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Photo Essay Goo Photo Essay Goo
Comparative Analysis Of A Few Good Men
A Comparative analysis of Red Reiner s A Few Good Men
It is interesting to see human behavior when put into a difficult situation that may force them to
harm others when they do not want to, but will anyways. It is human nature to always do what is
best for themselves and their safety, but people tend to harm others when they can shift the blame
off themselves for causing them harm. As for example the milgram experiment is a great example
showing people will cause harm under given command. This not true for everyone, but for most
people it is. People will harm others, but kept telling the instructor that they want to stop. The
instructor told them they must keep on going, the first response would be i do not want to
blamed for hurting the person, soon as instructor took the responsibility then the they would
continue to cause pain. A movie that takes a closer look into this situation is A Few Good Men
directed by Red Reiner. Some of the main actors were Tom Cruise who played Lt. Daniel Kaffee
and is a lawyer that is defending the marines in a murder case, Jack Nicholson who played Col.
Nathan R. Jessup is the leader of marines stationed in Guantanamo Bay, Demi Moore who played
LT. Cdr. Joanne Galloway is part of the team with Kaffee to defend marnie in the murder case ,
James Marshall who played Pfc. Louden Downey is the marine who is trialed for murder and
disorderly conduct, and Kevin Bacon who played Lt. Sam Weinberg is the Prosecutor . To quick
run over the movie, it
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Open Door Immigration Policy Essay
The United States of America to the rest of the world is a place of liberty, freedom and a land of
opportunities. Thousands of people every year leave their Motherlands in search for better life, for
political, religious, and economic reasons. In most of the world, citizenship is defined by race or
ethnicity, but an American may belong to any ethnic group. Despite that the U.S. immigrationpolicy
have always favored those who came from Western Europe to the exclusion of other groups. In the
beginning of the country there was an open door immigration policy on immigration (White, 214).
The first significant federal legislation restricting immigration was the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act
law that suspended Chinese immigration for ten years and barred Chinese in the U.S. from
citizenship. The Immigration Act of 1924 imposed the overall numerical quota to 165,000, and was
passed in response to political and public opinion calling for restrictions on immigration from South
Eastern Europe following events such as 1919 recession and high unemployment, civil unrest and
the Red Scare (Daniels, 47). In 1965, Congress passed the Immigration and Nationality Act, which
ended quota system that favored Western European immigrants, and today, the majority of the
country s immigrants come from Asia and Latin America. Known as a nation of immigrants, many
Americans still developed a strong hostile feelings toward immigrants. In contrast, the Founding
Fathers were looking at immigration as at
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Dbq Causes Of World War 1
There were many causes that contributed to World War I like: Imperialism, Militarism, and
Alliances. Europeans thought they could make the world their oyster and take over any areas
they pleased. Most countries did not appreciate their land being taken from them. For example,
Serbia wanted independence from their mother country Austria Hungary, so a nationalist group
called the Black Hand, decided to assassinate the Archduke. If Serbia didn t assassinate the
Archduke of Austria Hungary the war probably wouldn t have happened at all. Europe s
imperialism is what caused the Great War that went for four long years from 1914 to 1918 and had
over 30,000,000 million casualties. The main cause of World War I
was Imperialism which caused
Alliances and... Show more content on ...
Austria Hungary attacking Serbia would start the domino effect of the countries going to war.
Russia would have to join the war because Serbia and Russia have an agreement. Bringing Russia
to war would then bring the United Kingdom and France to battle. With the Triple Entente going to
war to protect Austria Hungary the Triple alliance would have to join the war bringing Germany
and Italy into the battle.(documents A and B) The Triple Entente and Triple Alliance were being
pulled into the war because Austria Hungary and Serbia s dispute in 1914. Militarism contributed
to World War I by causing tension between the countries. As country s militaries grew it started
building tension which made other countries make their militaries larger. When war broke out in
1914 the Triple Entente could field 2.23 million men when Germany and Austria Hungary could
only field 1.2 million men. The Triple Alliance would be attacked from all sides and Great Britain
had the most naval control. (documents C and D) Every country building up their armies made
tensions really high between the Entente and the Alliance, which made war break out
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The Moral Philosophy Of Ethical Egoism
Timothy Walter
PHI101 5:45PM
Research Paper
The Moral Philosophy of Ethical Egoism
Let him be the best of men, and let him be thought the worst; then he will have been put to the
proof; and we shall see whether he will be affected by the fear of infamy and its consequences. And
let him continue thus to the hour of death; being just and seeming to be unjust. When both have
reached the uttermost extreme, the one of justice and the other of injustice, let judgment be given
which is the happier of the two. Glaucon, from The Republic (Pojman, Vaughn, 464).
Every day there are children dying of starvation in poor countries all over the world. In more
prosperous countries people are afforded luxuries such as lavish cars and weekly movies at the
cinema. If asked, these people will tell you that we do, in fact, have a moral obligation to help
the children if we are in a position to do so. So why, do we choose to buy the luxury car? Why do
we spend enough to feed a small village on one trip to the cinema with family? It is because deep
inside we know that our primary concern is our own self interest; the pursuit of happiness. Ethical
egoism at first glance seems counter intuitive, however, upon deeper inspection we see that ethical
egoism is the moral philosophy that should be adopted if we wish to obtain the goal of happiness.
Ethical egoism is the ethical view that one ought to do whatever and only whatever is in one s own
maximum interest, benefit, advantage, or
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Political Influence In Elections
As indicated in Figure 1, there has been a strong increase in swing voters in UK general elections,
particularly since 2001. When considered in the context of valence issues, this could suggest that
since an increasing number of voters are likely to choose a different party from one election to
another, it is possible that an increasing number of voters are likely to be influenced by the valence
model of voting, that is, considering the competency of the different parties on the issues that are
important to them. This would then imply that issues are having an increasingly large amount of
influence on the way people vote, possibly to the extent that they have become more influential
than social class.
Issue appropriation
A notable ... Show more content on ...
(BBC 2017) It is therefore very possible that a large number of people who voted UKIP in the 2015
election chose to vote this way simply because the issue of EU integration was important to them
and so chose to vote for a different party in the 2017 election because the other major parties now
covered this issue, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 How those who voted UKIP in 2015 voted in 2010 and how they planned to vote in 2017
Source: Curtis, C. (2017).
If we take the voting intentions displayed in Figure 3 to be a correct indication of how voters
actually behaved at the polling stations, then it would be fair to say that around 64% of people
who voted UKIP in 2015 voted for a different party in 2017, with 37% of these former UKIP
voters choosing to vote for the Conservatives, possibly due to Theresa May s recent promises for
a hard Brexit . (The Guardian 2017). This would then imply that many voters are willing to
choose a party based on their stance on a particular issue even if this means selecting a party that
is not necessarily associated with one s social class, as shown in Figure 3 by the fact that former
Labour voters, after voting UKIP in 2015, chose to vote Conservative in 2017. If class
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Theme Of Everyday Use
The story Everyday Uses begins with a Mother talking about her daughters, Maggie and Dee.
Dee is outgoing, beautiful, and judgmental; she searches for things that may give her life
purpose. Family values are of very little importance to Dee. She finds her significance more in
her appearance than in endearment to the people of with whom she has shared her life, due to her
insecurities. Then, there is her little sister Maggie, a small, shy girl, who has large insecurities due
to her appearance. She also walks with a limp, due to a fire that occurred at her old house when
she was younger. Maggie maylack external beauty but, she has internal beauty; a caring heart and
she loves her Mother. The love that Maggie has for her mom is in sharp... Show more content on ...
In every way shape and form, you would think that they were nothing alike unless you looked at
their hearts. By appearance, they are different. Dee is beautiful and very much into fashion,
unlike her sister who is said to be unattractive. Their level of education levels are different. Dee
was able to go to the Augusta school after her mother raised the money, whereas Maggie has very
little education. Their personalities are a world apart. Dee is outgoing, spunky, and not afraid to
say what she is thinking. Maggie is shy and jealous of her sister, but she has a generous heart. All
though the sisters are different, their insecurities link them together in a unique way. In conclusion
I can say in Alice Walker s story Everyday Uses, the two sisters Dee and Maggie differ in
appearance, education, and attitude, but they both have deep down
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Climate Change Summit
The Unites States of America is currently working to combat climate change in order to protect
people from its effects. By combatting climate change, the USA hopes to prevent its effects from
becoming worse in the future because the USA cares for its citizens and doesn t want them to keep
experiencing the consequences of climate change. The USA is putting great effort into dealing
with climate change and also hopes that other businesses, organization, and individuals will join
them in their effort (Environmental News Service). One concern the USA has towards climate
change is its cause of natural disasters. Climate change is bringing more natural disasters by
making weather patterns stronger, and weather patterns are becoming stronger as climate
change grows which is bringing more natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and
drought to the USA (Rice). One example of a natural disaster that occurred in the USA as a
result of climate change is the tornado in Moore, Oklahoma. In this event, a tornado rated 5 on
the Enhanced Fuijta scale hit Oklahoma and had a negative impact on this city by destroying
many of its houses and buildings also resulting in the destruction of businesses such as schools
(Cable News Network). Another major concern of the USA towards climate change is that it
will cause a rise in the global sea level which will result in many of its coastal cities to be
submerged underwater. There will be a permanent 4 feet rise in the global sea level
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Is Attrition A Negative Impact On Late Stage Doctoral...
Literature Review Willis and Carmichael (2011) presented foundlings stating that attrition is
defined by the experiences gathered in the doctoral study rather than the stage at which erosion
occurs. The study share relevant similarities to previous research, indicating perverse experiences
could lead to pessimistic outcomes regardless of the field or stage of the doctorate program (Willis
and Carmichael, 2011). The theoretical foundations of this case study support the synthesis
arguments of Hoskins and Goldberg (2005) that stated dissertation committee chair post a
problematic negative impact on late stage doctoral attrition. Other scholars argue the results of the
current research. Incomplete doctoral learners all assert how a problematic relationship with their
dissertation chair played a significant role in their decision to leave the program (Willis and
Carmichael, 2011). However, Willis and Carmichael (2011) identified the gap and addressed
problems in the attrition decision. Dropped out learners were not allowed to achieve their goals,
and that resulted in negative emotions (Willis and Carmichael (2011). According to Willis and
Carmichael (2011), comparatively, students that willing quit the dissertation process no longer
desire the degree, and thus experienced positive emotions related to attrition, but more research is
needed. Phenomenon Key Component The event key element in this qualitative study describes
dissertation committee chair as the problem in
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Race Analysis In Swimming
When looking at my race analyses, I see I m certainly biased towards the 50 m freestyle. The
extra attention comes down to one main reason: the 50 m is the easiest to analyze. For one, it is
the shortest, but also, the cameramen typically give you another view of the race, helping myself
obtain data. Anyway, for past race analyses, be sure to checkout our race analysis page. In the 50
m freestyle final, Florent Manaudou of France won easily with a time of 21.19 seconds. Second
place with to Nathan Adrian of the United States with a 21.52, which was 0.15 seconds slower than
his semi final time of 21.37 seconds. Now, understanding the differences in race strategy provides
insight into where the race was won. Start Florent Manaudou had... Show more content on ...
Manaudou s stroke rate increased by 10 strokes per minute, while Adrian s only increased by 6
strokes. Nonetheless, they had identical times over this distance by at 7.0 seconds.
AnalysisFlorent lifts head Overall, Manaudou won the race on the start and 25 35 m mark. On
the start, Adrian should delay the initiation of his kick by ~0.25 seconds. This delay will allow
him to maintain his starting velocity longer, as well as reduce his overall strokes required in the
race. Manaudou should try to maintain his stroke rate into the wall and finish without looking
forward. This forward look creates massive frontal drag and these bad habits may cost him a close
race giving him not reason to lane line lounge.
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Class, Culture, And Gender
Intersectionality is the concept that is used when examining the interconnections between a group
or a an individual dealing with race, class, culture, and gender. Since these groups intersect with one
another, they cannot be examined separately. The term intersectionality was first coined by
Kimberle Crenshaw, being a woman of color she argued that black women have to deal with two
types of discrimination, racismand sexism. A combination of two types of discrimination, when
studying an individual it hard not to intersect them with different types of discrimination. Crenshaw
and other women of color would not have to deal with double discrimination if white women were
not discriminated and if black peoplewere not discriminated as well. Privilege then comes into
play here, more importantly white privilege, having social advantages just by being born white.
Having white privilege only goes so far, if you are a woman one still has the social advantages
of being white, but then comes in sexism and male privilege. Where privilege and oppression
intersect on not only an individual, but a type of group, being the white female. By being a white
woman one can be privileged and oppressed at the same time. While if you are a woman of color
you are discriminated more upon and more oppressed since you are not only dealing with one
discrimination, but two. One type of group that comes into play with discrimination is the woman.
Where in a society that is prominently
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The Evolution Of Human Origins
Initial ideas of human origins are reflected in the ancient mythologies. Later on, religious versions
of human origins appeared. One of the most popular religious theory is creationism. According to it
God had created men and everything else in the world. There are two types of creationism, young
earth creationismand old earth creationism . Ancient philosophy first proposed ideas of the natural
origins of men. Most of its ideas were speculative. It was the product of the ancient philosophers`
imagination, but not a result of researching of objective data. Next Charles Darwin offered the
Theory of Evolution. Until now this theory is the one of the best substantiated theories in the
history of science, supported by evidence from a wide variety of scientific disciplines, including
paleontology, geology, genetics and developmental biology. His theory explains how unguided,
natural mechanism could structure all the processes in the world, while operating in accordance
to the laws of nature . Despite the wealth of evidence from the fossil record, genetics and other
fields of science, some people denounce the theory, invoking a higher being as a designer to
explain the complex world of living things, especially humans. School boards debate whether the
theory of evolution should be taught alongside other ideas, such as creationism. Mainstream
scientists see no controversy. Today a lot of people have deep religious beliefs and also accept
evolution . There is also a theory of
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My Ethical Qualms With The Toilet
Initial interest and topic expansion
This paper started as a way to talk about my ethical qualms with the toilet and see if there was a
scientific basis to back them up. More than a history or philosophy of how the modern toilet came
to be, I wanted to see if there is scientific evidence to back up my idea of toilets and the modern
sewage treatment systems as wasteful. In order to understand the wastefulness, or efficiency, of the
toilet however, I had to answer the question, what happens when we flush? This may not be the
most interesting or sexiest information about waste, but it is an important look into a part of the
waste stream we contribute to daily, in fact, according to the American Water Works Association, an
average of five ... Show more content on ...
Modern sewage formed in response to the 1858 Great Stink of London. The Great Stink was a
product of many factors. The introduction of flush toilets replacing previously popular chamber
pots increased water and waste volume into cesspits. Additionally, these cesspits, once only used for
excess rainwater collection, began to carry waste from slaughterhouses and factories, contaminating
the city before its ultimate departure into the River Thames, which began to overflow with sewage
along with its tributaries. All of this combined with an unusually hot summer encouraged bacterial
growth, a rancid odor, and contributed to a cholera outbreak. In response, London build thousands
of miles of underground pipe and created the modern sewage treatment system [2].
Two categories of sewage treatment
Sewage treatment can be broken into two categories storm sewers and sanitary sewers [3].
Storm sewers
Storm sewers drain excess rain and groundwater from manmade infrastructure like roads and
parking lots, get less treatment or sometimes none at all. Sometimes it may be processed to remove
stuff like car oil [3].
Sanitary sewers
Sanitary sewers are processed to clean up human waste. Although there are many methods of
dealing with human waste, the generally accepted method in North America consists of a three
stage sewage treatment system. In this essay I will look at this three step method system as well
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Muslims Social Justice
Social justice is the right and freedom that everyone has about their chosen religion. Mahatma
Gandhi says I have no right to more than I need when my brother has less than he needs.
Therefore, this quote suggests that social justice is enjoyable if all of us have it. It s hurting for
me to have freedom towards everything while my brother next door is deprived his freedom
especially that of religion. The US Congress even passed the establishment clause which prohibited
the law from interfering with the establishment and practices of any religion. The establishment
clause promotes social justice, but many people and the legislature have broken this law. Why are
the Muslims linked to many terrorist activities? Why is terrorisminvolving Muslims more aired in
the media than those attacks involving non Muslims? These are the questions that need answers
because stereotyping a religion is social justice.
Recently, the US president banned immigration from seven major Muslim countries including Iraq,
Libya, ... Show more content on ...
After the signing of the executive order, Muslims from Malaysia were demonstrating requesting
for justice for their fellow men. The business sector will be disadvantaged since they will have
to seek investors from the Middle East and not from Malaysia as they did previously (Shelby,
2016). The rift between Muslims and non Muslims may increase because the executive order
portrays Muslims as terrorist making them feel rejected by the US. The rift between the Muslims
and the non Muslims will even trigger more terrorist attacks (Mckissen, 2017).. Who said
terrorism is the leading cause of deaths in the US? Most of the residents of the US die as a result
of accidents and diseases and not terrorism hence banning innocent people from the US is a social
injustice. Therefore, it is evident that Trump has deprived the banned Muslims the freedom to
interact and trade in the
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Marketing Audit of Bic
Marketing audit BIC
* INDEX 1MARKETING STRATEGY AUDIT4 1.1Business Mission4 1.1.1The company s
mission, vision and values4 1.2Marketing Objectives and Goals5 1.3Strategy6 2Product strategy
audit8 2.1BIC s product mix8 2.2The product lines and their augmented level 14 2.2.1FAQ15
2.2.2Contact us15 2.3Comparison of BIC s product mix with its 2 main competitors product mix18
2.4Expansion Strategies20 2.5Areas that need improvement considering individual product
decisions, product line decisions, product mix decisions and branding strategies24 3The pricing
strategy audit24 3.1The investors relations section of BIC web page24 3.1.1Pricing objectives24 ...
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Secondly, they want to continue to invest in the brand across all areas, which strengthen their
position and pave the way for future growth in some countries like Australia, Russia and Brazil.
Thirdly, BIC is among the top 20 French companies for including sustainable development in their
business strategy. For the upcoming year, they want to continue to develop products with
environmental benefits in order to display their eco values on their packaging and to implement
their policy of excellence in the factories while reducing CO2 and developing their employee s
skills. In parallel, they will pursue their commitment to enabling their consumers to make
responsible choice.
Finally, they will keep conquering market shares in developed and developing countries by
combining quality with low prices. * How BIC guides the marketing planning and performance
We think that they have stated clearly the marketing planning and performance measurement
because in its annual report and in its sustainable development report we found the marketing
activities (e.g., e marketing, promotional items, express yourself stationery marketing) that the
company has done and it will continue doing, and their corresponding benefits and results. * The
marketing objectives given the company s competitive position, resources, and
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Essay on Al Capone Biography
When I sell liquor, they call it bootlegging. When my patrons serve it on silver trays on Lake
Shore Drive, they call it hospitality. Al Capone [Woog, 25]
Al Capone was one of the most notorious gangsters during the 1920 s. He was a self made
business man. He had a ready smile and a quick handshake, which if you did not play your cards
right, could turn out to be fatal. It took 500 gangland murders to make Capone the boss of Chicago.
He was public enemy number one. Capone single handedly gave Chicago the nickname The
Lawless City.
Alphonse Capone was born in Brooklyn, New York, on January 17, 1899. He grew up in a very
rough neighborhood and ... Show more content on ...
He had everything to do with anything that involved gambling, sex, or alcohol.
Once Capone had everything he wanted in Chicago, he realized he was highly disliked by the
whole country because he began to hear comments on the street and in the newspapers.
Although he often did business with Capone, the mayor William Big Bull Hale Thompson,
wanted Capone out of Chicago because Capone was bad for Thompson s political image. So the
mayor hired a new police chief to run Capone out of the city, and he personally saw Capone out of
the city. Capone looked all over for a new location and he decided to move to an estate in Palm
Island, Florida in 1928.
Once Capone was out of the city, attempts on Capone s life were becoming regular but he had
connections with newspapers and policemen so he quickly found out about the plots. He, on the
other hand, was very discrete and clever about his murders. He would always have an alibi,
because he himself would rarely do the murdering.
His most notorious murder was the St. Valentine s Day massacre. On February 14, 1928, four of
Capone s men entered a garage of the Main Liquor warehouse for bootlegger George Bugs
Moran s North Side Gang. When the men entered the garage two of Capone s men were dressed
as police officers and therefore the North Side Gang dropped their weapons. When they did Capone
s gang murdered them
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Sulfide Mining Pros And Cons
Imagine drifting slowly on a canoe while fishing one of Minnesota s crystal clear waters on a
beautiful, sunny day. Now imagine being interrupted by the loud, ongoing sounds of drilling and
being told the fish were too dangerous to eat. This is only one of many potential harms of sulfide
mining. PolyMet, a new miningcompany would like to bring sulfide mining, also known as copper
nickel mining to Minnesota. This would involve the extraction of copper and various other metals
from sulfide, hence the name. The sulfide that comes out of this type of mining can have serious
consequences on the environment. Events that occurred in the past and facts mentioned in the
books titled Taconite Dreams by Jeffrey Manuel and Fractured Land by Lisa... Show more content
on ...
For instance, transporting the materials from the mines from place to place can lead to the
roads being congested, putting a strain on the roads. Evidence of this is shown in Fractured
Land when Lisa is observing a high way. She writes of various trucks involved in the fracking
industry creating traffic and putting wear and tear on the roads of U.S. Highway two (55).
Many of these mines are in more rural areas where roads were not made with the intention of
there being as much pressure on the roads as the activity with the mines creates. This means the
increased activity on the roads results in them breaking down. The same goes for these trucks as
it does for the movement of vehicles shipping in materials from different nations for the
fracturing to take place. More congested roads also means greater odds for accidents. This is
evident when Westburg, the Fractured Land author writes of an accident that occurred along
U.S. Highway 2. Multiple trucks collided until one of them crashed into a tanker trailer with
crude oil. This vehicle exploded and burned for many hours, resulting in the closing down of the
entire highway (Westburg 141). Because the majority of these mines are built in areas where the
roads are not made to suit traffic, the roads are too narrow. This ultimately leads to a rise in tragic
accidents. Also, along with more goods being mined comes more products to be shipped over seas.
This would inevitably lead to more pollution. For instance, In 2013, transportation contributed more
than half of the carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, and almost a quarter of the hydrocarbons
emitted into our air (Union). This is tainting both the environment and human health, as the only
atmosphere the world relies on is being tainted by globalization. The trucks and planes involved in
shipping the metals from place to place would mean more fossil fuel
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NHL Lockout Analysis
Established on November 26, 1917, the National Hockey League (NHL) has been showcasing
the skills of the world s best hockey players for nearly a century. The NHL is composed of 30
teams all over North America and has 50 million die hard fans worldwide. But even with a total
revenue of $4.1 billion, the NHL still experienced 4 work stoppages throughout its history. During
the most recent lockout from September 15, 2012 until January 12, 2013, the players and the
league weren t the only ones who were affected. Many Canadians felt the impact of the lockout in
their daily lives, which isn t much of a surprise as hockey is Canadas favourite sport. In this report,
we will analyze the causes, effects and resolution of the 2012 labour dispute between... Show more
content on ...
After doing extensive research on both sides and their motives, we believe that the NHLPA was
more reasonable in their demands; it makes for players to make more money if the NHL was
making more money. What the NHL initially wanted would have cut player revenues by 9%.
Many additional factors made this unfair such as the lowered salary cap and their refusal to talk
unless their proposal was used; but the primary reason was that the NHL tried to establish an
equitable revenue split in their favour. What the NHL did was unfair to the players and the fans,
caused unnecessary commotion and dragged negotiations on for longer than it needed to
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The Lost Slot Of Riches Review
Meta: Daub is back and this time around they are bringing players a game that has some serious
history behind it. The Lost Slot of Riches has Ancient Egypt at its core, but will you be able to
uncover its hidden gold?
The Lost Slot of Riches Review
The era of Ancient Egypt is still, to this very day, considered to be one of the most mysterious and
alluring time periods in history. There are plenty of incredible stories and tales tucked away within
the era s effortlessly rich tapestry. Looking at the core facts of the situation, Ancient Egyptis one of
the earliest civilizations in the world and represented the perfect blend of many different cultures
and traditions. Now, taking the historical relevance of the time, The Lost Slot of Riches ... Show
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The wild symbol also doubles the prize that comes with the winning combination that it
completes. If that wasn t enough, the wild symbol is also your key to making some big time cash
in the this game, as you can win 15, 20, or 25 free spins by landing 3, 4, or 5 of the wild symbol on
Stacking up the sand blocks
The Lost Slot of Riches also features a bonus round, which works to round off the game
experience. This bonus round is opened up by landing three or more of the pyramid scatter
symbols anywhere on the reels. The aim of the bonus game is to choose from sarcophagi, as
means to open them up and reveal a prize of up to 10x your bet. How many chances you get
depend on how many scatter symbols showed up.
An endless stream of prizes Addressing the prize structure of this game, it appears that it is all
about the progressive jackpots featured, which come in mini, midi, and maxi form. All three of
these jackpots can be won randomly at any time, no matter your bet or how the reels land on
screen. You can even win the jackpot on a spin where no matching symbols line up, as the jackpots
in this game really are just that
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Bryan Cox Essay
. I found Bryan Cox s answers to be the most interesting because I can relate and connect with
him the most as I, as well, plan on living at home and commuting. With all the things he had
mentioned such as home cooked meals and wake up calls, I feel that there will be more time for
me to focus on my studies and less on errands and the duties of living on my own as I will have
my family to help me out. Another point that I found interesting from Bryan s answer was when
he said I don t necessarily have all the freedom I d have if I were living on campus. This answer is
interesting to me because usually students would insist to live on campus instead of living at home
because they would have more freedom without typical family restrictions such as curfew, going to
bed early,... Show more content on ...
a) After hearing from Katherine Bennett, I was surprised when she mentioned that the work from
university was not as difficult as teachers at secondary school proclaimed. I find this surprising
because I have always been told that post secondary work load is very overwhelming.
b) Hearing what Bryan Cox has said about the workload for the first year, has greatly reduced my
stress level because I was never a big fan of immense amounts of work. Since Bryan mentioned
how the work load was manageable and less than expected, this is a great factor as university and
college students will still have time for themselves to hang out with their family and friends, meet
new people, join clubs, participate in extracurricular activities, volunteer, etc.
c) From the article, I thought that the best advice was from Fahad Malik where he advised to
always smile and laugh. According to him, appearing happy and approachable is a great way to
meet new people and make new friends. I think making new friends is really important, especially
when you are heading into an unfamiliar environment, because you can always turn to your friends
for help, advice, moral support, and just to hang out and relieve stress,
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The Impact Of The Second Sino-Japanese War
The Second Sino Japanese War was a bloody experience to both China and Japan. The aggression
of Japan in Second Sino Japanese War eventually broke out the Pacific War and dragged China into
the Second World War. There were various significant incidents occurred during the Second Sino
Japanese War, thus, became the most controversial issues since then in the Sino Japanese
relationship. This chapter will focus on some contentious incidents during the Second Sino
Japanese Warand the Second World War.
One of the prime issues during this period is the Nanjing Massacre, or sometimes known as the
Rape of Nanjing . It shows the brutality of Japanese military and the unforgivable and unforgettable
incident among the Chinese. The act of whitewashing ... Show more content on ...
Since the end of the 1990s, there was a baodiao [дїќй‡Ј, which means defending Diaoyu] campaign
which emerged in mainland China (He, 2007 14). In March, 2004, these baodiao activists actually
succeeded in landing on the Senkaku islands (He, 2007, 14) (Yukio, 2012), as an act to protest the
claims from Japan. These baodiao movement is associated with the anti Japanese movement. They
also registered as a formal organization, known as the China Federation for Defending the Diaoyu
Islands (CFDD) in Hong Kong and established its headquarters in Beijing (He, 2007, 14). The
Senkaku islands dispute is among the contested sovereignty of China and Japan, which created the
anti Japan and anti Chinese sentiment between the two states. PRC government, nonetheless shows
its assertiveness over the sovereignty of the island. The firm stand of the government, thus, affects
the development of Chinese nationalism as well, targeting the anti Japanese sentiment to secure the
public support over the PRC s
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Nikki Webber Allen s Speech Analysis
For my effective essay, I will be talking about Nikki Webber Allen and how she dealt with
depression and anxiety. Nikki Webber Allen believed for her being a black woman it was hard
for her to express her emotions and how she was doing as a person. In her speech, she speaks
about the community she comes from depression was a weakness. The signs of depression are
lack of interest, eating behaviors change, insomnia. The speaker was alone on stage with some
small audiences which she used a headset mic to which allowed her to sound very confident of
what she was talking about. Nikki had explained after being diagnosed with having anxiety and
depression, she received a phone call from her mother about her 22 year old nephew Paul who had
commit suicide. She was in shock about how no one knew what was wrong.... Show more content
on ...
Nikki explains how Paul and she were very close but that their shame never allowed them to
accept the fact they were both fighting the same disabilities. How she wishes it could have been
different and she was there for her nephew Paul. Suicide has become a very big thing around the
world with teenagers and adults allowing their secrets deep inside without having help. Having
feelings isn t a sign of weakness, it means we are humans she stated, with her sharing the story of
her personal issues that may inspire others to get help and find ways to not end their lives. Her
goal is to send the message of how depression and anxiety can be helped but never completely
gone. Her message was very emotional of how she is still hurting of losing her nephew when times
weren t right and the way she wishes things could have been
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The Secret Sharer Essay
Cameron Davidson
Professor Dennis
LAL 250 04
10 Sept. 2015
The Secret Sharer Assignment
In The Secret Sharer by Joseph Conrad, we as readers are introduced to the captain and a former
first mate of another ship who has been arrested for murder of another crew member, whose
name is Legatt. We learn of the captain s elaborate plan to hide Legatt to avoid his capture. First,
he takes Legatt, the arrested first mate, under his wing and instead of arresting him, like he
should, he tells him to hide in his quarters, and throughout the tale, we see Legatt nearly being
captured multiple times, such as when the captain is asked where his coat is, and one of his
crewmen reply that it was in his quarters in the bathroom, to which the captain suddenly goes into
a cold sweat, worrying he might be found out if Legatt is seen. Legatt and the captain appear as
doubles because the captain, feeling sorry for Legatt, decides to give him clothing of his to wear for
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Walking to the taffrail, I was in time to make out, on the very edge of a darkness thrown by a
towering black mass like the very gateway of Erebus yes, I was in time to catch an evanescent
glimpse of my white hat left behind to mark the spot where the secret sharer of my cabin and of my
thoughts, as though he were my second self, had lowered himself into the water to take his
punishment: a free man, a proud swimmer striking out for a new destiny. (Conrad 193)
What does this mean?: In short, the captain remembers the person who was in his cabin, Legatt,
and since he was a former first mate, he is similar to the captain. The last line signifies that Legatt
has moved on to a new life. Throughout the story, we see the captain refer to Legatt as his second
self, or double, but I think that the reason that he calls him double is because he s looking at
himself and who he used to
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Build A Desktop Computer
This text will tell you who to build a desktop computer. A desktop computer is the type of
computer commonly used in office buildings and schools this text is designed for people who
have some prior knowledge of how a computer works.
You will need:
1 computer case
1 motherboard
1 or 2 RAM sticks
1 Heat sink
1 CPU fan
1 Power supply (PSU)
1 Graphics Card (GPU)
1 Disk Drive
1 Hard Drive (HDD or SSD)
1 Computer Monitor or TV Screen
1 Tube of Thermal Paste
1 Computer Operating System (Windows, Ubuntu or Linux)
How to assemble a desktop computer
Before starting please, ensure that you have a clean environment to assemble your computer. I also
recommend that you assemble your computer on a wooden bench and use an antistatic wrist strap
or sheet as ... Show more content on ...
Please be very careful when handling the power supply has electricity may still be contained inside
the power supply unit.
Next step is to screw the drive bay to the computer case. Then insert the disk drive, card reader
and hard drive into their correct slots in the drive pay and place to cables into their correct slots
on the motherboard and the final step is to place the lid of the computer case on the computer case
and screw it in place and you have just built yourself a desktop computer.
Now that you have completed building, your desktop computer the next step is to install your
chosen operating system for your computer. Personally, I recommend Windows as it is the most
commonly used operating system worldwide and will run most third party programs such as Adobe
and Microsoft Office suites. Follow the insurrections that come with your chosen operating system
to complete the install process. Once you have done this you are now free to enjoy your desktop
computer. I hope you found this text useful and I was able to assist you in building your desktop
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Analysis Of You And I Are Disappearing By Jusef Komunyakaa
It Is A Little Bit Deeper Than That Jusef Komunyakaa s poem You and I Are Disappearing is
about an experience in which the author was helplessly looking at a village girl getting devoured
by flames that were caused by a firebomb called napalm. Within the context of the gruesome of
war, the author puts down in words the vivid images of both the civilian and the soldier during the
Vietnam War. While the village girl was engulfed by the flames, causing her physical pain
, the
soldier was also powerless in watching her burn. Years after the war, the speaker recalls how he
still sees a girl burning in his head (Komunyakaa 2). A truth claim that can be drawn from this
poem is that both the civilians and the soldiers are victims of war. I... Show more content on ...
Ut himself was the one who put Phuc into the van for emergency medical help along with the
other Vietnamese soldiers, and he saw that Phuc s burnt skin [was] raw and peeling off her body
as they were moving her ( Vietnam War s NapalmGirl Kim... ). Phuc suffered serious burns over
one third of her body. As told by Ut, the napalm was on Kim for so long that it was burning her
skins and her nerves. Due to the permanent nerves damaged, Phuc will always live with the
persistent pain and the unwanted thick scar will forever be part of her. Decades after the war,
the napalm is still burning her. Phuc still feels the pain. In the poem, the author uses similes to
describe the burning village girl and how napalm was hurting her just like Kim was. In over
three fourths of the poem, the author used similes to portray the way she was being tortured by
the firebomb. Komunyakaa used similes such as like a piece of paper, like a cattail torch dipped
in gasoline, like a shot glass of vodka, and like oil on water to show the readers that the village
girl was being burn by napalm very intensely (Komunyakaa). The author specifically used words
such as gasoline, vodka, or oil, because all of these substances are known for being very
flammable. They are the fuel to the fire, and they get consume as the fire burns. The author wants
to show that the village girl is the fuel just like these substances and she is being consumed by the
fire. She is disappearing. Research and data
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Their Eyes Were Watching God Summary
Review of Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
Their Eyes Were Watching God is a story about a black woman in the 1930s, Janie s, quest for
real and fulfilling love and freedom. The story begins when her grandmother, Nanny, catches her
kissing a boy she doesn t approve of. Nanny is a former slave who is raising Janie because her
own daughter, Janie s mother, was raped at seventeen, began drinking, and ran away. She faced
many hardships and was denied things marriage in order to care for Janie. Therefore she pressures
Janie to marry Logan Killicks before she dies of old age. Janie does this, despite not wanting to
take part in it, and learns that marriage doesn t create love as she had thought. Logan says her place
is wherever he needs her and even threatens to kill her when she tries to tell her how she feels.
Janie s devastation is described in the line, Janie s first dream was dead, so she became a woman.
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He treats her like she is special and talks to her about wanting to be a big voice and helping to start
a town for only colored people. Janie is excited by his ideas and how he seems to value her. She
agrees to go with him and get married. He was an escape from her first unsatisfying marriage
until, as years pass, she realizes she didn t find the love she was hoping for. Joe s love is
possessive. He sees her as a special thing and not a special person. He is often too interested in
his own big voice to listen to Janie and expects her to follow his commands instead of her
wishes. Yet, she stays with him in Eatonville until he dies twenty years later and only stands up
to Joe and forces him to listen to her feelings moments before he dies. This scene had the biggest
impact on me because I loved seeing Janie finally speak her mind. Although it was late, she finally
showed courage and a sense of self
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John Winthrop And John Adams
John Winthrop and John Adams and their respective works were heavily influenced by their times.
Winthrop was a devout Puritan Christian that was escaping a persecuting king in the early to mid
seventeenth century. As a learned and religious man, he came to be the leader of this puritan sect
that was to establish a society unlike any other, free from religious corruption that his fellow people
saw in the Church of England, that would be a model community much like the Citty upon a Hill
described in the bible. On the other hand, John Adams experienced the tyranny of the British
monarchy in a contrasting way. This era was marked with worsened conditions for American
colonists in terms of economic and social taxations. Their literary... Show more content on ...
Winthrop s political theory developed from an early age. As a religious man, one would expect
him to be a preacher, but he found his calling through law and leadership. Because he was such a
devout Puritan, he was chosen to spearhead the project of establishing the Massachusetts Bay
Colony, which was originally purposed for economic uses. This changed when the group elected
him as governor, which altered the purpose of the colony to be more religious in nature. As a
result, this group of Christians made an exodus from the old world with the mindset of
establishing a true Christian society , much like the Jews fleeing from Egypt, as described in the
first testament, book of Exodus in the Bible. They felt it was not only a privilege but a duty of
God, and as the metaphorical and literal hands of God, to uphold the values of a true Puritan
society. This cemented in him a purpose to erect a community that would be that Citty on a Hill
that is so famously quoted.
In his address upon the Arabella, Winthrop reasoned that a society cannot have liberty without
certain guidelines. Although similar to the social contract theory of Hobbes, who argued for a
strong central government to prevent the evils that humanity naturally expresses, Winthrop argued
for a strong government that would not only prevent the sinful ways of people, but to create an
environment that Christians could fulfill their godly purposes it its
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Powder Is A Form Of Cocaine
Cocaine is a stimulant. It causes the heart to beat faster and that can cause high blood pressure,
heart attacks, and strokes. Sometimes the heart beats so fast that it actually stops. Emergency
doctors are taught to diagnose cocaine first for young patients with no past heart disease history,
because cocainecauses frequent heart problems.
Powder is a form of cocaine. A person can snort it and have it be absorbed through the nasal tissue.
It can also be mixed with water and injected it into the bloodstream. Which lasts longer, compared
to smoking it.
Crack is also a form of cocaine, called freebase cocaine. Crack is processed to make a rock crystal,
and the crystal is heated to make vapors. Those vapors get to the bloodstream by the
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Hughes Vs Mckay
Both poets use strong imagery to express their views on racial oppression in their poems.
McKay depicts a gruesome scene, whereas Hughes produces a hopeless feeling. From the title
of McKay s poem, If We Must Die , people would seem destined to death. They have no
alternative so they are in a desperate situation. McKay describes people are being like hogs :
trapped inside the fence, and unable to escape from the predators who get into the pen. The hogs
are powerless because they cannot defend themselves. However, the speaker does not want his
allies to die like hogs even though they are surrounded by mad and hungry dogs. McKay uses an
image of a pack of vicious dogs to represent the enemies, which arouses in the readers a feeling of...
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No matter how frightened the enemies are, they will not shed in vain . Therefore, in line 9, the
enemies are described as common foe which is not too scary, so the allies can have hope while
fighting them. In line 13, the speaker compares the enemies with murderers which give readers
a feeling that the enemies are immoral: what they do is against humanity. On the other hand, in
Hughes s poem, he uses common, food related scenes, to express his feeling. In line 3, he
describes that a dream deferred is like a raisin dry up in the sun . Once a grape has become the
raisin, it has no juice remaining. Hughes compares juice to hope which means there is no hope
at all, it will fester like a sore and then run? (4) In Hughes opinion, the dream deferred only
becomes more serious, and cannot be healed. The next line, Does it stink like rotten meat? (6)
shows dreams do not go away easily, they will linger, and spoil reminding people of their
unfortunate fate. Also, people must take actions to dispose of rotten meat. Hughes repeatedly
depicts sickening images to convince readers that dreams cannot be deferred. Especially the last
line, Or does it explode
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The Effects Of Hiv On Female Sex Workers
Since the first cases of HIV were detected among female sex workers (FSW) in Chennai, India in
1986, dramatic progress has been made in the last three decades in the battle against HIV both in
India and globally (Mayer, 2011). Despite this progress, new infections continue to occur in 2012,
there were an estimated 2.3 million persons newly infected with HIV globally (UNAIDS, 2013).
Many new infections often occur within the context of a serodiscordant relationship an infected
partner in a relationship transmits HIV to the uninfected partner. Over the past thirty years, several
interventions have been identified to prevent HIV transmission from HIV infected persons to
uninfected persons in serodiscordant relationships. Yet, transmissions continue to occur.
Interventions such as voluntary counseling and testing, condom promotion, and risk reduction
counseling are very effective in preventing transmission among serodiscordant couples but are
underutilized in India despite their widespread availability (Kumar et al., 2011). Interventions such
as pre risk exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and universal antiretroviral therapy (irrespective of CD4
count) have been newly identified but face several challenges that impede their widespread
implementation in India (Kumar et al., 2011). Serodiscordant couples in India also face certain
unique socio cultural issues such as marital and fertility pressure (Gupta et al., 2010).
New guidelines published by the World Health
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Hymn To Odyn Analysis
Apollo Hymn Homer s hymn to Pythian Apollo is written as a homage to Apollo, composed of
stories illustrating the important aspects of his life. Homer goes on to describe in detail how
Apollo wishes to find a suitable site for his all knowing oracle, how he ultimately decides upon
building his temple at the site of Delphi, Hera s birth to the monstrous Typhaon, and conclusively,
how Apollorecruits his Cretan followers or priests. The hymn opens with a description of worship
for the god Apollo, while he plays his lyre. With the first few notes of his song, the other immortals
quickly gather to the place where the melody can be heard. Apollo s music is entrancing, all present
are intrigued by the beautiful music that is playing, and in... Show more content on
Homer goes on to describe how as Apollo was considering how to acquire these followers, he
took notice of a passing ship on the sea full of Cretan sailors. Intercepting them on their journey,
Apollo transformed into a dolphin and lept upon their boat, and caused the ship to shake with his
mighty power. The sailors, unrecognizing of the god, became fearful and followed the powerful
wind that lead them to Crisa. Once upon the shore, Apollo revealed his true and mighty form to
the sailors installing an awesome fear in each of them (278) and they rejoiced in serving him.
With the aid of Apollo, the sailors all became initiated so they may devote themselves to the
practices and worship of Apollo. This story highlights how Apollo came to be known as Apollo
Delphinios, the root of the word meaning dolphin, and likewise, how the location received the name
Delphi. Along with the tales asserting Apollo s birth and origin, the hymn also discusses Hera and
the monster Typhaon that she creates. Enraged with her husband Zeus, since he has on his own born
the wise goddess Athena from his forehead, Hera hopes to give birth a monster that will become
famous among mortals, but will not go against the sacred marriage vow that she and Zeus share.
Hera prayed to the Earth and the Heavens, as well as Tartarus, asking them for a child who will
have strong enough powers to rival even Zeus and his own father Cronus. The Earth
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The Mother Poem Analysis
Gwendolyn Brooks was one of the most honored poets of her time. Brooks is acknowledged as
the first black author who won a Pulitzer Prize; she was also the first black woman to hold a
position in the Library of Congress. Many of Brooks poems reflected on the civil rights activism
of her time period. With these poems she connected racial identity, equality and politics into her
works, but she has also managed to bridge the gap between the academic poets of her generation
in the 1940s and the young black militant writers of the 1960s, (Gwendolyn Brooks). Within
Gwendolyn Brooks poems she shares the struggles of a life as an African American in a world full
of whites. Through all she has done, Gwendolyn Brooks is remembered as one of the... Show more
content on ...
Although both are complete opposites, she combines the two characteristics tremendously. The
conflict of this poem is how a woman and a man are so deeply in love and then suddenly fall out of
that love and separate, leaving only sadness and pain. Brooks uses love numerous times
throughout her career as a writer. She can develop a story out of what appears to be thin air.
What may have driven Brooks to write To Be in Love could have been a love story gone wrong in
her own life, because this poem features the deep personal aspect of one who has experienced these
feeling that it is hard not to connect those dots. Love seems to be a recurring theme in Brooks
works. The use of metaphors helps her intensify her feelings through words. An example of a
metaphor in To Be in Love is your arms are water, meaning that love loosens one when with
another to open their mind to new things. But also this quotes means that after two people break
up, either person could see the situation in a different perspective. Gwendolyn Brooks uses
another metaphor in the quote you are the beautiful half of a golden hurt. The hurt of a break up
can take such a toll on a person, mentally and sometimes even physically, that it can become a
huge ordeal and an expensive emotional loss. The building of a relationship can be compared to
the accumulation of wealth, and when it ceases to exist it can feel as if
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Sports Media Changing the Sports Industry
When looking back at historical sporting moments, the impact ESPN has made on sports, sports
media and the sports industry as a whole can t be overlooked. On September 7th 1979 ESPN
launched their flagship show, SportsCenter. This moment in sports media history was a game
changer for the way fans consume sports. It is amazing that back in 1979, the concept of watching
highlights and footage of games when they were happening or just completed was unfathomable for
most people. The moment SportsCenter aired, sports marketingand media was altered to a 24/7
industry that has continued to grow to its current place as a trend leader in society. One sporting
moment in particular for myself, was the launch of ESPN360 back in 2002. This provided fans the
first broadband network that they could catch live streams or recaps of different events from
mainstream (NCAA tournament) and obscure (Bassmaster Elite). Change for the fans is seen with
so many media platforms popping up that impact the fan experience from consumer to consumer.
A historical sporting moment involving an athlete, was in the 1970 s when Coke marketed their
product with Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Mean Joe Green. These advertisements defined a
sports industry as being accessible to the public and really resonated with consumers of both the
beverage industry as well as the sports industry. The Internet has impacted the fans greatly over the
years. Internet provides sports companies with a way to
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The Mating Intelligence Scale, And The Flirting Style Test...
Personality Portfolio Personality tests offer an opportunity to learn more about psychology and
about oneself. I have just completed the Jung type sorter, the Big five inventory, the mating
intelligence scale, and the flirting style test. I had taken both the Jungian Type Sorter and the
Big Five Inventory previously, but now have a better understanding what my scores mean. The
Mating intelligence and Flirting Styles tests were both novel to me, I enjoyed these two tests
the most, but have doubts about the accuracy of my responses to questions. Jungian Type Sorter
My Jungian type was Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving, or ENFP. Alternatively,
INFP due to a low preference for extraversion over introversion (3% vs 1% respectively). Reading
through the descriptions of both personality types I cannot say that either align terribly well with
my own self judgement. The experience is reminiscent of reading a horoscope; I can easily
identify with about half of the claims made, while a quarter are slightly off the mark, and the
remaining are dead wrong. Considering though that the descriptions must be written to encompass
scorers at both extremes of the scales, this doesn t necessarily indicate a lack of validity in the
model itself. The website lists some famous ENFPs. Assuming their assessments are valid, it is
certainly gratifying to be likened to Mark Twain, a man whose gruff compassion I have always
admired. Buster Keaton, a childhood favorite of mine, is an
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Essay On Sildenafil
What is Sildenafil?Sildenafil is sold under the brand name Viagra and its generic version is
knows as generic Sildenafil or generic Viagra. The tablets come in strengths, which vary from
25mg to Sildenafil 100mg; the initial dose is typically 25mg and the dose could be further
adjusted once the patient s response and tolerance to the medication are evaluated. The pills work
within an hour and their effect lasts for approximately four hours.Do not take more than one pill
per day, and do not increase the dose on your own; if you accidentally overdose or experience
severe allergic reactions or side effects, call your healthcare provider immediately and visit the
nearest hospital.Important information about sildenafil:Do not take sildenafil if... Show more
content on ...
You could be having a serious side effect of sildenafil.Stop using sildenafil and call your doctor at
once if you have any of these serious side effects: sudden vision loss;ringing in your ears, or
sudden hearing loss;chest pain (angina) or heavy feeling, pain spreading to the arm or shoulder,
nausea, sweating, general ill feeling;irregular heartbeat;swelling in your hands, ankles, or
feet;shortness of breath;vision changes;feeling light headed, fainting; orpenis erection that is
painful or lasts 4 hours or longer.Less serious side effects may include: warmth or redness in your
face, neck, or chest;stuffy nose;headache;memory problems;upset stomach; orback pain.This is not
a complete list of side effects and others may
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The Wizard Of Oz By William Shakespeare
The door man cries when he see how upset Dorothy is and say he will get them in to see the
Wizard of Oz.. They walk down a long hall and see fire and a large head of a god like figure who
identified himself as the Wizard of Oz and demand to know who they were. The Wizard of Oz is
acting evil and mean, but his action is a mask, a persona. He presents himself through fire and
smoke, and is full of insults for his uninvited guests. He command the Tin Man to step forward,
he is aware he is coming for a hearts, he calls him ugly names, including junk. The Tin Man
speaks to him and is told to be quiet. The Wizard of Ozaddresses the Scarecrow, knowing he wants
a brain, he calls him ugly names. He calls the Cowardly to step forward, who is frighten and
faints. Dorothy becomes angry at the way the Wizard of Oz is treating them and steps forward
in their defense. Dorothy tells the Wizard of Oz he should be ashamed of himself, she shows her
maturity in defense of her allies. The Wizard of Oz does not give the Dorothy, the Tin Man,
Scarecrow or the Cowardly Lion what they are seeking. He said he would grant their requests, but
they must prove themselves by performing a small task; they must bring him the broom stick of
the wicked witch of the west. The Wizard of Oz takes on the personality of a shapeshifter, because
he changes the direction of Dorothy s journey by sending them on another journey. The new
journey ordered by the Wizard of Oz leads to Dorothy s ultimate
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Environmental Impact On Habitat Fragmentation
Habitat fragmentation is happening all around the world, even in developed countries such as the
USA and UK, and is having a detrimental impact on species biodiversity (Hanski, 2015). Habitat
fragmentation is a process by which a landscape is transformed into an unsuitable habitat for the
present species. When a habitatbecomes fragmentated this results in the habitats to develop into
smaller patches and can even create patches of isolation, completely different to its original state
(Fahrig, 2003). Fragmentation can occur naturally, through processes such as wildfires and windfall
however, with the constant increase in human population (7 billion in 2017), habitat fragmentationis
becoming more frequent and destructive due to the rise in human land use (Oikos, 1994).
Healthy biodiversity cannot be maintained with habitat fragmentation being present, as this will
decrease habitat space, structure and connectivity causing a decline in biodiversity. To measure the
impacts habitat fragmentation is having on species, there have been certain methods which have
been conducted to understand its full impact (Oikos, 1994). Some methods include comparing
species richness in artificial habitat fragmentation patches to species richness in normal conditions,
or the common one being used is to test the relationship between density and patch size. When
assessing habitat fragmentation, species richness is the point of call, as this is believed to not only
show the number of species,
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Secrets Of Connecting Leadership And Learning With Humor...
Chapter three, What is Leadership? Or, He Ain t Heavy, He s (She s) my Leader, in the book,
Secrets of Connecting Leadership Learning with Humor written by Peter M. Jonas (2004),
describes how development of the brain is intertwined with one s ability to develop leadership and
humorist traits. Jonas (2004) proposes, ...leadershipis a process of influencing others toward the
accomplishment of a shared purpose or value (p. 27). The author notes that as the brain grows and
experiences different situations throughout life, it separates and stores information useful for
survival while disregarding the rest. As the brain recognizes occurrences that happen over and over,
the synapses make connections that heighten leadership abilities by recognizing previous mistakes,
and learns from them. It is also noted that because humor is a universal language, it can be infused
in leadership practices to help remove social gaps attributed to hierarchal structures. Although a vast
amount of research exists that addresses what constitutes the best leadership... Show more content
on ...
Most imperative to an organization s success is the achievement of each employee s goals as a part
of the whole. Clearly it is evidenced that transformational leadership is an effective means by which
leaders help others become more valuable and productive in their roles in the organization. Why do
some organizations excel at implementing productive leadership elements and others fail? Perhaps
they fail to recognize the value of one single solitary individual and their influence as part of the
whole, and this attitude should be changed. Certainly, the discussion regarding inherent leadership
traits that produce the greatest amount of influence in an organization will continue, especially as
more research is conducted regarding the
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Research Paper On Clownfish
Nowadays, having an aquarium as the part of house decoration becomes the popular hobby found.
The aquarium can make another artistic decoration of the room while some people also said that it
bring the positive aura into the house. People can have the different choice about the type of the
fish that can be putted into their aquarium. One of the commonest types of the fish chosen by
people is the clownfish. When you like to have this species of fish, you also have more options to
be chosen since there are so many types of clownfish too in the world.
The aquarium can be placed inside your house also can be considered based on some measures. At
first, you can choose between the large and the small or the medium size of your aquarium. Then
you also can consider the aspect of its ... Show more content on ...
The first one to be mentioned is the Saddleback complex type. This one is interesting especially
because of its common handsome appearance. The fish from this genus that is often chosen by
people is the kind of saddleback anemonefish. You can find this fish in the form of combination
between black and white colors or between white color and black red color. Nevertheless, the latter
is the rare case found.
The other type of fish that is also popular to be included into the types of clownfish is the kind of
tomato complex. The one to be mentioned from this kind is the type of tomato clownfish. As it
gets its name, the dominant color for the cat is similar into the mature tomato. One pattern that
becomes its special offering for its beauty is the appearance of a white band color found below
its eyes. That makes the whole appearance of the fish is really good looking. Based on that reason,
this one also becomes one of the most popular clownfish chosen by people
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Rent To Own Essay
Before my dad began working at RNR Tire Express I did not know very much about rent to own.
I understood that it meant you rent something until you own it just by drawing conclusions. I
think it is easy to find the benefit of rent to own in America especially in tough economic times.
Nowadays it is uncommon for people to be able to pay for large, yet necessary items in one full
payment. For example, new tires can be very expensive, but they are necessary in order to drive
safely. Old, worn tires are a safety issue and could cause more damage to your car if they aren t
replaced. I think many Americans dread having to get new tires because it often times means
spending moneythat they do not have. I think there are many Americans that would have to choose
between new tires or paying another bill if they had to pay for their tires in full, upfront. Rent to
own makes it possible for someone to buy a new set of needed tires without breaking the bank by
allowing them to make payments. Another benefit to making payments is that usually the buyer
can choose the best time for them to make their payments such as weekly, biweekly, or monthly....
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Without rent to own a person with poor credit may not be able to buy the product at all. Along
with helping people with poor credit, rent to own is a chance to establish credit with a rent to
own company over time. I think rent to own is great because it can help someone in a tough
situation. As I said earlier, rent to own benefits people who cannot afford the product in one full
payment. I think about my family and how many bills my parents have to pay. If an unexpected
situation occurs, it can really affect my family financially. Rent to own offers people some peace of
mind in unexpected financial circumstances. It is unfortunate that some people perceive rent to
own in a negative way, but after learning of its benefits are usually pleasantly
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Toyota Motor Sales, U.s. Essay
Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A, Inc. or TMS has always proved to be a formidable force in the
automobile industry. The United States first graced with TMS presence in 1957, in Hollywood,
California, sold the dealership s first car, the Toyopet Crown, to 287 customers (Toyota, 2015).
However, over the past six decades the company became a driving force in the market. TMS
emphasizes on customer satisfaction. In fact in its publicly disclosed purpose, the company
states, you are what drives us, and built for how you live (Toyota, 2015). These statements
indicate how important consumers are for the company. TMS also exerts corporate social
responsibility by extending caring efforts to the environment and local communities. TMS has
sold over two million hybrid cars in the U.S.A; 42 dealerships that are LEED, (Leadership in
Energy Environmental Design), certified and programs like Toyota Together Green that work to
protect wildlife and natural resources, and to improve overall water quality (Toyota, 2015). TMS
work ethics has made it the eighth most valuable brand in the world with revenues of
approximately $250 billion, and profits of $19 billion as of May 2015 (Forbes, 2015).
Advantages The new structure of decentralization provided more control, which was better for TMS
business structure. Barbara Cooper, TMS CIO, noticed that the IS structure was isolated and
outdated. When a system is outdated and not keeping up with the changes it cannot
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Essay On St Augustine
The life and thoughts of St. Augustine survived the ages through numerous and detailed texts, some
of which written by Augustine himself, others written by others under his supervision. As a result,
the portrait of the prominent medieval philosopher is not only very clear, but also reveals more of
a single figure than that of any other philosopher of his time.
One of the major topics that entranced St. Augustine was the topic of sin, the sinner, and evil. Those
themes possessed some of his more detailed thoughts, themes that were present throughout his life.
The question revolving around the problem of evil are hard to answer, and this essay will attempt
to give a clear account of Augustine s thoughts on this topic. Hopefully, while his thoughts... Show
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Although Augustine s view on rhetoric was negative, even within his confessions he employed his
knowledge of the art and made him such a powerful speaker.
In Confessions, Augustine retells his time at Carthage as a time when he would experience
physical love and the desire for it. Because the confessions are written many years after his leaving
the times of adolescence, they are written in retrospect, with Augustine s views very different. Not
only did he separate physical love from God, but he treated physical love as a way to hinder one s
connection to God. Hence, it was natural that he would treat earthly love and desires as inferior,
and harmful.
The power of Augustine s words lay in his vivid descriptions of his acts of sins and desires that
he harnessed within him. By this, in the eyes of the public, he would place himself not as a semi
god as many would think him to be, but as a man like any other, who began his travels along the
same path as everyone else. This would further send a message how other people could reach God,
just as Augustine had, and created a possibility for others to follow. Augustine s sermons must have
been a sight to behold with such mastery of
... Get more on ...
Tom Walker, Goodman Brown, And The Devil
Tom Walker, Goodman Brown, and the Devil During the early 1700s, a traveler met a man in the
Massachusetts forest. However, this was no mortal man, but the devil. Young Goodman Brown and
The Devil and Tom Walker, two short stories, both start out in this way. Washington Irving wrote
the latter in 1824, which tells how Tom Walker profited through working for the devil. In 1835,
Nathaniel Hawthornewrote Young Goodman Brown, which describes GoodmanBrown s woodland
encounter with the Devil. The two stories share specific ideas regarding the devil, overpowering
minor deviations between each other. Both authors describe the devil similarly. In the two stories,
the devil craftily disguises himself so that he appears to be a... Show more content on ...
Hawthorne symbolized this through Faith, Goodman Brown s wife, whom he deliberately left
behind in order to follow the devil. The stories also expose the sinfulness of the characters,
making them unlikable. Eventually, the devil takes the souls of all the characters, including
those who acted the most devoutly. For example, Tom Walker became... all of a sudden, a
violent church goer. He prayed loudly and strenuously as if heaven were to be taken by force of
lungs, (Irving 11). Nevertheless, the devil carries pious Tom away on his great black horse. In
Young Goodman Brown, all the village s citizens, including Faith, willingly gather at a worship
service for the devil. This ruins Brown s Christian life because he now thought there was no truth to
Christianity. Consequentially, when he had lived long, and was borne to his grave...they carved no
hopeful verse upon his tombstone, for his dying hour was gloom, (Hawthorne 19). Man s corrupt,
sinful nature made it possible for the devil to capture the souls of Tom Walker and Goodman
Brown. Although the stories main components mirror each other, they still differentiate. For
example, in The Devil and Tom Walker, everyone believes Tom has made a deal with the devil,
whereas in Young Goodman Brown, the author questions the actuality
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Obligations, Reasons, And The Will By Ruth Chang Essay
In Commitments, Reasons, and the Will, Ruth Chang argues that there are special reasons for
actions produced within committed relationships which do not arise in other relationships, and that
the commitment itself gives these reasons their normative force (75). In contrast, in Autonomy and
the Authority of Personal Commitments: From Internal Coherence to Social Normativity Joel
Anderson objects that views which emphasize volitions fail to adequately explain the normative
failure of one who acts contrary to their commitments (94). First, this paper will explicate Chang s
argument for voluntarist reasons, and, second, it will examine Anderson s objection and his social
normativity proposal. I will argue that Chang fails to establish why volitional reasons are necessary
to explain the normativity of commitments, and, furthermore, that Anderson s account is more
Chang regards commitments as exercises of our normative powers, whereby we will reasons into
existence for ourselves (75). She focuses on commitments made to friends, family, and romantic
partners, and those made to oneself in terms of projects. These differ from other types of
commitments, such as promises, since the obligation to keep a promise exists only because promises
invite others to develop expectations (76). The commitments Chang discusses create internal
obligations rather than moral obligations because, according to her, they need not cause
expectations in others (although they often
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Maxwell Equations Essay
when attached to a solenoid it gives it a lot of power to do things like power houses. The solenoid
makes the electromagnetic field stronger causing it to do more and bigger tasks.
Multiple scientist developed theories about electromagnetism. One of the most popular ones is the
Maxwell Equations. The Maxwell equations are equations explaining electromagnetism and how it
works. These equations were formed by different equations and experiments. According to (Gale,
2001, WWW)Albert Einstein James Clerk Maxwell set the platform for physics and future
scientists. Maxwell s theories were opposite from what other people thought. MaxwellВґs theories
also didn t have a lot of mistakes but there were quite a few mistakes in the velocity area. Maxwell s
theories brought a big change to electromagnetism. His theory connected and brought electricity
and magnetism together.
Maxwell was the first to collect and publish research about ... Show more content on ...
Albert einstein was born in Ulm, Germany he even own a nobel prize for physics (Gale, 2008,
WWW). Einstein is one of the most memorable, popular, and some would even say the most
successful scientist. Doing research on electrons einstein discover electromagnetism was wrapped
in the energy of electrons. Einstein gave credit to other scientist such as James Clerk Maxwell and
even went as far as to say they set they set the platform for modern physics. Another scientist that
helped with this discovery was Heinrich Hertz. In the 1880s Hertz produced electromagnetic waves,
these waves went farther than visible light could these waves are now called radio waves. Hertz
(Gale, 2006, WWW)contributed quite a bit to electromagnetism, not only did he discover the waves
but he did research in the topic of electromagnetic radiation. He didn t always want to be a scientist
in fact he studying engineering at the university of
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Stats Final
* The Final Exam is worth a possible 250 points. * There are 10 essay questions. Question 1
addresses TCO A and is worth 33 points. Questions 2, 3, and 4 address TCO B and are worth 18
points. Questions 5 and 6 address TCO C and are worth 18 points. Questions 7 and 8 address
TCO D and are worth 24 points. Question 9 addresses TCO E and is worth 48 points. Question
10 also addresses TCO E and is worth 31 points. * You will have 3 hours and 30 minutes to take
the exam. Keep an eye on the remaining time and SAVE your work often, because when the time
limit is reached, you will be exited from the exam. * Please also note that during the exam time, the
copy/paste and printing functions are disabled. * 1. (TCO A) At an... Show more content on ...
(Points : 18) | 7. (TCO D) An article in a trade journal reports that nationwide 28% of liquor
purchases are made by women. If B amp; B Liquor s proportion of sales to women is
significantly different from the national norm, the owners are considering redesigning B amp; B s
advertising. A random sample of 100 customers is selected resulting in 24 women and 76 men.
Does the sample data provide evidence to conclude that less than 28% of B amp;B s customers are
women (using пЃЎ = .01)? Use the hypothesis testing procedure outlined below. a. Formulate the
null and alternative hypotheses. b. State the level of significance. c. Find the critical value (or
values), and clearly show the rejection and non rejection regions. d. Compute the test statistic. e.
Decide whether you can reject Ho and accept Ha or not. f. Explain and interpret your conclusion in
part e. What does this mean? g. Determine the observed p value for the hypothesis test and interpret
this value. What does this mean? h. Does this sample data provide evidence (with пЃЎпЂ = .01),
that less than 28% of B amp; B s customers are women? (Points : 24) | 8. (TCO D) Carleton
Chemical claims that they can produce more than 800 tons of meladone on average per week. A
random sample of 36 weeks of production yields the following results. Sample Size = 36
... Get more on ...
Financial Management
FNCE 451 DDavis Homework 4a Review Questions
1. A 6 year Circular File bond pays interest of $82 annually and sells for $920 . What are its coupon
rate, current yield, and yield to maturity? a. Coupon rate b. Current yield c. Yield to maturity
_____________ %. ____________ %. ___________ %.
2: An example of a firm s financing decision would be: A. acquisition of a competitive firm. B. how
much to pay for a specific asset. C. the issuance of ten year versus twenty year bonds. D. whether
or not to increase the price of its products.
3. When corporations need to raise funds through stock issues, they rely upon the: A. primary
market. B. secondary market. C. over the counter market. D. centralized NASDAQ exchange. 4.
Which of the ... Show more content on ...
B. It is a cumulative number over a long period of time. C. It shows the profitability of a firm
after deducting a calculation of a charge for cost of the capital. D. All of these are correct.
10. Which of the following bonds would be considered to be of investment grade? A. A C rated bond
. B. A B rated bond. C. A Ba rated bond. D. A Baa rated bond.
11. What is the relationship between an effective annual (compounded) rate (EAR) and the annual
percentage rate (APR) for a loan requiring monthly payments? A. The APR is lower than the
annually compounded rate. B. The APR is higher than the annually compounded rate. C. The APR
equals the annually compounded rate. D. The answer depends on the interest rate.
12. Which of the following characteristics applies to the amortization of a loan such as a home
mortgage? (Amortization = principal payments) A. The amortization decreases with each payment.
B. The amortization increases with each payment. C. The amortization is constant throughout the
loan. D. The amortization fluctuates monthly with changes in interest rates
13. Other things being equal, the more frequent the compounding period, the: A. higher the APR.
B. lower the APR. C. higher the effective annual interest rate. D. lower the effective annual interest
14. What happens when a bond s expected cash flows are discounted at a rate lower than the bond
s coupon rate? A. The price of the bond increases. B. The coupon rate of the bond
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Essay on Legalization of Gambling in Ohio
Legalization of Gambling in Ohio
The words Casinos and Gambling are often associated with gangsters, prostitution, murderers, and
all the illegal operations one could think of.
Those kinds of stereotypes are picked up in movies like ?Casino? and the countless other gangster
and casino related movies that are based in the 50?s,
60?s, and 70?s, but that was then and this is now. ?While there may be some vestigial ties between
organized crime and casinos, gambling is now big business? (Weissman 1). ?The term gambling or
?gaming? as the industry calls it, means any legalized form of wagering or betting conducted in a
casino, on a riverboat, on an Indian reservation, or at any other location under the jurisdiction of the
... Show more content on ...
A deck of cards was as much a part of a miner?s possessions as was the pick with which he
unearthed silver from the mines? (History of Gambling...1). The first territorial legislature that
outlawed games of chance wasn?t written until
1861(History of Gambling...1), but the law was unenforced. Probably because the cops
themselves were playing. Nothing could be done to stop gambling so they tried to regulate it. ?In
1869 when the state legislature enacted a law requiring a license to operate a game, the state and
local governments filled their coffers with the fees charged gaming operators?
(History of Gambling...1). Nevada legislature ordered all gambling establishments to close their
doors in 1910 (History of Gambling...1).
So what does someone do when something becomes outlawed? They go underground, and that?s
what people did. ?During the ban, gangsters ?Big
Bill? Graham and Jimmy ?The Couch? Mckay operated illegal halls and monopolized prostitution
and bootlegging when prohibition was enacted in
1919? (History of Gambling...1).
When the Great Depression set in, everyone looked for ways to make some money. ?During the
depression, state legislators sought out ways to increase state revenues. Phil Tobin, a Nevada
legislator from Winnemucca argued that since gambling still existed despite laws banning it, the
state should legalize gambling and tax it. They did? (History of gambling...1). In
... Get more on ...
Effects Of Corruption On Women
Through the analysis of the different aspects of corruption at different levels of society, it can be
argued that the differential treatment of women and their lack of empowerment (2) is the cause
of the greater effect that corrupt systems have on women (1). 1.The impact of corruption on
women: the greater effect of corrupt systems on women Because corrupt systems cause women
to suffer from gender specific forms of corruption (a) and difficulties in accessing public services
(b), women seem to be disproportionately affected by corruption. a.The women specific
practices of corruption While research often focus on the different probability to pay bribes for
men and women, a strong emphasis should be placed on how men and women are differently
impacted by corruption. As an abuse of entrusted power in exchange for a private gain,
corruption seems to accentuate those differences, especially when it takes gender specific forms.
Those are disproportionately experienced by women when the currency for bribes is of a sexual
nature. For instance, sexual extortion, or sextortion, is defined as the situation where sexual
favors are used as a currency for corrupt practices. This manifestation of extortion can involve
diverse types of sexual assault against women, from sexual harassment to forced sex. When
inflicted by public officials in exchange for the performance of a duty, it seem to fall within the
definition of abuse of power and influence of the UNCAC, yet sexual extortion is
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Observation Paper On Child Development
Observation Paper A unique opportunity was presented to me as I prepared to complete the
observation or interview paper for HDFS 225. We have close friends who have a fourteen year
old son with Down syndrome and I was given permission to spend time with Jason (not his real
name) over a weekend and this enabled me to observe an adolescent male who happens to be a
special needs child. The adolescent period of human development interests me since this stage in
life presents significant changes and is considered to be some of the most critical and challenging
years in human development. The addition of the documented special need made the opportunity
very intriguing and I thought it created an excellent learning opportunity. Not only would I be
digging into the development of a 14 year old, I would also be gaining knowledge about the
impact or effects of Down syndromeon development. Jason is 14 years old, short but heavy set
for his age and height. He is typically in a very good mood and happy to have a friend to spend
time with and this day as I visited him at his home was no different. Down syndrome is a
chromosomal disorder which occurs in 1 out of every 800 live births ((T. Crandell, C. Crandell
Vander Zanden, 2012, p.81). Most Down patients have a condition called trisomy 21, or 3 copies
of the 21st chromosome. This results in an individual with 47 total chromosomes instead of 46 that
are normal (Crandell et al., 2012, p.81). This extra chromosome alters typical human
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Essay On Managing And Living With Lupus
Managing and Living with Lupus, each day is a challenge 1
Assignment 5: Persuasive Paper Part 3: Possible Disadvantages, Answers, with Visuals
Beverly Jones
Professor Weslea Bell
Research and Writing Eng 215
June 6, 2017
Managing and Living with Lupus, each day is a challenge 2
Each day I face a challenge to manage and live with Lupus. I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus
in May 2002. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the form of the disease that most people refer
to when they say lupus. The word systemic means the disease can affect many parts of the body
Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease ... Show more content on ...
These antibodies may be affecting any tissue in the body. There is no single test that can determine
if a person has Lupus or Not. The ANA test is helpful to doctor if he suspects the possibility of
Systemic Lupus
Managing Lupus and Family
The management of patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus consists of three components:
Educating the patient and their family, keeping medical treatment follow ups are very important
and managing the disease. At this time, I go every six months to see my Rheumatologist now. I
previously went every three months when I was diagnosed in 2002. Educating the patient and
family is very important in managing Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Some patients and family
member are often misinformed about the disease, it can be overwhelming for them. It can be hard
to know how to deal with an illness like lupus. In many cases, you may not understand your
symptoms. Your relative may seem fine one day and then the next day not be able to get out of
bed. In some cases, lupus can force changes in your daily routine. This may cause somewhat of a
strain within the family and in other personal relationships. I have not experienced this within my
But it s important to remember: Lupus is also frustrating for the person who has it. This article
offers seven tips on what to understand
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Essay Mgm Resorts International Case Study
Case Study: MGM Resorts International 27 February 2013 Table of Contents Key Dates and
General History 3 5 Environmental Analysis 5 7 Porter Analysis 7 9 Marketing Strategy 9 12
Competitor Analysis (SWOT)12 18 Company Analysis (SWOT)18 20 Financial Analysis 21 22
Future Trends 22 23 Recommendations 23 25 Conclusion 25 26 References 27 28 Key Dates and
General History MGM Resorts International was incorporated in Delaware on January 29, 1986 as
MGM Grand, Incorporated, a subsidiary of Kirk... Show more content on ...
2008 brought some problems for MGM. On October 29th of that year, MGM reported a sixty
seven percent plunge in third quarter earnings, due mostly in part to lagging revenues from its
Las Vegas properties. On that same day, MGM decided to halt a five million dollar Atlantic City
project which was to be built on land next to Borgata Hotel and Casino. Shortly after this
announcement, New Jersey gambling regulators were set to deny MGM s suitability to operate
casinos in New Jersey. This was due mainly in part to their partner, Pansy Ho, who New Jersey
regulators believed could not operate independently of her father, Stanley Ho. This forced
MGM to sell their New Jersey property, Borgata Hotel and Casino, which was a highly profitable
piece of business. Finally, at the end of 2008, MGM decided to sell its Las Vegas Treasure Island
property. Around the same time, MGM also introduced Jim Murren as their new CEO. Murren was
behind many of the major acquisitions that helped transform MGM and had been repeatedly
honored as the gaming and lodging industry s top CFO by Institutional Investor magazine. This
promotion came at an important time as MGM had fallen on some hard times. The start of 2009
was no better for MGM. In March, Dubai World and its wholly owned subsidiary Infinity World
filed a lawsuit claiming that MGM breached its CityCenter joint venture agreement after the
company filed
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  • 1. Photo Essay Goo 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Photo Essay Goo Photo Essay Goo
  • 2. Comparative Analysis Of A Few Good Men A Comparative analysis of Red Reiner s A Few Good Men It is interesting to see human behavior when put into a difficult situation that may force them to harm others when they do not want to, but will anyways. It is human nature to always do what is best for themselves and their safety, but people tend to harm others when they can shift the blame off themselves for causing them harm. As for example the milgram experiment is a great example showing people will cause harm under given command. This not true for everyone, but for most people it is. People will harm others, but kept telling the instructor that they want to stop. The instructor told them they must keep on going, the first response would be i do not want to blamed for hurting the person, soon as instructor took the responsibility then the they would continue to cause pain. A movie that takes a closer look into this situation is A Few Good Men directed by Red Reiner. Some of the main actors were Tom Cruise who played Lt. Daniel Kaffee and is a lawyer that is defending the marines in a murder case, Jack Nicholson who played Col. Nathan R. Jessup is the leader of marines stationed in Guantanamo Bay, Demi Moore who played LT. Cdr. Joanne Galloway is part of the team with Kaffee to defend marnie in the murder case , James Marshall who played Pfc. Louden Downey is the marine who is trialed for murder and disorderly conduct, and Kevin Bacon who played Lt. Sam Weinberg is the Prosecutor . To quick run over the movie, it ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Open Door Immigration Policy Essay The United States of America to the rest of the world is a place of liberty, freedom and a land of opportunities. Thousands of people every year leave their Motherlands in search for better life, for political, religious, and economic reasons. In most of the world, citizenship is defined by race or ethnicity, but an American may belong to any ethnic group. Despite that the U.S. immigrationpolicy have always favored those who came from Western Europe to the exclusion of other groups. In the beginning of the country there was an open door immigration policy on immigration (White, 214). The first significant federal legislation restricting immigration was the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act law that suspended Chinese immigration for ten years and barred Chinese in the U.S. from citizenship. The Immigration Act of 1924 imposed the overall numerical quota to 165,000, and was passed in response to political and public opinion calling for restrictions on immigration from South Eastern Europe following events such as 1919 recession and high unemployment, civil unrest and the Red Scare (Daniels, 47). In 1965, Congress passed the Immigration and Nationality Act, which ended quota system that favored Western European immigrants, and today, the majority of the country s immigrants come from Asia and Latin America. Known as a nation of immigrants, many Americans still developed a strong hostile feelings toward immigrants. In contrast, the Founding Fathers were looking at immigration as at ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Dbq Causes Of World War 1 There were many causes that contributed to World War I like: Imperialism, Militarism, and Alliances. Europeans thought they could make the world their oyster and take over any areas they pleased. Most countries did not appreciate their land being taken from them. For example, Serbia wanted independence from their mother country Austria Hungary, so a nationalist group called the Black Hand, decided to assassinate the Archduke. If Serbia didn t assassinate the Archduke of Austria Hungary the war probably wouldn t have happened at all. Europe s imperialism is what caused the Great War that went for four long years from 1914 to 1918 and had over 30,000,000 million casualties. The main cause of World War I was Imperialism which caused Alliances and... Show more content on ... Austria Hungary attacking Serbia would start the domino effect of the countries going to war. Russia would have to join the war because Serbia and Russia have an agreement. Bringing Russia to war would then bring the United Kingdom and France to battle. With the Triple Entente going to war to protect Austria Hungary the Triple alliance would have to join the war bringing Germany and Italy into the battle.(documents A and B) The Triple Entente and Triple Alliance were being pulled into the war because Austria Hungary and Serbia s dispute in 1914. Militarism contributed to World War I by causing tension between the countries. As country s militaries grew it started building tension which made other countries make their militaries larger. When war broke out in 1914 the Triple Entente could field 2.23 million men when Germany and Austria Hungary could only field 1.2 million men. The Triple Alliance would be attacked from all sides and Great Britain had the most naval control. (documents C and D) Every country building up their armies made tensions really high between the Entente and the Alliance, which made war break out ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Moral Philosophy Of Ethical Egoism Timothy Walter PHI101 5:45PM Research Paper The Moral Philosophy of Ethical Egoism Let him be the best of men, and let him be thought the worst; then he will have been put to the proof; and we shall see whether he will be affected by the fear of infamy and its consequences. And let him continue thus to the hour of death; being just and seeming to be unjust. When both have reached the uttermost extreme, the one of justice and the other of injustice, let judgment be given which is the happier of the two. Glaucon, from The Republic (Pojman, Vaughn, 464). Every day there are children dying of starvation in poor countries all over the world. In more prosperous countries people are afforded luxuries such as lavish cars and weekly movies at the cinema. If asked, these people will tell you that we do, in fact, have a moral obligation to help the children if we are in a position to do so. So why, do we choose to buy the luxury car? Why do we spend enough to feed a small village on one trip to the cinema with family? It is because deep inside we know that our primary concern is our own self interest; the pursuit of happiness. Ethical egoism at first glance seems counter intuitive, however, upon deeper inspection we see that ethical egoism is the moral philosophy that should be adopted if we wish to obtain the goal of happiness. Ethical egoism is the ethical view that one ought to do whatever and only whatever is in one s own maximum interest, benefit, advantage, or ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Political Influence In Elections As indicated in Figure 1, there has been a strong increase in swing voters in UK general elections, particularly since 2001. When considered in the context of valence issues, this could suggest that since an increasing number of voters are likely to choose a different party from one election to another, it is possible that an increasing number of voters are likely to be influenced by the valence model of voting, that is, considering the competency of the different parties on the issues that are important to them. This would then imply that issues are having an increasingly large amount of influence on the way people vote, possibly to the extent that they have become more influential than social class. Issue appropriation A notable ... Show more content on ... (BBC 2017) It is therefore very possible that a large number of people who voted UKIP in the 2015 election chose to vote this way simply because the issue of EU integration was important to them and so chose to vote for a different party in the 2017 election because the other major parties now covered this issue, as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 How those who voted UKIP in 2015 voted in 2010 and how they planned to vote in 2017 Source: Curtis, C. (2017). If we take the voting intentions displayed in Figure 3 to be a correct indication of how voters actually behaved at the polling stations, then it would be fair to say that around 64% of people who voted UKIP in 2015 voted for a different party in 2017, with 37% of these former UKIP voters choosing to vote for the Conservatives, possibly due to Theresa May s recent promises for a hard Brexit . (The Guardian 2017). This would then imply that many voters are willing to choose a party based on their stance on a particular issue even if this means selecting a party that is not necessarily associated with one s social class, as shown in Figure 3 by the fact that former Labour voters, after voting UKIP in 2015, chose to vote Conservative in 2017. If class ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Theme Of Everyday Use The story Everyday Uses begins with a Mother talking about her daughters, Maggie and Dee. Dee is outgoing, beautiful, and judgmental; she searches for things that may give her life purpose. Family values are of very little importance to Dee. She finds her significance more in her appearance than in endearment to the people of with whom she has shared her life, due to her insecurities. Then, there is her little sister Maggie, a small, shy girl, who has large insecurities due to her appearance. She also walks with a limp, due to a fire that occurred at her old house when she was younger. Maggie maylack external beauty but, she has internal beauty; a caring heart and she loves her Mother. The love that Maggie has for her mom is in sharp... Show more content on ... In every way shape and form, you would think that they were nothing alike unless you looked at their hearts. By appearance, they are different. Dee is beautiful and very much into fashion, unlike her sister who is said to be unattractive. Their level of education levels are different. Dee was able to go to the Augusta school after her mother raised the money, whereas Maggie has very little education. Their personalities are a world apart. Dee is outgoing, spunky, and not afraid to say what she is thinking. Maggie is shy and jealous of her sister, but she has a generous heart. All though the sisters are different, their insecurities link them together in a unique way. In conclusion I can say in Alice Walker s story Everyday Uses, the two sisters Dee and Maggie differ in appearance, education, and attitude, but they both have deep down ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Climate Change Summit The Unites States of America is currently working to combat climate change in order to protect people from its effects. By combatting climate change, the USA hopes to prevent its effects from becoming worse in the future because the USA cares for its citizens and doesn t want them to keep experiencing the consequences of climate change. The USA is putting great effort into dealing with climate change and also hopes that other businesses, organization, and individuals will join them in their effort (Environmental News Service). One concern the USA has towards climate change is its cause of natural disasters. Climate change is bringing more natural disasters by making weather patterns stronger, and weather patterns are becoming stronger as climate change grows which is bringing more natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and drought to the USA (Rice). One example of a natural disaster that occurred in the USA as a result of climate change is the tornado in Moore, Oklahoma. In this event, a tornado rated 5 on the Enhanced Fuijta scale hit Oklahoma and had a negative impact on this city by destroying many of its houses and buildings also resulting in the destruction of businesses such as schools (Cable News Network). Another major concern of the USA towards climate change is that it will cause a rise in the global sea level which will result in many of its coastal cities to be submerged underwater. There will be a permanent 4 feet rise in the global sea level ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Is Attrition A Negative Impact On Late Stage Doctoral... Literature Review Willis and Carmichael (2011) presented foundlings stating that attrition is defined by the experiences gathered in the doctoral study rather than the stage at which erosion occurs. The study share relevant similarities to previous research, indicating perverse experiences could lead to pessimistic outcomes regardless of the field or stage of the doctorate program (Willis and Carmichael, 2011). The theoretical foundations of this case study support the synthesis arguments of Hoskins and Goldberg (2005) that stated dissertation committee chair post a problematic negative impact on late stage doctoral attrition. Other scholars argue the results of the current research. Incomplete doctoral learners all assert how a problematic relationship with their dissertation chair played a significant role in their decision to leave the program (Willis and Carmichael, 2011). However, Willis and Carmichael (2011) identified the gap and addressed problems in the attrition decision. Dropped out learners were not allowed to achieve their goals, and that resulted in negative emotions (Willis and Carmichael (2011). According to Willis and Carmichael (2011), comparatively, students that willing quit the dissertation process no longer desire the degree, and thus experienced positive emotions related to attrition, but more research is needed. Phenomenon Key Component The event key element in this qualitative study describes dissertation committee chair as the problem in ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Race Analysis In Swimming When looking at my race analyses, I see I m certainly biased towards the 50 m freestyle. The extra attention comes down to one main reason: the 50 m is the easiest to analyze. For one, it is the shortest, but also, the cameramen typically give you another view of the race, helping myself obtain data. Anyway, for past race analyses, be sure to checkout our race analysis page. In the 50 m freestyle final, Florent Manaudou of France won easily with a time of 21.19 seconds. Second place with to Nathan Adrian of the United States with a 21.52, which was 0.15 seconds slower than his semi final time of 21.37 seconds. Now, understanding the differences in race strategy provides insight into where the race was won. Start Florent Manaudou had... Show more content on ... Manaudou s stroke rate increased by 10 strokes per minute, while Adrian s only increased by 6 strokes. Nonetheless, they had identical times over this distance by at 7.0 seconds. AnalysisFlorent lifts head Overall, Manaudou won the race on the start and 25 35 m mark. On the start, Adrian should delay the initiation of his kick by ~0.25 seconds. This delay will allow him to maintain his starting velocity longer, as well as reduce his overall strokes required in the race. Manaudou should try to maintain his stroke rate into the wall and finish without looking forward. This forward look creates massive frontal drag and these bad habits may cost him a close race giving him not reason to lane line lounge. ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Class, Culture, And Gender Intersectionality is the concept that is used when examining the interconnections between a group or a an individual dealing with race, class, culture, and gender. Since these groups intersect with one another, they cannot be examined separately. The term intersectionality was first coined by Kimberle Crenshaw, being a woman of color she argued that black women have to deal with two types of discrimination, racismand sexism. A combination of two types of discrimination, when studying an individual it hard not to intersect them with different types of discrimination. Crenshaw and other women of color would not have to deal with double discrimination if white women were not discriminated and if black peoplewere not discriminated as well. Privilege then comes into play here, more importantly white privilege, having social advantages just by being born white. Having white privilege only goes so far, if you are a woman one still has the social advantages of being white, but then comes in sexism and male privilege. Where privilege and oppression intersect on not only an individual, but a type of group, being the white female. By being a white woman one can be privileged and oppressed at the same time. While if you are a woman of color you are discriminated more upon and more oppressed since you are not only dealing with one discrimination, but two. One type of group that comes into play with discrimination is the woman. Where in a society that is prominently ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Evolution Of Human Origins Initial ideas of human origins are reflected in the ancient mythologies. Later on, religious versions of human origins appeared. One of the most popular religious theory is creationism. According to it God had created men and everything else in the world. There are two types of creationism, young earth creationismand old earth creationism . Ancient philosophy first proposed ideas of the natural origins of men. Most of its ideas were speculative. It was the product of the ancient philosophers` imagination, but not a result of researching of objective data. Next Charles Darwin offered the Theory of Evolution. Until now this theory is the one of the best substantiated theories in the history of science, supported by evidence from a wide variety of scientific disciplines, including paleontology, geology, genetics and developmental biology. His theory explains how unguided, natural mechanism could structure all the processes in the world, while operating in accordance to the laws of nature . Despite the wealth of evidence from the fossil record, genetics and other fields of science, some people denounce the theory, invoking a higher being as a designer to explain the complex world of living things, especially humans. School boards debate whether the theory of evolution should be taught alongside other ideas, such as creationism. Mainstream scientists see no controversy. Today a lot of people have deep religious beliefs and also accept evolution . There is also a theory of ... Get more on ...
  • 13. My Ethical Qualms With The Toilet Initial interest and topic expansion This paper started as a way to talk about my ethical qualms with the toilet and see if there was a scientific basis to back them up. More than a history or philosophy of how the modern toilet came to be, I wanted to see if there is scientific evidence to back up my idea of toilets and the modern sewage treatment systems as wasteful. In order to understand the wastefulness, or efficiency, of the toilet however, I had to answer the question, what happens when we flush? This may not be the most interesting or sexiest information about waste, but it is an important look into a part of the waste stream we contribute to daily, in fact, according to the American Water Works Association, an average of five ... Show more content on ... Modern sewage formed in response to the 1858 Great Stink of London. The Great Stink was a product of many factors. The introduction of flush toilets replacing previously popular chamber pots increased water and waste volume into cesspits. Additionally, these cesspits, once only used for excess rainwater collection, began to carry waste from slaughterhouses and factories, contaminating the city before its ultimate departure into the River Thames, which began to overflow with sewage along with its tributaries. All of this combined with an unusually hot summer encouraged bacterial growth, a rancid odor, and contributed to a cholera outbreak. In response, London build thousands of miles of underground pipe and created the modern sewage treatment system [2]. Two categories of sewage treatment Sewage treatment can be broken into two categories storm sewers and sanitary sewers [3]. Storm sewers Storm sewers drain excess rain and groundwater from manmade infrastructure like roads and parking lots, get less treatment or sometimes none at all. Sometimes it may be processed to remove stuff like car oil [3]. Sanitary sewers Sanitary sewers are processed to clean up human waste. Although there are many methods of dealing with human waste, the generally accepted method in North America consists of a three stage sewage treatment system. In this essay I will look at this three step method system as well ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Muslims Social Justice Social justice is the right and freedom that everyone has about their chosen religion. Mahatma Gandhi says I have no right to more than I need when my brother has less than he needs. Therefore, this quote suggests that social justice is enjoyable if all of us have it. It s hurting for me to have freedom towards everything while my brother next door is deprived his freedom especially that of religion. The US Congress even passed the establishment clause which prohibited the law from interfering with the establishment and practices of any religion. The establishment clause promotes social justice, but many people and the legislature have broken this law. Why are the Muslims linked to many terrorist activities? Why is terrorisminvolving Muslims more aired in the media than those attacks involving non Muslims? These are the questions that need answers because stereotyping a religion is social justice. Recently, the US president banned immigration from seven major Muslim countries including Iraq, Libya, ... Show more content on ... After the signing of the executive order, Muslims from Malaysia were demonstrating requesting for justice for their fellow men. The business sector will be disadvantaged since they will have to seek investors from the Middle East and not from Malaysia as they did previously (Shelby, 2016). The rift between Muslims and non Muslims may increase because the executive order portrays Muslims as terrorist making them feel rejected by the US. The rift between the Muslims and the non Muslims will even trigger more terrorist attacks (Mckissen, 2017).. Who said terrorism is the leading cause of deaths in the US? Most of the residents of the US die as a result of accidents and diseases and not terrorism hence banning innocent people from the US is a social injustice. Therefore, it is evident that Trump has deprived the banned Muslims the freedom to interact and trade in the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Marketing Audit of Bic Marketing audit BIC * INDEX 1MARKETING STRATEGY AUDIT4 1.1Business Mission4 1.1.1The company s mission, vision and values4 1.2Marketing Objectives and Goals5 1.3Strategy6 2Product strategy audit8 2.1BIC s product mix8 2.2The product lines and their augmented level 14 2.2.1FAQ15 2.2.2Contact us15 2.3Comparison of BIC s product mix with its 2 main competitors product mix18 2.4Expansion Strategies20 2.5Areas that need improvement considering individual product decisions, product line decisions, product mix decisions and branding strategies24 3The pricing strategy audit24 3.1The investors relations section of BIC web page24 3.1.1Pricing objectives24 ... Show more content on ... Secondly, they want to continue to invest in the brand across all areas, which strengthen their position and pave the way for future growth in some countries like Australia, Russia and Brazil. Thirdly, BIC is among the top 20 French companies for including sustainable development in their business strategy. For the upcoming year, they want to continue to develop products with environmental benefits in order to display their eco values on their packaging and to implement their policy of excellence in the factories while reducing CO2 and developing their employee s skills. In parallel, they will pursue their commitment to enabling their consumers to make responsible choice. Finally, they will keep conquering market shares in developed and developing countries by combining quality with low prices. * How BIC guides the marketing planning and performance measurement We think that they have stated clearly the marketing planning and performance measurement because in its annual report and in its sustainable development report we found the marketing activities (e.g., e marketing, promotional items, express yourself stationery marketing) that the company has done and it will continue doing, and their corresponding benefits and results. * The marketing objectives given the company s competitive position, resources, and ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Essay on Al Capone Biography When I sell liquor, they call it bootlegging. When my patrons serve it on silver trays on Lake Shore Drive, they call it hospitality. Al Capone [Woog, 25] Al Capone was one of the most notorious gangsters during the 1920 s. He was a self made business man. He had a ready smile and a quick handshake, which if you did not play your cards right, could turn out to be fatal. It took 500 gangland murders to make Capone the boss of Chicago. He was public enemy number one. Capone single handedly gave Chicago the nickname The Lawless City. Alphonse Capone was born in Brooklyn, New York, on January 17, 1899. He grew up in a very rough neighborhood and ... Show more content on ... He had everything to do with anything that involved gambling, sex, or alcohol. Once Capone had everything he wanted in Chicago, he realized he was highly disliked by the whole country because he began to hear comments on the street and in the newspapers. Although he often did business with Capone, the mayor William Big Bull Hale Thompson, wanted Capone out of Chicago because Capone was bad for Thompson s political image. So the mayor hired a new police chief to run Capone out of the city, and he personally saw Capone out of the city. Capone looked all over for a new location and he decided to move to an estate in Palm Island, Florida in 1928. Once Capone was out of the city, attempts on Capone s life were becoming regular but he had connections with newspapers and policemen so he quickly found out about the plots. He, on the other hand, was very discrete and clever about his murders. He would always have an alibi, because he himself would rarely do the murdering. His most notorious murder was the St. Valentine s Day massacre. On February 14, 1928, four of Capone s men entered a garage of the Main Liquor warehouse for bootlegger George Bugs Moran s North Side Gang. When the men entered the garage two of Capone s men were dressed as police officers and therefore the North Side Gang dropped their weapons. When they did Capone s gang murdered them ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Sulfide Mining Pros And Cons Imagine drifting slowly on a canoe while fishing one of Minnesota s crystal clear waters on a beautiful, sunny day. Now imagine being interrupted by the loud, ongoing sounds of drilling and being told the fish were too dangerous to eat. This is only one of many potential harms of sulfide mining. PolyMet, a new miningcompany would like to bring sulfide mining, also known as copper nickel mining to Minnesota. This would involve the extraction of copper and various other metals from sulfide, hence the name. The sulfide that comes out of this type of mining can have serious consequences on the environment. Events that occurred in the past and facts mentioned in the books titled Taconite Dreams by Jeffrey Manuel and Fractured Land by Lisa... Show more content on ... For instance, transporting the materials from the mines from place to place can lead to the roads being congested, putting a strain on the roads. Evidence of this is shown in Fractured Land when Lisa is observing a high way. She writes of various trucks involved in the fracking industry creating traffic and putting wear and tear on the roads of U.S. Highway two (55). Many of these mines are in more rural areas where roads were not made with the intention of there being as much pressure on the roads as the activity with the mines creates. This means the increased activity on the roads results in them breaking down. The same goes for these trucks as it does for the movement of vehicles shipping in materials from different nations for the fracturing to take place. More congested roads also means greater odds for accidents. This is evident when Westburg, the Fractured Land author writes of an accident that occurred along U.S. Highway 2. Multiple trucks collided until one of them crashed into a tanker trailer with crude oil. This vehicle exploded and burned for many hours, resulting in the closing down of the entire highway (Westburg 141). Because the majority of these mines are built in areas where the roads are not made to suit traffic, the roads are too narrow. This ultimately leads to a rise in tragic accidents. Also, along with more goods being mined comes more products to be shipped over seas. This would inevitably lead to more pollution. For instance, In 2013, transportation contributed more than half of the carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, and almost a quarter of the hydrocarbons emitted into our air (Union). This is tainting both the environment and human health, as the only atmosphere the world relies on is being tainted by globalization. The trucks and planes involved in shipping the metals from place to place would mean more fossil fuel ... Get more on ...
  • 18. NHL Lockout Analysis Established on November 26, 1917, the National Hockey League (NHL) has been showcasing the skills of the world s best hockey players for nearly a century. The NHL is composed of 30 teams all over North America and has 50 million die hard fans worldwide. But even with a total revenue of $4.1 billion, the NHL still experienced 4 work stoppages throughout its history. During the most recent lockout from September 15, 2012 until January 12, 2013, the players and the league weren t the only ones who were affected. Many Canadians felt the impact of the lockout in their daily lives, which isn t much of a surprise as hockey is Canadas favourite sport. In this report, we will analyze the causes, effects and resolution of the 2012 labour dispute between... Show more content on ... After doing extensive research on both sides and their motives, we believe that the NHLPA was more reasonable in their demands; it makes for players to make more money if the NHL was making more money. What the NHL initially wanted would have cut player revenues by 9%. Many additional factors made this unfair such as the lowered salary cap and their refusal to talk unless their proposal was used; but the primary reason was that the NHL tried to establish an equitable revenue split in their favour. What the NHL did was unfair to the players and the fans, caused unnecessary commotion and dragged negotiations on for longer than it needed to ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Lost Slot Of Riches Review Meta: Daub is back and this time around they are bringing players a game that has some serious history behind it. The Lost Slot of Riches has Ancient Egypt at its core, but will you be able to uncover its hidden gold? The Lost Slot of Riches Review The era of Ancient Egypt is still, to this very day, considered to be one of the most mysterious and alluring time periods in history. There are plenty of incredible stories and tales tucked away within the era s effortlessly rich tapestry. Looking at the core facts of the situation, Ancient Egyptis one of the earliest civilizations in the world and represented the perfect blend of many different cultures and traditions. Now, taking the historical relevance of the time, The Lost Slot of Riches ... Show more content on ... The wild symbol also doubles the prize that comes with the winning combination that it completes. If that wasn t enough, the wild symbol is also your key to making some big time cash in the this game, as you can win 15, 20, or 25 free spins by landing 3, 4, or 5 of the wild symbol on screen. Stacking up the sand blocks The Lost Slot of Riches also features a bonus round, which works to round off the game experience. This bonus round is opened up by landing three or more of the pyramid scatter symbols anywhere on the reels. The aim of the bonus game is to choose from sarcophagi, as means to open them up and reveal a prize of up to 10x your bet. How many chances you get depend on how many scatter symbols showed up. An endless stream of prizes Addressing the prize structure of this game, it appears that it is all about the progressive jackpots featured, which come in mini, midi, and maxi form. All three of these jackpots can be won randomly at any time, no matter your bet or how the reels land on screen. You can even win the jackpot on a spin where no matching symbols line up, as the jackpots in this game really are just that ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Bryan Cox Essay . I found Bryan Cox s answers to be the most interesting because I can relate and connect with him the most as I, as well, plan on living at home and commuting. With all the things he had mentioned such as home cooked meals and wake up calls, I feel that there will be more time for me to focus on my studies and less on errands and the duties of living on my own as I will have my family to help me out. Another point that I found interesting from Bryan s answer was when he said I don t necessarily have all the freedom I d have if I were living on campus. This answer is interesting to me because usually students would insist to live on campus instead of living at home because they would have more freedom without typical family restrictions such as curfew, going to bed early,... Show more content on ... a) After hearing from Katherine Bennett, I was surprised when she mentioned that the work from university was not as difficult as teachers at secondary school proclaimed. I find this surprising because I have always been told that post secondary work load is very overwhelming. b) Hearing what Bryan Cox has said about the workload for the first year, has greatly reduced my stress level because I was never a big fan of immense amounts of work. Since Bryan mentioned how the work load was manageable and less than expected, this is a great factor as university and college students will still have time for themselves to hang out with their family and friends, meet new people, join clubs, participate in extracurricular activities, volunteer, etc. c) From the article, I thought that the best advice was from Fahad Malik where he advised to always smile and laugh. According to him, appearing happy and approachable is a great way to meet new people and make new friends. I think making new friends is really important, especially when you are heading into an unfamiliar environment, because you can always turn to your friends for help, advice, moral support, and just to hang out and relieve stress, ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Impact Of The Second Sino-Japanese War The Second Sino Japanese War was a bloody experience to both China and Japan. The aggression of Japan in Second Sino Japanese War eventually broke out the Pacific War and dragged China into the Second World War. There were various significant incidents occurred during the Second Sino Japanese War, thus, became the most controversial issues since then in the Sino Japanese relationship. This chapter will focus on some contentious incidents during the Second Sino Japanese Warand the Second World War. One of the prime issues during this period is the Nanjing Massacre, or sometimes known as the Rape of Nanjing . It shows the brutality of Japanese military and the unforgivable and unforgettable incident among the Chinese. The act of whitewashing ... Show more content on ... Since the end of the 1990s, there was a baodiao [дїќй‡Ј, which means defending Diaoyu] campaign which emerged in mainland China (He, 2007 14). In March, 2004, these baodiao activists actually succeeded in landing on the Senkaku islands (He, 2007, 14) (Yukio, 2012), as an act to protest the claims from Japan. These baodiao movement is associated with the anti Japanese movement. They also registered as a formal organization, known as the China Federation for Defending the Diaoyu Islands (CFDD) in Hong Kong and established its headquarters in Beijing (He, 2007, 14). The Senkaku islands dispute is among the contested sovereignty of China and Japan, which created the anti Japan and anti Chinese sentiment between the two states. PRC government, nonetheless shows its assertiveness over the sovereignty of the island. The firm stand of the government, thus, affects the development of Chinese nationalism as well, targeting the anti Japanese sentiment to secure the public support over the PRC s ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Nikki Webber Allen s Speech Analysis For my effective essay, I will be talking about Nikki Webber Allen and how she dealt with depression and anxiety. Nikki Webber Allen believed for her being a black woman it was hard for her to express her emotions and how she was doing as a person. In her speech, she speaks about the community she comes from depression was a weakness. The signs of depression are lack of interest, eating behaviors change, insomnia. The speaker was alone on stage with some small audiences which she used a headset mic to which allowed her to sound very confident of what she was talking about. Nikki had explained after being diagnosed with having anxiety and depression, she received a phone call from her mother about her 22 year old nephew Paul who had commit suicide. She was in shock about how no one knew what was wrong.... Show more content on ... Nikki explains how Paul and she were very close but that their shame never allowed them to accept the fact they were both fighting the same disabilities. How she wishes it could have been different and she was there for her nephew Paul. Suicide has become a very big thing around the world with teenagers and adults allowing their secrets deep inside without having help. Having feelings isn t a sign of weakness, it means we are humans she stated, with her sharing the story of her personal issues that may inspire others to get help and find ways to not end their lives. Her goal is to send the message of how depression and anxiety can be helped but never completely gone. Her message was very emotional of how she is still hurting of losing her nephew when times weren t right and the way she wishes things could have been ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Secret Sharer Essay Cameron Davidson Professor Dennis LAL 250 04 10 Sept. 2015 The Secret Sharer Assignment In The Secret Sharer by Joseph Conrad, we as readers are introduced to the captain and a former first mate of another ship who has been arrested for murder of another crew member, whose name is Legatt. We learn of the captain s elaborate plan to hide Legatt to avoid his capture. First, he takes Legatt, the arrested first mate, under his wing and instead of arresting him, like he should, he tells him to hide in his quarters, and throughout the tale, we see Legatt nearly being captured multiple times, such as when the captain is asked where his coat is, and one of his crewmen reply that it was in his quarters in the bathroom, to which the captain suddenly goes into a cold sweat, worrying he might be found out if Legatt is seen. Legatt and the captain appear as doubles because the captain, feeling sorry for Legatt, decides to give him clothing of his to wear for ... Show more content on ... Walking to the taffrail, I was in time to make out, on the very edge of a darkness thrown by a towering black mass like the very gateway of Erebus yes, I was in time to catch an evanescent glimpse of my white hat left behind to mark the spot where the secret sharer of my cabin and of my thoughts, as though he were my second self, had lowered himself into the water to take his punishment: a free man, a proud swimmer striking out for a new destiny. (Conrad 193) What does this mean?: In short, the captain remembers the person who was in his cabin, Legatt, and since he was a former first mate, he is similar to the captain. The last line signifies that Legatt has moved on to a new life. Throughout the story, we see the captain refer to Legatt as his second self, or double, but I think that the reason that he calls him double is because he s looking at himself and who he used to ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Build A Desktop Computer This text will tell you who to build a desktop computer. A desktop computer is the type of computer commonly used in office buildings and schools this text is designed for people who have some prior knowledge of how a computer works. You will need: 1 computer case 1 motherboard 1 CPU 1 or 2 RAM sticks 1 Heat sink 1 CPU fan 1 Power supply (PSU) 1 Graphics Card (GPU) 1 Disk Drive 1 Hard Drive (HDD or SSD) 1 Computer Monitor or TV Screen 1 Tube of Thermal Paste 1 Computer Operating System (Windows, Ubuntu or Linux) How to assemble a desktop computer Before starting please, ensure that you have a clean environment to assemble your computer. I also recommend that you assemble your computer on a wooden bench and use an antistatic wrist strap or sheet as ... Show more content on ... Please be very careful when handling the power supply has electricity may still be contained inside the power supply unit. Next step is to screw the drive bay to the computer case. Then insert the disk drive, card reader and hard drive into their correct slots in the drive pay and place to cables into their correct slots on the motherboard and the final step is to place the lid of the computer case on the computer case and screw it in place and you have just built yourself a desktop computer. Now that you have completed building, your desktop computer the next step is to install your chosen operating system for your computer. Personally, I recommend Windows as it is the most commonly used operating system worldwide and will run most third party programs such as Adobe and Microsoft Office suites. Follow the insurrections that come with your chosen operating system to complete the install process. Once you have done this you are now free to enjoy your desktop computer. I hope you found this text useful and I was able to assist you in building your desktop ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Analysis Of You And I Are Disappearing By Jusef Komunyakaa It Is A Little Bit Deeper Than That Jusef Komunyakaa s poem You and I Are Disappearing is about an experience in which the author was helplessly looking at a village girl getting devoured by flames that were caused by a firebomb called napalm. Within the context of the gruesome of war, the author puts down in words the vivid images of both the civilian and the soldier during the Vietnam War. While the village girl was engulfed by the flames, causing her physical pain , the soldier was also powerless in watching her burn. Years after the war, the speaker recalls how he still sees a girl burning in his head (Komunyakaa 2). A truth claim that can be drawn from this poem is that both the civilians and the soldiers are victims of war. I... Show more content on ... Ut himself was the one who put Phuc into the van for emergency medical help along with the other Vietnamese soldiers, and he saw that Phuc s burnt skin [was] raw and peeling off her body as they were moving her ( Vietnam War s NapalmGirl Kim... ). Phuc suffered serious burns over one third of her body. As told by Ut, the napalm was on Kim for so long that it was burning her skins and her nerves. Due to the permanent nerves damaged, Phuc will always live with the persistent pain and the unwanted thick scar will forever be part of her. Decades after the war, the napalm is still burning her. Phuc still feels the pain. In the poem, the author uses similes to describe the burning village girl and how napalm was hurting her just like Kim was. In over three fourths of the poem, the author used similes to portray the way she was being tortured by the firebomb. Komunyakaa used similes such as like a piece of paper, like a cattail torch dipped in gasoline, like a shot glass of vodka, and like oil on water to show the readers that the village girl was being burn by napalm very intensely (Komunyakaa). The author specifically used words such as gasoline, vodka, or oil, because all of these substances are known for being very flammable. They are the fuel to the fire, and they get consume as the fire burns. The author wants to show that the village girl is the fuel just like these substances and she is being consumed by the fire. She is disappearing. Research and data ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Their Eyes Were Watching God Summary Review of Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston Their Eyes Were Watching God is a story about a black woman in the 1930s, Janie s, quest for real and fulfilling love and freedom. The story begins when her grandmother, Nanny, catches her kissing a boy she doesn t approve of. Nanny is a former slave who is raising Janie because her own daughter, Janie s mother, was raped at seventeen, began drinking, and ran away. She faced many hardships and was denied things marriage in order to care for Janie. Therefore she pressures Janie to marry Logan Killicks before she dies of old age. Janie does this, despite not wanting to take part in it, and learns that marriage doesn t create love as she had thought. Logan says her place is wherever he needs her and even threatens to kill her when she tries to tell her how she feels. Janie s devastation is described in the line, Janie s first dream was dead, so she became a woman. ... Show more content on ... He treats her like she is special and talks to her about wanting to be a big voice and helping to start a town for only colored people. Janie is excited by his ideas and how he seems to value her. She agrees to go with him and get married. He was an escape from her first unsatisfying marriage until, as years pass, she realizes she didn t find the love she was hoping for. Joe s love is possessive. He sees her as a special thing and not a special person. He is often too interested in his own big voice to listen to Janie and expects her to follow his commands instead of her wishes. Yet, she stays with him in Eatonville until he dies twenty years later and only stands up to Joe and forces him to listen to her feelings moments before he dies. This scene had the biggest impact on me because I loved seeing Janie finally speak her mind. Although it was late, she finally showed courage and a sense of self ... Get more on ...
  • 27. John Winthrop And John Adams John Winthrop and John Adams and their respective works were heavily influenced by their times. Winthrop was a devout Puritan Christian that was escaping a persecuting king in the early to mid seventeenth century. As a learned and religious man, he came to be the leader of this puritan sect that was to establish a society unlike any other, free from religious corruption that his fellow people saw in the Church of England, that would be a model community much like the Citty upon a Hill described in the bible. On the other hand, John Adams experienced the tyranny of the British monarchy in a contrasting way. This era was marked with worsened conditions for American colonists in terms of economic and social taxations. Their literary... Show more content on ... Winthrop s political theory developed from an early age. As a religious man, one would expect him to be a preacher, but he found his calling through law and leadership. Because he was such a devout Puritan, he was chosen to spearhead the project of establishing the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which was originally purposed for economic uses. This changed when the group elected him as governor, which altered the purpose of the colony to be more religious in nature. As a result, this group of Christians made an exodus from the old world with the mindset of establishing a true Christian society , much like the Jews fleeing from Egypt, as described in the first testament, book of Exodus in the Bible. They felt it was not only a privilege but a duty of God, and as the metaphorical and literal hands of God, to uphold the values of a true Puritan society. This cemented in him a purpose to erect a community that would be that Citty on a Hill that is so famously quoted. In his address upon the Arabella, Winthrop reasoned that a society cannot have liberty without certain guidelines. Although similar to the social contract theory of Hobbes, who argued for a strong central government to prevent the evils that humanity naturally expresses, Winthrop argued for a strong government that would not only prevent the sinful ways of people, but to create an environment that Christians could fulfill their godly purposes it its ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Powder Is A Form Of Cocaine Cocaine is a stimulant. It causes the heart to beat faster and that can cause high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes. Sometimes the heart beats so fast that it actually stops. Emergency doctors are taught to diagnose cocaine first for young patients with no past heart disease history, because cocainecauses frequent heart problems. Powder is a form of cocaine. A person can snort it and have it be absorbed through the nasal tissue. It can also be mixed with water and injected it into the bloodstream. Which lasts longer, compared to smoking it. Crack is also a form of cocaine, called freebase cocaine. Crack is processed to make a rock crystal, and the crystal is heated to make vapors. Those vapors get to the bloodstream by the lungs. ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Hughes Vs Mckay Both poets use strong imagery to express their views on racial oppression in their poems. McKay depicts a gruesome scene, whereas Hughes produces a hopeless feeling. From the title of McKay s poem, If We Must Die , people would seem destined to death. They have no alternative so they are in a desperate situation. McKay describes people are being like hogs : trapped inside the fence, and unable to escape from the predators who get into the pen. The hogs are powerless because they cannot defend themselves. However, the speaker does not want his allies to die like hogs even though they are surrounded by mad and hungry dogs. McKay uses an image of a pack of vicious dogs to represent the enemies, which arouses in the readers a feeling of... Show more content on ... No matter how frightened the enemies are, they will not shed in vain . Therefore, in line 9, the enemies are described as common foe which is not too scary, so the allies can have hope while fighting them. In line 13, the speaker compares the enemies with murderers which give readers a feeling that the enemies are immoral: what they do is against humanity. On the other hand, in Hughes s poem, he uses common, food related scenes, to express his feeling. In line 3, he describes that a dream deferred is like a raisin dry up in the sun . Once a grape has become the raisin, it has no juice remaining. Hughes compares juice to hope which means there is no hope at all, it will fester like a sore and then run? (4) In Hughes opinion, the dream deferred only becomes more serious, and cannot be healed. The next line, Does it stink like rotten meat? (6) shows dreams do not go away easily, they will linger, and spoil reminding people of their unfortunate fate. Also, people must take actions to dispose of rotten meat. Hughes repeatedly depicts sickening images to convince readers that dreams cannot be deferred. Especially the last line, Or does it explode ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Effects Of Hiv On Female Sex Workers Introduction Since the first cases of HIV were detected among female sex workers (FSW) in Chennai, India in 1986, dramatic progress has been made in the last three decades in the battle against HIV both in India and globally (Mayer, 2011). Despite this progress, new infections continue to occur in 2012, there were an estimated 2.3 million persons newly infected with HIV globally (UNAIDS, 2013). Many new infections often occur within the context of a serodiscordant relationship an infected partner in a relationship transmits HIV to the uninfected partner. Over the past thirty years, several interventions have been identified to prevent HIV transmission from HIV infected persons to uninfected persons in serodiscordant relationships. Yet, transmissions continue to occur. Interventions such as voluntary counseling and testing, condom promotion, and risk reduction counseling are very effective in preventing transmission among serodiscordant couples but are underutilized in India despite their widespread availability (Kumar et al., 2011). Interventions such as pre risk exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and universal antiretroviral therapy (irrespective of CD4 count) have been newly identified but face several challenges that impede their widespread implementation in India (Kumar et al., 2011). Serodiscordant couples in India also face certain unique socio cultural issues such as marital and fertility pressure (Gupta et al., 2010). New guidelines published by the World Health ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Hymn To Odyn Analysis Apollo Hymn Homer s hymn to Pythian Apollo is written as a homage to Apollo, composed of stories illustrating the important aspects of his life. Homer goes on to describe in detail how Apollo wishes to find a suitable site for his all knowing oracle, how he ultimately decides upon building his temple at the site of Delphi, Hera s birth to the monstrous Typhaon, and conclusively, how Apollorecruits his Cretan followers or priests. The hymn opens with a description of worship for the god Apollo, while he plays his lyre. With the first few notes of his song, the other immortals quickly gather to the place where the melody can be heard. Apollo s music is entrancing, all present are intrigued by the beautiful music that is playing, and in... Show more content on ... Homer goes on to describe how as Apollo was considering how to acquire these followers, he took notice of a passing ship on the sea full of Cretan sailors. Intercepting them on their journey, Apollo transformed into a dolphin and lept upon their boat, and caused the ship to shake with his mighty power. The sailors, unrecognizing of the god, became fearful and followed the powerful wind that lead them to Crisa. Once upon the shore, Apollo revealed his true and mighty form to the sailors installing an awesome fear in each of them (278) and they rejoiced in serving him. With the aid of Apollo, the sailors all became initiated so they may devote themselves to the practices and worship of Apollo. This story highlights how Apollo came to be known as Apollo Delphinios, the root of the word meaning dolphin, and likewise, how the location received the name Delphi. Along with the tales asserting Apollo s birth and origin, the hymn also discusses Hera and the monster Typhaon that she creates. Enraged with her husband Zeus, since he has on his own born the wise goddess Athena from his forehead, Hera hopes to give birth a monster that will become famous among mortals, but will not go against the sacred marriage vow that she and Zeus share. Hera prayed to the Earth and the Heavens, as well as Tartarus, asking them for a child who will have strong enough powers to rival even Zeus and his own father Cronus. The Earth ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Mother Poem Analysis Gwendolyn Brooks was one of the most honored poets of her time. Brooks is acknowledged as the first black author who won a Pulitzer Prize; she was also the first black woman to hold a position in the Library of Congress. Many of Brooks poems reflected on the civil rights activism of her time period. With these poems she connected racial identity, equality and politics into her works, but she has also managed to bridge the gap between the academic poets of her generation in the 1940s and the young black militant writers of the 1960s, (Gwendolyn Brooks). Within Gwendolyn Brooks poems she shares the struggles of a life as an African American in a world full of whites. Through all she has done, Gwendolyn Brooks is remembered as one of the... Show more content on ... Although both are complete opposites, she combines the two characteristics tremendously. The conflict of this poem is how a woman and a man are so deeply in love and then suddenly fall out of that love and separate, leaving only sadness and pain. Brooks uses love numerous times throughout her career as a writer. She can develop a story out of what appears to be thin air. What may have driven Brooks to write To Be in Love could have been a love story gone wrong in her own life, because this poem features the deep personal aspect of one who has experienced these feeling that it is hard not to connect those dots. Love seems to be a recurring theme in Brooks works. The use of metaphors helps her intensify her feelings through words. An example of a metaphor in To Be in Love is your arms are water, meaning that love loosens one when with another to open their mind to new things. But also this quotes means that after two people break up, either person could see the situation in a different perspective. Gwendolyn Brooks uses another metaphor in the quote you are the beautiful half of a golden hurt. The hurt of a break up can take such a toll on a person, mentally and sometimes even physically, that it can become a huge ordeal and an expensive emotional loss. The building of a relationship can be compared to the accumulation of wealth, and when it ceases to exist it can feel as if ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Sports Media Changing the Sports Industry When looking back at historical sporting moments, the impact ESPN has made on sports, sports media and the sports industry as a whole can t be overlooked. On September 7th 1979 ESPN launched their flagship show, SportsCenter. This moment in sports media history was a game changer for the way fans consume sports. It is amazing that back in 1979, the concept of watching highlights and footage of games when they were happening or just completed was unfathomable for most people. The moment SportsCenter aired, sports marketingand media was altered to a 24/7 industry that has continued to grow to its current place as a trend leader in society. One sporting moment in particular for myself, was the launch of ESPN360 back in 2002. This provided fans the first broadband network that they could catch live streams or recaps of different events from mainstream (NCAA tournament) and obscure (Bassmaster Elite). Change for the fans is seen with so many media platforms popping up that impact the fan experience from consumer to consumer. A historical sporting moment involving an athlete, was in the 1970 s when Coke marketed their product with Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Mean Joe Green. These advertisements defined a sports industry as being accessible to the public and really resonated with consumers of both the beverage industry as well as the sports industry. The Internet has impacted the fans greatly over the years. Internet provides sports companies with a way to ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Mating Intelligence Scale, And The Flirting Style Test... Personality Portfolio Personality tests offer an opportunity to learn more about psychology and about oneself. I have just completed the Jung type sorter, the Big five inventory, the mating intelligence scale, and the flirting style test. I had taken both the Jungian Type Sorter and the Big Five Inventory previously, but now have a better understanding what my scores mean. The Mating intelligence and Flirting Styles tests were both novel to me, I enjoyed these two tests the most, but have doubts about the accuracy of my responses to questions. Jungian Type Sorter My Jungian type was Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving, or ENFP. Alternatively, INFP due to a low preference for extraversion over introversion (3% vs 1% respectively). Reading through the descriptions of both personality types I cannot say that either align terribly well with my own self judgement. The experience is reminiscent of reading a horoscope; I can easily identify with about half of the claims made, while a quarter are slightly off the mark, and the remaining are dead wrong. Considering though that the descriptions must be written to encompass scorers at both extremes of the scales, this doesn t necessarily indicate a lack of validity in the model itself. The website lists some famous ENFPs. Assuming their assessments are valid, it is certainly gratifying to be likened to Mark Twain, a man whose gruff compassion I have always admired. Buster Keaton, a childhood favorite of mine, is an ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Essay On Sildenafil What is Sildenafil?Sildenafil is sold under the brand name Viagra and its generic version is knows as generic Sildenafil or generic Viagra. The tablets come in strengths, which vary from 25mg to Sildenafil 100mg; the initial dose is typically 25mg and the dose could be further adjusted once the patient s response and tolerance to the medication are evaluated. The pills work within an hour and their effect lasts for approximately four hours.Do not take more than one pill per day, and do not increase the dose on your own; if you accidentally overdose or experience severe allergic reactions or side effects, call your healthcare provider immediately and visit the nearest hospital.Important information about sildenafil:Do not take sildenafil if... Show more content on ... You could be having a serious side effect of sildenafil.Stop using sildenafil and call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects: sudden vision loss;ringing in your ears, or sudden hearing loss;chest pain (angina) or heavy feeling, pain spreading to the arm or shoulder, nausea, sweating, general ill feeling;irregular heartbeat;swelling in your hands, ankles, or feet;shortness of breath;vision changes;feeling light headed, fainting; orpenis erection that is painful or lasts 4 hours or longer.Less serious side effects may include: warmth or redness in your face, neck, or chest;stuffy nose;headache;memory problems;upset stomach; orback pain.This is not a complete list of side effects and others may ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Wizard Of Oz By William Shakespeare The door man cries when he see how upset Dorothy is and say he will get them in to see the Wizard of Oz.. They walk down a long hall and see fire and a large head of a god like figure who identified himself as the Wizard of Oz and demand to know who they were. The Wizard of Oz is acting evil and mean, but his action is a mask, a persona. He presents himself through fire and smoke, and is full of insults for his uninvited guests. He command the Tin Man to step forward, he is aware he is coming for a hearts, he calls him ugly names, including junk. The Tin Man speaks to him and is told to be quiet. The Wizard of Ozaddresses the Scarecrow, knowing he wants a brain, he calls him ugly names. He calls the Cowardly to step forward, who is frighten and faints. Dorothy becomes angry at the way the Wizard of Oz is treating them and steps forward in their defense. Dorothy tells the Wizard of Oz he should be ashamed of himself, she shows her maturity in defense of her allies. The Wizard of Oz does not give the Dorothy, the Tin Man, Scarecrow or the Cowardly Lion what they are seeking. He said he would grant their requests, but they must prove themselves by performing a small task; they must bring him the broom stick of the wicked witch of the west. The Wizard of Oz takes on the personality of a shapeshifter, because he changes the direction of Dorothy s journey by sending them on another journey. The new journey ordered by the Wizard of Oz leads to Dorothy s ultimate ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Environmental Impact On Habitat Fragmentation Habitat fragmentation is happening all around the world, even in developed countries such as the USA and UK, and is having a detrimental impact on species biodiversity (Hanski, 2015). Habitat fragmentation is a process by which a landscape is transformed into an unsuitable habitat for the present species. When a habitatbecomes fragmentated this results in the habitats to develop into smaller patches and can even create patches of isolation, completely different to its original state (Fahrig, 2003). Fragmentation can occur naturally, through processes such as wildfires and windfall however, with the constant increase in human population (7 billion in 2017), habitat fragmentationis becoming more frequent and destructive due to the rise in human land use (Oikos, 1994). Healthy biodiversity cannot be maintained with habitat fragmentation being present, as this will decrease habitat space, structure and connectivity causing a decline in biodiversity. To measure the impacts habitat fragmentation is having on species, there have been certain methods which have been conducted to understand its full impact (Oikos, 1994). Some methods include comparing species richness in artificial habitat fragmentation patches to species richness in normal conditions, or the common one being used is to test the relationship between density and patch size. When assessing habitat fragmentation, species richness is the point of call, as this is believed to not only show the number of species, ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Secrets Of Connecting Leadership And Learning With Humor... Chapter three, What is Leadership? Or, He Ain t Heavy, He s (She s) my Leader, in the book, Secrets of Connecting Leadership Learning with Humor written by Peter M. Jonas (2004), describes how development of the brain is intertwined with one s ability to develop leadership and humorist traits. Jonas (2004) proposes, ...leadershipis a process of influencing others toward the accomplishment of a shared purpose or value (p. 27). The author notes that as the brain grows and experiences different situations throughout life, it separates and stores information useful for survival while disregarding the rest. As the brain recognizes occurrences that happen over and over, the synapses make connections that heighten leadership abilities by recognizing previous mistakes, and learns from them. It is also noted that because humor is a universal language, it can be infused in leadership practices to help remove social gaps attributed to hierarchal structures. Although a vast amount of research exists that addresses what constitutes the best leadership... Show more content on ... Most imperative to an organization s success is the achievement of each employee s goals as a part of the whole. Clearly it is evidenced that transformational leadership is an effective means by which leaders help others become more valuable and productive in their roles in the organization. Why do some organizations excel at implementing productive leadership elements and others fail? Perhaps they fail to recognize the value of one single solitary individual and their influence as part of the whole, and this attitude should be changed. Certainly, the discussion regarding inherent leadership traits that produce the greatest amount of influence in an organization will continue, especially as more research is conducted regarding the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Research Paper On Clownfish Nowadays, having an aquarium as the part of house decoration becomes the popular hobby found. The aquarium can make another artistic decoration of the room while some people also said that it bring the positive aura into the house. People can have the different choice about the type of the fish that can be putted into their aquarium. One of the commonest types of the fish chosen by people is the clownfish. When you like to have this species of fish, you also have more options to be chosen since there are so many types of clownfish too in the world. The aquarium can be placed inside your house also can be considered based on some measures. At first, you can choose between the large and the small or the medium size of your aquarium. Then you also can consider the aspect of its ... Show more content on ... The first one to be mentioned is the Saddleback complex type. This one is interesting especially because of its common handsome appearance. The fish from this genus that is often chosen by people is the kind of saddleback anemonefish. You can find this fish in the form of combination between black and white colors or between white color and black red color. Nevertheless, the latter is the rare case found. The other type of fish that is also popular to be included into the types of clownfish is the kind of tomato complex. The one to be mentioned from this kind is the type of tomato clownfish. As it gets its name, the dominant color for the cat is similar into the mature tomato. One pattern that becomes its special offering for its beauty is the appearance of a white band color found below its eyes. That makes the whole appearance of the fish is really good looking. Based on that reason, this one also becomes one of the most popular clownfish chosen by people ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Rent To Own Essay Before my dad began working at RNR Tire Express I did not know very much about rent to own. I understood that it meant you rent something until you own it just by drawing conclusions. I think it is easy to find the benefit of rent to own in America especially in tough economic times. Nowadays it is uncommon for people to be able to pay for large, yet necessary items in one full payment. For example, new tires can be very expensive, but they are necessary in order to drive safely. Old, worn tires are a safety issue and could cause more damage to your car if they aren t replaced. I think many Americans dread having to get new tires because it often times means spending moneythat they do not have. I think there are many Americans that would have to choose between new tires or paying another bill if they had to pay for their tires in full, upfront. Rent to own makes it possible for someone to buy a new set of needed tires without breaking the bank by allowing them to make payments. Another benefit to making payments is that usually the buyer can choose the best time for them to make their payments such as weekly, biweekly, or monthly.... Show more content on ... Without rent to own a person with poor credit may not be able to buy the product at all. Along with helping people with poor credit, rent to own is a chance to establish credit with a rent to own company over time. I think rent to own is great because it can help someone in a tough situation. As I said earlier, rent to own benefits people who cannot afford the product in one full payment. I think about my family and how many bills my parents have to pay. If an unexpected situation occurs, it can really affect my family financially. Rent to own offers people some peace of mind in unexpected financial circumstances. It is unfortunate that some people perceive rent to own in a negative way, but after learning of its benefits are usually pleasantly ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Toyota Motor Sales, U.s. Essay Background Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A, Inc. or TMS has always proved to be a formidable force in the automobile industry. The United States first graced with TMS presence in 1957, in Hollywood, California, sold the dealership s first car, the Toyopet Crown, to 287 customers (Toyota, 2015). However, over the past six decades the company became a driving force in the market. TMS emphasizes on customer satisfaction. In fact in its publicly disclosed purpose, the company states, you are what drives us, and built for how you live (Toyota, 2015). These statements indicate how important consumers are for the company. TMS also exerts corporate social responsibility by extending caring efforts to the environment and local communities. TMS has sold over two million hybrid cars in the U.S.A; 42 dealerships that are LEED, (Leadership in Energy Environmental Design), certified and programs like Toyota Together Green that work to protect wildlife and natural resources, and to improve overall water quality (Toyota, 2015). TMS work ethics has made it the eighth most valuable brand in the world with revenues of approximately $250 billion, and profits of $19 billion as of May 2015 (Forbes, 2015). Analysis Advantages The new structure of decentralization provided more control, which was better for TMS business structure. Barbara Cooper, TMS CIO, noticed that the IS structure was isolated and outdated. When a system is outdated and not keeping up with the changes it cannot ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Essay On St Augustine The life and thoughts of St. Augustine survived the ages through numerous and detailed texts, some of which written by Augustine himself, others written by others under his supervision. As a result, the portrait of the prominent medieval philosopher is not only very clear, but also reveals more of a single figure than that of any other philosopher of his time. One of the major topics that entranced St. Augustine was the topic of sin, the sinner, and evil. Those themes possessed some of his more detailed thoughts, themes that were present throughout his life. The question revolving around the problem of evil are hard to answer, and this essay will attempt to give a clear account of Augustine s thoughts on this topic. Hopefully, while his thoughts... Show more content on ... Although Augustine s view on rhetoric was negative, even within his confessions he employed his knowledge of the art and made him such a powerful speaker. In Confessions, Augustine retells his time at Carthage as a time when he would experience physical love and the desire for it. Because the confessions are written many years after his leaving the times of adolescence, they are written in retrospect, with Augustine s views very different. Not only did he separate physical love from God, but he treated physical love as a way to hinder one s connection to God. Hence, it was natural that he would treat earthly love and desires as inferior, and harmful. The power of Augustine s words lay in his vivid descriptions of his acts of sins and desires that he harnessed within him. By this, in the eyes of the public, he would place himself not as a semi god as many would think him to be, but as a man like any other, who began his travels along the same path as everyone else. This would further send a message how other people could reach God, just as Augustine had, and created a possibility for others to follow. Augustine s sermons must have been a sight to behold with such mastery of ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Tom Walker, Goodman Brown, And The Devil Tom Walker, Goodman Brown, and the Devil During the early 1700s, a traveler met a man in the Massachusetts forest. However, this was no mortal man, but the devil. Young Goodman Brown and The Devil and Tom Walker, two short stories, both start out in this way. Washington Irving wrote the latter in 1824, which tells how Tom Walker profited through working for the devil. In 1835, Nathaniel Hawthornewrote Young Goodman Brown, which describes GoodmanBrown s woodland encounter with the Devil. The two stories share specific ideas regarding the devil, overpowering minor deviations between each other. Both authors describe the devil similarly. In the two stories, the devil craftily disguises himself so that he appears to be a... Show more content on ... Hawthorne symbolized this through Faith, Goodman Brown s wife, whom he deliberately left behind in order to follow the devil. The stories also expose the sinfulness of the characters, making them unlikable. Eventually, the devil takes the souls of all the characters, including those who acted the most devoutly. For example, Tom Walker became... all of a sudden, a violent church goer. He prayed loudly and strenuously as if heaven were to be taken by force of lungs, (Irving 11). Nevertheless, the devil carries pious Tom away on his great black horse. In Young Goodman Brown, all the village s citizens, including Faith, willingly gather at a worship service for the devil. This ruins Brown s Christian life because he now thought there was no truth to Christianity. Consequentially, when he had lived long, and was borne to his grave...they carved no hopeful verse upon his tombstone, for his dying hour was gloom, (Hawthorne 19). Man s corrupt, sinful nature made it possible for the devil to capture the souls of Tom Walker and Goodman Brown. Although the stories main components mirror each other, they still differentiate. For example, in The Devil and Tom Walker, everyone believes Tom has made a deal with the devil, whereas in Young Goodman Brown, the author questions the actuality ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Obligations, Reasons, And The Will By Ruth Chang Essay In Commitments, Reasons, and the Will, Ruth Chang argues that there are special reasons for actions produced within committed relationships which do not arise in other relationships, and that the commitment itself gives these reasons their normative force (75). In contrast, in Autonomy and the Authority of Personal Commitments: From Internal Coherence to Social Normativity Joel Anderson objects that views which emphasize volitions fail to adequately explain the normative failure of one who acts contrary to their commitments (94). First, this paper will explicate Chang s argument for voluntarist reasons, and, second, it will examine Anderson s objection and his social normativity proposal. I will argue that Chang fails to establish why volitional reasons are necessary to explain the normativity of commitments, and, furthermore, that Anderson s account is more plausible. Chang regards commitments as exercises of our normative powers, whereby we will reasons into existence for ourselves (75). She focuses on commitments made to friends, family, and romantic partners, and those made to oneself in terms of projects. These differ from other types of commitments, such as promises, since the obligation to keep a promise exists only because promises invite others to develop expectations (76). The commitments Chang discusses create internal obligations rather than moral obligations because, according to her, they need not cause expectations in others (although they often ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Maxwell Equations Essay when attached to a solenoid it gives it a lot of power to do things like power houses. The solenoid makes the electromagnetic field stronger causing it to do more and bigger tasks. Multiple scientist developed theories about electromagnetism. One of the most popular ones is the Maxwell Equations. The Maxwell equations are equations explaining electromagnetism and how it works. These equations were formed by different equations and experiments. According to (Gale, 2001, WWW)Albert Einstein James Clerk Maxwell set the platform for physics and future scientists. Maxwell s theories were opposite from what other people thought. MaxwellВґs theories also didn t have a lot of mistakes but there were quite a few mistakes in the velocity area. Maxwell s theories brought a big change to electromagnetism. His theory connected and brought electricity and magnetism together. Maxwell was the first to collect and publish research about ... Show more content on ... Albert einstein was born in Ulm, Germany he even own a nobel prize for physics (Gale, 2008, WWW). Einstein is one of the most memorable, popular, and some would even say the most successful scientist. Doing research on electrons einstein discover electromagnetism was wrapped in the energy of electrons. Einstein gave credit to other scientist such as James Clerk Maxwell and even went as far as to say they set they set the platform for modern physics. Another scientist that helped with this discovery was Heinrich Hertz. In the 1880s Hertz produced electromagnetic waves, these waves went farther than visible light could these waves are now called radio waves. Hertz (Gale, 2006, WWW)contributed quite a bit to electromagnetism, not only did he discover the waves but he did research in the topic of electromagnetic radiation. He didn t always want to be a scientist in fact he studying engineering at the university of ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Stats Final * The Final Exam is worth a possible 250 points. * There are 10 essay questions. Question 1 addresses TCO A and is worth 33 points. Questions 2, 3, and 4 address TCO B and are worth 18 points. Questions 5 and 6 address TCO C and are worth 18 points. Questions 7 and 8 address TCO D and are worth 24 points. Question 9 addresses TCO E and is worth 48 points. Question 10 also addresses TCO E and is worth 31 points. * You will have 3 hours and 30 minutes to take the exam. Keep an eye on the remaining time and SAVE your work often, because when the time limit is reached, you will be exited from the exam. * Please also note that during the exam time, the copy/paste and printing functions are disabled. * 1. (TCO A) At an... Show more content on ... (Points : 18) | 7. (TCO D) An article in a trade journal reports that nationwide 28% of liquor purchases are made by women. If B amp; B Liquor s proportion of sales to women is significantly different from the national norm, the owners are considering redesigning B amp; B s advertising. A random sample of 100 customers is selected resulting in 24 women and 76 men. Does the sample data provide evidence to conclude that less than 28% of B amp;B s customers are women (using пЃЎ = .01)? Use the hypothesis testing procedure outlined below. a. Formulate the null and alternative hypotheses. b. State the level of significance. c. Find the critical value (or values), and clearly show the rejection and non rejection regions. d. Compute the test statistic. e. Decide whether you can reject Ho and accept Ha or not. f. Explain and interpret your conclusion in part e. What does this mean? g. Determine the observed p value for the hypothesis test and interpret this value. What does this mean? h. Does this sample data provide evidence (with пЃЎпЂ = .01), that less than 28% of B amp; B s customers are women? (Points : 24) | 8. (TCO D) Carleton Chemical claims that they can produce more than 800 tons of meladone on average per week. A random sample of 36 weeks of production yields the following results. Sample Size = 36 ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Financial Management FNCE 451 DDavis Homework 4a Review Questions 1. A 6 year Circular File bond pays interest of $82 annually and sells for $920 . What are its coupon rate, current yield, and yield to maturity? a. Coupon rate b. Current yield c. Yield to maturity _____________ %. ____________ %. ___________ %. 2: An example of a firm s financing decision would be: A. acquisition of a competitive firm. B. how much to pay for a specific asset. C. the issuance of ten year versus twenty year bonds. D. whether or not to increase the price of its products. 3. When corporations need to raise funds through stock issues, they rely upon the: A. primary market. B. secondary market. C. over the counter market. D. centralized NASDAQ exchange. 4. Which of the ... Show more content on ... B. It is a cumulative number over a long period of time. C. It shows the profitability of a firm after deducting a calculation of a charge for cost of the capital. D. All of these are correct. 10. Which of the following bonds would be considered to be of investment grade? A. A C rated bond . B. A B rated bond. C. A Ba rated bond. D. A Baa rated bond. 11. What is the relationship between an effective annual (compounded) rate (EAR) and the annual percentage rate (APR) for a loan requiring monthly payments? A. The APR is lower than the annually compounded rate. B. The APR is higher than the annually compounded rate. C. The APR equals the annually compounded rate. D. The answer depends on the interest rate. 12. Which of the following characteristics applies to the amortization of a loan such as a home mortgage? (Amortization = principal payments) A. The amortization decreases with each payment. B. The amortization increases with each payment. C. The amortization is constant throughout the loan. D. The amortization fluctuates monthly with changes in interest rates 13. Other things being equal, the more frequent the compounding period, the: A. higher the APR. B. lower the APR. C. higher the effective annual interest rate. D. lower the effective annual interest rate 14. What happens when a bond s expected cash flows are discounted at a rate lower than the bond s coupon rate? A. The price of the bond increases. B. The coupon rate of the bond ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Essay on Legalization of Gambling in Ohio Legalization of Gambling in Ohio The words Casinos and Gambling are often associated with gangsters, prostitution, murderers, and all the illegal operations one could think of. Those kinds of stereotypes are picked up in movies like ?Casino? and the countless other gangster and casino related movies that are based in the 50?s, 60?s, and 70?s, but that was then and this is now. ?While there may be some vestigial ties between organized crime and casinos, gambling is now big business? (Weissman 1). ?The term gambling or ?gaming? as the industry calls it, means any legalized form of wagering or betting conducted in a casino, on a riverboat, on an Indian reservation, or at any other location under the jurisdiction of the ... Show more content on ... A deck of cards was as much a part of a miner?s possessions as was the pick with which he unearthed silver from the mines? (History of Gambling...1). The first territorial legislature that outlawed games of chance wasn?t written until 1861(History of Gambling...1), but the law was unenforced. Probably because the cops themselves were playing. Nothing could be done to stop gambling so they tried to regulate it. ?In 1869 when the state legislature enacted a law requiring a license to operate a game, the state and local governments filled their coffers with the fees charged gaming operators? (History of Gambling...1). Nevada legislature ordered all gambling establishments to close their doors in 1910 (History of Gambling...1). So what does someone do when something becomes outlawed? They go underground, and that?s what people did. ?During the ban, gangsters ?Big Bill? Graham and Jimmy ?The Couch? Mckay operated illegal halls and monopolized prostitution and bootlegging when prohibition was enacted in 1919? (History of Gambling...1). When the Great Depression set in, everyone looked for ways to make some money. ?During the depression, state legislators sought out ways to increase state revenues. Phil Tobin, a Nevada legislator from Winnemucca argued that since gambling still existed despite laws banning it, the state should legalize gambling and tax it. They did? (History of gambling...1). In 1931, ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Effects Of Corruption On Women Through the analysis of the different aspects of corruption at different levels of society, it can be argued that the differential treatment of women and their lack of empowerment (2) is the cause of the greater effect that corrupt systems have on women (1). 1.The impact of corruption on women: the greater effect of corrupt systems on women Because corrupt systems cause women to suffer from gender specific forms of corruption (a) and difficulties in accessing public services (b), women seem to be disproportionately affected by corruption. a.The women specific practices of corruption While research often focus on the different probability to pay bribes for men and women, a strong emphasis should be placed on how men and women are differently impacted by corruption. As an abuse of entrusted power in exchange for a private gain, corruption seems to accentuate those differences, especially when it takes gender specific forms. Those are disproportionately experienced by women when the currency for bribes is of a sexual nature. For instance, sexual extortion, or sextortion, is defined as the situation where sexual favors are used as a currency for corrupt practices. This manifestation of extortion can involve diverse types of sexual assault against women, from sexual harassment to forced sex. When inflicted by public officials in exchange for the performance of a duty, it seem to fall within the definition of abuse of power and influence of the UNCAC, yet sexual extortion is ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Observation Paper On Child Development Observation Paper A unique opportunity was presented to me as I prepared to complete the observation or interview paper for HDFS 225. We have close friends who have a fourteen year old son with Down syndrome and I was given permission to spend time with Jason (not his real name) over a weekend and this enabled me to observe an adolescent male who happens to be a special needs child. The adolescent period of human development interests me since this stage in life presents significant changes and is considered to be some of the most critical and challenging years in human development. The addition of the documented special need made the opportunity very intriguing and I thought it created an excellent learning opportunity. Not only would I be digging into the development of a 14 year old, I would also be gaining knowledge about the impact or effects of Down syndromeon development. Jason is 14 years old, short but heavy set for his age and height. He is typically in a very good mood and happy to have a friend to spend time with and this day as I visited him at his home was no different. Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder which occurs in 1 out of every 800 live births ((T. Crandell, C. Crandell Vander Zanden, 2012, p.81). Most Down patients have a condition called trisomy 21, or 3 copies of the 21st chromosome. This results in an individual with 47 total chromosomes instead of 46 that are normal (Crandell et al., 2012, p.81). This extra chromosome alters typical human ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Essay On Managing And Living With Lupus Managing and Living with Lupus, each day is a challenge 1 Assignment 5: Persuasive Paper Part 3: Possible Disadvantages, Answers, with Visuals Beverly Jones Professor Weslea Bell Research and Writing Eng 215 June 6, 2017 Managing and Living with Lupus, each day is a challenge 2 Each day I face a challenge to manage and live with Lupus. I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus in May 2002. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the form of the disease that most people refer to when they say lupus. The word systemic means the disease can affect many parts of the body Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease ... Show more content on ... These antibodies may be affecting any tissue in the body. There is no single test that can determine if a person has Lupus or Not. The ANA test is helpful to doctor if he suspects the possibility of Systemic Lupus Managing Lupus and Family The management of patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus consists of three components: Educating the patient and their family, keeping medical treatment follow ups are very important and managing the disease. At this time, I go every six months to see my Rheumatologist now. I previously went every three months when I was diagnosed in 2002. Educating the patient and family is very important in managing Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Some patients and family member are often misinformed about the disease, it can be overwhelming for them. It can be hard to know how to deal with an illness like lupus. In many cases, you may not understand your symptoms. Your relative may seem fine one day and then the next day not be able to get out of bed. In some cases, lupus can force changes in your daily routine. This may cause somewhat of a strain within the family and in other personal relationships. I have not experienced this within my family. But it s important to remember: Lupus is also frustrating for the person who has it. This article offers seven tips on what to understand ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Essay Mgm Resorts International Case Study Case Study: MGM Resorts International 27 February 2013 Table of Contents Key Dates and General History 3 5 Environmental Analysis 5 7 Porter Analysis 7 9 Marketing Strategy 9 12 Competitor Analysis (SWOT)12 18 Company Analysis (SWOT)18 20 Financial Analysis 21 22 Future Trends 22 23 Recommendations 23 25 Conclusion 25 26 References 27 28 Key Dates and General History MGM Resorts International was incorporated in Delaware on January 29, 1986 as MGM Grand, Incorporated, a subsidiary of Kirk... Show more content on ... 2008 brought some problems for MGM. On October 29th of that year, MGM reported a sixty seven percent plunge in third quarter earnings, due mostly in part to lagging revenues from its Las Vegas properties. On that same day, MGM decided to halt a five million dollar Atlantic City project which was to be built on land next to Borgata Hotel and Casino. Shortly after this announcement, New Jersey gambling regulators were set to deny MGM s suitability to operate casinos in New Jersey. This was due mainly in part to their partner, Pansy Ho, who New Jersey regulators believed could not operate independently of her father, Stanley Ho. This forced MGM to sell their New Jersey property, Borgata Hotel and Casino, which was a highly profitable piece of business. Finally, at the end of 2008, MGM decided to sell its Las Vegas Treasure Island property. Around the same time, MGM also introduced Jim Murren as their new CEO. Murren was behind many of the major acquisitions that helped transform MGM and had been repeatedly honored as the gaming and lodging industry s top CFO by Institutional Investor magazine. This promotion came at an important time as MGM had fallen on some hard times. The start of 2009 was no better for MGM. In March, Dubai World and its wholly owned subsidiary Infinity World filed a lawsuit claiming that MGM breached its CityCenter joint venture agreement after the company filed ... Get more on ...