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Resume Writing
B Ed Special Education- Hearing Impairment
B Ed Special Education- Learning Disability
Also Useful for ECCEd./D.Ed./B Ed (General Education/ Physical
Education/M Ed /B A Education/M A Education)
University of Mumbai
Dr.Amit Hemant Mishal
Associate Professor
CCYM’S Hashu Advani College of Special Education
Dr. Amit Mishal
Associate Professor
What Can a Resume Do For You ?-
Open the Door to Opportunity
Uncover Your Unique Promise of Value
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
Well Written Resume-
Wins More interviews!-
Stands Out!
right format for you
depends on your work
history, the job you’re
applying to, and your
skill set
Personal information
Work Experience
Awards Honours
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
What Defines You/Define yourself
 Blurry career goals- Or Clear goal /vision or direction for your career
 purpose + passion in life = clear career path.
Ask –Self -soul-searching questions:
1. What vision do you have for your career over the next 1, 3, 5, or 10
2. Which values are driving your goals?
3. What’s your purpose?
4. What are you passionate about?
5. Why do you do what you do?
 Did you find Vision to your career path?
 Discover your unique promise of value?
 Did you find common themes and stories to share?
 Did you communicate this same message(consistent) and brand across
all other platforms. into your LinkedIn profile, professional blog, social
media profiles, and all of your career documents—and talk about them
with your network.
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
Need to ask yourself a few more questions:
 Are there specific organisations I’m interested in?
 Am I aiming to secure a position in a specific organisation?
 What advantage or benefit does this position bring to their organisation/work?
 What will organisation/Work place be lacking or missing if there’s no one in this
• Do not shoot same resume to all jobs.
 Write Resume with a target in mind and be appropriate
 Analyse the job ads and job descriptions and compose the resume to address
the requirements.
Think the Audience- RESUME PREPARATION
 Who (which organisations )- AND their greatest pains, needs, and problems.
 A general audience; employers who hire for a wide variety of positions -
Customize your resume to each position.
 Tailor your information to the Job Advertisement /Requirement
 In addition to cover letter, summary statement - align with job you are applying
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
RESUME/BIODATA/CV- Resume and biodata are the same
• Bio data /Biographical Data /archaic terminology for Resume or C.V.- Nothing but - old fashioned
terminology for Resume or CV.
• Summarizes more, besides providing details of your personal life.
• More like of a biography of a person i.e. one's work and life experiences.
• Focus is on personal particulars like date of birth, gender, religion, race, nationality, residence,
marital status etc.
• Resume -Written document that lists your work experience, skills, and educational background. It’s
Not Just About Your Resume/It’s about your entire career portfolio
• French word -"summary".Ideally outline one's education/summary of one's education , skills
employment when applying for new job.
• Does not list out all details of profile, but only some specific skills customized to target job profile.
• CURRICULUM VITAE (shortened form for Latin word educational modules vitae, or "course of life“
• More detailed than resume, generally 2 to 3 pages, or even longer
• Ordered , Begins with your instructive experience(useful experience)
• Nitty gritty report sharing - your profession history as well as your instruction, grants, uncommon
distinctions, stipends, research or scholarly undertakings, and productions.
• A CV may likewise incorporate
• proficient references, coursework, hands on work, portrayals of research ventures or expositions,
pastimes and interests and an individual profile that rundowns your abilities and positive
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
• Length- 1-2 Short
• Content -All –Inclusive
summary of skills ,experiences
and education
• Purpose- Gain
• Length- 3-4 As long
• Content- Area- Specific listing
of education and academic
• Purpose- Detailed background
and qualifications.
Arial / Helvetica/Times
Font 12 Better
1 inch margin on all 4 sides
US letter size
Proof Reading help– grammer, punctuation, order
1-2 pages
Limit I/Use action verbs
Be honest ,error free
high quality paper
Covering letter
Resume format –select – now a days available .
Emphasize accomplishment
Professional summary- what u are, why u are right
professional email address
relevant links. (E.g.: your LinkedIn profile, online
portfolio, personal website, etc.
Skills – academic ,administrative, other,hard
skills,soft skills,requisite job skills
work experience
education detail –short/quick glance with similar
skills and experience.
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
 Functional resume format / skills-based resume format
• Functional Resume: This allows the reader to see all of the accomplishments and
qualifications of the job applicant presented in a logical fashion.
• Applicable for individuals with great deal of education and training and/or a
strong set of job-related skills.
• It organizes your experience by skill sets or projects, rather than chronology.
----focuses on your professional skills rather than each job you held and when you
held it.
----groups your experience under skill categories instead of job titles.
---- based on skills.
(first choose at least three skills that are applicable to the job you are applying for.
For each skill, come up with 3-4 bullet points that help provide evidence of your
Functional resume is best when:
1. You’re pivoting to a new industry where your experience doesn’t match.
2. You’re highlighting your specific skills needed for the targeted position.
3. You’re lacking work experience relevant to the position you’re applying for.
4. You have many gaps in your employment history.
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
• Functional means your work experience is described by
emphasizing the SKILLS involved. Put the descriptive
details into skill-group
 *If you chose a functional format, place each action
statement under a skill category.
 paragraphs.
 Example:
 RELEVANT SKILL #1-something I did using that skill-
something I did using that skill
 RELEVANT SKILL #2-something I did using that skill-
something I did using that skillJob Title, Organisation,
City, State, dates, Job Title, Company, City, State, dates
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
 Standard Chronological Format-
 Format focuses on work experience.
 Provide history of your work experience.
 Choose chronological if you’re staying in the same field and
you have an unbroken employment history
 Chronological means your work experience is arrange in order
by dates of the jobs you’ve held with the most recent first.
This one places more emphasis on your JOB TITLES
*If you chose a chronological format, place each action
statement under the appropriate job title where the action
 Hybrid / combination resume format –
Highlights both your experience and skills, linking the skills in the
skills summary to real-life experience that shows how you
gained them.
Present the knowledge, skills and abilities gained from work in a
reverse-chronological order.
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
 Make a right resume /make/take - right template
 You have 15-20 seconds to shine
 Make one to skim your resume quickly / get attention quickly
 Summary statements (Concise)often peppered with clichés such as; motivated, hard-
working, and enthusiastic, etc., Ensure your resume is evaluated on higher level
 Highlight your key accomplishments and most relevant skills within top half of your
Using colour draws the eye in to the resume.
• Strategic use of colour can actually catch and hold the attention of recruiters.
• You may choose to use a colour that represents your brand.
• Modern Design, Stunning Visuals, Gripping Graphics, resume design affect your resume’s
impact. Highlight your strengths
*Immediately state position you are applying and avoid generic buzzwords
Tailor your resume to reflect your experience for the position accordingly.
Should /Not/Think
• Does not list out all details of a profile, but only some specific skills customized to the
target job profile.
• Formats varies from country to country although the structure and format remain the
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
WHY A well-designed RESUME- “AttentionGrabbing Resumes”
• A resume will get you ……………an interview
• Marketing piece that presents you in the best possible light.
• Ideally your summary of one's education, skills and employment when applying for a new job.
• Write usually in the third person to give it an objective and formal tone.
• Summary of your academics & work history
• Makes the first impression about The you.
• Helps organize your thoughts gets you
• Highlights the relevant facts the job, about you, your education, and your experience.
• Positions you in the mind of the employer, thus creating a value.
• Be a basis for the interviewer to gets you justify your hiring /Interview
• First point of interaction between employer & you.
• Targeted, effective and error free document.
• Keep it - Clear & crisp - qualify you for INTERVIEW
• It’s not an application
 Paints a positive and factual picture of YOU.
 Sets a positive tone for the interview.
 Guides the interviewer in what to ask.
 Influences others who approve the hiring.
• A True Depiction of
 Personality
 Background
 Capabilities ,Accomplishments-an advertisement
 How organized you are
 Your Sense of Quality - to an Employer
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
Essentials of a Resume
 Objective/Personal Statement /Goal: Represent the skills and experience necessary to succeed in the
position from all areas—job-related, volunteer, and extracurricular activities /Add a professional Title
and Summary/Objective
• Start with Brief Profile/Personal particulars / Personal attributes (describes the person best)/Personal
 Name,
 Age, Height , Weight (optional )
 Sex / Gender
 Date of birth,
 Religion
 Race/Nationality
 Residence/ address
 Marital status etc.
 Your contact information
• Email
• Website
• Mobile
• Education Details
• Work Experience
• Skills and Abilities
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
• Outline) of Qualifications, Followed by
• Work Expertise / Skilled Expertise / Industry Expertise /Professional Experience in reverse
chronologic/List your experience in reverse chronological format(Chronological format resume,)
• List complete name of Works Places (public or privately ) then title of the position , then your
*Lapses in employment bring immediate attention - re-arrange your employment history to reflect work
relevancy instead. Educational Qualification /Technical Qualification
 Where you've worked/Professional Experience
 Core Competencies / Skills you have/Skills (area of expertise). Mention -Skills/ Interests -Mention your
top hard and Soft skills/ Only those skills and experiences which are relevant to the position you are
seeking / Demonstrate your academic achievements and scholarly potential, experiences and skills
 Usually only 1 page long -an overview of your career.
 usually written in the third person to give it an objective and formal tone.
 Essential Information:
 Technical proficiency,
 List your work experience and Achievements
 Positions of responsibilities,
 Extracurricular
• Easy and Understandable
• Use effective titles
• Use bullet points
• Avoid negativity
*****Think - No /YES - hobbies
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
 Please mention Additional ADD ON
• language known/ Art /Computer knowledge/Advertising knowledge etc)–add on –
for Teaching
 Additional sections- languages/Certificate/Volunteer etc.
 Internship – Mention where ..
 Length: 1 to 2 pages
• Create graphs or pie charts that convey important information or tell a story. It
could be a pie chart that breaks up the different keyword/skills areas you want to
bring attention to or highlights the main industries you know.
• Industry memberships or leadership organization logos are a great way to highlight
industry-relevant associations or leadership experience.
• Testimonials or quotes can be offset in nice visuals. You’re also conveying
validation/proof while doing so with a great visual. Double bonus!
• References/Testimonials are third-person endorsements. What someone else says
about us can be even more impressive or impactful than what we say about
ourselves. It’s having someone else validate your brand and successes.
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
The layout and format- Maintain professionalism.
 Avoid borders /creative fonts - distract from actual content.
 Select -traditional font - easy to read, such as Times New Roman,
 9 to 12 point size
 Best first Impression,
 formatting,
 autocheck
 If sending resume by email use PDF format if possible - Looks good.
 Preferably black type against a white paper.
 Increase font size of your name , place you have worked - enough creative movement
 Limit use of paragraph-style writing
 Use bullet points, visually effective , easy to read.
 bullets and in a consistent style.
 Paste photograph and furnish references if asked to do so.
 Use Simple & Plain language. Avoid professional jargon. Do not list the names of your
supervisors/contact info of your past employment.
 Dates.
 Do not disclose the salary, reasons for leaving previous employment and your
availability to start the new job. Keep them to be discussed in interview.
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
• Quantify your accomplishments.
• Demonstrate the value - can bring to organisation
• Identify appropriate metrics and instead of listing
responsibilities, include
 Professional achievements that are value-added and specific to
each role.
 Highlight numbers/Numbers are very persuasive and hard to
argue against. They provide tangible proof that you provide
real results. /Use numbers in your resume if there is scope for
 Identify challenges encountered, list action-oriented steps
taken to leverage your skills, quantify results you achieved.
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
Ten Steps to a Good Resume
1. Choose a job target (also called a “job objective”).An actual job title works
2. Find out what skills, knowledge, and experience are needed to do that target
3. Make a list of your 3 or 4 strongest skills, abilities, knowledge that make you
a good candidate for that target job.
4. For each key skill, think of several accomplishments from your past work
history that illustrate that skilll
5. Describe each accomplishment in a simple action statement that emphasizes
6. Make a list of the primary jobs you’ve held in chronological order. Include
unpaid work that fills a gap.
7. Make a list of your training and education that is related to the new job you
8. Choose a resume format that fits your situation—either chronological or
9. Arrange your action statements on your resume according to the format you
10. Summarize your key points at or near the top of your resume in about five
short lines.
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
• Step 1: Choose a job target FOCUS:
• The people who have the hardest time finding a job are often the ones who
insist on writing a “generic” resume that lists everything they ever did.
• They HOPE some employer will figure out what job will fit them….but
employers won’t do that; they’re looking for people who know what they
• Step 2: Find out what skills and experience are needed
• Find that information in job ads, in employer’s job descriptions, or from
someone working in that field.
• Informational interviewing is one of the BEST ways to find out exactly what
skills the job requires. Visit someone who does that kind of work and ask
them to tell you about it.
• Step 3: List your strongest skills
• Examples taken from resumes: Target job: Customer Service representative
• Relevant skills: verbal skills problem solving skills computer skills customer
care skills
• Target job: Department Manager
• Relevant Skills: Personnel Management Budgeting/Financial Planning
Supervision and Training
• Step 4: Accomplishments (Format)/Specific Achievements/Targets achieved /Write Your Story
• 2.New Accounts added/Value additions in previous jobs
• Job Objective:
• What you did
• What you accomplished /achieved ?
• In each of your challenge scenarios there was a problem, an action you took to resolve the problem, and a result of that
action. H
• A great formula to put together bullet points that will help you to write and share your story on your resume.
• Start with the result:
• EXAMPLE RESULT: Generated /Improved /Developed /Changed
• Talk about the steps/action you took to resolve the problem.
• ACTION: Repaired /Improved
• Share the problem or pain point:
• PROBLEM: When I stepped in as due to
• Use your accomplishment (results) to tell the story—Do not rely on adjectives to do it.
• Step 5: Write action statements
• Use Action Verbs to demonstrate that you are a person who initiate and proact. (Action Verbs - Organized Directed Planned
Created Assisted Initiated Analyzed Developed, Managed)
• Think about what problem existed in your workplace.
• What action did you take to resolve the problem?
• What were the beneficial results of your action?
• Format how accomplishments can be written as action statements:
• Increased
• Designed and presented
• Developed
• Transformed a disorganized into a smooth- running organization;
• Step 6: Technology/skills used in different projects.
• Frid
, J
u can contribute. DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
• Step 6
• • List your most recent job first, then your earlier
• • Include ALL jobs IF you are young and have very
little work experience
• • Include ALL jobs that show experience related to
your job objective
• • Include unpaid work if it helps to prove you have
skills and experience or it fills in a gap.
• • Omit jobs that were very brief UNLESS they are
needed to show how you developed your skills—or
to fill in a skimpy work history.
• • Round all employment dates to years.
*Tutions/ Classes (self-employed) Student Customer
references available on request.
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
• Entry Level Resume:
• Construction Resume:
• Nurse Resume:
• Accounting Resume:
• Perfect Accountant Resume
• Prominently Display Licenses & Certifications. ...
• Show You Have the Necessary Accounting Skills. ...
• Make a Strong Argument in Your Career Objective. ...
• Quantify your Professional Experience. ...
• Use Key Action Verbs.
• Step 7 List training and education
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
Consider some of the struggles and obstacles
facing the employer and the industry. Make a
list of the most critical ones, and reflect on
times in the past when you’ve confronted
similar challenges.
With your target list in hand—and the
discovery work of bringing transparency to
your career path completed—it’s time to bring
clarity to your personal brand.
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
• Authenticity AND VALUE –
• present selves on our resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn
• Who you really are”.
• How do you define your unique promise of value?
• Start by asking yourself some questions to uncover the
distinct benefits you offer the employer:
• What benefit or contribution do you add?
• What key accomplishments or successes have you
delivered time and time again?
• What would you say is unique about yourself and how
you do what you do?
• What are your greatest strengths?
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
Captivating, Influential, and Beneficial
Dig into your career history and assess common themes—how they relate to needs of the organisation and the problems of
employer—look for those things that make you captivating, influential, and beneficial.
How have you positively influenced others?
What would others say is fascinating, compelling, or interesting about you?
What benefit would an employer or company get from choosing you over another candidate?
What benefit or value did you bring to your previous employers?
• Reflect back on the last three positions you’ve held.
• Write down at least one challenge that you overcame in each of the three positions. Now, answer these questions about
each challenge:
• What was the challenge?
• What steps did you take to resolve the challenge?
• What was the result of the action that you took?
 Be real—and be yourself.
 When you write your resume, be authentic.
 When we write resumes for our clients, part of the process is listening carefully to our clients and the words that they
use so that when we write their resumes we’re using their own words, personality, and voice.
 You want your resume to be a reflection of yourself—and not a canned template. STAY AWAY FROM TEMPLATES
• Templates and fluffy sales talk, clichéd phrases, and overused terms are glanced over when employers screen resumes.
• Thousands of others using the exact same content—which completely defeats what you’re trying to do.
• Resumes are meant to be a genuine reflection of who YOU are—not some random person on the Internet.
• Employers are the same way. It’s always better to err on the side of sincerity
Especially multiple adjectives in a row.
• Replace adjectives with accomplishments.
• Your accomplishments are unique to you—and compelling to employers.
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
 LinkedIn can be a great resource to support and validate your brand, career
successes, and what others have to say about you. It’s hard to argue with
recommendations, and now endorsements have become a vital part of your
job search and personal brand.
 Recommendations: Don’t wait for someone to recommend you. Be
proactive about requesting recommendations from supervisors, clients,
coworkers, colleagues, direct reports, or others you know professionally.
Be specific about what you’d like them to share in their
recommendation. Perhaps there’s a certain theme of accomplishments you want to
highlight or a facet of your personal brand you want to bring attention to—don’t be
afraid to ask your network to recommend you for those topics.
 Endorsements: Endorsements support your personal brand in a few ways.
At a glimpse employers are able to see which skills you have been endorsed
for, and by how many people. They can also see any mutual connections
you share and which skills they endorsed. When you apply to positions on
LinkedIn, it automatically culls out any endorsements you’ve received that
match the keywords for the position and alerts the hiring manager to how
many skills are a match. This is another way to prove you’re a great fit.
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
Some useful sites……….
• https://blank-resume-
Time To
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
short video
introduce yourself to recruiter.
in addition to resume, cover letter
to highlight a skill or experience to show you
are a perfect fit for the position.
11 best resume builder
These are the best resume builders available today:
Resume Genius
Resume Companion
Resume Writing services……………..also avaible
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
• Proof read your resume/ Advertisement -
before applying for Job.
• Give to some one check it who has
knowledge- Ask yo do SWOC and measure it!
Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
Lets Try!!

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RESUME WRITING HACSE.pptx for job opportunities

  • 1. Resume Writing B Ed Special Education- Hearing Impairment B Ed Special Education- Learning Disability Also Useful for ECCEd./D.Ed./B Ed (General Education/ Physical Education/M Ed /B A Education/M A Education) University of Mumbai Dr.Amit Hemant Mishal Associate Professor CCYM’S Hashu Advani College of Special Education
  • 2. Dr. Amit Mishal Associate Professor What Can a Resume Do For You ?- Open the Door to Opportunity Uncover Your Unique Promise of Value Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
  • 3. Well Written Resume- Wins More interviews!- Stands Out! right format for you depends on your work history, the job you’re applying to, and your skill set
  • 4. Basics Personal information Objective Education Work Experience Awards Honours Activities Hobbies Skills References
  • 6. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL What Defines You/Define yourself  Blurry career goals- Or Clear goal /vision or direction for your career  purpose + passion in life = clear career path. Ask –Self -soul-searching questions: 1. What vision do you have for your career over the next 1, 3, 5, or 10 years? 2. Which values are driving your goals? 3. What’s your purpose? 4. What are you passionate about? 5. Why do you do what you do?  Did you find Vision to your career path?  Discover your unique promise of value?  Did you find common themes and stories to share?  Did you communicate this same message(consistent) and brand across all other platforms. into your LinkedIn profile, professional blog, social media profiles, and all of your career documents—and talk about them with your network.
  • 7. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL Need to ask yourself a few more questions:  Are there specific organisations I’m interested in?  Am I aiming to secure a position in a specific organisation?  What advantage or benefit does this position bring to their organisation/work?  What will organisation/Work place be lacking or missing if there’s no one in this position? • Do not shoot same resume to all jobs.  Write Resume with a target in mind and be appropriate  Analyse the job ads and job descriptions and compose the resume to address the requirements. Think the Audience- RESUME PREPARATION  Who (which organisations )- AND their greatest pains, needs, and problems.  A general audience; employers who hire for a wide variety of positions - Customize your resume to each position.  Tailor your information to the Job Advertisement /Requirement  In addition to cover letter, summary statement - align with job you are applying
  • 8. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL RESUME/BIODATA/CV- Resume and biodata are the same • Bio data /Biographical Data /archaic terminology for Resume or C.V.- Nothing but - old fashioned terminology for Resume or CV. • Summarizes more, besides providing details of your personal life. • More like of a biography of a person i.e. one's work and life experiences. • Focus is on personal particulars like date of birth, gender, religion, race, nationality, residence, marital status etc. • Resume -Written document that lists your work experience, skills, and educational background. It’s Not Just About Your Resume/It’s about your entire career portfolio • French word -"summary".Ideally outline one's education/summary of one's education , skills employment when applying for new job. • Does not list out all details of profile, but only some specific skills customized to target job profile. • CURRICULUM VITAE (shortened form for Latin word educational modules vitae, or "course of life“ • More detailed than resume, generally 2 to 3 pages, or even longer • Ordered , Begins with your instructive experience(useful experience) • Nitty gritty report sharing - your profession history as well as your instruction, grants, uncommon distinctions, stipends, research or scholarly undertakings, and productions. • A CV may likewise incorporate • proficient references, coursework, hands on work, portrayals of research ventures or expositions, pastimes and interests and an individual profile that rundowns your abilities and positive characteristics.
  • 9. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL R • Length- 1-2 Short • Content -All –Inclusive summary of skills ,experiences and education • Purpose- Gain employment/interview CV • Length- 3-4 As long • Content- Area- Specific listing of education and academic background. • Purpose- Detailed background and qualifications.
  • 10. TIPS!-DO/DONT Arial / Helvetica/Times Font 12 Better 1 inch margin on all 4 sides US letter size Readable Proof Reading help– grammer, punctuation, order 1-2 pages Limit I/Use action verbs Be honest ,error free high quality paper Photo Signature Covering letter Resume format –select – now a days available . Senders Emphasize accomplishment job title Professional summary- what u are, why u are right person. professional email address relevant links. (E.g.: your LinkedIn profile, online portfolio, personal website, etc. Skills – academic ,administrative, other,hard skills,soft skills,requisite job skills work experience education detail –short/quick glance with similar skills and experience.
  • 11. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL  Functional resume format / skills-based resume format • Functional Resume: This allows the reader to see all of the accomplishments and qualifications of the job applicant presented in a logical fashion. • Applicable for individuals with great deal of education and training and/or a strong set of job-related skills. • It organizes your experience by skill sets or projects, rather than chronology. ----focuses on your professional skills rather than each job you held and when you held it. ----groups your experience under skill categories instead of job titles. ---- based on skills. (first choose at least three skills that are applicable to the job you are applying for. For each skill, come up with 3-4 bullet points that help provide evidence of your abilities.) Functional resume is best when: 1. You’re pivoting to a new industry where your experience doesn’t match. 2. You’re highlighting your specific skills needed for the targeted position. 3. You’re lacking work experience relevant to the position you’re applying for. 4. You have many gaps in your employment history.
  • 12. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL Cont’d………. • Functional means your work experience is described by emphasizing the SKILLS involved. Put the descriptive details into skill-group  *If you chose a functional format, place each action statement under a skill category.  paragraphs.  Example:  RELEVANT SKILL #1-something I did using that skill- something I did using that skill  RELEVANT SKILL #2-something I did using that skill- something I did using that skillJob Title, Organisation, City, State, dates, Job Title, Company, City, State, dates
  • 13. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL  Standard Chronological Format-  Format focuses on work experience.  Provide history of your work experience.  Choose chronological if you’re staying in the same field and you have an unbroken employment history  Chronological means your work experience is arrange in order by dates of the jobs you’ve held with the most recent first. This one places more emphasis on your JOB TITLES *If you chose a chronological format, place each action statement under the appropriate job title where the action happened.  Hybrid / combination resume format – Highlights both your experience and skills, linking the skills in the skills summary to real-life experience that shows how you gained them. Present the knowledge, skills and abilities gained from work in a reverse-chronological order.
  • 14. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL DO  Make a right resume /make/take - right template  You have 15-20 seconds to shine  Make one to skim your resume quickly / get attention quickly  Summary statements (Concise)often peppered with clichés such as; motivated, hard- working, and enthusiastic, etc., Ensure your resume is evaluated on higher level  Highlight your key accomplishments and most relevant skills within top half of your resume.. Using colour draws the eye in to the resume. • Strategic use of colour can actually catch and hold the attention of recruiters. • You may choose to use a colour that represents your brand. • Modern Design, Stunning Visuals, Gripping Graphics, resume design affect your resume’s impact. Highlight your strengths *Immediately state position you are applying and avoid generic buzzwords Tailor your resume to reflect your experience for the position accordingly. Should /Not/Think KINDLY NOTE • Does not list out all details of a profile, but only some specific skills customized to the target job profile. • Formats varies from country to country although the structure and format remain the same.
  • 15. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL WHY A well-designed RESUME- “AttentionGrabbing Resumes” • A resume will get you ……………an interview • Marketing piece that presents you in the best possible light. • Ideally your summary of one's education, skills and employment when applying for a new job. • Write usually in the third person to give it an objective and formal tone. • Summary of your academics & work history • Makes the first impression about The you. • Helps organize your thoughts gets you • Highlights the relevant facts the job, about you, your education, and your experience. • Positions you in the mind of the employer, thus creating a value. • Be a basis for the interviewer to gets you justify your hiring /Interview • First point of interaction between employer & you. • Targeted, effective and error free document. • Keep it - Clear & crisp - qualify you for INTERVIEW • It’s not an application  Paints a positive and factual picture of YOU.  Sets a positive tone for the interview.  Guides the interviewer in what to ask.  Influences others who approve the hiring. • A True Depiction of  Personality  Background  Capabilities ,Accomplishments-an advertisement  How organized you are  Your Sense of Quality - to an Employer
  • 16. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL Essentials of a Resume PART A  Objective/Personal Statement /Goal: Represent the skills and experience necessary to succeed in the position from all areas—job-related, volunteer, and extracurricular activities /Add a professional Title and Summary/Objective • Start with Brief Profile/Personal particulars / Personal attributes (describes the person best)/Personal Details  Name,  Age, Height , Weight (optional )  Sex / Gender  Date of birth,  Religion  Race/Nationality  Residence/ address  Marital status etc.  Your contact information • Email • Website • Mobile • Education Details • Work Experience • Skills and Abilities
  • 17. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL PART B • Outline) of Qualifications, Followed by • Work Expertise / Skilled Expertise / Industry Expertise /Professional Experience in reverse chronologic/List your experience in reverse chronological format(Chronological format resume,) • List complete name of Works Places (public or privately ) then title of the position , then your accomplishments. *Lapses in employment bring immediate attention - re-arrange your employment history to reflect work relevancy instead. Educational Qualification /Technical Qualification  Where you've worked/Professional Experience  Core Competencies / Skills you have/Skills (area of expertise). Mention -Skills/ Interests -Mention your top hard and Soft skills/ Only those skills and experiences which are relevant to the position you are seeking / Demonstrate your academic achievements and scholarly potential, experiences and skills  Usually only 1 page long -an overview of your career.  usually written in the third person to give it an objective and formal tone.  Essential Information:  Technical proficiency,  List your work experience and Achievements  Positions of responsibilities,  Extracurricular • Easy and Understandable • Use effective titles • Use bullet points • Avoid negativity *****Think - No /YES - hobbies
  • 18. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL  Please mention Additional ADD ON • language known/ Art /Computer knowledge/Advertising knowledge etc)–add on – for Teaching  Additional sections- languages/Certificate/Volunteer etc.  Internship – Mention where ..  Length: 1 to 2 pages • Create graphs or pie charts that convey important information or tell a story. It could be a pie chart that breaks up the different keyword/skills areas you want to bring attention to or highlights the main industries you know. • Industry memberships or leadership organization logos are a great way to highlight industry-relevant associations or leadership experience. • Testimonials or quotes can be offset in nice visuals. You’re also conveying validation/proof while doing so with a great visual. Double bonus! • References/Testimonials are third-person endorsements. What someone else says about us can be even more impressive or impactful than what we say about ourselves. It’s having someone else validate your brand and successes.
  • 19. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL PART C -LAYOUT The layout and format- Maintain professionalism.  Avoid borders /creative fonts - distract from actual content.  Select -traditional font - easy to read, such as Times New Roman,  9 to 12 point size  Best first Impression,  formatting,  autocheck  If sending resume by email use PDF format if possible - Looks good.  Preferably black type against a white paper.  Increase font size of your name , place you have worked - enough creative movement  Limit use of paragraph-style writing  Use bullet points, visually effective , easy to read.  bullets and in a consistent style.  Paste photograph and furnish references if asked to do so.  Use Simple & Plain language. Avoid professional jargon. Do not list the names of your supervisors/contact info of your past employment.  Dates.  Do not disclose the salary, reasons for leaving previous employment and your availability to start the new job. Keep them to be discussed in interview.
  • 20. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL • Quantify your accomplishments. • Demonstrate the value - can bring to organisation • Identify appropriate metrics and instead of listing responsibilities, include  Professional achievements that are value-added and specific to each role.  Highlight numbers/Numbers are very persuasive and hard to argue against. They provide tangible proof that you provide real results. /Use numbers in your resume if there is scope for it.  Identify challenges encountered, list action-oriented steps taken to leverage your skills, quantify results you achieved.
  • 21. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL Ten Steps to a Good Resume 1. Choose a job target (also called a “job objective”).An actual job title works best 2. Find out what skills, knowledge, and experience are needed to do that target job 3. Make a list of your 3 or 4 strongest skills, abilities, knowledge that make you a good candidate for that target job. 4. For each key skill, think of several accomplishments from your past work history that illustrate that skilll 5. Describe each accomplishment in a simple action statement that emphasizes results 6. Make a list of the primary jobs you’ve held in chronological order. Include unpaid work that fills a gap. 7. Make a list of your training and education that is related to the new job you want. 8. Choose a resume format that fits your situation—either chronological or functional. 9. Arrange your action statements on your resume according to the format you chose. 10. Summarize your key points at or near the top of your resume in about five short lines.
  • 22. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL • Step 1: Choose a job target FOCUS: • The people who have the hardest time finding a job are often the ones who insist on writing a “generic” resume that lists everything they ever did. • They HOPE some employer will figure out what job will fit them….but employers won’t do that; they’re looking for people who know what they want. • Step 2: Find out what skills and experience are needed • Find that information in job ads, in employer’s job descriptions, or from someone working in that field. • Informational interviewing is one of the BEST ways to find out exactly what skills the job requires. Visit someone who does that kind of work and ask them to tell you about it. • Step 3: List your strongest skills • Examples taken from resumes: Target job: Customer Service representative • Relevant skills: verbal skills problem solving skills computer skills customer care skills • Target job: Department Manager • Relevant Skills: Personnel Management Budgeting/Financial Planning Supervision and Training
  • 23. • Step 4: Accomplishments (Format)/Specific Achievements/Targets achieved /Write Your Story • 2.New Accounts added/Value additions in previous jobs • Job Objective: • What you did • What you accomplished /achieved ? • In each of your challenge scenarios there was a problem, an action you took to resolve the problem, and a result of that action. H • A great formula to put together bullet points that will help you to write and share your story on your resume. • Start with the result: • EXAMPLE RESULT: Generated /Improved /Developed /Changed • Talk about the steps/action you took to resolve the problem. • ACTION: Repaired /Improved • Share the problem or pain point: • PROBLEM: When I stepped in as due to • Use your accomplishment (results) to tell the story—Do not rely on adjectives to do it. • Step 5: Write action statements • Use Action Verbs to demonstrate that you are a person who initiate and proact. (Action Verbs - Organized Directed Planned Created Assisted Initiated Analyzed Developed, Managed) • Think about what problem existed in your workplace. • What action did you take to resolve the problem? • What were the beneficial results of your action? • Format how accomplishments can be written as action statements: • Increased • Designed and presented • Developed • Transformed a disorganized into a smooth- running organization; • Step 6: Technology/skills used in different projects. • Frid Sta ey p , J 7 a - nu Te alrlyw 2h 2, at 20 y2 o1 u can contribute. DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
  • 24. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL • Step 6 • • List your most recent job first, then your earlier jobs. • • Include ALL jobs IF you are young and have very little work experience • • Include ALL jobs that show experience related to your job objective • • Include unpaid work if it helps to prove you have skills and experience or it fills in a gap. • • Omit jobs that were very brief UNLESS they are needed to show how you developed your skills—or to fill in a skimpy work history. • • Round all employment dates to years. *Tutions/ Classes (self-employed) Student Customer references available on request.
  • 25. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL • Entry Level Resume: level-resume.html • Construction Resume: • Nurse Resume: resume.html • Accounting Resume: • Perfect Accountant Resume • Prominently Display Licenses & Certifications. ... • Show You Have the Necessary Accounting Skills. ... • Make a Strong Argument in Your Career Objective. ... • Quantify your Professional Experience. ... • Use Key Action Verbs. • Step 7 List training and education
  • 26. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL Consider some of the struggles and obstacles facing the employer and the industry. Make a list of the most critical ones, and reflect on times in the past when you’ve confronted similar challenges. With your target list in hand—and the discovery work of bringing transparency to your career path completed—it’s time to bring clarity to your personal brand.
  • 27. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL • Authenticity AND VALUE – • present selves on our resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile. • Who you really are”. • How do you define your unique promise of value? • Start by asking yourself some questions to uncover the distinct benefits you offer the employer: • What benefit or contribution do you add? • What key accomplishments or successes have you delivered time and time again? • What would you say is unique about yourself and how you do what you do? • What are your greatest strengths?
  • 28. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL Captivating, Influential, and Beneficial Dig into your career history and assess common themes—how they relate to needs of the organisation and the problems of employer—look for those things that make you captivating, influential, and beneficial. 1. 2. 3. 4. How have you positively influenced others? What would others say is fascinating, compelling, or interesting about you? What benefit would an employer or company get from choosing you over another candidate? What benefit or value did you bring to your previous employers? • Reflect back on the last three positions you’ve held. • Write down at least one challenge that you overcame in each of the three positions. Now, answer these questions about each challenge: • What was the challenge? • What steps did you take to resolve the challenge? • What was the result of the action that you took?  Be real—and be yourself.  When you write your resume, be authentic.  When we write resumes for our clients, part of the process is listening carefully to our clients and the words that they use so that when we write their resumes we’re using their own words, personality, and voice.  You want your resume to be a reflection of yourself—and not a canned template. STAY AWAY FROM TEMPLATES • Templates and fluffy sales talk, clichéd phrases, and overused terms are glanced over when employers screen resumes. • Thousands of others using the exact same content—which completely defeats what you’re trying to do. • Resumes are meant to be a genuine reflection of who YOU are—not some random person on the Internet. • Employers are the same way. It’s always better to err on the side of sincerity REMOVE ADJECTIVES Especially multiple adjectives in a row. • Replace adjectives with accomplishments. • Your accomplishments are unique to you—and compelling to employers.
  • 29. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL  LinkedIn can be a great resource to support and validate your brand, career successes, and what others have to say about you. It’s hard to argue with recommendations, and now endorsements have become a vital part of your job search and personal brand.  Recommendations: Don’t wait for someone to recommend you. Be proactive about requesting recommendations from supervisors, clients, coworkers, colleagues, direct reports, or others you know professionally. Be specific about what you’d like them to share in their recommendation. Perhaps there’s a certain theme of accomplishments you want to highlight or a facet of your personal brand you want to bring attention to—don’t be afraid to ask your network to recommend you for those topics.  Endorsements: Endorsements support your personal brand in a few ways. At a glimpse employers are able to see which skills you have been endorsed for, and by how many people. They can also see any mutual connections you share and which skills they endorsed. When you apply to positions on LinkedIn, it automatically culls out any endorsements you’ve received that match the keywords for the position and alerts the hiring manager to how many skills are a match. This is another way to prove you’re a great fit.
  • 30. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
  • 31. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
  • 32. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
  • 33. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
  • 34. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL
  • 35. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL Some useful sites………. • • gin=google&gender=male&a geCategory=unknown&gclid= Cj0KCQiArvX_BRCyARIsAKsnT xNe7UIIFqEsN_i0Bh5cLk1vew wTaerPDTxA- BPfvbgvDuLiLrLv21UaAnQaE ALw_wcB • https://blank-resume- • pages/examples/resume- maker Time To analyse Resume Samples
  • 37. Why VIDEO RESUME? short video introduce yourself to recruiter. in addition to resume, cover letter to highlight a skill or experience to show you are a perfect fit for the position.
  • 38. 11 best resume builder websites These are the best resume builders available today: Resume Genius Indeed Zety Canva LiveCareer Resume Companion Novoresume ResumeNerd EnhanCV MyPerfectResume JobScan Resume Writing services……………..also avaible
  • 39. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL POST RESUME WRITING • Proof read your resume/ Advertisement - before applying for Job. • Give to some one check it who has knowledge- Ask yo do SWOC and measure it!
  • 40. Friday, January 22, 2021 DR.AMIT HEMANT MISHAL