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Rainy Day Essay For Kids
Writing an essay on the topic "Rainy Day Essay for Kids" might seem like a straightforward task
at first, especially considering the innocence and simplicity associated with children's themes.
However, delving into the intricacies of crafting an engaging and educational piece for young
readers requires a delicate balance of creativity, simplicity, and educational value.
To begin with, one needs to put oneself in the shoes of a child, understanding their perspective
and tailoring the language and content accordingly. The challenge lies in presenting
meteorological concepts in a manner that captivates the imagination of a young audience, making
it both informative and enjoyable.
Describing the sensory experiences of a rainy day - the sound of raindrops tapping on windows,
the earthy aroma that fills the air, and the sight of puddles forming on the ground - necessitates a
vivid and child-friendly language. Striking this balance requires careful consideration of
vocabulary and sentence structure to ensure that the essay is both accessible and enriching for its
intended audience.
Furthermore, organizing the essay in a coherent and engaging manner is crucial. This involves
structuring the content to maintain a child's interest while also imparting valuable information.
Each paragraph should seamlessly flow into the next, creating a narrative that captures the
essence of a rainy day without overwhelming young minds with complex details.
In conclusion, while the topic may seem simple on the surface, writing a "Rainy Day Essay for
Kids" involves navigating the delicate balance between simplicity and educational value.
Crafting an essay that captures the magic of a rainy day while fostering a child's curiosity and
understanding requires careful consideration of language, structure, and overall presentation.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing tasks, various resources are
available. One such option is, where one can find professional support for a
wide range of writing needs. From essays to creative writing pieces, the platform offers a
convenient solution for those looking to enhance their writing or seek expert help in crafting
compelling content.
Rainy Day Essay For Kids Rainy Day Essay For Kids
Character Analysis Of Hamlet
Hamlet is the prince of and the son of the murdered King. Shakespeare introduces
the character to the audience portraying him as grief stricken due to the loss of his
father. He is dressed in black and a somber mood. However, at some point, Hamlet
behaves like a person who is out of his mind through his words and actions. Hamletis
not insane as people assume he is. His character confuses not only the audience but
the characters within the play. Every time the audience meets him, he is an entirely
different person. He is a lonely sojourner with no friends left except Hoaratio whose
loyalty and love for Hamlet are unconditional. However, Hamlet only acted as insane
when there were people around him. Everything he did was premeditated and well
calculated. As such he cannot be said to be insane since his actions reek of
intelligence. He always passes his points through his insane acts and ramblings.
When the ghost of his father appears and demands he seeks revenge, he feels the act
of murdering a king is evil. He hates Claudius, but even pressure from the Ghost will
not push him to commit murder. This contradicts the mad character he is supposed to
portray. It draws the attention of the reader to the introspective and reflective nature
of the prince. He passes up countless opportunities throughout the play to kill the king
as even when he has an opportunity during the time Claudius is praying alone in
his chambers. Now might I do it, now he is a praying, and now I ll don t? And so
he goes to heaven, and so I revenged. A villain kills my father, and for that, I, his
sole son, do this same villain send to heaven (3. 3. 75). he reasons out that killing his
uncle will take the villain to heaven. The logic with which he makes his arguments
cannot be made by an insane person.
When the prince is finally ready to kill the king, he uses fate as a scapegoat to
escape the reality of the crime he is about to commit. His feibgnhsnh ignorance on
the world He says thus, since no man knows aught of what he leaves, what isn t to
leave betimes? Let be. (V.ii.209 14)
Hamlet does not forget his father long after everyone else has forgotten about his
death and has moved on in seeking reconciliation. He remembers his father s
Hindi Nationalism
Hindi Nationalism
This piece on Hindu nationalism, written by Alok Rai, deals with the coming of
modern Hindi in the late 90s and the early 20s. Alok Rai who is also known as a
critical thinker, theorist and also the grandson of Premchand makes his readers
aware of the process of modernization in the case of language. In this essay we get to
witness a connection between Hindi (old Hindi) and Hindi (new Hindi). Making of
Hindi as a modern language connects to the programme of the imagining the nation
largely in a broad manner.
Today when we speak of Hindi, we talk about larger conflicts and controversies based
on language. For instance the language conflict between Tamil and Hindi. There is a
problem with this assumption, because ... Show more content on ...
The novelty of the new age demands that the soft and delicate language such as Braj
Bhasha should be left out, we cannot remain with the feminine language because
the new age demands new language and the new language came in the form of
modern Hindi . The Awadh elites who were the bearers of Hindi were practically
forced to invent the style, a culture, a new form of consciousness. The whole
national consciousness was at stake as it was a matter of adopting a whole new
consciousness. Through this piece, we get to discover that in the language matters,
when there is a loss, there will also be a gain. For instance, the Khari Boli Hindi
poetry was realized as a powerful invention which was slowly taken over by Urdu.
But after this entire complex thing, we get to experience some gain, which came in
the form of modern Hindi that brought a new social order and awareness.
Hindi came from Hindi, a narrative intimate stabilization and dispossession. We
cannot judge that how we possess a language because it is a very intimate
possession. Language is moreover, a private thing, people generally do not speak
pure Hindi in today s time. Today Hindi has become a middle language, which is the
result of the exchange of culture and language by the people while living in the
In order to show ourselves different, we need to
The Arab- Israeli Conflict Essay
The Arab Israeli Conflict
AO1: What are the main differences between the beliefs and attitudes of the Jews
/Israelis and the Arabs/ Palestinians towards the land now called Israel with the Gaza
Strip and the West Bank?
The Arab Israeli conflict is one of the most interesting conflicts that have strained
relations between the Muslims and the Jews which involves a small but significant
piece of land known as Palestine (Israel today). This conflict is not rooted in modern
times though, as this section of my coursework will explain.
Both groups have extremely strong views on this topic, both historically and
religiously important, which has lead to this stalemate between them.
Some ... Show more content on ...
Another reason why the Jews believe they needed their homeland back was the
way in which they were treated in the European countries. Western people
generally hated the Jewish people they were obviously different in terms of
customs, diet and dress. Many Catholics blamed the Jews for the death of Christ
on the cross, and resented the fact that the Jews were good moneylenders, rich and
much more influential than the working class Europeans. This all lead to a belief
now known as Anti Semitism, which made the Jews feel intimidated and
unwanted but they didn t have another place to go. The biggest example of this
was that many Europeans blamed the Jews for the Black Death or Bubonic Plague
outbreak in the middle of the 13th century, as a punishment from God for
harbouring them. In Strasbourg for example, 2000 people were burnt on a massive
scaffold erected in a Jewish cemetery in 1349. Many countries started to evict the
Jews from Europe as they were seen as evil and rash men, enemies of God and
Christianity . Over the next 100 years hundreds of thousands of Jews were made
homeless and had to seek a safe land in the Eastern countries, which already had
steady amounts of Jewish population within them.
However, Anti Semitism hadn t died away by the 19th century, when the Jews started
Case Study Of Crocs
If referred to the existing crocs shoes model with same model, the price of the
crocs is around RM169.00 to RM269.00. With the new innovate features and shape
design, the price should be more than RM269.00 of normal crocs flat shoes, but
less than RM300. The price suggestion would be RM299.00. The price is a little bit
higher than the existing product, because of the new upgraded which is better and
safe to be wear by kids and also adult. With the affordable price and good upgraded
shoes, we can attract more of our new targeting market and also existing customer.
The new upgraded crocs shoes will be distribute to multiple channels. The company
will sell the product to an existing and new wholesaler company which they can
bulk from Crocs and get special price. Next, Crocs will sell their product online
through the company s existing website ( People can go
through the website and can directly buy the product online. This is more efficient
way and by only one click, people can purchase the items through online.
Additionally, Crocs also have distributors selling in other territories and in all Crocs
Shoes branches around Malaysia. The company will also distribute their new ... Show
more content on ...
PR group always control and check about sales, and advertisement. The ways to
promote Crocs shoes is important because there is the main part to maintain the
sales. This is why promotion control important due to maintain sales, the originality
of the product is also important. Crocs always keep update with R D team about
the originality of crocs. (Berry, 2011) The company always maintain and use only
original product due to maintain high quality product and not same with fake crocs.
If there is any lack during pre production, Crocs will then reject the item and not sell
it is because it is stated in Crocs policy. (Crocs,
Rise Of Videla Research Paper
Born and raised in Mendoza, she grew up in the country where she wasn t unable to
attend secondary school. While, at home, she was thought things that were expected
from women at the time, and worked in a factory. She did not know anything about
politics although, she knew about the coups and events going in Buenos Aires.
Eventually, she married a man from Buenos Aires and starts her life as a housewife.
During the coup of 1976, her husband and eldest son tell her about how the rise of
Videla will impact the country negatively leaving hunger and suffering. Although, she
did not know what was happening throughout the country, her son informed her
everyday about the unemployment and killings of civilians. While, she took a trip
and visited Mendoza
Social Justice And The Universal Declaration Of Human
Introduction Social justice is a long debated subject that continues to prove
controversial and divisive all over the world. Opinions on what constitutes social
justice vary on a continuum from more conservative opinions which note individual
responsibility to a more liberal stance which promotes a moral responsibility to
support social equality (Mapp, 2008). Despite the varying opinions of what
establishes social justice, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(UDHR) serves
as the first step in promoting social justice by outlining the basic rights that should be
afforded to humanity (United Nations, n.d.). More specifically, Article 22 of the
UDHR states that all people should have access to social security protection that
works to provide essential needs, provisions for preserving dignity, and freedom to
pursue personal interest (United Nations, n.d.). In spite of the established
declaration, social justice remains unavailable for too many people. Worldwide, the
lack of social protection leads to 1.4 billion people struggling to meet their essential
needs due to lack of access to resources which promote a decent standard of living.
Another 100 million fall into povertydue to unforeseen complications (GIPSPSI,
2011). Therefore, there is a crucial need to recognize social protection as a human
right in order to guarantee equal access to basic services and equal opportunity to all
of humankind.
Social Protection Social protection is a set of polices which work to
The Synthesis And Processing Of Ceramics And Ceramic...
Polymer derived ceramics (PDC) were first introduced over thirty years ago, and are a
fundamental material in high demand today. Over the years, these materials have
been heavily studied to better understand how to manufacture them and determine
their desired properties. Such materials include coatings, ceramic fivers, and ceramics
containing properties that allow them to have high stability at high temperatures.
Desired properties of PDC typically include high resistance to decomposition, phase
separation, crystallization, high chemical durability, semi conductivity, and creep. [4]
This paper will discuss the synthesis and processing of ceramics and ceramic
composites using soft materials such as pre ceramic polymers. The potential for
materials for a large variety of applications in harsh environments, pertaining mainly
to the mechanical properties of PDCs, will also be discussed.
There are three basic steps in order to process PDC. These include synthesis of
preceramic from a specific monomer, crosslinking of polymers at low temperatures
which allow for networks to form, and finally ceramization by pyrolysis.
Some of the most common monomers which can be used consist of polysilanes,
polycarbosilanes, polysiloxanes, polysilazanes, and polysilylcarbodiimides. There are
several procedures in order to attain these figure 18.1 indicates some of the methods
of creating some preceramics through various methods outlined [1].
The Importance Of Romanticism
Through the late 1700s and early 1800s, the period of Romanticism blossomed.
Romanticism very loosely describes the era in which modern culture began to take
shape. During the Romantic era, many advancements were made in all aspects of
people s lives and cultures. One aspect in particular has held great value even to this
day. That aspect being the expansive amount of literature created during the era. The
era of Romanticismhad its name for a reason. It can be greatly attributed to the
romantic style or genre of literature that defined the period. Romantic writers wove
many tales of admiration, longing, and aspirations. They were fantastical, in a sense,
and almost the antithesis of realism, even. Amidst the great breadth of literature...
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...she asserted her view that the young girls she taught had been enslaved by men
through their social training. (Cheatle et al.). In the time she spent teaching,
Wollstonecraft learned that women were taught from a young age to be submissive to
men. For women, education was nothing beyond training for courtship, childbearing
and motherhood, and Wollstonecraft greatly disagreed with such a system. Later in
her life, Wollstonecraft went on to write her most famous and controversial work.
In Mary Wollstonecraft s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, she addressed
many issues for women regarding civil rights and the expectations that were held
for them at the time. have... been led by viewing education in a false light;
not considering it as the first step to form a being advancing gradually towards
perfection; but only as a preparation for life. (Wollstonecraft 58). Essentially,
Wollstonecraft implied that men interpreted education only as a means of learning
how to live life. In accordance with such an interpretation, women were only
allowed to learn how to be wives and mothers. Wollstonecraft also stated her own
perspective as to what education needed to be perceived as in contrast to what it was
believed to be. After the large uproar that A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
created, Wollstonecraft s writing inspired many other female writers to join the fray.
Alongside Wollstonecraft,
The Importance Of Pollution Of Water
Before we saw the first sandpiper prancing on a sandbar or bald eagle sitting high
in a nest or the swaying oak savannas, we took a water sample is a very powerful
quote from Mike Kilen, the author of many articles dealing with water quality issues.
It shows that locations are more than just their looks. Little do most people know,
pollutionof water can cause a lot of problems and has several different sources. As
Miken Kilen believes, elements of nature are interconnected. One thing always affects
another. This is demonstrated through his writings on the North Raccoon River, the
relationship between farming and the environment, and lawn care.
Pollution of water can cause a lot of problems. In his article The North Raccoon: A
river of controversy and undiscovered beauty, Mike Kilen they took a water sample
that found nitrates at fifteen milligrams per liter which is five milligrams higher than
the level safe for drinking water. That indicates that the water of this river is polluted
with nitrates which is an issue as far as drinking water goes. The author further states
that nitrates in drinking water can lessen the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream.
This can greatly affect the brain considering that it needs oxygen to function. This
informs people of the danger behind this pollution. Kilen concludes that Eighty
percent of its watershed is covered with two crops corn and soybeans. This gives
insight as to where the problems is coming from. In this article there is
Compare And Contrast Samurai And Knight
The samurai and knight both were fearless and both had fascinating facts about what
they did and who they were. Both were different and each had their own ways of
teaching their codes, wearing different types of armor, and different techniques of
training. Both the samurai and Knight had similarities in all of these facts for
example in their training they both started off as a child. As they trained and grew
stronger they both were eventually promoted to become a knightor a samuraiand
studied their religion. Some differences between the two are that the child is to
become a samurai by being promoted in a ceremony called genpuku. The knights
become knights by being a squire and being worthy as a knight by showing their
masters they were
Aids Dan Jarum
AIDS dan Jarum Becton Dickinson, salah satu perusahaan persediaan medis terbesar,
menguasai pasar produk syringe (semprotan) dan jarum. Pada tahun 2002, seorang
perawat, Maryan (nama samaran), menggunakan jarum dan syringe 5 cc Becton
Dickinson untuk mengambil darah seorang pasien yang diketahui menderita AIDS.
Perawat tersebut bekerja di sebuah klinik yang menangani pasien AIDS, dan dia
mengambil darah pasien beberapa kali setiap hari. Suatu hari, setelah mengambil
darah, dia memasukkan darah yang mengandung AIDS ke dalam tabung uji steril
yang disebut Vacuntainer tube dengan memasukkan jarum suntik ke penutup karet
dari tabung tersebut, yang dipegang menggunakan salah satu tangan. Secara tidak
sengaja jarinya tertusuk jarum... Show more content on ...
Kegunaan pedoman semacam itu masih kontroversial. Para perawat yang bekerja di
unit gawat darurat, dengan tingkat tekanan situasi yang tinggi, perlu melakukan
tindakan tindakan cepat, dan mereka sering tertekan oleh waktu karena banyaknya
jumlah pasien yang mereka tangani serta banyaknya kebutuhan dan permintaan
pasien pasien tersebut. Dalam lingkungan kerja seperti ini, cukup sulit untuk tetap
berpegang pada pedoman yang disarankan oleh lembaga lembaga diatas. Contohnya,
sumber risiko yang cukup besar dari insiden tertusuk jarum suntik adalah teknik atau
kebiasaan menutup jarum (sehabis dipakai) dengan memegang penutup dengan salah
satu tangan dan memasukkan jarum dengan tangan yang lain. Pedoman OSHA
melarang penggunaan teknik ini dan menyarankan agar penutup di letakkan di meja
atau tempat lain dan memasukkan jarum dengan satu tangan. Namun para perawat
sering tertekan oleh waktu dan, meskipun meyakini (dengan benar) bahwa membawa
jarum yang mengandung virus adalah sangat berbahaya, namun karena tidak
menemukan meja atau bangku untuk meletakkan penutup jarum, mereka
Good Will Hunting Ethics
The film Good Will Hunting (1997) tells the Story of a young man named Will
Hunting. Will is working as a janitor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(M.I.T.) when it is discovered by a professor there that he is a mathematical genius.
Will s gift in Mathematics is extremely valuable and marvelous to others in the film,
but Will himself does not see its importance. In an effort to help Will: find direction,
get out of trouble with the law, and deal with his past trauma with abuse and being in
the foster system, his math mentor arranges for him to meet Sean Maguire a
psychologist. Sean s style of therapy, although at times unethical, is proven to be
beneficial for this particular client, even if ethical boundaries such as:
countertransference,... Show more content on ...
The reason for this is that I personally cannot see myself in a situation where I
would assault a client. That being said, I can appreciate that Sean decided to
continue his therapy with Will; he didn t give up. Sean maturely approached Will
and had a conversation where he spoke his mind honestly, which ultimately earned
Will s trust. However, I would not have stereotyped my client, and assumed that for
instance you may have even been laid a few times , which Sean states in the scene.
Perhaps Will has never had intercourse? For me as a worker I would not assume
things about an individual. I also would not as a worker self disclose in the
extreme fashion that Sean does. I struggle with self disclosure in both my
professional and personal life; I m a very private person. Despite the fact that I do
not use self disclosure in my work, there is evidence that says it can be appropriate
in some situations. For instance: workers who use interventions where they
divulge their own experiences are more relaxed and responsive to their clients
(Rosenbloom, 2001, p.1). Furthermore, there are circumstances where a comment
made about the client s reality helps them move along in therapy. In the film, after
the conversation in the park, Sean s remarks made Will take therapy more
seriously (Rosenbloom, 2001, p.1). Lastly, research has found that a comment
made about the workers personal life may trigger the client to discuss their own
struggles. Following the scene on the park bench, the trust Will has gained for Sean
is enough for Will to confide in him. Sean being vulnerable and real with Will about
his personal struggles is what makes this possible (Rosenbloom, 2001, p.1). Even
though self disclosing is not something I use with clients, I see how it can be
effective and its outcome in Sean and Will s therapeutic relationship. I think it
False Flags Essay
False Flags: Closure on the Confederate Cause As evidenced by the confederate flag
waving, torch bearing, Nazi slogan chanting throng at the base of the Robert E. Lee
monument in Virginia this spring or more importantly by America s lack of outrage
at the protest s raison d ГЄtre many Americans, or at least a sizeable portion of them,
are still laboring under the delusion that Confederacy is a righteous cause to
champion. A complicated admixture of unrepentant overt racism, subtle racial ethnic
biases, and America s failure to clearly and unambiguously create legislation that
corresponds with rest of the world s answer to paradox of tolerance tolerate
everything except intolerance seem to be the only things keeping scenes like this
alive and on the front page of papers and sites nationwide. For those... Show more
content on ...
Arguing for reinstating it is unethical, and arguing that it was South s cause to secede
admits that an unethical endeavor meant more to the seceding states that basic human
rights. The fact of the matter is that Confederacy stood for secession based on
slavery, both of which are unacceptable to a united 21st century America. Slavery is
an unacceptable tenet worldwide, and if it were the argument upon which the South s
secession hinged, their secession was unacceptable as well. If one wants to argue that
secession hinged on states rights , the moment we actually specify which rights were
being infringed upon, slavery must needs be brought up, and the answer then is clear:
it is immoral, and
Title: Network Scanning using NMAP in Windows Exp.No: 1 Aim: To study
NMAP Software and demonstrate using various websites. Theory: Nmap (
Network Mapper ) is an open source tool for network exploration and security
auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it works fine
against single hosts. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what
hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version)
those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running,
what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics.
While Nmap is commonly used for security audits, many systems and network
administrators find it useful for... Show more content on ...
| | | | | | Each regular host in the network is represented by a little circle. The color
and size of the circle is determined by the number of open ports on the host. The
more open ports, the larger the circle. A white circle represents an intermediate
host in a network path that was not port scanned. If a host has fewer than three
open ports, it will be green; between three and six open ports, yellow; more than six
open ports, red. | | | | | If a host is a router, switch, or wireless access point, it is drawn
with a square rather than a circle. | | Network distance is shown as concentric gray
rings. Each additional ring signifies one more network hop from the center host. | |
Connections between hosts are shown with colored lines. Primary traceroute
connections are shown with blue lines. Alternate paths (paths between two hosts
where a different path already exists) are drawn in orange. Which path is primary
and which paths are alternates is arbitrary and controlled by the order in which paths
were recorded. The thickness of a line is proportional to its round trip time; hosts
with a higher RTT have a thicker line. Hosts with no traceroute information are
clustered around localhost, connected with a dashed black line. | | If there is no RTT
for a hop (a missing traceroute entry), the connection is shown with a blue dashed
line and the unknown host that makes the connection is shown with a blue outline. |
Sects Vs Cults
There are different types of groups that you can branch off of your religion, there
are sects and cults. A sect is a group of people with some different religious beliefs
from the group larger to where they actually belong, like a Church. A Cult is
usually a small group of people who have religious beliefs and practices observed by
others as bizarre. A cultis founded by a powerful leader also known as a charismatic.
Sects have a high degree of pressure with the surrounding society unlike churches.
Sect determines from the Latin word secta which is characterized as school of
thought . It too comes from the English dialect from the Old French secte which is
alluded to as a particular framework of convictions. While a cult is a completely
different interpretation. Cult comes from a Latin word cultus which implies labor,
adore, veneration, or culture . It too entered the English dialect through the French
word culte which is characterized as specific form of worship . At that point later on
in the English dialect it came to mean devotion to an individual or thing . ... Show
more content on ...
One difference that has stood out is that a sect is a small group that follow a
different doctrine than the larger group they separated from. While a Cult is small
wannabe religious group that has very untraditional beliefs, rituals, and practices.
This shows that a sect just derived from a larger group and they branched off by
themselves to practice a different doctrine, some of the sects I found are from Islam
they have Sunni and Shia sects, Judaism has the Karaites, and Hinduism has
Shiyaism and Shaktism sects. While cults are looked at weird and unusual because of
how they practice their own type of religion. Cults have leaders and their leaders
make their people follow them and be
Michelle Gingas Biography
In the beginning of the semester, I got the opportunity to meet Michelle Gingas
from Fox Sports Network and I had the chance to hear
her story of how she became a sports broadcaster. Gingas knew at a very young age
that she wanted to do something that allowed her to make a difference and to
interact with people on a daily basis. Gingas loves how sports bring people together
and what they brought out of her, so Gingas chooses to communicate that same
passion she feels with the viewers when she covers a sport event. In the process of
starting her career, Gingas studied journalism at Loyola University and quickly found
her niche in sports broadcasting. Gingas has always been a sports fan, and an active
participant as... Show more content on ...
When it comes to her job s philosophy, the Fox Sport Network believes in being fair
and having balance. Fox Sports Network media model is like any other news
station that is striving to give the viewers what they want. Fox Sport is part of the
Fox News Network, which is a basic American cable news television, so its main
purpose is to find stories that benefit the community, and they always try to remain
relevant in the broadcasting business. Gingas did not work at a firm; so, she did
not have a typical office space. However, Gingas had a place to write and edit
video, but she usually just host her broadcast show at the Fox Sports Network, and
sometimes she goes out as a reporter to cover sports events and to interview
Volunteering In Nonprofit Organizations
As is well known, volunteering is an extremely significant component of our
community. Along the same lines, utilizing volunteers plays a critical role at the
agency level in increasing ability of the agency to serve clients and the community.
While most nonprofit organizations put a great value on volunteerprograms, one of
the biggest challenges that organizations face is a successful volunteer recruitment.
Although there are many theories about volunteer recruitment, understanding a
simple question, why do people volunteer? , makes it much easier to find right
volunteers for the organization. People volunteer for a variety of reasons. For some
people it may offer a chance to give something back to the community or to have
I Thought That All Lawyers Do
Final copy I thought that all lawyers do is carry a briefcase and simply go to court
argue and yell and not do anything worth meaning or merit that all they did was go
into court and simply argue yell and do a bunch of nothing. Then you watch
movies and the way they portray the lawyers is there sleazy and sly and people that
you really don t want to trust which doing a lot of the research I have lawyers are
more like advisors that believe that everyone has the right to have they lawful due
process. They help people by giving them insight into a world they don t know as in
they advise them and show them the paths they have to choose from and how they
will effect there client. Depending on what time of lawyer you are you always deal
with... Show more content on ...
Then in court the lawyers main job is to properly represent your client and make
sure that they are properly represented in court and that you say what they trying to
say just in a more convent and nicer way. All of these things to me sounds great all
of it kind of sounds like I m actually helping people and showing them off in court
and helping them get there due process but not everyone can just become a lawyer
you have to first get the education and the training. Most lawyers get a bachelors
degree in criminal justice that s the minimum you can go for more because with all
the training it will take you will more then likely be in school and training for at
least 7 years and that includes all the law school and the regular training you ll
need. Then in order for anyone to become a layer you must take the bar exam and
pass this is the test that every lawyer has to take in order to be considered a lawyer.
There s so much training and things you need you also must have 3 years of legal
education which I think blends into the seven years but you have to have at least
this much training in order to be ready and truly understand the law all this training
is to make it were your ready and you completely understand the law. Plus in most
law schools they require you to take there test even to simply just be allowed in to
there school and able to train the test is always different and it all depends on which
school your trying to get into if your trying to get into
Minimum Living Wage
Let s take a look at Figure.1 above, which shows the impact of a minimum wage on
employment. The blue colored line shows the supply from labor while the red line
shows the demand for labor. Initially, if the market is allowed to work by itself, the
equilibrium market wage is W1 and the employment level is E1. At E1, the labor
market clears and there is no shortage or surplus. However, implementation of
minimum wageor minimum living wagechanges the scenario significantly. If the
government sets a wage floor of W* at that wage, the labor would want to supply
more, therefore increasing the supply of labor from E1 to E2. However, as the wages
now higher, the quantity demanded of labor would be lower, at E3. This leads to an
excess supply of labor... Show more content on ...
Amy Glasmeier (2014) came up with living wage calculator compiling
geographically specific expenditure data for food, childcare, health care, housing,
transportation, and other basic necessities (Source: In
this section, to highlight the issue, we pick up three places across the United
States. We chose places from New York State Delhi village, Delaware County,
New York; Stony Brook CDP, Suffolk County, New York and one city from Utah
Provo city, Utah County, Utah. A quick look at the minimum wage in the three
areas would reveal that they share the same minimum wage of $ 7.25 per hour.
However, based on the living standards, the living wage is calculated and
compared. The comparison is shown in Figure 2 below. The graph clearly reveals
that there is a huge variation in living wage in the three places. The living wage is
as high as $13.03 in Stony Brook, NY and as low as $8.73 in Provo, UT. In spite of
the variation between living wage, the minimum wage is a low $7.25 in all three
places, which is even lower than the lowest living wage, in Provo, UT. An analysis
with a larger number of cities would have shown the same trend across the country.
Therefore, it shows that the focus should be on the living wage, not on minimum
wage. Due to this disparity between living wage and minimum wage, minimum wage
earners have to working double shifts or live dependent on benefits for financial
support in order to have the bare
Descriptive Essay On The Devil
The devil I feared, sat on my lungs so deeply it felt impossible to breath. My knees
were trembling and I could not move. A single tear drop got away from me as it
broke the dam wall in my soul. I just stood there at the edge of the steps, as I
watched her slip away to another man with nothing I could do. 5 sets of eyes
watching, joining me in shock. I turned into a completely empty shell as I stared at
the entrance to the Vermeer s house where I kept replaying the recent events
through my head. The house that used to be so full and grand, now seemed so
empty to me. I contemplated why she rejected my proposal and then it appeared
clear to me that she lied about wearing those blue and yellow head clothes so what
else had she lied to me about. I had a slight suspicion that she was to have feelings for
the man in the attic, but I thoughtI had pushed that away with my love and affection.
Clearly I was wrong. I felt my strength regain as my sadness turned to anger. My
eyes gazed up at the attack to see him, standing at the window staringdown at me, he
too looking shocked, though much more still than everyone else. How could she do
this? With a flood of hopelessness and anger I turned away from the Vermeer s
house and fled like mist before a radiant day.
I steamed through the market place towards the pub. I couldn t stop the thoughts
rushing around in my head. All sorts of emotions kept stirring up and I didn t know
how to feel. Anger, hate, betrayal or love? I didn t know if
Tell A True War Story
In the chapter How to Tell a True War Story a story is told by Mitchell Sanders and
how six guys had a mission they were sent on. The mission was supposed to be
them sitting a week out in a dug out area so they can listen for enemy movements.
When they get up there it had a spooky feeling to it because of the mist just hanging
on the mountain top to the point where you couldn t see past five feet. The guys
stayed up there because they had to and it was their mission. They heard things up
there but it was never clear whether it was their minds doing it to them or the entire
country of Vietnam actually talking to them. But the thing was that all six of them
heard the same noises up there and it was driving them crazy because it never stopped
Levi s Struggle In The Things A Brother Knows
As once stated by the notable figure Frederick Douglass, If there is no struggle,
there is no progress. This statement is accurate in essentially every reasonable
aspect of both literature and life. In fact, even a single act or mistake could
considerably affect a person or character s entire life. In the story The Things a
Brother Knows by Dana Reinhardt, a teenage boy named Levi was greatly affected
by his older brother Boaz s decision to join the United States military and become a
Marine. Because of this choice, Levi is led to an unforgettable journey through his
emotions and family and endures countless memorable experiences to become
closer to his brother and bring him back home, both mentally and physically. Of
course, Levi s mission to bring his brother back largely relates to the entire story as a
whole. Boaz s... Show more content on ...
collectively relate to entire novel. The predominant evidence of Levi s experiences
linking to the full story is that the entire book regards Levi expressing his affection
for his brother and laboring extensively to bring him back home. During his
experiences Levi is finally putting his voluminous research to work and cleverly
begins following after Boaz in order to convince him to return home again.
Secondly, throughout the story Levi is desperately trying to discern Boaz s
perspective on why he would choose to go through numerous hardships, like
joining the military and walking on foot all the way to Washington D.C. In his
encounters, Levi spends enough time with Boaz to begin understanding what he
went through while serving in the Marines. He learns about his arduous ordeals
and what they genuinely mean to him, like when he was ordered to begin shooting
at what ended up being a car full of innocent teenagers, and when the vehicle he was
driving in was blown up by an IED and his friend Jack lost his legs. Altogether, Levi s
ordeals greatly relate to the story as a
Leo Braudy s Relationship Between War And Masculinity
In today s society men are constantly reminded of what it is to be a man. What
divides men and women are the characteristics they might possess of masculinity and
femininity. To be distinguished as a man with feminine qualities would be considered
an insult. In order to avoid such an insult men oftentimes go to far lengths to achieve
societies idealized form of masculinity. Masculinity and its characteristics have
changed throughout our continuously developing society. One dominant feature that
continues to serve a purpose in defining masculinity is violence. To further examine
the connection between violence and masculinity this essay will first examine Leo
Braudy s introduction to his book and will clarify his perception of the word
masculinity.... Show more content on ...
He argues that traditional notions of masculinity in modern culture in some way
or another emphasize war values and the violence of it. Although masculinity and
its meaning varies within each culture and their social demands, war and violence
has greatly affected what is regarded as masculine or feminine. As explained by
Braudy, in past history men who fought in wars were glorified and admired for
their manly attributes. Such men were titled as brave heroes who possessed
strength, immense power, and were valiant. On the frontlines, men were expected
to be both physically and mentally ready to take on and defeat the enemy. In the
process of defeating the enemy the prime purpose of war thus became to kill anyone
on the opposing side. But, wars were not only a way to end lives they were also a
way of defining what it was to be a man. As explained by Braudy, the perception of
war and the men who fight them, trickle into the bloodstream of a culture and into
the imaginations of individuals (Braudy, xvii), to create a long lasting image of
what an ideal man should be like. This image of an ideal man, that arose from war
and violence, is still relevant today in modern society in terms of defining
How Is Antonio An Inhumane Persuasive Letter
I apologise for interrupting, wise Duke, and honourable members of the Venetian
Court. I am Gratiano, a close friend of Antonio s. My relationship with Antonio has
allowed me to observe Shylock over the years and never have I seen even a streak
of kindness and forgiveness emerge from his blackened heart. He is the most sinister
man that I have ever encountered in my life. His thoughts are full of greed for money
and plans for revenge against his never ending hatred for Christians. Thus, I believe
you are mistaken in thinking that Shylockshould receive the penalty for the breach of
a contract. I am indeed well aware of the contract between Antonioand Shylock and
believe the terms of this bond were nowhere near fair; they are inhumane, and even
Jessica, Shylock s runaway daughter, agrees that this is so; in fact, she betrayed him
due to his brutishness! And in any case, what kind of a person would want a pound
of flesh from an innocent Christian? To add to my point, who in their right mind
would want a pound of Antonio s flesh? He is the purest, most loyal friend... Show
more content on ...
Our dear Antonio, he has not committed any sinful acts to receive this punishment.
The money that was lost in the shipwreck that was unavoidable, it was an accident!
The loan wasn t even for himself but for his dear friend Bassanio. Don t you realise
that his overflowing kindness has led to his sacrificing his life for a friend? The
loyalty he has shown in front of us all is undeniable, good Bassanio, wise Duke,
fellow Christians , we ve all heard these words from him. Even in his language, we
see his respect towards us. I understand that the contract has been broken but consider
all the acts of kindness Antonio has shown, he is a respected man by all means who
undeserving of the Jews
Character Analysis Of Rumble Fish By Rusty James
The protagonist of the book is Rusty James. He is a fourteen your old boy that
smokes and drinks and fights already in the 1960 1970s in a southwest town. He
pushes himself to be like the Motorcycle boy (his brother). He starts to follow the
Motorcycle boy around to seem tougher and uncovers a new side of the Motorcycle
boy. The antagonist of Rumble Fishis not really a person but poverty. His dad drinks
away the child support money and is always drunk. Rusty is left to fend for
himself which makes him steal and drink and smoke and fight for money. The two
main themes of Rumble Fish are alienation and abandonment. Rusty James is just
trying to fit in but all the gangs split up and he has nowhere to go so he follows the
Motorcycle boy around to feel like he fits in. He is also abandoned by his father
and mother. His mother left when he was a baby and, his father is always drunk
and wastes the money. I would definitely recommend this book to someone. It is a
little slow but it has a good story line and it gets more interesting the more you read
it and the deeper you get. The exposition in the story in the story is when we learn
about Rusty James and his little crew who he hangs out with and how he is going to
fight Biff Wilcox. The conflict in the story is between the relationship between Rusty
James and his brother, the Motorcycle boy. The motorcycle boy tries to leave his gang
roots but Rusty keeps bringing him back. The climax is when the Motorcycle Boy,
Rusty James and Rusty s friend Steve go to town, get drunk They are split up and
Rusty and Steve get beat up. The Motorcycle boy then has to come and save them.
The resolution is when Rusty James and Steve meet at the end of the book and Steve
is a successful person and rusty James is in a rehabilitation house getting help. Book
Freshman English
Mrs. Young
Title: Rumble Fish
Author: S.E. Hinton
Number of Pages: 150
Rumble Fish This book is Young Adult Fiction. Wrote by S.E. Hinton about a
fourteen year old teenager that is a rebel that drinks and smokes and fights. The
gangs have been broken up for a few years now but he still acts like he is the leader.
Rusty fights a rival gang member Biff Wilcox and gets
Analysis Of The Poem Choices By Nikki Giovanna
Do you feel that your movement is limited due to your appearance? Nikki Giovanna,
author of the poem Choices, is an activist, writer, educator, and poet who originally
published this poem in 1972 in a collection of poetry titled My House. Furthermore,
Giovanna s inspiration towards creating this poem is the Black Arts Movement, Civil
Rights Movement, Equal Rights Amendment, and through her personal experiences
as an African Americanfemale. This poem cornerstones the dilemma of the African
American race.
The theme is based on the African American peoples experiences of limitation due to
the pigment of their skin. Giovanna uses literary devices such as repetition, allusion,
analogy, imagery, symbolism, and paradox. Giovanna informs... Show more content
on ...
Also, Giovanna speaks aggressively in the beginning of the stanza, but then falls
into an appreciative tone. However, African Americans should not appreciate the
way authorities creep around the rules to satisfy themselves while technically
following the law. For instance, a company must offer equal opportunity of
employment regardless of their race, religion, sex, disabilities, age, etc. Meanwhile,
authorities offer all races employment, but decide the positions by appearance.
Minority applicants are often discriminated against before they even get their foot
in the door. According to the CNN/Kaiser Family Foundation poll on race in
America, 27% of blacks said they felt they had been denied a job they were
qualified for compared to 20% of Hispanics and just 9% of whites. Authorities would
rather hire the African American to be the janitor than a Caucasian, and would hire a
Caucasian as the next chief executive officer over a qualified African American. In
the poem, Choices, the author Nikki Giovanna displays the life of an African
American with facing man made limitations. African Americans have always been
A Literature Review On Biological Neural Network
Chapter 2: Literature Review
In this chapter, we discuss a brief introduction of neural network and biometrics .
Traditionally, the term neural network had been used to refer to a network or circuit
of biological neurons. Neural networks are inspired by our brains. The modern usage
of the term often refers to artificial neural networks, which are composed of artificial
neurons or nodes. Thus, the term has two distinct usages:
2.1 Biological Neural Network generally, a biological neural network is consists of a
set or sets of chemically linked or functionally linked neurons. The human brain owns
about 1014 synapses and 1011 neurons. A neuronconsisting of a soma (cell
body),dendrites (receive signal) and axons (send signal). A synapses... Show more
content on ...
Each learing or training methods in supervised learing depends on the idea display
data training in front of the network in the form of a pair of forms input form and
target form. (See Figure (2 5)) .
Fig( 2 5): Supervised Learning Rule [1]
2)Unsupervised learning Network works to calculate the output without a previous
expectation, Where we offer network only inputs and it is find target And working
on a self organizing data Where it competes neurons to get a signal and the neuron
Winner we get it on the output and this is called self regulation of the network
neurons . (See Figure (2 6)). Fig(2 6):Unsupervised Learning Rule [1]
2.3.3. Transfer Function
In behavior of an ANN depends in each of the weights and the input output function
(transfer function) that is selected for the units. This function usually located into one
of three types[8]: Linear (or slope): The output activity is commensurate to the total
weighted output (see Figure
Skepticism About a Refutation of Skepticism Essay
Skepticism about a Refutation of Skepticism
In The Refutation of Skepticism , Jonathan Vogel establishes an Inference to the Best
Explanation (hereafter, IBE ) as a means to refute skepticism about the external world.
In this refutation, Vogel acknowledges that skepticism about IBE still remains a
possibility, but that this kind of skepticism would be rather outlandish in character and
thus could be ignored. This paper shall both establish and evaluate Vogel s reasoning
as to why he confidently dismisses any skepticism pertaining to his IBE, and
furthermore will illuminate some points as to why Vogel may have mischaracterized
potential threats to his method, leaving his refutation of skepticism vulnerable to
doubt that is not as ... Show more content on ...
So how is this supposed to serve as a successful refutation of skepticism? To make
sense of this, it should first be understood exactly how IBE qualifies its requirement
for simplicity, and also what Vogel understands both mundane propositions and
skeptical arguments to be comprised of. The assumption that the world works in ways
that are simple, implied from the principle of induction, is construed by Vogel to
mean that the better explanation would be the belief involving the fewest
complexities and least number of parts to argue. Vogel is under the impression that
skeptical arguments involve much more complexity in order to make them
parallel the ordinary beliefs they aim to compete with, and cites the example that
for ordinary properties such as shape and location that could be involved in a
mundane proposition, the skeptic would have to invoke a much more elaborate
explanation for why we are experiencing pseudo shapes and pseudo locations. This
leaves the skeptical argument at a major disadvantage when assessed by IBE s
requirement for simplicity, allowing for the mundane proposition to be deemed the
better explanation because of its capability to explain things as they are instead of
why they appear to be as they are but really are
Waiting For The Locksmith At Two On A Monday
Afternoon Poem
Poetry Critique: Waiting for the Locksmith at Two on a Monday Afternoon The
poem Waiting for the Locksmith at Two on a Monday Afternoon talks about the
insecurities and shames that people tend to hide or lock within themselves.
Barring one line, the poem does an excellent job in conveying its theme through its
consistent usage of images. The vividness of said images and figures of speech
also add to the overall effect and appeal of the poem. First, the poem is consistent
when it comes to its usage of images. The poem repeatedly makes use of locked
rooms in order to take a peek at the inner mechanisms of the mind. Each locked room
is representative of the different doubts, insecurities, and/or urges that one tries to
repress and hide from... Show more content on ...
Edgar Samar. It follows the story of Janus Silang as his entire life is dismantled by
the revelation that the monsters from Philippine folklore are real and are hunting
him down. This book has managed to rekindle my love of Philippine literature and
I wholly recommend reading this. The book manages to hook its readers through
the realistic and well written characters, the extensive and immersive world
building, and the entertaining and heartbreaking writing style of the author. First,
the book is full of realistic and well written characters. Janus Silang, the character,
is written as a normal teenager and can be related and sympathized with easily.
However, by the end of the book Janus manages to undergo so much growth and
development that he s practically a different person from the Janus we met in
Chapter 1. From the way he talks, thinks, and acts, one can see how much he s
changed from the start of the book, and yet these changes felt natural with the way
the story was written. Even the minor characters, such as Janus s parents, his love
interest, and his sister, gain some form of development; not enough to overshadow
and bog down the plot, but just enough to flesh out and get a feel for their character.
All the characters feel real and natural, and it makes it easy to form attachments to
them, which allows for
The Curriculum And Assessment Framework
Over the past decade there have been vast changes to our education system here in
Northern Ireland. The revamp of the curriculum is described by CCEA (2007) as a
curriculum and assessment framework that is capable of meeting the changing
needs of pupils, society and the economy. Despite the review tackling proposals for
change across a wide variety of areas within the curriculum, it can be said that it has
failed to meet the changing needs of the pupils in terms of learner voice. Rodgers
(2005) defines leaner voice as the active opportunity for students to express their
opinions and make decisions regarding the planning, implementation and evaluation
of their learning experiences. This definition is very fitting to our society today...
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There are various strategies that can be employed to support pupil voice both within
the classroom and whole school context. One of the main up and coming strategies
that schools seem to be focusing on is that of a school council. School councils are
the easiest way for schools to give pupils their say and make decisions about current
School councils are a very tangible manifestation of pupil voice. They can be
important in offering a formal, democratic, transparent and accountable whole school
forum for pupil participation, linking to the broader governance framework of a
school (Alderson 2000:121 34).
Surrounding every strategy, there is a widely seen debate about how beneficial or
problematic each strategy is. For school councils to be beneficial in promoting
pupil voice, there must be a fair representation of all pupils within the school.
Levin (1998) described the moral concept surrounding this strategy where
democratic practice should lie among the least powerful. The least powerful in our
schools are the younger pupils, the quiet pupils and those pupils with SEN. When
all individuals are fairly represented the system will lend to adequate and
successful learner voice. School councils allow pupils to see first hand how their
needs and views will be responded to and how their opinions will be valued by all.
They can be contextualised to a classroom environment whereby each class has a
Literary Representation Vs Visual Testimony Essay
The Telling of a Survivor s Holocaust Story Literary Representation vs Visual
Can fiction tell the same type of story as non fiction or a factual first hand account?
The Holocaust, a story that has been told from the perspective of the survivor as well
as the culprit, novels written, play adaptions, movies, and documentaries. Whether
fictionalized or fact, all the stories share common themes suffering, loss, sacrifice,
death, inhumanity and ultimately freedom whether in death or surviving to be
liberated in some form or another. Some of these representations have been
fictionalized with creative license taken while others are firsthand accounts given in
memories. I will explore how a short fiction story telling of the Holocaust compares
to the firsthand account of a Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS) Officer with the uses of symbols
and/or metaphors, narrative order, narrative perspective, the outlook of the author
towards the future and how the choice of genre affects the way the story is told.
Author Emily Miller Budick, writes in her book Aharon Appelfeld s Fiction:
Acknowledging the Holocaust, she gives an analysis of the symbols and metaphors
written in Tadeusz Borowski s This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen . She
writes from the opening image of the thousands of naked men and women milling
around the barracks in the volume s lead story, Borowski inundates the text with
animal and insect imagery, all of which tend to produce a
High Speed Rail ( Hsr )
Abstract High speed rail (HSR) is a rapidly expanding new transport mode all over
the world and is often described as the transport mode of the future . This paper
discusses definitions of high speed rail, provides an overview of high speed rail
development in selected other countries and regions. It then analyzes the
advantages and disadvantages of HSR in several different aspects, such as
mobility, choice, environmental, safety, cost and regional feasibility. Based on
the opportunities presented by these features of HSR to learn, the article will
provide recommendations and conclusions regarding to the future development of
HSR. Introduction What is High Speed Rail? Although there is no universal and
authoritative speed definition for High Speed Rail (HSR), the threshold can be
found in many administrations or official organizations. For instance, the
European Union defines HSR as: Separate lines built for speeds of 250 kilometers
per hour (kph) (150 mph), or Existing lines upgraded to speeds of 200 kph (125
mph), or Upgraded lines whose speeds are constrained by circumstances such as
topography or urban development. High Speed Rail in the World The world s first
high speed rail line, between Tokyo and Osaka, Japan, was built in time for the
1964 Olympics. Known as the Shinkansen, or bullet trains, this high speed rail
travels across the country at speeds up to 185 mile per hour, expending the traffic
capacity on overcrowded rail lines. Soon After, Italy and
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Philosophy 4: Paper Two (Prompt #2) Rousseau believes that even when one votes
in the minority they can obey the law and still be free. But, how can the opposing
minority be both free and subject to laws to which they have not consented?
(Rousseau, pg. 153) Rousseau s response is that citizens must consent to all the
laws because to inhabit the territory is to submit to the sovereign. (Rousseau,
p.153) In accordance with the social contract, when a citizen votes they should
completely surrender their personal interest and vote for what they believe to be
the general will. The general will of each individual is considered to be their real
will when it comes to social policy. The majority vote will depict the general will,
and the... Show more content on ...
He mentions that in a healthy state it will be easy to aim for the common good.
The common good of society will seem like common sense. In a healthy society the
general will also come much closer to a unanimous decision. In an unhealthy
society, how would you discern what the general will is? When society is faced
with two combating ideas, how are they to reason which one is better for the
sovereign? And after they vote how can they be sure that what the majority voted
for was the actual general will. In votes where the answer is not completely clear,
or there vote is extremely close, I don t know if its safe to say that the majority
vote is consistent with the general will. In life it seems as though many things can
easily be confused or manipulated for a certain cause. For example, say the people
must decide between kiwi and watermelon to be endorsed as the state fruit and
watermelon is slightly closer to the common good of the sovereign and is liked by
more people. Yet, because of some enthusiastic supporters on the side of the kiwi
people are being swayed to vote in favor of the kiwi despite their previous
knowledge of the many benefits that the watermelon provided that the kiwi did not.
In the end even those that were supporters of the watermelon in the beginning
switched their vote in order to try and stay in line with what at the time may have
been portrayed as the popular vote. Even when the person s
Development Of Off Shore Wave Generator Systems And...
Development of off shore wave generator systems and integrating into Disaster
Management systems.
Rahul Basu,
Visiting Professor
Alpha Institute of Technology
Kannur PO
Bangalore 56077, Ka, India
Paul T. Wegener
Waveberg Development
4016 Lark Street
San Diego, Ca 92013, USA
The SAARC region with over a billion populations is contiguous to the Indian Ocean,
Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. Utilization of ocean resources for power
generation such as tidal, thermal solar and wind for energy, along with other green
technologies like seaweed farming and sustainable fisheries for food would need to
be incorporated in a broad framework for the region. Development of ocean based
energy systems can be integrated with early warning networks linked by satellite
which can give a few hours to days warning to help mitigate the severity of natural
disasters on human life. . Some of the calamities of note have been the Tsunamiof
2004, Bangladesh and Orissa floods, earthquakes in Nepal and Pakistan, and recent
inundation of Chennai due to weather and bad flood management. A SAARC
comprehensive Framework on disaster management was formulated in alignment
with the Hyogo Framework (2005 2015). In addition to the broad objectives of
disaster management and cooperation in the Indian Ocean and surrounding regions,
impeding disasters due to climate change need to be anticipated. Ocean energy
systems are still in their infancy, while ocean
The Evolution Of Santa Claus
What if I was to tell you that the jolly, friendly, and innocent wonderworker that is
Santa Claus that we all know and love, didn t always make the nice list? Siefker
bridges the gap between truth and fiction by embedding the notion that Santa Claus
has taken on some strange identifies over the past hundred years each varying in
name, personality, and drapery. In a daunting and unruly thesis, Siefker unfolds the
evolution of Santa Clausand his exploited time as Robin Goodfellow; who is
sometimes referred to as Puck, the Norse God of mischief (Wright). However
irrational this truth may seem, it is noted that Santa Claus has derived from an
accumulation of tales, the earliest of which begin in year 260 AD with the birth of
Saint Nicholas
A Public Administrator s Biggest Concern
Public administration is often times the enforcement of government policy and also
academic discipline that prepares people for working in the public service. It is a field
with a diverse scope. The goal is to have advance management and policies so that the
government can function. A public administrator s biggest concern is having a sense
of organization with government policies and programs. Often times many unelected
officers can be considered heads of city, county, regional, state, and federal
departments. Some federal departments can include municipal budget directors,
human resources administrators, city managers, census managers, state mental health
directors, and cabinet secretaries. Public administrators can work in public at all
levels of government.
The history of public administration has ancient origins. The Egyptians and Greeks
organized their government by public office. These office holders would be
accountable for managing justice, law and order, and providing things for the people.
The Romans also had a system like this, but it was much more complex. This system
was under their empire. They also had an administrative structure created by the
Roman Catholic Church.
This structure was comprised of the entire empire, with a hierarchy of officers.
Everyone also had to report back to the emperor. This soon disappeared after the fall
of the Roman Empire in Western Europe in the 5th century. Surprisingly, most of its
practices continued in the Byzantine
Essay about Violence in Greasy Lake and The Things They...
Both Tim O Brien s The Things They Carried and T. Coraghessan Boyle s Greasy
Lake display characters similar reactions to violence, but in different settings and
circumstances. In The Things They Carried, Fist Lieutenant Jimmy Cross is a
soldier in the Vietnam War who finds solace and escape in fantasies of a young
woman from home. One of Cross s soldiers dies due to his daydreaming and forces
him to abandon these fantasies. In Greasy Lake, the main characterfinds enjoyment in
picking fights and breaking the law. A late night tussle leads to encounter with a dead
body, causing the main character to reflect upon his wild lifestyle. Both stories show
a coming to maturity through violence, though in different forms. In The... Show
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He couldn t help it (O Brien 630). Surrounded by a world a war and violence, these
daydreams are the only escape Lieutenant Cross has and he embraces them fully.
When faced with violence, the main character from Greasy Lake not only accepts
it, but encourages it. Upon the boy s arrival to Greasy Lake, he and his friends
mistakenly hassle a stranger and his girlfriend. Instead of apologizing for the
disturbance and trying to reason with the stranger, he and his friends immediately
engage in battle, beating the stranger unconscious. The rage and violence of this
attack does not end here. The main character turns his attention to the stranger s
girlfriend: It was the foxВ… that set us offВ… she was already tainted. We were
on herВ… grabbing for flesh (Boyle 133). The rape does not occur as the boys are
chased away by an approaching vehicle, but the intent of a second violent event was
fully present. Every opportunity for violence encountered by the main character is
met with open arms. In The Things They Carried, violence brings forth an epiphany
for First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross. Lieutenant Cross, while seeking comfort in his
imagination, allows one of his men to be shot and killed. His lack of security led to
an unnecessary casualty: [Cross] hated himself. He had loved Martha more than his
men, and as a consequence Lavender was
Database Comparison of Sql Server 2000, Access, Mysql,...
This paper will compare and contrast five different database management systems on
six criteria. The database management systems (DBMS) that will be discussed are
SQL Server 2000, Access, MySQL, DB2, and Oracle. The criteria that will be
compared are the systems functionality, the requirements that must be met to run the
DBMS, the expansion capabilities В– if it is able to expand to handle more data over
time, the types of companies that typically use each one, the normal usage of the
DBMS, and the costs associated with implementing the DBMS.
System functionality
Microsoft Access is a database engine and development environment in one package.
It is typically workstation based, and designed to be easy to use, even for ... Show
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Typically, an Access application will be a single user installation on a workstation.
All of the other DBMS are suited to handle multi user concurrency and offer a lot
of features around transaction processing and record locking to prevent issues from
arising. These databases can be found in client/server applications, as well as
applications that utilize internet or intranet pages as a front end. Cost The cost for
the different DBMS varies widely (in fact, from nothing, to millions of dollars). A
standalone version of Access (without an upgrade), costs about $339. It is also
included with the Office XP Professional and Developer Editions. MySQL is free В–
if the application you are developing is open source. If the application is proprietary,
then the cost will be $495 per database server, with no cost for client access licenses.
The more database servers that are purchased, the lower the cost per server is, down
to $175 per server if 250 or more are purchased. Now it gets a bit more complicated.
DB2 Enterprise, in a server with a single processor, will cost $25,000. At the high
end, it will cost $800,000 for a 32 processor version. If the company wants OLAP
and Data Mining, those are additional, with prices up to $2,016,000 for a 32
processor implementation. SQL Server is a bit more reasonable В– and OLAP and
Data Mining are included in the
My Life Span Development Class
On February 17, 2016, our Life Span Development class observed the physical,
cognitive, and social development of Asher, a 5.5 month old male. The observation
was conducted at Dordt College in room CL2260 and the infant s parent consented to
participate in the live observation. Asher was quite sick and later saw a doctor, so the
findings of this report may not entirely represent Asher s development.
Asher was 5 weeks along when his mother, Abby, found out she was pregnant.
Asher is the third child and has a 4 year old sister and a 3 year old brother. Abby
tried to eat as healthy as she could during her pregnancy to ensure that Asher would
be as healthy as possible. Thus, she avoided lunchmeats, seafood, and soft cheeses.
At 20 weeks, Abby had an ultrasound, in which no structural abnormalities were
found. Since this was her third child, Abby chose not to take part in prenatal
counseling. Labor lasted only about an hour, and Asher was born by Cesarean
Delivery like his two siblings. Asher was born on September 2nd, 2015, weighing
7lbs., 10oz. at a length of 21 inches. These are both above average for both height and
weight of newborns in North America but within two standard deviations of the
average (Santrock, 2014). At 5.5 months, Asher weighs 17 pounds. This is about the
normal weight, for Asher is on pace to triple his birth weight by age one (Santrock,
In terms of reflexes, Asher is mostly on pace with the average 5.5 month old, but
there are a few reflexes that
Luck And Free Will In Shakespeare s Macbeth
in Macbeth Macbeth wants the things to happen the right now the things that the
witches promises him. for example he said in a step on witch i must fall down or else
o orsleep he is saying that he is willing to do anything in order for those prophecy
to came as soon as possible. along the same line in Malcom s article the story of
success he said achievement is talent plus preparation he is trying to say that
nobody born naturally pro athelete in order to get there you need to put in work you
have to work really hard for it practice everyday don t wait for luck and willing in
Emely s article luck is not change she is trying to say that waiting for luck won t
take you anywhere you have to be your own luck. for example she said luck
The Functionalist Perspective
The Functionalist Perspective highlights that parts of society are organized to sustain
its steadiness. Racist ideologist trusted they have a ethical validation for conserving a
society that usually denies evident groups of their privileges and rights. Some of the
Racist Beliefs release the dominant group of the accountability to problems
encountered by subordinated groups comparable to education or any social difficulty
that such groups may develop. There are numerous ways racismis dysfunctional to
society, racial prejudice and discernment fail to use assets of other groups. It damages
other groups since of poverty, which often outcomes in crime and delinquency. It
demoralizes goodwill and diplomatic interactions among countries. As well as,
underestimates pacific solutions in disagreements.
1. ... Show more content on ...
(Schaefer, 2011, pag 94). Even though the US government benefits from having high
caliber human resources, this phenomenon not only affects the countries of origins
but the US as well. This occurrence affects the minority and subordinate groups of
the citizens, which limited their potential jobs and opportunities in high tech careers
paths. The brain drain is another sign of inadequate allocation of the assets around
the globe, there are numerous third world countries, who are in desperately need for
those physicians. But, they often choose to emigrate searching for superior financial
opportunities and a better quality of life. The Us benefits from illegal immigration
because it preserves the consumption growing and diversify the social hierarchies. In
addition, there is a positive advantage for the employers, who can pay the lowest
wages, which help them produce more and at a cheaper price for the
The Power of Habit
First off, we are creatures. We are animals. We re very sophisticated and good
looking and all that, but let s never forget that we re made of flesh and blood. In
particular, our brains are incredibly complex evolved machines. Our brains govern
basic processes such as breathing and food intake, and also enable us to appreciate
the finer points of John Cleeses performances in Fawlty Towers.
As creatures, we have needs. We need to eat, and so we eat. As rather intelligent
and social creatures, we like to chat with one another, and so we do. We take turns
and finish our conversations gracefully. And there are dozens and dozens more
behaviors that are just as complicated, if not more so. How on Earth do we get all of
this done?
That s where ... Show more content on ...
No writer feels like he is writing enough. We all watch too much television, spend too
much time on Facebook, or waste our writing time doing other things. For beginning
writers, the problem is especially acute. With no editor giving a deadline, no fans
clamoring for the next installment, and no writing income, there is literally no
incentive to write at least not consistently. Beginners might write when they are
inspired, but with so many other things pulling them away from the writing desk,
how can they stick with it for the months and years it takes to carve out a writing
On the other hand, most professional writers write every day. Not because they are
inspired more often, not because they have more free time, and not because they are
neglecting other parts of their lives. Pros write every day for one simple yet
powerful reason. They ve made it a habit.
We tend to think of habits as bad (smoking, cussing, biting your fingernails) but
they can also be good (walking the dog, oatmeal for breakfast, a weekly date with
your spouse). THE POWER OF HABIT shows how easily habits form. They rely
on three simple things a cue, a routine, and a reward and don t take long to stick.
Our brains love habits. They allow us to be efficient. They help us do things like
drive a car without constant self monitoring. Once we learn where the brake pedal is
and how hard to press the
Asynchronous Transfer Mode Wireless Network
Project name: ATM wireless network ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) has
been advocated as an important technology for all types of services and networks.
Most people believe that ATM will be the standard for the future B ISDN
(Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network). From the service point of view,
ATM combines both the data and multimedia information into the wired networks
while scales well from backbones to the customer premises networks. To ensure
the success of ATM, lots of the design issues have been standardized by ATM
Forum. Wireless personal communication networks (PCN) has been growing very
fast in the last decade. Nowadays, laptop, cellular phone, and pagers are very
popular. Many systems have been developed to provide different services, such as,
Personal Communications Service (PCS), Portable Telephone Systems, and
Satellite Communications System. Usually, these services do not guarantee QoS
(Quality of Services) so they are not suitable for the fast growing multimedia
applications. Due to the success of ATM on wired networks, wireless ATM
(WATM) is a direct t result of the ATM everywhere movement. WATM can be
viewed as a solution for next generation personal communication networks, or a
wireless extension of the B ISDN networks, which will support integrated data
transmission (data, voice and video) with guaranteed QoS. WATM architecture and
protocols are already being well discussed. The ATM Forum are currently involved in
defining the baseline
Integrated Marketing Communication Plan Essay
Integrated Marketing Communication Plan: Reposition Tsingtao beer in UK
Executive summary
Tsingtao beer is the largest beer brewery in Asia, and always insists a philosophy
of producing best beer. It is one of the best selling beers in China, and till now has
been sold to more than 70 countries. Beer market of the world develops very fast and
the competition is very intensive, and market competition level is more and more
higher, brand is gradually substituting price competition and product competition and
becomes the most vigorous and differentiated competitive method. Tsingtao beer s
globalized brand image needs reorganization from British consumers, and its brand
influence also needs to be expanded.
This ... Show more content on ...
(Xiejing Yan, He Yun, Huang Kui, 2008, 09)
SWOT Analysis
1гЂ‹ Tsingtao beer s long history of corporate culture and global brand advantage is
sufficient to meet various demand from the market
2гЂ‹ Tsingtao beer is priced reasonably, and fits most consumers psychologically
expected price
3гЂ‹ Tsingtao beer s quality can match any famous beer brand
4гЂ‹ Tsingtao beer has established good word of mouth in consumers.
5гЂ‹ Tsingtao beer has established large selling and management system network
6гЂ‹ Has invested in marketing, and has some awareness in targeted consumer base
7гЂ‹ Marketing staffs of various levels are experienced, diligent and warm hearted.
1гЂ‹ After fast expansion, it is difficult to integrate internal resources
2гЂ‹ Other beer brands have occupied large market capacity, market share of
Carlsberg and Budweiser far exceeds that of Tsingtao beer
3гЂ‹ Current fixed customer channel network is not perfect, and market coverage of
its products is low
1гЂ‹ Numerous bars in British are important places for beer consumption with huge
2гЂ‹ Beer is popular for a long time period and is less affected by seasonal factors
1гЂ‹ Middle end and high end bear market is continuously in recession
2гЂ‹ There are many competitors who entered British market much earlier than
Tsingtao beer, for instance,
Jerry Sandusky s Case Analysis
There is criminal liability for Jerry Sandusky because under Pennsylvania law, he lied
about his relationships with the young victims of the case. Under Pennsylvania law,
as in other jurisdictions, perjury refers to knowingly lying while under oath.
Obstruction of justice describes interference with the administration of justice, such
as by concealing evidence or delaying or frustrating a criminal investigation
(McCann). Sandusky committed perjury and obstruction of justice because he abused
his position as assistant coach, therefore he should have been charge of the crimes.
During the time he was an assistant coach and his retirement, he had contact with
the young victims who were a part of the program that he helped create for children
in need. Some victims such as victim 1 stayed at his house and Sandusky called him
out class for private wrestling sessions, which looked very odd to the wrestling coach.
Joseph Miller testi ed that he was head wrestling coach for the elementary
wrestling program for that school district. He knew Victim 1, who had wrestled for
him. Miller corroborated that one evening in 2006 or 2007, he returned to the high
school to retrieve something he had forgotten. He saw a light on in the weight room
which should have been turned off and when he went in, he discovered Victim 1
and Sandusky, lying on their sides, in physical contact, face to face on a mat. He
said both Victim 1 and Sandusky were surprised to see him enter the room. He recalls
Sex Before Marriage Is A Sin
In most religions have similar views to each other when it comes to sex but, also
different, in other ways. But, the majority believes sex before marriage is a sin. I
grew up as a Mormon in California. Sometimes I am a little embarrassed to tell
people that. My family and I went to church every Sunday and we followed all the
typical Mormon rules. I could not date until sixteen, I dressed modestly so I did
not tempt men to want sex with me, and I was expected to wait to have sex until I
was married. Although, I do not consider myself a Mormon anymore it has really
affected the way I view sex. We were taught in church that dating until sixteen was
to help prevent premature sexual activity. I was taught all through life that sex was
sort of a bad thing. Throughout my childhood they promoted dating, but limiting
the dating for a more mature age. Kids these days become sexually active at a very
young age and I think it worries the Mormon culture. I think this specific rule is
good. I plan on using this rule with my children to let them try to be children for as
long as they can. Most adolescents and children under the age sixteen are too young
to handle the emotions involved with sex. Even though many teens argue they are
ready to date and are capable of controlling their emotions before the age of 16. It is
better to stay cautious and avoid dating too soon than the alternative. (Why does my
Mormon friend not date until age 16? 2016.) Dressing modestly in 2016, is quite
Utopia Vs. Dystopian Society
Have you ever wondered if you lived in a perfect society? A young boy named
Jonas lived in the perfect world. After becoming the next receiver he starts to
realize that his perfect world isn t so perfect after all. The Giver by Lois Lowry,
explains how a Utopian world would really be. The most important differences
between Utopian Society in The Giver and dystopian society are Rituals,
Assignments, and Families.
Jonas s society has many rituals some of them are the telling of feelings and dream
telling. Telling of feeling is when your familyunit sits down at dinner and shares
there feelings about the day and say if anything is bothering them. Dream telling is
when your family unit sits down in the morning and shares if they had any dreams
that night before. In the beginning of the book, Jonas explains It was one of the ...
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In Jonas s society you can t pick a kid, and you can t say I love you to your family.
After being married for a certain amount of time, you are allowed to apply for a
child. In The Giver, it says Two children one male, one female to each family unit.
It was written very clearly in the rules (Lowry 48) This quote explains how you get
a child and how many you are allowed to have. Another difference is how families
show affection to one another you can t say I love you . After dinner, Jonas asks
Father? Mother? Jonas asked tentatively after the evening meal. I have a question I
want to ask you. What is it, Jonas? his father asked... Do you love me? There was
an awkward silence for a moment. Then Father gave a little chuckle. Jonas. You, of
all people. Precision of language, please! ... You could ask, Do you enjoy me? The
answer is Yes, his Or, his father suggested Do you take pride in my
accomplishments? (Lowry 126 127). This quote shows that families in his
community aren t allowed to show affection to one another because it might make
someone else feel less
Economy and Society in Europe During 1848 Essay
Economy and Society in Europe During 1848
The revolutionary year of 1848 was an extraordinary period in which popular
disturbances brought down the government of many countries. The revolts were very
widespread, seriously affecting about fifty countries in Europe.1 It ranged from an
enormous area, ranging from the Atlantic to the Ukraine, from the Baltic to the
Mediterranean. Factors that contributed to these revolts included: the potato crop had
been destroyed, food riots broke out, and financial crises sprung about due to the high
rate of unemployment.2 The development of major cities, such as Prague, Berlin,
Liepzig, etc. contributed to the creation of the revolution. Also, anger arose over
political issues because the middle ... Show more content on ...
These demands caused difficulty in the area of economics, where conflicts strike
forms of disorder. This caused division within the government, enormous economic
uncertainty, increased unemployment, and a rise in crime rates. The demands of the
working class led to a bloody suppression, with thousands being killed. The failure
of the new regime to gain control of their own armies also occurred. The survival rate
in Europe was very low, yet the revolutionaries kept protesting to get exactly what
they wanted.4
During this time, the Industrial Revolution was also taking place, yet it was in the
midst of being over. Technology and production advances were taking place, no
longer were hand tools common, and machines driven by waterpower and factories
were now common in Europe. Coal mining was one key industry, in that it was a new
source of fuel and was used in creating machines. Due to the flooding problem in
coalmines, Thomas Newcomen invented the steam driven pump. The middle
nineteenth century brought about railroads, steamship lines, and telegraph networks.
This led to many other inventions by other men, such as James Watt, Abraham Darby,
and Henry Cort. All of these inventions led to the core of the Industrial Revolution.
However, by 1848, these first industrial revolution inventions soon were replaced. The
second industrial revolution
The Impact Of Online Activism On Hong Kong
Online activism is increasingly advocated in many modern societies by allowing
activists to instantly spread and deliver information to a broader audience. In the
digital age, activists can easily raise awareness, share videos and opinions through
various online platforms. This new phenomenon of activism driven by media
technologies has been widely used in Hong Kongto retain human rights, protesting for
more autonomy and democracy. Given the ability of online activism to raise
awareness and rally support for different political or social movements, it places great
challenge for the Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese authorities to keep their power
This paper will examines how Hong Kong civil societies have used online activism to
... Show more content on ...
To answer these questions, this paper argues that online activism can be successful
in mobilizing supporters together, but not necessarily effective in achieving the
desired outcome due political boundaries. This paper is divided into five main
parts: part one introduces the theoretical framework of activism and the use of
media technologies to support for human rights. Part two explores how a unique
Hong Kong identity was created during the years as a British colony and examines
the degree of democracy in Hong Kong after the handover of sovereignty in 1997.
Part three uses case studies of the July 1 protest and the Umbrella Movement in Hong
Kong to illustrate the use of media in convening for supporters. Part four evaluates
the effectiveness of using online activism to pursue social and political changes as
demonstrated in the two case studies. Finally, this paper examines the responses from
government authorities in tackling Internet activism and how some are deemed to
violate basic human rights.
Activism has always been present throughout history whilst using digital platforms
have further drive it to a next level. Activism is the ability to act, influence or even
change the course of history. Societies today did not become the way it is naturally,
rather, it is shaped by historical events and is constantly changing in response to the
stances and actions of the citizens. Activism entails the actions of promoting,
impeding government policies or social issues
Explain How All Staff Collect, Use And Disclose Your...
All staff must adhere to the following policies relating to the collection and usage
of client information. 1.How we Collect, Use and Disclose Your Personal
Information Your personal information is defined under the Privacy Act 1988 as
...information or an opinion, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a
material form or not, about an identified individual, or an individual who is
reasonably identifiable. We will collect your personal information when you answer
direct questions presented to you by the company, such as when you visit or call
our IT Service Department with a request for services or by completing an online
application for services. We will use the information gathered as is necessary for us
to provide you with the
Last Possible Parse Hypothesis
1.What are the first possible parse and last possible parse hypotheses? According to
Libben, if the process of prelexical parsing were a left to right parsing procedure, then
the first possible parse hypothesis would indicate the separation of the first
constituent. On the other hand, the last possible parse hypothesis would result in
separate activation. 2.What other alternative do the experiments test? The
experiments showed that none of hypothesis clarified prelexical parsing. Libben
strengthen his theory that prelexical parsing was supported by a recursive parsing
procedure. In the first experiment, Libben also tested constituent activation in
addition to the mechanisms of prelexical parsing. 3.Explain the... Show more content
on ...
The experiment consisted of ten trial practice sessions and an experimental session
consisting of 124 trials. . The experiment was intended to test whether native
speakers of English allocate first possible parse to ambiguous novel compounds.
4.What hypothesis did the results of the first experiment support? What was the role
of semantic plausibility? The result of the first experiment showed that parsing
choices are strongly connected with the semantic plausibility. That results support
Libben s hypothesis, which states that neither first possible parse nor last possible
parse characterize the prelexical parsing procedure. During the experiment there was
a connection between parsing choices and semantic plausibility ratings. 5.What
prediction was the second experiment designed to address? How was the procedure
altered? The second experiment is focused on semantic priming in accuracy
paradigm. The prediction it was designed to address is whether ambiguous novel
compounds facilitate recall accuracy to monomorphemic associates of both parsing
choices. The procedure was altered by adapting the morpheme recall task and by
having a pre or post primes compound
Different Reasons Of Teaching English As A Foreign
Nowadays English has become one of the most used languages all around the world,
with this, the necessity of learning English as a foreign language is one that hundreds
of people all around the world have. All these people have different reasons to learn
the language and many different learning styles. This essay will try to explain
through the use of research why and how people learn English as a foreign language.
Students Background
This essay will try to explain through the use of research why and how Saul Palafox
Reyes learns English as a foreign language. SaГєl is a 20 year old engineering
student who lives with his parents and sister. SaГєlВґs first language is Spanish, he
and his sister started with English classes ... Show more content on ...
According to the book Teaching English as a Foreign Language, The Communicative
approach advocates to language, first and foremost, as a system for communication .
The communicative approach is based on the idea that learning language successfully
comes through having to communicate real meaning. When learners are involved in
real communication, their natural strategies for language acquisition will be used,
and this will allow them to learn to use the language (Communicative Approach,
2006) .
The questionnaire and interview showed that SaГєl needs to focus on his listening
and speaking abilities, his writing and reading skills are not bad, nevertheless they
also need some work to be polished.
Since he stopped his English classes a couple of years ago SaГєl has lost speaking
and listening practice and this has created a sense of insecurity in him getting him to
think he cannot speak English at all. His reading and comprehension skills are not a
difficult issue since he barely had any trouble when answering the questionnaire,
except for a couple of words which he asked about the meaning answering the
questionnaire was easy for
Craft Brewing Economic Analysis
Who is a Craft Brewer?
________________________________________________________ 4 Facts
4 Types of Breweries:
___________________________________________________________ 5
5 Nano brewery
5 Brewpub:
5 Contract Brewing Company:
________________________________________________________ 6 Regional
Craft Brewery:
___________________________________________________________ 6 Large
Brewery: ... Show more content on ...
_________________________________ 24 Environmental Regulations:
____________________________________________________________ 24
Investors for Craft Brewery Start Ups
_______________________________________________ 24 Craft Beer in a Tin
initiative:_______________________________________________________ 25
Corporate Social Responsibility
____________________________________________________ 26 Economics of
Beer: _______________________________________________________________
28 Building a Craft beer brand:
_______________________________________________________ 29
Identify your customers:
_______________________________________________________________ Craft a
dedicated brand message:
______________________________________________________ Creating Image of
the brand: __________________________________________________________
Providing consistent quality:
___________________________________________________________ Brand
Consumer Ownership:
29 30 30 30 31 31 31 32
Social Media Marketing amp; Craft Brewing Industry:
___________________________________ 32
________________________________________________________________ 35
Who is a Craft
The Documentary The Sixteenth Man
The documentary the 16th man tells the story of the South African rugby team
winning the 1995 World Cup during a time when racial equality was a major issue.
The whites were in power in the country of South Africa and judging others based
simply by their skin color. According to the video blacks outnumbered whites 6 to 1,
but still did not have the right to vote as the whites had complete control. Both sides
were at odds with each other fueled by anger and unjustified resentment. Then when
the 1995 rugby World Cupwas being held in South Africathe South African team was
heavy underdogs. The big news though was one of the better players on the team was
a black man. This created some pride among their race and brought their attention to
the games. South Africaended up shocking the world as they won the World Cup.
This was big news and had a tremendous impact on their fans. However, the biggest
impact could not be measured by a trophy. The victory brought people together.
Allowed people to realize there was no need for the fighting and that they were not
so different after all. The 1995 South African rugby team highlights how sport can
unite people, proving that social and political resolutions can be developed through
sport. Nelson Mandela as a peaceful leader of the South African black community
he realized what sports could do for dying down the racial tension. The sport was
bringing everyone together. Instead of picking racial sides everyone was combined as
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Rainy Day Essay For Kids

  • 1. Rainy Day Essay For Kids Writing an essay on the topic "Rainy Day Essay for Kids" might seem like a straightforward task at first, especially considering the innocence and simplicity associated with children's themes. However, delving into the intricacies of crafting an engaging and educational piece for young readers requires a delicate balance of creativity, simplicity, and educational value. To begin with, one needs to put oneself in the shoes of a child, understanding their perspective and tailoring the language and content accordingly. The challenge lies in presenting meteorological concepts in a manner that captivates the imagination of a young audience, making it both informative and enjoyable. Describing the sensory experiences of a rainy day - the sound of raindrops tapping on windows, the earthy aroma that fills the air, and the sight of puddles forming on the ground - necessitates a vivid and child-friendly language. Striking this balance requires careful consideration of vocabulary and sentence structure to ensure that the essay is both accessible and enriching for its intended audience. Furthermore, organizing the essay in a coherent and engaging manner is crucial. This involves structuring the content to maintain a child's interest while also imparting valuable information. Each paragraph should seamlessly flow into the next, creating a narrative that captures the essence of a rainy day without overwhelming young minds with complex details. In conclusion, while the topic may seem simple on the surface, writing a "Rainy Day Essay for Kids" involves navigating the delicate balance between simplicity and educational value. Crafting an essay that captures the magic of a rainy day while fostering a child's curiosity and understanding requires careful consideration of language, structure, and overall presentation. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing tasks, various resources are available. One such option is, where one can find professional support for a wide range of writing needs. From essays to creative writing pieces, the platform offers a convenient solution for those looking to enhance their writing or seek expert help in crafting compelling content. Rainy Day Essay For Kids Rainy Day Essay For Kids
  • 2. Character Analysis Of Hamlet Hamlet is the prince of and the son of the murdered King. Shakespeare introduces the character to the audience portraying him as grief stricken due to the loss of his father. He is dressed in black and a somber mood. However, at some point, Hamlet behaves like a person who is out of his mind through his words and actions. Hamletis not insane as people assume he is. His character confuses not only the audience but the characters within the play. Every time the audience meets him, he is an entirely different person. He is a lonely sojourner with no friends left except Hoaratio whose loyalty and love for Hamlet are unconditional. However, Hamlet only acted as insane when there were people around him. Everything he did was premeditated and well calculated. As such he cannot be said to be insane since his actions reek of intelligence. He always passes his points through his insane acts and ramblings. When the ghost of his father appears and demands he seeks revenge, he feels the act of murdering a king is evil. He hates Claudius, but even pressure from the Ghost will not push him to commit murder. This contradicts the mad character he is supposed to portray. It draws the attention of the reader to the introspective and reflective nature of the prince. He passes up countless opportunities throughout the play to kill the king as even when he has an opportunity during the time Claudius is praying alone in his chambers. Now might I do it, now he is a praying, and now I ll don t? And so he goes to heaven, and so I revenged. A villain kills my father, and for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain send to heaven (3. 3. 75). he reasons out that killing his uncle will take the villain to heaven. The logic with which he makes his arguments cannot be made by an insane person. When the prince is finally ready to kill the king, he uses fate as a scapegoat to escape the reality of the crime he is about to commit. His feibgnhsnh ignorance on the world He says thus, since no man knows aught of what he leaves, what isn t to leave betimes? Let be. (V.ii.209 14) Hamlet does not forget his father long after everyone else has forgotten about his death and has moved on in seeking reconciliation. He remembers his father s
  • 3. Hindi Nationalism Hindi Nationalism This piece on Hindu nationalism, written by Alok Rai, deals with the coming of modern Hindi in the late 90s and the early 20s. Alok Rai who is also known as a critical thinker, theorist and also the grandson of Premchand makes his readers aware of the process of modernization in the case of language. In this essay we get to witness a connection between Hindi (old Hindi) and Hindi (new Hindi). Making of Hindi as a modern language connects to the programme of the imagining the nation largely in a broad manner. Today when we speak of Hindi, we talk about larger conflicts and controversies based on language. For instance the language conflict between Tamil and Hindi. There is a problem with this assumption, because ... Show more content on ... The novelty of the new age demands that the soft and delicate language such as Braj Bhasha should be left out, we cannot remain with the feminine language because the new age demands new language and the new language came in the form of modern Hindi . The Awadh elites who were the bearers of Hindi were practically forced to invent the style, a culture, a new form of consciousness. The whole national consciousness was at stake as it was a matter of adopting a whole new consciousness. Through this piece, we get to discover that in the language matters, when there is a loss, there will also be a gain. For instance, the Khari Boli Hindi poetry was realized as a powerful invention which was slowly taken over by Urdu. But after this entire complex thing, we get to experience some gain, which came in the form of modern Hindi that brought a new social order and awareness. Hindi came from Hindi, a narrative intimate stabilization and dispossession. We cannot judge that how we possess a language because it is a very intimate possession. Language is moreover, a private thing, people generally do not speak pure Hindi in today s time. Today Hindi has become a middle language, which is the result of the exchange of culture and language by the people while living in the society. In order to show ourselves different, we need to
  • 4. The Arab- Israeli Conflict Essay The Arab Israeli Conflict AO1: What are the main differences between the beliefs and attitudes of the Jews /Israelis and the Arabs/ Palestinians towards the land now called Israel with the Gaza Strip and the West Bank? The Arab Israeli conflict is one of the most interesting conflicts that have strained relations between the Muslims and the Jews which involves a small but significant piece of land known as Palestine (Israel today). This conflict is not rooted in modern times though, as this section of my coursework will explain. Both groups have extremely strong views on this topic, both historically and religiously important, which has lead to this stalemate between them. Some ... Show more content on ... Another reason why the Jews believe they needed their homeland back was the way in which they were treated in the European countries. Western people generally hated the Jewish people they were obviously different in terms of customs, diet and dress. Many Catholics blamed the Jews for the death of Christ on the cross, and resented the fact that the Jews were good moneylenders, rich and much more influential than the working class Europeans. This all lead to a belief now known as Anti Semitism, which made the Jews feel intimidated and unwanted but they didn t have another place to go. The biggest example of this was that many Europeans blamed the Jews for the Black Death or Bubonic Plague outbreak in the middle of the 13th century, as a punishment from God for harbouring them. In Strasbourg for example, 2000 people were burnt on a massive scaffold erected in a Jewish cemetery in 1349. Many countries started to evict the Jews from Europe as they were seen as evil and rash men, enemies of God and Christianity . Over the next 100 years hundreds of thousands of Jews were made homeless and had to seek a safe land in the Eastern countries, which already had steady amounts of Jewish population within them. However, Anti Semitism hadn t died away by the 19th century, when the Jews started to
  • 5. Case Study Of Crocs If referred to the existing crocs shoes model with same model, the price of the crocs is around RM169.00 to RM269.00. With the new innovate features and shape design, the price should be more than RM269.00 of normal crocs flat shoes, but less than RM300. The price suggestion would be RM299.00. The price is a little bit higher than the existing product, because of the new upgraded which is better and safe to be wear by kids and also adult. With the affordable price and good upgraded shoes, we can attract more of our new targeting market and also existing customer. B.Distribution The new upgraded crocs shoes will be distribute to multiple channels. The company will sell the product to an existing and new wholesaler company which they can bulk from Crocs and get special price. Next, Crocs will sell their product online through the company s existing website ( People can go through the website and can directly buy the product online. This is more efficient way and by only one click, people can purchase the items through online. Additionally, Crocs also have distributors selling in other territories and in all Crocs Shoes branches around Malaysia. The company will also distribute their new ... Show more content on ... PR group always control and check about sales, and advertisement. The ways to promote Crocs shoes is important because there is the main part to maintain the sales. This is why promotion control important due to maintain sales, the originality of the product is also important. Crocs always keep update with R D team about the originality of crocs. (Berry, 2011) The company always maintain and use only original product due to maintain high quality product and not same with fake crocs. If there is any lack during pre production, Crocs will then reject the item and not sell it is because it is stated in Crocs policy. (Crocs,
  • 6. Rise Of Videla Research Paper Born and raised in Mendoza, she grew up in the country where she wasn t unable to attend secondary school. While, at home, she was thought things that were expected from women at the time, and worked in a factory. She did not know anything about politics although, she knew about the coups and events going in Buenos Aires. Eventually, she married a man from Buenos Aires and starts her life as a housewife. During the coup of 1976, her husband and eldest son tell her about how the rise of Videla will impact the country negatively leaving hunger and suffering. Although, she did not know what was happening throughout the country, her son informed her everyday about the unemployment and killings of civilians. While, she took a trip and visited Mendoza
  • 7. Social Justice And The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights Introduction Social justice is a long debated subject that continues to prove controversial and divisive all over the world. Opinions on what constitutes social justice vary on a continuum from more conservative opinions which note individual responsibility to a more liberal stance which promotes a moral responsibility to support social equality (Mapp, 2008). Despite the varying opinions of what establishes social justice, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(UDHR) serves as the first step in promoting social justice by outlining the basic rights that should be afforded to humanity (United Nations, n.d.). More specifically, Article 22 of the UDHR states that all people should have access to social security protection that works to provide essential needs, provisions for preserving dignity, and freedom to pursue personal interest (United Nations, n.d.). In spite of the established declaration, social justice remains unavailable for too many people. Worldwide, the lack of social protection leads to 1.4 billion people struggling to meet their essential needs due to lack of access to resources which promote a decent standard of living. Another 100 million fall into povertydue to unforeseen complications (GIPSPSI, 2011). Therefore, there is a crucial need to recognize social protection as a human right in order to guarantee equal access to basic services and equal opportunity to all of humankind. Social Protection Social protection is a set of polices which work to
  • 8. The Synthesis And Processing Of Ceramics And Ceramic... INTRODUCTION | 1 Polymer derived ceramics (PDC) were first introduced over thirty years ago, and are a fundamental material in high demand today. Over the years, these materials have been heavily studied to better understand how to manufacture them and determine their desired properties. Such materials include coatings, ceramic fivers, and ceramics containing properties that allow them to have high stability at high temperatures. Desired properties of PDC typically include high resistance to decomposition, phase separation, crystallization, high chemical durability, semi conductivity, and creep. [4] This paper will discuss the synthesis and processing of ceramics and ceramic composites using soft materials such as pre ceramic polymers. The potential for materials for a large variety of applications in harsh environments, pertaining mainly to the mechanical properties of PDCs, will also be discussed. PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES | 2 There are three basic steps in order to process PDC. These include synthesis of preceramic from a specific monomer, crosslinking of polymers at low temperatures which allow for networks to form, and finally ceramization by pyrolysis. Some of the most common monomers which can be used consist of polysilanes, polycarbosilanes, polysiloxanes, polysilazanes, and polysilylcarbodiimides. There are several procedures in order to attain these figure 18.1 indicates some of the methods of creating some preceramics through various methods outlined [1]. Figure:
  • 9. The Importance Of Romanticism Through the late 1700s and early 1800s, the period of Romanticism blossomed. Romanticism very loosely describes the era in which modern culture began to take shape. During the Romantic era, many advancements were made in all aspects of people s lives and cultures. One aspect in particular has held great value even to this day. That aspect being the expansive amount of literature created during the era. The era of Romanticismhad its name for a reason. It can be greatly attributed to the romantic style or genre of literature that defined the period. Romantic writers wove many tales of admiration, longing, and aspirations. They were fantastical, in a sense, and almost the antithesis of realism, even. Amidst the great breadth of literature... Show more content on ... ...she asserted her view that the young girls she taught had been enslaved by men through their social training. (Cheatle et al.). In the time she spent teaching, Wollstonecraft learned that women were taught from a young age to be submissive to men. For women, education was nothing beyond training for courtship, childbearing and motherhood, and Wollstonecraft greatly disagreed with such a system. Later in her life, Wollstonecraft went on to write her most famous and controversial work. In Mary Wollstonecraft s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, she addressed many issues for women regarding civil rights and the expectations that were held for them at the time. have... been led by viewing education in a false light; not considering it as the first step to form a being advancing gradually towards perfection; but only as a preparation for life. (Wollstonecraft 58). Essentially, Wollstonecraft implied that men interpreted education only as a means of learning how to live life. In accordance with such an interpretation, women were only allowed to learn how to be wives and mothers. Wollstonecraft also stated her own perspective as to what education needed to be perceived as in contrast to what it was believed to be. After the large uproar that A Vindication of the Rights of Woman created, Wollstonecraft s writing inspired many other female writers to join the fray. Alongside Wollstonecraft,
  • 10. The Importance Of Pollution Of Water Before we saw the first sandpiper prancing on a sandbar or bald eagle sitting high in a nest or the swaying oak savannas, we took a water sample is a very powerful quote from Mike Kilen, the author of many articles dealing with water quality issues. It shows that locations are more than just their looks. Little do most people know, pollutionof water can cause a lot of problems and has several different sources. As Miken Kilen believes, elements of nature are interconnected. One thing always affects another. This is demonstrated through his writings on the North Raccoon River, the relationship between farming and the environment, and lawn care. Pollution of water can cause a lot of problems. In his article The North Raccoon: A river of controversy and undiscovered beauty, Mike Kilen they took a water sample that found nitrates at fifteen milligrams per liter which is five milligrams higher than the level safe for drinking water. That indicates that the water of this river is polluted with nitrates which is an issue as far as drinking water goes. The author further states that nitrates in drinking water can lessen the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream. This can greatly affect the brain considering that it needs oxygen to function. This informs people of the danger behind this pollution. Kilen concludes that Eighty percent of its watershed is covered with two crops corn and soybeans. This gives insight as to where the problems is coming from. In this article there is
  • 11. Compare And Contrast Samurai And Knight The samurai and knight both were fearless and both had fascinating facts about what they did and who they were. Both were different and each had their own ways of teaching their codes, wearing different types of armor, and different techniques of training. Both the samurai and Knight had similarities in all of these facts for example in their training they both started off as a child. As they trained and grew stronger they both were eventually promoted to become a knightor a samuraiand studied their religion. Some differences between the two are that the child is to become a samurai by being promoted in a ceremony called genpuku. The knights become knights by being a squire and being worthy as a knight by showing their masters they were
  • 12. Aids Dan Jarum AIDS dan Jarum Becton Dickinson, salah satu perusahaan persediaan medis terbesar, menguasai pasar produk syringe (semprotan) dan jarum. Pada tahun 2002, seorang perawat, Maryan (nama samaran), menggunakan jarum dan syringe 5 cc Becton Dickinson untuk mengambil darah seorang pasien yang diketahui menderita AIDS. Perawat tersebut bekerja di sebuah klinik yang menangani pasien AIDS, dan dia mengambil darah pasien beberapa kali setiap hari. Suatu hari, setelah mengambil darah, dia memasukkan darah yang mengandung AIDS ke dalam tabung uji steril yang disebut Vacuntainer tube dengan memasukkan jarum suntik ke penutup karet dari tabung tersebut, yang dipegang menggunakan salah satu tangan. Secara tidak sengaja jarinya tertusuk jarum... Show more content on ... Kegunaan pedoman semacam itu masih kontroversial. Para perawat yang bekerja di unit gawat darurat, dengan tingkat tekanan situasi yang tinggi, perlu melakukan tindakan tindakan cepat, dan mereka sering tertekan oleh waktu karena banyaknya jumlah pasien yang mereka tangani serta banyaknya kebutuhan dan permintaan pasien pasien tersebut. Dalam lingkungan kerja seperti ini, cukup sulit untuk tetap berpegang pada pedoman yang disarankan oleh lembaga lembaga diatas. Contohnya, sumber risiko yang cukup besar dari insiden tertusuk jarum suntik adalah teknik atau kebiasaan menutup jarum (sehabis dipakai) dengan memegang penutup dengan salah satu tangan dan memasukkan jarum dengan tangan yang lain. Pedoman OSHA melarang penggunaan teknik ini dan menyarankan agar penutup di letakkan di meja atau tempat lain dan memasukkan jarum dengan satu tangan. Namun para perawat sering tertekan oleh waktu dan, meskipun meyakini (dengan benar) bahwa membawa jarum yang mengandung virus adalah sangat berbahaya, namun karena tidak menemukan meja atau bangku untuk meletakkan penutup jarum, mereka
  • 13. Good Will Hunting Ethics The film Good Will Hunting (1997) tells the Story of a young man named Will Hunting. Will is working as a janitor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) when it is discovered by a professor there that he is a mathematical genius. Will s gift in Mathematics is extremely valuable and marvelous to others in the film, but Will himself does not see its importance. In an effort to help Will: find direction, get out of trouble with the law, and deal with his past trauma with abuse and being in the foster system, his math mentor arranges for him to meet Sean Maguire a psychologist. Sean s style of therapy, although at times unethical, is proven to be beneficial for this particular client, even if ethical boundaries such as: countertransference,... Show more content on ... The reason for this is that I personally cannot see myself in a situation where I would assault a client. That being said, I can appreciate that Sean decided to continue his therapy with Will; he didn t give up. Sean maturely approached Will and had a conversation where he spoke his mind honestly, which ultimately earned Will s trust. However, I would not have stereotyped my client, and assumed that for instance you may have even been laid a few times , which Sean states in the scene. Perhaps Will has never had intercourse? For me as a worker I would not assume things about an individual. I also would not as a worker self disclose in the extreme fashion that Sean does. I struggle with self disclosure in both my professional and personal life; I m a very private person. Despite the fact that I do not use self disclosure in my work, there is evidence that says it can be appropriate in some situations. For instance: workers who use interventions where they divulge their own experiences are more relaxed and responsive to their clients (Rosenbloom, 2001, p.1). Furthermore, there are circumstances where a comment made about the client s reality helps them move along in therapy. In the film, after the conversation in the park, Sean s remarks made Will take therapy more seriously (Rosenbloom, 2001, p.1). Lastly, research has found that a comment made about the workers personal life may trigger the client to discuss their own struggles. Following the scene on the park bench, the trust Will has gained for Sean is enough for Will to confide in him. Sean being vulnerable and real with Will about his personal struggles is what makes this possible (Rosenbloom, 2001, p.1). Even though self disclosing is not something I use with clients, I see how it can be effective and its outcome in Sean and Will s therapeutic relationship. I think it
  • 14. False Flags Essay False Flags: Closure on the Confederate Cause As evidenced by the confederate flag waving, torch bearing, Nazi slogan chanting throng at the base of the Robert E. Lee monument in Virginia this spring or more importantly by America s lack of outrage at the protest s raison d ГЄtre many Americans, or at least a sizeable portion of them, are still laboring under the delusion that Confederacy is a righteous cause to champion. A complicated admixture of unrepentant overt racism, subtle racial ethnic biases, and America s failure to clearly and unambiguously create legislation that corresponds with rest of the world s answer to paradox of tolerance tolerate everything except intolerance seem to be the only things keeping scenes like this alive and on the front page of papers and sites nationwide. For those... Show more content on ... Arguing for reinstating it is unethical, and arguing that it was South s cause to secede admits that an unethical endeavor meant more to the seceding states that basic human rights. The fact of the matter is that Confederacy stood for secession based on slavery, both of which are unacceptable to a united 21st century America. Slavery is an unacceptable tenet worldwide, and if it were the argument upon which the South s secession hinged, their secession was unacceptable as well. If one wants to argue that secession hinged on states rights , the moment we actually specify which rights were being infringed upon, slavery must needs be brought up, and the answer then is clear: it is immoral, and
  • 15. Nmap Title: Network Scanning using NMAP in Windows Exp.No: 1 Aim: To study NMAP Software and demonstrate using various websites. Theory: Nmap ( Network Mapper ) is an open source tool for network exploration and security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it works fine against single hosts. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. While Nmap is commonly used for security audits, many systems and network administrators find it useful for... Show more content on ... | | | | | | Each regular host in the network is represented by a little circle. The color and size of the circle is determined by the number of open ports on the host. The more open ports, the larger the circle. A white circle represents an intermediate host in a network path that was not port scanned. If a host has fewer than three open ports, it will be green; between three and six open ports, yellow; more than six open ports, red. | | | | | If a host is a router, switch, or wireless access point, it is drawn with a square rather than a circle. | | Network distance is shown as concentric gray rings. Each additional ring signifies one more network hop from the center host. | | Connections between hosts are shown with colored lines. Primary traceroute connections are shown with blue lines. Alternate paths (paths between two hosts where a different path already exists) are drawn in orange. Which path is primary and which paths are alternates is arbitrary and controlled by the order in which paths were recorded. The thickness of a line is proportional to its round trip time; hosts with a higher RTT have a thicker line. Hosts with no traceroute information are clustered around localhost, connected with a dashed black line. | | If there is no RTT for a hop (a missing traceroute entry), the connection is shown with a blue dashed line and the unknown host that makes the connection is shown with a blue outline. | Some
  • 16. Sects Vs Cults There are different types of groups that you can branch off of your religion, there are sects and cults. A sect is a group of people with some different religious beliefs from the group larger to where they actually belong, like a Church. A Cult is usually a small group of people who have religious beliefs and practices observed by others as bizarre. A cultis founded by a powerful leader also known as a charismatic. Sects have a high degree of pressure with the surrounding society unlike churches. Sect determines from the Latin word secta which is characterized as school of thought . It too comes from the English dialect from the Old French secte which is alluded to as a particular framework of convictions. While a cult is a completely different interpretation. Cult comes from a Latin word cultus which implies labor, adore, veneration, or culture . It too entered the English dialect through the French word culte which is characterized as specific form of worship . At that point later on in the English dialect it came to mean devotion to an individual or thing . ... Show more content on ... One difference that has stood out is that a sect is a small group that follow a different doctrine than the larger group they separated from. While a Cult is small wannabe religious group that has very untraditional beliefs, rituals, and practices. This shows that a sect just derived from a larger group and they branched off by themselves to practice a different doctrine, some of the sects I found are from Islam they have Sunni and Shia sects, Judaism has the Karaites, and Hinduism has Shiyaism and Shaktism sects. While cults are looked at weird and unusual because of how they practice their own type of religion. Cults have leaders and their leaders make their people follow them and be
  • 17. Michelle Gingas Biography In the beginning of the semester, I got the opportunity to meet Michelle Gingas from Fox Sports Network and I had the chance to hear her story of how she became a sports broadcaster. Gingas knew at a very young age that she wanted to do something that allowed her to make a difference and to interact with people on a daily basis. Gingas loves how sports bring people together and what they brought out of her, so Gingas chooses to communicate that same passion she feels with the viewers when she covers a sport event. In the process of starting her career, Gingas studied journalism at Loyola University and quickly found her niche in sports broadcasting. Gingas has always been a sports fan, and an active participant as... Show more content on ... When it comes to her job s philosophy, the Fox Sport Network believes in being fair and having balance. Fox Sports Network media model is like any other news station that is striving to give the viewers what they want. Fox Sport is part of the Fox News Network, which is a basic American cable news television, so its main purpose is to find stories that benefit the community, and they always try to remain relevant in the broadcasting business. Gingas did not work at a firm; so, she did not have a typical office space. However, Gingas had a place to write and edit video, but she usually just host her broadcast show at the Fox Sports Network, and sometimes she goes out as a reporter to cover sports events and to interview
  • 18. Volunteering In Nonprofit Organizations As is well known, volunteering is an extremely significant component of our community. Along the same lines, utilizing volunteers plays a critical role at the agency level in increasing ability of the agency to serve clients and the community. While most nonprofit organizations put a great value on volunteerprograms, one of the biggest challenges that organizations face is a successful volunteer recruitment. Although there are many theories about volunteer recruitment, understanding a simple question, why do people volunteer? , makes it much easier to find right volunteers for the organization. People volunteer for a variety of reasons. For some people it may offer a chance to give something back to the community or to have professional
  • 19. I Thought That All Lawyers Do Final copy I thought that all lawyers do is carry a briefcase and simply go to court argue and yell and not do anything worth meaning or merit that all they did was go into court and simply argue yell and do a bunch of nothing. Then you watch movies and the way they portray the lawyers is there sleazy and sly and people that you really don t want to trust which doing a lot of the research I have lawyers are more like advisors that believe that everyone has the right to have they lawful due process. They help people by giving them insight into a world they don t know as in they advise them and show them the paths they have to choose from and how they will effect there client. Depending on what time of lawyer you are you always deal with... Show more content on ... Then in court the lawyers main job is to properly represent your client and make sure that they are properly represented in court and that you say what they trying to say just in a more convent and nicer way. All of these things to me sounds great all of it kind of sounds like I m actually helping people and showing them off in court and helping them get there due process but not everyone can just become a lawyer you have to first get the education and the training. Most lawyers get a bachelors degree in criminal justice that s the minimum you can go for more because with all the training it will take you will more then likely be in school and training for at least 7 years and that includes all the law school and the regular training you ll need. Then in order for anyone to become a layer you must take the bar exam and pass this is the test that every lawyer has to take in order to be considered a lawyer. There s so much training and things you need you also must have 3 years of legal education which I think blends into the seven years but you have to have at least this much training in order to be ready and truly understand the law all this training is to make it were your ready and you completely understand the law. Plus in most law schools they require you to take there test even to simply just be allowed in to there school and able to train the test is always different and it all depends on which school your trying to get into if your trying to get into
  • 20. Minimum Living Wage Let s take a look at Figure.1 above, which shows the impact of a minimum wage on employment. The blue colored line shows the supply from labor while the red line shows the demand for labor. Initially, if the market is allowed to work by itself, the equilibrium market wage is W1 and the employment level is E1. At E1, the labor market clears and there is no shortage or surplus. However, implementation of minimum wageor minimum living wagechanges the scenario significantly. If the government sets a wage floor of W* at that wage, the labor would want to supply more, therefore increasing the supply of labor from E1 to E2. However, as the wages now higher, the quantity demanded of labor would be lower, at E3. This leads to an excess supply of labor... Show more content on ... Amy Glasmeier (2014) came up with living wage calculator compiling geographically specific expenditure data for food, childcare, health care, housing, transportation, and other basic necessities (Source: In this section, to highlight the issue, we pick up three places across the United States. We chose places from New York State Delhi village, Delaware County, New York; Stony Brook CDP, Suffolk County, New York and one city from Utah Provo city, Utah County, Utah. A quick look at the minimum wage in the three areas would reveal that they share the same minimum wage of $ 7.25 per hour. However, based on the living standards, the living wage is calculated and compared. The comparison is shown in Figure 2 below. The graph clearly reveals that there is a huge variation in living wage in the three places. The living wage is as high as $13.03 in Stony Brook, NY and as low as $8.73 in Provo, UT. In spite of the variation between living wage, the minimum wage is a low $7.25 in all three places, which is even lower than the lowest living wage, in Provo, UT. An analysis with a larger number of cities would have shown the same trend across the country. Therefore, it shows that the focus should be on the living wage, not on minimum wage. Due to this disparity between living wage and minimum wage, minimum wage earners have to working double shifts or live dependent on benefits for financial support in order to have the bare
  • 21. Descriptive Essay On The Devil The devil I feared, sat on my lungs so deeply it felt impossible to breath. My knees were trembling and I could not move. A single tear drop got away from me as it broke the dam wall in my soul. I just stood there at the edge of the steps, as I watched her slip away to another man with nothing I could do. 5 sets of eyes watching, joining me in shock. I turned into a completely empty shell as I stared at the entrance to the Vermeer s house where I kept replaying the recent events through my head. The house that used to be so full and grand, now seemed so empty to me. I contemplated why she rejected my proposal and then it appeared clear to me that she lied about wearing those blue and yellow head clothes so what else had she lied to me about. I had a slight suspicion that she was to have feelings for the man in the attic, but I thoughtI had pushed that away with my love and affection. Clearly I was wrong. I felt my strength regain as my sadness turned to anger. My eyes gazed up at the attack to see him, standing at the window staringdown at me, he too looking shocked, though much more still than everyone else. How could she do this? With a flood of hopelessness and anger I turned away from the Vermeer s house and fled like mist before a radiant day. I steamed through the market place towards the pub. I couldn t stop the thoughts rushing around in my head. All sorts of emotions kept stirring up and I didn t know how to feel. Anger, hate, betrayal or love? I didn t know if
  • 22. Tell A True War Story In the chapter How to Tell a True War Story a story is told by Mitchell Sanders and how six guys had a mission they were sent on. The mission was supposed to be them sitting a week out in a dug out area so they can listen for enemy movements. When they get up there it had a spooky feeling to it because of the mist just hanging on the mountain top to the point where you couldn t see past five feet. The guys stayed up there because they had to and it was their mission. They heard things up there but it was never clear whether it was their minds doing it to them or the entire country of Vietnam actually talking to them. But the thing was that all six of them heard the same noises up there and it was driving them crazy because it never stopped
  • 23. Levi s Struggle In The Things A Brother Knows As once stated by the notable figure Frederick Douglass, If there is no struggle, there is no progress. This statement is accurate in essentially every reasonable aspect of both literature and life. In fact, even a single act or mistake could considerably affect a person or character s entire life. In the story The Things a Brother Knows by Dana Reinhardt, a teenage boy named Levi was greatly affected by his older brother Boaz s decision to join the United States military and become a Marine. Because of this choice, Levi is led to an unforgettable journey through his emotions and family and endures countless memorable experiences to become closer to his brother and bring him back home, both mentally and physically. Of course, Levi s mission to bring his brother back largely relates to the entire story as a whole. Boaz s... Show more content on ... collectively relate to entire novel. The predominant evidence of Levi s experiences linking to the full story is that the entire book regards Levi expressing his affection for his brother and laboring extensively to bring him back home. During his experiences Levi is finally putting his voluminous research to work and cleverly begins following after Boaz in order to convince him to return home again. Secondly, throughout the story Levi is desperately trying to discern Boaz s perspective on why he would choose to go through numerous hardships, like joining the military and walking on foot all the way to Washington D.C. In his encounters, Levi spends enough time with Boaz to begin understanding what he went through while serving in the Marines. He learns about his arduous ordeals and what they genuinely mean to him, like when he was ordered to begin shooting at what ended up being a car full of innocent teenagers, and when the vehicle he was driving in was blown up by an IED and his friend Jack lost his legs. Altogether, Levi s ordeals greatly relate to the story as a
  • 24. Leo Braudy s Relationship Between War And Masculinity In today s society men are constantly reminded of what it is to be a man. What divides men and women are the characteristics they might possess of masculinity and femininity. To be distinguished as a man with feminine qualities would be considered an insult. In order to avoid such an insult men oftentimes go to far lengths to achieve societies idealized form of masculinity. Masculinity and its characteristics have changed throughout our continuously developing society. One dominant feature that continues to serve a purpose in defining masculinity is violence. To further examine the connection between violence and masculinity this essay will first examine Leo Braudy s introduction to his book and will clarify his perception of the word masculinity.... Show more content on ... He argues that traditional notions of masculinity in modern culture in some way or another emphasize war values and the violence of it. Although masculinity and its meaning varies within each culture and their social demands, war and violence has greatly affected what is regarded as masculine or feminine. As explained by Braudy, in past history men who fought in wars were glorified and admired for their manly attributes. Such men were titled as brave heroes who possessed strength, immense power, and were valiant. On the frontlines, men were expected to be both physically and mentally ready to take on and defeat the enemy. In the process of defeating the enemy the prime purpose of war thus became to kill anyone on the opposing side. But, wars were not only a way to end lives they were also a way of defining what it was to be a man. As explained by Braudy, the perception of war and the men who fight them, trickle into the bloodstream of a culture and into the imaginations of individuals (Braudy, xvii), to create a long lasting image of what an ideal man should be like. This image of an ideal man, that arose from war and violence, is still relevant today in modern society in terms of defining
  • 25. How Is Antonio An Inhumane Persuasive Letter I apologise for interrupting, wise Duke, and honourable members of the Venetian Court. I am Gratiano, a close friend of Antonio s. My relationship with Antonio has allowed me to observe Shylock over the years and never have I seen even a streak of kindness and forgiveness emerge from his blackened heart. He is the most sinister man that I have ever encountered in my life. His thoughts are full of greed for money and plans for revenge against his never ending hatred for Christians. Thus, I believe you are mistaken in thinking that Shylockshould receive the penalty for the breach of a contract. I am indeed well aware of the contract between Antonioand Shylock and believe the terms of this bond were nowhere near fair; they are inhumane, and even Jessica, Shylock s runaway daughter, agrees that this is so; in fact, she betrayed him due to his brutishness! And in any case, what kind of a person would want a pound of flesh from an innocent Christian? To add to my point, who in their right mind would want a pound of Antonio s flesh? He is the purest, most loyal friend... Show more content on ... Our dear Antonio, he has not committed any sinful acts to receive this punishment. The money that was lost in the shipwreck that was unavoidable, it was an accident! The loan wasn t even for himself but for his dear friend Bassanio. Don t you realise that his overflowing kindness has led to his sacrificing his life for a friend? The loyalty he has shown in front of us all is undeniable, good Bassanio, wise Duke, fellow Christians , we ve all heard these words from him. Even in his language, we see his respect towards us. I understand that the contract has been broken but consider all the acts of kindness Antonio has shown, he is a respected man by all means who undeserving of the Jews
  • 26. Character Analysis Of Rumble Fish By Rusty James The protagonist of the book is Rusty James. He is a fourteen your old boy that smokes and drinks and fights already in the 1960 1970s in a southwest town. He pushes himself to be like the Motorcycle boy (his brother). He starts to follow the Motorcycle boy around to seem tougher and uncovers a new side of the Motorcycle boy. The antagonist of Rumble Fishis not really a person but poverty. His dad drinks away the child support money and is always drunk. Rusty is left to fend for himself which makes him steal and drink and smoke and fight for money. The two main themes of Rumble Fish are alienation and abandonment. Rusty James is just trying to fit in but all the gangs split up and he has nowhere to go so he follows the Motorcycle boy around to feel like he fits in. He is also abandoned by his father and mother. His mother left when he was a baby and, his father is always drunk and wastes the money. I would definitely recommend this book to someone. It is a little slow but it has a good story line and it gets more interesting the more you read it and the deeper you get. The exposition in the story in the story is when we learn about Rusty James and his little crew who he hangs out with and how he is going to fight Biff Wilcox. The conflict in the story is between the relationship between Rusty James and his brother, the Motorcycle boy. The motorcycle boy tries to leave his gang roots but Rusty keeps bringing him back. The climax is when the Motorcycle Boy, Rusty James and Rusty s friend Steve go to town, get drunk They are split up and Rusty and Steve get beat up. The Motorcycle boy then has to come and save them. The resolution is when Rusty James and Steve meet at the end of the book and Steve is a successful person and rusty James is in a rehabilitation house getting help. Book report Freshman English Mrs. Young Title: Rumble Fish Author: S.E. Hinton Number of Pages: 150 Rumble Fish This book is Young Adult Fiction. Wrote by S.E. Hinton about a fourteen year old teenager that is a rebel that drinks and smokes and fights. The gangs have been broken up for a few years now but he still acts like he is the leader. Rusty fights a rival gang member Biff Wilcox and gets
  • 27. Analysis Of The Poem Choices By Nikki Giovanna Do you feel that your movement is limited due to your appearance? Nikki Giovanna, author of the poem Choices, is an activist, writer, educator, and poet who originally published this poem in 1972 in a collection of poetry titled My House. Furthermore, Giovanna s inspiration towards creating this poem is the Black Arts Movement, Civil Rights Movement, Equal Rights Amendment, and through her personal experiences as an African Americanfemale. This poem cornerstones the dilemma of the African American race. The theme is based on the African American peoples experiences of limitation due to the pigment of their skin. Giovanna uses literary devices such as repetition, allusion, analogy, imagery, symbolism, and paradox. Giovanna informs... Show more content on ... Also, Giovanna speaks aggressively in the beginning of the stanza, but then falls into an appreciative tone. However, African Americans should not appreciate the way authorities creep around the rules to satisfy themselves while technically following the law. For instance, a company must offer equal opportunity of employment regardless of their race, religion, sex, disabilities, age, etc. Meanwhile, authorities offer all races employment, but decide the positions by appearance. Minority applicants are often discriminated against before they even get their foot in the door. According to the CNN/Kaiser Family Foundation poll on race in America, 27% of blacks said they felt they had been denied a job they were qualified for compared to 20% of Hispanics and just 9% of whites. Authorities would rather hire the African American to be the janitor than a Caucasian, and would hire a Caucasian as the next chief executive officer over a qualified African American. In the poem, Choices, the author Nikki Giovanna displays the life of an African American with facing man made limitations. African Americans have always been
  • 28. A Literature Review On Biological Neural Network Chapter 2: Literature Review In this chapter, we discuss a brief introduction of neural network and biometrics . Traditionally, the term neural network had been used to refer to a network or circuit of biological neurons. Neural networks are inspired by our brains. The modern usage of the term often refers to artificial neural networks, which are composed of artificial neurons or nodes. Thus, the term has two distinct usages: 2.1 Biological Neural Network generally, a biological neural network is consists of a set or sets of chemically linked or functionally linked neurons. The human brain owns about 1014 synapses and 1011 neurons. A neuronconsisting of a soma (cell body),dendrites (receive signal) and axons (send signal). A synapses... Show more content on ... Each learing or training methods in supervised learing depends on the idea display data training in front of the network in the form of a pair of forms input form and target form. (See Figure (2 5)) . Fig( 2 5): Supervised Learning Rule [1] 2)Unsupervised learning Network works to calculate the output without a previous expectation, Where we offer network only inputs and it is find target And working on a self organizing data Where it competes neurons to get a signal and the neuron Winner we get it on the output and this is called self regulation of the network neurons . (See Figure (2 6)). Fig(2 6):Unsupervised Learning Rule [1] . 2.3.3. Transfer Function In behavior of an ANN depends in each of the weights and the input output function (transfer function) that is selected for the units. This function usually located into one of three types[8]: Linear (or slope): The output activity is commensurate to the total weighted output (see Figure
  • 29. Skepticism About a Refutation of Skepticism Essay Skepticism about a Refutation of Skepticism In The Refutation of Skepticism , Jonathan Vogel establishes an Inference to the Best Explanation (hereafter, IBE ) as a means to refute skepticism about the external world. In this refutation, Vogel acknowledges that skepticism about IBE still remains a possibility, but that this kind of skepticism would be rather outlandish in character and thus could be ignored. This paper shall both establish and evaluate Vogel s reasoning as to why he confidently dismisses any skepticism pertaining to his IBE, and furthermore will illuminate some points as to why Vogel may have mischaracterized potential threats to his method, leaving his refutation of skepticism vulnerable to doubt that is not as ... Show more content on ... So how is this supposed to serve as a successful refutation of skepticism? To make sense of this, it should first be understood exactly how IBE qualifies its requirement for simplicity, and also what Vogel understands both mundane propositions and skeptical arguments to be comprised of. The assumption that the world works in ways that are simple, implied from the principle of induction, is construed by Vogel to mean that the better explanation would be the belief involving the fewest complexities and least number of parts to argue. Vogel is under the impression that skeptical arguments involve much more complexity in order to make them parallel the ordinary beliefs they aim to compete with, and cites the example that for ordinary properties such as shape and location that could be involved in a mundane proposition, the skeptic would have to invoke a much more elaborate explanation for why we are experiencing pseudo shapes and pseudo locations. This leaves the skeptical argument at a major disadvantage when assessed by IBE s requirement for simplicity, allowing for the mundane proposition to be deemed the better explanation because of its capability to explain things as they are instead of why they appear to be as they are but really are
  • 30. Waiting For The Locksmith At Two On A Monday Afternoon Poem Poetry Critique: Waiting for the Locksmith at Two on a Monday Afternoon The poem Waiting for the Locksmith at Two on a Monday Afternoon talks about the insecurities and shames that people tend to hide or lock within themselves. Barring one line, the poem does an excellent job in conveying its theme through its consistent usage of images. The vividness of said images and figures of speech also add to the overall effect and appeal of the poem. First, the poem is consistent when it comes to its usage of images. The poem repeatedly makes use of locked rooms in order to take a peek at the inner mechanisms of the mind. Each locked room is representative of the different doubts, insecurities, and/or urges that one tries to repress and hide from... Show more content on ... Edgar Samar. It follows the story of Janus Silang as his entire life is dismantled by the revelation that the monsters from Philippine folklore are real and are hunting him down. This book has managed to rekindle my love of Philippine literature and I wholly recommend reading this. The book manages to hook its readers through the realistic and well written characters, the extensive and immersive world building, and the entertaining and heartbreaking writing style of the author. First, the book is full of realistic and well written characters. Janus Silang, the character, is written as a normal teenager and can be related and sympathized with easily. However, by the end of the book Janus manages to undergo so much growth and development that he s practically a different person from the Janus we met in Chapter 1. From the way he talks, thinks, and acts, one can see how much he s changed from the start of the book, and yet these changes felt natural with the way the story was written. Even the minor characters, such as Janus s parents, his love interest, and his sister, gain some form of development; not enough to overshadow and bog down the plot, but just enough to flesh out and get a feel for their character. All the characters feel real and natural, and it makes it easy to form attachments to them, which allows for
  • 31. The Curriculum And Assessment Framework Over the past decade there have been vast changes to our education system here in Northern Ireland. The revamp of the curriculum is described by CCEA (2007) as a curriculum and assessment framework that is capable of meeting the changing needs of pupils, society and the economy. Despite the review tackling proposals for change across a wide variety of areas within the curriculum, it can be said that it has failed to meet the changing needs of the pupils in terms of learner voice. Rodgers (2005) defines leaner voice as the active opportunity for students to express their opinions and make decisions regarding the planning, implementation and evaluation of their learning experiences. This definition is very fitting to our society today... Show more content on ... There are various strategies that can be employed to support pupil voice both within the classroom and whole school context. One of the main up and coming strategies that schools seem to be focusing on is that of a school council. School councils are the easiest way for schools to give pupils their say and make decisions about current issues. School councils are a very tangible manifestation of pupil voice. They can be important in offering a formal, democratic, transparent and accountable whole school forum for pupil participation, linking to the broader governance framework of a school (Alderson 2000:121 34). Surrounding every strategy, there is a widely seen debate about how beneficial or problematic each strategy is. For school councils to be beneficial in promoting pupil voice, there must be a fair representation of all pupils within the school. Levin (1998) described the moral concept surrounding this strategy where democratic practice should lie among the least powerful. The least powerful in our schools are the younger pupils, the quiet pupils and those pupils with SEN. When all individuals are fairly represented the system will lend to adequate and successful learner voice. School councils allow pupils to see first hand how their needs and views will be responded to and how their opinions will be valued by all. They can be contextualised to a classroom environment whereby each class has a council
  • 32. Literary Representation Vs Visual Testimony Essay The Telling of a Survivor s Holocaust Story Literary Representation vs Visual Testimony Can fiction tell the same type of story as non fiction or a factual first hand account? The Holocaust, a story that has been told from the perspective of the survivor as well as the culprit, novels written, play adaptions, movies, and documentaries. Whether fictionalized or fact, all the stories share common themes suffering, loss, sacrifice, death, inhumanity and ultimately freedom whether in death or surviving to be liberated in some form or another. Some of these representations have been fictionalized with creative license taken while others are firsthand accounts given in memories. I will explore how a short fiction story telling of the Holocaust compares to the firsthand account of a Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS) Officer with the uses of symbols and/or metaphors, narrative order, narrative perspective, the outlook of the author towards the future and how the choice of genre affects the way the story is told. SYMBOLS AND/OR METAPHORS Author Emily Miller Budick, writes in her book Aharon Appelfeld s Fiction: Acknowledging the Holocaust, she gives an analysis of the symbols and metaphors written in Tadeusz Borowski s This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen . She writes from the opening image of the thousands of naked men and women milling around the barracks in the volume s lead story, Borowski inundates the text with animal and insect imagery, all of which tend to produce a
  • 33. High Speed Rail ( Hsr ) Abstract High speed rail (HSR) is a rapidly expanding new transport mode all over the world and is often described as the transport mode of the future . This paper discusses definitions of high speed rail, provides an overview of high speed rail development in selected other countries and regions. It then analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of HSR in several different aspects, such as mobility, choice, environmental, safety, cost and regional feasibility. Based on the opportunities presented by these features of HSR to learn, the article will provide recommendations and conclusions regarding to the future development of HSR. Introduction What is High Speed Rail? Although there is no universal and authoritative speed definition for High Speed Rail (HSR), the threshold can be found in many administrations or official organizations. For instance, the European Union defines HSR as: Separate lines built for speeds of 250 kilometers per hour (kph) (150 mph), or Existing lines upgraded to speeds of 200 kph (125 mph), or Upgraded lines whose speeds are constrained by circumstances such as topography or urban development. High Speed Rail in the World The world s first high speed rail line, between Tokyo and Osaka, Japan, was built in time for the 1964 Olympics. Known as the Shinkansen, or bullet trains, this high speed rail travels across the country at speeds up to 185 mile per hour, expending the traffic capacity on overcrowded rail lines. Soon After, Italy and
  • 34. Jean Jacques Rousseau Philosophy 4: Paper Two (Prompt #2) Rousseau believes that even when one votes in the minority they can obey the law and still be free. But, how can the opposing minority be both free and subject to laws to which they have not consented? (Rousseau, pg. 153) Rousseau s response is that citizens must consent to all the laws because to inhabit the territory is to submit to the sovereign. (Rousseau, p.153) In accordance with the social contract, when a citizen votes they should completely surrender their personal interest and vote for what they believe to be the general will. The general will of each individual is considered to be their real will when it comes to social policy. The majority vote will depict the general will, and the... Show more content on ... He mentions that in a healthy state it will be easy to aim for the common good. The common good of society will seem like common sense. In a healthy society the general will also come much closer to a unanimous decision. In an unhealthy society, how would you discern what the general will is? When society is faced with two combating ideas, how are they to reason which one is better for the sovereign? And after they vote how can they be sure that what the majority voted for was the actual general will. In votes where the answer is not completely clear, or there vote is extremely close, I don t know if its safe to say that the majority vote is consistent with the general will. In life it seems as though many things can easily be confused or manipulated for a certain cause. For example, say the people must decide between kiwi and watermelon to be endorsed as the state fruit and watermelon is slightly closer to the common good of the sovereign and is liked by more people. Yet, because of some enthusiastic supporters on the side of the kiwi people are being swayed to vote in favor of the kiwi despite their previous knowledge of the many benefits that the watermelon provided that the kiwi did not. In the end even those that were supporters of the watermelon in the beginning switched their vote in order to try and stay in line with what at the time may have been portrayed as the popular vote. Even when the person s
  • 35. Development Of Off Shore Wave Generator Systems And... Development of off shore wave generator systems and integrating into Disaster Management systems. Rahul Basu, Visiting Professor Alpha Institute of Technology Kannur PO Bangalore 56077, Ka, India Paul T. Wegener Waveberg Development 4016 Lark Street San Diego, Ca 92013, USA Abstract The SAARC region with over a billion populations is contiguous to the Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. Utilization of ocean resources for power generation such as tidal, thermal solar and wind for energy, along with other green technologies like seaweed farming and sustainable fisheries for food would need to be incorporated in a broad framework for the region. Development of ocean based energy systems can be integrated with early warning networks linked by satellite which can give a few hours to days warning to help mitigate the severity of natural disasters on human life. . Some of the calamities of note have been the Tsunamiof 2004, Bangladesh and Orissa floods, earthquakes in Nepal and Pakistan, and recent inundation of Chennai due to weather and bad flood management. A SAARC comprehensive Framework on disaster management was formulated in alignment with the Hyogo Framework (2005 2015). In addition to the broad objectives of disaster management and cooperation in the Indian Ocean and surrounding regions, impeding disasters due to climate change need to be anticipated. Ocean energy systems are still in their infancy, while ocean
  • 36. The Evolution Of Santa Claus What if I was to tell you that the jolly, friendly, and innocent wonderworker that is Santa Claus that we all know and love, didn t always make the nice list? Siefker bridges the gap between truth and fiction by embedding the notion that Santa Claus has taken on some strange identifies over the past hundred years each varying in name, personality, and drapery. In a daunting and unruly thesis, Siefker unfolds the evolution of Santa Clausand his exploited time as Robin Goodfellow; who is sometimes referred to as Puck, the Norse God of mischief (Wright). However irrational this truth may seem, it is noted that Santa Claus has derived from an accumulation of tales, the earliest of which begin in year 260 AD with the birth of Saint Nicholas
  • 37. A Public Administrator s Biggest Concern Public administration is often times the enforcement of government policy and also academic discipline that prepares people for working in the public service. It is a field with a diverse scope. The goal is to have advance management and policies so that the government can function. A public administrator s biggest concern is having a sense of organization with government policies and programs. Often times many unelected officers can be considered heads of city, county, regional, state, and federal departments. Some federal departments can include municipal budget directors, human resources administrators, city managers, census managers, state mental health directors, and cabinet secretaries. Public administrators can work in public at all levels of government. The history of public administration has ancient origins. The Egyptians and Greeks organized their government by public office. These office holders would be accountable for managing justice, law and order, and providing things for the people. The Romans also had a system like this, but it was much more complex. This system was under their empire. They also had an administrative structure created by the Roman Catholic Church. This structure was comprised of the entire empire, with a hierarchy of officers. Everyone also had to report back to the emperor. This soon disappeared after the fall of the Roman Empire in Western Europe in the 5th century. Surprisingly, most of its practices continued in the Byzantine
  • 38. Essay about Violence in Greasy Lake and The Things They... Both Tim O Brien s The Things They Carried and T. Coraghessan Boyle s Greasy Lake display characters similar reactions to violence, but in different settings and circumstances. In The Things They Carried, Fist Lieutenant Jimmy Cross is a soldier in the Vietnam War who finds solace and escape in fantasies of a young woman from home. One of Cross s soldiers dies due to his daydreaming and forces him to abandon these fantasies. In Greasy Lake, the main characterfinds enjoyment in picking fights and breaking the law. A late night tussle leads to encounter with a dead body, causing the main character to reflect upon his wild lifestyle. Both stories show a coming to maturity through violence, though in different forms. In The... Show more content on ... He couldn t help it (O Brien 630). Surrounded by a world a war and violence, these daydreams are the only escape Lieutenant Cross has and he embraces them fully. When faced with violence, the main character from Greasy Lake not only accepts it, but encourages it. Upon the boy s arrival to Greasy Lake, he and his friends mistakenly hassle a stranger and his girlfriend. Instead of apologizing for the disturbance and trying to reason with the stranger, he and his friends immediately engage in battle, beating the stranger unconscious. The rage and violence of this attack does not end here. The main character turns his attention to the stranger s girlfriend: It was the foxВ… that set us offВ… she was already tainted. We were on herВ… grabbing for flesh (Boyle 133). The rape does not occur as the boys are chased away by an approaching vehicle, but the intent of a second violent event was fully present. Every opportunity for violence encountered by the main character is met with open arms. In The Things They Carried, violence brings forth an epiphany for First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross. Lieutenant Cross, while seeking comfort in his imagination, allows one of his men to be shot and killed. His lack of security led to an unnecessary casualty: [Cross] hated himself. He had loved Martha more than his men, and as a consequence Lavender was
  • 39. Database Comparison of Sql Server 2000, Access, Mysql,... Introduction This paper will compare and contrast five different database management systems on six criteria. The database management systems (DBMS) that will be discussed are SQL Server 2000, Access, MySQL, DB2, and Oracle. The criteria that will be compared are the systems functionality, the requirements that must be met to run the DBMS, the expansion capabilities В– if it is able to expand to handle more data over time, the types of companies that typically use each one, the normal usage of the DBMS, and the costs associated with implementing the DBMS. System functionality Microsoft Access is a database engine and development environment in one package. It is typically workstation based, and designed to be easy to use, even for ... Show more content on ... Typically, an Access application will be a single user installation on a workstation. All of the other DBMS are suited to handle multi user concurrency and offer a lot of features around transaction processing and record locking to prevent issues from arising. These databases can be found in client/server applications, as well as applications that utilize internet or intranet pages as a front end. Cost The cost for the different DBMS varies widely (in fact, from nothing, to millions of dollars). A standalone version of Access (without an upgrade), costs about $339. It is also included with the Office XP Professional and Developer Editions. MySQL is free В– if the application you are developing is open source. If the application is proprietary, then the cost will be $495 per database server, with no cost for client access licenses. The more database servers that are purchased, the lower the cost per server is, down to $175 per server if 250 or more are purchased. Now it gets a bit more complicated. DB2 Enterprise, in a server with a single processor, will cost $25,000. At the high end, it will cost $800,000 for a 32 processor version. If the company wants OLAP and Data Mining, those are additional, with prices up to $2,016,000 for a 32 processor implementation. SQL Server is a bit more reasonable В– and OLAP and Data Mining are included in the
  • 40. My Life Span Development Class On February 17, 2016, our Life Span Development class observed the physical, cognitive, and social development of Asher, a 5.5 month old male. The observation was conducted at Dordt College in room CL2260 and the infant s parent consented to participate in the live observation. Asher was quite sick and later saw a doctor, so the findings of this report may not entirely represent Asher s development. Asher was 5 weeks along when his mother, Abby, found out she was pregnant. Asher is the third child and has a 4 year old sister and a 3 year old brother. Abby tried to eat as healthy as she could during her pregnancy to ensure that Asher would be as healthy as possible. Thus, she avoided lunchmeats, seafood, and soft cheeses. At 20 weeks, Abby had an ultrasound, in which no structural abnormalities were found. Since this was her third child, Abby chose not to take part in prenatal counseling. Labor lasted only about an hour, and Asher was born by Cesarean Delivery like his two siblings. Asher was born on September 2nd, 2015, weighing 7lbs., 10oz. at a length of 21 inches. These are both above average for both height and weight of newborns in North America but within two standard deviations of the average (Santrock, 2014). At 5.5 months, Asher weighs 17 pounds. This is about the normal weight, for Asher is on pace to triple his birth weight by age one (Santrock, 2014). In terms of reflexes, Asher is mostly on pace with the average 5.5 month old, but there are a few reflexes that
  • 41. Luck And Free Will In Shakespeare s Macbeth in Macbeth Macbeth wants the things to happen the right now the things that the witches promises him. for example he said in a step on witch i must fall down or else o orsleep he is saying that he is willing to do anything in order for those prophecy to came as soon as possible. along the same line in Malcom s article the story of success he said achievement is talent plus preparation he is trying to say that nobody born naturally pro athelete in order to get there you need to put in work you have to work really hard for it practice everyday don t wait for luck and willing in Emely s article luck is not change she is trying to say that waiting for luck won t take you anywhere you have to be your own luck. for example she said luck
  • 42. The Functionalist Perspective The Functionalist Perspective highlights that parts of society are organized to sustain its steadiness. Racist ideologist trusted they have a ethical validation for conserving a society that usually denies evident groups of their privileges and rights. Some of the Racist Beliefs release the dominant group of the accountability to problems encountered by subordinated groups comparable to education or any social difficulty that such groups may develop. There are numerous ways racismis dysfunctional to society, racial prejudice and discernment fail to use assets of other groups. It damages other groups since of poverty, which often outcomes in crime and delinquency. It demoralizes goodwill and diplomatic interactions among countries. As well as, underestimates pacific solutions in disagreements. 1. ... Show more content on ... (Schaefer, 2011, pag 94). Even though the US government benefits from having high caliber human resources, this phenomenon not only affects the countries of origins but the US as well. This occurrence affects the minority and subordinate groups of the citizens, which limited their potential jobs and opportunities in high tech careers paths. The brain drain is another sign of inadequate allocation of the assets around the globe, there are numerous third world countries, who are in desperately need for those physicians. But, they often choose to emigrate searching for superior financial opportunities and a better quality of life. The Us benefits from illegal immigration because it preserves the consumption growing and diversify the social hierarchies. In addition, there is a positive advantage for the employers, who can pay the lowest wages, which help them produce more and at a cheaper price for the
  • 43. The Power of Habit First off, we are creatures. We are animals. We re very sophisticated and good looking and all that, but let s never forget that we re made of flesh and blood. In particular, our brains are incredibly complex evolved machines. Our brains govern basic processes such as breathing and food intake, and also enable us to appreciate the finer points of John Cleeses performances in Fawlty Towers. As creatures, we have needs. We need to eat, and so we eat. As rather intelligent and social creatures, we like to chat with one another, and so we do. We take turns and finish our conversations gracefully. And there are dozens and dozens more behaviors that are just as complicated, if not more so. How on Earth do we get all of this done? That s where ... Show more content on ... No writer feels like he is writing enough. We all watch too much television, spend too much time on Facebook, or waste our writing time doing other things. For beginning writers, the problem is especially acute. With no editor giving a deadline, no fans clamoring for the next installment, and no writing income, there is literally no incentive to write at least not consistently. Beginners might write when they are inspired, but with so many other things pulling them away from the writing desk, how can they stick with it for the months and years it takes to carve out a writing career? On the other hand, most professional writers write every day. Not because they are inspired more often, not because they have more free time, and not because they are neglecting other parts of their lives. Pros write every day for one simple yet powerful reason. They ve made it a habit. We tend to think of habits as bad (smoking, cussing, biting your fingernails) but they can also be good (walking the dog, oatmeal for breakfast, a weekly date with your spouse). THE POWER OF HABIT shows how easily habits form. They rely on three simple things a cue, a routine, and a reward and don t take long to stick. Our brains love habits. They allow us to be efficient. They help us do things like drive a car without constant self monitoring. Once we learn where the brake pedal is and how hard to press the
  • 44. Asynchronous Transfer Mode Wireless Network Project name: ATM wireless network ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) has been advocated as an important technology for all types of services and networks. Most people believe that ATM will be the standard for the future B ISDN (Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network). From the service point of view, ATM combines both the data and multimedia information into the wired networks while scales well from backbones to the customer premises networks. To ensure the success of ATM, lots of the design issues have been standardized by ATM Forum. Wireless personal communication networks (PCN) has been growing very fast in the last decade. Nowadays, laptop, cellular phone, and pagers are very popular. Many systems have been developed to provide different services, such as, Personal Communications Service (PCS), Portable Telephone Systems, and Satellite Communications System. Usually, these services do not guarantee QoS (Quality of Services) so they are not suitable for the fast growing multimedia applications. Due to the success of ATM on wired networks, wireless ATM (WATM) is a direct t result of the ATM everywhere movement. WATM can be viewed as a solution for next generation personal communication networks, or a wireless extension of the B ISDN networks, which will support integrated data transmission (data, voice and video) with guaranteed QoS. WATM architecture and protocols are already being well discussed. The ATM Forum are currently involved in defining the baseline
  • 45. Integrated Marketing Communication Plan Essay Integrated Marketing Communication Plan: Reposition Tsingtao beer in UK Executive summary Tsingtao beer is the largest beer brewery in Asia, and always insists a philosophy of producing best beer. It is one of the best selling beers in China, and till now has been sold to more than 70 countries. Beer market of the world develops very fast and the competition is very intensive, and market competition level is more and more higher, brand is gradually substituting price competition and product competition and becomes the most vigorous and differentiated competitive method. Tsingtao beer s globalized brand image needs reorganization from British consumers, and its brand influence also needs to be expanded. This ... Show more content on ... (Xiejing Yan, He Yun, Huang Kui, 2008, 09) SWOT Analysis Strengths 1гЂ‹ Tsingtao beer s long history of corporate culture and global brand advantage is sufficient to meet various demand from the market 2гЂ‹ Tsingtao beer is priced reasonably, and fits most consumers psychologically expected price 3гЂ‹ Tsingtao beer s quality can match any famous beer brand 4гЂ‹ Tsingtao beer has established good word of mouth in consumers. 5гЂ‹ Tsingtao beer has established large selling and management system network 6гЂ‹ Has invested in marketing, and has some awareness in targeted consumer base 7гЂ‹ Marketing staffs of various levels are experienced, diligent and warm hearted. Weaknesses 1гЂ‹ After fast expansion, it is difficult to integrate internal resources 2гЂ‹ Other beer brands have occupied large market capacity, market share of Carlsberg and Budweiser far exceeds that of Tsingtao beer 3гЂ‹ Current fixed customer channel network is not perfect, and market coverage of its products is low Opportunities 1гЂ‹ Numerous bars in British are important places for beer consumption with huge capacity 2гЂ‹ Beer is popular for a long time period and is less affected by seasonal factors Threats 1гЂ‹ Middle end and high end bear market is continuously in recession 2гЂ‹ There are many competitors who entered British market much earlier than
  • 46. Tsingtao beer, for instance,
  • 47. Jerry Sandusky s Case Analysis There is criminal liability for Jerry Sandusky because under Pennsylvania law, he lied about his relationships with the young victims of the case. Under Pennsylvania law, as in other jurisdictions, perjury refers to knowingly lying while under oath. Obstruction of justice describes interference with the administration of justice, such as by concealing evidence or delaying or frustrating a criminal investigation (McCann). Sandusky committed perjury and obstruction of justice because he abused his position as assistant coach, therefore he should have been charge of the crimes. During the time he was an assistant coach and his retirement, he had contact with the young victims who were a part of the program that he helped create for children in need. Some victims such as victim 1 stayed at his house and Sandusky called him out class for private wrestling sessions, which looked very odd to the wrestling coach. Joseph Miller testi ed that he was head wrestling coach for the elementary wrestling program for that school district. He knew Victim 1, who had wrestled for him. Miller corroborated that one evening in 2006 or 2007, he returned to the high school to retrieve something he had forgotten. He saw a light on in the weight room which should have been turned off and when he went in, he discovered Victim 1 and Sandusky, lying on their sides, in physical contact, face to face on a mat. He said both Victim 1 and Sandusky were surprised to see him enter the room. He recalls
  • 48. Sex Before Marriage Is A Sin In most religions have similar views to each other when it comes to sex but, also different, in other ways. But, the majority believes sex before marriage is a sin. I grew up as a Mormon in California. Sometimes I am a little embarrassed to tell people that. My family and I went to church every Sunday and we followed all the typical Mormon rules. I could not date until sixteen, I dressed modestly so I did not tempt men to want sex with me, and I was expected to wait to have sex until I was married. Although, I do not consider myself a Mormon anymore it has really affected the way I view sex. We were taught in church that dating until sixteen was to help prevent premature sexual activity. I was taught all through life that sex was sort of a bad thing. Throughout my childhood they promoted dating, but limiting the dating for a more mature age. Kids these days become sexually active at a very young age and I think it worries the Mormon culture. I think this specific rule is good. I plan on using this rule with my children to let them try to be children for as long as they can. Most adolescents and children under the age sixteen are too young to handle the emotions involved with sex. Even though many teens argue they are ready to date and are capable of controlling their emotions before the age of 16. It is better to stay cautious and avoid dating too soon than the alternative. (Why does my Mormon friend not date until age 16? 2016.) Dressing modestly in 2016, is quite
  • 49. Utopia Vs. Dystopian Society Have you ever wondered if you lived in a perfect society? A young boy named Jonas lived in the perfect world. After becoming the next receiver he starts to realize that his perfect world isn t so perfect after all. The Giver by Lois Lowry, explains how a Utopian world would really be. The most important differences between Utopian Society in The Giver and dystopian society are Rituals, Assignments, and Families. Jonas s society has many rituals some of them are the telling of feelings and dream telling. Telling of feeling is when your familyunit sits down at dinner and shares there feelings about the day and say if anything is bothering them. Dream telling is when your family unit sits down in the morning and shares if they had any dreams that night before. In the beginning of the book, Jonas explains It was one of the ... Show more content on ... In Jonas s society you can t pick a kid, and you can t say I love you to your family. After being married for a certain amount of time, you are allowed to apply for a child. In The Giver, it says Two children one male, one female to each family unit. It was written very clearly in the rules (Lowry 48) This quote explains how you get a child and how many you are allowed to have. Another difference is how families show affection to one another you can t say I love you . After dinner, Jonas asks Father? Mother? Jonas asked tentatively after the evening meal. I have a question I want to ask you. What is it, Jonas? his father asked... Do you love me? There was an awkward silence for a moment. Then Father gave a little chuckle. Jonas. You, of all people. Precision of language, please! ... You could ask, Do you enjoy me? The answer is Yes, his Or, his father suggested Do you take pride in my accomplishments? (Lowry 126 127). This quote shows that families in his community aren t allowed to show affection to one another because it might make someone else feel less
  • 50. Economy and Society in Europe During 1848 Essay Economy and Society in Europe During 1848 The revolutionary year of 1848 was an extraordinary period in which popular disturbances brought down the government of many countries. The revolts were very widespread, seriously affecting about fifty countries in Europe.1 It ranged from an enormous area, ranging from the Atlantic to the Ukraine, from the Baltic to the Mediterranean. Factors that contributed to these revolts included: the potato crop had been destroyed, food riots broke out, and financial crises sprung about due to the high rate of unemployment.2 The development of major cities, such as Prague, Berlin, Liepzig, etc. contributed to the creation of the revolution. Also, anger arose over political issues because the middle ... Show more content on ... These demands caused difficulty in the area of economics, where conflicts strike forms of disorder. This caused division within the government, enormous economic uncertainty, increased unemployment, and a rise in crime rates. The demands of the working class led to a bloody suppression, with thousands being killed. The failure of the new regime to gain control of their own armies also occurred. The survival rate in Europe was very low, yet the revolutionaries kept protesting to get exactly what they wanted.4 During this time, the Industrial Revolution was also taking place, yet it was in the midst of being over. Technology and production advances were taking place, no longer were hand tools common, and machines driven by waterpower and factories were now common in Europe. Coal mining was one key industry, in that it was a new source of fuel and was used in creating machines. Due to the flooding problem in coalmines, Thomas Newcomen invented the steam driven pump. The middle nineteenth century brought about railroads, steamship lines, and telegraph networks. This led to many other inventions by other men, such as James Watt, Abraham Darby, and Henry Cort. All of these inventions led to the core of the Industrial Revolution. However, by 1848, these first industrial revolution inventions soon were replaced. The second industrial revolution
  • 51. The Impact Of Online Activism On Hong Kong Online activism is increasingly advocated in many modern societies by allowing activists to instantly spread and deliver information to a broader audience. In the digital age, activists can easily raise awareness, share videos and opinions through various online platforms. This new phenomenon of activism driven by media technologies has been widely used in Hong Kongto retain human rights, protesting for more autonomy and democracy. Given the ability of online activism to raise awareness and rally support for different political or social movements, it places great challenge for the Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese authorities to keep their power intact. This paper will examines how Hong Kong civil societies have used online activism to ... Show more content on ... To answer these questions, this paper argues that online activism can be successful in mobilizing supporters together, but not necessarily effective in achieving the desired outcome due political boundaries. This paper is divided into five main parts: part one introduces the theoretical framework of activism and the use of media technologies to support for human rights. Part two explores how a unique Hong Kong identity was created during the years as a British colony and examines the degree of democracy in Hong Kong after the handover of sovereignty in 1997. Part three uses case studies of the July 1 protest and the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong to illustrate the use of media in convening for supporters. Part four evaluates the effectiveness of using online activism to pursue social and political changes as demonstrated in the two case studies. Finally, this paper examines the responses from government authorities in tackling Internet activism and how some are deemed to violate basic human rights. Activism has always been present throughout history whilst using digital platforms have further drive it to a next level. Activism is the ability to act, influence or even change the course of history. Societies today did not become the way it is naturally, rather, it is shaped by historical events and is constantly changing in response to the stances and actions of the citizens. Activism entails the actions of promoting, impeding government policies or social issues
  • 52. Explain How All Staff Collect, Use And Disclose Your... All staff must adhere to the following policies relating to the collection and usage of client information. 1.How we Collect, Use and Disclose Your Personal Information Your personal information is defined under the Privacy Act 1988 as ...information or an opinion, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable. We will collect your personal information when you answer direct questions presented to you by the company, such as when you visit or call our IT Service Department with a request for services or by completing an online application for services. We will use the information gathered as is necessary for us to provide you with the
  • 53. Last Possible Parse Hypothesis 1.What are the first possible parse and last possible parse hypotheses? According to Libben, if the process of prelexical parsing were a left to right parsing procedure, then the first possible parse hypothesis would indicate the separation of the first constituent. On the other hand, the last possible parse hypothesis would result in separate activation. 2.What other alternative do the experiments test? The experiments showed that none of hypothesis clarified prelexical parsing. Libben strengthen his theory that prelexical parsing was supported by a recursive parsing procedure. In the first experiment, Libben also tested constituent activation in addition to the mechanisms of prelexical parsing. 3.Explain the... Show more content on ... The experiment consisted of ten trial practice sessions and an experimental session consisting of 124 trials. . The experiment was intended to test whether native speakers of English allocate first possible parse to ambiguous novel compounds. 4.What hypothesis did the results of the first experiment support? What was the role of semantic plausibility? The result of the first experiment showed that parsing choices are strongly connected with the semantic plausibility. That results support Libben s hypothesis, which states that neither first possible parse nor last possible parse characterize the prelexical parsing procedure. During the experiment there was a connection between parsing choices and semantic plausibility ratings. 5.What prediction was the second experiment designed to address? How was the procedure altered? The second experiment is focused on semantic priming in accuracy paradigm. The prediction it was designed to address is whether ambiguous novel compounds facilitate recall accuracy to monomorphemic associates of both parsing choices. The procedure was altered by adapting the morpheme recall task and by having a pre or post primes compound
  • 54. Different Reasons Of Teaching English As A Foreign Language Introduction Nowadays English has become one of the most used languages all around the world, with this, the necessity of learning English as a foreign language is one that hundreds of people all around the world have. All these people have different reasons to learn the language and many different learning styles. This essay will try to explain through the use of research why and how people learn English as a foreign language. Students Background This essay will try to explain through the use of research why and how Saul Palafox Reyes learns English as a foreign language. SaГєl is a 20 year old engineering student who lives with his parents and sister. SaГєlВґs first language is Spanish, he and his sister started with English classes ... Show more content on ... According to the book Teaching English as a Foreign Language, The Communicative approach advocates to language, first and foremost, as a system for communication . The communicative approach is based on the idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning. When learners are involved in real communication, their natural strategies for language acquisition will be used, and this will allow them to learn to use the language (Communicative Approach, 2006) . The questionnaire and interview showed that SaГєl needs to focus on his listening and speaking abilities, his writing and reading skills are not bad, nevertheless they also need some work to be polished. Since he stopped his English classes a couple of years ago SaГєl has lost speaking and listening practice and this has created a sense of insecurity in him getting him to think he cannot speak English at all. His reading and comprehension skills are not a difficult issue since he barely had any trouble when answering the questionnaire, except for a couple of words which he asked about the meaning answering the questionnaire was easy for
  • 55. Craft Brewing Economic Analysis Who is a Craft Brewer? ________________________________________________________ 4 Facts _______________________________________________________________________ 4 Types of Breweries: ___________________________________________________________ 5 Microbrewery:________________________________________________________________ 5 Nano brewery :____________________________________________________________________ 5 Brewpub: ________________________________________________________________________ 5 Contract Brewing Company: ________________________________________________________ 6 Regional Craft Brewery: ___________________________________________________________ 6 Large Brewery: ... Show more content on ... _________________________________ 24 Environmental Regulations: ____________________________________________________________ 24 Investors for Craft Brewery Start Ups _______________________________________________ 24 Craft Beer in a Tin initiative:_______________________________________________________ 25 Corporate Social Responsibility ____________________________________________________ 26 Economics of Beer: _______________________________________________________________ 28 Building a Craft beer brand: _______________________________________________________ 29 Identify your customers: _______________________________________________________________ Craft a dedicated brand message: ______________________________________________________ Creating Image of the brand: __________________________________________________________ Providing consistent quality: ___________________________________________________________ Brand recognition: ____________________________________________________________________ Consumer Ownership: ________________________________________________________________ Packaging: ___________________________________________________________________________ Contingency Planning_________________________________________________________________ 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 Social Media Marketing amp; Craft Brewing Industry:
  • 57. The Documentary The Sixteenth Man The documentary the 16th man tells the story of the South African rugby team winning the 1995 World Cup during a time when racial equality was a major issue. The whites were in power in the country of South Africa and judging others based simply by their skin color. According to the video blacks outnumbered whites 6 to 1, but still did not have the right to vote as the whites had complete control. Both sides were at odds with each other fueled by anger and unjustified resentment. Then when the 1995 rugby World Cupwas being held in South Africathe South African team was heavy underdogs. The big news though was one of the better players on the team was a black man. This created some pride among their race and brought their attention to the games. South Africaended up shocking the world as they won the World Cup. This was big news and had a tremendous impact on their fans. However, the biggest impact could not be measured by a trophy. The victory brought people together. Allowed people to realize there was no need for the fighting and that they were not so different after all. The 1995 South African rugby team highlights how sport can unite people, proving that social and political resolutions can be developed through sport. Nelson Mandela as a peaceful leader of the South African black community he realized what sports could do for dying down the racial tension. The sport was bringing everyone together. Instead of picking racial sides everyone was combined as