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Buyer’s Guide
to Technical Training
3D interactive instructions offer revolutionary
training for distributors and contractors.
Welcome to the Buyer’s Guide to Technical Training.
This guide is designed to help you navigate the
complexities of specific technologies within the broader
training landscape, understand the pros and cons of each
category, and make informed decisions to meet your
organization’s training goals.
How to Use this Guide
When the trainer put a thick paper
manual in my hand, my heart sank.
I struggled in school and worried
how I would do in the class even
though I was really interested in the
job. I almost quit the first week.
J.T. Grant,
Air Ground Equipment Manager
This guide provides a comprehensive overview for organizations navigating the complexities of technical
training. It emphasizes the importance of aligning training goals with organizational objectives and outlines key
considerations for creating effective training programs.
Executive Summary
Key Points
Training Goals
• Prioritize safety, competency, and efficiency in training programs.
• Safety measures should adhere to government, industry, and company standards.
• Competency evaluation is crucial for preparing trainees to confidently perform their
job roles.
• Efficiency improvements follow the achievement of safety and competency goals.
Measuring Training Success
• Set clear, measurable goals aligning with organizational objectives.
• Use key performance indicators (KPIs) such as time to job proficiency,
knowledge retention, impact on organizational performance metrics,
attendance rates, and employee feedback.
Learner-Centric Approach
• Consider diverse learning preferences (visual, auditory, kinesthetic).
• Recognize the importance of presenting training content in the
trainee’s native language to avoid misinterpretation.
• Understand that humans retain 10% of what they see, 30-40% of what
they see and hear, and 90% of what they see, hear, and do.
Defining Training Goals and Objectives
• Identify the target audience and conduct a training needs analysis.
• Create training personas to guide content creation.
• Determine optimal training formats, select content, and develop a
training schedule.
• Choose delivery platforms and technologies.
• Establish assessment and evaluation strategies.
• Allocate necessary resources and create a communication plan.
• Pilot the program, gather feedback, refine, and implement the
full program.
• Evaluate and measure success, iterate for continuous improvement.
Technology in Training
• Understand the capabilities and limitations of training technologies.
• Recognize that technology is only effective with well-planned content.
• Explore various training delivery technologies such as online/in-person
lectures, paper manuals, video, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality
(AR), interactive instructions, and spatial computing.
VR and AR Technology
• VR provides a simulated environment for safe skill development.
• Tethered and wireless VR options have different advantages.
• AR superimposes digital information onto the real world, enhancing
training experiences.
• Consider hardware options like AR smart glasses, head-mounted
displays, and mobile devices for AR applications.
• Use AR development platforms and SDKs for creating immersive
Spatial Computing
• Spatial computing integrates virtual and augmented reality with
sensors and devices for interactive experiences.
• Distinct from AR and VR, spatial computing offers more immersive and
context-aware experiences.
• The Apple Vision Pro, launched in early 2024, is highlighted as a spatial
Importance of Feedback and Analytics
• Establish an effective feedback loop from stakeholders and trainees.
• Use a combination of technologies to achieve training goals.
• Regularly evaluate and update training programs based on feedback,
analytics, and evolving needs.
This guide encourages organizations to adopt a holistic and learner-centric approach
to technical training, leveraging a mix of traditional and advanced technologies while
prioritizing safety, competency, and efficiency. Continuous evaluation and adaptation
are key to creating effective and future-proof training programs.
Developing or refreshing a training program
is rewarding work because your efforts
directly impact employees’ careers and your
company’s success.
How to Think
About Training
Protect yourself and others by
prioritizing safety in any training
program. Ensure training methods
meet government, industry, and
company standards.
Your goal is to prepare trainees to
be able to complete the job with
confidence. Spend time evaluating
training gaps and discussing real-life
challenges with managers and workers.
More work evaluating competency
requirements pays off tenfold in the
long run. We’ll discuss this in depth in a
later section.
Increased safety and competency
inherently create more efficient
working conditions, and only after
those goals are met can you focus on
improving efficiency.
To find gains, ask recent training
program graduates about inefficient
situations they encounter and see if you
can address them with training.
After ensuring safe training and working processes, you can focus on competency and efficiency
as overarching goals of the program.
There are three overarching goals in any training program.
Effective training programs
start with clear and
measurable goals...
Effective training programs start with clear and
measurable goals to align training and technology
choices with organizational objectives. Consider
both short-term skill acquisition and long-term
performance improvement.
Start by mapping learner outcomes to business outcomes.
Every training objective should drive a specific organizational
goal to gauge the program’s success.
While we won’t dive into the full scope of measuring training
outcomes, there are a few key performance indicators to keep
in mind.
Training Success
Time to job proficiency, or ramp time
Measure the time it takes employees to achieve
maximum productivity and be able to manage their
day-to-day workload to an acceptable level in a job role.
Knowledge and skill retention
Test each trainee’s ability to learn and form long-term
memory so they can easily recall information in the
future and put it to use.
Impact on organizational
performance metrics
Continuously monitor and track any organizational
performance key performance indicators (KPIs) and
see if they are impacted by new trainees transitioning
into their full-time workload. This should include
productivity and output metrics.
Trainee attendance and
completion rates
Track attendance and completion rates as a measure
of employee engagement, which indicates their interest
level and confidence in the training.
Employee Feedback Programs
Obtain anonymous feedback on the training experience
by surveying new employees on whether they would
recommend the employer to others who are seeking
a job or not. Some companies use Net Promoter
Score but use the feedback loop that best suits your
organization. You can read more on Net Promoter
Score here.
Stakeholder satisfaction
Survey internal and/or external clients on their
satisfaction with work performed by recent training
program graduates.
There are several considerations when
developing a training program, including how
to make the content most relevant for your
audience. Think about how your trainees will
be most receptive to the content your team
presents. Clarity is crucial, so consider the
factors that can impact understanding.
Meet the Learner
Where They Are
Recognizing the diverse learning preferences
among individuals highlights the inefficacy
of a one-size-fits-all instructional approach.
Researchers have identified three primary
learning strategies. Individuals assimilate
information through all of these modalities,
but many people often have a preference for
how they obtain and retain information. It’s
imperative that a training program provide
opportunities that suit all of the learning needs
since a predominant preference often emerges
for each individual.
Learning &
Visual learners
prefer learning and studying through
visual stimuli. In a classroom setting,
they actively focus on the instructor’s
facial expressions and body language to
comprehensively understand the lesson.
Visual learners typically take notes and
conceptualize information from written
sources, including books, graphs, colors,
maps, and displays.
They prefer fewer visual distractions
so they often may sit at the front of a
Auditory learners
rely on listening, hearing, and verbal
interaction to absorb information.
Environments conducive to lectures,
discussions, and brainstorming sessions
align with their preferred learning style.
Attuned to the subtleties of speech,
such as tone, pitch, and speed, auditory
learners find meaning in written
information by audibly processing it,
even if solely within their own thoughts.
Kinesthetic learners
thrive on hands-on, experiential
learning. They favor movement, touch,
and direct engagement to actively
explore the physical world. Sustained
periods of stillness pose a challenge.
Physical activity, manipulation, and
exploration are necessary to optimize
their focus.
When creating a training program, it is crucial to bear in mind
the following retention percentages. According to researchers,
humans retain:
of what they read of what they see
of what they hear of what they do
10% 30%
20% 90%
Studies show identical training programs are
most successful when presented in the trainee’s
native language. If your target audience may
include employees around the world or non-
native English speakers, consider translating
content to maximize comprehension and safety.
From a skills-building perspective,
companies must satisfy these
workers by addressing how they
want to learn, what they want to
learn and the experiences that
will frame their learning.
Marni Rozen,
Director of management consulting,
Misinterpretation of training can lead to:
• Reduced productivity
• High turnover and job dissatisfaction
• Negative impact on organizational reputation
• Lost revenue
• Injury and loss of life
No matter your language requirements,
consider following these best practices for
optimal knowledge transfer:
• Simplify language and use consistent terms
• Use visuals and hands-on training when possible
• Build trust among trainees so they feel comfortable expressing
knowledge gaps
Remember, your aim is to create and organize training content that will be
well received and understood by the target audience.
Before developing or refreshing a training
program, start with a thorough understanding of
the fundamental components required, including
content creation, delivery methods, assessment
tools, and performance tracking.
Steps to Define Specific Training Goals
and Objectives
Clearly outline the building blocks of the training
program so you can identify stakeholders and resources.
Most importantly, align specific learning objectives to
organizational needs. Below is a general overview of the
steps involved with creating an effective training program.
3 Create training personas
Most experts find it helpful to create
training personas — fictional characters
used to represent trainee cohorts that
share similar traits such as roles, skill
levels, and concerns. The exercise of
2 Conduct a training
needs analysis
Assess the current skill levels of
average trainees and consider outliers.
Identify gaps between existing skills
and the skills needed for job roles. If
there is a minimum incoming skill level
required for the training program,
identify a testing method to prove
trainees meet the basic skill level upon
which to build.
4 Determine optimal
training format(s)
Begin assigning major training
objectives to the best format choices
where possible. Choose the most
proper training format(s) based on
your goals and audience. Options may
include classroom training, e-learning,
on-the-job training, or a combination.
5 Select training content
Develop or curate content that meets
the identified learning objectives.
Choose effective training methods that
align with your goals. Some content may
be best delivered in a lecture or video,
while other content may require hands-
on learning or specialized methods.
6 Create a training schedule
Plan the training sessions, considering
the duration, frequency, and timing.
Ensure the schedule accommodates
the availability of your target audience
and meets your business objectives
and deadlines.
7 Choose delivery platforms
and technologies
Decide on the platforms and
technologies that will be used to
deliver the training. Consider whether
in-person, online, or blended learning
approaches are most suitable.
8 Develop assessment and
evaluation strategies
Design assessments to measure the
effectiveness of the training. Establish
evaluation criteria to assess participant
progress and program success.
1 Identify target audience
Define the characteristics of the
individuals who will participate in the
training. Consider their roles, skill
levels, and any specific requirements
they may have such as languages or
learning preferences.
9 Allocate resources
Identify the resources required for the
training program, including trainers,
10 Establish a
communication plan
Develop a communication plan to
inform participants about the training
program. Clearly communicate
expectations, schedules, and any
11 Pilot the program
Conduct a pilot program with a small
group to test the effectiveness of
the training materials and methods.
Gather feedback to make necessary
creating personals is useful as a guide
to ensure training content fits the needs
of real people who share the traits
represented by the persona. Personas
serve as a guidepost to coalesce your
training requirements around the needs
of your target audience.
12 Refine and improve
Based on feedback from the pilot,
refine the training program to enhance
its effectiveness. Continuously monitor
and update the program to address
evolving needs.
materials, and technology. Allocate
budgetary resources accordingly.
13 Implement the full program
Once satisfied with the pilot results,
launch the full training program.
Monitor participant progress and
provide support as needed.
14 Evaluate and
measure success
Assess the overall success of the
training program against the defined
goals. Use participant feedback
and performance metrics to gauge
15 Iterate for
continuous improvement
Continuously evaluate and update the
training program to adapt to changing
needs and technologies. Use data and
feedback to inform future iterations
and improvements.
Recognize the capabilities of training
technology in addressing specific challenges—
and acknowledge its limitations. Set realistic
expectations for technology’s role in your
training program.
Technology is only as good as your content.
No technology solution can overcome a lack of
thorough investigation and planning.
What Tech Can Solve
— and What It Can’t
Training Delivery Technology Landscape
Online or In-Person
When considering instructional
methods, the lecture format is best
for generating interest and motivation
among students, and for fostering
Lectures become the preferred choice
under specific circumstances:
• The material is inherently confusing
• The speaker’s experience can clarify
material or add anecdotes to help
trainees remember a lesson
• A change of pace is required to
engage learners
Paper Manuals
Paper manuals are generally considered
outdated because they are not easily
updated or digitally searchable.
They can be cost effective for presenting
basic concepts or theories that almost
never need updating.
Video is a passive learning experience.
It’s best used for presenting visually
engaging content, demonstrations, and
storytelling. Avoid teaching detailed
technical processes solely with video
content because there is a strong
possibility of information overload for
your trainees.
Professional video is not easily updated
and can be expensive to create
depending on the production quality.
Video typically requires a minimum
investment of $5,000 per finished
minute, covering shooting and editing
alone. Additional expenses may include
scripting, storyboarding, shot-sheeting,
location scouting, and actor fees.
Learn more about interactive
mobile instructions on page 35
Here are a few tips:
Capture various shots, ensuring tight
shots and multiple angles for complex
steps or similar-looking parts.
Stopping Points
Plan for natural breaks between steps
to maintain viewer engagement. Avoid
consecutive repetitions of similar steps,
allowing for shortcuts. The person
demonstrating the process should be
competent and camera-ready, with
a neutral appearance. Professional
hair and makeup artists can enhance
overall presentation.
Repeat Video Shoots for
Product Variations
With each new product release or
version, reshooting video demos may
become necessary to address variations.
Even subtle changes in product
appearance can confuse trainees, even if
functionality remains consistent.
Extended Reality (XR):
Virtual Reality (VR),
Augmented Reality (AR),
and Spatial Computing
Extended reality (XR) is an umbrella term that encompasses virtual reality,
augmented reality (AR), and spatial computing.and spatial computing.
These technologies have been gaining
momentum in recent years and are
transforming the way we interact with
the world around us. XR is a powerful
tool for training.
VR is a fully immersive experience that transports users
to a completely different environment through the use
of a headset. AR, on the other hand, overlays digital
information onto the real world. Spatial computing
combines elements of both VR and AR to create a
hybrid experience that blends the real world with
virtual objects.
A 2023 study by the US military found XR makes military training more effective.
According to the survey of active-duty personnel across five branches of US military:
say XR increases confidence &
cultivates muscle memory
say XR training provides a
recruitment edge
say XR empowers trainers to be
more effective
say XR helps them retain top talent
say XR allows trainees to complete
training faster
say XR training helps them better
prepare for stressful situations
The study suggests widespread recognition of the benefits of XR in technical training programs.
One of the main advantages of using VR for
technical training is the ability to simulate
real-life scenarios in a safe and controlled
environment. This allows trainees to practice
and develop their skills without the risk of injury
or damage to equipment. Additionally, VR can
provide a more engaging and memorable learning
experience compared to traditional methods,
which can lead to better retention of information
and improved performance.
Virtual Reality
However, there are also some challenges associated with
using VR for technical training. The initial cost of equipment
and software can be expensive, and there may be a
learning curve for both trainers and trainees.
VR provides safety to fail in a safe
space. I’d rather trainees mess up
materials in class than mess it up on
the job, because then they’re messing
up profit from my contractors.
Natasha Sherwood,
Executive Director of International Electrical Contractors,
Florida West Coast Chapter
Understanding VR Technology
VR technology creates a simulated environment that can
be similar or completely different from the real world. VR
technology allows trainees to experience real-life scenarios
in a safe and controlled environment. The technology uses a
combination of hardware and software to create a virtual world
that can be interacted with in a natural and intuitive way.
VR Hardware Components
The hardware components of VR technology include a headset,
controllers, and sensors. The headset is the primary component,
which displays the virtual environment to the trainee. It is
equipped with lenses that create a stereoscopic 3D image, which
gives the illusion of depth. The controllers allow the trainee
to interact with the virtual world, while the sensors track their
movements and translate them into the virtual environment.
Virtual Reality Hardware Options
There are two main types of VR: tethered and wireless.
Tethered VR requires a physical connection between the
headset and a computer or game console, while wireless VR
allows for freedom of movement without any cables.
Tethered VR Overview
Tethered VR is a type of virtual reality technology that requires
a direct connection between the VR headset and a computer
or gaming console. This connection is usually made through
a cable or wire, which limits the user’s mobility and range of
motion. However, tethered VR headsets generally offer higher
quality graphics and more immersive experiences than wireless
VR headsets.
Wireless VR Overview
Wireless VR, on the other hand, is a type of virtual reality technology
that does not require a direct connection between the VR headset and
a computer or gaming console. Instead, the headset uses wireless
technology such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to communicate with a nearby
device, such as a smartphone or a dedicated wireless adapter.
One of the main advantages of wireless VR is the freedom of movement
it provides. Users can move around freely without being tethered to a
computer or gaming console, which can enhance the overall VR experience.
However, wireless VR headsets may have lower quality graphics and less
immersive experiences compared to tethered VR headsets.
Software Platforms for VR Training
There are various software platforms available for VR training, including
commercial and open-source options. Commercial platforms such
as Unity and Unreal Engine provide a comprehensive set of tools for
creating and deploying VR training modules. Open-source platforms
Best for
concepts or
simple instructions
Starting hands-on
training without the
real-world risk
Comparing virtual
with a real-world
Learning or
completing specific
Familiarize trainees
with overall job and
Gain spatial
awareness in a
virtual, lower-
risk environment;
Exploration &
between virtual
and real-world
Guide trainees step-
by-step through job
instructions; mobile
app can be used in
the classroom, at
home, or on the job
Screen, video file
Requires special
May require special
Smartphone or
such as A-Frame and WebVR provide a more accessible and affordable
option for creating VR training modules. These platforms allow trainers
to create realistic scenarios that can be customized to meet the specific
needs of their trainees.
One of the main advantages of tethered VR is the ability to run more
complex and demanding applications, such as high-end games or
professional software. This is because the computer or gaming console
provides the necessary processing power and resources to run these
applications smoothly.
Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that
superimposes computer-generated images,
sounds, and other sensory enhancements
onto a user’s real-world environment in real
time. Unlike Virtual Reality (VR) which creates
a completely artificial environment, AR adds
to the reality, layering new digital information
on top of it. As a result, users perceive the
augmented elements as a natural part of their
physical surroundings, allowing for a seamless
blend between the virtual and real worlds.
Among the key components of AR systems are cameras and sensors that gather a user’s real-world interactions and communicate them to be
processed and interpreted. The outcomes are then rendered in real-time, creating interactive experiences that can enhance training.
Core Components: Types of AR Content:
Display: AR can be experienced through devices like
smartphones, tablets, AR glasses, and heads-up displays.
Image Recognition
Utilizes visual markers or objects to trigger the display of
digital content.
Spatial Recognition
Interprets and maps the physical space for AR content to interact
with the environment.
User Interaction
Users interact with AR content through touch gestures, voice
commands, or by simply moving in the physical space.
Sensors and Cameras:These capture and analyze
the user’s real-world interactions, providing context for
augmented experiences.
Processing:Smartphones or AR devices come equipped
with a CPU, a GPU, RAM, and sensors such as GPS, gyroscope, and
accelerometer to interpret and process user interactions.
Projection:Some AR headsets contain a small projector that
projects images onto surfaces in the user’s environment.
AR Development Platforms
AR experiences are made using platforms such as ARKit for iOS and
ARCore for Android.
AR Hardware and Devices
In the realm of augmented reality (AR), various hardware devices enable
the integration of digital content with the real world. These devices
range from specially designed glasses to advanced headsets and widely
available mobile devices, each serving different use cases and audiences.
AR Smart Glasses
Smart glasses are wearables with a see-through display that allows users
to view digital information overlaid on their natural field of vision. For
example, Google Glass offers a compact form factor with a small display
positioned in the user’s peripheral vision. These glasses often include
features such as cameras, voice controls, and touch pads for interaction.
AR Head-Mounted Displays
Head-mounted displays (HMDs), like the Microsoft HoloLens, provide a
more immersive AR experience. They are equipped with larger displays
and more advanced sensors to track the user’s head movements and the
environment. HMDs can display complex three-dimensional holograms
that appear to coexist within the user’s physical space.
Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices
Mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets, have become
versatile tools for AR due to their widespread availability and
advancing technology. They utilize built-in cameras, gyroscopes, and
accelerometers to render AR objects directly onto their screens.
AR Software Frameworks and Development
Software frameworks and development are crucial for building
immersive augmented reality experiences. They provide developers
with the necessary tools and resources to create, test, and deploy AR
applications efficiently.
Augmented Reality SDKs
Augmented Reality Software Development Kits (AR SDKs) are essential
for developers to integrate AR functionalities into applications. Key SDK
features often include image recognition, environmental understanding,
and 3D object rendering. Popular SDKs include:
• ARKit (iOS): Offers robust face tracking and support for LiDAR scanners.
• ARCore (Android): Provides motion tracking and environmental
• Vuforia: Known for its wide range of supported devices and strong
image recognition capabilities.
AR Training Content Creation Tools
These tools aid developers in designing and modeling AR content. They
allow for the creation of three-dimensional models and animations that
can be integrated into AR experiences. Notable tools include:
Blender: An open-source 3D modeling software.
Maya: A powerful tool for 3D animation, modeling, and rendering.
Unity: Often used in combination with an SDK, it excels in real-time
3D development.
Cross-Platform Considerations for ARSoftware
Developing for multiple platforms can pose challenges due to differing
device capabilities and SDK limitations. Cross-platform development
tools help mitigate these issues. Key considerations include:
• Consistency in user experience across different devices.
• Performance optimization to handle different hardware specifications.
• Scalability of the AR experience to suit various platforms.
Augmented Reality Technical Limitations
The current state of AR technology is bound by limitations in hardware
and software capabilities. These constraints include:
• Field of View: The limited viewing angles can disrupt the immersive
• Tracking Accuracy: Maintaining a stable and accurate position in the
physical environment is crucial for a convincing AR experience.
Interactive instructions provide the physical
and cognitive engagement of extended reality
platforms with the most versatility. Instruction
delivery applications such as the BILT app are optimized for
use on smart phones, tablets, and on the Apple Vision Pro.
BILT is a specialized instruction delivery app
featuring voice, text, and animated 3D images to
guide users step-by-step through an instructional
process. Users can zoom and rotate the entire
3D image, individual parts, or specific steps to
customize and optimize their view.
When I take my finger and rotate
the image 360 degrees on the BILT
app, that’s when they get it. That’s
the ‘ah-ha’ moment, when they
can visualize the specific details
of the area — from the product, to
the frame, to the next step, to the
wire-connection — everything.
Rodger Schmidt,
Technical Trainer
BILT can be used for
classroom training as well as
an on-the-job reference guide
since it’s easily accessible
from most mobile devices.
BILT provides real-time user feedback, insight, and analytics to
inform product and operations leaders.
As technology advances in the virtual and augmented
reality sectors, the boundaries between them are
becoming increasingly blurred, leading to the emergence of
new definitions. The launch of the Apple Vision Pro brought
wider attention to a concept Apple refers to as a spatial
computer, owing to its capability to seamlessly integrate
digital content with the physical world.
Spatial Computing
Through cameras, the device
recreates a user’s real-world
environment in a digital space,
allowing it to function similarly to
augmented reality or virtual reality
based on the user’s settings.
What is spatial computing?
Spatial computing refers to the use of computer
technology to interact with the physical world in
a spatial or three-dimensional manner. It involves
the integration of virtual and augmented reality
technologies, sensors and other devices, to create an
immersive and interactive computing environment.
Spatial computing enables users to interact with
digital information and virtual objects in a way that
mimics real-world interactions, making it incredibly
useful for training applications.
How is spatial computing different
from AR and VR?
Spatial computing differs from augmented reality
(AR) and virtual reality (VR) in that it encompasses
a broader range of technologies and capabilities.
While AR overlays digital information onto the real
world, and VR creates entirely immersive digital
environments, spatial computing integrates these
technologies with additional sensors and devices to
create interactive and context-aware experiences.
This allows for more immersive and interactive
experiences that go beyond the capabilities of
traditional AR and VR technologies.
Most companies use a combination of
technologies to accomplish training goals.
Regardless of the delivery mechanism, be sure an
effective feedback loop is built into your process.
Solicit feedback not only from your internal
stakeholders and clients, but also from the
trainees themselves.
Importance of
Feedback and
Developing a training program is rewarding. You are helping employees create a
brighter future for themselves and for your company.
What to do now
Assess the current state of your
training program and identify areas
for improvement.
Develop a comprehensive plan for
implementing changes based on
your evaluation.
Dive In
Actively engage in the chosen
strategies and technologies to enhance
your training program.
BILT creates and hosts 3D interactive and immersive instructions for industrial training programs.
Our in-house instruction design experts can solve your most complex challenges.
Request a demo here.
About BILT
Millions of users worldwide follow 3D Intelligent Instructions for thousands of projects
from ceiling fans to jet engines. The award-winning app maximizes uptime by reducing
time on task, callbacks, and calls to tech support. Users can zoom and rotate the
3D animations for optimum understanding. Download BILT on iOS or Android. |
Download the BILT App

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The Buyer's Guide to Technical Training: Optimizing Work Instructions for Job Training & Enablement

  • 1. TECHNICAL TRAINING Buyer’s Guide to Technical Training 3D interactive instructions offer revolutionary training for distributors and contractors.
  • 2. 2 Welcome to the Buyer’s Guide to Technical Training. This guide is designed to help you navigate the complexities of specific technologies within the broader training landscape, understand the pros and cons of each category, and make informed decisions to meet your organization’s training goals. How to Use this Guide When the trainer put a thick paper manual in my hand, my heart sank. I struggled in school and worried how I would do in the class even though I was really interested in the job. I almost quit the first week. J.T. Grant, Air Ground Equipment Manager
  • 3. 3 This guide provides a comprehensive overview for organizations navigating the complexities of technical training. It emphasizes the importance of aligning training goals with organizational objectives and outlines key considerations for creating effective training programs. Executive Summary Key Points Training Goals • Prioritize safety, competency, and efficiency in training programs. • Safety measures should adhere to government, industry, and company standards. • Competency evaluation is crucial for preparing trainees to confidently perform their job roles. • Efficiency improvements follow the achievement of safety and competency goals.
  • 4. 4 Measuring Training Success • Set clear, measurable goals aligning with organizational objectives. • Use key performance indicators (KPIs) such as time to job proficiency, knowledge retention, impact on organizational performance metrics, attendance rates, and employee feedback. Learner-Centric Approach • Consider diverse learning preferences (visual, auditory, kinesthetic). • Recognize the importance of presenting training content in the trainee’s native language to avoid misinterpretation. • Understand that humans retain 10% of what they see, 30-40% of what they see and hear, and 90% of what they see, hear, and do. Defining Training Goals and Objectives • Identify the target audience and conduct a training needs analysis. • Create training personas to guide content creation. • Determine optimal training formats, select content, and develop a training schedule. • Choose delivery platforms and technologies. • Establish assessment and evaluation strategies. • Allocate necessary resources and create a communication plan. • Pilot the program, gather feedback, refine, and implement the full program. • Evaluate and measure success, iterate for continuous improvement.
  • 5. 5 Technology in Training • Understand the capabilities and limitations of training technologies. • Recognize that technology is only effective with well-planned content. • Explore various training delivery technologies such as online/in-person lectures, paper manuals, video, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), interactive instructions, and spatial computing. VR and AR Technology • VR provides a simulated environment for safe skill development. • Tethered and wireless VR options have different advantages. • AR superimposes digital information onto the real world, enhancing training experiences. • Consider hardware options like AR smart glasses, head-mounted displays, and mobile devices for AR applications. • Use AR development platforms and SDKs for creating immersive experiences. Spatial Computing • Spatial computing integrates virtual and augmented reality with sensors and devices for interactive experiences. • Distinct from AR and VR, spatial computing offers more immersive and context-aware experiences. • The Apple Vision Pro, launched in early 2024, is highlighted as a spatial computer.
  • 6. 6 Importance of Feedback and Analytics • Establish an effective feedback loop from stakeholders and trainees. • Use a combination of technologies to achieve training goals. • Regularly evaluate and update training programs based on feedback, analytics, and evolving needs. This guide encourages organizations to adopt a holistic and learner-centric approach to technical training, leveraging a mix of traditional and advanced technologies while prioritizing safety, competency, and efficiency. Continuous evaluation and adaptation are key to creating effective and future-proof training programs.
  • 7. 7 Developing or refreshing a training program is rewarding work because your efforts directly impact employees’ careers and your company’s success. How to Think About Training
  • 8. 8 Safety Protect yourself and others by prioritizing safety in any training program. Ensure training methods meet government, industry, and company standards. Competency Your goal is to prepare trainees to be able to complete the job with confidence. Spend time evaluating training gaps and discussing real-life challenges with managers and workers. More work evaluating competency requirements pays off tenfold in the long run. We’ll discuss this in depth in a later section. Efficiency Increased safety and competency inherently create more efficient working conditions, and only after those goals are met can you focus on improving efficiency. To find gains, ask recent training program graduates about inefficient situations they encounter and see if you can address them with training. After ensuring safe training and working processes, you can focus on competency and efficiency as overarching goals of the program. There are three overarching goals in any training program.
  • 9. 9 Effective training programs start with clear and measurable goals...
  • 10. 10 Effective training programs start with clear and measurable goals to align training and technology choices with organizational objectives. Consider both short-term skill acquisition and long-term performance improvement. Start by mapping learner outcomes to business outcomes. Every training objective should drive a specific organizational goal to gauge the program’s success. While we won’t dive into the full scope of measuring training outcomes, there are a few key performance indicators to keep in mind. Measuring Training Success
  • 11. 11 Time to job proficiency, or ramp time Measure the time it takes employees to achieve maximum productivity and be able to manage their day-to-day workload to an acceptable level in a job role. Knowledge and skill retention Test each trainee’s ability to learn and form long-term memory so they can easily recall information in the future and put it to use. Impact on organizational performance metrics Continuously monitor and track any organizational performance key performance indicators (KPIs) and see if they are impacted by new trainees transitioning into their full-time workload. This should include productivity and output metrics. Trainee attendance and completion rates Track attendance and completion rates as a measure of employee engagement, which indicates their interest level and confidence in the training. Employee Feedback Programs Obtain anonymous feedback on the training experience by surveying new employees on whether they would recommend the employer to others who are seeking a job or not. Some companies use Net Promoter Score but use the feedback loop that best suits your organization. You can read more on Net Promoter Score here. Stakeholder satisfaction Survey internal and/or external clients on their satisfaction with work performed by recent training program graduates.
  • 12. 12 There are several considerations when developing a training program, including how to make the content most relevant for your audience. Think about how your trainees will be most receptive to the content your team presents. Clarity is crucial, so consider the factors that can impact understanding. Meet the Learner Where They Are
  • 13. 13 Recognizing the diverse learning preferences among individuals highlights the inefficacy of a one-size-fits-all instructional approach. Researchers have identified three primary learning strategies. Individuals assimilate information through all of these modalities, but many people often have a preference for how they obtain and retain information. It’s imperative that a training program provide opportunities that suit all of the learning needs since a predominant preference often emerges for each individual. Learning & Studying Preferences
  • 14. 14 Visual learners prefer learning and studying through visual stimuli. In a classroom setting, they actively focus on the instructor’s facial expressions and body language to comprehensively understand the lesson. Visual learners typically take notes and conceptualize information from written sources, including books, graphs, colors, maps, and displays. They prefer fewer visual distractions so they often may sit at the front of a classroom. Auditory learners rely on listening, hearing, and verbal interaction to absorb information. Environments conducive to lectures, discussions, and brainstorming sessions align with their preferred learning style. Attuned to the subtleties of speech, such as tone, pitch, and speed, auditory learners find meaning in written information by audibly processing it, even if solely within their own thoughts. Kinesthetic learners thrive on hands-on, experiential learning. They favor movement, touch, and direct engagement to actively explore the physical world. Sustained periods of stillness pose a challenge. Physical activity, manipulation, and exploration are necessary to optimize their focus.
  • 15. 15 When creating a training program, it is crucial to bear in mind the following retention percentages. According to researchers, humans retain: of what they read of what they see of what they hear of what they do 10% 30% 20% 90%
  • 16. 16 Studies show identical training programs are most successful when presented in the trainee’s native language. If your target audience may include employees around the world or non- native English speakers, consider translating content to maximize comprehension and safety. Native Languages
  • 17. 17 From a skills-building perspective, companies must satisfy these workers by addressing how they want to learn, what they want to learn and the experiences that will frame their learning. Marni Rozen, Director of management consulting, RSM US LLP Misinterpretation of training can lead to: • Reduced productivity • High turnover and job dissatisfaction • Negative impact on organizational reputation • Lost revenue • Injury and loss of life No matter your language requirements, consider following these best practices for optimal knowledge transfer: • Simplify language and use consistent terms • Use visuals and hands-on training when possible • Build trust among trainees so they feel comfortable expressing knowledge gaps Remember, your aim is to create and organize training content that will be well received and understood by the target audience.
  • 18. 18 Before developing or refreshing a training program, start with a thorough understanding of the fundamental components required, including content creation, delivery methods, assessment tools, and performance tracking. Steps to Define Specific Training Goals and Objectives Clearly outline the building blocks of the training program so you can identify stakeholders and resources. Most importantly, align specific learning objectives to organizational needs. Below is a general overview of the steps involved with creating an effective training program.
  • 19. 19 3 Create training personas Most experts find it helpful to create training personas — fictional characters used to represent trainee cohorts that share similar traits such as roles, skill levels, and concerns. The exercise of 2 Conduct a training needs analysis Assess the current skill levels of average trainees and consider outliers. Identify gaps between existing skills and the skills needed for job roles. If there is a minimum incoming skill level required for the training program, identify a testing method to prove trainees meet the basic skill level upon which to build. 4 Determine optimal training format(s) Begin assigning major training objectives to the best format choices where possible. Choose the most proper training format(s) based on your goals and audience. Options may include classroom training, e-learning, on-the-job training, or a combination. 5 Select training content Develop or curate content that meets the identified learning objectives. Choose effective training methods that align with your goals. Some content may be best delivered in a lecture or video, while other content may require hands- on learning or specialized methods. 6 Create a training schedule Plan the training sessions, considering the duration, frequency, and timing. Ensure the schedule accommodates the availability of your target audience and meets your business objectives and deadlines. 7 Choose delivery platforms and technologies Decide on the platforms and technologies that will be used to deliver the training. Consider whether in-person, online, or blended learning approaches are most suitable. 8 Develop assessment and evaluation strategies Design assessments to measure the effectiveness of the training. Establish evaluation criteria to assess participant progress and program success. 1 Identify target audience Define the characteristics of the individuals who will participate in the training. Consider their roles, skill levels, and any specific requirements they may have such as languages or learning preferences. 9 Allocate resources Identify the resources required for the training program, including trainers, 10 Establish a communication plan Develop a communication plan to inform participants about the training program. Clearly communicate expectations, schedules, and any prerequisites. 11 Pilot the program Conduct a pilot program with a small group to test the effectiveness of the training materials and methods. Gather feedback to make necessary adjustments. creating personals is useful as a guide to ensure training content fits the needs of real people who share the traits represented by the persona. Personas serve as a guidepost to coalesce your training requirements around the needs of your target audience. 12 Refine and improve Based on feedback from the pilot, refine the training program to enhance its effectiveness. Continuously monitor and update the program to address evolving needs. materials, and technology. Allocate budgetary resources accordingly.
  • 20. 20 13 Implement the full program Once satisfied with the pilot results, launch the full training program. Monitor participant progress and provide support as needed. 14 Evaluate and measure success Assess the overall success of the training program against the defined goals. Use participant feedback and performance metrics to gauge effectiveness. 15 Iterate for continuous improvement Continuously evaluate and update the training program to adapt to changing needs and technologies. Use data and feedback to inform future iterations and improvements.
  • 21. 21 Recognize the capabilities of training technology in addressing specific challenges— and acknowledge its limitations. Set realistic expectations for technology’s role in your training program. Technology is only as good as your content. No technology solution can overcome a lack of thorough investigation and planning. What Tech Can Solve — and What It Can’t
  • 23. 23 Online or In-Person Lectures When considering instructional methods, the lecture format is best for generating interest and motivation among students, and for fostering understanding. Lectures become the preferred choice under specific circumstances: • The material is inherently confusing • The speaker’s experience can clarify material or add anecdotes to help trainees remember a lesson • A change of pace is required to engage learners Paper Manuals Paper manuals are generally considered outdated because they are not easily updated or digitally searchable. They can be cost effective for presenting basic concepts or theories that almost never need updating. Video Video is a passive learning experience. It’s best used for presenting visually engaging content, demonstrations, and storytelling. Avoid teaching detailed technical processes solely with video content because there is a strong possibility of information overload for your trainees. Professional video is not easily updated and can be expensive to create depending on the production quality. Video typically requires a minimum investment of $5,000 per finished minute, covering shooting and editing alone. Additional expenses may include scripting, storyboarding, shot-sheeting, location scouting, and actor fees. Learn more about interactive mobile instructions on page 35
  • 24. 24 Here are a few tips: Filming Capture various shots, ensuring tight shots and multiple angles for complex steps or similar-looking parts. Stopping Points Plan for natural breaks between steps to maintain viewer engagement. Avoid consecutive repetitions of similar steps, allowing for shortcuts. The person demonstrating the process should be competent and camera-ready, with a neutral appearance. Professional hair and makeup artists can enhance overall presentation. Repeat Video Shoots for Product Variations With each new product release or version, reshooting video demos may become necessary to address variations. Even subtle changes in product appearance can confuse trainees, even if functionality remains consistent.
  • 25. 25 Extended Reality (XR): Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Spatial Computing Extended reality (XR) is an umbrella term that encompasses virtual reality, augmented reality (AR), and spatial computing.and spatial computing.
  • 26. 26 These technologies have been gaining momentum in recent years and are transforming the way we interact with the world around us. XR is a powerful tool for training. VR is a fully immersive experience that transports users to a completely different environment through the use of a headset. AR, on the other hand, overlays digital information onto the real world. Spatial computing combines elements of both VR and AR to create a hybrid experience that blends the real world with virtual objects. A 2023 study by the US military found XR makes military training more effective. According to the survey of active-duty personnel across five branches of US military: say XR increases confidence & cultivates muscle memory say XR training provides a recruitment edge say XR empowers trainers to be more effective say XR helps them retain top talent say XR allows trainees to complete training faster say XR training helps them better prepare for stressful situations 81% 74% 80% 70% 76% 67% The study suggests widespread recognition of the benefits of XR in technical training programs.
  • 27. 27 One of the main advantages of using VR for technical training is the ability to simulate real-life scenarios in a safe and controlled environment. This allows trainees to practice and develop their skills without the risk of injury or damage to equipment. Additionally, VR can provide a more engaging and memorable learning experience compared to traditional methods, which can lead to better retention of information and improved performance. Virtual Reality However, there are also some challenges associated with using VR for technical training. The initial cost of equipment and software can be expensive, and there may be a learning curve for both trainers and trainees.
  • 28. 28 VR provides safety to fail in a safe space. I’d rather trainees mess up materials in class than mess it up on the job, because then they’re messing up profit from my contractors. Natasha Sherwood, Executive Director of International Electrical Contractors, Florida West Coast Chapter Understanding VR Technology VR technology creates a simulated environment that can be similar or completely different from the real world. VR technology allows trainees to experience real-life scenarios in a safe and controlled environment. The technology uses a combination of hardware and software to create a virtual world that can be interacted with in a natural and intuitive way. VR Hardware Components The hardware components of VR technology include a headset, controllers, and sensors. The headset is the primary component, which displays the virtual environment to the trainee. It is equipped with lenses that create a stereoscopic 3D image, which gives the illusion of depth. The controllers allow the trainee to interact with the virtual world, while the sensors track their movements and translate them into the virtual environment. Virtual Reality Hardware Options There are two main types of VR: tethered and wireless. Tethered VR requires a physical connection between the headset and a computer or game console, while wireless VR allows for freedom of movement without any cables. Tethered VR Overview Tethered VR is a type of virtual reality technology that requires a direct connection between the VR headset and a computer or gaming console. This connection is usually made through a cable or wire, which limits the user’s mobility and range of motion. However, tethered VR headsets generally offer higher quality graphics and more immersive experiences than wireless VR headsets.
  • 29. 29 Wireless VR Overview Wireless VR, on the other hand, is a type of virtual reality technology that does not require a direct connection between the VR headset and a computer or gaming console. Instead, the headset uses wireless technology such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to communicate with a nearby device, such as a smartphone or a dedicated wireless adapter. One of the main advantages of wireless VR is the freedom of movement it provides. Users can move around freely without being tethered to a computer or gaming console, which can enhance the overall VR experience. However, wireless VR headsets may have lower quality graphics and less immersive experiences compared to tethered VR headsets. Software Platforms for VR Training There are various software platforms available for VR training, including commercial and open-source options. Commercial platforms such as Unity and Unreal Engine provide a comprehensive set of tools for creating and deploying VR training modules. Open-source platforms VIDEO Best for Introducing concepts or communicating simple instructions Starting hands-on training without the real-world risk Comparing virtual components with a real-world environment Learning or completing specific jobs Objective Familiarize trainees with overall job and risks Gain spatial awareness in a virtual, lower- risk environment; understand concepts Exploration & troubleshooting; identify discrepancies between virtual components and real-world environment Guide trainees step- by-step through job instructions; mobile app can be used in the classroom, at home, or on the job Resources needed Screen, video file access Requires special equipment May require special equipment Smartphone or tablet VIRTUAL REALITY 3D INTERACTIVE AUGMENTED REALITY such as A-Frame and WebVR provide a more accessible and affordable option for creating VR training modules. These platforms allow trainers to create realistic scenarios that can be customized to meet the specific needs of their trainees. One of the main advantages of tethered VR is the ability to run more complex and demanding applications, such as high-end games or professional software. This is because the computer or gaming console provides the necessary processing power and resources to run these applications smoothly.
  • 30. 30 Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes computer-generated images, sounds, and other sensory enhancements onto a user’s real-world environment in real time. Unlike Virtual Reality (VR) which creates a completely artificial environment, AR adds to the reality, layering new digital information on top of it. As a result, users perceive the augmented elements as a natural part of their physical surroundings, allowing for a seamless blend between the virtual and real worlds. Augmented Reality
  • 31. 31 Among the key components of AR systems are cameras and sensors that gather a user’s real-world interactions and communicate them to be processed and interpreted. The outcomes are then rendered in real-time, creating interactive experiences that can enhance training. Core Components: Types of AR Content: Display: AR can be experienced through devices like smartphones, tablets, AR glasses, and heads-up displays. Image Recognition Utilizes visual markers or objects to trigger the display of digital content. Spatial Recognition Interprets and maps the physical space for AR content to interact with the environment. User Interaction Users interact with AR content through touch gestures, voice commands, or by simply moving in the physical space. Sensors and Cameras:These capture and analyze the user’s real-world interactions, providing context for augmented experiences. Processing:Smartphones or AR devices come equipped with a CPU, a GPU, RAM, and sensors such as GPS, gyroscope, and accelerometer to interpret and process user interactions. Projection:Some AR headsets contain a small projector that projects images onto surfaces in the user’s environment.
  • 32. 32 AR Development Platforms AR experiences are made using platforms such as ARKit for iOS and ARCore for Android. AR Hardware and Devices In the realm of augmented reality (AR), various hardware devices enable the integration of digital content with the real world. These devices range from specially designed glasses to advanced headsets and widely available mobile devices, each serving different use cases and audiences. AR Smart Glasses Smart glasses are wearables with a see-through display that allows users to view digital information overlaid on their natural field of vision. For example, Google Glass offers a compact form factor with a small display positioned in the user’s peripheral vision. These glasses often include features such as cameras, voice controls, and touch pads for interaction. AR Head-Mounted Displays Head-mounted displays (HMDs), like the Microsoft HoloLens, provide a more immersive AR experience. They are equipped with larger displays and more advanced sensors to track the user’s head movements and the environment. HMDs can display complex three-dimensional holograms that appear to coexist within the user’s physical space.
  • 33. 33 Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices Mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets, have become versatile tools for AR due to their widespread availability and advancing technology. They utilize built-in cameras, gyroscopes, and accelerometers to render AR objects directly onto their screens. AR Software Frameworks and Development Software frameworks and development are crucial for building immersive augmented reality experiences. They provide developers with the necessary tools and resources to create, test, and deploy AR applications efficiently. Augmented Reality SDKs Augmented Reality Software Development Kits (AR SDKs) are essential for developers to integrate AR functionalities into applications. Key SDK features often include image recognition, environmental understanding, and 3D object rendering. Popular SDKs include: • ARKit (iOS): Offers robust face tracking and support for LiDAR scanners. • ARCore (Android): Provides motion tracking and environmental understanding. • Vuforia: Known for its wide range of supported devices and strong image recognition capabilities. AR Training Content Creation Tools These tools aid developers in designing and modeling AR content. They allow for the creation of three-dimensional models and animations that can be integrated into AR experiences. Notable tools include: Blender: An open-source 3D modeling software. Maya: A powerful tool for 3D animation, modeling, and rendering. Unity: Often used in combination with an SDK, it excels in real-time 3D development. Cross-Platform Considerations for ARSoftware Developing for multiple platforms can pose challenges due to differing device capabilities and SDK limitations. Cross-platform development tools help mitigate these issues. Key considerations include: • Consistency in user experience across different devices. • Performance optimization to handle different hardware specifications. • Scalability of the AR experience to suit various platforms.
  • 34. 34 Augmented Reality Technical Limitations The current state of AR technology is bound by limitations in hardware and software capabilities. These constraints include: • Field of View: The limited viewing angles can disrupt the immersive experience. • Tracking Accuracy: Maintaining a stable and accurate position in the physical environment is crucial for a convincing AR experience.
  • 35. 35 Interactive instructions provide the physical and cognitive engagement of extended reality platforms with the most versatility. Instruction delivery applications such as the BILT app are optimized for use on smart phones, tablets, and on the Apple Vision Pro. BILT is a specialized instruction delivery app featuring voice, text, and animated 3D images to guide users step-by-step through an instructional process. Users can zoom and rotate the entire 3D image, individual parts, or specific steps to customize and optimize their view. Interactive Instructions
  • 36. 36 When I take my finger and rotate the image 360 degrees on the BILT app, that’s when they get it. That’s the ‘ah-ha’ moment, when they can visualize the specific details of the area — from the product, to the frame, to the next step, to the wire-connection — everything. Rodger Schmidt, Technical Trainer ASSA ABLOY BILT can be used for classroom training as well as an on-the-job reference guide since it’s easily accessible from most mobile devices. BILT provides real-time user feedback, insight, and analytics to inform product and operations leaders.
  • 37. 37 As technology advances in the virtual and augmented reality sectors, the boundaries between them are becoming increasingly blurred, leading to the emergence of new definitions. The launch of the Apple Vision Pro brought wider attention to a concept Apple refers to as a spatial computer, owing to its capability to seamlessly integrate digital content with the physical world. Spatial Computing Through cameras, the device recreates a user’s real-world environment in a digital space, allowing it to function similarly to augmented reality or virtual reality based on the user’s settings.
  • 38. 38 What is spatial computing? Spatial computing refers to the use of computer technology to interact with the physical world in a spatial or three-dimensional manner. It involves the integration of virtual and augmented reality technologies, sensors and other devices, to create an immersive and interactive computing environment. Spatial computing enables users to interact with digital information and virtual objects in a way that mimics real-world interactions, making it incredibly useful for training applications. How is spatial computing different from AR and VR? Spatial computing differs from augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in that it encompasses a broader range of technologies and capabilities. While AR overlays digital information onto the real world, and VR creates entirely immersive digital environments, spatial computing integrates these technologies with additional sensors and devices to create interactive and context-aware experiences. This allows for more immersive and interactive experiences that go beyond the capabilities of traditional AR and VR technologies.
  • 39. 39 Most companies use a combination of technologies to accomplish training goals. Regardless of the delivery mechanism, be sure an effective feedback loop is built into your process. Solicit feedback not only from your internal stakeholders and clients, but also from the trainees themselves. Importance of Feedback and Analytics
  • 40. 40 Developing a training program is rewarding. You are helping employees create a brighter future for themselves and for your company. What to do now Evaluate Assess the current state of your training program and identify areas for improvement. Plan Develop a comprehensive plan for implementing changes based on your evaluation. Dive In Actively engage in the chosen strategies and technologies to enhance your training program.
  • 41. 41 BILT creates and hosts 3D interactive and immersive instructions for industrial training programs. Our in-house instruction design experts can solve your most complex challenges. Request a demo here.
  • 42. 42 About BILT Millions of users worldwide follow 3D Intelligent Instructions for thousands of projects from ceiling fans to jet engines. The award-winning app maximizes uptime by reducing time on task, callbacks, and calls to tech support. Users can zoom and rotate the 3D animations for optimum understanding. Download BILT on iOS or Android. | Download the BILT App