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Sample Essay For Educational
Leadership Program
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Sample Essay For Educational Leadership ProgramSample Essay For Educational Leadership Program
Music in Othello
Music in Othello
In Cyprus, observing the joyous reunion of Othello and Desdemona, Iago says to himself that he
will wreck the lovers harmony: O, you are well tuned now! / But I ll set down the pegs that make
this music, / As honest as I am (2.1.199 201). The pegs to which he refers are the tuning pegs on a
stringed instrument. Their love is the instrument on which Iago is planning to loosen ( set down )
the pegs until the harmony is turned into discord. [Scene Summary]
Because no one like to be a party pooper, Iago sings drinking songs in order to encourage Cassio
to get drunk. Drinking songs tend to be rollicking, jolly justifications of drinking. Iago s first song
delivers the message that life is short, so you might as well ... Show more content on ...
Othello s occupation s gone! (3.3.345 357)
The music of war, including the thunder of the cannon, makes Othello feel alive, fully himself, but
without Desdemona s love he feels that he s nothing. [Scene Summary]
Shortly after Othello has berated Desdemona about the handkerchief, Cassio appears to once
again ask Desdemona to intervene on his behalf. She tells him that My advocation is not now in
tune; / My lord is not my lord; nor should I know him, / Were he in favour [appearance] as in
humour [attitude] alter d (3.4.123 125). In other words, now is not a good time to talk to Othello;
he s not himself, and if his appearance had changed as much as his attitude, she wouldn t
recognize him. The phrase in tune is so common (in Shakespeare s time as well as ours) that it may
be a stretch to call it a musical image. [Scene Summary]
At a moment when Iago is trying to build Othello s jealousy into a murderous rage, Othello
begins to think of what a beautiful, sweet woman Desdemona is. Iago tells him that he needs to
put such thoughts out of his mind, and Othello says, Hang her! I do but say what she is. So
delicate with her needle. An admirable musician! O, she will sing the savageness out of a bear
(4.1.187 189). However, it s not Desdemona s music, but Iago s words that win the battle for
Othello s soul. Othello s mood becomes ever more savage, and he plans the time, place, and
manner of
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Ancient Greek Vs. Medieval Theater
Each theatrical work reflects the culture and moment in time it is made in. The work does this by
exemplifying the values and beliefs of its culture and time. Ancient Greek theater reflects ancient
Greek values and beliefs, such as the importance of the gods. Medieval theater portrays Medieval
beliefs and values, like the values of community and religion. This can be said for post modern
works as well. Post modern theater, although it seems fractured, reflects the culture, sub culture, and
time of its creation.
Although post modern theater does not share all unanimous ideals, like previous theatrical works, it
is still a product of one culture. The post modern culture seems fractured because it includes
multiple different groups. This is shift from the narrower perspective, like the just Greek or just
Medieval European point of view, is due to increased communication. In the post modern era it is
much easier to communicate with anyone around the world. With the increase of communication,
especially since the ancient Greek and Medieval times, there has been in increase in sharing beliefs
and values.
With more people communicating more voices can be heard. This saturates the post modern era
with different ideals, almost to the point of seeming fractured. That is not the case though; the
increasing number of different beliefs is a post modern belief in itself. The large sum of
differentiating beliefs perpetuates one unanimous post modern belief. This is the belief and value
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Analysis For Vitamin C
Analysis for Vitamin C
Introduction Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid C6H8O6, is important because the body uses
it in order to grow and repair tissues.1 Humans are unable synthesize vitamin C, therefore it is
essential to consume the recommended daily amount around 60 mg/day.2 The goals of this lab
were to determine the amount of vitamin C in a sample of apple juice. Also, another objective was to
gain experience with redox reactions and titrations. A titrationis a method of analysis that
determines the precise endpoint of a reaction and therefore the precise quantity of reactant in the
titration flask .3 Titrations are important because they provide accurate information on how to find
the unknown concentration of a solution. Consequently, it is crucial that titration techniques are
precise so the information is accurate. The information is calculated using the chemical formula.
+I2 в†’+2 HI Ascorbic acidDehydro L ascorbic acid
The first step in calculating the amount, in mg, of vitamin C in the unknown sample was
determining the amount of iodine needed to react with the solution using titration. Once the
volume of iodine needed to react was found, the next step was to determine the molarity of the
Iodine. In order to do this, the moles of ascorbic acid was needed. It was found by multiplying the
mass of ascorbic acid used by its molar mass. The moles of ascorbic acid is the same as the moles
of Iodine because of the one to one mole
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What Does Sarcasm Mean To Me
Sarcasm/Tone Hey what are you doing this afternoon? Me oh I m doing my three favorite things
in the whole world I get to clean the chicken coop it s so fun you should come over and help me.
Or help me with piano we could play for half an hour or MORE!!!! I even have more fun stuff to
do like clean the litter box you will love it it is the greatest pastime in the whole world. Yeah you
could go with your friends but what is the fun in that? The reason I love cleaning the chicken
coop because you have to walk in the lovely chicken poop to get to the water that i love to change
some times i have to do it twice a day other time when my mean sister does it I only get to do it
every other day My favorite part of this job is having friends over to help not because the like it it s
because it usually takes a lot longer which makes more fun for me. But the best part is picking
the poop covered chicken eggs oh i LOVE to do that and get poop all over my hands i heard its a
great moisturizer but now i sadly have to go on to my next thing but I think it is almost as fun and...
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Oh you want to the movies and i m boring you oh well are sure this next one is really fun it is
like the most fun way to pass half an hour to two its drum roll please *drum roll* ..........Playing
the piano oh it s just so fun to stretch your hands over a foot apart and do that for a good 4 5
minutes then have t compose lovely music with only 5 notes that is just the bomb oh you can
only write a little well then lets just make you write a whole page then it will help you a lot oh
but don t worry this is all do just but yesterday oh you want to play some songs you like well i
hope you like Beethoven and Bach they just are on all the top 10 lists but i think i have talk just
a little to long about this one i better let you get back to writing your two pages of composing oh i
didn t tell you to do two oh you should have known you seem to know everything else but lets just
get on to my next favorite
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Multiple Sclerosis Interview
As older adults age, they start to get exposed to many chronic illness and they have to learn to
deal with their illness on daily basis. Chronic illness prevent many older clients from doing the
activities they used to perform every day, and it creates anxiety and depression for some clients
because they feel less in control of their activities. Clients with chronic illness have to adapt to not
being able to perform basic tasks. Most clients with chronic illness use negative cope strategies by
smoking or drinking alcohol. My friend s father Jonathan Smith, was chosen for this interview
because learning about his multiple sclerosis(MS) would give me an idea of the challenges he faced
every day, and perceive things from his perspective. Multiple... Show more content on ...
Smith suffered from multiple sclerosis for several years and he considered his illness to be severed
because it is very difficult for him to walk around in the house, exercise, and drive without him
experiencing continuous pain and numbness in the body. Pain that associated with MS range
between 57% to 65% and clients with MS are more likely to complain of having moderate to
severe pain that affect activities of daily living (Lalkhen, Bedford, Dwyer, 2012). It is difficult
for him work because of the constant pain his is going through and decrease muscle weakness.
Neuropathic pain is a nerve damage that is associated with MS and clients experience numbness,
tightness, burning, crawling, and needles pain in the joints (D Arcy, 2012). His typical day start
with him his son dressing him up and getting his usual bagel and coffee ready for him. After
breakfast, he watches football on TV if it is Sunday, and he usually end up sleeping in his recliner
for few hours. In the afternoon, his grandchildren come to take him out to eat lunch, and spend
quality of time interacting with him. MS affects his ability to shower himself, walk outside, cook,
clean the house, go grocery shopping, play soccer with his grandchildren, and go on family vacation
(J. Smith, personal communication, March 25,
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The Asda Hierarchical Structure
In a business, there are a majority of structures that are organised in a business for their employees.
An example of a business that has structured their employees is Asda, which was structured their
business in a hierarchical structure.
The Definition of a Hierarchical Structure?
A Hierarchical structure is a term used to organise a business into different categories of
employees that contain multiple types of groups, which would be typically in a chain of
commands that is usually in a pyramid that contains a large number of employees, so the lower
part of the pyramid having the responsibility of a small role, meanwhile the upper part of the
pyramid consists of roles that carry a big responsibility. However, there is one rank that is one...
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Although there can be difficulty experienced in the organisational structure, as it has the effect of
each employee s confidence since the scale of their role in the business could upset them,
whereas they may feel less important to the business. Overall, this can demotivate employees in a
big business like Asda, so they may feel like if they re not hired anymore it won t make a
difference to a business, their talents aren t used purposefully, unvalued, etc. Meanwhile, a role in a
small business will feel
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Essay Bartolome De Las Casas
In A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies, BartolomГ© de Las Casas vividly describes
the brutality wrought on the natives in the Americas by the Europeans primarily for the purpose of
proclaiming and spreading the Christian faith. Las Casas originally intended this account to reach
the royal administration of Spain; however, it soon found its way into the hands of many
international readers, especially after translation. BartolomГ© de Las Casasillustrates an extremely
graphic and grim reality to his readers using literary methods such as characterization, imagery,
amplification, authorial intrusion and the invocation of providence while trying to appeal to the
sympathies of his audience about such atrocities.
Las Casas ... Show more content on ...
He also portrays the natives with lucid terms so as to shed an innocent light on them in an attempt
to instill into his readers why it is so wrong for the Indians to be treated as they are by the
Never quarrelsome or belligerent or boisterous, they harbour no grudges and do not seek to settle
old scores; indeed, the notions of revenge, rancour, and hatred are quite foreign to them. В… they
are also among the poorest people on earthВ… They are innocent and pure of mind and have a
lively intelligence, all of which makes them particularly receptive to learning and understanding the
truths of our Catholic faith. (Casas 10)
As stated in the excerpt, Las Casas uses characterization to describe the Natives. He even says,
These would be the most blessed people on earth if only they were given the chance to convert to
Christianity (Casas 11). His use of this literary method virtually guarantees that his readers will
become empathetic toward the natives and side with Las Casas in his endeavor to protect the
Indians. Essentially, to those uneducated in the goings on in the New World, Las Casas not only
educated them but struck a sympathetic nerve that helped to push Old World Europeans toward
minimizing the cruelty in the New World. Although Las
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Information Centric Networking ( Icn )
Abstract: Information Centric Networking (ICN) is set to replace the current internet architecture
which is based on end to end communication between hosts. The ICN approach to the network of
the future has recently been and is being explored by a number of research projects from Europe
and in the United States. This paper provides a review on four Information Centric Networking
(ICN) architectures based on objects/contents naming, name Resolution and data routing.The
review highlights and briefly describes the naming structures, operation of name resolution and data
routing processes of DONA, PURSUIT, NetInf/MDHT and NDN. A summary in tabular form and a
comparative study of different architectures is given.
Keywords: ICN, Naming of ICN, Name Resolution and Data Routing of ICN.
Information centric networking (ICN) is the hot research topic in recent years, with various
research initiatives like DONA [1], CCN/NDN [2][10][16] PSIRP/PURSUIT [3][4][8][11][12],
4WARD [13], CONVERGENCE[15], NetInf [9], SAIL[17],COMET [5 7][14]), MobilityFirst [18]
and ANR Connect [19] targeting this emerging research area with the aim of shifting from the
current Internet architecture which is built and designed for a host to host communications model.
The Internet architecture today has experienced rapid growth in network traffic of which most of
the traffics are characterized by the content retrieval applications running on top of the Internet
architecture. The Internet has
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Pros And Cons Of Kevin Durant Leaving Oklahoma City
NBA article NBA fans still shocked about Kevin Durant leaving Oklahoma City and how much
hate he is getting from all his fans and the community of NBA basketball. LeBrone James still
thinks Cleveland cavaliers should trade more players even when they recently had Kyle Korver.
LeBrone also thinks he can keep functioning Cleveland without Kevin Love on the team. We the
community do not like the way NBA players move teams and leaving their old team into the
dust. Many players like Kevin Durant, Dwayne Wade, Derrick Rose and Kyle Korver have left
their team to join a new one. Kevin Durant lost the semi finals in 2016 against golden state
warriors and in 2017 he joined golden state warriors. He said if you can t beat them, join them.
That left a lot of hate from his teammates and his fans. At this moment we burned all our jerseys
on Kevin because of how much we hate him for what he did. Same with other players, it s really
hard to see our favourite players leave their team.... Show more content on ...
NBA tickets are at least $50 $80, but not with the New York Knicks. Their tickets are at least
over $120 per ticket. Its probably because they had paid too much for Derrick Rose and Justine
Holiday. It becomes really hard for Knicks fans to see their games. The Knicks should drop their
price for their tickets like everyone else to at least $60. Even the biggest team in the league
Cleveland cavaliers are selling tickets for $48. The lowest ranking team in the NBA is the Charlotte
Hornets and their tickets cost
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The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow
Throughout the United States, the story of the Headless Horseman, described in The Legend of
Sleepy Hollow is well known in American folklore. It is a scary story that many children tell
around the campfire in an attempt to scare one another, saying that if someone is not careful, the
Headless Horseman will come for them. However, many Americans do not realize that this legend
originated from a story that appears in Washington Irvings book, The Sketchbook of Geoffrey
Crayon, Gent. Washington Irving was born to a Scottish immigrant family on April 3, 1783, in
New York City. Later that year, The Treaty of Paris was signed, signaling that America had at long
last won her independence from Great Britain (Irving, Norberg, and Stade iii). From that point on,
the United States of America began the journey to find an identity to call its own. Before, when
these people were a colony of Great Britain, they identified themselves as a part of the greatest
empire on Earth. However, by the time of the Revolution many of the colonists were questioning
their identity and position within the British Empire. Through gaining their freedom, this new
nation was able to create a new identity, generating what was thought to be a purely American
culture. Living through this time of change, Washington Irving wrote about the emerging society
from a critical standpoint. Although Irving lived through the times of change, he was critical of
how these changes, specifically those of capitalism and
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Purgatory Beliefs
Purgatory is defined as a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are
correcting their sins before going to heaven . When we die, we go through a judgement for our
actions we made when we were on Earth. What many people don t know is that everyone goes to
purgatory is doesn t really matter who you were on Earth as a person. Purgatory is meant to purify
the soul before the soul makes its way into heaven.
Catholics are taught to confess their sins in the Sacrament of Penance and believe that God will
forgive them, but they have to be truly sorrowful for their sins and actions for the sacrament to
really affect you. Catholics aren t taught that purgatory as a place of torment and pain. Catholicism
also teaches that the souls that end up in purgatory want to actually be there in the first place. It s a
place to achieve heaven for the one s that were too late to confess their sins during the time on Earth.
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God will forgive anyone if you re one of the worst offenders, law breakers, or sinners in general.
Since we are his children in the sense of religion, God truly knows our guilt when we do commit
these sins. Even a verse in scripture from Romans 3: 23 24 tells us about how the sinners are
even brought to justice by God himself. It states for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of
God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (The Bible).
The idea of Mercy helps give us the opportunity to achieve Heaven is giving the idea that once we
die, our souls won t go to hell immediately. Depending on the sin that was committed if there was
sorrow after the action, then it will be taken into consideration by God and he ll hopefully allow the
soul to pass through
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Tourette s Syndrome Essay
Tourette s Syndrome Gilles de la Tourette s Syndrome (TS) is a sporadic or inherited complex
neuropsychiatric disorder (not an illness) influenced by neurological, psychological, and
sociological factors. It is characterized by involuntary tics sudden, rapid, recurrent nonrhythmic
movements or noises that occur repeatedly in the same way (Temple, 2003). The symptoms
include: both multiple motor tics and one or more phonic tics (which may or may not include
vocalizations and which sometimes include outbursts of swearing) present at some time during the
disorder although not necessarily simultaneously; tics occur many times a day (usually in bouts)
nearly every day or... Show more content on ...
However, as Nass and Bressman (2002) state, the relationships between both ADHD and TS and
OCD and TS are complex and not yet clear. In addition to this, until now linkage analysis has
pointed to a number of chromosomal locations, but has failed to identify a clear candidate gene(s).
Treating TS
Treating TS has been a controversial issue among scientist for years. The kind of medication that
should be prescribed to people with TS is currently under debate mainly because TS is frequently
accompanied along with other disorders such as OCD or ADHD. Due to that there is no one
medication that is absolutely beneficial for all persons with TS. Moreover, none of the available
medications for TS completely eliminates symptoms and in addition, all medications have side
effects. Instead, the available TS medications are only able to help reduce specific symptoms. Some
patients who require medication to reduce the frequency and intensity of the tic symptoms may be
treated with neuroleptic drugs such as haloperidol and pimozide (Abuzzahab Brown, 2001). These
medications are usually given in very small doses that are increased slowly until the best possible
balance between symptoms and side effects is achieved. Recently scientists have discovered that
long term use of neuroleptic drugs may cause an involuntary movement
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The Effect of Neural Tube Defects on Healthcare
According to the Encyclopædia Britannica (2014), a neural tube defect is any congenital defect
of the brain and spinal cord as a result of abnormal development of the neural tube. This birth
defect is the most common congenital defect of the central nervous system, affecting the brain and
/or spinal cord of 300,000 newborns worldwide each year (Ricks et al., 2012, p. 391). The exact
cause of these central nervous systemdefects is unknown, but there are many contributing factors
that are evidenced to assist in the prevention of such a disorder. I will examine the varying types of
neural tubedefect, populations in which this defect is most prevalent, possible causes of the defect,
and how this defect affects the healthcare system.... Show more content on ...
More severe cases of spina bifida require immediate surgery to ensure the infant s survival.
Encephalocele also pertains to a defect in the cephalic portion of the neural tube. This condition
occurs when a meningeal sac containing brain tissue protrudes from the skull. The outlook for
affected individuals depends on the amount of nervous tissue involved (neural tube defect, 2014).
Infants born with a neural tube defect are also examined for hydrocephalus, or water on the brain.
Hydrocephalus occurs when normal passages for the cerebrospinal fluid that fills the neural tube
are partially or completely blocked by a neural tube defect (neural tube defect, 2014). (Frazier
Drzymkowski, 2013; neural tube defect, 2014) The prevalence of neural tube defects is higher in
Mexican Americans than other U.S. populations (Suarez, Felkner, Brender Canfield, 2012, p. 844).
This correlates with evidence that these malformations occur more frequently in poor, obese, or
undernourished populations. These groups do not have access to, or do not consume, the necessary
nutrients vital to proper neural tube formation. These vital nutrients, as well as some harmful
exposures, will be examined more fully in the coming paragraph. (Suarez et al., 2012) Neural tube
defects develop during the first month of pregnancy; because of this women who are capable of
becoming pregnant should monitor
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Summary Of Matthew Restall s Seven Myths Of The Spanish...
Matthew Restall s influential monograph, Seven Myths of the Spanish Conquest, successfully
illustrated several inconsistencies pertaining to interpretations of Conquest history from the
nineteenth century to the present. For example, since the 1840 s, the single most influential and
widely cited works concerning the conquests of Mexicoand Peru were the narrative histories of
William H. Prescott. His epics, The Conquest of Mexico and The History of Conquest of Peru,
originally published in 1843 and 1847 respectively, brought the story of the conquest out of los
archivos de EspaГ±a, [the archives of Spain], and portrayed a heroic tale of extraordinary warriors
triumphing over insurmountable adversities via the application of superior... Show more content on ...
This is the fundamental failing even among scholars of Restall s stature, a conquest viewed in terms
of military action, invasion, massacre, or occupation, even when attempting to discern and
contextualize their authentic contributions, simply exacerbate the obfuscation of characteristics
with the highest potential for a conquering action s influence. To overcome this obstacle, we must
alter our perception of the Spanish Conquests in order to identify precipitating factors among the
indigenous, or the Spanish, and arrive at a conclusion that better explains contributions and
outcomes with implications upon future events. My contention is that if we disregard militaristic
paradigms and view the Conquest in a disaster context, akin to a people s actions before, during,
and after a tornado or hurricane, through a sociological lens, the story of conquest becomes more
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Lord Of The Flies Society Analysis
Lord of the Flies
In life, there are a lot of things that hold people back from doing what they want to do. One of
the major things is the laws of society. William Golding s novel, Lord of the flies, illustrates what
would happen without society. After the plane crashes on the abandoned island during World War
Two, a group of british boys are left alone to survive and fight for their ife. When the boys are first
dropped off on the island, they still have their civilized behavior with them. It changes significantly
throughout the novel. Goldings intentions in writing the novel is to show how men are born evil but
rely on society to be kept in check. Without the necessary structure for everyday life that the
industrialized world provides the boys find that, with the lack of punishment or consequences for
their actions, why not do whatever they want. Losing all care of responsibility and only care about
providing themselves personal gratification. They ate most of the day, picking fruit wherever they
could reach it and not particular about ripeness or quality. They were used now to stomach aches
and a form of chronic diarrhea. Apart from food and sleep, they only found time to play, aimless
and trivial, in the white sand by the bright water. This passage conveys the lack of motivation that
the boys have. It presents them as lazy and unambitious, having adapted to their current
environment and have no internal conflict or problems with being stuck on a deserted
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Essay Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman was the 33rd President of the United States. Born on May 8, 1884, in Lamar,
Missouri, he was the oldest of three children. Truman had no middle name. His parents apparently
gave him the middle initial S to appease two family relatives.
At age six, his family moved to Independence, Missouri, where he attended Sunday school. There
he met five year old Elizabeth Wallace, with whom he later fell in love with. Beginning school at
age eight, Truman modeled thick glasses to correct his poor eyesight. Fortunately, his eyesight did
not seriously interfere with his two favorite pastimes, music and reading. He woke up early
everyday to practice the piano and visited a music teacher twice a week, until ... Show more content
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In April of 1919, Truman returned home, now as a major. On June 28th of the same year, he
married Elizabeth Wallace, his Sunday school love.
Truman decided to spark his political career. So he started by entering a four way Democratic
primary for a judgeship, which was essentially a job supervising roads and buildings. His
popularity was expected to increase if he got the support of the Ku Klux Klan, but Truman turned
down this idea. Even so, by campaigning his wartime record and his past history, Truman won the
primary of the election. In January of 1923, he was sworn into his first public office. One year
later his only daughter, Mary Margaret, was born. During his time as a judge, he improved roads
and reduced the inherited debt. By staying interested in the National Guard, he was promoted to
Next, Truman tested his luck in the Senate. After a long and hard battle, Truman defeated a
Republican opponent with the help of the New Deal. In January of 1935, he was sworn in as a
Senator from Missouri. His arrival in Washington was met with disdain. Colleagues didn t think he
was working for himself, and he was reviewed by White House authorities. Fortunately, by using his
knowledge in history and government, he was finally recognized and appointed to two important
Finally, the government finished their
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The Three Methods Of Tet Dragon Music In Ancient China
Music in ancient China was mainly used for 3 purposes; rituals, cultural unification and healing.
According to Chinese mythology and folklore, dragons have often been an auspicious symbol.
Many times, they are regarded as a symbol of good luck and have been largely used in rituals
during the ancient times to pray for rainfall in times of drought. These rituals are called dragon
dance. News. Chinese Dragon Dance. By Conrad Poirier. [Public Domain]. Via Wikimedia
News. Chinese Dragon Dance. By Conrad Poirier. [Public Domain]. Via Wikimedia Commons.
Tet dragon dance. By Egul_. [CC BY NC 2.0]. Via Flickr.
Tet dragon dance. By Egul_. [CC BY NC 2.0]. Via Flickr.
The main instruments involved in the dragon dance are cymbals, gongs and drums. Since it was a
dance that needed great teamwork and coordination, the instruments used reverberates and
energizes the dancers and spectators. Each particular instrument mentioned above makes loud
noises and strong rhythm necessary for the dance. Like how conductors wave their batons when
conducting a band, dragon dance s conductor control of the flow are the results of the precise sound
and rhythm of the instruments. The length of dragons used for rituals differs greatly, it was
believed that the longer the dragon, the more luck they bring. Terrace rice fields in Yunnan... Show
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It was believed that music had the power to bring people of different background together. Music
was universal and was an important tool for harmony and control of the state. Xunzi, a statesman
and philosopher who lived in China shortly before the Qin Empire described his views on the
using of music for cultural unification. He believed that this was a means to respect and obey
their ruler, integrating the same set of behaviors, beliefs and any cultural norms. It was important,
as the use of music as a tool for mass psychology was effective and useful in bringing massive
social order in
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Fragile Families
The provided article is inspired from a multi decade long research of the causes and consequences
of declines in marriage and related increases in nonmarital childbrearing. The term fragile families
may be referred to in this paper, which can be defined as unmarried parents who remain coupled to
some degree at the time of their child s birth (Usdansky, London, and Wilmouth, 2009, p. 768).
Usdansky, London, and Wilmouth (2009, p. 769) review the exploratory hypotheses about whether
men s veteran status increases the likelihood that an unmarried couple will transition to marriage
within 5 years of a nonmarital birth and whether the effect of men s veteran status on the propensity
to marry differs among Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics. ... Show more content on ...
The mothers and fathers were interviews upon child s birth, and again when the child was 1, 3, and
5 years old.
The key independent variable was couples on the basis of the father s veteran status and their racial
ethnicity. Age was also a contributin factor for both the mothers and fathers as well as paternal
immigrant status and structure of family of origin.
Torson 3
The following are direct results from the research of Usdanksy, London, and
Wilmouth (2009). Couples with Black Veteran fathers were 54% more likely to marry within 5
years of the birth than couples with Black nonveteran fathers. They also found that military service
did not increase odds for Whites and Hispanics. Couples with White or Hispanic nonveteran
fathers however were twice as likely to marry as couples with
Black nonveteran fathers. It was observed that the impact of military service endures among
African American men in fragile families, which could be related to the benefits that are much
more significant and greater lasting for Black men than other ethnic groups. Overall, the group of
researchers for this journal found that the limitation of racial groups in which the study focused on
leaves a range of direcet and indirect questions
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Norman English And The English Language
The English language has been evolving since the fifth century (or 400 AD), and throughout history
many different people from different countries attempted invasions. One being the Norman French,
who made a very significant impact on the English language, as their unique French dialect allowed
the people of Englandto flourish their language by borrowing terms from the French. Over 10,000
French words have been applied to certain areas of English, such as art, fashion and cuisine.
Cuisine, in particular, has adopted many French terms that are still being used today to describe
various food items, especially dessert items. In present times, at least three quarters of these words
continue to be used for the various dessert items (Ager 2012). With that, the Norman French helped
shape not only part of the French culture of cuisine, but was also integrated into the English
language and expanded its lexicon.
Authors Baugh and Cable claim in their book A History of The English Language that the
Norman conquest is one of the most important invasions and progressions made in history that
ultimately shaped our modern day language. Before the Norman conquest, the people of England
spoke only Old English, which was a Germanic language due to the country being mostly made
up of German people at the time. However, across from England was a place in France called
Normandy ; the name having been derived from the bands of Northmen whom were originally
people from Scandinavia and had
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My Speech On My Life
We have been just sitting here, we have not said much. I feel so much better in this moment in
time. I don t need friends or even someone to talk to. I am fine the way I am, the only wish I had
was just to not be alone. I will be fine as long I have someone next to me. That person does not
have to talk, they can just sit here next to me like yoongi is. I fine with that, I get so needy and
out of control when I am left alone. I start wanting things I know I can t have. I start to feel
things that I know will never happen. namjoon I know you don t talk much, but just know that
you talk to me about anything. I will listen to you, and won t judge you I promise. This is about
the 3rd time yoongi has told me this, I guess he really wants me to talk to him more. I can
understand to a point because that is what normal people do. you know what I wantto do yoongi. I
want to fly away, to be a star in the sky. Everything just seems better up there in the sky. There are
nice and fluffy clouds, there are birds with the freedom to fly away. At night there are so many
other stars and the moon. up their I would never be alone. Up there nothing can touch me, up
there nothing can hurt me. I want to forever live in the sky, it is better than this world or the
people here. Also the hate and love that is all around. It all just get to be too much. He gave me a
worried look but he did not say anything. I think it was for the best for him not to say anything, I
don t know what he would
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The Loop Argumentative Essay
The beautiful campus of Oklahoma Christian University has just recently built a long, paved
walking trail. It equals to almost five miles that winds around the campus. Not only can it be
accessed by students of Oklahoma Christian, but also by the locals that desire to walk, run, or
even bike. However, the trail even offers much more than that for individuals who do not want a
five mile workout. A variety of tall trees and small bond circles a part of the trail called , The
Loop . Over the years athletes, people who walk their dogs, or even just people who cherish and
adore nature, and a healthy lifestyle utilizes it .On the west side of campus near Bryant Rd., The
Loop contributes to a scenic, relaxing landscape, as it links together exercise... Show more content
on ...
While the loop relatively enclosed on campus is safe, other asphalt surfaces are actually on the
roads. Asphalt being one of the most accessible surfaces, it is to easy to measure distance, and
lastly it s relatively easy to keep a steady pace. However, with asphalts surfaces in the city, it
leads to pot holes, traffic, and if at night other dangers. Although this may be true, different
surface may be used for different purposes such as to strengthen different muscles, change in
weather, and on the particular person and their history of injuries. In addition, there are no
scientific data that proves running on softer surfaces are better or safer; however, many athletes
will say disagree based on their body and experiences with the loop. Not everyone will like the
trail, especially athletes who have felt physical exhaustion and pain. In the same way that running
on grass is rated one of the best running surfaces, but yet there are always ankle related injuries.
No surface is specially for one person; therefore, always try different surfaces to improve the body
in different areas. However, The Loop s surface offers much more than safety. It offers an appealing
landscape and opportunities to come together as a community. As the loop has been recently built, it
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Franchising and Domino
PIZZA Founded in 1960, Domino s Pizza is the recognized world leader in pizza delivery
operating a network of company owned and franchise owned stores in the United States and
international markets. Domino s Pizza s Vision illustrates a company of exceptional people on a
mission to be the best... Show more content on ...
Domino s initiatives such as Fun Meal and Pizza Mania have been extremely popular with
consumers looking for an affordable and value for money meal option. The Brand Positioning
of Khushiyon ki Home Delivery (Happiness Home delivered) is the emotional benefit it offers
to the consumers. All the efforts, whether it is a new innovative and delicious product, offering
consumers value for money deals, great service, country wide presence or delivery in 30 minutes or
free are all oriented towards delivering happiness to the homes of the consumers. Consumers can
order their pizzas by calling the single Happiness Hotline number 1800 111 123 (in most cities of
Domino s Pizzas Presence) and 44448888 (in NCR, Mumbai and Bangalore). 4 MENU IN
DOMINO S VEGETARIAN SIMPLY VEG Margherita Cheese and Tomato pizza VEG I Double
Cheese Margherita Fresh Veggie Country Special Farm House VEG II Peppy Paneer Mexican
Green Wave Deluxe Veggie Gthemet FEAST PIZZA Veg Extravaganza NON VEGETARIAN
SIMPLY NON VEG Cheese And Barbeque Chicken NON VEG I Barbeque Chicken Spicy Chicken
NON VEG II Chicken Mexican Red Wave FEAST PIZZA Meatzaa Keema Do Pyaaza Non Veg
Extravaganza Chicken Golden Cheese And Delight Pepperoni SIDE ORDERS 5 VEGETARIAN
Veg Mexican Wrap Veg Pasta Italiano White Veg Pasta Italiano Red Garlic Breadsticks Cheese
Jalapeno Dip Cheese Dip Choco Lava Cake NON VEGETARIAN Veg Mexican Wrap Veg Pasta
Italiano White Veg Pasta Italiano Red Chicken
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The Younger Family, By Lorraine Hansberry
The concept of family and its importance is something that is continuously being explored
throughout the text. The Younger family faces hardships that in the moment seem to tear them
apart from one another, but through everything, they stick together and ultimately build a sense of
unity. The author, Lorraine Hansberry, suggests that it is essential to for people to have strong
relationships to help them survive tough situations and achieve happiness. Hansberry shows this
through the obstacles the Younger familyis challenged with and how they faced those together to
ultimately achieve an overall dream of the family buying a house. Every member of the Younger
family has a dream and is struggling to achieve it. Everybody has their own individual,
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Death Rowe Research Paper
The death penalty is truly a waste of time and money. When people go after a death penalty
sentence, it usually ends up costing more than twice more than a regular trial. When an inmate
gets sentenced the death penalty, they go to death rowe. Death rowe is a separate part of the
prison. It is separate from the rest of the general population. This is to keep the rest of the
prisoners safe. On average, housing an inmate on death row costs 90,000$ more than a normal
inmate. This is because they have to provide extra security for the inmate. (Interview) When
someone is being charged with the death penalty, they can be on death row for an average of of
20 years. This is because they get a certain amount of appeals. An appeal is when the judge and...
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Execution prisoners keeps the prisons cleared and have less people in them. They are usually kept
in a separate part of a prison to keep the other inmates safe. There have already been 13 executions
this year alone(Soure), and many more to come. Well although that might be true, there were over 2
million people in prison last year alone.(Source) So 13 people is miniscule compared to that number.
Someone may think that the death penalty is not unethical, but gives retribution and closure to the
family. After the boston bombing, a poll was taken that showed that 15% of the people living in
Boston wanted to have the man executed. (Source)This also would not allow the criminal to do the
horrible things that they did again. Even with all of this however, a study has shown that the
people actually affected by the Boston attacks would have rathered just have the man put in jail
and got it over with instead of the long drawn out process of the death
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Nursing Action Plan
After high school, I plan to become a registered nurse. To accomplish this goal of mine, I will
attend a university after high school ends. My ACT scores were high enough to make it into UNO
and Southeastern but I am choosing Southeastern due to their nursing program. The courses in
college needed for this profession include basic nutrition, chemistry, psychology, human anatomy,
physiology, human development, microbiology, nursing science, pharmacology, and
communication. To pay my way through college, I will continue to take the ACT to improve my
score for TOPS and I will also rely on FAFSA. I will not work the first year of attending college
because I want to focus on my studies but once I get used to everything and become stable, I plan
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High Context Culture
When I think of a culture I think of a group of people from the same region(s) who share similar
views on beliefs, values, and behaviors. For example, Mexican cultures a persons emotional
sensitivity is highly valued as well as their role in society isn t confined to just the workplace (1).
Such non verbal communication Edward T Hall would consider to be a part of a high context
language culture, which is defined as a language in which people state things indirectly and
implicitly (2). When compared to the United States, a low context culture, things are explained
direct and clear.
Recently I spoke to my father who was born in 1929; raised in a very traditional Mexican
household whose parents were born and raised in Mexico. My father is ... Show more content on ...
For example, we both talk with our hands and make big movements with them as well as his
pitch went from low to high depending on what he was talking about. When speaking of his
childhood he would use lower tones, a deeper voice, and have a glazed almost distant look in his
face; when speaking of his children and education his pitch would go from deep and low to
nostalgic and proud. According to Halls s theory being from a high context society he should be
more reserved, however much like a low context society my father is more outgoing. Growing up I
remember him always working; working to provide, working to live, working to give my sisters
and I a life he never had growing up. I always wondered why he chose his profession, orthopedics,
so I asked him why the medical field? Why not a teacher or a banker? He told me that he wanted
something that as time passes he will have a job. He did t want a career where he would fear
loosing his job, not make enough to survive, or not be able to provide for his future family at the
time (3). My father is a simple and proud man and much like Hall s theory he was a family man,
but focused more on his career.
Edward Hall discovered the differences between cultural influences, and when it comes to the work
place these differences aren t always understood. Although my father and I are from a low context
country, being from a high context
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A Code Of Ethics And Ethics Of Bank Of America
Bank of America is one of the largest banks in the nation. It is a multinational company and it is
recognized by its high revenue value. Unfortunately, Bank of America has endured many
complaints and harsh views regarding their lack of ethics. Ethical issues occur when there is a
blatant disregard to implement integrity, trust, and responsibility. In some financial institutions,
ethical matters are displayed in the way the consumers are treated. Within the past nine years, Bank
of America has diminished all of their ethical promises by revealing customerinformation without
their permission; discriminating against consumers based on their race; and manipulating overdraft
fees in order to benefit the bank. In order to assess these problems, it is vital to recognize what
Bank of America claims to stand for and determine where their most concerning issues are
generated from.
Bank of America Code of Conduct/Ethics Bank of America thrives off of the premise that they are
aiming to enhance the financial lives of their customers. Per the Code of Conduct, Bank of America
believes in treating all of their customers equally; they claim to expand beyond expectations to
deliver satisfactory customer service; they implement discipline to eliminate financial risks to
customers; they pride themselves on acting responsibly; and they strive to help individuals to reach
their full financial potential. This company enforces the belief that they honor their ethics fully.
This includes making
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Walmart Management And Strategy Of Walmart Essay
In 2014, Walmart announced a new president and CEO, Doug McMillion. McMillion had the
duty of taking over the world s largest company in respect to revenue, $473 billion, and the
world s largest private employer, 2.2 million associates. As it turned out, under McMillion s
leadership, in 2015 Walmart experienced the first decline in its annual sales ever. Many people
had predicted that Walmart s better days had been behind them when McMillion became
president. As a result of this decline in annual sales, people questioned whether or not Walmart
could return to the usual type of growth in sales it had essentially earned every year since it s
founding in 1962. To answer this question, some possibly issues with the management and
strategy of Walmart s business needed to be looked at in depth. Some of these most important
issues included: the recent increase in retail sales of the online market compared to the discount
retailer market, the state of Walmart s international business, and the lacking performance of
Walmart s Discount Store, SAM s Clubs, and Neighborhood Markets compared to their
Supercenters. In this case analysis, we will include some possible resolutions that will help
Walmart with these issues and possibly allow them to begin growing their annual sales once again.
This plan will not stray from Sam Walton s Ten Rules for Building a Business, which set Walmart
apart from its competitors from its early stages. Before explaining these ideas of improvement, we
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The Randle Reef
One of the most appalling environmental catastrophes in Canada is right within the Greater Toronto
Area, The Randle Reef, located in the Hamilton Harbour.
Randle Reef, is considered the direst of identified water pollution issues within Canada, but has
recently begun remediation of the site. The Randle Reef contains a massive amount of toxic coal
tar, which has been building up for decades, but is scheduled to be contained shortly.
In the early 1800 s, then known as Burlington Bay, Hamilton Harbour was an important access point
for initial water transportation and industrial expansion of the Burlington and Hamilton area.
During this time, the bay was crudely treated by its shoreline residents constantly polluting, as well
as the dredging ... Show more content on ...
The cleanup is a three phase plan, estimated to remove more than 99% of the PAH mass from the
area, which has begun and will hopefully undo the previous generations of damage. Phase one is
building a box to contain the contamination. Upon completion of the first phase, there will be a
double steel walled barricade surrounding contaminated sediment. Phase two involves of dredging
the polluted deposits from the adjacent areas and placing them within the enclosure. The final
phase of the project encompasses removing the water from the suppression area and placing a
waterproof cap on the facility, which is anticipated to have a 200 year life span, to seal in the
Upon completion, the container will be paved and then turned over to the Hamilton Port Authority,
who will then own the facility and be accountable for monitoring, preserving and evolving the site
as port facilities.
This project is expected to be completed by 2022, with an estimated cost of approximately $139
million. The Randle Reef sediment remediation project is being funded by both the federal and
Ontario government, along with the cities of Hamilton, Burlington and surrounding areas, the U.S
Steel Canada, and Hamilton Port
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Magic Realism In Art
Magic Realism in art refers to a twentieth century movement which was initiated by European
artists after World War I and which was followed by a second stage that began in North America
a decade later. The earliest phases of Magic Realism began around 1919 and preceded Surrealism
by several years. Together the two phases spanned approximately four decades, with residual works
after 1960.
Magic Realism evolved during the Post Expressionism movement in Weimar Germany. Connected
with the Return to Order movement, Post Expressionism exhibited fewer neoclassical instincts than
the similar postwar realist trends in Italy and France. Post Expressionism progressed by shedding
Expressionism s emotionally charged nature and abstract style. This process moved much slower
than the related trends in other European countries, not fully developed until the mid 1920s.
The term Magic Realism was created by the art critic Franz Roh in 1925. He was referring to
works within Post Expressionistic art in which some mystery or a secret seemed to be hidden
within the subject matter. This type of art varied from 19th Century Realism, which was generally
naturalistic or ... Show more content on ...
It should be noted that there is controversy about most art movements. It is true that there is no set
program for Magic Realism, and no recognized standard. These artists did not find the need to be
part of the avant garde nor were they publicity seekers. They acted instead as individuals, who often
painted for a small devoted audience. Magic Realism is not Realism, but it is creations from the
artist s perception and imagination hidden as Reality. Every artist/magician uses different tricks and
keeps his own secrets. Still these artists communicate amongst themselves through cool detached
observations about each other s works. Perhaps we should nickname Magic Realism The Quiet
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Meta Title Hormone
Page TitleHormone Therapies Meta DescriptionNot all hormone therapies are created equal. At our
functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we offer high quality bioidentical hormones. Meta
TitleHormone Therapies at Our Functional Medicine Clinic Near Milwaukee CommentsRyan this
replaces the current Hormone Landing Page. Also, please remove the Hormone Therapies page that
is under the Hormone Women s Health tab. Thanks! Here is the link for the quiz. http:/
/ content/uploads/2014/03/assement hormone.pd The link
for Who Should Use Bioidentical Hormones in the text box is:
/resources/media center/ Shannon/Jynjer/Dr. Muth I put the Hormone Balance Questionnaire link
in a... Show more content on ...
It begins with the raw materials. Our hormone supplements meet pharmaceutical grade standards.
Pharmaceutical grade supplements must be 99% pure and contain no dyes, binders, fillers,
excipients or other unknown substances. PCCA accredited pharmacies ensures quality Bioidentical
hormones are manufactured in compounding pharmacies. All of our hormone supplements are
created in PCCA accredited pharmacies. Since 1981, this organization has provided its member
compounding pharmacies with training, high quality chemicals and lab equipment and devices.
Our expert providers strive to ensure that our patients supplements will provide the most effective
care. Our providers know the best methods of administering hormone supplements Some patients
have come to our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee after having a bad experience with
hormone supplement pellets. Pellets can cause side effects, and they are expensive. Our providers
believe that pellets are not the best way to administer our hormone supplements. Instead, we prefer
creams, gels, oral medications or the transdermal
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Barack Obama s A More Perfect Union
Barack Obama was born in 1961 in Hawaii. He graduated from a high school in Hawaii then went
on to many different colleges. After college he became a professor for constitutional law at the
University of Chicago. In 2004 he became one of the United States senators. In 2007 he started his
journey to becoming the first african americanto become president of the United States. He ran into
trouble with running for president when his old time pastor spoke about race regulation in the
United States. Senator Barack Obamawrote his speech A More Perfect Union in Reading the
World, and he was responding to what Reverend Jeremiah Wright his long time pastor had said
and about the racism in this country. Obama use pathos, ethos, and logos throughout his entire
speech. Wright had talked about in one of his sermons how the government had created HIV to
get rid of all the colored people. His sermon went viral and people used his sermon against obama
in his election for president. Obama wrote his speech to explain to the people why he disagreed
with Wright and the racial divide in the United States.
We the people in order to form a more perfect union (Obama 461).In this quote he is reference
everyone in the United States. This time we want to talk about the men and women of every color
and creed who serve together, and fight together, and bleed together under the same proud flag.
(Obama 469). In this statement he states that every color is united under the same flag which is a
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Case Study Northern Ireland Bloody Sunday
Fort Rucker, Alabama 36362 5092
August 2015
Northern Ireland: Bloody Sunday
TITLE: Northern Ireland: Bloody Sunday
WRITTEN BY:__________________________________________________________ CW2
REVIEWED BY:________________________________________________________ CW4 ERIC
L. KNIERIEMEN, SGL, AWOAC, A Co. 1 145th Avn Regt
APPROVED BY:________________________________________________________ CW4
SHAWN N. PARIS, Chief, AWOAC, A Co. 1 145th Avn Regt
TABLE ... Show more content on ...
This is a lesson we in the US Military have learned multiple times in the conflicts in Iraq and
Afghanistan. Learning that collateral damage can turn former allies or pacifists into extremist
enemy combatants. The Case of Bloody Sunday, the events turned Unionists and Nationalists that
were accepting of the British rule in Northern Ireland into Irish Republican Army Soldiers. The
public outcry from the atrocities in Londonderry created the largest recruitment in IRA
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Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Religious...
Slavery was a dividing issue in mid nineteenth century America. The north was the closest slaves
could get to a safe place in America, and it was generally thought that the further south in
America one went the worse the conditions for slaves were. With slavery comes violence and
with violence comes guilt and to rid guilt there was religion. The cases of religion being a
justifier were highlighted in Frederick Douglass s Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass,
An American Slave (1845). On the other hand religion is considered a sort of saving grace for
the slave protagonist, Tom, in Harriet Beecher Stowe s Uncle Tom s Cabin (1852). Some
Americans at the time saw religion as a reason not to participate in the violence involved in
slavery or even slavery itself while others saw it as the opposite and used it to intensify their
already terrible treatment of slaves. Uncle Tom s Cabin and Narrative of the Life of Frederick
Douglass highlight and describe these contrasting views in a way that moves the reader into
thinking just what the authors want there is no excuse for slavery even if... Show more content on ...
Although in Frederick Douglass s Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American
Slave religion in slaves isn t as prominent compared to Uncle Tom s Cabin there is still some
situations where Douglass either doubts God or receives a small sense of hope from his faith.
Douglass, aware of how terrible slavery really is desperately asks God to save him, but then
questions if there really is a God, his conflicting emotions show just how difficult it is for a slave
to believe and love a God while they are subjected to the hottest hell of unending slavery, (40).
Douglass further shows his conflicting belief in God as he plans to escape and claims God is
helping him. Even in a minimally religious slave God still seems to be able to shine just a bit of
hope down onto those who
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Freshman Year In High School
Your freshman year will be exciting, but it can also be intimidating. It is the start of four long
years of high school, some of the most important years of your life. There are a lot of important
things to do your freshman year, many of which I didn t start until much later. So here is some
advice that will help you survive your freshman year, and prepare you for the rest of high school.
Join a sports team or club High school is the time to try new things and discover what you enjoy
doing. Joining a sports team or a club is a great way to find your interest and to meet others with
that same interest. Freshman year is the time to join that sport you ve been wanting to try or that
club that caught your interest during the club fair because you can always leave a team or a club,
but you can never regain time for one you did not join soon enough.
The hallways are for walking There are only 4 minutes for everyone to get from one class to the
next; so please, please do clog the hallway. That includes, but is not limited to, going up the stairs
on the left side or walking on the left side of the hall, walking in a big enough group to span the
width of the hall, closing one of the doors in the hallway or neglecting to open one, or just walking
at an annoyingly slow pace.
Remember to sleep It might not seem like it, but getting the proper amount of sleep is one of the
most important things you can do to keep your mind in shape during the school year.
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Roaring Twenties in American Society After World War I. Essay
World War I lasted from 1914 1918, but America did not become involved until 1917. After World
War I, American society changed greatly. A new era, the Roaring Twenties, found its way in
America along with the arrival of the flappers (Roaring). Americans were introduced to new fashion
styles, the prohibition and the JazzAge (Fashion, Jazz). Controversy proved to be very prominent
with the Scopes Trial (Scopes). As the war came to a close, the Roaring Twenties
made its way into
America. This time period brought many changes that were new to Americans. Fashion changed
from the traditional Gibson Girl to the controversial flappers (Rosenberg). The Gibson Girl was a
fashion trend popular before World War I. Women who supported the
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In 1919, people began preparing for the ban by buying large amounts of alcohol before the ban
started. Although there was a ban on alcohol, the Volstead Act granted access to making wine as
long as it was obtained from fruit, and legal use of alcohol if there was a prescription
(Prohibition, Rosenberg). People would gather at speakeasies or illegal bars where gangsters
would supply alcohol from the borders of Mexico and Canada (Prohibition, Rosenberg). For
fourteen years, alcohol was illegal, but in 1933 the Amendment was finally repealed (Rosenberg,
Ellis and Esler).
America was already going through a rough patch with the prohibition but it seemed like things
were getting worse. The Scopes Trial brought a lot of attention to Dayton, Tennessee, where
substitute biology teacher, John Scopes, was accused of teaching evolution (Scopes). The Butler
Act was a law prohibiting public school teachers from denying the Biblical account of man s
origin (Scopes). On May 5, 1925, John Scopes was found guilty of teaching evolution and was
given a $1,000 fine. Later, the verdict was overturned (Scopes).
The Jazz Age spread quickly when jazz music was listened to in the speakeasies during the
prohibition (Prohibition). The Jazz Age was a post World War I movement in the 1920 s, from
which jazz music and dance emerged (Jazz). Jazz music could be heard on potter palms. A potter
palm is a popular type of radio show
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The Effect Of The Mafia On Italy s Economy
The ability of the citizens of a country to become entrepreneurs and stimulate the economy by
starting up companies is essential for the success of a country. There are many variables that can
have a negative effect on an economy and one that is currently hurting Italy s economy is the mafia.
An indirect side effect of the mafia s impact on the Gross domestic Profit is the government s ability
to aid small business growth. Thus, the government must spend more money to help businesses to
manifest and to put Italy in the best situation to have a raging national economy. Gross Domestic
Profit stands for the measure of a nation s total economic activity. In more relative terms, Gross
Domestic Profit represents the monetary value of all goods and... Show more content on ...
First of all, there are different types of Italian mafias, depending upon which region that they are
located in and the market that they are exploiting. Italian organized crime is known all over the
world, to the point that the term Mafia is now understood across the globe as referring to the
organized criminal underworld. Literature on the subject is abundant, ranging from history,
sociology and criminology to fiction and plain entertainment. The distinctive character, looks,
habits, idiosyncrasies and jargon of the Mafiosi have been described, analyzed, explained and
imitated. Apparently, everybody is familiar with Italian organized crime (Europol 4). The top
three mafia organizations operating in Italy are Cosa Nostra, La Camorra and the Ndrangheta.
Cosa Nostra is located on the island of Sicily as the Mafiosi s main activity consists of their
forced protection and they have strong ties to Sicily s government. La Camorra is located in the
region of Campania, but more specifically in the capital: Napoli. La Camorra s main focus is
controlling the food and coffee markets, black market, as well as some drug trafficking. The
Camorra clan, in turn, acquired from this relationship (1) considerable economic resources from the
firms (2) the consequent systematic control of economic activity in the territorial area, the
possibility of furnishing jobs and a marginal quota of the firm s income, and hence widespread
social consensus and even open legitimacy; (3) finally, through the politicians, they secured the
necessary institutional cover, in particular with the police and with possible intervention in eventual
judicial proceedings. This original relationship between the Camorra and illegal non organized
activities has not fundamentally changed over time, but has become stronger and deeper as a result
of two factors. (1) The omertГ of its victims who do not denounce extortion for fear of reprisal, but
also not to bring
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How Is Hope Shown In The Hollow Men
As the world was trying to find hope during a time of adversity, T.S. Eliot s poem, The Hollow
Men, presents the World War I soldiers as having an unprecedented loss of faith as well as
emotional human value. Primarily, Eliot illustrates the soldiers initial emotions after returning from
war and creates an environment that still sees hope in such negative circumstances. Most notably,
the soldiers still seem to have the strength to find signs of wishful thinking that still portrays the
hope in their lives. The soldiers are still leaning together and their dried voices are still able to
whisper together (5 8). Here, Eliot proves that the actions that the soldiers are still able to do,
demonstrate the hope that is still present. Had... Show more content on ...
Most importantly, the soldiers start to imagine what life may be like if they were dead, as their
life as living humans must feel similar. The soldiers ask if it is like this in death s other
kingdom, walking alone all while they are trembling with tenderness, (47 50). Here, Eliot
considers the soldiers as steadily losing hope in ever finding their faith that they so desperately
need. The allusion of what hell must be like also crosses the soldiers minds, a sure sign that their
thoughts are not where they should be. Just as important, are the soldiers continued thoughts of
losing hope and faith, in the midst of such critical times for them. The soldiers feel sightless and
unless the eyes reaper they will only have the hope only of empty men, (66 69). At this moment,
Eliot reiterates the soldiers feelings, and how they are content with despair. The soldiers are
unwilling to open their eyes and search for their own faith, and are set on the fact that someone
else has to return their faith to them. The soldiers even consider themselves as empty men instead
of hollow which can allude to the fact that they believe they will never be able to fill their
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America On Overcoming Inertia
We ve all done it, probably more than once. Whether it is coast to coast or down the street,
Americans move and move a lot. According to the US Census Bureau, the average American
changes houses once every five years. Given our nomadic tendencies, you d think we d have a
system for minimizing headaches and maximizing efficiencies. Yet anyone who has moved is
almost certain to have multiple horror stories we hear about them all the time. And we ve
certainly experienced our fair share of nightmares between the two of us, we have moved 26
times! While we can t promise that it will ever be easy, we have learned that with a bit of pre
planningand some creative thinking, most of the biggest pitfalls can be avoided.
Alicia on Overcoming Inertia ... Show more content on ...
The impending day is likely to produce a fair amount of anxiety. You know you should be getting
organized, but it can be a daunting, even overwhelming prospect, so many people procrastinate
until the last possible minute. Knowing where to start is truly half the battle. We ve got two
simple tasks that you can do right away that will help you overcome procrastination and
organizational inertia. The first is: create a master calendar to plot out the major events. Keep it
in one central place and use it to write down everything from cable appointments to house
closings. It s much easier to stay on top of all the details if you also can see the big picture. The
second is: have each family member over the age of 6 pick one closet and make a pile of items to
give away or throw away before you move. The simple act of deciding what not to take often
makes it easier to start thinking about what you will
... Get more on ...
Layers Of Airport Security
Identifying terrorists at airports is a very difficult task for homeland security professionals since
terrorists can blend in very well with the more than 650 million law abiding passengers that travel
every year via U.S. airports (United States Government Accountability Office, 2014). The security
layered approach is a securitystrategy that helps reduce the risk of a terrorist infiltrating into an
airport by employing a wide range of tools and programs that can enhance airport security
(Hoggan, 2012). The numerous layers of security are designed to be able to prevent, identify, and
stop a terrorist attack in case one of the previous security layers failed to do so (Cason, Lu,
Schreckengast, 2010, pg. 88). Each security layer has their... Show more content on
This strategy allows DHS to be able identify suspicious individuals before they even arrive to the
airport. The names of passengers are being matched against the database when the passengers book
their flights prior to arriving to the airport, which is more time and cost effective for DHS than
having to identify suspicious individuals among large crowds of people at airports.
As mention above, all layers of security have some weak points and the Secure Flight program is
not the exception. It may be very difficult for DHS to be able to effectively screen suspicious
individuals without disrupting the flow of passengers since the screenings of suspicious
individuals may take longer in comparison to those passengers who do not pose a threat or are
not considered suspicious. Therefore to combat the Achilles heel of the Secure Flight program,
DHS has created the TSA pre check program. The TSA pre check is a program in which
passengers, usually those passengers who travel frequently, voluntarily submit themselves to
extensive background investigations and if the passenger is able to meet the requirements posted
by DHS, then the passenger will be allowed to go through expedite screenings when they travel as
the passenger will be considered by DHS a Trusted passenger
... Get more on ...

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  • 2. Music in Othello Music in Othello In Cyprus, observing the joyous reunion of Othello and Desdemona, Iago says to himself that he will wreck the lovers harmony: O, you are well tuned now! / But I ll set down the pegs that make this music, / As honest as I am (2.1.199 201). The pegs to which he refers are the tuning pegs on a stringed instrument. Their love is the instrument on which Iago is planning to loosen ( set down ) the pegs until the harmony is turned into discord. [Scene Summary] Because no one like to be a party pooper, Iago sings drinking songs in order to encourage Cassio to get drunk. Drinking songs tend to be rollicking, jolly justifications of drinking. Iago s first song delivers the message that life is short, so you might as well ... Show more content on ... Othello s occupation s gone! (3.3.345 357) The music of war, including the thunder of the cannon, makes Othello feel alive, fully himself, but without Desdemona s love he feels that he s nothing. [Scene Summary] Shortly after Othello has berated Desdemona about the handkerchief, Cassio appears to once again ask Desdemona to intervene on his behalf. She tells him that My advocation is not now in tune; / My lord is not my lord; nor should I know him, / Were he in favour [appearance] as in humour [attitude] alter d (3.4.123 125). In other words, now is not a good time to talk to Othello; he s not himself, and if his appearance had changed as much as his attitude, she wouldn t recognize him. The phrase in tune is so common (in Shakespeare s time as well as ours) that it may be a stretch to call it a musical image. [Scene Summary] At a moment when Iago is trying to build Othello s jealousy into a murderous rage, Othello begins to think of what a beautiful, sweet woman Desdemona is. Iago tells him that he needs to put such thoughts out of his mind, and Othello says, Hang her! I do but say what she is. So delicate with her needle. An admirable musician! O, she will sing the savageness out of a bear (4.1.187 189). However, it s not Desdemona s music, but Iago s words that win the battle for Othello s soul. Othello s mood becomes ever more savage, and he plans the time, place, and manner of ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Ancient Greek Vs. Medieval Theater Each theatrical work reflects the culture and moment in time it is made in. The work does this by exemplifying the values and beliefs of its culture and time. Ancient Greek theater reflects ancient Greek values and beliefs, such as the importance of the gods. Medieval theater portrays Medieval beliefs and values, like the values of community and religion. This can be said for post modern works as well. Post modern theater, although it seems fractured, reflects the culture, sub culture, and time of its creation. Although post modern theater does not share all unanimous ideals, like previous theatrical works, it is still a product of one culture. The post modern culture seems fractured because it includes multiple different groups. This is shift from the narrower perspective, like the just Greek or just Medieval European point of view, is due to increased communication. In the post modern era it is much easier to communicate with anyone around the world. With the increase of communication, especially since the ancient Greek and Medieval times, there has been in increase in sharing beliefs and values. With more people communicating more voices can be heard. This saturates the post modern era with different ideals, almost to the point of seeming fractured. That is not the case though; the increasing number of different beliefs is a post modern belief in itself. The large sum of differentiating beliefs perpetuates one unanimous post modern belief. This is the belief and value ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Analysis For Vitamin C Analysis for Vitamin C Introduction Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid C6H8O6, is important because the body uses it in order to grow and repair tissues.1 Humans are unable synthesize vitamin C, therefore it is essential to consume the recommended daily amount around 60 mg/day.2 The goals of this lab were to determine the amount of vitamin C in a sample of apple juice. Also, another objective was to gain experience with redox reactions and titrations. A titrationis a method of analysis that determines the precise endpoint of a reaction and therefore the precise quantity of reactant in the titration flask .3 Titrations are important because they provide accurate information on how to find the unknown concentration of a solution. Consequently, it is crucial that titration techniques are precise so the information is accurate. The information is calculated using the chemical formula. +I2 в†’+2 HI Ascorbic acidDehydro L ascorbic acid Experimental The first step in calculating the amount, in mg, of vitamin C in the unknown sample was determining the amount of iodine needed to react with the solution using titration. Once the volume of iodine needed to react was found, the next step was to determine the molarity of the Iodine. In order to do this, the moles of ascorbic acid was needed. It was found by multiplying the mass of ascorbic acid used by its molar mass. The moles of ascorbic acid is the same as the moles of Iodine because of the one to one mole ... Get more on ...
  • 5. What Does Sarcasm Mean To Me Sarcasm/Tone Hey what are you doing this afternoon? Me oh I m doing my three favorite things in the whole world I get to clean the chicken coop it s so fun you should come over and help me. Or help me with piano we could play for half an hour or MORE!!!! I even have more fun stuff to do like clean the litter box you will love it it is the greatest pastime in the whole world. Yeah you could go with your friends but what is the fun in that? The reason I love cleaning the chicken coop because you have to walk in the lovely chicken poop to get to the water that i love to change some times i have to do it twice a day other time when my mean sister does it I only get to do it every other day My favorite part of this job is having friends over to help not because the like it it s because it usually takes a lot longer which makes more fun for me. But the best part is picking the poop covered chicken eggs oh i LOVE to do that and get poop all over my hands i heard its a great moisturizer but now i sadly have to go on to my next thing but I think it is almost as fun and... Show more content on ... Oh you want to the movies and i m boring you oh well are sure this next one is really fun it is like the most fun way to pass half an hour to two its drum roll please *drum roll* ..........Playing the piano oh it s just so fun to stretch your hands over a foot apart and do that for a good 4 5 minutes then have t compose lovely music with only 5 notes that is just the bomb oh you can only write a little well then lets just make you write a whole page then it will help you a lot oh but don t worry this is all do just but yesterday oh you want to play some songs you like well i hope you like Beethoven and Bach they just are on all the top 10 lists but i think i have talk just a little to long about this one i better let you get back to writing your two pages of composing oh i didn t tell you to do two oh you should have known you seem to know everything else but lets just get on to my next favorite ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Multiple Sclerosis Interview As older adults age, they start to get exposed to many chronic illness and they have to learn to deal with their illness on daily basis. Chronic illness prevent many older clients from doing the activities they used to perform every day, and it creates anxiety and depression for some clients because they feel less in control of their activities. Clients with chronic illness have to adapt to not being able to perform basic tasks. Most clients with chronic illness use negative cope strategies by smoking or drinking alcohol. My friend s father Jonathan Smith, was chosen for this interview because learning about his multiple sclerosis(MS) would give me an idea of the challenges he faced every day, and perceive things from his perspective. Multiple... Show more content on ... Smith suffered from multiple sclerosis for several years and he considered his illness to be severed because it is very difficult for him to walk around in the house, exercise, and drive without him experiencing continuous pain and numbness in the body. Pain that associated with MS range between 57% to 65% and clients with MS are more likely to complain of having moderate to severe pain that affect activities of daily living (Lalkhen, Bedford, Dwyer, 2012). It is difficult for him work because of the constant pain his is going through and decrease muscle weakness. Neuropathic pain is a nerve damage that is associated with MS and clients experience numbness, tightness, burning, crawling, and needles pain in the joints (D Arcy, 2012). His typical day start with him his son dressing him up and getting his usual bagel and coffee ready for him. After breakfast, he watches football on TV if it is Sunday, and he usually end up sleeping in his recliner for few hours. In the afternoon, his grandchildren come to take him out to eat lunch, and spend quality of time interacting with him. MS affects his ability to shower himself, walk outside, cook, clean the house, go grocery shopping, play soccer with his grandchildren, and go on family vacation (J. Smith, personal communication, March 25, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Asda Hierarchical Structure In a business, there are a majority of structures that are organised in a business for their employees. An example of a business that has structured their employees is Asda, which was structured their business in a hierarchical structure. The Definition of a Hierarchical Structure? A Hierarchical structure is a term used to organise a business into different categories of employees that contain multiple types of groups, which would be typically in a chain of commands that is usually in a pyramid that contains a large number of employees, so the lower part of the pyramid having the responsibility of a small role, meanwhile the upper part of the pyramid consists of roles that carry a big responsibility. However, there is one rank that is one... Show more content on ... Although there can be difficulty experienced in the organisational structure, as it has the effect of each employee s confidence since the scale of their role in the business could upset them, whereas they may feel less important to the business. Overall, this can demotivate employees in a big business like Asda, so they may feel like if they re not hired anymore it won t make a difference to a business, their talents aren t used purposefully, unvalued, etc. Meanwhile, a role in a small business will feel ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Essay Bartolome De Las Casas In A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies, BartolomГ© de Las Casas vividly describes the brutality wrought on the natives in the Americas by the Europeans primarily for the purpose of proclaiming and spreading the Christian faith. Las Casas originally intended this account to reach the royal administration of Spain; however, it soon found its way into the hands of many international readers, especially after translation. BartolomГ© de Las Casasillustrates an extremely graphic and grim reality to his readers using literary methods such as characterization, imagery, amplification, authorial intrusion and the invocation of providence while trying to appeal to the sympathies of his audience about such atrocities. Las Casas ... Show more content on ... He also portrays the natives with lucid terms so as to shed an innocent light on them in an attempt to instill into his readers why it is so wrong for the Indians to be treated as they are by the Europeans. Never quarrelsome or belligerent or boisterous, they harbour no grudges and do not seek to settle old scores; indeed, the notions of revenge, rancour, and hatred are quite foreign to them. В… they are also among the poorest people on earthВ… They are innocent and pure of mind and have a lively intelligence, all of which makes them particularly receptive to learning and understanding the truths of our Catholic faith. (Casas 10) As stated in the excerpt, Las Casas uses characterization to describe the Natives. He even says, These would be the most blessed people on earth if only they were given the chance to convert to Christianity (Casas 11). His use of this literary method virtually guarantees that his readers will become empathetic toward the natives and side with Las Casas in his endeavor to protect the Indians. Essentially, to those uneducated in the goings on in the New World, Las Casas not only educated them but struck a sympathetic nerve that helped to push Old World Europeans toward minimizing the cruelty in the New World. Although Las ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Information Centric Networking ( Icn ) Abstract: Information Centric Networking (ICN) is set to replace the current internet architecture which is based on end to end communication between hosts. The ICN approach to the network of the future has recently been and is being explored by a number of research projects from Europe and in the United States. This paper provides a review on four Information Centric Networking (ICN) architectures based on objects/contents naming, name Resolution and data routing.The review highlights and briefly describes the naming structures, operation of name resolution and data routing processes of DONA, PURSUIT, NetInf/MDHT and NDN. A summary in tabular form and a comparative study of different architectures is given. Keywords: ICN, Naming of ICN, Name Resolution and Data Routing of ICN. I.INTRODUCTION Information centric networking (ICN) is the hot research topic in recent years, with various research initiatives like DONA [1], CCN/NDN [2][10][16] PSIRP/PURSUIT [3][4][8][11][12], 4WARD [13], CONVERGENCE[15], NetInf [9], SAIL[17],COMET [5 7][14]), MobilityFirst [18] and ANR Connect [19] targeting this emerging research area with the aim of shifting from the current Internet architecture which is built and designed for a host to host communications model. The Internet architecture today has experienced rapid growth in network traffic of which most of the traffics are characterized by the content retrieval applications running on top of the Internet architecture. The Internet has ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Pros And Cons Of Kevin Durant Leaving Oklahoma City NBA article NBA fans still shocked about Kevin Durant leaving Oklahoma City and how much hate he is getting from all his fans and the community of NBA basketball. LeBrone James still thinks Cleveland cavaliers should trade more players even when they recently had Kyle Korver. LeBrone also thinks he can keep functioning Cleveland without Kevin Love on the team. We the community do not like the way NBA players move teams and leaving their old team into the dust. Many players like Kevin Durant, Dwayne Wade, Derrick Rose and Kyle Korver have left their team to join a new one. Kevin Durant lost the semi finals in 2016 against golden state warriors and in 2017 he joined golden state warriors. He said if you can t beat them, join them. That left a lot of hate from his teammates and his fans. At this moment we burned all our jerseys on Kevin because of how much we hate him for what he did. Same with other players, it s really hard to see our favourite players leave their team.... Show more content on ... NBA tickets are at least $50 $80, but not with the New York Knicks. Their tickets are at least over $120 per ticket. Its probably because they had paid too much for Derrick Rose and Justine Holiday. It becomes really hard for Knicks fans to see their games. The Knicks should drop their price for their tickets like everyone else to at least $60. Even the biggest team in the league Cleveland cavaliers are selling tickets for $48. The lowest ranking team in the NBA is the Charlotte Hornets and their tickets cost ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow Throughout the United States, the story of the Headless Horseman, described in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is well known in American folklore. It is a scary story that many children tell around the campfire in an attempt to scare one another, saying that if someone is not careful, the Headless Horseman will come for them. However, many Americans do not realize that this legend originated from a story that appears in Washington Irvings book, The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. Washington Irving was born to a Scottish immigrant family on April 3, 1783, in New York City. Later that year, The Treaty of Paris was signed, signaling that America had at long last won her independence from Great Britain (Irving, Norberg, and Stade iii). From that point on, the United States of America began the journey to find an identity to call its own. Before, when these people were a colony of Great Britain, they identified themselves as a part of the greatest empire on Earth. However, by the time of the Revolution many of the colonists were questioning their identity and position within the British Empire. Through gaining their freedom, this new nation was able to create a new identity, generating what was thought to be a purely American culture. Living through this time of change, Washington Irving wrote about the emerging society from a critical standpoint. Although Irving lived through the times of change, he was critical of how these changes, specifically those of capitalism and ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Purgatory Beliefs Purgatory is defined as a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are correcting their sins before going to heaven . When we die, we go through a judgement for our actions we made when we were on Earth. What many people don t know is that everyone goes to purgatory is doesn t really matter who you were on Earth as a person. Purgatory is meant to purify the soul before the soul makes its way into heaven. Catholics are taught to confess their sins in the Sacrament of Penance and believe that God will forgive them, but they have to be truly sorrowful for their sins and actions for the sacrament to really affect you. Catholics aren t taught that purgatory as a place of torment and pain. Catholicism also teaches that the souls that end up in purgatory want to actually be there in the first place. It s a place to achieve heaven for the one s that were too late to confess their sins during the time on Earth. ... Show more content on ... God will forgive anyone if you re one of the worst offenders, law breakers, or sinners in general. Since we are his children in the sense of religion, God truly knows our guilt when we do commit these sins. Even a verse in scripture from Romans 3: 23 24 tells us about how the sinners are even brought to justice by God himself. It states for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (The Bible). The idea of Mercy helps give us the opportunity to achieve Heaven is giving the idea that once we die, our souls won t go to hell immediately. Depending on the sin that was committed if there was sorrow after the action, then it will be taken into consideration by God and he ll hopefully allow the soul to pass through ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Tourette s Syndrome Essay Tourette s Syndrome Gilles de la Tourette s Syndrome (TS) is a sporadic or inherited complex neuropsychiatric disorder (not an illness) influenced by neurological, psychological, and sociological factors. It is characterized by involuntary tics sudden, rapid, recurrent nonrhythmic movements or noises that occur repeatedly in the same way (Temple, 2003). The symptoms include: both multiple motor tics and one or more phonic tics (which may or may not include vocalizations and which sometimes include outbursts of swearing) present at some time during the disorder although not necessarily simultaneously; tics occur many times a day (usually in bouts) nearly every day or... Show more content on ... However, as Nass and Bressman (2002) state, the relationships between both ADHD and TS and OCD and TS are complex and not yet clear. In addition to this, until now linkage analysis has pointed to a number of chromosomal locations, but has failed to identify a clear candidate gene(s). Treating TS Treating TS has been a controversial issue among scientist for years. The kind of medication that should be prescribed to people with TS is currently under debate mainly because TS is frequently accompanied along with other disorders such as OCD or ADHD. Due to that there is no one medication that is absolutely beneficial for all persons with TS. Moreover, none of the available medications for TS completely eliminates symptoms and in addition, all medications have side effects. Instead, the available TS medications are only able to help reduce specific symptoms. Some patients who require medication to reduce the frequency and intensity of the tic symptoms may be treated with neuroleptic drugs such as haloperidol and pimozide (Abuzzahab Brown, 2001). These medications are usually given in very small doses that are increased slowly until the best possible balance between symptoms and side effects is achieved. Recently scientists have discovered that long term use of neuroleptic drugs may cause an involuntary movement ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Effect of Neural Tube Defects on Healthcare According to the EncyclopГ¦dia Britannica (2014), a neural tube defect is any congenital defect of the brain and spinal cord as a result of abnormal development of the neural tube. This birth defect is the most common congenital defect of the central nervous system, affecting the brain and /or spinal cord of 300,000 newborns worldwide each year (Ricks et al., 2012, p. 391). The exact cause of these central nervous systemdefects is unknown, but there are many contributing factors that are evidenced to assist in the prevention of such a disorder. I will examine the varying types of neural tubedefect, populations in which this defect is most prevalent, possible causes of the defect, and how this defect affects the healthcare system.... Show more content on ... More severe cases of spina bifida require immediate surgery to ensure the infant s survival. Encephalocele also pertains to a defect in the cephalic portion of the neural tube. This condition occurs when a meningeal sac containing brain tissue protrudes from the skull. The outlook for affected individuals depends on the amount of nervous tissue involved (neural tube defect, 2014). Infants born with a neural tube defect are also examined for hydrocephalus, or water on the brain. Hydrocephalus occurs when normal passages for the cerebrospinal fluid that fills the neural tube are partially or completely blocked by a neural tube defect (neural tube defect, 2014). (Frazier Drzymkowski, 2013; neural tube defect, 2014) The prevalence of neural tube defects is higher in Mexican Americans than other U.S. populations (Suarez, Felkner, Brender Canfield, 2012, p. 844). This correlates with evidence that these malformations occur more frequently in poor, obese, or undernourished populations. These groups do not have access to, or do not consume, the necessary nutrients vital to proper neural tube formation. These vital nutrients, as well as some harmful exposures, will be examined more fully in the coming paragraph. (Suarez et al., 2012) Neural tube defects develop during the first month of pregnancy; because of this women who are capable of becoming pregnant should monitor ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Summary Of Matthew Restall s Seven Myths Of The Spanish... Matthew Restall s influential monograph, Seven Myths of the Spanish Conquest, successfully illustrated several inconsistencies pertaining to interpretations of Conquest history from the nineteenth century to the present. For example, since the 1840 s, the single most influential and widely cited works concerning the conquests of Mexicoand Peru were the narrative histories of William H. Prescott. His epics, The Conquest of Mexico and The History of Conquest of Peru, originally published in 1843 and 1847 respectively, brought the story of the conquest out of los archivos de EspaГ±a, [the archives of Spain], and portrayed a heroic tale of extraordinary warriors triumphing over insurmountable adversities via the application of superior... Show more content on ... This is the fundamental failing even among scholars of Restall s stature, a conquest viewed in terms of military action, invasion, massacre, or occupation, even when attempting to discern and contextualize their authentic contributions, simply exacerbate the obfuscation of characteristics with the highest potential for a conquering action s influence. To overcome this obstacle, we must alter our perception of the Spanish Conquests in order to identify precipitating factors among the indigenous, or the Spanish, and arrive at a conclusion that better explains contributions and outcomes with implications upon future events. My contention is that if we disregard militaristic paradigms and view the Conquest in a disaster context, akin to a people s actions before, during, and after a tornado or hurricane, through a sociological lens, the story of conquest becomes more ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Lord Of The Flies Society Analysis Lord of the Flies In life, there are a lot of things that hold people back from doing what they want to do. One of the major things is the laws of society. William Golding s novel, Lord of the flies, illustrates what would happen without society. After the plane crashes on the abandoned island during World War Two, a group of british boys are left alone to survive and fight for their ife. When the boys are first dropped off on the island, they still have their civilized behavior with them. It changes significantly throughout the novel. Goldings intentions in writing the novel is to show how men are born evil but rely on society to be kept in check. Without the necessary structure for everyday life that the industrialized world provides the boys find that, with the lack of punishment or consequences for their actions, why not do whatever they want. Losing all care of responsibility and only care about providing themselves personal gratification. They ate most of the day, picking fruit wherever they could reach it and not particular about ripeness or quality. They were used now to stomach aches and a form of chronic diarrhea. Apart from food and sleep, they only found time to play, aimless and trivial, in the white sand by the bright water. This passage conveys the lack of motivation that the boys have. It presents them as lazy and unambitious, having adapted to their current environment and have no internal conflict or problems with being stuck on a deserted ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Essay Harry S. Truman Harry S. Truman was the 33rd President of the United States. Born on May 8, 1884, in Lamar, Missouri, he was the oldest of three children. Truman had no middle name. His parents apparently gave him the middle initial S to appease two family relatives. At age six, his family moved to Independence, Missouri, where he attended Sunday school. There he met five year old Elizabeth Wallace, with whom he later fell in love with. Beginning school at age eight, Truman modeled thick glasses to correct his poor eyesight. Fortunately, his eyesight did not seriously interfere with his two favorite pastimes, music and reading. He woke up early everyday to practice the piano and visited a music teacher twice a week, until ... Show more content on ... In April of 1919, Truman returned home, now as a major. On June 28th of the same year, he married Elizabeth Wallace, his Sunday school love. Truman decided to spark his political career. So he started by entering a four way Democratic primary for a judgeship, which was essentially a job supervising roads and buildings. His popularity was expected to increase if he got the support of the Ku Klux Klan, but Truman turned down this idea. Even so, by campaigning his wartime record and his past history, Truman won the primary of the election. In January of 1923, he was sworn into his first public office. One year later his only daughter, Mary Margaret, was born. During his time as a judge, he improved roads and reduced the inherited debt. By staying interested in the National Guard, he was promoted to colonel. Next, Truman tested his luck in the Senate. After a long and hard battle, Truman defeated a Republican opponent with the help of the New Deal. In January of 1935, he was sworn in as a Senator from Missouri. His arrival in Washington was met with disdain. Colleagues didn t think he was working for himself, and he was reviewed by White House authorities. Fortunately, by using his knowledge in history and government, he was finally recognized and appointed to two important committees. Finally, the government finished their ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Three Methods Of Tet Dragon Music In Ancient China Music in ancient China was mainly used for 3 purposes; rituals, cultural unification and healing. RITUALS According to Chinese mythology and folklore, dragons have often been an auspicious symbol. Many times, they are regarded as a symbol of good luck and have been largely used in rituals during the ancient times to pray for rainfall in times of drought. These rituals are called dragon dance. News. Chinese Dragon Dance. By Conrad Poirier. [Public Domain]. Via Wikimedia Commons. News. Chinese Dragon Dance. By Conrad Poirier. [Public Domain]. Via Wikimedia Commons. Tet dragon dance. By Egul_. [CC BY NC 2.0]. Via Flickr. Tet dragon dance. By Egul_. [CC BY NC 2.0]. Via Flickr. The main instruments involved in the dragon dance are cymbals, gongs and drums. Since it was a dance that needed great teamwork and coordination, the instruments used reverberates and energizes the dancers and spectators. Each particular instrument mentioned above makes loud noises and strong rhythm necessary for the dance. Like how conductors wave their batons when conducting a band, dragon dance s conductor control of the flow are the results of the precise sound and rhythm of the instruments. The length of dragons used for rituals differs greatly, it was believed that the longer the dragon, the more luck they bring. Terrace rice fields in Yunnan... Show more content on ... It was believed that music had the power to bring people of different background together. Music was universal and was an important tool for harmony and control of the state. Xunzi, a statesman and philosopher who lived in China shortly before the Qin Empire described his views on the using of music for cultural unification. He believed that this was a means to respect and obey their ruler, integrating the same set of behaviors, beliefs and any cultural norms. It was important, as the use of music as a tool for mass psychology was effective and useful in bringing massive social order in ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Fragile Families The provided article is inspired from a multi decade long research of the causes and consequences of declines in marriage and related increases in nonmarital childbrearing. The term fragile families may be referred to in this paper, which can be defined as unmarried parents who remain coupled to some degree at the time of their child s birth (Usdansky, London, and Wilmouth, 2009, p. 768). Hypothesis Usdansky, London, and Wilmouth (2009, p. 769) review the exploratory hypotheses about whether men s veteran status increases the likelihood that an unmarried couple will transition to marriage within 5 years of a nonmarital birth and whether the effect of men s veteran status on the propensity to marry differs among Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics. ... Show more content on ... The mothers and fathers were interviews upon child s birth, and again when the child was 1, 3, and 5 years old. The key independent variable was couples on the basis of the father s veteran status and their racial ethnicity. Age was also a contributin factor for both the mothers and fathers as well as paternal immigrant status and structure of family of origin. Torson 3 Discussion The following are direct results from the research of Usdanksy, London, and Wilmouth (2009). Couples with Black Veteran fathers were 54% more likely to marry within 5 years of the birth than couples with Black nonveteran fathers. They also found that military service did not increase odds for Whites and Hispanics. Couples with White or Hispanic nonveteran fathers however were twice as likely to marry as couples with Black nonveteran fathers. It was observed that the impact of military service endures among African American men in fragile families, which could be related to the benefits that are much more significant and greater lasting for Black men than other ethnic groups. Overall, the group of researchers for this journal found that the limitation of racial groups in which the study focused on leaves a range of direcet and indirect questions ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Norman English And The English Language The English language has been evolving since the fifth century (or 400 AD), and throughout history many different people from different countries attempted invasions. One being the Norman French, who made a very significant impact on the English language, as their unique French dialect allowed the people of Englandto flourish their language by borrowing terms from the French. Over 10,000 French words have been applied to certain areas of English, such as art, fashion and cuisine. Cuisine, in particular, has adopted many French terms that are still being used today to describe various food items, especially dessert items. In present times, at least three quarters of these words continue to be used for the various dessert items (Ager 2012). With that, the Norman French helped shape not only part of the French culture of cuisine, but was also integrated into the English language and expanded its lexicon. Authors Baugh and Cable claim in their book A History of The English Language that the Norman conquest is one of the most important invasions and progressions made in history that ultimately shaped our modern day language. Before the Norman conquest, the people of England spoke only Old English, which was a Germanic language due to the country being mostly made up of German people at the time. However, across from England was a place in France called Normandy ; the name having been derived from the bands of Northmen whom were originally people from Scandinavia and had ... Get more on ...
  • 21. My Speech On My Life We have been just sitting here, we have not said much. I feel so much better in this moment in time. I don t need friends or even someone to talk to. I am fine the way I am, the only wish I had was just to not be alone. I will be fine as long I have someone next to me. That person does not have to talk, they can just sit here next to me like yoongi is. I fine with that, I get so needy and out of control when I am left alone. I start wanting things I know I can t have. I start to feel things that I know will never happen. namjoon I know you don t talk much, but just know that you talk to me about anything. I will listen to you, and won t judge you I promise. This is about the 3rd time yoongi has told me this, I guess he really wants me to talk to him more. I can understand to a point because that is what normal people do. you know what I wantto do yoongi. I want to fly away, to be a star in the sky. Everything just seems better up there in the sky. There are nice and fluffy clouds, there are birds with the freedom to fly away. At night there are so many other stars and the moon. up their I would never be alone. Up there nothing can touch me, up there nothing can hurt me. I want to forever live in the sky, it is better than this world or the people here. Also the hate and love that is all around. It all just get to be too much. He gave me a worried look but he did not say anything. I think it was for the best for him not to say anything, I don t know what he would ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Loop Argumentative Essay The beautiful campus of Oklahoma Christian University has just recently built a long, paved walking trail. It equals to almost five miles that winds around the campus. Not only can it be accessed by students of Oklahoma Christian, but also by the locals that desire to walk, run, or even bike. However, the trail even offers much more than that for individuals who do not want a five mile workout. A variety of tall trees and small bond circles a part of the trail called , The Loop . Over the years athletes, people who walk their dogs, or even just people who cherish and adore nature, and a healthy lifestyle utilizes it .On the west side of campus near Bryant Rd., The Loop contributes to a scenic, relaxing landscape, as it links together exercise... Show more content on ... While the loop relatively enclosed on campus is safe, other asphalt surfaces are actually on the roads. Asphalt being one of the most accessible surfaces, it is to easy to measure distance, and lastly it s relatively easy to keep a steady pace. However, with asphalts surfaces in the city, it leads to pot holes, traffic, and if at night other dangers. Although this may be true, different surface may be used for different purposes such as to strengthen different muscles, change in weather, and on the particular person and their history of injuries. In addition, there are no scientific data that proves running on softer surfaces are better or safer; however, many athletes will say disagree based on their body and experiences with the loop. Not everyone will like the trail, especially athletes who have felt physical exhaustion and pain. In the same way that running on grass is rated one of the best running surfaces, but yet there are always ankle related injuries. No surface is specially for one person; therefore, always try different surfaces to improve the body in different areas. However, The Loop s surface offers much more than safety. It offers an appealing landscape and opportunities to come together as a community. As the loop has been recently built, it ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Franchising and Domino PROJECT REPORT ON SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT OF DOMINO S PIZZA SUBMITTED TO:SUBMITTED BY:DR. HAIDER ALI KUMAR SHANTANU ROLL NO. 22 1 MBA(E BUSINESS) SEMESTER IV TABLE OF CONTENTS SL NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. PARTICULARS ABOUT DOMINO S PIZZA DOMINO S IN INDIA MENU IN DOMINO S COMPETITIVE STRENGTHS OF DOMINO S BUSINESS STRATEGY OF DOMINO S STORE OPERATIONS SUPPLY CHAIN OF DOMINO S PAGE NO. 3 3 5 6 7 9 12 2 ABOUT DOMINO S PIZZA Founded in 1960, Domino s Pizza is the recognized world leader in pizza delivery operating a network of company owned and franchise owned stores in the United States and international markets. Domino s Pizza s Vision illustrates a company of exceptional people on a mission to be the best... Show more content on ... Domino s initiatives such as Fun Meal and Pizza Mania have been extremely popular with consumers looking for an affordable and value for money meal option. The Brand Positioning of Khushiyon ki Home Delivery (Happiness Home delivered) is the emotional benefit it offers to the consumers. All the efforts, whether it is a new innovative and delicious product, offering consumers value for money deals, great service, country wide presence or delivery in 30 minutes or free are all oriented towards delivering happiness to the homes of the consumers. Consumers can order their pizzas by calling the single Happiness Hotline number 1800 111 123 (in most cities of Domino s Pizzas Presence) and 44448888 (in NCR, Mumbai and Bangalore). 4 MENU IN DOMINO S VEGETARIAN SIMPLY VEG Margherita Cheese and Tomato pizza VEG I Double Cheese Margherita Fresh Veggie Country Special Farm House VEG II Peppy Paneer Mexican Green Wave Deluxe Veggie Gthemet FEAST PIZZA Veg Extravaganza NON VEGETARIAN SIMPLY NON VEG Cheese And Barbeque Chicken NON VEG I Barbeque Chicken Spicy Chicken NON VEG II Chicken Mexican Red Wave FEAST PIZZA Meatzaa Keema Do Pyaaza Non Veg Extravaganza Chicken Golden Cheese And Delight Pepperoni SIDE ORDERS 5 VEGETARIAN Veg Mexican Wrap Veg Pasta Italiano White Veg Pasta Italiano Red Garlic Breadsticks Cheese Jalapeno Dip Cheese Dip Choco Lava Cake NON VEGETARIAN Veg Mexican Wrap Veg Pasta Italiano White Veg Pasta Italiano Red Chicken ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Younger Family, By Lorraine Hansberry The concept of family and its importance is something that is continuously being explored throughout the text. The Younger family faces hardships that in the moment seem to tear them apart from one another, but through everything, they stick together and ultimately build a sense of unity. The author, Lorraine Hansberry, suggests that it is essential to for people to have strong relationships to help them survive tough situations and achieve happiness. Hansberry shows this through the obstacles the Younger familyis challenged with and how they faced those together to ultimately achieve an overall dream of the family buying a house. Every member of the Younger family has a dream and is struggling to achieve it. Everybody has their own individual, ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Death Rowe Research Paper The death penalty is truly a waste of time and money. When people go after a death penalty sentence, it usually ends up costing more than twice more than a regular trial. When an inmate gets sentenced the death penalty, they go to death rowe. Death rowe is a separate part of the prison. It is separate from the rest of the general population. This is to keep the rest of the prisoners safe. On average, housing an inmate on death row costs 90,000$ more than a normal inmate. This is because they have to provide extra security for the inmate. (Interview) When someone is being charged with the death penalty, they can be on death row for an average of of 20 years. This is because they get a certain amount of appeals. An appeal is when the judge and... Show more content on ... Execution prisoners keeps the prisons cleared and have less people in them. They are usually kept in a separate part of a prison to keep the other inmates safe. There have already been 13 executions this year alone(Soure), and many more to come. Well although that might be true, there were over 2 million people in prison last year alone.(Source) So 13 people is miniscule compared to that number. Someone may think that the death penalty is not unethical, but gives retribution and closure to the family. After the boston bombing, a poll was taken that showed that 15% of the people living in Boston wanted to have the man executed. (Source)This also would not allow the criminal to do the horrible things that they did again. Even with all of this however, a study has shown that the people actually affected by the Boston attacks would have rathered just have the man put in jail and got it over with instead of the long drawn out process of the death ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Nursing Action Plan After high school, I plan to become a registered nurse. To accomplish this goal of mine, I will attend a university after high school ends. My ACT scores were high enough to make it into UNO and Southeastern but I am choosing Southeastern due to their nursing program. The courses in college needed for this profession include basic nutrition, chemistry, psychology, human anatomy, physiology, human development, microbiology, nursing science, pharmacology, and communication. To pay my way through college, I will continue to take the ACT to improve my score for TOPS and I will also rely on FAFSA. I will not work the first year of attending college because I want to focus on my studies but once I get used to everything and become stable, I plan ... Get more on ...
  • 27. High Context Culture When I think of a culture I think of a group of people from the same region(s) who share similar views on beliefs, values, and behaviors. For example, Mexican cultures a persons emotional sensitivity is highly valued as well as their role in society isn t confined to just the workplace (1). Such non verbal communication Edward T Hall would consider to be a part of a high context language culture, which is defined as a language in which people state things indirectly and implicitly (2). When compared to the United States, a low context culture, things are explained direct and clear. Recently I spoke to my father who was born in 1929; raised in a very traditional Mexican household whose parents were born and raised in Mexico. My father is ... Show more content on ... For example, we both talk with our hands and make big movements with them as well as his pitch went from low to high depending on what he was talking about. When speaking of his childhood he would use lower tones, a deeper voice, and have a glazed almost distant look in his face; when speaking of his children and education his pitch would go from deep and low to nostalgic and proud. According to Halls s theory being from a high context society he should be more reserved, however much like a low context society my father is more outgoing. Growing up I remember him always working; working to provide, working to live, working to give my sisters and I a life he never had growing up. I always wondered why he chose his profession, orthopedics, so I asked him why the medical field? Why not a teacher or a banker? He told me that he wanted something that as time passes he will have a job. He did t want a career where he would fear loosing his job, not make enough to survive, or not be able to provide for his future family at the time (3). My father is a simple and proud man and much like Hall s theory he was a family man, but focused more on his career. Edward Hall discovered the differences between cultural influences, and when it comes to the work place these differences aren t always understood. Although my father and I are from a low context country, being from a high context ... Get more on ...
  • 28. A Code Of Ethics And Ethics Of Bank Of America Bank of America is one of the largest banks in the nation. It is a multinational company and it is recognized by its high revenue value. Unfortunately, Bank of America has endured many complaints and harsh views regarding their lack of ethics. Ethical issues occur when there is a blatant disregard to implement integrity, trust, and responsibility. In some financial institutions, ethical matters are displayed in the way the consumers are treated. Within the past nine years, Bank of America has diminished all of their ethical promises by revealing customerinformation without their permission; discriminating against consumers based on their race; and manipulating overdraft fees in order to benefit the bank. In order to assess these problems, it is vital to recognize what Bank of America claims to stand for and determine where their most concerning issues are generated from. Bank of America Code of Conduct/Ethics Bank of America thrives off of the premise that they are aiming to enhance the financial lives of their customers. Per the Code of Conduct, Bank of America believes in treating all of their customers equally; they claim to expand beyond expectations to deliver satisfactory customer service; they implement discipline to eliminate financial risks to customers; they pride themselves on acting responsibly; and they strive to help individuals to reach their full financial potential. This company enforces the belief that they honor their ethics fully. This includes making ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Walmart Management And Strategy Of Walmart Essay In 2014, Walmart announced a new president and CEO, Doug McMillion. McMillion had the duty of taking over the world s largest company in respect to revenue, $473 billion, and the world s largest private employer, 2.2 million associates. As it turned out, under McMillion s leadership, in 2015 Walmart experienced the first decline in its annual sales ever. Many people had predicted that Walmart s better days had been behind them when McMillion became president. As a result of this decline in annual sales, people questioned whether or not Walmart could return to the usual type of growth in sales it had essentially earned every year since it s founding in 1962. To answer this question, some possibly issues with the management and strategy of Walmart s business needed to be looked at in depth. Some of these most important issues included: the recent increase in retail sales of the online market compared to the discount retailer market, the state of Walmart s international business, and the lacking performance of Walmart s Discount Store, SAM s Clubs, and Neighborhood Markets compared to their Supercenters. In this case analysis, we will include some possible resolutions that will help Walmart with these issues and possibly allow them to begin growing their annual sales once again. This plan will not stray from Sam Walton s Ten Rules for Building a Business, which set Walmart apart from its competitors from its early stages. Before explaining these ideas of improvement, we will ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Randle Reef One of the most appalling environmental catastrophes in Canada is right within the Greater Toronto Area, The Randle Reef, located in the Hamilton Harbour. Randle Reef, is considered the direst of identified water pollution issues within Canada, but has recently begun remediation of the site. The Randle Reef contains a massive amount of toxic coal tar, which has been building up for decades, but is scheduled to be contained shortly. In the early 1800 s, then known as Burlington Bay, Hamilton Harbour was an important access point for initial water transportation and industrial expansion of the Burlington and Hamilton area. During this time, the bay was crudely treated by its shoreline residents constantly polluting, as well as the dredging ... Show more content on ... The cleanup is a three phase plan, estimated to remove more than 99% of the PAH mass from the area, which has begun and will hopefully undo the previous generations of damage. Phase one is building a box to contain the contamination. Upon completion of the first phase, there will be a double steel walled barricade surrounding contaminated sediment. Phase two involves of dredging the polluted deposits from the adjacent areas and placing them within the enclosure. The final phase of the project encompasses removing the water from the suppression area and placing a waterproof cap on the facility, which is anticipated to have a 200 year life span, to seal in the chemicals. Upon completion, the container will be paved and then turned over to the Hamilton Port Authority, who will then own the facility and be accountable for monitoring, preserving and evolving the site as port facilities. This project is expected to be completed by 2022, with an estimated cost of approximately $139 million. The Randle Reef sediment remediation project is being funded by both the federal and Ontario government, along with the cities of Hamilton, Burlington and surrounding areas, the U.S Steel Canada, and Hamilton Port ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Magic Realism In Art Magic Realism in art refers to a twentieth century movement which was initiated by European artists after World War I and which was followed by a second stage that began in North America a decade later. The earliest phases of Magic Realism began around 1919 and preceded Surrealism by several years. Together the two phases spanned approximately four decades, with residual works after 1960. Magic Realism evolved during the Post Expressionism movement in Weimar Germany. Connected with the Return to Order movement, Post Expressionism exhibited fewer neoclassical instincts than the similar postwar realist trends in Italy and France. Post Expressionism progressed by shedding Expressionism s emotionally charged nature and abstract style. This process moved much slower than the related trends in other European countries, not fully developed until the mid 1920s. The term Magic Realism was created by the art critic Franz Roh in 1925. He was referring to works within Post Expressionistic art in which some mystery or a secret seemed to be hidden within the subject matter. This type of art varied from 19th Century Realism, which was generally naturalistic or ... Show more content on ... It should be noted that there is controversy about most art movements. It is true that there is no set program for Magic Realism, and no recognized standard. These artists did not find the need to be part of the avant garde nor were they publicity seekers. They acted instead as individuals, who often painted for a small devoted audience. Magic Realism is not Realism, but it is creations from the artist s perception and imagination hidden as Reality. Every artist/magician uses different tricks and keeps his own secrets. Still these artists communicate amongst themselves through cool detached observations about each other s works. Perhaps we should nickname Magic Realism The Quiet ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Meta Title Hormone Page TitleHormone Therapies Meta DescriptionNot all hormone therapies are created equal. At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we offer high quality bioidentical hormones. Meta TitleHormone Therapies at Our Functional Medicine Clinic Near Milwaukee CommentsRyan this replaces the current Hormone Landing Page. Also, please remove the Hormone Therapies page that is under the Hormone Women s Health tab. Thanks! Here is the link for the quiz. http:/ / content/uploads/2014/03/assement hormone.pd The link for Who Should Use Bioidentical Hormones in the text box is: /resources/media center/ Shannon/Jynjer/Dr. Muth I put the Hormone Balance Questionnaire link in a... Show more content on ... It begins with the raw materials. Our hormone supplements meet pharmaceutical grade standards. Pharmaceutical grade supplements must be 99% pure and contain no dyes, binders, fillers, excipients or other unknown substances. PCCA accredited pharmacies ensures quality Bioidentical hormones are manufactured in compounding pharmacies. All of our hormone supplements are created in PCCA accredited pharmacies. Since 1981, this organization has provided its member compounding pharmacies with training, high quality chemicals and lab equipment and devices. Our expert providers strive to ensure that our patients supplements will provide the most effective care. Our providers know the best methods of administering hormone supplements Some patients have come to our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee after having a bad experience with hormone supplement pellets. Pellets can cause side effects, and they are expensive. Our providers believe that pellets are not the best way to administer our hormone supplements. Instead, we prefer creams, gels, oral medications or the transdermal ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Rhetorical Analysis Of Barack Obama s A More Perfect Union Barack Obama was born in 1961 in Hawaii. He graduated from a high school in Hawaii then went on to many different colleges. After college he became a professor for constitutional law at the University of Chicago. In 2004 he became one of the United States senators. In 2007 he started his journey to becoming the first african americanto become president of the United States. He ran into trouble with running for president when his old time pastor spoke about race regulation in the United States. Senator Barack Obamawrote his speech A More Perfect Union in Reading the World, and he was responding to what Reverend Jeremiah Wright his long time pastor had said and about the racism in this country. Obama use pathos, ethos, and logos throughout his entire speech. Wright had talked about in one of his sermons how the government had created HIV to get rid of all the colored people. His sermon went viral and people used his sermon against obama in his election for president. Obama wrote his speech to explain to the people why he disagreed with Wright and the racial divide in the United States. We the people in order to form a more perfect union (Obama 461).In this quote he is reference everyone in the United States. This time we want to talk about the men and women of every color and creed who serve together, and fight together, and bleed together under the same proud flag. (Obama 469). In this statement he states that every color is united under the same flag which is a ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Case Study Northern Ireland Bloody Sunday UNITED STATES ARMY AVIATION CENTER OF EXCELLENCE (USAACE) Fort Rucker, Alabama 36362 5092 August 2015 AWOAC HISTORICAL CASE STUDY Northern Ireland: Bloody Sunday CW2 CHAD MURPHY ADMINISTRATIVE DATA TITLE: Northern Ireland: Bloody Sunday WRITTEN BY:__________________________________________________________ CW2 CHAD A. MURPHY, AWOAC RC 15 505 REVIEWED BY:________________________________________________________ CW4 ERIC L. KNIERIEMEN, SGL, AWOAC, A Co. 1 145th Avn Regt APPROVED BY:________________________________________________________ CW4 SHAWN N. PARIS, Chief, AWOAC, A Co. 1 145th Avn Regt TABLE ... Show more content on ... This is a lesson we in the US Military have learned multiple times in the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Learning that collateral damage can turn former allies or pacifists into extremist enemy combatants. The Case of Bloody Sunday, the events turned Unionists and Nationalists that were accepting of the British rule in Northern Ireland into Irish Republican Army Soldiers. The public outcry from the atrocities in Londonderry created the largest recruitment in IRA ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Religious... Slavery was a dividing issue in mid nineteenth century America. The north was the closest slaves could get to a safe place in America, and it was generally thought that the further south in America one went the worse the conditions for slaves were. With slavery comes violence and with violence comes guilt and to rid guilt there was religion. The cases of religion being a justifier were highlighted in Frederick Douglass s Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave (1845). On the other hand religion is considered a sort of saving grace for the slave protagonist, Tom, in Harriet Beecher Stowe s Uncle Tom s Cabin (1852). Some Americans at the time saw religion as a reason not to participate in the violence involved in slavery or even slavery itself while others saw it as the opposite and used it to intensify their already terrible treatment of slaves. Uncle Tom s Cabin and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass highlight and describe these contrasting views in a way that moves the reader into thinking just what the authors want there is no excuse for slavery even if... Show more content on ... Although in Frederick Douglass s Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave religion in slaves isn t as prominent compared to Uncle Tom s Cabin there is still some situations where Douglass either doubts God or receives a small sense of hope from his faith. Douglass, aware of how terrible slavery really is desperately asks God to save him, but then questions if there really is a God, his conflicting emotions show just how difficult it is for a slave to believe and love a God while they are subjected to the hottest hell of unending slavery, (40). Douglass further shows his conflicting belief in God as he plans to escape and claims God is helping him. Even in a minimally religious slave God still seems to be able to shine just a bit of hope down onto those who ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Freshman Year In High School Your freshman year will be exciting, but it can also be intimidating. It is the start of four long years of high school, some of the most important years of your life. There are a lot of important things to do your freshman year, many of which I didn t start until much later. So here is some advice that will help you survive your freshman year, and prepare you for the rest of high school. Join a sports team or club High school is the time to try new things and discover what you enjoy doing. Joining a sports team or a club is a great way to find your interest and to meet others with that same interest. Freshman year is the time to join that sport you ve been wanting to try or that club that caught your interest during the club fair because you can always leave a team or a club, but you can never regain time for one you did not join soon enough. The hallways are for walking There are only 4 minutes for everyone to get from one class to the next; so please, please do clog the hallway. That includes, but is not limited to, going up the stairs on the left side or walking on the left side of the hall, walking in a big enough group to span the width of the hall, closing one of the doors in the hallway or neglecting to open one, or just walking at an annoyingly slow pace. Remember to sleep It might not seem like it, but getting the proper amount of sleep is one of the most important things you can do to keep your mind in shape during the school year. ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Roaring Twenties in American Society After World War I. Essay World War I lasted from 1914 1918, but America did not become involved until 1917. After World War I, American society changed greatly. A new era, the Roaring Twenties, found its way in America along with the arrival of the flappers (Roaring). Americans were introduced to new fashion styles, the prohibition and the JazzAge (Fashion, Jazz). Controversy proved to be very prominent with the Scopes Trial (Scopes). As the war came to a close, the Roaring Twenties made its way into America. This time period brought many changes that were new to Americans. Fashion changed from the traditional Gibson Girl to the controversial flappers (Rosenberg). The Gibson Girl was a fashion trend popular before World War I. Women who supported the ... Show more content on ... In 1919, people began preparing for the ban by buying large amounts of alcohol before the ban started. Although there was a ban on alcohol, the Volstead Act granted access to making wine as long as it was obtained from fruit, and legal use of alcohol if there was a prescription (Prohibition, Rosenberg). People would gather at speakeasies or illegal bars where gangsters would supply alcohol from the borders of Mexico and Canada (Prohibition, Rosenberg). For fourteen years, alcohol was illegal, but in 1933 the Amendment was finally repealed (Rosenberg, Ellis and Esler). America was already going through a rough patch with the prohibition but it seemed like things were getting worse. The Scopes Trial brought a lot of attention to Dayton, Tennessee, where substitute biology teacher, John Scopes, was accused of teaching evolution (Scopes). The Butler Act was a law prohibiting public school teachers from denying the Biblical account of man s origin (Scopes). On May 5, 1925, John Scopes was found guilty of teaching evolution and was given a $1,000 fine. Later, the verdict was overturned (Scopes). The Jazz Age spread quickly when jazz music was listened to in the speakeasies during the prohibition (Prohibition). The Jazz Age was a post World War I movement in the 1920 s, from which jazz music and dance emerged (Jazz). Jazz music could be heard on potter palms. A potter palm is a popular type of radio show ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Effect Of The Mafia On Italy s Economy The ability of the citizens of a country to become entrepreneurs and stimulate the economy by starting up companies is essential for the success of a country. There are many variables that can have a negative effect on an economy and one that is currently hurting Italy s economy is the mafia. An indirect side effect of the mafia s impact on the Gross domestic Profit is the government s ability to aid small business growth. Thus, the government must spend more money to help businesses to manifest and to put Italy in the best situation to have a raging national economy. Gross Domestic Profit stands for the measure of a nation s total economic activity. In more relative terms, Gross Domestic Profit represents the monetary value of all goods and... Show more content on ... First of all, there are different types of Italian mafias, depending upon which region that they are located in and the market that they are exploiting. Italian organized crime is known all over the world, to the point that the term Mafia is now understood across the globe as referring to the organized criminal underworld. Literature on the subject is abundant, ranging from history, sociology and criminology to fiction and plain entertainment. The distinctive character, looks, habits, idiosyncrasies and jargon of the Mafiosi have been described, analyzed, explained and imitated. Apparently, everybody is familiar with Italian organized crime (Europol 4). The top three mafia organizations operating in Italy are Cosa Nostra, La Camorra and the Ndrangheta. Cosa Nostra is located on the island of Sicily as the Mafiosi s main activity consists of their forced protection and they have strong ties to Sicily s government. La Camorra is located in the region of Campania, but more specifically in the capital: Napoli. La Camorra s main focus is controlling the food and coffee markets, black market, as well as some drug trafficking. The Camorra clan, in turn, acquired from this relationship (1) considerable economic resources from the firms (2) the consequent systematic control of economic activity in the territorial area, the possibility of furnishing jobs and a marginal quota of the firm s income, and hence widespread social consensus and even open legitimacy; (3) finally, through the politicians, they secured the necessary institutional cover, in particular with the police and with possible intervention in eventual judicial proceedings. This original relationship between the Camorra and illegal non organized activities has not fundamentally changed over time, but has become stronger and deeper as a result of two factors. (1) The omertГ of its victims who do not denounce extortion for fear of reprisal, but also not to bring ... Get more on ...
  • 39. How Is Hope Shown In The Hollow Men As the world was trying to find hope during a time of adversity, T.S. Eliot s poem, The Hollow Men, presents the World War I soldiers as having an unprecedented loss of faith as well as emotional human value. Primarily, Eliot illustrates the soldiers initial emotions after returning from war and creates an environment that still sees hope in such negative circumstances. Most notably, the soldiers still seem to have the strength to find signs of wishful thinking that still portrays the hope in their lives. The soldiers are still leaning together and their dried voices are still able to whisper together (5 8). Here, Eliot proves that the actions that the soldiers are still able to do, demonstrate the hope that is still present. Had... Show more content on ... Most importantly, the soldiers start to imagine what life may be like if they were dead, as their life as living humans must feel similar. The soldiers ask if it is like this in death s other kingdom, walking alone all while they are trembling with tenderness, (47 50). Here, Eliot considers the soldiers as steadily losing hope in ever finding their faith that they so desperately need. The allusion of what hell must be like also crosses the soldiers minds, a sure sign that their thoughts are not where they should be. Just as important, are the soldiers continued thoughts of losing hope and faith, in the midst of such critical times for them. The soldiers feel sightless and unless the eyes reaper they will only have the hope only of empty men, (66 69). At this moment, Eliot reiterates the soldiers feelings, and how they are content with despair. The soldiers are unwilling to open their eyes and search for their own faith, and are set on the fact that someone else has to return their faith to them. The soldiers even consider themselves as empty men instead of hollow which can allude to the fact that they believe they will never be able to fill their ... Get more on ...
  • 40. America On Overcoming Inertia We ve all done it, probably more than once. Whether it is coast to coast or down the street, Americans move and move a lot. According to the US Census Bureau, the average American changes houses once every five years. Given our nomadic tendencies, you d think we d have a system for minimizing headaches and maximizing efficiencies. Yet anyone who has moved is almost certain to have multiple horror stories we hear about them all the time. And we ve certainly experienced our fair share of nightmares between the two of us, we have moved 26 times! While we can t promise that it will ever be easy, we have learned that with a bit of pre planningand some creative thinking, most of the biggest pitfalls can be avoided. Alicia on Overcoming Inertia ... Show more content on ... The impending day is likely to produce a fair amount of anxiety. You know you should be getting organized, but it can be a daunting, even overwhelming prospect, so many people procrastinate until the last possible minute. Knowing where to start is truly half the battle. We ve got two simple tasks that you can do right away that will help you overcome procrastination and organizational inertia. The first is: create a master calendar to plot out the major events. Keep it in one central place and use it to write down everything from cable appointments to house closings. It s much easier to stay on top of all the details if you also can see the big picture. The second is: have each family member over the age of 6 pick one closet and make a pile of items to give away or throw away before you move. The simple act of deciding what not to take often makes it easier to start thinking about what you will ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Layers Of Airport Security Identifying terrorists at airports is a very difficult task for homeland security professionals since terrorists can blend in very well with the more than 650 million law abiding passengers that travel every year via U.S. airports (United States Government Accountability Office, 2014). The security layered approach is a securitystrategy that helps reduce the risk of a terrorist infiltrating into an airport by employing a wide range of tools and programs that can enhance airport security (Hoggan, 2012). The numerous layers of security are designed to be able to prevent, identify, and stop a terrorist attack in case one of the previous security layers failed to do so (Cason, Lu, Schreckengast, 2010, pg. 88). Each security layer has their... Show more content on ... This strategy allows DHS to be able identify suspicious individuals before they even arrive to the airport. The names of passengers are being matched against the database when the passengers book their flights prior to arriving to the airport, which is more time and cost effective for DHS than having to identify suspicious individuals among large crowds of people at airports. As mention above, all layers of security have some weak points and the Secure Flight program is not the exception. It may be very difficult for DHS to be able to effectively screen suspicious individuals without disrupting the flow of passengers since the screenings of suspicious individuals may take longer in comparison to those passengers who do not pose a threat or are not considered suspicious. Therefore to combat the Achilles heel of the Secure Flight program, DHS has created the TSA pre check program. The TSA pre check is a program in which passengers, usually those passengers who travel frequently, voluntarily submit themselves to extensive background investigations and if the passenger is able to meet the requirements posted by DHS, then the passenger will be allowed to go through expedite screenings when they travel as the passenger will be considered by DHS a Trusted passenger ... Get more on ...