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Read My Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic "Read My Essay" about oneself can prove to be a challenging
endeavor. The inherent difficulty lies in navigating the fine line between self-expression and self-
promotion, as one must strike a balance between humility and confidence. On one hand, you
want to showcase your strengths, experiences, and unique qualities, but on the other, you must
avoid coming across as arrogant or boastful.
Moreover, the process involves introspection and self-analysis, which can be emotionally taxing.
Trying to encapsulate one's identity, achievements, and aspirations within the confines of an
essay requires thoughtful reflection and a careful selection of words. It's not just about narrating
personal anecdotes but also about presenting them in a compelling and coherent manner that
engages the reader.
The challenge intensifies when considering the potential audience. Striking a chord with readers
who may have diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives requires a nuanced approach.
One must strive to create a narrative that resonates universally while remaining authentic.
Additionally, the constant self-evaluation needed for such an essay may lead to moments of self-
doubt. Deciding what aspects of oneself to highlight and what to omit can be an arduous
process, as individuals may grapple with the fear of being misunderstood or not doing justice to
their own stories.
In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic "Read My Essay" about oneself is a complex task
that demands a delicate balance between self-revelation and audience consideration. It involves
navigating the nuances of personal storytelling while maintaining a universal appeal. The
emotional and intellectual investment required to produce such a piece can be demanding,
making it a challenging yet worthwhile endeavor.
If you find yourself in need of assistance with similar essays or other writing tasks, there are
resources available to provide support. Services like offer a platform where
you can order essays and receive professional guidance to navigate the complexities of personal
and academic writing.
Read My Essay Read My Essay
Compare And Contrast Hatshepsut And Akhenaten
Hatshepsut and Akhenaten have both revolutionized Egyptian art during their reign
as rulers of Egypt. In the 18th Dynasty in Egypt, the art of both Queen/King
Hatshepsut and Akhenaten represented them with features not corresponding to their
biological sex or social gender. In several of her paintings and sculptures, Hatshepsut
was often portrayed as a man despite that fact that she was a woman. On the other
hand, Akhenatenwas often portrayed with feminine features, something that was
never done before in Egyptian art. There have been many different theories from
historians as to why Hatshepsut, Akhenaten, and their artists may have done this, but
nothing has yet to be confirmed.
Given the male dominated rulers of Egypt, Hatshepsut was one of the few female
rulers. Hatshepsut was the wife of her half brother, Thutmose II, who ruled for
fourteen years. When Thutmose II passed away, she co ruled with her underage son,
Thutmose III. A few years later, she was declared king. Throughout her reign, she had
several paintings and sculptures of herself made. However in these paintings and
sculptures, she was often ... Show more content on ...
Marfan s Syndrome is a hereditary disease that is known to cause skeletal
abnormalities such as an elongated face, long and thin fingers, an enlarged chest,
and eye problems. Moreover, patients have been known to have suffered from heart
problems that can shorten their lifespan. Historians believe this to be the most likely
case for Akhenaten because of the fact that he did die at an early age, and he did
possessed several of the elongated skeletal features. Nonetheless, there is no way to
prove this theory unless his body is found and examined. Archaeologists have found a
body that had similar features to Akhenaten. Later tests revealed that the body was
closely related to Tutankhamun, Akhenaten s son, so it s possible that the body does
belongs to
How Is Diction Used In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde
In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Stevenson uses diction, imagery, and
details to characterize both sides of his main character.
Assertion #1: Robert Louis Stevenson uses diction to characterize both sides of his
main characters. The author writes, ...for the man trampled over the the child s body
and left her screaming on the ground. (Stevenson, 7)
The author created a mood of pain and agony. To find the mood there are two
keywords, trampled, because Hyde s murdering an innocent girl and screaming
because she s dying harshly.
This quote characterizes Mr. Hyde, because it clearly tells the reader this is the
spiteful personality of the two. The author writes, ...he was trampling his victim
underfoot. (Stevenson, 27)
The ... Show more content on ...
The author writes, ...and then suddenly without looking up, How did you know me?
he asked. (Stevenson, 18)
The reader can imagine the confusion on Mr. Hyde s face.
This quote characterizes Mr. Hyde, that he does not like to be the focus of a topic
and does not appreciate being stared down. Assertion #2: Robert Louis Stevenson
uses details to characterize both sides of his main characters.
The author writes, He was the usual cut and dry apothecary, of no particular age and
colour, with a strong Edinburgh agent. (Stevenson, 6)
The author created a mood, mild and honorable.To find the mood there s a phrase
from the quote, a strong edinburgh agent that tells the reader Dr. Jekyll seems like a
sophisticated and calm man.
This quote characterizes Dr. Jekyll, because it clearly tells the reader this is the
gentle personality of the two.
The author writes, Now that the evil influence had been withdrawn a new life had
began for Dr. Jekyll. (Stevenson, 38)
The author created a mood of joy and peacefulness. To find the mood there s a phrase
from the quote, a new life began that tells the reader Dr. Jekyll is joyous for a new
life to begin.
This quote characterizes Dr. Jekyll, because it tells the reader that Jekyll is a happy
Essay about Super Size Me
Super Size Me Numerous individuals around the world are familiar with McDonald
s and its unhealthy menu; however, that does not stop many from visiting the fast
food giant. Super Size Me is an in depth film by Morgan Spurlock, which shows
viewers his journey from healthy eating to becoming a fast food junkie. Viewers are
able to see the damage that the unhealthy foodfrom McDonald s causes while
Spurlock eats three meals a day from the fast food chain. Spurlock visits three
schools, each with different meal programs. The differences in the healthy and
unhealthy choices made by the schools are abundantly clear. Audiences also become
aware of how effective advertisers are in securing business for unhealthy food
products. Spurlock s... Show more content on ...
Watching him wake up early in the morning having a hard time breathing and
complaining of heart palpitations makes even the most avid McDonald s patron
want to stop eating their harmful food. During a checkup after experiencing the
heart palpitations, Dr. Isaacs tells Spurlock Your cholesterol is now 225 and your
liver is inflamed. The doctor advises him to stop eating McDonald s food. It is
shocking to see that after only two weeks on a McDonald s diet an individual can
become severely ill. Dr. Isaacs tells Spurlock You are pickling your liver much like
an alcoholic does when drinking. My advice is to stop. Stop this fatty diet. Two
weeks later Spurlock s final weigh in indicates that he has gone from 185.5 lbs. to
210 lbs. He has gained a total of 24.5 lbs., which has increased his total body fat
from 11% to 18%. It is astonishing to see that thirty days of a fast food diet can
cause so much damage to an individual s body. The unhealthy effect fast food has
on the body is no longer deniable to individuals who have seen the film. Schools
play a vital role in the health and well being of their students. Spurlock gives viewers
a look into three different schools and the nutrition they supply their students.
Madison Jr. High in Naperville, Illinois outsources their food services to Sodexho
Alliance. Sodexho Alliance provides students with many unhealthy lunch choices.
Among their food choices are french fries,
Research and Development and Financial Performance of
Research and Development and Financial Performance of UK Manufacturing Firms
UK manufacturing firms have many factors which influence their financial
performance. Research and Development could be a key factor in determining a
firms success, however it does not assure financial improvement in all businesses due
to the extensive variety of business types. Research and Development can be defined
as the scientific investigation necessary to discover new products and the process of
bringing these products onto the market. A manufacturing firm, which generally
refers to a business that makes or processes raw or semi processed materials into
either a finished product or further processed materials, by ... Show more content on ...
However, Research and Development can also be used by small shops and retailers,
by means of questionnaires, staff suggestion boxes, feedback forms and market
research etc.. This low amount of Research and Development is typically normal, as
small shops rely more on customer service, niche markets, and reasonable quality and
price products.
Research and Development can often be a very risky process, since much money can
be spent on ideas that will never be commercialised. In product oriented firms, such as
manufacturing companies have many factors which affect their financial
performance. Research and Development is a useful way of improving profits, if
there is significant funding, to employ scientists and researchers to produce and
develop the most technically advanced products to date, which can then be marketed
and turned into cash cows or stars. Also Research and Development could develop
new methods to produce existing products, to lower average costs. However this
depends on the skill of the scientists and researchers, because despite how much
money is pumped into the Research and Development department, without ideas,
invention and innovation the business will have no rewards. Furthermore, even if
Research and Development does
its job, this will be worthless if the manufacturing firm has too specialised equipment,
which is unable to be flexible enough to
Electronic Payment Methods
Electronic Payment Methods
Sizes of Electronic Payments3
Electronic Means3
Critical Issues3
S.W.O.T Analysis4
Problem Statement5
Feasible Solutions6
Introduction Payment systems that use electronic distribution networks constitute a
frequent practice in business sector, especially for banking industry. The term of
electronic payments includes any payment to businesses, banks, and public services
from citizens or businesses through a telecommunications or electronic ... Show more
content on ...
* Lower levels of confidentiality.| Opportunity| Threat| * Has created new financial
needs that in many cases cannot be effectively fulfilled by the traditional payment
systems. * Variety of payment cards * Micropayments * Online cash storage *
Electronic Cash Systems * Internet Technologies and the Banking Industry| * Threat
of security problem of banking industry * Functioning in a Global Market *
Competition ease of entry * Shared Customer Data * Market Penetration * Small
Market Adoption * Internet security|
Problem Statement
Viewing the critical issues, the main problem statement is: The problem with
electronic payment methods is the security risks to merchants from consumer
purchase on the Internet in a B2C relationship.
1. A merchant can require consumers to use a secure method of purchase. Security is
determined by the consumer. One secure method is digital wallet or e wallet. This
method stores e cash and other sensitive information which is protected by a
password or digital certificate. Also know as digital cash, it is an option to transfer
money between accounts (savings and checking) into an online cash account used for
purchases. Consumers remain anonymous and it is similar to using real cash.
Protection is through public key encryption. Companies such as Neteller provide the
service for free instant transfers to merchants, cash withdrawals and secure online
shopping, and money transfers. 2.
Labor And Delivery Nursing Essay
Labor and Delivery Nurses: Welcoming A Miracle As of 2013, around 353,000
babies were born in one day, according to the United Nations Children s Fund (Be
Fruitful and Multiply). Delivering babies is very difficult and strenuous, luckily
labor and delivery nurses are trained to help care for the mother during the process
of welcoming her newborn into the world safely. Labor and delivery nurses play a
very crucial role in helping the delivery of babies and bringing safety and peace to
the mother. I am choosing to pursue a career as a labor and delivery nurse because
they get to provide care to babies, they get paid well, and they get to assist in the
delivery process. Labor and delivery nurses not only get to assist in delivery, but
they get to help care for babies after delivery. After birth, the baby s umbilical cord
must be cut. Typically, the father of the baby will cut the cord, but if the cord is
wrapped around the baby s neck, it can restrict blood flow and must be cut
immediately (Winder). The doctor must take charge and free the baby from
choking by cutting the cord as quickly as possible. The nurse must remain calm and
be ready to quickly check the baby to make sure everything is looking healthy. They
must check its heart beat, clean out its nose and mouth, make sure it is breathing
normally, make sure it has all ten fingers and toes, and check the weight and length
of the baby (What Can I Do Now? Nursing... Show more content on
By becoming a nurse, an individual gets to share special experiences with a mother
and her new child by helping them throughout the birth process. Nurses will make
several bonds and connections with the families and newborns they helped bring
into the world. Labor and delivery nurses will get to help care for babies, get good
pay, and assist with the delivery. These life changing nurses get to assist with the
miracle of life and help families grow
The University and Environmental Preservation
The University and Environmental Preservation
Caring for the environment has traditionally been thought of as a responsibility of
environmental organizations such as Greenpeace or the Sierra Club. Universities
have never been thought of as the leaders of environmental preservation until now.
Since universities are looked upon with high regard, many people including President
Baker of Cal Poly, feel that it is the responsibility of the university to set an example
of how the environment is respected and conserved. In his Earth Day speech in
2004, President Baker claims that Cal Poly finds it suitable to be a signatory of the
Talloires Declaration. This is a 10 point plan signed by over 300 universities
worldwide setting out ... Show more content on ...
Specifically, he mentions the web page and examples of actions taken by the
Facilities Planning Department. This organization has implemented activities and
ideals that are supported by principles of environmental sustainability. Also, in
compliance with the Talloires Declaration, Cal Poly teaches environmentally
responsible citizenship through educational programs. For example, several colleges
offer degree programs and minors that provide emphasis on principles of
sustainability. One last piece of evidence is when President Baker mentions the
specific learning centers and institutions that provide environmental education.
Baker introduces his evidence of the university s compliance by referring to Cal Poly
s Master Plan that sets out the university s mission. According to him, many elements
are included in this mission to create a comprehensive vision of sustainability, one of
these elements being environmental protection. Although this is a valid reason,
President Baker also states other reasons that are not pertinent to the environment. He
speaks of a personally safe university and one that is more culturally diverse.
Throughout the speech, President Baker displays a sense of urgency and passion
about environmental preservation. As the president of the university and host of the
event, he introduces the issue and his stance
The, The Director And Narrator Of The Film, By Jamie
In the documentary The One Percent the director and narrator of the film, Jamie
Johnson, gives viewers a thought provoking look inside some of the wealthiest
families in America. Johnson comes from old money. He is the great grandson of one
of the brothers that founded Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceuticals and his father
inherited a fortune of one billion dollars. In the documentary, Jamie Johnsontakes on
the character of a filmmaker seemingly disinterested by his and his family s overly
abundant wealth. Johnson s initial purpose for making this documentary was to
expose the corruption and power of the top one percent. He wants to expose how the
rich keep getting richer by showing how his family handles their finances. He claims
Having so... Show more content on ...
This sign foreshadows and symbolizes the exclusive nature of the upper class that
Johnson describes later in the film. He begins to make conversation with a woman
who has a British accent. A study done by Howard Giles with the department of
Psychology at the University of Bristol, states Their [Wallace Lambert and
colleagues] work has shown that stereotyped impressions of an individual s
personality may be formulated by listeners when presented with a speaker s voice
whose vocal contours are representative of phonological patterns peculiar to specific
group membership. (Giles) Plainly, when people hear an accent, subconsciously they
connect it with their previous experiences involving people with that accent. Because
the British are often known for their history of wealth, power, monarchies, and
luxurious culture, the average viewer of the documentary will subconsciously and
inherently connect the women s British accent to wealth and authority. At this point
in the film, upon hearing her voice the viewer will have a broad understanding of
what the documentary is about before even being presented the formal narration of
Johnson s thesis. The spying concept, the luxurious environment, and the audio of
refined music and voice all come together as elements that make this scene
extensively persuasive.
Shortly after the introduction, Johnson presents a wave of facts and statistics by
using simple graphic animations. These facts and
Character Analysis Of The Sweetheart Of The Song Tra
In the chapter, The Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong , we meet an interesting
character named Mary Anne. She was a seventeen year old lady who just got out of
high school and went to visit her boyfriend Mark Fossie in Vietnam. It started out as
just visiting a childhood sweetheart, except it all changed in a matter of weeks. Mary
Anne began to take too much interest and she became engulfed in vietnam. She wasn
t all too careful, rather than her swallowing the land, she was swallowed whole by it.
Vietnam changed Mary Anne into something she never thoughtthat she would
become, she changed into a lone soldier, physically, behaviorally and psychologically.
The first was Mary Anne changed was physically. When Mary Anne first arrived,
she was described as, ...tall, big boned blonde (89) and with long white legs and a
complexion like strawberry ice cream (89) These descriptions symbolize how new
that she was, the perfect example of a lady. She slowly began to learn stuff from the
boys around, and she became so committed to her surroundings that she changed her
appearance. ...stopped wearing cosmetics, no nail filing, stopped wearing jewelry, cut
her hair short (94) This symbolized the change throughout the weeks, how she
changed into somebody completely different than the first day that anybody saw her.
She was barely recognizable anymore. Once she started going off with the greenies,
she started to look like them. She wore a bush hat and filthy green fatigues... her face
Flight Assay Lab Report
Procedure: Climbing Assay The experiment will entail working in pairs with two
vials per fly strain, per table, and with 2 vials per strain containing nothing. 1.The
vial should be divided into 3 sections labelled A, B, and C, with section A being the
farthest from the ground, and section C being the closest to the ground. Each section
is 3 cms in height. 2.Approximately 10 flies should be transferred to a plastic vial
that contains nothing. The vial needs to be covered with a cotton stopper. 3.Ensure
that all the flies are in the bottom area of the vial. 4.The flies will distribute
themselves within the 3 compartments during a 20 second time period. Identify the
number of flies in each compartment. 5.Merge the results with the results... Show
more content on ...
For each table, there will be 1 vial per strain. In addition, 2 graduated cylinders with
500 ml capacity will be needed on each table. 2.Each of the cylinders needs to be
covered on the inside with paraffin wax that can be applied with forceps and
cotton. 3.Transfer the flies of a vial into the cylinder using a funnel. Ensure that
during the transfer process, the funnel is kept in a vertical position so that the flies
do not come in contact with paraffin layered cylinder walls. 4.The ability of the
flies to fly measure their flying potential. The flies with good flying ability will hit
the walls of the cylinder close to the top, whereas the flies with lesser flying
potential will hit the cylinder walls at lower levels or hit the bottom. 5.Document
the number of flies and the position of collision with the cylinder walls. The
cylinder can be divided into 3 areas for ease of measurement. Procedure: Extraction
of Mitochondria The experiment will entail the following: 1.3 strains of female
flies (wt, sdhB, and w501) will be used for this experiment. For each Eppendorf tube
(for a total of 3 tubes with 1 tube per strain) use 1000 Вµl of Mitochondria Isolation
Buffer (MIB), and around 20 whole female
Weimar Republic Failure
There are many historians that believe the Weimar Republic was doomed from the
beginning of its existence as a rump state of the once powerful German Empire. Other
historians believe the republic is not such a failure as it seems in textbooks and online
articles. Both sides unanimously agree that the Weimar Republicwas a failed attempt
at bringing democracy to a predominantly monarchical (and tyrannical) Europe. The
majority of historians that agree the ill fated Weimar Republic was a smudge on
Germanyduring the Interwar Period have a large amount of validities to support
that claim. However, these validities also apply to the latter (to a lesser extent) ,
with one major problem resolved by the republic. One of the claims is that the
Weimar Republic was simply too weak to establish itself as a political power in
Germany, being contested by left and right wing extremist groups. There were often
frequent rebellions in Germany, led by Communists and Marxists. The military at the
time was far too outnumbered to quell these rebellions in their own jurisdiction.
Another major impediment was the hyperinflation of the currency of that time, the
German Mark. After the Great War, Germany was in a state of utter devastation and
rebellion. The Kaiser had just fled Germany, and she was now without a leader,
essentially cutting head off the snake. The military had also returned in a similar
shape. The German economy was in ruins. The Weimar Republic was still
responsible for
Explain the types of organizational change and the process...
пїЅBusiness Management
Organisational change is an irreversible adoption of any feature of its strucutre,
personel, products or processes (J.Naylor)
Today s business environment is forcing entities for changes. If we would think from
corporate point of view it is essential for the companies success to be in accordance
with new markets demands. On the other hand, individuals are ruling the companies
and the companies` corporate strategy heavily depends on them so it is important to
have eligible management who is ready to respond quickly fast and reliable on any
possible ... Show more content on ...
External experts are hired to use their experience and implement it on the targeted
TEAM model means that change agents are seen as teams that operate at various
levels in an organization and which are composed of the requisite managers,
employees and consultants necessary to accomplish the particular change project set
The most recognized are tree types of schools which are different by its approaches
how changes should be undertaken within an organization.
THE INDIVIDUAL PERSPECTIVE SCHOOL the supporters of this school can be
divided into two different group:
Behaviorists represents folklore of change management theories. In practice
behavior modification involves the manipulation reinforcing stimuli so as to reward
the desired activity. The aim is to reward immediately all instance of the wanted
behavior, but to ignore all instances of unexpected behavior (because even negative
recognition can act as reinforcer). This is based on the principle of extinction:
behavior will stop eventually if it is not rewarded. Not surprisingly given the period
when it is emerged, the Behaviorist approach faces in many respects that of the
Classical School representing human as machine responding only to external stimuli.
Gestalt field psychologists learning is process of gaining or changing insight outlook,
expectation or thought
Analyse Wilson Abortion Case Brief
Fact: Before 1988, the Criminal Code prohibited abortion unless the life or health of
a woman was endangered, the section 251(4) of the Code required them to obtain a
certificate from a therapeutic abortion committee of an accredited or approved
hospital. In 1998, a very significant decision took place regarding women s rights,
which changed this. Dr. Henry Morgentaler, Dr. Leslie Frank Smoling and Dr. Robert
Scott were all trained professionals in the medical field, that had organized a clinic to
perform abortions for women who did not have a certificate/approval of the hospital.
These ladies had publicly doubted the judgment of the abortionlaws in Canada and
insisted that a womanmust have the unfettered right to choose whether or not an
abortion is appropriate for her own matters. The legal case was between Dr.
Morgentaler and Her Majesty the Queen. In the end of the case, only Justice Wilson,
one of the judges defended an abortion right and announced that a constitutional right
to abortion or freedom of choice. The decision 5 2, was split into four separate
judgments. Although only Justice Wilson declared the... Show more content on ...
Since Parliament has jurisdiction to protect the child within the womb, it cannot
make abortion a right. However, the fact that this was matter was taken to Canada s
highest court, and 5 2 decision was made is slowly leading to more freedom of their
own body for women.
Fact : Finally, the case Sulz v. Attorney General is about Nancy Sulz, who is a
former female member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). She was
initially posted to Merritt as a general duty police officer. But when she was pregnant
with her second baby, she started having troubles with the duty and her
New World Film Techniques
In final scene of Terrence Malick s film, The New World, Malick makes use of
multiple film techniques. By using these techniques, the film and the final scene is
given great meaning and the tone of the film is established. Terrence Malick directed
and wrote the film that was released in December of 2005, while Emmanuel Lubezki
was the cinematographer. The filmfeatures Q orianka Kilcher as Pocahontas,
Christian Bale as John Rolfe, and Jonathan Gonitel as Thomas Gonitel at four years
old. In terms of camera use, Malick uses objective camera, the rule of thirds, warm
colors, and various lightning Malick chooses to use objective camera, where the
point of view is from the observer allowing the viewer to forget that the camera is
even there. It makes the... Show more content on ...
In the first thirty seconds of the clip, the sky is very bright and the grass is a rich
green, signifying a happy time in life. As the clip progresses, the sky begins to get
gloomy, thus paralleling the gloominess of their lives since the women falls ill.
Then the leaves are seen to have fallen off the tree, showing that death is near. In
the last minute or so of the clip, things begin to look up again. The water and sky
are blue which signifies serenity; their live s have began to calm down after the
storm. The sun is shining through the trees and as it is setting, It is a simplistic
view, but a beautiful that makes viewers happy, For sound, he implements music,
diegetic sound, and a few voice overs. By putting a piano in the background,
Terrence establishes tone and the time period. It also changes slightly when the
mother passes away, so the viewer becomes sad. The birds chirping, or diegetic
sound, allows the story to become that more realistic and it allows the viewer to
actually feel like they re in the scene. The voice over is used to give the viewer a
perspective of what just occurred in the story
Information on Laissez-faire and Court Injuction
1. Court Injuction
2. Laissez faire
Recording to the Union County College Laissez faire an economic and political
doctrine that holds that economies function most efficiently when unencumbered by
government regulation. Laissez faire advocates favor individual self interest and
competition, and oppose the taxation and regulation of commerce. Leave it alone The
concept came from the economic theories of Adam Smith, the 18th century Scot
whose writings greatly influenced the growth of American capitalism. Smith believed
that private interests should have a free rein. As long as markets were free and
competitive, he said, the actions of private individuals, motivated by self interest,
would work together for the greater good of society. Smith did favor some forms of
government intervention, mainly to establish the ground rules for free enterprise. But
it was his advocacy of laissez faire practices that earned him favor in America, a
country built on faith in the individual and distrust of authority. Laissez faire
practices have not prevented private interests from turning to the government for help
on numerous occasions, however. Railroad companies accepted grants of land and
public subsidies in the 19th century. Industries facing strong competition from abroad
have long appealed for protections through trade policy. American agriculture, almost
totally in private hands, has benefited from government assistance. Many other
industries also have sought and received
South Bronx Research Paper
By the early 1990s, the South Bronx had changed. On my visits home from an
upstate community college, I noticed that more and more neighborhoods had dried
up. The crackheads and crack whores were gone, along with the drug peddlers who
had barked:Red Top! Gold Top! I got Blue!Someone had cleaned the streets, dusting
the drug dealers and drug users off the planet, leaving the South Bronx a ghost
town.CoГ±o, que pasГі?By the early 1990s, the South Bronx had changed. On my
visits home from an upstate community college, I noticed that more and more
neighborhoods had dried up. The crackheads and crack whores were gone, along
with the drug peddlers who had barked:Red Top! Gold Top! I got Blue!Someone had
cleaned the streets, dusting the drug... Show more content on ...
On my visits home from an upstate community college, I noticed that more and
more neighborhoods had dried up. The crackheads and crack whores were gone,
along with the drug peddlers who had barked:Red Top! Gold Top! I got
Blue!Someone had cleaned the streets, dusting the drug dealers and drug users off the
planet, leaving the South Bronx a ghost town.CoГ±o, que pasГі?By the early 1990s,
the South Bronx had changed. On my visits home from an upstate community
college, I noticed that more and more neighborhoods had dried up. The crackheads
and crack whores were gone, along with the drug peddlers who had barked:Red Top!
Gold Top! I got Blue!Someone had cleaned the streets, dusting the drug dealers and
drug users off the planet, leaving the South Bronx a ghost town.CoГ±o, que pasГі?By
the early 1990s, the South Bronx had changed. On my visits home from an upstate
community college, I noticed that more and more neighborhoods had dried up. The
crackheads and crack whores were gone, along with the drug peddlers who had
Teratogens Research Paper
The class discussion and textbook reading highlight some very important topics, such
as the many types of teratogens and how it could really impact the child. We also
discussed how the temperament and how there are three type of infants that the child
could possibly fall into. The attachment of the child towards its caregiver and theory
of moral development was also part of the growing of the child and how they act
towards their surrounding.
Chapter three discussed many different types of teratogens, which means that it is a
substances or viruses that could cause damage during prenatal period, and it is also
very harmful during the embryonic period also known as the critical period because
thirty percent of pregnancy were miscarriage during ... Show more content on ...
We also talked about how two out of three of all infants fall into three different
types of temperament. Based on the three types of temperament I am pleased to say
that I am the trap that made my parents want another baby. My mom would always
tell me stories of how peaceful I was as a child and that neighbors and family friends
love me because I am very adaptable toward strangers and always smiling at people.
With that I believe that I am an Easy Baby based on what my parents had told me,
and with the way I interact with people, they wanted one more baby. Then there s
my brother who was very cute as a child but when he was put outside the house and
visit family friends, he would always find a way to get my parents mad and then it
makes them not wanting to go out the house anymore. My brother is a Difficult
Child. This could relate the what my professor had said in class about how
majority of the times the first born child is the trap and parents would want more
of what they see. But it s not always going to be in a pattern of easy baby, then
difficult baby, then the slow to warm up. One of my close family friend had three
babies and all three are the easy baby, all of them are very pleasant, adaptable, always
Summary On The Court Decision Decides A Software
This Supreme Court decision decides a software patent complaint between Alice
Corporation Pty. Ltd.
(Alice) and CLS Bank International et al (CLS Bank). The question in this case asks
whether a patent
claiming the use of a fundamental economic principle is eligible for patent because it
applies the use of
a computer.
Procedural History
The petitioner of the case, CLS Bank, has several patents (Nos. 5,970,479, 6,912,510,
7,725,375) pertaining to the exchange of financial obligations between two parties by
using a
computer system as a third party intermediary i.e. escrow. (Alice Corp v. CLS Bank,
13 298 S. Ct. 2
(2013)) The respondent in this case, CLS Bank, is a cash settlement service dealing
in the foreign
exchange market. CLS Bank has filed suit against Alice in District Court, claiming
the patents are
invalid, unenforceable, or not infringed. After the Supreme Court decided on Bilski v.
Kappos, No. 08
964 (2010) both parties filed cross motions in District Court seeking summary
judgment as to whether
the asserted claims are eligible for patent. The District Court held that the claims are
patent ineligible
because they are directed to an abstract idea. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Federal Circuit
reversed the decision with a divided panel. Their assertion stated that there was no
obvious use of an
abstract concept. The Federal Circuit then agreed to hear the claim en banc and
vacated the panel s
Plagiarism In Pennycook s The Death Of The Author
When Pennycook analyzed the issue of plagiarism in his essay, Borrowing Others
Words: Text, Ownership, Memory, and Plagiarism, he introduced the essence of
language learning and the evolution of the notion of author in a more detailed way,
which provides a different angle to interpret Roland Barthes s The Death of the
Author. Barthes describes writing in the beginning of his essay as a composite,
oblique space where our subject slip away (142). Pennycook s passages can give a
lucid explanation of Barthes s wordchoice of composite . Pennycook believed that,
according to Western traditions, literary originality came into being alongside a
wholesale borrowing of languageand ideas (212). Writing, as a part of language
learning, needs... Show more content on ...
Barthes followed Proust s ideology and pointed out that author made of his very
life a work for which his own book was the model (144). It seems absurd when
Barthes put forward that historical person was just a fragment deprived from a
frictional figure. Pennycook, by discussing doing language in his essay, pointed out
a similar relationship between the language and reality that it is language that shapes
reality and not reality that shapes language (222). As Pennycook mentioned, the
issue is not one of understanding of the world and then mapping language onto it
but rather of acquiring language as texts as a precursor to mapping out textual
realities (222). He continued to argue that these speculations depended on how
language and text may be understood (Pennycook 222). Bathes proposed a
perspective that centered on readers (148). Readers, who are considered as someone
without history, biography, psychology by Barthes, can take in all the quotations that
compose a writing. From a reader s perspective to analyze language shaping reality,
all the information that readers can get are all from the language, either the depict of
frictional figure or the historical person s autobiography. When readers have no
background knowledge of what they are reading, they cannot distinguish whether this
character is frictional or non frictional. The detailed narrative of frictional figure may
seem like a prototype of the fragmented description of historical person. Then Barthes
s narration become sensible, Montesquiou in his anecdotal, historical reality is no
more than a secondary fragment, derived from Charlus . Consequently, language
shaping reality becomes
The Effects Of Carbon Dioxide On Our Oceans
Our oceans absorb almost twenty five percent, each year, of all the carbon dioxide
that human activity emits into the air. Scientists originally believed that the idea of
our oceans absorbing extra carbon dioxide that is in the air was a positive idea,
because it would deter global warming. But, they soon came to the realization that
this absorption process was having similarly disastrous effects, as global warming
does, and it what happening to our oceans. This phenomenon, of our oceans taking in
the excess carbon dioxidefrom the atmosphere, leads to ocean acidification; a term
used to describe how our oceans are becoming increasingly more acidic over time.
However, just in the past 200 years, ocean acidification has increased by thirty
percent, and this number will only continue to increase due to our current rate of
Carbon dioxide is one of the major greenhouse gases, and is one of the most
common gases found in the earth s atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is released into the
atmosphere in mass amounts by human activities and then absorbed by our oceans.
The main way that carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere is by the burning of
fossil fuels and deforestation. Increased energy composition and with the
industrialization age, beginning in the 18th century, has led to a drastic spike in the
burning of fossil fuels and therefore the release of carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere. The main emitters of carbon dioxide are cars, airplanes, and factories
Ob Effective Communication
Case study: Bridging The Two Worlds The Organizational Dilemma
What are the barriers to effective communications in Aluminium Elements Corp and
how were they addressed? What would you do differently?
GSM 5101 Organizational Behaviour Page 2
Communication refers to the process in which information is transmitted and
understood between two or more people. The word understood is emphasized
because the transmitting of the sender s meaning to other people is the essence of
good communication. In the model of communication, there are various channels and
barriers (noise) that can become the factors of communication effectiveness.
1.1 Introduction to communication
Figure 1 Communication ... Show more content on ...
Effective communication is a sharing process which involves the first party sending a
message that can be easily understood by to the second party.
However, there are some barriers that may influence the effectiveness of
communication which may result in misunderstanding or misinterpretation. In the
case study of AEC, William Todorovic has discovered several barriers to the effective
communication between the employees in the organization.
2.1 Imperfect Perception
There were different perceptions between the management and the floor staff. For
example, the floor staff thought that the management were unaware of the problems
at the floor and were too self centered that they only cared about their schedules,
issuing orders and making demands.
GSM 5101 Organizational Behaviour Page 5
As for the management, they thought that they did not have anything to learn from
floor employees. Such perception has made them hardly understand the real process
in finishing orders and this has created a gap between the management and the floor
2.2 Poor selection of medium to communicate
Choosing the right medium or channel for communication may affect the
effectiveness of the transmitted message
In AEC, the management has used memos to communicate with the shop floor
employees. This was in fact, a one way communication because after the memo was
sent out no further clarification was made by the
Causes Of The Scientific Answer To War
The Scientific Answer to War On September 1, 1939, Germany under the control of
Adolf Hitler invaded the sovereign nation of Poland effectively starting the Second
World War. By the end of the conflict in 1945 an estimated 64 million people had
died, more than the entire population of the United Kingdom (Thomas). The end of
the Second World War saw the end of the German Third Reich, the founding of the
United Nations, and both the United States and Russia becoming global superpowers.
The Second World War s start is one long debated: a continuation of the First World
War that theoretically ended in 1918, Japan seizing Manchuria, Germany s
reoccupation of the Rhineland, or Germany s invasion of Poland (World). No matter
the start the Second... Show more content on ...
Overall Vasquez makes a completing case, however, he undermines the importance
that the Versailles Treaty had in setting up Germany for the radical rhetoric of the
Nazi Party. Germany was a young country, their unification as an Empire occurred in
1871, and after the Great War, the allied powers wanted revenge (SparkNotes).
Reparation payments crippled the country, with Germany having to pay tremendous
amounts that destroyed its economy. With the country falling on hard times the
Nazis message of redemption attractive enough to set Europe back down the road to
war. Which this paper does not take this into account, it jumps to the time where
Hitler is already in power. Looking at the cause of the war it is important to think
about if the Treaty of Versailleswere less harsh on Germany, would the Nazi Party
had enough traction to take over the country? The paper does not completely forget
the impact of the First World War, though, the paper explains that attitudes towards
World War Iand how they affected the countries reactions. Vasquez sums this up by
stating, Britain and France won the previous war, but did not see it as worth the cost
... in Germany ... the war was lost, but seen as worth the cost (Vasquez). This
ideology allowed hardliners to take control of the Germany first, then France. Another
piece of the paper that was great was when Vasquez states that if Hitler had handled
The Bombing Of The Rainbow Warrior
The bombing of the Rainbow Warrior was a significant event in the history of New
Zealand. It was the first ever act of terrorism in New Zealand. On July the 10th
1985 two French spies planted 2 bombs on Greenpeace s the Rainbow Warrior. At
11:38pm the first bomb went off blasting a hole about the size of a car. Then at
11:45pm the second bomb went off. Photographer Fernando Pereira drowned when
the vessel sunk as after the first blast went off he went a tried to retrieve his
camera equipment. This tragic event had a lot of consequences as not only did it
kill Fernando it also put fear in the minds of New Zealanders because it was the first
ever act of terrorism in the country. This report will describe what was happening
leading up to the event with the nuclear free legislation starting to take effect in New
Zealand at the time and also the cold war was starting to heat up again. It will also
describe what the Rainbow Warrior was used for before the sinking of it when it was
with Greenpeace and when it was with UK ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and
Food. The report will also explain what happen on the day of the bombing and the
trial of the two French spies. It will also describes in the report the consequences of
this act of terrorism to the relationship of ANZUS and the nuclear free legislation.
The report will also analyse the significance of the bombing to New Zealand with the
many people affected by this act of terrorism.
What was happening in the
Babylon As A Great Civilization
Babylon was a great civilization which at one time could have ruled the world. The
name Babylon means Gate of God . Babylon was located in an ancient region
surrounded by the Tigris and Euphrates River. This great civilization first initiated
around 3500 BC and began to crumble after the year 323 BC. The Babylonculture
was successful because of the advanced citizens, cultural cities, their technology, and
legal systems. Babylon was home to 10,000 to 40,000 Babylonians. This paper will
talk about Babylon s culture, Babylon s everyday lifestyle, Babylon s clothing,
Hammurabi, the code of Hammurabi, Babylon s religion and Babylon s education.
Like many other cultures, the Babylonians too were very elaborate on their
wedding ceremonies. Marriage signifies the union between the bride and groom is
watched over by tons of people. The ceremony conducted then is almost the same
as it is conducted today however, the huge difference is the gift giving during the
ceremony. The gifts given by guest during the old Babylonian wedding ceremonies
range from flour to jewellery. Based upon the gifts given, it can show the
occupation of the gift giver, either a merchant, a goldsmith or a farmer. The amount
given by the gift giver is usually recorded for future purpose to either repay the gift
given during a wedding ceremony of his son or daughter or to simply identify who
was the gift giver of that certain gift.
Another interesting finding about Babylon is how their everyday life is divided
The Decision Of Purchasing Drones For The Purpose Of
Purchasing Drones The decision of purchasing drones for the purpose of local law
enforcement to use could be a negative and a positive. There are several states in
the U.S. who do allow the purchase and the usage of drones by local law
enforcement. Some of those states consist of Texas and California; but for the
states on the East Coast (where Baltimore, Maryland resides); there is one state
who allows the purchase and usage of drones: Florida. There are several pros and
cons on this issue. Some of the pros and cons revolve around money, time, and the
issue of individual rights. A drone is an unmanned aircraft or ship guided by remote
control or onboard computers. (Merriam Webster). It is also beyond [the] line of
sight: the GPS of a U.S. spy drone. ( The issue that will be
continuously brought up will be the right of privacy. Will the usage of drones violate
the Fourth Amendment? It can be a violation if abused. The key word in the
definition of drones IS spy. Is it spying if you are looking at something in plain view,
but the device is out of plain sight? The Fourth Amendment states that every
individual has the right to not have unreasonable searches and not without probable
cause. However, there are exceptions to the Fourth Amendment which includes the
Plain View Doctrine. The Plain View Doctrine states that if a law enforcement
officer is in a place legally and sees criminal activity or other evidence, the evidence
can be seized without a
Homo Erectus Essay
Homo Erectus
In the quest to explain human origins it is necessary to find a species that bridges
modern man (Homo sapiens) with the apes. To fill this gap evolutionists have set
forth Homo erectus, who lived approximately 400,000 to 1.6 million years ago
(Johanson and Shreeve1989). Although the distinctions are somewhat vague, below
the neck, Homo sapiens and Homo erectus are practically Identical and Homo
erectus was responsible for pioneering the use of standard tools (such as the hand
axe), big game hunting, and the use of fire (Johanson and Shreeve1989).
You may know Homo erectus as Java man or Peking man ( Johanson and Shreeve
1989). Erectus was low of brow, thick of bone, endowed with a brain larger than that
of its ... Show more content on ...
Other than this remarkable jump, the physical features stayed relatively constant over
those 1.4 million years(Washburn, McCown 1972). Some anthropologists say that
their supra orbital ridges were slightly more pronounced than previously, cranial
bones were heavier and there was still no protruding chin but their molars had
decreased in size (Washburn, McCown 1972).
Foreheads began to develop in the later members of the species, most likely as a
result of an expanding frontal lobe (that part of the brain that we believe controls
many of our higher functions such as reasoning, foresight and concentration)
(Johanson and Shreeve 1989). Homo erectus had a lighter jaw than did Homo Habilis
(Johanson and Shreeve 1989).
The following characteristics are generally accepted:
Skull low, broad and elongated Cranial capacity 750 1250 cc Median sagittal ridge
Supraorbital ridge Postorbital constriction Receding frontal contour Occipital bun or
torus Nuchal area extended for muscle attachment Cranial wall unusually thick Brain
case narrower than zygomatic arch Heavy facial architecture Large jaw, wide ramus
No chin (mentum) Teeth generally large Post cranial bones heavy and thick Alveolar
(maxilla) prognathism (Johanson and Shreeve 1992, 82 83)
At least 222 fossils of Homo erectus have been found to date throughout Africa, Asia,
Australia and Europe that support these statistics
Secrets Aren T Secrets Essay
Secrets aren t secrets. They are weapons. You can save them in your pocket until you
need them.
Did you know that over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying every year?
There are even approximately 160,000 teens who skip school because of bullying.
By the same token, there are bully victims between 2 to 9 times more likely to
consider suicide than non victims.
Now, let me tell you this. You may not like it very much, but I had witnessed a girl
being bullied, and this has happened eight years ago. The bullying always took place
at the school s ground, and she was a mere first grader. She was targeted by two
boys around her age, and the reason she was being targeted was because of the way
she looked. As a matter of fact, she had short, ... Show more content on ...
I remember too that the girl would try to hide in the classroom during recess all
because she was scared. But eventually, teachers would kick her out of the classroom
and force her to go to the school s ground.
Moreover, she didn t even dare to speak a word to a helpful teacher about her
condition. She dealt with this pain the whole time.
No one helped her. Not even I could do so.
As a result, she started to cover her head with hijab. I understood why. She felt
insecure and helpless. She always pretended that the bullying never happened.
Furthermore, the bullying went on even though she has already covered her head.
Afterward, I heard the boys had been reported of bullying the young girl. Until this
day, I still wondered who reported them to the principle. It sounded like an uncanny
mystery to me.
Of course, the boys were made to apologize to the girl. One thing I did not
understand about the girl was that she forgave them easily. I don t think a matter like
this can be easily forgiven. If so, why did she forgive them at that very moment?
Furthermore, she maintained a good friendship with them till the next two years
before their classes were separated according to gender.
Now, have you ever wondered who this girl
MRT 102
Questions 1.What is your recommended sourcing strategy in this case Please support
your decision with quantitative and qualitative evidence gathered during the case
analysis. Also, present your plan to reduce any risks associated with your sourcing
decision. 2.This case provided the data necessary to perform a cursory supplier
financial analysis. In reality, cross functional sourcing teams must often obtain this
data during their assessment of potential suppliers. Discuss possible sources of
supplier financial information. What may impact a purchasers ability to obtain
supplier financial data 3.A sourcing decision of the magnitude highlighted in this case
requires a serious commitment of resources and time. Do all sourcing... Show more
content on ...
The decision was made to pursue the home computer user, through a strategy
focused on shipping low cost, high quality computers directly to customers as orders
are received (make to order). This production model is similar to the Dell approach,
and appears to be the model that will dominate the PC industry. Because the company
does not plan to build finished PCs (i.e., make to stock) in anticipation of future sales,
market demand forecasts, supplier quality, supplier capacity, lead time, and delivery
reliability are critical factors. The company is willing to carry some units in
component inventory as safety stock as a buffer against missing customer order
commitments. Pacific Systems Corporation will assemble the computers in its own
facilities, but intends to outsource many of the key product components and
subassemblies, including the DVD drive, a feature that will be standard on each PCS
computer. The decision to outsource the DVD drive resulted from an executive level
insourcing/outsourcing study that concluded the cost to manufacture these drives in
house was highly prohibitive. The product requires production capabilities that are
beyond PCSs current expertise. Marketing estimates that first year demand for the
new PC, and therefore the DVD drives, would be approximately 500,000 units, with
a 20 growth expected for year two. Expected pricing for the computers
Mexico Sitting Pool
Sitting poolside at a resort in Mexico during the afternoon is wonderful experience.
The sky is clear blue. The temperature is hot and humid. A kidney shaped pool awaits
you. The pool has lounge chairs and a sitting area inside of it. Since the pool is so
close to ocean there is a salty breeze. The poolis lined with white lounge chairs. Just
bring a towel with you and start relaxing. Your only worry is when to get in the
pool again or when to flip over to evenly tan. There is no need to get up to get a
drink. There waiters and waitresses dressed in white pants and pale yellow shirt.
They will bring you a drink when you are thirsty. Since you are on vacation in a
different country there is no cell phone that connects you to the
Marketing Strategy For Soft Tea
There are times when I simply cannot decide between sweetened iced tea, and
unsweetened iced tea, but offering me a third option (that is most similar to one of
the sweetened levels for example, Вј sweet tea mixed with Вѕ unsweet) to aid my
decision making process has been a well documented marketing strategy for years.
Introducing a decoy (or dominated alternative) helps consumers narrow their focus on
the simpler choice. However, choosing sweet teamay involve giving up the fewer
calorie healthier for me option found in the unsweet tea, and this can cause conflicts
in my process that result in an absence of the decoy s intended benefit. Choosing the
sort of iced beverage I consume on a hot day has little significance compared to the
sort... Show more content on ...
They were able to create choice sets that delineated, and consistently demonstrated the
attraction effect (decoy effect, or asymmetrical dominance). This was done by
presenting the target and competitor as equals, and in this way, the decoy showed
how its inclusion motivated choices, as well as positively supporting the target. The
attraction effect has been replicated hundreds of times over the past thirty two years,
and been conducted with different stimuli, in many different circumstances, and have
yielded multifarious explanations for its occurrence. Many explanations support the
Huber et al., study, and some even refute the existence of an attraction effect when it
is tested in these different domains.
Kim and Park (2005) analyzed the use of a decoy effect, and how it would influence
consumer choices on the target brand versus the competitor, and how the anchoring
cognitive bias influenced their choices. When consumers have a choice among
alternative brands they haven t considered, they will do a methodical comparison of
the items with the expectation it included a few characteristics they cared about
(Kim, and Park, 2005). Consistent with their hypothesis, they found that consumers
applied past judgement experiences to their
Stranded Ship on East Hampton Beach Essay
Stranded Ship on East Hampton Beach
Thomas Moran is known for his oil paintings of the natural world. He captures nature
at the moment in which he sees it; this may, in turn, be serene but also show the
dramatic and violent natures of his momentary surroundings. In the compositions
chosen he illustrates, as the title infers, a vessel caught in the turbulent, tumultuous
sea. As he captured this image, he kept in mind the destructive nature of water also
the constructive nature of water. Water has the ability to enable cultures to thrive and
to barely survive. Water was the main source transportation of goods, ideas and
communication in prehistoric times. In his composition, Moran displays the solid
and life depending aspect of water as ... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless, the flag stands erect and flapping in the wind. On the right side of the
piece, we view the exact magnitude of the storm through the white wash of the violent
waves. Additionally, the sky to the right of the ship s crow s nest is lighter and hints
of a sun trying to break through the lurking darkness. Despite the presence of other
visual elements, what clearly connects is that the ocean, embellished and
predominantly highlighted in the work, was Moran s principal interest. However, the
fact that something so fleeting as surging waves dominates the composition even to
the visual expense and weight of an obviously colossal ship.
The visual expressive elements in Moran s composition are not equal in weight.
Occupying nearly seventy five percent of the page, and defining with its form the
corresponding negative space of the lighter sky, the waves of abundant frigid, murky
water and cold, stylized white and aquamarine green frothy accents at its edges,
surges high into the sky in the distant background to fill almost all of the horizontal
extent of the paper. Through atmospheric distance techniques, Moran is able to
effectively illustrate the caliber of the waves on the ship s hull by setting the central
mast at an eighty seven degree angle in relation to the horizon line. In addition, he
does not make the central mast clearly visible, but rather distorts the image of the
central pole
We The People And Others By John S. Furnivall
A plural society defines social structure that consist/comprises of different
communities, races, cultures or other social groupings. A plural society is formed
when one or more different integrate into one singular society. Although a plural
society is a grouping of differences, it seems being a plural society only serves to
make them more distinct from each other. From the early uses of the label plural
society, there seems not an intention for it serve as a complete integration, but their
coexistence in a singular structure. There are many different types of plural society
as there s not only the defined different plural societies but also, the evolution of the
plural society concept itself has forged different meanings for a plural society.... Show
more content on ...
In We the People and Others, Benjamin Bernard Ringer describes John S. Furnivall
s early use of plural society The relations between the whites and each of the non
white groups were crystallized and stabilized even in the colonial days into a
structure akin to what Furnivall labeled a plural society in his study of tropical
dependencies (Ringer) He then proceeds to describe how this type of plural society
is related to slavery and the constitution excluded non white from the said people s
domain of the constitution, the black and native Americans continued to be treated as
the conquered or property. Also, The structure of relations between the whites and
each of the other races continued in the colonist model of a plural society (Ringer).
Through Ringer s description, we can see the initial type of plural society only had
the sense of coexistence but had no regards for equality or rather purposefully
incorporated the inequality between the different
Water Vapour Is The Fuel For Hurricanes
A hurricane is a tropical storm with winds that spiral inward.
A hurricane rotates in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction due to a
phenomenon that is known as the Coriolis effect. This video can tell you how it
affects the spin of a hurricane. It s wind speeds that go over 64 knots or 118km/h. A
hurricane can be 900km long and can last a week.This phenomenon is known as a
cyclone in the Indian Ocean, but they are also named hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean
and typhoons in the Far East.
How Hurricanes formed
Water vapour is the fuel for hurricanes because when it condenses to form clouds and
rain it warms the surrounding air. The heat builds up causing low pressure to form.
The low pressure causes the wind to spiral towards the centre
Erikson s Psychological Theory of Identity
Erikson s psychological theory of identity is based on a psychosocial model,
taking into account the social environment including peers and family group.
According to Erikson, individuals form a core identity in part via membership in a
community. Erikson understood that psychosocial development was a process,
involving a series of stages. Progress through these stages usually entails a
normative conflict or crisis that pits individual needs with social norms or
demands. Erikson identified eight stages of psychosocial development. These
stages generally follow the chronological age development of the individual from
birth to death. Each stage is defined by its normative crisis. The first stage occurs
during the first year of life, and involves the normative crisis of trust versus
mistrust. Outcome of this stage is either the ability to trust or mistrust other people.
The second stage of psychosocial development is defined by the conflict between
autonomy and doubt. It lasts from age one to age three. Possible outcomes include
self control or self doubt. The third stage lasts from between age three and age six. It
focuses on the conflict between initiative and guilt. Positive resolution of the crisis
leads to a sense of purpose; whereas insufficient conflict resolution leads to low self
esteem. The fourth stage lasts between the ages of six and eleven. Its normative crisis
is between industry and inferiority. Outcomes include competence or helplessness.
During adolescence,
Black Lives Matter Rhetorical Analysis
The recent uprising against Planned Parenthood has sparked a backlash against
them in the media, on the floor of congress, and in satire venues. Gary McCoy, a
cartoonist, has also voiced his opinion as depicted in this cartoon of Cecile Richards.
Richards, the president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, is shown
saying, Black Lives Matter!.. They make up a good part of my car payment.
Gary McCoy s trustworthiness, or ethos is evident through his extensive line of
work which began in 1993 working for Universal Press Syndicate. One of his best
known comic strip The Duplex gained him notoriety in 1993. He has since worked
for Universal Studios as a storyboard artist on Despicable Me, Despicable Me 2, and
Minions. McCoy has recently used the Belleville News Democrat as a means to
publish political cartoons in order to voice opinions or raise awareness on an issue.
(Wikipedia, Glenn McCoy)
Appealing to good reason or logos as it is often called can be in the eyes of the
beholder. As seen in McCoy s cartoon, Richards sitting at her desk, in a red dress, is
depicted as stating that Black Lives Matter. This would appeal to most as believing
that she does have their best interest at heart. Only for the reader to then see that she
continues her thought by saying, They make up a good part of my car payment. The
satire of this would be that she is ... Show more content on ...
(Wikipedia, Planned Parenthood) These emotions, or pathos, run high around this
topic. While women s health issues are addressed and much good is done within the
organization the overpowering emotional outcries come from preforming of
abortions. Such as the case that hangs behind Ms. Richards that says, In Case of
Live Baby Break Glass. This case contains objects that are used in partial birth
abortions, again to insight emotions of the reader to visualize the abortion procedure
that is considered
The Townshend Act Dbq
Arrogance and greed often blind the human eye. In the case of Britain, it blinded the
king s eyes, causing chaos within the incipient American colonies and driving the
colonists into furor. Prior to that, the colonies had enjoyed a certain level of self
government ever since the Parliament passed the salutary neglect. However, the king
derailed the system of equality and made the American people pay most of Britain s
debt from the Seven Year War. Soon, the colonies revolted and the king took back his
excessive taxations such as the Stamp Act. Nonetheless, the king once again tested
the patience of his subjects and issued another act, the Townshend Act. This led to
outrage among the colonists. These events led to innocent deaths and the meeting...
Show more content on ...
Each side, one being the Loyalists and the other being the Patriots had irreconcilable
differences. After the Boston Massacre, surveillance and tightened security ensued.
To preserve the spirits of the colonist and regain hope, members of the Sons of
Liberty, including Samuel Adams himself, raided the ships attired as Mohawk
Indians, dumped a number of 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbour. Because the
king renege on asserting laws that bind the colonies in whatsoever, the colonies had a
legitimate reason to revolt against Britain. ( Declaratory Act Document 7) Britain has
not fulfilled their duty in providing the colonies with life, liberty, and property, and in
contrast the government was starting to conform into an absolute one. ( John Locke s
Social Contract Document
The Philosophical Zombie Problem
Not only do Zombies raise disputes concerning consciousness, but they also raise
questions about other elements of people. The philosophical zombie problem is
one of the most compelling and nightmarish of all the philosophical problems. It
cuts to the heart of how we relate to the world and how we relate to people, and it
is obviously a very practical issue. While no one really believes that we are
surrounded by clockwork people going through a set of motions as if they were a
real person, we do very often relate to someone going through the motions of trying
to help us when they have an insidious motive, or wonder how sincere someone else
is when they say that I love you. It is an open neurological question as to whether or
not something... Show more content on ...
Maybe one could in our universe make a plastic water bottle full of a clear liquid
that smelled and tasted like water yet was not water. But to make a plastic bottle
full of such a liquid that also was nutritious and passed even basic chemical tests, like
using it as a solvent like water or seeing if it expands when frozen, seems like it very
well could only be done by water. That is, there are only so many kinds of
arrangements of atoms in the universe. It may be impossible for other people to
truly fake love in a way we will not eventually
My Left Foot Essay
Left to right
My left foot is rebellious. It slumps and twists, It doesn t let me walk straight
wearing heels. It s sensitive and over excited. My right foot is righteous and
reliable. Depending on with which foot I start my day the ending could be a disaster
or a peaceful daydream.
My left foot has the attitude of a child. Whenever I start my day with my left side I
am energetic and wild. I laugh loudly and sing in the halls, without caring who can
hear me. Those days are filled with bad coffee, no breakfast and words that are not
supposed to be said. My left side speaks and never listens. It breaks rules,
friendships and dreams. My left foot leads me to places I should never enter, and
makes me step over borders I should not run over. Days like this are dangerous,
adventurous and exciting, but never safe. My left foot avoids stepping into the
puddle of responsibility and jumps over conclusions easily. It is the giggle when
someone falls in front of me or when I eat my roommate s food without her
permission. All those little, ... Show more content on ...
It has the tranquility and wisdom of a Buddhist monk. It is stable and always takes
the safe road. Having my right foot lead the way, I usually end up where I want to,
without any distractions and fails. My right foot is quiet, but observant, it collects
all the small details from people, and always focuses on the small picture. It is
strict and likes to work fast. My right foot doesn t avoid the obstacles on my road,
it always finds way to resolve them with knowledge or stealth. It moves with grace,
being delicate to the surroundings. Days in right, are easier to trace, because they
always leave something meaningful behind. Those days make me shine the
brightest, give me confidence and courage. My right foot helps me express myself
fully and correctly in complete contrast of my left side, where everything is a big
mess with hysteric pieces of thoughts wondering around, distracting me from my
Summary Of Nehemiah In The Oxford Bible
In relation to the historical background of Nehemiah, in Thru the Bible with J.
Vernon McGee. By J. Vernon McGee, it states that Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem in
the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king. The socio, on the other hand from The
Oxford Bible Commentary, with editors John Barton and John Muddiman, the exiles
were under military power.
The literary structure of Nehemiah is a chiastic structure, as it has according to Mark
A. Thorntveit s Ezra Nehemiah Interpretation a Bible Commentary for Teaching and
Preaching book, shows the story following an ABXBA structure with the climax of
opposition meaning the people who live around the ruined Jerusalem did not like that
the exiles came back and were building the wall again. The big idea of this story
according to Thorntveit is the narrative is carefully structured in five sections
whose main theme is to record four reports of the destruction of Jerusalem as a
reproach against God and the various responses made to those reports. As the quote
says the focus of the story of Nehemiah is the destruction of Jerusalem (Thorntveit,
62). The need to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem was more of a symbolic building,
according to Editor Marco Conti in Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture Old
Testament V, 1 2 Kings, 1 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, the wall was rebuilt
because the devil has free entry into the church, as through the walls of a ruined city.
In the Oxford Commentary, the wall was a sign of social and political symbolism.
The rebuilding of the wall was significant because the Jews felt like they had to
rebuild Jerusalem and to do that they would also need to rebuild the wall that was
destroyed when Jerusalem was invaded, and the Jewish people were taken into
their exile, for safety. According to David Brisben, author of the book Introduction
to Old Testament, the Jews rebuilt the wall for safety. Everyone wants to feel safe
in the city they live in, today we have police officers and laws. Back then all they
had was an army (the strength of the army depended on the strength of the leader of
the kingdom), and walls, so walls were very important to the people of the Biblical
times. In relation to the challenges that attempted
The Issue Of Today s Society
Seminar Paper (Entangled) Introduction There is no denying consumerism has
become an issue of today s society. People are consuming more than they ever have
before. Because of it material culture has become an increasing area of study.
Material culture is described as the relationship between people and their material
things. People are owning more stuff which is leading to major problems. The
mass consumptions of these goods has a negative impact on the planet. It takes
lots of energy and resources to produce a product, thus takes a negative toll on the
planet. Rainforest are cut down, habits are destroyed, global warming increases,
waste and toxic gases have increased, animals are killed, and people are displaced.
The people in marginalized communities and third world countries are the ones
that are affected the most. People are employed in horrible conditions, and paid
horrendous salaries by these huge corporations profiting on the exploitation of
these people, while profiting tremendously from the boom in consumer goods. Not
only have people of western societies but people around the world are craving and
desiring consumer goods. What is being consumed at an alarming rate is
technology. With the technological boom and technological advances at an
alarming rate has led to people purchasing such products. Because technology has
become so globalize and so easy to acquire at a price that is accessible by most, it has
led to an increase in sales and production
Study on Customer Satisfaction and Attitude Towards Idea...
We live in an era where telecommunications services hold a central role in every
sphere of our lives (Came, 1984). Marketers argue with compact confidences that
these emerging technologies have the ability to develop our lives and improve it in
many ways (Risto, 2002). Moreover, it has facilitated the instantaneous cost reduction
and quality improvement by offering different services by the companies (Douligeris
and Pereira, 1984).
The deregulation in the INDIAN telecommunication markets since the beginning of
the 1997s has brought about significant changes in the communication industry.
The need for the Communications over the longer distance has become the most
important aspect of the human lives. The ... Show more content on ...
* Generally the respondents were busy in their work and were not interested in
responding rightly. * Most respondents were not maintaining proper knowledge of
various services provided by their companies, so they were unable to provide exact
This project report is divided into five chapters. The first chapter gives an overview
of telecommunications. It also consists of the objective, scope and limitations of the
study. The second chapter is the literature review. The third chapter is the Company
profile of Idea and Vodafone. The fourth chapter includes the results and discussion.
And the fifth chapter includes the conclusion.
2.1 Customer
A customer is an individual who purchase or has the capacity to purchase goods and
services offered for sale by marketing institutions in order to satisfy personal or
household needs, wants or desires.
According to a statement made by Mahatma Gandhi, customer refers to the
following, A consumer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not
dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an outsider to our business. He
is part of it. We are
The Myth Of Apollo And Daphne
Jackson DeBord P.2 Artist Statements Eros: For Eros, the god of love, I chose to do
his perspective on the myth of Apollo and Daphne. I made him resent Apollo for
being a braggart, and had Eros sound like his pride was hurt by Apollo s gloating.
He was just retaliating for Apollo s arrogance. For my picture of Eros I decided to
make him look like a child. I also made him hold both a torch, which is mentioned
in the original story and which I mentioned in my rendition, and a bow with a
quiver of arrows slung on his back, which is also referenced in both the original
and my telling of the myth. I decided to make the background of Eros a
combination of warm colors to represent the fire and passion of love. Nemesis: I
decided to do the myth of Narcissus and Echo from Nemesis s point of view for a
story of her. I tried to make her sound a little defensive because she has to give bad
fortune, which no one likes, and she is considered mean because of this, even
though she is only doing her duty and keeping balance and order maintained by
controlling fortunes. Nemesis is the goddess of divine retribution and justice and I
decided to incorporate this in my artwork by giving her a full body nimbus, the glow
depicted around holy figure s head in art, to emphasize her divine aspect. I also gave
her a balance and sword to show, like in my story, she is just trying to keep order, but
she will be forceful or violent in doing so. Hekate: For Hekate I decided to do the
fairly famous
Contradiction Between Innocence and Individuality in the...
|ABSTRACT................................................................................. |2 |
|ж‘ и¦Ѓ.......................................................................................... |3 |
|1 Introduction.............................................................................. |4 |
|2 Individuality and Innocence in The Age of Innocence.............................. |6 |
|2.1 Ellen s Individualistic Qualities................................................ |7 |
|2.2 May s Artificial Innocence...................................................... ... Show more
content on ...
Elizabeth Ammon once argued that women like Wharton, Cather and Stein were
the real giants against whom writers such as Fitzgerald and Hemingway needed to
define themselves. The Age of Innocence was the most sophisticated novel written
by Edith Wharton in the year of 1920, when American women first had the right to
vote. Wharton reviewed the 1870s New York upper class society in the sight of
1920s. Like most of her works, The Age of Innocence tells a story about love and
marriage among three characters: Newland Archer, Ellen Olenska and May
Welland. Young lawyer Newland and beautiful girl May announce their
engagement at the party for welcoming the return of Ellen Olenska, May s cousin
who was born in New York but later has grown up in Europe and married a wealthy
Polish Count. Ellen comes back to New York for her family s support and comfort
because of her husband s unfaithfulness. However, as she claims to divorce, the
whole family as well as the whole Old New York society strongly opposes to it for
they regard divorce as scandal and humiliation. So they send Newland to persuade
Ellen from her decision. However, Newland is gradually fascinated by Ellen s
confidence, sophistication and individuality, which he never feels from his innocent
fiancГ©e and inevitably falls in love with her. He hesitates between the two totally
different women and vacillates whether he run
Hannah Herzog Analysis
I am 14 year old Hannah Herzog and I am currently serving my 3rd year as the
Secretary of the Country Pals 4 H Club. I recently finished 8th grade and was
promoted to high school at Little River Junior Senior High School. I played
volleyball and basketball and also ran track. This was my 7th year in 4 H; I enjoy
being well rounded in my 4 H projects.
I am in confirmation and I also serve as an acolyte at my church. I enjoy hanging out
with family and friends, watching sports, and helping on the farm. I enjoy being
around animals and helping with cattle chores on the farm.
My projects for the year included Leadership, Market Beef, Visual Arts and Crafts,
Photography, Woodworking, Shooting Sports Air Rifleand BB gun, Girls
Buymanship, Clothing Construction, and Foods Nutrition. I enjoy ... Show more
content on ...
This was my 2nd year in clothing construction and my 7th year in girls
buymanship. If you know me good enough you would know that I don t dress up
often so when I do it must be a special occasion. During buymanship and clothing
construction I am able to dress up some and as much as I want to. These last 2 years
I have enjoyed making something that I can use quite frequently in clothing
construction, doing so makes me feel good about myself and what I ve done.
Foods is so much fun to be in. I enjoy baking different recipes whenever I feel like it.
I like to try new recipes as long as it looks like I will like it, thats its something that
many other people will eat, or something good for the fair or whatever else I might be
baking for. Being in the foods project has allowed me to become more self
dependent over the years as I begin to be able to make real foods and not just
dessert or muffins. I enjoy making certain easy meals that I can make for my whole
family. I have learned many different baking styles, and tips over the years that I take
in and

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Read My Essay

  • 1. Read My Essay Crafting an essay on the topic "Read My Essay" about oneself can prove to be a challenging endeavor. The inherent difficulty lies in navigating the fine line between self-expression and self- promotion, as one must strike a balance between humility and confidence. On one hand, you want to showcase your strengths, experiences, and unique qualities, but on the other, you must avoid coming across as arrogant or boastful. Moreover, the process involves introspection and self-analysis, which can be emotionally taxing. Trying to encapsulate one's identity, achievements, and aspirations within the confines of an essay requires thoughtful reflection and a careful selection of words. It's not just about narrating personal anecdotes but also about presenting them in a compelling and coherent manner that engages the reader. The challenge intensifies when considering the potential audience. Striking a chord with readers who may have diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives requires a nuanced approach. One must strive to create a narrative that resonates universally while remaining authentic. Additionally, the constant self-evaluation needed for such an essay may lead to moments of self- doubt. Deciding what aspects of oneself to highlight and what to omit can be an arduous process, as individuals may grapple with the fear of being misunderstood or not doing justice to their own stories. In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic "Read My Essay" about oneself is a complex task that demands a delicate balance between self-revelation and audience consideration. It involves navigating the nuances of personal storytelling while maintaining a universal appeal. The emotional and intellectual investment required to produce such a piece can be demanding, making it a challenging yet worthwhile endeavor. If you find yourself in need of assistance with similar essays or other writing tasks, there are resources available to provide support. Services like offer a platform where you can order essays and receive professional guidance to navigate the complexities of personal and academic writing. Read My Essay Read My Essay
  • 2. Compare And Contrast Hatshepsut And Akhenaten Hatshepsut and Akhenaten have both revolutionized Egyptian art during their reign as rulers of Egypt. In the 18th Dynasty in Egypt, the art of both Queen/King Hatshepsut and Akhenaten represented them with features not corresponding to their biological sex or social gender. In several of her paintings and sculptures, Hatshepsut was often portrayed as a man despite that fact that she was a woman. On the other hand, Akhenatenwas often portrayed with feminine features, something that was never done before in Egyptian art. There have been many different theories from historians as to why Hatshepsut, Akhenaten, and their artists may have done this, but nothing has yet to be confirmed. Given the male dominated rulers of Egypt, Hatshepsut was one of the few female rulers. Hatshepsut was the wife of her half brother, Thutmose II, who ruled for fourteen years. When Thutmose II passed away, she co ruled with her underage son, Thutmose III. A few years later, she was declared king. Throughout her reign, she had several paintings and sculptures of herself made. However in these paintings and sculptures, she was often ... Show more content on ... Marfan s Syndrome is a hereditary disease that is known to cause skeletal abnormalities such as an elongated face, long and thin fingers, an enlarged chest, and eye problems. Moreover, patients have been known to have suffered from heart problems that can shorten their lifespan. Historians believe this to be the most likely case for Akhenaten because of the fact that he did die at an early age, and he did possessed several of the elongated skeletal features. Nonetheless, there is no way to prove this theory unless his body is found and examined. Archaeologists have found a body that had similar features to Akhenaten. Later tests revealed that the body was closely related to Tutankhamun, Akhenaten s son, so it s possible that the body does belongs to
  • 3. How Is Diction Used In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Stevenson uses diction, imagery, and details to characterize both sides of his main character. Assertion #1: Robert Louis Stevenson uses diction to characterize both sides of his main characters. The author writes, ...for the man trampled over the the child s body and left her screaming on the ground. (Stevenson, 7) The author created a mood of pain and agony. To find the mood there are two keywords, trampled, because Hyde s murdering an innocent girl and screaming because she s dying harshly. This quote characterizes Mr. Hyde, because it clearly tells the reader this is the spiteful personality of the two. The author writes, ...he was trampling his victim underfoot. (Stevenson, 27) The ... Show more content on ... The author writes, ...and then suddenly without looking up, How did you know me? he asked. (Stevenson, 18) The reader can imagine the confusion on Mr. Hyde s face. This quote characterizes Mr. Hyde, that he does not like to be the focus of a topic and does not appreciate being stared down. Assertion #2: Robert Louis Stevenson uses details to characterize both sides of his main characters. The author writes, He was the usual cut and dry apothecary, of no particular age and colour, with a strong Edinburgh agent. (Stevenson, 6) The author created a mood, mild and honorable.To find the mood there s a phrase from the quote, a strong edinburgh agent that tells the reader Dr. Jekyll seems like a sophisticated and calm man. This quote characterizes Dr. Jekyll, because it clearly tells the reader this is the gentle personality of the two. The author writes, Now that the evil influence had been withdrawn a new life had began for Dr. Jekyll. (Stevenson, 38) The author created a mood of joy and peacefulness. To find the mood there s a phrase from the quote, a new life began that tells the reader Dr. Jekyll is joyous for a new life to begin. This quote characterizes Dr. Jekyll, because it tells the reader that Jekyll is a happy
  • 4. Essay about Super Size Me Super Size Me Numerous individuals around the world are familiar with McDonald s and its unhealthy menu; however, that does not stop many from visiting the fast food giant. Super Size Me is an in depth film by Morgan Spurlock, which shows viewers his journey from healthy eating to becoming a fast food junkie. Viewers are able to see the damage that the unhealthy foodfrom McDonald s causes while Spurlock eats three meals a day from the fast food chain. Spurlock visits three schools, each with different meal programs. The differences in the healthy and unhealthy choices made by the schools are abundantly clear. Audiences also become aware of how effective advertisers are in securing business for unhealthy food products. Spurlock s... Show more content on ... Watching him wake up early in the morning having a hard time breathing and complaining of heart palpitations makes even the most avid McDonald s patron want to stop eating their harmful food. During a checkup after experiencing the heart palpitations, Dr. Isaacs tells Spurlock Your cholesterol is now 225 and your liver is inflamed. The doctor advises him to stop eating McDonald s food. It is shocking to see that after only two weeks on a McDonald s diet an individual can become severely ill. Dr. Isaacs tells Spurlock You are pickling your liver much like an alcoholic does when drinking. My advice is to stop. Stop this fatty diet. Two weeks later Spurlock s final weigh in indicates that he has gone from 185.5 lbs. to 210 lbs. He has gained a total of 24.5 lbs., which has increased his total body fat from 11% to 18%. It is astonishing to see that thirty days of a fast food diet can cause so much damage to an individual s body. The unhealthy effect fast food has on the body is no longer deniable to individuals who have seen the film. Schools play a vital role in the health and well being of their students. Spurlock gives viewers a look into three different schools and the nutrition they supply their students. Madison Jr. High in Naperville, Illinois outsources their food services to Sodexho Alliance. Sodexho Alliance provides students with many unhealthy lunch choices. Among their food choices are french fries,
  • 5. Research and Development and Financial Performance of UK... Research and Development and Financial Performance of UK Manufacturing Firms UK manufacturing firms have many factors which influence their financial performance. Research and Development could be a key factor in determining a firms success, however it does not assure financial improvement in all businesses due to the extensive variety of business types. Research and Development can be defined as the scientific investigation necessary to discover new products and the process of bringing these products onto the market. A manufacturing firm, which generally refers to a business that makes or processes raw or semi processed materials into either a finished product or further processed materials, by ... Show more content on ... However, Research and Development can also be used by small shops and retailers, by means of questionnaires, staff suggestion boxes, feedback forms and market research etc.. This low amount of Research and Development is typically normal, as small shops rely more on customer service, niche markets, and reasonable quality and price products. Research and Development can often be a very risky process, since much money can be spent on ideas that will never be commercialised. In product oriented firms, such as manufacturing companies have many factors which affect their financial performance. Research and Development is a useful way of improving profits, if there is significant funding, to employ scientists and researchers to produce and develop the most technically advanced products to date, which can then be marketed and turned into cash cows or stars. Also Research and Development could develop new methods to produce existing products, to lower average costs. However this depends on the skill of the scientists and researchers, because despite how much money is pumped into the Research and Development department, without ideas, invention and innovation the business will have no rewards. Furthermore, even if Research and Development does its job, this will be worthless if the manufacturing firm has too specialised equipment, which is unable to be flexible enough to
  • 6. Electronic Payment Methods Electronic Payment Methods Contents Introduction3 Sizes of Electronic Payments3 Electronic Means3 Critical Issues3 S.W.O.T Analysis4 Problem Statement5 Options5 Recommendation5 Feasible Solutions6 Monitoring6 Evaluation7 References8 Introduction Payment systems that use electronic distribution networks constitute a frequent practice in business sector, especially for banking industry. The term of electronic payments includes any payment to businesses, banks, and public services from citizens or businesses through a telecommunications or electronic ... Show more content on ... * Lower levels of confidentiality.| Opportunity| Threat| * Has created new financial needs that in many cases cannot be effectively fulfilled by the traditional payment systems. * Variety of payment cards * Micropayments * Online cash storage * Electronic Cash Systems * Internet Technologies and the Banking Industry| * Threat of security problem of banking industry * Functioning in a Global Market * Competition ease of entry * Shared Customer Data * Market Penetration * Small Market Adoption * Internet security| Problem Statement Viewing the critical issues, the main problem statement is: The problem with electronic payment methods is the security risks to merchants from consumer purchase on the Internet in a B2C relationship. Options 1. A merchant can require consumers to use a secure method of purchase. Security is determined by the consumer. One secure method is digital wallet or e wallet. This method stores e cash and other sensitive information which is protected by a password or digital certificate. Also know as digital cash, it is an option to transfer money between accounts (savings and checking) into an online cash account used for purchases. Consumers remain anonymous and it is similar to using real cash. Protection is through public key encryption. Companies such as Neteller provide the service for free instant transfers to merchants, cash withdrawals and secure online shopping, and money transfers. 2.
  • 7. Labor And Delivery Nursing Essay Labor and Delivery Nurses: Welcoming A Miracle As of 2013, around 353,000 babies were born in one day, according to the United Nations Children s Fund (Be Fruitful and Multiply). Delivering babies is very difficult and strenuous, luckily labor and delivery nurses are trained to help care for the mother during the process of welcoming her newborn into the world safely. Labor and delivery nurses play a very crucial role in helping the delivery of babies and bringing safety and peace to the mother. I am choosing to pursue a career as a labor and delivery nurse because they get to provide care to babies, they get paid well, and they get to assist in the delivery process. Labor and delivery nurses not only get to assist in delivery, but they get to help care for babies after delivery. After birth, the baby s umbilical cord must be cut. Typically, the father of the baby will cut the cord, but if the cord is wrapped around the baby s neck, it can restrict blood flow and must be cut immediately (Winder). The doctor must take charge and free the baby from choking by cutting the cord as quickly as possible. The nurse must remain calm and be ready to quickly check the baby to make sure everything is looking healthy. They must check its heart beat, clean out its nose and mouth, make sure it is breathing normally, make sure it has all ten fingers and toes, and check the weight and length of the baby (What Can I Do Now? Nursing... Show more content on ... By becoming a nurse, an individual gets to share special experiences with a mother and her new child by helping them throughout the birth process. Nurses will make several bonds and connections with the families and newborns they helped bring into the world. Labor and delivery nurses will get to help care for babies, get good pay, and assist with the delivery. These life changing nurses get to assist with the miracle of life and help families grow
  • 8. The University and Environmental Preservation The University and Environmental Preservation Caring for the environment has traditionally been thought of as a responsibility of environmental organizations such as Greenpeace or the Sierra Club. Universities have never been thought of as the leaders of environmental preservation until now. Since universities are looked upon with high regard, many people including President Baker of Cal Poly, feel that it is the responsibility of the university to set an example of how the environment is respected and conserved. In his Earth Day speech in 2004, President Baker claims that Cal Poly finds it suitable to be a signatory of the Talloires Declaration. This is a 10 point plan signed by over 300 universities worldwide setting out ... Show more content on ... Specifically, he mentions the web page and examples of actions taken by the Facilities Planning Department. This organization has implemented activities and ideals that are supported by principles of environmental sustainability. Also, in compliance with the Talloires Declaration, Cal Poly teaches environmentally responsible citizenship through educational programs. For example, several colleges offer degree programs and minors that provide emphasis on principles of sustainability. One last piece of evidence is when President Baker mentions the specific learning centers and institutions that provide environmental education. Baker introduces his evidence of the university s compliance by referring to Cal Poly s Master Plan that sets out the university s mission. According to him, many elements are included in this mission to create a comprehensive vision of sustainability, one of these elements being environmental protection. Although this is a valid reason, President Baker also states other reasons that are not pertinent to the environment. He speaks of a personally safe university and one that is more culturally diverse. Throughout the speech, President Baker displays a sense of urgency and passion about environmental preservation. As the president of the university and host of the event, he introduces the issue and his stance
  • 9. The, The Director And Narrator Of The Film, By Jamie Johnson In the documentary The One Percent the director and narrator of the film, Jamie Johnson, gives viewers a thought provoking look inside some of the wealthiest families in America. Johnson comes from old money. He is the great grandson of one of the brothers that founded Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceuticals and his father inherited a fortune of one billion dollars. In the documentary, Jamie Johnsontakes on the character of a filmmaker seemingly disinterested by his and his family s overly abundant wealth. Johnson s initial purpose for making this documentary was to expose the corruption and power of the top one percent. He wants to expose how the rich keep getting richer by showing how his family handles their finances. He claims Having so... Show more content on ... This sign foreshadows and symbolizes the exclusive nature of the upper class that Johnson describes later in the film. He begins to make conversation with a woman who has a British accent. A study done by Howard Giles with the department of Psychology at the University of Bristol, states Their [Wallace Lambert and colleagues] work has shown that stereotyped impressions of an individual s personality may be formulated by listeners when presented with a speaker s voice whose vocal contours are representative of phonological patterns peculiar to specific group membership. (Giles) Plainly, when people hear an accent, subconsciously they connect it with their previous experiences involving people with that accent. Because the British are often known for their history of wealth, power, monarchies, and luxurious culture, the average viewer of the documentary will subconsciously and inherently connect the women s British accent to wealth and authority. At this point in the film, upon hearing her voice the viewer will have a broad understanding of what the documentary is about before even being presented the formal narration of Johnson s thesis. The spying concept, the luxurious environment, and the audio of refined music and voice all come together as elements that make this scene extensively persuasive. Shortly after the introduction, Johnson presents a wave of facts and statistics by using simple graphic animations. These facts and
  • 10. Character Analysis Of The Sweetheart Of The Song Tra Bong In the chapter, The Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong , we meet an interesting character named Mary Anne. She was a seventeen year old lady who just got out of high school and went to visit her boyfriend Mark Fossie in Vietnam. It started out as just visiting a childhood sweetheart, except it all changed in a matter of weeks. Mary Anne began to take too much interest and she became engulfed in vietnam. She wasn t all too careful, rather than her swallowing the land, she was swallowed whole by it. Vietnam changed Mary Anne into something she never thoughtthat she would become, she changed into a lone soldier, physically, behaviorally and psychologically. The first was Mary Anne changed was physically. When Mary Anne first arrived, she was described as, ...tall, big boned blonde (89) and with long white legs and a complexion like strawberry ice cream (89) These descriptions symbolize how new that she was, the perfect example of a lady. She slowly began to learn stuff from the boys around, and she became so committed to her surroundings that she changed her appearance. ...stopped wearing cosmetics, no nail filing, stopped wearing jewelry, cut her hair short (94) This symbolized the change throughout the weeks, how she changed into somebody completely different than the first day that anybody saw her. She was barely recognizable anymore. Once she started going off with the greenies, she started to look like them. She wore a bush hat and filthy green fatigues... her face was
  • 11. Flight Assay Lab Report Procedure: Climbing Assay The experiment will entail working in pairs with two vials per fly strain, per table, and with 2 vials per strain containing nothing. 1.The vial should be divided into 3 sections labelled A, B, and C, with section A being the farthest from the ground, and section C being the closest to the ground. Each section is 3 cms in height. 2.Approximately 10 flies should be transferred to a plastic vial that contains nothing. The vial needs to be covered with a cotton stopper. 3.Ensure that all the flies are in the bottom area of the vial. 4.The flies will distribute themselves within the 3 compartments during a 20 second time period. Identify the number of flies in each compartment. 5.Merge the results with the results... Show more content on ... For each table, there will be 1 vial per strain. In addition, 2 graduated cylinders with 500 ml capacity will be needed on each table. 2.Each of the cylinders needs to be covered on the inside with paraffin wax that can be applied with forceps and cotton. 3.Transfer the flies of a vial into the cylinder using a funnel. Ensure that during the transfer process, the funnel is kept in a vertical position so that the flies do not come in contact with paraffin layered cylinder walls. 4.The ability of the flies to fly measure their flying potential. The flies with good flying ability will hit the walls of the cylinder close to the top, whereas the flies with lesser flying potential will hit the cylinder walls at lower levels or hit the bottom. 5.Document the number of flies and the position of collision with the cylinder walls. The cylinder can be divided into 3 areas for ease of measurement. Procedure: Extraction of Mitochondria The experiment will entail the following: 1.3 strains of female flies (wt, sdhB, and w501) will be used for this experiment. For each Eppendorf tube (for a total of 3 tubes with 1 tube per strain) use 1000 Вµl of Mitochondria Isolation Buffer (MIB), and around 20 whole female
  • 12. Weimar Republic Failure There are many historians that believe the Weimar Republic was doomed from the beginning of its existence as a rump state of the once powerful German Empire. Other historians believe the republic is not such a failure as it seems in textbooks and online articles. Both sides unanimously agree that the Weimar Republicwas a failed attempt at bringing democracy to a predominantly monarchical (and tyrannical) Europe. The majority of historians that agree the ill fated Weimar Republic was a smudge on Germanyduring the Interwar Period have a large amount of validities to support that claim. However, these validities also apply to the latter (to a lesser extent) , with one major problem resolved by the republic. One of the claims is that the Weimar Republic was simply too weak to establish itself as a political power in Germany, being contested by left and right wing extremist groups. There were often frequent rebellions in Germany, led by Communists and Marxists. The military at the time was far too outnumbered to quell these rebellions in their own jurisdiction. Another major impediment was the hyperinflation of the currency of that time, the German Mark. After the Great War, Germany was in a state of utter devastation and rebellion. The Kaiser had just fled Germany, and she was now without a leader, essentially cutting head off the snake. The military had also returned in a similar shape. The German economy was in ruins. The Weimar Republic was still responsible for
  • 13. Explain the types of organizational change and the process... пїЅBusiness Management BUSINESS MANAGEMENT пїЅ EXPLAIN THE TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE AND THE PROCESS OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE. WHICH ARE THE MOST EFFICIENT METHODS OF MANAGING CHANGES? Organisational change is an irreversible adoption of any feature of its strucutre, personel, products or processes (J.Naylor) Today s business environment is forcing entities for changes. If we would think from corporate point of view it is essential for the companies success to be in accordance with new markets demands. On the other hand, individuals are ruling the companies and the companies` corporate strategy heavily depends on them so it is important to have eligible management who is ready to respond quickly fast and reliable on any possible ... Show more content on ... External experts are hired to use their experience and implement it on the targeted company. TEAM model means that change agents are seen as teams that operate at various levels in an organization and which are composed of the requisite managers, employees and consultants necessary to accomplish the particular change project set them. The most recognized are tree types of schools which are different by its approaches how changes should be undertaken within an organization. THE INDIVIDUAL PERSPECTIVE SCHOOL the supporters of this school can be divided into two different group: Behaviorists represents folklore of change management theories. In practice behavior modification involves the manipulation reinforcing stimuli so as to reward the desired activity. The aim is to reward immediately all instance of the wanted behavior, but to ignore all instances of unexpected behavior (because even negative recognition can act as reinforcer). This is based on the principle of extinction: behavior will stop eventually if it is not rewarded. Not surprisingly given the period when it is emerged, the Behaviorist approach faces in many respects that of the Classical School representing human as machine responding only to external stimuli. Gestalt field psychologists learning is process of gaining or changing insight outlook, expectation or thought
  • 14. Analyse Wilson Abortion Case Brief Fact: Before 1988, the Criminal Code prohibited abortion unless the life or health of a woman was endangered, the section 251(4) of the Code required them to obtain a certificate from a therapeutic abortion committee of an accredited or approved hospital. In 1998, a very significant decision took place regarding women s rights, which changed this. Dr. Henry Morgentaler, Dr. Leslie Frank Smoling and Dr. Robert Scott were all trained professionals in the medical field, that had organized a clinic to perform abortions for women who did not have a certificate/approval of the hospital. These ladies had publicly doubted the judgment of the abortionlaws in Canada and insisted that a womanmust have the unfettered right to choose whether or not an abortion is appropriate for her own matters. The legal case was between Dr. Morgentaler and Her Majesty the Queen. In the end of the case, only Justice Wilson, one of the judges defended an abortion right and announced that a constitutional right to abortion or freedom of choice. The decision 5 2, was split into four separate judgments. Although only Justice Wilson declared the... Show more content on ... Since Parliament has jurisdiction to protect the child within the womb, it cannot make abortion a right. However, the fact that this was matter was taken to Canada s highest court, and 5 2 decision was made is slowly leading to more freedom of their own body for women. Fact : Finally, the case Sulz v. Attorney General is about Nancy Sulz, who is a former female member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). She was initially posted to Merritt as a general duty police officer. But when she was pregnant with her second baby, she started having troubles with the duty and her
  • 15. New World Film Techniques In final scene of Terrence Malick s film, The New World, Malick makes use of multiple film techniques. By using these techniques, the film and the final scene is given great meaning and the tone of the film is established. Terrence Malick directed and wrote the film that was released in December of 2005, while Emmanuel Lubezki was the cinematographer. The filmfeatures Q orianka Kilcher as Pocahontas, Christian Bale as John Rolfe, and Jonathan Gonitel as Thomas Gonitel at four years old. In terms of camera use, Malick uses objective camera, the rule of thirds, warm colors, and various lightning Malick chooses to use objective camera, where the point of view is from the observer allowing the viewer to forget that the camera is even there. It makes the... Show more content on ... In the first thirty seconds of the clip, the sky is very bright and the grass is a rich green, signifying a happy time in life. As the clip progresses, the sky begins to get gloomy, thus paralleling the gloominess of their lives since the women falls ill. Then the leaves are seen to have fallen off the tree, showing that death is near. In the last minute or so of the clip, things begin to look up again. The water and sky are blue which signifies serenity; their live s have began to calm down after the storm. The sun is shining through the trees and as it is setting, It is a simplistic view, but a beautiful that makes viewers happy, For sound, he implements music, diegetic sound, and a few voice overs. By putting a piano in the background, Terrence establishes tone and the time period. It also changes slightly when the mother passes away, so the viewer becomes sad. The birds chirping, or diegetic sound, allows the story to become that more realistic and it allows the viewer to actually feel like they re in the scene. The voice over is used to give the viewer a perspective of what just occurred in the story
  • 16. Information on Laissez-faire and Court Injuction 1. Court Injuction 2. Laissez faire Recording to the Union County College Laissez faire an economic and political doctrine that holds that economies function most efficiently when unencumbered by government regulation. Laissez faire advocates favor individual self interest and competition, and oppose the taxation and regulation of commerce. Leave it alone The concept came from the economic theories of Adam Smith, the 18th century Scot whose writings greatly influenced the growth of American capitalism. Smith believed that private interests should have a free rein. As long as markets were free and competitive, he said, the actions of private individuals, motivated by self interest, would work together for the greater good of society. Smith did favor some forms of government intervention, mainly to establish the ground rules for free enterprise. But it was his advocacy of laissez faire practices that earned him favor in America, a country built on faith in the individual and distrust of authority. Laissez faire practices have not prevented private interests from turning to the government for help on numerous occasions, however. Railroad companies accepted grants of land and public subsidies in the 19th century. Industries facing strong competition from abroad have long appealed for protections through trade policy. American agriculture, almost totally in private hands, has benefited from government assistance. Many other industries also have sought and received
  • 17. South Bronx Research Paper By the early 1990s, the South Bronx had changed. On my visits home from an upstate community college, I noticed that more and more neighborhoods had dried up. The crackheads and crack whores were gone, along with the drug peddlers who had barked:Red Top! Gold Top! I got Blue!Someone had cleaned the streets, dusting the drug dealers and drug users off the planet, leaving the South Bronx a ghost town.CoГ±o, que pasГі?By the early 1990s, the South Bronx had changed. On my visits home from an upstate community college, I noticed that more and more neighborhoods had dried up. The crackheads and crack whores were gone, along with the drug peddlers who had barked:Red Top! Gold Top! I got Blue!Someone had cleaned the streets, dusting the drug... Show more content on ... On my visits home from an upstate community college, I noticed that more and more neighborhoods had dried up. The crackheads and crack whores were gone, along with the drug peddlers who had barked:Red Top! Gold Top! I got Blue!Someone had cleaned the streets, dusting the drug dealers and drug users off the planet, leaving the South Bronx a ghost town.CoГ±o, que pasГі?By the early 1990s, the South Bronx had changed. On my visits home from an upstate community college, I noticed that more and more neighborhoods had dried up. The crackheads and crack whores were gone, along with the drug peddlers who had barked:Red Top! Gold Top! I got Blue!Someone had cleaned the streets, dusting the drug dealers and drug users off the planet, leaving the South Bronx a ghost town.CoГ±o, que pasГі?By the early 1990s, the South Bronx had changed. On my visits home from an upstate community college, I noticed that more and more neighborhoods had dried up. The crackheads and crack whores were gone, along with the drug peddlers who had barked:Red
  • 18. Teratogens Research Paper The class discussion and textbook reading highlight some very important topics, such as the many types of teratogens and how it could really impact the child. We also discussed how the temperament and how there are three type of infants that the child could possibly fall into. The attachment of the child towards its caregiver and theory of moral development was also part of the growing of the child and how they act towards their surrounding. Chapter three discussed many different types of teratogens, which means that it is a substances or viruses that could cause damage during prenatal period, and it is also very harmful during the embryonic period also known as the critical period because thirty percent of pregnancy were miscarriage during ... Show more content on ... We also talked about how two out of three of all infants fall into three different types of temperament. Based on the three types of temperament I am pleased to say that I am the trap that made my parents want another baby. My mom would always tell me stories of how peaceful I was as a child and that neighbors and family friends love me because I am very adaptable toward strangers and always smiling at people. With that I believe that I am an Easy Baby based on what my parents had told me, and with the way I interact with people, they wanted one more baby. Then there s my brother who was very cute as a child but when he was put outside the house and visit family friends, he would always find a way to get my parents mad and then it makes them not wanting to go out the house anymore. My brother is a Difficult Child. This could relate the what my professor had said in class about how majority of the times the first born child is the trap and parents would want more of what they see. But it s not always going to be in a pattern of easy baby, then difficult baby, then the slow to warm up. One of my close family friend had three babies and all three are the easy baby, all of them are very pleasant, adaptable, always responding
  • 19. Summary On The Court Decision Decides A Software Patent... Summary This Supreme Court decision decides a software patent complaint between Alice Corporation Pty. Ltd. (Alice) and CLS Bank International et al (CLS Bank). The question in this case asks whether a patent claiming the use of a fundamental economic principle is eligible for patent because it applies the use of a computer. Procedural History The petitioner of the case, CLS Bank, has several patents (Nos. 5,970,479, 6,912,510, 7,149,720, 7,725,375) pertaining to the exchange of financial obligations between two parties by using a computer system as a third party intermediary i.e. escrow. (Alice Corp v. CLS Bank, 13 298 S. Ct. 2 (2013)) The respondent in this case, CLS Bank, is a cash settlement service dealing in the foreign exchange market. CLS Bank has filed suit against Alice in District Court, claiming the patents are invalid, unenforceable, or not infringed. After the Supreme Court decided on Bilski v. Kappos, No. 08 964 (2010) both parties filed cross motions in District Court seeking summary judgment as to whether the asserted claims are eligible for patent. The District Court held that the claims are patent ineligible because they are directed to an abstract idea. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
  • 20. reversed the decision with a divided panel. Their assertion stated that there was no obvious use of an abstract concept. The Federal Circuit then agreed to hear the claim en banc and vacated the panel s 1 opinion
  • 21. Plagiarism In Pennycook s The Death Of The Author When Pennycook analyzed the issue of plagiarism in his essay, Borrowing Others Words: Text, Ownership, Memory, and Plagiarism, he introduced the essence of language learning and the evolution of the notion of author in a more detailed way, which provides a different angle to interpret Roland Barthes s The Death of the Author. Barthes describes writing in the beginning of his essay as a composite, oblique space where our subject slip away (142). Pennycook s passages can give a lucid explanation of Barthes s wordchoice of composite . Pennycook believed that, according to Western traditions, literary originality came into being alongside a wholesale borrowing of languageand ideas (212). Writing, as a part of language learning, needs... Show more content on ... Barthes followed Proust s ideology and pointed out that author made of his very life a work for which his own book was the model (144). It seems absurd when Barthes put forward that historical person was just a fragment deprived from a frictional figure. Pennycook, by discussing doing language in his essay, pointed out a similar relationship between the language and reality that it is language that shapes reality and not reality that shapes language (222). As Pennycook mentioned, the issue is not one of understanding of the world and then mapping language onto it but rather of acquiring language as texts as a precursor to mapping out textual realities (222). He continued to argue that these speculations depended on how language and text may be understood (Pennycook 222). Bathes proposed a perspective that centered on readers (148). Readers, who are considered as someone without history, biography, psychology by Barthes, can take in all the quotations that compose a writing. From a reader s perspective to analyze language shaping reality, all the information that readers can get are all from the language, either the depict of frictional figure or the historical person s autobiography. When readers have no background knowledge of what they are reading, they cannot distinguish whether this character is frictional or non frictional. The detailed narrative of frictional figure may seem like a prototype of the fragmented description of historical person. Then Barthes s narration become sensible, Montesquiou in his anecdotal, historical reality is no more than a secondary fragment, derived from Charlus . Consequently, language shaping reality becomes
  • 22. The Effects Of Carbon Dioxide On Our Oceans Our oceans absorb almost twenty five percent, each year, of all the carbon dioxide that human activity emits into the air. Scientists originally believed that the idea of our oceans absorbing extra carbon dioxide that is in the air was a positive idea, because it would deter global warming. But, they soon came to the realization that this absorption process was having similarly disastrous effects, as global warming does, and it what happening to our oceans. This phenomenon, of our oceans taking in the excess carbon dioxidefrom the atmosphere, leads to ocean acidification; a term used to describe how our oceans are becoming increasingly more acidic over time. However, just in the past 200 years, ocean acidification has increased by thirty percent, and this number will only continue to increase due to our current rate of industrialization. Carbon dioxide is one of the major greenhouse gases, and is one of the most common gases found in the earth s atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere in mass amounts by human activities and then absorbed by our oceans. The main way that carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere is by the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Increased energy composition and with the industrialization age, beginning in the 18th century, has led to a drastic spike in the burning of fossil fuels and therefore the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The main emitters of carbon dioxide are cars, airplanes, and factories
  • 23. Ob Effective Communication 5101 ORGANISATION BEHAVIOUR Case study: Bridging The Two Worlds The Organizational Dilemma What are the barriers to effective communications in Aluminium Elements Corp and how were they addressed? What would you do differently? GSM 5101 Organizational Behaviour Page 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION Communication refers to the process in which information is transmitted and understood between two or more people. The word understood is emphasized because the transmitting of the sender s meaning to other people is the essence of good communication. In the model of communication, there are various channels and barriers (noise) that can become the factors of communication effectiveness. 1.1 Introduction to communication Figure 1 Communication ... Show more content on ... 2.0 BARRIERS OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONS IN AEC Effective communication is a sharing process which involves the first party sending a message that can be easily understood by to the second party. However, there are some barriers that may influence the effectiveness of communication which may result in misunderstanding or misinterpretation. In the case study of AEC, William Todorovic has discovered several barriers to the effective communication between the employees in the organization. 2.1 Imperfect Perception There were different perceptions between the management and the floor staff. For example, the floor staff thought that the management were unaware of the problems at the floor and were too self centered that they only cared about their schedules, issuing orders and making demands. GSM 5101 Organizational Behaviour Page 5 As for the management, they thought that they did not have anything to learn from floor employees. Such perception has made them hardly understand the real process in finishing orders and this has created a gap between the management and the floor staff. 2.2 Poor selection of medium to communicate Choosing the right medium or channel for communication may affect the effectiveness of the transmitted message In AEC, the management has used memos to communicate with the shop floor employees. This was in fact, a one way communication because after the memo was sent out no further clarification was made by the
  • 24. Causes Of The Scientific Answer To War The Scientific Answer to War On September 1, 1939, Germany under the control of Adolf Hitler invaded the sovereign nation of Poland effectively starting the Second World War. By the end of the conflict in 1945 an estimated 64 million people had died, more than the entire population of the United Kingdom (Thomas). The end of the Second World War saw the end of the German Third Reich, the founding of the United Nations, and both the United States and Russia becoming global superpowers. The Second World War s start is one long debated: a continuation of the First World War that theoretically ended in 1918, Japan seizing Manchuria, Germany s reoccupation of the Rhineland, or Germany s invasion of Poland (World). No matter the start the Second... Show more content on ... Overall Vasquez makes a completing case, however, he undermines the importance that the Versailles Treaty had in setting up Germany for the radical rhetoric of the Nazi Party. Germany was a young country, their unification as an Empire occurred in 1871, and after the Great War, the allied powers wanted revenge (SparkNotes). Reparation payments crippled the country, with Germany having to pay tremendous amounts that destroyed its economy. With the country falling on hard times the Nazis message of redemption attractive enough to set Europe back down the road to war. Which this paper does not take this into account, it jumps to the time where Hitler is already in power. Looking at the cause of the war it is important to think about if the Treaty of Versailleswere less harsh on Germany, would the Nazi Party had enough traction to take over the country? The paper does not completely forget the impact of the First World War, though, the paper explains that attitudes towards World War Iand how they affected the countries reactions. Vasquez sums this up by stating, Britain and France won the previous war, but did not see it as worth the cost ... in Germany ... the war was lost, but seen as worth the cost (Vasquez). This ideology allowed hardliners to take control of the Germany first, then France. Another piece of the paper that was great was when Vasquez states that if Hitler had handled
  • 25. The Bombing Of The Rainbow Warrior Introduction The bombing of the Rainbow Warrior was a significant event in the history of New Zealand. It was the first ever act of terrorism in New Zealand. On July the 10th 1985 two French spies planted 2 bombs on Greenpeace s the Rainbow Warrior. At 11:38pm the first bomb went off blasting a hole about the size of a car. Then at 11:45pm the second bomb went off. Photographer Fernando Pereira drowned when the vessel sunk as after the first blast went off he went a tried to retrieve his camera equipment. This tragic event had a lot of consequences as not only did it kill Fernando it also put fear in the minds of New Zealanders because it was the first ever act of terrorism in the country. This report will describe what was happening leading up to the event with the nuclear free legislation starting to take effect in New Zealand at the time and also the cold war was starting to heat up again. It will also describe what the Rainbow Warrior was used for before the sinking of it when it was with Greenpeace and when it was with UK ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. The report will also explain what happen on the day of the bombing and the trial of the two French spies. It will also describes in the report the consequences of this act of terrorism to the relationship of ANZUS and the nuclear free legislation. The report will also analyse the significance of the bombing to New Zealand with the many people affected by this act of terrorism. What was happening in the
  • 26. Babylon As A Great Civilization Babylon was a great civilization which at one time could have ruled the world. The name Babylon means Gate of God . Babylon was located in an ancient region surrounded by the Tigris and Euphrates River. This great civilization first initiated around 3500 BC and began to crumble after the year 323 BC. The Babylonculture was successful because of the advanced citizens, cultural cities, their technology, and legal systems. Babylon was home to 10,000 to 40,000 Babylonians. This paper will talk about Babylon s culture, Babylon s everyday lifestyle, Babylon s clothing, Hammurabi, the code of Hammurabi, Babylon s religion and Babylon s education. Like many other cultures, the Babylonians too were very elaborate on their wedding ceremonies. Marriage signifies the union between the bride and groom is watched over by tons of people. The ceremony conducted then is almost the same as it is conducted today however, the huge difference is the gift giving during the ceremony. The gifts given by guest during the old Babylonian wedding ceremonies range from flour to jewellery. Based upon the gifts given, it can show the occupation of the gift giver, either a merchant, a goldsmith or a farmer. The amount given by the gift giver is usually recorded for future purpose to either repay the gift given during a wedding ceremony of his son or daughter or to simply identify who was the gift giver of that certain gift. Another interesting finding about Babylon is how their everyday life is divided
  • 27. The Decision Of Purchasing Drones For The Purpose Of Local... Purchasing Drones The decision of purchasing drones for the purpose of local law enforcement to use could be a negative and a positive. There are several states in the U.S. who do allow the purchase and the usage of drones by local law enforcement. Some of those states consist of Texas and California; but for the states on the East Coast (where Baltimore, Maryland resides); there is one state who allows the purchase and usage of drones: Florida. There are several pros and cons on this issue. Some of the pros and cons revolve around money, time, and the issue of individual rights. A drone is an unmanned aircraft or ship guided by remote control or onboard computers. (Merriam Webster). It is also beyond [the] line of sight: the GPS of a U.S. spy drone. ( The issue that will be continuously brought up will be the right of privacy. Will the usage of drones violate the Fourth Amendment? It can be a violation if abused. The key word in the definition of drones IS spy. Is it spying if you are looking at something in plain view, but the device is out of plain sight? The Fourth Amendment states that every individual has the right to not have unreasonable searches and not without probable cause. However, there are exceptions to the Fourth Amendment which includes the Plain View Doctrine. The Plain View Doctrine states that if a law enforcement officer is in a place legally and sees criminal activity or other evidence, the evidence can be seized without a
  • 28. Homo Erectus Essay Homo Erectus In the quest to explain human origins it is necessary to find a species that bridges modern man (Homo sapiens) with the apes. To fill this gap evolutionists have set forth Homo erectus, who lived approximately 400,000 to 1.6 million years ago (Johanson and Shreeve1989). Although the distinctions are somewhat vague, below the neck, Homo sapiens and Homo erectus are practically Identical and Homo erectus was responsible for pioneering the use of standard tools (such as the hand axe), big game hunting, and the use of fire (Johanson and Shreeve1989). You may know Homo erectus as Java man or Peking man ( Johanson and Shreeve 1989). Erectus was low of brow, thick of bone, endowed with a brain larger than that of its ... Show more content on ... Other than this remarkable jump, the physical features stayed relatively constant over those 1.4 million years(Washburn, McCown 1972). Some anthropologists say that their supra orbital ridges were slightly more pronounced than previously, cranial bones were heavier and there was still no protruding chin but their molars had decreased in size (Washburn, McCown 1972). Foreheads began to develop in the later members of the species, most likely as a result of an expanding frontal lobe (that part of the brain that we believe controls many of our higher functions such as reasoning, foresight and concentration) (Johanson and Shreeve 1989). Homo erectus had a lighter jaw than did Homo Habilis (Johanson and Shreeve 1989). The following characteristics are generally accepted: Skull low, broad and elongated Cranial capacity 750 1250 cc Median sagittal ridge Supraorbital ridge Postorbital constriction Receding frontal contour Occipital bun or torus Nuchal area extended for muscle attachment Cranial wall unusually thick Brain case narrower than zygomatic arch Heavy facial architecture Large jaw, wide ramus No chin (mentum) Teeth generally large Post cranial bones heavy and thick Alveolar (maxilla) prognathism (Johanson and Shreeve 1992, 82 83) At least 222 fossils of Homo erectus have been found to date throughout Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe that support these statistics
  • 29. Secrets Aren T Secrets Essay Secrets aren t secrets. They are weapons. You can save them in your pocket until you need them. Did you know that over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying every year? There are even approximately 160,000 teens who skip school because of bullying. By the same token, there are bully victims between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non victims. Now, let me tell you this. You may not like it very much, but I had witnessed a girl being bullied, and this has happened eight years ago. The bullying always took place at the school s ground, and she was a mere first grader. She was targeted by two boys around her age, and the reason she was being targeted was because of the way she looked. As a matter of fact, she had short, ... Show more content on ... I remember too that the girl would try to hide in the classroom during recess all because she was scared. But eventually, teachers would kick her out of the classroom and force her to go to the school s ground. Moreover, she didn t even dare to speak a word to a helpful teacher about her condition. She dealt with this pain the whole time. No one helped her. Not even I could do so. As a result, she started to cover her head with hijab. I understood why. She felt insecure and helpless. She always pretended that the bullying never happened. Furthermore, the bullying went on even though she has already covered her head. Afterward, I heard the boys had been reported of bullying the young girl. Until this day, I still wondered who reported them to the principle. It sounded like an uncanny mystery to me. Of course, the boys were made to apologize to the girl. One thing I did not understand about the girl was that she forgave them easily. I don t think a matter like this can be easily forgiven. If so, why did she forgive them at that very moment? Furthermore, she maintained a good friendship with them till the next two years before their classes were separated according to gender. Now, have you ever wondered who this girl
  • 30. MRT 102 Questions 1.What is your recommended sourcing strategy in this case Please support your decision with quantitative and qualitative evidence gathered during the case analysis. Also, present your plan to reduce any risks associated with your sourcing decision. 2.This case provided the data necessary to perform a cursory supplier financial analysis. In reality, cross functional sourcing teams must often obtain this data during their assessment of potential suppliers. Discuss possible sources of supplier financial information. What may impact a purchasers ability to obtain supplier financial data 3.A sourcing decision of the magnitude highlighted in this case requires a serious commitment of resources and time. Do all sourcing... Show more content on ... The decision was made to pursue the home computer user, through a strategy focused on shipping low cost, high quality computers directly to customers as orders are received (make to order). This production model is similar to the Dell approach, and appears to be the model that will dominate the PC industry. Because the company does not plan to build finished PCs (i.e., make to stock) in anticipation of future sales, market demand forecasts, supplier quality, supplier capacity, lead time, and delivery reliability are critical factors. The company is willing to carry some units in component inventory as safety stock as a buffer against missing customer order commitments. Pacific Systems Corporation will assemble the computers in its own facilities, but intends to outsource many of the key product components and subassemblies, including the DVD drive, a feature that will be standard on each PCS computer. The decision to outsource the DVD drive resulted from an executive level insourcing/outsourcing study that concluded the cost to manufacture these drives in house was highly prohibitive. The product requires production capabilities that are beyond PCSs current expertise. Marketing estimates that first year demand for the new PC, and therefore the DVD drives, would be approximately 500,000 units, with a 20 growth expected for year two. Expected pricing for the computers
  • 31. Mexico Sitting Pool Sitting poolside at a resort in Mexico during the afternoon is wonderful experience. The sky is clear blue. The temperature is hot and humid. A kidney shaped pool awaits you. The pool has lounge chairs and a sitting area inside of it. Since the pool is so close to ocean there is a salty breeze. The poolis lined with white lounge chairs. Just bring a towel with you and start relaxing. Your only worry is when to get in the pool again or when to flip over to evenly tan. There is no need to get up to get a drink. There waiters and waitresses dressed in white pants and pale yellow shirt. They will bring you a drink when you are thirsty. Since you are on vacation in a different country there is no cell phone that connects you to the
  • 32. Marketing Strategy For Soft Tea There are times when I simply cannot decide between sweetened iced tea, and unsweetened iced tea, but offering me a third option (that is most similar to one of the sweetened levels for example, Вј sweet tea mixed with Вѕ unsweet) to aid my decision making process has been a well documented marketing strategy for years. Introducing a decoy (or dominated alternative) helps consumers narrow their focus on the simpler choice. However, choosing sweet teamay involve giving up the fewer calorie healthier for me option found in the unsweet tea, and this can cause conflicts in my process that result in an absence of the decoy s intended benefit. Choosing the sort of iced beverage I consume on a hot day has little significance compared to the sort... Show more content on ... They were able to create choice sets that delineated, and consistently demonstrated the attraction effect (decoy effect, or asymmetrical dominance). This was done by presenting the target and competitor as equals, and in this way, the decoy showed how its inclusion motivated choices, as well as positively supporting the target. The attraction effect has been replicated hundreds of times over the past thirty two years, and been conducted with different stimuli, in many different circumstances, and have yielded multifarious explanations for its occurrence. Many explanations support the Huber et al., study, and some even refute the existence of an attraction effect when it is tested in these different domains. Kim and Park (2005) analyzed the use of a decoy effect, and how it would influence consumer choices on the target brand versus the competitor, and how the anchoring cognitive bias influenced their choices. When consumers have a choice among alternative brands they haven t considered, they will do a methodical comparison of the items with the expectation it included a few characteristics they cared about (Kim, and Park, 2005). Consistent with their hypothesis, they found that consumers applied past judgement experiences to their
  • 33. Stranded Ship on East Hampton Beach Essay Stranded Ship on East Hampton Beach Thomas Moran is known for his oil paintings of the natural world. He captures nature at the moment in which he sees it; this may, in turn, be serene but also show the dramatic and violent natures of his momentary surroundings. In the compositions chosen he illustrates, as the title infers, a vessel caught in the turbulent, tumultuous sea. As he captured this image, he kept in mind the destructive nature of water also the constructive nature of water. Water has the ability to enable cultures to thrive and to barely survive. Water was the main source transportation of goods, ideas and communication in prehistoric times. In his composition, Moran displays the solid and life depending aspect of water as ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, the flag stands erect and flapping in the wind. On the right side of the piece, we view the exact magnitude of the storm through the white wash of the violent waves. Additionally, the sky to the right of the ship s crow s nest is lighter and hints of a sun trying to break through the lurking darkness. Despite the presence of other visual elements, what clearly connects is that the ocean, embellished and predominantly highlighted in the work, was Moran s principal interest. However, the fact that something so fleeting as surging waves dominates the composition even to the visual expense and weight of an obviously colossal ship. The visual expressive elements in Moran s composition are not equal in weight. Occupying nearly seventy five percent of the page, and defining with its form the corresponding negative space of the lighter sky, the waves of abundant frigid, murky water and cold, stylized white and aquamarine green frothy accents at its edges, surges high into the sky in the distant background to fill almost all of the horizontal extent of the paper. Through atmospheric distance techniques, Moran is able to effectively illustrate the caliber of the waves on the ship s hull by setting the central mast at an eighty seven degree angle in relation to the horizon line. In addition, he does not make the central mast clearly visible, but rather distorts the image of the central pole
  • 34. We The People And Others By John S. Furnivall A plural society defines social structure that consist/comprises of different communities, races, cultures or other social groupings. A plural society is formed when one or more different integrate into one singular society. Although a plural society is a grouping of differences, it seems being a plural society only serves to make them more distinct from each other. From the early uses of the label plural society, there seems not an intention for it serve as a complete integration, but their coexistence in a singular structure. There are many different types of plural society as there s not only the defined different plural societies but also, the evolution of the plural society concept itself has forged different meanings for a plural society.... Show more content on ... In We the People and Others, Benjamin Bernard Ringer describes John S. Furnivall s early use of plural society The relations between the whites and each of the non white groups were crystallized and stabilized even in the colonial days into a structure akin to what Furnivall labeled a plural society in his study of tropical dependencies (Ringer) He then proceeds to describe how this type of plural society is related to slavery and the constitution excluded non white from the said people s domain of the constitution, the black and native Americans continued to be treated as the conquered or property. Also, The structure of relations between the whites and each of the other races continued in the colonist model of a plural society (Ringer). Through Ringer s description, we can see the initial type of plural society only had the sense of coexistence but had no regards for equality or rather purposefully incorporated the inequality between the different
  • 35. Water Vapour Is The Fuel For Hurricanes A hurricane is a tropical storm with winds that spiral inward. A hurricane rotates in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction due to a phenomenon that is known as the Coriolis effect. This video can tell you how it affects the spin of a hurricane. It s wind speeds that go over 64 knots or 118km/h. A hurricane can be 900km long and can last a week.This phenomenon is known as a cyclone in the Indian Ocean, but they are also named hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean and typhoons in the Far East. How Hurricanes formed Water vapour is the fuel for hurricanes because when it condenses to form clouds and rain it warms the surrounding air. The heat builds up causing low pressure to form. The low pressure causes the wind to spiral towards the centre
  • 36. Erikson s Psychological Theory of Identity Erikson s psychological theory of identity is based on a psychosocial model, taking into account the social environment including peers and family group. According to Erikson, individuals form a core identity in part via membership in a community. Erikson understood that psychosocial development was a process, involving a series of stages. Progress through these stages usually entails a normative conflict or crisis that pits individual needs with social norms or demands. Erikson identified eight stages of psychosocial development. These stages generally follow the chronological age development of the individual from birth to death. Each stage is defined by its normative crisis. The first stage occurs during the first year of life, and involves the normative crisis of trust versus mistrust. Outcome of this stage is either the ability to trust or mistrust other people. The second stage of psychosocial development is defined by the conflict between autonomy and doubt. It lasts from age one to age three. Possible outcomes include self control or self doubt. The third stage lasts from between age three and age six. It focuses on the conflict between initiative and guilt. Positive resolution of the crisis leads to a sense of purpose; whereas insufficient conflict resolution leads to low self esteem. The fourth stage lasts between the ages of six and eleven. Its normative crisis is between industry and inferiority. Outcomes include competence or helplessness. During adolescence,
  • 37. Black Lives Matter Rhetorical Analysis The recent uprising against Planned Parenthood has sparked a backlash against them in the media, on the floor of congress, and in satire venues. Gary McCoy, a cartoonist, has also voiced his opinion as depicted in this cartoon of Cecile Richards. Richards, the president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, is shown saying, Black Lives Matter!.. They make up a good part of my car payment. Gary McCoy s trustworthiness, or ethos is evident through his extensive line of work which began in 1993 working for Universal Press Syndicate. One of his best known comic strip The Duplex gained him notoriety in 1993. He has since worked for Universal Studios as a storyboard artist on Despicable Me, Despicable Me 2, and Minions. McCoy has recently used the Belleville News Democrat as a means to publish political cartoons in order to voice opinions or raise awareness on an issue. (Wikipedia, Glenn McCoy) Appealing to good reason or logos as it is often called can be in the eyes of the beholder. As seen in McCoy s cartoon, Richards sitting at her desk, in a red dress, is depicted as stating that Black Lives Matter. This would appeal to most as believing that she does have their best interest at heart. Only for the reader to then see that she continues her thought by saying, They make up a good part of my car payment. The satire of this would be that she is ... Show more content on ... (Wikipedia, Planned Parenthood) These emotions, or pathos, run high around this topic. While women s health issues are addressed and much good is done within the organization the overpowering emotional outcries come from preforming of abortions. Such as the case that hangs behind Ms. Richards that says, In Case of Live Baby Break Glass. This case contains objects that are used in partial birth abortions, again to insight emotions of the reader to visualize the abortion procedure that is considered
  • 38. The Townshend Act Dbq Arrogance and greed often blind the human eye. In the case of Britain, it blinded the king s eyes, causing chaos within the incipient American colonies and driving the colonists into furor. Prior to that, the colonies had enjoyed a certain level of self government ever since the Parliament passed the salutary neglect. However, the king derailed the system of equality and made the American people pay most of Britain s debt from the Seven Year War. Soon, the colonies revolted and the king took back his excessive taxations such as the Stamp Act. Nonetheless, the king once again tested the patience of his subjects and issued another act, the Townshend Act. This led to outrage among the colonists. These events led to innocent deaths and the meeting... Show more content on ... Each side, one being the Loyalists and the other being the Patriots had irreconcilable differences. After the Boston Massacre, surveillance and tightened security ensued. To preserve the spirits of the colonist and regain hope, members of the Sons of Liberty, including Samuel Adams himself, raided the ships attired as Mohawk Indians, dumped a number of 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbour. Because the king renege on asserting laws that bind the colonies in whatsoever, the colonies had a legitimate reason to revolt against Britain. ( Declaratory Act Document 7) Britain has not fulfilled their duty in providing the colonies with life, liberty, and property, and in contrast the government was starting to conform into an absolute one. ( John Locke s Social Contract Document
  • 39. The Philosophical Zombie Problem Not only do Zombies raise disputes concerning consciousness, but they also raise questions about other elements of people. The philosophical zombie problem is one of the most compelling and nightmarish of all the philosophical problems. It cuts to the heart of how we relate to the world and how we relate to people, and it is obviously a very practical issue. While no one really believes that we are surrounded by clockwork people going through a set of motions as if they were a real person, we do very often relate to someone going through the motions of trying to help us when they have an insidious motive, or wonder how sincere someone else is when they say that I love you. It is an open neurological question as to whether or not something... Show more content on ... Maybe one could in our universe make a plastic water bottle full of a clear liquid that smelled and tasted like water yet was not water. But to make a plastic bottle full of such a liquid that also was nutritious and passed even basic chemical tests, like using it as a solvent like water or seeing if it expands when frozen, seems like it very well could only be done by water. That is, there are only so many kinds of arrangements of atoms in the universe. It may be impossible for other people to truly fake love in a way we will not eventually
  • 40. My Left Foot Essay Left to right My left foot is rebellious. It slumps and twists, It doesn t let me walk straight wearing heels. It s sensitive and over excited. My right foot is righteous and reliable. Depending on with which foot I start my day the ending could be a disaster or a peaceful daydream. My left foot has the attitude of a child. Whenever I start my day with my left side I am energetic and wild. I laugh loudly and sing in the halls, without caring who can hear me. Those days are filled with bad coffee, no breakfast and words that are not supposed to be said. My left side speaks and never listens. It breaks rules, friendships and dreams. My left foot leads me to places I should never enter, and makes me step over borders I should not run over. Days like this are dangerous, adventurous and exciting, but never safe. My left foot avoids stepping into the puddle of responsibility and jumps over conclusions easily. It is the giggle when someone falls in front of me or when I eat my roommate s food without her permission. All those little, ... Show more content on ... It has the tranquility and wisdom of a Buddhist monk. It is stable and always takes the safe road. Having my right foot lead the way, I usually end up where I want to, without any distractions and fails. My right foot is quiet, but observant, it collects all the small details from people, and always focuses on the small picture. It is strict and likes to work fast. My right foot doesn t avoid the obstacles on my road, it always finds way to resolve them with knowledge or stealth. It moves with grace, being delicate to the surroundings. Days in right, are easier to trace, because they always leave something meaningful behind. Those days make me shine the brightest, give me confidence and courage. My right foot helps me express myself fully and correctly in complete contrast of my left side, where everything is a big mess with hysteric pieces of thoughts wondering around, distracting me from my
  • 41. Summary Of Nehemiah In The Oxford Bible In relation to the historical background of Nehemiah, in Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee. By J. Vernon McGee, it states that Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king. The socio, on the other hand from The Oxford Bible Commentary, with editors John Barton and John Muddiman, the exiles were under military power. The literary structure of Nehemiah is a chiastic structure, as it has according to Mark A. Thorntveit s Ezra Nehemiah Interpretation a Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching book, shows the story following an ABXBA structure with the climax of opposition meaning the people who live around the ruined Jerusalem did not like that the exiles came back and were building the wall again. The big idea of this story according to Thorntveit is the narrative is carefully structured in five sections whose main theme is to record four reports of the destruction of Jerusalem as a reproach against God and the various responses made to those reports. As the quote says the focus of the story of Nehemiah is the destruction of Jerusalem (Thorntveit, 62). The need to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem was more of a symbolic building, according to Editor Marco Conti in Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture Old Testament V, 1 2 Kings, 1 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, the wall was rebuilt because the devil has free entry into the church, as through the walls of a ruined city. In the Oxford Commentary, the wall was a sign of social and political symbolism. The rebuilding of the wall was significant because the Jews felt like they had to rebuild Jerusalem and to do that they would also need to rebuild the wall that was destroyed when Jerusalem was invaded, and the Jewish people were taken into their exile, for safety. According to David Brisben, author of the book Introduction to Old Testament, the Jews rebuilt the wall for safety. Everyone wants to feel safe in the city they live in, today we have police officers and laws. Back then all they had was an army (the strength of the army depended on the strength of the leader of the kingdom), and walls, so walls were very important to the people of the Biblical times. In relation to the challenges that attempted
  • 42. The Issue Of Today s Society Seminar Paper (Entangled) Introduction There is no denying consumerism has become an issue of today s society. People are consuming more than they ever have before. Because of it material culture has become an increasing area of study. Material culture is described as the relationship between people and their material things. People are owning more stuff which is leading to major problems. The mass consumptions of these goods has a negative impact on the planet. It takes lots of energy and resources to produce a product, thus takes a negative toll on the planet. Rainforest are cut down, habits are destroyed, global warming increases, waste and toxic gases have increased, animals are killed, and people are displaced. The people in marginalized communities and third world countries are the ones that are affected the most. People are employed in horrible conditions, and paid horrendous salaries by these huge corporations profiting on the exploitation of these people, while profiting tremendously from the boom in consumer goods. Not only have people of western societies but people around the world are craving and desiring consumer goods. What is being consumed at an alarming rate is technology. With the technological boom and technological advances at an alarming rate has led to people purchasing such products. Because technology has become so globalize and so easy to acquire at a price that is accessible by most, it has led to an increase in sales and production
  • 43. Study on Customer Satisfaction and Attitude Towards Idea... INTRODUCTION 1.1 OVERVIEW We live in an era where telecommunications services hold a central role in every sphere of our lives (Came, 1984). Marketers argue with compact confidences that these emerging technologies have the ability to develop our lives and improve it in many ways (Risto, 2002). Moreover, it has facilitated the instantaneous cost reduction and quality improvement by offering different services by the companies (Douligeris and Pereira, 1984). The deregulation in the INDIAN telecommunication markets since the beginning of the 1997s has brought about significant changes in the communication industry. The need for the Communications over the longer distance has become the most important aspect of the human lives. The ... Show more content on ... * Generally the respondents were busy in their work and were not interested in responding rightly. * Most respondents were not maintaining proper knowledge of various services provided by their companies, so they were unable to provide exact information. 1.6 CHAPTER SCHEME This project report is divided into five chapters. The first chapter gives an overview of telecommunications. It also consists of the objective, scope and limitations of the study. The second chapter is the literature review. The third chapter is the Company profile of Idea and Vodafone. The fourth chapter includes the results and discussion. And the fifth chapter includes the conclusion. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Customer A customer is an individual who purchase or has the capacity to purchase goods and services offered for sale by marketing institutions in order to satisfy personal or household needs, wants or desires. According to a statement made by Mahatma Gandhi, customer refers to the following, A consumer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an outsider to our business. He is part of it. We are
  • 44. The Myth Of Apollo And Daphne Jackson DeBord P.2 Artist Statements Eros: For Eros, the god of love, I chose to do his perspective on the myth of Apollo and Daphne. I made him resent Apollo for being a braggart, and had Eros sound like his pride was hurt by Apollo s gloating. He was just retaliating for Apollo s arrogance. For my picture of Eros I decided to make him look like a child. I also made him hold both a torch, which is mentioned in the original story and which I mentioned in my rendition, and a bow with a quiver of arrows slung on his back, which is also referenced in both the original and my telling of the myth. I decided to make the background of Eros a combination of warm colors to represent the fire and passion of love. Nemesis: I decided to do the myth of Narcissus and Echo from Nemesis s point of view for a story of her. I tried to make her sound a little defensive because she has to give bad fortune, which no one likes, and she is considered mean because of this, even though she is only doing her duty and keeping balance and order maintained by controlling fortunes. Nemesis is the goddess of divine retribution and justice and I decided to incorporate this in my artwork by giving her a full body nimbus, the glow depicted around holy figure s head in art, to emphasize her divine aspect. I also gave her a balance and sword to show, like in my story, she is just trying to keep order, but she will be forceful or violent in doing so. Hekate: For Hekate I decided to do the fairly famous
  • 45. Contradiction Between Innocence and Individuality in the... CONTENTS |ABSTRACT................................................................................. |2 | |ж‘ и¦Ѓ.......................................................................................... |3 | |1 Introduction.............................................................................. |4 | |2 Individuality and Innocence in The Age of Innocence.............................. |6 | |2.1 Ellen s Individualistic Qualities................................................ |7 | |2.2 May s Artificial Innocence...................................................... ... Show more content on ... Elizabeth Ammon once argued that women like Wharton, Cather and Stein were the real giants against whom writers such as Fitzgerald and Hemingway needed to define themselves. The Age of Innocence was the most sophisticated novel written by Edith Wharton in the year of 1920, when American women first had the right to vote. Wharton reviewed the 1870s New York upper class society in the sight of 1920s. Like most of her works, The Age of Innocence tells a story about love and marriage among three characters: Newland Archer, Ellen Olenska and May Welland. Young lawyer Newland and beautiful girl May announce their engagement at the party for welcoming the return of Ellen Olenska, May s cousin who was born in New York but later has grown up in Europe and married a wealthy Polish Count. Ellen comes back to New York for her family s support and comfort because of her husband s unfaithfulness. However, as she claims to divorce, the whole family as well as the whole Old New York society strongly opposes to it for they regard divorce as scandal and humiliation. So they send Newland to persuade Ellen from her decision. However, Newland is gradually fascinated by Ellen s confidence, sophistication and individuality, which he never feels from his innocent fiancГ©e and inevitably falls in love with her. He hesitates between the two totally different women and vacillates whether he run
  • 46. Hannah Herzog Analysis I am 14 year old Hannah Herzog and I am currently serving my 3rd year as the Secretary of the Country Pals 4 H Club. I recently finished 8th grade and was promoted to high school at Little River Junior Senior High School. I played volleyball and basketball and also ran track. This was my 7th year in 4 H; I enjoy being well rounded in my 4 H projects. I am in confirmation and I also serve as an acolyte at my church. I enjoy hanging out with family and friends, watching sports, and helping on the farm. I enjoy being around animals and helping with cattle chores on the farm. My projects for the year included Leadership, Market Beef, Visual Arts and Crafts, Photography, Woodworking, Shooting Sports Air Rifleand BB gun, Girls Buymanship, Clothing Construction, and Foods Nutrition. I enjoy ... Show more content on ... This was my 2nd year in clothing construction and my 7th year in girls buymanship. If you know me good enough you would know that I don t dress up often so when I do it must be a special occasion. During buymanship and clothing construction I am able to dress up some and as much as I want to. These last 2 years I have enjoyed making something that I can use quite frequently in clothing construction, doing so makes me feel good about myself and what I ve done. Foods is so much fun to be in. I enjoy baking different recipes whenever I feel like it. I like to try new recipes as long as it looks like I will like it, thats its something that many other people will eat, or something good for the fair or whatever else I might be baking for. Being in the foods project has allowed me to become more self dependent over the years as I begin to be able to make real foods and not just dessert or muffins. I enjoy making certain easy meals that I can make for my whole family. I have learned many different baking styles, and tips over the years that I take in and