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Sexual Discrimination Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of sexual discrimination can be both challenging and emotionally
charged. The complexity arises from the sensitive nature of the subject matter, as well as the
need for a nuanced and well-researched approach. Addressing the various dimensions of sexual
discrimination requires a thorough understanding of historical contexts, cultural influences, legal
frameworks, and the impact on individuals and society.
The difficulty lies not only in presenting factual information but also in navigating the diverse
perspectives and opinions surrounding this topic. It demands a careful balance between empathy
and objectivity to ensure that the essay is informative and respectful of differing viewpoints.
Moreover, the writer must be attuned to the evolving nature of discussions around sexual
discrimination, staying updated on current events, legal developments, and social movements.
Crafting a compelling essay on sexual discrimination also entails a commitment to promoting
awareness and understanding. This involves delving into the root causes, examining systemic
issues, and exploring potential solutions. The language used should be precise and inclusive,
avoiding stereotypes and promoting a dialogue that fosters positive change.
Additionally, the writer must be prepared to handle potential emotional reactions from readers.
Addressing sensitive topics may evoke strong feelings, and it is crucial to anticipate and address
these emotions while maintaining a scholarly tone. Striking this balance is key to fostering a
meaningful and constructive discussion.
In conclusion, writing an essay on sexual discrimination requires not only solid research and
analytical skills but also a genuine commitment to promoting awareness and understanding. It is
a task that demands sensitivity, empathy, and the ability to navigate complex and multifaceted
issues. By approaching the topic with diligence and an open mind, the writer can contribute to a
broader conversation aimed at fostering positive change in society.
For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic tasks, various resources are
available. Platforms like offer a range of services to support students and
professionals in their writing endeavors. Whether it's help with research, structuring an essay, or
refining language and style, such services can provide valuable support to individuals navigating
the challenges of academic writing.
Sexual Discrimination EssaySexual Discrimination Essay
Festivo Persuasive Essay
I believe that the concert was a good indicator of my skill in playing our two songs.
I think that Festivo went well for me, especially in the case of timings, which were
a bit strange at first, but they ended up coming through good. I definitely still need
to work on my dynamics for it however, though I mostly just need to balance them
with the lower instruments. On a Hymnsong of Philip Bliss, however, was not
good for me. I am still finding it very difficult to get the low notes that make up the
introduction to be subtle and, frankly, not obscene. This didn t really surprise me,
as I have been worried about that section, so I did notice it quickly and drop off
until we got past that point. Once the crescendo picks up and we move to a higher
The Active Role of the Media in Influencing Our Opinion...
The globalization of media has broken down the communication barriers between
countries and is now more readily available and accessible than ever before. This
paper examines how the media plays an active role in influencing our opinion on
global politics in regards to the Arab Spring and the new revolution making its way
through the Middle East and North Africa. It will also examine the theories of the
CNN effect and the Manufacturing consent and how these define the relationship
between governments and the news media. The United States involvement with the
Hollywood industry raises concerns about this relationship and emphasizes the
importance to recognize the role of the media in global politics.
Media today has made ... Show more content on ...
This rise of the Arab Spring, a revolution demonstrating the unity of Arab s across
the Middle East and North Africa, forced Ben Ali to be exiled to Saudi Arabia after
several weeks of protests against his authoritarian rule that had led to declining
socioeconomic conditions as well as the corruption of the president s extended
family. As to why it is important to recognize the media role in shaping societies
view on global politics, the use of media in Tunisia by the Arab Spring exposed a
different side of Ben Ali; who was for most of his years ruling, a convenient if
uncomfortable ally for the west. For the first time the rest of the world were given an
insight to what Ben Ali s authoritarian regime had done to his country, the high
unemployment rate and injustices across the region were along with many other
issues of national interest that risked the stability of his regime in the long term.
The ever increasing ways to communicate news media has led to a constant live
streaming of events anywhere around the world. The phrase CNN effect
encapsulates the theory that new media has the power to provoke responses from its
audiences as well as the political elite, to events on a global scale specifically chosen
by the dominant news corporations. The Bosnian War of the early 1990 s was
contested by most powerful nation s states such as the United States as a civil war
that did not need the intervention of
To Further Understand The Text One Must Know The
To further understand the text one must know the literary devices present in The
Lottery. In the short story The Lottery there is a theme of tradition. The citizens all
blindly followed the tradition of the lottery while barely remembering its origin or
reasoning. Each year the town came together to have its lottery. It was said that the
lotterywas done each year so that they would have good crops but many of the
citizens had forgotten its purpose.
While waiting for the ceremony to begin the children picked stones and the adults
chatted nervously. Mrs. Tessie Hutchinson, the protagonist, arrived late which
foreshadowed her bad luck to come. Mr. Summers was the man in charge of the
lottery. He brought the same black wooden box each year ... Show more content on ...
After spending a year at the University, she withdrew at the age of seventeen so that
she could spend more time at home practicing her writing. After taking time off from
school to write, she was able to produce the minimum of a thousand words a day.
In 1937 Jackson entered Syracuse University where she published her first story,
Janice, where she was appointed fiction editor of the campus humor magazine. She
won the poetry contest at the University, thereafter she met her husband. Stanley
Edgar Hyman, he was a young aspiring literary critic. Hayman was the editor of the
literary magazine Spectre that they founded together. The two moved to New York
Village in 1940 upon graduating for the University. Jackson continued to work on
her writing and begin to have her work published in The New Republic and The
New Yorker. During this time of her life she gave birth to her first child. Jackson s
story Come Dance With me in Ireland was selected for Best America Short Stories.
Jackson and her family moved to North Bennington, Vermont in 1945 when her
husband Stanley was offered a teaching position at Bennington University. Three
years later in 1948 Jackson published her first novel, The Road through the Wall. In
the same year she published her famous short story The Lottery. This short story
generated the largest volume of mail ever received by the magazine with almost all
of it being hate mail. The Lottery was the furthermost well known short
The Future For National Security
As the world moves forward, there are new threats that arise and it is difficult to
handle each one. One of the largest threats to any country are cyber attacks
/computer hacking. Each day on the news there is a developing story about a
country s data base being hacked by an anonymous source and all the classified files
were exposed to the public. As a result, cybersecurity has increased significantly in the
countries that can afford it. The United Statesand China have recently increased
spending and research on cybersecurity to protect their classified documents.
Unfortunately, as technology evolves, there are new ways for both countries to get
hacked once again. Cybersecurity is the future for national securityand must be
updated each... Show more content on ...
Causing mistrust with the international community. China s cybersecurity defenses
has had many flaws in protecting their internet. Since China is solely focusing on
international cyber attacks, it leaves them vulnerable within their borders. The
Chinese police barely investigate internal hacking which attributes to China s
vulnerability. Chinese cybercriminals target Chinese victims given the relatively
low risk of domestic police action; stolen usernames and passwords, financial data,
video game accounts, and hacker tools can be bought and sold openly on Chinese
social media forums. According to Jon Lindsay s article, this form of cyber attack
damaged the Chinese economy $830 million in 2011 alone. Since then China has
begun cyber policies and created the Cybersecurity and Informatization Leading
Group in 2014, chaired by Xi Jinping. The CILG aids XI s efforts to tighten Party
discipline and respond to foreign cyber attacks. Having the government aims their
sights on cyber defense may actually improve cyber policy coordination but the
Chinese Government doesn t have prior experience in cyber policy. In other
countries, private sector companies and organizations that focus of cyber policy are
hired by the government. So China has tightened their laws on internet freedoms
because they believe that allowing internet freedom undermines Chinese
In 2011
The Diary of Anne Frank Essay
The Diary of Anne Frank
In this project, I will be comparing the life of Anne Frank to mine.
Firstly, I will give a brief timeline of the main events that took place in her lifetime.
Then I will begin to compare the various aspects of her life to mine. Finally, I will
draw up a conclusion.
Annelies Marie Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany, just 60 years before I was,
1929. During the first three years of her life, The
Great Depression happened. The National Socialist Party began to gain support. In
1933, Hitler was made Chancellor. This was the same year that Otto Frank and his
family moved to Holland. A year later Anne began school and in 1935 Juden
Verboten ( No Jews ) appeared on signs in restaurants and shops all... Show more
content on ...
Otto Frank is the soul survivor from the annex.
Anne had a fairly middle class life up until she moved to Holland.
There she made new friends, but lived a lesser lifestyle. The only comparison I can
think of is when I moved to middle school. I was the only one to go to Lindisfarne
from my first school, it was hard at first, but I soon made new friends. Obviously
moving countries is much harder than schools so I can only imagine what it would
have been like for Anne.
It wasn t long before her eleventh birthday, around the same time that
Jews were starting to be erased from Germany. At this time, Anne had to go to an all
Jewish school. This was her first experience of other people hating her because of her
own religion.
Anne wasn t able to speak to her friends, go to the cinema/theatre, go shopping, use
a telephone or even go to the park. All of her everyday activities and rights were
taken away. If this happened to me, I don t know what I would do to keep entertained.
All this time spent in Holland, her father had foreseen what was happening and was
planning to go into hiding. It finally happened in
1942. Anne was thirteen and had received the famous diary, her elder sister; Margot
had been called in for a work camp. This was the final signal Otto needed. They
moved into the secret annexe on July 6th,
1942. A week later they were joined by the Van Daan family and Mr
Dussel the dentist.
For two years they lived
Ottis Toole Case
Who would take a six year old boy and decapitate him? Who?
Some agree with the fact that it is wrong to murder an innocent child. The main
suspect in this case is Ottis Toole, for killing the victim, Adam Walsh. He had
confessed to committing the murder. Toole was and is the long prime suspect in
this case. Born March 5, 1947 in Jacksonville, Florida. He was raised by a single
mother after his father deserted them. His mother has been reported to be cruel and
both she and Toole s grandmother possessed extreme religious views. Toole admitted
to committing his first murder at the age of 14. After being picked up by a traveling
salesman who forced him to have sex, Toole ran the man down with his own car. As
a boy, Toole was classified as developmentally... Show more content on ...
Authorities made a series of crucial errors, losing the bloodstained carpeting in
Toole s car preventing DNA testing and the car itself. It was a week after the boy s
disappearance before the FBI got involved. To help solve the case.
So many mistakes were made within the case, John Walsh said in 1997, upon the
release of his book Tears of Rage, (about his son) Which harshly criticized the
Hollywood Police Department s work on the case. It was shocking, inexcusable and
Adam s death, and his father s subsequent activism on his behalf, helped put faces on
milk cartons, shopping bags and mailbox fliers, started fingerprinting programs and
increased security at schools and stores. It spurred the creation of missing persons
units at every large police department.
It also prompted national legislation to create a national center, database and toll free
line devoted to missing children, and led to the start of America s Most Wanted,
which brought those cases into millions of homes.
What it also did, said Mount Holyoke College sociologist and criminologist Richard
Moran, is make children and adults alike exponentially more
Huck s Dilemmas
In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck finds himself in a myriad of
dilemmas. Whether it is his own life or the life of another that is in peril, Huck
makes decisions based on his moral compass. His code of ethics has been shaped
by his onerous life and by the society he lives in. However, Huck sometimes strays
from society s version of what is right and what is wrong. In those situations, Huck
feels that he has done wrong because he does not realize that society s perception of
ethicsis very narrow minded. After Huck tells Mary Jane the truth about her uncles
he thinks, Pray for me! I reckoned if she [had known] me she d take a job that was
more nearer her size. ... She had the grit to pray for Judas if she took the notion. Huck
... Show more content on ...
Huck knows what is acceptable in society, but he constantly finds his conscience
pulling him in the opposite direction. For instance, when Huck contemplates the
fact that he is traveling with a runaway slave, he resolves to turn Jim in because of
that is what society tells him is the right thing to do. He is paddling out to shore
when Jim tells Huck that he was his best friend and the first white man to ever
keep a secret for him. This deeply affects Huck and he realizes that he cannot turn
Jim in, even when he runs into an assemblage of men searching for slaves that have
run away. Twain is especially critical of slavery in Southern society in this novel.
When Jim tells Huck he plans to earn enough money or find a way to steal his
children away from their owner, Huck pities the slaveholder saying, Here was this
[slave] which I had as good as helped to run away, ... saying he would steal his
children children that belonged to a man I didn t even know; a man that hadn t
even done me no harm. Huck is not a bad person; he is simply blinded by his time.
Twain is pointing out the social irony of a man having to steal his children because
a white man owned them. Huck does not see the world in black and white. He does
not split the world into good people and bad people; to him, everything is relative.
This is why, when Huck and Jim leave a band of murderers on a sinking ship, Huck
uses his quick wit to save them. He acts on his scruples thinking, ... how dreadful it
Parthenon Vs Pantheon
Unit 2 Written Assignment
For this paper I will be looking at two well known temples, which are two typical
examples of classical architecture. Some features of this style of architecture have
been used much later featured in neo classical architecture.
Before making a comparison it is important to introduce the background of both
examples being studied, the Parthenon and the Pantheon.
The Parthenon of Ancient Greece
The Parthenon was a temple, was just part of a major building campaign starting in
450 b.c. As one of the key surviving examples of classical architecture it has
undergone major restoration since 1975 funded by the EU and the Greek
government. This shows the significance of this structure.
As recently as the 19th century, ... Show more content on ...
Unlike the marble construction of the Parthenon this example is constructed from
marble. As a result, and due to its continuous use throughout its history it is noted for
being one of the best preserved ancient Roman buildings.
In the 7th century, the building was converted into a church, much like Parthenon in
Athens .
At first glance, we can see some similarities in architectural styles being used. One
of the most distinctive features is of course the use of pillars. This is often a feature
that can also be found in neo classical architecture often as a homage to architecture
both this classical period.
However, behind this, there is differences with the two structures. One of the most
significant differences is the material being used in the structure. While in the
Parthenon in ancient Greece is constructed from marble the Pantheon of Rome has a
different structure. Much of the structure is made from granite, this is particularly the
case with the pillar construction.
The use of pillars in both cases is essential to the original function of the temple. As
noted previously, visitors to the temple would not be permitted to enter the building.
The temple was built in dedication to a deity, such as Athena, in the case of the
Parthenon in
Auschwitz Essay
Auschwitz Auschwitz was one of the most infamous and largest concentration camp
known during World War II. It was located in the southwestern part of Poland
commanded by Rudolf Höss. Auschwitz was first opened on June 14, 1940, much
later than most of the other camps. It was in Auschwitz that the lives of so many
were taken by methods of the gas chamber, crematoriums, and even from starvation
and disease. These methods took several hundreds and sometimes more than a
thousand lives a day. The majority of the lives killed were those of Jews although
Gypsies, Yugoslavs, Poles, and many others of different ethnic backgrounds as well.
The things most known about Auschwitz are the process people went through when
entering the camp and... Show more content on ...
For example, they sometimes would hand the prisoners a bar of soap so they
would think that were actually going to take a shower. Usually in this case they
were just led to the gas chambers. In these gas chambers, a form of Zyklon B was
dropped in there, and once it made contact with air it changed to the gas form.
After this, the bodies of the dead were taken to the crematoriums. Jewish prisoners
were given the jobs of transferring the deceased bodies to the crematoriums. Every
day many died. Almost one million people were killed in Auschwitz alone. The
conditions of the camp were unbearable. The prisoners were barely fed, mainly
bread and water, and were cramped in small sleeping arrangements. Hundreds slept
in triple tiered rows of bunks (Adler 51). In the quarters that they stayed, there were
no adequate cleaning facilities or restrooms for the prisoners. They rarely were
able to change clothes which meant the clothes were always infested with lice
(Swiebocka 18). Those were sick went to the infirmary where also there were
eventually killed in the gas chambers or a lethal injection. The Germans did not want
to have anyone not capable of hard work to live. Prisoners were also harshly punished
for small things such as taking food or relieving themselves during work hours
(Swiebocka 19). The biggest punishment was execution. The most common
punishment was to receive lashings with a whip.
The History of Disk Jockey s
In 1935, American commentator Walter Winchell coined the term disc jockey (the
combination of disc , referring to the disc records, and jockey , which is an
operator of a machine) as a description of radio announcer Martin Block, the first
announcer to become a star. While his audience was awaiting developments in the
Lindbergh kidnapping, Block played records and created the illusion that he was
broadcasting from a ballroom, with the nation s top dance bands performing live.
The show, which he called Make Believe Ballroom, was an instant hit. The term disc
jockeyappeared in print in Variety in 1941.[5]
In 1943, Jimmy Savile launched the world s first DJ dance party by playing jazz
records in the upstairs function room of the Loyal ... Show more content on ...
Turntablism, the art of using turntables not only to play music, but to manipulate
sound and create original music, began to develop.
In 1974, Technics released the first SL 1200 turntable, which evolved into the SL
1200 MK2 in 1979, which as of the mid 2000s remains the industry standard for
deejaying. In 1974, German electronic music band Kraftwerk released the 22 minute
song Autobahn , which takes up the entire first side of that LP. Years later, Kraftwerk
would become a significant influence on hip hop artists such as Afrika Bambaataa
and house music pioneer Frankie Knuckles. During the mid 1970s, Hip hop music
and culture began to emerge, originating among urban African Americans and Latinos
in New York City. The four main elements of hip hop culture were MCing (rapping),
DJing, graffiti, and breakdancing.
In the mid 1970s, the soul funk blend of dance pop known as Disco took off in the
mainstream pop charts in the United States and Europe, causing discotheques to
experience a rebirth. Unlike many late 1960s, clubs, which featured live bands,
discotheques used the DJs selection and mixing of records as the entertainment. In
1975, Record pools began, enabling disc jockeys access to newer music from the
industry in an efficient method.
In 1976, American DJ, editor, and producer Walter Gibbons remixed Ten Percent by
Double Exposure, one of the earliest commercially released 12 singles (aka maxi
single ). In 1977, Hip hop DJ Grand Wizard Theodore invented the
If one of your resolutions this year is to get healthy or lose weight, then you
probably must have considered joining a Gym to help you out with this. Starting a
new healthy routine, a much less one where you regularly go to the Gym can be
difficult. Starting an exercise program all of a sudden is not a simple task. A visit to
your local gym can seem very intimidating. You look around and dazzled by the array
of machines available there.
Several questions starts to pop in your head like, what is it? How does it work?
Will I be able to do it? Etc. even the vocabulary seems to appear like foreign
language. However, the gym equipment is not as scary as it may appear to you in the
beginning. All you have to do is begin with equipments which are ... Show more
content on ...
Dumbbell exercises are performed with a dumbbell in each hand by lifting it up and
down. Most gyms have dumbbell rack that has an assortment of fixed weights
dumbbells. they usually have dumbbells ranging from 5lbs to 100 plus lbs. it is
recommended by professionals that as a beginner you must start from the 5 lbs and
then later you can definitely upgrade to as much more as you want.
Weight plates: There are different types of gym weight plates and bars varying
from Olympic bar to EZ curling bar. Weight plates similar to dumbbells range from
2.5 lbs to 100 lbs. they are usually made from iron, however, many home gyms have
plastic weight plates. Most of the people are familiar with York plastic barbell set.
This is perfect for someone who is just starting out as the thickness of the plastic
weight plates limit the amount of weight that can be placed on the dumbbells or
Kettlebell: When confronted with all the equipment and accessories you will need
to lose weight and get back in shape; it is easy to lose heart. Your saviour here can
be kettlebells, one of the simplest exercising equipment. These are essentially cannon
ball shaped weights with a large handle on top, giving it the appearance of its
namesake. Kettlebells exercise combines cardio and strength training for time saving
Analysis Of The Book Daughter Of Time
Josephine Tey s Daughter of Time is a story that gives the reader a role in being a
detective, filling in Sherlock Holmes s shoes but with a twist. Within the first few
chapters we meet Alan Grant, a famous inspector from England s Scotland Yard.
He is confined in a hospital after sustaining an injury, leaving him immensely
bored during his recovery there. Where he would trace and map out ceiling cracks
for hours; after awhile he became acquainted with the nurses that would come in
and out of his room. His actress friend Marta brings printed materials for Grant to
read but he would reject them, the reason is not known. His antsy behavior shows
that he craves a mental challenge. Grant eventually got what he wanted; Marta
suggested that he should try solving an old mystery that no one has managed to
solve. She brings him pictures, portraits of faces from different historical eras.
During his recovery, he spends time analyzing the collection that Marta provides
him. It s clear that Grant adopts Carr s and Elton s methodology into solving this
case and without either of them it wouldn t be possible. He came across a picture
of Richard III, who had accusations of killing his two nephews; his Brother Edward
IV s sons. It is evident that Grant takes pride in his skills as an inspector and
speculates that Edward III is not the perpetrator of the murders. From that point he
undertakes the task of learning British history. Finding clues and piecing them
together, disregarding
One Decision Can Turn You Upside Down Short Story
One Decision Can Turn You Upside Down
When I was in 6th grade, two of my friends and I were doing what we always did,
riding around on the golf cart staying out of trouble, having the best time. I have
been friends with these two girls for almost ten years. We would tell each other
anything and we always went for golf cart rides to talk about anything and
everything. Since we were at a young age, we always would go ride around in the
woods and laugh about random things. One night we got together and were doing
what we regularly did.
This night, in particular, was very eventful. The sun was still setting, the air was
getting crisp, and the full moon was coming out. It was the beginning of fall and the
leaves were bright with fall colors. ... Show more content on ...
I reached for her legs tenaciously and during that time when I was pulling her back,
the whole golf cart flipped on its side.
After we had flipped it, we were all shocked and said nothing. We felt impotent.
Because we were so young and had flipped this vehicle over, we then quickly
realized that we had not only flipped the golf cart, but we had flipped it in my front
yard. The large moon was in the sky, shining its light right on our mistake. We all
knew that my dad could see us at any second. I knew that if he saw us he would have
a grimace on his face, and if my dad would see us in this position, I would die.
All at once we ran over to one side of the golf cart and started pushing it back up
powerfully. Any act of succor would have been helpful during this time. Once we
got it back on all four tires, I looked to see if there was any damage to the golf cart,
thankfully, there was none. We then all got back onto the golf cart and started to
laugh about what had just happened. After we had shakily giggled for a while we
started to talk about what could have happened in that brief moment if we were
sitting in different positions, or if someone had hit their head. If something bad had
happened our lives could have changed. We talked to each other about what we
thought had just happened.
If I would have hit my head on the steering wheel, I could
Nonprofit Organizations Paper
Nonprofit organizations contribute many services within the communities they
service. Their goal is to meet their mission and one of the main ways this may be
accomplished is through their financial operations. Depending on the organizations
size and mission some nonprofit organizations operate as charities where others
operate more through philanthropy. Ostrower (1995) examined how charity is
specifically directed towards the poor and focuses on meeting an immediate need.
Philanthropy includes charity but also encompasses the wider range of public giving
for public purposes (p. 4). In the following paper, it will briefly examine how
nonprofit organizations utilize budgeting as a planning tool, management tool, and a
communications tool.... Show more content on ...
Budgeting is a tool which assists nonprofit organizations in meeting their short and
long term goals. McLaughlin (2016) stated Budgets are intended to be a tool, a means
to an end, not a holy grail (p. 163). Budgets are looking at the future of organizations.
Utilizing budgeting as a planning tool includes setting short and long term goals with
specific targets to meet within six months, one year, three years, and five years.
Larger nonprofit organizations which have established credibility within communities
may have more steady revenue streams through donations, government funding, and
established endowments to assist with their financial goals. For smaller nonprofit
organizations, they must build new relationships, establish trust, and build credibility
within the community they service. The goal of a nonprofit is to meet their mission,
planning lays out a road map for the organization to follow.
Budgeting as a management tool entails meeting day to day tasks by following a
financial plan of allotted funding for daily wages, having the right volunteers for
needed areas, meeting monthly expenses, and creating a fundraising plan to increase
capital for the
Embedded System for Milk Analyzer and Billing
Embedded System for Milk Analyzer and Billing Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION
search of problems In the society, with keeping in mind that engineering is a
technical solution of a any problem, we decide to look at common man s problem.
At the same time in month of june11, Milk adulteration problem was on the top of
media, so we thought why not explore this problem. The Dairy industry in India is
generally co operative .The primary milk provided to the dairy are farmers who do
not process their milk and give it in the raw form to the co operative dairy. Since
more no. of farmers are depositing their milk in the dairy, it is a daily task of the
dairy to assess the quality of... Show more content on ...
The Micro Processor Based Milk Collection System Milko testers reduce the time
taken to ascertain the quality and the fat content of milk which in turn helps in
overcoming all associated problems of the traditional method of testing such as
storage of samples, and handling of corrosive chemicals. However, the calculation
and payment of bills remained as cumbersome as ever since the bills were still 2
Embedded System for Milk Analyzer and Billing being calculated manually. The
NDDB, in 1988, took up a project to develop an integrated milk collection system
to effect immediate calculation and payment of bills to the farmer. For this REIL
and M/s ATE Enterprises Ltd. developed prototypes that were tested in two villages
in Kheda district, namely Mogri and Bedwa REIL developed milk collection
system: This system has been operational in Mogri for the past several years. It
consists of three pieces of equipment, as shown in Figure 4.1, placed alongside
each other: (a) the Electronic Milk Tester (EMT); (b) the Milk Weighing System
(MWS); and (c) the Data Processor (DP). When the NDDB financed the project in
the early 1990s for the micro processor based automatic milk collection stations
(AMCs) the cost was about $2,250 (approximately Rs 96,800), which included the
micro processor, weighing machine,
Case Study Of Emtel
Company background Founded in 1989, Emtel Ltd became the first mobile
telephony operation in the southern hemisphere (, 2017). Since its
establishment in Mauritius in 1996, it has evolved into a one stop shop for ICT
solutions and providing access to many services and expertise. During mid 1999, the
company introduced new means of communication, namely, SMS mobile email and
6 party conferencing. Emtel was the first to integrate music and mobile telephony
along with roaming facilities to its prepaid customers. The company is ISO 9001
certified by the British Standards Institution (, 2017). In 2015, the
company launched the first fibre in air so as to provide Mauritians internet access
through fibre. In 2015, the shares of Emtel were equally owned by Millicom... Show
more content on ...
Create urgency: Make everyone aware of the need for change by showing statistics
or status in market place. According to Kotter you have to work really hard on Step
1, and spend significant time and energy building urgency, before moving onto the
next steps (, 2017). This will motivate employees to participate in
change process. 2.Build coalition: Convince the employees that the change is
essential for the company. In this step, you need to bring the best leader and team
members from different departments, expertise and political importance. 3.Form
strategic vision: Have the big picture in view along with roadmap to achieve the
desired output. A clear pathway will help employees what is expected from them and
what they need to do to achieve success. The directives and strategies will enable
them to execute the vision. 4.Communicate the vision: The vision need to be
conveyed at every opportunity you get through any medium. This will ensure that the
new vision has fully reached and adopted by the whole company and that everyone is
working towards the same
The Harmful Effects of No Child Left Behind
The Harmful Effects of NCLB
The No Child Left Behind act is the Bush administration s sweeping educational
reform, aimed at improving the performance of the nation s public schools by
introducing accountability. Supporters of the act claim that it will increase the
performance of all school children by raising the standards and allowing parents
greater freedom in choosing the school they want their child to attend. The act also
puts in place a system of punishment for schools if their student body does not
perform to the standards set down by the National government (NCLB act). As well
as increasing standards, this act also encourages teachers to use a curriculum which
the government developed with scientifically based research (a ... Show more content
on ...
She had wanted to tell him that he didn t have to take the test, and that he could do
something else until the other children were done, but because of the NCLB act, she
had to make him sit there for the entire test period while he cried uncontrollably. This
type of overarching test not only prevents teachers from catering to lower performing
students; it also prevents them from challenging the exceptional students. When a
teacher is required to teach all of the children at the same level, it prevents many kids
from learning to their potential; instead forming an environment in which every child
strives for mediocrity.
Many teachers complain that all of the joy of teaching, the very reasons why they
went into the profession, have been replaced by prescripted lessons and impossible
standards (Tyre 1). One teacher from Ohio describes how she teaches words by
pointing at each letter and having the kids tell her the sound, and then asking the
class as a whole what the word is (this lesson coming from a book of 200 pre made
lessons) (Wood 13). These types of universal instruction abound through all public
schools. It is clear that when teachers are required to teach this way, they will be
unable to cater to specific children s needs, instead pushing them all toward the
same, standardized goal. I observed this effect with my own eyes while tutoring for a
Maggie s Dynamic Character In Everyday Use By Alice
Everyday Use , by Alice Walker, is a story of Mrs. Johnson and her two daughters,
Dee and Maggie, whose personalities are totally different. In this story, Walker uses
two hand stitched quilts to symbolize the inheritance. Walker explain her characters
as someone who accept African American heritage and appreciate its values. The
mom is a dynamic character because of the change in her way of judging her two
daughters and finally acknowledging the beauty of Maggie. Maggie, too, is a
dynamic character compared to Dee because Dee s character remains the same
throughout the story. Walker has written Everyday Use with a historical touch,
especially when Mrs. Johnson speaks about Maggie receiving the quilts her ancestors
made. However, Dee, Maggie s... Show more content on ...
The story takes place at Mrs. Johnson s house, where Mrs. Johnson and Maggie are
waiting for Dee to come over for a visit. Mrs. Johnson raised two daughters on her
own. She does not see herself as a bright and beautiful woman but takes pride in
being able to work like a man. She is proud of her yard and the hard work she and
Maggie have done to make it look when Dee comes to visit. Mama is portrayed as
a large, big boned woman with rough, man working hands (Walker). She also
makes reference in being able to kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man
(Walker). These assertions do not portray her as being the typical elegant and
aesthetic mother but women who can do anything to make her daughters delighted
and joyous. She does, nevertheless, enjoy doing countless things. She also dreams of
having a prosperous life. Mama and Maggie are both more fascinated in the
practicality of objects around them more than anything else. Alice Walker draws
images through her words of three women in a family. Mrs. Johnson is affable and
tough. Mrs. Johnson s inner monologue suggests us a glimpse of the limits of a
mother s unconditional love and her devotion towards her children. Mama is a
practical character. When she says, But of course all this does not show on television
, it can inferred that though she dreams of things she wanted to do, she is a person
with her both feet on the ground. She knows that those things sound good only in
imagination but they are not conceivable. Critic David White advocates, Mama takes
pride in the practical aspects of her nature and that she has not spent a great deal of
time contemplating abstract concepts such as heritage... [but her lack of education]
does not prevent her from having an inherent understanding of heritage (White). She
is a spiritual woman. She characterizes one of her actions in
Essay on Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death listed in the United States. Diabetes is
the leading cause of blindness. In 1996 diabetes contributed to more than 162,000
deaths (Lewis 1367).
Diabetes mellitus is not a single disease but a group of disorders with glucose
intolerance in common (McCance 674). Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder
characterized by hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar) and results from defective
insulin production, secretion, and utilization. There are many forms of diabetes.
Diabetes increases the risk of heart and blood vessel disease, amputation, infections,
kidney damage, eye problems (including blindness), and nerve malfunction (Husain).
I will briefly define the ... Show more content on ...
According to McCance the diagnosis of diabetes is based on (1) more than one
fasting plasma glucose level greater than 140mg/dl, (2) elevated plasma glucose
levels in response to an oral glucose test, and random plasma glucose levels above
200mg/dl combined with classic symptoms of polydipsia, polyphagia, and polyuria
The pancreas is located partially behind the stomach in the abdomen. The pancreas
is a mixed gland composed of endocrine and exocrine gland cells. These cells are
called acinar cells. Acinar cells, forming the bulk of the gland, produce an enzyme
rich juice that is ducted into the small intestine during food digestion.
Scattered among the acinar cells are approximately a million pancreatic islets (islets
of Langerhans), minute cell clusters that produce pancreatic hormones. The islets
contain two major populations of hormone producing cells, the glucagen synthesizing
alpha cells and the more numerous insulin producing beta cells. Insulin and
glucagons are intimately but independently involved in the regulation of the blood
glucose levels. Their effects are opposite: Insulin is a hypoglycemic hormone (lowers
blood sugar), whereas glucagon is a hyperglycemic hormone (increases blood
glucose.) Islet cells also synthesize other peptides in small amounts. These include
C Elegans Research Proposal Paper
Michelle Orta
C. elegans Research Proposal
Genetics Laboratory 3452 Section 501
TA: Melissa Lewallen
April 3rd, 2018 Table of Contentsоїї
Table of Contents2
Research Hypothesis3
Expected results4
Figure and Tables4
Bibliography5оїѕ Abstract This is a brief description of the hypothesis and the goals
of the experiment. It should indicate what questions you, as a researcher, will be
seeking to answer.
The nematodes Caenorhabditis elegans are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both
the female and male reproductive organs. In fact, C. elegans produce sperm that is
stored in both the spermatheca and oocytes. There is an egg laying defect that can
occur in C.elegans. The effect ... Show more content on ...
A forward genetics screen occurs when one starts by determining a biological process
of interest, produces a mutagenized population, screens for phenotype of interest,
analysis a mutant with a specific phenotype, maps the gene of interest, and conducts
more screens to identify other genes that are associated with those mutants. And a
reverse screen is when one has the analysis of a gene and studies the phenotype
associated with it when it is mutated. To complete this experiment a forward
genetics screen is needed. The materials needed are C. elegans, 20 plates to place
and transfer the worms, 20 mini plates to place and transfer the worms, a
microscope to view the worms, a glass pipette and a piece of platinum wire to
create a worm pick, a bunsen burner to sterilize the pick, a notebook and pen to
record the data obtained, and a lock to secure our experiment. The purpose of this
experiment is to obtain multiple mutagenized C. elegans and allow the P0
generation to grow to a F2 generation and observe if there were any egg laying
phenotypes present. To complete this experiment, I would first place a single
mutagenized N2s in each of the POA1 POA5 plates. After 12 24 hours have passed
and the eggs have been laid, I would move the 5 adult worms who were originally
placed in each of the POA1 POA5 plates to POB1 POB5 plates according to their
number. After the PO generation have grown a
The Founding Principles Of The Fourier Series
P. Sathyabama
Assistant professor,
Department of Mathematics,
Bharath collage of science and management, Thanjavur 5
The Fourier Series, the founding principle behind the field of Fourier Analysis, is an
infinite expansion of a function in terms of sines and cosines.In physics and
engineering,expanding functions in terms of sines and cosines is useful because it
allows one to more easily manipulate functions.In particular, the fields of electronics,
quantum mechanics, and electrodynamics all make heavy use of the Fourier series.
Key words: Fourier Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform, Convolution Transforms
The Fourier Series, the founding principle behind the field of Fourier Analysis, is an
infinite expansion of a function in terms of sines and cosines or imaginary
exponentials. The series is defied in its imaginary exponential form as follows: ...
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Since sines and cosines (and in turn imaginary exponentials) form an orthogonal
set1, this series converges for any moderately well behaved function f(x) .Examples
of the Fourier Series for different wave forms are given in figure I.
The Fourier Series is only capable of analyzing the frequency components of certain,
discretefrequencies (integers) of a given function. In order to study the casewhere the
frequency components of the sine and cosineterms are continuous, the concept of the
Fourier Transform must be introduced. The imaginary exponential form of the
Fourier Transform is defined as
Summary Of Software Prefects
Abstract Early predictions of software defects during software development life
cycle play a vital role to produce successful software project. Besides, it reduces the
cost of software development, maintains high quality, improves software testing
and facilitates procedures to identify defect prone of software packages. We need
more research studies today to improve convergence across research studies due to
its use a different of inconsistent measurements. Therefore, to avoid several types of
bias: different sizes of the dataset are used in our study to avoid the bias of data.
Comparative studies relied on appropriate accuracy indicators suitable for the
software defect model are utilized to overcome the problems of bias error in... Show
more content on ...
Therefore, if we can identify which modules in software most probably to be
defective it can help us to reduce our limited resources and time of development [2].
Based on the specific types of software metrics in the previous research studies,
numbers of predictive classification model are proposed for software quality it can
explore the defectives in some of the software modules by using several types of
classifiers such as decision tree [3], SVM [4], ANN [5] and NaГЇve Bayes [6]. The
classification model is one of the most common approaches used for early
prediction of software defects [7], including two categories: Fault Prone (FP)
software and Non Fault Prone (NFP) software. The prediction model represented by a
set of code attribute or software metrics [7, 8]. The objective of this research is
utilized ensemble learning method that combines the vote of multiple learner
classifiers by using the different subset of feature to improve the accuracy of
supervised learning. Another advantage of ensemble methods, it enhances the
performance by using different types of classifiers together because it reduces the
variance between them and keeps bias error rate without increasing. Two main types
of ensemble methods [9]: Bagging and Boosting techniques [10]. The first one
depends on subsampling of the training dataset by replacement sample and generates
training subset then
Example Of Interpersonal Communication
Concept Application Paper
Interpersonal communication is critical in daily communication and career success.
Often, human beings communicate through nonverbal actions, gestures or behaviors.
We solemnly communicate to others through what we wear, how we walk, our
favorite meal, and many other things we do consciously or unconsciously. In an effort
to understand the concepts of interpersonal communication, a field experiment was
conducted within the college vicinity. At Oregon State University, we have a strict
equal opportunity and access program. A strict bullying policy is in place. I am
interested to see how this experiment could potentially break this policy. The aim of
the experiment was to increase our understanding of the impact of communication
concepts related to self concept, culture, perception and nonverbal communication in
day to day activities.
In the experiment, I decided to dress up in an fancy dress and official shoes to
three classes for a day. My makeup was overly done, clearly noticeable for anyone
who sees me day day. Throughout my school life, I have never had to wear a fancy
dress, other than formal recruitment for Panhellenic. It is also very rare to see any of
my fellow classmates in fancy attire. The normal atmosphere of Oregon State
University is to spot most of the students wearing casual clothing or rain gear, which
is preferred by the majority. Although there are no school regulations or rules
prohibiting wearing fancy attire, students
ABC Company Chase
Introduction to ABC Company Chase As one of the oldest, largest and best known
financial institutions in the world, the ABC Company Chase has been conducting
first class business in a first class manner for over two hundred (200) years. As one of
the world s top contender among global banks, this organization operates in
approximately one hundred and fifty (150) countries, with global leadership positions
traversing the financial sector. Their clientele includes governments, states,
corporations, municipalities, educational institutions, healthcare organizations, banks,
and investors. This world renowned financial institution provides complex loans,
strategic advice, and raises capital with businesses worldwide. A member of our team
as... Show more content on ...
This effort would involve changes in workplace ergonomics, defined as the
connection between the employee and its work environment. (Finna Fogacs, 2010, p.
59). Finna and Fogacs, authors of an article published in Perspectives of Innovations,
Economics Business, suggest a number of possible enhancements management could
make in the workplace. These include attention to lighting and noise levels, the
introduction of elements of nature such as plants and scenic screensavers, the
placement and design of office furniture, and environmental settings such as internal
temperature, humidity, and general ventilation. The study s authors suggest that
exact measures to be implemented could be decided upon by management following
a survey of their
Effects Of Being Mixed Race On The Rural South Essay
Effects of being Mixed Race in the Rural South The mixing of races in the rural
South was frowned upon up by society beginning as early as the start of slavery.
Although the practice of mixing races was seen as a taboo, slave owners often had
children with their slaves. The children of the slave owners and slaves were of
mixed race, known as the mulatto, having half black and half white genetics.
When races continued to be mixed, measurements were created by the Creoles of
Louisiana as a system of determining how mixed an individual was. This caste
system was used as a universal understanding of how much black a mixed person
had in their genetics. The issue of race was not simply based on the color of skin,
it was about the genetic make up and history of the individual. Having any
percentage of black heritage was seen as a distasteful. The problem of being a
mixed race is the highlight of authors Victor SГ©jour and Kate Chopin in their
narratives The Mulatto and .DГ©sirГ©e s Baby . Both writers portray a character
who struggles with their roots and societal pressure to conform to what society views
as right and wrong. Beginning with The Mulatto by Victor SГ©jour, the author tells a
story within a story of a former slave named Georges. In this narrative, SГ©jour
mentions several different aspects a slave, in particular a mulatto, encounters,
including issues of broken families, the denial of human affection, double relation of
father and master, and hatred. Kate Chopin
Importance of Creativity
Why is creativity an important aspect of business organization? Explain the major
issues facing the manager in encouraging creativity in the organization and
supporting creative people in order to improve performance.
Creativity is an important aspect of business organization. This is particularly
important as companies are facing continuous changes in the global economy. Change
is a continuously phenomenon which happens to the organizations both internally
and externally that organizations need to make creative plans and reactions towards
predictable or unpredictable challenges.
The organizational environment has been changing rapidly. It is a set of forces and
conditions outside the organization s boundaries that have the ... Show more content
on ...
He stated that finding innovative solutions requires imagination and creativity, while
creativity is a necessary preliminary to innovation. Hence, creativity is important to
the performance of organizations. Although creativity generally leads people to think
of new products, we should not limit creativity in other areas such as new forms of
organization, new markets, new production processes, that is anything new to the
present organization structure, culture and functions of the organization. Hence,
some types of problems which require creative thinking are listed as follows. But
there is limitless application of creative thinking (University of Leicester, 2007, p.
пЃ¬how to make more effective use of resources including management time,
пЃ¬how to improve a product s appeal to customers,
пЃ¬how to increase staff motivation,
пЃ¬how to identify new business opportunities,
пЃ¬how to improve the quality of production output,
пЃ¬defining the vision/mission/objectives of the organization, and
пЃ¬looking for a new organization of work flows.
If an organization is able to make effective use of resources which has becoming
more scarce and costly, such as the continual rise of oil prices, the organization will
be able to create cost advantage over its competitors. Managers at Louis Vuitton, the
most profitable luxury brand in the world, have succeeded in
Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey
I don t know why my life is of interest to you, as far as I m concerned, I didn t do
anything miraculous, like raise the dead or cure cancer. But if my story will
motivate someone to fight against human injustice, then I will tell you all about it.
My story began as Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, on a cold February day
around 1818, in Talbot County, Maryland. I was born into slavery, to a black woman,
Harriet Bailey, and a white father, who I would never know. They took me from my
grandmother at six years of age, to begin the life of a field slave, where I was beaten,
forced to eat from a food trough, like and animal, and sleep on the bare floor. Two
years later, after my owner s death, his wife sent me to serve her... Show more content
on ...
She provided me with some of her savings and a sailor s uniform. And days after
my arrival, I sent for her and on September 15th, we were married. We moved to
Massachusetts, and there we adopted the marital name Douglass, to prevent
recapture. This is where the man you call Frederick Douglass was created. I
continued my work against slavery, by telling my story at abolitionist meetings,
and eventually delivering my first speech at the Massachusetts Anti Slavery
Society s convention. In 1845, things really got crazy. I began working with
William Lloyd Garrison, a well known writer of a weekly journal, called The
Liberator. It was because of his advising, that I wrote my first autobiography,
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. My book was a
bestseller, but it brought unwanted attention. They would not let me forget, I was
still a runaway slave. As a result, I fled to Ireland to prevent recapture. For the next
two years, I remained in Ireland and Britain, speaking on the evil called slavery.
After years of slavery and hiding, I returned to the United States a free man, thanks
to the seven hundred and ten dollars paid by my British supporters, for my freedom.
There was never a more magnificent feeling, than knowing you are free to move
about the country, without fear of being captured. It seemed like I was
How Does Macbeth’s Character Change from Act
2 Scene 2...
How does Macbeth s character change from Act 2 Scene 2 to Act 5 Scenes 3 and 5?
The tragic masterpiece Macbeth by William Shakespeare, starts with the evil curse of
three witches. Act 1 Scene 1 introduces the audience to the witches, showing them
what malevolence they are capable of, and how then plan to deceive Macbeth, in fact
the scene is the crafting of the trick they plot for him. Once the witches decide when
they shall meet and when the act finishes with a chorused three lines, creating
mystery before exiting the stage. Making a statement, Lady Macbeth enters with the
next act boldly; her manner shows her obvious confidence in the plot (to murder
Duncan) she developed, perhaps mistakably. She describes the night in which the ...
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It is not only Macbeth s transitions but his wife s too which makes the play so
enthralling, unique and most importantly unforgettable. The transitions are not what
you would expect from the title Macbeth and his wife later hold King and Queen
Macbeth of Scotland.
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth behave extremely differently in Act 5 Scene 3 to Act
2 Scene 2. Macbeth is suddenly a commanding and courageous King and fighter
while the once authoritative Lady Macbeth suffers an incredible guilt, not only of
the core responsibility of Duncans death but she is also partly responsible for
Macbeth s terrible turn for the worst. Macbeths alteration undoubtedly turned him
into a power hungry man who has no fear of anything or one, the explanation for
his tremendous self belief is the prophecy. The witches prophecy describes that no
man born of woman will defeat Macbeth and that it would take the trees of the
wood would to destroy his castle. This extract from Act 5 Scene 3 (before the battle)
shows how greatly Macbeth relys on the prophecies for security.
What s the boy Malcolm? Was he not born of woman? The spirits that know all
mortal consequences have pronounced me thus: fear not, Macbeth; no man that s
born of woman shall e er have power upon thee. This quote proves that Macbeth is
not afraid of the battles outcomes because he really trusts that he is invincible.
Macbeth s behaviour worsens as he became angered at a blameless servant, insulting
Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler, a distinguished German astronomer, mathematician and
philosopher was well known for devising and validating three laws of planetary
motion now known as Kepler s Laws. Kepler was born December 27, 1571 in Weil
der Stadt in Swabia, Germany. In 1576 he moved and enrolled in the Latin school
there in Leonberg. Eight years late, Johannes joined the Protestant seminar at
Adelberg and began his university schooling at the Protestant University of Tubingen
studying Theology. While continuing his graduate studies in 1591, he became highly
influenced by a mathematics professor by the name of Michael Maestlin, a strong
believer of heliocentric theory first established by Nicolaus Copernicus, a polish
astronomer. Kepler acknowledged Copernican s theory instantaneously and believed
that Copernicans universal ordering had to be God s creation. Three years later,
Kepler was employed at the Protestant seminary in Graz, Styria as a professor,
teaching mathematics. Kepler taught arithmetic, geometry and rhetoric for six years.
During this time he discovered an intricate theory that could explain the distance
between the orbits of the planets, presuming that they were circular. Kepler then
suggested that the sun... Show more content on ...
After Brahe s death in 1601, Johannes Kepler took on the position as an imperial
mathematician and court astronomer for the Holy Roman emperor, Rudolf II. In
1609, Kepler published his first two laws in Astronomia Nova . The laws stated The
orbit of a planet is an ellipse where one focus of the ellipse is the sun , and A line
from the planets to the sun sweep out equal areas in equal
Essay Psuedopsychology vs the Scientific Method
Humans have inhabited the Earth for thousands of years and it is perceived by
many that we are among the most intellectual species on this planet. Although
having lived on this planet for so long, being able to distinguish fact from fiction
has escaped the minds of many. People of today s society are easily influenced by
what is told to them instead of what can be proven. Believing in something that has
no scientific evidence is not only absurd but can be classified simply as ignorance.
Many of the erratic ideas that are believed by many today have originated in a time
where superstition was more popular than science. These beliefs appear to be proven
by science, but in reality are not valid and frequently confused with... Show more
content on ...
All procedure varies from field to field but the steps must be repeatable to predict
future results and this is where psudopsychology and fact clash. Replicating the
methods is tricky for those who are practicing these psychologies because they
have to do it a certain way in order for the beliefs of everyone to remain the same.
Horoscopes and Astrology: A man who made the practice of horoscopes and
astrology susceptible to Christians allowed for these beliefs to spread throughout
the world in the 1600 s was William Lilly. During his time he was seen as a great
prophet, and became famous for predicting The Great Fire of London through one
of his hieroglyphic drawings (McCann, 1990). The Great Fire of London happened
on September 2, 1666 and it started out as a small fire in the bakeshop of Thomas
Forger destroying about 430 acres of land including 13,000 house, 89 churches and
many other buildings leaving countless homeless. This fire occurred 14 years after
William Lilly predicted one, and at this time London has been prone to having fires
due to its infrastructure. Most of the houses and other buildings were made of wood
and highly flammable, causing something that started as a house fire to a fire that
engulfed a great majority of London. This hasn t been the only great fire that this
city has witnessed. Along with the fire of 1633 and 1676, the fire of 1666 has
increased its caliber of destruction primarily because of the city s construction
Marimekko Venture Into India
LONG WAR AND REBUILDING INDIA 1991 ... Show more content on ...
Along the way, spending patterns will shift significantly as discretionary purchases
capture a majority of consumer spending. The study also suggest that if india can
achieve 7.3 percent annual growth a reasonable assumption if economic reforms
continue consumer spending will quadruple from about 17 trillion rupees($3.72
billion) in 2005 to 70 trillion rupees in 2025. The dramatic growth in India s
middle class from 50 million(5% of population) to 583 million people(41% of
population), will power the surge. Spending patterns will shift dramatically as
expenditures grow rapidly from personal products to consumer electronics. The
middle class will dominate the cities as three quarters of India s urbanities will be
part of the middle class compared with just one tenth today. For many companies the
sheer scale of this middle class will ensure that it receives significant attention.
Companies also should t underestimate the market presented by the country s most
affluent consumers : those earning $21,890 a year in 2000 dollar terms, or $117,650
in terms of PPP. That group will total 24 million in 2025, more than the current
population of Australia. By that year too, India s affluent class will be larger than
China s comparable segment,
Nursing Conversation Analysis
After getting assigned this assignment, I have been thinking about what kind of
conversations I should be looking out for or taking part of. I noticed that I was
analyzing every conversation too much. It wasn t until the weekend after
receiving this assignment, I took place in an interesting conversation at work. I am
a Licensed Nursing Assistant at Bedford Hills Nursing Home. It was right after I
came back from taking my lunch. I was walking back to and all of a sudden one of
my fairly new patients, a very nice little old man, called me over. He got my
attention by saying Hey skinny , which I barely understood because his voice is just
so rough. Now he is usually so sweet to me so I was shocked when he called me
that, but I laughed it... Show more content on ...
I did not care what we talked about, and I am sure he did not either. It was quite a
successful conversation, I asked him questions and he asked me questions also. We
could have talked all day, I was sad when I had to walk away and keep working.
The roles in this conversation were an elder to a child and a patient to a nurse. I think
that the conversation and listening skills that helped the conversation go well was
that we were both truthful, kept the conversation going, had some laughs, asked
questions, did not interrupt each other, empathized, and I got physically ready to
listen because I bent down to get to his level since he is in a wheelchair. I think
that the one thing that could have been used to improve this conversation was if
the conversation was the speaking was balanced. He talked more, which I did not
mind because I realized how lonely he actually is and just wants to talk to someone.
I believe that the external noise distracted him more than me because he would look
away at anyone walking by, but I did not mind it. For me, I think that the internal
noise, like my thoughts of realizing how lonely he was took over, but I could still
focus on the conversation, because it was very important to
Essay on Advice on Links Simulation
LINKS Simulation Reference Notes
About LINKS:
* LINKS is a supply chain management simulation * It details all the steps that go
into efficiently running a supply chain and how they are interrelated including:
analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. * Your team can view the results
from lasts month s decision on the LINKS website under the Excel Monthly Results.
You should look at trends to determine how your decisions affect your performance. *
Although your team might have high customer satisfaction or a high stock price,
your performance in regards to the overall competition is determined via a multi
dimensional scorecard that takes the following criteria into account: * efficiency
(input ... Show more content on ...
* Remember to open up Region 4 ASAP! This will increase your customer base and
net you greater sales. * Insource RFID to reduce unnecessary future costs. Take the
initial hit and you will save money in the long run. * Record goals, objectives, and
decisions during each period to facilitate the creation of the final presentation. An
example of a goal is implement a new forecasting technique in month 5 to improve
accuracy. An example of an objective is increase forecasting accuracy for months 5,
6, 7 to 84% on average. An example of a decision is implemented 3 month weighted
forecasting technique in month 5. * Understand Key Performance Indicators (KPI s)
and how they affect your overall performance. How does your customer satisfaction
level and fill rate affect your customer satisfaction rating?
Getting Started (Strategy): * Teams need to understand how they measure success.
Will you be happy with net income to revenue percentage of 10% but a low customer
satisfaction rating? * Determine overall strategy...customer satisfaction
maximization? Stock price maximization? Efficiency maximization? * Teams must
compromise. You may develop a hybrid strategy that includes a little bit of each. *
Try to tie your key performance indicators to
Braveheart Patrick Henry Analysis
Liberty is something that can motivate people to take drastic actions, even go into
war. One piece that exemplifies this is Patrick Henry s Speech to the Virginia
Council, in which, Patrick Henry claims that people should fight for their liberty. It
can also be seen in the movie Braveheart, by Mel Gibson, during William Wallaces
speech to his soldiers. Both men use their emotionally charged speeches to try to
get their audiences to fight for their liberty. Both Patrick Henry and, the character,
William Wallace use the idea of liberty to motivate their audiences. When Patrick
Henry addressed the Virginia Convention, he used the ideals of liberty from an
oppressor. Patrick Henry once pleaded, Give me liberty or give me death, (85). In
this quote Henry cries for a government of his choosing, Henry is trying to exclaim
for the audiencethat they should want to live how they desire and not how someone
else desires them to live. As a closing to his argument this emotionally charged
statement is how Henry tries to rally the crowd. Henry used emotion throughout his
speech, in the beginning Henry exclaimed, ... I consider it as nothing less than a
question of freedom or slavery... (83). He is telling the Convention that the British
are practically enslaving the colonists because they are forcing them around with
soldiers. Henry also uses this to motivate people to fight for their beliefs. Because
Henry uses emotion, motivation, and rebellion from oppression Henry focussed on
Kinky Boots Analysis
Kinky Boots: Still Stunningly Flashy
Kinky Boots is a stunningly flashy Broadway musical that tugs on the heartstrings
with its equally stunning clichГ©s. With its plot originally conceived as a British
film in 2005, the stage production was not produced until 2012 and was based on
the book written by Harvey Fierstein. Furthermore, the show did not find its way to
Broadway until 2013. When it debuted, the show opened to critical acclaim with
Billy Porter and Stark Sands originating the roles of lead characters Lola and
Charlie. Since its Broadway debut, Kinky Boots has been a smashing commercial
success. Over the years, Kinky Boots has swapped out the actors in its cast many
times. However, the original leading actors of the show, Billy Porter and Stark
Sands, have returned once again to play Lola and Charlie in 2017.
Kinky Boots, directed by Jerry Mitchell with music and lyrics by Cyndi Lauper,
follows the story of Charlie Price when he inherits his family s shoe factory from his
father. The factory has fallen on hard times with sales reaching depressing lows and
the factory bleeding cash flow. All seems lost until Charlie has a fateful meeting with
drag performer Lola, who inspires Charlie to reinvent the factory and produce a new
line of high heeled boots in an unlikely partnership. Tensions mount and personalities
clash as their production deadline nears, but in the end the partners realize that they
have more in common than meets the eye.
With the shows prime
Effect of the Different Types of Substrates on the...
I. Background of the Study: Official figures show that plastics make up around
25% of the garbage that metro manila churns out, while an independent survey
conducted by Eco waste Coalition and Greenpeace on the composition of discards
on manila bay in 2006 found that 51% were plastic bags,19% sachets and junk food
wrappers, 5% Styrofoam, 1% hard plastics,10% rubber, 13% biodegradable wastes
(Cayetano, 2008;
/pressreleasedetails.php?recordID=175) Biodegradable plastics are degradable
plastics on which the degradation results from the action of naturally occurring micro
organisms such as bacteria, fungi , and algae (info@epi These plastics
are broken down into water, carbon dioxide, methane and... Show more content on ...
Another three aluminum trays ( 7 x 9 ) were labeled L1, L2, L3. Five hundred grams
of loam soil were placed in each 3 tray. One hundred mL of tap water were mixed
with the soils. Plastics strips labeled C1, C2, and C3 were placed in trays labeled C1,
C2 and C3 containing ( compost soils). Plastics strips L1, L2 and L3were placed in
trays L1, L2 and L3 containing ( loam soil ). Five hundred mL of ( sea water ) were
placed each in three glass jars. The jars were labeled S1, S2 and S3. In another
three jars, 500mL of tap water were placed. The jars were labeled T1, T2 and T3.
Plastic strips labeled S1, S2 and S3 were placed in jars containing sea water while
plastics strips T1, T2 and T3 were placed in jars containing tap water. The plastic
were immersed in different substrates last September 9, 2008. The set ups were
placed in the Biology laboratory room and were observed from time to time.
Physical observations of the plastic strips were made on the following dates:
September 24, 2008,October 6, 2008, and November 15, 2008. Last November 15,
2008, the plastic strips were harvested from the different substrates. They were
washed with tap water and air dried for 48 hours. Physical changes in each strip
were noted and recorded. Pictures of the plastic strips were also taken to observe
changes before they were immersed in the different substrates and after immersion
for about two months. The dry weights in grams of each plastic strips were
Carl, The Prince Of A Dragon And Princess
Carl Wong, the son of a dragon and princess, had no knowledge of his parents and
origins as a youth.
Until the day he turned eighteen when there was a great famine in China, his foster
father revealed
5 Save the kingdom, seek vengeance for your father, the dragon king!
Your father slain like a pig, and fell to the hands of the evil king. Carl, son of the
dragon, fight and slay the evil king mercilessly, for then you will free your nation,
and bring righteousness to all. Now Carl,
10 you must depart into the wilderness and search for the capital and slay King
Horribus before the people die of starvation. Carl was introverted and was reluctant in
leaving the house and into the unknowns of the outer world.
15 A few days later... Show more content on ...
The old beggar revealed a large sword as magnificent as diamonds, This sword, he
declared in a booming voice, is as mighty as steel, and as sharp as a knife. It will help
you kill anything!
Also, Carl, you have inherited powers
35 of a dragon and can blast fire from the palm of your hand when you are provoked.
Enough talking. Hurry, let us set off before our people starve!
Carl and Albert sprinted into a boat that was departing from the dock to the capital.
They sailed swiftly
40 to the capital, but as they neared their destination, pirates swooped down and
began to fight for Carl s shiny sword.
Carl blasted fire from his hand, which killed the pirates, and tore Carl s boat in half,
so they had to swim to the mainland in order to get in the capital.
45 Upon their arrival, they decided to rest at a hotel near the royal kingdom.
However, the hotel owners saw Carl s sword, a spectacular and valuable piece of
weaponry, and they plotted to kill him and Albert with Carl s sword. In the
50 hotel room Albert fell into a trance and spoke,
Two greedy thieves will arrive tonight Carl. They plan to take the Sword of Great
Power, and use it to kill us.
Albert immediately was thrown back as if he had been pushed, and Carl said Quick!
We must find a shady
55 place in the forest to build a camp, tomorrow we must set off to the capital. They
ran towards the deep forest and camped there, but hotel thieves tried to follow them.
Carl used
Comparing The Book Of Ruth And 1 Kings 1-11
In this threaded discussion board you will use your analytical skills to compare and
contrast the book of Ruth to the end of Solomon s reign found in 1 Kings 1 11. It is
important to look at these two sections of scripture as bookends . Then, use your
interpretative skills to explain the significance of these two sections of scripture
A big difference in the book of Ruth and 1 Kings is the origin of the main characters.
Ruth is a Moabite woman from outside the Promised Land. Her upbringing most
likely did not involve learning or following the covenants of God. Her exposure to
God most likely came from Naomi, Naomi s husband and Naomi s son. But
considering this family initially left the Promised Land for a different life we can
only speculate how faithful to God this family may have been. Solomon was King
David s son raised in the knowledge of God and his covenants. Solomon may have
even had first hand experience with his father praying to God.
A similarity between the two characters is their uncommon placement into their
situation. Ruth was a foreigner to Israel, brought to Israel by her devotion to her
mother in law and God s divine intervention. Had she not met this family in Moab,
she would have never ... Show more content on ...
Although the book does start out with sorrow of the death of the men in Ruth and
Naomi s life, the story ends with happiness and blessings. Ruth represents a kind,
caring and hardworking individual. Because she had a devotion to her mother in
law and followed her instructions faithfully, Naomi and Ruth are blessed. Ruth is
a gentile but God recognizes Ruth s faithfulness and devotion and blesses her.
Boaz is also named as a man faithful to God (Duvall, Hayes, 2012). Boaz is also
blessed with the land of his kin, a marriage to Ruth who it appears he had fallen in
love with and then a son named Obed. The book of Ruth essentially is the beginning
to the story of David. Ruth a faithful gentile and Boaz a faithful Israelite
Atomic Bombs On Japan
On the 6th of August 1945, the American bomber, Enola Gay, dropped an atomic
bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Immediately, 80 000 people were killed.
Tens of thousands more died in the following weeks from wounds and radiation
poisoning. On the 9th of August, another bomb was dropped on the city of
Nagasaki, killing between 40 000 and 50 000 more people. The question is, was it
necessary for the Unites States to drop the atomic bombs on Japan? In my opinion,
the United States was justified in dropping the atomic bombs on Japan. During the
course of the Second World War, the United States suffered the loss of more than
418 000 lives, both military officials and civilians. This was one of the reasons why
the United States wanted the
Kenneth Arnold Flying Saucer Research Paper
On June 24th 1947, Kenneth Arnold while piloting his private aircraft over Mt
Rainier in Washington state, sighted what he described as nine shiny saucer like
objects flying at high speeds. He contacted a reporter who published his story in
the East Oregonian and submitted his story to the Associated Press. The story was
picked up and published in papers across the country. Along the way the phrase
flying saucers was coined for what Kenneth Arnold had seen. As the story spread
more people started reporting seeing similar objects of varies shapes and sizes
(Gepper 335 336). It was ten days earlier from Arnold s flying saucer report, that a
sheep rancher Mack Brazel near Roswell, New Mexico found debris on is land. At
the time he was
Similarities Between Julius And Ethel Rosenberg
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Cold War Spies During the late 1940 s and the early
1950 s, America began to find themselves in the middle of fear as the Cold War
began to approach. Tensions began to grow between the two nations of the United
States and Soviet Union. These tensions lasted for roughly seven years, which lead to
international episodes. Leader of the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin and leader of the
United StatesJoseph Stalin had led their dictatorship into disaster. Both the United
States and Soviet Union had fought as allies against Nazi, Germany. This war had
become capitalism between communism both countries had different belief
principles. These differing views lead to a war that would change America. Resulting
in the first nuclear attacks, that were successful by the Soviets in 1949, American
began to fear that the people around them were Soviet spies, passing on nuclear
technology from the Unites States to Russia. Julius and Ethel Rosenbergwere a
married couple, which were convicted of committing espionage in 1951. Both were
accused of sending top secret messages to the... Show more content on ...
On June 19, 1953 Julius and Ethel were executed by the electric chair in Sing Sing
Prison in New York (, David Casalaspi). David Greenglass
was never convicted, and later in 1999 was interviewed under high disguise,
acknowledging that his court statements to be untrue (http://spartacus These are the exact words from David Greenglass s interview,
As a spy who turned his family in, I don t care. I sleep very well. I would not
sacrifice my wife and my children for my sister... David Greenglass about his
testimony (http://spartacus Ethel Rosenberg was framed by her
own family. Alexander Feklisov later published a booked named The Man behind the
Rosenberg s in
Visual Art Review Essay
Visual Art Review Form
Your Name: Austin Brogley
Name of the Visual Art Event: Once in a Blue Moon: Work by Wisconsin Pastel
Date you attended the event 12/12/16 (Review must be turned in within 14 days of
this date.)
Where was the event held? Robert Avonn Fiskum Art Gallery
1. Briefly describe the event as a whole. (Was there a common theme or message?
Are the works organized by chronology, theme or medium? What kinds of media
were represented? How was the gallery laid out?)
The common theme was something that was rare or special in nature. The works
were organized by the artist who painted it. All the works that one painter painted
were put by each other, and so the works were organized by the artist name except
for the stand alone walls. That was were award winners were. The medium for all
the works was pastel. The gallery had works scattered all around the room with two
stand alone walls set up in the middle to display more pieces.
2. Choose two of the works you saw, and describe them in detail: the subject matter,
medium, composition, and other elements we ve discussed in class. (That is, be sure to
... Show more content on ...
The work is a picture of a lake at sunset that is covered with water lilies. The
medium was pastel. The composition of the work draws your eyes to where the
sun meets the trees. That is where there is the widest array of colors. The colors of
the work create a cool feeling near the surface of the water, but the sky creates a
warm feeling. So there is a contrast of temperatures created by the work. The
second work is call The Old Shed. The piece of work is an old abandon shed in the
woods that is being reclaimed by nature. The medium of the work is pastel. The
composition has a linear structure of the shed, and your eyes are drawn to that
structure. The use of color in these work creates a warm feeling by the use of yellow
Animal Farm Totalitarianism
In George Orwell s classic novel, Animal Farm, Orwell uses symbolism to suggest
that totalitarianistic governments do not always last. Symbolism is the use of a
person, place, thing, or idea to represent something else. Because of how they run
the farm and scare the animals into submission, Old Major, Mr. Jones, and
Napoleon are all characters in Animal Farm that symbolize totalitarianism. At the
beginning of the book, Old Major, a highly respected figure, had experienced a
dream that he had wanted to share with all of the other animals. Because Old
Major was becoming old and was living out the last of his days, the dream had
prompted him to gather the animals in the big barn to relay the dream
immediately. He urged the animals to rebel against Mr. Jones and take control of
the farm by scaring them into action. No animal escapes the cruel knife in the end.
(Orwell 9) he had stated. By the end of his speech, the animals were angry and
scared of how their lives would eventually end according to Old Major. Not long
after his speech Old Major died, but not without making the animals fearful of what
would happen if they did not respect his wishes.... Show more content on ...
Jones, the alcoholic owner of Manor Farm, ran the farm in a similar fashion to Old
Major. He scared the animals into obeying by abusing them and neglecting them.
The next moment he and his four men were in the store shed with whips in their
hands, lashing out in all directions. (Orwell 19). Mr. Jones would forget to feed the
animals and when they would attempt to get food, he would punish them with whips.
In turn, the animals would submit to him out of fear and Mr. Jones stayed in charge.
That is until they got fed up with the ill treatment and rebelled against Mr. Jones. The
animals chased Mr. Jones from the farm and once again got rid of
Business Strategy And Why It Works
JustFab or Fabulous! A girl with seventy pairs of shoes can be safely called a
shopaholic! I like to call myself a shoeaholic rather than a shopaholic. In other
words, it can be considered an expensive hobby because I enjoy learning about the
newest shoe trends, their designers, the channels through which they are being
offered and purchasing them. I am very passionate about shoes and believe in
owning what s in? However, I am not someone who will splurge a significant
amount of money on a single pair. I often find myself searching for the best
promotions, discounts and affordable shoes for every new incoming season. During
one of my long online browsing sessions, I stumbled upon an online shoe store called
JustFab or in my words... Show more content on ...
Their product moto quotes From design concept to finished product, we tailor the
hottest of the moment looks to every style personality, giving our customers
immediate access to the trends they love . Their marketing strategy is to offer
customized products by engaging consumer preferences and fast delivery of
merchandise with the highest customer service. Sixty days warranty and returns free
of shipping costs are also added benefits that come with the products! As mentioned
earlier, they believe in offering affordable prices to their members and have
successfully saved dollars for their members thought their pricing methods. JustFab
follows a discount pricing strategy for their VIP members ($39.99) in contrast to the
market price ($49.99) charged to guests and regular members. They are able to offer
discount prices to VIP members because they follow a direct selling channel from the
designer (manufacturer) to the consumer which eliminates any distribution costs. On
the contrary, retail stores charge $80 $100 per shoe because of their middlemen and
department store costs. The retailing format of online retailing also works to JustFab s
benefit because this provides them with broader and deeper assortments, more timely
information for evaluating merchandise and finally personalization! An online
channel allows JustFab to provide a vast number of SKUs to their customers which
prevents them from merchandise unavailability. Generally, in a store the
The Mental Illness Of Mental Health
Running head: MENTAL HEALTH1 MENTAL HEALTH 2 Mental Health Name
Professor Institution Course Date Introduction Sensitive questions are a broad
category that encompasses issues that trigger social desirability concerns and those
viewed as intrusive by the respondents or those that raise concerns about possible
repercussions of disclosing information. Some of the sensitive topics that can be used
here include alcohol consumption, drug use, sexual activities, plans, and concerns.
Other may include sexual abuse history and other mental health illness. When talking
to such a person, who could be possibly mentally ill, one should pay attention to
speech, emotions, thinking and perception and their insights if they have self harmed.
... Show more content on ...
Here, one is not placed on any limits regarding the response. An example is when
questioning a person with mental illness. An answer given can lead to another
problem (Ibrahim et al, 2015). From such, much information is collected, and more
precise conclusions can be made. In sensitive questioning, the mental expert can
get adequate answers. Protective factors as part of the risk assessment Over the
ten years, research has been directed to try to determine how drug abuse and
mental illness begin and how they progress. Many factors, add to a person s risk
for drug addiction. On the other hand, protective factors reduce the chance. Risk
factors may vary amongst people. As for children, risk and protective factors can
affect them at different stages of their lives (Ibrahim et al, 2015). At each stage, the
risks can be changed through intervention at various stages of their lives. Some early
childhood risks such as aggressive behavior can be modified and be prevented with
school, family and community interventions that focus on helping the children
develop appropriate and positive behaviors. If not addressed, the negative behaviors
can lead to more risks, such as academic failure and social difficulties, which
endanger the children more, exposing them to further risk of later drug abuse. The
common early risk factor is difficult temperament. This
Taliban In The Kite Runner
Hosseini s skillful description of life under the Taliban for the Afghan people is an
essential aspect of The Kite Runner. The Taliban was a conservative political and
religious faction that gained power in the mid 1990s following the removal of the
Communist regime and descent into civil war (Benson). The militant group destroyed
non Islamic art and relics and imposed harsh criminal punishments, including Stoning
adulterers ... Raping children ... Flogging women for wearing high heels ...
Massacring Hazaras ... All in the name of Islam? (Hosseini 284). The group used
these methods in order to reach their goal of creating a pure and exclusive Islamic
state ( Taliban). Hosseini addresses this goal through the antagonist Assef, who claims
What Is The Results Of The ILP To Real Games
How we transformed the statistics on the NBA website to the data required for our
calculations can be found in Appendix t1.1 (for the maximum of all NBA teams)
and t1.2 (for specific NBA teams). The specific data used in the ILP s are in
Appendix t1.3.
To compare the results of the ILP to real games, we used statistics from the Golden
State Warriors, the Dallas Mavericks, the Indiana Pacers, the Cleveland Cavaliers,
and the Los Angeles Lakers highest scoring game of the 2016 2017 season. This
data is available on the NBA website under Stats filtered by Box Scores , dates, and
quarters. We used these statistics to get the number of 2PA and 3PA per quarter j
and compared to the results of the ILP.
We computed block and steal... Show more content on ...
(2) Comparing the results of our ILP compare to real life: Our ILP produces
objective values close to but slightly lower than the maximum number of points
scored in one game for all five teams. A table of these results can be found in
Appendix t1.5. The low objective values can most likely be attributed to the
volatility of the $c_{i,j}$ variables, which are based off of the teams average 2
point and 3 point shot percentages. It is reasonable to assume that the teams had
higher 2 point and 3 point percentages than average in the game where they scored
the most points, accounting for the higher total points scored compared to the ILP.
This is discussed further in section 6 (Obstacles Encountered So Far). Comparing
the $x_{i,j}$ used to obtain the objective value for the ILP for a selected team and
the actual number of iPA per quarter j from the highest scoring game for the same
team in the 2016 2017 season shows that the Golden State Warriors, who had the
highest average number of points per game last season, followed a fairly similar
game plan to that calculated by the ILP (r1.1). Graphs showing this are found in
Appendix g1.1 1.3. On the other hand, the Dallas
The Symbolism Of Baseball In The 1920 s
It is undeniable that sports have a profound impact on society. Not only are sports a
form of leisure, but in the 21st century sports have evolved into multi billion dollar
enterprises. The National Football League alone made 12 billion in revenue in 2015.
Football is an American institution in the present but in the past it was Baseballthat
ruled American sports. Baseball is often referred to as America s pastime, but it is
much more than that. Baseball is a symbol of America, it is a game that reflects what
it means to be American, and in many ways it tells the story of our country. From
humble beginnings in Cooperstown, New York, through struggles and controversy in
the early 20th century and culminating in the 1920 s when Baseball became essential
to American life. Changes in sports tend to reflect changes in society; baseball being
America s pastime and part of the American identity is no exception. There is little
doubt that baseball in American... Show more content on ...
Doubleday is said to have invented the game in Cooperstown, New York in 1839.
However, a New York City Doctor, Daniel L. Adams more than anyone else can be
considered the father of baseball. Adams founded the New York Knickerbockers
Baseball Club in 1845. New York City was a hotbed for baseball. So much so that
by 1850 there were several clubs playing a game that closely resembles modern
baseball. The popularity of the game grew quickly, among the New York City
baseball clubs were prominent doctors, lawyers, businessman politicians and
newspaper writers. No baseball team was more influential than the New York
Knickerbockers. In the early days the club found it hard to supply enough bats and
balls to keep up with their twice a week practices and occasional matches. Much like
many of the inventors and innovators in American History, Adams himself made all
of the bats and
Alice in Wonderland Dream Analysis
Dream Analysis of Alice in Wonderland
Who s who and what s real; are we who we claim we are, and is reality really real or
is everything just a fragment of what we think is the universe?
A dream sequence is a technical term used mostly in film and television to set apart a
brief interlude from the main story. (Wikipedia) The deeper lying theme that Carroll
wanted to incorporate into his story of Alice in Wonderlandand Through the Looking
Glass, in my opinion, was not his psychological or sexual desire for Alice Liddell.
What he did mean to express by writing these stories was his innermost desire to
escape from reality in which a relationship between he and Liddell was not allowed
to a fantasy land where everything is backwards ... Show more content on ...
Carroll thus displays himself as two different beings through this theme: a serious
mathematician existentialist writer, and the uncanny photographer who enjoys
taking nude pictures of little girls, which are undoubtedly one exactly same person
in the world of two universes; since the two realities can have differences and yet
both very real, Carroll s strange personality is not actually strange at all. Borges
The Circular Ruins did not contain the same meaning as Carroll s existentialist
ideas; Borges idea of dreams was strictly one way, in which when one person wakes
up, the person who is being dreamed will vanish. The Circular Ruins questioned
about our existence as real or just a fragment of someone else s imagination, which
is supposedly as real as the actual reality of whoever is imagining us. Carroll s
notion of dreams, then, questions a more complex essence of existence: of two
possibly imagined universes imagining each other. Carroll expresses himself and his
queer personality (or is it queer?) through a seemingly harmless book of nonsensical
fantasies, and also questions his readers, and possibly himself, the meaning of life
and the universe. What I always thought of as the fun story with insane poems, in
addition to the wonderfully brilliant image of Wonderland portrayed by Disney, turns
out to be quite an amazing text for future existentialists and
How The Culture Has Five Essential Characteristics
Culture has five essential characteristics: It is learned, shared, based on symbols, it is
interconnected, and dynamic, meaning it interacts with other cultures and is
changeable. In all parts of the world, most people do not understand the culture from
their local town, much less so the culture in a country on the other side of the world.
All cultures share prominent features that set them apart from the rest of the world.
Geography, language, military, people, and history uniquely define a nation and
distinguishes it from the remainder of the world. One such nation that has
distinguished itself from the rest of the world is Turkey. Turkey s geography overlaps
the continents of Europe and Asia. Even though three seas... Show more content on ...
Turkey is one of the largest exporters of agricultural products in Eastern Europe, the
Middle East, and North Africa. In a 2010 estimate, the nation s farming area
employs 30% of the labor force and accounts for 9.6% of Gross Domestic Product
(Oguz, 2012). The principal commercial crops are cotton and tobacco. The
principal exports include dried apricots, hazelnuts, sultanas, and dried figs. Turkey
is leading one of the fastest growing steel and iron businesses in the world. The
fishing industry is meek, even with Turkey s full exposure to the seas.
Notwithstanding, a lot of fishing takes place in the Bosporus Strait. There is oil in
the Sea of Marmara, however, Turkey continues to import most of its gas and oil,
which brought them into the situation of being called a supporter of the terrorist
organization known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) by
smuggling oil from them. In a recent investigation Khatib (2015) reports, A newly
leaked report on illegal oil sales by Islamic State (IS, previously ISIS/ISIL), which
was ordered to be compiled by Norway, has revealed that most of the IS smuggled
oil has been destined for Turkey, where it is sold off at bargain low prices. Even
though there are tensions between ISIS and the rest of the world, Turkey is still
benefiting financially from ISIS by purchasing oil. Major Cities like Istanbul, the
capital that governs Turkey, remains the country s
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Sexual Discrimination Essay

  • 1. Sexual Discrimination Essay Writing an essay on the topic of sexual discrimination can be both challenging and emotionally charged. The complexity arises from the sensitive nature of the subject matter, as well as the need for a nuanced and well-researched approach. Addressing the various dimensions of sexual discrimination requires a thorough understanding of historical contexts, cultural influences, legal frameworks, and the impact on individuals and society. The difficulty lies not only in presenting factual information but also in navigating the diverse perspectives and opinions surrounding this topic. It demands a careful balance between empathy and objectivity to ensure that the essay is informative and respectful of differing viewpoints. Moreover, the writer must be attuned to the evolving nature of discussions around sexual discrimination, staying updated on current events, legal developments, and social movements. Crafting a compelling essay on sexual discrimination also entails a commitment to promoting awareness and understanding. This involves delving into the root causes, examining systemic issues, and exploring potential solutions. The language used should be precise and inclusive, avoiding stereotypes and promoting a dialogue that fosters positive change. Additionally, the writer must be prepared to handle potential emotional reactions from readers. Addressing sensitive topics may evoke strong feelings, and it is crucial to anticipate and address these emotions while maintaining a scholarly tone. Striking this balance is key to fostering a meaningful and constructive discussion. In conclusion, writing an essay on sexual discrimination requires not only solid research and analytical skills but also a genuine commitment to promoting awareness and understanding. It is a task that demands sensitivity, empathy, and the ability to navigate complex and multifaceted issues. By approaching the topic with diligence and an open mind, the writer can contribute to a broader conversation aimed at fostering positive change in society. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic tasks, various resources are available. Platforms like offer a range of services to support students and professionals in their writing endeavors. Whether it's help with research, structuring an essay, or refining language and style, such services can provide valuable support to individuals navigating the challenges of academic writing. Sexual Discrimination EssaySexual Discrimination Essay
  • 2. Festivo Persuasive Essay I believe that the concert was a good indicator of my skill in playing our two songs. I think that Festivo went well for me, especially in the case of timings, which were a bit strange at first, but they ended up coming through good. I definitely still need to work on my dynamics for it however, though I mostly just need to balance them with the lower instruments. On a Hymnsong of Philip Bliss, however, was not good for me. I am still finding it very difficult to get the low notes that make up the introduction to be subtle and, frankly, not obscene. This didn t really surprise me, as I have been worried about that section, so I did notice it quickly and drop off until we got past that point. Once the crescendo picks up and we move to a higher
  • 3. The Active Role of the Media in Influencing Our Opinion... Introduction The globalization of media has broken down the communication barriers between countries and is now more readily available and accessible than ever before. This paper examines how the media plays an active role in influencing our opinion on global politics in regards to the Arab Spring and the new revolution making its way through the Middle East and North Africa. It will also examine the theories of the CNN effect and the Manufacturing consent and how these define the relationship between governments and the news media. The United States involvement with the Hollywood industry raises concerns about this relationship and emphasizes the importance to recognize the role of the media in global politics. Media today has made ... Show more content on ... This rise of the Arab Spring, a revolution demonstrating the unity of Arab s across the Middle East and North Africa, forced Ben Ali to be exiled to Saudi Arabia after several weeks of protests against his authoritarian rule that had led to declining socioeconomic conditions as well as the corruption of the president s extended family. As to why it is important to recognize the media role in shaping societies view on global politics, the use of media in Tunisia by the Arab Spring exposed a different side of Ben Ali; who was for most of his years ruling, a convenient if uncomfortable ally for the west. For the first time the rest of the world were given an insight to what Ben Ali s authoritarian regime had done to his country, the high unemployment rate and injustices across the region were along with many other issues of national interest that risked the stability of his regime in the long term. The ever increasing ways to communicate news media has led to a constant live streaming of events anywhere around the world. The phrase CNN effect encapsulates the theory that new media has the power to provoke responses from its audiences as well as the political elite, to events on a global scale specifically chosen by the dominant news corporations. The Bosnian War of the early 1990 s was contested by most powerful nation s states such as the United States as a civil war that did not need the intervention of
  • 4. To Further Understand The Text One Must Know The Literary To further understand the text one must know the literary devices present in The Lottery. In the short story The Lottery there is a theme of tradition. The citizens all blindly followed the tradition of the lottery while barely remembering its origin or reasoning. Each year the town came together to have its lottery. It was said that the lotterywas done each year so that they would have good crops but many of the citizens had forgotten its purpose. While waiting for the ceremony to begin the children picked stones and the adults chatted nervously. Mrs. Tessie Hutchinson, the protagonist, arrived late which foreshadowed her bad luck to come. Mr. Summers was the man in charge of the lottery. He brought the same black wooden box each year ... Show more content on ... After spending a year at the University, she withdrew at the age of seventeen so that she could spend more time at home practicing her writing. After taking time off from school to write, she was able to produce the minimum of a thousand words a day. In 1937 Jackson entered Syracuse University where she published her first story, Janice, where she was appointed fiction editor of the campus humor magazine. She won the poetry contest at the University, thereafter she met her husband. Stanley Edgar Hyman, he was a young aspiring literary critic. Hayman was the editor of the literary magazine Spectre that they founded together. The two moved to New York Village in 1940 upon graduating for the University. Jackson continued to work on her writing and begin to have her work published in The New Republic and The New Yorker. During this time of her life she gave birth to her first child. Jackson s story Come Dance With me in Ireland was selected for Best America Short Stories. Jackson and her family moved to North Bennington, Vermont in 1945 when her husband Stanley was offered a teaching position at Bennington University. Three years later in 1948 Jackson published her first novel, The Road through the Wall. In the same year she published her famous short story The Lottery. This short story generated the largest volume of mail ever received by the magazine with almost all of it being hate mail. The Lottery was the furthermost well known short
  • 5. The Future For National Security As the world moves forward, there are new threats that arise and it is difficult to handle each one. One of the largest threats to any country are cyber attacks /computer hacking. Each day on the news there is a developing story about a country s data base being hacked by an anonymous source and all the classified files were exposed to the public. As a result, cybersecurity has increased significantly in the countries that can afford it. The United Statesand China have recently increased spending and research on cybersecurity to protect their classified documents. Unfortunately, as technology evolves, there are new ways for both countries to get hacked once again. Cybersecurity is the future for national securityand must be updated each... Show more content on ... Causing mistrust with the international community. China s cybersecurity defenses has had many flaws in protecting their internet. Since China is solely focusing on international cyber attacks, it leaves them vulnerable within their borders. The Chinese police barely investigate internal hacking which attributes to China s vulnerability. Chinese cybercriminals target Chinese victims given the relatively low risk of domestic police action; stolen usernames and passwords, financial data, video game accounts, and hacker tools can be bought and sold openly on Chinese social media forums. According to Jon Lindsay s article, this form of cyber attack damaged the Chinese economy $830 million in 2011 alone. Since then China has begun cyber policies and created the Cybersecurity and Informatization Leading Group in 2014, chaired by Xi Jinping. The CILG aids XI s efforts to tighten Party discipline and respond to foreign cyber attacks. Having the government aims their sights on cyber defense may actually improve cyber policy coordination but the Chinese Government doesn t have prior experience in cyber policy. In other countries, private sector companies and organizations that focus of cyber policy are hired by the government. So China has tightened their laws on internet freedoms because they believe that allowing internet freedom undermines Chinese cybersecurity. In 2011
  • 6. The Diary of Anne Frank Essay The Diary of Anne Frank In this project, I will be comparing the life of Anne Frank to mine. Firstly, I will give a brief timeline of the main events that took place in her lifetime. Then I will begin to compare the various aspects of her life to mine. Finally, I will draw up a conclusion. Annelies Marie Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany, just 60 years before I was, 1929. During the first three years of her life, The Great Depression happened. The National Socialist Party began to gain support. In 1933, Hitler was made Chancellor. This was the same year that Otto Frank and his family moved to Holland. A year later Anne began school and in 1935 Juden Verboten ( No Jews ) appeared on signs in restaurants and shops all... Show more content on ... Otto Frank is the soul survivor from the annex. Anne had a fairly middle class life up until she moved to Holland. There she made new friends, but lived a lesser lifestyle. The only comparison I can think of is when I moved to middle school. I was the only one to go to Lindisfarne from my first school, it was hard at first, but I soon made new friends. Obviously moving countries is much harder than schools so I can only imagine what it would have been like for Anne. It wasn t long before her eleventh birthday, around the same time that Jews were starting to be erased from Germany. At this time, Anne had to go to an all Jewish school. This was her first experience of other people hating her because of her own religion. Anne wasn t able to speak to her friends, go to the cinema/theatre, go shopping, use a telephone or even go to the park. All of her everyday activities and rights were taken away. If this happened to me, I don t know what I would do to keep entertained. All this time spent in Holland, her father had foreseen what was happening and was planning to go into hiding. It finally happened in 1942. Anne was thirteen and had received the famous diary, her elder sister; Margot had been called in for a work camp. This was the final signal Otto needed. They moved into the secret annexe on July 6th, 1942. A week later they were joined by the Van Daan family and Mr Dussel the dentist. For two years they lived
  • 7. Ottis Toole Case Who would take a six year old boy and decapitate him? Who? Some agree with the fact that it is wrong to murder an innocent child. The main suspect in this case is Ottis Toole, for killing the victim, Adam Walsh. He had confessed to committing the murder. Toole was and is the long prime suspect in this case. Born March 5, 1947 in Jacksonville, Florida. He was raised by a single mother after his father deserted them. His mother has been reported to be cruel and both she and Toole s grandmother possessed extreme religious views. Toole admitted to committing his first murder at the age of 14. After being picked up by a traveling salesman who forced him to have sex, Toole ran the man down with his own car. As a boy, Toole was classified as developmentally... Show more content on ... Authorities made a series of crucial errors, losing the bloodstained carpeting in Toole s car preventing DNA testing and the car itself. It was a week after the boy s disappearance before the FBI got involved. To help solve the case. So many mistakes were made within the case, John Walsh said in 1997, upon the release of his book Tears of Rage, (about his son) Which harshly criticized the Hollywood Police Department s work on the case. It was shocking, inexcusable and heartbreaking. Adam s death, and his father s subsequent activism on his behalf, helped put faces on milk cartons, shopping bags and mailbox fliers, started fingerprinting programs and increased security at schools and stores. It spurred the creation of missing persons units at every large police department. It also prompted national legislation to create a national center, database and toll free line devoted to missing children, and led to the start of America s Most Wanted, which brought those cases into millions of homes. What it also did, said Mount Holyoke College sociologist and criminologist Richard Moran, is make children and adults alike exponentially more
  • 8. Huck s Dilemmas In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck finds himself in a myriad of dilemmas. Whether it is his own life or the life of another that is in peril, Huck makes decisions based on his moral compass. His code of ethics has been shaped by his onerous life and by the society he lives in. However, Huck sometimes strays from society s version of what is right and what is wrong. In those situations, Huck feels that he has done wrong because he does not realize that society s perception of ethicsis very narrow minded. After Huck tells Mary Jane the truth about her uncles he thinks, Pray for me! I reckoned if she [had known] me she d take a job that was more nearer her size. ... She had the grit to pray for Judas if she took the notion. Huck ... Show more content on ... Huck knows what is acceptable in society, but he constantly finds his conscience pulling him in the opposite direction. For instance, when Huck contemplates the fact that he is traveling with a runaway slave, he resolves to turn Jim in because of that is what society tells him is the right thing to do. He is paddling out to shore when Jim tells Huck that he was his best friend and the first white man to ever keep a secret for him. This deeply affects Huck and he realizes that he cannot turn Jim in, even when he runs into an assemblage of men searching for slaves that have run away. Twain is especially critical of slavery in Southern society in this novel. When Jim tells Huck he plans to earn enough money or find a way to steal his children away from their owner, Huck pities the slaveholder saying, Here was this [slave] which I had as good as helped to run away, ... saying he would steal his children children that belonged to a man I didn t even know; a man that hadn t even done me no harm. Huck is not a bad person; he is simply blinded by his time. Twain is pointing out the social irony of a man having to steal his children because a white man owned them. Huck does not see the world in black and white. He does not split the world into good people and bad people; to him, everything is relative. This is why, when Huck and Jim leave a band of murderers on a sinking ship, Huck uses his quick wit to save them. He acts on his scruples thinking, ... how dreadful it
  • 9. Parthenon Vs Pantheon Unit 2 Written Assignment For this paper I will be looking at two well known temples, which are two typical examples of classical architecture. Some features of this style of architecture have been used much later featured in neo classical architecture. Before making a comparison it is important to introduce the background of both examples being studied, the Parthenon and the Pantheon. The Parthenon of Ancient Greece The Parthenon was a temple, was just part of a major building campaign starting in 450 b.c. As one of the key surviving examples of classical architecture it has undergone major restoration since 1975 funded by the EU and the Greek government. This shows the significance of this structure. As recently as the 19th century, ... Show more content on ... Unlike the marble construction of the Parthenon this example is constructed from marble. As a result, and due to its continuous use throughout its history it is noted for being one of the best preserved ancient Roman buildings. In the 7th century, the building was converted into a church, much like Parthenon in Athens . At first glance, we can see some similarities in architectural styles being used. One of the most distinctive features is of course the use of pillars. This is often a feature that can also be found in neo classical architecture often as a homage to architecture both this classical period. However, behind this, there is differences with the two structures. One of the most significant differences is the material being used in the structure. While in the Parthenon in ancient Greece is constructed from marble the Pantheon of Rome has a different structure. Much of the structure is made from granite, this is particularly the case with the pillar construction. The use of pillars in both cases is essential to the original function of the temple. As noted previously, visitors to the temple would not be permitted to enter the building. The temple was built in dedication to a deity, such as Athena, in the case of the Parthenon in
  • 10. Auschwitz Essay Auschwitz Auschwitz was one of the most infamous and largest concentration camp known during World War II. It was located in the southwestern part of Poland commanded by Rudolf HГ¶ss. Auschwitz was first opened on June 14, 1940, much later than most of the other camps. It was in Auschwitz that the lives of so many were taken by methods of the gas chamber, crematoriums, and even from starvation and disease. These methods took several hundreds and sometimes more than a thousand lives a day. The majority of the lives killed were those of Jews although Gypsies, Yugoslavs, Poles, and many others of different ethnic backgrounds as well. The things most known about Auschwitz are the process people went through when entering the camp and... Show more content on ... For example, they sometimes would hand the prisoners a bar of soap so they would think that were actually going to take a shower. Usually in this case they were just led to the gas chambers. In these gas chambers, a form of Zyklon B was dropped in there, and once it made contact with air it changed to the gas form. After this, the bodies of the dead were taken to the crematoriums. Jewish prisoners were given the jobs of transferring the deceased bodies to the crematoriums. Every day many died. Almost one million people were killed in Auschwitz alone. The conditions of the camp were unbearable. The prisoners were barely fed, mainly bread and water, and were cramped in small sleeping arrangements. Hundreds slept in triple tiered rows of bunks (Adler 51). In the quarters that they stayed, there were no adequate cleaning facilities or restrooms for the prisoners. They rarely were able to change clothes which meant the clothes were always infested with lice (Swiebocka 18). Those were sick went to the infirmary where also there were eventually killed in the gas chambers or a lethal injection. The Germans did not want to have anyone not capable of hard work to live. Prisoners were also harshly punished for small things such as taking food or relieving themselves during work hours (Swiebocka 19). The biggest punishment was execution. The most common punishment was to receive lashings with a whip.
  • 11. The History of Disk Jockey s In 1935, American commentator Walter Winchell coined the term disc jockey (the combination of disc , referring to the disc records, and jockey , which is an operator of a machine) as a description of radio announcer Martin Block, the first announcer to become a star. While his audience was awaiting developments in the Lindbergh kidnapping, Block played records and created the illusion that he was broadcasting from a ballroom, with the nation s top dance bands performing live. The show, which he called Make Believe Ballroom, was an instant hit. The term disc jockeyappeared in print in Variety in 1941.[5] In 1943, Jimmy Savile launched the world s first DJ dance party by playing jazz records in the upstairs function room of the Loyal ... Show more content on ... Turntablism, the art of using turntables not only to play music, but to manipulate sound and create original music, began to develop. In 1974, Technics released the first SL 1200 turntable, which evolved into the SL 1200 MK2 in 1979, which as of the mid 2000s remains the industry standard for deejaying. In 1974, German electronic music band Kraftwerk released the 22 minute song Autobahn , which takes up the entire first side of that LP. Years later, Kraftwerk would become a significant influence on hip hop artists such as Afrika Bambaataa and house music pioneer Frankie Knuckles. During the mid 1970s, Hip hop music and culture began to emerge, originating among urban African Americans and Latinos in New York City. The four main elements of hip hop culture were MCing (rapping), DJing, graffiti, and breakdancing. In the mid 1970s, the soul funk blend of dance pop known as Disco took off in the mainstream pop charts in the United States and Europe, causing discotheques to experience a rebirth. Unlike many late 1960s, clubs, which featured live bands, discotheques used the DJs selection and mixing of records as the entertainment. In 1975, Record pools began, enabling disc jockeys access to newer music from the industry in an efficient method. In 1976, American DJ, editor, and producer Walter Gibbons remixed Ten Percent by Double Exposure, one of the earliest commercially released 12 singles (aka maxi single ). In 1977, Hip hop DJ Grand Wizard Theodore invented the
  • 12. Dumbbells If one of your resolutions this year is to get healthy or lose weight, then you probably must have considered joining a Gym to help you out with this. Starting a new healthy routine, a much less one where you regularly go to the Gym can be difficult. Starting an exercise program all of a sudden is not a simple task. A visit to your local gym can seem very intimidating. You look around and dazzled by the array of machines available there. Several questions starts to pop in your head like, what is it? How does it work? Will I be able to do it? Etc. even the vocabulary seems to appear like foreign language. However, the gym equipment is not as scary as it may appear to you in the beginning. All you have to do is begin with equipments which are ... Show more content on ... Dumbbell exercises are performed with a dumbbell in each hand by lifting it up and down. Most gyms have dumbbell rack that has an assortment of fixed weights dumbbells. they usually have dumbbells ranging from 5lbs to 100 plus lbs. it is recommended by professionals that as a beginner you must start from the 5 lbs and then later you can definitely upgrade to as much more as you want. Weight plates: There are different types of gym weight plates and bars varying from Olympic bar to EZ curling bar. Weight plates similar to dumbbells range from 2.5 lbs to 100 lbs. they are usually made from iron, however, many home gyms have plastic weight plates. Most of the people are familiar with York plastic barbell set. This is perfect for someone who is just starting out as the thickness of the plastic weight plates limit the amount of weight that can be placed on the dumbbells or barbells. Kettlebell: When confronted with all the equipment and accessories you will need to lose weight and get back in shape; it is easy to lose heart. Your saviour here can be kettlebells, one of the simplest exercising equipment. These are essentially cannon ball shaped weights with a large handle on top, giving it the appearance of its namesake. Kettlebells exercise combines cardio and strength training for time saving calorie
  • 13. Analysis Of The Book Daughter Of Time Josephine Tey s Daughter of Time is a story that gives the reader a role in being a detective, filling in Sherlock Holmes s shoes but with a twist. Within the first few chapters we meet Alan Grant, a famous inspector from England s Scotland Yard. He is confined in a hospital after sustaining an injury, leaving him immensely bored during his recovery there. Where he would trace and map out ceiling cracks for hours; after awhile he became acquainted with the nurses that would come in and out of his room. His actress friend Marta brings printed materials for Grant to read but he would reject them, the reason is not known. His antsy behavior shows that he craves a mental challenge. Grant eventually got what he wanted; Marta suggested that he should try solving an old mystery that no one has managed to solve. She brings him pictures, portraits of faces from different historical eras. During his recovery, he spends time analyzing the collection that Marta provides him. It s clear that Grant adopts Carr s and Elton s methodology into solving this case and without either of them it wouldn t be possible. He came across a picture of Richard III, who had accusations of killing his two nephews; his Brother Edward IV s sons. It is evident that Grant takes pride in his skills as an inspector and speculates that Edward III is not the perpetrator of the murders. From that point he undertakes the task of learning British history. Finding clues and piecing them together, disregarding
  • 14. One Decision Can Turn You Upside Down Short Story One Decision Can Turn You Upside Down When I was in 6th grade, two of my friends and I were doing what we always did, riding around on the golf cart staying out of trouble, having the best time. I have been friends with these two girls for almost ten years. We would tell each other anything and we always went for golf cart rides to talk about anything and everything. Since we were at a young age, we always would go ride around in the woods and laugh about random things. One night we got together and were doing what we regularly did. This night, in particular, was very eventful. The sun was still setting, the air was getting crisp, and the full moon was coming out. It was the beginning of fall and the leaves were bright with fall colors. ... Show more content on ... I reached for her legs tenaciously and during that time when I was pulling her back, the whole golf cart flipped on its side. After we had flipped it, we were all shocked and said nothing. We felt impotent. Because we were so young and had flipped this vehicle over, we then quickly realized that we had not only flipped the golf cart, but we had flipped it in my front yard. The large moon was in the sky, shining its light right on our mistake. We all knew that my dad could see us at any second. I knew that if he saw us he would have a grimace on his face, and if my dad would see us in this position, I would die. All at once we ran over to one side of the golf cart and started pushing it back up powerfully. Any act of succor would have been helpful during this time. Once we got it back on all four tires, I looked to see if there was any damage to the golf cart, thankfully, there was none. We then all got back onto the golf cart and started to laugh about what had just happened. After we had shakily giggled for a while we started to talk about what could have happened in that brief moment if we were sitting in different positions, or if someone had hit their head. If something bad had happened our lives could have changed. We talked to each other about what we thought had just happened. If I would have hit my head on the steering wheel, I could
  • 15. Nonprofit Organizations Paper Nonprofit organizations contribute many services within the communities they service. Their goal is to meet their mission and one of the main ways this may be accomplished is through their financial operations. Depending on the organizations size and mission some nonprofit organizations operate as charities where others operate more through philanthropy. Ostrower (1995) examined how charity is specifically directed towards the poor and focuses on meeting an immediate need. Philanthropy includes charity but also encompasses the wider range of public giving for public purposes (p. 4). In the following paper, it will briefly examine how nonprofit organizations utilize budgeting as a planning tool, management tool, and a communications tool.... Show more content on ... Budgeting is a tool which assists nonprofit organizations in meeting their short and long term goals. McLaughlin (2016) stated Budgets are intended to be a tool, a means to an end, not a holy grail (p. 163). Budgets are looking at the future of organizations. Utilizing budgeting as a planning tool includes setting short and long term goals with specific targets to meet within six months, one year, three years, and five years. Larger nonprofit organizations which have established credibility within communities may have more steady revenue streams through donations, government funding, and established endowments to assist with their financial goals. For smaller nonprofit organizations, they must build new relationships, establish trust, and build credibility within the community they service. The goal of a nonprofit is to meet their mission, planning lays out a road map for the organization to follow. Budgeting as a management tool entails meeting day to day tasks by following a financial plan of allotted funding for daily wages, having the right volunteers for needed areas, meeting monthly expenses, and creating a fundraising plan to increase capital for the
  • 16. Embedded System for Milk Analyzer and Billing Embedded System for Milk Analyzer and Billing Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION TO MILK COLLECTION SYSTEM 1.1 INTRODUCTION While we were in search of problems In the society, with keeping in mind that engineering is a technical solution of a any problem, we decide to look at common man s problem. At the same time in month of june11, Milk adulteration problem was on the top of media, so we thought why not explore this problem. The Dairy industry in India is generally co operative .The primary milk provided to the dairy are farmers who do not process their milk and give it in the raw form to the co operative dairy. Since more no. of farmers are depositing their milk in the dairy, it is a daily task of the dairy to assess the quality of... Show more content on ... The Micro Processor Based Milk Collection System Milko testers reduce the time taken to ascertain the quality and the fat content of milk which in turn helps in overcoming all associated problems of the traditional method of testing such as storage of samples, and handling of corrosive chemicals. However, the calculation and payment of bills remained as cumbersome as ever since the bills were still 2 Embedded System for Milk Analyzer and Billing being calculated manually. The NDDB, in 1988, took up a project to develop an integrated milk collection system to effect immediate calculation and payment of bills to the farmer. For this REIL and M/s ATE Enterprises Ltd. developed prototypes that were tested in two villages in Kheda district, namely Mogri and Bedwa REIL developed milk collection system: This system has been operational in Mogri for the past several years. It consists of three pieces of equipment, as shown in Figure 4.1, placed alongside each other: (a) the Electronic Milk Tester (EMT); (b) the Milk Weighing System (MWS); and (c) the Data Processor (DP). When the NDDB financed the project in the early 1990s for the micro processor based automatic milk collection stations (AMCs) the cost was about $2,250 (approximately Rs 96,800), which included the micro processor, weighing machine,
  • 17. Case Study Of Emtel Company background Founded in 1989, Emtel Ltd became the first mobile telephony operation in the southern hemisphere (, 2017). Since its establishment in Mauritius in 1996, it has evolved into a one stop shop for ICT solutions and providing access to many services and expertise. During mid 1999, the company introduced new means of communication, namely, SMS mobile email and 6 party conferencing. Emtel was the first to integrate music and mobile telephony along with roaming facilities to its prepaid customers. The company is ISO 9001 certified by the British Standards Institution (, 2017). In 2015, the company launched the first fibre in air so as to provide Mauritians internet access through fibre. In 2015, the shares of Emtel were equally owned by Millicom... Show more content on ... Create urgency: Make everyone aware of the need for change by showing statistics or status in market place. According to Kotter you have to work really hard on Step 1, and spend significant time and energy building urgency, before moving onto the next steps (, 2017). This will motivate employees to participate in change process. 2.Build coalition: Convince the employees that the change is essential for the company. In this step, you need to bring the best leader and team members from different departments, expertise and political importance. 3.Form strategic vision: Have the big picture in view along with roadmap to achieve the desired output. A clear pathway will help employees what is expected from them and what they need to do to achieve success. The directives and strategies will enable them to execute the vision. 4.Communicate the vision: The vision need to be conveyed at every opportunity you get through any medium. This will ensure that the new vision has fully reached and adopted by the whole company and that everyone is working towards the same
  • 18. The Harmful Effects of No Child Left Behind The Harmful Effects of NCLB The No Child Left Behind act is the Bush administration s sweeping educational reform, aimed at improving the performance of the nation s public schools by introducing accountability. Supporters of the act claim that it will increase the performance of all school children by raising the standards and allowing parents greater freedom in choosing the school they want their child to attend. The act also puts in place a system of punishment for schools if their student body does not perform to the standards set down by the National government (NCLB act). As well as increasing standards, this act also encourages teachers to use a curriculum which the government developed with scientifically based research (a ... Show more content on ... She had wanted to tell him that he didn t have to take the test, and that he could do something else until the other children were done, but because of the NCLB act, she had to make him sit there for the entire test period while he cried uncontrollably. This type of overarching test not only prevents teachers from catering to lower performing students; it also prevents them from challenging the exceptional students. When a teacher is required to teach all of the children at the same level, it prevents many kids from learning to their potential; instead forming an environment in which every child strives for mediocrity. Many teachers complain that all of the joy of teaching, the very reasons why they went into the profession, have been replaced by prescripted lessons and impossible standards (Tyre 1). One teacher from Ohio describes how she teaches words by pointing at each letter and having the kids tell her the sound, and then asking the class as a whole what the word is (this lesson coming from a book of 200 pre made lessons) (Wood 13). These types of universal instruction abound through all public schools. It is clear that when teachers are required to teach this way, they will be unable to cater to specific children s needs, instead pushing them all toward the same, standardized goal. I observed this effect with my own eyes while tutoring for a 3rd
  • 19. Maggie s Dynamic Character In Everyday Use By Alice Walker Everyday Use , by Alice Walker, is a story of Mrs. Johnson and her two daughters, Dee and Maggie, whose personalities are totally different. In this story, Walker uses two hand stitched quilts to symbolize the inheritance. Walker explain her characters as someone who accept African American heritage and appreciate its values. The mom is a dynamic character because of the change in her way of judging her two daughters and finally acknowledging the beauty of Maggie. Maggie, too, is a dynamic character compared to Dee because Dee s character remains the same throughout the story. Walker has written Everyday Use with a historical touch, especially when Mrs. Johnson speaks about Maggie receiving the quilts her ancestors made. However, Dee, Maggie s... Show more content on ... The story takes place at Mrs. Johnson s house, where Mrs. Johnson and Maggie are waiting for Dee to come over for a visit. Mrs. Johnson raised two daughters on her own. She does not see herself as a bright and beautiful woman but takes pride in being able to work like a man. She is proud of her yard and the hard work she and Maggie have done to make it look when Dee comes to visit. Mama is portrayed as a large, big boned woman with rough, man working hands (Walker). She also makes reference in being able to kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man (Walker). These assertions do not portray her as being the typical elegant and aesthetic mother but women who can do anything to make her daughters delighted and joyous. She does, nevertheless, enjoy doing countless things. She also dreams of having a prosperous life. Mama and Maggie are both more fascinated in the practicality of objects around them more than anything else. Alice Walker draws images through her words of three women in a family. Mrs. Johnson is affable and tough. Mrs. Johnson s inner monologue suggests us a glimpse of the limits of a mother s unconditional love and her devotion towards her children. Mama is a practical character. When she says, But of course all this does not show on television , it can inferred that though she dreams of things she wanted to do, she is a person with her both feet on the ground. She knows that those things sound good only in imagination but they are not conceivable. Critic David White advocates, Mama takes pride in the practical aspects of her nature and that she has not spent a great deal of time contemplating abstract concepts such as heritage... [but her lack of education] does not prevent her from having an inherent understanding of heritage (White). She is a spiritual woman. She characterizes one of her actions in
  • 20. Essay on Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death listed in the United States. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness. In 1996 diabetes contributed to more than 162,000 deaths (Lewis 1367). Diabetes mellitus is not a single disease but a group of disorders with glucose intolerance in common (McCance 674). Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar) and results from defective insulin production, secretion, and utilization. There are many forms of diabetes. Diabetes increases the risk of heart and blood vessel disease, amputation, infections, kidney damage, eye problems (including blindness), and nerve malfunction (Husain). I will briefly define the ... Show more content on ... According to McCance the diagnosis of diabetes is based on (1) more than one fasting plasma glucose level greater than 140mg/dl, (2) elevated plasma glucose levels in response to an oral glucose test, and random plasma glucose levels above 200mg/dl combined with classic symptoms of polydipsia, polyphagia, and polyuria (674). The pancreas is located partially behind the stomach in the abdomen. The pancreas is a mixed gland composed of endocrine and exocrine gland cells. These cells are called acinar cells. Acinar cells, forming the bulk of the gland, produce an enzyme rich juice that is ducted into the small intestine during food digestion. Scattered among the acinar cells are approximately a million pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans), minute cell clusters that produce pancreatic hormones. The islets contain two major populations of hormone producing cells, the glucagen synthesizing alpha cells and the more numerous insulin producing beta cells. Insulin and glucagons are intimately but independently involved in the regulation of the blood glucose levels. Their effects are opposite: Insulin is a hypoglycemic hormone (lowers blood sugar), whereas glucagon is a hyperglycemic hormone (increases blood glucose.) Islet cells also synthesize other peptides in small amounts. These include somatostatin
  • 21. C Elegans Research Proposal Paper Michelle Orta C. elegans Research Proposal Genetics Laboratory 3452 Section 501 TA: Melissa Lewallen April 3rd, 2018 Table of Contentsоїї Table of Contents2 Abstract3 Introduction3 Research Hypothesis3 Method4 Expected results4 Figure and Tables4 Bibliography5оїѕ Abstract This is a brief description of the hypothesis and the goals of the experiment. It should indicate what questions you, as a researcher, will be seeking to answer. Introduction The nematodes Caenorhabditis elegans are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both the female and male reproductive organs. In fact, C. elegans produce sperm that is stored in both the spermatheca and oocytes. There is an egg laying defect that can occur in C.elegans. The effect ... Show more content on ... A forward genetics screen occurs when one starts by determining a biological process of interest, produces a mutagenized population, screens for phenotype of interest, analysis a mutant with a specific phenotype, maps the gene of interest, and conducts more screens to identify other genes that are associated with those mutants. And a reverse screen is when one has the analysis of a gene and studies the phenotype associated with it when it is mutated. To complete this experiment a forward genetics screen is needed. The materials needed are C. elegans, 20 plates to place and transfer the worms, 20 mini plates to place and transfer the worms, a microscope to view the worms, a glass pipette and a piece of platinum wire to create a worm pick, a bunsen burner to sterilize the pick, a notebook and pen to record the data obtained, and a lock to secure our experiment. The purpose of this experiment is to obtain multiple mutagenized C. elegans and allow the P0 generation to grow to a F2 generation and observe if there were any egg laying phenotypes present. To complete this experiment, I would first place a single mutagenized N2s in each of the POA1 POA5 plates. After 12 24 hours have passed and the eggs have been laid, I would move the 5 adult worms who were originally placed in each of the POA1 POA5 plates to POB1 POB5 plates according to their number. After the PO generation have grown a
  • 22. The Founding Principles Of The Fourier Series FOURIER SERIES AND ITS SOME APPLICATIONS P. Sathyabama Assistant professor, Department of Mathematics, Bharath collage of science and management, Thanjavur 5 Abstract The Fourier Series, the founding principle behind the field of Fourier Analysis, is an infinite expansion of a function in terms of sines and cosines.In physics and engineering,expanding functions in terms of sines and cosines is useful because it allows one to more easily manipulate functions.In particular, the fields of electronics, quantum mechanics, and electrodynamics all make heavy use of the Fourier series. Key words: Fourier Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform, Convolution Transforms I.INTRODUCTION The Fourier Series, the founding principle behind the field of Fourier Analysis, is an infinite expansion of a function in terms of sines and cosines or imaginary exponentials. The series is defied in its imaginary exponential form as follows: ... Show more content on ... Since sines and cosines (and in turn imaginary exponentials) form an orthogonal set1, this series converges for any moderately well behaved function f(x) .Examples of the Fourier Series for different wave forms are given in figure I. II.THE FAST FOURIER TRANSFORMS The Fourier Series is only capable of analyzing the frequency components of certain, discretefrequencies (integers) of a given function. In order to study the casewhere the frequency components of the sine and cosineterms are continuous, the concept of the Fourier Transform must be introduced. The imaginary exponential form of the Fourier Transform is defined as
  • 23. Summary Of Software Prefects Abstract Early predictions of software defects during software development life cycle play a vital role to produce successful software project. Besides, it reduces the cost of software development, maintains high quality, improves software testing and facilitates procedures to identify defect prone of software packages. We need more research studies today to improve convergence across research studies due to its use a different of inconsistent measurements. Therefore, to avoid several types of bias: different sizes of the dataset are used in our study to avoid the bias of data. Comparative studies relied on appropriate accuracy indicators suitable for the software defect model are utilized to overcome the problems of bias error in... Show more content on ... Therefore, if we can identify which modules in software most probably to be defective it can help us to reduce our limited resources and time of development [2]. Based on the specific types of software metrics in the previous research studies, numbers of predictive classification model are proposed for software quality it can explore the defectives in some of the software modules by using several types of classifiers such as decision tree [3], SVM [4], ANN [5] and NaГЇve Bayes [6]. The classification model is one of the most common approaches used for early prediction of software defects [7], including two categories: Fault Prone (FP) software and Non Fault Prone (NFP) software. The prediction model represented by a set of code attribute or software metrics [7, 8]. The objective of this research is utilized ensemble learning method that combines the vote of multiple learner classifiers by using the different subset of feature to improve the accuracy of supervised learning. Another advantage of ensemble methods, it enhances the performance by using different types of classifiers together because it reduces the variance between them and keeps bias error rate without increasing. Two main types of ensemble methods [9]: Bagging and Boosting techniques [10]. The first one depends on subsampling of the training dataset by replacement sample and generates training subset then
  • 24. Example Of Interpersonal Communication Concept Application Paper Interpersonal communication is critical in daily communication and career success. Often, human beings communicate through nonverbal actions, gestures or behaviors. We solemnly communicate to others through what we wear, how we walk, our favorite meal, and many other things we do consciously or unconsciously. In an effort to understand the concepts of interpersonal communication, a field experiment was conducted within the college vicinity. At Oregon State University, we have a strict equal opportunity and access program. A strict bullying policy is in place. I am interested to see how this experiment could potentially break this policy. The aim of the experiment was to increase our understanding of the impact of communication concepts related to self concept, culture, perception and nonverbal communication in day to day activities. In the experiment, I decided to dress up in an fancy dress and official shoes to three classes for a day. My makeup was overly done, clearly noticeable for anyone who sees me day day. Throughout my school life, I have never had to wear a fancy dress, other than formal recruitment for Panhellenic. It is also very rare to see any of my fellow classmates in fancy attire. The normal atmosphere of Oregon State University is to spot most of the students wearing casual clothing or rain gear, which is preferred by the majority. Although there are no school regulations or rules prohibiting wearing fancy attire, students
  • 25. ABC Company Chase Introduction to ABC Company Chase As one of the oldest, largest and best known financial institutions in the world, the ABC Company Chase has been conducting first class business in a first class manner for over two hundred (200) years. As one of the world s top contender among global banks, this organization operates in approximately one hundred and fifty (150) countries, with global leadership positions traversing the financial sector. Their clientele includes governments, states, corporations, municipalities, educational institutions, healthcare organizations, banks, and investors. This world renowned financial institution provides complex loans, strategic advice, and raises capital with businesses worldwide. A member of our team as... Show more content on ... This effort would involve changes in workplace ergonomics, defined as the connection between the employee and its work environment. (Finna Fogacs, 2010, p. 59). Finna and Fogacs, authors of an article published in Perspectives of Innovations, Economics Business, suggest a number of possible enhancements management could make in the workplace. These include attention to lighting and noise levels, the introduction of elements of nature such as plants and scenic screensavers, the placement and design of office furniture, and environmental settings such as internal temperature, humidity, and general ventilation. The study s authors suggest that exact measures to be implemented could be decided upon by management following a survey of their
  • 26. Effects Of Being Mixed Race On The Rural South Essay Effects of being Mixed Race in the Rural South The mixing of races in the rural South was frowned upon up by society beginning as early as the start of slavery. Although the practice of mixing races was seen as a taboo, slave owners often had children with their slaves. The children of the slave owners and slaves were of mixed race, known as the mulatto, having half black and half white genetics. When races continued to be mixed, measurements were created by the Creoles of Louisiana as a system of determining how mixed an individual was. This caste system was used as a universal understanding of how much black a mixed person had in their genetics. The issue of race was not simply based on the color of skin, it was about the genetic make up and history of the individual. Having any percentage of black heritage was seen as a distasteful. The problem of being a mixed race is the highlight of authors Victor SГ©jour and Kate Chopin in their narratives The Mulatto and .DГ©sirГ©e s Baby . Both writers portray a character who struggles with their roots and societal pressure to conform to what society views as right and wrong. Beginning with The Mulatto by Victor SГ©jour, the author tells a story within a story of a former slave named Georges. In this narrative, SГ©jour mentions several different aspects a slave, in particular a mulatto, encounters, including issues of broken families, the denial of human affection, double relation of father and master, and hatred. Kate Chopin
  • 27. Importance of Creativity Why is creativity an important aspect of business organization? Explain the major issues facing the manager in encouraging creativity in the organization and supporting creative people in order to improve performance. Creativity is an important aspect of business organization. This is particularly important as companies are facing continuous changes in the global economy. Change is a continuously phenomenon which happens to the organizations both internally and externally that organizations need to make creative plans and reactions towards predictable or unpredictable challenges. The organizational environment has been changing rapidly. It is a set of forces and conditions outside the organization s boundaries that have the ... Show more content on ... He stated that finding innovative solutions requires imagination and creativity, while creativity is a necessary preliminary to innovation. Hence, creativity is important to the performance of organizations. Although creativity generally leads people to think of new products, we should not limit creativity in other areas such as new forms of organization, new markets, new production processes, that is anything new to the present organization structure, culture and functions of the organization. Hence, some types of problems which require creative thinking are listed as follows. But there is limitless application of creative thinking (University of Leicester, 2007, p. 90): пЃ¬how to make more effective use of resources including management time, пЃ¬how to improve a product s appeal to customers, пЃ¬how to increase staff motivation, пЃ¬how to identify new business opportunities, пЃ¬how to improve the quality of production output, пЃ¬defining the vision/mission/objectives of the organization, and пЃ¬looking for a new organization of work flows. If an organization is able to make effective use of resources which has becoming more scarce and costly, such as the continual rise of oil prices, the organization will be able to create cost advantage over its competitors. Managers at Louis Vuitton, the most profitable luxury brand in the world, have succeeded in
  • 28. Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey I don t know why my life is of interest to you, as far as I m concerned, I didn t do anything miraculous, like raise the dead or cure cancer. But if my story will motivate someone to fight against human injustice, then I will tell you all about it. My story began as Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, on a cold February day around 1818, in Talbot County, Maryland. I was born into slavery, to a black woman, Harriet Bailey, and a white father, who I would never know. They took me from my grandmother at six years of age, to begin the life of a field slave, where I was beaten, forced to eat from a food trough, like and animal, and sleep on the bare floor. Two years later, after my owner s death, his wife sent me to serve her... Show more content on ... She provided me with some of her savings and a sailor s uniform. And days after my arrival, I sent for her and on September 15th, we were married. We moved to Massachusetts, and there we adopted the marital name Douglass, to prevent recapture. This is where the man you call Frederick Douglass was created. I continued my work against slavery, by telling my story at abolitionist meetings, and eventually delivering my first speech at the Massachusetts Anti Slavery Society s convention. In 1845, things really got crazy. I began working with William Lloyd Garrison, a well known writer of a weekly journal, called The Liberator. It was because of his advising, that I wrote my first autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. My book was a bestseller, but it brought unwanted attention. They would not let me forget, I was still a runaway slave. As a result, I fled to Ireland to prevent recapture. For the next two years, I remained in Ireland and Britain, speaking on the evil called slavery. After years of slavery and hiding, I returned to the United States a free man, thanks to the seven hundred and ten dollars paid by my British supporters, for my freedom. There was never a more magnificent feeling, than knowing you are free to move about the country, without fear of being captured. It seemed like I was
  • 29. How Does Macbeth’s Character Change from Act 2 Scene 2... How does Macbeth s character change from Act 2 Scene 2 to Act 5 Scenes 3 and 5? The tragic masterpiece Macbeth by William Shakespeare, starts with the evil curse of three witches. Act 1 Scene 1 introduces the audience to the witches, showing them what malevolence they are capable of, and how then plan to deceive Macbeth, in fact the scene is the crafting of the trick they plot for him. Once the witches decide when they shall meet and when the act finishes with a chorused three lines, creating mystery before exiting the stage. Making a statement, Lady Macbeth enters with the next act boldly; her manner shows her obvious confidence in the plot (to murder Duncan) she developed, perhaps mistakably. She describes the night in which the ... Show more content on ... It is not only Macbeth s transitions but his wife s too which makes the play so enthralling, unique and most importantly unforgettable. The transitions are not what you would expect from the title Macbeth and his wife later hold King and Queen Macbeth of Scotland. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth behave extremely differently in Act 5 Scene 3 to Act 2 Scene 2. Macbeth is suddenly a commanding and courageous King and fighter while the once authoritative Lady Macbeth suffers an incredible guilt, not only of the core responsibility of Duncans death but she is also partly responsible for Macbeth s terrible turn for the worst. Macbeths alteration undoubtedly turned him into a power hungry man who has no fear of anything or one, the explanation for his tremendous self belief is the prophecy. The witches prophecy describes that no man born of woman will defeat Macbeth and that it would take the trees of the wood would to destroy his castle. This extract from Act 5 Scene 3 (before the battle) shows how greatly Macbeth relys on the prophecies for security. What s the boy Malcolm? Was he not born of woman? The spirits that know all mortal consequences have pronounced me thus: fear not, Macbeth; no man that s born of woman shall e er have power upon thee. This quote proves that Macbeth is not afraid of the battles outcomes because he really trusts that he is invincible. Macbeth s behaviour worsens as he became angered at a blameless servant, insulting and
  • 30. Johannes Kepler Johannes Kepler, a distinguished German astronomer, mathematician and philosopher was well known for devising and validating three laws of planetary motion now known as Kepler s Laws. Kepler was born December 27, 1571 in Weil der Stadt in Swabia, Germany. In 1576 he moved and enrolled in the Latin school there in Leonberg. Eight years late, Johannes joined the Protestant seminar at Adelberg and began his university schooling at the Protestant University of Tubingen studying Theology. While continuing his graduate studies in 1591, he became highly influenced by a mathematics professor by the name of Michael Maestlin, a strong believer of heliocentric theory first established by Nicolaus Copernicus, a polish astronomer. Kepler acknowledged Copernican s theory instantaneously and believed that Copernicans universal ordering had to be God s creation. Three years later, Kepler was employed at the Protestant seminary in Graz, Styria as a professor, teaching mathematics. Kepler taught arithmetic, geometry and rhetoric for six years. During this time he discovered an intricate theory that could explain the distance between the orbits of the planets, presuming that they were circular. Kepler then suggested that the sun... Show more content on ... After Brahe s death in 1601, Johannes Kepler took on the position as an imperial mathematician and court astronomer for the Holy Roman emperor, Rudolf II. In 1609, Kepler published his first two laws in Astronomia Nova . The laws stated The orbit of a planet is an ellipse where one focus of the ellipse is the sun , and A line from the planets to the sun sweep out equal areas in equal
  • 31. Essay Psuedopsychology vs the Scientific Method Humans have inhabited the Earth for thousands of years and it is perceived by many that we are among the most intellectual species on this planet. Although having lived on this planet for so long, being able to distinguish fact from fiction has escaped the minds of many. People of today s society are easily influenced by what is told to them instead of what can be proven. Believing in something that has no scientific evidence is not only absurd but can be classified simply as ignorance. Many of the erratic ideas that are believed by many today have originated in a time where superstition was more popular than science. These beliefs appear to be proven by science, but in reality are not valid and frequently confused with... Show more content on ... All procedure varies from field to field but the steps must be repeatable to predict future results and this is where psudopsychology and fact clash. Replicating the methods is tricky for those who are practicing these psychologies because they have to do it a certain way in order for the beliefs of everyone to remain the same. Horoscopes and Astrology: A man who made the practice of horoscopes and astrology susceptible to Christians allowed for these beliefs to spread throughout the world in the 1600 s was William Lilly. During his time he was seen as a great prophet, and became famous for predicting The Great Fire of London through one of his hieroglyphic drawings (McCann, 1990). The Great Fire of London happened on September 2, 1666 and it started out as a small fire in the bakeshop of Thomas Forger destroying about 430 acres of land including 13,000 house, 89 churches and many other buildings leaving countless homeless. This fire occurred 14 years after William Lilly predicted one, and at this time London has been prone to having fires due to its infrastructure. Most of the houses and other buildings were made of wood and highly flammable, causing something that started as a house fire to a fire that engulfed a great majority of London. This hasn t been the only great fire that this city has witnessed. Along with the fire of 1633 and 1676, the fire of 1666 has increased its caliber of destruction primarily because of the city s construction
  • 32. Marimekko Venture Into India MARIMEKKO INTEREST IN ENTERING THE INDIAN MARKET вЃѓWORLD S SECOND LARGEST POPULATION. WILL BECOME FIRST IN 2020 вЃѓHIGH ECONOMIC GROWTH. LAST YEAR BEING 8%. SURPASS GERMAN ECONOMY IN 2015 вЃѓHUGH MIDDLE INCOME POPULATION. BY 2025, WILL BECOME UPPER WITH HIGH DISPOSABLE INCOME вЃѓEXODUS OF NON RESIDENT INDIANS BACK TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HIGH GROWTH вЃѓWORLD S LARGEST DEMOCRACY вЃѓLARGE LOW COST HIGHLY EDUCATED LABOR AVAILABLE CAMPAIGN MARIMEKKO BRAND SIGNIFIES CHANGE AND INDIAIS CHANGING FAST. SO THE CAMPAIGN MARIMEKKO SHOULD ADOPT IS IT S TIME FOR CHANGE FINLAND 1951 PEOPLE WANTED CHANGE AFTER LONG WAR AND REBUILDING INDIA 1991 ... Show more content on ... Along the way, spending patterns will shift significantly as discretionary purchases capture a majority of consumer spending. The study also suggest that if india can achieve 7.3 percent annual growth a reasonable assumption if economic reforms continue consumer spending will quadruple from about 17 trillion rupees($3.72 billion) in 2005 to 70 trillion rupees in 2025. The dramatic growth in India s middle class from 50 million(5% of population) to 583 million people(41% of population), will power the surge. Spending patterns will shift dramatically as expenditures grow rapidly from personal products to consumer electronics. The middle class will dominate the cities as three quarters of India s urbanities will be part of the middle class compared with just one tenth today. For many companies the sheer scale of this middle class will ensure that it receives significant attention. Companies also should t underestimate the market presented by the country s most affluent consumers : those earning $21,890 a year in 2000 dollar terms, or $117,650 in terms of PPP. That group will total 24 million in 2025, more than the current population of Australia. By that year too, India s affluent class will be larger than China s comparable segment,
  • 33. Nursing Conversation Analysis After getting assigned this assignment, I have been thinking about what kind of conversations I should be looking out for or taking part of. I noticed that I was analyzing every conversation too much. It wasn t until the weekend after receiving this assignment, I took place in an interesting conversation at work. I am a Licensed Nursing Assistant at Bedford Hills Nursing Home. It was right after I came back from taking my lunch. I was walking back to and all of a sudden one of my fairly new patients, a very nice little old man, called me over. He got my attention by saying Hey skinny , which I barely understood because his voice is just so rough. Now he is usually so sweet to me so I was shocked when he called me that, but I laughed it... Show more content on ... I did not care what we talked about, and I am sure he did not either. It was quite a successful conversation, I asked him questions and he asked me questions also. We could have talked all day, I was sad when I had to walk away and keep working. The roles in this conversation were an elder to a child and a patient to a nurse. I think that the conversation and listening skills that helped the conversation go well was that we were both truthful, kept the conversation going, had some laughs, asked questions, did not interrupt each other, empathized, and I got physically ready to listen because I bent down to get to his level since he is in a wheelchair. I think that the one thing that could have been used to improve this conversation was if the conversation was the speaking was balanced. He talked more, which I did not mind because I realized how lonely he actually is and just wants to talk to someone. I believe that the external noise distracted him more than me because he would look away at anyone walking by, but I did not mind it. For me, I think that the internal noise, like my thoughts of realizing how lonely he was took over, but I could still focus on the conversation, because it was very important to
  • 34. Essay on Advice on Links Simulation LINKS Simulation Reference Notes Background: About LINKS: * LINKS is a supply chain management simulation * It details all the steps that go into efficiently running a supply chain and how they are interrelated including: analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. * Your team can view the results from lasts month s decision on the LINKS website under the Excel Monthly Results. You should look at trends to determine how your decisions affect your performance. * Although your team might have high customer satisfaction or a high stock price, your performance in regards to the overall competition is determined via a multi dimensional scorecard that takes the following criteria into account: * efficiency (input ... Show more content on ... * Remember to open up Region 4 ASAP! This will increase your customer base and net you greater sales. * Insource RFID to reduce unnecessary future costs. Take the initial hit and you will save money in the long run. * Record goals, objectives, and decisions during each period to facilitate the creation of the final presentation. An example of a goal is implement a new forecasting technique in month 5 to improve accuracy. An example of an objective is increase forecasting accuracy for months 5, 6, 7 to 84% on average. An example of a decision is implemented 3 month weighted forecasting technique in month 5. * Understand Key Performance Indicators (KPI s) and how they affect your overall performance. How does your customer satisfaction level and fill rate affect your customer satisfaction rating? Getting Started (Strategy): * Teams need to understand how they measure success. Will you be happy with net income to revenue percentage of 10% but a low customer satisfaction rating? * Determine overall strategy...customer satisfaction maximization? Stock price maximization? Efficiency maximization? * Teams must compromise. You may develop a hybrid strategy that includes a little bit of each. * Try to tie your key performance indicators to
  • 35. Braveheart Patrick Henry Analysis Liberty is something that can motivate people to take drastic actions, even go into war. One piece that exemplifies this is Patrick Henry s Speech to the Virginia Council, in which, Patrick Henry claims that people should fight for their liberty. It can also be seen in the movie Braveheart, by Mel Gibson, during William Wallaces speech to his soldiers. Both men use their emotionally charged speeches to try to get their audiences to fight for their liberty. Both Patrick Henry and, the character, William Wallace use the idea of liberty to motivate their audiences. When Patrick Henry addressed the Virginia Convention, he used the ideals of liberty from an oppressor. Patrick Henry once pleaded, Give me liberty or give me death, (85). In this quote Henry cries for a government of his choosing, Henry is trying to exclaim for the audiencethat they should want to live how they desire and not how someone else desires them to live. As a closing to his argument this emotionally charged statement is how Henry tries to rally the crowd. Henry used emotion throughout his speech, in the beginning Henry exclaimed, ... I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery... (83). He is telling the Convention that the British are practically enslaving the colonists because they are forcing them around with soldiers. Henry also uses this to motivate people to fight for their beliefs. Because Henry uses emotion, motivation, and rebellion from oppression Henry focussed on
  • 36. Kinky Boots Analysis Kinky Boots: Still Stunningly Flashy Kinky Boots is a stunningly flashy Broadway musical that tugs on the heartstrings with its equally stunning clichГ©s. With its plot originally conceived as a British film in 2005, the stage production was not produced until 2012 and was based on the book written by Harvey Fierstein. Furthermore, the show did not find its way to Broadway until 2013. When it debuted, the show opened to critical acclaim with Billy Porter and Stark Sands originating the roles of lead characters Lola and Charlie. Since its Broadway debut, Kinky Boots has been a smashing commercial success. Over the years, Kinky Boots has swapped out the actors in its cast many times. However, the original leading actors of the show, Billy Porter and Stark Sands, have returned once again to play Lola and Charlie in 2017. Kinky Boots, directed by Jerry Mitchell with music and lyrics by Cyndi Lauper, follows the story of Charlie Price when he inherits his family s shoe factory from his father. The factory has fallen on hard times with sales reaching depressing lows and the factory bleeding cash flow. All seems lost until Charlie has a fateful meeting with drag performer Lola, who inspires Charlie to reinvent the factory and produce a new line of high heeled boots in an unlikely partnership. Tensions mount and personalities clash as their production deadline nears, but in the end the partners realize that they have more in common than meets the eye. With the shows prime
  • 37. Effect of the Different Types of Substrates on the... I. Background of the Study: Official figures show that plastics make up around 25% of the garbage that metro manila churns out, while an independent survey conducted by Eco waste Coalition and Greenpeace on the composition of discards on manila bay in 2006 found that 51% were plastic bags,19% sachets and junk food wrappers, 5% Styrofoam, 1% hard plastics,10% rubber, 13% biodegradable wastes (Cayetano, 2008; /pressreleasedetails.php?recordID=175) Biodegradable plastics are degradable plastics on which the degradation results from the action of naturally occurring micro organisms such as bacteria, fungi , and algae (info@epi These plastics are broken down into water, carbon dioxide, methane and... Show more content on ... Another three aluminum trays ( 7 x 9 ) were labeled L1, L2, L3. Five hundred grams of loam soil were placed in each 3 tray. One hundred mL of tap water were mixed with the soils. Plastics strips labeled C1, C2, and C3 were placed in trays labeled C1, C2 and C3 containing ( compost soils). Plastics strips L1, L2 and L3were placed in trays L1, L2 and L3 containing ( loam soil ). Five hundred mL of ( sea water ) were placed each in three glass jars. The jars were labeled S1, S2 and S3. In another three jars, 500mL of tap water were placed. The jars were labeled T1, T2 and T3. Plastic strips labeled S1, S2 and S3 were placed in jars containing sea water while plastics strips T1, T2 and T3 were placed in jars containing tap water. The plastic were immersed in different substrates last September 9, 2008. The set ups were placed in the Biology laboratory room and were observed from time to time. Physical observations of the plastic strips were made on the following dates: September 24, 2008,October 6, 2008, and November 15, 2008. Last November 15, 2008, the plastic strips were harvested from the different substrates. They were washed with tap water and air dried for 48 hours. Physical changes in each strip were noted and recorded. Pictures of the plastic strips were also taken to observe changes before they were immersed in the different substrates and after immersion for about two months. The dry weights in grams of each plastic strips were
  • 38. Carl, The Prince Of A Dragon And Princess Carl Wong, the son of a dragon and princess, had no knowledge of his parents and origins as a youth. Until the day he turned eighteen when there was a great famine in China, his foster father revealed 5 Save the kingdom, seek vengeance for your father, the dragon king! Your father slain like a pig, and fell to the hands of the evil king. Carl, son of the dragon, fight and slay the evil king mercilessly, for then you will free your nation, and bring righteousness to all. Now Carl, 10 you must depart into the wilderness and search for the capital and slay King Horribus before the people die of starvation. Carl was introverted and was reluctant in leaving the house and into the unknowns of the outer world. 15 A few days later... Show more content on ... The old beggar revealed a large sword as magnificent as diamonds, This sword, he declared in a booming voice, is as mighty as steel, and as sharp as a knife. It will help you kill anything! Also, Carl, you have inherited powers 35 of a dragon and can blast fire from the palm of your hand when you are provoked. Enough talking. Hurry, let us set off before our people starve! Carl and Albert sprinted into a boat that was departing from the dock to the capital. They sailed swiftly 40 to the capital, but as they neared their destination, pirates swooped down and began to fight for Carl s shiny sword. Carl blasted fire from his hand, which killed the pirates, and tore Carl s boat in half, so they had to swim to the mainland in order to get in the capital. 45 Upon their arrival, they decided to rest at a hotel near the royal kingdom. However, the hotel owners saw Carl s sword, a spectacular and valuable piece of weaponry, and they plotted to kill him and Albert with Carl s sword. In the 50 hotel room Albert fell into a trance and spoke, Two greedy thieves will arrive tonight Carl. They plan to take the Sword of Great Power, and use it to kill us. Albert immediately was thrown back as if he had been pushed, and Carl said Quick! We must find a shady 55 place in the forest to build a camp, tomorrow we must set off to the capital. They ran towards the deep forest and camped there, but hotel thieves tried to follow them. Carl used
  • 39. Comparing The Book Of Ruth And 1 Kings 1-11 In this threaded discussion board you will use your analytical skills to compare and contrast the book of Ruth to the end of Solomon s reign found in 1 Kings 1 11. It is important to look at these two sections of scripture as bookends . Then, use your interpretative skills to explain the significance of these two sections of scripture A big difference in the book of Ruth and 1 Kings is the origin of the main characters. Ruth is a Moabite woman from outside the Promised Land. Her upbringing most likely did not involve learning or following the covenants of God. Her exposure to God most likely came from Naomi, Naomi s husband and Naomi s son. But considering this family initially left the Promised Land for a different life we can only speculate how faithful to God this family may have been. Solomon was King David s son raised in the knowledge of God and his covenants. Solomon may have even had first hand experience with his father praying to God. A similarity between the two characters is their uncommon placement into their situation. Ruth was a foreigner to Israel, brought to Israel by her devotion to her mother in law and God s divine intervention. Had she not met this family in Moab, she would have never ... Show more content on ... Although the book does start out with sorrow of the death of the men in Ruth and Naomi s life, the story ends with happiness and blessings. Ruth represents a kind, caring and hardworking individual. Because she had a devotion to her mother in law and followed her instructions faithfully, Naomi and Ruth are blessed. Ruth is a gentile but God recognizes Ruth s faithfulness and devotion and blesses her. Boaz is also named as a man faithful to God (Duvall, Hayes, 2012). Boaz is also blessed with the land of his kin, a marriage to Ruth who it appears he had fallen in love with and then a son named Obed. The book of Ruth essentially is the beginning to the story of David. Ruth a faithful gentile and Boaz a faithful Israelite
  • 40. Atomic Bombs On Japan On the 6th of August 1945, the American bomber, Enola Gay, dropped an atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Immediately, 80 000 people were killed. Tens of thousands more died in the following weeks from wounds and radiation poisoning. On the 9th of August, another bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki, killing between 40 000 and 50 000 more people. The question is, was it necessary for the Unites States to drop the atomic bombs on Japan? In my opinion, the United States was justified in dropping the atomic bombs on Japan. During the course of the Second World War, the United States suffered the loss of more than 418 000 lives, both military officials and civilians. This was one of the reasons why the United States wanted the
  • 41. Kenneth Arnold Flying Saucer Research Paper On June 24th 1947, Kenneth Arnold while piloting his private aircraft over Mt Rainier in Washington state, sighted what he described as nine shiny saucer like objects flying at high speeds. He contacted a reporter who published his story in the East Oregonian and submitted his story to the Associated Press. The story was picked up and published in papers across the country. Along the way the phrase flying saucers was coined for what Kenneth Arnold had seen. As the story spread more people started reporting seeing similar objects of varies shapes and sizes (Gepper 335 336). It was ten days earlier from Arnold s flying saucer report, that a sheep rancher Mack Brazel near Roswell, New Mexico found debris on is land. At the time he was
  • 42. Similarities Between Julius And Ethel Rosenberg Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Cold War Spies During the late 1940 s and the early 1950 s, America began to find themselves in the middle of fear as the Cold War began to approach. Tensions began to grow between the two nations of the United States and Soviet Union. These tensions lasted for roughly seven years, which lead to international episodes. Leader of the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin and leader of the United StatesJoseph Stalin had led their dictatorship into disaster. Both the United States and Soviet Union had fought as allies against Nazi, Germany. This war had become capitalism between communism both countries had different belief principles. These differing views lead to a war that would change America. Resulting in the first nuclear attacks, that were successful by the Soviets in 1949, American began to fear that the people around them were Soviet spies, passing on nuclear technology from the Unites States to Russia. Julius and Ethel Rosenbergwere a married couple, which were convicted of committing espionage in 1951. Both were accused of sending top secret messages to the... Show more content on ... On June 19, 1953 Julius and Ethel were executed by the electric chair in Sing Sing Prison in New York (, David Casalaspi). David Greenglass was never convicted, and later in 1999 was interviewed under high disguise, acknowledging that his court statements to be untrue (http://spartacus These are the exact words from David Greenglass s interview, As a spy who turned his family in, I don t care. I sleep very well. I would not sacrifice my wife and my children for my sister... David Greenglass about his testimony (http://spartacus Ethel Rosenberg was framed by her own family. Alexander Feklisov later published a booked named The Man behind the Rosenberg s in
  • 43. Visual Art Review Essay Visual Art Review Form Your Name: Austin Brogley Name of the Visual Art Event: Once in a Blue Moon: Work by Wisconsin Pastel Artists Date you attended the event 12/12/16 (Review must be turned in within 14 days of this date.) Where was the event held? Robert Avonn Fiskum Art Gallery 1. Briefly describe the event as a whole. (Was there a common theme or message? Are the works organized by chronology, theme or medium? What kinds of media were represented? How was the gallery laid out?) The common theme was something that was rare or special in nature. The works were organized by the artist who painted it. All the works that one painter painted were put by each other, and so the works were organized by the artist name except for the stand alone walls. That was were award winners were. The medium for all the works was pastel. The gallery had works scattered all around the room with two stand alone walls set up in the middle to display more pieces. 2. Choose two of the works you saw, and describe them in detail: the subject matter, medium, composition, and other elements we ve discussed in class. (That is, be sure to ... Show more content on ... The work is a picture of a lake at sunset that is covered with water lilies. The medium was pastel. The composition of the work draws your eyes to where the sun meets the trees. That is where there is the widest array of colors. The colors of the work create a cool feeling near the surface of the water, but the sky creates a warm feeling. So there is a contrast of temperatures created by the work. The second work is call The Old Shed. The piece of work is an old abandon shed in the woods that is being reclaimed by nature. The medium of the work is pastel. The composition has a linear structure of the shed, and your eyes are drawn to that structure. The use of color in these work creates a warm feeling by the use of yellow and
  • 44. Animal Farm Totalitarianism In George Orwell s classic novel, Animal Farm, Orwell uses symbolism to suggest that totalitarianistic governments do not always last. Symbolism is the use of a person, place, thing, or idea to represent something else. Because of how they run the farm and scare the animals into submission, Old Major, Mr. Jones, and Napoleon are all characters in Animal Farm that symbolize totalitarianism. At the beginning of the book, Old Major, a highly respected figure, had experienced a dream that he had wanted to share with all of the other animals. Because Old Major was becoming old and was living out the last of his days, the dream had prompted him to gather the animals in the big barn to relay the dream immediately. He urged the animals to rebel against Mr. Jones and take control of the farm by scaring them into action. No animal escapes the cruel knife in the end. (Orwell 9) he had stated. By the end of his speech, the animals were angry and scared of how their lives would eventually end according to Old Major. Not long after his speech Old Major died, but not without making the animals fearful of what would happen if they did not respect his wishes.... Show more content on ... Jones, the alcoholic owner of Manor Farm, ran the farm in a similar fashion to Old Major. He scared the animals into obeying by abusing them and neglecting them. The next moment he and his four men were in the store shed with whips in their hands, lashing out in all directions. (Orwell 19). Mr. Jones would forget to feed the animals and when they would attempt to get food, he would punish them with whips. In turn, the animals would submit to him out of fear and Mr. Jones stayed in charge. That is until they got fed up with the ill treatment and rebelled against Mr. Jones. The animals chased Mr. Jones from the farm and once again got rid of
  • 45. Business Strategy And Why It Works JustFab or Fabulous! A girl with seventy pairs of shoes can be safely called a shopaholic! I like to call myself a shoeaholic rather than a shopaholic. In other words, it can be considered an expensive hobby because I enjoy learning about the newest shoe trends, their designers, the channels through which they are being offered and purchasing them. I am very passionate about shoes and believe in owning what s in? However, I am not someone who will splurge a significant amount of money on a single pair. I often find myself searching for the best promotions, discounts and affordable shoes for every new incoming season. During one of my long online browsing sessions, I stumbled upon an online shoe store called JustFab or in my words... Show more content on ... Their product moto quotes From design concept to finished product, we tailor the hottest of the moment looks to every style personality, giving our customers immediate access to the trends they love . Their marketing strategy is to offer customized products by engaging consumer preferences and fast delivery of merchandise with the highest customer service. Sixty days warranty and returns free of shipping costs are also added benefits that come with the products! As mentioned earlier, they believe in offering affordable prices to their members and have successfully saved dollars for their members thought their pricing methods. JustFab follows a discount pricing strategy for their VIP members ($39.99) in contrast to the market price ($49.99) charged to guests and regular members. They are able to offer discount prices to VIP members because they follow a direct selling channel from the designer (manufacturer) to the consumer which eliminates any distribution costs. On the contrary, retail stores charge $80 $100 per shoe because of their middlemen and department store costs. The retailing format of online retailing also works to JustFab s benefit because this provides them with broader and deeper assortments, more timely information for evaluating merchandise and finally personalization! An online channel allows JustFab to provide a vast number of SKUs to their customers which prevents them from merchandise unavailability. Generally, in a store the
  • 46. The Mental Illness Of Mental Health Running head: MENTAL HEALTH1 MENTAL HEALTH 2 Mental Health Name Professor Institution Course Date Introduction Sensitive questions are a broad category that encompasses issues that trigger social desirability concerns and those viewed as intrusive by the respondents or those that raise concerns about possible repercussions of disclosing information. Some of the sensitive topics that can be used here include alcohol consumption, drug use, sexual activities, plans, and concerns. Other may include sexual abuse history and other mental health illness. When talking to such a person, who could be possibly mentally ill, one should pay attention to speech, emotions, thinking and perception and their insights if they have self harmed. ... Show more content on ... Here, one is not placed on any limits regarding the response. An example is when questioning a person with mental illness. An answer given can lead to another problem (Ibrahim et al, 2015). From such, much information is collected, and more precise conclusions can be made. In sensitive questioning, the mental expert can get adequate answers. Protective factors as part of the risk assessment Over the ten years, research has been directed to try to determine how drug abuse and mental illness begin and how they progress. Many factors, add to a person s risk for drug addiction. On the other hand, protective factors reduce the chance. Risk factors may vary amongst people. As for children, risk and protective factors can affect them at different stages of their lives (Ibrahim et al, 2015). At each stage, the risks can be changed through intervention at various stages of their lives. Some early childhood risks such as aggressive behavior can be modified and be prevented with school, family and community interventions that focus on helping the children develop appropriate and positive behaviors. If not addressed, the negative behaviors can lead to more risks, such as academic failure and social difficulties, which endanger the children more, exposing them to further risk of later drug abuse. The common early risk factor is difficult temperament. This
  • 47. Taliban In The Kite Runner Hosseini s skillful description of life under the Taliban for the Afghan people is an essential aspect of The Kite Runner. The Taliban was a conservative political and religious faction that gained power in the mid 1990s following the removal of the Communist regime and descent into civil war (Benson). The militant group destroyed non Islamic art and relics and imposed harsh criminal punishments, including Stoning adulterers ... Raping children ... Flogging women for wearing high heels ... Massacring Hazaras ... All in the name of Islam? (Hosseini 284). The group used these methods in order to reach their goal of creating a pure and exclusive Islamic state ( Taliban). Hosseini addresses this goal through the antagonist Assef, who claims Afghanistan
  • 48. What Is The Results Of The ILP To Real Games How we transformed the statistics on the NBA website to the data required for our calculations can be found in Appendix t1.1 (for the maximum of all NBA teams) and t1.2 (for specific NBA teams). The specific data used in the ILP s are in Appendix t1.3. To compare the results of the ILP to real games, we used statistics from the Golden State Warriors, the Dallas Mavericks, the Indiana Pacers, the Cleveland Cavaliers, and the Los Angeles Lakers highest scoring game of the 2016 2017 season. This data is available on the NBA website under Stats filtered by Box Scores , dates, and quarters. We used these statistics to get the number of 2PA and 3PA per quarter j and compared to the results of the ILP. We computed block and steal... Show more content on ... (2) Comparing the results of our ILP compare to real life: Our ILP produces objective values close to but slightly lower than the maximum number of points scored in one game for all five teams. A table of these results can be found in Appendix t1.5. The low objective values can most likely be attributed to the volatility of the $c_{i,j}$ variables, which are based off of the teams average 2 point and 3 point shot percentages. It is reasonable to assume that the teams had higher 2 point and 3 point percentages than average in the game where they scored the most points, accounting for the higher total points scored compared to the ILP. This is discussed further in section 6 (Obstacles Encountered So Far). Comparing the $x_{i,j}$ used to obtain the objective value for the ILP for a selected team and the actual number of iPA per quarter j from the highest scoring game for the same team in the 2016 2017 season shows that the Golden State Warriors, who had the highest average number of points per game last season, followed a fairly similar game plan to that calculated by the ILP (r1.1). Graphs showing this are found in Appendix g1.1 1.3. On the other hand, the Dallas
  • 49. The Symbolism Of Baseball In The 1920 s It is undeniable that sports have a profound impact on society. Not only are sports a form of leisure, but in the 21st century sports have evolved into multi billion dollar enterprises. The National Football League alone made 12 billion in revenue in 2015. Football is an American institution in the present but in the past it was Baseballthat ruled American sports. Baseball is often referred to as America s pastime, but it is much more than that. Baseball is a symbol of America, it is a game that reflects what it means to be American, and in many ways it tells the story of our country. From humble beginnings in Cooperstown, New York, through struggles and controversy in the early 20th century and culminating in the 1920 s when Baseball became essential to American life. Changes in sports tend to reflect changes in society; baseball being America s pastime and part of the American identity is no exception. There is little doubt that baseball in American... Show more content on ... Doubleday is said to have invented the game in Cooperstown, New York in 1839. However, a New York City Doctor, Daniel L. Adams more than anyone else can be considered the father of baseball. Adams founded the New York Knickerbockers Baseball Club in 1845. New York City was a hotbed for baseball. So much so that by 1850 there were several clubs playing a game that closely resembles modern baseball. The popularity of the game grew quickly, among the New York City baseball clubs were prominent doctors, lawyers, businessman politicians and newspaper writers. No baseball team was more influential than the New York Knickerbockers. In the early days the club found it hard to supply enough bats and balls to keep up with their twice a week practices and occasional matches. Much like many of the inventors and innovators in American History, Adams himself made all of the bats and
  • 50. Alice in Wonderland Dream Analysis Dream Analysis of Alice in Wonderland Who s who and what s real; are we who we claim we are, and is reality really real or is everything just a fragment of what we think is the universe? A dream sequence is a technical term used mostly in film and television to set apart a brief interlude from the main story. (Wikipedia) The deeper lying theme that Carroll wanted to incorporate into his story of Alice in Wonderlandand Through the Looking Glass, in my opinion, was not his psychological or sexual desire for Alice Liddell. What he did mean to express by writing these stories was his innermost desire to escape from reality in which a relationship between he and Liddell was not allowed to a fantasy land where everything is backwards ... Show more content on ... Carroll thus displays himself as two different beings through this theme: a serious mathematician existentialist writer, and the uncanny photographer who enjoys taking nude pictures of little girls, which are undoubtedly one exactly same person in the world of two universes; since the two realities can have differences and yet both very real, Carroll s strange personality is not actually strange at all. Borges The Circular Ruins did not contain the same meaning as Carroll s existentialist ideas; Borges idea of dreams was strictly one way, in which when one person wakes up, the person who is being dreamed will vanish. The Circular Ruins questioned about our existence as real or just a fragment of someone else s imagination, which is supposedly as real as the actual reality of whoever is imagining us. Carroll s notion of dreams, then, questions a more complex essence of existence: of two possibly imagined universes imagining each other. Carroll expresses himself and his queer personality (or is it queer?) through a seemingly harmless book of nonsensical fantasies, and also questions his readers, and possibly himself, the meaning of life and the universe. What I always thought of as the fun story with insane poems, in addition to the wonderfully brilliant image of Wonderland portrayed by Disney, turns out to be quite an amazing text for future existentialists and
  • 51. How The Culture Has Five Essential Characteristics Culture has five essential characteristics: It is learned, shared, based on symbols, it is interconnected, and dynamic, meaning it interacts with other cultures and is changeable. In all parts of the world, most people do not understand the culture from their local town, much less so the culture in a country on the other side of the world. All cultures share prominent features that set them apart from the rest of the world. Geography, language, military, people, and history uniquely define a nation and distinguishes it from the remainder of the world. One such nation that has distinguished itself from the rest of the world is Turkey. Turkey s geography overlaps the continents of Europe and Asia. Even though three seas... Show more content on ... Turkey is one of the largest exporters of agricultural products in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. In a 2010 estimate, the nation s farming area employs 30% of the labor force and accounts for 9.6% of Gross Domestic Product (Oguz, 2012). The principal commercial crops are cotton and tobacco. The principal exports include dried apricots, hazelnuts, sultanas, and dried figs. Turkey is leading one of the fastest growing steel and iron businesses in the world. The fishing industry is meek, even with Turkey s full exposure to the seas. Notwithstanding, a lot of fishing takes place in the Bosporus Strait. There is oil in the Sea of Marmara, however, Turkey continues to import most of its gas and oil, which brought them into the situation of being called a supporter of the terrorist organization known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) by smuggling oil from them. In a recent investigation Khatib (2015) reports, A newly leaked report on illegal oil sales by Islamic State (IS, previously ISIS/ISIL), which was ordered to be compiled by Norway, has revealed that most of the IS smuggled oil has been destined for Turkey, where it is sold off at bargain low prices. Even though there are tensions between ISIS and the rest of the world, Turkey is still benefiting financially from ISIS by purchasing oil. Major Cities like Istanbul, the capital that governs Turkey, remains the country s