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Statement Of Purpose Essay Example
Crafting an essay on the topic of a "Statement of Purpose Essay Example" can be a challenging
yet rewarding task. The difficulty lies not only in the need for personal introspection but also in
effectively conveying your aspirations, experiences, and future goals in a concise and compelling
To begin with, delving into one's own motivations and ambitions requires a deep level of self-
awareness. Articulating your academic and professional journey, along with the factors
influencing your career choices, demands thoughtful reflection. This introspection is essential to
create a narrative that resonates with the reader and clearly communicates your purpose.
The challenge intensifies when attempting to strike a balance between humility and confidence.
While you want to showcase your achievements and capabilities, it's crucial not to come across
as boastful. Striking this balance requires careful word choice and a keen understanding of how
your experiences align with your future objectives.
Moreover, crafting a compelling essay involves meticulous planning and organization. The
structure of the essay must be logical, with each paragraph seamlessly leading to the next. It's
essential to provide concrete examples to substantiate your claims and avoid vague or overly
general statements.
Additionally, meeting the often stringent word or page limits poses a unique challenge.
Condensing your life's journey and aspirations into a limited space requires prioritization and
concise expression. Every word must contribute meaningfully to the overall narrative, making
each sentence count.
Furthermore, seeking feedback from peers, mentors, or writing professionals is an integral part
of the process. Constructive criticism helps refine your essay, ensuring that it effectively
communicates your unique story and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.
In conclusion, writing a Statement of Purpose essay necessitates self-reflection, careful
articulation, strategic planning, and a keen understanding of the target audience. While
challenging, the process is a valuable opportunity to not only express your aspirations but also to
enhance your ability to convey complex ideas concisely. For those seeking assistance, similar
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Statement Of Purpose Essay Example Statement Of Purpose Essay Example
Health Disparities Among African Americans
Health disparities amongst African Americans continue to destabilize not just the
various communities but the health care system as a whole. Minority groups
especially African Americans are more probable to agonize from certain health
illnesses, have higher mortality rates and lower life expectancy than another other
race in the nation. Health disparities are complex and incorporate lifestyle choices,
socioeconomic factors such as income, education and employment and access to care
services. For the elimination of health disparities within the African American
community, there requires a need for equivalent access to health care and cultural
suitable health ingenuities. INTRODUCTION: The surveillance wherein a specific
constituent of the society receives an inferior quality of health care or health outcome
in comparison with the less at risk segment is the underpinning of health disparities
exploration. The meanings of health disparities are not at all times consistent and the
carefully chosen comparison sets habitually do not echo a presumptive understanding.
Therefore, what do we understand by the term health disparities? In brief, health
disparities refers to those pragmatic statistically and clinically substantial variances in
health outcomes or health care use amongst communally distinct vulnerable and less
vulnerable populaces that are not elucidated by the effects of selection bias
(Kilbourne, Switzer, et al., 2006). These perceived dissimilarities in health
Walden As A Mirror, Walden
Reflections: Walden as a Mirror, Walden as a Lens
When Henry David Thoreau went to Walden Pond on July 4, 1845, he had no way of
knowing that 200 years later, Walden would be required reading for anyone with even
a passing interest in American literature, environmental literature, or intentional
living. But Walden is so much more than the story of one man s retreat into the
woods to transact some private business. Thoreau s disarming directness and
naturalistic style aside, Walden not an incidental text. With extensive revisions,
distilling a little over two years into one, every chapter, sentence and word of
Walden has a purpose and place. Renaissance sculptor Michelangelo is credited with
saying, Every block of stone has a statue ... Show more content on ...
In fact, aside from a brief reference to the cycle of the seasons, where Thoreau says
that he lived a summer and a winter life; saw how [he] could let the years run off,
buffet the winter through and see the spring come in, this chapter gains seasonal
association through the knowledge that Thoreau went to Walden in the summer. The
Ponds brings us explicitly into autumn progressing from a calm September
afternoon, to such a day in September or October, to a November after the severe
frosts have come. The Pond in Winter brings the seasonal theme into the title and
finally the culmination of, Spring. Where I Lived, and What I Lived For begins
Walden s central narrative. Economy addresses the practicalities and the surface
narrative, but Where I Lived, and What I Lived For lays out the groundwork for the
extended metaphor that serves as Walden s symbolic backbone. Time is but the
stream I go a fishing in, I drink at; but while I drink I see the sandy bottom and
detect how shallow it is. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains. I would
drink deeper; fish in the sky, whose bottom is pebbly with stars, Thoreau tells us at
the end of the chapter. This quote illustrates two concepts that recur again and again
in Walden. First, the idea of water as simultaneously shallow and deep. Thoreau first
proclaims that he can see the bottom of the stream but then elaborates, implying that
there is something beyond the
Why Do People Choose To Be Evil
To Choose to be Evil Every day people makes choices, they can be good or bad.
These choices are what define peoples morals. There is always evil and temptation
surrounding mankind. The line dividing good and evil is more blurred than ever with
new temptations coming into play. Even more now that society is advancing into the
future. Mankind chooses to be evil. They are not born that way, but the choices they
make are what defines their morals. Throughout history there have been cases that
have proven the statement people aren t born evil; evil is made. These cases include
the Oklahoma bombing, Columbine High School shooting, and more recently the
Boston marathon bombing. The first event proving the evil of mankind is The
Oklahoma City Bombing. This bombing was a tragedy that happened on April
19,1995. The bombing was caused by Timothy McVeigh. Mr. McVeigh had a bone to
pick with the government. He did not like how the government handled The Waco
Siegeor... Show more content on ...
Let the future generation cleanse it of all evil, oppression, and violence and enjoy it
to the full. Loon Trotsky
The 119th running of the Boston Marathon happened April 15, 2013. Many people
gathered in boston Massachusetts to watch the runners take off. All those
gathered at the finish line of the race would ve never expected what happened that
fateful day. Brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were two of the
million people who attended the event. What people didn t know is that the two
brothers had pressure cooker bombs in their backpack. The two were by the finish
line where they dropped their backpacks in the crowd of people and walked away.
The two bombs killed 3 marathon watchers and injured over 260 others. 16 people
lost legs and the youngest to lose a leg was a 7 year old girl. The two were said to be
inspired by extremist islamic belief, but the brothers claimed they weren t apart of
any terrorist
Dress Code Controversy
The controversy about dress codes asks an important question: are dress codes
targeting girls and transgender students? Several sites including:
/education/resources/tools and strategies/table talk/what s fair and unfair about
student dress codes, stated that when they spoke to girls they said they feel shamed
and judged by dress codes. Are dress codes limiting students creativity. Should these
girls really feel harassed men and boys at their school?
Possibly the biggest growing controversy of dress codes is why they are stricter for
girls. The answer many people say? It is because boys can feel tempted . Tempted
or having a desire to feel sexally actrated to girls. What can they be tempted by
exactly? The answer most ... Show more content on ...
In April 2015, a Texas honors student was sent home for wearing yoga pants and an
oversized shirt that covered her entire backside. In August, a Kentucky student was
sent home for showing her collarbone. After her mother brought a scarf to cover her
neck, the administration still deemed it inappropriate. In Indiana, a 12 year old
student was suspended and missed two days of class. The offense: tight pants. Other
dress code violations include baring shoulders, wearing a tank top, or exposing a bra
strap. Should girls have to miss out on some of their education because of a
collarbone or tight pants? These are parts of our bodies that are distracting . Should
girls feel shamed about their bodies? However should school be an appropriate
People of authority at schools say yes. One article:
/school dress codes gender bias/, asked educators about dress codes and they stated
this: Most of the responses indicated some degree of support for dress code policies.
Business casual or uniforms, responded Margarette Ellen Allen. I m sorry but there
it is. When they head off to the real world ...that will be the expectation in basically
any job setting be it blue collar or white collar. People also say schools do not need
distractions, the students are there to learn.But are girls really just
Essay about World War I
World War I was a stalemate right from the outbreak of the war as a result of trench
warfare. With the introduction of this system, a piece of land stretching from the
Belgian coast, through France, and ending in Switzerland, became the venue for
majority of the conflict. For almost three years, this line shifted by no more than a
few hundred yards. All of this changed when the United Statesjoined the war and
prompted Germany to make an all out drive on the Allies so as to end the war before
the American Army reached full strength on the battlefield. The American
Expeditionary Force allowed the Allies to take the offensive, thereby ending the static
state of war that had settled on the Western Front as a result of trench warfare.
The ... Show more content on ...
Conversely, at places like Zonnbeke and the Ypres Salient, the length between front
line trenches was a mere 7 to 8 yards. The extreme to this situation was at
Bellewarde Ridge in 1915. The British and Germans actually shared the same front
line trench (Ellis 24).
With this structure in place, any real gain of land on one side s part was nigh
impossible. When an attack occurred hundreds would die. What resulted was the use
of raids.
Why were trench raids used? Why did so many men die for a gain of a few yards or
to acquire a small amount of field intelligence? The answer lies in the word morale .
Morale is what a soldier needs to keep fighting even after seeing fellow men die right
beside him.
The ground was strewn with our dead, and in all directions were wounded men
crawling on their hands and knees. It was piteous and it is a dreadful thought that
there are occasions when one must resist the entreaties of men in such condition and
leave them to get in as best they can, or lie out in the cold and wet, without food, and
under fire, as they often have to do for days and nights together. (qtd. Fletcher)
Morale can also take a more sinister turn towards jealousy. Many people believed
that raids were a product of jealousies among the staff. If a raid were to be
successful, then the general would gain honor and prestige among his men as well as
his fellow staff.
As the
The Existence Of Evil And Evil
The existence of evil in the world caused people to questioned the existence of the
perfect God. If God was truly omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good, then why
would he let terrible things happen to good people? In recent news, we have
witnessed many innocent deaths caused by a school shooting, a child raped, natural
disaster, and other tragic events. If Godwas in control of everything, does this means
that he allows these bad things to happen to humanity? This suffering seems to
conflicts with the images of a perfect God. It is important for Christian to
acknowledged that God did not cause eviland that he is still the same loving God. To
understand why God, allow evil and suffering among humanity, we must inspect the
theodicy ( the doctrine that will explain the suffering happening in the world) or
the problem of evil. It is important to be able to understand and define the problems
of evil. Second, we will reflect upon the characteristic of the Lord and his power, on
his ability to prevent evil. Lastly, I will also share my position on this particular
theological problem.
Approaches on Evil
Christians often focus on the good rather than evil. Many theologies were formed to
protecting God from being the victim of creating evil. According to Mackie, God is
omnipotent and God is wholly good, and yet evil exist (Mackie, 1955, pp.210).
Mackie illustrated the contradiction between the three approaches. He believes that if
the first two position is correct then the
Motives for British Imperialism in Africa Essay
Motives for British Imperialism in Africa
Before the Europeans began the New Imperialism in Africa, very little was known
about the inner parts of the continent. However, after some explorers delved deeper
into the heart of Africa, the Europeans soon realized how economically important this
area was, and how much they could profit from it. At the time, Britain had only small
occupations of land in Africa, but after they realized that they could make money
from the rich resources from the inner regions of Africa, they wanted to invade the
African countries and take over. This led to the scramble and ultimately, the partition
of Africa. During the Age of Imperialism, from 1870 1914, Britain was a major
country, which proved to be true ... Show more content on ...
However, money ran short, and he was unable to pay off the loans he had due.
Therefore, in order to pay off his debts, he was forced to sell portions of the canal to
Britain and remained to do so until the British gained control of it. This is example
is directly related to the most important reason of British imperialism, economic, as
will be discussed in the second to last paragraph.
The exploratory reasons was perhaps the least significant, however it did play a
somewhat important reason in British imperialism. Before the Age of Imperialism,
the inner parts of Africa s landmass were not familiar to Britain, and other countries.
Numerous expeditions of explorers revealed much of the geographical features of
this continent. In this category, the name of the most influential figure of
exploration must be mentioned, and that was Dr. David Livingstone of Britain. He
was the most famous and recognized explorer missionary. David Livingstone
became the first of explorers to enter the depths of inner Africa. He took notes of all
his accounts and opinions of what went on. With a more accurate land recognization,
it made it easier for the British to go into Africa and take over.
The ideological reasons for the Age of Imperialism pertained to all of the European
countries. However, Britain was the most influential, because they were strongest.
They believed that they were the superiority of the world
State Bank of India
Aayush Jaiswal C 50 3/19/2011
Shilpi Grewal C 60
This reports deals with Introduction to State bank of India, challenges due to
technology, Implementation of CoreBanking System, benefits to SBI, various
architecture followed at SBI talk with MR. ASHOK KUMAR SHARMA (Chief
Manager SBI Stressed Assets Resolution Centre).
Type Industry Founded Public (NSE: SBIN, BSE: 500112, LSE: SBID) Banking
Financial services 1 July 1955
Headquarters Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Key people O. P. Bhatt (Chairman)
Investment Banking, Consumer Banking, Commercial Banking, Retail Banking
Private Banking, Asset Management, ... Show more content on ...
The advantages in products and efficiency of the private sector banks became
increasing evident in the late 1990s as SBI (and India s other public sector banks)
lost existing customers and could not attract the rapidly growing middle market in
India. In fact, this technology savvy market segment viewed the public sector banks
as technology laggards that could not meet their banking needs. As a result, the
Indian government sought to have the publicsector banks modernize their core
banking systems. In response to the competitive threats and entreaties from the
government, SBI engaged KPMG Peat Marwick (KPMG) in 2000 to develop a
technology strategy and a modernization road map for the bank. In 2002, bank
management approved the KPMGrecommended strategy for a new IT environment
that included the implementation of a new centralized core banking system. This
effort would encompass the largest 3,300 branches of the bank that were located in
city and suburban areas. The State Bank of India s objectives for its project to
modernize core systems included:
пѓ The delivery of new product capabilities to all customers, including those in
rural areas пѓ The unification of processes across the bank to realize operational
efficiencies and improve customer service пѓ Provision of a single customer view
of all accounts пѓ The ability to merge the affiliate banks into SBI пѓ Support for
all SBI existing products пѓ Reduced customer wait times in branches пѓ
Reversal of the customer
Rosa Parks Case
Although the Brown v Board of Education Supreme Court decision was the early
opening of the Civil Rights Movement, the second hand key player of the
revolution toward equal opportunities was Rosa Parks. On December 1st, 1955 in
Montgomery, Alabama, Parks refused to give up her seat that was located in the
front of a bus for a white passenger who clearly had the capability to stand (Brunner
1). Her bravery to not surrender her seat for another individual just because of the
contrast in their skin color was admired by many, however, she was soon accused
of breaking a segregation law according to the state s legislation at the time. Due to
her choice to rise against the social norms and the public s unwillingness to hear her
speak for
Joint Special Operation Command Job Analysis
Joint Special Operation Command requires individuals who are self reliant,
adaptable, and competent in assigned tasks and responsibilities. Special Operations
Forces cannot be mass produced and rely heavily on human assets for mission
success. The ideal candidate for JSOC is a well rounded individual capable of
adapting to challenges in new environments while completing the mission at hand.
This position will allow me to develop the skills I already have and acquire new ones.
As the Deputy Disbursing Officer in Korea I have been exposed to some of the
capabilities of military finance organization. I work diligently to ensure the
functioning of daily financial operations in country as well as provide support for
contingency operations planning. I see this as an opportunity for me to progress my
career development. The challenge that the job presents, is something that I will
enjoy tackling. I am at my best when faced with problems that need to be solved with
tact and timeliness. I am certain that I can make an impact and bring benefit to the
JSOC organization.
It is imperative to adapt to your ... Show more content on ...
I was awarded a 2 year ROTC Scholarship at Western Kentucky University in
Bowling Green, KY in 2014. I served as the Battalion Executive Officer (2016),
Treasurer of the Cadet Budget Council (2015), and Senior Military Student Advisor
at the Cadet Leadership Course in Ft. Knox, KY (2015). I earned my commission on
December 9th, 2016 with a degree in Business Economics from the Gordon Ford
College of Business. I am a graduate of the WKU Dynamic Leadership Institute a four
phase critical thinking, leadership for outstanding students. Additionally, I held a full
time position with Spalding, an entity of Berkshire and Hathaway, as the Product
Management Analyst Intern for basketball equipment and supply for the
The Strange Career Of Jim Crow Summary
C. Vann Woodward s The Strange Career Of Jim Crow
C. Vann Woodward illuminates one of the ugliest aspects of American societal
history in his book The Strange Career of Jim Crow. His book is an overview of the
development of the Jim Crow system, a set of racist laws put in place around the turn
of the nineteenth century. Interestingly his book tracks the evolution of racism
throughout American history. He not only shows where and when racism is
developing but the different ways that the racism manifested itself in the North and
C. Vann Woodwardpublished the first edition of his book in 1955, while the racial
atmosphere was in a tumultuous state. Black Americans at the time were still
suffering from the effects of the ... Show more content on ...
In his preface to his first edition, he lays out what he is attempting to do. He says
Few have any idea of the relative recency of the Jim Crow laws, or any clear notion
of how, when, and why the system arose. (p. xvi) In his book he seems to be
explaining the system and where he believes it arose. With that though comes the
responsibility of including all of the facts, which Woodward attempts to do through
his revisions.
He publishes his second revised edition in 1966, three years after Martin Luther
King s I Have a Dream speech. The civil rights movement is now in full swing and
his second edition is much more complete than his first. He acknowledges the
faults of his first edition stating, The intervening years of social upheaval and
political travail since 1955 have inevitably altered the perspective from which the
earlier history was viewed. (p.ix) Woodward s third edition is published in 1974,
and in his preface he again allows for the changing times. Though in this edition, he
does state that his biggest change is the addition of a chapter to the end of his book
which covers the biggest advancements in race relations. His final edition is
published almost thirty years after his third edition and is in many ways a
reevaluation of the entire book after the time period has ended. In 2001, while there
is still racism, the Civil Rights
Phineas Gage and the Role of the Brain in Cognitive...
Phineas Gage and the Role of the Brain in Cognitive Functioning
BreAnne Warden
December 5, 2011
Devlin Crose
Phineas Gage and the Role of the Brain in Cognitive Functioning The brain plays a
key role in cognitive functioning. Of the many areas in the brain, only certain areas
have an impact on cognitive functioning. The case of a man named Phineas Gage
showed key elements of specific areas in the brain that support certain cognitive
functions. The traumatic brain injury that Phineas Gage suffered in 1848 has aided
cognitive and neuropsychologists in making large strides in understanding the human
mind. In the following work, the role of the brain in cognitive functioning will be
examined and better explained. Examples ... Show more content on ...
Phineas Gage worked as a blaster for the Rutland and Burlington Railroad project
in 1848 (Grieve, 2010). While working for the railroad, one of Gage s duties was
using gunpowder and long iron rods to blast a hole into the rock so as to continue
building the tracks (Grieve, 2010). In a seemingly careless action, a three foot
tamping iron was blown from the ground through Gage s skull (Grieve, 2010).
Instead of killing him, the tamping iron left a large hole all the way through the
skull and brain of Phineas Gage (Grieve, 2010). It is clear that the injury sustained
by Phineas Gage is no ordinary injury. According to the National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), the injury that was sustained by
Phineas Gage can be classified as a traumatic brain injury or a TBI. A traumatic
brain injury can be defined as an injury that occurs when a sudden trauma causes
damage to the brain (NINDS, 2011). Depending on the severity of the injury to the
brain, the symptoms of a traumatic brain injury can include headaches, confusion,
vomiting, dizziness, instability of mood, fatigue, changes in behavior, and blurred
vision amongst many other symptoms (NINDS, 2011). The traumatic brain injury
that Phineas Gage suffered as a result of the tamping iron exploding from the ground
caused obvious immense damage to Gage s brain (Grieve, 2010). A large portion of
Gage s brain was damaged when the tamping
English 102 Intro Quiz Amu Essays
Part 1 of 1 | 84.0/ 100.0 Points| Question 1 of 25| 0.0/ 4.0 Points|
Course extensions are available for which of the following reasons? | | | | A.
documented military deployment.| | | | | B. too busy with work and family
commitments.| | | | | C. vacation.| | | | | D. all of the above.| |
Answer Key: A
Feedback: APUS Professors can provide course extensions for documented military
deployment and military related activities. Students are not eligible for course
extensions for personal reasons such as being too busy , going on vacation or non
military work issues. Courses start every month, so be sure you take classes that fit
around your personal schedule. Equally, instructors are not ... Show more content on ...
| | | | A. proficiency with video and audio technology| | | | | B. the ability to express
viewpoints other than their own and to think critically| | | | | C. ability to apply
learned knowledge to the real world | | | | | D. communication in written form| |
Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good job! Please see the syllabus or Student Handbook for detail on the
five institutional objectives. It s a good idea to keep these in mind as you go
through each course to help frame what you are learning into a broader context. Even
though this is a science course, you will be graded on your writing skills (i.e.
spelling, grammar, etc.) as communication in the written form is one of the five
institutional learning objectives here at APUS.| Question 7 of 25| 4.0/ 4.0 Points|
A student can drop a class without financial penalty until | | | | A. the end of the first
day of class.| | | | | B. never.| | | | | C. the end of the first week of class, which is a
Sunday.| | | | | D. the fourth week of class.| |
Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job! Students sometimes wait through the first week to assess
whether to stay in a class. Be sure to log into classes early and ask any questions you
have so that you can be sure to spend your education dollars wisely| Question 8 of
25| 4.0/ 4.0 Points|
My student advisor can help me | | | | A. understand how to complete my
assignments.| | | | |
A Small Pond And A Big Pond
If you are given a choice, what would you pick to be? A big fish in a small pond or
a small fish in a big pond? Life will give you choices, situations, opportunities that
can place you on one side or another and suddenly, the path of opportunity appears,
the moment where you can escape from the pond and reach the glory. Could we
change that spot where life place us? Could the fish escape from the pond?
Being born in Santo Domingo put me for many years as the Big fish in the Small
Pond Since I was a kid, one of my passions have been to write, at the age of 7 I sent
an article to a Children s magazine in Santo Domingo called Al Compas sharing my
point of views in my article I was trying to create the consciousness about
contamination and discriminations about handicaps, It was a surprise to my parents
when they saw it in the magazine because I did not t ask permission to mail it. In
2003 I won the first place in the category of essays in a contest about Priest Juan
Nepomuceno Zegri, in La Semana Mercedaria a week where nuns from the catholic
church I studied celebrated the foundation of her congregation.
At the end of High School I received the Student Excellence Award and won a
scholarship to study in Universidad APEC, where I started my Bachelor degree
majoring in Advertising. At first I wanted to focus on copywriting or TV production.
Then one day through the passion of a very talented professor, I shaped my dreams.
She was not supposed to be my teacher, but
Becoming A True Tiger
this whole event was for. It turned out to be for True Tigers, an organization I was
completely unaware about. I went up to the join here tent and asked the lady to
just explain it all to me. Supposedly you sign up to be a True Tiger and pay a fee
every month in order to be part of this network of students under a chapter of the
Mizzou Alumni Association. Those who are part of this network carry out the
mission of carrying out and honoring Mizzou s most cherished traditions. Most
people become a True Tiger as a way to create relationships with alumni and
attended various private events. The most interesting thing I found out was if you
are a True Tiger you get discounts from tons of places on campus (list of discounts
are in this folder). This
The International Atomic Energy Agency
Organisational culture is a source of competitive advantage and according to
education portal (2015), organisational culture is defined as a shared system of
assumptions, values and beliefs, which governs how people behave in organisations .
These shared values will influence how employees of the organisation will perform,
act and dress. Furthermore, Every organisation develops and maintains a unique
cultureand this will create guidelines for how members of the organisation will
behave. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (2010) refers to
organisational culture as an organisation s personality . The IAEA also states that
culture is not only important for keeping organisational goals, but it appeals to
attracting and keeping desirable employees which in turn improves the company s
public image and the company s cooperate relationships.
In order to further support my answer, this essay will explain and discuss the models
and theories of organisational culture. This essay will also link these models and
theories to two UK based companies to authenticate the models and theories.
Bosch (2015) is an example of a UK based company that knows the importance of
organisational culture. The company claims their corporate culture makes [them]
unique and is reason for why their associates are proud to work for Bosch. The
company also claims that the culture forms a special bond that guides actions and
interactions . Bosch have created the House of Orientation for
Cake Decorating Book Review
Carpenter Autumn. The Complete Photo Guide to Cake Decorating. Minneapolis,
MN: Creative Pub. International, 2012. Print.
In this book of 330 pages it describes how to decorate cake cookies .She shows all the
material that will be need for decorating a cake. The brushes should be used only for
cake decorating. Brusher #2 (skinny) is only to paint details onto the cake, there are
too many brushes that you can use. The cake slicers are used to divide a cake layer
for torting (torting means splitting or cutting the layers of your cake). Cutters are
available to create accents for cakes; cutters cut gum paste and make it into 3D
accents. Spatula is a thin spatula about 10 or 12 diameters, the spatula used to
easily lift the cake. Use a large rolling pin to roll fondant, silicon pin works good for
pastry and cookie.
This book is easy to understand because it shows pictures of the tools and explains
what the tools are for. What she says was interesting because she says that you need
to have one brush for every part of the cake.
Hebert, Jane. Cake and Cookie Decorating. Library Journal 37.1 (2012): n. page.
Web. 20 Oct. 2016
The cake art is so popular; this is a good choice for those who want to learn how to
decorate cake and cookies. However you need to buy all the supplies for decoration
at a special store for cake supplies. ... Show more content on ...
Never get the fondant wet. You need to leave the cake outside for a few minutes so
that it cools first before you put the fondant. Once you cover the cake with frosting
roll the fondant until you have the sides of the cake covered. When you put the
fondant on the top of the cake you need to roll and smooth the top with your hand
carefully. Once you finish putting the fondant on top of the cake, you can buy the
equipment in the store to decorate the sides and put some flowers on the top of the
cake. Then you need to put the fondant around the cake to cover
Stack Structure Essay
Survey of Stacks and Queues
Have you ever been stuck in a line, a few, hundreds, or even thousands of people
ahead of you? Well, this is exactly what a stack structure is all about. With a stack
data structure, you are placed inside of a queue or we can use a line for example.
To prevent customers or people from feeling unfairly placed or cheated this is a
great way to make everything go over smoothly. Let s take a stack of plates for
example. Consider the plates being stacked over one another on top of a table. The
plate that is at the top of the pile will be the first one to be removed. An example
would be the plate that had been placed at the bottommost position will remain in the
stack for the longest period of time. Another example ... Show more content on ...
Now that stack has been explained in a simplified way the rest of the paper will talk
more about the origin of stack data structure, more advanced stack situations, main
uses, and possibilities that could be used in future references.
Stacks was developed by a guy named Alan M. Turing. According to the CIA
government information on Turing, he is an English mathematician, logician,
cryptanalyst , and founder of computer science(Enigma, 2015). He was born in
London, 23 June 1912, to upper middle class British parents who raised him in a
traditional schooling system that was ran by the British imperial system. Turing
entered the computer science world in his computer design where he uses the term
bury and unbury as a means of calling upon and returning the subroutines which
were implemented back in 1945 by Konrad Zuse. The idea was proposed by the
Technical University of Munich back in 1955 and the patent was filed in 1957. This
is how he is known as one of the main creators of stacks. Turing s short and
extraordinary life has attracted wide interest (Plato, 2013).
He is known for his contributions to the artificial intelligence and computer science
community before it even existed. He is most known for what is now called the
Turing Test and that is a process of testing an computer s ability to make its own
decisions or think so to say. A little bit more information on Turing s life is that he
dominated the world of technology of the twentieth century and he
History of Racism in the United States Essay
History of Racism in the United States
Strom Thurmond was a Democrat? George Bush was a strong opposer of black
voting rights? Times
have certainly changed. Key events in US history; have led to moderate
desegregation that encompasses
our nation today. One must thoroughly investigate dates, and legislation between
1948 and 1980 to fully
comprehend the nature of racism today. When investigating periods of African
American history one must
not only look at the superficial data, but undermining factors, which may have gone
unnoticed by the
public eye. These events are equally important to the legislation, which passed that
will forever change the
history of the United States.
1948 will be inscribed in time as the ... Show more content on ...
His demands were
not met, and Truman knew he must do something on the issue or else the worlds eye
would once again be
placed on the United States. Truman addressed the concern by addressing the nation
that there shall be
equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed forces. During the
1948 election Truman
was not fearful of losing conservative votes; Truman was frightened because he knew
the black vote was
needed to win the election. The only reason Truman could lose the 1948 election
would be because of a
man named Henry Wallace, who ran a completely un segregated campaign. Truman
knew Wallace had to
be eliminated in the minds of blacks, so he chose to identify him with the communist
party (Tyson, 64).
The ?Red Scare? of this time instilled fear in black organizations. Black associations
wanted to be known as
nationalistic organizations. Anything that resembled communism would set the equal
rights movement
back several years. Dixie Crats such, as Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms were
appauled regarding how
their Democratic associates were now treating race. These conservatives parted with
the Democratic Party
and created the States Rights Party. Later they joined forces with the Republican
Truman won the 1948 election, and African Americans fulfilled a goal of letting the
world know of the
happenings in the United States. In 1948 the NAACP used the platform which was
the United Nations to
Preserving Sea Turtles in United States Essay
Preserving Sea Turtles in United States
Sea turtles, which have been around for millions of years, are on the brink of
extinction. In many countries, people consider their meat and eggs as prized
delicacies. Often times they are just killed for their beautiful shell. However, the
leading cause of sea turtle death in the US can be attributed to shrimp fishermen and
the nets they use to catch shrimp (1). Each year, thousands of sea turtles are carelessly
killed even though there are measures which can be taken to avoid this catastrophe.
With proper usage of a device called the Turtle Excluder Device (TED), shrimp
fishermen could reduce sea turtle deaths in their nets by 97% (5) thereby increasing
the likelihood for survival of all six ... Show more content on ...
The green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) is a medium to large bodied sea turtle that
is actually brownish in color. Adult shell lengths range from 0.9 1.1 meters and
weights average 90 137 kilograms. these turtles are primarily a herbivorous species
and the young can often be found in Florida waters, especially in areas with an
abundance of sea grasses. The decline in these turtles these turtles has been mostly
due to commercial harvest for eggs and food, as well as leather and jewelry (7).
The hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) is small to medium in size with
an attractively colored shell of thick overlapping scales. This shell is the source of
tortoise shell. Hawksbill turtles are named accordingly because of their hawk like
beak. They range in size from 45 90 kilograms in weight and 0.8 1.0 meters in length.
Commercial exploitation is the main cause of the continued decline of the hawksbill
turtle because of the high demand for tortoise shell products (7).
The Kemp s ridley sea turtle (Lepodochelys kempii) is the smallest and most
endangered sea turtle. The adult size does not exceed 0.8 meters in length and they
usually weigh between 36 and 45 kilograms. These are commonly olive gray but
they are black when they are young. Kemp ridley turtles inhabit the coastal waters
and bays of the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic
Assessing Damages to Account to Contributory Negligence
In court proceedings, fair and workable principles are imperative for the effective
performance of judges. In light of this, some may excoriate contributory
negligence for its putative inaccuracy and unfairness; others may perceive it as a
valuable and effective means of apportioning justice. With reference to Marien v
Gardiner, I will argue that while the notion of assessing damages to account for
contributory negligence is fair, it is impossible to accurately make such
assessments. Implicit in the supposition that damages should be apportioned
according to the negligence of both the plaintiff and defendant is the requisite
balancing process. This process is exiguous, if not absent, in binary approaches
that adhere to strict dichotomies like guilt and innocence. If one was to think in
such absolutes, either the appellant or the respondent in Marien will be wholly
liable despite the negligence of both parties. Based on the axiom that it is worse to
endanger others than it is to endanger oneself, it may seem fair to act in solicitude
for the injured party by centralizing on the perpetrator s negligence. However, such
bias contravenes the rules of procedural fairness that are germane to the culture of
justification . Hence a holistic approach that balances and considers the arguments of
all parties should be taken. Marien evinces that even if a victim s contributory
negligence did not endanger the injurer or anybody else, the judge must follow fair
and proper procedure
Dea Is A United States Department Of Justice Enforcement...
The Drug Enforcement Administration also known as DEA is a United States
Department of Justice law enforcement agency. Their purposes is to enforce the law
to stop the sale of illegal drugs, drug trafficking, investigate major crimes within the
United States and internationally, and to secure and protect our communities from
ever confronting drugs. D.E.A. also cooperates with many major law enforcement
agencies such as federal, state, local, and overseas law enforcement agencies to stop
criminals from smuggling drugs in our territory and help the people from getting
involved with drugs. Other responsibilities include investigating major crimes,
carrying out mission, and detain drugtraffickers operations in interstate and
international... Show more content on ...
The United States have declared that it is doing its best to combat the war on drugs.
The drug problem has not stopped and the people continue to buy drugs no matter
what circumstances they are obtained. With drugs prices rising, people are willing
do anything to get drugs even if it leads them to become involved in criminal
activities such as robbery. The money and military activity have not been enough, and
the urban problem, has not been resolved. The United States has the largest demand
of drugs in the world. While other countries also face the drug problem, the United
States has spent the most money and law enforcement; however, its effectiveness is
questionable. Consequently, now there is a great amount of drugs coming from
Mexico s borderline into the United States. The drug cartels have become more
violent, killing Mexican officers and innocent people in order to smuggle their drugs.
The United States needs more security control and better coordination between
agencies to fight the violent Mexican drug war spilling across the southern border.
There is not enough organization between the D.E.A and other groups such as the
Department of Homeland Security. The United States has little hope of winning the
war unless enough protection on the border and Border States are developed. The
agencies need better coordination between the federal, state and locals agencies in
order to prevent more drugs to cross
Marketing Pl Riyaz Rent A Car Service
Executive Summary Riyaz rent a car service and Bus Rental is a one stop solution
for all your vehicle rental requirements, including short term rentals and long term
leasing. We aim to provide a relaxed and professional atmosphere in all our car
rental centres, highlighted by a friendly approach and flexibility in our dealings
with both customers and suppliers. Whether our customers are individuals or
companies, our goal is to match each requirement with the right vehicle at the most
competitive rates in the market. Our customers peace of mind is also very
important to us, therefore we place a high merit on safety and regular vehicle
maintenance. In the future, we see Riyaz rent a car service as an Australian car
rental company with offices, rental counters and retail spaces that are dotted around
the Australia. This marketing plan is designed to lay the foundation of Riyaz rent a
car service in Victoria. This plan will give a broad picture of how to attract the
youngsters and business professionals. It will cover act a boost to the business plan
and this plan also includes other aspects of marketing. Aims of this Marketing plan
are: Attract youngsters and working professionals. Marketing campaigns and
understanding the need of the customers. ROI understanding and budget planning,
create awareness. Advertisement and re engineering of business model. Situation
Analysis Industry Research Size of market Rent a car is huge industry across the
globe and it has always
Organizational Leadership and Development
Organization development grew out of the human relations traditions of the 1940s
and 1950s, and it has had enormous influence on management practices and thinking
about how organizational effectiveness can be achieved. Critical manpower and
resource shortages faced by all organizations, public and private, during World War II
and in the immediate post war years stimulated a search by social scientist and
managers, separately and in cooperation with one another, for effective means to
maximize the utilization of existing individual and organizational resources. (Ritcher,
I 2007). Organization Development was by tradition about planned change efforts,
instituted to enhance organization effectiveness within the context of the traditional,
hierarchical, managementas experts, top down era. The legacy of leaders and
organizations developed in this context remain. Organizational Development is about
how organizations and people function and how to get them to function better.
Organization transformation signals the need to transform mindsets, engage people
and make the deep shift to the ongoing mutual learning environment needed for the
long lasting change characteristic of our world today. The differences between
Organizational transformation and Organizational development and are both planned
change approaches. They are both supportive of changes to organizations to enhance
their effectiveness. However, the change methods are different. Organization
development involves slow
Climate Action Plan For The Uk Greenhouse Gas Emissions
B.C. Climate Action Plan
The B.C. Climate Action Plan is a comprehensive strategy implemented by the
Canadian government with the objective to diminish provincial greenhouse gas
emissions (GHG). In 2007, a Throne Speech was given remarking that climate
leadership in B.C was illusory and commitment to climate leadership was an
imperative component in the future of the province. As such, in 2008, the Climate
Action Plan was released with the intent to serve as a guide in helping British
Columbia attain a prosperous, green economy. Within the Action Plan, initiatives and
approaches are outlined to make B.C carbon neutral by 2010 and move the province
closer towards reducing GHG emissions to the target 33 percent in 2020. By 2050, the
... Show more content on ...
2007 A speech from the Throne is given outlining the need for climate leadership. In
response, 180 municipalities in B.C sign the Charter.
2008 The Climate Action Plan is released along with the enactment of the greenhouse
gas legislation.
2009 Federal standards are created for vehicle emissions.
2010 The first progress report is submitted showing all Climate Action commitments
are underway or complete. Additionally, B.C becomes the first carbon neutral
government in North America.
2011 to 2012 The first interim GHG target reaches 6 percent below 2007 levels.
Objectives and Design
The B.C. Climate Action Plan has one main objective: to reduce provincial
greenhouse gas emissions. This objective takes the form of legislative targets that
commit B.C to reduce their emissions and become a carbon neutral province. The
Climate Action Plan is comprised of pillars that characterize key tactics that make
reaching these goals plausible and realistic.
Key Pillars
The B.C Climate Action plan has 5 main pillars:
1.Legislated Targets: Entrenched in law, by 2020, B.C is committed to reduce their
GHG emissions by 33 percent compared to 2007 levels. Additionally, by 2050, the
province has committed to reduce emissions by 80 percent compared to 2007 levels.
2.Key Partnerships: The development of partnerships among nations surface
opportunities to capitalize on complementary strengths. As such, B.C has partnered
with states
Serial Killers And The United States
Introduction Serial murder crime though rare, is not a a new phenomenon. This
crime has been committed for centuries and will continue to be a crime that is
committed throughout the world. It is unfortunate and scary that this is probably
one of the most serious of crimes that cannot be prevented. According to the U.S.
Department of Justice, serial murderers commit their crimes because they want to.
Rehabilitation is not obtainable for serial killers due to their inability for remorse
and empathy, or to see people as people and not objects(Knight 2006). This
research paper will focus primarily on serial murder within the U.S. First and
foremost, a legal definition provided by the U.S. Department of Justice will be
presented to set forth the discussion of this research paper. As follows will be a
detailed discussion explaining serial killer typologies with the use of examples of
known serial killers in the U.S. Types of serial killers are: power oriented, mission
oriented, visionary, and hedonistic, each typology will be clearly defined and
explained. Some serial killers can have a mixture of each typology s characteristic.
Serial killers that will be discussed and used as examples to represent the content of
this research paper will be, John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, Robert Berdella, Jeffery
Dahmer, and lastly the most prolific serial killer in American history, Gary
Ridgeway. Problems with studying serial killing, are that because of rarity and
access. Most of what we think
What Is The Theme Of Summer Love In Birnam Woods
The short story, Birnam Woods, by T.C. Boyle, revolves around a dysfunctional
couple s journey to survive in a harsh winter. While Keith struggles to earn a living
as a substitute teacher, Nora has a degree but does not care to find a job. Together
they live in a shack without electricity, so they try to find a new home. They
become house sitters for a rich old couple. Later Nora proceeds to find a job as a
hostess at a restaurant. After Keith meets Steve at Nora s workplace, they discuss
Keith and Nora s relationship, which Keith reveals lacks passion. This discussion
opens the door for Steve to make a move on Nora. As Steve approaches Nora with a
poem and Tequila, Nora doesn t resist his charm. Dejected, Keith then leaves the
house and finds a couple in their bedroom, passionless like the winter. The scene
makes Keith realize that when passion dies, so does the relationship. In the end,
Keith discovers that he and Nora have been living the winter life, and Nora has
moved on in search of another summer life. Boyle s story shows the bell curve of a
relationship with summer as the climax and winter as the low point. Therefore, Boyle
tells the reader to enjoy the young, summer love while it lasts, before winter comes.
Relationships does not last forever; the love between the two lovers can also be
broken up by physical and mental events. Also, love very often represents youth,
Ma 2 people chase love as a way of recapturing the dream of when they were young.
As a
Inadequacy Of Social Welfare Programs
It is also important to recognize how many low income families are unable to escape
poverty due to the lack of protection from the hidden implicit fees or poverty taxes
that burden those struggling financially. Many of these costs stem from the practices
of payday lenders who capitalize on the impoverished and their inability to procure
loans from traditional banks. When needy individuals possess poor credit scores or
lack ample savings, their inadequate financial histories prevent them from taking out
loans from conventional banking institutions. Consequently, when a situation arises
where an immediate credit blind loan is required, they are forced to turn to these
independently run subprime lenders and their excessively high interest rates.... Show
more content on ...
Beginning in 1996, the Clinton administration implemented a grand bargain that
stated that any person who fails to actively search for employment on a regular basis
will no longer receive government aid. The ambiguous framework of this reform
ultimately allowed states to set welfare regulations based on their own personal
agenda, rather than their originally intended purposes. Since the passage of this
legislation, currently only 27% of Americans who qualify for welfare assistance end
up receiving the monetary aid that they deserve, leading to over 4 million
unemployed individuals currently struggling without benefits. Across states
however, this welfare gap varies quite distinctly. Georgia, most notably, is extremely
strict when distributing aid, taking advantage of the flexible framework to create a
system where only a limited few are able to qualify for financial aid. To procure
eligibility, Georgian citizens must attend an excessively large number of job searches,
regardless of their access to means of transportation, to prove their intent on finding
employment. As a result, many of the federal funds distributed to the Georgian state
government for welfare programs are diverted instead towards issues such as
improving the foster care system or education, rather than to their
Crumpsall Insect Control
Do you need Insect Control in Crumpsall? Sometimes one isn t aware of the activity
that goes on behind our skirting boards and under our floors until it is too late. Insects
can colonise huge areas in buildings without the occupants being aware.
Unfortunately, when they have established themselves it is more difficult to remove
them. An infestation of insects can be a potentially hazardous health riskand some
insects, once established, can cause extensive damage to your premises. A lasting
solution requires the knowledgeable people that have had extensive hands on
experience in the field.
In Crumpsall, Insect Control is professionally conducted by Pro Kill Environmental.
Whether your problem is at home or if you need help for a larger place
How Does Nathaniel Hawthorne Use Symbols In Young
Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts. Hawthorne was a part of a
Puritan Family which has a judge on the Salem witchcraft trails. Nathaniel Hawthorne
graduated from Bowdoin College. Hawthorne first novel was Fanshawe. Hawthorne
rented the Old Manse house built by Ralph Waldo Emersion grandson. Hawthorne
use(s) symbolism, themes, and irony in Young Goodman Brownto show the effects of
the plot. Hawthorne use(s) symbolism to show how everyday things can impact
ones chooses when choosing between good vs evil. The symbols used symbols evil
thing or thoughts in Young Goodman Brown. Young Goodman Brown is used to
symbols a perfect man that is a good person. Hawthorne uses symbolism to show
how a weakness of public morality towards evilness. Hawthorne also use the symbols
to reflect on how evilness can come between even the most loyal Christians in Salem,
Massachusetts. One of the symbols used is the devil staff to help convert Christians
to sinners. He also uses faith s pink ribbons as symbols to show how women can
easily be converted from Christianity to evilness.... Show more content on ...
One of the ways Hawthorne uses themes is to appeal to the publics moral such as
felling happy or sad. Another way he uses themes is to show how people are
fearful of the wilderness. One of the ways it is used in Young Goodman Brown is
when the devil conversion rituals are practiced. It is used to show how good people
can be corrupted and turned to evilness. The things that happen at night in Salem are
symbols that represent evilness, darkness and sins that where trying to be concealed
by the puritans. The themes used by Hawthorne are associated with evilness and
Jane Rodham Research Paper
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton was born on October 26, 1947, at Edgewater
Hospital in Chicago, Illinois . She was raised in a family that was United
Methodist. Rodham s family first lived in Chicago, Illinois in which her father
Hugh Rodham made a small successful textile business. As for her mother, she was
a homemaker. Her father was of English and Welsh descent while her mother was
from Dutch, English, French Canadian, Scottish and Welsh Descent . During
young Rodhams life, she was generally liked by her teachers at the Park Ridge
school which she attended. While in school she participated in swimming and
softball in which she won plenty of badges. While on a trip to Chicago with her
youth ministry Rodham had the chance to see Martin Luther King Jr. speak which
sparked her lifelong passion for social justice. In her early years, she was interested
in the Space Race, she sent a letter to NASA asking them what... Show more content
on ...
While in college she became for interested in social justice activism. In college, she
majored in political science. Rodham had become a prominent student leader she
was elected by her peers to be the first ever student speaker at Wellesley
commencement ceremony according to Hillary Clinton s website. She supported
elections of Republicans like John Lindsay to Mayor New York City and
Massachusetts Attorney General Edward Brooke to the United States Senate (Brock
1996, pp. 12 1). In her junior year in college Rodham was elected for the presidential
nomination campaign of Democrat Eugene McCarthy according to New York Times
article by Mark Leibovich. After Martin Luther King Junior s death Rodham
organized a two day student strike and worked with Wellesley s black student to
recruit more black student and faculty (Leibovich, 2007). When Rodham got fired
from the Mount McKinley National Park washing dishes she striked about the
unhealthy conditions in which it ran and got shut down
The Spillovers Of Socialist Policies
The spillovers of socialist policies in a developing country: Venezuela
Marco Padilla
POS 438
Flagler College
Venezuela is a third world country with an interesting and unique political and
economic history. Ever since the collapse of the Gran Colombia in 1830, Venezuela
has been ruled by military leaders (CIA, 2013). Since the mid 1950s, a wave of
democratically elected regimes took over in which Venezuela flourished and became
one of the few leading economic powers in the Latin American region (CIA, 2013).
With large oil revenues funding the government, the country s political and economic
institutions became effective and what was once a military oppressed environment
became a thriving and liberalized economy. Unfortunately,... Show more content on ...
Since 1999, the socialist regime has failed to fulfill its promises. With the country on
the edge of a civil war, the current concerns were related to the deteriorating economy
of the country. With political polarization, violent crime, inflation risk, and weak
democratic institutions, Chavez s 21st Century Socialism is showing no stability or
positive outlooks for the future. Holding on to the many promises Chavez had made,
the Venezuelan people and the rest of the world were alarmed by what was to occur
to the country.
In order to understand the current economic problems Venezuela faces, a thorough
analysis of its past must be made. To begin with, Venezuela holds the largest crude
oil reserves in the world (CIA, 2013) thus making Venezuela s economy dependent
on revenue extraction from the oil industry. The economic problems arose as public
debt increased due to excessive government spending. Also, small minimum wage
growth coped with decrease in the supply of products and capital has led to having
one of the highest inflation levels in Latin America. In the Dragons in the Tropics ,
Venezuela s political and economic revolution is perfectly explained. This book
shows the transformation of Venezuela from being a pluralistic democracy into a
hybrid regime (Corrales, 2011). Hybrid regimes rule in two ways: they mechanize
their way to power through democratic elections but perform autocratic and dictatorial
Comparing Diary Of Anne Frank And Freedom Writers
Weathering the storm Have you ever met someone who survived the holocaust.
They are broken; They have seen things that would make people from this era run
into a corner, cry, and hide. They have weathered storms you could not imagine,
and it destroyed them mentally. Now there are also people who got broken in a
different way. Those people fought in gangs and were shot at on a daily basis. It
made them have no care for their family or their education. Both The Diary of
Anne Frank and Freedom Writers teach us that people will always find some way to
survive. People will keep on living. People are strange beasts we have the urge to
survive and thrive. People will hide and run and fight just to prolong their life a few
years. People will
American Civil War and Sectionalism
1.Approximately 180,000 Negros served in the Union during the Civil War. The
Negro Soldier was overall a good one. One example was at the Assault on Fort
Wagner, South Carolina. The 54th Massachusetts Colored troops led the assault
and scaled the fort s parapet and were only driven back after brutal hand to hand
fighting. The Negro faced some discrimination in the Union Army in areas such as
pay. It wasn t until June 15th, 1864 that the Congress granted equal pay to Negro
troops. Several Negro soldiers earned the Medal of Honor. The North attitude
towards Negro troops was mainly positive, while the South did not want Negros to
serve in the Confederate Army. It wasn t until the Confederates were running low on
men did they allow Negros to serve. The Negros serving in the North felt it as their
duty to serve and support the cause for their own freedom.
2.General Ulysses S. Grant was a brilliant strategist and seemed to be able to plan out
movements in advance. The people of the North thought the tremendous casualties to
be horrendous. But Grant knew that the South s casualties to be much more than the
North s. Grant did have the support and trust of the North though and his record did
well to deserve that support. His commanders trusted his completely. Grant s idea of
Total War was to break down the infrastructure of the South. The Siege of Petersburg
which lasted almost years, then the capture of Richmond is among the battles Grant
engaged in while south of the James
Treaty Of Versailles Assignment
Jazmyne Turner
April 6th, 2016
HIS 112
Topic Six Writing Assignment
The Treaty of Versailles is a peace document that was signed at the end of World
War l by Allied powers and Germany at the Palace of Versailles, France on June 28th,
1919. However the treaty had taken effect on January 10th, 1920. The Arrangement
of Versailles was drafted by agents of Extraordinary England, the Unified States,
France, Italy and Japan without meeting with the crushed forces of Germany or Russia
or even with information by the influenced delegates of the national gatherings which
were protrusion together into new Slavic countries. By excluding nations which were
being influenced by the Settlement in the transaction handle yet forcing terms upon
them, none were ... Show more content on ...
The Slavs found they had been discretionarily lumped together into five non specific
Slavic states by the authors of the Treaty who had neither thought nor concerns what
the national make ups of those nations really were made out of. A primary precept of
the Points, the privilege of every nationality to self determination should be a flat out
quality to control the consultations, yet the journalists did not welcome the Slavic
ethnic tribes to add to the rezoning of their national limits nor even give the African
and Asian pioneer delegates a chance to introduce their cases for freedom. This
pompous violation of social norms frequented the rest of the twentieth Century and
proceeds into the
Marco Polo, the outsider; Ibn Battuta, the insider Essay
Nowadays the wide array of transportation means and infrastructures at our disposal
has made it relatively easy for us to travel from one country to another; even when
those countries are thousands of miles away from each other. However, during the
13th and 14th centuries, travelling was not that easy. Yet, two men, the Italian
tradesman Marco Poloand the Moroccan Jurist Ibn Battuta became famous for
having managed to perform extremely long distance journeys away from their home
country. At the end of their long travels, both men shared their experiences with the
world via the books, The Travels of Marco Polo and The Travels of Ibn Battuta. An
analysis of those two texts reveals two things. On one hand, Marco Polo remained a
cultural... Show more content on ...
In 1271, Marco Polo s father and uncle, both merchants from Europe, were requested
to return to China for the second time by the Mongol Emperor, Kublai Khan. The
purpose of the request made by the Great Khan (Kublai) was to bring back to the
Mongol court some holy oil from Jerusalem and a hundred men of learning,
thoroughly acquainted with the principles of the Christian religion (Polo 7) to
convince the Mongols to convert to Christianity. Marco Polo joined his father and
uncle for this second journey to the East. As part of this journey, Polo traveled
throughout regions of the Middle East and Central Asia before reaching the final
destination. Further, while working for Kublai Khan in China, he was sent on
many inspection tours which allowed him to explore most of the provinces of
China. In all the regions that were visited along the way, and more so in the case
of the Mongol Empire, there was a distinct disparity in the culture as compared to
Polo s native land. Moreover, Marco Polo s religious disposition towards
Christianity set him apart from the people of the region the Tartars who ,
according to the Kublai Khan, where worshippers of evil spirits (Polo 7). These
factors placed Marco Polo in the position of an outsider as defined by Hage, i.e.
someone who does not experience either socio cultural or political belonging. It is
someone whose mental and bodily dispositions have evolved somewhere else and
thus feels culturally out of place .
Analysis of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care...
In 2010, the United States took the first tangible step toward universal health care
coverage, with the legalization of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of
2010. According to the U.S. Census Bureau s most recent report the total
population of the United States is nearly 309 million people (U.S. Census Bureau,
2010). In 2009, it was estimated 49 % of the population was covered under an
employer sponsored insurance plan (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2009). The same
2009 data reported an additional 29 % of the population was covered under some
form of government or public program (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2009). Leaving 17
% of the U.S. population vulnerable without any form of health insurance coverage ...
Show more content on ...
The U.S. Census Bureau reported in the 2010 census data that 33.9 % of the
population was under the age of 24, with 26.9% under the age of 19. This change
will protect the more than 7% of the population from vulnerability that might arise
from losing their insurance coverage. In total an estimated 2.3 million adult
children were enrolled in their parent s employer sponsored health plan due to the
Affordable Care Act (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2011). Reports show that the
young adult demographic recognize the importance of health care coverage and
have started to take advantage of this new benefit. Business reported an increase in
the enrolled number of adult children who would not be covered without the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Kaiser Family Foundation,
2011). In addition to an expansion of who is covered by insurance plans there
were also significant changes made to what is covered by insurance plans.
Insurance carriers will no deny health care coverage to individuals because of pre
existing conditions (OpenCongress). This is an advantage for individuals that
cannot find coverage due to chronic conditions. The new legislation also prohibits a
health plan from canceling coverage of a member unless there is evidence of fraud
(OpenCongress). Insurance companies will no longer be allowed to dis enroll
members when they have
Age Related Hearing Loss
Presbycusis The human body in itself is an incredible masterpiece, but particularly
how we as humans hear and perceive sound is amazing. Our ears are used in
various aspects of life including enjoying music, following directions, and just its
use in everyday conversation. As we grow older our hearing abilities tend to
decline which can be a natural part of the aging process. Hearing loss that is
associated with older age is known as presbycusis (Huang, Q., Tang, J. , 2010).
There are more people that suffer hearing loss in their later years due to increased
life expectancy (ŠESTIĆ, M. R., MILIĆEVIĆ, S. (2013). As Frisina wrote, in
association with the recent expansion of the aged segment of our populace, age
related hearing loss presbycusis constitutes... Show more content on
The primary reason could be that they are unaware of the extent of the hearing loss
that they have. According to research conducted in both the United States and
Australia, the average elderly person waits 6 10 years before the go and receive help
(ŠESTIĆ, M. R., MILIĆEVIĆ, S. (2013). That is a substantial amount of time
where their ability to communicate effectively has been affected negatively affected
and the degree of loss most likely has worsened. In addition to delaying treatment,
the majority of those who are diagnosed choose to not wear their hearing aids
(Г–berg, M. 2015). In a separate study, the participants who had a range of ages
from 55 80 were asked how often they would use their hearing aid. The answers
given were then organized into three categories, Always, when I need them , or
doubtful on when to use it The results were, the most common answer of the oldest
participants was doubtful about when to use it. Typical comments from those who
were doubtful included I will try to use them, and I hope I could get used to them
(Г–berg, M. 2015). The age range for the oldest group was 76 to 80. This
demonstrates that the older that someone is who has the loss, the less likely they are
going to use their hearing aids when
The Bullied And The Bully
Muhammad Babar, Faris Nasoetion
Ms. Richards
English II Pre AP 1
24 October 2014
The Bullied and the Bully
In today s simplistic world, one may believe that violence is the only way to solve
our problems. If people continue to keep this idea of violence in their heads, our
societal problems of harassment and bullying are not going to improve. Bullying has
been in this world for centuries on end and for the same reason: to get a sense of
power or authority. Kids in today s schools feel superior to others by calling others
belittling names and harassing them to utter nothingness. Men feel the need to hit
women to gain their respect. The basis is that bullying will not make one a better
person, and in fact, bullying s negative effects do ... Show more content on ...
Bullying can also affРµct you in thРµ long tРµrm and lРµads to dРµprРµssion or
suicidРµ in somРµ casРµs. SomРµ РµxamplРµs of bullying would bРµ vРµrbal
bullying which is namРµ calling, tРµasing or taunting. Social bullying such as
Рµmbarrassing somРµonРµ in front of thРµ public, sprРµading rumors, or lРµaving
somРµonРµ out on purposРµ. And physical bullying which is bРµating up
somРµonРµ, stРµaling thРµir possРµssions or spitting (Bullying
DРµfinition).ThРµrРµ arРµ so many forms of bullying and thРµir РµffРµcts toward
thРµ victims arРµ nРµvРµr good.
ThРµrРµ arРµ ovРµr 3.2 million of studРµnts that arРµ victims of bullying Рµach
yеar. Bеcausе of thеsе, approximatеly 160,000 tееns skip school
РµvРµry day to avoid thРµ bulliРµs. SomРµ of thРµsРµ studРµnts drop out of
school. Somе schools don t еvеn hеlp thе victims that arе bееn
bulliРµd. OvРµr two thirds of studРµnts bРµliРµvРµ that schools rРµspond poorly to
bullying, with high pРµrcРµntagРµ of studРµnts bРµliРµving that adult hРµlp is
infrРµquРµnt and inРµffРµctivРµ. Unsurprisingly, harassmРµnt and bullying havРµ
bееn linkеd to 75 pеrcеnt of school shooting incidеnts. This is concrеtе
proof that bullying doРµsn t just hurt thРµ victim
SomРµ pРµoplРµ may bРµliРµvРµ that bullying is a way of lifРµ and can nРµvРµr
bРµ fixРµd. SomРµ pРµoplРµ may think that thРµ consРµquРµncРµs arРµ too
harsh. PРµoplРµ bully not only to hurt othРµr pРµoplРµ, but bРµcausРµ thРµy
arРµ РµithРµr insРµcurРµ, jРµalous, or havРµ had a traumatic РµxpРµriРµncРµ in
thРµir lifРµ
Case Mw Petroleum
3. Differences between APV and option valuation
Valuing MW Acquisition by using APV method assumes in practice that exploiting of
all MW s reserves is certain and happens right after the acquisition. In other words, the
APV method excludes the flexibility in future decision making. In this case, Apache
has both an option to defer the exploiting of reserves into future and Apache may
also choose not to exploit the MW reserves at all.
As some of MW s reserves are actually real options, the APV valuation method
actually underestimates the real value of MW acquisition. If Apache defers the
exploiting of the reserves, there exists a possibility for the future cash flows
becoming even more valuable. For example, Apache could have more precise ... Show
more content on ...
However, it is important to remember that the APV valuation and the option valuation
calculations in Exhibit 1 and 3 aren t straight forward comparable, since APV
assumes financing the acquisition with new $300 million debt and real option
valuation is calculated assuming total equity financing. If the tax rate remains
constant, the real option valuation could be performed by taking the present value of
the tax shields into account. In this case the values obtained by real option valuation
would be even higher than the ones presented in the table.
As discounted cash flow method assumes all equity financed acquisition, it presents
more comparable value for the real option values shown. The value of Apache s
possibility to decide whether to exploit the reserves equals the difference between
DCF value and the real option value.
4. Option valuation method
The future cash flows of MW s reserves contain a great amount of risk and have
many possible future outcomes. The real option valuation method takes into account
the flexibility rising from this uncertainty. Real options often are valued using
financial option pricing techniques. However, there are several things to be
considered when treating reserves as options by using more specific Black amp;
Scholes model.
Firstly, there are some simplifications to be done to get all the necessary inputs for
the Black amp; Scholes model. One approximation to be made is the estimation of the
Why Is William Wallace Important
Sir William Wallace
William Wallace was a Scottish Knight who became Commander in the Scottish
Wars of Independence (along with Andrew de Moray). He was of historical
importance because he led the Scots to victory after England was invading Scotland.
He was born sometime in 1270 and was brutally executed on the 23rd of August
1305 for high treason against English civilians. He argued the point of treason
considering that he was not part of England. But that didn t stop him from being
hanged, drawn and quartered.
Wallace grew up with King Alexander the Third ruling Scotland, when it was
peaceful. But Alexander died from falling off his horse. The heir to the throne was
his granddaughter called Margret, Maid of Norway, who then died of illness ... Show
more content on ...
This event is historically called Battle of Stirling Bridge The English army was
commanded by John de Warenne, 6th Earl of Surrey. The English army was a
professional and consisted English, Welsh and Scots that had either been captured
or submitted, with an army of approximately 3,000 cavalry and 8,000 10,000
infantry. The Scots had about 300 cavalry and 5,000 6,000 infantry. They came to
a disaster when they were crossing the bridge. The Scots had arrived first to the
Battle and camped on the Abbey Craig hill. The size of the bridge only allowed for
two horsemen to cross side by side. The Scots waited for the English cavalry to
cross as they were making slow process. Wallace and Moray holstered and hid until
as many of the enemy had come over as they believed they could defeat. When
about 2,000 English troops had crossed, Wallace ordered an attack. Scottish
spearmen charged down from the high ground and fended off the heavy English
cavalry. They gained control of the east side of the bridge and blocked the chance
for English reinforcements to cross over. The English on the east side had no chance
to attack or retreat causing most of them to be killed. A couple hundred had retreated
by swimming across the river. Although the bulk of the English army was yet to fight,
Warenne had lost confidence
Skydiving Process
Many people want to accomplish something extraordinary in their lives. It could be
something huge or small. Whatever you choose to do there is several procedures to
process. Skydiving has several progresses you need to process. Before you start doing
anything else, you need to research about skydiving. Look for a good drop zone near
your area. Make sure the company is reliable and has good reviews. Find a good
price for you, and schedule an appointment. Make sure it is a good day so you will
not have to cancel or reschedule. Also make sure you have the appropriate gear.
You need to be at least 18 years old and have a valid Id with you. No flip flops and
have loose fitting clothes. When you get there leave all valuable things locked in
your vehicle. You will watch a video on tandem skydiving. While watching the
video you will review and sign several pages of wavers. These wavers are very
serious and important take your time reading them. Of course there are several risks.
You can go online and type skydiving statistics. That will give you all the ricks you
may encounter while skydiving.... Show more content on ...
It is your own professional tandem skydiving instructor. They will start to explain
the process and about your gear. It is now time to go to the plane. The ride up will
take approximately 15 minutes. You will go up 10,000 feet up in the air. At 8,000
feet the instructor will attach themselves to you. At 10,000 feet you and the
instructor will waddle your way to the door. When you are at the door you will
cross your arms around your chest, lift your feet and arms. Then you will lie on
the instructors back. When you are over the drop zone your instructor will flip out of
the plane. You will be falling 120 mph. Try and look back at the plane, as you are
falling from it. That will give you the perception that you are falling. You will freefall
for about 45 to 60 seconds. Make sure to grasps every second of
Hca.270 Week 2 Essay
Appendix C HCA/270 Health Care Finance | PART III Grouping Expenses by Cost
Center| Background: Cost centers are used in an organization to group expenses. For
example, the patient registration department would be a cost center. All costs
associated with operating the patient registration department would be grouped into
this cost center. Items such as paper, copier rental, education and training for new
employees, and computers used by the registration employees would be allocated to
this cost center. | | Directions: The Ascension Health System s rehabilitation center
offers outpatient physical therapy, occupational health services, plus cardiac and
pulmonary rehabilitation to get people back to a normal way of living.... Show more
content on ...
The revenue from operations is primarily received for services. MHS groups its
revenue first by cost center. Within each cost center, the service revenue is then
grouped by payer.| | Directions: For each situation, enter an X in the column that
represents the correct revenue sources for the item. The ten situations are as follows:
(1) Insured patient had in vitro fertilization performed. Services not covered under
patient s insurance. (2) Patient admitted to emergency room via the county jail. The
emergency room visit was billed to the jail. (3) Pathology tests performed and billed
to employee s insurance program. (4) Emergency room visits and subsquent
admission billed to member s preferred plan
Rabbits Are Strict Herbivores And Require A Diet High
Rabbits are strict herbivores and require a diet high in fibre. A balanced diet of
grasses, hay and pellets needs to be provided in the correct ratio to ensure
gastrointestinal tract motility. Adequate dental wear is required by high volumes
of chewing of grasses and hay which minimises dental procedures. Rabbits require
high quantities of fresh grass, dried grass products or hay and need up to 30 60g of
dry food per body weight and containing at least 18% of fibre.
Normal healthy rabbits should be fed between 30 60g of commercial pellets per kg of
bodyweight per day.
3 (bodyweight) Г— 40g (commercial mix) = 120g
The patient was prescribed Ox Bow Organic Pellets. It is specially produced for
rabbits, equipped with essential vitamins and minerals. It contains a wholesome
mixture of organic elements including, high fibre hay, and rich in antioxidants and
has a balanced omega 3 oils and 6 fatty acids.
Some rabbits fed rabbit mix s are selective feeders and may reject the higher fibre
items in the mix. Vitamins and minerals are incorporated in the pellet mix
andrejection can produce a diet deficient in calcium, vitamin D and other nutrients.
This is why we need to encourage rabbits to eat all the ingredients by offering small
amounts and refilling the container only when all the food has been consumed. 2014.
Veterinary Nurse Solutions Pty Ltd V1.0 page 98 of 107. Gastrointestinal tract of
rabbits Mouth: This is the first part of the rabbit s digestive system. The lips
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tinospora Pacidia
Tinospora crispa, an herbaceous climber from the family Menispermaceae that
commonly grows wild in Asian countries including Malaysia. This indigenous
climber plant known by various local names like patawali, akar seruntun or akar
patawali. Traditionally people used patawali to reduce hypertension and glucose
level in the blood, to treat fever, remedy for various ailments such as cough, asthma,
tooth and stomach aches. The medicinal potential values of Tinospora crispa have
been reported and approved by scientific studies. Besides its medicinal values,
Tinospora crispa also has insecticidal property towards Macrotermes gilvus.
Cercospora was a form genus of imperfect fungi with long slender spores that cause
plant diseases, and ... Show more content on ...
Potential for damage is often more obvious where levels of humidity and rainfall
are high. High levels of disease can result from just a few infected plants since each
spot produces numerous conidia or spores. The spores can be dispersal by
windborne and may also be spread by splashing rain, irrigation water, insects, and
human contact. This disease could be a potential thread in other new areas with
similar agro ecology especially on Dioscoreophyllum, Rhigiocarya, Tinospora and
Menispermaceae crops.
This disease can be managed by avoid overhead irrigation if it will result in
prolonged leaf wetness periods. Proper cutting and reduction of plant leaves reduce
water drop on leaf surface especially by dew and excess rain water.
Proper observance of planting distance allows sufficient sun light, air circulation
and avoids disease to move from one planting into next. Removal and proper
disposal of infected plant leaves need to be taken in order to avoid and controlling
the spread of this disease. Where required to burn the infected plant tissues when
How Do the Literary Devices Construct Meaning in
How do the Literary Devices construct meaning in The Visit ? The book The Visit
is a play which is composed by literary devices. All of the messages and ideas that
this play contains are expressed through literary devices, thus giving life to the major
themes. Literary devices give meaning to The Visit because they construct the main
theme, which is money can corrupt anything. To begin, there are many literary
devices in The Visit , and they are continuously used with the purpose of constructing
the play s main theme. These are some of the prolonged literary devices are
symbolism, archetype, foreshadowing, characterization, and the setting. Symbolism
is a great example because it has a direct relation with money. In... Show more content
on ...
This change in people s character again contributes to the main theme, and gives
meaning to it. Furthermore, the setting is a fundamental literary device which
forms the main theme and gives meaning to The Visit . This is because the setting
paves out the environment and situation in which Guellen is in from the beginning
of the book. All throughout Act 1 the reader is given the idea of how poor Guellen
is and everyone is so humble and local. For example, how the train no longer stops
in Guellen, how people only buy cheap local brands at the shop and not imported,
how they accept Ill as dead for Claire s one million, how Ill is the most popular
personality. These examples all show how the town functions, and how they are
desperate for money and are willing to commit a moral crime in order to receive
this money. The setting in the The Visit gives meaning to the play because it
fundaments how and why Guellen is the way it is and allows the reader to
understand the specific effects Guellen s history plays in the decision making, once
Claire offers the one million pounds. So, literary devices also give meaning to The
Visit because they lay the base for the play and how it develops. Finally, literary
devices give meaning to The Visit because they comprise the main theme, which is
money can corrupt anything. Literary devices give meaning by creating the bases of
the play, and forming the main theme in wide number of ways. Literary devices are
Cichocki s The Rise Of Self-Esteem
All over the world, there are some people experiencing social and emotional
problems due to their low self esteem. Self esteem is the way that every individual
feel or value his/her own self. In the last few decades, the way people approached
self esteem has changed. In the beginning, parents would praise their kids for
everything they do by telling them what a great of a job they are doing and in
sports, everyone would get a trophy even without keeping the score. However, when
people started to realize they were wrong, coaches started to give trophies to the best
improved or the best effort and parents kept praising their kids because that s their
job, but they praised them for the effort that they made they started to focus on
praising them... Show more content on ...
However, they are wrong. Self esteem doesn t make the person selfish, high self
esteem may cause selfishness but still, in the same time low self esteem can make
the person depressed and that is even worse. When self esteem is healthy and
grounded in reality, it s hard to have too much of it. Boasting and feeling superior
to others around you isn t a sign of too much self esteem. It s more likely evidence
of insecurity and low self esteem. (Self esteem check: Too low or just right?) In
other words, healthy self esteem doesn t make the person selfish, if the person has
any symptoms of selfishness it will be caused by his/her low self esteem. Another
quote states, When you value yourself and have good self esteem, you feel secure
and worthwhile. You have generally positive relationships with others and feel
confident in your abilities. You re also open to learning and feedback, which can
help you acquire and master new skills. (Self esteem check: Too low or just right?)
Which means that healthy self esteem can make every individual have the
confidence to face difficulties and challenges and always have the will and
commitment to learning new skills. Overall, having a positive feel and high value
for yourself can lead every person to have more self confident and courage to be
different than everyone
Human Nature In The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe
The book The Lion,The Witch and The Wardrobe is the first book in The
Chronicles of Narnia, setting the scene for the beloved series. While many of the
characters in the book are non humans they can still show a lot about human nature.
Although good and bad are really only concepts and nothing is set in stone we still
use them to describe almost everything. Throughout the book the children,Susan,
Peter, Edmund and Lucy seem to take on the roles of heroes or saviors in the story.
Lucy specifically also represents the innocence of children and how naturally good
humans are at young age. Overall throughout the book C.S Lewis shows that human
nature is basically good in this world. In Narniathere are many creatures that help
create a whimsical and fun story but, none of the creatures are human. The only
people in Narnia are the four visiting children who are called Daughters of Eve and
Sons of Adam . Humans seem to be very respected in this land most likely from...
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I personally believe that as we grow up we lose that sense of everything is good
and that turns into everything is bad. Lucy throughout the book represents wonder
and childlike goodness. When Peter, Susan and Edmund did not believe Lucy they
blamed it on her young mind making things up. Later in the book Lucy becomes
the most kind and compassionate child and the real leader of there decent into
Narnia. Lucy felt very frightened, but she felt inquisitive and excited as well. She
looked back over her shoulder and there, between the dark tree trunks, she could
still see the open doorway of the wardrobe and even catch a glimpse of the empty
room from which she had set out. (Lewis,7) This quote shows how young Lucy
really was by saying how even though she was scared she still moved forward.
Overall Lucy was extremely good natured as a human in this story helping anyone
who needed it in
Use Of Bird Imagery In Macbeth
Nancy Lang
Mrs Dean
26 January 2017
Bird Imagery There are many different types of birds used in Macbeth . They include
Kites, chickens, and falcons. The birds can represent a lot of different things such as
royalty, children, strength and many other things. Birds play a huge roll in the play
and were used in many ways. The first time that birds were used in Macbeth is when
King Duncan and
Banquo approach Macbeth s castle. King Duncan remarks at how sweet the air is
and then Banqou refers to Macbeth as a temple haunting martlet which is a bird
that likes to make its nest upon tall buildings, just like how Macbeth s castle is
built high upon the hill. One of the first time birds were used was in the very
second scene in the play when it says As sparrows eagle or the hare the lion . This
means that the bigger animal will always overtake the smaller animal. In this
situation Macbeth is the eagle overtaking the sparrow, King Duncan. And not too
much later birds are used in the fifth scene of the same act where it describes
Macbeth as a raven. Ravens are considered to be a bad omen and in this case it
represents Macbeth murdering King Duncan. One of the most important times birds
... Show more content on ...
She says to her son, Sirrah, your father s dead. And what will you do now? How
will you live? . Her son answers, As birds do, mother. and when she asks if that
means he will eat worms and flies, he replies With what I get, I mean; and so do
they. What the birds get is provided by God, as Jesus said. Lady Macduff
comments, Poor bird! thou ldst never fear the net nor lime . The net and lime were
the two most common ways of catching birds, but this boy is so innocent or stupid
that he wouldn t fear either one. The boy is unfazed. He take the word poor to mean
little, and says that poor birds are too little to be
Some of the Benefits of Vaccination Essays
The Benefits of Vaccination Vaccinations are one of the single most important things
one can do for the health of their children. Although, it has been a subject of recent
controversy, the benefits of being vaccinated far outweigh not being vaccinated.
Instead of taking medical advice from an actress, or buying into the conspiracy
theories that suggest the government is using immunizations in an attempt to poison
the population, parents need to spend a little time doing some research on the matter.
Vaccinations were developed to preserve human life. If popular opinion concerning
immunizations changes, countless illnesses, hospitalizations and even deaths will be
prevented. If they do not, we are going to see a spike in needless childhood... Show
more content on ...
Prior to those days, children often came down with infectious diseases, and many
of them died. For example, outbreaks of smallpox wreaked havoc upon the towns
and villages it visited, claiming the lives of millions (Young, n.d. para. 5). People
also tended to live in crowded conditions and drank contaminated water, often
polluted with human waste. Unfortunately, in those days people were unaware of
germs and their link to contagious illnesses. With primitive treatments, such as
bloodletting, and leaches and without knowledge of immunizations, antibiotics, or
even hand washing, many succumbed to terrible illness. Children in 17th century
England died of diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), measles, smallpox,
mumps, rubella, polio, haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), pneumococcal
infection and dysentery caused by rotavirus. Today, we immunize children against
each of those ailments, except for smallpox and polio. In 1970, smallpox was
declared eradicated. Polio, however, is limited to a handful of countries in the
world mainly India, a few countries in the Middle East, and some parts of Africa
(Young, n.d. para. 10). Each year, there are about 1,000 cases of polio being
diagnosed. Frighteningly, the bacteria that cause all of these serious conditions are
still around today. These illnesses could begin to reappear in our society if contracted
by those who are not immunized. Currently, there are 23 shots that babies are
Dr King Jr Kings Letter Analysis
My emotions as I read Dr. King, Jr s letter are anger and sadness. It makes me
angry the way the Negro communities were treated; all they wanted was to have the
same rights as white people. It makes me sad because we are in the 21st century
and so much racism and injustices still exist. This letter reminds me of the way
certain people feel about illegal immigrants. I am not condoning the way they come
in the U.S, but I do know that they come here for a better future. Many presidents
have made promises after promises that they will change the immigration law, but
those promises are always broken. My latest experience that reminds me of Kings
letter is when Mexican people were called rapist. It offended me because I come from
a hard working Mexican
Facts About The Best Evidence Rule
The best evidence rule is a rule that applies when someone wants to admit some
form of evidence that is a document but the actual original document is not
available for admission. Unfortunately, when this happen the party that wants to
admit the evidence has to give an acceptable excuse to why the original documents
are unavailable or absent. Therefore, the courts has to decide if the excuse is
acceptable and allow the party to use their secondary evidence in order to prove
their case or that the content of the document in order for it to be admissible as
evidence in the case. Unlike, any other rule this rule only applies when a party is
trying to prove that all of the content in the document is worthy of being admitted as
evidence if the... Show more content on ...
Therefore, the U.S. court system implemented this rule but if one party suspects that
the copy or copies have been altered or it s a fraud than this comes into play for that
The rationale behind its application was to find the best evidence within a case but
due to fraud and the mishandling of evidence this rule was created. It helps to
prevent anyone from trying to mislead or even lie about a certain piece of evidence.
Furthermore, it eliminates anyone from having to guess if in fact that the evidence
is from the actual original copy of if some part of the evidence had been changed at
some point in order to get a guilty or innocent verdict in the case.
After reviewing each the case of Olmstead v. United States, Nardone v. United States,
Goldman v. United States, Berger v. New York and Katz v. United StatesI have found
that each one of these case dealt with wiretapping and whether it was legal for the
police or government to tap into their phone lines and use the evidence found in
tapping in court as evidence in order to get a guilty verdict. For example, in the case
of Olmstead v. United States individuals were convicted of liquor related crimes to
include conspiracy. Now the main person in the conspiracy was the general manager
of the business which was Olmstead. The business had main office was in
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Statement Of Purpose Essay Example

  • 1. Statement Of Purpose Essay Example Crafting an essay on the topic of a "Statement of Purpose Essay Example" can be a challenging yet rewarding task. The difficulty lies not only in the need for personal introspection but also in effectively conveying your aspirations, experiences, and future goals in a concise and compelling manner. To begin with, delving into one's own motivations and ambitions requires a deep level of self- awareness. Articulating your academic and professional journey, along with the factors influencing your career choices, demands thoughtful reflection. This introspection is essential to create a narrative that resonates with the reader and clearly communicates your purpose. The challenge intensifies when attempting to strike a balance between humility and confidence. While you want to showcase your achievements and capabilities, it's crucial not to come across as boastful. Striking this balance requires careful word choice and a keen understanding of how your experiences align with your future objectives. Moreover, crafting a compelling essay involves meticulous planning and organization. The structure of the essay must be logical, with each paragraph seamlessly leading to the next. It's essential to provide concrete examples to substantiate your claims and avoid vague or overly general statements. Additionally, meeting the often stringent word or page limits poses a unique challenge. Condensing your life's journey and aspirations into a limited space requires prioritization and concise expression. Every word must contribute meaningfully to the overall narrative, making each sentence count. Furthermore, seeking feedback from peers, mentors, or writing professionals is an integral part of the process. Constructive criticism helps refine your essay, ensuring that it effectively communicates your unique story and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. In conclusion, writing a Statement of Purpose essay necessitates self-reflection, careful articulation, strategic planning, and a keen understanding of the target audience. While challenging, the process is a valuable opportunity to not only express your aspirations but also to enhance your ability to convey complex ideas concisely. For those seeking assistance, similar essays and more comprehensive writing services can be explored on Statement Of Purpose Essay Example Statement Of Purpose Essay Example
  • 2. Health Disparities Among African Americans Health disparities amongst African Americans continue to destabilize not just the various communities but the health care system as a whole. Minority groups especially African Americans are more probable to agonize from certain health illnesses, have higher mortality rates and lower life expectancy than another other race in the nation. Health disparities are complex and incorporate lifestyle choices, socioeconomic factors such as income, education and employment and access to care services. For the elimination of health disparities within the African American community, there requires a need for equivalent access to health care and cultural suitable health ingenuities. INTRODUCTION: The surveillance wherein a specific constituent of the society receives an inferior quality of health care or health outcome in comparison with the less at risk segment is the underpinning of health disparities exploration. The meanings of health disparities are not at all times consistent and the carefully chosen comparison sets habitually do not echo a presumptive understanding. Therefore, what do we understand by the term health disparities? In brief, health disparities refers to those pragmatic statistically and clinically substantial variances in health outcomes or health care use amongst communally distinct vulnerable and less vulnerable populaces that are not elucidated by the effects of selection bias (Kilbourne, Switzer, et al., 2006). These perceived dissimilarities in health
  • 3. Walden As A Mirror, Walden Reflections: Walden as a Mirror, Walden as a Lens When Henry David Thoreau went to Walden Pond on July 4, 1845, he had no way of knowing that 200 years later, Walden would be required reading for anyone with even a passing interest in American literature, environmental literature, or intentional living. But Walden is so much more than the story of one man s retreat into the woods to transact some private business. Thoreau s disarming directness and naturalistic style aside, Walden not an incidental text. With extensive revisions, distilling a little over two years into one, every chapter, sentence and word of Walden has a purpose and place. Renaissance sculptor Michelangelo is credited with saying, Every block of stone has a statue ... Show more content on ... In fact, aside from a brief reference to the cycle of the seasons, where Thoreau says that he lived a summer and a winter life; saw how [he] could let the years run off, buffet the winter through and see the spring come in, this chapter gains seasonal association through the knowledge that Thoreau went to Walden in the summer. The Ponds brings us explicitly into autumn progressing from a calm September afternoon, to such a day in September or October, to a November after the severe frosts have come. The Pond in Winter brings the seasonal theme into the title and finally the culmination of, Spring. Where I Lived, and What I Lived For begins Walden s central narrative. Economy addresses the practicalities and the surface narrative, but Where I Lived, and What I Lived For lays out the groundwork for the extended metaphor that serves as Walden s symbolic backbone. Time is but the stream I go a fishing in, I drink at; but while I drink I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains. I would drink deeper; fish in the sky, whose bottom is pebbly with stars, Thoreau tells us at the end of the chapter. This quote illustrates two concepts that recur again and again in Walden. First, the idea of water as simultaneously shallow and deep. Thoreau first proclaims that he can see the bottom of the stream but then elaborates, implying that there is something beyond the
  • 4. Why Do People Choose To Be Evil To Choose to be Evil Every day people makes choices, they can be good or bad. These choices are what define peoples morals. There is always evil and temptation surrounding mankind. The line dividing good and evil is more blurred than ever with new temptations coming into play. Even more now that society is advancing into the future. Mankind chooses to be evil. They are not born that way, but the choices they make are what defines their morals. Throughout history there have been cases that have proven the statement people aren t born evil; evil is made. These cases include the Oklahoma bombing, Columbine High School shooting, and more recently the Boston marathon bombing. The first event proving the evil of mankind is The Oklahoma City Bombing. This bombing was a tragedy that happened on April 19,1995. The bombing was caused by Timothy McVeigh. Mr. McVeigh had a bone to pick with the government. He did not like how the government handled The Waco Siegeor... Show more content on ... Let the future generation cleanse it of all evil, oppression, and violence and enjoy it to the full. Loon Trotsky The 119th running of the Boston Marathon happened April 15, 2013. Many people gathered in boston Massachusetts to watch the runners take off. All those gathered at the finish line of the race would ve never expected what happened that fateful day. Brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were two of the million people who attended the event. What people didn t know is that the two brothers had pressure cooker bombs in their backpack. The two were by the finish line where they dropped their backpacks in the crowd of people and walked away. The two bombs killed 3 marathon watchers and injured over 260 others. 16 people lost legs and the youngest to lose a leg was a 7 year old girl. The two were said to be inspired by extremist islamic belief, but the brothers claimed they weren t apart of any terrorist
  • 5. Dress Code Controversy The controversy about dress codes asks an important question: are dress codes targeting girls and transgender students? Several sites including: /education/resources/tools and strategies/table talk/what s fair and unfair about student dress codes, stated that when they spoke to girls they said they feel shamed and judged by dress codes. Are dress codes limiting students creativity. Should these girls really feel harassed men and boys at their school? Possibly the biggest growing controversy of dress codes is why they are stricter for girls. The answer many people say? It is because boys can feel tempted . Tempted or having a desire to feel sexally actrated to girls. What can they be tempted by exactly? The answer most ... Show more content on ... In April 2015, a Texas honors student was sent home for wearing yoga pants and an oversized shirt that covered her entire backside. In August, a Kentucky student was sent home for showing her collarbone. After her mother brought a scarf to cover her neck, the administration still deemed it inappropriate. In Indiana, a 12 year old student was suspended and missed two days of class. The offense: tight pants. Other dress code violations include baring shoulders, wearing a tank top, or exposing a bra strap. Should girls have to miss out on some of their education because of a collarbone or tight pants? These are parts of our bodies that are distracting . Should girls feel shamed about their bodies? However should school be an appropriate environment? People of authority at schools say yes. One article: /school dress codes gender bias/, asked educators about dress codes and they stated this: Most of the responses indicated some degree of support for dress code policies. Business casual or uniforms, responded Margarette Ellen Allen. I m sorry but there it is. When they head off to the real world ...that will be the expectation in basically any job setting be it blue collar or white collar. People also say schools do not need distractions, the students are there to learn.But are girls really just
  • 6. Essay about World War I World War I was a stalemate right from the outbreak of the war as a result of trench warfare. With the introduction of this system, a piece of land stretching from the Belgian coast, through France, and ending in Switzerland, became the venue for majority of the conflict. For almost three years, this line shifted by no more than a few hundred yards. All of this changed when the United Statesjoined the war and prompted Germany to make an all out drive on the Allies so as to end the war before the American Army reached full strength on the battlefield. The American Expeditionary Force allowed the Allies to take the offensive, thereby ending the static state of war that had settled on the Western Front as a result of trench warfare. The ... Show more content on ... Conversely, at places like Zonnbeke and the Ypres Salient, the length between front line trenches was a mere 7 to 8 yards. The extreme to this situation was at Bellewarde Ridge in 1915. The British and Germans actually shared the same front line trench (Ellis 24). With this structure in place, any real gain of land on one side s part was nigh impossible. When an attack occurred hundreds would die. What resulted was the use of raids. Why were trench raids used? Why did so many men die for a gain of a few yards or to acquire a small amount of field intelligence? The answer lies in the word morale . Morale is what a soldier needs to keep fighting even after seeing fellow men die right beside him. The ground was strewn with our dead, and in all directions were wounded men crawling on their hands and knees. It was piteous and it is a dreadful thought that there are occasions when one must resist the entreaties of men in such condition and leave them to get in as best they can, or lie out in the cold and wet, without food, and under fire, as they often have to do for days and nights together. (qtd. Fletcher) Morale can also take a more sinister turn towards jealousy. Many people believed that raids were a product of jealousies among the staff. If a raid were to be successful, then the general would gain honor and prestige among his men as well as his fellow staff. As the
  • 7. The Existence Of Evil And Evil The existence of evil in the world caused people to questioned the existence of the perfect God. If God was truly omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good, then why would he let terrible things happen to good people? In recent news, we have witnessed many innocent deaths caused by a school shooting, a child raped, natural disaster, and other tragic events. If Godwas in control of everything, does this means that he allows these bad things to happen to humanity? This suffering seems to conflicts with the images of a perfect God. It is important for Christian to acknowledged that God did not cause eviland that he is still the same loving God. To understand why God, allow evil and suffering among humanity, we must inspect the theodicy ( the doctrine that will explain the suffering happening in the world) or the problem of evil. It is important to be able to understand and define the problems of evil. Second, we will reflect upon the characteristic of the Lord and his power, on his ability to prevent evil. Lastly, I will also share my position on this particular theological problem. Approaches on Evil Christians often focus on the good rather than evil. Many theologies were formed to protecting God from being the victim of creating evil. According to Mackie, God is omnipotent and God is wholly good, and yet evil exist (Mackie, 1955, pp.210). Mackie illustrated the contradiction between the three approaches. He believes that if the first two position is correct then the
  • 8. Motives for British Imperialism in Africa Essay Motives for British Imperialism in Africa Before the Europeans began the New Imperialism in Africa, very little was known about the inner parts of the continent. However, after some explorers delved deeper into the heart of Africa, the Europeans soon realized how economically important this area was, and how much they could profit from it. At the time, Britain had only small occupations of land in Africa, but after they realized that they could make money from the rich resources from the inner regions of Africa, they wanted to invade the African countries and take over. This led to the scramble and ultimately, the partition of Africa. During the Age of Imperialism, from 1870 1914, Britain was a major country, which proved to be true ... Show more content on ... However, money ran short, and he was unable to pay off the loans he had due. Therefore, in order to pay off his debts, he was forced to sell portions of the canal to Britain and remained to do so until the British gained control of it. This is example is directly related to the most important reason of British imperialism, economic, as will be discussed in the second to last paragraph. The exploratory reasons was perhaps the least significant, however it did play a somewhat important reason in British imperialism. Before the Age of Imperialism, the inner parts of Africa s landmass were not familiar to Britain, and other countries. Numerous expeditions of explorers revealed much of the geographical features of this continent. In this category, the name of the most influential figure of exploration must be mentioned, and that was Dr. David Livingstone of Britain. He was the most famous and recognized explorer missionary. David Livingstone became the first of explorers to enter the depths of inner Africa. He took notes of all his accounts and opinions of what went on. With a more accurate land recognization, it made it easier for the British to go into Africa and take over. The ideological reasons for the Age of Imperialism pertained to all of the European countries. However, Britain was the most influential, because they were strongest. They believed that they were the superiority of the world
  • 9. State Bank of India AMITY BUSINESS SCHOOL STATE BANK OF INDIA IMPLEMENTATION OF INFORMATION TECHONOLOGY Aayush Jaiswal C 50 3/19/2011 Shilpi Grewal C 60 This reports deals with Introduction to State bank of India, challenges due to technology, Implementation of CoreBanking System, benefits to SBI, various architecture followed at SBI talk with MR. ASHOK KUMAR SHARMA (Chief Manager SBI Stressed Assets Resolution Centre). STATE BANKOF INDIA Type Industry Founded Public (NSE: SBIN, BSE: 500112, LSE: SBID) Banking Financial services 1 July 1955 Headquarters Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Key people O. P. Bhatt (Chairman) Products Investment Banking, Consumer Banking, Commercial Banking, Retail Banking Private Banking, Asset Management, ... Show more content on ... The advantages in products and efficiency of the private sector banks became increasing evident in the late 1990s as SBI (and India s other public sector banks) lost existing customers and could not attract the rapidly growing middle market in India. In fact, this technology savvy market segment viewed the public sector banks as technology laggards that could not meet their banking needs. As a result, the Indian government sought to have the publicsector banks modernize their core banking systems. In response to the competitive threats and entreaties from the government, SBI engaged KPMG Peat Marwick (KPMG) in 2000 to develop a technology strategy and a modernization road map for the bank. In 2002, bank management approved the KPMGrecommended strategy for a new IT environment that included the implementation of a new centralized core banking system. This effort would encompass the largest 3,300 branches of the bank that were located in city and suburban areas. The State Bank of India s objectives for its project to modernize core systems included: пѓ The delivery of new product capabilities to all customers, including those in rural areas пѓ The unification of processes across the bank to realize operational efficiencies and improve customer service пѓ Provision of a single customer view of all accounts пѓ The ability to merge the affiliate banks into SBI пѓ Support for all SBI existing products пѓ Reduced customer wait times in branches пѓ
  • 10. Reversal of the customer
  • 11. Rosa Parks Case Although the Brown v Board of Education Supreme Court decision was the early opening of the Civil Rights Movement, the second hand key player of the revolution toward equal opportunities was Rosa Parks. On December 1st, 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks refused to give up her seat that was located in the front of a bus for a white passenger who clearly had the capability to stand (Brunner 1). Her bravery to not surrender her seat for another individual just because of the contrast in their skin color was admired by many, however, she was soon accused of breaking a segregation law according to the state s legislation at the time. Due to her choice to rise against the social norms and the public s unwillingness to hear her speak for
  • 12. Joint Special Operation Command Job Analysis Joint Special Operation Command requires individuals who are self reliant, adaptable, and competent in assigned tasks and responsibilities. Special Operations Forces cannot be mass produced and rely heavily on human assets for mission success. The ideal candidate for JSOC is a well rounded individual capable of adapting to challenges in new environments while completing the mission at hand. This position will allow me to develop the skills I already have and acquire new ones. As the Deputy Disbursing Officer in Korea I have been exposed to some of the capabilities of military finance organization. I work diligently to ensure the functioning of daily financial operations in country as well as provide support for contingency operations planning. I see this as an opportunity for me to progress my career development. The challenge that the job presents, is something that I will enjoy tackling. I am at my best when faced with problems that need to be solved with tact and timeliness. I am certain that I can make an impact and bring benefit to the JSOC organization. It is imperative to adapt to your ... Show more content on ... I was awarded a 2 year ROTC Scholarship at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, KY in 2014. I served as the Battalion Executive Officer (2016), Treasurer of the Cadet Budget Council (2015), and Senior Military Student Advisor at the Cadet Leadership Course in Ft. Knox, KY (2015). I earned my commission on December 9th, 2016 with a degree in Business Economics from the Gordon Ford College of Business. I am a graduate of the WKU Dynamic Leadership Institute a four phase critical thinking, leadership for outstanding students. Additionally, I held a full time position with Spalding, an entity of Berkshire and Hathaway, as the Product Management Analyst Intern for basketball equipment and supply for the
  • 13. The Strange Career Of Jim Crow Summary C. Vann Woodward s The Strange Career Of Jim Crow C. Vann Woodward illuminates one of the ugliest aspects of American societal history in his book The Strange Career of Jim Crow. His book is an overview of the development of the Jim Crow system, a set of racist laws put in place around the turn of the nineteenth century. Interestingly his book tracks the evolution of racism throughout American history. He not only shows where and when racism is developing but the different ways that the racism manifested itself in the North and South. C. Vann Woodwardpublished the first edition of his book in 1955, while the racial atmosphere was in a tumultuous state. Black Americans at the time were still suffering from the effects of the ... Show more content on ... In his preface to his first edition, he lays out what he is attempting to do. He says Few have any idea of the relative recency of the Jim Crow laws, or any clear notion of how, when, and why the system arose. (p. xvi) In his book he seems to be explaining the system and where he believes it arose. With that though comes the responsibility of including all of the facts, which Woodward attempts to do through his revisions. He publishes his second revised edition in 1966, three years after Martin Luther King s I Have a Dream speech. The civil rights movement is now in full swing and his second edition is much more complete than his first. He acknowledges the faults of his first edition stating, The intervening years of social upheaval and political travail since 1955 have inevitably altered the perspective from which the earlier history was viewed. (p.ix) Woodward s third edition is published in 1974, and in his preface he again allows for the changing times. Though in this edition, he does state that his biggest change is the addition of a chapter to the end of his book which covers the biggest advancements in race relations. His final edition is published almost thirty years after his third edition and is in many ways a reevaluation of the entire book after the time period has ended. In 2001, while there is still racism, the Civil Rights
  • 14. Phineas Gage and the Role of the Brain in Cognitive... Phineas Gage and the Role of the Brain in Cognitive Functioning BreAnne Warden PSY/360 December 5, 2011 Devlin Crose Phineas Gage and the Role of the Brain in Cognitive Functioning The brain plays a key role in cognitive functioning. Of the many areas in the brain, only certain areas have an impact on cognitive functioning. The case of a man named Phineas Gage showed key elements of specific areas in the brain that support certain cognitive functions. The traumatic brain injury that Phineas Gage suffered in 1848 has aided cognitive and neuropsychologists in making large strides in understanding the human mind. In the following work, the role of the brain in cognitive functioning will be examined and better explained. Examples ... Show more content on ... Phineas Gage worked as a blaster for the Rutland and Burlington Railroad project in 1848 (Grieve, 2010). While working for the railroad, one of Gage s duties was using gunpowder and long iron rods to blast a hole into the rock so as to continue building the tracks (Grieve, 2010). In a seemingly careless action, a three foot tamping iron was blown from the ground through Gage s skull (Grieve, 2010). Instead of killing him, the tamping iron left a large hole all the way through the skull and brain of Phineas Gage (Grieve, 2010). It is clear that the injury sustained by Phineas Gage is no ordinary injury. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), the injury that was sustained by Phineas Gage can be classified as a traumatic brain injury or a TBI. A traumatic brain injury can be defined as an injury that occurs when a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain (NINDS, 2011). Depending on the severity of the injury to the brain, the symptoms of a traumatic brain injury can include headaches, confusion, vomiting, dizziness, instability of mood, fatigue, changes in behavior, and blurred vision amongst many other symptoms (NINDS, 2011). The traumatic brain injury that Phineas Gage suffered as a result of the tamping iron exploding from the ground caused obvious immense damage to Gage s brain (Grieve, 2010). A large portion of Gage s brain was damaged when the tamping
  • 15. English 102 Intro Quiz Amu Essays Part 1 of 1 | 84.0/ 100.0 Points| Question 1 of 25| 0.0/ 4.0 Points| Course extensions are available for which of the following reasons? | | | | A. documented military deployment.| | | | | B. too busy with work and family commitments.| | | | | C. vacation.| | | | | D. all of the above.| | Answer Key: A Feedback: APUS Professors can provide course extensions for documented military deployment and military related activities. Students are not eligible for course extensions for personal reasons such as being too busy , going on vacation or non military work issues. Courses start every month, so be sure you take classes that fit around your personal schedule. Equally, instructors are not ... Show more content on ... | | | | A. proficiency with video and audio technology| | | | | B. the ability to express viewpoints other than their own and to think critically| | | | | C. ability to apply learned knowledge to the real world | | | | | D. communication in written form| | Answer Key: A Feedback: Good job! Please see the syllabus or Student Handbook for detail on the five institutional objectives. It s a good idea to keep these in mind as you go through each course to help frame what you are learning into a broader context. Even though this is a science course, you will be graded on your writing skills (i.e. spelling, grammar, etc.) as communication in the written form is one of the five institutional learning objectives here at APUS.| Question 7 of 25| 4.0/ 4.0 Points| A student can drop a class without financial penalty until | | | | A. the end of the first day of class.| | | | | B. never.| | | | | C. the end of the first week of class, which is a Sunday.| | | | | D. the fourth week of class.| | Answer Key: C Feedback: Good job! Students sometimes wait through the first week to assess whether to stay in a class. Be sure to log into classes early and ask any questions you have so that you can be sure to spend your education dollars wisely| Question 8 of 25| 4.0/ 4.0 Points| My student advisor can help me | | | | A. understand how to complete my assignments.| | | | |
  • 16. A Small Pond And A Big Pond If you are given a choice, what would you pick to be? A big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond? Life will give you choices, situations, opportunities that can place you on one side or another and suddenly, the path of opportunity appears, the moment where you can escape from the pond and reach the glory. Could we change that spot where life place us? Could the fish escape from the pond? Being born in Santo Domingo put me for many years as the Big fish in the Small Pond Since I was a kid, one of my passions have been to write, at the age of 7 I sent an article to a Children s magazine in Santo Domingo called Al Compas sharing my point of views in my article I was trying to create the consciousness about contamination and discriminations about handicaps, It was a surprise to my parents when they saw it in the magazine because I did not t ask permission to mail it. In 2003 I won the first place in the category of essays in a contest about Priest Juan Nepomuceno Zegri, in La Semana Mercedaria a week where nuns from the catholic church I studied celebrated the foundation of her congregation. At the end of High School I received the Student Excellence Award and won a scholarship to study in Universidad APEC, where I started my Bachelor degree majoring in Advertising. At first I wanted to focus on copywriting or TV production. Then one day through the passion of a very talented professor, I shaped my dreams. She was not supposed to be my teacher, but
  • 17. Becoming A True Tiger this whole event was for. It turned out to be for True Tigers, an organization I was completely unaware about. I went up to the join here tent and asked the lady to just explain it all to me. Supposedly you sign up to be a True Tiger and pay a fee every month in order to be part of this network of students under a chapter of the Mizzou Alumni Association. Those who are part of this network carry out the mission of carrying out and honoring Mizzou s most cherished traditions. Most people become a True Tiger as a way to create relationships with alumni and attended various private events. The most interesting thing I found out was if you are a True Tiger you get discounts from tons of places on campus (list of discounts are in this folder). This
  • 18. The International Atomic Energy Agency Organisational culture is a source of competitive advantage and according to education portal (2015), organisational culture is defined as a shared system of assumptions, values and beliefs, which governs how people behave in organisations . These shared values will influence how employees of the organisation will perform, act and dress. Furthermore, Every organisation develops and maintains a unique cultureand this will create guidelines for how members of the organisation will behave. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (2010) refers to organisational culture as an organisation s personality . The IAEA also states that culture is not only important for keeping organisational goals, but it appeals to attracting and keeping desirable employees which in turn improves the company s public image and the company s cooperate relationships. In order to further support my answer, this essay will explain and discuss the models and theories of organisational culture. This essay will also link these models and theories to two UK based companies to authenticate the models and theories. Bosch (2015) is an example of a UK based company that knows the importance of organisational culture. The company claims their corporate culture makes [them] unique and is reason for why their associates are proud to work for Bosch. The company also claims that the culture forms a special bond that guides actions and interactions . Bosch have created the House of Orientation for
  • 19. Cake Decorating Book Review Carpenter Autumn. The Complete Photo Guide to Cake Decorating. Minneapolis, MN: Creative Pub. International, 2012. Print. In this book of 330 pages it describes how to decorate cake cookies .She shows all the material that will be need for decorating a cake. The brushes should be used only for cake decorating. Brusher #2 (skinny) is only to paint details onto the cake, there are too many brushes that you can use. The cake slicers are used to divide a cake layer for torting (torting means splitting or cutting the layers of your cake). Cutters are available to create accents for cakes; cutters cut gum paste and make it into 3D accents. Spatula is a thin spatula about 10 or 12 diameters, the spatula used to easily lift the cake. Use a large rolling pin to roll fondant, silicon pin works good for pastry and cookie. This book is easy to understand because it shows pictures of the tools and explains what the tools are for. What she says was interesting because she says that you need to have one brush for every part of the cake. Hebert, Jane. Cake and Cookie Decorating. Library Journal 37.1 (2012): n. page. Web. 20 Oct. 2016 The cake art is so popular; this is a good choice for those who want to learn how to decorate cake and cookies. However you need to buy all the supplies for decoration at a special store for cake supplies. ... Show more content on ... Never get the fondant wet. You need to leave the cake outside for a few minutes so that it cools first before you put the fondant. Once you cover the cake with frosting roll the fondant until you have the sides of the cake covered. When you put the fondant on the top of the cake you need to roll and smooth the top with your hand carefully. Once you finish putting the fondant on top of the cake, you can buy the equipment in the store to decorate the sides and put some flowers on the top of the cake. Then you need to put the fondant around the cake to cover
  • 20. Stack Structure Essay Survey of Stacks and Queues Have you ever been stuck in a line, a few, hundreds, or even thousands of people ahead of you? Well, this is exactly what a stack structure is all about. With a stack data structure, you are placed inside of a queue or we can use a line for example. To prevent customers or people from feeling unfairly placed or cheated this is a great way to make everything go over smoothly. Let s take a stack of plates for example. Consider the plates being stacked over one another on top of a table. The plate that is at the top of the pile will be the first one to be removed. An example would be the plate that had been placed at the bottommost position will remain in the stack for the longest period of time. Another example ... Show more content on ... Now that stack has been explained in a simplified way the rest of the paper will talk more about the origin of stack data structure, more advanced stack situations, main uses, and possibilities that could be used in future references. Stacks was developed by a guy named Alan M. Turing. According to the CIA government information on Turing, he is an English mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst , and founder of computer science(Enigma, 2015). He was born in London, 23 June 1912, to upper middle class British parents who raised him in a traditional schooling system that was ran by the British imperial system. Turing entered the computer science world in his computer design where he uses the term bury and unbury as a means of calling upon and returning the subroutines which were implemented back in 1945 by Konrad Zuse. The idea was proposed by the Technical University of Munich back in 1955 and the patent was filed in 1957. This is how he is known as one of the main creators of stacks. Turing s short and extraordinary life has attracted wide interest (Plato, 2013). He is known for his contributions to the artificial intelligence and computer science community before it even existed. He is most known for what is now called the Turing Test and that is a process of testing an computer s ability to make its own decisions or think so to say. A little bit more information on Turing s life is that he dominated the world of technology of the twentieth century and he
  • 21. History of Racism in the United States Essay History of Racism in the United States Strom Thurmond was a Democrat? George Bush was a strong opposer of black voting rights? Times have certainly changed. Key events in US history; have led to moderate desegregation that encompasses our nation today. One must thoroughly investigate dates, and legislation between 1948 and 1980 to fully comprehend the nature of racism today. When investigating periods of African American history one must not only look at the superficial data, but undermining factors, which may have gone unnoticed by the public eye. These events are equally important to the legislation, which passed that will forever change the history of the United States. 1948 will be inscribed in time as the ... Show more content on ... His demands were not met, and Truman knew he must do something on the issue or else the worlds eye would once again be placed on the United States. Truman addressed the concern by addressing the nation that there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed forces. During the 1948 election Truman was not fearful of losing conservative votes; Truman was frightened because he knew the black vote was needed to win the election. The only reason Truman could lose the 1948 election would be because of a man named Henry Wallace, who ran a completely un segregated campaign. Truman knew Wallace had to be eliminated in the minds of blacks, so he chose to identify him with the communist
  • 22. party (Tyson, 64). The ?Red Scare? of this time instilled fear in black organizations. Black associations wanted to be known as nationalistic organizations. Anything that resembled communism would set the equal rights movement back several years. Dixie Crats such, as Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms were appauled regarding how their Democratic associates were now treating race. These conservatives parted with the Democratic Party and created the States Rights Party. Later they joined forces with the Republican Party. Truman won the 1948 election, and African Americans fulfilled a goal of letting the world know of the happenings in the United States. In 1948 the NAACP used the platform which was the United Nations to
  • 23. Preserving Sea Turtles in United States Essay Preserving Sea Turtles in United States Sea turtles, which have been around for millions of years, are on the brink of extinction. In many countries, people consider their meat and eggs as prized delicacies. Often times they are just killed for their beautiful shell. However, the leading cause of sea turtle death in the US can be attributed to shrimp fishermen and the nets they use to catch shrimp (1). Each year, thousands of sea turtles are carelessly killed even though there are measures which can be taken to avoid this catastrophe. With proper usage of a device called the Turtle Excluder Device (TED), shrimp fishermen could reduce sea turtle deaths in their nets by 97% (5) thereby increasing the likelihood for survival of all six ... Show more content on ... The green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) is a medium to large bodied sea turtle that is actually brownish in color. Adult shell lengths range from 0.9 1.1 meters and weights average 90 137 kilograms. these turtles are primarily a herbivorous species and the young can often be found in Florida waters, especially in areas with an abundance of sea grasses. The decline in these turtles these turtles has been mostly due to commercial harvest for eggs and food, as well as leather and jewelry (7). The hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) is small to medium in size with an attractively colored shell of thick overlapping scales. This shell is the source of tortoise shell. Hawksbill turtles are named accordingly because of their hawk like beak. They range in size from 45 90 kilograms in weight and 0.8 1.0 meters in length. Commercial exploitation is the main cause of the continued decline of the hawksbill turtle because of the high demand for tortoise shell products (7). The Kemp s ridley sea turtle (Lepodochelys kempii) is the smallest and most endangered sea turtle. The adult size does not exceed 0.8 meters in length and they usually weigh between 36 and 45 kilograms. These are commonly olive gray but they are black when they are young. Kemp ridley turtles inhabit the coastal waters and bays of the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic
  • 24. Assessing Damages to Account to Contributory Negligence In court proceedings, fair and workable principles are imperative for the effective performance of judges. In light of this, some may excoriate contributory negligence for its putative inaccuracy and unfairness; others may perceive it as a valuable and effective means of apportioning justice. With reference to Marien v Gardiner, I will argue that while the notion of assessing damages to account for contributory negligence is fair, it is impossible to accurately make such assessments. Implicit in the supposition that damages should be apportioned according to the negligence of both the plaintiff and defendant is the requisite balancing process. This process is exiguous, if not absent, in binary approaches that adhere to strict dichotomies like guilt and innocence. If one was to think in such absolutes, either the appellant or the respondent in Marien will be wholly liable despite the negligence of both parties. Based on the axiom that it is worse to endanger others than it is to endanger oneself, it may seem fair to act in solicitude for the injured party by centralizing on the perpetrator s negligence. However, such bias contravenes the rules of procedural fairness that are germane to the culture of justification . Hence a holistic approach that balances and considers the arguments of all parties should be taken. Marien evinces that even if a victim s contributory negligence did not endanger the injurer or anybody else, the judge must follow fair and proper procedure
  • 25. Dea Is A United States Department Of Justice Enforcement... The Drug Enforcement Administration also known as DEA is a United States Department of Justice law enforcement agency. Their purposes is to enforce the law to stop the sale of illegal drugs, drug trafficking, investigate major crimes within the United States and internationally, and to secure and protect our communities from ever confronting drugs. D.E.A. also cooperates with many major law enforcement agencies such as federal, state, local, and overseas law enforcement agencies to stop criminals from smuggling drugs in our territory and help the people from getting involved with drugs. Other responsibilities include investigating major crimes, carrying out mission, and detain drugtraffickers operations in interstate and international... Show more content on ... The United States have declared that it is doing its best to combat the war on drugs. The drug problem has not stopped and the people continue to buy drugs no matter what circumstances they are obtained. With drugs prices rising, people are willing do anything to get drugs even if it leads them to become involved in criminal activities such as robbery. The money and military activity have not been enough, and the urban problem, has not been resolved. The United States has the largest demand of drugs in the world. While other countries also face the drug problem, the United States has spent the most money and law enforcement; however, its effectiveness is questionable. Consequently, now there is a great amount of drugs coming from Mexico s borderline into the United States. The drug cartels have become more violent, killing Mexican officers and innocent people in order to smuggle their drugs. The United States needs more security control and better coordination between agencies to fight the violent Mexican drug war spilling across the southern border. There is not enough organization between the D.E.A and other groups such as the Department of Homeland Security. The United States has little hope of winning the war unless enough protection on the border and Border States are developed. The agencies need better coordination between the federal, state and locals agencies in order to prevent more drugs to cross
  • 26. Marketing Pl Riyaz Rent A Car Service Executive Summary Riyaz rent a car service and Bus Rental is a one stop solution for all your vehicle rental requirements, including short term rentals and long term leasing. We aim to provide a relaxed and professional atmosphere in all our car rental centres, highlighted by a friendly approach and flexibility in our dealings with both customers and suppliers. Whether our customers are individuals or companies, our goal is to match each requirement with the right vehicle at the most competitive rates in the market. Our customers peace of mind is also very important to us, therefore we place a high merit on safety and regular vehicle maintenance. In the future, we see Riyaz rent a car service as an Australian car rental company with offices, rental counters and retail spaces that are dotted around the Australia. This marketing plan is designed to lay the foundation of Riyaz rent a car service in Victoria. This plan will give a broad picture of how to attract the youngsters and business professionals. It will cover act a boost to the business plan and this plan also includes other aspects of marketing. Aims of this Marketing plan are: Attract youngsters and working professionals. Marketing campaigns and understanding the need of the customers. ROI understanding and budget planning, create awareness. Advertisement and re engineering of business model. Situation Analysis Industry Research Size of market Rent a car is huge industry across the globe and it has always
  • 27. Organizational Leadership and Development Organization development grew out of the human relations traditions of the 1940s and 1950s, and it has had enormous influence on management practices and thinking about how organizational effectiveness can be achieved. Critical manpower and resource shortages faced by all organizations, public and private, during World War II and in the immediate post war years stimulated a search by social scientist and managers, separately and in cooperation with one another, for effective means to maximize the utilization of existing individual and organizational resources. (Ritcher, I 2007). Organization Development was by tradition about planned change efforts, instituted to enhance organization effectiveness within the context of the traditional, hierarchical, managementas experts, top down era. The legacy of leaders and organizations developed in this context remain. Organizational Development is about how organizations and people function and how to get them to function better. Organization transformation signals the need to transform mindsets, engage people and make the deep shift to the ongoing mutual learning environment needed for the long lasting change characteristic of our world today. The differences between Organizational transformation and Organizational development and are both planned change approaches. They are both supportive of changes to organizations to enhance their effectiveness. However, the change methods are different. Organization development involves slow
  • 28. Climate Action Plan For The Uk Greenhouse Gas Emissions B.C. Climate Action Plan The B.C. Climate Action Plan is a comprehensive strategy implemented by the Canadian government with the objective to diminish provincial greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). In 2007, a Throne Speech was given remarking that climate leadership in B.C was illusory and commitment to climate leadership was an imperative component in the future of the province. As such, in 2008, the Climate Action Plan was released with the intent to serve as a guide in helping British Columbia attain a prosperous, green economy. Within the Action Plan, initiatives and approaches are outlined to make B.C carbon neutral by 2010 and move the province closer towards reducing GHG emissions to the target 33 percent in 2020. By 2050, the ... Show more content on ... Chronology 2007 A speech from the Throne is given outlining the need for climate leadership. In response, 180 municipalities in B.C sign the Charter. 2008 The Climate Action Plan is released along with the enactment of the greenhouse gas legislation. 2009 Federal standards are created for vehicle emissions. 2010 The first progress report is submitted showing all Climate Action commitments are underway or complete. Additionally, B.C becomes the first carbon neutral government in North America. 2011 to 2012 The first interim GHG target reaches 6 percent below 2007 levels. Objectives and Design The B.C. Climate Action Plan has one main objective: to reduce provincial greenhouse gas emissions. This objective takes the form of legislative targets that commit B.C to reduce their emissions and become a carbon neutral province. The Climate Action Plan is comprised of pillars that characterize key tactics that make reaching these goals plausible and realistic. Key Pillars The B.C Climate Action plan has 5 main pillars: 1.Legislated Targets: Entrenched in law, by 2020, B.C is committed to reduce their GHG emissions by 33 percent compared to 2007 levels. Additionally, by 2050, the province has committed to reduce emissions by 80 percent compared to 2007 levels. 2.Key Partnerships: The development of partnerships among nations surface opportunities to capitalize on complementary strengths. As such, B.C has partnered with states
  • 29. Serial Killers And The United States Introduction Serial murder crime though rare, is not a a new phenomenon. This crime has been committed for centuries and will continue to be a crime that is committed throughout the world. It is unfortunate and scary that this is probably one of the most serious of crimes that cannot be prevented. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, serial murderers commit their crimes because they want to. Rehabilitation is not obtainable for serial killers due to their inability for remorse and empathy, or to see people as people and not objects(Knight 2006). This research paper will focus primarily on serial murder within the U.S. First and foremost, a legal definition provided by the U.S. Department of Justice will be presented to set forth the discussion of this research paper. As follows will be a detailed discussion explaining serial killer typologies with the use of examples of known serial killers in the U.S. Types of serial killers are: power oriented, mission oriented, visionary, and hedonistic, each typology will be clearly defined and explained. Some serial killers can have a mixture of each typology s characteristic. Serial killers that will be discussed and used as examples to represent the content of this research paper will be, John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, Robert Berdella, Jeffery Dahmer, and lastly the most prolific serial killer in American history, Gary Ridgeway. Problems with studying serial killing, are that because of rarity and access. Most of what we think
  • 30. What Is The Theme Of Summer Love In Birnam Woods The short story, Birnam Woods, by T.C. Boyle, revolves around a dysfunctional couple s journey to survive in a harsh winter. While Keith struggles to earn a living as a substitute teacher, Nora has a degree but does not care to find a job. Together they live in a shack without electricity, so they try to find a new home. They become house sitters for a rich old couple. Later Nora proceeds to find a job as a hostess at a restaurant. After Keith meets Steve at Nora s workplace, they discuss Keith and Nora s relationship, which Keith reveals lacks passion. This discussion opens the door for Steve to make a move on Nora. As Steve approaches Nora with a poem and Tequila, Nora doesn t resist his charm. Dejected, Keith then leaves the house and finds a couple in their bedroom, passionless like the winter. The scene makes Keith realize that when passion dies, so does the relationship. In the end, Keith discovers that he and Nora have been living the winter life, and Nora has moved on in search of another summer life. Boyle s story shows the bell curve of a relationship with summer as the climax and winter as the low point. Therefore, Boyle tells the reader to enjoy the young, summer love while it lasts, before winter comes. Relationships does not last forever; the love between the two lovers can also be broken up by physical and mental events. Also, love very often represents youth, because Ma 2 people chase love as a way of recapturing the dream of when they were young. As a
  • 31. Inadequacy Of Social Welfare Programs It is also important to recognize how many low income families are unable to escape poverty due to the lack of protection from the hidden implicit fees or poverty taxes that burden those struggling financially. Many of these costs stem from the practices of payday lenders who capitalize on the impoverished and their inability to procure loans from traditional banks. When needy individuals possess poor credit scores or lack ample savings, their inadequate financial histories prevent them from taking out loans from conventional banking institutions. Consequently, when a situation arises where an immediate credit blind loan is required, they are forced to turn to these independently run subprime lenders and their excessively high interest rates.... Show more content on ... Beginning in 1996, the Clinton administration implemented a grand bargain that stated that any person who fails to actively search for employment on a regular basis will no longer receive government aid. The ambiguous framework of this reform ultimately allowed states to set welfare regulations based on their own personal agenda, rather than their originally intended purposes. Since the passage of this legislation, currently only 27% of Americans who qualify for welfare assistance end up receiving the monetary aid that they deserve, leading to over 4 million unemployed individuals currently struggling without benefits. Across states however, this welfare gap varies quite distinctly. Georgia, most notably, is extremely strict when distributing aid, taking advantage of the flexible framework to create a system where only a limited few are able to qualify for financial aid. To procure eligibility, Georgian citizens must attend an excessively large number of job searches, regardless of their access to means of transportation, to prove their intent on finding employment. As a result, many of the federal funds distributed to the Georgian state government for welfare programs are diverted instead towards issues such as improving the foster care system or education, rather than to their
  • 32. Crumpsall Insect Control Do you need Insect Control in Crumpsall? Sometimes one isn t aware of the activity that goes on behind our skirting boards and under our floors until it is too late. Insects can colonise huge areas in buildings without the occupants being aware. Unfortunately, when they have established themselves it is more difficult to remove them. An infestation of insects can be a potentially hazardous health riskand some insects, once established, can cause extensive damage to your premises. A lasting solution requires the knowledgeable people that have had extensive hands on experience in the field. In Crumpsall, Insect Control is professionally conducted by Pro Kill Environmental. Whether your problem is at home or if you need help for a larger place
  • 33. How Does Nathaniel Hawthorne Use Symbols In Young Goodman... Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts. Hawthorne was a part of a Puritan Family which has a judge on the Salem witchcraft trails. Nathaniel Hawthorne graduated from Bowdoin College. Hawthorne first novel was Fanshawe. Hawthorne rented the Old Manse house built by Ralph Waldo Emersion grandson. Hawthorne use(s) symbolism, themes, and irony in Young Goodman Brownto show the effects of the plot. Hawthorne use(s) symbolism to show how everyday things can impact ones chooses when choosing between good vs evil. The symbols used symbols evil thing or thoughts in Young Goodman Brown. Young Goodman Brown is used to symbols a perfect man that is a good person. Hawthorne uses symbolism to show how a weakness of public morality towards evilness. Hawthorne also use the symbols to reflect on how evilness can come between even the most loyal Christians in Salem, Massachusetts. One of the symbols used is the devil staff to help convert Christians to sinners. He also uses faith s pink ribbons as symbols to show how women can easily be converted from Christianity to evilness.... Show more content on ... One of the ways Hawthorne uses themes is to appeal to the publics moral such as felling happy or sad. Another way he uses themes is to show how people are fearful of the wilderness. One of the ways it is used in Young Goodman Brown is when the devil conversion rituals are practiced. It is used to show how good people can be corrupted and turned to evilness. The things that happen at night in Salem are symbols that represent evilness, darkness and sins that where trying to be concealed by the puritans. The themes used by Hawthorne are associated with evilness and
  • 34. Jane Rodham Research Paper Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton was born on October 26, 1947, at Edgewater Hospital in Chicago, Illinois . She was raised in a family that was United Methodist. Rodham s family first lived in Chicago, Illinois in which her father Hugh Rodham made a small successful textile business. As for her mother, she was a homemaker. Her father was of English and Welsh descent while her mother was from Dutch, English, French Canadian, Scottish and Welsh Descent . During young Rodhams life, she was generally liked by her teachers at the Park Ridge school which she attended. While in school she participated in swimming and softball in which she won plenty of badges. While on a trip to Chicago with her youth ministry Rodham had the chance to see Martin Luther King Jr. speak which sparked her lifelong passion for social justice. In her early years, she was interested in the Space Race, she sent a letter to NASA asking them what... Show more content on ... While in college she became for interested in social justice activism. In college, she majored in political science. Rodham had become a prominent student leader she was elected by her peers to be the first ever student speaker at Wellesley commencement ceremony according to Hillary Clinton s website. She supported elections of Republicans like John Lindsay to Mayor New York City and Massachusetts Attorney General Edward Brooke to the United States Senate (Brock 1996, pp. 12 1). In her junior year in college Rodham was elected for the presidential nomination campaign of Democrat Eugene McCarthy according to New York Times article by Mark Leibovich. After Martin Luther King Junior s death Rodham organized a two day student strike and worked with Wellesley s black student to recruit more black student and faculty (Leibovich, 2007). When Rodham got fired from the Mount McKinley National Park washing dishes she striked about the unhealthy conditions in which it ran and got shut down
  • 35. The Spillovers Of Socialist Policies The spillovers of socialist policies in a developing country: Venezuela Marco Padilla POS 438 Flagler College Venezuela is a third world country with an interesting and unique political and economic history. Ever since the collapse of the Gran Colombia in 1830, Venezuela has been ruled by military leaders (CIA, 2013). Since the mid 1950s, a wave of democratically elected regimes took over in which Venezuela flourished and became one of the few leading economic powers in the Latin American region (CIA, 2013). With large oil revenues funding the government, the country s political and economic institutions became effective and what was once a military oppressed environment became a thriving and liberalized economy. Unfortunately,... Show more content on ... Since 1999, the socialist regime has failed to fulfill its promises. With the country on the edge of a civil war, the current concerns were related to the deteriorating economy of the country. With political polarization, violent crime, inflation risk, and weak democratic institutions, Chavez s 21st Century Socialism is showing no stability or positive outlooks for the future. Holding on to the many promises Chavez had made, the Venezuelan people and the rest of the world were alarmed by what was to occur to the country. In order to understand the current economic problems Venezuela faces, a thorough analysis of its past must be made. To begin with, Venezuela holds the largest crude oil reserves in the world (CIA, 2013) thus making Venezuela s economy dependent on revenue extraction from the oil industry. The economic problems arose as public debt increased due to excessive government spending. Also, small minimum wage growth coped with decrease in the supply of products and capital has led to having one of the highest inflation levels in Latin America. In the Dragons in the Tropics , Venezuela s political and economic revolution is perfectly explained. This book shows the transformation of Venezuela from being a pluralistic democracy into a hybrid regime (Corrales, 2011). Hybrid regimes rule in two ways: they mechanize their way to power through democratic elections but perform autocratic and dictatorial
  • 36. Comparing Diary Of Anne Frank And Freedom Writers Weathering the storm Have you ever met someone who survived the holocaust. They are broken; They have seen things that would make people from this era run into a corner, cry, and hide. They have weathered storms you could not imagine, and it destroyed them mentally. Now there are also people who got broken in a different way. Those people fought in gangs and were shot at on a daily basis. It made them have no care for their family or their education. Both The Diary of Anne Frank and Freedom Writers teach us that people will always find some way to survive. People will keep on living. People are strange beasts we have the urge to survive and thrive. People will hide and run and fight just to prolong their life a few years. People will
  • 37. American Civil War and Sectionalism 1.Approximately 180,000 Negros served in the Union during the Civil War. The Negro Soldier was overall a good one. One example was at the Assault on Fort Wagner, South Carolina. The 54th Massachusetts Colored troops led the assault and scaled the fort s parapet and were only driven back after brutal hand to hand fighting. The Negro faced some discrimination in the Union Army in areas such as pay. It wasn t until June 15th, 1864 that the Congress granted equal pay to Negro troops. Several Negro soldiers earned the Medal of Honor. The North attitude towards Negro troops was mainly positive, while the South did not want Negros to serve in the Confederate Army. It wasn t until the Confederates were running low on men did they allow Negros to serve. The Negros serving in the North felt it as their duty to serve and support the cause for their own freedom. 2.General Ulysses S. Grant was a brilliant strategist and seemed to be able to plan out movements in advance. The people of the North thought the tremendous casualties to be horrendous. But Grant knew that the South s casualties to be much more than the North s. Grant did have the support and trust of the North though and his record did well to deserve that support. His commanders trusted his completely. Grant s idea of Total War was to break down the infrastructure of the South. The Siege of Petersburg which lasted almost years, then the capture of Richmond is among the battles Grant engaged in while south of the James
  • 38. Treaty Of Versailles Assignment Jazmyne Turner April 6th, 2016 HIS 112 Topic Six Writing Assignment The Treaty of Versailles is a peace document that was signed at the end of World War l by Allied powers and Germany at the Palace of Versailles, France on June 28th, 1919. However the treaty had taken effect on January 10th, 1920. The Arrangement of Versailles was drafted by agents of Extraordinary England, the Unified States, France, Italy and Japan without meeting with the crushed forces of Germany or Russia or even with information by the influenced delegates of the national gatherings which were protrusion together into new Slavic countries. By excluding nations which were being influenced by the Settlement in the transaction handle yet forcing terms upon them, none were ... Show more content on ... The Slavs found they had been discretionarily lumped together into five non specific Slavic states by the authors of the Treaty who had neither thought nor concerns what the national make ups of those nations really were made out of. A primary precept of the Points, the privilege of every nationality to self determination should be a flat out quality to control the consultations, yet the journalists did not welcome the Slavic ethnic tribes to add to the rezoning of their national limits nor even give the African and Asian pioneer delegates a chance to introduce their cases for freedom. This pompous violation of social norms frequented the rest of the twentieth Century and proceeds into the
  • 39. Marco Polo, the outsider; Ibn Battuta, the insider Essay Nowadays the wide array of transportation means and infrastructures at our disposal has made it relatively easy for us to travel from one country to another; even when those countries are thousands of miles away from each other. However, during the 13th and 14th centuries, travelling was not that easy. Yet, two men, the Italian tradesman Marco Poloand the Moroccan Jurist Ibn Battuta became famous for having managed to perform extremely long distance journeys away from their home country. At the end of their long travels, both men shared their experiences with the world via the books, The Travels of Marco Polo and The Travels of Ibn Battuta. An analysis of those two texts reveals two things. On one hand, Marco Polo remained a cultural... Show more content on ... In 1271, Marco Polo s father and uncle, both merchants from Europe, were requested to return to China for the second time by the Mongol Emperor, Kublai Khan. The purpose of the request made by the Great Khan (Kublai) was to bring back to the Mongol court some holy oil from Jerusalem and a hundred men of learning, thoroughly acquainted with the principles of the Christian religion (Polo 7) to convince the Mongols to convert to Christianity. Marco Polo joined his father and uncle for this second journey to the East. As part of this journey, Polo traveled throughout regions of the Middle East and Central Asia before reaching the final destination. Further, while working for Kublai Khan in China, he was sent on many inspection tours which allowed him to explore most of the provinces of China. In all the regions that were visited along the way, and more so in the case of the Mongol Empire, there was a distinct disparity in the culture as compared to Polo s native land. Moreover, Marco Polo s religious disposition towards Christianity set him apart from the people of the region the Tartars who , according to the Kublai Khan, where worshippers of evil spirits (Polo 7). These factors placed Marco Polo in the position of an outsider as defined by Hage, i.e. someone who does not experience either socio cultural or political belonging. It is someone whose mental and bodily dispositions have evolved somewhere else and thus feels culturally out of place .
  • 40. Analysis of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care... Introduction In 2010, the United States took the first tangible step toward universal health care coverage, with the legalization of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. According to the U.S. Census Bureau s most recent report the total population of the United States is nearly 309 million people (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010). In 2009, it was estimated 49 % of the population was covered under an employer sponsored insurance plan (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2009). The same 2009 data reported an additional 29 % of the population was covered under some form of government or public program (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2009). Leaving 17 % of the U.S. population vulnerable without any form of health insurance coverage ... Show more content on ... The U.S. Census Bureau reported in the 2010 census data that 33.9 % of the population was under the age of 24, with 26.9% under the age of 19. This change will protect the more than 7% of the population from vulnerability that might arise from losing their insurance coverage. In total an estimated 2.3 million adult children were enrolled in their parent s employer sponsored health plan due to the Affordable Care Act (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2011). Reports show that the young adult demographic recognize the importance of health care coverage and have started to take advantage of this new benefit. Business reported an increase in the enrolled number of adult children who would not be covered without the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2011). In addition to an expansion of who is covered by insurance plans there were also significant changes made to what is covered by insurance plans. Insurance carriers will no deny health care coverage to individuals because of pre existing conditions (OpenCongress). This is an advantage for individuals that cannot find coverage due to chronic conditions. The new legislation also prohibits a health plan from canceling coverage of a member unless there is evidence of fraud (OpenCongress). Insurance companies will no longer be allowed to dis enroll members when they have
  • 41. Age Related Hearing Loss Presbycusis The human body in itself is an incredible masterpiece, but particularly how we as humans hear and perceive sound is amazing. Our ears are used in various aspects of life including enjoying music, following directions, and just its use in everyday conversation. As we grow older our hearing abilities tend to decline which can be a natural part of the aging process. Hearing loss that is associated with older age is known as presbycusis (Huang, Q., Tang, J. , 2010). There are more people that suffer hearing loss in their later years due to increased life expectancy (Е ESTIД†, M. R., MILIД†EVIД†, S. (2013). As Frisina wrote, in association with the recent expansion of the aged segment of our populace, age related hearing loss presbycusis constitutes... Show more content on ... The primary reason could be that they are unaware of the extent of the hearing loss that they have. According to research conducted in both the United States and Australia, the average elderly person waits 6 10 years before the go and receive help (Е ESTIД†, M. R., MILIД†EVIД†, S. (2013). That is a substantial amount of time where their ability to communicate effectively has been affected negatively affected and the degree of loss most likely has worsened. In addition to delaying treatment, the majority of those who are diagnosed choose to not wear their hearing aids (Г–berg, M. 2015). In a separate study, the participants who had a range of ages from 55 80 were asked how often they would use their hearing aid. The answers given were then organized into three categories, Always, when I need them , or doubtful on when to use it The results were, the most common answer of the oldest participants was doubtful about when to use it. Typical comments from those who were doubtful included I will try to use them, and I hope I could get used to them (Г–berg, M. 2015). The age range for the oldest group was 76 to 80. This demonstrates that the older that someone is who has the loss, the less likely they are going to use their hearing aids when
  • 42. The Bullied And The Bully Muhammad Babar, Faris Nasoetion Ms. Richards English II Pre AP 1 24 October 2014 The Bullied and the Bully In today s simplistic world, one may believe that violence is the only way to solve our problems. If people continue to keep this idea of violence in their heads, our societal problems of harassment and bullying are not going to improve. Bullying has been in this world for centuries on end and for the same reason: to get a sense of power or authority. Kids in today s schools feel superior to others by calling others belittling names and harassing them to utter nothingness. Men feel the need to hit women to gain their respect. The basis is that bullying will not make one a better person, and in fact, bullying s negative effects do ... Show more content on ... Bullying can also affРµct you in thРµ long tРµrm and lРµads to dРµprРµssion or suicidРµ in somРµ casРµs. SomРµ РµxamplРµs of bullying would bРµ vРµrbal bullying which is namРµ calling, tРµasing or taunting. Social bullying such as Рµmbarrassing somРµonРµ in front of thРµ public, sprРµading rumors, or lРµaving somРµonРµ out on purposРµ. And physical bullying which is bРµating up somРµonРµ, stРµaling thРµir possРµssions or spitting (Bullying DРµfinition).ThРµrРµ arРµ so many forms of bullying and thРµir РµffРµcts toward thРµ victims arРµ nРµvРµr good. ThРµrРµ arРµ ovРµr 3.2 million of studРµnts that arРµ victims of bullying Рµach yРµar. BРµcausРµ of thРµsРµ, approximatРµly 160,000 tееns skip school РµvРµry day to avoid thРµ bulliРµs. SomРµ of thРµsРµ studРµnts drop out of school. SomРµ schools don t РµvРµn hРµlp thРµ victims that arРµ bееn bulliРµd. OvРµr two thirds of studРµnts bРµliРµvРµ that schools rРµspond poorly to bullying, with high pРµrcРµntagРµ of studРµnts bРµliРµving that adult hРµlp is infrРµquРµnt and inРµffРµctivРµ. Unsurprisingly, harassmРµnt and bullying havРµ bееn linkРµd to 75 pРµrcРµnt of school shooting incidРµnts. This is concrРµtРµ proof that bullying doРµsn t just hurt thРµ victim SomРµ pРµoplРµ may bРµliРµvРµ that bullying is a way of lifРµ and can nРµvРµr bРµ fixРµd. SomРµ pРµoplРµ may think that thРµ consРµquРµncРµs arРµ too harsh. PРµoplРµ bully not only to hurt othРµr pРµoplРµ, but bРµcausРµ thРµy arРµ РµithРµr insРµcurРµ, jРµalous, or havРµ had a traumatic РµxpРµriРµncРµ in thРµir lifРµ
  • 43. Case Mw Petroleum 3. Differences between APV and option valuation Valuing MW Acquisition by using APV method assumes in practice that exploiting of all MW s reserves is certain and happens right after the acquisition. In other words, the APV method excludes the flexibility in future decision making. In this case, Apache has both an option to defer the exploiting of reserves into future and Apache may also choose not to exploit the MW reserves at all. As some of MW s reserves are actually real options, the APV valuation method actually underestimates the real value of MW acquisition. If Apache defers the exploiting of the reserves, there exists a possibility for the future cash flows becoming even more valuable. For example, Apache could have more precise ... Show more content on ... However, it is important to remember that the APV valuation and the option valuation calculations in Exhibit 1 and 3 aren t straight forward comparable, since APV assumes financing the acquisition with new $300 million debt and real option valuation is calculated assuming total equity financing. If the tax rate remains constant, the real option valuation could be performed by taking the present value of the tax shields into account. In this case the values obtained by real option valuation would be even higher than the ones presented in the table. As discounted cash flow method assumes all equity financed acquisition, it presents more comparable value for the real option values shown. The value of Apache s possibility to decide whether to exploit the reserves equals the difference between DCF value and the real option value. 4. Option valuation method The future cash flows of MW s reserves contain a great amount of risk and have many possible future outcomes. The real option valuation method takes into account the flexibility rising from this uncertainty. Real options often are valued using financial option pricing techniques. However, there are several things to be considered when treating reserves as options by using more specific Black amp; Scholes model. Firstly, there are some simplifications to be done to get all the necessary inputs for the Black amp; Scholes model. One approximation to be made is the estimation of the
  • 44. Why Is William Wallace Important Sir William Wallace William Wallace was a Scottish Knight who became Commander in the Scottish Wars of Independence (along with Andrew de Moray). He was of historical importance because he led the Scots to victory after England was invading Scotland. He was born sometime in 1270 and was brutally executed on the 23rd of August 1305 for high treason against English civilians. He argued the point of treason considering that he was not part of England. But that didn t stop him from being hanged, drawn and quartered. Wallace grew up with King Alexander the Third ruling Scotland, when it was peaceful. But Alexander died from falling off his horse. The heir to the throne was his granddaughter called Margret, Maid of Norway, who then died of illness ... Show more content on ... This event is historically called Battle of Stirling Bridge The English army was commanded by John de Warenne, 6th Earl of Surrey. The English army was a professional and consisted English, Welsh and Scots that had either been captured or submitted, with an army of approximately 3,000 cavalry and 8,000 10,000 infantry. The Scots had about 300 cavalry and 5,000 6,000 infantry. They came to a disaster when they were crossing the bridge. The Scots had arrived first to the Battle and camped on the Abbey Craig hill. The size of the bridge only allowed for two horsemen to cross side by side. The Scots waited for the English cavalry to cross as they were making slow process. Wallace and Moray holstered and hid until as many of the enemy had come over as they believed they could defeat. When about 2,000 English troops had crossed, Wallace ordered an attack. Scottish spearmen charged down from the high ground and fended off the heavy English cavalry. They gained control of the east side of the bridge and blocked the chance for English reinforcements to cross over. The English on the east side had no chance to attack or retreat causing most of them to be killed. A couple hundred had retreated by swimming across the river. Although the bulk of the English army was yet to fight, Warenne had lost confidence
  • 45. Skydiving Process Many people want to accomplish something extraordinary in their lives. It could be something huge or small. Whatever you choose to do there is several procedures to process. Skydiving has several progresses you need to process. Before you start doing anything else, you need to research about skydiving. Look for a good drop zone near your area. Make sure the company is reliable and has good reviews. Find a good price for you, and schedule an appointment. Make sure it is a good day so you will not have to cancel or reschedule. Also make sure you have the appropriate gear. You need to be at least 18 years old and have a valid Id with you. No flip flops and have loose fitting clothes. When you get there leave all valuable things locked in your vehicle. You will watch a video on tandem skydiving. While watching the video you will review and sign several pages of wavers. These wavers are very serious and important take your time reading them. Of course there are several risks. You can go online and type skydiving statistics. That will give you all the ricks you may encounter while skydiving.... Show more content on ... It is your own professional tandem skydiving instructor. They will start to explain the process and about your gear. It is now time to go to the plane. The ride up will take approximately 15 minutes. You will go up 10,000 feet up in the air. At 8,000 feet the instructor will attach themselves to you. At 10,000 feet you and the instructor will waddle your way to the door. When you are at the door you will cross your arms around your chest, lift your feet and arms. Then you will lie on the instructors back. When you are over the drop zone your instructor will flip out of the plane. You will be falling 120 mph. Try and look back at the plane, as you are falling from it. That will give you the perception that you are falling. You will freefall for about 45 to 60 seconds. Make sure to grasps every second of
  • 46. Hca.270 Week 2 Essay Appendix C HCA/270 Health Care Finance | PART III Grouping Expenses by Cost Center| Background: Cost centers are used in an organization to group expenses. For example, the patient registration department would be a cost center. All costs associated with operating the patient registration department would be grouped into this cost center. Items such as paper, copier rental, education and training for new employees, and computers used by the registration employees would be allocated to this cost center. | | Directions: The Ascension Health System s rehabilitation center offers outpatient physical therapy, occupational health services, plus cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation to get people back to a normal way of living.... Show more content on ... The revenue from operations is primarily received for services. MHS groups its revenue first by cost center. Within each cost center, the service revenue is then grouped by payer.| | Directions: For each situation, enter an X in the column that represents the correct revenue sources for the item. The ten situations are as follows: (1) Insured patient had in vitro fertilization performed. Services not covered under patient s insurance. (2) Patient admitted to emergency room via the county jail. The emergency room visit was billed to the jail. (3) Pathology tests performed and billed to employee s insurance program. (4) Emergency room visits and subsquent admission billed to member s preferred plan
  • 47. Rabbits Are Strict Herbivores And Require A Diet High Rabbits are strict herbivores and require a diet high in fibre. A balanced diet of grasses, hay and pellets needs to be provided in the correct ratio to ensure gastrointestinal tract motility. Adequate dental wear is required by high volumes of chewing of grasses and hay which minimises dental procedures. Rabbits require high quantities of fresh grass, dried grass products or hay and need up to 30 60g of dry food per body weight and containing at least 18% of fibre. Normal healthy rabbits should be fed between 30 60g of commercial pellets per kg of bodyweight per day. 3 (bodyweight) Г— 40g (commercial mix) = 120g The patient was prescribed Ox Bow Organic Pellets. It is specially produced for rabbits, equipped with essential vitamins and minerals. It contains a wholesome mixture of organic elements including, high fibre hay, and rich in antioxidants and has a balanced omega 3 oils and 6 fatty acids. Some rabbits fed rabbit mix s are selective feeders and may reject the higher fibre items in the mix. Vitamins and minerals are incorporated in the pellet mix andrejection can produce a diet deficient in calcium, vitamin D and other nutrients. This is why we need to encourage rabbits to eat all the ingredients by offering small amounts and refilling the container only when all the food has been consumed. 2014. Veterinary Nurse Solutions Pty Ltd V1.0 page 98 of 107. Gastrointestinal tract of rabbits Mouth: This is the first part of the rabbit s digestive system. The lips
  • 48. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tinospora Pacidia INTRODUCTION Tinospora crispa, an herbaceous climber from the family Menispermaceae that commonly grows wild in Asian countries including Malaysia. This indigenous climber plant known by various local names like patawali, akar seruntun or akar patawali. Traditionally people used patawali to reduce hypertension and glucose level in the blood, to treat fever, remedy for various ailments such as cough, asthma, tooth and stomach aches. The medicinal potential values of Tinospora crispa have been reported and approved by scientific studies. Besides its medicinal values, Tinospora crispa also has insecticidal property towards Macrotermes gilvus. Cercospora was a form genus of imperfect fungi with long slender spores that cause plant diseases, and ... Show more content on ... Potential for damage is often more obvious where levels of humidity and rainfall are high. High levels of disease can result from just a few infected plants since each spot produces numerous conidia or spores. The spores can be dispersal by windborne and may also be spread by splashing rain, irrigation water, insects, and human contact. This disease could be a potential thread in other new areas with similar agro ecology especially on Dioscoreophyllum, Rhigiocarya, Tinospora and Menispermaceae crops. MANAGEMENT, PREVENTION AND CONTROL This disease can be managed by avoid overhead irrigation if it will result in prolonged leaf wetness periods. Proper cutting and reduction of plant leaves reduce water drop on leaf surface especially by dew and excess rain water. Proper observance of planting distance allows sufficient sun light, air circulation and avoids disease to move from one planting into next. Removal and proper disposal of infected plant leaves need to be taken in order to avoid and controlling the spread of this disease. Where required to burn the infected plant tissues when
  • 49. How Do the Literary Devices Construct Meaning in “the... How do the Literary Devices construct meaning in The Visit ? The book The Visit is a play which is composed by literary devices. All of the messages and ideas that this play contains are expressed through literary devices, thus giving life to the major themes. Literary devices give meaning to The Visit because they construct the main theme, which is money can corrupt anything. To begin, there are many literary devices in The Visit , and they are continuously used with the purpose of constructing the play s main theme. These are some of the prolonged literary devices are symbolism, archetype, foreshadowing, characterization, and the setting. Symbolism is a great example because it has a direct relation with money. In... Show more content on ... This change in people s character again contributes to the main theme, and gives meaning to it. Furthermore, the setting is a fundamental literary device which forms the main theme and gives meaning to The Visit . This is because the setting paves out the environment and situation in which Guellen is in from the beginning of the book. All throughout Act 1 the reader is given the idea of how poor Guellen is and everyone is so humble and local. For example, how the train no longer stops in Guellen, how people only buy cheap local brands at the shop and not imported, how they accept Ill as dead for Claire s one million, how Ill is the most popular personality. These examples all show how the town functions, and how they are desperate for money and are willing to commit a moral crime in order to receive this money. The setting in the The Visit gives meaning to the play because it fundaments how and why Guellen is the way it is and allows the reader to understand the specific effects Guellen s history plays in the decision making, once Claire offers the one million pounds. So, literary devices also give meaning to The Visit because they lay the base for the play and how it develops. Finally, literary devices give meaning to The Visit because they comprise the main theme, which is money can corrupt anything. Literary devices give meaning by creating the bases of the play, and forming the main theme in wide number of ways. Literary devices are the
  • 50. Cichocki s The Rise Of Self-Esteem All over the world, there are some people experiencing social and emotional problems due to their low self esteem. Self esteem is the way that every individual feel or value his/her own self. In the last few decades, the way people approached self esteem has changed. In the beginning, parents would praise their kids for everything they do by telling them what a great of a job they are doing and in sports, everyone would get a trophy even without keeping the score. However, when people started to realize they were wrong, coaches started to give trophies to the best improved or the best effort and parents kept praising their kids because that s their job, but they praised them for the effort that they made they started to focus on praising them... Show more content on ... However, they are wrong. Self esteem doesn t make the person selfish, high self esteem may cause selfishness but still, in the same time low self esteem can make the person depressed and that is even worse. When self esteem is healthy and grounded in reality, it s hard to have too much of it. Boasting and feeling superior to others around you isn t a sign of too much self esteem. It s more likely evidence of insecurity and low self esteem. (Self esteem check: Too low or just right?) In other words, healthy self esteem doesn t make the person selfish, if the person has any symptoms of selfishness it will be caused by his/her low self esteem. Another quote states, When you value yourself and have good self esteem, you feel secure and worthwhile. You have generally positive relationships with others and feel confident in your abilities. You re also open to learning and feedback, which can help you acquire and master new skills. (Self esteem check: Too low or just right?) Which means that healthy self esteem can make every individual have the confidence to face difficulties and challenges and always have the will and commitment to learning new skills. Overall, having a positive feel and high value for yourself can lead every person to have more self confident and courage to be different than everyone
  • 51. Human Nature In The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe The book The Lion,The Witch and The Wardrobe is the first book in The Chronicles of Narnia, setting the scene for the beloved series. While many of the characters in the book are non humans they can still show a lot about human nature. Although good and bad are really only concepts and nothing is set in stone we still use them to describe almost everything. Throughout the book the children,Susan, Peter, Edmund and Lucy seem to take on the roles of heroes or saviors in the story. Lucy specifically also represents the innocence of children and how naturally good humans are at young age. Overall throughout the book C.S Lewis shows that human nature is basically good in this world. In Narniathere are many creatures that help create a whimsical and fun story but, none of the creatures are human. The only people in Narnia are the four visiting children who are called Daughters of Eve and Sons of Adam . Humans seem to be very respected in this land most likely from... Show more content on ... I personally believe that as we grow up we lose that sense of everything is good and that turns into everything is bad. Lucy throughout the book represents wonder and childlike goodness. When Peter, Susan and Edmund did not believe Lucy they blamed it on her young mind making things up. Later in the book Lucy becomes the most kind and compassionate child and the real leader of there decent into Narnia. Lucy felt very frightened, but she felt inquisitive and excited as well. She looked back over her shoulder and there, between the dark tree trunks, she could still see the open doorway of the wardrobe and even catch a glimpse of the empty room from which she had set out. (Lewis,7) This quote shows how young Lucy really was by saying how even though she was scared she still moved forward. Overall Lucy was extremely good natured as a human in this story helping anyone who needed it in
  • 52. Use Of Bird Imagery In Macbeth Nancy Lang Mrs Dean English 26 January 2017 Bird Imagery There are many different types of birds used in Macbeth . They include Kites, chickens, and falcons. The birds can represent a lot of different things such as royalty, children, strength and many other things. Birds play a huge roll in the play and were used in many ways. The first time that birds were used in Macbeth is when King Duncan and Banquo approach Macbeth s castle. King Duncan remarks at how sweet the air is and then Banqou refers to Macbeth as a temple haunting martlet which is a bird that likes to make its nest upon tall buildings, just like how Macbeth s castle is built high upon the hill. One of the first time birds were used was in the very second scene in the play when it says As sparrows eagle or the hare the lion . This means that the bigger animal will always overtake the smaller animal. In this situation Macbeth is the eagle overtaking the sparrow, King Duncan. And not too much later birds are used in the fifth scene of the same act where it describes Macbeth as a raven. Ravens are considered to be a bad omen and in this case it represents Macbeth murdering King Duncan. One of the most important times birds ... Show more content on ... She says to her son, Sirrah, your father s dead. And what will you do now? How will you live? . Her son answers, As birds do, mother. and when she asks if that means he will eat worms and flies, he replies With what I get, I mean; and so do they. What the birds get is provided by God, as Jesus said. Lady Macduff comments, Poor bird! thou ldst never fear the net nor lime . The net and lime were the two most common ways of catching birds, but this boy is so innocent or stupid that he wouldn t fear either one. The boy is unfazed. He take the word poor to mean little, and says that poor birds are too little to be
  • 53. Some of the Benefits of Vaccination Essays The Benefits of Vaccination Vaccinations are one of the single most important things one can do for the health of their children. Although, it has been a subject of recent controversy, the benefits of being vaccinated far outweigh not being vaccinated. Instead of taking medical advice from an actress, or buying into the conspiracy theories that suggest the government is using immunizations in an attempt to poison the population, parents need to spend a little time doing some research on the matter. Vaccinations were developed to preserve human life. If popular opinion concerning immunizations changes, countless illnesses, hospitalizations and even deaths will be prevented. If they do not, we are going to see a spike in needless childhood... Show more content on ... Prior to those days, children often came down with infectious diseases, and many of them died. For example, outbreaks of smallpox wreaked havoc upon the towns and villages it visited, claiming the lives of millions (Young, n.d. para. 5). People also tended to live in crowded conditions and drank contaminated water, often polluted with human waste. Unfortunately, in those days people were unaware of germs and their link to contagious illnesses. With primitive treatments, such as bloodletting, and leaches and without knowledge of immunizations, antibiotics, or even hand washing, many succumbed to terrible illness. Children in 17th century England died of diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), measles, smallpox, mumps, rubella, polio, haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), pneumococcal infection and dysentery caused by rotavirus. Today, we immunize children against each of those ailments, except for smallpox and polio. In 1970, smallpox was declared eradicated. Polio, however, is limited to a handful of countries in the world mainly India, a few countries in the Middle East, and some parts of Africa (Young, n.d. para. 10). Each year, there are about 1,000 cases of polio being diagnosed. Frighteningly, the bacteria that cause all of these serious conditions are still around today. These illnesses could begin to reappear in our society if contracted by those who are not immunized. Currently, there are 23 shots that babies are
  • 54. Dr King Jr Kings Letter Analysis My emotions as I read Dr. King, Jr s letter are anger and sadness. It makes me angry the way the Negro communities were treated; all they wanted was to have the same rights as white people. It makes me sad because we are in the 21st century and so much racism and injustices still exist. This letter reminds me of the way certain people feel about illegal immigrants. I am not condoning the way they come in the U.S, but I do know that they come here for a better future. Many presidents have made promises after promises that they will change the immigration law, but those promises are always broken. My latest experience that reminds me of Kings letter is when Mexican people were called rapist. It offended me because I come from a hard working Mexican
  • 55. Facts About The Best Evidence Rule The best evidence rule is a rule that applies when someone wants to admit some form of evidence that is a document but the actual original document is not available for admission. Unfortunately, when this happen the party that wants to admit the evidence has to give an acceptable excuse to why the original documents are unavailable or absent. Therefore, the courts has to decide if the excuse is acceptable and allow the party to use their secondary evidence in order to prove their case or that the content of the document in order for it to be admissible as evidence in the case. Unlike, any other rule this rule only applies when a party is trying to prove that all of the content in the document is worthy of being admitted as evidence if the... Show more content on ... Therefore, the U.S. court system implemented this rule but if one party suspects that the copy or copies have been altered or it s a fraud than this comes into play for that case. The rationale behind its application was to find the best evidence within a case but due to fraud and the mishandling of evidence this rule was created. It helps to prevent anyone from trying to mislead or even lie about a certain piece of evidence. Furthermore, it eliminates anyone from having to guess if in fact that the evidence is from the actual original copy of if some part of the evidence had been changed at some point in order to get a guilty or innocent verdict in the case. After reviewing each the case of Olmstead v. United States, Nardone v. United States, Goldman v. United States, Berger v. New York and Katz v. United StatesI have found that each one of these case dealt with wiretapping and whether it was legal for the police or government to tap into their phone lines and use the evidence found in tapping in court as evidence in order to get a guilty verdict. For example, in the case of Olmstead v. United States individuals were convicted of liquor related crimes to include conspiracy. Now the main person in the conspiracy was the general manager of the business which was Olmstead. The business had main office was in