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Travel Itinerary
1 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend
19 Budget Planners
For Your Budgeting
14 4 Key Tips to Keep in Mind:
Pet Health & Wellness
11 Top 7 Africa's
Cultural Food
9 A Day in Nairobi City:
8 Navigating the Complex World
of Insurance Coverage
16 Lifeguard Training Closing:
Employment Gaps in East Africa
3 Why Road Trips Should Be
in Your Travel Itinerary
In This Issue
Cheers to new beginnings,
fresh perspectives, and
endless possibilities.
Embrace the journey
ahead with enthusiasm
and make every page of
this new chapter in your
life truly Spenderrific!
Welcome to Spenderrific, where ev-
ery page is an invitation to discover,
connect, and celebrate the extraor-
dinary moments that make life truly
Welcome to the inaugural issue of
Spenderrific, where our journey from
a humble blog to a vibrant digital
magazine unfolds before your eyes.
It is with great joy and enthusiasm
that we present to you the evolution
of Spenderrific, a journey that began
on November 1, 2015.
Five years ago, we embarked on this
venture as a blog with a passion for
and the latest in pet care tips and ac-
cessories. The inception was marked
by a desire to share experiences,
the beauty of life in its various forms.
As we reflect on our beginnings, we
are proud to announce the transfor-
mation of Spenderrific into a digital
magazine. This evolution is a testa-
ment to the unwavering support and
engagement from our incredible
readership. Your enthusiasm has fu-
eled our growth, and we are excited
to bring you a richer, more immersive
In these pages, you will find curated
content that goes beyond the ordi-
nary—a celebration of travel adven-
and a dedicated section on pet care
tips and accessories
Our commitment to quality and au-
thenticity remains steadfast, and we
are eager to continue inspiring and
entertaining you through this new
Join us as we navigate the digital
landscape with the same passion
and dedication that marked our be-
ginnings. Spenderrific, now a digital
about creating a shared space where
we can explore, learn, and connect
with the world and each other.
Thank you for being an integral part
of our journey. Here's to many more
years of exploration, discovery, and
shared moments.
Happy reading!
Visit our website:
for weekly articles.
General Inquiries
Spenderrific Magazine,
published by Spend-
errific, features articles
and contributions whose
views may not necessari-
ly align with those of the
The publisher retains all
rights, and any repro-
duction of material
requires prior arrange-
ment and appropriate
acknowledgment to
Sammy Thianga
George Muraya
Enid Kathambi
Fat-hi Said
Enid Kathambi
Editor in Chief
Let’s Share Some Laughs
on Valentine’s Night
With Valentine's Day around the corner, one might think that expressing love would cost an arm and a
leg. Fear not, lovebirds—crafting cupid's arrow need not pierce your wallet. Embrace the elegance of DIY
and budget-friendly gifting for a truly personalized touch.
Valentine's Day comes with the
sweet expectation of celebrat-
ing love, but it often brings the
ing on grand gestures.
It's entirely possible to have a
the financial hangover typically
associated with February 14th.
They say creativity is born from
constraint, and what better
time to channel one's inventive
spirit than Valentine's Day on a
From handcrafted gifts that
speak volumes to personalizing
there's a treasure trove of op-
DIY Gift Extravaganza
One doesn’t have to spend
a fortune to show affection;
sometimes the most cherished
gifts are those handmade with
love. For the crafty companion
in your life, consider creating
a scrapbook with memories
that'll make hearts flutter faster
easy to assemble and requires
paper, pictures, and a dash of
add a personalized flair that no
store-bought card can match.
The Art of Budget-Friendly
For those looking for big emo-
tions without the big price tags,
consider assembling a collage.
sweet nostalgia without break-
old postcards, and snippets of
a tale as old as time, without the
costly ticket to Paris.
For the poets and wordsmiths,
penning a heartfelt poem can
make the significant other
swoon. It's the thought—and
the rhymes—that count. And
let's be honest, nothing says,
"You had me at 'hello'," quite
ly bottle of wine for those star-
ry-eyed romantics who enjoy
sipping a rhyme or two.
Remember, the thriftiest of gifts
can leave the richest of impres-
sions—if one knows that true
value lies not in the price tag,
but the effort and love poured
into every DIY marvel.
A Culinary Affair to Remem-
When it comes to Valentine's
Day, the quickest way to a per-
ach—or so they say.
Roses are Red,
Budgets are Tight
3 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend
This year, one can whip up a
meal that screams romance
their wallet.
Cooking Up Romance
As they say, love doesn't cost a
Fear not! One can master the
art of cooking a romantic meal
at home that's both affordable
and swoon-worthy.
Recipe Tip: Utilize herbs and
spices—a little rosemary goes
a long way in adding that je ne
sais quoi to your dishes.
In the spirit of love, remember
that presentation is key. A well-
just be the perfect side dish.
Out and About Without
Breaking the Bank
like whispering sweet nothings
beside a 500-year-old paint-
ing. Many local museums offer
free admission days or dona-
tion-based entry fees. You can
stroll hand-in-hand through his-
possibly followed by a picnic in
the nearest park.
where they can serenade each
other with off-pitch renditions
judged (much). Check the local
dive bars; many host karaoke
nights with no cover charge.
Netflix and Chill
A movie night with Netflix at
your disposal means curling
up with your beloved, perhaps
under mood lighting, while
diving into your favorite films or
exploring new ones.
Board Game Brouhaha: Dust
off the old board games and
whimsical with Candy Land, it's
the laughter and playful banter
that will be remembered.
Puzzle Pieces and Playlists:
If you want a night of focused
collaboration, tackling a puzzle
together can be a rewarding
low-cost date idea. You can en-
hance the vibe by playing your
favorite shared playlist in the
to tumble into laughter (and
possibly on their behind), a day
ble alternative.
elry that breaks the bank, try a
comedy show; it's a gift that will
be fondly remembered.
and true, look for vouchers or
coupons to give your wallet a
much-needed hug. These can
be for experiences or gifts that
cater to their interests. Planning
an anniversary? Membership
deals picked up during a sale
are the gifts that keep on giving
throughout the year.
The beauty of a road trip lies
in the never-ending freedom
ules or train timetables — just
you, the road, and a world of
Unlike the structured itiner-
ary of a guided tour or the
restrictions of public transpor-
tation, a road trip allows you
to be the master of your own
adventure. You set the pace,
choose the route, and decide
when and where to stop.
This freedom opens up a
world of possibilities, allow-
ing you to explore hidden
gems, take unexpected de-
tours, and adapt to the rhythm
of the road.
Buckle up, fellow wanderers! As we stand on the brink of a brand-new
year brimming with travel possibilities, there’s an undeniable urge to hit
the road, wind in our hair, and adventure in our hearts.
the seekers of extraordinary experiences. And amidst this anticipation,
there’s one travel experience that deserves a prominent spot on your
itinerary: the iconic road trip.
vacation. But they should be on your 2024 travel itinerary. In this article,
how you can prepare for one.
Travel Itinerary
Why Road Trips
Should Be in Your
5 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend
fun while bonding with your loved
ones and, perhaps, with new peo-
Road trips are an excellent oppor-
tunity for this. From shared meals
to loud music sessions and karaoke
unplanned photo sessions.
These shared experiences will
strengthen your relationships and
create a lifetime of stories to tell.
Even if you are doing a solo road
trip, the self-discovery, solitude,
freedom, are unparalleled.
Environmental Benefits
Road trips can have environmental
benefits, as they produce few-
er emissions compared to other
modes of transportation, like air
When you are doing solo travels,
especially if it’s a long and direct
However, when traveling with a
group of more than 2 people, road
trips with a fuel-efficient vehicle are
the best option to reduce your car-
bon footprint.
also opt for eco-friendly options,
such as remote homestays, camp-
ing, and glamping.
Immersive Cultural Experiences
they’re about immersing yourself in
the local culture. As you navigate
through towns and villages, you’ll
encounter a variety of traditions,
cuisines, and perspectives.
You’ll have the opportunity to chat
with locals, savor authentic flavors,
and experience the unique heart-
beat of each place you visit.
Imagine stopping at a roadside
with a group of locals, hearing their
stories and learning about their way
of life.
a bustling market in a vibrant town,
sampling local delicacies.
These encounters will not only en-
rich your travel experience but also
broaden your understanding of the
world around you.
Cost-Effective and Bud-
get-Friendly Adventures
Road trips can be cost-effective
compared to other forms, like air
travel. This is even truer if you’re
traveling with friends or family.
You can split the gas expenses, ac-
commodation costs and even buy
meals and other necessities for the
trip in bulk. These simple choices
can add up to significant savings,
allowing you to stretch your travel
budget further.
Looking for an opportunity to have
Breathtaking Scenery and
Diverse Landscapes
Road trips offer a front-row
seat to nature’s grand specta-
cle. From towering mountain
ranges and lush forests to se-
rene coastlines and arid des-
erts. The world is your oyster
at this point, really.
will leave you in awe, remind-
ing you of our planet’s sheer
beauty and diversity.
Discovering Your Backyard
Road trips can be a great way
to explore your own country
or region. You may discover
hidden gems and attractions
in your own backyard that you
never knew existed.
7 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend
Have you ever felt over-
whelmed by the constant bar-
rage of notifications, messag-
es, and updates? Do you find
yourself checking your phone
or social media accounts even
If so, you might be experienc-
ing FOMO or Fear Of Missing
Out. But have you heard of
JOMO, or Joy Of Missing Out?
This is a new concept that's gain-
ing popularity as more and more
people try to find a balance be-
tween staying connected and
taking care of their mental health.
As entrepreneurs, we are con-
stantly striving to stay connected,
network with peers and clients,
and technologies.
However, this can sometimes
become overwhelming and lead
to feelings of anxiety and stress.
But what if we change our mind-
set and embrace JOMO or Joy
Of Missing Out? JOMO is about
finding contentment in discon-
necting from the constant stream
of information and distractions.
energy on the things that truly
time with loved ones, pursuing a
passion project or taking a break
to recharge our batteries.
concept of FOMO vs JOMO and
the benefits of embracing JOMO
as an entrepreneur.
our time and energy on what we
value the most.
What is FOMO?
FOMO is often driven by the fear
of being left out, not being in the
know, or missing an opportunity
that could be life-changing. The
constant need to stay connected
and stress, and can even impact
our mental health.
It's important to recognize the
signs of FOMO and take steps to
address it, such as limiting social
media use, setting boundaries,
and focusing on the present mo-
What is JOMO?
JOMO is not about cutting our-
selves off from the world or miss-
ing out on opportunities. It's
intentional about how we spend
our time and energy. By embrac-
ing JOMO, we can reduce stress,
improve our mental health, and
live a more fulfilling life.
The Benefits of Embracing
how we spend our time can have
a positive impact on our personal
and professional lives.
Fat-hi Said
Creative Director
Striking the Balance
in the Digital Age
Here are some of the ways that prioritizing our
time can be beneficial::
1. Increased productivity: By focusing on im-
portant tasks and projects, we can work more
efficiently and achieve our goals faster. This can
to keep going.
2. Reduced stress and anxiety: Disconnecting
from constant distractions can help us feel more
anxiety. This can improve our mental health and
overall well-being.
loved ones can strengthen our relationships and
increase our overall happiness. This can create
a supportive network that can help us navigate
challenges and celebrate successes.
4. Enhanced creativity: Taking breaks and
engaging in activities that help us recharge can
boost our creativity and lead to innovative ideas.
This can help us stay ahead of the curve and find
new solutions to problems.
Practical Tips for Embracing JOMO
as an entrepreneur:
1. Set Boundaries for Your Digital Devices:
Turn off your phone and computer notifications
during certain times of the day, such as meal
times or after work hours. Use apps like Freedom
or Cold Turkey to block distracting websites and
social media platforms.
2. Prioritize Your Tasks and Projects: Identify
the most important tasks that will move your busi-
ness forward, and focus on those first. Delegate
or eliminate tasks that are not essential or can be
3. Make Time for Self-Care: Schedule regular
breaks and activities that help you recharge your
batteries, such as exercise, meditation, or spend-
a week or month to disconnect completely and
focus on self-care.
tors: Surround yourself with people who share
your values and vision, and who can provide
support and guidance when you need it. Attend
your interests and goals.
fulfilling life. So, let'stakeastepback,breathe,
and embrace the Joy Of Missing Out.
9 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend
Navigating the
Complex World of
Insurance Coverage
Health insurance is a critical aspect of an
individual and family's financial safety net,
providing coverage for medical expenses in
times of need.
However, the intricacies of health insurance can
often be overwhelming, making it challenging to
select the best coverage for your unique needs.
Understanding Your Needs:
The first step in simplifying health insurance is to
understand your specific healthcare needs. Each
person has unique requirements when it comes to
medical coverage.
Consider factors such as pre-existing conditions,
family size, and lifestyle to determine the level of
coverage necessary.
Having a comprehensive understanding of your
needs will pave the way for a more informed de-
It is also important to consider the type of health
insurance plan that suits your needs.
Each type of plan has different benefits, costs, and
restrictions, so it is important to understand the
differences to make an informed decision.
Comparing Plans:
age limits, and premiums. It's crucial to compare
these plans meticulously.
Look beyond the surface-level offerings and delve
into the fine print.
Consider aspects such as network coverage, co-
pays, deductibles, and prescription drug cover-
A thorough comparison will ensure you choose a
plan that aligns with your requirements and finan-
cial capabilities.
The Role of a Trusted Broker: Grand Supreme
Insurance Agency
In the midst of this complexity, having a reliable
partner can make all the difference. Grand Su-
preme Insurance Agency stands out as a beacon
of trust and expertise in the insurance landscape
in Kenya.
Serving as a broker for all things insurance, Grand
Supreme Insurance Agency simplifies the process
for individuals and businesses alike.
We help match clients with the most suitable
insurance solutions, ensuring that they receive
personalized, cost-effective coverage tailored to
their specific health insurance requirements.
A trusted broker like Grand Supreme Insurance
Agency can provide valuable insights and exper-
tise when navigating the complex world of health
We can help you understand the different types of
plans available, compare plans, and find the best
coverage for your needs and budget.
By engaging our services, clients will gain access
and personalized assistance in selecting the most
fitting health coverage.
We offer free consultation and will help you assess
your healthcare needs and recommend the most
suitable plan.
We will also help you navigate the enrollment
process, ensuring that you have the coverage you
need when you need it.
George Muraya
Insurance consultant
I am an experienced insurance consultant with over
16 years of experience in the industry.
I take pride in being the founder of Grand Supreme
Insurance Agency, where my main focus has always
been on guiding both businesses and individuals
through the intricate details of insurance solutions.
As the insurance landscape is constantly changing,
my aim is to build a reputation for unparalleled
expertise and client satisfaction.
I am committed to excellence and have earned my
place among the top insurance consultants in the
11 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend
Planning a trip to Nairobi? Whether it's for
business or leisure, we've got you covered
with a curated list of must-visit places.
A Day in
Nairobi City
away from the CBD. However, if you do not want
to go for the game drive at the park, I believe you
will have a grand time at the Nairobi Safari Walk.
The Nairobi Safari Walks provides one an oppor-
tunity to see wild animals with no interruptions.
Here, you will see a variety of animals located in
various national parks within the country. They
among others.
The design of the paths, a wooden boardwalk
rises above the ground is also quite interesting
and brings an excellent and unique experience.
3. Bomas of Kenya
CBD is the Bomas of Kenya. If you are a lover of
history, the Bomas of Kenya is your go-to place.
several tribes. You will also have a chance to see
yan communities- from calabashes used to enjoy
in rituals, knives and much more.
ing cultural performances from their auditorium.
They have daily shows. This means you will still
watch regardless of the day of the week. The
performances include most of the traditional in-
to strings and percussion.
tribes in Kenya, visit their Utamaduni restaurant
and eat to your fill.
Ticket prices depend on residency status.
4. The Giraffe Centre
If you are keen about what happens in the animal
1. The Maasai Market
If you have a few hours in your afternoon to
spare, head over to the Maasai Market and in-
dulge your eyes and wallet on all good things
The Maasai Market is your go-to place for all
those souvenirs, jewellery, fabrics and clothes
with East African prints, paintings, carvings
and many decor items you wish to buy when in
Nairobi. It is an open-air market and is usually
in various places of the city on weekdays; the
Village Market mall on Friday’s, the Nakumatt
Junction mall on Thursday’s, the Capital Centre
on Wednesday’s among other places.
However, on the weekends, you will find the
vendors at the High Court parking lot in the
CBD, just next to KICC, from morning till late
located Yaya Centre in Hurlingham.
2. The Nairobi Safari Walk
While most National Parks are far from the city,
the Nairobi National Park is just 20-minutes
of one of the most iconic and gracious animals.
In Nairobi though, the African Fund for Endan-
gered Wildlife has tried protecting Rothschild
giraffe endangered species since the 1980s.
We visited them, and it was an hour worth spend-
giraffe species as well as spend a few of your
minute’s bonding with the giraffes. They are quite
friendly, and the staff will provide you with food to
feed the giraffes.
the CBD (20 km), which can take 40-minutes to an
depend on whether you are a resident
or a tourist. Also, school groups are al-
booking. Payments are made
through credit or
debit cards and
There is a coffee
place within the vicinity i n c a s e y o u
need to grab a bite. Additionally, there are some
curio shops for you to buy some Kenyan artefacts
and giraffe-themed fridge magnets as a souvenir.
5. Matbronze Wildlife Art
A few minutes ride from the Giraffe Centre is the
Matbronze Wildlife Art. It is a well-hidden place. I
will give them that. It also took us a while to learn
about them, and so we visited them to see for
ourselves. The visit was worth it.
to shop for your next unique decor piece. While I
must admit some of their prices are beyond some
of our pockets, I believe one can find something
worth taking home at the end of the day.
13 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend
Bobotie (South Africa)
Venture south to discover the flavors of South Africa
with Bobotie. This spiced meat dish, topped with a
golden layer of baked egg, is a tantalizing blend of
sweet and savory. Bobotie reflects the multicultural
influences that shape South African cuisine.
Koshari (Egypt)
Embark on a culinary journey along the Nile
also referred to as koshary or kushari. A com-
forting mix of brown lentils, Egyptian fried
with spicy tomato sauce and crispy fried on-
ions, Koshari is a true taste of Egypt's culinary
Injera with Doro Wat (Ethiopia)
national dish – Injera with Doro Wat. Injera, a
sourdough flatbread, serves as the perfect
vessel for Doro Wat, a spicy chicken stew.
This communal dining experience, often
shared with friends and family, encapsulates
the warmth and hospitality of Ethiopia.
Cultural Food
Top 7 Africa’s
Exploring the world through its cuisines is an ad-
venture in itself, and Africa offers a treasure trove
of flavors that will leave any food lover craving
for more. In this culinary escapade, we present
the "Top 10 Africa's Cultural Food," showcasing
diverse dishes from across the continent.
Let your taste buds be your guide as we journey
through tantalizing aromas, unique spices, and
mouthwatering bites that define the rich culture of
African cuisine.
Jollof Rice (West Africa)
No exploration of African cuisine is com-
plete without savoring the beloved Jollof
countries, including Nigeria and Ghana.
A festive dish that features at celebrations,
mouthful is a burst of flavor, reflecting the
vibrant culture of the region.
Waakye (Ghana)
Still in West Africa, we head to Ghana
with the flavorful Waaky or Wakey. A
one-of-a-kind dish, Waakye gets its dis-
tinct color and taste from millet leaves
and sorghum. Served with a variety of
accompaniments like fish, stew, and
shito (a spicy pepper sauce), Waakye
epitomizes the bold and diverse flavors
of Ghanaian cuisine.
Cameroonian Ndole (Cameroon)
In the heart of Central Africa, Cameroon
introduces us to Ndole, a traditional stew
featuring bitterleaf, groundnut paste, and
beef or fish. Often enjoyed alongside
plantain or bobolo (fermented cassava),
the dish may also contain shrimp. Rich in
15 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend
Pet health and wellness is paramount for
a happy and healthy pet. So, how do you
achieve it? Fortunately, there are a lot of
ways you can ensure your pet is receiving
all the health and wellness needs they
From proper nutrition and regular exercise
to preventive care. All these measures are
fundamental pillars in ensuring your furry or
feathered companion’s well-being.
In this article, we will delve into the essential
aspects of pet health and wellness, offering
insights into providing the best care for your
beloved animal friend.
Tips for Pet Health and Wellness
1. Proper Nutrition
Nutrition plays a pivotal role in your pet’s
overall health and longevity. A well-balanced
diet tailored to your pet’s specific needs is
Here’s how you can provide your pet with
proper nutrition:
Species-Specific Diet
Different animals have different dietary re-
quirements. Cats, for example, are obligate
Pet Health & Wellness
4 Key Tips to Keep in Mind
carnivores, meaning their diet should primarily
consist of animal-based protein.
Dogs are omnivores and can thrive on a balanced
diet that includes both animal and plant-based
Birds have specific nutritional needs based on
foods accordingly.
Commercial Pet Food
Commercial pet food, whether dry kibble or
pets. Choose high-quality, reputable brands that
use real meat and limited fillers or additives.
that you read the labels carefully. Manufacturers
provide important information, like expiry date,
ingredients, and appropriate pet. You should also
consider your pet’s age, size, and activity level
when selecting the appropriate formula.
Homemade Diets
If you prefer to prepare homemade meals for
your pet, consult with a veterinarian or veterinary
nutritionist to ensure you’re meeting all their di-
etary requirements. Homemade diets should be
well-balanced and contain all essential nutrients.
Homemade foods are actually great for pets as
long as you ensure you are meeting the right
nutritious levels. I actually make fresh food for my
dogs. My online search is full of funny searches.
I am always confirming what veggies, legumes,
fruits, and other food types are appropriate. And
my dogs love the food!
Plus, it saves me money!
Portion Control
You need to be careful not to overfeed your pets.
Overfeeding can lead to obesity, which is a com-
mon health issue in pets.
pet’s age, size, and activity level. Monitor their
weight and adjust their diet accordingly.
Fresh Water
dration is crucial for their health, and water should
be readily available at all times.
2. Regular Exercise
Exercise is not just about keeping your pet physi-
and emotional well-being. Here’s how to incorpo-
rate exercise into your pet’s routine:
3. Preventive Care
Preventive care is crucial for detecting and ad-
dressing health issues early, ensuring a longer and
healthier life for your pet. Here are the essential
components of preventive care:
Regular Veterinary Check-ups
Schedule annual check-ups for your pet or more
frequent visits for senior pets or those with spe-
cific health concerns. Regular exams allow your
veterinarian to monitor your pet’s health, detect
problems early, and recommend appropriate
treatments or preventive measures.
Keep your pet up-to-date on vaccinations as rec-
ommended by your veterinarian. Vaccinations
protect against contagious diseases that can be
life-threatening for pets.
Dental Care
Dental health is often overlooked but crucial for
your pet’s well-being. Brush your pet’s teeth reg-
ularly and schedule professional dental cleanings
when recommended by your vet.
Parasite Control
Protect your pet from external and internal par-
asites by using preventive medications. Fleas,
serious health risks.
4. Mental and Emotional Well-being
and emotional health are equally important. Here’s
how to support your pet’s mental and emotional
well-adjusted and confident.
Provide mental stimulation through puzzle toys,
interactive games, and environmental enrichment.
Rotate toys regularly to keep them engaged.
Positive Reinforcement Training
Use positive reinforcement methods to train and
builds trust and enhances the bond between you
and your pet.
17 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend
March 2024
Coming Soon
19 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend
The importance of lifeguards
cannot be overstated. They
are the first line of defense in
ensuring the safety of swim-
mers and maintaining order in
recreational areas.
However, in East Africa, there is
a significant shortage of trained
lifeguards, which puts swimmers
and visitors at risk. This gap in
employment can be closed by
providing more opportunities for
lifeguard training.
ing provider of water safety edu-
cation, is offering a comprehen-
sive lifeguard training course that
meets international standards.
The course is designed to equip
learners with the necessary skills
effectively in case of an emergen-
Why is Lifeguard Training Im-
such as beaches, pools, and wa-
icant risks, especially when there
among children, and lifeguards
play a critical role in preventing
such incidents.
Lifeguard training covers a wide
range of skills, including water
rescue techniques, first aid, and
CPR. These skills are essential in
emergency situations and can
make the difference between life
and death. Lifeguards also pro-
enforcing rules and regulations,
maintaining safety equipment,
and educating visitors on water
Closing Employment Gaps
In many parts of East Africa, there
is a high demand for trained
lifeguards, but a shortage of
qualified personnel. This gap in
employment can be closed by
providing more opportunities
for lifeguard training. By training
more lifeguards, we can ensure
the safety of swimmers and vis-
itors and create employment
opportunities for young people
in the region.
Lifesaving Africa Rescuers offers a
ical and practical components.
The course is designed to equip
learners with the necessary skills
effectively in case of an emergen-
cy. The training focuses on water
rescue techniques, first aid, CPR,
and communication skills.
schools, and organizations that
want to provide their employees
with lifeguard training. The train-
ing is conducted by experienced
and certified trainers who have
extensive knowledge in water
safety and rescue.
Benefits of Lifeguard Training
Apart from creating employment
opportunities, lifeguard training
has several other benefits. For
instance, it improves water safety
ence of visitors and enhances the
reputation of recreational areas.
Lifeguard training also provides
individuals with life-saving skills
that they can use in other areas
of their lives. For example, first
aid and CPR skills can be applied
in emergencies outside water-re-
lated activities.
Lifeguard Training
Closing Employment Gaps
By Sammy Thianga
In my college years, I was a com-
petitive swimmer. I leveraged my
competitive swimming skills to offer
swimming training to children and
adults to raise my school fees.
sored by the Swimming Federation
of Kenya. However, during a routine
awareness and basic knowledge,
many more lives could be saved in
the first place.
This inspired me to pioneer a drown-
ing prevention and water safety
campaign, which was recognized
by the Royal Lifesaving Society (RLSS)
UK and the Royal National Lifeboats
Institute (RNLI) UK. Since then, I have
trained over 2,000 youth on Lifesav-
ing course, over 500 adults on swim-
ming, and over 1,000 children on
survival and competitive swimming.
Today, I continue to train daily on
survival skills and competitive swim-
ming while partnering with organi-
zations such as Amref Africa and the
World Health Organization (WHO)
to strengthen my knowledge and
skills on child survival swim and first
aid training.
s in East Africa
Sammy Thianga
Swimming Coach
Budget Planners
For Your Budgeting
Chances are, you have used a notebook, a
purposes. Does it help you stay on top of your
activities? Probably yes. That’s why I recom-
mend using a planner for your budgeting.
Budgeting is one hurdle I have struggled with. I
cannot sing this enough times, which is probably
boring to you now, assuming that you have been
following my content. Over the years, I have tried
the process easier with time. In fact, it has become
While budgeting apps are an excellent tool for
financial planning, I have never been a great fan.
There are other options, especially if you are con-
tion fees. So, let’s talk about alternatives.
Types of Budget Planners to Consider
from, depending on your taste and preferences. I
of these options and financially settle on one that
suits you most. You can settle for more than one,
Physical Budget Planner
you process stuff better when it is in written form?
Then, a physical budget planner is an excellent
option. There are numerous budgeting planner
better part of 2022.
I loved having to take a moment, reflect and write
down stuff. Plus, having the planner on my desk
always reminds me to take a moment and review
my finances.
Some of the features I recommend looking for in a
budget planner book include:
• Undated – an undated planner allows you to
start using it anytime without worrying about
messing up the set dates on the book.
• Available worksheets and trackers – look for a
planner with options to track budgeted and
actual amounts of your cash flows, including
other worksheet prompts, like financial goals
sections, holiday planning, net worth tracker
and an annual page-to-page overview of your
• Accessories – not all planners will have acces-
sories. But if you get them, like stickers, book-
mark ribbons, and pockets, it makes using the
planner easier and more fun.
Spreadsheet Planner
The one thing I love about spreadsheet planners-
Google Sheets or Excel is the automation.
21 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend
setting up and tracking your sinking funds, net
ly bills and subscriptions trackers.
Digital Pdf Budget Planner
add notes, comments and basically ‘write’ on a
when tablets with a stylus pen, which makes the
annotation feel like you are basically writing on
a book.
Depending on the available content, some plan-
ners can contain numerous pages, sometimes
more than 400.
While these make them heavy and complicated,
designers link pages for easier usage and acces-
the feel of using a physical book without actually
using a physical book. Plus, tablets are portable
private since that’s a personal gadget.
If you get an undated digital planner, you can
make copies and reuse them for the following
years, eliminating the need to buy another bud-
First, unlike a physical planner, where you have to
do the calculations manually, spreadsheet planners
already have these set. All you need to do is enter
set formulas auto-populate data for you.
worksheet and reuse it for the next year or month.
There are free templates to use. For instance, both
Excel and Google Sheets have free budgeting
From here, you can click on More Templates to see
other available options.
If you prefer Google Sheets, open your drive and
right-click. Choose Google Sheets from the menu,
then From Templates.
sive spreadsheet planners from sellers on platforms
like Etsy.
These will give you more budgeting options, like
geting planner unless you need
one with more features.
Advantages Of Using A Bud-
geting Planner
1. Get Organised
If your finances are a mess — you
have no idea how much you
spend, your savings, invest-
ments and debt payoff progress
and bill are scattered — there is
no better way to organise your
finances than with a budgeting
A comprehensive planner will
have individual sections for or-
choose a well-curated physical
book, you will have bill organi-
sation options, like pockets and
cash envelopes.
2. Track Your Transactions
ners help you track your transac-
tions, including income, debt
bills and expenses. Most avail-
able budget planner options
allow you to compare the bud-
get vs actual amounts of each
category. This way, you can tell
whether you are overspending
and what categories are over
your budgeted limits. It also
makes it easy to stay on top of
your financial position, includ-
ing debt management and net
3. Planning Your Finances
It’s good to know beforehand
how much you earn and spend;
that’s why budgeting helps.
Taking time before the month
or year starts to plan how much
you intend to spend and your
income goals.
While having the figures at your
fingertips or the back of your
head is good, using a planner
enables you to plan for future
financial goals. And, you can
necessary changes.
cial Habits
independence requires disci-
pline and patience. That’s why
consistent budgeting is a must,
and a budgeting planner helps
you with this.
Enid Kathambi
Editor in Chief
I am a Certified Financial
Analyst and Educator with a
passion for helping people
achieve their financial
independence without
enduring the everyday
jargon of finance and
SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend 24
At Spenderrific, our primary goal is to provide
expert guidance on managing personal finances.
We leverage first-hand experiences and thorough
research to offer insights spanning travel, lifestyle,
business, and personal finance.
As a dedicated financial blog, we delve into in-
depth research to provide valuable information
on items and destinations worthy of your financial
consideration. Recognizing that life encompasses
both spending and saving, we are committed to
assisting you in making crucial financial decisions.
Our philosophy revolves around the belief in
obtaining maximum value for your money. Whether
you seek advice on saving or need insights on the
optimal timing and places to spend, Spenderrific is
your trusted go-to blog.

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Spenderrific Digital Magazine: Travel Issue #01

  • 2. 1 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend 19 Budget Planners For Your Budgeting 14 4 Key Tips to Keep in Mind: Pet Health & Wellness PET CARE & LIFESTYLE 11 Top 7 Africa's Cultural Food 9 A Day in Nairobi City: Suggestions TRAVEL & AUTHENTIC CUISINES 8 Navigating the Complex World of Insurance Coverage 16 Lifeguard Training Closing: Employment Gaps in East Africa 3 Why Road Trips Should Be in Your Travel Itinerary FEATURES ISSUE #01 FEBRUARY 2024 In This Issue Cheers to new beginnings, fresh perspectives, and endless possibilities. Embrace the journey ahead with enthusiasm and make every page of this new chapter in your life truly Spenderrific!
  • 3. Welcome to Spenderrific, where ev- ery page is an invitation to discover, connect, and celebrate the extraor- dinary moments that make life truly remarkable. Welcome to the inaugural issue of Spenderrific, where our journey from a humble blog to a vibrant digital magazine unfolds before your eyes. It is with great joy and enthusiasm that we present to you the evolution of Spenderrific, a journey that began on November 1, 2015. Five years ago, we embarked on this venture as a blog with a passion for exploringtherealmsoftravel,lifestyle, and the latest in pet care tips and ac- cessories. The inception was marked by a desire to share experiences, connectwithlike-mindedindividuals, andbuildacommunitythatcelebrates the beauty of life in its various forms. As we reflect on our beginnings, we are proud to announce the transfor- mation of Spenderrific into a digital magazine. This evolution is a testa- ment to the unwavering support and engagement from our incredible readership. Your enthusiasm has fu- eled our growth, and we are excited to bring you a richer, more immersive experience. In these pages, you will find curated content that goes beyond the ordi- nary—a celebration of travel adven- tures,aglimpseintodiverselifestyles, and a dedicated section on pet care tips and accessories Our commitment to quality and au- thenticity remains steadfast, and we are eager to continue inspiring and entertaining you through this new chapter. Join us as we navigate the digital landscape with the same passion and dedication that marked our be- ginnings. Spenderrific, now a digital magazine,isnotjustaboutstories;it's about creating a shared space where we can explore, learn, and connect with the world and each other. Thank you for being an integral part of our journey. Here's to many more years of exploration, discovery, and shared moments. Happy reading! Visit our website: for weekly articles. General Inquiries CONTACT US Spenderrific Magazine, published by Spend- errific, features articles and contributions whose views may not necessari- ly align with those of the publisher. The publisher retains all rights, and any repro- duction of material requires prior arrange- ment and appropriate acknowledgment to Spenderrific. DISCLAIMER Sammy Thianga George Muraya Enid Kathambi Fat-hi Said EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Enid Kathambi Editor in Chief Letter SPENDERRIFIC Editor’s
  • 4. Let’s Share Some Laughs on Valentine’s Night With Valentine's Day around the corner, one might think that expressing love would cost an arm and a leg. Fear not, lovebirds—crafting cupid's arrow need not pierce your wallet. Embrace the elegance of DIY and budget-friendly gifting for a truly personalized touch. Valentine's Day comes with the sweet expectation of celebrat- ing love, but it often brings the not-so-sweetpressureofsplurg- ing on grand gestures. It's entirely possible to have a memorablecelebrationwithout the financial hangover typically associated with February 14th. They say creativity is born from constraint, and what better time to channel one's inventive spirit than Valentine's Day on a budget? From handcrafted gifts that speak volumes to personalizing simple,yetmeaningfulactivities, there's a treasure trove of op- tionsfortheeconomicallysavvy. DIY Gift Extravaganza One doesn’t have to spend a fortune to show affection; sometimes the most cherished gifts are those handmade with love. For the crafty companion in your life, consider creating a scrapbook with memories that'll make hearts flutter faster thanahummingbird'swings.It’s easy to assemble and requires nothingmorethansomescratch paper, pictures, and a dash of creativity. Adrawingoranorigamimaster- piecefoldedintoalovebirdcan add a personalized flair that no store-bought card can match. The Art of Budget-Friendly Gifting For those looking for big emo- tions without the big price tags, consider assembling a collage. It’sagreatwaytostitchtogether sweet nostalgia without break- ingthebank.Snippetsoffabric, old postcards, and snippets of lovepoems—theyallcanweave a tale as old as time, without the costly ticket to Paris. For the poets and wordsmiths, penning a heartfelt poem can make the significant other swoon. It's the thought—and the rhymes—that count. And let's be honest, nothing says, "You had me at 'hello'," quite likeawell-craftedsonnet,possi- blypairedwithabudget-friend- ly bottle of wine for those star- ry-eyed romantics who enjoy sipping a rhyme or two. Remember, the thriftiest of gifts can leave the richest of impres- sions—if one knows that true value lies not in the price tag, but the effort and love poured into every DIY marvel. A Culinary Affair to Remem- ber When it comes to Valentine's Day, the quickest way to a per- son'sheartisthroughtheirstom- ach—or so they say. Roses are Red, Budgets are Tight 3 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend
  • 5. This year, one can whip up a meal that screams romance withoutthatpainfulscreamfrom their wallet. Cooking Up Romance As they say, love doesn't cost a thing,butlobstercertainlydoes. Fear not! One can master the art of cooking a romantic meal at home that's both affordable and swoon-worthy. Recipe Tip: Utilize herbs and spices—a little rosemary goes a long way in adding that je ne sais quoi to your dishes. In the spirit of love, remember that presentation is key. A well- settablewithafewcandlesmay just be the perfect side dish. Out and About Without Breaking the Bank Nothingscreamsculturedquite like whispering sweet nothings beside a 500-year-old paint- ing. Many local museums offer free admission days or dona- tion-based entry fees. You can stroll hand-in-hand through his- torywithoutspendingafortune, possibly followed by a picnic in the nearest park. KaraokeCapers:Ah,karaoke— where they can serenade each other with off-pitch renditions of"EndlessLove"withoutbeing judged (much). Check the local dive bars; many host karaoke nights with no cover charge. Netflix and Chill A movie night with Netflix at your disposal means curling up with your beloved, perhaps under mood lighting, while diving into your favorite films or exploring new ones. Board Game Brouhaha: Dust off the old board games and engageinalittlefriendlycompe- tition.Whetheryou'restrategiz- inginSettlersofCatanorgetting whimsical with Candy Land, it's the laughter and playful banter that will be remembered. Puzzle Pieces and Playlists: If you want a night of focused collaboration, tackling a puzzle together can be a rewarding low-cost date idea. You can en- hance the vibe by playing your favorite shared playlist in the background. IceSkating:Ifthey'renotafraid to tumble into laughter (and possibly on their behind), a day oficeskatingisafunandafforda- ble alternative. ComedyShow:Insteadofjew- elry that breaks the bank, try a nightofbellylaughsfromalocal comedy show; it's a gift that will be fondly remembered. Forthosecommittedtothetried and true, look for vouchers or coupons to give your wallet a much-needed hug. These can be for experiences or gifts that cater to their interests. Planning an anniversary? Membership deals picked up during a sale are the gifts that keep on giving throughout the year.
  • 6. UnparalleledFlexibilityand Freedom The beauty of a road trip lies in the never-ending freedom andflexibility.Noflightsched- ules or train timetables — just you, the road, and a world of possibilities. Unlike the structured itiner- ary of a guided tour or the restrictions of public transpor- tation, a road trip allows you to be the master of your own adventure. You set the pace, choose the route, and decide when and where to stop. This freedom opens up a world of possibilities, allow- ing you to explore hidden gems, take unexpected de- tours, and adapt to the rhythm of the road. Buckle up, fellow wanderers! As we stand on the brink of a brand-new year brimming with travel possibilities, there’s an undeniable urge to hit the road, wind in our hair, and adventure in our hearts. 2024isn’tjustanotheryear—it’sacallforthespirited,theexplorers,and the seekers of extraordinary experiences. And amidst this anticipation, there’s one travel experience that deserves a prominent spot on your itinerary: the iconic road trip. Roadtripsmaynotbethefirstthingthatcomestomindwhenplanninga vacation. But they should be on your 2024 travel itinerary. In this article, wewillexplorewhyroadtripsshouldbeinyour2024travelitineraryand how you can prepare for one. Travel Itinerary Why Road Trips Should Be in Your FEATURED 5 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend
  • 7. fun while bonding with your loved ones and, perhaps, with new peo- ple? Road trips are an excellent oppor- tunity for this. From shared meals to loud music sessions and karaoke sessions,meetingnewpeople,and unplanned photo sessions. These shared experiences will strengthen your relationships and create a lifetime of stories to tell. Even if you are doing a solo road trip, the self-discovery, solitude, andtimeforself-reflection,together withthesenseofindependenceand freedom, are unparalleled. Environmental Benefits Road trips can have environmental benefits, as they produce few- er emissions compared to other modes of transportation, like air travel. When you are doing solo travels, takingaflightwillmakemoresense, especially if it’s a long and direct flight. However, when traveling with a group of more than 2 people, road trips with a fuel-efficient vehicle are the best option to reduce your car- bon footprint. Intermsofaccommodation,youcan also opt for eco-friendly options, such as remote homestays, camp- ing, and glamping. Immersive Cultural Experiences Roadtripsaren’tjustaboutscenery; they’re about immersing yourself in the local culture. As you navigate through towns and villages, you’ll encounter a variety of traditions, cuisines, and perspectives. You’ll have the opportunity to chat with locals, savor authentic flavors, and experience the unique heart- beat of each place you visit. Imagine stopping at a roadside dinerinasmalltownandconversing with a group of locals, hearing their stories and learning about their way of life. Orpictureyourselfstrollingthrough a bustling market in a vibrant town, sampling local delicacies. These encounters will not only en- rich your travel experience but also broaden your understanding of the world around you. Cost-Effective and Bud- get-Friendly Adventures Road trips can be cost-effective compared to other forms, like air travel. This is even truer if you’re traveling with friends or family. You can split the gas expenses, ac- commodation costs and even buy meals and other necessities for the trip in bulk. These simple choices can add up to significant savings, allowing you to stretch your travel budget further. PersonalConnectionandShared Memories Looking for an opportunity to have Breathtaking Scenery and Diverse Landscapes Road trips offer a front-row seat to nature’s grand specta- cle. From towering mountain ranges and lush forests to se- rene coastlines and arid des- erts. The world is your oyster at this point, really. You’lltraverselandscapesthat will leave you in awe, remind- ing you of our planet’s sheer beauty and diversity. Discovering Your Backyard Road trips can be a great way to explore your own country or region. You may discover hidden gems and attractions in your own backyard that you never knew existed.
  • 8. 7 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend Have you ever felt over- whelmed by the constant bar- rage of notifications, messag- es, and updates? Do you find yourself checking your phone or social media accounts even whenyoudon'treallywantto? If so, you might be experienc- ing FOMO or Fear Of Missing Out. But have you heard of JOMO, or Joy Of Missing Out? This is a new concept that's gain- ing popularity as more and more people try to find a balance be- tween staying connected and taking care of their mental health. As entrepreneurs, we are con- stantly striving to stay connected, network with peers and clients, maintainasocialmediapresence, andkeepupwiththelatesttrends and technologies. However, this can sometimes become overwhelming and lead to feelings of anxiety and stress. But what if we change our mind- set and embrace JOMO or Joy Of Missing Out? JOMO is about finding contentment in discon- necting from the constant stream of information and distractions. It'saboutprioritizingourtimeand energy on the things that truly mattertous,likespendingquality time with loved ones, pursuing a passion project or taking a break to recharge our batteries. Inthisarticle,wewilldelveintothe concept of FOMO vs JOMO and the benefits of embracing JOMO as an entrepreneur. We'llalsoprovidepracticaltipsfor embracingJOMOandprioritizing our time and energy on what we value the most. What is FOMO? FOMO is often driven by the fear of being left out, not being in the know, or missing an opportunity that could be life-changing. The constant need to stay connected andup-to-datecancreateanxiety and stress, and can even impact our mental health. It's important to recognize the signs of FOMO and take steps to address it, such as limiting social media use, setting boundaries, and focusing on the present mo- ment. What is JOMO? JOMO is not about cutting our- selves off from the world or miss- ing out on opportunities. It's aboutfindingabalanceandbeing intentional about how we spend our time and energy. By embrac- ing JOMO, we can reduce stress, improve our mental health, and live a more fulfilling life. The Benefits of Embracing JOMO Takingaconstructiveapproachto how we spend our time can have a positive impact on our personal and professional lives. Fat-hi Said Creative Director FOMO vs JOMO Striking the Balance in the Digital Age LIFESTYLE
  • 9. Here are some of the ways that prioritizing our time can be beneficial:: 1. Increased productivity: By focusing on im- portant tasks and projects, we can work more efficiently and achieve our goals faster. This can giveusasenseofaccomplishmentandmotivation to keep going. 2. Reduced stress and anxiety: Disconnecting from constant distractions can help us feel more relaxedandfocused,whichcanreducestressand anxiety. This can improve our mental health and overall well-being. 3.Improvedrelationships:Prioritizingtimewith loved ones can strengthen our relationships and increase our overall happiness. This can create a supportive network that can help us navigate challenges and celebrate successes. 4. Enhanced creativity: Taking breaks and engaging in activities that help us recharge can boost our creativity and lead to innovative ideas. This can help us stay ahead of the curve and find new solutions to problems. Practical Tips for Embracing JOMO HerearesomepracticaltipsforembracingJOMO as an entrepreneur: 1. Set Boundaries for Your Digital Devices: Turn off your phone and computer notifications during certain times of the day, such as meal times or after work hours. Use apps like Freedom or Cold Turkey to block distracting websites and social media platforms. 2. Prioritize Your Tasks and Projects: Identify the most important tasks that will move your busi- ness forward, and focus on those first. Delegate or eliminate tasks that are not essential or can be outsourced. 3. Make Time for Self-Care: Schedule regular breaks and activities that help you recharge your batteries, such as exercise, meditation, or spend- ingtimeinnature.Takea"digitaldetox"dayonce a week or month to disconnect completely and focus on self-care. 4.ConnectwithLike-MindedPeersandMen- tors: Surround yourself with people who share your values and vision, and who can provide support and guidance when you need it. Attend networkingeventsandconferencesthatalignwith your interests and goals. ByembracingJOMOandprioritizingourtimeand energyonwhatwevaluethemost,wecanreduce stress,improveourmentalhealth,andliveamore fulfilling life. So, let'stakeastepback,breathe, and embrace the Joy Of Missing Out.
  • 10. 9 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend Navigating the Complex World of Insurance Coverage Health insurance is a critical aspect of an individual and family's financial safety net, providing coverage for medical expenses in times of need. FEATURED However, the intricacies of health insurance can often be overwhelming, making it challenging to select the best coverage for your unique needs. Understanding Your Needs: The first step in simplifying health insurance is to understand your specific healthcare needs. Each person has unique requirements when it comes to medical coverage. Consider factors such as pre-existing conditions, family size, and lifestyle to determine the level of coverage necessary. Having a comprehensive understanding of your needs will pave the way for a more informed de- cision. It is also important to consider the type of health insurance plan that suits your needs. Each type of plan has different benefits, costs, and restrictions, so it is important to understand the differences to make an informed decision. Comparing Plans: Themarketisfloodedwithamyriadofhealthinsur- anceplans,eachofferingdifferentbenefits,cover- age limits, and premiums. It's crucial to compare these plans meticulously. Look beyond the surface-level offerings and delve into the fine print. Consider aspects such as network coverage, co- pays, deductibles, and prescription drug cover- age. A thorough comparison will ensure you choose a plan that aligns with your requirements and finan- cial capabilities. The Role of a Trusted Broker: Grand Supreme Insurance Agency In the midst of this complexity, having a reliable partner can make all the difference. Grand Su- preme Insurance Agency stands out as a beacon of trust and expertise in the insurance landscape in Kenya. Serving as a broker for all things insurance, Grand Supreme Insurance Agency simplifies the process for individuals and businesses alike. We help match clients with the most suitable insurance solutions, ensuring that they receive personalized, cost-effective coverage tailored to their specific health insurance requirements.
  • 11. A trusted broker like Grand Supreme Insurance Agency can provide valuable insights and exper- tise when navigating the complex world of health insurance. We can help you understand the different types of plans available, compare plans, and find the best coverage for your needs and budget. By engaging our services, clients will gain access toexpertadvice,awidearrayofinsuranceoptions, and personalized assistance in selecting the most fitting health coverage. We offer free consultation and will help you assess your healthcare needs and recommend the most suitable plan. We will also help you navigate the enrollment process, ensuring that you have the coverage you need when you need it. George Muraya Insurance consultant I am an experienced insurance consultant with over 16 years of experience in the industry. I take pride in being the founder of Grand Supreme Insurance Agency, where my main focus has always been on guiding both businesses and individuals through the intricate details of insurance solutions. As the insurance landscape is constantly changing, my aim is to build a reputation for unparalleled expertise and client satisfaction. I am committed to excellence and have earned my place among the top insurance consultants in the industry.
  • 12. 11 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend Planning a trip to Nairobi? Whether it's for business or leisure, we've got you covered with a curated list of must-visit places. Suggestions A Day in Nairobi City away from the CBD. However, if you do not want to go for the game drive at the park, I believe you will have a grand time at the Nairobi Safari Walk. The Nairobi Safari Walks provides one an oppor- tunity to see wild animals with no interruptions. Here, you will see a variety of animals located in various national parks within the country. They havelions,cheetahs,zebras,monkeys,andrhino among others. The design of the paths, a wooden boardwalk rises above the ground is also quite interesting and brings an excellent and unique experience. 3. Bomas of Kenya OnLangataRoad,30-minutesorsofromNairobi’s CBD is the Bomas of Kenya. If you are a lover of history, the Bomas of Kenya is your go-to place. VisittolearnaboutKenya’straditionalvillagesfrom several tribes. You will also have a chance to see traditionalandculturalartefactsfromvariousKen- yan communities- from calabashes used to enjoy variousbeveragesandfoodstostool,masksused in rituals, knives and much more. Afterthat,spendafewhoursoftheeveningwatch- ing cultural performances from their auditorium. They have daily shows. This means you will still watch regardless of the day of the week. The performances include most of the traditional in- strumentsyoucanthinkof-fromwindinstruments to strings and percussion. Foratasteofdifferentsavourydishesfromvarious tribes in Kenya, visit their Utamaduni restaurant and eat to your fill. Ticket prices depend on residency status. 4. The Giraffe Centre If you are keen about what happens in the animal kingdom,thenyoumighthavereadthesadnews thatgiraffesareonthevergeofextinction.Inape- riodofthirtyyearsorso,thepopulationofgiraffes PLACES TO VISIT IN NAIROBI CITY 1. The Maasai Market If you have a few hours in your afternoon to spare, head over to the Maasai Market and in- dulge your eyes and wallet on all good things Kenyan. The Maasai Market is your go-to place for all those souvenirs, jewellery, fabrics and clothes with East African prints, paintings, carvings and many decor items you wish to buy when in Nairobi. It is an open-air market and is usually in various places of the city on weekdays; the Village Market mall on Friday’s, the Nakumatt Junction mall on Thursday’s, the Capital Centre on Wednesday’s among other places. However, on the weekends, you will find the vendors at the High Court parking lot in the CBD, just next to KICC, from morning till late evening.OnSunday’s,someofthevendorsare located Yaya Centre in Hurlingham. 2. The Nairobi Safari Walk While most National Parks are far from the city, the Nairobi National Park is just 20-minutes TRAVEL
  • 13. intheworldhasdwindledby36–40%;quitealoss of one of the most iconic and gracious animals. In Nairobi though, the African Fund for Endan- gered Wildlife has tried protecting Rothschild giraffe endangered species since the 1980s. We visited them, and it was an hour worth spend- ing.Here,youcanlearnmoreabouttheRothschild giraffe species as well as spend a few of your minute’s bonding with the giraffes. They are quite friendly, and the staff will provide you with food to feed the giraffes. TheGiraffeCentreislocatedafewkilometresfrom the CBD (20 km), which can take 40-minutes to an hourdependingontraffic.Theadmissionfees depend on whether you are a resident or a tourist. Also, school groups are al- lowed,butyouneedtocallinadvancefor booking. Payments are made through credit or debit cards and Mpesa. There is a coffee place within the vicinity i n c a s e y o u need to grab a bite. Additionally, there are some curio shops for you to buy some Kenyan artefacts and giraffe-themed fridge magnets as a souvenir. 5. Matbronze Wildlife Art A few minutes ride from the Giraffe Centre is the Matbronze Wildlife Art. It is a well-hidden place. I will give them that. It also took us a while to learn about them, and so we visited them to see for ourselves. The visit was worth it. Ifyouarealoverofartisticdecorpiecesandhappen tolovewildlife,thenthissoundslikeaplaceforyou to shop for your next unique decor piece. While I must admit some of their prices are beyond some of our pockets, I believe one can find something worth taking home at the end of the day.
  • 14. 13 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend Bobotie (South Africa) Venture south to discover the flavors of South Africa with Bobotie. This spiced meat dish, topped with a golden layer of baked egg, is a tantalizing blend of sweet and savory. Bobotie reflects the multicultural influences that shape South African cuisine. Koshari (Egypt) Embark on a culinary journey along the Nile withtheEgyptianstreetfooddelight–Koshari, also referred to as koshary or kushari. A com- forting mix of brown lentils, Egyptian fried rice,pasta,chickpeas,andvermicelli,topped with spicy tomato sauce and crispy fried on- ions, Koshari is a true taste of Egypt's culinary ingenuity. Injera with Doro Wat (Ethiopia) Ethiopia'sculinaryprowessshinesthroughits national dish – Injera with Doro Wat. Injera, a sourdough flatbread, serves as the perfect vessel for Doro Wat, a spicy chicken stew. This communal dining experience, often shared with friends and family, encapsulates the warmth and hospitality of Ethiopia. Cultural Food Top 7 Africa’s Exploring the world through its cuisines is an ad- venture in itself, and Africa offers a treasure trove of flavors that will leave any food lover craving for more. In this culinary escapade, we present the "Top 10 Africa's Cultural Food," showcasing diverse dishes from across the continent. Let your taste buds be your guide as we journey through tantalizing aromas, unique spices, and mouthwatering bites that define the rich culture of African cuisine. AUTHENTIC CUISINES 01 03 02
  • 15. Jollof Rice (West Africa) No exploration of African cuisine is com- plete without savoring the beloved Jollof Rice,acommonmealinmanyWestAfrican countries, including Nigeria and Ghana. A festive dish that features at celebrations, thisone-potwondercombinesrice,toma- toes,onions,andamedleyofspices.Each mouthful is a burst of flavor, reflecting the vibrant culture of the region. Waakye (Ghana) Still in West Africa, we head to Ghana with the flavorful Waaky or Wakey. A one-of-a-kind dish, Waakye gets its dis- tinct color and taste from millet leaves and sorghum. Served with a variety of accompaniments like fish, stew, and shito (a spicy pepper sauce), Waakye epitomizes the bold and diverse flavors of Ghanaian cuisine. Cameroonian Ndole (Cameroon) In the heart of Central Africa, Cameroon introduces us to Ndole, a traditional stew featuring bitterleaf, groundnut paste, and beef or fish. Often enjoyed alongside plantain or bobolo (fermented cassava), the dish may also contain shrimp. Rich in culturalsignificance,Ndoleshowcasesthe diverseingredientsfoundinCameroonian cuisine. 04 06 05
  • 16. 15 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend Pet health and wellness is paramount for a happy and healthy pet. So, how do you achieve it? Fortunately, there are a lot of ways you can ensure your pet is receiving all the health and wellness needs they deserve. From proper nutrition and regular exercise to preventive care. All these measures are fundamental pillars in ensuring your furry or feathered companion’s well-being. In this article, we will delve into the essential aspects of pet health and wellness, offering insights into providing the best care for your beloved animal friend. Tips for Pet Health and Wellness Thereareseveralwaystoensureyourpetisliv- ingahappyandhealthylife.Let’slookatthem; 1. Proper Nutrition Nutrition plays a pivotal role in your pet’s overall health and longevity. A well-balanced diet tailored to your pet’s specific needs is essential. Here’s how you can provide your pet with proper nutrition: Species-Specific Diet Different animals have different dietary re- quirements. Cats, for example, are obligate Pet Health & Wellness 4 Key Tips to Keep in Mind PET CARE
  • 17. carnivores, meaning their diet should primarily consist of animal-based protein. Dogs are omnivores and can thrive on a balanced diet that includes both animal and plant-based foods. Birds have specific nutritional needs based on theirspecies,soresearchandprovideappropriate foods accordingly. Commercial Pet Food Commercial pet food, whether dry kibble or canned,isformulatedtomeetthedietaryneedsof pets. Choose high-quality, reputable brands that use real meat and limited fillers or additives. Whenshoppingforcommercialpetfoods,ensure that you read the labels carefully. Manufacturers provide important information, like expiry date, ingredients, and appropriate pet. You should also consider your pet’s age, size, and activity level when selecting the appropriate formula. Homemade Diets If you prefer to prepare homemade meals for your pet, consult with a veterinarian or veterinary nutritionist to ensure you’re meeting all their di- etary requirements. Homemade diets should be well-balanced and contain all essential nutrients. Homemade foods are actually great for pets as long as you ensure you are meeting the right nutritious levels. I actually make fresh food for my dogs. My online search is full of funny searches. I am always confirming what veggies, legumes, fruits, and other food types are appropriate. And my dogs love the food! Plus, it saves me money! Portion Control You need to be careful not to overfeed your pets. Overfeeding can lead to obesity, which is a com- mon health issue in pets. Followrecommendedportionsizesbasedonyour pet’s age, size, and activity level. Monitor their weight and adjust their diet accordingly. Fresh Water Alwaysprovidefresh,cleanwaterforyourpet.Hy- dration is crucial for their health, and water should be readily available at all times. 2. Regular Exercise Exercise is not just about keeping your pet physi- callyfit;it’salsoessentialfortheirmentalstimulation and emotional well-being. Here’s how to incorpo- rate exercise into your pet’s routine: 3. Preventive Care Preventive care is crucial for detecting and ad- dressing health issues early, ensuring a longer and healthier life for your pet. Here are the essential components of preventive care: Regular Veterinary Check-ups Schedule annual check-ups for your pet or more frequent visits for senior pets or those with spe- cific health concerns. Regular exams allow your veterinarian to monitor your pet’s health, detect problems early, and recommend appropriate treatments or preventive measures. Vaccinations Keep your pet up-to-date on vaccinations as rec- ommended by your veterinarian. Vaccinations protect against contagious diseases that can be life-threatening for pets. Dental Care Dental health is often overlooked but crucial for your pet’s well-being. Brush your pet’s teeth reg- ularly and schedule professional dental cleanings when recommended by your vet. Parasite Control Protect your pet from external and internal par- asites by using preventive medications. Fleas,
  • 18. ticks,heartworms,andintestinalparasitescanpose serious health risks. 4. Mental and Emotional Well-being Pethealthgoesbeyondphysicalwell-being;mental and emotional health are equally important. Here’s how to support your pet’s mental and emotional well-being: Socialization Exposeyourpettodifferentenvironments,people, andanimalsfromanearlyagetohelpthembecome well-adjusted and confident. Enrichment Provide mental stimulation through puzzle toys, interactive games, and environmental enrichment. Rotate toys regularly to keep them engaged. Positive Reinforcement Training Use positive reinforcement methods to train and communicatewithyourpet.Reward-basedtraining builds trust and enhances the bond between you and your pet. 17 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend
  • 20. 19 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend The importance of lifeguards cannot be overstated. They are the first line of defense in ensuring the safety of swim- mers and maintaining order in recreational areas. However, in East Africa, there is a significant shortage of trained lifeguards, which puts swimmers and visitors at risk. This gap in employment can be closed by providing more opportunities for lifeguard training. LifesavingAfricaRescuers,alead- ing provider of water safety edu- cation, is offering a comprehen- sive lifeguard training course that meets international standards. The course is designed to equip learners with the necessary skills topreventaccidentsandrespond effectively in case of an emergen- cy. Why is Lifeguard Training Im- portant? Swimmingandrecreationalareas such as beaches, pools, and wa- terparksarepopulardestinations formillionsofpeopleworldwide. However,theseareasposesignif- icant risks, especially when there arenotrainedlifeguardstoensure thesafetyofvisitors.Drowningisa leadingcauseofdeath,especially among children, and lifeguards play a critical role in preventing such incidents. Lifeguard training covers a wide range of skills, including water rescue techniques, first aid, and CPR. These skills are essential in emergency situations and can make the difference between life and death. Lifeguards also pro- videpreventivemeasures,suchas enforcing rules and regulations, maintaining safety equipment, and educating visitors on water safety. Closing Employment Gaps In many parts of East Africa, there is a high demand for trained lifeguards, but a shortage of qualified personnel. This gap in employment can be closed by providing more opportunities for lifeguard training. By training more lifeguards, we can ensure the safety of swimmers and vis- itors and create employment opportunities for young people in the region. Lifesaving Africa Rescuers offers a comprehensivelifeguardtraining coursethatincludesboththeoret- ical and practical components. The course is designed to equip learners with the necessary skills topreventaccidentsandrespond effectively in case of an emergen- cy. The training focuses on water rescue techniques, first aid, CPR, and communication skills. Thecourseisopentoindividuals, schools, and organizations that want to provide their employees with lifeguard training. The train- ing is conducted by experienced and certified trainers who have extensive knowledge in water safety and rescue. Benefits of Lifeguard Training Apart from creating employment opportunities, lifeguard training has several other benefits. For instance, it improves water safety andreducestheriskofdrowning. Italsoimprovestheoverallexperi- ence of visitors and enhances the reputation of recreational areas. Lifeguard training also provides individuals with life-saving skills that they can use in other areas of their lives. For example, first aid and CPR skills can be applied in emergencies outside water-re- lated activities. Lifeguard Training Closing Employment Gaps By Sammy Thianga
  • 21. In my college years, I was a com- petitive swimmer. I leveraged my competitive swimming skills to offer swimming training to children and adults to raise my school fees. Mypassionforlifesavingledmetoun- dertakeacourseonthesubjectspon- sored by the Swimming Federation of Kenya. However, during a routine bodyretrievalcall,Irealizedthatwith awareness and basic knowledge, many more lives could be saved in the first place. This inspired me to pioneer a drown- ing prevention and water safety campaign, which was recognized by the Royal Lifesaving Society (RLSS) UK and the Royal National Lifeboats Institute (RNLI) UK. Since then, I have trained over 2,000 youth on Lifesav- ing course, over 500 adults on swim- ming, and over 1,000 children on survival and competitive swimming. Today, I continue to train daily on survival skills and competitive swim- ming while partnering with organi- zations such as Amref Africa and the World Health Organization (WHO) to strengthen my knowledge and skills on child survival swim and first aid training. s in East Africa Sammy Thianga Swimming Coach
  • 22. LIFESTYLE Budget Planners For Your Budgeting Chances are, you have used a notebook, a journaloraspreadsheetforpersonalandwork purposes. Does it help you stay on top of your appointments,assignmentsandotherplanned activities? Probably yes. That’s why I recom- mend using a planner for your budgeting. Budgeting is one hurdle I have struggled with. I cannot sing this enough times, which is probably boring to you now, assuming that you have been following my content. Over the years, I have tried severalbudgetingmethodsandafewtools,making the process easier with time. In fact, it has become morefuntoplanmyfinanceswhenusingparticular tools. While budgeting apps are an excellent tool for financial planning, I have never been a great fan. There are other options, especially if you are con- cernedwithprivacy,endlessadsandhighsubscrip- tion fees. So, let’s talk about alternatives. Types of Budget Planners to Consider Fortunately,youhaveavarietyofoptionstochoose from, depending on your taste and preferences. I havelearnedfromexperiencetotrymorethanone of these options and financially settle on one that suits you most. You can settle for more than one, too. Physical Budget Planner Areyouafanofwritingandnotingthingsdown?Do you process stuff better when it is in written form? Then, a physical budget planner is an excellent option. There are numerous budgeting planner books,eachwithvaryingpricerangesandfeatures. Ihavebeenusingaphysicalbudgetplannerforthe better part of 2022. I loved having to take a moment, reflect and write down stuff. Plus, having the planner on my desk always reminds me to take a moment and review my finances. Some of the features I recommend looking for in a budget planner book include: • Undated – an undated planner allows you to start using it anytime without worrying about messing up the set dates on the book. • Available worksheets and trackers – look for a planner with options to track budgeted and actual amounts of your cash flows, including dailyspending.Additionally,consideronewith other worksheet prompts, like financial goals sections, holiday planning, net worth tracker and an annual page-to-page overview of your finances. • Accessories – not all planners will have acces- sories. But if you get them, like stickers, book- mark ribbons, and pockets, it makes using the planner easier and more fun. Spreadsheet Planner The one thing I love about spreadsheet planners- Google Sheets or Excel is the automation. 21 SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend
  • 23. setting up and tracking your sinking funds, net worth,debtpayments,calendarsyncedtomonth- ly bills and subscriptions trackers. Digital Pdf Budget Planner ThankstoPDFannotationapps,youcanhighlight, add notes, comments and basically ‘write’ on a PDFdocumentonyourscreen.Theseworkbetter when tablets with a stylus pen, which makes the annotation feel like you are basically writing on a book. Depending on the available content, some plan- ners can contain numerous pages, sometimes more than 400. While these make them heavy and complicated, designers link pages for easier usage and acces- sibility. Digitalplannersareanexcellentoptionifyouwant the feel of using a physical book without actually using a physical book. Plus, tablets are portable andalwayswithyou.Yourinformationwillalsobe private since that’s a personal gadget. If you get an undated digital planner, you can make copies and reuse them for the following years, eliminating the need to buy another bud- First, unlike a physical planner, where you have to do the calculations manually, spreadsheet planners already have these set. All you need to do is enter thedatesandamountsofyourtransactions,andthe set formulas auto-populate data for you. Second,youcanalwayscreateacopyoftheexisting worksheet and reuse it for the next year or month. Thatmakesitaone-timepurchasethatyoucankeep reusing. There are free templates to use. For instance, both Excel and Google Sheets have free budgeting templates. ForExcel,openanewExcelWorksheet,clickonFile andthepop-uppagewillhavetemplatesatthetop. From here, you can click on More Templates to see other available options. If you prefer Google Sheets, open your drive and right-click. Choose Google Sheets from the menu, then From Templates. Besidesthesefreeoptions,youcangetmoreexten- sive spreadsheet planners from sellers on platforms like Etsy. These will give you more budgeting options, like
  • 24. geting planner unless you need one with more features. Advantages Of Using A Bud- geting Planner 1. Get Organised If your finances are a mess — you have no idea how much you spend, your savings, invest- ments and debt payoff progress and bill are scattered — there is no better way to organise your finances than with a budgeting planner. A comprehensive planner will have individual sections for or- ganisingeverytransaction.Ifyou choose a well-curated physical book, you will have bill organi- sation options, like pockets and cash envelopes. 2. Track Your Transactions Besidesgettingorganised,plan- ners help you track your transac- tions, including income, debt payments,savings,investments, bills and expenses. Most avail- able budget planner options allow you to compare the bud- get vs actual amounts of each category. This way, you can tell whether you are overspending and what categories are over your budgeted limits. It also makes it easy to stay on top of your financial position, includ- ing debt management and net worth. 3. Planning Your Finances Ahead It’s good to know beforehand how much you earn and spend; that’s why budgeting helps. Taking time before the month or year starts to plan how much you intend to spend and your income goals. While having the figures at your fingertips or the back of your head is good, using a planner enables you to plan for future financial goals. And, you can alwayslookbackintime,analyse yourmoneyhabitsandmakethe necessary changes. 4.DevelopingHealthyFinan- cial Habits Theroadtofinancialsuccessand independence requires disci- pline and patience. That’s why consistent budgeting is a must, and a budgeting planner helps you with this. Enid Kathambi Editor in Chief I am a Certified Financial Analyst and Educator with a passion for helping people achieve their financial independence without enduring the everyday jargon of finance and investments.
  • 25. SPENDERRIFIC / Know When and Where to Spend 24 At Spenderrific, our primary goal is to provide expert guidance on managing personal finances. We leverage first-hand experiences and thorough research to offer insights spanning travel, lifestyle, business, and personal finance. As a dedicated financial blog, we delve into in- depth research to provide valuable information on items and destinations worthy of your financial consideration. Recognizing that life encompasses both spending and saving, we are committed to assisting you in making crucial financial decisions. Our philosophy revolves around the belief in obtaining maximum value for your money. Whether you seek advice on saving or need insights on the optimal timing and places to spend, Spenderrific is your trusted go-to blog.