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Peter Singer Animal Liberation Essay
Crafting an essay on Peter Singer's "Animal Liberation" poses a multifaceted challenge, requiring
a nuanced understanding of Singer's philosophical arguments and the broader ethical landscape
surrounding animal rights. Singer's work delves into complex ethical theories, demanding a
comprehensive grasp of utilitarianism and the implications of extending moral consideration to
non-human animals.
Moreover, interpreting Singer's ideas necessitates a critical examination of the historical context
in which "Animal Liberation" emerged, including the influence of other ethical philosophies.
This adds a layer of intricacy to the task, as one must navigate through the evolution of moral
thought to fully appreciate Singer's contributions.
In constructing an essay on this topic, one must navigate the ethical dilemmas surrounding
animal rights, balancing Singer's utilitarian framework with potential counterarguments. This
requires a meticulous exploration of the ethical implications, considering diverse perspectives and
potential criticisms.
The writing process also involves presenting a coherent and persuasive argument while
acknowledging the diverse viewpoints within the broader discourse on animal ethics. Striking a
balance between a personal interpretation of Singer's ideas and a comprehensive analysis of
existing scholarship is essential.
In conclusion, writing an essay on Peter Singer's "Animal Liberation" is a challenging endeavor
that demands a profound understanding of ethical theories, historical context, and the ability to
construct a well-reasoned argument. Successfully navigating these complexities will result in an
essay that not only captures Singer's insights but also contributes to the ongoing conversation
surrounding animal rights.
For assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, various resources are available,
such as professional writing services. One option to explore such assistance is through websites
like, where expert writers can provide support in crafting well-researched and
articulate essays on a variety of topics.
Peter Singer Animal Liberation EssayPeter Singer Animal Liberation Essay
United States Involvement in Vietnam Essay
United States Involvement in Vietnam
The end of World War Two was the beginning of America s worries about
Communism. They feared that it would spread throughout the countries of the world.
Because of this President Truman made the Truman Doctrine. This said that America
would help any nation threatened by Communism. He said that he would lead
containment in the spread of Communism and the Soviet Unions expansion. The
doctrine came from the USA believing that Eastern Europe was forced into
Communism by the Soviet Union. Therefore America saw it as their duty to help and
protect the other countries, which could be in the threat of Communism.
The Marshall Plan accompanied the Truman ... Show more content on
The Vietnamese had not liked living under foreign rule. They are Nationalists and
their communist party leader had formed the Vietminh, so called after his name Ho
Chi Minh . They later became known to the world as the Vietcong.
In 1945 the war ended and with Japan being weaker now the French influence
returned to Vietnam.
We now see the United States first bit of involvement with Vietnam, where the USA
sent money and supplies to boost the economy in France. They did not, however, help
in any other way as they thought France s presence would be enough to stop the
spread of Communism.
The Vietminh didn t like having the French influences back again and Guerrilla
warfare was used against the French. Guerrilla warfare is like general jungle warfare,
however the Vietminh dressed as peasants to disguise themselves and used their local
knowledge to make it difficult to detect attacks in the jungle.
In 1954, the battle of Dien Bien Phu took place and the Vietminh achieved a great
victory over the French, so the French decided to leave Vietnam. Until now the USA
had only provided money and equipment to France to help with the Vietnam problem.
The USA backed up a Geneva Conference, which took place. This said that Vietnam
be divided up into the Communist, North Vietnam and South Vietnam under the rule
of the Ngo Dinh Diem. The
Our Lives are Crowded with Products
Nowadays markets are crowded with products of different types and needs.
Companies produce tons of food and clothes, and thousand of cars every day. New
models of products are issuing faster than previous generation of it becomes old. For
example, Apple Corporation issues new iPhones every year despite of the fact that
previous models are still good for use. This huge amount of new products requires a
huge amount of advertising. As a consequence, our everyday life is surrounded with
different kinds of advertising. We see ad on the streets when we walk out our dog,
we see listen it on the radio while driving our cars coming back from a job, we see
it in our favorite magazines and newspapers. A flow of advertising from all sources
of media bombards our attention. Big corporations claim that they know what
product is better for us. They manipulate our feelings; by playing with people desire
of financial success, social power and, the most important, freedom and
independence. This can be seen by analyzing a random advertising from a random
magazine. In this advertisement in TIME magazine, TOYOTA targets young adults,
middle working class professionals, who want fast and powerful car without
spending much money on gas. It appeals to audience s desire by repeating TOYATA
s brand and through direct and indirect messages conveyed by words and images.
TOYOTA Camryad targets men or women in the age range between eighteen and,
probably, middle or late twentieth who wants ride fast,
Caroline s Real Bread Company SWOT Analysis Essay
Executive Summary
Caroline s Real Bread Company are a small village bakery who produce and sell a
variety of niche breads to cater for specific needs. Emphasis is placed on high
quality, fresh organic products. Their products are sold through their website, farmers
markets, food festivals and other outlets. They also provide bread for specialist
restaurants and cafГ© s. This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the
current state of the grocery market, and provides recommendations on the possible
actions that should be undertaken for Caroline s Real Bread Company to expend and
take advantage of the current state of the industry.
Methods of analysis used in this report include PEST analysis which analyses the
external factors ... Show more content on ...
The report will highlight the recommendations to Caroline concerning her company
and its current position in the market.
3. The Grocery Market
3.1 Political
The government launched an advertising campaign in early 2013 to promote
healthier eating habits in the UK (BBC 2013). The main aim of this campaign is to
increase the awareness of hidden nasties such as fat and sugar in popular foods. This
campaign is the latest in a long line of government aided movements in order to
increase health awareness in the UK, some examples of others being change4life and
5 A Day. This latest movement shows that healthy eating is high on the agenda of the
current government.
The government are under pressure to introduce new legislation to reduce the salt
content in foods. The coalition is currently working with the industry, through the
Responsibility Deal , to improve food content and labelling (Department of Health,
2013); however they are being challenged by labour to scrap this voluntary
approach and to introduce tougher regulation and legislation in fighting foods high
in fat, salt and sugar. One proposition includes a 30% cap on sugar content in
cereals aimed at children. The on going debates and propositions are increasing
public awareness of healthy eating habits which benefit specialist local producers
such as Caroline s Real Bread Company.
According to new government rules, the UK s food industry will be required to
Essay about The Origin of Life
The Origin of Life When considering the many theories involving How life began
You must not consider a few main theories but a few main theory groups. Because
there are literally hundreds of theories on this subject which can be grouped in to
three main categories and then in to various sub categories. 1) Creation science This
consists of about twelve theories that are based on the book Genesis all slightly
varying in their interpretation. These can be split into two main groups, New and Old
earth creationists. Г New earth creationists believe that god created the earth its life
forms and the universe less than a thousand years ago. They also... Show more
content on ...
3) Theistic evolution view This group of theories is based around the idea that
there was evolution and the earth is 4.5 billion years old but all of the scientific
process involved in creating life were some how influenced or controlled by a
divine power. This group of theories could be described as a happy medium it
combines the ideas of creation science and scientific views to create in my opinion
a more credible theory of how life began which could be believed by religious
scientists like myself. Scientific views main theories One of the main theories is that
life started by chemical means in a rock where water, methane, ammonia and
hydrogen were all present then with the added effect of lightening simple organic
molecules formed the building blocks of life. There was an experiment that was
conducted in 1953 by Miller and Urey that supports that the conditions above could
stimulate organic compounds to form. *copied The Miller Urey experiment attempts
to recreate the chemical conditions of the primitive Earth in the laboratory, and
synthesized some of the building blocks of life. . The Miller Urey experiment (or
Urey Miller experiment) was an experiment that simulated hypothetical conditions
present on the early Earth and tested for the occurrence of chemical evolution (the
Oparin and Haldane hypothesis stated
Influenza Virus
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines epidemiology as, the study of the
distribution and determinants of health related states or events (including diseases),
and the application of this study to the control of disease and other health problems
(Epidemiology, 2015). There are different types of methods that can be used for
epidemiological investigations which include: surveillance and descriptive studies, as
well as analytical studies (Epidemiology, 2015). Influenzais a viral respiratory illness
that is highly contagious (Influenza (Flu), 2015). Since it is so contagious it can
cause a pandemic, epidemic, or outbreak causing sporadic cases (Mestrovic, 2014).
There are two major types of influenza viruses type A and type B (Mestrovic,... Show
more content on ...
The information showed that during the 2013 2014 year there were not a lot of
individuals who were vaccinated (Fast Stats, 2014). There could be several reasons
why individuals did not get the vaccination; lack of education, allergic to the
ingredient, and cultural beliefs are just a few. When individuals do not get the
influenza vaccination they are putting themselves, as well as others at risk for
contracting the disease as well as spreading it to others (Influenza (Flu), 2015). Each
influenza season researchers determine how well the vaccination worked by looking
at study design, outcomes measured, population studied, as well as the season during
which the flu vaccination was studied (Vaccine Effectiveness, 2015). This research
can be a challenge, however in general the studies have shown that influenza
vaccinations do in fact benefit the public s health (Vaccine Effectiveness,
Dual Engineering And Integrated Product Development
Question #1) Concurrent engineering (also known as simultaneous engineering and
integrated product development (IDP)) was originally defined in 1988 by the
Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA) in its report The Role of Concurrent
Engineering in Weapons System Acquisition (Stark, 1998). This practice is opposite
to consecutive engineering, where various components of a business (such as
marketing, manufacturing, and design) are siloed with one another. Consecutive
engineering leads to a throw it over the wall mentality, as one business component
such as marketing performs the tasks required for its division and then would send it
down the line to design. This fragmented business structure leads to quality issues in
the product development, which results in greater cost and slower development
(Stark, 1998). In addition, a company can expect with consecutive engineering to
have many engineering changes occur, issues with production, and lower product
competiveness. These engineering changes can negatively affect the cost of the
product, as a change that occurs much farther down the process will have higher
scrap and rework associated with changes that occurred earlier in the product
conception. Figure 1: Concurrent Engineering Overview (Information Systems
Planning Corporation) In stark contrast, as evidenced in a simplistic viewpoint from
Figure 1, concurrent engineering brings together these various departments in
product development, and utilizes multidisciplinary
The Legacy Of The Lincoln Electric Company
The Lincoln Electric Company, located near Cleveland, Ohio, USA, is one of the
world s
largest welding machines and electrodes manufacturers. It is a company with a
organization culture and not only is it one of the world s largest, but also is
considered to be one
of the best managed manufacturing companies in the world. By taking a closer look
at the
ongoing influence of the founders of the company, the golden rule, the incentive
plan, the performance appraisal system, the way people communicate within the
company, the
merit pay plan, the bonus plan, and the management style it is clear to see that the
Electric Company is indeed a very well run organization due to its unique and
diacritical ... Show more content on ...
Also, a welding school was started in 1917, and continues to provide
educational services to today. Furthermore, an employees association was formed in
1919 in
order to provide health benefits and social activities to employees. This association is
still active
today and has accounted for several functions over the years and will continue to do
The Lincoln Electric Company was founded based on Christian principles and James
Lincoln believed that every action be motivated by Christian ethics. Although, James
held such strong Christian beliefs, there is no evidence that he tried to preach the
gospel to his employees, customers, or even the public. Even today, in recent
interviews, the
current senior executives do not talk about the Christian gospel message. The motto
of the
company is, The actual is limited, the possible is immense , which actually has
nothing to do
with Christian beliefs. The company motto is very fitting and correlates well with the
organizational culture of the company. The Lincoln Electric Company believes
heavily on
incentives and production based compensation, therefore, adding to its belief that the
possible is
indeed immense. Adding to this, even advancement in the company is based more on
merit and
production than the amount of time that one has been at the company. In an
interview conducted
with Ed Sanderson, one of the company s employees, Ed says that,
Glass Box Theatre Concert Essay
To open the first of the two marathons of the program, whose concerts take place in
different venues spread across Manhattan s Greenwich Village, I chose the guitarist
David Torn, who performed solo at the beautiful New School s Tishman Auditorium,
whose stage was reserved for artists who recently have been recording under the
prestigious German label, ECM, well represented on both days by its founder
Manfred Eicher. Mr.Torn stepped onto the stage bringing two distinct guitars, but
only played on one of them. He was more concerned with manipulating the multiple
sound layers (created through electronic) that could better suit his guitar strokes.
Inventive and contemporary, without a doubt, but never able to impress me with his
textures devoid of time and space, whether calm and floating, whether abstract and
painful, whether occasionally explosive and powerful. It was a lukewarm start that
triggered some impatience among the attendants. Then, on the same stage, we had
Mark Turner and his quartet, playing some magnificent compositions from his latest
record Lathe of Heaven ,... Show more content on ...
Equipped with creative, vigorous, and well crafted arrangements, Noriega was
exemplary in regard to the direction of the band, and never lost prominence, even
having at his side an incredibly expressive guitarist, Brandon Seabrook who also
performed at the festival with his Power Plant. Mr. Seabrook unfolded himself with
contortions, not only harmonic and rhythmical but also corporal and facial, stealing
the attention of the audience and drawing grins among the present with his dissonant
and sometimes clangorous comping. Trevor Dunn on the double bass and Dan Weiss
on drums showed why is this band considered a heavy
Field Officer Training Report
As a kid Ben always wanted to be a teacher, but when he became a junior and senior
he could see people in his class getting into bad things like alcohol and drugs. When
he saw those kids he wanted to help and that s when he thought he would join some
sort of law enforcement to have a chance to help those kids that are going down the
wrong path. Later after high schoolhe went to collegeat Alexandria tech for two
years but later found out that his credits would not transfer to get a four year and
higher so he went to CLC for two years and then transferred to St. Cloud for his
four year and then later on to get his masters. After that he went to a police office to
work in his area and started his fto training. Ben said that there are a lot of changes
but the biggest is technology. Ben wanted to help kids in his high schoolwhen he was
a kid and that s what triggered him to be a police officer. Once he was an adult...
Show more content on ...
In the first days he went through what is called FTO or Field officer training this
course can take from a couple weeks to a couple months depending on the area you
go to, the bigger the area the longer the training. In this course the department
teaches you their routine for the day and what they do on certain calls and how
they handle different situations. The department hopes that in the weeks that they
do this they can get you experience with what they normally see and do on a daily
bases. Ben finished training and was on his own patrolling and responding to the
calls they get. Ben was different though because the department he works for let
him be part time so he could teach his permit to carry classes and go around and
teach people about law enforcement. He says that one of the biggest changes in
policing is technology because when he started you did everything by hand but now
everything is done on some sort of technology reports are typed instead of
The Power Of The Second
Daniel, Joseph, and Mike Pence!
The Power of the Second I heard the Lord say: Mike Pence will be My Daniel and
Joseph in America, for there is power in My second in command!
Donald Trump s landmark victory as the soon to be 45th president of the United
States shakes the political paradigm as we know it, turning the world on its ear.
Lance Wallnau, a refreshing Dallas based prophetic voice in the business world and
the church, has been prophesying about Donald Trump for over a year in videos and
posts all over social media to a growing audience of 200,000 or more.
In his landmark and popular book released in September 2016 he describes Donald
Trump as: God s Chaos candidate. This term is based on a word he received from the
In a Charisma News article dated October 5, entitled Why I Believe Donald Trump
is the Prophesied President, he said this: I heard the Lord say: Donald Trump is a
wrecking ball to the spirit of political correctness.
Wallnau is not alone in his belief; well known prophets including Dutch Sheets,
Chuck Pierce, Kim Clement, Rick Joyner, and Elijah List founder Steve Shultz, as
well as many other prophetic voices around the world felt it was a turning point in
history for which Donald Trump was the chosen vessel God would use to change the
direction of our nation.
Now here we stand to make no bones about it; Donald Trump is president elect and
will take office on January 20. Until then our divided country will try to heal and find
Snow Leopards Research Paper
Panthera uncia, commonly known as the snow leopard, is a longhaired cat
included in the Felidae family, or big cat family. Snow leopards were formerly
classified as Leo uncia but were placed in the genus Panthera with the other big cat
species due to their common ancestors. Snow leopards are closely related to tigers, or
Pantheratigris. Both species separated from the big cat family around 3.9 million
years ago, and genetic studies show that snow leopards branched from tigers around
3.2 million years ago, which shows their close tie to tigers (Encyclopedia Britannica,
Snow leopards physiological traits include a soft, dense, insulating undercoat with a
thick, pale grayish coat of hair about 2 inches long with dark spots similar to ... Show
more content on ...
al, 2014) and are also found in Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, Mongolia, Nepal,
Pakistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan
(Wikramanayake et. al, 2006). They are populated at a low density among large
range areas. The natural diet of snow leopards consists primarily of wild blue
sheep and Siberian ibex, but also includes pikas, hares, and game birds. An average
of 1.5 kilograms of meat is required per snow leopard daily, which is equivalent to
3.3 pounds (Lyngdoh et. al, 2014). With much of the land being developed for
livestock production, the natural source of food for snow leopards has depleted
from their natural habitats. The decrease in prey resources has contributed to an
estimated 20 percent decline in the overall snow leopard population in the past 20
years (Lyngdoh et. al, 2014). Furthermore, this has led to an increasing number of
livestock and domestic animals as the snow leopard s new prey source. Although
human density of the land is low, much of the land used for livestock overlaps snow
leopard territory, causing an issue between humans and snow leopards (Jackson,
2015). This issue has contributed to their continued list as an endangered
The Theory And Practice Of Change Management
This is a review of The Theory and Practice of Change Management, by John
Hayes, which focuses on the myriad facets in Leading and managing people issues.
It is imperative for the leaders to ensure that people issues are dealt with
methodically throughout the change process. Many leaders err by neglecting these
issues at a very initial stage. The essay serves up to be a pertinent treatise on how
leaders should lead and manage people during change.
Transformation in any organisation begins from a good leader who always sees
the need for a change (Kotter 2007, p.3). Leaders have powerful impact on the
behaviour of people. Several tasks a leader should follow to ensure change success
is identified along the course of the article. The tasks include sense making,
visioning, sense giving, aligning, enabling, supporting, maintaining momentum and
sustenance of the change. A leader should be able to communicate the vision and
has to win the trust from his workers by highlighting the benefits of the objective.
Hayes lays down an efficient thumb rule that a leader with a good vision needs to
be imaginable, desirable, feasible and focussed. He or She possesses a shared sense
of direction so as to align people to work together, providing constant support to the
individuals who are affected by the change. The style of leadership is deemed to play
an important role in any organizational framework. For e.g., the implications or
effects of a charismatic leadership has been enumerated as
Washington Washingc Essay
The nation s capital. One of the biggest cities of history in the world today.
Washington DC has so many different sites to see and museum to go to. This past
weekend i was finally gonna go to Washington DC for the first time. I went with
my mom, step dad, and step brother. Our parents had already went before us a
while back so everything was new to us but fairly familiar to them. I had so many
thoughts of things to do when i got there. There was the african american museum
that just opened a year ago, the white house of course, and multiple other historical
buildings downtown. Now when you go somewhere this far you ll normally fly and
it takes like 1 hour. That wasn t the case this time. My parents wanted to drive a
whole 9 hours in our... Show more content on ...
The farther we got there one rock that was hanging off on the cage just waiting to
fall. I had to just finish my nap after that scary moment. Welcome to Baltimore the
signed said. We had finally got to where we would be staying at in a hotel. As soon
as we get there my mom had to check the room out before we even walked in.
Looking for any problems in the room so we wouldn t get charged. That put me in
annoyed mood by how she just stopped my excitement. She had found something.
A huge crack across the window that you could hear the wind go through and push
easily. My first move was to get cleaned again due to the odor i felt from being in
the car so long. The bathroom was nice with a walk in shower, granite counter
tops, and long horizontal mirror across the wall. Once i out my outfit on i had to
see my brothers first to make sure we weren t matching with anything. I had on a
blue nike sweat suit with blue nike shoes and he had on all white adidas shoes,
with adidas black jumpsuit. Since i was out of michigan i had to get the famous
chick fil a. The best part was that it was right across the street from my hotel. All i
could do was smile in satisfaction. We left the hotel and stopped at chick fil a. With
the long line as usually we went in and sat down. I got the #1; chicken sandwich
with fries and a lemonade. We finally got downtown Washington and the traffic was
terrible. I m talking cars right on each others
Project on Risk Management
A Summer Training Project Report on
Undertaken at INDUSIND BANK, AGRA 10th April to 10th June 2009
Submitted by SUBODH AGARWAL Enrollment no. : 4108163163 Management of
Business Finance
Expressing gratitude is not just an exercise of formality ... Show more content on ...
Ensuring robustness of financial models and the effectiveness of all systems used to
calculate market risk. Liquidity risk is the potential inability to meet the bank s
liabilities as they become due and are managed through caps on the net asset
calculations in the various time buckets. Interest rate risk is the risk where changes
in market interest rates might adversely affect a bank s financial condition. A long
term impact of changing interest rate is on banks net worth since the economic value
of bank s assets, liabilities and off balance sheet positions get affected due to variation
in market interest rates.
The management of Interest Rate Risk should be one of the critical components of
market risk management in banks. Deregulation of interest rates has, however,
exposed them to the adverse impacts of interest rate risks. The Net Interest Income or
Net Interest Margin (NIM) of banks is dependent on the movements of interest rates.
The GAP model for the Asset Liability Management is concerned with measuring
interest rate risk by finding the pattern of the net interest income over a given period
of time.
Capital adequacy norms lays down maintaining of adequate capital risk adequacy
ratio (CRAR) has to be adhered to in the process of implementing Basel Norms
using Duration or Maturity method. Measures like value at risk (VaR) have to be
undertaken so to arrive at the loss possibility
Summary Of The Mirror By Virginia Woolf
The way one person perceives the world is not always the way another perceives,
just as a reflection shows a person but reflected backwards. The mirror does not
create falsehood; it instead shows the views of every side. Every person is going to
see something different when looking into the mirror depending on where they stand.
When Virginia Woolf
writes she tells the world of an idea everybody can relate to.
She writes on women and men and shows how they related through the mirror.
Sometimes to empower and others to educate those that don t have that view point
or understand. She writes both the common and uncommon views and shows how
they both stand together in one mirror. Two text which reflect two Ideas through
the mirror to show the world are Professions for Women and Thoughts on Peace in
an Air Raid. Ladies are well represented in Virginia Woolf s stories such as
Professions for Women and Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid. Both of these Texts
reflect the standard for women at this time. In Professions for women Virginia Woolf
tells of her story of being a women; showing her views of the world through reflection
of her life. Virginia Woolf starts by creating powerful small ideas when she writes,
it is true, I am a women; it is true I am employed, but what professional experiences
have I had? Using her short chops of information she has simplified herself so that
more people can see her in their mirror. This is great because it simplifies Woolf
making her more common,
How Did Queen Elizabeth I Changed Society
Queen Elizabeth I was not all that she is today. She was hated, mistreated, and
discarded. She was abandoned,imprisoned, and excommunicated. She went through
many trials, until she was crowned Queen of England. Queen Elizabeth I had
changed England forever. She did unexplainable things, and the hardest trials. She
carried England on her shoulders, and carried it through the storm. She helped
England grow, and prosper. By doing this, she is not the unloved little girl that she
once was, she is now a hero, and someone people look up to. Queen Elizabeth I
went from being treated horribly to bringing England to its Golden Age, and she
changed the face of history for her country. King Henry VIII wanted a son, that is all
that he wanted. And... Show more content on ...
She was taught by famous teachers, two of them being William Grindal and Roger
Ascham. She was very smart and gifted. By her adulthood, Elizabeth could speak
five languages fluently. As a young child, while King Henry VIII was still alive,
she was not threat to the throne. She was safe from any political harm. After her
mother was executed, her and her sister Mary were declared illegitimate. Before
King Henry VIII died, he had remarried and had a son, named Edward. Edward was
next in line for the throne. So after King Henry VIII died, Edward took his spot, at
age nine. Now that King Edward VI was king, Elizabeth and her sister Mary were
in danger. King Edward VI was only nine years old, so Edward Seymour became
the Protector of England. Seymour s brother Thomas Seymour was jealous of him,
and he tried to take his place as the Protector of England. Thomas tried to kidnap
King Edward VI, but was caught in the act. He was to be put to death, but he talked
about how he wanted to marry Elizabeth. This made everyone think that Elizabeth
was in on this plan, because she wanted the throne for herself. They interrogated her,
and she convinced everyone that she new nothing of the act, and they let her
By Mia Christiansen
Abduction is a short story written by Shelagh Delaney in 2002. From the
beginning the story takes place in Manchester, but the scene changes to Kensington
in London and tells us about a woman named Ann, the main character. The title of
the story Abduction describes the story very well. Ann abducts her younger
brother, who has just left school to live with her in London. He was only 16 years
old when Ann took him from their parents. She has high expectations of him like a
mother. In general she acts as if he was her own child. The story is told by an
unknown narrator, who is a part of the story. It is told in the past tense.
We are introduced to three characters: the main character Ann, her younger... Show
more content on ...
None of these memories contain his sister even though he has lived with her most of
his life.
I want to compare Abduction with the novel Women in Love written by D. H.
Lawrence in 1975. Ann is similar to the women Ursula. Ann seems possessive of
her brother, as his wife says She s more like a possessive mother than a sister (l.
40, p. 2). She doesn t want him to find his own appartment. Like the women in
Women in Love: She wanted to have, to own, to control, to be dominant (l. 17). Ann
wants to control her brother. Her brother wants to be free like Birkin: He wanted so
much to be free (l. 1). Ann s brother can not get free so he starts to drink.
In the picture from 1908 A Man s Head in a Womans Hair by Edvard Munch, a
woman has wrapped her hair around a man s head. It seems like the woman is the
man s protector. It symbolizes a mother who takes care of her child. The woman is
comparable with Ann, who also wants to protect her brother. The man does not
seem happy about being wrapped of the woman s hair. The face expression is sad.
This man is similar to Ann s brother, who is not happy of being controled by his
sister neither.
2) Fiction versus Non Fiction
Fiction and Non Fiction are two opposite things. Non fiction is real facts. It deals
with real characters and events, whereas fiction is a story with invented persons and
events. It is story which does not exist in reality.
Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the School...
The Oxford dictionary (2014) defines a route as a path for getting to a certain
destination from a start off point. The world is a global market and the journey of
continuous expansion is on the rise. The demand for goods and services span from
within immediate environments but also transcend cities, borders and continents.
Logistics and transportation is a crucially important part of the manufacturing
process, however the focus of this report is not on the supply chain from
manufacturer to consumer but focuses on the management of logistics and
transportation under the School Bus routing Problem. Logistics Management can be
defined as the process of planning, control and application of an operational and cost
conscious ... Show more content on ...
The SBRP however belongs to a larger class dubbed the Vehicle routing Problem
The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) can be defined as a logistics problem that
involves the design of best possible routes for the pickup and delivery of students
from a start off point to a destination, where each student is dispersed over a large
area. (Laporte, 1992)
There are various problems associated with the VRP, these problems include;
Capacitated VRP, VRP with Time windows and VRP with pickup and delivery to
name a few. The Vehicle routing problem has several variations. Some of these
variations are;
School Bus Routing Problem (SBRP)
Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)
Capacitated VRP (CVRP) (Toth and Vigo, 2002).
The SBRP has been dealt extensively in various literature, although approaching the
problem in different ways.
Newton and Thomas (1974) where one of the first authors to tackle the SBRP,
however their theory strongly supported the concept of a homogeneous fleet of
Preparation of data, selection of bus stops, generating bus route, adjusting the school
bell time and scheduling the route was applied in a paper where the above listed
items were treated separately and then addressed in that particular order (Desrosiers
et al., 1981). As
Gel Electrophoresis Research Paper
Gel Electrophoresis is a technique used to separate macromolecules fragments like
DNA and protein by their size. Also, the proteins can be separated according to their
size and their charge of different proteins with the different charges. Therefore, the
material being separated and is placed into a gel like substance called agarose gel.
Because each DNAmolecule is negatively charged, it can be pulled through the gel
by an electric field. Small DNA molecules move more quickly through the gel than
larger DNA molecules. (Biotechnology) For example, the DNA are separated to get
a DNA fingerprint for forensic purposes, to get a DNA fingerprint for paternity
testing, to check a PCR reaction, and to get a DNA fingerprint so that you can look for
Manual Sizing Of Analog Blocks
There is around 10 to 200 real valued parameters in an analog circuit, and value of
these parameters must be set in order to meet the specification .Circuit sizing is the
process of setting these parameters. for example a simple two stage operational
amplifier has around 12 parameters ,which includes width, length and passive
component values of all transistors which have to be set to achieve specifications
such as CMRR(common mode rejection ratio), gain, power ,area ,bandwidth ,noise
,settling time ,offset value and slew rate . Figure 1 two stage operational amplifier
There are 6 mosfets in this figure, so we have two compute values of width and
height of 6 mosfets along with other parameters such as slew rate, bandwidth and
noise margin.
A system on a chip (SOC) is an integrated circuit that integrates all components of a
electronic system into a single chip. SOC is made automated to a large extent.
Manual sizing of analog blocks is a bottleneck. There are several methods and
techniques of sizing; circuit sizing is an optimization problem. SPICE model is
being considered the most accurate model as the final check point is spice
correctness since the designer does not have access to the fabrication process so
designer relies on the simulator. Apart from spice there are circuit equations. These
equations can be derived taking some assumption with regard to the transistor
behavior. There are three
The Importance Of Walking Under Steady State Conditions
The current knowledge available from the literature on walking at different speeds
assumes a direct relationship between the level of activity of lower extremities
muscles and speed. Several studies in the past have looked into this relationship for
walking under steady state conditions. In this section we review these studies and
their findings and we highlight limitations of their approaches and discuss the
suggestions to expand the analysis to walkingunder transient conditions.
Hof et al. [21] were one of the first groups to measure surface electromyograms
(EMGs) from subjects walking at different speeds. Five speeds were instructed for
over ground walking and EMGs were measured for ten walking steps at each
speed. Parts of EMG profiles showed considerable changes with speed while other
parts did not show any changes. The authors suggested that the activity at any speed
could be estimated through a linear interpolation of sum of the profile at the lowest
speed and a function that represents the increase in the activity per unit increase of
normalized speed. One limitation of the calculations here was lack of statistical
tests. Because of this shortcoming the linear interpolation model could be used to
make reliable conclusions only about the effect of speed on the activity in the
vicinity of the peak of each signal. Without building the confidence intervals we
cannot infer the effect of speed on activation profiles over the entire gait cycle. In
addition to lack of
Cancer Prevention through Macrobiotics Essay
Traditionally, the American diet has been defined by meat, potatoes, and white bread.
As of late, Americans are gaining awareness about the importance of a diet that is
more nutritious than meat and potatoes. This is partly due to highly publicized
information on foods that claim to be beneficial to our overall health. Articles and
news reports let us know about the most current study on diet and how it relates to
athletic ability, mental acuity and general well being. Another area that has received
much attention is how diet is connected to disease prevention.
Many medical reports are recommending diets that are low in fat and high in fiber.
And more health care practitioners than ever are recommending that their ... Show
more content on ...
The adoption of some or all of the macrobiotic principles is one way that each
individual can counteract the negative trend of health and disease. Before we can
begin the journey of disease prevention, we must ask, How did we get to this point?
Dietary History in America
To get an idea about how the cancer rates in America correlate with eating patterns,
I will give a little history of dietary habits. Traditionally, food was an integral part of
life. Life revolved around food because life revolved around survival. (Cancer, 7)
Before the Industrial Revolution, local resources had to be relied upon for
sustenance. There were no major highways for transporting food and other goods.
This meant that most homesteads were self sustainable. Farming was done to
provide food for the members of the family and the farm animals. Most meals were
prepared on a daily basis from scratch because there were very few food storage
options. (Cancer, 11)
The types of food that were eaten during the 1800 s were rather simple. Vegetables
and grains were the basis for each meal because they could easily be grown by each
family. Meat and other animal products were rarely eaten because it was too
expensive to raise animals for meat. Animals were needed to help with farming
tasks. The idea of using farm space to grow food for animals so that the animals
could then be eaten was seen as wasteful. This is part of the reason that meat was
associated with wealth. Those who had
Geoffrey Chaucer Quotes
Bullet points on Geoffrey Chaucer
He traveled in France with the Royal Service in the early to mid 1360S
King Edward Handed Mr. Geoffrey a pension of 20 marks for his service with the
Royal Service.
Geoffrey married Philippa Roet in 1366. She was the daughter of Sir Payne Roet
In 1368 Geoffrey Chaucer became one of King Edward III s esquires. His held spot
in the community sent him on diplomatic missions, also giving time to get himself
known with the work of poets such as Petrarch and Dante.
Geoffrey Chaucer s passion for poetry grew as his career advanced. In 1385 he asked
for a temporary leave. He lived in Kent for four years but still found little time to
write as a Parliament member.
In 1387 Philippa died, and Geoffrey s financial situation became ... Show more
content on ...
It was a poem about courtly love and its inauthentic quality.
It is believed that Geoffrey Chaucer wrote Troilus and Criseyde in the mid 1830s, a
poem about his character s tragic love story. This poem is considered by many to be
one of his greatest works.
It is not known when Geoffrey Chaucer wrote The Legend of Good Women, a poem
that was left unfinished.
Geoffrey Chaucer s work The Canterbury Taleswas originally meant to be 120
stories long. It was only completed to 24 stories, and his characters did not make it to
Canterbury at all. The work was never finished but is highly regarded in literature.
While working as Clerk of the Works Geoffrey was robbed twice, and he eventually
gave up his position to work as the gardener in Somersetshire in the King s park.
Geoffrey Chaucer s major works include Roman de la Rose, The Book of the
Duchess, The House of Fame, Anelida and Arcite, Parliament of Foules, Boece,
Troilus and Criseyde, The Legend of Good Women, The Canterbury Tales, and A
Treatise on the Astrolabe.
Geoffrey Chaucer died on October 25th, 1400 in London, at the age of 60. He was
buried in Westminster
Exponential Growth Lab Report
The bacterial curve results in diauxic growth curve .which shows two different kinds
of active growth. In the first phase of exponential growth, we are able to see that
bacteria get its energy from glucose until all the glucose has been exhausted. In
secondary lag phase, lactose is utilized at second stage of the growth exponential.
During the glucosephase, lactose cannot be utilized because cells are unable to
transport and break the disaccharide lactose. Lactose operon can be repressed even in
the presence of lactose (inducer) .enzymeof lactose utilization are being synthesis
after the glucose has been exhausted. the secondary lag phase show how much time
was actually required to complete the induction of lac operon and synthesis for
The American Of The United States
As soon as the newly independent America began, it seemed plagued by
factionalism and raging materialism, and many old patriots shared concern at the
inability of their peers to live up classical republicanism s social ethic. By the
middle of the 1780s, extra legal popular associations designed to promote the
interests of particular groups debtors, farmers, artisans, seaman (74) were emerging
throughout the states. In order to get their points across, they frequently resorted to
vigilante methods. As soon as the war stopped, trade with the British seemed to
start where it left off. British ships clogged American harbors and traders offered
Americans low, easy credit. All classes lived in moderate luxury even if they could
not afford it. Those still committed to the ideal of republican simplicity were unable
to agree on how best to preserve it. Sam Adams scolded the younger elite responsible
for the founding of the social club, Tea Assembly, for living lavishly. The
overwhelming extravagance of many in the new nation was too much for some early
republicans. James Warren, who shared Adams s disillusionment, spent his last years
in rural isolation. Other idealists argued that a moral revolution would not occur right
alongside independence. Benjamin Rush assured, we are at the present in a forming
state (76). He knew that it would take time for the citizens of America to understand
their ethical and social responsibilities. For Rush and other republican spokesmen, a
The Theme of Escape in The Glass Menagerie Essay
The Theme of Escape in The Glass Menagerie In The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee
Williams uses the theme of escape to help drive the play forward. None of the
characters are capable of living in the real world. Laura, Amanda, Tom and Jim use
various methods to escape the brutalities of life. Laura retreats into a world of
glass animals and old records. Amanda is obsessed with living in her past. Tom
escapes into his world of poetry writing and movies. Jim also reverts to his past and
remembers the days when he was a high school hero. Mr. Wingfield is referred to
often throughout the play. He is the ultimate symbol of escape. This is because he has
managed to remove himself from the desperate situation that the rest of the family is
still... Show more content on ...
She is unable to cope with reality and she escapes back into her fantasy world of
old records and glass figurines. Amanda is obsessed with her past, and uses it to
escape reality, as she constantly reminds Tom and Laura of the time she received
seventeen gentlemen callers. The reader cannot even be sure that this actually
happened. However, it is clear despite its possible falseness, Amanda has come to
believe it. She refuses to acknowledge that her daughter is crippled and refers to
her handicap as quot;a little defect hardly noticeable quot; (Williams 1648). Only
for brief moments does she ever admit that her daughter is quot;crippled quot; and
then resorts back to denial. Amanda doesn t perceive anything realistically. She
believes that this gentleman caller, Jim is going to be the man to rescue Laura and
she hasn t even met him yet. When Jim arrives, Amanda is dressed in a quot;girlish
frock quot; she wore on the day that she met their father and she regresses to the
childish, giddy days of entertaining gentleman callers. Amanda uses her past as a
means to escape the reality she does not want to face. Tom escapes reality in many
different ways. The first and most obvious is the fire escape that leads him away
from his unhappy home. He also escapes into his world of poetry writing and
movies. The more Amanda nags, the more Tom seems to need his movie escapes.
They take him to
Angel investing
Angel Investing: Frequently Asked Questions What is an Angel Investor? An angel
investor is a high net worth individual who invests his or her own money directly into
an early stage company, in return for equity (ownership) in the company. In addition
to providing financial capital, angel investors mentor and coach their portfolio
companies, and help fill in functional or skill gaps in the company. They introduce the
companies to other investors, and to colleagues who may be able to increase the
company s value. Most angel investors are entrepreneurs who have exited one or
more businesses. They often invest in companies for reasons that go beyond
monetary return. This may include staying in touch with new business developments,
... Show more content on ...
In the Philadelphia region, angel groups syndicate deals on a regular basis, sharing
due diligence as well as terms. What Makes a Company a Good Candidate for
Angel Investment? 1. The company has a must have product or service with a
unique competitive advantage. The company s product must identify a significant
need among a large and clearlydefined target market. Investors use the term pain
point to describe the problem that the product will solve and the company needs to
relieve the customer s pain in a unique and compelling way. It needs to be a must
have rather than a nice to have product for its target market. Robin Hood Ventures
Angel Investing FAQs 2 12/3/2010 Angel Investing: Frequently Asked Questions
2. The company has a working prototype of its product or service, and at least one
paying client. Essentially, the product needs to be ready to go. If the product is
just an idea, it is too soon for angel investors to get involved. Likewise, if the
company is already a successful business looking to expand its market, it may be
ready for the larger resources that venture capitalists can provide. In the case of life
science companies, the product should be either in clinical trials, or ready to begin
this process. 3. The company has a detailed and well thought out business plan.
Entrepreneurs should be prepared for detailed,
Investigating The Co2 And Temperature Changes From
In this investigation, we were required to design our own self sustaining
ecosystem, and monitor the changes in temperature and CO2 levels. We
compared the outside temperature and CO2 levels, to those of our ecosystem. Self
sustaining ecosystems are in the process of being designed tested, so that one day
humans will be able to survive and thrive on other planets, like Mars. The outcome
of our ecosystem was a failure, like all other previous attempts. Our ecosystem was
too hot and had too higher CO2 levels, to be able to sustain the life of insects, and
grow plants. This was because, we did not have enough fresh water, going into all
the layers and fresh oxygen, as a result of no greenery growing. I believe, if we
placed grown plants in our bottle at the start of our experiment, we would have had a
very different outcome. Aim:
In this practical we are going to investigate the CO2 and temperature changes from
the outside environment, compared to our ecosystem in a bottle. We are also creating
a fully self sustaining ecosystem in a bottle, which needs to grow a type of plant and
provide a habitable environment for an insect/animal.
I believe that the temperature and CO2 levels inside our ecosystem will be a lot
higher than outside the bottle. I also do not think that our insects or plants will
survive and thrive, because there is not enough oxygen in the bottle, and it is too hot.
Other groups that have plants and water in their bottle, will have lower CO2
Lynching In Duluth Summary
During certain times of history, communities have been swallowed up by times of
darkness seeming hopeless. Events in history help to illustrate this fact. In the book
Lynchings in Duluth, this fact is evident through people unwilling to go against the
crowd. When describing the scene of the lynching, the author states, from the streets
and sidewalks, other men grabbed onto the rope and marched behind, encouraging
others to join. The procession grew rapidly. Young men barely out of high school
were urging older men to come with them (Fedo 47). Although some men were very
passionate about the cause, others were only participating as a result of peer
pressure. Not enough people were willing to stand up against the majority, so they let
it happen.
Bio 169 Essay
Urinary System: Anatomy Review 1.Name the organs in the urinary system:
1.2 kidneys
2.2 ureters
4.uethra 2.The kidneys are retroperitoneal (behind the peritoneum), lying against the
dorsal body wall in the upper abdomen. 3.The adrenal gland sits atop the kidneys.
Blood vessels enter and leave the kidney at the renal cortex. 4.The functional units of
the kidney are the nephrons. They are called renal pyramids if they are located
mainly in the cortex. They are called renal pyramids if they are located in both the
cortex and the medulla. 5.Blood enters the kidney through the hilus artery. The artery
branches into smaller and smaller arteries and arterioles. Complete the sequence
below: ______________ ... Show more content on ...
High osmolarity (or high Na+ and Cl ) in the ascending loop of Henle will cause
afferent arterioles to (dilate or constrict) by releasing vasoconstrictor 11.In periods of
extreme stress, the sympathetic nervous system will override autoregulation. An
increase in sympathetic flow to the kidney will result in what two important effects
that will aid maintenance of blood pressure?
1. vasocontriction
Urinary System: Early Filtrate Processing 1.What are the two reabsorption pathways
through the tubular cell barrier?
1. transcellular
2. paracellular 2.How can we cause water to diffuse from the lumen into the
interstitial space? An increase in the osmolarity of the interstitium
3.Transport of what ion could cause the diffusion in question 2?
4.Summarize reabsorption in the proximal tubule. 85% of reabsorption of all useful
substances occur here
5.What percent of the filtrate is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule? 99% 6.The
simple squamous cells of the thin descending loop are permeable to
__________________ but impermeable to ________________. 7.The ascending
limb of the loop of Henle is permeable to Water but impermeable to solutes. 8.What
is the role of the loop of Henle? Facilitated diffusion
9.What is the role of the vasa recta? Blood capillary which collects the filtered blood
capillary which collects the filtered blood from afferent arterriole
10.From the Quiz section, what does furosemide do?
Identify The Different Types Of Drivers Essay
When traversing highways and interstates, people run into many different types of
drivers. Those operating vehicles all fall into a certain category. Drivers, though
more than likely not self aware, have a very specific way of driving that allows
them to fall into such a category; however, drivers typically do not have a problem
calling out other drivers on their faults. It would almost seem that a long trip or
even a quick run anywhere is really just a never ending sequence of blaring horns
and screeching halts in contempt for drivers outside of one s own classification.
Vehicle operators will either drive carelessly, dangerously, or carefully. Drivers can
be classified into three categories: The DJ, Daredevils, and Goody Two Shoes. The
first type of driver falls into the careless category, also known as the DJ. DJs tend to
blare music at deafening decibels. To maximize their disturbance, DJs also typically
drive with all windows rolled down including the sunroof. If the carsimmediately
surrounding them are not shaking along to the beat DJs are unsatisfied. DJs are also
really good at multitasking. Rather than their main focus being on the road or the
surroundings, DJs attention is on whatever handheld device they re selecting music
from. Most of the time they come out alive. DJs are also skilled... Show more content
on ...
They all fall into at least one category, but can sometimes identify with two or even
all three. Vehicle operators are not generally aware of their own classification, but
can more often than not identify the category that other drivers fall into. This
identification is usually pointed out through the rage empowered shouts of
neighboring drivers. These categories also present a sort of hate triangle. The three
types do not often coexist peacefully, but on rare occasions you can find them
driving in harmony. Drivers can be classified into three categories: The DJ,
Daredevils, and Goody
Photochemical Smog
Photochemical Smog
Gifted Chemistry IB
Alternative Assessment
1997 March 19
Historically, the term smog referred to a mixture of smoke and fog, hence the name
smog. The industrial revolution has been the central cause for the increase in
pollutants in the atmosphere over the last three centuries. Before 1950, the majority
of this pollution was created from the burning of coal for energy generation, space
heating, cooking, and transportation. Under the right conditions, the smoke and sulfur
dioxide produced from the burning of coal can combine with fog to create industrial
smog. In high concentrations, industrial smog can be extremely toxic to humans and
other living organisms. London is world famous for its episodes of industrial smog. ...
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These conditions include :
В• Precipitation can alleviate photochemical smog as the pollutants are washed out
of the atmosphere with the rainfall. В• Winds can blow photochemical smog away
replacing it with fresh air. However, problems may arise in distant areas that receive
the pollution. В• Temperature inversions can enhance the severity of a
photochemical smog episode. Normally, during the day the air near the surface is
heated and as it warms it rises, carrying the pollutants with it to higher elevations.
However, if a temperature inversion develops pollutants can be trapped near the
Earth s surface. Temperature inversions cause the reduction of atmospheric mixing
and therefore reduce the vertical dispersion of pollutants. Inversions can last from a
few days to several weeks.
4. Topography is another important factor influencing how severe a smog event can
become. Communities situated in valleys are more susceptible to photochemical
smog because hills and mountains surrounding them tend to reduce the air flow,
allowing for pollutant concentrations to rise. In addition, valleys are sensitive to
photochemical smog because relatively strong temperature inversions can frequently
develop in these areas. Possible Solutions
A possible solution to the problem of photochemical smog is to enforce stricter
emission laws all over the globe. Many countries have varying laws on the legal
limits of NOx, Carbon Dioxide, and Sulfur Dioxide.
The Gold Kit Kat Bar
Introduction This report will firstly wish to discuss the 24k gold Kit Kat bar that
was introduced to Melbourne Australia on the Chinese New Year 2016 by Nestle .
Firstly giving a brief background on Chinese New Year, secondly providing a
literature review on Limited edition products and Special Edition products. Thirdly
explain customer benefit(s)/value proposition pricing, design, segmentation,
targeting positioning, and competition. Lastly address the key market strategies and
tactics to be implemented. Chinese New Year follows a lunar calendar, and is on
the first day of the first month on that lunar calendar. There are 12 different animals
that make up the Chinese New Year, and also define what year the festival will be
(e.g. year of the monkey ). The twelve animals are the dragon, snake, horse, sheep,
monkey, rooster, dog, pig, rat, oxen, tiger, and rabbit. The festivities have duration of
15 days, and are celebrated by Chinese throughout the globe, with special Chinese
decorations decorating houses. Throughout the festivities, those celebrating conduct
activities, such as eating traditional Chinese food, spending time with relatives and
loved ones, enjoy fireworks shows, sit back and watch traditional Chinese shows,
and plan the forthcoming year. The festivities pay respect to the heavens, the earth,
deceased family members and ancient Chinese gods. In celebration of Chinese New
Year in 2016, confectionary company Nestle had released a limited number of special
The Beauty Of Spring, By Gerard Manley Hopkins
At first, Gerard Manley Hopkins s poem, Spring, seems to be just about the season
of spring per its title. However, in considering Hopkins s Catholic Christian
background, this poem is also about beauty and sin and their effects on nature in
relation to the story in the book of Genesis about Adam and Eve. Spring is a
Petrarchan sonnet split into an octet and sestet and is organized in such a way to
allow Hopkins to discuss beauty and how it (through sin) corrupts itself and humanity
personified in the season of spring and Adam and Eve, accordingly. The themes of the
beauty of spring and the nature of the Garden and humanity are essential in the poet s
Christian understanding of sin and the Incarnation and Passion of JesusChrist.... Show
more content on ...
However, in the case of this poem by Hopkins, no problem is introduced in the
octet, but is in the sestet. Hopkins signifies this turn by asking a question about the
nature of spring s beauty and where it is from, just as juice is the characteristic
flavor and essence of fruit in one meaning of the word (OED n.1.a.). Hopkins answers
this question by mentioning the Christian view of the earth s sweet being in the
beginning, thus referring to the Garden of Eden in Genesis (10 11). As inferred by
Hopkins in the first stanza and the Christian tradition which he holds, the Garden
was a place of life and flourishing rather than death, and the beginning refers to the
creation story involving Adam and Eve. Thus, according to Hopkins, the beauty of
spring is identified in the sestet as a strain from the earth s sweet being in the
beginning in the Garden of Eden (10 11). Furthermore, the sestet involves a change
of word choice and figurative language instead of merely a topic change. After
describing where spring s beauty arises, the poet prayerfully addresses Christ and
asks him to retrieve this strain of spring s beauty before it cloy[s] / cloud[s]...and
[makes] sour with sinning the innocent mind and Mayday in girl and boy (10 13). In
this address, cloy refers to the potential for spring to disgust the innocence of Adam
and Eve, the innocent...girl and boy, with gratification beyond
Classroom Walkthroughs
Schools are educational institutions where students are engaged, teachers are
nurturing and offer rigorous lessons, and school administrators are educational
leaders where they can help create inclusive environments. In some school settings,
school administrators stay in their offices and teachers close their doors and become
their own islands. Providentially, those old practices are changing, whereas classroom
walkthroughs and observations are becoming popular with schooladministrators.
Classroom walkthroughs are an effective way to observe what is going on in the
Bonnie Springer School classrooms. Walkthroughs provides teachers with an
opportunity to see the great things their teachers and students are doing together.
Discrimination and Hate Crimes
From what I have identified on hate crimes in my research, the top two motivations
for hate crimes are based on race and sexual orientation, In 2010 s FBI report, of
the 7,690 reported incidents, 48. 4 percent of the crimes were racially motivated
attacks, with sexual orientation bias coming in second at 19.1 percent. (DL
Chandler,2010) Two of the best examples of these crimes are the James Byrd and
Mathew Shepard cases in 1998. These crimes prompted the enactment of the Hate
Crimes Prevention Act that was signed by President Barack Obama in 2009.
Although the crimes are both very horrific and morbid acts in their own right, they
were based on different types of hate racial and homophobia. The James Byrd Case
was racially motivated... Show more content on ...
Byrd died after his right arm and head were severed after his body hit a culvert. His
body had caught a sewage drain on the side of the road, resulting in his
decapitation. (HRC 2014) Police found parts of his body all over that three miles
of road the suspects were found shortly after the discovery of his body. CNN
reported All three suspects have prison records, and authorities have said that at
least two have the tattoos of white racist prison gangs. Racist literature also was
seized from their homes. (CNN 1998) These two men were John King (King) and
Lawrence Brewer (Brewer)and later they were found to be active members of
white supremacist groups such as Aryan Pride, KKK. Tattooed on their bodies
were riddled with racist and Nazi symbols as well as gang symbols with well
known racist gangs. The third guy, Shawn Berry ( Berry), didn t have the racist
background and was determined not to be racist in court and because of his
cooperation as a witness to the crime was given a lesser sentence. Shawn Berry,
was charged with murder and given a life sentence for his part in the murder;
Brewer, and King were both tried on capital murder and were sentenced to the death
penalty. Brewer died by lethal injection in September of 2011, his last words before
his execution were, I feel no remorse and would do it all over again. (DL Chandler
2012). King is still exhausting his appeals but is still on death row in Texas. This
case is very
Essay on Ala Code of Ethics
In today s world, individuals can make a single decision that can have a positive or
negative effect on their family, coworkers, friends, or on the entire world.
However, the life we lead can reflect our personal character. Therefore, personal
ethics are different for each one of us. However, when we work in a professional
career, we have our own work character to reflect on. What is professional ethics?
Professional ethics concerns the moral issues that arise because of the specialist
knowledge that professionals attain, and how the use of this knowledge should be
governed when providing a service to the public (Chadwick 1998). Today,
Librarianship is a profession that has a code of professional ethics to help us to
behave a... Show more content on ...
However, it was adopted by COPE in July of 2001. With a 70th anniversary of
ALA Code of Ethics coming in 2009, the committee is debating if the Code of
Ethics should be revised or not. There are many the comments from the ALA
members that involve two minor language changes and an expansion of Article IV.
However, these changes were adopted on January 22, 2008. In conclusion, it is
important for all types of librarians to know the Code of Ethics and enforce them in
Issues of ALA Code of Ethics One of the three issues by ALA Code of Ethics is
called Access Issues. Access Issues deal directly to the first three articles in the Code
of Ethics. In Article I, it expresses the need for librarians to provide equal services to
all library users. Therefore, that as a profession we must be accurate and courteous
to all patron requests, regardless of our personal feelings and beliefs. As a
profession, librarians must strive to help all library patrons to find the materials they
need. Article II has many consequences to all types of libraries everywhere such as
school, public, and so on. Intellectual Freedom is everyone has the right to freedom
of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without
interference and to seek, receive and impart information and
George s Moral Dilemmas
The novela Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck features two laboring men, George
and Lennie, working in California and trying to survive the Great Depression.
Lennie is mentally challenged and as a result, does not understand his own strength.
This continually gets him and George in trouble and costs them their jobs. While
working in Soledad, Lennie accidentally kills a Curley s wife, and a group of
farmhands then go on a search for Lennie, with the intention of beating him and
serving justice. George fears what they might do Lennie, and so he shoots Lennie in
the neck, killing him instantly. George s killing of Lennie is a moral dilemma as it
exists in the gray area of permissible euthanasia. George was ultimately correct and
justified in the... Show more content on ...
Over the course of the novela Lennie has proven to be an increasing danger to those
around him. In the past, Lennie had unwarily killed several mice with his strength.
He also accidentally killed his puppy and Curley s wife. However, after each death,
Lennie showed immediate remorse and extreme distress. He never intended for the
death of any individual but due to his mental handicap and enormous strength, it
seems to be a common occurrence. If Lennie was not prematurely killed by George
the future confrontation with Curley and the other farm hands would not have ended
without blood due to Lennie s incredible strength. Thus Lennie s death not only
secures the safety of himself but other individuals. Lennie is a danger to those around
him, although this is not a justifiable reason for euthanasia by itself, under the
circumstances, it only reinforces George s decision as morally
Genetic Privacy And The Human Genome Project
With bounding advances in the field of genetics, genetic privacy has sparked a
controversy. In the 1980s, the Human Genome Project was formulated to sequence
the entirety of the human genome. The first draft of this project was published in
Nature in February, 2001, about 10 percent short of completion (National Institutes of
Health [NIH], 2015). Originally, scientists had hypothesized that there was anywhere
from 50,000 to 140,000 genes, but after the release of this first draft and the later
completion of the full sequence in April 2003, it was revealed that there were actually
about 20,500 genes (NIH, 2015). As of April 2003, the structure, organization, and
function of these many genes can finally begin to be better understood. While the
completion of the Human GenomeProject seems like a huge accomplishment, there
are those who are worried about its implications. Each person s genome holds a
plethora of essential information that many would like to keep private (Moor, 1999,
p. 261 262). However, the compilation of a national genetic database would benefit
both the fields of medicine and justice by facilitating personalized health care,
improving overall health care, and aiding in the conviction of criminals.
Scientists anticipate that genetic information will be useful in the concept of
personalized health care. While the sequencing of the human genome is the first step
towards this, it does not guarantee success. Rather, it is important to develop a deeper
Rhetorical Devices In Jfk Inaugural Address
On January 20, 1961, the newly elected president at the time, John Fitzgerald
Kennedy, delivered his iconic inaugural address not only to American citizens, but
to people listening around the world. In a time when the globe was in a heap of
conflict and drama, America and the world were in need of leadership, inspiration,
and clear direction. In order to motivate his people towards a better future under his
presidency, Kennedy gave a powerful speech formally introducing himself to the
world, outlining his plans for the next four years, and especially encouraging the
American people to work and be optimistic for the coming years. He employed lots
of rhetorical appeals while making many promises and plans about the future to
inspire and encourage... Show more content on ...
He combined both ethos and logos appeals to encourage his audience overseas to
cooperate for the right cause. Kennedy made his first promise, saying that To those
allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of
faithful friends (1). With alliances being an ever important part of international
diplomacy, Kennedy increased his credibility towards other nations by
acknowledging them and giving them his promise. He noted that because of their
continued friendship with the United States, he would continue to offer support
and loyalty to America s greatest allies, using a logical reason to justify his support
of his allies. His pledge of continued loyalty and general respect to previous global
relationships established his authority and international presence. He did not forget
any countries when addressing his international audience, as he later gained the
trust of developing countries with promises to assist with their growth. Kennedy
said that To those people in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to
break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help
themselves ... because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor,
it cannot save the few
Frankenmuth s Role In Ethiopia
Frederick Wyneken was a German missionary who was working in Michigan and
Ohio who first thought of the idea for Frankenmuth. A place for schools and
churches for German immigrants was his idea for this place. However, he and his
fellow German Immigrants didn t have enough money to start such an idea.
Therefore, in 1840 he wrote a letter to all the Lutherans in Germanyfor financial
assistance and speaking of the hardships that the people where facing.
His Letter caught the attention of the Wilhelm Loehe, who is a pastor of several
towns in Germany, and because of his strong beliefs and convictions in the church
doctrines, He organized a mission society, still operating today, and began training
teachers and pastors for work in the United ... Show more content on
Approximately six miles north of Frankenmuth, lies Frankentrost. It was also
founded in 1847 and it was home to 22 families. Loehe may have been encouraged
by the success of the Frankenmuth settlement. His goal wasn t to settle another
mission colony. He wanted to have German Lutheran families live close together in
Michigan. To keep houses close together, farms were plotted all along one road.
This way was more like more like a German dorf or village. He developed the
settlement of Frankenlust. It was settled in 1848, approximately 22 miles north of
Frankenmuth. Just like Frankentrost, this settlement it was built to keep German
Lutheran families close together. The Settlement of Pastors Loehe s fourth colony of
Frankenhilf was developed in 1850. Frankenhilf is known as Richville today. It lies
about 9 miles northeast of Frankenmuth. Once the forest was cleared, citizens of
Frankenhilf took up farming. That was not Loehe s original hope for this settlement.
He originally hoped Frankenhilf would be an industrial
Why Did Jesus Curse A Fig Tree
You don t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will. John 13:7
provides a firm reassurance for any individual who happens to be reading the bible
and is struggling to understand the ways in which God executes his work.
However, many still struggle to grasp the reasons behind several of God s actions.
One baffling instance which breeds perplexity takes place in Chapter 11 in the Book
of Mark. It raises the question why did Jesus curse a fig tree? When investigated, it
is evident that Jesus s cursing the tree was not an act of impulsiveness or infuriation;
rather, it was a deliberate and purposeful decision that served to illustrate the situation
of previous and current churches along with the theme of faith. In order to analyze...
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Humans have a tendency to build a wall of pretense around themselves in an effort
to have a social standing among their peers. This wall, however, does not stand up
to God. He knows what goes on in the hearts of men. And while to everyone else it
may seem as though a person may be leading an honest and faithful life, God can
see just how much fruitful that person is. After all, in the end all the believers will
be taken to Heaven while the nonbelievers will wither away just like the fig
Southern Grocery Industry Analysis
The Supermarket and Grocery Stores industry makes up a large portion of the food
retail channel in the United States. Winn Dixie grocery is a subsidiary of
Southeastern Grocers LLC, which is the parent company of Harveys, BI LO and
Winn Dixie grocery stores, which places fifth as one of the largest supermarketchain
in the U.S. based on the amount of stores they have. The company has about
48,000 associates that work in 518 grocery stores, 145 liquor stores and 393 in
store pharmacies all over the southeastern states such as Alabama, Georgia,
Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida (Winn Dixie, 2016). Winn Dixie as well as the
other two subsidiaries of Southeastern Grocers are very well known and well
respected regional brands with deep heritages,
Sandwich Blitz Scenario
The Sandwich Blitz scenario, new local health codes require that trash dumpsters be
a minimum of thirty feet from the rear entrance of the building. The new laws also
include that all out buildings be a minimum of six feet from the property line; Thus
Sandwich Blitz is in violation of these laws. The enclosure that houses the trash
dumpster is five feet from the property line. The local government inspector told the
location manager that he is willing to overlook this violation in exchange for free
food for his department s holiday party. Dalman was informed of this information by
the location manager because he felt uncomfortable. The administrator at this area is
my opinion showed good character by making the best choice on reporting the issue
as opposed to tolerating the offer to influence the investigator he is satisfying his
commitment of right activity. This supervisor could have took the offer presumably
spare himself a... Show more content on ...
He must think what would best and beneficial to Sandwich Blitz in the long run. If
he was to accept the bribe from the health inspector what will happen to Sandwich
blitz if a new inspector comes. For instance, just because this inspector will offer a
bribe to overlook the violation doesn t mean the new inspector will. Therefore,
Dalman still has the same problem. The new inspector might require Dalman to
move the enclosures that house the dumpster to compile with the new laws. Instead
of going around the problem by accepting the bribe Dalman should find a situation
for the problem. That way this type of issue will not occur again. Also, who is to
say the inspector will hold his end of the offer. What if he takes the free food and
still violates them. Respecting others. I believe that Dalman should respect the fact
the location manager did the right thing by informing him of the bribe instead of
accepting when considering what decision he will
Reflection On The Restroom
Today s experience at my site base was much different than on Monday. I came at
the very beginning of the school day, so that I could observe the procedures that
Mrs. Wright uses when the students arrive to school. Furthermore, I was able to
participate more frequently during this observation than the previous one, which I
appreciated because I was able to get to know the students better. One aspect of
today s class that I felt worked really well was Mrs. Wright s morning routine. She
welcomes the students into the classroom and asks them to use the restroom. If the
restroom is full, she allows the students to go directly to the carpet where they can
play with toys, such as blocks, magnetic blocks/shapes, and Lego fences. Mrs. Wright
kept mental note of students who went to the bathroom and those who did not.
Personally, I think it would be easier to have a checklist with ever student s names on
it, and place a check mark next to the student s name after they use the restroom. This
would ensure that all students go and would avoid accidents. It was very evident that
the students were used to this routine because they were aware of what they should
have been doing. Naturally, there were students who did not want to use the restroom,
so watching how the teacher and her aids addressed these challenges. Again, I
disagree with the way that they handled these situations, they would grab the student
by the arm and drag them to the bathroom. This is very dangerous and not
professional in any way. Nevertheless, this only occurred twice in the morning.
Another aspect of the day that I thought went amazingly well was the cutting activity
that Mrs. Wright had the students participate in. She had created trolls for each
student out of toiletpaperrolls and she had glued pieces of construction paper inside
the toilet paperroll. The students were then asked to use scissors to cut the
construction paper hair off their trolls. The best part about this activity was that
Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Foster were keeping anecdotal notes of how the students were
holding the scissors, which hand they were using to cut, and if they were actually
cutting the paper or just ripping it. This was amazing for me to see because it
allowed me
The, Misery, By Richard Farnsworth As Buster, And
Imagine being rescued after suffering a major car wreck, only to be kidnapped by
your number one fan. Starring Kathy Bates as Annie Wilkes, James Caan as Paul
Sheldon, Richard Farnsworth as Buster, and Frances Sternhagen as Virginia, Misery
is a psychological thriller produced and directed by Rob Reiner. In this 1990
psychological thrillerfilmyou will experience thrill, action, suspense, despair and
misery, all powered by composer Marc Shaiman and his use of musicto set the mood
for the audience.
Films and movies are a composition of elements that make that essentially come
together as one to form a piece of art. Although a film is not complete with missing
elements, some elements when used out of place can break a movie. Some of these
elements include, but are not limited to, a character s costume and makeup, lighting,
camera direction, acting, special effects, and, sound effects and music. In some films
one element may be the overriding factor but when put together, these elements work
together to please an audience.
Each element on its own, has an important role it plays in the creation of a film or
movie. In Misery, for example, the choice of music composition used for major
scenes in the movie helps to build on the plot, suspense and rising action, on many
other scenes, the fast paced music led to nail biting and hair pulling moments.
Without the wise choice of the fast paced string, Classical music, Misery would have
not been the psychological thriller it
Metaphors In Their Eyes Were Watching God
This novel is the story of Janie Crawford s quest for love, told, as noted prior, as a
casing. The novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, presents numerous topics, for
example, love and marriage, discourse and hush, and gender parts. Zora Neale
Hurston makes a radiant showing of making what men like Joe Starks felt the run of
the mill parts were for the female African American. In this exposition I will
introduce an outline of the loveexperienced by the real character Janie with her
husbands, examination of characters of Janie, Joe, Phoeby and porch sitters,
Furthermore I will likewise examine the metaphors, symbols utilized by the Hurston
alongside my sentiment about the title of the novel. The thought of Janie about love
is extremely exceptional... Show more content on ...
Their Eyes Were Watching Godis a content lavishly invested with importance and
reason which utilizes idyllic dialect and folkloric symbolism to pass on its
messages. Hurston utilizes numerous symbols and metaphors as a part of Their
Eyes Were Watching God to add to Janie s story. Symbols stand for, speak to, or
recommend something else. A metaphor, in any case, is a more interesting
methods of expression containing a suggested examination, in which a statement
or expression conventionally and fundamentally utilized for one thing is
connected to an alternate. One of the common metaphors in the novel is the
picture of the skyline. As Janie ascensions the pear tree to see what exists around
her, she sees the skyline. The skyline additionally plays a part at dusk, a period
when the patio sitters sit outside toward the end of a working day to watch the sun
set. Janie needs to make an excursion to the skyline, and her trip turns into a
primary metaphor in the story. At dawn, Janie goes not far off to the train station to
meet and wed Tea Cake, trusting that this experience will take her to the skyline.
The skyline is an image of Janie s long lasting quest for happiness. Toward the end
of the story, Pheoby is on edge to look for her own particular skyline with her
husband, as an aftereffect of listening to Janie s
Gillian Clarke s Catrin tackles one of the...
Gillian Clarke s Catrin tackles one of the well considered themes in feminist writing
the mother daughter relationship.
Gillian Clarke s Catrin tackles one of the well considered themes in feminist writing
the mother daughter relationship. The aspect of the relationship that Clarke explores
here is the bond ( rope ) that ties them together and from which they try to free
themselves from the very beginning, even before birth. Freeing yourself as an
individual within a relationship must result in conflict on both sides, which is what
the mother and daughter in Catrin are experiencing now. The question we ask
ourselves here is, when does the struggle begin?
Notice how the speaker uses monosyllables to ... Show more content on ...
The real or literal meaning of the metaphor is that each participant in the
confrontation wanted her own way. Their actions were shouting.
A tank reminds us of a fish tank, and of the idea that it contains everything to do with
its occupants. In the speaker s case, the tank contains and holds in complete focus the
confrontation, which the participants neither won nor lost.
yet we find that it is only another manifestation of the same confrontation, this battle
of wills, the need for autonomy.
The first stanza is longer because it deals with the defining experience of the two
characters lives.
* taking/Turn at the traffic lights (lines 4 5) emphasises the t sound providing the
rhythmic effect of cars going one by one. But I think we can also see the rhythmic
and regular moment of the speaker s labour in the phrase.
* first/Fierce (lines 6 7) uses the initial f sound in words whose monosyllabic effects
suggest the pushing movements of birth.
* Red rope suggests the blood connection between the speaker and the child. Later it
becomes an old rope , but the red colour reminds us that the suggestion of the
umbilicus remains in the image of the rope.
* Lines 13 14 contain the w sound in walls , words , with and wild , all suggestive of
the intensity and struggle of the birth experience.
* Lines 15 16 use the s sound in
How Does Aluminum Become Popular
Where does aluminum come from; how is it made, discuss the history of aluminum
and how it compares to other material. When did the use or application of aluminum
become popular? Explain the circumstances or preceding events associated with
popularity. Aluminum is made from extracting aluminum oxide from bauxite. Traces
of aluminum have been found as far back as 5300 BC, in ancient Persia strongest
clay cooking vessels. In the early 1800s Sir Humphrey Davy was the first to establish
its existence, and name it. Around ten years later a French scientist found red clay
that contained large amounts of aluminum, which was called Bauxite. Aluminum
never occurs naturally in nature; even today no one has ever found pure aluminum. In
1825 a small

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Peter Singer Animal Liberation Essay. Against Animal Liberation? Peter Singer and His Critics Request PDF

  • 1. Peter Singer Animal Liberation Essay Crafting an essay on Peter Singer's "Animal Liberation" poses a multifaceted challenge, requiring a nuanced understanding of Singer's philosophical arguments and the broader ethical landscape surrounding animal rights. Singer's work delves into complex ethical theories, demanding a comprehensive grasp of utilitarianism and the implications of extending moral consideration to non-human animals. Moreover, interpreting Singer's ideas necessitates a critical examination of the historical context in which "Animal Liberation" emerged, including the influence of other ethical philosophies. This adds a layer of intricacy to the task, as one must navigate through the evolution of moral thought to fully appreciate Singer's contributions. In constructing an essay on this topic, one must navigate the ethical dilemmas surrounding animal rights, balancing Singer's utilitarian framework with potential counterarguments. This requires a meticulous exploration of the ethical implications, considering diverse perspectives and potential criticisms. The writing process also involves presenting a coherent and persuasive argument while acknowledging the diverse viewpoints within the broader discourse on animal ethics. Striking a balance between a personal interpretation of Singer's ideas and a comprehensive analysis of existing scholarship is essential. In conclusion, writing an essay on Peter Singer's "Animal Liberation" is a challenging endeavor that demands a profound understanding of ethical theories, historical context, and the ability to construct a well-reasoned argument. Successfully navigating these complexities will result in an essay that not only captures Singer's insights but also contributes to the ongoing conversation surrounding animal rights. For assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, various resources are available, such as professional writing services. One option to explore such assistance is through websites like, where expert writers can provide support in crafting well-researched and articulate essays on a variety of topics. Peter Singer Animal Liberation EssayPeter Singer Animal Liberation Essay
  • 2. United States Involvement in Vietnam Essay United States Involvement in Vietnam The end of World War Two was the beginning of America s worries about Communism. They feared that it would spread throughout the countries of the world. Because of this President Truman made the Truman Doctrine. This said that America would help any nation threatened by Communism. He said that he would lead containment in the spread of Communism and the Soviet Unions expansion. The doctrine came from the USA believing that Eastern Europe was forced into Communism by the Soviet Union. Therefore America saw it as their duty to help and protect the other countries, which could be in the threat of Communism. The Marshall Plan accompanied the Truman ... Show more content on ... The Vietnamese had not liked living under foreign rule. They are Nationalists and their communist party leader had formed the Vietminh, so called after his name Ho Chi Minh . They later became known to the world as the Vietcong. In 1945 the war ended and with Japan being weaker now the French influence returned to Vietnam. We now see the United States first bit of involvement with Vietnam, where the USA sent money and supplies to boost the economy in France. They did not, however, help in any other way as they thought France s presence would be enough to stop the spread of Communism. The Vietminh didn t like having the French influences back again and Guerrilla warfare was used against the French. Guerrilla warfare is like general jungle warfare, however the Vietminh dressed as peasants to disguise themselves and used their local knowledge to make it difficult to detect attacks in the jungle. In 1954, the battle of Dien Bien Phu took place and the Vietminh achieved a great victory over the French, so the French decided to leave Vietnam. Until now the USA had only provided money and equipment to France to help with the Vietnam problem. The USA backed up a Geneva Conference, which took place. This said that Vietnam be divided up into the Communist, North Vietnam and South Vietnam under the rule of the Ngo Dinh Diem. The
  • 3. Our Lives are Crowded with Products Nowadays markets are crowded with products of different types and needs. Companies produce tons of food and clothes, and thousand of cars every day. New models of products are issuing faster than previous generation of it becomes old. For example, Apple Corporation issues new iPhones every year despite of the fact that previous models are still good for use. This huge amount of new products requires a huge amount of advertising. As a consequence, our everyday life is surrounded with different kinds of advertising. We see ad on the streets when we walk out our dog, we see listen it on the radio while driving our cars coming back from a job, we see it in our favorite magazines and newspapers. A flow of advertising from all sources of media bombards our attention. Big corporations claim that they know what product is better for us. They manipulate our feelings; by playing with people desire of financial success, social power and, the most important, freedom and independence. This can be seen by analyzing a random advertising from a random magazine. In this advertisement in TIME magazine, TOYOTA targets young adults, middle working class professionals, who want fast and powerful car without spending much money on gas. It appeals to audience s desire by repeating TOYATA s brand and through direct and indirect messages conveyed by words and images. TOYOTA Camryad targets men or women in the age range between eighteen and, probably, middle or late twentieth who wants ride fast,
  • 4. Caroline s Real Bread Company SWOT Analysis Essay Executive Summary Caroline s Real Bread Company are a small village bakery who produce and sell a variety of niche breads to cater for specific needs. Emphasis is placed on high quality, fresh organic products. Their products are sold through their website, farmers markets, food festivals and other outlets. They also provide bread for specialist restaurants and cafГ© s. This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the current state of the grocery market, and provides recommendations on the possible actions that should be undertaken for Caroline s Real Bread Company to expend and take advantage of the current state of the industry. Methods of analysis used in this report include PEST analysis which analyses the external factors ... Show more content on ... The report will highlight the recommendations to Caroline concerning her company and its current position in the market. 3. The Grocery Market 3.1 Political The government launched an advertising campaign in early 2013 to promote healthier eating habits in the UK (BBC 2013). The main aim of this campaign is to increase the awareness of hidden nasties such as fat and sugar in popular foods. This campaign is the latest in a long line of government aided movements in order to increase health awareness in the UK, some examples of others being change4life and 5 A Day. This latest movement shows that healthy eating is high on the agenda of the current government. The government are under pressure to introduce new legislation to reduce the salt content in foods. The coalition is currently working with the industry, through the Responsibility Deal , to improve food content and labelling (Department of Health, 2013); however they are being challenged by labour to scrap this voluntary approach and to introduce tougher regulation and legislation in fighting foods high in fat, salt and sugar. One proposition includes a 30% cap on sugar content in cereals aimed at children. The on going debates and propositions are increasing public awareness of healthy eating habits which benefit specialist local producers such as Caroline s Real Bread Company. According to new government rules, the UK s food industry will be required to
  • 5. Essay about The Origin of Life The Origin of Life When considering the many theories involving How life began You must not consider a few main theories but a few main theory groups. Because there are literally hundreds of theories on this subject which can be grouped in to three main categories and then in to various sub categories. 1) Creation science This consists of about twelve theories that are based on the book Genesis all slightly varying in their interpretation. These can be split into two main groups, New and Old earth creationists. Г New earth creationists believe that god created the earth its life forms and the universe less than a thousand years ago. They also... Show more content on ... 3) Theistic evolution view This group of theories is based around the idea that there was evolution and the earth is 4.5 billion years old but all of the scientific process involved in creating life were some how influenced or controlled by a divine power. This group of theories could be described as a happy medium it combines the ideas of creation science and scientific views to create in my opinion a more credible theory of how life began which could be believed by religious scientists like myself. Scientific views main theories One of the main theories is that life started by chemical means in a rock where water, methane, ammonia and hydrogen were all present then with the added effect of lightening simple organic molecules formed the building blocks of life. There was an experiment that was conducted in 1953 by Miller and Urey that supports that the conditions above could stimulate organic compounds to form. *copied The Miller Urey experiment attempts to recreate the chemical conditions of the primitive Earth in the laboratory, and synthesized some of the building blocks of life. . The Miller Urey experiment (or Urey Miller experiment) was an experiment that simulated hypothetical conditions present on the early Earth and tested for the occurrence of chemical evolution (the Oparin and Haldane hypothesis stated
  • 6. Influenza Virus The World Health Organization (WHO) defines epidemiology as, the study of the distribution and determinants of health related states or events (including diseases), and the application of this study to the control of disease and other health problems (Epidemiology, 2015). There are different types of methods that can be used for epidemiological investigations which include: surveillance and descriptive studies, as well as analytical studies (Epidemiology, 2015). Influenzais a viral respiratory illness that is highly contagious (Influenza (Flu), 2015). Since it is so contagious it can cause a pandemic, epidemic, or outbreak causing sporadic cases (Mestrovic, 2014). There are two major types of influenza viruses type A and type B (Mestrovic,... Show more content on ... The information showed that during the 2013 2014 year there were not a lot of individuals who were vaccinated (Fast Stats, 2014). There could be several reasons why individuals did not get the vaccination; lack of education, allergic to the ingredient, and cultural beliefs are just a few. When individuals do not get the influenza vaccination they are putting themselves, as well as others at risk for contracting the disease as well as spreading it to others (Influenza (Flu), 2015). Each influenza season researchers determine how well the vaccination worked by looking at study design, outcomes measured, population studied, as well as the season during which the flu vaccination was studied (Vaccine Effectiveness, 2015). This research can be a challenge, however in general the studies have shown that influenza vaccinations do in fact benefit the public s health (Vaccine Effectiveness,
  • 7. Dual Engineering And Integrated Product Development Question #1) Concurrent engineering (also known as simultaneous engineering and integrated product development (IDP)) was originally defined in 1988 by the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA) in its report The Role of Concurrent Engineering in Weapons System Acquisition (Stark, 1998). This practice is opposite to consecutive engineering, where various components of a business (such as marketing, manufacturing, and design) are siloed with one another. Consecutive engineering leads to a throw it over the wall mentality, as one business component such as marketing performs the tasks required for its division and then would send it down the line to design. This fragmented business structure leads to quality issues in the product development, which results in greater cost and slower development (Stark, 1998). In addition, a company can expect with consecutive engineering to have many engineering changes occur, issues with production, and lower product competiveness. These engineering changes can negatively affect the cost of the product, as a change that occurs much farther down the process will have higher scrap and rework associated with changes that occurred earlier in the product conception. Figure 1: Concurrent Engineering Overview (Information Systems Planning Corporation) In stark contrast, as evidenced in a simplistic viewpoint from Figure 1, concurrent engineering brings together these various departments in product development, and utilizes multidisciplinary
  • 8. The Legacy Of The Lincoln Electric Company The Lincoln Electric Company, located near Cleveland, Ohio, USA, is one of the world s largest welding machines and electrodes manufacturers. It is a company with a distinctive organization culture and not only is it one of the world s largest, but also is considered to be one of the best managed manufacturing companies in the world. By taking a closer look at the ongoing influence of the founders of the company, the golden rule, the incentive management plan, the performance appraisal system, the way people communicate within the company, the merit pay plan, the bonus plan, and the management style it is clear to see that the Lincoln Electric Company is indeed a very well run organization due to its unique and diacritical ... Show more content on ... Also, a welding school was started in 1917, and continues to provide educational services to today. Furthermore, an employees association was formed in 1919 in order to provide health benefits and social activities to employees. This association is still active today and has accounted for several functions over the years and will continue to do so. The Lincoln Electric Company was founded based on Christian principles and James Lincoln believed that every action be motivated by Christian ethics. Although, James Lincoln held such strong Christian beliefs, there is no evidence that he tried to preach the Christian gospel to his employees, customers, or even the public. Even today, in recent interviews, the
  • 9. current senior executives do not talk about the Christian gospel message. The motto of the company is, The actual is limited, the possible is immense , which actually has nothing to do with Christian beliefs. The company motto is very fitting and correlates well with the organizational culture of the company. The Lincoln Electric Company believes heavily on incentives and production based compensation, therefore, adding to its belief that the possible is indeed immense. Adding to this, even advancement in the company is based more on merit and production than the amount of time that one has been at the company. In an interview conducted with Ed Sanderson, one of the company s employees, Ed says that,
  • 10. Glass Box Theatre Concert Essay To open the first of the two marathons of the program, whose concerts take place in different venues spread across Manhattan s Greenwich Village, I chose the guitarist David Torn, who performed solo at the beautiful New School s Tishman Auditorium, whose stage was reserved for artists who recently have been recording under the prestigious German label, ECM, well represented on both days by its founder Manfred Eicher. Mr.Torn stepped onto the stage bringing two distinct guitars, but only played on one of them. He was more concerned with manipulating the multiple sound layers (created through electronic) that could better suit his guitar strokes. Inventive and contemporary, without a doubt, but never able to impress me with his textures devoid of time and space, whether calm and floating, whether abstract and painful, whether occasionally explosive and powerful. It was a lukewarm start that triggered some impatience among the attendants. Then, on the same stage, we had Mark Turner and his quartet, playing some magnificent compositions from his latest record Lathe of Heaven ,... Show more content on ... Equipped with creative, vigorous, and well crafted arrangements, Noriega was exemplary in regard to the direction of the band, and never lost prominence, even having at his side an incredibly expressive guitarist, Brandon Seabrook who also performed at the festival with his Power Plant. Mr. Seabrook unfolded himself with contortions, not only harmonic and rhythmical but also corporal and facial, stealing the attention of the audience and drawing grins among the present with his dissonant and sometimes clangorous comping. Trevor Dunn on the double bass and Dan Weiss on drums showed why is this band considered a heavy
  • 11. Field Officer Training Report As a kid Ben always wanted to be a teacher, but when he became a junior and senior he could see people in his class getting into bad things like alcohol and drugs. When he saw those kids he wanted to help and that s when he thought he would join some sort of law enforcement to have a chance to help those kids that are going down the wrong path. Later after high schoolhe went to collegeat Alexandria tech for two years but later found out that his credits would not transfer to get a four year and higher so he went to CLC for two years and then transferred to St. Cloud for his four year and then later on to get his masters. After that he went to a police office to work in his area and started his fto training. Ben said that there are a lot of changes but the biggest is technology. Ben wanted to help kids in his high schoolwhen he was a kid and that s what triggered him to be a police officer. Once he was an adult... Show more content on ... In the first days he went through what is called FTO or Field officer training this course can take from a couple weeks to a couple months depending on the area you go to, the bigger the area the longer the training. In this course the department teaches you their routine for the day and what they do on certain calls and how they handle different situations. The department hopes that in the weeks that they do this they can get you experience with what they normally see and do on a daily bases. Ben finished training and was on his own patrolling and responding to the calls they get. Ben was different though because the department he works for let him be part time so he could teach his permit to carry classes and go around and teach people about law enforcement. He says that one of the biggest changes in policing is technology because when he started you did everything by hand but now everything is done on some sort of technology reports are typed instead of
  • 12. The Power Of The Second Daniel, Joseph, and Mike Pence! The Power of the Second I heard the Lord say: Mike Pence will be My Daniel and Joseph in America, for there is power in My second in command! Donald Trump s landmark victory as the soon to be 45th president of the United States shakes the political paradigm as we know it, turning the world on its ear. Lance Wallnau, a refreshing Dallas based prophetic voice in the business world and the church, has been prophesying about Donald Trump for over a year in videos and posts all over social media to a growing audience of 200,000 or more. In his landmark and popular book released in September 2016 he describes Donald Trump as: God s Chaos candidate. This term is based on a word he received from the Lord: In a Charisma News article dated October 5, entitled Why I Believe Donald Trump is the Prophesied President, he said this: I heard the Lord say: Donald Trump is a wrecking ball to the spirit of political correctness. Wallnau is not alone in his belief; well known prophets including Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce, Kim Clement, Rick Joyner, and Elijah List founder Steve Shultz, as well as many other prophetic voices around the world felt it was a turning point in history for which Donald Trump was the chosen vessel God would use to change the direction of our nation. Now here we stand to make no bones about it; Donald Trump is president elect and will take office on January 20. Until then our divided country will try to heal and find its
  • 13. Snow Leopards Research Paper Panthera uncia, commonly known as the snow leopard, is a longhaired cat included in the Felidae family, or big cat family. Snow leopards were formerly classified as Leo uncia but were placed in the genus Panthera with the other big cat species due to their common ancestors. Snow leopards are closely related to tigers, or Pantheratigris. Both species separated from the big cat family around 3.9 million years ago, and genetic studies show that snow leopards branched from tigers around 3.2 million years ago, which shows their close tie to tigers (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2014). Snow leopards physiological traits include a soft, dense, insulating undercoat with a thick, pale grayish coat of hair about 2 inches long with dark spots similar to ... Show more content on ... al, 2014) and are also found in Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan (Wikramanayake et. al, 2006). They are populated at a low density among large range areas. The natural diet of snow leopards consists primarily of wild blue sheep and Siberian ibex, but also includes pikas, hares, and game birds. An average of 1.5 kilograms of meat is required per snow leopard daily, which is equivalent to 3.3 pounds (Lyngdoh et. al, 2014). With much of the land being developed for livestock production, the natural source of food for snow leopards has depleted from their natural habitats. The decrease in prey resources has contributed to an estimated 20 percent decline in the overall snow leopard population in the past 20 years (Lyngdoh et. al, 2014). Furthermore, this has led to an increasing number of livestock and domestic animals as the snow leopard s new prey source. Although human density of the land is low, much of the land used for livestock overlaps snow leopard territory, causing an issue between humans and snow leopards (Jackson, 2015). This issue has contributed to their continued list as an endangered
  • 14. The Theory And Practice Of Change Management This is a review of The Theory and Practice of Change Management, by John Hayes, which focuses on the myriad facets in Leading and managing people issues. It is imperative for the leaders to ensure that people issues are dealt with methodically throughout the change process. Many leaders err by neglecting these issues at a very initial stage. The essay serves up to be a pertinent treatise on how leaders should lead and manage people during change. Transformation in any organisation begins from a good leader who always sees the need for a change (Kotter 2007, p.3). Leaders have powerful impact on the behaviour of people. Several tasks a leader should follow to ensure change success is identified along the course of the article. The tasks include sense making, visioning, sense giving, aligning, enabling, supporting, maintaining momentum and sustenance of the change. A leader should be able to communicate the vision and has to win the trust from his workers by highlighting the benefits of the objective. Hayes lays down an efficient thumb rule that a leader with a good vision needs to be imaginable, desirable, feasible and focussed. He or She possesses a shared sense of direction so as to align people to work together, providing constant support to the individuals who are affected by the change. The style of leadership is deemed to play an important role in any organizational framework. For e.g., the implications or effects of a charismatic leadership has been enumerated as
  • 15. Washington Washingc Essay The nation s capital. One of the biggest cities of history in the world today. Washington DC has so many different sites to see and museum to go to. This past weekend i was finally gonna go to Washington DC for the first time. I went with my mom, step dad, and step brother. Our parents had already went before us a while back so everything was new to us but fairly familiar to them. I had so many thoughts of things to do when i got there. There was the african american museum that just opened a year ago, the white house of course, and multiple other historical buildings downtown. Now when you go somewhere this far you ll normally fly and it takes like 1 hour. That wasn t the case this time. My parents wanted to drive a whole 9 hours in our... Show more content on ... The farther we got there one rock that was hanging off on the cage just waiting to fall. I had to just finish my nap after that scary moment. Welcome to Baltimore the signed said. We had finally got to where we would be staying at in a hotel. As soon as we get there my mom had to check the room out before we even walked in. Looking for any problems in the room so we wouldn t get charged. That put me in annoyed mood by how she just stopped my excitement. She had found something. A huge crack across the window that you could hear the wind go through and push easily. My first move was to get cleaned again due to the odor i felt from being in the car so long. The bathroom was nice with a walk in shower, granite counter tops, and long horizontal mirror across the wall. Once i out my outfit on i had to see my brothers first to make sure we weren t matching with anything. I had on a blue nike sweat suit with blue nike shoes and he had on all white adidas shoes, with adidas black jumpsuit. Since i was out of michigan i had to get the famous chick fil a. The best part was that it was right across the street from my hotel. All i could do was smile in satisfaction. We left the hotel and stopped at chick fil a. With the long line as usually we went in and sat down. I got the #1; chicken sandwich with fries and a lemonade. We finally got downtown Washington and the traffic was terrible. I m talking cars right on each others
  • 16. Project on Risk Management A Summer Training Project Report on RISK MANAGEMENT BY INDUSIND BANK LTD. Undertaken at INDUSIND BANK, AGRA 10th April to 10th June 2009 Submitted by SUBODH AGARWAL Enrollment no. : 4108163163 Management of Business Finance INDIAN INSTITUE OF FINANCE CORPORATE GUIDE: MR. ASHOK SHARMA ASST. MANAGER AGRA BRANCH, AGRA UTTAR PRADESH. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Expressing gratitude is not just an exercise of formality ... Show more content on ... Ensuring robustness of financial models and the effectiveness of all systems used to calculate market risk. Liquidity risk is the potential inability to meet the bank s liabilities as they become due and are managed through caps on the net asset calculations in the various time buckets. Interest rate risk is the risk where changes in market interest rates might adversely affect a bank s financial condition. A long term impact of changing interest rate is on banks net worth since the economic value of bank s assets, liabilities and off balance sheet positions get affected due to variation in market interest rates. The management of Interest Rate Risk should be one of the critical components of market risk management in banks. Deregulation of interest rates has, however, exposed them to the adverse impacts of interest rate risks. The Net Interest Income or Net Interest Margin (NIM) of banks is dependent on the movements of interest rates. The GAP model for the Asset Liability Management is concerned with measuring interest rate risk by finding the pattern of the net interest income over a given period of time. Capital adequacy norms lays down maintaining of adequate capital risk adequacy ratio (CRAR) has to be adhered to in the process of implementing Basel Norms using Duration or Maturity method. Measures like value at risk (VaR) have to be undertaken so to arrive at the loss possibility
  • 17. Summary Of The Mirror By Virginia Woolf The way one person perceives the world is not always the way another perceives, just as a reflection shows a person but reflected backwards. The mirror does not create falsehood; it instead shows the views of every side. Every person is going to see something different when looking into the mirror depending on where they stand. When Virginia Woolf writes she tells the world of an idea everybody can relate to. She writes on women and men and shows how they related through the mirror. Sometimes to empower and others to educate those that don t have that view point or understand. She writes both the common and uncommon views and shows how they both stand together in one mirror. Two text which reflect two Ideas through the mirror to show the world are Professions for Women and Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid. Ladies are well represented in Virginia Woolf s stories such as Professions for Women and Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid. Both of these Texts reflect the standard for women at this time. In Professions for women Virginia Woolf tells of her story of being a women; showing her views of the world through reflection of her life. Virginia Woolf starts by creating powerful small ideas when she writes, it is true, I am a women; it is true I am employed, but what professional experiences have I had? Using her short chops of information she has simplified herself so that more people can see her in their mirror. This is great because it simplifies Woolf making her more common,
  • 18. How Did Queen Elizabeth I Changed Society Queen Elizabeth I was not all that she is today. She was hated, mistreated, and discarded. She was abandoned,imprisoned, and excommunicated. She went through many trials, until she was crowned Queen of England. Queen Elizabeth I had changed England forever. She did unexplainable things, and the hardest trials. She carried England on her shoulders, and carried it through the storm. She helped England grow, and prosper. By doing this, she is not the unloved little girl that she once was, she is now a hero, and someone people look up to. Queen Elizabeth I went from being treated horribly to bringing England to its Golden Age, and she changed the face of history for her country. King Henry VIII wanted a son, that is all that he wanted. And... Show more content on ... She was taught by famous teachers, two of them being William Grindal and Roger Ascham. She was very smart and gifted. By her adulthood, Elizabeth could speak five languages fluently. As a young child, while King Henry VIII was still alive, she was not threat to the throne. She was safe from any political harm. After her mother was executed, her and her sister Mary were declared illegitimate. Before King Henry VIII died, he had remarried and had a son, named Edward. Edward was next in line for the throne. So after King Henry VIII died, Edward took his spot, at age nine. Now that King Edward VI was king, Elizabeth and her sister Mary were in danger. King Edward VI was only nine years old, so Edward Seymour became the Protector of England. Seymour s brother Thomas Seymour was jealous of him, and he tried to take his place as the Protector of England. Thomas tried to kidnap King Edward VI, but was caught in the act. He was to be put to death, but he talked about how he wanted to marry Elizabeth. This made everyone think that Elizabeth was in on this plan, because she wanted the throne for herself. They interrogated her, and she convinced everyone that she new nothing of the act, and they let her
  • 19. Abduction Abduction By Mia Christiansen 1) Abduction is a short story written by Shelagh Delaney in 2002. From the beginning the story takes place in Manchester, but the scene changes to Kensington in London and tells us about a woman named Ann, the main character. The title of the story Abduction describes the story very well. Ann abducts her younger brother, who has just left school to live with her in London. He was only 16 years old when Ann took him from their parents. She has high expectations of him like a mother. In general she acts as if he was her own child. The story is told by an unknown narrator, who is a part of the story. It is told in the past tense. We are introduced to three characters: the main character Ann, her younger... Show more content on ... None of these memories contain his sister even though he has lived with her most of his life. I want to compare Abduction with the novel Women in Love written by D. H. Lawrence in 1975. Ann is similar to the women Ursula. Ann seems possessive of her brother, as his wife says She s more like a possessive mother than a sister (l. 40, p. 2). She doesn t want him to find his own appartment. Like the women in Women in Love: She wanted to have, to own, to control, to be dominant (l. 17). Ann wants to control her brother. Her brother wants to be free like Birkin: He wanted so much to be free (l. 1). Ann s brother can not get free so he starts to drink. In the picture from 1908 A Man s Head in a Womans Hair by Edvard Munch, a woman has wrapped her hair around a man s head. It seems like the woman is the man s protector. It symbolizes a mother who takes care of her child. The woman is comparable with Ann, who also wants to protect her brother. The man does not seem happy about being wrapped of the woman s hair. The face expression is sad. This man is similar to Ann s brother, who is not happy of being controled by his sister neither. 2) Fiction versus Non Fiction Fiction and Non Fiction are two opposite things. Non fiction is real facts. It deals with real characters and events, whereas fiction is a story with invented persons and events. It is story which does not exist in reality.
  • 20. Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the School... 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Oxford dictionary (2014) defines a route as a path for getting to a certain destination from a start off point. The world is a global market and the journey of continuous expansion is on the rise. The demand for goods and services span from within immediate environments but also transcend cities, borders and continents. Logistics and transportation is a crucially important part of the manufacturing process, however the focus of this report is not on the supply chain from manufacturer to consumer but focuses on the management of logistics and transportation under the School Bus routing Problem. Logistics Management can be defined as the process of planning, control and application of an operational and cost conscious ... Show more content on ... The SBRP however belongs to a larger class dubbed the Vehicle routing Problem (VRP). The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) can be defined as a logistics problem that involves the design of best possible routes for the pickup and delivery of students from a start off point to a destination, where each student is dispersed over a large area. (Laporte, 1992) There are various problems associated with the VRP, these problems include; Capacitated VRP, VRP with Time windows and VRP with pickup and delivery to name a few. The Vehicle routing problem has several variations. Some of these variations are; School Bus Routing Problem (SBRP) Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) Capacitated VRP (CVRP) (Toth and Vigo, 2002). The SBRP has been dealt extensively in various literature, although approaching the problem in different ways. Newton and Thomas (1974) where one of the first authors to tackle the SBRP, however their theory strongly supported the concept of a homogeneous fleet of vehicles. Preparation of data, selection of bus stops, generating bus route, adjusting the school bell time and scheduling the route was applied in a paper where the above listed items were treated separately and then addressed in that particular order (Desrosiers et al., 1981). As
  • 21. Gel Electrophoresis Research Paper Gel Electrophoresis is a technique used to separate macromolecules fragments like DNA and protein by their size. Also, the proteins can be separated according to their size and their charge of different proteins with the different charges. Therefore, the material being separated and is placed into a gel like substance called agarose gel. Because each DNAmolecule is negatively charged, it can be pulled through the gel by an electric field. Small DNA molecules move more quickly through the gel than larger DNA molecules. (Biotechnology) For example, the DNA are separated to get a DNA fingerprint for forensic purposes, to get a DNA fingerprint for paternity testing, to check a PCR reaction, and to get a DNA fingerprint so that you can look for
  • 22. Manual Sizing Of Analog Blocks There is around 10 to 200 real valued parameters in an analog circuit, and value of these parameters must be set in order to meet the specification .Circuit sizing is the process of setting these parameters. for example a simple two stage operational amplifier has around 12 parameters ,which includes width, length and passive component values of all transistors which have to be set to achieve specifications such as CMRR(common mode rejection ratio), gain, power ,area ,bandwidth ,noise ,settling time ,offset value and slew rate . Figure 1 two stage operational amplifier There are 6 mosfets in this figure, so we have two compute values of width and height of 6 mosfets along with other parameters such as slew rate, bandwidth and noise margin. A system on a chip (SOC) is an integrated circuit that integrates all components of a electronic system into a single chip. SOC is made automated to a large extent. Manual sizing of analog blocks is a bottleneck. There are several methods and techniques of sizing; circuit sizing is an optimization problem. SPICE model is being considered the most accurate model as the final check point is spice correctness since the designer does not have access to the fabrication process so designer relies on the simulator. Apart from spice there are circuit equations. These equations can be derived taking some assumption with regard to the transistor behavior. There are three
  • 23. The Importance Of Walking Under Steady State Conditions The current knowledge available from the literature on walking at different speeds assumes a direct relationship between the level of activity of lower extremities muscles and speed. Several studies in the past have looked into this relationship for walking under steady state conditions. In this section we review these studies and their findings and we highlight limitations of their approaches and discuss the suggestions to expand the analysis to walkingunder transient conditions. Hof et al. [21] were one of the first groups to measure surface electromyograms (EMGs) from subjects walking at different speeds. Five speeds were instructed for over ground walking and EMGs were measured for ten walking steps at each speed. Parts of EMG profiles showed considerable changes with speed while other parts did not show any changes. The authors suggested that the activity at any speed could be estimated through a linear interpolation of sum of the profile at the lowest speed and a function that represents the increase in the activity per unit increase of normalized speed. One limitation of the calculations here was lack of statistical tests. Because of this shortcoming the linear interpolation model could be used to make reliable conclusions only about the effect of speed on the activity in the vicinity of the peak of each signal. Without building the confidence intervals we cannot infer the effect of speed on activation profiles over the entire gait cycle. In addition to lack of
  • 24. Cancer Prevention through Macrobiotics Essay Introduction Traditionally, the American diet has been defined by meat, potatoes, and white bread. As of late, Americans are gaining awareness about the importance of a diet that is more nutritious than meat and potatoes. This is partly due to highly publicized information on foods that claim to be beneficial to our overall health. Articles and news reports let us know about the most current study on diet and how it relates to athletic ability, mental acuity and general well being. Another area that has received much attention is how diet is connected to disease prevention. Many medical reports are recommending diets that are low in fat and high in fiber. And more health care practitioners than ever are recommending that their ... Show more content on ... The adoption of some or all of the macrobiotic principles is one way that each individual can counteract the negative trend of health and disease. Before we can begin the journey of disease prevention, we must ask, How did we get to this point? Dietary History in America To get an idea about how the cancer rates in America correlate with eating patterns, I will give a little history of dietary habits. Traditionally, food was an integral part of life. Life revolved around food because life revolved around survival. (Cancer, 7) Before the Industrial Revolution, local resources had to be relied upon for sustenance. There were no major highways for transporting food and other goods. This meant that most homesteads were self sustainable. Farming was done to provide food for the members of the family and the farm animals. Most meals were prepared on a daily basis from scratch because there were very few food storage options. (Cancer, 11) The types of food that were eaten during the 1800 s were rather simple. Vegetables and grains were the basis for each meal because they could easily be grown by each family. Meat and other animal products were rarely eaten because it was too expensive to raise animals for meat. Animals were needed to help with farming tasks. The idea of using farm space to grow food for animals so that the animals could then be eaten was seen as wasteful. This is part of the reason that meat was associated with wealth. Those who had
  • 25. Geoffrey Chaucer Quotes Bullet points on Geoffrey Chaucer He traveled in France with the Royal Service in the early to mid 1360S King Edward Handed Mr. Geoffrey a pension of 20 marks for his service with the Royal Service. Geoffrey married Philippa Roet in 1366. She was the daughter of Sir Payne Roet In 1368 Geoffrey Chaucer became one of King Edward III s esquires. His held spot in the community sent him on diplomatic missions, also giving time to get himself known with the work of poets such as Petrarch and Dante. Geoffrey Chaucer s passion for poetry grew as his career advanced. In 1385 he asked for a temporary leave. He lived in Kent for four years but still found little time to write as a Parliament member. In 1387 Philippa died, and Geoffrey s financial situation became ... Show more content on ... It was a poem about courtly love and its inauthentic quality. It is believed that Geoffrey Chaucer wrote Troilus and Criseyde in the mid 1830s, a poem about his character s tragic love story. This poem is considered by many to be one of his greatest works. It is not known when Geoffrey Chaucer wrote The Legend of Good Women, a poem that was left unfinished. Geoffrey Chaucer s work The Canterbury Taleswas originally meant to be 120 stories long. It was only completed to 24 stories, and his characters did not make it to Canterbury at all. The work was never finished but is highly regarded in literature. While working as Clerk of the Works Geoffrey was robbed twice, and he eventually gave up his position to work as the gardener in Somersetshire in the King s park. Geoffrey Chaucer s major works include Roman de la Rose, The Book of the Duchess, The House of Fame, Anelida and Arcite, Parliament of Foules, Boece, Troilus and Criseyde, The Legend of Good Women, The Canterbury Tales, and A Treatise on the Astrolabe. Geoffrey Chaucer died on October 25th, 1400 in London, at the age of 60. He was buried in Westminster
  • 26. Exponential Growth Lab Report The bacterial curve results in diauxic growth curve .which shows two different kinds of active growth. In the first phase of exponential growth, we are able to see that bacteria get its energy from glucose until all the glucose has been exhausted. In secondary lag phase, lactose is utilized at second stage of the growth exponential. During the glucosephase, lactose cannot be utilized because cells are unable to transport and break the disaccharide lactose. Lactose operon can be repressed even in the presence of lactose (inducer) .enzymeof lactose utilization are being synthesis after the glucose has been exhausted. the secondary lag phase show how much time was actually required to complete the induction of lac operon and synthesis for enzyme
  • 27. The American Of The United States As soon as the newly independent America began, it seemed plagued by factionalism and raging materialism, and many old patriots shared concern at the inability of their peers to live up classical republicanism s social ethic. By the middle of the 1780s, extra legal popular associations designed to promote the interests of particular groups debtors, farmers, artisans, seaman (74) were emerging throughout the states. In order to get their points across, they frequently resorted to vigilante methods. As soon as the war stopped, trade with the British seemed to start where it left off. British ships clogged American harbors and traders offered Americans low, easy credit. All classes lived in moderate luxury even if they could not afford it. Those still committed to the ideal of republican simplicity were unable to agree on how best to preserve it. Sam Adams scolded the younger elite responsible for the founding of the social club, Tea Assembly, for living lavishly. The overwhelming extravagance of many in the new nation was too much for some early republicans. James Warren, who shared Adams s disillusionment, spent his last years in rural isolation. Other idealists argued that a moral revolution would not occur right alongside independence. Benjamin Rush assured, we are at the present in a forming state (76). He knew that it would take time for the citizens of America to understand their ethical and social responsibilities. For Rush and other republican spokesmen, a
  • 28. The Theme of Escape in The Glass Menagerie Essay The Theme of Escape in The Glass Menagerie In The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams uses the theme of escape to help drive the play forward. None of the characters are capable of living in the real world. Laura, Amanda, Tom and Jim use various methods to escape the brutalities of life. Laura retreats into a world of glass animals and old records. Amanda is obsessed with living in her past. Tom escapes into his world of poetry writing and movies. Jim also reverts to his past and remembers the days when he was a high school hero. Mr. Wingfield is referred to often throughout the play. He is the ultimate symbol of escape. This is because he has managed to remove himself from the desperate situation that the rest of the family is still... Show more content on ... She is unable to cope with reality and she escapes back into her fantasy world of old records and glass figurines. Amanda is obsessed with her past, and uses it to escape reality, as she constantly reminds Tom and Laura of the time she received seventeen gentlemen callers. The reader cannot even be sure that this actually happened. However, it is clear despite its possible falseness, Amanda has come to believe it. She refuses to acknowledge that her daughter is crippled and refers to her handicap as quot;a little defect hardly noticeable quot; (Williams 1648). Only for brief moments does she ever admit that her daughter is quot;crippled quot; and then resorts back to denial. Amanda doesn t perceive anything realistically. She believes that this gentleman caller, Jim is going to be the man to rescue Laura and she hasn t even met him yet. When Jim arrives, Amanda is dressed in a quot;girlish frock quot; she wore on the day that she met their father and she regresses to the childish, giddy days of entertaining gentleman callers. Amanda uses her past as a means to escape the reality she does not want to face. Tom escapes reality in many different ways. The first and most obvious is the fire escape that leads him away from his unhappy home. He also escapes into his world of poetry writing and movies. The more Amanda nags, the more Tom seems to need his movie escapes. They take him to
  • 29. Angel investing Angel Investing: Frequently Asked Questions What is an Angel Investor? An angel investor is a high net worth individual who invests his or her own money directly into an early stage company, in return for equity (ownership) in the company. In addition to providing financial capital, angel investors mentor and coach their portfolio companies, and help fill in functional or skill gaps in the company. They introduce the companies to other investors, and to colleagues who may be able to increase the company s value. Most angel investors are entrepreneurs who have exited one or more businesses. They often invest in companies for reasons that go beyond monetary return. This may include staying in touch with new business developments, ... Show more content on ... In the Philadelphia region, angel groups syndicate deals on a regular basis, sharing due diligence as well as terms. What Makes a Company a Good Candidate for Angel Investment? 1. The company has a must have product or service with a unique competitive advantage. The company s product must identify a significant need among a large and clearlydefined target market. Investors use the term pain point to describe the problem that the product will solve and the company needs to relieve the customer s pain in a unique and compelling way. It needs to be a must have rather than a nice to have product for its target market. Robin Hood Ventures Angel Investing FAQs 2 12/3/2010 Angel Investing: Frequently Asked Questions 2. The company has a working prototype of its product or service, and at least one paying client. Essentially, the product needs to be ready to go. If the product is just an idea, it is too soon for angel investors to get involved. Likewise, if the company is already a successful business looking to expand its market, it may be ready for the larger resources that venture capitalists can provide. In the case of life science companies, the product should be either in clinical trials, or ready to begin this process. 3. The company has a detailed and well thought out business plan. Entrepreneurs should be prepared for detailed,
  • 30. Investigating The Co2 And Temperature Changes From The... In this investigation, we were required to design our own self sustaining ecosystem, and monitor the changes in temperature and CO2 levels. We compared the outside temperature and CO2 levels, to those of our ecosystem. Self sustaining ecosystems are in the process of being designed tested, so that one day humans will be able to survive and thrive on other planets, like Mars. The outcome of our ecosystem was a failure, like all other previous attempts. Our ecosystem was too hot and had too higher CO2 levels, to be able to sustain the life of insects, and grow plants. This was because, we did not have enough fresh water, going into all the layers and fresh oxygen, as a result of no greenery growing. I believe, if we placed grown plants in our bottle at the start of our experiment, we would have had a very different outcome. Aim: In this practical we are going to investigate the CO2 and temperature changes from the outside environment, compared to our ecosystem in a bottle. We are also creating a fully self sustaining ecosystem in a bottle, which needs to grow a type of plant and provide a habitable environment for an insect/animal. Hypothesis: I believe that the temperature and CO2 levels inside our ecosystem will be a lot higher than outside the bottle. I also do not think that our insects or plants will survive and thrive, because there is not enough oxygen in the bottle, and it is too hot. Other groups that have plants and water in their bottle, will have lower CO2
  • 31. Lynching In Duluth Summary During certain times of history, communities have been swallowed up by times of darkness seeming hopeless. Events in history help to illustrate this fact. In the book Lynchings in Duluth, this fact is evident through people unwilling to go against the crowd. When describing the scene of the lynching, the author states, from the streets and sidewalks, other men grabbed onto the rope and marched behind, encouraging others to join. The procession grew rapidly. Young men barely out of high school were urging older men to come with them (Fedo 47). Although some men were very passionate about the cause, others were only participating as a result of peer pressure. Not enough people were willing to stand up against the majority, so they let it happen.
  • 32. Bio 169 Essay Urinary System: Anatomy Review 1.Name the organs in the urinary system: 1.2 kidneys 2.2 ureters 3.bladder 4.uethra 2.The kidneys are retroperitoneal (behind the peritoneum), lying against the dorsal body wall in the upper abdomen. 3.The adrenal gland sits atop the kidneys. Blood vessels enter and leave the kidney at the renal cortex. 4.The functional units of the kidney are the nephrons. They are called renal pyramids if they are located mainly in the cortex. They are called renal pyramids if they are located in both the cortex and the medulla. 5.Blood enters the kidney through the hilus artery. The artery branches into smaller and smaller arteries and arterioles. Complete the sequence below: ______________ ... Show more content on ... High osmolarity (or high Na+ and Cl ) in the ascending loop of Henle will cause afferent arterioles to (dilate or constrict) by releasing vasoconstrictor 11.In periods of extreme stress, the sympathetic nervous system will override autoregulation. An increase in sympathetic flow to the kidney will result in what two important effects that will aid maintenance of blood pressure? 1. vasocontriction 2. Urinary System: Early Filtrate Processing 1.What are the two reabsorption pathways through the tubular cell barrier? 1. transcellular 2. paracellular 2.How can we cause water to diffuse from the lumen into the interstitial space? An increase in the osmolarity of the interstitium 3.Transport of what ion could cause the diffusion in question 2? 4.Summarize reabsorption in the proximal tubule. 85% of reabsorption of all useful substances occur here 5.What percent of the filtrate is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule? 99% 6.The simple squamous cells of the thin descending loop are permeable to __________________ but impermeable to ________________. 7.The ascending limb of the loop of Henle is permeable to Water but impermeable to solutes. 8.What is the role of the loop of Henle? Facilitated diffusion 9.What is the role of the vasa recta? Blood capillary which collects the filtered blood capillary which collects the filtered blood from afferent arterriole 10.From the Quiz section, what does furosemide do?
  • 33. Identify The Different Types Of Drivers Essay When traversing highways and interstates, people run into many different types of drivers. Those operating vehicles all fall into a certain category. Drivers, though more than likely not self aware, have a very specific way of driving that allows them to fall into such a category; however, drivers typically do not have a problem calling out other drivers on their faults. It would almost seem that a long trip or even a quick run anywhere is really just a never ending sequence of blaring horns and screeching halts in contempt for drivers outside of one s own classification. Vehicle operators will either drive carelessly, dangerously, or carefully. Drivers can be classified into three categories: The DJ, Daredevils, and Goody Two Shoes. The first type of driver falls into the careless category, also known as the DJ. DJs tend to blare music at deafening decibels. To maximize their disturbance, DJs also typically drive with all windows rolled down including the sunroof. If the carsimmediately surrounding them are not shaking along to the beat DJs are unsatisfied. DJs are also really good at multitasking. Rather than their main focus being on the road or the surroundings, DJs attention is on whatever handheld device they re selecting music from. Most of the time they come out alive. DJs are also skilled... Show more content on ... They all fall into at least one category, but can sometimes identify with two or even all three. Vehicle operators are not generally aware of their own classification, but can more often than not identify the category that other drivers fall into. This identification is usually pointed out through the rage empowered shouts of neighboring drivers. These categories also present a sort of hate triangle. The three types do not often coexist peacefully, but on rare occasions you can find them driving in harmony. Drivers can be classified into three categories: The DJ, Daredevils, and Goody
  • 34. Photochemical Smog Photochemical Smog Gifted Chemistry IB Alternative Assessment 1997 March 19 Historically, the term smog referred to a mixture of smoke and fog, hence the name smog. The industrial revolution has been the central cause for the increase in pollutants in the atmosphere over the last three centuries. Before 1950, the majority of this pollution was created from the burning of coal for energy generation, space heating, cooking, and transportation. Under the right conditions, the smoke and sulfur dioxide produced from the burning of coal can combine with fog to create industrial smog. In high concentrations, industrial smog can be extremely toxic to humans and other living organisms. London is world famous for its episodes of industrial smog. ... Show more content on ... These conditions include : В• Precipitation can alleviate photochemical smog as the pollutants are washed out of the atmosphere with the rainfall. В• Winds can blow photochemical smog away replacing it with fresh air. However, problems may arise in distant areas that receive the pollution. В• Temperature inversions can enhance the severity of a photochemical smog episode. Normally, during the day the air near the surface is heated and as it warms it rises, carrying the pollutants with it to higher elevations. However, if a temperature inversion develops pollutants can be trapped near the Earth s surface. Temperature inversions cause the reduction of atmospheric mixing and therefore reduce the vertical dispersion of pollutants. Inversions can last from a few days to several weeks. 4. Topography is another important factor influencing how severe a smog event can become. Communities situated in valleys are more susceptible to photochemical smog because hills and mountains surrounding them tend to reduce the air flow, allowing for pollutant concentrations to rise. In addition, valleys are sensitive to photochemical smog because relatively strong temperature inversions can frequently develop in these areas. Possible Solutions A possible solution to the problem of photochemical smog is to enforce stricter emission laws all over the globe. Many countries have varying laws on the legal limits of NOx, Carbon Dioxide, and Sulfur Dioxide.
  • 35. The Gold Kit Kat Bar Introduction This report will firstly wish to discuss the 24k gold Kit Kat bar that was introduced to Melbourne Australia on the Chinese New Year 2016 by Nestle . Firstly giving a brief background on Chinese New Year, secondly providing a literature review on Limited edition products and Special Edition products. Thirdly explain customer benefit(s)/value proposition pricing, design, segmentation, targeting positioning, and competition. Lastly address the key market strategies and tactics to be implemented. Chinese New Year follows a lunar calendar, and is on the first day of the first month on that lunar calendar. There are 12 different animals that make up the Chinese New Year, and also define what year the festival will be (e.g. year of the monkey ). The twelve animals are the dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, pig, rat, oxen, tiger, and rabbit. The festivities have duration of 15 days, and are celebrated by Chinese throughout the globe, with special Chinese decorations decorating houses. Throughout the festivities, those celebrating conduct activities, such as eating traditional Chinese food, spending time with relatives and loved ones, enjoy fireworks shows, sit back and watch traditional Chinese shows, and plan the forthcoming year. The festivities pay respect to the heavens, the earth, deceased family members and ancient Chinese gods. In celebration of Chinese New Year in 2016, confectionary company Nestle had released a limited number of special
  • 36. The Beauty Of Spring, By Gerard Manley Hopkins At first, Gerard Manley Hopkins s poem, Spring, seems to be just about the season of spring per its title. However, in considering Hopkins s Catholic Christian background, this poem is also about beauty and sin and their effects on nature in relation to the story in the book of Genesis about Adam and Eve. Spring is a Petrarchan sonnet split into an octet and sestet and is organized in such a way to allow Hopkins to discuss beauty and how it (through sin) corrupts itself and humanity personified in the season of spring and Adam and Eve, accordingly. The themes of the beauty of spring and the nature of the Garden and humanity are essential in the poet s Christian understanding of sin and the Incarnation and Passion of JesusChrist.... Show more content on ... However, in the case of this poem by Hopkins, no problem is introduced in the octet, but is in the sestet. Hopkins signifies this turn by asking a question about the nature of spring s beauty and where it is from, just as juice is the characteristic flavor and essence of fruit in one meaning of the word (OED n.1.a.). Hopkins answers this question by mentioning the Christian view of the earth s sweet being in the beginning, thus referring to the Garden of Eden in Genesis (10 11). As inferred by Hopkins in the first stanza and the Christian tradition which he holds, the Garden was a place of life and flourishing rather than death, and the beginning refers to the creation story involving Adam and Eve. Thus, according to Hopkins, the beauty of spring is identified in the sestet as a strain from the earth s sweet being in the beginning in the Garden of Eden (10 11). Furthermore, the sestet involves a change of word choice and figurative language instead of merely a topic change. After describing where spring s beauty arises, the poet prayerfully addresses Christ and asks him to retrieve this strain of spring s beauty before it cloy[s] / cloud[s]...and [makes] sour with sinning the innocent mind and Mayday in girl and boy (10 13). In this address, cloy refers to the potential for spring to disgust the innocence of Adam and Eve, the innocent...girl and boy, with gratification beyond
  • 37. Classroom Walkthroughs Schools are educational institutions where students are engaged, teachers are nurturing and offer rigorous lessons, and school administrators are educational leaders where they can help create inclusive environments. In some school settings, school administrators stay in their offices and teachers close their doors and become their own islands. Providentially, those old practices are changing, whereas classroom walkthroughs and observations are becoming popular with schooladministrators. Classroom walkthroughs are an effective way to observe what is going on in the Bonnie Springer School classrooms. Walkthroughs provides teachers with an opportunity to see the great things their teachers and students are doing together. Walkthroughs
  • 38. Discrimination and Hate Crimes From what I have identified on hate crimes in my research, the top two motivations for hate crimes are based on race and sexual orientation, In 2010 s FBI report, of the 7,690 reported incidents, 48. 4 percent of the crimes were racially motivated attacks, with sexual orientation bias coming in second at 19.1 percent. (DL Chandler,2010) Two of the best examples of these crimes are the James Byrd and Mathew Shepard cases in 1998. These crimes prompted the enactment of the Hate Crimes Prevention Act that was signed by President Barack Obama in 2009. Although the crimes are both very horrific and morbid acts in their own right, they were based on different types of hate racial and homophobia. The James Byrd Case was racially motivated... Show more content on ... Byrd died after his right arm and head were severed after his body hit a culvert. His body had caught a sewage drain on the side of the road, resulting in his decapitation. (HRC 2014) Police found parts of his body all over that three miles of road the suspects were found shortly after the discovery of his body. CNN reported All three suspects have prison records, and authorities have said that at least two have the tattoos of white racist prison gangs. Racist literature also was seized from their homes. (CNN 1998) These two men were John King (King) and Lawrence Brewer (Brewer)and later they were found to be active members of white supremacist groups such as Aryan Pride, KKK. Tattooed on their bodies were riddled with racist and Nazi symbols as well as gang symbols with well known racist gangs. The third guy, Shawn Berry ( Berry), didn t have the racist background and was determined not to be racist in court and because of his cooperation as a witness to the crime was given a lesser sentence. Shawn Berry, was charged with murder and given a life sentence for his part in the murder; Brewer, and King were both tried on capital murder and were sentenced to the death penalty. Brewer died by lethal injection in September of 2011, his last words before his execution were, I feel no remorse and would do it all over again. (DL Chandler 2012). King is still exhausting his appeals but is still on death row in Texas. This case is very
  • 39. Essay on Ala Code of Ethics In today s world, individuals can make a single decision that can have a positive or negative effect on their family, coworkers, friends, or on the entire world. However, the life we lead can reflect our personal character. Therefore, personal ethics are different for each one of us. However, when we work in a professional career, we have our own work character to reflect on. What is professional ethics? Professional ethics concerns the moral issues that arise because of the specialist knowledge that professionals attain, and how the use of this knowledge should be governed when providing a service to the public (Chadwick 1998). Today, Librarianship is a profession that has a code of professional ethics to help us to behave a... Show more content on ... However, it was adopted by COPE in July of 2001. With a 70th anniversary of ALA Code of Ethics coming in 2009, the committee is debating if the Code of Ethics should be revised or not. There are many the comments from the ALA members that involve two minor language changes and an expansion of Article IV. However, these changes were adopted on January 22, 2008. In conclusion, it is important for all types of librarians to know the Code of Ethics and enforce them in workplace. Issues of ALA Code of Ethics One of the three issues by ALA Code of Ethics is called Access Issues. Access Issues deal directly to the first three articles in the Code of Ethics. In Article I, it expresses the need for librarians to provide equal services to all library users. Therefore, that as a profession we must be accurate and courteous to all patron requests, regardless of our personal feelings and beliefs. As a profession, librarians must strive to help all library patrons to find the materials they need. Article II has many consequences to all types of libraries everywhere such as school, public, and so on. Intellectual Freedom is everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and
  • 40. George s Moral Dilemmas The novela Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck features two laboring men, George and Lennie, working in California and trying to survive the Great Depression. Lennie is mentally challenged and as a result, does not understand his own strength. This continually gets him and George in trouble and costs them their jobs. While working in Soledad, Lennie accidentally kills a Curley s wife, and a group of farmhands then go on a search for Lennie, with the intention of beating him and serving justice. George fears what they might do Lennie, and so he shoots Lennie in the neck, killing him instantly. George s killing of Lennie is a moral dilemma as it exists in the gray area of permissible euthanasia. George was ultimately correct and justified in the... Show more content on ... Over the course of the novela Lennie has proven to be an increasing danger to those around him. In the past, Lennie had unwarily killed several mice with his strength. He also accidentally killed his puppy and Curley s wife. However, after each death, Lennie showed immediate remorse and extreme distress. He never intended for the death of any individual but due to his mental handicap and enormous strength, it seems to be a common occurrence. If Lennie was not prematurely killed by George the future confrontation with Curley and the other farm hands would not have ended without blood due to Lennie s incredible strength. Thus Lennie s death not only secures the safety of himself but other individuals. Lennie is a danger to those around him, although this is not a justifiable reason for euthanasia by itself, under the circumstances, it only reinforces George s decision as morally
  • 41. Genetic Privacy And The Human Genome Project With bounding advances in the field of genetics, genetic privacy has sparked a controversy. In the 1980s, the Human Genome Project was formulated to sequence the entirety of the human genome. The first draft of this project was published in Nature in February, 2001, about 10 percent short of completion (National Institutes of Health [NIH], 2015). Originally, scientists had hypothesized that there was anywhere from 50,000 to 140,000 genes, but after the release of this first draft and the later completion of the full sequence in April 2003, it was revealed that there were actually about 20,500 genes (NIH, 2015). As of April 2003, the structure, organization, and function of these many genes can finally begin to be better understood. While the completion of the Human GenomeProject seems like a huge accomplishment, there are those who are worried about its implications. Each person s genome holds a plethora of essential information that many would like to keep private (Moor, 1999, p. 261 262). However, the compilation of a national genetic database would benefit both the fields of medicine and justice by facilitating personalized health care, improving overall health care, and aiding in the conviction of criminals. Scientists anticipate that genetic information will be useful in the concept of personalized health care. While the sequencing of the human genome is the first step towards this, it does not guarantee success. Rather, it is important to develop a deeper
  • 42. Rhetorical Devices In Jfk Inaugural Address On January 20, 1961, the newly elected president at the time, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, delivered his iconic inaugural address not only to American citizens, but to people listening around the world. In a time when the globe was in a heap of conflict and drama, America and the world were in need of leadership, inspiration, and clear direction. In order to motivate his people towards a better future under his presidency, Kennedy gave a powerful speech formally introducing himself to the world, outlining his plans for the next four years, and especially encouraging the American people to work and be optimistic for the coming years. He employed lots of rhetorical appeals while making many promises and plans about the future to inspire and encourage... Show more content on ... He combined both ethos and logos appeals to encourage his audience overseas to cooperate for the right cause. Kennedy made his first promise, saying that To those allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends (1). With alliances being an ever important part of international diplomacy, Kennedy increased his credibility towards other nations by acknowledging them and giving them his promise. He noted that because of their continued friendship with the United States, he would continue to offer support and loyalty to America s greatest allies, using a logical reason to justify his support of his allies. His pledge of continued loyalty and general respect to previous global relationships established his authority and international presence. He did not forget any countries when addressing his international audience, as he later gained the trust of developing countries with promises to assist with their growth. Kennedy said that To those people in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves ... because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few
  • 43. Frankenmuth s Role In Ethiopia Frederick Wyneken was a German missionary who was working in Michigan and Ohio who first thought of the idea for Frankenmuth. A place for schools and churches for German immigrants was his idea for this place. However, he and his fellow German Immigrants didn t have enough money to start such an idea. Therefore, in 1840 he wrote a letter to all the Lutherans in Germanyfor financial assistance and speaking of the hardships that the people where facing. His Letter caught the attention of the Wilhelm Loehe, who is a pastor of several towns in Germany, and because of his strong beliefs and convictions in the church doctrines, He organized a mission society, still operating today, and began training teachers and pastors for work in the United ... Show more content on ... Approximately six miles north of Frankenmuth, lies Frankentrost. It was also founded in 1847 and it was home to 22 families. Loehe may have been encouraged by the success of the Frankenmuth settlement. His goal wasn t to settle another mission colony. He wanted to have German Lutheran families live close together in Michigan. To keep houses close together, farms were plotted all along one road. This way was more like more like a German dorf or village. He developed the settlement of Frankenlust. It was settled in 1848, approximately 22 miles north of Frankenmuth. Just like Frankentrost, this settlement it was built to keep German Lutheran families close together. The Settlement of Pastors Loehe s fourth colony of Frankenhilf was developed in 1850. Frankenhilf is known as Richville today. It lies about 9 miles northeast of Frankenmuth. Once the forest was cleared, citizens of Frankenhilf took up farming. That was not Loehe s original hope for this settlement. He originally hoped Frankenhilf would be an industrial
  • 44. Why Did Jesus Curse A Fig Tree You don t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will. John 13:7 provides a firm reassurance for any individual who happens to be reading the bible and is struggling to understand the ways in which God executes his work. However, many still struggle to grasp the reasons behind several of God s actions. One baffling instance which breeds perplexity takes place in Chapter 11 in the Book of Mark. It raises the question why did Jesus curse a fig tree? When investigated, it is evident that Jesus s cursing the tree was not an act of impulsiveness or infuriation; rather, it was a deliberate and purposeful decision that served to illustrate the situation of previous and current churches along with the theme of faith. In order to analyze... Show more content on ... Humans have a tendency to build a wall of pretense around themselves in an effort to have a social standing among their peers. This wall, however, does not stand up to God. He knows what goes on in the hearts of men. And while to everyone else it may seem as though a person may be leading an honest and faithful life, God can see just how much fruitful that person is. After all, in the end all the believers will be taken to Heaven while the nonbelievers will wither away just like the fig
  • 45. Southern Grocery Industry Analysis The Supermarket and Grocery Stores industry makes up a large portion of the food retail channel in the United States. Winn Dixie grocery is a subsidiary of Southeastern Grocers LLC, which is the parent company of Harveys, BI LO and Winn Dixie grocery stores, which places fifth as one of the largest supermarketchain in the U.S. based on the amount of stores they have. The company has about 48,000 associates that work in 518 grocery stores, 145 liquor stores and 393 in store pharmacies all over the southeastern states such as Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida (Winn Dixie, 2016). Winn Dixie as well as the other two subsidiaries of Southeastern Grocers are very well known and well respected regional brands with deep heritages,
  • 46. Sandwich Blitz Scenario The Sandwich Blitz scenario, new local health codes require that trash dumpsters be a minimum of thirty feet from the rear entrance of the building. The new laws also include that all out buildings be a minimum of six feet from the property line; Thus Sandwich Blitz is in violation of these laws. The enclosure that houses the trash dumpster is five feet from the property line. The local government inspector told the location manager that he is willing to overlook this violation in exchange for free food for his department s holiday party. Dalman was informed of this information by the location manager because he felt uncomfortable. The administrator at this area is my opinion showed good character by making the best choice on reporting the issue as opposed to tolerating the offer to influence the investigator he is satisfying his commitment of right activity. This supervisor could have took the offer presumably spare himself a... Show more content on ... He must think what would best and beneficial to Sandwich Blitz in the long run. If he was to accept the bribe from the health inspector what will happen to Sandwich blitz if a new inspector comes. For instance, just because this inspector will offer a bribe to overlook the violation doesn t mean the new inspector will. Therefore, Dalman still has the same problem. The new inspector might require Dalman to move the enclosures that house the dumpster to compile with the new laws. Instead of going around the problem by accepting the bribe Dalman should find a situation for the problem. That way this type of issue will not occur again. Also, who is to say the inspector will hold his end of the offer. What if he takes the free food and still violates them. Respecting others. I believe that Dalman should respect the fact the location manager did the right thing by informing him of the bribe instead of accepting when considering what decision he will
  • 47. Reflection On The Restroom Today s experience at my site base was much different than on Monday. I came at the very beginning of the school day, so that I could observe the procedures that Mrs. Wright uses when the students arrive to school. Furthermore, I was able to participate more frequently during this observation than the previous one, which I appreciated because I was able to get to know the students better. One aspect of today s class that I felt worked really well was Mrs. Wright s morning routine. She welcomes the students into the classroom and asks them to use the restroom. If the restroom is full, she allows the students to go directly to the carpet where they can play with toys, such as blocks, magnetic blocks/shapes, and Lego fences. Mrs. Wright kept mental note of students who went to the bathroom and those who did not. Personally, I think it would be easier to have a checklist with ever student s names on it, and place a check mark next to the student s name after they use the restroom. This would ensure that all students go and would avoid accidents. It was very evident that the students were used to this routine because they were aware of what they should have been doing. Naturally, there were students who did not want to use the restroom, so watching how the teacher and her aids addressed these challenges. Again, I disagree with the way that they handled these situations, they would grab the student by the arm and drag them to the bathroom. This is very dangerous and not professional in any way. Nevertheless, this only occurred twice in the morning. Another aspect of the day that I thought went amazingly well was the cutting activity that Mrs. Wright had the students participate in. She had created trolls for each student out of toiletpaperrolls and she had glued pieces of construction paper inside the toilet paperroll. The students were then asked to use scissors to cut the construction paper hair off their trolls. The best part about this activity was that Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Foster were keeping anecdotal notes of how the students were holding the scissors, which hand they were using to cut, and if they were actually cutting the paper or just ripping it. This was amazing for me to see because it allowed me
  • 48. The, Misery, By Richard Farnsworth As Buster, And Frances... Imagine being rescued after suffering a major car wreck, only to be kidnapped by your number one fan. Starring Kathy Bates as Annie Wilkes, James Caan as Paul Sheldon, Richard Farnsworth as Buster, and Frances Sternhagen as Virginia, Misery is a psychological thriller produced and directed by Rob Reiner. In this 1990 psychological thrillerfilmyou will experience thrill, action, suspense, despair and misery, all powered by composer Marc Shaiman and his use of musicto set the mood for the audience. Films and movies are a composition of elements that make that essentially come together as one to form a piece of art. Although a film is not complete with missing elements, some elements when used out of place can break a movie. Some of these elements include, but are not limited to, a character s costume and makeup, lighting, camera direction, acting, special effects, and, sound effects and music. In some films one element may be the overriding factor but when put together, these elements work together to please an audience. Each element on its own, has an important role it plays in the creation of a film or movie. In Misery, for example, the choice of music composition used for major scenes in the movie helps to build on the plot, suspense and rising action, on many other scenes, the fast paced music led to nail biting and hair pulling moments. Without the wise choice of the fast paced string, Classical music, Misery would have not been the psychological thriller it
  • 49. Metaphors In Their Eyes Were Watching God This novel is the story of Janie Crawford s quest for love, told, as noted prior, as a casing. The novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, presents numerous topics, for example, love and marriage, discourse and hush, and gender parts. Zora Neale Hurston makes a radiant showing of making what men like Joe Starks felt the run of the mill parts were for the female African American. In this exposition I will introduce an outline of the loveexperienced by the real character Janie with her husbands, examination of characters of Janie, Joe, Phoeby and porch sitters, Furthermore I will likewise examine the metaphors, symbols utilized by the Hurston alongside my sentiment about the title of the novel. The thought of Janie about love is extremely exceptional... Show more content on ... Their Eyes Were Watching Godis a content lavishly invested with importance and reason which utilizes idyllic dialect and folkloric symbolism to pass on its messages. Hurston utilizes numerous symbols and metaphors as a part of Their Eyes Were Watching God to add to Janie s story. Symbols stand for, speak to, or recommend something else. A metaphor, in any case, is a more interesting methods of expression containing a suggested examination, in which a statement or expression conventionally and fundamentally utilized for one thing is connected to an alternate. One of the common metaphors in the novel is the picture of the skyline. As Janie ascensions the pear tree to see what exists around her, she sees the skyline. The skyline additionally plays a part at dusk, a period when the patio sitters sit outside toward the end of a working day to watch the sun set. Janie needs to make an excursion to the skyline, and her trip turns into a primary metaphor in the story. At dawn, Janie goes not far off to the train station to meet and wed Tea Cake, trusting that this experience will take her to the skyline. The skyline is an image of Janie s long lasting quest for happiness. Toward the end of the story, Pheoby is on edge to look for her own particular skyline with her husband, as an aftereffect of listening to Janie s
  • 50. Gillian Clarke s Catrin tackles one of the... Gillian Clarke s Catrin tackles one of the well considered themes in feminist writing the mother daughter relationship. CATRIN ====== Gillian Clarke s Catrin tackles one of the well considered themes in feminist writing the mother daughter relationship. The aspect of the relationship that Clarke explores here is the bond ( rope ) that ties them together and from which they try to free themselves from the very beginning, even before birth. Freeing yourself as an individual within a relationship must result in conflict on both sides, which is what the mother and daughter in Catrin are experiencing now. The question we ask ourselves here is, when does the struggle begin? Notice how the speaker uses monosyllables to ... Show more content on ... The real or literal meaning of the metaphor is that each participant in the confrontation wanted her own way. Their actions were shouting. A tank reminds us of a fish tank, and of the idea that it contains everything to do with its occupants. In the speaker s case, the tank contains and holds in complete focus the confrontation, which the participants neither won nor lost. yet we find that it is only another manifestation of the same confrontation, this battle of wills, the need for autonomy. The first stanza is longer because it deals with the defining experience of the two characters lives. * taking/Turn at the traffic lights (lines 4 5) emphasises the t sound providing the rhythmic effect of cars going one by one. But I think we can also see the rhythmic and regular moment of the speaker s labour in the phrase. * first/Fierce (lines 6 7) uses the initial f sound in words whose monosyllabic effects suggest the pushing movements of birth. * Red rope suggests the blood connection between the speaker and the child. Later it becomes an old rope , but the red colour reminds us that the suggestion of the umbilicus remains in the image of the rope. * Lines 13 14 contain the w sound in walls , words , with and wild , all suggestive of the intensity and struggle of the birth experience. * Lines 15 16 use the s sound in
  • 51. How Does Aluminum Become Popular Where does aluminum come from; how is it made, discuss the history of aluminum and how it compares to other material. When did the use or application of aluminum become popular? Explain the circumstances or preceding events associated with popularity. Aluminum is made from extracting aluminum oxide from bauxite. Traces of aluminum have been found as far back as 5300 BC, in ancient Persia strongest clay cooking vessels. In the early 1800s Sir Humphrey Davy was the first to establish its existence, and name it. Around ten years later a French scientist found red clay that contained large amounts of aluminum, which was called Bauxite. Aluminum never occurs naturally in nature; even today no one has ever found pure aluminum. In 1825 a small