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Rhetorical Analysis Essay Topics
Crafting a rhetorical analysis essay on the topic of "Rhetorical Analysis Essay Topics" may
initially seem like a paradoxical endeavor. The challenge lies in navigating the layers of rhetoric
within the chosen subject matter while maintaining a clear and coherent analysis. One must
grapple with the complexities of dissecting persuasive techniques, examining the nuances of
language, and deciphering the author's intent—all within the confines of a structured essay
Selecting an appropriate topic for a rhetorical analysis essay can be a formidable task in itself.
The need to find a subject with sufficient rhetorical elements to analyze while avoiding topics
that are either too simplistic or excessively convoluted adds an extra layer of difficulty. Striking
the right balance is crucial for producing an engaging and insightful essay.
Moreover, the writer must possess a keen understanding of rhetorical devices, such as ethos,
pathos, and logos, and be adept at identifying their presence and impact within the chosen topic.
The ability to dissect the subtle interplay of language, tone, and structure requires a meticulous
and analytical approach, often demanding extensive research and critical thinking.
The process involves not only decoding the author's techniques but also evaluating their
effectiveness in persuading the intended audience. Balancing objective analysis with subjective
interpretation poses a continuous challenge, requiring a delicate equilibrium to ensure the essay
remains informative and persuasive without veering into personal bias.
In conclusion, writing a rhetorical analysis essay on the topic of "Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Topics" demands a high level of analytical skill, linguistic acumen, and a nuanced understanding
of rhetoric. Successfully navigating through these challenges can result in a compelling piece that
sheds light on the intricacies of persuasive communication. For those seeking assistance with
similar essays or other academic writing tasks, a valuable resource, where
professional help is readily available to guide and support your academic endeavors.
Rhetorical Analysis Essay TopicsRhetorical Analysis Essay Topics
A Brief Look at Child Welfare
Child Welfare can be quantified in many ways some of the factors commonly
considered are weather children have enough to eat and a safe place to live, receive
adequate healthcare and edification, and are liberated from impecuniosity abuse, and
exploitation. Moreover because the treatment of children in any society is shaped by
that society s standards of living, resources, and postures about children s rights and,
responsibilities child welfare varies dramatically around the world. Many of the
reported cases of child abuseresult in little or no change to a child s situation and
taking proper steps is essential in protecting the children in these situations.
A significant amount of exploration continues to be performed around the probable
effects involving child abuse in addition to neglect. The consequences differ
according to the conditions of maltreatment, surroundings of the child, and child s
traits. Outcomes could be minor as well as severe; vanish immediately after a short
time or last an entire life in addition to impact the child physically, sentimentally,
behaviorally or in certain mix of just about all several methods. Out of some of the
research that has been gathered approximately 794,000 of the studies have been
identified for being victims regarding mistreatment along with neglect. All around the
youngest kids endure the greatest rate associated with victimization. Newborns
beginning at birth to at least 12 months old would be the most prone susceptible
Character Analysis Of Henry V
In this time of feudalism, people knew Henry V as an important leader who gives
his glory and honor to not only a few individuals, but to each and every person who
is serving physically as a knight and doing any actions made to build status into
their country. The speech that he gives before the battle clearly states the loyal
characteristics on how much of hard work he put into training his men whether
they were from noble birth or from the poorest and lowest of classes. With the
following statements, they show his gamely character meaning to speak out with
courage with a purpose. First, he states how he and his army can have the
achievement they fight for even if there are only a few men to fight in a chaotic
battle like this, then he forms a type of honorable day and group remembered for
fighting in this battle dead or alive, so that there would be no level on which
individual was better than the other, and last he makes it loud and clear that he
would even treat those men as if they were his brothers because they were the only
few men that would support him and fight with him against their enemies. The three
big examples here are the political expectations on what a group of men needs from a
leader like Henry Vand a true king with the power of his absolute anarchy.
First, he plans to share his own honor to the few men that join him for their
sacrifices and not to a group or army increased because then that honor won t be that
memorable. He even states God s will! I
The Use Of A Pneumatic Compression Device On The
Death from deep vein thrombosis developed in a healthcare setting can potentially be
prevented or reduced. Prophylactic measures backed by evidence based practice need
to be taken to help these incidents. Awareness must be raised with nursing staff,
medical doctors and other healthcare professions. Many different modalities can help
prevent the development of deep vein thrombosis; this paper will concentrate a
mechanical method. This research proposal examines whether the use of a pneumatic
compression device reduces the incidence of developing deep veinthrombosis
compared to no intervention during the period of hospitalization. The research design
being utilized is a true experimental study. Participants will be placed into either the
experimental group that will receive the intervention of the pneumatic compression
device. The other control group will not receive any intervention. Possible
implications of this study could be a change in protocol regarding pneumatic
compression device practice. The study postulates that a pneumatic compression
device will reduce the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis in the hospitalized patient.
Prophylactic Use of a Pneumatic Compression Device Pulmonary embolism resulting
from deep vein thrombosis is the most common preventable cause of hospital death
(Maynard, 2015). Consequently, the Surgeon General has called to action to prevent
deep vein thrombosis. Deep vein thrombosis in the healthcare setting can be reduced
Larry Mcmurty s Lonesome Dove
The Story of Lonesome Dove takes place in South Texas along the Rio Grande.
Larry McMurty explains in his novel a theme of never taking advantage of people
and being grateful for what people do for you. In the novel of Lonesome Dove,
Blue Duck took advantage of most of people in the town by kidnaping and lying to
everyone (McMurty, 20). Woodrow Call tries to be rational and explain different
ways to Blue Duck on how to treat others the right way. Throughout the novel,
multiple characters come and go through the setting of the Rio Grande. Gus Mccrae
and Woodrow Call are the main characters in the book; they are the protagonists of
the city, doing the right thing and trying to help everyone strive in the city. The
Indians and Blue Ducks are the... Show more content on ...
Reading in the beginning of the novel, the protagonist characters really were laid
back on the way they worked at the Hat Creek Cattle Company. They didn t to
much care on how they did at their business of operation. The protagonist
characters only got serious and focused when working when there was a problem
occuring at their jobs. When reading the book and getting more in depth, Gus and
Woodrow had a change of heart when wanting to leave the Rio Grande and head to
Montana for a better life. Gus and Woodrow became more focused when they
decided they want to go on their journey to Montana for a new life to raise cattle
Formal Medical Education In The 1800s
Formal medical education has come a long way. During the colonial period, the
main method of medical instruction was the apprenticeship approach. The length of
apprenticeship was approximately of three years; at the end of that period a
certificate was earned (Weiss Lonnquist, 2009). There were three formal medical
schools founded in the 1800 (The University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, and King s
College) that eventually were joined by a significant number of proprietary or for
profit medical schools, which come to be the leading vehicle of medical education in
the mid nineteenth century (Weiss Lonnquist, 2009). Currently, there are medical
schools in every state and depending on the specialty; the average time to complete
medical degrees
The Theme Of Death In Markus ZusakВґs The Book Thief
The novel, The Book Thief Written by Markus Zusak is set in 1939 Nazi Germany
and is narrated by a personified version of Death, who describes both the beauty
and devastation of life in this era. The main character Liesel Meminger (aged 9
years old at the beginning of the book) is sent with her brother, Werner to foster
parents in Munich. On the way there Werner (aged 6) dies. At his burial Liesel
finds a book buried partially in snow, belonging to one of the grave diggers. With
this book Liesel starts a long fascination for books and words, which she comes to
understand and they become a soucre of comfort for her, escaping from her losses
and sometimes her life. Her life changes when Max Vandenburg is hidden in her
basement, he is a Jew.... Show more content on ...
In the novel we see Death experience both joy and sadness, he tries to find meaning
in his work and does this by distracting himself with the colors of the sky when each
human being he takes dies. The fact that Death is the narrator confuses me, I think
this is because I don t understand his role in the book and what the purpose of him
being the narrator is. One conclusion I have come to is that he is an impartial
onlooker watching and reporting on all the ugliness of the Holocaust and
Germany at this time period. Maybe to remind us of the pain and suffering that
was involved. Death is mainly associated with negativity but, in the book he seems
as though he has feelings, this is shown in a quote from The Book Thief spoken by
Death it kills me sometimes, how people die. And also he does something to me,
that boy. Every time. It s his only detriment. He steps on my heart. He makes me
cry. The quote I found most intriguing though was, on many counts, taking a boy
like Rudy Steiner was robbery so much life, so much to live for yet somehow, I m
certain he would have loved to see the frightening rubble and the swelling of the
sky on the night he passed away. He d have cried and turned and smiled if only her
could have seen the book thief on her hands and knees, next to his decimated body.
He d have been glad to witness her kissing his dusty, bomb hit lips. Yes, I know it.
In the darkness of my dark beating heart, I know. He d have loved it all right. You
see? Even death has a heart. This made me think that purpose of Death narrating The
Book Thief reinstates the perception of care in Death and in Dying, the novel shows
us another way to perceive the idea of
Management Is Not A One Person Job
Management is not a one person job; it is a team effort where one mission is
completed by working together. In this assignment, we learned first hand how
managers work together and manage their organization. We were able to see how
managers face organizational politics and how they react to the effects of politics
throughout the company. These managers also taught us how a diverse workplace
can help their company and impact the way they do business. Management also takes
place outside of the workplace. We will look at how having social responsibility in
the community can help improve the perception of the company. We will also learn
what motivates managers to exceed in their jobs. We will identify the skills
required for a manager to succeed and how managers keep their employees engaged
at work. Finally, we will look at how changes in the organization can affect the way
management operates its day to day functions. After exploring these areas, we found
that managers are very involved in their company. Everything managers do is for the
company because they feel like the workplace is a second home and their coworkers
are like family to them. Communicating their problems and needs foster an open
environment, which allows management and employees to excel. Working together
helps form a company into one unit dedicated to its customers.
Question 1 Some managers have to deal with some sort of organizational politics,
while others rarely come across
Handgrip Exercise Analysis
The handgrip test is one of many muscular strength tests used by health and fitness
professionals. The test measures the maximum isometric strength of the muscles in
the hand and forearm. Handgrip strength has a strong association with overall
muscular strength and can be a valuable indicator of well being as well as overall
fitness (Rijk et al., 2015). Additionally, grip strengthis important in any sport or
activity that requires the use of hands to catch, throw, or otherwise manipulate objects.
Population Handgrip strength is dependent upon a number of factors, such as age,
sex, and body size. Because aging affects muscular strength, handgrip strength testing
is used for populations of adolescents to older adults in both genders. ... Show more
content on ...
For the Jamar hand dynamometer, there are tables for both men and women that
contain normative data, also measured in kilograms. These tables are divided into 10
year age intervals (20 29, 30 39, etc.) and are also divided by percentile. The value
from the test is compared to percentile data for the age ranges, and the individual s
performance is determined (Acevedo Starks, 2011; Roberts et al., 2011).
The safety precautions for handgrip strength test may vary depending upon the
individual of the participants. However, the handgrip strength test is quite safe and
few safety precautions are required for participants with no current or previous
Alice And Lucy s Suffrage In The 20th Century
What is the meaning of Suffrage? It is the term used to describe the right to vote as
a legal and natural born right. When people are without it, they work hard to
eventually get it because they want to become equal to others. Without having the
ability to vote, one cannot have a say in what goes on around them. The most
powerful period for women and their fight for the right to vote was from 1890 to
1920. Women believed that if they had the same rights as men at that time that all
their issues would be solved. They had a lot of troubles and without being able to
vote, they believed that they would have difficulties of changing the future for
themselves and their daughters. The women s situation in the 1900s seemed
unpromising. Everything... Show more content on ...
Nobody supported these women no matter how much they talked to the people in
office or the people of the public. They had to somehow make the government and the
president, who was Woodrow Wilson (Bob Gunton) at the time, change these
regulations against women, giving them the right to vote and discuss law just like
men. As a result, a group of women gathered together to go out to protest until their
rights are granted. This caused several women to get unlawfully arrested. However,
the women found a way to protest while being incarcerated and eventually they were
given the rights they deserved by the president. Through the analyzation of the
elements in a film, Alice and Lucy s true passion and efforts were revealed through
their continued devotion and perseverance, which demonstrates that anyone can
make difference and gain some control.
First off, the film s direction, staging and set displayed a great sense of the women s
dedication to making their movement happen. Although there are a few important and
reoccurring characters, the character that was mostly focused on was Alice Paul. The
director and filmmakers made her character seem bold and confident. In one scene,
the women are holding a nonviolence protest in front of the White House gate. The
protested for many days. In some days there was rain, snow, heavy
America At Mayfair Research Paper
Amica at Mayfair in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia Intro General Amica at
Mayfair is located in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, a city that could have been
engineered to be an outstanding place to retire, with its invigorating mountain air,
striking scenery and closeness of its community. Our retirement home sits in the
centre of this fine town, offering the best in retirement living just minutes away from
the city centre. Intro Retirement Living Retirement living should be about freedom,
not spending more and more of your time keeping up with the demands of owning
your own home. At Amica at Mayfair, you can spend your time expanding your mind
and strengthening your body while happening upon the occasional adventure. Intro ...
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Accommodations Amica at Mayfair is a bright, modern building with natural light
flooding through its rooms, which are decorated tastefully and artistically. A
lovely fountain graces the back garden, as does an alluring pond, which sits in
front of our greenhouse. You will find our apartment style suites, available as a
studio, a Junior 1 bedroom, a 1 bedroom and a 2 bedroom, to be charming and
spacious. All of our suites feature a 3 piece bathroom with a walk in shower, a
kitchenette where you can cook a gourmet meal and roomy closets with built in
organizers. Decks with lovely views are available in all but our studio suites. You
can be assured that your security and safety are our first priority at Amica at
Mayfair. All suites have strategically placed smoke detectors and the reliable 24
hour Sara Emergency Response System is in place. Lifestyle At Amica at Mayfair,
we believe that exercising the body and the mind is an integral part of living well,
for all ages. Our home theatre, library and imaginative outings combine with our
Wellness and Vitality Centre to bring you daily opportunities to nurture your body
and spirit. Our Luxura Spa awaits for when you feel the need to be pampered, just a
The Early Esbls CTX M ОІ lactamases
Most of the early ESBLs were mainly ceftazidimases with little or no hydrolytic
activity against cefotaxime. ESBLs often showed variable substrate preference
with some enzymes hydrolyzing one cephalosporin type better than the others. The
first enzyme with the capability of cefotaxime hydrolysis but unable to hydrolyze
ceftazidime was reported from an E. coli strain isolated from a dog that was used
as a model to study cephalosporin pharmacokinetics in Japan in 1986. It was
initially named as FEC 1 but later found to be similar to CTX M 3 on subsequent
amino acid sequencing. The first clinical isolate with cefotaximase property was
identified From an E. coli isolate in 1989 in Munich, Germany. It was designated ...
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The analysis revealed that the CTX M members of same group exhibited ≥94%
identity while ≤90% with members of different groups. The evolutionary
distances between groups reveal an early divergence from a common ancestor.
Few members are shown below:
CTX M 1 cluster: CTX M 1, 3, 10, 15, 22, 23
CTX M 2 cluster: CTX M 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 20, 76, 77
CTX M 8 cluster: CTX M 8, 40, 63
CTX M 9 cluster: CTX M 9, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19
CTX M 25 cluster: CTX M 25, 26, 39, 41, 91
The origin of CTX M type ОІ lactamases was very different from that of TEM or
SHV type ОІ lactamases (Bonnet, 2004).These enzymes show only 40%
resemblance to two most common ESBLs, TEM and SHV. Each CTX M cluster has
been correlated to the chromosomal bla genes present in different Kluyvera species,
that normally form human intestinal normal flora at low counts. It is also considered
as an opportunistic pathogen occasionally associated with infections of urinary tract
and skin in humans [Farmer et al, 1981; Sarriaetal, 2001]. It also exists in the
environment as a free living organism in water, soil, sewage and animal food.
Chromosomal bla gene, kluC, present in Kluyvera cryocrescens (kluC) has been
considered the ancestor of the CTX M 1cluster (Decousser et al., 2001). The
enzymes of CTX M 2 cluster are believed to origin from kluA gene of Kluyvera
ascorbata (Humeniuk et al., 2002), CTX M 8
Examples Of Satire In Huckleberry Finn
Huckleberry Finn Satire Essay
In Mark Twain s The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, there were a lot of examples
of satire. The one that stuck out to me was the idea of family feuds. The feud
between the Shepardsons and the Grangerfords is ironic in the story because they
have been fighting for years and don t even know why they re fighting anymore.
This is ironic to me because the Buck wants to fight against the opposing family
extremely bad, but he doesn t know why.
The family feud in Huck Finn is supposed to model another feud that was going on
at the same time. A feud between the Hatfields and McCoys. The feud in the book is
supposed to make a joke of the real feud because of how silly and pointless it was.
Well, says Buck, a feud is this ... Show more content on ...
But it s kind of slow, and takes a long time. This quote shows how the feud was
started and how it got to this point. But it also adds more satire to the story and the
feud because these families go to church together. While they re in church they put
down their guns but when they get out, the feud resumes. This is satirical because
their sermon in church was about brotherly love. The men took their guns along, so
did Buck, and kept them between their knees or stood them handy against the wall.
The Shepherdsons done the same. This is satirical because the way that all the men
bring their guns and either keep them with them throughout the service or lean them
against the wall, even though it states It was pretty ornery preaching all about
brotherly love, and such like tiresomeness; but everybody said it was a good sermon,
and they all talked
How Training For Empathy Can Have A Positive Impact On
development programme. Whilst the intention is admirable in wanting sales people,
beauty and Dermo advisors to be seen as more empathic when interacting with
customers and potential customers, the one shot approach has its limitations, not
least is how this very complex subject is trained , how improvements are measured
and what follow up processes are introduced. I will return to these points later.
Empathy in the medical arena
Given the important link between empathy and caring, a number of studies and
research have been carried out with physicians and nursing personnel to explore with
both care givers, and patients alike, how training for empathy can have a positive
impact on the feeling of wellbeing for all concerned.
A longitudinal study a carried out with trainee nurses over a 3 year period by
Cunico, L., Sartori, R., Marognolli, O., Meneghini, A. M. (2012).
Explored a number of different aspects of empathy training and the expected results
that could realised by embarking on such a programme, during this time period the
trainee nurses were exposed to a total of 21 hours training, broken down by, 12 hours
in the first year, 5 hours in the second and 4 hours in the third. The training focussed
on the following areas linked to empathy; communication and understanding self and
a) Listening to oneself and others
b) Congruence between verbal and non verbal communication
c) Recognising emotions in self and others
d) Active listening skills
e) The
Understanding Who Your Customers Is Crucial For The...
Understanding who your customers is crucial for the success of the company. If you
can identify who your customer is you can provide them with good services. In order
to companies to be successful at this long term they will need to get to know there
customers in order to continually cater to their needs. At GarminInternational our
customers base includes just about everyone in some sort of engagement. This is
because the company ranges from aviation products to consumer electronics. Within
the outdoor segmentof the business the range of customers can vary anywhere from
dog trainers to outdoor thrill seekers.
Action Camera
Athletes looking to capture the moment
Families that want to capture the memories of the past
Film Makers that want to capture the vision
Students that want to capture data for advancement of education
Dog Tracking and Training
Trainers looking to training there dogs
Owners looking to maintain their training
Domestic pet owners looking to correct nuisance behavior
Outdoor enthusiasts that don t want to be lost in the woods
Hunters that are looking to know the lay of the land
These products are known for gift giving opportunities
Athletes looking to get the maximum amount of data to improve their performance
Techy people looking for the connectivity on their wrist
These products are known for gift giving opportunities
Outdoor enthusiasts that don t want to be lost in the woods
This is a high level look
Charter School Vs. Public Schools
Students Success
Why choose to go to Charter School rather than public school? Charter schools are
public school of choice, meaning families choose for their children. Federal
legislation provides grants to help charters to manage start up costs. They create
better educational opportunities for the students therefore they have higher
expectations in teaching. Charter Schools and zoned (public) schools are tuition free
but unfortunately not everyone can get in to Charter school, since it works by lottery.
Everyone has the opportunity to apply and has a choice to attend Charlet School if the
students are lucky enough to get in. Charter schools are more effective for three
reasons: they have higher graduation rates, teachers are more prepared and devoted to
their students, and teachers take a greater responsibility for their students as they
compete against Zoned Schools.
How important is it for a student to graduate? Isn t it a waste of time going to
school for twelve years and wasting all the government money and still not receive a
diploma? That is why students need to work harder to earn it and Charter schools are
the ones that offer students to become more educated. Joffee states, Charter schools
have higher API scores and graduation rates than traditional schools: Academically,
comparing LAUSD Alliance charter high schools to LAUSD traditional high schools
located in the same neighborhoods, we found the Alliance schools have decisively
higher API scores, 762 vs.
William Blake Songs of Innocence Experience
The Chimney Sweeper Songs of Innocence amp; Experience analysis with, William
In 1794 William Blake s work was known and published as a collection of poems
that were put together as one book called Songs of innocence amp; Songs of
Experience. In the collection Blake titles a poem, The Chimney Sweeper , and this
one is viewed in two ways: Innocence and experience. In the book of innocence
Blake shows how poor innocent children are being abused and mistreated during
this time era. In Songs of innocence, The Chimney Sweeper, is about the way
childhood youth is destroyed, taken away or ruined by selfish mean spirited adults.
Innocence to Blake was in a way not even in existence. He always believed that the
world of one s ... Show more content on ...
However, they are not his ideal target here. He suggests that it is because I am
happy and dance and sing that they think they have done me no injury .(Line9 10)
While no excuse is offered for the church that they have run off to the parents may
not be malicious; it is possible that they are simply misguided, or perhaps self
deceiving. The sweeper clearly implies that God and his priest and king are to
blame, because they make up a heaven of our misery .(Line11 12) The question that
comes to mind after reading and analyzing the third stanza is one I think most would
assume. How could those whom have such a great standing in faith run off, leave a
child to finish the job that has been tasked out for him/her to do; and forget them,
proceeding to go give praise to God? It is clear that the parents seek acceptance
from the church and if putting their child on the back burner is what it takes that is
the way they are choosing. As a result, this poem accomplishes it purpose very well.
In Songs of Experience, the child in The Chimney Sweeper understands that he is a
forgotten son. Another Key point that I would like to make is the comparison with
Innocence and the term good , and Experience with the term evil . Blake also
referred to his poem, The Lamb with innocence and goodness, contrary, The Tyger
with evilness and experience. This collection of poems by Blake does make one
question things that they normally would not. This in depth topic
Fate Or Free Will Controls Human Lives
Generally, fate refers to the development of events beyond a person s control
(Aurobindo). As such, a fatalist is a person who believes that whatever happens is,
and always was, unavoidable. Moreover, such a person strongly believes that he or
she has no control over what happens the next moment, tomorrow, next year, or
several years to come. Free will, on the other hand, is formed by the power of
sanction (Aurobindo). In other words, it is consent by the spirit that it shall not be
bound but that its enjoyment should be bound by time, space, and causality and by
the swabhava and the dharma (Aurobindo). To determine whether fate or free will
controls human lives, it is important to objectively analyse, synthesizes, and respond
to the critical conversation that the authors of class readings seem to be engaging
with regard to this subject. In connection to this, humanity has been fascinated by
fate and free will for a long time. Some philosophers in the Ancient Greek and the
Middle Ages believed that free will influenced human destiny while others believed
that fate was responsible for what befell mankind.
The theme of fate conspicuously permeates Homer s famous poem, Ilad, from the
first to the last sentence. The author asserts that death is a natural and unavoidable
part of human existence from the onset by affirming that Akhilleus anger is doomed
and ruinous. In this regard, fate but not free will defines consciousness in the Trojan
War. Although everybody
Freedom In Anthem, By Ayn Rand
Today in our modern great nation, we have the freedom of speech, the right to
your own life, and the opportunity to change the way we live. At least to some
extent. In the other parts of the world, people do not always have the freedoms we
have. In the story of anthem, by Ayn Rand, Equality 7 2521 lives in a country
where freedom does not exist. But rather controlled by a higher power. Equality 7
2521, lives in a communist country. It is a sin to write this. It is a sin to think
words no others think and to put them down upon a paper no others are to see. It is
base and evil. It is as if we were speaking alone to no ears but our own. And we
know well that there is no transgression blacker than to do or think alone. Equality
does not have... Show more content on ...
Equality is forced to do what the council orders him to do. He is given the position
of a street sweeper which to him, is not close to what his actual abilities are as a
person. Equality is a very smart man with much creativity and talent. He could
become anything he would like if he were living in a country like ours. Sadly, his
government restricts and decides what he will do for the rest of his life. In our
country we have the opportunity to pursue our own careers, our goals and our way
of living. For example, some of us may want to continue our education after high
school and some of us may want to join the workforce. In the end, we decide for
ourselves what our future holds. Equality makes a good point when he talks about
the right to one s life but he also makes a clear point about change. Let us flood our
cities with light, let us bring new light to man . I believe that equality is saying that
there should be new ways of thinking as far as looking at new ways of life. For
example, he was discussing to his brothers that they are capable of more than the
positions they were put. The council has corrupted their way of thinking to where
they no longer question their decision. They are followers of a corrupt system. The
story of Anthem, reflects on the lives of those whose rights have been taken away,
those who suffer through the decisions of their government and those
Irving Fisher Contributions Essays
Hundreds of individuals have impacted economics throughout its vast history. Only a
handful of these individuals are household names recognized with economics today.
However, many lessor known economists have made lasting impressions, often
making attributions to the theories we know today. One of these individuals who
influenced economics in this way was Irving Fisher. Irving Fisher was a very unique
and brilliant man. He attended Yale University where he studied mathematics. He
later used this background and applied it to economics, earning a PhD in economics,
the first from Yale University. His study of mathematics played a crucial role in how
his theories evolved. Almost all of his work involves mathematical computations to
express... Show more content on ...
Fisher explains that when the equilibrium between these two factors exists, the
interest rate is thus determined. This theory of interest is still how we determine
interest, even after about 100 years have passed since its introduction. Clearly this
theory was well ahead of its time. In addition, Fisher stated that the real rate of
interest generated by the interaction between the impatient rate and opportunity rate
was not always the nominal rate due to inflation. He stated that the nominal rate
minus the inflation rate equals the real rate that you are expected to earn. This
relationship is known as the Fisher Effect and is a major principle in economics and
finance in everyday calculations.
From these same works Fisher also developed the concept of the expenditure tax. The
expenditure tax is different from the income tax because one is only taxed on income
minus one s net savings, rather than one s whole income. Fisher believed the income
tax induced bias against saving and created double taxation on both the income you
earned initially and the income you earn from investing or saving money.Irving
Fisher also made major contributions in to monetary economics. He expanded the old
quantity theory of money by introducing the equation of exchange (MV = PT) in The
Purchasing Power
LGBT Politicians in the US
In Greenwich Village on a warm July morning in 1969, a group of gay men and
women are brawling with police officers. This is Stonewall. These riots mark the start
of the Gay Liberation movement a social cause hampered by public stigma such as
the AIDS Epidemic, religious intolerance, negligence of an almost criminal level by
the United States government, and outright scorn from all directions. Stonewall
marked the first critically important instance of the gay community fighting back
against all of this injustice. The following decades would result in an unprecedented
shift in public opinion. They would not, however, result in an unprecedented shift in
congressional representation. The lack of representation is dangerous to the LGBT...
Show more content on ...
Johnston was the Massachusetts Democratic Party Chairman, and a longtime
friend of Congressman Studds. The claim that Studds inspired a generation of
LGBT persons is hard to verify. Every memoriam article concerning Studds makes
this claim, but none seem to have found anyone to be inspired aside from close
personal friends. On Studds death in 2006, many claimed that his example had
made it possible for other LGBT citizens to serve public office. I would argue that
Studds had no intention of ever admitting his sexuality, let alone serving as some
beacon of pride. Only after an affair with a nearly underage boy did the
Congressman admit his sexuality. This conduct did nothing but help to solidify the
stigma attached to LGBT persons. Studds s actions gave his electoral opposition
plenty of firepower to use. Studds, as a publicly elected representative, wasn t just
representing himself when he committed his actions, but was rather representing a
very young social cause. When first discovered, his actions harmed that cause.
Studds s case is particularly important because he was first: his actions established
negative precedent an example of behavior to be followed for all of those potential
LGBT candidates that would follow. Studds was re elected the next year with little
trouble, despite the
The Importance Of Transfer Between Cells
Though the previous experiment does indicate that when a seed is inserted into a
cell it can form amyloid fibers, it fails to include parameters that describe how these
proteins are transferred between cells. In order for an infectious agent to become
infectious it must have a method for not only leaving the host cell but also entering a
non infected cell. A study lead by Christian MГјnch set out to show the pathway that
a prionlike proteinin an amyloid fiber can transfer between cells. The first test that
was done in this study was to grow cells in a media containing a mutant SOD1 (a
common ALS causing protein) granule coated fibrils. These fibrils were labeled with
Dylight dyes and when examined the majority of the grown cells were... Show more
content on ...
One clear example of how mutations in the Prion like domains can affect the
protein is shown in a study done by James Shorter and J. Paul Taylor, continuing
the research of Hong Joo Kim et al. During the original research, mutations were
found in the PrLDs of both hnRNPA1 and hnRNPA2/B1, that may have a
connection to forms of multisystem proteinopathy (MSP) such as ALS. When
looking into a family that was afflicted by a MSP they found a mutation within
RNA binding proteins known hnRNPA2/B1. These proteins are two isoforms of the
same protein with the longer of the two being known as hnRNPB2. In this case both
forms of the protein had a mutation in a highly conserved portion of the protein. The
mutation consisted of an aspartate residue, located at D290 in hnRNPA2 and D302
in hnRNPB1, being replaced with a valine. In a previous study conducted by Dr. Eric
Ross and James Toombs a prion propensity cart was created. According to this study
the prion propensity of the original aspartate was 0.080, much lower than that of the
new valine residue which scores a 0.81. Another contributing factor to the importance
of this mutation is that it occurs within the C terminal PrLD that is present in both
proteins. The second mutation that this study followed was present in a similar protein
Swot Analysis of Hilton Hotel
Hilton Worldwide
Hilton Worldwide
Company Overview..............................................................................................3
Key Facts...............................................................................................................3
SWOT Analysis.....................................................................................................4
Hilton Worldwide
Page 2
Hilton Worldwide
Company Overview ... Show more content on ...
It offers convention hotels like Hilton
Garden Inn and Hampton Inn which focus on mid priced services. For extended
stays the company s por tfolio offers Homewood Suites. Fur thermore, the company
has Hilton Grand Vacations which offers high quality vacation ownership resor ts in
selected vacation destinations. Therefore, the company s wide variety of services
would not only enhance its market share, but it also limits its exposure to the risks
associated with a par ticular segment.
Debt restructuring improves liquidity position
The company has restructured its debt position which significantly improved its
liquidity position. In
2010, Hilton Worldwide considerably reduced its debt position by almost $4 billion
by bringing down its outstanding debt from $20 billion to $16 billion on its balance
sheet in FY2009 10. Additionally, the company also extended the maturity period of
its post restructured debt outstanding which is
$16 billion by two years to mature in FY2015. The restructuring was done through the
purchase of
$1.8 billion of debt and also the conversion of $2.1 billion of junior mezzanine debt to
preferred equity. With this restructuring and extended debt maturing period, the
company s liquidity position improved significantly which puts Hilton Worldwide in
a strong position to capitalize
The Light In the Forest Essay
It is the fall of 1764, and the relations between white settlers of western
Pennsylvania and Indians of the Ohio area are strained. Nevertheless, the
ambitious white Colonel Bouquet and his troop of 1,500 men march into Indian
country and demand the return of whites who have been kidnapped by the
Delaware Indians. True Son, a fifteen year old white boy who has been raised by
Indians since the age of four, is one of the white prisoners who is going to be
returned. True Son loves his Indian way of life and considers himself to be Indian;
he has been raised to view whites as enemies and cannot imagine living with them.
But although the Indians love their adopted white relatives, they agree to give them
back so that they will be able to keep... Show more content on ...
To True Son, white civilization seems like a prison compared to the free and natural
world of the Indians. Del, however, sees the stone houses and fences as symbols of
the superior white culture. When True Son is introduced to his white father, Harry
Butler, he is repulsed by him and states that the man is not his father. In order to help
translate for the Butlers and protect them from the potentially violent True Son, Del
stays with the Butlers for a little while after True Son s return.
True Son, Del, and Harry Butler travel back to Paxton township where True Son
meets more of his family: his mother, Myra, who is sickly; his younger brother,
Gordie; and his Aunt Kate. Myra tries to get True Son to communicate with her and
say his real name, John Cameron Butler, but True Son is stubborn and refuses to
acknowledge that the Butlers are his real family. The only person who does not see
True Son s Indian ways as strange and upsetting is Gordie, and a relationship begins
to form between the two boys. True Son cannot sleep the night of his return because
he remembers the story his Indian father told him about the quot;Paxton boys, quot; a
group of white settlers who brutally murdered some peaceful Conestoga Indians. The
next day True Son meets more of his relatives, including his Uncle Wilse, who was a
leader of the Paxton boys.
Stephen King and the Pet Sematary Essay
Stephen Edwin King was the son of Donald King and Ruth Pillsbury King. He was
born on September 21st, 1947 in the town of Portland, Maine. Stephen s dad, Donald,
abandoned the family when Stephen was very young. Stephen grew up with his hard
working mother and his older brother, David. Stephen and his family moved around a
lot throughout his childhood, but they finally settled in Durham, Maine when
Stephen was eleven. Stephen was a student at Durham Grammar School, and he
continued his schooling at Lisbon Falls High School and graduated in
1966.Throughout Stephen s years in school he was an introverted child. He read
many comic books and fantasy horror fiction novels, and he loved to watch science
fiction and monster movies in his free... Show more content on ...
His house was beside a very busy road that was a part of a truck route, and his
daughter s cat had been hit and killed by one of the many passing trucks. Three
days after he buried his daughter s cat he got the idea for the book when he
wondered what it would be like if the cat would come back to life after being
buried in a Pet Cemetery. Then one day, his son, Owen, ran towards the busy road,
and he and his wife had to catch him before he could reach it. This gave him the
idea of a child being killed and brought back to life in the Cemetery. After he got the
two ideas he began writing Pet Sematary.
The protagonist of Pet Sematary was Louis Creed. Louis was the husband of Rachel
Creed, and he was the father of Gage and Eileen (Ellie). Louis and his family
moved from Chicago to a busy road in Ludlow, Maine when Louis got a job at the
university as a doctor. Once Louis and his family moved into the house in Ludlow,
odd things began to happen. A few days after the family had settled in their
neighbor, Jud Crandall, took the family up to the pet cemetery not far from their
house. On Louis s first day working at the university a boy named Victor Pascow
was hit by a car and died in Dr. Creed s care. Before dying, Victor muttered about
the Pet Sematary which scared Louis. A few months later on Thanksgiving night,
Ellie s cat, Church, was struck by a car while crossing the road. Jud and Louis found
the cat with a broken
Child Witnesses
Courts within United Kingdom, along with several other countries have made
several propositions for addressing the vulnerability of child witnesses within the
courtroom, although these provisions generally do not directly address the linguistic
difficulties. Thus, in some jurisdictions, child witnesses are allowed to give
evidence on closed circuit television, in order to alleviate them from trauma of being
face to face in court with a suspect against whom they are testifying against.
However, children are often required to be present in court for cross examination,
sometimes provided with support by a screen between the childand the accused
(Birnbaum, and Bala, 2010).
Other provisions which attempt to address the disadvantage faced by children ... Show
more content on ...
Eades, (2008) asked preschool aged children questions that were answerable and the
questions that were nonsensical to see whether they would respond in predictable
ways. Overall children rarely answered I don t know to the nonsensical questions, and
the youngest children exhibited a tendency to acquiesce to the experimenter. These
findings suggest that when children s language skills limit their understanding of
questions posed to them, they are still likely to attempt and answer, and thus their
response are likely less accurate. The developmental inappropriate language used in
court makes it difficult for any child to provide reliable testimony, no matter what
their relative competence at understanding and answering questions may
The Boundaries Of Compassion By Bernhard Schlink
Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous
are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking
Primo Levi
Compassion emotion one feels in response to suffering of others that motivates a
desire to help, based on cerebral notions such as fairness, justice and interdependence.
The Reader by Bernhard Schlink tests the boundaries of compassion by tackling the
question of German guilt. The story follows Michal Berg and his life long struggle
between condemning and understanding a Nazi guard he passionately fell in love
with as a young boy. Through Michael and Hanna s lives, Schlink unravels the other
side of the Holocaust experience of the perpetrators and their loved ones. As we
devaur shades deeper into their characters, we come to see them both as victims of
their circumstance, two people caught on opposite sides of regime clash, where
misunderstanding runs as deep as their guilt and shame. Through abundance of
symbolism and brisk writing style, Schlink takes us all the way back to beginnings,
questioning the meaning of individual agency, impact of law on morality, and
transitional accountability. Through love and loss, conscious and unconscious pain,
compassion and condemnation, The Reader humanizes the perpetrators of the
Holocaust and contests us to understand. Understanding the crimes of the past, rather
than condemning them, we achieve liberation from chains of the dead and restore
The Influences Of Carl Czerny Style
III. The influences of Carl Czerny composition technique
The influences of Carl Czerny to Chopin s etude can be found certain evidence
through the letters and comments, as they were both appreciated on both
compositions and the piano pedagogy with demonstrated one of well known efficient
way reach to virtuosity, step by step practice exercises. As one of the Chopin s letters
to his parents wrote that:
Czerny is more sensitive than any of his compositions, but to a friend he was more
overly critical: he is a good fellow. But nothing more.
Chopin s impression to Carl Czerny that is very critical in a way that full of interest,
with a sensitive mind to take care each of his compositions. He appreciated Czerny s
using step by step musical exercises with the indication of various technical
difficulties, which usually appeared in different composers masterpieces.In the other
perspective from Czerny s view to Chopin, he praised later pianist composers
including Chopin lead Etudes to a brand new way to interpret; (the brilliance in
conquering new technical difficulties,some with more elegance and grace), lead to
the strong links in musicality developments, with the consideration of technical
difficulties for his students.
D. Chopin s pedagogy in his Etudes:
Playing techniques involved in Chopin s Etudes
i) Tone color:finger... Show more content on ...
The right hand melody shows the use of chordal texture which allows performers
using the force from the forearm, with the focus of top note to bring out the melody
of music. It s not appreciated that using the force from the wrist and being overforce
while playing the music. In Chopin s points of view, he requires the soft and round
tone color in all his compositions, Forget you re being listened to, and listen to
yourself... to let his pupil listen and decorate the melody with finger touch with
emotional and spiritual in
Change is Difficult, but Inevitable in Life Essay
Change can often be a difficult thing for everyone to accept. No matter how big or
small, sadly many of us fear it. The worry in change can be seen evidently in that
friend unsure of his future after high school, or that family member who stumbles
when asked what they would like to eat, only to order the same thing they have
ordered the last 10 times. From moving to another city, to ordering a different meal
at your favorite restaurant, everyone will have that important date with change.
The difference is in how each person decides to handle it. Some like to walk her to
the door and give her a kiss goodnight, some even refuse to accept it s happening,
and some don t even show up. I am one of those people, emailing that I just can t
make... Show more content on ...
Maybe it is a new job, or the promise of seeing old friends. Moving is a perfect
example of how pain and change can equal gain. Although difficult to accept,
sometimes embracing the odd variation can be rewarding. As a young boy, friends
are made quickly, generally without any thought. A Tonka Truck rear ends another
Tonka Truck and within two minutes of sandbox hit and runs a new friend is
made. The same cannot be said of High school. Those friends you made in
elementary are still your friends when you first enter into high school. But slowly
they drift off into the abyss, slipping into with different cliques and before you
know it, you are put on the backburner. You feel forced, worried and are fairly sure
that rear ending a grads car will not work. This is yet another perfect example of
change, that anyone that s ever been to high school has probably faced. Accepting
this sort adjustment will teach you new skills, and a lot about yourself. Making
new friends can be hard or easy, depending on how you tackle the problem. Change
is simply a tool, it is you who decides what to make with it. As one grows up they
may learn that moving can bring a better life, new friends can be more rewarding than
the last, or that big changes are essential to proper development and progression. An
obvious example of maturation is when one releases that they cannot rewrite their
beginning, but they can in fact change
Christopher Nolan Auteur
INT: Introduction
Fade in, Why Christopher Nolan is an Auteur
Films have been around since the early 1800s and as a consequence, they have
evolved a lot over time. Originally films were sold because of the people who acted
in them.
Include shots of old movie titles.
However, this started to change in during the 1940s. It was during this period of
time in France that people started to realise that directors could play a large role in
the way a film turned out. This idea was more deeply explored in the book Cahiers
du cinГ©ma or Notebooks on Cinema. This book furthered the idea of directors
creating movies in their images and gave them the name, auteur.
Cut to:
INT: What is an Auteur
Display images of different early films as ... Show more content on ...
While most of the story is linear, Christopher Nolan includes many flashbacks to
help people understand why certain characters choose what they choose. This is
done to add extra depth in his movie and is clearly evident in the scene of the girl in
the pit.
Include videos of Inception
Inception takes the idea of non linear timelines and runs with it. The movie starts
and ends with the same scene. With Dom lying down in the water at a beach. As
well as this during the movie, Dom has many flashbacks to when his wife was still
alive. This is most clearly evident in the many windows into his past while he is
Int: conclusion
This report was exploring different aspects of Christopher Nolan s films to
determine why he is an auteur. Throughout all of his movies, he uses similar
techniques such as dark driving forces for his protagonists. He also uses unclear and
twisted plots causing the audience to be misdirected. And finally, the use of non
linear timelines to explore different aspects of his characters.
So is Christopher Nolan an author. The answer is yes as can clear be seen in the way
he uniquely creates his
Reflection Paper On The Catholic Funeral
Catholicism is one of the most popular religions in the world. One of my close
family friends passed away recently and considered himself to be an encultured part
of the Catholic religion. I chose to do my paper over this culture and attend this
event because I was curious to see what it entailed, being one of the most popular
religions in the world. At first, I was very nervous to go to the funeralbecause I had
never been to anything Catholic related in my life. I was scared that I would feel
out of my comfort zone and not know what to do. I have attended a couple Christian
funerals in the past but never a Catholic one. At the beginning of the ceremony, we all
greeted the priest and the family and then continued on to our seats in an organized
order while slow, depressing, music played.
During the ceremony, I noticed four main aspects that seemed outstandingly
different to my own culture. The first one being that the priest would say a word
and the Catholic people in the crowd would say it in harmony with him at the exact
same time he would say it. Second, I noticed that he would say a whole quote that
would be about a sentence or two long and then the crowd would respond with a
different quote which was also a sentence or two long. Third being that the priest
would say something and the people around us would either stand, kneel, or sit at
cues he would give. Finally, I noticed that during the ceremony he took time to light
some sage like material and wave it around
El Deafo And The Crossover
Every year there are thousands of books that are sent in to compete for the
Newbery Award. There is a special selection committee that is chosen to read every
book from that year that has been submitted to be considered for the Newbery
Award for that year. In 2013 they Newbery Award was given to Kwame Alexander
for his book called the Crossover. Two Newberry honor awards were given to Cece
Bell for her book El Deafo and Jacqueline Woodson for her book Brown Girl
Dreaming. Each book was carefully reviewed, analyzed and rated to determine the
winner of the 2013 Newbery Award. The award winner gives an acceptance speech
at the Newbery Award ceremony. Kwame Alexander gave a heartfelt speech about his
life and journey in becoming an author and... Show more content on
I found one review by the New York times, the New York times wrote a review
directed to parents to encourage parents to read to their child The Crossover. The
New York times mentions that this book deserved to win both the Newbery Medal
and the Coretta School King Book Honor. They also mention how inspiring this
book is as well, inspire a discussion about healthy lifestyle choices and the impact of
those choices on people and their loved ones. ( ) This book is truly about the love
of family and the challenges that are present in families as well. OVerall, this book
was about the love of a family and a positive influence for children everywhere.
The next review I found talked about the contemporary issues about race, There is
a traffic stop on the way to a game, in which the boy s father (like many an African
American man) is pulled over for a minor infraction; Josh is warned by his mother
about what happens to young black men who let their tempers get the better of
them. () This book is a great book for young students of different races to create a
connection they can relate to. This review also mentions that his book talks about
health concerns such as hereditary hypertension. This opens up for a discussion on
heart health and how to make healthy choices. Lastly, the reivew urges for people to
read this story to learn about the bond between a family that
Golden Gate Bridge Research Paper
Golden Gate Bridge
The Golden gate bridge was always a beautiful monument to me because of its golden
color. When I was 12 years old my cousin took me to San Francisco, and we crossed
the Golden gate bridge. I was scared that it wasn?t safe because when we would come
to a complete stop I could feel the bridge moving. I was scared the bridge would
collapse! This was an experience I d never forget. Now I have the opportunity to
learn about it, I want to see if the bridge is safe, how its constructed, and who built
it? In order for the bridge to be built it had to be approved by the war department
because they owned the land on both sides of the bridge. The first permit the
architects received from the war department was on Dec. 24, 1924, the ... Show more
content on ...
The materials they used to build the bridge were concrete, strands of wire, and
rivets. The way they built it was by building the towers first and then the weight
would be hung from the two main towers which were fixed in concrete at each end.
Each cable was made up of about 28,000 strands of wire. There are 80,000 miles of
wire in the main cables.It was made into a suspension bridge. The bridge has
approximately 1,200,000 rivets. Comment by Ray Enostrosa: Are they famous? What
else did they build? did they always work together?
The making of the bridge impacted many people especially the people from San
Francisco and Marin County, California. Before, the bridge people would have to
cross the waters by boat to get to San Francisco or Marin county. Once the bridge
was built people could drive and walk across and its 1.7 miles.
Today the golden gate bridge still stands after 79 years. After learning all of this
about the Golden gate bridge I feel that the Golden gate bridge is safer and it was
made to hold thousands and thousands of pounds. The architects that designed the
bridge designed it to withhold it makes me feel safer going back.
Immanuel Kant And Good Will
Immanuel Kant begins his piece of work by outlining that humans have desires and
appetites (Sommers 1985, p.86). According to Kant, morals are classed very highly
due to the fact that humans have the capacity to function reasoning. The main
question however, does the moral reason have absolute value? A key argument
within the text is Good will. Good will enables an individual to perform an effect.
Kant argues that it is important that all acts must be done through the use of good
will. This is because by acting through your good will, you are making sure the
action can also be good. This then can lead to good consequences. Although,
personally, this has made me think of bad actions leading to good consequences, that
sometimes it is good
Good Night And Good Luck Analysis
Legendary CBS News broadcaster Edward R. Murrow is a journalist who made
history with exposing Senator Joseph R. McCarthy. Although the story will go
down in history, with the help of the movie Good Night, and Good Luck directed
by George Clooney, how much is known of the historically accurate story. While
some could argue that George Clooney and producer, Grant Heslov, made the
screenplay naive, others disagree. Many may even state that it was well researched
and followed the original weekly CBS story, See It Now, accurately. Both are easily
In the movie, Good Night, and Good Luck, it is portrayed that many people or news
companies were too afraid of McCarthy to stand up to him. Although by the time the
show, See It Now, aired on the 9th of March, 1954, many people wanted to remove
McCarthy from chairman. Many Republicans joined Democrats in publicly
denouncing him, including Richard Nixon. Many would state that mainstream news
was also very anti McCarthy, including Time Magazine and Chicago Tribune.
Another red flag that may make people question the accurateness of this film is the
changing in minor details, including the beginning of this movie when the date of
the RTDNA Convention in Chicago is displayed on October 25th , 1985 when the
Convention was held on October 12th, 1958 . Also, Murrow s keynote address is
introduced by a man who talks about the issues that Murrow reported on . This
includes exploitation of migrant workers, while this is true, Murrow
Bipa Case Study Essay
A 70 year old female with a 50 year history of uncontrolled hypertension despite a
combination of antihypertensive agents that lastly includes: amlodipine 10 mg,
spironolactone 25 mg, losartan 100 mg, and furosemide 40 mg; all were used once
daily. She was referred to our center as a case of ADHF for further workup. On
admission, the patient was in severe respiratory distress consistent with the New York
HeartAssociation (NYHA) class III IV and was orthopneic but fully conscious with
normal cognition. Physical examination showed: a bloodpressure of 153/93 mmHg,
heart rate of 117 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 28 breaths per minute and
oxygen saturation of 94% on BiPAP. She had bilateral basal crepitation, bilateral
scattered rhonchi,... Show more content on ...
The diameter of the narrowest part was about 3 mm with significant prevertebral
and intercostal collaterals. There was bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) type 1 with
severe asymmetric diffuse leaflet calcifications and marked calcifications of the
ascending aorta and aortic arch. Aortography confirmed the diagnosis of severe
calcified juxtaductal CoA. There was a 70 mmHg peak to peak gradient across the
coarctation, 90 mmHg gradient across the aortic valve and the mean left ventricular
pressure was 290/26 mmHg. Coronary evaluation demonstrated a significant proximal
LAD lesion with a fractional flow reserve (FFR) value of 0.78. A significant
dilatation of the left internal mammary artery was also noted. The presence of high
gradient across the coarctation together with the presence of hypertension
necessitates a curative treatment. A multidisciplinary heart team of interventional
cardiologists, cardiac anesthesiologists, vascular and cardiac surgeons decide to
perform endovascular repair of both cardiac and vascular pathologies by two stage
approach due to the significant comorbidities mainly uncontrolled hypertension, type
2 diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and also the presence of
severe calcifications of the ascending
Va Cyber Security Research Paper
Department of Veterans Affairs Security Profile 1. Preface
This security profile of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is based on two
documents of public record. The first is the published VA Handbook 6500 (VAH
6500) which defined policy and procedures for systems within the purview of the VA
(Department of Veterans Affairs, 2007). The second document is the Federal
Information Security Management Act Assessment for FY 20011 commissioned by
the VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) and performed by Ernst amp; Young in
accordance with Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) guidelines
(VA Office of Inspector General, 2012, p. i). 2. Identification of Controls
This security profile presents one control function ... Show more content on ...
4.3. Implementation Impact
The OIG 2011 FISAM Assessment indicates that FISMA Section 3544 requires
establishing policies and procedures to ensure information security is addressed
throughout the life cycle of each agency information system (VA Office of Inspector
General, 2012, p. 9). Based on the lack of consistency in use of SDLC and change
control, major security risks may go unnoticed. 4. Operational Controls
Operational controls focus on techniques and procedures put in place by Information
Technology staff or systems managers. The purpose is to increase security and
provide deterrence via system controls. 5.4. VAH6500 Section 6.b.(11) Security
Training, Education, and Awareness
VAH6500 provides a concise policy which states any individuals that access sensitive
information or systems must complete annual security training. Key persons with
significant roles must attend additional training. All training is monitored for
completeness. Policy indicates before employees can use systems security training
must be completed. 5.5. Implementation Assessment
Policy indicates that fourteen key pieces of information must be covered before an
individual is allowed to begin work. This training must also be refreshed annually.
The tracking of this information is the responsibility of the local ISO (Department of
Courage In Christians
Topic: Courage in Catholic Christians. Grade 7 As the teacher, using an inquiry and
brainstorming approach, the student will focus on characteristics of courage in
Catholic Christians. Time Frame: 2 weeks As the teacher, I will put into action the
following to the students: Have students select a Catholic activist, humanitarian or
martyr to research. Ask students to explore the courageous acts or ideas of their
lives. What challenges/obstacles did they face? Have students discuss how posters
convey a point of view and a key message. Have students use their jot notes to create
a poster on their chosen subject. Suggested people: Edith Stein, Oscar A. Romero,
Maximillian Kolbe, Dorothy Day, or Catholic martyrs. The poster should... Show
more content on ...
Ask the students to reflect quietly on the following questions: If you were in a
country were Christians are persecuted for their faith, how would you react? What
would you do if you were faced with choosing between your faith and death? Ask
them to write down their answers in A letter to Jesus . Gilles CГґtГ©, 2001 Have
students recall and summarize how Rosa Parks lived out gospel values (patience,
justice, courage, wisdom, forgiveness, beatitudes (Matthew5:1 12) in the story. Relate
her behavior to the Golden Rule Matthew 7:12. Students can create their own Golden
Rule , written in their own words. Reference the We Still Have a Dream video . Go to or Type in quotation marks We Still
Have a Dream or go directly to the URL
/watch?v=483HLNleKx4 feature=related This award winning video on racism was
produced by Grade 7 students from St. Angela School in Saskatoon. An interfaith
Golden Rule Poster and other resources related to this topic are available from this
Catholic website: Part E: a)
Use biographies of differentiated content (internet, newspaper); refer to brainstorming
activity in the introductory
Summary Of She Do A Heap Of Work
In the selected reading, She Do a Heap of Work , it focuses on the importance that
female black slaves had in Glynn County. The reading gets its information
/ perspective from a few different sources. The sources being from historians,
travelers during the 1800s, news articles, plantation records, and journals. Multiple
sources are used to try to ascertain what the truth is as the different sources contain
bias. Historians from the mid 1900s did not typically consider female black slaves
to be as important on plantations as their male counterparts; they also did not
believe them to be able to perform laborious tasks. However, from other sources
like the records, journals, and news articles this can be seen to be incorrect
(Ramey) The records indicate what tasks the slaves were assigned, and it can be
seen that a good number of women were assigned to work the fields, as well as to
indicate what tools they were allocated, further indicating that the women worked in
the fields (as they were given hoes, etc.) According to news articles, they show the
prices listed, and generally the prices for the female slaves were higher than the
males as they were shown to be more valuable for... Show more content on ...
As could be seen, in some of the historians from the mid 1900s as well as those of
travelers during the 1800s, there was a clear bias. These people did not view
female slaves as useful to the plantations because of traditional views of females as
weaker and not capable of performing feats of strength like women. Furthermore,
some of the travelers did not really bother to talk to the slaves or do a lot of
observation in general as one female traveler did in comparison. It is obvious as the
female traveler comes to the immediate conclusion that female slaves are very
important to plantations and could perform hard work as she saw them do so herself
Galton s On The Origin Of Species
The poster being critiqued uses a family tree theme to convey the theory of
heritability of intelligence. The theme logically fits the theory and, to some extent, is
memorable. However, there is arguably too much text for the poster to be understood
in a few minutes. The poster also includes information about environmental factors
that influence intelligence, potentially distracting the viewer from the main concept
of heritability. A solution to these critiques is to focus solely on the theory of
heritability, thus minimising text and preventing confusion.
The theory of heritability of intelligence was proposed by Francis Galton (1869) in
his book Hereditary Genius ; the first scientific study of ingenuity. Galton was
influenced by his cousin s (Charles Darwin, 1859) book On the Origin of Species
which portrays the thesis that animals ... Show more content on ...
To tests this, he developed historiometry, defined as quantitative analysis of historical
data about representative people (Simonton, 1990). Following Adolphe Quetelet s
research, one of the first to use historiometry (Simonton, 1997), Galton obtained data
about imminent men from biographical sources which he compared in numerous
ways. His analyses concluded that the number of imminent relatives when comparing
first degree relatives to second degree and so forth, had an inverse relationship: the
more distant the relative of an imminent individual, the less likely they were
themselves to be imminent; Galton perceived this as evidence for heritability of
intelligence. This research has limitations however, including the use of retrospective
data and the difficulty in distinguishing nature and nurture. Galton, aware of these
limitations, sought to compare twins, overcoming these critiques. In his paper The
History of Twins (Galton, 1876) he concluded the evidence supported nature rather
Essay On The Curios Incident
Rationale: the following assignment is based on the book The curios incident of the
dog in the night time by Mark Haddon.
The book narrates how the life of Christopher John Francis Boone (the first character)
changes, since he found his neighbor s dog, Wellington, murdered in front of the
neighbor s house. At the beginning the murderer was unknown and the curiosity of
Christopher to find the killer of Wellington started to grow. Therefor Christopher
commence a strategy to come upon the criminal, based on his beloved fictional
character, Sherlock Holmes. During the investigation he relevance ago a math exam
A that he will do for up the mathematics class level, as well Christopher discover
truths about his family, his personality, his goals, and finally the killer, his father.
Amid the investigation Christopher also mention some characteristics of his
behavior, they lead to de reader to understand ChristopherВґs conduct as autism
person. At the end of the story after he made the exam for math A, some aspects of
his life started to change. ... Show more content on ...
This in order to clarify the why of the attitude that Christopher took after the new.
Also I will try to use a language very similar to the Christopher lexical, keeping some
of his more common expressions. The main argument to choose an internal
monologue, is that this kind of text can give me the best way to communicate the
whole of feelings, thoughts, and the reaction of Christopher, about inputs that were
coming, on this moment; I will try to communicate what was happening in his brain,
the confusion, the meaning of the small things all the inputs coming. Also knowing
that Christopher is autistic, I will represent some sounds with the symbol sound , I
will repeat some phrases, and quote others from
Dr. Chandra Kumar s Lock Up
This paper deals with thePain, Torture and Humiliation in Tamil versatile director
Vetrimaran s film Visaranai(Interrogation)which is based on M. Chandra Kumar s
autobiographical novel Lock Up. The film narrates bitter and painful experiences
of the Tamils who work in Andra Pradesh.How the immigrants are treated as aliens
in other state even in the same country.The law maker should not be law breaker
but it is true sometimes the law maker is a law breaker for their own concerns. The
film is a cruelly honest portrayal of what goes on behind the closed doors of a police
lock up under the guise of an interrogation. The arrogance of those in power and the
utter helplessness of those caught in the web of the justice system is unthinkable.
Once in custody, the nightmare never ends. What makes it truly terrifying is the
knowledge that the plot is not the result of someone s imagination but is based on
true incidents. It also brings out the torture and humiliation for four friends of low
class people.
Key Words:Pain, Torture, Humiliation, Interrogation and Immigrants.
The filmVisaranai begins in rural Andhra Pradesh, a Telugu speaking region of India,
where a small group of Tamil speaking immigrants, considered foreigners, have
migrated to find work. Pandi, the protagonist and some of his fellow Tamil migrants,
Murugan, Afzal and Kumar are homeless, works at a corner shop in town. The
incident of a robbery takes place at the Brindavan Colony, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
Descriptive Essay About Going To The Beach
It began with a blazing, crackling, smokey fire. Friends and family sat there with a
glow from the fire upon us. All of us, Corbin, Charles, my Mom, my Aunt, and I,
sat silently listening to a mixture of the fire, along with ocean. Knowing that the
blazing sun would soon set, Corbin, Charles and I made the decision to go to the
beach. The journey taken that evening led me to realize my sense of direction. Us
three set out with one main objective. That main objective was to climb the rocks
next to the crashing waves of the receding ocean tide. We left our chairs by the fire
and began our journey with nothing but our phones. Beside our cabin was an old,
dusty trail with a large amount of overgrowth. Pushing tree branches out of our way,
passing byvarious flowers, shrubs, and trees, we made our way down the old warn
down path and onto dirt road. We all assumed that road wouldn t be used due to the
fact that it was beginning to be night. However, our thoughts were proven wrong
by the moderately dirty truck with bright headlights shining upon us. We noticed
the truck and scrambled to get to the side of the road. Once it had passed we
continued towards the beach. Look at that sunset, proclaimed Charles. It was the
moment when the sun cast a hazy red and orange across the horizon of the dark
blue ocean. We made our way to the sandy beach. It was embedded with thousands
of footprints from both visiting campers, as well as the snow white seagulls. We
walked along the beach with the waves nearly get us wet, passing drift wood and
heaps of seaweed. The only sounds heard were the crashing wave of the ocean and
occasional cawing of seagulls. We had made it to the jagged rocks with very little
daylight to spare. So much for the sunset, mumbled Cobin. I am willing to bet
there will be one tomorrow, I chuckle. We each hoist ourselves onto the rocks and
walk. We took note of the dim light casting over the dark ocean, which is visible as
far as the eye can see. If barefoot, this massive rock can be very hard on your feet.
We saw very little of the seagulls, and none of the hiding crabs. We had made it and
there was silence. The full moon was a magnificent sight to be seen in combination
with the
Analysis Of Charles Dickens No. One Branch LineThe...
If a person were to see the same ghost multiple times before varying events, what
would be the reasoning for the ghost sightings? In Charles Dickens short story, No.
1 Branch Line: The Signal Man, one of the biggest questions posed is Why is the
Signal Man the only person who can see the ghost and what does it want? . One
answer to that question is that the ghost is both a harbinger of deathand ferryman of
the dead, and that the signal man is close to dying, which is why he sees the ghost.
Another answer to the question of what the ghost in No. 1 Branch Line: The Signal
Man wants is that it is trying to warn the signal man of impeding danger. The first
time that the signal man saw the specter, the memorable accident on [the] line
happened, and within ten hours the dead and wounded were brought along through
the tunnel over the spot where the figure had stood. (Dickens 8). The second time
the signal man saw the ghost, which was six or seven months [after], the ghost
leaned against the shaft of the light, with both hands before the face. (Dickens 8 9).
That same day, a beautiful young lady had died instantaneously in one of the
compartments [of the train] (Dickens 9). If the ghost was trying to warn the signal
man of these tragic events that occurred, it would have given him a longer notice
prior to the events. The ghost also would have been more specific about exactly what
was going to happen, rather than just appearing for no apparent reason. The
It331 Documentation
DEGREE by ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ADVISOR ______________ ITT TECHNICAL
INSTITUTE MURRAY, UTAH AUGUST, 2006 Table of Contents Introduction to
Infinet............................................................................3 TTI s Proposal
Summary...........................................................................6 Assumptions and
Deliverables....................................................................................8... Show more
content on ...
Each campus will have a MDF room where data will be sent and forwarded as
needed. The Houston West campus will include an MDF as well as an IDF on the
second floor to forward data to the MDF. Each school has four labs that require 31
connections. There needs to be 3 runs of cabling to the 30 computers on the
Curriculum network and 1 run of cable to terminate at the instructor s computer on
the Administrator network. All computers on the Administration network will have
their ip addresses set statically and all computers on the Curriculum network will
obtain their ip addresses automatically from a DHCP server. DHCP Server Each
campus will have a DHCP server to hand out ip addresses to nodes on the
Curriculum network. DNS and E Mail DNS and e mail servers will be implemented
in a hierarchical manner with all services located on the master server at the main
campus. All DNS and e mail servers will be capable to communicate with each other
in the event that the master server becomes unavailable. Administrative Server TTI
will need to have an Administration server at each school site to interface with the
DBMS at headquarters for student tracking, grades, attendance, and other functions
The Administration server must not be accessible by any students or the
The Brazilian Real Is The Present-Day Currency Of Brazil.
The Brazilian real is the present day currency of Brazil. The currency code for the
Brazilian real is BRL, while the currency symbol is displayed as R$. On July
1,1994, the real was introduced by the Banco Central do Brasil, when it replaced
the old currency, the cruzeiro real, as a part of the Plano Real. The Plano Real was
a substantial monetary reform package which aimed to stabilize the Brazilian
economy and put an end to three decades of extensive inflation (Wikipedia). Initially,
the real was intended to have an approximate fixed 1:1 exchange rate with the United
States (U.S.) dollar. However, soon after its introduction, the real unexpectedly gained
value against the U.S. dollar, due to large capital inflows (Wikipedia). Throughout...
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For the purpose of this paper, only the highs and lows during the years of 2005 2010
will be evaluated and compared. To start, in 2005, the exchange rate of the U.S.
dollar (USD) had fluctuated from a low of (BRL) R$2.16 to a high of (BRL) R$2.77
while in 2006, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar (USD) had fluctuated from a
low of (BRL) R$2.06 to a high of (BRL) R$2.41. Throughout 2007, the exchange
rate of the U.S. dollar (USD) had fluctuated from a low of (BRL) R$1.73 to a high of
(BRL) R$2.15. In 2008, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar (USD) had fluctuated
from a low of (BRL) R$1.56 to a high of (BRL) R$2.62. During this time, the
heightened exchange rate of the Brazilian real was largely influenced by the
devaluation of the U.S. dollar in relation to the financial crisis affecting the U.S.
economy and global markets (Wikipedia). Moreover, in 2009, the exchange rate of
the U.S. dollar (USD) had fluctuated from a low of (BRL) R$1.70 to a high of
(BRL) R$2.45, and by the end of 2009, the U.S. dollar was near an eight year low
against the real, having lost a massive 33+% of its value during 2009 alone
(Brazilian Consulting). In 2010, the Brazilian Central Bank made the decision to
raise interest rates in the country, which resulted in the strengthening of the real and
the weakening of the dollar. By the end of 2010, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar
(USD) had fluctuated from a low of (BRL)
Alice s Journey Through Wonderland
Lewis Carroll s classic children s novel, Alice s Adventures in Wonderland is
fundamentally about the growth of the character of Alice. In the Victorian period
1837 1901, there was a changes in children education and reflexively development
of children literature. Therefore when writing Lewis Carroll attempts to put forth
a form of education within the text. The story follows Alice who is a seven year
old well mannered victorian girl that stumbles through a rabbit hole into the
magical world of Wonderland. Alice takes on the role of the audience viewing
Wonderland and its strange inhabitants. It is through language in both
conversations with herself and with the characters of wonderland that we see
Alice s journey through wonderland is representative of a child s education into
adulthood. Through Alice s conversation with herself it becomes apparent that
tension between Alice s previous understanding of the world and the illogical
world of Wonderland. Alice upon chasing a white rabbit down the rabbit hole finds
herself in a hall which only has a small door in which she can not enter. Frustrated
Alice looks upon a table on the hall, a bottle suddenly appears which tag reads,
Drink Me (Carroll 13). Since Alice has learned that, if you drink from a bottle
marked poison it will almost certainly disagree with you sooner or later and she
looks before drinking. (Carroll 14) Alice has come from a world that has a consistent
rules and features, that contrasts with the
Abolition Of Slavery
Slavery in the early United States was widespread and a cheap means of labor for
the owners of plantations and it was also a major influence in the shaping of the
United States. The United States in the three decades before the Civil War was
flooded with various reform movements. Inspired by the religious revivals of the
Second Great Awakening, these reform movements sought to improve or perfect
human society by eliminating any evil the reformers believed was an affront to the
moral and spiritual health of the nation. One of the key issues reformers attacked
was the abolition of slavery. As late as the mid 1700s, most organized Western
religions or denominations had failed to discourage their congregations from
practicing slavery. Slaves... Show more content on ...
More than any other event, the American Civil Warwent far in defining a United
States that had been imperfectly and incompletely shaped by its first 70 years. For
seven decades, the presence of slavery in a republic founded on principles of
human freedom increasingly confused the political system and unraveled the
social fabric. (Heidler, David S. and Jeanne T. Heidler. (2015)). Although slavery in
the South had given rise to antislavery movements in the North as early as the
American Revolution, a fresh vigor characterized the abolition movement in the
1830s. Arguments over the western territories clouded the country into a series of
disruptive crises. Each was settled with an unsatisfying compromise that left most
Southerners feeling materially cheated and many Northerners morally
embarrassed. (Heidler, David S. and Jeanne T. Heidler. (2015)). Efforts to organize
the Midwest region called the Nebraska Territory in 1854, led to the ill conceived
Kansas Nebraska Act. It was yet another attempt designed to secure Southern
support for the organization of what by prior agreement would have been a free
territory. Kansas and Nebraska were created from the region under the principal of
popular sovereignty, which was to say that each territory would decide for itself
whether to admit or prohibit slavery. (Heidler, David S. and Jeanne T. Heidler.
(2015)). That plan
Pure And Simple Dolly Parton Analysis
Journalists from across the United States gathered together July 5 via conference
call to interview Dolly Parton about her new album Pure and Simple and her
international tour, also titled Pure and Simple, which will be coming to the
UCCU Center in Orem July 26. Over 30 journalists who work for newspapers,
magazines, and websites such as The New York Times, The Guardian, St. Louis
Post, The Windsor Era, The Daily Herald and the UVU Review, assembled to have
the opportunity to each ask Parton one question of their own choosing. The majority
of questions asked were about her music and her sold out Pure and Simple tour,
which will be coming to over 60 cities in the United States and Canada. In addition to
her recent tour, Parton is releasing her 43rd studio album Pure and Simple which
contains 12 songs that Parton wrote and produced herself. When asked about what
this particular album, Parton explained that the title of the album is the essence of
each song.... Show more content on ...
Her hope for the new album is that people can find a song that they like and
connect with. Along with that, Parton hopes that her tour, Pure and Simple, will be
relatable. A journalist from the St. Louis post asked Parton if she tries to
incorporate new songs, stories or other things into each stop along her tour. Parton
stated that because she has performed countless shows and that this is her first tour
in over 20 years, she does have new things that she wants to introduce into
performances. Parton loves to enjoy each concert and to do this, she tries to add new
moments in every time. Parton laughed as she admitted that she likes to crack jokes
and make the audience laugh to keep them entertained. She also likes to include
stories and gospel
Reflection Of Life In Donald Miller s Big Fish
Donald Miller once said, [In life, when] our story is over, when its final credits roll,
we re left to wonder: What did we do with ourselves? What was the meaning?
Edward Bloom from the film, Big Fish, shows why we ask those questions and the
importance of why we reflect on our lives and separate the boring and insignificant
from the exciting and significant. Edward shares what he believes is important and
incorporates that into his exigent and exciting life stories. His stories stretch the truth
and border on reality and imagination, making his son, William, wonder who his
father really is. Throughout the film, Edward comes across many people, places, and
events that are rare and sometimes even impossible to see. This includes a giant,
conjoined twins, a witch who s glass eye allows you to see how you die, and much
more. Edward is clearly editing his life into something more exciting, more
worthwhile. Donald Miller describes in his nonfiction book, A Million Miles in a
Thousand Years, what it means to edit your life into a better, more exciting story
and what that says about your character and who you truly are as a person. Miller
would argue that Edward Bloom is a perfect example of reinventing yourself to make
for a better story. Throughout his stories, Edward includes details about the people
he has met, the places he has been to, and the events he has lived through, all of
which are things that are difficult to believe. Because of this, his son, William, often
North Myrtle Beach Budget
The purpose of this memo is to discuss the components of the City of North Myrtle
Beach. The City of North Myrtle Beach is located on the Atlantic Ocean and
encompasses the northeastern section of South Carolina coastal beach area known as
the Grand Strand. North Myrtle Beach operates in and is governed by the laws of the
State of South Carolinaand also by its own charter, which was first adopted by the
electorate on May 7, 1968 ( City of North Myrtle Beach, n.d.).The charter provides
for a Council Manager form of government. Legislative authority is vested in the
Mayor and six Council Members; provided one council member shall be a resident
of the Crescent Beach Ward, one resident of the Cherry Grove Ward, one resident of
the Ocean Drive... Show more content on ...
So how will they do this? They responded to the Chamber of Commerce s letter
advising them that City Council will not vote a one percent sales tax for the use in
out of area tourism marketing (Hucks, 2016). In a clear sign of what amounts to be
the most responsible and most accountable local governments in Horry County, North
Myrtle Beach City Council laid out a list of priorities that supersede any tax payer
funded Chamber of Commerce marketing handouts (Hucks, 2016).
A lot of tourists get the City of North Myrtle Beach and the City of Myrtle Beach
confused. They are separate cities and the City of North Myrtle Beach features a
greater percentage of newer resorts, a wide array of beach homes, and among the best
oceanfront beach water quality ratings by the S.C. Department of Health and
Environmental Control (DHEC) (Hucks,
Language And Dialogue In The Empty Family
15541157 ENG10030 Essay 1 Title 1 TГіibГn s haunting use of language and
dialogue in his collection of short stories, The Empty Family leaves a lasting impact
on the reader. Language and dialogue are the most important tools of any writer when
writing, as they influence a reader s interpretation of themes and characters. TГіibГn
effectively makes his words have an impact on the reader and he achieves this by
stimulating an emotional response to the things he says in his work, i.e., his
language and dialogue. Filled with the pain of personal experience, Home was some
graves where my dead lay (TГіibГn The Empty Family 34), the reader is at first
overwhelmed by the bleak and empty landscape presented by TГіibГn in his stories.
He depicts... Show more content on ...
Understanding the characters personality can help a reader to understand what
happens in the plot better as a character s personality can have a lot to do with
events that take place i.e., they can influence or even cause them. In One minus One
and The Empty family dialogue is inherently limited. This fact is interesting though
because the reader only gets the narrator s perspective of what is going on in the
story. The small amount of dialogue actually present in One minus One portrays a
bleak and hopeless scene in which the narrator s mother has been given a life
expectancy of days, some days (TГіibГn One minus One 12). The only words
actually spoken between the narrator and the other characters are about death and
time running out for their mother. After waiting until almost the end of the story for
any dialogue, this is very bleak. However, confining the language to death, odds of
survival and operations, reflects the seriousness of the situation. Lines like we can
make her very comfortable render the reader quite the opposite, very uncomfortable,
as there is no doubt as to what will eventually happen. The narrator s internal
response There was nothing more to say. brings a finality and an understanding of the
hopeless situation. These internal reactions used by TГіibГn appear as a kind of
internal dialogue to the reader. The reader
Planning and allocating work
Planning and allocating work
I am employed as a Maintenance Manager at the Strand Palace Hotel in London. I
am responsible for the day to day maintenance of the whole building, also
refurbishments of guest rooms and corridors, public areas and back of house areas.
I am working with a team of 15 technicians and 4 shift engineers, all with different
skills. Every first and last hour of my day will involve planning tasks to be
completed, ranging from fixing any breakdowns of machinery to hanging a mirror in
the admin office. As we are in the hospitality and leisure industry guest/customer
satisfaction is key. We have set organisational targets where our aim to achieve 100%.
Company vision making a stay in central London assessable ... Show more content on ...
Using this schedule I allocated tasks to the appropriate technician on each day and
always have at least one technician on PPM. We also have service contractors for
the up keeping of catering equipment. As mentioned before on the first and last
hour of the day is when the planning and allocating takes place. On the last hour, I
will walk around public areas, back of house and note anything specific that
requires our attention. Then from the schedule for areas, I will start allocating
technicians there tasks in line with their capabilities, skill set, experience and the
next day s staffing levels. Then using the hotels booking system I will check for
occupancy levels and room availabilities to compile a list of rooms for PPM. I will
then compile lists for each technician. The next morning, in the first hour of my day
the lists together with copies of check sheets, I will pass them on the relevant
technicians. If there is anything out of norm I will take extra time with a technician
to go the task to see its successful completion. Then when appropriate I will go round
and visit technicians and monitor their progress. In most cases the technicians has
completed the giving task and will visit the maintenance office to leave the complete
check sheet in my in tray.
Having a plan is only good on paper if we don t have the resources to accomplish it
and with this set in mind we have recruited skilled technicians where necessary and
got others on training and
Song Of Roland
The Norton Anthology, a book containing countless stories and tales of heroism,
holds a rather confusing final verse to one of its great stories, the Song of Roland.
This final line catches all those who read it, trying to understand its true meaning.
One must understand the final verse to fully understand the story. The confusion
surrounding the concluding line exists due to the ancient and unclear language
Turold wrote the story in. Through the seven translations he also changes the
wording in several diverse ways. Along with the confusing language and wording,
scholars have formed opinions about the meaning of the final line. Of the several
possible meanings of the last line of Song of Roland, each one affects the resolve and
meaning of the entire story in different ways through the confusing language, changes
in wording, and various scholars opinions on the text.
Due to the confusing ancient Anglo Norman language, the final line stating Ci falt la
geste que Turoldus declinet has dumbfounded scholars trying to translate it. The
meaning of the words geste and declinet and the syntax of que still stand unresolved.
Throughout the entirety of Song of Roland, no line out of the over 4000 lines
contains so ... Show more content on ...
The seven translations can separate into four different groups. The first four
translations use similar wording, ending the poem with words along the lines of here
end the tale that Turold declaims, recounts, narrates, (4005). The second group
consists of a translation suggesting that Turold possibly died, or at least his health
declined. The third set holds another translation, classifying the story as history, not
just a tale. Finally, the last version ends the most hazily, simply finishing of the poem
saying here ends the source that Turold turns into poetry,
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Rhetorical Analysis Essay Topics
Rhetorical Analysis Essay Topics
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Rhetorical Analysis Essay Topics

  • 1. Rhetorical Analysis Essay Topics Crafting a rhetorical analysis essay on the topic of "Rhetorical Analysis Essay Topics" may initially seem like a paradoxical endeavor. The challenge lies in navigating the layers of rhetoric within the chosen subject matter while maintaining a clear and coherent analysis. One must grapple with the complexities of dissecting persuasive techniques, examining the nuances of language, and deciphering the author's intent—all within the confines of a structured essay format. Selecting an appropriate topic for a rhetorical analysis essay can be a formidable task in itself. The need to find a subject with sufficient rhetorical elements to analyze while avoiding topics that are either too simplistic or excessively convoluted adds an extra layer of difficulty. Striking the right balance is crucial for producing an engaging and insightful essay. Moreover, the writer must possess a keen understanding of rhetorical devices, such as ethos, pathos, and logos, and be adept at identifying their presence and impact within the chosen topic. The ability to dissect the subtle interplay of language, tone, and structure requires a meticulous and analytical approach, often demanding extensive research and critical thinking. The process involves not only decoding the author's techniques but also evaluating their effectiveness in persuading the intended audience. Balancing objective analysis with subjective interpretation poses a continuous challenge, requiring a delicate equilibrium to ensure the essay remains informative and persuasive without veering into personal bias. In conclusion, writing a rhetorical analysis essay on the topic of "Rhetorical Analysis Essay Topics" demands a high level of analytical skill, linguistic acumen, and a nuanced understanding of rhetoric. Successfully navigating through these challenges can result in a compelling piece that sheds light on the intricacies of persuasive communication. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, a valuable resource, where professional help is readily available to guide and support your academic endeavors. Rhetorical Analysis Essay TopicsRhetorical Analysis Essay Topics
  • 2. A Brief Look at Child Welfare Child Welfare can be quantified in many ways some of the factors commonly considered are weather children have enough to eat and a safe place to live, receive adequate healthcare and edification, and are liberated from impecuniosity abuse, and exploitation. Moreover because the treatment of children in any society is shaped by that society s standards of living, resources, and postures about children s rights and, responsibilities child welfare varies dramatically around the world. Many of the reported cases of child abuseresult in little or no change to a child s situation and taking proper steps is essential in protecting the children in these situations. A significant amount of exploration continues to be performed around the probable effects involving child abuse in addition to neglect. The consequences differ according to the conditions of maltreatment, surroundings of the child, and child s traits. Outcomes could be minor as well as severe; vanish immediately after a short time or last an entire life in addition to impact the child physically, sentimentally, behaviorally or in certain mix of just about all several methods. Out of some of the research that has been gathered approximately 794,000 of the studies have been identified for being victims regarding mistreatment along with neglect. All around the youngest kids endure the greatest rate associated with victimization. Newborns beginning at birth to at least 12 months old would be the most prone susceptible
  • 3. Character Analysis Of Henry V In this time of feudalism, people knew Henry V as an important leader who gives his glory and honor to not only a few individuals, but to each and every person who is serving physically as a knight and doing any actions made to build status into their country. The speech that he gives before the battle clearly states the loyal characteristics on how much of hard work he put into training his men whether they were from noble birth or from the poorest and lowest of classes. With the following statements, they show his gamely character meaning to speak out with courage with a purpose. First, he states how he and his army can have the achievement they fight for even if there are only a few men to fight in a chaotic battle like this, then he forms a type of honorable day and group remembered for fighting in this battle dead or alive, so that there would be no level on which individual was better than the other, and last he makes it loud and clear that he would even treat those men as if they were his brothers because they were the only few men that would support him and fight with him against their enemies. The three big examples here are the political expectations on what a group of men needs from a leader like Henry Vand a true king with the power of his absolute anarchy. First, he plans to share his own honor to the few men that join him for their sacrifices and not to a group or army increased because then that honor won t be that memorable. He even states God s will! I
  • 4. The Use Of A Pneumatic Compression Device On The Incidence... Death from deep vein thrombosis developed in a healthcare setting can potentially be prevented or reduced. Prophylactic measures backed by evidence based practice need to be taken to help these incidents. Awareness must be raised with nursing staff, medical doctors and other healthcare professions. Many different modalities can help prevent the development of deep vein thrombosis; this paper will concentrate a mechanical method. This research proposal examines whether the use of a pneumatic compression device reduces the incidence of developing deep veinthrombosis compared to no intervention during the period of hospitalization. The research design being utilized is a true experimental study. Participants will be placed into either the experimental group that will receive the intervention of the pneumatic compression device. The other control group will not receive any intervention. Possible implications of this study could be a change in protocol regarding pneumatic compression device practice. The study postulates that a pneumatic compression device will reduce the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis in the hospitalized patient. Prophylactic Use of a Pneumatic Compression Device Pulmonary embolism resulting from deep vein thrombosis is the most common preventable cause of hospital death (Maynard, 2015). Consequently, the Surgeon General has called to action to prevent deep vein thrombosis. Deep vein thrombosis in the healthcare setting can be reduced through
  • 5. Larry Mcmurty s Lonesome Dove The Story of Lonesome Dove takes place in South Texas along the Rio Grande. Larry McMurty explains in his novel a theme of never taking advantage of people and being grateful for what people do for you. In the novel of Lonesome Dove, Blue Duck took advantage of most of people in the town by kidnaping and lying to everyone (McMurty, 20). Woodrow Call tries to be rational and explain different ways to Blue Duck on how to treat others the right way. Throughout the novel, multiple characters come and go through the setting of the Rio Grande. Gus Mccrae and Woodrow Call are the main characters in the book; they are the protagonists of the city, doing the right thing and trying to help everyone strive in the city. The Indians and Blue Ducks are the... Show more content on ... Reading in the beginning of the novel, the protagonist characters really were laid back on the way they worked at the Hat Creek Cattle Company. They didn t to much care on how they did at their business of operation. The protagonist characters only got serious and focused when working when there was a problem occuring at their jobs. When reading the book and getting more in depth, Gus and Woodrow had a change of heart when wanting to leave the Rio Grande and head to Montana for a better life. Gus and Woodrow became more focused when they decided they want to go on their journey to Montana for a new life to raise cattle
  • 6. Formal Medical Education In The 1800s Formal medical education has come a long way. During the colonial period, the main method of medical instruction was the apprenticeship approach. The length of apprenticeship was approximately of three years; at the end of that period a certificate was earned (Weiss Lonnquist, 2009). There were three formal medical schools founded in the 1800 (The University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, and King s College) that eventually were joined by a significant number of proprietary or for profit medical schools, which come to be the leading vehicle of medical education in the mid nineteenth century (Weiss Lonnquist, 2009). Currently, there are medical schools in every state and depending on the specialty; the average time to complete medical degrees
  • 7. The Theme Of Death In Markus ZusakВґs The Book Thief The novel, The Book Thief Written by Markus Zusak is set in 1939 Nazi Germany and is narrated by a personified version of Death, who describes both the beauty and devastation of life in this era. The main character Liesel Meminger (aged 9 years old at the beginning of the book) is sent with her brother, Werner to foster parents in Munich. On the way there Werner (aged 6) dies. At his burial Liesel finds a book buried partially in snow, belonging to one of the grave diggers. With this book Liesel starts a long fascination for books and words, which she comes to understand and they become a soucre of comfort for her, escaping from her losses and sometimes her life. Her life changes when Max Vandenburg is hidden in her basement, he is a Jew.... Show more content on ... In the novel we see Death experience both joy and sadness, he tries to find meaning in his work and does this by distracting himself with the colors of the sky when each human being he takes dies. The fact that Death is the narrator confuses me, I think this is because I don t understand his role in the book and what the purpose of him being the narrator is. One conclusion I have come to is that he is an impartial onlooker watching and reporting on all the ugliness of the Holocaust and Germany at this time period. Maybe to remind us of the pain and suffering that was involved. Death is mainly associated with negativity but, in the book he seems as though he has feelings, this is shown in a quote from The Book Thief spoken by Death it kills me sometimes, how people die. And also he does something to me, that boy. Every time. It s his only detriment. He steps on my heart. He makes me cry. The quote I found most intriguing though was, on many counts, taking a boy like Rudy Steiner was robbery so much life, so much to live for yet somehow, I m certain he would have loved to see the frightening rubble and the swelling of the sky on the night he passed away. He d have cried and turned and smiled if only her could have seen the book thief on her hands and knees, next to his decimated body. He d have been glad to witness her kissing his dusty, bomb hit lips. Yes, I know it. In the darkness of my dark beating heart, I know. He d have loved it all right. You see? Even death has a heart. This made me think that purpose of Death narrating The Book Thief reinstates the perception of care in Death and in Dying, the novel shows us another way to perceive the idea of
  • 8. Management Is Not A One Person Job Introduction Management is not a one person job; it is a team effort where one mission is completed by working together. In this assignment, we learned first hand how managers work together and manage their organization. We were able to see how managers face organizational politics and how they react to the effects of politics throughout the company. These managers also taught us how a diverse workplace can help their company and impact the way they do business. Management also takes place outside of the workplace. We will look at how having social responsibility in the community can help improve the perception of the company. We will also learn what motivates managers to exceed in their jobs. We will identify the skills required for a manager to succeed and how managers keep their employees engaged at work. Finally, we will look at how changes in the organization can affect the way management operates its day to day functions. After exploring these areas, we found that managers are very involved in their company. Everything managers do is for the company because they feel like the workplace is a second home and their coworkers are like family to them. Communicating their problems and needs foster an open environment, which allows management and employees to excel. Working together helps form a company into one unit dedicated to its customers. Question 1 Some managers have to deal with some sort of organizational politics, while others rarely come across
  • 9. Handgrip Exercise Analysis The handgrip test is one of many muscular strength tests used by health and fitness professionals. The test measures the maximum isometric strength of the muscles in the hand and forearm. Handgrip strength has a strong association with overall muscular strength and can be a valuable indicator of well being as well as overall fitness (Rijk et al., 2015). Additionally, grip strengthis important in any sport or activity that requires the use of hands to catch, throw, or otherwise manipulate objects. Methods Population Handgrip strength is dependent upon a number of factors, such as age, sex, and body size. Because aging affects muscular strength, handgrip strength testing is used for populations of adolescents to older adults in both genders. ... Show more content on ... For the Jamar hand dynamometer, there are tables for both men and women that contain normative data, also measured in kilograms. These tables are divided into 10 year age intervals (20 29, 30 39, etc.) and are also divided by percentile. The value from the test is compared to percentile data for the age ranges, and the individual s performance is determined (Acevedo Starks, 2011; Roberts et al., 2011). Safety The safety precautions for handgrip strength test may vary depending upon the individual of the participants. However, the handgrip strength test is quite safe and few safety precautions are required for participants with no current or previous injuries. Risks
  • 10. Alice And Lucy s Suffrage In The 20th Century What is the meaning of Suffrage? It is the term used to describe the right to vote as a legal and natural born right. When people are without it, they work hard to eventually get it because they want to become equal to others. Without having the ability to vote, one cannot have a say in what goes on around them. The most powerful period for women and their fight for the right to vote was from 1890 to 1920. Women believed that if they had the same rights as men at that time that all their issues would be solved. They had a lot of troubles and without being able to vote, they believed that they would have difficulties of changing the future for themselves and their daughters. The women s situation in the 1900s seemed unpromising. Everything... Show more content on ... Nobody supported these women no matter how much they talked to the people in office or the people of the public. They had to somehow make the government and the president, who was Woodrow Wilson (Bob Gunton) at the time, change these regulations against women, giving them the right to vote and discuss law just like men. As a result, a group of women gathered together to go out to protest until their rights are granted. This caused several women to get unlawfully arrested. However, the women found a way to protest while being incarcerated and eventually they were given the rights they deserved by the president. Through the analyzation of the elements in a film, Alice and Lucy s true passion and efforts were revealed through their continued devotion and perseverance, which demonstrates that anyone can make difference and gain some control. First off, the film s direction, staging and set displayed a great sense of the women s dedication to making their movement happen. Although there are a few important and reoccurring characters, the character that was mostly focused on was Alice Paul. The director and filmmakers made her character seem bold and confident. In one scene, the women are holding a nonviolence protest in front of the White House gate. The protested for many days. In some days there was rain, snow, heavy
  • 11. America At Mayfair Research Paper Amica at Mayfair in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia Intro General Amica at Mayfair is located in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, a city that could have been engineered to be an outstanding place to retire, with its invigorating mountain air, striking scenery and closeness of its community. Our retirement home sits in the centre of this fine town, offering the best in retirement living just minutes away from the city centre. Intro Retirement Living Retirement living should be about freedom, not spending more and more of your time keeping up with the demands of owning your own home. At Amica at Mayfair, you can spend your time expanding your mind and strengthening your body while happening upon the occasional adventure. Intro ... Show more content on ... Accommodations Amica at Mayfair is a bright, modern building with natural light flooding through its rooms, which are decorated tastefully and artistically. A lovely fountain graces the back garden, as does an alluring pond, which sits in front of our greenhouse. You will find our apartment style suites, available as a studio, a Junior 1 bedroom, a 1 bedroom and a 2 bedroom, to be charming and spacious. All of our suites feature a 3 piece bathroom with a walk in shower, a kitchenette where you can cook a gourmet meal and roomy closets with built in organizers. Decks with lovely views are available in all but our studio suites. You can be assured that your security and safety are our first priority at Amica at Mayfair. All suites have strategically placed smoke detectors and the reliable 24 hour Sara Emergency Response System is in place. Lifestyle At Amica at Mayfair, we believe that exercising the body and the mind is an integral part of living well, for all ages. Our home theatre, library and imaginative outings combine with our Wellness and Vitality Centre to bring you daily opportunities to nurture your body and spirit. Our Luxura Spa awaits for when you feel the need to be pampered, just a
  • 12. The Early Esbls CTX M ОІ lactamases Most of the early ESBLs were mainly ceftazidimases with little or no hydrolytic activity against cefotaxime. ESBLs often showed variable substrate preference with some enzymes hydrolyzing one cephalosporin type better than the others. The first enzyme with the capability of cefotaxime hydrolysis but unable to hydrolyze ceftazidime was reported from an E. coli strain isolated from a dog that was used as a model to study cephalosporin pharmacokinetics in Japan in 1986. It was initially named as FEC 1 but later found to be similar to CTX M 3 on subsequent amino acid sequencing. The first clinical isolate with cefotaximase property was identified From an E. coli isolate in 1989 in Munich, Germany. It was designated ... Show more content on ... The analysis revealed that the CTX M members of same group exhibited ≥94% identity while ≤90% with members of different groups. The evolutionary distances between groups reveal an early divergence from a common ancestor. Few members are shown below: CTX M 1 cluster: CTX M 1, 3, 10, 15, 22, 23 CTX M 2 cluster: CTX M 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 20, 76, 77 CTX M 8 cluster: CTX M 8, 40, 63 CTX M 9 cluster: CTX M 9, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 CTX M 25 cluster: CTX M 25, 26, 39, 41, 91 The origin of CTX M type ОІ lactamases was very different from that of TEM or SHV type ОІ lactamases (Bonnet, 2004).These enzymes show only 40% resemblance to two most common ESBLs, TEM and SHV. Each CTX M cluster has been correlated to the chromosomal bla genes present in different Kluyvera species, that normally form human intestinal normal flora at low counts. It is also considered as an opportunistic pathogen occasionally associated with infections of urinary tract and skin in humans [Farmer et al, 1981; Sarriaetal, 2001]. It also exists in the environment as a free living organism in water, soil, sewage and animal food. Chromosomal bla gene, kluC, present in Kluyvera cryocrescens (kluC) has been considered the ancestor of the CTX M 1cluster (Decousser et al., 2001). The enzymes of CTX M 2 cluster are believed to origin from kluA gene of Kluyvera ascorbata (Humeniuk et al., 2002), CTX M 8
  • 13. Examples Of Satire In Huckleberry Finn Huckleberry Finn Satire Essay In Mark Twain s The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, there were a lot of examples of satire. The one that stuck out to me was the idea of family feuds. The feud between the Shepardsons and the Grangerfords is ironic in the story because they have been fighting for years and don t even know why they re fighting anymore. This is ironic to me because the Buck wants to fight against the opposing family extremely bad, but he doesn t know why. The family feud in Huck Finn is supposed to model another feud that was going on at the same time. A feud between the Hatfields and McCoys. The feud in the book is supposed to make a joke of the real feud because of how silly and pointless it was. Well, says Buck, a feud is this ... Show more content on ... But it s kind of slow, and takes a long time. This quote shows how the feud was started and how it got to this point. But it also adds more satire to the story and the feud because these families go to church together. While they re in church they put down their guns but when they get out, the feud resumes. This is satirical because their sermon in church was about brotherly love. The men took their guns along, so did Buck, and kept them between their knees or stood them handy against the wall. The Shepherdsons done the same. This is satirical because the way that all the men bring their guns and either keep them with them throughout the service or lean them against the wall, even though it states It was pretty ornery preaching all about brotherly love, and such like tiresomeness; but everybody said it was a good sermon, and they all talked
  • 14. How Training For Empathy Can Have A Positive Impact On The... development programme. Whilst the intention is admirable in wanting sales people, beauty and Dermo advisors to be seen as more empathic when interacting with customers and potential customers, the one shot approach has its limitations, not least is how this very complex subject is trained , how improvements are measured and what follow up processes are introduced. I will return to these points later. Empathy in the medical arena Given the important link between empathy and caring, a number of studies and research have been carried out with physicians and nursing personnel to explore with both care givers, and patients alike, how training for empathy can have a positive impact on the feeling of wellbeing for all concerned. A longitudinal study a carried out with trainee nurses over a 3 year period by Cunico, L., Sartori, R., Marognolli, O., Meneghini, A. M. (2012). Explored a number of different aspects of empathy training and the expected results that could realised by embarking on such a programme, during this time period the trainee nurses were exposed to a total of 21 hours training, broken down by, 12 hours in the first year, 5 hours in the second and 4 hours in the third. The training focussed on the following areas linked to empathy; communication and understanding self and others: a) Listening to oneself and others b) Congruence between verbal and non verbal communication c) Recognising emotions in self and others d) Active listening skills e) The
  • 15. Understanding Who Your Customers Is Crucial For The... Understanding who your customers is crucial for the success of the company. If you can identify who your customer is you can provide them with good services. In order to companies to be successful at this long term they will need to get to know there customers in order to continually cater to their needs. At GarminInternational our customers base includes just about everyone in some sort of engagement. This is because the company ranges from aviation products to consumer electronics. Within the outdoor segmentof the business the range of customers can vary anywhere from dog trainers to outdoor thrill seekers. Action Camera Athletes looking to capture the moment Families that want to capture the memories of the past Film Makers that want to capture the vision Students that want to capture data for advancement of education Dog Tracking and Training Trainers looking to training there dogs Owners looking to maintain their training Domestic pet owners looking to correct nuisance behavior Handheld Outdoor enthusiasts that don t want to be lost in the woods Hunters that are looking to know the lay of the land These products are known for gift giving opportunities Wearables Athletes looking to get the maximum amount of data to improve their performance Techy people looking for the connectivity on their wrist These products are known for gift giving opportunities Outdoor enthusiasts that don t want to be lost in the woods This is a high level look
  • 16. Charter School Vs. Public Schools Students Success Why choose to go to Charter School rather than public school? Charter schools are public school of choice, meaning families choose for their children. Federal legislation provides grants to help charters to manage start up costs. They create better educational opportunities for the students therefore they have higher expectations in teaching. Charter Schools and zoned (public) schools are tuition free but unfortunately not everyone can get in to Charter school, since it works by lottery. Everyone has the opportunity to apply and has a choice to attend Charlet School if the students are lucky enough to get in. Charter schools are more effective for three reasons: they have higher graduation rates, teachers are more prepared and devoted to their students, and teachers take a greater responsibility for their students as they compete against Zoned Schools. How important is it for a student to graduate? Isn t it a waste of time going to school for twelve years and wasting all the government money and still not receive a diploma? That is why students need to work harder to earn it and Charter schools are the ones that offer students to become more educated. Joffee states, Charter schools have higher API scores and graduation rates than traditional schools: Academically, comparing LAUSD Alliance charter high schools to LAUSD traditional high schools located in the same neighborhoods, we found the Alliance schools have decisively higher API scores, 762 vs.
  • 17. William Blake Songs of Innocence Experience The Chimney Sweeper Songs of Innocence amp; Experience analysis with, William Blake In 1794 William Blake s work was known and published as a collection of poems that were put together as one book called Songs of innocence amp; Songs of Experience. In the collection Blake titles a poem, The Chimney Sweeper , and this one is viewed in two ways: Innocence and experience. In the book of innocence Blake shows how poor innocent children are being abused and mistreated during this time era. In Songs of innocence, The Chimney Sweeper, is about the way childhood youth is destroyed, taken away or ruined by selfish mean spirited adults. Innocence to Blake was in a way not even in existence. He always believed that the world of one s ... Show more content on ... However, they are not his ideal target here. He suggests that it is because I am happy and dance and sing that they think they have done me no injury .(Line9 10) While no excuse is offered for the church that they have run off to the parents may not be malicious; it is possible that they are simply misguided, or perhaps self deceiving. The sweeper clearly implies that God and his priest and king are to blame, because they make up a heaven of our misery .(Line11 12) The question that comes to mind after reading and analyzing the third stanza is one I think most would assume. How could those whom have such a great standing in faith run off, leave a child to finish the job that has been tasked out for him/her to do; and forget them, proceeding to go give praise to God? It is clear that the parents seek acceptance from the church and if putting their child on the back burner is what it takes that is the way they are choosing. As a result, this poem accomplishes it purpose very well. In Songs of Experience, the child in The Chimney Sweeper understands that he is a forgotten son. Another Key point that I would like to make is the comparison with Innocence and the term good , and Experience with the term evil . Blake also referred to his poem, The Lamb with innocence and goodness, contrary, The Tyger with evilness and experience. This collection of poems by Blake does make one question things that they normally would not. This in depth topic
  • 18. Fate Or Free Will Controls Human Lives Generally, fate refers to the development of events beyond a person s control (Aurobindo). As such, a fatalist is a person who believes that whatever happens is, and always was, unavoidable. Moreover, such a person strongly believes that he or she has no control over what happens the next moment, tomorrow, next year, or several years to come. Free will, on the other hand, is formed by the power of sanction (Aurobindo). In other words, it is consent by the spirit that it shall not be bound but that its enjoyment should be bound by time, space, and causality and by the swabhava and the dharma (Aurobindo). To determine whether fate or free will controls human lives, it is important to objectively analyse, synthesizes, and respond to the critical conversation that the authors of class readings seem to be engaging with regard to this subject. In connection to this, humanity has been fascinated by fate and free will for a long time. Some philosophers in the Ancient Greek and the Middle Ages believed that free will influenced human destiny while others believed that fate was responsible for what befell mankind. The theme of fate conspicuously permeates Homer s famous poem, Ilad, from the first to the last sentence. The author asserts that death is a natural and unavoidable part of human existence from the onset by affirming that Akhilleus anger is doomed and ruinous. In this regard, fate but not free will defines consciousness in the Trojan War. Although everybody
  • 19. Freedom In Anthem, By Ayn Rand Today in our modern great nation, we have the freedom of speech, the right to your own life, and the opportunity to change the way we live. At least to some extent. In the other parts of the world, people do not always have the freedoms we have. In the story of anthem, by Ayn Rand, Equality 7 2521 lives in a country where freedom does not exist. But rather controlled by a higher power. Equality 7 2521, lives in a communist country. It is a sin to write this. It is a sin to think words no others think and to put them down upon a paper no others are to see. It is base and evil. It is as if we were speaking alone to no ears but our own. And we know well that there is no transgression blacker than to do or think alone. Equality does not have... Show more content on ... Equality is forced to do what the council orders him to do. He is given the position of a street sweeper which to him, is not close to what his actual abilities are as a person. Equality is a very smart man with much creativity and talent. He could become anything he would like if he were living in a country like ours. Sadly, his government restricts and decides what he will do for the rest of his life. In our country we have the opportunity to pursue our own careers, our goals and our way of living. For example, some of us may want to continue our education after high school and some of us may want to join the workforce. In the end, we decide for ourselves what our future holds. Equality makes a good point when he talks about the right to one s life but he also makes a clear point about change. Let us flood our cities with light, let us bring new light to man . I believe that equality is saying that there should be new ways of thinking as far as looking at new ways of life. For example, he was discussing to his brothers that they are capable of more than the positions they were put. The council has corrupted their way of thinking to where they no longer question their decision. They are followers of a corrupt system. The story of Anthem, reflects on the lives of those whose rights have been taken away, those who suffer through the decisions of their government and those
  • 20. Irving Fisher Contributions Essays Hundreds of individuals have impacted economics throughout its vast history. Only a handful of these individuals are household names recognized with economics today. However, many lessor known economists have made lasting impressions, often making attributions to the theories we know today. One of these individuals who influenced economics in this way was Irving Fisher. Irving Fisher was a very unique and brilliant man. He attended Yale University where he studied mathematics. He later used this background and applied it to economics, earning a PhD in economics, the first from Yale University. His study of mathematics played a crucial role in how his theories evolved. Almost all of his work involves mathematical computations to express... Show more content on ... Fisher explains that when the equilibrium between these two factors exists, the interest rate is thus determined. This theory of interest is still how we determine interest, even after about 100 years have passed since its introduction. Clearly this theory was well ahead of its time. In addition, Fisher stated that the real rate of interest generated by the interaction between the impatient rate and opportunity rate was not always the nominal rate due to inflation. He stated that the nominal rate minus the inflation rate equals the real rate that you are expected to earn. This relationship is known as the Fisher Effect and is a major principle in economics and finance in everyday calculations. From these same works Fisher also developed the concept of the expenditure tax. The expenditure tax is different from the income tax because one is only taxed on income minus one s net savings, rather than one s whole income. Fisher believed the income tax induced bias against saving and created double taxation on both the income you earned initially and the income you earn from investing or saving money.Irving Fisher also made major contributions in to monetary economics. He expanded the old quantity theory of money by introducing the equation of exchange (MV = PT) in The Purchasing Power
  • 21. LGBT Politicians in the US In Greenwich Village on a warm July morning in 1969, a group of gay men and women are brawling with police officers. This is Stonewall. These riots mark the start of the Gay Liberation movement a social cause hampered by public stigma such as the AIDS Epidemic, religious intolerance, negligence of an almost criminal level by the United States government, and outright scorn from all directions. Stonewall marked the first critically important instance of the gay community fighting back against all of this injustice. The following decades would result in an unprecedented shift in public opinion. They would not, however, result in an unprecedented shift in congressional representation. The lack of representation is dangerous to the LGBT... Show more content on ... Johnston was the Massachusetts Democratic Party Chairman, and a longtime friend of Congressman Studds. The claim that Studds inspired a generation of LGBT persons is hard to verify. Every memoriam article concerning Studds makes this claim, but none seem to have found anyone to be inspired aside from close personal friends. On Studds death in 2006, many claimed that his example had made it possible for other LGBT citizens to serve public office. I would argue that Studds had no intention of ever admitting his sexuality, let alone serving as some beacon of pride. Only after an affair with a nearly underage boy did the Congressman admit his sexuality. This conduct did nothing but help to solidify the stigma attached to LGBT persons. Studds s actions gave his electoral opposition plenty of firepower to use. Studds, as a publicly elected representative, wasn t just representing himself when he committed his actions, but was rather representing a very young social cause. When first discovered, his actions harmed that cause. Studds s case is particularly important because he was first: his actions established negative precedent an example of behavior to be followed for all of those potential LGBT candidates that would follow. Studds was re elected the next year with little trouble, despite the
  • 22. The Importance Of Transfer Between Cells Though the previous experiment does indicate that when a seed is inserted into a cell it can form amyloid fibers, it fails to include parameters that describe how these proteins are transferred between cells. In order for an infectious agent to become infectious it must have a method for not only leaving the host cell but also entering a non infected cell. A study lead by Christian MГјnch set out to show the pathway that a prionlike proteinin an amyloid fiber can transfer between cells. The first test that was done in this study was to grow cells in a media containing a mutant SOD1 (a common ALS causing protein) granule coated fibrils. These fibrils were labeled with Dylight dyes and when examined the majority of the grown cells were... Show more content on ... One clear example of how mutations in the Prion like domains can affect the protein is shown in a study done by James Shorter and J. Paul Taylor, continuing the research of Hong Joo Kim et al. During the original research, mutations were found in the PrLDs of both hnRNPA1 and hnRNPA2/B1, that may have a connection to forms of multisystem proteinopathy (MSP) such as ALS. When looking into a family that was afflicted by a MSP they found a mutation within RNA binding proteins known hnRNPA2/B1. These proteins are two isoforms of the same protein with the longer of the two being known as hnRNPB2. In this case both forms of the protein had a mutation in a highly conserved portion of the protein. The mutation consisted of an aspartate residue, located at D290 in hnRNPA2 and D302 in hnRNPB1, being replaced with a valine. In a previous study conducted by Dr. Eric Ross and James Toombs a prion propensity cart was created. According to this study the prion propensity of the original aspartate was 0.080, much lower than that of the new valine residue which scores a 0.81. Another contributing factor to the importance of this mutation is that it occurs within the C terminal PrLD that is present in both proteins. The second mutation that this study followed was present in a similar protein
  • 23. Swot Analysis of Hilton Hotel COMPANY PROFILE Hilton Worldwide REFERENCE CODE: 4151A65F 399F 4CBE A6F4 EB58D10CBA66 PUBLICATION DATE: 28 Jun 2012 COPYRIGHT MARKETLINE. THIS CONTENT IS A LICENSED PRODUCT AND IS NOT TO BE PHOTOCOPIED OR DISTRIBUTED. Hilton Worldwide TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Company Overview..............................................................................................3 Key Facts...............................................................................................................3 SWOT Analysis.....................................................................................................4 Hilton Worldwide MarketLine Page 2 Hilton Worldwide Company Overview ... Show more content on ... It offers convention hotels like Hilton Garden Inn and Hampton Inn which focus on mid priced services. For extended stays the company s por tfolio offers Homewood Suites. Fur thermore, the company has Hilton Grand Vacations which offers high quality vacation ownership resor ts in selected vacation destinations. Therefore, the company s wide variety of services would not only enhance its market share, but it also limits its exposure to the risks associated with a par ticular segment. Debt restructuring improves liquidity position The company has restructured its debt position which significantly improved its liquidity position. In 2010, Hilton Worldwide considerably reduced its debt position by almost $4 billion by bringing down its outstanding debt from $20 billion to $16 billion on its balance sheet in FY2009 10. Additionally, the company also extended the maturity period of its post restructured debt outstanding which is $16 billion by two years to mature in FY2015. The restructuring was done through the purchase of $1.8 billion of debt and also the conversion of $2.1 billion of junior mezzanine debt to preferred equity. With this restructuring and extended debt maturing period, the company s liquidity position improved significantly which puts Hilton Worldwide in a strong position to capitalize
  • 24. The Light In the Forest Essay It is the fall of 1764, and the relations between white settlers of western Pennsylvania and Indians of the Ohio area are strained. Nevertheless, the ambitious white Colonel Bouquet and his troop of 1,500 men march into Indian country and demand the return of whites who have been kidnapped by the Delaware Indians. True Son, a fifteen year old white boy who has been raised by Indians since the age of four, is one of the white prisoners who is going to be returned. True Son loves his Indian way of life and considers himself to be Indian; he has been raised to view whites as enemies and cannot imagine living with them. But although the Indians love their adopted white relatives, they agree to give them back so that they will be able to keep... Show more content on ... To True Son, white civilization seems like a prison compared to the free and natural world of the Indians. Del, however, sees the stone houses and fences as symbols of the superior white culture. When True Son is introduced to his white father, Harry Butler, he is repulsed by him and states that the man is not his father. In order to help translate for the Butlers and protect them from the potentially violent True Son, Del stays with the Butlers for a little while after True Son s return. True Son, Del, and Harry Butler travel back to Paxton township where True Son meets more of his family: his mother, Myra, who is sickly; his younger brother, Gordie; and his Aunt Kate. Myra tries to get True Son to communicate with her and say his real name, John Cameron Butler, but True Son is stubborn and refuses to acknowledge that the Butlers are his real family. The only person who does not see True Son s Indian ways as strange and upsetting is Gordie, and a relationship begins to form between the two boys. True Son cannot sleep the night of his return because he remembers the story his Indian father told him about the quot;Paxton boys, quot; a group of white settlers who brutally murdered some peaceful Conestoga Indians. The next day True Son meets more of his relatives, including his Uncle Wilse, who was a leader of the Paxton boys.
  • 25. Stephen King and the Pet Sematary Essay Stephen Edwin King was the son of Donald King and Ruth Pillsbury King. He was born on September 21st, 1947 in the town of Portland, Maine. Stephen s dad, Donald, abandoned the family when Stephen was very young. Stephen grew up with his hard working mother and his older brother, David. Stephen and his family moved around a lot throughout his childhood, but they finally settled in Durham, Maine when Stephen was eleven. Stephen was a student at Durham Grammar School, and he continued his schooling at Lisbon Falls High School and graduated in 1966.Throughout Stephen s years in school he was an introverted child. He read many comic books and fantasy horror fiction novels, and he loved to watch science fiction and monster movies in his free... Show more content on ... His house was beside a very busy road that was a part of a truck route, and his daughter s cat had been hit and killed by one of the many passing trucks. Three days after he buried his daughter s cat he got the idea for the book when he wondered what it would be like if the cat would come back to life after being buried in a Pet Cemetery. Then one day, his son, Owen, ran towards the busy road, and he and his wife had to catch him before he could reach it. This gave him the idea of a child being killed and brought back to life in the Cemetery. After he got the two ideas he began writing Pet Sematary. The protagonist of Pet Sematary was Louis Creed. Louis was the husband of Rachel Creed, and he was the father of Gage and Eileen (Ellie). Louis and his family moved from Chicago to a busy road in Ludlow, Maine when Louis got a job at the university as a doctor. Once Louis and his family moved into the house in Ludlow, odd things began to happen. A few days after the family had settled in their neighbor, Jud Crandall, took the family up to the pet cemetery not far from their house. On Louis s first day working at the university a boy named Victor Pascow was hit by a car and died in Dr. Creed s care. Before dying, Victor muttered about the Pet Sematary which scared Louis. A few months later on Thanksgiving night, Ellie s cat, Church, was struck by a car while crossing the road. Jud and Louis found the cat with a broken
  • 26. Child Witnesses Courts within United Kingdom, along with several other countries have made several propositions for addressing the vulnerability of child witnesses within the courtroom, although these provisions generally do not directly address the linguistic difficulties. Thus, in some jurisdictions, child witnesses are allowed to give evidence on closed circuit television, in order to alleviate them from trauma of being face to face in court with a suspect against whom they are testifying against. However, children are often required to be present in court for cross examination, sometimes provided with support by a screen between the childand the accused (Birnbaum, and Bala, 2010). Other provisions which attempt to address the disadvantage faced by children ... Show more content on ... Eades, (2008) asked preschool aged children questions that were answerable and the questions that were nonsensical to see whether they would respond in predictable ways. Overall children rarely answered I don t know to the nonsensical questions, and the youngest children exhibited a tendency to acquiesce to the experimenter. These findings suggest that when children s language skills limit their understanding of questions posed to them, they are still likely to attempt and answer, and thus their response are likely less accurate. The developmental inappropriate language used in court makes it difficult for any child to provide reliable testimony, no matter what their relative competence at understanding and answering questions may
  • 27. The Boundaries Of Compassion By Bernhard Schlink Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions. Primo Levi Compassion emotion one feels in response to suffering of others that motivates a desire to help, based on cerebral notions such as fairness, justice and interdependence. The Reader by Bernhard Schlink tests the boundaries of compassion by tackling the question of German guilt. The story follows Michal Berg and his life long struggle between condemning and understanding a Nazi guard he passionately fell in love with as a young boy. Through Michael and Hanna s lives, Schlink unravels the other side of the Holocaust experience of the perpetrators and their loved ones. As we devaur shades deeper into their characters, we come to see them both as victims of their circumstance, two people caught on opposite sides of regime clash, where misunderstanding runs as deep as their guilt and shame. Through abundance of symbolism and brisk writing style, Schlink takes us all the way back to beginnings, questioning the meaning of individual agency, impact of law on morality, and transitional accountability. Through love and loss, conscious and unconscious pain, compassion and condemnation, The Reader humanizes the perpetrators of the Holocaust and contests us to understand. Understanding the crimes of the past, rather than condemning them, we achieve liberation from chains of the dead and restore
  • 28. The Influences Of Carl Czerny Style III. The influences of Carl Czerny composition technique The influences of Carl Czerny to Chopin s etude can be found certain evidence through the letters and comments, as they were both appreciated on both compositions and the piano pedagogy with demonstrated one of well known efficient way reach to virtuosity, step by step practice exercises. As one of the Chopin s letters to his parents wrote that: Czerny is more sensitive than any of his compositions, but to a friend he was more overly critical: he is a good fellow. But nothing more. Chopin s impression to Carl Czerny that is very critical in a way that full of interest, with a sensitive mind to take care each of his compositions. He appreciated Czerny s using step by step musical exercises with the indication of various technical difficulties, which usually appeared in different composers masterpieces.In the other perspective from Czerny s view to Chopin, he praised later pianist composers including Chopin lead Etudes to a brand new way to interpret; (the brilliance in conquering new technical difficulties,some with more elegance and grace), lead to the strong links in musicality developments, with the consideration of technical difficulties for his students. D. Chopin s pedagogy in his Etudes: Playing techniques involved in Chopin s Etudes i) Tone color:finger... Show more content on ... The right hand melody shows the use of chordal texture which allows performers using the force from the forearm, with the focus of top note to bring out the melody of music. It s not appreciated that using the force from the wrist and being overforce while playing the music. In Chopin s points of view, he requires the soft and round tone color in all his compositions, Forget you re being listened to, and listen to yourself... to let his pupil listen and decorate the melody with finger touch with emotional and spiritual in
  • 29. Change is Difficult, but Inevitable in Life Essay Change can often be a difficult thing for everyone to accept. No matter how big or small, sadly many of us fear it. The worry in change can be seen evidently in that friend unsure of his future after high school, or that family member who stumbles when asked what they would like to eat, only to order the same thing they have ordered the last 10 times. From moving to another city, to ordering a different meal at your favorite restaurant, everyone will have that important date with change. The difference is in how each person decides to handle it. Some like to walk her to the door and give her a kiss goodnight, some even refuse to accept it s happening, and some don t even show up. I am one of those people, emailing that I just can t make... Show more content on ... Maybe it is a new job, or the promise of seeing old friends. Moving is a perfect example of how pain and change can equal gain. Although difficult to accept, sometimes embracing the odd variation can be rewarding. As a young boy, friends are made quickly, generally without any thought. A Tonka Truck rear ends another Tonka Truck and within two minutes of sandbox hit and runs a new friend is made. The same cannot be said of High school. Those friends you made in elementary are still your friends when you first enter into high school. But slowly they drift off into the abyss, slipping into with different cliques and before you know it, you are put on the backburner. You feel forced, worried and are fairly sure that rear ending a grads car will not work. This is yet another perfect example of change, that anyone that s ever been to high school has probably faced. Accepting this sort adjustment will teach you new skills, and a lot about yourself. Making new friends can be hard or easy, depending on how you tackle the problem. Change is simply a tool, it is you who decides what to make with it. As one grows up they may learn that moving can bring a better life, new friends can be more rewarding than the last, or that big changes are essential to proper development and progression. An obvious example of maturation is when one releases that they cannot rewrite their beginning, but they can in fact change
  • 30. Christopher Nolan Auteur INT: Introduction Fade in, Why Christopher Nolan is an Auteur VOICE Films have been around since the early 1800s and as a consequence, they have evolved a lot over time. Originally films were sold because of the people who acted in them. Include shots of old movie titles. VOICE However, this started to change in during the 1940s. It was during this period of time in France that people started to realise that directors could play a large role in the way a film turned out. This idea was more deeply explored in the book Cahiers du cinГ©ma or Notebooks on Cinema. This book furthered the idea of directors creating movies in their images and gave them the name, auteur. Cut to: INT: What is an Auteur Display images of different early films as ... Show more content on ... While most of the story is linear, Christopher Nolan includes many flashbacks to help people understand why certain characters choose what they choose. This is done to add extra depth in his movie and is clearly evident in the scene of the girl in the pit. Include videos of Inception VOICE Inception takes the idea of non linear timelines and runs with it. The movie starts and ends with the same scene. With Dom lying down in the water at a beach. As well as this during the movie, Dom has many flashbacks to when his wife was still alive. This is most clearly evident in the many windows into his past while he is dreaming. Int: conclusion VOICE This report was exploring different aspects of Christopher Nolan s films to determine why he is an auteur. Throughout all of his movies, he uses similar techniques such as dark driving forces for his protagonists. He also uses unclear and twisted plots causing the audience to be misdirected. And finally, the use of non linear timelines to explore different aspects of his characters. VOICE So is Christopher Nolan an author. The answer is yes as can clear be seen in the way he uniquely creates his
  • 31. Reflection Paper On The Catholic Funeral Catholicism is one of the most popular religions in the world. One of my close family friends passed away recently and considered himself to be an encultured part of the Catholic religion. I chose to do my paper over this culture and attend this event because I was curious to see what it entailed, being one of the most popular religions in the world. At first, I was very nervous to go to the funeralbecause I had never been to anything Catholic related in my life. I was scared that I would feel out of my comfort zone and not know what to do. I have attended a couple Christian funerals in the past but never a Catholic one. At the beginning of the ceremony, we all greeted the priest and the family and then continued on to our seats in an organized order while slow, depressing, music played. During the ceremony, I noticed four main aspects that seemed outstandingly different to my own culture. The first one being that the priest would say a word and the Catholic people in the crowd would say it in harmony with him at the exact same time he would say it. Second, I noticed that he would say a whole quote that would be about a sentence or two long and then the crowd would respond with a different quote which was also a sentence or two long. Third being that the priest would say something and the people around us would either stand, kneel, or sit at cues he would give. Finally, I noticed that during the ceremony he took time to light some sage like material and wave it around
  • 32. El Deafo And The Crossover Every year there are thousands of books that are sent in to compete for the Newbery Award. There is a special selection committee that is chosen to read every book from that year that has been submitted to be considered for the Newbery Award for that year. In 2013 they Newbery Award was given to Kwame Alexander for his book called the Crossover. Two Newberry honor awards were given to Cece Bell for her book El Deafo and Jacqueline Woodson for her book Brown Girl Dreaming. Each book was carefully reviewed, analyzed and rated to determine the winner of the 2013 Newbery Award. The award winner gives an acceptance speech at the Newbery Award ceremony. Kwame Alexander gave a heartfelt speech about his life and journey in becoming an author and... Show more content on ... I found one review by the New York times, the New York times wrote a review directed to parents to encourage parents to read to their child The Crossover. The New York times mentions that this book deserved to win both the Newbery Medal and the Coretta School King Book Honor. They also mention how inspiring this book is as well, inspire a discussion about healthy lifestyle choices and the impact of those choices on people and their loved ones. ( ) This book is truly about the love of family and the challenges that are present in families as well. OVerall, this book was about the love of a family and a positive influence for children everywhere. The next review I found talked about the contemporary issues about race, There is a traffic stop on the way to a game, in which the boy s father (like many an African American man) is pulled over for a minor infraction; Josh is warned by his mother about what happens to young black men who let their tempers get the better of them. () This book is a great book for young students of different races to create a connection they can relate to. This review also mentions that his book talks about health concerns such as hereditary hypertension. This opens up for a discussion on heart health and how to make healthy choices. Lastly, the reivew urges for people to read this story to learn about the bond between a family that
  • 33. Golden Gate Bridge Research Paper Golden Gate Bridge The Golden gate bridge was always a beautiful monument to me because of its golden color. When I was 12 years old my cousin took me to San Francisco, and we crossed the Golden gate bridge. I was scared that it wasn?t safe because when we would come to a complete stop I could feel the bridge moving. I was scared the bridge would collapse! This was an experience I d never forget. Now I have the opportunity to learn about it, I want to see if the bridge is safe, how its constructed, and who built it? In order for the bridge to be built it had to be approved by the war department because they owned the land on both sides of the bridge. The first permit the architects received from the war department was on Dec. 24, 1924, the ... Show more content on ... The materials they used to build the bridge were concrete, strands of wire, and rivets. The way they built it was by building the towers first and then the weight would be hung from the two main towers which were fixed in concrete at each end. Each cable was made up of about 28,000 strands of wire. There are 80,000 miles of wire in the main cables.It was made into a suspension bridge. The bridge has approximately 1,200,000 rivets. Comment by Ray Enostrosa: Are they famous? What else did they build? did they always work together? The making of the bridge impacted many people especially the people from San Francisco and Marin County, California. Before, the bridge people would have to cross the waters by boat to get to San Francisco or Marin county. Once the bridge was built people could drive and walk across and its 1.7 miles. Today the golden gate bridge still stands after 79 years. After learning all of this about the Golden gate bridge I feel that the Golden gate bridge is safer and it was made to hold thousands and thousands of pounds. The architects that designed the bridge designed it to withhold it makes me feel safer going back. Janelle
  • 34. Immanuel Kant And Good Will Immanuel Kant begins his piece of work by outlining that humans have desires and appetites (Sommers 1985, p.86). According to Kant, morals are classed very highly due to the fact that humans have the capacity to function reasoning. The main question however, does the moral reason have absolute value? A key argument within the text is Good will. Good will enables an individual to perform an effect. Kant argues that it is important that all acts must be done through the use of good will. This is because by acting through your good will, you are making sure the action can also be good. This then can lead to good consequences. Although, personally, this has made me think of bad actions leading to good consequences, that sometimes it is good
  • 35. Good Night And Good Luck Analysis Legendary CBS News broadcaster Edward R. Murrow is a journalist who made history with exposing Senator Joseph R. McCarthy. Although the story will go down in history, with the help of the movie Good Night, and Good Luck directed by George Clooney, how much is known of the historically accurate story. While some could argue that George Clooney and producer, Grant Heslov, made the screenplay naive, others disagree. Many may even state that it was well researched and followed the original weekly CBS story, See It Now, accurately. Both are easily arguable. In the movie, Good Night, and Good Luck, it is portrayed that many people or news companies were too afraid of McCarthy to stand up to him. Although by the time the show, See It Now, aired on the 9th of March, 1954, many people wanted to remove McCarthy from chairman. Many Republicans joined Democrats in publicly denouncing him, including Richard Nixon. Many would state that mainstream news was also very anti McCarthy, including Time Magazine and Chicago Tribune. Another red flag that may make people question the accurateness of this film is the changing in minor details, including the beginning of this movie when the date of the RTDNA Convention in Chicago is displayed on October 25th , 1985 when the Convention was held on October 12th, 1958 . Also, Murrow s keynote address is introduced by a man who talks about the issues that Murrow reported on . This includes exploitation of migrant workers, while this is true, Murrow
  • 36. Bipa Case Study Essay A 70 year old female with a 50 year history of uncontrolled hypertension despite a combination of antihypertensive agents that lastly includes: amlodipine 10 mg, spironolactone 25 mg, losartan 100 mg, and furosemide 40 mg; all were used once daily. She was referred to our center as a case of ADHF for further workup. On admission, the patient was in severe respiratory distress consistent with the New York HeartAssociation (NYHA) class III IV and was orthopneic but fully conscious with normal cognition. Physical examination showed: a bloodpressure of 153/93 mmHg, heart rate of 117 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 28 breaths per minute and oxygen saturation of 94% on BiPAP. She had bilateral basal crepitation, bilateral scattered rhonchi,... Show more content on ... The diameter of the narrowest part was about 3 mm with significant prevertebral and intercostal collaterals. There was bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) type 1 with severe asymmetric diffuse leaflet calcifications and marked calcifications of the ascending aorta and aortic arch. Aortography confirmed the diagnosis of severe calcified juxtaductal CoA. There was a 70 mmHg peak to peak gradient across the coarctation, 90 mmHg gradient across the aortic valve and the mean left ventricular pressure was 290/26 mmHg. Coronary evaluation demonstrated a significant proximal LAD lesion with a fractional flow reserve (FFR) value of 0.78. A significant dilatation of the left internal mammary artery was also noted. The presence of high gradient across the coarctation together with the presence of hypertension necessitates a curative treatment. A multidisciplinary heart team of interventional cardiologists, cardiac anesthesiologists, vascular and cardiac surgeons decide to perform endovascular repair of both cardiac and vascular pathologies by two stage approach due to the significant comorbidities mainly uncontrolled hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and also the presence of severe calcifications of the ascending
  • 37. Va Cyber Security Research Paper Department of Veterans Affairs Security Profile 1. Preface This security profile of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is based on two documents of public record. The first is the published VA Handbook 6500 (VAH 6500) which defined policy and procedures for systems within the purview of the VA (Department of Veterans Affairs, 2007). The second document is the Federal Information Security Management Act Assessment for FY 20011 commissioned by the VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) and performed by Ernst amp; Young in accordance with Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) guidelines (VA Office of Inspector General, 2012, p. i). 2. Identification of Controls This security profile presents one control function ... Show more content on ... 4.3. Implementation Impact The OIG 2011 FISAM Assessment indicates that FISMA Section 3544 requires establishing policies and procedures to ensure information security is addressed throughout the life cycle of each agency information system (VA Office of Inspector General, 2012, p. 9). Based on the lack of consistency in use of SDLC and change control, major security risks may go unnoticed. 4. Operational Controls Operational controls focus on techniques and procedures put in place by Information Technology staff or systems managers. The purpose is to increase security and provide deterrence via system controls. 5.4. VAH6500 Section 6.b.(11) Security Training, Education, and Awareness VAH6500 provides a concise policy which states any individuals that access sensitive information or systems must complete annual security training. Key persons with significant roles must attend additional training. All training is monitored for completeness. Policy indicates before employees can use systems security training must be completed. 5.5. Implementation Assessment Policy indicates that fourteen key pieces of information must be covered before an individual is allowed to begin work. This training must also be refreshed annually. The tracking of this information is the responsibility of the local ISO (Department of Veterans
  • 38. Courage In Christians Topic: Courage in Catholic Christians. Grade 7 As the teacher, using an inquiry and brainstorming approach, the student will focus on characteristics of courage in Catholic Christians. Time Frame: 2 weeks As the teacher, I will put into action the following to the students: Have students select a Catholic activist, humanitarian or martyr to research. Ask students to explore the courageous acts or ideas of their lives. What challenges/obstacles did they face? Have students discuss how posters convey a point of view and a key message. Have students use their jot notes to create a poster on their chosen subject. Suggested people: Edith Stein, Oscar A. Romero, Maximillian Kolbe, Dorothy Day, or Catholic martyrs. The poster should... Show more content on ... Ask the students to reflect quietly on the following questions: If you were in a country were Christians are persecuted for their faith, how would you react? What would you do if you were faced with choosing between your faith and death? Ask them to write down their answers in A letter to Jesus . Gilles CГґtГ©, 2001 Have students recall and summarize how Rosa Parks lived out gospel values (patience, justice, courage, wisdom, forgiveness, beatitudes (Matthew5:1 12) in the story. Relate her behavior to the Golden Rule Matthew 7:12. Students can create their own Golden Rule , written in their own words. Reference the We Still Have a Dream video . Go to or Type in quotation marks We Still Have a Dream or go directly to the URL /watch?v=483HLNleKx4 feature=related This award winning video on racism was produced by Grade 7 students from St. Angela School in Saskatoon. An interfaith Golden Rule Poster and other resources related to this topic are available from this Catholic website: Part E: a) Use biographies of differentiated content (internet, newspaper); refer to brainstorming activity in the introductory
  • 39. Summary Of She Do A Heap Of Work In the selected reading, She Do a Heap of Work , it focuses on the importance that female black slaves had in Glynn County. The reading gets its information / perspective from a few different sources. The sources being from historians, travelers during the 1800s, news articles, plantation records, and journals. Multiple sources are used to try to ascertain what the truth is as the different sources contain bias. Historians from the mid 1900s did not typically consider female black slaves to be as important on plantations as their male counterparts; they also did not believe them to be able to perform laborious tasks. However, from other sources like the records, journals, and news articles this can be seen to be incorrect (Ramey) The records indicate what tasks the slaves were assigned, and it can be seen that a good number of women were assigned to work the fields, as well as to indicate what tools they were allocated, further indicating that the women worked in the fields (as they were given hoes, etc.) According to news articles, they show the prices listed, and generally the prices for the female slaves were higher than the males as they were shown to be more valuable for... Show more content on ... As could be seen, in some of the historians from the mid 1900s as well as those of travelers during the 1800s, there was a clear bias. These people did not view female slaves as useful to the plantations because of traditional views of females as weaker and not capable of performing feats of strength like women. Furthermore, some of the travelers did not really bother to talk to the slaves or do a lot of observation in general as one female traveler did in comparison. It is obvious as the female traveler comes to the immediate conclusion that female slaves are very important to plantations and could perform hard work as she saw them do so herself
  • 40. Galton s On The Origin Of Species The poster being critiqued uses a family tree theme to convey the theory of heritability of intelligence. The theme logically fits the theory and, to some extent, is memorable. However, there is arguably too much text for the poster to be understood in a few minutes. The poster also includes information about environmental factors that influence intelligence, potentially distracting the viewer from the main concept of heritability. A solution to these critiques is to focus solely on the theory of heritability, thus minimising text and preventing confusion. The theory of heritability of intelligence was proposed by Francis Galton (1869) in his book Hereditary Genius ; the first scientific study of ingenuity. Galton was influenced by his cousin s (Charles Darwin, 1859) book On the Origin of Species which portrays the thesis that animals ... Show more content on ... To tests this, he developed historiometry, defined as quantitative analysis of historical data about representative people (Simonton, 1990). Following Adolphe Quetelet s research, one of the first to use historiometry (Simonton, 1997), Galton obtained data about imminent men from biographical sources which he compared in numerous ways. His analyses concluded that the number of imminent relatives when comparing first degree relatives to second degree and so forth, had an inverse relationship: the more distant the relative of an imminent individual, the less likely they were themselves to be imminent; Galton perceived this as evidence for heritability of intelligence. This research has limitations however, including the use of retrospective data and the difficulty in distinguishing nature and nurture. Galton, aware of these limitations, sought to compare twins, overcoming these critiques. In his paper The History of Twins (Galton, 1876) he concluded the evidence supported nature rather than
  • 41. Essay On The Curios Incident Rationale: the following assignment is based on the book The curios incident of the dog in the night time by Mark Haddon. The book narrates how the life of Christopher John Francis Boone (the first character) changes, since he found his neighbor s dog, Wellington, murdered in front of the neighbor s house. At the beginning the murderer was unknown and the curiosity of Christopher to find the killer of Wellington started to grow. Therefor Christopher commence a strategy to come upon the criminal, based on his beloved fictional character, Sherlock Holmes. During the investigation he relevance ago a math exam A that he will do for up the mathematics class level, as well Christopher discover truths about his family, his personality, his goals, and finally the killer, his father. Amid the investigation Christopher also mention some characteristics of his behavior, they lead to de reader to understand ChristopherВґs conduct as autism person. At the end of the story after he made the exam for math A, some aspects of his life started to change. ... Show more content on ... This in order to clarify the why of the attitude that Christopher took after the new. Also I will try to use a language very similar to the Christopher lexical, keeping some of his more common expressions. The main argument to choose an internal monologue, is that this kind of text can give me the best way to communicate the whole of feelings, thoughts, and the reaction of Christopher, about inputs that were coming, on this moment; I will try to communicate what was happening in his brain, the confusion, the meaning of the small things all the inputs coming. Also knowing that Christopher is autistic, I will represent some sounds with the symbol sound , I will repeat some phrases, and quote others from
  • 42. Dr. Chandra Kumar s Lock Up This paper deals with thePain, Torture and Humiliation in Tamil versatile director Vetrimaran s film Visaranai(Interrogation)which is based on M. Chandra Kumar s autobiographical novel Lock Up. The film narrates bitter and painful experiences of the Tamils who work in Andra Pradesh.How the immigrants are treated as aliens in other state even in the same country.The law maker should not be law breaker but it is true sometimes the law maker is a law breaker for their own concerns. The film is a cruelly honest portrayal of what goes on behind the closed doors of a police lock up under the guise of an interrogation. The arrogance of those in power and the utter helplessness of those caught in the web of the justice system is unthinkable. Once in custody, the nightmare never ends. What makes it truly terrifying is the knowledge that the plot is not the result of someone s imagination but is based on true incidents. It also brings out the torture and humiliation for four friends of low class people. Key Words:Pain, Torture, Humiliation, Interrogation and Immigrants. Introduction: The filmVisaranai begins in rural Andhra Pradesh, a Telugu speaking region of India, where a small group of Tamil speaking immigrants, considered foreigners, have migrated to find work. Pandi, the protagonist and some of his fellow Tamil migrants, Murugan, Afzal and Kumar are homeless, works at a corner shop in town. The incident of a robbery takes place at the Brindavan Colony, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
  • 43. Descriptive Essay About Going To The Beach It began with a blazing, crackling, smokey fire. Friends and family sat there with a glow from the fire upon us. All of us, Corbin, Charles, my Mom, my Aunt, and I, sat silently listening to a mixture of the fire, along with ocean. Knowing that the blazing sun would soon set, Corbin, Charles and I made the decision to go to the beach. The journey taken that evening led me to realize my sense of direction. Us three set out with one main objective. That main objective was to climb the rocks next to the crashing waves of the receding ocean tide. We left our chairs by the fire and began our journey with nothing but our phones. Beside our cabin was an old, dusty trail with a large amount of overgrowth. Pushing tree branches out of our way, passing byvarious flowers, shrubs, and trees, we made our way down the old warn down path and onto dirt road. We all assumed that road wouldn t be used due to the fact that it was beginning to be night. However, our thoughts were proven wrong by the moderately dirty truck with bright headlights shining upon us. We noticed the truck and scrambled to get to the side of the road. Once it had passed we continued towards the beach. Look at that sunset, proclaimed Charles. It was the moment when the sun cast a hazy red and orange across the horizon of the dark blue ocean. We made our way to the sandy beach. It was embedded with thousands of footprints from both visiting campers, as well as the snow white seagulls. We walked along the beach with the waves nearly get us wet, passing drift wood and heaps of seaweed. The only sounds heard were the crashing wave of the ocean and occasional cawing of seagulls. We had made it to the jagged rocks with very little daylight to spare. So much for the sunset, mumbled Cobin. I am willing to bet there will be one tomorrow, I chuckle. We each hoist ourselves onto the rocks and walk. We took note of the dim light casting over the dark ocean, which is visible as far as the eye can see. If barefoot, this massive rock can be very hard on your feet. We saw very little of the seagulls, and none of the hiding crabs. We had made it and there was silence. The full moon was a magnificent sight to be seen in combination with the
  • 44. Analysis Of Charles Dickens No. One Branch LineThe... If a person were to see the same ghost multiple times before varying events, what would be the reasoning for the ghost sightings? In Charles Dickens short story, No. 1 Branch Line: The Signal Man, one of the biggest questions posed is Why is the Signal Man the only person who can see the ghost and what does it want? . One answer to that question is that the ghost is both a harbinger of deathand ferryman of the dead, and that the signal man is close to dying, which is why he sees the ghost. Another answer to the question of what the ghost in No. 1 Branch Line: The Signal Man wants is that it is trying to warn the signal man of impeding danger. The first time that the signal man saw the specter, the memorable accident on [the] line happened, and within ten hours the dead and wounded were brought along through the tunnel over the spot where the figure had stood. (Dickens 8). The second time the signal man saw the ghost, which was six or seven months [after], the ghost leaned against the shaft of the light, with both hands before the face. (Dickens 8 9). That same day, a beautiful young lady had died instantaneously in one of the compartments [of the train] (Dickens 9). If the ghost was trying to warn the signal man of these tragic events that occurred, it would have given him a longer notice prior to the events. The ghost also would have been more specific about exactly what was going to happen, rather than just appearing for no apparent reason. The
  • 45. It331 Documentation CNS Capstone A COMPREHENSIVE NETWORK DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SUBMITTED TO THE IT / COMPUTER NETWORKS SYSTEMS PROGRAM IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ASSOCIATE DEGREE by ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ADVISOR ______________ ITT TECHNICAL INSTITUTE MURRAY, UTAH AUGUST, 2006 Table of Contents Introduction to Infinet............................................................................3 TTI s Proposal Overview........................................................................4Executive Summary...........................................................................6 Assumptions and Constraints................................................................7 Deliverables....................................................................................8... Show more content on ... Each campus will have a MDF room where data will be sent and forwarded as needed. The Houston West campus will include an MDF as well as an IDF on the second floor to forward data to the MDF. Each school has four labs that require 31 connections. There needs to be 3 runs of cabling to the 30 computers on the Curriculum network and 1 run of cable to terminate at the instructor s computer on the Administrator network. All computers on the Administration network will have their ip addresses set statically and all computers on the Curriculum network will obtain their ip addresses automatically from a DHCP server. DHCP Server Each campus will have a DHCP server to hand out ip addresses to nodes on the Curriculum network. DNS and E Mail DNS and e mail servers will be implemented in a hierarchical manner with all services located on the master server at the main campus. All DNS and e mail servers will be capable to communicate with each other in the event that the master server becomes unavailable. Administrative Server TTI will need to have an Administration server at each school site to interface with the DBMS at headquarters for student tracking, grades, attendance, and other functions The Administration server must not be accessible by any students or the
  • 46. The Brazilian Real Is The Present-Day Currency Of Brazil. The Brazilian real is the present day currency of Brazil. The currency code for the Brazilian real is BRL, while the currency symbol is displayed as R$. On July 1,1994, the real was introduced by the Banco Central do Brasil, when it replaced the old currency, the cruzeiro real, as a part of the Plano Real. The Plano Real was a substantial monetary reform package which aimed to stabilize the Brazilian economy and put an end to three decades of extensive inflation (Wikipedia). Initially, the real was intended to have an approximate fixed 1:1 exchange rate with the United States (U.S.) dollar. However, soon after its introduction, the real unexpectedly gained value against the U.S. dollar, due to large capital inflows (Wikipedia). Throughout... Show more content on ... For the purpose of this paper, only the highs and lows during the years of 2005 2010 will be evaluated and compared. To start, in 2005, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar (USD) had fluctuated from a low of (BRL) R$2.16 to a high of (BRL) R$2.77 while in 2006, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar (USD) had fluctuated from a low of (BRL) R$2.06 to a high of (BRL) R$2.41. Throughout 2007, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar (USD) had fluctuated from a low of (BRL) R$1.73 to a high of (BRL) R$2.15. In 2008, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar (USD) had fluctuated from a low of (BRL) R$1.56 to a high of (BRL) R$2.62. During this time, the heightened exchange rate of the Brazilian real was largely influenced by the devaluation of the U.S. dollar in relation to the financial crisis affecting the U.S. economy and global markets (Wikipedia). Moreover, in 2009, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar (USD) had fluctuated from a low of (BRL) R$1.70 to a high of (BRL) R$2.45, and by the end of 2009, the U.S. dollar was near an eight year low against the real, having lost a massive 33+% of its value during 2009 alone (Brazilian Consulting). In 2010, the Brazilian Central Bank made the decision to raise interest rates in the country, which resulted in the strengthening of the real and the weakening of the dollar. By the end of 2010, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar (USD) had fluctuated from a low of (BRL)
  • 47. Alice s Journey Through Wonderland Lewis Carroll s classic children s novel, Alice s Adventures in Wonderland is fundamentally about the growth of the character of Alice. In the Victorian period 1837 1901, there was a changes in children education and reflexively development of children literature. Therefore when writing Lewis Carroll attempts to put forth a form of education within the text. The story follows Alice who is a seven year old well mannered victorian girl that stumbles through a rabbit hole into the magical world of Wonderland. Alice takes on the role of the audience viewing Wonderland and its strange inhabitants. It is through language in both conversations with herself and with the characters of wonderland that we see Alice s journey through wonderland is representative of a child s education into adulthood. Through Alice s conversation with herself it becomes apparent that tension between Alice s previous understanding of the world and the illogical world of Wonderland. Alice upon chasing a white rabbit down the rabbit hole finds herself in a hall which only has a small door in which she can not enter. Frustrated Alice looks upon a table on the hall, a bottle suddenly appears which tag reads, Drink Me (Carroll 13). Since Alice has learned that, if you drink from a bottle marked poison it will almost certainly disagree with you sooner or later and she looks before drinking. (Carroll 14) Alice has come from a world that has a consistent rules and features, that contrasts with the
  • 48. Abolition Of Slavery Slavery in the early United States was widespread and a cheap means of labor for the owners of plantations and it was also a major influence in the shaping of the United States. The United States in the three decades before the Civil War was flooded with various reform movements. Inspired by the religious revivals of the Second Great Awakening, these reform movements sought to improve or perfect human society by eliminating any evil the reformers believed was an affront to the moral and spiritual health of the nation. One of the key issues reformers attacked was the abolition of slavery. As late as the mid 1700s, most organized Western religions or denominations had failed to discourage their congregations from practicing slavery. Slaves... Show more content on ... More than any other event, the American Civil Warwent far in defining a United States that had been imperfectly and incompletely shaped by its first 70 years. For seven decades, the presence of slavery in a republic founded on principles of human freedom increasingly confused the political system and unraveled the social fabric. (Heidler, David S. and Jeanne T. Heidler. (2015)). Although slavery in the South had given rise to antislavery movements in the North as early as the American Revolution, a fresh vigor characterized the abolition movement in the 1830s. Arguments over the western territories clouded the country into a series of disruptive crises. Each was settled with an unsatisfying compromise that left most Southerners feeling materially cheated and many Northerners morally embarrassed. (Heidler, David S. and Jeanne T. Heidler. (2015)). Efforts to organize the Midwest region called the Nebraska Territory in 1854, led to the ill conceived Kansas Nebraska Act. It was yet another attempt designed to secure Southern support for the organization of what by prior agreement would have been a free territory. Kansas and Nebraska were created from the region under the principal of popular sovereignty, which was to say that each territory would decide for itself whether to admit or prohibit slavery. (Heidler, David S. and Jeanne T. Heidler. (2015)). That plan
  • 49. Pure And Simple Dolly Parton Analysis Journalists from across the United States gathered together July 5 via conference call to interview Dolly Parton about her new album Pure and Simple and her international tour, also titled Pure and Simple, which will be coming to the UCCU Center in Orem July 26. Over 30 journalists who work for newspapers, magazines, and websites such as The New York Times, The Guardian, St. Louis Post, The Windsor Era, The Daily Herald and the UVU Review, assembled to have the opportunity to each ask Parton one question of their own choosing. The majority of questions asked were about her music and her sold out Pure and Simple tour, which will be coming to over 60 cities in the United States and Canada. In addition to her recent tour, Parton is releasing her 43rd studio album Pure and Simple which contains 12 songs that Parton wrote and produced herself. When asked about what this particular album, Parton explained that the title of the album is the essence of each song.... Show more content on ... Her hope for the new album is that people can find a song that they like and connect with. Along with that, Parton hopes that her tour, Pure and Simple, will be relatable. A journalist from the St. Louis post asked Parton if she tries to incorporate new songs, stories or other things into each stop along her tour. Parton stated that because she has performed countless shows and that this is her first tour in over 20 years, she does have new things that she wants to introduce into performances. Parton loves to enjoy each concert and to do this, she tries to add new moments in every time. Parton laughed as she admitted that she likes to crack jokes and make the audience laugh to keep them entertained. She also likes to include stories and gospel
  • 50. Reflection Of Life In Donald Miller s Big Fish Donald Miller once said, [In life, when] our story is over, when its final credits roll, we re left to wonder: What did we do with ourselves? What was the meaning? Edward Bloom from the film, Big Fish, shows why we ask those questions and the importance of why we reflect on our lives and separate the boring and insignificant from the exciting and significant. Edward shares what he believes is important and incorporates that into his exigent and exciting life stories. His stories stretch the truth and border on reality and imagination, making his son, William, wonder who his father really is. Throughout the film, Edward comes across many people, places, and events that are rare and sometimes even impossible to see. This includes a giant, conjoined twins, a witch who s glass eye allows you to see how you die, and much more. Edward is clearly editing his life into something more exciting, more worthwhile. Donald Miller describes in his nonfiction book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, what it means to edit your life into a better, more exciting story and what that says about your character and who you truly are as a person. Miller would argue that Edward Bloom is a perfect example of reinventing yourself to make for a better story. Throughout his stories, Edward includes details about the people he has met, the places he has been to, and the events he has lived through, all of which are things that are difficult to believe. Because of this, his son, William, often
  • 51. North Myrtle Beach Budget The purpose of this memo is to discuss the components of the City of North Myrtle Beach. The City of North Myrtle Beach is located on the Atlantic Ocean and encompasses the northeastern section of South Carolina coastal beach area known as the Grand Strand. North Myrtle Beach operates in and is governed by the laws of the State of South Carolinaand also by its own charter, which was first adopted by the electorate on May 7, 1968 ( City of North Myrtle Beach, n.d.).The charter provides for a Council Manager form of government. Legislative authority is vested in the Mayor and six Council Members; provided one council member shall be a resident of the Crescent Beach Ward, one resident of the Cherry Grove Ward, one resident of the Ocean Drive... Show more content on ... So how will they do this? They responded to the Chamber of Commerce s letter advising them that City Council will not vote a one percent sales tax for the use in out of area tourism marketing (Hucks, 2016). In a clear sign of what amounts to be the most responsible and most accountable local governments in Horry County, North Myrtle Beach City Council laid out a list of priorities that supersede any tax payer funded Chamber of Commerce marketing handouts (Hucks, 2016). A lot of tourists get the City of North Myrtle Beach and the City of Myrtle Beach confused. They are separate cities and the City of North Myrtle Beach features a greater percentage of newer resorts, a wide array of beach homes, and among the best oceanfront beach water quality ratings by the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) (Hucks,
  • 52. Language And Dialogue In The Empty Family 15541157 ENG10030 Essay 1 Title 1 TГіibГn s haunting use of language and dialogue in his collection of short stories, The Empty Family leaves a lasting impact on the reader. Language and dialogue are the most important tools of any writer when writing, as they influence a reader s interpretation of themes and characters. TГіibГn effectively makes his words have an impact on the reader and he achieves this by stimulating an emotional response to the things he says in his work, i.e., his language and dialogue. Filled with the pain of personal experience, Home was some graves where my dead lay (TГіibГn The Empty Family 34), the reader is at first overwhelmed by the bleak and empty landscape presented by TГіibГn in his stories. He depicts... Show more content on ... Understanding the characters personality can help a reader to understand what happens in the plot better as a character s personality can have a lot to do with events that take place i.e., they can influence or even cause them. In One minus One and The Empty family dialogue is inherently limited. This fact is interesting though because the reader only gets the narrator s perspective of what is going on in the story. The small amount of dialogue actually present in One minus One portrays a bleak and hopeless scene in which the narrator s mother has been given a life expectancy of days, some days (TГіibГn One minus One 12). The only words actually spoken between the narrator and the other characters are about death and time running out for their mother. After waiting until almost the end of the story for any dialogue, this is very bleak. However, confining the language to death, odds of survival and operations, reflects the seriousness of the situation. Lines like we can make her very comfortable render the reader quite the opposite, very uncomfortable, as there is no doubt as to what will eventually happen. The narrator s internal response There was nothing more to say. brings a finality and an understanding of the hopeless situation. These internal reactions used by TГіibГn appear as a kind of internal dialogue to the reader. The reader
  • 53. Planning and allocating work Planning and allocating work 1.1 I am employed as a Maintenance Manager at the Strand Palace Hotel in London. I am responsible for the day to day maintenance of the whole building, also refurbishments of guest rooms and corridors, public areas and back of house areas. I am working with a team of 15 technicians and 4 shift engineers, all with different skills. Every first and last hour of my day will involve planning tasks to be completed, ranging from fixing any breakdowns of machinery to hanging a mirror in the admin office. As we are in the hospitality and leisure industry guest/customer satisfaction is key. We have set organisational targets where our aim to achieve 100%. Company vision making a stay in central London assessable ... Show more content on ... Using this schedule I allocated tasks to the appropriate technician on each day and always have at least one technician on PPM. We also have service contractors for the up keeping of catering equipment. As mentioned before on the first and last hour of the day is when the planning and allocating takes place. On the last hour, I will walk around public areas, back of house and note anything specific that requires our attention. Then from the schedule for areas, I will start allocating technicians there tasks in line with their capabilities, skill set, experience and the next day s staffing levels. Then using the hotels booking system I will check for occupancy levels and room availabilities to compile a list of rooms for PPM. I will then compile lists for each technician. The next morning, in the first hour of my day the lists together with copies of check sheets, I will pass them on the relevant technicians. If there is anything out of norm I will take extra time with a technician to go the task to see its successful completion. Then when appropriate I will go round and visit technicians and monitor their progress. In most cases the technicians has completed the giving task and will visit the maintenance office to leave the complete check sheet in my in tray. 2.1 Having a plan is only good on paper if we don t have the resources to accomplish it and with this set in mind we have recruited skilled technicians where necessary and got others on training and
  • 54. Song Of Roland The Norton Anthology, a book containing countless stories and tales of heroism, holds a rather confusing final verse to one of its great stories, the Song of Roland. This final line catches all those who read it, trying to understand its true meaning. One must understand the final verse to fully understand the story. The confusion surrounding the concluding line exists due to the ancient and unclear language Turold wrote the story in. Through the seven translations he also changes the wording in several diverse ways. Along with the confusing language and wording, scholars have formed opinions about the meaning of the final line. Of the several possible meanings of the last line of Song of Roland, each one affects the resolve and meaning of the entire story in different ways through the confusing language, changes in wording, and various scholars opinions on the text. Due to the confusing ancient Anglo Norman language, the final line stating Ci falt la geste que Turoldus declinet has dumbfounded scholars trying to translate it. The meaning of the words geste and declinet and the syntax of que still stand unresolved. Throughout the entirety of Song of Roland, no line out of the over 4000 lines contains so ... Show more content on ... The seven translations can separate into four different groups. The first four translations use similar wording, ending the poem with words along the lines of here end the tale that Turold declaims, recounts, narrates, (4005). The second group consists of a translation suggesting that Turold possibly died, or at least his health declined. The third set holds another translation, classifying the story as history, not just a tale. Finally, the last version ends the most hazily, simply finishing of the poem saying here ends the source that Turold turns into poetry,