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Sun Observation Grid Report
This study recorded the position of the Sun over the course of a day, on three different occasions
each one month apart. Then compare how the daily motion of the Sun changes throughout the
course of a year. To measure the course of the Sun a roofing nail is placed on a paper and the end of
the shadow is recoded over the length of the day. Starting the recording at approximately 10am and
ending around 6pm. Methodology The site choosing was a lot near my apartment. It was chosen
because it had a lot of open area, flat land, and there were not a lot of trees or people around to
obstruct the view of the sky. The open area made it easier to find a flat area to lay my paper on. The
flat land helped so that there would be fewer variations ... Show more content on ...
This is represents the shortening of the daylight and the early setting of the Sun as it gets closer to
1. How do the tracks observed for the three different days compare?
a. They all have a similar pattern, but the length of the observations between hours gets shorter
through the months.
2. From what you know about the path of the Sun across the sky, can you explain the differences
between the paths of the Sun on the horizontal sundial for the three observations?
a. When the Sun is directly above the nail it makes a smaller shadow. When the Sun is low in the
sky shadows become longer. Since winter is coming the shadows recorded become farther away
from the nail and shorter in length from hour to hour because of the loss of daylight and the time its
3. How would changing of the location where the observations are made (for example Caracas,
Venezuela) affect the path of the Sun on the horizontal plane Sundial?
a. Caracas, Venezuela is near the equator. The daylight time does not change near the equator. All
year round the amount of daylight, and night time are the same. This would make every observation
nearly the same instead of mine which are different from each
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Geographic Center Of The United States
MATH 166
Ian Gilley, Kelvin Brandl, Kayla Muehlhauser, Nathan Koehler, Justin Ebnet, Kylie Bentz Our
method for determining the center of mass of each state is split up into five steps. The first two, file
conversion and sorting, gave a huge amount of raw data, and then condensed it into a workable
form. The third step converted latitude and longitude coordinates into kilometers. The fourth step
took the trapezoids formed by the previous steps and calculated their moments with respect to the x
and y axis's. Finally, the conversions were reversed to give the center of mass. All of the states were
downloaded as shapefiles from the National Boundary Dataset maintained by the USGS. Then then
the .shp files were converted to .kmz with ArcMap10.4, and then converted to .kml with Google
Earth. Then the approximately 30,000 latitude and longitude coordinates for each state were saved
as a .txt file and imported into Excel. The shapefiles gave a coordinate approximately every 400
meters along straight edges of states, and approximately every 200 meters along rivers and other
curved features, and went out to the eighth decimal place. The territorial seas of costal states which
extend three nautical miles out from the low water mark, and the state boundaries that extend into
the Great Lakes and other bodies of water were included in the laminar sheet. Small islands such as
the Florida Keys and those off the coast of California were assumed to
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How Long Has The Earth's Tilt Changes The Seasons
The earth's tilt changes the seasons every time it rotates around the sun.
The temperature is based on how far or how close the earth is to the sun.The earth's climate and the
winds in the atmosphere continue to change every day. Every year the winds change causing
different weather patterns to act on the solid earth. The earth's spin axis is tilted at 23.5 with respect
to the elliptic giving moderate seasons and preventing temperature extremes anywhere on earth.
Because of the earth's dynamic climate ,winds and atmospheric pressure systems experience
constant change.These fluctuations may affect how our planet rotates on it's axis. The earth's
systems and its response to natural and human–induced changes, like global warming and
greenhouse gases for the better prediction of climate. Other motions of the atmosphere such as
larger mass in one hemisphere than the other hemisphere can lead to a wobble and the poles move.
There are no forces that are acting on it that would be strong enough to keep it moving with the
ground. Each point on the Earth is not the same distance from the axis of rotation, so the speed of
rotation is 0 mph at the poles, and increases to over 1000 mph at the equator. This means the
atmosphere would have to be moving at different speeds depending on where it was, which would
result in a pressure gradient with highest pressure at the poles and the lowest pressure at the equator.
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The remaining portions of the surface are covered by mountains, deserts, plains, plateaus, and other
landforms. The surface of earth is made out of igneous rock, sedimentary rock, and metamorphic
rock. The earth is divided into seven different continents Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North,
South America and
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Linking Lab 1 Astr101
Basic Coordinates & Seasons – Student Guide
There are three main sections to this module: terrestrial coordinates, celestial equatorial coordinates,
and understanding how the ecliptic is related to seasons on the Earth. Each of these sections has its
own simulator(s). The background material necessary to utilize these tools is contained in each
Terrestrial Coordinates
Work through the explanatory material on units of longitude and latitude, finding longitude and
latitude, and a bit of history (optional). * Open the flat map explorer. * Familiarize yourself with the
cursor and how it prints out the longitude and latitude of the active map location. * Note that you
can vary the central meridian of the map ... Show more content on ...
What is its shape?
Answer: The north pole is located on the top and is a flat line
B) Where is the north pole on the globe explorer? What is its shape?
Answer: Top of the globe and is a dot
C) Your answers to parts A and B should be different. Explain why. Answer: Flat map is laid out in a
flat grid map and the globe is an interactive 'globe' that shows true position.
Question 5: Compare the relative sizes of Greenland and Australia in the two maps? The true values
of the surface areas for these countries are Greenland (2.2 million km2) and Australia (7.7 million
km2). Does each map demonstrate these true values?
Flat map makes Greenland look much bigger than Australia, but in the global is the actual true map
as the earth really is (spherical)
Celestial Equatorial Coordinates
Work through the introductory material on the page entitled Celestial Equator, Declination, Right
Ascension. * Open either the Flat Sky Map Explorer or the Sky Map Explorer. * Familiarize
yourself with the same set of features (cursor movement, shifting the map, decimal/sexagesimal)
that were available on the previous maps. * Make sure that you understand what each check box
does. Question 6: Where is the star Polaris located on this map? What are its coordinates?
Delta = 89.2 degrees / Alpha – 2.5h
Question 7: Find the constellation of Orion shown in
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Ocean Literacy: Why Does Ocean Matter?
Why does the ocean matter? Many people find themselves asking this question. They view the
ocean as just being a large part of the planet that takes up significant space (the ocean takes up about
70% of the earth and is responsible for about 97% of the earth's total water). The people who ask
this question would be defined as not being ocean literate. An ocean literate person is one who
understands ocean literacy. This means that they understand the essential principles and fundamental
concepts of ocean literacy, can communicate about the ocean in a meaningful way, and they are able
to make informed decisions that regard the ocean and its resources. But what is Ocean Literacy?
Ocean Literacy is defined as being "an understanding of the ocean's ... Show more content on ...
It is very important that waves are continually monitored and recorded. Waves are not necessarily
important to the ocean itself but it makes a huge difference to the people who live on coastlines.
Waves are very important for those people. Waves can be beneficial and destructive. They can help
predict climate and storms, and can also help to create beaches. Breaking waves help to provide
energy that can affect the sizes and textures of sedimentation that create the beaches. Other waves
pick up sand and sedimentation of beaches/ dunes and transport it to another location creating more
beaches or even
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The Global System's Effect on Climates Essay
The Global System's Effect on Climates
The global pattern of climate is affected by:
* latitude
* land and sea
* relief
* ocean currents
Latitude ========
The Equator receives greater amounts of solar heating than latitudes further north or south. Places
therefore nearer the Equator are much warmer than those closer to the Poles. Nearer the Poles
precipitation will be more variable with lower temperatures. More will fall as snow, covering the
ground for long periods in winter.
The amount of solar energy received by each hemisphere varies because of the tilt of the Earth and
its orbit around the sun. This gives summer and winter seasons. Places nearer ... Show more content
on ...
The ITCZ or low pressure zone moves north and south with the overhead sun. In June there will be
low pressure (ITCZ) over the Tropic of Cancer (23.5°N). Warm, moist Trade Winds from over the
Atlantic Ocean bring heavy summer rains. In December when the overhead sun is south of the
Equator the sub–tropical high pressure zone moves south over the Tropic of Cancer. The hot
descending air gives a winter dry season.
Around 60° north and south of the Equator the global circulation of air produces another zone of
low pressure, where warm tropical air from the south west converges with cold polar air.
Depressions form and at the fronts warm air is forced to rise over the cold denser air causing frontal
rainfall. In the British Isles depressions can occur throughout the year providing a steady, reliable
rainfall. Further south, in Rome, depressions are rare in summer, which is therefore drier and hotter
than in the British Isles.
High pressure over the Poles, creates cold polar deserts.
Land and sea ============
Land masses become much hotter than the water in the oceans in summer, but lose heat much faster
during the winter. Continental areas therefore have more extreme climates than coastal areas.
Hot land masses in summer warm the air above, which expands and rises creating low pressure
areas and convectional currents. Summer thunderstorms are therefore more common
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Equator Principles
The alternative approaches that can prevent the circumstances lead by the financial crisis is
represented to be dependent upon virtue–based ethics in which the morality of business is internal as
well as the major good implications not lies within the rights or regulations however, in term of
classical normative view particularly including honesty, business fairness and generosity. Virtue
ethics are mainly concerned with the actions itself rather than on moral implications in order to
behave according to the derived regulations as well as rules. In reference to specific consideration, it
is identified in terms of case study that banks should adopt Equator principles as well. The Equator
rule includes accumulation of banks that have marked a record expressing ways they will secure the
earth. It is identified that where the borrower does not or cannot conform to these standards of
socially capable speculation. Despite the fact that RBS have utilised their drive by joining to this
rule they haven't tailed it too thoroughly. The previous research investigations claim that ... Show
more content on ...
In reference to the case study RBS CSR after financial crisis situation report was renamed as
business sustainability report. The title change was to demonstrate clients that they perceive their
deficiency and need to reconstruct the trust they had with their partners. In their report, RBS
depicted the new approach as "understanding the issues that matter most to their partners and to
convey their business with uprightness and
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Global Warming is a Reality That Must be Taken Seriously...
Global Warming is a rising epidemic that is one of high controversy. The growing concern that
Global Warming is going to thermally destroy the earth is causing concentrated precautions to take
place. With worry mounting in the lives of the human race, it is intensifying the idea that things
must be done to stop the depletion of the ozone layer. There are several problems around the earth
that prove the occurrence of Global Warming. It is very real. The world could end at any given time
in the next century, due to foreseen occurrences such as, rising in sea level, extreme climate
changes, and the unexplainable spreading of tropical diseases.
There has been a distinct rise in sea level over the past century. This is due to the melting of ... Show
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The Bering Glacier, North America's largest glacier, has lost 7 miles of its length, while losing 20–
25% of parts of the glacier according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This
brings solidity to the idea that Global Warming is clearly in effect.
An extreme climate change has also overtaken the globe. There have been extreme highs and lows
in temperature in the last decade and even beyond that. According to Thomas Karl, director of the
National Climatic Data Center, the current pace of temperature rise is "consistent with a rate of 5.4
to 6.3 degrees Fahrenheit per century." By comparison, the world has warmed by 5 to 9 degrees
Fahrenheit since the depths of the last ice age, 18,000 to 20,000 years ago. This is an extreme
climate change for the earth to have dealt with over time. There is no doubt that it has taken place
from the ozone depletion.
The current spread of tropical diseases has been a good depiction of how Global Warming is in
effect. A tropical disease is one that can only accumulate in extreme tropic weather. The existing fact
that tropical diseases are occurring in areas the are sub–tropic, as well as far from the equator is
enough proof that severe heat over the world is in effect. A recent study by New Zealand doctors,
researchers at the Wellington School of Medicine's public health department, said outbreaks of
dengue fever in South Pacific islands are directly related to
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Conductivity Essay
Basic Coordinates & Seasons – Student Guide
There are three main sections to this module: terrestrial coordinates, celestial equatorial coordinates,
and understanding how the ecliptic is related to seasons on the Earth. Each of these sections has its
own simulator(s). The background material necessary to utilize these tools is contained in each
Terrestrial Coordinates
Work through the explanatory material on units of longitude and latitude, finding longitude and
latitude, and a bit of history (optional). Open the flat map explorer. Familiarize yourself with the
cursor and how it prints out the longitude and latitude of the active map location. Note that you can
vary the central meridian of the map (i.e. change its ... Show more content on ...
What does the shape look like? Describe the ecliptic in terms of its average and range of declination
values. Approximate Date March 21 June 21 Right Ascension Declination
Seasons and the Ecliptic Work through the introductory material on the page entitled Orbits and
Light. Open the Seasons and Ecliptic Simulator. Note that there are three main panels (left, upper
right, and lower right) each of which have two different views. Controls run along the bottom of the
simulation that affect more than one panel. Click animate and then move through the six views to
get an overview this simulator's capabilities. We will address each of these six views separately.
Experiment with the various methods to advance time in the simulator. You may click the start
animate/stop animation button, drag the yearly time slider, or drag either the sun or the earth in the
left panel to advance time. Note that this animation does not illustrate the rotation of the earth.
Because the timescales of rotation and revolution are so different, it isn't possible to effectively
show both simultaneously.
NAAP – Basic Coordinates & Motions 4/8
Left Panel – Orbit View Practice clicking and dragging in this panel to change the perspective.
Change the perspective so that you are looking directly down onto the plane of the Earth's orbit
Click labels. Note that you can see how the direct rays of the sun hit at
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How Time Is Important For People During Different Periods?
I. Introduction
Time is always an interesting topic for people during different period. What is time? It is the thing
that is measured as seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, etc. From Mayan to modern scientists like
Einstein, they all tried to study and find the way to determine an exactly time. Nowadays, if people
want to know what time is it, they only need to raise head and have a look at clock on the wall. In
addition, to ensure a global society with order, people even found a way to measure the time which a
standard time ––– Greenwich Mean Time. However, for ancient people, they did not have
opportunities to determine time due to the limitations of technology. Sun, thus, could provide them
with a chance to find time. The first was created about 4500 years ago. It is a cycle disk equipped
with a needlelike metal tube on the top of it. Based on the shadows appearing on the surface, people
could observe and read an exactly time. This measure equipment called sundial. Although sundials
all look the same, they still have different categories such as equatorial, horizontal, and vertical
sundials. An interesting point I found is that sundials may look differently in different countries. At
very beginning, I considered that it is the reason of different designing thoughts. However, after I
found two different sundials in one same country, I began to realize that locations must have a
certain effect on sundials' settings.
Figure 1. Sundial in Beijing Palace Museum
Thus, I
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North American Climate Change
The Earth has not always been as it is today. Periods of climate alterations have occurred over time
to land us where we stand today. Around 8200 years ago or 6200 BCE, a surprising event occurred
on Earth. The Earth underwent an abrupt climate temperature change. This change is known as the
8.2 ka year event or 8200 year event which refers to the last major climate alteration, a Northern
Hemisphere cooling event that occurred approximately 8,200 years before the present. This event
was less severe than the Younger Dryas, a cooling event preceding the 8.2, but more severe than the
Little Ice Age that occurred after. The event occurred in the Greenland Ice cores during the
Holocene, a period in which the Earth had a relatively stable climate. ... Show more content on ...
This decrease in methane was a result of the collapse of the North American Laurentide ice sheet
where a large concentration of methane was trapped under the ice. When the ice sheet collapsed,
methane was released and no longer trapped. There is also evidence from ocean sediments that parts
of the tropics became drier as a result of the 8.2 ka event. The shrinking and deterioration of the
tropical wetlands in a drier climate could also explain the 10–15% drop in atmospheric methane that
resulted from the event. This event relates to what I have learned in class because it covers concepts
on glaciers/ice sheets, water movements, natural processes, and relativity. Glaciers are essentially
massive ice that float under their own weight. The size of glaciers can vary but for the most part
they are very large and provide water for about 1/3 of the world's population. They are the biggest
storage of fresh water, which explains the extent to which the North Atlantic was filled following the
collapse of the North American Laurentide ice sheet. When the ice sheet collapsed, it initiated a
freshwater pulse that sufficiently freshened the North Atlantic surface waters, which caused the
cooling event. In class, we have also reviewed the concept that everything is related. The collapse of
the North American Laurentide ice sheet led to a melt water pulse,
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Skin Injury Hypothesis
The article that is being reviewed is "The cold Injury and the Evolution of 'White' Skin" by Peter
Post, Farrington Daniels Junior and Robert Binford Junior.
The hypothesis that is presented is that cold injury has a previously unrecognized causative
influence with white skin evolution. This hypothesis is supported with evidence from in vitro
observations that the higher melanin pigmentation of cells were less successful compared to lesser
melanotic pigmentation. This likely caused a selection for lighter pigmentation compared to the
previous generation to be more successful. The authors evidence to support their hypothesis is in
discrediting the alternative hypotheses.
Post et al (1975) makes reference to the likelihood of a strong selection ... Show more content on ...
The two populations that would be looked at to view the role of skin pigmentation and its affect are
one closely living near the equator and one living further and closer to the poles. There would be
investigation into the variability in the environmental influences each population would undergo. In
population A in South Africa there would be differences in latitude and altitude being warmer
climate to facilitate the likelihood of darkly pigmented skin being more favourable. In population B
in Greenland the altitude would be much colder to test the influence of altering skin pigmentation to
be lighter to facilitate an evolutionary selection for lighter pigmented skin. To investigate whether it
is a cold adaptation or is involved with vitamin B3 role and folate synthesis. With the introduction of
albino people into population A and darkly pigmented people in population B a comparison can be
looked at their survival and whether in further generations there is change being selected for to have
better reproductive survival and success. The outcome variable is the skin pigmentation meaning the
levels of skin reflectance of melanin. Test implications would suggest that population A would likely
have more darkly pigmented skin being more advantageous to lighter pigments and have lower
vitamin D3 synthesis whereas the opposite would be expected to be observed
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The Physics Of The Universe Beyond Earth
Astronomers are the type of scientists who study the physics of the universe beyond Earth. Galileo
Galilei is a famous astronomer and is often known as "the father of modern astronomy." He created
the first telescope with 30x magnification. Nicolaus Copernicus was a famous Polish astronomer
who established the concept that the Sun, rather than the Earth, is the center of the solar system and
is Earth's main source of light. His discovery lead to the concept that the Earth and other planets
rotate around the Sun. Therefore, because of his discovery, he changed the way people viewed our
solar system.
Axis– a real or imaginary line through the center of an object, around which the object turns.
Counterclockwise– opposite to the ... Show more content on ...
N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2017. .
Common Misconceptions about Day and Night, Seasons – Polar Patterns: Day, Night, and Seasons –
Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2017, from–patterns–day–night–and–seasons/common–
Nicolaus Copernicus. (2016, May 20). Retrieved February 21, 2017, from–copernicus–9256984
"Sun–Earth–Moon." Sun–Earth–Moon – interactive simulations – eduMedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 11
Feb. 2017. .
St. Paul Public Schools. "Como Planetarium: Night and Day." NSTA, National Science
Teachers Association, 2014,
Teacher Materials:
(5) Day and Night in Space! answer key (1 per teacher) attached
(5) Lesson plan outline (1 per teacher)
(1) Chart paper (for whole class)
(5) Markers (1 per teacher)
Internet access (YouTube)
Doc cam
(2) iPads (1 at each media station)
(2) Extension cords (1 for each lamp)
Paper shades for classroom windows
Earth Orbit Video:
Student Materials:
(12) Field hockey balls (6 at each demonstration station)
(2) Lamps (1 at each demonstration station)
(24) Day and Night in Space! Worksheets (1 per student) attached
(48) Drawing papers (2 per student, 1 for each station)
(24) Pencils
Rulers (optional)
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Analyzing Sunrise And Sunset Data
Day 1 – Lesson
Eureka Alignment
Sunrise, Sunset
9 – 11
Lesson 1 of 2
EngageNY Module 2, Lesson 13
By the end of the lesson, student will be able to organize, graph and analyze sunrise/sunset data for
three (3) selected cities in the northern hemisphere to use as input to sinusoidal modeling. While
acquiring this new skill students will practice summarization and their note–taking and skills.
Learning Goal(s)
Students will be able to model cyclical phenomena from physical science using trigonometric
functions. Students will collect, organize, graph and model associated data.
1. Sunrise To Sunset Student Materials
2. Printed Astronomical Data (to supplement online data)
3. ... Show more content on ...
Queue introductory Youtube video: Sunrise To Sunset or video of you choosing
UDL – Multiple Means of Engagement: Assign student to heterogeneous groups (mixed ability)
UDL – Multiple Use of Expression Show a segment of the Sunrise To Sunset
( or your selected YouTube video to introduce the lesson. (Note: the
suggested video is 12 minutes so it is suggested to only play a segment, or play it in the
1. Lead a brief (5–min) discussion on the purpose of the project – To investigate modeling
astronomical phenomena – in this case, the amount of sunlight on Earth using sinusoidal functions.
UDL: Multiple Use of Representation
2. Review longitudinal (vertical) and latitudinal (horizontal) lines and make analogies with the X/Y
Coordinate Plane (Graphic Organizer). You may choose to show one of these two videos to help
students understand latitude and longitude: (~7min) (~3 min)
a. Latitude, Longitude
b. Address of locations on the earth
c. X–Axis: The Equator – units are in 150 increments
d. Y – Axis: Prime Meridian – units are in 150 increments
e. Upper Quadrants of the X/Y Coordinate Plane – Northern Hemisphere
Lower Quadrants of the X/Y Coordinate Plane – Southern Hemisphere
Microsoft Images:
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Heating Of The Earth Exterior And Atmosphere And...
Heating of the earth exterior and atmosphere and influences patterns of precipitation the sun heats
the air at the equator causing it to expand and rise. Since cool air holds less water vapor than warm
air, the water carried by the rising air mass condenses and forms clouds which produce the heavy
rainfall associated with the tropical environment. Eventually this equatorial air mass began to rise
and spreads north and south. The high altitude air is dry since the moisture it once held fell as a
tropical rainfall. When the air mass flows north and south it cools, which increases more density. It
goes back to the earth's surface at about 30 latitudes and spreads north and south. The air draws
moisture from the lands over which it flows and creates deserts during the process. Temperature is
plotted on the left vertical axis and precipitation on the right vertical axis. Temperature and
precipitation are potted on different scales so 10 C is equivalent to 20 mm of precipitation. Climate
diagrams for areas like the tropical rain forest compress the precipitation scale for precipitation
above 100mm, so that 10C is equivalent to 200mm of precipitation. This will change the scale
rainfall data from very wet climates can be fit on a graph of convenient size. The temperature and
precipitation scales are constructed so that 10C equals 20 mm of precipitation. Precipitation is
mainly to do with the temperature of the air. Slice the tropics are warmer the air holds more
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Ap Enviornmental Science Clouds
Virtual Meteorology 101
Name _______________________________ Period ______
Weather and climate are the two major abiotic (nonliving) factors responsible for determining the
major geographic ecosystems called biomes.
Search the web and give a definition of weather:
The state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture, pressure, etc.
Search the web and give a definition of climate: the composite or generally prevailing weather
conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness,
and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years.
Climate is closely associated with the seasons, but do you know what causes the seasons? Log on to
the website ... Show more content on ...
Explain why.
Winds blow slower in Florida due to the Coriolis Effect.
Which way do hurricanes and tornadoes spin in the Northern Hemisphere?
If you shoot a cannon from the equator pointing toward the North Pole, which way would the
cannon ball appear to be deflected?
Does the Coriolis Effect cause water in the toilet to spin in opposite directions in the Northern vs.
the Southern Hemispheres? Explain.
No because the Coriolis Effect changes the direction of cyclones which are much larger than sinks
or toilets.
The Rain Shadow Effect also plays a major role in climate formation. Clink on the link below to
learn about the Rain Shadow Effect. Be sure to read the Introduction. Then, click on the Animation
and choose "narrated" at the bottom. Then, read the conclusion and see how you do on the practice
quiz. Once you have done that, answer the questions below.
Does North America receive most of its winds from the Northeast Trades, the Southeast Trades, or
from the Westerlies?
Which way do these winds blow?
West to East
What is the definition of a rain shadow?
A region of low precipitation on the leeward side of a mountain range
What happens to the temperature of rising air?
It cools
Does rising air expand or contract?
Which holds more water, warm air or cool air?
Warm air
What happens to the water vapor in the air
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Season and Axis Angle
Student Exploration: Seasons: Why do we have them?
Vocabulary: direct sunlight, Earth's axis, equator, indirect sunlight, northern hemisphere, North Pole,
season, solstice, southern hemisphere, South Pole, summer solstice, winter solstice
Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.)
1. At what time of day is sunlight strongest – in the early morning (when the Sun has just risen) or at
noon (when the Sun reaches its highest point)? At noon when the Sun reaches its highest point.
2. At what time of year does the noon Sun rise highest in the sky? During the summer time.
3. Based on your answers, why is it warmer in summer than in winter? It is warmer in the summer
then in the winter because the Earth's tilt is ... Show more content on ...
B. Which of plates A through G will receive the least? Plates A and G will both receive the least
amount of energy because the Sun's rays will not hit those plates as directly as the rest.
2. Check: Click Fire. Select the TABLE tab to see how many rays hit each plate.
A. Which plate got the most sunlight? Plate D. The least? A and G.
B. Why is it colder at the poles than at the equator? The reason why is because the Sun's rays hit
those areas with the least amount of rays. They are also faced away from the sun the most compared
the other areas meaning they will get the least of the Sun's rays.
3. Set up Gizmo: Click Reset, and turn on Show axis. Earth's axis is an imaginary line that connects
the North Pole to the South Pole. Earth spins around its axis, which is tilted relative to Earth's orbit.
Click Earth axis angle to set the axis angle to a realistic 23°.
4. Collect data: On the DESCRIPTION pane, check that Time A is selected. Click Fire. Select the
TABLE pane to see the results, and fill in the left table below. Click Reset, and on the
DESCRIPTION pane select Time A + 6 months. Click Fire and fill in the right table.
Time A Time A + 6 months
Activity B (continued from previous page)
5. Analyze: Plates A, B, and C all lie in the northern hemisphere, the half of Earth north of the
equator. Plates E, F, and G all lie in the southern hemisphere,
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Temperature Pattern Exercise Essay
M2A1 Temperature Pattern Exercise
Ricardo Cortez
GEOL 108
EXERCISE 10 PART 1 1. Is the temperature contrast between the equator and the Arctic region
greatest in the winter or summer?
Temperature contrast between the equator and the Arctic region is greatest in the winter.
Temperatures near or at the equator only change a few degrees between winter and summer while
the Arctic region changes drastically up to 40 degrees between the seasons.
2. (a) Were latitude the only control of temperature, the isotherms would run straight across the
maps from east to west. Describe one region of the world where this hypothetical isotherm pattern is
actually observed.
(b) Why is the hypothetical pattern seen here?
Answer. ... Show more content on ...
(d) What explains this small annual temperature range?
Answer. I mentioned in question 2(b) that parts of Brazil because of the location near and right on
the equator and the reason being is because twice in a year the sun's rays are vertical at the equator.
Thus, the temperature is uniformly high in the equatorial region, and the annual range of
temperature is negligible. (Rajan, 2012). The equatorial region experience so little winter cooling
because of this. (Hess, 2011).
Rajan. (2012). The following Are the Factors That Affect and Control the Annual Range of
Temperature. Retrieved from–following–are–
Hess, D. (2011). Mcknight's Physical Geography; A Landscapes Appreciation. (10th ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc
EXERCISE 10 PART 2 1. Begin in the west and move across the map to the east, briefly explaining
why the actual 16 degrees Celsius isotherm deviates from the hypothetical.
Answer. The isothermal shift is much more pronounced in high altitudes than in low and also much
more pronounced over the continents than over the oceans. (Hess, 2011, p.90). The temperature
gradient (rate of temperature change with horizontal distance) is steeper in winter than in
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Effect Of Chicken On A Bad Rotisserie Effect
The Chicken–on–a–Bad–Rotisserie Effect
Besides the Earth rotating around its tilted axis, it is also revolving around the Sun. Here, again, we
see what seems like a mistake in nature. The orbit of the Earth around the Sun is not a regular circle.
It is an ellipse. The orbit is elongated like a stretched–out elastic band. This means that at some
times of the year, the Earth is closer to the Sun than at other times. Physicists can explain why this
happens; all we need to know is that it happens.
The Earth is closest to the Sun around June & December and furthest around March & September.
The advantage of this elongated orbit is that, at some point, the Earth is too close to the Sun and
more energy is absorbed from the Sun. Then, at ... Show more content on ...
The major convection currents that the rising heat would cause would lead to severe weather
The hot air would rise to very high altitudes and fan out north and south. Cool air would sweep
toward the Equator from the Poles. This cycle would have caused the polar ice caps to melt much
sooner. There would probably be no ice at the North or South Poles by now.
In the no–axis–tilt scenario, rainfall would probably only fall between the 15° to 40° latitudes. It
would be at these latitudes that the warm Equatorial air would mingle with the cool, polar air to
cause rain. It would be difficult to sustain conditions where snow could be created.
The 23° axis tilt makes our current conditions possible. However, the fact that deserts form along
the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn suggests the instability of our climactic condition, and is
probably unsustainable into perpetuity.
The presence of vast quantities of water on Earth is both a saving grace and a curse. It is a saving
grace in that there will be evaporation as long as the Sun shines. The evaporation will most likely
cause rainfall at some points on land. The rainfall will continue to sustain life on
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Westerlies: What´s A Prevailing Wind?
What is a prevailing wind? At the point when the wind reliably blows more frequently from one
bearing than from another, it is known as a prevailing wind. A case would be the prevailing winds
that rule the flow in the midlatitudes. In the United States, for instance, these winds reliably move
the "climate" from west to east over the landmass. Implanted inside this general eastbound stream
are cells of high and low weight, with their trademark clockwise and counterclockwise stream.
Subsequently, the winds connected with the westerlies, as measured at the surface, regularly change
greatly from every day and from place to place. "Westerlies are prevailing winds that blow from the
west at midlatitudes". They are nourished by polar easterlies and winds from the high–weight horse
scopes, which trap them on either side. Westerlies are the most powerful in the winter, when weight
over the pole is low, and is the weakest in summer, when the polar high makes more powerful polar
easterlies. ... Show more content on ...
All through the Roaring Forties, there are couple of landmasses that are used to moderate winds.
The tip of South America and Australia, and in addition the islands of New Zealand, are the main
huge landmasses to enter the Roaring Forties. The westerlies of the Roaring Forties were imperative
to mariners amid the Age of Exploration, when voyagers and merchants from Europe and western
Asia utilized the solid winds to achieve the flavor markets of Southeast Asia and Australia. By
differentiation, the heading of wind current connected with the belt of trade winds is more
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The Natural And Physical Aspects Of The World We Live
Physical –Chemical Oceanography I Science is the study of the natural and physical aspects of the
world we live in. Science is the way humans try to understand why the environment acts in the way
it does. Science has set of rules and guidelines that must be followed. The most important step in
science is observation, the point of observation is so that the experiment can be measured and or the
experiment can be repeated with similar or the same results. Hypotheses are then developed to
disprove the observation as many scientists believe hypothesis can never be proven. Opinions are
not facts and are based on subjective influences. Opinions cannot be measured or disproven because
it is personal. Science cannot address all the issues and concerns due to the limit and restrictions it
has. The fact that not everything can be proven shows how science cannot address all the issues.
Even though everyday mankind is creating new technology to help humans better understand nature,
there will always be some elements that are beyond human capabilities. "Water is unique in that it is
the only natural substance that is found in all three states liquid, solid (ice) and gas (steam) at the
temperatures normally found on earth". ( In
order to understand why water has such a high boiling point, high freezing point, and high capacity
of heat the molecule itself has to be examined. The water molecule is made up off a special type of
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Temperature Analysis Of Temperature During The Summer
Temperature Analysis
The expectations I held when first given this assignment are echoed in the conceptual models
presented in the guidance document: locations situated close to the ocean ought to exhibit cooler
temperatures during the summer months while maintaining slightly warmer temperatures during the
winter and that more inland locations should display slightly higher temperatures within the summer
time but lower temperatures during the winter months. This expectation was largely influenced by
the knowledge I have incurred while living in a coastal area: wind and surf carry cooler air to the
coast during the summer while carrying warmer air to land during the winter. Upon reviewing the
recorded temperatures within the six ... Show more content on ...
As these locations have similar enough latitudes, 27.9 and 28 degrees north respectively, it is
unlikely that the results are skewed. Continuing to follow the notion proposed within the given
conceptual model, the southern stations showed that the inland city of Devil's Garden experienced
substantially colder winters compared to the winter time temperatures seen in Miami Beach.
Encountering an average winter temperature of 51.4 degrees, Devil's Garden is approximately 12
degrees cooler than Miami Beach's average minimum winter temperature of 63.6. These locations,
however, did not exhibit such a large disparity in summer time temperatures with Devil's Garden's
maximum average displayed at approximately 92 degrees and Miami Beach's maximum average
displaying exactly 87 degrees. Upon further investigation, it appears that the discrepancy in average
temperatures between the locations is perhaps caused by a sizable difference in latitudes with Devil's
Garden situated at 38.8 degrees north compared to Miami Beach situated at 25.8 degrees north. This
divergence is the most likely responsible for Miami Beach's high summer temperatures as areas in
lower latitudes often experience warmer weather in addition to the fact that the beach is located
closer to the equator. To compare coastal stations, it is clear that the second conceptual model is
reasonably correct when asserting
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Most people do not know that there are a lot of medical...
Most people do not know that there are a lot of medical discoveries in the rain forest. Tropical rain
forest help to balance the ecosystem and our human existence. For centuries, rain forest have
supported medicines due to its rich medical plant life. This also saves many people's lives.
Most people wonder what Tropical rain forest are. Tropical rain forest are mostly to be found as
warm, wet climates. They contain many species. Today rain forest cover very little as in six percent
of Earth's Surface. Rain forest hold the most productive and complex ecosystem on the whole Earth.
All of the plants contribute to the Earth's oxygen. All of the plants and trees can cure many deadly
There is more rain forest than people ... Show more content on ...
Periwinkle is the most active plant and covers most of the forest floor, also is a medicine to fight
tumors and able to treat some Leukemia. Today over one hundred pharmacies use the braches and
plants for medicine. Twenty–five percent of cancer fighting medicines are found in rain forest.
There are also many trees used for medicine too. For example one of the trees such as the Annatto
tree has an oil extract of the tree. The Annatto tree contains carotenoids bixin, used for protection
against UV rays. It also helps to lower blood pressure and is a powerful bug repellent. The Cocoa
tree is one of the few that is very high in medicinal value, that makes it one of the most important
rain forest tree. This one and only tree produces over one hundred fifty chemicals that can come
from its leaves, seeds, fruit, and bark. It is made to heal or to treat anxiety, laziest, fever, coughs,
kidney stones, and large cuts and bruises. The Trumpet tree is a popular tree used extensively in
traditional medicine in Central and South America. Every part of the tree; leaves, fruits, flowers,
bark, and roots are used to treat breathing illnesses and arthritis. The Cinchona tree is a large
poisonous vine that grow along the tree and is full of alkaloids. It is used for treating bruises, fever,
swelling in you
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The El Nino : A Weather Phenomenon
The El Niño story starts on the eastern Pacific Ocean. Peruvian fisherman have alway known the
usually very cold and plentiful waters every so often become exceptionally warm, followed by the
collapse of fish stocks. These unusual events return every 3–7 years and, and peak around December
(Christmas), the fishermen named the phenomenon "El Niño" (Spanish for boy child). For decades,
El Niño was considered to be a weather phenomenon only correlating with the countries of western
South America. Scientists begin to realize, only early in the 20th century, that El Niño and monsoon
conditions in Southeast Asia were actually related. El Nino has effected countries around the world.
A refugee crisis was started in northeast Kenya as tens of thousands abandoned their camps in
Somali, Uganda, Ethiopia and Sudan. The United Nations predicted five million people in southern
Africa would be in famine in November of 1997/98. Ecuador, and certain areas os southern
America, were hit by flash floods in November. Families in southern California were warned to
prepare for one of the worst winters in recent history. The drought from El Nino is even blamed for
assisting in the increase of coffee prices, as well as affecting crops in Africa, Indonesia, Papua New
Guinea and parts of South America. But were the years of 1997/1989 of disaster simply a preview of
more terrible El Nino 's to come? Should we expect to see more El Niños because of global
warming? Will they be more intense storms
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Wind and Waves
 Winds are caused by differences in air pressure.
 They move from areas of high pressure to low pressure.
 Differences in air pressure are caused by unequal heating of the atmosphere.
 Cool air has higher air pressure so it flows underneath the warm, less dense air.
 Winds that blow over short distances and are caused by unequal heating of Earth's surface within
a small area.
 Waves start in the open ocean
 The size of a wave depends on the strength of the wind, the length of time that it blows, and the
distance over which it blows
 Waves move energy, not water. The water in a wave does not actually move forward, just the
energy generated by the wind.
 The wind affects the water at the ... Show more content on ...
(Page 384)
 The cold, saltier water sinks and starts moving back towards the equator along the bottom of the
 When the water reaches the equator, it warms and rises again.
 Deep currents flow slowly. They may take as long as 1,000 years to flow from pole to equator and
back again.
 Tides are the daily rise and fall of Earth's waters on its coastlines
 When water on the coast reaches its highest point it is high tide.
 When water on the coast reaches its lowest point it is low tide.
 Unlike surface waves, tides are regular and do not depend on wind. If not wind, then what causes
 Tides are caused by the interaction between the Earth, the moon, and the sun.
 The gravity exerted on Earth's oceans by the moon and the sun cause the water to move from one
side of the planet to the other side.
 The moon is much closer to the Earth than the sun, so it exerts a greater gravitational effect on the
 There are two high tides and two low tides about every 25 hours.
 That means every six or so hours you have a high tide and then a bit
 more than six hours later you have a low tide.
 Changes in the positions of Earth, the moon, and the sun affect the
 heights of tides during a
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The Cause Of The Ice Age
Title– The Theory of the Cause of the Ice Age
Background– There are many possible reasons for why ice ages form. We aren't sure which are
correct. When there is a period of colder global temperatures and recurring glacial expansion, it's
called an ice age. Ice ages are capable of lasting hundreds of millions of years. There have been five
major that scientists have recorded: the Huronian, Cryogenian, Andean–Saharan, Karoo, and
Thesis– Scientists have numerous predictions as to why ice ages happen, some of which are the
distance of the Earth from the sun, the position and height of the continents, and the fluctuations in
ocean currents.
First Subtopic– Continental Positions
Topic Sentence– Scientists believe that ice ages can be caused by the continents positions that
blocks the flow of warm water that comes from the equator.
"The geological record appears to show that ice ages start when the continents are in positions
which block or reduce the flow of warm water from the equator to the poles and thus allow ice
sheets to form." (Raymo, Ruddiman, Froelich, 1988)
"Important aspects which contributed to ancient climate regimes are the ocean currents, which are
modified by continent position as well as other factors." (Raymo, Ruddiman, Froelich, 1988)
The continents positions play a big role. Continents move over time because of the tectonic plates.
Pangaea split over time into the individual continents we have today. While Pangaea was splitting,
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Forests And Tropical Rainforest
A Rainforest is a dense growing broad–leaved evergreen trees it is also known as a tall and strong
jungle. The reason it is called a rainforest is because of the various amount of rainfall that it get in a
year. The climate of a rain forest is very hot and humid so the animals and plants that exist there
must learn to adapt to this climate. Rainforest can be found at places with high biodiversity.
Biodiversity is variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat, a high level of
which is usually considered to be important and desirable.
Tropical rainforests are located near the equator as they are have strong biodiversities. 57% of all
tropical rainforests are found in Latin America which is a group of countries and dependencies in
America. 1/3 of the world's hot and humid rainforests are in Brazil. Other tropical rainforests are
located in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. 25% of the world's tropical rainforests and West
Africa 18% of rainforests temperate rainforests are found along some coasts in temperate zones. The
largest temperate of rainforests are found on the Pacific coast of North America. It extends from
Oregon to Alaska till 1,200 miles.
Its low temperate rainforests can be found on the southeast coast of Chile in South America. There
are a few other coastal scraps with temperate rainforests, including small areas in the UK, Norway,
Japan, New Zealand, and southern Australia.
Rainforests are found in the tropics, the region between
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Blue Whales Research Paper
Blue Whales are endangered and their numbers are slowly going up but it doesn't mean that they are
also getting killed. This animal is found North Pacific, Pacific Ocean, and the Indian Ocean. The
blue whale is currently endangered, and it weighs approximately 300,000 pounds or 150 tons! The
blue whale is carnivorous and it can eat about 8,000 pounds of krill a day. The blue whale's life span
can be up to 80 to 110 years pretty similar to humans. The blue whale can be up to 100 feet long but
they are usually are 60–80 feet long. When baby blue whales are born they are usually 20–25 feet
long and can drink up as much as 200 pounds of milk a day. The blue whale is the biggest animal to
have ever live on earth. The baby blue whale can be dependant ... Show more content on ...
Many groups of blue whales are found in several locations around the world. The Sea of Cortez, the
Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Indian Ocean and areas off the coast of California have groups of whales
that reside there. Many of these populations are usually specific or only found near or on these
regions. How do blue whales live? Blue whales live on all the oceans on the world they feed in high
latitudes and they migrate to the tropics to give breed and give birth. How many of these blue
whales still exist or are alive today? Well the worldwide population is unknown, but blue whales are
considered to be endangered according to the U.S endangered species act. There have been many
cases of hunters hunting the blue whale for their large quantities of baleen, blubber, and meat. Even
though blue whales are strongly protected it doesn't guarantee their safety and their numbers are still
not stable. How well can blue whales see and hear? It is nearly unknown how blue whales see or
hear but it scientist expect them to have near perfect hearing and nearly perfect vision especially in
low frequencies and really deep waters where it is dark. What do blue whales eat and how do they
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Maranatha High School. . . . Final Draft: The Foucault
Maranatha High School
Final Draft: The Foucault Pendulum
Amanda Dundas (5)
Honors Algebra 2 (Group A)
Ms. Monica Chan
3 April 2017
The Foucault Pendulum
I chose to do my project on the Foucault Pendulum because it seemed interesting and I had seen a
model at the Griffith Observatory when I visited there. I am also taking physics this year as well as
chemistry and have learned a little bit about the Foucault Pendulum but I wanted to do more
research beyond that. What I found was very interesting. Leon Foucault invented the pendulum in
1851 which was first actual proof of the rotation of the earth. In general, the direction of the plane of
oscillation of a pendulum rotates with an angular ... Show more content on ...
The ratio between the time and where the pendulum is confuses people the most. People found the
sine factor to be confusing so Foucault made the gyroscope in 1852 to try and help them understand
the concept of time with the pendulum. The gyroscope's spinning rotor tracks the stars directly. Its
axis of rotation turns once per day whatever the latitude, unaffected by the sine factor.
This great invention had to have a lot of thought put into it because precautions must be made to
assure that the pendulum is not acted upon by any outside forces besides gravity. Constructing a
mini pendulum for an experiment is very hard to do because of the precise measurements that must
be made to ensure the ratios are correct and that it will swing where it is supposed to swing. For
example, to start the pendulum moving, it is usually held at an angle by a string, and then burned to
release the pendulum. Letting go from one 's hands, or cutting the string, could give the pendulum
momentum that is not right in a particular direction creating a variable and inaccurate results. A
heavy pendulum on a long, rigid wire will continue going for long periods of time, but air resistance
will eventually cause the motion to lessen and stop. Museums usually use an electromagnetic drive
to keep the pendulum moving. This provides additional energy to the pendulum but doesn't affect its
direction of motion.
All pendulums consist of a cable and a symmetrical weight at
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Descriptives Of El Nino
El nino is a temporary change in climate in the pacific ocean,in the region around the equator.You
can see Typically,the ocean surface warms up by a few degrees celsius.
El Niño is a climate cycle in the Pacific Ocean with a global impact on weather patterns. The cycle
begins when warm water in the western tropical Pacific Ocean shifts eastward along the equator
toward the coast of South America
Normally, this warm water pools near Indonesia and the Philippines. During an El Niño, the
Pacific's warmest surface waters sit offshore of northwestern South America.
Forecasters declare an official El Niño when they see both ocean temperatures and rainfall from
storms veer to the east. Experts also look for prevailing trade winds to weaken and even reverse
direction during the El Niño climate phenomenon. These changes set up a feedback loop between
the atmosphere and the ocean that boosts El Niño conditions. The El Niño forecast for 2015 is
expected to be one of the strongest on record, according to Mike Halpert, the deputy director of the
Climate Prediction Center, part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
"We don't want to see just the warming in the ocean. We want to see the atmosphere above the ocean
respond to the changes," said Michelle L'Heureux, a climate scientist and lead for the El Niño
forecasting team at the Climate Prediction Center.
The location of tropical storms shifts eastward during an El Niño because atmospheric moisture is
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Midterm Exam Study Guide Exam
Taylor Garcia
Mrs. Fortier
World Geography H/Period 4
December 2014
Midterm Exam Study Guide
Exam Date: Monday, December 15, 2014 @ 8 A.M.
100 M.C., 10 Short Answers
Chapter 1:
Prime Meridian and Equator
Prime Meridian – imaginary line at 0° longitude that connects the North and South poles and divides
the earth into the western and eastern hemispheres
Equator – imaginary line at 0° latitude that divides the earth into the northern and southern
5 Themes of Geography
Location (where is it?) absolute – the exact location of a place using latitude and longitude ex. 30°
N, 30° W; 1225 Bluewater Drive, Mandeville, LA 70471 relative – the location in relation to other
places or things ex. near the Mississippi River, in the northern hemisphere
Place (what is it like?) physical and human characteristics of a location that give it personality and
distinguishes it from other places ex. religious sites, mountains, Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican
national holiday, desert is hot and sandy
Movement (how do things move around the world?) movement of people, goods, and ideas from
one location to another ex. running, driving, social media, imports and exports
Region (how are places similar?) area defined by similar formal or functional characteristics ex.
Russia, Antarctica, the U.S., Latin America
Human–Environment Interaction (how do people relate to the physical world?) interaction between
people and the world; how humans depend on, adapt to, and modify the environment
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Where Do Deserts Form?
Uwe Meyer
GEOL 1303
Where Do Deserts Form?
A Term Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the critical thinking skills development component
of Physical Geology at Wharton County Junior College
Prof. Dale Pinson
Introduction When we look at the world map with its established deserts, then we notice that all the
big deserts are arranged (with little deviance) along two belts around the globe (Figure1). These two
belts are in the areas of around 20–30 degrees of latitude north and south of the equator – the so–
called Horse Latitudes. In the northern hemisphere we have the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts in
North America, the Sahara in North Africa, the Arabian Desert on the Arabian Peninsula, the
Turkestan, Dasht–E–Lut, Thar, Taklan Makan, and the Gobi Deserts in Asia. In the southern
hemisphere there are the Sechura and Atacama Deserts in South America, the Kalahari and Namib in
South Africa, and the Australian Desert.
Why are the deserts on Earth so neatly aligned? The large majority of water in the air originates
from evaporation of ocean water. This water is transported through air in form of clouds and mist.
Desertification requires aridity, therefore areas with significantly less precipitation are predisposed
to turn into deserts. Several factors are responsible to create this necessary aridity along the Horse
Latitudes at around 30 degrees north and south of the equator. Around 60 degrees north and south
the most precipitation occurs and at
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The Blue Whales: The Largest Mammal Ever to Inhabit the Earth
The blue whale is the largest mammal that has ever inhabited Earth, yet not much is known about
this fascinating creatures that roam our oceans. This research examines the physical description and
habits of the blue whale, the habitat in which they live in, and the primary threats this endangered
species face today. Even though hunting was ban in 1966 by the International Whaling Commission,
blue whales are still exposed to numerous threats today, all of which are caused by humans. The
population is so low that any further killing may lead to the extinction of this species in the future.
The blue whale is the largest and loudest animal ever known to have existed on Earth. These
magnificent creatures can grow up to 100 feet and can weigh ... Show more content on ...
Presently, it is estimated that there are about 5,000–12,000 blue whales remaining worldwide, with
the largest concentration of about 2,000 blue whales in the North Pacific from Southern California
up to the Gulf of Alaska. Blue Whale is currently one of the world's most endangered species due to
massive commercial whaling during the 1900s. Blue whales were hunted worldwide, 99% of their
population was killed by whalers, reducing the population to almost extinction. Whalers used their
oil to make products such as soap, and cosmetics. But whaling is no longer a threat because in 1966
the International Whaling Commission banned commercial whaling for blue whales in all the
world's oceans. Today, the primary threats to blue whale are vessel strikes and noise pollution.
Along the coast of California blue whales are dying from ship strikes every year. Blue whales
migrate to the offshores of California to feed on krill. Unfavorably for blue whales this feeding area
overlaps with one of the busiest shipping lanes in California. Ship strikes have been determined to
be a threat on the population causing slowed growth and a declined in the population. Recent studies
from scientists at Cornell University in the US, demonstrate that noise pollution from military sonar
activity is having a negative impact on the way blue whales act and communicate. Noise pollution
creates confusion to
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Organisms Response to the Increases in Extreme Weather Events
The global climate has increased by approximately 0.6°C over the last 100 years (Walther et al.
2002). This increased rate of changes is largely due to humans: the industrial revolution, the
advancement of technology and burning of fossil fuels (Timmermann et al. 1999). This human
involvement has gradually changed the natural order of the environment and many of its processes.
Some of these environmental conditions are not easily predictable, as these climatic changes are also
increasing more extreme weather events such as: droughts in the savannah country, floods in low
lying areas and an increase in intensity of cyclonic events (Knutson et al. 2010).
Human interactions ... Show more content on ...
For example, older bacteria lineages indicate slower rates of change and a few genes were seen to be
niche specific (Hao and Golding 2006). Similarly various insect groups have many generations over
a short period of time and demonstrate high fecundity rates. The overall influence of the changing
climate could cause swifter speciation or variation in species richness or a change in the order of
trophic levels (Nicolakakis et al. 2003, Petchey et al. 1999).
Organisms do not spontaneously evolve to these globally predicted changes rather they respond to
their regional or local environment (Hoffman and Sgró 2011). The idea of behavioural plasticity,
which is the evolutionary way to respond to change through behaviours, is the approach organisms
use to adapt rapidly to change. A component of this behavioural plasticity is behavioural flexibility,
which is the ability of phenotypes to show reversible switching. In this review I will first discuss
unpredictability of climates and climatic events in the tropics. I will then explore how behavioural
plasticity plays a major role in organisms coping with weather extremes. I will further demonstrate
how climate change could alter the way we perceive the once stable tropics, with regards to human
involvement in the changing landscape of the tropics. I suggest that behavioural plasticity
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Basic Coordinates & Seasons
Basic Coordinates & Seasons – Student Guide There are three main sections to this module:
terrestrial coordinates, celestial equatorial coordinates, and understanding how the ecliptic is related
to seasons on the Earth. Each of these sections has its own simulator(s). The background material
necessary to utilize these tools is contained in each section.
Terrestrial Coordinates
Work through the explanatory material on units of longitude and latitude, finding longitude and
latitude, and a bit of history (optional). * Open the flat map explorer. * Familiarize yourself with the
cursor and how it prints out the longitude and latitude of the active map location. * Note that you
can vary the central ... Show more content on ...
Direction | State | North | Alaska | South | Hawaii | East (there are two ways of thinking about this) |
Maine | West | Hawaii | Question 3: The exact coordinates of the white house in Washington D.C.,
are 77.0365º W and 38.897º N. What are these exact coordinates in sexagesimal notation? Show
your calculation in the box below. (You can use the Google Map tool to check your answer.)
.897* 60= 53.82
.82*60= 49.2
38° 53' 49" N
.897* 60= 53.82
.82*60= 49.2
38° 53' 49" N 77.0365°W.0365 *60= 2.19.19*60=11.477° 2' 11" W | * Open the globe explorer. You
are encouraged to use the Terrestrial Coordinate Explorers link which opens both simulators at the
same time for the following two questions. Familiarize yourself with the features noting that they
are very similar to those in the flat map explorer. Question 4: A) Where is the north pole on the flat
map explorer? What is its shape? The north pole on the flat map is located along the top and
therefore is a flat line. B) Where is the north pole on the globe explorer? What is its shape? The
north pole on the globe map is still located at 90°N and 0°W, but it is simply a single dot on the map
since the globe is a sphere. C) Your answers to parts A and B should be
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Equator Spin Research Paper
Storms that form north of the equator spin counter–clockwise and storms south of the equator spin
clockwise.This difference is because of Earth's rotation on its axis. As the storm system rotates
faster and faster, an eye forms in the center. It is very calm and clear in the eye, with very low air
pressure. Higher pressure air from above flows down into the eye.the winds of a hurricane create
hazardous conditions.Hurricanes are the most dangerous storms on earth and the outcome will blow
you away.
As the warm air rises it is covered with light pressured air from areas with high air pressure pushes
into the low pressure areas. Then the air becomes warm and moist than it rises. As the warm,moist
air rises and gets cold the water in the
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Description Of A Virtual Meteorological
Virtual Meteorology 101
Name – Julia Mariano
Give a definition of weather:
The atmosphere in a place and time in regards to heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.
Give a definition of climate:
The weather conditions in an area over a long period of time.
What do the red lines along the edge represent? What do the blue lines along the edge represent?
The red lines along the edge represent the warm air rising, and the blue lines along the edge
represent the cold air falling.
What is the Coriolis Effect?
When air undergoes a deflection from it's path, and it is a result of earth's rotation.
Which way does the Coriolis Effect bend the winds in the Northern Hemisphere?
The wind bends in the Northern Hemisphere to the right.
Which way does the Coriolis Effect bend the winds in the Southern Hemisphere?
The wind bends in the Southern Hemisphere to the left.
What factors determine how much the winds bend?
Factors that determine how much the winds bend are the latitude and the speed the air is moving at.
Which hemisphere is shown and which way are the winds bending?
The Northern Hemisphere is shown. The winds are bending to the right.
Do winds blow faster or slower in Florida compared to the equator? Explain why.
Winds blow slower in Florida compared to the equator. This is because Florida winds only blow 930
mph, and it is because of the Coriolis effect (slower speed = slower wind).
Which way do hurricanes and tornadoes spin in the Northern Hemisphere?
... Get more on ...
The Intertropical Convergence Zone Plays a Large Role in...
The intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) is a permanent low–pressure feature that lies on the
meteorological equator. It is characterisied by lots of cloud cover and precipitation (Andrews et al.,
2003). The ITCZ plays a significant role in the climate and weather events in the tropics. The clouds
created by the ITCZ also provide an important form of albedo in the tropics (Waliser and Gautier,
1993),which has an effect on global climate. Tropical events such as monsoon and cyclones occur in
the ITCZ and are products of the unique convection system found around the ITCZ (Yancheva et al.,
2007, Ferreira and Schubert, 1997).The ITCZ is a product of humid trade winds from the northern
and southern hemisphere converging and then rising. This rising of humid air usually results in
precipitation over the tropics(Waliser and Somerville, 1994). This rising of the humid air acts as the
driving force in the Hadley Cell (Waliser and Somerville, 1994). The ITCZ is a product of high
levels of solar radiation and high amounts of latent heat released from the ocean (Andrews et al.,
2003). It is important to realize that the ITCZ moves throughout the year depending on the seasons,
it is likely to be found in the southern hemisphere in the southern hemisphere summer and in the
northern hemisphere during the northern hemispheres summer. However the ITCZ is more likely to
be found in the Northern hemisphere (Waliser and Somerville, 1994). The ITCZ plays a large role in
many of the climatic
... Get more on ...
The Sun Accounts For The Earth 's Energy
The Sun accounts for the entirety of Earth's energy. While the sun is the driving force of all living
organisms on Earth, this energy must be balanced in order for the Earth to maintain a constant
global temperature. The Earth distributes this energy through oceanic and atmospheric circulation.
This distribution of energy determines the location of biomes throughout the world. These two
circulation processes also affect air pressure gradients in tropical parts of the world. They are also
responsible for weather phenomenon's like El Niño.
As shortwave radiation from the sun reaches the Earth, about eighteen percent of this radiation is
absorbed into the atmosphere. The remaining energy is reflected back or absorbed by the Earth. This
reflection is known as albedo. Objects with a higher reflectivity have a higher albedo and vice versa.
Similar to the sun, the Earth and its atmosphere also emit radiation. Because the Earth is much
cooler than the sun, this radiation is in the form of longwave radiation (Nature of Radiation
Lecture). Although, not all of this radiation exits the Earth's atmosphere, some of this radiation is
absorbed back into the Earth. This is known as the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gasses absorb
radiation. This radiation is emitted by greenhouse gasses and absorbed into the Earth, which in turn,
heats up the surface of the Earth. By increasing the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere,
the temperature will continue to rise. In the polar regions of
... Get more on ...

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Sun Observation Grid Report

  • 1. Sun Observation Grid Report Purpose This study recorded the position of the Sun over the course of a day, on three different occasions each one month apart. Then compare how the daily motion of the Sun changes throughout the course of a year. To measure the course of the Sun a roofing nail is placed on a paper and the end of the shadow is recoded over the length of the day. Starting the recording at approximately 10am and ending around 6pm. Methodology The site choosing was a lot near my apartment. It was chosen because it had a lot of open area, flat land, and there were not a lot of trees or people around to obstruct the view of the sky. The open area made it easier to find a flat area to lay my paper on. The flat land helped so that there would be fewer variations ... Show more content on ... This is represents the shortening of the daylight and the early setting of the Sun as it gets closer to winter. 1. How do the tracks observed for the three different days compare? a. They all have a similar pattern, but the length of the observations between hours gets shorter through the months. 2. From what you know about the path of the Sun across the sky, can you explain the differences between the paths of the Sun on the horizontal sundial for the three observations? a. When the Sun is directly above the nail it makes a smaller shadow. When the Sun is low in the sky shadows become longer. Since winter is coming the shadows recorded become farther away from the nail and shorter in length from hour to hour because of the loss of daylight and the time its recorded. 3. How would changing of the location where the observations are made (for example Caracas, Venezuela) affect the path of the Sun on the horizontal plane Sundial? a. Caracas, Venezuela is near the equator. The daylight time does not change near the equator. All year round the amount of daylight, and night time are the same. This would make every observation nearly the same instead of mine which are different from each ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Geographic Center Of The United States GEOGRAPHIC CENTER OF THE UNITED STATES MATH 166 Ian Gilley, Kelvin Brandl, Kayla Muehlhauser, Nathan Koehler, Justin Ebnet, Kylie Bentz Our method for determining the center of mass of each state is split up into five steps. The first two, file conversion and sorting, gave a huge amount of raw data, and then condensed it into a workable form. The third step converted latitude and longitude coordinates into kilometers. The fourth step took the trapezoids formed by the previous steps and calculated their moments with respect to the x and y axis's. Finally, the conversions were reversed to give the center of mass. All of the states were downloaded as shapefiles from the National Boundary Dataset maintained by the USGS. Then then the .shp files were converted to .kmz with ArcMap10.4, and then converted to .kml with Google Earth. Then the approximately 30,000 latitude and longitude coordinates for each state were saved as a .txt file and imported into Excel. The shapefiles gave a coordinate approximately every 400 meters along straight edges of states, and approximately every 200 meters along rivers and other curved features, and went out to the eighth decimal place. The territorial seas of costal states which extend three nautical miles out from the low water mark, and the state boundaries that extend into the Great Lakes and other bodies of water were included in the laminar sheet. Small islands such as the Florida Keys and those off the coast of California were assumed to ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. How Long Has The Earth's Tilt Changes The Seasons The earth's tilt changes the seasons every time it rotates around the sun. The temperature is based on how far or how close the earth is to the sun.The earth's climate and the winds in the atmosphere continue to change every day. Every year the winds change causing different weather patterns to act on the solid earth. The earth's spin axis is tilted at 23.5 with respect to the elliptic giving moderate seasons and preventing temperature extremes anywhere on earth. Because of the earth's dynamic climate ,winds and atmospheric pressure systems experience constant change.These fluctuations may affect how our planet rotates on it's axis. The earth's systems and its response to natural and human–induced changes, like global warming and greenhouse gases for the better prediction of climate. Other motions of the atmosphere such as larger mass in one hemisphere than the other hemisphere can lead to a wobble and the poles move. There are no forces that are acting on it that would be strong enough to keep it moving with the ground. Each point on the Earth is not the same distance from the axis of rotation, so the speed of rotation is 0 mph at the poles, and increases to over 1000 mph at the equator. This means the atmosphere would have to be moving at different speeds depending on where it was, which would result in a pressure gradient with highest pressure at the poles and the lowest pressure at the equator. ... Show more content on ... The remaining portions of the surface are covered by mountains, deserts, plains, plateaus, and other landforms. The surface of earth is made out of igneous rock, sedimentary rock, and metamorphic rock. The earth is divided into seven different continents Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North, South America and ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Linking Lab 1 Astr101 Basic Coordinates & Seasons – Student Guide There are three main sections to this module: terrestrial coordinates, celestial equatorial coordinates, and understanding how the ecliptic is related to seasons on the Earth. Each of these sections has its own simulator(s). The background material necessary to utilize these tools is contained in each section. Terrestrial Coordinates Work through the explanatory material on units of longitude and latitude, finding longitude and latitude, and a bit of history (optional). * Open the flat map explorer. * Familiarize yourself with the cursor and how it prints out the longitude and latitude of the active map location. * Note that you can vary the central meridian of the map ... Show more content on ... What is its shape? Answer: The north pole is located on the top and is a flat line B) Where is the north pole on the globe explorer? What is its shape? Answer: Top of the globe and is a dot C) Your answers to parts A and B should be different. Explain why. Answer: Flat map is laid out in a flat grid map and the globe is an interactive 'globe' that shows true position. Question 5: Compare the relative sizes of Greenland and Australia in the two maps? The true values of the surface areas for these countries are Greenland (2.2 million km2) and Australia (7.7 million km2). Does each map demonstrate these true values? Flat map makes Greenland look much bigger than Australia, but in the global is the actual true map as the earth really is (spherical) Celestial Equatorial Coordinates Work through the introductory material on the page entitled Celestial Equator, Declination, Right Ascension. * Open either the Flat Sky Map Explorer or the Sky Map Explorer. * Familiarize yourself with the same set of features (cursor movement, shifting the map, decimal/sexagesimal) that were available on the previous maps. * Make sure that you understand what each check box
  • 14. does. Question 6: Where is the star Polaris located on this map? What are its coordinates? Delta = 89.2 degrees / Alpha – 2.5h Question 7: Find the constellation of Orion shown in ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Ocean Literacy: Why Does Ocean Matter? Why does the ocean matter? Many people find themselves asking this question. They view the ocean as just being a large part of the planet that takes up significant space (the ocean takes up about 70% of the earth and is responsible for about 97% of the earth's total water). The people who ask this question would be defined as not being ocean literate. An ocean literate person is one who understands ocean literacy. This means that they understand the essential principles and fundamental concepts of ocean literacy, can communicate about the ocean in a meaningful way, and they are able to make informed decisions that regard the ocean and its resources. But what is Ocean Literacy? Ocean Literacy is defined as being "an understanding of the ocean's ... Show more content on ... It is very important that waves are continually monitored and recorded. Waves are not necessarily important to the ocean itself but it makes a huge difference to the people who live on coastlines. Waves are very important for those people. Waves can be beneficial and destructive. They can help predict climate and storms, and can also help to create beaches. Breaking waves help to provide energy that can affect the sizes and textures of sedimentation that create the beaches. Other waves pick up sand and sedimentation of beaches/ dunes and transport it to another location creating more beaches or even ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. The Global System's Effect on Climates Essay The Global System's Effect on Climates The global pattern of climate is affected by: * latitude * land and sea * relief * ocean currents Latitude ======== The Equator receives greater amounts of solar heating than latitudes further north or south. Places therefore nearer the Equator are much warmer than those closer to the Poles. Nearer the Poles precipitation will be more variable with lower temperatures. More will fall as snow, covering the ground for long periods in winter. The amount of solar energy received by each hemisphere varies because of the tilt of the Earth and its orbit around the sun. This gives summer and winter seasons. Places nearer ... Show more content on ... The ITCZ or low pressure zone moves north and south with the overhead sun. In June there will be low pressure (ITCZ) over the Tropic of Cancer (23.5°N). Warm, moist Trade Winds from over the Atlantic Ocean bring heavy summer rains. In December when the overhead sun is south of the Equator the sub–tropical high pressure zone moves south over the Tropic of Cancer. The hot descending air gives a winter dry season. Around 60° north and south of the Equator the global circulation of air produces another zone of low pressure, where warm tropical air from the south west converges with cold polar air. Depressions form and at the fronts warm air is forced to rise over the cold denser air causing frontal rainfall. In the British Isles depressions can occur throughout the year providing a steady, reliable rainfall. Further south, in Rome, depressions are rare in summer, which is therefore drier and hotter than in the British Isles.
  • 23. High pressure over the Poles, creates cold polar deserts. Land and sea ============ Land masses become much hotter than the water in the oceans in summer, but lose heat much faster during the winter. Continental areas therefore have more extreme climates than coastal areas. Hot land masses in summer warm the air above, which expands and rises creating low pressure areas and convectional currents. Summer thunderstorms are therefore more common ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Equator Principles The alternative approaches that can prevent the circumstances lead by the financial crisis is represented to be dependent upon virtue–based ethics in which the morality of business is internal as well as the major good implications not lies within the rights or regulations however, in term of classical normative view particularly including honesty, business fairness and generosity. Virtue ethics are mainly concerned with the actions itself rather than on moral implications in order to behave according to the derived regulations as well as rules. In reference to specific consideration, it is identified in terms of case study that banks should adopt Equator principles as well. The Equator rule includes accumulation of banks that have marked a record expressing ways they will secure the earth. It is identified that where the borrower does not or cannot conform to these standards of socially capable speculation. Despite the fact that RBS have utilised their drive by joining to this rule they haven't tailed it too thoroughly. The previous research investigations claim that ... Show more content on ... In reference to the case study RBS CSR after financial crisis situation report was renamed as business sustainability report. The title change was to demonstrate clients that they perceive their deficiency and need to reconstruct the trust they had with their partners. In their report, RBS depicted the new approach as "understanding the issues that matter most to their partners and to convey their business with uprightness and ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Global Warming is a Reality That Must be Taken Seriously... Global Warming is a rising epidemic that is one of high controversy. The growing concern that Global Warming is going to thermally destroy the earth is causing concentrated precautions to take place. With worry mounting in the lives of the human race, it is intensifying the idea that things must be done to stop the depletion of the ozone layer. There are several problems around the earth that prove the occurrence of Global Warming. It is very real. The world could end at any given time in the next century, due to foreseen occurrences such as, rising in sea level, extreme climate changes, and the unexplainable spreading of tropical diseases. There has been a distinct rise in sea level over the past century. This is due to the melting of ... Show more content on ... The Bering Glacier, North America's largest glacier, has lost 7 miles of its length, while losing 20– 25% of parts of the glacier according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This brings solidity to the idea that Global Warming is clearly in effect. An extreme climate change has also overtaken the globe. There have been extreme highs and lows in temperature in the last decade and even beyond that. According to Thomas Karl, director of the National Climatic Data Center, the current pace of temperature rise is "consistent with a rate of 5.4 to 6.3 degrees Fahrenheit per century." By comparison, the world has warmed by 5 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit since the depths of the last ice age, 18,000 to 20,000 years ago. This is an extreme climate change for the earth to have dealt with over time. There is no doubt that it has taken place from the ozone depletion. The current spread of tropical diseases has been a good depiction of how Global Warming is in effect. A tropical disease is one that can only accumulate in extreme tropic weather. The existing fact that tropical diseases are occurring in areas the are sub–tropic, as well as far from the equator is enough proof that severe heat over the world is in effect. A recent study by New Zealand doctors, researchers at the Wellington School of Medicine's public health department, said outbreaks of dengue fever in South Pacific islands are directly related to ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Conductivity Essay Name: Basic Coordinates & Seasons – Student Guide There are three main sections to this module: terrestrial coordinates, celestial equatorial coordinates, and understanding how the ecliptic is related to seasons on the Earth. Each of these sections has its own simulator(s). The background material necessary to utilize these tools is contained in each section. Terrestrial Coordinates Work through the explanatory material on units of longitude and latitude, finding longitude and latitude, and a bit of history (optional). Open the flat map explorer. Familiarize yourself with the cursor and how it prints out the longitude and latitude of the active map location. Note that you can vary the central meridian of the map (i.e. change its ... Show more content on ... What does the shape look like? Describe the ecliptic in terms of its average and range of declination values. Approximate Date March 21 June 21 Right Ascension Declination Seasons and the Ecliptic Work through the introductory material on the page entitled Orbits and Light. Open the Seasons and Ecliptic Simulator. Note that there are three main panels (left, upper right, and lower right) each of which have two different views. Controls run along the bottom of the simulation that affect more than one panel. Click animate and then move through the six views to get an overview this simulator's capabilities. We will address each of these six views separately. Experiment with the various methods to advance time in the simulator. You may click the start animate/stop animation button, drag the yearly time slider, or drag either the sun or the earth in the left panel to advance time. Note that this animation does not illustrate the rotation of the earth. Because the timescales of rotation and revolution are so different, it isn't possible to effectively show both simultaneously. NAAP – Basic Coordinates & Motions 4/8 Left Panel – Orbit View Practice clicking and dragging in this panel to change the perspective. Change the perspective so that you are looking directly down onto the plane of the Earth's orbit Click labels. Note that you can see how the direct rays of the sun hit at ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. How Time Is Important For People During Different Periods? I. Introduction Time is always an interesting topic for people during different period. What is time? It is the thing that is measured as seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, etc. From Mayan to modern scientists like Einstein, they all tried to study and find the way to determine an exactly time. Nowadays, if people want to know what time is it, they only need to raise head and have a look at clock on the wall. In addition, to ensure a global society with order, people even found a way to measure the time which a standard time ––– Greenwich Mean Time. However, for ancient people, they did not have opportunities to determine time due to the limitations of technology. Sun, thus, could provide them with a chance to find time. The first was created about 4500 years ago. It is a cycle disk equipped with a needlelike metal tube on the top of it. Based on the shadows appearing on the surface, people could observe and read an exactly time. This measure equipment called sundial. Although sundials all look the same, they still have different categories such as equatorial, horizontal, and vertical sundials. An interesting point I found is that sundials may look differently in different countries. At very beginning, I considered that it is the reason of different designing thoughts. However, after I found two different sundials in one same country, I began to realize that locations must have a certain effect on sundials' settings. Figure 1. Sundial in Beijing Palace Museum Thus, I ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. North American Climate Change The Earth has not always been as it is today. Periods of climate alterations have occurred over time to land us where we stand today. Around 8200 years ago or 6200 BCE, a surprising event occurred on Earth. The Earth underwent an abrupt climate temperature change. This change is known as the 8.2 ka year event or 8200 year event which refers to the last major climate alteration, a Northern Hemisphere cooling event that occurred approximately 8,200 years before the present. This event was less severe than the Younger Dryas, a cooling event preceding the 8.2, but more severe than the Little Ice Age that occurred after. The event occurred in the Greenland Ice cores during the Holocene, a period in which the Earth had a relatively stable climate. ... Show more content on ... This decrease in methane was a result of the collapse of the North American Laurentide ice sheet where a large concentration of methane was trapped under the ice. When the ice sheet collapsed, methane was released and no longer trapped. There is also evidence from ocean sediments that parts of the tropics became drier as a result of the 8.2 ka event. The shrinking and deterioration of the tropical wetlands in a drier climate could also explain the 10–15% drop in atmospheric methane that resulted from the event. This event relates to what I have learned in class because it covers concepts on glaciers/ice sheets, water movements, natural processes, and relativity. Glaciers are essentially massive ice that float under their own weight. The size of glaciers can vary but for the most part they are very large and provide water for about 1/3 of the world's population. They are the biggest storage of fresh water, which explains the extent to which the North Atlantic was filled following the collapse of the North American Laurentide ice sheet. When the ice sheet collapsed, it initiated a freshwater pulse that sufficiently freshened the North Atlantic surface waters, which caused the cooling event. In class, we have also reviewed the concept that everything is related. The collapse of the North American Laurentide ice sheet led to a melt water pulse, ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Skin Injury Hypothesis The article that is being reviewed is "The cold Injury and the Evolution of 'White' Skin" by Peter Post, Farrington Daniels Junior and Robert Binford Junior. The hypothesis that is presented is that cold injury has a previously unrecognized causative influence with white skin evolution. This hypothesis is supported with evidence from in vitro observations that the higher melanin pigmentation of cells were less successful compared to lesser melanotic pigmentation. This likely caused a selection for lighter pigmentation compared to the previous generation to be more successful. The authors evidence to support their hypothesis is in discrediting the alternative hypotheses. Post et al (1975) makes reference to the likelihood of a strong selection ... Show more content on ... The two populations that would be looked at to view the role of skin pigmentation and its affect are one closely living near the equator and one living further and closer to the poles. There would be investigation into the variability in the environmental influences each population would undergo. In population A in South Africa there would be differences in latitude and altitude being warmer climate to facilitate the likelihood of darkly pigmented skin being more favourable. In population B in Greenland the altitude would be much colder to test the influence of altering skin pigmentation to be lighter to facilitate an evolutionary selection for lighter pigmented skin. To investigate whether it is a cold adaptation or is involved with vitamin B3 role and folate synthesis. With the introduction of albino people into population A and darkly pigmented people in population B a comparison can be looked at their survival and whether in further generations there is change being selected for to have better reproductive survival and success. The outcome variable is the skin pigmentation meaning the levels of skin reflectance of melanin. Test implications would suggest that population A would likely have more darkly pigmented skin being more advantageous to lighter pigments and have lower vitamin D3 synthesis whereas the opposite would be expected to be observed ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Physics Of The Universe Beyond Earth Astronomers are the type of scientists who study the physics of the universe beyond Earth. Galileo Galilei is a famous astronomer and is often known as "the father of modern astronomy." He created the first telescope with 30x magnification. Nicolaus Copernicus was a famous Polish astronomer who established the concept that the Sun, rather than the Earth, is the center of the solar system and is Earth's main source of light. His discovery lead to the concept that the Earth and other planets rotate around the Sun. Therefore, because of his discovery, he changed the way people viewed our solar system. Vocabulary Axis– a real or imaginary line through the center of an object, around which the object turns. Counterclockwise– opposite to the ... Show more content on ... N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2017. . Common Misconceptions about Day and Night, Seasons – Polar Patterns: Day, Night, and Seasons – Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2017, from–patterns–day–night–and–seasons/common– misconceptions–about–day–and–night–seasons Nicolaus Copernicus. (2016, May 20). Retrieved February 21, 2017, from–copernicus–9256984 "Sun–Earth–Moon." Sun–Earth–Moon – interactive simulations – eduMedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2017. . St. Paul Public Schools. "Como Planetarium: Night and Day." NSTA, National Science Teachers Association, 2014, Materials: Teacher Materials: (5) Day and Night in Space! answer key (1 per teacher) attached (5) Lesson plan outline (1 per teacher) (1) Chart paper (for whole class) (5) Markers (1 per teacher) Internet access (YouTube) SMART Board Doc cam
  • 52. (2) iPads (1 at each media station) (2) Extension cords (1 for each lamp) Paper shades for classroom windows Earth Orbit Video: Student Materials: (12) Field hockey balls (6 at each demonstration station) (2) Lamps (1 at each demonstration station) (24) Day and Night in Space! Worksheets (1 per student) attached (48) Drawing papers (2 per student, 1 for each station) (24) Pencils Rulers (optional) Advanced ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Analyzing Sunrise And Sunset Data Day 1 – Lesson Title Grade Duration Eureka Alignment Sunrise, Sunset 9 – 11 Lesson 1 of 2 EngageNY Module 2, Lesson 13 Objective By the end of the lesson, student will be able to organize, graph and analyze sunrise/sunset data for three (3) selected cities in the northern hemisphere to use as input to sinusoidal modeling. While acquiring this new skill students will practice summarization and their note–taking and skills. Learning Goal(s) Students will be able to model cyclical phenomena from physical science using trigonometric functions. Students will collect, organize, graph and model associated data. Materials Preparation 1. Sunrise To Sunset Student Materials 2. Printed Astronomical Data (to supplement online data) 3. ... Show more content on ... Queue introductory Youtube video: Sunrise To Sunset or video of you choosing UDL – Multiple Means of Engagement: Assign student to heterogeneous groups (mixed ability) Engage UDL – Multiple Use of Expression Show a segment of the Sunrise To Sunset ( or your selected YouTube video to introduce the lesson. (Note: the suggested video is 12 minutes so it is suggested to only play a segment, or play it in the background.) 1. Lead a brief (5–min) discussion on the purpose of the project – To investigate modeling astronomical phenomena – in this case, the amount of sunlight on Earth using sinusoidal functions. UDL: Multiple Use of Representation 2. Review longitudinal (vertical) and latitudinal (horizontal) lines and make analogies with the X/Y
  • 57. Coordinate Plane (Graphic Organizer). You may choose to show one of these two videos to help students understand latitude and longitude: (~7min) (~3 min) a. Latitude, Longitude b. Address of locations on the earth c. X–Axis: The Equator – units are in 150 increments d. Y – Axis: Prime Meridian – units are in 150 increments e. Upper Quadrants of the X/Y Coordinate Plane – Northern Hemisphere f. Lower Quadrants of the X/Y Coordinate Plane – Southern Hemisphere Microsoft Images: ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Heating Of The Earth Exterior And Atmosphere And... Heating of the earth exterior and atmosphere and influences patterns of precipitation the sun heats the air at the equator causing it to expand and rise. Since cool air holds less water vapor than warm air, the water carried by the rising air mass condenses and forms clouds which produce the heavy rainfall associated with the tropical environment. Eventually this equatorial air mass began to rise and spreads north and south. The high altitude air is dry since the moisture it once held fell as a tropical rainfall. When the air mass flows north and south it cools, which increases more density. It goes back to the earth's surface at about 30 latitudes and spreads north and south. The air draws moisture from the lands over which it flows and creates deserts during the process. Temperature is plotted on the left vertical axis and precipitation on the right vertical axis. Temperature and precipitation are potted on different scales so 10 C is equivalent to 20 mm of precipitation. Climate diagrams for areas like the tropical rain forest compress the precipitation scale for precipitation above 100mm, so that 10C is equivalent to 200mm of precipitation. This will change the scale rainfall data from very wet climates can be fit on a graph of convenient size. The temperature and precipitation scales are constructed so that 10C equals 20 mm of precipitation. Precipitation is mainly to do with the temperature of the air. Slice the tropics are warmer the air holds more moisture ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Ap Enviornmental Science Clouds Virtual Meteorology 101 Name _______________________________ Period ______ Weather and climate are the two major abiotic (nonliving) factors responsible for determining the major geographic ecosystems called biomes. Search the web and give a definition of weather: The state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture, pressure, etc. Search the web and give a definition of climate: the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years. Climate is closely associated with the seasons, but do you know what causes the seasons? Log on to the website ... Show more content on ... Explain why. Winds blow slower in Florida due to the Coriolis Effect. Which way do hurricanes and tornadoes spin in the Northern Hemisphere? Right If you shoot a cannon from the equator pointing toward the North Pole, which way would the cannon ball appear to be deflected? Right Does the Coriolis Effect cause water in the toilet to spin in opposite directions in the Northern vs. the Southern Hemispheres? Explain. No because the Coriolis Effect changes the direction of cyclones which are much larger than sinks or toilets. The Rain Shadow Effect also plays a major role in climate formation. Clink on the link below to
  • 66. learn about the Rain Shadow Effect. Be sure to read the Introduction. Then, click on the Animation and choose "narrated" at the bottom. Then, read the conclusion and see how you do on the practice quiz. Once you have done that, answer the questions below. Does North America receive most of its winds from the Northeast Trades, the Southeast Trades, or from the Westerlies? Westerlies Which way do these winds blow? West to East What is the definition of a rain shadow? A region of low precipitation on the leeward side of a mountain range What happens to the temperature of rising air? It cools Does rising air expand or contract? Expands Which holds more water, warm air or cool air? Warm air What happens to the water vapor in the air ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Season and Axis Angle Student Exploration: Seasons: Why do we have them? Vocabulary: direct sunlight, Earth's axis, equator, indirect sunlight, northern hemisphere, North Pole, season, solstice, southern hemisphere, South Pole, summer solstice, winter solstice Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.) 1. At what time of day is sunlight strongest – in the early morning (when the Sun has just risen) or at noon (when the Sun reaches its highest point)? At noon when the Sun reaches its highest point. 2. At what time of year does the noon Sun rise highest in the sky? During the summer time. 3. Based on your answers, why is it warmer in summer than in winter? It is warmer in the summer then in the winter because the Earth's tilt is ... Show more content on ... B. Which of plates A through G will receive the least? Plates A and G will both receive the least amount of energy because the Sun's rays will not hit those plates as directly as the rest. 2. Check: Click Fire. Select the TABLE tab to see how many rays hit each plate. A. Which plate got the most sunlight? Plate D. The least? A and G. B. Why is it colder at the poles than at the equator? The reason why is because the Sun's rays hit those areas with the least amount of rays. They are also faced away from the sun the most compared the other areas meaning they will get the least of the Sun's rays. 3. Set up Gizmo: Click Reset, and turn on Show axis. Earth's axis is an imaginary line that connects the North Pole to the South Pole. Earth spins around its axis, which is tilted relative to Earth's orbit. Click Earth axis angle to set the axis angle to a realistic 23°. 4. Collect data: On the DESCRIPTION pane, check that Time A is selected. Click Fire. Select the TABLE pane to see the results, and fill in the left table below. Click Reset, and on the DESCRIPTION pane select Time A + 6 months. Click Fire and fill in the right table. Time A Time A + 6 months
  • 71. Plate Angle Hits A –67 0 B 83 2 C 53 16 D 23 25 E –7 26 F –37 21 G –67 10 Activity B (continued from previous page) 5. Analyze: Plates A, B, and C all lie in the northern hemisphere, the half of Earth north of the equator. Plates E, F, and G all lie in the southern hemisphere, ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Temperature Pattern Exercise Essay M2A1 Temperature Pattern Exercise Ricardo Cortez GEOL 108 EXERCISE 10 PART 1 1. Is the temperature contrast between the equator and the Arctic region greatest in the winter or summer? Answer. Temperature contrast between the equator and the Arctic region is greatest in the winter. Temperatures near or at the equator only change a few degrees between winter and summer while the Arctic region changes drastically up to 40 degrees between the seasons. 2. (a) Were latitude the only control of temperature, the isotherms would run straight across the maps from east to west. Describe one region of the world where this hypothetical isotherm pattern is actually observed. (b) Why is the hypothetical pattern seen here? Answer. ... Show more content on ... (d) What explains this small annual temperature range? Answer. I mentioned in question 2(b) that parts of Brazil because of the location near and right on the equator and the reason being is because twice in a year the sun's rays are vertical at the equator. Thus, the temperature is uniformly high in the equatorial region, and the annual range of temperature is negligible. (Rajan, 2012). The equatorial region experience so little winter cooling because of this. (Hess, 2011). Resource Rajan. (2012). The following Are the Factors That Affect and Control the Annual Range of Temperature. Retrieved from–following–are– the–factors–that–affect–and–control–the–annual–range–of–temperature.html Hess, D. (2011). Mcknight's Physical Geography; A Landscapes Appreciation. (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc EXERCISE 10 PART 2 1. Begin in the west and move across the map to the east, briefly explaining why the actual 16 degrees Celsius isotherm deviates from the hypothetical. Answer. The isothermal shift is much more pronounced in high altitudes than in low and also much more pronounced over the continents than over the oceans. (Hess, 2011, p.90). The temperature gradient (rate of temperature change with horizontal distance) is steeper in winter than in
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  • 80. Effect Of Chicken On A Bad Rotisserie Effect The Chicken–on–a–Bad–Rotisserie Effect Besides the Earth rotating around its tilted axis, it is also revolving around the Sun. Here, again, we see what seems like a mistake in nature. The orbit of the Earth around the Sun is not a regular circle. It is an ellipse. The orbit is elongated like a stretched–out elastic band. This means that at some times of the year, the Earth is closer to the Sun than at other times. Physicists can explain why this happens; all we need to know is that it happens. The Earth is closest to the Sun around June & December and furthest around March & September. The advantage of this elongated orbit is that, at some point, the Earth is too close to the Sun and more energy is absorbed from the Sun. Then, at ... Show more content on ... The major convection currents that the rising heat would cause would lead to severe weather conditions. The hot air would rise to very high altitudes and fan out north and south. Cool air would sweep toward the Equator from the Poles. This cycle would have caused the polar ice caps to melt much sooner. There would probably be no ice at the North or South Poles by now. In the no–axis–tilt scenario, rainfall would probably only fall between the 15° to 40° latitudes. It would be at these latitudes that the warm Equatorial air would mingle with the cool, polar air to cause rain. It would be difficult to sustain conditions where snow could be created. The 23° axis tilt makes our current conditions possible. However, the fact that deserts form along the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn suggests the instability of our climactic condition, and is probably unsustainable into perpetuity. The presence of vast quantities of water on Earth is both a saving grace and a curse. It is a saving grace in that there will be evaporation as long as the Sun shines. The evaporation will most likely cause rainfall at some points on land. The rainfall will continue to sustain life on ... Get more on ...
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  • 84. Westerlies: What´s A Prevailing Wind? What is a prevailing wind? At the point when the wind reliably blows more frequently from one bearing than from another, it is known as a prevailing wind. A case would be the prevailing winds that rule the flow in the midlatitudes. In the United States, for instance, these winds reliably move the "climate" from west to east over the landmass. Implanted inside this general eastbound stream are cells of high and low weight, with their trademark clockwise and counterclockwise stream. Subsequently, the winds connected with the westerlies, as measured at the surface, regularly change greatly from every day and from place to place. "Westerlies are prevailing winds that blow from the west at midlatitudes". They are nourished by polar easterlies and winds from the high–weight horse scopes, which trap them on either side. Westerlies are the most powerful in the winter, when weight over the pole is low, and is the weakest in summer, when the polar high makes more powerful polar easterlies. ... Show more content on ... All through the Roaring Forties, there are couple of landmasses that are used to moderate winds. The tip of South America and Australia, and in addition the islands of New Zealand, are the main huge landmasses to enter the Roaring Forties. The westerlies of the Roaring Forties were imperative to mariners amid the Age of Exploration, when voyagers and merchants from Europe and western Asia utilized the solid winds to achieve the flavor markets of Southeast Asia and Australia. By differentiation, the heading of wind current connected with the belt of trade winds is more ... Get more on ...
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  • 88. The Natural And Physical Aspects Of The World We Live Physical –Chemical Oceanography I Science is the study of the natural and physical aspects of the world we live in. Science is the way humans try to understand why the environment acts in the way it does. Science has set of rules and guidelines that must be followed. The most important step in science is observation, the point of observation is so that the experiment can be measured and or the experiment can be repeated with similar or the same results. Hypotheses are then developed to disprove the observation as many scientists believe hypothesis can never be proven. Opinions are not facts and are based on subjective influences. Opinions cannot be measured or disproven because it is personal. Science cannot address all the issues and concerns due to the limit and restrictions it has. The fact that not everything can be proven shows how science cannot address all the issues. Even though everyday mankind is creating new technology to help humans better understand nature, there will always be some elements that are beyond human capabilities. "Water is unique in that it is the only natural substance that is found in all three states liquid, solid (ice) and gas (steam) at the temperatures normally found on earth". ( In order to understand why water has such a high boiling point, high freezing point, and high capacity of heat the molecule itself has to be examined. The water molecule is made up off a special type of bond ... Get more on ...
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  • 92. Temperature Analysis Of Temperature During The Summer Temperature Analysis The expectations I held when first given this assignment are echoed in the conceptual models presented in the guidance document: locations situated close to the ocean ought to exhibit cooler temperatures during the summer months while maintaining slightly warmer temperatures during the winter and that more inland locations should display slightly higher temperatures within the summer time but lower temperatures during the winter months. This expectation was largely influenced by the knowledge I have incurred while living in a coastal area: wind and surf carry cooler air to the coast during the summer while carrying warmer air to land during the winter. Upon reviewing the recorded temperatures within the six ... Show more content on ... As these locations have similar enough latitudes, 27.9 and 28 degrees north respectively, it is unlikely that the results are skewed. Continuing to follow the notion proposed within the given conceptual model, the southern stations showed that the inland city of Devil's Garden experienced substantially colder winters compared to the winter time temperatures seen in Miami Beach. Encountering an average winter temperature of 51.4 degrees, Devil's Garden is approximately 12 degrees cooler than Miami Beach's average minimum winter temperature of 63.6. These locations, however, did not exhibit such a large disparity in summer time temperatures with Devil's Garden's maximum average displayed at approximately 92 degrees and Miami Beach's maximum average displaying exactly 87 degrees. Upon further investigation, it appears that the discrepancy in average temperatures between the locations is perhaps caused by a sizable difference in latitudes with Devil's Garden situated at 38.8 degrees north compared to Miami Beach situated at 25.8 degrees north. This divergence is the most likely responsible for Miami Beach's high summer temperatures as areas in lower latitudes often experience warmer weather in addition to the fact that the beach is located closer to the equator. To compare coastal stations, it is clear that the second conceptual model is reasonably correct when asserting ... Get more on ...
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  • 96. Most people do not know that there are a lot of medical... Most people do not know that there are a lot of medical discoveries in the rain forest. Tropical rain forest help to balance the ecosystem and our human existence. For centuries, rain forest have supported medicines due to its rich medical plant life. This also saves many people's lives. Most people wonder what Tropical rain forest are. Tropical rain forest are mostly to be found as warm, wet climates. They contain many species. Today rain forest cover very little as in six percent of Earth's Surface. Rain forest hold the most productive and complex ecosystem on the whole Earth. All of the plants contribute to the Earth's oxygen. All of the plants and trees can cure many deadly diseases. There is more rain forest than people ... Show more content on ... Periwinkle is the most active plant and covers most of the forest floor, also is a medicine to fight tumors and able to treat some Leukemia. Today over one hundred pharmacies use the braches and plants for medicine. Twenty–five percent of cancer fighting medicines are found in rain forest. There are also many trees used for medicine too. For example one of the trees such as the Annatto tree has an oil extract of the tree. The Annatto tree contains carotenoids bixin, used for protection against UV rays. It also helps to lower blood pressure and is a powerful bug repellent. The Cocoa tree is one of the few that is very high in medicinal value, that makes it one of the most important rain forest tree. This one and only tree produces over one hundred fifty chemicals that can come from its leaves, seeds, fruit, and bark. It is made to heal or to treat anxiety, laziest, fever, coughs, kidney stones, and large cuts and bruises. The Trumpet tree is a popular tree used extensively in traditional medicine in Central and South America. Every part of the tree; leaves, fruits, flowers, bark, and roots are used to treat breathing illnesses and arthritis. The Cinchona tree is a large poisonous vine that grow along the tree and is full of alkaloids. It is used for treating bruises, fever, swelling in you ... Get more on ...
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  • 100. The El Nino : A Weather Phenomenon The El Niño story starts on the eastern Pacific Ocean. Peruvian fisherman have alway known the usually very cold and plentiful waters every so often become exceptionally warm, followed by the collapse of fish stocks. These unusual events return every 3–7 years and, and peak around December (Christmas), the fishermen named the phenomenon "El Niño" (Spanish for boy child). For decades, El Niño was considered to be a weather phenomenon only correlating with the countries of western South America. Scientists begin to realize, only early in the 20th century, that El Niño and monsoon conditions in Southeast Asia were actually related. El Nino has effected countries around the world. A refugee crisis was started in northeast Kenya as tens of thousands abandoned their camps in Somali, Uganda, Ethiopia and Sudan. The United Nations predicted five million people in southern Africa would be in famine in November of 1997/98. Ecuador, and certain areas os southern America, were hit by flash floods in November. Families in southern California were warned to prepare for one of the worst winters in recent history. The drought from El Nino is even blamed for assisting in the increase of coffee prices, as well as affecting crops in Africa, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and parts of South America. But were the years of 1997/1989 of disaster simply a preview of more terrible El Nino 's to come? Should we expect to see more El Niños because of global warming? Will they be more intense storms ... Get more on ...
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  • 104. Wind and Waves WIND:  Winds are caused by differences in air pressure.  They move from areas of high pressure to low pressure.  Differences in air pressure are caused by unequal heating of the atmosphere.  Cool air has higher air pressure so it flows underneath the warm, less dense air.  Winds that blow over short distances and are caused by unequal heating of Earth's surface within a small area. Waves  Waves start in the open ocean  The size of a wave depends on the strength of the wind, the length of time that it blows, and the distance over which it blows  Waves move energy, not water. The water in a wave does not actually move forward, just the energy generated by the wind.  The wind affects the water at the ... Show more content on ... (Page 384)  The cold, saltier water sinks and starts moving back towards the equator along the bottom of the ocean.  When the water reaches the equator, it warms and rises again.  Deep currents flow slowly. They may take as long as 1,000 years to flow from pole to equator and back again. TIDES:  Tides are the daily rise and fall of Earth's waters on its coastlines  When water on the coast reaches its highest point it is high tide.  When water on the coast reaches its lowest point it is low tide.  Unlike surface waves, tides are regular and do not depend on wind. If not wind, then what causes tides?  Tides are caused by the interaction between the Earth, the moon, and the sun.  The gravity exerted on Earth's oceans by the moon and the sun cause the water to move from one side of the planet to the other side.  The moon is much closer to the Earth than the sun, so it exerts a greater gravitational effect on the tides.  There are two high tides and two low tides about every 25 hours.  That means every six or so hours you have a high tide and then a bit  more than six hours later you have a low tide.
  • 105.  Changes in the positions of Earth, the moon, and the sun affect the  heights of tides during a ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. The Cause Of The Ice Age Title– The Theory of the Cause of the Ice Age Introduction Background– There are many possible reasons for why ice ages form. We aren't sure which are correct. When there is a period of colder global temperatures and recurring glacial expansion, it's called an ice age. Ice ages are capable of lasting hundreds of millions of years. There have been five major that scientists have recorded: the Huronian, Cryogenian, Andean–Saharan, Karoo, and Quaternary. Thesis– Scientists have numerous predictions as to why ice ages happen, some of which are the distance of the Earth from the sun, the position and height of the continents, and the fluctuations in ocean currents. First Subtopic– Continental Positions Topic Sentence– Scientists believe that ice ages can be caused by the continents positions that blocks the flow of warm water that comes from the equator. "The geological record appears to show that ice ages start when the continents are in positions which block or reduce the flow of warm water from the equator to the poles and thus allow ice sheets to form." (Raymo, Ruddiman, Froelich, 1988) "Important aspects which contributed to ancient climate regimes are the ocean currents, which are modified by continent position as well as other factors." (Raymo, Ruddiman, Froelich, 1988) The continents positions play a big role. Continents move over time because of the tectonic plates. Pangaea split over time into the individual continents we have today. While Pangaea was splitting, there ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Forests And Tropical Rainforest A Rainforest is a dense growing broad–leaved evergreen trees it is also known as a tall and strong jungle. The reason it is called a rainforest is because of the various amount of rainfall that it get in a year. The climate of a rain forest is very hot and humid so the animals and plants that exist there must learn to adapt to this climate. Rainforest can be found at places with high biodiversity. Biodiversity is variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat, a high level of which is usually considered to be important and desirable. Tropical rainforests are located near the equator as they are have strong biodiversities. 57% of all tropical rainforests are found in Latin America which is a group of countries and dependencies in America. 1/3 of the world's hot and humid rainforests are in Brazil. Other tropical rainforests are located in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. 25% of the world's tropical rainforests and West Africa 18% of rainforests temperate rainforests are found along some coasts in temperate zones. The largest temperate of rainforests are found on the Pacific coast of North America. It extends from Oregon to Alaska till 1,200 miles. Its low temperate rainforests can be found on the southeast coast of Chile in South America. There are a few other coastal scraps with temperate rainforests, including small areas in the UK, Norway, Japan, New Zealand, and southern Australia. Rainforests are found in the tropics, the region between ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Blue Whales Research Paper Blue Whales are endangered and their numbers are slowly going up but it doesn't mean that they are also getting killed. This animal is found North Pacific, Pacific Ocean, and the Indian Ocean. The blue whale is currently endangered, and it weighs approximately 300,000 pounds or 150 tons! The blue whale is carnivorous and it can eat about 8,000 pounds of krill a day. The blue whale's life span can be up to 80 to 110 years pretty similar to humans. The blue whale can be up to 100 feet long but they are usually are 60–80 feet long. When baby blue whales are born they are usually 20–25 feet long and can drink up as much as 200 pounds of milk a day. The blue whale is the biggest animal to have ever live on earth. The baby blue whale can be dependant ... Show more content on ... Many groups of blue whales are found in several locations around the world. The Sea of Cortez, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Indian Ocean and areas off the coast of California have groups of whales that reside there. Many of these populations are usually specific or only found near or on these regions. How do blue whales live? Blue whales live on all the oceans on the world they feed in high latitudes and they migrate to the tropics to give breed and give birth. How many of these blue whales still exist or are alive today? Well the worldwide population is unknown, but blue whales are considered to be endangered according to the U.S endangered species act. There have been many cases of hunters hunting the blue whale for their large quantities of baleen, blubber, and meat. Even though blue whales are strongly protected it doesn't guarantee their safety and their numbers are still not stable. How well can blue whales see and hear? It is nearly unknown how blue whales see or hear but it scientist expect them to have near perfect hearing and nearly perfect vision especially in low frequencies and really deep waters where it is dark. What do blue whales eat and how do they ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Maranatha High School. . . . Final Draft: The Foucault Maranatha High School Final Draft: The Foucault Pendulum Amanda Dundas (5) Honors Algebra 2 (Group A) Ms. Monica Chan 3 April 2017 Abstract The Foucault Pendulum I chose to do my project on the Foucault Pendulum because it seemed interesting and I had seen a model at the Griffith Observatory when I visited there. I am also taking physics this year as well as chemistry and have learned a little bit about the Foucault Pendulum but I wanted to do more research beyond that. What I found was very interesting. Leon Foucault invented the pendulum in 1851 which was first actual proof of the rotation of the earth. In general, the direction of the plane of oscillation of a pendulum rotates with an angular ... Show more content on ... The ratio between the time and where the pendulum is confuses people the most. People found the sine factor to be confusing so Foucault made the gyroscope in 1852 to try and help them understand the concept of time with the pendulum. The gyroscope's spinning rotor tracks the stars directly. Its axis of rotation turns once per day whatever the latitude, unaffected by the sine factor. This great invention had to have a lot of thought put into it because precautions must be made to assure that the pendulum is not acted upon by any outside forces besides gravity. Constructing a mini pendulum for an experiment is very hard to do because of the precise measurements that must be made to ensure the ratios are correct and that it will swing where it is supposed to swing. For example, to start the pendulum moving, it is usually held at an angle by a string, and then burned to release the pendulum. Letting go from one 's hands, or cutting the string, could give the pendulum momentum that is not right in a particular direction creating a variable and inaccurate results. A heavy pendulum on a long, rigid wire will continue going for long periods of time, but air resistance will eventually cause the motion to lessen and stop. Museums usually use an electromagnetic drive to keep the pendulum moving. This provides additional energy to the pendulum but doesn't affect its direction of motion. All pendulums consist of a cable and a symmetrical weight at
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  • 126. Descriptives Of El Nino El nino is a temporary change in climate in the pacific ocean,in the region around the equator.You can see Typically,the ocean surface warms up by a few degrees celsius. El Niño is a climate cycle in the Pacific Ocean with a global impact on weather patterns. The cycle begins when warm water in the western tropical Pacific Ocean shifts eastward along the equator toward the coast of South America Normally, this warm water pools near Indonesia and the Philippines. During an El Niño, the Pacific's warmest surface waters sit offshore of northwestern South America. Forecasters declare an official El Niño when they see both ocean temperatures and rainfall from storms veer to the east. Experts also look for prevailing trade winds to weaken and even reverse direction during the El Niño climate phenomenon. These changes set up a feedback loop between the atmosphere and the ocean that boosts El Niño conditions. The El Niño forecast for 2015 is expected to be one of the strongest on record, according to Mike Halpert, the deputy director of the Climate Prediction Center, part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. "We don't want to see just the warming in the ocean. We want to see the atmosphere above the ocean respond to the changes," said Michelle L'Heureux, a climate scientist and lead for the El Niño forecasting team at the Climate Prediction Center. The location of tropical storms shifts eastward during an El Niño because atmospheric moisture is ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Midterm Exam Study Guide Exam Taylor Garcia Mrs. Fortier World Geography H/Period 4 December 2014 Midterm Exam Study Guide Exam Date: Monday, December 15, 2014 @ 8 A.M. 100 M.C., 10 Short Answers Chapter 1: Prime Meridian and Equator Prime Meridian – imaginary line at 0° longitude that connects the North and South poles and divides the earth into the western and eastern hemispheres Equator – imaginary line at 0° latitude that divides the earth into the northern and southern hemispheres 5 Themes of Geography Location (where is it?) absolute – the exact location of a place using latitude and longitude ex. 30° N, 30° W; 1225 Bluewater Drive, Mandeville, LA 70471 relative – the location in relation to other places or things ex. near the Mississippi River, in the northern hemisphere Place (what is it like?) physical and human characteristics of a location that give it personality and distinguishes it from other places ex. religious sites, mountains, Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican national holiday, desert is hot and sandy Movement (how do things move around the world?) movement of people, goods, and ideas from one location to another ex. running, driving, social media, imports and exports Region (how are places similar?) area defined by similar formal or functional characteristics ex. Russia, Antarctica, the U.S., Latin America Human–Environment Interaction (how do people relate to the physical world?) interaction between people and the world; how humans depend on, adapt to, and modify the environment ex. ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Where Do Deserts Form? Uwe Meyer GEOL 1303 10/12/2016 Where Do Deserts Form? A Term Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the critical thinking skills development component of Physical Geology at Wharton County Junior College Prof. Dale Pinson Introduction When we look at the world map with its established deserts, then we notice that all the big deserts are arranged (with little deviance) along two belts around the globe (Figure1). These two belts are in the areas of around 20–30 degrees of latitude north and south of the equator – the so– called Horse Latitudes. In the northern hemisphere we have the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts in North America, the Sahara in North Africa, the Arabian Desert on the Arabian Peninsula, the Turkestan, Dasht–E–Lut, Thar, Taklan Makan, and the Gobi Deserts in Asia. In the southern hemisphere there are the Sechura and Atacama Deserts in South America, the Kalahari and Namib in South Africa, and the Australian Desert. Hypothesis Why are the deserts on Earth so neatly aligned? The large majority of water in the air originates from evaporation of ocean water. This water is transported through air in form of clouds and mist. Desertification requires aridity, therefore areas with significantly less precipitation are predisposed to turn into deserts. Several factors are responsible to create this necessary aridity along the Horse Latitudes at around 30 degrees north and south of the equator. Around 60 degrees north and south the most precipitation occurs and at ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. The Blue Whales: The Largest Mammal Ever to Inhabit the Earth The blue whale is the largest mammal that has ever inhabited Earth, yet not much is known about this fascinating creatures that roam our oceans. This research examines the physical description and habits of the blue whale, the habitat in which they live in, and the primary threats this endangered species face today. Even though hunting was ban in 1966 by the International Whaling Commission, blue whales are still exposed to numerous threats today, all of which are caused by humans. The population is so low that any further killing may lead to the extinction of this species in the future. The blue whale is the largest and loudest animal ever known to have existed on Earth. These magnificent creatures can grow up to 100 feet and can weigh ... Show more content on ... Presently, it is estimated that there are about 5,000–12,000 blue whales remaining worldwide, with the largest concentration of about 2,000 blue whales in the North Pacific from Southern California up to the Gulf of Alaska. Blue Whale is currently one of the world's most endangered species due to massive commercial whaling during the 1900s. Blue whales were hunted worldwide, 99% of their population was killed by whalers, reducing the population to almost extinction. Whalers used their oil to make products such as soap, and cosmetics. But whaling is no longer a threat because in 1966 the International Whaling Commission banned commercial whaling for blue whales in all the world's oceans. Today, the primary threats to blue whale are vessel strikes and noise pollution. Along the coast of California blue whales are dying from ship strikes every year. Blue whales migrate to the offshores of California to feed on krill. Unfavorably for blue whales this feeding area overlaps with one of the busiest shipping lanes in California. Ship strikes have been determined to be a threat on the population causing slowed growth and a declined in the population. Recent studies from scientists at Cornell University in the US, demonstrate that noise pollution from military sonar activity is having a negative impact on the way blue whales act and communicate. Noise pollution creates confusion to ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Organisms Response to the Increases in Extreme Weather Events AN ORGANISMS RESPONSE TO THE INCREASES IN EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS The global climate has increased by approximately 0.6°C over the last 100 years (Walther et al. 2002). This increased rate of changes is largely due to humans: the industrial revolution, the advancement of technology and burning of fossil fuels (Timmermann et al. 1999). This human involvement has gradually changed the natural order of the environment and many of its processes. Some of these environmental conditions are not easily predictable, as these climatic changes are also increasing more extreme weather events such as: droughts in the savannah country, floods in low lying areas and an increase in intensity of cyclonic events (Knutson et al. 2010). Human interactions ... Show more content on ... For example, older bacteria lineages indicate slower rates of change and a few genes were seen to be niche specific (Hao and Golding 2006). Similarly various insect groups have many generations over a short period of time and demonstrate high fecundity rates. The overall influence of the changing climate could cause swifter speciation or variation in species richness or a change in the order of trophic levels (Nicolakakis et al. 2003, Petchey et al. 1999). Organisms do not spontaneously evolve to these globally predicted changes rather they respond to their regional or local environment (Hoffman and Sgró 2011). The idea of behavioural plasticity, which is the evolutionary way to respond to change through behaviours, is the approach organisms use to adapt rapidly to change. A component of this behavioural plasticity is behavioural flexibility, which is the ability of phenotypes to show reversible switching. In this review I will first discuss unpredictability of climates and climatic events in the tropics. I will then explore how behavioural plasticity plays a major role in organisms coping with weather extremes. I will further demonstrate how climate change could alter the way we perceive the once stable tropics, with regards to human involvement in the changing landscape of the tropics. I suggest that behavioural plasticity ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Basic Coordinates & Seasons Name: Basic Coordinates & Seasons – Student Guide There are three main sections to this module: terrestrial coordinates, celestial equatorial coordinates, and understanding how the ecliptic is related to seasons on the Earth. Each of these sections has its own simulator(s). The background material necessary to utilize these tools is contained in each section. Terrestrial Coordinates Work through the explanatory material on units of longitude and latitude, finding longitude and latitude, and a bit of history (optional). * Open the flat map explorer. * Familiarize yourself with the cursor and how it prints out the longitude and latitude of the active map location. * Note that you can vary the central ... Show more content on ... Direction | State | North | Alaska | South | Hawaii | East (there are two ways of thinking about this) | Maine | West | Hawaii | Question 3: The exact coordinates of the white house in Washington D.C., are 77.0365º W and 38.897º N. What are these exact coordinates in sexagesimal notation? Show your calculation in the box below. (You can use the Google Map tool to check your answer.) 38.897°N .897* 60= 53.82 .82*60= 49.2 38° 53' 49" N 38.897°N .897* 60= 53.82 .82*60= 49.2 38° 53' 49" N 77.0365°W.0365 *60= 2.19.19*60=11.477° 2' 11" W | * Open the globe explorer. You are encouraged to use the Terrestrial Coordinate Explorers link which opens both simulators at the same time for the following two questions. Familiarize yourself with the features noting that they are very similar to those in the flat map explorer. Question 4: A) Where is the north pole on the flat map explorer? What is its shape? The north pole on the flat map is located along the top and therefore is a flat line. B) Where is the north pole on the globe explorer? What is its shape? The north pole on the globe map is still located at 90°N and 0°W, but it is simply a single dot on the map since the globe is a sphere. C) Your answers to parts A and B should be ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Equator Spin Research Paper Storms that form north of the equator spin counter–clockwise and storms south of the equator spin clockwise.This difference is because of Earth's rotation on its axis. As the storm system rotates faster and faster, an eye forms in the center. It is very calm and clear in the eye, with very low air pressure. Higher pressure air from above flows down into the eye.the winds of a hurricane create hazardous conditions.Hurricanes are the most dangerous storms on earth and the outcome will blow you away. As the warm air rises it is covered with light pressured air from areas with high air pressure pushes into the low pressure areas. Then the air becomes warm and moist than it rises. As the warm,moist air rises and gets cold the water in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Description Of A Virtual Meteorological Virtual Meteorology 101 Name – Julia Mariano Give a definition of weather: The atmosphere in a place and time in regards to heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc. Give a definition of climate: The weather conditions in an area over a long period of time. What do the red lines along the edge represent? What do the blue lines along the edge represent? The red lines along the edge represent the warm air rising, and the blue lines along the edge represent the cold air falling. What is the Coriolis Effect? When air undergoes a deflection from it's path, and it is a result of earth's rotation. Which way does the Coriolis Effect bend the winds in the Northern Hemisphere? The wind bends in the Northern Hemisphere to the right. Which way does the Coriolis Effect bend the winds in the Southern Hemisphere? The wind bends in the Southern Hemisphere to the left. What factors determine how much the winds bend? Factors that determine how much the winds bend are the latitude and the speed the air is moving at. Which hemisphere is shown and which way are the winds bending? The Northern Hemisphere is shown. The winds are bending to the right. Do winds blow faster or slower in Florida compared to the equator? Explain why. Winds blow slower in Florida compared to the equator. This is because Florida winds only blow 930 mph, and it is because of the Coriolis effect (slower speed = slower wind). Which way do hurricanes and tornadoes spin in the Northern Hemisphere?
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  • 159. The Intertropical Convergence Zone Plays a Large Role in... The intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) is a permanent low–pressure feature that lies on the meteorological equator. It is characterisied by lots of cloud cover and precipitation (Andrews et al., 2003). The ITCZ plays a significant role in the climate and weather events in the tropics. The clouds created by the ITCZ also provide an important form of albedo in the tropics (Waliser and Gautier, 1993),which has an effect on global climate. Tropical events such as monsoon and cyclones occur in the ITCZ and are products of the unique convection system found around the ITCZ (Yancheva et al., 2007, Ferreira and Schubert, 1997).The ITCZ is a product of humid trade winds from the northern and southern hemisphere converging and then rising. This rising of humid air usually results in precipitation over the tropics(Waliser and Somerville, 1994). This rising of the humid air acts as the driving force in the Hadley Cell (Waliser and Somerville, 1994). The ITCZ is a product of high levels of solar radiation and high amounts of latent heat released from the ocean (Andrews et al., 2003). It is important to realize that the ITCZ moves throughout the year depending on the seasons, it is likely to be found in the southern hemisphere in the southern hemisphere summer and in the northern hemisphere during the northern hemispheres summer. However the ITCZ is more likely to be found in the Northern hemisphere (Waliser and Somerville, 1994). The ITCZ plays a large role in many of the climatic ... Get more on ...
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  • 163. The Sun Accounts For The Earth 's Energy The Sun accounts for the entirety of Earth's energy. While the sun is the driving force of all living organisms on Earth, this energy must be balanced in order for the Earth to maintain a constant global temperature. The Earth distributes this energy through oceanic and atmospheric circulation. This distribution of energy determines the location of biomes throughout the world. These two circulation processes also affect air pressure gradients in tropical parts of the world. They are also responsible for weather phenomenon's like El Niño. As shortwave radiation from the sun reaches the Earth, about eighteen percent of this radiation is absorbed into the atmosphere. The remaining energy is reflected back or absorbed by the Earth. This reflection is known as albedo. Objects with a higher reflectivity have a higher albedo and vice versa. Similar to the sun, the Earth and its atmosphere also emit radiation. Because the Earth is much cooler than the sun, this radiation is in the form of longwave radiation (Nature of Radiation Lecture). Although, not all of this radiation exits the Earth's atmosphere, some of this radiation is absorbed back into the Earth. This is known as the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gasses absorb radiation. This radiation is emitted by greenhouse gasses and absorbed into the Earth, which in turn, heats up the surface of the Earth. By increasing the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, the temperature will continue to rise. In the polar regions of ... Get more on ...