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Rights Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Rights" can be a challenging endeavor that demands careful
consideration and a nuanced understanding of various aspects. The concept of rights is vast and
multifaceted, encompassing legal, moral, political, and social dimensions. Addressing this topic
requires a comprehensive exploration of historical contexts, philosophical perspectives, and
contemporary debates surrounding rights.
One of the challenges lies in navigating the intricate web of rights – from fundamental human
rights to specific legal entitlements. Analyzing the evolution of rights throughout history and
their dynamic nature in response to societal changes adds complexity to the task. Additionally,
understanding the diverse cultural and regional interpretations of rights can be both fascinating
and demanding.
Furthermore, delving into the philosophical underpinnings of rights involves grappling with
concepts like natural rights, positive rights, and the various ethical theories that shape our
understanding of what individuals are entitled to. This intellectual journey requires a careful
balancing act to present a coherent and well-argued perspective.
Addressing contemporary issues and challenges related to rights introduces a layer of real-world
complexity. Navigating the intersections of rights with topics such as technology, globalization,
and social justice demands a keen awareness of current events and an ability to critically analyze
their implications.
The process of writing an essay on rights is not only about presenting information but also about
developing a persuasive argument. Communicating ideas clearly and concisely while maintaining
a logical flow of thought can be demanding, especially when dealing with a topic as nuanced as
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Rights" requires a thorough exploration of
historical contexts, philosophical foundations, and contemporary challenges. It demands an
ability to synthesize information, navigate complexities, and present a compelling argument.
However, with dedication and a structured approach, one can navigate these challenges and
produce a thoughtful and insightful piece on this crucial subject.
For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic tasks, various resources are
available. Websites like provide support for students looking to order essays
and access a range of writing services tailored to their needs.
Rights Essay Rights Essay
Operation Restore Hope
Introduction Involvement of the United Stated in the eastern African country of
Somalia in the early 1990s began as humanitarian aid and relief. Operation Provide
Relief commenced in August of 1992 to aid United Nations forces in getting food
and supplies to the Somali Civilians. As the situation in Somalia escalated, it became
clear that more direct involvement would be necessary. Thus, Operation Restore
Hope began in December, 1992. Once the situation had stabilized sufficiently, the US
relinquished command back to the UN. Soon after, the situation degraded once again
leading to the deployment of Task Force Ranger and resulting in the battle that would
later become known as Black Hawk Down . History Following the ousting of long
term... Show more content on ...
With a mob of Somalis approaching the crash site and after repeated requests Delta
Force Snipers, SFC Randall Shughart and MSG Gary Gordon were inserted via
helicopter near the crash. They were able to extract the flight crew from the
wreckage and set up a defensive perimeter. Their actions managed to save the life
of one of the pilots, but they lost their own lives in defense of their comrades. They
would be posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. The surviving pilot, CW2
Michael Durant, was captured by Aideed s militia. After sustaining substantial
casualties and vehicle damage the convoy was forced to return to base. Both TF
Ranger s internal QRF and the UN QRF were dispatched to try to reach the second
crash site. TF Ranger s QRF was ambushed and had to return to base with the
returning convoy and the UN s QRF met with heavy resistance and after an intense
firefight was forced to withdraw. 9 Meanwhile the troops holding the first crash site
were running low on ammunition and
Elizabethan Era Women
The English Elizabethan Era is one of the most interesting periods in the England s
History. The Elizabethan Era is named after one of the greatest Queens of England
Queen Elizabeth I. The Elizabethan Era is not only famous for the Virgin Queen but
also for the era itself featuring great explorers such as Sir Francis Drakeand Walter
Raleigh. Also, the era of the very first Theatres in England William Shakespeare, the
globe Theatre and Christopher Marlowe. Comparing Elizabethan Erato the 21st
century, a lot of customs in society have remarkably changed. Some are similar, as
well. Marriage and the role of women have progressed a lot compared to the
Elizabethan Era. In many countries today, women can do anything from ruling the
nation to... Show more content on ...
This must have caused dismay due to the fanaticism of the followers of the
Catholic and Protestant religions. It must have been extremely difficult to keep
changing Elizabethan Education with the religion of the times and being
dangerous if you did not follow. Elizabethan Education was generally for boys of
the Upper and Middle Classes. However, Upper Class girls, often members of the
Nobility were also given.The school s curriculum during the Elizabethan Era and
the Elizabethan education of children was dictated by the ruling monarch of the
time, which would also reflect the religion of that particular King or Queen. This
must have caused dismay due to the fanaticism of the followers of the Catholic and
Protestant religions. It must have been extremely difficult to keep changing
Elizabethan Education with the religion of the times and being dangerous if you
did not follow. Elizabethan Education was generally for boys of the Upper and
Middle Classes. However, Upper Class girls, often members of the Nobility were
also given and education. The following link regarding the Education of Queen
Elizabeth describes the type of education offered to the Nobility who were invariably
taught by tutors. Most of the elementary level of education was conducted for boys
Apol 104 Political Science Paper
Pol 104: Political Science
Week 4 Assignment
Judy Potts
Research parties in the United States and share information from at least three parties.
I will be discussing the Republican, Democrat and the Tea parties.
Republican Party:
The Republican party is known as one of the two primary parties, the other being the
Democratic Party.The Republican party became associated with the Laissez faire
capitalism, to lower taxes and conservative social groups in the 20th and 21st
century.In the 1870 s the party had acquired the acronym GOP, widely known as the
Grand Old Party. Moreover, the parties official logo is the elephant it came from a
cartoon by Thomas Nast. They oppose abortion and same sex marriages, and they
look to values found in Christianity.
Developing a Professional Presence
Professional presence
Professional presence is a dynamic blend of poise, self confidence, control, and style
that empowers us to be able to command respect in any situation. Once acquired, it
permits us to project a confidence that others can quickly perceive the first time they
meet us.
The importance of making a good first impression
A positive first impression can be thought of as the first step in building a long term
The Primary Effect
The development of professional presence begins with a full appreciation of the first
impression. The tendency to form and retain impressions quickly at the time of an
initial meeting illustrates what social psychologist call a primacy effect in the way
people perceive one ... Show more content on ...
If you want the promotion, you have to look promotable
A good rule to follow is to dress for the job you want, not the job you have. If you
are currently a bank teller and want to become a branch manager, identify the
successful branch managers and emulate their manner of dress.
If you want respect, you have to dress as well as or better than your industry
One would expect to find conservative dress standards in banking, insurance,
accounting, and law, and more casual dress standards in advertising, sports
entertainment and agriculture. Spend time researching the dress and grooming
standards in the industry in which you hope find a job.
Selecting Your Career Apparel
Companies that have initiated extensive career apparel programs rely on uniforms to
project an image of consistent quality, good services and uniqueness.
For example men worker rules include, no beard, and dress shirts with coordinated
ties. Female employee rules includes the skirt length (must not be shorter than two
inches above the knew), and also stockings.
The company requires employees to follow the rules in order to maintain the personal
appearance and grooming standards give it a marketing advantage.
The uniform worn by employees by clerk, and the employees at restaurant were
classified as career apparel.
In addition to special design uniforms,
Ntozake Shange s View Of The Oppression Of Colored
All of the stories that we have read over the semester have opened my eyes to the
way women were treated, good or bad. Some stories stuck in my mind more than
others. These stories really focused on the oppression of women and bringing
awareness to the issue. The authors that wrote them were very brave for writingabout
the issues that were not getting talked about. The authors were also very inspirational
to women in the time period they were written in and informative to the women who
read them now. Ntozake Shange, Mary Austin and Willa Cather allowed me to
analyze how society viewed women and the unfair expectations put on them.
After taking many classes at College of Saint Mary that are focused on women, it is
always interesting ... Show more content on ...
We get the perspective of Niel Herbert in her novel, A Lost Lady. The story starts
out with Niel looking up to and glorifying a family friend, Marian Forrester. The
Forrester s are a very well known family for their hospitality and charm. As Niel is
growing up he recognizes that Marian Forrester was superior to the other women
in the town, she could do no wrong and was the perfect wife. Niel s view of Marian
changed quickly when he realized that she was having an affair, In that instant
between stooping to the window sill and rising, he had lost one of the most
beautiful things in his life. This day saw the end of that admiration and loyalty that
had been like a bloom on his existence (Cather 71 72). This quote shows that a man s
opinion of a woman depended on her role as a perfect wife and her
The Creed of the Non Commissioned Officer Essay
The Creed of the Noncommissioned Officer is, to some, just words that must be
uttered during ceremonies and those times when new sergeants earn their stripes.
To others, there is no higher thought. These Soldiers live their time while in
uniform trying their best to uphold everything written in those three paragraphs.
Some choose what those words mean; others make little effort in deciding but let
others decide for them. When I entered the service of my country 6 years ago, I
had no clue that such a creed existed. My family included wartime veterans; my
grandfathers served in korea. And my great Grandfather in world 1. They All served
honorably and passed down many stories of both tragic and valorous deeds. They all
know and have told me... Show more content on ...
Officers of my unit will have maximum time to accomplish their duties; they will
not have to accomplish mine. I will earn their respect and confidence as well as
that of my soldiers. I will be loyal to those with whom I serve; seniors, peers, and
subordinates alike. I will exercise initiative by taking appropriate action in the
absence of orders. I will not compromise my integrity, nor my moral courage. I will
not forget, nor will I allow my comrades to forget that we are professionals,
Noncommissioned Officers, leaders! The Creed has existed in different versions
for a number of years. Long into their careers, sergeants remember reciting the
NCO Creed during their induction into the NCO Corps. Nearly every NCO s
office or home has a copy hanging on a wall. Some have intricate etchings in metal
on a wooden plaque, or printed in fine calligraphy. But a quick glance at any copy
of the NCO Creed and you will see no author s name at the bottom. The origin of the
NCO Creed is a story of its own. In 1973, the Army (and the noncommissioned officer
corps) was in turmoil. Of the post Vietnam developments in American military policy,
the most influential in shaping the Army was the advent of the Modern Volunteer
Army. With the inception of the Noncommissioned Officer Candidate Course, many
young sergeants were not the skilled trainers of the past and were only trained to
perform a specific job; squad leaders in
A Concept Analysis On Compassion Fatigue
I.Background and Significance
II.Meaning in Published Works
The purpose of conducting a concept analysis is to divide the components of a
concept into separate individual parts for evaluation and clarification. Analysis of the
internal structure, defining aspects, characteristics and interrelationships to the other
components can be achieved by conducting a concept analysis. The basic purpose is a
process to discover the similarities and differences between concepts (Walker Avant,
2005). The intent of the concept analysis on the subject of compassion fatigue is to
evaluate compassion fatigue in nursing and to determine the current conceptual use in
efforts to clarify the relevance to nurses. The aim is to identify how the concept is
currently utilized and how it could potentially be utilized in the future.
IV.Definitions and Defining Attributes
A.Compassion fatigue in nursing is defined as the resultant distress and physical
experiences that occur when continuously caring for others, usually in highly
stressful situations (Sheppard, 2015). Burnout and secondary traumatic stress
disorder are terms identified in the literature as having affiliations with compassion
fatigue. Burnout is a physical and mental exhaustion that occurs as a gradual result of
working in hostile and demanding environments or under stress. Secondary traumatic
stress disorder is a traumatic reaction that occurs due to witnessing the suffering of
others (Hinderer et al., 2014).
Banning Tasers In Canada
Tasers are a controversal topic as to whether they should be banned or not. there
are many reasons on to why the Government of Canada must not ban the use of
tasers for all police officers in Canada. Tasers actually save lives, they are much less
lethal compared to other weapons, and they provide a higher measure of safety for
all policeofficers in Canada.
The Government of Canada must not ban the use of tasers for all police officers in
Canada because tasers saves lives. Tasers saves more lives than people think.
There has only been 26 deaths(because of tasers) from 2003 to the present in
Canada. That number compared to the thousands of times that tasers have been
used, means a very low death ratio. As well as the possibility of someone dying
with a healthy heart from being tasered is also very low. Tasers were not made to
deliberately kill someone, but to do the literal opposite. ... Show more content on ...
When it comes down to the choice of which weapon to use, what comes to mind
first? A gun? A baton? How about a much safer choice of weapon that won t have
lasting consequences on a person. Tasers are a preferred choice over other non
lethal weapons such as pepper spray, making it the most effective choice. On
contact, there is a decrease in necessary sugars and blood flow on the subjects body.
The pain attained from tasers only last seconds whereas other weapons have much
more severe consequences. For example, instead of shooting someone with a gun and
potentially killing the person, they can be tasered and still live to see the next
End Human Trafficking Intervention Plan Paper
Assessment of the Problem
Human trafficking is the form of modern day slavery and it is a worldwide problem
that affects our local communities. Human trafficking presents itself in two forms:
sex trafficking and labor trafficking. Human trafficking touches people of all ages:
children, young adults, and the elderly. Human traffickingis defined as, the
recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of
threat of use of force or other forms of coercion, or abduction, (Lightfoot, p.1, 2013).
According to the San JosГ© Police Department there are approximately 600,000 to
800,000 people that are trafficked across international borders each year. Out those
800,000 people it is estimated that 18,000 to 20,000 ... Show more content on ...
He also states that government agrees that human trafficking is a problem, however,
only about 15 million dollars has been invested over the past seven years. Acosta
states that the tools needed are there, but there is a lack of will in the political power,
not enough public awareness, and that there are not enough resources.
On a statewide level in California there are task forces assigned to combat human
trafficking. In San JosГ©, California the task force assigned to fight against human
trafficking is the San JosГ© Police Department and Community Solutions. There are
other agencies such as the YWCA that collaborate with law enforcement, legal
advocates and pro bono attorneys, victim service providers, faith communities and
community activists. The most common human trafficking in the South Bay is
Commercially Sexually Exploited Children, although sex trafficking of women and
labor trafficking still occur.
Community efforts include the Not for Sale campaign that provides awareness and
resources for victims and at risk individuals. There is also currently a conference that
is going to be held through FIGHT (What does this stand for?). The primary purpose
of the conference is to motivate the community and local churches to get involved to
fight against human trafficking. The conference will focus on education, creating
positive change, abuse prevention programs for local
Comparing Hamlet And The Lion King
Family issues that result in a murdering tragedy has been turned into a children s
movie of life lessons. The Lion King produced by Disney was based off of the
famous play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Hamlet is about a prince whose father
is murdered by his uncle, the prince seeks revenge after seeing his father s ghost
which leads him to murder. The Lion Kingis about a prince lion whose father is
killed by his uncle, leading to the lion killing his uncle and taking back the throne.
Viewers must watch for these details and situations in both The Lion King and Hamlet
Characters are the best part about movies, they allow viewers to make a personal
connection. Upon reviewing the films Hamlet and The Lion King it is clear there
are similarities, Hamlet is a prince whose father (Hamlet Sr.) is killed by his uncle
(Claudius) so he can take over the castle and become king of Denmark. Simba is a
lion prince whose father (Mufasa) is killed by his uncle (Scar) so he can rule all of
pride rock. It is clear to see that Hamlet and Simba, Hamlet Sr. and Mufasa, and
Claudius and Scar are all twins of each other. Hamlet also has a girlfriend named
Ophelia while Simba and Nala are very fond of each other. Simba has two unusual
friends that always stick together, Timon the meerkat and Pumbaa the boar. Hamlet
has two ... Show more content on ...
The Lion King shows values when Simba comes back to pride rock to serve
justice. Where as Hamlet stirs up trouble and goes on a killing spree, then
ultimately dies at the end. Disney made it clear this was not meant to be a bloody
gory film. Instead it leaves viewers feeling fulfilled and wanting more. Shakespeare
wanted blood, gore, death, and violence; it is what made the play worth leaving
home to watch. Viewers fall in love with Simba and his friends as they are animals
that would not be seen everyday. Hamlet is viewed as a psychopath that killed others
for his own sick, twisted
Human Nature In Shakespeare s Hamlet
To, be or not to be, is one of William Shakespeare s most notable inquiries regarding
the self in the tragedy Hamlet (3.1.56). Hamlet is one of Shakespeare s most
complicated characters, in that the audience is able to view Hamlet s internal
struggle. By orchestrating chaos, Shakespeare creates an environment in which the
male characters; Hamletand Claudius, are free to contemplate and express their
respective nature. However, when it comes to Gertrude; Hamlet s mother and initial
instigator of Hamlet s conflict, there is no interior examination. There is only
recognition of her sexuality, and the chaos that ensues from her decision to lay with
Claudius. So why does someone so interested in human nature, like William
Shakespeare, not... Show more content on ...
84). Already the concept of human nature alludes to a hierarchy. Those of a
wealthier status are more capable of attainting culture, and therefore able to
cultivate their nature. This may be one of the reasons why women, who were seen
as imperfect men, did not have the freedom to explore their interiority (Marquis
1257). Women were not made in the image of God, but rather: she is the image of
man in a restrictive and analogical sense, because woman was made from man, after
man, inferior to him and his likeness (Farber). Women were by design lower in the
hierarchy. Not only did the Renaissance now contemplate the self, but they also
found celebration of the self. Cultural historian, Jacob Burckhardt, argues that: In the
Middle Ages, man was conscious of himself only as a member of a race, people,
party, family or corporation only through some general category (Burke 193). During
the Renaissance, however: ...this veil first melted into became a spiritual
individual, and recognized himself as such (193). Man could now be a spiritual
individual outside of the theological realm because of this humanist movement of the
Renaissance. This idea was simplified by the Renaissance Italian philosopher,
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, in his work Oration on the Dignity of Man. He
believed that
Talian As The Historical And Cultural Heritage Of Rio
The Talian is a language born in Brazil, the result of merging the immigrant s
dialect, especially from the Veneto region, with the Portuguese, Brazil s official
language. Accepted as the language of the immigrates language, il Talian, called
also Brazilian Veneto , is recognized as the historical and cultural heritage of Rio
Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, and it is still spoken by over half a million
people. The Talian is therefore a living language, preserved and conserved during the
years. Used in radio stations, newspapers and television, the Talian is the last bond
among the Italian immigrants and their land. According to data from the Rapporto
Italiano nel Mondo, conducted by the Fundação Migrantes (Immigrants
Foundation), Brazil
Classfication Mixed State Hypomania
DISEASE:44Lithium44Divalproex3Antipsychotic agents3Valproic
acid3Carmazepine3Verapamil3RISK FACTOR AND ADVERSE
Bipolar disorder is associated with behavioural disturbances. It is characterized by
mania and depression. CLASSIFICATIONMIXED STATES:In this condition,
individual has co occuring manic and depressive symptoms. Dysphoric mania is
manic condition or agitated depression is primarily depressed. Mania and depression
are two independent conditions in a bipolar disorder list . In this state the patient is
more likely to behave in a dangerous manner which included self injury(patient might
hurt itself) or suicide.
Hypomania is a state maily called lowered state of mania.In which there is less need
for sleep. OR Hypomanic phase is a less degree of mania with elevated mood and
increased activity and energy but without hallucination.
ASSOCIATED DISORDERS:Hypomania may be indicative ofГїbipolar II
disorderГї.Several types of mania such asГїkleptomaniaГїand pyromaniaГїare related
closely toГїobsessive compulsive disorderГїthan to bipolar disorder, depends on the
severity this disorder. For example B12Гїdeficiency can also leads to characteristics (
some symptoms of) mania and psychosis. Hyperthyroidism is a condition which can
produce similar symptoms
The Causes Of Conflicts In The Outsiders
Just like every person even the people in the books have conflict in their life it or not.
Ponyboy went through some tough times in the novel The Outsiders . But when he
was going through those tough times he kind of learned something from the situation.
There are many things that Ponyboy went through in the novel. There were many
causes of the situations that happened along the way. Such as Pony lost many of his
very close friends and didn t know how to face it and get through at times in the
novel. When ponyboy went through the tough times or conflict in the novel he in a
way made the reader and even the characters in the story understand what he was
trying to get at and understand him better.
The first thing that ponyboy or even the characters in the story went through was
the night when PonyBoy and Johnny went out and Ponyboy stayed out past curfew.
One of the Socs named Bob was drunk that night and was mad at the same time
because a couple nights before Bob s girlfriend Cherry was hanging out with
Ponyboy and Johnny. Bob acted out in anger and tried to drown Ponyboy in the
fountain that was in the park. Johnny acted out in self defence and stabbed Bob to
where he bled to death right there in the park. He was sitting next to me, one elbow
on his knee, and staring straight ahead. He was a greenish white, and his eyes were
brighter than I have ever seen them I killed him, He said slowly I killed him.
(Hinton 56) What s happening when Johnny says this is he is
Observable Characteristics
The first aspect of diversity I chose to analyze is religion. My religion has had a
constant and endless imprint on my life. There are many ways that I express my
religion. One observable characteristic of my religious identity is my dress and
appearance. I choose to dress modestly as a symbol of self respect. Based on the
belief that my body is a gift from God, I also choose to not adorn my body with
tattoos. My weekly attendance at church and participation in the choir are other
patterns of observable characteristics of culture. A final example of an observable
characteristic is service. I choose to give of my time and talents to help others at
school, church or in my community. For instance, each Sunday I voluntarily teach a
Prodigal Son Vs Jesus
Annette Simmons once said, If you wish to influence and individual or a group to
embrace a particular value in their daily lives, tell them a compelling story. The book
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens and the biblical Parable of the Prodigal Son
hold some similarities. They do, however, hold distinct differences. The differences
between Great Expectationsand the Parable of the Prodigal Son can be traced back to
the purpose of the authors. The differences are evident though the authors purpose,
the plot, and the main characters in both works. The main reason that Great
Expectations and the Parable of the Prodigal Son are so different, is the intent of the
original authors. Dickens wrote Great Expectations as a social commentary.... Show
more content on ...
In the beginning of Great Expectations seven year old Pip meets an escaped
convict in the graveyard one night. The convict is recaptured, but it remains
something Pip dwells on for the rest of his life. Several years later an elderly
woman named Miss Havisham and her adopted daughter Estella invite Pip to visit.
Estella berates Pip for being common. Following this encounter, Pip is unhappy
with his life until he is told some unnamed benefactor has given Pip a fortune. Pip
is whisked away to London where he wastes his money and finds himself in debt.
In the parable, the story begins with the son receiving his inheritance from his
father. The son then leaves home for a distant country. In this foreign country, he
squandered his inheritance on a life of dissipation (Luke 15:13). Pip lives in
London for several years until he discovers his benefactor is the convict he met in
the graveyard. Pip tries to helps the convict, Magwitch, escape from the police, but
Magwitch is captured. As a result, Pip looses his fortune. In the parable the son
simply runs out of money just as a famine strikes the land. He tries to make a living
taking care of the swine. In the book Pip returns home briefly to make amends with
Joe and Joe s wife Biddy, then returns to London to make an honest living with his
friend Herbert. The son in the parable decides to return home in hopes that his
father will hire him as a worker. His father instead greets him with open arms and
declares this son of mine was dead, and has come to life again; he was lost, and has
been found (Luke 15:24). Pip in Great Expectations and the son in the Parable of
the Prodigal Son may appear to be similar, but they are still different. Pip begins the
story with low self esteem due to his harsh
Ilm Level 3 Unit 328 Understand How to Lead Effective...
Unit 328: Understand how to lead effective meetings
AC 1.1
Explain the purpose of a meeting
Staff meetings
The purpose of regular staff meetings helps an organisation become much more
organised and efficient and places both employees and managers on the same page,
it makes it easier to establish roles and collaborates to finish projects and achieve
goals. They make it possible for all members of a company to work together with less
confusion and accomplish objectives faster.
They cover a range of relevant information, and provide a platform for employees to
ask questions and discuss concerns with management enabling staff to offer ideas and
solutions directly to managers and team members within the company. Staff meetings
inform ... Show more content on ...
It is an opportunity to discuss strengths, give constructive suggestions and consider
each other s points of view.
AC 1.2
Explain the purpose and structure of an agenda
A meeting agenda ensures that the meeting will be a productive use of everyone s
time. It can focus the attendee s efforts and provide a structure to accomplish the
meeting purpose. It defines outcomes, and important information, attendee roles
and responsibilities and a meeting timeline. It allows attendee s to prepare for the
meeting as it is made available a week before. It also works as a checklist of those
attending, goals and topics for discussion to make sure that all the necessary
information is covered and keeps team members focused on the specific goals and
stay on track with the subject matter.
A well written meeting agenda makes it easy for everyone to go through the meeting
process smoothly and in an organised manner.
AC 1.3
Explain how to select and invite the right people to attend the meeting
When inviting people to a meeting, make it a point to mention why they are expected
to attend. This gives them time to prepare, and keeps them alert and interactive
throughout, it is best to only have people who can contribute to the meeting for
example were they given any action points to achieve in a previous meeting that need
to be followed up?, would the individual bring anything new to the table? Do they
An Analysis of the Factors of Successful Implementation of...
An analysis of the factors of successful implementation of customer relationship
management in chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom 1. Introduction Today,
more and more companies find that cultivating customer loyalty is a key factor to
achieve success. Customer relationship management (CRM) focuses on the
relationship between customer and company. Due to this feature, many companies
are trying to establish their own CRM system for helping them to connect new
customers and boost old customers long term loyalty. CRM systems include
operations and analysis, and relationship marketing strategy and supporting, customer
centric business processes (Buttle 2004). With the development of information
technology (IT), using CRM system... Show more content on ...
Meanwhile, in operational stage, through improving seller service, customer
satisfaction increased which is helpful for building or maintaining the loyalty of
customer for companies. As a result, it can sale more productions to increase
revenues and profitability. 4.2 CRM processes In order to establish a suitable CRM
system and increase the success rate, understanding CRM processes is especially
important. Building CRM system, there are many works need to do(). Firstly, the
target customer market should be identified. Different customer strategies are focused
on different target customer markets based on their profitability. Then, firms set
customer objectives, for example, acquire customer satisfaction and loyalty. After
that, the leaders and managers should support and commit the implementation of a
CRM system. At the same time, when companies change their targets, a plan about
Water Supply In Canada Essay
Canada should do a Better Job Protecting Its Water Supply Since the start of time
human kind and all other living things on earth have been dependant on a clean
and smooth flowing water supply. Water is an essential part of survival on earth
and that has stood true since the start of time. As droughts around the world
increase and areas turn in to dust bowls the demand of exportation of water from
countries like Canada grows tremendously. Due to this I whole heartedly disagree
with the topic and in fact encourage the Canadian government to send large bulks
of water to areas of need. Statistically speaking Canada s water consumption levels
are very high. Canada owns about 9% of the world s freshwater while only having
1% of the world s population. An average Canadian uses about 1600 cubic meters of
water yearly, this is double how much the French use and 8 times the world average.
We as... Show more content on ...
Another reason I am not in favor of Canada protecting its water supply is because
of the difference between us and others around the world. Considering currency
change and the amount of resources surrounding us, we have a lot more goods
including a strong water supply from the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific oceans, the
Arctic ocean also leads in to the great lakes which is very beneficial to Canadians
from an economic standpoint. A research done proved that 20% of the world s
richest own about 86% of all goods on earth, while the 20% poorest own as little as
only 1% of the world s goods. If we were to use this information and applied that to
Canada vs The World we would all clearly understand that it is our duty as a nation
to unite together and create equality around the world by sharing goods such as
water. The earth is something we are all part of, when something goes wrong in one
part of the world it has a ripple affect somewhere else. As citizens of a strong state it
is our duty to think about the common good of
American Literature
American Literature through Time To find out more about a particular literature
time period, click on the links below: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· Puritan
Times Rationalism/Age of Enlightenment American Renaissance/Romanticism
Gothic Realism Naturalism Modernism Harlem Renaissance Postmodernism
Contemporary Puritan Times period of American Literature 1650 1750 Content:
п‚· п‚· п‚· errand into the wilderness be a city upon a hill Christian utopia Genre
/Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· sermons, diaries personal narratives captivity narratives
jeremiads written in plain style Effect: п‚· п‚· instructive reinforces authority of the
Bible and church Historical Context: п‚· п‚· a person s fate is determined by God all
people are corrupt and must... Show more content on ...
Genre/Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· short story, novel characters usually lower class or
lower middle class fictional world is commonplace and unheroic; everyday life is a
dull round of daily existence characters ultimately emerge to act heroically or
adventurously with acts of violence, passion, and/or bodily strength in a tragic
ending Effect: п‚· this type of literature continues to capture audiences in present
day: the pitting of man against nature Historical Context: п‚· writers reflect the
ideas of Darwin (survival of the fittest) and Karl Marx (how money and class
structure control a nation) Modernism period of American Literature 1900 1946
Content: п‚· п‚· п‚· dominant mood: alienation and disconnection people unable to
communicate effectively fear of eroding traditions and grief over loss of the past
Genre/Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· highly experimental allusions in writing often refer to
classical Greek and Roman writings use of fragments, juxtaposition, interior
monologue, and stream of consciousness writers seeking to create a unique style
Effect: п‚· common readers are alienated by this literature Historical Context: п‚· п‚·
п‚· overwhelming
Analyzing Somo s Song Ride
Critiquing Music Many songs that are played on the radio have, and carry, so much
emotion through individuals each and every day. The song Ride by Somo, intensely
exposes many of the emotions that a guy has when he is with a girl that he loves.
Somo is explaining that he loves the girl he is with for the night. It does not explain
how long he has known or been with the girl, just that he is having so much passion
for her the night he is singing this song. Many levels and interpretations can be
thought of when listening to Ride . The description, analysis, interpretation, and
judgement of this song and musicvideo can be described in so many words. Ride s
main chorus is where Somo is stating over and over that he wants to treat the... Show
more content on ...
The music in the background is softer when he is singing the chorus. The music
video is of Somo and his lady friend sexually dancing inside of his house. When the
chorus is sung, that music in the background of Somo s voice gets much louder than
the rest of the song. All of this combined can be analyzed in a specific way.
Throughout the music video, Somo and his lady friend are wearing almost no
clothing. This was done to show that the song is sexualized and passionate. The
movement of their bodies going slow, show that Somo wants to be as gentle and
caressing as possible. The low voice when he speaks to her is soft so he can show
that even though he is bigger, that he can treat her right and be romantic with her.
Other parts of the song allow someone to have an interpretation of what Somo wants
to show the lady.
Many of the sounds, feeling, and emotion throughout the song intertwine with one
another to portray a certain feeling to an audience of listeners. The point of the
song is to show that even though a guy can look big and seem macho, when he
finds that one girl that makes he feel different he can become something romantic
and passionate. Once you are with a girl for a night, maybe you can only see her for
one night, you should tell her your emotions and how you want to treat her like a
queen. Judgement of this song can be made that it is also a little too
A Hero As A Hero In The Epic Of Beowulf
Beowuf is an Old English epic that reflects the cultural values of Anglo Saxons
Anglo Saxon beliefs are shown through Beowulfs actions throughout the epic. His
actions defined him as a great hero because of the many journeys he encounters to
help defend Hrothgar. One of the main Anglo Saxon beliefs illustrated in the story is
thee idea of personal indebtedness. Additional beliefs that are represented are fame
and fate, which are depicted through all three episodes. An element of an epic are
archetypes, which are a literary devie that present a pattern of an action, character
type, or an image. The archetypes that shaped Beowulfare hero as a warrior, battle
between good and evil, and a devil figure. The first archetype that helped shape
Beowulf is a hero as a warrior. Beowulfs courage being pushed to his limits as he
uttered I ve never know fear... I am old, now, But I will fight again/ If the dragon
hiding in the tower dares face me (Beowulf ll. 2 6). His journey at such an old age to
save the people from the dragon shows how great of a wrrior he is and shows how
great of a hero he is. Ancient heroes have told the story of Beowulfs courage: I
mean to stand, not run from his shooting flame, stand till fate decides (Beowulf ll.
15 16). The way he sacrafises his life as a warrior shows he will alwats be known as a
hero by his people. Beowulf time was limited as he fought with the fate against him,
with glory/ and struck at the dragons scaly hide (Beowulf ll. 64 66).
Poultry Farmers In America
I understand that your food products are extremely popular across the country,
especially your chicken products. I am writing to you about your treatment of the
farmers that are raising your chickens. What you do to these farmers is unacceptable
and needs to stop immediately. Your actions have caused hundreds of chicken
farmers across the country to struggle financially and emotionally. You need to
change the harsh criteria you put on the farmers, the process by which you decide
which farms get bonuses and pay cuts, and you need to increase the wages these
farmers receive in the first place (Nelson and Kaptur). The system in which you
punish farmers for not obeying your exact instructions is inhumane. Many chicken
farmers live below the... Show more content on ...
If you do this, these farms will be able to meet your requirements more easily and
they will have increased success in producing chickens. Since this industry brings in
substantial amounts of money, I think there should be no problem with paying
these farms more. Americans eat chicken every day and the farms who raise them
should be rewarded for their hard work. No chicken farm should be making less
than $50,000 annually. Raising the wages will solve many of the unfair issues within
this industry and it will improve the farmers well being as well as your
World Religion Midterm
I really love this midterm project since it pushes me to experience different religions
and participate in many valuable activities. I really learned many things from this
class, but I think the theoretically knowledge cannot leave me a deep impression.
This project gives me an opportunity to put everything into practice. More
importantly, by experiencing three world religions Christianity, Buddhism, and
Catholicism, I realized the differences and similarities among them. This makes me
understand how are those religions related. I think this is an important task in this
However, there are some differences between my plan and the real project. Firstly, I
engaged in a community service organized by a Catholic group rather than an Islamic
Factors Leading For Shortage Of Primary Care Physicians
Navya Motaparthi Midwestern State University HSAD 5013 Outline TITLE:
Factors responsible for shortage of primary care physicians A) Introduction:
Shortage of primary care physicians An overview of primary care. A brief
description of primary care physicians and their shortage. Statistical and numerical
analysis. Research Question What are the factors that created the shortage of
primary care physicians? Importance Better preventative care to the people
Conclusion B) History of primary care and primary care physicians C) Ethical
issues in shortage of primary care gap D) Economic issues in primary care gap E)
Summary F) Recommendations G) Conclusions Abstract The main objective of this
research question is to analyze the factors that led to the shortage of primary care
physicians. The United States did not substantively address the primary care until the
1960s when two noteworthy reports characterized U.S. primary care. The decline in
the number of general practitioners led to the evolution of primary care physicians in
the past during the 1960s. Their role served many
Analysis Of Edward Abbey s Desert Solitaire
Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey begins in the area surrounding Moab, Utah. He
discusses his intense love and adoration for the land. This theme of laying out the
land for the reader continues from Chapters 1 5. It is apparent the Abbey adores
nature in its purest form. Abbey rarely has visitors of the human kind, he is more
often visited by snakes, deer, birds, and other wildlife than the parks superintendent,
the chief park ranger, and a few tourists here and there. Abbey finds himself a little
lonely from time to time in the beginning of the book but by Chapter 3: The
Serpents of Paradise he finds a friend. He first encounters a not so friendly creature,
a faded midget, a poisonous rattlesnake lying underneath his doorstep. Abbey often
finds himself talking to the animals in this book, so he decides to issue the snakea
warning and remove it. When it comes back to the trailer a second time, Abbey
keeps his promise and kills the snake. Eventually, he finds another snake, which he
recognizes is an enemy to the rattlesnake, and he sets out to domesticate it. Abbey
decides to take it on excursions with him, wrapping the snake around his waist
underneath his shirt. Eventually, the snake was released and never returned. In
Chapter 4, Abbey focuses more on the plants in the region, citing his favorite
wildflower, the cliffrose, and going over his weekly schedules. His busiest days
are the weekends when campers come, after he cleans, makes his rounds, takes a
couple days off, restocks supplies, and then starts all over again. Chapter 5, is when
things start to get heavy. It is at this point Abbey starts revealing how truly
frustrated he is with the US government and the tourists. Abbey is fiercely
protective of the park and soon discovers that roads will be paved in the park to
increase tourism. He is horrified at the aspect of a new road because he sees
automobiles as an enemy to the National Park industry. To Abbey, cars limit tourists
from actually see the land, stating that a short distance on bike or foot is much more
appreciated than a very long distance in a car. He also suggests a new plan for
national parks in order to preserve their authenticity. Abbey thinks that tourists should
travel to the campsites
Leadership Qualities Of The Great Leaders Of Our Time
Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a Leader to chart the course (Maxwell viii).
Leadership. This concept has created many debates throughout history. What does it
take to be classified as a great leader? What intangible characteristics are inherent to
the great leaders of our time? Why have so many failed when put into a leadership
role? During my 27 plus years in the military and over 20 years in the construction
industry, I have been exposed to a wide variety of leaders and their leadership style.
These examples have demonstrated to me that there are just as many bad as good.
My journey down this path of growth has enlightened my awareness of realization
that not everyone can be a leader and it takes hard work to be a successful leader.
Never in my wildest dreams would I have envisioned where I am today. Navy Boot
Camp, 1987, Orlando, Florida. Laying in a bunk bed at 2 am in the morning
anxiously awaiting for the day to begin, along with the other 80 or so of us trying
desperately to get some sleep before our first full day. The anticipation was as thick
as a morning fog rolling in on the eastern seaboard. Every tick tock of the wall
mounted clock could be heard over the thunderous snoring from a dude at the other
end of the compartment. I had no idea what to expect or what was expected of me
over the next eight weeks. Somewhere in the middle of This was my choice and
What did I get myself into stood a wall of desire, challenge and 2 men called Recruit
Dostoevsky as Performer Essay
Dostoevsky as Performer
Storytelling and reading aloud played a valuable part in young Fyodor s life,
influencing his own later successful writing endeavors as well as his performance of
literature. His nanny and wet nurse introduced the Dostoevsky children to folklore
and lives of the saints through the stories they told. Nanny Alyona Frolovna told the
children stories of ancient Russia, of Saint Sergey of Moscow subduing a bear by
the power of his holiness, of heroes and legends and folk tales, Christianity and
Russian myth intertwined ; the stories were so vivid and frightening that the children
had trouble sleeping (Gunn 10). During the winter their former wet nurses would
make a ceremonial visit to the Dostoevsky family, staying ... Show more content on ...
The Gothic novels of Ann Radcliffe were favorites of the Dostoevskys. Frank
contends that Dostoevsky, influenced by Radcliffe, would later incorporate Gothic
techniques of plot, character, and atmosphere and carry them to a peak of perfection
that has never been surpassed (1976, 55). Among the literature read and discussed
by the Dostoevsky fireside were the Bible, writings of Nikolai Karamzin, including
History of the Russian State, Letters of a Russian Traveller, and Poor Liza; the poets
Vasily Zhukovsky, Mikhail Y. Lermontov, Gavriil R. Derzhavin, and, of course,
Alexander Pushkin; and the novelist Sir Walter Scott. Frank believes that the readings
in the family circle were designed to stimulate and benefit the children and to turn
them into Godfearing and loyal citizens of the Tsar (1976, 5960). Geir Kjetsaa
reports that the Dostoevsky parents were fine readers and the two oldest boys
[Mikhail and Fyodor] did not lag far behind them and is convinced that for Fyodor
these reading sessions served as a literary foundation for his entire life (10).
The influence of Fyodor s mother, his first teacher, was no doubt strong as she
conveyed her love of poetry and novels as well as music. Fyodor began to read for
himself at the age of four from an antique volume containing a hundred and four
Bible tales and conceived a passion for the book of Job
Pollution Water Pollution
The data collected and found while in the trip, can determine who polluted the
water is. It was concluded that the water quality is good to excellent. The first
graph shows the level of nitrates, phosphates and dissolved oxygen in the water.
There was an average of 2.5 ppm of nitrate found, 1.7 ppm of phosphates, and 8.7
ppm of dissolved oxygen. Phosphates and nitrates are harmful to the water and can
cause algaeblooms, which then creates dead zones. These chemicals come from
farms mostly, and run down through the soil, into the water. That is why areas
with an abundance of agriculture can sometimes negatively affect their nearby
water source. The dissolved oxygen level found was also good. Dissolved oxygen
is the gaseous form of oxygen found in water. Without it, animals would not be able
to survive underwater. Many factors affect how much dissolved oxygen is in the
water, such as temperature, the atmosphere, water movement speed, and plant life
in the water. The average temperature of the water was about 69 degrees Fahrenheit
and about 20.5 degrees Celsius. Cooler water temperature creates more dissolved
oxygen. With more dissolved oxygen, it is easier for animals to survive in the
water. Another component of the water that was measured, was turbidity. Turbidity
is how far down in the water you would be able to see with your naked eye. If water
has a high level as turbidity, it would mean that you could see far down, and the
water would be clearer. If it
Case Study Strauder V Allsright Essay
Personal Property Case Study
The case study Parking Lot s Liability is an actual court case, Allright, Inc. v.
Strauder. Plaintiff brought suit alleging that as a result of defendant s negligence,
his automobile was stolen from a parking lot operated by defendant. Signs were
located throughout the parking lot which stated that the lot closed at 6 o clock p.m.
and that anyone returning after that time could pick up their keys at another parking
lot operated by the defendant at a another location. He was aware of the time when
he left the car at the station and that the signs and the claim ticket said the lot closed
at 6 o clock. So indeed a bailment was created. The definition of bailment is a
transaction in which an owner ... Show more content on ...
Once the purpose of the bailment has been completed, the bailee usually must return
the property to the bailor, or account for it, depending upon the terms of the contract.
Legal liability usually takes the form of monetary damages to compensate for the
breach of the legal duty. A requisite to the creation of a bailment is the express or
implied acceptance of possession or control over the property by the bailee. A
person cannot unwittingly become a bailee. Because a bailment is a contract,
knowledge and acceptance of its terms are essential to its enforcement.
(Cheeseman, 2010) Had the parking garage been closed when the plaintiff left his
car, there would be no bailment created. Lost, mislaid, and abandoned property is
categories of the common law of property which deals with personal property
which has left the possession of its rightful owner without having entered the
possession of another person. Property can be considered lost, mislaid or
abandoned. Property is generally deemed to have been lost if it is found in a place
where the true owner likely did not intend to set it down, and where it is not likely
to be found by the true owner. Property has been mislaid or misplaced if it is found
in a place where the true owner likely did intend to set it, but then simply forgot. If
property has been abandoned, it is found in a place where the owner likely intended
to leave it, but is in such a condition that
Radar Intrusion Detection System ( Ids )
пѓ INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM (IDS): The IDS is a type of security
management system for computers and networks. It gathers and analyzes the
information from different areas within the computer or a network in order to
identify possible security threats, which may include both intrusions and misuse[[98]
, [99]]. It is installed between the firewall and personal computeror server as shown in
figure 7. The moment the IDS detects the attacks, an alarm is produced that informs
the user of the undergoing attacks. It has three core parts packet sniffing, detection
and reporting.
Figure 7: Intrusion Detection System
According to the method of detection , IDS can be divided into: Anomaly and Misuse
based detection. After the construction of the normal pattern the data is classified into
attacked data if it doesn t belong to normal data. Misused detection is used to detect
the attacks in different ways. Anomaly based detection often has high false alarm rate
due to the changeful attack patterns. Its accuracy rate is low as compared to the
Misuse based detection .The accuracy rate of misuse based detection is high because
Digital And Collaborative Learning Practices
The key problems, which I, unfortunately, was unable to identify in my first
assessment, would be the lack of digital and collaborative learning practices in my
teaching. These could be due to the following reasons:
1.Working within time frames to deliver the relevant content.
2.Not confident in using digital devices and its related applications/apps for learning
3.Lack of motivation to try something different.
4.The workload associated with creating content using a digital innovation could be
exhausting and tiring.
5.The school system does not demand an immediate need for digital and collaborative
innovations (DCI).
6.Teaching to task in order to improve on the NCEA results.
7.Not aware of the effectiveness of DCI in classrooms.
8.Comfortable with the concept of being a traditional teacher.
9.There is no procedure or system in place about the expectations of students using
digital devices in my school.
10.The expectation of BOT and whanau to raise the achievement levels for external
exams seems unreasonably high.
11.Heavy workload, which drains my energy level to incorporate DCI in my
12.Working in a decile 2 school I have students who range from diverse families
and cultures and with special needs. My lessons are planned in such a way, which
caters the needs of individual students. For evidence based I am required to have a
paper trail.
13.Lack of professional development regarding DCI.
14.High expectations from senior management with
Netherlands and Densely Populated Countries Essay
The Netherlands
The Netherlands, officially Kingdom of the Netherlands, is a constitutional monarchy
located in Northwest Europe. The Netherlands Antilles is part of the state and
consists of islands in the Caribbean. The Netherlands is often called Holland after a
historic region, part of the present day nation. The country is bounded on the North
and West by the North Sea, on the East by Germany, and on the South by Belgium.
Land is scarce in the Netherlands and is fully exploited. The natural landscapes have
been altered over the centuries. The average January temperature is 35 degrees F
and the mean July temperature is 63 degrees F. The Netherlands was considered to
be lacking in natural resources. Salt is produced and in ... Show more content on ...
Most firms are privately owned even though the government distributes about 40%
of the Dutch national income. From 1965 to 1980, the gross domestic product of
the Netherlands grew at an average yearly rate of 3.8%, about equal to that of
neighboring countries of continental Europe. Between 1980 and 1992, the GDP
increased by only 2.3% annually. About 23% of the GDP is produced by
manufacturing and energy related activities; about 16% by trade; about 9% by public
utilities, transportation, and communications; 6% by construction; 4% by agriculture;
and 42% by the service sector. The annual gross national product in the early 1990 s
was about $20,480. The Dutch currency unit is the guilder, or gulden (1.89 guilders
equal a U.S. $1, 1998). As of January 1, 1999, the Netherlands adopted the Euro, the
common currency of the European Union, at a fixed conversion rate of 2.20371
guilders to one Euro. De Nedelandsche Bank, the Dutch central bank, is a full
participant in the European System of central banks. Amsterdam is the leading center
of Dutch banking and insurance and the home of the country s principal stock
The Dutch economy is fully open to world trade. Much of the flow of goods into its
ports is intended for transshipment to other countries, mainly members of the EU.
The Importance Of Self-Esteem
Self esteem is a realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself. In 1892,
William James defined self esteem. His two hierarchy are I self and Me Self . I Self
is the process of knowledge while Me Self is the result of knowing yourself. There
are three types of knowledge: self, social self, and spiritual self. In the mid 1960s,
Morris Rosenberg also defined self esteem. He created the Rosenberg Self Esteem
Scale (RSEC). The RSEC asks questions ranging from strongly agree to strongly
disagree. The answers are counted into numbers and placed into a scale of 0 30. A
range of 15 25 is a normal self esteem. Anything under 15 considers a low self
esteem. Robert White believed in two sources: internal and external. Nathaniel
was the first person to define self esteem in terms or worthiness and competence.
His findings were based on philosophy. Self esteem is one of the four core self
evaluators. Abraham Maslow included self esteem in his hierarchy of human needs.
He described two different forms of esteem : the need for respect from others in the
form of recognition, success, and admiration, and the need for self respect in the
form of self love, self confidence, skill, or aptitude (wikipedia).
According to more selfesteem, Serbia has the highest self esteem, and Japan has the
lowest self esteem. Mexico has the highest percentage of people satisfied with how
they look. UK and Australia had the lowest. Canada is the highest for being proud to
show off their
Lloyd Jones Mister Pip
Mr. Pip Essay Lloyd Jones Mister Pip is a novel about the main character is
Matilda Laimo, who realizes there is an escape from the real world. Initially, Matilda
has many characteristics that contribute to the theme. A quality Matilda perceives is
that she is very attentive. For example, when they went back to school she counted
twenty kids, about half the original school roll. Also, she realized that her new
teacher, Mr. Watts or Pop Eye, that his hair was long, nearly touching his shoulders.
When it was short we hadn t noticed the flecks of red and gray. These quotes illustrate
that Matilda carefully examines everything around her which leads her to have
creativity. Secondly, Matilda is mentally strong. When she was younger,... Show more
content on ...
Pip is her getaway from the real world, another escape from her problems. She
finds him to be one of her best friends, since they have a lot in common. Eventually,
this leads her to become more bright and sincere about life than she was before.
Since life is hard with the redskins babysitting them, Mr. Watts had given us kids
another world to spend the night in. We could escape to another the end
of chapter one I felt like I had been spoken to by this boy Pip... I had found a new
friend. This proves she is understanding that in books, she can get lost in them and
learn many things, including to believe. The book helps her through the tough
times on the island, giving her faith that everything will be all right. Additionally,
Pip causes her trouble with her mom. This change is character to character, where
her mom is disapproving of Matilda with Pip. To her mom, it seems that Pip has
taken over Matilda s life in a negative way, but overall, it benefited Matilda. For
example, Matilda wrote Pip in the sand and in return her mother gave me a look of
pure hate.. I waited for the slap. Instead she kicked out at the sand around PIP, then
kicked out at the air over his name. This clearly shows that Matilda loves Pip, since it
is the closest thing to her heart, but her mother is damping it, resulting in them to
become further apart. The only thing keeping them together is that they both have
faith that each other would understand what they
The Thematic Elements Of William Shakespeare s Hamlet
Nobility or shame
The thematic elements found throughout many of William Shakespeare s plays are
numerous. Such themes further develop the plot of the story and help explain a
universal purpose the story has. Imagination seeps through every crevice in the reader
s mind as to what a theme can be alluding to. Throughout many of Shakespeare s
written works, it can be noted that death, in particular suicide, is a relevant and
ongoing theme that Shakespeare gives way to. A prime example is that of the well
known tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare does not stop at the tragedy of the
star crossed lovers, but further goes on to write several more tragedies that deal with
suicide such as: Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Othello, and Hamlet. The ... Show more
content on ...
During the rise of the Renaissance era, the motto death before dishonor was
implanted in many courtly ideals. Many chose to die than to have dishonor upon
their name. It would be a burden that they would live with for the rest of their lives if
their name was put to shame. Suicide was given the bad shoulder during this time,
but many writers shined a light on it that further enhanced a work of literature.
Shakespeare was one of the many writers that shined a light within the theme of
suicide. Suicide in his works further enhanced the development of the story. This is
because suicide is a recurring theme that gives way to understand the cultural impact
that comes with being a mortal. Shakespeare opens the window to this developing
theme that is shunned upon by society. In order to understand why suicide is a key
theme that further develops a story, one has to understand the social repercussions
that suicide holds during that time. In Shakespeare s Hamlet it can be noted that even
though Hamlet did not go through with contemplated suicide, he still thought about
whether he should go through the difficulties of life and keep on suffering. For
instance, Shakespeare writes and by opposing end them (page.127, line 68). By
opposing the Christian moral views, he knows and values, Hamlet knows that
suicide will end all his troubles and he will be at peace. Hamlet decides not to
partake in such action. This further
The Rise Of The Qing Dynasty
During the years 1851 1866 there was massive civil war, or as some would consider
it, a rebellion in China. This period of turmoil was not only the most destructive war
of the nineteenth century, but likely the bloodiest civil war of all time. (Platt, 2012)
The ruling government was the Qing dynasty, who had been in power since the mid
1600 s. There were widespread problems throughout the country including natural
disasters such as droughts, famines, and floods. (Robert Worden, 1988) There were a
substantial number of lower class citizens who were unhappy with their living
conditions and with the Manchu rulers of the Qing dynasty. There was a large gap in
economic status between the lower class and the wealthy members of the
government. This social tension along with Chinabeing defeated militarily by France
and Britain lead to a citizen uprising in the region of south China. Known as the
Taiping Rebellion, this large scale revolt was fought in an attempt to create a new
Han Chinesedynasty that would unite Christianity and Confucianism. (Black, 2013)
The Taiping Rebellion impacted Chinese history in two main ways: the Chinese
lower class learned to fight for social change, which lead to other rebellions, and, at
the same time, the war showcased the Chinese government s intolerance for and
ability to thwart societal change. The first main impact the rebellion had on Chinese
history was that the Chinese people, who were possibility influence by the American
Civil war,
Benefits Of Multilingualism
Multilingualism Making the United States a more multilingual society would carry
with it untold benefits oaks Ursula 20 April 2010. Multilingualism is in debate
amongst people even in the modern times. Multilingualism is beneficial for people to
learn and use. Some might say that multilingualism might be a waste of time. On the
other hand, what is believed is that multilingualism is the supreme thing to do.
Multilingualism is excellent as; languages are a gateway to the global community,
encourages brain growth, important to the security and economic. There are various
reasons to go multilingualism instead of monolingual. One of which is that languages
are the gateway to global communication and the key is multilingualism.... Show
more content on ...
This demonstrates how the author believes that multilingualism is convenient to
learn and use in everyday life. It connects to the topic that is being spoken about
showing that multingaulism is more useful and will help you in the long run. This all
connects to the main topic because it shows the benefits of multilingualism while
showing that monolingaulism is not the way to go. The final paragraph shall debate
that languages are important to the security and economy. The next account talks
about how Mr. Michael believes that multilingualism will greatly help the economy.
According to Mr. Michael he believes that, there can be more sales and trades
between different speaking merchants . This is a significant thing for people in the
United States with interest and help the economy grow. It shows that while many
may perceive multilingualism as something insignificant and unimportant and
useless, that it is actually quite useful. In the next affirmation Mr. Michael announces
that if more people can communicate in another language besides their mother tongue
then it can be used to talk to other leaders from other countries leaders. Mr. Michael
states as well that there can be more people who work to protect the security and
communication with other leaders . This is vital to protect the citizens and other
How Social Vulnerabilities Are Important Within Disaster...
Throughout history there have been various definitions present on what a disaster is
and the effects that it contains in relation to the environment and residents within the
area. Society often has specific dominant worldviews in regards to disasters, which
can pertain to or focus around disasters being seen as a hazard , unlucky , or an
unavoidable event (Scandlyn et al, 2009). Generally, many individuals tend to reflect
on definitions in relation to conventional theories because the media often prioritizes
disasters as being catastrophic or an end of the world phenomenon. What these
individuals fail to understand is the importance of recognizing that we cannot only
view disasters in this way, however we must also understand how... Show more
content on ...
Exploring social vulnerabilities is important to look at because its helps to understand
how many residents such as indigenous individuals within the Athabasca region are
disregarded as being important due to the marginalization their community faces. In
addition, considering economic vulnerabilities allows for individuals to realize that
the Canadian economy is more important rather than the livelihood of Alberta
residents. These residents are faced with economic vulnerabilities such as relocation
of their homes as well as an increased cost of living. Lastly, this paper will investigate
the environmental vulnerabilities such as poor environmental management leading to
an increased risk of climate change as well as the health issues that local residents
It is important to understand that when the Alberta tar sands were created, companies
such as Suncor, Imperial oil, Petro Canada and so forth were not concerned with the
residents living within the area. Since the tar sands development occupies a great
amount of space in northern Alberta, this project has affected indigenous
communities such as the Mikisew Cree and Althabasca Chipewyan (Dobson et al.,
2014). This land was home to both of these indigenous communities before Alberta s
government decided to put forth expansions within these areas. As a result,
The Pros And Cons Of Cognitive Linguistics
Cognitive Linguistics is a new approach to the study of language which views
linguistic knowledge as part of general cognition and thinking. It emerged through the
work of George Lakoff and Ronald Langacker and considers that linguistic behavior
is not separated from other general cognitive abilities which allow mental processes
of reasoning or memory but understood as an integral part of it. According to Lakoff
and Johnson, there is a conceptual potential that enables the transferring of the
knowledge and experience human beings have of the things and events that they
know well, to those other objects and events with which they may not be so familiar
with, and even to abstract concepts. (Johnson)One of the main theoretical principles
of cognitive... Show more content on ...
There are certain approaches that focus on the text, like the formalist and structuralist
ones, others focus on the writer like the biographical or psychological ones. Each of
these approaches has their own positive and negative aspects. A cognitive linguistic
approach to literature reconciles both the above mentioned theories and takes into
consideration a third aspect: the reader. Literary experience becomes thus the result
of the conceptualization of all the conceptual aspects of human experience and
behavior. A cognitive approach to literature rests on three key principles from
cognitive science: the notion that meaning is embodied, the notion that categorization
is a feature of prototype effects, so that categories are also socio culturally grounded
in embodiment, and the notion that language and its manifestations in interpretation
is a natural human trait. (Stockwell) Recent work in cognitive linguistics explores the
analogical processes by which the human brain makes sense of its world. So the way
authors think is the way we think. Claiborne Rice states that textual production and
reception necessarily rely on identical, or even similar, integration networks (Rice)
Joseph Grady asserts that speakers and hearers share the same cognitive network
structures. (Grady) According to Fauconnier and Turner, the same structures are at
work in both production and reception. (Fauconnier) Under these views we
understand that the human mind thinks analogically. The components of analogy
include cognitive mapping skills that create levels of identification between across
different domains and mental spaces. In order to understand what literary critics do
when analyzing a literary text, we need to identify the kinds of cognitive mappings
Dreamliner 787 Case Study
Boeing is the worlds largest aerospace company. While Boeing is known mostly
known for their commercial airplanes they also manufactures defense, space and
security systems, military aircrafts, weapons, satellites, electronic defense systems,
launch systems and information and communication systems (Boeing, 2013). In this
case we are going to focus on the Dreamliner 787, and the problems that came with
the creation of it. The first Boeing 787Dreamliner was delivered to Japan s ANA in
2011, nearly 40 months after the planned delivery date. The expected delivery was
in May 2008, but the fuel efficient 787 Dreamliner s manufacturing had become
complicated due to multiple changes in the design and supply chain implemented all
at once. Far from the traditional manufacturing, Dreamliner design consists of many
new features like unique design, one piece fuselage, reduced weight, 20% increase
in fuel economy, and reduction in maintenance time. Apart from the changes in
design, another major difficulty was the company s global supply chain network.
For the first time ever Boeing outsourced two most critical parts fuselage and
wings. Everything put together, the complications kept increasing and so is the
delay. At least when the plane finally the entered the market years later design came
out as expected, and there weren t any sacrifices to the design that had to be made.
The plane can hold from 210 250 passengers on routes of 7650 8200 nautical miles
and satisfies the fuel
Dialectical Behavior Therapy As A Treatment For
Dialectical Behavior Therapy as a Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder
What is Borderline Personality Disorder? Personality disorders are characterized by
the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM 5; American
Psychiatric Association, 2013) as disorders where impulsivity is the main deficit and
without treatment, it acquires new symptoms as time progresses. The four core
features that are prevalent in all personality disorders include dysfunctional thinking,
emotion dysfunction, impulsivity and interpersonal difficulties (Hurt, Clarkin,
Monroe Blum, and Marziali, 1992). The ten different personality disorders fall into
three different clusters (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Many maladaptive
behaviors are characteristics of those suffering from personality disorders such as
suicide tendencies, self harm behavior, engaging in substance use and/or criminal
activities. This paper focuses on one of the most significant personality disorders,
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Borderline personality disorder, is described
of starting in early adulthood, showing immense instability in several factors of the
diagnosed individual. Within the criteria for personality disorders, there are specific
patterns to the interesting disorder being discussed here. The specifications of
borderline personality disorder depend on the severity of impairment in the
individual. Most of the nine symptoms should be present: (1)
Role of Human Resource Management in Organizational...
Despite some negative perceptions among the international, including European,
public, Pakistan has shown remarkable political and economic developments since
the late 1990s when the country was on the verge of bankruptcy. With a rapidly
growing population of about 150 million, Pakistan is a major country, recognised by
the international community, and is one of the most important actors in the
Islamic world. Though still having a negative image in global envirement its HR is
the silver lining in its current crisis where budding new organizations are coming to
the realization of the value of Human Resource Management and hence ... Show more
content on ...
Under this system, the poor receive support. In FY 2002, 1.7 million people
benefited from the Zakat Programme. Also various other programmes have been
launched to support the
Government drive on supporting the poor, through poverty alleviation programmes.
There are various state run programmes providing retirement benefits, such as the
Employees Old
Age Benefits programme, which is available for workers in private sector
establishments with a minimum of 10 employees. However, private sector pension
funds are rarely put into practice except by large firms. Generally, participation in
retirement benefit schemes is low. Under the EOBI programme, for example, only
1.6 million employees (out of an estimated 10 million eligible) were insured at the
end of 2000.
There is also a pension scheme for civil servants who have worked at least 25 years
for the
Despite notable improvements, literacy rates are still low. According to the last
census in 1998, the literacy rate was 43.9% with marked differences between the
urban (63.1%) and the rural (33.6%) population. There is also a remarkable gender
difference; only 32% of Pakistani women are able to read and write whereas this
ratio amounts to 54.8% for Pakistani men. Presently (2003), the overall literacy rate
has increased to 51.6%.
Pakistani general education comprises twelve years, of which ten years are
compulsory. Higher education is provided by universities and
Essay Keystone Species
A keystone species is a species that has a disproportionate effect on its environment
relative to its abundance. Such an organism plays a role in its ecosystem that is
analogous to the role of a keystone in an arch. While the keystone feels the least
pressure of any of the stones in an arch, the arch still collapses without it. Similarly,
an ecosystem may experience a dramatic shift if a keystone speciesis removed, even
though that species was a small part of the ecosystem by measures of biomass or
productivity. It has become a very popular concept in conservation biology.
Notes on the definition
The definition given here is somewhat qualitative in nature because there is not yet an
accepted, rigorous definition. At issue is how to ... Show more content on ...
The exact scenario changes in each example, but the central idea remains that through
a chain of interactions, a non abundant species has an outsized impact on ecosystem
Some starfish may perform this function by preying on sea urchins, mussels, and
other shellfish that have no other natural predators. If the sea star is removed from
the ecosystem, the mussel population explodes uncontrollably, driving out most other
species, while the urchin population annihilates coral reefs.
Similarly, sea otters in kelp forests keep sea urchins in check. Kelp roots are merely
anchors, and not the vast nutrient gathering networks of land plants. Thus the urchins
only need to eat the roots of the kelp, a tiny fraction of the plant s biomass, to remove
it from the ecosystem.
Domestic cats have taken the role of a keystone species in many environments,
including human habitations, where they control some rodent populations. Feral cats
are known to decimate native populations in many places in which they are
These creatures need not be apex predators. Sea stars are prey for sharks, rays, and
sea anemones. Cats and sea otters are prey for raptor birds.
In North America, the grizzly bear is a keystone species not as a predator but as
ecosystem engineers. They transfer nutrients from the oceanic ecosystem to the forest
ecosystem. The first stage of the transfer
God Vs Christianity Essay
The relationship between God and humanity brings with it also the seeds of religion
as the expression of our connection with God, and therefore of religion as a historical
phenomenon. In discussing the fundamental nature of our relationship with God,
Schelling approaches the narrative of Genesis in a way analogous to that he uses for
the monotheistic dogma. Therefore, Schelling reads the history of the original couple
as carrying in itself an account of the ideal or negative image of our relationship with
God. In this respect, the Fall as narrated by the book of Genesis is a catastrophic
event preceding history, that Schelling argues to be visible a posteriori in the fact
that nature fails to display the unity it should have, as it is made unable to do so by
the Fall itself. Consequently, Schelling reads the end of the Edenic condition as the
key to... Show more content on ...
Humanity did not even have [...] the time to create representations or concepts of
God [...] . Hence, prime Edenic humanity is the perfect embodied image of the
absolute. In other words, in its ideal and eternal perfect contemplation of God
humanity fulfills perfectly its role of mediator as it produces an image of itself,
creation, and God as essentially in communion. In this, humanity also acts as it
were in the same way the third potency does. Just like the Spirit as + A is able to
bring together A and +A, so does humanity with God and creation: Human
consciousness is a mediator, a third between both of them . However, argues
Schelling, although humanity s essence is the same as God s, namely pure freedom,
humanity is nonetheless only a finite replica of God. Hence, humanity can go astray
in its employment of this freedom, thus provoking its own fall from grace and in so
doing casting creation outside of communion with
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Essay
A 54 year old patient named Rod suffered from severe depression since the age of
17. He tried many combinations of therapy and medications for over 2 decades with
no success, however, at the age of 53, Rod went to the Calabasa TMS Center for a
three week TMS treatment, and his depression was greatly improved. Now, he still
attends therapy and a routine TMS treatment, and his depression is cured. He spoke
of the treatment in an interview with the center, TMS has eliminated the depression
and allowed me to be awake and alive (Success Story). Transcranial Magnetic
Stimulation (TMS) is an alternative treatment to medication for severely depressed
persons that uses magnetic currents to simulate the brain, thus treating depression
symptoms (Fawcett). It has been a successful alternative for many patients when they
do not respond to medication, and in 2008, the FDA approved TMS for those with
major... Show more content on ...
There are very few patients who discontinue treatment because of side effects, and
side effects are rare (Mennitto). Unlike other alternative treatments, TMS is very
targeted, and is unlikely to cause seizures (Fawcett).A TMS study conducted at
Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois, showed a positive success rate
for a majority of the patients, with a small relapse rate (Achieve). The Calabasas
TMS Center, and many other TMS centers, provide many stories of patients who
responded well to treatment, like Rob (Success Story). Overall, TMS is a successful
treatment option for the majorly depressed who have not responded to prior
treatment. It works by simulating the brain through electromagnetic pulses, thus
resetting the system. TMS alters neuronal activity in regions of the brain specializing
in mood regulation. As seen in Rob s story, this resetting of the system relieves
depressive symptoms, and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a safe, FDA
approved alternative to
Essay about The Issues of Neglected Children
The Issues of Neglected Children
Child : means a boy or a girl apparently or effectively aged less than eighteen years
(Van Stolk 146).
Rich kids, middle class kids, poor kids all deal with risk and neglect on a scale
unimagined in previous generations (Hewitt 11). There are problems of poverty,
absentee parents, divorce, violence and drugs, plus much more that is simply out of
hand. Deprivation and rejection dominate the lives of many children, among both
poor and middle class.
We cannot ensure the safety of children on the streets or in our homes. On the
educational front the news is even more disturbing, since underachievement and
failure are now very popular.
Something else that contributes to child neglect is ... Show more content on ...
Since the basic foundation is that the family is and should be the social group
responsible for the care and support of dependent youths, the argument of the
relationship between the child and the economy of our society must first look at the
economic role appointed to the adult guardians.
Canadian law is enlightened in its insistence on the welfare of the child as the
center of concern in all matters of employment, law breaking, custody and support
(Wilson 93). But if the law governs to protect children from certain obvious falses, it
is also there to hold back the child from the fullest involvement in everyday life. The
social status of the child rests among their families. Children today remain essentially
the property of their parents who are free to do with them as they please.
Circumstances are shown that children are usually determined by those of their
The government should express how much it values children by guaranteeing certain
universal rights or entitlements. We need to design an understandable system of
supports that give more chances to all Canadian children. Giving parental and
maternity care are a positive way in showing how the government can establish its
commitment to families
Review Of The Extraordinary Science Of Addictive Junk
Zainab Jafri
Mr. Ballinger
ENG 101 ML
3 October, 2016
Intrusions Leading to Decays
Often, if what we are accustomed to is disturbed, we tend to develop a defence
mechanism that leads to either the destruction of our surroundings or new concepts in
ways to make the situation better. In Michael Moss s The Extraordinary Science of
Addictive Junk Food, he reports on the growing obesity epidemic in the United
States as a result of food manufacturers conscious effort... to get people hooked on
foods that are convenient and inexpensive (Moss 262). Whereas, in An Elephant
Crackup?, by Charles Siebert, we assimilate the fact that elephant behavior is entirely
congruent with what we know about humans and other mammals (Siebert 357). The
dynamics of a precipitous collapse of elephant culture or crackup described by
Charles Siebert, in An Elephant Crackup?, can be used to analyze and understand
America s relationship with processed food because elephants are observed through
an anthropomorphized lens. It can be acknowledged that the encroachment,
exploitation, and the economical and political instabilities that affect the elephants,
serve as an interrelationship with what keeps consumers under the firm hold of major
food industries.
The use of technology and scientific research has opened up a gateway in
understanding elephants destructive behavior and the role that processed foods play
in the growing obesity epidemic. Scientists performed an MRI scan on an elephant
Organizational Excellence And Change Of Walt Disney
Client Organization
Prepared by: Brittany Monroe, Michelle Kinyungu,
Latasha Plainer, Queenie Jordan
June 20, 2016
GM504 01
Organizational Excellence and Change
Dr. Tonelli
Introduction Walt Disneywas created by a man named Walter Elias Disney in
Chicago, Illinois; he was an animator and motion picture producer. In 1923 they
located to Los Angeles, California and he partner with his brother Roy in the
Disney Bros Studio. ?Recently they have been called the paradigm of America and
intolerance of a debaser of culture and have carried animation through the central
figure in the history of animation. Walt Disney Company is a creative organizational
structure, the Chairman and CEO Robert Iger, whom is the leader of nine senior
executives with various roles and duties ranging from Disney Studios, Disney
Consumer Product, Park and Recreations, ABC and ESPN and many more. Walt
Disney organization includes 10 senior business leaders and 8 principal business unit
directors and they are still working as a team.
Group Composition Group composition, structure, and technology can decisively
shape individual, group, and organizational outcome (Harrison, 1999). For example,
teams that are more heterogeneous on factors such as social background, education,
and occupation are often more creative than more homogenous groups but can be less
cohesive and satisfying to participants (Milliken and Martins, 1996).
How Does Tim O Brien Show Courage
The brave die never, though they sleep in dust: Their courage nerves a thousand
living men (Minor J. Savage). Bravery, is a noun. It s a behavior that one displays
through an action. Everyone has a different way of showing bravery and there are
many ways of showing this kind of behavior. It s not just want you do to show that
you are brave, it s also what you say. Tim O Brien shows readers how his characters
in stories, that he s written based on his own experience, display different acts of
bravery. Vietnam literature proves that Vietnam was bravery.
Courage is another word for bravery, it s a synonym. O Brien uses the word
courage in different parts of If I Die in a Combat Zone. He claims that, Courage is
nothing to laugh at, not if it is proper courage and exercised by men who know
what they do is proper. Proper courage is wise courage (Page 130). Courage
showed in this story, used quite a few times throughout the story but mainly
towards the end of the book. O Brien uses the word courage as an action. Only
certain people show courage and that s what he s telling us here. If a soldier knows
how to use courage the right way, they are using wise courage. Tim O Brien stated
that, For courage, according to Plato is one of the four parts of virtue. It is there with
temperance, justice, and wisdom, and all parts are necessary to make the sublime
human being (Page 140). When Tim O Brien mentions courage again he is talking
about how Plato thought of it. Plato thought of
Biomedical Science Personal Statement
Science excites and leads to discovery. During high school, I went through a
traumatic operation, where I was in my last year doing GCSES and this experience
gave me valuable understandings. I went under a CT scanner and diagnosed with a
tumour in my stomach, which the doctors had to remove. This was a rare case and
with the help of scientific discovery I was able to live. This experience made me
appreciate healthcare sciencemuch more. I am in awe of how medical advances have
helped shaped the future of some people s lives today. Being in charge of making
people s health better, and looking for new cures for diseases has interested me in
biomedical science.
Biology is very fascinating; I love the use of scientific research to help others ... Show
more content on ...
My wish to help people, and improve their lives originates from my nurturing, caring
personality. My interest in biomedical science has been a calculated choice, by
considering my life experiences.
My dedication and love towards science reflected in my grades for the Access to
HE course in combined science. The Access course included biology, chemistry
maths, and physics. Biology and chemistry provide analytic learning and knowledge
of the human body, preparing me for biomedical science at university. Maths and
physics are essential for problem solving, which are essential skills for a career in
biomedical science and any healthcare profession. The course also boosted my skills
in self improvement and creative thinking.
As some of my units within the Access course included coursework and exams I
liked being assessed this way. I felt I worked a lot better with this balance of
assessment, which the biomedical science degree has.
During spare time, I love engaging in good books and documentaries on human
anatomy for e.g. (Atlas of human anatomy by Frank H Netter) and microbiology e.g.
(Seven wonders of the microbe world) to further my knowledge in this

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Rights Essay. Short essay on human rights -

  • 1. Rights Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of "Rights" can be a challenging endeavor that demands careful consideration and a nuanced understanding of various aspects. The concept of rights is vast and multifaceted, encompassing legal, moral, political, and social dimensions. Addressing this topic requires a comprehensive exploration of historical contexts, philosophical perspectives, and contemporary debates surrounding rights. One of the challenges lies in navigating the intricate web of rights – from fundamental human rights to specific legal entitlements. Analyzing the evolution of rights throughout history and their dynamic nature in response to societal changes adds complexity to the task. Additionally, understanding the diverse cultural and regional interpretations of rights can be both fascinating and demanding. Furthermore, delving into the philosophical underpinnings of rights involves grappling with concepts like natural rights, positive rights, and the various ethical theories that shape our understanding of what individuals are entitled to. This intellectual journey requires a careful balancing act to present a coherent and well-argued perspective. Addressing contemporary issues and challenges related to rights introduces a layer of real-world complexity. Navigating the intersections of rights with topics such as technology, globalization, and social justice demands a keen awareness of current events and an ability to critically analyze their implications. The process of writing an essay on rights is not only about presenting information but also about developing a persuasive argument. Communicating ideas clearly and concisely while maintaining a logical flow of thought can be demanding, especially when dealing with a topic as nuanced as rights. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Rights" requires a thorough exploration of historical contexts, philosophical foundations, and contemporary challenges. It demands an ability to synthesize information, navigate complexities, and present a compelling argument. However, with dedication and a structured approach, one can navigate these challenges and produce a thoughtful and insightful piece on this crucial subject. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic tasks, various resources are available. Websites like provide support for students looking to order essays and access a range of writing services tailored to their needs. Rights Essay Rights Essay
  • 2. Operation Restore Hope Introduction Involvement of the United Stated in the eastern African country of Somalia in the early 1990s began as humanitarian aid and relief. Operation Provide Relief commenced in August of 1992 to aid United Nations forces in getting food and supplies to the Somali Civilians. As the situation in Somalia escalated, it became clear that more direct involvement would be necessary. Thus, Operation Restore Hope began in December, 1992. Once the situation had stabilized sufficiently, the US relinquished command back to the UN. Soon after, the situation degraded once again leading to the deployment of Task Force Ranger and resulting in the battle that would later become known as Black Hawk Down . History Following the ousting of long term... Show more content on ... With a mob of Somalis approaching the crash site and after repeated requests Delta Force Snipers, SFC Randall Shughart and MSG Gary Gordon were inserted via helicopter near the crash. They were able to extract the flight crew from the wreckage and set up a defensive perimeter. Their actions managed to save the life of one of the pilots, but they lost their own lives in defense of their comrades. They would be posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. The surviving pilot, CW2 Michael Durant, was captured by Aideed s militia. After sustaining substantial casualties and vehicle damage the convoy was forced to return to base. Both TF Ranger s internal QRF and the UN QRF were dispatched to try to reach the second crash site. TF Ranger s QRF was ambushed and had to return to base with the returning convoy and the UN s QRF met with heavy resistance and after an intense firefight was forced to withdraw. 9 Meanwhile the troops holding the first crash site were running low on ammunition and
  • 3. Elizabethan Era Women The English Elizabethan Era is one of the most interesting periods in the England s History. The Elizabethan Era is named after one of the greatest Queens of England Queen Elizabeth I. The Elizabethan Era is not only famous for the Virgin Queen but also for the era itself featuring great explorers such as Sir Francis Drakeand Walter Raleigh. Also, the era of the very first Theatres in England William Shakespeare, the globe Theatre and Christopher Marlowe. Comparing Elizabethan Erato the 21st century, a lot of customs in society have remarkably changed. Some are similar, as well. Marriage and the role of women have progressed a lot compared to the Elizabethan Era. In many countries today, women can do anything from ruling the nation to... Show more content on ... This must have caused dismay due to the fanaticism of the followers of the Catholic and Protestant religions. It must have been extremely difficult to keep changing Elizabethan Education with the religion of the times and being dangerous if you did not follow. Elizabethan Education was generally for boys of the Upper and Middle Classes. However, Upper Class girls, often members of the Nobility were also given.The school s curriculum during the Elizabethan Era and the Elizabethan education of children was dictated by the ruling monarch of the time, which would also reflect the religion of that particular King or Queen. This must have caused dismay due to the fanaticism of the followers of the Catholic and Protestant religions. It must have been extremely difficult to keep changing Elizabethan Education with the religion of the times and being dangerous if you did not follow. Elizabethan Education was generally for boys of the Upper and Middle Classes. However, Upper Class girls, often members of the Nobility were also given and education. The following link regarding the Education of Queen Elizabeth describes the type of education offered to the Nobility who were invariably taught by tutors. Most of the elementary level of education was conducted for boys aged
  • 4. Apol 104 Political Science Paper Pol 104: Political Science Week 4 Assignment Judy Potts Research parties in the United States and share information from at least three parties. I will be discussing the Republican, Democrat and the Tea parties. Republican Party: The Republican party is known as one of the two primary parties, the other being the Democratic Party.The Republican party became associated with the Laissez faire capitalism, to lower taxes and conservative social groups in the 20th and 21st century.In the 1870 s the party had acquired the acronym GOP, widely known as the Grand Old Party. Moreover, the parties official logo is the elephant it came from a cartoon by Thomas Nast. They oppose abortion and same sex marriages, and they look to values found in Christianity.
  • 5. Developing a Professional Presence Professional presence Professional presence is a dynamic blend of poise, self confidence, control, and style that empowers us to be able to command respect in any situation. Once acquired, it permits us to project a confidence that others can quickly perceive the first time they meet us. The importance of making a good first impression A positive first impression can be thought of as the first step in building a long term relationship. The Primary Effect The development of professional presence begins with a full appreciation of the first impression. The tendency to form and retain impressions quickly at the time of an initial meeting illustrates what social psychologist call a primacy effect in the way people perceive one ... Show more content on ... If you want the promotion, you have to look promotable A good rule to follow is to dress for the job you want, not the job you have. If you are currently a bank teller and want to become a branch manager, identify the successful branch managers and emulate their manner of dress. If you want respect, you have to dress as well as or better than your industry standards. One would expect to find conservative dress standards in banking, insurance, accounting, and law, and more casual dress standards in advertising, sports entertainment and agriculture. Spend time researching the dress and grooming standards in the industry in which you hope find a job. Selecting Your Career Apparel Companies that have initiated extensive career apparel programs rely on uniforms to project an image of consistent quality, good services and uniqueness. For example men worker rules include, no beard, and dress shirts with coordinated ties. Female employee rules includes the skirt length (must not be shorter than two inches above the knew), and also stockings. The company requires employees to follow the rules in order to maintain the personal appearance and grooming standards give it a marketing advantage. The uniform worn by employees by clerk, and the employees at restaurant were classified as career apparel.
  • 6. In addition to special design uniforms,
  • 7. Ntozake Shange s View Of The Oppression Of Colored Women All of the stories that we have read over the semester have opened my eyes to the way women were treated, good or bad. Some stories stuck in my mind more than others. These stories really focused on the oppression of women and bringing awareness to the issue. The authors that wrote them were very brave for writingabout the issues that were not getting talked about. The authors were also very inspirational to women in the time period they were written in and informative to the women who read them now. Ntozake Shange, Mary Austin and Willa Cather allowed me to analyze how society viewed women and the unfair expectations put on them. Shange After taking many classes at College of Saint Mary that are focused on women, it is always interesting ... Show more content on ... We get the perspective of Niel Herbert in her novel, A Lost Lady. The story starts out with Niel looking up to and glorifying a family friend, Marian Forrester. The Forrester s are a very well known family for their hospitality and charm. As Niel is growing up he recognizes that Marian Forrester was superior to the other women in the town, she could do no wrong and was the perfect wife. Niel s view of Marian changed quickly when he realized that she was having an affair, In that instant between stooping to the window sill and rising, he had lost one of the most beautiful things in his life. This day saw the end of that admiration and loyalty that had been like a bloom on his existence (Cather 71 72). This quote shows that a man s opinion of a woman depended on her role as a perfect wife and her
  • 8. The Creed of the Non Commissioned Officer Essay The Creed of the Noncommissioned Officer is, to some, just words that must be uttered during ceremonies and those times when new sergeants earn their stripes. To others, there is no higher thought. These Soldiers live their time while in uniform trying their best to uphold everything written in those three paragraphs. Some choose what those words mean; others make little effort in deciding but let others decide for them. When I entered the service of my country 6 years ago, I had no clue that such a creed existed. My family included wartime veterans; my grandfathers served in korea. And my great Grandfather in world 1. They All served honorably and passed down many stories of both tragic and valorous deeds. They all know and have told me... Show more content on ... Officers of my unit will have maximum time to accomplish their duties; they will not have to accomplish mine. I will earn their respect and confidence as well as that of my soldiers. I will be loyal to those with whom I serve; seniors, peers, and subordinates alike. I will exercise initiative by taking appropriate action in the absence of orders. I will not compromise my integrity, nor my moral courage. I will not forget, nor will I allow my comrades to forget that we are professionals, Noncommissioned Officers, leaders! The Creed has existed in different versions for a number of years. Long into their careers, sergeants remember reciting the NCO Creed during their induction into the NCO Corps. Nearly every NCO s office or home has a copy hanging on a wall. Some have intricate etchings in metal on a wooden plaque, or printed in fine calligraphy. But a quick glance at any copy of the NCO Creed and you will see no author s name at the bottom. The origin of the NCO Creed is a story of its own. In 1973, the Army (and the noncommissioned officer corps) was in turmoil. Of the post Vietnam developments in American military policy, the most influential in shaping the Army was the advent of the Modern Volunteer Army. With the inception of the Noncommissioned Officer Candidate Course, many young sergeants were not the skilled trainers of the past and were only trained to perform a specific job; squad leaders in
  • 9. A Concept Analysis On Compassion Fatigue I.Background and Significance II.Meaning in Published Works III.Purpose The purpose of conducting a concept analysis is to divide the components of a concept into separate individual parts for evaluation and clarification. Analysis of the internal structure, defining aspects, characteristics and interrelationships to the other components can be achieved by conducting a concept analysis. The basic purpose is a process to discover the similarities and differences between concepts (Walker Avant, 2005). The intent of the concept analysis on the subject of compassion fatigue is to evaluate compassion fatigue in nursing and to determine the current conceptual use in efforts to clarify the relevance to nurses. The aim is to identify how the concept is currently utilized and how it could potentially be utilized in the future. IV.Definitions and Defining Attributes A.Compassion fatigue in nursing is defined as the resultant distress and physical experiences that occur when continuously caring for others, usually in highly stressful situations (Sheppard, 2015). Burnout and secondary traumatic stress disorder are terms identified in the literature as having affiliations with compassion fatigue. Burnout is a physical and mental exhaustion that occurs as a gradual result of working in hostile and demanding environments or under stress. Secondary traumatic stress disorder is a traumatic reaction that occurs due to witnessing the suffering of others (Hinderer et al., 2014).
  • 10. Banning Tasers In Canada Tasers are a controversal topic as to whether they should be banned or not. there are many reasons on to why the Government of Canada must not ban the use of tasers for all police officers in Canada. Tasers actually save lives, they are much less lethal compared to other weapons, and they provide a higher measure of safety for all policeofficers in Canada. The Government of Canada must not ban the use of tasers for all police officers in Canada because tasers saves lives. Tasers saves more lives than people think. There has only been 26 deaths(because of tasers) from 2003 to the present in Canada. That number compared to the thousands of times that tasers have been used, means a very low death ratio. As well as the possibility of someone dying with a healthy heart from being tasered is also very low. Tasers were not made to deliberately kill someone, but to do the literal opposite. ... Show more content on ... When it comes down to the choice of which weapon to use, what comes to mind first? A gun? A baton? How about a much safer choice of weapon that won t have lasting consequences on a person. Tasers are a preferred choice over other non lethal weapons such as pepper spray, making it the most effective choice. On contact, there is a decrease in necessary sugars and blood flow on the subjects body. The pain attained from tasers only last seconds whereas other weapons have much more severe consequences. For example, instead of shooting someone with a gun and potentially killing the person, they can be tasered and still live to see the next
  • 11. End Human Trafficking Intervention Plan Paper Assessment of the Problem Human trafficking is the form of modern day slavery and it is a worldwide problem that affects our local communities. Human trafficking presents itself in two forms: sex trafficking and labor trafficking. Human trafficking touches people of all ages: children, young adults, and the elderly. Human traffickingis defined as, the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of threat of use of force or other forms of coercion, or abduction, (Lightfoot, p.1, 2013). According to the San JosГ© Police Department there are approximately 600,000 to 800,000 people that are trafficked across international borders each year. Out those 800,000 people it is estimated that 18,000 to 20,000 ... Show more content on ... He also states that government agrees that human trafficking is a problem, however, only about 15 million dollars has been invested over the past seven years. Acosta states that the tools needed are there, but there is a lack of will in the political power, not enough public awareness, and that there are not enough resources. On a statewide level in California there are task forces assigned to combat human trafficking. In San JosГ©, California the task force assigned to fight against human trafficking is the San JosГ© Police Department and Community Solutions. There are other agencies such as the YWCA that collaborate with law enforcement, legal advocates and pro bono attorneys, victim service providers, faith communities and community activists. The most common human trafficking in the South Bay is Commercially Sexually Exploited Children, although sex trafficking of women and labor trafficking still occur. Community efforts include the Not for Sale campaign that provides awareness and resources for victims and at risk individuals. There is also currently a conference that is going to be held through FIGHT (What does this stand for?). The primary purpose of the conference is to motivate the community and local churches to get involved to fight against human trafficking. The conference will focus on education, creating positive change, abuse prevention programs for local
  • 12. Comparing Hamlet And The Lion King Family issues that result in a murdering tragedy has been turned into a children s movie of life lessons. The Lion King produced by Disney was based off of the famous play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Hamlet is about a prince whose father is murdered by his uncle, the prince seeks revenge after seeing his father s ghost which leads him to murder. The Lion Kingis about a prince lion whose father is killed by his uncle, leading to the lion killing his uncle and taking back the throne. Viewers must watch for these details and situations in both The Lion King and Hamlet . Characters are the best part about movies, they allow viewers to make a personal connection. Upon reviewing the films Hamlet and The Lion King it is clear there are similarities, Hamlet is a prince whose father (Hamlet Sr.) is killed by his uncle (Claudius) so he can take over the castle and become king of Denmark. Simba is a lion prince whose father (Mufasa) is killed by his uncle (Scar) so he can rule all of pride rock. It is clear to see that Hamlet and Simba, Hamlet Sr. and Mufasa, and Claudius and Scar are all twins of each other. Hamlet also has a girlfriend named Ophelia while Simba and Nala are very fond of each other. Simba has two unusual friends that always stick together, Timon the meerkat and Pumbaa the boar. Hamlet has two ... Show more content on ... The Lion King shows values when Simba comes back to pride rock to serve justice. Where as Hamlet stirs up trouble and goes on a killing spree, then ultimately dies at the end. Disney made it clear this was not meant to be a bloody gory film. Instead it leaves viewers feeling fulfilled and wanting more. Shakespeare wanted blood, gore, death, and violence; it is what made the play worth leaving home to watch. Viewers fall in love with Simba and his friends as they are animals that would not be seen everyday. Hamlet is viewed as a psychopath that killed others for his own sick, twisted
  • 13. Human Nature In Shakespeare s Hamlet To, be or not to be, is one of William Shakespeare s most notable inquiries regarding the self in the tragedy Hamlet (3.1.56). Hamlet is one of Shakespeare s most complicated characters, in that the audience is able to view Hamlet s internal struggle. By orchestrating chaos, Shakespeare creates an environment in which the male characters; Hamletand Claudius, are free to contemplate and express their respective nature. However, when it comes to Gertrude; Hamlet s mother and initial instigator of Hamlet s conflict, there is no interior examination. There is only recognition of her sexuality, and the chaos that ensues from her decision to lay with Claudius. So why does someone so interested in human nature, like William Shakespeare, not... Show more content on ... 84). Already the concept of human nature alludes to a hierarchy. Those of a wealthier status are more capable of attainting culture, and therefore able to cultivate their nature. This may be one of the reasons why women, who were seen as imperfect men, did not have the freedom to explore their interiority (Marquis 1257). Women were not made in the image of God, but rather: she is the image of man in a restrictive and analogical sense, because woman was made from man, after man, inferior to him and his likeness (Farber). Women were by design lower in the hierarchy. Not only did the Renaissance now contemplate the self, but they also found celebration of the self. Cultural historian, Jacob Burckhardt, argues that: In the Middle Ages, man was conscious of himself only as a member of a race, people, party, family or corporation only through some general category (Burke 193). During the Renaissance, however: ...this veil first melted into became a spiritual individual, and recognized himself as such (193). Man could now be a spiritual individual outside of the theological realm because of this humanist movement of the Renaissance. This idea was simplified by the Renaissance Italian philosopher, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, in his work Oration on the Dignity of Man. He believed that
  • 14. Talian As The Historical And Cultural Heritage Of Rio Grande The Talian is a language born in Brazil, the result of merging the immigrant s dialect, especially from the Veneto region, with the Portuguese, Brazil s official language. Accepted as the language of the immigrates language, il Talian, called also Brazilian Veneto , is recognized as the historical and cultural heritage of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, and it is still spoken by over half a million people. The Talian is therefore a living language, preserved and conserved during the years. Used in radio stations, newspapers and television, the Talian is the last bond among the Italian immigrants and their land. According to data from the Rapporto Italiano nel Mondo, conducted by the Fundação Migrantes (Immigrants Foundation), Brazil
  • 15. Classfication Mixed State Hypomania INTRODUCTION CLASSIFICATION MIXED STATE HYPOMANIA ASSOCIATED DISORDER DEPRESSIVE PHASE INCIDENCE: DIAGNOSIS TREATMENT STRATEGIES IN MANIA DISEASE:44Lithium44Divalproex3Antipsychotic agents3Valproic acid3Carmazepine3Verapamil3RISK FACTOR AND ADVERSE MANAGEMENT_Toc3851970594CONCLUSION:44INTRODUCTIONDEFINITION: Bipolar disorder is associated with behavioural disturbances. It is characterized by mania and depression. CLASSIFICATIONMIXED STATES:In this condition, individual has co occuring manic and depressive symptoms. Dysphoric mania is manic condition or agitated depression is primarily depressed. Mania and depression are two independent conditions in a bipolar disorder list . In this state the patient is more likely to behave in a dangerous manner which included self injury(patient might hurt itself) or suicide. HYPOMANIA Hypomania is a state maily called lowered state of mania.In which there is less need for sleep. OR Hypomanic phase is a less degree of mania with elevated mood and increased activity and energy but without hallucination. ASSOCIATED DISORDERS:Hypomania may be indicative ofГїbipolar II disorderГї.Several types of mania such asГїkleptomaniaГїand pyromaniaГїare related closely toГїobsessive compulsive disorderГїthan to bipolar disorder, depends on the severity this disorder. For example B12Гїdeficiency can also leads to characteristics ( some symptoms of) mania and psychosis. Hyperthyroidism is a condition which can produce similar symptoms
  • 16. The Causes Of Conflicts In The Outsiders Just like every person even the people in the books have conflict in their life it or not. Ponyboy went through some tough times in the novel The Outsiders . But when he was going through those tough times he kind of learned something from the situation. There are many things that Ponyboy went through in the novel. There were many causes of the situations that happened along the way. Such as Pony lost many of his very close friends and didn t know how to face it and get through at times in the novel. When ponyboy went through the tough times or conflict in the novel he in a way made the reader and even the characters in the story understand what he was trying to get at and understand him better. The first thing that ponyboy or even the characters in the story went through was the night when PonyBoy and Johnny went out and Ponyboy stayed out past curfew. One of the Socs named Bob was drunk that night and was mad at the same time because a couple nights before Bob s girlfriend Cherry was hanging out with Ponyboy and Johnny. Bob acted out in anger and tried to drown Ponyboy in the fountain that was in the park. Johnny acted out in self defence and stabbed Bob to where he bled to death right there in the park. He was sitting next to me, one elbow on his knee, and staring straight ahead. He was a greenish white, and his eyes were brighter than I have ever seen them I killed him, He said slowly I killed him. (Hinton 56) What s happening when Johnny says this is he is
  • 17. Observable Characteristics The first aspect of diversity I chose to analyze is religion. My religion has had a constant and endless imprint on my life. There are many ways that I express my religion. One observable characteristic of my religious identity is my dress and appearance. I choose to dress modestly as a symbol of self respect. Based on the belief that my body is a gift from God, I also choose to not adorn my body with tattoos. My weekly attendance at church and participation in the choir are other patterns of observable characteristics of culture. A final example of an observable characteristic is service. I choose to give of my time and talents to help others at school, church or in my community. For instance, each Sunday I voluntarily teach a Sunday
  • 18. Prodigal Son Vs Jesus Annette Simmons once said, If you wish to influence and individual or a group to embrace a particular value in their daily lives, tell them a compelling story. The book Great Expectations by Charles Dickens and the biblical Parable of the Prodigal Son hold some similarities. They do, however, hold distinct differences. The differences between Great Expectationsand the Parable of the Prodigal Son can be traced back to the purpose of the authors. The differences are evident though the authors purpose, the plot, and the main characters in both works. The main reason that Great Expectations and the Parable of the Prodigal Son are so different, is the intent of the original authors. Dickens wrote Great Expectations as a social commentary.... Show more content on ... In the beginning of Great Expectations seven year old Pip meets an escaped convict in the graveyard one night. The convict is recaptured, but it remains something Pip dwells on for the rest of his life. Several years later an elderly woman named Miss Havisham and her adopted daughter Estella invite Pip to visit. Estella berates Pip for being common. Following this encounter, Pip is unhappy with his life until he is told some unnamed benefactor has given Pip a fortune. Pip is whisked away to London where he wastes his money and finds himself in debt. In the parable, the story begins with the son receiving his inheritance from his father. The son then leaves home for a distant country. In this foreign country, he squandered his inheritance on a life of dissipation (Luke 15:13). Pip lives in London for several years until he discovers his benefactor is the convict he met in the graveyard. Pip tries to helps the convict, Magwitch, escape from the police, but Magwitch is captured. As a result, Pip looses his fortune. In the parable the son simply runs out of money just as a famine strikes the land. He tries to make a living taking care of the swine. In the book Pip returns home briefly to make amends with Joe and Joe s wife Biddy, then returns to London to make an honest living with his friend Herbert. The son in the parable decides to return home in hopes that his father will hire him as a worker. His father instead greets him with open arms and declares this son of mine was dead, and has come to life again; he was lost, and has been found (Luke 15:24). Pip in Great Expectations and the son in the Parable of the Prodigal Son may appear to be similar, but they are still different. Pip begins the story with low self esteem due to his harsh
  • 19. Ilm Level 3 Unit 328 Understand How to Lead Effective... Unit 328: Understand how to lead effective meetings AC 1.1 Explain the purpose of a meeting Staff meetings The purpose of regular staff meetings helps an organisation become much more organised and efficient and places both employees and managers on the same page, it makes it easier to establish roles and collaborates to finish projects and achieve goals. They make it possible for all members of a company to work together with less confusion and accomplish objectives faster. They cover a range of relevant information, and provide a platform for employees to ask questions and discuss concerns with management enabling staff to offer ideas and solutions directly to managers and team members within the company. Staff meetings inform ... Show more content on ... It is an opportunity to discuss strengths, give constructive suggestions and consider each other s points of view. AC 1.2 Explain the purpose and structure of an agenda A meeting agenda ensures that the meeting will be a productive use of everyone s time. It can focus the attendee s efforts and provide a structure to accomplish the meeting purpose. It defines outcomes, and important information, attendee roles and responsibilities and a meeting timeline. It allows attendee s to prepare for the meeting as it is made available a week before. It also works as a checklist of those attending, goals and topics for discussion to make sure that all the necessary information is covered and keeps team members focused on the specific goals and stay on track with the subject matter. A well written meeting agenda makes it easy for everyone to go through the meeting process smoothly and in an organised manner. AC 1.3 Explain how to select and invite the right people to attend the meeting When inviting people to a meeting, make it a point to mention why they are expected to attend. This gives them time to prepare, and keeps them alert and interactive throughout, it is best to only have people who can contribute to the meeting for example were they given any action points to achieve in a previous meeting that need to be followed up?, would the individual bring anything new to the table? Do they
  • 20. An Analysis of the Factors of Successful Implementation of... An analysis of the factors of successful implementation of customer relationship management in chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom 1. Introduction Today, more and more companies find that cultivating customer loyalty is a key factor to achieve success. Customer relationship management (CRM) focuses on the relationship between customer and company. Due to this feature, many companies are trying to establish their own CRM system for helping them to connect new customers and boost old customers long term loyalty. CRM systems include operations and analysis, and relationship marketing strategy and supporting, customer centric business processes (Buttle 2004). With the development of information technology (IT), using CRM system... Show more content on ... Meanwhile, in operational stage, through improving seller service, customer satisfaction increased which is helpful for building or maintaining the loyalty of customer for companies. As a result, it can sale more productions to increase revenues and profitability. 4.2 CRM processes In order to establish a suitable CRM system and increase the success rate, understanding CRM processes is especially important. Building CRM system, there are many works need to do(). Firstly, the target customer market should be identified. Different customer strategies are focused on different target customer markets based on their profitability. Then, firms set customer objectives, for example, acquire customer satisfaction and loyalty. After that, the leaders and managers should support and commit the implementation of a CRM system. At the same time, when companies change their targets, a plan about changing
  • 21. Water Supply In Canada Essay Canada should do a Better Job Protecting Its Water Supply Since the start of time human kind and all other living things on earth have been dependant on a clean and smooth flowing water supply. Water is an essential part of survival on earth and that has stood true since the start of time. As droughts around the world increase and areas turn in to dust bowls the demand of exportation of water from countries like Canada grows tremendously. Due to this I whole heartedly disagree with the topic and in fact encourage the Canadian government to send large bulks of water to areas of need. Statistically speaking Canada s water consumption levels are very high. Canada owns about 9% of the world s freshwater while only having 1% of the world s population. An average Canadian uses about 1600 cubic meters of water yearly, this is double how much the French use and 8 times the world average. We as... Show more content on ... Another reason I am not in favor of Canada protecting its water supply is because of the difference between us and others around the world. Considering currency change and the amount of resources surrounding us, we have a lot more goods including a strong water supply from the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific oceans, the Arctic ocean also leads in to the great lakes which is very beneficial to Canadians from an economic standpoint. A research done proved that 20% of the world s richest own about 86% of all goods on earth, while the 20% poorest own as little as only 1% of the world s goods. If we were to use this information and applied that to Canada vs The World we would all clearly understand that it is our duty as a nation to unite together and create equality around the world by sharing goods such as water. The earth is something we are all part of, when something goes wrong in one part of the world it has a ripple affect somewhere else. As citizens of a strong state it is our duty to think about the common good of
  • 22. American Literature American Literature through Time To find out more about a particular literature time period, click on the links below: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· Puritan Times Rationalism/Age of Enlightenment American Renaissance/Romanticism Gothic Realism Naturalism Modernism Harlem Renaissance Postmodernism Contemporary Puritan Times period of American Literature 1650 1750 Content: п‚· п‚· п‚· errand into the wilderness be a city upon a hill Christian utopia Genre /Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· sermons, diaries personal narratives captivity narratives jeremiads written in plain style Effect: п‚· п‚· instructive reinforces authority of the Bible and church Historical Context: п‚· п‚· a person s fate is determined by God all people are corrupt and must... Show more content on ... Genre/Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· short story, novel characters usually lower class or lower middle class fictional world is commonplace and unheroic; everyday life is a dull round of daily existence characters ultimately emerge to act heroically or adventurously with acts of violence, passion, and/or bodily strength in a tragic ending Effect: п‚· this type of literature continues to capture audiences in present day: the pitting of man against nature Historical Context: п‚· writers reflect the ideas of Darwin (survival of the fittest) and Karl Marx (how money and class structure control a nation) Modernism period of American Literature 1900 1946 Content: п‚· п‚· п‚· dominant mood: alienation and disconnection people unable to communicate effectively fear of eroding traditions and grief over loss of the past Genre/Style: п‚· п‚· п‚· п‚· highly experimental allusions in writing often refer to classical Greek and Roman writings use of fragments, juxtaposition, interior monologue, and stream of consciousness writers seeking to create a unique style Effect: п‚· common readers are alienated by this literature Historical Context: п‚· п‚· п‚· overwhelming
  • 23. Analyzing Somo s Song Ride Critiquing Music Many songs that are played on the radio have, and carry, so much emotion through individuals each and every day. The song Ride by Somo, intensely exposes many of the emotions that a guy has when he is with a girl that he loves. Somo is explaining that he loves the girl he is with for the night. It does not explain how long he has known or been with the girl, just that he is having so much passion for her the night he is singing this song. Many levels and interpretations can be thought of when listening to Ride . The description, analysis, interpretation, and judgement of this song and musicvideo can be described in so many words. Ride s main chorus is where Somo is stating over and over that he wants to treat the... Show more content on ... The music in the background is softer when he is singing the chorus. The music video is of Somo and his lady friend sexually dancing inside of his house. When the chorus is sung, that music in the background of Somo s voice gets much louder than the rest of the song. All of this combined can be analyzed in a specific way. Throughout the music video, Somo and his lady friend are wearing almost no clothing. This was done to show that the song is sexualized and passionate. The movement of their bodies going slow, show that Somo wants to be as gentle and caressing as possible. The low voice when he speaks to her is soft so he can show that even though he is bigger, that he can treat her right and be romantic with her. Other parts of the song allow someone to have an interpretation of what Somo wants to show the lady. Many of the sounds, feeling, and emotion throughout the song intertwine with one another to portray a certain feeling to an audience of listeners. The point of the song is to show that even though a guy can look big and seem macho, when he finds that one girl that makes he feel different he can become something romantic and passionate. Once you are with a girl for a night, maybe you can only see her for one night, you should tell her your emotions and how you want to treat her like a queen. Judgement of this song can be made that it is also a little too
  • 24. A Hero As A Hero In The Epic Of Beowulf Beowuf is an Old English epic that reflects the cultural values of Anglo Saxons Anglo Saxon beliefs are shown through Beowulfs actions throughout the epic. His actions defined him as a great hero because of the many journeys he encounters to help defend Hrothgar. One of the main Anglo Saxon beliefs illustrated in the story is thee idea of personal indebtedness. Additional beliefs that are represented are fame and fate, which are depicted through all three episodes. An element of an epic are archetypes, which are a literary devie that present a pattern of an action, character type, or an image. The archetypes that shaped Beowulfare hero as a warrior, battle between good and evil, and a devil figure. The first archetype that helped shape Beowulf is a hero as a warrior. Beowulfs courage being pushed to his limits as he uttered I ve never know fear... I am old, now, But I will fight again/ If the dragon hiding in the tower dares face me (Beowulf ll. 2 6). His journey at such an old age to save the people from the dragon shows how great of a wrrior he is and shows how great of a hero he is. Ancient heroes have told the story of Beowulfs courage: I mean to stand, not run from his shooting flame, stand till fate decides (Beowulf ll. 15 16). The way he sacrafises his life as a warrior shows he will alwats be known as a hero by his people. Beowulf time was limited as he fought with the fate against him, with glory/ and struck at the dragons scaly hide (Beowulf ll. 64 66).
  • 25. Poultry Farmers In America I understand that your food products are extremely popular across the country, especially your chicken products. I am writing to you about your treatment of the farmers that are raising your chickens. What you do to these farmers is unacceptable and needs to stop immediately. Your actions have caused hundreds of chicken farmers across the country to struggle financially and emotionally. You need to change the harsh criteria you put on the farmers, the process by which you decide which farms get bonuses and pay cuts, and you need to increase the wages these farmers receive in the first place (Nelson and Kaptur). The system in which you punish farmers for not obeying your exact instructions is inhumane. Many chicken farmers live below the... Show more content on ... If you do this, these farms will be able to meet your requirements more easily and they will have increased success in producing chickens. Since this industry brings in substantial amounts of money, I think there should be no problem with paying these farms more. Americans eat chicken every day and the farms who raise them should be rewarded for their hard work. No chicken farm should be making less than $50,000 annually. Raising the wages will solve many of the unfair issues within this industry and it will improve the farmers well being as well as your
  • 26. World Religion Midterm I really love this midterm project since it pushes me to experience different religions and participate in many valuable activities. I really learned many things from this class, but I think the theoretically knowledge cannot leave me a deep impression. This project gives me an opportunity to put everything into practice. More importantly, by experiencing three world religions Christianity, Buddhism, and Catholicism, I realized the differences and similarities among them. This makes me understand how are those religions related. I think this is an important task in this class. However, there are some differences between my plan and the real project. Firstly, I engaged in a community service organized by a Catholic group rather than an Islamic
  • 27. Factors Leading For Shortage Of Primary Care Physicians Navya Motaparthi Midwestern State University HSAD 5013 Outline TITLE: Factors responsible for shortage of primary care physicians A) Introduction: Shortage of primary care physicians An overview of primary care. A brief description of primary care physicians and their shortage. Statistical and numerical analysis. Research Question What are the factors that created the shortage of primary care physicians? Importance Better preventative care to the people Conclusion B) History of primary care and primary care physicians C) Ethical issues in shortage of primary care gap D) Economic issues in primary care gap E) Summary F) Recommendations G) Conclusions Abstract The main objective of this research question is to analyze the factors that led to the shortage of primary care physicians. The United States did not substantively address the primary care until the 1960s when two noteworthy reports characterized U.S. primary care. The decline in the number of general practitioners led to the evolution of primary care physicians in the past during the 1960s. Their role served many
  • 28. Analysis Of Edward Abbey s Desert Solitaire Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey begins in the area surrounding Moab, Utah. He discusses his intense love and adoration for the land. This theme of laying out the land for the reader continues from Chapters 1 5. It is apparent the Abbey adores nature in its purest form. Abbey rarely has visitors of the human kind, he is more often visited by snakes, deer, birds, and other wildlife than the parks superintendent, the chief park ranger, and a few tourists here and there. Abbey finds himself a little lonely from time to time in the beginning of the book but by Chapter 3: The Serpents of Paradise he finds a friend. He first encounters a not so friendly creature, a faded midget, a poisonous rattlesnake lying underneath his doorstep. Abbey often finds himself talking to the animals in this book, so he decides to issue the snakea warning and remove it. When it comes back to the trailer a second time, Abbey keeps his promise and kills the snake. Eventually, he finds another snake, which he recognizes is an enemy to the rattlesnake, and he sets out to domesticate it. Abbey decides to take it on excursions with him, wrapping the snake around his waist underneath his shirt. Eventually, the snake was released and never returned. In Chapter 4, Abbey focuses more on the plants in the region, citing his favorite wildflower, the cliffrose, and going over his weekly schedules. His busiest days are the weekends when campers come, after he cleans, makes his rounds, takes a couple days off, restocks supplies, and then starts all over again. Chapter 5, is when things start to get heavy. It is at this point Abbey starts revealing how truly frustrated he is with the US government and the tourists. Abbey is fiercely protective of the park and soon discovers that roads will be paved in the park to increase tourism. He is horrified at the aspect of a new road because he sees automobiles as an enemy to the National Park industry. To Abbey, cars limit tourists from actually see the land, stating that a short distance on bike or foot is much more appreciated than a very long distance in a car. He also suggests a new plan for national parks in order to preserve their authenticity. Abbey thinks that tourists should travel to the campsites
  • 29. Leadership Qualities Of The Great Leaders Of Our Time Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a Leader to chart the course (Maxwell viii). Leadership. This concept has created many debates throughout history. What does it take to be classified as a great leader? What intangible characteristics are inherent to the great leaders of our time? Why have so many failed when put into a leadership role? During my 27 plus years in the military and over 20 years in the construction industry, I have been exposed to a wide variety of leaders and their leadership style. These examples have demonstrated to me that there are just as many bad as good. My journey down this path of growth has enlightened my awareness of realization that not everyone can be a leader and it takes hard work to be a successful leader. Never in my wildest dreams would I have envisioned where I am today. Navy Boot Camp, 1987, Orlando, Florida. Laying in a bunk bed at 2 am in the morning anxiously awaiting for the day to begin, along with the other 80 or so of us trying desperately to get some sleep before our first full day. The anticipation was as thick as a morning fog rolling in on the eastern seaboard. Every tick tock of the wall mounted clock could be heard over the thunderous snoring from a dude at the other end of the compartment. I had no idea what to expect or what was expected of me over the next eight weeks. Somewhere in the middle of This was my choice and What did I get myself into stood a wall of desire, challenge and 2 men called Recruit Company
  • 30. Dostoevsky as Performer Essay Dostoevsky as Performer Storytelling and reading aloud played a valuable part in young Fyodor s life, influencing his own later successful writing endeavors as well as his performance of literature. His nanny and wet nurse introduced the Dostoevsky children to folklore and lives of the saints through the stories they told. Nanny Alyona Frolovna told the children stories of ancient Russia, of Saint Sergey of Moscow subduing a bear by the power of his holiness, of heroes and legends and folk tales, Christianity and Russian myth intertwined ; the stories were so vivid and frightening that the children had trouble sleeping (Gunn 10). During the winter their former wet nurses would make a ceremonial visit to the Dostoevsky family, staying ... Show more content on ... The Gothic novels of Ann Radcliffe were favorites of the Dostoevskys. Frank contends that Dostoevsky, influenced by Radcliffe, would later incorporate Gothic techniques of plot, character, and atmosphere and carry them to a peak of perfection that has never been surpassed (1976, 55). Among the literature read and discussed by the Dostoevsky fireside were the Bible, writings of Nikolai Karamzin, including History of the Russian State, Letters of a Russian Traveller, and Poor Liza; the poets Vasily Zhukovsky, Mikhail Y. Lermontov, Gavriil R. Derzhavin, and, of course, Alexander Pushkin; and the novelist Sir Walter Scott. Frank believes that the readings in the family circle were designed to stimulate and benefit the children and to turn them into Godfearing and loyal citizens of the Tsar (1976, 5960). Geir Kjetsaa reports that the Dostoevsky parents were fine readers and the two oldest boys [Mikhail and Fyodor] did not lag far behind them and is convinced that for Fyodor these reading sessions served as a literary foundation for his entire life (10). The influence of Fyodor s mother, his first teacher, was no doubt strong as she conveyed her love of poetry and novels as well as music. Fyodor began to read for himself at the age of four from an antique volume containing a hundred and four Bible tales and conceived a passion for the book of Job
  • 31. Pollution Water Pollution The data collected and found while in the trip, can determine who polluted the water is. It was concluded that the water quality is good to excellent. The first graph shows the level of nitrates, phosphates and dissolved oxygen in the water. There was an average of 2.5 ppm of nitrate found, 1.7 ppm of phosphates, and 8.7 ppm of dissolved oxygen. Phosphates and nitrates are harmful to the water and can cause algaeblooms, which then creates dead zones. These chemicals come from farms mostly, and run down through the soil, into the water. That is why areas with an abundance of agriculture can sometimes negatively affect their nearby water source. The dissolved oxygen level found was also good. Dissolved oxygen is the gaseous form of oxygen found in water. Without it, animals would not be able to survive underwater. Many factors affect how much dissolved oxygen is in the water, such as temperature, the atmosphere, water movement speed, and plant life in the water. The average temperature of the water was about 69 degrees Fahrenheit and about 20.5 degrees Celsius. Cooler water temperature creates more dissolved oxygen. With more dissolved oxygen, it is easier for animals to survive in the water. Another component of the water that was measured, was turbidity. Turbidity is how far down in the water you would be able to see with your naked eye. If water has a high level as turbidity, it would mean that you could see far down, and the water would be clearer. If it
  • 32. Case Study Strauder V Allsright Essay Personal Property Case Study The case study Parking Lot s Liability is an actual court case, Allright, Inc. v. Strauder. Plaintiff brought suit alleging that as a result of defendant s negligence, his automobile was stolen from a parking lot operated by defendant. Signs were located throughout the parking lot which stated that the lot closed at 6 o clock p.m. and that anyone returning after that time could pick up their keys at another parking lot operated by the defendant at a another location. He was aware of the time when he left the car at the station and that the signs and the claim ticket said the lot closed at 6 o clock. So indeed a bailment was created. The definition of bailment is a transaction in which an owner ... Show more content on ... Once the purpose of the bailment has been completed, the bailee usually must return the property to the bailor, or account for it, depending upon the terms of the contract. Legal liability usually takes the form of monetary damages to compensate for the breach of the legal duty. A requisite to the creation of a bailment is the express or implied acceptance of possession or control over the property by the bailee. A person cannot unwittingly become a bailee. Because a bailment is a contract, knowledge and acceptance of its terms are essential to its enforcement. (Cheeseman, 2010) Had the parking garage been closed when the plaintiff left his car, there would be no bailment created. Lost, mislaid, and abandoned property is categories of the common law of property which deals with personal property which has left the possession of its rightful owner without having entered the possession of another person. Property can be considered lost, mislaid or abandoned. Property is generally deemed to have been lost if it is found in a place where the true owner likely did not intend to set it down, and where it is not likely to be found by the true owner. Property has been mislaid or misplaced if it is found in a place where the true owner likely did intend to set it, but then simply forgot. If property has been abandoned, it is found in a place where the owner likely intended to leave it, but is in such a condition that
  • 33. Radar Intrusion Detection System ( Ids ) пѓ INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM (IDS): The IDS is a type of security management system for computers and networks. It gathers and analyzes the information from different areas within the computer or a network in order to identify possible security threats, which may include both intrusions and misuse[[98] , [99]]. It is installed between the firewall and personal computeror server as shown in figure 7. The moment the IDS detects the attacks, an alarm is produced that informs the user of the undergoing attacks. It has three core parts packet sniffing, detection and reporting. Figure 7: Intrusion Detection System According to the method of detection , IDS can be divided into: Anomaly and Misuse based detection. After the construction of the normal pattern the data is classified into attacked data if it doesn t belong to normal data. Misused detection is used to detect the attacks in different ways. Anomaly based detection often has high false alarm rate due to the changeful attack patterns. Its accuracy rate is low as compared to the Misuse based detection .The accuracy rate of misuse based detection is high because the
  • 34. Digital And Collaborative Learning Practices The key problems, which I, unfortunately, was unable to identify in my first assessment, would be the lack of digital and collaborative learning practices in my teaching. These could be due to the following reasons: 1.Working within time frames to deliver the relevant content. 2.Not confident in using digital devices and its related applications/apps for learning purposes. 3.Lack of motivation to try something different. 4.The workload associated with creating content using a digital innovation could be exhausting and tiring. 5.The school system does not demand an immediate need for digital and collaborative innovations (DCI). 6.Teaching to task in order to improve on the NCEA results. 7.Not aware of the effectiveness of DCI in classrooms. 8.Comfortable with the concept of being a traditional teacher. 9.There is no procedure or system in place about the expectations of students using digital devices in my school. 10.The expectation of BOT and whanau to raise the achievement levels for external exams seems unreasonably high. 11.Heavy workload, which drains my energy level to incorporate DCI in my classroom. 12.Working in a decile 2 school I have students who range from diverse families and cultures and with special needs. My lessons are planned in such a way, which caters the needs of individual students. For evidence based I am required to have a paper trail. 13.Lack of professional development regarding DCI. 14.High expectations from senior management with
  • 35. Netherlands and Densely Populated Countries Essay The Netherlands The Netherlands, officially Kingdom of the Netherlands, is a constitutional monarchy located in Northwest Europe. The Netherlands Antilles is part of the state and consists of islands in the Caribbean. The Netherlands is often called Holland after a historic region, part of the present day nation. The country is bounded on the North and West by the North Sea, on the East by Germany, and on the South by Belgium. Land is scarce in the Netherlands and is fully exploited. The natural landscapes have been altered over the centuries. The average January temperature is 35 degrees F and the mean July temperature is 63 degrees F. The Netherlands was considered to be lacking in natural resources. Salt is produced and in ... Show more content on ... Most firms are privately owned even though the government distributes about 40% of the Dutch national income. From 1965 to 1980, the gross domestic product of the Netherlands grew at an average yearly rate of 3.8%, about equal to that of neighboring countries of continental Europe. Between 1980 and 1992, the GDP increased by only 2.3% annually. About 23% of the GDP is produced by manufacturing and energy related activities; about 16% by trade; about 9% by public utilities, transportation, and communications; 6% by construction; 4% by agriculture; and 42% by the service sector. The annual gross national product in the early 1990 s was about $20,480. The Dutch currency unit is the guilder, or gulden (1.89 guilders equal a U.S. $1, 1998). As of January 1, 1999, the Netherlands adopted the Euro, the common currency of the European Union, at a fixed conversion rate of 2.20371 guilders to one Euro. De Nedelandsche Bank, the Dutch central bank, is a full participant in the European System of central banks. Amsterdam is the leading center of Dutch banking and insurance and the home of the country s principal stock exchange. The Dutch economy is fully open to world trade. Much of the flow of goods into its ports is intended for transshipment to other countries, mainly members of the EU. Major
  • 36. The Importance Of Self-Esteem Self esteem is a realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself. In 1892, William James defined self esteem. His two hierarchy are I self and Me Self . I Self is the process of knowledge while Me Self is the result of knowing yourself. There are three types of knowledge: self, social self, and spiritual self. In the mid 1960s, Morris Rosenberg also defined self esteem. He created the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale (RSEC). The RSEC asks questions ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The answers are counted into numbers and placed into a scale of 0 30. A range of 15 25 is a normal self esteem. Anything under 15 considers a low self esteem. Robert White believed in two sources: internal and external. Nathaniel was the first person to define self esteem in terms or worthiness and competence. His findings were based on philosophy. Self esteem is one of the four core self evaluators. Abraham Maslow included self esteem in his hierarchy of human needs. He described two different forms of esteem : the need for respect from others in the form of recognition, success, and admiration, and the need for self respect in the form of self love, self confidence, skill, or aptitude (wikipedia). According to more selfesteem, Serbia has the highest self esteem, and Japan has the lowest self esteem. Mexico has the highest percentage of people satisfied with how they look. UK and Australia had the lowest. Canada is the highest for being proud to show off their
  • 37. Lloyd Jones Mister Pip Mr. Pip Essay Lloyd Jones Mister Pip is a novel about the main character is Matilda Laimo, who realizes there is an escape from the real world. Initially, Matilda has many characteristics that contribute to the theme. A quality Matilda perceives is that she is very attentive. For example, when they went back to school she counted twenty kids, about half the original school roll. Also, she realized that her new teacher, Mr. Watts or Pop Eye, that his hair was long, nearly touching his shoulders. When it was short we hadn t noticed the flecks of red and gray. These quotes illustrate that Matilda carefully examines everything around her which leads her to have creativity. Secondly, Matilda is mentally strong. When she was younger,... Show more content on ... Pip is her getaway from the real world, another escape from her problems. She finds him to be one of her best friends, since they have a lot in common. Eventually, this leads her to become more bright and sincere about life than she was before. Since life is hard with the redskins babysitting them, Mr. Watts had given us kids another world to spend the night in. We could escape to another the end of chapter one I felt like I had been spoken to by this boy Pip... I had found a new friend. This proves she is understanding that in books, she can get lost in them and learn many things, including to believe. The book helps her through the tough times on the island, giving her faith that everything will be all right. Additionally, Pip causes her trouble with her mom. This change is character to character, where her mom is disapproving of Matilda with Pip. To her mom, it seems that Pip has taken over Matilda s life in a negative way, but overall, it benefited Matilda. For example, Matilda wrote Pip in the sand and in return her mother gave me a look of pure hate.. I waited for the slap. Instead she kicked out at the sand around PIP, then kicked out at the air over his name. This clearly shows that Matilda loves Pip, since it is the closest thing to her heart, but her mother is damping it, resulting in them to become further apart. The only thing keeping them together is that they both have faith that each other would understand what they
  • 38. The Thematic Elements Of William Shakespeare s Hamlet Nobility or shame The thematic elements found throughout many of William Shakespeare s plays are numerous. Such themes further develop the plot of the story and help explain a universal purpose the story has. Imagination seeps through every crevice in the reader s mind as to what a theme can be alluding to. Throughout many of Shakespeare s written works, it can be noted that death, in particular suicide, is a relevant and ongoing theme that Shakespeare gives way to. A prime example is that of the well known tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare does not stop at the tragedy of the star crossed lovers, but further goes on to write several more tragedies that deal with suicide such as: Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Othello, and Hamlet. The ... Show more content on ... During the rise of the Renaissance era, the motto death before dishonor was implanted in many courtly ideals. Many chose to die than to have dishonor upon their name. It would be a burden that they would live with for the rest of their lives if their name was put to shame. Suicide was given the bad shoulder during this time, but many writers shined a light on it that further enhanced a work of literature. Shakespeare was one of the many writers that shined a light within the theme of suicide. Suicide in his works further enhanced the development of the story. This is because suicide is a recurring theme that gives way to understand the cultural impact that comes with being a mortal. Shakespeare opens the window to this developing theme that is shunned upon by society. In order to understand why suicide is a key theme that further develops a story, one has to understand the social repercussions that suicide holds during that time. In Shakespeare s Hamlet it can be noted that even though Hamlet did not go through with contemplated suicide, he still thought about whether he should go through the difficulties of life and keep on suffering. For instance, Shakespeare writes and by opposing end them (page.127, line 68). By opposing the Christian moral views, he knows and values, Hamlet knows that suicide will end all his troubles and he will be at peace. Hamlet decides not to partake in such action. This further
  • 39. The Rise Of The Qing Dynasty During the years 1851 1866 there was massive civil war, or as some would consider it, a rebellion in China. This period of turmoil was not only the most destructive war of the nineteenth century, but likely the bloodiest civil war of all time. (Platt, 2012) The ruling government was the Qing dynasty, who had been in power since the mid 1600 s. There were widespread problems throughout the country including natural disasters such as droughts, famines, and floods. (Robert Worden, 1988) There were a substantial number of lower class citizens who were unhappy with their living conditions and with the Manchu rulers of the Qing dynasty. There was a large gap in economic status between the lower class and the wealthy members of the government. This social tension along with Chinabeing defeated militarily by France and Britain lead to a citizen uprising in the region of south China. Known as the Taiping Rebellion, this large scale revolt was fought in an attempt to create a new Han Chinesedynasty that would unite Christianity and Confucianism. (Black, 2013) The Taiping Rebellion impacted Chinese history in two main ways: the Chinese lower class learned to fight for social change, which lead to other rebellions, and, at the same time, the war showcased the Chinese government s intolerance for and ability to thwart societal change. The first main impact the rebellion had on Chinese history was that the Chinese people, who were possibility influence by the American Civil war,
  • 40. Benefits Of Multilingualism Multilingualism Making the United States a more multilingual society would carry with it untold benefits oaks Ursula 20 April 2010. Multilingualism is in debate amongst people even in the modern times. Multilingualism is beneficial for people to learn and use. Some might say that multilingualism might be a waste of time. On the other hand, what is believed is that multilingualism is the supreme thing to do. Multilingualism is excellent as; languages are a gateway to the global community, encourages brain growth, important to the security and economic. There are various reasons to go multilingualism instead of monolingual. One of which is that languages are the gateway to global communication and the key is multilingualism.... Show more content on ... This demonstrates how the author believes that multilingualism is convenient to learn and use in everyday life. It connects to the topic that is being spoken about showing that multingaulism is more useful and will help you in the long run. This all connects to the main topic because it shows the benefits of multilingualism while showing that monolingaulism is not the way to go. The final paragraph shall debate that languages are important to the security and economy. The next account talks about how Mr. Michael believes that multilingualism will greatly help the economy. According to Mr. Michael he believes that, there can be more sales and trades between different speaking merchants . This is a significant thing for people in the United States with interest and help the economy grow. It shows that while many may perceive multilingualism as something insignificant and unimportant and useless, that it is actually quite useful. In the next affirmation Mr. Michael announces that if more people can communicate in another language besides their mother tongue then it can be used to talk to other leaders from other countries leaders. Mr. Michael states as well that there can be more people who work to protect the security and communication with other leaders . This is vital to protect the citizens and other
  • 41. How Social Vulnerabilities Are Important Within Disaster... Throughout history there have been various definitions present on what a disaster is and the effects that it contains in relation to the environment and residents within the area. Society often has specific dominant worldviews in regards to disasters, which can pertain to or focus around disasters being seen as a hazard , unlucky , or an unavoidable event (Scandlyn et al, 2009). Generally, many individuals tend to reflect on definitions in relation to conventional theories because the media often prioritizes disasters as being catastrophic or an end of the world phenomenon. What these individuals fail to understand is the importance of recognizing that we cannot only view disasters in this way, however we must also understand how... Show more content on ... Exploring social vulnerabilities is important to look at because its helps to understand how many residents such as indigenous individuals within the Athabasca region are disregarded as being important due to the marginalization their community faces. In addition, considering economic vulnerabilities allows for individuals to realize that the Canadian economy is more important rather than the livelihood of Alberta residents. These residents are faced with economic vulnerabilities such as relocation of their homes as well as an increased cost of living. Lastly, this paper will investigate the environmental vulnerabilities such as poor environmental management leading to an increased risk of climate change as well as the health issues that local residents face. It is important to understand that when the Alberta tar sands were created, companies such as Suncor, Imperial oil, Petro Canada and so forth were not concerned with the residents living within the area. Since the tar sands development occupies a great amount of space in northern Alberta, this project has affected indigenous communities such as the Mikisew Cree and Althabasca Chipewyan (Dobson et al., 2014). This land was home to both of these indigenous communities before Alberta s government decided to put forth expansions within these areas. As a result,
  • 42. The Pros And Cons Of Cognitive Linguistics Cognitive Linguistics is a new approach to the study of language which views linguistic knowledge as part of general cognition and thinking. It emerged through the work of George Lakoff and Ronald Langacker and considers that linguistic behavior is not separated from other general cognitive abilities which allow mental processes of reasoning or memory but understood as an integral part of it. According to Lakoff and Johnson, there is a conceptual potential that enables the transferring of the knowledge and experience human beings have of the things and events that they know well, to those other objects and events with which they may not be so familiar with, and even to abstract concepts. (Johnson)One of the main theoretical principles of cognitive... Show more content on ... There are certain approaches that focus on the text, like the formalist and structuralist ones, others focus on the writer like the biographical or psychological ones. Each of these approaches has their own positive and negative aspects. A cognitive linguistic approach to literature reconciles both the above mentioned theories and takes into consideration a third aspect: the reader. Literary experience becomes thus the result of the conceptualization of all the conceptual aspects of human experience and behavior. A cognitive approach to literature rests on three key principles from cognitive science: the notion that meaning is embodied, the notion that categorization is a feature of prototype effects, so that categories are also socio culturally grounded in embodiment, and the notion that language and its manifestations in interpretation is a natural human trait. (Stockwell) Recent work in cognitive linguistics explores the analogical processes by which the human brain makes sense of its world. So the way authors think is the way we think. Claiborne Rice states that textual production and reception necessarily rely on identical, or even similar, integration networks (Rice) Joseph Grady asserts that speakers and hearers share the same cognitive network structures. (Grady) According to Fauconnier and Turner, the same structures are at work in both production and reception. (Fauconnier) Under these views we understand that the human mind thinks analogically. The components of analogy include cognitive mapping skills that create levels of identification between across different domains and mental spaces. In order to understand what literary critics do when analyzing a literary text, we need to identify the kinds of cognitive mappings they
  • 43. Dreamliner 787 Case Study Boeing is the worlds largest aerospace company. While Boeing is known mostly known for their commercial airplanes they also manufactures defense, space and security systems, military aircrafts, weapons, satellites, electronic defense systems, launch systems and information and communication systems (Boeing, 2013). In this case we are going to focus on the Dreamliner 787, and the problems that came with the creation of it. The first Boeing 787Dreamliner was delivered to Japan s ANA in 2011, nearly 40 months after the planned delivery date. The expected delivery was in May 2008, but the fuel efficient 787 Dreamliner s manufacturing had become complicated due to multiple changes in the design and supply chain implemented all at once. Far from the traditional manufacturing, Dreamliner design consists of many new features like unique design, one piece fuselage, reduced weight, 20% increase in fuel economy, and reduction in maintenance time. Apart from the changes in design, another major difficulty was the company s global supply chain network. For the first time ever Boeing outsourced two most critical parts fuselage and wings. Everything put together, the complications kept increasing and so is the delay. At least when the plane finally the entered the market years later design came out as expected, and there weren t any sacrifices to the design that had to be made. The plane can hold from 210 250 passengers on routes of 7650 8200 nautical miles and satisfies the fuel
  • 44. Dialectical Behavior Therapy As A Treatment For Borderline... Dialectical Behavior Therapy as a Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder What is Borderline Personality Disorder? Personality disorders are characterized by the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM 5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013) as disorders where impulsivity is the main deficit and without treatment, it acquires new symptoms as time progresses. The four core features that are prevalent in all personality disorders include dysfunctional thinking, emotion dysfunction, impulsivity and interpersonal difficulties (Hurt, Clarkin, Monroe Blum, and Marziali, 1992). The ten different personality disorders fall into three different clusters (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Many maladaptive behaviors are characteristics of those suffering from personality disorders such as suicide tendencies, self harm behavior, engaging in substance use and/or criminal activities. This paper focuses on one of the most significant personality disorders, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Borderline personality disorder, is described of starting in early adulthood, showing immense instability in several factors of the diagnosed individual. Within the criteria for personality disorders, there are specific patterns to the interesting disorder being discussed here. The specifications of borderline personality disorder depend on the severity of impairment in the individual. Most of the nine symptoms should be present: (1)
  • 45. Role of Human Resource Management in Organizational... ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN ORGANIZATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY IN CONTEXT OF PAKISTAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Despite some negative perceptions among the international, including European, public, Pakistan has shown remarkable political and economic developments since the late 1990s when the country was on the verge of bankruptcy. With a rapidly growing population of about 150 million, Pakistan is a major country, recognised by the international community, and is one of the most important actors in the Islamic world. Though still having a negative image in global envirement its HR is the silver lining in its current crisis where budding new organizations are coming to the realization of the value of Human Resource Management and hence ... Show more content on ... Under this system, the poor receive support. In FY 2002, 1.7 million people benefited from the Zakat Programme. Also various other programmes have been launched to support the Government drive on supporting the poor, through poverty alleviation programmes. There are various state run programmes providing retirement benefits, such as the Employees Old Age Benefits programme, which is available for workers in private sector establishments with a minimum of 10 employees. However, private sector pension funds are rarely put into practice except by large firms. Generally, participation in retirement benefit schemes is low. Under the EOBI programme, for example, only 1.6 million employees (out of an estimated 10 million eligible) were insured at the end of 2000. There is also a pension scheme for civil servants who have worked at least 25 years for the Government. Education Despite notable improvements, literacy rates are still low. According to the last census in 1998, the literacy rate was 43.9% with marked differences between the urban (63.1%) and the rural (33.6%) population. There is also a remarkable gender difference; only 32% of Pakistani women are able to read and write whereas this ratio amounts to 54.8% for Pakistani men. Presently (2003), the overall literacy rate has increased to 51.6%. Pakistani general education comprises twelve years, of which ten years are compulsory. Higher education is provided by universities and
  • 46. Essay Keystone Species A keystone species is a species that has a disproportionate effect on its environment relative to its abundance. Such an organism plays a role in its ecosystem that is analogous to the role of a keystone in an arch. While the keystone feels the least pressure of any of the stones in an arch, the arch still collapses without it. Similarly, an ecosystem may experience a dramatic shift if a keystone speciesis removed, even though that species was a small part of the ecosystem by measures of biomass or productivity. It has become a very popular concept in conservation biology. Notes on the definition The definition given here is somewhat qualitative in nature because there is not yet an accepted, rigorous definition. At issue is how to ... Show more content on ... The exact scenario changes in each example, but the central idea remains that through a chain of interactions, a non abundant species has an outsized impact on ecosystem functions. Predators Some starfish may perform this function by preying on sea urchins, mussels, and other shellfish that have no other natural predators. If the sea star is removed from the ecosystem, the mussel population explodes uncontrollably, driving out most other species, while the urchin population annihilates coral reefs. Similarly, sea otters in kelp forests keep sea urchins in check. Kelp roots are merely anchors, and not the vast nutrient gathering networks of land plants. Thus the urchins only need to eat the roots of the kelp, a tiny fraction of the plant s biomass, to remove it from the ecosystem. Domestic cats have taken the role of a keystone species in many environments, including human habitations, where they control some rodent populations. Feral cats are known to decimate native populations in many places in which they are introduced. These creatures need not be apex predators. Sea stars are prey for sharks, rays, and sea anemones. Cats and sea otters are prey for raptor birds. Engineers In North America, the grizzly bear is a keystone species not as a predator but as ecosystem engineers. They transfer nutrients from the oceanic ecosystem to the forest ecosystem. The first stage of the transfer
  • 47. God Vs Christianity Essay The relationship between God and humanity brings with it also the seeds of religion as the expression of our connection with God, and therefore of religion as a historical phenomenon. In discussing the fundamental nature of our relationship with God, Schelling approaches the narrative of Genesis in a way analogous to that he uses for the monotheistic dogma. Therefore, Schelling reads the history of the original couple as carrying in itself an account of the ideal or negative image of our relationship with God. In this respect, the Fall as narrated by the book of Genesis is a catastrophic event preceding history, that Schelling argues to be visible a posteriori in the fact that nature fails to display the unity it should have, as it is made unable to do so by the Fall itself. Consequently, Schelling reads the end of the Edenic condition as the key to... Show more content on ... Humanity did not even have [...] the time to create representations or concepts of God [...] . Hence, prime Edenic humanity is the perfect embodied image of the absolute. In other words, in its ideal and eternal perfect contemplation of God humanity fulfills perfectly its role of mediator as it produces an image of itself, creation, and God as essentially in communion. In this, humanity also acts as it were in the same way the third potency does. Just like the Spirit as + A is able to bring together A and +A, so does humanity with God and creation: Human consciousness is a mediator, a third between both of them . However, argues Schelling, although humanity s essence is the same as God s, namely pure freedom, humanity is nonetheless only a finite replica of God. Hence, humanity can go astray in its employment of this freedom, thus provoking its own fall from grace and in so doing casting creation outside of communion with
  • 48. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Essay A 54 year old patient named Rod suffered from severe depression since the age of 17. He tried many combinations of therapy and medications for over 2 decades with no success, however, at the age of 53, Rod went to the Calabasa TMS Center for a three week TMS treatment, and his depression was greatly improved. Now, he still attends therapy and a routine TMS treatment, and his depression is cured. He spoke of the treatment in an interview with the center, TMS has eliminated the depression and allowed me to be awake and alive (Success Story). Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is an alternative treatment to medication for severely depressed persons that uses magnetic currents to simulate the brain, thus treating depression symptoms (Fawcett). It has been a successful alternative for many patients when they do not respond to medication, and in 2008, the FDA approved TMS for those with major... Show more content on ... There are very few patients who discontinue treatment because of side effects, and side effects are rare (Mennitto). Unlike other alternative treatments, TMS is very targeted, and is unlikely to cause seizures (Fawcett).A TMS study conducted at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois, showed a positive success rate for a majority of the patients, with a small relapse rate (Achieve). The Calabasas TMS Center, and many other TMS centers, provide many stories of patients who responded well to treatment, like Rob (Success Story). Overall, TMS is a successful treatment option for the majorly depressed who have not responded to prior treatment. It works by simulating the brain through electromagnetic pulses, thus resetting the system. TMS alters neuronal activity in regions of the brain specializing in mood regulation. As seen in Rob s story, this resetting of the system relieves depressive symptoms, and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a safe, FDA approved alternative to
  • 49. Essay about The Issues of Neglected Children The Issues of Neglected Children Child : means a boy or a girl apparently or effectively aged less than eighteen years (Van Stolk 146). Rich kids, middle class kids, poor kids all deal with risk and neglect on a scale unimagined in previous generations (Hewitt 11). There are problems of poverty, absentee parents, divorce, violence and drugs, plus much more that is simply out of hand. Deprivation and rejection dominate the lives of many children, among both poor and middle class. We cannot ensure the safety of children on the streets or in our homes. On the educational front the news is even more disturbing, since underachievement and failure are now very popular. Something else that contributes to child neglect is ... Show more content on ... Since the basic foundation is that the family is and should be the social group responsible for the care and support of dependent youths, the argument of the relationship between the child and the economy of our society must first look at the economic role appointed to the adult guardians. Canadian law is enlightened in its insistence on the welfare of the child as the center of concern in all matters of employment, law breaking, custody and support (Wilson 93). But if the law governs to protect children from certain obvious falses, it is also there to hold back the child from the fullest involvement in everyday life. The social status of the child rests among their families. Children today remain essentially the property of their parents who are free to do with them as they please. Circumstances are shown that children are usually determined by those of their families. The government should express how much it values children by guaranteeing certain universal rights or entitlements. We need to design an understandable system of supports that give more chances to all Canadian children. Giving parental and maternity care are a positive way in showing how the government can establish its commitment to families
  • 50. Review Of The Extraordinary Science Of Addictive Junk Food Zainab Jafri Mr. Ballinger ENG 101 ML 3 October, 2016 Intrusions Leading to Decays Often, if what we are accustomed to is disturbed, we tend to develop a defence mechanism that leads to either the destruction of our surroundings or new concepts in ways to make the situation better. In Michael Moss s The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food, he reports on the growing obesity epidemic in the United States as a result of food manufacturers conscious effort... to get people hooked on foods that are convenient and inexpensive (Moss 262). Whereas, in An Elephant Crackup?, by Charles Siebert, we assimilate the fact that elephant behavior is entirely congruent with what we know about humans and other mammals (Siebert 357). The dynamics of a precipitous collapse of elephant culture or crackup described by Charles Siebert, in An Elephant Crackup?, can be used to analyze and understand America s relationship with processed food because elephants are observed through an anthropomorphized lens. It can be acknowledged that the encroachment, exploitation, and the economical and political instabilities that affect the elephants, serve as an interrelationship with what keeps consumers under the firm hold of major food industries. The use of technology and scientific research has opened up a gateway in understanding elephants destructive behavior and the role that processed foods play in the growing obesity epidemic. Scientists performed an MRI scan on an elephant brain
  • 51. Organizational Excellence And Change Of Walt Disney CLIENT ORGANIZATION4 Client Organization Prepared by: Brittany Monroe, Michelle Kinyungu, Latasha Plainer, Queenie Jordan June 20, 2016 GM504 01 Organizational Excellence and Change Dr. Tonelli Running head: CLIENT ORGANIZATION1 Introduction Walt Disneywas created by a man named Walter Elias Disney in Chicago, Illinois; he was an animator and motion picture producer. In 1923 they located to Los Angeles, California and he partner with his brother Roy in the Disney Bros Studio. ?Recently they have been called the paradigm of America and intolerance of a debaser of culture and have carried animation through the central figure in the history of animation. Walt Disney Company is a creative organizational structure, the Chairman and CEO Robert Iger, whom is the leader of nine senior executives with various roles and duties ranging from Disney Studios, Disney Consumer Product, Park and Recreations, ABC and ESPN and many more. Walt Disney organization includes 10 senior business leaders and 8 principal business unit directors and they are still working as a team. Contents Group Composition Group composition, structure, and technology can decisively shape individual, group, and organizational outcome (Harrison, 1999). For example, teams that are more heterogeneous on factors such as social background, education, and occupation are often more creative than more homogenous groups but can be less cohesive and satisfying to participants (Milliken and Martins, 1996).
  • 52. How Does Tim O Brien Show Courage The brave die never, though they sleep in dust: Their courage nerves a thousand living men (Minor J. Savage). Bravery, is a noun. It s a behavior that one displays through an action. Everyone has a different way of showing bravery and there are many ways of showing this kind of behavior. It s not just want you do to show that you are brave, it s also what you say. Tim O Brien shows readers how his characters in stories, that he s written based on his own experience, display different acts of bravery. Vietnam literature proves that Vietnam was bravery. Courage is another word for bravery, it s a synonym. O Brien uses the word courage in different parts of If I Die in a Combat Zone. He claims that, Courage is nothing to laugh at, not if it is proper courage and exercised by men who know what they do is proper. Proper courage is wise courage (Page 130). Courage showed in this story, used quite a few times throughout the story but mainly towards the end of the book. O Brien uses the word courage as an action. Only certain people show courage and that s what he s telling us here. If a soldier knows how to use courage the right way, they are using wise courage. Tim O Brien stated that, For courage, according to Plato is one of the four parts of virtue. It is there with temperance, justice, and wisdom, and all parts are necessary to make the sublime human being (Page 140). When Tim O Brien mentions courage again he is talking about how Plato thought of it. Plato thought of
  • 53. Biomedical Science Personal Statement Science excites and leads to discovery. During high school, I went through a traumatic operation, where I was in my last year doing GCSES and this experience gave me valuable understandings. I went under a CT scanner and diagnosed with a tumour in my stomach, which the doctors had to remove. This was a rare case and with the help of scientific discovery I was able to live. This experience made me appreciate healthcare sciencemuch more. I am in awe of how medical advances have helped shaped the future of some people s lives today. Being in charge of making people s health better, and looking for new cures for diseases has interested me in biomedical science. Biology is very fascinating; I love the use of scientific research to help others ... Show more content on ... My wish to help people, and improve their lives originates from my nurturing, caring personality. My interest in biomedical science has been a calculated choice, by considering my life experiences. My dedication and love towards science reflected in my grades for the Access to HE course in combined science. The Access course included biology, chemistry maths, and physics. Biology and chemistry provide analytic learning and knowledge of the human body, preparing me for biomedical science at university. Maths and physics are essential for problem solving, which are essential skills for a career in biomedical science and any healthcare profession. The course also boosted my skills in self improvement and creative thinking. As some of my units within the Access course included coursework and exams I liked being assessed this way. I felt I worked a lot better with this balance of assessment, which the biomedical science degree has. During spare time, I love engaging in good books and documentaries on human anatomy for e.g. (Atlas of human anatomy by Frank H Netter) and microbiology e.g. (Seven wonders of the microbe world) to further my knowledge in this