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Physical Activity Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of physical activity can be both challenging and rewarding. The
difficulty lies not only in the need for a comprehensive understanding of the subject but also in
the ability to convey the information in a compelling and coherent manner. Here are some
aspects that contribute to the complexity of such an essay:
1. Research Depth: Writing an effective essay on physical activity requires in-depth
research to gather relevant and accurate information. This might involve exploring
scientific studies, health journals, and authoritative sources to ensure the content is well-
2. Diverse Perspectives:The topic of physical activity encompasses various aspects, such
as its impact on physical health, mental well-being, and social dynamics. Integrating
these diverse perspectives cohesively can be a challenge, requiring a nuanced approach
to present a well-rounded view.
3. Scientific Understanding:A strong grasp of scientific concepts related to exercise
physiology, anatomy, and health is essential. Communicating these ideas in a way that is
accessible to a general audience without oversimplifying or losing accuracy is a delicate
4. Motivational Tone:Depending on the purpose of the essay, motivating readers to
engage in physical activity may be a goal. Striking the right balance between informative
content and inspirational messaging can be difficult, as the tone must be persuasive
without becoming overly preachy.
5. Structural Organization:Arranging the information in a logical and coherent structure
is crucial for the essay's readability. Ensuring a smooth flow from introduction to
conclusion, while addressing different aspects of physical activity, requires careful
planning and execution.
Despite these challenges, delving into the intricacies of physical activity can be an enlightening
process. It allows the writer to explore the profound impact of exercise on various facets of life.
The effort put into overcoming these challenges is often rewarded with an essay that not only
informs but also inspires readers to embrace a more active lifestyle.
If you find yourself struggling with such assignments or need assistance with writing essays on
various topics, consider exploring professional writing services. Platforms
provide an array of writing services, offering support for academic tasks and delivering well-
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Physical Activity EssayPhysical Activity Essay
Michael Oher Research Paper
Michael Oher
Did you know that before he was a professional football player Michael Oher had a
very unique, underprivileged early life, and was born into a terrible circumstance?
He says, It s true that we can t help the circumstances we re born into and some of
us start out in a much tougher place than other people. But just because we started
there doesn t mean we have to end there ( Michael s mom was a
drug addict, and his dad was murdered in prison. He was in a bunch of foster homes,
but when he was 16, he was taken in by a family named the Tuohy s, which changed
his entire life. Despite Michael Oher being a foster child, being split from his siblings
and mother, and facing many more hardships in his early life, he still ... Show more
content on ...
Unfortunately, his father was murdered in prison so he could not overcome that
obstacle. However, he was taken in by a foster family named the Tuohy s who
made him happy and treated him like real family. says, The young
boy was finally taken in by Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy when he was 16, and the
Tuohys became Oher s legal guardians when he was 17 . In his junior year of high
school, Oher began to excel in football. By the beginning of his senior year, Oher
was the starting left tackle on the varsity football team. He quickly became a top
football prospect in the state of Tennessee, which led to multiple scholarship offers
from Division 1 schools. This means that when he was taken in by Sean and Leigh
Anne Tuohy and they became his legal guardians he began to excel at school and
football. His mother was taken into a rehabilitation center, but this was an
improvement since at least Michael was able to see her sometimes. His other
siblings were all taken to foster care. It s amazing that while he had all of these
obstacles he still overcame them with a determined attitude and the help of some
special people.
Michael had many people that supported him. Those people include the Tuohy s,
who took in Michael and gave him food, a tutor, a home, and helped guide him in
life. I can t talk enough about the time and work Miss Sue put into helping me. She
is retired now, but she deserves to be in the hall of fame (Oher 159). Michael also
says, When my name was called on draft day, I couldn t imagine that life could get
any better especially since I was surrounded
Descriptive Essay About Eiffel Tower
I had seen it so much on TV, in pictures, everywhere. I was now going to be able to
experience it for myself. The huge metal structure I had seen in my dreams had
finally appeared in real life. Built way before I was born, the Eiffel Tower is one of
the most sought after things to see. My family and I were four of the seven million
visitors this year. It shows to, the line just to buy tickets was about an hour long, but
well worth it. We had just gotten off a bus tour that took us through the heart of Paris,
we saw old statues and monuments that had been built throughout the years. We
smelled the food from the nearby street vendors and restaurants. We saw all the shiny
and sumptuous purses, and clothing that were in ... Show more content on ...
We had been looking out for about an hour and my parents said we should find a
stop. My brother yelled out, Let s go to that tower, as he pointed at the Eiffel Tower
in the distance. My parents glanced at each other for a long two seconds and said
in unison, Sure! So it was decided that in about fifteen minutes we were going to
visit the Eiffel Tower. After the longest time, I heard the person announce through
the cheap maroon earbuds, This is the Eiffel Tower Stop. I leaped out of my seat
very excited, ready to go. My parents said that there was going to be a very long
wait and that we would have to be patient if we wanted to go. We waited in the
security line just to enter for about thirty minutes. My brother was already
complaining, saying that he was tired and wanted to lay down. Again, my parents
said that if he really wanted to go he better stop complaining. From there the line to
get tickets was a lot longer. Although it was longer it was the better of the two lines
because we all talked and had a good time waiting. Before we knew it we were first in
line and were about to get our tickets to ride the lift up to the
The Use of Electricity and Magnetism in Our Future...
Society has advanced dramatically in the past century, and along with that
transportation has shifted from the reliable horse and buggy to planes, trains, and
automobiles. After the invention of the motor vehicle we have never looked back
when it comes to creating innovative new designs and creating more efficient
automobiles. Planes and Trains have also made a leap in the past century forever
changing the timeit takes to travel places. In the present time period we have massive
trains engines that can pull miles and miles of traincars. We have hybrid cars that
average over 50 miles per gallon, and massive planes that can carry hundreds and
hundreds of people around the globe in record timing. The question is how can we
make these forms... Show more content on ...
Fully electric cars are the future of ground transportation. The use of electricity in
cars will also have a massive impact on future transportation. Large engines that use
combustible fuel usually drive trains, but electric trains are also being used around
the world and have been for decades. Electric trains are used around the world most
for transportation of people instead of goods. Their electric motors are powered
from a receiver that remains in contact with a wire supplying the electricity that
runs parallel with the train. Electric trains are more efficient, cheaper to run, and
they can accelerate much faster than their previous predecessors ( Electric
Locomotives, The Definition Of Efficiency, n.d.). Future electric trains will be able
to travel faster than ever before, and eventually they will be build all around the
United States and other countries to provide extremely fast travel at cheaper costs (
Electric Locomotives, The Definition Of Efficiency, n.d.). High speed electric trains
today are extremely fast, but they are mostly used in Europe and other places, like
Japan. Future trains in America, and around the world, could have a more futuristic
look to them. A man named Elon Musk proposed the idea of a vac train after he
revived an
Multi Cultural And Multi Racial
Running Head Caribbean Multi cultural and Racial
The Multi Cultural and Multi Racial Caribbean
Michelle Knight
Essay Submitted for Caribbean History 27100
Professor Audra Diptee
Carleton University
June 14, 2016
The Multi cultural and Multi racial Caribbean
The Caribbean islands are a group of diverse islands throughout the Caribbean Sea.
These islands can be as far south as the northern South America and as far north as
southern North America. These islands have a history that is steeped in its own
tradition and traditions from other nations. The Caribbean is a diverse populace that
has representation of many cultural and racial bodies. Many of the Caribbean
traditions exist because of the historical ... Show more content on ...
Initially, indentured servants from Europe were used as the labour to cultivate these
crops; however, as the sale of these crops exploded, Europeans began engaging in the
African slave trade to further support the harvesting of these crops (Thornton, 1993,
p. 182).
The history of African slaves is inextricably intertwined with the Caribbean history.
Many of the African slaves were sold into slavery but still were able to hold onto
customs and philosophical ideals (Thornton, 1993, p. 195). Though these Africans
were enslaved they still maintained many of their strong beliefs and warrior ideals
from their home countries. In fact, it is believed that these ideals were prominently
figured in the slave revolution of Saint Domingue that eventually resulted in Haiti s
independence (Thornton, 1993, p. 198).
The many historical influences on the Caribbean related to slavery and agriculture
had a continuing effect on the development of Caribbean islands long after slavery
was abolished. These influences are best demonstrated by the differing migration
patterns that occurred to sustain the agricultural based economy of the Caribbean
islands for the benefit of the European countries that had colonized these islands.
Migration Patterns
Slavery was gradually abolished throughout the Caribbean. European countries
became enlightened and realized that slavery was an inappropriate source of labour
(Young, 2015, p. 122). Despite the changing nature of the labour and the elimination
Progressivism Vs Populism Research Paper
Progressivism and populism were two of the biggest and most popular reform
movements in American society. Even though the ideologies are similar in certain
aspects, they are very different in terms of sources of support and objectives.
Progressivism was mostly supported by the middle class citizens, while Populismwas
formed by Western farmers and involved the common people more. All in all, the
two movements were very important reform movements that shaped later American
ideologies. Populism was started in the late 19th century by agrarian people of the
South. Those with farming background believed the government was favoring banks
and industry, so they formed this reform movement It was mostly supported by the
poor sections of the rural South. On the other hand, Progressivism arose in the
beginning of the 20th century. It was supported by the middle class, who were angry
with the corruption of the rich and the appeasement of the poor by the government.
The two reform movements were created by two different types of people, and also
had different goals.... Show more content on ...
It was also a down up movement, which largely involves the masses in the idea and
decision making departments. Because of this, social groups or organizations for
the masses were formed, like the Grange and Farmers Alliance. Progressivism arose
as a response to the vast changes brought by modernization, such as the growth of
large corporations and railroads, and fears of corruption in American politics.One of
the main objectives of this movement was to encourage efficiency. Even though they
strived for modernization like the Progressivists, the way of achieving the goals was
Student Of The Month Speech
Being the Student of the Month means to be a representation of what Godinez
Fundamental is. This school has opened up various opportunities and I have
attempted to take advantage of all that has been offered. I have grown immensely
academically and personally since I entered Godinez and continue to do so the
longer I am here. Godinez is my home. My years here have been intense, and I have
had my fair share of struggles. However, I always pushed through. I am a solid
candidate for Student of the Month because I have the academic stance, I am deeply
involved, and I demonstrate citizenship. Unfortunately, I am not a natural genius so I
have to work continuously from four in the morning to twelve in the night in order to
achieve what I have,
5-Paragraph Essay on Football
As a football fan, like you I hold the magnificent game close to my heart. I have
been a loyal supporter of my local team since I was a young child. I even remember
now the first game I witnessed and the amazing feelings that rushed through my
veins as the crowd chanted and roared. We ve all felt this, and it is what is so great
about the game of football. With football there are ups and there are downs, just
like any other game, but unlike most other sports there are huge injustices week in
and week out. Every game there will be a wrong decision made, no matter whether
it big or small it is still unjust. Obviously, you know how painful a stupid decision by
some bloke with a whistle ... Show more content on ...
In contrast to this, where video refereeing is already used such as Rugby, we
notice barely any difference between now and before it was introduced into the
sport. This is because decisions can be replayed a split second after an incident has
taken place, to be reviewed by a panel of officials who can make an almost instant
decision. I myself do not think this would waste time at all because, think about it,
when a referee makes a decision on the pitch which is felt unjust to a side of
players, it is going to be highly disputed leading to arguments between players and
officials which in turn leads to cards being shown as we ve seen so many times
before. Due to this, a huge advantage of video replays would be that the referee only
has to enforce a decision on the pitch, meaning that any of the players on the field
have no one to dispute a decision because it will be accurate in it s decision by
officials watching a big screen
Has your team ever had an unjust decision against them that could cause huge
consequences to their survival? I think the answer to that is yes, like any club in
any league. We ve all had unfair decisions made against us that could lead to all
kinds of disasters such as relegation or losing the title. This can t go on much longer
surely. Game after to
General Electric s Corporate Social Responsability
I chose to look into General Electric for this project because they are an energy
supplier and multi national company. Energy providers have a reputation as a
money hungry companies that care about the bottom line more than people and the
planet. It is easy for a person to assume that a corporation of GE s size, money
would be its only concern. What I learned was that GE has a public image problem
more than a Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) problem. The company has been
working to make the people of the planet more Earth friendly by creating technology
that has higher efficiency with fewer emissions and lower resource demands. GE
has a well established strategy for Corporate Social Responsibility. As a result of
CSR the company... Show more content on ...
CSR lacks universal methods. The United Nations Industrial Development
Organization (UNIDO) mentions that it is important to draw a distinction between
CSR as part of strategic business management concept and charity, sponsorships or
philanthropy. The latter applications make valuable social impacts that enhance the
reputations of the companies, however, CSR is a continual effort instead of an
instance. A few features that CSR should focus on are: eco efficiency, employee and
community relations, environmental management, gender balance, responsible
souring, anti corruption, stakeholder engagement and human rights. Utilizing some
of these key features a company can bring competitive advantages into the market
place. Increased sales and profits from operational cost savings as well as improved
reputation and brand image and customer loyalty can result from a well defined CSR
GE Strategy
GE s commitment to implementing innovative, cost effective technologies that
enhance the customers environmental and operating performance.
In 2009, GE shared with the world its commitment to utilizing wind energy. During
the Superbowl, one of the worlds largest viewing entertainment distractions, GE
bought a 30 seconds of on air time to tell the world, that they were capturing the
wind and putting it to good use. As part of CSR, customers need to be informed that
the company is acting socially responsible in order to reap further rewards from
Essay on Plate Tectonics Explained
The interior structure of Earth is chemically divided into an outer solid crust, the
mantle, a liquid outer core, and a solid inner core. The core is largely composed of
iron, along with nickel and silicon. Other lighter elements are usually in the crust.
The core is divided into two parts, the solid inner core and the liquid outer core. The
inner core is thought to be solid and primarily made up of iron and some nickel. The
outer core is all around the inner core and is believed to be made up of liquid iron
mixed with liquid nickel. The outer core is about 2890 to 5100km. The inner core is
5100 to 6378km.
Earths mantle is mainly composed of substances high in iron and magnesium. The
melting point of every substance depends on the ... Show more content on ...
This then forms oceanic trenches in which the Earth s crust is pushed under into the
mantle where it becomes molten. The oceanic trenches are several hundred
kilometers long but narrow. They also are the deepest parts of the ocean floor. These
boundary types also produce mountains. Mountains are made when convergent
boundaries collide but instead of one going under they both are pushed up by the
others force. For this to happen neither of the boundaries can be more or less dense
than the other. There are three types of convergent boundaries: oceanic plate
continental plate convergence, oceanic plate oceanic plate convergence, and
continental continental plate convergence. An example of this type of boundary is
the collision between the Eurasian Plate and the Indo Australian Plate which is
forming the Himalayas.
A divergent boundary is where the plates are moving away from each other. These
areas can form in the middle of continents but eventually form ocean basins.
Divergent boundaries make ocean ridges like the Mid Atlantic ridge. At divergent
boundaries the floor is higher than anything else around it. This is because where the
plates are moving away from each other there is a crack where new magma
constantly flows upward toward the surface through a gap called a rift onto the ocean
floor making the surrounding area move outward. Sometimes submarine volcanoes
might also be formed. Continental crust is often split along divergent plate
Ernie In The Book A Crush By Cynthia Rylant
Happiness cannot be traveled to owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is
the spiritual experience is living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. This
quote shows how Ernie in the book A Crush by Cynthia Rylant he may have has
happiness but then It got taken when his mother died. Secondly, after his mother
died he got put in a group home to meet new people and know the outside world.
Another main topic when he went to breakfast with his new friend Jack at big
boys cafe and he met a beautiful women named Dolores. When he met Dolores he
was so stunned on how beautiful. When Ernie s mother died he didn t know what
to do. Ernie cried for nearly a month. Then he dried his tears, and learned how to
bake. (70) This shows how he went through many changes when his mother died.
The first way is how he didn t know to much when he was on the couch eating nutter
butters and then he became a very intelligent. Ernie found out he shouldn t of had
dwelled on the past and should live in the present. Secondly he really didn t know
what to do without his mom but then he adapted and realized he can live on his own.
This is how Ernie changed when his mother died.... Show more content on ...
On page 74 it says by summer Ernie and Jack were best friends. This shows how
Ernie became more social and he has evolved since his mother s death. Jake would
always take Ernie to the big boys cafe where they would eat and catch up on what
has happened during their days. Ernie started to become a very good friends of Jack
and they would always go to big boys and that s where he met this beautiful women
Rhino Poaching Essay
Poaching of Rhinos: A Growing Transnational Crime Industry
In 2011, the West African black rhino was declared extinct by the IUCN
(International Union for Conservation and Nature). Now all five rhino species left are
in the endangers list (Poaching: The Statistics). The reason the rhino population has
nearly been driven to extinction is due to poaching. The rhinos are being hunted and
killed for their horns, which is a valued ingredient used in traditional Asian medicines
(Poaching of Rhinos in the Spotlight). In this essay, I will explore why the rhinos are
being poached, the overall impact of poaching in the rhino population, and what the
authorities are doing to deal with this profitable transnational crime industry.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the rhino ... Show more content on ...
One being that the horns along with elephant tusks are used to create handles of
daggers. This however mostly happened in the 70 s and 80 s in Yamen
(Shivamber). Another reason is that due to its high value, wealthy individuals now
use it as a status symbol (PoachingStatistics). This is because rhino horn is more
expensive than most things out there. For example, one kilo of marijuana is rated
at about $5,060, one kilo of gold at about $42, 972, and a kilo of cocaine at about
$48,885. However, the value of a kilo of rhino horn is about $100,000. It is
estimated that one rhino horn can produce about $1 million dollars. This is the reason
being why this is such a profitable businesses for many crime organizations
Since 2008, Poachers have killed more than 5,940 African rhinos. According to the
IUCN and the African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG), 1,338 rhinos were killed
across Africa by in 2015, making it a higher increase for the sixth year in a row
(Poaching Statistics). The countries affected by this are mainly Kenya, Mozambique,
South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Zimbabwe
African americans in world war I Essay
Anthony J. Mitchell Summer 2002
U.S. Since 1865 History 2063
Before WORLD WAR I, military service represented a source of black pride. Black
educators, clergymen, and the press frequently referred to Negro heroes of America s
past wars. After the Civil War, the U.S, Army maintained four regular Negro
regiments the 9th and 10th Calvary and the 24th and 25th Infantry. These units
included veterans of the civil war and the frontier Indian fighting regiments. Retired
sergeants often became respected, conservative leaders in their communities. This
history set a foundation for black support and involvement in America s future wars.
In 1917, the United States entered World WarI under the slogan Make ... Show more
content on ...
Do to this the members often played with battered instruments due to the condition
of travel and war. Despite this the soldiers preformed an essential role towards
boosting moral by providing an atmosphere void of the war.
To prepare the U.S. troops efficiently during World War Itroops were sent to the
British and French for training. But, when the 92nd Negro division arrived in 1917
and 1918 the British refused to train them. This was yet another obstacle challenging
race relations in Europe. General Pershing, protested to the British General Haig,
These Negroes are American Citizens. I cannot and will not discriminate against
them. But to avoid making and issue of the case, the War Department scheduled the
92nd for training with the French. The French were delighted to accept the 92nd and
Page 3
even requested them to be attached to the French Army. But the War Department
refused and the 92nd moved on to participate heroically in the September 1918 Meuse
Argonne offensive.
Though, black regiments received heroic admiration
The Writer s Duty Of William Faulkner s Nobel Prize...
Addie Champlin
English II AP
Dr. Payne
September 9 2016
The Writer s Duty In William Faulkner s Nobel Prize acceptance speech, he speaks
about the true purpose of writing and the importance of genuinely putting your heart
into your work. He discusses how the only way writing can truly be valuable is if the
author is dedicated to showing the authentic love the human spirit holds and what that
love is capable of accomplishing. A good piece of writingwill show both strength and
vulnerability and will not be written for fame or recognition. It will be written for the
sake of creating and spreading a message that is important to the author. In their
memoirs, An American Childhood and The Road from Coorain, Annie Dillardand Jill
Ker Conway, both feel very strongly about their purpose for writing. Conway tends
to express her reasons for writing explicitly, while Dillard chooses to do it more
In An American Childhood by Annie Dillard, she clearly demonstrates the
meaning of the novel in one passage that reads, Children wake up and find
themselves here, discover themselves to have been here all along; is this sad?
They wake like sleepwalkers, in full stride; they wake like people brought back
from cardiac arrest or from drowning: in medias res, surrounded by familiar people
and objects, equipped with a hundred skills. They know the neighborhood, they can
read and write English, they are old hands at the commonplace mysteries, and yet
they feel themselves to have just
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tesco
Tesco is the third largest multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer all
over the world. It is observable that lots of people would choose Tesco as a place to
go for purchasing daily groceries and household products. The reason why choosing
Tesco for study case is because it has a long history so it has already experienced
many evolutions of the economy. In order to survive .those competitive (in different)
economical evolutions, Tescohas constantly changed its market operation methods
and now it has mature and multiple ways to respond to many related issues. From
another point of view, Tesco itself has a special operational way and marketing
method, it advocates Every little helps slogan and adopt the small profits but quick
returns strategy to improve customers experience while shopping at Tesco. Besides,
Tesco actively... Show more content on ...
These five performances not only affect the development of an organization, provide
a guidance to understand the market trend but also create a new industrial operation
way, let the organization make progress while maintaining stability and more familiar
with the operation management. In addition, the goal of this assignment is to find
and compare the advantage and disadvantage performances objectives between
TESCO and other competitor organisations, why they are different and how they
building brands personal style. After collecting the information, conclude the reason
how TESCO achieve the performance
Al Capone DBQ
Al Capone was from Chicago and the greatest gangster in the Roaring Twenties.
Prohibition happened from 1919 to 1933 and was famously known as the Roaring
Twenties . The Eighteenth Amendment was passed and banned the manufacture
and sales of all alcoholic beverages. The Volstead act made the law official and
stated that owning any item used to produce alcohol was illegal. According to the
background essay, meant any beverage more than 0.5% alcohol by volume. This
meant that no alcohol with more than the legal amount was allowed. Anyone who
did this would go to jail or be fined. People wanted alcohol, so bad that all these bars
started to open. Illegal bars, called speakeasies, opened up across the country as
stated in the background... Show more content on ...
It was a good time for bootleggers, rumrunners, gangsters, etc. because their life was
good and they had everything they wanted. Gangs would cause trouble and the
evils of society would come out. Doc B states, But for the owners of blind pigs, the
bootleggers, the rumrunners and gangsters, the roadhouse proprietors, the police, the
magistrates, the spotters, the boaters and armies of others, it was a roaring success.
It gave jobs to the people who supported prohibition because they would sell the
alcohol. People were becoming rich, owning nice suits, and fancy cars. But for the
temperance societies, churches and fanatic evangelists who authored the legislation
prohibition was a fail. ...putting liquor out of the reach of the general population,
they had in effect created a monster. (Doc B). Prohibition did not stop people from
getting liquor like these religious groups thought it would. Even though life was good
for the people who did not support prohibition they caused too much trouble and the
people who supported prohibition were not happy with the outcome of this new law.
In conclusion, prohibition is disturbing society and causing trouble because people
are desperate for the
Ritz Carlton Environment Analysis
Environment analysis
The Ritz Carlton Hotel will inevitably have a negative impact on the environment due
to its large size, hence the considerable pollution and the waste which would be
produced during its construction and operation. Green house gas is a pollutant that
being continually produced throughout the entire life cycle of the hotel. Initially,
transportation of construction material and construction are both carbon dioxide high
emitting activities. During the operation, the tourism being brought about will also
contribute to the green house emissions significantly. However, on some level, the
extensive area of vegetation covered nearby could compensate for the green house
gas being emitted.
Effluent is a typical waste that would be generated. It increases the chance of
contamination to the waters around the RCH, more specifically, the Parramatta River.
The effect of effluent becomes even more profound when the Parramatta River has
not reached a swimmable level of cleanliness. Habit destruction may occur after the
completion of the RCH, where the booming development of this second CBD may
cause anthropogenic ecosystem change. For example, effluent emitted by the RCH
which ends up in the river could taint the water with chemical and microbial
substances, resulting in the decrease of aquatic life.
There would be a certain amount of levy to be paid regarding to the waste being
generated, in terms of the green house gas and the landfill. In complying with the laws
Manchester United F.C
MANCHESTER UNITED F.C. Manchester United| | Full name| Manchester
United Football Club| Nickname(s)| The Red Devils[1]| Founded| 1878, as
Newton Heath LYR F.C.| Ground| Old Trafford (Capacity: 75,811[2])| Owner|
Glazer family| Co chairmen| Joel and Avram Glazer| Manager| Sir Alex Ferguson|
League| Premier League| 2010 11| Premier League, 1st| Website| Club home page| |
Home colours| Away colours| Third colours| | Current season| Manchester United
Football Club is an English professional football club, based in Old Trafford, Greater
Manchester, that plays in thePremier League. Founded as Newton Heath LYR
Football Club in 1878, the club changed its name to Manchester United in... Show
more content on ...
Relegated again in 1931, Manchester United became a yo yo club, achieving its all
time lowest position of 20th place in the Second Division in 1934. Following the
death of the club s principal benefactor, J. H. Davies, in October 1927, the club s
finances deteriorated to the extent that Manchester United would likely have gone
bankrupt had it not been for James W. Gibson, who, in December 1931, invested
ВЈ2,000 and assumed control of the club.[19] In the 1938 39 season, the last year
of football before the Second World War, the club finished 14th in the First
Division.[19] Busby years (1945 1969) Main article: History of Manchester United
F.C. (1945 1969) The Busby Babes in Denmark in 1955 In October 1945, the
impending resumption of football led to the managerial appointment of Matt
Busby, who demanded an unprecedented level of control over team selection,
player transfers and training sessions.[20] Busby led the team to second place
league finishes in 1947, 1948 and 1949, and to FA Cup victory in 1948. In 1952, the
club won the First Division, its first league title for 41 years.[21] With an average age
of 22, the media labelled the back to back title winning side of 1956 the Busby
Marie Curie Research Paper
Marie Curie was born November 7, 1867 in Warsaw Poland. which, being controlled
by Russia was very suppressed. Marie s mother worked as a teacher as did her father,
and they made sure that their daughter had a great education. As Marie grew up
she began to see how the Russians suppressed the Polish people :for example her
father lost his job. Whenever Marie was old enough to go to college, She worked out
a deal with her sister, while one was at college in Paris the other would get a job to
help support the other. Marie s sister went first ,and so Marie got a job as a
governess. When it was Marie s turn to go to college she went to the Sorbonne and
moved to Paris. Soon after she started college, she decided to get degrees in physics
and calculus.
The African American Integrationist Movement And The
Both the African American integrationist movement and Black Power movement had
common goals such as ending racial injustice towards African Americans and
advocating civil rights for African Americans in the United States. Yet, the ideologies
of the two movements and how they went about accomplishing their goals was
drastically different. While the integrationist movement relied on concepts such as
Christian Universalism and Non Violent Direct Action (NVDA), the Black Power
movement relied on more explicit means such as direct action and mobilization with
violence if necessary. In general however, it seems that both movements had well
defined overarching ideologies. For the integrationist movement, Non Violence was
the key to successful integration.... Show more content on ...
In the United States, these concepts were achieved through Jim Crow laws as well as
the implementation of Ghettos. The inherent white supremacy that was present was
constant and maintained through the perpetuation of cultural inferiority among
African Americans, violence, and economic deprivation. The Black Power movement
definitely took on a rather aggressive stance when it came to goals and defining the
movement. They believed that without self determination in the African American
community, the attempt to integrate inevitably became an issue of white supremacy
and its effects rather than an issue of equality and rights for the black community.
The overarching goal was liberation from racial colonialism however, it seems that
the Black Power movement sought to emphasize that without self determination, the
goal to integrate becomes an aimless and insignificant feat. With this in mind, it could
be said that the Black Power movement reiterated that the Black Community must be
guided by their own determination to succeed rather than necessarily the idea that
racial liberation would come to them by waiting and not acting. This was intertwined
in one of Stokely Carmichael s critiques of Martin Luther King Jr s movement.
Although he respected the man greatly, he emphasized that King s argument was
flawed because the United States did not have a true conscious, unlike King noted. As
the United States had no conscious, it could be said that integration was not
necessarily achieved fully through NVDA. The Black Power movement steered the
issue away from whether or not African Americans should be nonviolent but rather
projected the idea of whether or not white Americans can acknowledge the hundreds
of years of racial violence that occurred towards African Americans. The main
How Out-Of-Level Testing Affects Test Scores
Empirical studies of how out of level testing affects test scores have primarily used
two criteria for describing and interpreting the effects which are, internal consistency
reliability and the percent of test scores at or above chance level. Both concepts
loosely gauge the precision with which individual testscores are measured, but
neither method reveals a direct link to precision. The concept of reliability was
derived from classical test score theory as a means of indexing random
measurement error. Reliability to described as an index of how much of the
variability in a set of test scores represent true score variation (Thurlow, 2000,
pg.11). Reliability provides information about measured precision for group of test
scores, but it is
Depleted Uranium Contamination
Depleted Uranium Contamination
From Military Activities
Depleted uranium (DU, Q metal, D depletalloy, or D 38) is uranium with a lower
concentration of the fissible isotope U 235 than natural uranium. Natural uranium
consists of 99.28% U 238, 0.71% U 235, and 0.0054% U 234.1 Nuclear reactors use
uranium as their basic fuel in the form of UO2.2 DU is a byproduct from enriching
natural UO2 to use in these nuclear power reactors. Uranium decays slowly by
emitting an alpha particle. U 238 has a 4,510,000,000 year half life and U 235 has
a 247,000 year half life; which means that DU is significantly less radioactive than
natural uranium. Although it also has civilian uses, DU byproduct majorly has
military uses.3,4 Properties that make DU suitable for military weaponry, as a part
of kinetic based armor piercing shells are its high density and pyrophoric nature.5
It wasn t until the 1970 s the Pentagon began searching for material to make denser
armor piercing projectiles that DU started being used in conflicts. After testing
various metals, researchers decided to choose DU. The US and NATO militaries...
Show more content on ...
Air and soil samples were collected from southwest provinces of Iran and assessed for
DU content. A total of 22 air samples and 20 soil samples were collected. Table 1
gives the cities where the samples were gathered and number of samples for both, air
and soil. Table 2 gives the exact location (in coordinates) where the samples were
obtained; name code for air and soil samples are also given. Gamma dose rate was
also measured for each sample and are given in Table 2 as well. Alpha beta and
gamma spectrometers were used for measuring 235U and 238U activities. With
235U /238U ratio in samples in comparison to natural 235U /238U ratio in natural U,
it would be possible to find out the probability of DU in all
Cause And Effects Of Bullying
Children of today are faced with the various facets of bullying on a daily basis.
Bullying threatens the mental and psychological wellbeing of children, particularly
during school age years. The educational success of a student can be greatly
hampered by bullying and school violence. Dr. Daniel Olweus, leading expert on
bullyingprevention in primary school settings, defines bullying as when someone
repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another person who
has a hard time defending himself or herself (Olweus, et al., 2007, p. 2). Indiana
Department of Education (IDOE) defines bullying as: overt, unwanted, repeated acts
or gestures, including verbal or written communications or images transmitted in any
manner (including digitally or electronically), physical acts committed, aggression, or
any other behaviors, that are committed by a student or group of students against
another student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the
other targeted student and create for the targeted student an objectively hostile school
environment that: (1) places the targeted student in reasonable fear of harm to the
targeted student s person or property; (2) has a substantially detrimental effect on the
targeted student s physical or mental health; (3) has the effect of substantially
interfering with the targeted student s academic performance; or (4) has the effect of
substantially interfering with the targeted student s ability to
The Theory Of Induction And Induction
Induction machines are classified into two which includes motors and generators.
The basic principles of these motors can be applied and hence develop equations
describing its behaviour. The most common motors include squirrel cage, wound
rotor ranging from few horsepower to thousands as the case may be. Squirrel Cage
Rotor consist of a bare copper, slightly longer than the rotor, while a wound rotor has
a 3 phase windings, and are evenly distributed in the slots, usually connected in 3
wye. The resistors are mainly used during the start up period under normal running
Diagram 1
The principle operation of these 3 Phase Induction Motor is related to the Faraday s
Law and Lorentz force on a conductor. Faradays ... Show more content on ...
1.1 Background
Induction Motor tolerate a level of unbalance. The variable speed drive are also
affected as a result of the voltage unbalance which consist of three phase rectifier
system. Unbalanced voltage is caused by mismatch of reactive power between
generating and industrial stations, hence it can be classified BOV (Balanced
Overvoltage), phase voltages greater than rated voltage. BUV (Balanced Under
voltage), phase voltages lesser than rated voltage. UBOV (Unbalanced Overvoltage),
phase voltage not equal to each other, therefore the positive sequence component is
greater than rated voltage and finally UBUV (Unbalanced Under voltage), voltages
are not equal, and hence the positive sequence component is lesser
NEMA (National Equipment Manufacturers Association) definition Voltage
unbalanced, given by ;
в–€( @Maximum voltage derivation from the average line voltage)/(Average Line
Voltage) X 100 [1]
IEEE definition phase voltage unbalance rate is given by ;
в–€( @Maximum voltage derivation from the average line voltage)/(Average Line
Voltage) X 100 [2]
Figure 1.1: Simple Equivalent circuit for an induction motor.
The circuit above illustrates a simple squirrel cage motor, which is widely used, with
a simple and rugged construction, with a minimum maintenance, high reliability and
efficiency, and can operate without no further
Marked 08A Written Submission attempt
74/80 Answer To Qs 2 MEMORANDUM Date: February 12th, 2013 To: Graphic
Designers Studio From: Subject: Options for sourcing internet services
ВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВ Over the years the business of Graphic
Designers Studio has grown many folds, resulting in a need to move from home
based business model, to an office where the 3 support staff and 2 customer service
reps and 15 designers can be consolidate at one location. DEMAND OF ONE
OFFICE CONSOLIDATION One office consolidation, has generated a need of
having 1. High speed Internet access 2. E mail accounts for everybody 3. Web
access for e mail 4. Ability to handle up to 10 MB attachments 5. Ability to
download and upload large graphic files (up to 100 MB) to customers... Show more
content on ...
Cheng was also working with Rao at WebEx. Because of their background,
knowledge of the billing systems and understanding of the market needs, they
were well aware of the Software As A Services (SaaS) , its future as well as the
opportunities and the obstacles. They had also envisaged the market need for an
efficient billing system. Their vision was to provide an e commerce platform that
powers the service industry at a low cost Zuora Inc. as a business To achieve their
vision, Zuora opted to go with the strategy, to go for a SaaS through Subscription
Method of Business . This Strategy, allowed them to achieve their objective of
offering a low cost, efficient billing system to the market. For customers, because of
Subscription method, the cost of buying and installing the software went down and
with SaaS in place, the maintenance cost of the software and the cost of buying
hardware also went down. Hence it was a win win situation both for the customer, in
terms of cost saving and for Zuora, in terms of good return on their investment. This
is evident from the fact that within 9 months of their launch of their first product, Z
Billing, they had 70 clients. In a short span they launched a) Z Billing To create and
handle different types of billing methods b) Z Payment Subscription payments
business to manage recurring payment lifecycle c) Z Force Billing and
Analysis Of Unwind
Unwind Message
Many people will go through experiences in their lives where they feel like they are
changing. It is as if life has dealt them enough experiences that their personalities
have been altered because of it. Unwind by Neal Shusterman shows how the past
experiences people go through may dictate who they become and the decisions they
may make in the future through the lives of Roland, Admiral Dunfee, and Lev.
Throughout the novel, Roland is portrayed as an aggressive young man who has the
desire to fight anyone who gets in his way. Yet as the readers soon discover, he is a
young man with a very troubled past. Roland s past shapes who he becomes today
in that he is very distrusting of women due to the experiences he has gone through.
As Connor finds out in the basement of the antique shop, Roland s mother
essentially abandoned him for her husband. As the novel states, That s not what did
him in, though. Roland had beaten up his stepfather for beating his mom. The
mother took her husband s side, and the stepfather got off with a warning. Roland,
on the other hand, was sent to be unwound (Schusterman 99). After Roland s mother
abandoned him for his stepfather, he began to fight other individuals in order to
gain power. Another example of Roland s distrust for women comes at the very end
of the novel when he is being unwound and he is recalling memories from his past.
Roland recalls, When I was three, I had a babysitter. She was beautiful. She shook
my sister. Real hard. My sister got wrong. Never got right again. Beautiful is
dangerous. Better get them first (Schusterman 293). After this experience, Roland is
likely to never trust women, or other beautiful people, again. For him to experience
both his mother s abandonment and his sister s injuries at the hand of the babysitter,
Roland chooses not to trust women again, resulting in his poor treatment of Risa, and
the other females he comes in contact with.
Admiral Dunfee, similarly, is affected by his past. When the novel first introduces
the Admiral, he is portrayed as a cold hearted dictator in charge of hundreds of
Unwinds, but there is a reason the Admiral comes off as distant. When the Unwinds
first arrive at The Graveyard, they are expected to
Pollination Of Bees Essay
To bee or not to bee is a question that must be asked to understand some vital
elements to the very existence of our world. Bees are widely known for their
effective method of pollinating not only flowers, but plants and crops as well.
Although there are many other types of pollinating insects and wind, all of which
acts as natural pollinators in the world we live in, none can compare to the priceless
methods of the bees. Pollination through the bees occurs when they seek out the
nectar and pollen that is found in plants, and since their hairs, located all over their
bodies, act as attractants to pollen, this results in the spread of pollen as they move
from flowerto flower, in which some of the pollen they have gathered gets released.
Even though... Show more content on ...
The main problems affecting them are [the] loss of suitable habitat [and the lack of
nesting sites that meet their standards] (RHS). Within these particular species of
bees, they often find themselves having the inability to expand, during foraging, due
to the fragmentation of their natural habitat of wild flowers and flower meadows.
According to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the habitat of the
bees has been experiencing fragmentation at a high because of the increase in
urbanization in the absence of habitat for wildlife, farms that have not been kept up
to date and has been deserted, and perilous flowers, etc. that is not only unfriendly to
pollinators, but unfriendly to the environment as well. Apart but similar to the loss of
suitable habitat, sites for nesting are becoming much more difficult for the
bumblebees and solitary bees to find. The main reason as to why these bees face this
issue is because there are requirements that must be met in order to continue the cycle
of reproduction and increase the bee population in its entirety. Fragmentation, in part,
is also a factor in a bee s inability to find nesting
Corn-Pone Opinions Essay
Brooke Brown
Mr. Williams
English III AP 7
21 November 2011
Corn Pone; Conformity Mark Twain, although quite the comedian, makes a valid
point in Corn Pone Opinions . The observation of humanity and its tendencies to
follow what society promotes is a relevant occurrence today. Twain leads on . . . that
it s born of the human being s natural yearning to stand well with his fellows and
have their inspiring approval and praise . . . (720). Humans are not equipped to
stand their own ground; they prefer to follow the leader. Twain puts it simply, we are
creatures of outside influences; as a rule we do not think, we only imitate (719).
Twain clearly makes his point noticeable to his audience, holding back no opinion
throughout the ... Show more content on ...
Twain, attacking the willingness to change fashion without thinking first, speaks
to women closely. Twain states, One woman abandons the fashion; her neighbor
notices this and follows her lead; this influences the next woman; and so on and so
on . . . (718). To this day women continue to experience this identical process.
Although one may love her Christmas sweater, if her neighbor does not own one or
wrinkles her nose at the idea of wearing such a thing, she will immediately go
home and dispose of the sweater without thinking twice about her actions or her
personal feelings toward the item of clothing. Twain also mentions how twenty
five years ago there would be six of eight wine glasses given to each person
attending a dinner party, and they were to be used, not left idle and empty , but
today there are but three of four wine glasses and on average and only two are
sparingly emptied by each guest (719). Twain follows this observation by expanding
his opinion on conformity. He offers the idea that people follow certain trends without
thinking them through. The people attending these dinner parties have no idea why
they only consume two glasses when twenty five years ago people consumed three to
four times as much. Humans, in general, do not look for the answer to the question
why? , but instead only worry about what other people do and if their actions are
satisfactory to those surrounding them. Twain also gives an
The Gospel Of John
The Gospel of John compared to the others has developed a lengthy, philosophical
manner of speech which describes Jesus divinity as the highest Christology.
Through this it expresses Jesus as the flesh of the eternal and living God, as a
Source of Light and a Son of God. John s Gospel focuses on the individual believers
and their relationships with Jesus, as well as, show that the Spirit is the central
connection between God, Jesus and believers. The main purpose of this Gospelis to
make God Known, to inspire belief in himself and the Father, to glorify the Father
and to bring salvation. Throughout the Gospel, Jesus character is described as
miraculous due to his kindly actions towards the oppressed and his desire to help
them. Jesus appears... Show more content on ...
This theory states that sin is a provocation to God s great honor. His death brings
great honor and respect to God because he removed all the sins that we erroneously
caused. Jesus pays it all back through his sacrifice. We are then liberated from our
sins. Ultimately, this restores a sinner to harmony by placing them back on the right
path in order to repair their relationship with God. The notion of the Spirit in John,
is understand after Jesus death and his Resurrection because once he gives up his
Spirit, he returns to breath his glorified Spirit onto the disciples who believe in him.
Ultimately, this ties back with the idea that there is a connection between the
disciples and the Father, Son and Spirit. His breath reminds the people of ... what
Jesus taught them, and reinforces the truth that God is love and that they are
therefore called to love one another in the self sacrificial way that Jesus loved them
Death In Ancient Egyptian Culture
Death is an inevitable part of everyone s life which is why it s important in many
cultures. Funeral rituals are staples in all different societies as a way to honor the
dead when loss of friend of family member and to move on with life. Generally,
people celebrate or mourn the passing of loved ones in different ways. Ancient Egypt
and Ancient Greece differ in multiple ways but similarities in their acts of burial
practices and how they believed one could enter the afterlife were prominent in both
Death was a very important aspect in Ancient Egypt culture. They considered death
as a provisional step in the progress to an enhanced life in the afterlife. Egyptians
believed that an individuals soul had three parts, the Ka , the Ba ... Show more
content on ...
The body was then washed and the liver, lungs, stomach and intestines were then
removed so it could be embalmed separately. These organs were then placed in a
container called canopic jars and were kept with the mummified body. Egyptians
believed the brain had no use, therefore it was then removed from the skull through
the nose using a metal hook. The heart was then removed from the body wrapped in
linen and replaced in the chest. Egyptians believed the heart was the center of
wisdom and good deeds and once one dies, the dead will travel into the afterlife and
their heart would be
Biochemical Approaches On The Import Of Genetics Essay
Sociogenomics: Biochemical Approaches to Study the Import of Genetics in Social
Literature Review
Sociogenomics is a relatively new research area that isn t very well understood.
Scholarly articles (e.g., Roberts Jackson, 2008) describe it as a field that explores the
following: the identification of genes that influence social behavior, the
understanding of the influence of these genes on underlying neural and endocrine
mechanisms, and understanding the effects of the environment, particularly the
social environment, on gene action.
Technological advances paired with impressive progress in molecular biology and
genomics make this an appropriate time to attempt to understand the molecular basis
of social life.
In Psychology 241, we were introduced to the OPRM1 gene, which is a single
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). This gene can vary, in people, by a single
nucleotide (A ↔ G). Ways et al. (2009) discovered that people with the G allele
showed more pain activation after social rejection. In addition, these subjects show
reduced opiate potency and, therefore, need more morphine to counteract both
physical and social pain. Ultimately, from this study, scientists made the novel
discovery that specific genetic mutations (i.e. OPRMI allele) can affect our social
and psychological behaviors (i.e. tolerance to social rejection).
Furthermore, scientists have recently claimed that the actual expression level of
genes, at any given time, also affects our social
The Impact Of Announcement And Stock Market
STUDENT ID 13367578
Table of Contents
The Project Includes the Reports of the Three Companies That Are Metcash and its
Competitors That Are Woolworths And Wesfarmers.
The Current Report Provides An Examination Of The Effect Of Accounting
Information On The Share Prices By Estimating And Comparing The Movement Of
Share Prices Of Three Companies Working In The Same Industry. The Results From
The Comparison Of All Three Companies Are At Last Compared To The All
Ordinaries Index To Determine General View Of The Market. The Basic Purpose Of
The Report Is To Examine The Effect On Share Prices Of Metcash After Its Profit
Announcement. The Information Such As Returns, Residual And Cumulative
Residual Are Extracted From The Share Prices Of The Companies. The Trends Of
The Share Prices Are Shown As Cumulative Residuals So That It Helps To
Concentrate On The Intimation Of The Financial Reports As Well As To Decrease
The Impact Of Market Variation And Fluctuation. On The Close Examination Of The
Results Of Data It Could Be Said That The Financial Information Associated With
Financial Reports
Essay about Teen Magazines Negative Influence on the...
I open up the hottest teen magazines on the market; Allure, Cosmopolitan,
Seventeen, and Teen Vogue are a few at the top. As I flip through the magazine this
holiday season I see pages of clothes that only the rich can afford, pictures of half
naked people draped over each other, articles about horoscopes and editorials
talking about which teen star is the sexiest. Fashion, makeup, men, sex, celebrities,
and exercising are the most popular topics I see as I peruse these magazines. These
popular magazines take no time to tell me how beautiful I am, but only tell me the
hundreds of things I need to do to improve. They tell me that I need more new,
expensive makeup to look like a movie star. These magazines teach me how to seduce
a man, but... Show more content on ...
Magazines no longer give girls advice on how to grow up to be a respected person or
a loving friend; instead they give advice on how to hook up quick or make his
dreams come true. Where has all the wholesome advice gone? Women have let the
idea of looking beautiful take over their self confidence and life. Healthy Place, an
online magazine teaching women about living a healthy life, says that, today s
fashion models weigh twenty three percent less than the average female, and a young
woman between the ages of 18 34 has a seven percent chance of being as slim as a
catwalk model and a one percent chance of being as thin as a supermodel. So why
do women push themselves to be excessively thin when these models are
anomalies? They do it because the media tells them that this look is the only look
that can attract men. Even if a woman is beautiful according to the media s
standards, she will always find something about her body that she hates, whether it
is her hair or her belly button, no women is completely satisfied. Our society is
very accepting of different religions and lifestyles, so why can we not accept
different types of beauty as well? As a teenager, I know the pressure put on
females to look a certain way. I attended a public high school in a rather wealthy
area. So, while other girls could afford the in clothes, I spent my shopping days at
the sales rack. My Christmas lists were full of basic jeans and shoes, because it was
My Perceptions Of The Environment And The Amount Of
Based on my responses to my perceptions of the environment and the amount of
control I feel I have, the VISA evaluation validated my perception about my
leadership proficiencies. This evaluation indicated a Dominance personality as a
leader. According to my VISA profile there is a strong emphasis on Vision and Action
which echoes the dimensions that form my leadershipstyle. Interdependence and
Structure have been indicated to be the less developed areas in my evaluation
profile. This also confirms my perceptions as I find rigorous adherence to policies
and procedures sometimes stifling progress and my dominant preference of action
approach resonance with my desire to be goal oriented, action driven to achieve
results and freedom to make quick decisions. Having Vision couple with Action
reaffirms my personality in a sense that I am future orientated, love creativity and
innovative thinking, and tends to seek unique accomplishments and innovative
solutions. I enjoy tackling varies activities and embrace a wide range of tasks. I am
also high in conscientiousness and tend to use a systematic approach on problem
solving. When working with others, I have a tendencyto be diplomatic and use an
indirect approach to avoid conflict. This illustrative VISA profile is therefore well
aligned with my character and leadership assessment.
While Vision is more dominant, the Action element compliments my behavioural
drive for my visionary outlook. I embrace change and view the use of
The Epilogue
Overall, the Epilogue of the play reintroduces central ideas and symbols of the
entire work such as the importance of theory in regard to change and progression,
interconnectedness, and angels. Specifically, the idea of the importance of theory
in regard to change and progression can be seen during the conversation about the
Russians between Hannah, Louis, and Belize. Earlier on, it was argued that change
should not take place without a plan, and that making progress without a theory
could have disastrous consequences. However, in the epilogue, it is now argued
that, while you need a theory for change, you can t halt progress just because you
lack a plan. This can be seen by Hannah s statement, You can t wait for a theory, but
you have to have a theory (Kushner 278), showing that reasons are needed for
change, but change shouldn t be stopped because those reasons aren t clear yet....
Show more content on ...
However, this time, interconnectedness refers more to how certain aspects of life
are related and reciprocal, such as the example of change and theory, and while not
every single thing is connected, one specific aspect of life can directly connect with
another. Finally, the symbol of angels is also brought up once more in the epilogue.
In the play, the Angel was a bit controversial, a confusing character whose presence
was arguably disconcerting. However, as seen by Prior s statement in reference to
the Bethesda Angel, This angel. She s my favorite angel. I like them best when they
re statuary (Kushner 279), the symbol of the angel is no longer meant to be
unnerving, as seen during the play, but rather a peaceful and comforting
Mark Twain And Thurber Comparison Essay
Anisha Reynolds
Ms. Newell
ELA 10 14 November 2017
Comparison of Twain and Thurber Mark Twain and James Thurber portray conflict in
their humorous writing using literary devices. This enhances their stories and makes
them enjoyable to read. Mark Twain in A Toast to the Oldest Inhabitant: The Weather
of New England and James Thurber in The Dog that Bit People use hyperbole,
understatement, and precise diction to portray the conflict that develops their
humorous writing. Thurber and Twain use hyperboles to convey conflict. For
example, when Uncle Horatio visits, he says, He said he wasn t afraid of any dog
that ever lived and that he would put the dog s plate on the floor if we would give
it to him, (261). This shows how he is exaggerating, because it is impossible to not
be afraid of every dog that comes your way. This also shows that the dog is
frightening to everyone but the owner. An example from Twain s writing says,
... Probable nor east to sou west winds, varying to the southard and westard and
eastard and points between; high and low ... Show more content on ...
In Thurber s work, when Muggs dies, it says, On the board I wrote with an
indelible pencil Cave Canem , (262). This shows Thurber s use of precise diction
to show satire. Thurber uses latin to show humorous writing because Cave Canem
means Beware of the Dog. For example, in A Toast to the Oldest Inhabitant: The
Weather of New England, Mark Twain states, I like to hear rain on a tin roof, so I
covered part of my roof with tin, with an eye to that luxury. Well, sir, do you think
it ever rains on the tin? No, sir; skips it every time, (255). This shows Twain s use
of precise diction when he uses the words skips it every time, because the rain can t
skip something every time. This also shows how his use of precise diction helps him
create fantastic hyperboles that stir one s imagination. Twain and Thurber s use of
precise diction helps depict
The Theme Of Plot In Sweat By Zora Hurston
In her short story Sweat , Zora Hurston uses plot to expose the theme that what goes
around comes around. Plot is an author s careful arrangement of incidents in a
narrative in order to achieve a desired effect. In Hurston s case, the desired effect is
shaping the theme of the story. Throughout Sweat , all of the events are carefully
thought out in order to show the reader that Sykes got what he deserved, therefore
creating the theme what goes around comes around. The main highlighted events in
this plotare the verbal conflict that Delia and Sykes have, the town scene where
Sykes is being discussed by local townspeople, Sykes bringing home a rattlesnake,
and Sykes getting bit by the snake.
The first major incident in the plot of Sweat is a verbal conflict between Delia and
Sykes in the beginning. It starts with Delia being scared with a bullwhip by Sykes.
She reacts in fear, saying, Sykes, what you throw dat whip on me like dat? You
know it would skeer me... (Hurston). Delia and Sykes go back and forth about how
scared Delia is scared of snakes, and how Sykes purposely wants to scare her.
Delia, however, stays calm until she seizes a skillet and strikes a defensive pose.
Sykes is shocked, so he just leaves the house, slamming the gate after him
(Hurston). At this point in the story, the reader gets a good idea of the relationship
between Delia and Sykes. The reader knows Delia and Sykes are opposites, Sykes
badness outlines the good, hardworking side of Delia. This first scene serves as
rising action to get to know the life of Delia and Sykes. The theme is not yet clear,
because the plot is only beginning. However, Delia foreshadows Sykes fate at the
end of this part of Hurston s story. Delia thinks out loud before sleep when she says,
Oh well, whatever goes over the Devil s back, is got to come under his belly.
Sometime or ruther, Sykes, like everybody else, is gointer reap his sowing (Hurston).
The next scene of this story is the conversation the townspeople have. When they see
Delia, they spark a conversation about how badly Sykes treats Delia (Hurston). A
few of the townspeople comment angrily, He useter be so skeered uh lookin huh...We
oughter take Syke an dat stray oman uh his n down in
Nt1310 Unit 5 Lab
Table.2 shown the best results of vertical resolution used in shorter pulse duration
is better for the higher frequency and very similar for the 1 GHz, 800 MHz and
500 MHz. More which explains why the results obtained in Tables 3 was the same
for both frequency. Because of the different materials used in the experiments
metallic and wooden bars, the resolution show the metal bars are worsen, due to
their higher electromagnetic contrast, amongst other things. The second
reflector, so a bigger separation is needed to detect it as discrete events. This
effect is more relevant when the reflectors are closer to the antennas and
particular for the 500 MHz antenna (Table 3). The horizontal resolution obtained
for the 1 GHz and 800 MHz is very similar and much better than for the 500 MHz.
As expected, horizontal resolution worsens as the reflectors are moved away from
the frequency, mainly because their footprint size gets larger. In radargrams (a) and
(b) of Figs. 9, 11 and 13, the... Show more content on ...
In general, the vertical resolution it is better to use wooden bars. The higher
reflection coefficient of the metallic bars makes the tail of the reflected pulse
in the п¬Ѓrst bar strong enough to blur the second one when the two bars are close to
each other. This effect is noticeable in the results obtained with the 500 MHz. The
horizontal resolution worsens as the reflectors are separated from the frequency
because the footprint gets larger. The simulation and experimental values range
approximately from О»/2 to 2О» for the high frequency. The results obtained for
different frequency, the wavelengths converge when the bars are buried far from the
antennas. In the horizontal resolution, the influence of the reflector s material is
smaller. The best resolution is obtained with the 1 GHz as its resolution is slightly
better than for the 800
The Impact Of Direct And Digital Marketing
This can take place by keeping the application understand the customer needs, making
the interfaces between the customer need in order to conclude an knowledge
/ wisdom through ability to learn and adapt the requirement turning it into suitable ,
rational solutions .
By using CRM system we are going to learn about customer preferences as this is the
stage at which marketers should learn about consumer demographics, attitudes, and
behaviors. Demographic and attitudinal information may come in the form of e mail
communications to marketers, opinions volunteered on bulletin boards or
information gathered in surveys, questionnaires, or registration processes. Behavioral
information can be gathered from transaction records or click stream ... Show more
content on ...
As B2B marketers develop and launch AI programs, there are major challenges that
they will face, the final arbiter of whether AI will be successful is likely to be the
bottom line, if the company is driving more revenue because of its use.
As data detect that in order to be successful, marketers need to lead the change and
present opportunities for AI instruction and to deliver experience for their followers,
to ensure implementing it into their B2B technology to be is effective.
About Demand base, the leader in Account Based Marketing (ABM), has been
introducing ABM solutions to the market since 2011. The company offers the only
end to end ABM platform account identification, account based advertising, B2B
website personalization, account based marketing automation, sales insights and
integrations into CRM so that ABM results are optimized around sales activity.
To end the old dilemma of impact marketing activity on revenue, implementing AI
will solve it directly and in an easy way, this solution will let marketers connect
campaigns directly to revenue.
The B2B Marketing Cloud is powered by huge amount of technology, which allows
companies personalize their digital marketing efforts to them. The drive nowadays
pointing out that the demand base is the only solution for survival and this let the
high growth companies such as Adobe, GE,,
My Purpose Of Life And Life
What is my purpose in life? What is anybody s purpose in life? That s a question
that we all deal with, why are we here, what is the point of life? There is the
thought that are purpose of life only known by Allah(God). That he has chosen it
for before we were ever born, and that part of the reason is to be here for someone
else. If I would have asked this three questions to my dad all the time and he would
answer with Only Allah knows. Simple as that and he would then ask me what my
thoughts were and I would reply I have no idea, Bubba Back then I really had
known idea why am here, or what am supposed to be doing. The purposeof life cannot
be defined in a manner that most people would agree accordingly. Every individual
has a different outlook on the purpose of life. I have an idea of what the purpose of
my life could be but I do believe that we are not supposed to know our full reason
of why we were chosen to exist. This changed when my dad passed away last year
as it commonly does when people experience death of a loved one. It started a
whole new way of my thinking process. I believe that everyone is given a gift
/talent and they are to use it to the best of their abilities. For instance, for me I am
very intuitive and can read people pretty well that simple talent has already showed
that it has changed someone s life because a friend of mine was severely depressed
and I did not know it at the time but the simple act prevented her from taking her
own life. I truly
The Outcast Of Poker Flat Isolationism Essay
Alone, secluded, lonely, godforsaken, lonely, and companionless, each of these
words are associated with isolation. People see isolationism as being alone and
apart from society. However, a person can be surrounded by people, but be
surrounded be isolated in the confines of his or her own mind. In addition,
Isolationism can take many different shapes and forms. For example, a person can
be isolated, this what is synonymous with isolationism; a group can be isolated,
such as German Jewish people in the 1940s; or an entire country can be isolated
from the world, like North Korea and Cuba. People see isolationism as a negative
part of society that should be avoided at all costs. However, positive things can come
from isolationism. The literary works The Hollow Menby T.S. Eliot, The Story of an
Hour by Kate Chopin, The Rime of the Ancient Marinerby Samuel Coleridge, and
The Outcast of Poker Flat by Bret Harte all show isolationism in different lights.
The ... Show more content on ...
The story goes that a group of people were thrown out of their town due to their
profession and choices in life. The Gamblers, prostitutes, drunks and thieves were
forced to relocate. While on the embankment, each of the characters see a new side
of each other. Instead of the rough and rowdy characters that should be scene with
professions of each outcast, the characters are compassionate and caring. This new
side of each of the characters is brought on by the isolation they endure. For
example, Mr. Oakhurst, a gambler, is described as calm. Additionally, Mother
Shipton starves herself to save another. Isolation can bring out a new and different
side of people of people as stated before. While in isolation people do not have to
impress or make others see you as someone you are not. In Isolation you cannot
impress anyone but yourself. Harte brings out the positive sides of
Why Is Bill C-14 Unconstitutional
I am against Bill C 14 which has been ratified into Canadian law on the basis that it is
unconstitutional. Every Canadian has the right, just by virtue of having Canadian
citizenship, to have sovereignty over their own self. Because Bill C 14 will in some
circumstances permit people to take the life of another, it undermines the individual s
right to have complete ownership over his/her own body, and is therefore
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which is entrenched into the
constitution offers a guarantor of individual sovereignty, which states that Everyone
has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived
thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental
Exploration Of Vegetarianism
An Exploration of Vegetarianism: How We Can Save the World
Vegetarianism refers to that voluntary abstinence from eating meat. The term
vegetarian was started in 1847 by the founders of the Vegetarian Society of Great
Britain. But the practice of vegetarianism has been around for as long as humans
have had diets. A majority of the world s oldest cultures advocate a vegetarian diet
for their health and religious beliefs. More Americans should consider being a
vegetarian because of spiritual reasons, it improves one s health, helps world hunger,
and saves animals
Many religions around the world ban the consumption of meat. Hinduism, which is
the main religion in India, bans the consumption of beef. India has more vegetarians
than any other country ... Show more content on ...
The cow ran through the streets of Great Falls for hours, it avoided the cops,
animal control officers, cars, trucks and even a train. Hours later it was cornered
near the Missouri river, where then the daring animal made a life altering choice, she
jumped into its freezing waters and swam across to the bank where a tranquilizer
gun then brought her down. This cow was now suddenly thrust into the lime light.
People around the world were cheering for her after the story got international
attention. The slaughterhouse manager gave the brave cow the name Molly, and
then sent her to a nearby farm to live and spend the rest of her days grazing in the
wide open
Experimental And Analytical Studies Have Increased...
Introduction 1: Over the past quarter century, the number of both experimental and
analytical studies have increased dramatically on the monotonic axial behavior of
FRP confined concrete columns, and as a result, many uniaxial stress strain models
have been generally developed; however, most of these studies have focused largely
on FRP confined circular plain (unreinforced) concrete cylinders numerous authors
tested (e.g., Mirmiran and Shahawy 1997;Mirmiran et al.1998; Xiao and Wu 2000;
Lam and Teng 2002,2003;Berthet et al.2005;Almusallam 2007; Benzaid et
al.2008;Eid and Paultre 2007,2008;Teng et al. 2009;Smith et al. 2010;Cui et al.2010).
Relatively few of which have included small or medium scale noncircular
unreinforced specimens... Show more content on ...
However, the number of studies on the axial stress strain behavior of FRP confined
RC columns subjected to a cyclic axial compression loading has been going up
slowly, particularly for noncircular RC columns. A better understanding of the latter
and a sufficient summary of laboratory testing results can lead to the development of
well informed and calibrated cyclic uniaxial stress strain model. In fact , Research is
more limited on the cyclic axial stress strain behavior of FRP confined rectangular
reinforced concrete columns of large scale, unlike several cited articles that
previously explored the influence of the cyclic axial loading on the behavior of
FRP confined unreinforced concrete specimens including cylinders and
noncircular specimens of small size many researchers tested (e.g., Shao et al. 2006;
Lam et al. 2006; Lam and Teng 2009; Abbasnia and Ziaadiny 2010; Abbasnia et
al.2012a,b; Abbasnia and Holakoo 2012; Ozbakkaloglu and Akin 2012;Abbasnia et
al. 2013; Bai et al. 2013; Harajli et al. 2015).
Internal Steel Reinforcement: It can clearly be noticed that the following issue is the
most highlighted one in this study. In general extensive
Narcissism In Social Work
There are many business issues we all face in the work place today. One of those
that I can personally relate to my professional work life is narcissism. Stephen
Robbins defines narcissism as being the tendency to be arrogant, have a grandiose
sense of self importance, require excessive admiration, and have a sense of
entitlement. (Robbins, 2009, p. 113) We have one employee who has the attitude of
narcissism. He is very arrogant and thinks that he knows everything about anything.
This would be fine if he actually did. However, we are an electrical company.
Meaning we work very closely with electricity, which is highly dangerous if you
do not know 100% what you are doing. It makes it very difficult to work with
someone like this. They make their co workers feel belittled and they are less
effective at the job. Narcissisms are very arrogant in the fact that they do not care
about their co workers feelings. In the article Narcissism and Emotional Contagion ,
Writer Anna Czarna states that after much research, narcissists are less likely to catch
... Show more content on ...
Habakkuk 2:4 states
Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by
his faith.. (Holy Bible, KJV) When it mentions lifted up and is referring to being
boast or proud. This can easily be related to someone who is narcissistic. We as
Christians should put off this narcissism attitude and portray more like Christ.
Narcissism is easy to see in someone through their personality traits. In Bob Stretch
s presentation, he suggest that the best way to access someone s personality is
through measuring using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and the Big Five Model
(Stretch,2009, Slide 4) Completing this is most helpful in the hiring process. I
believe that if my boss would do this we could seek out potential employees who
would help the business succeed instead of damaging it by being narcissism or
Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration
We aren t China and we aren t being invaded by the Mongolians. So why are we
considering building another great wall? Well, it all started in 2016. The 2016
U.S. presidential election was a rough one, seeing some of the most poisonous
rhetoric, and ending in an even deeper divide between the two parties. Even though
it ended 2,000 years ago, we are still reeling from the effects, brought upon by
hatred, broken policy, and a president who speaks in a 140 characters or less.
Regardless, now that Donald Trump has become president, we should start taking
his campaign promises seriously. One of those promises, and one of the most
popular among his supporters, is his proposed wall on the American Mexican border.
This knock off great wall, Trump promises will significantly reduce one of America s
most partisan issues, illegal immigrationto the U.S.. Illegal immigration in the U.S.
is a huge (or uuuuge) issue, and for valid reasons, but a wall will not stop it.
Although illegal immigration is an important issue, and it does have a detrimental
effect on society, building a wall on the U.S. Mexican border is not a viable solution.
First, Money, let s talk finances. The first issue with the use of a wall to stop illegal
immigration is the cost. Not only is the amount of money required concerning, but
the source of the money remains undetermined. First of all, the estimated cost of the
wall can be covered in shadows. Donald Trump, the person behind the plan, has
Edward Zwick Glory
The courage displayed by the actors in Glory made the historic movie better for me
to see. Glory was made in 1989 when Mathew Broderick, Morgan Freeman, Andre
Braugher, Tihni Kennedy, and Dezel Washington became known actors to
American s. The movie was directed by Edward Zwick, and Zwick accurately
portrays the movie in the right frame. He is able to accurately depict the civil war
and use clothes used in that time frame. Zwick also used actors who were engaged
into their job and indicated the time frame with scar marks on Trip. Not only did the
actors make the music entertaining, but the music brought the movie in. The music
was able to help the viewer know when a scene was happy or dramatic. The movie,
Glory, is an accurate depiction of the civil war with accuracy, acting, and music....
Show more content on ...
In the opening scene, people are playing baseball. Baseball, a sport, was invented
during the time of the civil war. I love Zwick putting American s past time in the
beginning of the movie. In my view, he was able to catch the viewer s attention by
showing baseball and telling some American s that the movie was about the Civil
War. One of the other things he was accurate about was the clothes. On the
confederate s side (South), the people had dirty clothes and there were some black
soldiers. The South did not have much people fighting in the army, so the people who
had to come in were the slaves from the southern plantations. While the south had
dirty clothes, the union (North) had blue suits. Additionally, the North did not have
as many black soldiers because the North had many people in their army. There were
many people in the North because of working conditions and slavery was prohibited.
During the Battle of Antietam, the movie portrays the clothes on the confederate and
union side
Asian Americans And Asian American Actors
Since the first half of the 19th century, Asian Americans have been involved in the
media industry when the original Siamese Twins Chang and Eng Bunker became
naturalized citizens of America. Roles in television and other media were scarce for
Asian Americans, only available roles were very stereotypical. Early Asian American
actors such as Bruce Lee and Sessue Hayakawa could only land stereotypical
supporting roles in prime time television. While minority actors have progress
through the years, Asian Americans in the media remains an issue. The
misrepresentation of Asians Americans that continues the tendency of stereotypes
and type casting. To this day, Asians Americans take on roles that tends to portray the
stereotypical roles. Asian Americans becomes easily targeted and exploited from such
representation. Model Minority Stereotype is consistently express through
advertising and primetime television; Asians being nerdy: having type casted into
professional roles ignoring real values and cultures, Asian women: seen as
hypersexual, erotic, cunning and dangerous, Asian men: dangerous, unfriendly,
master of martial arts, undesirable male partners and weak. Media representation of
Asian Americans in America s media history, continue to influence and reproduce
dominant Americentric impressions, rather than the true authentic depiction of Asian
American culture and behavior. Americentric stereotypes of Asian American women
and men has led to limited roles of Asian Americans
Contributions Of The Tang Dynasty
A. One of the most important public works projects taken on by the Sui dynasty was
the grand canal. This canal was so important due to it facilitating trade between north
and south China which then allowed rice and other crops to be available in the north.
B. Another example of an important public works project was the repairing of
defensivewalls throughout the country. This project was important because it helped
prevent attacks from foreign invaders. It was also important because it was one of
their many work projects that required forced labour and levied taxes causing many
people to be upset. 2. A tributary system is when a country invades another country or
state, and the invaded country assimilates into the culture of that country and takes
that country s leader as their own. 3. A. One perspective on buddhists adopted by the
Tang Dynasty officials was that one of adaptations of buddhism which has been
changed to fit with chinese values. B. Another perspective adopted by the later Tang
Dynasty officials was one seen byconfucianists and taoists which was a negative
perspective. Due to this officials ordered that the religion be eradicated from China as
well as other foreign religions. C. Mahayana buddhism was a form of buddhism that
gained a following during the Tang and Song dynasty. One reason it was significant
was because the buddhist s built temples and libraries. 4.
Kurt Lewin ( 1947 ) Divides The Change Process Essay
Answer 1.
Kurt Lewin (1947) divides the change process into 3 steps. Unfreezing, Changing
and Freezing. It is a very simple and practical model for understanding the change
process. It is widely used and is a basis for many change models. He widely stages
them as follows:
a)Creating the perception that change is needed.
b)Moving towards the new desired level of behavior.
c)Solidifying the new behavior as the norm.
Unfreezing raises an initial awareness of the need for change. It is the first step in
the change process. As many people will resist change the goal during unfreezing is
to create awareness as to how the current level is hindering the organization in some
way. Old behavior, ways of thinking, procedures and process followed, Human
resource, Organisation structure must be carefully examined to clarify the people in
the organization the need for change to maintain competitive advantage. The
Proprietor needs to convince his people the logic behind change and how it will be
beneficial at Individual and Organisational level. Besides Lewin states that people
should be motivated to accept change
As an owner of Pink Donkey catering Ltd who wants to open his own restaurant and
bring major change in the way business is done, I would emphase on Unfreezing as a
first step in change management process. I would convince them the urgency and
necessity for change, as catering business we were able to reach limited customers
but now the demand has increased, my aim is
Julius Caesar Betrayal In Othello Essay
The greatest enemy of the trusting and the loyal, betrayal is friend only to the
greedy and ostentatious. Historically, betrayal has brought about some of the most
significant changes the world has ever seen. Julius Caesar was betrayed by not only
his fellow senators but his own adopted son Marcus Brutus as well. This would lead
to the tyrant s death and as a result, Rome would suffer. In Othello by William
Shakespeare, a powerful man is brought down by those he believed trustworthy.
Betrayal is the only truth that sticks a quote by Arthur Miller that applies quite well
to this literature in that ultimately Iago s deeds to mislead Othello led to the many
untimely deaths of many characters. Within the play, it quickly becomes clear the
most... Show more content on ...
Iago and Roderigo both travel to Brabantio to inform him of his own daughter s
marriage to Othello. This is a blatant betrayal of her own father s trust but he is
unable to come to terms with its reality. Going as far to attempt to convince
himself these two do not know of what they speak What tell st thou me of robbing?
This is Venice. My house is not a grange. (1, 1,118) While this does serve as a
means to further the plot it also sheds light upon the theme of appearance vs.
reality. Brabantio could not accept Desdemona s love for Othello and this is all he
could see. He could not wade past the difference in skin colors to their love. Even
going as far as to claim that That thou hast practiced on her with foul charms
/Abused her delicate youth with drugs or minerals (1, 1, 92) becoming drunk on the
idea that the only way his daughter would betray him would be if she were under
some spell. This appearance drives him so far in his sadness that he can no longer
handle it anymore, echoing the idea that even when the truth can seem so clear
reaching it can be unsurmountable. While an unintentional betrayal, Desdemona
went against the wishes of her father not only reinforcing the plot but also creating a
basis for the theme within the first scene of the
The Effects of Cold on Blood Pressure and Pulse
The ability known as thermoregulation is a feature of an organism that help to keep
the body temperature within certain thresholds, thus independently from external
conditions. A dynamic state of thermal balance of human body between its internal
environment and the territory is a model example of precise control of organism heat.
In the case where such stability would be disturbed the immediate response would
appear as well. In accordance with the thermodynamic principles the flow of the heat
will occur without change of the state (Houdas and Ring, 1982). Moreover,
temperature coordination is closely related to the changes within the cardiovascular
system as well. To... Show more content on ...
Data provided below was gained for each time point during the three minutes period.
It should be noted the experimental control, thus the first measurement of blood
pressure and pulse rate was taken at the beginning of the experiment at room
temperature. Sequentially these readings were; for systolic blood pressure (SBP)
equal to 134mmHg, diastolic blood pressure (DBP) equal to 79mmHg at the pulse
rate equal to 91 per minute.
Moreover, to support the quality of the gathered results the experiment was repeated
and an additional data was placed in a table as well.
PULSE per min.
After 1st min.
After 2nd min.
After 3rd min.
Table 1. A correlation of blood pressure and pulse measurements collected during the
three minutes period.
To help provide a better visual interpretation, a dependence of measured elements
from the table above would be presented in a form of graph as well. The curve
illustrates an impact of low temperature on circulatory system indicators such as
blood pressure and pulse. To present a precise difference between rates of each time
point the control of the experiment was also applied on the graph.
Graph 1. An illustration of interdependence between descending temperature on
blood pressure and pulse rate over time.
Essay about The Passing of the Crown by Shakespeare s...
The Passing of the Crown by Shakespeare s Henries
In his histories from Richard II through Henry V to Richard III, Shakespeare depicts
the English monarchy as a game between family and friends of vying for a gold ring
the crown. Shakespeare gives his reader a central metaphor through which to see this
equation in King Henry IV part one. The prank Prince Hal, later King Henry V, and
his friend, Poins, play on their friends, particularly Falstaff, parallels the plot s focal
passing of the crown.
In the first act, Poins outlines his plan to play a prank on Falstaff and their other
friends to Prince Hal, They [Falstaff and others] will adventure upon the exploit [of
stealing money from travelers] themselves, ... Show more content on
The justification Falstaff gives for allowing his appropriated prize to be
appropriated from him without a fight is that he instinctively knew that his thief s
identity was one with a divine connection. This is exactly the story all kings,
especially new ones like to pawn off on their new subjects in order to win them
over. That is, that God is on their side, otherwise they would not have achieved the
crown. It would be to Falstaff s advantage, having just lost the metaphoric crown
(the money), to give its new possessor a story which overtly flatters and supports
him. Furthermore, though Prince Hal initially re admits his victim, Falstaff, into
his group of friends after tricking him, ultimately Hal denies him, saying, I know
thee not, old man (Henry IV part two V.v.50). This is identical to the behaviors of
Bolingbroke toward Richard II in Richard II, and Prince John toward the rebels
(lead by the Archbishop of York and Lord Mowbray) in Henry IV part two. Both
pretend to be friendly to their opposition at first, but really only do so to maintain
their own positioning. As soon as it is maintained, they turn.
Shakespeare s representation of the coming and going of monarchs as a game
manifests itself in his choice of words as well. In all three of the consecutive Henry
plays the concept of winning is applied to the acquisition of the throne, a word
which equally applies to beating everyone else in a game. For the last, and
How Nelson Mandela Encouraged His Country to Move On
C. S. Lewis once said, Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing
monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward. Nelson
Mandela helped his country cross the monkey bars from apartheid to democracy,
from Once a left wing extremist, Mandela s 27 years in prison taught him that the
only way his country would survive and thrive was if his people learned to forgive
and move on. A willingness to forgive can be all it takes to unite a fiercely divided
The new South African government, led by President Mandela, addressed the need
for understanding but not for vengeance, a need for reparation but not for retaliation,
a need for ubuntu but not for victimisation (Volmink 191). Ubuntu, a Bantu word
meaning, I am because you are, expresses the concept that our humanity is inherently
bound up with one another. Volmink, argues that we can never be complete as
human beings as long as we are alienated from one another (191).
As part of the beginning of the post apartheid era, Nelson Mandela and the African
National Congress (ANC) established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
(TRC), which promoted reconciliation as an ideal, not only for nation building, but
also for individual healing (Muiu 137). This idea for a safe environment in which
both victims and perpetrators could vent and share their stories without judgement
gave the commission it s power. All participants were guided toward reconciliation
and some were

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Physical Activity Essay

  • 1. Physical Activity Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of physical activity can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies not only in the need for a comprehensive understanding of the subject but also in the ability to convey the information in a compelling and coherent manner. Here are some aspects that contribute to the complexity of such an essay: 1. Research Depth: Writing an effective essay on physical activity requires in-depth research to gather relevant and accurate information. This might involve exploring scientific studies, health journals, and authoritative sources to ensure the content is well- informed. 2. Diverse Perspectives:The topic of physical activity encompasses various aspects, such as its impact on physical health, mental well-being, and social dynamics. Integrating these diverse perspectives cohesively can be a challenge, requiring a nuanced approach to present a well-rounded view. 3. Scientific Understanding:A strong grasp of scientific concepts related to exercise physiology, anatomy, and health is essential. Communicating these ideas in a way that is accessible to a general audience without oversimplifying or losing accuracy is a delicate balance. 4. Motivational Tone:Depending on the purpose of the essay, motivating readers to engage in physical activity may be a goal. Striking the right balance between informative content and inspirational messaging can be difficult, as the tone must be persuasive without becoming overly preachy. 5. Structural Organization:Arranging the information in a logical and coherent structure is crucial for the essay's readability. Ensuring a smooth flow from introduction to conclusion, while addressing different aspects of physical activity, requires careful planning and execution. Despite these challenges, delving into the intricacies of physical activity can be an enlightening process. It allows the writer to explore the profound impact of exercise on various facets of life. The effort put into overcoming these challenges is often rewarded with an essay that not only informs but also inspires readers to embrace a more active lifestyle. If you find yourself struggling with such assignments or need assistance with writing essays on various topics, consider exploring professional writing services. Platforms provide an array of writing services, offering support for academic tasks and delivering well- crafted essays tailored to your specific needs. Physical Activity EssayPhysical Activity Essay
  • 2. Michael Oher Research Paper Michael Oher Did you know that before he was a professional football player Michael Oher had a very unique, underprivileged early life, and was born into a terrible circumstance? He says, It s true that we can t help the circumstances we re born into and some of us start out in a much tougher place than other people. But just because we started there doesn t mean we have to end there ( Michael s mom was a drug addict, and his dad was murdered in prison. He was in a bunch of foster homes, but when he was 16, he was taken in by a family named the Tuohy s, which changed his entire life. Despite Michael Oher being a foster child, being split from his siblings and mother, and facing many more hardships in his early life, he still ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, his father was murdered in prison so he could not overcome that obstacle. However, he was taken in by a foster family named the Tuohy s who made him happy and treated him like real family. says, The young boy was finally taken in by Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy when he was 16, and the Tuohys became Oher s legal guardians when he was 17 . In his junior year of high school, Oher began to excel in football. By the beginning of his senior year, Oher was the starting left tackle on the varsity football team. He quickly became a top football prospect in the state of Tennessee, which led to multiple scholarship offers from Division 1 schools. This means that when he was taken in by Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy and they became his legal guardians he began to excel at school and football. His mother was taken into a rehabilitation center, but this was an improvement since at least Michael was able to see her sometimes. His other siblings were all taken to foster care. It s amazing that while he had all of these obstacles he still overcame them with a determined attitude and the help of some special people. Michael had many people that supported him. Those people include the Tuohy s, who took in Michael and gave him food, a tutor, a home, and helped guide him in life. I can t talk enough about the time and work Miss Sue put into helping me. She is retired now, but she deserves to be in the hall of fame (Oher 159). Michael also says, When my name was called on draft day, I couldn t imagine that life could get any better especially since I was surrounded
  • 3. Descriptive Essay About Eiffel Tower Memoir I had seen it so much on TV, in pictures, everywhere. I was now going to be able to experience it for myself. The huge metal structure I had seen in my dreams had finally appeared in real life. Built way before I was born, the Eiffel Tower is one of the most sought after things to see. My family and I were four of the seven million visitors this year. It shows to, the line just to buy tickets was about an hour long, but well worth it. We had just gotten off a bus tour that took us through the heart of Paris, we saw old statues and monuments that had been built throughout the years. We smelled the food from the nearby street vendors and restaurants. We saw all the shiny and sumptuous purses, and clothing that were in ... Show more content on ... We had been looking out for about an hour and my parents said we should find a stop. My brother yelled out, Let s go to that tower, as he pointed at the Eiffel Tower in the distance. My parents glanced at each other for a long two seconds and said in unison, Sure! So it was decided that in about fifteen minutes we were going to visit the Eiffel Tower. After the longest time, I heard the person announce through the cheap maroon earbuds, This is the Eiffel Tower Stop. I leaped out of my seat very excited, ready to go. My parents said that there was going to be a very long wait and that we would have to be patient if we wanted to go. We waited in the security line just to enter for about thirty minutes. My brother was already complaining, saying that he was tired and wanted to lay down. Again, my parents said that if he really wanted to go he better stop complaining. From there the line to get tickets was a lot longer. Although it was longer it was the better of the two lines because we all talked and had a good time waiting. Before we knew it we were first in line and were about to get our tickets to ride the lift up to the
  • 4. The Use of Electricity and Magnetism in Our Future... Society has advanced dramatically in the past century, and along with that transportation has shifted from the reliable horse and buggy to planes, trains, and automobiles. After the invention of the motor vehicle we have never looked back when it comes to creating innovative new designs and creating more efficient automobiles. Planes and Trains have also made a leap in the past century forever changing the timeit takes to travel places. In the present time period we have massive trains engines that can pull miles and miles of traincars. We have hybrid cars that average over 50 miles per gallon, and massive planes that can carry hundreds and hundreds of people around the globe in record timing. The question is how can we make these forms... Show more content on ... Fully electric cars are the future of ground transportation. The use of electricity in cars will also have a massive impact on future transportation. Large engines that use combustible fuel usually drive trains, but electric trains are also being used around the world and have been for decades. Electric trains are used around the world most for transportation of people instead of goods. Their electric motors are powered from a receiver that remains in contact with a wire supplying the electricity that runs parallel with the train. Electric trains are more efficient, cheaper to run, and they can accelerate much faster than their previous predecessors ( Electric Locomotives, The Definition Of Efficiency, n.d.). Future electric trains will be able to travel faster than ever before, and eventually they will be build all around the United States and other countries to provide extremely fast travel at cheaper costs ( Electric Locomotives, The Definition Of Efficiency, n.d.). High speed electric trains today are extremely fast, but they are mostly used in Europe and other places, like Japan. Future trains in America, and around the world, could have a more futuristic look to them. A man named Elon Musk proposed the idea of a vac train after he revived an
  • 5. Multi Cultural And Multi Racial Running Head Caribbean Multi cultural and Racial The Multi Cultural and Multi Racial Caribbean Michelle Knight Essay Submitted for Caribbean History 27100 Professor Audra Diptee Carleton University June 14, 2016 The Multi cultural and Multi racial Caribbean The Caribbean islands are a group of diverse islands throughout the Caribbean Sea. These islands can be as far south as the northern South America and as far north as southern North America. These islands have a history that is steeped in its own tradition and traditions from other nations. The Caribbean is a diverse populace that has representation of many cultural and racial bodies. Many of the Caribbean traditions exist because of the historical ... Show more content on ... Initially, indentured servants from Europe were used as the labour to cultivate these crops; however, as the sale of these crops exploded, Europeans began engaging in the African slave trade to further support the harvesting of these crops (Thornton, 1993, p. 182). The history of African slaves is inextricably intertwined with the Caribbean history. Many of the African slaves were sold into slavery but still were able to hold onto customs and philosophical ideals (Thornton, 1993, p. 195). Though these Africans were enslaved they still maintained many of their strong beliefs and warrior ideals from their home countries. In fact, it is believed that these ideals were prominently figured in the slave revolution of Saint Domingue that eventually resulted in Haiti s independence (Thornton, 1993, p. 198). The many historical influences on the Caribbean related to slavery and agriculture had a continuing effect on the development of Caribbean islands long after slavery was abolished. These influences are best demonstrated by the differing migration patterns that occurred to sustain the agricultural based economy of the Caribbean islands for the benefit of the European countries that had colonized these islands. Migration Patterns Slavery was gradually abolished throughout the Caribbean. European countries
  • 6. became enlightened and realized that slavery was an inappropriate source of labour (Young, 2015, p. 122). Despite the changing nature of the labour and the elimination
  • 7. Progressivism Vs Populism Research Paper Progressivism and populism were two of the biggest and most popular reform movements in American society. Even though the ideologies are similar in certain aspects, they are very different in terms of sources of support and objectives. Progressivism was mostly supported by the middle class citizens, while Populismwas formed by Western farmers and involved the common people more. All in all, the two movements were very important reform movements that shaped later American ideologies. Populism was started in the late 19th century by agrarian people of the South. Those with farming background believed the government was favoring banks and industry, so they formed this reform movement It was mostly supported by the poor sections of the rural South. On the other hand, Progressivism arose in the beginning of the 20th century. It was supported by the middle class, who were angry with the corruption of the rich and the appeasement of the poor by the government. The two reform movements were created by two different types of people, and also had different goals.... Show more content on ... It was also a down up movement, which largely involves the masses in the idea and decision making departments. Because of this, social groups or organizations for the masses were formed, like the Grange and Farmers Alliance. Progressivism arose as a response to the vast changes brought by modernization, such as the growth of large corporations and railroads, and fears of corruption in American politics.One of the main objectives of this movement was to encourage efficiency. Even though they strived for modernization like the Progressivists, the way of achieving the goals was
  • 8. Student Of The Month Speech Being the Student of the Month means to be a representation of what Godinez Fundamental is. This school has opened up various opportunities and I have attempted to take advantage of all that has been offered. I have grown immensely academically and personally since I entered Godinez and continue to do so the longer I am here. Godinez is my home. My years here have been intense, and I have had my fair share of struggles. However, I always pushed through. I am a solid candidate for Student of the Month because I have the academic stance, I am deeply involved, and I demonstrate citizenship. Unfortunately, I am not a natural genius so I have to work continuously from four in the morning to twelve in the night in order to achieve what I have,
  • 9. 5-Paragraph Essay on Football Football As a football fan, like you I hold the magnificent game close to my heart. I have been a loyal supporter of my local team since I was a young child. I even remember now the first game I witnessed and the amazing feelings that rushed through my veins as the crowd chanted and roared. We ve all felt this, and it is what is so great about the game of football. With football there are ups and there are downs, just like any other game, but unlike most other sports there are huge injustices week in and week out. Every game there will be a wrong decision made, no matter whether it big or small it is still unjust. Obviously, you know how painful a stupid decision by some bloke with a whistle ... Show more content on ... In contrast to this, where video refereeing is already used such as Rugby, we notice barely any difference between now and before it was introduced into the sport. This is because decisions can be replayed a split second after an incident has taken place, to be reviewed by a panel of officials who can make an almost instant decision. I myself do not think this would waste time at all because, think about it, when a referee makes a decision on the pitch which is felt unjust to a side of players, it is going to be highly disputed leading to arguments between players and officials which in turn leads to cards being shown as we ve seen so many times before. Due to this, a huge advantage of video replays would be that the referee only has to enforce a decision on the pitch, meaning that any of the players on the field have no one to dispute a decision because it will be accurate in it s decision by officials watching a big screen Has your team ever had an unjust decision against them that could cause huge consequences to their survival? I think the answer to that is yes, like any club in any league. We ve all had unfair decisions made against us that could lead to all kinds of disasters such as relegation or losing the title. This can t go on much longer surely. Game after to
  • 10. General Electric s Corporate Social Responsability I chose to look into General Electric for this project because they are an energy supplier and multi national company. Energy providers have a reputation as a money hungry companies that care about the bottom line more than people and the planet. It is easy for a person to assume that a corporation of GE s size, money would be its only concern. What I learned was that GE has a public image problem more than a Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) problem. The company has been working to make the people of the planet more Earth friendly by creating technology that has higher efficiency with fewer emissions and lower resource demands. GE has a well established strategy for Corporate Social Responsibility. As a result of CSR the company... Show more content on ... CSR lacks universal methods. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) mentions that it is important to draw a distinction between CSR as part of strategic business management concept and charity, sponsorships or philanthropy. The latter applications make valuable social impacts that enhance the reputations of the companies, however, CSR is a continual effort instead of an instance. A few features that CSR should focus on are: eco efficiency, employee and community relations, environmental management, gender balance, responsible souring, anti corruption, stakeholder engagement and human rights. Utilizing some of these key features a company can bring competitive advantages into the market place. Increased sales and profits from operational cost savings as well as improved reputation and brand image and customer loyalty can result from a well defined CSR strategy. GE Strategy GE s commitment to implementing innovative, cost effective technologies that enhance the customers environmental and operating performance. In 2009, GE shared with the world its commitment to utilizing wind energy. During the Superbowl, one of the worlds largest viewing entertainment distractions, GE bought a 30 seconds of on air time to tell the world, that they were capturing the wind and putting it to good use. As part of CSR, customers need to be informed that the company is acting socially responsible in order to reap further rewards from
  • 11. Essay on Plate Tectonics Explained The interior structure of Earth is chemically divided into an outer solid crust, the mantle, a liquid outer core, and a solid inner core. The core is largely composed of iron, along with nickel and silicon. Other lighter elements are usually in the crust. The core is divided into two parts, the solid inner core and the liquid outer core. The inner core is thought to be solid and primarily made up of iron and some nickel. The outer core is all around the inner core and is believed to be made up of liquid iron mixed with liquid nickel. The outer core is about 2890 to 5100km. The inner core is 5100 to 6378km. Earths mantle is mainly composed of substances high in iron and magnesium. The melting point of every substance depends on the ... Show more content on ... This then forms oceanic trenches in which the Earth s crust is pushed under into the mantle where it becomes molten. The oceanic trenches are several hundred kilometers long but narrow. They also are the deepest parts of the ocean floor. These boundary types also produce mountains. Mountains are made when convergent boundaries collide but instead of one going under they both are pushed up by the others force. For this to happen neither of the boundaries can be more or less dense than the other. There are three types of convergent boundaries: oceanic plate continental plate convergence, oceanic plate oceanic plate convergence, and continental continental plate convergence. An example of this type of boundary is the collision between the Eurasian Plate and the Indo Australian Plate which is forming the Himalayas. A divergent boundary is where the plates are moving away from each other. These areas can form in the middle of continents but eventually form ocean basins. Divergent boundaries make ocean ridges like the Mid Atlantic ridge. At divergent boundaries the floor is higher than anything else around it. This is because where the plates are moving away from each other there is a crack where new magma constantly flows upward toward the surface through a gap called a rift onto the ocean floor making the surrounding area move outward. Sometimes submarine volcanoes might also be formed. Continental crust is often split along divergent plate
  • 12. Ernie In The Book A Crush By Cynthia Rylant Happiness cannot be traveled to owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience is living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. This quote shows how Ernie in the book A Crush by Cynthia Rylant he may have has happiness but then It got taken when his mother died. Secondly, after his mother died he got put in a group home to meet new people and know the outside world. Another main topic when he went to breakfast with his new friend Jack at big boys cafe and he met a beautiful women named Dolores. When he met Dolores he was so stunned on how beautiful. When Ernie s mother died he didn t know what to do. Ernie cried for nearly a month. Then he dried his tears, and learned how to bake. (70) This shows how he went through many changes when his mother died. The first way is how he didn t know to much when he was on the couch eating nutter butters and then he became a very intelligent. Ernie found out he shouldn t of had dwelled on the past and should live in the present. Secondly he really didn t know what to do without his mom but then he adapted and realized he can live on his own. This is how Ernie changed when his mother died.... Show more content on ... On page 74 it says by summer Ernie and Jack were best friends. This shows how Ernie became more social and he has evolved since his mother s death. Jake would always take Ernie to the big boys cafe where they would eat and catch up on what has happened during their days. Ernie started to become a very good friends of Jack and they would always go to big boys and that s where he met this beautiful women named
  • 13. Rhino Poaching Essay Poaching of Rhinos: A Growing Transnational Crime Industry In 2011, the West African black rhino was declared extinct by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation and Nature). Now all five rhino species left are in the endangers list (Poaching: The Statistics). The reason the rhino population has nearly been driven to extinction is due to poaching. The rhinos are being hunted and killed for their horns, which is a valued ingredient used in traditional Asian medicines (Poaching of Rhinos in the Spotlight). In this essay, I will explore why the rhinos are being poached, the overall impact of poaching in the rhino population, and what the authorities are doing to deal with this profitable transnational crime industry. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the rhino ... Show more content on ... One being that the horns along with elephant tusks are used to create handles of daggers. This however mostly happened in the 70 s and 80 s in Yamen (Shivamber). Another reason is that due to its high value, wealthy individuals now use it as a status symbol (PoachingStatistics). This is because rhino horn is more expensive than most things out there. For example, one kilo of marijuana is rated at about $5,060, one kilo of gold at about $42, 972, and a kilo of cocaine at about $48,885. However, the value of a kilo of rhino horn is about $100,000. It is estimated that one rhino horn can produce about $1 million dollars. This is the reason being why this is such a profitable businesses for many crime organizations (Shivamber). Since 2008, Poachers have killed more than 5,940 African rhinos. According to the IUCN and the African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG), 1,338 rhinos were killed across Africa by in 2015, making it a higher increase for the sixth year in a row (Poaching Statistics). The countries affected by this are mainly Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Zimbabwe
  • 14. African americans in world war I Essay Anthony J. Mitchell Summer 2002 U.S. Since 1865 History 2063 AFRICAIN AMERICAINS IN WORLD WAR I Before WORLD WAR I, military service represented a source of black pride. Black educators, clergymen, and the press frequently referred to Negro heroes of America s past wars. After the Civil War, the U.S, Army maintained four regular Negro regiments the 9th and 10th Calvary and the 24th and 25th Infantry. These units included veterans of the civil war and the frontier Indian fighting regiments. Retired sergeants often became respected, conservative leaders in their communities. This history set a foundation for black support and involvement in America s future wars. In 1917, the United States entered World WarI under the slogan Make ... Show more content on ... Do to this the members often played with battered instruments due to the condition of travel and war. Despite this the soldiers preformed an essential role towards boosting moral by providing an atmosphere void of the war. To prepare the U.S. troops efficiently during World War Itroops were sent to the British and French for training. But, when the 92nd Negro division arrived in 1917 and 1918 the British refused to train them. This was yet another obstacle challenging race relations in Europe. General Pershing, protested to the British General Haig, These Negroes are American Citizens. I cannot and will not discriminate against them. But to avoid making and issue of the case, the War Department scheduled the 92nd for training with the French. The French were delighted to accept the 92nd and Page 3 even requested them to be attached to the French Army. But the War Department refused and the 92nd moved on to participate heroically in the September 1918 Meuse Argonne offensive. Though, black regiments received heroic admiration
  • 15. The Writer s Duty Of William Faulkner s Nobel Prize... Addie Champlin English II AP Dr. Payne September 9 2016 The Writer s Duty In William Faulkner s Nobel Prize acceptance speech, he speaks about the true purpose of writing and the importance of genuinely putting your heart into your work. He discusses how the only way writing can truly be valuable is if the author is dedicated to showing the authentic love the human spirit holds and what that love is capable of accomplishing. A good piece of writingwill show both strength and vulnerability and will not be written for fame or recognition. It will be written for the sake of creating and spreading a message that is important to the author. In their memoirs, An American Childhood and The Road from Coorain, Annie Dillardand Jill Ker Conway, both feel very strongly about their purpose for writing. Conway tends to express her reasons for writing explicitly, while Dillard chooses to do it more implicitly. In An American Childhood by Annie Dillard, she clearly demonstrates the meaning of the novel in one passage that reads, Children wake up and find themselves here, discover themselves to have been here all along; is this sad? They wake like sleepwalkers, in full stride; they wake like people brought back from cardiac arrest or from drowning: in medias res, surrounded by familiar people and objects, equipped with a hundred skills. They know the neighborhood, they can read and write English, they are old hands at the commonplace mysteries, and yet they feel themselves to have just
  • 16. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tesco Tesco is the third largest multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer all over the world. It is observable that lots of people would choose Tesco as a place to go for purchasing daily groceries and household products. The reason why choosing Tesco for study case is because it has a long history so it has already experienced many evolutions of the economy. In order to survive .those competitive (in different) economical evolutions, Tescohas constantly changed its market operation methods and now it has mature and multiple ways to respond to many related issues. From another point of view, Tesco itself has a special operational way and marketing method, it advocates Every little helps slogan and adopt the small profits but quick returns strategy to improve customers experience while shopping at Tesco. Besides, Tesco actively... Show more content on ... These five performances not only affect the development of an organization, provide a guidance to understand the market trend but also create a new industrial operation way, let the organization make progress while maintaining stability and more familiar with the operation management. In addition, the goal of this assignment is to find and compare the advantage and disadvantage performances objectives between TESCO and other competitor organisations, why they are different and how they building brands personal style. After collecting the information, conclude the reason how TESCO achieve the performance
  • 17. Al Capone DBQ Al Capone was from Chicago and the greatest gangster in the Roaring Twenties. Prohibition happened from 1919 to 1933 and was famously known as the Roaring Twenties . The Eighteenth Amendment was passed and banned the manufacture and sales of all alcoholic beverages. The Volstead act made the law official and stated that owning any item used to produce alcohol was illegal. According to the background essay, meant any beverage more than 0.5% alcohol by volume. This meant that no alcohol with more than the legal amount was allowed. Anyone who did this would go to jail or be fined. People wanted alcohol, so bad that all these bars started to open. Illegal bars, called speakeasies, opened up across the country as stated in the background... Show more content on ... It was a good time for bootleggers, rumrunners, gangsters, etc. because their life was good and they had everything they wanted. Gangs would cause trouble and the evils of society would come out. Doc B states, But for the owners of blind pigs, the bootleggers, the rumrunners and gangsters, the roadhouse proprietors, the police, the magistrates, the spotters, the boaters and armies of others, it was a roaring success. It gave jobs to the people who supported prohibition because they would sell the alcohol. People were becoming rich, owning nice suits, and fancy cars. But for the temperance societies, churches and fanatic evangelists who authored the legislation prohibition was a fail. ...putting liquor out of the reach of the general population, they had in effect created a monster. (Doc B). Prohibition did not stop people from getting liquor like these religious groups thought it would. Even though life was good for the people who did not support prohibition they caused too much trouble and the people who supported prohibition were not happy with the outcome of this new law. In conclusion, prohibition is disturbing society and causing trouble because people are desperate for the
  • 18. Ritz Carlton Environment Analysis Environment analysis The Ritz Carlton Hotel will inevitably have a negative impact on the environment due to its large size, hence the considerable pollution and the waste which would be produced during its construction and operation. Green house gas is a pollutant that being continually produced throughout the entire life cycle of the hotel. Initially, transportation of construction material and construction are both carbon dioxide high emitting activities. During the operation, the tourism being brought about will also contribute to the green house emissions significantly. However, on some level, the extensive area of vegetation covered nearby could compensate for the green house gas being emitted. Effluent is a typical waste that would be generated. It increases the chance of contamination to the waters around the RCH, more specifically, the Parramatta River. The effect of effluent becomes even more profound when the Parramatta River has not reached a swimmable level of cleanliness. Habit destruction may occur after the completion of the RCH, where the booming development of this second CBD may cause anthropogenic ecosystem change. For example, effluent emitted by the RCH which ends up in the river could taint the water with chemical and microbial substances, resulting in the decrease of aquatic life. There would be a certain amount of levy to be paid regarding to the waste being generated, in terms of the green house gas and the landfill. In complying with the laws
  • 19. Manchester United F.C MANCHESTER UNITED F.C. Manchester United| | Full name| Manchester United Football Club| Nickname(s)| The Red Devils[1]| Founded| 1878, as Newton Heath LYR F.C.| Ground| Old Trafford (Capacity: 75,811[2])| Owner| Glazer family| Co chairmen| Joel and Avram Glazer| Manager| Sir Alex Ferguson| League| Premier League| 2010 11| Premier League, 1st| Website| Club home page| | Home colours| Away colours| Third colours| | Current season| Manchester United Football Club is an English professional football club, based in Old Trafford, Greater Manchester, that plays in thePremier League. Founded as Newton Heath LYR Football Club in 1878, the club changed its name to Manchester United in... Show more content on ... Relegated again in 1931, Manchester United became a yo yo club, achieving its all time lowest position of 20th place in the Second Division in 1934. Following the death of the club s principal benefactor, J. H. Davies, in October 1927, the club s finances deteriorated to the extent that Manchester United would likely have gone bankrupt had it not been for James W. Gibson, who, in December 1931, invested ВЈ2,000 and assumed control of the club.[19] In the 1938 39 season, the last year of football before the Second World War, the club finished 14th in the First Division.[19] Busby years (1945 1969) Main article: History of Manchester United F.C. (1945 1969) The Busby Babes in Denmark in 1955 In October 1945, the impending resumption of football led to the managerial appointment of Matt Busby, who demanded an unprecedented level of control over team selection, player transfers and training sessions.[20] Busby led the team to second place league finishes in 1947, 1948 and 1949, and to FA Cup victory in 1948. In 1952, the club won the First Division, its first league title for 41 years.[21] With an average age of 22, the media labelled the back to back title winning side of 1956 the Busby
  • 20. Marie Curie Research Paper Marie Curie was born November 7, 1867 in Warsaw Poland. which, being controlled by Russia was very suppressed. Marie s mother worked as a teacher as did her father, and they made sure that their daughter had a great education. As Marie grew up she began to see how the Russians suppressed the Polish people :for example her father lost his job. Whenever Marie was old enough to go to college, She worked out a deal with her sister, while one was at college in Paris the other would get a job to help support the other. Marie s sister went first ,and so Marie got a job as a governess. When it was Marie s turn to go to college she went to the Sorbonne and moved to Paris. Soon after she started college, she decided to get degrees in physics and calculus.
  • 21. The African American Integrationist Movement And The Black... Both the African American integrationist movement and Black Power movement had common goals such as ending racial injustice towards African Americans and advocating civil rights for African Americans in the United States. Yet, the ideologies of the two movements and how they went about accomplishing their goals was drastically different. While the integrationist movement relied on concepts such as Christian Universalism and Non Violent Direct Action (NVDA), the Black Power movement relied on more explicit means such as direct action and mobilization with violence if necessary. In general however, it seems that both movements had well defined overarching ideologies. For the integrationist movement, Non Violence was the key to successful integration.... Show more content on ... In the United States, these concepts were achieved through Jim Crow laws as well as the implementation of Ghettos. The inherent white supremacy that was present was constant and maintained through the perpetuation of cultural inferiority among African Americans, violence, and economic deprivation. The Black Power movement definitely took on a rather aggressive stance when it came to goals and defining the movement. They believed that without self determination in the African American community, the attempt to integrate inevitably became an issue of white supremacy and its effects rather than an issue of equality and rights for the black community. The overarching goal was liberation from racial colonialism however, it seems that the Black Power movement sought to emphasize that without self determination, the goal to integrate becomes an aimless and insignificant feat. With this in mind, it could be said that the Black Power movement reiterated that the Black Community must be guided by their own determination to succeed rather than necessarily the idea that racial liberation would come to them by waiting and not acting. This was intertwined in one of Stokely Carmichael s critiques of Martin Luther King Jr s movement. Although he respected the man greatly, he emphasized that King s argument was flawed because the United States did not have a true conscious, unlike King noted. As the United States had no conscious, it could be said that integration was not necessarily achieved fully through NVDA. The Black Power movement steered the issue away from whether or not African Americans should be nonviolent but rather projected the idea of whether or not white Americans can acknowledge the hundreds of years of racial violence that occurred towards African Americans. The main political
  • 22. How Out-Of-Level Testing Affects Test Scores Empirical studies of how out of level testing affects test scores have primarily used two criteria for describing and interpreting the effects which are, internal consistency reliability and the percent of test scores at or above chance level. Both concepts loosely gauge the precision with which individual testscores are measured, but neither method reveals a direct link to precision. The concept of reliability was derived from classical test score theory as a means of indexing random measurement error. Reliability to described as an index of how much of the variability in a set of test scores represent true score variation (Thurlow, 2000, pg.11). Reliability provides information about measured precision for group of test scores, but it is
  • 23. Depleted Uranium Contamination Depleted Uranium Contamination From Military Activities 1.Introduction Depleted uranium (DU, Q metal, D depletalloy, or D 38) is uranium with a lower concentration of the fissible isotope U 235 than natural uranium. Natural uranium consists of 99.28% U 238, 0.71% U 235, and 0.0054% U 234.1 Nuclear reactors use uranium as their basic fuel in the form of UO2.2 DU is a byproduct from enriching natural UO2 to use in these nuclear power reactors. Uranium decays slowly by emitting an alpha particle. U 238 has a 4,510,000,000 year half life and U 235 has a 247,000 year half life; which means that DU is significantly less radioactive than natural uranium. Although it also has civilian uses, DU byproduct majorly has military uses.3,4 Properties that make DU suitable for military weaponry, as a part of kinetic based armor piercing shells are its high density and pyrophoric nature.5 It wasn t until the 1970 s the Pentagon began searching for material to make denser armor piercing projectiles that DU started being used in conflicts. After testing various metals, researchers decided to choose DU. The US and NATO militaries... Show more content on ... Air and soil samples were collected from southwest provinces of Iran and assessed for DU content. A total of 22 air samples and 20 soil samples were collected. Table 1 gives the cities where the samples were gathered and number of samples for both, air and soil. Table 2 gives the exact location (in coordinates) where the samples were obtained; name code for air and soil samples are also given. Gamma dose rate was also measured for each sample and are given in Table 2 as well. Alpha beta and gamma spectrometers were used for measuring 235U and 238U activities. With 235U /238U ratio in samples in comparison to natural 235U /238U ratio in natural U, it would be possible to find out the probability of DU in all
  • 24. Cause And Effects Of Bullying Children of today are faced with the various facets of bullying on a daily basis. Bullying threatens the mental and psychological wellbeing of children, particularly during school age years. The educational success of a student can be greatly hampered by bullying and school violence. Dr. Daniel Olweus, leading expert on bullyingprevention in primary school settings, defines bullying as when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another person who has a hard time defending himself or herself (Olweus, et al., 2007, p. 2). Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) defines bullying as: overt, unwanted, repeated acts or gestures, including verbal or written communications or images transmitted in any manner (including digitally or electronically), physical acts committed, aggression, or any other behaviors, that are committed by a student or group of students against another student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the other targeted student and create for the targeted student an objectively hostile school environment that: (1) places the targeted student in reasonable fear of harm to the targeted student s person or property; (2) has a substantially detrimental effect on the targeted student s physical or mental health; (3) has the effect of substantially interfering with the targeted student s academic performance; or (4) has the effect of substantially interfering with the targeted student s ability to
  • 25. The Theory Of Induction And Induction Introduction Induction machines are classified into two which includes motors and generators. The basic principles of these motors can be applied and hence develop equations describing its behaviour. The most common motors include squirrel cage, wound rotor ranging from few horsepower to thousands as the case may be. Squirrel Cage Rotor consist of a bare copper, slightly longer than the rotor, while a wound rotor has a 3 phase windings, and are evenly distributed in the slots, usually connected in 3 wye. The resistors are mainly used during the start up period under normal running conditions. Diagram 1 The principle operation of these 3 Phase Induction Motor is related to the Faraday s Law and Lorentz force on a conductor. Faradays ... Show more content on ... 1.1 Background Induction Motor tolerate a level of unbalance. The variable speed drive are also affected as a result of the voltage unbalance which consist of three phase rectifier system. Unbalanced voltage is caused by mismatch of reactive power between generating and industrial stations, hence it can be classified BOV (Balanced Overvoltage), phase voltages greater than rated voltage. BUV (Balanced Under voltage), phase voltages lesser than rated voltage. UBOV (Unbalanced Overvoltage), phase voltage not equal to each other, therefore the positive sequence component is greater than rated voltage and finally UBUV (Unbalanced Under voltage), voltages are not equal, and hence the positive sequence component is lesser NEMA (National Equipment Manufacturers Association) definition Voltage unbalanced, given by ; в–€( @Maximum voltage derivation from the average line voltage)/(Average Line Voltage) X 100 [1] IEEE definition phase voltage unbalance rate is given by ; в–€( @Maximum voltage derivation from the average line voltage)/(Average Line Voltage) X 100 [2] Figure 1.1: Simple Equivalent circuit for an induction motor. The circuit above illustrates a simple squirrel cage motor, which is widely used, with a simple and rugged construction, with a minimum maintenance, high reliability and efficiency, and can operate without no further
  • 26. Marked 08A Written Submission attempt 74/80 Answer To Qs 2 MEMORANDUM Date: February 12th, 2013 To: Graphic Designers Studio From: Subject: Options for sourcing internet services ВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВВ Over the years the business of Graphic Designers Studio has grown many folds, resulting in a need to move from home based business model, to an office where the 3 support staff and 2 customer service reps and 15 designers can be consolidate at one location. DEMAND OF ONE OFFICE CONSOLIDATION One office consolidation, has generated a need of having 1. High speed Internet access 2. E mail accounts for everybody 3. Web access for e mail 4. Ability to handle up to 10 MB attachments 5. Ability to download and upload large graphic files (up to 100 MB) to customers... Show more content on ... Cheng was also working with Rao at WebEx. Because of their background, knowledge of the billing systems and understanding of the market needs, they were well aware of the Software As A Services (SaaS) , its future as well as the opportunities and the obstacles. They had also envisaged the market need for an efficient billing system. Their vision was to provide an e commerce platform that powers the service industry at a low cost Zuora Inc. as a business To achieve their vision, Zuora opted to go with the strategy, to go for a SaaS through Subscription Method of Business . This Strategy, allowed them to achieve their objective of offering a low cost, efficient billing system to the market. For customers, because of Subscription method, the cost of buying and installing the software went down and with SaaS in place, the maintenance cost of the software and the cost of buying hardware also went down. Hence it was a win win situation both for the customer, in terms of cost saving and for Zuora, in terms of good return on their investment. This is evident from the fact that within 9 months of their launch of their first product, Z Billing, they had 70 clients. In a short span they launched a) Z Billing To create and handle different types of billing methods b) Z Payment Subscription payments business to manage recurring payment lifecycle c) Z Force Billing and
  • 27. Analysis Of Unwind Unwind Message Many people will go through experiences in their lives where they feel like they are changing. It is as if life has dealt them enough experiences that their personalities have been altered because of it. Unwind by Neal Shusterman shows how the past experiences people go through may dictate who they become and the decisions they may make in the future through the lives of Roland, Admiral Dunfee, and Lev. Throughout the novel, Roland is portrayed as an aggressive young man who has the desire to fight anyone who gets in his way. Yet as the readers soon discover, he is a young man with a very troubled past. Roland s past shapes who he becomes today in that he is very distrusting of women due to the experiences he has gone through. As Connor finds out in the basement of the antique shop, Roland s mother essentially abandoned him for her husband. As the novel states, That s not what did him in, though. Roland had beaten up his stepfather for beating his mom. The mother took her husband s side, and the stepfather got off with a warning. Roland, on the other hand, was sent to be unwound (Schusterman 99). After Roland s mother abandoned him for his stepfather, he began to fight other individuals in order to gain power. Another example of Roland s distrust for women comes at the very end of the novel when he is being unwound and he is recalling memories from his past. Roland recalls, When I was three, I had a babysitter. She was beautiful. She shook my sister. Real hard. My sister got wrong. Never got right again. Beautiful is dangerous. Better get them first (Schusterman 293). After this experience, Roland is likely to never trust women, or other beautiful people, again. For him to experience both his mother s abandonment and his sister s injuries at the hand of the babysitter, Roland chooses not to trust women again, resulting in his poor treatment of Risa, and the other females he comes in contact with. Admiral Dunfee, similarly, is affected by his past. When the novel first introduces the Admiral, he is portrayed as a cold hearted dictator in charge of hundreds of Unwinds, but there is a reason the Admiral comes off as distant. When the Unwinds first arrive at The Graveyard, they are expected to
  • 28. Pollination Of Bees Essay To bee or not to bee is a question that must be asked to understand some vital elements to the very existence of our world. Bees are widely known for their effective method of pollinating not only flowers, but plants and crops as well. Although there are many other types of pollinating insects and wind, all of which acts as natural pollinators in the world we live in, none can compare to the priceless methods of the bees. Pollination through the bees occurs when they seek out the nectar and pollen that is found in plants, and since their hairs, located all over their bodies, act as attractants to pollen, this results in the spread of pollen as they move from flowerto flower, in which some of the pollen they have gathered gets released. Even though... Show more content on ... The main problems affecting them are [the] loss of suitable habitat [and the lack of nesting sites that meet their standards] (RHS). Within these particular species of bees, they often find themselves having the inability to expand, during foraging, due to the fragmentation of their natural habitat of wild flowers and flower meadows. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the habitat of the bees has been experiencing fragmentation at a high because of the increase in urbanization in the absence of habitat for wildlife, farms that have not been kept up to date and has been deserted, and perilous flowers, etc. that is not only unfriendly to pollinators, but unfriendly to the environment as well. Apart but similar to the loss of suitable habitat, sites for nesting are becoming much more difficult for the bumblebees and solitary bees to find. The main reason as to why these bees face this issue is because there are requirements that must be met in order to continue the cycle of reproduction and increase the bee population in its entirety. Fragmentation, in part, is also a factor in a bee s inability to find nesting
  • 29. Corn-Pone Opinions Essay Brooke Brown Mr. Williams English III AP 7 21 November 2011 Corn Pone; Conformity Mark Twain, although quite the comedian, makes a valid point in Corn Pone Opinions . The observation of humanity and its tendencies to follow what society promotes is a relevant occurrence today. Twain leads on . . . that it s born of the human being s natural yearning to stand well with his fellows and have their inspiring approval and praise . . . (720). Humans are not equipped to stand their own ground; they prefer to follow the leader. Twain puts it simply, we are creatures of outside influences; as a rule we do not think, we only imitate (719). Twain clearly makes his point noticeable to his audience, holding back no opinion throughout the ... Show more content on ... Twain, attacking the willingness to change fashion without thinking first, speaks to women closely. Twain states, One woman abandons the fashion; her neighbor notices this and follows her lead; this influences the next woman; and so on and so on . . . (718). To this day women continue to experience this identical process. Although one may love her Christmas sweater, if her neighbor does not own one or wrinkles her nose at the idea of wearing such a thing, she will immediately go home and dispose of the sweater without thinking twice about her actions or her personal feelings toward the item of clothing. Twain also mentions how twenty five years ago there would be six of eight wine glasses given to each person attending a dinner party, and they were to be used, not left idle and empty , but today there are but three of four wine glasses and on average and only two are sparingly emptied by each guest (719). Twain follows this observation by expanding his opinion on conformity. He offers the idea that people follow certain trends without thinking them through. The people attending these dinner parties have no idea why they only consume two glasses when twenty five years ago people consumed three to four times as much. Humans, in general, do not look for the answer to the question why? , but instead only worry about what other people do and if their actions are satisfactory to those surrounding them. Twain also gives an
  • 30. The Gospel Of John The Gospel of John compared to the others has developed a lengthy, philosophical manner of speech which describes Jesus divinity as the highest Christology. Through this it expresses Jesus as the flesh of the eternal and living God, as a Source of Light and a Son of God. John s Gospel focuses on the individual believers and their relationships with Jesus, as well as, show that the Spirit is the central connection between God, Jesus and believers. The main purpose of this Gospelis to make God Known, to inspire belief in himself and the Father, to glorify the Father and to bring salvation. Throughout the Gospel, Jesus character is described as miraculous due to his kindly actions towards the oppressed and his desire to help them. Jesus appears... Show more content on ... This theory states that sin is a provocation to God s great honor. His death brings great honor and respect to God because he removed all the sins that we erroneously caused. Jesus pays it all back through his sacrifice. We are then liberated from our sins. Ultimately, this restores a sinner to harmony by placing them back on the right path in order to repair their relationship with God. The notion of the Spirit in John, is understand after Jesus death and his Resurrection because once he gives up his Spirit, he returns to breath his glorified Spirit onto the disciples who believe in him. Ultimately, this ties back with the idea that there is a connection between the disciples and the Father, Son and Spirit. His breath reminds the people of ... what Jesus taught them, and reinforces the truth that God is love and that they are therefore called to love one another in the self sacrificial way that Jesus loved them
  • 31. Death In Ancient Egyptian Culture Death is an inevitable part of everyone s life which is why it s important in many cultures. Funeral rituals are staples in all different societies as a way to honor the dead when loss of friend of family member and to move on with life. Generally, people celebrate or mourn the passing of loved ones in different ways. Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece differ in multiple ways but similarities in their acts of burial practices and how they believed one could enter the afterlife were prominent in both cultures. Death was a very important aspect in Ancient Egypt culture. They considered death as a provisional step in the progress to an enhanced life in the afterlife. Egyptians believed that an individuals soul had three parts, the Ka , the Ba ... Show more content on ... The body was then washed and the liver, lungs, stomach and intestines were then removed so it could be embalmed separately. These organs were then placed in a container called canopic jars and were kept with the mummified body. Egyptians believed the brain had no use, therefore it was then removed from the skull through the nose using a metal hook. The heart was then removed from the body wrapped in linen and replaced in the chest. Egyptians believed the heart was the center of wisdom and good deeds and once one dies, the dead will travel into the afterlife and their heart would be
  • 32. Biochemical Approaches On The Import Of Genetics Essay Sociogenomics: Biochemical Approaches to Study the Import of Genetics in Social Behaviours Literature Review Sociogenomics is a relatively new research area that isn t very well understood. Scholarly articles (e.g., Roberts Jackson, 2008) describe it as a field that explores the following: the identification of genes that influence social behavior, the understanding of the influence of these genes on underlying neural and endocrine mechanisms, and understanding the effects of the environment, particularly the social environment, on gene action. Technological advances paired with impressive progress in molecular biology and genomics make this an appropriate time to attempt to understand the molecular basis of social life. In Psychology 241, we were introduced to the OPRM1 gene, which is a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). This gene can vary, in people, by a single nucleotide (A ↔ G). Ways et al. (2009) discovered that people with the G allele showed more pain activation after social rejection. In addition, these subjects show reduced opiate potency and, therefore, need more morphine to counteract both physical and social pain. Ultimately, from this study, scientists made the novel discovery that specific genetic mutations (i.e. OPRMI allele) can affect our social and psychological behaviors (i.e. tolerance to social rejection). Furthermore, scientists have recently claimed that the actual expression level of genes, at any given time, also affects our social
  • 33. The Impact Of Announcement And Stock Market Performance ACCT11 100 INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING SEPTEMBER 143 COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT PROJECT STUDENT NAME PARAMSIDAK SINGH STUDENT ID 13367578 CONTENTS Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY2 OBJECTIVE3 OVERVIEW OF COMPANY AND INDUSTRY4 Metcash4 WESFARMERS5 WOOLWORTHS6 ANNOUNCEMENT7 IMPACT OF ANNOUNCEMENT AND STOCK MARKETPERFORMANCE AND RESULTS8 RESIDUALS AND REASON BEHINED CALCULATING IT12 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Project Includes the Reports of the Three Companies That Are Metcash and its Competitors That Are Woolworths And Wesfarmers. The Current Report Provides An Examination Of The Effect Of Accounting Information On The Share Prices By Estimating And Comparing The Movement Of Share Prices Of Three Companies Working In The Same Industry. The Results From The Comparison Of All Three Companies Are At Last Compared To The All Ordinaries Index To Determine General View Of The Market. The Basic Purpose Of The Report Is To Examine The Effect On Share Prices Of Metcash After Its Profit Announcement. The Information Such As Returns, Residual And Cumulative Residual Are Extracted From The Share Prices Of The Companies. The Trends Of The Share Prices Are Shown As Cumulative Residuals So That It Helps To Concentrate On The Intimation Of The Financial Reports As Well As To Decrease The Impact Of Market Variation And Fluctuation. On The Close Examination Of The Results Of Data It Could Be Said That The Financial Information Associated With Financial Reports
  • 34. Essay about Teen Magazines Negative Influence on the... I open up the hottest teen magazines on the market; Allure, Cosmopolitan, Seventeen, and Teen Vogue are a few at the top. As I flip through the magazine this holiday season I see pages of clothes that only the rich can afford, pictures of half naked people draped over each other, articles about horoscopes and editorials talking about which teen star is the sexiest. Fashion, makeup, men, sex, celebrities, and exercising are the most popular topics I see as I peruse these magazines. These popular magazines take no time to tell me how beautiful I am, but only tell me the hundreds of things I need to do to improve. They tell me that I need more new, expensive makeup to look like a movie star. These magazines teach me how to seduce a man, but... Show more content on ... Magazines no longer give girls advice on how to grow up to be a respected person or a loving friend; instead they give advice on how to hook up quick or make his dreams come true. Where has all the wholesome advice gone? Women have let the idea of looking beautiful take over their self confidence and life. Healthy Place, an online magazine teaching women about living a healthy life, says that, today s fashion models weigh twenty three percent less than the average female, and a young woman between the ages of 18 34 has a seven percent chance of being as slim as a catwalk model and a one percent chance of being as thin as a supermodel. So why do women push themselves to be excessively thin when these models are anomalies? They do it because the media tells them that this look is the only look that can attract men. Even if a woman is beautiful according to the media s standards, she will always find something about her body that she hates, whether it is her hair or her belly button, no women is completely satisfied. Our society is very accepting of different religions and lifestyles, so why can we not accept different types of beauty as well? As a teenager, I know the pressure put on females to look a certain way. I attended a public high school in a rather wealthy area. So, while other girls could afford the in clothes, I spent my shopping days at the sales rack. My Christmas lists were full of basic jeans and shoes, because it was the
  • 35. My Perceptions Of The Environment And The Amount Of Control Based on my responses to my perceptions of the environment and the amount of control I feel I have, the VISA evaluation validated my perception about my leadership proficiencies. This evaluation indicated a Dominance personality as a leader. According to my VISA profile there is a strong emphasis on Vision and Action which echoes the dimensions that form my leadershipstyle. Interdependence and Structure have been indicated to be the less developed areas in my evaluation profile. This also confirms my perceptions as I find rigorous adherence to policies and procedures sometimes stifling progress and my dominant preference of action approach resonance with my desire to be goal oriented, action driven to achieve results and freedom to make quick decisions. Having Vision couple with Action reaffirms my personality in a sense that I am future orientated, love creativity and innovative thinking, and tends to seek unique accomplishments and innovative solutions. I enjoy tackling varies activities and embrace a wide range of tasks. I am also high in conscientiousness and tend to use a systematic approach on problem solving. When working with others, I have a tendencyto be diplomatic and use an indirect approach to avoid conflict. This illustrative VISA profile is therefore well aligned with my character and leadership assessment. While Vision is more dominant, the Action element compliments my behavioural drive for my visionary outlook. I embrace change and view the use of
  • 36. The Epilogue Overall, the Epilogue of the play reintroduces central ideas and symbols of the entire work such as the importance of theory in regard to change and progression, interconnectedness, and angels. Specifically, the idea of the importance of theory in regard to change and progression can be seen during the conversation about the Russians between Hannah, Louis, and Belize. Earlier on, it was argued that change should not take place without a plan, and that making progress without a theory could have disastrous consequences. However, in the epilogue, it is now argued that, while you need a theory for change, you can t halt progress just because you lack a plan. This can be seen by Hannah s statement, You can t wait for a theory, but you have to have a theory (Kushner 278), showing that reasons are needed for change, but change shouldn t be stopped because those reasons aren t clear yet.... Show more content on ... However, this time, interconnectedness refers more to how certain aspects of life are related and reciprocal, such as the example of change and theory, and while not every single thing is connected, one specific aspect of life can directly connect with another. Finally, the symbol of angels is also brought up once more in the epilogue. In the play, the Angel was a bit controversial, a confusing character whose presence was arguably disconcerting. However, as seen by Prior s statement in reference to the Bethesda Angel, This angel. She s my favorite angel. I like them best when they re statuary (Kushner 279), the symbol of the angel is no longer meant to be unnerving, as seen during the play, but rather a peaceful and comforting
  • 37. Mark Twain And Thurber Comparison Essay Anisha Reynolds Ms. Newell ELA 10 14 November 2017 Comparison of Twain and Thurber Mark Twain and James Thurber portray conflict in their humorous writing using literary devices. This enhances their stories and makes them enjoyable to read. Mark Twain in A Toast to the Oldest Inhabitant: The Weather of New England and James Thurber in The Dog that Bit People use hyperbole, understatement, and precise diction to portray the conflict that develops their humorous writing. Thurber and Twain use hyperboles to convey conflict. For example, when Uncle Horatio visits, he says, He said he wasn t afraid of any dog that ever lived and that he would put the dog s plate on the floor if we would give it to him, (261). This shows how he is exaggerating, because it is impossible to not be afraid of every dog that comes your way. This also shows that the dog is frightening to everyone but the owner. An example from Twain s writing says, ... Probable nor east to sou west winds, varying to the southard and westard and eastard and points between; high and low ... Show more content on ... In Thurber s work, when Muggs dies, it says, On the board I wrote with an indelible pencil Cave Canem , (262). This shows Thurber s use of precise diction to show satire. Thurber uses latin to show humorous writing because Cave Canem means Beware of the Dog. For example, in A Toast to the Oldest Inhabitant: The Weather of New England, Mark Twain states, I like to hear rain on a tin roof, so I covered part of my roof with tin, with an eye to that luxury. Well, sir, do you think it ever rains on the tin? No, sir; skips it every time, (255). This shows Twain s use of precise diction when he uses the words skips it every time, because the rain can t skip something every time. This also shows how his use of precise diction helps him create fantastic hyperboles that stir one s imagination. Twain and Thurber s use of precise diction helps depict
  • 38. The Theme Of Plot In Sweat By Zora Hurston In her short story Sweat , Zora Hurston uses plot to expose the theme that what goes around comes around. Plot is an author s careful arrangement of incidents in a narrative in order to achieve a desired effect. In Hurston s case, the desired effect is shaping the theme of the story. Throughout Sweat , all of the events are carefully thought out in order to show the reader that Sykes got what he deserved, therefore creating the theme what goes around comes around. The main highlighted events in this plotare the verbal conflict that Delia and Sykes have, the town scene where Sykes is being discussed by local townspeople, Sykes bringing home a rattlesnake, and Sykes getting bit by the snake. The first major incident in the plot of Sweat is a verbal conflict between Delia and Sykes in the beginning. It starts with Delia being scared with a bullwhip by Sykes. She reacts in fear, saying, Sykes, what you throw dat whip on me like dat? You know it would skeer me... (Hurston). Delia and Sykes go back and forth about how scared Delia is scared of snakes, and how Sykes purposely wants to scare her. Delia, however, stays calm until she seizes a skillet and strikes a defensive pose. Sykes is shocked, so he just leaves the house, slamming the gate after him (Hurston). At this point in the story, the reader gets a good idea of the relationship between Delia and Sykes. The reader knows Delia and Sykes are opposites, Sykes badness outlines the good, hardworking side of Delia. This first scene serves as rising action to get to know the life of Delia and Sykes. The theme is not yet clear, because the plot is only beginning. However, Delia foreshadows Sykes fate at the end of this part of Hurston s story. Delia thinks out loud before sleep when she says, Oh well, whatever goes over the Devil s back, is got to come under his belly. Sometime or ruther, Sykes, like everybody else, is gointer reap his sowing (Hurston). The next scene of this story is the conversation the townspeople have. When they see Delia, they spark a conversation about how badly Sykes treats Delia (Hurston). A few of the townspeople comment angrily, He useter be so skeered uh lookin huh...We oughter take Syke an dat stray oman uh his n down in
  • 39. Nt1310 Unit 5 Lab Table.2 shown the best results of vertical resolution used in shorter pulse duration is better for the higher frequency and very similar for the 1 GHz, 800 MHz and 500 MHz. More which explains why the results obtained in Tables 3 was the same for both frequency. Because of the different materials used in the experiments metallic and wooden bars, the resolution show the metal bars are worsen, due to their higher electromagnetic contrast, amongst other things. The second reflector, so a bigger separation is needed to detect it as discrete events. This effect is more relevant when the reflectors are closer to the antennas and particular for the 500 MHz antenna (Table 3). The horizontal resolution obtained for the 1 GHz and 800 MHz is very similar and much better than for the 500 MHz. As expected, horizontal resolution worsens as the reflectors are moved away from the frequency, mainly because their footprint size gets larger. In radargrams (a) and (b) of Figs. 9, 11 and 13, the... Show more content on ... In general, the vertical resolution it is better to use wooden bars. The higher reflection coefп¬Ѓcient of the metallic bars makes the tail of the reflected pulse in the п¬Ѓrst bar strong enough to blur the second one when the two bars are close to each other. This effect is noticeable in the results obtained with the 500 MHz. The horizontal resolution worsens as the reflectors are separated from the frequency because the footprint gets larger. The simulation and experimental values range approximately from О»/2 to 2О» for the high frequency. The results obtained for different frequency, the wavelengths converge when the bars are buried far from the antennas. In the horizontal resolution, the influence of the reflector s material is smaller. The best resolution is obtained with the 1 GHz as its resolution is slightly better than for the 800
  • 40. The Impact Of Direct And Digital Marketing This can take place by keeping the application understand the customer needs, making the interfaces between the customer need in order to conclude an knowledge / wisdom through ability to learn and adapt the requirement turning it into suitable , rational solutions . By using CRM system we are going to learn about customer preferences as this is the stage at which marketers should learn about consumer demographics, attitudes, and behaviors. Demographic and attitudinal information may come in the form of e mail communications to marketers, opinions volunteered on bulletin boards or information gathered in surveys, questionnaires, or registration processes. Behavioral information can be gathered from transaction records or click stream ... Show more content on ... As B2B marketers develop and launch AI programs, there are major challenges that they will face, the final arbiter of whether AI will be successful is likely to be the bottom line, if the company is driving more revenue because of its use. As data detect that in order to be successful, marketers need to lead the change and present opportunities for AI instruction and to deliver experience for their followers, to ensure implementing it into their B2B technology to be is effective. About Demand base, the leader in Account Based Marketing (ABM), has been introducing ABM solutions to the market since 2011. The company offers the only end to end ABM platform account identification, account based advertising, B2B website personalization, account based marketing automation, sales insights and integrations into CRM so that ABM results are optimized around sales activity. To end the old dilemma of impact marketing activity on revenue, implementing AI will solve it directly and in an easy way, this solution will let marketers connect campaigns directly to revenue. The B2B Marketing Cloud is powered by huge amount of technology, which allows companies personalize their digital marketing efforts to them. The drive nowadays pointing out that the demand base is the only solution for survival and this let the high growth companies such as Adobe, GE,,
  • 41. My Purpose Of Life And Life What is my purpose in life? What is anybody s purpose in life? That s a question that we all deal with, why are we here, what is the point of life? There is the thought that are purpose of life only known by Allah(God). That he has chosen it for before we were ever born, and that part of the reason is to be here for someone else. If I would have asked this three questions to my dad all the time and he would answer with Only Allah knows. Simple as that and he would then ask me what my thoughts were and I would reply I have no idea, Bubba Back then I really had known idea why am here, or what am supposed to be doing. The purposeof life cannot be defined in a manner that most people would agree accordingly. Every individual has a different outlook on the purpose of life. I have an idea of what the purpose of my life could be but I do believe that we are not supposed to know our full reason of why we were chosen to exist. This changed when my dad passed away last year as it commonly does when people experience death of a loved one. It started a whole new way of my thinking process. I believe that everyone is given a gift /talent and they are to use it to the best of their abilities. For instance, for me I am very intuitive and can read people pretty well that simple talent has already showed that it has changed someone s life because a friend of mine was severely depressed and I did not know it at the time but the simple act prevented her from taking her own life. I truly
  • 42. The Outcast Of Poker Flat Isolationism Essay Alone, secluded, lonely, godforsaken, lonely, and companionless, each of these words are associated with isolation. People see isolationism as being alone and apart from society. However, a person can be surrounded by people, but be surrounded be isolated in the confines of his or her own mind. In addition, Isolationism can take many different shapes and forms. For example, a person can be isolated, this what is synonymous with isolationism; a group can be isolated, such as German Jewish people in the 1940s; or an entire country can be isolated from the world, like North Korea and Cuba. People see isolationism as a negative part of society that should be avoided at all costs. However, positive things can come from isolationism. The literary works The Hollow Menby T.S. Eliot, The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin, The Rime of the Ancient Marinerby Samuel Coleridge, and The Outcast of Poker Flat by Bret Harte all show isolationism in different lights. The ... Show more content on ... The story goes that a group of people were thrown out of their town due to their profession and choices in life. The Gamblers, prostitutes, drunks and thieves were forced to relocate. While on the embankment, each of the characters see a new side of each other. Instead of the rough and rowdy characters that should be scene with professions of each outcast, the characters are compassionate and caring. This new side of each of the characters is brought on by the isolation they endure. For example, Mr. Oakhurst, a gambler, is described as calm. Additionally, Mother Shipton starves herself to save another. Isolation can bring out a new and different side of people of people as stated before. While in isolation people do not have to impress or make others see you as someone you are not. In Isolation you cannot impress anyone but yourself. Harte brings out the positive sides of
  • 43. Why Is Bill C-14 Unconstitutional I am against Bill C 14 which has been ratified into Canadian law on the basis that it is unconstitutional. Every Canadian has the right, just by virtue of having Canadian citizenship, to have sovereignty over their own self. Because Bill C 14 will in some circumstances permit people to take the life of another, it undermines the individual s right to have complete ownership over his/her own body, and is therefore unconstitutional. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which is entrenched into the constitution offers a guarantor of individual sovereignty, which states that Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental
  • 44. Exploration Of Vegetarianism An Exploration of Vegetarianism: How We Can Save the World Vegetarianism refers to that voluntary abstinence from eating meat. The term vegetarian was started in 1847 by the founders of the Vegetarian Society of Great Britain. But the practice of vegetarianism has been around for as long as humans have had diets. A majority of the world s oldest cultures advocate a vegetarian diet for their health and religious beliefs. More Americans should consider being a vegetarian because of spiritual reasons, it improves one s health, helps world hunger, and saves animals Many religions around the world ban the consumption of meat. Hinduism, which is the main religion in India, bans the consumption of beef. India has more vegetarians than any other country ... Show more content on ... The cow ran through the streets of Great Falls for hours, it avoided the cops, animal control officers, cars, trucks and even a train. Hours later it was cornered near the Missouri river, where then the daring animal made a life altering choice, she jumped into its freezing waters and swam across to the bank where a tranquilizer gun then brought her down. This cow was now suddenly thrust into the lime light. People around the world were cheering for her after the story got international attention. The slaughterhouse manager gave the brave cow the name Molly, and then sent her to a nearby farm to live and spend the rest of her days grazing in the wide open
  • 45. Experimental And Analytical Studies Have Increased... Introduction 1: Over the past quarter century, the number of both experimental and analytical studies have increased dramatically on the monotonic axial behavior of FRP confined concrete columns, and as a result, many uniaxial stress strain models have been generally developed; however, most of these studies have focused largely on FRP confined circular plain (unreinforced) concrete cylinders numerous authors tested (e.g., Mirmiran and Shahawy 1997;Mirmiran et al.1998; Xiao and Wu 2000; Lam and Teng 2002,2003;Berthet et al.2005;Almusallam 2007; Benzaid et al.2008;Eid and Paultre 2007,2008;Teng et al. 2009;Smith et al. 2010;Cui et al.2010). Relatively few of which have included small or medium scale noncircular unreinforced specimens... Show more content on ... However, the number of studies on the axial stress strain behavior of FRP confined RC columns subjected to a cyclic axial compression loading has been going up slowly, particularly for noncircular RC columns. A better understanding of the latter and a sufficient summary of laboratory testing results can lead to the development of well informed and calibrated cyclic uniaxial stress strain model. In fact , Research is more limited on the cyclic axial stress strain behavior of FRP confined rectangular reinforced concrete columns of large scale, unlike several cited articles that previously explored the influence of the cyclic axial loading on the behavior of FRP confined unreinforced concrete specimens including cylinders and noncircular specimens of small size many researchers tested (e.g., Shao et al. 2006; Lam et al. 2006; Lam and Teng 2009; Abbasnia and Ziaadiny 2010; Abbasnia et al.2012a,b; Abbasnia and Holakoo 2012; Ozbakkaloglu and Akin 2012;Abbasnia et al. 2013; Bai et al. 2013; Harajli et al. 2015). Internal Steel Reinforcement: It can clearly be noticed that the following issue is the most highlighted one in this study. In general extensive
  • 46. Narcissism In Social Work Published There are many business issues we all face in the work place today. One of those that I can personally relate to my professional work life is narcissism. Stephen Robbins defines narcissism as being the tendency to be arrogant, have a grandiose sense of self importance, require excessive admiration, and have a sense of entitlement. (Robbins, 2009, p. 113) We have one employee who has the attitude of narcissism. He is very arrogant and thinks that he knows everything about anything. This would be fine if he actually did. However, we are an electrical company. Meaning we work very closely with electricity, which is highly dangerous if you do not know 100% what you are doing. It makes it very difficult to work with someone like this. They make their co workers feel belittled and they are less effective at the job. Narcissisms are very arrogant in the fact that they do not care about their co workers feelings. In the article Narcissism and Emotional Contagion , Writer Anna Czarna states that after much research, narcissists are less likely to catch ... Show more content on ... Habakkuk 2:4 states Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.. (Holy Bible, KJV) When it mentions lifted up and is referring to being boast or proud. This can easily be related to someone who is narcissistic. We as Christians should put off this narcissism attitude and portray more like Christ. Narcissism is easy to see in someone through their personality traits. In Bob Stretch s presentation, he suggest that the best way to access someone s personality is through measuring using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and the Big Five Model (Stretch,2009, Slide 4) Completing this is most helpful in the hiring process. I believe that if my boss would do this we could seek out potential employees who would help the business succeed instead of damaging it by being narcissism or
  • 47. Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration We aren t China and we aren t being invaded by the Mongolians. So why are we considering building another great wall? Well, it all started in 2016. The 2016 U.S. presidential election was a rough one, seeing some of the most poisonous rhetoric, and ending in an even deeper divide between the two parties. Even though it ended 2,000 years ago, we are still reeling from the effects, brought upon by hatred, broken policy, and a president who speaks in a 140 characters or less. Regardless, now that Donald Trump has become president, we should start taking his campaign promises seriously. One of those promises, and one of the most popular among his supporters, is his proposed wall on the American Mexican border. This knock off great wall, Trump promises will significantly reduce one of America s most partisan issues, illegal immigrationto the U.S.. Illegal immigration in the U.S. is a huge (or uuuuge) issue, and for valid reasons, but a wall will not stop it. Although illegal immigration is an important issue, and it does have a detrimental effect on society, building a wall on the U.S. Mexican border is not a viable solution. First, Money, let s talk finances. The first issue with the use of a wall to stop illegal immigration is the cost. Not only is the amount of money required concerning, but the source of the money remains undetermined. First of all, the estimated cost of the wall can be covered in shadows. Donald Trump, the person behind the plan, has offered
  • 48. Edward Zwick Glory The courage displayed by the actors in Glory made the historic movie better for me to see. Glory was made in 1989 when Mathew Broderick, Morgan Freeman, Andre Braugher, Tihni Kennedy, and Dezel Washington became known actors to American s. The movie was directed by Edward Zwick, and Zwick accurately portrays the movie in the right frame. He is able to accurately depict the civil war and use clothes used in that time frame. Zwick also used actors who were engaged into their job and indicated the time frame with scar marks on Trip. Not only did the actors make the music entertaining, but the music brought the movie in. The music was able to help the viewer know when a scene was happy or dramatic. The movie, Glory, is an accurate depiction of the civil war with accuracy, acting, and music.... Show more content on ... In the opening scene, people are playing baseball. Baseball, a sport, was invented during the time of the civil war. I love Zwick putting American s past time in the beginning of the movie. In my view, he was able to catch the viewer s attention by showing baseball and telling some American s that the movie was about the Civil War. One of the other things he was accurate about was the clothes. On the confederate s side (South), the people had dirty clothes and there were some black soldiers. The South did not have much people fighting in the army, so the people who had to come in were the slaves from the southern plantations. While the south had dirty clothes, the union (North) had blue suits. Additionally, the North did not have as many black soldiers because the North had many people in their army. There were many people in the North because of working conditions and slavery was prohibited. During the Battle of Antietam, the movie portrays the clothes on the confederate and union side
  • 49. Asian Americans And Asian American Actors Since the first half of the 19th century, Asian Americans have been involved in the media industry when the original Siamese Twins Chang and Eng Bunker became naturalized citizens of America. Roles in television and other media were scarce for Asian Americans, only available roles were very stereotypical. Early Asian American actors such as Bruce Lee and Sessue Hayakawa could only land stereotypical supporting roles in prime time television. While minority actors have progress through the years, Asian Americans in the media remains an issue. The misrepresentation of Asians Americans that continues the tendency of stereotypes and type casting. To this day, Asians Americans take on roles that tends to portray the stereotypical roles. Asian Americans becomes easily targeted and exploited from such representation. Model Minority Stereotype is consistently express through advertising and primetime television; Asians being nerdy: having type casted into professional roles ignoring real values and cultures, Asian women: seen as hypersexual, erotic, cunning and dangerous, Asian men: dangerous, unfriendly, master of martial arts, undesirable male partners and weak. Media representation of Asian Americans in America s media history, continue to influence and reproduce dominant Americentric impressions, rather than the true authentic depiction of Asian American culture and behavior. Americentric stereotypes of Asian American women and men has led to limited roles of Asian Americans
  • 50. Contributions Of The Tang Dynasty A. One of the most important public works projects taken on by the Sui dynasty was the grand canal. This canal was so important due to it facilitating trade between north and south China which then allowed rice and other crops to be available in the north. B. Another example of an important public works project was the repairing of defensivewalls throughout the country. This project was important because it helped prevent attacks from foreign invaders. It was also important because it was one of their many work projects that required forced labour and levied taxes causing many people to be upset. 2. A tributary system is when a country invades another country or state, and the invaded country assimilates into the culture of that country and takes that country s leader as their own. 3. A. One perspective on buddhists adopted by the Tang Dynasty officials was that one of adaptations of buddhism which has been changed to fit with chinese values. B. Another perspective adopted by the later Tang Dynasty officials was one seen byconfucianists and taoists which was a negative perspective. Due to this officials ordered that the religion be eradicated from China as well as other foreign religions. C. Mahayana buddhism was a form of buddhism that gained a following during the Tang and Song dynasty. One reason it was significant was because the buddhist s built temples and libraries. 4.
  • 51. Kurt Lewin ( 1947 ) Divides The Change Process Essay Answer 1. Kurt Lewin (1947) divides the change process into 3 steps. Unfreezing, Changing and Freezing. It is a very simple and practical model for understanding the change process. It is widely used and is a basis for many change models. He widely stages them as follows: a)Creating the perception that change is needed. b)Moving towards the new desired level of behavior. c)Solidifying the new behavior as the norm. UNFREEZING Unfreezing raises an initial awareness of the need for change. It is the first step in the change process. As many people will resist change the goal during unfreezing is to create awareness as to how the current level is hindering the organization in some way. Old behavior, ways of thinking, procedures and process followed, Human resource, Organisation structure must be carefully examined to clarify the people in the organization the need for change to maintain competitive advantage. The Proprietor needs to convince his people the logic behind change and how it will be beneficial at Individual and Organisational level. Besides Lewin states that people should be motivated to accept change As an owner of Pink Donkey catering Ltd who wants to open his own restaurant and bring major change in the way business is done, I would emphase on Unfreezing as a first step in change management process. I would convince them the urgency and necessity for change, as catering business we were able to reach limited customers but now the demand has increased, my aim is
  • 52. Julius Caesar Betrayal In Othello Essay The greatest enemy of the trusting and the loyal, betrayal is friend only to the greedy and ostentatious. Historically, betrayal has brought about some of the most significant changes the world has ever seen. Julius Caesar was betrayed by not only his fellow senators but his own adopted son Marcus Brutus as well. This would lead to the tyrant s death and as a result, Rome would suffer. In Othello by William Shakespeare, a powerful man is brought down by those he believed trustworthy. Betrayal is the only truth that sticks a quote by Arthur Miller that applies quite well to this literature in that ultimately Iago s deeds to mislead Othello led to the many untimely deaths of many characters. Within the play, it quickly becomes clear the most... Show more content on ... Iago and Roderigo both travel to Brabantio to inform him of his own daughter s marriage to Othello. This is a blatant betrayal of her own father s trust but he is unable to come to terms with its reality. Going as far to attempt to convince himself these two do not know of what they speak What tell st thou me of robbing? This is Venice. My house is not a grange. (1, 1,118) While this does serve as a means to further the plot it also sheds light upon the theme of appearance vs. reality. Brabantio could not accept Desdemona s love for Othello and this is all he could see. He could not wade past the difference in skin colors to their love. Even going as far as to claim that That thou hast practiced on her with foul charms /Abused her delicate youth with drugs or minerals (1, 1, 92) becoming drunk on the idea that the only way his daughter would betray him would be if she were under some spell. This appearance drives him so far in his sadness that he can no longer handle it anymore, echoing the idea that even when the truth can seem so clear reaching it can be unsurmountable. While an unintentional betrayal, Desdemona went against the wishes of her father not only reinforcing the plot but also creating a basis for the theme within the first scene of the
  • 53. The Effects of Cold on Blood Pressure and Pulse THE EFFECTS OF COLD ON BLOOD PRESSURE AND PULSE Abstract The ability known as thermoregulation is a feature of an organism that help to keep the body temperature within certain thresholds, thus independently from external conditions. A dynamic state of thermal balance of human body between its internal environment and the territory is a model example of precise control of organism heat. In the case where such stability would be disturbed the immediate response would appear as well. In accordance with the thermodynamic principles the flow of the heat will occur without change of the state (Houdas and Ring, 1982). Moreover, temperature coordination is closely related to the changes within the cardiovascular system as well. To... Show more content on ... Data provided below was gained for each time point during the three minutes period. It should be noted the experimental control, thus the first measurement of blood pressure and pulse rate was taken at the beginning of the experiment at room temperature. Sequentially these readings were; for systolic blood pressure (SBP) equal to 134mmHg, diastolic blood pressure (DBP) equal to 79mmHg at the pulse rate equal to 91 per minute. Moreover, to support the quality of the gathered results the experiment was repeated and an additional data was placed in a table as well. Column1 SBP (mmHg) DBP (mmHg) PULSE per min. After 1st min. After 2nd min. After 3rd min. Repeat TIME 139 153
  • 54. 137 142 1 82 85 84 82 2 85 95 95 92 3 Table 1. A correlation of blood pressure and pulse measurements collected during the three minutes period. To help provide a better visual interpretation, a dependence of measured elements from the table above would be presented in a form of graph as well. The curve illustrates an impact of low temperature on circulatory system indicators such as blood pressure and pulse. To present a precise difference between rates of each time point the control of the experiment was also applied on the graph. Graph 1. An illustration of interdependence between descending temperature on blood pressure and pulse rate over time. Discussion Results
  • 55. Essay about The Passing of the Crown by Shakespeare s... The Passing of the Crown by Shakespeare s Henries In his histories from Richard II through Henry V to Richard III, Shakespeare depicts the English monarchy as a game between family and friends of vying for a gold ring the crown. Shakespeare gives his reader a central metaphor through which to see this equation in King Henry IV part one. The prank Prince Hal, later King Henry V, and his friend, Poins, play on their friends, particularly Falstaff, parallels the plot s focal passing of the crown. In the first act, Poins outlines his plan to play a prank on Falstaff and their other friends to Prince Hal, They [Falstaff and others] will adventure upon the exploit [of stealing money from travelers] themselves, ... Show more content on ... The justification Falstaff gives for allowing his appropriated prize to be appropriated from him without a fight is that he instinctively knew that his thief s identity was one with a divine connection. This is exactly the story all kings, especially new ones like to pawn off on their new subjects in order to win them over. That is, that God is on their side, otherwise they would not have achieved the crown. It would be to Falstaff s advantage, having just lost the metaphoric crown (the money), to give its new possessor a story which overtly flatters and supports him. Furthermore, though Prince Hal initially re admits his victim, Falstaff, into his group of friends after tricking him, ultimately Hal denies him, saying, I know thee not, old man (Henry IV part two V.v.50). This is identical to the behaviors of Bolingbroke toward Richard II in Richard II, and Prince John toward the rebels (lead by the Archbishop of York and Lord Mowbray) in Henry IV part two. Both pretend to be friendly to their opposition at first, but really only do so to maintain their own positioning. As soon as it is maintained, they turn. Shakespeare s representation of the coming and going of monarchs as a game manifests itself in his choice of words as well. In all three of the consecutive Henry plays the concept of winning is applied to the acquisition of the throne, a word which equally applies to beating everyone else in a game. For the last, and
  • 56. How Nelson Mandela Encouraged His Country to Move On C. S. Lewis once said, Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward. Nelson Mandela helped his country cross the monkey bars from apartheid to democracy, from Once a left wing extremist, Mandela s 27 years in prison taught him that the only way his country would survive and thrive was if his people learned to forgive and move on. A willingness to forgive can be all it takes to unite a fiercely divided country. The new South African government, led by President Mandela, addressed the need for understanding but not for vengeance, a need for reparation but not for retaliation, a need for ubuntu but not for victimisation (Volmink 191). Ubuntu, a Bantu word meaning, I am because you are, expresses the concept that our humanity is inherently bound up with one another. Volmink, argues that we can never be complete as human beings as long as we are alienated from one another (191). As part of the beginning of the post apartheid era, Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress (ANC) established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), which promoted reconciliation as an ideal, not only for nation building, but also for individual healing (Muiu 137). This idea for a safe environment in which both victims and perpetrators could vent and share their stories without judgement gave the commission it s power. All participants were guided toward reconciliation and some were