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School Rules Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "School Rules" may initially seem like a straightforward task,
given the seemingly clear and defined theme. However, as one delves into the intricacies of this
topic, the complexity becomes apparent. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of information but
in navigating the multitude of perspectives, opinions, and potential subtopics within the broader
Firstly, one must consider the diverse nature of school rules across different educational
institutions, regions, and cultures. The rules that govern a high school in one part of the world
might differ significantly from those in another. This necessitates thorough research to ensure a
comprehensive understanding of the various approaches to school rules.
Moreover, exploring the rationale behind these rules adds an additional layer of complexity. Are
they primarily geared towards maintaining discipline, fostering a conducive learning
environment, or preparing students for future societal expectations? Analyzing the underlying
motives requires a nuanced perspective and critical thinking.
Addressing the impact of school rules on students is another challenge. Do these rules empower
students to flourish academically and personally, or do they stifle creativity and individuality?
Balancing the potential benefits and drawbacks demands a thoughtful examination of real-world
examples, research findings, and expert opinions.
Furthermore, the essay should not only describe existing school rules but also propose potential
improvements or alternatives. This requires a creative and forward-thinking approach, taking into
account the evolving nature of education and societal norms.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "School Rules" involves navigating a complex
web of perspectives, cultural differences, motivations, and potential impacts on students. It
demands meticulous research, critical analysis, and the ability to present a well-rounded view.
The challenge lies not only in providing information but in offering a thoughtful and insightful
commentary on a topic that influences the daily lives of students around the world.
For those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of essay writing, various resources are
available, including professional writing services. Platforms offer a range
of services to aid in crafting essays on diverse topics, ensuring a well-researched, well-structured,
and expertly written piece tailored to individual needs.
School Rules Essay School Rules Essay
What Does Richard Parker Symbolize In The Life Of Pi
The Life of Pi is a fantasy adventure novel by author Yann Martel. It describes the
protagonist Piscine Molitor Pi Patel, and his miraculous 277 days of survival in
the Pacific with a 450 pound adult Bengal Tiger. In this novel, the literary device
symbolism, which is using of symbols and other objects to represent ideas or
qualities, plays an important role in the novel. It utilizes symbolism to describe
animals as humans. Richard Parker (tiger) symbolizes Pi, and Orange Juice
(orangutan) symbolizes Pi s mother. The color orange also has a significant
symbolism in the novel, especially being the Hinduism color. All these factors of
symbolism demonstrate to the readers how Pi survives.
At the end of the novel, in the alternative story, he describes Richard Parker as
himself, also numerous times in the novel Pi confesses to the readers that ... Show
more content on ...
For example in this quote, It came as an unmistakable indication to me of how low
I had sunk the day I noticed, with a pinching of the heart, that I ate like an animal,
that this noisy, frantic, unchewing wolfing down of mine was exactly the way
Richard Parker ate, (Martel 225) Pi realizes that he became more like an animal,
more specifically becoming Richard Parker. Richard Parker also relates to the color
orange, as an orange cat, which is also significant to Pi. The color orange is the color
of Hinduism, a religion which Pi believes in, and in The Life of Pi, it more so
symbolizes survival and a hope that god will save Pi. When the ship had sank, Pi
was given a life jacket which was orange, and also a whistle that was also orange, an
orange lifebuoy that helped him reach the lifeboat, the orange tarpaulin that was a
The Effects of Advertising
The Effects of Advertising
Advertising is considered a paid communication through a non personal medium in
which the sponsor is identified and the message is controlled. Variations include
publicity, public relations, product placement, sponsorship, time shifted advertising,
underwriting, and sales promotion. Every major medium is used to deliver these
messages such as the television, radio, movies, magazines, newspapers, the internet,
and billboards. Advertisements can also be seen on the seats of grocery carts, on the
walls of an airport walkway, and the sides of buses, or heard in telephone hold
messages or in store PA systems В– nearly anywhere a visual or audible
communication can be placed. (Wikipedia, 2006) Advertisingcan be ... Show more
content on ...
There is absolutely no way to avoid it. For instance, a 1987 survey conducted by
the city of St. Louis found twice as many billboards in black neighborhoods as
white. Almost 60% of the billboards in the black neighborhoods advertised
cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. In another study of seventy three billboards
along nineteen blocks in a black neighborhood in Philadelphia, sixty advertised
cigarettes or alcohol. In a 1989 survey by the Abel Foundation, 70% of the 2,015
billboards documented in the city of Baltimore advertised alcohol or tobacco
products. Three fourths of the billboards were in predominately poor African
American neighborhoods. In fact, the Center for Disease Control estimates that
billboards advertising tobacco products are placed in African American communities
four to five times more often than in white communities. Furthermore, the
advertisements are usually for menthol cigarettes, which are more popular with
African Americans and which have additional significant medical effects. (Randall,
2005) According to an article found in a Washington DC newspaper, minorities,
particularly blacks, have been disproportionately targeted by the tobacco industry
giants. The internal company records of R.J. Tobacco Company and Brown
Williamson Tobacco Corporation show how they ran advertising campaigns in
magazines, on billboards, buses and other media to attract blacks to mentholated
brands such as Salem and Kool. Also, a 1978 corporate memo profiles the
Housetraining Research Paper
One thing every dog owner wants is that their dog never goes inside. So you have
to house train them. Housetraining is a lot like toilet training in kids, It takes time
and A LOT of patience. First step is to pick a potty place. Don t play or pet the dog
in the potty place unless it goes to the bathroom. After a while, the puppy s brain
recognizes the potty place as a potty place. A puppy younger than 12 weeks has
little to no bladder control. When that puppy needs to go, it needs to go! If a puppy
is older than 12 weeks and it still has no bladder control take a urine sample to the
vet, because the puppy might have urinary tract infection. Consistency is the bedrock
of creating any habit, including housebreaking. Bells are amazing tools for
housetraining. When the doghas to go, it can ring a bell, saving time and an unwanted
Tools and Gadgets can either be life saving, or life breaking if you don t use them
Clickers are a handy training tool. Pair this sharp click noise with a treat and the dog
s brain will ... Show more content on ...
One of the most important skills for preventing your dog s misbehavior is knowing
how to redirect them before they act. Redirection simply means taking their
attention away from whatever they re focused on and bringing it back to you. The
idea of redirection is to provide a stimulus that will distract your dog from
whatever they ve fixated on, whether it s another dog, a person, a squirrel, or a
noise outside. In order for redirection to work on your dog, it has to get your dog s
attention, and the best way to do this is to associate it with a reward through
positive reinforcement. Once your dog is responding the right way to the sound
whenever you make it, it s time to start mixing it up by not always giving a reward
other than verbal praise. Keep refining your timing of the redirection and learn how
your dog indicates when he s about to engage in unwanted
Cold Blood By Truman Capote
The novel, In Cold Blood by Truman Capote would be a good, diverse addition to
the ENG 3U course for many reasons, beginning with how the novel is non fiction,
but still manages to create a story line, while remaining appealing for the reason that
it differs from most novels on course syllabus to the way the author can make you
feel for the characters. In Cold Bloodis a novel written about a real life event that
happened in Holcomb, Kansas, 1959. A family of four is murdered in their house in
cold blood. While this seems intriguing enough, Truman Capotekeeps the entire novel
interesting by being descriptive in the way characters are described Marie examined
the frontВview and profile of Smith: an arrogant face, tough, yet not entirely, for there
was about it a peculiar refinementНѕ the lips and nose seemed nicely made, and she
thought the eyes, with their moist, dreamy expression, rather prettyВВrather, in an
actorish way, sensitive. Sensitive, and something more: mean. Though not as
mean, as forbiddenly criminal, as the eyes of Hickock, Richard Eugene. Marie,
transfixed by Hickock s eyes, was reminded of a childhood incident of a bobcat she
d once seen caught in a trap, and of how, though she d wanted to release it, the cat s
eyes, radiant with pain and hatred, had drained her of pity and filled her with terror.
(Capote, 164) The novel is challenging and continues on with a large vocabulary to
keep readers from becoming bored of continuous phrases, The sound of
The Importance Of Liberal Arts In Business Education
Over the years, schools of business education had not seen the need to incorporate
liberal arts into their programs. In the past, employment rates for liberal arts majors
had been generally low, which caused the school of business to turn away from the
major and not want anything to do with it. According to a study conducted at
Georgetown University, liberal artsmajors were found to have one of the top
unemployment rates at 8.4% (Dumbauld, 2016). They have not provided great job
opportunities and have left their students paying off large amounts of debt with not a
lot of money coming in to pay them. Businessonce viewed liberal arts as a waste of
time, since only certain subjects were being taught. During the 1970s and 1980s,
many colleges began to shift from liberal arts to professional educationin order to
meet students demands and maintain enrollment (Delucchi, 2009, p. 175). With this
new restructuring of more business majors being added to the undergraduate
curriculum, a demand driven response had risen to changed student interests
(Delucchi, 2009, p. 175). Business has become such a popular major because it is
needed in so many fields and assures graduates with a stable career path. Liberal arts
colleges cannot guarantee this same promise due to claims of not having a distinctive
educational identity and a clear social and political class. Only certain institutions
have been able to support specific liberal arts graduates with high standing positions
in the
The Internet and Global Politics
Accorodng to Badie Royal (2000), they showed that the internet has affected the
global politics through increasing political participation. The innovation of internet
brought with itself the ability to allow people to participate in political events
differently. Internet allows people to influence the government decisions via
comments posted on websites and send e mails of political contents (Ferdinand,
2000). Nowadays, many governments are launching political websites and media to
seek public opinions on critical issues, which further suggest that the internet
facilitates the westernization of some countries. Furthermore, the internet has
changed or improves the way politics is running by providing alternative activities to
offline political activities (Howland, 2002). In the past, to run a protest, an offline
activity must have been set up by visiting government offices to present critical
political issues (Howland,2002). Currently, it is extremely easy to protest against a
politician or a government department by interacting to the media through email or
forums. Therefore, the internet seems to have shortened the completely bureaucratic
and complicated process and saved time/resources. In the flipside of the coins, the
integration of internet into political environment has some negative impacts and
undermining the process of westernization (Ferdinand, 2000). Western governmental
organizations are the key players in spreading the western democracies and values
Begin Before Birth Research
We have known for a long time that how we turn out depends on both our genes and
our environment. What we now realize is that the influence of the environment
begins in the womb, and how the mother feels during pregnancy can change this
environment and can have a lasting effect on the development of her child. (Karraa,
W. (2012, September 28). Begin Before Birth; Reproductive Researchers Reach Wide
Audiences with New Interactive Website. In Science and Sensbility. Retrieved
October 31, 2015, from before birth
reproductive researchers reach wide audiences with new interactive website/). I have
found countless books, articles, websites, even applications for phones dedicated to
pregnancynutrition,... Show more content on ...
But when depression, anxiety and low self esteem is baseline for a mother...that
baby is likely to be experiencing the same thing. What can I do, as a pregnant
mother, to ensure that my mental health is in the best state in can be? It has really
been a lesson in learning to let things go and ask myself how important is this? I am
finding that this is good practice for me and hopefully I will continue it after
pregnancy. I am using physical activity, if endorphins make me happy...they should
make baby happy. I am learning and implementing breathing and grounding
techniques to reduce anxiety and racing thoughts. I have learned with my therapist
that my body is pretty used to constantly being in a state of high alert. I do not want
to pass this to my baby. Education...simply learning about these factors has influenced
greater awareness and desire to improve my quality of living for my unborn baby, but
also for myself. These factors not only influence my unborn baby...but as we learned
throughout the class the caregiver s, in this case my, state of being also impact the
ability to affect secure attachment with a new infant. Basically, we know that these
changes are healthy changes but starting them early in pregnancy may very well
increase the overall health of my baby. Being aware of your unborn baby at all times
is the first stage in bonding with her and making sure you have a good relationship in
the future. (Stoppard, M. (2008). Conception, Pregnancy Birth: The Childbirth Bible
for Today s Parents (revised ed., p. 192). N.p.: Penguin,
The Development Of Gifted Education
Historical roots School students involvement in research projects is a new demand of
21st century due to some factors: globalization trend, development of human capital,
implementation of the reform on the support and development of schools for gifted
students and the poor results of Kazakhstani students in PISA. Since this paper is
focused on research projects in the framework of gifted education, it is essential to
determine the concepts of children as researchers and gifted educationby answering
the question What and then, discuss the reasons of Why . The historical roots of
the concept of children as researchers started being popular because of the change
of children s status in society ( Hallet and Prout 2003; Alderson and Morrow,
2004). The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC, 1989)
designated children as social actors in their own rights. Specifically, children should
be enlightened and engaged about all solutions that influence their lives (as cited in
Kellett, 2005, p.4). According to some scholars (Kirby and Bryson, 2002; Johnson
et al., 1998), since that time the growth of children as participants as well as co
researchers is apparently seen. Initially, children were involved in some data
collections, thus most of research projects are still being manipulated by adults and
children are not considered as potential partners (Kellett, 2005, p.5). Nevertheless, the
definition of
Guns, Germs And Steel By Jared Diamond
In the book, Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond, Part Two talks about the roots
of guns, germs, and steel, geographical differences relating to food production, causes
of the spread of food production, development of ancient crops that are still used
today, and domestication. Jared Diamond mostly likes to talk about the development
of the Eurasian society and why they are more powerful. Instead of proximate causes
that get straight to the point, he takes a different route that leads to ultimate causes.
Ultimate causes go deeper in information and include many details unlike proximate
causes. He does this and ultimately bothers with ultimate causes because proximate
causes are common and shallow explanations. Ultimate causes trace... Show more
content on ...
Jared Diamond then starts to talk about farming. He mentions how nobody knew
what they were going into when they first started learning how to farm,
Specifically, in each area of the globe the first people who adopted food production
could obviously not have been making a conscious choice or consciously striving
toward farming as a goal, because they had never seen farming and had no way of
knowing what it would be like (Diamond 101). This leads back to the idea that our
ancestors or mainly the people during this time period, they didn t know how to
lead a normal life. They had to learn how to grow crops, build societies, and
develop technology. Jared Diamond then continues on how farming first started
and how it affected societies. He dedicates a whole chapter to farming because he
wants to know how the world came to be as it is today. His curiosity helps him
because of Yali s question back in chapter one. Jared Diamond bothers with ultimate
causes because he also wants to know how Eurasia became more powerful than
other societies. We should bother with this as well because we live in a world that s
full of technology and information. However, that information had to have come
from the past. We should at least know how our ancestors learned how to
domesticate themselves and learn how to survive. Now, Jared Diamond could also be
happy with his proximate answer, but he wants more reasons and
Comparing Imagery in Frost s Acquainted with the Night...
Imagery in Frost s Acquainted with the Night and Sexton s Her Kind
In order to maximize meaning and overall total effect of a piece of work, writers use
various literary devices. These techniques enhance the author s work and add a
dimension that results in higher reader satisfaction. Throughout the poems I have
read this quarter thus far, I have discovered the use of imagery as a prominent source
of literary embellishment. In particular the image of night is used in poems
Acquainted with the Night, written by Robert Frost, and Her Kind, written by Anne
Sexton, to portray a dark and lonely tone. All through both poems there is a dark
feeling due to word selection and associations to evil ... Show more content on ...
In the poem Her Kind, by Anne Sexton, the same feeling of loneliness is achieved
through association with the night. The image of night has the same quality of
being rejected by society, and outcast because of the disconnection with people.
Night is seen by the world as a time to sleep and be within ones own thoughts and
dreams. For the speaker to be up and about signifies that she is alone while the
world sleeps. Therefore she must be lonely. Using night as the setting but not
totally describing every little detail, creates a sense of unknown. The witch in this
case is spooky and misunderstood and is unable to participate in daily activities so
she must take shelter of the night in order to do her evil business. Night allows the
concept of a witch to take its full affect. Witches are almost always associated with
the night. Especially when it is a wicked witch. Witches are ugly so they must travel
at night
Santiago Nasar Symbolism
Throughout the novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold, the author Marquez usually
refers and represent some of his characters as important people or important figures.
In the case of the character Santiago Nasar, the author Marquez represents Santiago
not only as an ideological Christ figure but also as physical one. The author does this
representation throughout the novelby using evidence such as symbolism and imagery
to show that Santiago is a Christfigure. In Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Marquez
use symbolism as evidence to show the reader that Santiago Nasar, one of the main
characters of the novel, is a Christ figure. The clothes that Santiago wore before he
was murdered were white and Marquez uses that as a symbol to show that
Guts Book Report
Hurd, Robyn Alexis
Prd. 3
Book Report:
Guts by: Gary Paulsen
General Information
If I could rename this book, I would probably call it Close Calls because Gary
Paulsen, the main character, has survived countless dangerous situations that should
have ended with his death. The main setting, where most of those incidents have
occurred, is the woods of Minnesota and occasionally Alaska. To me, it feels that
Paulsen is just as amazed at his multiple survivals as his readers will be. There s
also a sort of pride that he seems to take in his knowledge of the potential threats of
the wilderness and also his creation of the character Brian in many ... Show more
content on ...
Without this character, it would be a completely different story. I honestly believe
that one of the reasons why this book has been so successful is because people love
hearing/reading about dangerous situations that have miraculous endings.
Words to Own
1) Birch a tree or shrub of the genus family
Ex: My best friend has a backyard full of birches.
2) Dengue Fever a virus spread by mosquitoes
Ex: Many people in Texas had malaria as well as Dengue Fever due to their large
mosquito population.
3) Gunwale a term describing the top edge of the side of a boat
Ex: She tried to grip the gunwale so she could hoist herself out if the water before she
caught hypothermia.
4) Inordinate unusually or disproportionately large
Ex: The hunter couldn t help but find the ten foot buck inordinate.
5) Maelstrom a scene or state of violent movement or upheaval
Ex: The maelstrom of snow filled wind made her face feel as if it were frozen solid.
6) Poplar a tall, fast growing tree of the willow family
Ex: You can find poplars throughout the woods of Minnesota.
7) Quagmire a soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot
Ex: The soggy plank was quagmire.
8) Strenuous using great exertion
Ex: It was a strenuous effort to lift the 100lb boulder into the back of his pick up
9) Tethered to tie with a rope or chain so as to restrict its movement
Ex: The horse is tethered to a pole.
Gas Laws Should Be Taught As A Verb
Science should be taught as a verb as well as a noun. Performing science is a
compelling as well as an effective way to learn. It is through the process of
exploration, creation and invention that theories are applied, ideas are tested and
knowledge is synthesized.
Much of what discussed in the paper is to have an understanding of gases in the
atmosphere, factors that affect the properties of these gases and so the laws of
gases which help to do so. Now why do we need to study these laws? Because gases
compose our atmosphere. These are responsible for the process without which no one
can survive i.e. breathing.
Atmosphere is a gaseous envelope surrounding the earth. It is made up of a
combination of water ... Show more content on ...
One of the most important things about gases is that, despite wide differences in
chemical properties, all the gases more or less obey the gas laws. The gas laws deal
with how gases behave with respect to pressure, temperature, volume and amount.
This uniformity of physical behavior was of great interest with early scientists. It is
one of the dogmas of scientists that the behavior of a material is a reflection of the
particles that make up the substance. In other words, differences between solids,
liquids and gases reflect the movement of the small particles that compose all matter.
This assumption is part of the Kinetic Theory Of Gases (Kinetic is from the Greek
word for motion). Historically, the description of the gas properties has been
summarized by the mathematical equations describing the relationships between the
gas volume, pressure and temperature. These equations, named after the scientist who
first demonstrated their validity, have been labeled the gas laws. These gas laws are
best understood within the framework described as the kinetic theory of gases:
Gases are composed of molecules.
These molecules are in constant motion. This is why gases mix to uniformity and fill
all portions of the containment vessel.
Molecules of the gas collide frequently with each other and with the walls of the
containment vessel.
Under ordinary circumstances, the distance between the gas molecules is far greater
than the size of the individual
Bipedal Locomotion in Early Hominids Essay
Bipedal Locomotion in Early Hominids
Until recently, the oldest fossil species to provide evidence for bipedalism was
Australopithecus afarensis, of which the best example of is the 3.2 million year old
skeleton called Lucy found in Hadar, Ethiopia. According to article 19: Sunset at the
Savanna, in 1995 Meave Leakey of the national Museums of Kenya and her
colleagues made public the discovery of and older hominid species Australopithecus
anamensis (getting its name from the Turkana word for lake anam having been
found near lake Turkana and the site of another ancient lake). Leakey s team found a
tibia from this creature that is quite human like and emphatically bipedal, in size and
practically all details of the knee and ankle ... Show more content on
We learned in lab last week that the pelvis has features that indicate the mode of
locomotion. A bipedal creature will have an ilium that is short and wide. The leg
bones will give clues too. A bipedal creature has knees that point more directly
forward than a quadrapedal creature (this is why apes look very awkward when they
walk bipedally, their legs kick out to the side when they step forward.) Another
skeletal feature that indicates bipedalism is a special design of the anklebones so that
they would be able to take the weight of a bipedal stride. The knee bone of a
bipedal hominid has a special feature too. It has extra spongy bone tissue that acts as
a shock absorber when walking. One feature mentioned in article 20 is a oval hollow
at the bottom of the humerus where the humerus and the ulna lock in place. This is
an adaptation to knuckle walking and is not present in bipedal hominids.
Many theories have been made about what type of paleoecology or
paleoecological changes were the niche for bipedalism. It must have been a strong
force since bipedaliam is generally slower and more awkward than quadrapedal
locomotion. It also puts the animal at a greater risk of injury, according to Owen
Lovejoy of Kent State. The current most widely accepted theory is that there was a
continent wide drying up of Africa starting around 5mya. This caused shrinkage of
the large forests to
Red Bull Cool Factor
Red Bull energy drink has had wings since it took off 25 years ago.
The iconic Red bull drink as we know it today in the western world was originally
found in Thailand in 1987 by an Austrian entrepreneur who was inspired when he
realized that it could cure his jet lag.
The original drink called Krateng Daeng was first invented and only available in
Thailand. The Austrian entrepreneur, Dietrich Mateschitz then in partnership with
Chaleo Yoovidhva modified the energy drink to suit the taste of the western world
and the iconic carbonated Red Bull energy drink was found and first started in Austria.
In 1992, the product expanded to international markets, at first ... Show more content
on ...
Red Bull Product Range Red Bull cans original on the left and sugar free on the right
available in a 250ml can sold at R14.99 in South Africa also available in a 355ml
R19.99 can and now in a 473ml R24,99 can. Pack sizes of 4 units per pack.
Red Bull limited edition RED, SILVER and BLUE available in 250ml can RSP at
R14.99 in South Africa
Red Bull energy shot RSP at R12.99 in South Africa
Red Bull cans as we know it in the western world.
The original Thai Red Bull bottle.
Original Thai Red Bull bottle that inspired Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz
to westernize the drink!
Perceived Market Share:
According to market share Red bull is the most successful and popular energy
drink in the world, international they dominate the market with year on year
growth and is responsible for an estimated 70% of sales in the energy drink market
year to date. Remarkably between 2009 until 2012 they have dominated with an
estimated market share of 42% in the energy drink market. A total of 5.226 billion
cans of Red bull were sold worldwide in 2012 representing an increase of 12.8%
against 2011.
Red Bull is well known by consumers to vitalize body and mind and is generally
purchased by most for this purpose.
Product Offering
Red bull is a premium brand that consumers are willing to pay the higher price for
because it satisfies their needs and wants, and it also delivers on its promise to
Vitalize Body and
Service For Sony Computer Entertainment
To begin this letter, I would first like to congratulate you on your impressive fifteen
years of service for Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE), and I have been affected
by your wonderful service to such a prosperous company. With an impressive
background and dedication to a company whose products many people of all ages
have enjoyed, you have indirectly touched countless people throughout time and have
probably caused many youths to go into gamedesign and development, some of
whom may even be your colleagues or co workers. I wish you continued luck and
success. However, there is a point to this letter, and given you are an incredibly busy
man, I shall get to the point of my writing you, and perhaps give insight to the
consumer side and help with continued success. Since the PlayStation 3was
introduced into the market, as well as the competing consoles, downloadable content
has become commonplace among many games to this date and has been the bane, or
joy, of many consumers.
Now, as a businessman, your first responsibility to the company is to ensure success
and to partner with the companies and organize the content for the console. Which, is
any sound business strategy, to earn revenue and get a return on profit (or
investment), on the product that has just been released that took two or more years to
produce. As the president of Sony America, you may not have direct control over the
content the actual gaming companies produce or their decisions for downloadable
Joel Rifkin Research Paper
Joel Rifkin, born January 20, 1959, lived in East Meadow, Long Island, where he
was enrolled in Prospect Avenue Elementary School, was a serial killer who killed
17 women in the 1990s. He killed his first woman in 1989 and continued his killing
spree until 1993 police tried to pull him over for a missing license plate and then
discovered a corpse in his car. He was convicted the following year and then plead
guilty to additional counts of murder. He is presently and inmate at the Clinton
Correctional Facility in New York. During his childhood he was bullied, exclude
from sports because of poor posture and also suffered from dyslexia and struggled in
school, despite his high IQ. The torment continued into his teen years and eventually
it wore
The True Meaning Of Life
People, specifically, individuals want to live on, they want to venture themselves
into the future. we have this will to live on. And nevertheless, unlike any other
conscious being, we have to live with the realization, that this will is going to be
frustrated, that this will all end, that we will die. Furthermore, we have to live with
the sense that our lives, our conscience, will no longer exist the worst thing that
could perhaps happen to us, our will. This is the true meaning of what is means to
be mortal. So, it is fully logical to see why some would want to live forever, to
become immortal. For instance, on one side of a spectrum, there is the non human
animals, which possess the same will as humans but do not possess the knowledge
of death. This means, that since they are not aware of death, they are then
immortal. Another example, on the other side of the spectrum are the gods or
higher beings, which are immortal, because they are aware of death but they do
not die. Right in the middle of the spectrum, there are humans, possessing both the
will to live and the the knowledge of death. Therefore, it is reasonable, that one
would want to live forever, or for an indefinite time. We could benefit from the
thrilling idea that any present day could be our last with the possibility that it may
be not. People fear the simplicity of death and do not like to discuss it, looking at
the history of thought, there are people who have come to terms with this fear.
People who spoke
Project. On . Networking Topology. . . . . . . Submitted
PROJECT ON NETWORKING TOPOLOGY Submitted to: Submitted by: Uma,
Jinna Basnet, Ashim TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction to networking and its
advantages and
disadvantages........................................................................................... 3 Networking
Topology..................................................................................6 14 Bus topology Ring
topology Star topology Hybrid topology Mesh topology Connection and
Connectionless Networking.........................................................15 Bibliography
..............................................................................................16 Networking and its
Advantage and Disadvantage Networking is... Show more content on
пЃ¶Resource Sharing Computer resources can be shared in the network such as the
printer, scanner, modem etc. This allows us to track down the uses of resources. For
example, a network administrator can set up a printer server and share it in the
network. Then the user can use printer server for printing. Now administrator needs
only to monitor the print server instead of individual workstations. This is
economically better. пЃ¶Application Sharing Application sharing is the most
common in companies. Companies may have a business application that needs to be
updated by several users. Sharing make it possible. It allows several users to work
together on a single application. пЃ¶Economic benefits With computer networking,
you can use a lot of software and hardware available on the market which can just
be stored or installed on a server and can be used by various workstations. Dis
Advantage: пЃ¶Need of Technicians The network should be checked frequently
monitored for good performance and no problems on its physical and logical
component. The expert technicians are required to do so it cost a lot of money to
hire them for all time пЃ¶Network failure If any server like the file, print etc. fail
then the whole network is affected. If any hardware fails the nodes cannot be used.
пЃ¶Expensive It is expensive to build and run the network. Expensive hardware like
a router, cables, hub,
Evolution Of Religion In World History
The evolution of religion in world history has been a fascinating journey to say the
least. So many of us profess to be a part of a certain religion but yet we don t
understand how it came to be. By unraveling the beginnings of today s major
religions, we can gain a better understanding and appreciation of religions around the
world. Just as everyone is special and unique so too are the various religions. It s
important to understand and respect whatever beliefs others may have no matter if
we agree with them or not. Religionhas greatly evolved over the centuries. Many
scholars and experts believe the earliest form of religion was due to our own fears.
(PBS, np). Primitive man had many fears every day. Fear of weather, prey, and...
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Buddhism goal is to end human suffering through the renunciation of desire.
(Pollard et al. 2015). The creator of Buddhism was Buddha Shakyamuni 567 BC
484 BC. (About Buddhism, np). The goal of Buddhism is to gradually overcome
the negatives in life. If we can solve the negatives in our life and have a path of
faith and do meditation, we can live a positive and yet educational life. Buddhism is
defined as philosophy because philosophy means love of wisdom and the Buddhist
path can be summed up as into three key points: to lead a normal life, to be mindful
of life and the thought that come along with it and to develop wisdom and
Theme Of The Relationship Of Duddy Kravitz
In The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by Mordecai Richler, three themes that are
consistently present throughout the novel are persistence, greed and manipulation.
Despite Duddy s persistence in chasing his dreams, his greed and manipulation of
others leads to his own unhappiness. When Duddy is in New York, Virgil sells him
pinball machines. Duddy does not pay him upfront and owes him money. Virgil is
very supportive of Duddy, he wants Duddy to succeed. Even though Duddy knows
that Virgil is someone who admires him and someone who wants to see him
succeed. Duddy uses Virgil and does not treat him nicely. When Virgil goes to
Duddy to get hired by him, Duddy tells him that he needs a truck, he knows that he
does not have a truck and yet he... Show more content on ...
The rest of his family thinks he is a failure and focuses on his successful brother
Lennie. Simcha tells Duddy that a man without land is nobody . Despite being
ignored by everyone he knows except Simcha Duddy takes his advice very
seriously, he is discouraged by a lot of people including his own father, yet he
decides to pursue his goal of owning land. To pursue his goal he gets a job in his
uncle, Benjy s company. Benjy is a wealthy clothing manufacturer who dislikes
duddy and is perceptive of him. Even though he is constantly discourages and has to
work for his uncle who does not like him Duddy does not give up on his dream of
owning land which shows that he is
Informative Essay On Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live celebrated its 40th anniversary in style last season. Sure, the
three and a half hour special welcoming back alums and esteemed guests was
entertaining, but the real celebration should be because of its talented cast. SNL
often gets a bad rap because people are partial to their version of the show. If we
look at the 2014 2015 cast ten or fifteen years from now, we might consider them
one of the best ensembles the NBC institution has ever produced. Here s a look at the
top 10 cast members from last season.
Number 10: Beck Bennett.Before Beck Bennett joined the cast in 2013, he was
sitting at the kids table. He played a wry adult talking to children in AT T s It s Not
Complicated Campaign. Since joining the cast, Bennett s most recognizable character
is Mr. Patterson, a ... Show more content on ...
It is evident that whatever producers need McKinnon to do, she can do and she
will do. Like Cecily Strong, McKinnon can dance, sing, do impressions, and carry
a skit. Her dance off with Jim Carrey in the Chandelier parody was legendary. Her
impressions of Hillary Clinton, Ellen DeGeneres, German Chancellor Angela Merkel,
Jane Lynch, Keith Urban, Justin Bieber, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg ( You ve just been
Gins burned ) are exceptional. Among her reoccurring characters are cat lover
Barbara DeDrew, Russian woman Olya, and passive aggressive tenant Mrs. Santini.
Number 2: Bobby Moynihan.Bobby Moynihan is uniquely talented in that he can
make viewers laugh with just a look, but make them pity him one sketch later. Since
2008, Moynihan has delighted audiences as Drunk Uncle, Riblet, Anthony Crispino
who is pretty sure about everything and Kirby, the man who loves his little kitty cat.
His signature impressions are Snooki, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, ex
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, and Guy
Similarities Between Barefoot Gen And Animal Farm
Barefoot Gen written by Keiji Nakazawa and Animal Farm written by George
Orwell are two stories that are relatively different from each other but contain a
similar theme of bystanderism. Bystanding is not seen as courageous and shows
signs of weakness, especially If someone were to perform terrible acts on a
community member, and everyone just stood and watched, or walked by without
saying anything. It gives that person complete power over everyone else and things
often get worse. If no one ever tells them off, nothing will change. A bystander is
defined as a person that is present at the event but doesn t get involved and we can see
this is Barefoot Gen from the neighborhood children and parents, the soldiers on the
streets, and the kid s classmates. In Animal Farm, bystanders are seen by the
surrounding animals, where they see inhumane acts but turn their heads, sometimes
pretending they had no idea.... Show more content on ...
It tells us a story about the experience of a boy, living in conditions of Japan during
the 1940s. His family is labeled as traitors after Gens dad proudly voices his
opinion about the war and his kids follow in his footsteps. The neighbors are all
aware of how the Nakaokas are being treated. The kids are bullied, abused by other
children, the father is beaten by police officers, Eiko, the daughter, was strip
searched, and people bad mouth them on the streets, yet they do nothing because
they do not want to be seen as traitors too. A specific story is when Hanada (a boy
who ran from training) was caught and returned. The squad leader continuously beat
him with a bat and called him horrendous words. Koji tried to step in but was also
thrown down to the ground. There were people around, but no one did anything, they
just stood around and watched it all unfold. Sometimes being a bystander is more
damaging than being the perpetrator
Role Of Transportation In The Victorian Era
The Victorian Era spanned over sixty years of British history, during which Queen
Victoria ruled the country. During this era, great improvements were made in the
area of transportation. These innovative changes produced larger and faster ways to
travel for less money. In Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities, horse drawn carriages
are used as the most prevalent form of transportation. Transportation in the British
Victorian Erawas vastly different than today s transportation as evidenced in Dickens
A Tale of Two Cities.
During the Victorian Era there were very few modes of transportation. The most
widely used forms of transportation during this time were horse drawn carriages,
ships, trains, and walking. Types of transportation were greatly improved during the
time leading up to the Victorian Era. Carriages provided for faster transportation of a
large number of people for less money. Ships had been... Show more content on ...
In every respect, this was a revolutionary transformation more revolutionary, in its
way, than the rise of the cotton industry because it represented a far more advanced
phase of industrialization and one bearing on the life of the ordinary citizen outside
the rather small areas of actual industry (Hobsbawm). Finally, there was an easier
way to bridge the gap between country and city life. This technological advancement
changed peoples lived drastically, mainly because it was so much faster than anything
Over a century has passed and technology has never slowed down since. Today, the
people of Britain, both wealthy and poor, have so many more transportation
choices. Over the years, as the scientific revolution allowed, more varied and
cheaper ways of travelling were invented. In present day Britain, there are a lot of
ways that people get around. You no longer have to be rich to get where you are
going in a safe and timely
Transgender Bedrooms And Transgender Bathrooms
Transgender Bathrooms Throughout the years, views of life have changed. Our
laws have become more strict. Now they are trying to pass the transgender
bathroom law.Why would this law need to pass? What people will it help? If the
law does pass it isn t going for very long, and it isn t going to be a good thing. What
do other people think about this law. If people really want the transgenderbathroom
law to pass, just maybe this will change that. Transgender bathrooms are dull and
unsafe. What kind of people would want the law to pass? What are transgender
bathrooms? Why would people need transgender bathrooms when there s two
already? According to Unisex Public Bathrooms , transgender is when you feel like
being the opposite sex. If they re gay they can go into the female s bathrooms. The
same thing also goes for females, if they feel like being males today. They can use
the malebathrooms. It doesn t matter if they are dressed like the opposite sex. All
they have to do is just feel like being the opposite then they can go into that
bathroom. That is why most people want a unisex bathroom. How dangerous is it
to be in the bathroom with opposite sex? How dangerous is it to go in the bathroom
with the opposite sex? Some people believe that it is safe. Men are crazy they might
feel like being a girl and then come rapesomeone. That is not okay or have a girl go
into the men s bathroom and get abused. What if it s someone s daughter that gets
abused or raped? Everyone
How My Heart Surgery That Changed My Life
For the childhood memory I chose when I had heart surgery when I was in 6th
grade. I couldn t think of many others that changed me as much as this one did. I
was born with a condition called SVT (Supraventricular Tachycardia). I lived with
it all my live. Whenever I got hit in the chest really hard my heart would race, and
pound abnormally. The highest it got was 250 270 BPM (Beats Per Minute). I
was in the fire station when they saw how fast it was beating. I was 12 when I was
forced by my parents to get surgery instead of medication. I broke down
emotionally because it was my first major surgery and I couldn t stand it. It was
the worst experience in my life, and it will only get worse. The surgery. The day of
the surgery I had many panic, and anxiety attacks on the way there. I will never
forget the feeling I had in the waiting room. When I was getting ready for the
surgery I got so sick. I was so nervous. They had to give me something to calm me
down. The used to calm me down started wearing off as I was being taken to the
operating luck. The surgery was supposed to take 20 30 mins. For me, the
surgery took 5 6 hours.... Show more content on ...
The day after the surgery was just as bad as the day of the surgery. I was wheel
chaired out of the hospital, and I felt tired, groggy, exhausted, and overall just
terrible. On the car ride home my heart was hurting a lot and I was having a lot of
irregular issues with my heart. I was having more panic and anxiety attacks. The
incision wounds partly reopened so that was really scary. This experience changed
me quite a bit and not in a good way. It was one of the worst experiences in my life.
It has made me constantly worry about my heart and health. I have really bad
anxiety when it comes to my heart. Or anything for that matter. I am always
worrying about my heart. This experience changed the way I felt about surgery and
what people go through. I dislike surgery so
The Greatest Kings Of Ancient Babylon
There were many leaders who tried to control and ensure power for themselves and
their citizens. Many would go to the extreme to maintain their powers and others
would let the people s influence, influence them. Some places that had leaders were,
Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, and even India. One of the most
important leader back in 1795 BCE was Hammurabi, but was overthrown in 1750.
He was the leader in Babylonbut was taken down by Assyrians. The Assyrians had
taken over Babylon, had made it their own, and have changed so much. They
forced all the people to move out to their Assyrian Kingdom and obey the Assyrian
Kingdom. Hindus practice a religion called hinduism which was formally started in
India. Many people had to live by hinduism because they were born in it. They won
t be able to change who they are, it was basically impossible. King Nebuchadnezzar
was one of the greatest kings of Ancient Babylon. He was considered the best kind
because he had restored old religion monuments and improved waterways. He was
able to control the periphery because of him and his strong and professional army.
It is hard just to pick one best leader but most will say that Hammurabi was the best
one, only because of how was able to maintain his city in peace and maintain his
Hammurabi was the sixth king of Babylon from 1792 BCE to 1750 BCE. When
Hammurabi first became king of Babylon it was all quiet and peaceful. He had many
loyal citizens and they obeyed everything he
Economic Impact Analysis on a High-Speed Railway
Economic Impact Analysis on a High Speed Railway System for Central Florida
Economic Impact Analysis on a High Speed Railway System for Central Florida
High speed railway (HRL) systems have been used primarily over in such countries
as Japan since 1964 and France since 1984. Recently the United States has generated
interest in the high speed railway as well. The proposed system would stretch from
Miami through Orlando and end in the St. Petersburg/Tampa area. With bullet trains
operating at top speeds of 220 miles an hour, the express travel time from downtown
Miami to Orlando would take approximately 2.5 hours. Intercity travelers (trips
between metropolitan regions) along with longer distance commuters would ... Show
more content on ...
As of first quarter 2004, the overall cost of living index was 97.8 as compared to the
U.S. average of 100, according to the American Chamber of Commerce Researchers
In 2003, there were 43,845 new business start ups in the Metro Orlando MSA. In
October of 2003, Orlando added 14,700 new jobs В– an increase of 1.6 percent from
a year earlier. In 2003, 53 percent of the region s largest employers reported
increases in their employment levels compared to the previous year. Among the
top 100 companies there was a net gain of about 16,500 full and part time jobs, an
increase of more than 5 percent from a year ago. The leading employer in Orlando is
Walt Disney Co., which employs about 4 percent of all workers in Central Florida.
The company employed 51,600 people in Central Florida as of September 2003,
representing 15 percent of the 342,000 workers on this year s Central Florida
Business Top Employers list. Despite the microscopic growth at the big theme parks,
tourism employment overall has led the way in the Orlando job market s resurgence.
Two emerging industries in Orlando are technology and manufacturing. Employment
in the technology industry has more than doubled over the last ten years, with more
than 80,000 people employed by more than 3,800 companies. The manufacturing
industry is marked by a total of over 4,000 companies, and Orlando holds an
impressive ranking as one of the top 50
Summary Of The Simpsons And Their Mathematical Secrets
The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets by Simon Singh is a trade book that
talks about the history of The Simpsons and Futurama and how mathematics is
embedded into numerous episodes in each series. Along the way Singh, in addition to
the other main writers for The Simpsons, talk about many of the subtle math jokes
that are present. These jokes range from very simple jokes that students in
elementary school could understand to jokes that not even some mathematics
professors with doctorate degrees can decipher. Singh said that everything that
happens to us has some effect on us, and I do suppose that the time I spent in grad
school made me a better writer at the end of the book. He recalls when he was
younger and he was working on numerous projects in mathematics. In addition to
being a bright student, he had the ability to make jokes. Eventually, several famous
people in television such as Johnny Carson and David Letterman noticed this and
gave him an in in the entertainment business.... Show more content on
Over time, Fox wanted a spin off show and Futurama was born. Futurama extends the
jokes that were used in the Simpsons to a higher dimension. Many of the jokes in
Futurama involve sophisticated relationships learned in multivariable calculus such as
surface integrals and Mobius strips among other topics. The second half of the book
focuses on these more advanced topics as portrayed in
Analysis Of Slumdog Millionaire
Rising from the slums to become a millionaire is one in a million chance. Yet,
Jamal, the main character of Slumdog Millionaire, has raised his life from living in
the slums to living the life a millionaire. With their mother dying, Jamal and his
brother started off in the slums living off trash and garbage. From experience,
Jamal was able to recall certain events and situations to help him answer certain
question on the Who wants to be a millionaire show. For example, Jamal was able to
answer the question, What does God Rama hold in his right hand? , by simply
remembering the time after his mother was killed and him and his brother, Salim,
were being chased. (Thesis) Not only did the plot of the movie made the movie
interesting and amazing to watch, but the acting, aging through camera transitions,
and overall goal of Jamal to find Latika throughout conflicts made Slumdog
Millionaire a amazing movie.
The acting of Slumdog Millionaire seemed to be integrated into the environment
and the setting of the slums. With the use of real children from the slums, the
movie seems to be very real as the children seem to already fit the descriptions of
being part of the slums. Living in India, I was able to understand the conditions and
lives of the people that lived around the slums. These people are recognized by the
majority of the public as being savages and uncivilized. The child actors that played
Jamal and Salim in the movie fit the description of being savages and uncivilized. For
example, Jamal jumped into the pile of poop from the outdoor bathroom to get to
Amitabh Bachchan to get his autograph. And as for Salim, Salim fit the description
of being uncivilized due to the fact he had no regards for other people s lives. A
perfect example is when Salim was in charge of all the other children in the child
slave ring, Salim at one point took away a baby from another girl to give it to
Latika. In this scene, Latika didn t want to hold the baby but had to hold the baby
because Salim threaten to drop it. Overall, the acting of Slumdog Millionaire was
amazing because of many reasons. Reasons including the fact that the actors that
played Jamal, Salim, and Latika were real children from the slums of India which
Sample Psychological Test
Psychological Evaluation Confidential Name: Jericho Rosales Birthdate: October
16, 1980 Age: Gender: Male Education:College Graduate Report Writer: Date of
report: November 5, 2012 Instruments Administered: Clinical interview Reason For
Referral Mr Jericho Rosales is currently in the process of annulment of his
marriage to Ms Kristine Hermosa Rosales. Respondent Jericho is claimed by other
party to be suffering from Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder with underlying
Narcissistic Traits. Mr Rosales is claimed to be incapable of being a good husband
due to his psychological incapacity.It was investigated but never proven. No history
of health problems was reported. No medications are currently... Show more content
on ...
No histories of auditory or visual hallucinations were reported. Mr Rosales denied
having any specific phobias, obsessions, or compulsions. He denied having feelings
that others can read his mind or that she can broadcast his thoughts to others. His
attention and concentration were appropriate and his immediate, recent, and remote
memory seemed intact. He denied having problems concentrating. He
demonstrated limited insight into his problems and his judgment seemed
adequate. Mr Rosales appears to be functioning in the range of abilities. Overall, he
did not present as having a thought disorder nor did he present as being a danger to
himself or others. Behavior Observations Mr Rosales approached the testing
session in a cooperative and friendly manner. Neither disruptiveness nor difficulty in
cooperation and compliance were noted during the evaluation. His appearance and
grooming were adequate and appropriate. He had a deliberate style of answering
and working on most problems. Attention and effort were appropriate. Most work
was completed with an orderly plan and self correction. Responses were usually
made in a reflective, thoughtful manner. Signs of impulsivity or carelessness were
not observed. His activity level was observed to be within normal limits for age
range. Fidgeting or difficulties remaining seated were not noted. Instructions were
followed carefully and understood without apparent
Power Of Habit Analysis
According to Duhigg who authored The Power of Habit , in order for habits to be
created a person must go through a process of which requires thought, action, and
repeating. Thought is considered the main reason people form bad habits throughout
their daily life. Our mind plays a very important role in creating habits. In the Power
of HabitDuhigg asserts, Most people s habits have occured for so long that they don
t pay attention to what causes it anymore. It is most important for people to realize
what is causing their brain for doing these habits. Knowing what causes myself to do
certain habits is important because in order to change my habits I first have to know
what exactly I do unconsciously everyday. By analyzing my habit I will... Show more
content on ...
right after coming home from school. According to Duhigg, to understand your own
habits,you need to identify the components of your loops . Once you have diagnosed
the habit loop of a particular behavior, you can look for ways to replace old vices
with new routines.This is important to know because without identifying this habit
you will not be aware or be able to analyze the reason as to why you constantly do
this habit on a daily routine and this habit could have a negative effect if it is done
daily. To change this bad habit from happening, I will turn off my electronics and
put them somewhere far away from me or locked up so I do not get easily
distracted when my phone vibrates I do not have the urge to look at why my
phone is vibrating. By turning off my phone my mind will only be focused on
what I am supposed to do like doing homework, reading a chapter for a class,etc.For
example if my phone starts ringing my cue would be to answer it and check what
is going on but in reality when I m supposed to be checking my phone because it
was vibrating my mind goes off track on why I was using the phone and instead
checks social
Macy s Department Store
Who would have known that Macy s department store would go from how may I
help you to how may I follow you . For years Macy s have been discriminating
against minorities who shop in their stores, now finally they have to pay the price.
The department store recently settled the numerous complaints that were received for
a sum of $650,000. That settlement came a week later after Barney s, another major
retail chain settled that their case for $525,000. For many years America has been
known to treat minorities differently from the rest of society.
Minorities are perceived and labelled by society as criminals, thieves, and disorderly
individuals. The racial stereotyping of minorities has been an abiding and lamentable
element in American culture. ... Show more content on ...
Racial profiling is known as unconstitutional and morally incorrect, but it still
continues to occur in society. In 2013 actor Robert Brown has been targeted because
of his race while shopping at Macy s flagship store in Herald Square. Brown
purchased a Movado watch that cost $1,300 then went on to purchase sunglasses
for himself. While in the middle of the store shopping he was stopped and accused
for credit card fraud. He was then detained inside the store for no reason. The
NYPD cuffed him and told him he was going to jail for using a fake card. Due to
the stereotypes of minorities it was unbelievable to the sales associate that he
could afford such watch, so he or she called the police on him. He or she wrongly
assumed he was involved in criminal activities. Another case took place in Barneys
on Madison Avenue. Micheal Palillo, a black college student was detained by the
police for purchasing a designer belt that costed him $350. He was stopped by
undercover officers that were allegedly called by a sales clerk because she thought
the transaction was fraudulent. Palillo was asked by the cops how could he afford to
purchase such belt? He showed his receipt, but they told him he could not afford to
make such an expensive
The Imitation Game
A text that I Would recommend to all year 12 students is the historical film The
Imitation Game, directed by Morten Tyldum. I would recommend this text
because of how we can learn from the theme of Homophobia and the idea of
Individualism. The film is about Alan Turing and his struggle to create a machine
to decipher the enigma code used by the germans in the second world war.
Throughout the film he works past obstacles in his way in order to achieve this
goal of creating a mechanical mind .The film is mostly shown as a series of
flashbacks from Alan as he is questioned by the police about being accused of the
crime of indecency (homosexuality). The first reason I recommend this film to year
12 is because of the theme of homophobia that
Compare Ethos Pathos And Logos Of Martin Luther King
How would a writer write so his audience understands and accepts the writers own
point of view? Writers use rhetorical tools classified by Aristotle, in the fourth
century B.C.E. improve chances of persuasion (Wysocki). The classifications are:
ethos, pathos, and logos. Writers manage to craft their arguments by using one or
more of these classifications. Furthermore to Foster the understand of the use of
these classifications extracted excerpts from Martin Luther King Jr s, Letter From
A Birmingham Jail; which was wrote to the clergymen, in Alabama to speak about
why he had come to a Alabama and to prove he had a right to attend a peaceful
protest there. The two classification that will extracted are ethos and pathos. The first
classifications, ethos is used when a writer uses his or her own credibility to appeal
to their intended audience. Martin Luther King Jr. used ethos when he stated, I have
the honor of serving as president of the... Show more content on ...
The fear of losing family and even the fear of being harmed by the ones that should
protect, the police. King tries to get his readers to imagine their life with the threat
of fear that could cause the loss of the people closest to them being killed at any
moment and for any reason. Another use of fear was when king wrote, We should
never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was legal and
everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was illegal. It was
illegal to aid and comfort a Jew in Hitler s Germany (King). This example about
Hitler and Hungarian freedom fight is trying to provoking fear from the past, and
how these issue in world history had a huge impact on how wars start. No one
wants war, so by comparing the issues in Alabama with world issue the fear of
history repeating is apparent. This statement is almost like a nicely worded threat.
Kings is illustrating what could come if justice is not found in
Predicament Changes In Dante s Inferno
In Dante Alighieri s comedy Inferno, a man is his looking upon his past and how he
chose to leave god s path and ultimately how Virgil showed him how to walk it once
more. Though Virgil can be hailed as the savior of Dante the two men had an ever
evolving relationship throughout the story.
In the beginning of Dante s plight, he is lost in the dark wood and can see the way
back to the light, but his path is blocked. However, his predicament changes when
he sees a familiar face appear to aide him. This familiar face is the deceased poet
Virgil with whom Dante pleads for help and describes as you are my teacher, the
first of all my authors, and you alone the one from whom I took the noble style that
was to bring me honor (1055). After hearing
Dr Zhivago Essay
Imagine a man leaving home to retrieve medication for his pregnant wife, but never
returning home. Now, picture him being captured and forced to care for soldiers
without going home for several years. How would he keep his spirits up while
being away from home for so long? One may learn from an experience like this one
when watching the film Doctor Zhivago. The main character, Yuri Zhivago teaches
the audience to work hard even under unwanted or forced labor. He also shows a
determined attitude for keeping his head up and moving forward one day at a time.
This is a strong mindset to have considering the film begins in the 1950 s and
continues all throughout World War I. During this time, Russiais under reconstruction.
The appearance of the... Show more content on ...
A balalaika is a guitarlike musical instrument with a triangular body. The balalaika
was a very popular instrument in Russia around the 1950s. Yuri s mother was very
good at playing the Balalaika. People considered her music as a beautiful art. The
balalaika traveled with Yuri everywhere, but he didn t know how to play it.
Toward the end of the movie Yevgraf starts looking for Yuri s daughter. He found
her, but she claimed she didn t know who her father was. Yevgraf could tell it was
Yuri s daughter because she had an gift for playing the balalaika, just like Yuri s
mother. Many believe that the balalaika serves as a symbol of Yuri s artistic nature.
Which is most likely true, considering Yuri represents Boris Pasternak, who had a
very creative mindset.
In conclusion, the film Doctor Zhivago displayed many elements of symbolism.
These elements include the harsh leader, Strelnikov, the doctor, Yuri Zhivago, and a
beautiful instrument called the balalaika. The audience can see there are many
struggles in the film that have been experienced in real life. One may encounter
obstacles in their lives due to challenges that aren t asked for or deserved. In this
case, the film can teach one to have a go getter attitude and to live everyday to their
best ability even if nothing seems to go
Government And The Moral And Metaphysical Implications
Over the length of this course, we have discussed several aspects of politics. We have
studied citizenship and obligations to society as a citizen, justice and what it means
to us as individuals, and how to go about enacting change within a community and
around the world. Some of the most important topics from this class included the
characteristics, duties, and obligations of rulers of government. In addition to the
concept of rulers, we also studied the notion of authorityand the moral and
metaphysical implications of authority to individuals autonomy. Within each concept
of study, we read works from many authors with conflicting ontologies, constructed
from their differing views on human nature.
Within the study of rulers, we read differing views from five different authors. The
first author, Plato, wrote in his book, The Republic, that there are different levels of
understanding the world. The lowest level of understanding, he said, was when
someone could see the shadow of the image, then above that level of understanding
was to understand the images themselves. That level consisted of most of the people
within a society. A select view could understand the next level; scientific
manifestations of objects. Finally, the highest level of understanding was known as
understanding the pure forms. Plato wrote that whoever understood the pure forms
of the world was fit to be the ruler, which he called the philosopher king. He believed
this philosopher king would guide the
Cheesecake Factory Case Study
The Cheesecake Factory has a four significant areas of code of conduct that is very
important. The first conduct is general standards of conduct is when the employee
builds a relationship amongst trust, loyalty, honesty, and responsibility within the
company. The employee will have the responsibility to follow the rules and
procedures to uphold the company guidelines of interest at all times. This is
important because you will want to build and have that trust with your staff
members. The second conduct is compliance with laws every staff member need to
comply with the laws and rules of conduct regarding the form of harassment and
other discriminatory behavior, also there will be no form of drug or alcohol abuse.
This is important because you wouldn t want a staff member come to work feeling
uncomfortable by another employee and don t want an employee to not to be able to
perform its duties being on drugs or alcohol.... Show more content on
This pertains of being related to someone by blood, marriage, business related, and
outside employment. This is very important because it will give the employees
inequity to blood relatives, marriages, and other business related. This can cause
problem with the company and because poor business that will not profit well with
the current relationship with the company has already establish. The fourth conduct
is the protection of the company s confidential information. This pertains an
employee shouldn t disclose information about the business and not to disclose about
any employee. This is important because you want to protect the company of all
aspects regarding financial and business trade secrets. You will want to protect the
employee for example someone can come look for and ex staff member you don t
want to disclose any information to that person because they could harm that
The Roles Of Moral Codes In The Maurya Empire
Moral codes have prevailed for the length of human civilization in order to establish
conformity. However, moral codes have also been used as a tactic by leaders in order
to isolate the views of their citizens. Isolation allows leaders to make drastic
decisions with less protest. The decisions of the leader can either aid a country or
damage it s harmony. Despite it s possible benefits, moral codes have historically
been abused for selfish pleasure of the leader. Moral codes can be traced back to the
Maurya Empire, where conformity to Dharma was highly encouraged. Ashoka
Maurya transitioned the legacy of his dynasty to become tolerant and peaceful. The
only way he made such a transition was to use moral codes. The ingenious
conformity to... Show more content on ...
Patriarchal beliefs were found across the entire prehistoric world and in order to
gain popularity Islam enforced the belief. The primary obstacle was to persuade
women to accept patriarchy, as, the value of [their] life [would be] half that of a
man, (Doc 5). Moral codes proved to be useful, as Islam had grown to be one of the
most popular religions on the globe. Social interactions were intensified and
individuals lives, including women, were mistreated. Their success was shown
through acts such as, stoning women for adultery, (Doc 5). The extreme punishment
for women is evidence of Islam s success in manipulating the women to believe they
are inferior to men. The patriarchal beliefs attracted governments, such as Iran, to
transition into theocracies. Iran changed their government in 1979 and based their
laws on Islamic law. The religions powerful control over peoples minds gave them
the freedom to turn extremist beliefs into casual actions. Though Islam is less harsh
on women today, sexism continues to be an issue in a variety of social environments
across the globe. Moral codes have evidently lasted throughout history, yet the
Maurya Empire, the Church, and Islam all spread the psychological tactic to future
societies. Moral codes today can all be traced back to those three great powers.
Although, current scholars debate on whether the current moral codes are beneficial
to human
America Diary Entry
With arms wide open, Allie stood on the balcony of her newly refurbished home
and enjoyed the rainy mists blowing onto the balcony off the late afternoon
shower; she had dearly missed sitting there in the mornings and evenings, watching
the sunrises and the ships going and coming. Allie loved her grandmother, but was
glad to have left her grandmother s house and gone back to her own. Here, she
was the mistress she could lie in bed all day if she chose to she could do as she
pleased. This is who I am, thought Allie, is this how you remind me, she whispered,
looking toward the heavens. Inhaling deeply, she sat down in her favorite chair and
propped her bare feet on the balcony railing The earthy, venereal, desirous scents
were soothing to... Show more content on ...
I need to leave Charleston as soon as I can, thought Allie. Maybe I should beg
Thomas to take me somewhere else If he does not want me to be in Savannah, then
maybe, he can take me to Jamaica or some other place nearby. Willie s
cumbersome footsteps lumbering up the stairwell let her know that they were
ready to fill her tub. Mary even had Gabriel toting water. As soon as they finished,
she slipped off her clothes to get into the steaming tub. Her reflection in the mirror
startled her. She knew that since becoming pregnant, she was filling out some, but
had not realized how much. Her breasts looked much larger and her hips were
nicely rounded. Thomas will like this, thought Allie as she stepped into the tub. She
had just finished washing when she heard the door to her bedroom open.
Suspecting Mary had come to help her, boot steps were the last thing she expected
to hear. When Thomas pushed the door open and entered her dressing room, it
almost startled her into a scream. Allie had just stood to reach for a towel when he
entered; his catching her, kept her from falling and injuring herself. The rough feel of
his clothes against her naked flesh sent tingling sensations through her. Grabbing a
handful of her hair, Thomas leaned her head back and kissed her soundly. His mouth
on hers sent even more tingles through her body. When Thomas released her, she was
plumb weak in the
The Dispossessed
In describing Anarres as an ambiguous utopia, Ursula Le Guin makes a statement
on the state of the utopia of the mid to late twentieth century. Readers were
becoming bored with the perfection and idealism presented in most stories of
utopian societies, and they craved conflict and excitement. As The Dispossessed
begins, the ambiguously utopian aspects of Anarres are obvious; a mysterious and
traitorous Passenger (later revealed to be Shevak) is being transported via ship by a
defense crew that seems fairly blasГ© about the Passenger s condition as long as it
doesn t keep them from their course. Even this soon into the story, the reader is
bombarded with information that makes the world seem anything but ideal. Le Guin
places two similar
Skin Rash Homeopathic Skin Rash Treatment
Skin rash homeopathic treatment
Homeopathic rash treatment
Homeopathic skin rash treatment
An area of skin that feels itchy, painful, red, swollen and inflammated a skin rash is
said to occur.
A person can well see a change in look, feel and texture of his skin.
It can either affect a specific body part or affect entire body.
May or may not be accompanied by pain
It can be caused due to varipus factors such as allergies, due to heavy medications, or
Some allergies are make skin rashes visible almost instantaneously while some others
may take some time t show their affects.
In medical terminology, a skin rash is terme as dermatitis. Which simple means any
inflammation of skin.
The most basic kind of rash which u=you must

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School Rules Essay

  • 1. School Rules Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "School Rules" may initially seem like a straightforward task, given the seemingly clear and defined theme. However, as one delves into the intricacies of this topic, the complexity becomes apparent. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of information but in navigating the multitude of perspectives, opinions, and potential subtopics within the broader theme. Firstly, one must consider the diverse nature of school rules across different educational institutions, regions, and cultures. The rules that govern a high school in one part of the world might differ significantly from those in another. This necessitates thorough research to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the various approaches to school rules. Moreover, exploring the rationale behind these rules adds an additional layer of complexity. Are they primarily geared towards maintaining discipline, fostering a conducive learning environment, or preparing students for future societal expectations? Analyzing the underlying motives requires a nuanced perspective and critical thinking. Addressing the impact of school rules on students is another challenge. Do these rules empower students to flourish academically and personally, or do they stifle creativity and individuality? Balancing the potential benefits and drawbacks demands a thoughtful examination of real-world examples, research findings, and expert opinions. Furthermore, the essay should not only describe existing school rules but also propose potential improvements or alternatives. This requires a creative and forward-thinking approach, taking into account the evolving nature of education and societal norms. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "School Rules" involves navigating a complex web of perspectives, cultural differences, motivations, and potential impacts on students. It demands meticulous research, critical analysis, and the ability to present a well-rounded view. The challenge lies not only in providing information but in offering a thoughtful and insightful commentary on a topic that influences the daily lives of students around the world. For those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of essay writing, various resources are available, including professional writing services. Platforms offer a range of services to aid in crafting essays on diverse topics, ensuring a well-researched, well-structured, and expertly written piece tailored to individual needs. School Rules Essay School Rules Essay
  • 2. What Does Richard Parker Symbolize In The Life Of Pi The Life of Pi is a fantasy adventure novel by author Yann Martel. It describes the protagonist Piscine Molitor Pi Patel, and his miraculous 277 days of survival in the Pacific with a 450 pound adult Bengal Tiger. In this novel, the literary device symbolism, which is using of symbols and other objects to represent ideas or qualities, plays an important role in the novel. It utilizes symbolism to describe animals as humans. Richard Parker (tiger) symbolizes Pi, and Orange Juice (orangutan) symbolizes Pi s mother. The color orange also has a significant symbolism in the novel, especially being the Hinduism color. All these factors of symbolism demonstrate to the readers how Pi survives. At the end of the novel, in the alternative story, he describes Richard Parker as himself, also numerous times in the novel Pi confesses to the readers that ... Show more content on ... For example in this quote, It came as an unmistakable indication to me of how low I had sunk the day I noticed, with a pinching of the heart, that I ate like an animal, that this noisy, frantic, unchewing wolfing down of mine was exactly the way Richard Parker ate, (Martel 225) Pi realizes that he became more like an animal, more specifically becoming Richard Parker. Richard Parker also relates to the color orange, as an orange cat, which is also significant to Pi. The color orange is the color of Hinduism, a religion which Pi believes in, and in The Life of Pi, it more so symbolizes survival and a hope that god will save Pi. When the ship had sank, Pi was given a life jacket which was orange, and also a whistle that was also orange, an orange lifebuoy that helped him reach the lifeboat, the orange tarpaulin that was a shelter
  • 3. The Effects of Advertising The Effects of Advertising Advertising is considered a paid communication through a non personal medium in which the sponsor is identified and the message is controlled. Variations include publicity, public relations, product placement, sponsorship, time shifted advertising, underwriting, and sales promotion. Every major medium is used to deliver these messages such as the television, radio, movies, magazines, newspapers, the internet, and billboards. Advertisements can also be seen on the seats of grocery carts, on the walls of an airport walkway, and the sides of buses, or heard in telephone hold messages or in store PA systems В– nearly anywhere a visual or audible communication can be placed. (Wikipedia, 2006) Advertisingcan be ... Show more content on ... There is absolutely no way to avoid it. For instance, a 1987 survey conducted by the city of St. Louis found twice as many billboards in black neighborhoods as white. Almost 60% of the billboards in the black neighborhoods advertised cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. In another study of seventy three billboards along nineteen blocks in a black neighborhood in Philadelphia, sixty advertised cigarettes or alcohol. In a 1989 survey by the Abel Foundation, 70% of the 2,015 billboards documented in the city of Baltimore advertised alcohol or tobacco products. Three fourths of the billboards were in predominately poor African American neighborhoods. In fact, the Center for Disease Control estimates that billboards advertising tobacco products are placed in African American communities four to five times more often than in white communities. Furthermore, the advertisements are usually for menthol cigarettes, which are more popular with African Americans and which have additional significant medical effects. (Randall, 2005) According to an article found in a Washington DC newspaper, minorities, particularly blacks, have been disproportionately targeted by the tobacco industry giants. The internal company records of R.J. Tobacco Company and Brown Williamson Tobacco Corporation show how they ran advertising campaigns in magazines, on billboards, buses and other media to attract blacks to mentholated brands such as Salem and Kool. Also, a 1978 corporate memo profiles the
  • 4. Housetraining Research Paper One thing every dog owner wants is that their dog never goes inside. So you have to house train them. Housetraining is a lot like toilet training in kids, It takes time and A LOT of patience. First step is to pick a potty place. Don t play or pet the dog in the potty place unless it goes to the bathroom. After a while, the puppy s brain recognizes the potty place as a potty place. A puppy younger than 12 weeks has little to no bladder control. When that puppy needs to go, it needs to go! If a puppy is older than 12 weeks and it still has no bladder control take a urine sample to the vet, because the puppy might have urinary tract infection. Consistency is the bedrock of creating any habit, including housebreaking. Bells are amazing tools for housetraining. When the doghas to go, it can ring a bell, saving time and an unwanted accident. Tools and Gadgets can either be life saving, or life breaking if you don t use them correctly. Clickers are a handy training tool. Pair this sharp click noise with a treat and the dog s brain will ... Show more content on ... One of the most important skills for preventing your dog s misbehavior is knowing how to redirect them before they act. Redirection simply means taking their attention away from whatever they re focused on and bringing it back to you. The idea of redirection is to provide a stimulus that will distract your dog from whatever they ve fixated on, whether it s another dog, a person, a squirrel, or a noise outside. In order for redirection to work on your dog, it has to get your dog s attention, and the best way to do this is to associate it with a reward through positive reinforcement. Once your dog is responding the right way to the sound whenever you make it, it s time to start mixing it up by not always giving a reward other than verbal praise. Keep refining your timing of the redirection and learn how your dog indicates when he s about to engage in unwanted
  • 5. Cold Blood By Truman Capote The novel, In Cold Blood by Truman Capote would be a good, diverse addition to the ENG 3U course for many reasons, beginning with how the novel is non fiction, but still manages to create a story line, while remaining appealing for the reason that it differs from most novels on course syllabus to the way the author can make you feel for the characters. In Cold Bloodis a novel written about a real life event that happened in Holcomb, Kansas, 1959. A family of four is murdered in their house in cold blood. While this seems intriguing enough, Truman Capotekeeps the entire novel interesting by being descriptive in the way characters are described Marie examined the frontВview and profile of Smith: an arrogant face, tough, yet not entirely, for there was about it a peculiar refinementНѕ the lips and nose seemed nicely made, and she thought the eyes, with their moist, dreamy expression, rather prettyВВrather, in an actorish way, sensitive. Sensitive, and something more: mean. Though not as mean, as forbiddenly criminal, as the eyes of Hickock, Richard Eugene. Marie, transfixed by Hickock s eyes, was reminded of a childhood incident of a bobcat she d once seen caught in a trap, and of how, though she d wanted to release it, the cat s eyes, radiant with pain and hatred, had drained her of pity and filled her with terror. (Capote, 164) The novel is challenging and continues on with a large vocabulary to keep readers from becoming bored of continuous phrases, The sound of
  • 6. The Importance Of Liberal Arts In Business Education Over the years, schools of business education had not seen the need to incorporate liberal arts into their programs. In the past, employment rates for liberal arts majors had been generally low, which caused the school of business to turn away from the major and not want anything to do with it. According to a study conducted at Georgetown University, liberal artsmajors were found to have one of the top unemployment rates at 8.4% (Dumbauld, 2016). They have not provided great job opportunities and have left their students paying off large amounts of debt with not a lot of money coming in to pay them. Businessonce viewed liberal arts as a waste of time, since only certain subjects were being taught. During the 1970s and 1980s, many colleges began to shift from liberal arts to professional educationin order to meet students demands and maintain enrollment (Delucchi, 2009, p. 175). With this new restructuring of more business majors being added to the undergraduate curriculum, a demand driven response had risen to changed student interests (Delucchi, 2009, p. 175). Business has become such a popular major because it is needed in so many fields and assures graduates with a stable career path. Liberal arts colleges cannot guarantee this same promise due to claims of not having a distinctive educational identity and a clear social and political class. Only certain institutions have been able to support specific liberal arts graduates with high standing positions in the
  • 7. The Internet and Global Politics Accorodng to Badie Royal (2000), they showed that the internet has affected the global politics through increasing political participation. The innovation of internet brought with itself the ability to allow people to participate in political events differently. Internet allows people to influence the government decisions via comments posted on websites and send e mails of political contents (Ferdinand, 2000). Nowadays, many governments are launching political websites and media to seek public opinions on critical issues, which further suggest that the internet facilitates the westernization of some countries. Furthermore, the internet has changed or improves the way politics is running by providing alternative activities to offline political activities (Howland, 2002). In the past, to run a protest, an offline activity must have been set up by visiting government offices to present critical political issues (Howland,2002). Currently, it is extremely easy to protest against a politician or a government department by interacting to the media through email or forums. Therefore, the internet seems to have shortened the completely bureaucratic and complicated process and saved time/resources. In the flipside of the coins, the integration of internet into political environment has some negative impacts and undermining the process of westernization (Ferdinand, 2000). Western governmental organizations are the key players in spreading the western democracies and values through
  • 8. Begin Before Birth Research We have known for a long time that how we turn out depends on both our genes and our environment. What we now realize is that the influence of the environment begins in the womb, and how the mother feels during pregnancy can change this environment and can have a lasting effect on the development of her child. (Karraa, W. (2012, September 28). Begin Before Birth; Reproductive Researchers Reach Wide Audiences with New Interactive Website. In Science and Sensbility. Retrieved October 31, 2015, from before birth reproductive researchers reach wide audiences with new interactive website/). I have found countless books, articles, websites, even applications for phones dedicated to pregnancynutrition,... Show more content on ... But when depression, anxiety and low self esteem is baseline for a mother...that baby is likely to be experiencing the same thing. What can I do, as a pregnant mother, to ensure that my mental health is in the best state in can be? It has really been a lesson in learning to let things go and ask myself how important is this? I am finding that this is good practice for me and hopefully I will continue it after pregnancy. I am using physical activity, if endorphins make me happy...they should make baby happy. I am learning and implementing breathing and grounding techniques to reduce anxiety and racing thoughts. I have learned with my therapist that my body is pretty used to constantly being in a state of high alert. I do not want to pass this to my baby. Education...simply learning about these factors has influenced greater awareness and desire to improve my quality of living for my unborn baby, but also for myself. These factors not only influence my unborn baby...but as we learned throughout the class the caregiver s, in this case my, state of being also impact the ability to affect secure attachment with a new infant. Basically, we know that these changes are healthy changes but starting them early in pregnancy may very well increase the overall health of my baby. Being aware of your unborn baby at all times is the first stage in bonding with her and making sure you have a good relationship in the future. (Stoppard, M. (2008). Conception, Pregnancy Birth: The Childbirth Bible for Today s Parents (revised ed., p. 192). N.p.: Penguin,
  • 9. The Development Of Gifted Education Historical roots School students involvement in research projects is a new demand of 21st century due to some factors: globalization trend, development of human capital, implementation of the reform on the support and development of schools for gifted students and the poor results of Kazakhstani students in PISA. Since this paper is focused on research projects in the framework of gifted education, it is essential to determine the concepts of children as researchers and gifted educationby answering the question What and then, discuss the reasons of Why . The historical roots of the concept of children as researchers started being popular because of the change of children s status in society ( Hallet and Prout 2003; Alderson and Morrow, 2004). The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC, 1989) designated children as social actors in their own rights. Specifically, children should be enlightened and engaged about all solutions that influence their lives (as cited in Kellett, 2005, p.4). According to some scholars (Kirby and Bryson, 2002; Johnson et al., 1998), since that time the growth of children as participants as well as co researchers is apparently seen. Initially, children were involved in some data collections, thus most of research projects are still being manipulated by adults and children are not considered as potential partners (Kellett, 2005, p.5). Nevertheless, the definition of
  • 10. Guns, Germs And Steel By Jared Diamond In the book, Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond, Part Two talks about the roots of guns, germs, and steel, geographical differences relating to food production, causes of the spread of food production, development of ancient crops that are still used today, and domestication. Jared Diamond mostly likes to talk about the development of the Eurasian society and why they are more powerful. Instead of proximate causes that get straight to the point, he takes a different route that leads to ultimate causes. Ultimate causes go deeper in information and include many details unlike proximate causes. He does this and ultimately bothers with ultimate causes because proximate causes are common and shallow explanations. Ultimate causes trace... Show more content on ... Jared Diamond then starts to talk about farming. He mentions how nobody knew what they were going into when they first started learning how to farm, Specifically, in each area of the globe the first people who adopted food production could obviously not have been making a conscious choice or consciously striving toward farming as a goal, because they had never seen farming and had no way of knowing what it would be like (Diamond 101). This leads back to the idea that our ancestors or mainly the people during this time period, they didn t know how to lead a normal life. They had to learn how to grow crops, build societies, and develop technology. Jared Diamond then continues on how farming first started and how it affected societies. He dedicates a whole chapter to farming because he wants to know how the world came to be as it is today. His curiosity helps him because of Yali s question back in chapter one. Jared Diamond bothers with ultimate causes because he also wants to know how Eurasia became more powerful than other societies. We should bother with this as well because we live in a world that s full of technology and information. However, that information had to have come from the past. We should at least know how our ancestors learned how to domesticate themselves and learn how to survive. Now, Jared Diamond could also be happy with his proximate answer, but he wants more reasons and
  • 11. Comparing Imagery in Frost s Acquainted with the Night... Imagery in Frost s Acquainted with the Night and Sexton s Her Kind In order to maximize meaning and overall total effect of a piece of work, writers use various literary devices. These techniques enhance the author s work and add a dimension that results in higher reader satisfaction. Throughout the poems I have read this quarter thus far, I have discovered the use of imagery as a prominent source of literary embellishment. In particular the image of night is used in poems Acquainted with the Night, written by Robert Frost, and Her Kind, written by Anne Sexton, to portray a dark and lonely tone. All through both poems there is a dark feeling due to word selection and associations to evil ... Show more content on ... In the poem Her Kind, by Anne Sexton, the same feeling of loneliness is achieved through association with the night. The image of night has the same quality of being rejected by society, and outcast because of the disconnection with people. Night is seen by the world as a time to sleep and be within ones own thoughts and dreams. For the speaker to be up and about signifies that she is alone while the world sleeps. Therefore she must be lonely. Using night as the setting but not totally describing every little detail, creates a sense of unknown. The witch in this case is spooky and misunderstood and is unable to participate in daily activities so she must take shelter of the night in order to do her evil business. Night allows the concept of a witch to take its full affect. Witches are almost always associated with the night. Especially when it is a wicked witch. Witches are ugly so they must travel at night
  • 12. Santiago Nasar Symbolism Throughout the novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold, the author Marquez usually refers and represent some of his characters as important people or important figures. In the case of the character Santiago Nasar, the author Marquez represents Santiago not only as an ideological Christ figure but also as physical one. The author does this representation throughout the novelby using evidence such as symbolism and imagery to show that Santiago is a Christfigure. In Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Marquez use symbolism as evidence to show the reader that Santiago Nasar, one of the main characters of the novel, is a Christ figure. The clothes that Santiago wore before he was murdered were white and Marquez uses that as a symbol to show that
  • 13. Guts Book Report Hurd, Robyn Alexis Prd. 3 Book Report: Guts by: Gary Paulsen General Information If I could rename this book, I would probably call it Close Calls because Gary Paulsen, the main character, has survived countless dangerous situations that should have ended with his death. The main setting, where most of those incidents have occurred, is the woods of Minnesota and occasionally Alaska. To me, it feels that Paulsen is just as amazed at his multiple survivals as his readers will be. There s also a sort of pride that he seems to take in his knowledge of the potential threats of the wilderness and also his creation of the character Brian in many ... Show more content on ... Without this character, it would be a completely different story. I honestly believe that one of the reasons why this book has been so successful is because people love hearing/reading about dangerous situations that have miraculous endings. Words to Own 1) Birch a tree or shrub of the genus family Ex: My best friend has a backyard full of birches. 2) Dengue Fever a virus spread by mosquitoes Ex: Many people in Texas had malaria as well as Dengue Fever due to their large mosquito population. 3) Gunwale a term describing the top edge of the side of a boat Ex: She tried to grip the gunwale so she could hoist herself out if the water before she caught hypothermia. 4) Inordinate unusually or disproportionately large Ex: The hunter couldn t help but find the ten foot buck inordinate. 5) Maelstrom a scene or state of violent movement or upheaval Ex: The maelstrom of snow filled wind made her face feel as if it were frozen solid. 6) Poplar a tall, fast growing tree of the willow family Ex: You can find poplars throughout the woods of Minnesota. 7) Quagmire a soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot Ex: The soggy plank was quagmire. 8) Strenuous using great exertion Ex: It was a strenuous effort to lift the 100lb boulder into the back of his pick up truck, 9) Tethered to tie with a rope or chain so as to restrict its movement Ex: The horse is tethered to a pole.
  • 14. 10)
  • 15. Gas Laws Should Be Taught As A Verb GAS LAWS Science should be taught as a verb as well as a noun. Performing science is a compelling as well as an effective way to learn. It is through the process of exploration, creation and invention that theories are applied, ideas are tested and knowledge is synthesized. Much of what discussed in the paper is to have an understanding of gases in the atmosphere, factors that affect the properties of these gases and so the laws of gases which help to do so. Now why do we need to study these laws? Because gases compose our atmosphere. These are responsible for the process without which no one can survive i.e. breathing. Atmosphere is a gaseous envelope surrounding the earth. It is made up of a combination of water ... Show more content on ... One of the most important things about gases is that, despite wide differences in chemical properties, all the gases more or less obey the gas laws. The gas laws deal with how gases behave with respect to pressure, temperature, volume and amount. This uniformity of physical behavior was of great interest with early scientists. It is one of the dogmas of scientists that the behavior of a material is a reflection of the particles that make up the substance. In other words, differences between solids, liquids and gases reflect the movement of the small particles that compose all matter. This assumption is part of the Kinetic Theory Of Gases (Kinetic is from the Greek word for motion). Historically, the description of the gas properties has been summarized by the mathematical equations describing the relationships between the gas volume, pressure and temperature. These equations, named after the scientist who first demonstrated their validity, have been labeled the gas laws. These gas laws are best understood within the framework described as the kinetic theory of gases: Gases are composed of molecules. These molecules are in constant motion. This is why gases mix to uniformity and fill all portions of the containment vessel. Molecules of the gas collide frequently with each other and with the walls of the containment vessel. Under ordinary circumstances, the distance between the gas molecules is far greater than the size of the individual
  • 16. Bipedal Locomotion in Early Hominids Essay Bipedal Locomotion in Early Hominids Until recently, the oldest fossil species to provide evidence for bipedalism was Australopithecus afarensis, of which the best example of is the 3.2 million year old skeleton called Lucy found in Hadar, Ethiopia. According to article 19: Sunset at the Savanna, in 1995 Meave Leakey of the national Museums of Kenya and her colleagues made public the discovery of and older hominid species Australopithecus anamensis (getting its name from the Turkana word for lake anam having been found near lake Turkana and the site of another ancient lake). Leakey s team found a tibia from this creature that is quite human like and emphatically bipedal, in size and practically all details of the knee and ankle ... Show more content on ... We learned in lab last week that the pelvis has features that indicate the mode of locomotion. A bipedal creature will have an ilium that is short and wide. The leg bones will give clues too. A bipedal creature has knees that point more directly forward than a quadrapedal creature (this is why apes look very awkward when they walk bipedally, their legs kick out to the side when they step forward.) Another skeletal feature that indicates bipedalism is a special design of the anklebones so that they would be able to take the weight of a bipedal stride. The knee bone of a bipedal hominid has a special feature too. It has extra spongy bone tissue that acts as a shock absorber when walking. One feature mentioned in article 20 is a oval hollow at the bottom of the humerus where the humerus and the ulna lock in place. This is an adaptation to knuckle walking and is not present in bipedal hominids. Many theories have been made about what type of paleoecology or paleoecological changes were the niche for bipedalism. It must have been a strong force since bipedaliam is generally slower and more awkward than quadrapedal locomotion. It also puts the animal at a greater risk of injury, according to Owen Lovejoy of Kent State. The current most widely accepted theory is that there was a continent wide drying up of Africa starting around 5mya. This caused shrinkage of the large forests to
  • 17. Red Bull Cool Factor HOW RED BULL CREATED THE COOL FACTOR QUESTION 1: Origin: Red Bull energy drink has had wings since it took off 25 years ago. The iconic Red bull drink as we know it today in the western world was originally found in Thailand in 1987 by an Austrian entrepreneur who was inspired when he realized that it could cure his jet lag. The original drink called Krateng Daeng was first invented and only available in Thailand. The Austrian entrepreneur, Dietrich Mateschitz then in partnership with Chaleo Yoovidhva modified the energy drink to suit the taste of the western world and the iconic carbonated Red Bull energy drink was found and first started in Austria. In 1992, the product expanded to international markets, at first ... Show more content on ... Red Bull Product Range Red Bull cans original on the left and sugar free on the right available in a 250ml can sold at R14.99 in South Africa also available in a 355ml R19.99 can and now in a 473ml R24,99 can. Pack sizes of 4 units per pack. Red Bull limited edition RED, SILVER and BLUE available in 250ml can RSP at R14.99 in South Africa Red Bull energy shot RSP at R12.99 in South Africa Red Bull cans as we know it in the western world. The original Thai Red Bull bottle. Original Thai Red Bull bottle that inspired Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz to westernize the drink! Perceived Market Share: According to market share Red bull is the most successful and popular energy drink in the world, international they dominate the market with year on year growth and is responsible for an estimated 70% of sales in the energy drink market year to date. Remarkably between 2009 until 2012 they have dominated with an estimated market share of 42% in the energy drink market. A total of 5.226 billion cans of Red bull were sold worldwide in 2012 representing an increase of 12.8% against 2011. Red Bull is well known by consumers to vitalize body and mind and is generally purchased by most for this purpose.
  • 18. QUESTION 2 Product Offering Red bull is a premium brand that consumers are willing to pay the higher price for because it satisfies their needs and wants, and it also delivers on its promise to Vitalize Body and
  • 19. Service For Sony Computer Entertainment To begin this letter, I would first like to congratulate you on your impressive fifteen years of service for Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE), and I have been affected by your wonderful service to such a prosperous company. With an impressive background and dedication to a company whose products many people of all ages have enjoyed, you have indirectly touched countless people throughout time and have probably caused many youths to go into gamedesign and development, some of whom may even be your colleagues or co workers. I wish you continued luck and success. However, there is a point to this letter, and given you are an incredibly busy man, I shall get to the point of my writing you, and perhaps give insight to the consumer side and help with continued success. Since the PlayStation 3was introduced into the market, as well as the competing consoles, downloadable content has become commonplace among many games to this date and has been the bane, or joy, of many consumers. Now, as a businessman, your first responsibility to the company is to ensure success and to partner with the companies and organize the content for the console. Which, is any sound business strategy, to earn revenue and get a return on profit (or investment), on the product that has just been released that took two or more years to produce. As the president of Sony America, you may not have direct control over the content the actual gaming companies produce or their decisions for downloadable
  • 20. Joel Rifkin Research Paper Joel Rifkin, born January 20, 1959, lived in East Meadow, Long Island, where he was enrolled in Prospect Avenue Elementary School, was a serial killer who killed 17 women in the 1990s. He killed his first woman in 1989 and continued his killing spree until 1993 police tried to pull him over for a missing license plate and then discovered a corpse in his car. He was convicted the following year and then plead guilty to additional counts of murder. He is presently and inmate at the Clinton Correctional Facility in New York. During his childhood he was bullied, exclude from sports because of poor posture and also suffered from dyslexia and struggled in school, despite his high IQ. The torment continued into his teen years and eventually it wore
  • 21. The True Meaning Of Life People, specifically, individuals want to live on, they want to venture themselves into the future. we have this will to live on. And nevertheless, unlike any other conscious being, we have to live with the realization, that this will is going to be frustrated, that this will all end, that we will die. Furthermore, we have to live with the sense that our lives, our conscience, will no longer exist the worst thing that could perhaps happen to us, our will. This is the true meaning of what is means to be mortal. So, it is fully logical to see why some would want to live forever, to become immortal. For instance, on one side of a spectrum, there is the non human animals, which possess the same will as humans but do not possess the knowledge of death. This means, that since they are not aware of death, they are then immortal. Another example, on the other side of the spectrum are the gods or higher beings, which are immortal, because they are aware of death but they do not die. Right in the middle of the spectrum, there are humans, possessing both the will to live and the the knowledge of death. Therefore, it is reasonable, that one would want to live forever, or for an indefinite time. We could benefit from the thrilling idea that any present day could be our last with the possibility that it may be not. People fear the simplicity of death and do not like to discuss it, looking at the history of thought, there are people who have come to terms with this fear. People who spoke
  • 22. Project. On . Networking Topology. . . . . . . Submitted PROJECT ON NETWORKING TOPOLOGY Submitted to: Submitted by: Uma, Jinna Basnet, Ashim TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction to networking and its advantages and disadvantages........................................................................................... 3 Networking Topology..................................................................................6 14 Bus topology Ring topology Star topology Hybrid topology Mesh topology Connection and Connectionless Networking.........................................................15 Bibliography ..............................................................................................16 Networking and its Advantage and Disadvantage Networking is... Show more content on ... пЃ¶Resource Sharing Computer resources can be shared in the network such as the printer, scanner, modem etc. This allows us to track down the uses of resources. For example, a network administrator can set up a printer server and share it in the network. Then the user can use printer server for printing. Now administrator needs only to monitor the print server instead of individual workstations. This is economically better. пЃ¶Application Sharing Application sharing is the most common in companies. Companies may have a business application that needs to be updated by several users. Sharing make it possible. It allows several users to work together on a single application. пЃ¶Economic benefits With computer networking, you can use a lot of software and hardware available on the market which can just be stored or installed on a server and can be used by various workstations. Dis Advantage: пЃ¶Need of Technicians The network should be checked frequently monitored for good performance and no problems on its physical and logical component. The expert technicians are required to do so it cost a lot of money to hire them for all time пЃ¶Network failure If any server like the file, print etc. fail then the whole network is affected. If any hardware fails the nodes cannot be used. пЃ¶Expensive It is expensive to build and run the network. Expensive hardware like a router, cables, hub,
  • 23. Evolution Of Religion In World History The evolution of religion in world history has been a fascinating journey to say the least. So many of us profess to be a part of a certain religion but yet we don t understand how it came to be. By unraveling the beginnings of today s major religions, we can gain a better understanding and appreciation of religions around the world. Just as everyone is special and unique so too are the various religions. It s important to understand and respect whatever beliefs others may have no matter if we agree with them or not. Religionhas greatly evolved over the centuries. Many scholars and experts believe the earliest form of religion was due to our own fears. (PBS, np). Primitive man had many fears every day. Fear of weather, prey, and... Show more content on ... Buddhism goal is to end human suffering through the renunciation of desire. (Pollard et al. 2015). The creator of Buddhism was Buddha Shakyamuni 567 BC 484 BC. (About Buddhism, np). The goal of Buddhism is to gradually overcome the negatives in life. If we can solve the negatives in our life and have a path of faith and do meditation, we can live a positive and yet educational life. Buddhism is defined as philosophy because philosophy means love of wisdom and the Buddhist path can be summed up as into three key points: to lead a normal life, to be mindful of life and the thought that come along with it and to develop wisdom and
  • 24. Theme Of The Relationship Of Duddy Kravitz In The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by Mordecai Richler, three themes that are consistently present throughout the novel are persistence, greed and manipulation. Despite Duddy s persistence in chasing his dreams, his greed and manipulation of others leads to his own unhappiness. When Duddy is in New York, Virgil sells him pinball machines. Duddy does not pay him upfront and owes him money. Virgil is very supportive of Duddy, he wants Duddy to succeed. Even though Duddy knows that Virgil is someone who admires him and someone who wants to see him succeed. Duddy uses Virgil and does not treat him nicely. When Virgil goes to Duddy to get hired by him, Duddy tells him that he needs a truck, he knows that he does not have a truck and yet he... Show more content on ... The rest of his family thinks he is a failure and focuses on his successful brother Lennie. Simcha tells Duddy that a man without land is nobody . Despite being ignored by everyone he knows except Simcha Duddy takes his advice very seriously, he is discouraged by a lot of people including his own father, yet he decides to pursue his goal of owning land. To pursue his goal he gets a job in his uncle, Benjy s company. Benjy is a wealthy clothing manufacturer who dislikes duddy and is perceptive of him. Even though he is constantly discourages and has to work for his uncle who does not like him Duddy does not give up on his dream of owning land which shows that he is
  • 25. Informative Essay On Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live celebrated its 40th anniversary in style last season. Sure, the three and a half hour special welcoming back alums and esteemed guests was entertaining, but the real celebration should be because of its talented cast. SNL often gets a bad rap because people are partial to their version of the show. If we look at the 2014 2015 cast ten or fifteen years from now, we might consider them one of the best ensembles the NBC institution has ever produced. Here s a look at the top 10 cast members from last season. Number 10: Beck Bennett.Before Beck Bennett joined the cast in 2013, he was sitting at the kids table. He played a wry adult talking to children in AT T s It s Not Complicated Campaign. Since joining the cast, Bennett s most recognizable character is Mr. Patterson, a ... Show more content on ... It is evident that whatever producers need McKinnon to do, she can do and she will do. Like Cecily Strong, McKinnon can dance, sing, do impressions, and carry a skit. Her dance off with Jim Carrey in the Chandelier parody was legendary. Her impressions of Hillary Clinton, Ellen DeGeneres, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Jane Lynch, Keith Urban, Justin Bieber, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg ( You ve just been Gins burned ) are exceptional. Among her reoccurring characters are cat lover Barbara DeDrew, Russian woman Olya, and passive aggressive tenant Mrs. Santini. Number 2: Bobby Moynihan.Bobby Moynihan is uniquely talented in that he can make viewers laugh with just a look, but make them pity him one sketch later. Since 2008, Moynihan has delighted audiences as Drunk Uncle, Riblet, Anthony Crispino who is pretty sure about everything and Kirby, the man who loves his little kitty cat. His signature impressions are Snooki, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, ex Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, and Guy
  • 26. Similarities Between Barefoot Gen And Animal Farm Barefoot Gen written by Keiji Nakazawa and Animal Farm written by George Orwell are two stories that are relatively different from each other but contain a similar theme of bystanderism. Bystanding is not seen as courageous and shows signs of weakness, especially If someone were to perform terrible acts on a community member, and everyone just stood and watched, or walked by without saying anything. It gives that person complete power over everyone else and things often get worse. If no one ever tells them off, nothing will change. A bystander is defined as a person that is present at the event but doesn t get involved and we can see this is Barefoot Gen from the neighborhood children and parents, the soldiers on the streets, and the kid s classmates. In Animal Farm, bystanders are seen by the surrounding animals, where they see inhumane acts but turn their heads, sometimes pretending they had no idea.... Show more content on ... It tells us a story about the experience of a boy, living in conditions of Japan during the 1940s. His family is labeled as traitors after Gens dad proudly voices his opinion about the war and his kids follow in his footsteps. The neighbors are all aware of how the Nakaokas are being treated. The kids are bullied, abused by other children, the father is beaten by police officers, Eiko, the daughter, was strip searched, and people bad mouth them on the streets, yet they do nothing because they do not want to be seen as traitors too. A specific story is when Hanada (a boy who ran from training) was caught and returned. The squad leader continuously beat him with a bat and called him horrendous words. Koji tried to step in but was also thrown down to the ground. There were people around, but no one did anything, they just stood around and watched it all unfold. Sometimes being a bystander is more damaging than being the perpetrator
  • 27. Role Of Transportation In The Victorian Era The Victorian Era spanned over sixty years of British history, during which Queen Victoria ruled the country. During this era, great improvements were made in the area of transportation. These innovative changes produced larger and faster ways to travel for less money. In Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities, horse drawn carriages are used as the most prevalent form of transportation. Transportation in the British Victorian Erawas vastly different than today s transportation as evidenced in Dickens A Tale of Two Cities. During the Victorian Era there were very few modes of transportation. The most widely used forms of transportation during this time were horse drawn carriages, ships, trains, and walking. Types of transportation were greatly improved during the time leading up to the Victorian Era. Carriages provided for faster transportation of a large number of people for less money. Ships had been... Show more content on ... In every respect, this was a revolutionary transformation more revolutionary, in its way, than the rise of the cotton industry because it represented a far more advanced phase of industrialization and one bearing on the life of the ordinary citizen outside the rather small areas of actual industry (Hobsbawm). Finally, there was an easier way to bridge the gap between country and city life. This technological advancement changed peoples lived drastically, mainly because it was so much faster than anything before. Over a century has passed and technology has never slowed down since. Today, the people of Britain, both wealthy and poor, have so many more transportation choices. Over the years, as the scientific revolution allowed, more varied and cheaper ways of travelling were invented. In present day Britain, there are a lot of ways that people get around. You no longer have to be rich to get where you are going in a safe and timely
  • 28. Transgender Bedrooms And Transgender Bathrooms Transgender Bathrooms Throughout the years, views of life have changed. Our laws have become more strict. Now they are trying to pass the transgender bathroom law.Why would this law need to pass? What people will it help? If the law does pass it isn t going for very long, and it isn t going to be a good thing. What do other people think about this law. If people really want the transgenderbathroom law to pass, just maybe this will change that. Transgender bathrooms are dull and unsafe. What kind of people would want the law to pass? What are transgender bathrooms? Why would people need transgender bathrooms when there s two already? According to Unisex Public Bathrooms , transgender is when you feel like being the opposite sex. If they re gay they can go into the female s bathrooms. The same thing also goes for females, if they feel like being males today. They can use the malebathrooms. It doesn t matter if they are dressed like the opposite sex. All they have to do is just feel like being the opposite then they can go into that bathroom. That is why most people want a unisex bathroom. How dangerous is it to be in the bathroom with opposite sex? How dangerous is it to go in the bathroom with the opposite sex? Some people believe that it is safe. Men are crazy they might feel like being a girl and then come rapesomeone. That is not okay or have a girl go into the men s bathroom and get abused. What if it s someone s daughter that gets abused or raped? Everyone
  • 29. How My Heart Surgery That Changed My Life For the childhood memory I chose when I had heart surgery when I was in 6th grade. I couldn t think of many others that changed me as much as this one did. I was born with a condition called SVT (Supraventricular Tachycardia). I lived with it all my live. Whenever I got hit in the chest really hard my heart would race, and pound abnormally. The highest it got was 250 270 BPM (Beats Per Minute). I was in the fire station when they saw how fast it was beating. I was 12 when I was forced by my parents to get surgery instead of medication. I broke down emotionally because it was my first major surgery and I couldn t stand it. It was the worst experience in my life, and it will only get worse. The surgery. The day of the surgery I had many panic, and anxiety attacks on the way there. I will never forget the feeling I had in the waiting room. When I was getting ready for the surgery I got so sick. I was so nervous. They had to give me something to calm me down. The used to calm me down started wearing off as I was being taken to the operating luck. The surgery was supposed to take 20 30 mins. For me, the surgery took 5 6 hours.... Show more content on ... The day after the surgery was just as bad as the day of the surgery. I was wheel chaired out of the hospital, and I felt tired, groggy, exhausted, and overall just terrible. On the car ride home my heart was hurting a lot and I was having a lot of irregular issues with my heart. I was having more panic and anxiety attacks. The incision wounds partly reopened so that was really scary. This experience changed me quite a bit and not in a good way. It was one of the worst experiences in my life. It has made me constantly worry about my heart and health. I have really bad anxiety when it comes to my heart. Or anything for that matter. I am always worrying about my heart. This experience changed the way I felt about surgery and what people go through. I dislike surgery so
  • 30. The Greatest Kings Of Ancient Babylon There were many leaders who tried to control and ensure power for themselves and their citizens. Many would go to the extreme to maintain their powers and others would let the people s influence, influence them. Some places that had leaders were, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, and even India. One of the most important leader back in 1795 BCE was Hammurabi, but was overthrown in 1750. He was the leader in Babylonbut was taken down by Assyrians. The Assyrians had taken over Babylon, had made it their own, and have changed so much. They forced all the people to move out to their Assyrian Kingdom and obey the Assyrian Kingdom. Hindus practice a religion called hinduism which was formally started in India. Many people had to live by hinduism because they were born in it. They won t be able to change who they are, it was basically impossible. King Nebuchadnezzar was one of the greatest kings of Ancient Babylon. He was considered the best kind because he had restored old religion monuments and improved waterways. He was able to control the periphery because of him and his strong and professional army. It is hard just to pick one best leader but most will say that Hammurabi was the best one, only because of how was able to maintain his city in peace and maintain his power. Hammurabi was the sixth king of Babylon from 1792 BCE to 1750 BCE. When Hammurabi first became king of Babylon it was all quiet and peaceful. He had many loyal citizens and they obeyed everything he
  • 31. Economic Impact Analysis on a High-Speed Railway System... Economic Impact Analysis on a High Speed Railway System for Central Florida Economic Impact Analysis on a High Speed Railway System for Central Florida Introduction High speed railway (HRL) systems have been used primarily over in such countries as Japan since 1964 and France since 1984. Recently the United States has generated interest in the high speed railway as well. The proposed system would stretch from Miami through Orlando and end in the St. Petersburg/Tampa area. With bullet trains operating at top speeds of 220 miles an hour, the express travel time from downtown Miami to Orlando would take approximately 2.5 hours. Intercity travelers (trips between metropolitan regions) along with longer distance commuters would ... Show more content on ... As of first quarter 2004, the overall cost of living index was 97.8 as compared to the U.S. average of 100, according to the American Chamber of Commerce Researchers Association. In 2003, there were 43,845 new business start ups in the Metro Orlando MSA. In October of 2003, Orlando added 14,700 new jobs В– an increase of 1.6 percent from a year earlier. In 2003, 53 percent of the region s largest employers reported increases in their employment levels compared to the previous year. Among the top 100 companies there was a net gain of about 16,500 full and part time jobs, an increase of more than 5 percent from a year ago. The leading employer in Orlando is Walt Disney Co., which employs about 4 percent of all workers in Central Florida. The company employed 51,600 people in Central Florida as of September 2003, representing 15 percent of the 342,000 workers on this year s Central Florida Business Top Employers list. Despite the microscopic growth at the big theme parks, tourism employment overall has led the way in the Orlando job market s resurgence. Two emerging industries in Orlando are technology and manufacturing. Employment in the technology industry has more than doubled over the last ten years, with more than 80,000 people employed by more than 3,800 companies. The manufacturing industry is marked by a total of over 4,000 companies, and Orlando holds an impressive ranking as one of the top 50
  • 32. Summary Of The Simpsons And Their Mathematical Secrets By... The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets by Simon Singh is a trade book that talks about the history of The Simpsons and Futurama and how mathematics is embedded into numerous episodes in each series. Along the way Singh, in addition to the other main writers for The Simpsons, talk about many of the subtle math jokes that are present. These jokes range from very simple jokes that students in elementary school could understand to jokes that not even some mathematics professors with doctorate degrees can decipher. Singh said that everything that happens to us has some effect on us, and I do suppose that the time I spent in grad school made me a better writer at the end of the book. He recalls when he was younger and he was working on numerous projects in mathematics. In addition to being a bright student, he had the ability to make jokes. Eventually, several famous people in television such as Johnny Carson and David Letterman noticed this and gave him an in in the entertainment business.... Show more content on ... Over time, Fox wanted a spin off show and Futurama was born. Futurama extends the jokes that were used in the Simpsons to a higher dimension. Many of the jokes in Futurama involve sophisticated relationships learned in multivariable calculus such as surface integrals and Mobius strips among other topics. The second half of the book focuses on these more advanced topics as portrayed in
  • 33. Analysis Of Slumdog Millionaire Rising from the slums to become a millionaire is one in a million chance. Yet, Jamal, the main character of Slumdog Millionaire, has raised his life from living in the slums to living the life a millionaire. With their mother dying, Jamal and his brother started off in the slums living off trash and garbage. From experience, Jamal was able to recall certain events and situations to help him answer certain question on the Who wants to be a millionaire show. For example, Jamal was able to answer the question, What does God Rama hold in his right hand? , by simply remembering the time after his mother was killed and him and his brother, Salim, were being chased. (Thesis) Not only did the plot of the movie made the movie interesting and amazing to watch, but the acting, aging through camera transitions, and overall goal of Jamal to find Latika throughout conflicts made Slumdog Millionaire a amazing movie. The acting of Slumdog Millionaire seemed to be integrated into the environment and the setting of the slums. With the use of real children from the slums, the movie seems to be very real as the children seem to already fit the descriptions of being part of the slums. Living in India, I was able to understand the conditions and lives of the people that lived around the slums. These people are recognized by the majority of the public as being savages and uncivilized. The child actors that played Jamal and Salim in the movie fit the description of being savages and uncivilized. For example, Jamal jumped into the pile of poop from the outdoor bathroom to get to Amitabh Bachchan to get his autograph. And as for Salim, Salim fit the description of being uncivilized due to the fact he had no regards for other people s lives. A perfect example is when Salim was in charge of all the other children in the child slave ring, Salim at one point took away a baby from another girl to give it to Latika. In this scene, Latika didn t want to hold the baby but had to hold the baby because Salim threaten to drop it. Overall, the acting of Slumdog Millionaire was amazing because of many reasons. Reasons including the fact that the actors that played Jamal, Salim, and Latika were real children from the slums of India which means
  • 34. Sample Psychological Test Psychological Evaluation Confidential Name: Jericho Rosales Birthdate: October 16, 1980 Age: Gender: Male Education:College Graduate Report Writer: Date of report: November 5, 2012 Instruments Administered: Clinical interview Reason For Referral Mr Jericho Rosales is currently in the process of annulment of his marriage to Ms Kristine Hermosa Rosales. Respondent Jericho is claimed by other party to be suffering from Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder with underlying Narcissistic Traits. Mr Rosales is claimed to be incapable of being a good husband due to his psychological incapacity.It was investigated but never proven. No history of health problems was reported. No medications are currently... Show more content on ... No histories of auditory or visual hallucinations were reported. Mr Rosales denied having any specific phobias, obsessions, or compulsions. He denied having feelings that others can read his mind or that she can broadcast his thoughts to others. His attention and concentration were appropriate and his immediate, recent, and remote memory seemed intact. He denied having problems concentrating. He demonstrated limited insight into his problems and his judgment seemed adequate. Mr Rosales appears to be functioning in the range of abilities. Overall, he did not present as having a thought disorder nor did he present as being a danger to himself or others. Behavior Observations Mr Rosales approached the testing session in a cooperative and friendly manner. Neither disruptiveness nor difficulty in cooperation and compliance were noted during the evaluation. His appearance and grooming were adequate and appropriate. He had a deliberate style of answering and working on most problems. Attention and effort were appropriate. Most work was completed with an orderly plan and self correction. Responses were usually made in a reflective, thoughtful manner. Signs of impulsivity or carelessness were not observed. His activity level was observed to be within normal limits for age range. Fidgeting or difficulties remaining seated were not noted. Instructions were followed carefully and understood without apparent
  • 35. Power Of Habit Analysis According to Duhigg who authored The Power of Habit , in order for habits to be created a person must go through a process of which requires thought, action, and repeating. Thought is considered the main reason people form bad habits throughout their daily life. Our mind plays a very important role in creating habits. In the Power of HabitDuhigg asserts, Most people s habits have occured for so long that they don t pay attention to what causes it anymore. It is most important for people to realize what is causing their brain for doing these habits. Knowing what causes myself to do certain habits is important because in order to change my habits I first have to know what exactly I do unconsciously everyday. By analyzing my habit I will... Show more content on ... right after coming home from school. According to Duhigg, to understand your own habits,you need to identify the components of your loops . Once you have diagnosed the habit loop of a particular behavior, you can look for ways to replace old vices with new routines.This is important to know because without identifying this habit you will not be aware or be able to analyze the reason as to why you constantly do this habit on a daily routine and this habit could have a negative effect if it is done daily. To change this bad habit from happening, I will turn off my electronics and put them somewhere far away from me or locked up so I do not get easily distracted when my phone vibrates I do not have the urge to look at why my phone is vibrating. By turning off my phone my mind will only be focused on what I am supposed to do like doing homework, reading a chapter for a class,etc.For example if my phone starts ringing my cue would be to answer it and check what is going on but in reality when I m supposed to be checking my phone because it was vibrating my mind goes off track on why I was using the phone and instead checks social
  • 36. Macy s Department Store Who would have known that Macy s department store would go from how may I help you to how may I follow you . For years Macy s have been discriminating against minorities who shop in their stores, now finally they have to pay the price. The department store recently settled the numerous complaints that were received for a sum of $650,000. That settlement came a week later after Barney s, another major retail chain settled that their case for $525,000. For many years America has been known to treat minorities differently from the rest of society. Minorities are perceived and labelled by society as criminals, thieves, and disorderly individuals. The racial stereotyping of minorities has been an abiding and lamentable element in American culture. ... Show more content on ... Racial profiling is known as unconstitutional and morally incorrect, but it still continues to occur in society. In 2013 actor Robert Brown has been targeted because of his race while shopping at Macy s flagship store in Herald Square. Brown purchased a Movado watch that cost $1,300 then went on to purchase sunglasses for himself. While in the middle of the store shopping he was stopped and accused for credit card fraud. He was then detained inside the store for no reason. The NYPD cuffed him and told him he was going to jail for using a fake card. Due to the stereotypes of minorities it was unbelievable to the sales associate that he could afford such watch, so he or she called the police on him. He or she wrongly assumed he was involved in criminal activities. Another case took place in Barneys on Madison Avenue. Micheal Palillo, a black college student was detained by the police for purchasing a designer belt that costed him $350. He was stopped by undercover officers that were allegedly called by a sales clerk because she thought the transaction was fraudulent. Palillo was asked by the cops how could he afford to purchase such belt? He showed his receipt, but they told him he could not afford to make such an expensive
  • 37. The Imitation Game A text that I Would recommend to all year 12 students is the historical film The Imitation Game, directed by Morten Tyldum. I would recommend this text because of how we can learn from the theme of Homophobia and the idea of Individualism. The film is about Alan Turing and his struggle to create a machine to decipher the enigma code used by the germans in the second world war. Throughout the film he works past obstacles in his way in order to achieve this goal of creating a mechanical mind .The film is mostly shown as a series of flashbacks from Alan as he is questioned by the police about being accused of the crime of indecency (homosexuality). The first reason I recommend this film to year 12 is because of the theme of homophobia that
  • 38. Compare Ethos Pathos And Logos Of Martin Luther King Jr How would a writer write so his audience understands and accepts the writers own point of view? Writers use rhetorical tools classified by Aristotle, in the fourth century B.C.E. improve chances of persuasion (Wysocki). The classifications are: ethos, pathos, and logos. Writers manage to craft their arguments by using one or more of these classifications. Furthermore to Foster the understand of the use of these classifications extracted excerpts from Martin Luther King Jr s, Letter From A Birmingham Jail; which was wrote to the clergymen, in Alabama to speak about why he had come to a Alabama and to prove he had a right to attend a peaceful protest there. The two classification that will extracted are ethos and pathos. The first classifications, ethos is used when a writer uses his or her own credibility to appeal to their intended audience. Martin Luther King Jr. used ethos when he stated, I have the honor of serving as president of the... Show more content on ... The fear of losing family and even the fear of being harmed by the ones that should protect, the police. King tries to get his readers to imagine their life with the threat of fear that could cause the loss of the people closest to them being killed at any moment and for any reason. Another use of fear was when king wrote, We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was legal and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was illegal. It was illegal to aid and comfort a Jew in Hitler s Germany (King). This example about Hitler and Hungarian freedom fight is trying to provoking fear from the past, and how these issue in world history had a huge impact on how wars start. No one wants war, so by comparing the issues in Alabama with world issue the fear of history repeating is apparent. This statement is almost like a nicely worded threat. Kings is illustrating what could come if justice is not found in
  • 39. Predicament Changes In Dante s Inferno In Dante Alighieri s comedy Inferno, a man is his looking upon his past and how he chose to leave god s path and ultimately how Virgil showed him how to walk it once more. Though Virgil can be hailed as the savior of Dante the two men had an ever evolving relationship throughout the story. In the beginning of Dante s plight, he is lost in the dark wood and can see the way back to the light, but his path is blocked. However, his predicament changes when he sees a familiar face appear to aide him. This familiar face is the deceased poet Virgil with whom Dante pleads for help and describes as you are my teacher, the first of all my authors, and you alone the one from whom I took the noble style that was to bring me honor (1055). After hearing
  • 40. Dr Zhivago Essay Imagine a man leaving home to retrieve medication for his pregnant wife, but never returning home. Now, picture him being captured and forced to care for soldiers without going home for several years. How would he keep his spirits up while being away from home for so long? One may learn from an experience like this one when watching the film Doctor Zhivago. The main character, Yuri Zhivago teaches the audience to work hard even under unwanted or forced labor. He also shows a determined attitude for keeping his head up and moving forward one day at a time. This is a strong mindset to have considering the film begins in the 1950 s and continues all throughout World War I. During this time, Russiais under reconstruction. The appearance of the... Show more content on ... A balalaika is a guitarlike musical instrument with a triangular body. The balalaika was a very popular instrument in Russia around the 1950s. Yuri s mother was very good at playing the Balalaika. People considered her music as a beautiful art. The balalaika traveled with Yuri everywhere, but he didn t know how to play it. Toward the end of the movie Yevgraf starts looking for Yuri s daughter. He found her, but she claimed she didn t know who her father was. Yevgraf could tell it was Yuri s daughter because she had an gift for playing the balalaika, just like Yuri s mother. Many believe that the balalaika serves as a symbol of Yuri s artistic nature. Which is most likely true, considering Yuri represents Boris Pasternak, who had a very creative mindset. In conclusion, the film Doctor Zhivago displayed many elements of symbolism. These elements include the harsh leader, Strelnikov, the doctor, Yuri Zhivago, and a beautiful instrument called the balalaika. The audience can see there are many struggles in the film that have been experienced in real life. One may encounter obstacles in their lives due to challenges that aren t asked for or deserved. In this case, the film can teach one to have a go getter attitude and to live everyday to their best ability even if nothing seems to go
  • 41. Government And The Moral And Metaphysical Implications Of... Over the length of this course, we have discussed several aspects of politics. We have studied citizenship and obligations to society as a citizen, justice and what it means to us as individuals, and how to go about enacting change within a community and around the world. Some of the most important topics from this class included the characteristics, duties, and obligations of rulers of government. In addition to the concept of rulers, we also studied the notion of authorityand the moral and metaphysical implications of authority to individuals autonomy. Within each concept of study, we read works from many authors with conflicting ontologies, constructed from their differing views on human nature. Within the study of rulers, we read differing views from five different authors. The first author, Plato, wrote in his book, The Republic, that there are different levels of understanding the world. The lowest level of understanding, he said, was when someone could see the shadow of the image, then above that level of understanding was to understand the images themselves. That level consisted of most of the people within a society. A select view could understand the next level; scientific manifestations of objects. Finally, the highest level of understanding was known as understanding the pure forms. Plato wrote that whoever understood the pure forms of the world was fit to be the ruler, which he called the philosopher king. He believed this philosopher king would guide the
  • 42. Cheesecake Factory Case Study The Cheesecake Factory has a four significant areas of code of conduct that is very important. The first conduct is general standards of conduct is when the employee builds a relationship amongst trust, loyalty, honesty, and responsibility within the company. The employee will have the responsibility to follow the rules and procedures to uphold the company guidelines of interest at all times. This is important because you will want to build and have that trust with your staff members. The second conduct is compliance with laws every staff member need to comply with the laws and rules of conduct regarding the form of harassment and other discriminatory behavior, also there will be no form of drug or alcohol abuse. This is important because you wouldn t want a staff member come to work feeling uncomfortable by another employee and don t want an employee to not to be able to perform its duties being on drugs or alcohol.... Show more content on ... This pertains of being related to someone by blood, marriage, business related, and outside employment. This is very important because it will give the employees inequity to blood relatives, marriages, and other business related. This can cause problem with the company and because poor business that will not profit well with the current relationship with the company has already establish. The fourth conduct is the protection of the company s confidential information. This pertains an employee shouldn t disclose information about the business and not to disclose about any employee. This is important because you want to protect the company of all aspects regarding financial and business trade secrets. You will want to protect the employee for example someone can come look for and ex staff member you don t want to disclose any information to that person because they could harm that
  • 43. The Roles Of Moral Codes In The Maurya Empire Moral codes have prevailed for the length of human civilization in order to establish conformity. However, moral codes have also been used as a tactic by leaders in order to isolate the views of their citizens. Isolation allows leaders to make drastic decisions with less protest. The decisions of the leader can either aid a country or damage it s harmony. Despite it s possible benefits, moral codes have historically been abused for selfish pleasure of the leader. Moral codes can be traced back to the Maurya Empire, where conformity to Dharma was highly encouraged. Ashoka Maurya transitioned the legacy of his dynasty to become tolerant and peaceful. The only way he made such a transition was to use moral codes. The ingenious conformity to... Show more content on ... Patriarchal beliefs were found across the entire prehistoric world and in order to gain popularity Islam enforced the belief. The primary obstacle was to persuade women to accept patriarchy, as, the value of [their] life [would be] half that of a man, (Doc 5). Moral codes proved to be useful, as Islam had grown to be one of the most popular religions on the globe. Social interactions were intensified and individuals lives, including women, were mistreated. Their success was shown through acts such as, stoning women for adultery, (Doc 5). The extreme punishment for women is evidence of Islam s success in manipulating the women to believe they are inferior to men. The patriarchal beliefs attracted governments, such as Iran, to transition into theocracies. Iran changed their government in 1979 and based their laws on Islamic law. The religions powerful control over peoples minds gave them the freedom to turn extremist beliefs into casual actions. Though Islam is less harsh on women today, sexism continues to be an issue in a variety of social environments across the globe. Moral codes have evidently lasted throughout history, yet the Maurya Empire, the Church, and Islam all spread the psychological tactic to future societies. Moral codes today can all be traced back to those three great powers. Although, current scholars debate on whether the current moral codes are beneficial to human
  • 44. America Diary Entry With arms wide open, Allie stood on the balcony of her newly refurbished home and enjoyed the rainy mists blowing onto the balcony off the late afternoon shower; she had dearly missed sitting there in the mornings and evenings, watching the sunrises and the ships going and coming. Allie loved her grandmother, but was glad to have left her grandmother s house and gone back to her own. Here, she was the mistress she could lie in bed all day if she chose to she could do as she pleased. This is who I am, thought Allie, is this how you remind me, she whispered, looking toward the heavens. Inhaling deeply, she sat down in her favorite chair and propped her bare feet on the balcony railing The earthy, venereal, desirous scents were soothing to... Show more content on ... I need to leave Charleston as soon as I can, thought Allie. Maybe I should beg Thomas to take me somewhere else If he does not want me to be in Savannah, then maybe, he can take me to Jamaica or some other place nearby. Willie s cumbersome footsteps lumbering up the stairwell let her know that they were ready to fill her tub. Mary even had Gabriel toting water. As soon as they finished, she slipped off her clothes to get into the steaming tub. Her reflection in the mirror startled her. She knew that since becoming pregnant, she was filling out some, but had not realized how much. Her breasts looked much larger and her hips were nicely rounded. Thomas will like this, thought Allie as she stepped into the tub. She had just finished washing when she heard the door to her bedroom open. Suspecting Mary had come to help her, boot steps were the last thing she expected to hear. When Thomas pushed the door open and entered her dressing room, it almost startled her into a scream. Allie had just stood to reach for a towel when he entered; his catching her, kept her from falling and injuring herself. The rough feel of his clothes against her naked flesh sent tingling sensations through her. Grabbing a handful of her hair, Thomas leaned her head back and kissed her soundly. His mouth on hers sent even more tingles through her body. When Thomas released her, she was plumb weak in the
  • 45. The Dispossessed In describing Anarres as an ambiguous utopia, Ursula Le Guin makes a statement on the state of the utopia of the mid to late twentieth century. Readers were becoming bored with the perfection and idealism presented in most stories of utopian societies, and they craved conflict and excitement. As The Dispossessed begins, the ambiguously utopian aspects of Anarres are obvious; a mysterious and traitorous Passenger (later revealed to be Shevak) is being transported via ship by a defense crew that seems fairly blasГ© about the Passenger s condition as long as it doesn t keep them from their course. Even this soon into the story, the reader is bombarded with information that makes the world seem anything but ideal. Le Guin places two similar
  • 46. Skin Rash Homeopathic Skin Rash Treatment Skin rash homeopathic treatment Homeopathic rash treatment Homeopathic skin rash treatment An area of skin that feels itchy, painful, red, swollen and inflammated a skin rash is said to occur. A person can well see a change in look, feel and texture of his skin. It can either affect a specific body part or affect entire body. May or may not be accompanied by pain It can be caused due to varipus factors such as allergies, due to heavy medications, or geneticially. Some allergies are make skin rashes visible almost instantaneously while some others may take some time t show their affects. In medical terminology, a skin rash is terme as dermatitis. Which simple means any inflammation of skin. The most basic kind of rash which u=you must