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The Power Of Positive Thinking Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of "The Power of Positive Thinking" can be both challenging and
rewarding. On one hand, exploring the intricacies of positivity and its impact on one's mindset
and life requires a thoughtful analysis and a deep understanding of psychological concepts. On
the other hand, conveying these ideas in a coherent and engaging manner to captivate the reader
can be a demanding task.
The difficulty lies not only in presenting the well-known benefits of positive thinking but also in
delving into the psychological and scientific aspects that underpin its effectiveness.
Incorporating relevant research findings, real-life examples, and personal anecdotes to support
the thesis requires careful consideration and a nuanced approach. Striking the right balance
between empirical evidence and the subjective nature of positivity adds another layer of
complexity to the writing process.
Moreover, ensuring a logical flow of ideas and maintaining the reader's interest throughout the
essay is crucial. Crafting a compelling introduction to grab the reader's attention, followed by a
well-structured body that explores various facets of positive thinking, and concluding with a
strong summary can be a formidable task.
While the task may be challenging, the potential impact of such an essay is substantial. It has the
power to inspire and motivate readers to adopt a positive outlook on life. However, achieving
this impact necessitates meticulous research, thoughtful analysis, and effective communication.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "The Power of Positive Thinking" demands not
only a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter but also a skillful articulation of ideas
to engage and persuade the audience. The effort put into crafting such an essay is undoubtedly a
labor of intellectual dedication and creativity.
If you find yourself struggling with this or any other essay topic, assistance is available. Similar
essays and much more can be ordered on, where experienced writers can
provide the support needed to articulate your ideas effectively.
The Power Of Positive Thinking EssayThe Power Of Positive Thinking Essay
Character Analysis Of Oliver Twist
The story of Oliver Twist was originally written by Charles Dickens. It follows a
young boy called Oliver on his adventures around England from one place to the
next. On his journey, he becomes a workhouse boy, a runaway, a thief and a
respectable gentleman. He is taught these traits by some people who have good
morals and some people who are amoral. Mr. Bumble is the town beadle, he looks
after the towns orphans and the poor. He is well paid but he is not wealthy. Mr.
Bumble wishes and aspires to be part of the board of directors. After Oliver asks
for more food one day, Mr. Bumble brings him to stand in front of the board of
directors. They give Mr. Bumble the task of finding Oliver an apprenticeship to get
him out of the workhouse. Mr. Sowerberry makes coffins and takes in Oliver as an
apprentice. He is quite a nice person and if he had been left to his own devices, he
would have been very lovely and caring towards Oliver. The only problem was that
Mr. Sowerberry was quite cowardly and scared of his wife Mrs. Sowerberry who
was mean and resented Oliver. Mr. Sowerberry has good morals but is influenced
by someone who is amoral. Noah Claypole is Mr. Sowerberry s assistant and an
outright bully. As soon as Oliver had arrived, Noah teased poor Oliver. Most of the
time the maid, Charlotte would help Noah. She never realized that she was doing
something wrong she thought it was just a game. Noah became jealous when Oliver
was chosen to be the mute in the funeral parade,
Sassy Bingo Slot
Review of Sassy Bingo Slot Sassy Bing Slot is a 5 reel and 9 payline video slot
powered by Microgamming, best known for their theme based games with highly
rewarding features. The slot takes a more traditional theme of Bingo and 5 reel
fruit slot machines with a compelling vivid vibe to it. This feeling is especially true
if you appreciate brightly colored cartoon fruits, enchanting sea creatures and pink
layout. The gameplay experience is designed to create an environment that is
suitable for all players, with the option to play for fun and real money both
available. The slot has a special bonus round that offers bingo lovers an opportunity
to try out an actual bingo game. The slot plays at medium variance and is available
in several online... Show more content on ...
From its glowing pink layout, super realistic graphics and a character of a female
mascot, it is evident that the slot is designed to appeal to women and other fans of
slot machines. The slot scores highly on key gaming parameters such as
entertainment factor, jackpot and big wins, graphics and bonus rounds. The 5 reel
and 9 payline Sassy Bingo Slot was released in 2011 by Microgamming. The decision
to release the game was informed by the need to combine the attractions of Bingo
and today s 5 reel slots. Sassy Bingo real money games are available in many licensed
and fully regulated online
Essay about Eliyahu M. Goldratt s The Goal
The Goal
Here are the principles behind the dramatic turnaround story in The Goal.
The goal of a manufacturing organization is to make money. Jonah poses this as a
question: What is the goal? and Rogo actually struggles with it for a day or two, but
any manager or executive that can t answer that question without hesitation should be
fired without hesitation.
But then again, the goal isn t clear to everyone. One of the characters in the book, an
accountant, responds to an offhand comment about the goal with a confused The
goal? You mean our objectives for the month? That s sureto strike a chord with a lot
of readers.
At an operational level, measure your success toward the goal with these three
Throughput ... Show more content on ...
Decrease the unit of work. If you ve got people idle, you can afford to have them do
their work in smaller chunks. Under a cost accounting model, this hurts their
efficiency by removing certain economies of scale. But you have much faster turn
around time. Everyone s more flexible. Work flows more smoothly. (Well, this is
what the book says.) Articles The Goal
The Goal A Process Engineering Novel
I read Eliyahu M. Goldratt s novel The Goal the other night, instead of sleeping.
The book has two parts. In the first 264 pages, a manufacturing plant manager turns
his failing plant into a tremendous success. That part of the book ends with the
manager s promotion to a position with oversight over several failing plants. In the
second part of the book (73 pages), the manager prepares for his new job by trying to
deduce a repeatable process of ongoing improvement. He s trying to make sense of
what happened in the first part of the book so he ll have half a chance of repeating
that success on a greater scale.
For now, I ll set aside considerations of why The Goal is a novel, how effective it is
as a book, whether it succeeds as literature, and so on. This article is primarily about
the ideas behind the book, and why some are valuable while others are probably quite
How to Turn Around a Failing Plant
The first part of the book is about a manufacturing plant.
Descartes s Discourse On Method
In his Discourse on Method, Rene Descartes asserts that all human beings are equal in
their ability to reason and that any differences in opinion are not a result of a
difference in ability to reason, but in the application of the reasoning. Descartes
begins his argument for this claim by stating that rational thought and reason is what
separates humans from animals, and that if all people have this ability to reason, then
that must be the distinguishing feature of humanity. He goes on to explain that while
individuals may differ within a species in regard to their non essential qualities, they
will not differ in the species distinguishing feature. This rule accounts for the diversity
within humanity as a species (such as differing hair colors, heights, and weights)
while equalizing humanity s ability to reason. From these premises, Descartes
concludes that all humans must have an equal ability to reason and that differences
in thought are merely a result of differences in the application of the individual s
reasoning. In Part V of his Discourse, Descartes continues his argument for reasoning
being the essence of humanity by arguing that non human animals and machines
cannot reason, and therefore reasoning must be solely attributed to humans. Descartes
presents two tests to determine whether or not a being is human or non human, both
based on the adaptability of the being s responses. He first asserts that since machines
and non human animals cannot communicate via spoken
Jay Little Biography
Jay Little has put all his effort, his time, and his dreams into making the world a
better place, and that s exactly why when I was asked to write a paper about
someone who changes the world he was the first person I thought of. He is the
kind of person who envisions change and does everything he can to make that
vision a reality. That s why, at only 19 years old, he has already started leaving his
own mark on the world. He is the President of First Year Council at the University
of Alabama, he has dedicated thousands of hours to service, and he has not failed to
make history along the way. He grew up just outside Columbus, Mississippi, in the
small town of Artesia. A town that he has left such a huge impact on. Graduating
from West Lowndes High School with a class of 47, Jay had the grades, the
involvement, and the impact that would ve made him stand out in a class of 1000.
He had the highest ACT score in his high school s history, he founded and was
president of student government, and he participated in both athletics and band. But
what stands out the most about him is that he was offered 1.5 million dollars in...
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I would apply to every scholarship I could find , said Jay. One of his favorites was
the Elks scholarship. He told me how he applied only for the smallest scholarship
they offered, and somehow he ended up winning their largest scholarship. He
became the first African American male from the state of Mississippi to win the
$50,000 scholarship from the Elks. On top of that he also was the recipient of the
Gates Millennium scholarship which pays up to $250,000 over a 10 year period.
This not only gave him the opportunity to go to college anywhere he wanted, it also
put him in a position to help many others find a way to pay for
Evolution Of Penguins Essay
The Evolution of Penguins Came to Life
BY; Masters Esparza
The habitat for the penguins are usually around the south like Antarctica , north pole,
and ect.. Penguins are usually prefer their their habitats in those specific areas
because they prefer colder and colder weather than hot weather. Penguins only prefer
cold over warmer weather because in the cold penguins have to survive off of fish.
From what i have read online it states that if that you re just a small penguin you
might live up to about 6 years maybe 7.
Penguins use their belly to reduce their body to drag in the water. You might not
know this but the only reason why penguins have bird shaped wings , it s because
once they dive in they can go up to 20 mph. If penguins start to keep still and not be
active their body temp. Will start to decrease and they will be getting to the point
where they will die eventually. During storm season out in the arctic penguins ...
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Scientist have noticed that the bones are very fearsome artistic ability. Around 500
years ago there was this penguin whose ancestry before that was almost a full
human size. The exact correlation of that penguin is called an cady pete aslai and
who was 1.5 meters long and who weighed a total of 137 lbs.
Penguins are very interesting birds, and the have a long history behind them that
is more than 60 million years old. They are believed to be descendants of early birds
that roamed the Earth. It is believed that the penguins are derived from a type of
bird that is able to fly. Yet they needed to be able to adapt to the waters if they were
going to be able to survive. As a result their wings changed over time to what we call
flippers. They were no longer able to fly but they didn t need to. Instead they were
able to feed from the water and they were also able to walk upright on
Analysis Of Patricia Hill Collins The First Time
1. My thoughts while reading the Patricia Hill Collins book the first time can be
neatly summed up on one word. Wow. The thoughts were really deep, and it took
me several read throughs over the course of several days to completely understand
some of the concepts that she was getting at, as well as my feelings on the subject.
I was a little unnerved at how these stereotypes worked to frame the social
constraints surrounding black women, and how they so neatly created a no win,
situation for black women. There wasn t a really positive, stereotype in which a
black woman could do everything right while actually achieving anything of great
importance. Even the mammy stereotype that is really the ideal, cast for black
femininity in popular culture limits achievements of black women, instead
relegating them to the role of servitude to the dominate class. The Black Lady
stereotype was somewhat better, but still not truly equal as it implied. What was
really surprising to me were how few roles there were for black women that Collins
described in her paper. Upon further reflection, I realized I couldn t come up with any
other stereotypes, especially not positive ones. I think that might have been the really
startling part was to see how much these stereotypes influence me even
unconsciously. 2.The role of mammy, is in my understanding what seems to be the
idealized image of black women in society; subservient, but loved and tolerated by the
dominate white families that so
Themes In The Cathedral By Raymond Carver
The Cathedral by Raymond Carver is an eye opening short story which focuses on an
unnamed narrator who has a hard time interacting with the world around him,
specifically his new visitor. The narrator is the perfect example of an antihero as he is
the central character, but does not exhibit heroic attributes. In this first person
narrative, the narrator speaks of when his wife s old friend, Robert, comes to visit.
After Robert s wife passes on, he stops by the narrator s house for a night while
passing through to visit his family. The theme of the The Cathedral focuses on how
although one may be looking, they may not truly be seeing. When analyzing the
narrator of The Cathedral , one can see how he exemplifies the themes of the short...
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While the narrator continues this way throughout the story, his possessiveness does
begin to halter as he gets to know Robert on a more personal level. Once the climax
of the short story arrives, the narrator s possessive trait somewhat vanishes as he
opens his eyes to the world around him. The narrator is a character who is ignorant.
Throughout the story, the narrator demonstrates his narrow mindedness in many
instances especially when it comes to Robert s blindness. Notably, the narrator
speaks of how his assumptions regarding blindness have been adapted from what he
has seen within movies. For much of the story, the narrator continually questions
Robert s abilities due to his blindness. From his choice to wear a beard to whether
he will be able to eat his dinner on his own, the narrator comments on Robert s
choices. An example of this takes place when the narrator believes Robert would not
smoke due to his blindness. The narrator remembers, having read somewhere that the
blind didn t smoke because, as speculation had it, they couldn t see the smoke they
exhaled. I thought I knew that much and that much only about blind people. (Carver
107). To the narrator s surprise, Robert does in fact smoke. The narrator s ignorance
allowed for him to believe blindness would truly affect this in the first place.
Furthermore, the narrator s ignorance is also seen when he questions what Robert
was wearing explicitly his lack of dark glasses. While thinking on the topic, the
My Family Based On My Life
My conflict is family based. It is about my elder sister s family. My elder sister
does not have a sound educational background but she is blessed to have gotten
married to a wealthy business tycoon and they are blessed with three children
namely; Nelly, Junior and Adolf. They are happily married but just like any other
marital home which has got its good and bad moments, theirs is not an exception. My
sister s husbandis so self centered, and He also have a greedy altitude. As a wealthy
business man He has managed to acquired fleets of luxurious cars for himself
(precisely about six cars) but unfortunately none of these cars belongs to his wife.
In addition to this, He is in possession of all the car keys and when ever the wife
wants to go to the market or on an errand, the wife must first of all informed him
then He will call the driver and gave him the key to one of the cars( the less
privilege car) and asked him to take his madam to the market or where ever she is
going. And my sister is never comfortable with this kind of altitude from the
husband but she will just keep her cool, and sometimes she let her husband to
understand that she is not comfortable with his altitude. But her husband finds it so
difficult to bend or to change from his ugly altitude. After some couple of months,
the husband went and bought one small lady s car for my sister and told her that the
car is meant for her to be using each time she wants to go to the market or on an
errand. But
Which Of The Considerations Would Be Most Critical In
1. Reference: Figure 14.5 page 356, which of the considerations would be most
critical in your opinion and why? In my opinion timing is the most important part to
consider in merchandising plans. Customers are consistently demanding new and
better products. This demand makes accurate planning more important in the
merchandising process. Retailers must now offer through the various channels of
retailinga larger and better assortment of products. In order to excel and maintain the
competitive edges retailers are understanding more the ever the importance for
inventoryplanning and management. There is a tricky balance of not over investing
on inventory, but also more importantly is not alienating customers or losing sales by
being out of stock. Throughout the entire distribution processes the timing of... Show
more content on ...
Explain five factors for a chain retailer to review in determining how to allocate
merchandize among its stores. 1. The market balance is essential to be competitive
and to differentiate to level of services between low end and high end retail locations.
2. Brand objectives to maximization profits in positioning store brands maintaining
quality and standards while producing product availability considering customers
3. Understanding the consumer trends in the market segments at each location to
create customer centric products. Each location should not receive identical
allocation because the deal was right.
4. Updated store level data trends leads in ensuring allocations will produce profitable
sales and inventory turns to maintain cash flow. This understanding will optimize
stock levels using an inventory Management report system. Product allocation should
be based on demand.
5. Price range that will create customers value. 8. In your next visit to an area retailer,
based on your previous training, notes, and textbook information, comment on its
storefront, general interior, store layout, displays, and checkout
Bcg, Ansoff s, 5 Porter s Force Model and Industry...
Signs Strategic Alliance with GetJar (Apr 2010) Reliance Communications
(BSE:RCOM), India s largest and only telecom operator offering nationwide
CDMA and GSM mobile services, and GetJar, the world s second largest app store
announced today a strategic alliance between the two companies. According to this
alliance, GetJar will offer Reliance Communications its extensive catalog of over
65,000 free mobile applications. Reliance Communication s over 100 million
subscribers will gain immediate access to GetJar s massive library of applications via
a GetJar apps store through RCOM s VAS platform R World. GetJar will also enable
RCOM to offer its Apps Store to a... Show more content on ...
The launch of Live Chat forms the first step in this customer oriented focus and
enhancing the overall customer experience. RCOM is going Live with its Live
Chat service across 15,000 towns with a scale up plan to cover 24,000 towns by
end of the first quarter of this fiscal. * Risks * Lower than expected subscriber
growth or higher than anticipated pressure on realisation rates could impact
margins. * Intense competitive tariffs being offered by late entrants in the industry
could be a cause of concern for RCOM and put pressure on revenues and profits.
The recently launched Simply Reliance Plan could have a negative impact on
ARPU. * 3G spectrum auctions could pose a threat to RCOM. RCOM has a highly
stretched balance sheet and this could result in RCOM not being able to fund the
acquisition of 3G spectrum. This may not be viewed as a positive by investors. *
A Brief Note On Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary Artery Disease is a condition where the blood flow through the coronary
arteries of the heart become partially or completely blocked by plaque buildup. CAD
is responsible for over 500,000 deaths in the USA annually. Unfortunately in Вј of the
population, death is the first warning sign of CAD. Atherosclerosisis the process by
which plaque builds up in the vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart
muscle. This lack of blood flow is called ischemia, which will lead to angina in
many cases. Angina is caused by a lack of perfusion of the myocardium. CAD is a
disease that is developed over time due to unchanged risk factors such as obesity,
sedentary lifestyle, hyperlipidemia , cigarette smoking, and hyperlipidemia. The
severity of Coronary ArteryDisease can be managed through lifestyle changes and
medication. If the disease has advanced beyond natural repair by lifestyle
modifications, surgery may be the next option. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
(CABG) surgery or placement of cardiac stents are the two most common forms of
surgery to fix CAD. These surgeries are not a substitute for lifestyle modifications,
but may help those with severe CAD begin to make lifestyle changes without
symptoms arising at low intensity exercises.
With Coronary Artery Disease being the number one cause of death in the Unites
States, there is a lot of research on how to prevent, diagnose, and manage the disease.
Prevention of CAD mainly consists of healthy lifestyle choices, but
Impressionism as a Avant-garde Movement
This essay analyses the aesthetic and ideological underpinnings of the Modernist
artwork, Impression, Sunrise of Claude Monet. The artwork and Impressionism is
considered to be a visual articulation of the avant garde and the latter statement is
explained. References to the writings of Charles Harrison, Clement Greenberg and
Wilhelm Worringer is used to theorise the aesthetics of modernity.
Modernism is the heartbeat of culture, or as Clement Greenberg (1992:754) states,
modernism involves of what is truly alive in our culture and it includes more than
just art and literature. Western civilization began to interrogate their foundations and
progressed into a self critical society (Greenberg 1992:754). This notion began with
the theories of the philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724 1804); he criticized the means
itself of criticism (Greenberg 1992:754). Therefore, Greenberg (1992:754) perceived
Kant as the first real Modernist.
An avant garde or modern movement is a movement that is experimental, artists push
boundaries, are committed to change and are brave. Impressionism slots in perfectly
to the definition of avant garde. The Impressionists took the first steps into
modernism as a self critical movement (Greenberg 1992:755). To a modern
understanding, the Impressionist paintings are among the most instantly enjoyable
works of art (Thomas 1987:9).
The first Modernist paintings were produced by Edouard Manet (Greenberg
The Day I Became A Teenager
Happy Birthday! It was October 2, 1957 and the day I became a teenager. I didn t
have much of a worry in the world and really only cared if the surf was up and
whether my favorite song, All Shook Up by Elvis Presley would become a gold
record. Little did I know, but it would be a day that would change my life and world.
It would be infamously known as the day the Soviet Unionsuccessfully launched
Sputnik. Looking back, I realize it not only scripted my mentality but America s
mentality for the 1960 s. My family gathered on the deck to see Sputnik. We didn t
see Sputnik in the night sky but it was more what we felt in the air; hurt pride. But
I also felt like it was the beginning of a great competition, one that I would have the
privilege of competing in. I grew up in an environment of competition with three
older brothers in Cocoa Beach Florida. I would often walk to the beach or sit on
our deck with my brothers to watch the rocket launches from the launch pad in
Cape Canaveral. Then we would go and launch our model rockets on our street. We
would look forward to the weekend cookouts in which our neighborhood gathered to
launch model rockets. The majority of our neighbors worked at the Cape Canaveral
Air Force station and would relate to us kids how the V 2 rocket projects were going,
then they would tell us when the next launch would happen so we could watch it. A
few months after the launch of Sputnik my family was anxiously awaiting the launch
of the Vanguard
College Essay About Being Under Weight
My physical body was not the greatest, so I had to deal with being scrawny. Being
underweight troubled me a lot back in elementary and middle school. I wanted to
stronger, so I decided to exercise at 10 pm in the house. It was tough for me
because I would be really tired. At the end I stopped exercising and went back to
the way I was. Being underweight for my whole life, I decided to fix it by joining
boxing and it helped dramatically in my physical and mental health. Before joining
boxing, I was very jealous of others being really strong. My sister was able to pick
on me without worrying that I could fight back and mess with her. She would
sometimes ask me to arm wrestle her, and I was the one who would struggle the
most. Also when I m with friends playing a sport or meeting up at a park, I feel
embarrass about being the skinniest person. When my friends play fight I stay back
because I don t want to embarrass myself. I thought about joining boxing, because
I wanted to join a sport and not depend on others to do all the work. Walking in to a
boxing gym on the first day was really hard, I was in no shape to do all the drills they
gave me. Accomplished was what I felt every time I finished exercising and when I
would push myself to the limit. I was really happy... Show more content on ...
When I said yes my body did not want to stop shaking from being nerves. The first
round into the sparring match, felt long. I didn t know what do to in the ring, for
the entire sparring match. Felt relieved when I finished the match, but I also felt
achieved of meeting a goal of going in a ring and facing an opponent. Sparring
helped me traumatically in my skill of boxing, for my first actual fight. On
September 7 of this year I was still recovering from being sick for an entire week
and did not train enough before the fight because of the sickness. When I got in the
ring I only had one thing in mind and it was to win, happily I
Why Bees Are Disappearing And The Effect On The World
The purpose of this report was to determine why bees are disappearing and the
effect on the world if they disappeared, like pesticides and fungicides role in their
disappearance, the role Colony Collapse Disorder has on their disappearance, the
knock on effect on pollination, the knock on effect on crops, can anything take up
their role, can humans take up their role and is life possible without bees. It was
determined that a combination of pesticides and fungicides that contaminates the
bees pollen leave the bees three time more likely to be infected by a parasite, allow
not enough evidence is available some evidence shows that a combination of
factors lead to CCD where the adult bees leave the hive, the queen, the baby bees
and some worker bees this is not enough to support the hive in the long run so they
die. Insects pollination accounts for one third of the human diet of which eighty
percent is done by bees, so see a fifty percent decrease in pollination levels over
twenty years could crop yields fall dramatically. Climate change which is thought to
play a big role in when the bees immerge from hibernating through winter and loss
of habitat also has an effect on how much the bees pollinate. One in every three
mouth fulls of food of the average person is directly or indirectly linked to honey bee
pollination, the effect of bees disappearing would cause plants that solely rely on
bees to pollinate them to die out, out of one hundred crops which provides nighty
Caring for Populations Essay
Caring for Populations: Part I Huntington, WV was named by the Center for Disease
Control in 2010 as the least healthy city in the least healthy state of America in the
most overweight nation in the developed world (Kilmer,, 2008). Jamie Oliver,
known as the Naked Chef, came to Huntington in the fall of 2010 to try to teach the
school cooks how to prepare a healthier menu that the school children would eat. He
was not met with open arms by the school cooks, the school system or children.
Huntington, WV is a dying town in the rust belt of the United States that has lost its
manufacturing and railroad employment. Unemployment is worse than the national
average and, poverty hovers around 19% much greater than the national average...
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But when you drive around Huntington, the majority of the homes are in disrepair.
A significant portion are rented out to college students. Then there is another
significant portion around the old industries that are in disrepair. Once the railroad
tracks are crossed to go around the city park, there are older, architectural
masterpieces where the wealthy live. There are very few yards of any size in town.
People can get around in town by bus normally. There is a bike rack at the college
but there are rarely any in it. Residents have to travel out of Huntington to shop at the
mall, but when they want to hang out there is a large city block downtown that has
restaurants, theaters, comedy club, etc. Street people hang out behind this on the
river front behind the flood wall out of site. There is a tent city allowed there by the
city. There are multiple churches throughout the city, but most of them reflect the city
and are in disrepair as well. There are several hospitals in the city. One affiliated with
the medical school that rotates trauma call with a Catholic Hospital that specializes in
heart disease and meeting the needs of the community. There are two more within a
fifteen minute drive.
Problem and Significance
Childhood obesity leads to many health problems in adult hood. Obese children
experience an increase in asthma (all time high now), skin diseases, joint pain and
there is an increase in diabetes
Anne Hutchinson Biography Essay
Anne Hutchinson was born in Alford, Lincolnshire, England. In 1591, in those
times the dates of birth were unclear, because they didn t have archives where they
could keep all the births written down, as today. As women used to give birth in
their own houses. But we know the date of her christening was on July 20, 1591.
Families didn t usually take a lot of time to baptized there kids, because on those
dates child mortality was very important so if it happened, they will go to the
paradise . So we can supposed she borne a few days, maybe a week earlier than her
Her father was a dissident minister Francis Marbury ( discredited from the anglican
clergyman) and her mother Bridget Dryden.
She learned from her father, to question the religious teachings of the Church of
England :
Founded by Henry VIII who declared himself as the leader of the Christian Church in
England. Is a protestant church, and follows the ... Show more content on ...
And she was quickly banished from their religious community, Bay Colony. It was
John Winthrop, who interrogate her for the judgement. She challenged the court to
name any law she had broken and to provide evidence for the main charge against her
[...] (American Jezebel : The uncommon Life of Anne Hutchinson). Also John
Winthrop the one who though women had to be submissive, he though as well,
women could get damage on their brains by thinking about the nature of God and
religious beliefs matters. So he was stating women couldn t even debate about
theology, and that was what Anne Hutchinson was doing. And she got in trouble for it.
Furthermore, Reverend Cotton the one who Hutchinson admired before moving to
North America, was opposing her statement against the Anglican Church. He claimed
how Hutchinson and her followers were guilty of heresy. It was the same opinion as
John Winthrop, and the members of the Bay
Muslim Women Wearing The Veil
Another item of religious attire amongst Muslim women which has been highly
debated is the headscarf. According to Werbner (2007), the headscarf which is a
religious symbol is often seen as the refusal to integrate by many European countries
(2007:165). Yet many Muslim women would contest the opinion of the veil being a
device of social control and hindrance of social cohesion. Telegraph journalist Khan
(2015), stated that it is not the Hijabwhich holds Muslimwomen back, it is prejudice.
Her article suggests that wearing the Hijab does not affect social cohesion, ignorance
from wider society does. Media outlets often portray religious clothing as negative
for example Malik (2013) an author for the telegraph writes about Muslim women
The Baroque And Classical Periods
The Baroque and Classical periods are where we see the emergence of renowned
composers like Handel, Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart and Beethoven. The music from
these famous composers are some of the world s most recognizable and beautiful
classics of all time. Music of these eras are still being used in many of today s
movies and commercials. Musical characteristics developed from these eras are still
used and heard presently in popular music.
The art of the Baroque period was very colorful and dramatic, which translated into
the music created at the time. The idea of being very expressive and embellishing in
detail would lead to the development of opera. Opera is a dramatic play that is acted
out through music. In opera, a soloist must be able to act and sing out the mood of
the text or libretto. This expressive singing accompanied by a bass line or basso
continuo is called monody. This idea of a new texture would feature the distinction
between the high voice that carries one melody and the low voice or bass. The
accompanying bass line was played by harpsichord with the addition of a bassoon or
cello (Wright 6 3a,6 3b).
Claudio Monteverdi, who is considered an originator of opera who composed the
earliest example of the genre called Orfeo. Based on ancient Greek mythology,
which was the initial intention of opera, Orfeo is a drama about the mythical
Greek god Orpheus. To rescue his bride Euridice, he goes down to Hades. In the
prologue of Orfeo which is Del mio Permesso amato , the Greek muse La MГєsica
sets the stage for the drama. At first hearing La MГєsica sing, her melodic voice
captures my ears and attention, like letting me know to listen up . As was Monteverdi
s intention, I can hear how the harmony is the same while the melody changes
throughout. The melismatic singing that accentuates certain words emphasize the
importance of setting the mood of the opera (Wright, 6 3c).
A great interest in hearing only instrumental music tell the story without text arise.
The development of the concerto grosso which is a small unit of soloists against a
full orchestra (Wright, 7 4) brought about one of the most popular and recognized
concerto pieces, Vivaldi s Violin Concerto in E Major (the Spring). As one of
Hip Hop And Stereotypes
Behavioural rules explain the way the artist is presented to the customer. They
include the artist s behaviour on the stage and in the photo shoots, along with the
reaction of fans to his performances.
As it was stated before, hip hop became not only a genre of music, but a culture and
a movement. People who listen to that music view themselves as more than fans.
Hip hop is their life. (...) the longevity of rap s appeal for young people is firmly
linked with the way in which rap can be used as a meaning of engaging with and
expressing dissatisfaction at the more restrictive features of everyday life in globally
diffuse social settings. (Bennett, 2001, p. 89). As well as other cultures, Hip Hop has
its foundational elements: o DJing and ... Show more content on ...
For some people music is like a medicine for the soul. It gives them hope, motivation
and a feeling that they are not alone. An artist is able to help others by speaking up
about the important issues. That is the foundation of hip hop music. As DJ Kool Herc,
the creator of hip hop stated: There are a lot of people who are doing something
positive, who are doing hip hop the way it was meant to be done. They are
reaching young people, showing them what the world could be people living
together and having fun. But too often, the ones that get the most recognition are
the ones emphasizing the negative. And I think a lot of people are scared to speak
on issues. Keeping it real has become just another fad word. It sounds cute. But it
has been pimped and perverted. It ain t about keeping it real. It s got to be about
keeping it real. For example, rappers want to be so bling bling . Are you really
living a luxurious life? Don t you have other issues? What things touch you? That s
what we d like to hear rappers speak about. Start a dialogue with people. Talk about
things going on in the neighbourhood. (Chang, 2011, p.12) Home for that genre of
music is ghetto. People in that place had to face problems, that the ones from the
centre of the city did not even have to think about. They wanted to speak up about the
things that was in their heads. Hip hop became not only a music, but a culture and a
The Rocking Horse Winner Analysis
In The Rocking Horse Winner (1933), a short story written by D. H. Lawrence, the
reader finds out about Paul s struggle and his family s desire for luck. How the
young boy would pick race winners by riding his toy horse. In Jack London s To
Build a Fire (1910) the reader engages in a horrific snowstorm plot the man soon
finds himself trying to outwit. Destined, regardless of environmental factors he
commands himself to journey across the frozen tundra towards his mining camp.
Although Paul and the Man s stories take place in different settings and each show
a distinct motive, they both share a similar fate If I could use an example to
describe both character s journey from beginning to end I would use a triangle.
Both characters are worlds apart from each other but are leveled by a similar
struggle. This forms the first connecting points of a triangle, the base line
connecting two opposite points across. In order to compare both characters we
have to begin with their struggle. The character Paul, had been battling the ongoing
whispers that resonated throughout the house, as the passage states, And then the
house whispers, like people laughing at you behind your back. It s awful, that is! I
thought if I was lucky (D. H. Lawrence 156). In order to stop these voices, which
are the outcome of Paul s mother s desire to live beyond her means causing the
family to always be short of money, young Paul must ride his rocking horse to a point
of exhaustion [mentally and
A Brief Note On The Persons With Disabilities Essay
Persons with disabilities are believed and seen to be vulnerable people, poor and
face exclusion (DFID,2000). Mobility constraints or inaccessible transport can make
it difficult especially for the persons with disabilities (PWDs) to find employment, to
gain education and access to various services as well as limit their social interactions.
Persons with disabilities make up a huge portion of the poor population in less
developed countries and to achieve the goal of poverty reduction, the challenges
facing PWDs in terms of mobility, discrimination and exclusion must be addressed
(Venter Et al,2000). Transportation and mobility is an essential policy issue for the
disabled and persons with Disabilities have stated how mobility and transportation
barriers affect their lives in relevant ways (Rosenbloom, 2007).
Passing the Persons with Disability act, 2006 (Act 715) has been seen as a major
step in Ghana s fight for human rights and towards addressing the mobility needs of
persons with disabilities in Ghana. As the Act spells out and covers various thematic
areas including transportation and the mobility needs of PWDs. The persons with
disability act is aimed at integrating the needs of persons with disabilities,
Importation of non conventional vehicles, special parking spaces for PWDs,
Pedestrian PWDs, Provision of facilities.
For the non disabled moving about the physical world can be taken for granted but
for PWDs several things can act as barriers to their mobility ( (Work
Why Did The Incas Left Machu Picchu
Although is believe that the Incas left Machu Picchu after the Spanish conquered,
the Spaniards did not find the settlement. There is no evidence that the place was
altered at any point in time. Only local families knew about the existence of these
place but they were not aware of the real importance of the sanctuary. On July of
1911, the colony was discovered by casualty and the leader of the expedition was
Hiram Bingham. The explorer main focus was to find Vilcabamba, which everybody
thought it was the last ruins of the Inca Empire, but instead, he found a lot more, he
found the lost city . Because of the time gap between the departure of the Incas and
the actual discovery by Bingham most of the routes used by the Incas were hidden.
Nietzsche s Views On The View Of Life Is Worth Living
Schopenhauer was a philosopher in the 19th century who made the striking case for
view of nihilism and he argued that for a life to be worth living, it must include a
preponderance of happiness over suffering. However, he argued that there is no life
include preponderance happiness over suffering. Therefore, he concluded that there
is no life worth life and that leads to nihilism. Yet, that is a relatively implausible
argument, because the life to be called a meaningful life do need the preponderance
happiness over suffering. In that way, a life is worth living and an outstanding good
life. Furthermore, Nietzsche was also a philosopher in late modern western
philosophy. His naturalistic perspective on the meaning of lifestates that the meaning
of life is to be an overhuman which consist of strongly exercising the will of power.
In his argument, the will of power refers to the concept of striving to overcome one
s limitation in life. To be more specific, one people will have the will of power to
endeavor their problems and despite of the hardness, people still fight for the
difficulties and overcome their limitations in their experiences. There is another term
overhuman, which represent someone who constantly strive to overcome her
limitation in life. To explain that term, people having the will to strive for their
limitations and pay effort in it is so called the overhuman. Besides, it is easier for
people to accept naturalism instead of nihilism and supernaturalism for
Minor Dyslexia
The process of writing was one that as a kid loomed over me because the idea of
expressing the feelings that were inside out onto a paper always stumped me. How
could I be asked to take what was held privately in my head and manage to make
sense of it all, enough that others could understand? The struggle to manage my
feelings into tangible ideas stemmed from my minor dyslexia and it was apparent in
my ability to read and write. The spelling errors that riddled my writingand my
inability to differentiate opposites while speaking were clear indicators that my
minor dyslexia was something that I would have to live with. Going through the
typical public schooltract was not one that favored those with learningdisabilities. In
elementary and
It Is Shocking How Many Things We Take For Granted
It is shocking how many things we take for granted. We plan out our day, and don t
think twice about how those plans can be taken away or changed in the blink of an
eye. I never thought much about it personally, until I was faced with the surprise, and
undeniable truth of my friend s death. I don t think anyone really thinks about
tragedy until they are actually faced with the dreadful news. No one ever thinks that
something that heartbreaking or shocking would happen to them; no one really puts
themselves in a catastrophic scenario. Losing someone who can t be replaced by
anyone else is probably the hardest thing a person has to overcome.
It was my senior year of high school and everything was going great. My mother had
been staying ... Show more content on ...
I got myself ready for school made sure my siblings were all dressed and ready as
well, then made my way to the kitchen. I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking
my cup of coffee listening to my dad and sister tease and joke around about how
paranoid my brother was about how his first football game that he had that night.
My dad was telling that maybe if I stayed and watched my brother at his game that
he would feel a little more at ease because my dad didn t get off work till late that
night. And that I would have fun at the football game myself cheering him on. I
was too stuck on the idea of finally getting away, that what my dad said to me went
in one ear and came out the other. I was too busy thinking about the plans my mom
and I had like to go shopping, take a tour of NYC, and then to end the night a dinner
and a movie.
The plan was for my mom to get home from her trip, unpack and repack her clothes
then relax a little till I came home from school and then we would be on our way; to
what I expected to be the best weekend. My mom and I toured the city like it was our
first time there ever; like we didn t live and hour away. We were having out dinner
reminiscing about what a wonderful day we had. All until we were interrupted by a
phone call from my dad. My mom was still joking and in a senseless mood when she
started talking to my dad. Suddenly
Summary on the China Study Essay
The China Study
Raised on his family s dairy farm, Dr. Colin Campbell started his day with the
usual breakfast of eggs, sausage, bacon, fried potatoes, ham and a full glass of
whole milk; this was part of their normal diet. His dad had his first heart attack at
the age of sixty one and he later died from a second massive coronary at age
seventy. Dr. Campbell a vegetarian now with a family of his own has dedicated his
life in researching the correlation between our health and what we eat;
understanding now that the disease that killed his father can be prevented and even
reversed. The China Study is not a diet book; Dr. Campbell and his youngest son
Tom Campbell co wrote scientifically proven facts and ground breaking research in a
way ... Show more content on ...
Dr. Campbell sought out grants for research after reading the Indian research paper in
the Philippines claiming that protein was the leading factor in promoting liver cancer
in rodents. There are three stages of cancer; initiation, promotion and progression. Dr.
Campbell used the following analogy to further explain the three stages:
Initiation is when the you plant the seeds in the soil. Promotion is when the grass
starts to grow and progression is when the grass is completely out of control and
invading the sidewalk, driveway and shrubbery. The first stage happens within
minutes, the carcinogen is consumed, absorbed into the blood, transported into
cells, changed into its active product and bonded to DNA. Carcinogens are the
chemicals that initiate cancer prone cells, they successfully implant the seeds in the
soil. These carcinogens generically mutate normal cells into cancer prone cells,
permanently altering the genes of the cell and therefore damaging its DNA. The
promotion growth stage occurs over years, this is when the cluster has multiplied
and grown into larger masses and now a clinically visible tumor is formed and has
become a detectable cancer. Just like seeds in soil, these cancer cells will not grow
and multiply unless the right conditions are met. Promotion is reversible! This is
where certain
August Wilson Fences Quotes
Fences, the critically acclaimed play written by renown playwright August Wilson,
has been praised time and time again for it s power and deliverance as well as the
themes and symbols explored throughout the play. August Wilson walks readers
through the story of Troy Maxson and the everyday conflicts that arise from his
dysfunctional family. With the introduction of Rose s character, Troy Maxson s
wife, we learn she exemplifies nurturing and maternal traits as most women in the
1950s did. We see her display these attributes early into Act Two: Scene One as
Bono, Troy s right hand man of 30 years, explains the true reasoning behind Rose s
persistence to have a fence built around the Maxson household to Troy. Thus, the
significance of the play s title is revealed by this point of the play.
Bono understands that the fence is merely a metaphor for establishing safety and
security for the Maxson family. Textual evidence that further supports this claim is
the following quote by Bono found later on page 61, Bono states Some people
build fences to keep people out...and other people build fences to keep people in .
With this statement, Bono is indirectly referring to both Troy and Rose and the way
their actions negatively and positively have an effect on the Maxson ... Show more
content on ...
His negligence to her demands symbolically represents his inattentiveness and
disregard for his own family. Troy s disinterest to work on the fence parallels his
disinterest in his relationship with Rose. He views the fence as a burden to build
physically, whilst his marriage takes an emotional toll on him. Yet, Rose and Troy
are not the only duo with a relationship in desperate need for mending. Rose advises
Troy to construct the fence with his son, Cory, hoping it ll be a way for the two to
bond and form the father son relationship they ve never seemed to establish thus far
into the
Social Security Number Secret
When we are just wandering social media pages we often think why would a hacker
try to steal my information ,but more often then not they do not care how much you
got but how much they can get off your name. Hackers are not the only ones that
can gain access to your information. Many companies can be forced by law to hand
over your private information to authorities ,that is a loss of privacy. The social
network itself may also try to access your email address book to invite your friends
to join the the network too. in other cases, a social network may be obliged to hand
over its user account information to a government agency which is also a loss of
privacy as said by Hadely Jones. To combat this intrusion of privacy you can keep
your social securitynumber secret, only add people you can trust, and useless
information to begin with.
When you were born you most likely given a very important series of numbers
called social security numbers. These series numbers are determined by multiple
important pieces of information. the first three digits (area number) correspond to
the zip code of the original mailing address the social security card was mailed to ;
this does not necessarily represent the persons state of residence. the next to
digits(group number) show the order that SSNs was issued in as stated by Casey
Windell. The last four are serial ... Show more content on ...
This is fine but including more information is not ideal if someone is trying to find
out your password. this information can be used to get in and vandalize or steal
information.Lets say you would like to steal John s information and simply click
forgot password it asks whats your dogs name.You keep trying in till you type in
spot . know you know his address financial records and SSN. Know John realizes
how easy that is to figure out but its late and he is now
Piaget s Theories Of Cognitive Analysis
As we already discuss before in the PowerPoint about the different stages in early
child development there are also theories that suggest how children develop in there
early stages. The theories consist of Jean Piaget proposal about intellectual
development of children and Erik Erikson theory focusing on children development
within their lifespan. Both Piaget and Erikson elaborate about how children motor
skills, brain development, intellectual skills are started from birth. In Piaget theories
he uses a theoretical system for the development of cognitive abilities his work
emphasized that children think and acquire knowledge.Piaget s theory of cognitive
developmentis a theory about the nature and development of human intelligence. This
engages... Show more content on ...
Erickson stated that in each stage that a person will experience a psychosocial
crisis which could have a positive or negative outcome for personality
development. Erickson first stage was a psychosocial development is trust vs.
mistrust which stated that an infant is born with uncertainty and is looking for
their caregiver stability and care. If the infant receive it then this will lead to virtue
of hope and develop at sense of trust with an infant. He also stated that if you fail to
gain that trust then the virtue of hope will turn into fear. For example, this infant
will carry the basic sense of mistrust with them to other relationships. It may result
in anxiety, heightened insecurities, and an over feeling of mistrust in the world
around them. In Erikson next stage it talks about Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
this stage talks about the child developing physically and becoming more mobile.
This is when the child begins to discover that he or she has many skills and
abilities, such as putting on clothes and shoes, playing with toys there is total
reliance of the child from the mother which show the child beginning to grow a
sense of their independence and autonomy. In three stages is about Initiative vs.
Guilt which the child starts to interact with other. This is when the child to startes
works on its impersonal skills and allows the child to develop a sense of feel
secure in their ability to make decision. The four stages is Industry vs. Inferiority
the theory that composed of the psychosocial development. This is when the child
will gain source of self esteem. The child now feels the need to win approval by
society and begin to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments. The next stage
talks about Identity vs. Role Confusion which is the stage between childhood and
adulthood. This is when children are becoming
Gender Inequality In Kindred
In the novel, Kindred, Butler shows that race is not the only factor in the power
hierarchy between white men and black women in the story. Gender plays just as a
significant role in power than race. We, the readers, see how white women like
Margaret Weylin are seen as inferior to their husbands, who have a public presence
in society and can do as they please. In addition, society expects them to be nothing
more than wives and mothers. On the other hand, black women are constantly
victimized and treated inhumanly even till the present but in more subtle forms. This
is shown with the treatment of 20th century women like Dana who still seemed to
be undermined by white men like Kevin, who is shown to reinforce patriarchal
values through his treatment of her. Moreover, it is repeatedly shown in the novel
that 19th century black women were even more oppressed than their white
counterparts as they are deprived of their basic roles as mothers and wives and even
indiscriminately raped. Due to their gender and race, black women had their human
rights rescinded and were subject to even worse condition than black men. In the
novel, when Dana gets back to the present after being away from Rufus for fifteen
days, she recounts her horrific experience to Kevin. She states, You mean you could
forgive me for having been raped? (245). Dana is in a state of disbelief when Kevin
insinuates that he could forgive an intimate act with Rufus if she has been raped by
him in the past. This comment
Golden Amusement Park Research Paper
On vacation in California and don t have anything to accomplish with the entire
family? You need to visit The Golden Amusement Park and ride our largest utmost
ride Stellar! This expedition has one of the greatest premeditated and spectacular
themes you will recognize throughout the park. Stellar is a tremendous indoor roller
coaster with stars covering the ceiling and sides to form the feeling that you re in
space. The passengers will travel through the coaster in a cart comparable to a rocket
to present the feeling of outer space. In the beginning of the excursion, you will
experience freefall when a sudden drop occurs shocking innumerable amount of
people that weren t expecting it. Throughout the journey, you will experience a
centripetal... Show more content on ...
When the travelers go through the asteroid, the rocket will blow fire out of the
back to deliver the effect that they genuinely blew up when it crashed. After the
patrons become amazed by crashing into an asteroid, they will accelerate up a hill
where they will stop and be forced backwards, descending the hill. A chunk of the
population of the jaunt may expect that the best detail is all of the turns, loops,
and hills, however, they haven t even gotten started. As the riders decline
backwards, they ll have the thrill of not being able to identify where they remain
effective through turns, hills, and even corkscrew motions! The rocket progresses
up another hill, yet instead of moving over, friction will occur, making the rocket
stop and reverse back downward onto a different track that it remained on before.
The first element that will occur is a dual loop which will have the riders waiting
for more extravagant things to happen. Suddenly, the rocket will be whipped around
multifarious sharp corners, giving you the feeling that you re falling off the track,
although, as a matter of fact, you re perfectly safe! Do you fancy the feeling of
butterflies in your stomach? Aforementioned, this section of the roller coaster may be
Zen Gardens Essay
Zen Gardens
Zen Buddhism began to show up in Japan during the eighth century. It went through
various periods of popularity and disregard, but constituted one of the most important
influences on Japanese culture. All Buddhist temples include gardens. The first
temple gardens evolved from well groomed landscaping around Shinto shrines. Later,
the gates and grounds surrounding Buddhist temples began to use gardens to beautify
the temple, similar to the Heian mansion gardens. Jodo Buddhism (Pure Land) used
temple gardens as a way to symbolize the pure land created by Amida Buddha to aid
suffering souls in pursuit of enlightenment. These Zen gardens were meant to
encompass the nature of the universe. The garden ... Show more content on ...
Fishing on small boats to catch fish in their ponds was one popular activity. Poetry
reading and writing was also essential.
According to Feng shui, all structures have to be laid out carefully along compass
lines and in certain configurations to allow ki (Chinese chi ), the mystic energy of
life to flow properly. A reduced ki flow in a home was thought to cause sickness and
disharmony. For example, the builders, after consulting with a Yin yang diviner,
would usually create special arrangements to prevent bad ki from entering the home
from the northwest. In the first Japanese garden design manual, the Sakuteiki, it is
explained how water courses should flow from the northwest to the southeast so
that any bad ki could be cleansed by the protective deity of the east Kamogawa
(blue dragon), then proceed west again passing under a veranda of the house so as
to draw away any evil spirits that might have somehow slipped into the house.
Heavy stones were thought to serve as gates or landing points for spirits and were
thus placed very carefully. Other design rules applied as well. Influenced by esoteric
Buddhism, the garden design was expected to include an island in a pond connected
to the mainland by a bridge. This represented the world of enlightenment separated
from the world of man. The bridges were frequently arched and coated with bright red
lacquer (another Chinese influence).
The Heian nobles
Cashless Indi A New Beginning Essay
Introduction: The Indian Economy post Economic Reforms of 1991 has witnessed
drastic growth and development coupled with higher international integration at the
global platform. Among various other emerging markets, India promises higher
investment returns, which can be further attributed to many factors. The economy of
India is seventh largest in the world in terms of nominal GDP and third largest in
terms of purchasing power parity(PPP). With the latest announcement of
Demonitisation on 8th November 2016, a new pathway towards a cashless
economy has been laid down before India. Looking upto economies like that of
Sweden, which leads the race of becoming a cashless economy, number of challenges
lie ahead of India which may hinder its cashless dream. Thus there is need to identify
these challenges and recaliberate policies targeting them.
The Indian Rupee: Ancient India was one of the earliest issuers of coins in the
world. The word Rupee was derived from the Sanskrit word RЕ«pyakam , meaning
wrought silver, a coin of silver . During 19th century Indian Rupee was silver based
currency unlike other stronger economies who followed the Gold Standard. After
independence, the Republic of India recognised Rupee as its official currency and
pegged it to the US dollar, as a part of the Bretton Woods Agreement. In this
arrangement, the US Dollar itself was backed by gold. This system however
Medieval City That Altered The Course Of English History
A Viking Mystery Beneath Oxford University, archaeologists have uncovered a
medieval city that altered the course of English history image: http:/
/ mass grave
631.jpg__800x600_q85_crop.jpg Mass grave British archaeologists looking for
evidence of prehistoric activity in the English county of Dorset discovered instead
a mass grave holding 54 male skeletons. (Oxford Archaeology) By David Keys
9 7.2K 1.1K 16 256 31 9 7.2K (Continued from page 2) According to the Anglo
Saxon Chronicle, Aethelred was informed that Danish mercenaries intended to
beguile him out of his life. (It is unknown whether an informer learned of an actual
plot, or if Aethelred and his council fabricated the threat.) Aethelred then set in
motion one of the most heinous acts of mass murder in English history, committed
on St. Brice s Day, November 13, 1002. As he himself recounted in a charter
written two years later, a decree was sent out by me, with the counsel of my leading
men and magnates, to the effect that all the Danes who had sprung up in this island,
sprouting like cockle [weeds] amongst the wheat, were to be destroyed by a most just
extermination. Prior to 2008, the only known inhabitants of the St. John s College
garden had been the songbirds and squirrels that darted across the neatly cropped
lawn and hid in an ancient beech tree. Generations of dons and students had strolled
Acute Kidney Injury
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is often characterized by a rapid decline in renal
excretory function, and/or a significant decrease in urine output (SOURCE). The
exact level of function loss required to be defined as AKI has been debated; however,
the Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) has released a widely accepted system
used to define AKI and its varying levels of severity (1). The stages of AKI severity
are classified as: risk, injury, failure, loss of function, and end stage kidneydisease,
collectively referred to as RIFLE, as illustrated in Figure 1. Severity is defined based
on glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and urine output criteria. GFR criteria includes
serum creatinine concentration (Screat) and GFR, with an increase in Screat or a...
Show more content on ...
This physical damage can result from _____________. Mechanical ventilation can
also cause the development of AKI by alteration of systemic and renal
hemodynamics through changes to cardiac output. Studies have shown that PPV,
by increase intrathoracic pressure, can decrease cardiac output (CO), which has
been correlated with a decrease in renal plasma flow (RPF), GFR and UO (25).
This correlation is supported in a canine study done by Qvist et al., in which they
found that when CO was not altered during PPV, there was no decrease in GFR or
UO (26). In addition to the hemodynamic effects seen in PPV, there are also marked
neurohormonal effects of mechanical ventilation resulting in AKI. These include the
increase of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion, suppression of atrial naturitic
peptide release, as well as alteration of the renin angiotensin aldosterone axis
(RANA) through the increase in sympathetic flow, and the accompanying increase
in renin activity. These changes result in decreased renal blood flow, GFR, and UO.
There is also an increase in fluid retention, however, there is some evidence that this
occurs as a result of the release of vasoactive substances, which shift intrarenal blood
flow from the cortex to the medulla, resulting in greater fluid retention, regardless of
the level of renal
Dome Of Rock
The Dome of the Rock is among the largest Islamic shrines that are located in
Jerusalem. Built almost thirteen centuries ago, this shrine remains one of the most
gorgeous and treasured architectural buildings in the world. It is adorned with a
splendid gold dome and an elaborate inscription that represents the Islamic religion.
This shrine is built on a sacred rock that was considered to be holy before Islam
started. To the Jewish, this rock was the very spot where Abraham was meant to
sacrifice Isaac, his son. Besides, the shrine is believed to stand at the spot of the Holy
of Hollies of Herod s Temple and Solomon s Temple (Grabar 59). According to
Balfour (117) the shrine was constructed between 688 and 691 by Umayyad caliph
Abd al Malik.... Show more content on ...
This structure is supported by 16 columns that are located around it. The shrine is
a double shell that has two layers that are independently connected by beams. The
platform on which this dome sits makes it easy for people to see it from all sides.
The dome is covered using gold sheathing and it sits on top of a building that is
covered outside and inside using Arabic calligraphy and colored mosaic. This
building has eight arched entrances and staircase that are connected to the temple on
the lower side. Currently, the building still has its original decorations and mosaics
just like when it was constructed. The dome s shape is still in its initial form. Some
of the materials that were used in the construction of this building include wood,
stone, brick, lead and marble (Creswell
Determination of Wages
The following literature review gives a thorough account of the current research
into the determination of wages. It was crucial for this project to study the current
body of literature on this topic in order to decide on which approach was best to
take. Sapsford et al. (1993) claim that at the simplest level of analysis, wages,
viewed as the price of labour, are seen as being straightforwardly determined by the
intersection of labour demand and supply curves in the market for labour.
(Sapsford et al., p. 155) Thus on one side we have the demand for labour by the
firm, and on the other we have the supply of labour by workers. In cases where the
market is in perfect competition the wageis given so the firm must choose the
amount of workers it wants to employ at that wage. But in such a market at
equilibrium the price of labour, i.e. the wage, will be equal to the marginal
productivity of the worker. However, in imperfect markets, there can be monopsony
firms who have market power and can choose the wage and the amount of workers
that will maximise their profits. This latter theory is one of the reasons that was
given to explain Krueger s findings that an increase in the minimum wageactually
increased employment which obviously contradicts main economic theory. The
main idea was that in the case of a monopsony, higher wages may induce the firm to
employ more people so as to find the profit maximising level of workers given that
wage. But this project will not focus on the
Western Cordillera
The western Cordilleran orogenic belt had been depicted as a passive margin after
Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian rifting. Afterwards, the passive margin converted
to an active margin most probably about Late Devonian to Late Cretaceous through
the subduction of the exotic allochthons beneath the North American plate. The late
Jurassic to Cretaceous subduction of (Sevier and Laramide Orogeny) representing as
a period of the back thrust, intraplate thrusting, behind a magmatic arc on the upper
plate near or on its westernmost margin from the latest Devonian until the Cretaceous.
Hildebrand (2009, 2013) cast doubt the back thrust interpretation of the western US
Cordillera. Hildebrand (2009, 2013) proposed that western North America was a...
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In addition, per my knowledge none of the western US geologists have
documented passive margin deposits as young as of upper Paleozoic age or
younger. Therefore, Hildebrand (2009, 2013) hypothesis faces deficiency to explain
the thrusting of Roberts Mountain and the emplacement of the Proterozoic rocks
over the rocks of Lower Paleozoic age. Thus, the western Cordillera have been
converted to an active margin prior to 124 Ma which is contradict with Hildebrand s
hypothesis (2009, 2013). Hildebrand, (2009, 2003) attempts to integrate both
observed geologic features (hinterland high grade metamorphism, Laramide basement
uplifts, Cordilleran batholiths, regional scale Neogene extension) and the lack of
observed features (large scale strike/slip faults), while matching paleomagnetic data
(large amounts of northward motion in the oceanic realm exist with no evidence on
land) (Fern Esperanza beetle Moorcroft, MS Thesis, 2014). However, Hildebrand,
(2009, 2013) affiliate the pre Cretaceous rocks, particularly the Neoproterozoic rocks
crops out in central and east Utah, to the microcontinent Rubia, but such
interpretation needs translation of rocks for a very long
A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah
A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah, published by Sarah Crichton Books in New
York in 2007, tells the haunting story of Ishmael Beah, a child soldier during the
Sierra Leone Civil War. The book begins in January of 1993 in Ishmael s small
village called Mogbwemo, located near Mattru Jong, Sierra Leone. A Long Way
Gone addresses a plethora of geographical issues such as refugees and population
movements, child exploitation, and most of all: war. Each of these issues directly
affects Ishmael, the autobiographer. In his book of memoirs, A Long Way Gone,
Beah uses his horrendous experiences as a young teenager thrown into the dead
heat of civil war to effectively argue that children have a right to their own
childhoods, and that children deserve to have their innocence remain in place until
they are older, not have it be stolen by the terror of war. His potent encounters and
experiences also highlight successfully the undeniable effects that geographical
problems are causing not just in Sierra Leone, but across the entire African
continent. As previously stated briefly, Beah makes a clear main argument that is
always present throughout his memories and stories from the war. To state it
simply, children deserve to be children. Beah argues that youth do not deserve to
have their innocence stolen by war and the pain that inevitably stems from it. In the
book, Beah becomes part of the war and later has to recover from his experiences and
learn to let go, all while he is under the age
Team Communication Skills
Team Communication Skills In addition to good individual communication skills,
the team itself needs to form communication skills. Cohen (2008) looks in detail of
the communication skills the team should establish for good overall
communication. In addition, the article also goes to explain how commutation
plays a role in conflict resolution, and what group rules the team should create when
conflict occurs. As a team, creating a protocol for conflict management is
important. This includes how the team should communicate and behave during a
conflict as well (Cohen, 2008). There are several important elements to include in
this structured process. The first element is allowing members to speak up and to
express feelings with respect. Secondly, is to intervene early to decrease the
severity of the problem. Moreover, when the conflict occurs it is critical to establish
a goal as to what all team members want and for it to be understood. Finally, the
team should always remember to empathize with the other members, demonstrate
appreciation, and try to understand another s perception (Cohen, 2008). It is
important, however, to remember that reducing conflict can be simple if the team
follows an appreciative process. Bushe (1998) goes on in explaining this concept,
and explains by using this process it helps the team amplify what they can do, and
focus on the positives within a situation. Skills parts of the appreciative process are
positivity and being positive to the team,
Ma Jad Their Eyes Were Watching God Quotes
Ma Joad
She seemed to know, to accept, to welcome her position, the citadel of the family, the
strong place that could not be taken. (p. 74)
Ma Joad, the mother of the Joad family, was made known as the citadel of the
family , proving to be the more adequate provider as the novel progressed, and
handled every hindrance soundly. She remains this way, so her familydoes not fall
apart like others had anticipated. When first meeting Ma Joad in the start of the
novel, she was a strong willed woman, as was she at the end of the novel. For her
headstrong personality, Ma Joad served as the rock for her family.
Rose of Sharon
For a minute Rose of Sharon sat still in the whispering barn. Then she hoistered her
tired body up and drew the comfort ... Show more content on ...
Because of his beliefs, he wanted to do what was best and helped people whenever
he had the chance. His speaking and teachings opened up the eyes of many, and that
is why he was one of the best leaders in the novel. Without his strength and morals,
none of that would be possible.
Pa Joad
You glad to be goin , Pa? Huh? Well sure. Leastwise yeah. We had hard times here.
Course it ll be all different out there plenty work, an ever thing nice an green, an little
white houses an oranges growin aroun . (p. 109)
Pa Joad, being the man of the family, wasn t the best at accommodating, but he did
the best he could. Being evicted from his farm clearly hurt him, however he tried
his hardest not to let it show. Trying to maintain his role in the family, and to do
what was best for them, he decided to move them out to California. It was obvious
that he wasn t fond of this, nevertheless all he wanted to do was give his family a
better life. Being willing to put his own happiness aside for the benefit of his family
shows great strength and morals.
Ma nodded. He means it, too, she said. Worked right up to three months ago, when he
throwed his hip out the last time. (p.
Group Vs. Individual Decision Making
Group vs. Individual Decision Making Business success is fairly uncertain but it
helps when there is collaboration in the working environment. This means that
inputs must come from all members of the organization because everyone has
something to contribute. Inputs do not merely refer to raw materials but
contributions of employees based on their opinions and suggestions about the
company s future or direction. Thus, the success of a business is not solely based
on how raw materials are efficiently converted into outputs. This is because
business processes can be automated. Automation of these processes can only add
efficiency and lower costs but there are other aspects of a business that require
decisions to be made. In fact, decisions are important to organizations and making
the right ones especially on important issues are crucial. In any organization,
decision making serves as a factor which could either break it or make it. Hence, it
is important that sound decisions are made so that the goals of a certain
organization or company are realized. Aside from that, profits and productivity are
expected to increase if decisions are able to meet the demands of business trends. In
traditional organizational structures, decisions are lodged in the topmost stages of
the ladder. In other words, only the top executives make the decisions for the
company s future and direction. In some instances, only the chief executive officer
will only decide for the company. As a
Reflection Of Clesus
Explanation: Perhaps as they are walking out of Jerusalem, perhaps before they had
left the place where they were celebrating the Passover, Jesus began explaining
disciples that he was the true vine, and his father was the vinedresser. He said that
every branch that did not bear fruit the Father would take away, but every branch that
did bear fruit he would prune so it would bear more fruit. Jesustold them that they
were clean through what he had told them, and that if they abided in him, he would
abide likewise in them. As a branch cannot bear fruit unless it is still attached to the
vine, so they could not bear fruit unless they would abide in him. Christthen
reiterated his previous statement: he was the vine, and they the branches. If they
would abide in him, they would bear much fruit; but if they did not, they could do
nothing. Then he elaborated: if anyone did not abide in him, and therefore bore no
fruit, he would be cut off and thrown into the fire, and he would wither and die. If
they would abide in him, and his words abide in them, they would be able to ask
anything of him, and it would be granted. And the Father is glorified when the
branches bear much fruit, which is a sign and seal of true discipleship. As the Father
loved the Son, so the Son loved his disciples. If the disciples therefore would keep
his commandments, they would abide in his love, in the same way as Christ kept his
Father s commandments and abides in his love. And Jesus was saying those things
Disruption In Nursing
Conflict, Disruption, and Violence
This paper is going to explore the topics of conflict, disruption, and violence in the
nursing world. Conflict within the nursing field is something that can happen
between employees without intent. As employees, disruption is something that takes
place by bullying or harassing causing issues within the organization. The same goes
for violence. All these behaviors can happen from co workers or patients. Educating
on the ways to handle these situations will be ideal for identifying and resolving.
Nursing is a stressful job. There are always situations that arise causing individuals to
continue to work in uncomfortable conditions. One factor that can affect the comfort
of employment is conflict. Defining ... Show more content on ...
There is nothing that I feel would have prevented this situation at this time. I do feel
that education on the patient s diagnoses and condition may have helped with the
situation escalating so rapidly. Anyone that does not understand the diagnoses or
condition will do their research, which may not be legit or truthful. As the medical
professional, we have resources that provide appropriate and adequate education to
the patient and their family member. Providing this adequate education would have
made providing the care easier at the time that the violence
Eating Low-Fat Diet Effects
Eating low fat diet is one of the most popular way to lose weight. Most of people
think that consuming low fat diet can help them lose their weight easily and good
for their health. However, low fat food is dangerous and has numerous negative
effects, which can harm your health. Furthermore, if you continue to consume low
fat food, you will have a risk of facing many diseases such as heart disease.
Therefore, understanding negative effects of eating low fat diet is very beneficial
for people who want to lose weight properly. The initial negative effect from eating
low fat food is poor brain function. From the background knowledge, our brain is
made up of fat and requests fatty acids to let functions of the brain perform their tasks
Song Analysis Lorde
For this analysis, I chose the song Royals by Ella Marija Lani Velich O Connor,
better known for her stage name, Lorde. Royals is an electropop song recorded in
2012 at the Golden Age Recording Studio in Morningside, Aukland. The song was
released on June 3rd, 2013 as a part of The Love Club EP. The track was also featured
on her 2013 album, Pure Heroine. The song was recorded by Lorde herself, along
with the help of her producer, Joel Little. I chose this song because I ve always
loved the simplicity of the song and how Lorde s voice is the main attraction. This
song was written as a way for Lorde to describe her feelings about other celebrities
and their overly lavish lifestyles while also giving the listener a taste of how
normal her life is in comparison. The song Royals is in the key of D Mixolydian.
It has an andante tempo of 85 beats per minute and is instrumented by finger snaps
over lines of bass. The song is in a rondo form with two verses, a pre chorus,
chorus, and a bridge. At the end of the chorus, there is a polyphonic section where
Lorde repeats the phrase I ll rule several times in a round, going up... Show more
content on ...
An average suburban neighborhood is shown at the beginning, and once again at
end of the video, to create the setting. The video shows two teenage boys living an
average, middle class life and enjoying it. The boys seem to like boxing and box
with each other during the video, similarly to the famous boxers on TV. Emphasis
is put on their faces and smiles during the video to show that they enjoy their non
lavish lifestyle. The two boys, along with some others, enjoy each other s company
on a bus towards the end of the video. This signifies that they don t need fancy cars
or fancy belonging to have friends and a happy life. The music video was made to
look very low budget, with few camera angles and fancy props, in order to fit the
theme of Lorde s
The Perception Of Blindness Versus Ability
Mohammed Khan
Mr. Cedrone
October 15, 2014 The perception of blindness versus ability to see truths in King Lear
Blindness is a motif that readers see throughout King Lear in many characters such as
Lear and Gloucester since they are unable to see the truth. Although blindness in the
modern world is defined as not having sight, William Shakespeare tells readers that
being able to see does not mean morally and spiritually you can see. Lear s
blindness causes him not to see the treachery behind Goneril and Regan at the
beginning of the play which causes him to lose his throne and go mad near the end.
Also Gloucester is also blind as he does not see the lies hidden behind the truths that
Edmund tells him and later when Cornwall pulls out Gloucester s eyes, Gloucester is
able to see the truths and realizes that Edgar is the legitimate son. Shakespeare shows
us throughout King Lear that seeing is more than just through our eyes. The play is
centered on true visions and blindness. Lear, the king, is blinded by his daughters.
When he asks what his daughters have to say about him, Regan and Goneril, the
greedy ones, tell Lear that he is a great father and Lear rewards them with more
wealth and land. Goneril says Sir, I love you more than words can wield the matter;
Dearer than eye sight, space, and liberty; Beyond what can be valued, rich or rare;
No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honour (I.i.55 61). Goneril expresses her
false love for
The Reality Of Reality And Technology Essay
I was next. Standing on my own in the waiting room I waited patiently, hoping my
turn would never arrive. I now regret taking a VR A level, but at the time, it was
what I wanted. Next, George Zelhof. As if in a trance I walked towards the door,
nervousness gripped my and I began to shake. The door opened. A smile greeted
me. No need to be nervous, a voice welcomed me. I shook it off. The examiners
crowded around me. I screamed...... I was not George Zelhof. I was now Max. Just
Max. A world was in turmoil, in confusion, in disarray. The sick littered the streets
and the deceased rotted on the pavement. Most would agree, to join them was a
blessing. Plunged into a world of terror we had lost our sanity. We were looking at a
horror movie in first person, a dystopian novel where no one could think. The veil
between imagination, reality and technology had been removed. Imagination, we now
realised, was never ours to control. The remote to reality had been turned over to
Lucifer, and he was enraged Just because something is happening in your head,
doesn t mean it isn t real. A while ago that quote would have been laughed at. Now,
if anyone was sane enough to read it, it would not be a laughing matter. It all started
with a dream, a dream that turned into a nightmare; a nightmare that became reality,
or what was left of it. And this dream, I set it into action. Anyway, that was what I
was told.
A cyber attack had been launched this year: 2090, a year which technology had
A Study On Computer Technology
A study by (Lambert, 1999) discovered that family historians are collectors, they
collect information about people, places, names and stories. Our father Albert, was
no different he lovingly compiled the family history because it gave him a
perspective on our past and present. To give us an opportunity to learn about our
heritage and build on it (Sharbrough, 2005, p. 64). Although it was common for
people of his generation to research and record on paper. Albert decided to embrace
computer technology, used the Osbourne 1 computer to record our story, and store
it on a series of 5 1/4 floppy disks. The recent discovery of the computer and the
disks has ignited curiosity from our scattered younger family members around the
world about their contents. However, a report by a computer technician revealed the
Osbourne 1 is not in working order but the data on disks may be recoverable. Also,
when the family history is made accessible technological obsolescence issues will
need to be managed. So that access to the document is available to all who want now
and into the future.
The obsolescence problem:
Technological obsolescence happens because of rapid advances in technology,
make supporting a product no longer viable or too expensive to keep in production,
or the original manufacturer goes bankrupt. Also, the product may fail because of
age and cannot be repaired because parts aren t available (Bartels, Ermel, Pecht,
Sandborn, 2012a, pp. 2 3; Slade, 2007,
Reflection Paper On Homelessness And Homelessness
When we were first introduced to this assignment, I was both excited and nervous.
I was excited because it gave me the opportunity to step of my comfort zone. I was
also excited to be able to get out into the community and practice some of the social
work skills that we have learned in class. I was nervous because I knew it would be
hard to hear the struggles of a single parent experiencing homelessness. As someone
who was raised by a single parent, I also know how easy it can be to fall into
homelessness. Overall, I think I was more excited about doing this assignment
because I truly did want to hear the stories that single parents experiencing
homelessness wanted to tell.
Experiences Related to Homelessness
I certainly have a different ... Show more content on ...
My thoughts have stayed the same about homelessness; however, I certainly have
started to acknowledge that homelessness is a very real thing. I also try my hardest
to recognize that these individuals are people; therefore, I now make it a point to at
least make eye contact with them on the street.
Social Justice
As I stated before, far too often our society ignores that homelessness is a struggle
for many people. Additionally, our society often thinks these people choose to be
homeless. Terra talked about an incident at a gas station, and how one of the
employees at the gas station said all the people at across the street are drunks and
addicts. She talked about how upset she gets when people have these misconceptions
about people that are struggling with homelessness. Hearing her talk about this broke
my heart because our society should not shame people for being homeless; instead,
we should be looking at solutions to end homelessness. It is a human right to have
basic human needs, yet our society continually provokes their unjust agenda.
Our society also tends to ignore domestic violence, which is something that my
mother and Terra both faced. Terra could not get any help with service providers
because her children and her were not in immediate danger; although, Terra certainly
knew they were in danger. Social justice is helping
Fantastic Four Failure
After viewing the most recent rendition of Fantastic Four, directed by Josh Trank, it
is nearly impossible for one to contend that the film was not a disaster. From ongoing
inconsistencies to poor special effects to nonsensical plot points, Fantastic Four failed
to deliver quality in almost every element of the film. However, there were a number
of causes behind the scenes that led to the film s collapse, including the misguided
narrative direction of the film, the uncompromising tension between director Josh
Trank and 20th Century Fox, and Trank s destructive and sophomoric behavior during
and following the production process. To begin, it is essential to consider just how
poorly executed Fantastic Four was. Without getting into too many... Show more
content on ...
Stories of Trank s emotionally and physically destructive behavior emerged quite
early on. One testimony from a crewmember described that Trank showed up to set
late or so high he couldn t speak almost everyday , if he even show[ed] up at all
(Shaw Williams). He treated crew terribly, he continues, trashed the house the
production company rented for him, ... [and] did a couple hundred grand worth of
damage. ... [S]o much damage ... that [Fox CEO] Jim Gianopulos came to Baton
Rouge and personally apologized to the owners. Trank s erratic, aggressive
behavior off set translated into hostility and lividity towards the actors on set
(Shaw Williams). In fact, the August issue of Entertainment Weekly (via claims that despite the fact that Trank fought for having Miles
Teller in the film, Trank ended up almost fighting Teller, who is known to have a
reputation for sarcasm and recalcitrance while working. Trank and Teller [dared]
each other to throw the first punch in their physical conflict, but neither did
(Jayson). To top things off, Trank responded to early critics of the film through a
meltdown on Twitter, expressing his frustration at the studio for the film s faults (O
Kane). On August 6th, 2015, he tweeted: A year ago I had a fantastic version of
this. And it would ve received great reviews. You ll probably never see it. That s
Why Do Cults Be Illegal
Cults are a small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by
others as strange or sinister. Cults are portrayed to the people as dangerous and
strange because of what they often do. For example, one cult that is well known is
the Ku Klux Klan also knows as the KKK. They targeted African Americans, the
criminal acts they did were very violent. All cults should be illegal because they
choose violent methods to put out their message. Cults are dangerous to be apart in.
The reason they should all be illegal is because they are very dangerous. As well as
their actions turn into violent acts. They fulfill acts of racism and oppression.
Another reason is because they brainwash their members to make them stay in the cult
. Once in a cult many members of such cults aren t allowed... Show more content on ...
Actions that are made by cults are always going to be negative, there will never be
any positive effects made by cults. In an article from The New York Times it talks
about how brainwashing in a cult scares their members to force them to stay, Most
of the malign cults are frightening to people when their tenets are revealed, as with
the People s Temple after Jonestown . Brainwashing is one of many ways cult
leaders make their members do the activities they want them to do. Cult members
usually do not know they are in a cult. Once they figure out they are in one they
want to leave but cannot. The members that are able to leave the cult will be left
with the physical and mental damages the cult leaves them with. In an interview,
Paul Martin talks about the damaged patients who were in cults looking for a way
to be happier, seekers looking for a worthy cause or a way to serve God, the lonely
or depressed who find a caring community in the group, and those who are caught up
by the excitement of the movement or the charisma of its

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The Power Of Positive Thinking Essay

  • 1. The Power Of Positive Thinking Essay Writing an essay on the topic of "The Power of Positive Thinking" can be both challenging and rewarding. On one hand, exploring the intricacies of positivity and its impact on one's mindset and life requires a thoughtful analysis and a deep understanding of psychological concepts. On the other hand, conveying these ideas in a coherent and engaging manner to captivate the reader can be a demanding task. The difficulty lies not only in presenting the well-known benefits of positive thinking but also in delving into the psychological and scientific aspects that underpin its effectiveness. Incorporating relevant research findings, real-life examples, and personal anecdotes to support the thesis requires careful consideration and a nuanced approach. Striking the right balance between empirical evidence and the subjective nature of positivity adds another layer of complexity to the writing process. Moreover, ensuring a logical flow of ideas and maintaining the reader's interest throughout the essay is crucial. Crafting a compelling introduction to grab the reader's attention, followed by a well-structured body that explores various facets of positive thinking, and concluding with a strong summary can be a formidable task. While the task may be challenging, the potential impact of such an essay is substantial. It has the power to inspire and motivate readers to adopt a positive outlook on life. However, achieving this impact necessitates meticulous research, thoughtful analysis, and effective communication. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "The Power of Positive Thinking" demands not only a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter but also a skillful articulation of ideas to engage and persuade the audience. The effort put into crafting such an essay is undoubtedly a labor of intellectual dedication and creativity. If you find yourself struggling with this or any other essay topic, assistance is available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where experienced writers can provide the support needed to articulate your ideas effectively. The Power Of Positive Thinking EssayThe Power Of Positive Thinking Essay
  • 2. Character Analysis Of Oliver Twist The story of Oliver Twist was originally written by Charles Dickens. It follows a young boy called Oliver on his adventures around England from one place to the next. On his journey, he becomes a workhouse boy, a runaway, a thief and a respectable gentleman. He is taught these traits by some people who have good morals and some people who are amoral. Mr. Bumble is the town beadle, he looks after the towns orphans and the poor. He is well paid but he is not wealthy. Mr. Bumble wishes and aspires to be part of the board of directors. After Oliver asks for more food one day, Mr. Bumble brings him to stand in front of the board of directors. They give Mr. Bumble the task of finding Oliver an apprenticeship to get him out of the workhouse. Mr. Sowerberry makes coffins and takes in Oliver as an apprentice. He is quite a nice person and if he had been left to his own devices, he would have been very lovely and caring towards Oliver. The only problem was that Mr. Sowerberry was quite cowardly and scared of his wife Mrs. Sowerberry who was mean and resented Oliver. Mr. Sowerberry has good morals but is influenced by someone who is amoral. Noah Claypole is Mr. Sowerberry s assistant and an outright bully. As soon as Oliver had arrived, Noah teased poor Oliver. Most of the time the maid, Charlotte would help Noah. She never realized that she was doing something wrong she thought it was just a game. Noah became jealous when Oliver was chosen to be the mute in the funeral parade,
  • 3. Sassy Bingo Slot Review of Sassy Bingo Slot Sassy Bing Slot is a 5 reel and 9 payline video slot powered by Microgamming, best known for their theme based games with highly rewarding features. The slot takes a more traditional theme of Bingo and 5 reel fruit slot machines with a compelling vivid vibe to it. This feeling is especially true if you appreciate brightly colored cartoon fruits, enchanting sea creatures and pink layout. The gameplay experience is designed to create an environment that is suitable for all players, with the option to play for fun and real money both available. The slot has a special bonus round that offers bingo lovers an opportunity to try out an actual bingo game. The slot plays at medium variance and is available in several online... Show more content on ... From its glowing pink layout, super realistic graphics and a character of a female mascot, it is evident that the slot is designed to appeal to women and other fans of slot machines. The slot scores highly on key gaming parameters such as entertainment factor, jackpot and big wins, graphics and bonus rounds. The 5 reel and 9 payline Sassy Bingo Slot was released in 2011 by Microgamming. The decision to release the game was informed by the need to combine the attractions of Bingo and today s 5 reel slots. Sassy Bingo real money games are available in many licensed and fully regulated online
  • 4. Essay about Eliyahu M. Goldratt s The Goal The Goal Here are the principles behind the dramatic turnaround story in The Goal. The goal of a manufacturing organization is to make money. Jonah poses this as a question: What is the goal? and Rogo actually struggles with it for a day or two, but any manager or executive that can t answer that question without hesitation should be fired without hesitation. But then again, the goal isn t clear to everyone. One of the characters in the book, an accountant, responds to an offhand comment about the goal with a confused The goal? You mean our objectives for the month? That s sureto strike a chord with a lot of readers. At an operational level, measure your success toward the goal with these three metrics: Throughput ... Show more content on ... Decrease the unit of work. If you ve got people idle, you can afford to have them do their work in smaller chunks. Under a cost accounting model, this hurts their efficiency by removing certain economies of scale. But you have much faster turn around time. Everyone s more flexible. Work flows more smoothly. (Well, this is what the book says.) Articles The Goal The Goal A Process Engineering Novel I read Eliyahu M. Goldratt s novel The Goal the other night, instead of sleeping. The book has two parts. In the first 264 pages, a manufacturing plant manager turns his failing plant into a tremendous success. That part of the book ends with the manager s promotion to a position with oversight over several failing plants. In the second part of the book (73 pages), the manager prepares for his new job by trying to deduce a repeatable process of ongoing improvement. He s trying to make sense of what happened in the first part of the book so he ll have half a chance of repeating that success on a greater scale. For now, I ll set aside considerations of why The Goal is a novel, how effective it is as a book, whether it succeeds as literature, and so on. This article is primarily about the ideas behind the book, and why some are valuable while others are probably quite useless. How to Turn Around a Failing Plant
  • 5. The first part of the book is about a manufacturing plant.
  • 6. Descartes s Discourse On Method In his Discourse on Method, Rene Descartes asserts that all human beings are equal in their ability to reason and that any differences in opinion are not a result of a difference in ability to reason, but in the application of the reasoning. Descartes begins his argument for this claim by stating that rational thought and reason is what separates humans from animals, and that if all people have this ability to reason, then that must be the distinguishing feature of humanity. He goes on to explain that while individuals may differ within a species in regard to their non essential qualities, they will not differ in the species distinguishing feature. This rule accounts for the diversity within humanity as a species (such as differing hair colors, heights, and weights) while equalizing humanity s ability to reason. From these premises, Descartes concludes that all humans must have an equal ability to reason and that differences in thought are merely a result of differences in the application of the individual s reasoning. In Part V of his Discourse, Descartes continues his argument for reasoning being the essence of humanity by arguing that non human animals and machines cannot reason, and therefore reasoning must be solely attributed to humans. Descartes presents two tests to determine whether or not a being is human or non human, both based on the adaptability of the being s responses. He first asserts that since machines and non human animals cannot communicate via spoken
  • 7. Jay Little Biography Jay Little has put all his effort, his time, and his dreams into making the world a better place, and that s exactly why when I was asked to write a paper about someone who changes the world he was the first person I thought of. He is the kind of person who envisions change and does everything he can to make that vision a reality. That s why, at only 19 years old, he has already started leaving his own mark on the world. He is the President of First Year Council at the University of Alabama, he has dedicated thousands of hours to service, and he has not failed to make history along the way. He grew up just outside Columbus, Mississippi, in the small town of Artesia. A town that he has left such a huge impact on. Graduating from West Lowndes High School with a class of 47, Jay had the grades, the involvement, and the impact that would ve made him stand out in a class of 1000. He had the highest ACT score in his high school s history, he founded and was president of student government, and he participated in both athletics and band. But what stands out the most about him is that he was offered 1.5 million dollars in... Show more content on ... I would apply to every scholarship I could find , said Jay. One of his favorites was the Elks scholarship. He told me how he applied only for the smallest scholarship they offered, and somehow he ended up winning their largest scholarship. He became the first African American male from the state of Mississippi to win the $50,000 scholarship from the Elks. On top of that he also was the recipient of the Gates Millennium scholarship which pays up to $250,000 over a 10 year period. This not only gave him the opportunity to go to college anywhere he wanted, it also put him in a position to help many others find a way to pay for
  • 8. Evolution Of Penguins Essay The Evolution of Penguins Came to Life BY; Masters Esparza The habitat for the penguins are usually around the south like Antarctica , north pole, and ect.. Penguins are usually prefer their their habitats in those specific areas because they prefer colder and colder weather than hot weather. Penguins only prefer cold over warmer weather because in the cold penguins have to survive off of fish. From what i have read online it states that if that you re just a small penguin you might live up to about 6 years maybe 7. Penguins use their belly to reduce their body to drag in the water. You might not know this but the only reason why penguins have bird shaped wings , it s because once they dive in they can go up to 20 mph. If penguins start to keep still and not be active their body temp. Will start to decrease and they will be getting to the point where they will die eventually. During storm season out in the arctic penguins ... Show more content on ... Scientist have noticed that the bones are very fearsome artistic ability. Around 500 years ago there was this penguin whose ancestry before that was almost a full human size. The exact correlation of that penguin is called an cady pete aslai and who was 1.5 meters long and who weighed a total of 137 lbs. Penguins are very interesting birds, and the have a long history behind them that is more than 60 million years old. They are believed to be descendants of early birds that roamed the Earth. It is believed that the penguins are derived from a type of bird that is able to fly. Yet they needed to be able to adapt to the waters if they were going to be able to survive. As a result their wings changed over time to what we call flippers. They were no longer able to fly but they didn t need to. Instead they were able to feed from the water and they were also able to walk upright on
  • 9. Analysis Of Patricia Hill Collins The First Time 1. My thoughts while reading the Patricia Hill Collins book the first time can be neatly summed up on one word. Wow. The thoughts were really deep, and it took me several read throughs over the course of several days to completely understand some of the concepts that she was getting at, as well as my feelings on the subject. I was a little unnerved at how these stereotypes worked to frame the social constraints surrounding black women, and how they so neatly created a no win, situation for black women. There wasn t a really positive, stereotype in which a black woman could do everything right while actually achieving anything of great importance. Even the mammy stereotype that is really the ideal, cast for black femininity in popular culture limits achievements of black women, instead relegating them to the role of servitude to the dominate class. The Black Lady stereotype was somewhat better, but still not truly equal as it implied. What was really surprising to me were how few roles there were for black women that Collins described in her paper. Upon further reflection, I realized I couldn t come up with any other stereotypes, especially not positive ones. I think that might have been the really startling part was to see how much these stereotypes influence me even unconsciously. 2.The role of mammy, is in my understanding what seems to be the idealized image of black women in society; subservient, but loved and tolerated by the dominate white families that so
  • 10. Themes In The Cathedral By Raymond Carver The Cathedral by Raymond Carver is an eye opening short story which focuses on an unnamed narrator who has a hard time interacting with the world around him, specifically his new visitor. The narrator is the perfect example of an antihero as he is the central character, but does not exhibit heroic attributes. In this first person narrative, the narrator speaks of when his wife s old friend, Robert, comes to visit. After Robert s wife passes on, he stops by the narrator s house for a night while passing through to visit his family. The theme of the The Cathedral focuses on how although one may be looking, they may not truly be seeing. When analyzing the narrator of The Cathedral , one can see how he exemplifies the themes of the short... Show more content on ... While the narrator continues this way throughout the story, his possessiveness does begin to halter as he gets to know Robert on a more personal level. Once the climax of the short story arrives, the narrator s possessive trait somewhat vanishes as he opens his eyes to the world around him. The narrator is a character who is ignorant. Throughout the story, the narrator demonstrates his narrow mindedness in many instances especially when it comes to Robert s blindness. Notably, the narrator speaks of how his assumptions regarding blindness have been adapted from what he has seen within movies. For much of the story, the narrator continually questions Robert s abilities due to his blindness. From his choice to wear a beard to whether he will be able to eat his dinner on his own, the narrator comments on Robert s choices. An example of this takes place when the narrator believes Robert would not smoke due to his blindness. The narrator remembers, having read somewhere that the blind didn t smoke because, as speculation had it, they couldn t see the smoke they exhaled. I thought I knew that much and that much only about blind people. (Carver 107). To the narrator s surprise, Robert does in fact smoke. The narrator s ignorance allowed for him to believe blindness would truly affect this in the first place. Furthermore, the narrator s ignorance is also seen when he questions what Robert was wearing explicitly his lack of dark glasses. While thinking on the topic, the
  • 11. My Family Based On My Life My conflict is family based. It is about my elder sister s family. My elder sister does not have a sound educational background but she is blessed to have gotten married to a wealthy business tycoon and they are blessed with three children namely; Nelly, Junior and Adolf. They are happily married but just like any other marital home which has got its good and bad moments, theirs is not an exception. My sister s husbandis so self centered, and He also have a greedy altitude. As a wealthy business man He has managed to acquired fleets of luxurious cars for himself (precisely about six cars) but unfortunately none of these cars belongs to his wife. In addition to this, He is in possession of all the car keys and when ever the wife wants to go to the market or on an errand, the wife must first of all informed him then He will call the driver and gave him the key to one of the cars( the less privilege car) and asked him to take his madam to the market or where ever she is going. And my sister is never comfortable with this kind of altitude from the husband but she will just keep her cool, and sometimes she let her husband to understand that she is not comfortable with his altitude. But her husband finds it so difficult to bend or to change from his ugly altitude. After some couple of months, the husband went and bought one small lady s car for my sister and told her that the car is meant for her to be using each time she wants to go to the market or on an errand. But
  • 12. Which Of The Considerations Would Be Most Critical In Your... 1. Reference: Figure 14.5 page 356, which of the considerations would be most critical in your opinion and why? In my opinion timing is the most important part to consider in merchandising plans. Customers are consistently demanding new and better products. This demand makes accurate planning more important in the merchandising process. Retailers must now offer through the various channels of retailinga larger and better assortment of products. In order to excel and maintain the competitive edges retailers are understanding more the ever the importance for inventoryplanning and management. There is a tricky balance of not over investing on inventory, but also more importantly is not alienating customers or losing sales by being out of stock. Throughout the entire distribution processes the timing of... Show more content on ... Explain five factors for a chain retailer to review in determining how to allocate merchandize among its stores. 1. The market balance is essential to be competitive and to differentiate to level of services between low end and high end retail locations. 2. Brand objectives to maximization profits in positioning store brands maintaining quality and standards while producing product availability considering customers lifestyles. 3. Understanding the consumer trends in the market segments at each location to create customer centric products. Each location should not receive identical allocation because the deal was right. 4. Updated store level data trends leads in ensuring allocations will produce profitable sales and inventory turns to maintain cash flow. This understanding will optimize stock levels using an inventory Management report system. Product allocation should be based on demand. 5. Price range that will create customers value. 8. In your next visit to an area retailer, based on your previous training, notes, and textbook information, comment on its storefront, general interior, store layout, displays, and checkout
  • 13. Bcg, Ansoff s, 5 Porter s Force Model and Industry... RELIANCE COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES * Reliance Communications Signs Strategic Alliance with GetJar (Apr 2010) Reliance Communications (BSE:RCOM), India s largest and only telecom operator offering nationwide CDMA and GSM mobile services, and GetJar, the world s second largest app store announced today a strategic alliance between the two companies. According to this alliance, GetJar will offer Reliance Communications its extensive catalog of over 65,000 free mobile applications. Reliance Communication s over 100 million subscribers will gain immediate access to GetJar s massive library of applications via a GetJar apps store through RCOM s VAS platform R World. GetJar will also enable RCOM to offer its Apps Store to a... Show more content on ... The launch of Live Chat forms the first step in this customer oriented focus and enhancing the overall customer experience. RCOM is going Live with its Live Chat service across 15,000 towns with a scale up plan to cover 24,000 towns by end of the first quarter of this fiscal. * Risks * Lower than expected subscriber growth or higher than anticipated pressure on realisation rates could impact margins. * Intense competitive tariffs being offered by late entrants in the industry could be a cause of concern for RCOM and put pressure on revenues and profits. The recently launched Simply Reliance Plan could have a negative impact on ARPU. * 3G spectrum auctions could pose a threat to RCOM. RCOM has a highly stretched balance sheet and this could result in RCOM not being able to fund the acquisition of 3G spectrum. This may not be viewed as a positive by investors. * Marketing
  • 14. A Brief Note On Coronary Artery Disease Coronary Artery Disease is a condition where the blood flow through the coronary arteries of the heart become partially or completely blocked by plaque buildup. CAD is responsible for over 500,000 deaths in the USA annually. Unfortunately in Вј of the population, death is the first warning sign of CAD. Atherosclerosisis the process by which plaque builds up in the vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart muscle. This lack of blood flow is called ischemia, which will lead to angina in many cases. Angina is caused by a lack of perfusion of the myocardium. CAD is a disease that is developed over time due to unchanged risk factors such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle, hyperlipidemia , cigarette smoking, and hyperlipidemia. The severity of Coronary ArteryDisease can be managed through lifestyle changes and medication. If the disease has advanced beyond natural repair by lifestyle modifications, surgery may be the next option. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) surgery or placement of cardiac stents are the two most common forms of surgery to fix CAD. These surgeries are not a substitute for lifestyle modifications, but may help those with severe CAD begin to make lifestyle changes without symptoms arising at low intensity exercises. With Coronary Artery Disease being the number one cause of death in the Unites States, there is a lot of research on how to prevent, diagnose, and manage the disease. Prevention of CAD mainly consists of healthy lifestyle choices, but
  • 15. Impressionism as a Avant-garde Movement 1.INTRODUCTION This essay analyses the aesthetic and ideological underpinnings of the Modernist artwork, Impression, Sunrise of Claude Monet. The artwork and Impressionism is considered to be a visual articulation of the avant garde and the latter statement is explained. References to the writings of Charles Harrison, Clement Greenberg and Wilhelm Worringer is used to theorise the aesthetics of modernity. 2.IMPRESSIONISM AS MODERN ART Modernism is the heartbeat of culture, or as Clement Greenberg (1992:754) states, modernism involves of what is truly alive in our culture and it includes more than just art and literature. Western civilization began to interrogate their foundations and progressed into a self critical society (Greenberg 1992:754). This notion began with the theories of the philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724 1804); he criticized the means itself of criticism (Greenberg 1992:754). Therefore, Greenberg (1992:754) perceived Kant as the first real Modernist. An avant garde or modern movement is a movement that is experimental, artists push boundaries, are committed to change and are brave. Impressionism slots in perfectly to the definition of avant garde. The Impressionists took the first steps into modernism as a self critical movement (Greenberg 1992:755). To a modern understanding, the Impressionist paintings are among the most instantly enjoyable works of art (Thomas 1987:9). The first Modernist paintings were produced by Edouard Manet (Greenberg
  • 16. The Day I Became A Teenager Happy Birthday! It was October 2, 1957 and the day I became a teenager. I didn t have much of a worry in the world and really only cared if the surf was up and whether my favorite song, All Shook Up by Elvis Presley would become a gold record. Little did I know, but it would be a day that would change my life and world. It would be infamously known as the day the Soviet Unionsuccessfully launched Sputnik. Looking back, I realize it not only scripted my mentality but America s mentality for the 1960 s. My family gathered on the deck to see Sputnik. We didn t see Sputnik in the night sky but it was more what we felt in the air; hurt pride. But I also felt like it was the beginning of a great competition, one that I would have the privilege of competing in. I grew up in an environment of competition with three older brothers in Cocoa Beach Florida. I would often walk to the beach or sit on our deck with my brothers to watch the rocket launches from the launch pad in Cape Canaveral. Then we would go and launch our model rockets on our street. We would look forward to the weekend cookouts in which our neighborhood gathered to launch model rockets. The majority of our neighbors worked at the Cape Canaveral Air Force station and would relate to us kids how the V 2 rocket projects were going, then they would tell us when the next launch would happen so we could watch it. A few months after the launch of Sputnik my family was anxiously awaiting the launch of the Vanguard
  • 17. College Essay About Being Under Weight My physical body was not the greatest, so I had to deal with being scrawny. Being underweight troubled me a lot back in elementary and middle school. I wanted to stronger, so I decided to exercise at 10 pm in the house. It was tough for me because I would be really tired. At the end I stopped exercising and went back to the way I was. Being underweight for my whole life, I decided to fix it by joining boxing and it helped dramatically in my physical and mental health. Before joining boxing, I was very jealous of others being really strong. My sister was able to pick on me without worrying that I could fight back and mess with her. She would sometimes ask me to arm wrestle her, and I was the one who would struggle the most. Also when I m with friends playing a sport or meeting up at a park, I feel embarrass about being the skinniest person. When my friends play fight I stay back because I don t want to embarrass myself. I thought about joining boxing, because I wanted to join a sport and not depend on others to do all the work. Walking in to a boxing gym on the first day was really hard, I was in no shape to do all the drills they gave me. Accomplished was what I felt every time I finished exercising and when I would push myself to the limit. I was really happy... Show more content on ... When I said yes my body did not want to stop shaking from being nerves. The first round into the sparring match, felt long. I didn t know what do to in the ring, for the entire sparring match. Felt relieved when I finished the match, but I also felt achieved of meeting a goal of going in a ring and facing an opponent. Sparring helped me traumatically in my skill of boxing, for my first actual fight. On September 7 of this year I was still recovering from being sick for an entire week and did not train enough before the fight because of the sickness. When I got in the ring I only had one thing in mind and it was to win, happily I
  • 18. Why Bees Are Disappearing And The Effect On The World Abstract The purpose of this report was to determine why bees are disappearing and the effect on the world if they disappeared, like pesticides and fungicides role in their disappearance, the role Colony Collapse Disorder has on their disappearance, the knock on effect on pollination, the knock on effect on crops, can anything take up their role, can humans take up their role and is life possible without bees. It was determined that a combination of pesticides and fungicides that contaminates the bees pollen leave the bees three time more likely to be infected by a parasite, allow not enough evidence is available some evidence shows that a combination of factors lead to CCD where the adult bees leave the hive, the queen, the baby bees and some worker bees this is not enough to support the hive in the long run so they die. Insects pollination accounts for one third of the human diet of which eighty percent is done by bees, so see a fifty percent decrease in pollination levels over twenty years could crop yields fall dramatically. Climate change which is thought to play a big role in when the bees immerge from hibernating through winter and loss of habitat also has an effect on how much the bees pollinate. One in every three mouth fulls of food of the average person is directly or indirectly linked to honey bee pollination, the effect of bees disappearing would cause plants that solely rely on bees to pollinate them to die out, out of one hundred crops which provides nighty
  • 19. Caring for Populations Essay Caring for Populations: Part I Huntington, WV was named by the Center for Disease Control in 2010 as the least healthy city in the least healthy state of America in the most overweight nation in the developed world (Kilmer,, 2008). Jamie Oliver, known as the Naked Chef, came to Huntington in the fall of 2010 to try to teach the school cooks how to prepare a healthier menu that the school children would eat. He was not met with open arms by the school cooks, the school system or children. Huntington, WV is a dying town in the rust belt of the United States that has lost its manufacturing and railroad employment. Unemployment is worse than the national average and, poverty hovers around 19% much greater than the national average... Show more content on ... But when you drive around Huntington, the majority of the homes are in disrepair. A significant portion are rented out to college students. Then there is another significant portion around the old industries that are in disrepair. Once the railroad tracks are crossed to go around the city park, there are older, architectural masterpieces where the wealthy live. There are very few yards of any size in town. People can get around in town by bus normally. There is a bike rack at the college but there are rarely any in it. Residents have to travel out of Huntington to shop at the mall, but when they want to hang out there is a large city block downtown that has restaurants, theaters, comedy club, etc. Street people hang out behind this on the river front behind the flood wall out of site. There is a tent city allowed there by the city. There are multiple churches throughout the city, but most of them reflect the city and are in disrepair as well. There are several hospitals in the city. One affiliated with the medical school that rotates trauma call with a Catholic Hospital that specializes in heart disease and meeting the needs of the community. There are two more within a fifteen minute drive. Problem and Significance Childhood obesity leads to many health problems in adult hood. Obese children experience an increase in asthma (all time high now), skin diseases, joint pain and there is an increase in diabetes
  • 20. Anne Hutchinson Biography Essay Anne Hutchinson was born in Alford, Lincolnshire, England. In 1591, in those times the dates of birth were unclear, because they didn t have archives where they could keep all the births written down, as today. As women used to give birth in their own houses. But we know the date of her christening was on July 20, 1591. Families didn t usually take a lot of time to baptized there kids, because on those dates child mortality was very important so if it happened, they will go to the paradise . So we can supposed she borne a few days, maybe a week earlier than her baptism. Her father was a dissident minister Francis Marbury ( discredited from the anglican clergyman) and her mother Bridget Dryden. She learned from her father, to question the religious teachings of the Church of England : Founded by Henry VIII who declared himself as the leader of the Christian Church in England. Is a protestant church, and follows the ... Show more content on ... And she was quickly banished from their religious community, Bay Colony. It was John Winthrop, who interrogate her for the judgement. She challenged the court to name any law she had broken and to provide evidence for the main charge against her [...] (American Jezebel : The uncommon Life of Anne Hutchinson). Also John Winthrop the one who though women had to be submissive, he though as well, women could get damage on their brains by thinking about the nature of God and religious beliefs matters. So he was stating women couldn t even debate about theology, and that was what Anne Hutchinson was doing. And she got in trouble for it. Furthermore, Reverend Cotton the one who Hutchinson admired before moving to North America, was opposing her statement against the Anglican Church. He claimed how Hutchinson and her followers were guilty of heresy. It was the same opinion as John Winthrop, and the members of the Bay
  • 21. Muslim Women Wearing The Veil Another item of religious attire amongst Muslim women which has been highly debated is the headscarf. According to Werbner (2007), the headscarf which is a religious symbol is often seen as the refusal to integrate by many European countries (2007:165). Yet many Muslim women would contest the opinion of the veil being a device of social control and hindrance of social cohesion. Telegraph journalist Khan (2015), stated that it is not the Hijabwhich holds Muslimwomen back, it is prejudice. Her article suggests that wearing the Hijab does not affect social cohesion, ignorance from wider society does. Media outlets often portray religious clothing as negative for example Malik (2013) an author for the telegraph writes about Muslim women being
  • 22. The Baroque And Classical Periods The Baroque and Classical periods are where we see the emergence of renowned composers like Handel, Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart and Beethoven. The music from these famous composers are some of the world s most recognizable and beautiful classics of all time. Music of these eras are still being used in many of today s movies and commercials. Musical characteristics developed from these eras are still used and heard presently in popular music. The art of the Baroque period was very colorful and dramatic, which translated into the music created at the time. The idea of being very expressive and embellishing in detail would lead to the development of opera. Opera is a dramatic play that is acted out through music. In opera, a soloist must be able to act and sing out the mood of the text or libretto. This expressive singing accompanied by a bass line or basso continuo is called monody. This idea of a new texture would feature the distinction between the high voice that carries one melody and the low voice or bass. The accompanying bass line was played by harpsichord with the addition of a bassoon or cello (Wright 6 3a,6 3b). Claudio Monteverdi, who is considered an originator of opera who composed the earliest example of the genre called Orfeo. Based on ancient Greek mythology, which was the initial intention of opera, Orfeo is a drama about the mythical Greek god Orpheus. To rescue his bride Euridice, he goes down to Hades. In the prologue of Orfeo which is Del mio Permesso amato , the Greek muse La MГєsica sets the stage for the drama. At first hearing La MГєsica sing, her melodic voice captures my ears and attention, like letting me know to listen up . As was Monteverdi s intention, I can hear how the harmony is the same while the melody changes throughout. The melismatic singing that accentuates certain words emphasize the importance of setting the mood of the opera (Wright, 6 3c). A great interest in hearing only instrumental music tell the story without text arise. The development of the concerto grosso which is a small unit of soloists against a full orchestra (Wright, 7 4) brought about one of the most popular and recognized concerto pieces, Vivaldi s Violin Concerto in E Major (the Spring). As one of
  • 23. Hip Hop And Stereotypes Behavioural rules explain the way the artist is presented to the customer. They include the artist s behaviour on the stage and in the photo shoots, along with the reaction of fans to his performances. As it was stated before, hip hop became not only a genre of music, but a culture and a movement. People who listen to that music view themselves as more than fans. Hip hop is their life. (...) the longevity of rap s appeal for young people is firmly linked with the way in which rap can be used as a meaning of engaging with and expressing dissatisfaction at the more restrictive features of everyday life in globally diffuse social settings. (Bennett, 2001, p. 89). As well as other cultures, Hip Hop has its foundational elements: o DJing and ... Show more content on ... For some people music is like a medicine for the soul. It gives them hope, motivation and a feeling that they are not alone. An artist is able to help others by speaking up about the important issues. That is the foundation of hip hop music. As DJ Kool Herc, the creator of hip hop stated: There are a lot of people who are doing something positive, who are doing hip hop the way it was meant to be done. They are reaching young people, showing them what the world could be people living together and having fun. But too often, the ones that get the most recognition are the ones emphasizing the negative. And I think a lot of people are scared to speak on issues. Keeping it real has become just another fad word. It sounds cute. But it has been pimped and perverted. It ain t about keeping it real. It s got to be about keeping it real. For example, rappers want to be so bling bling . Are you really living a luxurious life? Don t you have other issues? What things touch you? That s what we d like to hear rappers speak about. Start a dialogue with people. Talk about things going on in the neighbourhood. (Chang, 2011, p.12) Home for that genre of music is ghetto. People in that place had to face problems, that the ones from the centre of the city did not even have to think about. They wanted to speak up about the things that was in their heads. Hip hop became not only a music, but a culture and a
  • 24. The Rocking Horse Winner Analysis In The Rocking Horse Winner (1933), a short story written by D. H. Lawrence, the reader finds out about Paul s struggle and his family s desire for luck. How the young boy would pick race winners by riding his toy horse. In Jack London s To Build a Fire (1910) the reader engages in a horrific snowstorm plot the man soon finds himself trying to outwit. Destined, regardless of environmental factors he commands himself to journey across the frozen tundra towards his mining camp. Although Paul and the Man s stories take place in different settings and each show a distinct motive, they both share a similar fate If I could use an example to describe both character s journey from beginning to end I would use a triangle. Both characters are worlds apart from each other but are leveled by a similar struggle. This forms the first connecting points of a triangle, the base line connecting two opposite points across. In order to compare both characters we have to begin with their struggle. The character Paul, had been battling the ongoing whispers that resonated throughout the house, as the passage states, And then the house whispers, like people laughing at you behind your back. It s awful, that is! I thought if I was lucky (D. H. Lawrence 156). In order to stop these voices, which are the outcome of Paul s mother s desire to live beyond her means causing the family to always be short of money, young Paul must ride his rocking horse to a point of exhaustion [mentally and
  • 25. A Brief Note On The Persons With Disabilities Essay Persons with disabilities are believed and seen to be vulnerable people, poor and face exclusion (DFID,2000). Mobility constraints or inaccessible transport can make it difficult especially for the persons with disabilities (PWDs) to find employment, to gain education and access to various services as well as limit their social interactions. Persons with disabilities make up a huge portion of the poor population in less developed countries and to achieve the goal of poverty reduction, the challenges facing PWDs in terms of mobility, discrimination and exclusion must be addressed (Venter Et al,2000). Transportation and mobility is an essential policy issue for the disabled and persons with Disabilities have stated how mobility and transportation barriers affect their lives in relevant ways (Rosenbloom, 2007). Passing the Persons with Disability act, 2006 (Act 715) has been seen as a major step in Ghana s fight for human rights and towards addressing the mobility needs of persons with disabilities in Ghana. As the Act spells out and covers various thematic areas including transportation and the mobility needs of PWDs. The persons with disability act is aimed at integrating the needs of persons with disabilities, Importation of non conventional vehicles, special parking spaces for PWDs, Pedestrian PWDs, Provision of facilities. For the non disabled moving about the physical world can be taken for granted but for PWDs several things can act as barriers to their mobility ( (Work
  • 26. Why Did The Incas Left Machu Picchu Although is believe that the Incas left Machu Picchu after the Spanish conquered, the Spaniards did not find the settlement. There is no evidence that the place was altered at any point in time. Only local families knew about the existence of these place but they were not aware of the real importance of the sanctuary. On July of 1911, the colony was discovered by casualty and the leader of the expedition was Hiram Bingham. The explorer main focus was to find Vilcabamba, which everybody thought it was the last ruins of the Inca Empire, but instead, he found a lot more, he found the lost city . Because of the time gap between the departure of the Incas and the actual discovery by Bingham most of the routes used by the Incas were hidden. The
  • 27. Nietzsche s Views On The View Of Life Is Worth Living And... Schopenhauer was a philosopher in the 19th century who made the striking case for view of nihilism and he argued that for a life to be worth living, it must include a preponderance of happiness over suffering. However, he argued that there is no life include preponderance happiness over suffering. Therefore, he concluded that there is no life worth life and that leads to nihilism. Yet, that is a relatively implausible argument, because the life to be called a meaningful life do need the preponderance happiness over suffering. In that way, a life is worth living and an outstanding good life. Furthermore, Nietzsche was also a philosopher in late modern western philosophy. His naturalistic perspective on the meaning of lifestates that the meaning of life is to be an overhuman which consist of strongly exercising the will of power. In his argument, the will of power refers to the concept of striving to overcome one s limitation in life. To be more specific, one people will have the will of power to endeavor their problems and despite of the hardness, people still fight for the difficulties and overcome their limitations in their experiences. There is another term overhuman, which represent someone who constantly strive to overcome her limitation in life. To explain that term, people having the will to strive for their limitations and pay effort in it is so called the overhuman. Besides, it is easier for people to accept naturalism instead of nihilism and supernaturalism for
  • 28. Minor Dyslexia The process of writing was one that as a kid loomed over me because the idea of expressing the feelings that were inside out onto a paper always stumped me. How could I be asked to take what was held privately in my head and manage to make sense of it all, enough that others could understand? The struggle to manage my feelings into tangible ideas stemmed from my minor dyslexia and it was apparent in my ability to read and write. The spelling errors that riddled my writingand my inability to differentiate opposites while speaking were clear indicators that my minor dyslexia was something that I would have to live with. Going through the typical public schooltract was not one that favored those with learningdisabilities. In elementary and
  • 29. It Is Shocking How Many Things We Take For Granted It is shocking how many things we take for granted. We plan out our day, and don t think twice about how those plans can be taken away or changed in the blink of an eye. I never thought much about it personally, until I was faced with the surprise, and undeniable truth of my friend s death. I don t think anyone really thinks about tragedy until they are actually faced with the dreadful news. No one ever thinks that something that heartbreaking or shocking would happen to them; no one really puts themselves in a catastrophic scenario. Losing someone who can t be replaced by anyone else is probably the hardest thing a person has to overcome. It was my senior year of high school and everything was going great. My mother had been staying ... Show more content on ... I got myself ready for school made sure my siblings were all dressed and ready as well, then made my way to the kitchen. I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking my cup of coffee listening to my dad and sister tease and joke around about how paranoid my brother was about how his first football game that he had that night. My dad was telling that maybe if I stayed and watched my brother at his game that he would feel a little more at ease because my dad didn t get off work till late that night. And that I would have fun at the football game myself cheering him on. I was too stuck on the idea of finally getting away, that what my dad said to me went in one ear and came out the other. I was too busy thinking about the plans my mom and I had like to go shopping, take a tour of NYC, and then to end the night a dinner and a movie. The plan was for my mom to get home from her trip, unpack and repack her clothes then relax a little till I came home from school and then we would be on our way; to what I expected to be the best weekend. My mom and I toured the city like it was our first time there ever; like we didn t live and hour away. We were having out dinner reminiscing about what a wonderful day we had. All until we were interrupted by a phone call from my dad. My mom was still joking and in a senseless mood when she started talking to my dad. Suddenly
  • 30. Summary on the China Study Essay The China Study Raised on his family s dairy farm, Dr. Colin Campbell started his day with the usual breakfast of eggs, sausage, bacon, fried potatoes, ham and a full glass of whole milk; this was part of their normal diet. His dad had his first heart attack at the age of sixty one and he later died from a second massive coronary at age seventy. Dr. Campbell a vegetarian now with a family of his own has dedicated his life in researching the correlation between our health and what we eat; understanding now that the disease that killed his father can be prevented and even reversed. The China Study is not a diet book; Dr. Campbell and his youngest son Tom Campbell co wrote scientifically proven facts and ground breaking research in a way ... Show more content on ... Dr. Campbell sought out grants for research after reading the Indian research paper in the Philippines claiming that protein was the leading factor in promoting liver cancer in rodents. There are three stages of cancer; initiation, promotion and progression. Dr. Campbell used the following analogy to further explain the three stages: Initiation is when the you plant the seeds in the soil. Promotion is when the grass starts to grow and progression is when the grass is completely out of control and invading the sidewalk, driveway and shrubbery. The first stage happens within minutes, the carcinogen is consumed, absorbed into the blood, transported into cells, changed into its active product and bonded to DNA. Carcinogens are the chemicals that initiate cancer prone cells, they successfully implant the seeds in the soil. These carcinogens generically mutate normal cells into cancer prone cells, permanently altering the genes of the cell and therefore damaging its DNA. The promotion growth stage occurs over years, this is when the cluster has multiplied and grown into larger masses and now a clinically visible tumor is formed and has become a detectable cancer. Just like seeds in soil, these cancer cells will not grow and multiply unless the right conditions are met. Promotion is reversible! This is where certain
  • 31. August Wilson Fences Quotes Fences, the critically acclaimed play written by renown playwright August Wilson, has been praised time and time again for it s power and deliverance as well as the themes and symbols explored throughout the play. August Wilson walks readers through the story of Troy Maxson and the everyday conflicts that arise from his dysfunctional family. With the introduction of Rose s character, Troy Maxson s wife, we learn she exemplifies nurturing and maternal traits as most women in the 1950s did. We see her display these attributes early into Act Two: Scene One as Bono, Troy s right hand man of 30 years, explains the true reasoning behind Rose s persistence to have a fence built around the Maxson household to Troy. Thus, the significance of the play s title is revealed by this point of the play. Bono understands that the fence is merely a metaphor for establishing safety and security for the Maxson family. Textual evidence that further supports this claim is the following quote by Bono found later on page 61, Bono states Some people build fences to keep people out...and other people build fences to keep people in . With this statement, Bono is indirectly referring to both Troy and Rose and the way their actions negatively and positively have an effect on the Maxson ... Show more content on ... His negligence to her demands symbolically represents his inattentiveness and disregard for his own family. Troy s disinterest to work on the fence parallels his disinterest in his relationship with Rose. He views the fence as a burden to build physically, whilst his marriage takes an emotional toll on him. Yet, Rose and Troy are not the only duo with a relationship in desperate need for mending. Rose advises Troy to construct the fence with his son, Cory, hoping it ll be a way for the two to bond and form the father son relationship they ve never seemed to establish thus far into the
  • 32. Social Security Number Secret When we are just wandering social media pages we often think why would a hacker try to steal my information ,but more often then not they do not care how much you got but how much they can get off your name. Hackers are not the only ones that can gain access to your information. Many companies can be forced by law to hand over your private information to authorities ,that is a loss of privacy. The social network itself may also try to access your email address book to invite your friends to join the the network too. in other cases, a social network may be obliged to hand over its user account information to a government agency which is also a loss of privacy as said by Hadely Jones. To combat this intrusion of privacy you can keep your social securitynumber secret, only add people you can trust, and useless information to begin with. When you were born you most likely given a very important series of numbers called social security numbers. These series numbers are determined by multiple important pieces of information. the first three digits (area number) correspond to the zip code of the original mailing address the social security card was mailed to ; this does not necessarily represent the persons state of residence. the next to digits(group number) show the order that SSNs was issued in as stated by Casey Windell. The last four are serial ... Show more content on ... This is fine but including more information is not ideal if someone is trying to find out your password. this information can be used to get in and vandalize or steal information.Lets say you would like to steal John s information and simply click forgot password it asks whats your dogs name.You keep trying in till you type in spot . know you know his address financial records and SSN. Know John realizes how easy that is to figure out but its late and he is now
  • 33. Piaget s Theories Of Cognitive Analysis As we already discuss before in the PowerPoint about the different stages in early child development there are also theories that suggest how children develop in there early stages. The theories consist of Jean Piaget proposal about intellectual development of children and Erik Erikson theory focusing on children development within their lifespan. Both Piaget and Erikson elaborate about how children motor skills, brain development, intellectual skills are started from birth. In Piaget theories he uses a theoretical system for the development of cognitive abilities his work emphasized that children think and acquire knowledge.Piaget s theory of cognitive developmentis a theory about the nature and development of human intelligence. This engages... Show more content on ... Erickson stated that in each stage that a person will experience a psychosocial crisis which could have a positive or negative outcome for personality development. Erickson first stage was a psychosocial development is trust vs. mistrust which stated that an infant is born with uncertainty and is looking for their caregiver stability and care. If the infant receive it then this will lead to virtue of hope and develop at sense of trust with an infant. He also stated that if you fail to gain that trust then the virtue of hope will turn into fear. For example, this infant will carry the basic sense of mistrust with them to other relationships. It may result in anxiety, heightened insecurities, and an over feeling of mistrust in the world around them. In Erikson next stage it talks about Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt this stage talks about the child developing physically and becoming more mobile. This is when the child begins to discover that he or she has many skills and abilities, such as putting on clothes and shoes, playing with toys there is total reliance of the child from the mother which show the child beginning to grow a sense of their independence and autonomy. In three stages is about Initiative vs. Guilt which the child starts to interact with other. This is when the child to startes works on its impersonal skills and allows the child to develop a sense of feel secure in their ability to make decision. The four stages is Industry vs. Inferiority the theory that composed of the psychosocial development. This is when the child will gain source of self esteem. The child now feels the need to win approval by society and begin to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments. The next stage talks about Identity vs. Role Confusion which is the stage between childhood and adulthood. This is when children are becoming
  • 34. Gender Inequality In Kindred In the novel, Kindred, Butler shows that race is not the only factor in the power hierarchy between white men and black women in the story. Gender plays just as a significant role in power than race. We, the readers, see how white women like Margaret Weylin are seen as inferior to their husbands, who have a public presence in society and can do as they please. In addition, society expects them to be nothing more than wives and mothers. On the other hand, black women are constantly victimized and treated inhumanly even till the present but in more subtle forms. This is shown with the treatment of 20th century women like Dana who still seemed to be undermined by white men like Kevin, who is shown to reinforce patriarchal values through his treatment of her. Moreover, it is repeatedly shown in the novel that 19th century black women were even more oppressed than their white counterparts as they are deprived of their basic roles as mothers and wives and even indiscriminately raped. Due to their gender and race, black women had their human rights rescinded and were subject to even worse condition than black men. In the novel, when Dana gets back to the present after being away from Rufus for fifteen days, she recounts her horrific experience to Kevin. She states, You mean you could forgive me for having been raped? (245). Dana is in a state of disbelief when Kevin insinuates that he could forgive an intimate act with Rufus if she has been raped by him in the past. This comment
  • 35. Golden Amusement Park Research Paper On vacation in California and don t have anything to accomplish with the entire family? You need to visit The Golden Amusement Park and ride our largest utmost ride Stellar! This expedition has one of the greatest premeditated and spectacular themes you will recognize throughout the park. Stellar is a tremendous indoor roller coaster with stars covering the ceiling and sides to form the feeling that you re in space. The passengers will travel through the coaster in a cart comparable to a rocket to present the feeling of outer space. In the beginning of the excursion, you will experience freefall when a sudden drop occurs shocking innumerable amount of people that weren t expecting it. Throughout the journey, you will experience a centripetal... Show more content on ... When the travelers go through the asteroid, the rocket will blow fire out of the back to deliver the effect that they genuinely blew up when it crashed. After the patrons become amazed by crashing into an asteroid, they will accelerate up a hill where they will stop and be forced backwards, descending the hill. A chunk of the population of the jaunt may expect that the best detail is all of the turns, loops, and hills, however, they haven t even gotten started. As the riders decline backwards, they ll have the thrill of not being able to identify where they remain effective through turns, hills, and even corkscrew motions! The rocket progresses up another hill, yet instead of moving over, friction will occur, making the rocket stop and reverse back downward onto a different track that it remained on before. The first element that will occur is a dual loop which will have the riders waiting for more extravagant things to happen. Suddenly, the rocket will be whipped around multifarious sharp corners, giving you the feeling that you re falling off the track, although, as a matter of fact, you re perfectly safe! Do you fancy the feeling of butterflies in your stomach? Aforementioned, this section of the roller coaster may be
  • 36. Zen Gardens Essay Zen Gardens Zen Buddhism began to show up in Japan during the eighth century. It went through various periods of popularity and disregard, but constituted one of the most important influences on Japanese culture. All Buddhist temples include gardens. The first temple gardens evolved from well groomed landscaping around Shinto shrines. Later, the gates and grounds surrounding Buddhist temples began to use gardens to beautify the temple, similar to the Heian mansion gardens. Jodo Buddhism (Pure Land) used temple gardens as a way to symbolize the pure land created by Amida Buddha to aid suffering souls in pursuit of enlightenment. These Zen gardens were meant to encompass the nature of the universe. The garden ... Show more content on ... Fishing on small boats to catch fish in their ponds was one popular activity. Poetry reading and writing was also essential. According to Feng shui, all structures have to be laid out carefully along compass lines and in certain configurations to allow ki (Chinese chi ), the mystic energy of life to flow properly. A reduced ki flow in a home was thought to cause sickness and disharmony. For example, the builders, after consulting with a Yin yang diviner, would usually create special arrangements to prevent bad ki from entering the home from the northwest. In the first Japanese garden design manual, the Sakuteiki, it is explained how water courses should flow from the northwest to the southeast so that any bad ki could be cleansed by the protective deity of the east Kamogawa (blue dragon), then proceed west again passing under a veranda of the house so as to draw away any evil spirits that might have somehow slipped into the house. Heavy stones were thought to serve as gates or landing points for spirits and were thus placed very carefully. Other design rules applied as well. Influenced by esoteric Buddhism, the garden design was expected to include an island in a pond connected to the mainland by a bridge. This represented the world of enlightenment separated from the world of man. The bridges were frequently arched and coated with bright red lacquer (another Chinese influence). The Heian nobles
  • 37. Cashless Indi A New Beginning Essay CASHLESS INDIA: A NEW BEGINNING Introduction: The Indian Economy post Economic Reforms of 1991 has witnessed drastic growth and development coupled with higher international integration at the global platform. Among various other emerging markets, India promises higher investment returns, which can be further attributed to many factors. The economy of India is seventh largest in the world in terms of nominal GDP and third largest in terms of purchasing power parity(PPP). With the latest announcement of Demonitisation on 8th November 2016, a new pathway towards a cashless economy has been laid down before India. Looking upto economies like that of Sweden, which leads the race of becoming a cashless economy, number of challenges lie ahead of India which may hinder its cashless dream. Thus there is need to identify these challenges and recaliberate policies targeting them. The Indian Rupee: Ancient India was one of the earliest issuers of coins in the world. The word Rupee was derived from the Sanskrit word RЕ«pyakam , meaning wrought silver, a coin of silver . During 19th century Indian Rupee was silver based currency unlike other stronger economies who followed the Gold Standard. After independence, the Republic of India recognised Rupee as its official currency and pegged it to the US dollar, as a part of the Bretton Woods Agreement. In this arrangement, the US Dollar itself was backed by gold. This system however
  • 38. Medieval City That Altered The Course Of English History A Viking Mystery Beneath Oxford University, archaeologists have uncovered a medieval city that altered the course of English history image: http:/ / mass grave 631.jpg__800x600_q85_crop.jpg Mass grave British archaeologists looking for evidence of prehistoric activity in the English county of Dorset discovered instead a mass grave holding 54 male skeletons. (Oxford Archaeology) By David Keys SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINE | SUBSCRIBE OCTOBER 2010 1.1K 16 9 256 31 9 7.2K 1.1K 16 256 31 9 7.2K (Continued from page 2) According to the Anglo Saxon Chronicle, Aethelred was informed that Danish mercenaries intended to beguile him out of his life. (It is unknown whether an informer learned of an actual plot, or if Aethelred and his council fabricated the threat.) Aethelred then set in motion one of the most heinous acts of mass murder in English history, committed on St. Brice s Day, November 13, 1002. As he himself recounted in a charter written two years later, a decree was sent out by me, with the counsel of my leading men and magnates, to the effect that all the Danes who had sprung up in this island, sprouting like cockle [weeds] amongst the wheat, were to be destroyed by a most just extermination. Prior to 2008, the only known inhabitants of the St. John s College garden had been the songbirds and squirrels that darted across the neatly cropped lawn and hid in an ancient beech tree. Generations of dons and students had strolled
  • 39. Acute Kidney Injury Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is often characterized by a rapid decline in renal excretory function, and/or a significant decrease in urine output (SOURCE). The exact level of function loss required to be defined as AKI has been debated; however, the Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) has released a widely accepted system used to define AKI and its varying levels of severity (1). The stages of AKI severity are classified as: risk, injury, failure, loss of function, and end stage kidneydisease, collectively referred to as RIFLE, as illustrated in Figure 1. Severity is defined based on glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and urine output criteria. GFR criteria includes serum creatinine concentration (Screat) and GFR, with an increase in Screat or a... Show more content on ... This physical damage can result from _____________. Mechanical ventilation can also cause the development of AKI by alteration of systemic and renal hemodynamics through changes to cardiac output. Studies have shown that PPV, by increase intrathoracic pressure, can decrease cardiac output (CO), which has been correlated with a decrease in renal plasma flow (RPF), GFR and UO (25). This correlation is supported in a canine study done by Qvist et al., in which they found that when CO was not altered during PPV, there was no decrease in GFR or UO (26). In addition to the hemodynamic effects seen in PPV, there are also marked neurohormonal effects of mechanical ventilation resulting in AKI. These include the increase of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion, suppression of atrial naturitic peptide release, as well as alteration of the renin angiotensin aldosterone axis (RANA) through the increase in sympathetic flow, and the accompanying increase in renin activity. These changes result in decreased renal blood flow, GFR, and UO. There is also an increase in fluid retention, however, there is some evidence that this occurs as a result of the release of vasoactive substances, which shift intrarenal blood flow from the cortex to the medulla, resulting in greater fluid retention, regardless of the level of renal
  • 40. Dome Of Rock The Dome of the Rock is among the largest Islamic shrines that are located in Jerusalem. Built almost thirteen centuries ago, this shrine remains one of the most gorgeous and treasured architectural buildings in the world. It is adorned with a splendid gold dome and an elaborate inscription that represents the Islamic religion. This shrine is built on a sacred rock that was considered to be holy before Islam started. To the Jewish, this rock was the very spot where Abraham was meant to sacrifice Isaac, his son. Besides, the shrine is believed to stand at the spot of the Holy of Hollies of Herod s Temple and Solomon s Temple (Grabar 59). According to Balfour (117) the shrine was constructed between 688 and 691 by Umayyad caliph Abd al Malik.... Show more content on ... This structure is supported by 16 columns that are located around it. The shrine is a double shell that has two layers that are independently connected by beams. The platform on which this dome sits makes it easy for people to see it from all sides. The dome is covered using gold sheathing and it sits on top of a building that is covered outside and inside using Arabic calligraphy and colored mosaic. This building has eight arched entrances and staircase that are connected to the temple on the lower side. Currently, the building still has its original decorations and mosaics just like when it was constructed. The dome s shape is still in its initial form. Some of the materials that were used in the construction of this building include wood, stone, brick, lead and marble (Creswell
  • 41. Determination of Wages The following literature review gives a thorough account of the current research into the determination of wages. It was crucial for this project to study the current body of literature on this topic in order to decide on which approach was best to take. Sapsford et al. (1993) claim that at the simplest level of analysis, wages, viewed as the price of labour, are seen as being straightforwardly determined by the intersection of labour demand and supply curves in the market for labour. (Sapsford et al., p. 155) Thus on one side we have the demand for labour by the firm, and on the other we have the supply of labour by workers. In cases where the market is in perfect competition the wageis given so the firm must choose the amount of workers it wants to employ at that wage. But in such a market at equilibrium the price of labour, i.e. the wage, will be equal to the marginal productivity of the worker. However, in imperfect markets, there can be monopsony firms who have market power and can choose the wage and the amount of workers that will maximise their profits. This latter theory is one of the reasons that was given to explain Krueger s findings that an increase in the minimum wageactually increased employment which obviously contradicts main economic theory. The main idea was that in the case of a monopsony, higher wages may induce the firm to employ more people so as to find the profit maximising level of workers given that wage. But this project will not focus on the
  • 42. Western Cordillera The western Cordilleran orogenic belt had been depicted as a passive margin after Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian rifting. Afterwards, the passive margin converted to an active margin most probably about Late Devonian to Late Cretaceous through the subduction of the exotic allochthons beneath the North American plate. The late Jurassic to Cretaceous subduction of (Sevier and Laramide Orogeny) representing as a period of the back thrust, intraplate thrusting, behind a magmatic arc on the upper plate near or on its westernmost margin from the latest Devonian until the Cretaceous. Hildebrand (2009, 2013) cast doubt the back thrust interpretation of the western US Cordillera. Hildebrand (2009, 2013) proposed that western North America was a... Show more content on ... In addition, per my knowledge none of the western US geologists have documented passive margin deposits as young as of upper Paleozoic age or younger. Therefore, Hildebrand (2009, 2013) hypothesis faces deficiency to explain the thrusting of Roberts Mountain and the emplacement of the Proterozoic rocks over the rocks of Lower Paleozoic age. Thus, the western Cordillera have been converted to an active margin prior to 124 Ma which is contradict with Hildebrand s hypothesis (2009, 2013). Hildebrand, (2009, 2003) attempts to integrate both observed geologic features (hinterland high grade metamorphism, Laramide basement uplifts, Cordilleran batholiths, regional scale Neogene extension) and the lack of observed features (large scale strike/slip faults), while matching paleomagnetic data (large amounts of northward motion in the oceanic realm exist with no evidence on land) (Fern Esperanza beetle Moorcroft, MS Thesis, 2014). However, Hildebrand, (2009, 2013) affiliate the pre Cretaceous rocks, particularly the Neoproterozoic rocks crops out in central and east Utah, to the microcontinent Rubia, but such interpretation needs translation of rocks for a very long
  • 43. A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah, published by Sarah Crichton Books in New York in 2007, tells the haunting story of Ishmael Beah, a child soldier during the Sierra Leone Civil War. The book begins in January of 1993 in Ishmael s small village called Mogbwemo, located near Mattru Jong, Sierra Leone. A Long Way Gone addresses a plethora of geographical issues such as refugees and population movements, child exploitation, and most of all: war. Each of these issues directly affects Ishmael, the autobiographer. In his book of memoirs, A Long Way Gone, Beah uses his horrendous experiences as a young teenager thrown into the dead heat of civil war to effectively argue that children have a right to their own childhoods, and that children deserve to have their innocence remain in place until they are older, not have it be stolen by the terror of war. His potent encounters and experiences also highlight successfully the undeniable effects that geographical problems are causing not just in Sierra Leone, but across the entire African continent. As previously stated briefly, Beah makes a clear main argument that is always present throughout his memories and stories from the war. To state it simply, children deserve to be children. Beah argues that youth do not deserve to have their innocence stolen by war and the pain that inevitably stems from it. In the book, Beah becomes part of the war and later has to recover from his experiences and learn to let go, all while he is under the age
  • 44. Team Communication Skills Team Communication Skills In addition to good individual communication skills, the team itself needs to form communication skills. Cohen (2008) looks in detail of the communication skills the team should establish for good overall communication. In addition, the article also goes to explain how commutation plays a role in conflict resolution, and what group rules the team should create when conflict occurs. As a team, creating a protocol for conflict management is important. This includes how the team should communicate and behave during a conflict as well (Cohen, 2008). There are several important elements to include in this structured process. The first element is allowing members to speak up and to express feelings with respect. Secondly, is to intervene early to decrease the severity of the problem. Moreover, when the conflict occurs it is critical to establish a goal as to what all team members want and for it to be understood. Finally, the team should always remember to empathize with the other members, demonstrate appreciation, and try to understand another s perception (Cohen, 2008). It is important, however, to remember that reducing conflict can be simple if the team follows an appreciative process. Bushe (1998) goes on in explaining this concept, and explains by using this process it helps the team amplify what they can do, and focus on the positives within a situation. Skills parts of the appreciative process are positivity and being positive to the team,
  • 45. Ma Jad Their Eyes Were Watching God Quotes Ma Joad She seemed to know, to accept, to welcome her position, the citadel of the family, the strong place that could not be taken. (p. 74) Ma Joad, the mother of the Joad family, was made known as the citadel of the family , proving to be the more adequate provider as the novel progressed, and handled every hindrance soundly. She remains this way, so her familydoes not fall apart like others had anticipated. When first meeting Ma Joad in the start of the novel, she was a strong willed woman, as was she at the end of the novel. For her headstrong personality, Ma Joad served as the rock for her family. Rose of Sharon For a minute Rose of Sharon sat still in the whispering barn. Then she hoistered her tired body up and drew the comfort ... Show more content on ... Because of his beliefs, he wanted to do what was best and helped people whenever he had the chance. His speaking and teachings opened up the eyes of many, and that is why he was one of the best leaders in the novel. Without his strength and morals, none of that would be possible. Pa Joad You glad to be goin , Pa? Huh? Well sure. Leastwise yeah. We had hard times here. Course it ll be all different out there plenty work, an ever thing nice an green, an little white houses an oranges growin aroun . (p. 109) Pa Joad, being the man of the family, wasn t the best at accommodating, but he did the best he could. Being evicted from his farm clearly hurt him, however he tried his hardest not to let it show. Trying to maintain his role in the family, and to do what was best for them, he decided to move them out to California. It was obvious that he wasn t fond of this, nevertheless all he wanted to do was give his family a better life. Being willing to put his own happiness aside for the benefit of his family shows great strength and morals. Grampa Ma nodded. He means it, too, she said. Worked right up to three months ago, when he throwed his hip out the last time. (p.
  • 46. Group Vs. Individual Decision Making Group vs. Individual Decision Making Business success is fairly uncertain but it helps when there is collaboration in the working environment. This means that inputs must come from all members of the organization because everyone has something to contribute. Inputs do not merely refer to raw materials but contributions of employees based on their opinions and suggestions about the company s future or direction. Thus, the success of a business is not solely based on how raw materials are efficiently converted into outputs. This is because business processes can be automated. Automation of these processes can only add efficiency and lower costs but there are other aspects of a business that require decisions to be made. In fact, decisions are important to organizations and making the right ones especially on important issues are crucial. In any organization, decision making serves as a factor which could either break it or make it. Hence, it is important that sound decisions are made so that the goals of a certain organization or company are realized. Aside from that, profits and productivity are expected to increase if decisions are able to meet the demands of business trends. In traditional organizational structures, decisions are lodged in the topmost stages of the ladder. In other words, only the top executives make the decisions for the company s future and direction. In some instances, only the chief executive officer will only decide for the company. As a
  • 47. Reflection Of Clesus Explanation: Perhaps as they are walking out of Jerusalem, perhaps before they had left the place where they were celebrating the Passover, Jesus began explaining disciples that he was the true vine, and his father was the vinedresser. He said that every branch that did not bear fruit the Father would take away, but every branch that did bear fruit he would prune so it would bear more fruit. Jesustold them that they were clean through what he had told them, and that if they abided in him, he would abide likewise in them. As a branch cannot bear fruit unless it is still attached to the vine, so they could not bear fruit unless they would abide in him. Christthen reiterated his previous statement: he was the vine, and they the branches. If they would abide in him, they would bear much fruit; but if they did not, they could do nothing. Then he elaborated: if anyone did not abide in him, and therefore bore no fruit, he would be cut off and thrown into the fire, and he would wither and die. If they would abide in him, and his words abide in them, they would be able to ask anything of him, and it would be granted. And the Father is glorified when the branches bear much fruit, which is a sign and seal of true discipleship. As the Father loved the Son, so the Son loved his disciples. If the disciples therefore would keep his commandments, they would abide in his love, in the same way as Christ kept his Father s commandments and abides in his love. And Jesus was saying those things
  • 48. Disruption In Nursing Conflict, Disruption, and Violence This paper is going to explore the topics of conflict, disruption, and violence in the nursing world. Conflict within the nursing field is something that can happen between employees without intent. As employees, disruption is something that takes place by bullying or harassing causing issues within the organization. The same goes for violence. All these behaviors can happen from co workers or patients. Educating on the ways to handle these situations will be ideal for identifying and resolving. Conflict Nursing is a stressful job. There are always situations that arise causing individuals to continue to work in uncomfortable conditions. One factor that can affect the comfort of employment is conflict. Defining ... Show more content on ... There is nothing that I feel would have prevented this situation at this time. I do feel that education on the patient s diagnoses and condition may have helped with the situation escalating so rapidly. Anyone that does not understand the diagnoses or condition will do their research, which may not be legit or truthful. As the medical professional, we have resources that provide appropriate and adequate education to the patient and their family member. Providing this adequate education would have made providing the care easier at the time that the violence
  • 49. Eating Low-Fat Diet Effects Eating low fat diet is one of the most popular way to lose weight. Most of people think that consuming low fat diet can help them lose their weight easily and good for their health. However, low fat food is dangerous and has numerous negative effects, which can harm your health. Furthermore, if you continue to consume low fat food, you will have a risk of facing many diseases such as heart disease. Therefore, understanding negative effects of eating low fat diet is very beneficial for people who want to lose weight properly. The initial negative effect from eating low fat food is poor brain function. From the background knowledge, our brain is made up of fat and requests fatty acids to let functions of the brain perform their tasks effectively,
  • 50. Song Analysis Lorde For this analysis, I chose the song Royals by Ella Marija Lani Velich O Connor, better known for her stage name, Lorde. Royals is an electropop song recorded in 2012 at the Golden Age Recording Studio in Morningside, Aukland. The song was released on June 3rd, 2013 as a part of The Love Club EP. The track was also featured on her 2013 album, Pure Heroine. The song was recorded by Lorde herself, along with the help of her producer, Joel Little. I chose this song because I ve always loved the simplicity of the song and how Lorde s voice is the main attraction. This song was written as a way for Lorde to describe her feelings about other celebrities and their overly lavish lifestyles while also giving the listener a taste of how normal her life is in comparison. The song Royals is in the key of D Mixolydian. It has an andante tempo of 85 beats per minute and is instrumented by finger snaps over lines of bass. The song is in a rondo form with two verses, a pre chorus, chorus, and a bridge. At the end of the chorus, there is a polyphonic section where Lorde repeats the phrase I ll rule several times in a round, going up... Show more content on ... An average suburban neighborhood is shown at the beginning, and once again at end of the video, to create the setting. The video shows two teenage boys living an average, middle class life and enjoying it. The boys seem to like boxing and box with each other during the video, similarly to the famous boxers on TV. Emphasis is put on their faces and smiles during the video to show that they enjoy their non lavish lifestyle. The two boys, along with some others, enjoy each other s company on a bus towards the end of the video. This signifies that they don t need fancy cars or fancy belonging to have friends and a happy life. The music video was made to look very low budget, with few camera angles and fancy props, in order to fit the theme of Lorde s
  • 51. The Perception Of Blindness Versus Ability Mohammed Khan Mr. Cedrone ENG4U0 B October 15, 2014 The perception of blindness versus ability to see truths in King Lear Blindness is a motif that readers see throughout King Lear in many characters such as Lear and Gloucester since they are unable to see the truth. Although blindness in the modern world is defined as not having sight, William Shakespeare tells readers that being able to see does not mean morally and spiritually you can see. Lear s blindness causes him not to see the treachery behind Goneril and Regan at the beginning of the play which causes him to lose his throne and go mad near the end. Also Gloucester is also blind as he does not see the lies hidden behind the truths that Edmund tells him and later when Cornwall pulls out Gloucester s eyes, Gloucester is able to see the truths and realizes that Edgar is the legitimate son. Shakespeare shows us throughout King Lear that seeing is more than just through our eyes. The play is centered on true visions and blindness. Lear, the king, is blinded by his daughters. When he asks what his daughters have to say about him, Regan and Goneril, the greedy ones, tell Lear that he is a great father and Lear rewards them with more wealth and land. Goneril says Sir, I love you more than words can wield the matter; Dearer than eye sight, space, and liberty; Beyond what can be valued, rich or rare; No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honour (I.i.55 61). Goneril expresses her false love for
  • 52. The Reality Of Reality And Technology Essay I was next. Standing on my own in the waiting room I waited patiently, hoping my turn would never arrive. I now regret taking a VR A level, but at the time, it was what I wanted. Next, George Zelhof. As if in a trance I walked towards the door, nervousness gripped my and I began to shake. The door opened. A smile greeted me. No need to be nervous, a voice welcomed me. I shook it off. The examiners crowded around me. I screamed...... I was not George Zelhof. I was now Max. Just Max. A world was in turmoil, in confusion, in disarray. The sick littered the streets and the deceased rotted on the pavement. Most would agree, to join them was a blessing. Plunged into a world of terror we had lost our sanity. We were looking at a horror movie in first person, a dystopian novel where no one could think. The veil between imagination, reality and technology had been removed. Imagination, we now realised, was never ours to control. The remote to reality had been turned over to Lucifer, and he was enraged Just because something is happening in your head, doesn t mean it isn t real. A while ago that quote would have been laughed at. Now, if anyone was sane enough to read it, it would not be a laughing matter. It all started with a dream, a dream that turned into a nightmare; a nightmare that became reality, or what was left of it. And this dream, I set it into action. Anyway, that was what I was told. A cyber attack had been launched this year: 2090, a year which technology had
  • 53. A Study On Computer Technology Introduction: A study by (Lambert, 1999) discovered that family historians are collectors, they collect information about people, places, names and stories. Our father Albert, was no different he lovingly compiled the family history because it gave him a perspective on our past and present. To give us an opportunity to learn about our heritage and build on it (Sharbrough, 2005, p. 64). Although it was common for people of his generation to research and record on paper. Albert decided to embrace computer technology, used the Osbourne 1 computer to record our story, and store it on a series of 5 1/4 floppy disks. The recent discovery of the computer and the disks has ignited curiosity from our scattered younger family members around the world about their contents. However, a report by a computer technician revealed the Osbourne 1 is not in working order but the data on disks may be recoverable. Also, when the family history is made accessible technological obsolescence issues will need to be managed. So that access to the document is available to all who want now and into the future. The obsolescence problem: Technological obsolescence happens because of rapid advances in technology, make supporting a product no longer viable or too expensive to keep in production, or the original manufacturer goes bankrupt. Also, the product may fail because of age and cannot be repaired because parts aren t available (Bartels, Ermel, Pecht, Sandborn, 2012a, pp. 2 3; Slade, 2007,
  • 54. Reflection Paper On Homelessness And Homelessness When we were first introduced to this assignment, I was both excited and nervous. I was excited because it gave me the opportunity to step of my comfort zone. I was also excited to be able to get out into the community and practice some of the social work skills that we have learned in class. I was nervous because I knew it would be hard to hear the struggles of a single parent experiencing homelessness. As someone who was raised by a single parent, I also know how easy it can be to fall into homelessness. Overall, I think I was more excited about doing this assignment because I truly did want to hear the stories that single parents experiencing homelessness wanted to tell. Experiences Related to Homelessness I certainly have a different ... Show more content on ... My thoughts have stayed the same about homelessness; however, I certainly have started to acknowledge that homelessness is a very real thing. I also try my hardest to recognize that these individuals are people; therefore, I now make it a point to at least make eye contact with them on the street. Social Justice As I stated before, far too often our society ignores that homelessness is a struggle for many people. Additionally, our society often thinks these people choose to be homeless. Terra talked about an incident at a gas station, and how one of the employees at the gas station said all the people at across the street are drunks and addicts. She talked about how upset she gets when people have these misconceptions about people that are struggling with homelessness. Hearing her talk about this broke my heart because our society should not shame people for being homeless; instead, we should be looking at solutions to end homelessness. It is a human right to have basic human needs, yet our society continually provokes their unjust agenda. Our society also tends to ignore domestic violence, which is something that my mother and Terra both faced. Terra could not get any help with service providers because her children and her were not in immediate danger; although, Terra certainly knew they were in danger. Social justice is helping
  • 55. Fantastic Four Failure After viewing the most recent rendition of Fantastic Four, directed by Josh Trank, it is nearly impossible for one to contend that the film was not a disaster. From ongoing inconsistencies to poor special effects to nonsensical plot points, Fantastic Four failed to deliver quality in almost every element of the film. However, there were a number of causes behind the scenes that led to the film s collapse, including the misguided narrative direction of the film, the uncompromising tension between director Josh Trank and 20th Century Fox, and Trank s destructive and sophomoric behavior during and following the production process. To begin, it is essential to consider just how poorly executed Fantastic Four was. Without getting into too many... Show more content on ... Stories of Trank s emotionally and physically destructive behavior emerged quite early on. One testimony from a crewmember described that Trank showed up to set late or so high he couldn t speak almost everyday , if he even show[ed] up at all (Shaw Williams). He treated crew terribly, he continues, trashed the house the production company rented for him, ... [and] did a couple hundred grand worth of damage. ... [S]o much damage ... that [Fox CEO] Jim Gianopulos came to Baton Rouge and personally apologized to the owners. Trank s erratic, aggressive behavior off set translated into hostility and lividity towards the actors on set (Shaw Williams). In fact, the August issue of Entertainment Weekly (via claims that despite the fact that Trank fought for having Miles Teller in the film, Trank ended up almost fighting Teller, who is known to have a reputation for sarcasm and recalcitrance while working. Trank and Teller [dared] each other to throw the first punch in their physical conflict, but neither did (Jayson). To top things off, Trank responded to early critics of the film through a meltdown on Twitter, expressing his frustration at the studio for the film s faults (O Kane). On August 6th, 2015, he tweeted: A year ago I had a fantastic version of this. And it would ve received great reviews. You ll probably never see it. That s
  • 56. Why Do Cults Be Illegal Cults are a small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. Cults are portrayed to the people as dangerous and strange because of what they often do. For example, one cult that is well known is the Ku Klux Klan also knows as the KKK. They targeted African Americans, the criminal acts they did were very violent. All cults should be illegal because they choose violent methods to put out their message. Cults are dangerous to be apart in. The reason they should all be illegal is because they are very dangerous. As well as their actions turn into violent acts. They fulfill acts of racism and oppression. Another reason is because they brainwash their members to make them stay in the cult . Once in a cult many members of such cults aren t allowed... Show more content on ... Actions that are made by cults are always going to be negative, there will never be any positive effects made by cults. In an article from The New York Times it talks about how brainwashing in a cult scares their members to force them to stay, Most of the malign cults are frightening to people when their tenets are revealed, as with the People s Temple after Jonestown . Brainwashing is one of many ways cult leaders make their members do the activities they want them to do. Cult members usually do not know they are in a cult. Once they figure out they are in one they want to leave but cannot. The members that are able to leave the cult will be left with the physical and mental damages the cult leaves them with. In an interview, Paul Martin talks about the damaged patients who were in cults looking for a way to be happier, seekers looking for a worthy cause or a way to serve God, the lonely or depressed who find a caring community in the group, and those who are caught up by the excitement of the movement or the charisma of its