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Proposal Essay Format
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Proposal Essay Format" can be both challenging and
rewarding. The difficulty arises from the need to strike a balance between creativity and
adherence to a structured format. The proposal essay format requires careful consideration of the
introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, while also presenting a compelling argument or
Firstly, one must invest time in researching and understanding the chosen topic thoroughly. This
involves delving into various perspectives, gathering relevant information, and critically
evaluating the data. The challenge lies in organizing this information coherently within the essay
structure, ensuring that each section flows logically into the next.
The introduction of the essay demands creativity and a captivating hook to grab the reader's
attention. Formulating a clear and concise thesis statement is essential, as it sets the tone for the
entire essay. Striking the right balance between providing background information and
maintaining brevity is another hurdle to overcome.
Moving on to the body paragraphs, each point must be supported by well-researched evidence
and presented in a structured manner. The challenge here is to maintain a logical flow between
paragraphs, ensuring a seamless transition from one idea to the next. Proper citation and
integration of sources are vital, adding an additional layer of complexity to the writing process.
Concluding the essay involves summarizing key points, reiterating the thesis, and leaving a
lasting impression on the reader. Crafting a conclusion that is both insightful and impactful can
be a daunting task.
In essence, the difficulty in writing an essay on the "Proposal Essay Format" lies in the intricate
balance between creativity, structure, and effective communication of ideas. It requires
meticulous research, thoughtful organization, and skillful writing to create a compelling and
coherent piece.
For those facing challenges in essay writing or seeking assistance with similar tasks, various
resources are available. Professional writing services,, offer a platform
where individuals can access expert help for a wide range of essays and academic writing tasks.
Such services can provide valuable support in navigating the complexities of essay writing,
ensuring a well-crafted and polished final product.
Proposal Essay Format Proposal Essay Format
The Effect Of Aggregate Demand On The Economy
As supported by the minutes released from the November meeting of the Federal
Open market Committee, the economy continues to strengthen and looks as though it
will remain healthy through the foreseeable future. The economy has returned to
normalcy in terms of Consumer Price since the hurricanes hit Florida and Texas, as
evidenced by the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: Gasoline(all
types) which is portrayed in the graph below. The FOMC has also reported that
inflationis projected to remain below the two percent for at least the next two
quarters. The the inflation rate is expected to increase to two percent by the medium
term which will stabilize it at the Fed s target goal. This growth in the inflation rate is
demonstrated... Show more content on ...
The concern with the current slow growth of the Fed Funds Rate is that there is a
similar pattern as there was prior to the decline in 2008, where inflation tanked and
the Fed Funds Rate, which was high at 4.24% was not enough to halt the inflation
drop. The similar pattern in inflation and the Fed Funds Rate can be seen in the two
graphs below. If the Federal Open Market Committee does not increase the rate of
the growing Fed Funds Rate within the next few quarters the likeliness of another
recession increases. Although it would not be as extensively damaging as the
recession in 2008, a recession would be nonetheless detrimental to the economy, as
we would be set back in all the economical progress that has been made in the past
10 years, as shown in the graphs above. Currently, the Federal Reserve has set the rate
to rest at a target range of 1 to 1 1/4 percent. The Federal Open Market Committee
acknowledged in their November meeting that inflation has more headway to make
until it is at the two percent mark they have set as a long term target. This situation
contains both positive and negative elements. A low inflation rate benefits consumer
confidence, because consumers are easily able to manage the gradual inflation and
do not see change reflected in day to day consumption since inflation rises slowly.
However, with a low Federal Funds Rate, and the potential for inflation to decline for
Pressure Systems Safety Rules 2000
Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 This applies in the workshop because
safety precautions need to be taken before use of both of the systems to ensure it is
fully operational before use. The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 This
is so damage isn t done to the operators ears whilst using the machine in the
workshop and to anyone in the surrounding area. Pressure Equipment Regulations
1999 This has to apply to all equipment used with systems in the workshop to ensure
safety and good use. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations
(COSHH) the systems contain fluids which can cause harm to the skin so these
regulations have to be followed to ensure nobody is seriously injured or killed. The
Supply... Show more content on ...
PPE must be worn at all times and made sure that it isn t restricting the movement
of the worker, this will include the control of noise at work act as ear protectors
must be worn to ensure no damage to the ears. PPE must be worn from entering
the workshop and removed when leaving. The pressure gauges should be checked
and the rigs must be released of pressure before switching back on in case of high
amounts of pressure already being in the system potentially causing the rigs to blow
cables and pipes about, which also
Tone Of Howl By Allen Ginsberg
Allen Ginsberg in his work, Howl tries to present a social commentary and a
revolution. Allen presents the struggle of the time when social pressures were
quickly building up, and a revolution was necessary which would free people from
all forms of oppression. Allen presents his experiences which is an encounter with
his friend whom he met in a mental institution. Allen uses several literary
techniques to present the insanities in life and how people continue to struggle
with it in life which ends up in tragedies and cries. Throughout the poem, Allen
uses an elegiac tone which is a tone of mourning. From the very first line, the
reader is prepared for what will follow in the subsequent lines and stanzas. In the
first line, Allen says he is outraged, and that is why is crying out to the world to
stop the destruction of a generation. In general, Allen is crying about the
oppression and subjugation in the society. The speaker in the poem appears to be
smart. The speaker s words do not come out in a proper order which makes the
reader imagine that he was from a long sleep and he has been awakened by the
reality of things and he wants us to join him through his lane and tell us what he
saw. The speaker does not use proper English, and there is a lot of syntax in the
verses which help the reader in understanding that the person speaking is drugged or
has some mental illness. For Allen, he embodies the mental illness of his friend he is
dedicating the poem too in a mental
A Critical Analysis And Synthesis
A critical analysis and synthesis of how radiographer s can optimise the use of
social media, ensuring they do not breach the relevant standards of the HCPC
Code of Conduct Performance and Ethics (2016). In the modern and technological
society which we live in today social media plays an integral part in everyday life.
Social media is an online tool which allows people to communicate, share data and
form groups with others sharing common interests. On social media platforms
users can forms virtual communities or networks exchanging information. (Kaplan
and Haenlein, 2010). Social media has become such a big part of life that the term
Facebook addict has been introduced into the urban dictionary. The use of social
media is widespread and ever increasing, at the beginning of the 3rd quarter of
2016 there is 1.79 billion active Facebook users and 2.34 billion social media users
across all platforms (Statista, 2016). This trend can also be seen in healthcare
professionals and will increase as younger practioners join the workforce. A survey
in 2011 by the Medical Protection society found that 36% of doctors used
Facebook on a daily basis and that 100% of medical students have Facebook
accounts with Ofcom reporting that 80 % of adults in the UK has some sort of
social medial account. The main use of social media in everyday life is for personal
use meaning that many radiographers are unfamiliar with using social media as a
professional tool. With this in mind
Research Paper On Online Bingo
Play Online Bingo with a Strategy
Playing online bingo is fun, no one can deny that! It s one of the best game that
you can play online and this is demonstrated by its high popularity. In the same
time, no one starts playing online bingo games without wanting to win. People
want to enjoy fun activities but they are also competitive, it s in their nature. No
one starts playing bingo thinking that they don t want to win, especially the
players who are members of the best online bingo sites! They all want to complete
their bingo cards and win the big bucks! Best Us Bingo wants to help the bingo
players fulfill their wishes, therefore we gathered a collection of the best online
bingo tips! Read this article and find out how you can be a glorious online bingo
The best online bingo tips
As we all agree that online bingo is a highly entertaining game, learning how to play
it does not necessarily guarantee that you ll automatically win the game. This game
is not all about luck, but more about how you play it. We re talking about the
online bingo strategy. If you re a member of a top bingo site, you ve probably
noticed some players that are frequently winning bingo games. How do they do it?
Could they all be ... Show more content on ...
Like in any other activity, practice makes perfect! This is one of the reasons why all
the great online bingo players win games all the time! They are active in all the bingo
games and bingo tournaments! If you want to play in some of the best online bingo
tournaments available, visit BingoHall. This site organizes bingo tournaments each
week. It also has monthly bingo tournaments where you can win fantastic cash prizes!
By participating in online bingo tournaments, your chances at winning increase
considerably! The great players learn all the rules of the game before playing it and
they also make sure they understand the regulations and what is required to
Spinal Meningitis
Meningitis is an infection of the fluid of a person s spinal cord and fluid that
surrounds a person s brain. It is sometimes referred to as Spinal Meningitis. It s
usually caused by either a bacterial or viral infection. As you read through this paper
you will learn how Meningitis is transmitted, its symptoms, its effects, and even the
incidences it has caused. The common symptoms of anyone over two years old is
high fever, headache, and stiff neck. Symptoms can develop over several hours or
even one to two days. Other symptoms include vomiting, nausea, confusion,
sleepiness, and discomfort looking at bright lights. As for newborns and small infants,
the classical symptoms may be difficult to detect or absent. They may only... Show
more content on ...
An average of about 500 cases occurs every year there. Serogroup B causes most of
these cases. (WHO, 2004) 213,658 cases with 21,830 deaths were reported in West
African countries during 1996 1997. Up to two percent are in epidemics in Africa.
Devastating epidemics continue to occur in countries throughout the meningitis belt
of Africa due to the emergence of a new serogroup. The best way to avoid
epidemics are to establish surveillance and early detection, followed by mass
emergency vaccination campaigns. Surveillance is conducted worldwide through
International Disease Notification. Also in the United States by NETSS, and NCID
Emerging Infection Program s Active Bacterial Core surveillance (ABCs). (CDC,
2004) Meningitis is potentially fatal and should always be viewed as a medical
emergency. Admission to a hospital or health center is absolutely necessary. After the
lumbar puncture has been carried out, antimicrobial therapy must be commenced as
soon as possible. There may be difficulty to growing the bacteria from the spinal fluid
and confirming the diagnosis, if started before the lumbar puncture. A range of
antibiotics used for treatment include penicillin, ampicillin, chloramphenicol, and
ceftriaxone. (WHO, 2004) It can be treated with a number of effective antibiotics.
However, it is very important that treatment be started early in the course of the
disease. Appropriate antibiotic treatment
Radiohead Research Paper
Exactly six months to the day before Donald Trump was elected president of the
United States, Radiohead released their eerily prescient and hypnotic ninth album, A
Moon Shaped Pool, to great fanfare. Nothing could have foretold the future more
than the lyrics to the opening song, Burn the Witch : Abandon all reason / avoid all
eye contact / this is a low flying panic attack. Backed by a repetitive and sawing
string arrangement and an equally disturbing music video, it s one of the most overtly
political songs Radioheadhas ever done, as well as one of their all time best. The
following track, Daydreaming is nearly as good, with vocal loops and mournful piano
reminiscent of Radiohead s very best work from 2000 s Kid A. The final minute...
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Each song transitions smoothly into the next one, with a prime example being the
smooth transition from the Decks Dark, a guitar driven, hooky number reminiscent
of the band s OK Computer era down to its extraterrestrial subject matter, to Desert
Island Disc, a low key, Nick Drake esque acoustic ballad. The songs all deal with the
same underlying themes of heartbreak and, especially, a deep rooted paranoia, a
common subject matter in Radiohead songs. Although Radiohead were once pegged
as the preeminent doomsayers (Greene) of a generation, their characteristic paranoia
is more understandable now than ever
Female Role Models In Esperanza s Life On Mango Street
And the thought of the mayor coming to Mango Street makes me laugh out loud.
Who s going to do it? Not the mayor, (Cisneros 107). Esperanza has a variety of
different female role models. All of her role models contribute to their life on
Mango Street in a variety of ways. Some are stuck in life, but have good memories
for Esperanza to look up to. Others are rough around the edges but Esperanza s
interest in rebels makes them her role models. Many of these womenare highly
motivated to do what they want in life; this exists as the main reason for Esperanza
looking up to these rather odd women. Esperanza has many femalerole models, many
are trapped in abusive relationships, some are trying to change things by themselves,
and Cisneros explores their power within. Many of Esperanza s womanrole models
are trapped in... Show more content on ...
Alicia is one of Esperanza s role models who does not have much support in life,
thus they have to change things on their own. Alicia s feeling are felt by readers
through passages, Alicia, whose mama died, is sorry there is no one older to rise
and make lunchbox tortillas, (Cisneros 31). This narration truly expresses Alicia s
struggles and the amount of support behind her. Sally is another role model
Esperanza has. Sally does not have much support either, Sally do you sometimes
wish that you didn t have to go home? Do you wish your feet would keep walking
and take you far away from Mango Street? (Cisneros 82). Sally s lack of support
from those who love her causes her to be motivated to leave Mango Street as soon
as possible. Esperanza looks up to these ladies for a large amount of reasons.
Esperanza wants to be successful in life, so talking to these women about their
dreams causes Esperanza to think highly of them. Esperanza has shown through all
her vignettes that she is a highly determined person. Esperanza s role models come in
all shapes and
The Expansion Of Space Architecture
Introduction The collective space vision of all the world s countries at the moment
seems to be Mars, Moon, space colonization, permanent settlement etc. Even Steven
Hawking does not think that humans will survive another 1000 years without
escaping beyond our fragile planet . Architects are designing colonial habitats on
Mars and Moon creating large flimsy structures for permanent settlements. But is that
space architecture is all about? Just to create a new living environment for rats
abandoning a sinking ship? Obviously space architecture can be something more than
just a permanent habitat in uninhabitable environment. This manifesto argues that
architecture in space could help humanity to maintain Earth as well as to explore other
... Show more content on ...
Certainly it is a great shock to all ecosystems, but it is a long way from
uninhabitable. If we do the meanest things such as nuclear war, pollution of all air
and water, greenhouse warming, complete deforestation, Earth would still be
considered as the most habitable planet of the galaxy that we know. Even post
apocalyptic Earth would still be an absolute paradise in comparison to Mars, the
Moon, or hellish Venus. None of these places will ever be more welcoming than
Earth, no matter how bad Earth gets. Even if we have to live and farm under
pressurized domes, we will do it million times easier than the people who do the
same on Mars. And if sooner or later humanity gets the power of terraforming Mars
or Moon, we will certainly have the power of cleaning up whatever mess we made
on Earth and turn it into a Garden of Eden. The latter seems as much easier project.
Steven Hawking advocates that having all eggs in one basket is not wise.
Considering the fact that there have been five large extinctions events throughout
Earth s history, spreading out could be logical. But again, this option should be for
the most extreme situation, since the protection of Earth and its children is always
comes first. The Purpose of Space Architecture. The purpose of architecture itself is
to improve human life. Due to its extreme environments, living in space or on
Murder My Sweet Film Techniques
Question One
In Murder, My Sweet, private detective Marlowe is under probe by police. The
reason seams person rather than crimes he purported had committed Now, look,
Marlowe we re arraigning you. It ain t personal. We don t like you, but it ain t
personal (Dmytryk, 1944). The quote explores the nature of Marlowe s arrest. The
scene creates a sense of anxiety to the viewers. There exit proof that the
interrogators have personal issues and are not interested in the truth. The private
investigators are blindfolded perhaps to acknowledge the fact that the interrogators
are well known to Marlowe. The scene create suspense as the viewers are anxious to
know if at all Marlowe would be convicted or let free after providing information
required by the police investigators. From the scene, the film producers create a
different element as Marlowe flashbacks on previous happenings. The flashback is
intentional as it breaks the dull scene created by Marlowe and the interrogators.
The scene creates an essential part of the film. The interrogation of Marlowe is what
creates the plot of the film. The scene highlights the nature of matters at the given ...
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In the flashback, Walter recalls how Phyllis persuaded him to claim $ 100,000
through false accident claims (Houston, 1941). The cruelty emerges when then
Walter decides to shot Phyllis due to the nature of their untrustworthy relation. The
film highlights how the two lovers aimed at benefiting from the death of Phyllis
husband but murder is what characterizes the rest of the flashback. The death and the
nature of the film highlight the key element under which the Borde and Chaumeton
classifies Noir films. The death of Phyllis is what defines the rest of the film. Cruelty
during flashback and the humble nature of the perpetrator in the interrogation room
highlight the aim of the director in drawing the audience towards contextualizing the
Gender Roles in Shakespeare Essay
It is a peculiar feature of Shakespeare s plays that they both participate in and
reflect the ideas of gender roles in Western society. To the extent that they reflect
notions about the proper roles of men and women, they can be said to be a product of
their society. However, since they have been studied, performed, and taught for five
hundred years, they may be seen as formative of contemporary notions about the
relationships between males, females, and power.
Derrida was right in asserting that quot;there is no outside to the text. quot; His claim
is that every text is
affected by every other text and every other speech act. As an instance, most of
Shakespeare s
plays have ... Show more content on ...
Elizabethan society had a loosely determined set of normal behaviors that are
linked to gender. Despite diffusion of these gender expectations in both time periods
Dollimore, Traub), there are definite behaviors that either lie within the constructs of
gender or
exceed/transgress patterns accepted as conventional. Through the mechanisms of
exaggeration or
transgression, Shakespeare s comedies focus attention on the matter of gender and
derive comedy
from the situations created. Characters that are natural representations of their gender
do not
contain the same possibilities for comedy.
Beatrice says quot;O, that I were a man quot; (Much Ado About Nothing, IV.i.303),
implying in
context that her gender has made it impossible for her to act. Other female characters
Shakespeare do take on male roles, and whether it is because their true identity is
hidden or simply
by virtue of their acceptance as non female, they are able to function in the text in
that an undisguised female character could not. Rosalind/Ganymede instructs
Orlando in the ways
of love. Viola/Cesario enters Orsino s house and, consequentially, his heart. Portia
argues a case
at law; actually serving as a judge in a dispute involving her new husband s best
friend. In
assuming a man s role, these women overcome the limitations to which Beatrice finds
her sex
The Importance Of Science And Science
In the modern world, science and math make up everything around us. The world
we live in now exists because of science and math, but there was a time when people
didn t like math and science. A time when people would rather believe religion and
logic, then math, science, and evidence.
Narrator Michael Mosley tells a story of science. He says the story of one of the
great upheavals in human history was how we came to understand that our planet was
not at the center of everything in the cosmos but just one of billions of bodies in a
vast and expanding universe. In Greece, at the temple of Apollo, there was the city
of Delphi, where many greeks would go because they belived there was a stone that
was in the middle of the Earth and the middle of the universe. Greek scientists
believed that the Earth remained still, while the rest of the stars and planets moved
around us and Earth was in the middle of the cosmos.
For thousands of years, people believed that the Earth was in the middles of the
universe. They even built equipment that further fueled their belief. In modern times,
we know this isn t true, so how did people stop believing? It started in the 17th
During the 17th centruy, Europe was in turmoil. Religion and new rules were
sweeping across the nation. It was during this time that Rudolph II, who ruled
Prague, wanted new discoveries. Prague was at the center of wealth and power, so
Rudolph II wanted to show it. Enter Tycho Brahe, a Danish nobleman and
Rhetorical Analysis Of Kate Kid
The target audience of this video would be teenagers and young adults, around the
ages of 11 26, as this age range incompasses most people interested in comic books
and superheroes. These are generally people who are more open minded and likely be
believe in fantasy worlds and superpowers, possibly even imagining or role playing
themselves in a superhero role. It s also likely that they too read comic books under
the disguise of a textbook! These people will be the ones the plotand main character
resonates the most with and who will take the dominant ideology to heart. These are
also the people who are either in school or just got out of school, and therefore may
have personal connections to bullyingat school, thereby drawing them into... Show
more content on ...
And as another symbol, superheroes are often depicted of as secret identities of
people who try to act normal and yet conceal great power to help others, like for
instance Clark Kent and Superman. Thus seeing the protagonist s obsession with
superheroes and his fantasies of exacting justice upon the bully implies that he too
wishes he were like that, that he could use that power stand up and not be afraid. His
superhero persona also has a star shaped mouth hole evocative of Captain America,
who has stars proudly portrayed all over his outfit that symbolizes truth, justice, and
Of course, depending on their background, someone in the target age group may
develop an opposing position to some of the scenes depicted. For instance, some
may think that the depiction of bullying is wholly inaccurate and misleading, as
actual physical violence is rare and usually only occurs in private areas. Rather,
bullying is usually emotional or verbal, like spreading rumours or name calling, as
that s more subtle and likely to pass under teachers or other students radars. As
well, the look the bully gives the protagonist at the end as he leads his crush away is
one of contempt and anger, and one may interpret that as a desire for revenge. If so,
Summary Of Emily Grierson And DoпїЅa Ernestina
There are two different stories and two different characters facing the loss of a
loved one. Emily Grierson and DoГ±a Ernestina go through a difficult time and
recover from their grief just before both their lives end. The two stories, A Rose for
Emily and Nada , talk about their protagonist going through the loss of a loved one.
Emily Grierson and DoГ±a Ernestina are more similar than different because they
lose someone whom they loveand are affected greatly, which leads them to depression
and loneliness, and they mourn in a different way than usual.
Emily Grierson loses two loved ones, her father and the man she loved, Homer
Barron. DoГ±a Ernestina loses her husband and her son. The two characters live a
lonely and isolated life. In A Rose for Emily, Emily s father separates her from
society and makes sure she has no lovers. When he dies, she has to accept the
reality that she has no one and has to find her role in society instead of being an
outcast. The story does not mention any siblings or her mother, giving off the
appearance that she is isolated and disconnected. Emily lives in a big house alone.
Emily refuses to acknowledge that her father dies, so the town has to pester Emily
for her father s burial. She finally breaks down and buries her father. Emily stays in
the house for several months, aging as time comes along. She meets Homer Barron
and falls in love with him but finds out he has no interest in her. The townspeople
pity her, saying Poor Emily. Her kinsfolk should come to her (Faulkner 180) because
they know she seeks a lover. When she meets Homer Barron, she kills him. After
Emily s death the townspeople think that she has been sleeping next to Homer s
dead body. Emily does this because she does not want to sleep alone because it
means she is alone. In Nada, DoГ±a Ernestina is also left in isolation with no
remaining family; not only having to deal with her husband s death, but later she
has to deal with her son s death leading her to more depression. Now, she feels she
has nada , meaning nothing. She dresses in full mourning attire but does not break
down or cry. She thinks she has no one; however, she does have the ladies in her
apartment who want to comfort her. The people in her
Australian Financial Review And Australian Newspapers
Country Analysis
CMST 102
Jiasui Huang
Australia s newspaper In Australia, there are two national and ten state or territory
daily newspapers, 35 regional dailies and 470 other regional newspapers. Most of
the newspapers are owned by News Limited, a subsidiary of News Corporation, or
Fairfax Media. The two national daily newspapers are The Australian Financial
Review and The Australian. Other famous newspapers are The Sydney Morning
Herald, The Daily Telegraph, The Age, and etc.The first newspaperin Australia was
Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser and it was printed by George
Howe from a humble cover located at the rear of Government House (The
Australian Trove). George Howe had printing experience from the West Indies and
London so he had good value skills to work at the government press. The colony s
first locally published book was produced in 1802 (The Australian Trove). The
Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser was printed with four portfolio
pages of official material and a limited number of private notices ( The birth of the
newspaper in Australia, 2007). The Sydney Gazette was the only newspaper
circulated in the colony until the publishing of William Charles Wentworth s paper
and The Australian in 1824 ( The birth of the newspaper in Australia, 2007). New
South Wales, Australia, which recognized as part of the Australian Newspapers
service, allowed access to historic Australian newspaper ( The Australian , N/A). By
the mid thirties,
Heating Of The Earth Exterior And Atmosphere And...
Heating of the earth exterior and atmosphere and influences patterns of
precipitation the sun heats the air at the equator causing it to expand and rise.
Since cool air holds less water vapor than warm air, the water carried by the rising
air mass condenses and forms clouds which produce the heavy rainfall associated
with the tropical environment. Eventually this equatorial air mass began to rise and
spreads north and south. The high altitude air is dry since the moisture it once held
fell as a tropical rainfall. When the air mass flows north and south it cools, which
increases more density. It goes back to the earths surface at about 30 latitudes and
spreads north and south. The air draws moisture from the lands over which it flows
and creates deserts during the process. Temperature is plotted on the left vertical axis
and precipitation on the right vertical axis. Temperature and precipitation are potted
on different scales so 10 C is equivalent to 20 mm of precipitation. Climatediagrams
for areas like the tropical rain forest compress the precipitation scale for
precipitation above 100mm, so that 10C is equivalent to 200mm of precipitation.
This will change the scale rainfall data from very wet climates can be fit on a graph
of convenient size. The temperature and precipitation scales are constructed so that
10C equals 20 mm of precipitation. Precipitation is mainly to do with the temperature
of the air. Slice the tropicsare warmer the air holds more moisture
Use Of The Prediction Sheet By Filling It Out On The
Learning Activity #1When the teacher says, designated students will grab the
materials from the side of the room and bring them back to their table group.
As a large group we will discuss the each objects we are testing. Objects to test
(Rocks, foil, wood, pencils, styrofoam, metal, plastic container, lego, eraser, and milk
вћўWhat is the name of the object?
вћўWhat is it made of?
вћўWhat shape is the material in?
Students can then grab their prediction sheet from the center of the table and fill out
the name and date.
We will then go over how to use the prediction sheet and I will demonstrate one
material for them as a class. I will demonstrate how to use the prediction sheet by
filling it out on the smart board.
вћў ... Show more content on ...
Learning Activity #2Students will be working with their elbow partner at their table.
Before they begin we will discuss as a class what good group work looks like.
Students will then be instructed to work with their partner to write the name of each
material, and their prediction. Each student must complete his or her own prediction
Groups must get the teacher to sign off on their prediction sheet. Once everyone is
done, I will distribute the containers for water. We will then have a class discussion
on taking turns.
They will then explore the different types of materials in their groups. As they test
each material they will be recording each result. 10 mins
Teacher Notes: Assessments/ DifferentiationObserving
I will be walking around and asking questions to ensure students understand the tasks.
Students will be a completing their prediction sheet. I will make sure students record
each result.
Learning Activity #3Class discussion Did it sink or float?
After everyone has completed exploring the different types of materials we will have
a class discussion about the materials. We will distinguish between the materials that
floated and sank. This will be written on the white board. We can then discuss what
characteristics each pile had.
Questions to ask during discussion
What materials floated?
What materials sunk?
Were there any materials
Body Worlds Impulse Exhibition Analysis
Gabriella Visaggio Body Worlds: Pulse 7/9/15 The Body Worlds: Pulse exhibition
was a true experience of a lifetime; enabling us still alive to experience what our
bodies go through during death and what happens to our bodies years and years
after death. It was incredible to be so close up to these samples that they had for us
to view. Not to mention, the amount of information provided in each exhibit shown
was very thorough and so informative. It was certainly something that I will take
with me for the rest of my life. It should be on everyone s priority list to experience
this exhibit to get a sense of what happens to use after death and even what we once
were before we were born in the fetus! First off, we learned how the bodies are
preserved over time. This interesting process in order to preserve our... Show more
content on ...
This process includes five imperative steps that enable us to be persevered after
death. The first step, embalming and anatomical dissection, is a process involving
halting decay by pumping formalin into the body through the arteries. The formalin
will kill the bacteria throughout our bodies and chemically stops the decay of the
tissue. Than, using dissection tools, the skin and fatty and connective tissues are
removed to prepare the individual anatomical structures. The second step, removal
of body fat and water, is a process which water and soluble fats are dissolved from
the body by placing it into a solvent bath (which is basically called an acetone bath.)
The third step, forced impregnation, is quite the interesting step. During this process,
a reactive polymer (silicone rubber) replaces the acetone. The specimen is immersed
in a polymer solution and placed in vacuum chamber. The vacuum than removes the
Major Factors Affecting The Automotive Industry Essay
There are four major factors affecting the automotive industry: technology, market,
customers and the most influential factor environment. Environment is a source of
materials, infrastructure necessary for manufacturing but everything is limited. The
process of car or automotive manufacturing is very complex regarding the usage of
numerous resources and different technologies ( P. Golinska M. Kosacka).
Global competition brought about less market share for U.S. automobile
manufacturers and threatened company profits as more foreign car brands entered
the U.S. market. The total market share of General Motors fell from 28.2% in
2000 to 17.6% by 2014. The other two of the Big Three car manufacturers also lost
U.S. market share during this same period. Ford fell from 24.1% to 14.7%. Fiat
owned Chrysler now holds only 12.7% after having 15.7% of the market in 2000.
High labor costs, product lines that emphasized large vehicles with significant
gasoline use and a looming global recession caused a crash in U.S. automaker
profitability in 2008. American car manufacturers were struggling to compete against
better, more efficiently manufactured products from overseas companies. As of 2015,
Toyota earns more than GM, Ford and Chevrolet combined.
Lower per car costs have allowed foreign manufacturers to gain larger portions of the
U.S. market. Decades of market control by U.S. manufacturers caused the major
Time Management
Time Management
Time management is often thought of when describing task related to business
management or executive positions; those who have meetings and appointments
related to business deals as well as meeting deadlines and time lines. However, time
management is something everyone will have to deal with no matter the task or job.
The following essay will describe time management and its importance in the work
place as well as its importance for those who use it on a more personal level such as
studying and learning. The essay will also explore strategies for maximizing time
management and the associated individual responsibilities of time management.
Finally, the benefits of time management will be discussed.
Importance of ... Show more content on ...
Phillips (2009) also suggest some unconventional strategies such as taking a break,
which may seem as a waste at time; however this will allow tasks or jobs to be
looked at with fresh eyes after a break. Phillips (2009) also suggest that developing
an ability to say no to certain assignments which can be beneficial in reducing
overload, while this may be feasible for work assignments it does not work with
school assignments. Lastly Phillips (2009) recommends that time is made to
maintain optimum health which includes eating right and getting enough rest as well
as scheduling and keeping health checkups. Care must be taken to adapt the
strategies that will best suit individual needs, while some advocate checking emails
regularly as well as dealing with distractions, others suggest strategies that minimize
interruptions, such as standing during phone conversations, or repeatedly checking
the time while having a face to face conversations all in an effort to cut the
distractions short (You can t make more time, 2008). It has also been suggested to
turn off e mail alerts during peak working time to maximize the time spent doing
work (You can t make more time, 2008). These strategies of completely focusing on
the task and eliminating
Essay Character Analysis of Dean Winchester
Anna Prioletti
Professor Watts
English 102 A24
January 20, 2013
Through the Eyes of Dean Winchester:
On the Road and On the Hunt In my favorite TV show, Supernatural, one of the
protagonists and my favorite character is Dean Winchester, a certainly very round
character. The series begins in Lawrence, Kansas with the demonic death of Dean s
mother Mary. Consequently he, his brother Sam, and his father John are thrust into
the world of the supernatural. John becomes obsessed with hunting the evil he
encounters and ultimately tracking down the demon that killed Mary. As Dean
grows, he learns more and more about hunting, weaponry, and the supernatural
creatures that haunt this world. Due to circumstance, he is forced to grow up at ...
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He didn t even hesitate. Dean s inner mission is to save everyone he can, especially
Sam, before he saves himself. After the death of Mary, Dean was raised on two
principles: hunting and taking care of Sam. He feels it is his job and duty to do
everything in his power to protect Sam. Dean s family is his world, and after his
father dies, all he has left is Sam. In every situation where Sam is hurt or in danger,
Dean loses any inhibition or fear in order to save him. As Sam grew, Dean did his
best to shield him from the world they knew so that he could be a normal happy
kid. Flashbacks throughout many episodes show viewers their lives as they grew
up. What Dean wants most is to be able to work and survive without Sam so that
he can lead a normal, happy life. He knows it is too late for him. Later in the series,
Dean gets involved with an old flame and her son. He constantly struggles to
maintain their relationship while at the same time protect them from the hazards of
his lifestyle. He eventually gives them up to keep them out of harm. The constant
conflict he faces prevents him from becoming close with people. Therefore,
occasionally he has to remind Sam that they are all they have. Every episode tends
to include and end with some emotional scene in which Dean is rarely open or
agreeable to talking about his feelings. He grew up being the strong anchor for his
family. To him, his
Summary Of Dead Men Don T Eat Cookies
Dead Men Don t Eat Cookies is the sixth book in A Cookie Cutter Shop Mystery
Times are rather calm in Chatterly Heights, MD., so it must be time for a little
Olivia and Maddie busy baking cookies for the construction workers working on
renovating the old Chatterly Heights Boarding House. Olivia s mother, Ellie, has
bought the old house planning to convert it into an arts and crafts center. The calm
is disturbed when Olivia gets a call from Ellie asking her to come upstairs, it seems
that some bones have been found hidden behind one of the wall in one of the
rooms. Alicia, one of the construction crew is sure that they are the bones of her
father, who had gone missing a number of years ago. There is also a rumor going
Five Principles Of Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi s non violence beliefs, in India and South Africa when he is leading and when
others leaders lead their rebelion, are more effective and reasonable than violent
gestures, through military and militia attacks and wars. Mahatma Gandhi, born
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, leads a movement for independence in India through
his beliefs he acquires from the ancient Indian philosophy he follows, Jainism.
Jainism includes five main principles that Gandhi followed strictly, nonviolence is
one of them. The nonviolent approach that Gandhi puts forward is still put to use by
other leaders such as Barack Obama, Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein,
Nelson Mandela. The Indian independence movement of the revolution from Britain
is a turning point in history because of the change it makes without the use of
weapons or with bloodshed.
Gandhi s childhood
Gandhi grows up in British ruled western India in Porbandar, Kathiawar, modern
day Gujrat, born on October 2, 1869. He lives in a widely religious, business class,
Hindu family that follows Jainist philosophies, however in his teen ages he does as ...
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Since the war is going on, Gandhi helps Britain recruit Indian soldiers, even though
he does not agree with their beliefs. Gandhi In 1919, about 60 years into British
rule of India, Gandhi is at 50 years of age and ready to go to continue more peaceful
protests in the country he is born in. Gandhi calls for another Satyagraha campaign
because after the end of the war Britain enacts the Rowlatt Act that lets British
authorities put people in prison for sedition, rebellion against a the government,
without trial. In April 1919, violence breaks out by Indians, causing British retaliation
that slaughters 400 unarmed Indians in the Massacre of Amritsar. Gandhi quickly
ends his ties with the British government and starts leading the Indian independence
The Sharecropping System In The Piano Lesson By August
Would you ever deceive your family for some personal needs? This is what
happened in the story of The Piano Lesson by August Wilson. In the Piano Lesson,
Boy Willie was offered land by Sutter, which he didn t have enough money for, but
he was given time in order to get enough money because Sutter wants Boy Willie to
have the land. In order for Boy Willie to get all the land, he had to sell watermelons
and the piano, but Berniece (Boy Willie s sister) doesn t agree to sell the piano due
to the fact that the piano represents their family s struggles over the years. Boy
Willie believes that selling the piano enable him to quit being a sharecropper, make
the best of what s left, and stand side by side with the whites. The sharecropping
system is the system where landowners allow a tenant to use the land in exchange
for a share of the crop. The main purpose of the sharecropping system is to keep...
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While Berniece has great sentimental value for the piano, Boy Willie saw it as an
opportunity to build on what s left. Even though Boy Willie saw the piano as an
opportunity to escape sharecropping, he didn t forget all about their ancestor, and
their traumatic story because throughout the play, he shared the family history with
Maretha (Berniece daughter), which Berniece doesn t want her to know about due
to the fact that it s too painful. Boy Willie stated that, The only thing make that
piano worth something is them carvings Papa Willie Boy put on there... That was
my great granddaddy. Papa Boy Charles brought that piano into the house. Now, I
m supposed to build on what they left me. (p. 160) Boy Willie sees the piano as
hope to break the family s tradition of sharecropping, he wants to use what s left by
their family to build for the future, because if he could sell the piano, and buy the
land, sharecropping wouldn t be a struggle for them
How Cyber Security Is Compromised
Today cyber security causes huge problems for Society: personally, financially and
even in matters of national security. Just in the last two years, hundreds of millions
of credit card numbers have been stolen. Tens of millions of Social Security
numbers and health care records were compromised and even nuclear energy centers
have been hacked. Also unmanned drones have been hijacked. This is all done by
exploiting vulnerabilities in hardware and software, or more often by taking an
advantage of unintentional decisions made by the people using the software. The
people committing these cybercrimes don t fit a single profile or motivation, it could
be anyone from an international terrorist to a teenager competing for bragging rights.
Today the largest countries not only have a regular army but also have a well armed
Cyber Army, in fact the next World War may not be fought with traditional weapons
but with computerused to shut down a nation s water supplies, energy grid and
transportation systems. This essay will discuss how cyber securityis compromised,
what systems are in place to defend cyber attacks and also how to remain safe when
using the internet.
In biology and life, a virus is an organism that is spread through coughing, wheezing
or physical contact. Viruses work by infecting cells and injecting their genetic
material and using the cells to replicate themselves. They can make people really
sick and spread it to other people. A computer virus works a bit similarly. A
Elderly Refresher Drivers
In 2014, An 86 year old man drove his automobile into a crowded farmer s market
in Santa Monica, California, killing ten people ( You re probably thinking
what a horrible thing to do . Actually, he didn t anticipate for this to happen.
Because he was elderly, he was not capable to drive safely. Deterioration in vision and
the ability to logically reason and remember, as well as the rise of physical
challenges such as arthritis and reduced strength is most common in people aged
75 and older. Elders can not drive as well as they did years ago, even if they might
think so. If we want to prevent more than 40% of car accidents, elders should retake
their driver s test every two years to make sure that they can still drive safely.
Have ... Show more content on ...
Some problems are arthritis, heart disease, types of cancer, respiratory disease,
Alzheimer s disease, dementia, and depression ( All of these symptoms
can change how they drive and is the main reason why they get into car accidents.
Mrs. Simon, a 67 year old woman with Type II diabetes mellitus and hypertension,
mentions during a routine check up that she hit a stop sign while making a right
hand turn in her car two weeks ago. (New.BBC) Although she was uninjured, she
has felt anxious about driving since that episode. Aging itself usually results in a
gradual and subtle decline in strength, coordination, reaction time, ability to
concentrate, and hearing. Donald Redelmeier, a doctor and scientist at Sunnybrook
Hospital Said, How the individual driver is compensating for changes in physical
or cognitive function should be taken into account. Reaction time is one of the
most important requirements for driving because in any circumstance where they
come close to an accident they need to react quickly to swerve out of the way or hit
the breaks. In every case, the elderly driver told police that he or she confused the
gas and brake pedals. This case is a mixture of dementia and reaction time. When
people get older they tend to forget more, both long term or short term. Driving is a
2.3 Effect Of Reference Groups On Consumer Decision
2.2.3Effect of Reference Groups on Consumer Decision Making
Table 2.2.1 shows the different reference group influence on people. Opinion leaders
and role models are associated with these reference group and exert pressure on
consumers. When marketers want their message to go viral, they resort to word of
mouth using social media such as Facebook and Twitter. The re tweeting and sharing
option on Twitter and Facebook respectively ensures that the message is carried
through the respective reference group. Marketers identify these re tweeters since they
have the capability to influence the audience.
Normative InfluenceComparative Influence
Membership GroupHigh level of conformity to the standards of immediate
membership groups, such as family and peers. The ... Show more content on ...
Friendships represent breaking away from the family and forming bonds outside the
family structure. Friendship groups have a lot of influence on the buying behaviour
since people conform to the group norms by adhering to purchase practices followed
by the group.
Shopping Groups
People enjoy shopping together in order to make shopping a fun activity and to also
reduce the risk associated with purchasing. People take someone along for shopping
whom they believe possess the expertise for the product category and will reduce the
chance of making an incorrect purchase. When no one from the shopping group has
knowledge about the product, consumers take a collective decision.
Virtual Communities
Many companies encourage consumers to comment, leave response and interact with
them through the means of websites, blog post and social media. Consumers are part
of virtual communities and communicate regularly even when they have never met in
person. The online platform provides an environment of anonymity which helps
consumers to express their views
Diabetes Is The Root Cause For The Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes is also called Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes. In this type, body
does not use insulin adequately and become resistant to even high levels of insulin.
This leads to high blood sugar margins which can cause adverse effects if left
untreated. There are many risk factors which can be responsible for the progression
of the disease. Obesity is the root cause for the type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, People
having type 2 diabetes are at risk for gain in weight due to many causes or factors
Sedentary life style
Calorie rich diet
Medication of diabetes
Eating habits
Chronic mental illness
Loss in weight with help of lifestyle interventions has been shown to decrease the
chances of diabetes by 58%. The incidence of non insulin dependent diabetes is 3 7
times greater in over weight as compared to average weight adults , amendment in
lifestyle also denoted as behavioral weight control includes three basic factors: diet,
exercise and behavior therapy. Being diagnosed with diabetes can be frightened for
every patient for example why it happens? How it will affect your everyday life?
What can be the complications going to be occurred due to this disease? Lifestyle
modification focus at decreasing energy input and fostering physical movement is the
main procedure for obese clients with type 2 diabetes. Even significant weight
reduction contributing enhanced movement can enhance insulin sensitivity and
glycemic control in clients with non insulin dependent
Concept Of Organizational Behavior
The Fundamental Concept of Organizational Behaviour
By: Roan G. Lim, MBA 2nd Trimester 2015 2016, HBO 3
Keywords: Contemporary, Fields, Concept of Organizational Behaviour
Organizational Behaviour can be expressed as an interdisciplinary field of study as
it put together the facts from a variety of relevant fields. Organizational Behavior is
not an fundamental topic, but it is relatively like a compound subject, with
incorporated merging of various fields. In modern terms, Organizational Behavior is
an defined as an interdisciplinary approach which helps in analyzing the human
behavior in organizations. Organizational behavior can be analyzed in terms of
various fields. All fields have contributed a lot in the study of Organizational
Behavior. These fields of study are:
Psychology usually related to the study of human behavior, with qualities of the
person and association of small social groups. The main center of consideration is on
the person as a whole. Organizational Behavior discovers a great deal in subjects like
personality, perception, emotions, attitude, learning, values, motivation, and job
satisfaction etc. from the field of psychology.
Sociologists deal with the learning of social behavior, relationships among social
groups and societies, and the ... Show more content on ...
Issues like, individual culture, organisational culture, organisational environment,
comparative values, comparative attitudes, cross cultural analysis, are some of the
familiar fields of anthropology and OB. OB is usually concerned with one of the
main issues seeking immediate attention out of cultural system, the beliefs, customs,
ideas and values within a group or society, and the contrast between the behaviors
among different cultures. People try to depend on their culture to give them security
and stability, and they can experience bad response to strange
Low Transmission Fluid Analysis
The transmission on your vehicle plays a vital role in keeping your vehicle on the
road and working properly. If your transmission is damaged, you are not going to be
able to safety drive your vehicle and if your transmission suffers serious damage, you
are not going to be able to drive at all.
One of the most common issues that develop with transmission is the fluid ends up
leaking out of the transmission. This is a very serious problem. Your automatic
transmission fluid, also known as ATF, is vital to keeping your transmission
lubricated and working properly.
Consequences of Low Transmission Fluid
When your vehicle begins to leak transmission fluid, that means it does not have
enough transmission fluid inside of it properly do its job. A lack of... Show more
content on ...
Transmission fluid tends to have a red to pink color to it and it has a nice sweet
smell most of the time. However, if your transmission is having issues, it could have
more of a burnt smell to it.
You can see if transmission fluid is leaking under your vehicle by putting a flat
cardboard box under your car at night and pulling it out in the morning and see if you
spot any transmission fluid on the cardboard.
You can also open up your hood and check out what level the transmission fluid is
at. You should be able to see if you have enough transmission fluid in your vehicle.
Then, check in a few days to see if the level has lowered at all. Your transmission
fluid should not dramatically drop after a few days, so if the level does drop, that
means your transmission is leaking fluid.
What Burning Transmission Fluid Means
Another sign to watch out for when inspecting your transmission fluid is a burning
smell instead of a sweet smell. This smell may come from the leaking transmission
fluid or from the fluid reservoir tank, or you may notice it when you are driving.
This is not a good
Stress In A Juvenile Detention Center
The significance of this study was to examine if adolescents in a juvenile detention
center in St. Louis City could self adjust, cope or adapt with their levels of stress.
There is a great deal of literature available supporting the notion of utilizing affective
tactics in combating stress levels among various age groups. However, there is very
little information provided on at risk adolescents in a juvenile detention center
confronted with dangerous levels of stress. The importance of understanding how
these detained adolescents between the ages of 11 17, approach dealing with their
stress is not just beneficial to them and the institution responsible for providing
adequate care. It further provides a unique view into the mindset of detained
Grease Character Analysis
In the movie Grease, John Travolta portrays the character, Danny. Danny especially
struggles throughout the movie trying to figure out exactly who he is. It remains
very common for teenagers to struggle with identity while going through different
stages of their lives. Identity is a self definition or sense of who one is, where one is
going, and how one fits into society. As much as Danny does not wantto see it when
he is around certain individuals he acts much different than what he does around
other individuals. Furthermore, I will cover four topics on how Danny struggles with
identity throughout the movie Grease with the following topics: how Danny views
himself, how Danny s friends view him, how Sandy views him, and lastly how Danny
changes throughout the movie. John Travoltas character, Danny Zuko, sees himself
as the leader of his group. When he is around his friends he sees himself as such a
badass. For example, in the beginning of the movie when Danny first sees that
Sandy is going to be going to his school, it is easy to notice that Danny is
struggling to decide how he wants to react to her being there because his friends are
around. When Danny is around Sandy, he is a completely different person than he is
around his friends. For instance, in the intro of the movie it shows how the two spent
their summer together at the beach every day. Danny treated Sandy like such a lady.
These two cases show how Danny perceives himself differently around certain
Orange Battery
Like a lemon or a potato, an orange can produce electricity if a copper and zinc
terminals are inserted in it. The copper terminal is positive whereas the zinc is
negative. The chemical reaction inside the potato causes the electrons to move
from the zinc to the copper. The experiment was demonstrated by Mustafa Daif and
assited by Fatima Ali. Special thanks go to Christina Matouq. Veggie Power!
Making Batteries from Fruits and Vegetables Project Kit Available! Order Your
Project SuppliesAbstract Did you know that you can get electricity out of a potato?
In this project you will learn how do build a simple battery using a variety of
different fruits and vegetables REALLY! You ll be able to figure out things like:
Show more content on ...
More advanced students should also study: voltage dividers, internal resistance of a
battery, Kirchoff s laws, and ionic bonds. Bibliography This site gives a good history
of the invention and development of batteries: Buchmann, I., 2001. Chapter 1: When
Was the Battery Invented? Batteries in a Portable World [accessed April 24, 2006] page1.asp. This is a great site with a lot of basics on
electronics: Hewes, J., 2006a. Welcome to the Electronics Club, The Electronics Club
[accessed April 24, 2006] Brain, M., 2006.
How Batteries Work, [accessed April 24, 2006] http:/
/ Hewes, J., 2006b. Ohm s Law, The
Electronics Club [accessed April 24, 2006]
/ohmslaw.htm. The colored stripes on resistors are a code that tells you the value and
the tolerance of the resistor. This reference has more information: Phillips, W.D.,
1999. Resistors: Colour Code, Design Electronics [accessed April 24, 2006] http:/
/ Nave, C.R., 2006. Voltage Divider,
HyperPhysics, Department of
Organizational Structure Of Xerox As A Stateless Company
1)Stateless Corporation Identity
Although Xerox is a multinational corporation it does not meet the criteria to be
considered a stateless corporation. Xerox conducts their business in a multitude of
countries, manufacturing where it is the most efficient, the enterprise does not
transcend nationality altogether (Arreola Risa et al., 2017, 242). Xerox can be
considered to be a company that is on its way to becoming a stateless corporation
made clear through the company goals and mission statement, but it has not made the
full commitment to being stateless and is strongly identified as being an American
2)Organizational Structure of Xerox
Please reference Appendix B for a chart outlining the organizational structure of
Xerox. Xerox follows the breakdown of a matrix organizational structure. Xerox is
under the command of a single Chief Executive Director and Officer (who is also
the President), Jeff Jacobson who has recently taken the position from Ursula
Burns. There is also a Chairman of the Board in power as well as nine directors in
the board. Under the command of the CEO, the company is further divided up into
several divisions focused on a specific area of work. These divisions have a specific
director who answers to the Chief Executive Director (Jacobson). These divisions
include; financial division, sales division, human resources division, strategy and
marketing division, international operations division, delivery division, legal and
secretary division,
Atomic Bomb 8
Atomic Bomb
In 1945, two bombs were dropped on Japan, on in Hiroshima and one in Nagasaki.
Theses bombs marked the end to the world amp;#8217;s largest armed conflict.
Despite the ghastly effects of such a weapon, it offered the best choice for a quick
and easy defeat of Japan. President Truman, who authorized the use of the atomic
bomb, made a wise decision under the circumstances of the war. Fifty years ago this
is what people thought. Now many people are starting to find out that there might be
more to the story than what was originally thought (Grant 26).
The bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima caused massive amounts of damage
and ruined thousands of lives, but they saves many more lives by ending ... Show
more content on ...
The battles for Okinawa, Wake and Guam all were ample testament to the Japanese
willingness to die in the face of overwhelming odds. The kamikaze was a
perfect example of the Japanese battle attitude. Japanese pilots would strap
themselves into planes loaded with explosives and fly them into American ships.
By the war amp;#8217;s conclusion the Japanese kamikaze attacks had sunk 3
aircraft carriers, damaged 285 craft and sunk a total of 34. The Japanese also did
well in increasing support for the war effort. amp;#8220;Both scientist and publicists
were in fact powerful instruments inflaming popular hatred against the democratic
countries and in regimenting the people into blindly supporting the war of
aggrandizement (Ferrell 16). ; This resolve would only have been strengthened had
American and Russian forces tried to invade Japan. This almost suicidal type of
fighting would have resulted in a tremendous amount of casualties for both sides.
American casualties alone were projected at 500,000. The amount of deaths caused
by an invasion would easily dwarfed those of the atomic bombings (Purcell 82).
Air power offered American forces a method of remaining relatively unscathed
against the fanatical Japanese military while laying waste to entire cities. This was
possible because while Japanese ground forces remained strong, air defense had been
severely weakened. This gave
Julius Caesar Musical Analysis
1.In Act Two Scene One, the group of people who have decided to assassinate
Caesar meet up with Brutus to convince him to join their group, the conspiracy, one
more time. During this scene, I would play Wine Dark Sea (Symphony for Band): I.
Hubris, by the 2017 North Texas Wind Symphony (John Mackey). This movement of
the song is a great portrayal of the scene because Cassius, the leader of the conspiracy,
along with the rest of the conspirators are attempting to persuade Brutus, the
protagonist, to join them in the plot to kill Brutus best friend, Julius Caesar. The
aspects of the music differ greatly, magnificently portraying the energy of the
scene. The music has changes in dynamics, along with solos and solis, or groups
of performers playing as an ensemble, that act as the voices of the conspirators that
all jump in, agreeing with Cassius, to further persuade Brutus. This piece would
begin to play during the stage direction that states, Enter the conspirators:
During the lines following this stage direction there are larger, one person said lines
followed by smaller lines that are vaguely announced by the other conspirators.
Similarly, in the movement, there are a few melodious sections played mainly by
one instrument group at a louder dynamic, followed by a counter melody played by
the entire band.
2.In Act Two Scene Two, a series of bad omens appear throughout the setting of the
play and even in Caesar s wife s dream. Calpurnia, Caesar s wife, has a horrible
dream showing her an image of her husband s statue with one hundred wounds
spewing blood as the people of Rome wash their hands in his blood (2.2.80 87). A
series of other bad omens occurred, including a lion walking in the capitol, an owl
out in the daytime, and the dead rising from their graves. During this scene, I would
play Foundry, performed by the 2017 North Texas Wind Symphony (John Mackey).
During this piece, the low and middle bass sections have the main foundational
rhythms while the upper woodwinds and brass have the main melody, and the
percussion section is beating on metal objects like they re in a factory. The overall
feeling of this piece is hectic, and loud;
Oral Health Education Case Study Essay
Case study one
Source of the patient referral
Patient was referred to me from the dentist.
Medical problem
Presented was a 62 year old female, patient is an asthmatic and has bronchitis.
Social circumstances
She previously smoked 70 per week, but has since cut this down to 3 per day, due to
cost and health issues The patient doesn t drink alcohol. The patient has a relatively
healthy diet.
Patients presenting problem
The patient has a four unit bridge on her upper anteriors, she has ten missing teeth
and others which are heavily filled. The patient requires no other treatment other than
three visit perio appointments ... Show more content on ...
The patient was brushing twice a day already using a scrub technique, however she
had bleeding on brushing and was not brushing all areas of her mouth.( see appendix
1 of perio chart)
The patient was keen to get her oral hygiene up to a good standard and prevent any
more bleeding.
The patient had admitted to in the past only brushing once per day and not for the
required time.
Teaching methods
The teaching methods I used were: Demonstration via model and mirror. I used this
method as I thought the patient would be more likely to remember what I had
shown her, she would be able to see clearly and she could repeat what I had shown
her on the model, I would also be able to see better when the patient repeated the
demonstration and would be able to see if she made any errors and could help her put
these right.
Talk I thought this method would help the patient understand better the process and
the causes of periodontal disease ( I talked to the patient when showing her a poster )
She would also be able to ask questions on the matter so I could see if she fully
Rhetorical Analysis Of Allison Benedikt
A Rhetorical Analysis of Alisson Benedikt s article if you send you kid to a private
school you, are a bad person. Not like murderer bad bad like ruining one of our
world s most essential institutions in order to get what s best for your kid bad .
However, this is just another way to persuade the audience and make them wanta
difference by doing something because no one likes to here they are a bad parent, her
goal is to make the reader feel guilty. Benedikt purposes is to show the idea that if we
all send our kids to private school, it would improve. She adopts and optimistic tone
in order to encourage or persuade you to send you kids to a public school. She wants
parents to be concerned about the public and its needs. If you send your child to a
private school, it means that you are playing a role in ruining one of the essential
institutions. The central assumption behind this strong opinion and understanding is
that, if all parents started sending their children off to public schools, public
education as an entire institution would improve more than we can even imagine at
the moment. This article was published on August 29th 2013 at 5:50pm, on slates
website. This article is mainly talking about her emotions and how she feels about
the whole situation. Allison Benedikt begins her article by developing her
credibility with personal experiences citing convincing facts. In her manifesto
Benedict rants about the differences between public and private schools showing
the effects with a blunt rant. In her article Benedikt first starts by appealing
optimistic emotions to the audience when she said send your kids to public school
even if you can afford private . Future generations will thank you . What the author
means by this is by sending your kids to public schools it would get better; this
change however is apparently not going to take place over time. It would require
many generations to happen and thus a lot of time. This also means that during the
time until this desired change occurs, the generations in between will have to suffer
by receiving an ordinary or average education. This might seem like a very long time.
It might also seem
Kamala In Hermann Hesse s Siddhartha
Kamala, is the main, and indeed, the only female main character in the novel
Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse. Kamala, a wealthy courtesan, is the bridge between
the lay people reading the novel and the main character Siddhartha, who is more of a
holy man, than a relatable character. Kamala is a kind, yet selfish women who allows
for the reader to connect to Siddhartha, by making him more imperfect. Later in the
novel, even after Siddhartha has left town, she unintentionally brings Siddhartha, his
son, and again provokes him to react as an imperfect human rather than a holy man.
Thus, Kamala, while not necessarily a large character, she is integral to the plot and to
the reader s ability to connect to the novel. Siddhartha first meets Kamala after he
has just decided that he no longer wants to be an ascetic, and that he needs to try a
new way of life. He meets... Show more content on ...
By requiring Siddhartha to work a job and earn money and achieve status, he again
becomes more relatable because these are all events, that we as modern Americans,
require or want. Further, Siddhartha develops what is essentially a friends with
benefits relationship with Kamala. While their relationship not necessarily romantic
is does resemble a more modern relationship dynamic. They both acknowledge that
they care for each other, even if they cannot love each other. Kamala said, ... You do
not really love me you love nobody. Is that not true? Maybe, said Siddhartha
wearily. I am like you. You cannot love either, otherwise how could you practice
love as an art? Perhaps people like us cannot love. Ordinary people can that is their
secret. (Hesse 73). While this does outline how they are different from regular or
normal people, it also establishes a weariness, or despondency at not being able to
love each other, something that is distinctly familiar, in a way that fairytale romances
are often
What Skills Are Important In The Importance Of
1.Define phonemic awareness. What skills are important in the instruction of
phonemic awareness?
a.Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, isolate, identify, and manipulate the
discrete sounds of language, this only involves the sounds of speech and not the
letters or words.
b.The skills important when instructing phonemic awareness are concepts of print,
recognizing/producing rhyme, syllable tasks, blending syllables, phonemic tasks and
onset and rime (word families). When instructing phonemic awareness, the reader
should emphasize sounds and use visual and oral instruction whenever possible, such
as manipulatives.
2.Why is visualization such an important comprehension skill for readers? How can
we teach visualization to struggling readers?
a.Visualization, or mental imagery, helps students make a picture of the readingin
their minds by relating text to personal experiences from prior knowledge.
Visualization is such an important comprehension skill because students cannot
remember what they are reading if they cannot picture the story in their head. It
would be similar to memorizing text and having no techniques to remember the text.
However, by visualizing, the reader is creating a personal connection with the text
and activating prior knowledge. Therefore, they are able to picture and recall what
they are reading.
b.We can teach visualization to struggling readers, specifically students with
disabilities, by having them think about what they see, hear, smell,
The ! Kung Research Paper
Each individual pertaining to the !Kung is considered relatively equal, however in
this egalitarian society, age becomes one of the forms of status distinction. Age
becomes an important aspect when determining the structure of the kinship system.
Thus, as a person ages, more control is granted (kinship). As a result, genderbecomes
irrelevant to the !Kung when deciding who will possess authority in relation to
kinship, granting women and men gender equality within the kinship system. In
addition to age, children of the !Kung are given the names of their paternal and
maternal grandparents. However, the paternal grandparent s names for both genders
take precedence, as seen when Lee writes, A first born son is supposed to be named
after his

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Proposal Essay Format

  • 1. Proposal Essay Format Crafting an essay on the topic of "Proposal Essay Format" can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty arises from the need to strike a balance between creativity and adherence to a structured format. The proposal essay format requires careful consideration of the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, while also presenting a compelling argument or proposal. Firstly, one must invest time in researching and understanding the chosen topic thoroughly. This involves delving into various perspectives, gathering relevant information, and critically evaluating the data. The challenge lies in organizing this information coherently within the essay structure, ensuring that each section flows logically into the next. The introduction of the essay demands creativity and a captivating hook to grab the reader's attention. Formulating a clear and concise thesis statement is essential, as it sets the tone for the entire essay. Striking the right balance between providing background information and maintaining brevity is another hurdle to overcome. Moving on to the body paragraphs, each point must be supported by well-researched evidence and presented in a structured manner. The challenge here is to maintain a logical flow between paragraphs, ensuring a seamless transition from one idea to the next. Proper citation and integration of sources are vital, adding an additional layer of complexity to the writing process. Concluding the essay involves summarizing key points, reiterating the thesis, and leaving a lasting impression on the reader. Crafting a conclusion that is both insightful and impactful can be a daunting task. In essence, the difficulty in writing an essay on the "Proposal Essay Format" lies in the intricate balance between creativity, structure, and effective communication of ideas. It requires meticulous research, thoughtful organization, and skillful writing to create a compelling and coherent piece. For those facing challenges in essay writing or seeking assistance with similar tasks, various resources are available. Professional writing services,, offer a platform where individuals can access expert help for a wide range of essays and academic writing tasks. Such services can provide valuable support in navigating the complexities of essay writing, ensuring a well-crafted and polished final product. Proposal Essay Format Proposal Essay Format
  • 2. The Effect Of Aggregate Demand On The Economy As supported by the minutes released from the November meeting of the Federal Open market Committee, the economy continues to strengthen and looks as though it will remain healthy through the foreseeable future. The economy has returned to normalcy in terms of Consumer Price since the hurricanes hit Florida and Texas, as evidenced by the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: Gasoline(all types) which is portrayed in the graph below. The FOMC has also reported that inflationis projected to remain below the two percent for at least the next two quarters. The the inflation rate is expected to increase to two percent by the medium term which will stabilize it at the Fed s target goal. This growth in the inflation rate is demonstrated... Show more content on ... The concern with the current slow growth of the Fed Funds Rate is that there is a similar pattern as there was prior to the decline in 2008, where inflation tanked and the Fed Funds Rate, which was high at 4.24% was not enough to halt the inflation drop. The similar pattern in inflation and the Fed Funds Rate can be seen in the two graphs below. If the Federal Open Market Committee does not increase the rate of the growing Fed Funds Rate within the next few quarters the likeliness of another recession increases. Although it would not be as extensively damaging as the recession in 2008, a recession would be nonetheless detrimental to the economy, as we would be set back in all the economical progress that has been made in the past 10 years, as shown in the graphs above. Currently, the Federal Reserve has set the rate to rest at a target range of 1 to 1 1/4 percent. The Federal Open Market Committee acknowledged in their November meeting that inflation has more headway to make until it is at the two percent mark they have set as a long term target. This situation contains both positive and negative elements. A low inflation rate benefits consumer confidence, because consumers are easily able to manage the gradual inflation and do not see change reflected in day to day consumption since inflation rises slowly. However, with a low Federal Funds Rate, and the potential for inflation to decline for any
  • 3. Pressure Systems Safety Rules 2000 Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 This applies in the workshop because safety precautions need to be taken before use of both of the systems to ensure it is fully operational before use. The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 This is so damage isn t done to the operators ears whilst using the machine in the workshop and to anyone in the surrounding area. Pressure Equipment Regulations 1999 This has to apply to all equipment used with systems in the workshop to ensure safety and good use. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) the systems contain fluids which can cause harm to the skin so these regulations have to be followed to ensure nobody is seriously injured or killed. The Supply... Show more content on ... PPE must be worn at all times and made sure that it isn t restricting the movement of the worker, this will include the control of noise at work act as ear protectors must be worn to ensure no damage to the ears. PPE must be worn from entering the workshop and removed when leaving. The pressure gauges should be checked and the rigs must be released of pressure before switching back on in case of high amounts of pressure already being in the system potentially causing the rigs to blow cables and pipes about, which also
  • 4. Tone Of Howl By Allen Ginsberg Allen Ginsberg in his work, Howl tries to present a social commentary and a revolution. Allen presents the struggle of the time when social pressures were quickly building up, and a revolution was necessary which would free people from all forms of oppression. Allen presents his experiences which is an encounter with his friend whom he met in a mental institution. Allen uses several literary techniques to present the insanities in life and how people continue to struggle with it in life which ends up in tragedies and cries. Throughout the poem, Allen uses an elegiac tone which is a tone of mourning. From the very first line, the reader is prepared for what will follow in the subsequent lines and stanzas. In the first line, Allen says he is outraged, and that is why is crying out to the world to stop the destruction of a generation. In general, Allen is crying about the oppression and subjugation in the society. The speaker in the poem appears to be smart. The speaker s words do not come out in a proper order which makes the reader imagine that he was from a long sleep and he has been awakened by the reality of things and he wants us to join him through his lane and tell us what he saw. The speaker does not use proper English, and there is a lot of syntax in the verses which help the reader in understanding that the person speaking is drugged or has some mental illness. For Allen, he embodies the mental illness of his friend he is dedicating the poem too in a mental
  • 5. A Critical Analysis And Synthesis A critical analysis and synthesis of how radiographer s can optimise the use of social media, ensuring they do not breach the relevant standards of the HCPC Code of Conduct Performance and Ethics (2016). In the modern and technological society which we live in today social media plays an integral part in everyday life. Social media is an online tool which allows people to communicate, share data and form groups with others sharing common interests. On social media platforms users can forms virtual communities or networks exchanging information. (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010). Social media has become such a big part of life that the term Facebook addict has been introduced into the urban dictionary. The use of social media is widespread and ever increasing, at the beginning of the 3rd quarter of 2016 there is 1.79 billion active Facebook users and 2.34 billion social media users across all platforms (Statista, 2016). This trend can also be seen in healthcare professionals and will increase as younger practioners join the workforce. A survey in 2011 by the Medical Protection society found that 36% of doctors used Facebook on a daily basis and that 100% of medical students have Facebook accounts with Ofcom reporting that 80 % of adults in the UK has some sort of social medial account. The main use of social media in everyday life is for personal use meaning that many radiographers are unfamiliar with using social media as a professional tool. With this in mind
  • 6. Research Paper On Online Bingo Play Online Bingo with a Strategy Playing online bingo is fun, no one can deny that! It s one of the best game that you can play online and this is demonstrated by its high popularity. In the same time, no one starts playing online bingo games without wanting to win. People want to enjoy fun activities but they are also competitive, it s in their nature. No one starts playing bingo thinking that they don t want to win, especially the players who are members of the best online bingo sites! They all want to complete their bingo cards and win the big bucks! Best Us Bingo wants to help the bingo players fulfill their wishes, therefore we gathered a collection of the best online bingo tips! Read this article and find out how you can be a glorious online bingo player! The best online bingo tips As we all agree that online bingo is a highly entertaining game, learning how to play it does not necessarily guarantee that you ll automatically win the game. This game is not all about luck, but more about how you play it. We re talking about the online bingo strategy. If you re a member of a top bingo site, you ve probably noticed some players that are frequently winning bingo games. How do they do it? Could they all be ... Show more content on ... Like in any other activity, practice makes perfect! This is one of the reasons why all the great online bingo players win games all the time! They are active in all the bingo games and bingo tournaments! If you want to play in some of the best online bingo tournaments available, visit BingoHall. This site organizes bingo tournaments each week. It also has monthly bingo tournaments where you can win fantastic cash prizes! By participating in online bingo tournaments, your chances at winning increase considerably! The great players learn all the rules of the game before playing it and they also make sure they understand the regulations and what is required to
  • 7. Spinal Meningitis Meningitis is an infection of the fluid of a person s spinal cord and fluid that surrounds a person s brain. It is sometimes referred to as Spinal Meningitis. It s usually caused by either a bacterial or viral infection. As you read through this paper you will learn how Meningitis is transmitted, its symptoms, its effects, and even the incidences it has caused. The common symptoms of anyone over two years old is high fever, headache, and stiff neck. Symptoms can develop over several hours or even one to two days. Other symptoms include vomiting, nausea, confusion, sleepiness, and discomfort looking at bright lights. As for newborns and small infants, the classical symptoms may be difficult to detect or absent. They may only... Show more content on ... An average of about 500 cases occurs every year there. Serogroup B causes most of these cases. (WHO, 2004) 213,658 cases with 21,830 deaths were reported in West African countries during 1996 1997. Up to two percent are in epidemics in Africa. Devastating epidemics continue to occur in countries throughout the meningitis belt of Africa due to the emergence of a new serogroup. The best way to avoid epidemics are to establish surveillance and early detection, followed by mass emergency vaccination campaigns. Surveillance is conducted worldwide through International Disease Notification. Also in the United States by NETSS, and NCID Emerging Infection Program s Active Bacterial Core surveillance (ABCs). (CDC, 2004) Meningitis is potentially fatal and should always be viewed as a medical emergency. Admission to a hospital or health center is absolutely necessary. After the lumbar puncture has been carried out, antimicrobial therapy must be commenced as soon as possible. There may be difficulty to growing the bacteria from the spinal fluid and confirming the diagnosis, if started before the lumbar puncture. A range of antibiotics used for treatment include penicillin, ampicillin, chloramphenicol, and ceftriaxone. (WHO, 2004) It can be treated with a number of effective antibiotics. However, it is very important that treatment be started early in the course of the disease. Appropriate antibiotic treatment
  • 8. Radiohead Research Paper Exactly six months to the day before Donald Trump was elected president of the United States, Radiohead released their eerily prescient and hypnotic ninth album, A Moon Shaped Pool, to great fanfare. Nothing could have foretold the future more than the lyrics to the opening song, Burn the Witch : Abandon all reason / avoid all eye contact / this is a low flying panic attack. Backed by a repetitive and sawing string arrangement and an equally disturbing music video, it s one of the most overtly political songs Radioheadhas ever done, as well as one of their all time best. The following track, Daydreaming is nearly as good, with vocal loops and mournful piano reminiscent of Radiohead s very best work from 2000 s Kid A. The final minute... Show more content on ... Each song transitions smoothly into the next one, with a prime example being the smooth transition from the Decks Dark, a guitar driven, hooky number reminiscent of the band s OK Computer era down to its extraterrestrial subject matter, to Desert Island Disc, a low key, Nick Drake esque acoustic ballad. The songs all deal with the same underlying themes of heartbreak and, especially, a deep rooted paranoia, a common subject matter in Radiohead songs. Although Radiohead were once pegged as the preeminent doomsayers (Greene) of a generation, their characteristic paranoia is more understandable now than ever
  • 9. Female Role Models In Esperanza s Life On Mango Street And the thought of the mayor coming to Mango Street makes me laugh out loud. Who s going to do it? Not the mayor, (Cisneros 107). Esperanza has a variety of different female role models. All of her role models contribute to their life on Mango Street in a variety of ways. Some are stuck in life, but have good memories for Esperanza to look up to. Others are rough around the edges but Esperanza s interest in rebels makes them her role models. Many of these womenare highly motivated to do what they want in life; this exists as the main reason for Esperanza looking up to these rather odd women. Esperanza has many femalerole models, many are trapped in abusive relationships, some are trying to change things by themselves, and Cisneros explores their power within. Many of Esperanza s womanrole models are trapped in... Show more content on ... Alicia is one of Esperanza s role models who does not have much support in life, thus they have to change things on their own. Alicia s feeling are felt by readers through passages, Alicia, whose mama died, is sorry there is no one older to rise and make lunchbox tortillas, (Cisneros 31). This narration truly expresses Alicia s struggles and the amount of support behind her. Sally is another role model Esperanza has. Sally does not have much support either, Sally do you sometimes wish that you didn t have to go home? Do you wish your feet would keep walking and take you far away from Mango Street? (Cisneros 82). Sally s lack of support from those who love her causes her to be motivated to leave Mango Street as soon as possible. Esperanza looks up to these ladies for a large amount of reasons. Esperanza wants to be successful in life, so talking to these women about their dreams causes Esperanza to think highly of them. Esperanza has shown through all her vignettes that she is a highly determined person. Esperanza s role models come in all shapes and
  • 10. The Expansion Of Space Architecture Introduction The collective space vision of all the world s countries at the moment seems to be Mars, Moon, space colonization, permanent settlement etc. Even Steven Hawking does not think that humans will survive another 1000 years without escaping beyond our fragile planet . Architects are designing colonial habitats on Mars and Moon creating large flimsy structures for permanent settlements. But is that space architecture is all about? Just to create a new living environment for rats abandoning a sinking ship? Obviously space architecture can be something more than just a permanent habitat in uninhabitable environment. This manifesto argues that architecture in space could help humanity to maintain Earth as well as to explore other ... Show more content on ... Certainly it is a great shock to all ecosystems, but it is a long way from uninhabitable. If we do the meanest things such as nuclear war, pollution of all air and water, greenhouse warming, complete deforestation, Earth would still be considered as the most habitable planet of the galaxy that we know. Even post apocalyptic Earth would still be an absolute paradise in comparison to Mars, the Moon, or hellish Venus. None of these places will ever be more welcoming than Earth, no matter how bad Earth gets. Even if we have to live and farm under pressurized domes, we will do it million times easier than the people who do the same on Mars. And if sooner or later humanity gets the power of terraforming Mars or Moon, we will certainly have the power of cleaning up whatever mess we made on Earth and turn it into a Garden of Eden. The latter seems as much easier project. Steven Hawking advocates that having all eggs in one basket is not wise. Considering the fact that there have been five large extinctions events throughout Earth s history, spreading out could be logical. But again, this option should be for the most extreme situation, since the protection of Earth and its children is always comes first. The Purpose of Space Architecture. The purpose of architecture itself is to improve human life. Due to its extreme environments, living in space or on
  • 11. Murder My Sweet Film Techniques Question One In Murder, My Sweet, private detective Marlowe is under probe by police. The reason seams person rather than crimes he purported had committed Now, look, Marlowe we re arraigning you. It ain t personal. We don t like you, but it ain t personal (Dmytryk, 1944). The quote explores the nature of Marlowe s arrest. The scene creates a sense of anxiety to the viewers. There exit proof that the interrogators have personal issues and are not interested in the truth. The private investigators are blindfolded perhaps to acknowledge the fact that the interrogators are well known to Marlowe. The scene create suspense as the viewers are anxious to know if at all Marlowe would be convicted or let free after providing information required by the police investigators. From the scene, the film producers create a different element as Marlowe flashbacks on previous happenings. The flashback is intentional as it breaks the dull scene created by Marlowe and the interrogators. The scene creates an essential part of the film. The interrogation of Marlowe is what creates the plot of the film. The scene highlights the nature of matters at the given ... Show more content on ... In the flashback, Walter recalls how Phyllis persuaded him to claim $ 100,000 through false accident claims (Houston, 1941). The cruelty emerges when then Walter decides to shot Phyllis due to the nature of their untrustworthy relation. The film highlights how the two lovers aimed at benefiting from the death of Phyllis husband but murder is what characterizes the rest of the flashback. The death and the nature of the film highlight the key element under which the Borde and Chaumeton classifies Noir films. The death of Phyllis is what defines the rest of the film. Cruelty during flashback and the humble nature of the perpetrator in the interrogation room highlight the aim of the director in drawing the audience towards contextualizing the
  • 12. Gender Roles in Shakespeare Essay It is a peculiar feature of Shakespeare s plays that they both participate in and reflect the ideas of gender roles in Western society. To the extent that they reflect existing notions about the proper roles of men and women, they can be said to be a product of their society. However, since they have been studied, performed, and taught for five hundred years, they may be seen as formative of contemporary notions about the relationships between males, females, and power. Derrida was right in asserting that quot;there is no outside to the text. quot; His claim is that every text is affected by every other text and every other speech act. As an instance, most of Shakespeare s plays have ... Show more content on ... Elizabethan society had a loosely determined set of normal behaviors that are frequently linked to gender. Despite diffusion of these gender expectations in both time periods (see Dollimore, Traub), there are definite behaviors that either lie within the constructs of gender or exceed/transgress patterns accepted as conventional. Through the mechanisms of exaggeration or transgression, Shakespeare s comedies focus attention on the matter of gender and derive comedy from the situations created. Characters that are natural representations of their gender do not contain the same possibilities for comedy. Beatrice says quot;O, that I were a man quot; (Much Ado About Nothing, IV.i.303), implying in context that her gender has made it impossible for her to act. Other female characters
  • 13. in Shakespeare do take on male roles, and whether it is because their true identity is hidden or simply by virtue of their acceptance as non female, they are able to function in the text in ways that an undisguised female character could not. Rosalind/Ganymede instructs Orlando in the ways of love. Viola/Cesario enters Orsino s house and, consequentially, his heart. Portia argues a case at law; actually serving as a judge in a dispute involving her new husband s best friend. In assuming a man s role, these women overcome the limitations to which Beatrice finds her sex subjected.
  • 14. The Importance Of Science And Science In the modern world, science and math make up everything around us. The world we live in now exists because of science and math, but there was a time when people didn t like math and science. A time when people would rather believe religion and logic, then math, science, and evidence. Narrator Michael Mosley tells a story of science. He says the story of one of the great upheavals in human history was how we came to understand that our planet was not at the center of everything in the cosmos but just one of billions of bodies in a vast and expanding universe. In Greece, at the temple of Apollo, there was the city of Delphi, where many greeks would go because they belived there was a stone that was in the middle of the Earth and the middle of the universe. Greek scientists believed that the Earth remained still, while the rest of the stars and planets moved around us and Earth was in the middle of the cosmos. For thousands of years, people believed that the Earth was in the middles of the universe. They even built equipment that further fueled their belief. In modern times, we know this isn t true, so how did people stop believing? It started in the 17th century. During the 17th centruy, Europe was in turmoil. Religion and new rules were sweeping across the nation. It was during this time that Rudolph II, who ruled Prague, wanted new discoveries. Prague was at the center of wealth and power, so Rudolph II wanted to show it. Enter Tycho Brahe, a Danish nobleman and
  • 15. Rhetorical Analysis Of Kate Kid The target audience of this video would be teenagers and young adults, around the ages of 11 26, as this age range incompasses most people interested in comic books and superheroes. These are generally people who are more open minded and likely be believe in fantasy worlds and superpowers, possibly even imagining or role playing themselves in a superhero role. It s also likely that they too read comic books under the disguise of a textbook! These people will be the ones the plotand main character resonates the most with and who will take the dominant ideology to heart. These are also the people who are either in school or just got out of school, and therefore may have personal connections to bullyingat school, thereby drawing them into... Show more content on ... And as another symbol, superheroes are often depicted of as secret identities of people who try to act normal and yet conceal great power to help others, like for instance Clark Kent and Superman. Thus seeing the protagonist s obsession with superheroes and his fantasies of exacting justice upon the bully implies that he too wishes he were like that, that he could use that power stand up and not be afraid. His superhero persona also has a star shaped mouth hole evocative of Captain America, who has stars proudly portrayed all over his outfit that symbolizes truth, justice, and freedom. Of course, depending on their background, someone in the target age group may develop an opposing position to some of the scenes depicted. For instance, some may think that the depiction of bullying is wholly inaccurate and misleading, as actual physical violence is rare and usually only occurs in private areas. Rather, bullying is usually emotional or verbal, like spreading rumours or name calling, as that s more subtle and likely to pass under teachers or other students radars. As well, the look the bully gives the protagonist at the end as he leads his crush away is one of contempt and anger, and one may interpret that as a desire for revenge. If so, one
  • 16. Summary Of Emily Grierson And DoпїЅa Ernestina There are two different stories and two different characters facing the loss of a loved one. Emily Grierson and DoГ±a Ernestina go through a difficult time and recover from their grief just before both their lives end. The two stories, A Rose for Emily and Nada , talk about their protagonist going through the loss of a loved one. Emily Grierson and DoГ±a Ernestina are more similar than different because they lose someone whom they loveand are affected greatly, which leads them to depression and loneliness, and they mourn in a different way than usual. Emily Grierson loses two loved ones, her father and the man she loved, Homer Barron. DoГ±a Ernestina loses her husband and her son. The two characters live a lonely and isolated life. In A Rose for Emily, Emily s father separates her from society and makes sure she has no lovers. When he dies, she has to accept the reality that she has no one and has to find her role in society instead of being an outcast. The story does not mention any siblings or her mother, giving off the appearance that she is isolated and disconnected. Emily lives in a big house alone. Emily refuses to acknowledge that her father dies, so the town has to pester Emily for her father s burial. She finally breaks down and buries her father. Emily stays in the house for several months, aging as time comes along. She meets Homer Barron and falls in love with him but finds out he has no interest in her. The townspeople pity her, saying Poor Emily. Her kinsfolk should come to her (Faulkner 180) because they know she seeks a lover. When she meets Homer Barron, she kills him. After Emily s death the townspeople think that she has been sleeping next to Homer s dead body. Emily does this because she does not want to sleep alone because it means she is alone. In Nada, DoГ±a Ernestina is also left in isolation with no remaining family; not only having to deal with her husband s death, but later she has to deal with her son s death leading her to more depression. Now, she feels she has nada , meaning nothing. She dresses in full mourning attire but does not break down or cry. She thinks she has no one; however, she does have the ladies in her apartment who want to comfort her. The people in her
  • 17. Australian Financial Review And Australian Newspapers Country Analysis CMST 102 Jiasui Huang 6/9/15 Australia s newspaper In Australia, there are two national and ten state or territory daily newspapers, 35 regional dailies and 470 other regional newspapers. Most of the newspapers are owned by News Limited, a subsidiary of News Corporation, or Fairfax Media. The two national daily newspapers are The Australian Financial Review and The Australian. Other famous newspapers are The Sydney Morning Herald, The Daily Telegraph, The Age, and etc.The first newspaperin Australia was Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser and it was printed by George Howe from a humble cover located at the rear of Government House (The Australian Trove). George Howe had printing experience from the West Indies and London so he had good value skills to work at the government press. The colony s first locally published book was produced in 1802 (The Australian Trove). The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser was printed with four portfolio pages of official material and a limited number of private notices ( The birth of the newspaper in Australia, 2007). The Sydney Gazette was the only newspaper circulated in the colony until the publishing of William Charles Wentworth s paper and The Australian in 1824 ( The birth of the newspaper in Australia, 2007). New South Wales, Australia, which recognized as part of the Australian Newspapers service, allowed access to historic Australian newspaper ( The Australian , N/A). By the mid thirties,
  • 18. Heating Of The Earth Exterior And Atmosphere And... Heating of the earth exterior and atmosphere and influences patterns of precipitation the sun heats the air at the equator causing it to expand and rise. Since cool air holds less water vapor than warm air, the water carried by the rising air mass condenses and forms clouds which produce the heavy rainfall associated with the tropical environment. Eventually this equatorial air mass began to rise and spreads north and south. The high altitude air is dry since the moisture it once held fell as a tropical rainfall. When the air mass flows north and south it cools, which increases more density. It goes back to the earths surface at about 30 latitudes and spreads north and south. The air draws moisture from the lands over which it flows and creates deserts during the process. Temperature is plotted on the left vertical axis and precipitation on the right vertical axis. Temperature and precipitation are potted on different scales so 10 C is equivalent to 20 mm of precipitation. Climatediagrams for areas like the tropical rain forest compress the precipitation scale for precipitation above 100mm, so that 10C is equivalent to 200mm of precipitation. This will change the scale rainfall data from very wet climates can be fit on a graph of convenient size. The temperature and precipitation scales are constructed so that 10C equals 20 mm of precipitation. Precipitation is mainly to do with the temperature of the air. Slice the tropicsare warmer the air holds more moisture
  • 19. Use Of The Prediction Sheet By Filling It Out On The Smart... Learning Activity #1When the teacher says, designated students will grab the materials from the side of the room and bring them back to their table group. As a large group we will discuss the each objects we are testing. Objects to test (Rocks, foil, wood, pencils, styrofoam, metal, plastic container, lego, eraser, and milk jugs) вћўWhat is the name of the object? вћўWhat is it made of? вћўWhat shape is the material in? Students can then grab their prediction sheet from the center of the table and fill out the name and date. We will then go over how to use the prediction sheet and I will demonstrate one material for them as a class. I will demonstrate how to use the prediction sheet by filling it out on the smart board. вћў ... Show more content on ... Learning Activity #2Students will be working with their elbow partner at their table. Before they begin we will discuss as a class what good group work looks like. Students will then be instructed to work with their partner to write the name of each material, and their prediction. Each student must complete his or her own prediction sheet. Groups must get the teacher to sign off on their prediction sheet. Once everyone is done, I will distribute the containers for water. We will then have a class discussion on taking turns. They will then explore the different types of materials in their groups. As they test each material they will be recording each result. 10 mins Teacher Notes: Assessments/ DifferentiationObserving I will be walking around and asking questions to ensure students understand the tasks. Students will be a completing their prediction sheet. I will make sure students record each result. Learning Activity #3Class discussion Did it sink or float? After everyone has completed exploring the different types of materials we will have a class discussion about the materials. We will distinguish between the materials that floated and sank. This will be written on the white board. We can then discuss what characteristics each pile had. Questions to ask during discussion What materials floated? What materials sunk? Were there any materials
  • 20. Body Worlds Impulse Exhibition Analysis Gabriella Visaggio Body Worlds: Pulse 7/9/15 The Body Worlds: Pulse exhibition was a true experience of a lifetime; enabling us still alive to experience what our bodies go through during death and what happens to our bodies years and years after death. It was incredible to be so close up to these samples that they had for us to view. Not to mention, the amount of information provided in each exhibit shown was very thorough and so informative. It was certainly something that I will take with me for the rest of my life. It should be on everyone s priority list to experience this exhibit to get a sense of what happens to use after death and even what we once were before we were born in the fetus! First off, we learned how the bodies are preserved over time. This interesting process in order to preserve our... Show more content on ... This process includes five imperative steps that enable us to be persevered after death. The first step, embalming and anatomical dissection, is a process involving halting decay by pumping formalin into the body through the arteries. The formalin will kill the bacteria throughout our bodies and chemically stops the decay of the tissue. Than, using dissection tools, the skin and fatty and connective tissues are removed to prepare the individual anatomical structures. The second step, removal of body fat and water, is a process which water and soluble fats are dissolved from the body by placing it into a solvent bath (which is basically called an acetone bath.) The third step, forced impregnation, is quite the interesting step. During this process, a reactive polymer (silicone rubber) replaces the acetone. The specimen is immersed in a polymer solution and placed in vacuum chamber. The vacuum than removes the
  • 21. Major Factors Affecting The Automotive Industry Essay INTRODUCTION There are four major factors affecting the automotive industry: technology, market, customers and the most influential factor environment. Environment is a source of materials, infrastructure necessary for manufacturing but everything is limited. The process of car or automotive manufacturing is very complex regarding the usage of numerous resources and different technologies ( P. Golinska M. Kosacka). GLOBAL COMPETITION IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY Global competition brought about less market share for U.S. automobile manufacturers and threatened company profits as more foreign car brands entered the U.S. market. The total market share of General Motors fell from 28.2% in 2000 to 17.6% by 2014. The other two of the Big Three car manufacturers also lost U.S. market share during this same period. Ford fell from 24.1% to 14.7%. Fiat owned Chrysler now holds only 12.7% after having 15.7% of the market in 2000. High labor costs, product lines that emphasized large vehicles with significant gasoline use and a looming global recession caused a crash in U.S. automaker profitability in 2008. American car manufacturers were struggling to compete against better, more efficiently manufactured products from overseas companies. As of 2015, Toyota earns more than GM, Ford and Chevrolet combined. Lower per car costs have allowed foreign manufacturers to gain larger portions of the U.S. market. Decades of market control by U.S. manufacturers caused the major automakers
  • 22. Time Management Time Management By: Time management is often thought of when describing task related to business management or executive positions; those who have meetings and appointments related to business deals as well as meeting deadlines and time lines. However, time management is something everyone will have to deal with no matter the task or job. The following essay will describe time management and its importance in the work place as well as its importance for those who use it on a more personal level such as studying and learning. The essay will also explore strategies for maximizing time management and the associated individual responsibilities of time management. Finally, the benefits of time management will be discussed. Importance of ... Show more content on ... Phillips (2009) also suggest some unconventional strategies such as taking a break, which may seem as a waste at time; however this will allow tasks or jobs to be looked at with fresh eyes after a break. Phillips (2009) also suggest that developing an ability to say no to certain assignments which can be beneficial in reducing overload, while this may be feasible for work assignments it does not work with school assignments. Lastly Phillips (2009) recommends that time is made to maintain optimum health which includes eating right and getting enough rest as well as scheduling and keeping health checkups. Care must be taken to adapt the strategies that will best suit individual needs, while some advocate checking emails regularly as well as dealing with distractions, others suggest strategies that minimize interruptions, such as standing during phone conversations, or repeatedly checking the time while having a face to face conversations all in an effort to cut the distractions short (You can t make more time, 2008). It has also been suggested to turn off e mail alerts during peak working time to maximize the time spent doing work (You can t make more time, 2008). These strategies of completely focusing on the task and eliminating
  • 23. Essay Character Analysis of Dean Winchester Anna Prioletti Professor Watts English 102 A24 January 20, 2013 Through the Eyes of Dean Winchester: On the Road and On the Hunt In my favorite TV show, Supernatural, one of the protagonists and my favorite character is Dean Winchester, a certainly very round character. The series begins in Lawrence, Kansas with the demonic death of Dean s mother Mary. Consequently he, his brother Sam, and his father John are thrust into the world of the supernatural. John becomes obsessed with hunting the evil he encounters and ultimately tracking down the demon that killed Mary. As Dean grows, he learns more and more about hunting, weaponry, and the supernatural creatures that haunt this world. Due to circumstance, he is forced to grow up at ... Show more content on ... He didn t even hesitate. Dean s inner mission is to save everyone he can, especially Sam, before he saves himself. After the death of Mary, Dean was raised on two principles: hunting and taking care of Sam. He feels it is his job and duty to do everything in his power to protect Sam. Dean s family is his world, and after his father dies, all he has left is Sam. In every situation where Sam is hurt or in danger, Dean loses any inhibition or fear in order to save him. As Sam grew, Dean did his best to shield him from the world they knew so that he could be a normal happy kid. Flashbacks throughout many episodes show viewers their lives as they grew up. What Dean wants most is to be able to work and survive without Sam so that he can lead a normal, happy life. He knows it is too late for him. Later in the series, Dean gets involved with an old flame and her son. He constantly struggles to maintain their relationship while at the same time protect them from the hazards of his lifestyle. He eventually gives them up to keep them out of harm. The constant conflict he faces prevents him from becoming close with people. Therefore, occasionally he has to remind Sam that they are all they have. Every episode tends to include and end with some emotional scene in which Dean is rarely open or agreeable to talking about his feelings. He grew up being the strong anchor for his family. To him, his
  • 24. Summary Of Dead Men Don T Eat Cookies Dead Men Don t Eat Cookies is the sixth book in A Cookie Cutter Shop Mystery series. Times are rather calm in Chatterly Heights, MD., so it must be time for a little mystery. Olivia and Maddie busy baking cookies for the construction workers working on renovating the old Chatterly Heights Boarding House. Olivia s mother, Ellie, has bought the old house planning to convert it into an arts and crafts center. The calm is disturbed when Olivia gets a call from Ellie asking her to come upstairs, it seems that some bones have been found hidden behind one of the wall in one of the rooms. Alicia, one of the construction crew is sure that they are the bones of her father, who had gone missing a number of years ago. There is also a rumor going
  • 25. Five Principles Of Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi Gandhi s non violence beliefs, in India and South Africa when he is leading and when others leaders lead their rebelion, are more effective and reasonable than violent gestures, through military and militia attacks and wars. Mahatma Gandhi, born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, leads a movement for independence in India through his beliefs he acquires from the ancient Indian philosophy he follows, Jainism. Jainism includes five main principles that Gandhi followed strictly, nonviolence is one of them. The nonviolent approach that Gandhi puts forward is still put to use by other leaders such as Barack Obama, Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela. The Indian independence movement of the revolution from Britain is a turning point in history because of the change it makes without the use of weapons or with bloodshed. Gandhi s childhood Gandhi grows up in British ruled western India in Porbandar, Kathiawar, modern day Gujrat, born on October 2, 1869. He lives in a widely religious, business class, Hindu family that follows Jainist philosophies, however in his teen ages he does as ... Show more content on ... Since the war is going on, Gandhi helps Britain recruit Indian soldiers, even though he does not agree with their beliefs. Gandhi In 1919, about 60 years into British rule of India, Gandhi is at 50 years of age and ready to go to continue more peaceful protests in the country he is born in. Gandhi calls for another Satyagraha campaign because after the end of the war Britain enacts the Rowlatt Act that lets British authorities put people in prison for sedition, rebellion against a the government, without trial. In April 1919, violence breaks out by Indians, causing British retaliation that slaughters 400 unarmed Indians in the Massacre of Amritsar. Gandhi quickly ends his ties with the British government and starts leading the Indian independence
  • 26. The Sharecropping System In The Piano Lesson By August Wilson Would you ever deceive your family for some personal needs? This is what happened in the story of The Piano Lesson by August Wilson. In the Piano Lesson, Boy Willie was offered land by Sutter, which he didn t have enough money for, but he was given time in order to get enough money because Sutter wants Boy Willie to have the land. In order for Boy Willie to get all the land, he had to sell watermelons and the piano, but Berniece (Boy Willie s sister) doesn t agree to sell the piano due to the fact that the piano represents their family s struggles over the years. Boy Willie believes that selling the piano enable him to quit being a sharecropper, make the best of what s left, and stand side by side with the whites. The sharecropping system is the system where landowners allow a tenant to use the land in exchange for a share of the crop. The main purpose of the sharecropping system is to keep... Show more content on ... While Berniece has great sentimental value for the piano, Boy Willie saw it as an opportunity to build on what s left. Even though Boy Willie saw the piano as an opportunity to escape sharecropping, he didn t forget all about their ancestor, and their traumatic story because throughout the play, he shared the family history with Maretha (Berniece daughter), which Berniece doesn t want her to know about due to the fact that it s too painful. Boy Willie stated that, The only thing make that piano worth something is them carvings Papa Willie Boy put on there... That was my great granddaddy. Papa Boy Charles brought that piano into the house. Now, I m supposed to build on what they left me. (p. 160) Boy Willie sees the piano as hope to break the family s tradition of sharecropping, he wants to use what s left by their family to build for the future, because if he could sell the piano, and buy the land, sharecropping wouldn t be a struggle for them
  • 27. How Cyber Security Is Compromised Today cyber security causes huge problems for Society: personally, financially and even in matters of national security. Just in the last two years, hundreds of millions of credit card numbers have been stolen. Tens of millions of Social Security numbers and health care records were compromised and even nuclear energy centers have been hacked. Also unmanned drones have been hijacked. This is all done by exploiting vulnerabilities in hardware and software, or more often by taking an advantage of unintentional decisions made by the people using the software. The people committing these cybercrimes don t fit a single profile or motivation, it could be anyone from an international terrorist to a teenager competing for bragging rights. Today the largest countries not only have a regular army but also have a well armed Cyber Army, in fact the next World War may not be fought with traditional weapons but with computerused to shut down a nation s water supplies, energy grid and transportation systems. This essay will discuss how cyber securityis compromised, what systems are in place to defend cyber attacks and also how to remain safe when using the internet. In biology and life, a virus is an organism that is spread through coughing, wheezing or physical contact. Viruses work by infecting cells and injecting their genetic material and using the cells to replicate themselves. They can make people really sick and spread it to other people. A computer virus works a bit similarly. A
  • 28. Elderly Refresher Drivers In 2014, An 86 year old man drove his automobile into a crowded farmer s market in Santa Monica, California, killing ten people ( You re probably thinking what a horrible thing to do . Actually, he didn t anticipate for this to happen. Because he was elderly, he was not capable to drive safely. Deterioration in vision and the ability to logically reason and remember, as well as the rise of physical challenges such as arthritis and reduced strength is most common in people aged 75 and older. Elders can not drive as well as they did years ago, even if they might think so. If we want to prevent more than 40% of car accidents, elders should retake their driver s test every two years to make sure that they can still drive safely. Have ... Show more content on ... Some problems are arthritis, heart disease, types of cancer, respiratory disease, Alzheimer s disease, dementia, and depression ( All of these symptoms can change how they drive and is the main reason why they get into car accidents. Mrs. Simon, a 67 year old woman with Type II diabetes mellitus and hypertension, mentions during a routine check up that she hit a stop sign while making a right hand turn in her car two weeks ago. (New.BBC) Although she was uninjured, she has felt anxious about driving since that episode. Aging itself usually results in a gradual and subtle decline in strength, coordination, reaction time, ability to concentrate, and hearing. Donald Redelmeier, a doctor and scientist at Sunnybrook Hospital Said, How the individual driver is compensating for changes in physical or cognitive function should be taken into account. Reaction time is one of the most important requirements for driving because in any circumstance where they come close to an accident they need to react quickly to swerve out of the way or hit the breaks. In every case, the elderly driver told police that he or she confused the gas and brake pedals. This case is a mixture of dementia and reaction time. When people get older they tend to forget more, both long term or short term. Driving is a complicated
  • 29. 2.3 Effect Of Reference Groups On Consumer Decision Making 2.2.3Effect of Reference Groups on Consumer Decision Making Table 2.2.1 shows the different reference group influence on people. Opinion leaders and role models are associated with these reference group and exert pressure on consumers. When marketers want their message to go viral, they resort to word of mouth using social media such as Facebook and Twitter. The re tweeting and sharing option on Twitter and Facebook respectively ensures that the message is carried through the respective reference group. Marketers identify these re tweeters since they have the capability to influence the audience. Normative InfluenceComparative Influence Membership GroupHigh level of conformity to the standards of immediate membership groups, such as family and peers. The ... Show more content on ... Friendships represent breaking away from the family and forming bonds outside the family structure. Friendship groups have a lot of influence on the buying behaviour since people conform to the group norms by adhering to purchase practices followed by the group. Shopping Groups People enjoy shopping together in order to make shopping a fun activity and to also reduce the risk associated with purchasing. People take someone along for shopping whom they believe possess the expertise for the product category and will reduce the chance of making an incorrect purchase. When no one from the shopping group has knowledge about the product, consumers take a collective decision. Virtual Communities Many companies encourage consumers to comment, leave response and interact with them through the means of websites, blog post and social media. Consumers are part of virtual communities and communicate regularly even when they have never met in person. The online platform provides an environment of anonymity which helps consumers to express their views
  • 30. Diabetes Is The Root Cause For The Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Diabetes is also called Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes. In this type, body does not use insulin adequately and become resistant to even high levels of insulin. This leads to high blood sugar margins which can cause adverse effects if left untreated. There are many risk factors which can be responsible for the progression of the disease. Obesity is the root cause for the type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, People having type 2 diabetes are at risk for gain in weight due to many causes or factors including: Sedentary life style Calorie rich diet Medication of diabetes Eating habits Chronic mental illness Loss in weight with help of lifestyle interventions has been shown to decrease the chances of diabetes by 58%. The incidence of non insulin dependent diabetes is 3 7 times greater in over weight as compared to average weight adults , amendment in lifestyle also denoted as behavioral weight control includes three basic factors: diet, exercise and behavior therapy. Being diagnosed with diabetes can be frightened for every patient for example why it happens? How it will affect your everyday life? What can be the complications going to be occurred due to this disease? Lifestyle modification focus at decreasing energy input and fostering physical movement is the main procedure for obese clients with type 2 diabetes. Even significant weight reduction contributing enhanced movement can enhance insulin sensitivity and glycemic control in clients with non insulin dependent
  • 31. Concept Of Organizational Behavior The Fundamental Concept of Organizational Behaviour By: Roan G. Lim, MBA 2nd Trimester 2015 2016, HBO 3 Keywords: Contemporary, Fields, Concept of Organizational Behaviour Organizational Behaviour can be expressed as an interdisciplinary field of study as it put together the facts from a variety of relevant fields. Organizational Behavior is not an fundamental topic, but it is relatively like a compound subject, with incorporated merging of various fields. In modern terms, Organizational Behavior is an defined as an interdisciplinary approach which helps in analyzing the human behavior in organizations. Organizational behavior can be analyzed in terms of various fields. All fields have contributed a lot in the study of Organizational Behavior. These fields of study are: Psychology usually related to the study of human behavior, with qualities of the person and association of small social groups. The main center of consideration is on the person as a whole. Organizational Behavior discovers a great deal in subjects like personality, perception, emotions, attitude, learning, values, motivation, and job satisfaction etc. from the field of psychology. Sociologists deal with the learning of social behavior, relationships among social groups and societies, and the ... Show more content on ... Issues like, individual culture, organisational culture, organisational environment, comparative values, comparative attitudes, cross cultural analysis, are some of the familiar fields of anthropology and OB. OB is usually concerned with one of the main issues seeking immediate attention out of cultural system, the beliefs, customs, ideas and values within a group or society, and the contrast between the behaviors among different cultures. People try to depend on their culture to give them security and stability, and they can experience bad response to strange
  • 32. Low Transmission Fluid Analysis The transmission on your vehicle plays a vital role in keeping your vehicle on the road and working properly. If your transmission is damaged, you are not going to be able to safety drive your vehicle and if your transmission suffers serious damage, you are not going to be able to drive at all. One of the most common issues that develop with transmission is the fluid ends up leaking out of the transmission. This is a very serious problem. Your automatic transmission fluid, also known as ATF, is vital to keeping your transmission lubricated and working properly. Consequences of Low Transmission Fluid When your vehicle begins to leak transmission fluid, that means it does not have enough transmission fluid inside of it properly do its job. A lack of... Show more content on ... Transmission fluid tends to have a red to pink color to it and it has a nice sweet smell most of the time. However, if your transmission is having issues, it could have more of a burnt smell to it. You can see if transmission fluid is leaking under your vehicle by putting a flat cardboard box under your car at night and pulling it out in the morning and see if you spot any transmission fluid on the cardboard. You can also open up your hood and check out what level the transmission fluid is at. You should be able to see if you have enough transmission fluid in your vehicle. Then, check in a few days to see if the level has lowered at all. Your transmission fluid should not dramatically drop after a few days, so if the level does drop, that means your transmission is leaking fluid. What Burning Transmission Fluid Means Another sign to watch out for when inspecting your transmission fluid is a burning smell instead of a sweet smell. This smell may come from the leaking transmission fluid or from the fluid reservoir tank, or you may notice it when you are driving. This is not a good
  • 33. Stress In A Juvenile Detention Center The significance of this study was to examine if adolescents in a juvenile detention center in St. Louis City could self adjust, cope or adapt with their levels of stress. There is a great deal of literature available supporting the notion of utilizing affective tactics in combating stress levels among various age groups. However, there is very little information provided on at risk adolescents in a juvenile detention center confronted with dangerous levels of stress. The importance of understanding how these detained adolescents between the ages of 11 17, approach dealing with their stress is not just beneficial to them and the institution responsible for providing adequate care. It further provides a unique view into the mindset of detained
  • 34. Grease Character Analysis In the movie Grease, John Travolta portrays the character, Danny. Danny especially struggles throughout the movie trying to figure out exactly who he is. It remains very common for teenagers to struggle with identity while going through different stages of their lives. Identity is a self definition or sense of who one is, where one is going, and how one fits into society. As much as Danny does not wantto see it when he is around certain individuals he acts much different than what he does around other individuals. Furthermore, I will cover four topics on how Danny struggles with identity throughout the movie Grease with the following topics: how Danny views himself, how Danny s friends view him, how Sandy views him, and lastly how Danny changes throughout the movie. John Travoltas character, Danny Zuko, sees himself as the leader of his group. When he is around his friends he sees himself as such a badass. For example, in the beginning of the movie when Danny first sees that Sandy is going to be going to his school, it is easy to notice that Danny is struggling to decide how he wants to react to her being there because his friends are around. When Danny is around Sandy, he is a completely different person than he is around his friends. For instance, in the intro of the movie it shows how the two spent their summer together at the beach every day. Danny treated Sandy like such a lady. These two cases show how Danny perceives himself differently around certain
  • 35. Orange Battery Like a lemon or a potato, an orange can produce electricity if a copper and zinc terminals are inserted in it. The copper terminal is positive whereas the zinc is negative. The chemical reaction inside the potato causes the electrons to move from the zinc to the copper. The experiment was demonstrated by Mustafa Daif and assited by Fatima Ali. Special thanks go to Christina Matouq. Veggie Power! Making Batteries from Fruits and Vegetables Project Kit Available! Order Your Project SuppliesAbstract Did you know that you can get electricity out of a potato? In this project you will learn how do build a simple battery using a variety of different fruits and vegetables REALLY! You ll be able to figure out things like: ... Show more content on ... More advanced students should also study: voltage dividers, internal resistance of a battery, Kirchoff s laws, and ionic bonds. Bibliography This site gives a good history of the invention and development of batteries: Buchmann, I., 2001. Chapter 1: When Was the Battery Invented? Batteries in a Portable World [accessed April 24, 2006] page1.asp. This is a great site with a lot of basics on electronics: Hewes, J., 2006a. Welcome to the Electronics Club, The Electronics Club [accessed April 24, 2006] Brain, M., 2006. How Batteries Work, [accessed April 24, 2006] http:/ / Hewes, J., 2006b. Ohm s Law, The Electronics Club [accessed April 24, 2006] /ohmslaw.htm. The colored stripes on resistors are a code that tells you the value and the tolerance of the resistor. This reference has more information: Phillips, W.D., 1999. Resistors: Colour Code, Design Electronics [accessed April 24, 2006] http:/ / Nave, C.R., 2006. Voltage Divider, HyperPhysics, Department of
  • 36. Organizational Structure Of Xerox As A Stateless Company 1)Stateless Corporation Identity Although Xerox is a multinational corporation it does not meet the criteria to be considered a stateless corporation. Xerox conducts their business in a multitude of countries, manufacturing where it is the most efficient, the enterprise does not transcend nationality altogether (Arreola Risa et al., 2017, 242). Xerox can be considered to be a company that is on its way to becoming a stateless corporation made clear through the company goals and mission statement, but it has not made the full commitment to being stateless and is strongly identified as being an American company. 2)Organizational Structure of Xerox Please reference Appendix B for a chart outlining the organizational structure of Xerox. Xerox follows the breakdown of a matrix organizational structure. Xerox is under the command of a single Chief Executive Director and Officer (who is also the President), Jeff Jacobson who has recently taken the position from Ursula Burns. There is also a Chairman of the Board in power as well as nine directors in the board. Under the command of the CEO, the company is further divided up into several divisions focused on a specific area of work. These divisions have a specific director who answers to the Chief Executive Director (Jacobson). These divisions include; financial division, sales division, human resources division, strategy and marketing division, international operations division, delivery division, legal and secretary division,
  • 37. Atomic Bomb 8 Atomic Bomb In 1945, two bombs were dropped on Japan, on in Hiroshima and one in Nagasaki. Theses bombs marked the end to the world amp;#8217;s largest armed conflict. Despite the ghastly effects of such a weapon, it offered the best choice for a quick and easy defeat of Japan. President Truman, who authorized the use of the atomic bomb, made a wise decision under the circumstances of the war. Fifty years ago this is what people thought. Now many people are starting to find out that there might be more to the story than what was originally thought (Grant 26). The bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima caused massive amounts of damage and ruined thousands of lives, but they saves many more lives by ending ... Show more content on ... The battles for Okinawa, Wake and Guam all were ample testament to the Japanese willingness to die in the face of overwhelming odds. The kamikaze was a perfect example of the Japanese battle attitude. Japanese pilots would strap themselves into planes loaded with explosives and fly them into American ships. By the war amp;#8217;s conclusion the Japanese kamikaze attacks had sunk 3 aircraft carriers, damaged 285 craft and sunk a total of 34. The Japanese also did well in increasing support for the war effort. amp;#8220;Both scientist and publicists were in fact powerful instruments inflaming popular hatred against the democratic countries and in regimenting the people into blindly supporting the war of aggrandizement (Ferrell 16). ; This resolve would only have been strengthened had American and Russian forces tried to invade Japan. This almost suicidal type of fighting would have resulted in a tremendous amount of casualties for both sides. American casualties alone were projected at 500,000. The amount of deaths caused by an invasion would easily dwarfed those of the atomic bombings (Purcell 82). Air power offered American forces a method of remaining relatively unscathed against the fanatical Japanese military while laying waste to entire cities. This was possible because while Japanese ground forces remained strong, air defense had been severely weakened. This gave
  • 38. Julius Caesar Musical Analysis 1.In Act Two Scene One, the group of people who have decided to assassinate Caesar meet up with Brutus to convince him to join their group, the conspiracy, one more time. During this scene, I would play Wine Dark Sea (Symphony for Band): I. Hubris, by the 2017 North Texas Wind Symphony (John Mackey). This movement of the song is a great portrayal of the scene because Cassius, the leader of the conspiracy, along with the rest of the conspirators are attempting to persuade Brutus, the protagonist, to join them in the plot to kill Brutus best friend, Julius Caesar. The aspects of the music differ greatly, magnificently portraying the energy of the scene. The music has changes in dynamics, along with solos and solis, or groups of performers playing as an ensemble, that act as the voices of the conspirators that all jump in, agreeing with Cassius, to further persuade Brutus. This piece would begin to play during the stage direction that states, Enter the conspirators: CASSIUS, CASCA, DECIUS, CINNA, METELLUS, and TREBONIUS (2.1.87sd). During the lines following this stage direction there are larger, one person said lines followed by smaller lines that are vaguely announced by the other conspirators. Similarly, in the movement, there are a few melodious sections played mainly by one instrument group at a louder dynamic, followed by a counter melody played by the entire band. 2.In Act Two Scene Two, a series of bad omens appear throughout the setting of the play and even in Caesar s wife s dream. Calpurnia, Caesar s wife, has a horrible dream showing her an image of her husband s statue with one hundred wounds spewing blood as the people of Rome wash their hands in his blood (2.2.80 87). A series of other bad omens occurred, including a lion walking in the capitol, an owl out in the daytime, and the dead rising from their graves. During this scene, I would play Foundry, performed by the 2017 North Texas Wind Symphony (John Mackey). During this piece, the low and middle bass sections have the main foundational rhythms while the upper woodwinds and brass have the main melody, and the percussion section is beating on metal objects like they re in a factory. The overall feeling of this piece is hectic, and loud;
  • 39. Oral Health Education Case Study Essay Case study one Introduction Source of the patient referral Patient was referred to me from the dentist. Medical problem Presented was a 62 year old female, patient is an asthmatic and has bronchitis. Social circumstances She previously smoked 70 per week, but has since cut this down to 3 per day, due to cost and health issues The patient doesn t drink alcohol. The patient has a relatively healthy diet. Patients presenting problem The patient has a four unit bridge on her upper anteriors, she has ten missing teeth and others which are heavily filled. The patient requires no other treatment other than three visit perio appointments ... Show more content on ... The patient was brushing twice a day already using a scrub technique, however she had bleeding on brushing and was not brushing all areas of her mouth.( see appendix 1 of perio chart) The patient was keen to get her oral hygiene up to a good standard and prevent any more bleeding. The patient had admitted to in the past only brushing once per day and not for the required time. Teaching methods The teaching methods I used were: Demonstration via model and mirror. I used this method as I thought the patient would be more likely to remember what I had shown her, she would be able to see clearly and she could repeat what I had shown her on the model, I would also be able to see better when the patient repeated the demonstration and would be able to see if she made any errors and could help her put these right. Talk I thought this method would help the patient understand better the process and the causes of periodontal disease ( I talked to the patient when showing her a poster ) She would also be able to ask questions on the matter so I could see if she fully
  • 40. Rhetorical Analysis Of Allison Benedikt A Rhetorical Analysis of Alisson Benedikt s article if you send you kid to a private school you, are a bad person. Not like murderer bad bad like ruining one of our world s most essential institutions in order to get what s best for your kid bad . However, this is just another way to persuade the audience and make them wanta difference by doing something because no one likes to here they are a bad parent, her goal is to make the reader feel guilty. Benedikt purposes is to show the idea that if we all send our kids to private school, it would improve. She adopts and optimistic tone in order to encourage or persuade you to send you kids to a public school. She wants parents to be concerned about the public and its needs. If you send your child to a private school, it means that you are playing a role in ruining one of the essential institutions. The central assumption behind this strong opinion and understanding is that, if all parents started sending their children off to public schools, public education as an entire institution would improve more than we can even imagine at the moment. This article was published on August 29th 2013 at 5:50pm, on slates website. This article is mainly talking about her emotions and how she feels about the whole situation. Allison Benedikt begins her article by developing her credibility with personal experiences citing convincing facts. In her manifesto Benedict rants about the differences between public and private schools showing the effects with a blunt rant. In her article Benedikt first starts by appealing optimistic emotions to the audience when she said send your kids to public school even if you can afford private . Future generations will thank you . What the author means by this is by sending your kids to public schools it would get better; this change however is apparently not going to take place over time. It would require many generations to happen and thus a lot of time. This also means that during the time until this desired change occurs, the generations in between will have to suffer by receiving an ordinary or average education. This might seem like a very long time. It might also seem
  • 41. Kamala In Hermann Hesse s Siddhartha Kamala, is the main, and indeed, the only female main character in the novel Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse. Kamala, a wealthy courtesan, is the bridge between the lay people reading the novel and the main character Siddhartha, who is more of a holy man, than a relatable character. Kamala is a kind, yet selfish women who allows for the reader to connect to Siddhartha, by making him more imperfect. Later in the novel, even after Siddhartha has left town, she unintentionally brings Siddhartha, his son, and again provokes him to react as an imperfect human rather than a holy man. Thus, Kamala, while not necessarily a large character, she is integral to the plot and to the reader s ability to connect to the novel. Siddhartha first meets Kamala after he has just decided that he no longer wants to be an ascetic, and that he needs to try a new way of life. He meets... Show more content on ... By requiring Siddhartha to work a job and earn money and achieve status, he again becomes more relatable because these are all events, that we as modern Americans, require or want. Further, Siddhartha develops what is essentially a friends with benefits relationship with Kamala. While their relationship not necessarily romantic is does resemble a more modern relationship dynamic. They both acknowledge that they care for each other, even if they cannot love each other. Kamala said, ... You do not really love me you love nobody. Is that not true? Maybe, said Siddhartha wearily. I am like you. You cannot love either, otherwise how could you practice love as an art? Perhaps people like us cannot love. Ordinary people can that is their secret. (Hesse 73). While this does outline how they are different from regular or normal people, it also establishes a weariness, or despondency at not being able to love each other, something that is distinctly familiar, in a way that fairytale romances are often
  • 42. What Skills Are Important In The Importance Of Phonemic... 1.Define phonemic awareness. What skills are important in the instruction of phonemic awareness? a.Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, isolate, identify, and manipulate the discrete sounds of language, this only involves the sounds of speech and not the letters or words. b.The skills important when instructing phonemic awareness are concepts of print, recognizing/producing rhyme, syllable tasks, blending syllables, phonemic tasks and onset and rime (word families). When instructing phonemic awareness, the reader should emphasize sounds and use visual and oral instruction whenever possible, such as manipulatives. 2.Why is visualization such an important comprehension skill for readers? How can we teach visualization to struggling readers? a.Visualization, or mental imagery, helps students make a picture of the readingin their minds by relating text to personal experiences from prior knowledge. Visualization is such an important comprehension skill because students cannot remember what they are reading if they cannot picture the story in their head. It would be similar to memorizing text and having no techniques to remember the text. However, by visualizing, the reader is creating a personal connection with the text and activating prior knowledge. Therefore, they are able to picture and recall what they are reading. b.We can teach visualization to struggling readers, specifically students with disabilities, by having them think about what they see, hear, smell,
  • 43. The ! Kung Research Paper Each individual pertaining to the !Kung is considered relatively equal, however in this egalitarian society, age becomes one of the forms of status distinction. Age becomes an important aspect when determining the structure of the kinship system. Thus, as a person ages, more control is granted (kinship). As a result, genderbecomes irrelevant to the !Kung when deciding who will possess authority in relation to kinship, granting women and men gender equality within the kinship system. In addition to age, children of the !Kung are given the names of their paternal and maternal grandparents. However, the paternal grandparent s names for both genders take precedence, as seen when Lee writes, A first born son is supposed to be named after his