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Physical Education Essays
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Physical Education" can be both challenging and rewarding.
The complexity arises from the multifaceted nature of the topic, encompassing various aspects
such as the importance of physical activity, the role of education in promoting a healthy lifestyle,
and the challenges faced in implementing effective physical education programs.
Firstly, one must delve into the scientific and medical aspects of physical education, exploring
the physiological benefits of exercise on the human body. This requires a solid understanding of
anatomy, physiology, and the interconnected systems that contribute to overall well-being.
Balancing this with the need to communicate these concepts in a clear and engaging manner can
be a demanding task.
Moreover, addressing the educational perspective involves exploring how physical education
contributes to the holistic development of individuals. This entails discussing the impact of
physical activity on cognitive abilities, emotional well-being, and social skills. Drawing
connections between theoretical concepts and practical applications requires a thoughtful and
nuanced approach.
Additionally, the essay should address the challenges and controversies surrounding physical
education. This might involve examining issues such as access to quality physical education
programs, overcoming societal barriers to exercise, and navigating cultural attitudes towards
physical activity. The writer must critically analyze these challenges while proposing feasible
Furthermore, staying current with the latest research and trends in physical education is essential.
This involves continuous research to incorporate recent studies and developments, ensuring that
the essay reflects the most up-to-date information.
In conclusion, writing an essay on physical education demands a blend of scientific knowledge,
educational insight, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. While the process can
be demanding, the opportunity to contribute to discussions on promoting health and well-being
through education is undoubtedly fulfilling.
If you find yourself struggling with such a task or need assistance with similar essays, consider
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Physical Education Essays Physical Education Essays
The Social and Personal Impediments Against Which
As a composer, and a performer, there can be no question of Mozart s genius,
however, what is genius defined as? The main definition is that genius is a very
great and rare innate ability or skill it is a creative power. It is therefore clear that
Mozart was in fact a genius in his music; it does no state anywhere, however, that a
geniusalso has to have a divine personality and behaviour and this is clear as Mozart
is shown in Amadeus as a silly, scatological, childish and infantile man. To be a
genius in one aspect of the mind, such as music, could mean that other parts of the
mind are inhibited, such as social skills. An evident and major theme in Amadeus is
exploring how a genius functions in a society and how society hinders and... Show
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Historically, there is evidence from Mozart s own written letters that there was
some sort of antagonism between Salieri and Mozart, If he is allied with Salieri, I
won t ever get a thing out of him. Be it jealousy or a difference in personality, one
cannot say, however, the conflict between Salieri s mediocrity and Mozart s
genius is evident throughout the play. Salieri himself is musically competent, he
has been educated and has learnt the skills of music and so is able to recognise
Mozart s greatness, however, he seems to be the only one in Mozart s age to have
recognised it, . only to be the sole man alive in this time who shall
clearly recognize your Incarnation! He shows his obvious awareness of Mozart s
posterity and his own mediocrity. We can see Salieri and Mozart in the light of
Nietzsche s opposing struggle of the Apollian and Dionysian personalities. Mozart
embodies the Dionysian elements of a
Berger Family Encounters In Awake And Sing
The struggle the Berger family encounters in Awake and Sing is clearly evident by
the setting Clifford Odets sets up for his audience. Throughout the opening pages of
the play, particularly in this excerpt, the dialogue is chalk full with literary elements
of mood, tone, and imagery. These three elements each complement each other as
they all provide the play with a dark, depressing, and somber overtone. Not only
does Odets provide the reader with textual and linguistic setting elements, but the
physical setting portrays a gloomy atmosphere as well. The play takes place in an
apartment in the Bronx, New York City during the Great Depression. Already, the
time period of the play, in addition to the apartment being in the poverty stricken
neighborhood of the Bronx gives context to how hard it is for the Berger... Show
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The only thing in his way is the plummeting economy keeping him from a
prosperous, successful, and worry free life. These phrases, although said with hope,
evoke emotion and put a sense of stress on the reader as they learn that this family
cannot live comfortably. Ralph takes off his rose colored glasses and becomes less
optimistic when he questions life by saying, What s it for? (Odets, 42). The
audience now sees a man struggling with his identity and purpose. Ralph s words
set a strong, dark, and continuous tone for the play that serves to encompass his
entire family. Ralph continues to focus on his working career and how he still
cannot seem to provide the little things in life that he desires. The reader is
confronted with imagery that explains the reality of the Berger s situation through
the eyes of Ralph. The audience comes to realize that Ralph sleeps on a day bed in
the front room (Odets, 42). Odets provides an image of a character who is questioning
his place in life, and who quite literally does not have his own personal space within
his family
The Future of California
The future of California is pretty good, for the state is projected to see growth in
almost every sector of the economy as well as the population, but there are many
concerns that must be addressed first in order to see California s growth come to
fruition. International trade and business is one of Californias largest industries and it
s expected to continue increasing, for many emerging economies are also located off
of the Pacific Ocean. Growth in the economy is good, but requires resources that
California has a limited supply of. The main resource California always needs is
water, since most of the state s population resides in the southern regions, which are
arid and receive minimal precipitation annually. The state is planning on improving
efficiency and the aqueduct system to increase the water supplywhile decrease the
environmental effects California s aqueduct s have on regions like the San Joaquin
River Delta. For many years California has been considered a very liberal and left
state, which is due to the fact that the state has the toughest environmental legislation
in the country. With such strong legislation ensuring the protection of the
environment California has become a model state in the fight against climate change,
and must remain vigilant for there are numerous species endemic to the state that are
found nowhere else on the planet. Though there are numerous other factors affecting
California s future these are some of the most interesting areas to
Reflection On The Lense Of Faith
We are told to follow the things that set our souls on fire. pressured to find
something that brings us more joy than anything else. We are barred at a young age
with the responsibility of finding our calling before we even know what it is. As a 15
year old girl, I didn t know where to find this fire or even where to find my calling in
the world. I was convinced one didn t exist, I was convinced that it was me against
the world. It was me against the 7 billion screaming people trying to find their
footing, and I felt like I didn t have a voice loud enough or feet big enough to ever do
this. I felt like the world was suffocating me and there was never going to be a chance
for another breath of air. All I could understand from the world, was we live, we
suffer, we grow old and we die.
Through the lens of conformity, one blinded by worldly desires, it is incredible
how much we cannot see, and surprising how much we can see. But when we open
our hearts and put on a lens of faith we can slowly begin to see what has been in
front of us all along. For me, this was a world full of light, peace, and pure joy.
I first put on a lense of faith on May 14, 2016, my 16th birthday, when I first read
the Book of Mormon and went to church. I was later baptized and confirmed a
member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on February 19, 2017.
I was born on Mother s Day of 2000. My parents would tell you that I was a force of
nature, one they often feared to recon with.
Finding Truth in Lies in Ernest Hemingway s A Farewell to...
Finding Truth in Lies in A Farewell to Arms
The foundation of Hemingway s A Farewell to Arms is based on lies. Hemingway
exposes the reality, or truth, of love and war by presenting the story of Lieutenant
Henry and Catherine Barkley, lives ironically entrenched in lies. Henry in particular
assumes a different role at every turn, pretending, for example, to be a soldier, a
civilian, a doctor or Barkley s dead fiancГ©.
The lies in Henry s life begin when he joins the Italian army. Here, he pretends to be
one of the guys, silently siding with their bawdy humor and macho activities and not
the morality of the priest. Hemingway best displays this conflict in the scene where
the priest urges Henry to visit Abruzzi while the ... Show more content on ...
Henry pretends to be a civilian, adopting many different forms of that which is
anything but military dress.
Also, when the Swiss authorities question the purpose of Henry and Barkley s
presence in Switzerland, he again must pretend to be other than an American
member of the Italian army. Henry says to the officials he is a sportsman in
Switzerland for the winter sport (279, 280). He also tells the officials he has been
studying architecture. My [Henry s] cousin has been studying art (280). Henry uses
this blatant lie to become a civilian, hiding his military background.
Others also understand Henry s tendency to pretend. For example, Rinaldi comments
that Henry only pretend[s] to be an American (66). The priest later contradicts this
statement: You [Henry] are a foreigner. You are a patriot (71). Henry often plays the
role of the patriotic Italian, then the role of the patriotic American, then the role of the
concerned observer, while never committing to any one ideology. Rinaldi and the
priest have seen this change in facades within Henry, as he assumes different defining
One of Henry s greatest lies centers around his relationship with Barkley. Initially,
Henry wants Barkley only for physical satisfaction, and he will do whatever she
wants to get some. He tells her he loves her with the hope that the declaration will
prompt her to kiss him: I lied. I love you (30). Once this false
Angle of Shooting in Soccer
It was about 3 minutes before the time was called. The red light from the score
billboard showing 2 1 represented our team s frustration to win that one more
point in order to break even. The cheering sound of the crowd reverberated through
the ground; chased by the other two players from the opposing side, I ran as fast as I
could toward the opponent s goal; it was our last chance of scoring. My heart started
pounding rapidly, I ran closer to the goal, and took the shot. I missed. My dad started
teaching me to play soccer since I was very young. He used to be a soccer team s
captain when he was in university, so he was very good at soccer. Every weekend, he
would bring my brother and me to a soccer field in our neighborhood, and we... Show
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Therefore, I tried using tan. Assuming that the position that gives the widest angle
is located x meters from the corner. To make it easier to see, I constructed two
triangles in green and red. Then I let the smaller angle be О± (green), and the bigger
angle be ОІ (red). The angle I wanted to maximize is the difference between the two
angles (as shown by ОёВ°). Therefore, I tried to find О± and ОІ. As tan = opposite
/adjacent , tan ОІ = 35.66/x and so in order to find the angle ОІ I used arctan ОІ =
arctan (35.66/x) Similarly, tan О± = 28.34/d ,and so the angle О± would be О± =
arctan (28.34/x) Then, I found the equation that determine the shooting angle: f(x)=
ОІ О± = arctan (35.66/x) arctan (28.34/x), when x is the length from the corner to
the soccer player. Optimization Once I got the function to find an angle subtended
by the two goalposts using the distance from a corner to a player s position, I tried
graphing the equation (Figure 3 [Right] ) in my calculator to take a closer look at the
The Conditions And Circumstances Within The Nazi...
The conditions and circumstances within the Nazi concentration camp system
provide a remarkable prism through which historians can analyse the plight of Jewish
people during the Holocaust. Resistance through violent rebellion against the Nazi
regime s policy of genocide is the most obvious manifestation of Jewish dissent, but
the limited number of attempted uprisings in extermination camps raises profound
questions about the Jewish people s motivation to perform active resistance. Passive
resistance committed by Jewish prisoners within the concentration camp system was
of crucial importance towards maintaining dignity and hope among the populace and
therefore should not be excluded when examining the overall strength of Jewish
resolve. Nazi extermination camps operated under distinct and divergent principles
that resulted in Jews developing unique values and beliefs that varied considerably
depending on the facility that they survived. Slave labour and the emotional turmoil
of dehumanisation were immensely damaging to Jewish morale and must be
considered an integral part of the Jewish struggle for survival. Primary sources, in
particular oral testimonies, shed light on the topic of Jewish endurance in the face of
Nazi barbarism by vividly creating an unfiltered frame of reference against which
both the abject malevolence of the Holocaustand the tenacity of the Jewish people
become self evident.
Characteristics of Jewish armed resistance within each extermination camp
The Pros And Cons Of Human Genetic Engineering
With the advent of Darwin s theory of evolution came curiosity; What would the
next stage of human evolution look like? Then came the discovery of genes, and
mankind s curiosity was piqued; What if we could alter our genes to our liking?
However, now that we are finally on the verge of cracking the genetic code, we must
ask ourselves; Should we use this technology? This single question has fueled a fiery
debate among a variety of groups in modern times, but where does the heart of the
debate lie? One could argue that there is an issue of fact, as we don t know all the
potential applications humangenetic engineering (henceforth called HGE) could have,
but many uses of the technology have already been identified. Therefore, the heart of
the debate lies in the quality of these applications and whether we should allow the
research of HGE to continue.
But who are the interested parties in this debate? While this is an issue that affects
our entire species, there are a few groups who hold certain values and beliefs that
have an impact on their opinion of HGE. A major group involved in HGE
discussion are the geneticists themselves, who generally seek to defend their work.
One such geneticist is Dr. George Church, a professor at Harvard, whose work in
genetics has caused a great deal of controversy among the scientific community. Dr.
Church s work in HGE revolves around a revolutionary genetic tool known as
CRISPR, which allows researchers to cut DNA from anywhere in the genome and
Similarities Between Scarface And Scarface
How are the two movies different from each other? Is it the era, the theme of or its
execution? In retrospective, both will surely have difference, especially since the
two are created with different aims. If one is to analyze the films, one will find a
grey area between its differences, wherein differences are both superficial and minor
at best.
Scarface is a crime drama film that is famously known for being one of the most
violent and profanes films during its time of release. Focusing on the rise of Tony
Montana (Al Pacino) on the criminal ladder and becoming more psychotic as his
career as the leader of his drug empire progresses, leading to his eventual downfall.
Directed by Brian de Palma, written by Oliver Stone and with performance of the
cast with the lead Al Pacino, Scarface became a cult classic among the ... Show more
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Both films are distinct in its execution. The Godfather s portrayal is a more subdued
one, Brando s speeches and philosophizing gives a more intellectual approach. Life in
the mafia is hard, but is not fully shown. It is layered behind the walls of character
development and dialogue, while they are eating together for dinner and sharing
insults about their mothers, the next scene will show the group getting ready for a
hit. Politically, The Godfather has no strong indication of getting associated with
politicians, though there are suggestions, they are not enough to be fully fleshed out.
Scarface, on the other hand, is a steady but surely approach. Rough neighbourhood
with murdering Indians, underling takes crown from boss after confrontation, and
the main character becoming more paranoid and delirious as he snuffs coke into his
nose. Politics also play a rule in the mindset of our hero, Tony would gladly carve a
hole on a communist, and he would get really angry when hearing Colombians are
The Hitchhiking Game, By Milan Kundera
There are a multitude of theoretical perspectives that just about anybody could take
and apply to an ample amount of scenarios. One of the more popular theories is the
theatre perspective; which relates to the idea of method and classical acting. These
two styles combined, with a little miscommunication thrown in, can turn a silly game,
between a couple, into their worst memory together. The couple in the short story The
Hitchhiking Game , by Milan Kundera, is the prime example of the previously
mentioned scenario happening. The couple uses both of these styles, not adequately
noting how what they are doing is affecting their significant other, and it leads to a
very troublesome ending. The theatre perspective of both the method and classical
acting styles can thoroughly explain the mindset of the couple in The Hitchhiking
Game and why they acted the way they did.
Method acting, or the Stanislavski method, was introduced by Constantin Stanislavski
in the twentieth century; it is when an actor recalls emotions or reactions from his
own life and uses them to personally identify with the character he is to portray.
One of the most acclaimed method actors known in society today is the deceased
Heath Ledger, who played the Joker in the Dark Knight. Rumor has said that
Ledger died from accidentally overdosing on pills from loss of sleep after he played
the role in this film; he turned himself into this demented character for the film and
couldn t get out of the role.
How Does Schindler s List Relate To Steven Spielberg
In 1993, Schindler s List won Best Picture from the Academy Awards. Steven
Spielberg not only directed the movie, but helped produce it as well. Spielberg
won his first Oscar for Best Director for Schindler s List, an award that had eluded
him in the past. He managed to acquire the rights to direct the film from Martin
Scorsese in exchange for the rights to direct Cape Fear (1991), (New York Times,
1991). Branko Lustig, a producer for Schindler s List, tracked down Spielberg and
pleaded to him to let him produce the movie. He showed Spielberg his Jewish tattoo
that the Nazi s gave him during his time at Auschwitz. Lustig brought a great sense
of authenticity to the film and is credited with selecting the faces of the extras in the
films. Schindler s List is based off of the novel, Schindler s Ark by Thomas
Keneally. According to Spielberg, he wanted to make the movie because the book is
presented in the style of a documentary. He stated that, That s what... Show more
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With the bulk of the film colorless, it evokes the era of the Holocaust and deepens the
impact of the story being told. A theme regarding the black and white filming is
Schindler s face with the majority of the time half being in shadow, the other in
light showing Schindler s selfish dark side. Towards the end, he finally transition
from profiteer to savior with his face becoming lighted more. One major color shot
in the movie was when Schindler was on a hill and saw a little Jewish girl walking
through the ghetto with a red coat. It is when Schindler finally grasps the innocence
of the Jews that are being slaughtered by the hands of the Nazis. She is the purity
walking unnoticed by the Nazis and witnessing the chaos around her. He is forced to
confront the fact he has his own hand in the horror that is happening in the ghetto. It
is then that Schindler vowed to do everything in his power to help the Jews and
dismantle the Nazi
Analysis Of Viola Hastings s She s The Man
a)First Topic
Viola Hastings, is the protagonist in the film She s The Man. She is a female
soccer player at Cornwall University, until the school cuts her soccer team off from
the after school extracurricular activities program. After the sexist coach refuses her
suggestion of joining the male soccer team, she impersonates her brother and tryouts
for the soccer team at Illyria. She believes the only way to attest her capability is if
she is unable to join the male soccer team at Cornwall is to beat them. Viola s
character would be a negative realistic representation of women, because she s an
athletic woman who remains attractive in the male gaze perspective. In the male
gaze we would expect her to be fragile, delicate and helpless woman rather than goal
oriented and driven woman in order for her to remain attractive to the male audience
and characters in the film.
Viola s devotion to soccer presents her as possessing too much boyishness to her
mother and other adult females in the debutante society. She lacks several feminine
mannerisms. For instance, while Duke and Justin are physically fighting over her,
she jumps on Justin s back and later removes popcorn from her top in an unladylike
fashion, of which she is reminded by her mother. There is a later scene in the film
when the debutantes are having dinner, Viola is chewing the chicken with her mouth
open and Cheryl, the debutante coach, reminds her of her manners by saying Viola,
darling. Remember, chew like you have
Characterization In The Heir
Competition is the process of competing for a prize or advantage. Usually, marriage
and competition are, complete opposites. But, in this castle everything about them
are considered the same. The Heir (Kiera Cass), is about a young girl named Eadlyn.
She is forced to go through a Selection that she doesn t wantto do. This means that
she will have 35 suitors ( young princes), at the castle who will do anything to win
over her heart, all to be the King and Queen of Illea. The Heir is a quality book in
most of the elements chosen. In The Heir, Kiera Cass uses characterization and irony
to show a quality plot and resolutionto develop a disappointing ending. Kiera Cass
uses characterization to show a quality plot. (Direct Characterization) I told you, she
d be stubborn (Cass 15). This quotes shows that Eadlyn is stubborn. This shows a
quality plot because, throughout the whole novel Eadlyn is very stubborn about
everything that happens in the selection and it shows through whenever Eadlyn does
something for the selection. (Indirect Characterization) ...For my family s sake, I had
to finish my selection (Cass 342). This quote shows that Eadlyn will do... Show more
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She also uses Resolution to make the ending disappointing. When Cass uses, Irony
she uses it in the most boring places to make those the best places. Kiera also uses,
Characterization to make an interesting plot line by, using cause and effect to use a
play on words. When she gives characters a trait she makes it so you need it
throughout the whole book. Every Time the character does something, it brings you
back to their traits. Lastly, Cass uses Resolution to develop a disappointing ending.
Resolution is the action of solving a problem and that is not what happened at the
end of The Heir. Kiera Cass uses Characterization and Irony to develop an interesting
plot line and Resolution to make a disappointing
Competitor Analysis
Competitor Analysis of Cathay Pacific Airlines
Cathay Pacific Airways is an international airline registered and based in Hong Kong,
offering scheduled cargo and passenger services to more than 110 destinations around
the world. The main competitors of Cathay Pacific are Singapore Airlines and China
Southern Airlines . In this competitor analysis for Cathay Pacific we will assess China
Southern Airlines only. 1. What are the objectives of this competitor? The objectives
of China Southern Airlines are as follows: * To build an international network
oriented airline with core competitiveness and sustainable profitability. * Core value
of customer first * striving for excellence * continuous innovation and ... Show more
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* Green Flight amp; Social Responsibilities
China Southern Airlines has placed the highest concern to the welfare of the nation
and its social responsibility to the Chinese society. In 2007, China Southern took a
leadership role by releasing the first in a series of reports on the Civil Aviation
Administration of China s corporate social responsibility ... and incorporated these
corporate social objectives into its strategic business plan.The airline has been
honored for its commitments to the society with varied awards from leading aviation
and government organizations. 3. What does this competitor believes about this
industry? This competitor believes that by engaging and accepting social
responsibility and giving the best customer service it can attract more customers and
succeed more and more and one day it will become the favorite airline and perhaps
the largest in Asia. They believe to be successful and be one of the big players in this
industry; they should first put customers before anything else. Giving the greatest
customer service, emphasizing on new technology and caring more on safety is the
key to success. 4.What are its strengths and weaknesses? Strenghts:
1. Largest air transport network in China with access to over 150 cities and over 600
domestic routes.
2. Centrally located in Guangdong for easy access to the rapid industrial growth of
the Pearl River Delta.
Characteristics of the Amphioctopus Marginatus Essay
The Amphioctopus Marginatus is of the Kingdom Animalia because like other
members of this kingdom, it is both multicellular and is a heterotroph. This species
is also part of the phylum Mollusca because like other mollusks, it has a coelom,
(letter B on the first phylogeny tree), a visceral body mass, and a mantle (letter C).
Furthermore, because it is not part of the phylum Chordata, it does not have the
notochord (letter A) (Doc 2). It is of the class Cephalopoda, because like other
members of this class, such as Asteroceras Confusum, the Marginatus has a merged
head and foot (letter F), a siphon (letter D), and a ring of tentacles (letter E)
surrounding the head (Doc 1). As a member of the order Octopoda, this species has
eight arms... Show more content on ...
The dark veins, suggest a convergent evolution because no other species in the genus
show these lines but other sea floor dwelling animals such as the tasseled angler fish
use branched veins to camouflage themselves (Doc 6). The second phylogeny tree
shows a closer view at the relationship between members of the family Octopodidae
who all have arms that unite at the base of the mantle (letter A). Both the sub
Family of Bathypolypodinae and the Eledoninae have poisonous venom (letter B)
(Doc 8). The Bathypolypodiane also have extensive membrane connecting their
tentacles (letter C). The Benthoctopus and Bathypolypus both do not have an ink
sac (letter D) unlike the Teretoctopus (Doc 6). The Letter E represents a small body
size something that is common in both the Arcticus and Valdiviae (Doc 6). The
Bathypolypus Arcticus has a relatively large lifespan six years (letter F) unlike the
Valdiviae which live for approximately one to three years (Doc 4). The letter G
represents a differently shaped Hectocotylus found only in the Bathypolypus
Valdiviae (Doc 9). The letter H represents the presence of conical papillae (Doc 1).
The letter I represents the presence of poisonous venom which is found in the
genus Hapalochaena and can be deadly (Doc 7). The letter J represents large eggs
something that is common only to the members of the genus Ameloctopus (Doc 2).
The letter K represents a deep lateral and a short dorsal web (Doc
Frankenstein And His Creature As One
Nick Kelley
Ms. Romaguera
English IV A Period
Frankenstein and his creature as one
When hearing the word Frankenstein society imagines a boxy looking creature with
metal pegs in his neck and a scar on his forehead; in reality Frankenstein is Dr.
Victor Frankenstein, the creator of this monster. In the science fictionnovel
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley examines the deep connection between a creator and his
creation. This deep connection perhaps explains the identity confusion between the
doctor and his creation. Upon close examination the reader finds that Victor and his
creature share one consciousness; they both seek nature for comfort, desire a wife,
have a thirst for knowledge, depend on one another for existence, and as one loses
bits and pieces of his humanity, the other gains more of his own.
In the novel Frankenstein both the doctor and his creature, in times of stress, turn to
nature to find comfort. In the novel soon after the Doctor creates his monster he is
soon filled with disgust and fear, flees the courtyard belonging to the house
which [he] inhabited, where [he] remained during the rest of the night, walking up
and down in the greatest agitation, listening attentively, catching and fearing each
sound as if it were to announce the approach of the demoniacal corpse to which [he]
had so miserably given life.(Shelley 43) To gain comfort and refuge from his less
than perfect creation. This shows that Frankenstein obviously finds more comfort in
The World Of The Asia Pacific War
The Asia Pacific War was like many other wars; it had an enormous impact on the
world, but in Japan and the United States it affected the way of life. Japanese
American soldiers had to overcome and withstand racism and hostility during this
time from the Americans. People were wary of Japanese Americans fighting for the
United States, because it was the Japanese of whom the Americans were fighting
against. After the war, propaganda films were made to convince people of a specific
political point of influence throughout the war. Two propaganda films that were made
about the Asia Pacific War were Go for Broke and Know Your Enemy.
Before I discuss the films and what differences were between the films, I want to
discuss what led to the Asia Pacific War. The Asia Pacific War began, because the
Japanese tried expanding in East Asia. Japanese invasions began with the Manchuria
in 1931 and continued for over a decade. The Japanese were increasingly looking to
expand southward, because of Hitler s presence. Eventually Japan, Germany, and
Italy had signed the Tripartite Pact together, which created a military alliance between
them, known as the Axis. The United States did not feel threatened by the Japanese
and their alliance, but they imposed economic instability on Japan. Due to the lack of
oil in Japan, the country had stiffened. Most importantly, it drove Japan to attack
Pearl Harbor. The attack severely damaged the American fleet in the Harbor,
preventing the Americans for
Chinua Achebe s Heart of Darkness and Racism Essay
Chinua Achebe s Heart of Darkness and Racism
The Nigerian novelist Chinua Achebe made claims in the 1970s that Heart of
Darkness was a racist novella. My initial thoughts on this are yet to be decided during
the course of this essay. While my thoughts are yet to have any significance, I do
believe that Chinua Achebe s remarks hold some truth.
Achebe s theory assumes that Marlow and Conrad are the same voice. This could
be a reasonable assumption as research into Conrad s life has given us knowledge of
Conrad s early years. In the heart of darkness the main character, Marlow has since
childhood, had a desire to go there (Africa), whilst exploring maps of the world.
Conrad, in the ... Show more content on ...
The grandeur and excellence in which the Thames is depicted cannot bare any
comparison to the two sentenced description of the Congo.
… a mighty big river… resembling and immense snake uncoiled. And as I
looked at a map of it in a shop window, it fascinated me as a snake would a bird a a
silly little bird.
In contrast to the Congo, the river Thames can be seen as a highly favourable
portrayal of such a populous and commended European symbol. With a nine
paragraphed description of it and only a two sentenced observation of the Congo, it
is easy to see why Achebe would fall to such a conclusion as the Heart of Darkness
being a racist novella.
The two sentences alone says quite a lot to enrage a true African patriot. The snake
being the Congo and the silly little bird being Marlow, are two creatures of the wild
that have not been known to have any reverence for each other. While one preys on
the other, Marlow suggest to his audience that he was a victim of the never escaping
charm of man s old foe the snake.
Certainly some of the language used about Africans in the Heart of darkness sounds
to our modern ears outrageously racist.
… a savage who was no more account than a grain of sand in a black Sahara.
A fellow human being has just died here, yet Marlow feels the need to justify his
remorse for the
Summary Of Corrine Carvalho s Primer On Biblical...
Biblical interpretation is an area that leaves historians and students perplexed. There
are many questions as to when exactly a certain text was written, whom it was
written by, origin of sources, etc. To answer these questions, Christian historians have
developed methods in order to make sense of the messages in the bible. In particular,
Corrine Carvalho s Primer on Biblical Methods works to critically explain and
interpret scripture so readers feel less skeptical about the legitimacy of the text. These
methods include the following: Source criticism, the reconstruction of written sources
an ancient author may have used to compose a text. Form criticism, the way a final
author has put a text together. Traditional criticism, the identification of traditions
that an author employs in constructing new texts. Historical criticism, the historical
circumstances that have led an author to write a given text (Carvalho, 2009, p. 3);
they are encouraged for readers to use throughout the bible. If you look at Psalms, you
will find prayers of a poetic nature, almost like a song like. This writing style often
leaves the meaning of its text open for interpretation because it speaks in metaphors,
it contains little to no defining statements. Carvalho s methods can be applied to
Psalm 18.
THEO 223 Endterm: Intermediate Exegesis
Source Criticism Psalms 18 is the Psalm of King David. David provides several lines
of imagery and metaphors in the beginning of the Psalm to emphasize the degree
in which the Lord has helped him. The Lord also thundered in the heavens, and the
most high uttered his voice (Attridge et al, 2006, Psalm 18:13, p. 746)...He reached
down from on high, he took me; he drew me out of mighty waters (Attridge et al,
2006, Psalm 18:16, p. 747). However, the Psalm has an abrupt shift in subject
matter that suggests the psalmist has put the whole thing together from separate
sources. It begins with Psalm 18:20, The Lord rewarded me according to my
righteousness; according to the cleanliness of my hands he recompensed me
(Attridge et al, 2006, Psalm 18:20, p. 747). Every verse before verse 20 was under
the theme of thanksgiving. In addition, it had a high dose of metaphor and imagery,
My First Day As A Kindergartener
My First day as a Kindergartener
One day afternoon, in my first day of kindergarten as I got out of school I was
waiting for my mom to pick me up and sign me out from my teachers signout list,
in order to be released. However, as I waited, many of my peers were getting
picked up but me. As I began to see that many of my peers began to leave, the
classroom started to become more empty. Then as I waited, I finally got called to
be released but I didn t see my mom. I saw a strange woman smiling towards me
and asking me how my day went as I got closer, but I didn t answer. As I walked
towards my teacher and the woman I was really confused and a million things began
to cross my mind. The woman had many children with her which made me feel
really doubtful even though I thought they were her children. However, I then
realized that there were too many children in order for them to be hers. So, if they
weren t her children who were they? Or even a more intriguing question; Who was
she? Getting to know her was not so difficult, as I thought it would be. Even
though I didn t say much about myself when she began questioning me I felt there
was going to be a connection between us. As we had walked for a while already
with the rest of the children, we finally arrived to the place she had parked her car.
After we got inside her car she began heading towards a street that I had already
passed through with my mom. As she drove through that street, I saw a playground
with a brownish fence
Analysis Of The Book The Crucible By F. Scott Fitzgerald
Turns out they share similar taste in their music. She commented on the group
playing on the iPod as her favorite and giving him a little history of the band. She
also checked out the meal he d prepared and made some mention of his cooking
skills. They talked about her work and how it was progressing. She mentioned the
article she was writing, and he brought up the topic of what happened to his older
brother. A topic which he especially didn t talk too much about, even after all this
time it was still a painful subject. Kendrick let her know his next shift on the rig
was going to a long, lonely one for him, one he wasn t looking forward to.
Especially since she had no idea how difficult it is for bonded lifemates to be away
from each other; she would soon understand all too well. The considerate lover in
Kendrick took her and held her while he was arguing with his Selkie self to behave
and not scare this woman off. So instead of pouncing on her, he said, Let s eat
before our fish gets cold. He thought lame most definitely, but he needed to slow
things down and get his mind off her curvaceous body and regain some of his own
self control. He needed to conquer one obsession at a time. After they finished her
Blaeberry and Sloe berry crumble, she surprised him while he placed the dishes in
the sink. He felt the warmth of her body as she placed her arms around him from
behind. She lowered her hands to the huge bulge he sported at the front of his pants,
The Genocide And The Rwandan Genocide
In the year 1994, the Rwandan Genocide took place. During this time, Rwandans
were set into two distinctive groups that were at war with each other. He Hutu ethnic
majority were determined to remove the Tutsi ethnic minority. In westernized states,
many people were not concerned with this because they felt that there was no real
connection. The United States, specifically, did not want to engage in what they
believed to be not their fight . In 2004, Hotel Rwandawas released and it baffled
many westerns when they realized how little help they provided. It also caused an
emotional response because it was noted how much could have changed if they had
stepped in. Hotel Rwanda was a very historically accurate film and had many key
features... Show more content on ...
As a theory, categorization played a large role in the genocide and war. Without
these groups the war would never have occurred because the people would be united
by the idea that they were all Rwandans and not different.
Lack of identity played a huge role in the Rwandan war. Identity is how a person
classifies them self. As a whole, all of the people in Rwanda classify themselves as
Rwandan. This means that they shared similar values, languages, and traditions. The
war would have been completely avoided if they has united as a nation, instead of
separating into different categories. Paul represented a member of the Rwandan
society who looked at everyone as Rwandans instead of Hutus and Tutsis. This is
shown in the film when he brings his friends and family who are Tutsi to hide in the
hotel. By doing this he is keeping them safe and preventing them from being killed by
Hutu members. People like Paul who were willing to unite as a country instead of
individual groups are the reason that the war came to an end. If Rwandans had
united by the identity of being Rwandan, the war could have been entirely avoided.
Media influence also played a large role in the Rwandan War. Radio stations were
used to rally members together and inflict pain on the
Verifying And Developing Accounts Receivables
A Project Report
Customizing and Developing Accounts Receivables in Accounting Software
developed using salesforce
Submitted to
Amity University Uttar Pradesh
In partial fulfillment of Industrial Training of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering
Surbhi Singh
Under the guidance of
Mrs. Monika Bhalla
I, Surbhi Singh of B.Tech (Computer Science and Technology) hereby declare that the
project work entitled Customizing and Developing Accounts Receivables in
Accounting Software developed using salesforce submitted to the Amity University
Uttar Pradesh, is a record of an original work done by me under the guidance of Mr.
Ashish Tomar, Director, Versatile Knowledge Consultants Private Limited(Jaipur),
and this project work has not performed the basis for the award of any Degree or
diploma/ associate ship / fellowship and similar project if any.
DATE:Surbhi singh
On the basis of declaration submitted by Surbhi Singh of B.Tech (Computer Science
and Technology), I hereby certify that the project titled Customizing and Developing
Accounts Receivables in Accounting Software developed using salesforce which is
submitted to Department of computer Science and Technology, Amity School of
engineering and
Callaway Golf Company History
Callaway Golf Company History
Callaway Golf Company CEO Ron Drapeau told CBSMarketWatch, We have
become known as the company that brings innovation to the game for the average
golfer. We re not focused on the elite professional players. It s been a very successful
approach for us.
But that is not to say that Callaway clubs are spurned by professionals. By the end
of the 2000 professional tour, Callaway Golf ranked as the most played manufacturer
of drivers, fairway woods and irons on the world s five major professional tours
Best known for its Big Bertha, ERC II, C4, Hawk Eye VFT, and Steelhead drivers
and fairway woods, Callaway Golf also makes irons, wedges, Odyssey White Hot and
Dual Force putters, and several ... Show more content on ...
With Ely Callaway back at the helm, Callaway Golf proceeded to introduce a new set
of titanium metal woods, and its low center of gravity tungsten injected titanium
irons. The metal woods reportedly gave the ball a more penetrating flight, while the
irons facilitated long trajectory shots.
In February 2000, Callaway Golf introduced its much anticipated Rule 35 golf balls.
Named after the unofficial 35th Rule of Golf, which admonishes the player to enjoy
the game, the balls superior performance made them the Number 2 ball in usage, top
10 finishes and wins in the five major professional tours in their first year in play.
In 2000, Callaway Golf announced that it would produce a new forged titanium
driver. But with the introduction of its so called ERC II Forged Titanium Driver
later that year, Callaway Golf suddenly found itself double bogeyed. Although the
new driver was ruled eligible for play overseas (it was actually rated the top driver
in Japan and the number one driver on the Japan PGA tour), it was ruled to be non
conforming to the United States Golf Association s (USGA) limits on the coefficient
of restitution В– that is to say, its action was too spring like В– and the club was
therefore deemed unacceptable for play in tournament events where USGA Rules
By mid 2002, the USGA had decided that the banned drivers would be legal for use
by recreational golfers В– but not for professionals В– until 2008, after which time
they would again be
Analysis Of George W. Bush s Leadership Style Essay
I. Deliberation v. Decisiveness: Comparing Management Styles
The course of a presidency is shaped by decisions made before inauguration day. The
choices a president elect makes when staffing their White House determines how they
will use the precious time they will spend in the Oval Office. The management style
of a president is a function of the president s personality with consequences for the
future of the country. George W. Bushand Barack Obama are different men who
constructed for themselves distinctly different White Houses, each with their own
priorities, strengths, and weaknesses.
George W. Bush prided himself on his decisiveness. Bush s management style was
structured around a desire to preserve the time of the president and produce swift
action. Bush s management style was a product of his past experiences as a
former governor of Texas and business executive and his business school
education. His life experiences had taught him to delegate and trust the abilities of
his immediate subordinates. (Allen Broder, 2004) Joe Allbaugh, a top aide and
2000 campaign director, described Bush as the best one minute manager and a
fantastic delegator. (Public Broadcasting Service, 2004) President Bush once
described his own decision making style by stating I m not a textbook player. I am a
gut player. (Pfiffner 2011, 249) This preference was reflected in the way his White
House organized his access to information.
The Bush White House, while not built around a
Los libros de Harry Potter Essay
Los libros de Harry Potter son algunos de los libros mГЎs vendidos de todos los
tiempos. En este estudio, Susan Gunelius analiza todos los aspectos del fenГіmeno de
la marca que es Harry Potter. Adentrarse en las guerras de precios, los valores de
ingresos de taquilla, y de marca, entre otras cosas, esta es la historia del Г©xito de la
marca, y es el caso de estudio perfecto para acadГ©micos, profesionales y estudiantes.
Susan Gunelius tiene un tГtulo en marketing y pasГі mГЎs de una dГ©cada
desarrollando y ejecutando programas de marketing para algunas de las compaГ±Гas
mГЎs grandes del mundo, incluyendo las divisiones de AT T y HSBC. Gunelius
Actualmente es escritora independiente y redactora, consultora de marketing, y
blogger profesional. Ella ... Show more content on ...
Rowling llegГі a Edimburgo sin un centavo. En 1995 llegГі a su fin, tambiГ©n lo
hizo el borrador final de Harry Potter. Ahora, despuГ©s de seis aГ±os, ella estaba
lista para presentar Harry Potter en el mundo. Su siguiente paso fue encontrar un
agente y un editor que amaba a Harry tanto como lo hizo.
Bryony Evens de la Agencia Literaria Christopher Little hizo Rowling oferta
estГЎndar de la agencia que Rowling firmГі inmediatamente. DespuГ©s de 12
rechazos, en agosto de 1996, Bloomsbury firmГі Rowling. Hasta el momento, Harry
Potter habГa viajado durante siete aГ±os en la vida de Rowling.
Arthur Levine de Scholastic tropezГі con el primer libro de Harry Potter en una feria
del libro en Italia. EmpezГі a leer el libro en el aviГіn de vuelta a Nueva York, y de
inmediato supo que tenГa que tener los derechos de publicaciГіn de los Estados
Unidos , sin importar cuГЎl serГa el costo. Rowling entregГі el manuscrito completo
para el segundo libro de Bloomsbury.
Harry Potter llega a Estados Unidos
Los lectores en Estados Unidos se reunieron Harry Potter despuГ©s de un mes, el
segundo libro fue lanzado en Gran BretaГ±a. En julio y septiembre de 1999 , los
libros segundo y tercero fueron puestos en libertad en EE.UU.
DespuГ©s de rechazar varias ofertas de estudios , Rowling firmГі un contrato con
Warner Bros por $1 millГіn de dolares. Warner Bros vendiГі los derechos de
comercializaciГіn para muchas empresas a vender ropa Potter, juguetes, etc. La
producciГіn para la nueva pelГcula
Laughlin s Sterilization Law Analysis
An example of how the pseudoscience being performed affected eugenic programs is
through immigration reform. After 1890, the United States experienced an influx of
immigrants from central and southern Europe, the Balkans, Russia, and Poland
(Allen, The Ideology... 25). Allen notes that the older Anglo Saxon and Nordic
immigrants perceived these new immigrants as inferior. Henry Laughlin,
Superintendent of the EugenicsRecord Office and a key figure in the American
eugenics movement, conducted research on the rate of appearance of undesirable
traits (Allen, The Ideology... 25) and the percentages of the defective in institutions
(Allen, The Misuse... 117). Laughlin organized his data by ethnic groups and asserted
that the correlations he saw... Show more content on ...
Progressivism responded to the changes of the time period by enacting a series of
social changes such as prohibition and women s suffrage. Martin Pernick, a history
professor at the University of Michigan, key characteristic of the progressive
movement was its belief that science would be able to address social problems
(26). Pernick also relates progressivism with the development of modern propaganda
in that propaganda presented information that would influence public opinion on an
issue. Propaganda played a large part in popularizing eugenics among the public.
Among other measures, exhibits were set up to present eugenic ideas to school
groups and the general public, popular eugenics organizations were established to
expose citizens to eugenic ideas, and articles were published for the average reader
to present eugenics as logical and scientifically based (Allen, The Misuse... 115). This
attitude produced an environment in which the public was more receptive to a
movement like eugenics that masqueraded as a scientific solution for dealing with
the degenerate portion of the
Hr Department of Ptcl Zonal Office Islamabad
Internship Report of PTCL PTCL Internship Report SUPERVISOR Mr. Ehtesham
SUBMITTED BY Afifa Riaz Mughal SUBMISSION DATE 28th October, 2010.
___________________________________ C O M S A T S INSTITUTE OF
this effort to my respected parents teachers because of there true sincere support I
am able to achieve my goals dreams Page 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Allah has
said, Pray to me so that I will answer you All praise belongs to Allah. It is by the
blessings of Allah that I have completed my Internship report and all difficult tasks
have been accomplished. With a deep sense of gratitude I extend my thanks to all of
those who guide me... Show more content on ...
17 1.8.1. Broad band Pakistan..................................................................................... 17
1.8.2. PTCL smart TV.................................................................................................. 18
1.8.3. EVO Wireless Broadband .............................................................................. 18
1.8.4. Pak internet exchange ................................................................................. 18
1.8.5. V fone .............................................................................................................. 19
1.9. PTCL Subsidiaries .............................................................................................. 19
Page 6 1.9.1.
Ufone................................................................................................................ 19 1.9.2.
PakNet ............................................................................................................. 20 1.9.3.
Carrier Telephone Industries (CTI)................................................................ 20 1.9.4.
Telephone Industries of Pakistan (TIP) ......................................................... 21
Chapter 02 ................................................................................................22 2.1.
Components of Organizational structure............................................................. 23 2.2.
Drug Trafficking Struggles
As previously stated, the FARC one of the richest rebel movements in the world, but
its difficult to understand why although they preach about inequality and have one of
the highest incomes, Colombia still continues to experience poverty and inequality.
The organization has resorted to extortion and kidnapping in order to attain large
sums of money and their illegal drug trafficking business are extremely profiting, so
where does all of their money go? Their total revenues from 1991 1999 estimated
nearly U.S. $3.2 billion. They manage their investment strategies and financial
institutions outside of Colombia, by storing their money outside of the country they
are able to purchase weapons through international criminal networks (International
Peace Academy Inc., 2003). I include the used of the word terrorism in the previous
explanation of the drug trade in order to emphasize the tactics that were implemented
by the FARC in order to gain power. One of the most interesting aspects to analyze
when seeing the... Show more content on ...
The root cause of these causalities and the continuous war is political conflict, the
different points of view and opposing political spectrums is what continues to
maintain the conflict of Colombia. Now the FARC is one of the richest and most
powerful entities due to drug trafficking its quite difficult to find a common
ground with them and the Colombian government. Many peace agreements have
been drafted but had yet to be sustainable. There s a large gap that needs to be filled
in response to fining an individual who is responsible and will pay the
consequences of the damages (Richani, 2013). The problem doesn t only lie
amongst the armed forces, it also lies in the government s inability to provide what
the people need. Both political stands and talks of peace are hard to unite as they
tend to leave discontent in one political party or the
Summary Of Frolus Faustus
Faustus portrays the stumble over the Alps and the different urban communities while
in transit to Rome. After Mephistophilis discloses to Faustus that he has organized to
enter the pope s private chamber, he depicts the city of Rome. They get ready to go
into the pope s chambers and Mephistophilis makes Faustus undetectable. At the point
when the popeand a gathering of monks enter, Faustus plays traps on them by
grabbing plates and containers from them. At long last, he boxes the pope on the ear.
At the point when the ministers who are going with the pope start to sing a requiem
to re move the detestable soul that is by all accounts present, Mephistophilis and
Faustus start to beat the monks and indulgence a few firecrackers among them. The
theme enters and surveys Faustus profession. At the point when Faustus has seen all
the imperial courts, he returns home, where a hefty portion of his companions search
him out and pose troublesome inquiries concerning crystal gazing and the universe.
Faustus learning makes him well known all through the land. At long last the ruler,
Carolus the Fifth, requests that he go to his court.Faustus gives the scoop on his
excursion to Rome, telling how he went over Trier, France, the Rhine River, Naples,
the tomb of Vergil, Venice, and Padua. At that point, to Mephistopheles, he s all,
man, where are we? To which Meph lets him know: duh, Rome. Mephistopheles
clarifies the topography of Rome how it remains on seven slopes with the Tiber River
Social Control And Criminal Deviance
Social Control and Criminal Deviance: Bullying
Darryl Gennie
Professor Catherine Terry
SOC 100
17 August 2015
Strayer University
The most important step needed to analyze bullying is to review the existing
knowledge. The literature review is a critical look at the existing research that is
significant to the work you are trying prove including substantive findings as well
as theoretical and methodical contributions to a particular topic. Get the facts and
review them thoroughly before making a decision. Review existing knowledge
means to look at the research that has already been done. It is a good way to start
any research project because it avoids repeating procedures that someone else has
already done. Reviewing literature will help you clarify and justify the focus of your
planned research. This process will also reveal that you know and understand the
context on the issue, giving credibility and authority to your hard work. Bullying has
engrained in American society since the country s founding. Bred from a capitalistic
economy and competitive social hierarchy, bullying has remained a relevant issue
through the years. School age children are learning skills and lessons from their
teachers as well as through peer interactions. Although schools are great tools that
children benefit from, there are some bad experiences, such as bullying, that may
negatively affect and remain with these children for the rest of their lives. Some
Burberry Essay
LONDON SCHOOL OF BUSINESS FINANCE Strategic Development at Burberry
Student Name: Madhumalesh Prakash Student ID: A4036664 Submission Date: 4th
November, 2011 Intake: MBA Batch 8A Module Name: Strategic Planning Module
Code: SP Assignment Title: Longitudinal Strategic Development Study Word Count:
4044 Table of Contents 1.Recent past to the present:3 1.1.Introduction3 1.2.Business3
1.3.Leadership and culture at Burberry4 1.4.Strategies deployed4 2.The Strategic
Position6 2.1.Macro Environment6 2.2.Industry and market structure and
competitive conditions7 2.3.Strategic capability, Resources and Competences8
2.3.1.Strategic capability9 2.3.2.Resources9 2.3.3.Competences9... Show more
content on ...
Her transformation of Burberry had become a text book example of how to
transform a business that other luxury brands are sometimes said to be doing a
Burberry (Financial Times 2004). In 2005 Angela Ahrendts, replaced Bravo as
Chief Executive who made changes to Burberry product line by making checks
more stable and by focusing more on higher margin products like handbags and
perfumes (Friedman 2011). 1.4.Strategies deployed Alfred Chandler(1963) defines
strategy as the determination of the long run goals and objectives of an enterprise
and the adoption of courses of action of an enterprise and the adoption of courses
of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals .
And Michael porter(1996) sees it as Competitive strategy is about being different.
It means deliberately choosing different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of
value . Developing or making a strategy for a management is very complex in
nature. It needs to be made in the uncertainty situations and may also affect the
operational decisions. New strategy developed may also involve the change in
present culture of an organisation which is difficult and may adversely affect the
performance of the organisation. Strategies usually exist at a number of levels in an
organisation. Let s distinguish different levels of strategies and analyse it using
Burberry s strategies. The strategic themes of Burberry are: Leveraging the
Reflection Paper In English
In my initial submission for Lesson 1, I recall being amused by the statement in the
introduction of Navigating English Grammar that humans have always been
fascinated by language. Then, and now, this still seems like an understatement to me.
Language is an incredible facet to me and humans of all ages. To consider that an
infant can communicate with few words and more gestures and then continue to
develop the use of language as the number of words increase proves to be such an
interesting phenomenon which has an influence on a human s existence. This
influence permeates throughout language in formal or informal use. In that same
lesson, I recall the childhood influences upon my language development. Being a
young Southern woman, a distinct dialect permeated my childhood environments;
from home, school, and small community, the slow, slang filled conversations
enlightened me in the ways of people around me. This information partnered with the
Grammar Quest proved that my own method of verbusage perplexed me. The
instruction received in my local elementary and middle school demonstrated an
error in my grandfather s way of speaking; therefore, my way of speaking did not
follow prescriptive rules, and additional instruction was deemed necessary. With
this review and research of prior writings, the use of verbs and verb forms used in a
prescriptive nature proves to be an area of concern for my own proper use of
Standard English.
The following are samples of my own writing; The
The September 11, 2001 Attacks
The September 11, 2001 attacks were a series of four terrorist attacks. These
attacks were launched by the Islamic terrorist group al Queda. But let me start
from the beginning. On September 11, 2001 starting at 8:46 a.m. ending at 10:28
a.m. in New York City and Washington D.C. terrorist by the Islamic group al Queda
four passenger airliners were hijacked. This was done by the 19 al Queda terrorists
so they could be flown into buildings in suicide attacks. Two of these planes, from
Americana Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were crashed into the
North and South towers, of the World Trade Centercomplex in New York City.
Within two hours, both towers collapsed with a lot of debri and the fires caused a
lot of buildings to collapse in the WTC. A third plane, American Airlines Flight 77
was crashed into the Pentagon which is the headquarters of the United Sates
Department of Defense. The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, was targeted
at D.C., But crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after its passengers
tried to overcome the hijackers. In all 3,000 people died in the attacks. Which
included the 227 civilians and 19 hijackers aboard the four planes. The event was
also the deadliest incident for firefighters and for law enforcement officers in the
history of the United States. With 343 and 72 killed. The state quickly suspected al
Queda. The group s leader was Osama bin Laden which he initially denied any
involvement in the attacks. It
Lakota Woman Essay
Lakota Woman The book Lakota Woman, is an autobiography that depicts Mary
Crow Dog and Indians Lives. Because I only had a limited knowledge on Indians,
the book was full of surprising incidents. Moreover, she starts out her story by
describing how her Indian friends died in miserable and unjustifiable ways. After
reading first few pages, I was able to tell that Indians were mistreated in the same
manners as African Americans by whites. The only facts that make it look worse
are, Indians got their land stolen and prejudice and inequality for them still exists.
Just like other Indian kids on reservation, Crow Dog s childhood was poor in
everyway; didn t have enough food, clothes, education, and parents love. She was...
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Crow Dog tried to fight against the school system and published newspapers,
explaining how school is treating them like slaves. She quit school but she
somehow managed to get her diploma. Despite the fact that she earned her
diploma, Crow Dog was living aimlessly; drinking, drugs, stealing, and running
away from home. Many Indians spend their ADC check on those things because of
the given situation they are in. However, not every Indian spends the day boozed
and stoned; like people of AIM are trying to fight against the wrong system. She
joins AIM where she finds Indians, living their lives to the fullest to fight for their
right. AIM changed her life in two big ways; she learned to fight not only for
herself but also for her own people and met her husband Leonard Crow Dog. As an
AIM person and Indian, she participates in many Indian activities such as BIA take
over, the siege at Wounded Knee, and many peyote meetings. She fights against
dictator at Pine Ridge, which leads her and AIM people to Wounded Knee where
they stayed and fought for 71days. With very limited food and weapon, they lasted
71 days with their spiritual strength. Peyote meetings and Ghost dance are good
examples that show Indians are very spiritual people. Despite all the double standard
they have faced all their lives, Indians survived and fought strong for their rights.
Even though prejudice
War on Terror Essay
Since the days of the Cuban Missile Crisis (Marfleet, 1997) in the sixties, the
United States has become increasingly more relaxed as to the possibility of an
attack on American soil. Since the attack on the Twin Towers in September of 2001,
by the terrorist group al Qaeda, the United States has again become more aware and
alert to this possibility. Not only did the attack on the United Statesbring Americans
together as a country united, it also brought on changes that included the newly
developed Department of Homeland Security. Homeland Security is now charged
with not only protecting the country and territories from another terrorist attack but
also responding to an attack, man made accident, and natural disasters. It is also...
Show more content on ...
(Kouri, 2011) Al Awlaki encourages terrorismthrough the use of internet blogs,
Facebook, and You Tube videos. Al Awlaki has been linked to multiple attacks and
attempted attacks on the United States. I would have to agree with our
government in their assessment of the terroristic threat in reference to Al Awlaki.
Terrorism seems to be a Lernaean Hydra in comparison in that, when you remove
one leader, two more replace them. Al Qaida, while weakened by the loss of their
leader, is still very much a threat. With almost endless finances, their ability to
infiltrate and live among us is great. While I am sure the government makes every
attempt to find and flag any person having ties to terrorist, how can you fight an
enemy you cannot see? It is not as if they wear red or grey coats as they did in the
Civil War. While doing the research paper one thing became increasing clear; I
have no more idea as to the location and the means by which to attack, than the
federal government does. I don t believe that the ability to hijack a commercial
aircraft exists anymore. The attack on the Pentagon would most likely be a one time
event also. In some respects, as a nation, we are very good at learning from our
mistakes. While the government has not told us of safety measures taken to protect
such military targets, I am sure the measures have still been taken. So with the major
targets removed from accessibility, they are more likely to step down to soft
Mrs. Dalloway
I. Mrs. Dalloway, by Virginia Woolf, was published on May 14, 1925 in London,
England. The novel follows Clarissa Dalloway and a variety of other characters
throughout the span of one day in their lives in 1923 London. Woolf utilizes a
narrative method of writing. With the novel s structure, the narrator possesses the
ability to move inside of a character s mind and compose her thoughts and emotions
immediately as events occur throughout the day. The novel s main character,
Clarissa, is a middle aged woman who belongs to the upper middle class in society
and is well married to a Member of Parliament Richard Dalloway. Clarissa s day is
full of arrangements for a dinner party she plans to host that evening. During the
novel, numerous other... Show more content on ...
Rather than hold lengthy conversations between characters, she frequently writes
only of small talk and leaves more serious topics to be recited in an individual s
exclusive thoughts. One of her purposes in writing the novel is to expose the
hypocrisy of society. The characters in the novel range from eccentric
acquaintances to extravagant lords and ladies to vindictive tutors to suicidal
veterans. One example of this theme occurs when Rezia and Septimus attempt to
settle down in the park. When the airplane soars overhead, she writes, Tears ran
down his cheeks (Woolf 21). While one may mistake this as joy or, at worst, sorrow
over the recent war, Woolf gives the reality of the action beneath the surface, stating,
They are signaling to me... this exquisite beauty... but he would not go mad. He
would see no more (21). While Septimus dwindles on the brink of insanity, Rezia
chatters away about nature, unaware of the mess resting beside her. Septimus
portrays the appearance of one man yet expresses an entirely new persona through
his contemplations. Another instance of the theme transpires when Miss Kilman and
Clarissa wait for Elizabeth to retrieve her gloves before going shopping. Clarissa and
Kilman both make attempts at small talk. However, both give their attentions to a
mutual disgust of each other. Clarissa simply asks if Kilman is taking Elizabeth to
the stores. Kilman replies dryly, but in
Humpback Research Papers
The humpback whale is one of the largest mammals on the planet. Growing up to 18
meters in length, and weighing between 25 to 50 tonnes they are truly behemoths.
The humpback belongs to a group of whales called baleen whales. Baleen is a thick
bristle like growth that extends from the upper jaw of the whale, such whales do not
grow teeth which makes then fairly uncommon among carnivores. The whales spend
their summers feeding in the cold southern ocean and migrate north to the south
pacific during the winter months.
During the summer months in the Antarctic the ice begins to melt releasing air
bubbles and nutrients which phytoplankton feed on. Krill, a small shrimp like
crustacean, feeds on plankton. The abundance of this plankton, and because of the
small number of animals that eat it, has allowed Krill to reproduce in vast numbers
and millions upon millions of them will mature to adult hood. This is an ... Show
more content on ...
The humpback whales will travel hundreds of miles to the south pacific, where the
water is warmer, to mate and give birth to calves. The temperature in the Antarctic
tends to start to drop in may, as the orbit and axial tilt of the Earth swings the lower
hemisphere into the shade for the next six months. During their time away from the
Antarctic, the whales do not hunt or eat. Instead relying on fat stores built up over
their feeding season. The south pacific also provides a safe place for the birthing of
calves, whose small bodies would suffer in the freezing waters, not to mention the
aforementioned killer whales. In the north, the calves have time to grow and, like
many mammals, live off their mothers milk until they are large enough to eat solid
foods. Typically when their colouring changes from a light skinned youth to the
typical grey of the adults. A calf will stay with it s mother for around a year, before
setting off on it s
Why Is Sherlock Holmes Wrong
Sherlock Holmes
In my opinion, Sherlock Holmes made the wrong choice. In the first place, he could
of went to jail or the criminal could attempt to do it again Sherlock Holmes blamed an
innocent man by thinking the innocent man did it. Sherlock Holmes thought he had
it planned out by thinking the plumber did it. But the criminal had it all planned out
the criminal probably thought putting someone else s carbuncle in a goose would
work but it didn t
In the second place, nobody got hurt sense Sherlock Holmes let the criminal go. By
letting the criminal go He broke the law. Sense Holmes let him go they might try to
do it again. The criminal had it all planned out Sherlock Holmes didn t know that so
that s why he blamed the innocent man.
Thomas Gage Influence On War
Thomas Gage Carson Fournier Revolutionary biography 5th Grade Block May
11,2017 Do you know anything about Thomas Gage? This biography is about
some of the things he did in his life from when he was born to when he died. First it
s going to talk about his early life, then adult life and then contribution to the
Revolutionary War. This paragraph will be about a lot of things he did in his early
life such as siblings,school he went to and other s. Thomas Gage is the second son
of Viscount Gage the 1st. His brother is the second viscount. He also went to a very
good school to be able to do the things he did. The school he went to was
Westminster School. Thomas Gage s father had lots of money to provide him and
his brother. Thomas Gage also had some friends to keep him company throughout
school. This paragraph will be about Thomas Gage s adult life like his children and
who he married and stuff like that so stick around and enjoy. Thomas Gage was
married to Margaret Kemble. He had a son and his name was viscount the 3rd. He
was a... Show more content on ...
Thomas Gage was a loyalist because he was born in England and also was in the
British Army. Thomas Gage sent his wife back to England because he thought she
was becoming a patriot. Thomas Gage did well commanding British forces for many
years. Thomas Gage joined the army in 1741. General Gage of course needed some
new troops two along with 3 generals. He won many battles and lost some to but in
all did a well job. At the end of the Battle of Lexington and Concord 273 British
soldiers and 95 rebel soldiers died. Thomas Gage became a general in 1782. Thomas
Gage s wife was a spy for the patriots. Thomas Gage was governor 2 times in his life.
Thomas Gage was made Governor of Montreal. Thomas Gage was made a major
general in 1761. Thomas Gage died at the age of 66. Although he died, he probably
won t be forgotten in
Comparison Of The Pillow Book And The Song Of Roland
Both The Pillow Book and The Song of Roland gives us an insight about the
dominant groups during its respective period. The Pillow Book by Sei Shonagon
provides us with the picture of aristocracy in Japan during the Heian period. Sei
Shonagon served as a court lady to the empress around the year 1000 and through
her time she records her opinions and her experiences in the court. On the other hand
The Song of Roland offers us the history of battles during the reign of Charlemagne
and how his government was set up and controlled.
The Heian court controlled the most of the territory of Japanese islands. The
government was centralized and it relied on local officials who relied on the
warlords and Buddhist temples. There were groups who held political power during
this period. The emperors were highly prestigious and politically influential. At this
period the country was in peace as there were no outside threat. Due to this the
aristocrats in the court spent time on creating their own rich culture. From the
passage of Service at Court of The Pillow Book, there s detailed information of the
women role during that period and their experience. Sei Shonagon s tells us about
her imagination of how it would feel to be living in the home serving their husbands
who don t have a exciting life yet believing there happy. She says, I wish they could
live for a while in our society, even if should mean taking service as Attendants, so
that they might come to know the delights it has to
Analysis Of Gone With The Wind
Gone with the Wind is a 1939 movie directed by Victor Fleming and starring Clark
Gable, Vivien Leigh, and Olivia De Havilland. The film follows the life of Scarlett
O Hara (Leigh), a young Georgian woman, and her pursuits of romance and wealth
during the Civil War and Reconstruction. She faces the challenges of rebuilding her
family s plantation and finding love while the man she wants to pursue already
married. This film falls into the genres of historical and romance. Historical films are
characterized simply by the fact that they are set in an earlier time period, usually
one that is far enough in the past that it can be distinguished from the time period
the movie is produced in. Most often, the era a historical film is set in is one that has
a particular key event that sets the time period. In the case of Gone with the Wind, the
film is set around the Civil War, which holds a key part in much of the plot and
impacts the characters lives. Romance films have a plot that revolves around the
attraction between two main characters rather than having the romantic relationships
be a subplot. The typical romantic film tropes that can be found in Gone with the
Windare Scarlett s unrequited love, bordering on obsession, for Ashley and her
marriage to Rhett which was portrayed as if they were both to find happiness with
each other, but ultimately only found more conflict.
The historical aspects of this film revolves not only around the Civil War itself, but
also the idealized
Shoshones Indian Tribe
What are Shoshones ? Shoshones are an Indian tribe people might also refer to them
as the snake nation. This tribe usually stays in both east and west of the Rocky
Mountains. Shoshones are very diverse, some Shoshones live west of the Rockies in
roofless grass huts. In order for them not to starve,they would hunt fish,birds,and
rabbits. Other Shoshones also lived in east and north,these Shoshones lived in tepees
and they hunted buffalo.
These buffalo hunters are known as the lemhi Shoshones. Lemhi Shoshones lived on
the plains what is now Montana. They had brave men members, they grew poor and
hungry over time. This is because of their enemies,which drove the rich buffalo plains
into the mountains. In order for them not to die of starvation
Immanuel Kant s Impact On The Enlightenment
In this essay, I will talk about the Enlightenment. I will discuss how Immanuel Kant s
concept of it affected the society as well as politics. I will explain the main ideas that
this age introduced and the impact they had on people. I will also talk about the
reasons why it may be difficult for many people to attain true Enlightenment. Finally,
I will examine how Kant defines Enlightenment himself. Enlightenment was an era
from the 1650s to the 1780s. It was an intellectual movement that noticeably
influenced scientific and social ways of thinking of the eighteenth century. It
introduced and emphasised analysis, reason and individualism. It also introduced
finding out about the world in ways that are not based on faith. It was the first time...
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I have shown the Immanuel Kant s concept of it and explained it. I have also shown
the way in which people functioned, how they thought and how they used their
reason in the eighteenth century. I also gave reasons why it might have been
difficult for many to attain true Enlightenment and why many remained immature in
that sense. Furthermore, I referred to two different usages of reason that Kant
introduced private and public and explained them as well as gave examples.
Overall, I have shown that for people Enlightenment was a very big as well as new
concept, and that it took a lot of courage and intellect of many to acquire
Cheyenne Social Structure
The Cheyenne are commonly known as hunters after abandoning agriculture in the
eighteenth century. They are made up of the Northern and Southern groups found
within the high plains at the central portion. They are Algonquian speakers, with the
Southern and Northern Cheyenne having diverse dialect. The Cheyenneare originally
from Minnesota where they left before settling in the High plains.
History and Art The Cheyenne settlement was raided by the white people in the
late 1800s where they experienced several hostilities. This left women and
Children dead adding on to the cholera outbreak. The little big Horn which the
community participated in was bound to create a reservation for the Cheyenne.
The cosmological aspect of the Cheyenne shows that they do not hold a concept for
the existence of the earth (Sutton, 2016). The political structure of the Cheyenne
was governed by bands which were made up of related families and a population of
between 300 400 people. The highest political authority was made up of an all male
band. All those below were the primary chiefs who held less power but were still a
very important aspect of the community s political structure. ... Show more content on ...
The families all differed in terms of their status. The men in the families were
engaged in hunting and warfare while women did all the domestic chores. The
Dog soldiers formed the military society and played a role in governing the
community s activities. The social organization did not rely on clans. Formal
instruction within the family was meant for girls and adult males. This is basis to
the Cheyenne life cycle. The members of the community would not be named until
they were at the age of five or six. Adultery had been made a rare aspect within the
society as a result of the legalization of polygyny which was
To A Daughter Leaving Home Poem
he poem To a Daughter Leaving Home by Linda Pastan describes the very memory
of a mother teaching her younger daughter to ride a bicycle. The title of the poem
says that the said daughter the author is speaking of is older now, but the poem
concentrates on the past. Pastan s figure of speech with the use of metaphors,
imagery, enjambment show how the bicycle is a part of life s journey and the
diction helps demonstrate the young daughter s maturation from a child to an adult.
Pastan uses several figures of speech to convey what she is presenting. For example,
enjambment is used, where one line runs into another. Such words are, pumping (18),
screaming (19), and flapping (21). The purpose of this is to allow an idea to continue
beyond... Show more content on ...
The poem consists of one long sentence, which is made up primarily of one long
sentence. This represents the different phases of the lesson, which leads into the
growing up procedure. At the beginning of the poem, the daughter is hence scared
to ride the bike and even wobbled (5); she could not maintain her balance.
However, she gained her balance and the mother was in surprise when you [she]
pulled ahead down the curved path of the park (8 10). The mother kept waiting for
the thud of your [her] crash (11 13). Therefore, the author was waiting for her child
to crash, but like in life she gained her balance on the bicycle. As the poem
progresses, she grows up and becomes smaller and more breakable, which shows
that she is grown up now and ready to venture off into the world. The reaction of the
mother is the reaction of any mother, she is worried her daughter might crash and
fail, but like all mothers they must let their daughters go. At the end of the poem, the
daughter screams with laughter and keeps pumping and pumping into the distance.
She is happy to finally have her hair flapping behind you [her] like a handkerchief
waving goodbye
Overview Of George Orwell s Nineteen Eighty-Four
As mentioned in the introduction this chapter will deals with the Orwell s Nineteen
Eighty Four and its comparative study between present societies. Nineteen Eighty
Four (1949) is constantly referred to in popular culture, the Big Brother a constant
reference in popular culture, after some sixty seven years of its first publication
when we actually reflect looking at it where we are today the concept of 1984 doesn t
actually seems that shocking. Many components of Nineteen Eighty Four, are more or
less happening somewhere today in the world. A lot of stuff in this dystopia which
i.e. a hypothetical fear for many years since the book is written most of it is real today.
In the book, the government can watch you at any time in almost any place. ... Show
more content on ...
In the form of biometric scanning to credit card tracking to License plate reader, a
system which can catch dozens of license plates in a matter of second; a citizen never
realized the amount of surveillance upon them. Wherever you have been everyone
you talked to its indexed, analyzed, stored and maybe used against an individual any
moment in the
The Battle Of Saratoga
Kylee Roberts 8th grade English November 20, 2015 The Battle of Saratoga The
Battle of Saratoga was the turning point of the Revolutionary War. It took place on
September 19 and October 17, 1777. America with the help of the French verses
Britain with the help of Germany. It all started on October 17, 1777, 5,895 british
and hessian troops surrendered their arms, and General John Burgoyne had lost 86
percent of his troops, right after they had just marched into New York from Canada
during the early summer of 1777. According to ( After that loss
he didn t want his soldiers to die in battle knowing that they had already lost. So he
he came up with a new battle strategy called Divide
Essay on The Happiest Refugee
Anh Do s story is a timely reminder of the plight of refugee in our country. Discuss
the Happiest Refugee in the light of Do s universal message about the suffering of
human beings during times of war and the struggle to make a better life in a foreign
The Happiest Refugee is a memoir written by Anh Do which was first published on
the 1st of August in 2010. It is regarded as one of the most influential and well
received novels in the world of literature for its great insight on the life of refugees.
The book provides a universal message to its readers about the suffering of human
beings during wars and their struggle to make a better life in a foreign country. The
Happiest Refugee is about Anh Do and his family s journey from ... Show more
content on ...
The Vietnam War began on the 1st of November 1995 and was fought in mainly in
Vietnam but also in Cambodia and Laos. The war initially began when communist
forces tried to expand and include Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos in the communist
force. The opposing political agendas also played an impacting role on the starting
of the Vietnam War, due to North Vietnam becoming a communist government it
was strongly supported by China in order to change South Vietnam from being an
anti communist government to adopting communism. In 1965 Australia became
deeply involved and played an influential role in the Vietnam War. Australia
decision to be a part of the war was mainly based on the rise of communism in the
South East Asia after the Second World War. In 1974, Congress voted not to
enforce the commitments agreed to in the Paris Peace Accords. Air support for
Cambodia, South Vietnam, and Laos was cut off. The promise of military aid by
other was never delivered. North Vietnam was able to take over South Vietnam as
force the country into communism. The War had a great impact on the Vietnamese
citizen s lives, they were forced to leave the war torn country and move to a foreign
land to start a new life.
Anh s journey from Vietnam to Australia was similar to many other refugees trying to
escape from their war torn
Spread of Buddhism in China Essay
It is believed that Buddhism spread to China through the Silk Road. When the Silk
Road opened in the 2nd century BC, missionaries and pilgrims spread Buddhism to
China. Chang Ch ien was recorded to first bring Buddhism to China when he heard
about India and Buddhist beliefs on his way back to China. In about the 1st century
BC, a Buddhist community is said to have been living in China. But the most well
known story of the spreading of Buddhism is when Han emperor, Mingdi, had a
dream about Buddha in 68 CE and sent Cai Yin, his official to learn more about it.
Meanwhile, Mingdi learned from his ministers that he had seen Buddha, the God of
the West in his dream. After 3 years Cai Yin came back to china with Buddhist
teachings and... Show more content on ...
Starting in 468 BCE during the Zhou dynasty, the Grand Canal took about 6 million
peasants about a millennium to build. The construction of this canal finally finished
in 610 CE under Emperor Yangdi of the Sui dynasty. Changing China s staple from
millet and wheat to rice was the main reason of the building of the canal, but it also
helped Chinese economy by connecting the more productive southern China to the
capitals in northern china. It increased interdependence between the north and the
south. One section of the Grand Canal was also intended to supply Chinese armies
which led to better defense and administration in China. Also, in building the canal,
officials were required to work together, so the Grand Canal brought better authority
and unity to political officials. The downside of this canal, though, was the number
of peasants killed in constructing it. Over half of the 6 million peasants employed to
build the canal died in building it, which was a reason the Sui dynasty fell. The great
Grand Canal set the foundation for the great Tang dynasty. Empress Wu Zetian, the
only woman to rule China, ruled during the Tang dynasty, but exerted cruel and
malicious methods to gain power. She was born with the name Wu Zhao into a
wealthy family and learned to write, read, and play music. Because of her beauty and
intelligence, Wu became Emperor Tsung s fifth favorite concubine, or
The Success Of Alexander The Great
Alexander the Great is one of the most successful military commanders of all time.
Some may attribute Alexander s success to his inheritance of the great Macedonian
kingdom and military from his father, Philip II. Although there is no doubt that this
timely inheritance was a key factor in his success, it was his military skills and
generalship that gave him the ability to effectively utilize the groundwork laid by
his father. In order to fully understand the success of Alexander, we must first look
back to the influence and success of his father, Philip II. Greece had been unified
under the League of Corinth, so when Alexander assumed the throne, he did not
need to worry about any fighting to the south. Philip took the small and
insignificant country of Macedon and turned it into one of the greatest military
powers in the ancient world. When Philip was assassinated, Alexander inherited an
extremely skilled and modernized army he could use to make his father s dream of
defeating the Persians come true (Martin, Ancient Greece p.221). Philip s reforms to
the Macedonian army include reorganizing the structure and the use of troops and
improving weaponry and tactics (Potter, Lecture 13 March 2015). The Macedonian
phalanx was a great improvement over the hoplite phalanx used in Greek warfare
because of two reasons. Well trained soldiers, known as phalangite, wore lighter
armor that enabled them to move quicker and utilize their new, longer spears known
as sarissa, which
The War Of The American Civil War
Image Over the course of four years, what would later be called the bloodiest time
in U.S. History, approximately 625,000 lives were taken during the American
Civil War. Although the individuals who fought and died in both the North and
South were arguably against each other politically, economically, socially, and
emotionally one main point lost to them was that they had common ground in
being a part of a newly formed nation in America. It can be argued that conflict
arises in all parts of human nature and with America supporting a population of
young men with newly found power and influence after the ratification of the U. S.
Constitution it perhaps should not be such a shock that so many lives were lost to
not only to war, but disease as emotions of the North and South divided people and
stood them against one another. As we look back over history and conflicts as they
arise among populations, one central theme of war is the possession of resources
from which profit can be made. The areas of the North and South were not immune
to this trend and as the divided issue of slavery became more prominent, conflict
grew. Between the years of 1854 to 1856, Kansas and events therein played a vital
role in the outbreak of civil war. By 1854, Republicans of the North sought to end the
forward movement of slavery while the Democrats in the South supported the
advancement of slavery west and farther south, thus supporting the Kansas Nebraska
Act, as it went along with their political

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Physical Education Essays

  • 1. Physical Education Essays Crafting an essay on the subject of "Physical Education" can be both challenging and rewarding. The complexity arises from the multifaceted nature of the topic, encompassing various aspects such as the importance of physical activity, the role of education in promoting a healthy lifestyle, and the challenges faced in implementing effective physical education programs. Firstly, one must delve into the scientific and medical aspects of physical education, exploring the physiological benefits of exercise on the human body. This requires a solid understanding of anatomy, physiology, and the interconnected systems that contribute to overall well-being. Balancing this with the need to communicate these concepts in a clear and engaging manner can be a demanding task. Moreover, addressing the educational perspective involves exploring how physical education contributes to the holistic development of individuals. This entails discussing the impact of physical activity on cognitive abilities, emotional well-being, and social skills. Drawing connections between theoretical concepts and practical applications requires a thoughtful and nuanced approach. Additionally, the essay should address the challenges and controversies surrounding physical education. This might involve examining issues such as access to quality physical education programs, overcoming societal barriers to exercise, and navigating cultural attitudes towards physical activity. The writer must critically analyze these challenges while proposing feasible solutions. Furthermore, staying current with the latest research and trends in physical education is essential. This involves continuous research to incorporate recent studies and developments, ensuring that the essay reflects the most up-to-date information. In conclusion, writing an essay on physical education demands a blend of scientific knowledge, educational insight, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. While the process can be demanding, the opportunity to contribute to discussions on promoting health and well-being through education is undoubtedly fulfilling. If you find yourself struggling with such a task or need assistance with similar essays, consider seeking support from professional writing services like These services can provide expert guidance and deliver well-crafted essays tailored to your specific requirements, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your academic journey. Physical Education Essays Physical Education Essays
  • 2. The Social and Personal Impediments Against Which Genius... As a composer, and a performer, there can be no question of Mozart s genius, however, what is genius defined as? The main definition is that genius is a very great and rare innate ability or skill it is a creative power. It is therefore clear that Mozart was in fact a genius in his music; it does no state anywhere, however, that a geniusalso has to have a divine personality and behaviour and this is clear as Mozart is shown in Amadeus as a silly, scatological, childish and infantile man. To be a genius in one aspect of the mind, such as music, could mean that other parts of the mind are inhibited, such as social skills. An evident and major theme in Amadeus is exploring how a genius functions in a society and how society hinders and... Show more content on ... Historically, there is evidence from Mozart s own written letters that there was some sort of antagonism between Salieri and Mozart, If he is allied with Salieri, I won t ever get a thing out of him. Be it jealousy or a difference in personality, one cannot say, however, the conflict between Salieri s mediocrity and Mozart s genius is evident throughout the play. Salieri himself is musically competent, he has been educated and has learnt the skills of music and so is able to recognise Mozart s greatness, however, he seems to be the only one in Mozart s age to have recognised it, . only to be the sole man alive in this time who shall clearly recognize your Incarnation! He shows his obvious awareness of Mozart s posterity and his own mediocrity. We can see Salieri and Mozart in the light of Nietzsche s opposing struggle of the Apollian and Dionysian personalities. Mozart embodies the Dionysian elements of a
  • 3. Berger Family Encounters In Awake And Sing The struggle the Berger family encounters in Awake and Sing is clearly evident by the setting Clifford Odets sets up for his audience. Throughout the opening pages of the play, particularly in this excerpt, the dialogue is chalk full with literary elements of mood, tone, and imagery. These three elements each complement each other as they all provide the play with a dark, depressing, and somber overtone. Not only does Odets provide the reader with textual and linguistic setting elements, but the physical setting portrays a gloomy atmosphere as well. The play takes place in an apartment in the Bronx, New York City during the Great Depression. Already, the time period of the play, in addition to the apartment being in the poverty stricken neighborhood of the Bronx gives context to how hard it is for the Berger... Show more content on ... The only thing in his way is the plummeting economy keeping him from a prosperous, successful, and worry free life. These phrases, although said with hope, evoke emotion and put a sense of stress on the reader as they learn that this family cannot live comfortably. Ralph takes off his rose colored glasses and becomes less optimistic when he questions life by saying, What s it for? (Odets, 42). The audience now sees a man struggling with his identity and purpose. Ralph s words set a strong, dark, and continuous tone for the play that serves to encompass his entire family. Ralph continues to focus on his working career and how he still cannot seem to provide the little things in life that he desires. The reader is confronted with imagery that explains the reality of the Berger s situation through the eyes of Ralph. The audience comes to realize that Ralph sleeps on a day bed in the front room (Odets, 42). Odets provides an image of a character who is questioning his place in life, and who quite literally does not have his own personal space within his family
  • 4. The Future of California The future of California is pretty good, for the state is projected to see growth in almost every sector of the economy as well as the population, but there are many concerns that must be addressed first in order to see California s growth come to fruition. International trade and business is one of Californias largest industries and it s expected to continue increasing, for many emerging economies are also located off of the Pacific Ocean. Growth in the economy is good, but requires resources that California has a limited supply of. The main resource California always needs is water, since most of the state s population resides in the southern regions, which are arid and receive minimal precipitation annually. The state is planning on improving efficiency and the aqueduct system to increase the water supplywhile decrease the environmental effects California s aqueduct s have on regions like the San Joaquin River Delta. For many years California has been considered a very liberal and left state, which is due to the fact that the state has the toughest environmental legislation in the country. With such strong legislation ensuring the protection of the environment California has become a model state in the fight against climate change, and must remain vigilant for there are numerous species endemic to the state that are found nowhere else on the planet. Though there are numerous other factors affecting California s future these are some of the most interesting areas to
  • 5. Reflection On The Lense Of Faith We are told to follow the things that set our souls on fire. pressured to find something that brings us more joy than anything else. We are barred at a young age with the responsibility of finding our calling before we even know what it is. As a 15 year old girl, I didn t know where to find this fire or even where to find my calling in the world. I was convinced one didn t exist, I was convinced that it was me against the world. It was me against the 7 billion screaming people trying to find their footing, and I felt like I didn t have a voice loud enough or feet big enough to ever do this. I felt like the world was suffocating me and there was never going to be a chance for another breath of air. All I could understand from the world, was we live, we suffer, we grow old and we die. Through the lens of conformity, one blinded by worldly desires, it is incredible how much we cannot see, and surprising how much we can see. But when we open our hearts and put on a lens of faith we can slowly begin to see what has been in front of us all along. For me, this was a world full of light, peace, and pure joy. I first put on a lense of faith on May 14, 2016, my 16th birthday, when I first read the Book of Mormon and went to church. I was later baptized and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on February 19, 2017. I was born on Mother s Day of 2000. My parents would tell you that I was a force of nature, one they often feared to recon with.
  • 6. Finding Truth in Lies in Ernest Hemingway s A Farewell to... Finding Truth in Lies in A Farewell to Arms The foundation of Hemingway s A Farewell to Arms is based on lies. Hemingway exposes the reality, or truth, of love and war by presenting the story of Lieutenant Henry and Catherine Barkley, lives ironically entrenched in lies. Henry in particular assumes a different role at every turn, pretending, for example, to be a soldier, a civilian, a doctor or Barkley s dead fiancГ©. The lies in Henry s life begin when he joins the Italian army. Here, he pretends to be one of the guys, silently siding with their bawdy humor and macho activities and not the morality of the priest. Hemingway best displays this conflict in the scene where the priest urges Henry to visit Abruzzi while the ... Show more content on ... Henry pretends to be a civilian, adopting many different forms of that which is anything but military dress. Also, when the Swiss authorities question the purpose of Henry and Barkley s presence in Switzerland, he again must pretend to be other than an American member of the Italian army. Henry says to the officials he is a sportsman in Switzerland for the winter sport (279, 280). He also tells the officials he has been studying architecture. My [Henry s] cousin has been studying art (280). Henry uses this blatant lie to become a civilian, hiding his military background. Others also understand Henry s tendency to pretend. For example, Rinaldi comments that Henry only pretend[s] to be an American (66). The priest later contradicts this statement: You [Henry] are a foreigner. You are a patriot (71). Henry often plays the role of the patriotic Italian, then the role of the patriotic American, then the role of the concerned observer, while never committing to any one ideology. Rinaldi and the priest have seen this change in facades within Henry, as he assumes different defining characteristics. One of Henry s greatest lies centers around his relationship with Barkley. Initially, Henry wants Barkley only for physical satisfaction, and he will do whatever she wants to get some. He tells her he loves her with the hope that the declaration will prompt her to kiss him: I lied. I love you (30). Once this false
  • 7. Angle of Shooting in Soccer It was about 3 minutes before the time was called. The red light from the score billboard showing 2 1 represented our team s frustration to win that one more point in order to break even. The cheering sound of the crowd reverberated through the ground; chased by the other two players from the opposing side, I ran as fast as I could toward the opponent s goal; it was our last chance of scoring. My heart started pounding rapidly, I ran closer to the goal, and took the shot. I missed. My dad started teaching me to play soccer since I was very young. He used to be a soccer team s captain when he was in university, so he was very good at soccer. Every weekend, he would bring my brother and me to a soccer field in our neighborhood, and we... Show more content on ... Therefore, I tried using tan. Assuming that the position that gives the widest angle is located x meters from the corner. To make it easier to see, I constructed two triangles in green and red. Then I let the smaller angle be О± (green), and the bigger angle be ОІ (red). The angle I wanted to maximize is the difference between the two angles (as shown by ОёВ°). Therefore, I tried to find О± and ОІ. As tan = opposite /adjacent , tan ОІ = 35.66/x and so in order to find the angle ОІ I used arctan ОІ = arctan (35.66/x) Similarly, tan О± = 28.34/d ,and so the angle О± would be О± = arctan (28.34/x) Then, I found the equation that determine the shooting angle: f(x)= ОІ О± = arctan (35.66/x) arctan (28.34/x), when x is the length from the corner to the soccer player. Optimization Once I got the function to find an angle subtended by the two goalposts using the distance from a corner to a player s position, I tried graphing the equation (Figure 3 [Right] ) in my calculator to take a closer look at the
  • 8. The Conditions And Circumstances Within The Nazi... The conditions and circumstances within the Nazi concentration camp system provide a remarkable prism through which historians can analyse the plight of Jewish people during the Holocaust. Resistance through violent rebellion against the Nazi regime s policy of genocide is the most obvious manifestation of Jewish dissent, but the limited number of attempted uprisings in extermination camps raises profound questions about the Jewish people s motivation to perform active resistance. Passive resistance committed by Jewish prisoners within the concentration camp system was of crucial importance towards maintaining dignity and hope among the populace and therefore should not be excluded when examining the overall strength of Jewish resolve. Nazi extermination camps operated under distinct and divergent principles that resulted in Jews developing unique values and beliefs that varied considerably depending on the facility that they survived. Slave labour and the emotional turmoil of dehumanisation were immensely damaging to Jewish morale and must be considered an integral part of the Jewish struggle for survival. Primary sources, in particular oral testimonies, shed light on the topic of Jewish endurance in the face of Nazi barbarism by vividly creating an unfiltered frame of reference against which both the abject malevolence of the Holocaustand the tenacity of the Jewish people become self evident. Characteristics of Jewish armed resistance within each extermination camp
  • 9. The Pros And Cons Of Human Genetic Engineering With the advent of Darwin s theory of evolution came curiosity; What would the next stage of human evolution look like? Then came the discovery of genes, and mankind s curiosity was piqued; What if we could alter our genes to our liking? However, now that we are finally on the verge of cracking the genetic code, we must ask ourselves; Should we use this technology? This single question has fueled a fiery debate among a variety of groups in modern times, but where does the heart of the debate lie? One could argue that there is an issue of fact, as we don t know all the potential applications humangenetic engineering (henceforth called HGE) could have, but many uses of the technology have already been identified. Therefore, the heart of the debate lies in the quality of these applications and whether we should allow the research of HGE to continue. But who are the interested parties in this debate? While this is an issue that affects our entire species, there are a few groups who hold certain values and beliefs that have an impact on their opinion of HGE. A major group involved in HGE discussion are the geneticists themselves, who generally seek to defend their work. One such geneticist is Dr. George Church, a professor at Harvard, whose work in genetics has caused a great deal of controversy among the scientific community. Dr. Church s work in HGE revolves around a revolutionary genetic tool known as CRISPR, which allows researchers to cut DNA from anywhere in the genome and
  • 10. Similarities Between Scarface And Scarface Introduction How are the two movies different from each other? Is it the era, the theme of or its execution? In retrospective, both will surely have difference, especially since the two are created with different aims. If one is to analyze the films, one will find a grey area between its differences, wherein differences are both superficial and minor at best. Scarface is a crime drama film that is famously known for being one of the most violent and profanes films during its time of release. Focusing on the rise of Tony Montana (Al Pacino) on the criminal ladder and becoming more psychotic as his career as the leader of his drug empire progresses, leading to his eventual downfall. Directed by Brian de Palma, written by Oliver Stone and with performance of the cast with the lead Al Pacino, Scarface became a cult classic among the ... Show more content on ... Both films are distinct in its execution. The Godfather s portrayal is a more subdued one, Brando s speeches and philosophizing gives a more intellectual approach. Life in the mafia is hard, but is not fully shown. It is layered behind the walls of character development and dialogue, while they are eating together for dinner and sharing insults about their mothers, the next scene will show the group getting ready for a hit. Politically, The Godfather has no strong indication of getting associated with politicians, though there are suggestions, they are not enough to be fully fleshed out. Scarface, on the other hand, is a steady but surely approach. Rough neighbourhood with murdering Indians, underling takes crown from boss after confrontation, and the main character becoming more paranoid and delirious as he snuffs coke into his nose. Politics also play a rule in the mindset of our hero, Tony would gladly carve a hole on a communist, and he would get really angry when hearing Colombians are near
  • 11. The Hitchhiking Game, By Milan Kundera There are a multitude of theoretical perspectives that just about anybody could take and apply to an ample amount of scenarios. One of the more popular theories is the theatre perspective; which relates to the idea of method and classical acting. These two styles combined, with a little miscommunication thrown in, can turn a silly game, between a couple, into their worst memory together. The couple in the short story The Hitchhiking Game , by Milan Kundera, is the prime example of the previously mentioned scenario happening. The couple uses both of these styles, not adequately noting how what they are doing is affecting their significant other, and it leads to a very troublesome ending. The theatre perspective of both the method and classical acting styles can thoroughly explain the mindset of the couple in The Hitchhiking Game and why they acted the way they did. Method acting, or the Stanislavski method, was introduced by Constantin Stanislavski in the twentieth century; it is when an actor recalls emotions or reactions from his own life and uses them to personally identify with the character he is to portray. One of the most acclaimed method actors known in society today is the deceased Heath Ledger, who played the Joker in the Dark Knight. Rumor has said that Ledger died from accidentally overdosing on pills from loss of sleep after he played the role in this film; he turned himself into this demented character for the film and couldn t get out of the role.
  • 12. How Does Schindler s List Relate To Steven Spielberg In 1993, Schindler s List won Best Picture from the Academy Awards. Steven Spielberg not only directed the movie, but helped produce it as well. Spielberg won his first Oscar for Best Director for Schindler s List, an award that had eluded him in the past. He managed to acquire the rights to direct the film from Martin Scorsese in exchange for the rights to direct Cape Fear (1991), (New York Times, 1991). Branko Lustig, a producer for Schindler s List, tracked down Spielberg and pleaded to him to let him produce the movie. He showed Spielberg his Jewish tattoo that the Nazi s gave him during his time at Auschwitz. Lustig brought a great sense of authenticity to the film and is credited with selecting the faces of the extras in the films. Schindler s List is based off of the novel, Schindler s Ark by Thomas Keneally. According to Spielberg, he wanted to make the movie because the book is presented in the style of a documentary. He stated that, That s what... Show more content on ... With the bulk of the film colorless, it evokes the era of the Holocaust and deepens the impact of the story being told. A theme regarding the black and white filming is Schindler s face with the majority of the time half being in shadow, the other in light showing Schindler s selfish dark side. Towards the end, he finally transition from profiteer to savior with his face becoming lighted more. One major color shot in the movie was when Schindler was on a hill and saw a little Jewish girl walking through the ghetto with a red coat. It is when Schindler finally grasps the innocence of the Jews that are being slaughtered by the hands of the Nazis. She is the purity walking unnoticed by the Nazis and witnessing the chaos around her. He is forced to confront the fact he has his own hand in the horror that is happening in the ghetto. It is then that Schindler vowed to do everything in his power to help the Jews and dismantle the Nazi
  • 13. Analysis Of Viola Hastings s She s The Man a)First Topic Viola Hastings, is the protagonist in the film She s The Man. She is a female soccer player at Cornwall University, until the school cuts her soccer team off from the after school extracurricular activities program. After the sexist coach refuses her suggestion of joining the male soccer team, she impersonates her brother and tryouts for the soccer team at Illyria. She believes the only way to attest her capability is if she is unable to join the male soccer team at Cornwall is to beat them. Viola s character would be a negative realistic representation of women, because she s an athletic woman who remains attractive in the male gaze perspective. In the male gaze we would expect her to be fragile, delicate and helpless woman rather than goal oriented and driven woman in order for her to remain attractive to the male audience and characters in the film. Viola s devotion to soccer presents her as possessing too much boyishness to her mother and other adult females in the debutante society. She lacks several feminine mannerisms. For instance, while Duke and Justin are physically fighting over her, she jumps on Justin s back and later removes popcorn from her top in an unladylike fashion, of which she is reminded by her mother. There is a later scene in the film when the debutantes are having dinner, Viola is chewing the chicken with her mouth open and Cheryl, the debutante coach, reminds her of her manners by saying Viola, darling. Remember, chew like you have
  • 14. Characterization In The Heir Competition is the process of competing for a prize or advantage. Usually, marriage and competition are, complete opposites. But, in this castle everything about them are considered the same. The Heir (Kiera Cass), is about a young girl named Eadlyn. She is forced to go through a Selection that she doesn t wantto do. This means that she will have 35 suitors ( young princes), at the castle who will do anything to win over her heart, all to be the King and Queen of Illea. The Heir is a quality book in most of the elements chosen. In The Heir, Kiera Cass uses characterization and irony to show a quality plot and resolutionto develop a disappointing ending. Kiera Cass uses characterization to show a quality plot. (Direct Characterization) I told you, she d be stubborn (Cass 15). This quotes shows that Eadlyn is stubborn. This shows a quality plot because, throughout the whole novel Eadlyn is very stubborn about everything that happens in the selection and it shows through whenever Eadlyn does something for the selection. (Indirect Characterization) ...For my family s sake, I had to finish my selection (Cass 342). This quote shows that Eadlyn will do... Show more content on ... She also uses Resolution to make the ending disappointing. When Cass uses, Irony she uses it in the most boring places to make those the best places. Kiera also uses, Characterization to make an interesting plot line by, using cause and effect to use a play on words. When she gives characters a trait she makes it so you need it throughout the whole book. Every Time the character does something, it brings you back to their traits. Lastly, Cass uses Resolution to develop a disappointing ending. Resolution is the action of solving a problem and that is not what happened at the end of The Heir. Kiera Cass uses Characterization and Irony to develop an interesting plot line and Resolution to make a disappointing
  • 15. Competitor Analysis Competitor Analysis of Cathay Pacific Airlines Cathay Pacific Airways is an international airline registered and based in Hong Kong, offering scheduled cargo and passenger services to more than 110 destinations around the world. The main competitors of Cathay Pacific are Singapore Airlines and China Southern Airlines . In this competitor analysis for Cathay Pacific we will assess China Southern Airlines only. 1. What are the objectives of this competitor? The objectives of China Southern Airlines are as follows: * To build an international network oriented airline with core competitiveness and sustainable profitability. * Core value of customer first * striving for excellence * continuous innovation and ... Show more content on ... * Green Flight amp; Social Responsibilities China Southern Airlines has placed the highest concern to the welfare of the nation and its social responsibility to the Chinese society. In 2007, China Southern took a leadership role by releasing the first in a series of reports on the Civil Aviation Administration of China s corporate social responsibility ... and incorporated these corporate social objectives into its strategic business plan.The airline has been honored for its commitments to the society with varied awards from leading aviation and government organizations. 3. What does this competitor believes about this industry? This competitor believes that by engaging and accepting social responsibility and giving the best customer service it can attract more customers and succeed more and more and one day it will become the favorite airline and perhaps the largest in Asia. They believe to be successful and be one of the big players in this industry; they should first put customers before anything else. Giving the greatest customer service, emphasizing on new technology and caring more on safety is the key to success. 4.What are its strengths and weaknesses? Strenghts: 1. Largest air transport network in China with access to over 150 cities and over 600 domestic routes. 2. Centrally located in Guangdong for easy access to the rapid industrial growth of the Pearl River Delta.
  • 16. Characteristics of the Amphioctopus Marginatus Essay The Amphioctopus Marginatus is of the Kingdom Animalia because like other members of this kingdom, it is both multicellular and is a heterotroph. This species is also part of the phylum Mollusca because like other mollusks, it has a coelom, (letter B on the first phylogeny tree), a visceral body mass, and a mantle (letter C). Furthermore, because it is not part of the phylum Chordata, it does not have the notochord (letter A) (Doc 2). It is of the class Cephalopoda, because like other members of this class, such as Asteroceras Confusum, the Marginatus has a merged head and foot (letter F), a siphon (letter D), and a ring of tentacles (letter E) surrounding the head (Doc 1). As a member of the order Octopoda, this species has eight arms... Show more content on ... The dark veins, suggest a convergent evolution because no other species in the genus show these lines but other sea floor dwelling animals such as the tasseled angler fish use branched veins to camouflage themselves (Doc 6). The second phylogeny tree shows a closer view at the relationship between members of the family Octopodidae who all have arms that unite at the base of the mantle (letter A). Both the sub Family of Bathypolypodinae and the Eledoninae have poisonous venom (letter B) (Doc 8). The Bathypolypodiane also have extensive membrane connecting their tentacles (letter C). The Benthoctopus and Bathypolypus both do not have an ink sac (letter D) unlike the Teretoctopus (Doc 6). The Letter E represents a small body size something that is common in both the Arcticus and Valdiviae (Doc 6). The Bathypolypus Arcticus has a relatively large lifespan six years (letter F) unlike the Valdiviae which live for approximately one to three years (Doc 4). The letter G represents a differently shaped Hectocotylus found only in the Bathypolypus Valdiviae (Doc 9). The letter H represents the presence of conical papillae (Doc 1). The letter I represents the presence of poisonous venom which is found in the genus Hapalochaena and can be deadly (Doc 7). The letter J represents large eggs something that is common only to the members of the genus Ameloctopus (Doc 2). The letter K represents a deep lateral and a short dorsal web (Doc
  • 17. Frankenstein And His Creature As One Nick Kelley Ms. Romaguera English IV A Period 4/7/15 Frankenstein and his creature as one When hearing the word Frankenstein society imagines a boxy looking creature with metal pegs in his neck and a scar on his forehead; in reality Frankenstein is Dr. Victor Frankenstein, the creator of this monster. In the science fictionnovel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley examines the deep connection between a creator and his creation. This deep connection perhaps explains the identity confusion between the doctor and his creation. Upon close examination the reader finds that Victor and his creature share one consciousness; they both seek nature for comfort, desire a wife, have a thirst for knowledge, depend on one another for existence, and as one loses bits and pieces of his humanity, the other gains more of his own. In the novel Frankenstein both the doctor and his creature, in times of stress, turn to nature to find comfort. In the novel soon after the Doctor creates his monster he is soon filled with disgust and fear, flees the courtyard belonging to the house which [he] inhabited, where [he] remained during the rest of the night, walking up and down in the greatest agitation, listening attentively, catching and fearing each sound as if it were to announce the approach of the demoniacal corpse to which [he] had so miserably given life.(Shelley 43) To gain comfort and refuge from his less than perfect creation. This shows that Frankenstein obviously finds more comfort in
  • 18. The World Of The Asia Pacific War The Asia Pacific War was like many other wars; it had an enormous impact on the world, but in Japan and the United States it affected the way of life. Japanese American soldiers had to overcome and withstand racism and hostility during this time from the Americans. People were wary of Japanese Americans fighting for the United States, because it was the Japanese of whom the Americans were fighting against. After the war, propaganda films were made to convince people of a specific political point of influence throughout the war. Two propaganda films that were made about the Asia Pacific War were Go for Broke and Know Your Enemy. Before I discuss the films and what differences were between the films, I want to discuss what led to the Asia Pacific War. The Asia Pacific War began, because the Japanese tried expanding in East Asia. Japanese invasions began with the Manchuria in 1931 and continued for over a decade. The Japanese were increasingly looking to expand southward, because of Hitler s presence. Eventually Japan, Germany, and Italy had signed the Tripartite Pact together, which created a military alliance between them, known as the Axis. The United States did not feel threatened by the Japanese and their alliance, but they imposed economic instability on Japan. Due to the lack of oil in Japan, the country had stiffened. Most importantly, it drove Japan to attack Pearl Harbor. The attack severely damaged the American fleet in the Harbor, preventing the Americans for
  • 19. Chinua Achebe s Heart of Darkness and Racism Essay Chinua Achebe s Heart of Darkness and Racism The Nigerian novelist Chinua Achebe made claims in the 1970s that Heart of Darkness was a racist novella. My initial thoughts on this are yet to be decided during the course of this essay. While my thoughts are yet to have any significance, I do believe that Chinua Achebe s remarks hold some truth. Achebe s theory assumes that Marlow and Conrad are the same voice. This could be a reasonable assumption as research into Conrad s life has given us knowledge of Conrad s early years. In the heart of darkness the main character, Marlow has since childhood, had a desire to go there (Africa), whilst exploring maps of the world. Conrad, in the ... Show more content on ... The grandeur and excellence in which the Thames is depicted cannot bare any comparison to the two sentenced description of the Congo. … a mighty big river… resembling and immense snake uncoiled. And as I looked at a map of it in a shop window, it fascinated me as a snake would a bird a a silly little bird. In contrast to the Congo, the river Thames can be seen as a highly favourable portrayal of such a populous and commended European symbol. With a nine paragraphed description of it and only a two sentenced observation of the Congo, it is easy to see why Achebe would fall to such a conclusion as the Heart of Darkness being a racist novella. The two sentences alone says quite a lot to enrage a true African patriot. The snake being the Congo and the silly little bird being Marlow, are two creatures of the wild that have not been known to have any reverence for each other. While one preys on the other, Marlow suggest to his audience that he was a victim of the never escaping charm of man s old foe the snake. Certainly some of the language used about Africans in the Heart of darkness sounds to our modern ears outrageously racist. … a savage who was no more account than a grain of sand in a black Sahara. A fellow human being has just died here, yet Marlow feels the need to justify his remorse for the
  • 20. Summary Of Corrine Carvalho s Primer On Biblical... Introduction Biblical interpretation is an area that leaves historians and students perplexed. There are many questions as to when exactly a certain text was written, whom it was written by, origin of sources, etc. To answer these questions, Christian historians have developed methods in order to make sense of the messages in the bible. In particular, Corrine Carvalho s Primer on Biblical Methods works to critically explain and interpret scripture so readers feel less skeptical about the legitimacy of the text. These methods include the following: Source criticism, the reconstruction of written sources an ancient author may have used to compose a text. Form criticism, the way a final author has put a text together. Traditional criticism, the identification of traditions that an author employs in constructing new texts. Historical criticism, the historical circumstances that have led an author to write a given text (Carvalho, 2009, p. 3); they are encouraged for readers to use throughout the bible. If you look at Psalms, you will find prayers of a poetic nature, almost like a song like. This writing style often leaves the meaning of its text open for interpretation because it speaks in metaphors, it contains little to no defining statements. Carvalho s methods can be applied to Psalm 18. THEO 223 Endterm: Intermediate Exegesis Source Criticism Psalms 18 is the Psalm of King David. David provides several lines of imagery and metaphors in the beginning of the Psalm to emphasize the degree in which the Lord has helped him. The Lord also thundered in the heavens, and the most high uttered his voice (Attridge et al, 2006, Psalm 18:13, p. 746)...He reached down from on high, he took me; he drew me out of mighty waters (Attridge et al, 2006, Psalm 18:16, p. 747). However, the Psalm has an abrupt shift in subject matter that suggests the psalmist has put the whole thing together from separate sources. It begins with Psalm 18:20, The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanliness of my hands he recompensed me (Attridge et al, 2006, Psalm 18:20, p. 747). Every verse before verse 20 was under the theme of thanksgiving. In addition, it had a high dose of metaphor and imagery,
  • 21. My First Day As A Kindergartener My First day as a Kindergartener One day afternoon, in my first day of kindergarten as I got out of school I was waiting for my mom to pick me up and sign me out from my teachers signout list, in order to be released. However, as I waited, many of my peers were getting picked up but me. As I began to see that many of my peers began to leave, the classroom started to become more empty. Then as I waited, I finally got called to be released but I didn t see my mom. I saw a strange woman smiling towards me and asking me how my day went as I got closer, but I didn t answer. As I walked towards my teacher and the woman I was really confused and a million things began to cross my mind. The woman had many children with her which made me feel really doubtful even though I thought they were her children. However, I then realized that there were too many children in order for them to be hers. So, if they weren t her children who were they? Or even a more intriguing question; Who was she? Getting to know her was not so difficult, as I thought it would be. Even though I didn t say much about myself when she began questioning me I felt there was going to be a connection between us. As we had walked for a while already with the rest of the children, we finally arrived to the place she had parked her car. After we got inside her car she began heading towards a street that I had already passed through with my mom. As she drove through that street, I saw a playground with a brownish fence
  • 22. Analysis Of The Book The Crucible By F. Scott Fitzgerald Turns out they share similar taste in their music. She commented on the group playing on the iPod as her favorite and giving him a little history of the band. She also checked out the meal he d prepared and made some mention of his cooking skills. They talked about her work and how it was progressing. She mentioned the article she was writing, and he brought up the topic of what happened to his older brother. A topic which he especially didn t talk too much about, even after all this time it was still a painful subject. Kendrick let her know his next shift on the rig was going to a long, lonely one for him, one he wasn t looking forward to. Especially since she had no idea how difficult it is for bonded lifemates to be away from each other; she would soon understand all too well. The considerate lover in Kendrick took her and held her while he was arguing with his Selkie self to behave and not scare this woman off. So instead of pouncing on her, he said, Let s eat before our fish gets cold. He thought lame most definitely, but he needed to slow things down and get his mind off her curvaceous body and regain some of his own self control. He needed to conquer one obsession at a time. After they finished her Blaeberry and Sloe berry crumble, she surprised him while he placed the dishes in the sink. He felt the warmth of her body as she placed her arms around him from behind. She lowered her hands to the huge bulge he sported at the front of his pants,
  • 23. The Genocide And The Rwandan Genocide In the year 1994, the Rwandan Genocide took place. During this time, Rwandans were set into two distinctive groups that were at war with each other. He Hutu ethnic majority were determined to remove the Tutsi ethnic minority. In westernized states, many people were not concerned with this because they felt that there was no real connection. The United States, specifically, did not want to engage in what they believed to be not their fight . In 2004, Hotel Rwandawas released and it baffled many westerns when they realized how little help they provided. It also caused an emotional response because it was noted how much could have changed if they had stepped in. Hotel Rwanda was a very historically accurate film and had many key features... Show more content on ... As a theory, categorization played a large role in the genocide and war. Without these groups the war would never have occurred because the people would be united by the idea that they were all Rwandans and not different. Lack of identity played a huge role in the Rwandan war. Identity is how a person classifies them self. As a whole, all of the people in Rwanda classify themselves as Rwandan. This means that they shared similar values, languages, and traditions. The war would have been completely avoided if they has united as a nation, instead of separating into different categories. Paul represented a member of the Rwandan society who looked at everyone as Rwandans instead of Hutus and Tutsis. This is shown in the film when he brings his friends and family who are Tutsi to hide in the hotel. By doing this he is keeping them safe and preventing them from being killed by Hutu members. People like Paul who were willing to unite as a country instead of individual groups are the reason that the war came to an end. If Rwandans had united by the identity of being Rwandan, the war could have been entirely avoided. Media influence also played a large role in the Rwandan War. Radio stations were used to rally members together and inflict pain on the
  • 24. Verifying And Developing Accounts Receivables Accounting... A Project Report On Customizing and Developing Accounts Receivables in Accounting Software developed using salesforce Submitted to Amity University Uttar Pradesh In partial fulfillment of Industrial Training of the degree of Bachelor of Technology In Computer Science and Engineering By Surbhi Singh Under the guidance of Mrs. Monika Bhalla DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCEINCE AND ENGINEERING AMITY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY AMITY UNIVERSITY UTTAR PRADESH Declaration I, Surbhi Singh of B.Tech (Computer Science and Technology) hereby declare that the project work entitled Customizing and Developing Accounts Receivables in Accounting Software developed using salesforce submitted to the Amity University Uttar Pradesh, is a record of an original work done by me under the guidance of Mr. Ashish Tomar, Director, Versatile Knowledge Consultants Private Limited(Jaipur), and this project work has not performed the basis for the award of any Degree or diploma/ associate ship / fellowship and similar project if any. NOIDA DATE:Surbhi singh Certificate On the basis of declaration submitted by Surbhi Singh of B.Tech (Computer Science and Technology), I hereby certify that the project titled Customizing and Developing Accounts Receivables in Accounting Software developed using salesforce which is submitted to Department of computer Science and Technology, Amity School of engineering and
  • 25. Callaway Golf Company History Callaway Golf Company History Callaway Golf Company CEO Ron Drapeau told CBSMarketWatch, We have become known as the company that brings innovation to the game for the average golfer. We re not focused on the elite professional players. It s been a very successful approach for us. But that is not to say that Callaway clubs are spurned by professionals. By the end of the 2000 professional tour, Callaway Golf ranked as the most played manufacturer of drivers, fairway woods and irons on the world s five major professional tours combined. Best known for its Big Bertha, ERC II, C4, Hawk Eye VFT, and Steelhead drivers and fairway woods, Callaway Golf also makes irons, wedges, Odyssey White Hot and Dual Force putters, and several ... Show more content on ... With Ely Callaway back at the helm, Callaway Golf proceeded to introduce a new set of titanium metal woods, and its low center of gravity tungsten injected titanium irons. The metal woods reportedly gave the ball a more penetrating flight, while the irons facilitated long trajectory shots. In February 2000, Callaway Golf introduced its much anticipated Rule 35 golf balls. Named after the unofficial 35th Rule of Golf, which admonishes the player to enjoy the game, the balls superior performance made them the Number 2 ball in usage, top 10 finishes and wins in the five major professional tours in their first year in play. In 2000, Callaway Golf announced that it would produce a new forged titanium driver. But with the introduction of its so called ERC II Forged Titanium Driver later that year, Callaway Golf suddenly found itself double bogeyed. Although the new driver was ruled eligible for play overseas (it was actually rated the top driver in Japan and the number one driver on the Japan PGA tour), it was ruled to be non conforming to the United States Golf Association s (USGA) limits on the coefficient of restitution В– that is to say, its action was too spring like В– and the club was therefore deemed unacceptable for play in tournament events where USGA Rules apply. By mid 2002, the USGA had decided that the banned drivers would be legal for use by recreational golfers В– but not for professionals В– until 2008, after which time they would again be
  • 26. Analysis Of George W. Bush s Leadership Style Essay I. Deliberation v. Decisiveness: Comparing Management Styles The course of a presidency is shaped by decisions made before inauguration day. The choices a president elect makes when staffing their White House determines how they will use the precious time they will spend in the Oval Office. The management style of a president is a function of the president s personality with consequences for the future of the country. George W. Bushand Barack Obama are different men who constructed for themselves distinctly different White Houses, each with their own priorities, strengths, and weaknesses. George W. Bush prided himself on his decisiveness. Bush s management style was structured around a desire to preserve the time of the president and produce swift action. Bush s management style was a product of his past experiences as a former governor of Texas and business executive and his business school education. His life experiences had taught him to delegate and trust the abilities of his immediate subordinates. (Allen Broder, 2004) Joe Allbaugh, a top aide and 2000 campaign director, described Bush as the best one minute manager and a fantastic delegator. (Public Broadcasting Service, 2004) President Bush once described his own decision making style by stating I m not a textbook player. I am a gut player. (Pfiffner 2011, 249) This preference was reflected in the way his White House organized his access to information. The Bush White House, while not built around a
  • 27. Los libros de Harry Potter Essay Los libros de Harry Potter son algunos de los libros mГЎs vendidos de todos los tiempos. En este estudio, Susan Gunelius analiza todos los aspectos del fenГіmeno de la marca que es Harry Potter. Adentrarse en las guerras de precios, los valores de ingresos de taquilla, y de marca, entre otras cosas, esta es la historia del Г©xito de la marca, y es el caso de estudio perfecto para acadГ©micos, profesionales y estudiantes. Susan Gunelius tiene un tГtulo en marketing y pasГі mГЎs de una dГ©cada desarrollando y ejecutando programas de marketing para algunas de las compaГ±Гas mГЎs grandes del mundo, incluyendo las divisiones de AT T y HSBC. Gunelius Actualmente es escritora independiente y redactora, consultora de marketing, y blogger profesional. Ella ... Show more content on ... Rowling llegГі a Edimburgo sin un centavo. En 1995 llegГі a su fin, tambiГ©n lo hizo el borrador final de Harry Potter. Ahora, despuГ©s de seis aГ±os, ella estaba lista para presentar Harry Potter en el mundo. Su siguiente paso fue encontrar un agente y un editor que amaba a Harry tanto como lo hizo. Bryony Evens de la Agencia Literaria Christopher Little hizo Rowling oferta estГЎndar de la agencia que Rowling firmГі inmediatamente. DespuГ©s de 12 rechazos, en agosto de 1996, Bloomsbury firmГі Rowling. Hasta el momento, Harry Potter habГa viajado durante siete aГ±os en la vida de Rowling. Arthur Levine de Scholastic tropezГі con el primer libro de Harry Potter en una feria del libro en Italia. EmpezГі a leer el libro en el aviГіn de vuelta a Nueva York, y de inmediato supo que tenГa que tener los derechos de publicaciГіn de los Estados Unidos , sin importar cuГЎl serГa el costo. Rowling entregГі el manuscrito completo para el segundo libro de Bloomsbury. Harry Potter llega a Estados Unidos Los lectores en Estados Unidos se reunieron Harry Potter despuГ©s de un mes, el segundo libro fue lanzado en Gran BretaГ±a. En julio y septiembre de 1999 , los libros segundo y tercero fueron puestos en libertad en EE.UU. DespuГ©s de rechazar varias ofertas de estudios , Rowling firmГі un contrato con Warner Bros por $1 millГіn de dolares. Warner Bros vendiГі los derechos de comercializaciГіn para muchas empresas a vender ropa Potter, juguetes, etc. La producciГіn para la nueva pelГcula
  • 28. Laughlin s Sterilization Law Analysis An example of how the pseudoscience being performed affected eugenic programs is through immigration reform. After 1890, the United States experienced an influx of immigrants from central and southern Europe, the Balkans, Russia, and Poland (Allen, The Ideology... 25). Allen notes that the older Anglo Saxon and Nordic immigrants perceived these new immigrants as inferior. Henry Laughlin, Superintendent of the EugenicsRecord Office and a key figure in the American eugenics movement, conducted research on the rate of appearance of undesirable traits (Allen, The Ideology... 25) and the percentages of the defective in institutions (Allen, The Misuse... 117). Laughlin organized his data by ethnic groups and asserted that the correlations he saw... Show more content on ... Progressivism responded to the changes of the time period by enacting a series of social changes such as prohibition and women s suffrage. Martin Pernick, a history professor at the University of Michigan, key characteristic of the progressive movement was its belief that science would be able to address social problems (26). Pernick also relates progressivism with the development of modern propaganda in that propaganda presented information that would influence public opinion on an issue. Propaganda played a large part in popularizing eugenics among the public. Among other measures, exhibits were set up to present eugenic ideas to school groups and the general public, popular eugenics organizations were established to expose citizens to eugenic ideas, and articles were published for the average reader to present eugenics as logical and scientifically based (Allen, The Misuse... 115). This attitude produced an environment in which the public was more receptive to a movement like eugenics that masqueraded as a scientific solution for dealing with the degenerate portion of the
  • 29. Hr Department of Ptcl Zonal Office Islamabad Internship Report of PTCL PTCL Internship Report SUPERVISOR Mr. Ehtesham SUBMITTED BY Afifa Riaz Mughal SUBMISSION DATE 28th October, 2010. ___________________________________ C O M S A T S INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Page 2 DEDICATION I lovingly dedicate my this effort to my respected parents teachers because of there true sincere support I am able to achieve my goals dreams Page 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Allah has said, Pray to me so that I will answer you All praise belongs to Allah. It is by the blessings of Allah that I have completed my Internship report and all difficult tasks have been accomplished. With a deep sense of gratitude I extend my thanks to all of those who guide me... Show more content on ... 17 1.8.1. Broad band Pakistan..................................................................................... 17 1.8.2. PTCL smart TV.................................................................................................. 18 1.8.3. EVO Wireless Broadband .............................................................................. 18 1.8.4. Pak internet exchange ................................................................................. 18 1.8.5. V fone .............................................................................................................. 19 1.9. PTCL Subsidiaries .............................................................................................. 19 Page 6 1.9.1. Ufone................................................................................................................ 19 1.9.2. PakNet ............................................................................................................. 20 1.9.3. Carrier Telephone Industries (CTI)................................................................ 20 1.9.4. Telephone Industries of Pakistan (TIP) ......................................................... 21 Chapter 02 ................................................................................................22 2.1. Components of Organizational structure............................................................. 23 2.2. Departments
  • 30. Drug Trafficking Struggles As previously stated, the FARC one of the richest rebel movements in the world, but its difficult to understand why although they preach about inequality and have one of the highest incomes, Colombia still continues to experience poverty and inequality. The organization has resorted to extortion and kidnapping in order to attain large sums of money and their illegal drug trafficking business are extremely profiting, so where does all of their money go? Their total revenues from 1991 1999 estimated nearly U.S. $3.2 billion. They manage their investment strategies and financial institutions outside of Colombia, by storing their money outside of the country they are able to purchase weapons through international criminal networks (International Peace Academy Inc., 2003). I include the used of the word terrorism in the previous explanation of the drug trade in order to emphasize the tactics that were implemented by the FARC in order to gain power. One of the most interesting aspects to analyze when seeing the... Show more content on ... The root cause of these causalities and the continuous war is political conflict, the different points of view and opposing political spectrums is what continues to maintain the conflict of Colombia. Now the FARC is one of the richest and most powerful entities due to drug trafficking its quite difficult to find a common ground with them and the Colombian government. Many peace agreements have been drafted but had yet to be sustainable. There s a large gap that needs to be filled in response to fining an individual who is responsible and will pay the consequences of the damages (Richani, 2013). The problem doesn t only lie amongst the armed forces, it also lies in the government s inability to provide what the people need. Both political stands and talks of peace are hard to unite as they tend to leave discontent in one political party or the
  • 31. Summary Of Frolus Faustus Faustus portrays the stumble over the Alps and the different urban communities while in transit to Rome. After Mephistophilis discloses to Faustus that he has organized to enter the pope s private chamber, he depicts the city of Rome. They get ready to go into the pope s chambers and Mephistophilis makes Faustus undetectable. At the point when the popeand a gathering of monks enter, Faustus plays traps on them by grabbing plates and containers from them. At long last, he boxes the pope on the ear. At the point when the ministers who are going with the pope start to sing a requiem to re move the detestable soul that is by all accounts present, Mephistophilis and Faustus start to beat the monks and indulgence a few firecrackers among them. The theme enters and surveys Faustus profession. At the point when Faustus has seen all the imperial courts, he returns home, where a hefty portion of his companions search him out and pose troublesome inquiries concerning crystal gazing and the universe. Faustus learning makes him well known all through the land. At long last the ruler, Carolus the Fifth, requests that he go to his court.Faustus gives the scoop on his excursion to Rome, telling how he went over Trier, France, the Rhine River, Naples, the tomb of Vergil, Venice, and Padua. At that point, to Mephistopheles, he s all, man, where are we? To which Meph lets him know: duh, Rome. Mephistopheles clarifies the topography of Rome how it remains on seven slopes with the Tiber River
  • 32. Social Control And Criminal Deviance Social Control and Criminal Deviance: Bullying Darryl Gennie Professor Catherine Terry SOC 100 Augusta 17 August 2015 Strayer University The most important step needed to analyze bullying is to review the existing knowledge. The literature review is a critical look at the existing research that is significant to the work you are trying prove including substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodical contributions to a particular topic. Get the facts and review them thoroughly before making a decision. Review existing knowledge means to look at the research that has already been done. It is a good way to start any research project because it avoids repeating procedures that someone else has already done. Reviewing literature will help you clarify and justify the focus of your planned research. This process will also reveal that you know and understand the context on the issue, giving credibility and authority to your hard work. Bullying has engrained in American society since the country s founding. Bred from a capitalistic economy and competitive social hierarchy, bullying has remained a relevant issue through the years. School age children are learning skills and lessons from their teachers as well as through peer interactions. Although schools are great tools that children benefit from, there are some bad experiences, such as bullying, that may negatively affect and remain with these children for the rest of their lives. Some
  • 33. Burberry Essay LONDON SCHOOL OF BUSINESS FINANCE Strategic Development at Burberry Student Name: Madhumalesh Prakash Student ID: A4036664 Submission Date: 4th November, 2011 Intake: MBA Batch 8A Module Name: Strategic Planning Module Code: SP Assignment Title: Longitudinal Strategic Development Study Word Count: 4044 Table of Contents 1.Recent past to the present:3 1.1.Introduction3 1.2.Business3 1.3.Leadership and culture at Burberry4 1.4.Strategies deployed4 2.The Strategic Position6 2.1.Macro Environment6 2.2.Industry and market structure and competitive conditions7 2.3.Strategic capability, Resources and Competences8 2.3.1.Strategic capability9 2.3.2.Resources9 2.3.3.Competences9... Show more content on ... Her transformation of Burberry had become a text book example of how to transform a business that other luxury brands are sometimes said to be doing a Burberry (Financial Times 2004). In 2005 Angela Ahrendts, replaced Bravo as Chief Executive who made changes to Burberry product line by making checks more stable and by focusing more on higher margin products like handbags and perfumes (Friedman 2011). 1.4.Strategies deployed Alfred Chandler(1963) defines strategy as the determination of the long run goals and objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of courses of action of an enterprise and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals . And Michael porter(1996) sees it as Competitive strategy is about being different. It means deliberately choosing different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of value . Developing or making a strategy for a management is very complex in nature. It needs to be made in the uncertainty situations and may also affect the operational decisions. New strategy developed may also involve the change in present culture of an organisation which is difficult and may adversely affect the performance of the organisation. Strategies usually exist at a number of levels in an organisation. Let s distinguish different levels of strategies and analyse it using Burberry s strategies. The strategic themes of Burberry are: Leveraging the
  • 34. Reflection Paper In English In my initial submission for Lesson 1, I recall being amused by the statement in the introduction of Navigating English Grammar that humans have always been fascinated by language. Then, and now, this still seems like an understatement to me. Language is an incredible facet to me and humans of all ages. To consider that an infant can communicate with few words and more gestures and then continue to develop the use of language as the number of words increase proves to be such an interesting phenomenon which has an influence on a human s existence. This influence permeates throughout language in formal or informal use. In that same lesson, I recall the childhood influences upon my language development. Being a young Southern woman, a distinct dialect permeated my childhood environments; from home, school, and small community, the slow, slang filled conversations enlightened me in the ways of people around me. This information partnered with the Grammar Quest proved that my own method of verbusage perplexed me. The instruction received in my local elementary and middle school demonstrated an error in my grandfather s way of speaking; therefore, my way of speaking did not follow prescriptive rules, and additional instruction was deemed necessary. With this review and research of prior writings, the use of verbs and verb forms used in a prescriptive nature proves to be an area of concern for my own proper use of Standard English. The following are samples of my own writing; The
  • 35. The September 11, 2001 Attacks The September 11, 2001 attacks were a series of four terrorist attacks. These attacks were launched by the Islamic terrorist group al Queda. But let me start from the beginning. On September 11, 2001 starting at 8:46 a.m. ending at 10:28 a.m. in New York City and Washington D.C. terrorist by the Islamic group al Queda four passenger airliners were hijacked. This was done by the 19 al Queda terrorists so they could be flown into buildings in suicide attacks. Two of these planes, from Americana Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were crashed into the North and South towers, of the World Trade Centercomplex in New York City. Within two hours, both towers collapsed with a lot of debri and the fires caused a lot of buildings to collapse in the WTC. A third plane, American Airlines Flight 77 was crashed into the Pentagon which is the headquarters of the United Sates Department of Defense. The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, was targeted at D.C., But crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after its passengers tried to overcome the hijackers. In all 3,000 people died in the attacks. Which included the 227 civilians and 19 hijackers aboard the four planes. The event was also the deadliest incident for firefighters and for law enforcement officers in the history of the United States. With 343 and 72 killed. The state quickly suspected al Queda. The group s leader was Osama bin Laden which he initially denied any involvement in the attacks. It
  • 36. Lakota Woman Essay Lakota Woman The book Lakota Woman, is an autobiography that depicts Mary Crow Dog and Indians Lives. Because I only had a limited knowledge on Indians, the book was full of surprising incidents. Moreover, she starts out her story by describing how her Indian friends died in miserable and unjustifiable ways. After reading first few pages, I was able to tell that Indians were mistreated in the same manners as African Americans by whites. The only facts that make it look worse are, Indians got their land stolen and prejudice and inequality for them still exists. Just like other Indian kids on reservation, Crow Dog s childhood was poor in everyway; didn t have enough food, clothes, education, and parents love. She was... Show more content on ... Crow Dog tried to fight against the school system and published newspapers, explaining how school is treating them like slaves. She quit school but she somehow managed to get her diploma. Despite the fact that she earned her diploma, Crow Dog was living aimlessly; drinking, drugs, stealing, and running away from home. Many Indians spend their ADC check on those things because of the given situation they are in. However, not every Indian spends the day boozed and stoned; like people of AIM are trying to fight against the wrong system. She joins AIM where she finds Indians, living their lives to the fullest to fight for their right. AIM changed her life in two big ways; she learned to fight not only for herself but also for her own people and met her husband Leonard Crow Dog. As an AIM person and Indian, she participates in many Indian activities such as BIA take over, the siege at Wounded Knee, and many peyote meetings. She fights against dictator at Pine Ridge, which leads her and AIM people to Wounded Knee where they stayed and fought for 71days. With very limited food and weapon, they lasted 71 days with their spiritual strength. Peyote meetings and Ghost dance are good examples that show Indians are very spiritual people. Despite all the double standard they have faced all their lives, Indians survived and fought strong for their rights. Even though prejudice
  • 37. War on Terror Essay Since the days of the Cuban Missile Crisis (Marfleet, 1997) in the sixties, the United States has become increasingly more relaxed as to the possibility of an attack on American soil. Since the attack on the Twin Towers in September of 2001, by the terrorist group al Qaeda, the United States has again become more aware and alert to this possibility. Not only did the attack on the United Statesbring Americans together as a country united, it also brought on changes that included the newly developed Department of Homeland Security. Homeland Security is now charged with not only protecting the country and territories from another terrorist attack but also responding to an attack, man made accident, and natural disasters. It is also... Show more content on ... (Kouri, 2011) Al Awlaki encourages terrorismthrough the use of internet blogs, Facebook, and You Tube videos. Al Awlaki has been linked to multiple attacks and attempted attacks on the United States. I would have to agree with our government in their assessment of the terroristic threat in reference to Al Awlaki. Terrorism seems to be a Lernaean Hydra in comparison in that, when you remove one leader, two more replace them. Al Qaida, while weakened by the loss of their leader, is still very much a threat. With almost endless finances, their ability to infiltrate and live among us is great. While I am sure the government makes every attempt to find and flag any person having ties to terrorist, how can you fight an enemy you cannot see? It is not as if they wear red or grey coats as they did in the Civil War. While doing the research paper one thing became increasing clear; I have no more idea as to the location and the means by which to attack, than the federal government does. I don t believe that the ability to hijack a commercial aircraft exists anymore. The attack on the Pentagon would most likely be a one time event also. In some respects, as a nation, we are very good at learning from our mistakes. While the government has not told us of safety measures taken to protect such military targets, I am sure the measures have still been taken. So with the major targets removed from accessibility, they are more likely to step down to soft
  • 38. Mrs. Dalloway I. Mrs. Dalloway, by Virginia Woolf, was published on May 14, 1925 in London, England. The novel follows Clarissa Dalloway and a variety of other characters throughout the span of one day in their lives in 1923 London. Woolf utilizes a narrative method of writing. With the novel s structure, the narrator possesses the ability to move inside of a character s mind and compose her thoughts and emotions immediately as events occur throughout the day. The novel s main character, Clarissa, is a middle aged woman who belongs to the upper middle class in society and is well married to a Member of Parliament Richard Dalloway. Clarissa s day is full of arrangements for a dinner party she plans to host that evening. During the novel, numerous other... Show more content on ... Rather than hold lengthy conversations between characters, she frequently writes only of small talk and leaves more serious topics to be recited in an individual s exclusive thoughts. One of her purposes in writing the novel is to expose the hypocrisy of society. The characters in the novel range from eccentric acquaintances to extravagant lords and ladies to vindictive tutors to suicidal veterans. One example of this theme occurs when Rezia and Septimus attempt to settle down in the park. When the airplane soars overhead, she writes, Tears ran down his cheeks (Woolf 21). While one may mistake this as joy or, at worst, sorrow over the recent war, Woolf gives the reality of the action beneath the surface, stating, They are signaling to me... this exquisite beauty... but he would not go mad. He would see no more (21). While Septimus dwindles on the brink of insanity, Rezia chatters away about nature, unaware of the mess resting beside her. Septimus portrays the appearance of one man yet expresses an entirely new persona through his contemplations. Another instance of the theme transpires when Miss Kilman and Clarissa wait for Elizabeth to retrieve her gloves before going shopping. Clarissa and Kilman both make attempts at small talk. However, both give their attentions to a mutual disgust of each other. Clarissa simply asks if Kilman is taking Elizabeth to the stores. Kilman replies dryly, but in
  • 39. Humpback Research Papers The humpback whale is one of the largest mammals on the planet. Growing up to 18 meters in length, and weighing between 25 to 50 tonnes they are truly behemoths. The humpback belongs to a group of whales called baleen whales. Baleen is a thick bristle like growth that extends from the upper jaw of the whale, such whales do not grow teeth which makes then fairly uncommon among carnivores. The whales spend their summers feeding in the cold southern ocean and migrate north to the south pacific during the winter months. During the summer months in the Antarctic the ice begins to melt releasing air bubbles and nutrients which phytoplankton feed on. Krill, a small shrimp like crustacean, feeds on plankton. The abundance of this plankton, and because of the small number of animals that eat it, has allowed Krill to reproduce in vast numbers and millions upon millions of them will mature to adult hood. This is an ... Show more content on ... The humpback whales will travel hundreds of miles to the south pacific, where the water is warmer, to mate and give birth to calves. The temperature in the Antarctic tends to start to drop in may, as the orbit and axial tilt of the Earth swings the lower hemisphere into the shade for the next six months. During their time away from the Antarctic, the whales do not hunt or eat. Instead relying on fat stores built up over their feeding season. The south pacific also provides a safe place for the birthing of calves, whose small bodies would suffer in the freezing waters, not to mention the aforementioned killer whales. In the north, the calves have time to grow and, like many mammals, live off their mothers milk until they are large enough to eat solid foods. Typically when their colouring changes from a light skinned youth to the typical grey of the adults. A calf will stay with it s mother for around a year, before setting off on it s
  • 40. Why Is Sherlock Holmes Wrong Sherlock Holmes In my opinion, Sherlock Holmes made the wrong choice. In the first place, he could of went to jail or the criminal could attempt to do it again Sherlock Holmes blamed an innocent man by thinking the innocent man did it. Sherlock Holmes thought he had it planned out by thinking the plumber did it. But the criminal had it all planned out the criminal probably thought putting someone else s carbuncle in a goose would work but it didn t In the second place, nobody got hurt sense Sherlock Holmes let the criminal go. By letting the criminal go He broke the law. Sense Holmes let him go they might try to do it again. The criminal had it all planned out Sherlock Holmes didn t know that so that s why he blamed the innocent man.
  • 41. Thomas Gage Influence On War Thomas Gage Carson Fournier Revolutionary biography 5th Grade Block May 11,2017 Do you know anything about Thomas Gage? This biography is about some of the things he did in his life from when he was born to when he died. First it s going to talk about his early life, then adult life and then contribution to the Revolutionary War. This paragraph will be about a lot of things he did in his early life such as siblings,school he went to and other s. Thomas Gage is the second son of Viscount Gage the 1st. His brother is the second viscount. He also went to a very good school to be able to do the things he did. The school he went to was Westminster School. Thomas Gage s father had lots of money to provide him and his brother. Thomas Gage also had some friends to keep him company throughout school. This paragraph will be about Thomas Gage s adult life like his children and who he married and stuff like that so stick around and enjoy. Thomas Gage was married to Margaret Kemble. He had a son and his name was viscount the 3rd. He was a... Show more content on ... Thomas Gage was a loyalist because he was born in England and also was in the British Army. Thomas Gage sent his wife back to England because he thought she was becoming a patriot. Thomas Gage did well commanding British forces for many years. Thomas Gage joined the army in 1741. General Gage of course needed some new troops two along with 3 generals. He won many battles and lost some to but in all did a well job. At the end of the Battle of Lexington and Concord 273 British soldiers and 95 rebel soldiers died. Thomas Gage became a general in 1782. Thomas Gage s wife was a spy for the patriots. Thomas Gage was governor 2 times in his life. Thomas Gage was made Governor of Montreal. Thomas Gage was made a major general in 1761. Thomas Gage died at the age of 66. Although he died, he probably won t be forgotten in
  • 42. Comparison Of The Pillow Book And The Song Of Roland Both The Pillow Book and The Song of Roland gives us an insight about the dominant groups during its respective period. The Pillow Book by Sei Shonagon provides us with the picture of aristocracy in Japan during the Heian period. Sei Shonagon served as a court lady to the empress around the year 1000 and through her time she records her opinions and her experiences in the court. On the other hand The Song of Roland offers us the history of battles during the reign of Charlemagne and how his government was set up and controlled. The Heian court controlled the most of the territory of Japanese islands. The government was centralized and it relied on local officials who relied on the warlords and Buddhist temples. There were groups who held political power during this period. The emperors were highly prestigious and politically influential. At this period the country was in peace as there were no outside threat. Due to this the aristocrats in the court spent time on creating their own rich culture. From the passage of Service at Court of The Pillow Book, there s detailed information of the women role during that period and their experience. Sei Shonagon s tells us about her imagination of how it would feel to be living in the home serving their husbands who don t have a exciting life yet believing there happy. She says, I wish they could live for a while in our society, even if should mean taking service as Attendants, so that they might come to know the delights it has to
  • 43. Analysis Of Gone With The Wind Gone with the Wind is a 1939 movie directed by Victor Fleming and starring Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, and Olivia De Havilland. The film follows the life of Scarlett O Hara (Leigh), a young Georgian woman, and her pursuits of romance and wealth during the Civil War and Reconstruction. She faces the challenges of rebuilding her family s plantation and finding love while the man she wants to pursue already married. This film falls into the genres of historical and romance. Historical films are characterized simply by the fact that they are set in an earlier time period, usually one that is far enough in the past that it can be distinguished from the time period the movie is produced in. Most often, the era a historical film is set in is one that has a particular key event that sets the time period. In the case of Gone with the Wind, the film is set around the Civil War, which holds a key part in much of the plot and impacts the characters lives. Romance films have a plot that revolves around the attraction between two main characters rather than having the romantic relationships be a subplot. The typical romantic film tropes that can be found in Gone with the Windare Scarlett s unrequited love, bordering on obsession, for Ashley and her marriage to Rhett which was portrayed as if they were both to find happiness with each other, but ultimately only found more conflict. The historical aspects of this film revolves not only around the Civil War itself, but also the idealized
  • 44. Shoshones Indian Tribe What are Shoshones ? Shoshones are an Indian tribe people might also refer to them as the snake nation. This tribe usually stays in both east and west of the Rocky Mountains. Shoshones are very diverse, some Shoshones live west of the Rockies in roofless grass huts. In order for them not to starve,they would hunt fish,birds,and rabbits. Other Shoshones also lived in east and north,these Shoshones lived in tepees and they hunted buffalo. These buffalo hunters are known as the lemhi Shoshones. Lemhi Shoshones lived on the plains what is now Montana. They had brave men members, they grew poor and hungry over time. This is because of their enemies,which drove the rich buffalo plains into the mountains. In order for them not to die of starvation
  • 45. Immanuel Kant s Impact On The Enlightenment In this essay, I will talk about the Enlightenment. I will discuss how Immanuel Kant s concept of it affected the society as well as politics. I will explain the main ideas that this age introduced and the impact they had on people. I will also talk about the reasons why it may be difficult for many people to attain true Enlightenment. Finally, I will examine how Kant defines Enlightenment himself. Enlightenment was an era from the 1650s to the 1780s. It was an intellectual movement that noticeably influenced scientific and social ways of thinking of the eighteenth century. It introduced and emphasised analysis, reason and individualism. It also introduced finding out about the world in ways that are not based on faith. It was the first time... Show more content on ... I have shown the Immanuel Kant s concept of it and explained it. I have also shown the way in which people functioned, how they thought and how they used their reason in the eighteenth century. I also gave reasons why it might have been difficult for many to attain true Enlightenment and why many remained immature in that sense. Furthermore, I referred to two different usages of reason that Kant introduced private and public and explained them as well as gave examples. Overall, I have shown that for people Enlightenment was a very big as well as new concept, and that it took a lot of courage and intellect of many to acquire
  • 46. Cheyenne Social Structure The Cheyenne are commonly known as hunters after abandoning agriculture in the eighteenth century. They are made up of the Northern and Southern groups found within the high plains at the central portion. They are Algonquian speakers, with the Southern and Northern Cheyenne having diverse dialect. The Cheyenneare originally from Minnesota where they left before settling in the High plains. History and Art The Cheyenne settlement was raided by the white people in the late 1800s where they experienced several hostilities. This left women and Children dead adding on to the cholera outbreak. The little big Horn which the community participated in was bound to create a reservation for the Cheyenne. The cosmological aspect of the Cheyenne shows that they do not hold a concept for the existence of the earth (Sutton, 2016). The political structure of the Cheyenne was governed by bands which were made up of related families and a population of between 300 400 people. The highest political authority was made up of an all male band. All those below were the primary chiefs who held less power but were still a very important aspect of the community s political structure. ... Show more content on ... The families all differed in terms of their status. The men in the families were engaged in hunting and warfare while women did all the domestic chores. The Dog soldiers formed the military society and played a role in governing the community s activities. The social organization did not rely on clans. Formal instruction within the family was meant for girls and adult males. This is basis to the Cheyenne life cycle. The members of the community would not be named until they were at the age of five or six. Adultery had been made a rare aspect within the society as a result of the legalization of polygyny which was
  • 47. To A Daughter Leaving Home Poem he poem To a Daughter Leaving Home by Linda Pastan describes the very memory of a mother teaching her younger daughter to ride a bicycle. The title of the poem says that the said daughter the author is speaking of is older now, but the poem concentrates on the past. Pastan s figure of speech with the use of metaphors, imagery, enjambment show how the bicycle is a part of life s journey and the diction helps demonstrate the young daughter s maturation from a child to an adult. Pastan uses several figures of speech to convey what she is presenting. For example, enjambment is used, where one line runs into another. Such words are, pumping (18), screaming (19), and flapping (21). The purpose of this is to allow an idea to continue beyond... Show more content on ... The poem consists of one long sentence, which is made up primarily of one long sentence. This represents the different phases of the lesson, which leads into the growing up procedure. At the beginning of the poem, the daughter is hence scared to ride the bike and even wobbled (5); she could not maintain her balance. However, she gained her balance and the mother was in surprise when you [she] pulled ahead down the curved path of the park (8 10). The mother kept waiting for the thud of your [her] crash (11 13). Therefore, the author was waiting for her child to crash, but like in life she gained her balance on the bicycle. As the poem progresses, she grows up and becomes smaller and more breakable, which shows that she is grown up now and ready to venture off into the world. The reaction of the mother is the reaction of any mother, she is worried her daughter might crash and fail, but like all mothers they must let their daughters go. At the end of the poem, the daughter screams with laughter and keeps pumping and pumping into the distance. She is happy to finally have her hair flapping behind you [her] like a handkerchief waving goodbye
  • 48. Overview Of George Orwell s Nineteen Eighty-Four As mentioned in the introduction this chapter will deals with the Orwell s Nineteen Eighty Four and its comparative study between present societies. Nineteen Eighty Four (1949) is constantly referred to in popular culture, the Big Brother a constant reference in popular culture, after some sixty seven years of its first publication when we actually reflect looking at it where we are today the concept of 1984 doesn t actually seems that shocking. Many components of Nineteen Eighty Four, are more or less happening somewhere today in the world. A lot of stuff in this dystopia which i.e. a hypothetical fear for many years since the book is written most of it is real today. In the book, the government can watch you at any time in almost any place. ... Show more content on ... In the form of biometric scanning to credit card tracking to License plate reader, a system which can catch dozens of license plates in a matter of second; a citizen never realized the amount of surveillance upon them. Wherever you have been everyone you talked to its indexed, analyzed, stored and maybe used against an individual any moment in the
  • 49. The Battle Of Saratoga Kylee Roberts 8th grade English November 20, 2015 The Battle of Saratoga The Battle of Saratoga was the turning point of the Revolutionary War. It took place on September 19 and October 17, 1777. America with the help of the French verses Britain with the help of Germany. It all started on October 17, 1777, 5,895 british and hessian troops surrendered their arms, and General John Burgoyne had lost 86 percent of his troops, right after they had just marched into New York from Canada during the early summer of 1777. According to ( After that loss he didn t want his soldiers to die in battle knowing that they had already lost. So he he came up with a new battle strategy called Divide
  • 50. Essay on The Happiest Refugee Anh Do s story is a timely reminder of the plight of refugee in our country. Discuss the Happiest Refugee in the light of Do s universal message about the suffering of human beings during times of war and the struggle to make a better life in a foreign country. The Happiest Refugee is a memoir written by Anh Do which was first published on the 1st of August in 2010. It is regarded as one of the most influential and well received novels in the world of literature for its great insight on the life of refugees. The book provides a universal message to its readers about the suffering of human beings during wars and their struggle to make a better life in a foreign country. The Happiest Refugee is about Anh Do and his family s journey from ... Show more content on ... The Vietnam War began on the 1st of November 1995 and was fought in mainly in Vietnam but also in Cambodia and Laos. The war initially began when communist forces tried to expand and include Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos in the communist force. The opposing political agendas also played an impacting role on the starting of the Vietnam War, due to North Vietnam becoming a communist government it was strongly supported by China in order to change South Vietnam from being an anti communist government to adopting communism. In 1965 Australia became deeply involved and played an influential role in the Vietnam War. Australia decision to be a part of the war was mainly based on the rise of communism in the South East Asia after the Second World War. In 1974, Congress voted not to enforce the commitments agreed to in the Paris Peace Accords. Air support for Cambodia, South Vietnam, and Laos was cut off. The promise of military aid by other was never delivered. North Vietnam was able to take over South Vietnam as force the country into communism. The War had a great impact on the Vietnamese citizen s lives, they were forced to leave the war torn country and move to a foreign land to start a new life. Anh s journey from Vietnam to Australia was similar to many other refugees trying to escape from their war torn
  • 51. Spread of Buddhism in China Essay It is believed that Buddhism spread to China through the Silk Road. When the Silk Road opened in the 2nd century BC, missionaries and pilgrims spread Buddhism to China. Chang Ch ien was recorded to first bring Buddhism to China when he heard about India and Buddhist beliefs on his way back to China. In about the 1st century BC, a Buddhist community is said to have been living in China. But the most well known story of the spreading of Buddhism is when Han emperor, Mingdi, had a dream about Buddha in 68 CE and sent Cai Yin, his official to learn more about it. Meanwhile, Mingdi learned from his ministers that he had seen Buddha, the God of the West in his dream. After 3 years Cai Yin came back to china with Buddhist teachings and... Show more content on ... Starting in 468 BCE during the Zhou dynasty, the Grand Canal took about 6 million peasants about a millennium to build. The construction of this canal finally finished in 610 CE under Emperor Yangdi of the Sui dynasty. Changing China s staple from millet and wheat to rice was the main reason of the building of the canal, but it also helped Chinese economy by connecting the more productive southern China to the capitals in northern china. It increased interdependence between the north and the south. One section of the Grand Canal was also intended to supply Chinese armies which led to better defense and administration in China. Also, in building the canal, officials were required to work together, so the Grand Canal brought better authority and unity to political officials. The downside of this canal, though, was the number of peasants killed in constructing it. Over half of the 6 million peasants employed to build the canal died in building it, which was a reason the Sui dynasty fell. The great Grand Canal set the foundation for the great Tang dynasty. Empress Wu Zetian, the only woman to rule China, ruled during the Tang dynasty, but exerted cruel and malicious methods to gain power. She was born with the name Wu Zhao into a wealthy family and learned to write, read, and play music. Because of her beauty and intelligence, Wu became Emperor Tsung s fifth favorite concubine, or
  • 52. The Success Of Alexander The Great Alexander the Great is one of the most successful military commanders of all time. Some may attribute Alexander s success to his inheritance of the great Macedonian kingdom and military from his father, Philip II. Although there is no doubt that this timely inheritance was a key factor in his success, it was his military skills and generalship that gave him the ability to effectively utilize the groundwork laid by his father. In order to fully understand the success of Alexander, we must first look back to the influence and success of his father, Philip II. Greece had been unified under the League of Corinth, so when Alexander assumed the throne, he did not need to worry about any fighting to the south. Philip took the small and insignificant country of Macedon and turned it into one of the greatest military powers in the ancient world. When Philip was assassinated, Alexander inherited an extremely skilled and modernized army he could use to make his father s dream of defeating the Persians come true (Martin, Ancient Greece p.221). Philip s reforms to the Macedonian army include reorganizing the structure and the use of troops and improving weaponry and tactics (Potter, Lecture 13 March 2015). The Macedonian phalanx was a great improvement over the hoplite phalanx used in Greek warfare because of two reasons. Well trained soldiers, known as phalangite, wore lighter armor that enabled them to move quicker and utilize their new, longer spears known as sarissa, which
  • 53. The War Of The American Civil War Image Over the course of four years, what would later be called the bloodiest time in U.S. History, approximately 625,000 lives were taken during the American Civil War. Although the individuals who fought and died in both the North and South were arguably against each other politically, economically, socially, and emotionally one main point lost to them was that they had common ground in being a part of a newly formed nation in America. It can be argued that conflict arises in all parts of human nature and with America supporting a population of young men with newly found power and influence after the ratification of the U. S. Constitution it perhaps should not be such a shock that so many lives were lost to not only to war, but disease as emotions of the North and South divided people and stood them against one another. As we look back over history and conflicts as they arise among populations, one central theme of war is the possession of resources from which profit can be made. The areas of the North and South were not immune to this trend and as the divided issue of slavery became more prominent, conflict grew. Between the years of 1854 to 1856, Kansas and events therein played a vital role in the outbreak of civil war. By 1854, Republicans of the North sought to end the forward movement of slavery while the Democrats in the South supported the advancement of slavery west and farther south, thus supporting the Kansas Nebraska Act, as it went along with their political