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Research - Transition To Teaching - Research Guid Research - Transition To Teaching - Research Guid
Why Is Circumcision Wrong
Circumcision is a barbaric practice that has no medical purposes besides for appearance and what is
more attractive to the opposite gender. Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin, it is a practice that
got started because of religion. Circumcision is usually performed on the second day after the baby is
born. During a circumcision, the foreskin is freed from the head of the penis, and the extra foreskin is
removed. The foreskin is a normal part of a male child, it is not a birth defect or something that has to
be removed for the safety of the child. Circumcision is painful to the baby boy, they do not give them
medicine to numb the pain or put them to sleep. The baby is in so much pain from the removal of the
foreskin they go into shock ... Show more content on ...
In adult men, they sometimes can get something called phimosis which is when the foreskin is tight
and will not pull back. There is also paraphimosis which is when the foreskin will not go back into its
normal position after being pulled back. It causes the head of the penis to swell and become painful.
All of these would be reasons to remove the foreskin.
A male child cannot speak up and say he does not want this done, many people just do this to their
children without thinking of what they may want in the future. Many parents have decided to wait till
there baby is older and able to make a choice himself about if he wants to be circumcised or not. The
older the child is when choosing to circumcise the doctors will put them to sleep and the process won t
be near as
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Theme Of Feminism In Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston
Importance of Feminism in Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston
The short story Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston illustrates the abusive and failing marriage between
Delia and Sykes Jones. Within the story, good versus evil plays a huge role in developing the two
characters. Delia is presented as a hardworking, independent wife that is devoted to her husband.
However, Hurston presents her husband as being the total opposite. He s not a hard worker and he is
unfaithful. In addition, he abuses her both physically and emotionally. Throughout the story, readers
can also see the relationship between the two individuals take an unexpected turn. This story is read as
a work of feminism where the protagonist, Delia, is seen as a strong woman rather than one who ...
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As a washerwoman, she takes pride in her work. Sykes, on the other hand does not, which is shown
when he kicks the clothes around and creating more work for her: Sykes, you quit grindin dirt into
these clothes! How can Ah git through by Sat day if Ah don t start on Sunday (Hurston)? The mess he
makes with the clothes is a symbol of his dirty deeds in their marriage. According to Shmoop, where
she tries to keep things neat and put together, he dirties, sullies and destroys (Shmoop).
Another item that is symbolic in this story is the snake. In the story, Delia is terrified of snakes. This is
shown when Sykes bring the rattle snake home she says, Sykes, what you throw dat whip on me like
dat? You know it would skeer me looks just like a snake, an you knows how skeered Ah is of snakes
(Hurston). The snake represents Sykes and his abuse towards Delia. Towards the end, the story takes
an unexpected turn. The same snake that Sykes brought to kill Delia, bites him and kills him. Hurston
is warning that you will reap what you sow. Another symbolic item is the iron skillet. Delia used the
iron skillet as she stood up to
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Essay on Business Btec Level 3 Unit 1 P2
Table 3: Assignment 1.2: P2 Influence of Stakeholders
Name of Organisation B: | Apple | Sector: | | Examples of Stakeholders | How are stakeholders
influenced by the organisation? | How is the organisation influenced by the stakeholder? | Customers |
The customers would be influenced because if the company are financially struggling the customers
are there only hope to stay profiting. If the company was to go bust it means customers will no longer
be able to shop there. The customers would be an external stakeholder, they can get information by
advertisements and even check their annual report on the businesses website. | The establishment
relies on their customers to shop at their stores but also they try and bring in ... Show more content on ...
the suppliers would be influenced as if they know the company isn t doing well then they may not
supply to that company as the suppliers wouldn t make their money. | The company has a few different
suppliers but relies on each supplier to bring in the stock for them to sell, if they didn t have more than
one supplier then they wouldn t have anything to sell if one stopped production or went on strike. |
Linked businesses | Linked companies with Apple such as Samsung would be external to Apple, they
are linked however they are not involved with each other. In one way the companies would be
competition with each other as they sell similar products but in different stores. They would find out
the information through annual reports and meetings. | Linked businesses influence the company as
more ideas in order to improve the company it creates a competition of pride both wanting to do their
best to out weigh the other company. | Table 3: Assignment 1.2: P2 Influence of Stakeholders | Name
of Organisation B: | John Lewis | Sector: | | Examples of Stakeholders | How are stakeholders
influenced by the organisation? | How is the organisation influenced by the stakeholder? | Investors |
Investors are influenced by john lewis because if the company starts doing bad and loses money in the
year instead of profit there are no bonuses at the end of the year for the investor and they can also
loses a lot
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Delaney In The Classroom
Throughout the course of the semester I had the chance to connect with Delaney in the CHAMP lab.
She is eight years old and she is also in third grade. Her favorite sports to do are gymnastics and
soccer. Her favorite movies are finding Nemo and finding Dori. Her favorite foods are pizza, carrots,
grapes, raspberries, l and chicken curry. Her favorite things to drink is milk, hot chocolate, orange,
grape, and apple juice. Her favorite thing to do outside in the wintertime is to go sledding with her
friends. Her least favorite things are spinach, onions, and spicy foods. Delaney was a great student to
connect with, she never had any behavioral issues with students, mentors, or staff. She was also one of
the better movers in the CHAMP lab as ... Show more content on ...
When I had her throw to me she had her shoulders facing towards me in a vertical wind up. Then she
performed a contralateral and she had a limited spinal rotation. What she needs to work on for
overhand throwing to get into the mature stage is to stand sideways and practice the segmented
rotation then following through. What I would do to help her is I would put a resistance band with
handles on the goal post on the turf. then I would have her grab the handle and stand sideways. Then I
would have her step and rotate with the band in a throwing motion. This would help her get the
concept of the rotation part. Then I would give her a towel then I would have grab and folding chair. I
would have her non dominant leg sit on the chair and then she would have to snap the towel on the
ground to get the concept of the follow through. This would be the way how I would fix her overhand
throwing. What I could see Delaney in the future in sports is soccer and basketball. The way she can
dribble in kick and pass on the turf when we play soccer she shows signs that she has a lot of potential
of being a soccer player. I can also can see her playing basketball, even though I have never seen her
shoot a basketball, but guessing by how well she could dribble and slide and how good of a mover she
is I believe it could translate on the basketball
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Dialectical Behavior Therapy And Mindfulness Essay
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Mindfulness Mindfulness is another way of meditation. Meditation was
used to seek to improve one s psychological or physical health, or spiritual growth. (Brantley, 2007).
The history of Mindfulness comes from Buddhism and his search for enlightenment and a foundation
of the four noble truths. The Buddha teaching focus on the four noble truths which consist of knowing
suffering exists, there is a cause of suffering, there is cessation of suffering and there is a path that
leads to the cessation of suffering. (Van Gordon, 2015). The four noble truths were not only there to
represent the Buddha s experiential understanding of suffering, but also to express the truth (Van
Gordon, 2015). Studies of Buddhism and the Four Noble Truths teach us that there is always going to
be suffering in our life but to find ways to overcome suffering (Tsering, 2005). Over the years
Mindfulness has been a way to treat a variety of health related conditions anywhere form stress,
anxiety and even cancer (M.Orsillo, 2010). Practicing mindfulness does not relate directly to any
specific faith or religious beliefs. Mindfulness inside the practice of social work was implemented to
help those with suicidal thoughts and borderline personality disorder. DBT teaches individuals the
skill to not be judgmental. Being non judgmental can be a difficult skill these days because we were
raised or taught to have different thoughts and points of views (Brantley, 2007).
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The Requirements For Home Area Network Security
The main objective of this document is to create and analyze the requirement for home area network
security. Security set up balance is always required against the risk being moderated. As HAN is
related to the households there is a little interest paid to the home area network security. Earlier the
threats for the HAN were other malicious programs and viruses. Now in this modern world with the
invention of wireless networking, broadband and convergence of various communication technologies
which has been implemented by HANs, these vulnerabilities have increased more. Public has a very
less knowledge on theft of personal information, hacking of credit cards and they are not going to
affect them a lot. Thus this document illustrates the present and future technology of home area
network security and how is it going to affect and also some of the security measures for home area
1. Introduction:
In this modern era, everyone has a computer and has an internet connection. The benefits that go with
networking and the interconnection of computers have made a lot of impact into an average
household. Home area network is referred as the downward pricing trend of the personal computers
and the networking hardware. The latest versions of the different operating systems comprise of
network wizards which facilitates configuring of a home local area network practically easy.
Nowadays anyone can have a home area network at their place by connecting the PC
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Spirit Animal Research Paper
How To Find Your Spirit Animal Every single person has a spirit Animal. In this article, you will find
tips on how to find them, connect with them and how to develop a meaningful bond with your very
own spirit animal. There are so many different ways to achieve this it may include the simple act
daydreaming, observing our surroundings in nature or around us in our environment, maybe a
meditation or guided meditation that is specifically written for this purpose. There are so many
different ways to find out what your spirit animal is. or in most cases spirit animals as we generally
have more then one in our lifetime 1: Let your spirit animal choose you. As mentioned above There
are so many ways to find out which spirit animal is linked to
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Scout and Her Character Development in To Kill a... low I could not have heard it from the sidewalk. Someone inside the house was laughing. (46) At
the beginning of To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout is terrified of the Radley Place because she is not
brave. She hears someone laughing while she is in the Radley Place after her brother Jem rolled her in
a tire their. Through more experiences, Scout becomes caring and brave. At the beginning of the book
Scout is not very caring or brave. She is not caring because she does not think about others feelings
and how they would feel if she carried out her actions a certain way. For example, the first summer
Dill comes to visit she asks about his father, ... I haven t got one. Is he dead? No. . . Then if he s not
dead, you ve got one haven t you? Dill blushed... (8) Scout is not being caring because she is not
thinking about Dill s feelings and how awkward it feels for him when she asks about his father. After
Dill says no, it is obvious that the conversation is taking a turn in the wrong direction and once Dill
blushes, it is obvious that he is embarrassed. Also, Scout is not very brave at the beginning of the book
because she is scared of something that she has no reason to be scared of. For example, when they
were rolling tires and Jem pushed her into the Radley yard, I raised my head and stared at the Radley
Place steps in front of me. I froze. (42) Scout is not being brave because she is scared that she is in the
Radley Place even though she is scared of something
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Similarities Between Aluminum Fowl And Superman By Bill...
In his book, Introduction to Documentary, Bill Nichols talks about how documentaries are defined, the
different modes of documentaries, and the ethical issues that may arise when making a documentary.
Nichols talks about how there isn t a set definition for a documentary, but how there are many
different modes of documentary s. We can see examples of these things in the two short documentaries
that we viewed in class. James Clauer s Aluminum Fowl and Cooper s Superman are two
documentaries that use these different modes of documentary filmmaking to inform the viewers of
their subjects. Both documentaries use an observational mode in telling their stories, by letting the
subjects of the documentary take control of telling and showing their
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REBT Research Paper
REBT Research Paper
Development of REBT Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), which was the first cognitive
behavior therapy to be introduced into clinical practice, was developed by Albert Ellis in the 1950 s
(Seligman, 2014). Ellis formed REBT after becoming both disillusioned with psychoanalysis, and as a
result of him becoming increasingly influenced by Greek and Asian philosophies (Dryden and
Neehan, 2014). Ellis originally named the approach Rational Therapy because he mainly wanted to
emphasize cognitive and rational features, but then in 1961 changed it to Rational Emotive therapy to
show that emotion was important to him as well (Dryden and Neehan, 2014). Finally in 1993 he gave
it the name we know it by today Rational Emotive Behavior therapy to show his increasing emphasis
on behavior as a way to reinforce changes in thinking (Seligman, 2014). REBT has evolved over the
60 years it has been around, but its basic goal of modifying thoughts has not changed (Seligman,
2014). Since its original development, it has become more postmodern in that it does not take such an
absolutist stance, but more of a constructivist one. (Seligman, 2014).
Therapeutic Focus
The therapeutic focus of REBT is thoughts, and it operates under the assumption that irrational
thoughts underlie all psychological problems (Seligman, 2014). The REBT therapy approach assumes
that the main source of people s dysfunctions are their cognitions, and that a person must identify,
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Toyota Supply Chain
New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan
Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Copyright 2009 by Ananth V. Iyer, Sridhar Seshadri, and Roy
Vasher. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no
part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a
database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. ISBN: 978 0 07
162340 7 MHID: 0 07 162340 X The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this
title: ISBN: ... Show more content on ...
Lee Acknowledgments Introduction Chapter 1. Toyota Learning Principles and the v4L Framework
Chapter 2. Comprehensive Overview of Supply Chain Chapter 3. Mix Planning Chapter 4. Sales and
Operations Planning Chapter 5. Production Scheduling and Operations Chapter 6. Parts Ordering
Chapter 7. Managing Suppliers Chapter 8. Logistics Chapter 9. Dealer and Demand Fulfillment
Chapter 10. Crisis Management Chapter 11. The Toyota Way of Managing Supply Chains Chapter 12.
How to Apply Toyota Way Principles to Nonautomotive Supply Chains Chapter 13. The Beer Game
and the Toyota Supply Chain Chapter 14. Reflections of Supply Chain Participants Chapter 15.
Reflections vii ix xi 1 5 25 37 55 73 85 103 121 133 147 173 185 201 215 219 221 v Appendix Index
This page intentionally left blank Foreword F or decades, Toyota s success in the marketplace has
been admired by business practitioners and executives alike. The automaker is the envy of others
within the automobile industry, but the company is also considered to be the symbol of excellence in
business in general. The firm has been the focus of research in academia. The power of Toyota has
been attributed to its two distinct core values:
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Spinach Paper Chromatography
In this experiment, the process of chromatography was taken place in order to identify the different
types of pigments present in spinach leaf. This was done by carrying out two types of experiments
which are thin layer chromatography (TLC) and paper chromatography. Both of the experiments were
done using a similar procedure except that they both used a different stationary phase. Paper
chromatography used paper, whilst, TLC used a silica plate. Propanone was used as the extraction
solvent for spinach leaves and chromatography solvent was used as the mobile phase in the
experiment. The results portray that the pigments has rose to different heights through the stationary
phase as they separated into different coloured pigments. The only pigments ... Show more content on ...
A line was drawn with a pencil approximately 1cm from, and parallel to the bottom of the plate. Plant
material was placed into a mortar with a pinch of sand and was grinded with a pestle, to help the plant
material break down into a liquid form. 1 2cm of propanone was added into the mortar along with the
plant material and was grinded until the liquid appeared to be a dark green colour. A micropipette tip
was dipped into the liquid and a tiny drop of the extract was transferred onto the middle of the pencil
line on the TLC plate. Care was taken to ensure that the spot got no bigger than 3mm diameter. More
drops were added each time after the spot dried properly. The drops were added until the spot turned
dark green which took about 5 10 drops. 10ml of running solvent was added into the chromatography
tank (made up of 5 parts cyclohexane: 3 parts propanone: 2 parts petroleum ether). The
chromatography plate was placed into the beaker so that the plate dips into the solvent making sure the
pigment spot was above the surface of the solvent. The beaker was covered. The chromatogram was
left inside the beaker for about 5 10
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Criminology And Sociology And Criminology
Where the Two Meet
Criminology is where criminal justice and Sociology meet and come together. Sociology is a social
science where the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society happen.
Criminology is also a social science that studies crime and criminal behavior. Sociologists, by
studying society and relationships, are able to determine the thoughts and actions of individuals or
criminals. Each science can relate to other sciences and Criminology relates to Psychology, Sociology
and more. Sociology and Criminology both contribute to society. Every day were faced with new and
bigger issues and as Sociologists, it is up to them to understand why and figure out the issues at hand
and how to deal with them. ... Show more content on ...
Another social issue that is a problem with in society today would be opinions. People are allowed to
have a difference of opinion. We are all able to believe different and not think the same and still live in
harmony. There needs to be an understanding and respect in difference of opinions. On the other hand,
Criminology is about the crime and criminals in society. It involves law enforcement and the criminal
justice system. Criminal justice and Criminology are related fields, but are not the same things.
Criminal justice focuses more on upholding social control and Criminology is the study of the crimes
and criminals. Whereas, both are just as important. Criminology, with the help of other social sciences,
go deep within the criminal and the crime to get to the bottom of what they are thinking, what has
made them do it, why they did it, what is next, and also how to stop it and how to prevent it from
happening again. Criminology also deals with issues in the field. Some of these issues involving
Criminology might be, capital punishment, what is illegal and what is not, sentencing, maintaining
social order, is Criminology gender blind, who makes criminal law, does crime pay, if so what and to
who and the list continues. As you begin researching and asking yourself these questions, you become
aware of all the
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Critical Analysis Of Walt Whitman s Song Of Myself
In Walt Whitman s Song of Myself , the poet showcases his feelings of people and himself by using
literary descriptors to convey his thoughts on these and various other subjects. In section 20, Whitman
s purpose is to showcase self assuredness regardless of what the world tries to state otherwise by
maintaining his resolute happiness in being himself. This is what sets him apart from being like the
other people in the world.
Whitman is known for being revolutionary for his use of free form verse in the nineteenth century.
This style is evident throughout Song of Myself which aids in his descriptions and devices used to get
his meaning across. His grouping of three lines per stanza for this section is common for the entirety
of Song of Myself , which has variations of three line to occasionally five line stanzas. His freedom in
his poem s style and lack of rhyme scheme allow him to fully showcase his thoughts in a new way for
this time period. An overall summary of the poem is Whitman s pondering of himself and the world in
behavior and personality to him being fully confident in himself with no existential crisis. For the first
half of section 20, Whitman s character of himself questions everything beyond the ownership of
himself. He questions the integrity of other people s identities and characters as well as ignoring social
norms involving manners and religious behavior. The declaration of a lack of manners and questioning
the church would have been scandalous to
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Biotechnology Industry Analysis
Biotechnology industry Analysis
The health care industry Provides health products and service which involved the leading technology
of life science. It is a fast growing industry and will continue to grow in the future because of the
increasing request to the advanced medical care. The Global Industry Analysis (GIA,2009) predicted
that the prescription drug market is value around $897 billion in world economy in 2015, and Asia
Pacific region is expected to have highest growth in prescription drugs.
The health care sector in Australia is one of the most advanced and sophisticated industry in the world.
Numerous world leading healthcare companies are located in Australia. According to the Government
Department of Innovation, ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, the companies in biotechnology industry have strong buyer power , and the price is
acceptable to the consumers with the control from government.
*Supplier Power(MEDIUM)
Generally speaking, the supplier of biotechnology companies offer highly specify products, such as
the blood sample from clinic or cells. It is not difficult for biotechnology companies to gain these
resource. On the other hand, the company have to get the approval to start the research from the
government regulators. The healthcare companies need put more efforts on getting the permission.
*Rivalry Among Existing Firms(LOW)
Most biotechnology companies have their unique products. For example, the CSL s specialty is
Vaccines Plasma Products and COH is specializing in the Cochlear Implant Systems. Once the drug is
discovered or invented, it is hard for other competitors to imitate because majority drug companies
used the patent system. (thusleem,2008). Thus,there is less competititive in the market.
*Threat of New Entrants(HIGH)
It is not easy for any investors to entry the healthcare industry. Large capital in R D and fully qualified
and skilled scientists and researchers are in great demand. The research teams in biotechnology
industry covered variety of
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Of Nurse Ratched In One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest
Although Nurse Ratched holds an occupation associated with traits of compassion and nurture, in the
novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest by Ken Kesey, the author reveals Nurse Ratched s actual
malicious character. Specifically, when McMurphy and Harding are debating the ethics of the group
meeting McMurphy calls Nurse Ratched a bitch and a buzzard and a ball cutter (58). Here, the author
implies that Nurse Ratched emasculates the patients by relentlessly preying on their weaknesses like a
buzzard. Because Nurse Ratched is in a position of power she is not afraid to exploit the patient s
flaws by attacking their weak points. By emasculating the patients, Nurse Ratched hopes to make the
patients feel weak so [she] can get them to toe the line, to follow [her] rules, to live like [she] wants
them to (57). ... Show more content on ...
Most individuals who feel the need to have excessive control and order tend to have insecurities, so, to
make them feel better about themselves they usually put others down. Though the reader is not aware
of nurse Ratched s insecurities this early on in the novel, Nurse Ratched does exhibit similar behavior
as the existence [of the patients] is based on the strong getting stronger by devouring the weak (60).
Here, Kesey illustrates that Nurse Ratched is a wolf and the patients are rabbits. In some cultures
wolfs are seen as great protectors, however, wolfs are still unruly predators. Nurse Ratched might
come across as a protector as she does watch over the patients on a daily basis but her actions say
otherwise. Nurse Ratched manipulates the patients and uses their mental instability against them to
maintain her position of power. Not only does Kesey compare Nurse Ratched to a wolf but also a rat.
McMurphy pronounces her name as Miss Rat shed
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Mary Wollstonecraft And Jane Addams
In the past women s right was nonexistent, and they did not have any educational or voting rights.
Most of their education was toward music, dance, embroidery, and how to be a good wife. Woman did
not have a voice in society, and their ideas was disregard and not valued. During the year 1700 1900,
some feminist movement for women s rights arouse. In Europe, Mary Wollstonecraft advocated for
women s right and education. As a liberal thinker, Wollstonecraft desired a society with equal rights
for men and women. In the U.S., Jane Addams developed the philosophy of socialized education, and
was the pioneer is social work and women s right.
Born in different times and different continents, Mary Wollstonecraft and Jane Addams contributed
greatly for the women s right movement and education. Comparing and contrasting this two women,
we can notice some similarities. Both have some mental health issue, Mary Wollstonecraft was raised
in a dysfunctional family, with a alcoholic and abuse father. She struggled with depression and have a
rebellious nature. In the same perspective, Jane Addams also suffered with depression due to physical
problems and back pain, however, as young women she was shy and reserved.
Mary Wolltonecraft was born in London, and lived from 1759 to 1797. Wolltonecraft had a short,
intense, and meaningful life. Coming from a middle class family, she attended the local school for
girls in Yorkshire from age 9 to 15. She learned math, arithmetic, needle work, music,
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Child Labour Dbq
Child workers in factories Children were viewed as a dispensable source of labour during the
Industrial Revolution. Evidence of this is that they were given potentially dangerous jobs, worked to
the point of exhaustion and harshly punished for their actions. Children were viewed as dispensable
because they were given potentially dangerous jobs. The jobs that children were made to do in
factories and mines were often in tight enclosed spaces or close to dangerous heavy machinery.
Evidence of this can be found in sources one, two and seven. Source one explains the job that
scavengers were given which is cleaning the machines while they were still working. This is very
dangerous as if they are not glued to the ground, hair can easily be ripped out their hair. Source two is
a quote from a doctor in Manchester during that time. He stated that they were terrible accidents.
Sometimes the children s hands and arms were caught in the machinery;in many instances the
muscles, and the skin is stripped down to the bone, and in ... Show more content on ...
These jobs often had long hours with tiny breaks and no nourishing food. Evidence of this can be
found in sources four and five. Source four is a quote from Richard Ostler which states very often the
children are woken at 4am. They work for 16 hours, with little breaks, until they go home at night to
their parents . Source five explains the food they ate. Oatcake was thick and coarse and was the
children s breakfast and supper. Their dinner was potato pie wit boiled bacon inside. This tasted awful,
but they were hungry enough to eat anything. Non nutritious food and sleep deprivation helped cause
exhaustion. This affected their work pace and proves that they were used as a dispensable source. It
also showed that the people running the factories wanted the machines to just keep going and didn t
care about how the workers, especially children, were
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A Supposed Lower Status and The Ensuing Hatred Essay
The society of our modern world is one that has been bombarded with intolerance and discrimination.
People discriminate against the weak, the unintelligent, the uncool, and the racially or culturally
divergent. And while the past has shown the incredible steps society has taken in correcting this racial
chauvinism, our modern day world reflects the reality that a prejudice still exist, live and active, in our
communities today. In the past, during the time of the Little Rock Nine, prejudice was focused against
the culturally and racially different, but today, while the prejudice has been greatly reduced, it has
refocused and is now directed on a greater scale against a larger, vaguer objective. From the lives of
the nine students who stood ... Show more content on ...
It was not only a fear for their own safety, but a fear for the safety of their families and friends. Their
families were bombed, their clothes were mangled, and their pride was lost. In their efforts to just
become a normal human being they were subjected to beatings and verbal abuse; Melba was injured
by acid sprayed in her eyes, and they were even attacked with lynch ropes and dynamite. As the
months went by minute by minute and the segregationists still had failed to get rid of their oh so hated
intruders, they decided to plan something huge, that would not only hurt them but their families as
well Something that would force them to quite. But even though they went through all of this abuse
that hurt them physically, it was not what hurt them most. After entering Central High the happiness
that had been inside of them before was replaced by an anxiety and mental strain that affected them
everywhere they went. The mental abuse hurt them more and caused more damage to them than a
simple slap ever could have. Their emotions were drained and they slowly began to give up hope.
Melba recorded in her journal one evening the words, I wish I were dead, showing truly the depths of
depression and hopelessness that they had fallen into. Later she
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Low Voter Turnout
Our American Government text mentions 7 different reasons for exceptionally low voter turnout in the
United States. These reasons range from not having mandatory elections to when the elections are
held, but there are two reasons that I find to be the most influential.
Voting used to be something special; a privilege. Now, elections are held so frequently that they no
longer have that allure to them. That combined with the feeling that your vote won t change the
overall outcome causes for more potential voters to avoid the polls.
The second reason that I find to be highly influential is pre registration. I don t think that this should
change, however it can be difficult to find the time and means to register for an election. This
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Reflection Paper On Rock Of Ages
On 21 July 2017, I attended the Rock of Ages jukebox musical, which incorporated popular 1980 s
rock music with the love story of an upcoming rock star and a hopeful actress. Apart from the cast,
dancers and ensemble, there was Ben Walley on keyboard, Phil Simpson on electric guitar, Greg
Fryhling on bass guitar, and Ben Chambers on percussion. The performance took place at the CBC
outdoor Diane Hoch Amphitheatre, which was set up to look like the Bourbon Room in Las Angeles
in the 1980 s. The walls were made of brick, with signs saying, Hollywood BLVD and live nudes,
with a sign saying girls, with an arrow pointing to a door. The audience dressed casual, however, there
were some who dressed up like the 1980 s. The performers, however, were dressed like rock stars and
waitresses, acting out the 1980 s. The performance was laid back, the performers made jokes and the
audience would laugh, and at the end of a scene the audience would clap. The musical consisted of 2
acts, and in the following paragraphs I will explain how the music and the performance made me feel,
the good and the bad.
The performance began with a beautiful introduction, followed by the beginning of the song Come On
Feel The Noize, by Quiet Riot. During the introduction, the music made me feel free and alive. I could
picture myself drinking a cold beer with a guitar in my lap. Immediately following the beginning of
the song Noize was the song Just Like Paradise, by David Lee Roth, which flowed
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Small and Medium Enterprises
INTRODUCTION SME Definition Presently, there is no common definition of small and medium
enterprises (SME) in Malaysia. Different Agencies define SME based on their own criteria, usually
bench marking against annual sales turnover, number of full time employees or shareholders funds. In
addition, present definitions focus mainly on SMEs in the manufacturing sector. The establishment
and adoption of standard definitions for SME will facilitate better identification of SME across
sectors, thus enabling more effective formulation of SME policies and implementation of SME
development programs, and provision of technical and financial assistance. It will also allow better
monitoring of SME performance and their contribution to the economy, but the way as officially, SME
can be define as the Small and Medium Enterprise. In Malaysia, have one corporation that control the
SME movement to support the operation of SME company. SME corporation is the one company that
has been create under the Ministry in Malaysia. The function of SME firstly is coordinate the policies
and program for those are under SME company means formulate broad SME policies across all
sectors and coordinate, monitor and evaluate effective implementation of policies and programs across
relevant Ministries and Agencies. Secondly, center on advisory and information, wheres SME corp
Provide business advisory through the One Referral Center, disseminate information on Government
funds and incentives on SMEs, channel
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The Impact of Humans on the Biological Diversity of...
The Impact of Humans on the Biological Diversity of Natural Ecosystems
Since humans have come into existence they have always been a cause of change of whatever natural
areas they inhabit along with the living organisms of those natural areas. The different types of
organisms such as plants, animals, and microorganisms that inhabit these areas are known as
biological diversity or biodiversity. (USEPA 2010 ) Biological diversity can be affected by many
different things, climate change, and area being two specific things. Humans fit into a strange niche of
biological diversity. While we have a part of biodiversity and in ecosystems, the human race has
spread much farther than any other breed or type of organism except for ... Show more content on ...
Eventually all rivers lead and empty out into oceans which means said chemicals are dumped into the
ocean. These chemicals, waste, and debris float freely into the human population water supply and
into the animals of aquatic systems water supply and habitats. These animals are exposed to the
companies byproducts and they affect the life span, and habitat quality of the animals. Yet again
human population growth can cause extinction of species, populations, communities, etc. due to the
lack of regard or concern of how the biodiversity of natural ecosystems affects all species in the long
White 4
Landscape Conservation
Though humans have made a huge impact on the biodiversity of many and most ecosystems; it is
recognized that for as much damage has been caused there should be some type of effort to improve
and try to restore the biodiversity in some ecosystems. So was created the National Landscape
Conservation System in 1969 ( CSA 2009). The mission of this system is to conserve, protect, and
restore these nationally significant landscapes that have outstanding cultural, ecological, and scientific
values for the benefit of current and future generations . (CSA 2009 ) However this system of land
conservation is solely interested can only benefit Western/American land. The goal is to protect the
USA s most prized beautiful lands from being lost to the
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Temperatures In Arctics
Due to rising temperatures, the ice is beginning to melt. Because of this, the sea levels are rising. As of
now, the temperature in the Arctic have risen two to three times than the global average of 57.2
degrees Fahrenheit (14 degrees Celsius). According to climate researchers from the Alfred Wegener
Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), stated that from the planets history,
summertime sea ice was to be found in the central Arctic in periods characterized by higher global
temperatures but less CO2 than today. Also, the researchers studied the glacial history of central
Arctic. From this, they drew the conclusion that the last interglacial was about 115,000 and 130,000
years ago. Thanks to the sediment
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Wormy Vs Wormy
Before starting the observations, the planarians had to be cut into sections using a scalpel, in this case,
they were cut into three. To make them easier to cut, the were chilled on ice to slow them down.The
flatworms were then put into separate labelled petri dishes, where they were then placed in a cool and
dark area. After a few days, the worms grew and were easier to observe. From this lab, it can be
concluded that planarians will regenerate no matter how they were cut. Wormy and Wormy 2.0, were
both trisected transversely and were thought to grow into six new planarians, three coming from each
worm, and one of them possessing two heads. The results observed for Wormy fully supported the
hypothesis, and the three new planarians had a head, ... Show more content on ...
These flatworms are bi directionally regenerating creatures which means a cut body can form a brand
new tail from the posterior cut and a new head from the anterior cut. Using this skill, they are able to
clone themselves, and reproduce asexually. While taking down observations, there were tail
droppings. Tail droppings occur when a planaria attaches itself to a surface and pulls away, separating
into two pieces. This is one form of reproduction, the other form is called fragmentation.
Fragmentation is just like tail droppings, but instead of separating into two pieces, the tail dropping
divides up into more pieces. Furthermore, planarians have an abundant amount of stem cell like cells
that are capable of converting into the cell needed for regenerating tissue, and are available when it is
required. When they lose a portion of itself, pale white coloured cells filled with stem cell like cells
starts to form, this is blastema. Those cells will transform into the desired cell and will begin to divide,
which will result in a new body part to replace the missing part. This could be seen during the lab, the
worms were distinctly transparent, or a pale colour, in the areas where they were dissected. These
flatworms are organisms, and organisms need to eat, or get nutrients. Once their head is cut off and
they are just a tail, it is really easy for them to obtain food. The cells in the tail will self destruct to
provide energy for the growing planarian until the head and tail are proportionate to each other, where
it will then continue feeding and growing like before it got transected. Humans too, are capable of
regeneration, but just to a certain extent. Everyday the human body creates more blood, new skin, and
much more, which is regeneration. Unfortunately, limbs regenerating is unthinkable. That is why
studying animals like the planarians and
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Chronic Illness Of The American Population
A child is not their disease, neither is their family. However, it is often difficult for them to disconnect
their self from the detrimental effects of it. In spite of the fact that the majority of the American
population appears quite healthy, over 32 million children are currently suffering from a chronic
illness. According to, chronic illness is an illness that may last throughout a person s life,
although the frequency and severity of symptoms can change. Nearly 43% of American children are
currently afflicted with at least 1 of many chronic ailments ranging from diabetes to cancer. Many of
these children may never return to their precedent state of well being; physically, emotionally, socially,
and psychologically. During such horrific times as these it is important to remember that the children
are not the only ones suffering; their family is as well. Children who are physically ill have a tendency
to feel more psychological distress than those who are not. A decrease in ones physical health can lead
to and increased risk of depression, hopelessness, helplessness and anger. Social and relationship
issues that are extremely common amongst patients who are ill also cause an increase in these
emotions. Disease has the ability to ravage the self and outside relationships. It is especially important
during times such as these to remember that ones physical and emotional health is in correlation to one
another. Your body reciprocates to the way you feel,
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Wild Card Essay
DECLARE @v1 varchar(40); SET @v1 = #39;This is the original. #39;; SET @v1 += #39; More text.
#39;; PRINT @v1; % (Wildcard Character(s) to Match) Matches any string of zero or more
characters. This wildcard character can be used as either a prefix or a suffix. The following example
returns all the first names of people in the Person table of AdventureWorks2012 that start with Dan.
SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Person WHERE FirstName LIKE #39;Dan% #39;; GO
[ ] (Wildcard Character(s) to Match) Matches any single character within the specified range or set
that is specified between brackets [ ]. These wildcard characters can be used in string comparisons that
involve pattern matching, such as LIKE and PATINDEX. The following ... Show more content on ...
For example, if a variable @x equals 35, then @x += 2 takes the original value of @x, add 2 and sets
@x to that new value (37). Transact SQL provides the following compound operators: Operator Link
to more information Action += += (Add EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Adds some amount to the original
value and sets the original value to the result. = = (Subtract EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Subtracts some
amount from the original value and sets the original value to the result. *= *= (Multiply EQUALS)
(Transact SQL) Multiplies by an amount and sets the original value to the result. /= (Divide EQUALS)
(Transact SQL) Divides by an amount and sets the original value to the result. %= Modulo EQUALS
(Transact SQL) Divides by an amount and sets the original value to the modulo. amp;= amp;=
(Bitwise AND EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Performs a bitwise AND and sets the original value to the
result. ^= ^= (Bitwise Exclusive OR EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Performs a bitwise exclusive OR and
sets the original value to the result. |= |= (Bitwise OR EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Performs a bitwise
OR and sets the original value to the result. Operator Precedence When a complex expression has
multiple operators, operator precedence determines the sequence in which the operations are
performed. The order of execution can significantly affect the resulting value.+
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Divergent Plates Are Formed From Plate Tectonic Plates
I know that mountains are created from plate tectonics. Convergent plates are made out of the
lithosphere. The lithosphere is the rocky outer part of Earth containing the crust (the thin layer of rock
under the land) and the mantle (a layer of mostly silicate rock that is directly under the crust).
Convergent plates are tectonic plates that collide and scrape against each other to form geological
features such as mountains and volcanoes. Mountains and volcanoes form when one convergent plate
slides under another one, causing a subduction zone. A subduction zone is a geological process that
takes place at a convergent plate boundary. One plate moves under the other and is forced to sink
because of the gravity in the mantle. When this happens, molten rock (lava) is forced to the surface.
This causes volcanoes to form. ... Show more content on ...
Mountains can also form when convergent plates smash into each other. Furthermore, stream erosion
made a path for the river that runs through the Rocky Mountains. I can infer that water collected on
the ground and then slowly trickled down a slope, carrying rock and sediments away with it.
Overtime, more and more rain/water collected in the stream which made it grow wider. Now, a long,
wide, and deep river has formed. Finally, I can see where abrasion could have made the bottom of the
mountains smooth and curved. I think that pieces of rock could have fallen off some of the mountains
in the Rocky Mountain Range (maybe due to ice wedging). When they fall, they rub on the base of the
mountains. This chips part of the rock off and smooths it
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Why Is Multitasking Should Be Allowed In School
Hi my name is Tanika Munroe, I attend Piscataway High School. I am writing to you today
concerning the matter of students having to receive a B average or higher in order to participate in
clubs or sports. In my school I already see such a matter going on. If students don t maintain a certain
grade they are put on something called a sports leave or sports tutoring. This is so the players can get
their grade up so that they can continue to play on the team. I strongly believe that this is unfair
because for one it is hard for someone to get used to multitasking I can speak on this myself. You
might say its something one person can get used to but this is not true, not everyone can get used to
something like that. Secondly, there are kids who play sports that may have learning disabilities, there
should be exceptions for students like that. Lastly, academics do come first but, I believe that sports
and clubs are some of the reasons students look forward to coming to school. ... Show more content on ...
Multitasking in my words is when you have to joggle more than one task at the same time. When
students have to joggle a sport plus an education, it s not easy. To start off a sport is a big task itself. A
player has to worry about making sure to bring home a win and, bettering their skills. Even to some
parents a sport is a main priority in a child s life. On top of trying to be a top player in their sport, they
also have to try and maintain that B average or higher. Some students are not capable of joggling these
two things. Students should just have a warning at first so they can buck up not just straight disable
them from any sports or
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The Effect Of Cloud Computing On Software Development Process
Effect of Cloud Computing on
Software Development Process
Name of the Student
This research paper is about discussing the effects of cloud computing on the software development
process. Cloud computing is very popular these days. The concept of cloud computing is quite
different from other existing computing techniques. Cloud computing is a modern concept evolving as
a multidisciplinary field based on web services and service oriented architecture; this is supported by
Alter (2008). So it is affecting the software development process to a great extent which has its own
pros and cons. These will be discussed in this research paper. There is a lot of research work going on
this topic and few ... Show more content on ...
This concept is not entirely new as most of us are using this from past many years in one form or
another using emails and WWW. But now days the concept has revised too much. Users can access
the resources directly through the internet; there is absolutely no need of having the direct physical
access to the resources within the organization s premises. The concept is based on service
provisioning where the services can be easily provisioned and de provisioned as per the user s request
and demand. This is very beneficial for the users as they do not have to pay for the entire service, they
will pay as per its use, which reduces the total cost. This concept ahs in turn invented some new
concepts like mesh computing, pay per use service, cloud platforms, etc.
This is very important to investigate this area as it reduces a lot of development cost and the
development time too. It makes the access to the services as very easy and comfortable job. A lot of
research is going on this topic to further improve its efficiency and effectiveness.
The concept of cloud computing is very popular these days. So let us try to understand its architecture
and the concept on which cloud computing is based on:
Conceptualization of Cloud Computing
The conceptualization of cloud computing can be explained from the below drawn figure. There are
mainly two types of
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The Safety Department Will Oversee All Aircraft Accident
The safety department will oversee all aircraft accident investigations. When an accident occurs the
safety, branch will contact all the necessary agencies, such as the NTSB and FAA. All members of the
organization that have received the specialized training and are members of the on call 24 hour Go
Team will be notified and sent to the scene as soon as possible. For further information concerning
aircraft accident investigations please review Appendix 1 of this safety plan. Safety Analysis The
quality assurance division within the safety branch will maintain a safety analysis data base. The
database will be a digital record of all inspections that will be conducted by the quality office. The
data that is recorded will be reviewed on ... Show more content on ...
When the purchase is made, the customer will have to agree to the terms set by our company.
Considering most people do not read most information presented in front of them, the information will
be covered when they are in place. Customers will be made aware of the contact information available
to them should they encounter a safety related issue. Customers will also be given the opportunity to
receive feedback concerning the issue they are concerned with. In some cases, depending on what the
safety issue is, the customer maybe compensated with air miles, discounted flights, or some other
form of compensation for their honesty is bringing up the safety issue. Our company is built to do
most things in aviation, but not all. Contractors will be needed. It will be the responsibility of the
safety department to screen all companies that are applying to be a contract member of our company.
The key areas that should be focused on will be the safety record of the contract company, financial
status of the contract company, and do the needs and goals of the contract company meet our
expectations. These are just a few items to be considered when screening contractors. These items
should be discussed prior to the signing of the contract. It can be very difficult and counterproductive
to amend these items after the contract has been signed. It is also very
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Problem Set Seven Solutions
Problem Set Seven Solutions
Chapter 9 1. Two car manufacturers, Saab and Volvo, have fixed costs of $1 billion and constant
marginal costs of $10,000 per car. If Saab produces 50,000 cars per year and Volvo produces 200,000,
calculate the average fixed cost and average total cost for each company. On the basis of these costs,
which company s market share should grow in relative terms? Answer: Average total cost is average
fixed cost plus marginal cost: ATC = FC/Q + MC. Volvo s average fixed cost $1 billion/200,000 =
5,000 is much less than Saab s average fixed cost $1 billion/50,000 = 20,000 due to producing more
cars. Volvo s average production cost $15,000 is lower than Saab s of $30,000 by the difference in
average fixed costs. Volvo s ... Show more content on ...
(Start by figuring out the price Beth would charge if she produced only one cup of lemonade, and
calculate the total revenue; then find the price she would charge if she sold two cups of lemonade; and
so on.) Person Reservation price Quantity in cups Total revenue Marginal revenue A B C D E F G H I
J $1.00 $0.90 $0.80 $0.70 $0.60 $0.50 $0.40 $0.30 $0.20 $0.10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 $1.00 $1.80 $2.40
$2.80 $3.00 $3.00 $2.80 $2.40 $1.80 $1.00 $1.00 $0.80 $0.60 $0.40 $0.20 $0 $0.20 $0.40 $0.60 $0.80
b. What is Beth s profit maximizing price and quantity? Answer: MR = MC at a price of $0.60 and
quantity of 5 cups. c. At that price, what are Beth s economic profit and total consumer surplus?
Answer: Profit = (P MC) Q = (0.60 0.20) 5 = $2. Consumer surplus is reservation price minus actual
price for each cup sold: ($1.00 $0.60) + ($0.90 $0.60) + ($0.80 $0.60) + ($0.70 $0.60) = $1. d. What
price should Beth charge if she wants to maximize total economic surplus? What quantity would she
sell? How much would total economic surplus be? Answer: She should set P = MC = $0.20. Nine (or
eight) cups of lemonade would be sold. Total economic surplus is reservation price minus marginal
cost for each cup sold: ($1.00 $0.20) + ($0.90 $0.20) + ($0.80 $0.20) + ($0.70 $0.20) + ($0.60 $0.20)
+ ($0.50 $0.20) + ($0.40 $0.20) + ($0.30 $0.20) = $3.60. e. Now suppose Beth can tell the reservation
price of each person. What price would she charge
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Wilson s Ineptitude Stubbornness 1991 Dbq Ap History Essay
President Wilson s own ineptitude and stubbornness is what led to the Senate s defeat of the Treaty of
Versailles, rather than the strength of the opposing forces. Even Wilson s closest and most trusted
advisors could not sway his stance. Wilson was strong in his stance and incorporated the idea of the 14
points. While it is true that opposing forces contributed to defeat the treaty, it was Wilson s unmovable
position that led to its ultimate defeat in the Senate. There was much opposition to the Treaty in the
United States, as well as the rest of the world. In the excerpt from The New Republic, it proves the
public s general disdain for the Treaty. Whether they had hoped for the treaty to be more lenient on
Germany, or more severe, ... Show more content on ...
In the political cartoon, with Wilson jumping out of the window is just another example of how
Wilson had to have his way, which is why he didn t succeed; he couldn t make enough people agree.
One example of this is in Wilson s speech on September 5, 1919, where he says If it should every in
anyway important respect be impaired I would feel like asking the Secretary of War to get the boys
who went across the water to fight And I would stand up and say you are betrayed. This is just
another of example of how Wilson will not accept anyway, but his, but he was not the one with the
most power. It is true that Henry Cabot Lodge and the Republican majority in the Senate were a force
in the defeat of the treaty. By holding off the vote and making his own changes to the treaty, Lodge
knew that he was using Wilson s hatred to his advantage. Wilson would have accepted the changes if
they had been proposed by one of his fellow Democrats, but the fact that they had been written by
Lodge made Wilson see red. He immediately ordered Democrats to vote entirely against the treaty
with the added Lodge votes. The only possible path to ratification would be to accept the treaty with
the new changes. Wilson chose to block the passing of the treaty by persuading Democrats to vote
against it. Unfortunately, Wilson had a stroke, and his last efforts in getting the vote to go his way
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Fluoride Pros And Cons
What is fluoride? Water fluoridation has always been a hot topic and now it s at its peak, from debates
in the news among congressmen and from state to state. Fluoride is a compound of chemicals that are
used to help prevent tooth decay, and can prevent loss of important minerals from the tooth enamel.
Many Americans consume fluoride through which can be found in water, soft drinks, and juice. Water
fluoridation has been around since the 1940 s, when it was commonly known to be in everyone s
drinking water. There are four different ways to get fluoride: have a dentist apply it, take fluoride
tablets, using tooth paste with fluoride, and drinking water with fluoride in it. When fluoride is applied
it will help reduce cavities and help your teeth be strong and less ... Show more content on ...
The history of fluoride dates back to the 1940 s when an experiment was conducted in four major
cities in the United States to see if water fluoridation would help the communities with dental cavities.
This study states that Over a ten year period of fluoridation, the incidence of cavities in each city was
cut in half. The beneficial effect of fluoride was not dependent on the source of the fluoride (Fallon
2006 pg. 2). The benefits of fluoride are great because if a person takes in some fluoride over a period
of time there will be less cavities and he/she will have stronger teeth. Arkansas Dental Hygiene
Association states, Community water fluoridation is an effective, safe, and inexpensive way to prevent
tooth decay. Fluoridation benefits Americans of all ages and socioeconomic status. It has been proven
that the use of fluoride dental products can effectively prevent tooth decay in
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The And Managing Student Behavior Essay
PBIS and Managing Student Behavior
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a multi tier strategy based on student
outcome as opposed to a set curriculum. In a classroom it is based on 6 essential practices, but the
strategies can, and should be implemented school wide for maximum benefit. The following will offer
some history on PBIS, a breakdown of the 6 essential classroom practices, and a brief description of
what a three tier strategy would encompass.
Positive Behavior Interventions and Strategies (PBIS) was developed in the 1980 s in response to a
need for a more effective management of students with Behavior Disorders (BD) behaviors (Sugai
Simonsen, 2012). Research done at the University of Oregon found that emphasis should be placed on
behavior prevention, and social skill instruction in a school wide system (Sugai Simonsen, 2012). In
1997 with the revision of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) a grant was included to
establish a National Center on Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. The national center was
established with the goal of providing technical assistance to schools for the support of students with
BD (Sugai Simonsen, 2012).
PBIS has its roots in intervention for students with BD, but a shift has taken place to PBIS being a
school wide behavioral support. PBIS is now defined as evidence based interventions to achieve
academically and behaviorally important outcomes for all students (Sugai Simonsen, 2012).
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Tyson Foods International Strategy Essay
In the global capabilities of companies, the process of penetrating and developing an international
market is seen as the most difficult. This happens because companies usually have little information
about the new market as well as marketing infrastructure to penetrate it. However, companies treat
entry into foreign markets as an extension of their business, which adds incremental revenue for their
products and services. Additionally, firms pursue foreign business opportunities to minimize risk and
investment thereby increasing their total sales and profits. For Tyson Foods to enter the Portuguese
market, it would attain growth and expansion through diversification. While trying to establish
international operations, companies are faced with ... Show more content on ...
Risk result from foreign exchange and politics, while opportunities arise from unexploited markets
thereby more revenues. Foreign exchange risks occur due to fluctuations in the value of investment
brought about by changes in the exchange rates. If the Euro appreciates against the dollar, the profits
Tyson Foods would earn in Portugal will decrease when exchanged back to the dollar. Tyson Foods
would thus be unable to protect itself against this kind of fluctuations which make the exchange rate
volatile thereby harming revenues and sales. Tyson foods should seek to manage the volatility caused
by fluctuations of non functional currency on operating margins and cash flows as well as the cost of
its foreign exchange risk management programs. Moreover, the company s payments payable in Euros
will have the risk that the Euro may depreciate in value before the payments are made and changed
into U.S. dollars. The risks may arise out of transaction exposure and speculation of the Euro thus
posing greater uncertainty in Tyson s revenues. The risks may be short term or long term and would
require a well defined strategy to meet
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Research - Transition To Teaching - Research Guid

  • 1. Research - Transition To Teaching - Research Guid 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Research - Transition To Teaching - Research Guid Research - Transition To Teaching - Research Guid
  • 2. Why Is Circumcision Wrong Circumcision is a barbaric practice that has no medical purposes besides for appearance and what is more attractive to the opposite gender. Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin, it is a practice that got started because of religion. Circumcision is usually performed on the second day after the baby is born. During a circumcision, the foreskin is freed from the head of the penis, and the extra foreskin is removed. The foreskin is a normal part of a male child, it is not a birth defect or something that has to be removed for the safety of the child. Circumcision is painful to the baby boy, they do not give them medicine to numb the pain or put them to sleep. The baby is in so much pain from the removal of the foreskin they go into shock ... Show more content on ... In adult men, they sometimes can get something called phimosis which is when the foreskin is tight and will not pull back. There is also paraphimosis which is when the foreskin will not go back into its normal position after being pulled back. It causes the head of the penis to swell and become painful. All of these would be reasons to remove the foreskin. A male child cannot speak up and say he does not want this done, many people just do this to their children without thinking of what they may want in the future. Many parents have decided to wait till there baby is older and able to make a choice himself about if he wants to be circumcised or not. The older the child is when choosing to circumcise the doctors will put them to sleep and the process won t be near as ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Theme Of Feminism In Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston Importance of Feminism in Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston The short story Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston illustrates the abusive and failing marriage between Delia and Sykes Jones. Within the story, good versus evil plays a huge role in developing the two characters. Delia is presented as a hardworking, independent wife that is devoted to her husband. However, Hurston presents her husband as being the total opposite. He s not a hard worker and he is unfaithful. In addition, he abuses her both physically and emotionally. Throughout the story, readers can also see the relationship between the two individuals take an unexpected turn. This story is read as a work of feminism where the protagonist, Delia, is seen as a strong woman rather than one who ... Show more content on ... As a washerwoman, she takes pride in her work. Sykes, on the other hand does not, which is shown when he kicks the clothes around and creating more work for her: Sykes, you quit grindin dirt into these clothes! How can Ah git through by Sat day if Ah don t start on Sunday (Hurston)? The mess he makes with the clothes is a symbol of his dirty deeds in their marriage. According to Shmoop, where she tries to keep things neat and put together, he dirties, sullies and destroys (Shmoop). Another item that is symbolic in this story is the snake. In the story, Delia is terrified of snakes. This is shown when Sykes bring the rattle snake home she says, Sykes, what you throw dat whip on me like dat? You know it would skeer me looks just like a snake, an you knows how skeered Ah is of snakes (Hurston). The snake represents Sykes and his abuse towards Delia. Towards the end, the story takes an unexpected turn. The same snake that Sykes brought to kill Delia, bites him and kills him. Hurston is warning that you will reap what you sow. Another symbolic item is the iron skillet. Delia used the iron skillet as she stood up to ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Essay on Business Btec Level 3 Unit 1 P2 Table 3: Assignment 1.2: P2 Influence of Stakeholders Name of Organisation B: | Apple | Sector: | | Examples of Stakeholders | How are stakeholders influenced by the organisation? | How is the organisation influenced by the stakeholder? | Customers | The customers would be influenced because if the company are financially struggling the customers are there only hope to stay profiting. If the company was to go bust it means customers will no longer be able to shop there. The customers would be an external stakeholder, they can get information by advertisements and even check their annual report on the businesses website. | The establishment relies on their customers to shop at their stores but also they try and bring in ... Show more content on ... the suppliers would be influenced as if they know the company isn t doing well then they may not supply to that company as the suppliers wouldn t make their money. | The company has a few different suppliers but relies on each supplier to bring in the stock for them to sell, if they didn t have more than one supplier then they wouldn t have anything to sell if one stopped production or went on strike. | Linked businesses | Linked companies with Apple such as Samsung would be external to Apple, they are linked however they are not involved with each other. In one way the companies would be competition with each other as they sell similar products but in different stores. They would find out the information through annual reports and meetings. | Linked businesses influence the company as more ideas in order to improve the company it creates a competition of pride both wanting to do their best to out weigh the other company. | Table 3: Assignment 1.2: P2 Influence of Stakeholders | Name of Organisation B: | John Lewis | Sector: | | Examples of Stakeholders | How are stakeholders influenced by the organisation? | How is the organisation influenced by the stakeholder? | Investors | Investors are influenced by john lewis because if the company starts doing bad and loses money in the year instead of profit there are no bonuses at the end of the year for the investor and they can also loses a lot ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Delaney In The Classroom Throughout the course of the semester I had the chance to connect with Delaney in the CHAMP lab. She is eight years old and she is also in third grade. Her favorite sports to do are gymnastics and soccer. Her favorite movies are finding Nemo and finding Dori. Her favorite foods are pizza, carrots, grapes, raspberries, l and chicken curry. Her favorite things to drink is milk, hot chocolate, orange, grape, and apple juice. Her favorite thing to do outside in the wintertime is to go sledding with her friends. Her least favorite things are spinach, onions, and spicy foods. Delaney was a great student to connect with, she never had any behavioral issues with students, mentors, or staff. She was also one of the better movers in the CHAMP lab as ... Show more content on ... When I had her throw to me she had her shoulders facing towards me in a vertical wind up. Then she performed a contralateral and she had a limited spinal rotation. What she needs to work on for overhand throwing to get into the mature stage is to stand sideways and practice the segmented rotation then following through. What I would do to help her is I would put a resistance band with handles on the goal post on the turf. then I would have her grab the handle and stand sideways. Then I would have her step and rotate with the band in a throwing motion. This would help her get the concept of the rotation part. Then I would give her a towel then I would have grab and folding chair. I would have her non dominant leg sit on the chair and then she would have to snap the towel on the ground to get the concept of the follow through. This would be the way how I would fix her overhand throwing. What I could see Delaney in the future in sports is soccer and basketball. The way she can dribble in kick and pass on the turf when we play soccer she shows signs that she has a lot of potential of being a soccer player. I can also can see her playing basketball, even though I have never seen her shoot a basketball, but guessing by how well she could dribble and slide and how good of a mover she is I believe it could translate on the basketball ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Dialectical Behavior Therapy And Mindfulness Essay Dialectical Behavior Therapy Mindfulness Mindfulness is another way of meditation. Meditation was used to seek to improve one s psychological or physical health, or spiritual growth. (Brantley, 2007). The history of Mindfulness comes from Buddhism and his search for enlightenment and a foundation of the four noble truths. The Buddha teaching focus on the four noble truths which consist of knowing suffering exists, there is a cause of suffering, there is cessation of suffering and there is a path that leads to the cessation of suffering. (Van Gordon, 2015). The four noble truths were not only there to represent the Buddha s experiential understanding of suffering, but also to express the truth (Van Gordon, 2015). Studies of Buddhism and the Four Noble Truths teach us that there is always going to be suffering in our life but to find ways to overcome suffering (Tsering, 2005). Over the years Mindfulness has been a way to treat a variety of health related conditions anywhere form stress, anxiety and even cancer (M.Orsillo, 2010). Practicing mindfulness does not relate directly to any specific faith or religious beliefs. Mindfulness inside the practice of social work was implemented to help those with suicidal thoughts and borderline personality disorder. DBT teaches individuals the skill to not be judgmental. Being non judgmental can be a difficult skill these days because we were raised or taught to have different thoughts and points of views (Brantley, 2007). ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Requirements For Home Area Network Security Abstract: The main objective of this document is to create and analyze the requirement for home area network security. Security set up balance is always required against the risk being moderated. As HAN is related to the households there is a little interest paid to the home area network security. Earlier the threats for the HAN were other malicious programs and viruses. Now in this modern world with the invention of wireless networking, broadband and convergence of various communication technologies which has been implemented by HANs, these vulnerabilities have increased more. Public has a very less knowledge on theft of personal information, hacking of credit cards and they are not going to affect them a lot. Thus this document illustrates the present and future technology of home area network security and how is it going to affect and also some of the security measures for home area network. 1. Introduction: In this modern era, everyone has a computer and has an internet connection. The benefits that go with networking and the interconnection of computers have made a lot of impact into an average household. Home area network is referred as the downward pricing trend of the personal computers and the networking hardware. The latest versions of the different operating systems comprise of network wizards which facilitates configuring of a home local area network practically easy. Nowadays anyone can have a home area network at their place by connecting the PC ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Spirit Animal Research Paper How To Find Your Spirit Animal Every single person has a spirit Animal. In this article, you will find tips on how to find them, connect with them and how to develop a meaningful bond with your very own spirit animal. There are so many different ways to achieve this it may include the simple act daydreaming, observing our surroundings in nature or around us in our environment, maybe a meditation or guided meditation that is specifically written for this purpose. There are so many different ways to find out what your spirit animal is. or in most cases spirit animals as we generally have more then one in our lifetime 1: Let your spirit animal choose you. As mentioned above There are so many ways to find out which spirit animal is linked to ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Scout and Her Character Development in To Kill a... low I could not have heard it from the sidewalk. Someone inside the house was laughing. (46) At the beginning of To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout is terrified of the Radley Place because she is not brave. She hears someone laughing while she is in the Radley Place after her brother Jem rolled her in a tire their. Through more experiences, Scout becomes caring and brave. At the beginning of the book Scout is not very caring or brave. She is not caring because she does not think about others feelings and how they would feel if she carried out her actions a certain way. For example, the first summer Dill comes to visit she asks about his father, ... I haven t got one. Is he dead? No. . . Then if he s not dead, you ve got one haven t you? Dill blushed... (8) Scout is not being caring because she is not thinking about Dill s feelings and how awkward it feels for him when she asks about his father. After Dill says no, it is obvious that the conversation is taking a turn in the wrong direction and once Dill blushes, it is obvious that he is embarrassed. Also, Scout is not very brave at the beginning of the book because she is scared of something that she has no reason to be scared of. For example, when they were rolling tires and Jem pushed her into the Radley yard, I raised my head and stared at the Radley Place steps in front of me. I froze. (42) Scout is not being brave because she is scared that she is in the Radley Place even though she is scared of something ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Similarities Between Aluminum Fowl And Superman By Bill... In his book, Introduction to Documentary, Bill Nichols talks about how documentaries are defined, the different modes of documentaries, and the ethical issues that may arise when making a documentary. Nichols talks about how there isn t a set definition for a documentary, but how there are many different modes of documentary s. We can see examples of these things in the two short documentaries that we viewed in class. James Clauer s Aluminum Fowl and Cooper s Superman are two documentaries that use these different modes of documentary filmmaking to inform the viewers of their subjects. Both documentaries use an observational mode in telling their stories, by letting the subjects of the documentary take control of telling and showing their ... Get more on ...
  • 11. REBT Research Paper REBT Research Paper Overview Development of REBT Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), which was the first cognitive behavior therapy to be introduced into clinical practice, was developed by Albert Ellis in the 1950 s (Seligman, 2014). Ellis formed REBT after becoming both disillusioned with psychoanalysis, and as a result of him becoming increasingly influenced by Greek and Asian philosophies (Dryden and Neehan, 2014). Ellis originally named the approach Rational Therapy because he mainly wanted to emphasize cognitive and rational features, but then in 1961 changed it to Rational Emotive therapy to show that emotion was important to him as well (Dryden and Neehan, 2014). Finally in 1993 he gave it the name we know it by today Rational Emotive Behavior therapy to show his increasing emphasis on behavior as a way to reinforce changes in thinking (Seligman, 2014). REBT has evolved over the 60 years it has been around, but its basic goal of modifying thoughts has not changed (Seligman, 2014). Since its original development, it has become more postmodern in that it does not take such an absolutist stance, but more of a constructivist one. (Seligman, 2014). Therapeutic Focus The therapeutic focus of REBT is thoughts, and it operates under the assumption that irrational thoughts underlie all psychological problems (Seligman, 2014). The REBT therapy approach assumes that the main source of people s dysfunctions are their cognitions, and that a person must identify, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Toyota Supply Chain SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT A STRATEGIC APPROACH TO THE PRINCIPLES OF TOYOTA S RENOWNED SYSTEM ANANTH V. IYER SRIDHAR SESHADRI ROY VASHER New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Copyright 2009 by Ananth V. Iyer, Sridhar Seshadri, and Roy Vasher. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. ISBN: 978 0 07 162340 7 MHID: 0 07 162340 X The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: ISBN: ... Show more content on ... Lee Acknowledgments Introduction Chapter 1. Toyota Learning Principles and the v4L Framework Chapter 2. Comprehensive Overview of Supply Chain Chapter 3. Mix Planning Chapter 4. Sales and Operations Planning Chapter 5. Production Scheduling and Operations Chapter 6. Parts Ordering Chapter 7. Managing Suppliers Chapter 8. Logistics Chapter 9. Dealer and Demand Fulfillment Chapter 10. Crisis Management Chapter 11. The Toyota Way of Managing Supply Chains Chapter 12. How to Apply Toyota Way Principles to Nonautomotive Supply Chains Chapter 13. The Beer Game and the Toyota Supply Chain Chapter 14. Reflections of Supply Chain Participants Chapter 15. Reflections vii ix xi 1 5 25 37 55 73 85 103 121 133 147 173 185 201 215 219 221 v Appendix Index This page intentionally left blank Foreword F or decades, Toyota s success in the marketplace has been admired by business practitioners and executives alike. The automaker is the envy of others within the automobile industry, but the company is also considered to be the symbol of excellence in business in general. The firm has been the focus of research in academia. The power of Toyota has been attributed to its two distinct core values: ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Spinach Paper Chromatography In this experiment, the process of chromatography was taken place in order to identify the different types of pigments present in spinach leaf. This was done by carrying out two types of experiments which are thin layer chromatography (TLC) and paper chromatography. Both of the experiments were done using a similar procedure except that they both used a different stationary phase. Paper chromatography used paper, whilst, TLC used a silica plate. Propanone was used as the extraction solvent for spinach leaves and chromatography solvent was used as the mobile phase in the experiment. The results portray that the pigments has rose to different heights through the stationary phase as they separated into different coloured pigments. The only pigments ... Show more content on ... A line was drawn with a pencil approximately 1cm from, and parallel to the bottom of the plate. Plant material was placed into a mortar with a pinch of sand and was grinded with a pestle, to help the plant material break down into a liquid form. 1 2cm of propanone was added into the mortar along with the plant material and was grinded until the liquid appeared to be a dark green colour. A micropipette tip was dipped into the liquid and a tiny drop of the extract was transferred onto the middle of the pencil line on the TLC plate. Care was taken to ensure that the spot got no bigger than 3mm diameter. More drops were added each time after the spot dried properly. The drops were added until the spot turned dark green which took about 5 10 drops. 10ml of running solvent was added into the chromatography tank (made up of 5 parts cyclohexane: 3 parts propanone: 2 parts petroleum ether). The chromatography plate was placed into the beaker so that the plate dips into the solvent making sure the pigment spot was above the surface of the solvent. The beaker was covered. The chromatogram was left inside the beaker for about 5 10 ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Criminology And Sociology And Criminology Where the Two Meet Criminology is where criminal justice and Sociology meet and come together. Sociology is a social science where the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society happen. Criminology is also a social science that studies crime and criminal behavior. Sociologists, by studying society and relationships, are able to determine the thoughts and actions of individuals or criminals. Each science can relate to other sciences and Criminology relates to Psychology, Sociology and more. Sociology and Criminology both contribute to society. Every day were faced with new and bigger issues and as Sociologists, it is up to them to understand why and figure out the issues at hand and how to deal with them. ... Show more content on ... Another social issue that is a problem with in society today would be opinions. People are allowed to have a difference of opinion. We are all able to believe different and not think the same and still live in harmony. There needs to be an understanding and respect in difference of opinions. On the other hand, Criminology is about the crime and criminals in society. It involves law enforcement and the criminal justice system. Criminal justice and Criminology are related fields, but are not the same things. Criminal justice focuses more on upholding social control and Criminology is the study of the crimes and criminals. Whereas, both are just as important. Criminology, with the help of other social sciences, go deep within the criminal and the crime to get to the bottom of what they are thinking, what has made them do it, why they did it, what is next, and also how to stop it and how to prevent it from happening again. Criminology also deals with issues in the field. Some of these issues involving Criminology might be, capital punishment, what is illegal and what is not, sentencing, maintaining social order, is Criminology gender blind, who makes criminal law, does crime pay, if so what and to who and the list continues. As you begin researching and asking yourself these questions, you become aware of all the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Critical Analysis Of Walt Whitman s Song Of Myself In Walt Whitman s Song of Myself , the poet showcases his feelings of people and himself by using literary descriptors to convey his thoughts on these and various other subjects. In section 20, Whitman s purpose is to showcase self assuredness regardless of what the world tries to state otherwise by maintaining his resolute happiness in being himself. This is what sets him apart from being like the other people in the world. Whitman is known for being revolutionary for his use of free form verse in the nineteenth century. This style is evident throughout Song of Myself which aids in his descriptions and devices used to get his meaning across. His grouping of three lines per stanza for this section is common for the entirety of Song of Myself , which has variations of three line to occasionally five line stanzas. His freedom in his poem s style and lack of rhyme scheme allow him to fully showcase his thoughts in a new way for this time period. An overall summary of the poem is Whitman s pondering of himself and the world in behavior and personality to him being fully confident in himself with no existential crisis. For the first half of section 20, Whitman s character of himself questions everything beyond the ownership of himself. He questions the integrity of other people s identities and characters as well as ignoring social norms involving manners and religious behavior. The declaration of a lack of manners and questioning the church would have been scandalous to ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Biotechnology Industry Analysis Biotechnology industry Analysis BACKGROUND The health care industry Provides health products and service which involved the leading technology of life science. It is a fast growing industry and will continue to grow in the future because of the increasing request to the advanced medical care. The Global Industry Analysis (GIA,2009) predicted that the prescription drug market is value around $897 billion in world economy in 2015, and Asia Pacific region is expected to have highest growth in prescription drugs. The health care sector in Australia is one of the most advanced and sophisticated industry in the world. Numerous world leading healthcare companies are located in Australia. According to the Government Department of Innovation, ... Show more content on ... Therefore, the companies in biotechnology industry have strong buyer power , and the price is acceptable to the consumers with the control from government. *Supplier Power(MEDIUM) Generally speaking, the supplier of biotechnology companies offer highly specify products, such as the blood sample from clinic or cells. It is not difficult for biotechnology companies to gain these resource. On the other hand, the company have to get the approval to start the research from the government regulators. The healthcare companies need put more efforts on getting the permission. *Rivalry Among Existing Firms(LOW) Most biotechnology companies have their unique products. For example, the CSL s specialty is Vaccines Plasma Products and COH is specializing in the Cochlear Implant Systems. Once the drug is discovered or invented, it is hard for other competitors to imitate because majority drug companies used the patent system. (thusleem,2008). Thus,there is less competititive in the market. *Threat of New Entrants(HIGH) It is not easy for any investors to entry the healthcare industry. Large capital in R D and fully qualified and skilled scientists and researchers are in great demand. The research teams in biotechnology industry covered variety of ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Of Nurse Ratched In One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest Although Nurse Ratched holds an occupation associated with traits of compassion and nurture, in the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest by Ken Kesey, the author reveals Nurse Ratched s actual malicious character. Specifically, when McMurphy and Harding are debating the ethics of the group meeting McMurphy calls Nurse Ratched a bitch and a buzzard and a ball cutter (58). Here, the author implies that Nurse Ratched emasculates the patients by relentlessly preying on their weaknesses like a buzzard. Because Nurse Ratched is in a position of power she is not afraid to exploit the patient s flaws by attacking their weak points. By emasculating the patients, Nurse Ratched hopes to make the patients feel weak so [she] can get them to toe the line, to follow [her] rules, to live like [she] wants them to (57). ... Show more content on ... Most individuals who feel the need to have excessive control and order tend to have insecurities, so, to make them feel better about themselves they usually put others down. Though the reader is not aware of nurse Ratched s insecurities this early on in the novel, Nurse Ratched does exhibit similar behavior as the existence [of the patients] is based on the strong getting stronger by devouring the weak (60). Here, Kesey illustrates that Nurse Ratched is a wolf and the patients are rabbits. In some cultures wolfs are seen as great protectors, however, wolfs are still unruly predators. Nurse Ratched might come across as a protector as she does watch over the patients on a daily basis but her actions say otherwise. Nurse Ratched manipulates the patients and uses their mental instability against them to maintain her position of power. Not only does Kesey compare Nurse Ratched to a wolf but also a rat. McMurphy pronounces her name as Miss Rat shed ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Mary Wollstonecraft And Jane Addams In the past women s right was nonexistent, and they did not have any educational or voting rights. Most of their education was toward music, dance, embroidery, and how to be a good wife. Woman did not have a voice in society, and their ideas was disregard and not valued. During the year 1700 1900, some feminist movement for women s rights arouse. In Europe, Mary Wollstonecraft advocated for women s right and education. As a liberal thinker, Wollstonecraft desired a society with equal rights for men and women. In the U.S., Jane Addams developed the philosophy of socialized education, and was the pioneer is social work and women s right. Born in different times and different continents, Mary Wollstonecraft and Jane Addams contributed greatly for the women s right movement and education. Comparing and contrasting this two women, we can notice some similarities. Both have some mental health issue, Mary Wollstonecraft was raised in a dysfunctional family, with a alcoholic and abuse father. She struggled with depression and have a rebellious nature. In the same perspective, Jane Addams also suffered with depression due to physical problems and back pain, however, as young women she was shy and reserved. Mary Wolltonecraft was born in London, and lived from 1759 to 1797. Wolltonecraft had a short, intense, and meaningful life. Coming from a middle class family, she attended the local school for girls in Yorkshire from age 9 to 15. She learned math, arithmetic, needle work, music, ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Child Labour Dbq Child workers in factories Children were viewed as a dispensable source of labour during the Industrial Revolution. Evidence of this is that they were given potentially dangerous jobs, worked to the point of exhaustion and harshly punished for their actions. Children were viewed as dispensable because they were given potentially dangerous jobs. The jobs that children were made to do in factories and mines were often in tight enclosed spaces or close to dangerous heavy machinery. Evidence of this can be found in sources one, two and seven. Source one explains the job that scavengers were given which is cleaning the machines while they were still working. This is very dangerous as if they are not glued to the ground, hair can easily be ripped out their hair. Source two is a quote from a doctor in Manchester during that time. He stated that they were terrible accidents. Sometimes the children s hands and arms were caught in the machinery;in many instances the muscles, and the skin is stripped down to the bone, and in ... Show more content on ... These jobs often had long hours with tiny breaks and no nourishing food. Evidence of this can be found in sources four and five. Source four is a quote from Richard Ostler which states very often the children are woken at 4am. They work for 16 hours, with little breaks, until they go home at night to their parents . Source five explains the food they ate. Oatcake was thick and coarse and was the children s breakfast and supper. Their dinner was potato pie wit boiled bacon inside. This tasted awful, but they were hungry enough to eat anything. Non nutritious food and sleep deprivation helped cause exhaustion. This affected their work pace and proves that they were used as a dispensable source. It also showed that the people running the factories wanted the machines to just keep going and didn t care about how the workers, especially children, were ... Get more on ...
  • 20. A Supposed Lower Status and The Ensuing Hatred Essay The society of our modern world is one that has been bombarded with intolerance and discrimination. People discriminate against the weak, the unintelligent, the uncool, and the racially or culturally divergent. And while the past has shown the incredible steps society has taken in correcting this racial chauvinism, our modern day world reflects the reality that a prejudice still exist, live and active, in our communities today. In the past, during the time of the Little Rock Nine, prejudice was focused against the culturally and racially different, but today, while the prejudice has been greatly reduced, it has refocused and is now directed on a greater scale against a larger, vaguer objective. From the lives of the nine students who stood ... Show more content on ... It was not only a fear for their own safety, but a fear for the safety of their families and friends. Their families were bombed, their clothes were mangled, and their pride was lost. In their efforts to just become a normal human being they were subjected to beatings and verbal abuse; Melba was injured by acid sprayed in her eyes, and they were even attacked with lynch ropes and dynamite. As the months went by minute by minute and the segregationists still had failed to get rid of their oh so hated intruders, they decided to plan something huge, that would not only hurt them but their families as well Something that would force them to quite. But even though they went through all of this abuse that hurt them physically, it was not what hurt them most. After entering Central High the happiness that had been inside of them before was replaced by an anxiety and mental strain that affected them everywhere they went. The mental abuse hurt them more and caused more damage to them than a simple slap ever could have. Their emotions were drained and they slowly began to give up hope. Melba recorded in her journal one evening the words, I wish I were dead, showing truly the depths of depression and hopelessness that they had fallen into. Later she ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Low Voter Turnout Our American Government text mentions 7 different reasons for exceptionally low voter turnout in the United States. These reasons range from not having mandatory elections to when the elections are held, but there are two reasons that I find to be the most influential. Voting used to be something special; a privilege. Now, elections are held so frequently that they no longer have that allure to them. That combined with the feeling that your vote won t change the overall outcome causes for more potential voters to avoid the polls. The second reason that I find to be highly influential is pre registration. I don t think that this should change, however it can be difficult to find the time and means to register for an election. This combined ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Reflection Paper On Rock Of Ages On 21 July 2017, I attended the Rock of Ages jukebox musical, which incorporated popular 1980 s rock music with the love story of an upcoming rock star and a hopeful actress. Apart from the cast, dancers and ensemble, there was Ben Walley on keyboard, Phil Simpson on electric guitar, Greg Fryhling on bass guitar, and Ben Chambers on percussion. The performance took place at the CBC outdoor Diane Hoch Amphitheatre, which was set up to look like the Bourbon Room in Las Angeles in the 1980 s. The walls were made of brick, with signs saying, Hollywood BLVD and live nudes, with a sign saying girls, with an arrow pointing to a door. The audience dressed casual, however, there were some who dressed up like the 1980 s. The performers, however, were dressed like rock stars and waitresses, acting out the 1980 s. The performance was laid back, the performers made jokes and the audience would laugh, and at the end of a scene the audience would clap. The musical consisted of 2 acts, and in the following paragraphs I will explain how the music and the performance made me feel, the good and the bad. The performance began with a beautiful introduction, followed by the beginning of the song Come On Feel The Noize, by Quiet Riot. During the introduction, the music made me feel free and alive. I could picture myself drinking a cold beer with a guitar in my lap. Immediately following the beginning of the song Noize was the song Just Like Paradise, by David Lee Roth, which flowed ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Small and Medium Enterprises INTRODUCTION SME Definition Presently, there is no common definition of small and medium enterprises (SME) in Malaysia. Different Agencies define SME based on their own criteria, usually bench marking against annual sales turnover, number of full time employees or shareholders funds. In addition, present definitions focus mainly on SMEs in the manufacturing sector. The establishment and adoption of standard definitions for SME will facilitate better identification of SME across sectors, thus enabling more effective formulation of SME policies and implementation of SME development programs, and provision of technical and financial assistance. It will also allow better monitoring of SME performance and their contribution to the economy, but the way as officially, SME can be define as the Small and Medium Enterprise. In Malaysia, have one corporation that control the SME movement to support the operation of SME company. SME corporation is the one company that has been create under the Ministry in Malaysia. The function of SME firstly is coordinate the policies and program for those are under SME company means formulate broad SME policies across all sectors and coordinate, monitor and evaluate effective implementation of policies and programs across relevant Ministries and Agencies. Secondly, center on advisory and information, wheres SME corp Provide business advisory through the One Referral Center, disseminate information on Government funds and incentives on SMEs, channel ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Impact of Humans on the Biological Diversity of... The Impact of Humans on the Biological Diversity of Natural Ecosystems Introduction Since humans have come into existence they have always been a cause of change of whatever natural areas they inhabit along with the living organisms of those natural areas. The different types of organisms such as plants, animals, and microorganisms that inhabit these areas are known as biological diversity or biodiversity. (USEPA 2010 ) Biological diversity can be affected by many different things, climate change, and area being two specific things. Humans fit into a strange niche of biological diversity. While we have a part of biodiversity and in ecosystems, the human race has spread much farther than any other breed or type of organism except for ... Show more content on ... Eventually all rivers lead and empty out into oceans which means said chemicals are dumped into the ocean. These chemicals, waste, and debris float freely into the human population water supply and into the animals of aquatic systems water supply and habitats. These animals are exposed to the companies byproducts and they affect the life span, and habitat quality of the animals. Yet again human population growth can cause extinction of species, populations, communities, etc. due to the lack of regard or concern of how the biodiversity of natural ecosystems affects all species in the long run. White 4 Landscape Conservation Though humans have made a huge impact on the biodiversity of many and most ecosystems; it is recognized that for as much damage has been caused there should be some type of effort to improve and try to restore the biodiversity in some ecosystems. So was created the National Landscape Conservation System in 1969 ( CSA 2009). The mission of this system is to conserve, protect, and restore these nationally significant landscapes that have outstanding cultural, ecological, and scientific values for the benefit of current and future generations . (CSA 2009 ) However this system of land conservation is solely interested can only benefit Western/American land. The goal is to protect the USA s most prized beautiful lands from being lost to the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Temperatures In Arctics Due to rising temperatures, the ice is beginning to melt. Because of this, the sea levels are rising. As of now, the temperature in the Arctic have risen two to three times than the global average of 57.2 degrees Fahrenheit (14 degrees Celsius). According to climate researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), stated that from the planets history, summertime sea ice was to be found in the central Arctic in periods characterized by higher global temperatures but less CO2 than today. Also, the researchers studied the glacial history of central Arctic. From this, they drew the conclusion that the last interglacial was about 115,000 and 130,000 years ago. Thanks to the sediment ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Wormy Vs Wormy Before starting the observations, the planarians had to be cut into sections using a scalpel, in this case, they were cut into three. To make them easier to cut, the were chilled on ice to slow them down.The flatworms were then put into separate labelled petri dishes, where they were then placed in a cool and dark area. After a few days, the worms grew and were easier to observe. From this lab, it can be concluded that planarians will regenerate no matter how they were cut. Wormy and Wormy 2.0, were both trisected transversely and were thought to grow into six new planarians, three coming from each worm, and one of them possessing two heads. The results observed for Wormy fully supported the hypothesis, and the three new planarians had a head, ... Show more content on ... These flatworms are bi directionally regenerating creatures which means a cut body can form a brand new tail from the posterior cut and a new head from the anterior cut. Using this skill, they are able to clone themselves, and reproduce asexually. While taking down observations, there were tail droppings. Tail droppings occur when a planaria attaches itself to a surface and pulls away, separating into two pieces. This is one form of reproduction, the other form is called fragmentation. Fragmentation is just like tail droppings, but instead of separating into two pieces, the tail dropping divides up into more pieces. Furthermore, planarians have an abundant amount of stem cell like cells that are capable of converting into the cell needed for regenerating tissue, and are available when it is required. When they lose a portion of itself, pale white coloured cells filled with stem cell like cells starts to form, this is blastema. Those cells will transform into the desired cell and will begin to divide, which will result in a new body part to replace the missing part. This could be seen during the lab, the worms were distinctly transparent, or a pale colour, in the areas where they were dissected. These flatworms are organisms, and organisms need to eat, or get nutrients. Once their head is cut off and they are just a tail, it is really easy for them to obtain food. The cells in the tail will self destruct to provide energy for the growing planarian until the head and tail are proportionate to each other, where it will then continue feeding and growing like before it got transected. Humans too, are capable of regeneration, but just to a certain extent. Everyday the human body creates more blood, new skin, and much more, which is regeneration. Unfortunately, limbs regenerating is unthinkable. That is why studying animals like the planarians and ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Chronic Illness Of The American Population A child is not their disease, neither is their family. However, it is often difficult for them to disconnect their self from the detrimental effects of it. In spite of the fact that the majority of the American population appears quite healthy, over 32 million children are currently suffering from a chronic illness. According to, chronic illness is an illness that may last throughout a person s life, although the frequency and severity of symptoms can change. Nearly 43% of American children are currently afflicted with at least 1 of many chronic ailments ranging from diabetes to cancer. Many of these children may never return to their precedent state of well being; physically, emotionally, socially, and psychologically. During such horrific times as these it is important to remember that the children are not the only ones suffering; their family is as well. Children who are physically ill have a tendency to feel more psychological distress than those who are not. A decrease in ones physical health can lead to and increased risk of depression, hopelessness, helplessness and anger. Social and relationship issues that are extremely common amongst patients who are ill also cause an increase in these emotions. Disease has the ability to ravage the self and outside relationships. It is especially important during times such as these to remember that ones physical and emotional health is in correlation to one another. Your body reciprocates to the way you feel, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Wild Card Essay DECLARE @v1 varchar(40); SET @v1 = #39;This is the original. #39;; SET @v1 += #39; More text. #39;; PRINT @v1; % (Wildcard Character(s) to Match) Matches any string of zero or more characters. This wildcard character can be used as either a prefix or a suffix. The following example returns all the first names of people in the Person table of AdventureWorks2012 that start with Dan. SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Person WHERE FirstName LIKE #39;Dan% #39;; GO [ ] (Wildcard Character(s) to Match) Matches any single character within the specified range or set that is specified between brackets [ ]. These wildcard characters can be used in string comparisons that involve pattern matching, such as LIKE and PATINDEX. The following ... Show more content on ... For example, if a variable @x equals 35, then @x += 2 takes the original value of @x, add 2 and sets @x to that new value (37). Transact SQL provides the following compound operators: Operator Link to more information Action += += (Add EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Adds some amount to the original value and sets the original value to the result. = = (Subtract EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Subtracts some amount from the original value and sets the original value to the result. *= *= (Multiply EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Multiplies by an amount and sets the original value to the result. /= (Divide EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Divides by an amount and sets the original value to the result. %= Modulo EQUALS (Transact SQL) Divides by an amount and sets the original value to the modulo. amp;= amp;= (Bitwise AND EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Performs a bitwise AND and sets the original value to the result. ^= ^= (Bitwise Exclusive OR EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Performs a bitwise exclusive OR and sets the original value to the result. |= |= (Bitwise OR EQUALS) (Transact SQL) Performs a bitwise OR and sets the original value to the result. Operator Precedence When a complex expression has multiple operators, operator precedence determines the sequence in which the operations are performed. The order of execution can significantly affect the resulting value.+ ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Divergent Plates Are Formed From Plate Tectonic Plates I know that mountains are created from plate tectonics. Convergent plates are made out of the lithosphere. The lithosphere is the rocky outer part of Earth containing the crust (the thin layer of rock under the land) and the mantle (a layer of mostly silicate rock that is directly under the crust). Convergent plates are tectonic plates that collide and scrape against each other to form geological features such as mountains and volcanoes. Mountains and volcanoes form when one convergent plate slides under another one, causing a subduction zone. A subduction zone is a geological process that takes place at a convergent plate boundary. One plate moves under the other and is forced to sink because of the gravity in the mantle. When this happens, molten rock (lava) is forced to the surface. This causes volcanoes to form. ... Show more content on ... Mountains can also form when convergent plates smash into each other. Furthermore, stream erosion made a path for the river that runs through the Rocky Mountains. I can infer that water collected on the ground and then slowly trickled down a slope, carrying rock and sediments away with it. Overtime, more and more rain/water collected in the stream which made it grow wider. Now, a long, wide, and deep river has formed. Finally, I can see where abrasion could have made the bottom of the mountains smooth and curved. I think that pieces of rock could have fallen off some of the mountains in the Rocky Mountain Range (maybe due to ice wedging). When they fall, they rub on the base of the mountains. This chips part of the rock off and smooths it ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Why Is Multitasking Should Be Allowed In School Hi my name is Tanika Munroe, I attend Piscataway High School. I am writing to you today concerning the matter of students having to receive a B average or higher in order to participate in clubs or sports. In my school I already see such a matter going on. If students don t maintain a certain grade they are put on something called a sports leave or sports tutoring. This is so the players can get their grade up so that they can continue to play on the team. I strongly believe that this is unfair because for one it is hard for someone to get used to multitasking I can speak on this myself. You might say its something one person can get used to but this is not true, not everyone can get used to something like that. Secondly, there are kids who play sports that may have learning disabilities, there should be exceptions for students like that. Lastly, academics do come first but, I believe that sports and clubs are some of the reasons students look forward to coming to school. ... Show more content on ... Multitasking in my words is when you have to joggle more than one task at the same time. When students have to joggle a sport plus an education, it s not easy. To start off a sport is a big task itself. A player has to worry about making sure to bring home a win and, bettering their skills. Even to some parents a sport is a main priority in a child s life. On top of trying to be a top player in their sport, they also have to try and maintain that B average or higher. Some students are not capable of joggling these two things. Students should just have a warning at first so they can buck up not just straight disable them from any sports or ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Effect Of Cloud Computing On Software Development Process NAME OF THE UNIVERSITY Effect of Cloud Computing on Software Development Process Name of the Student 3/7/2013 Abstract This research paper is about discussing the effects of cloud computing on the software development process. Cloud computing is very popular these days. The concept of cloud computing is quite different from other existing computing techniques. Cloud computing is a modern concept evolving as a multidisciplinary field based on web services and service oriented architecture; this is supported by Alter (2008). So it is affecting the software development process to a great extent which has its own pros and cons. These will be discussed in this research paper. There is a lot of research work going on this topic and few ... Show more content on ... This concept is not entirely new as most of us are using this from past many years in one form or another using emails and WWW. But now days the concept has revised too much. Users can access the resources directly through the internet; there is absolutely no need of having the direct physical access to the resources within the organization s premises. The concept is based on service provisioning where the services can be easily provisioned and de provisioned as per the user s request and demand. This is very beneficial for the users as they do not have to pay for the entire service, they will pay as per its use, which reduces the total cost. This concept ahs in turn invented some new concepts like mesh computing, pay per use service, cloud platforms, etc. This is very important to investigate this area as it reduces a lot of development cost and the development time too. It makes the access to the services as very easy and comfortable job. A lot of research is going on this topic to further improve its efficiency and effectiveness. Discussion The concept of cloud computing is very popular these days. So let us try to understand its architecture and the concept on which cloud computing is based on: Conceptualization of Cloud Computing The conceptualization of cloud computing can be explained from the below drawn figure. There are mainly two types of ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Safety Department Will Oversee All Aircraft Accident The safety department will oversee all aircraft accident investigations. When an accident occurs the safety, branch will contact all the necessary agencies, such as the NTSB and FAA. All members of the organization that have received the specialized training and are members of the on call 24 hour Go Team will be notified and sent to the scene as soon as possible. For further information concerning aircraft accident investigations please review Appendix 1 of this safety plan. Safety Analysis The quality assurance division within the safety branch will maintain a safety analysis data base. The database will be a digital record of all inspections that will be conducted by the quality office. The data that is recorded will be reviewed on ... Show more content on ... When the purchase is made, the customer will have to agree to the terms set by our company. Considering most people do not read most information presented in front of them, the information will be covered when they are in place. Customers will be made aware of the contact information available to them should they encounter a safety related issue. Customers will also be given the opportunity to receive feedback concerning the issue they are concerned with. In some cases, depending on what the safety issue is, the customer maybe compensated with air miles, discounted flights, or some other form of compensation for their honesty is bringing up the safety issue. Our company is built to do most things in aviation, but not all. Contractors will be needed. It will be the responsibility of the safety department to screen all companies that are applying to be a contract member of our company. The key areas that should be focused on will be the safety record of the contract company, financial status of the contract company, and do the needs and goals of the contract company meet our expectations. These are just a few items to be considered when screening contractors. These items should be discussed prior to the signing of the contract. It can be very difficult and counterproductive to amend these items after the contract has been signed. It is also very ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Problem Set Seven Solutions Problem Set Seven Solutions Chapter 9 1. Two car manufacturers, Saab and Volvo, have fixed costs of $1 billion and constant marginal costs of $10,000 per car. If Saab produces 50,000 cars per year and Volvo produces 200,000, calculate the average fixed cost and average total cost for each company. On the basis of these costs, which company s market share should grow in relative terms? Answer: Average total cost is average fixed cost plus marginal cost: ATC = FC/Q + MC. Volvo s average fixed cost $1 billion/200,000 = 5,000 is much less than Saab s average fixed cost $1 billion/50,000 = 20,000 due to producing more cars. Volvo s average production cost $15,000 is lower than Saab s of $30,000 by the difference in average fixed costs. Volvo s ... Show more content on ... (Start by figuring out the price Beth would charge if she produced only one cup of lemonade, and calculate the total revenue; then find the price she would charge if she sold two cups of lemonade; and so on.) Person Reservation price Quantity in cups Total revenue Marginal revenue A B C D E F G H I J $1.00 $0.90 $0.80 $0.70 $0.60 $0.50 $0.40 $0.30 $0.20 $0.10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 $1.00 $1.80 $2.40 $2.80 $3.00 $3.00 $2.80 $2.40 $1.80 $1.00 $1.00 $0.80 $0.60 $0.40 $0.20 $0 $0.20 $0.40 $0.60 $0.80 b. What is Beth s profit maximizing price and quantity? Answer: MR = MC at a price of $0.60 and quantity of 5 cups. c. At that price, what are Beth s economic profit and total consumer surplus? Answer: Profit = (P MC) Q = (0.60 0.20) 5 = $2. Consumer surplus is reservation price minus actual price for each cup sold: ($1.00 $0.60) + ($0.90 $0.60) + ($0.80 $0.60) + ($0.70 $0.60) = $1. d. What price should Beth charge if she wants to maximize total economic surplus? What quantity would she sell? How much would total economic surplus be? Answer: She should set P = MC = $0.20. Nine (or eight) cups of lemonade would be sold. Total economic surplus is reservation price minus marginal cost for each cup sold: ($1.00 $0.20) + ($0.90 $0.20) + ($0.80 $0.20) + ($0.70 $0.20) + ($0.60 $0.20) + ($0.50 $0.20) + ($0.40 $0.20) + ($0.30 $0.20) = $3.60. e. Now suppose Beth can tell the reservation price of each person. What price would she charge ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Wilson s Ineptitude Stubbornness 1991 Dbq Ap History Essay President Wilson s own ineptitude and stubbornness is what led to the Senate s defeat of the Treaty of Versailles, rather than the strength of the opposing forces. Even Wilson s closest and most trusted advisors could not sway his stance. Wilson was strong in his stance and incorporated the idea of the 14 points. While it is true that opposing forces contributed to defeat the treaty, it was Wilson s unmovable position that led to its ultimate defeat in the Senate. There was much opposition to the Treaty in the United States, as well as the rest of the world. In the excerpt from The New Republic, it proves the public s general disdain for the Treaty. Whether they had hoped for the treaty to be more lenient on Germany, or more severe, ... Show more content on ... In the political cartoon, with Wilson jumping out of the window is just another example of how Wilson had to have his way, which is why he didn t succeed; he couldn t make enough people agree. One example of this is in Wilson s speech on September 5, 1919, where he says If it should every in anyway important respect be impaired I would feel like asking the Secretary of War to get the boys who went across the water to fight And I would stand up and say you are betrayed. This is just another of example of how Wilson will not accept anyway, but his, but he was not the one with the most power. It is true that Henry Cabot Lodge and the Republican majority in the Senate were a force in the defeat of the treaty. By holding off the vote and making his own changes to the treaty, Lodge knew that he was using Wilson s hatred to his advantage. Wilson would have accepted the changes if they had been proposed by one of his fellow Democrats, but the fact that they had been written by Lodge made Wilson see red. He immediately ordered Democrats to vote entirely against the treaty with the added Lodge votes. The only possible path to ratification would be to accept the treaty with the new changes. Wilson chose to block the passing of the treaty by persuading Democrats to vote against it. Unfortunately, Wilson had a stroke, and his last efforts in getting the vote to go his way ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Fluoride Pros And Cons What is fluoride? Water fluoridation has always been a hot topic and now it s at its peak, from debates in the news among congressmen and from state to state. Fluoride is a compound of chemicals that are used to help prevent tooth decay, and can prevent loss of important minerals from the tooth enamel. Many Americans consume fluoride through which can be found in water, soft drinks, and juice. Water fluoridation has been around since the 1940 s, when it was commonly known to be in everyone s drinking water. There are four different ways to get fluoride: have a dentist apply it, take fluoride tablets, using tooth paste with fluoride, and drinking water with fluoride in it. When fluoride is applied it will help reduce cavities and help your teeth be strong and less ... Show more content on ... The history of fluoride dates back to the 1940 s when an experiment was conducted in four major cities in the United States to see if water fluoridation would help the communities with dental cavities. This study states that Over a ten year period of fluoridation, the incidence of cavities in each city was cut in half. The beneficial effect of fluoride was not dependent on the source of the fluoride (Fallon 2006 pg. 2). The benefits of fluoride are great because if a person takes in some fluoride over a period of time there will be less cavities and he/she will have stronger teeth. Arkansas Dental Hygiene Association states, Community water fluoridation is an effective, safe, and inexpensive way to prevent tooth decay. Fluoridation benefits Americans of all ages and socioeconomic status. It has been proven that the use of fluoride dental products can effectively prevent tooth decay in ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The And Managing Student Behavior Essay PBIS and Managing Student Behavior Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a multi tier strategy based on student outcome as opposed to a set curriculum. In a classroom it is based on 6 essential practices, but the strategies can, and should be implemented school wide for maximum benefit. The following will offer some history on PBIS, a breakdown of the 6 essential classroom practices, and a brief description of what a three tier strategy would encompass. History Positive Behavior Interventions and Strategies (PBIS) was developed in the 1980 s in response to a need for a more effective management of students with Behavior Disorders (BD) behaviors (Sugai Simonsen, 2012). Research done at the University of Oregon found that emphasis should be placed on behavior prevention, and social skill instruction in a school wide system (Sugai Simonsen, 2012). In 1997 with the revision of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) a grant was included to establish a National Center on Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. The national center was established with the goal of providing technical assistance to schools for the support of students with BD (Sugai Simonsen, 2012). PBIS has its roots in intervention for students with BD, but a shift has taken place to PBIS being a school wide behavioral support. PBIS is now defined as evidence based interventions to achieve academically and behaviorally important outcomes for all students (Sugai Simonsen, 2012). ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Tyson Foods International Strategy Essay In the global capabilities of companies, the process of penetrating and developing an international market is seen as the most difficult. This happens because companies usually have little information about the new market as well as marketing infrastructure to penetrate it. However, companies treat entry into foreign markets as an extension of their business, which adds incremental revenue for their products and services. Additionally, firms pursue foreign business opportunities to minimize risk and investment thereby increasing their total sales and profits. For Tyson Foods to enter the Portuguese market, it would attain growth and expansion through diversification. While trying to establish international operations, companies are faced with ... Show more content on ... Risk result from foreign exchange and politics, while opportunities arise from unexploited markets thereby more revenues. Foreign exchange risks occur due to fluctuations in the value of investment brought about by changes in the exchange rates. If the Euro appreciates against the dollar, the profits Tyson Foods would earn in Portugal will decrease when exchanged back to the dollar. Tyson Foods would thus be unable to protect itself against this kind of fluctuations which make the exchange rate volatile thereby harming revenues and sales. Tyson foods should seek to manage the volatility caused by fluctuations of non functional currency on operating margins and cash flows as well as the cost of its foreign exchange risk management programs. Moreover, the company s payments payable in Euros will have the risk that the Euro may depreciate in value before the payments are made and changed into U.S. dollars. The risks may arise out of transaction exposure and speculation of the Euro thus posing greater uncertainty in Tyson s revenues. The risks may be short term or long term and would require a well defined strategy to meet ... Get more on ...