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Pros And Cons Paper Outline For Kids - Kids Fun Activities Pros And Cons Paper Outline For Kids - Kids Fun
Mercutio s Mask
Mercutio s mask embraces many symbols that represent his personality through out the play. The four
key characteristics that symbolize Mercutio are bravery, joyfulness, straightforward and last but not
least a good friend. The first characteristic that exemplifies Mercutio is his bravery and this is
represented on the mask with a chessboard. In Act 3, Scene 1, Mercutio says, O calm dishonorable,
vile submission! Alla staccato carries it away. (Draws his sword) Tybalt, you rat catcher, will you
walk? (3.1.45) Here Mercutio shows bravery when he takes the challenge of fighting Tybalt away
from Romeo even though Mercutio knows that he could die while he is fighting. There is an endless
dispute between the Montague s and the Capulet Families.
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Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments
Graves disease
Causes, symptoms, and treatments by Mary Smith
Graves disease is an immune system disorder that results in the overproduction of hormones
(hyperthyroidism). Many disorders may be a result in hyperthyroidism, Graves disease is the most
common cause.
Thyroid hormones affect many different body systems, signs and symptoms associated with Graves
disease can wide ranging and can influence your over all wellbeing. Graves disease may affect
anyone, it s more common among women and before the age of 40. Primary treatment goals are to
inhibit the overproduction of thyroid hormones and lesson the severity of the symptoms. There are
numerous signs that allude to the presence of Graves disease, most notably is a large protruding bulb
associated with the thyroid gland (goiter), changes in the menstrual cycle, bulging eyes (Graves
ophthalmopathy), and less common is Graves demopathy, or thick, red skin usually found on the shins
or tops of the feet.
One of the most telling symptoms of Graves disease presents in about 30% of those diagnosed with
the condition is Graves ophthalmopathy. Graves ophthalmopathy refers to bulging of the eyes,
exophthalmos, a gritty sensation in the eyes, pressure and/or pain in the eyes, puffy or retracted eye
lids, reddened or inflamed eyes, sensitivity to light, double vision, or outright vision loss. While these
signs are strongly associated with Graves disease, the symptoms do not associate solely with the
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Alfred Hitchcock s Motion Picture Psycho
Alfred Hitchcock s motion picture Psycho, released in 1960, contains peculiar placement of predatory
birds and other fowls with corresponding lines regarding birds from Norman Bates, the primary
antagonist. Throughout the movie, various references concerning birds are can be drawn through the
use of bird s eye view camera angle, location names, and character names. As the movie begins, the
first camera angle used is bird s eye view. Viewers venture, bird like, into Marion Crane s apartment
complex where she and her lover, Sam Loomis, are conversing about their desire to get married.
Marion s last name, Crane, seems to symbolize her character in a physical way like an actual crane:
migratory and defenseless. Like the crane resides in a typically marshy area, Marion s eventual final
resting place is in a marshy swamp near the Bates Motel. After Marion steals $40,000 from her
employer s client to pay off Sam s debt, she runs away from her home, Phoenix. Like the mythological
bird, the city of Phoenix comes to represents Marion s death and rebirth as she leaves her innocent
secretarial job behind for a better life with Sam. Although these references to birds are subtle and can
remain unnoticed, there are other references in the movie that are entirely noticeable. In this film, the
reference to birds in the parlor and the motel room serve as a visual motif for Norman s conflict with
his mother, other women, and himself. The most obvious reference to birds takes place in the
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The Fight For Gay Rights Movement
Today, the fight for homosexual right is at the forefront of society, which yields a greater thrust
towards full equality to heterosexuals with every passing day. This campaign for equality is known as
the Modern Gay Rights Movement. The modern struggle for gay rights started as early as The Civil
Rights Movement in 1954, and still continues today (Britannica). The Civil Rights Movement, from
1954 1968, sparked oppressed people to fight for their rights. In this period, shockwaves from blacks
gaining equality rippled onto the movement for homosexual rights; gays saw new opportunities to
gain a public foothold. Additionally, they sought recognition as a viable movement especially after the
passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ... Show more content on ...
With an arrest warrant, a police officer arrived at Hardwick s house; as he was investigating the house,
he found Hardwick engaged in oral sex with another male. The officer arrested Hardwick on the
infringement of the Georgia statute that prohibited homosexual sodomy. The law stated: Anal or oral
intercourse between human beings, or any sexual relations between a human being and an animal, the
act of which may be punishable as a criminal offense (Self). The sodomy charges were dropped when
the state prosecutor declined to prosecute the case. However, Hardwick, along with the American
Civil Liberties Union, challenged the constitutionality of the law. The appealed the district court
decision to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, and succeeded in having it
overturned, on the basis that the case interfered with the 4th Amendment: the right to privacy
(Stoddard). The nine justices ruling the Supreme Court decided the Court would uphold the law in a 5
4 vote. In their dissent, the justices disdained neither legal principles nor legal reasoning (Stoddard).
The Court rejected several arguments, and most importantly; the fundamental right to engage in
homosexual activity, even in the privacy of a home. This rejection by Justice White was on the basis
that illegal conduct is not always immunized whenever it occurs in the home (Oyez).
It is unconstitutional that one is being persecuted for expressing their sexual
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Kate O Hare, Jack London, And Assata Shakur
The American judicial system is one that convicts and incarcerate prisoners for various crimes. When
someone commits a crime, it is the judicial system s responsibility to enforce and apply the laws.
Under United States legislation, criminals are innocent until proven guilty in a court trial, but the
judicial system during the twentieth century did not properly give them fair trials. Instead, the court
system convicted many prisoners guilty of crimes they supposedly committed. This situation created
the start of a new and corrupt judicial system because prisoners could not plead their case in court.
Kate O Hare, Jack London, and Assata Shakur provide an accurate and historical view of the
American judicial system as unethical because many ... Show more content on ...
Instead of convicts receiving fair trials and being treated equally, the judicial system discriminated
against poverty stricken people and allowed brutal treatment and conditions. Prisons in America
contained a high percentage of poor people because they could not afford bail or lawyers. The judicial
system had no respect towards the poor because they were viewed as uneducated people. Since the
rich had the finances to pay for lawyers and bail, they were less likely to be incarcerated. Money
showed respect, intelligence, and power for wealthy people. Besides discrimination being an issue for
the judicial system, unfair trials for convicts also occurred. Prisoners were not given the chance to
plead guilty or not guilty in a courtroom because they did not have lawyers appointed to them. The
judge solely decided whether to convict a criminal guilty or not guilty of the crime they supposedly
committed. It was common for prisoners to be incarcerated for crimes they never committed because
the judicial system allowed unfair trials. Prisoners experienced brutal and inhumane treatments and
conditions that include physical abuse, unsanitary living environments, and the possibility of
contracting diseases. The judicial system selfishly altered the laws for their own well being. They
benefitted from the changes and were never held accountable for the acts they allowed and committed.
This created the corruption in
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Essay On Folic Acid
In Australia, the reasonableness and effectiveness of folic acid being mandatorily fortified to support
healthy pregnancy when considering the occurrence of NTDS in Australian children due to the amount
their mothers have consumed of folic acid during pregnancy. The main purpose for creating a
mandatory policy to include folic acid to the wheat flour of non organic bread in Australia is to reduce
the incidence of NTDs across the nation. Substantial rates of NTDs occur worldwide as significantly
more folate is needed early in pregnancy than in other life stages. This early stage of pregnancy is
often when women are unaware that they are pregnant. The folate is required for the development of
the embryonic neural tube, which develops into ... Show more content on ...
Overall, for women 16 44 years of age, the amount of folic acid being consumed was concerningly
low initially, with a mean of 102µg/day. Current recommendations provided by the NHMRC (2006)
for women at child bearing age is an intake of at least 400µg of folate per day, with a 500µg daily
supplement when trying for a baby. This is particularly with the focus of avoiding the incidence of
NTDs in newborn infants. The mean folic acid intake has now increased to 247 µg/day (Australian
Institute of Health and Welfare, 2017). In the past, mandatory fortification has also been under
scrutiny for reaching those at greatest risk of producing Neural Tube Defects and to be less able to
access foods fortified with folate acid, such as pregnant teenagers and Indigenous populations (Baker
et al., 2009; Harrison et al., 2007). However, recent data indicates otherwise, likely as the food
fortification occurs to bread which is a relatively affordable and available food eaten by most
Australians (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2017). Pregnant teenagers gave birth to 54.8%
less NTD effected children after mandatory folic acid fortification. A rate of 74% less NTDs amongst
Indigenous women is an even more substantial decline of NTD occurrence, since folic acid
fortification of breads became
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Essay on The Red Badge of Courage
The Red Badge of Courage
The Red Badge of Courage, by Steven Crane, has been considered one of the greatest war novels of
all time. It is a story that realistically depicts the American Civil War through the eyes of Henry
Fleming, an ordinary farm boy who decides to become a soldier.
Henry is very determined to become a hero, and the story tells Henrys voyage from being a young
coward to becoming a brave man. This voyage is the classic trip from innocence to experience.
To begin, the story starts out with a huge debate between the soldiers. One boy had heard a rumor that
the regiment would be moving on to fight a battle the next day.
Some of the soldiers agree with this boy. Others think that their regiment will never go ... Show more
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Tom and Henry talk about how they are not going to run away from war, and how they want to
become big time war heroes. This is weird because in the end of the book you will find that their
wishes come true. When the battle starts, all the soldiers get very anxious and nervous. Tom and
Henry don t turn out to be as brave as they think that they could be. While hiding, Tom finds Henry,
and gives him an envelope of letters for his family. Tom believes that this will be his first and his last
Henry ends up fulfilling his worst nightmare. Instead of sticking out the battle with the rest of his
regiment, he hides behind some brush in order to spare himself from getting shot.
He listens in on the battle, and to much of his surprise, he hears cheering from what s left of his
regiment. He then takes off into the woods in anger. While running through the woods his conscience
begins to speak to him. He keeps telling himself that he is a coward and a deserter. Out of guilt, Henry
runs back to the battle site, and meets again with his regiment. These actions showed Henry s maturity
and desire to be a war hero.
When Henry meets back up with his regiment an older man begins to have a discussion with him. The
old man asks Henry where yuh hit, ol boy? . With massive feelings of guilt, Henry shrugs away from
the man and runs back into the woods. From behind a tree, he can see all the wounded soldiers on the
battle field. At times he regarded
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How To Be Happy Essay
Strive to be happy . What does this mean? What does it mean to be happy? What does happiness truly
Being happy is a goal which many people endeavour to achieve throughout their lives. However,
many people never seem to reach their goal, as happiness is something one cannot stumble upon. It is
something we have to be. We cannot wait our whole lives hoping that one day we will magically
become happy . As Aristotle correctly said, Happiness depends upon ourselves . We have to find our
own happiness in everyday lives. We have to create our own happiness. We have to strive for our own
Before we venture out on our road to happiness, we have to truly understand what it means to be
happy and how we each find our own happiness. As we are all individuals with our own specific
characteristics and defining traits, each of us has to find our own way to becoming happy. There are
many ways to do this but, in my opinion, being happy derives from having a purpose.
Having a purpose and a responsibility in life enables one to live a meaningful life, contributing in our
own way to whatever cause we may choose and thus bringing ourselves happiness. I recently learned
more about Viktor Frankl, a world renowned psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, who fathered
Logotherapy: a means of helping patients ... Show more content on ...
The fear of failing and living merely a mediocre life could distract anyone from achieving. People
begin to re think their journey when the results do not show quickly enough and they are not entirely
happy. However, there are significant realisations we all need to come to. Firstly, it is highly unlikely
that one can constantly feel happy; there will be many days when we will feel downcast and miserable
and that is a normal part of life. Also, the road to achieving happiness is a long one and a process that
takes time; we all need to be patient and watch as every day we come closer and closer to reaching our
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Comparing Gilgamesh And Noah s Flood
Few stories written in ancient times, such as the ones about Noah and his flood and Gilgamesh and his
flood, have been able to survive the test of time. This why when books as well written as these two are
found from ancient times, people tend to be drawn toward them. Books such as these are often very
thoroughly studied and observed just because of how long ago they were written. It s enjoyable to
experience the type of writing a completely different time period was able to produce. However, with
all the praise the pieces get, comes great skepticism as well. A major event in both pieces of writing is
a divine inspired flood. Both books also have very similar characteristics within each of their flood
stories. The story of Noah s flood was based off of the flood of Gilgamesh and the timing of the pieces
being written and the similarities between the stories are the reason why. ... Show more content on ...
Skeptics claim that the flood narrative of Genesis is a rewritten version of an original myth
(, 1). The myth they are referring to is that of Gilgamesh and his flood. It is believed
that the books could have been written up to 2800 years apart. Knowing the difference in time
between the writing of the two books is an essential step in understanding how Noah s flood was just
retold from the original flood of Gilgamesh. The most important part of revealing the copying of
Gilgamesh s flood is in all the different characteristics the floods share. Some of the similarities are
very striking (, 1). This quote is referring to the connections the author makes earlier in the
article between the two flood stories. Some of these connections include the floods being caused by
upset gods, the bringing of all species of animals on board, and the landing of the ship on a
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The Pros And Cons Of War
Is it possible for any good to come from war or loss of lives? There are always casualties of war
including some innocent lives that just get caught in the midst of assault. A war is a large scale combat
involving hundreds to thousands of soldiers fighting for their country, freedoms, religious liberty. Of
course that means war has a bigger impact and must be carefully considered and justified before
attempted. Massacres differ greatly from war simply because they have no good purpose other than to
destroy life. They are always senseless hate crimes against innocent human beings intended only to
strike fear and devastation into others. The world has been at war for centuries from disagreements
which should be expected among countries and nations due to different cultures, values, and beliefs.
No one has the right to decide that killing is justified.
Politicians and leaders of nations may claim that war is necessary for a variety of reasons. Protecting
land boundaries, power and control, and the right to live and practice religion are some of the most
common reasons why war may take place. At least there are specific reasons for war. Soldiers know
what they are fighting for and they believe in it enough to do so rather than be imprisoned or exiled. A
just war means that there needs to be a legitimate reason that justifies it, and that there is no other way
to resolve the conflict. Wars usually come about between whole nations or groups of people that are
fighting for a
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Guided Pathway Analysis
Hi Paul:
The other day, I had a discussion with both Marjane and Jim concerning Dr. Lewis email about
working on the psychology mapping for the guided pathway efforts. Without going into speculations
about her motives, I think it is important that we are prepared to develop a BHS map program for the
guided pathway efforts.
I would like to stress that the BHS program merits its own mapping for the guided pathway efforts.
Nonetheless, we need to be prepared for any curve balls that the PSY Department will throw our way.
Paul, since you will be the BHS voice at the Guided Pathways Mapping Meeting this week, here are a
few Curve Balls that we might need to rebuttal.
Curve Ball I:
I believe that individuals in the psychology department ... Show more content on ...
For example, see requirements for a Masters of Arts in Psychological Sciences at NAU: programs/graduate program/master s degree requirements/
However, I will do some additional research to verify if this is the case. I know various master
programs, such as computer sciences, do require that bachelor students meet prerequisites, but, on
average, I don t believe this is the case with psychology. Nonetheless, I will look into the matter
further and provide you with an update.
Curve Ball IV:
Particular individuals in the Social Work program has expressed that the BHS program is an worthless
academic degree since it does not allow students to continue their education in the field.
We now have the following articulation agreements, including a 90/30 program offered on campus at
both GCC and SMCC:
Antioch University:
Bachelor of Arts in Human Services Administration
Argosy University:
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Arizona State
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Weberian Bureaucracy Case Study
First of all, I agree that the political structure and administrative arrangements in Hong Kong have
contributed to the closest approximation of Weberian bureaucracy in contemporary world. When Hong
Kong government gained sovereignty after the handover in 1997, it has adopted the bureaucracy
model to solve the problems of its inefficiency post government during the colonial period. The
bureaucracy was suggested by a German sociologist Max Weber, who claimed it as an ideal system for
the efficiency of the organization and administration. Max Weber s bureaucracy consists of six
specific characteristics: division of work, authority hierarchy, formal selection, formal rules and
regulations, impersonality, and career orientation. Among these six ... Show more content on ...
For the Victoria Harbor planning, Hong Kong government decided to coordinate with various non
government actors and private sectors. This was because the Government believed harbor planning
should not only limited to government s purview but should integrate the public s opinions towards
the planning. However, the government was superior in decision making process and showed that it
did not wanted publics to engage in policy making process. For example, most of policy making
process was done autonomously by the government where the non government actors were absent;
lack of communication channel between the government and non government sectors; and
government only informed its decisions to non government sectors without consulting with them.
Therefore, there were constant conflicts between the government, private sectors, and the group of
civil society throughout the process. If there was a proper communications and co ordination, and if
government allowed non government actors to engage in decision making process, the tension
between the government and non government actors wouldn t be exist. Because even though their
interests and aims are different they can reach an agreement throughout the direct and indirect
communications. Therefore, with impersonality presents in the policy co ordination process, the power
structure would not
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Community Digital Art
Many artists around the world work with a canvas, on paper, and many other ways of drawing, even
since computers and technology became mainstream artist have also started using the digital world as
their canvas. I started digital art when I first started on the computer and I ve been hooked ever since.
Digital art is a great way of drawing without making a mess on your desk, it s all accomplished in files
and programs on your computer. In the beginning there wasn t really any programs that allowed you to
freely draw what you wanted. When Windows XP first came out, many creative minds started to
realize there was a program called Paint on their desktop. Paint wasn t a very cutting edge program but
it was advanced for its time and many digital artists started with it. I actually believe that it is indeed
much easier to use a computer to draw than it is on a canvas or ... Show more content on ...
There are many websites that encourage artist of both digital and traditional mediums. Websites such
as Youtube and Reddit encourage artist and what they do and digital art has even blossomed some
websites like DeviantArt and Tumblr. I have meet many of my friends through these websites and I
am really happy with who I m with today, the community digital art has brought to the internet is
phenomenal. People have gotten famous from these communities and have gone on to live their
dreams. I have been inspired by so many great artists that I probably wouldn t have known about if it
weren t for the amazingly active community that is Digital artist. People even make a living off their
art by starting commissions or requests for money. The online art community has created many jobs
for artist all around the world. Many artists have been hired by big companies because of the large
community s support of those artists. Many new jobs have also arouse for new possibilities around the
globe, these jobs vary from animator, illustrator,
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Biking Autobiography
Growing up I wanted to get a motorcycle so badly. Every birthday, every Christmas I would ask and
bug the heck out of my parents to get me a motorcycle. And one lucky day I got what I always wanted.
my first dirtbike was a CRF 100 that was brand new, still had the tire stickers on it and all, I loved that
bike. The day I got my motorcycle my dad went into the shop to get a new tire for his bike, when he
left the store I had a brand new motorcycle. A beautiful red Honda, a Honda that was 103cc to be
I was on the bike everyday. My father and I used to go riding every chance we got, we d go to the state
forest or even to Richmond pond which was my favorite ride. We got to take the train tracks there the
whole way and that meant I could just hold the throttle wide open. As a kid dirt biking was the only
thing that I connected with and amused me. Growing up dirt biking met the whole family would be
together on the weekends and I would get to do what I love. ... Show more content on
A bike that is a 2 stroke and is used in competitions like motocross races. My dad brought me to the
local track southwick mx located in southwick, Massachusetts to race my first amateur motocross
race. I signed up for 250c which the c is based off your ability, c class is the lowest, b class is amateur
rank, and a class is pro. So I went out and did horrible, I was flopping over in every corner, going
down the straight a ways with my hands almost falling off. It was a mess to say the least, but I had fun
and my dad was super excited for me and ever since that day me and him have been
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Teenage Pregnancy Is A Controversial Concept
Teenage pregnancy is a controversial concept nowadays. When a teen girl becomes pregnant and goes
to the doctor, the doctor must tell her parents, even if she does not want to. This causes big issues
because the girls feel like they have no privacy in their situation. I agree with the doctors informing
the young girls guardians because the girl is under their care, she is a minor, and they must know what
is going on. Some people though, have different opinions. Many people believe that telling the parents
their teen is pregnant is the correct decision. This is because most teenagers don t fully understand
how much responsibility and time goes into providing care for a baby. She is too young to make her
own decisions and needs contraceptive advice from her parents, whom have experienced this in their
lives. There was a study in November of 2004 in which 11 women and 9 men were asked questions
concerning their feeling towards confidentiality (Dr Jane Carlisle Public Health, School of Health and
Related Research, University of Sheffield May 2005). The results of this study were that the young
girls (aged 14 through 17) were more concerned about their privacy, especially the older ones (Dr Jane
Carlisle Public Health, School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield May 2005).
Since doctors must inform the teens parents, many teenagers neglect consulting a doctor if they have
any personal or sensitive issues (Dr Jane Carlisle Public Health, School of
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The Real Unemployment Rate
The Real Unemployment Rate
Jessi Stevenson
July 14th, 2015
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
The unemployment rate in the United States of America is a topic that is often scrutinized and
discussed among economists, politicians and fellow citizens. Frequently newscasters are advertising
monthly unemployment rate, and I ask myself this question: Is the rate being published by the Bureau
of Labor Statistics (BLS) actually the true figure, or is the real number being misrepresented? In effort
to answer this question, one has to understand the breakdown of the U.S. population as it relates to the
actual labor force. One also has to comprehend who the government considers to be unemployed. I
will be analyzing the current statistical numbers provided by the BLS, as well providing a detailed
analysis of the government s perspective as to what is deemed to be employed and unemployed. As
mentioned in our text, Economics (Arnold, 2011), the total U.S. population is broken up into two
separate groups. They are as follows: 16 years and under, the armed forces, and the institutionalized
(these 3 sections make up the first group). The second group consists of all others in the total
population labeled the civilian non institutional population. The civilian non institutional population is
made up of two groups those in the labor force, and those not in the labor force. Those who are
considered to be in the labor force are either employed or
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How Does Memory Affect The Development Of Middle Childhood
With each growing year a child s vocabulary increases. By the time children are six years old, they
have become proficient at the knowledge of basic grammar and vocabulary of their main language. By
this age group, children are speaking parts of speech such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives. They are
capable of learning up to twenty words a day and they become more flexible and logical. Children can
comprehend prefixes, suffixes, metaphors, and other figures of speech. Because children can now
understand and use metaphors, it becomes easier for them to reveal and express their emotions. The
best way for children to learn most of their vocabulary is through their family and friends. Middle age
children tend to learn best when in an environment with their friends and family not in a class.
During middle childhood memory plays a large part in the child s developing and learning. Also,
memory improves significantly during this time period. At this age, all stages of memory are affected
by the development and experience of the child. Sensory memory, which is the first element of
memory, which improves slightly until the child reaches approximately ten years old, and then
remains sufficient until adulthood. Working memory improves steadily and significantly. Working
memory improves the most once in middle childhood because children of this ... Show more content
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Metacognition allows a child to evaluate how they may accomplish a task and then improve or make
adjustments to it if needed. Like most skills, metacognition improves with age and experience.
Metacognition is a cognitive skill and helps children during middle childhood by helping them use
their brains when completing a task or goal. If that task or goal is not successfully done then the child
can use more cognitive brain power to figure out how they can improve it. Their ability to do this will
help them in many situations from academic to social and
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Virgil Analysis of Dante Inferno Essay example
Virgil came to be regarded as one of Rome s greatest poets. His Aeneid can be considered a national
epic of Rome and has been extremely popular from its publication to the present day.
Virgil Beatrice sends Virgil to Earth to retrieve Dante and act as his guide through Hell and Purgatory.
Since the poet Virgil lived before Christianity, he dwells in Limbo (Ante Inferno) with other righteous
non Christians. As author, Dante chooses the character Virgil to act as his guide because he admired
Virgil s work above all other poets and because Virgil had written of a similar journey through the
underworld. Thus, Virgil s character knows the way through Hell and can act as Dante s
knowledgeable guide while he struggles alongside Dante ... Show more content on ...
Dante is like the son Virgil never had. This comes to light most apparently in their flight from the two
timing demons. In lifting Dante to his chest and carrying him as he sprints toward safety, Virgil
becomes a mother figure to the terrified Dante. Hmmm, father and mother? You re right in guessing
that something bigger is going on here. As an unofficial poet laureate of the Romans, Virgil is a kind
of patron spirit of Italy. Moreover, as the consummate speaker and writer of Latin the ancestor
language of Italian Virgil is, in a sense, the fore father of Dante s native language. The two poets
kinship traces back to their respective languages.
Virgil and Language
As much as Dante wants the title of world s greatest poet, Virgil, it seems, has that honor. If you haven
t noticed, the author Dante hits us over the head with all the linguistic imagery in which Virgil is
steeped. First and foremost, there s that big important passage about Virgil s persuasive word. We
know this is a weird concept so let s just recap. The phrase in Italian is parole ornate which translates
literally as decorated word. Doesn t that fit Virgil to a T? We re talking about the writer of the Aeneid
here, the Latin epic to end all epics, and Dante s all time favorite book.
We figure that Virgil spent so much time writing the Aeneid invoking the Muses, speaking in
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My Math Experience Reflection
As I reflect on my first four week of algebra I recall being very skeptical that I could learn and
complete a mathematics course with a passing grade. Thats because I had not taken a mathematics
course since graduating high school in 1999. I struggled with match in high school and never really
felt overly confident that I could learn and apply mathematics in real life. Over the past four weeks I
have learned a great deal of information and how algebra can be applied in real world applications.
The course has been challenging but I feel that I am doing ok and I am hopeful that I can pass this
course and move on to attaining my degree. The course material has at times been challenging to
comprehend and apply. One of the most difficult parts of the course has been with the course going on
during the Christmas and New Years holiday. I know in the past Grantham has advertised and granted
extensions for assignment due dates based on holidays. Being an active duty member in the military
working full time and trying to manage a home and work life balance it can be challenging especially
during the holidays. I spent most of Christmas day working on my pre test and quiz for week 3. Its tuff
to break away from the family and try to explain that I need to take care of my homework. But if this
is whats required to achieve my goal of earning a degree its a small price to pay. I think the study
strategy that has worked best is to use all available resources. I have read and watched
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Abstinence In American Culture
The American government considers itself a knight in shining armor fighting the ugly dragon of
injustice, and hate. In reality, it looks more like a bum, racking up debt and enforcing ignorance and
intolerance. The IRB, institutional review board, limits anthropologists from studying people they
consider vulnerable . These are groups that include: prisoners, terminally ill persons, children, people
with mental illness, and pregnant women . When the government bodies prohibit anthropologists from
studying people who fall on the fringes of these categories, they hinder understanding. having more
data about these individuals may be key to fixing the hate directed towards these demographics.
governments regulation on anthropologists enforces a system of hate and ignorance.
The American culture has this crazy notion that the government or anyone in authority cannot talk to
anyone under the age of 18 about sex, or sexuality. Unless it is in a sterile environment like a
classroom or a doctor s office. and even when these dialogues do happen, it s to enforce abstinence
only ideas. This fear of sex leads to a society of teenagers who are more likely to cause harm to
themselves or their partners. The government steps on its own toes when the IRB prohibits an
anthropologist, ... Show more content on ...
The governmental perpetuation of the myth that people who do not identify with their assigned gender
at birth have a mental illness enforces public misunderstanding, fear, and hate. When government
agents prohibit the gathering of information about trans individuals, they close themselves off from
understanding the values and motives, of a large portion of the population. The government
perpetuating the misconception that trans gendered individuals are mentally ill encourages citizens to
fear people who are not like them. Sustaining a culture of ignorance and
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Bp Oil Spill Letter
The purpose for my letter is to express my concerns of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill that
occurred April 20, 2010. The BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill is the most recent oil spill and in all
probability the biggest catastrophic spill in the petroleum industry. The BP oil spill did not just affect
the company, it affected so much more; it had such a huge impact on the birds, whales, and the costal
habitats. Six years ago the Macondo oil well in the Gulf of Mexico blew out, causing an explosion. Oil
leaked from the broken well from mid April to mid July, nearly three months, causing more than 200
million gallons of crude oil to swim out onto the gulf shoreline. In addition to the oil, almost 2 million
gallons of virulent dispersant was used. The chemical dispersant did not lessen the amount of oil, but
broke it into smaller particles, leaving the Gulf of Mexico as a dead zone. My concerns are the
animals that are continuing to be harmed by the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The Deepwater
Horizon oil spill was a deadly accident that caused a lot of harm; it destroyed Gulf fishing and tourism
industries. The spill injured 17 people and 11 people lost their lives. The marine ... Show more content
on ...
I write this letter to BP on behalf of myself and many citizens who are concerned. I list plausible
solutions so another oil spill does not occur. Investigators say one of the causes for the spill was that it
failed to be properly inspected. A way we can easily avoid a second oil spill is by continually and
constantly inspecting correctly. Schedule regular audits. Technology has advanced so much that BP
can add leak detection devices to the wells. BP should avoid places where there are a lot of fishermen
or places like the Gulf of Mexico just because there is a lot of reef that can be harmed again. We all
need to bring about a change; it can save us money, we can save our marine wildlife, and together we
can save our Mother
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Essay On The Crucible Movie
I watched the movie The Crucible directed by Nicholas Hytner in 1996. Initially, I was excited to
watch the film because the topic really interested me, I had also heard good things about the movie
from other people. When the movie started I was a bit confused as to what was happening and then I
realized they were witches and they were involving in some sort of practice. I liked the actors a lot, I
knew some of them from previous movies and shows and was excited to see their performance in this
movie. The opening credits of the movie are too, Winona Ryder, Daniel Day Lewis, Paul Scofield,
Joan Allen, Rob Campbell, and Bruce Davison. The movie s main characters are Abigail Williams
played by Winona Ryder, John Proctor played by Daniel Day ... Show more content on ...
They claim that they have been possessed by others and they have made them do bad things. The story
follows mainly the struggle of Abigail Williams. The people accused of witchcraft were brought to
trial and were judged by Judge Thomas Danforth. During the trials, many are accused of witchcraft
and are sentenced to be hung. All the while some of the girls are trying to decide what they believe is
true and right. One of the girls, Mary Warren, chooses to testify that everything she said about seeing
spirits was lies. She does this in order to save the lives of John Proctor s wife, Elizabeth, who was
accused of witchcraft. But then she changes direction again in her faith and goes back to being with
the girls. After many of the accused were hung, John Proctor is arrested along with his wife. In the end
of the movie, he signs a document saying that he was apart of witchcraft, which is a lie. At the last
second he does what God wants him to do and tells the truth, it costs him his life and his wife s life,
but he is satisfied with his decision. The Salem girls still deal with inner turmoil and try to make life
as normal as it can be for
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The Rights Of A Contract
For a contract to be created there has to be an offer, acceptance, intention of legal consequence, and
consideration. Capacity comes under the umbrella of contract law. It can be defined as a person s
capability entering in to a legal contract or agreement and be bound by it. Upex (2008) has said all
persons have full legal power to enter into any legal contract they wish and thus bind themselves .
Capacity can be categorized under three headings; Individuals, Corporations and Partnerships. There
are exceptions to the rule of entering a contract which includes minors, people with a mental illnesses,
or who are under the influence of alcohol. These groups of people are seen as having no capacity, or
incapacity. If any of these issues are present at the time they are entering in to the contract then it can
then be seen as unenforceable or will be queried. Under the Family Law Reform Act 1969 a minor is
seen as a person under the age of 18. The main statute which minors are governed by is the Minors
Contract Act 1987. It states a contract made by a minor is not void; and although the minor is not
normally bound, the other party will be. Minors are seen as having limitations when entering in to
contracts, and therefore there are some immunities to the rule. This includes necessaries and none
necessaires, voidable contracts, or non binding contracts which have been ratified. In terms of the
necessaries, The Sale of Goods Act 1979 says that goods suitable to the condition
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Case Analysis Of T-Mobile
Brief overview of the company
T Mobile is Germany network of mobile phone, it provides mobile phone service and wireless. T
Mobile is a subsidiary company of western wireless company. It was established in 1994 with about
50000 employees including full time and part time employees. Actually, it generates its profit and
revenue by providing its customers with affordable services of wireless communication as well as by
offering wireless devices such as, tablets, smart phones and other mobile devices. Most of its expenses
are related to expanding their network, retaining their high quality customers, compensating their
Moreover, T Mobile has successfully strengthened its position as a provider of LTE service with high
speed by continuous ... Show more content on ...
First of all, customer criticized that their phone or SIM card had problems. When many people used
for a long time, the network and text messages will be affected badly. The solution is that internal
flaws needs improvements.
The main problem that the company is trying to keep up the quick change technology in the mobile
communication area. The difficulty was keep up from content viewpoint. Customers were not able to
find info across the tools that company provide in Jive and share point systems. Information was not
organized in on place. The challenge was serving consumers as cost efficiently as possible with
increasing customer satisfaction. T Mobile launched un carrier advantage which gives customers the
choices to go away from its contract with the company.
Using the strategic structures, management must consider the organizational features: like competitive
forces including, market saturation, product and service offerings, pricing, network investment,
consumers experience, development of technologies, regulatory change, and availability of spectrum
licenses. In addition, the relative power of customers, suppliers, substitute, and pries. Determine the
basis of competition quality and price of
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Evaluation Of The Canadian Cancer Society Website Cancer
DISCERN Evaluation of For individuals faced with a cancer diagnosis, information seeking
plays a crucial role in their ability to cope with their diagnosis as well as treatment options. To make
decisions, patients require information about their disease, treatment options that outline the benefits
and risks, as well as alternative treatments and their prognosis (Rutten, Arora, Bakos, Aziz, Rowland,
2005). Modern technology has provided patients with access to a plethora of information, particularly
as it relates to Cancer, furthermore with the internet becoming a primary source of information it is of
importance that patients seeking health information become proficient in assessing the credibility of
websites (Schwarz Ringel Morris, 2011). One instrument to aid in assessing the quality of treatment
information in DISCERN. Through utilizing this tool, an evaluation of the Canadian Cancer Society
Website will be presented to determine the quality of this websites content specifically as it
relates to treatment information for cancer. The DISCERN Instrument The DISCERN instrument was
developed by the National Health Services (NHS) as a result of a national project to develop quality
standards for written information on treatment choices (DISCERN Handbook). The NHS is an
organization that provides health care of all citizens in the United Kingdom regardless of their ability
to pay (NHS Website). DISCERN was the first standardized index of quality
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The Generation Of Today s Generation
It is no secret that today s generation is the most technologically advanced in the history of the human
race, and it is a common misconception that ours is the supreme generation because of this. In
contrast, people see the low tech generation that came long before ourss as disconnected and as less
important than the current generation. This could not be farther from the truth. Our grandparents
generation may have endured different schooling and housing, and may have different mindsets than
ours, but this in no way makes them irrelevant or inadequate. These people possess a wealth of
knowledge and wisdom that we of the younger generation must not only acquire, but put into practice
if we ever plan to improve the gilded generation that we have become. Children of today s generation
attend not only kindergarten, but pre school and even some school prior to pre school. The notion that
the younger children begin to learn, the more they can learn, drives many parents to push their kids to
study and be strong academically. This is a stark contrast to the students of our grandparents
generation, who began their academic careers in the first grade with parents who were more focused
on their ability to work. Not only the age at which a student begins school differs between these
generations, so does the age where the majority of people halt their education. Where an associate s
degree today is the minimum for someone wishing to attain a stable respectably paying career, the
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American Imperialism Analysis
My entire life I was taught that education is a major key to success. This notion was embedded in me,
just like many others to receive an education so you can support yourself and truly experience the
quintessential American Dream. At a very young age in America we are taught to compete in every
aspect of life, to fight for ourselves (metaphorically), don t take no for an answer, always get better ,
and never accept mediocrity , these two phrases are what my high school football coach would preach
to the team daily. Having this competitive mindset of always wanting more and stopping at nothing to
achieve our personal goal might seem great especially for student athletes, but what if our government
had this same mindset? There are wars happening ... Show more content on ...
government has done an excellent job of dividing and conquering civilians by humanitarian versus
militaristic imperialism (neocons) in politics. The neocons of the Reagan and Dubya s administration
was a mixture of military imperialism of Theodore Roosevelt and the idealistic imperialism of
Woodrow Wilson (Johnson, 70). This, as you would imagine is the Right or conservative Republican
side. On the other dividing side, is what is referred by Johnson and Kumar as the humanitarian
imperialist (Kumar, 59; Johnson, 71). Even though this phrase has a positive connotation in the word
humanitarian, it also has the word imperialist, which contradict the phrase all together. The Clinton
and Obama administrations would be referred to as humanitarian imperialists (Kumar, 59; Johnson,
71). These administrations use rhetoric such as making the world safe for democracy (Johnson, 71).
These soft imperialists as Johnson describes are not in any way anti war. The neocons espouse
preventative war (Johnson, 70), while the humanitarians consent to war due to an act of force of
humanitarianism (Kumar, 59). The September 11th attacks were not due to any sort of humanitarian
effort it was an all out nationalistic effort to go to war with the middle east. As far as politics in
America is concerned, these two ideologies are used to gain votes or support the agenda the
administration is trying to uphold. Whether it be, America trying to save a country from
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Compare and Contrast Autocratic and Democratic Leadership...
Autocratic leadership is a classical leadership style with the following characteristics: manager seeks
to make as many decisions as possible, manager seeks to have the most authority and control in
decision making, manager seeks to retain responsibility rather than utilise complete delegation ,
consultation with other colleagues in minimal and decision making becomes a solitary process
managers are less concerned with investing their own leadership development, and prefer to simply
work on the task at hand. Whereas Democratic Leadership is the leadership style that promotes the
sharing of responsibility, the exercise of delegation and continual consultation. The style has the
following characteristics: manager seeks consultation on all ... Show more content on
Many leaders who start pursuing leadership development are often trying to improve upon their
organisations autocratic leadership style.
Each of these leadership styles has its own benefits (advantages) disadvantages and they are as
Advantages of autocratic leadership Style Advantages democratic leadership style
Reduced stress due to increased control: where the manager ultimately has significant legal and
personal responsibility for a project, it will comfort them and reduce their stress levels to know that
they have control over their fate. Positive work environment: a culture where junior employees are
given fair amount of responsibility and are allowed to challenge themselves is one where employees
are more enthused to work and enjoy what they do.
A more productive group while the leader is watching : the oversight that an autocratic manager exerts
over a team improves their working speed and makes them less likely to slack. Successful initiatives:
the process of consultation and feedback naturally results in better decision making and more effective
Improved logistics of operations: having one leader with heavy involvement in many areas makes it
more likely that problems are spotted in advance and deadlines met. Creative thinking The free flow
of ideas and positive work environment is the perfect catalyst for creative thinking.
Faster decision making: when only one person makes
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Nineteen Minutes
The book Nineteen Minutes is a tragic story about a teenage boy going into his high school one day
and start to shoot at people after being constantly bullied since kindergarten. The book Please Stop
Laughing at Me is a true story about the author s own experiences being bullied in school. These two
books both deal with the trauma of growing up being bullied and how they both handled it. Peter
Houghton, the bullied victim in Nineteen Minutes, decided to take action himself because no one else
was helping him. Jodee Blanco, after years of bullying, decided to make a book about her own
experiences with bullying in her years after high school. Both books share lots in common, starting
from their main characters to the characters experiences, ... Show more content on ...
Like how both characters grew up, the people that help them through all of the bullying, and the end
result of it all. Peter Houghton grew up with a golden boy brother, who was also one of his bullies
until his death the previous year before the shooting and always made him feel unimportant in his own
home. His parents weren t very helpful when Peter was getting bullied. Even from a young age Peter s
mom wanted him to be strong about it and deal with the bullying rather than actually help him through
it. He also had a best friend Josie Cormier, a best friend who used to defend from the bullies until she
decided to leave him for the popular crowd in sixth grade.So after so many years and years of
bullying, with no support from his family and due to the fact that he only had one friend who was also
being bullied, Peter took it into his own hands to end the harassment and he went into his school and
enacted his revenge. Unlike Peter, Jodee grew up as an only child in a loving supportive family. She
had friends the moment she was in school, she wasn t popular but she had friends. She never had a
constant friend that always defended her and was always there for her. Her parents were supportive of
her when she told them about the bullying, even if she may not of liked their methods of helping her
which was her going to the therapists, they were still supportive. As she grew up she began to notice
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Many People Desire the Perfect Self-Image that is...
Perfection is defined by Webster s Dictionary as being entirely without flaws; something that cannot
be improved. In today s society many people, particularly young women desire to be perfect in their
outward appearance. They want the perfect hair, the perfect skin, the perfect body, which so many
think would be the perfect life. However, perfection of this kind is very difficult to achieve, yet so
many people still want this perfect self image. This desire for perfection has caused self hatred within
many and this pandemic of perfection is rapidly spreading amongst individuals. The song Pretty Hurts
by Beyoncé Knowles clearly shows how perfection is truly a disease of a nation. People are faced with
the pressure to be perfect in ... Show more content on ...
In the second verse of the song, Beyoncé states Blonder hair, flat chests, TV says bigger is better.
South beach, sugar free, vogue says thinner is better. Many celebrities are seen on the cover of Vogue
(one of the many magazines that upholds this standard) with beautiful features, size 0 bodies and hair
that most people would envy.
Many people have difficulty accepting their flaws. They battle with their own self conflict because
they believe that they are not perfect. In the third verse, Beyonce sings Ain t got no doctor or pill that
can take the pain away. The pain is inside and nobody frees you from your body; it s the soul that
needs surgery. No matter how hard we try to fix our outward appearance to fit society s standards of
perfection, we can never attain it because it doesn t exist. The problem comes from deep within
therefore no plastic surgery can bring true happiness. She goes on to sing plastic smiles and denial can
only take you so far, and you break when the fake facade leaves you in the dark. You left a shattered
mirror in the shards of a beautiful girl. Yes, you can try alter your appearance to cover up the
underlying issues but that is only a temporary solution. Searching your soul is the best way to deal
with such issues. After soul searching and realizing that looks aren t important (shattered mirror) the
beautiful girl was left in the shards that was
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A Report On Agriculture And Horticulture Class
On the 15/03/16 our year 12 agriculture and horticulture class went on a trip to a local dairy goat farm.
This is a 40 hectare farm on sandy loam soil which houses 1100 goats, all goats are kept in door and
all food is made on site and bought to them along with their water. Only about 700 goats are being
milked. These goats are milked on a rotary milk parlour, which is one of two in the country. There
were 3 full time staff working and the manager. We asked the manager many questions to assist us
with our internal. The answers were occasionally a bit brief due to the owner only taking over the farm
about a month ago, but we received the necessary information. A guided tour took place with the
owner and a full time employee. Which included us looking at the housing systems, feeding systems,
the composting procedure, Milking shed and other relevant information such as the restrictions they
Soil Impacts
Having good soil structure is very important for all types of farming. To constantly provide quality
feed soil with a good tilth and with plenty of nutrients is required. This is achieved by collecting urine
and dung from the milk shed and is collected in ponds. The liquid is drained away and are processed
through 3 screens then drained into a holding tank ready to be spread on the farm. While this process
is taking place the original solids are scraped away and placed into a bay with a weeping wall to drain
the excess water. Once most water has been drained
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Classical Theory Vs Strain Theory Essay
Key Characteristics
Both classical theory and strain theory are widely known and established theories that although have
similar goals are vastly difference in terms of their key characteristics. Classical theory was developed
in the 18th century during the enlightenment era and is the foundation of the classical school of
criminology (Clinard and Meier, 2008, p65 67). Classical theory is the theory that individuals are self
seeking rational actors who under their own free will commit crimes after weighing up to pros and
cons of the situation (Loughran et al. 2016, para 4; White, Haines and Asquith, 2012, p28 31). This
theory takes an individualist approach to explaining CCB that sees individuals as rights holders who
have the equal capacity to make rational choices and focuses on the criminal act rather than the
offender (White, Haines and ... Show more content on ...
The theory believes the most appropriate response to crime is through swift and punitive punishment
based on the pleasure pain principle and see punishment as the key mechanism to preventing crime,
arguing that if punishment is swift, just and certain both the individual (specific deterrence) and
society members (general deterrence) will be deterred from committing crime (Akers, 1990, p654
659). Strain theory, on the other hand, is an adaption of Durkheim s anomie theory and branches off
sociological positivism (Brezina, 2011, p99 103). Strain theory is the theory that society pressures
individuals to achieve socially acceptable goals (SAG), and when individuals cannot reach these goals
due to lack of means (e.g. poverty), individuals experience a strain and turns to crime (White, Haines
and Asquith, 2012, p67 71; Walters, 2010, p316). This theory takes a sociological approach to
explaining CCB that sees social strains and inadequate structural opportunities to blame for crime and
highlights that individuals are not equal in their capacity to make rational choices (Clinard and
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Attention Deficit Disorder Essay
Attention Deficit Disorder Attention Deficit Disorder otherwise known as ADD is a condition that
refers to an individual s inability to control their own behavior or impulse(McEwan 70). This can
begin in early childhood and interfere with children s ability to do well in school and social situations.
These patients also have troubles blocking out noise or other stimuli in order to focus on a task or
what is being said. ADD is a chronic problem that can be seen as early as infancy and can extend to
adulthood. There are two types of Attention Deficit Disorder. The most common form is Attention
Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The characteristic of this type is hyperactivity, which is seen
before the child enters ... Show more content on ...
It is also more prevalent with in boys than in girls. In babies that have been prenatal exposed to drugs,
including alcohol, cocaine, amphetamines, and heroin, ADD needs to be carefully watched for.
Increasing numbers of premature infants are found to have the disorder as well. A psychiatrist or
clinical or school psychologist usually makes a diagnosis. In order to do this, physicians,
psychologists and educators conduct an evaluation that includes a health and developmental history,
medical evaluation, psychological and educational assessment, behavior rating scales completed by
the parents and teacher, and possibly a speech and language evaluation (Miller 25). Hyperactivity is
the most obvious symptom. Children with this condition are unable to control their actions even under
the most closely monitored situation. Parents often expect that certain foods cause hyperactivity, but
children with ADD are hyperactive even though these foods are not part of their diets. Other primary
symptoms include inattention, distractibility, impulsiveness and short attention span. There are
problems with organization and transitioning from one activity to another. The disorder can be
complicated by other kinds of learning and/or behavioral problems as well. Thought patterns may be
loose and poorly organized. Children have difficulty with memory, following directions and
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Characteristics Of Hernan Cortes
During the 1500s Hernan Cortes traveled to the Aztec civilizations of Mesoamerica, and more in
particular, Tenochtitlan with the mindset to take on the land of the natives. When he got there, he was
uneasy with what he saw, which is evident in the letters that Cortes wrote to Charles V. It
happened...that a Spaniard saw an Indian...eating a piece of flesh taken from the body of an Indian
who had been killed (Cortes). Cortes viewed the Aztecs living in Tenochtitlan as completely barbaric
because they practiced human sacrifice, which was cannibalism and were polytheistic. Despite Cortes
describing the people of Tenochtitlan as barbarous , he was able to find positive qualities in them
because he saw their knowledge, technological advances, and independence.
One way that the Aztecs showed their knowledge was through the design of Tenochtitlan. The people
of Tenochtitlan built the city on an island, surrounding a lake. Cortes applauded the Aztecs for this
aspect. This great city of Tenochtitlan is built on the salt has four approaches by means of
artificial causeways... (Cortes) This was a smart move for the Aztecs since they had an endless supply
of water. Built on an island on Lake Texcoco, it had a system of canals and causeways that supplied
the hundreds of thousands of people who lived there (Jarus).
Additionally, Cortes admired the new technological advances that the Aztecs invented. Since
Tenochtitlan was built overtop of a lake, people of the civilization had to adapt to having a lack of
farmland. They created an innovative way to create farmland, called chinampas. The Aztecs made
giant reed mats and placed them on top of the water. They made a fence around the mat and placed
mud, fertilizer, and rotten vegetables on it. Then trees were planted on all sides of the chinampa. The
trees grew very quickly and their roots held the soil to keep it from flowing away. The Aztecs planted
corn, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and squash. The plants roots would grow to the bottom of the lake
so they would have an endless supply of water (Tenochtitlan). Doing this gave Tenochtitlan a great
amount of food, without having to sacrifice their supply of water or land.
Lastly, Cortes found that the
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Aristotle s Philosophy On The View Of Friendship
Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher. Aristotle s philosophy was his logical concept. Aristotle s
objective was to come up with a universal process of reasoning that would allow man to learn every
imaginable thing about reality. He wrote on a vast amount of subjects during his lifetime, such as
biology, chemistry, physics, ethics and logic. Aristotle wrote a book called, Nicomachean Ethics. This
book describes the view of friendship. He also describes three different type of friendship, which in
reality is exactly how friendship is in today society. The question while reading this information is
what is friendship in Aristotle point of view? Aristotle believes that there are three different kinds of
friendship; that of utility, friendship of pleasure, and virtuous friendship. In his book he describe
exactly what each type of friendship really is. Friendship that is of utility is where both people derive
some benefit from each other. Is like saying that these people are friends from each other by gaining
something else from the other. They are not friends for the good of it; they are friends because there
are benefits coming from them. Aristotle describes a friendship of utility as narrow, easily dissolved or
for the old. He views them as such because this type of friendship is easily broken and based on
something that is brought to the relationship by the other person. Most of the people that have this
type of friendship are the young people. They do not know
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The Reasonableness Of Christian Faith
Summa Theologiae was written to display the reasonableness of Christian faith and to train future
teachers in guiding others through Christianity, (Lecture, 11.14.2016) whereby one ultimately reaches
true happiness. While Christians steadily find pleasure in their acceptance of God, Aquinas maintains
that perfect happiness is distinct from this, both in what it entails and how it is achieved. Aquinas
believes that humans cannot be entirely happy until fully understanding God, the original cause of
their own being, which is impossible until reuniting with God in life after death. Humans cannot be
truly happy until their intellect is fulfilled, which is only possible through understanding God. The
human intellect instinctively seeks to understand the cause of things, and will not be satisfied simply
knowing that such a cause exists (S.Th. II, Q.3, A.8). Aquinas is optimistic about the ability of human
reason, and believes that unassisted logic can reveal and defend crucial platforms of the Christian
faith, such as God s existence (S.Th. I, Q.2, A.2). God is demonstrated fore mostly through His
creations, including humans themselves and their intellects (S.Th. I, Q.2, A.2). Since every effect
depends upon its cause, (S.Th. I, Q.2, A.2) a human s awareness of their own life on earth
subsequently proves the life of some entity which has caused the human to be. Aquinas, and the
Christian faith, identify this original cause as God. However, Aquinas acknowledges that there is a
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Bipolar And Its Effects On The Individual
Have you ever spent a lot of time around or just know of someone who has been diagnosed as bipolar?
Or somebody who doesn t act like they are all there? Bipolar is genetics wise, you can get it through
DNA. It has many effects not only through the individual themselves but also family, friends, jobs,
education. People who are diagnosed with this disorder have many amazing support systems behind
them. There are medications, groups, therapy and friends and family who will always be there for
them. The individual being diagnosed with bipolar don t see exactly what others see, with being
bipolar it causes conflict in the family with that being said on daily basis fighting, yelling, reckless
behavior occurs. Bipolar has many internal effects on ... Show more content on ...
Children who are at the age of ten now have a fear of not being good enough to step up in a family.
When somebody leaves a family due to the lack of parenting because the bipolar is taking control of
them children are now having to take over the role of the parenting jobs because who else will be there
for them? Children learn from children; it is so unlikely for a child to learn from a parent being
diagnosed with bipolar. With all the fighting going on, it will build up stress upon everybody else,
having stress in a house will only make thing ten times worse because with everybody being stressed
out, they will get annoyed faster, don t have the patience, and just do what they feel like doing just so
they can get the stress off them and take it onto somebody else and that will cause more fighting,
arguing, and yelling and where does that get you? Absolutely nowhere but back to where it all started.
Mood swings are also a big part of the disorder; you think everybody has mood swings? Well we all
do but with being diagnosed with bipolar it affects them more serious than other individuals who are
not diagnosed with
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Why I Want To Become A Nail Technician
Growing up in a single parent household can be tough in terms of pleasing your parent. You re not
able to go and get a second opinion from another parent when making decisions. If he/she doesn t
agree with your decision it leaves a bad taste in your mouth because you don t want to disappoint
him/her. My mother probably expected me to graduate college with my associate s degree and land a
job at IBM. Introducing the idea of me becoming a nail technician to her was nerve wrecking. I
expected rejection followed by a lecture about what would be a better career path for me. Surprisingly
after explaining to her why I chose the beauty industry, my long term goals, and how nail care will pay
a role in my future career she was just as excited as I ... Show more content on ...
Kalea from k_bossnails, who is not only a celebrity nail stylist but an instructor, changed my way of
thinking. Since I followed her on Instagram and snapchat I ve been inspired and it motivated me to
start my own career. It s amazing how much expression can be put into a full set of nails. Nails have
become a part of a female s wardrobe. Everywhere I go someone compliments my nails and my nail
selfies always receive a lot of likes. I m on social media every day and I keep up with the latest trends.
It s only right that I join the beauty industry.
Not only am I surrounded by beauticians but a few of them are successful salon owners. I too hope to
own a nail studio. I didn t just choose to be a part of this industry but I set goals for myself once I
receive my license. Before I become a salon owner I have to prepare myself for the responsibility that
comes with it. One of my friends offered me a position at her salon after I obtain my certificate. This
is the perfect opportunity because I ll be able to see firsthand the responsibilities of being an owner,
and I will still get the experience of paying booth rent. I notice that the nail salons in my area rarely do
promotions. At my friend s salon not only do the beauticians have promotions, but they offer packages
for the clients. We talked about adding manicures to the packages which could build my clientele. I d
be able to attract girls in high school with occasional
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How Does Hamlet React To Uncertainty
In William Shakespeare s play, Hamlet , he communicates that people react to certainty and
uncertainty in different ways. Not only can it affect the people around them, but it can affect their own
lives as well. For some people, the doubt could get to their head and cause an anxious response where
it could lead to a destructive path for themselves and can really hurt the people they care about most.
This is evident with Hamlet, when his father dies and his ghost tells Hamlet that Claudius was the one
who murdered him. Hamlet became uncertain if the ghost was actually his father s or an evil spirit.
However, this leads him to find out if Claudius really was the murderer which in turn lead to the death
of Polonius and eventually Laertes. While Claudius was fake praying, Hamlet was uncertain if he
should kill the new king right there as he thought he may go to hell for killing someone, which
eventually stopped him from going through with it. When he went to see his own mother, Polonius
was hiding. but when he calls out for help, Hamlet accidentally killed him. After the death of Polonius,
Laertes made his way back to get revenge for his father who he thought was killed by the king. During
this destructive path, Hamlet had sent a letter to England pretending to be the king to get his two best
friends killed after being betrayed by them. Finally, they get to the duel and with uncertainty again,
kills Laertes with a poisoned rapier before getting justice for Old Hamlet. He
... Get more on ...
Essay on The Difference Between Sissy And Bitzer
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;Give me your definition of a horse, quot; (Pg 3) says the eminently
practical Mr. Thomas Gradgrind of Charles Dickens unforgettable novel, Hard Times. Can anybody
really define a horse? Cecilia Jupe, also known as Sissy, was unable to answer this question because
she was, well, normal. Bitzer, the boy brought up in Coketown, the city of facts, answered,
quot;Quadruped. Graminivorous. Forty teeth, namely, twenty four grinders, four eye teeth, and twelve
incisive... quot; (Pg. 4). Clearly the contrast between Sissy and Bitzer can be seen. The differences
between Bitzer and Sissy are shown not only in their definitions of a horse, but also in their physical
appearance, personality, background, and the ... Show more content on ...
Instead, she says, between sobs, O my dear father, my good kind father, where are you gone? You are
gone to try to do me some good, I know! You are gone away for my sake, I am sure! And how
miserable and helpless you will be without me, poor, poor Father, until you come back! (Pg. 35) and
cries for her father rather than feel sorry for herself. She is so caring and compassionate that she
always thinks the best of things. This is probably why Jane, the younger sister of Louisa and Tom,
grew up much happier than her older siblings. She had been raised by the affectionate Sissy and
treated like a human, unlike her older siblings, who had been raised more like robots by their father,
Mr. Gradgrind. Bitzer, however, is completely different. He did not receive the love and the care the
Sissy did. Because of this, it seems as though Bitzer has no heart (but of course he does, physically).
He cares only for himself, even at the expense of others. Near the end of the novel, when Tom
Gradgrind, Jr. (also known as the whelp) tries to escape from Coketown, who, other than Bitzer, is
there to turn him in? In his own words, he says, I am going to take young Mr. Tom back to Coketown
in order to deliver him over to Mr. Bounderby, for I have no doubt whatever that Mr. Bounderby will
then promote me to young Mr. Tom s situation (position) (Pg 267). Basically, he wished to pursue
Tom, for it will be a rise to me, and will
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Protests That Were Heard Around The World Protests
The Protests That Were Heard Around The World When the colonization of modern day United States
was vastly completed, an intensifying sense of greed began to take over the minds of governing
officials, as it did in other modernizing countries. Wars began to dismiss civil and humanitarian
explanations, and instead were focused on factors such as territorial expansion and possible resource
prosperity. These factors were often held close to officials while the general population relied on
misconceptions that were created by media. The war that took place in Vietnam was certainly no
exception to this theory. When President John F. Kennedy first sent troops to Vietnam, it was assumed
by the citizens that it was to halt the spread of communism ... Show more content on
An example of such an act was composed on March 16th, 1968, When a company of American
soldiers went into the hamlet of My Lai 4, in Quang Ngai province and rounded up the inhabitants,
including old people and women with infants in their arms, then ordered them into a ditch where they
were methodically shot to death by American soldiers (Zinn 478). This dismal behavior caught the eye
of Army investigators who ultimately made an attempt to cover up the incident but were proven to fail
as an anti war photographer captured a majority of the scenes. These letters began to circulate in
French publications almost immediately and led to the arrest of several officers who were never
assigned a worthy punishment, the most severe being a shortened sentence and house arrest.
Though the actions that took place in mid march were nothing short of tragic, many of the antiwar
movements in The United States did not take full effect until after Nixon pledged to get United States
out of Vietnam (Zinn 483). Zinn explains how just two years after Nixon s announcement, himself and
Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger launched an invasion of Cambodia. Zinn proclaimed that this
selfish action led to an outcry of protests in The United States (Zinn 484). After this, many different
variants of distress calls were used by the citizens in
... Get more on ...
The Blu Ray Disc
1 Introduction
An emergence roadmapping process is crucial to managers and policy makers taken decisions about
which technologies it should be or it should not be developed, despite the uncertain trends of the
This report aims to address the emergence roadmapping of the Blu ray disc. It will be structured in the
three essential parts: the development of this technology, the environment involved and its initial
market and competitors. The first part describes the technological development and the advantages
that led to the implementation of this innovation, and it presents the challenges faced by it. In the
second part, an environment analysis will explain what helped to the success of the Blu ray disc. In the
last part, market ... Show more content on ...
The Blu ray, thereby, is the successor of the DVD format, as well as the High Definition/Density
Digital Versatile Disc (HD DVD). By 2007, these two serious competitors stood up over several other
companies attracting the largest consumer portion (Uijla Vriesa, 2013). Major changes that occurred in
the market by the end of 2008 have led the Blu ray to absolute dominance of the market. In the section
4, a better explanation of the war raised between those two companies will be presented.
Figure 1: Blu ray disc ( ray_Disc)
3 Emergence Roadmapping Trends and Drivers
3.1 Technology Development and Challenges
The main purpose in a technological innovation is to integrate its benefits in an application and to
utilize properly its advantages to create a potential market that will generate revenue.
In 1998, The High Definition TV (HDTV) sets began to act in the United States and Japanese
consumer markets. The old formats of media, such as DVDs and CDs were not able to store the
amount of data necessary to record high definition content. At the same time, the video game market
was growing in a rapidly rate. The market demand generated after the success of DVDs pushed
several companies to invest in this type of technology. In this framework, the company that would
come up with an efficient innovation to provide higher data storage would have greater chance to have
a big market share.
The biggest
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The Pros And Cons Of The Nineteenth Amendment
Not everyone in the United States agreed with the Nineteenth Amendment being passed. Two months
after the Federal Government declared that the Amendment had been incorporated to the Constitution
in August of 1920, Oscar Lesser sued to stop two women [Cecilia Street Waters and Mary D.
Randolph] to vote in Baltimore, Maryland. Lesser believed the Maryland Constitution limited the
suffrage to men . He said that Maryland had refused to vote regarding the ratification of the
Nineteenth Amendment, and should not be subject to its application.. In 1922, Leser v. Garnett, was
argued before the United States Supreme Court. The plaintiffs of the case argued that the Nineteenth
Amendment was not passed constitutionally. They claimed there were three principal grounds to their
argument, which were: that the power to amend the Constitution did not cover this amendment
because of its character ; that several states that had ratified the amendment despite the fact that their
state constitutions prohibited women from voting; and that, in particular, the ratifications of the states
of Tennessee and West Virginia were were invalid because they were adopted without following the
rules of legislative procedure in place in those states . In a unanimous decision, the court ruled that the
amendment was passed constitutionally. In their decision, the court responded to each of the three
arguments. Lesser s first argument claimed that if Amendment s are added without the State s consent,
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Why Is Karl Marx Called The Proletariat
The Harvest shows the life of what Karl Marx termed the proletariat . Proletariat is Marx s term for
the exploited class, the mass of workers who do not own the means of production. These people have
been put in poor work conditions and work for the class, as Marx puts it, called the Bourgeoisie. These
are the capitalists who own the means of production. The capitalists watch over the companies, and
make and change policy. The proletariats have to work poor means to keep these companies going.
The one girl from The Harvest, Zulema, says that in 1 week she makes 64 dollars. This is sad, but
none the less she is part of this lower class and must abide by these means. The main problem that this
presents is what Marx is known for, which
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Should Humans Consume Insects As An Alternate Source Of...
Should Humans Consume Insects as an Alternate Source of Food? Intro Cultivating animals and crops
takes countless amount of hours and use an abundance of resources; furthermore, it produces waste
that can be harmful to the environment. The human population is increasing at an ever increasing rate
and scientists all over the world are trying to solve a global issue. It is estimated by the UN that the
population will hit 9.7 billion by 2050; undoubtedly, these inefficient and wasteful processes will not
suffice. What about insects, there are plentiful in supply and are packed with proteins and other
nutrients that the body needs; furthermore, using insects in our main diets will decrease the need for
domesticated animals which causes creates problems for everyone; in contrast to insects, which have
versatile ways for people to choose from, use less resources, and produce less waste. Lastly, if we
decrease the population of insects it will actually benefit society by limiting the amount of infestation
and their effects on crops, trees, etc. (DeFoliart, 1992) (Premalatha, 2011) (Verkerka, Trampera,
Trijpb, Martensa, 2007). This proposal will examine the nutrients, environmental impacts, ethics, and
effectiveness of an insect diet and will then be presented through a tri fold board with clear pictures,
statistics and information about this topic. The Problem and How People Are Using Similar Processes
to Solve it In the past, hunting was our main source to feed ourselves and
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The Atomic Weight Of The Middle
North Sydney Girls High
Preliminary Course
Chemistry Assessment Task 1
Research Task
Rachel Stock
Question 1 Question 2
The first use of the triads was in 1817, when Johann Dobereiner observed that elements could be
placed in groups of three based on their properties. When the three elements were ordered according
to atomic weight, the smallest weight would have the least significant reaction or mildest property,
whilst the heaviest would have the most significant or strongest property. Further, the atomic weight of
the middle element would be almost exactly the average of the two other elements. These properties
were considered too coincidental not to be of some significance. One of the first triads to be observed
was ... Show more content on ...
When ordered with atomic number there are only a few instances where the atomic masses do not
ascend which would have resulted in the two elements being switched in the original order of
elements when atomic weight was used. These errors are pairs where the second of the pair is placed
first when ordered with atomic weight; three of which are argon and potassium, cobalt and nickel,
tellurium and iodine.
The Law of Triads began to direct chemists towards the patterns found in lists or tables of elements.
Many chemists began exploring patterns but it wasn t until 1864 that the next step was made. John
Newlands realised that when ordered by atomic weight a regular pattern of properties formed. He
noted that elements seemed to fall into patterns of eight whereby every eighth element would have the
same properties. This was not entirely true however as Newlands saw this pattern and was reminded
of a musical scale s eight note repetition. Nevertheless, the recognition of this in fact deterred
Newlands from making further inferences as he continued to attempt to force elements into this
musical scale like format which was not entirely applicable.
Furthermore, the noble gases had yet to be discovered when Newlands Law of Octaves was formed.
This meant that the pattern didn t account for an extra element in the patterns of eight. As can be seen
on the right, noble gases are not included and had they been, they would be placed in
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The Peasants Revolt The Movie Essay
The Protestant Reformation was a religious movement to reform Catholicism leading to the creation
of Protestantism. Many movies try to portray the religious movement, but one stands out from the
others. The film Luther did not accurately portray the social and political aspects of the Protestant
Reformation. The film does not give enough detail to historically represent the German peasants and
nobility; it also dramatizes political characters and events to specifically target Luther s enemies,
giving inaccurate information in the process.
The film lacks the detail to historically portray the social aspects successfully because the plot orbits
around Martin Luther; it omits different aspects of the Peasants Revolt, specifically the relationship
between the German peasants and nobility. Throughout the film, Eric Till the director eliminates most
of the interaction between the German peasants and nobility allowing the film to revolve around
Luther. The Peasants Revolt erupted due to German nobles placing unrealistic taxes on peasants, but
the movie prioritized another cause: The whole world s been turned upside down by that madman
Luther (Luther 2003). Peasants from Wittenberg claimed that Luther s ideas lived on after his
kidnapping and inspired peasants to separate themselves from the Catholic Church. Till disregards the
importance of taxation and gives the viewers inaccurate information: Heading Wimpheling s
complaints were protests against the Vatican s systematic
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Yann Martel’s Life of Pi
Pi Patel in Yann Martel s Life of Pi is a young Indian boy who is put through a tremendous traumatic
experience; he gets lost at sea! Not only does he lose all his family, but he is forced to survive 227
days at sea with very limited resources. This ordeal causes great psychological pressure on Pi and
causes his mind to find ways to cope with all the stress. When asked to describe what happened, Pi
tells two stories: one with him surviving with animals including an adult Bengal tiger named Richard
Parker, and a parallel story with humans in which Pi is forced to bend morality. Pi s story of his
survival with Richard Parker is a fiction that he creates to cope with a reality that is too difficult to
face. Undoubtedly, Pi s story with ... Show more content on ...
Pi is at sea for 227 days. Surviving that long alone is nothing short of a miracle. Another thing is that
in Pi s second story, Pi states the tragic events that he is put through. For example, he watched his
mother get murdered, he killed the cook, and he was forced to resort to cannibalism. Pi says, I
descended to a level of savagery I never imagined possible (197). This shows his particular struggle
with keeping to his vegetarian way and how much it hurt him that he had to break his vegetarian ways
to survive. All these show why he would want to suppress this experience with a story filled with
animals. Additionally, late in his journey Pi says, It was natural that, bereft and desperate as I was, in
the throes of unremitting suffering, I should turn to God (283 284). This shows how religiously
connected he was throughout his journey. In addition, it shows how Pi could have created the Richard
Parker story to align it with a miracle filled story that was created to show belief in religion can save
you. Pi s story s main purpose may be to make the listener believe in god and attribute his survival to
such higher power. Pi s specific reason for creating the Richard Parker story is unclear, but there is no
doubt a multitude of reasons that would justify why Pi would want to create the Richard Parker story.
Unquestionably, both stories have extreme parallelism that
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Consequences of Vietnamese Victory Against the French in...
Assess the consequences of the Vietnamese victory against the French for Indochina in the periods
1954 1964.
The Vietnamese victory against the French at the battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954 brought about
dramatic changes to Indochina. These changes took place in the Geneva Conference which shortly
happened after the battle of Dien Bien Phu. General Vo Nguyen Giap and Ho Chi Minh who were the
Vietminh s leader had only one goal and that was to unify Vietnam and declare independence from
colonial rule but however their goals were not achieved at the end of the Geneva Conference due to a
number of reasons.
The Battle of Dien Bien Phu was a humiliating defeat for the French but however this victory was a
resounding victory for the Vietminh ... Show more content on ...
The Soviets were more concerned about the security situation in Europe while China feared being
dragged into another Korea style confrontation against the US in Indochina and therefore pressured
the Vietminh to accept the division of Vietnam. The result of the tensions at the conference due to
behind the scenes pressures and secret meetings was the Geneva Agreement of 1954. It was a
compromise which satisfied nobody. This would soon lead to a second Indochina war due to the
involvements of the U.S who sought to spread nationalism and anti communist ideas throughout
Vietnam and the Soviet and China who supported the Communist North.
The historian Stanley Karnow made a comment that America had a strict desire to not be committed to
anything being signed at Geneva because of the fact that US Secretary of State Dulles ordered the US
delegation chief, Bedell Smith, to remain aloof and make no concessions to the Communists. Dulles
knew, suggests Karnow, that whatever was going to come out of Geneva was going to be
The Geneva Conference produced no durable solution to the Indochina conflict, only a military truce
that awaited a political settlement, which never really happened. So the conference was merely an
interlude between two wars or rather, a lull in the same war
This comment made by Karnow is true as
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Pros And Cons Paper Outline For Kids - Kids Fun Activities

  • 1. Pros And Cons Paper Outline For Kids - Kids Fun Activities 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Pros And Cons Paper Outline For Kids - Kids Fun Activities Pros And Cons Paper Outline For Kids - Kids Fun Activities
  • 2. Mercutio s Mask Mercutio s mask embraces many symbols that represent his personality through out the play. The four key characteristics that symbolize Mercutio are bravery, joyfulness, straightforward and last but not least a good friend. The first characteristic that exemplifies Mercutio is his bravery and this is represented on the mask with a chessboard. In Act 3, Scene 1, Mercutio says, O calm dishonorable, vile submission! Alla staccato carries it away. (Draws his sword) Tybalt, you rat catcher, will you walk? (3.1.45) Here Mercutio shows bravery when he takes the challenge of fighting Tybalt away from Romeo even though Mercutio knows that he could die while he is fighting. There is an endless dispute between the Montague s and the Capulet Families. ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments Graves disease Causes, symptoms, and treatments by Mary Smith Graves disease is an immune system disorder that results in the overproduction of hormones (hyperthyroidism). Many disorders may be a result in hyperthyroidism, Graves disease is the most common cause. Thyroid hormones affect many different body systems, signs and symptoms associated with Graves disease can wide ranging and can influence your over all wellbeing. Graves disease may affect anyone, it s more common among women and before the age of 40. Primary treatment goals are to inhibit the overproduction of thyroid hormones and lesson the severity of the symptoms. There are numerous signs that allude to the presence of Graves disease, most notably is a large protruding bulb associated with the thyroid gland (goiter), changes in the menstrual cycle, bulging eyes (Graves ophthalmopathy), and less common is Graves demopathy, or thick, red skin usually found on the shins or tops of the feet. One of the most telling symptoms of Graves disease presents in about 30% of those diagnosed with the condition is Graves ophthalmopathy. Graves ophthalmopathy refers to bulging of the eyes, exophthalmos, a gritty sensation in the eyes, pressure and/or pain in the eyes, puffy or retracted eye lids, reddened or inflamed eyes, sensitivity to light, double vision, or outright vision loss. While these signs are strongly associated with Graves disease, the symptoms do not associate solely with the condition. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Alfred Hitchcock s Motion Picture Psycho Alfred Hitchcock s motion picture Psycho, released in 1960, contains peculiar placement of predatory birds and other fowls with corresponding lines regarding birds from Norman Bates, the primary antagonist. Throughout the movie, various references concerning birds are can be drawn through the use of bird s eye view camera angle, location names, and character names. As the movie begins, the first camera angle used is bird s eye view. Viewers venture, bird like, into Marion Crane s apartment complex where she and her lover, Sam Loomis, are conversing about their desire to get married. Marion s last name, Crane, seems to symbolize her character in a physical way like an actual crane: migratory and defenseless. Like the crane resides in a typically marshy area, Marion s eventual final resting place is in a marshy swamp near the Bates Motel. After Marion steals $40,000 from her employer s client to pay off Sam s debt, she runs away from her home, Phoenix. Like the mythological bird, the city of Phoenix comes to represents Marion s death and rebirth as she leaves her innocent secretarial job behind for a better life with Sam. Although these references to birds are subtle and can remain unnoticed, there are other references in the movie that are entirely noticeable. In this film, the reference to birds in the parlor and the motel room serve as a visual motif for Norman s conflict with his mother, other women, and himself. The most obvious reference to birds takes place in the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Fight For Gay Rights Movement Today, the fight for homosexual right is at the forefront of society, which yields a greater thrust towards full equality to heterosexuals with every passing day. This campaign for equality is known as the Modern Gay Rights Movement. The modern struggle for gay rights started as early as The Civil Rights Movement in 1954, and still continues today (Britannica). The Civil Rights Movement, from 1954 1968, sparked oppressed people to fight for their rights. In this period, shockwaves from blacks gaining equality rippled onto the movement for homosexual rights; gays saw new opportunities to gain a public foothold. Additionally, they sought recognition as a viable movement especially after the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ... Show more content on ... With an arrest warrant, a police officer arrived at Hardwick s house; as he was investigating the house, he found Hardwick engaged in oral sex with another male. The officer arrested Hardwick on the infringement of the Georgia statute that prohibited homosexual sodomy. The law stated: Anal or oral intercourse between human beings, or any sexual relations between a human being and an animal, the act of which may be punishable as a criminal offense (Self). The sodomy charges were dropped when the state prosecutor declined to prosecute the case. However, Hardwick, along with the American Civil Liberties Union, challenged the constitutionality of the law. The appealed the district court decision to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, and succeeded in having it overturned, on the basis that the case interfered with the 4th Amendment: the right to privacy (Stoddard). The nine justices ruling the Supreme Court decided the Court would uphold the law in a 5 4 vote. In their dissent, the justices disdained neither legal principles nor legal reasoning (Stoddard). The Court rejected several arguments, and most importantly; the fundamental right to engage in homosexual activity, even in the privacy of a home. This rejection by Justice White was on the basis that illegal conduct is not always immunized whenever it occurs in the home (Oyez). It is unconstitutional that one is being persecuted for expressing their sexual ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Kate O Hare, Jack London, And Assata Shakur The American judicial system is one that convicts and incarcerate prisoners for various crimes. When someone commits a crime, it is the judicial system s responsibility to enforce and apply the laws. Under United States legislation, criminals are innocent until proven guilty in a court trial, but the judicial system during the twentieth century did not properly give them fair trials. Instead, the court system convicted many prisoners guilty of crimes they supposedly committed. This situation created the start of a new and corrupt judicial system because prisoners could not plead their case in court. Kate O Hare, Jack London, and Assata Shakur provide an accurate and historical view of the American judicial system as unethical because many ... Show more content on ... Instead of convicts receiving fair trials and being treated equally, the judicial system discriminated against poverty stricken people and allowed brutal treatment and conditions. Prisons in America contained a high percentage of poor people because they could not afford bail or lawyers. The judicial system had no respect towards the poor because they were viewed as uneducated people. Since the rich had the finances to pay for lawyers and bail, they were less likely to be incarcerated. Money showed respect, intelligence, and power for wealthy people. Besides discrimination being an issue for the judicial system, unfair trials for convicts also occurred. Prisoners were not given the chance to plead guilty or not guilty in a courtroom because they did not have lawyers appointed to them. The judge solely decided whether to convict a criminal guilty or not guilty of the crime they supposedly committed. It was common for prisoners to be incarcerated for crimes they never committed because the judicial system allowed unfair trials. Prisoners experienced brutal and inhumane treatments and conditions that include physical abuse, unsanitary living environments, and the possibility of contracting diseases. The judicial system selfishly altered the laws for their own well being. They benefitted from the changes and were never held accountable for the acts they allowed and committed. This created the corruption in ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Essay On Folic Acid In Australia, the reasonableness and effectiveness of folic acid being mandatorily fortified to support healthy pregnancy when considering the occurrence of NTDS in Australian children due to the amount their mothers have consumed of folic acid during pregnancy. The main purpose for creating a mandatory policy to include folic acid to the wheat flour of non organic bread in Australia is to reduce the incidence of NTDs across the nation. Substantial rates of NTDs occur worldwide as significantly more folate is needed early in pregnancy than in other life stages. This early stage of pregnancy is often when women are unaware that they are pregnant. The folate is required for the development of the embryonic neural tube, which develops into ... Show more content on ... Overall, for women 16 44 years of age, the amount of folic acid being consumed was concerningly low initially, with a mean of 102µg/day. Current recommendations provided by the NHMRC (2006) for women at child bearing age is an intake of at least 400µg of folate per day, with a 500µg daily supplement when trying for a baby. This is particularly with the focus of avoiding the incidence of NTDs in newborn infants. The mean folic acid intake has now increased to 247 µg/day (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2017). In the past, mandatory fortification has also been under scrutiny for reaching those at greatest risk of producing Neural Tube Defects and to be less able to access foods fortified with folate acid, such as pregnant teenagers and Indigenous populations (Baker et al., 2009; Harrison et al., 2007). However, recent data indicates otherwise, likely as the food fortification occurs to bread which is a relatively affordable and available food eaten by most Australians (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2017). Pregnant teenagers gave birth to 54.8% less NTD effected children after mandatory folic acid fortification. A rate of 74% less NTDs amongst Indigenous women is an even more substantial decline of NTD occurrence, since folic acid fortification of breads became ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Essay on The Red Badge of Courage The Red Badge of Courage The Red Badge of Courage, by Steven Crane, has been considered one of the greatest war novels of all time. It is a story that realistically depicts the American Civil War through the eyes of Henry Fleming, an ordinary farm boy who decides to become a soldier. Henry is very determined to become a hero, and the story tells Henrys voyage from being a young coward to becoming a brave man. This voyage is the classic trip from innocence to experience. To begin, the story starts out with a huge debate between the soldiers. One boy had heard a rumor that the regiment would be moving on to fight a battle the next day. Some of the soldiers agree with this boy. Others think that their regiment will never go ... Show more content on ... Tom and Henry talk about how they are not going to run away from war, and how they want to become big time war heroes. This is weird because in the end of the book you will find that their wishes come true. When the battle starts, all the soldiers get very anxious and nervous. Tom and Henry don t turn out to be as brave as they think that they could be. While hiding, Tom finds Henry, and gives him an envelope of letters for his family. Tom believes that this will be his first and his last battle. Henry ends up fulfilling his worst nightmare. Instead of sticking out the battle with the rest of his regiment, he hides behind some brush in order to spare himself from getting shot. He listens in on the battle, and to much of his surprise, he hears cheering from what s left of his regiment. He then takes off into the woods in anger. While running through the woods his conscience begins to speak to him. He keeps telling himself that he is a coward and a deserter. Out of guilt, Henry runs back to the battle site, and meets again with his regiment. These actions showed Henry s maturity and desire to be a war hero. When Henry meets back up with his regiment an older man begins to have a discussion with him. The old man asks Henry where yuh hit, ol boy? . With massive feelings of guilt, Henry shrugs away from the man and runs back into the woods. From behind a tree, he can see all the wounded soldiers on the battle field. At times he regarded ... Get more on ...
  • 9. How To Be Happy Essay Strive to be happy . What does this mean? What does it mean to be happy? What does happiness truly entail? Being happy is a goal which many people endeavour to achieve throughout their lives. However, many people never seem to reach their goal, as happiness is something one cannot stumble upon. It is something we have to be. We cannot wait our whole lives hoping that one day we will magically become happy . As Aristotle correctly said, Happiness depends upon ourselves . We have to find our own happiness in everyday lives. We have to create our own happiness. We have to strive for our own happiness. Before we venture out on our road to happiness, we have to truly understand what it means to be happy and how we each find our own happiness. As we are all individuals with our own specific characteristics and defining traits, each of us has to find our own way to becoming happy. There are many ways to do this but, in my opinion, being happy derives from having a purpose. Having a purpose and a responsibility in life enables one to live a meaningful life, contributing in our own way to whatever cause we may choose and thus bringing ourselves happiness. I recently learned more about Viktor Frankl, a world renowned psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, who fathered Logotherapy: a means of helping patients ... Show more content on ... The fear of failing and living merely a mediocre life could distract anyone from achieving. People begin to re think their journey when the results do not show quickly enough and they are not entirely happy. However, there are significant realisations we all need to come to. Firstly, it is highly unlikely that one can constantly feel happy; there will be many days when we will feel downcast and miserable and that is a normal part of life. Also, the road to achieving happiness is a long one and a process that takes time; we all need to be patient and watch as every day we come closer and closer to reaching our ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Comparing Gilgamesh And Noah s Flood Few stories written in ancient times, such as the ones about Noah and his flood and Gilgamesh and his flood, have been able to survive the test of time. This why when books as well written as these two are found from ancient times, people tend to be drawn toward them. Books such as these are often very thoroughly studied and observed just because of how long ago they were written. It s enjoyable to experience the type of writing a completely different time period was able to produce. However, with all the praise the pieces get, comes great skepticism as well. A major event in both pieces of writing is a divine inspired flood. Both books also have very similar characteristics within each of their flood stories. The story of Noah s flood was based off of the flood of Gilgamesh and the timing of the pieces being written and the similarities between the stories are the reason why. ... Show more content on ... Skeptics claim that the flood narrative of Genesis is a rewritten version of an original myth (, 1). The myth they are referring to is that of Gilgamesh and his flood. It is believed that the books could have been written up to 2800 years apart. Knowing the difference in time between the writing of the two books is an essential step in understanding how Noah s flood was just retold from the original flood of Gilgamesh. The most important part of revealing the copying of Gilgamesh s flood is in all the different characteristics the floods share. Some of the similarities are very striking (, 1). This quote is referring to the connections the author makes earlier in the article between the two flood stories. Some of these connections include the floods being caused by upset gods, the bringing of all species of animals on board, and the landing of the ship on a ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Pros And Cons Of War Is it possible for any good to come from war or loss of lives? There are always casualties of war including some innocent lives that just get caught in the midst of assault. A war is a large scale combat involving hundreds to thousands of soldiers fighting for their country, freedoms, religious liberty. Of course that means war has a bigger impact and must be carefully considered and justified before attempted. Massacres differ greatly from war simply because they have no good purpose other than to destroy life. They are always senseless hate crimes against innocent human beings intended only to strike fear and devastation into others. The world has been at war for centuries from disagreements which should be expected among countries and nations due to different cultures, values, and beliefs. No one has the right to decide that killing is justified. Politicians and leaders of nations may claim that war is necessary for a variety of reasons. Protecting land boundaries, power and control, and the right to live and practice religion are some of the most common reasons why war may take place. At least there are specific reasons for war. Soldiers know what they are fighting for and they believe in it enough to do so rather than be imprisoned or exiled. A just war means that there needs to be a legitimate reason that justifies it, and that there is no other way to resolve the conflict. Wars usually come about between whole nations or groups of people that are fighting for a ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Guided Pathway Analysis Hi Paul: The other day, I had a discussion with both Marjane and Jim concerning Dr. Lewis email about working on the psychology mapping for the guided pathway efforts. Without going into speculations about her motives, I think it is important that we are prepared to develop a BHS map program for the guided pathway efforts. I would like to stress that the BHS program merits its own mapping for the guided pathway efforts. Nonetheless, we need to be prepared for any curve balls that the PSY Department will throw our way. Paul, since you will be the BHS voice at the Guided Pathways Mapping Meeting this week, here are a few Curve Balls that we might need to rebuttal. Curve Ball I: I believe that individuals in the psychology department ... Show more content on ... For example, see requirements for a Masters of Arts in Psychological Sciences at NAU: programs/graduate program/master s degree requirements/ However, I will do some additional research to verify if this is the case. I know various master programs, such as computer sciences, do require that bachelor students meet prerequisites, but, on average, I don t believe this is the case with psychology. Nonetheless, I will look into the matter further and provide you with an update. Curve Ball IV: Particular individuals in the Social Work program has expressed that the BHS program is an worthless academic degree since it does not allow students to continue their education in the field. We now have the following articulation agreements, including a 90/30 program offered on campus at both GCC and SMCC: Antioch University: Bachelor of Arts in Human Services Administration Argosy University: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
  • 13. Arizona State ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Weberian Bureaucracy Case Study First of all, I agree that the political structure and administrative arrangements in Hong Kong have contributed to the closest approximation of Weberian bureaucracy in contemporary world. When Hong Kong government gained sovereignty after the handover in 1997, it has adopted the bureaucracy model to solve the problems of its inefficiency post government during the colonial period. The bureaucracy was suggested by a German sociologist Max Weber, who claimed it as an ideal system for the efficiency of the organization and administration. Max Weber s bureaucracy consists of six specific characteristics: division of work, authority hierarchy, formal selection, formal rules and regulations, impersonality, and career orientation. Among these six ... Show more content on ... For the Victoria Harbor planning, Hong Kong government decided to coordinate with various non government actors and private sectors. This was because the Government believed harbor planning should not only limited to government s purview but should integrate the public s opinions towards the planning. However, the government was superior in decision making process and showed that it did not wanted publics to engage in policy making process. For example, most of policy making process was done autonomously by the government where the non government actors were absent; lack of communication channel between the government and non government sectors; and government only informed its decisions to non government sectors without consulting with them. Therefore, there were constant conflicts between the government, private sectors, and the group of civil society throughout the process. If there was a proper communications and co ordination, and if government allowed non government actors to engage in decision making process, the tension between the government and non government actors wouldn t be exist. Because even though their interests and aims are different they can reach an agreement throughout the direct and indirect communications. Therefore, with impersonality presents in the policy co ordination process, the power structure would not ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Community Digital Art Many artists around the world work with a canvas, on paper, and many other ways of drawing, even since computers and technology became mainstream artist have also started using the digital world as their canvas. I started digital art when I first started on the computer and I ve been hooked ever since. Digital art is a great way of drawing without making a mess on your desk, it s all accomplished in files and programs on your computer. In the beginning there wasn t really any programs that allowed you to freely draw what you wanted. When Windows XP first came out, many creative minds started to realize there was a program called Paint on their desktop. Paint wasn t a very cutting edge program but it was advanced for its time and many digital artists started with it. I actually believe that it is indeed much easier to use a computer to draw than it is on a canvas or ... Show more content on ... There are many websites that encourage artist of both digital and traditional mediums. Websites such as Youtube and Reddit encourage artist and what they do and digital art has even blossomed some websites like DeviantArt and Tumblr. I have meet many of my friends through these websites and I am really happy with who I m with today, the community digital art has brought to the internet is phenomenal. People have gotten famous from these communities and have gone on to live their dreams. I have been inspired by so many great artists that I probably wouldn t have known about if it weren t for the amazingly active community that is Digital artist. People even make a living off their art by starting commissions or requests for money. The online art community has created many jobs for artist all around the world. Many artists have been hired by big companies because of the large community s support of those artists. Many new jobs have also arouse for new possibilities around the globe, these jobs vary from animator, illustrator, ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Biking Autobiography Growing up I wanted to get a motorcycle so badly. Every birthday, every Christmas I would ask and bug the heck out of my parents to get me a motorcycle. And one lucky day I got what I always wanted. my first dirtbike was a CRF 100 that was brand new, still had the tire stickers on it and all, I loved that bike. The day I got my motorcycle my dad went into the shop to get a new tire for his bike, when he left the store I had a brand new motorcycle. A beautiful red Honda, a Honda that was 103cc to be exact. I was on the bike everyday. My father and I used to go riding every chance we got, we d go to the state forest or even to Richmond pond which was my favorite ride. We got to take the train tracks there the whole way and that meant I could just hold the throttle wide open. As a kid dirt biking was the only thing that I connected with and amused me. Growing up dirt biking met the whole family would be together on the weekends and I would get to do what I love. ... Show more content on ... A bike that is a 2 stroke and is used in competitions like motocross races. My dad brought me to the local track southwick mx located in southwick, Massachusetts to race my first amateur motocross race. I signed up for 250c which the c is based off your ability, c class is the lowest, b class is amateur rank, and a class is pro. So I went out and did horrible, I was flopping over in every corner, going down the straight a ways with my hands almost falling off. It was a mess to say the least, but I had fun and my dad was super excited for me and ever since that day me and him have been ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Teenage Pregnancy Is A Controversial Concept Teenage pregnancy is a controversial concept nowadays. When a teen girl becomes pregnant and goes to the doctor, the doctor must tell her parents, even if she does not want to. This causes big issues because the girls feel like they have no privacy in their situation. I agree with the doctors informing the young girls guardians because the girl is under their care, she is a minor, and they must know what is going on. Some people though, have different opinions. Many people believe that telling the parents their teen is pregnant is the correct decision. This is because most teenagers don t fully understand how much responsibility and time goes into providing care for a baby. She is too young to make her own decisions and needs contraceptive advice from her parents, whom have experienced this in their lives. There was a study in November of 2004 in which 11 women and 9 men were asked questions concerning their feeling towards confidentiality (Dr Jane Carlisle Public Health, School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield May 2005). The results of this study were that the young girls (aged 14 through 17) were more concerned about their privacy, especially the older ones (Dr Jane Carlisle Public Health, School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield May 2005). Since doctors must inform the teens parents, many teenagers neglect consulting a doctor if they have any personal or sensitive issues (Dr Jane Carlisle Public Health, School of ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Real Unemployment Rate The Real Unemployment Rate Jessi Stevenson July 14th, 2015 Macroeconomics Embry Riddle Aeronautical University The unemployment rate in the United States of America is a topic that is often scrutinized and discussed among economists, politicians and fellow citizens. Frequently newscasters are advertising monthly unemployment rate, and I ask myself this question: Is the rate being published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) actually the true figure, or is the real number being misrepresented? In effort to answer this question, one has to understand the breakdown of the U.S. population as it relates to the actual labor force. One also has to comprehend who the government considers to be unemployed. I will be analyzing the current statistical numbers provided by the BLS, as well providing a detailed analysis of the government s perspective as to what is deemed to be employed and unemployed. As mentioned in our text, Economics (Arnold, 2011), the total U.S. population is broken up into two separate groups. They are as follows: 16 years and under, the armed forces, and the institutionalized (these 3 sections make up the first group). The second group consists of all others in the total population labeled the civilian non institutional population. The civilian non institutional population is made up of two groups those in the labor force, and those not in the labor force. Those who are considered to be in the labor force are either employed or ... Get more on ...
  • 19. How Does Memory Affect The Development Of Middle Childhood With each growing year a child s vocabulary increases. By the time children are six years old, they have become proficient at the knowledge of basic grammar and vocabulary of their main language. By this age group, children are speaking parts of speech such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives. They are capable of learning up to twenty words a day and they become more flexible and logical. Children can comprehend prefixes, suffixes, metaphors, and other figures of speech. Because children can now understand and use metaphors, it becomes easier for them to reveal and express their emotions. The best way for children to learn most of their vocabulary is through their family and friends. Middle age children tend to learn best when in an environment with their friends and family not in a class. During middle childhood memory plays a large part in the child s developing and learning. Also, memory improves significantly during this time period. At this age, all stages of memory are affected by the development and experience of the child. Sensory memory, which is the first element of memory, which improves slightly until the child reaches approximately ten years old, and then remains sufficient until adulthood. Working memory improves steadily and significantly. Working memory improves the most once in middle childhood because children of this ... Show more content on ... Metacognition allows a child to evaluate how they may accomplish a task and then improve or make adjustments to it if needed. Like most skills, metacognition improves with age and experience. Metacognition is a cognitive skill and helps children during middle childhood by helping them use their brains when completing a task or goal. If that task or goal is not successfully done then the child can use more cognitive brain power to figure out how they can improve it. Their ability to do this will help them in many situations from academic to social and ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Virgil Analysis of Dante Inferno Essay example Virgil Virgil came to be regarded as one of Rome s greatest poets. His Aeneid can be considered a national epic of Rome and has been extremely popular from its publication to the present day. Virgil Beatrice sends Virgil to Earth to retrieve Dante and act as his guide through Hell and Purgatory. Since the poet Virgil lived before Christianity, he dwells in Limbo (Ante Inferno) with other righteous non Christians. As author, Dante chooses the character Virgil to act as his guide because he admired Virgil s work above all other poets and because Virgil had written of a similar journey through the underworld. Thus, Virgil s character knows the way through Hell and can act as Dante s knowledgeable guide while he struggles alongside Dante ... Show more content on ... Dante is like the son Virgil never had. This comes to light most apparently in their flight from the two timing demons. In lifting Dante to his chest and carrying him as he sprints toward safety, Virgil becomes a mother figure to the terrified Dante. Hmmm, father and mother? You re right in guessing that something bigger is going on here. As an unofficial poet laureate of the Romans, Virgil is a kind of patron spirit of Italy. Moreover, as the consummate speaker and writer of Latin the ancestor language of Italian Virgil is, in a sense, the fore father of Dante s native language. The two poets kinship traces back to their respective languages. Virgil and Language As much as Dante wants the title of world s greatest poet, Virgil, it seems, has that honor. If you haven t noticed, the author Dante hits us over the head with all the linguistic imagery in which Virgil is steeped. First and foremost, there s that big important passage about Virgil s persuasive word. We know this is a weird concept so let s just recap. The phrase in Italian is parole ornate which translates literally as decorated word. Doesn t that fit Virgil to a T? We re talking about the writer of the Aeneid here, the Latin epic to end all epics, and Dante s all time favorite book. We figure that Virgil spent so much time writing the Aeneid invoking the Muses, speaking in ... Get more on ...
  • 21. My Math Experience Reflection As I reflect on my first four week of algebra I recall being very skeptical that I could learn and complete a mathematics course with a passing grade. Thats because I had not taken a mathematics course since graduating high school in 1999. I struggled with match in high school and never really felt overly confident that I could learn and apply mathematics in real life. Over the past four weeks I have learned a great deal of information and how algebra can be applied in real world applications. The course has been challenging but I feel that I am doing ok and I am hopeful that I can pass this course and move on to attaining my degree. The course material has at times been challenging to comprehend and apply. One of the most difficult parts of the course has been with the course going on during the Christmas and New Years holiday. I know in the past Grantham has advertised and granted extensions for assignment due dates based on holidays. Being an active duty member in the military working full time and trying to manage a home and work life balance it can be challenging especially during the holidays. I spent most of Christmas day working on my pre test and quiz for week 3. Its tuff to break away from the family and try to explain that I need to take care of my homework. But if this is whats required to achieve my goal of earning a degree its a small price to pay. I think the study strategy that has worked best is to use all available resources. I have read and watched ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Abstinence In American Culture The American government considers itself a knight in shining armor fighting the ugly dragon of injustice, and hate. In reality, it looks more like a bum, racking up debt and enforcing ignorance and intolerance. The IRB, institutional review board, limits anthropologists from studying people they consider vulnerable . These are groups that include: prisoners, terminally ill persons, children, people with mental illness, and pregnant women . When the government bodies prohibit anthropologists from studying people who fall on the fringes of these categories, they hinder understanding. having more data about these individuals may be key to fixing the hate directed towards these demographics. governments regulation on anthropologists enforces a system of hate and ignorance. The American culture has this crazy notion that the government or anyone in authority cannot talk to anyone under the age of 18 about sex, or sexuality. Unless it is in a sterile environment like a classroom or a doctor s office. and even when these dialogues do happen, it s to enforce abstinence only ideas. This fear of sex leads to a society of teenagers who are more likely to cause harm to themselves or their partners. The government steps on its own toes when the IRB prohibits an anthropologist, ... Show more content on ... The governmental perpetuation of the myth that people who do not identify with their assigned gender at birth have a mental illness enforces public misunderstanding, fear, and hate. When government agents prohibit the gathering of information about trans individuals, they close themselves off from understanding the values and motives, of a large portion of the population. The government perpetuating the misconception that trans gendered individuals are mentally ill encourages citizens to fear people who are not like them. Sustaining a culture of ignorance and ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Bp Oil Spill Letter The purpose for my letter is to express my concerns of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill that occurred April 20, 2010. The BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill is the most recent oil spill and in all probability the biggest catastrophic spill in the petroleum industry. The BP oil spill did not just affect the company, it affected so much more; it had such a huge impact on the birds, whales, and the costal habitats. Six years ago the Macondo oil well in the Gulf of Mexico blew out, causing an explosion. Oil leaked from the broken well from mid April to mid July, nearly three months, causing more than 200 million gallons of crude oil to swim out onto the gulf shoreline. In addition to the oil, almost 2 million gallons of virulent dispersant was used. The chemical dispersant did not lessen the amount of oil, but broke it into smaller particles, leaving the Gulf of Mexico as a dead zone. My concerns are the animals that are continuing to be harmed by the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was a deadly accident that caused a lot of harm; it destroyed Gulf fishing and tourism industries. The spill injured 17 people and 11 people lost their lives. The marine ... Show more content on ... I write this letter to BP on behalf of myself and many citizens who are concerned. I list plausible solutions so another oil spill does not occur. Investigators say one of the causes for the spill was that it failed to be properly inspected. A way we can easily avoid a second oil spill is by continually and constantly inspecting correctly. Schedule regular audits. Technology has advanced so much that BP can add leak detection devices to the wells. BP should avoid places where there are a lot of fishermen or places like the Gulf of Mexico just because there is a lot of reef that can be harmed again. We all need to bring about a change; it can save us money, we can save our marine wildlife, and together we can save our Mother ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Essay On The Crucible Movie I watched the movie The Crucible directed by Nicholas Hytner in 1996. Initially, I was excited to watch the film because the topic really interested me, I had also heard good things about the movie from other people. When the movie started I was a bit confused as to what was happening and then I realized they were witches and they were involving in some sort of practice. I liked the actors a lot, I knew some of them from previous movies and shows and was excited to see their performance in this movie. The opening credits of the movie are too, Winona Ryder, Daniel Day Lewis, Paul Scofield, Joan Allen, Rob Campbell, and Bruce Davison. The movie s main characters are Abigail Williams played by Winona Ryder, John Proctor played by Daniel Day ... Show more content on ... They claim that they have been possessed by others and they have made them do bad things. The story follows mainly the struggle of Abigail Williams. The people accused of witchcraft were brought to trial and were judged by Judge Thomas Danforth. During the trials, many are accused of witchcraft and are sentenced to be hung. All the while some of the girls are trying to decide what they believe is true and right. One of the girls, Mary Warren, chooses to testify that everything she said about seeing spirits was lies. She does this in order to save the lives of John Proctor s wife, Elizabeth, who was accused of witchcraft. But then she changes direction again in her faith and goes back to being with the girls. After many of the accused were hung, John Proctor is arrested along with his wife. In the end of the movie, he signs a document saying that he was apart of witchcraft, which is a lie. At the last second he does what God wants him to do and tells the truth, it costs him his life and his wife s life, but he is satisfied with his decision. The Salem girls still deal with inner turmoil and try to make life as normal as it can be for ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Rights Of A Contract For a contract to be created there has to be an offer, acceptance, intention of legal consequence, and consideration. Capacity comes under the umbrella of contract law. It can be defined as a person s capability entering in to a legal contract or agreement and be bound by it. Upex (2008) has said all persons have full legal power to enter into any legal contract they wish and thus bind themselves . Capacity can be categorized under three headings; Individuals, Corporations and Partnerships. There are exceptions to the rule of entering a contract which includes minors, people with a mental illnesses, or who are under the influence of alcohol. These groups of people are seen as having no capacity, or incapacity. If any of these issues are present at the time they are entering in to the contract then it can then be seen as unenforceable or will be queried. Under the Family Law Reform Act 1969 a minor is seen as a person under the age of 18. The main statute which minors are governed by is the Minors Contract Act 1987. It states a contract made by a minor is not void; and although the minor is not normally bound, the other party will be. Minors are seen as having limitations when entering in to contracts, and therefore there are some immunities to the rule. This includes necessaries and none necessaires, voidable contracts, or non binding contracts which have been ratified. In terms of the necessaries, The Sale of Goods Act 1979 says that goods suitable to the condition ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Case Analysis Of T-Mobile Brief overview of the company T Mobile is Germany network of mobile phone, it provides mobile phone service and wireless. T Mobile is a subsidiary company of western wireless company. It was established in 1994 with about 50000 employees including full time and part time employees. Actually, it generates its profit and revenue by providing its customers with affordable services of wireless communication as well as by offering wireless devices such as, tablets, smart phones and other mobile devices. Most of its expenses are related to expanding their network, retaining their high quality customers, compensating their employees. Moreover, T Mobile has successfully strengthened its position as a provider of LTE service with high speed by continuous ... Show more content on ... First of all, customer criticized that their phone or SIM card had problems. When many people used for a long time, the network and text messages will be affected badly. The solution is that internal flaws needs improvements. The main problem that the company is trying to keep up the quick change technology in the mobile communication area. The difficulty was keep up from content viewpoint. Customers were not able to find info across the tools that company provide in Jive and share point systems. Information was not organized in on place. The challenge was serving consumers as cost efficiently as possible with increasing customer satisfaction. T Mobile launched un carrier advantage which gives customers the choices to go away from its contract with the company. A2 Using the strategic structures, management must consider the organizational features: like competitive forces including, market saturation, product and service offerings, pricing, network investment, consumers experience, development of technologies, regulatory change, and availability of spectrum licenses. In addition, the relative power of customers, suppliers, substitute, and pries. Determine the basis of competition quality and price of ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Evaluation Of The Canadian Cancer Society Website Cancer DISCERN Evaluation of For individuals faced with a cancer diagnosis, information seeking plays a crucial role in their ability to cope with their diagnosis as well as treatment options. To make decisions, patients require information about their disease, treatment options that outline the benefits and risks, as well as alternative treatments and their prognosis (Rutten, Arora, Bakos, Aziz, Rowland, 2005). Modern technology has provided patients with access to a plethora of information, particularly as it relates to Cancer, furthermore with the internet becoming a primary source of information it is of importance that patients seeking health information become proficient in assessing the credibility of websites (Schwarz Ringel Morris, 2011). One instrument to aid in assessing the quality of treatment information in DISCERN. Through utilizing this tool, an evaluation of the Canadian Cancer Society Website will be presented to determine the quality of this websites content specifically as it relates to treatment information for cancer. The DISCERN Instrument The DISCERN instrument was developed by the National Health Services (NHS) as a result of a national project to develop quality standards for written information on treatment choices (DISCERN Handbook). The NHS is an organization that provides health care of all citizens in the United Kingdom regardless of their ability to pay (NHS Website). DISCERN was the first standardized index of quality ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Generation Of Today s Generation It is no secret that today s generation is the most technologically advanced in the history of the human race, and it is a common misconception that ours is the supreme generation because of this. In contrast, people see the low tech generation that came long before ourss as disconnected and as less important than the current generation. This could not be farther from the truth. Our grandparents generation may have endured different schooling and housing, and may have different mindsets than ours, but this in no way makes them irrelevant or inadequate. These people possess a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that we of the younger generation must not only acquire, but put into practice if we ever plan to improve the gilded generation that we have become. Children of today s generation attend not only kindergarten, but pre school and even some school prior to pre school. The notion that the younger children begin to learn, the more they can learn, drives many parents to push their kids to study and be strong academically. This is a stark contrast to the students of our grandparents generation, who began their academic careers in the first grade with parents who were more focused on their ability to work. Not only the age at which a student begins school differs between these generations, so does the age where the majority of people halt their education. Where an associate s degree today is the minimum for someone wishing to attain a stable respectably paying career, the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. American Imperialism Analysis My entire life I was taught that education is a major key to success. This notion was embedded in me, just like many others to receive an education so you can support yourself and truly experience the quintessential American Dream. At a very young age in America we are taught to compete in every aspect of life, to fight for ourselves (metaphorically), don t take no for an answer, always get better , and never accept mediocrity , these two phrases are what my high school football coach would preach to the team daily. Having this competitive mindset of always wanting more and stopping at nothing to achieve our personal goal might seem great especially for student athletes, but what if our government had this same mindset? There are wars happening ... Show more content on ... government has done an excellent job of dividing and conquering civilians by humanitarian versus militaristic imperialism (neocons) in politics. The neocons of the Reagan and Dubya s administration was a mixture of military imperialism of Theodore Roosevelt and the idealistic imperialism of Woodrow Wilson (Johnson, 70). This, as you would imagine is the Right or conservative Republican side. On the other dividing side, is what is referred by Johnson and Kumar as the humanitarian imperialist (Kumar, 59; Johnson, 71). Even though this phrase has a positive connotation in the word humanitarian, it also has the word imperialist, which contradict the phrase all together. The Clinton and Obama administrations would be referred to as humanitarian imperialists (Kumar, 59; Johnson, 71). These administrations use rhetoric such as making the world safe for democracy (Johnson, 71). These soft imperialists as Johnson describes are not in any way anti war. The neocons espouse preventative war (Johnson, 70), while the humanitarians consent to war due to an act of force of humanitarianism (Kumar, 59). The September 11th attacks were not due to any sort of humanitarian effort it was an all out nationalistic effort to go to war with the middle east. As far as politics in America is concerned, these two ideologies are used to gain votes or support the agenda the administration is trying to uphold. Whether it be, America trying to save a country from ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Compare and Contrast Autocratic and Democratic Leadership... Autocratic leadership is a classical leadership style with the following characteristics: manager seeks to make as many decisions as possible, manager seeks to have the most authority and control in decision making, manager seeks to retain responsibility rather than utilise complete delegation , consultation with other colleagues in minimal and decision making becomes a solitary process managers are less concerned with investing their own leadership development, and prefer to simply work on the task at hand. Whereas Democratic Leadership is the leadership style that promotes the sharing of responsibility, the exercise of delegation and continual consultation. The style has the following characteristics: manager seeks consultation on all ... Show more content on ... Many leaders who start pursuing leadership development are often trying to improve upon their organisations autocratic leadership style. Each of these leadership styles has its own benefits (advantages) disadvantages and they are as follows: Advantages of autocratic leadership Style Advantages democratic leadership style Reduced stress due to increased control: where the manager ultimately has significant legal and personal responsibility for a project, it will comfort them and reduce their stress levels to know that they have control over their fate. Positive work environment: a culture where junior employees are given fair amount of responsibility and are allowed to challenge themselves is one where employees are more enthused to work and enjoy what they do. A more productive group while the leader is watching : the oversight that an autocratic manager exerts over a team improves their working speed and makes them less likely to slack. Successful initiatives: the process of consultation and feedback naturally results in better decision making and more effective operations. Improved logistics of operations: having one leader with heavy involvement in many areas makes it more likely that problems are spotted in advance and deadlines met. Creative thinking The free flow of ideas and positive work environment is the perfect catalyst for creative thinking. Faster decision making: when only one person makes ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Nineteen Minutes The book Nineteen Minutes is a tragic story about a teenage boy going into his high school one day and start to shoot at people after being constantly bullied since kindergarten. The book Please Stop Laughing at Me is a true story about the author s own experiences being bullied in school. These two books both deal with the trauma of growing up being bullied and how they both handled it. Peter Houghton, the bullied victim in Nineteen Minutes, decided to take action himself because no one else was helping him. Jodee Blanco, after years of bullying, decided to make a book about her own experiences with bullying in her years after high school. Both books share lots in common, starting from their main characters to the characters experiences, ... Show more content on ... Like how both characters grew up, the people that help them through all of the bullying, and the end result of it all. Peter Houghton grew up with a golden boy brother, who was also one of his bullies until his death the previous year before the shooting and always made him feel unimportant in his own home. His parents weren t very helpful when Peter was getting bullied. Even from a young age Peter s mom wanted him to be strong about it and deal with the bullying rather than actually help him through it. He also had a best friend Josie Cormier, a best friend who used to defend from the bullies until she decided to leave him for the popular crowd in sixth grade.So after so many years and years of bullying, with no support from his family and due to the fact that he only had one friend who was also being bullied, Peter took it into his own hands to end the harassment and he went into his school and enacted his revenge. Unlike Peter, Jodee grew up as an only child in a loving supportive family. She had friends the moment she was in school, she wasn t popular but she had friends. She never had a constant friend that always defended her and was always there for her. Her parents were supportive of her when she told them about the bullying, even if she may not of liked their methods of helping her which was her going to the therapists, they were still supportive. As she grew up she began to notice ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Many People Desire the Perfect Self-Image that is... Perfection is defined by Webster s Dictionary as being entirely without flaws; something that cannot be improved. In today s society many people, particularly young women desire to be perfect in their outward appearance. They want the perfect hair, the perfect skin, the perfect body, which so many think would be the perfect life. However, perfection of this kind is very difficult to achieve, yet so many people still want this perfect self image. This desire for perfection has caused self hatred within many and this pandemic of perfection is rapidly spreading amongst individuals. The song Pretty Hurts by Beyoncé Knowles clearly shows how perfection is truly a disease of a nation. People are faced with the pressure to be perfect in ... Show more content on ... In the second verse of the song, Beyoncé states Blonder hair, flat chests, TV says bigger is better. South beach, sugar free, vogue says thinner is better. Many celebrities are seen on the cover of Vogue (one of the many magazines that upholds this standard) with beautiful features, size 0 bodies and hair that most people would envy. Many people have difficulty accepting their flaws. They battle with their own self conflict because they believe that they are not perfect. In the third verse, Beyonce sings Ain t got no doctor or pill that can take the pain away. The pain is inside and nobody frees you from your body; it s the soul that needs surgery. No matter how hard we try to fix our outward appearance to fit society s standards of perfection, we can never attain it because it doesn t exist. The problem comes from deep within therefore no plastic surgery can bring true happiness. She goes on to sing plastic smiles and denial can only take you so far, and you break when the fake facade leaves you in the dark. You left a shattered mirror in the shards of a beautiful girl. Yes, you can try alter your appearance to cover up the underlying issues but that is only a temporary solution. Searching your soul is the best way to deal with such issues. After soul searching and realizing that looks aren t important (shattered mirror) the beautiful girl was left in the shards that was ... Get more on ...
  • 33. A Report On Agriculture And Horticulture Class Introduction On the 15/03/16 our year 12 agriculture and horticulture class went on a trip to a local dairy goat farm. This is a 40 hectare farm on sandy loam soil which houses 1100 goats, all goats are kept in door and all food is made on site and bought to them along with their water. Only about 700 goats are being milked. These goats are milked on a rotary milk parlour, which is one of two in the country. There were 3 full time staff working and the manager. We asked the manager many questions to assist us with our internal. The answers were occasionally a bit brief due to the owner only taking over the farm about a month ago, but we received the necessary information. A guided tour took place with the owner and a full time employee. Which included us looking at the housing systems, feeding systems, the composting procedure, Milking shed and other relevant information such as the restrictions they have. Soil Impacts Having good soil structure is very important for all types of farming. To constantly provide quality feed soil with a good tilth and with plenty of nutrients is required. This is achieved by collecting urine and dung from the milk shed and is collected in ponds. The liquid is drained away and are processed through 3 screens then drained into a holding tank ready to be spread on the farm. While this process is taking place the original solids are scraped away and placed into a bay with a weeping wall to drain the excess water. Once most water has been drained ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Classical Theory Vs Strain Theory Essay Key Characteristics Both classical theory and strain theory are widely known and established theories that although have similar goals are vastly difference in terms of their key characteristics. Classical theory was developed in the 18th century during the enlightenment era and is the foundation of the classical school of criminology (Clinard and Meier, 2008, p65 67). Classical theory is the theory that individuals are self seeking rational actors who under their own free will commit crimes after weighing up to pros and cons of the situation (Loughran et al. 2016, para 4; White, Haines and Asquith, 2012, p28 31). This theory takes an individualist approach to explaining CCB that sees individuals as rights holders who have the equal capacity to make rational choices and focuses on the criminal act rather than the offender (White, Haines and ... Show more content on ... The theory believes the most appropriate response to crime is through swift and punitive punishment based on the pleasure pain principle and see punishment as the key mechanism to preventing crime, arguing that if punishment is swift, just and certain both the individual (specific deterrence) and society members (general deterrence) will be deterred from committing crime (Akers, 1990, p654 659). Strain theory, on the other hand, is an adaption of Durkheim s anomie theory and branches off sociological positivism (Brezina, 2011, p99 103). Strain theory is the theory that society pressures individuals to achieve socially acceptable goals (SAG), and when individuals cannot reach these goals due to lack of means (e.g. poverty), individuals experience a strain and turns to crime (White, Haines and Asquith, 2012, p67 71; Walters, 2010, p316). This theory takes a sociological approach to explaining CCB that sees social strains and inadequate structural opportunities to blame for crime and highlights that individuals are not equal in their capacity to make rational choices (Clinard and ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Attention Deficit Disorder Essay Attention Deficit Disorder Attention Deficit Disorder otherwise known as ADD is a condition that refers to an individual s inability to control their own behavior or impulse(McEwan 70). This can begin in early childhood and interfere with children s ability to do well in school and social situations. These patients also have troubles blocking out noise or other stimuli in order to focus on a task or what is being said. ADD is a chronic problem that can be seen as early as infancy and can extend to adulthood. There are two types of Attention Deficit Disorder. The most common form is Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The characteristic of this type is hyperactivity, which is seen before the child enters ... Show more content on ... It is also more prevalent with in boys than in girls. In babies that have been prenatal exposed to drugs, including alcohol, cocaine, amphetamines, and heroin, ADD needs to be carefully watched for. Increasing numbers of premature infants are found to have the disorder as well. A psychiatrist or clinical or school psychologist usually makes a diagnosis. In order to do this, physicians, psychologists and educators conduct an evaluation that includes a health and developmental history, medical evaluation, psychological and educational assessment, behavior rating scales completed by the parents and teacher, and possibly a speech and language evaluation (Miller 25). Hyperactivity is the most obvious symptom. Children with this condition are unable to control their actions even under the most closely monitored situation. Parents often expect that certain foods cause hyperactivity, but children with ADD are hyperactive even though these foods are not part of their diets. Other primary symptoms include inattention, distractibility, impulsiveness and short attention span. There are problems with organization and transitioning from one activity to another. The disorder can be complicated by other kinds of learning and/or behavioral problems as well. Thought patterns may be loose and poorly organized. Children have difficulty with memory, following directions and ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Characteristics Of Hernan Cortes During the 1500s Hernan Cortes traveled to the Aztec civilizations of Mesoamerica, and more in particular, Tenochtitlan with the mindset to take on the land of the natives. When he got there, he was uneasy with what he saw, which is evident in the letters that Cortes wrote to Charles V. It happened...that a Spaniard saw an Indian...eating a piece of flesh taken from the body of an Indian who had been killed (Cortes). Cortes viewed the Aztecs living in Tenochtitlan as completely barbaric because they practiced human sacrifice, which was cannibalism and were polytheistic. Despite Cortes describing the people of Tenochtitlan as barbarous , he was able to find positive qualities in them because he saw their knowledge, technological advances, and independence. One way that the Aztecs showed their knowledge was through the design of Tenochtitlan. The people of Tenochtitlan built the city on an island, surrounding a lake. Cortes applauded the Aztecs for this aspect. This great city of Tenochtitlan is built on the salt has four approaches by means of artificial causeways... (Cortes) This was a smart move for the Aztecs since they had an endless supply of water. Built on an island on Lake Texcoco, it had a system of canals and causeways that supplied the hundreds of thousands of people who lived there (Jarus). Additionally, Cortes admired the new technological advances that the Aztecs invented. Since Tenochtitlan was built overtop of a lake, people of the civilization had to adapt to having a lack of farmland. They created an innovative way to create farmland, called chinampas. The Aztecs made giant reed mats and placed them on top of the water. They made a fence around the mat and placed mud, fertilizer, and rotten vegetables on it. Then trees were planted on all sides of the chinampa. The trees grew very quickly and their roots held the soil to keep it from flowing away. The Aztecs planted corn, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and squash. The plants roots would grow to the bottom of the lake so they would have an endless supply of water (Tenochtitlan). Doing this gave Tenochtitlan a great amount of food, without having to sacrifice their supply of water or land. Lastly, Cortes found that the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Aristotle s Philosophy On The View Of Friendship Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher. Aristotle s philosophy was his logical concept. Aristotle s objective was to come up with a universal process of reasoning that would allow man to learn every imaginable thing about reality. He wrote on a vast amount of subjects during his lifetime, such as biology, chemistry, physics, ethics and logic. Aristotle wrote a book called, Nicomachean Ethics. This book describes the view of friendship. He also describes three different type of friendship, which in reality is exactly how friendship is in today society. The question while reading this information is what is friendship in Aristotle point of view? Aristotle believes that there are three different kinds of friendship; that of utility, friendship of pleasure, and virtuous friendship. In his book he describe exactly what each type of friendship really is. Friendship that is of utility is where both people derive some benefit from each other. Is like saying that these people are friends from each other by gaining something else from the other. They are not friends for the good of it; they are friends because there are benefits coming from them. Aristotle describes a friendship of utility as narrow, easily dissolved or for the old. He views them as such because this type of friendship is easily broken and based on something that is brought to the relationship by the other person. Most of the people that have this type of friendship are the young people. They do not know ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Reasonableness Of Christian Faith Summa Theologiae was written to display the reasonableness of Christian faith and to train future teachers in guiding others through Christianity, (Lecture, 11.14.2016) whereby one ultimately reaches true happiness. While Christians steadily find pleasure in their acceptance of God, Aquinas maintains that perfect happiness is distinct from this, both in what it entails and how it is achieved. Aquinas believes that humans cannot be entirely happy until fully understanding God, the original cause of their own being, which is impossible until reuniting with God in life after death. Humans cannot be truly happy until their intellect is fulfilled, which is only possible through understanding God. The human intellect instinctively seeks to understand the cause of things, and will not be satisfied simply knowing that such a cause exists (S.Th. II, Q.3, A.8). Aquinas is optimistic about the ability of human reason, and believes that unassisted logic can reveal and defend crucial platforms of the Christian faith, such as God s existence (S.Th. I, Q.2, A.2). God is demonstrated fore mostly through His creations, including humans themselves and their intellects (S.Th. I, Q.2, A.2). Since every effect depends upon its cause, (S.Th. I, Q.2, A.2) a human s awareness of their own life on earth subsequently proves the life of some entity which has caused the human to be. Aquinas, and the Christian faith, identify this original cause as God. However, Aquinas acknowledges that there is a ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Bipolar And Its Effects On The Individual Have you ever spent a lot of time around or just know of someone who has been diagnosed as bipolar? Or somebody who doesn t act like they are all there? Bipolar is genetics wise, you can get it through DNA. It has many effects not only through the individual themselves but also family, friends, jobs, education. People who are diagnosed with this disorder have many amazing support systems behind them. There are medications, groups, therapy and friends and family who will always be there for them. The individual being diagnosed with bipolar don t see exactly what others see, with being bipolar it causes conflict in the family with that being said on daily basis fighting, yelling, reckless behavior occurs. Bipolar has many internal effects on ... Show more content on ... Children who are at the age of ten now have a fear of not being good enough to step up in a family. When somebody leaves a family due to the lack of parenting because the bipolar is taking control of them children are now having to take over the role of the parenting jobs because who else will be there for them? Children learn from children; it is so unlikely for a child to learn from a parent being diagnosed with bipolar. With all the fighting going on, it will build up stress upon everybody else, having stress in a house will only make thing ten times worse because with everybody being stressed out, they will get annoyed faster, don t have the patience, and just do what they feel like doing just so they can get the stress off them and take it onto somebody else and that will cause more fighting, arguing, and yelling and where does that get you? Absolutely nowhere but back to where it all started. Mood swings are also a big part of the disorder; you think everybody has mood swings? Well we all do but with being diagnosed with bipolar it affects them more serious than other individuals who are not diagnosed with ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Why I Want To Become A Nail Technician Growing up in a single parent household can be tough in terms of pleasing your parent. You re not able to go and get a second opinion from another parent when making decisions. If he/she doesn t agree with your decision it leaves a bad taste in your mouth because you don t want to disappoint him/her. My mother probably expected me to graduate college with my associate s degree and land a job at IBM. Introducing the idea of me becoming a nail technician to her was nerve wrecking. I expected rejection followed by a lecture about what would be a better career path for me. Surprisingly after explaining to her why I chose the beauty industry, my long term goals, and how nail care will pay a role in my future career she was just as excited as I ... Show more content on ... Kalea from k_bossnails, who is not only a celebrity nail stylist but an instructor, changed my way of thinking. Since I followed her on Instagram and snapchat I ve been inspired and it motivated me to start my own career. It s amazing how much expression can be put into a full set of nails. Nails have become a part of a female s wardrobe. Everywhere I go someone compliments my nails and my nail selfies always receive a lot of likes. I m on social media every day and I keep up with the latest trends. It s only right that I join the beauty industry. Not only am I surrounded by beauticians but a few of them are successful salon owners. I too hope to own a nail studio. I didn t just choose to be a part of this industry but I set goals for myself once I receive my license. Before I become a salon owner I have to prepare myself for the responsibility that comes with it. One of my friends offered me a position at her salon after I obtain my certificate. This is the perfect opportunity because I ll be able to see firsthand the responsibilities of being an owner, and I will still get the experience of paying booth rent. I notice that the nail salons in my area rarely do promotions. At my friend s salon not only do the beauticians have promotions, but they offer packages for the clients. We talked about adding manicures to the packages which could build my clientele. I d be able to attract girls in high school with occasional ... Get more on ...
  • 41. How Does Hamlet React To Uncertainty In William Shakespeare s play, Hamlet , he communicates that people react to certainty and uncertainty in different ways. Not only can it affect the people around them, but it can affect their own lives as well. For some people, the doubt could get to their head and cause an anxious response where it could lead to a destructive path for themselves and can really hurt the people they care about most. This is evident with Hamlet, when his father dies and his ghost tells Hamlet that Claudius was the one who murdered him. Hamlet became uncertain if the ghost was actually his father s or an evil spirit. However, this leads him to find out if Claudius really was the murderer which in turn lead to the death of Polonius and eventually Laertes. While Claudius was fake praying, Hamlet was uncertain if he should kill the new king right there as he thought he may go to hell for killing someone, which eventually stopped him from going through with it. When he went to see his own mother, Polonius was hiding. but when he calls out for help, Hamlet accidentally killed him. After the death of Polonius, Laertes made his way back to get revenge for his father who he thought was killed by the king. During this destructive path, Hamlet had sent a letter to England pretending to be the king to get his two best friends killed after being betrayed by them. Finally, they get to the duel and with uncertainty again, kills Laertes with a poisoned rapier before getting justice for Old Hamlet. He ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Essay on The Difference Between Sissy And Bitzer nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; quot;Give me your definition of a horse, quot; (Pg 3) says the eminently practical Mr. Thomas Gradgrind of Charles Dickens unforgettable novel, Hard Times. Can anybody really define a horse? Cecilia Jupe, also known as Sissy, was unable to answer this question because she was, well, normal. Bitzer, the boy brought up in Coketown, the city of facts, answered, quot;Quadruped. Graminivorous. Forty teeth, namely, twenty four grinders, four eye teeth, and twelve incisive... quot; (Pg. 4). Clearly the contrast between Sissy and Bitzer can be seen. The differences between Bitzer and Sissy are shown not only in their definitions of a horse, but also in their physical appearance, personality, background, and the ... Show more content on ... Instead, she says, between sobs, O my dear father, my good kind father, where are you gone? You are gone to try to do me some good, I know! You are gone away for my sake, I am sure! And how miserable and helpless you will be without me, poor, poor Father, until you come back! (Pg. 35) and cries for her father rather than feel sorry for herself. She is so caring and compassionate that she always thinks the best of things. This is probably why Jane, the younger sister of Louisa and Tom, grew up much happier than her older siblings. She had been raised by the affectionate Sissy and treated like a human, unlike her older siblings, who had been raised more like robots by their father, Mr. Gradgrind. Bitzer, however, is completely different. He did not receive the love and the care the Sissy did. Because of this, it seems as though Bitzer has no heart (but of course he does, physically). He cares only for himself, even at the expense of others. Near the end of the novel, when Tom Gradgrind, Jr. (also known as the whelp) tries to escape from Coketown, who, other than Bitzer, is there to turn him in? In his own words, he says, I am going to take young Mr. Tom back to Coketown in order to deliver him over to Mr. Bounderby, for I have no doubt whatever that Mr. Bounderby will then promote me to young Mr. Tom s situation (position) (Pg 267). Basically, he wished to pursue Tom, for it will be a rise to me, and will ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Protests That Were Heard Around The World Protests The Protests That Were Heard Around The World When the colonization of modern day United States was vastly completed, an intensifying sense of greed began to take over the minds of governing officials, as it did in other modernizing countries. Wars began to dismiss civil and humanitarian explanations, and instead were focused on factors such as territorial expansion and possible resource prosperity. These factors were often held close to officials while the general population relied on misconceptions that were created by media. The war that took place in Vietnam was certainly no exception to this theory. When President John F. Kennedy first sent troops to Vietnam, it was assumed by the citizens that it was to halt the spread of communism ... Show more content on ... An example of such an act was composed on March 16th, 1968, When a company of American soldiers went into the hamlet of My Lai 4, in Quang Ngai province and rounded up the inhabitants, including old people and women with infants in their arms, then ordered them into a ditch where they were methodically shot to death by American soldiers (Zinn 478). This dismal behavior caught the eye of Army investigators who ultimately made an attempt to cover up the incident but were proven to fail as an anti war photographer captured a majority of the scenes. These letters began to circulate in French publications almost immediately and led to the arrest of several officers who were never assigned a worthy punishment, the most severe being a shortened sentence and house arrest. Though the actions that took place in mid march were nothing short of tragic, many of the antiwar movements in The United States did not take full effect until after Nixon pledged to get United States out of Vietnam (Zinn 483). Zinn explains how just two years after Nixon s announcement, himself and Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger launched an invasion of Cambodia. Zinn proclaimed that this selfish action led to an outcry of protests in The United States (Zinn 484). After this, many different variants of distress calls were used by the citizens in ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The Blu Ray Disc 1 Introduction An emergence roadmapping process is crucial to managers and policy makers taken decisions about which technologies it should be or it should not be developed, despite the uncertain trends of the market. This report aims to address the emergence roadmapping of the Blu ray disc. It will be structured in the three essential parts: the development of this technology, the environment involved and its initial market and competitors. The first part describes the technological development and the advantages that led to the implementation of this innovation, and it presents the challenges faced by it. In the second part, an environment analysis will explain what helped to the success of the Blu ray disc. In the last part, market ... Show more content on ... The Blu ray, thereby, is the successor of the DVD format, as well as the High Definition/Density Digital Versatile Disc (HD DVD). By 2007, these two serious competitors stood up over several other companies attracting the largest consumer portion (Uijla Vriesa, 2013). Major changes that occurred in the market by the end of 2008 have led the Blu ray to absolute dominance of the market. In the section 4, a better explanation of the war raised between those two companies will be presented. Figure 1: Blu ray disc ( ray_Disc) 3 Emergence Roadmapping Trends and Drivers 3.1 Technology Development and Challenges The main purpose in a technological innovation is to integrate its benefits in an application and to utilize properly its advantages to create a potential market that will generate revenue. In 1998, The High Definition TV (HDTV) sets began to act in the United States and Japanese consumer markets. The old formats of media, such as DVDs and CDs were not able to store the amount of data necessary to record high definition content. At the same time, the video game market was growing in a rapidly rate. The market demand generated after the success of DVDs pushed several companies to invest in this type of technology. In this framework, the company that would come up with an efficient innovation to provide higher data storage would have greater chance to have a big market share. The biggest ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The Pros And Cons Of The Nineteenth Amendment Not everyone in the United States agreed with the Nineteenth Amendment being passed. Two months after the Federal Government declared that the Amendment had been incorporated to the Constitution in August of 1920, Oscar Lesser sued to stop two women [Cecilia Street Waters and Mary D. Randolph] to vote in Baltimore, Maryland. Lesser believed the Maryland Constitution limited the suffrage to men . He said that Maryland had refused to vote regarding the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, and should not be subject to its application.. In 1922, Leser v. Garnett, was argued before the United States Supreme Court. The plaintiffs of the case argued that the Nineteenth Amendment was not passed constitutionally. They claimed there were three principal grounds to their argument, which were: that the power to amend the Constitution did not cover this amendment because of its character ; that several states that had ratified the amendment despite the fact that their state constitutions prohibited women from voting; and that, in particular, the ratifications of the states of Tennessee and West Virginia were were invalid because they were adopted without following the rules of legislative procedure in place in those states . In a unanimous decision, the court ruled that the amendment was passed constitutionally. In their decision, the court responded to each of the three arguments. Lesser s first argument claimed that if Amendment s are added without the State s consent, it ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Why Is Karl Marx Called The Proletariat The Harvest shows the life of what Karl Marx termed the proletariat . Proletariat is Marx s term for the exploited class, the mass of workers who do not own the means of production. These people have been put in poor work conditions and work for the class, as Marx puts it, called the Bourgeoisie. These are the capitalists who own the means of production. The capitalists watch over the companies, and make and change policy. The proletariats have to work poor means to keep these companies going. The one girl from The Harvest, Zulema, says that in 1 week she makes 64 dollars. This is sad, but none the less she is part of this lower class and must abide by these means. The main problem that this presents is what Marx is known for, which ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Should Humans Consume Insects As An Alternate Source Of... Should Humans Consume Insects as an Alternate Source of Food? Intro Cultivating animals and crops takes countless amount of hours and use an abundance of resources; furthermore, it produces waste that can be harmful to the environment. The human population is increasing at an ever increasing rate and scientists all over the world are trying to solve a global issue. It is estimated by the UN that the population will hit 9.7 billion by 2050; undoubtedly, these inefficient and wasteful processes will not suffice. What about insects, there are plentiful in supply and are packed with proteins and other nutrients that the body needs; furthermore, using insects in our main diets will decrease the need for domesticated animals which causes creates problems for everyone; in contrast to insects, which have versatile ways for people to choose from, use less resources, and produce less waste. Lastly, if we decrease the population of insects it will actually benefit society by limiting the amount of infestation and their effects on crops, trees, etc. (DeFoliart, 1992) (Premalatha, 2011) (Verkerka, Trampera, Trijpb, Martensa, 2007). This proposal will examine the nutrients, environmental impacts, ethics, and effectiveness of an insect diet and will then be presented through a tri fold board with clear pictures, statistics and information about this topic. The Problem and How People Are Using Similar Processes to Solve it In the past, hunting was our main source to feed ourselves and ... Get more on ...
  • 48. The Atomic Weight Of The Middle North Sydney Girls High Preliminary Course Chemistry Assessment Task 1 Research Task Rachel Stock 11CH5 Question 1 Question 2 The first use of the triads was in 1817, when Johann Dobereiner observed that elements could be placed in groups of three based on their properties. When the three elements were ordered according to atomic weight, the smallest weight would have the least significant reaction or mildest property, whilst the heaviest would have the most significant or strongest property. Further, the atomic weight of the middle element would be almost exactly the average of the two other elements. These properties were considered too coincidental not to be of some significance. One of the first triads to be observed was ... Show more content on ... When ordered with atomic number there are only a few instances where the atomic masses do not ascend which would have resulted in the two elements being switched in the original order of elements when atomic weight was used. These errors are pairs where the second of the pair is placed first when ordered with atomic weight; three of which are argon and potassium, cobalt and nickel, tellurium and iodine. The Law of Triads began to direct chemists towards the patterns found in lists or tables of elements. Many chemists began exploring patterns but it wasn t until 1864 that the next step was made. John Newlands realised that when ordered by atomic weight a regular pattern of properties formed. He noted that elements seemed to fall into patterns of eight whereby every eighth element would have the same properties. This was not entirely true however as Newlands saw this pattern and was reminded of a musical scale s eight note repetition. Nevertheless, the recognition of this in fact deterred Newlands from making further inferences as he continued to attempt to force elements into this musical scale like format which was not entirely applicable. Furthermore, the noble gases had yet to be discovered when Newlands Law of Octaves was formed. This meant that the pattern didn t account for an extra element in the patterns of eight. As can be seen on the right, noble gases are not included and had they been, they would be placed in ... Get more on ...
  • 49. The Peasants Revolt The Movie Essay The Protestant Reformation was a religious movement to reform Catholicism leading to the creation of Protestantism. Many movies try to portray the religious movement, but one stands out from the others. The film Luther did not accurately portray the social and political aspects of the Protestant Reformation. The film does not give enough detail to historically represent the German peasants and nobility; it also dramatizes political characters and events to specifically target Luther s enemies, giving inaccurate information in the process. The film lacks the detail to historically portray the social aspects successfully because the plot orbits around Martin Luther; it omits different aspects of the Peasants Revolt, specifically the relationship between the German peasants and nobility. Throughout the film, Eric Till the director eliminates most of the interaction between the German peasants and nobility allowing the film to revolve around Luther. The Peasants Revolt erupted due to German nobles placing unrealistic taxes on peasants, but the movie prioritized another cause: The whole world s been turned upside down by that madman Luther (Luther 2003). Peasants from Wittenberg claimed that Luther s ideas lived on after his kidnapping and inspired peasants to separate themselves from the Catholic Church. Till disregards the importance of taxation and gives the viewers inaccurate information: Heading Wimpheling s complaints were protests against the Vatican s systematic ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Yann Martel’s Life of Pi Pi Patel in Yann Martel s Life of Pi is a young Indian boy who is put through a tremendous traumatic experience; he gets lost at sea! Not only does he lose all his family, but he is forced to survive 227 days at sea with very limited resources. This ordeal causes great psychological pressure on Pi and causes his mind to find ways to cope with all the stress. When asked to describe what happened, Pi tells two stories: one with him surviving with animals including an adult Bengal tiger named Richard Parker, and a parallel story with humans in which Pi is forced to bend morality. Pi s story of his survival with Richard Parker is a fiction that he creates to cope with a reality that is too difficult to face. Undoubtedly, Pi s story with ... Show more content on ... Pi is at sea for 227 days. Surviving that long alone is nothing short of a miracle. Another thing is that in Pi s second story, Pi states the tragic events that he is put through. For example, he watched his mother get murdered, he killed the cook, and he was forced to resort to cannibalism. Pi says, I descended to a level of savagery I never imagined possible (197). This shows his particular struggle with keeping to his vegetarian way and how much it hurt him that he had to break his vegetarian ways to survive. All these show why he would want to suppress this experience with a story filled with animals. Additionally, late in his journey Pi says, It was natural that, bereft and desperate as I was, in the throes of unremitting suffering, I should turn to God (283 284). This shows how religiously connected he was throughout his journey. In addition, it shows how Pi could have created the Richard Parker story to align it with a miracle filled story that was created to show belief in religion can save you. Pi s story s main purpose may be to make the listener believe in god and attribute his survival to such higher power. Pi s specific reason for creating the Richard Parker story is unclear, but there is no doubt a multitude of reasons that would justify why Pi would want to create the Richard Parker story. Unquestionably, both stories have extreme parallelism that ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Consequences of Vietnamese Victory Against the French in... Assess the consequences of the Vietnamese victory against the French for Indochina in the periods 1954 1964. The Vietnamese victory against the French at the battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954 brought about dramatic changes to Indochina. These changes took place in the Geneva Conference which shortly happened after the battle of Dien Bien Phu. General Vo Nguyen Giap and Ho Chi Minh who were the Vietminh s leader had only one goal and that was to unify Vietnam and declare independence from colonial rule but however their goals were not achieved at the end of the Geneva Conference due to a number of reasons. The Battle of Dien Bien Phu was a humiliating defeat for the French but however this victory was a resounding victory for the Vietminh ... Show more content on ... The Soviets were more concerned about the security situation in Europe while China feared being dragged into another Korea style confrontation against the US in Indochina and therefore pressured the Vietminh to accept the division of Vietnam. The result of the tensions at the conference due to behind the scenes pressures and secret meetings was the Geneva Agreement of 1954. It was a compromise which satisfied nobody. This would soon lead to a second Indochina war due to the involvements of the U.S who sought to spread nationalism and anti communist ideas throughout Vietnam and the Soviet and China who supported the Communist North. The historian Stanley Karnow made a comment that America had a strict desire to not be committed to anything being signed at Geneva because of the fact that US Secretary of State Dulles ordered the US delegation chief, Bedell Smith, to remain aloof and make no concessions to the Communists. Dulles knew, suggests Karnow, that whatever was going to come out of Geneva was going to be unsatisfactory. The Geneva Conference produced no durable solution to the Indochina conflict, only a military truce that awaited a political settlement, which never really happened. So the conference was merely an interlude between two wars or rather, a lull in the same war This comment made by Karnow is true as ... Get more on ...