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Samples Of Persuasive Essays For High
School Students
Writing an essay on the topic "Samples Of Persuasive Essays For High School Students" can be
quite challenging for several reasons. Firstly, it requires a deep understanding of the persuasive
writing genre, which demands not only clarity and coherence but also the ability to present
compelling arguments that can sway the reader's opinion. Crafting persuasive essays involves a
delicate balance between presenting facts, incorporating logical reasoning, and appealing to the
emotional side of the audience.
Furthermore, finding relevant and engaging samples that are suitable for high school students can
be a task in itself. It requires extensive research to identify well-crafted examples that align with
the specific needs and understanding level of high school students. As a writer, one needs to sift
through numerous resources to ensure the selected samples are not only persuasive but also age-
appropriate and relatable.
Another challenge lies in maintaining a tone that resonates with high school students. The
language must be accessible, avoiding overly complex vocabulary that might hinder
comprehension. At the same time, the essay should not compromise on intellectual depth or
persuasive power, striking a delicate balance to cater to the intended audience.
In addition to these challenges, the writer must adhere to proper essay structure, ensuring a clear
introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a compelling conclusion. The task is not just
about presenting information but also about organizing it in a way that builds a persuasive
argument cohesively.
Despite the difficulties, tackling such a topic can be rewarding. It offers an opportunity to
enhance one's writing skills, critical thinking abilities, and the capacity to communicate
effectively. The challenges posed by this topic can lead to personal growth and a deeper
understanding of persuasive techniques.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on "Samples Of Persuasive Essays For High School Students"
demands a combination of research, writing prowess, and an understanding of the target
audience. It's a task that requires patience, diligence, and the ability to connect with the intended
readers. For those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that similar essays and much more can be
ordered on, a platform that provides support in navigating the complexities of
essay writing.
Samples Of Persuasive Essays For High School Students Samples Of Persuasive Essays For
High School Students
Chichen Itza Descriptive History
Chichen Itza Chichen Itza is a pre Columbian historical archaeological site located in
Yucatan, Mexico. The site was a city built and occupied by the Mayan people of the
Central Americas. It was built and populated from 600 to 1,200 Common Era. The
name Chichen Itza translates to at the mouth of the well of the Itza people in Yucatec
Maya. Chichen Itzais one of the most significant sites in archaeological studies, and
has great cultural importance to archaeology and the world around it. Chichen Itza is
a very interesting archaeological site, featuring amazing architecture, distinct artifacts,
innovative agricultural, as well as a fascinating history.
Chichen Itza has had a fairly unique excavation history compared to most famous
archaeological sites. The site was originally excavated during the late 1800s by
several different archaeologists, and has been continually excavated since. The city
was hidden under debris and lush forests when excavations first took place, but was
eventually revealed to be the beautiful city that it is. The site was first excavated
during the Mexican revolution, so there were no political barriers preventing
archaeologists from coming and going from the site. Once a political system was
reestablished after the Mexican Revolution, many archaeologists were banned from
excavating the site until recently. Several different famous archaeologists have
passed through the walls of Chichen Itza to help excavate and uncover the secrets
hidden within the
The Spiritual Practice Of Sabbath
My life is full of habits. And a lot of them. Some of them are really good habits,
but, unfortunately, some of them are really bad. One of the bad habits I ve
become accustomed to over the years is working myself to my breakpoint and not
taking a chance to breathe. More than that I tend to keep busy way more often than
I should be some simply over just trivial things. That is why I decided to choose
the spiritual practice of Sabbath where I took one 24 hour period in my week and
dedicated it to simply rest and rejuvenate and nothing more. Now by rest, I don t
necessarily mean sleep, a lot of times it was just doing what brings me pleasure and
replenishes me instead of exhausting myself, or giving to me, instead of taking from
Although I have heard people talking about the Sabbath growing up multiple times,
I have never heard it phrased like it was in this class: as a spiritual formative
practice. To my dismay, that was all it has been until this class. My extent of
knowledge about Sabbath had only came from some of what I ve read about it in the
Bible. That was when the Jews practiced Sabbath as commanded under the Mosaic
Law, given to them when they were in the wilderness. Exodus 20:8 10 shares,
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all
your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. The Jews were
allowed to do no work on this day, marked as Friday evening until Saturday evening
on the Jewish calendar.
Cotton Mather And Salem Witchcraft Trials
Cotton Mather and the Salem Witchcraft Trials American Literature reveals that
because of Cotton Mather s writings there is knowledge of the Salem witchcraft trials
in 1692. The research shows that most of the known stories and trials come from
Cotton Mather. This essay will describe Cotton Mather, the Salem witchcraftTrials,
and an insight on the information provided by Mather. Like his father before him,
Cotton Mather took position as a pastor of the Second Church of Boston where he
remained connected with that church from 1685, when he was ordained, until his
death forty three years later. It was mainly by his remorseless writing that he
became one of the most notable of all New England Puritan ministers. Today
Mather is often thought of as unsympathetic because of his part in the Salem
witchcraft trials. Although he did not approve of all the trials, he had helped to
stir up the wave of frantic fear by his Memorable Providences Relating to
Witchcraft and Possessions. Later he further pursued his inquiries into satanic
possession with Wonders of the Invisible World. The Salem witch trials were a
series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial
Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. These trials began after a
group of young girls in Massachusetts claimed to be possessed by the devil and
accused several other locals of witchcraft. After this broke out a special court
convened in Salem to hear and determine (Mather 328)
Property Law Questions
There are two distinct types of property: real property and personal property. Real
property is land and buildings on land. Examples of real property include houses and
apartments. Personal property are valuable items that are not attached to a piece of
land. Personal property includes items such as furniture, jewelry, computers, and
clothing. (Sprankling, 2012)
Eminent domain is the legally permitted takeing of private property for public
purposes (Kerekes, 2011). While I was living in Arizona, an eminent domain issues
was actually voted on in the city of Mesa. The city of Mesa wanted to improve the
overall value of the downtown area by demolishing some old neighborhoods and
building a sports and aquatic center instead. The people voted for the demolishing,
so all of the home owners were paid fair market value for their homes and required to
Adverse possession is a method of gaining legal title to real property by the actual,
open, hostile, and continuous possession of it to the exclusion of its true owner for
the period prescribed by state law. (West s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition
2). The elements of adverse possession are: Actual possession, hostile to the owners,
continuous possession, and for the prescribed statutory time. With regard to the
current foreclosure crises, it has forced the banks to ensure timely foreclosure actions
taken on all properties to prevent any encroaches (Urban, 2013).
An example of a private nuisance could be a neighbor
Gi-Fi Technology
Wi Fi (ieee 802.11b) and Wi Max (ieee 802.16e) have captured our attention. As
there are no recent developments which transfer data at faster rate as video
information transfer taking lot of time. This leads to introduction of Gi Fi
technology. It offers some advantages over Wi Fi, a similar wireless technology. In
that it offers faster information rate (Gbps), less power consumption and low cost
for short range transmissions. Gi Fi which is developed on an integrated wireless
transceiver chip. In which a small antenna used and both transmitter receiver
integrated on a single chip, which is fabricated using the complementary metal oxide
semiconductor (CMOS) process. Because of Gi Fi transfer of large ... Show more
content on ...
So to have higher data transfer rate at lower power consumption we move onto Gi Fi
вћў The 802.11b and 802.11g flavours of Wi Fi use the 2.4 GHz spectrum, which is
crowded with other devices such as Bluetooth, microwave ovens, cordless phones, or
video sender devices, among many others. This may cause degradation in
performance. Other devices which use microwave frequencies such as certain types
of cell phones can also cause degradation in performance.
вћў Power consumption is fairly high compared to other standards, making battery
life and heat a concern.
вћў Not always configured properly by user. Commonly uses WEP (Wired
Equivalent Privacy) protocol for protection, though has been shown to be easily
breakable. Newer wireless solutions are slowly providing support for the superior
WPA (Wi Fi Protected Access) protocol, though many systems still employ WEP.
Gi Fi or gigabit wireless is the world s first transceiver integrated on a single chip
that operates at 60GHz on the CMOS . process. It will allow wireless transfer of
audio and video data at up to 5 gigabits per second, ten times the current maximum
wireless transfer rate, at one tenth the cost. NICTA researchers have chosen to
develop this technology in the 57 64GHz unlicensed frequency band as the
millimeter wave range of the spectrum makes possible high component on chip
integration as well as allowing for the
Nathaniel Hawthorne Puritan Influence
Nathaniel Hawthorne Puritan Influence Nathaniel Hawthorne drew from his personal
and childhood experiences to write his literary works. The event that affected him
and showed in his writing was ...the infamous Salem witch trials had taken place
more than 100 years earlier, the events still hung over the town and made a lasting
impression on the young Hawthorne...( The Scarlet, By the event
having a impact on him from a young age it affected his writing and helped him in
the development of a strong minded main character in his book The Scarlet Letter.
Knowing about the earlier life of Nathaniel Hawthorne will help the reader better
understand why Puritanism is the bulk of his literary works. Nathaniel Hawthorne
was born in Salem Massachusetts in 1804 and was the only son of Nathaniel and
Elizabeth Clark Hathorne, his father was a sea captain [who] died in 1808 of yellow
fever while at sea ( The ... Show more content on ...
Within The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne developed characters that can be related to. By
Hawthorne mentioning his Puritan ancestors in the beginning of his book shows that
he studied the topic of puritanism before talking about it. Hester Prynne was a
character well developed by Hawthorne who goes through problems that society
could possibly go through. In Hawthorne s novel The Scarlet Letter before the
novel began critics talked about the book and the characters, and gave a good
description to Hester Prynne as a Creation of someone who loved woman, saw her,
as verdi did, as necessary tragic and alone, but emotionally sacred in a diminished
world (Hawthorne). This description of Hester was a excellent when it came to
describing her as a bit of a outcast among her peers. As mentioned beforehand
Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804 and passed away in
1864 in Plymouth, New
Psychological Manipulation In George Orwell s Black
Black Mirror is a science fiction anthology series that explores the conflicts between
human follies and mankind s greatest inventions. This episode called Men Against
Fire takes place in a dystopian, post apocalyptic society where a neural implant
known as MASS is used by the military to enhance their performance. Military
soldiers use their MASS implants to track down mutated beings and eradicate their
kind. When a young soldier s MASS implant malfunctions after his kills, he begins to
realize the truth behind these amazing technological advancements. Psychological
Manipulation In 1984, INGSOC inculcates citizens to only value Big Brother and his
ideals. The Party surrounds citizens with propaganda and false information to
convince them... Show more content on ...
In that building, O Brien attempts to cure Winston so that he no longer questions the
Party but rather, conforms with the crowd and learn to love the Party s agenda.
Winston is tortured through electrocution and pain enhancing drug injections. Near
the end of what O Brien sees as Winston s rehabilitation, Winston is brought into
Room 101 and tortured with his worst fear rats. There, Winston finally gives in to
what the Party ideals. The government s use of torture deprives Winston of
personality and transforms him into a brainless individual with no free
Goals To Become A Teacher
All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your
destination, said by Earl Nightingale. What is important about my future? I always
have a plan. Even it is just going to the store, I have to a list and a game plan. I
know everything in life will not go according to plan either. My first twenty four
years of life have been a big mess, and I m still trying to get on the straight and
narrow completely. But let me tell you about my main goals in life. I have wanted
to become a teacher as long as I can remember. I just started pursuing my dreams.
Half of my life, I have been worrying what my family and friends wantme to be. As
of right now, it is a slow pace to get where I want to be. Even if the first step into
my career field would be substituting. Substituting seems like it would be a great
place to start after I get done with all my credits at Thomas Nelson. It would get me
introduced to the field of education first hand. It would get me familiar with the
schoolI would be apply at. Most importantly, I would get to know the students.
Everything that I m working on is to get me to my dream job. I want to be a second
grade teacher at Poquoson Primary School. It is the school I went to as a child. It
would be nostalgic and rewarding to be able to work at that school. It s the teacher
that makes the difference, not the classroom, said by Michael Morpurgo.
Now becoming a teacher will become half of my life in the future. Having a family
Educating Students For A Global Society
The twenty first century seemed light years away when I was in high school. It
feels like we blinked and suddenly we have arrived. With the dawn of this new
century, the face of education is changing. We have to prepare students for a global
society. Our test scores show that American education reform is not just a want but
also a necessity. The diverse communities within our classrooms have forced us to
reevaluate best practices to meet the needs of our students. Collaborative teaching is
one way to meet the needs of students of all skill levels. Co teaching allows for
differentiated instruction that will meet the needs of ELL students, students of low
income families, students with identified learning disabilities, etc. The... Show more
content on ...
Instructional collaborative activities allow teachers to align teaching objectives,
materials, learning strategies, and assessment so that students can be supported
academically in a cohesive manner. Team teaching provides all students access to the
general education curriculum and general education. All students need to have
access to the mainstream curriculum and assistance through teaching and learning
strategies that make concepts understandable. When teachers plan together, they
can ensure that the needs of all lessons are presented in a way that will reach
students. Today s classrooms have many different challenges, and working with a
colleague to meet those challenges is far superior to working in isolation, as
teachers frequently do (Dove). Planning together is key to ensuring that all students
will have access to the curriculum. That old saying, two heads are better than one
rings true in collaborative teaching. Teachers will learn from each other s expertise
and expand the scope of their teaching capacity (Ferry, 2013). When teachers come
together to provide instruction, they have the opportunity to observe good teaching
practices. Teachers are often very isolated. They don t get the opportunity to see
other good teachers in action. It is difficult to learn new teaching practices when
you are never allowed to observe other classrooms. Team teaching allows us to be
able to learn from each other as we progress through
Essay on John Coltrane
John Coltrane: An Experimental Musician
Jazz, which evolved from African American folk music, has developed and changed
over the last century to become an art form in America. It places particular
importance on inventive self interpretation. Rather than relying on a written piece,
the artist improvises. Jazz has taken many forms over the past seventy years; there is
almost always a single person who can be credited with the evolution of that sound.
From Thelonius Monk, and his bebop, to Dizzy Gillespie s big band, to Miles Davis
cool jazz, or to John Coltrane s free jazz; America s music has been developed and
refined countless times through individual experimentation and innovation. In my
opinion the most noteworthy artist in the ... Show more content on ...
Upon his return from Hawaii a year later, Coltrane launched his music career. In
the late nineteen forties, Coltrane began playing with several different R amp;B
groups in small bars and clubs around Philadelphia. Many of the clubs had a
tradition of walking the bar (to walk on top of the bar while playing one s
instrument). Coltrane was embarrassed having to go through this custom every
night. This give him a negative image about himself and is abilities His self esteem
was crushed even further when critics said his music was too bizarre. Soon
Coltrane became very depressed, and searching for a way out, he turned to heroin.
Heroin was a very popular drug among black musicians in the forties. It was a form
of escape that, at first, brought them together, but in the end triggered lives and
careers to collapse.
Coltrane was invited to play in Dizzy Gillespie s his big band in 49. Gillespie had
been a very significant figure in the bebop movement. Bebop was a style of jazz,
popular during the late thirties and forties. It was characterized by integrating faster
tempos, and more complex phrases than the jazz of earlier years. Gillespie s band
Essay On Sallust, Catiline s War
Classics 201: Dr. T. Rose Parth Patel Topic #3: Sallust, Catiline s War In this paper,
I will discuss the historic events of a Roman coup as written by Gaius Sallustius
also known as Sallust. Early Rome, according to Sallust s best knowledge, was built
by two groups of people, exiled Trojan soldiers under Aeneas and native aborigines
without government or law. For a time after the founding of this settlement, they
prospered and no ill intents of human nature toward another were found. As the city
continued to grow in wealth, size, and number it was soon the envy of neighboring
kingdoms who were wrought with greed. The Romans having held ground and won
these neighboring kingdoms through battle, established a city founded on monarchy
law and created allies with nearby kingdoms. After the seed of tyrannical rule was
developed Rome changed government and appointed two rulers with annual power,
the king and the senate. Now as Rome was under new command of the usurper Sulla
the Roman army, for the first time, indulged in women, drink, material wealth, and
riches. Now these plagues of sin have taken hold of young romans and continued their
destructive paths to conquer the minds of all Rome. This was the setting for Sallust s
history about the... Show more content on ...
The false aspects were of Sallust s account of Catiline s demeaner and his internal
workings. He claimed Catiline to be evil but Sallust writes about how he was
fighting for freedom for the poor and the elimination of mass accrued debts. The
true respects are that he employed the evil in his army and that he started this
rebellion because of his own shortcomings. I believe Catiline to be noble but also
corrupt, he is a man of both yin and yang but the dark is overpowering the light as
time passes. We can trust Sallust in his recounts and we can also say that Catiline was
a legitimate threat to the
A Research Project On Christ Calls Us Essay
Research Project Christ calls us to make disciples of all nations, whether that is
locally or globally. The problem however is that many Americans especially those
aged 16 29 are very hostile/ resistant to the idea of Christianity. With that being said,
rhetorically speaking how could an individual like myself reach the 16 29 year
olds; those in my age group? Before I begin to tackle on that question, I would like
to investigate the notion of how exactly this specific age group is hostile/ resistant to
the idea of Christianity.
According to David Kinnaman President of The Barnia Group, non Christians aged
16 29 years old when asked What is your current perception of Christianity? 91%
said antihomosexual, 87% said judgemental, 85% said hypocritical, 78% said old
fashioned, 75% said too involved in politics, 72% said out of touch with reality, 70%
said insensitive to others. In addition 84% of non Christians who are friends with
Christian, only 15% said that the lifestyle of the Christians is not different from their
own. In identifying, the truth about Non Christians, roughly 80% of non Christians
have attended a church for three months in their life and roughly 50% of non
Christians have considered becoming a Christian. Many however, decided against
Christianity due to unfavorable circumstances experienced within the church.
Furthermore, in regards to what churches can do to reach the lost, Kinnaman stated
that instead of focusing on flaws, focus on
Orientalism And Imperialism In Mcbryde s A Passage To
caves produce, are of snakes and worms. Mrs. Moor is sunk in apathy and cynicism.
Her romance with India is over.
On their return from picnic, Aziz behaves like a child in the face of the Raj
officials, who intend to arrest him on charge of an attempted crime. Only Fielding, a
British, can keep him calm and sane. Fielding is portrayed as a superior human being
who is in control of everything. The Indians, including Aziz, wail and weep at this
McBryde, the British police officer, has an Orientalist doctrine about the Indians. All
natives who live south of latitude 30 are criminals at heart. The psychology of the
people, McBryde tells Fielding, is different in India. The collector declares India to be
a poisonous ... Show more content on ...
The study has proved its basic proposition that A Passage to India is a colonialist
discourse and as one form of Orientalism has strengthened and reinforced the
stereotype image of India and Indians. The study has shown that Forster has not
made even a passing reference to the oppression and the pandemic brutalities of the
natives by the colonizers. He has not mentioned any Indian leader or the struggle put
up by the Indians to get rid of their oppressors. The study has also shown the deep
link between culture and imperialism. The Indians are shown to have assimilated the
culture of their masters .The Indians are portrayed as ashamed of themselves, of their
culture and of their identity. Throughout the novel, the Indians are presented as lesser
people, who cannot manage their affairs like mature, responsible individuals. This is
the projection of the European hegemonic assumptions, which have been exposed by
the present study. The analysis also has highlighted the portrayal of the internal
divisions and infighting among the Indians, on social and religious grounds. This was
meant to justify the presence of the British in
Rhetorical Analysis Of Chief Joseph s Speech
Chief Joseph, the 38 year old leader of the Nez Perces tribe, had little education yet
still traveled to the capital of the United States, Washington DC, to speak to
Congress. He spoke on behalf of his people about the treatment of American
natives, an issue that directly affected him and his fellow people at the time. Joseph
lived in a world where Indians were viewed as uncivilized savages, and were treated
as such by most people in the United States. These same people also supported
manifest destiny and did almost anything to get ahold of land in the west. Even if it
was not intentional, many natives were hurt and relocated by the rapidly spreading
United States. By traveling to DC to make his speech, Chief Joseph hoped that he
could persuade... Show more content on ...
He was very successful in asserting and proving that these rights are important to
not only Indians, but all of mankind. By pushing the point that good words do not
speak louder than actions he hopefully got some people to stand up and share their
true beliefs on the situation. His speech also helped inform Congress who found
out by listening to his speech, that even though they felt they were treating the
Indians fairly their attempts to get the Nez Perces, and others, land denied the
natives liberty, and there excuses for it did not help or dismiss the situation at all.
These mentioned points by Chief Joseph are good examples of how persuasion
can be utilized correctly yet they are not excellent as emotion and pathos seem to
be the most relied on technique with very little of ethos and logos. Nez Perces and
other tribes situations themselves works as great persuasive topics, yet sometimes
meaning is lost when these arguments are put into words or are being read. Even
through these setbacks, Chief Joseph s speech is still studied and interpreted
alongside I Have A Dream, by Martin Luther King Jr. today as a powerful examples
of what words can do. The early 21st century is already becoming a revolutionary
time with issues like gender inequality, race discrimination, and others finally
working towards solutions so Chief Joseph s
Break A Cultural Rule Of Coffee Shop
The assignment for this paper was to break a cultural rule that is followed by the
people in the United States. Rules serve to be the groundwork of a society and
what makes every society across the globe exclusive in their own way. The rule I
anticipated on breaching was, instead of sitting on the chairs and sofas I intended to
sit on the floor at coffeeshops, dressed in our best suits and ball gowns. My goal was
to test a simple yet barely broken cultural rule of coffee shop etiquettes.
My hypothesis was that we would get bizarre expressions along with a few
chuckles and even the occasional question of, What are you guys doing, do you need
a place to sit? I hypnotized that the common thing in both the responses would be
that both types of people, the people just gazing and the people inquiring about our
behavior care about the situation but one is a little bit more inquisitive than the other.
The ones staring might just frown at the rule breaking because they think it s
inappropriate or they didn t find the courage to come up to us and ask us about our
coffee shop etiquettes.
When I was walking to the coffee shop in my ball gown, I kept thinking about all the
things that people could be saying about me as well as the expressions I would get.
Then, I went for it, I got my coffee and sat on the floor! However, I felt a little
uncomfortable and self conscious due to the way people were looking at me. One
woman s comment made me particularly uncomfortable. She said, First
Bertha s Influence On The Body
Bertha Jorkins is your average fifteen year old girl. She likes to shop, hangout with
her girlfriends, talk about boys, etc. However, the one thing that Bertha likes to do
best is eat. Thus, there is just one thing about Bertha that is not so average, and
that is her weight. At 5 1, a healthy weight for Bertha would be somewhere between
105 and 120 pounds. However, Bertha weighs a whopping 200! As is to be
expected, this upsets Bertha. At school, she is often teased. People call her things
like Piggy, Fatty, and Cow. Every time Bertha looks at her reflection in the mirror,
she wants to cry. On the other hand, Bertha, along with every other woman in her
family, absolutely loves to cook, bake, and, most of all, to eat. So, Bertha tries her
best to have fun with her life and not dwell on the problem that she has with
weight. One day, while walking along the hallway with her good friend Hannah
Abbot, Bertha spots her crush, Ernie, walking along with a group of his friends.
She likes him so much, that simply seeing him makes her all flustered and
embarrassed and, worst of all, clumsy. She very nearly trips over her own two feet!
She does not fall, but she does stumble, which causes her to blush fiercely. Gosh,
Bertha. What if he saw you?! She thinks to herself. That question is answered when
she hears sniggering and a boys voice saying Ernie, look, the cow seems very taken
with you indeed! They had seen her staring! Tears spring up in Bertha s eyes and she
Hurricane Maria-Personal Narrative
No one knows what I went through during Hurricane Maria, you were not in my
shoes.Hurricane Maria was a devastating experience to everyone in Puerto Rico. I
am here to tell you what I went through at my house with my whole family.On
September 21,2017 my day started off by my sister waking me up she said the house
is flooding I woke up and took my two 2 nieces Sofia and Emma , my nephew
Marcos ,and my 2 dogs Milan and Magno to my parents room it was one of the
safest rooms in the house. As soon as the children went inside the room they were
immediately became bored we played hide and seek, we drew, we sang, we also ate a
lot of sandwiches they were the best sandwiches in the whole world. I was very
frustrated and overwhelmed. Emma is one year old so she has no idea what is
happening outside of the room. Marcos which is six and Sofia is five they understod
a little more but they are still young so the were still misbehaving.... Show more
content on ...
The slush came down the stairs like a waterfall. In my parents room the shutters
were hitting the windows pan pan pan The sound made things worse. Once the
kids herad the sutters hit the window they became terrified. Marcos said titi but if
Maria knocks all the trees down how are we going to breath I gave him a huge hug
and told him we were all going to be fine. In the other hand Sofia didn t show how
she felt but i m sure she was terrified. My two dogs were scared as they have ever
been so I had to hug them. At this point it felt like and endless night. I took a
blanket that it was soft as a clouds and one by one everyone in the house fell
Colin Powell Leadership Principles
Three Leadership Principles from the Colin Powell 18 Leadership Principles
After reading all 18 of Colin Powell leadership principles, three of the principles
stood out that I could identify with. The first, Being responsible sometimes means
pissing people off.
The second principle, The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day
you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help
them or concluded that you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership. I also
identify with Colin Powell s seventeenth principle, Have fun in your command. Don
t always run at a breakneck pace. Take leave when you ve earned it: Spend time
with your families. Corollary: Surround yourself with people who take their work
seriously, but not themselves, those who work hard and play hard. Colin Powell s
first principle was something I deal with daily. Working in food service for over 24
years you learn that you cannot make everyone happy. Since 2011, I have been the
Food Program Manager for the INARNG. I approve or disapprove rations requests
for all the Indiana Army National Guard units and submit their requests to the state
approved contracted vendor. The vendor has a timeline to which they can process
the orders and work with their vendors to get ration items into their warehouse. The
State Food Service SOP specifies the timelines for ration requests when using the
Army Food Management System (AFMIS). If a unit does not meet the time
requirements for our state vendor, then I will disapprove the request. I will give the
unit limited choices for other types of rations, usually Tailored Operational Training
Rations (TOTM), similar to MRE s. Some First Sergeants and company
Commanders complain about their meals, but I inform them on the State Food
Service policy for submitting requests. If I let one unit slide, then all of them will
expect the same treatment. Recently, a new supply NCO took over one of our
infantry units. She once worked as the assistant to one of our brigade S4 sections
and we develop a friendly professional relationship, afterwards we became Facebook
friends. When she started a change of supply inventory she found 90 cases of
expired MRE s from the
Eunice Lathem, 22, Of Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan
Eunice Lathem, 22, of Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan, passed away on the night of
November 20th, 1955, after falling through thin ice at a skating party in her
honour. Residents of the town came to celebrate the recent engagement of Lathem
and her fiance, Nathan Singleton, on the cold, November night. The celebration
was to be held at a nearby lake which appeared to be frozen over and suitable for
skating. The party commenced at around 6:30 p.m. lasting several hours before
many began to head home. At around 10 o clock that night, Lathem and her younger
sister Delia Sykes were seen venturing out into the east bank of the lake. At
approximately 10:05 p.m., several witnesses recalled hearing cries for help. There is
a place in that bank where... Show more content on ...
The night was dark and I couldn t see the girl s faces. All I could do was grasp the
nearest pair of wrists and pull. Singleton recollected. It took all of our efforts
another resident, who wished to remain anonymous, stated, though we were able
to save only one . The men who arrived to help were able to drag Sykes back to
safety. As we were doing it, Singleton stated, The ice broke beneath our feet and the
second (Lathem) went under. Onlookers did not realize that Eunice had fallen
through until the hole became illuminated by the moon. We went back to the hole,
but Eunice had vanished. There wasn t any way we could get her body Singleton
concluded. Will Singleton, Nathan s brother, also attended the event. It was an
awful thing to have happen on our place he said. My brother was a hero who
risked his life though there was no way on earth he could save both girls. All I
know is that he will never fully recover. All that the town can do at this point is try
and prevent this from happening again. The Willow Bunch funeral home and the
Lathem and Singleton families have organized Eunice s funeral to take place on
Sunday, November 22nd and her name will always be remembered on a gravestone
in St. Chad s parish. All are welcome to
The Change Of Wor Vs. Dimensionless Time
As Yortsos et al. (1999) have shown in their work, the change of WOR vs.
dimensionless time is governed by the time regime. He distinguished four such time
regimes: Early time, before water breaks through the layers of a reservoir (Fig. 1, b)
in which WOR remains almost constant; The stage immediately following water
breakthrough, when water saturation near the producer is low (Fig. 1, c). This regime
can be analysed using the 1D displacement equation for intermediate values of water
saturation (Eq. 8) which suggests that at intermediate values of water saturation at the
producer,S_w^*≤0.5, the WOR time relationship is described with a linear
function of logW vs. logt with slope1. Intermediate time between (ii) and (iv),
reflecting... Show more content on ...
Figure 1: Four representative stages of a linear waterflood at interstitial water
saturation. Injection of water causes oil to be displaced from the reservoir resulting in
a water saturation gradient (Willhite,1986)
Figure 2: Areal X ray shadowgraphs of flood progress in scaled five spot patterns
showing areal sweep efficiencies of two model floods for two mobility ratios
Fig. 3 shows how WOR varies over time for one of the numerical wells created in a
numerical simulation model for the Wytch Farm Field, UK.
Figure 3: Illustration of a typical WOR vs. dimensionless time dependence showing
the four distinct time regimesFigure 4: A plot of log[(1+W)2/(Wt)] vs. log W
showing that in the case of large M, the cross plot conditions described by Eq. 8
apply over a wide range of WOR (b=2.0) (Yortsos et al., 1999)
Using diagnostic plots of log[(1+W)2/(Wt)] vs. logW Yortsos et al. (1999) showed
numerically that for large water oil viscosity ratio and small Corey exponent to oil,
the flood front water saturation is relatively low. As a result the behavior
immediately following breakthrough described by Eq. 8 is valid over a wide range
of WOR, in which case the ratio [(1+W)2/(Wt)] remains approximately constant for
an extensive range of WOR. Conversely, for small viscosity ratios, the late time
behavior becomes dominant at much lower values of WOR. His studies were
supported by numerical
Market Eqaulibrium
. Eye de ho Potatoes is a product of the Coeur d=Alene Growers= Association.
Producers in the area are able to switch back and forth between potato and wheat
production depending on market conditions. Similarly, consumers tend to regard
potatoes and wheat (bread and bakery products) as substitutes. As a result, the
demand and supply of Eye de ho Potatoes are highly sensitive to changes in both
potato and wheat prices. Demand and supply functions for Eye de ho Potatoes are as
follows: QD=1,450 25P + 12.5PW + 0.2Y,(Demand) QS=100 + 75P 25PW 12.5PL +
10R,(Supply) where P is the average wholesale price of Eye de ho Potatoes ($ per
bushel), PW is the average wholesale price of wheat ($ per bushel), Y is income (GNP
... Show more content on ...
As self serve increases in popularity, a decrease, or leftward shift, in the demand for
unskilled labor occurs. D.Holding all else equal, a fall in interest rates will increase
the attractiveness of capital relative to labor. Employers can be expected to substitute
capital for the now relatively more expensive labor. A decrease or leftward shift in
the demand for unskilled labor will result. Of course, this influence can be mitigated
to the extent that lower interest rates spur capital investment and a subsequent
increase in employment opportunities. E.An increase in the minimum wage will have
the effect of decreasing the quantity demanded of unskilled labor, while at the same
time increasing the quantity supplied. The first involves an upward movement along
the demand curve, while the second involves an upward movement along the supply
curve. P3.3 Supply Curve Determination. Olympia Natural Resources, Inc., and
Yakima Lumber, Ltd., supply cut logs (raw lumber) to lumber and paper mills
located in the Cascades Mountain region in the state of Washington. Each company
has a different marginal cost of production depending on its own cost of landowner
access, labor and other cutting costs, the distance cut logs must be shipped, and so
on. The marginal cost of producing one unit of output, measured as one thousand
board feet of lumber (where one board foot is one
Describe The Characteristics Of Baroque Music
Baroque music generally has certain elements in common across the board, including
but not limited to: basso continuo, ornamentation, decisive rhythms, melodiousness,
and use of several textures. Of course, different countries in Western Europe had
different styles and sub genres within this. Theorists and composers, such as Jean
Philippe Rameau with his treatise on harmony, began defining characteristics of
harmony by studying works of his contemporaries. Although the Baroque musicas a
whole sounds similar, it is important to keep in mind that it was not one unified style,
but rather it was separated and understood differently depending on region. Certain
style techniques can be attributed to different regions. For instance, while Italy was
known to have melodies that sounded similar to singing, France was focused on
bringing shape to their melodies. In contrast, German composers of this same time
actually did not limit themselves to particular National style choices, but rather
looked to and studied that of composers in other countries. Telemann was a German
composer who exemplified this German style through his works. Not only was he
important for the sake of combining and utilizing different techniques and creating
unique pieces to that of his contemporaries, but he also was the most prolific
composer of his time. This Trumpet Concerto displays a blend of these cosmopolitan
styles. Telemann borrowed the French idea of shaping melodies. In the third
movement, the
Miracle-Ear Research Paper
Page 1: Sisseton, SD, Hearing Aids/Hearing Test/Hearing Center homepage
Miracle Ear Hearing Aids in Sisseton, SD Having trouble with your hearing? You re
not alone, and you ll be happy to know that that Miracle Ear has spent the last 65
years developing hearing solutions for people who experience various degrees of
hearing loss. Look no further for state of the art hearing aids in Sisseton, SD. We re
the most trusted and recognized hearing aid brand in America, and we believe that
everyone deserves quality hearing aids.
Are You or a Loved One Suffering from Hearing Loss?
If you or a family member has become depressed and lonely because of a loss of
hearing, we have a solution for you, and you can change your life. Hearing loss affects
What Is The Theme Of The Poem No Second Troy
No Second Troy is a poem by William Butler Yeats who was one of the greatest
poets of the 20th century. The poem is written in 1912 and it is considered one of
the greatest poems of the 20th century. This literary piece is mainly about the
author s love with a woman of unusual beauty but also about the author s homeland
struggling for independence. The essay is divided into two sections with the first
part of the essay providing information about crucial aspects required for an in
depth understanding of the poem and analysis of it whereas the second part of the
essay will focus on a contemporary adaptation of the Yeats work, specifically on the
comparison to the Sinead O Connor song Troy . Before analyzing No second Troy ,
it is important... Show more content on ...
However, considering Yeats was driven by her and she did not want to marry him,
he might question what he could have done to make her accept him and stop
rejecting him, what could have changed to spend his life with her peacefully. With
all the qualities she had and despite what he felt for her she is still women of
destruction and he is devastated, burned by her. With beauty like a tightened bow, a
kind That is not natural in an age like this, Being high and solitary and most stern
this certainly depicts how extraordinary Maud Gonne was for Yeats. He has such
extraordinary feelings for her that he considers she belongs to another time and
nothing can be compared to her. However, with beauty like a tightened bow might
represent her rejection of him. Despite the fact he is obsessed with her beauty, she is
not willing to change and let him in his life. She is untouchable and not becoming
any weaker, finally refusing his
Essay On Point Of Sales
Leveraging Points of Sale and Profit Making for Fundraising Success POS Point of
sale is the term commonly associated with the retail industry and involves the place
of transaction between a buyer and a seller. (Kelley, p. 108) There are three major
revenue streams that can leverage POS for schools and universities; ticket sales,
concessions and retail licensed merchandise. In order to make any organization
profitable and increase revenue, one must leverage every point of sale, beginning
with ticket sales. There are several different ways that organizations can increase
their customer database, upsell their current customers and solidify their longtime
customers, all which will help improve their revenue and overall bottom line. We
will focus on the ways that universities and schools can do this with and in
coordination with sporting events and teams. The first and largest potential for
increasing revenue is through ticket sales. Depending on the team, the sport, and
even the kind of season a team is having (wins/losses), all of these can impact ticket
revenue for schools and universities. Most universities already have a solid
foundation of repeat season ticketholders for certain events. These would be
considered longtime customers. These should be one of the first groups to solicit for
additional business because they have already shown long term interest in the school,
team or sport. They have continued to donate money, purchase their season tickets,
North Carolina State University Personal Statement Sample
My parents have always emphasized the importance of collecting and analyzing data.
They once brought me to a stock exchange to watch how all the values change in
real time, and they explained that stock traders need to collect, analyze, and interpret
millions of data points in order to understand whether the stock prices will rise or
fall. Since then, they have inspired me to see things through the lens of a data
scientist. Whether I am reading news articles online, following the stock market, or
doing any other activity, I try to examine the underlying data to grasp an even deeper
understanding. At North Carolina State University, I applied my passions toward a
double major in statistics and economics. Both of these fields share a common
principle of data driven research and analysis. My goal is to continue my studies
through the Advanced Analytics program at North Carolina State University. Outside
of the classroom, my work experience strengthened my ability to approach and solve
challenges. In the banking industry and New Mind Education, I expanded my ability
to work in teams and learned to apply principles from statistics to craft common, yet
catered, solutions for the customers. By modeling customer requests into classes of
problems, I generalized them into different groups and could solve them together...
Show more content on ...
At Aohey LLC, I learned to program in HTML and used SAS in a real world
problem to migrate client production databases to online cloud stores. Although I
had previously used them in college, I realized that there was a huge difference in
both breadth and depth of learning between using them in real world applications
versus while working on a college project. My full time data entry job after
graduating from university further reinforced the idea that although I had built a
strong foundation of skills, I am ready to continue to develop my expertise in the
area of data
West Drayton Mountain Bike Club Case Study
Specialized Concept Store Ruislip are proud to support West Drayton Mountain Bike
Club, we are often found riding with them, and enjoying their company both on two
wheels, and in the pub afterwards. West Drayton are a mixed ability group, and
consider themselves very inclusive. They do have racers (who ve got some great
results over the years) but also they put the emphasis on fun. They even welcome
those on skinny wheels, and go out on slick rubber themselves sometimes! They ve
even planned a road trip to the Dolomites in mid September. Check out Drayton Mountain Bike Club/27327170637?fref=ts
for the latest information and contacts.
Last week Clive, Paul carpenter and Chris went across to Bath to do the local club s
(Bath Road Club) 10 mile TT, and we re glad to say that WDMBC took home a win
with Paul bringing home first place. Clive come second and Chris took fifth, so it
feels like West Drayton are really representing!... Show more content on ...
A special mention goes to John Jones who rode a sub five hour time. Chris said that
he enjoyed the event despite the 3am start, the puncture and having to avoid the
crashes, it s one of those events which is worth doing at least once.
It s nice to see Paul Bennett and Ben flying the club colours at Hillingdon on a
Tuesday night, there were no results this week, but there will be soon enough, so
better luck to them for future
The Between Camp Four And The Summit
Many factors contributed to the bottlenecks between Camp Four and the summit,
including: The fact that no Sherpas left ahead of the climbers to fix ropes to aid in
climbing above the Balcony, which left the climbers waiting while Beidleman, a
guide, fixed the ropes; the Taiwanese team, who were climbing very slowly and all
together, making it impossible to pass them, therefore creating delays for the
climbers behind them; and the fact that once the ascent had begun, Hall s Sherpas
were not eager to assist in fixing the ropes, presumably because they were angry that
Fischer s Sherpas were not sharing the workload as had been originally planned.
Krakauer was critical of Boukreev in this section of the climb because Boukreev was
not using supplemental oxygen or a backpack, both of which Krakauer felt he should
have had in the case of an emergency, as Boukreev was a guide, and charged with
helping and protecting the clients, an ability which Krakauer thought was inhibited
by this lack of oxygen and supplies, especially considering how much the high
altitude and thin air affects the ability to think clearly.
Just before reaching the summit, despite the fact that he was having difficulty
breathing, Krakauer was actually quite calm but disoriented, and relatively excited
about the prospect of reaching the summit. However, at the moment of his summit,
he did not feel the elation that he expected, but rather apprehension and dread about
what he knew to be a difficult descent.
Beer Industry Oligopoly Essay
Introduction The brewing industry was once held to competition among many
breweries in small geographic areas. That was almost a century ago. The U.S.
brewing industry today is characterized by the dominance of three brewers, which I
will talk about in this paper. There are many factors today that make the beer
industry an oligopoly. Such factors include various advancements in technology
(packaging, shipping and production), takeovers and mergers, economies of scale,
barriers to entry, high concentration, and many other factors that I will cover in this
paper. Over the course of the paper I will try to define an oligopoly, give a brief
history of the brewingindustry, and finally to show how the brewing industry today is
an oligopoly.... Show more content on ...
However, if there are not barriers to entry, companies will not be able to raise prices
and realize profits.
The brewing industry it different from many other industries because it is not
governed by laws regarding patents or exclusive grants. A majority firm does not
control the inputs required for brewing beer and the supply for brewing materials is
fragmented. There are high costs associated with entering the brewing industry, such
as establishing a network of suppliers and distributing the product. It has been
estimated that the construction of a four to five million barrel a year plant would
cost around $250 million, and this is just the fixed cost of building and maintaining
the brewery. There is an even greater amount of capital needed when the marketing
activities needed to distribute beer are added in. This all means that any new entrants
would have to invest heavily to establish a strong reputation and brand awareness. It
may seem odd that a company of Anheuser Busch s size is allowed by the
government to maintain such a huge portion of the market. But nothing in the way
Anheuser Busch prices products or promotes them is monopolistic in nature. There is
still heavy competition among other corporations because of different product
offerings, which makes it more beneficial for the industry to be an oligopoly.
It is clear that the economic impact that micro breweries and craft breweries have had
Comaneci s Struggles
I don t run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it
because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet. This is a
quote written by Nadia Comaneci. This quote accurately depicts how Nadia
overcame obstacles in her life and rose to the top. She proves that no one could stop
her from living her dream. Nadia Elena Comaneci, was born on November 12th,
1961, in the small town of Onesti, Romania. She was raised by her loving parents,
StefanГa Alexandra and Gheorghe Comaneci. Nadia is the oldest of two; her
younger brother Adrian Comaneci was born January of 1965 ( As a
kid, Nadia was full of energy.She loved climbing trees and jumping on the furniture.
At age six, StefanГa decided... Show more content on ...
to start a Olympic training site. Nadia continued her training for the 1976
Montreal, Canada Olympics. She trained six hours a day, six days a week, for
what will remain the most memorable day in gymnastics history. As the training
became harder, and the Olympics were finally here, Nadia walked into the arena
proud to be in her country s colors. Nadia competed on the Romanian team along
with her six other teammates. Romania was first on bars. Nadia nailed her routine
and the score flashed 1.00. The crowd drew quieter. Bela glanced at the judges with
a confusing look. The judges responded holding up ten fingers. Nadia Comaneci
had just made Olympic history. Nadia received thee more perfect tens, and came
home with three gold medals. Nadia wasn t done there, she continued her training
in hope of competing at the 1980 Olympics in Moscow, Russia. Nadia again made
her country proud, with two more gold and three more perfect tens. Nadia received
the first seven perfect scores in history. Nadia later retired from gymnastics to
attend the Politehnic University of Bucharest back in Romania. Nadia finished
college with an acting degree, to star in TV shows and commercials in America.
Nadia was held captive for three months by the man who helped her deport to
America five years ago. The man was in need of money, and negotiated $150,000 in
order for Nadia to be let go. Nadia was able to get in contact with her family,
Non Traditional Families In The 1800s
Families in History
There are many ways that the idea of the traditional family has changed over the past
several centuries. For instance prior to the 19th century family was often considered
anyone who lived within a household whether related by blood or not. This included
employees and extended family. Per Coontz (2010) The biological family was less
sacrosanct, and less sentimentalized, than it would become in the nineteenth century.
(p. 35) In society at the time it was socially unacceptable to be separate or not
included as part of a family household. Over time, the term family came to
encompass the immediate family, a husband, wife and their children. During the late
1800 s through the mid 1900 s there were emerging ideas of family that were not
widely accepted as traditional or normal, these included single parent homes with
only a Mom or Dad, Stepfamilies and same sex couple and parent households. Today,
American ideas of what constitutes a family have drastically expanded to include
these formerly non traditional families ... Show more content on ...
This was mostly due to socio economic need. Their husbands were more accepting
of this as it benefited the entire family. Slavery having rendered black men and
women equally powerless, had leveled the gender playing field within the black
community. (Franklin, 2010, p. 65) There was a sharp difference in marriagerates of
black and white women activists in the early 20th century. The amount of black
married women activists was double that of white women activists A reason for
this disparity, being that white women were more likely to buy into the notion that
a woman s place was in the home and many believed this to be a more ideal situation.
This traditional marriage has been described as an exchange of a male s economic
resources for a female s social and domestic services (Franklin, 2010, p.
The Circular Ruins by Jorge Luis Borges Essay
The Circular Ruins by Jorge Luis Borges
Green is derived from blue and green will become more brilliant than blue
Chinese Proverb
The Chinese have a proverb about the evolution of humanity, and in particular, the
nature of intellectual relationships. Although the color green is composed from the
color blue, it often shines with a more brilliant luster than its predecessor does. This
is a metaphor for the pupil and teacher. The pupil learns knowledge from his teacher,
but will outgrow his teacher and eventually surpass him in wisdom. I believe this
accurately describes the progress of human knowledge throughout time. In fact, it is
quite obvious how technology and science have improved as time goes on. There are
dramatic ... Show more content on ...
Borges allows the reader to observe the sufferings of a fallible god. In fact, the entire
story outlines the anguish and frustrations of the magician. He starts off as an
irrelevant man, only one of the many others who lived in the infinite villages
upstream (45). But his task gives him a purpose and sets himself apart from the
other villagers. The peasants start to leave him food and respectfully worship him
in doing so. But as this so called god proceeds to spend days manipulating his
dreams so that he can create a man, he does not do anything for the peasants in
return. Even after the son is finished, it is the product of a selfish act. The magician
created the son to give his own life meaning. Neither the son nor the magician appear
to do anything for the other people around them. They are merely charmed men. In
addition to being a selfish god, the magician is imperfect in that he experiences
failure, insomnia, and frustration. The magician fails in his first attempt to create the
son and finds he must rely on superstition or good luck (he begins again when the
moon is perfect in order to be successful in the second attempt).
Once the son is created, the magician proceeds to teach him and it is subtly
apparent that the son is indeed less flawed than his creator is. One could even say
that the magician s desires to make the son as perfect as possible, both physically
and mentally, were carried out. The son quickly learns his lessons and becomes
Assistive Technology History
This week we read about the history of assistive technology and assistive
technology. In addition, we read about the reauthorization of IDEA 1997 and how it
changed the individual educational plan (IEP) by requiring that IEP teams consider
assistive technology for all students with IEPs. (Grand Canyon University, n.d.
Lecture 1) Initially, I thought that I had limited experience with assistive technology.
It became clear to me this week through the readings, that many accommodations
and methods I have used in the classroom, are actually a form of assistive
technology. I am speaking of the low tech tools, for examples, pencil grips, paper
holders, sticky notes and reading guide to name a few. (Dell, Newton, Petroff, 2012,
p.6.) In addition,
Quest In The Movie Shrek
1. The five characteristics of the quest are a quester, a destination, a reason that has
been stated to go there, the challenges along the way, and the real reason for the
destination. 2. An example of a quest is in the movie, Shrek. 1. Quester: a male ogre
who lives alone in a swamp, but is disturbed by the fairy tale characters who were
sent away by Lord Farquaad. He is a hostile introvert. 2. A place to go: In order to
find peace at home, he agrees to rescue Princess Fiona for Lord Farquaad to marry so
that the Lord can take the fairy tale characters back. He then goes to the castle to
save Princess Fiona. 3. Stated reason to go there: Rescuing and return Princess Fiona
for Lord Farquaad will lead to ridding Shrek s... Show more content on ...
Questions reader should ask when trying to determine symbolic meaning: what s
the writer doing with this image, this object, this act; what possibilities are
suggested by the movement of the narrative or the lyric; and most important, what
does it feel like it s doing? (Foster 59). 45. Nearly all writing is political. 46. Foster
says most literature can be called political because most of these works has a time
period setting and writers write about issues about social classes or rights or races of
that time period. Political means 47. get the most out of your reading of
European and American literatures, knowing something about the Old and New
Testaments is essential. Similarly, if you undertake to read literature from an Islamic
or a Buddhist or a Hindu culture, you re going to need knowledge of other religious
traditions. This is because religion shapes different culture and to better understand
allusions in literature, one must understand biblical references. Or being aware of
religious traditions and culture of a country outside yours can help you better
understand the
The Last Supper Essay
The Last Supper| February 8
| [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of
the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is
typically a short summary of the contents of the document.]| Author: Alicia Grover|
The Last Supper
After the Black Death swept through Europe, killing off a third of its population by
the end of the fourteenth century, people were ready for a change. Very slowly new
ideas and beliefs concerning the purpose of life began to spread from Florence Italy.
During the Renaissance, there was an explosion of new ideas, philosophies, and art
work of the new era. These new ideas had a new effect on these artwork, literature,
and ... Show more content on ...
(Grendler, 2006)A very important humanist from the Renaissance is Leonardo Da
Leonardo Da Vinci was the son of a 25 year old notary named Ser Piero and a
peasant girl named Caterina. He was born just outside of Florence France in 1452.
As Da Vinci grew up he became an apprentice for the famous Andrea Del Verrochio.
After abandoning the first apprenticship in Florence, he learned many new forms of
painting and sculpting by the Duke of Milan. Leonoardo Da Vinci is best known for
his beautiful paintings including the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. He was not
only an Italian painter, but he also was a sculptor, inventor, architect, and
mathematician among other things. DaVinci also designed the calculator and the
The Last Supper was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1495. The Last Supper
shows the itelligence and artistic side of him. The painting is simple in style
compared to the other painting of this era. Da Vinci s mural painting, The Last
Supper, was painted in Milan. (Art E. o.) The painting is now hung in the dining
hall at Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. The painting shows the dramatic
movement and depiction of light and shade. The painting was painted on a dry wall
rather then on wet plaster. Leonardo sealed the stone with a layer of pitch, gesso, and
mastic. He then painted over it with tempera paint. (Art E. o.)As a result of painting
with tempera
Fracking And Its Wastewater Disposal
Dat Ninh T. Drosselmeyer Engl 1113 088 14 November 2016 1393 words Fracking
and its wastewater disposal are threatening human s life In recent years, there has
been an increasing concern about whether or not should factories keep using
Fracking as their main method to extract oil and gas from the underground.
Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing can be defined as the process of drilling down
into the Earth and injecting high pressurized water mixture into the ground, creating
cracks in the deep rock formations and allows oil and gas to flow out of the wells.
In her study, Susan Hough pointed out that wastewater disposal used in Fracking is
the main reason leading to the instability of the ground. This pressurized liquid is not
only believed to cause most of earthquakes but also contains many toxic chemicals
which bring other environmental issues including water poisoning, air pollution, and
soil pollution. As my values are about human safety and environment protection, I
am totally against the use of Fracking in extracting oil and from my point of view,
Fracking is an indirectly fatal and environmentally destructive. First and foremost,
the wastewater used in Fracking is the primary cause of recent earthquakes in
Oklahoma. As soon as a well is deeply drilled, cased and cemented, high pressure
water compound is pumped down to fracture hard rock layers in the underground.
This creates micro fractures in the rock layers and causes the faults in the formation to
Examples of Machiavellian Leaders
Arguably, the most Machiavellian leader to ever exist would be Joseph Stalin. He
abided by three major Machiavellian methods that were stated in the Prince: the
ends justifies the means, crush any opposition, and displaying a false character.
Stalin had a plan for Russia and did everything in his power to achieve that plan.
He wanted to transform Russia into a industrial superpower, a military superpower,
and a political superpower. To achieve his goals he committed many horrible crimes
against humanity. To be more specific, Stalin killed more than sixty million people
during his reign. He was a selfish cold blooded, heart less, and evil leader; human
life was nothing to him. What caused him to develop such evil traits? It all started...
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This strategy disposed Stalin of any political opposition, which helped him sustain
his power. Another major method that Stalin used to maintain his power was the
use of propaganda to portray himself as a benevolent father figure. While at the
same time he was committing mass murder. In Ukraine alone he killed ten million
people in only two years! Many historians agree that Stalin killed over sixty million
people. Why did he kill so much people? This can be traced back to Machiavelli s
The Prince. As discussed before, The Prince teaches that a ruler should have the
fear of the people. Stalin slaughtered so many people to prevent any opposition to
his reign. He eliminated all the strong people, both the intellectual and physical;
therefore the few left would be too afraid and too weak, physically and mentally, to
resist. Stalin did exactly what Machiavelli stated in the Prince, which was also
stated above, And here it has to be noted that men must be either pampered or
crushed, because they can get revenge fore small injuries but not fore grievous
ones. Stalin stated Death is the solution to all problems. No man no problem. ,
Gratitude is a sickness suffered by dogs. , and I trust no one, not even myself. As it
can be clearly seen, Joseph Stalin epitomises most of Machiavelli s beliefs that are
stated in The Prince. Therefore, Stalin can be consider Machiavelli s ideal prince.
Finally, the last example of a past
Standardized Test Score
Throughout high school, students strive to do their best so they can go to the college
of their dreams. They excel, and are straight A students with perfect GPA s, several
extracurricular activities, and many leadership positions. These students appear to be
the perfect choice for any university. Unfortunately, there might be one element that
separates these students from his or her dream schoolstandardized testscores. This one
testscore could be the difference between attending an Ivy League school or an
average level school. In most cases, the best way to succeed on these tests is with
the help of expensive practice books or a tutor. However, many students cannot
afford these tools, and as a result, will not do well. These tests are simply... Show
more content on ...
The reason for this is the desire to get into a great college so they can have a bright
future. Countless hours of studying and time doing school activities are some of
the prices that must be paid, but in the end, it will all be worth it. Or will it? All
those years of hard work could become almost meaningless with just one simple
test score. All Ivy League schools require and average ACT score of at least 32 for
an applicant to even be looked at with care. Although every other aspect of the
students application may be perfect, if the ACT score is not up to par, then
acceptance into a prestigious university is highly unlikely. Throughout America, the
opposition to standardized tests is increasing due to the negative effects they are
having on bright young students. These tests are taking these students years of hard
work and basically throwing down the toilet. It just is not right to have one test that
bases how smart a student is, when there are so many other factors that should be
looked at. Standardized tests should not be required for college admission because
they are an unreliable measure of a student s performance and are not as important as
what was accomplished in the students four years of high
Tough Love
If you Google the words tough love, it tells you that it means promotion of a person
s welfare, especially that of an addict, child or criminal, by enforcing certain
constraints on them, or requiring them to take responsibility for their actions. If you
look at it closer, you see that if is telling someone to take responsibility for something
they do not want to change. There are many cases that tough lovecauses deaths.
Instead of helping, it is harming a person. Since tough love often comes from a
position of superiority and detachment, it oftentimes is a form of abuse, and is
generally guided by selfish motivations.
People can send their child to a Juvenile Justice when they have no clue what to do
with their child. That is not the correct ... Show more content on ...
Tough love leads to people believing their fears and discomforts are not valid. It
makes a person feel lonely and uncared for. Red Letter Christians wrote an article
saying, Messages that are consistently negative and focus on an individual s faults
and flaws are only likely to increase feelings of stress, fear, and anxiety... If
someone were to continuously point out a flaw, that is only going to make the
person feel worse about it, especially if they are trying to change it. Robin Tran
said, Tough love has caused irreparable damage to [her] psyche to the point where
[she] no longer believes [her] own feelings. Tough love makes a person feel even
lonelier than they felt before, more ashamed, and like a burden on everyone in
their life. When others who haven t experienced what someone else is going
through tries to intervene by saying they have all the answers, it often comes
across more arrogant than compassionate. The Recovery Help Desk writes, All too
often, tough love behaviors are more destructive than the behaviors of feelings of
anger, frustration, confusion, and desperation. It is selfish of the person to want
someone to feel better right when they want them to. They could take a big step
forward, but in the end, it doesn t mean they are completely healed. McLellan said,
Parents find it difficult to believe, but in every high school survey, kids rate their
parents as the most influential people in their lives. Parents have powers they don
t exercise. They give the kid access to a car, a credit card, or pay their tuition.
Those are all factors with proper instructions that can help them gain control of their
kids behavior when the kid can t... (qtd in Bosler). Many people believe that tough
love works like magic. They believe that emotionally terrorizing someone can
produce change that looks like it s really working. The harsh words can often be
misleading. The parents think
Democracy and Political Development in Pakistan
Thesis statement Due to the continuous political instability and recurring military
interventions in decision making, Pakistan is far from witnessing a healthy and
democratic political system in the near future. Introduction On the international
scene, states have been struggling to obtain their independence and sovereignty. But
the biggest threat that arises after accomplishing independence is the way the
government rules, the standards it follows and the goals it sets. This is when a new
journey begins where the government searches for the best system that suits the
country and satisfies the different sections of its population. Most of the states adopt
democracy to be the dominant process in politics. But each state has its own... Show
more content on ...
The discrimination of women under Zia s rule increased; for example in case of a
rape, four witnesses should be provided or else the rape would be reported as
adultery and thus a woman could be whipped if the act was seen as adultery . This
type of ruling is certainly far from democracy. Even if a certain religion was
imposed to be the formal religion of the state, other or different people should not
be banned from practicing their own religious beliefs. Furthermore, women should
definitely be seen and treated as equal to men. The idea of considering women to
be inferior and less important than men and treating them according to that basis
shows that the state is not headed towards democracy but still separates between
its people. The rule of Zia shows that the difference in treating people and
preventing them from doing what they want does not promote democracy. His rule
of a sort of dictatorship over his population and they had to follow the rules in
order to escape the harsh consequences and punishments. General Zia didn t want
to leave power and in order to achieve his goal; he initiated the referendum of 1984
asking his population whether they wish Pakistan to be an Islamic state. But the
issue was that the question was asked in a very complicated way, especially for
those uneducated rural people; it was a loaded question and affirmative answer
would result in a five year term for General Zia as the president of Pakistan . The
Essay on The Impact of Financial Crisis on the Uk Job
The impact of the financial crisis on the UK job market and employment (2007 2009)
Module: PM021 Aspects of British Culture and Society
Student Number: 0908108
Tutor: Jeff Meadowcroft
Word Count: 1,970
1. Introduction.................................................................................Page 3
2. Global financial crisis (2007 2009).............................................Page 3
3. Influence on world job market...................................................Page 3 4
4. Influence on the UK job market.................................................Page 4 5 4.1 Short
term changes..............................................................Page4 5 4.2 Long term
changes................................................................Page 5
5. Analysis of current situation in the UK....................................Page 5 5.1 British
jobs for British workers ........................................Page 6 5.2 Job ... Show more
content on ...
Taking into account those employed part time for economic reasons and
discouraged workers was 16.3%. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Government,
2009) In Spain, the unemployment rate stood at 18.7% (37% for youths) in May
2009 the highest in the eurozone. (, 2009) In July 2009, the
unemployment rate was reduced from 9.5% to 9.4%. Even fewer jobs were lost in
August, 216,000, recorded as the lowest number of jobless since September 2008,
but the unemployment rate rose to 9.7% in October 2009, it is said that some
employers who cut jobs due to the recession are beginning to hire them back. The rise
of advanced economies in China, India, and Brazil increased the total amount of word
job market significantly. With the rapid development of communication and
education in these countries, there are more workers allowed to compete with
workers in traditionally strong countries, such as the United States. This has a
negative effect on wages and contributed to unemployment. (Telegraph, 2009) In
addition, Britain has equal situation in terms of job market.
4. Influence on the UK job market 1. Short term changes
|[pic] |
The left graph shows that the employment rate for July to September 2007 in the
UK was 74.5 percent, peaking at 75 percent in the year end and dropped to around
72.5 per cent for
Damien Hirst Art Work Essay
Bring Forth the Fruits of Righteousness from Darkness The artist of whose work I
observed was Damien Hirst. He was born June 7 1965 and is an English artist,
entrepreneur and art collector. The piece of art I observed was Bring Forth the
Fruits of Righteousness from Darkness , it is a gloss covered canvas covered by
real butterfly wings and household paint. It is set up to resemble three stained
glass windows from a gothic cathedral. The piece is on display at the Cleveland
Museum of art and on loan for five years. The work of art showcases Hirst s theme
of death that is shown in many of his pieces. Damien Hirst became famous for his
artwork in preserving dead animals. His works have included cows, sheep, sharks, ...
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Damien Hirst is a Conceptual artist because his work most often takes precedence
over and traditional matters or ideas. This is shown by his work with dead animals
and preserving them, which is most often frowned upon. Hirst is known to be a
contemporary artist with his work being very modern and spread throughout the
country in galleries, exhibits, and even private collections. The Cleveland
Museum of Art holds Damien Hirst s Bring Forth the Fruits of Righteousness from
Darkness on special loan for five years. It also holds many different exceptional
pieces that include Asian and Egyptian art, and its own Picasso collection. It holds
43,000 works of art from around the world. The Museum holds so much history and
offers free admission to its public to come and absorb some of world s greatest works
of art the Cleveland is lucky to have on display.
Damien Hirst is a widely known artist that is known to be one of the richest artists
to be alive today. His work moves many people for many different reasons and is
known for its controversy, beauty, and eccentric style. We are lucky to have his
work on display in the Cleveland Museum of Art. He continues to make art today
that stands out and is just as beautiful and interesting as the piece I was privileged to
Involuntary Change Definition
How do you define change? Change is when something goes from normal to
abnormal, but eventually the abnormal becomes normal again once you get used to
it. For example, just as you get into the swing of your classes they are over, or when
you actually start to like Baker food and then they change the recipes. Everyday
something changes in your life, sometimes these changes are minimal, but in some
way they impact you.
What do you know about change? I know that many people struggle with change,
including me. Change often comes without a warning and catches you off guard, but
it is not always a bad thing. Change can make things exciting and test your limits.
Describe a situation in your life where change was challenging. Why? A... Show
more content on ...
If I make the decision to do something I tend to find that I deal with it better than if
the change was forced upon me. It s nice to be in control of the change you are
In general, what are your personal default patterns when you are confronted with
involuntary change? Why do you believe this is so? An involuntary change is when
I have no control over what is changing. I am a huge worrier and as soon as
something happens, I think of all the things that could go wrong. I get frustrated and
then I cry and then eventually I cope. There is no way to get through life without
change so I just try to embrace it.
In your opinion, what characteristics, qualities, and skills does a person need to
lead change? To make a change in this world you need to be dedicated. It is so easy
to quit when things get tough, but if you stick it out it will be worth it. For
example, I did the 21 Day Fix Extreme (the workout portion) over the summer and
the women who leads the workout would always say, It s not gonna be easy, but it
will be worth it! She was right. It was definitely not easy, but in the end I felt like I
was in better shape. I was ready to quit on day 2, but I didn t and I feel accomplished
Healthcare Communication Skills
Over the past few weeks, in class we have covered multiple topics. I have really
learned a lot about each of these topics and has found out a lot information that I did
not know. Learning about each one of these topics will help me in the near future,
especially going into the Healthcare Administration field. I feel that learning about
each one of these topics will become beneficial for anyone. I have learned facts
about leadership, power and politics, attitude and job satisfaction, etc. I have enjoyed
each and every topic that has been discussed. In my paper, I will discuss emotions
and moods, personality and values, and communication. Communication is a skill
that is very important. It is good to have communication skills because we never...
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In general, communication means of connecting people or places. In business, it is a
key function of management, which is an organization cannot operate without
communication between level, departments and employees (Business Dictionary,
2017). Also, communication is the act of conveying information for the purpose of
creating a shared understanding. It is something that humans do every day. The word
communication comes from Latin communis, meaning to share, and includes verbal,
non verbal and electronic means of human interaction (Communication Study, 2017).
Scholars who study communication analyze the development of communication
skills in humans and theorize about how communication can be made more effective.
(Communication Study, 2017). Humans convey information through a variety of
methods such as speaking, telephones, e mails, blogs, television, art, hand gestures,
facial expressions, body language and even social contexts (Communication Study,
2017). One of the most form of communication that is being used right now is
through text messaging and the cyber world. Communication can occur right away in
closed, intimate setting over great periods of time in astronomically immense public
forums. However, all forms of communication require the same fundamental
elements, a verbalizer or sender of information, a message, and an audience or
recipient. The sender and recipient must withal share a prevalent language or
designates of understanding each other for communication to be prosperous. A study
of communication often examines the development and structure of language
including the mathematical languages utilized in computer
Antibiotics In Meat
Which could cause a huge decrease in both animal and human population, but it is
not proven (Plumer). Now eventually they can come up with a new medicine that
could take care of the same sickness, but that will take many years (Plumer). Most
livestock is vaccinated so they don t get sick and if they do get sick they are treated.
Which is helping farmers to produce meat, but it could be also hurting the human
population. Scientist are digging deeper and deeper to figure out if this could be the
case, but isn t proven yet. Another problem that is being put on the table is if the
antibiotics are leaving the systems of the animal, where are they going? The medicine
is going through the body and out into the feces, which can contaminate water or...
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People start to assume that every animal that gains weight quickly are being
pumped full of antibiotics or steroids. From personally living on a farm I see no
problem with antibiotics being used for animals. I have had personal experience
with most of the livestock and dairy animals. I have lived on a farm for 16 years
and antibiotics are not the first thing farmers want for their animals. When we had
dairy cattle we gave vaccines, but tried to avoid giving any other medicines to
them. When we had to give medicine it meant our animal was sick or had a
disease. Also when you give medicine to dairy cattle you aren t aloud to keep the
milk for seven days because of the antibiotics that would be in the milk. So
theoretically you wanted to keep medicine out of your livestock s body so you
didn t have to stop producing the product. Then later we got rid of the dairy cattle
and went into a cow calve farm for meat purposes. Our cattle did not get fed food
with a bunch of antibiotics in it. Only medicated feed we fed them was mineral that
helped keep flies off their body so they would not get pink eye. Pink eye if not
caught in time will cause an animal to become blind and then they become
The Skeleton Key Quotes
The Skeleton Key is a movie about the belief in the magic centered practice of
Hoodoo. The movie s protagonist, Caroline, starts out as a non believer of magic.
Caroline views the people and culture of New Orleans through an etic lens. For
example, when Caroline first arrived at the gas station prior to reaching the mansion,
she noticed all of the Hoodoo artifacts and freaked out. She had no idea of what she
walked into and wanted to quickly get away. She makes many ethnocentric
judgements of the people and culture. During the course of the film, Caroline s belief
starts to change as she experiences many things that she cannot explain with her
current belief system. Towards the end of the film she was immersed in the culture of
Hoodoo... Show more content on ...
At the beginning of the movie, Caroline is a disbeliever. On her way to be
interviewed for the role of Ben s carer, she visits a gas station that has brick dust
lining the entrance. While trying to pay for the gas she interrupts a ritual at the
back of the gas station. She also discovers a room in Violet s attic containing
Hoodoo paraphernalia. These events mark Caroline s initiation into the existence
of Hoodoo. The next phase marks her increasing awareness of Hoodoo practices
and its associated beliefs. During this phase, she has a number of conversations
with her former roommate, who explains the differences between Hoodoo and
Voodoo and that Hoodoo cannot harm someone if they do not believe in it. That
is, without belief, Hoodoo loses its potency. Her roommate s aunt owns a Hoodoo
shop, where Caroline later acquires the components for the spell she performs on
Ben and also learns that brick dust is used in Hoodoo magic to provide a protective
barrier to stop someone with ill intent from crossing a threshold. When Caroline s
spell works on Ben, it allows him to ask her for help in leaving and also allows him
to indicate Violet as the person responsible for his condition. Caroline s willingness
to be Ben s advocate and potential savior makes her begin to believe in the power
of Hoodoo, if only on behalf of her patient. To test Violet s intent, Caroline uses
brick dust to line the threshold of her room and engineers a situation where she
invites Violet into her room. Violet s wish to do her harm is confirmed when Violet
is unable to cross the threshold. This also confirms the protective power of the brick
dust and Caroline s growing belief in Hoodoo. Later, when Violet is chasing
Caroline, Caroline uses brick dust along the doorways throughout the house to form a
The Placebo Effect On Patients
The placebo effect is a widely known phenomenon where patients are given some
form of dummy medication in place of actual medication that produces the same
effect as the real medication would have. They intend to help stimulate areas of the
brain that may prompt the release of chemicals such as endorphins to aid in the relief
of the symptom. Tests have shown that forms such as injections psychologically
perform better than pills, because of the slight painthat injections bring ( Freeman,
Shanna. How the PlaceboEffect Works. HowStuffWorks., 13
Jan. 2009. Web.). Because of the pain, people tend to believe that the medication
would work better. Placebos can be used to treat multiple different diseases, but has
been... Show more content on ...
Is the Placebo Effect in Some People s Genes? Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 16 Apr.
2015. Web.). If a placebo is effective, the brainreleases certain chemicals that
depend on the expected effect, such as dopamine or endorphins, to counteract the
symptoms or effects the patient may be feeling. In theory, if a patient were to have
higher endorphin levels in the brain, they too would have a higher chance of the
placebo effect taking place, depending on their symptom. Both endorphins and
dopamine can be released in cases to do with pain. According to the classical
conditioning theory (Lemoine, Patrick. Medscape Log In. Medscape Log In.
Medscape, 9 Oct. 2015. Web.), taking a pill provides a stimulus that can provoke a
reaction from the brain. Different methods a placebo can be taken or used range
from pills and injection, to surgery. With research, placebo injections showed to be
more effective than orally ingested pills, possibly to do regarding the slight pain
that injections bring. The patient is more likely to believe the medication would
work because of the minor pain (Brynie, Faith. The Placebo Effect: How It Works.
Psychology Today. Brain Sense, 10 Jan. 2012. Web.). Generally, the expectation of
the medication to work causes the effect to take place, due to the brain influencing
itself into releasing chemicals that may aid in symptom relief.
This phenomenon has also helped in aiding various
Female And Male Reproductive Systems
The resources available in this course for the week 3 readings of The Female and
Male Reproductive Systems were helpful. The resources were beneficial and in depth
and provided detailed information about the reproduction process for males and
females. The three resources I found helpful this week in learning about the puberty
and the reproductionsystem were the interactive glossary, anatomical images, and the
self care assessments to check for any unordinary signs or issues. The resources
helped to enhance the learning and provided a better understanding of reproduction
for both genders.
The reproductive process is a natural part of life. It signifies that body is in the
process of transforming a girl or boy into young women and men and eventually
into adults. The interactive glossary was a great resource to use for multiple reasons.
It contained a dictionary for students to type the word needed defined and view the
meanings as well as show where what part of the Human Sexuality book the term
originated. The interactive materials such as anatomical reviews, interactive reviews,
flashcards, resources, links, practical quizzes, self assessments, and web exercises
provide in depth knowledge on an important topic.
The anatomical images as well as the text explaining the reproduction process was
enlightening. The images identified areas affected during the reproduction process
and anatomical positions of the genital areas as well as different parts of it that play
a crucial
The Primary Drivers Of Economic Development In
Despite some notable economic setbacks within the eurozone, Germany, a country
dominated by small and medium sized enterprises, has managed to continuously
decrease unemployment and national debt figures. Europe s largest economy grew
by 1.9% in 2016 compared to 1.7% in 2015. Consumer spending was the primary
driver of economic activity in 2016, rising by 2%. Long term economic development
is a highly complex phenomenon, which is difficult to account for using one single
factor. However, as numerous studies have confirmed, institutions that protect private
property, offer legal security, guarantee macroeconomic stability, encourage
competition and foreign trade and promote flexibility in resource allocation are good
for economic growth.... Show more content on ...
The GrГјndekrise and its prolonged aftermath enabled the formation of new ideas
about how capital, labour and the state should interact. Based on a parity principle,
this system ensured that half of the country s population were paid by their
employer and the other half by the employees. In 1884 the dual board system of
corporate governance was created in its current form, with a managing Vorstand in
combination with a supervisory board, partly formed of bankers, who provided
patient capital and scientists. The vocational training system set up during the
1880s provided new producers of chemicals and machinery with skilled workers,
for whom Bismarck predominantly established the welfare state. The way the health
insurance system worked required capital and labour to co operate, resulting in
today s mandatory representation for workers on the supervisory boards of large
companies. Post unification euphoria in 1990 was followed by a sharp recession,
resulting in the loss of 500,000 manufacturing jobs and an overvalued D mark. The
Case Study Axolotl
1.What requirements must be met in order to label a food product certified
organic? What is meant by the food labels free range, natural and fair trade? Are
foods labeled natural considered organic? In order for a food product to be labeled
as certified organic, the farm it is being produced on must preserve its natural
recourses, as well support animal health, not use genetically modified foods
(GMOS) as well as going threw the process of annual onsite inspections, keeping its
organic products secluded from non organic products. Free range is defined as that
the animals being kept as livestock are allowed to access the outdoors in the day ay
some point, and not be confined indoors 24/7. Natural means that the food product...
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The valley in which the Axolotl live Lake Chalco and Lake Xochimilco have been
dried from digging of wells for growing population of Mexico City. Desiccation is
another problem Axolotls have to face in response to such human impact.
Salamanders, especially for Axolotls, need to be in moist (or aquatic) environment
because there skin is permeable and water can be lost through their skin very quickly.
Water pollution is another big issue killing of the species. Humans also hunt them to
eat them.
This species does not come as a huge threat tot the environment however from its
picky to it habitat it is common to pick fungus, and disease spreading it around to
other animals. It has not caused problems to Humans as we are directly putting
threats on Axolotl population. Axolotls are captured for human consumption and
medicinal purposes. Harvesting actually targeted at young Axolotl less than one year
old which is before their sexual maturity Axolotls were formerly captured for the
international pet trade but it is currently strictly forbidden.
People do care for the animals existence as they are being kept in captivities and by
humans as pets to ensure their survival. It is noted that people have noticed their
absence as it has been stated that there are a recored 700 1200 left in the
Hypocrisy In Puritan
Church was the cornerstone of the Puritan society in early America. In their efforts
to create the ideal Christian society, their rigid religious beliefs in Old Testament
methods was the basis for many of their harsh laws and punishments. Their everyday
lives were dedicated to God and was seen as a struggle between Godand the devil.
Any act against God was considered a crime and public shame, humiliation, and
punishment was used as a powerful tool for social conformity. Just as not following
the Ten Commandants was punishable by law; a person could be subject to various
forms of punishment for unacceptable social behavior such as having long hair,
skipping church, swearing, sleeping during a sermon, gossiping, disrespecting your
parents,... Show more content on ...
Today, too many of politicians, community and religious leaders lead double lives
without feelings of shame or care of the consequences. Most have a public face and a
private face that are usually contradict or are in conflict with each other. In The
Scarlet Letter, the hypocrisies of the Puritan society are revealed when Reverend
Arthur Dimmesdale, a highly respected member of the community is actually an
adulterer and the father of Pearl, Hester Prynne s child. Even after he delivered the
best sermon of his life where he admitted how horrible of a man he was;
acknowledged his hypocrisy through the statement a remorseful hypocrite that he
was; and vaguely revealed his true self. The community still refused to believe that
someone in such a great position of power could commit the sin of adultery
although they were quick to condemn Hester with shame, a common punishment
tactic of the Puritan society. Not only was this sin of hypocrisy was present in The
Scarlet Letter, but it was also revealed in The Devil and Tom Walker, where Tom
Walker portrayed himself as a pious member of the community, even though he sold
his soul to the Devil. He was not only a hypocrite; but like his wife, who often lied
about her whereabouts, he too was
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Samples Of Persuasive Essays For High School Students

  • 1. Samples Of Persuasive Essays For High School Students Writing an essay on the topic "Samples Of Persuasive Essays For High School Students" can be quite challenging for several reasons. Firstly, it requires a deep understanding of the persuasive writing genre, which demands not only clarity and coherence but also the ability to present compelling arguments that can sway the reader's opinion. Crafting persuasive essays involves a delicate balance between presenting facts, incorporating logical reasoning, and appealing to the emotional side of the audience. Furthermore, finding relevant and engaging samples that are suitable for high school students can be a task in itself. It requires extensive research to identify well-crafted examples that align with the specific needs and understanding level of high school students. As a writer, one needs to sift through numerous resources to ensure the selected samples are not only persuasive but also age- appropriate and relatable. Another challenge lies in maintaining a tone that resonates with high school students. The language must be accessible, avoiding overly complex vocabulary that might hinder comprehension. At the same time, the essay should not compromise on intellectual depth or persuasive power, striking a delicate balance to cater to the intended audience. In addition to these challenges, the writer must adhere to proper essay structure, ensuring a clear introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a compelling conclusion. The task is not just about presenting information but also about organizing it in a way that builds a persuasive argument cohesively. Despite the difficulties, tackling such a topic can be rewarding. It offers an opportunity to enhance one's writing skills, critical thinking abilities, and the capacity to communicate effectively. The challenges posed by this topic can lead to personal growth and a deeper understanding of persuasive techniques. In conclusion, crafting an essay on "Samples Of Persuasive Essays For High School Students" demands a combination of research, writing prowess, and an understanding of the target audience. It's a task that requires patience, diligence, and the ability to connect with the intended readers. For those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that similar essays and much more can be ordered on, a platform that provides support in navigating the complexities of essay writing. Samples Of Persuasive Essays For High School Students Samples Of Persuasive Essays For High School Students
  • 2. Chichen Itza Descriptive History Chichen Itza Chichen Itza is a pre Columbian historical archaeological site located in Yucatan, Mexico. The site was a city built and occupied by the Mayan people of the Central Americas. It was built and populated from 600 to 1,200 Common Era. The name Chichen Itza translates to at the mouth of the well of the Itza people in Yucatec Maya. Chichen Itzais one of the most significant sites in archaeological studies, and has great cultural importance to archaeology and the world around it. Chichen Itza is a very interesting archaeological site, featuring amazing architecture, distinct artifacts, innovative agricultural, as well as a fascinating history. Chichen Itza has had a fairly unique excavation history compared to most famous archaeological sites. The site was originally excavated during the late 1800s by several different archaeologists, and has been continually excavated since. The city was hidden under debris and lush forests when excavations first took place, but was eventually revealed to be the beautiful city that it is. The site was first excavated during the Mexican revolution, so there were no political barriers preventing archaeologists from coming and going from the site. Once a political system was reestablished after the Mexican Revolution, many archaeologists were banned from excavating the site until recently. Several different famous archaeologists have passed through the walls of Chichen Itza to help excavate and uncover the secrets hidden within the
  • 3. The Spiritual Practice Of Sabbath My life is full of habits. And a lot of them. Some of them are really good habits, but, unfortunately, some of them are really bad. One of the bad habits I ve become accustomed to over the years is working myself to my breakpoint and not taking a chance to breathe. More than that I tend to keep busy way more often than I should be some simply over just trivial things. That is why I decided to choose the spiritual practice of Sabbath where I took one 24 hour period in my week and dedicated it to simply rest and rejuvenate and nothing more. Now by rest, I don t necessarily mean sleep, a lot of times it was just doing what brings me pleasure and replenishes me instead of exhausting myself, or giving to me, instead of taking from me. Although I have heard people talking about the Sabbath growing up multiple times, I have never heard it phrased like it was in this class: as a spiritual formative practice. To my dismay, that was all it has been until this class. My extent of knowledge about Sabbath had only came from some of what I ve read about it in the Bible. That was when the Jews practiced Sabbath as commanded under the Mosaic Law, given to them when they were in the wilderness. Exodus 20:8 10 shares, Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. The Jews were allowed to do no work on this day, marked as Friday evening until Saturday evening on the Jewish calendar.
  • 4. Cotton Mather And Salem Witchcraft Trials Cotton Mather and the Salem Witchcraft Trials American Literature reveals that because of Cotton Mather s writings there is knowledge of the Salem witchcraft trials in 1692. The research shows that most of the known stories and trials come from Cotton Mather. This essay will describe Cotton Mather, the Salem witchcraftTrials, and an insight on the information provided by Mather. Like his father before him, Cotton Mather took position as a pastor of the Second Church of Boston where he remained connected with that church from 1685, when he was ordained, until his death forty three years later. It was mainly by his remorseless writing that he became one of the most notable of all New England Puritan ministers. Today Mather is often thought of as unsympathetic because of his part in the Salem witchcraft trials. Although he did not approve of all the trials, he had helped to stir up the wave of frantic fear by his Memorable Providences Relating to Witchcraft and Possessions. Later he further pursued his inquiries into satanic possession with Wonders of the Invisible World. The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. These trials began after a group of young girls in Massachusetts claimed to be possessed by the devil and accused several other locals of witchcraft. After this broke out a special court convened in Salem to hear and determine (Mather 328)
  • 5. Property Law Questions There are two distinct types of property: real property and personal property. Real property is land and buildings on land. Examples of real property include houses and apartments. Personal property are valuable items that are not attached to a piece of land. Personal property includes items such as furniture, jewelry, computers, and clothing. (Sprankling, 2012) Eminent domain is the legally permitted takeing of private property for public purposes (Kerekes, 2011). While I was living in Arizona, an eminent domain issues was actually voted on in the city of Mesa. The city of Mesa wanted to improve the overall value of the downtown area by demolishing some old neighborhoods and building a sports and aquatic center instead. The people voted for the demolishing, so all of the home owners were paid fair market value for their homes and required to move. Adverse possession is a method of gaining legal title to real property by the actual, open, hostile, and continuous possession of it to the exclusion of its true owner for the period prescribed by state law. (West s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2). The elements of adverse possession are: Actual possession, hostile to the owners, continuous possession, and for the prescribed statutory time. With regard to the current foreclosure crises, it has forced the banks to ensure timely foreclosure actions taken on all properties to prevent any encroaches (Urban, 2013). An example of a private nuisance could be a neighbor
  • 6. Gi-Fi Technology CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Wi Fi (ieee 802.11b) and Wi Max (ieee 802.16e) have captured our attention. As there are no recent developments which transfer data at faster rate as video information transfer taking lot of time. This leads to introduction of Gi Fi technology. It offers some advantages over Wi Fi, a similar wireless technology. In that it offers faster information rate (Gbps), less power consumption and low cost for short range transmissions. Gi Fi which is developed on an integrated wireless transceiver chip. In which a small antenna used and both transmitter receiver integrated on a single chip, which is fabricated using the complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) process. Because of Gi Fi transfer of large ... Show more content on ... So to have higher data transfer rate at lower power consumption we move onto Gi Fi technology. вћў The 802.11b and 802.11g flavours of Wi Fi use the 2.4 GHz spectrum, which is crowded with other devices such as Bluetooth, microwave ovens, cordless phones, or video sender devices, among many others. This may cause degradation in performance. Other devices which use microwave frequencies such as certain types of cell phones can also cause degradation in performance. вћў Power consumption is fairly high compared to other standards, making battery life and heat a concern. вћў Not always configured properly by user. Commonly uses WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) protocol for protection, though has been shown to be easily breakable. Newer wireless solutions are slowly providing support for the superior WPA (Wi Fi Protected Access) protocol, though many systems still employ WEP. CHAPTER 3 GI FI Gi Fi or gigabit wireless is the world s first transceiver integrated on a single chip that operates at 60GHz on the CMOS . process. It will allow wireless transfer of audio and video data at up to 5 gigabits per second, ten times the current maximum wireless transfer rate, at one tenth the cost. NICTA researchers have chosen to develop this technology in the 57 64GHz unlicensed frequency band as the millimeter wave range of the spectrum makes possible high component on chip integration as well as allowing for the
  • 7. Nathaniel Hawthorne Puritan Influence Nathaniel Hawthorne Puritan Influence Nathaniel Hawthorne drew from his personal and childhood experiences to write his literary works. The event that affected him and showed in his writing was ...the infamous Salem witch trials had taken place more than 100 years earlier, the events still hung over the town and made a lasting impression on the young Hawthorne...( The Scarlet, By the event having a impact on him from a young age it affected his writing and helped him in the development of a strong minded main character in his book The Scarlet Letter. Knowing about the earlier life of Nathaniel Hawthorne will help the reader better understand why Puritanism is the bulk of his literary works. Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem Massachusetts in 1804 and was the only son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Clark Hathorne, his father was a sea captain [who] died in 1808 of yellow fever while at sea ( The ... Show more content on ... Within The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne developed characters that can be related to. By Hawthorne mentioning his Puritan ancestors in the beginning of his book shows that he studied the topic of puritanism before talking about it. Hester Prynne was a character well developed by Hawthorne who goes through problems that society could possibly go through. In Hawthorne s novel The Scarlet Letter before the novel began critics talked about the book and the characters, and gave a good description to Hester Prynne as a Creation of someone who loved woman, saw her, as verdi did, as necessary tragic and alone, but emotionally sacred in a diminished world (Hawthorne). This description of Hester was a excellent when it came to describing her as a bit of a outcast among her peers. As mentioned beforehand Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804 and passed away in 1864 in Plymouth, New
  • 8. Psychological Manipulation In George Orwell s Black Mirror Black Mirror is a science fiction anthology series that explores the conflicts between human follies and mankind s greatest inventions. This episode called Men Against Fire takes place in a dystopian, post apocalyptic society where a neural implant known as MASS is used by the military to enhance their performance. Military soldiers use their MASS implants to track down mutated beings and eradicate their kind. When a young soldier s MASS implant malfunctions after his kills, he begins to realize the truth behind these amazing technological advancements. Psychological Manipulation In 1984, INGSOC inculcates citizens to only value Big Brother and his ideals. The Party surrounds citizens with propaganda and false information to convince them... Show more content on ... In that building, O Brien attempts to cure Winston so that he no longer questions the Party but rather, conforms with the crowd and learn to love the Party s agenda. Winston is tortured through electrocution and pain enhancing drug injections. Near the end of what O Brien sees as Winston s rehabilitation, Winston is brought into Room 101 and tortured with his worst fear rats. There, Winston finally gives in to what the Party ideals. The government s use of torture deprives Winston of personality and transforms him into a brainless individual with no free
  • 9. Goals To Become A Teacher All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination, said by Earl Nightingale. What is important about my future? I always have a plan. Even it is just going to the store, I have to a list and a game plan. I know everything in life will not go according to plan either. My first twenty four years of life have been a big mess, and I m still trying to get on the straight and narrow completely. But let me tell you about my main goals in life. I have wanted to become a teacher as long as I can remember. I just started pursuing my dreams. Half of my life, I have been worrying what my family and friends wantme to be. As of right now, it is a slow pace to get where I want to be. Even if the first step into my career field would be substituting. Substituting seems like it would be a great place to start after I get done with all my credits at Thomas Nelson. It would get me introduced to the field of education first hand. It would get me familiar with the schoolI would be apply at. Most importantly, I would get to know the students. Everything that I m working on is to get me to my dream job. I want to be a second grade teacher at Poquoson Primary School. It is the school I went to as a child. It would be nostalgic and rewarding to be able to work at that school. It s the teacher that makes the difference, not the classroom, said by Michael Morpurgo. Now becoming a teacher will become half of my life in the future. Having a family
  • 10. Educating Students For A Global Society The twenty first century seemed light years away when I was in high school. It feels like we blinked and suddenly we have arrived. With the dawn of this new century, the face of education is changing. We have to prepare students for a global society. Our test scores show that American education reform is not just a want but also a necessity. The diverse communities within our classrooms have forced us to reevaluate best practices to meet the needs of our students. Collaborative teaching is one way to meet the needs of students of all skill levels. Co teaching allows for differentiated instruction that will meet the needs of ELL students, students of low income families, students with identified learning disabilities, etc. The... Show more content on ... Instructional collaborative activities allow teachers to align teaching objectives, materials, learning strategies, and assessment so that students can be supported academically in a cohesive manner. Team teaching provides all students access to the general education curriculum and general education. All students need to have access to the mainstream curriculum and assistance through teaching and learning strategies that make concepts understandable. When teachers plan together, they can ensure that the needs of all lessons are presented in a way that will reach students. Today s classrooms have many different challenges, and working with a colleague to meet those challenges is far superior to working in isolation, as teachers frequently do (Dove). Planning together is key to ensuring that all students will have access to the curriculum. That old saying, two heads are better than one rings true in collaborative teaching. Teachers will learn from each other s expertise and expand the scope of their teaching capacity (Ferry, 2013). When teachers come together to provide instruction, they have the opportunity to observe good teaching practices. Teachers are often very isolated. They don t get the opportunity to see other good teachers in action. It is difficult to learn new teaching practices when you are never allowed to observe other classrooms. Team teaching allows us to be able to learn from each other as we progress through
  • 11. Essay on John Coltrane John Coltrane: An Experimental Musician Jazz, which evolved from African American folk music, has developed and changed over the last century to become an art form in America. It places particular importance on inventive self interpretation. Rather than relying on a written piece, the artist improvises. Jazz has taken many forms over the past seventy years; there is almost always a single person who can be credited with the evolution of that sound. From Thelonius Monk, and his bebop, to Dizzy Gillespie s big band, to Miles Davis cool jazz, or to John Coltrane s free jazz; America s music has been developed and refined countless times through individual experimentation and innovation. In my opinion the most noteworthy artist in the ... Show more content on ... Upon his return from Hawaii a year later, Coltrane launched his music career. In the late nineteen forties, Coltrane began playing with several different R amp;B groups in small bars and clubs around Philadelphia. Many of the clubs had a tradition of walking the bar (to walk on top of the bar while playing one s instrument). Coltrane was embarrassed having to go through this custom every night. This give him a negative image about himself and is abilities His self esteem was crushed even further when critics said his music was too bizarre. Soon Coltrane became very depressed, and searching for a way out, he turned to heroin. Heroin was a very popular drug among black musicians in the forties. It was a form of escape that, at first, brought them together, but in the end triggered lives and careers to collapse. Coltrane was invited to play in Dizzy Gillespie s his big band in 49. Gillespie had been a very significant figure in the bebop movement. Bebop was a style of jazz, popular during the late thirties and forties. It was characterized by integrating faster tempos, and more complex phrases than the jazz of earlier years. Gillespie s band offered
  • 12. Essay On Sallust, Catiline s War Classics 201: Dr. T. Rose Parth Patel Topic #3: Sallust, Catiline s War In this paper, I will discuss the historic events of a Roman coup as written by Gaius Sallustius also known as Sallust. Early Rome, according to Sallust s best knowledge, was built by two groups of people, exiled Trojan soldiers under Aeneas and native aborigines without government or law. For a time after the founding of this settlement, they prospered and no ill intents of human nature toward another were found. As the city continued to grow in wealth, size, and number it was soon the envy of neighboring kingdoms who were wrought with greed. The Romans having held ground and won these neighboring kingdoms through battle, established a city founded on monarchy law and created allies with nearby kingdoms. After the seed of tyrannical rule was developed Rome changed government and appointed two rulers with annual power, the king and the senate. Now as Rome was under new command of the usurper Sulla the Roman army, for the first time, indulged in women, drink, material wealth, and riches. Now these plagues of sin have taken hold of young romans and continued their destructive paths to conquer the minds of all Rome. This was the setting for Sallust s history about the... Show more content on ... The false aspects were of Sallust s account of Catiline s demeaner and his internal workings. He claimed Catiline to be evil but Sallust writes about how he was fighting for freedom for the poor and the elimination of mass accrued debts. The true respects are that he employed the evil in his army and that he started this rebellion because of his own shortcomings. I believe Catiline to be noble but also corrupt, he is a man of both yin and yang but the dark is overpowering the light as time passes. We can trust Sallust in his recounts and we can also say that Catiline was a legitimate threat to the
  • 13. A Research Project On Christ Calls Us Essay Research Project Christ calls us to make disciples of all nations, whether that is locally or globally. The problem however is that many Americans especially those aged 16 29 are very hostile/ resistant to the idea of Christianity. With that being said, rhetorically speaking how could an individual like myself reach the 16 29 year olds; those in my age group? Before I begin to tackle on that question, I would like to investigate the notion of how exactly this specific age group is hostile/ resistant to the idea of Christianity. According to David Kinnaman President of The Barnia Group, non Christians aged 16 29 years old when asked What is your current perception of Christianity? 91% said antihomosexual, 87% said judgemental, 85% said hypocritical, 78% said old fashioned, 75% said too involved in politics, 72% said out of touch with reality, 70% said insensitive to others. In addition 84% of non Christians who are friends with Christian, only 15% said that the lifestyle of the Christians is not different from their own. In identifying, the truth about Non Christians, roughly 80% of non Christians have attended a church for three months in their life and roughly 50% of non Christians have considered becoming a Christian. Many however, decided against Christianity due to unfavorable circumstances experienced within the church. Furthermore, in regards to what churches can do to reach the lost, Kinnaman stated that instead of focusing on flaws, focus on
  • 14. Orientalism And Imperialism In Mcbryde s A Passage To India caves produce, are of snakes and worms. Mrs. Moor is sunk in apathy and cynicism. Her romance with India is over. On their return from picnic, Aziz behaves like a child in the face of the Raj officials, who intend to arrest him on charge of an attempted crime. Only Fielding, a British, can keep him calm and sane. Fielding is portrayed as a superior human being who is in control of everything. The Indians, including Aziz, wail and weep at this misfortune. McBryde, the British police officer, has an Orientalist doctrine about the Indians. All natives who live south of latitude 30 are criminals at heart. The psychology of the people, McBryde tells Fielding, is different in India. The collector declares India to be a poisonous ... Show more content on ... The study has proved its basic proposition that A Passage to India is a colonialist discourse and as one form of Orientalism has strengthened and reinforced the stereotype image of India and Indians. The study has shown that Forster has not made even a passing reference to the oppression and the pandemic brutalities of the natives by the colonizers. He has not mentioned any Indian leader or the struggle put up by the Indians to get rid of their oppressors. The study has also shown the deep link between culture and imperialism. The Indians are shown to have assimilated the culture of their masters .The Indians are portrayed as ashamed of themselves, of their culture and of their identity. Throughout the novel, the Indians are presented as lesser people, who cannot manage their affairs like mature, responsible individuals. This is the projection of the European hegemonic assumptions, which have been exposed by the present study. The analysis also has highlighted the portrayal of the internal divisions and infighting among the Indians, on social and religious grounds. This was meant to justify the presence of the British in
  • 15. Rhetorical Analysis Of Chief Joseph s Speech Chief Joseph, the 38 year old leader of the Nez Perces tribe, had little education yet still traveled to the capital of the United States, Washington DC, to speak to Congress. He spoke on behalf of his people about the treatment of American natives, an issue that directly affected him and his fellow people at the time. Joseph lived in a world where Indians were viewed as uncivilized savages, and were treated as such by most people in the United States. These same people also supported manifest destiny and did almost anything to get ahold of land in the west. Even if it was not intentional, many natives were hurt and relocated by the rapidly spreading United States. By traveling to DC to make his speech, Chief Joseph hoped that he could persuade... Show more content on ... He was very successful in asserting and proving that these rights are important to not only Indians, but all of mankind. By pushing the point that good words do not speak louder than actions he hopefully got some people to stand up and share their true beliefs on the situation. His speech also helped inform Congress who found out by listening to his speech, that even though they felt they were treating the Indians fairly their attempts to get the Nez Perces, and others, land denied the natives liberty, and there excuses for it did not help or dismiss the situation at all. These mentioned points by Chief Joseph are good examples of how persuasion can be utilized correctly yet they are not excellent as emotion and pathos seem to be the most relied on technique with very little of ethos and logos. Nez Perces and other tribes situations themselves works as great persuasive topics, yet sometimes meaning is lost when these arguments are put into words or are being read. Even through these setbacks, Chief Joseph s speech is still studied and interpreted alongside I Have A Dream, by Martin Luther King Jr. today as a powerful examples of what words can do. The early 21st century is already becoming a revolutionary time with issues like gender inequality, race discrimination, and others finally working towards solutions so Chief Joseph s
  • 16. Break A Cultural Rule Of Coffee Shop The assignment for this paper was to break a cultural rule that is followed by the people in the United States. Rules serve to be the groundwork of a society and what makes every society across the globe exclusive in their own way. The rule I anticipated on breaching was, instead of sitting on the chairs and sofas I intended to sit on the floor at coffeeshops, dressed in our best suits and ball gowns. My goal was to test a simple yet barely broken cultural rule of coffee shop etiquettes. My hypothesis was that we would get bizarre expressions along with a few chuckles and even the occasional question of, What are you guys doing, do you need a place to sit? I hypnotized that the common thing in both the responses would be that both types of people, the people just gazing and the people inquiring about our behavior care about the situation but one is a little bit more inquisitive than the other. The ones staring might just frown at the rule breaking because they think it s inappropriate or they didn t find the courage to come up to us and ask us about our coffee shop etiquettes. When I was walking to the coffee shop in my ball gown, I kept thinking about all the things that people could be saying about me as well as the expressions I would get. Then, I went for it, I got my coffee and sat on the floor! However, I felt a little uncomfortable and self conscious due to the way people were looking at me. One woman s comment made me particularly uncomfortable. She said, First
  • 17. Bertha s Influence On The Body Bertha Jorkins is your average fifteen year old girl. She likes to shop, hangout with her girlfriends, talk about boys, etc. However, the one thing that Bertha likes to do best is eat. Thus, there is just one thing about Bertha that is not so average, and that is her weight. At 5 1, a healthy weight for Bertha would be somewhere between 105 and 120 pounds. However, Bertha weighs a whopping 200! As is to be expected, this upsets Bertha. At school, she is often teased. People call her things like Piggy, Fatty, and Cow. Every time Bertha looks at her reflection in the mirror, she wants to cry. On the other hand, Bertha, along with every other woman in her family, absolutely loves to cook, bake, and, most of all, to eat. So, Bertha tries her best to have fun with her life and not dwell on the problem that she has with weight. One day, while walking along the hallway with her good friend Hannah Abbot, Bertha spots her crush, Ernie, walking along with a group of his friends. She likes him so much, that simply seeing him makes her all flustered and embarrassed and, worst of all, clumsy. She very nearly trips over her own two feet! She does not fall, but she does stumble, which causes her to blush fiercely. Gosh, Bertha. What if he saw you?! She thinks to herself. That question is answered when she hears sniggering and a boys voice saying Ernie, look, the cow seems very taken with you indeed! They had seen her staring! Tears spring up in Bertha s eyes and she works
  • 18. Hurricane Maria-Personal Narrative No one knows what I went through during Hurricane Maria, you were not in my shoes.Hurricane Maria was a devastating experience to everyone in Puerto Rico. I am here to tell you what I went through at my house with my whole family.On September 21,2017 my day started off by my sister waking me up she said the house is flooding I woke up and took my two 2 nieces Sofia and Emma , my nephew Marcos ,and my 2 dogs Milan and Magno to my parents room it was one of the safest rooms in the house. As soon as the children went inside the room they were immediately became bored we played hide and seek, we drew, we sang, we also ate a lot of sandwiches they were the best sandwiches in the whole world. I was very frustrated and overwhelmed. Emma is one year old so she has no idea what is happening outside of the room. Marcos which is six and Sofia is five they understod a little more but they are still young so the were still misbehaving.... Show more content on ... The slush came down the stairs like a waterfall. In my parents room the shutters were hitting the windows pan pan pan The sound made things worse. Once the kids herad the sutters hit the window they became terrified. Marcos said titi but if Maria knocks all the trees down how are we going to breath I gave him a huge hug and told him we were all going to be fine. In the other hand Sofia didn t show how she felt but i m sure she was terrified. My two dogs were scared as they have ever been so I had to hug them. At this point it felt like and endless night. I took a blanket that it was soft as a clouds and one by one everyone in the house fell
  • 19. Colin Powell Leadership Principles Three Leadership Principles from the Colin Powell 18 Leadership Principles After reading all 18 of Colin Powell leadership principles, three of the principles stood out that I could identify with. The first, Being responsible sometimes means pissing people off. The second principle, The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership. I also identify with Colin Powell s seventeenth principle, Have fun in your command. Don t always run at a breakneck pace. Take leave when you ve earned it: Spend time with your families. Corollary: Surround yourself with people who take their work seriously, but not themselves, those who work hard and play hard. Colin Powell s first principle was something I deal with daily. Working in food service for over 24 years you learn that you cannot make everyone happy. Since 2011, I have been the Food Program Manager for the INARNG. I approve or disapprove rations requests for all the Indiana Army National Guard units and submit their requests to the state approved contracted vendor. The vendor has a timeline to which they can process the orders and work with their vendors to get ration items into their warehouse. The State Food Service SOP specifies the timelines for ration requests when using the Army Food Management System (AFMIS). If a unit does not meet the time requirements for our state vendor, then I will disapprove the request. I will give the unit limited choices for other types of rations, usually Tailored Operational Training Rations (TOTM), similar to MRE s. Some First Sergeants and company Commanders complain about their meals, but I inform them on the State Food Service policy for submitting requests. If I let one unit slide, then all of them will expect the same treatment. Recently, a new supply NCO took over one of our infantry units. She once worked as the assistant to one of our brigade S4 sections and we develop a friendly professional relationship, afterwards we became Facebook friends. When she started a change of supply inventory she found 90 cases of expired MRE s from the
  • 20. Eunice Lathem, 22, Of Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan Eunice Lathem, 22, of Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan, passed away on the night of November 20th, 1955, after falling through thin ice at a skating party in her honour. Residents of the town came to celebrate the recent engagement of Lathem and her fiance, Nathan Singleton, on the cold, November night. The celebration was to be held at a nearby lake which appeared to be frozen over and suitable for skating. The party commenced at around 6:30 p.m. lasting several hours before many began to head home. At around 10 o clock that night, Lathem and her younger sister Delia Sykes were seen venturing out into the east bank of the lake. At approximately 10:05 p.m., several witnesses recalled hearing cries for help. There is a place in that bank where... Show more content on ... The night was dark and I couldn t see the girl s faces. All I could do was grasp the nearest pair of wrists and pull. Singleton recollected. It took all of our efforts another resident, who wished to remain anonymous, stated, though we were able to save only one . The men who arrived to help were able to drag Sykes back to safety. As we were doing it, Singleton stated, The ice broke beneath our feet and the second (Lathem) went under. Onlookers did not realize that Eunice had fallen through until the hole became illuminated by the moon. We went back to the hole, but Eunice had vanished. There wasn t any way we could get her body Singleton concluded. Will Singleton, Nathan s brother, also attended the event. It was an awful thing to have happen on our place he said. My brother was a hero who risked his life though there was no way on earth he could save both girls. All I know is that he will never fully recover. All that the town can do at this point is try and prevent this from happening again. The Willow Bunch funeral home and the Lathem and Singleton families have organized Eunice s funeral to take place on Sunday, November 22nd and her name will always be remembered on a gravestone in St. Chad s parish. All are welcome to
  • 21. The Change Of Wor Vs. Dimensionless Time As Yortsos et al. (1999) have shown in their work, the change of WOR vs. dimensionless time is governed by the time regime. He distinguished four such time regimes: Early time, before water breaks through the layers of a reservoir (Fig. 1, b) in which WOR remains almost constant; The stage immediately following water breakthrough, when water saturation near the producer is low (Fig. 1, c). This regime can be analysed using the 1D displacement equation for intermediate values of water saturation (Eq. 8) which suggests that at intermediate values of water saturation at the producer,S_w^*≤0.5, the WOR time relationship is described with a linear function of logW vs. logt with slope1. Intermediate time between (ii) and (iv), reflecting... Show more content on ... 14) Figure 1: Four representative stages of a linear waterflood at interstitial water saturation. Injection of water causes oil to be displaced from the reservoir resulting in a water saturation gradient (Willhite,1986) Figure 2: Areal X ray shadowgraphs of flood progress in scaled five spot patterns showing areal sweep efficiencies of two model floods for two mobility ratios (Willhite,1986) Fig. 3 shows how WOR varies over time for one of the numerical wells created in a numerical simulation model for the Wytch Farm Field, UK. Figure 3: Illustration of a typical WOR vs. dimensionless time dependence showing the four distinct time regimesFigure 4: A plot of log[(1+W)2/(Wt)] vs. log W showing that in the case of large M, the cross plot conditions described by Eq. 8 apply over a wide range of WOR (b=2.0) (Yortsos et al., 1999) Using diagnostic plots of log[(1+W)2/(Wt)] vs. logW Yortsos et al. (1999) showed numerically that for large water oil viscosity ratio and small Corey exponent to oil, the flood front water saturation is relatively low. As a result the behavior immediately following breakthrough described by Eq. 8 is valid over a wide range of WOR, in which case the ratio [(1+W)2/(Wt)] remains approximately constant for an extensive range of WOR. Conversely, for small viscosity ratios, the late time behavior becomes dominant at much lower values of WOR. His studies were supported by numerical
  • 22. Market Eqaulibrium . Eye de ho Potatoes is a product of the Coeur d=Alene Growers= Association. Producers in the area are able to switch back and forth between potato and wheat production depending on market conditions. Similarly, consumers tend to regard potatoes and wheat (bread and bakery products) as substitutes. As a result, the demand and supply of Eye de ho Potatoes are highly sensitive to changes in both potato and wheat prices. Demand and supply functions for Eye de ho Potatoes are as follows: QD=1,450 25P + 12.5PW + 0.2Y,(Demand) QS=100 + 75P 25PW 12.5PL + 10R,(Supply) where P is the average wholesale price of Eye de ho Potatoes ($ per bushel), PW is the average wholesale price of wheat ($ per bushel), Y is income (GNP ... Show more content on ... As self serve increases in popularity, a decrease, or leftward shift, in the demand for unskilled labor occurs. D.Holding all else equal, a fall in interest rates will increase the attractiveness of capital relative to labor. Employers can be expected to substitute capital for the now relatively more expensive labor. A decrease or leftward shift in the demand for unskilled labor will result. Of course, this influence can be mitigated to the extent that lower interest rates spur capital investment and a subsequent increase in employment opportunities. E.An increase in the minimum wage will have the effect of decreasing the quantity demanded of unskilled labor, while at the same time increasing the quantity supplied. The first involves an upward movement along the demand curve, while the second involves an upward movement along the supply curve. P3.3 Supply Curve Determination. Olympia Natural Resources, Inc., and Yakima Lumber, Ltd., supply cut logs (raw lumber) to lumber and paper mills located in the Cascades Mountain region in the state of Washington. Each company has a different marginal cost of production depending on its own cost of landowner access, labor and other cutting costs, the distance cut logs must be shipped, and so on. The marginal cost of producing one unit of output, measured as one thousand board feet of lumber (where one board foot is one
  • 23. Describe The Characteristics Of Baroque Music Baroque music generally has certain elements in common across the board, including but not limited to: basso continuo, ornamentation, decisive rhythms, melodiousness, and use of several textures. Of course, different countries in Western Europe had different styles and sub genres within this. Theorists and composers, such as Jean Philippe Rameau with his treatise on harmony, began defining characteristics of harmony by studying works of his contemporaries. Although the Baroque musicas a whole sounds similar, it is important to keep in mind that it was not one unified style, but rather it was separated and understood differently depending on region. Certain style techniques can be attributed to different regions. For instance, while Italy was known to have melodies that sounded similar to singing, France was focused on bringing shape to their melodies. In contrast, German composers of this same time actually did not limit themselves to particular National style choices, but rather looked to and studied that of composers in other countries. Telemann was a German composer who exemplified this German style through his works. Not only was he important for the sake of combining and utilizing different techniques and creating unique pieces to that of his contemporaries, but he also was the most prolific composer of his time. This Trumpet Concerto displays a blend of these cosmopolitan styles. Telemann borrowed the French idea of shaping melodies. In the third movement, the
  • 24. Miracle-Ear Research Paper Page 1: Sisseton, SD, Hearing Aids/Hearing Test/Hearing Center homepage Miracle Ear Hearing Aids in Sisseton, SD Having trouble with your hearing? You re not alone, and you ll be happy to know that that Miracle Ear has spent the last 65 years developing hearing solutions for people who experience various degrees of hearing loss. Look no further for state of the art hearing aids in Sisseton, SD. We re the most trusted and recognized hearing aid brand in America, and we believe that everyone deserves quality hearing aids. Are You or a Loved One Suffering from Hearing Loss? If you or a family member has become depressed and lonely because of a loss of hearing, we have a solution for you, and you can change your life. Hearing loss affects
  • 25. What Is The Theme Of The Poem No Second Troy No Second Troy is a poem by William Butler Yeats who was one of the greatest poets of the 20th century. The poem is written in 1912 and it is considered one of the greatest poems of the 20th century. This literary piece is mainly about the author s love with a woman of unusual beauty but also about the author s homeland struggling for independence. The essay is divided into two sections with the first part of the essay providing information about crucial aspects required for an in depth understanding of the poem and analysis of it whereas the second part of the essay will focus on a contemporary adaptation of the Yeats work, specifically on the comparison to the Sinead O Connor song Troy . Before analyzing No second Troy , it is important... Show more content on ... However, considering Yeats was driven by her and she did not want to marry him, he might question what he could have done to make her accept him and stop rejecting him, what could have changed to spend his life with her peacefully. With all the qualities she had and despite what he felt for her she is still women of destruction and he is devastated, burned by her. With beauty like a tightened bow, a kind That is not natural in an age like this, Being high and solitary and most stern this certainly depicts how extraordinary Maud Gonne was for Yeats. He has such extraordinary feelings for her that he considers she belongs to another time and nothing can be compared to her. However, with beauty like a tightened bow might represent her rejection of him. Despite the fact he is obsessed with her beauty, she is not willing to change and let him in his life. She is untouchable and not becoming any weaker, finally refusing his
  • 26. Essay On Point Of Sales Leveraging Points of Sale and Profit Making for Fundraising Success POS Point of sale is the term commonly associated with the retail industry and involves the place of transaction between a buyer and a seller. (Kelley, p. 108) There are three major revenue streams that can leverage POS for schools and universities; ticket sales, concessions and retail licensed merchandise. In order to make any organization profitable and increase revenue, one must leverage every point of sale, beginning with ticket sales. There are several different ways that organizations can increase their customer database, upsell their current customers and solidify their longtime customers, all which will help improve their revenue and overall bottom line. We will focus on the ways that universities and schools can do this with and in coordination with sporting events and teams. The first and largest potential for increasing revenue is through ticket sales. Depending on the team, the sport, and even the kind of season a team is having (wins/losses), all of these can impact ticket revenue for schools and universities. Most universities already have a solid foundation of repeat season ticketholders for certain events. These would be considered longtime customers. These should be one of the first groups to solicit for additional business because they have already shown long term interest in the school, team or sport. They have continued to donate money, purchase their season tickets, and
  • 27. North Carolina State University Personal Statement Sample My parents have always emphasized the importance of collecting and analyzing data. They once brought me to a stock exchange to watch how all the values change in real time, and they explained that stock traders need to collect, analyze, and interpret millions of data points in order to understand whether the stock prices will rise or fall. Since then, they have inspired me to see things through the lens of a data scientist. Whether I am reading news articles online, following the stock market, or doing any other activity, I try to examine the underlying data to grasp an even deeper understanding. At North Carolina State University, I applied my passions toward a double major in statistics and economics. Both of these fields share a common principle of data driven research and analysis. My goal is to continue my studies through the Advanced Analytics program at North Carolina State University. Outside of the classroom, my work experience strengthened my ability to approach and solve challenges. In the banking industry and New Mind Education, I expanded my ability to work in teams and learned to apply principles from statistics to craft common, yet catered, solutions for the customers. By modeling customer requests into classes of problems, I generalized them into different groups and could solve them together... Show more content on ... At Aohey LLC, I learned to program in HTML and used SAS in a real world problem to migrate client production databases to online cloud stores. Although I had previously used them in college, I realized that there was a huge difference in both breadth and depth of learning between using them in real world applications versus while working on a college project. My full time data entry job after graduating from university further reinforced the idea that although I had built a strong foundation of skills, I am ready to continue to develop my expertise in the area of data
  • 28. West Drayton Mountain Bike Club Case Study Specialized Concept Store Ruislip are proud to support West Drayton Mountain Bike Club, we are often found riding with them, and enjoying their company both on two wheels, and in the pub afterwards. West Drayton are a mixed ability group, and consider themselves very inclusive. They do have racers (who ve got some great results over the years) but also they put the emphasis on fun. They even welcome those on skinny wheels, and go out on slick rubber themselves sometimes! They ve even planned a road trip to the Dolomites in mid September. Check out Drayton Mountain Bike Club/27327170637?fref=ts for the latest information and contacts. Last week Clive, Paul carpenter and Chris went across to Bath to do the local club s (Bath Road Club) 10 mile TT, and we re glad to say that WDMBC took home a win with Paul bringing home first place. Clive come second and Chris took fifth, so it feels like West Drayton are really representing!... Show more content on ... A special mention goes to John Jones who rode a sub five hour time. Chris said that he enjoyed the event despite the 3am start, the puncture and having to avoid the crashes, it s one of those events which is worth doing at least once. It s nice to see Paul Bennett and Ben flying the club colours at Hillingdon on a Tuesday night, there were no results this week, but there will be soon enough, so better luck to them for future
  • 29. The Between Camp Four And The Summit Many factors contributed to the bottlenecks between Camp Four and the summit, including: The fact that no Sherpas left ahead of the climbers to fix ropes to aid in climbing above the Balcony, which left the climbers waiting while Beidleman, a guide, fixed the ropes; the Taiwanese team, who were climbing very slowly and all together, making it impossible to pass them, therefore creating delays for the climbers behind them; and the fact that once the ascent had begun, Hall s Sherpas were not eager to assist in fixing the ropes, presumably because they were angry that Fischer s Sherpas were not sharing the workload as had been originally planned. Krakauer was critical of Boukreev in this section of the climb because Boukreev was not using supplemental oxygen or a backpack, both of which Krakauer felt he should have had in the case of an emergency, as Boukreev was a guide, and charged with helping and protecting the clients, an ability which Krakauer thought was inhibited by this lack of oxygen and supplies, especially considering how much the high altitude and thin air affects the ability to think clearly. Just before reaching the summit, despite the fact that he was having difficulty breathing, Krakauer was actually quite calm but disoriented, and relatively excited about the prospect of reaching the summit. However, at the moment of his summit, he did not feel the elation that he expected, but rather apprehension and dread about what he knew to be a difficult descent. Chapter
  • 30. Beer Industry Oligopoly Essay Introduction The brewing industry was once held to competition among many breweries in small geographic areas. That was almost a century ago. The U.S. brewing industry today is characterized by the dominance of three brewers, which I will talk about in this paper. There are many factors today that make the beer industry an oligopoly. Such factors include various advancements in technology (packaging, shipping and production), takeovers and mergers, economies of scale, barriers to entry, high concentration, and many other factors that I will cover in this paper. Over the course of the paper I will try to define an oligopoly, give a brief history of the brewingindustry, and finally to show how the brewing industry today is an oligopoly.... Show more content on ... However, if there are not barriers to entry, companies will not be able to raise prices and realize profits. The brewing industry it different from many other industries because it is not governed by laws regarding patents or exclusive grants. A majority firm does not control the inputs required for brewing beer and the supply for brewing materials is fragmented. There are high costs associated with entering the brewing industry, such as establishing a network of suppliers and distributing the product. It has been estimated that the construction of a four to five million barrel a year plant would cost around $250 million, and this is just the fixed cost of building and maintaining the brewery. There is an even greater amount of capital needed when the marketing activities needed to distribute beer are added in. This all means that any new entrants would have to invest heavily to establish a strong reputation and brand awareness. It may seem odd that a company of Anheuser Busch s size is allowed by the government to maintain such a huge portion of the market. But nothing in the way Anheuser Busch prices products or promotes them is monopolistic in nature. There is still heavy competition among other corporations because of different product offerings, which makes it more beneficial for the industry to be an oligopoly. It is clear that the economic impact that micro breweries and craft breweries have had on
  • 31. Comaneci s Struggles I don t run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet. This is a quote written by Nadia Comaneci. This quote accurately depicts how Nadia overcame obstacles in her life and rose to the top. She proves that no one could stop her from living her dream. Nadia Elena Comaneci, was born on November 12th, 1961, in the small town of Onesti, Romania. She was raised by her loving parents, StefanГa Alexandra and Gheorghe Comaneci. Nadia is the oldest of two; her younger brother Adrian Comaneci was born January of 1965 ( As a kid, Nadia was full of energy.She loved climbing trees and jumping on the furniture. At age six, StefanГa decided... Show more content on ... to start a Olympic training site. Nadia continued her training for the 1976 Montreal, Canada Olympics. She trained six hours a day, six days a week, for what will remain the most memorable day in gymnastics history. As the training became harder, and the Olympics were finally here, Nadia walked into the arena proud to be in her country s colors. Nadia competed on the Romanian team along with her six other teammates. Romania was first on bars. Nadia nailed her routine and the score flashed 1.00. The crowd drew quieter. Bela glanced at the judges with a confusing look. The judges responded holding up ten fingers. Nadia Comaneci had just made Olympic history. Nadia received thee more perfect tens, and came home with three gold medals. Nadia wasn t done there, she continued her training in hope of competing at the 1980 Olympics in Moscow, Russia. Nadia again made her country proud, with two more gold and three more perfect tens. Nadia received the first seven perfect scores in history. Nadia later retired from gymnastics to attend the Politehnic University of Bucharest back in Romania. Nadia finished college with an acting degree, to star in TV shows and commercials in America. Nadia was held captive for three months by the man who helped her deport to America five years ago. The man was in need of money, and negotiated $150,000 in order for Nadia to be let go. Nadia was able to get in contact with her family,
  • 32. Non Traditional Families In The 1800s Families in History There are many ways that the idea of the traditional family has changed over the past several centuries. For instance prior to the 19th century family was often considered anyone who lived within a household whether related by blood or not. This included employees and extended family. Per Coontz (2010) The biological family was less sacrosanct, and less sentimentalized, than it would become in the nineteenth century. (p. 35) In society at the time it was socially unacceptable to be separate or not included as part of a family household. Over time, the term family came to encompass the immediate family, a husband, wife and their children. During the late 1800 s through the mid 1900 s there were emerging ideas of family that were not widely accepted as traditional or normal, these included single parent homes with only a Mom or Dad, Stepfamilies and same sex couple and parent households. Today, American ideas of what constitutes a family have drastically expanded to include these formerly non traditional families ... Show more content on ... This was mostly due to socio economic need. Their husbands were more accepting of this as it benefited the entire family. Slavery having rendered black men and women equally powerless, had leveled the gender playing field within the black community. (Franklin, 2010, p. 65) There was a sharp difference in marriagerates of black and white women activists in the early 20th century. The amount of black married women activists was double that of white women activists A reason for this disparity, being that white women were more likely to buy into the notion that a woman s place was in the home and many believed this to be a more ideal situation. This traditional marriage has been described as an exchange of a male s economic resources for a female s social and domestic services (Franklin, 2010, p.
  • 33. The Circular Ruins by Jorge Luis Borges Essay The Circular Ruins by Jorge Luis Borges Green is derived from blue and green will become more brilliant than blue Chinese Proverb The Chinese have a proverb about the evolution of humanity, and in particular, the nature of intellectual relationships. Although the color green is composed from the color blue, it often shines with a more brilliant luster than its predecessor does. This is a metaphor for the pupil and teacher. The pupil learns knowledge from his teacher, but will outgrow his teacher and eventually surpass him in wisdom. I believe this accurately describes the progress of human knowledge throughout time. In fact, it is quite obvious how technology and science have improved as time goes on. There are dramatic ... Show more content on ... Borges allows the reader to observe the sufferings of a fallible god. In fact, the entire story outlines the anguish and frustrations of the magician. He starts off as an irrelevant man, only one of the many others who lived in the infinite villages upstream (45). But his task gives him a purpose and sets himself apart from the other villagers. The peasants start to leave him food and respectfully worship him in doing so. But as this so called god proceeds to spend days manipulating his dreams so that he can create a man, he does not do anything for the peasants in return. Even after the son is finished, it is the product of a selfish act. The magician created the son to give his own life meaning. Neither the son nor the magician appear to do anything for the other people around them. They are merely charmed men. In addition to being a selfish god, the magician is imperfect in that he experiences failure, insomnia, and frustration. The magician fails in his first attempt to create the son and finds he must rely on superstition or good luck (he begins again when the moon is perfect in order to be successful in the second attempt). Once the son is created, the magician proceeds to teach him and it is subtly apparent that the son is indeed less flawed than his creator is. One could even say that the magician s desires to make the son as perfect as possible, both physically and mentally, were carried out. The son quickly learns his lessons and becomes
  • 34. Assistive Technology History This week we read about the history of assistive technology and assistive technology. In addition, we read about the reauthorization of IDEA 1997 and how it changed the individual educational plan (IEP) by requiring that IEP teams consider assistive technology for all students with IEPs. (Grand Canyon University, n.d. Lecture 1) Initially, I thought that I had limited experience with assistive technology. It became clear to me this week through the readings, that many accommodations and methods I have used in the classroom, are actually a form of assistive technology. I am speaking of the low tech tools, for examples, pencil grips, paper holders, sticky notes and reading guide to name a few. (Dell, Newton, Petroff, 2012, p.6.) In addition,
  • 35. Quest In The Movie Shrek 1. The five characteristics of the quest are a quester, a destination, a reason that has been stated to go there, the challenges along the way, and the real reason for the destination. 2. An example of a quest is in the movie, Shrek. 1. Quester: a male ogre who lives alone in a swamp, but is disturbed by the fairy tale characters who were sent away by Lord Farquaad. He is a hostile introvert. 2. A place to go: In order to find peace at home, he agrees to rescue Princess Fiona for Lord Farquaad to marry so that the Lord can take the fairy tale characters back. He then goes to the castle to save Princess Fiona. 3. Stated reason to go there: Rescuing and return Princess Fiona for Lord Farquaad will lead to ridding Shrek s... Show more content on ... Questions reader should ask when trying to determine symbolic meaning: what s the writer doing with this image, this object, this act; what possibilities are suggested by the movement of the narrative or the lyric; and most important, what does it feel like it s doing? (Foster 59). 45. Nearly all writing is political. 46. Foster says most literature can be called political because most of these works has a time period setting and writers write about issues about social classes or rights or races of that time period. Political means 47. get the most out of your reading of European and American literatures, knowing something about the Old and New Testaments is essential. Similarly, if you undertake to read literature from an Islamic or a Buddhist or a Hindu culture, you re going to need knowledge of other religious traditions. This is because religion shapes different culture and to better understand allusions in literature, one must understand biblical references. Or being aware of religious traditions and culture of a country outside yours can help you better understand the
  • 36. The Last Supper Essay The Last Supper| February 8 2010 | [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.]| Author: Alicia Grover| The Last Supper After the Black Death swept through Europe, killing off a third of its population by the end of the fourteenth century, people were ready for a change. Very slowly new ideas and beliefs concerning the purpose of life began to spread from Florence Italy. During the Renaissance, there was an explosion of new ideas, philosophies, and art work of the new era. These new ideas had a new effect on these artwork, literature, and ... Show more content on ... (Grendler, 2006)A very important humanist from the Renaissance is Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo Da Vinci was the son of a 25 year old notary named Ser Piero and a peasant girl named Caterina. He was born just outside of Florence France in 1452. As Da Vinci grew up he became an apprentice for the famous Andrea Del Verrochio. After abandoning the first apprenticship in Florence, he learned many new forms of painting and sculpting by the Duke of Milan. Leonoardo Da Vinci is best known for his beautiful paintings including the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. He was not only an Italian painter, but he also was a sculptor, inventor, architect, and mathematician among other things. DaVinci also designed the calculator and the helicopter. The Last Supper was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1495. The Last Supper shows the itelligence and artistic side of him. The painting is simple in style compared to the other painting of this era. Da Vinci s mural painting, The Last Supper, was painted in Milan. (Art E. o.) The painting is now hung in the dining hall at Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. The painting shows the dramatic movement and depiction of light and shade. The painting was painted on a dry wall rather then on wet plaster. Leonardo sealed the stone with a layer of pitch, gesso, and mastic. He then painted over it with tempera paint. (Art E. o.)As a result of painting with tempera
  • 37. Fracking And Its Wastewater Disposal Dat Ninh T. Drosselmeyer Engl 1113 088 14 November 2016 1393 words Fracking and its wastewater disposal are threatening human s life In recent years, there has been an increasing concern about whether or not should factories keep using Fracking as their main method to extract oil and gas from the underground. Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing can be defined as the process of drilling down into the Earth and injecting high pressurized water mixture into the ground, creating cracks in the deep rock formations and allows oil and gas to flow out of the wells. In her study, Susan Hough pointed out that wastewater disposal used in Fracking is the main reason leading to the instability of the ground. This pressurized liquid is not only believed to cause most of earthquakes but also contains many toxic chemicals which bring other environmental issues including water poisoning, air pollution, and soil pollution. As my values are about human safety and environment protection, I am totally against the use of Fracking in extracting oil and from my point of view, Fracking is an indirectly fatal and environmentally destructive. First and foremost, the wastewater used in Fracking is the primary cause of recent earthquakes in Oklahoma. As soon as a well is deeply drilled, cased and cemented, high pressure water compound is pumped down to fracture hard rock layers in the underground. This creates micro fractures in the rock layers and causes the faults in the formation to
  • 38. Examples of Machiavellian Leaders Arguably, the most Machiavellian leader to ever exist would be Joseph Stalin. He abided by three major Machiavellian methods that were stated in the Prince: the ends justifies the means, crush any opposition, and displaying a false character. Stalin had a plan for Russia and did everything in his power to achieve that plan. He wanted to transform Russia into a industrial superpower, a military superpower, and a political superpower. To achieve his goals he committed many horrible crimes against humanity. To be more specific, Stalin killed more than sixty million people during his reign. He was a selfish cold blooded, heart less, and evil leader; human life was nothing to him. What caused him to develop such evil traits? It all started... Show more content on ... This strategy disposed Stalin of any political opposition, which helped him sustain his power. Another major method that Stalin used to maintain his power was the use of propaganda to portray himself as a benevolent father figure. While at the same time he was committing mass murder. In Ukraine alone he killed ten million people in only two years! Many historians agree that Stalin killed over sixty million people. Why did he kill so much people? This can be traced back to Machiavelli s The Prince. As discussed before, The Prince teaches that a ruler should have the fear of the people. Stalin slaughtered so many people to prevent any opposition to his reign. He eliminated all the strong people, both the intellectual and physical; therefore the few left would be too afraid and too weak, physically and mentally, to resist. Stalin did exactly what Machiavelli stated in the Prince, which was also stated above, And here it has to be noted that men must be either pampered or crushed, because they can get revenge fore small injuries but not fore grievous ones. Stalin stated Death is the solution to all problems. No man no problem. , Gratitude is a sickness suffered by dogs. , and I trust no one, not even myself. As it can be clearly seen, Joseph Stalin epitomises most of Machiavelli s beliefs that are stated in The Prince. Therefore, Stalin can be consider Machiavelli s ideal prince. Finally, the last example of a past
  • 39. Standardized Test Score Throughout high school, students strive to do their best so they can go to the college of their dreams. They excel, and are straight A students with perfect GPA s, several extracurricular activities, and many leadership positions. These students appear to be the perfect choice for any university. Unfortunately, there might be one element that separates these students from his or her dream schoolstandardized testscores. This one testscore could be the difference between attending an Ivy League school or an average level school. In most cases, the best way to succeed on these tests is with the help of expensive practice books or a tutor. However, many students cannot afford these tools, and as a result, will not do well. These tests are simply... Show more content on ... The reason for this is the desire to get into a great college so they can have a bright future. Countless hours of studying and time doing school activities are some of the prices that must be paid, but in the end, it will all be worth it. Or will it? All those years of hard work could become almost meaningless with just one simple test score. All Ivy League schools require and average ACT score of at least 32 for an applicant to even be looked at with care. Although every other aspect of the students application may be perfect, if the ACT score is not up to par, then acceptance into a prestigious university is highly unlikely. Throughout America, the opposition to standardized tests is increasing due to the negative effects they are having on bright young students. These tests are taking these students years of hard work and basically throwing down the toilet. It just is not right to have one test that bases how smart a student is, when there are so many other factors that should be looked at. Standardized tests should not be required for college admission because they are an unreliable measure of a student s performance and are not as important as what was accomplished in the students four years of high
  • 40. Tough Love If you Google the words tough love, it tells you that it means promotion of a person s welfare, especially that of an addict, child or criminal, by enforcing certain constraints on them, or requiring them to take responsibility for their actions. If you look at it closer, you see that if is telling someone to take responsibility for something they do not want to change. There are many cases that tough lovecauses deaths. Instead of helping, it is harming a person. Since tough love often comes from a position of superiority and detachment, it oftentimes is a form of abuse, and is generally guided by selfish motivations. People can send their child to a Juvenile Justice when they have no clue what to do with their child. That is not the correct ... Show more content on ... Tough love leads to people believing their fears and discomforts are not valid. It makes a person feel lonely and uncared for. Red Letter Christians wrote an article saying, Messages that are consistently negative and focus on an individual s faults and flaws are only likely to increase feelings of stress, fear, and anxiety... If someone were to continuously point out a flaw, that is only going to make the person feel worse about it, especially if they are trying to change it. Robin Tran said, Tough love has caused irreparable damage to [her] psyche to the point where [she] no longer believes [her] own feelings. Tough love makes a person feel even lonelier than they felt before, more ashamed, and like a burden on everyone in their life. When others who haven t experienced what someone else is going through tries to intervene by saying they have all the answers, it often comes across more arrogant than compassionate. The Recovery Help Desk writes, All too often, tough love behaviors are more destructive than the behaviors of feelings of anger, frustration, confusion, and desperation. It is selfish of the person to want someone to feel better right when they want them to. They could take a big step forward, but in the end, it doesn t mean they are completely healed. McLellan said, Parents find it difficult to believe, but in every high school survey, kids rate their parents as the most influential people in their lives. Parents have powers they don t exercise. They give the kid access to a car, a credit card, or pay their tuition. Those are all factors with proper instructions that can help them gain control of their kids behavior when the kid can t... (qtd in Bosler). Many people believe that tough love works like magic. They believe that emotionally terrorizing someone can produce change that looks like it s really working. The harsh words can often be misleading. The parents think
  • 41. Democracy and Political Development in Pakistan Thesis statement Due to the continuous political instability and recurring military interventions in decision making, Pakistan is far from witnessing a healthy and democratic political system in the near future. Introduction On the international scene, states have been struggling to obtain their independence and sovereignty. But the biggest threat that arises after accomplishing independence is the way the government rules, the standards it follows and the goals it sets. This is when a new journey begins where the government searches for the best system that suits the country and satisfies the different sections of its population. Most of the states adopt democracy to be the dominant process in politics. But each state has its own... Show more content on ... The discrimination of women under Zia s rule increased; for example in case of a rape, four witnesses should be provided or else the rape would be reported as adultery and thus a woman could be whipped if the act was seen as adultery . This type of ruling is certainly far from democracy. Even if a certain religion was imposed to be the formal religion of the state, other or different people should not be banned from practicing their own religious beliefs. Furthermore, women should definitely be seen and treated as equal to men. The idea of considering women to be inferior and less important than men and treating them according to that basis shows that the state is not headed towards democracy but still separates between its people. The rule of Zia shows that the difference in treating people and preventing them from doing what they want does not promote democracy. His rule of a sort of dictatorship over his population and they had to follow the rules in order to escape the harsh consequences and punishments. General Zia didn t want to leave power and in order to achieve his goal; he initiated the referendum of 1984 asking his population whether they wish Pakistan to be an Islamic state. But the issue was that the question was asked in a very complicated way, especially for those uneducated rural people; it was a loaded question and affirmative answer would result in a five year term for General Zia as the president of Pakistan . The
  • 42. Essay on The Impact of Financial Crisis on the Uk Job Market The impact of the financial crisis on the UK job market and employment (2007 2009) Module: PM021 Aspects of British Culture and Society Name: JUN YU WU Student Number: 0908108 Tutor: Jeff Meadowcroft Word Count: 1,970 Contents 1. Introduction.................................................................................Page 3 2. Global financial crisis (2007 2009).............................................Page 3 3. Influence on world job market...................................................Page 3 4 4. Influence on the UK job market.................................................Page 4 5 4.1 Short term changes..............................................................Page4 5 4.2 Long term changes................................................................Page 5 5. Analysis of current situation in the UK....................................Page 5 5.1 British jobs for British workers ........................................Page 6 5.2 Job ... Show more content on ... Taking into account those employed part time for economic reasons and discouraged workers was 16.3%. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Government, 2009) In Spain, the unemployment rate stood at 18.7% (37% for youths) in May 2009 the highest in the eurozone. (, 2009) In July 2009, the unemployment rate was reduced from 9.5% to 9.4%. Even fewer jobs were lost in August, 216,000, recorded as the lowest number of jobless since September 2008, but the unemployment rate rose to 9.7% in October 2009, it is said that some employers who cut jobs due to the recession are beginning to hire them back. The rise of advanced economies in China, India, and Brazil increased the total amount of word job market significantly. With the rapid development of communication and education in these countries, there are more workers allowed to compete with workers in traditionally strong countries, such as the United States. This has a negative effect on wages and contributed to unemployment. (Telegraph, 2009) In addition, Britain has equal situation in terms of job market. 4. Influence on the UK job market 1. Short term changes |[pic] | The left graph shows that the employment rate for July to September 2007 in the UK was 74.5 percent, peaking at 75 percent in the year end and dropped to around 72.5 per cent for
  • 43. Damien Hirst Art Work Essay Humanities Bring Forth the Fruits of Righteousness from Darkness The artist of whose work I observed was Damien Hirst. He was born June 7 1965 and is an English artist, entrepreneur and art collector. The piece of art I observed was Bring Forth the Fruits of Righteousness from Darkness , it is a gloss covered canvas covered by real butterfly wings and household paint. It is set up to resemble three stained glass windows from a gothic cathedral. The piece is on display at the Cleveland Museum of art and on loan for five years. The work of art showcases Hirst s theme of death that is shown in many of his pieces. Damien Hirst became famous for his artwork in preserving dead animals. His works have included cows, sheep, sharks, ... Show more content on ... Damien Hirst is a Conceptual artist because his work most often takes precedence over and traditional matters or ideas. This is shown by his work with dead animals and preserving them, which is most often frowned upon. Hirst is known to be a contemporary artist with his work being very modern and spread throughout the country in galleries, exhibits, and even private collections. The Cleveland Museum of Art holds Damien Hirst s Bring Forth the Fruits of Righteousness from Darkness on special loan for five years. It also holds many different exceptional pieces that include Asian and Egyptian art, and its own Picasso collection. It holds 43,000 works of art from around the world. The Museum holds so much history and offers free admission to its public to come and absorb some of world s greatest works of art the Cleveland is lucky to have on display. Damien Hirst is a widely known artist that is known to be one of the richest artists to be alive today. His work moves many people for many different reasons and is known for its controversy, beauty, and eccentric style. We are lucky to have his work on display in the Cleveland Museum of Art. He continues to make art today that stands out and is just as beautiful and interesting as the piece I was privileged to
  • 44. Involuntary Change Definition How do you define change? Change is when something goes from normal to abnormal, but eventually the abnormal becomes normal again once you get used to it. For example, just as you get into the swing of your classes they are over, or when you actually start to like Baker food and then they change the recipes. Everyday something changes in your life, sometimes these changes are minimal, but in some way they impact you. What do you know about change? I know that many people struggle with change, including me. Change often comes without a warning and catches you off guard, but it is not always a bad thing. Change can make things exciting and test your limits. Describe a situation in your life where change was challenging. Why? A... Show more content on ... If I make the decision to do something I tend to find that I deal with it better than if the change was forced upon me. It s nice to be in control of the change you are making. In general, what are your personal default patterns when you are confronted with involuntary change? Why do you believe this is so? An involuntary change is when I have no control over what is changing. I am a huge worrier and as soon as something happens, I think of all the things that could go wrong. I get frustrated and then I cry and then eventually I cope. There is no way to get through life without change so I just try to embrace it. In your opinion, what characteristics, qualities, and skills does a person need to lead change? To make a change in this world you need to be dedicated. It is so easy to quit when things get tough, but if you stick it out it will be worth it. For example, I did the 21 Day Fix Extreme (the workout portion) over the summer and the women who leads the workout would always say, It s not gonna be easy, but it will be worth it! She was right. It was definitely not easy, but in the end I felt like I was in better shape. I was ready to quit on day 2, but I didn t and I feel accomplished
  • 45. Healthcare Communication Skills Over the past few weeks, in class we have covered multiple topics. I have really learned a lot about each of these topics and has found out a lot information that I did not know. Learning about each one of these topics will help me in the near future, especially going into the Healthcare Administration field. I feel that learning about each one of these topics will become beneficial for anyone. I have learned facts about leadership, power and politics, attitude and job satisfaction, etc. I have enjoyed each and every topic that has been discussed. In my paper, I will discuss emotions and moods, personality and values, and communication. Communication is a skill that is very important. It is good to have communication skills because we never... Show more content on ... In general, communication means of connecting people or places. In business, it is a key function of management, which is an organization cannot operate without communication between level, departments and employees (Business Dictionary, 2017). Also, communication is the act of conveying information for the purpose of creating a shared understanding. It is something that humans do every day. The word communication comes from Latin communis, meaning to share, and includes verbal, non verbal and electronic means of human interaction (Communication Study, 2017). Scholars who study communication analyze the development of communication skills in humans and theorize about how communication can be made more effective. (Communication Study, 2017). Humans convey information through a variety of methods such as speaking, telephones, e mails, blogs, television, art, hand gestures, facial expressions, body language and even social contexts (Communication Study, 2017). One of the most form of communication that is being used right now is through text messaging and the cyber world. Communication can occur right away in closed, intimate setting over great periods of time in astronomically immense public forums. However, all forms of communication require the same fundamental elements, a verbalizer or sender of information, a message, and an audience or recipient. The sender and recipient must withal share a prevalent language or designates of understanding each other for communication to be prosperous. A study of communication often examines the development and structure of language including the mathematical languages utilized in computer
  • 46. Antibiotics In Meat Which could cause a huge decrease in both animal and human population, but it is not proven (Plumer). Now eventually they can come up with a new medicine that could take care of the same sickness, but that will take many years (Plumer). Most livestock is vaccinated so they don t get sick and if they do get sick they are treated. Which is helping farmers to produce meat, but it could be also hurting the human population. Scientist are digging deeper and deeper to figure out if this could be the case, but isn t proven yet. Another problem that is being put on the table is if the antibiotics are leaving the systems of the animal, where are they going? The medicine is going through the body and out into the feces, which can contaminate water or... Show more content on ... People start to assume that every animal that gains weight quickly are being pumped full of antibiotics or steroids. From personally living on a farm I see no problem with antibiotics being used for animals. I have had personal experience with most of the livestock and dairy animals. I have lived on a farm for 16 years and antibiotics are not the first thing farmers want for their animals. When we had dairy cattle we gave vaccines, but tried to avoid giving any other medicines to them. When we had to give medicine it meant our animal was sick or had a disease. Also when you give medicine to dairy cattle you aren t aloud to keep the milk for seven days because of the antibiotics that would be in the milk. So theoretically you wanted to keep medicine out of your livestock s body so you didn t have to stop producing the product. Then later we got rid of the dairy cattle and went into a cow calve farm for meat purposes. Our cattle did not get fed food with a bunch of antibiotics in it. Only medicated feed we fed them was mineral that helped keep flies off their body so they would not get pink eye. Pink eye if not caught in time will cause an animal to become blind and then they become
  • 47. The Skeleton Key Quotes The Skeleton Key is a movie about the belief in the magic centered practice of Hoodoo. The movie s protagonist, Caroline, starts out as a non believer of magic. Caroline views the people and culture of New Orleans through an etic lens. For example, when Caroline first arrived at the gas station prior to reaching the mansion, she noticed all of the Hoodoo artifacts and freaked out. She had no idea of what she walked into and wanted to quickly get away. She makes many ethnocentric judgements of the people and culture. During the course of the film, Caroline s belief starts to change as she experiences many things that she cannot explain with her current belief system. Towards the end of the film she was immersed in the culture of Hoodoo... Show more content on ... At the beginning of the movie, Caroline is a disbeliever. On her way to be interviewed for the role of Ben s carer, she visits a gas station that has brick dust lining the entrance. While trying to pay for the gas she interrupts a ritual at the back of the gas station. She also discovers a room in Violet s attic containing Hoodoo paraphernalia. These events mark Caroline s initiation into the existence of Hoodoo. The next phase marks her increasing awareness of Hoodoo practices and its associated beliefs. During this phase, she has a number of conversations with her former roommate, who explains the differences between Hoodoo and Voodoo and that Hoodoo cannot harm someone if they do not believe in it. That is, without belief, Hoodoo loses its potency. Her roommate s aunt owns a Hoodoo shop, where Caroline later acquires the components for the spell she performs on Ben and also learns that brick dust is used in Hoodoo magic to provide a protective barrier to stop someone with ill intent from crossing a threshold. When Caroline s spell works on Ben, it allows him to ask her for help in leaving and also allows him to indicate Violet as the person responsible for his condition. Caroline s willingness to be Ben s advocate and potential savior makes her begin to believe in the power of Hoodoo, if only on behalf of her patient. To test Violet s intent, Caroline uses brick dust to line the threshold of her room and engineers a situation where she invites Violet into her room. Violet s wish to do her harm is confirmed when Violet is unable to cross the threshold. This also confirms the protective power of the brick dust and Caroline s growing belief in Hoodoo. Later, when Violet is chasing Caroline, Caroline uses brick dust along the doorways throughout the house to form a
  • 48. The Placebo Effect On Patients The placebo effect is a widely known phenomenon where patients are given some form of dummy medication in place of actual medication that produces the same effect as the real medication would have. They intend to help stimulate areas of the brain that may prompt the release of chemicals such as endorphins to aid in the relief of the symptom. Tests have shown that forms such as injections psychologically perform better than pills, because of the slight painthat injections bring ( Freeman, Shanna. How the PlaceboEffect Works. HowStuffWorks., 13 Jan. 2009. Web.). Because of the pain, people tend to believe that the medication would work better. Placebos can be used to treat multiple different diseases, but has been... Show more content on ... Is the Placebo Effect in Some People s Genes? Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 16 Apr. 2015. Web.). If a placebo is effective, the brainreleases certain chemicals that depend on the expected effect, such as dopamine or endorphins, to counteract the symptoms or effects the patient may be feeling. In theory, if a patient were to have higher endorphin levels in the brain, they too would have a higher chance of the placebo effect taking place, depending on their symptom. Both endorphins and dopamine can be released in cases to do with pain. According to the classical conditioning theory (Lemoine, Patrick. Medscape Log In. Medscape Log In. Medscape, 9 Oct. 2015. Web.), taking a pill provides a stimulus that can provoke a reaction from the brain. Different methods a placebo can be taken or used range from pills and injection, to surgery. With research, placebo injections showed to be more effective than orally ingested pills, possibly to do regarding the slight pain that injections bring. The patient is more likely to believe the medication would work because of the minor pain (Brynie, Faith. The Placebo Effect: How It Works. Psychology Today. Brain Sense, 10 Jan. 2012. Web.). Generally, the expectation of the medication to work causes the effect to take place, due to the brain influencing itself into releasing chemicals that may aid in symptom relief. This phenomenon has also helped in aiding various
  • 49. Female And Male Reproductive Systems The resources available in this course for the week 3 readings of The Female and Male Reproductive Systems were helpful. The resources were beneficial and in depth and provided detailed information about the reproduction process for males and females. The three resources I found helpful this week in learning about the puberty and the reproductionsystem were the interactive glossary, anatomical images, and the self care assessments to check for any unordinary signs or issues. The resources helped to enhance the learning and provided a better understanding of reproduction for both genders. The reproductive process is a natural part of life. It signifies that body is in the process of transforming a girl or boy into young women and men and eventually into adults. The interactive glossary was a great resource to use for multiple reasons. It contained a dictionary for students to type the word needed defined and view the meanings as well as show where what part of the Human Sexuality book the term originated. The interactive materials such as anatomical reviews, interactive reviews, flashcards, resources, links, practical quizzes, self assessments, and web exercises provide in depth knowledge on an important topic. The anatomical images as well as the text explaining the reproduction process was enlightening. The images identified areas affected during the reproduction process and anatomical positions of the genital areas as well as different parts of it that play a crucial
  • 50. The Primary Drivers Of Economic Development In Germany,... Despite some notable economic setbacks within the eurozone, Germany, a country dominated by small and medium sized enterprises, has managed to continuously decrease unemployment and national debt figures. Europe s largest economy grew by 1.9% in 2016 compared to 1.7% in 2015. Consumer spending was the primary driver of economic activity in 2016, rising by 2%. Long term economic development is a highly complex phenomenon, which is difficult to account for using one single factor. However, as numerous studies have confirmed, institutions that protect private property, offer legal security, guarantee macroeconomic stability, encourage competition and foreign trade and promote flexibility in resource allocation are good for economic growth.... Show more content on ... The GrГјndekrise and its prolonged aftermath enabled the formation of new ideas about how capital, labour and the state should interact. Based on a parity principle, this system ensured that half of the country s population were paid by their employer and the other half by the employees. In 1884 the dual board system of corporate governance was created in its current form, with a managing Vorstand in combination with a supervisory board, partly formed of bankers, who provided patient capital and scientists. The vocational training system set up during the 1880s provided new producers of chemicals and machinery with skilled workers, for whom Bismarck predominantly established the welfare state. The way the health insurance system worked required capital and labour to co operate, resulting in today s mandatory representation for workers on the supervisory boards of large companies. Post unification euphoria in 1990 was followed by a sharp recession, resulting in the loss of 500,000 manufacturing jobs and an overvalued D mark. The
  • 51. Case Study Axolotl 1.What requirements must be met in order to label a food product certified organic? What is meant by the food labels free range, natural and fair trade? Are foods labeled natural considered organic? In order for a food product to be labeled as certified organic, the farm it is being produced on must preserve its natural recourses, as well support animal health, not use genetically modified foods (GMOS) as well as going threw the process of annual onsite inspections, keeping its organic products secluded from non organic products. Free range is defined as that the animals being kept as livestock are allowed to access the outdoors in the day ay some point, and not be confined indoors 24/7. Natural means that the food product... Show more content on ... The valley in which the Axolotl live Lake Chalco and Lake Xochimilco have been dried from digging of wells for growing population of Mexico City. Desiccation is another problem Axolotls have to face in response to such human impact. Salamanders, especially for Axolotls, need to be in moist (or aquatic) environment because there skin is permeable and water can be lost through their skin very quickly. Water pollution is another big issue killing of the species. Humans also hunt them to eat them. This species does not come as a huge threat tot the environment however from its picky to it habitat it is common to pick fungus, and disease spreading it around to other animals. It has not caused problems to Humans as we are directly putting threats on Axolotl population. Axolotls are captured for human consumption and medicinal purposes. Harvesting actually targeted at young Axolotl less than one year old which is before their sexual maturity Axolotls were formerly captured for the international pet trade but it is currently strictly forbidden. People do care for the animals existence as they are being kept in captivities and by humans as pets to ensure their survival. It is noted that people have noticed their absence as it has been stated that there are a recored 700 1200 left in the
  • 52. Hypocrisy In Puritan Church was the cornerstone of the Puritan society in early America. In their efforts to create the ideal Christian society, their rigid religious beliefs in Old Testament methods was the basis for many of their harsh laws and punishments. Their everyday lives were dedicated to God and was seen as a struggle between Godand the devil. Any act against God was considered a crime and public shame, humiliation, and punishment was used as a powerful tool for social conformity. Just as not following the Ten Commandants was punishable by law; a person could be subject to various forms of punishment for unacceptable social behavior such as having long hair, skipping church, swearing, sleeping during a sermon, gossiping, disrespecting your parents,... Show more content on ... Today, too many of politicians, community and religious leaders lead double lives without feelings of shame or care of the consequences. Most have a public face and a private face that are usually contradict or are in conflict with each other. In The Scarlet Letter, the hypocrisies of the Puritan society are revealed when Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, a highly respected member of the community is actually an adulterer and the father of Pearl, Hester Prynne s child. Even after he delivered the best sermon of his life where he admitted how horrible of a man he was; acknowledged his hypocrisy through the statement a remorseful hypocrite that he was; and vaguely revealed his true self. The community still refused to believe that someone in such a great position of power could commit the sin of adultery although they were quick to condemn Hester with shame, a common punishment tactic of the Puritan society. Not only was this sin of hypocrisy was present in The Scarlet Letter, but it was also revealed in The Devil and Tom Walker, where Tom Walker portrayed himself as a pious member of the community, even though he sold his soul to the Devil. He was not only a hypocrite; but like his wife, who often lied about her whereabouts, he too was