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Your tests are trying
to tell you something ...
10 design hints you were missing
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About the speaker:
Hi, I'm Victor Rentea 🇷🇴
Java Champion, 17 years of code, code, code, code, code....
Consultant & Trainer: 5000 developers of 100+ companies in EU:
❤️ Clean Code, Architecture, Unit Testing
🛠 Spring Framework, Hibernate/JPA, Reactive/WebFlux
⚡️ Java Performance, Secure Coding 🔐
Conference Speaker – find many recoded talks online
Founder of Bucharest Software Crafters Community: 5000+ members
🔥 Free monthly Zoom webinars, 1-2 hours after work. Join at
Past events on my channel:
Father of 👧👦, woke up at night by a 😺:
From the Agile Ideology ...
Emergent Design
while we keep shipping shit working software fast,
the design of the system will naturally evolve by itself
(as opposed to large up-front design that can cause overengineering)
Writing Tests give you hints
on when to improve the design
Emergent Design
that never emerged
We need triggers!
When should I refine the design?
Kent Beck
Creator of Extreme Programming (XP)
a very technical form of Agile
Inventor of TDD
Author of JUnit
Father of Unit Testing
1. Passes all Tests 💪
2. Expresses Intent = SRP, Domain Names
2. No Duplication = DRY🌵
3. Keep it Simple = KISS💋
Rules of Simple Design
by Kent Beck
 design feedback 💎
Testing in many Successful Monoliths :
Ice-Cream Cone Testing Anti-Pattern
30 manual testers
🧔🏼♂️🧔🏼♂️🧔🏼♂️🧔🏼♂️ 🧔🏼♂️🧔🏼♂️🧔🏼
20% coverage (GUI robots, Selenium,..)
absent (old frameworks)
scarce, 10% coverage
More design feedback
Testing Pyramid
Test a thin slice of behavior
Test a group of modules
Test everything as whole
⭐️ Deep Edge Case
⭐️ Critical Business Flow (eg. checkout)
More busine$$ safety
overlapping is
normal to happen
💖 or 🤬
Why we 💖 Mocks
Isolated Tests
from external systems 🤔
Fast 🐇
no framework, DB, external APIs
when testing high complexity 😵💫 
in-mem DB
Testcontainers 🐳
* James Coplien in
under test
Cyclomatic Complexity
= number of independent execution paths through code ≈ max no. tests
CC=5 CC=6
f(a) g(b)
f() calling g() together have a CC =
To cover all branches
setup and input data
Tests for a+b become...
Why we 🤔 Mocks
Uncaught Bugs 😱
despite 1000s of green✅ tests: lock, tap, doors, umbrella 🧔
Fragile Tests 💔
that break when refactoring internals
Unreadable Tests 😵💫
A test using 5+ mocks 
The test has 20 lines full of mocks
has a bad cost/benefit ratio
Outside-in from integration- to unit- test
Tested prod code has 4 lines
f(..) {
a = api.fetchB(repoA.find(..).getBId());
d = service.createD(a,b,repoC.find(..));;
Collapse Middle-Man / useless layer
The Testing Pyramid
The Bad Monolith ("Big ball of mud") has
- Highly coupled code
- Huge complexity behind a few entry points  the need for lots of Unit Tests 
Microservices / Modulith
- Huge complexity in a single microservice = bad practice  Break µservice/module
- Many APIs, hiding a decent amount of complexity (🙏)
- Easier to test more at the API level  Honeycomb Testing Strategy
Testing Microservices is different
test the entire microservice in isolation
may fail because of another system
Implementation Detail
complex parts of the code
Start up all microservices in the ecosystem.
Expensive, flaky, but business-critical e2e tests (eg checkout)
Responsibility of a central QA team(?)
Test end-to-end as many flows in your system.
Starts up the entire system (@SpringBootTest)
 Keep tests isolated without mocks
Separate tests for the parts of the code naturally isolated
with high internal complexity.
Mocks are allowed
Still: test roles, not methods/classes
Write social unit tests
Honeycomb Testing Strategy
(suitable for microservices)
Testcontainers 🐳
DB ES Kafka ...
many tests on
one entrypoint
decouple and test alone
Test manageable complexity without mocks
Instead, test "components" (groups of objects)
Internal refactoring won't break tests
You get most design feedback
from tests in 'Implementation Detail'
Unit Testing puts more design pressure on
methods and data structures
var bigObj = new BigObj();
Tests must create bigObj just to pass two inputs🧔
DATA in 2023?
using only 2 of the 15 fields in bigObj
method(a, b)
Precise Signatures prod.method(a, b);
Also, simpler tests:
Pass only necessary data to functions ✅
⛔️ Don't Mock Getters ⛔️
Mock behavior, not data
prod.method(new AB(a, b));
Parameter Object
Testing highly complex logic:
⛔️ Don't have Mocks return Mocks⛔️
Constrained Objects
= data structures that guard their internal consistency by throwing exceptions,
(eg required fields, string size / regex, or more complex domain rules)
 Mutable (eg Domain Entities, Aggregates)
via constructor and setters/mutator methods
 Immutable❤️ (Value Objects)
via constructor
A group of classes has a
clear role and manageable complexity (A)
An Object is Constrained ✅ but Large (B)
Object Mother Pattern*
eg. TestData.john(): Customer
Break Domain Entities
in separate Bounded Contexts
packages > modulith > microservices
 Test the entire group with a social unit-test✅:
requires larger setup and larger input
* (2006)
Same test data factory used in different verticals
customer | order
Break Object Mother per vertical
CustomerTestData | OrderTestData
Creating valid test data gets cumbersome
A shared class creating valid test objects
Your complex logic directly uses
APIs or heavy libraries: Unit-testing your logic
requires understanding the semantics of:
The External API: to populate/assert DTOs
The Library: to mock it
... dto.getStrangeField()
... Lib.use(mysteriousParam,...)
Unit Tests speak your Domain Model
Unit Tests are first-class citizens of your project
#respect them
Agnostic Domain
Isolate complex logic from the outside world
... domainObject.getMyField()
... libAdapter.use(😊)
application / infra
Value Object
Controller Repo
Deep complexity is kept inside
for easier testing
Simplified Onion Architecture
#1 Unit Testing loves
precise signatures
smaller data structures
agnostic domain
#2 Unit Testing puts design pressure on
Highly Complex Logic
class Big {
f() { //complex
g() { //complex
Inside the same class,
a complex function f()
calls a complex g()
g() is complex => unit-tested separately
When testing f(), can I avoid executing g()?
That is: can I mock a local method call?
class HighLevel {
LowLevel low;
f() {//complex
} class LowLevel {
g() {/*complex*/}
Partial Mock (@Spy)
Hard to maintain tests:
Which method is real, which is mocked?🧔
Split by Layers of Abstraction
(high-level policy vs low-level details)
Tolerable testing Legacy Code
If splitting the class doesn't feel right,
test f+g together with bigger tests
class HighLevel {
LowLevel low;
f() {//complex
Split by Layers of Abstraction
= vertical split of a class
class LowLevel {
g() {/*complex*/}
class Wide {
A a;
B b; //+more dependencies
complexA() {..a.fa()..}
complexB() {..b.fb()..}
class WideTest {
@Mock A a;
@Mock B b;
@InjectMocks Wide wide;
// 5 tests for complexA()
// 4 tests for complexB()
Separate test classes: ComplexATest, ..B..
(keep before useful for all tests 👌)
Complex methods in the same class
use different sets of dependencies:
class ComplexA {
A a; // +more
complexA() {
class ComplexB {
B b; // +more
complexB() {
void fixture() {
Split Unrelated Complexity not used when
testing complex1()
what part of the before
is used by my failed test?
** Mockito (since v2.0) throws UnnecessaryStubbingException if a when..then is not used by a @Test, when using MockitoExtension
** This is
test setup
DRY Principle
Split Unrelated Complexity
= horizontal split a class
class ComplexA {
A a; // +more
complexA() {
class ComplexB {
B b; // +more
complexB() {
vertically ↕️
Tests give us hints on how to break complexity
horizontally ↔️
When should we follow those hints?
Mock Roles, not Objects
The dawn of Mocks (2004):
The dawn of Mocks (2004):
Mock Roles, not Objects
You implement a new feature
> ((click in UI/postman)) > It works > Yee-Haa!
OMG, I forgot about unit-tests 😱
...then you write unit tests
by mocking all dependencies
of the prod class you wrote
Several years later, you complain that
your tests are fragile and impede refactoring
Contract-Driven Design
Before mocking a dependency,
clarify its responsibility
Changing an API you mocked is painful
"Unit Testing means mocking all dependencies of a class"
- common belief
"It's perfectly fine for unit tests to talk to databases and filesystems!"- Ian Cooper
Unit Testing
= ?
timeframe for developing your feature
When do you start writing tests?
✅ understand the problem => early questions to biz
✅ early design feedback 💎 💎 💎
✅ real test coverage => courage to refactor
#2 Unit Testing help us break complexity:
By Roles
#3 Unit Testing promotes
Functional Programming
pure functions & immutable objects
1) Has no Side-Effects
(doesn't change anything)
INSERT, POST, send message, field changes, files
2) Same Inputs => Same Output
(no external source of data)
GET, SELECT, current time, random, …
Pure Function
aka "Referential Transparency"
No Network or files
No Changes to Data
No time/random
Pure Functions
use immutable objects❤️
they are super fast
(simplified definition)
a = repo1.findById(..)
b = repo2.findById(..)
c =
Very complex logic
using many dependencies
(eg: computePrice, applyDiscounts)
Many tests
using heavy mocking
Easier to test w/ less mocks ✅
d = prod.pure(a,b,c);
Reduce Coupling of Complex Logic
D pure(a,b,c) {
return d;
Easier to understand ✅
45 ©
a training by
Functional Core
Imperative Shell / Functional Core Segregation
State Mutation
Imperative Shell
API call
Complex Logic
46 ©
a training by
Imperative Shell
Imperative Shell / Functional Core Segregation
method(Mutable order, d) {
ds.applyDiscounts(order, d);
var price = cs.computePrice(order);
return price;
... but you use mutable objects
Swapping two lines can still cause bugs
that is: 4000 ✅ tests, ❌ bugs in production
You have 4.000 unit tests,
100% test coverage 😲
Paranoid Testing
(verifying method call order)
Immutable Objects
method(Immutable order, d) {
var discountedOrder = ds.applyDiscounts(order, d);
var price = cs.computePrice(discountedOrder);
return price;
Swapping two lines
❌ does not compile
1. Collapse Middle-Man vs "What am I testing here?" Syndrome
2. Honeycomb Testing Strategy vs Fragile microscopic Unit Tests
3. Precise Signatures
4. Tailored Data Structures vs Creepy Object Mother
5. Keep complexity inside Agnostic Domain not on APIs or Extensive
6. Separate Complexity by Layers of Abstraction ↕️ vs @Spy
7. Separate Unrelated Complexity ↔️ vs Fixture Creep (bloated setup)
8. Refine Roles (Mock Roles, not Objects) vs blindly @Mock all dependencies
9. More Complexity => Less Dependencies vs Mock-full tests
10.Promote Immutable Objects vs Temporal Coupling
Design Hints from Tests
Testable Design
is Good Design
Writing fine-grained unit early
increases friction with bad design
Unit Testing Reading Guide
1] Classic TDD⭐️⭐️⭐️ (mock-less)
Mock Roles, not Objects ⭐️⭐️⭐️:
"Is TDD Dead?"
Why Most Unit Testing is Waste (James Coplien):
vs Integrated Tests are a Scam(J Brains):
2] London TDD⭐️⭐️⭐️ (mockist)
3] Patterns⭐️
5] (skip through)
Write more automated tests,
earlier, to have time to listen to
what tests are trying to tell you
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The tests are trying to tell you something@VoxxedBucharest.pptx

  • 1. Your tests are trying to tell you something ... 10 design hints you were missing Read the article: About the speaker:
  • 2. Hi, I'm Victor Rentea 🇷🇴 Java Champion, 17 years of code, code, code, code, code.... Consultant & Trainer: 5000 developers of 100+ companies in EU: ❤️ Clean Code, Architecture, Unit Testing 🛠 Spring Framework, Hibernate/JPA, Reactive/WebFlux ⚡️ Java Performance, Secure Coding 🔐 Conference Speaker – find many recoded talks online Founder of Bucharest Software Crafters Community: 5000+ members 🔥 Free monthly Zoom webinars, 1-2 hours after work. Join at Past events on my channel: Father of 👧👦, woke up at night by a 😺:
  • 3. 3 From the Agile Ideology ... Emergent Design while we keep shipping shit working software fast, the design of the system will naturally evolve by itself (as opposed to large up-front design that can cause overengineering)
  • 4. 4 Writing Tests give you hints on when to improve the design Emergent Design that never emerged 😩 We need triggers! When should I refine the design?
  • 5. 5 Kent Beck Creator of Extreme Programming (XP) a very technical form of Agile Inventor of TDD Author of JUnit Father of Unit Testing
  • 6. 6 1. Passes all Tests 💪 2. Expresses Intent = SRP, Domain Names 2. No Duplication = DRY🌵 3. Keep it Simple = KISS💋 Rules of Simple Design by Kent Beck  design feedback 💎
  • 7. 7 Testing in many Successful Monoliths : Ice-Cream Cone Testing Anti-Pattern 30 manual testers 🧔🏼♂️🧔🏼♂️🧔🏼♂️🧔🏼♂️ 🧔🏼♂️🧔🏼♂️🧔🏼 20% coverage (GUI robots, Selenium,..) absent (old frameworks) scarce, 10% coverage
  • 8. 8 E2E More design feedback Testing Pyramid Test a thin slice of behavior MOCKS Test a group of modules Test everything as whole ⭐️ Deep Edge Case ⭐️ Critical Business Flow (eg. checkout) More busine$$ safety overlapping is normal to happen
  • 10. 10 Why we 💖 Mocks Isolated Tests from external systems 🤔 Fast 🐇 no framework, DB, external APIs Simpler when testing high complexity 😵💫  Alternatives: in-mem DB Testcontainers 🐳 WireMock Cheating* * James Coplien in
  • 11. 11 Logic under test Cyclomatic Complexity = number of independent execution paths through code ≈ max no. tests Test Test Test Test Test Test Test CC=5 CC=6 f(a) g(b) calls f() calling g() together have a CC = Many To cover all branches Heavy setup and input data Tests for a+b become... 3 0
  • 13. 13 Why we 🤔 Mocks Uncaught Bugs 😱 despite 1000s of green✅ tests: lock, tap, doors, umbrella 🧔 Fragile Tests 💔 that break when refactoring internals Unreadable Tests 😵💫 A test using 5+ mocks 
  • 15. 15 The test has 20 lines full of mocks 😵💫 😡 BURN THE TEST! has a bad cost/benefit ratio HONEYCOMB TESTING Outside-in from integration- to unit- test WHAT AM I TESTING HERE ? syndrome Tested prod code has 4 lines 😩 f(..) { a = api.fetchB(repoA.find(..).getBId()); d = service.createD(a,b,repoC.find(..));; mq.send(; } REDESIGN PRODUCTION Collapse Middle-Man / useless layer
  • 17. 17 The Bad Monolith ("Big ball of mud") has - Highly coupled code - Huge complexity behind a few entry points  the need for lots of Unit Tests  Microservices / Modulith - Huge complexity in a single microservice = bad practice  Break µservice/module - Many APIs, hiding a decent amount of complexity (🙏) - Easier to test more at the API level  Honeycomb Testing Strategy Testing Microservices is different
  • 18. 18 Integration test the entire microservice in isolation Integrated may fail because of another system Implementation Detail complex parts of the code Start up all microservices in the ecosystem. Expensive, flaky, but business-critical e2e tests (eg checkout) Responsibility of a central QA team(?) Test end-to-end as many flows in your system. Starts up the entire system (@SpringBootTest)  Keep tests isolated without mocks Separate tests for the parts of the code naturally isolated with high internal complexity. Mocks are allowed Still: test roles, not methods/classes Write social unit tests Honeycomb Testing Strategy (suitable for microservices) Testcontainers 🐳 WireMock DB ES Kafka ... API many tests on one entrypoint decouple and test alone
  • 19. 19 ⚠️ Test manageable complexity without mocks A B Instead, test "components" (groups of objects) #0 Internal refactoring won't break tests
  • 20. 20 You get most design feedback from tests in 'Implementation Detail' Implementation Detail
  • 21. 21 Unit Testing puts more design pressure on methods and data structures #1
  • 22. 22 var bigObj = new BigObj(); bigObj.setA(a); bugObj.setB(b); prod.method(bigObj); Tests must create bigObj just to pass two inputs🧔 method(bigObj) MUTABLE DATA in 2023? using only 2 of the 15 fields in bigObj method(a, b) Precise Signatures prod.method(a, b); Also, simpler tests: Pass only necessary data to functions ✅ when(bigObj.getPart1()) .thenReturn(p1); ⛔️ Don't Mock Getters ⛔️ Mock behavior, not data prod.method(new AB(a, b)); method(ab) Parameter Object Testing highly complex logic: ⛔️ Don't have Mocks return Mocks⛔️
  • 23. 23 🏰 Constrained Objects = data structures that guard their internal consistency by throwing exceptions, (eg required fields, string size / regex, or more complex domain rules)  Mutable (eg Domain Entities, Aggregates) via constructor and setters/mutator methods  Immutable❤️ (Value Objects) via constructor
  • 24. 24 A group of classes has a clear role and manageable complexity (A) An Object is Constrained ✅ but Large (B) Object Mother Pattern* eg. TestData.john(): Customer coupling Break Domain Entities in separate Bounded Contexts packages > modulith > microservices  Test the entire group with a social unit-test✅: requires larger setup and larger input * (2006) Same test data factory used in different verticals customer | order ↓ Break Object Mother per vertical CustomerTestData | OrderTestData Creating valid test data gets cumbersome CREEPY A shared class creating valid test objects
  • 25. 26 Your complex logic directly uses APIs or heavy libraries: Unit-testing your logic requires understanding the semantics of: The External API: to populate/assert DTOs The Library: to mock it ...; ... dto.getStrangeField() ... Lib.use(mysteriousParam,...) Unit Tests speak your Domain Model Unit Tests are first-class citizens of your project #respect them Agnostic Domain Isolate complex logic from the outside world ... ... domainObject.getMyField() ... libAdapter.use(😊)
  • 26. application / infra Value Object Entity id Domain Service Domain Service agnostic domain My DTOs External API External DTOs Clien t External Systems Façade Controller Repo IAdapter Adapter ⛔️ ⛔️ Deep complexity is kept inside for easier testing Simplified Onion Architecture Interf Ugly Invasive Library
  • 27. 28 #1 Unit Testing loves precise signatures smaller data structures agnostic domain
  • 28. 29 #2 Unit Testing puts design pressure on Highly Complex Logic 🤔
  • 29. 30 class Big { f() { //complex g(); } g() { //complex } } Inside the same class, a complex function f() calls a complex g() g() is complex => unit-tested separately When testing f(), can I avoid executing g()? That is: can I mock a local method call? class HighLevel { LowLevel low; f() {//complex low.g(); } } class LowLevel { g() {/*complex*/} } ↓ Partial Mock (@Spy) Hard to maintain tests: Which method is real, which is mocked?🧔 Split by Layers of Abstraction (high-level policy vs low-level details) Tolerable testing Legacy Code If splitting the class doesn't feel right, test f+g together with bigger tests
  • 30. 31 class HighLevel { LowLevel low; f() {//complex low.g(); } } Split by Layers of Abstraction = vertical split of a class class LowLevel { g() {/*complex*/} }
  • 31. 32 class Wide { A a; B b; //+more dependencies complexA() {..a.fa()..} complexB() {..b.fb()..} } @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension) class WideTest { @Mock A a; @Mock B b; @InjectMocks Wide wide; // 5 tests for complexA() // 4 tests for complexB() } ↓ Separate test classes: ComplexATest, ..B.. (keep before useful for all tests 👌) Complex methods in the same class use different sets of dependencies: class ComplexA { A a; // +more complexA() { ..a.fa().. } } class ComplexB { B b; // +more complexB() { ..b.fb().. } } @BeforeEach void fixture() { when(a.fa()).then... when(b.fb()).then... } Split Unrelated Complexity not used when testing complex1() what part of the before is used by my failed test? ** Mockito (since v2.0) throws UnnecessaryStubbingException if a when..then is not used by a @Test, when using MockitoExtension ** This is BIG 🧔 FIXTURE CREEP test setup DRY Principle
  • 32. 33 Split Unrelated Complexity = horizontal split a class class ComplexA { A a; // +more complexA() { ..a.fa().. } } class ComplexB { B b; // +more complexB() { ..b.fb().. } }
  • 33. 34 vertically ↕️ Tests give us hints on how to break complexity horizontally ↔️ When should we follow those hints?
  • 34. 35 Mock Roles, not Objects The dawn of Mocks (2004):
  • 35. 36 The dawn of Mocks (2004):
  • 36. 37 BAD HABIT Mock Roles, not Objects You implement a new feature > ((click in UI/postman)) > It works > Yee-Haa! OMG, I forgot about unit-tests 😱 ...then you write unit tests by mocking all dependencies of the prod class you wrote Several years later, you complain that your tests are fragile and impede refactoring Contract-Driven Design Before mocking a dependency, clarify its responsibility = Changing an API you mocked is painful 😭
  • 37. 38 "Unit Testing means mocking all dependencies of a class" - common belief "It's perfectly fine for unit tests to talk to databases and filesystems!"- Ian Cooper Unit Testing = ?
  • 38. 39 timeframe for developing your feature When do you start writing tests? ✅ understand the problem => early questions to biz ✅ early design feedback 💎 💎 💎 ✅ real test coverage => courage to refactor
  • 39. 40 #2 Unit Testing help us break complexity: Horizontally Vertically By Roles
  • 40. 41 #3 Unit Testing promotes Functional Programming pure functions & immutable objects
  • 41. 42 1) Has no Side-Effects (doesn't change anything) INSERT, POST, send message, field changes, files 2) Same Inputs => Same Output (no external source of data) GET, SELECT, current time, random, … Pure Function aka "Referential Transparency"
  • 42. 43 No Network or files No Changes to Data No time/random Pure Functions use immutable objects❤️ they are super fast (simplified definition)
  • 43. 44 a = repo1.findById(..) b = repo2.findById(..) c = 🤯complexity🤯; mq.send(; Very complex logic using many dependencies (eg: computePrice, applyDiscounts) Many tests using heavy mocking when(..).thenReturn(a); when(..).thenReturn(b); when(..).thenReturn(c); prod.complexAndCoupled(); verify(..).save(captor); verify(..).send(...); x15=😖 Easier to test w/ less mocks ✅ d = prod.pure(a,b,c); assertThat(d)... Reduce Coupling of Complex Logic D pure(a,b,c) { 🤯complexity🤯 return d; } Easier to understand ✅
  • 44. 45 © a training by Complexity Functional Core Imperative Shell / Functional Core Segregation State Mutation DB Imperative Shell API call Files Complex Logic
  • 45. 46 © a training by Functional Core Imperative Shell Imperative Shell / Functional Core Segregation
  • 46. 47 method(Mutable order, d) { ds.applyDiscounts(order, d); var price = cs.computePrice(order); return price; } ... but you use mutable objects Swapping two lines can still cause bugs that is: 4000 ✅ tests, ❌ bugs in production You have 4.000 unit tests, 100% test coverage 😲 👏 ↓ Paranoid Testing (verifying method call order) Immutable Objects method(Immutable order, d) { var discountedOrder = ds.applyDiscounts(order, d); var price = cs.computePrice(discountedOrder); return price; } TEMPORAL COUPLING Swapping two lines ❌ does not compile
  • 47. 48 1. Collapse Middle-Man vs "What am I testing here?" Syndrome 2. Honeycomb Testing Strategy vs Fragile microscopic Unit Tests 3. Precise Signatures 4. Tailored Data Structures vs Creepy Object Mother 5. Keep complexity inside Agnostic Domain not on APIs or Extensive Libraries 6. Separate Complexity by Layers of Abstraction ↕️ vs @Spy 7. Separate Unrelated Complexity ↔️ vs Fixture Creep (bloated setup) 8. Refine Roles (Mock Roles, not Objects) vs blindly @Mock all dependencies 9. More Complexity => Less Dependencies vs Mock-full tests 10.Promote Immutable Objects vs Temporal Coupling Design Hints from Tests
  • 49. Writing fine-grained unit early increases friction with bad design
  • 50. 51 Unit Testing Reading Guide 1] Classic TDD⭐️⭐️⭐️ (mock-less) Mock Roles, not Objects ⭐️⭐️⭐️: "Is TDD Dead?" Why Most Unit Testing is Waste (James Coplien): vs Integrated Tests are a Scam(J Brains): 2] London TDD⭐️⭐️⭐️ (mockist) 3] Patterns⭐️ 4] 5] (skip through)
  • 51. 52 Write more automated tests, earlier, to have time to listen to what tests are trying to tell you Join my community to keep in touch, FOR free monthly, ONLINE debates :

Notas do Editor

  1. I'm victor rentea, I'm a java champion of Romania, working in our field for 17 years. 8 years ago I realized coding was not enough for me, and I started looking around to help the others. Today this is my full-time job: training and consultancy for companies throughout Europe. My favorite topics are ... but of course, to talk about these topics you have to master the frameworks you use, so I do intense workshops on Spring Framework, .... More senior groups often call me for performance tuning or secure coding. If you want to know more, you can find there my full training offer Besides the talks at different conferences that you can find online, I try to to one webinar each month for my community. A few years ago I started this group on meetup to have where to share my ideas and learn from the others in turn. - This community has exceeded my wildest dreams, turning into one of the largest communities in the world on Software Craftsmanship. - So what happens there? One day a month we have a zoom online webinar of 1-2 hours after work, during which we discuss one topic and then debate ideas from the participants – usually we have close to 100 live participants, so it's very engaging. If you want to be part of the fun, DO join us, it's completely free. - Many past events are available on my youtube channel. - Outside of work, I have 2 kids and a cat that wakes us up in the middle of the night.