day and most of the people celebrate with their friends family and enjoy watching fireworks. In Riyadh there are only two special festivals, Eid Al Fitter which comes after Ramadan all Muslims celebrate this special holiday because it is in their religion, the wear new clothes and go to the mosque to pray in the morning and after that they visit their friends and families and go back home to wait for an guests to come. Eid Al Adha, is the second special holiday and it comes in the 10th day of Eid Al Haj and we sacrifice a sheep and volunteer to poor people meat. To sum up, each capital has similar and different traditions. There is a huge difference between these two capitals D.C and Al Riyadh more than the similarities. However, capital cities have a prominent place in the countries. I have been to both capitals and I think D.C has most spectacular places, and incredible nature. Finally, there is many places to visit and have many activities to ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The, Not All A Dream The speaker begins his poem as a dream but not all a dream (line 1), immediately casting doubt upon the story to follow. The poet then imagines the end of the world through a series of natural, social, and possibly supernatural events. The sad/dark, cold earth reduces/lessens for weeks or months, long enough for men to forget their strong emotions (line 7) and turn their hearts only to survival or feelings that there is no hope. To stop/hold back the darkness, they burn everything they can, including their homes. Both palaces and huts are burned to give light and warmth. Around the fires, men are at first glad to see other faces but then they see in those faces such feelings that there is no hope that they begin to cry, smile (in a ... Show more content on ... Soon all the world is dead from the widespread death from starving, with the exception of two men and they are in some way enemies. They terribly and unfortunately approach a (high table at the front of a church) (in which/during which/in what way/in what) holy interesting (old) objects were used in unholy ceremonies (such as burning (related to religion or the soul) things not meant to be burned), there to add fuel to the glowing pieces of wood of a nearly gone forever fire for a few moments more light. Once the fire is bright enough, the two men look at one another, seeing each other s terrible, scary, starving face; what each man sees frightens him to death, this way ending the human race. With people gone forever, the earth becomes a dead rock. The moon, long since destroyed, no longer moves the waves or wind, so all is totally still upon the planet. Darkness wins (by force) all: She was the Universe (line 82). Analysis Byron wrote Darkness in July August 1816. The poem is at least partly influenced by the mass panic/very strong emotion of the time brought about by an Italian astronomer s (statement about a possible future event) that the sun would burn itself out on July 18th, this way destroying the world. The prediction gained members due to the increase in sunspot activity at the time and the (what people ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Miss Brill Analysis Imagination is a notion that serves as the very spark that kindles the fire of the mind. It is the motor that propels a child s toy car forward; the wind beneath the whimsical wings of an individual who wishes to fly. Often, it is seen as a means of escape from the calamities that life has to offer. In Katherine Mansfield s short story Miss Brill , the titular character shows how imagination can be used as a tool to subvert one s own perception of reality. The reader is first introduced to Miss Brill during her trek to the park on a chilly autumn afternoon. At first glance, she appears to be haughty and materialistic. She dons a red eiderdown that she personally groomed for the purpose of wearing it to the park, and frowns at those other ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Slavery During The United States It seems as though slavery has always been etched into our history since the beginning of time. The first recordings of slaves are from the Biblical times. From the Babylonian s, 18th century BC; to the abolishment of slavery in the United States, 1865; people across the world endured the hardships of slavery. People of all races were enslaved, from the Jews to the African American people. The Jewish people suffered a great deal from the Holocaust, according to, the Detroit News, Germany has agreed to pay the Jewish survivors $89 billion in reparations ( While the United States, has made no effort to repay the African American descendants, any reparations. Slavery in American is forever deeply rooted in its history. ... Show more content on ... ( Although this was a step in the right direction, African Americans were still discriminated against, beaten and separated from the whites. Many leaders came about during these times in order to lead the African American people out of racism and to establish equal rights for themselves. Many well known activists such as W.E.B DuBois, Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X all paved the way for African Americans and their advancement. But it was not until the Civil Rights Movement, led by Martin Luther King, Jr, that made major strides for the African American people. The Civil Rights Movement, the courage and tenacity people showed in their own communities in their determination to attack segregation and exclusion from the political process. (The African American Odyssey, pg 596.) The Civil Rights focused on peaceful protests, and non violent acts. The March on Washington held great significance. Many people believe the Civil Rights movement was a success, but there were also some people who believed the Civil Rights failed the African American Community. During the Civil Rights Movement there were many supporters as well as those who opposed the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Workrate Definition How do you define workrate? The term workrate was introduced to me during the earlier stages of my wrestling fandom when I stumbled upon online communities who would throw the word around quite readily. Even with the term still in common usage, I have never seen it given a widely agreed upon and concrete definition. In my view workrate is somewhat distinct from good work , and refers to the athletic and mechanical aspects of a match, in addition to the fluidity of its execution, bumping, and the like. It says very little for the emotional components of a match or wrestler, for facials, and more complex elements of selling. Whilst this does mean that many, if not most good workrate matches are well worked, and many high workrate wrestlers are great workers, the contrapositive does not hold those who do not have the mechanical and athletic prowess of a high workrate performer may very well be just as good as far as quality of match output is concerned. Is workrate important to you? Workrate is important to me and my enjoyment in a match, most certainly. Mitsuharu Misawa and Kenta Kobashi, two of my all time favourite wrestlers exhibited exceptionally high workrate throughout their storied careers; particularly at their peaks. But, does ... Show more content on ... At the time super athleticism and movez were a top priority in my evaluations, and were lumped under the umbrella heading of workrate . Exploring the wrestling world outside of 90s All Japan and mid 2000s Ring of Honor most definitely assisted with what would become a gradual evolution of my outlook, and what is more, aided me, specifically in the case of 90s All Japan, in recognising just why some of those matches were as great as they were for reasons beyond workrate ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Ethical Issues Surrounding Cognitive Enhancers Humans have been seeking many different ways to improve their cognitive ability for thousands of years. For example, education has been used in order to learn and improve on cognitive ability and to improve our understanding of the world (Bostrom and Sandberg, 2009). With the advance of technology, resources and medicine, humans have managed to develop cognitive enhancing drugs that improve our cognitive ability by improving the attention, motivation and working memory. One example of a cognitive enhancer that is commonly used today to improve alertness is caffeine, which is contained in tea, coffee and many fizzy drinks (Bostrom and Sandberg, 2009). Other cognitive enhancers used today include Ritalin (Methylphenidate), which is used to ... Show more content on ... The hypoactivity of dopamine then causes reduced attention, impaired working memory and poor behavioural organisation. Ritalin has been used to treat ADHD by blocking the neurotransmitters so they don t reuptake dopamine, resulting in dopamine being in the system for longer. This means that there is increased motivation and attention, helping some of the symptoms that ADHD produces. There are many studies showing that Ritalin is an effective drug to treat ADHD, with studies showing that Ritalin decreases any abnormalities found in patients with ADHD (Hart et al., 2013; Spencer et al., 2013). Despite Ritalin reducing the symptoms of ADHD, the disorder is normally first diagnosed in children as this is when symptoms first start appearing. This causes problems as children may not understand the side effects of the drugs (e.g. anxiety, nausea, insomnia, psychosis) and are too young to give informed consent. This means that the parent or guardian would have to give consent on behalf of the child which relies on the child having a parent and a parent that is not neglecting of the child. Questions arise such as, how do we know the parent has the child s best interest at heart? Who makes the decision if the child is orphaned? What if the child doesn t want the drug, but the parent does who makes the decision? Another problem with treating children with ADHD is the risk of depending on medical fixes ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Treasure Of Lemon Brown Analysis One day I was walking down fifth street and I saw a man pull something out of the trash and he saw me eyeing him and he told me what was one man s trash is another man s treasure. The kid wanted to play on the recreation basketball team, but, his grades were poor, so he left the house in a rage and meet someone. In the story The Treasure of Lemon Brown written by Walter Dean Myers, the author portrays the theme that sometimes you have to let someone else open your eyes because people get too focused on one thing that they can t see other things. The author uses the character s actions to prove the theme because, the boy changes his view on his dad. When the character in the story storms out of the house he doesn t realize that his dad s trying to help ... Show more content on ... When the boys leaves home, he doesn t really care about what his dad says or what lemon brown is saying to him he his talking to Lemon brown, but doesn t think he s harmful or cares enough to give him a good answer, Greg relaxed. He had seen the man before, picking through the trash on the corner and pulling clothes out of a Salvation Army box. There was no sign of a razor that could cut a week into nine days. This shows he doesn t care about brown and just wants to be left alone. It also shows greg thinks Lemon Brown is weak. When the boy howls when the gang is trying to take Lemon Brown s treasure he takes him seriously along with his dad the boy realizes Lemon Brown is powerful and that his dad is trying to help him succeed, As Greg howled, the light moved away from Lemon Brown, but not before Greg saw him hurl his body down the stairs at the men who had come to take his treasure. There was a crashing noise, and then footsteps. This shows that the boy learned Lemon Brown can be powerful if he wants to be. It also shows Greg respects Lemon Brown for being ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Humanist Movement During The Middle Ages The tendency of those to look towards a higher being for guidance has been part of human nature since the birth of religion. This tendency has made religion a cornerstone of human civilization, and a subject of focus throughout history. During the Middle Ages, the works of John Wycliff and Jan Hus sought to reform the church and return power to its followers. This self empowerment through the reformation of their religious studies fathered core beliefs of the Humanism movement during the Renaissance. This movement uses the work of Wycliff and Hus to establish their own ideas about how to use scripture, and gives merit to the significance of the Middle Ages. John Wycliff, an English scholar and theologian, believed that the most important ... Show more content on ... An important piece of literature to humanists was the bible, and the translation of it was crucial to humanist learning. The power of a translated bible, shown by Wycliff and Hus, was realized by many humanists during the Renaissance such as Desiderius Erasmus. Erasmus, a dutch humanist, believed in the power of a translated bible and in his writings he expresses his wish that even the weakest woman should read the gospel should read the epistles of Paul. And I wish these were translated into all languages so that they might be read and understood, not only by scots and Irishmen, but also by Turks and Saracens. (McKay 371) This call for the translation of scripture into all languages showed Erasmus s fundamental idea that Education in the the means to reform, the key to moral and intellectual improvement. (McKay 371) The translation of the bible, like in the case of Wycliff and Hus, allowed the common literate population to be freed from the constraints of the church, and formulate their own ideas about christianity. This idea was made plausible through the printing press, which allowed books to be produced and distributed at a much faster rate, and gave it legs to stand on. Erasmus, one of many who called for reform in the church during the Renaissance, brought this key humanistic idea to the ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Mind Control Vs Cults Mind control can be defined under its many names like brainwashing, exploitative persuasion , uninformed consent, manipulation, coercive persuasion, malignant use of group dynamics, socio psychological manipulation, behavioral change technology, and compliance gaining influence. Cults are also known by other names: closed system of logic, authoritarian structure, ideological totalism, and coercive organization (rational . Mind control is a rather elusive topics as people don t want to believe how easily influenced and malleable their minds are , people generally like to think in a pretentious manner about their minds yet in reality we are as open to these topics ... Show more content on ... once they start to break down, their identity is up for grabs. At this point, they basically are yours. At this point offer some kindness or mercy no matter how small. Even a glass of water sets the seed. Faced with contrast and guilt, the target feels compelled to confess and show gratitude. The target at this point doesn t know what they did wrong, so the agent pins it on their current beliefs.they then try to escape their wrongness by escaping their belief system as to save themselves. introduce a new path to good that they can accept. Generally used so they look to the agent. Contrasting the agony of the old with the peacefulness of the new, so that the victim has something to believe in. Finally They will then cling to it for support as their entire way of life changes. This is how cults brainwash seemingly normal people to do crazy things and take up radical beliefs. One example of another more direct use of mind control was the use of the mk ultra program by the cia subjects are first de patterned by manipulating their mental states and drastically changing their brain functions This is done through a term called E.C.T (Electroconvulsive Therapy) which is the administration of drugs, hypnosis, sensory and sleep deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other various forms of torture. As a result, and as a creative way to deal with extreme trauma, the victims brains would develop Multiple Personalities Disorder or ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Tradeaway.Com, Barterquest.Com, and U-Exchange.Com 1. Examine how bartering is conducted online at , , and u compare and contrast the functionalities and ease of use of these sites. TradeAway wants to offer you a fun and exciting way to buy, sell, or trade your personal property, cars, boats, horses, real estate, toys, and more. TradeAway is made up of creative people like you who are waiting for creative offers. TradeAway is a People to People e commerce site. TradeAway will give People the opportunity, in a barter auction format, to get value out of their unused merchandise or services with, or without the use of cash, utilizing the Internet as a medium to trade, barters, sell, or find their merchandise, Services, real ... Show more content on ... o BarterQuest provides a trading platform based on proprietary technology (patents filed) that instantly matches the haves and wants of users for two party and multi party trades. o Barter is facilitated by a user friendly Web design that is unique in its combination of features that support trading. o Many barter sites are limited to trading certain types of items, for example, books for books or timeshares for timeshares. BarterQuest supports th exchange of all types of items and, as a result, opens up your possibilities. o Other sites that support barter are limited geographically. BarterQuest is both local and national. In Contrast, The disadvantage and the reason for the development of money is that there is no standard unit of value. Multiple party transfers get very complicated for one thing; you don t even know how to measure values of unlike items. U Trade Anything, Pay Nothing. U Exchange is the Largest Swap Site that specializes in every type of trade. No barter currencies or commissions taken on trades. Contact, post and swap with other members. U is a place where you can barter services without having to worry about transaction or membership fees, barter currency or commissions. It s free to contact, post and trade. They provide the meeting ground and you set up the trades. It s that
  • 43. ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The Limited Partnership Act 2008 Essay The Limited Partnership Act 2008 came into force on 2nd May 2008 enabling registration of limited Partnership and Overseas Limited Partnership. The primary function objective for the introduction of the Limited Partnerships regime is to facilitate sustainable growth in New Zealand s venture capital and private equity Industries. This introduction of internationally recognized Limited Partnership opens the gate way for foreign capital investment which helps the company in their initially setup start and also proves to be a valuable tool for their company. On other hand it also allows New Zealand to compete internationally for venture capital funds. This act came into action because of three main reasons ; firstly to revoke the special partnership provision (Part II) of the Partnership Act 1908; Secondly to create modern rules which are simple and similar to internationally recognized limited partnership in use overseas and thirdly to allow the development of venture capital industry of New Zealand. By bringing this law into action New Zealand lines up with similar regime in Australia and United Kingdom. The new law simplifies the registration requirement, as compared to the formalities required by the old law, which gives great flexibility in the rules of governing self management that in case with companies whilst at the same time adopting many rules drawn from the company and partnership law. It evidently states the point to which investor can contribute in management ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Robespierre, The French Revolution And The Symbol Of Evil... Those people of the past that are studied as historical figures major and minor make up a virtually insignificant portion of the people that have inhabited the earth since the beginning of civilization. And yet to die without a memorable legacy is much more desirable a fate than to be remembered with enduring hatred for what one accomplished and stood for during life. Certainly, there are many who deserve to be remembered with spite people whose beliefs and actions were unacceptable whether evaluated in a modern context or that of their own period. And yet still some are hated for centuries, mainly due to having made powerful enemies while alive. Maximilien Robespierre, who is often regarded as the leading figure of the French Revolution and the symbol of violent excess during that period, was one such person. Although the view of Robespierre within the historical community has softened (to a certain degree), he remains a personification of evil in the public mind. For example, the first result of a quick Google search for most evil people includes a list of 25 historical figures, with Robespierre at no. 17, ahead of others such as Adolf Eichmann, Heinrich Himmler, and Osama bin Laden. While this website is by no means a scholarly source, it serves to underline the way in which the average person views Robespierre in a grossly inaccurate fashion. The legacy that was created for Robespierre by political opponents who used him as a scapegoat is not at all one that ... Get more on ...