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Short Story Essays Examples
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Short Story Essays Examples" can prove to be both
challenging and rewarding. While the topic itself offers a broad canvas for exploration, the
difficulty lies in striking the right balance between showcasing diverse examples and maintaining
a coherent narrative structure.
Firstly, the challenge arises in the selection process of short stories. With countless possibilities,
narrowing down the choices becomes an intricate task. There's a delicate dance between picking
stories that illustrate various writing styles, themes, and tones while ensuring each example
contributes meaningfully to the overall essay.
Next, weaving these examples into a cohesive narrative presents its own set of challenges. The
essay must transcend beyond a mere compilation of stories; it should provide insightful analysis
and connections between them. Balancing depth and brevity is a tightrope walk, requiring a
keen understanding of the chosen short stories and the ability to articulate their significance
within the context of the essay.
Moreover, crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion adds another layer of complexity.
The introduction needs to captivate the reader's interest, highlighting the importance of short
story essays and providing a roadmap for what lies ahead. Simultaneously, the conclusion should
tie together the various threads of analysis, leaving a lasting impression on the reader.
Additionally, maintaining a clear and coherent structure throughout the essay is crucial.
Transitioning smoothly between examples, themes, and analyses requires careful planning and
organization. It demands an awareness of the essay's overall flow, ensuring that each section
seamlessly connects with the preceding and succeeding ones.
In summary, while the task of writing an essay on "Short Story Essays Examples" is undeniably
challenging, the process offers an opportunity for intellectual exploration and expression. Success
hinges on meticulous story selection, adept analysis, and a well-crafted structure. It is through
overcoming these challenges that a writer can deliver an essay that not only informs but also
engages and inspires its readers.
If you find yourself needing assistance with essays or similar tasks, various resources are
available online. One such option is, where you can explore a range of writing
services tailored to your needs.
Short Story Essays Examples Short Story Essays Examples
Why Is Connor A Hero
Is Connor a Hero? Unwind, a very well written science fiction book by Neal
Shusterman. There are a few arguments arguing whether Connor, a male character
in Unwind, is a hero or not. According to my opinion on this argument, I would say
that Connor is a hero and is not a hero, but goes more towards being a hero. Connor
Lassiter is a 16 year old male in Unwind. He was very aghast when he saw a letter
signed by his parents as to Unwinding him. Unwinding is the transplanting of a
teen s body parts to another person who is in need of those parts. In the following
three paragraphs, I will tell you what specifically is a hero, why Connor is a hero,
and why Connor isn t a hero. What is a hero? When you think of a hero, you
possibly will think of... Show more content on ...
That is part of what a hero is, but that is not exactly what a hero is. A hero is
usually a man, who is admired for their courage, dedication, outstanding
achievements, or kingly qualities, ( Heroes are the ones who put
their best selves forward in service for humanity. A hero doesn t necessarily have to
be physically violent, he/she can be a hero mentally or socially.. You can be a hero
mentally by having good deeds in your mind. You can also be a hero socially by
giving others superior advice. As you clearly know what specifically a hero is, the
paragraph below will discuss with you the heroic traits of Connor and why Connor
is a hero. Connor Lassiter, is he a hero? Firstly, Connor is a hero being the one who
saved Lev from being tithed, or being sacrificed in the church. Connor wouldn t
have saved Lev if he didn t have this physical and mental heroic deed in him. Also,
for saving Lev, Connor had put his own life
Copy Editing Personal Statement
Copy editing my peer s editorial values statement was a challenge because I
realized how much easier it would have been to sit down with the author in person,
to go over their paper, and discuss the message they were trying to deliver. I
realized this was a struggle on my end because when I read a paper, I hear my own
voice and how I would word sentences, rather than hearing the author s voice and
personality. I made several changes confidently and the one s that I was unsure about,
I used the New Comment feature on Word to suggest a modification without
scratching their idea proposed. However, the easiest part of editing was revising the
style guide because that has no personal, stylistic choice, input when it comes to
editing. Style guides... Show more content on ...
Ellen Brock discussed a video on different types of necessary editing in her video,
What Are The Different Types of Edits for Novels . Proofreading for me was
natural as it is something I have done in the past, however, when I realized I was line
editing, I was somewhat intimidated that I would make an incorrect correction. I
cleaned up some of the writing by deleting repetitive words and phrases that would
allow the paper to sound easier to read.
I used rhetoric in favor of the audience that the paper was intended for. Particular
decisions and suggestions that I made, were not only to improve my peer s writing,
but also to keep in mind that my peer is seeking a sense of approval and satisfaction
from their audience. Decisions on style and language that were absolutely necessary, I
corrected. But word choices I felt was a personal preference that I felt uncomfortable
on implementing.
On my next editing assignment, I think I would have more communication between
myself and the writer to better decipher their message they are attempting to convey.
I also hope that I will have more courage to make even more revisions and
suggestions without fearing that I will offend the
Training Need Assessment
Training and Development: Needs, Identification and Action Companies opting to
distinguish themselves in the market through customer service require a
workforce capable of providing a notable positive difference in customer
experience versus that which a competitor can provide. Providing such an
experience as a means to communicate and support your corporate brand requires
several key factors be in place. It is no secret that success in business relies upon
excellence in execution. While corporate leaders have historically looked to other
functions, such as product development, marketing, and sales, to drive corporate
success, today more and more eyes are looking to HR for help. In every industry,
employees serve as the primary... Show more content on ...
Training as a process means a Training cycle which has Training followed by
learning and then evaluation and then vice versa. Looking at this we can say that
training is a process through which trainer teaches and the trainees learns. Learning
through training when is applied by the trainees in their job it is called as
Transfer. Here, unless an individual learns during training, the question of transfer
to actual job setting is meaningless. The third step in this process is the Evaluation
of training program. A good training evaluation can serve as a diagnostic technique
to permit the revision of programs to meet the large number of goals and
objectives. As mentioned in the graphical form, identification of training need is
the first step in the process of training, and then selection of training program is
done as per the requirement of the job. The next step after this is preparing the
program as well as the trainee for the actual action of conducting the program. After
this comes the toughest job of a trainer, that is conducting the training for the
employees and then testing its validity. Testing of validity can be seen as the
process of evaluation of the training program. Finally if the training program proves
out to be useful than both the trainer and trainee are rewarded in the form of praise
and better performance respectively. To understand all this better lets have a brief
look at all the steps. Need for
Essay on Canto V of Dante’s Inferno
Canto V of Dante s Inferno In Dante s Inferno, part of The Divine Comedy, Canto V
introduces the torments of Hell in the Second Circle. Here Minos tells the damned
where they will spend eternity by wrapping his tail around himself. The Second Circle
of Hell holds the lustful; those who sinned with the flesh. They are punished in the
darkness by an unending tempest, which batters them with winds and rain. Hellis not
only a geographical place, but also a representation of the potential for sin and evil
within every individual human soul. As Dante travels through Hell, he sees sinners in
increasingly more hideous and disgusting situations. For Dante, each situation is an
image of the quality of any soul that is determined to sin in... Show more content on ...
Others include Cleopatra, Achilles, and Semiras, each with their own story of love
and lust. Dante is at once filled with great pity for those who were torn from the
mortal life by love (V. 69). With Virgils permission, Dante asks to call to those two
swept together so lightly on the wind and still to sad (V. 74). One woman answers
him, recognizing him as a living soul. Dante knows her as Francesca, and she
relates to him how love was her undoing. She was reading with a man, Paolo, about
an Arthurian Legend of Lancelot, how love had mastered him (V. 129). The two
came to a particularly romantic moment in the story, and could not resist exchanging
a single kiss; that very day, they were killed because of it. Dante is so overcome with
pity that he faints.
Paolo and Francesca represented, or symbolize, sinful love by example. They show
how an intrinsically noble emotion, love, if contrary to God s law, can bring two
essentially fine persons to damnation and spiritual ruin. Dante s personal response of
overwhelming pity should not blind us to the justice of the penalty. Dante describes
himself as fainting at the end of Francesca s recital, his purpose is partly to portray
the attractiveness of the sin. Dante allows the lovers the bitter sweetness of
inseperability in Hell, but they have lost God and thus corrupted their personalities;
they can hardly be considered happy. In a sense, they have what they wanted; they
continue in the lawless condition that
Saddam Hussein Influence
A dictator is someone who rules over his country with total power, typically
someone who gained his or her power by force. So on April 28, 1937 one of the
harshest dictators ever seen had just been born, and would be later known as
Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein would go on to reign over Iraq for 24 years
starting in 1979. During this time he married his cousin Sajida Talfah and had two
sons and three daughters. Eventually though Saddam Hussein would be captured by
U.S. Forces and executed on December 30,2006. Saddam Hussein s manipulation
into power allowed him to become the one of the most relentless dictators in recent
history, and showed little regard to life and the people of Iraq.
Before Saddam s reign over Iraq, the Hashemite monarchy ... Show more content on ...
During his reign, Saddam made a free education system for the people of Iraq.
Around the 1980 s there was 100% enrollment rates that allowed the middle class to
become better educated. He also gave free health care and lowered prices on
medicine. Every kid was to be vaccinated by the government. Helping out families
who couldn t afford to protect their kids from diseases. He tried to make at least
one Hospital in each city with high quality healthcare systems. Iraq almost gained
a developed country status because of how well their healthcare system was. He
also paved highways all across the country and made at least one school and clinic
in every city. By making these reforms he was making Iraq a stronger independent
country. Also it show the vision he had for Iraq and how he was trying to improve
The Bible Is The Core Of True Wisdom Essay
As a rule of thumb, is worth to establish that the Bible is the core of true wisdom.
Another source is worldly wisdom found in our selfish ambition to succeed in life
at all costs in order to achieve our final goals; in this case to conquer happiness. To
illustrate worldly wisdom, history speaks of a man who was born on July 356 BC
of a royal family. Who looked at closely his life and thought of himself; if only he
was the leader of his army he would be happy in life, and he fulfilled his dream; but
that was not enough. Then he thought of himself; my wisdom, knowledgeand
experiences are attributes of a prince, and he became a prince; but that was not
enough. Later, he thought of himself; with only the opportunity to be king this will
definitely determine the meaning in life and happiness, and he became the king; but
that was not enough. Finally, he thought of himself; with my wisdom, power,
intelligence, skills, cleverness, and money he could conquer the ends of the world,
and he became a world ruler; but that was not enough, therefore after having
conquered the whole world there was no more and his heart was saddened. This is
how Alexander the Great became the most powerful king in the history. Surprisingly,
at the age of 33 years old, Alexander requested three important wishes; weeks before
dying despite all the money, wealth, power, intelligence, human knowledge, self
righteousness, and authority. Although, for the world the focus of his story is the
center of wisdom
Statement Of Purpose For Manufacturing Engineering
Statement of Purpose
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom Aristotle.
I am in pursuit of a life where the education I choose lets me explore the wealth of
knowledge and wisdom. I strongly recognize that manufacturing engineering is the
domain where my purpose and passion mingle. It is my earnest belief that the
education in manufacturing engineering that I have received until now has helped me
to grasp the fundamental principles of the subject. This knowledge, when coupled
with dedicated master s study would be the ideal preparation for a career in applied
research or academics in the manufacturing industry, a vast field of science from
developing new materials to manufacture an aircraft. After giving a visit to an Aero
India Show last year in Bangalore has, developed a curiosity in me to know the
manufacturing world of an aerospace industry. It is for this reason that I wish to
pursue a Masters course in Aerospace Engineering in the Aerospace Structures and
Materials track from Delft University of Technology.... Show more content on ...
I would spend hours together experimenting and analyzing various mechanics
around me like the ball bearings in my bicycle roller skates and would be
fascinated by my spring loaded toy cars. During my higher secondary schooling, I
showed special interest in mathematics and physical sciences and in order to
supplement the education that I received in school, I became a habitual reader of
science magazines and books. As a direct consequence of this, I came to know about
the latest developments in the field of science and engineering, especially aerospace
and manufacturing engineering as it deeply interested me and I was naturally
inclined to like the subject. The basics I learnt in school only whetted my appetite for
more learning. It was but natural I would choose to take up manufacturing
engineering as a career choice when I joined
Social Democracy And Its Impact On Social Policy Essay
The ideas, social democracy and conservatism have impacted social policy to support
the citizens within New Zealand. They contrast in ways, which they are based upon.
Social democracy bases their ideas in state intervention to support the welfare creating
egalitarianism. Whereas conservatism base their ideas by providing minimal state
intervention, where tradition social institutions are conserved and natural authority is
established. Both ideas support individuals by providing a good vision; this is
achieved through the state implementing policies.
Social Democracy.
Since the early nineteenth century the reformist of social democracy has hugely
affected the development of social policy. Basing its principles on the two theories,
socialism and liberalism it has influenced social democracy. The state is a key
instrument that constructs social change, social democracy protects individual liberty
and believes in state intervention to better the welfare and equality among the public.
Altogether social democracy is a theory used by social democrats to transform from
capitalism to a welfare state, extending the rights and freedom for citizens. Social
democrats accept the confined role of markets, and the economic system. Social
democracy is achieved through parliament distributing goods and implementing
policies that support the welfare promoting egalitarianism, such as taxing the wealthy
to redistribute wealth.
In terms of social democracy the role of the state has changed
The Fundamental Rights Of The Indian Constitution
INTRODUCTION The fundamental rights were preserved in Part III of the Indian
Constitution. It guarantees the following rights and freedoms. 1. Right to equality; 2.
Right to freedom; 3. Protection in respect of ,conviction for offences; 4. Protection of
life and personal liberty; 5. Right to education; 6. Protection against arrest and
detention in certain cases; 7. Right against exploitation; 8. Right to freedom of
religion; 9. Cultural and education rights; 10. Right to constitutional remedies. The
terms fundamental rights have not been defined in the Constitution. Article 12
imposes duty on the state to protect citizens for enjoying the Fundamental Rights.
Each article has a distinct, important and valuable fundamental right empowering the
citizens. These rights primarily aimed at assuring political freedom to the citizens by
protecting them against excessive State action. They are given a pride of place in the
Constitution by the Drafting Committee. Directive Principles were enumerated in
Part IV of the Constitution. Due to the judicial enforceability of FR and its nature
being negative obligation of the state, many a times there has been a contrast between
part III and part IV i.e. between fundamental rights and directive principles, despite
being a part of the same constitution. The Fundamental Rights are enforceable.
Whereas the directives are non В¬justifiable and are more in the nature of positive
affirmations of the state. However in recent time, some of the
Jason Taylor Analysis
Jason DeCaires Taylor is an eco artist from Britain that often focuses on marine
issues, and more specifically the concern of the current state of coral reefs. Coral
reefs are one of the world s most fragile but most important ecosystems. Human
behavior is constantly endangering the status of its health and species that thrive on
it. To attract wildlife and help sustain coralreefs, Jason Taylor creates breathtaking and
chilling sculptures that serve as artificial reefs. Their composition consists of pH
balanced concrete and reinforced with fiberglass. His sculptures usually feature
statues of humans that are placed about 9 meters under the ocean. He often draws
attention to man s relationship with nature with his artworks that are eerie enough...
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The eyes of the statue subjects eyes are closed with a melancholy display. The
work directly displays human impact however over time nature will reign over these
statues and serve as a habitat which is a commentary on how eventually nature will
always coexist even with human s dangerous dominance . His usage of materials
includes pH balanced, reinforced concrete and fiberglass. At first glance, these
materials seem as if they could be harmful to the balance of wildlife. However, these
are the near perfect artificial environments for Coral Reefs. The 400 sculptures
represent various culture diversity and marine life diversity concurrently. The title
silent evolution refers to the evolution and change of the relationship between marine
environment and human behavior and dependency. The literal evolution of the
figures is slowly but surely gaining life on its surface, starting from plain concrete
pieces into a thriving ecological system. This evolution can be seen as silent to most
of the world. Eventually, this extensive art piece will be completely covered by
marine life transforming the original sculptures into a different state which also
questions the future fate of the human species to work together with
The Consumer Decision Making Model By Howard And
Consumer decision making process generally involves five stages:
A.Problem Recognition
Purchase decision making process begins when a buyer becomes aware of an
unsatisfied need or problem. This is the vital stage in buying decision process,
because without recognizing the need or want, an individual would not seek to buy
goods or service.
There are several situations that can cause problem recognition, these include:
Depletion of stock
Dissatisfaction with goods in stock
Environmental Changes
Change in Financial Situation
Marketer Initiated Activities
It s when a person recognizes that she cannot make a call from her mobile phone that
s when she recognizes that her phone has been damaged i.e. the phone has hardware
problems ... Show more content on ...
Levi Strauss Co. (LS CO) was named after its founder Levi Strauss in 1853. Since
then the journey of its success has been going on. It has cast its spell in more than
110 countries. Levis as leading jeans brand has entered into the international parlance
and flooding the market with its designer apparels. Levis products are marketed
under various brand names like Levis, Dockers and Levi Strauss Signature.
ITC s Lifestyle Retailing Business Division has established a nationwide retailing
presence through its Wills Lifestyle chain of exclusive specialty stores. Wills
Lifestyle, the fashion destination, offers a tempting choice of Wills Classic work
wear, Wills Sport relaxed wear, Wills Clublife evening wear, fashion accessories
and Essenza Di Wills an exclusive range of fine fragrances and bath body care
products for men and women. Wills Lifestyle has also introduced Wills Signature
designer wear designed by the leading designers of the country.
UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON The United Colors of Benetton (UCB) is
changing hues in India. Flush with plans of capturing 80,000 sq ft of retail space
across the country before the year ends, coupled with a stringent fabrication and
merchandising exercise, United Colors of Benetton is aiming to shore up volume
and value sales, while also presenting a larger than life facet of its retail
Colossal Statue Of King Tutankhamen And The Lamassu
The Colossal Statue of King Tutankhamen and the Lamassu are two very remarkable
pieces in the history of artwork. The Lamassu is an enormous piece in weight as well
as height. The Colossal Statue of King Tutankhamen is also an enormous piece, but
instead, the height is the only thing that sets it apart from the Statue of King
Tutankhamen. The height of both pieces is very intimidating because they are both
taller in relation to people. With both pieces being this tall, the viewer is able to
interact with the pieces more than the smaller ones. The statues are both reliefs, but
the Colossal Statue of King Tutankhamen is around relief. This statue allows the
viewers to walk around the statue and get a clear idea of what the artist was trying
to express with this piece. The Lamassu is also a relief sculpture, but instead, the
viewer is unable to fully walk around the relief. This artwork can only be seen from
the very front as well as the side, this was how the artist intended to express the
The artwork is similar as well as very different in many ways. The styles of birth of
the pieces are extremely different and this is very noticeable. The Colossal statue of
King Tutankhamen looks very Egyptian based on the way the statue is designed
many of the facial features resemble the Egyptian culture. The Lamassu statue
resembles more of an Assyrian style based on the facial features. The structures of
both pieces are basically different from one another. The statue of
Mother s Day Gift Ideas
4 Great Mother s Day Gift Ideas
Hallmark and FTD have made a fortune on gift buying for mom on Mother s Day,
but it might be time to move away from the standard bouquet of flowers and the
frilly, glittery card and embrace some new gift ideas. Mother s Day is officially and
unofficially recognized in most countries worldwide. Whether or not it is called
Mother s Day depends upon the country celebrating it. One thing is true no matter
where you are, and that is that mothers are honored and given gifts like flowers
from their children and grandchildren. As evidenced by statistics from AT T, more
long distance phone calls are made on Mother s Day than any other day of the year.
Since mother is such an important figure in your life, maybe you should break away
from tradition and give her a gift that is not flowers and candy.
1 Gift Baskets
There are any number of websites devoted to creating and sending a gift basket to
mom or grandmom, but they lack the personalization that comes from creating one
from scratch. It does not take a lot of money to create a basket, and you may even
end up saving money by doing it yourself.
Baskets are readily available at any craft or big box store in the gardening section.
They are normally constructed of wicker or a woven material and come in a huge
selection of sizes. You can tailor the basket to match your mom s personality or her
If your mom loves to plant flowers, put seeds, tools, gardening tip booklets, gift
Herbert Hoover Contributions
Give a man a fish, and he eats for one day, teach a man to fish, and he eats for a
lifetime. Hoover did not want Americans to become reliant on government aid and
this optimism that Americans could overcome the greatest economic crisis is what
later made him one of the most disliked presidents in history.
Hoover continued to work as a mining engineer, although he had a strong desire for
public service. Hoover identified himself as a Republican. World War 1 put Herbert
Hoover in the forefront of American politics. When the war broke out in London,
the U.S consul contacted Hoover and asked him to organize an evacuation of over
100,000 Americans trapped in Europe. Hoover and many of his wealthy friends
came together and created the Committee for the Relief of Belgium, after Germany
s brutal invasion of Belgium. Hoover successful pulled this off without any
government help; he was able to gain several millions of dollars to supply Belgians
with much needed medicine and food. Hoover ran the U.S. Food Administration at
the request of President Woodrow Wilson. Hoover did quite well as the head of the
U.S. Food Administration in leading the effort to preserve food and essential
supplies that helped aid European allies. During the war, Hoover had become a
household name and the verb Hooverize was used, and that meant to ration
household supplies. World War 1 officially ended in November of 1918 when the
armistice treaty was signed. President Wilson then appointed Hoover to lead
Defective Cell Organelles
The defective cell organelle is the endoplasmic reticulum. Cystic fibrosis occurs due
to a mutant gene known as CTFR. Instead of the CTFR protein being threaded and
translated, it get stuck in the endoplasmic reticulum, causing the cell to lose its
permeability. Eventually, salts starts building up outside the cells since they cannot
pass through.
The ability of water to move across cell membranes is important to living things.
Water moves across cell membranes through various processes such as osmosis,
diffusion, and active transport. These processes enable the transfer of ions in plants
and aids the vascular system in animals. These procsses are key to the survival of
A fairly small amount of water will move into the cell,
Commercial Liens
Version 1.0
|Edited by Build Freedom staff |
|[with acknowledgments and credit to Alfred Adask (Publisher of AntiShyster
magazine), Richard Boalbey, David |
|DeReimer, and the various lien authors, for providing some of the content] |
|(Applicable To The U.S.A.; Adaptable For Some Other Countries) |
|Common Law Copyright, 1995 by Build Freedom Holdings |
|All Rights Reserved. | ... Show more content on ...
Whether that prospect thrills you or disturbs you depends upon your outlook.
These liens, because they are so powerful, should be treated with respect. We, at
Build Freedom, do not advocate the use of these liens against all government
officials, nor to any official in particular. We honor the fact that there are many
virtuous people in government offices, who are truly striving to harm no one and to
benefit as many people in society as possible. The liens described in this manual are
not directed towards these harmless officials.
Scope and Purpose of Manual
This manual is an introduction and primer to the Commercial Lien Strategy. It does
not pretend to be the final word on the subject. The authors and editors have
synthesized material from several sources. We have organized it into a form that
should be comprehensible to the average reader.
After reading this manual, you will know the fundamental principles of this strategy.
This understanding, plus the Bibliography in Appendix A, will allow you to do
further research on your own.
Some Notes on the Sample Briefs
Included with this manual is an Appendix containing sample legal briefs, based upon
actual examples used by others.
You will have to reformat these briefs using your word processing software, and you
MUST adapt them to your situation, and to the requirements of your state or locality.
These are not and (in the nature of things) cannot be fill in the blank forms.
The Inequality Of Low Wage Workers
Low wage workers in America are not being afforded the basic labor protections
that skilled workers enjoy. This neglect of low wage workers is a personal trouble
as much as it is a public issue. According to C. Wright Mills, troubles are personal
problems that take place within the individual and their relations to others (1959).
Issues, on the other hand, expand far beyond the individual s personal characteristics
and onto institutions in a particular historical time period (Mills 1959). Mills
indicates that personal troubles can be easily detected by pointing at an individual s
characteristics, public issues on the other hand cannot be easily identified in that
manner (1959). To develop a personal and social understanding if individual troubles
and societal issues, Mills uses the sociological imagination (1959). Wagelabor, under
the sociological imagination, can be identified as a socially constructed issue and
not just an individual s inability to be employed in something better. By looking at
wage labor in a narrow sense, it becomes easy to blame the individual for their
troubles. Policies are then established to punish individuals and not the structural
causes of their troubles.
One way in which low wage workers are punished for being in the situation that they
are in is through neglecting them as a whole. The lack of safety mechanisms
available for low wage workers in the event of unemployment or underemployment,
forces individuals to construct alternative modes of
Causes Of The Treaty Of Versailles
World War I was a major conflict fought in Europe and around the world between
1914 until 1918. In the end, the countries were striving to recover from World War
1 and were in need of a treaty to prevent any future war from occurring. The
countries came to an agreement and decided to create the Treaty of Versailles. This
treaty was made to end the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers, but
Germany was not allowed to attend the Conference so they had no say in the terms
that were discussed. The Allies punished Germany in the Treaty of Versailles
of 1) pressure put on the allied countries by civilians to discipline Germany and 2)
the strong feeling that Germany should pay for all of the damage and destruction
caused by the war considering they were a major cause of starting it. The terms of
the Treaty of Versailles caused Germany to lose everything territory, money due to
reparations, alliances, military control, disarmament, and worst their pride;
essentially Germany had to take full blame for the war. These terms were made to
prevent Germany from exercising such aggression in the future. In reality, what
ended up transpiring was that the Treaty gave Germany even more hatred to the
point where they were looking for anything who could fix all of the ongoing
problems they were facing this setup Adolf Hitlers rise up to power. Hitler s rise to
power was formed not only by the Treaty of Versailles, but also by his nazi
propaganda, his fiery public speaking
Characteristics Of North Korea
North Korea
North Korea is one of five communist countries in the world. For decades, North
Korea government have been able to keep North Korea as the most impenetrable
country in the world. Therefore, it has created a lot of curiosity among people to
learn about North Korea the mysterious country. In this paper, I will talk about the
Physical, Cultural, and economic Characteristics of North Korea also the effects this
characteristic have on this country.
The Physical Characteristic of North Korea are extraordinary. North Korea is part
of the East Asia Continent and it is located on the Northern Half from the 38th
parallel to the Korean peninsula with an absolute location of 40.3399В° N,
127.5101В° E North Korean capital is Pyongyang and has an absolute location of
39.0392В° N, 125.7625В° E (World atlas). The Korean Peninsula is a peninsula
found in East Asia; that expands Southward for about 684 miles from the Asia
continent toward the Pacific Ocean. (New World Encyclopedia, Korean Peninsula).
North Korea is nearby two seas the yellow sea and the Bay of Korea which located
on the west of this country and to the East by the Sea of Japan. (20.3 North Korea, D
eisma). The Northern and Eastern Regions of this country are dominated by steep
Mountain and not very fertile. In addition, sheltering forests and Valleys, North Korea
has many mountains. The major landform of North Korea is the Nangnim
Mountains, the Paektusan, and the Peninsula Korean as already mentioned.
According to
Sheraton on the Park
Table of Contents Procedures2 1.Introduction of Sheraton2 2.The role of the HR
Manager3 3.The overall business strategy4 4.The adopts reference to the employment
relationship5 Reference5
Procedures 1. Introduction of Sheraton
Located in the Centre of Sydney s, Sheraton on the Park (formerly known as Grand
Park) was purchased and changed the name by Sheraton Hotel in 1994.
Public areas of the hotel include two restaurants, a lounge style glasses and a lobby
lounge. The facilities include 24 hour business services center as secretarial support
and access to computers. At the same time, a ballroom, capable of sitting 550 people,
and nine smaller function rooms. The occupancy rate of the hotel (often used as ...
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Vacancies in line with sales performance, forecasting, ethnicity and equal opportunity
PAYROLL: The annual budget in line with revenues. Designed wage scales, job
grading. Payroll forecast delivered in a timely manner. Subscribe to wage costs.
Productivity analysis. Prepare annual bonus table. Data collated competitive salary
and remuneration in the market.
INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS: Develop and implement the industry code. The hearing
complaints and discipline to ensure that the legal standards, ethics and maintained.
Intermediary between management and associates.
LAW: report and action in light of the new legislation. Adhere to Australian
Government legislation.
PROJECT: Implementation and monitoring of the Project Management Professional.
Job loss during restructuring. Develop policies and documents. Sitting on the
Executive Committee and presented the relevant and new issues. Opportunities to
simplify organization, or structure razed multiskilling and political consultations.
SATISFACTION ASSOCIATE: Management annual survey. Implement action plans
ASI. Analyze your sales data and labor exit interview and to promote employee
TRAINING amp; DEVELOPMENT: recruitment initiative through communications
and presentation stated that the Sheraton hotel has attracted the cream of graduates.
Ensure that the assessment and evaluation is done. Monitoring of the quality
assessment and
Socrates And Socrate
Gorgias invites Socrate to the party of an unknown person s house to show off his
knowledge and sees how much Socrate knows as Gorgias brags about how rhetoric
is something he have a good knowledge of. Socrate may be prepared to battle against
the rhetoric and finds a way to defeat Gorgias in the competition. Socratesfirst arrives
late the competition in front of the crowd of people in the party to show his
opponent his disrespect. Socrate blames his friend Chaerephon of being late to the
party because he didn t want others to know that he is doing it purposely. Before
Gorgias shows up Socrates has a conversation with Gorgias student Callicles.
Callicles claims that Gorgias can answer any questions are being asked. As Socrate
finds a way
The Republic, By Plato Essay
In one of his most widely read texts, the Republic, Plato sets out to explore the very
nature of the concept of Justice, the various forms it takes in the world, and its
relevance to the lives of men. As Socrates states, it is about the way we ought to live
(I 352d). The dialogue begins by introducing the commonly held view of justice, via
Thrasymachus, Glaucon and Adeimantus, as the non performance of certain types of
unlawful or antisocial acts. However, the entire treatise quickly moves on to
concentrate on a different meaning of justice, as a form of moral virtue. He wishes to
demonstrate that justice and moralityare interconnected because humans can only
achieve a good life which he claims is the best way to live if they have those things
that are desirable in themselves (II 357b). Therefore Plato s argument, as it sets out
to prove the intrinsic value of living a just life, is neither deontological, nor
consequentialist. In the Republic, Plato is arguing for the transcendent value of
justice as a human good, or virtue, which informs and guides moral conduct. Plato
bases his argument on a new and unique understanding of what justice is and how
morally sensitive people are able to learn about the real nature of justice, morality
and other virtues. He believes that it is necessary to grasp the true or intrinsic nature
of certain virtues in order to make accurate judgements about the appropriate way to
act in relation to others, justice and the collective good.
Fenway Park Essays
Some things on this earth are just magical. To some it may be the beach at sunset,
to others it may be as simple as the drive to work in the morning. For me that place
is Fenway Park in Boston Massachusetts. Going to a game in Fenway is a
smorgasbord of delightful feelings. Even the walk up to the ballpark is some thing
to behold. Walking with hundreds of passionate fans, all decked out in their red sox
T shirts, jerseys, and of coarse that iconic navy hat with the red B on it. I feel like I
belong there with this organized group of strangers. There is such a since of family
as I see people from the T car I was on and chatted with. A few hundred yards ahead I
could hear a Lets Go Red Sox chant as people around me began to join in... Show
more content on ...
I look down a gated alley that reads players and coaches only and I think If I was
just there twenty minutes earlier I would have gotten a glimpse or even a word in
with one of my favorite players. As I drift back in to reality I see several long lines
at gate A this was unusual but my spirits were to high to be broken. As I slide into
what looks like the shortest line my Uncle Geno grabs me and says, let s go so my
dad and I follow him. I was curious where we could be going and I really didn t
want to have to step out of line but I knew geno had something up his sleeve for us.
Geno leads us around the perimeter of the park and to gate D. There was almost
no line at this gate so we slide in easily. Geno had done it again, always the go to
guy on street knowledge and somehow he knew everyone. When we make our way
past countless vendor to the tunnel the crowd roars. As I step through the tunnel
into the light the glare of the setting July sun hits me. When my eyes finally
readjust to the light I look around and almost have trouble with my depth
perception because of how big and crowded Fenway is. As we begin our treck to
our seats we pass countless passionate fans I look to the scoreboard, the giant
Budweiser neon sign, and to the enormous coke bottle and marvel at their size. Then
Visa Policies And The Visa Policy
Entry, keep and exit of foreigners into Republic of India is ruled by the Passport
(Entry into India) Act 1920, Passport (Entry into India) Rules, 1950, Foreigners Act
1946 and also the Registration of Foreigners Rules, 1992. The policy, acts and rules
concerning entry of foreigners into Republic of Indiaare framed by the Ministry of
Home Affairs (MHA) , Government of Republic of India.
Visa regime is enforced abroad by Republic of Indian missions posts and in India by
Foreigners Regional Registration Offices (FRROs), home departments amp; district
directors within the states besides immigration posts. PV II Section of CPV Division
provides the interface with MHA in formulation and implementation of visa policy
and is additionally entrusted with advising Indian Missions/Posts on visa matters. PV
II conjointly formulates policy on grant of diplomatic and official passports. different
necessary functions and responsibilities of PV II are appended.
The basic principle of the visa policy is fairness, subject in fact to underlying
concerns of reciprocity, security and national interests. whereas an outsizes majority
of foreigners is roofed beneath general visa rules, specific visa rules and procedures
apply to bound classes of nationals.
Visa isn t a matter of right and it s entirely up to the competent authority to make a
decision on issue of visa to any foreigner.
Visa like passport and diplomat services may be a service and a fee is charged for
grant of visa in
White Collar Crime Response Paper
Future responses/prevention of this crime. White collar crimes have a significant
impact on our lives and often times they do not receive as much attention as street
crime. However, it is of great impetus that we address and recognize that white
collar crimes need to be curbed, especially when corporations like VW intentionally
hurt our environment and ultimately the human and animal populations. There are a
variety of different responses which can be implemented to prevent crimes like the
VW emission fraud case in the future. First, by drawing from Burki s (2015) article
on, I will discuss one of the main factors that gave rise to VW being able to falsify
their emission tests and how it can be prevented in the future. Burki noted that the
testing system... Show more content on ...
(2013) article which explored corporate environmental crime control strategies, I
will detail the best methods to prevent individuals and corporations from wanting
to engage in fraudulent activities like the VW emission fraud case. First, the study
by Simpson and colleagues found that people are less likely to engage in crimes if
the act is seen as dangerous to people or wildlife, or viewed as socially undesirable.
Second, potential offenders were likely to not commit crimes if there was a higher
chance of receiving a negative informal response. (e.g., loss of respect from family,
friends, and business associates) Finally, potential offenders were deterred if they
were likely to get caught and face a formal response (e.g., legal litigation). Therefore,
to prevent white collar crimes such as the VW emission fraud case in the future, we
should implement laws and regulations that make it more likely that perpetrators are
caught and ultimately face both formal and informal responses. The laws and
regulations could be stricter testing protocol and liability forms which would make it
easier to identify individual actors (i.e., what engineer/employee was responsible for
Analysis Of That s Humanism !
In the YouTube video by Stephen Fry entitled, That s Humanism! (Fry, That s
Humanism! ). The introduction of the video started with a question, How do we
know what is True? What s true through the use of evidence and science? (Fry, That s
Humanism! ). In response to blind faith, the scientific creationists substitute a
materialist definition of faith demanding that scienceconfirm scripture and scripture
confirm science, while simultaneously attacking the materialism of scientific
explanation (Aliff 2005). Faith without science is blind (Regier 2010). Regier stated,
There is a delicate balance between science and religion, without one the other will
produce wrong answers or not produce answers at all (2010).
Albert Einstein ... Show more content on ...
In order to discover how the cosmos works, humanist believe that observation,
experimentation, and the testing of theories against evidence has the best track
record (Fry, That s Humanism! ).
How does the experimentation and testing of theories against evidence hold true
when some individuals experience a vision or supernatural reality of life after
death (Fry, That s Humanism! )? For example, in 1988, a former president of the
British Humanist Association, and a philosophy professor of logic at Oxford
University, AJ Ayer, had a spiritual experience of life after death. In Ayer s
supernatural vision he saw a bright red light, which he thought was responsible for
the government of the universe, after his heart stop beating for four minutes ( The
Humanist Philosopher Saw the Light Governing the Universe 26). Ayer was known
for his distrust of anything that could not be backed up by science (26).
However, after seeing an invisible reality when he was dead, Ayer s perspective and
conviction that there is no God all changed because he could not deny the truth that
other angelic beings govern the universe (26). We can safely conclude that Ayer s
mind was transformed and renewed to know that there is a perfect invisible world
beyond the reality of the human conscious (Rom. 12:1 3). Humanist
The Top 10 Features Of ASP
Top 10 Features in ASP.NET 4.5
ASP.Net, an open source, server side web application framework, introduced by
Microsoft to create dynamic web pages. The framework is designed to help
programmers in developing dynamic websites, web applications, and web services.
ASP.Net first version i e ASP.Net 1.0, was released in January 2002. ASP.Net is built
on CLR (Common Language Runtime), let programmers write ASP.Net code with
any .net supported languages such as C#, J#, JScript and Visual Basic .net. With
ASP.Net you can create more interactive and data driven web applications. ASP
consists a variety of control like text boxes, buttons, and labels for assembling,
configuring, and manipulating the code to create HTML pages.
Microsoft ... Show more content on ...
The biggest advantage of ASP.Net 4.5 Model Binding is you can easily unit test the
methods. Model Binding in ASP.Net 4.5 is supported through the namespace
System.Web.ModelBinding . The namespace has value provider classes like
ControlAttribute, QueryStringAttribute etc. All these mentioned classes are inherited
from the ValueProviderSourceAttribute class.
4: Value Providers
ASP.Net 4.5 offers many Value Providers which can be used to filter the data. Here
are some:
5: Support for OpenID in OAuth Logins
ASP.Net 4.5 gives the support for OpenID for OAuth logins. One can easily use
external services to login into the application. Like ASP.Net MVC 4, ASP.Net 4.5
also allows you to register OAuth provider in the App_Start/AuthConfig.cs file. This
data dictionary is also can be used to pass additional data.
6: Support for improved paging in ASP.NET 4.5 GridView control
Paging support in ASP.Net 4.5 GridView control is improved a lot in this version.
ASP.Net 4.5 GridView.AllowCustomPaging property gives great support for paging
and sorting through the large amounts of data more efficiently.
7: Advanced Support for Asynchronous Programming
ASP.Net 4.5 gives excellent support in asynchronous programming. Now you can
read and write HTTP requests and responses without the
Objectives Of A Research Project Management
Aim Objectives of the study Aim of the research The aim of the study is to assess the
relevancy, usefulness and the associated benefits of BIM and the advantages of its
parametric feature in construction project management, and then suggesting ways in
which such findings could help stakeholders to determine on whether BIM will be
suitable and beneficial or not for their proposed projects and then take decision either
to use BIM or not based on their convictions. Objectives of the research 1.To find out
what BIM stands for, how it has evolved over the years and its connection with
project management. 2.To find out the situations of the construction industry in
management of projects without the application of BIM. 3.To find out the features of
BIM that give it added advantages on management of projects. 4.To examine
application of BIM at various stages of construction project s life cycle. 5.To
determine how BIM is useful and beneficial to various stakeholders in construction
projects and to assess such benefits. 6.To assess the limitations to BIM and make
recommendations on how efficiency and effectiveness can be improved in the future
on construction project management. Research Questions How was the situation of
construction project management without the intervention of BIM? Is there any
relationship, similarity or connection between BIM and project management context?
How can we consider the use of BIM to be efficient and effective (Useful beneficial)
Copper Cycle Lab Report
The Copper Cycle
Alexes Montalvo Chem 1500 10 September 26, 2012
The Copper Cycle
The Copper Cycle is a popular experiment used to determine if an element, in this
instance, copper, reverts to its elemental form after a chain of reactions. This
experiment is very dangerous because of the reactions between the strong acids and
bases. In this experiment I performed a series of reactions starting with copper metal
and nitric acid to form copper (II) nitrate. Then I reacted copper and several other
solutions such as, sodium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, ammonium hydroxide, and
hydrochloric acid to form precipitates. In conclusion my percent recovery ... Show
more content on ...
If you see a deep blue color add more zinc powder until there is no change in color of
the solution in the test tube.
XI. Inside the fume hood, add a good amount of Hydrochloric Acid, HCl(aq), to the
solution in the 250 ml beaker to remove excess zinc. (accelerate reaction by heating
if the reaction appears slow)
XII. Take the 250 ml beaker to your lab bench. Set up a gravity filtration with a
plastic funnel, folded wet filter paper, and an Erlenmeyer flask. Pour the content in
the 250 ml beaker slowly through the filter paper. Wash the filter paper with
deionized water. Dispose of the filtrate in the proper labeled waste container.
XIII. Carefully remove the copper metal from the filter paper onto the watch glass.
(with a spatula) Place a 400 ml beaker on a hot plate contained with water. Carefully
place the watch glass before the water boils to dry the copper metal. (Use the tongs to
handle the hot watch glass)
XIV. Record your observations of the dried, cooled copper metal and weigh the
recovered copper.
Data Collection and Observations:
I started with elemental copper metal and then reactions occur step by step as follows:
|Experimental stage |Observations |
|1. Copper metal (penny) at the start |Tarnished, worn out, brownish, copper colored,
fine solid. |
The (Shallow) Picture of Dorian Gray Essay example
Oscar Wilde s The Picture of Dorian Gray presents a keen question on morality: can
one cleanse the senses by the means of the soul, and the soul by the means of the
senses? Dorian Gray lives out this epigram of Lord Henry s in an attempt to justify
a life of hedonism and over objectification of beauty. Wilde introduces Dorian as a
young man whose beauty rivals the invention of the oil painting itself (Wilde 7).
Basil Hallward, the painter, claims that Dorian is absolutely necessary to him and
showers Dorian in compliments as he paints him in Greek and Roman idealizations
(7). Lord Henry tells Dorian that when his youth and beauty goes, he will discover
there are no triumphs left for him (16). Because of his good looks,... Show more
content on ...
Upon arriving home, Dorian notices the physical disfigurement of his soul in his
painting due to his treatment of Sibyl and claims, as his portrait is now a visible
emblem of conscience, that he will change his ways by resisting temptation and
not seeing Lord Henry anymore (67). He vows to go back to Sibyl Vane, make
amends, marry her, and try to love her again (67). Dorian attempts to change his
mode of life and forget his pursuit of pleasure in favor of moral soundness. It is in
this moment that Dorian could been seen as repentant, as a man who recognizes
his sins and would like to make amends for the sake of his own soul. However, the
next morning, while contemplating his guilt, Dorian reminds himself that there
are opiates for remorse, drugs that could lull the moral sense to sleep (70). He
writes a letter to Sibyl and feels forgiven for his harsh words (70). Lord Henry then
arrives, and assuming that Dorian has already heard of Sibyl s death, says that he
s relieved Dorian is not plunged in remorse, and tearing that nice curly hair of his
(71). By tearing his curly hair, Dorian would be destroying his beauty on account of
moral principles, an act that would violate the Lord Henry s philosophy. After Lord
Henry tells Dorian that Sibyl has killed herself, Dorian is initially horrified but
eventually calms himself by saying that though Sibyl has died, the birds sing just as
happily in his
Coach Case Analysis Essay
Situation analysis 1. Coach present market position;
* Ability to match key luxury rivers in quality and style but beating them in price
by more than 50% * Can serve both middle and high income customers (while the
low price and good designs are appealing to the low income customers, the high
quality is also a pooling factor to the high income customers.) * Best selling Brand
in the industry by 2006 with about 25% market share in the USA and second best
selling in Japan with about 8% market share in same year. * Attractiveness of the
coach retailed store. A survey in the USA rang coach in terms of store atmosphere,
10th among top rated stores in the USA with a score of 84% not very far from that
of Louive ... Show more content on ...
Coach created the accessible luxury category in ladies handbags and leather
accessories by matching key luxury rivals on quality and styling, while beating them
on price by 50 percent or more. Beyond its winning combination of styling, quality,
provided by its employees contributed to its competitive advantage.
Much of the company s growth in net sales was attributable to its rapid growth in
company owned stores in the United States and Japan. Coach s factory stores had
achieved higher comparable store growth during 2005 and 2006 than its full price
stores. At year end 2006, comparable store sales in Coach Factory stores had
increased by 31.9 percent since year end 2005, while comparable store sales for
Coach full price stores experienced a 12.3 percent year over year increase. In 2006
Coach Products were sold in 218 full price company owned stores, 86 factory stores,
900 U.S. department stores, 118 locations in Japan, and 108 international locations
outside Japan.
Weaknesses and threats * Coach entry to new market in Asia And eastern Europe has
been very slow therefore given it competitors the opportunities to lead in such
markets. * Most company research and findings are only based on American markets.
* Increase competitions from other designers especially France and Italy. * Increase
counterfeiting of original designer products.
* Growth tendency in the
Mcdonald vs Burger King Compare and Contrast Essay
I) Intro/Hook
Thesis Statement: Although McDonald s and Burger King are similar; they have
evident differences in their advertising models, food and their commitment with the
II) *Topic sentence 1: McDonald s and Burger King invest a lot of money in their
A) Evidence #1: Golden arches, Ronald McDonald, Big Mac, extra cheese and the
guy who promote Burger King.
III) *Topic sentence 2: Their food seems to be the same, but it isn t.
A) Evidence #1: McDonald s hamburger weighs less than Burger King s.
B) Evidence #2: Burger King s beef are 100% pure and they flame boils their burgers,
while McDonald s fries their beef.
C) Evidence #3: McDonald s cost slightly less than Burger King.
IV) *Topic ... Show more content on ...
Their food seems to be the same, but it isn t. On one hand, McDonald s hamburger
weighs less and has only 9g of total fat, while Burger King s hamburger has 12g and
they have a saltier taste. On the other hand, Burger King s beef are 100% pure and
they flame boils their burgers, while McDonald s fries their beef. That s why they
taste different. Concern at cost, McDonald s simple burger is lower at $0.89 while
Burger King s has their simple burger at $0.99.
Their commitment to the community is also different. McDonald s has House
Charities since 1974, where they help thousands of parents stay by their sick
children s side. In addition, they give away millions of dollars in scholarship to
help people who can t afford college. On the other hand, Burger King s has some
scholar program, which help poor families. However, their strong commitment is to
provide good service and products to their clients and to make every Burger King
restaurant a place where people love to go everyday.
Even though McDonald s and Burger King are really similar, they are also really
different. They both try to have good advertising but McDonald s is, most of the
time, ahead. Their food seems to have the same condiments, but again, they are far
away to be the same. They appear as the two most famous fast food restaurants
around the world, but each one of them has their own
Real-time Overlay of Map Features onto a Video Feed Essay
Cognitics, Inc. proposes a novel software system that combines a geospatial database
and a 3D simulated environment with technology developed by Lockheed Martin for
targeting systems. The new software system will be able to precisely identify the
camera position and orientation for each frame of video, and use that information to
accurately overlay the videoframes with a wide variety of geospatial and map features.
This technology can dramatically increase the situational awareness of UAV pilots by
displaying and/or highlighting the location of targets, troops, landmarks, or any other
item that has a geographic location component.
Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control has a huge amount of experience and
technology in targeting and ... Show more content on ...
If the camera information is precise, there will be excellent correlation between the
synthetic scene and the scene from the video frame. When differences exist,
ground control points will be generated and a transformation matrix will be derived
to determine a more precise camera model. By feeding this precise camera model
as well as a position computed using dead reckoning like position predictions into a
filtering algorithm such as a Kalman filter, we can integrate multiple data sources
for the most precise camera position information. This will allow the overlay to be
precise even when GPS signals are poor, or visibility on the UAV video feed is poor
due to dust or clouds.
Using the precise transformation matrix, any 3D data can be accurately overlaid over
the video frame. Additionally, any pixel on the video frame can be translated back to
latitude, longitude, and elevation using the transformation matrix and the synthetic
3D environment.
Because of the accurate transformation matrix we obtain through our approach, it is
possible to overlay any geospatial feature, 3D model, or map content over the
video frame. Features such as controlled airspace can be rendered as a semi
transparent 3D object in the sky. The data to be overlaid is rendered using the
transformation matrix to a pixel buffer with a transparency channel. That buffer can
then be overlaid on the actual video frame from the UAV and encoded back into a
H.264 MPEG4 stream for display on any system
The Seven Years War
With the Seven Years War (French and Indian War) complete, the British thought they
would be at peace. The common thought was to prosper from the colonies by making
them pay certain taxes based on products they imported or even exported. The
American colonists and British policymakers were having major disagreements in the
period of 1763 1776. The taxed colonists were resenting the British Parliament and
started small protests in the area. The common disagreements were over the levied
taxes, which started with the sugar, currency and stamp act, followed by the
Townshend Duties and then the Tea Act which tipped the scales making most despise
the British Parliament s actions. This turned some of the colonists against the British
which then... Show more content on ...
They began to boycott, some by not using the tea imported from the East India Tea
Company and others by using other items to make tea. Women even began making
leaflets and participated in anti British activities. The colonists even went as far as
not allowing ships to enter or leave ports with imports of specific items that would
be taxed. This finally led to the Boston Tea Partyin 1773. A few dozen colonists
dressed as Native Americans, and protected by some other colonists, boarded ships
in Boston Harbor and began throwing barrels of tea overboard in protest to the
taxes. After this, the port of Boston was closed by Parliament. The news made it to
other colonies up and down the eastern seaboard and the colonists started to respond.
There was a tension in the air that was unmatched, and the colonists were preparing
to fight. The British believed they had the upper hand, although many of the so
called governors were not in the colonies to prepare themselves for what was to
Personal Themes In A Stolen Life By Jaycee Dugard
She was alone, she was scared, she had no idea that her normal life would be taken
away for the next eighteen years... and hope is the sole reason that she survived it.
For kidnap victim, Jaycee Dugard, the word hope brings back a flood of emotions
and memories. In her chilling memoir, A Stolen Life , she describes a very
personal experience in which she encountered at age eleven, where she soon
learned just how important hope was. Dugard never saw it coming when a man
named Phillip Garrido stole her from that bus stop on just another normal
morning... or so she thought. Soon after, he took her away and held her hostage in
his backyard for almost two decades. Interestingly enough, she has miraculously
turned this cruel situation into a very inspiring story. Therefore, she proves to us
that even if you re living out your worst nightmare, you still have something to live
for. For this reason, Dugard puts together a descriptive setting, her absurd
relationship with her abductor, and personal symbols to illustrate how just a little
hope can be the essence of surviving any situation life throws at you. For starters, it
could have been the easiest thing in the world for Jaycee to lose hope by
becoming discouraged by the filthiness and disgust of the environment she was held
captive in for all of those years. She paints a picture of just how unpleasant her
setting was by describing how The desk had lots of junk on the left of the door
there is a toilet with a built in
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Computer Based
Information system can be categorized into two (2) categories which are manually
and automatically. Usually, manual is a system where is all the information will be
written and stored in different files. Manual system also known as non computerized
information system. It is using the old style that deals with papers and reports.
However, the manual system in managing information is not an efficient method. It
consumes a lot of time to finding and modifies the available information. In order to
eliminate those issues, a new system is created which known as Computerbased
Information System (CBIS). This is an information system that is based on computer
hardware and software technology for processing and disseminating the information.
The integration... Show more content on ...
This system consists of the following components:
Every CBIS needs people if it is to be useful. Often the most important element of the
CBIS is the people. People probably the components that most influence the success
or failure of information system. There is two types of people that involves in using
information system, where is end user and IS Specialist.
End users are also called as users or clients. There are people who use an information
system or the information it produces. They can be anyone accountants, salespersons,
engineers, clerks, customers, or managers. Most of them are information system end
users. For IS Specialists, they are people who actually develop and operate
information systems itself. They include systems analysts, programmers, testers,
computer operators, and other managerial, technical, and clerical IS personnel.
Essentially, systems analysts will design information systems based on the
information requirements of end uses. The programmer prepares computer programs
based on the specifications of systems analysts, and computer operators operate large
computer systems of
The Inertial Navigation System ( Ins )
The inertial navigation system (INS) is a highly complex device which utilises
very sensitive sensors to generate movement information and a computer to
develop an algorithm of motion over time. The INS can be described as very
sophisticated dread reckoning. The sensors which are used in an INS are
accelerometers and gyroscopes which are further linked to a computer. The main
consideration is that these highly sensitive and advanced sensors used in an INS
still have errors from accuracy limitations in units of basic design or original
outdated concepts. The accuracy can be improved with more complex and updated
integration which includes the use of the better and more advanced components. To
understand the errors associated with INS, a closer look into the flow of
information is essential. The north facing accelerometer is mounted to a platform
which is supported by gyroscopes. Any accelerations detected are given to the first
stage integrator which uses the time component to develop velocity data. The
second integrator uses the velocity data and time to calculate the distance travelled
which is then added to the present position to generate a new present position. The
system uses a backwards feedback loop of velocity data to the gyroscopes to make
accelerometer platform perpendicular to the local gravity vector. This model is used
for both north facing and east facing platforms and combined with the secant
multiplier. The basic system designs would carry a greater error but
The University of WaterlooВґs Experiential Education to...
In recent years the cost of tuition at a traditional college has seen a large increases
while at the same time graduates of these schools are finding it increasingly difficult
to find a job, much less a job pertaining to the field they studied. To college
institutions, the question arises of whether or not the education experience that they
provide increases the success of its graduating students. An increase in personal
financial investment in higher educationfrom the private sector is a clear indicator
that those seeking higher education see their decision to do so as an economic
investment. The increasing number of today s students are seeking to concentrate
their studies in subjects they consider relevant to their futures, and that... Show more
content on ...
Other freshman, even if they think they have decided on a vocation, will change their
minds during college. One study found that between one third and two thirds of all
undergraduates fall into this category. Even students who come with clear vocational
plans need to test their ambitions against hard evidence. On the other hand students
will choose to go to a technical school have the potential to be so concerned about
their careers that, once vocational education gains a foothold in the college they may
well neglect other purposes of undergraduate education in their eagerness to take any
course that promises to give them a competitive edge in the struggle for success and
financial security.
Experiential education aims to connect liberal education with practice applicable to
the workplace environment through institutionally sponsored internships, community
service projects and study abroad programs. In this academic setting, students will
naturally discover an understanding of organizational structures and protocol within a
professional working environment. Examples may include the ability to be assertive
in a meeting; to disagree pleasantly; to know when to interrupt and when not to; to
understand the flow of discussion and how to change people s minds; to attract
mentors; to understand situations; to discern what can change and what can t.
Instructional research demonstrates that learning activities which require learners to
Cady s Identity In The Film Mean Girls
The need to create an identity for oneself is a strong human desire with an intensity
that is equaled only by the craving to become part of a community. With such
strong yearnings for individuality as well as a sense of attachment within a group,
the most familiar consequence is conflicting emotions that are all too easily
persuaded. The 2004 film Mean Girls exhibits various examples of identification
and social influence as well as the level of persuasion they hold over the decision
making process of the main character, Cady. After arriving at a new school, Cady is
immediately accepted by two unpopular students, but then attempts to become
noticed by the most popular group of girls, The Plastics. Once Cady is accepted by
The Plastics, her moral compass, belief systems, and actions change in order to more
closely reflect those around her and solidify her status... Show more content on ...
This offense, along with the new level of morally acceptable behavior Cady
formed once fully ingrained within The Plastics, finds revenge against Regina as
reasonable. According to social identity theory, an individuals behaviors are
organized in terms of the social categories with which they identify, so that they
are motivated to establish and maintain a positive self image by viewing these
categories as positive and distinct from alternative categories (Seta, Seta, Hundt,
2001, p.19). As a Plastic, positive self image is the ultimate goal, so an act of
revenge as the result of an offense is considered rational and even expected within
that social setting. Once Cady identifies herself as a Plastic, the idea of revenge no
longer holds the stigma it once did when Cady could not follow through with Janice
s plan for revenge. Cady then follows through with an act of revenge, something she
had previously found to be morally reprehensible in her previous social
Greek Word Polygraph Essay
Everyone wants to know if this is actually something that can happen or can be
proven. Can it be done unconsciously? Can a polygraph be beat consciously?
Although this test is conducted by trained professionals about compete clear subjects
that turnout 99% accurate, can be beaten. The word polygraph comes from a Greek
word polygraphs which means to sniff out bullshit . Polygraphs have been around
since the 1920 s a process known as psychophysiological detection of deception.
Devices that monitor a subjects physiological responses from stressed designed
questions. Polygraphtheory dictates will show a spike in bodily functions such as
blood pressure, respiration, galvanic skin condition, and perspiration. This article
tells you over 5 ways
What Is My Culture Essay
I am familiar with my culture because my grandparents were able to impose their
customs onto my parents and their children. Without them I would not be eating
traditional foods, celebrating the Hispanic culture, or be aware of my family history.
I am 100% Mexican, and I admire the Latin culture to the fullest. The Mexican culture
consists of a tight family, plentiful cuisine, Spanish language, Latin music, and the
Catholic religion. Growing up in a Mexican household has definitely influenced my
morals, values, and character. Although I remain living in a Hispanic household I
sometimes forget how important the culture influences the person I am today.
In the Mexican culture, we cook with many different spices, vegetables, and meats.
Some of ... Show more content on ...
I would visit every day afterschool and it was the best adventure running through
multiple gardens with different crops. My grandparents grew cactus, lemons, onions,
tomatoes, cilantro, and aloe vera plants. It is a small reminder of their ranch in
Zacatecas, Mexico and it is also their getaway from the city. My grandparents grow
their own crops because to them it is a hobby, and they are able to sell them when
there is an exceeding amount of harvest. Agriculture is common in most Hispanic
families, whether it is owning a simple lemon tree or growing a small aloe vera
plant, there is always something sprouting. I found it unusual that no matter what
oppression we were put through we were still able to preserve our most important
customs and values. Many other cultures were stripped of their identities, and till
today we are able to pass down our traditions. Learning about how my family
traveled from deep into Mexico to Southern California brining their culture with them
is amazing. Being able to speak a different language with people that share the same
ethnicity reminds me of how special my cultural identity is. The Mexican culture is
rich of culture has not been affected by newer
Liberalism And Realism In International Relations
The world shows both aspects of an extremely liberal society, yet a relist one at the
same time. There are aspects of both theories mixed throughout modern
international relations. On one hand, many world leaders strive to live in a liberal
world, because it is more cooperative and secure for all involved. The realist theory
is much more realistic and able to fit society s needs better. Since there are aspects of
both liberalismand realism in modern international relations, not one theory
outweighs the other. This makes society a mixture of the two theories. Liberalism is a
unique theory that is extremely democratic and applicable to modern international
relations. As described on the class lecture slides, liberalism relies heavily on mutual
cooperation. In terms of international relations, this means states having open ended
communication as well as being able to cooperate with each other. Generally, states
tend to do a good job at this. The United Nations is set up to keep an open line of
communication as well as keep states cooperating together. The United Nations has
representatives to uphold the values of each state. These representatives do an
excellent job at mutually cooperating with the other states in the United Nations. If
there were not these representatives, states would have a hard time communicating
and cooperating with each other. Liberalism is what makes the United nations work.
Another factor of liberalism is the emphasis on the spread of democracy. In modern
times, democracy is becoming a more popular form of government. Liberals
foresee a slow but inexorable journey away from the anarchic world the realist
envision, as trade and finance forge ties between nations, and democratic norms
spread. Because the elected leaders are accountable for the people, liberals expect
that democracies will not attack each other (Snyder 6). Liberals focus on spreading
democracy and straying away from anarchy. This can be seen is multiple modern
states. The United Statesuses a democracy as a form of government and is founded
on democratic principles. The citizens elect officials they believe will best represent
their beliefs and values. Without democracy, the United States would not be here
AACSB Accreditation
Will the other business unit(s) apply for AACSB membership, or will the institution
apply for membership?
Business School is the only entity of Hunan University applying for AACSB
membership. Other institutions currently have no such a plan of pursuing AACSB
International Accreditation.
Hunan University will not apply for AACSB accreditation based on institution level.
What are the accreditation plans for the other unit(s)? Will these units seek AACSB
accreditation in the future? (In the case of an institution holding AACSB
accreditation, if a business unit accreditation is approved, the other business unit(s)
will have to apply for AACSB membership and initial accreditation in order to be
recognized as having achieved AACSB accreditation.) ... Show more content on ...
How much physical separation is there between these units?
Business School is located in the main campus near Yuelu Mountain on Lushan South
Road , while College of Finance and Statistics, and School of Economy and Trade,
are located on the 3rd Fenglin Road in the north campus, which is about 4 miles away
from the main campus.
Part 2. Describe the business academic unit related the Core Values as stated in part 1
of the Accreditation Eligibility Criteria:
Criterion A: The Unit must encourage and support ethical behavior by students,
faculty, and professional staff, and demonstrate a commitment to environmental
sustainability. [ETHICAL BEHAVIOR]
Guidance for Documentation
Provide published policies and procedures to support legal and ethical behaviors.
Describe programs to educate participants about ethical policies and procedures.
Describe systems for detecting and addressing breaches of ethical behaviors, such as
honor codes and disciplinary systems to manage inappropriate
Teenage Pregnancy In Teenage Moms
In 2015, there was a huge problem that broke out all over the united states that over
200,000 girls gave birth between the age of 15 19(CDC). First, there are many
problems with this statistic because there are so many girls having their young
teen years skipped and jumping right towards parenthood. The big issue seen
around the united states is that with these unplanned babies some mothers will
drop out of high school. Sadly, this will end of resulting in a huge life change and
lead them down a very long road ahead without graduating high school and getting
their diploma. Even though, some of the mothers go back to school their lives will
never be the same. Also, many understand that the teen moms are the ones being
directly affected. However, the indirectly affected are the families of their teenager
who was pregnant. This is a very stressful time for the parents and this adds to them
getting very angry with their children which may result in them kicking them out or
for some help their child raise a baby. It is a very stressful thing and the families
start to become overwhelmed with their teenage daughter whose pregnant and few
become depressed because they feel that their life raising was a fail. Next, is teenage
pregnancies are becoming more present and sometimes these incidents can just be
prevented with contraception (HHS). In fact, many girls should have this talk with
their parents because it is available and will help the girls avoid teenage pregnancy
and have
General Darby s Influence
Great success comes from great leaders. One of the greatest military leaders in
history, was a local Fort Smith native named William O. Darby. Brigadier General
William O. Darby s life and leadership substantially influenced the United States
Army in many ways. General Darby s creation of the United States Army, Army
Rangers was perhaps one of the greatest attributes to the United Statesmilitary.
William Darby s militaristic creation became incredibly substantial with the aid of
the following influences: the world at war, new and elite soldiers, operational
invasions, and a ceaseless legacy.
An extreme turmoil had been taking place during the early 1940 s. The world was at
war. Many young soldiers had grown anxious during this upheaval since ... Show
more content on ...
Efforts to inhibit the advancement of German troops led the North African
invasion. Major efforts took place in halting German troops from occupying North
African seaports. Spearheading the invasion in the Port of Arzew, Algeria were
Darby s First Ranger Battalion. This was accomplished by executing a surprise
night landing, silencing two gun batteries, and opening the way for the capture of
Oran. A night raid was conducted in Tunisia in 1943. The execution of the night raid
took place behind enemy lines in Sened Station. The purpose of this mission was to
collect military intelligence in order to terrorize the enemy. While American troops
tried to pass through a crucial mountain pass located in Djbel Ank, many soldiers
were shot down. The First Ranger Battalion rucked twelve miles under night fall to
the height of Djbel Ank through rugged terrain in order to surprise the enemy at
dawn. Under the stealth of night, the Rangers were able to attack from the rear while
successfully capturing two hundred prisoners, now leading the way for American
troops to pass through to conquer in North
F. D. Salinger s Catcher Of The Rye
J. D. Salinger s Catcher in the Rye features a complex narrative surrounding a
troubled young student, Holden Caulfield. Difficulties he faces throughout the story
force Holden to confront his fears of adulthood and maturation and the responsibilities
therein through the difficulties he faces throughout the story. Academic controversy
surrounds whether Holden learns from these confrontations and adjust accordingly,
maturing throughout the story. While initially this seems rather subjective, a
thorough analysis of Holden s actions throughout the story as well as of the
symbolism injected by Salinger makes it quite clear that Holden does undergo a
significant maturity arc as the story progresses. Holden s social development and
maturation... Show more content on ...
Despite his longing for acceptance, His efforts to connect with any stereotypical kid
his age result in abject failure (Privitera 204). Salinger thoroughly emphasizes this
through Holden s relationships with Stradlater and Ackley, with both of whom he
has a strenuous and artificial relationship, demonstrated by his internal, flippant
commentaries on his peers as he discusses them in the book (Salinger 31 40).
Holden s peers ostracize him due to his more introspective and introverted nature,
as seen in Stradlater s angry response to Holden s reflective response to this writing
assignment, saying that he doesn t do one damn thing the way [he s] supposed to
(Salinger 47). These difficulties stem not from deficiencies of his peers, but rather
a problem of Holden s refusal to accept anything different from what he expects,
making excuses about his reasons throughout the book to cover his actions. His
rationalization of his internal wants and desires impedes any proper connection he
could possibly make with his peers. He, Subconsciously longs to be accepted yet
feels he cannot make the connection (Privitera 205). This directly correlates with
Holden s dubbing of many people, practices, or labeling things as phony. He refers to
the school and each of the students individually as phony, and calling out, Sleep tight,
ya morons! (59) when he leaves Pencey for the last time. This demonstrates Holden s
use of phoniness to describe anything that doesn t meet his
Gun Autobiography
When I was born My step grandpa denny was a huge gun collector like his dad .I
was the grandson he had never had.When he found out he had stage 4 cancer. He
decided put all his guns except for two 44.magnum revolvers that went to his sons.
My parents decided since I was 1 year old that they would take three guns and put
the rest in storage. The guns they took were his most prized possessions. One of
them was his dad s lever action 22. Caliber winchester rifle. Another one was a rare
golden browning auto 5 12 gauge shotgun that could sell for a couple grand and last
is his grandpa s old 12 gauge pump shotgun.
When I was a little older than five I went upstairs in the attic to play. One of my
toys went under the guest bed I looked underneath for the toy and saw two cases. I
pulled one out that had the 22. Caliber in it and decided to play with it. When my
mom came upstairs to get me for lunch she saw the gun screamed what are you
doing. She than took the gun put back in it s case and put it back under the bed.
She said don t mess with these until you re older. So the next day I go back into the
attic and this time I get out the shotgun case out and take out the browning 5 auto
and play with that same thing happened as before. Mom than asked me why I did it
even though she told me not to. I said that I couldn t play with these till i m older I
m a day older than yesterday . ... Show more content on ...
As I get older more guns show up from the other guns that are in storage. So my dad
bought three 65 gun holding gun safes and put them in the rec house in the
basement. That has most of my guns the important ones are kept in a gun safe at my
house. When I was finally old enough to shoot we got out the 22. Caliber and took
pot shots at animals around the
Examples Of Market Segmentation Of Dove
Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
The adventure of becoming a successful brand with the launch of Cream Bar in the
United States begins in 1957. Dove is Unilever s fastest growing and momentum as
time goes on after this launch is one of the brands. World launch of Dove is started
in 1991. The brand went to meet with consumers in 55 countries in total by the end
of 1994. Thus, the Dove family kept expanding. Successive face and body cleansing
products, skin care, deodorant and hair care products with the launch of Dove
continued to grow rapidly. Today, Dove, and the difference in quality that will
redefine the standards of the category that enters through any personal care, personal
hygiene brand to the world s expert. ... Show more content on ...
Company conducted a survey in order to determine the segmentation of people who
would like to prefer fragrance and moisturizing cream in the skin care products they
Market Analysis: The analysis shows the preference of people which products they
would like to use.
40% of people prefer moisturizing features and fragrance
40% of people prefer fragrance free and moisturizing features
20% of people prefer to use products that matching their skin type
Demographic Segmentation:
Brand s demographic segmentation includes women and men whom are older than
18 years.
People that who conscious and awake about their skin care
People that who belongs to upper middle class
Women who use beauty products
People that who has high purchasing power and want to use quality products on their
Psychographic Segmentation
Dove uses psychographic segmentation in order to create psychology in women
where beauty incorporates all ages, body shapes and sizes.
Dove gives the message You are beautiful to way you are to all women to show that
they are valuable. Also company tries to make women encouraged in order to believe
what they say in their
Essay on Arctic and Alpine Soils
Arctic and Alpine Soils
(Ant)arctic (high latitude) and alpine (mountain) areas are affected by relatively
similar climates, as latitude and altitude produce similar meteorologic effects. In
these geographic regions where temperature is at such a pronounced extreme,
climate would seem to be the leading factor of soil development. It is my goal in
this research paper to answer the following question: How do the soils of arctic and
alpine areas differ? This idea, taken largely from an abstract by Birkeland (1975),
will be explored through the comparison of the soils of these two geographic regions,
and an analysis of the soil development factors in those environments.
Both high latitude and high altitude ... Show more content on ...
However inaccurate as Dokuchaev s generalization may be, a critique of his
proposal provides an excellent tool to examine and compare the soils of similar
Arctic and Alpine regions.
Similarity in Arctic and Alpine Geographic Regions
There are pedologic cases in which one of the five soil forming factors established
by Jenny (192?) is so prominent and effectual that it outweighs the sum of all of the
other factors, resulting in the definition of different soil series almost wholly upon
differences in that dominant soil forming factor. For example, in the Carleton
Arboretum, our Soils class found that the differences in soil series were defined
mostly on the basis of parent material. Most groups had a direct correlation between
the distribution of soil types and the distribution of parent materials.
In the case of Arctic and Alpine* soils, it is climate which largely outweighs all of
the other soil forming factors. As previously stated, the intense cold associated with
high latitudes and high altitudes separates Arctic and Alpine areas from other
geographic regions of Earth. I believe that upon this basis Dokuchaev made his
analog between horizontal and vertical zonality of soils. Through an examination of
a number of Arctic and Alpine soils and the pedogeneses of such soils, I aim to
expand and adjust his hypothesis, as I feel he did not understand fully the complexity
of Alpine
Case Study Hydrocortisone And Methylprednisolone
Hydrocortisone and methylprednisolone What would you suggest to try to use one
drug therapy? Can you use fludrocortisone? In theory, it would be possible to try to
use one steroid that can have the effect of the methylprednisolone as well as the
hydrocortisone to target both the glucocorticoid as well as mineralocorticoids
activity. However few obstacle arise with this concept 1 There are not enough studies
that investigated the use of other corticosteroids aside from prednisone and
methylprednisolone that showed efficacy in the treatment of PCP. There have been
case report using hydrocortisone doses of up to 1000 mg to treat patient with PCP,
however, the data is outdated and has not been validated in head to head trials
(Montaner JS1,... Show more content on ...
This decline in viral load usually continues 8 to 12 weeks and then plateau. This
change is usually accompanied by an increase in immune cells occur as well. The
recovery of CD4+ T is biphasic, a drastic increase in CD4+ cells occurs during the
first three to six months of HAART. This initial rise is primarily to an increase in
the numbers of CD45RO+ memory T cells and is presumed to be due to a
combination of decreased lymphocyte apoptosis as well as a redistribution of those
cells from the peripheral lymphoid tissues into the circulation. Thereafter, a slow
increase occurs in most treated individuals. This secondary increase in CD4+ T
cells is thought to be due to T cell clones produced secondary to thymopoiesis.
CD8+ T lymphocytes also increase rapidly after the initiation of HAART, however,
the total numbers of CD8+ T lymphocytes eventually stabilize as memory CD8+
cells numbers decline and are replaced by naive CD8+ T cells. When there is a lack
in T cell in the body the macrophages will be primed with the HIV antigen and
present it on the surface of their
Going For The Gold By Jesse Owens
Going for the Gold 3 2 1 Pow! The starting gun went off. I shot off from my starting
position. For those ten seconds I was running, I felt incredible. After those ten
seconds, I realized I had won. I actually won. I should put this in my records for
greatest meets. I had won a gold medal in the 1936 Berlin Olympics. At that moment,
I felt I was on top of the world. I also felt like a father, a hero, a black right s activist.
I was 1 person, but had many faces.
Olympics, Here We Come!!
Many of you know Jesse Owens for what he did in 1936 in the face of Hitler. Jesse
Owens defied Aryans and ran into the open hands of 4 gold medallions. Teammates
and Coach When Jesse Owens ran in the 4x100 meter relay, his 3 other... Show more
content on ...
He always conferred on important topics with his mother and his father. He was
the son of a sharecropper and the grandson of a slave. His mother was Mary Emma
Fitzgerald and father was Henry Cleveland Owens. They had ten children,
including their top athlete, Jesse. Owens had 6 brothers and 3 sisters. His brothers
were Prentice, Johnson, Henry, Quincy, and Sylvester. His sisters were Ida,
Josephine, and Lillie. His wife was Minnie Ruth Solomon, most commonly known
as Ruth. They were married in 1935. His first daughter, Gloria, was born in 1932.
Their second daughter, Marlene, was born in 1939. Their 3rd blessing, Beverly,
was born in 1940. These facts show that they had 1 daughter before their marriage,
and then waited almost a decade to have 2 more daughters so that their first daughter
could grow up. Consequently, this means they had a big family and Jesse was very
Black Activist Some of you might not know that this runner was a black activist
even if he didn t mean to. He was a great black revolutionary. This means that he
fought for black rights. When he was running he was being a black activist. By
destroying his competition in the Olympics, he showed that your race didn t matter
and you could do anything, even in the face of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. When he
ran in all white meets, he showed that whites aren t always superior. He showed the
black community that they don t have to be pushed around just
Designing A Product That Influences Through The Product...
The paper aims at sensitizing designers towards the voices of every stakeholder
involved in designing a product that influences through the product life cycle, in a
comprehensible way with an objective to facilitate designer towards a better
design. This paper discusses the basic purpose and nature of design in the context
of judging the aptness of a dialogue among the stakeholders including product in
itself. It also discusses the kind of outcome based on designers stand in the design
process which makes the conversation dialogical or arguing in nature. The paper
proposes Design Tree as a structure, for creating distinct platforms for dialogue to
happen at all stages of design evolution for design dialogue to be comprehensible.
Louis I Kahn in his lecture was explaining the importance of honoring building
material. The designer is at a junction and he has to choose a path. He has to decide
between economy and honor of material. The decision, that designer takes, is case
specific and depends on various other factors as the case might be.
The decision of whether to go logical or intuitive is discussed by many authors and
designers in many ways, some supporting logical or rational views and others
intuitive or art based. Kahn s quote mentioned above emphasizes on intuitive
decision (as an honor towards the material) over logical way (which is the economy).
Christopher Alexander in his book Notes on the Synthesis of Form discusses whether
design is
Argumentative Essay Driving Age
Argumentative Essay
The driving age should/should not be raised to twenty one
Road accidents are part of our daily life. Every day we read and watch about the
accidents either on News channels or newspapers. Unluckily, but the road
accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers. An eighteen year old is
almost twice as likely to die in car accident as compared to 30 year old. The legal
driving age has long been a topic of discussion. There are many states that allow
for teen drivers to apply for driver permit six months before their 16th birthday but
some states do like the idea as they say it is very soon. Teenage drivers are
effortlessly distracted. They are inexperienced at understanding as well as
recognizing road hazards. They are most likely to be elaborate in a reckless road
accident rather than adult drivers. Researchers are of the view that ... Show more
content on ...
It is an unfortunate truth that most of the people who die in car accidents are
teenagers. The highest death rate for drivers is among the age group 15 to 20.
According to the National Highway Authority, If the driving age is raised to 21
there would be a sudden fall in fatalities arising from car use. Nowadays, teenagers
use mobile phones while driving although it is highly dangerous. Driving is a serious
matter that does not demands full attention only but responsible attitude also
(Laberge Nadeau, Maag Bourbeau, 1992). Use of mobile phone while driving is
distracting. In United States teenage drivers are the major cause of road accidents
since they are likely to breach the law. Immaturity is one of the biggest factors
behind teenage car accidents. They love speed and switching driving lanes. These
things increase the chances of accidents. If we can raise the driving age to 21, we
will not only save the lives of young adults but we will save the lives of other people
on road
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Short Story Essays Examples
Short Story Essays Examples
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Short Story Essays Examples

  • 1. Short Story Essays Examples Crafting an essay on the subject of "Short Story Essays Examples" can prove to be both challenging and rewarding. While the topic itself offers a broad canvas for exploration, the difficulty lies in striking the right balance between showcasing diverse examples and maintaining a coherent narrative structure. Firstly, the challenge arises in the selection process of short stories. With countless possibilities, narrowing down the choices becomes an intricate task. There's a delicate dance between picking stories that illustrate various writing styles, themes, and tones while ensuring each example contributes meaningfully to the overall essay. Next, weaving these examples into a cohesive narrative presents its own set of challenges. The essay must transcend beyond a mere compilation of stories; it should provide insightful analysis and connections between them. Balancing depth and brevity is a tightrope walk, requiring a keen understanding of the chosen short stories and the ability to articulate their significance within the context of the essay. Moreover, crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion adds another layer of complexity. The introduction needs to captivate the reader's interest, highlighting the importance of short story essays and providing a roadmap for what lies ahead. Simultaneously, the conclusion should tie together the various threads of analysis, leaving a lasting impression on the reader. Additionally, maintaining a clear and coherent structure throughout the essay is crucial. Transitioning smoothly between examples, themes, and analyses requires careful planning and organization. It demands an awareness of the essay's overall flow, ensuring that each section seamlessly connects with the preceding and succeeding ones. In summary, while the task of writing an essay on "Short Story Essays Examples" is undeniably challenging, the process offers an opportunity for intellectual exploration and expression. Success hinges on meticulous story selection, adept analysis, and a well-crafted structure. It is through overcoming these challenges that a writer can deliver an essay that not only informs but also engages and inspires its readers. If you find yourself needing assistance with essays or similar tasks, various resources are available online. One such option is, where you can explore a range of writing services tailored to your needs. Short Story Essays Examples Short Story Essays Examples
  • 2. Why Is Connor A Hero Is Connor a Hero? Unwind, a very well written science fiction book by Neal Shusterman. There are a few arguments arguing whether Connor, a male character in Unwind, is a hero or not. According to my opinion on this argument, I would say that Connor is a hero and is not a hero, but goes more towards being a hero. Connor Lassiter is a 16 year old male in Unwind. He was very aghast when he saw a letter signed by his parents as to Unwinding him. Unwinding is the transplanting of a teen s body parts to another person who is in need of those parts. In the following three paragraphs, I will tell you what specifically is a hero, why Connor is a hero, and why Connor isn t a hero. What is a hero? When you think of a hero, you possibly will think of... Show more content on ... That is part of what a hero is, but that is not exactly what a hero is. A hero is usually a man, who is admired for their courage, dedication, outstanding achievements, or kingly qualities, ( Heroes are the ones who put their best selves forward in service for humanity. A hero doesn t necessarily have to be physically violent, he/she can be a hero mentally or socially.. You can be a hero mentally by having good deeds in your mind. You can also be a hero socially by giving others superior advice. As you clearly know what specifically a hero is, the paragraph below will discuss with you the heroic traits of Connor and why Connor is a hero. Connor Lassiter, is he a hero? Firstly, Connor is a hero being the one who saved Lev from being tithed, or being sacrificed in the church. Connor wouldn t have saved Lev if he didn t have this physical and mental heroic deed in him. Also, for saving Lev, Connor had put his own life
  • 3. Copy Editing Personal Statement Copy editing my peer s editorial values statement was a challenge because I realized how much easier it would have been to sit down with the author in person, to go over their paper, and discuss the message they were trying to deliver. I realized this was a struggle on my end because when I read a paper, I hear my own voice and how I would word sentences, rather than hearing the author s voice and personality. I made several changes confidently and the one s that I was unsure about, I used the New Comment feature on Word to suggest a modification without scratching their idea proposed. However, the easiest part of editing was revising the style guide because that has no personal, stylistic choice, input when it comes to editing. Style guides... Show more content on ... Ellen Brock discussed a video on different types of necessary editing in her video, What Are The Different Types of Edits for Novels . Proofreading for me was natural as it is something I have done in the past, however, when I realized I was line editing, I was somewhat intimidated that I would make an incorrect correction. I cleaned up some of the writing by deleting repetitive words and phrases that would allow the paper to sound easier to read. I used rhetoric in favor of the audience that the paper was intended for. Particular decisions and suggestions that I made, were not only to improve my peer s writing, but also to keep in mind that my peer is seeking a sense of approval and satisfaction from their audience. Decisions on style and language that were absolutely necessary, I corrected. But word choices I felt was a personal preference that I felt uncomfortable on implementing. On my next editing assignment, I think I would have more communication between myself and the writer to better decipher their message they are attempting to convey. I also hope that I will have more courage to make even more revisions and suggestions without fearing that I will offend the
  • 4. Training Need Assessment Training and Development: Needs, Identification and Action Companies opting to distinguish themselves in the market through customer service require a workforce capable of providing a notable positive difference in customer experience versus that which a competitor can provide. Providing such an experience as a means to communicate and support your corporate brand requires several key factors be in place. It is no secret that success in business relies upon excellence in execution. While corporate leaders have historically looked to other functions, such as product development, marketing, and sales, to drive corporate success, today more and more eyes are looking to HR for help. In every industry, employees serve as the primary... Show more content on ... Training as a process means a Training cycle which has Training followed by learning and then evaluation and then vice versa. Looking at this we can say that training is a process through which trainer teaches and the trainees learns. Learning through training when is applied by the trainees in their job it is called as Transfer. Here, unless an individual learns during training, the question of transfer to actual job setting is meaningless. The third step in this process is the Evaluation of training program. A good training evaluation can serve as a diagnostic technique to permit the revision of programs to meet the large number of goals and objectives. As mentioned in the graphical form, identification of training need is the first step in the process of training, and then selection of training program is done as per the requirement of the job. The next step after this is preparing the program as well as the trainee for the actual action of conducting the program. After this comes the toughest job of a trainer, that is conducting the training for the employees and then testing its validity. Testing of validity can be seen as the process of evaluation of the training program. Finally if the training program proves out to be useful than both the trainer and trainee are rewarded in the form of praise and better performance respectively. To understand all this better lets have a brief look at all the steps. Need for
  • 5. Essay on Canto V of Dante’s Inferno Canto V of Dante s Inferno In Dante s Inferno, part of The Divine Comedy, Canto V introduces the torments of Hell in the Second Circle. Here Minos tells the damned where they will spend eternity by wrapping his tail around himself. The Second Circle of Hell holds the lustful; those who sinned with the flesh. They are punished in the darkness by an unending tempest, which batters them with winds and rain. Hellis not only a geographical place, but also a representation of the potential for sin and evil within every individual human soul. As Dante travels through Hell, he sees sinners in increasingly more hideous and disgusting situations. For Dante, each situation is an image of the quality of any soul that is determined to sin in... Show more content on ... Others include Cleopatra, Achilles, and Semiras, each with their own story of love and lust. Dante is at once filled with great pity for those who were torn from the mortal life by love (V. 69). With Virgils permission, Dante asks to call to those two swept together so lightly on the wind and still to sad (V. 74). One woman answers him, recognizing him as a living soul. Dante knows her as Francesca, and she relates to him how love was her undoing. She was reading with a man, Paolo, about an Arthurian Legend of Lancelot, how love had mastered him (V. 129). The two came to a particularly romantic moment in the story, and could not resist exchanging a single kiss; that very day, they were killed because of it. Dante is so overcome with pity that he faints. Paolo and Francesca represented, or symbolize, sinful love by example. They show how an intrinsically noble emotion, love, if contrary to God s law, can bring two essentially fine persons to damnation and spiritual ruin. Dante s personal response of overwhelming pity should not blind us to the justice of the penalty. Dante describes himself as fainting at the end of Francesca s recital, his purpose is partly to portray the attractiveness of the sin. Dante allows the lovers the bitter sweetness of inseperability in Hell, but they have lost God and thus corrupted their personalities; they can hardly be considered happy. In a sense, they have what they wanted; they continue in the lawless condition that
  • 6. Saddam Hussein Influence A dictator is someone who rules over his country with total power, typically someone who gained his or her power by force. So on April 28, 1937 one of the harshest dictators ever seen had just been born, and would be later known as Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein would go on to reign over Iraq for 24 years starting in 1979. During this time he married his cousin Sajida Talfah and had two sons and three daughters. Eventually though Saddam Hussein would be captured by U.S. Forces and executed on December 30,2006. Saddam Hussein s manipulation into power allowed him to become the one of the most relentless dictators in recent history, and showed little regard to life and the people of Iraq. Before Saddam s reign over Iraq, the Hashemite monarchy ... Show more content on ... During his reign, Saddam made a free education system for the people of Iraq. Around the 1980 s there was 100% enrollment rates that allowed the middle class to become better educated. He also gave free health care and lowered prices on medicine. Every kid was to be vaccinated by the government. Helping out families who couldn t afford to protect their kids from diseases. He tried to make at least one Hospital in each city with high quality healthcare systems. Iraq almost gained a developed country status because of how well their healthcare system was. He also paved highways all across the country and made at least one school and clinic in every city. By making these reforms he was making Iraq a stronger independent country. Also it show the vision he had for Iraq and how he was trying to improve
  • 7. The Bible Is The Core Of True Wisdom Essay As a rule of thumb, is worth to establish that the Bible is the core of true wisdom. Another source is worldly wisdom found in our selfish ambition to succeed in life at all costs in order to achieve our final goals; in this case to conquer happiness. To illustrate worldly wisdom, history speaks of a man who was born on July 356 BC of a royal family. Who looked at closely his life and thought of himself; if only he was the leader of his army he would be happy in life, and he fulfilled his dream; but that was not enough. Then he thought of himself; my wisdom, knowledgeand experiences are attributes of a prince, and he became a prince; but that was not enough. Later, he thought of himself; with only the opportunity to be king this will definitely determine the meaning in life and happiness, and he became the king; but that was not enough. Finally, he thought of himself; with my wisdom, power, intelligence, skills, cleverness, and money he could conquer the ends of the world, and he became a world ruler; but that was not enough, therefore after having conquered the whole world there was no more and his heart was saddened. This is how Alexander the Great became the most powerful king in the history. Surprisingly, at the age of 33 years old, Alexander requested three important wishes; weeks before dying despite all the money, wealth, power, intelligence, human knowledge, self righteousness, and authority. Although, for the world the focus of his story is the center of wisdom
  • 8. Statement Of Purpose For Manufacturing Engineering Statement of Purpose Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom Aristotle. I am in pursuit of a life where the education I choose lets me explore the wealth of knowledge and wisdom. I strongly recognize that manufacturing engineering is the domain where my purpose and passion mingle. It is my earnest belief that the education in manufacturing engineering that I have received until now has helped me to grasp the fundamental principles of the subject. This knowledge, when coupled with dedicated master s study would be the ideal preparation for a career in applied research or academics in the manufacturing industry, a vast field of science from developing new materials to manufacture an aircraft. After giving a visit to an Aero India Show last year in Bangalore has, developed a curiosity in me to know the manufacturing world of an aerospace industry. It is for this reason that I wish to pursue a Masters course in Aerospace Engineering in the Aerospace Structures and Materials track from Delft University of Technology.... Show more content on ... I would spend hours together experimenting and analyzing various mechanics around me like the ball bearings in my bicycle roller skates and would be fascinated by my spring loaded toy cars. During my higher secondary schooling, I showed special interest in mathematics and physical sciences and in order to supplement the education that I received in school, I became a habitual reader of science magazines and books. As a direct consequence of this, I came to know about the latest developments in the field of science and engineering, especially aerospace and manufacturing engineering as it deeply interested me and I was naturally inclined to like the subject. The basics I learnt in school only whetted my appetite for more learning. It was but natural I would choose to take up manufacturing engineering as a career choice when I joined
  • 9. Social Democracy And Its Impact On Social Policy Essay The ideas, social democracy and conservatism have impacted social policy to support the citizens within New Zealand. They contrast in ways, which they are based upon. Social democracy bases their ideas in state intervention to support the welfare creating egalitarianism. Whereas conservatism base their ideas by providing minimal state intervention, where tradition social institutions are conserved and natural authority is established. Both ideas support individuals by providing a good vision; this is achieved through the state implementing policies. Social Democracy. Since the early nineteenth century the reformist of social democracy has hugely affected the development of social policy. Basing its principles on the two theories, socialism and liberalism it has influenced social democracy. The state is a key instrument that constructs social change, social democracy protects individual liberty and believes in state intervention to better the welfare and equality among the public. Altogether social democracy is a theory used by social democrats to transform from capitalism to a welfare state, extending the rights and freedom for citizens. Social democrats accept the confined role of markets, and the economic system. Social democracy is achieved through parliament distributing goods and implementing policies that support the welfare promoting egalitarianism, such as taxing the wealthy to redistribute wealth. In terms of social democracy the role of the state has changed
  • 10. The Fundamental Rights Of The Indian Constitution INTRODUCTION The fundamental rights were preserved in Part III of the Indian Constitution. It guarantees the following rights and freedoms. 1. Right to equality; 2. Right to freedom; 3. Protection in respect of ,conviction for offences; 4. Protection of life and personal liberty; 5. Right to education; 6. Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases; 7. Right against exploitation; 8. Right to freedom of religion; 9. Cultural and education rights; 10. Right to constitutional remedies. The terms fundamental rights have not been defined in the Constitution. Article 12 imposes duty on the state to protect citizens for enjoying the Fundamental Rights. Each article has a distinct, important and valuable fundamental right empowering the citizens. These rights primarily aimed at assuring political freedom to the citizens by protecting them against excessive State action. They are given a pride of place in the Constitution by the Drafting Committee. Directive Principles were enumerated in Part IV of the Constitution. Due to the judicial enforceability of FR and its nature being negative obligation of the state, many a times there has been a contrast between part III and part IV i.e. between fundamental rights and directive principles, despite being a part of the same constitution. The Fundamental Rights are enforceable. Whereas the directives are non В¬justifiable and are more in the nature of positive affirmations of the state. However in recent time, some of the
  • 11. Jason Taylor Analysis Jason DeCaires Taylor is an eco artist from Britain that often focuses on marine issues, and more specifically the concern of the current state of coral reefs. Coral reefs are one of the world s most fragile but most important ecosystems. Human behavior is constantly endangering the status of its health and species that thrive on it. To attract wildlife and help sustain coralreefs, Jason Taylor creates breathtaking and chilling sculptures that serve as artificial reefs. Their composition consists of pH balanced concrete and reinforced with fiberglass. His sculptures usually feature statues of humans that are placed about 9 meters under the ocean. He often draws attention to man s relationship with nature with his artworks that are eerie enough... Show more content on ... The eyes of the statue subjects eyes are closed with a melancholy display. The work directly displays human impact however over time nature will reign over these statues and serve as a habitat which is a commentary on how eventually nature will always coexist even with human s dangerous dominance . His usage of materials includes pH balanced, reinforced concrete and fiberglass. At first glance, these materials seem as if they could be harmful to the balance of wildlife. However, these are the near perfect artificial environments for Coral Reefs. The 400 sculptures represent various culture diversity and marine life diversity concurrently. The title silent evolution refers to the evolution and change of the relationship between marine environment and human behavior and dependency. The literal evolution of the figures is slowly but surely gaining life on its surface, starting from plain concrete pieces into a thriving ecological system. This evolution can be seen as silent to most of the world. Eventually, this extensive art piece will be completely covered by marine life transforming the original sculptures into a different state which also questions the future fate of the human species to work together with
  • 12. The Consumer Decision Making Model By Howard And Sheth Consumer decision making process generally involves five stages: A.Problem Recognition Purchase decision making process begins when a buyer becomes aware of an unsatisfied need or problem. This is the vital stage in buying decision process, because without recognizing the need or want, an individual would not seek to buy goods or service. There are several situations that can cause problem recognition, these include: Depletion of stock Dissatisfaction with goods in stock Environmental Changes Change in Financial Situation Marketer Initiated Activities It s when a person recognizes that she cannot make a call from her mobile phone that s when she recognizes that her phone has been damaged i.e. the phone has hardware problems ... Show more content on ... Levi Strauss Co. (LS CO) was named after its founder Levi Strauss in 1853. Since then the journey of its success has been going on. It has cast its spell in more than 110 countries. Levis as leading jeans brand has entered into the international parlance and flooding the market with its designer apparels. Levis products are marketed under various brand names like Levis, Dockers and Levi Strauss Signature. ITC S LIFESTYLE RETAILING ITC s Lifestyle Retailing Business Division has established a nationwide retailing presence through its Wills Lifestyle chain of exclusive specialty stores. Wills Lifestyle, the fashion destination, offers a tempting choice of Wills Classic work wear, Wills Sport relaxed wear, Wills Clublife evening wear, fashion accessories and Essenza Di Wills an exclusive range of fine fragrances and bath body care products for men and women. Wills Lifestyle has also introduced Wills Signature designer wear designed by the leading designers of the country. UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON The United Colors of Benetton (UCB) is changing hues in India. Flush with plans of capturing 80,000 sq ft of retail space across the country before the year ends, coupled with a stringent fabrication and merchandising exercise, United Colors of Benetton is aiming to shore up volume and value sales, while also presenting a larger than life facet of its retail
  • 13. Colossal Statue Of King Tutankhamen And The Lamassu The Colossal Statue of King Tutankhamen and the Lamassu are two very remarkable pieces in the history of artwork. The Lamassu is an enormous piece in weight as well as height. The Colossal Statue of King Tutankhamen is also an enormous piece, but instead, the height is the only thing that sets it apart from the Statue of King Tutankhamen. The height of both pieces is very intimidating because they are both taller in relation to people. With both pieces being this tall, the viewer is able to interact with the pieces more than the smaller ones. The statues are both reliefs, but the Colossal Statue of King Tutankhamen is around relief. This statue allows the viewers to walk around the statue and get a clear idea of what the artist was trying to express with this piece. The Lamassu is also a relief sculpture, but instead, the viewer is unable to fully walk around the relief. This artwork can only be seen from the very front as well as the side, this was how the artist intended to express the artwork. The artwork is similar as well as very different in many ways. The styles of birth of the pieces are extremely different and this is very noticeable. The Colossal statue of King Tutankhamen looks very Egyptian based on the way the statue is designed many of the facial features resemble the Egyptian culture. The Lamassu statue resembles more of an Assyrian style based on the facial features. The structures of both pieces are basically different from one another. The statue of
  • 14. Mother s Day Gift Ideas 4 Great Mother s Day Gift Ideas Hallmark and FTD have made a fortune on gift buying for mom on Mother s Day, but it might be time to move away from the standard bouquet of flowers and the frilly, glittery card and embrace some new gift ideas. Mother s Day is officially and unofficially recognized in most countries worldwide. Whether or not it is called Mother s Day depends upon the country celebrating it. One thing is true no matter where you are, and that is that mothers are honored and given gifts like flowers from their children and grandchildren. As evidenced by statistics from AT T, more long distance phone calls are made on Mother s Day than any other day of the year. Since mother is such an important figure in your life, maybe you should break away from tradition and give her a gift that is not flowers and candy. 1 Gift Baskets There are any number of websites devoted to creating and sending a gift basket to mom or grandmom, but they lack the personalization that comes from creating one from scratch. It does not take a lot of money to create a basket, and you may even end up saving money by doing it yourself. Baskets are readily available at any craft or big box store in the gardening section. They are normally constructed of wicker or a woven material and come in a huge selection of sizes. You can tailor the basket to match your mom s personality or her hobbies. If your mom loves to plant flowers, put seeds, tools, gardening tip booklets, gift certificates
  • 15. Herbert Hoover Contributions Give a man a fish, and he eats for one day, teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime. Hoover did not want Americans to become reliant on government aid and this optimism that Americans could overcome the greatest economic crisis is what later made him one of the most disliked presidents in history. Hoover continued to work as a mining engineer, although he had a strong desire for public service. Hoover identified himself as a Republican. World War 1 put Herbert Hoover in the forefront of American politics. When the war broke out in London, the U.S consul contacted Hoover and asked him to organize an evacuation of over 100,000 Americans trapped in Europe. Hoover and many of his wealthy friends came together and created the Committee for the Relief of Belgium, after Germany s brutal invasion of Belgium. Hoover successful pulled this off without any government help; he was able to gain several millions of dollars to supply Belgians with much needed medicine and food. Hoover ran the U.S. Food Administration at the request of President Woodrow Wilson. Hoover did quite well as the head of the U.S. Food Administration in leading the effort to preserve food and essential supplies that helped aid European allies. During the war, Hoover had become a household name and the verb Hooverize was used, and that meant to ration household supplies. World War 1 officially ended in November of 1918 when the armistice treaty was signed. President Wilson then appointed Hoover to lead
  • 16. Defective Cell Organelles The defective cell organelle is the endoplasmic reticulum. Cystic fibrosis occurs due to a mutant gene known as CTFR. Instead of the CTFR protein being threaded and translated, it get stuck in the endoplasmic reticulum, causing the cell to lose its permeability. Eventually, salts starts building up outside the cells since they cannot pass through. The ability of water to move across cell membranes is important to living things. Water moves across cell membranes through various processes such as osmosis, diffusion, and active transport. These processes enable the transfer of ions in plants and aids the vascular system in animals. These procsses are key to the survival of organisms. A fairly small amount of water will move into the cell,
  • 17. Commercial Liens COMMERCIAL LIENS A MOST POTENT WEAPON Version 1.0 |Edited by Build Freedom staff | |[with acknowledgments and credit to Alfred Adask (Publisher of AntiShyster magazine), Richard Boalbey, David | |DeReimer, and the various lien authors, for providing some of the content] | |(Applicable To The U.S.A.; Adaptable For Some Other Countries) | |Common Law Copyright, 1995 by Build Freedom Holdings | |All Rights Reserved. | ... Show more content on ... Whether that prospect thrills you or disturbs you depends upon your outlook. These liens, because they are so powerful, should be treated with respect. We, at Build Freedom, do not advocate the use of these liens against all government officials, nor to any official in particular. We honor the fact that there are many virtuous people in government offices, who are truly striving to harm no one and to benefit as many people in society as possible. The liens described in this manual are not directed towards these harmless officials. Scope and Purpose of Manual This manual is an introduction and primer to the Commercial Lien Strategy. It does not pretend to be the final word on the subject. The authors and editors have synthesized material from several sources. We have organized it into a form that should be comprehensible to the average reader. After reading this manual, you will know the fundamental principles of this strategy. This understanding, plus the Bibliography in Appendix A, will allow you to do further research on your own. Some Notes on the Sample Briefs Included with this manual is an Appendix containing sample legal briefs, based upon actual examples used by others. You will have to reformat these briefs using your word processing software, and you MUST adapt them to your situation, and to the requirements of your state or locality. These are not and (in the nature of things) cannot be fill in the blank forms. The
  • 18. The Inequality Of Low Wage Workers Low wage workers in America are not being afforded the basic labor protections that skilled workers enjoy. This neglect of low wage workers is a personal trouble as much as it is a public issue. According to C. Wright Mills, troubles are personal problems that take place within the individual and their relations to others (1959). Issues, on the other hand, expand far beyond the individual s personal characteristics and onto institutions in a particular historical time period (Mills 1959). Mills indicates that personal troubles can be easily detected by pointing at an individual s characteristics, public issues on the other hand cannot be easily identified in that manner (1959). To develop a personal and social understanding if individual troubles and societal issues, Mills uses the sociological imagination (1959). Wagelabor, under the sociological imagination, can be identified as a socially constructed issue and not just an individual s inability to be employed in something better. By looking at wage labor in a narrow sense, it becomes easy to blame the individual for their troubles. Policies are then established to punish individuals and not the structural causes of their troubles. One way in which low wage workers are punished for being in the situation that they are in is through neglecting them as a whole. The lack of safety mechanisms available for low wage workers in the event of unemployment or underemployment, forces individuals to construct alternative modes of
  • 19. Causes Of The Treaty Of Versailles World War I was a major conflict fought in Europe and around the world between 1914 until 1918. In the end, the countries were striving to recover from World War 1 and were in need of a treaty to prevent any future war from occurring. The countries came to an agreement and decided to create the Treaty of Versailles. This treaty was made to end the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers, but Germany was not allowed to attend the Conference so they had no say in the terms that were discussed. The Allies punished Germany in the Treaty of Versailles because of 1) pressure put on the allied countries by civilians to discipline Germany and 2) the strong feeling that Germany should pay for all of the damage and destruction caused by the war considering they were a major cause of starting it. The terms of the Treaty of Versailles caused Germany to lose everything territory, money due to reparations, alliances, military control, disarmament, and worst their pride; essentially Germany had to take full blame for the war. These terms were made to prevent Germany from exercising such aggression in the future. In reality, what ended up transpiring was that the Treaty gave Germany even more hatred to the point where they were looking for anything who could fix all of the ongoing problems they were facing this setup Adolf Hitlers rise up to power. Hitler s rise to power was formed not only by the Treaty of Versailles, but also by his nazi propaganda, his fiery public speaking
  • 20. Characteristics Of North Korea North Korea North Korea is one of five communist countries in the world. For decades, North Korea government have been able to keep North Korea as the most impenetrable country in the world. Therefore, it has created a lot of curiosity among people to learn about North Korea the mysterious country. In this paper, I will talk about the Physical, Cultural, and economic Characteristics of North Korea also the effects this characteristic have on this country. The Physical Characteristic of North Korea are extraordinary. North Korea is part of the East Asia Continent and it is located on the Northern Half from the 38th parallel to the Korean peninsula with an absolute location of 40.3399В° N, 127.5101В° E North Korean capital is Pyongyang and has an absolute location of 39.0392В° N, 125.7625В° E (World atlas). The Korean Peninsula is a peninsula found in East Asia; that expands Southward for about 684 miles from the Asia continent toward the Pacific Ocean. (New World Encyclopedia, Korean Peninsula). North Korea is nearby two seas the yellow sea and the Bay of Korea which located on the west of this country and to the East by the Sea of Japan. (20.3 North Korea, D eisma). The Northern and Eastern Regions of this country are dominated by steep Mountain and not very fertile. In addition, sheltering forests and Valleys, North Korea has many mountains. The major landform of North Korea is the Nangnim Mountains, the Paektusan, and the Peninsula Korean as already mentioned. According to
  • 21. Sheraton on the Park Table of Contents Procedures2 1.Introduction of Sheraton2 2.The role of the HR Manager3 3.The overall business strategy4 4.The adopts reference to the employment relationship5 Reference5 Procedures 1. Introduction of Sheraton Located in the Centre of Sydney s, Sheraton on the Park (formerly known as Grand Park) was purchased and changed the name by Sheraton Hotel in 1994. Public areas of the hotel include two restaurants, a lounge style glasses and a lobby lounge. The facilities include 24 hour business services center as secretarial support and access to computers. At the same time, a ballroom, capable of sitting 550 people, and nine smaller function rooms. The occupancy rate of the hotel (often used as ... Show more content on ... Vacancies in line with sales performance, forecasting, ethnicity and equal opportunity PAYROLL: The annual budget in line with revenues. Designed wage scales, job grading. Payroll forecast delivered in a timely manner. Subscribe to wage costs. Productivity analysis. Prepare annual bonus table. Data collated competitive salary and remuneration in the market. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS: Develop and implement the industry code. The hearing complaints and discipline to ensure that the legal standards, ethics and maintained. Intermediary between management and associates. LAW: report and action in light of the new legislation. Adhere to Australian Government legislation. PROJECT: Implementation and monitoring of the Project Management Professional. Job loss during restructuring. Develop policies and documents. Sitting on the Executive Committee and presented the relevant and new issues. Opportunities to simplify organization, or structure razed multiskilling and political consultations. SATISFACTION ASSOCIATE: Management annual survey. Implement action plans ASI. Analyze your sales data and labor exit interview and to promote employee retention. TRAINING amp; DEVELOPMENT: recruitment initiative through communications and presentation stated that the Sheraton hotel has attracted the cream of graduates. Ensure that the assessment and evaluation is done. Monitoring of the quality assessment and
  • 22. Socrates And Socrate Gorgias invites Socrate to the party of an unknown person s house to show off his knowledge and sees how much Socrate knows as Gorgias brags about how rhetoric is something he have a good knowledge of. Socrate may be prepared to battle against the rhetoric and finds a way to defeat Gorgias in the competition. Socratesfirst arrives late the competition in front of the crowd of people in the party to show his opponent his disrespect. Socrate blames his friend Chaerephon of being late to the party because he didn t want others to know that he is doing it purposely. Before Gorgias shows up Socrates has a conversation with Gorgias student Callicles. Callicles claims that Gorgias can answer any questions are being asked. As Socrate finds a way
  • 23. The Republic, By Plato Essay In one of his most widely read texts, the Republic, Plato sets out to explore the very nature of the concept of Justice, the various forms it takes in the world, and its relevance to the lives of men. As Socrates states, it is about the way we ought to live (I 352d). The dialogue begins by introducing the commonly held view of justice, via Thrasymachus, Glaucon and Adeimantus, as the non performance of certain types of unlawful or antisocial acts. However, the entire treatise quickly moves on to concentrate on a different meaning of justice, as a form of moral virtue. He wishes to demonstrate that justice and moralityare interconnected because humans can only achieve a good life which he claims is the best way to live if they have those things that are desirable in themselves (II 357b). Therefore Plato s argument, as it sets out to prove the intrinsic value of living a just life, is neither deontological, nor consequentialist. In the Republic, Plato is arguing for the transcendent value of justice as a human good, or virtue, which informs and guides moral conduct. Plato bases his argument on a new and unique understanding of what justice is and how morally sensitive people are able to learn about the real nature of justice, morality and other virtues. He believes that it is necessary to grasp the true or intrinsic nature of certain virtues in order to make accurate judgements about the appropriate way to act in relation to others, justice and the collective good.
  • 24. Fenway Park Essays Some things on this earth are just magical. To some it may be the beach at sunset, to others it may be as simple as the drive to work in the morning. For me that place is Fenway Park in Boston Massachusetts. Going to a game in Fenway is a smorgasbord of delightful feelings. Even the walk up to the ballpark is some thing to behold. Walking with hundreds of passionate fans, all decked out in their red sox T shirts, jerseys, and of coarse that iconic navy hat with the red B on it. I feel like I belong there with this organized group of strangers. There is such a since of family as I see people from the T car I was on and chatted with. A few hundred yards ahead I could hear a Lets Go Red Sox chant as people around me began to join in... Show more content on ... I look down a gated alley that reads players and coaches only and I think If I was just there twenty minutes earlier I would have gotten a glimpse or even a word in with one of my favorite players. As I drift back in to reality I see several long lines at gate A this was unusual but my spirits were to high to be broken. As I slide into what looks like the shortest line my Uncle Geno grabs me and says, let s go so my dad and I follow him. I was curious where we could be going and I really didn t want to have to step out of line but I knew geno had something up his sleeve for us. Geno leads us around the perimeter of the park and to gate D. There was almost no line at this gate so we slide in easily. Geno had done it again, always the go to guy on street knowledge and somehow he knew everyone. When we make our way past countless vendor to the tunnel the crowd roars. As I step through the tunnel into the light the glare of the setting July sun hits me. When my eyes finally readjust to the light I look around and almost have trouble with my depth perception because of how big and crowded Fenway is. As we begin our treck to our seats we pass countless passionate fans I look to the scoreboard, the giant Budweiser neon sign, and to the enormous coke bottle and marvel at their size. Then
  • 25. Visa Policies And The Visa Policy Entry, keep and exit of foreigners into Republic of India is ruled by the Passport (Entry into India) Act 1920, Passport (Entry into India) Rules, 1950, Foreigners Act 1946 and also the Registration of Foreigners Rules, 1992. The policy, acts and rules concerning entry of foreigners into Republic of Indiaare framed by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) , Government of Republic of India. Visa regime is enforced abroad by Republic of Indian missions posts and in India by Foreigners Regional Registration Offices (FRROs), home departments amp; district directors within the states besides immigration posts. PV II Section of CPV Division provides the interface with MHA in formulation and implementation of visa policy and is additionally entrusted with advising Indian Missions/Posts on visa matters. PV II conjointly formulates policy on grant of diplomatic and official passports. different necessary functions and responsibilities of PV II are appended. The basic principle of the visa policy is fairness, subject in fact to underlying concerns of reciprocity, security and national interests. whereas an outsizes majority of foreigners is roofed beneath general visa rules, specific visa rules and procedures apply to bound classes of nationals. Visa isn t a matter of right and it s entirely up to the competent authority to make a decision on issue of visa to any foreigner. Visa like passport and diplomat services may be a service and a fee is charged for grant of visa in
  • 26. White Collar Crime Response Paper Future responses/prevention of this crime. White collar crimes have a significant impact on our lives and often times they do not receive as much attention as street crime. However, it is of great impetus that we address and recognize that white collar crimes need to be curbed, especially when corporations like VW intentionally hurt our environment and ultimately the human and animal populations. There are a variety of different responses which can be implemented to prevent crimes like the VW emission fraud case in the future. First, by drawing from Burki s (2015) article on, I will discuss one of the main factors that gave rise to VW being able to falsify their emission tests and how it can be prevented in the future. Burki noted that the testing system... Show more content on ... (2013) article which explored corporate environmental crime control strategies, I will detail the best methods to prevent individuals and corporations from wanting to engage in fraudulent activities like the VW emission fraud case. First, the study by Simpson and colleagues found that people are less likely to engage in crimes if the act is seen as dangerous to people or wildlife, or viewed as socially undesirable. Second, potential offenders were likely to not commit crimes if there was a higher chance of receiving a negative informal response. (e.g., loss of respect from family, friends, and business associates) Finally, potential offenders were deterred if they were likely to get caught and face a formal response (e.g., legal litigation). Therefore, to prevent white collar crimes such as the VW emission fraud case in the future, we should implement laws and regulations that make it more likely that perpetrators are caught and ultimately face both formal and informal responses. The laws and regulations could be stricter testing protocol and liability forms which would make it easier to identify individual actors (i.e., what engineer/employee was responsible for
  • 27. Analysis Of That s Humanism ! In the YouTube video by Stephen Fry entitled, That s Humanism! (Fry, That s Humanism! ). The introduction of the video started with a question, How do we know what is True? What s true through the use of evidence and science? (Fry, That s Humanism! ). In response to blind faith, the scientific creationists substitute a materialist definition of faith demanding that scienceconfirm scripture and scripture confirm science, while simultaneously attacking the materialism of scientific explanation (Aliff 2005). Faith without science is blind (Regier 2010). Regier stated, There is a delicate balance between science and religion, without one the other will produce wrong answers or not produce answers at all (2010). Albert Einstein ... Show more content on ... In order to discover how the cosmos works, humanist believe that observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against evidence has the best track record (Fry, That s Humanism! ). How does the experimentation and testing of theories against evidence hold true when some individuals experience a vision or supernatural reality of life after death (Fry, That s Humanism! )? For example, in 1988, a former president of the British Humanist Association, and a philosophy professor of logic at Oxford University, AJ Ayer, had a spiritual experience of life after death. In Ayer s supernatural vision he saw a bright red light, which he thought was responsible for the government of the universe, after his heart stop beating for four minutes ( The Humanist Philosopher Saw the Light Governing the Universe 26). Ayer was known for his distrust of anything that could not be backed up by science (26). However, after seeing an invisible reality when he was dead, Ayer s perspective and conviction that there is no God all changed because he could not deny the truth that other angelic beings govern the universe (26). We can safely conclude that Ayer s mind was transformed and renewed to know that there is a perfect invisible world beyond the reality of the human conscious (Rom. 12:1 3). Humanist
  • 28. The Top 10 Features Of ASP Top 10 Features in ASP.NET 4.5 ASP.Net, an open source, server side web application framework, introduced by Microsoft to create dynamic web pages. The framework is designed to help programmers in developing dynamic websites, web applications, and web services. History ASP.Net first version i e ASP.Net 1.0, was released in January 2002. ASP.Net is built on CLR (Common Language Runtime), let programmers write ASP.Net code with any .net supported languages such as C#, J#, JScript and Visual Basic .net. With ASP.Net you can create more interactive and data driven web applications. ASP consists a variety of control like text boxes, buttons, and labels for assembling, configuring, and manipulating the code to create HTML pages. Microsoft ... Show more content on ... The biggest advantage of ASP.Net 4.5 Model Binding is you can easily unit test the methods. Model Binding in ASP.Net 4.5 is supported through the namespace System.Web.ModelBinding . The namespace has value provider classes like ControlAttribute, QueryStringAttribute etc. All these mentioned classes are inherited from the ValueProviderSourceAttribute class. 4: Value Providers ASP.Net 4.5 offers many Value Providers which can be used to filter the data. Here are some: 5: Support for OpenID in OAuth Logins ASP.Net 4.5 gives the support for OpenID for OAuth logins. One can easily use external services to login into the application. Like ASP.Net MVC 4, ASP.Net 4.5 also allows you to register OAuth provider in the App_Start/AuthConfig.cs file. This data dictionary is also can be used to pass additional data. 6: Support for improved paging in ASP.NET 4.5 GridView control Paging support in ASP.Net 4.5 GridView control is improved a lot in this version. ASP.Net 4.5 GridView.AllowCustomPaging property gives great support for paging and sorting through the large amounts of data more efficiently. 7: Advanced Support for Asynchronous Programming ASP.Net 4.5 gives excellent support in asynchronous programming. Now you can read and write HTTP requests and responses without the
  • 29. Objectives Of A Research Project Management Aim Objectives of the study Aim of the research The aim of the study is to assess the relevancy, usefulness and the associated benefits of BIM and the advantages of its parametric feature in construction project management, and then suggesting ways in which such findings could help stakeholders to determine on whether BIM will be suitable and beneficial or not for their proposed projects and then take decision either to use BIM or not based on their convictions. Objectives of the research 1.To find out what BIM stands for, how it has evolved over the years and its connection with project management. 2.To find out the situations of the construction industry in management of projects without the application of BIM. 3.To find out the features of BIM that give it added advantages on management of projects. 4.To examine application of BIM at various stages of construction project s life cycle. 5.To determine how BIM is useful and beneficial to various stakeholders in construction projects and to assess such benefits. 6.To assess the limitations to BIM and make recommendations on how efficiency and effectiveness can be improved in the future on construction project management. Research Questions How was the situation of construction project management without the intervention of BIM? Is there any relationship, similarity or connection between BIM and project management context? How can we consider the use of BIM to be efficient and effective (Useful beneficial) in
  • 30. Copper Cycle Lab Report The Copper Cycle Alexes Montalvo Chem 1500 10 September 26, 2012 The Copper Cycle Introduction: The Copper Cycle is a popular experiment used to determine if an element, in this instance, copper, reverts to its elemental form after a chain of reactions. This experiment is very dangerous because of the reactions between the strong acids and bases. In this experiment I performed a series of reactions starting with copper metal and nitric acid to form copper (II) nitrate. Then I reacted copper and several other solutions such as, sodium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, ammonium hydroxide, and hydrochloric acid to form precipitates. In conclusion my percent recovery ... Show more content on ... If you see a deep blue color add more zinc powder until there is no change in color of the solution in the test tube. XI. Inside the fume hood, add a good amount of Hydrochloric Acid, HCl(aq), to the solution in the 250 ml beaker to remove excess zinc. (accelerate reaction by heating if the reaction appears slow) XII. Take the 250 ml beaker to your lab bench. Set up a gravity filtration with a plastic funnel, folded wet filter paper, and an Erlenmeyer flask. Pour the content in the 250 ml beaker slowly through the filter paper. Wash the filter paper with deionized water. Dispose of the filtrate in the proper labeled waste container. XIII. Carefully remove the copper metal from the filter paper onto the watch glass. (with a spatula) Place a 400 ml beaker on a hot plate contained with water. Carefully place the watch glass before the water boils to dry the copper metal. (Use the tongs to handle the hot watch glass) XIV. Record your observations of the dried, cooled copper metal and weigh the recovered copper. Data Collection and Observations: I started with elemental copper metal and then reactions occur step by step as follows: |Experimental stage |Observations | |1. Copper metal (penny) at the start |Tarnished, worn out, brownish, copper colored, fine solid. | |2.
  • 31. The (Shallow) Picture of Dorian Gray Essay example Oscar Wilde s The Picture of Dorian Gray presents a keen question on morality: can one cleanse the senses by the means of the soul, and the soul by the means of the senses? Dorian Gray lives out this epigram of Lord Henry s in an attempt to justify a life of hedonism and over objectification of beauty. Wilde introduces Dorian as a young man whose beauty rivals the invention of the oil painting itself (Wilde 7). Basil Hallward, the painter, claims that Dorian is absolutely necessary to him and showers Dorian in compliments as he paints him in Greek and Roman idealizations (7). Lord Henry tells Dorian that when his youth and beauty goes, he will discover there are no triumphs left for him (16). Because of his good looks,... Show more content on ... Upon arriving home, Dorian notices the physical disfigurement of his soul in his painting due to his treatment of Sibyl and claims, as his portrait is now a visible emblem of conscience, that he will change his ways by resisting temptation and not seeing Lord Henry anymore (67). He vows to go back to Sibyl Vane, make amends, marry her, and try to love her again (67). Dorian attempts to change his mode of life and forget his pursuit of pleasure in favor of moral soundness. It is in this moment that Dorian could been seen as repentant, as a man who recognizes his sins and would like to make amends for the sake of his own soul. However, the next morning, while contemplating his guilt, Dorian reminds himself that there are opiates for remorse, drugs that could lull the moral sense to sleep (70). He writes a letter to Sibyl and feels forgiven for his harsh words (70). Lord Henry then arrives, and assuming that Dorian has already heard of Sibyl s death, says that he s relieved Dorian is not plunged in remorse, and tearing that nice curly hair of his (71). By tearing his curly hair, Dorian would be destroying his beauty on account of moral principles, an act that would violate the Lord Henry s philosophy. After Lord Henry tells Dorian that Sibyl has killed herself, Dorian is initially horrified but eventually calms himself by saying that though Sibyl has died, the birds sing just as happily in his
  • 32. Coach Case Analysis Essay Situation analysis 1. Coach present market position; Strengths: * Ability to match key luxury rivers in quality and style but beating them in price by more than 50% * Can serve both middle and high income customers (while the low price and good designs are appealing to the low income customers, the high quality is also a pooling factor to the high income customers.) * Best selling Brand in the industry by 2006 with about 25% market share in the USA and second best selling in Japan with about 8% market share in same year. * Attractiveness of the coach retailed store. A survey in the USA rang coach in terms of store atmosphere, 10th among top rated stores in the USA with a score of 84% not very far from that of Louive ... Show more content on ... Coach created the accessible luxury category in ladies handbags and leather accessories by matching key luxury rivals on quality and styling, while beating them on price by 50 percent or more. Beyond its winning combination of styling, quality, provided by its employees contributed to its competitive advantage. Much of the company s growth in net sales was attributable to its rapid growth in company owned stores in the United States and Japan. Coach s factory stores had achieved higher comparable store growth during 2005 and 2006 than its full price stores. At year end 2006, comparable store sales in Coach Factory stores had increased by 31.9 percent since year end 2005, while comparable store sales for Coach full price stores experienced a 12.3 percent year over year increase. In 2006 Coach Products were sold in 218 full price company owned stores, 86 factory stores, 900 U.S. department stores, 118 locations in Japan, and 108 international locations outside Japan. Weaknesses and threats * Coach entry to new market in Asia And eastern Europe has been very slow therefore given it competitors the opportunities to lead in such markets. * Most company research and findings are only based on American markets. * Increase competitions from other designers especially France and Italy. * Increase counterfeiting of original designer products. Opportunities * Growth tendency in the
  • 33. Mcdonald vs Burger King Compare and Contrast Essay Outline I) Intro/Hook Thesis Statement: Although McDonald s and Burger King are similar; they have evident differences in their advertising models, food and their commitment with the community. II) *Topic sentence 1: McDonald s and Burger King invest a lot of money in their advertisements. A) Evidence #1: Golden arches, Ronald McDonald, Big Mac, extra cheese and the guy who promote Burger King. III) *Topic sentence 2: Their food seems to be the same, but it isn t. A) Evidence #1: McDonald s hamburger weighs less than Burger King s. B) Evidence #2: Burger King s beef are 100% pure and they flame boils their burgers, while McDonald s fries their beef. C) Evidence #3: McDonald s cost slightly less than Burger King. IV) *Topic ... Show more content on ... Their food seems to be the same, but it isn t. On one hand, McDonald s hamburger weighs less and has only 9g of total fat, while Burger King s hamburger has 12g and they have a saltier taste. On the other hand, Burger King s beef are 100% pure and they flame boils their burgers, while McDonald s fries their beef. That s why they taste different. Concern at cost, McDonald s simple burger is lower at $0.89 while Burger King s has their simple burger at $0.99. Their commitment to the community is also different. McDonald s has House Charities since 1974, where they help thousands of parents stay by their sick children s side. In addition, they give away millions of dollars in scholarship to help people who can t afford college. On the other hand, Burger King s has some scholar program, which help poor families. However, their strong commitment is to provide good service and products to their clients and to make every Burger King restaurant a place where people love to go everyday. Even though McDonald s and Burger King are really similar, they are also really different. They both try to have good advertising but McDonald s is, most of the time, ahead. Their food seems to have the same condiments, but again, they are far away to be the same. They appear as the two most famous fast food restaurants around the world, but each one of them has their own
  • 34. Real-time Overlay of Map Features onto a Video Feed Essay Cognitics, Inc. proposes a novel software system that combines a geospatial database and a 3D simulated environment with technology developed by Lockheed Martin for targeting systems. The new software system will be able to precisely identify the camera position and orientation for each frame of video, and use that information to accurately overlay the videoframes with a wide variety of geospatial and map features. This technology can dramatically increase the situational awareness of UAV pilots by displaying and/or highlighting the location of targets, troops, landmarks, or any other item that has a geographic location component. Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control has a huge amount of experience and technology in targeting and ... Show more content on ... If the camera information is precise, there will be excellent correlation between the synthetic scene and the scene from the video frame. When differences exist, ground control points will be generated and a transformation matrix will be derived to determine a more precise camera model. By feeding this precise camera model as well as a position computed using dead reckoning like position predictions into a filtering algorithm such as a Kalman filter, we can integrate multiple data sources for the most precise camera position information. This will allow the overlay to be precise even when GPS signals are poor, or visibility on the UAV video feed is poor due to dust or clouds. Using the precise transformation matrix, any 3D data can be accurately overlaid over the video frame. Additionally, any pixel on the video frame can be translated back to latitude, longitude, and elevation using the transformation matrix and the synthetic 3D environment. Because of the accurate transformation matrix we obtain through our approach, it is possible to overlay any geospatial feature, 3D model, or map content over the video frame. Features such as controlled airspace can be rendered as a semi transparent 3D object in the sky. The data to be overlaid is rendered using the transformation matrix to a pixel buffer with a transparency channel. That buffer can then be overlaid on the actual video frame from the UAV and encoded back into a H.264 MPEG4 stream for display on any system
  • 35. The Seven Years War With the Seven Years War (French and Indian War) complete, the British thought they would be at peace. The common thought was to prosper from the colonies by making them pay certain taxes based on products they imported or even exported. The American colonists and British policymakers were having major disagreements in the period of 1763 1776. The taxed colonists were resenting the British Parliament and started small protests in the area. The common disagreements were over the levied taxes, which started with the sugar, currency and stamp act, followed by the Townshend Duties and then the Tea Act which tipped the scales making most despise the British Parliament s actions. This turned some of the colonists against the British which then... Show more content on ... They began to boycott, some by not using the tea imported from the East India Tea Company and others by using other items to make tea. Women even began making leaflets and participated in anti British activities. The colonists even went as far as not allowing ships to enter or leave ports with imports of specific items that would be taxed. This finally led to the Boston Tea Partyin 1773. A few dozen colonists dressed as Native Americans, and protected by some other colonists, boarded ships in Boston Harbor and began throwing barrels of tea overboard in protest to the taxes. After this, the port of Boston was closed by Parliament. The news made it to other colonies up and down the eastern seaboard and the colonists started to respond. There was a tension in the air that was unmatched, and the colonists were preparing to fight. The British believed they had the upper hand, although many of the so called governors were not in the colonies to prepare themselves for what was to
  • 36. Personal Themes In A Stolen Life By Jaycee Dugard She was alone, she was scared, she had no idea that her normal life would be taken away for the next eighteen years... and hope is the sole reason that she survived it. For kidnap victim, Jaycee Dugard, the word hope brings back a flood of emotions and memories. In her chilling memoir, A Stolen Life , she describes a very personal experience in which she encountered at age eleven, where she soon learned just how important hope was. Dugard never saw it coming when a man named Phillip Garrido stole her from that bus stop on just another normal morning... or so she thought. Soon after, he took her away and held her hostage in his backyard for almost two decades. Interestingly enough, she has miraculously turned this cruel situation into a very inspiring story. Therefore, she proves to us that even if you re living out your worst nightmare, you still have something to live for. For this reason, Dugard puts together a descriptive setting, her absurd relationship with her abductor, and personal symbols to illustrate how just a little hope can be the essence of surviving any situation life throws at you. For starters, it could have been the easiest thing in the world for Jaycee to lose hope by becoming discouraged by the filthiness and disgust of the environment she was held captive in for all of those years. She paints a picture of just how unpleasant her setting was by describing how The desk had lots of junk on the left of the door there is a toilet with a built in
  • 37. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Computer Based Information... Information system can be categorized into two (2) categories which are manually and automatically. Usually, manual is a system where is all the information will be written and stored in different files. Manual system also known as non computerized information system. It is using the old style that deals with papers and reports. However, the manual system in managing information is not an efficient method. It consumes a lot of time to finding and modifies the available information. In order to eliminate those issues, a new system is created which known as Computerbased Information System (CBIS). This is an information system that is based on computer hardware and software technology for processing and disseminating the information. The integration... Show more content on ... This system consists of the following components: a)People Every CBIS needs people if it is to be useful. Often the most important element of the CBIS is the people. People probably the components that most influence the success or failure of information system. There is two types of people that involves in using information system, where is end user and IS Specialist. End users are also called as users or clients. There are people who use an information system or the information it produces. They can be anyone accountants, salespersons, engineers, clerks, customers, or managers. Most of them are information system end users. For IS Specialists, they are people who actually develop and operate information systems itself. They include systems analysts, programmers, testers, computer operators, and other managerial, technical, and clerical IS personnel. Essentially, systems analysts will design information systems based on the information requirements of end uses. The programmer prepares computer programs based on the specifications of systems analysts, and computer operators operate large computer systems of
  • 38. The Inertial Navigation System ( Ins ) The inertial navigation system (INS) is a highly complex device which utilises very sensitive sensors to generate movement information and a computer to develop an algorithm of motion over time. The INS can be described as very sophisticated dread reckoning. The sensors which are used in an INS are accelerometers and gyroscopes which are further linked to a computer. The main consideration is that these highly sensitive and advanced sensors used in an INS still have errors from accuracy limitations in units of basic design or original outdated concepts. The accuracy can be improved with more complex and updated integration which includes the use of the better and more advanced components. To understand the errors associated with INS, a closer look into the flow of information is essential. The north facing accelerometer is mounted to a platform which is supported by gyroscopes. Any accelerations detected are given to the first stage integrator which uses the time component to develop velocity data. The second integrator uses the velocity data and time to calculate the distance travelled which is then added to the present position to generate a new present position. The system uses a backwards feedback loop of velocity data to the gyroscopes to make accelerometer platform perpendicular to the local gravity vector. This model is used for both north facing and east facing platforms and combined with the secant multiplier. The basic system designs would carry a greater error but
  • 39. The University of WaterlooВґs Experiential Education to... In recent years the cost of tuition at a traditional college has seen a large increases while at the same time graduates of these schools are finding it increasingly difficult to find a job, much less a job pertaining to the field they studied. To college institutions, the question arises of whether or not the education experience that they provide increases the success of its graduating students. An increase in personal financial investment in higher educationfrom the private sector is a clear indicator that those seeking higher education see their decision to do so as an economic investment. The increasing number of today s students are seeking to concentrate their studies in subjects they consider relevant to their futures, and that... Show more content on ... Other freshman, even if they think they have decided on a vocation, will change their minds during college. One study found that between one third and two thirds of all undergraduates fall into this category. Even students who come with clear vocational plans need to test their ambitions against hard evidence. On the other hand students will choose to go to a technical school have the potential to be so concerned about their careers that, once vocational education gains a foothold in the college they may well neglect other purposes of undergraduate education in their eagerness to take any course that promises to give them a competitive edge in the struggle for success and financial security. Experiential education aims to connect liberal education with practice applicable to the workplace environment through institutionally sponsored internships, community service projects and study abroad programs. In this academic setting, students will naturally discover an understanding of organizational structures and protocol within a professional working environment. Examples may include the ability to be assertive in a meeting; to disagree pleasantly; to know when to interrupt and when not to; to understand the flow of discussion and how to change people s minds; to attract mentors; to understand situations; to discern what can change and what can t. Instructional research demonstrates that learning activities which require learners to
  • 40. Cady s Identity In The Film Mean Girls The need to create an identity for oneself is a strong human desire with an intensity that is equaled only by the craving to become part of a community. With such strong yearnings for individuality as well as a sense of attachment within a group, the most familiar consequence is conflicting emotions that are all too easily persuaded. The 2004 film Mean Girls exhibits various examples of identification and social influence as well as the level of persuasion they hold over the decision making process of the main character, Cady. After arriving at a new school, Cady is immediately accepted by two unpopular students, but then attempts to become noticed by the most popular group of girls, The Plastics. Once Cady is accepted by The Plastics, her moral compass, belief systems, and actions change in order to more closely reflect those around her and solidify her status... Show more content on ... This offense, along with the new level of morally acceptable behavior Cady formed once fully ingrained within The Plastics, finds revenge against Regina as reasonable. According to social identity theory, an individuals behaviors are organized in terms of the social categories with which they identify, so that they are motivated to establish and maintain a positive self image by viewing these categories as positive and distinct from alternative categories (Seta, Seta, Hundt, 2001, p.19). As a Plastic, positive self image is the ultimate goal, so an act of revenge as the result of an offense is considered rational and even expected within that social setting. Once Cady identifies herself as a Plastic, the idea of revenge no longer holds the stigma it once did when Cady could not follow through with Janice s plan for revenge. Cady then follows through with an act of revenge, something she had previously found to be morally reprehensible in her previous social
  • 41. Greek Word Polygraph Essay Everyone wants to know if this is actually something that can happen or can be proven. Can it be done unconsciously? Can a polygraph be beat consciously? Although this test is conducted by trained professionals about compete clear subjects that turnout 99% accurate, can be beaten. The word polygraph comes from a Greek word polygraphs which means to sniff out bullshit . Polygraphs have been around since the 1920 s a process known as psychophysiological detection of deception. Devices that monitor a subjects physiological responses from stressed designed questions. Polygraphtheory dictates will show a spike in bodily functions such as blood pressure, respiration, galvanic skin condition, and perspiration. This article tells you over 5 ways
  • 42. What Is My Culture Essay I am familiar with my culture because my grandparents were able to impose their customs onto my parents and their children. Without them I would not be eating traditional foods, celebrating the Hispanic culture, or be aware of my family history. I am 100% Mexican, and I admire the Latin culture to the fullest. The Mexican culture consists of a tight family, plentiful cuisine, Spanish language, Latin music, and the Catholic religion. Growing up in a Mexican household has definitely influenced my morals, values, and character. Although I remain living in a Hispanic household I sometimes forget how important the culture influences the person I am today. In the Mexican culture, we cook with many different spices, vegetables, and meats. Some of ... Show more content on ... I would visit every day afterschool and it was the best adventure running through multiple gardens with different crops. My grandparents grew cactus, lemons, onions, tomatoes, cilantro, and aloe vera plants. It is a small reminder of their ranch in Zacatecas, Mexico and it is also their getaway from the city. My grandparents grow their own crops because to them it is a hobby, and they are able to sell them when there is an exceeding amount of harvest. Agriculture is common in most Hispanic families, whether it is owning a simple lemon tree or growing a small aloe vera plant, there is always something sprouting. I found it unusual that no matter what oppression we were put through we were still able to preserve our most important customs and values. Many other cultures were stripped of their identities, and till today we are able to pass down our traditions. Learning about how my family traveled from deep into Mexico to Southern California brining their culture with them is amazing. Being able to speak a different language with people that share the same ethnicity reminds me of how special my cultural identity is. The Mexican culture is rich of culture has not been affected by newer
  • 43. Liberalism And Realism In International Relations The world shows both aspects of an extremely liberal society, yet a relist one at the same time. There are aspects of both theories mixed throughout modern international relations. On one hand, many world leaders strive to live in a liberal world, because it is more cooperative and secure for all involved. The realist theory is much more realistic and able to fit society s needs better. Since there are aspects of both liberalismand realism in modern international relations, not one theory outweighs the other. This makes society a mixture of the two theories. Liberalism is a unique theory that is extremely democratic and applicable to modern international relations. As described on the class lecture slides, liberalism relies heavily on mutual cooperation. In terms of international relations, this means states having open ended communication as well as being able to cooperate with each other. Generally, states tend to do a good job at this. The United Nations is set up to keep an open line of communication as well as keep states cooperating together. The United Nations has representatives to uphold the values of each state. These representatives do an excellent job at mutually cooperating with the other states in the United Nations. If there were not these representatives, states would have a hard time communicating and cooperating with each other. Liberalism is what makes the United nations work. Another factor of liberalism is the emphasis on the spread of democracy. In modern times, democracy is becoming a more popular form of government. Liberals foresee a slow but inexorable journey away from the anarchic world the realist envision, as trade and finance forge ties between nations, and democratic norms spread. Because the elected leaders are accountable for the people, liberals expect that democracies will not attack each other (Snyder 6). Liberals focus on spreading democracy and straying away from anarchy. This can be seen is multiple modern states. The United Statesuses a democracy as a form of government and is founded on democratic principles. The citizens elect officials they believe will best represent their beliefs and values. Without democracy, the United States would not be here today.
  • 44. AACSB Accreditation Will the other business unit(s) apply for AACSB membership, or will the institution apply for membership? Business School is the only entity of Hunan University applying for AACSB membership. Other institutions currently have no such a plan of pursuing AACSB International Accreditation. Hunan University will not apply for AACSB accreditation based on institution level. What are the accreditation plans for the other unit(s)? Will these units seek AACSB accreditation in the future? (In the case of an institution holding AACSB accreditation, if a business unit accreditation is approved, the other business unit(s) will have to apply for AACSB membership and initial accreditation in order to be recognized as having achieved AACSB accreditation.) ... Show more content on ... How much physical separation is there between these units? Business School is located in the main campus near Yuelu Mountain on Lushan South Road , while College of Finance and Statistics, and School of Economy and Trade, are located on the 3rd Fenglin Road in the north campus, which is about 4 miles away from the main campus. Part 2. Describe the business academic unit related the Core Values as stated in part 1 of the Accreditation Eligibility Criteria: Criterion A: The Unit must encourage and support ethical behavior by students, faculty, and professional staff, and demonstrate a commitment to environmental sustainability. [ETHICAL BEHAVIOR] Guidance for Documentation Provide published policies and procedures to support legal and ethical behaviors. Describe programs to educate participants about ethical policies and procedures. Describe systems for detecting and addressing breaches of ethical behaviors, such as honor codes and disciplinary systems to manage inappropriate
  • 45. Teenage Pregnancy In Teenage Moms In 2015, there was a huge problem that broke out all over the united states that over 200,000 girls gave birth between the age of 15 19(CDC). First, there are many problems with this statistic because there are so many girls having their young teen years skipped and jumping right towards parenthood. The big issue seen around the united states is that with these unplanned babies some mothers will drop out of high school. Sadly, this will end of resulting in a huge life change and lead them down a very long road ahead without graduating high school and getting their diploma. Even though, some of the mothers go back to school their lives will never be the same. Also, many understand that the teen moms are the ones being directly affected. However, the indirectly affected are the families of their teenager who was pregnant. This is a very stressful time for the parents and this adds to them getting very angry with their children which may result in them kicking them out or for some help their child raise a baby. It is a very stressful thing and the families start to become overwhelmed with their teenage daughter whose pregnant and few become depressed because they feel that their life raising was a fail. Next, is teenage pregnancies are becoming more present and sometimes these incidents can just be prevented with contraception (HHS). In fact, many girls should have this talk with their parents because it is available and will help the girls avoid teenage pregnancy and have
  • 46. General Darby s Influence Great success comes from great leaders. One of the greatest military leaders in history, was a local Fort Smith native named William O. Darby. Brigadier General William O. Darby s life and leadership substantially influenced the United States Army in many ways. General Darby s creation of the United States Army, Army Rangers was perhaps one of the greatest attributes to the United Statesmilitary. William Darby s militaristic creation became incredibly substantial with the aid of the following influences: the world at war, new and elite soldiers, operational invasions, and a ceaseless legacy. An extreme turmoil had been taking place during the early 1940 s. The world was at war. Many young soldiers had grown anxious during this upheaval since ... Show more content on ... Efforts to inhibit the advancement of German troops led the North African invasion. Major efforts took place in halting German troops from occupying North African seaports. Spearheading the invasion in the Port of Arzew, Algeria were Darby s First Ranger Battalion. This was accomplished by executing a surprise night landing, silencing two gun batteries, and opening the way for the capture of Oran. A night raid was conducted in Tunisia in 1943. The execution of the night raid took place behind enemy lines in Sened Station. The purpose of this mission was to collect military intelligence in order to terrorize the enemy. While American troops tried to pass through a crucial mountain pass located in Djbel Ank, many soldiers were shot down. The First Ranger Battalion rucked twelve miles under night fall to the height of Djbel Ank through rugged terrain in order to surprise the enemy at dawn. Under the stealth of night, the Rangers were able to attack from the rear while successfully capturing two hundred prisoners, now leading the way for American troops to pass through to conquer in North
  • 47. F. D. Salinger s Catcher Of The Rye J. D. Salinger s Catcher in the Rye features a complex narrative surrounding a troubled young student, Holden Caulfield. Difficulties he faces throughout the story force Holden to confront his fears of adulthood and maturation and the responsibilities therein through the difficulties he faces throughout the story. Academic controversy surrounds whether Holden learns from these confrontations and adjust accordingly, maturing throughout the story. While initially this seems rather subjective, a thorough analysis of Holden s actions throughout the story as well as of the symbolism injected by Salinger makes it quite clear that Holden does undergo a significant maturity arc as the story progresses. Holden s social development and maturation... Show more content on ... Despite his longing for acceptance, His efforts to connect with any stereotypical kid his age result in abject failure (Privitera 204). Salinger thoroughly emphasizes this through Holden s relationships with Stradlater and Ackley, with both of whom he has a strenuous and artificial relationship, demonstrated by his internal, flippant commentaries on his peers as he discusses them in the book (Salinger 31 40). Holden s peers ostracize him due to his more introspective and introverted nature, as seen in Stradlater s angry response to Holden s reflective response to this writing assignment, saying that he doesn t do one damn thing the way [he s] supposed to (Salinger 47). These difficulties stem not from deficiencies of his peers, but rather a problem of Holden s refusal to accept anything different from what he expects, making excuses about his reasons throughout the book to cover his actions. His rationalization of his internal wants and desires impedes any proper connection he could possibly make with his peers. He, Subconsciously longs to be accepted yet feels he cannot make the connection (Privitera 205). This directly correlates with Holden s dubbing of many people, practices, or labeling things as phony. He refers to the school and each of the students individually as phony, and calling out, Sleep tight, ya morons! (59) when he leaves Pencey for the last time. This demonstrates Holden s use of phoniness to describe anything that doesn t meet his
  • 48. Gun Autobiography When I was born My step grandpa denny was a huge gun collector like his dad .I was the grandson he had never had.When he found out he had stage 4 cancer. He decided put all his guns except for two 44.magnum revolvers that went to his sons. My parents decided since I was 1 year old that they would take three guns and put the rest in storage. The guns they took were his most prized possessions. One of them was his dad s lever action 22. Caliber winchester rifle. Another one was a rare golden browning auto 5 12 gauge shotgun that could sell for a couple grand and last is his grandpa s old 12 gauge pump shotgun. When I was a little older than five I went upstairs in the attic to play. One of my toys went under the guest bed I looked underneath for the toy and saw two cases. I pulled one out that had the 22. Caliber in it and decided to play with it. When my mom came upstairs to get me for lunch she saw the gun screamed what are you doing. She than took the gun put back in it s case and put it back under the bed. She said don t mess with these until you re older. So the next day I go back into the attic and this time I get out the shotgun case out and take out the browning 5 auto and play with that same thing happened as before. Mom than asked me why I did it even though she told me not to. I said that I couldn t play with these till i m older I m a day older than yesterday . ... Show more content on ... As I get older more guns show up from the other guns that are in storage. So my dad bought three 65 gun holding gun safes and put them in the rec house in the basement. That has most of my guns the important ones are kept in a gun safe at my house. When I was finally old enough to shoot we got out the 22. Caliber and took pot shots at animals around the
  • 49. Examples Of Market Segmentation Of Dove Dove Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning The adventure of becoming a successful brand with the launch of Cream Bar in the United States begins in 1957. Dove is Unilever s fastest growing and momentum as time goes on after this launch is one of the brands. World launch of Dove is started in 1991. The brand went to meet with consumers in 55 countries in total by the end of 1994. Thus, the Dove family kept expanding. Successive face and body cleansing products, skin care, deodorant and hair care products with the launch of Dove continued to grow rapidly. Today, Dove, and the difference in quality that will redefine the standards of the category that enters through any personal care, personal hygiene brand to the world s expert. ... Show more content on ... Company conducted a survey in order to determine the segmentation of people who would like to prefer fragrance and moisturizing cream in the skin care products they use. Market Analysis: The analysis shows the preference of people which products they would like to use. 40% of people prefer moisturizing features and fragrance 40% of people prefer fragrance free and moisturizing features 20% of people prefer to use products that matching their skin type Demographic Segmentation: Brand s demographic segmentation includes women and men whom are older than 18 years. People that who conscious and awake about their skin care People that who belongs to upper middle class Women who use beauty products People that who has high purchasing power and want to use quality products on their skin. Psychographic Segmentation Dove uses psychographic segmentation in order to create psychology in women where beauty incorporates all ages, body shapes and sizes. Dove gives the message You are beautiful to way you are to all women to show that they are valuable. Also company tries to make women encouraged in order to believe what they say in their
  • 50. Essay on Arctic and Alpine Soils Arctic and Alpine Soils Proposal (Ant)arctic (high latitude) and alpine (mountain) areas are affected by relatively similar climates, as latitude and altitude produce similar meteorologic effects. In these geographic regions where temperature is at such a pronounced extreme, climate would seem to be the leading factor of soil development. It is my goal in this research paper to answer the following question: How do the soils of arctic and alpine areas differ? This idea, taken largely from an abstract by Birkeland (1975), will be explored through the comparison of the soils of these two geographic regions, and an analysis of the soil development factors in those environments. Introduction Both high latitude and high altitude ... Show more content on ... However inaccurate as Dokuchaev s generalization may be, a critique of his proposal provides an excellent tool to examine and compare the soils of similar Arctic and Alpine regions. Similarity in Arctic and Alpine Geographic Regions There are pedologic cases in which one of the five soil forming factors established by Jenny (192?) is so prominent and effectual that it outweighs the sum of all of the other factors, resulting in the definition of different soil series almost wholly upon differences in that dominant soil forming factor. For example, in the Carleton Arboretum, our Soils class found that the differences in soil series were defined mostly on the basis of parent material. Most groups had a direct correlation between the distribution of soil types and the distribution of parent materials. In the case of Arctic and Alpine* soils, it is climate which largely outweighs all of the other soil forming factors. As previously stated, the intense cold associated with high latitudes and high altitudes separates Arctic and Alpine areas from other geographic regions of Earth. I believe that upon this basis Dokuchaev made his analog between horizontal and vertical zonality of soils. Through an examination of a number of Arctic and Alpine soils and the pedogeneses of such soils, I aim to expand and adjust his hypothesis, as I feel he did not understand fully the complexity of Alpine
  • 51. Case Study Hydrocortisone And Methylprednisolone Hydrocortisone and methylprednisolone What would you suggest to try to use one drug therapy? Can you use fludrocortisone? In theory, it would be possible to try to use one steroid that can have the effect of the methylprednisolone as well as the hydrocortisone to target both the glucocorticoid as well as mineralocorticoids activity. However few obstacle arise with this concept 1 There are not enough studies that investigated the use of other corticosteroids aside from prednisone and methylprednisolone that showed efficacy in the treatment of PCP. There have been case report using hydrocortisone doses of up to 1000 mg to treat patient with PCP, however, the data is outdated and has not been validated in head to head trials (Montaner JS1,... Show more content on ... This decline in viral load usually continues 8 to 12 weeks and then plateau. This change is usually accompanied by an increase in immune cells occur as well. The recovery of CD4+ T is biphasic, a drastic increase in CD4+ cells occurs during the first three to six months of HAART. This initial rise is primarily to an increase in the numbers of CD45RO+ memory T cells and is presumed to be due to a combination of decreased lymphocyte apoptosis as well as a redistribution of those cells from the peripheral lymphoid tissues into the circulation. Thereafter, a slow increase occurs in most treated individuals. This secondary increase in CD4+ T cells is thought to be due to T cell clones produced secondary to thymopoiesis. CD8+ T lymphocytes also increase rapidly after the initiation of HAART, however, the total numbers of CD8+ T lymphocytes eventually stabilize as memory CD8+ cells numbers decline and are replaced by naive CD8+ T cells. When there is a lack in T cell in the body the macrophages will be primed with the HIV antigen and present it on the surface of their
  • 52. Going For The Gold By Jesse Owens Going for the Gold 3 2 1 Pow! The starting gun went off. I shot off from my starting position. For those ten seconds I was running, I felt incredible. After those ten seconds, I realized I had won. I actually won. I should put this in my records for greatest meets. I had won a gold medal in the 1936 Berlin Olympics. At that moment, I felt I was on top of the world. I also felt like a father, a hero, a black right s activist. I was 1 person, but had many faces. Olympics, Here We Come!! Many of you know Jesse Owens for what he did in 1936 in the face of Hitler. Jesse Owens defied Aryans and ran into the open hands of 4 gold medallions. Teammates and Coach When Jesse Owens ran in the 4x100 meter relay, his 3 other... Show more content on ... He always conferred on important topics with his mother and his father. He was the son of a sharecropper and the grandson of a slave. His mother was Mary Emma Fitzgerald and father was Henry Cleveland Owens. They had ten children, including their top athlete, Jesse. Owens had 6 brothers and 3 sisters. His brothers were Prentice, Johnson, Henry, Quincy, and Sylvester. His sisters were Ida, Josephine, and Lillie. His wife was Minnie Ruth Solomon, most commonly known as Ruth. They were married in 1935. His first daughter, Gloria, was born in 1932. Their second daughter, Marlene, was born in 1939. Their 3rd blessing, Beverly, was born in 1940. These facts show that they had 1 daughter before their marriage, and then waited almost a decade to have 2 more daughters so that their first daughter could grow up. Consequently, this means they had a big family and Jesse was very involved. Black Activist Some of you might not know that this runner was a black activist even if he didn t mean to. He was a great black revolutionary. This means that he fought for black rights. When he was running he was being a black activist. By destroying his competition in the Olympics, he showed that your race didn t matter and you could do anything, even in the face of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. When he ran in all white meets, he showed that whites aren t always superior. He showed the black community that they don t have to be pushed around just
  • 53. Designing A Product That Influences Through The Product... Abstract The paper aims at sensitizing designers towards the voices of every stakeholder involved in designing a product that influences through the product life cycle, in a comprehensible way with an objective to facilitate designer towards a better design. This paper discusses the basic purpose and nature of design in the context of judging the aptness of a dialogue among the stakeholders including product in itself. It also discusses the kind of outcome based on designers stand in the design process which makes the conversation dialogical or arguing in nature. The paper proposes Design Tree as a structure, for creating distinct platforms for dialogue to happen at all stages of design evolution for design dialogue to be comprehensible. Introduction Louis I Kahn in his lecture was explaining the importance of honoring building material. The designer is at a junction and he has to choose a path. He has to decide between economy and honor of material. The decision, that designer takes, is case specific and depends on various other factors as the case might be. The decision of whether to go logical or intuitive is discussed by many authors and designers in many ways, some supporting logical or rational views and others intuitive or art based. Kahn s quote mentioned above emphasizes on intuitive decision (as an honor towards the material) over logical way (which is the economy). Christopher Alexander in his book Notes on the Synthesis of Form discusses whether design is
  • 54. Argumentative Essay Driving Age Argumentative Essay The driving age should/should not be raised to twenty one Road accidents are part of our daily life. Every day we read and watch about the accidents either on News channels or newspapers. Unluckily, but the road accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers. An eighteen year old is almost twice as likely to die in car accident as compared to 30 year old. The legal driving age has long been a topic of discussion. There are many states that allow for teen drivers to apply for driver permit six months before their 16th birthday but some states do like the idea as they say it is very soon. Teenage drivers are effortlessly distracted. They are inexperienced at understanding as well as recognizing road hazards. They are most likely to be elaborate in a reckless road accident rather than adult drivers. Researchers are of the view that ... Show more content on ... It is an unfortunate truth that most of the people who die in car accidents are teenagers. The highest death rate for drivers is among the age group 15 to 20. According to the National Highway Authority, If the driving age is raised to 21 there would be a sudden fall in fatalities arising from car use. Nowadays, teenagers use mobile phones while driving although it is highly dangerous. Driving is a serious matter that does not demands full attention only but responsible attitude also (Laberge Nadeau, Maag Bourbeau, 1992). Use of mobile phone while driving is distracting. In United States teenage drivers are the major cause of road accidents since they are likely to breach the law. Immaturity is one of the biggest factors behind teenage car accidents. They love speed and switching driving lanes. These things increase the chances of accidents. If we can raise the driving age to 21, we will not only save the lives of young adults but we will save the lives of other people on road