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Personal Narrative Essay Layout
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Personal Narrative Essay Layout Personal Narrative Essay Layout
Orson Scott Card s The Road Not Taken
Orson Scott Card, an American novelist, once said, A character is what he does, yes but even
more, a character is what he means to do. This quote is impactful because the character in a story is
given its character traits by the personality, actions, and intentions that are shown throughout the
development of a story. With this being said, the choices, actions, and intentions that one has and
shows, impacts others and reveals the type of person that one really is. The intentions that one has
sets up someone for recognizing who that person really is. The intentions that one has, shows the
feelings or emotions that one has towards the event that is happening or happened. For example,
in Source B, Delaney dived for two boys that were sinking below the surface. Folks along the bank
waited for... Show more content on ...
One will always try to make themselves look good just to brag on themselves and make others
feel disappointed. In The Road Not Taken, the speaker says that when he retells the story to
others of that event, he will say that he took the road that was less traveled on. The last stanza
states, I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in
a wood, and I I took the one less traveled by... This demonstrates that he wants to modify his
decision to make himself seem as a risk taker, and one can conclude that he is a presume person.
Critics would argue that one s decisions do not affect the person one really is. For instance,
Source B illustrates Delaney as a failure because he did not save the kids. However, if one
switches the point of view, one can see Delaney as a brave and heroic person because without
knowing how to swim, he had the courage to go in and try rescuing the boys, and Delaney had
already saved one kid, LeMarkits. As one can see, the choices or decisions one makes can make
others judge someone in a positive or negative
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How Did Britain Contribute To The Industrial Revolution
Britain was the first country in the world to experience an Industrial Revolution. There are several
factors that contributed to the Industrial Revolution in Britain. In this essay, population increase,
agricultural revolution, transport revolution, British entrepreneurialism and growing overseas
markets will all be individually examined and a conclusion will be drawn about which of these
factors was the most crucial to the Industrial Revolutionand why that is the case.
One factor that was considerably important in the lead up to the industrial revolution was the huge
increase in the British population, which meant an increase in the need for work and labour.
Previously, mortality rates in Britain had been particularly high due to poor housing and sanitation,
among other things, which led to serious illnesses among the population. However, throughout the
1750s to the 1810s, the mortality rate had ... Show more content on ...
Bringing in goods from other countries widens the range of products available at home and makes
for a better standard of living. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the biggest export
coming out of Britain was wool (69%), however, during the Industrial Revolution the importance
of wool dropped considerably with the new focus being mainly on products such as iron and
cotton. With most of the imports coming into Britain being from the Empire, they consisted mostly
of things such as coffee, tobacco, tea, sugar, and cotton. The amount of raw materials being
imported into Britain in 1700 was 71%, while 1851 it had risen to a staggering 95%. The growth of
overseas markets was therefore significantly important as it created such a high demand for British
products which in turn allowed producers to sell their products on large scales, continuously
bringing money into Britain, therefore providing the money needed to complete the process of
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Impact of Dean on Sal s Identity in Jack Kerouac’s On The...
The Impact of Dean on Sal s Identity in On the Road
On The Road begins with the protagonist, Sal, (representative of author Jack Kerouac), being
overwhelmed by feelings of confusion and uncertainty regarding his personal identity. He then
meets Dean Moriarty , an eccentric character who rejects societal values and norms . Sal is
absorbed with and entranced by Dean, perceiving him as almost superhuman , and decides to follow
him across the country. A passive character, Sal soon becomes dependent on Dean, mimicking his
friend rather than discovering his personal identity. It is likely that such behaviour was greatly
influenced by events that occurred in Jack Kerouac s childhood . Eventually, Sal realises that if he
is to be independent, ... Show more content on ...
Then Sal meets Dean; a wild, roguish character, and is so enchanted by him that he believes he can
shape his own identity through being like Dean. Hence, Sal takes to the road, planning to follow in
Dean s footsteps.
Gradually, Sal becomes more and more dependent on Dean. He shapes his morals and values
upon those of Dean, letting his life be controlled by the decisions that Dean makes, and even
refusing to allow himself thoughts that contradict Dean s. The impact Dean has on Sal s
identity is clearly illustrated in Chapter Seven, when, after Sal and Dean have been staying with
their friend Old Bull Lee , Dean is ready to leave so Sal takes off with him despite his own desire
to stay. He has reached a point where he is unable to make his own decisions, and must blindly
follow Dean. His dependence on Dean has isolated him from his own feelings and thoughts, and he
has compromised his own independence and power to make decisions.
In Chapter Eight of Part Two, Dean steals gas and oil as Sal runs into the station and takes bread
and cheese while the owners are eating dinner. This act is a direct contradiction of the values that
Sal expressed earlier in the novel, when Montana Slim asked him to steal from strangers in alley
ways, and Sal refused. Such behaviour is a further illustration of the tremendous impact that Dean
has on Sal s identity, and demonstrates just how malleable Sal s personality at this point is.
Finally, in Chapter Ten of Part
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Russia Essay
One country is comparable to the United States of America in terms of world power and
prominence. Russia makes their name known beginning in World War 2 (WW2), later in the
Korean War, Cold War, and today s proxy war in the Syria. Russia s culture, environment, politics,
military, and economy do not just make Russiaa regional powerhouse, but slowly becoming a
region of influential power to surrounding countries with the end state of a global superpower. All
the factors that make Russia the powerhouse that it is slowly becoming, highlights the impressive
trend that supersedes the previous Soviet Unionand past leaders. In the year 1019 a small region in
Eastern Europe (present day Moscow), would be settled by a local population and... Show more
content on ...
It massive forests and frozen tundra s have picturesque views that would astound anyone. The
country has a land surface area of 6,592,735 square miles, making the largest country by land
comparably to the world. Since Russia is the biggest country in the world, it has every landscape
imaginable. From Lake Baikal, the biggest lake in Europe, to the Ryn desert, and the cold
Siberian forests. Russia has it all when it comes to land geography. The northern part of Russia
concealed with the Arctic Ocean, which is froze for the majority of the year. To the west the only
way Russia has access to the Atlantic Ocean is through the Black Sea, and then through the
Mediterranean Sea. Another way to access the Atlantic Ocean is through the Baltic Sea or through
the Barents Sea, which is only operable in the summer, since in the winter everything over the 60
degree latitude line turns into ice. Even though Russia can access the Atlantic Ocean through the
sea when you look at a map, there is two more non geographic obstacles. The first one is that
countries that are around the sea, for example, Turkey, and Denmark, which are part of North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), can deny or make it hard for Russia to use those routes.
NATO s purpose is to pledge the liberty and safety of its members through military and political
methods. In other words, if one NATO country takes a conflict with a non member of NATO, then
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Alkyl Halide Lab
Elimination Reactions of Alkyl Halides Purpose The purpose of this lab is to understand the
process of eliminating an alkyl halide to form an alkene. The experiment is carried out by first
converting the alcohol, 2 methy 2 butanol, into the alkyl halide of 2 chloro 2 methylbutane that will
then be put through dehydrohalogenation that favors elimination reaction (E2) to create a mixture
of 2 methyl 2 butene by alcoholic potassium hydroxide (KOHвЃ») base and 2 methyl 1 butene by
potassium tert Butoxide (Kt BuOвЃ») base. A fractional distillation will be taken to purify the
mixture and an additional gas chromatography will be done to further analyze the mixture
composition. A bromide test will be done to determine the production of an alkene in the... Show
more content on ...
The group decide to carry out the elimination reaction with alcoholic potassium hydroxide. A dry
100 milliliter round bottom flask was filled with 5 grams of potassium hydroxide and 50
milliliters of absolute ethanol. The flask was stoppered and swirled for no more than 10 minutes
to have the potassium hydroxide mostly dissolved. Then 5.3 grams of the 2 chloro 2
methylbutane was added along with a stir bar. A fractional distillation was set up to run the
reaction. A Hempel column served first as a reflux condenser while the elimination reaction was
carried out. The Hempel column was attached with the round bottom flask while being lubricated
with silicone grease to not allow the joints to freeze. Water hoses were attached to the Hempel
column and water was circulated from bottom to top during the reflux period. An additional rubber
hoses were connected to the vacuum adapter that was also attached to the receiving flask (50
milliliter round bottom flask). The reaction was heated for 30 minutes for a gentle reflux. A tan
Variac was set to 55 (rate of heating) to allow for the vapor condensation front to be about half way
up the Hempel column. After the reflux period, then distillation was started by connecting the water
hose on the vacuum adapter to the water to circulate during the fractional distillation. The
distillation was run until
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Kumon Educational Institute
Final Case Study Kumon Educational Institute USA
Upon careful review and analysis of the current situation of the Kumon Institute USA it is clear
that there are several problems that should be addressed in order for Kumon Institute to succeed
in the US market. Although Kumon has been in existence in the US for 10 years now, you have
still not implemented a corporate global strategy which will allow for success in the US. You re
currently operating in the same manner as is the Japanese operations, and as a result the same
business level strategy that worked in Japan will not provide the same results in the US. Any
company seeking expansion at the multinational level must implement a strategy based on analysis
of the local ... Show more content on ...
To date Kumon has operated with the program unchanged from the Japanese business model and
this is clearly not conducive to the US educational system. The US educational system is a much
more rewards based system used to motivate the students to work and to improve the students self
discipline therefore, if Kumon is indeed determined to grow market share outside of the Asian
American culture it will be important to understand what works to motivate and encourage self
discipline here in the US. In addition, the change to family culture necessary for the Kumon
program s success should also be considered with the consultant as this is an area where
commitment is hard to maintain due to different lifestyles, whereby both parents often work long
hours outside the home and will have a difficult time committing to the demands placed on them by
the Kumon program. Depending on the direction determined, for example will Kumon focus on
just the Asian population, or will they conduct a full national campaign. So, now in place is a
vision and strategy, so in order to make this vision reality Kumon must implement the strategy
through the use of marketing and advertising campaign that will build awareness of Kumon, appeal
to it s target consumer. In addition, they should focus on gaining the respect of local teachers so
that they can assist in word of mouth campaign. With that in mind, I
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The Controversy About Celebrities
Celebrities Celebrities are misunderstood in several ways, people view celebrities as being
snobby, rude to fans, all that matters is being recognized by persons and having attention, also not
caring about the fans. People see celebrities as being rude and stuck up because on social media
there is persons that are rude and make up rumors about celebrities because the person might not
like this actor or actress. People make assumptions of celebrities because of rumors seen on the
internet and on magazines. These individuals always care about which celebrityis dating another
celebrity and what happens in the celebrity s personal life. When people view celebrities as being
rude it is because some are rude only because these stars want privacy,... Show more content on ...
Actor, actresses, music artist can be seen as being rich, rude, and wanting fame because of the
money being paid. Celebrities can dress with designer clothes that is really expensive, but does
not mean that because the clothes that is worn is fancy these celebrities are rude and only care
about the attention. On the internet there are videos of celebrities greeting fans and are actually
nice and outgoing when meeting the fans. Although, not all celebrities are nice, do not like
meeting fans, or looks like they do not care about the fans, can sometimes not be intentional, but
it is still rude when celebrities ignore a fan that wants to take a picture or sign something. Some
famous persons act this way because of bad timing or might not want to give all the attention to
one person and make the other fans feel left out or can be because sometimes the celebrity is in a
hurry or being protected by the security guards. Celebrities can be as nice as a kitten, be
respectful to all the fans, and give at least a little attention by greeting or giving a smile to the
fans. The characteristics given to celebrities by persons that have never met these people are
different when actually personally meeting the famous person that has inspired and is loved by
many people around the world. Fans most of the time do not just like the actor, actress, or artist
because they are really big in the fame industry but because these celebrities give persons reasons
to love them. Celebrities surprise fans because these stars like seeing the fans happy and see the
excitement they have when meeting them. Fans like celebrities because at times these famous
people inspire people to do big things in life and also because fans might think that the actor or
actress are good at
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The Great Betrayal By Modi And The Bjp
The Great Betrayal Act by Modi and the BJP is slowly but steadily unfolding. Credibility is
rapidly diminishing amongst majority of his followers, admirers, supporters and sympathizers.
By aggressive speech making during poll campaigning, Modi had endeared himself to the Aam
Aadmi , particularly sections of the Middle Class, by raising Great Expectations and hopes
among them by Ache Din Aane Wale Hain slogan. Modi s high decibel campaign promises
included: Good Governance Simple and Smart governance through transparency ; stemming the
rot corruption, particularly in high places; controlling price rise and inflation; upholding dignity
and self respect of women; countering LoC violations and terror acts firmly; and many others
like One Rank One Pension etc., reduced to print in the BJPs 2014 Election manifesto. A brief
review of happenings during the last two months of Modi s governance provide clear signals on
what to expect in posterity. Transparency is the foremost pre requisite for Good Governance
Simple and Smart governance. Modi has also retracted into what was derisively hailed during
the UPA rule as Man Mohan Singh silent mode. After becoming PM, Modi has insulated himself
from the media glare. Even on the social media network, he is no longer as aggressive and
communicative on key issues as he was during the pre election orchestra. Why is Modi sulking
away from media glare? Is he afraid to face the media and answer questions on various key issues?
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Financial Statements And Evaluating A Corporation Essay
Using Financial Statements to evaluate a corporation The basic financial statements are the primary
means for providing information of the company and are prepared from the balances of the
accounting records of the company at a given date. Classification and summary of accounting data
are properly structured financial statements. These are Income Statement, Accounting Profit,
Economic Profit, and Balance sheet. The main objectives of financial statements are to help
managers of an organization to determine whether decisions about funding were most appropriate,
and thus determine the future of investments. Understand the elements that can be used to compare
financial ratios and different analysis techniques that can be applied within a company. Describe
some of the measures that should be considered for decision making and alternative solutions to the
various problems affecting the company, and help planning the direction of investments made by
the organization. Using the most common reasons to analyze liquidity and activity of a company.
Analyze the relationship between debt and financial leverage presenting the financial statements.
Assess profitability. Determine the position held by the company in the competitive market in
which it operates. Provide employees with enough information they need to keep them informed
about the situation under which the company works. Financial statements are very useful to
compare the current status of different companies in the market. By
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A World Of Books By Borges
Disorder In A World of Books
In Borges s Ficciones, it is evident that Borges knew a lot about science and scientific writing and
writers. How we as readers know that, is by way of his writing. In his writing he demonstrates that
scientific knowledge by incorporating some aspects in his stories. One of the biggest scientific
ideas that are seen throughout his stories is the idea of entropy. Entropy, in its simplest definition is
defined as, disorder whether it is in society or anywhere else in the universe. This concept of
entropy plays a huge role in many of the stories; it is a critical concept, without it many of those
stories would no longer have their intended meaning. So in this essay we are going to go in more
depth and find out what entropy it really is, as well as look at how it is used as a basis for some
of the stories by Borges. As expressed before, Borges makes this vast knowledge of scientific
knowledge known in his writing. In his stories Borges also demonstrates his understanding of the
laws of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is the branch of physical science that deals with the
relationship between heat and other forms of energy such as mechanical, electrical, or chemical
energy. In physics, according to the second law of thermodynamics, the total amount of entropy
system will never decrease because the system will try to strike a balance of Thermal equilibrium
or in other words, it will always find a way to go back to order/peace. The systems that
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An Analysis Of Ernest Hemingway s The Short Happy Life...
Ernest Hemingway has long been known for his two heroes in his writing. The hero who is a
weak, pathetic individual who is often lost physically and mentally, and the code hero who usually
shows grace under pressure and helps the Hemingway hero find his place. These two heroes often
come together in a relationship where the code hero is the teacher who initiates the Hemingway
hero into the code. Ernest Hemingways short story, The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber, is
the quintessential example of Hemingway s heroes. In The Short Happy life of Francis
Macomber, Macomber has flown to Africa for his most recent hunting endeavor. He is
accompanied by his wife, Margot Macomber. The Macombers are staying with Robert Wilson, a...
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She simply doesn t care what her husband thinks because she knows he will not leave her. This
can clearly be seen when she returns home to the tent and is simply too tired to talk to Francis
about the night. The repeated used of the words too tired is an indication that the manly Wilson
did a good job with Margot. All of Francis Macomber s cowardice would disappear however; on
the buffalo hunt. The morning of the hunt had arrived and Macomber was ready. The minutes of
the actual attack were over before Macomber knew it. The car saw the buffalo, he and Wilson
got out, and the shooting began. Once the three buffalo were down Macomber felt a drunken
elation. He immediately said to Wilson, Let s go to the car, I want a drink. This is the climax in
Macomber s becoming a man. Early on in the story Macomber was satisfied with a gimlet, but
now he wants to celebrate with whisky, a true man s drink. Macomber repeatedly says, let s have
a drink, lets have a drink. He had never felt so good in his entire life. True symbolism occurs when
the men find out that the first buffalo, the one Macomber shot, isn t actually dead. I think
Hemingway did this as a second chance for the lion incident. Now; however,
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Social Inequality In Australia Essay
Colonisation, social inequality and healthy lives Aside from unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and
substance use are also parts of unhealthy lives in aboriginal Australians that predominantly leading
to increased disease burden (PГ©loquin, Doering, Alley Rebar, 2017). In 2012 2013, only 38% of
Aboriginal adults in urban area had sufficient physical activity that met the health guideline
recommendation (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2014). Factors that impact physical
activity include colonisation and low socio economic status caused by colonisation among
aboriginal Australians (Macniven et al., 2016). As mentioned previously, aboriginal Australians
lived in hunter gatherer lifestyles that required them to have sufficient physical activity,
nevertheless, with the process of colonisation and urbanisation, most aboriginal people are grown in
urban area where the traditional activity of hunting and gathering are disrupted (Nelson, Abbott
Macdonald,... Show more content on ...
Aboriginal Australians are socially excluded and experience racism, restricted access to social,
educational and economic resources due to colonisation and disadvantaged policies, which
significantly impact their capability of living healthy lives (Shepherd, Li, Cooper, Hopkins Farrant,
2017). In 2017, the study of investigating the barriers of physical activity among Aboriginal
Australians concluded that the safe neighbourhood is an influential factor of physical activity
(PГ©loquin et al., 2017). Many Aboriginal Australians who have low socio economic status live in
unsafe and inconvenient community; or some of them live in the neighbourhood that discriminates
aboriginal people tend to have lower level of physical activity (Hunt, Marshall Jenkins, 2008;
PГ©loquin et al.,
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Trademark Infringement Essay
Trademark infringement is a growing concern to businesses that has caused disruptions in both
local and international trade. Infringement is the violation of intellectual property rights in which
violators take organizations/individuals ideas (trademark) and market them as their own. Another
form of intellectual propertyis copyrightthat protects people s creating expressions. In the case of
infringement and copyrights, the accuser can file a claim against the alleged group/individual for
using their trademarkor ideas. If they are convicted then they ll be required to pay reimbursements
for damages caused or losses incurred, prohibit further infringement actions, and recall all products
that were produced, but there is a loop hole in this... Show more content on ...
The other way would be excluded to claim of unintentional action has a liable excuse all together.
The issues concerning infringement and copyright isn t just a problem here in the U.S., but
international as well. The only difference being that it is harder to enforce these rules and
regulations and to resolve these issues when each country has their own. Although there are
standards that are enforced by most industrialized nations there are no fully international property
rights and countries don t always interpret and enforce intellectual property right with the same
standards. This problem could be addressed by setting international rules and regulations that could
be used to address more of specific issues then the basics that are covered in the Trade Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Also,
the establishment of an international system for protecting intellectual property that would manage
and enforce these regulations in each
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Due Dilligence
Executive Summary
The purpose of this report, commissioned by Mr Jim Dickie, is to analyse and answer all
discussion questions relating to the case New Modes of Trade Finance , which describes the
current position of Palate Able Delights (PAD), a niche retailer of various high end food products,
who plans to begin assessing various markets for the commencement of exporting its food products,
which it has no experience in.
Consideration was to be given to the applicability of non traditional online and offline payment and
trade finance methods (such as those offered by PayPal and UPS), open account terms and more
stringent, traditional finance methods such as documentary letters of credit.
After careful analysis of the circumstances ... Show more content on ...
Although PAD is interested in trading on open account terms by far the riskiest for exporters
(FITT, 2008), presumably for the potential of greater sales, the risks are somewhat difficult to
justify. Specifically, PAD s a niche business offering high end, gourmet products not a commodity
type product attempting to enter a saturated market. As such, while open terms, given their
prevalence, may be necessary in markets where competition is high and entry to them is deemed
strategically significant, PAD likely commands some level of market pull (demand) in most
markets. This suggests that PAD s assumption of the substantial risks associated with open account
terms is somewhat unnecessary and, given its high margins and assumed ability to absorb some
additional costs, it should opt for a greater level of security.
This is especially so for small, perhaps one time customers, with order values of say, under $2,000.
Here, non traditional payment systems such as PayPal or credit card facilities are more appropriate
than the complex and time consuming traditional payment types. Furthermore, these methods
would typically involve payment in advance, providing PAD with a high level of
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Piaget Observation Paper
The purpose of this paper is to use the habituation technique in young infants to evaluate one
hypothesis derived from Piaget s theory of cognitive development. I will compare 5 months old s
in a task that involves possible and impossible outcomes. Piaget s theory specifies the cognitive
competencies of children of this age. 1a. During the sensorimotor stage children experience the
world around them differently than how older people do, this of course this can be seen by
observing the way in which children gather and process new information that is within their grasp.
What the sensorimotor stage does is bring about the five senses into play, children that are just
below the age of two years would use most of their five senses. These children... Show more content
on ...
2a. Habituation is the way in which people respond to things are after constant repetition. What
this means is the way in which people respond is the exact same way in which people get over a
new hit single, or trend. After constant simulating repetition of the response of a person to said
thing would decrease, meaning they pay less mind to what is being shown, told or given.
Dishabituation is basically the opposite of habituation in the sense that instead of unable to not
have a decrease in response to a stimulation that repeats, it is when after the person has undergone
habituation he/she would come to go back to the way they were. What this means is that if a
person goes through habituation, they would revert back as if they had never gone through
habituation in the first place, and in turn would come to have the same response that they had
undergone when they were first stimulated by whatever they were shown or given. Habituation
helps researchers study the cognitive process in infants by allowing them to monitor and measure
exactly at what age is an infant able to thoroughly process information and how fast is said infant
able to learn it. Which in turn allows these researchers to know exactly how the child would learn
to respond after constant stimulation. Take into mind for instance a 5 month old child, the child
would be playing peek a boo with his/her mother, at first glance the
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Preventive Maintenance
When an individual purchases a new car the person is encouraged to have regular checkups done
on the car. Regular checkups is recommended so one can save money down the line but more
importantly keep the car running good for as long as you have it. The instructions they are
possibly given tells them when the car should be serviced. When you hit 3000 miles make sure
the oil is changed and when you reach 10,000 miles you should bring the car in to be full serviced.
During the full service they will check things such as the brakes, wipers, oil, and tires. These
checkups are known as preventive maintenance. The preventive maintenance can help prevent any
major problems on the car. Like a car it is important for an up and coming minister to conduct...
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Sandra Comerie Smith lectured on Pastoral and Spiritual formation in global setting. During the
lecture she gave several key points. There was one particular one that stood out to me. Rev.
Smith said, Sometimes as Christians we are not ready to face the full impact of what is
happening in the world. To be mental fit for ministry in a global setting one must possess a
healthy and strong mind that allows us to handle the challenges and opportunities that life puts in
from of you. With the new administration in place in Washington D.C. we are facing many
challenges. The challenges of discrimination, the challenge of seeing a family separated as a
result of deportation, and the challenge of individuals losing health coverage. With the new issues
arising people will look to the church for direction. When this happens we must be mentally
prepared to minister to the fear people are experiencing. Ronald E, Peters says, Urban ministry
must also reflect the potential love as the most effective alternative to fear. As leaders we must
demonstrate the heart of compassion to show the love people need in such a time as this. The best
way we can be mentally fit to demonstrate the love of God is through self care. As leaders we need
to manage our situation better to prevent possible burn out. When we don t take time out to equip
ourselves mentally it would be difficult to help others through their ordeal. The plenary reminded
me the importance of self care to help keep me prepared for my Jonah
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Middle Adulthood Essay
quot;Middle age is when your classmates are so old and wrinkled and bald, they don t recognize
you quot;. Bennett Cerf nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Middle adulthood begins at the age of 40
60. This is a time when you can t believe where the time went. It seems like just yesterday you
were graduating from college, got married, and had children. Your children are now approaching
young adulthood, pushing you into the next stage of life, middle adulthood. You look in the
mirror and all the signs of middle age are starting to set in. You notice wrinkles, gray hair, flabby
skin and you re having trouble reading the menu. You begin to reassess you life. Are you happy
with what you have accomplished in life so far? Do you have good family... Show more content on ...
Particularly women, begin to interpret these changes in a negative way. Some view themselves
as sexually unattractive. Men, on the other hand, don t seem to be as concerned about their
physical appearance, since society has placed much of the physical importance on the women.
This is a time where we need to accept these failings and move towards more important issues.
This is also a time when men and women become more health conscious. We all know of the
major diseases that cause premature deaths during middle adulthood, such as cancer and heart
disease. When you re a young adult, you don t think about these health issues as you would
during middle adulthood. There is more of a concern to take better care of our health, such as
heathy diets, cardiovascular activity, resistance training, and not smoking. We might be better
prepared for later adulthood, if we lead a healthy lifestyle. We start to realize our mortality. As
most people live to be about 85, we realize that at 40, we re almost half way there. nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;During this time, there may be turmoil in the family, marital distress, and
general dissatisfaction with our lives. Many people during this time go through what we call the
quot;mid life crisis quot;. A mid life crisis may be caused by many different issues. During the
early 30 s, the woman s primary duty is child rearing and may also be pursuing a career. Most men
focus on
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The Contributions Of The Renaissance Period In The 14th...
During the 14th century, Europe experienced famine, disease, death and major changes within the
church and papacy. Kingdoms consolidated and the influence the Pope held over politics waned.
Amid these crises, the people galvanized and made major advancements in what would come to be
known as the Renaissance period.
In 1301 King Philip IV ruled the Holy Roman empire in southern France. He employed civil
servants rather than barons to govern, breaking away from the feudal system that had been in place
and leading the county towards centralized administration. A feud between Phillip and Pope
Boniface VII would lead to the French control of the papacy when the seat of power was moved to
After the conviction of a papal legate at the beginning of the century, Pope Boniface VII urged
Phillip to give the Papacy jurisdiction over spiritual rule, espousing the notion that the papacy was
meant to govern kings and that churchmen were to be held accountable to church courts rather than
the royal court. Boniface also asserted that church funds were not to be used for state purposes. This
began a running conflict between the King, who wanted total control, and the pope.
After the death of Boniface s successor, French pope Clement V was elected. Clement decided to
remain in France and held court in Avignon. Seven French popesreigned there until pope Gregory
XI finally returned to Rome.
The tension between the papacy and the kings of England and France was a recurrent theme
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Baseball History Essay
Smith 1
Smith, Drew
Mrs. Finkenbinder
7th grade english
12 May 2017
Baseball is a very fascinating sport; it has evolved over the past 150 years! Baseball is fascinating
in many ways like the history, the rules of the game, the World Series, MLB draft and baseball
The history is very interesting! The game was invented in 1839 by Doubleday! He invented it in
New York! He made a diamond and made up positions and rules! When it was first invented they
would catch of the bounce and that s how they could get out!
The rules of the game are simple if you don t over think them! The pitcher throws the ball to the
catcher. If the batter hits the ball he can run as far as he wants to without him getting out! If
someone on defense catches the ... Show more content on ...
The New York Yankees are a very good team with 10,100 games that they have won and they hold
the most World Series wins with 26 wins under their franchise! Now many people may not think
that s a lot of wins in the World Series, but that s
Smith 3 a lot considering it s the 2 best teams out of 30 teams! The Oakland Athletics manager (
Bob Melvin) has a total of 3,755 career wins under his belt!
A very good pitcher by the name of Nolan Ryan has played 27 seasons in the MLB with a career
total of 5,714 home runs and 18 no hitters in those 27 seasons!
Some awards are the MVP, it is awarded to the best player the M stands for most and the V stands
for Valuable and the P stands for player, The Most Valuable Player! Some others are the Cy Young
award which is awarded to the best pitcher in the MLB! Roger Clemens has the Cy Young awards
with a total of 7 awards! The Hall Of Fame is a very hard thing to get into! There is one in all
sports! Some modern day players are going to be in it one day! Mike Trout, Madison Bumgarner is
another astonishing player!
C Thurmon
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Love and Rob Essays
Remembering Rumblefish
Rob Sheffield is former radio D. J., as well as an editor and columnist for the Rolling Stones
magazine. He stumbled upon a mix tape titled Rumblefish with no songs written on it. At first
he referred to it as just another piece of useless junk that Renee left behind (Sheffield 643).
Renee was his wife whom passed away after they were married for only five years. So as he
listens through the tape, he finds himself re living and relieving the memory of his life with his
much loved wife; and each song is related with bittersweet memories. And so he drowns and looses
himself into the mix tape.
Thinking back, there were many where I did just that. I would spend hours composing remix tapes
and much thoughts ... Show more content on ...
Rob has been a music journalist for over twenty years; his writing career began back in the days
with Renee. He referred to them as we were rock critics, freelancing for the Village Voice and
Spin Option. (Sheffield 648). They also DJ for their independent radio station and when they are
not working they would flip through vinyl records in music stores, listened to a lot of new songs
and wrote about them as fast as they could to meet the demand of the music mainstream. Since then,
Rob continues to write about music, TV and pop culture. Love is a MIX Tape: Life and Loss, One
Song at a Time, is the national bestseller that was he published in 2007 and has been translated into
more than 7 different languages. Rumblefish is an excerpt from that book and you can listen to all
the tracks he referred to in the essay at (Sheffield). He
recently just finished his newest book, titled Talking to Girls about Duran Duran, which is also a
memoir about music. Rumblefish mix tape was composed back in 1993, when the 90 s was
exploding with pop culture. Bands that was too weird, too feminist, too rough for the mainstream a
year earlier was suddenly were the mainstream (Sheffield 648). Nirvana, John Travolta, 90210,
R.E.M., Whitney Houston, Pearl Jam, Pavement; punk music and the alternatives were the new
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The Pros And Cons Of High School Athletes
Athletes Yes or No There has been many occasions where high school teachers have to make a
hard decision when an athlete is failing, what should they do. I believe that no high school athlete
deserves any help from their teachers in order to play. They should be able to complete the
circumstances needed in school if they truly wanted to play the sport these athletes are in. If this
idea was allowed in high schoolwhat will happen to these kids later on in life like in college, will
they be able to accomplish the goals at that point when it matters most? Many high schools and
teachers don t realize the damage they can do to these athletes if they do give them those couple
extra points to play. According to a website, Any student should have good grades to play sports.
Even if you are a great athlete, you will probably not get a full athletic scholarship. Having good
grades can lessen your stress about affording college ( ). In this case, what
teachers don t know is not only are they making that athlete happy to play, but at the same time
you are hurting that person for future references, when later in their future college sees the kind
of grades that athlete is getting he may not be the kind of fit for whichever school that may be.
Overall any student that has failed a class and is not able to play that athlete shouldn t be able to
play at all. If an athlete is not able to be responsible to keep his grades up what makes a coach think
that he can be
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Theme Of Phony In Catcher In The Rye
In the novel The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger shows through Holden Caulfield how people
cannot help being phony and fake, no matter how diligently they try. Phoniness cannot be
overcome by any man, including Holden, even though he loathes people who are phony and do
not speak their true mind. In search for a solution, Holden hid from the real world and felt
extreme loneliness, and he broke down because he wanted the impossible. J.D. Salinger shows
the lack of connection between people, especially during times of trauma and depression
through Holden s obsession with the phoniness of the world, which leads Holden down a dark
path because there is no way to keep the world or people in general in a state of innocence. In the
novel, phoniness is recounted as when things are fake and unrealistic and when people do not
speak their true mind. Holden believes that everyone and most things, but himself, are phony.
Holden thought that at his old school, Elkton Hills, he was, Surrounded by phonies, (pg 17). He
remembered Mr. Haas, a man who worked at Elkton Hills, as, The phoniest bastard [he] ever met
in [his] life, (pg 17) because he, Went around shaking hands with everybody s parents [...] except
if some boy had old funny looking parents [...] then old Haas would just shake hands with them
and give them a phony smile and then he d go talk [...] with somebody else s parents, (pg 17). It
drove [him] crazy, (pg 17) and he wished that Elkton Hills did not have as much
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Family Medicine And Family Practice
There are many misunderstandings where people mistakenly think that family medicine and family
practice are the same thing, but they are undoubtedly wrong. According to Brown, family medicine
is the academic discipline, composed of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Family practice is the
application of that knowledge in a system of medical care (Brown, 1979). Dr. Lynn Carmichael also
stated that, an important component in the definition of the family physicianis that he has a tenured
relationship in which the doctor and the family members have mutually agreed upon obligations.
No other physician has this unwritten contract with patients of all ages and with the whole family
(Brown, 1979). In other words, family practice consists of family medicine, but family medicine
does not consists of family practice. This is what makes family physicians unique from other
physicians. They have their own bond with the patients without having to having to have some
kind of written contract. It gives the patients time to understand and get to know the physician and
have an actual conversation. Whereas for other physicians there is a tendency where the physician
is having a one way conversation where the physician is only talking to the patient and the patient
is just listening. Family physicians are distinctively educated to care for you as a whole person,
apart from age or sex. They diagnose and treat critical and chronic diseases and illnesses and
provide patients with monotonous
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Icr Department Case Study
The process of ordering at the Bruce W. Carter Veterans Administration Hospital Affairs (VA)
begins with the Purchasing Agent (PA). The PA places orders on the approved vendor website
(, based on the needs stated by the Ingredient Control Room (ICR) Worker on the
ingredient log. There currently is no forecast tool used, the ICR worker does have par levels that
need to be fulfilled. Orders are place on Wednesday to be received on Friday and on Fridays to
be received on Monday. The ICR worker twice a week accounts for items needed on the days the
orders will be placed and the days after as well. The inventory of the items are placed in a log
and a full department inventory is done at the end of every month. (In person communication, E.
Aponte, January 30th, 2017) The order usually arrives on the loading dock from 5:30 am to 7:00
am, if the driver is gonna be any later than that the driver must notify the ICR worker. The Driver
brings the item from the loading dock to the second floor where they are received by the ICR
worker. As this is happening the ICR worker is taking recently arrived items either to the tray line
or the prepping station as needed. Before the driver heads out the ICR worker does a... Show more
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All items must be labeled with item name and date received. First in and First out is the
expectation and that is how items must be stocked at all times. The ICR has a maximum of 4
hours to stock all items, however it is prefered that items are stocked before 2 hours to preserve
composition of items. Items that go in first are the freezer items this items are stored at a
maximum of 10F. The second items will be the refrigerator items which are stored at a maximum
of 41F. Lastly the dry goods are stored and must be stored in the dry storage area of the ICR at a
maximum of 70F and a minimum of 50F. (Proper Storage Temperatures for USDA Commodities,
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Animal Adoption Research Paper
Almost everyone wants to own their own pets, but not everyone goes the right way to own one.
Millions of pets around the world in shelters are being put down due to no one wanting to adopt
them. Over the years, adoption has been promoted as a better option instead of buying pets,
nevertheless, people still buys over adoption. The reason is probably because people do not the
benefits of adoption and the harm it causes to buying pets.
Sheltered animals are those who have been either abandoned or abused. In some shelters, pets have
a time limit on their life and they get euthanized when they do not get adopted in a specific time
frame. The reason for euthanizing the animals was because space issues. This issue could easily be
solved by adoption.
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Proposed Changes Of Leases And Their Recognition On The...
The proposed changes regarding leases and their recognition on the balance sheet, has been
released in an exposure draft ED 242 by Australian Accounting Standards Board, otherwise
referred to as AASB. The purpose of these proposed changes aims to bring transparency and
accountability to these reports prepared by Australian companies. Leasing is a means of gaining
access to assets, of obtaining finance, and of reducing an entity s exposure to the risks of asset
ownership. (AASB Exposure Draft, 2013). This means provides investors with a clearer insight
into the overall picture of a company s assets and liabilities. Originally the standards set out by the
AASB, were criticized as they failed in providing investors with a faithful... Show more content on ...
These factors are insuring that companies are accountable and that the information they provide to
their investors is accurate and transparent. Accountability is the obligation of an individual or
organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results
in a transparent manner. It also includes the responsibility for money or other entrusted property.
(, 2015). A company is obligated to provide accurate information to their
investors, as they are shareholders in the company and thus hold an interest. This information is
provided to these investors by these companies preparing General Purpose Financial Reporting
(GPFR). These reports contain information such as Profit and Loss Statement, and the Balance
Sheet. This Balance sheet depicts the company s assets and liabilities, which determine the liquidity
of a company for that period in time. Transparency is needed when it comes to the interaction
between investors and these companies. The information contained in these GPFR must be in a
form that investors can simply understand. The information presented must disclose all relevant
details regarding the companies financial position. Transparency is minimum degree of disclosure
to which agreements, dealings, practices, and transactions are open to all for verification.
(, 2015). In the old standards
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Summary Of The Night Room Of Mirrors
He tried to remain calm, but a panic was taking hold of Jim at his very core. Susan and her safety
played on his mind, regardless of the danger he was currently facing. Jim shook his head back and
forth as a means of clearing away the mental fog. He refused to remain trapped in an inescapable
room of mirrors.
Looking up to the mirror he happened to be facing, Jim took a moment to steel himself. A few
deep breaths prepared him for his next move, which was sure to be a smashing one. He jumped
up and down on the spot a few times and then barreled forward with one shoulder out front in a
football tackle stance. The collision with the mirror was harder than he expected it to be, but the
twinkling sound of smashed glass was exactly as he imagined.
He felt a few small shards cut his exposed face and neck, but nothing serious enough to end his
search. Having made it through the glass, Jim dragged his heels to slow his momentum and come
to a complete stop. There was another long hallway behind the smashed mirror as though a door
was meant to be in place of the mirror all along. It did not take long for Jim to decide between
staying in the hall of mirrors or chancing the contents of the hallway extended before him. He was
soon jogging down a carpeted corridor toward the next room of carnage and oddities.
Susan... I can ignore everything else so long as I focus on Susan...
Suddenly, a giant black form swooped down in front of Jim and connected with his face. No! Jim
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Opioid Agonists
Effects of opioids on the gastrointestinal tract
Dona Pham1, Annie Hua1 and Cindy Kaing1
1 BP311 B, School of Medical Sciences, RMIT University.
Background and Aims: Opioid agonists, such as morphine and codeine, causes a reduction in
acetylcholine (ACh) release from presynaptic ganglionic nerves. It is reported that tolerance
develops following prolonged exposure to these drugs. The aim was to compare two opiate agonists
and investigate the effects of opioid antagonist (naloxone) on morphine. This study also examines
whether or not prolonged exposure to morphine results in the development of tolerance.
Methods: A guinea pig ileum was suspended in an organ bath and superfused with oxygenated,
physiological salt solution. The twitch height changes were recorded using LabChart.
Cumulative concentration response curves (CRC) were constructed for codeine and morphine
using bath concentrations between 10 6 M to 10 4 M and between 10 8 M to 10 5 M, respectively.
Naloxone (10 7 M) was added before the experiment and after the first morphine CRC. Tissue
desensitisation was performed for morphine (5x10 6 M) while the effects of naloxone (10 7 M) on
morphine were observed. ... Show more content on ...
The twitch responses for codeine ( 21.16% at 10 5 M) were lower than those in morphine (
89.08% at 10 5 M). The electrically induced ACh release decreased in both opioid agonists, thus
decreases twitch responses. Following tissue desensitisation with morphine, the twitch responses
decreased with increasing concentrations, from 18.66% at 10 8 M to 8.33% M at 10 5 M. The
change in twitch height of naloxone decreased from the beginning of the experiment ( 5.16%) to
the end of the morphine CRC ( 4.25%). In the presence of naloxone, however, there is no twitch
height change detected as morphine concentration
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Key Factors Of Employee Engagement
A key factor of an organization is its employees. Human resource professionals are facing problems
in retaining employees for long period in attaining organization growth and success. HR
professionals are in search of secrets on what and how to make employees commit themselves to
their work and organization mentally, physically and emotionally in achieving long termgoals.
Engaged is the term, used when employees dedicate themselves mentally, physically and
emotionally to their work and organization in achieving long term goals. Engaged employees are
assets to an organization.
Employee engagement concept has been found in all organizations in present scenario and it plays a
vital role in organization performance. Employee engagement is the mode by which an
organization can develop a strong relationship between the organization and its employees.
Employees should fully ... Show more content on ...
Author has given some selected definitions of employee engagement as below.
William kahn(1990), in his much cited paper, described an employee s personal engagement as the
harnessing of organization members selves to their work roles; in engagement, people employ and
express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during role performances .
N.P.Rothbard (2001) defined engagement as a psychological presence with two key mechanism,
attention and absorption .
Gallup Organization (2004), Gallup organization defined engaged employees as those who, work
with a passion and feel a profound connection to their company and drive innovation and move the
organization forward in his book First, Break all the rules . Gallup also described that Employee
engagement is the involvement with enthusiasm for
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Climate Change
Climate change: Climate change is one of a larger set of large scale environmental changes
occurring in today s world. Climate change affects the social and environmental determinants of
health clean air, safe drinking water, sufficient food and secure shelter.
Over the last 50 years, Human activities particularly the burning fossil fuels have released sufficient
quantities of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to trap additional heat in the lower
atmosphere and affect the global climate.
Sea levels are rising, glaciers are melting and precipitation patterns are changing Extreme weather
events are becoming more intense and frequent.
climate change, together with other characteristic and human made health stressors, impacts human
health and sickness from various perspectives. Some current health dangers will strengthen and new
health dangers will develop. Not every person is similarly in danger. Vital consideration incorporate
age, monetary assets, and area.
In the U.S., general health can be influenced by interruptions of physical, natural, and biological
frameworks, including unsettling influences beginning here and somewhere else. The health
impacts of these interruptions incorporate expanded respiratory and cardiovascular ailment, wounds
and unexpected losses identified with outrageous climate occasions, changes in the commonness
and topographical conveyance of nourishment and water borne ailments and different irresistible
maladies, and dangers to emotional
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Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave tells the story of Frederick
Douglass and his journey to freedom. Throughout the narrative Douglass presents his experiences
through the eyes of a slave and how these experiences were the main reason for his acquired
freedom. Each part of his transformation into a free, educated man always involved a set of
opportunities that allowed him to ultimately be able to write this historical narrative. In the
narrative, Douglass never fails to mention the great impact that getting an education had on his life
and tributes his education to everything other great thing that happened after he became educated.
However, being educated included going through several trials that allowed Douglass to reach his
ultimate goal of being a free man. Even though Douglass attributes his success to his education, he
also mentions that under slightly different circumstances, he would have never achieved what he
did. This means that the education he strived for and eventually received, would be worthless
without the steps he took to acquire it. Each of the events and situations that Douglass came upon
had their own special purpose in helping him become the prominent writer and orator he is known
for being. Born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, Douglass begins the narrative by telling us
what he does not know. I have no accurate knowledge of my age, he writes. He does not know his
father s
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My First Time Driving Out Of The City Of Denver
As I slept I hear my alarm going off and I excitedly jump out of bed. It is only 4:00 am and the sky
is still dark. It is August 20, 2015 and I am double checking everything. This is my first time
driving out of the city of Dallas by myself. I am on my way to a new journey, I am moving to
Houston. I had only been to Houstontwice and both times I was there only for a day so I never got
to see the city. That was about to change because now I will be living there. I did one big sweep of
my house to make sure I had everything I would need for my drive. Only thing I could think about
was This is it Brianna, you will be in Houston in a few hours .
I typed in my destination in my GPS and I pulled out my mother s drive way. As I started driving
thoughts enter my mind as this is a very big deal. I could not stop smiling. Not only was this my
first big drive, it was my first big move on my own. I was moving to Houston for graduate, where
I would be staying in my first apartment. I could not believe it was happening, it seem as if I have
waited forever for this moment.
As I was driving down the highway in the dark not knowing really where I was going, I was still
at peace because I knew this was something wonderful. I could not even think about the fact that I
had only got three hours of sleep the night before. Normally I would have been tired and drained
but today I was full of life and energy. The excitement had taking over me. Driving down the
highway with the windows rolled
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Bear s Game Analysis
Bear s fans starts to get excited every year around this time, but this year is different. Chicago
has put together an offense with several threats at every skilled position. The receivers have an
excellent opportunity to put together a duo, if not a trio that could easily lead the NFC. The
back field is shaping up like it will be a force of its own to be dealt with by opposing defenses. And
at quarterback, well, let s just say Cutler will have no excuses this year.
Before you go on a rant commenting about reading a similar article to this each of the previous
two summers, let me explain just why this season is different. Chicago s got good glue this year.
Everyone knows that the offensive line is what holds the offense together and the Bears ... Show
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He says that he has never had this much confidence in his ability to make a difference in every
play that he is a part of. He has invested both time and effort increasing his speed and improving
his footwork which will provide him a second step down field to drive back anyone on the other
side of the line. Each week, we has put his focus and attention on a single aspect, which will lead
to him being an all around more productive member of the line. He has also spent hours every day
in both the kitchen and weight room gaining over 20 pounds.
In an effort to create more competition at every spot on the line, Chicago has made some moves
this year, including signing Ted Larson. He brings a lot of experience with him, starting in all 16
games 4 of his 6 seasons. He has spent quality time at each of the three interior line positions,
adding strength wherever the Bears will need it most.
Bobby Massie will also be playing his first season in Chicago. He has started in 46 games over the
last 4 seasons, all of which were at the right tackle position. Last season he played a huge role on
an offensive line which only allowed 27 sacks and accumulated well over 4,000 yards through the
Chicago has also acquired several rookies through the draft, all giving whatever it takes, trying to
be an ingredient of this year s offensive
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Du Dubois Analysis
As a post civil rights baby, Chance the Rapper s political consciousness and the has been framed
in various ways, largely contributing to his artistic works and approach to social activism. As a
recipient of the labor gains made after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, his middle class upbringing
created a political framework for him to assess the conditions of black Chicagoans who are
marginalized. Specifically, as the son of Ken Williams Bennett, deputy chief of staff to current
mayor of the city, Rahm Emmanuel. Additionally, as a part of the second wave of the Hip Hop
generation, the sociopolitical and rebellious nature of the rap music, particularly Chicago based
artists, Brother Mike Hawkins and his now mentor Kanye West, proved the power of... Show more
content on ...
557). Although Chance is not a poet in rigid terms, rap music is a direct extension of poetic
traditions; a craft that he mastered while attending art programs, which educated him on the power
of the written word. This training helped him to become a respected lyricist, proven by the request
for him to eulogize the late boxing legend, Muhammad Ali; an invite that most rappers will never
receive (Austen). He has also been hailed as the most celebrated rapper of 2016 and heir to Kanye
West and Kendrick Lamar (Austen). This confirms the care and preparation (he spent five hours
recording a verse) that goes into Chance s lyrical contributions and the high level he operates
on(Austen). More importantly, his nonprofit, SocialWorks, which empowers youth through arts,
education and civic engagement uses the OpenMike imitative, to offer an opportunity for youth to
craft their lyrical skills (SocialWorks). Named in memory of his mentor, Mike Hawkins, this
resource conjures up the emotional wealth that DuBois speaks of because it allows for minority
youth, who come from the most blighted neighborhoods in Chicago, to express their experiences
openly. These young people have suffered through the death of friends, racism, sexual trauma and
various other challenges that youth in harsh inner cities face. Therefore, Chance uses his career to
recognize the strength within his narrative, but his young supporters, allowing them to share their
stories through music, bringing forth a louder voice to the most vulnerably
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Mission Elements Of Mission Command Essay
Reflection of Mission Command
Mission Command is one of the foundations of Unified Land Operations that uses a philosophy, a
methodology executed throughout the authority and direction of the commander using mission
command warfighting functions that incorporated mutually supported task that is enable by a
mission command systems.
This paper will provide my reflection about mission command, and how I will incorporate principles
of mission command such as build cohesive teams through mutual trust, create share understanding,
provide guidance of Commander s intent which will inspire self discipline, produce mission order,
accept prudent risk, and exercise discipline initiative in my philosophy in future assignments as a
Sergeant Major.
Build Cohesive Team/s What better way to motivated troops, what better way to get cooperation,
mutual respect, and sense of pride than creating cohesive teams. As their Senior Enlisted Advisor,
I need to consider a key ingredient that it is essential to have a good cohesive team and that is
trust. Without trust, anything else related to mission command or look for cooperation to support
the commander s intent will be irrelevant. To earn the troops trust I must realize that everybody is
human and it is ok to make mistakes, and that is how we grow and learn, I must give all the troops
the tools to succeed, and to understand that there will be challenges and blockages that might
prevent to meet the Commander s intent. By being a
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Greene Jewelry s Jewelry For Wrongful Termination,...
Issue: Greene Jewelry is suing former employee Jennifer Lawson, a junior executive secretary
for three years, assigned to work within the research and development department, for breach of
confidentiality agreement. Jennifer Lawson is countersuing Greene s Jewelry for wrongful
termination, pregnancy and gender discrimination and breach of contract. Facts: Greene s
Jewelry primary asset is its patented process for creating a material called Ever Gold, which is
used in the making of jewelry. The company is based in Derry, New Hampshire, which currently
owns a warehouse and two storefronts and employs 502 personnel. Jennifer Lawson was deemed
as a professional, articulate, diligent and skilled worker; with the exception of routine tardiness,
receives high marks on annual reviews. Jennifer Lawson as well as other junior executive
secretaries are terminated due to downsizing. In a wrongful termination case, the terminated
employee must prove more than having been treated unfairly, s/he must be able to prove one or
more of his/her legal rights were violated (Wrongful Termination Website, 2011). Employees in
many states are at a disadvantage, possessing few rights, because of the employment at will rule,
meaning employers can fire employees at any time and for no reason at all, just like employees can
quit any time and for any reason. This makes the definition of wrongful termination extremely
narrow. The majority of terminated employees have no wrongful termination
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Critical Review on the Effets of Mass Media on Violent...
Cover PagePg 1
Table of Content Pg 2
Introduction Pg 3
Studies Aimed at Validating the Existence of a Correlation
The Social Learning Theory
The Narrative Theory
Studies Aimed at Refuting Correlation
Reciprocal Determinism
Case Studies 4.1 Norway Massacre 4.2 Aurora Colorado Theatre Shooting 4.3 Sandy Hook
Elementary School Shooting
With the invention of television sets (TV s), came the invention of films and television programs to
be shown on TV as well as the opportunity to broadcast live news stories. In modern day society, ...
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The children in the first group displayed highly imitative behaviour (Artino 2006).
The results of the Bobo Doll Experiment created a surge of interest into the possible correlation
between media violence and violent behaviour. Meyers (2002) conducted a study on the effects
of violent video games and violent television (T.V) programs on primary school boys. The
school boys were divided into non violent and violent conditions; watching a violent or non
violent T.V program, playing a violent or non violent video game or playing a game and watching
a T.V program thereafter (Meyers 2002). The children then had to answer a questionnaire ,whereby
they had to finish a sentence using a violent or non violent word, for example; I want to ___ the
book (tear/read) (Meyers 2002, p. 17). The second test of violent behaviour was the placement of
the children in identical conditions to the Bobo Doll Experiment . According to Meyers (2002), the
children in the violent conditions portrayed more aggressive behaviour patterns than the boys in the
non violent condition, the boys in the combined condition (playing a video game and watching a
violent television program) had significantly higher aggression levels than those in any other
Research conducted by Saleem, Anderson and Gentile (2012), Bushman (1995) as well as
Huesmann and Talyor (2006) focused on the effect
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Organ Donation Case Study Essay
Organ Allocation Case Study: Correctional Healthcare
Healthcare workers and the ethics board make tough decisions that impact the patient s future,
especially related to organ allocation. Organ transplantation is extremely important in order to save
lives, prolong survival, and increase the quality of life (Beyar, 2017). Each year the number of
people on the waiting list continues to rise at an alarming rate. According to the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, organ donation statistics show that more than 116,000 people are
awaiting organs. The number has risen significantly every year (Health Resources Services
Administration {HRSA}, 2016). In 2016, it was reported that approximately 41,335 organ
donations were made, and ... Show more content on ...
Mr. Rodriquez s health history is limited to hypertension. The second candidate, Mr. Smith, is an
uninsured 59 year old on disability who has severe ischemic cardiomyopathy (causing systemic
failure). His other medical history includes hypertension, renal insufficiency, alcohol abuse, and
coronary artery disease that caused two previous myocardial infarctions.
A person s age and their lifestyle can impact overall organ transplant success. Physiologic age
impacts major organ systems such as the kidneys and other underlying medical problems (Eisen,
2017). Mr. Smith is 26 years older with declining health. On the other hand, Mr. Rodriquez is a
healthy individual with mild hypertension. Physical inactivity can be associated with an increased
risk of morbidity or worsening chronic disease and health conditions such as cardiovascular disease
and congestive heart failure (Warren et al., 2010). According to the article from the National Center
for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), alcohol consumption plays a role in the development of
heart failure. Excessive drinking leads to alcoholic cardiomyopathy (DjoussГ© Gaziano, 2008).
Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is characterized by left ventricular dilation, increased left ventricular
mass, and reduced or normal left ventricular wall thickness (DjoussГ© Gaziano, 2008). Mr. Smith s
heavy consumption of alcohol may become detrimental to his heart, liver, and kidney function. His
comorbidities and
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Floor Trading
Floor trading is described as where traders or stockbrokers meet at a specific venue referred to as a
trading floor or pit to buy and sell financial instruments using open outcry method to communicate
with each other. These venues are typically stock or futures exchanges, where transactions are
executed by members of the latter financial products using specific language or hand signals.
During the 1980s and 1990s phone and electronic tradingreplaced physical floor trading in most
exchanges around the world. Technologies for recording, displaying, and memorizing price data
opened up ways of monitoring and analyzing market behavior which otherwise would not have
been possible. The accelerated expansion of computer technologies was preceded and encouraged
by regulatory involvement with data recording, generally understood as the continuation of a longer
process of definitional transformations. This essay aims to analyze the advantages and
disadvantages of ECN platform compared with the traditional, face to face... Show more content on ...
By displaying only the price and size of an order, ECNs provide trader anonymity. Anonymity is
potentially important for informed institutional investors, because less informed traders may
attempt to copy their strategy. In addition, if other market participants can obtain prior or
contemporaneous knowledge of transactions, they may attempt to trade before the institutional
investors can complete their trades, a practice known as front running. In financial markets, any
sort of front running or information leakage is a serious concern.Other, however, argue that this is
one of the principal benefits of open outcry that traders can observe the behavior of other traders
on the floor. For example, by noting whether other traders have large buy or sell positions, a trader
can infer the future trading behavior of
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Organizational Culture and National Culture in...
Multinational organizations are combinations of multicultural employees. Multicultural
environments cause cultural shock among leaderships and employees. Organizational culture and
national culture are significantly important in current marketing environment. Organizational
culture mainly shows the value and the roles inside the organization. However, national culture is
the directing of organizational culture and influence both leadership and employees deeply from
their personal values. Furthermore, the relationship between organizational culture and national
culture has impacts on leaderships, employees, job satisfaction as well as the commitment of
employees to the organizations. This essay will discuss the issues above, and ... Show more content
on ...
For instance, Wallach (1983) viewes three perspectives of organizational culture, that is, innovative,
supportive and bureaucratic. Martin (1992) identified three forms of organizational culture,
including fragmentation, differentiation and integration. Goffee and Jones (1998) define four types
of organizational cultures, which is communal, fragmented, mercenary and networked. However, in
a company, individuals have personal values and beliefs as well as personal desires. On that
account, the attitude of employees and commitment to the companies may result in diversity of
achievements. National cultures also have some effects on the values, beliefs and personal desires.
A variety of countries have multifarious national cultures, giving rise to a culture shock in
multinational companies. Cross cultural research shows that significant differences exist in
national culture characteristic between western and eastern cultures (Hofstede, 1980, 1991; El
Kahal, 2001; Chen, 2001). For instance, it is widely known that bureaucratic traditional deep rooted
culture and high power distance exist in Chinese companies (Pye, 1985; Chen, 2001). The
management of firms in the west and east makes a world of difference. The reason for that is the
distinction between the impact of national culture on individual worth and how individual worth
adapts to the organizational culture. Furthermore, after organizations in Hong Kong are mostly in
power by ethnic Chinese, the Chinese style high
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Unit 4 Health And Social Care Essay
From many years caring industry suffers from many factors which providers, as well as managers,
must challenge to run services smoothly and meet all current legislations. Especially to be on top of
current requirements, everything must be recorded and documented which take lots of time for
managers and put a strain on the care workers.
Problems with funding which are cutting each year for care homes and community support reflect
on staffing levels in the care homes. This lead that in some of the care homes there is no sufficient
member of staff to provide safe care for residents. This information can be found in CQC reports.
Not enough staff in care home also put the strain on carers with the workload. They need to
provide safe and holistic care but also writes lots of reports about that like (daily logs, food and
fluid chart, observation charts, behaviours chat and many others relevant documents. Where there
is no sufficient staff employed the recording also suffer. This lead to not complying with CQC
There is lots of information ... Show more content on ...
I found that there are lots of companies offering electronic recording system like Care Docs
Management System , Nourish . I spent lots of time
to compare the systems to find out which one will be the best. I use a demo trial for some of
them or arrange the meeting with the sale representative. I choose one of the systems which I
thought will be perfect for our setting. I spoke with members of staff at the team meeting about to
implement electronic system recording. We held a discussion about it and staff express their cons
and pros. After the discussion I found that electronic system would be not beneficial for staff and
us and in fact could even extend the time of recording rather than simplify all the process. The
reason for not using the electronic system
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Sick Leave Scenarios
A manager of a Human resources department should be able to approach this situation in a
professional and caring manner. Since the situation of the probation and the ill infant is
affecting the performance of the employee, the human resources manager could recommend the
employee to request sick leave. It is important to know that the case is difficult since there is not
medical provide that the child is ill since the family do not believe in those services, however,
there could be a flexibility between the company and the employee since the company was
aware of the religious situation. The employee will be able to take up to 13 days (104 hours) of
sick leave for general family care and bereavement each leave year or up to 12 weeks (480 hours)
of sick leave to care for a family member with a serious health condition each leave year . If the
situation continues after the sick leave, the company could take another actions in the process of
In the aspect of preventing issues like this as an organization, the company should have good
information about their ... Show more content on ...
The manager should be able to perform a management counseling that it is the process of giving
employees feedback so they realize that a problem is affecting their job performance and
referring employees to the employee assistance program . The employee assistance program
should be able to educate provide some feedback legal advocacy of to get professional assistance
in solving the problems ; some time off from work with or without pay, depending on the situation,
often helps the employee deal with the problem . At the same time, the EAP could be able to
recommend and refer the employee to a medical professional that meet the requirements of his/her
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Why Was Chopin Considered A Music Composer In The 19th...
Music becomes a part in our daily life. We often hear music on radios, in the stores, or with our
smartphone. I love music and want to investigate it more. Therefore, I chose a music composer
in the 19th century, Frédéric François Chopin, in order to analyze the development or
incarceration of ideologies to the current century. Frédéric François Chopin, who was born
in 1810, was a Polish composer on the Romantic era. His talent appeared very early, which on the
age of seven Chopin already composed two polonaises. Chopin then went abroad to Europe to
learn about musical life and wanted to be renown. People acclaimed him as pianogenius and great
composer due to his extremely success performances. Chopin existed in Romanticism, which is an
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Bandura s Social Learning Theory
Some of the things we overlook at times are the things that make the most sense in the world.
Something like the social learning theory was overlooked. But it has provided such great insight
as to why we do certainly in our lives. Bandura s theory has paved the way to many studies and
has open our minds to the possibility that we affect each other in a way we would not imagine. I
believe that this theory can shape a lot of people s lives. I agree with Albert Banduras social learning
theory by modeling and in this paper, I will present an argument that outlines the reasons why. I like
Bandura s social learning theory. The social learning theory states that learned of
other people...people who deviate from cultural norms have learned their behavior in the same
way. (Schultz Schultz, 2009, p.403 404). This theory can bring a lot of awareness to the
families who feel that their action or behaviors won t have any effect on the child. This theory
also holds a lot of substance. My cousin who is five years old is cursing and that is because of
his father who has no filter especially with the kids. He believes that they are too young and they
won t understand what he is telling them but in actuality, my cousin is modeling his behavior. I
feel if this theory is well known parents and another role model will understand how much power
they have over people. I agree with the social learning theory because I find that it holds some truth
to it. we may
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Advantages Of Limousine Luxury Cars
World Wide most Expensive Limousines Luxury Cars
Limousine luxury car models are the top of all luxury cars but it can be very pricey investment.
Within the range of $1 million to $14 million AUD, all the limousine luxury vehicles have finest
features. It gives comfort to riders to sit back and enjoy the luxury road travel. On the other hand,
some people do not think that the everyday limo is sufficient to please their desires. Some would
have a preference something gradually luxurious and are keen to spend a much bigger stack of
cash to get it.
The many limo cars in top list cost at least $1 million to buy. They are certainly not your daily
limousines. They are highly custom made or total top of the line types. If they may be not unique
they ... Show more content on ...
The all luxury features of this Phantom Limo include full size office, bulletproof armor, and
capability of pushing out 432 horsepower with 6.8 liter V12 engine.
Stretch Limo / Lamborghini Aventador
Cars for Stars Limousine Company designed the concept of this luxury Stretch Limo Lamborghini
Aventador in 2013. Price is not specific but its features include 6.5 liter V12 engine which pushes
up to 700 horsepower, custom fitted interior, designed for up to 7 people, L shaped couch, iPod
hookups, Plasma TV, with the expensive champagne bar. It is not a reality so far, and without any
doubt steep price tag attached to such a manufacture might guarantee that it never does become one,
but we felt it go on this list out of pure awesomeness.
The Beast
Custom made Beast Limo was designed specially to carry US president in 2009 with the cost of
$3 million. The Beast is fixed with sufficient armor to survive an RPG attack. As The Beast is off
the record for the purpose of national security it is anonymous to the public what the exact
competences of the car are. Features include firefighting equipment, tear gas, oxygen tanks and
masks, and shotguns. Conversely, it is highly rumored that The Beast has built in grenade launchers
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The Ventilation Strategies For Acute Respiratory Distress...
The purpose of this assessment is to critique a related pair of published papers surrounding the
ventilation strategies for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) within the Intensive Care
Unit (ICU).
My role as an Advanced Critical Care Practitioner (ACCP) involves me working with patients
with multi organ failure and more often respiratory failure following prolonged periods of
ventilation and lung insult. ARDS has been studied in a variety of settings since it was first
introduced by Dr Ashbaugh (Ashbaugh et al, 1967), at which time mortality was between 60% and
70%, however, the most effective way to ventilate patients with ARDS is still being researched.
Despite this ongoing research into the management of ARDS, mortality remains at 35 40%. It is
thought this is linked to lack of knowledge and evidence regarding the pathological process of
ARDS can be defined as an acute decrease in the ratio of arterial oxygen partial pressure to
fractional inspired oxygen (P/F) 30% surface area burns or any other condition which had a 50%
6 month mortality. Although there are significant differences in each of these papers exclusion
criteria they are clearly identified, which is good practice and not always done (Van Spall et al,
2007). However, these extensive exclusion criteria can impair generalisability of the trial results in
the ICU.
Sample sizes required to show
Critique the sample sizes look at sample size representivity.
INTERVENTIONS drafted and critique
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Obesity Essay
Obesity is defined as the condition of having excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in
proportion to lean body mass (2), and it has been recognised as one of the main preventable risk
factors for the osteoarthritis (OA) of the large joints in the lower extremities (1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12).
The excess body weight caused increased biomechanical load to weight bearing joints (4, 8). This
will eventually contribute to increased prevalence of and severity of musculoskeletal disorder and
orthopaedic impairments (1, 2, 10). Resulting in reduce ability of the individual to perform simple
daily activities (1, 4, 5). The limitations are usually noticeable during weight bearing tasks including
walking, stair climbing, and rising from a ... Show more content on ...
During the single limb support phase, the pelvis has rotated on its vertical axis. As the centre of
gravity shifts, the femur rotates internally, and advances in a semi circular arc during the swing
phase. The internal rotation of the femur forces the knee to adduct during the single limb support
phase. From the initial contact to the loading response, there is limited dorsiflexion of the ankle.
When there is reduced degree of ankle dorsiflexion during the initial contact, the time required for
the foot to move between initial contact and loading response has been shorten. Hence the subject
appears to be slapping the foot into the ground as it approaches the loading response. A small
degree of out toeing was also present during the swing phase.
Sagittal Plane
Throughout the whole gait cycle, kyphosis and anterior tilt of the hip is observed. As the result of
anterior pelvic tilt, the hip is flexed and lumbar is extended during the weight acceptance stage.
There is reduced hip flexion during the weight acceptance stage, and reduced hip extension
throughout the stance phase. From the terminal stance to pre swing, there is inadequate knee
flexion where the ankle remained in neutral position resulting in prolonged heel contact. As the
knee flexion has reduced from the terminal stance to pre swing, the ability of the ankle to dorsiflex
has decline. During the loading response, the ankle moves from
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Anne Frank s Diary
In the following paragraph I will introduce my essay. In this essay I will talk about four topics
over the book Diary of Anne Frank. One topic is where is the book located that is where I will
give three locations that are important.The second topic is who are the main characters and I will
describe each character.the third topic is How does the setting change or how the plot
develops.The last topic is Where did i read this book.
In this paragraph I will talk about three important locations in my book of diary of Anne Frank. The
most important is Amsterdam,Netherlands this is where Anne Frank wrote her diary. The second
most important is Auschwitz concentration camp this is where Anne Frank was Kept till she was
dead. The third most important
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The Keirsey Temperament Sorter And The Big Five...
Personality is defined as the unique way in which each individual thinks, acts, and feels throughout
life (Ciccarelli, 2014). Numerous individuals are curious in regards to their actions and how their
mind works, thus leading companies to create personality tests, in order to provide individuals with
some perspective on their personality. While individuals can take personality tests for leisure,
personality tests are often utilized in situations such as job interviews, diagnosing mental disorders,
and educational purposes. Two popular personality tests are the Keirsey Temperament Sorter and
the Big Five Personality test. After taking both tests, I analyzed them using my knowledge of
general psychologyand of my own actions. I found the... Show more content on ...
Artisans tend to be fun loving, optimistic, realistic, bold, spontaneous, and troubleshooting leaders.
While the Keirsey website provides detailed, lengthy descriptions of each temperament, some
individuals may have characteristics which fit into two temperaments. For instance, I have always
been independent, nearly since birth. I have always loathed asking for assistance when performing
a demanding task, feeling I can manage best when working without assistance. However, I am
optimistic when unfortunate events take place, and I have a strong background in the arts. With
that said, can personality realistically be given one category, or do others have characteristics which
fit more than one temperament? Moreover, what is personality testing designed to measure? The
Myers Briggs Type Indicator, used in the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, bases personality on four
dimensions: extraversion or introversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, and judging or
perceiving (Ford Martin, 2015). Extroverts are those more focused on others and the outside world,
while introverts tend to keep to themselves. The dimension of sensing or intuition measures
whether the individual perceives the world more efficiently using the five senses, or if they tend to
lean on their intuition (Ciccarelli, 2014). The dimension of thinking or feeling measures whether
individuals prefer to
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Olympic Pride Does Not Permit Sexual Discriminaiton
It matter not who you love, where you love, why you love, when you love or how you love, it
matters only that you love (John Lennon). LGBTQ; a growing cause that has been heard by many
people across the globe, Gay marriage and equality is no longer just a farfetched idea but has
become a reality for many nations across the world who have accepted and legalized the acceptance
of LGBTQ community members within society. Some have accepted while other fought against
this notion of legalization, though many citizens have come to terms with this new ideology that
has been incorporated within modern society. Although members of the LGBTQ society and the
thousands that accept the community have protested and gathered together to fight for the equality
of all nations there is still some that do not agree with this notion. Protestors yelling, news reporters
capturing the seen for people millions of miles away, and discrimination could be found at the 2014
Winter Olympic Gameslocated in Sochi, Russia. This year s Olympic Games were on the bounds of
discrimination against the LGBTQ community not just from Russia s own citizens but
discrimination towards many visiting athletes from the 200 nations that participated in the games.
The LGBTQ community has fought many battles over the past few decades, fighting for their right
for equality, their right to liberty and their right to even be allowed to love the person they want to
love. The Olympics is the time where countries put
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The Poetry Of Langston Hughes As An African American Poet
with the universe of jazz and the impact it had on his composition, as in his book length sonnet
Montage of a Dream Deferred (Holt, 1951). His life and work were tremendously vital Life is for
the living. Demise is for the dead. Give life a chance to resemble music. Also, demise a note
inferred. Langston Hughesis known as an artist of musicality and music. As an African American, he
composed much about the way of life and encounters of his race. In spite of the fact that he endured
monetarily, Hughes distributed many works that later turned out to be extremely renowned.
Subsequent to defeating a troublesome youth, Langston started composing verse in secondary
school. He without a doubt left his blemish on the workmanship and culture of America Hughes
was an American Poet. He began to write poetry when one of his teachers introduces him to the
poetry of Carl Sand burg and Walt Whitman. He showed some of his poems to Lindsay, which
started from there. He also wrote poems that were important to the African American literature that
made in impact on others.
Langston Hughes was born on February 1, 1902, in Joplin, Missouri, as James mercer Langston
Hughes. During his life Hughes was separated soon after his birth and was raise by his
grandmother until her death in his early teens. Langston Hughes was one of the primary dark men
to express the soul of blues and jazz into words. An African American Hughes turned into an
outstanding writer,
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The Breakfast Club And Teen Identity
Ethan Wynne
English 101
Sam Lackey
October 2, 2014
The Breakfast Club and Teen Identity
The movie The Breakfast Club takes viewers on a comedic tour of the ups and downs of
adolescence. The Breakfast Club, directed by John Hughes, focuses on the events that unfold
between five very different high school students during a Saturday detention. Even though the
movie was shot in the 1980 s the characters portrayal is still relatable in a way to a lot of people
today. Director John Hughes takes us on a comedic ride with what seems like another typical teen
movie while still portraying a few life lessons along the way and exposing some truths behind
stereotyping. Anyone who has ever been a high school student can probably find some way to
relate to the characters in the film. The movie revolves around 5 students who for various
reasons have been sent to Saturday detention by principle Vernon. The principle asks each of the
students to write a one page paper on who they think they are. As the day progresses, we see the
teens begin to bond with each other and find out about each other and themselves. The film
begins by introducing each of the five characters. John Hughes gives us five common archetypes
with each of his characters including: a jock, a popular princess, a geek, a criminal, and basket
case. These generic characters make it easier for the audience to relate to one of the characters in
the film. Andy, the jock, is the generic high school athlete, or so it seems.
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Personal Narrative Essay Layout
Personal Narrative Essay Layout
Personal Narrative Essay Layout
Personal Narrative Essay Layout

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Personal Narrative Essay Layout

  • 1. Personal Narrative Essay Layout 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Personal Narrative Essay Layout Personal Narrative Essay Layout
  • 2. Orson Scott Card s The Road Not Taken Orson Scott Card, an American novelist, once said, A character is what he does, yes but even more, a character is what he means to do. This quote is impactful because the character in a story is given its character traits by the personality, actions, and intentions that are shown throughout the development of a story. With this being said, the choices, actions, and intentions that one has and shows, impacts others and reveals the type of person that one really is. The intentions that one has sets up someone for recognizing who that person really is. The intentions that one has, shows the feelings or emotions that one has towards the event that is happening or happened. For example, in Source B, Delaney dived for two boys that were sinking below the surface. Folks along the bank waited for... Show more content on ... One will always try to make themselves look good just to brag on themselves and make others feel disappointed. In The Road Not Taken, the speaker says that when he retells the story to others of that event, he will say that he took the road that was less traveled on. The last stanza states, I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less traveled by... This demonstrates that he wants to modify his decision to make himself seem as a risk taker, and one can conclude that he is a presume person. Critics would argue that one s decisions do not affect the person one really is. For instance, Source B illustrates Delaney as a failure because he did not save the kids. However, if one switches the point of view, one can see Delaney as a brave and heroic person because without knowing how to swim, he had the courage to go in and try rescuing the boys, and Delaney had already saved one kid, LeMarkits. As one can see, the choices or decisions one makes can make others judge someone in a positive or negative ... Get more on ...
  • 3. How Did Britain Contribute To The Industrial Revolution Britain was the first country in the world to experience an Industrial Revolution. There are several factors that contributed to the Industrial Revolution in Britain. In this essay, population increase, agricultural revolution, transport revolution, British entrepreneurialism and growing overseas markets will all be individually examined and a conclusion will be drawn about which of these factors was the most crucial to the Industrial Revolutionand why that is the case. One factor that was considerably important in the lead up to the industrial revolution was the huge increase in the British population, which meant an increase in the need for work and labour. Previously, mortality rates in Britain had been particularly high due to poor housing and sanitation, among other things, which led to serious illnesses among the population. However, throughout the 1750s to the 1810s, the mortality rate had ... Show more content on ... Bringing in goods from other countries widens the range of products available at home and makes for a better standard of living. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the biggest export coming out of Britain was wool (69%), however, during the Industrial Revolution the importance of wool dropped considerably with the new focus being mainly on products such as iron and cotton. With most of the imports coming into Britain being from the Empire, they consisted mostly of things such as coffee, tobacco, tea, sugar, and cotton. The amount of raw materials being imported into Britain in 1700 was 71%, while 1851 it had risen to a staggering 95%. The growth of overseas markets was therefore significantly important as it created such a high demand for British products which in turn allowed producers to sell their products on large scales, continuously bringing money into Britain, therefore providing the money needed to complete the process of ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Impact of Dean on Sal s Identity in Jack Kerouac’s On The... The Impact of Dean on Sal s Identity in On the Road On The Road begins with the protagonist, Sal, (representative of author Jack Kerouac), being overwhelmed by feelings of confusion and uncertainty regarding his personal identity. He then meets Dean Moriarty , an eccentric character who rejects societal values and norms . Sal is absorbed with and entranced by Dean, perceiving him as almost superhuman , and decides to follow him across the country. A passive character, Sal soon becomes dependent on Dean, mimicking his friend rather than discovering his personal identity. It is likely that such behaviour was greatly influenced by events that occurred in Jack Kerouac s childhood . Eventually, Sal realises that if he is to be independent, ... Show more content on ... Then Sal meets Dean; a wild, roguish character, and is so enchanted by him that he believes he can shape his own identity through being like Dean. Hence, Sal takes to the road, planning to follow in Dean s footsteps. Gradually, Sal becomes more and more dependent on Dean. He shapes his morals and values upon those of Dean, letting his life be controlled by the decisions that Dean makes, and even refusing to allow himself thoughts that contradict Dean s. The impact Dean has on Sal s identity is clearly illustrated in Chapter Seven, when, after Sal and Dean have been staying with their friend Old Bull Lee , Dean is ready to leave so Sal takes off with him despite his own desire to stay. He has reached a point where he is unable to make his own decisions, and must blindly follow Dean. His dependence on Dean has isolated him from his own feelings and thoughts, and he has compromised his own independence and power to make decisions. In Chapter Eight of Part Two, Dean steals gas and oil as Sal runs into the station and takes bread and cheese while the owners are eating dinner. This act is a direct contradiction of the values that Sal expressed earlier in the novel, when Montana Slim asked him to steal from strangers in alley ways, and Sal refused. Such behaviour is a further illustration of the tremendous impact that Dean has on Sal s identity, and demonstrates just how malleable Sal s personality at this point is. Finally, in Chapter Ten of Part ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Russia Essay One country is comparable to the United States of America in terms of world power and prominence. Russia makes their name known beginning in World War 2 (WW2), later in the Korean War, Cold War, and today s proxy war in the Syria. Russia s culture, environment, politics, military, and economy do not just make Russiaa regional powerhouse, but slowly becoming a region of influential power to surrounding countries with the end state of a global superpower. All the factors that make Russia the powerhouse that it is slowly becoming, highlights the impressive trend that supersedes the previous Soviet Unionand past leaders. In the year 1019 a small region in Eastern Europe (present day Moscow), would be settled by a local population and... Show more content on ... It massive forests and frozen tundra s have picturesque views that would astound anyone. The country has a land surface area of 6,592,735 square miles, making the largest country by land comparably to the world. Since Russia is the biggest country in the world, it has every landscape imaginable. From Lake Baikal, the biggest lake in Europe, to the Ryn desert, and the cold Siberian forests. Russia has it all when it comes to land geography. The northern part of Russia concealed with the Arctic Ocean, which is froze for the majority of the year. To the west the only way Russia has access to the Atlantic Ocean is through the Black Sea, and then through the Mediterranean Sea. Another way to access the Atlantic Ocean is through the Baltic Sea or through the Barents Sea, which is only operable in the summer, since in the winter everything over the 60 degree latitude line turns into ice. Even though Russia can access the Atlantic Ocean through the sea when you look at a map, there is two more non geographic obstacles. The first one is that countries that are around the sea, for example, Turkey, and Denmark, which are part of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), can deny or make it hard for Russia to use those routes. NATO s purpose is to pledge the liberty and safety of its members through military and political methods. In other words, if one NATO country takes a conflict with a non member of NATO, then all ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Alkyl Halide Lab Elimination Reactions of Alkyl Halides Purpose The purpose of this lab is to understand the process of eliminating an alkyl halide to form an alkene. The experiment is carried out by first converting the alcohol, 2 methy 2 butanol, into the alkyl halide of 2 chloro 2 methylbutane that will then be put through dehydrohalogenation that favors elimination reaction (E2) to create a mixture of 2 methyl 2 butene by alcoholic potassium hydroxide (KOHвЃ») base and 2 methyl 1 butene by potassium tert Butoxide (Kt BuOвЃ») base. A fractional distillation will be taken to purify the mixture and an additional gas chromatography will be done to further analyze the mixture composition. A bromide test will be done to determine the production of an alkene in the... Show more content on ... The group decide to carry out the elimination reaction with alcoholic potassium hydroxide. A dry 100 milliliter round bottom flask was filled with 5 grams of potassium hydroxide and 50 milliliters of absolute ethanol. The flask was stoppered and swirled for no more than 10 minutes to have the potassium hydroxide mostly dissolved. Then 5.3 grams of the 2 chloro 2 methylbutane was added along with a stir bar. A fractional distillation was set up to run the reaction. A Hempel column served first as a reflux condenser while the elimination reaction was carried out. The Hempel column was attached with the round bottom flask while being lubricated with silicone grease to not allow the joints to freeze. Water hoses were attached to the Hempel column and water was circulated from bottom to top during the reflux period. An additional rubber hoses were connected to the vacuum adapter that was also attached to the receiving flask (50 milliliter round bottom flask). The reaction was heated for 30 minutes for a gentle reflux. A tan Variac was set to 55 (rate of heating) to allow for the vapor condensation front to be about half way up the Hempel column. After the reflux period, then distillation was started by connecting the water hose on the vacuum adapter to the water to circulate during the fractional distillation. The distillation was run until ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Kumon Educational Institute Final Case Study Kumon Educational Institute USA Upon careful review and analysis of the current situation of the Kumon Institute USA it is clear that there are several problems that should be addressed in order for Kumon Institute to succeed in the US market. Although Kumon has been in existence in the US for 10 years now, you have still not implemented a corporate global strategy which will allow for success in the US. You re currently operating in the same manner as is the Japanese operations, and as a result the same business level strategy that worked in Japan will not provide the same results in the US. Any company seeking expansion at the multinational level must implement a strategy based on analysis of the local ... Show more content on ... To date Kumon has operated with the program unchanged from the Japanese business model and this is clearly not conducive to the US educational system. The US educational system is a much more rewards based system used to motivate the students to work and to improve the students self discipline therefore, if Kumon is indeed determined to grow market share outside of the Asian American culture it will be important to understand what works to motivate and encourage self discipline here in the US. In addition, the change to family culture necessary for the Kumon program s success should also be considered with the consultant as this is an area where commitment is hard to maintain due to different lifestyles, whereby both parents often work long hours outside the home and will have a difficult time committing to the demands placed on them by the Kumon program. Depending on the direction determined, for example will Kumon focus on just the Asian population, or will they conduct a full national campaign. So, now in place is a vision and strategy, so in order to make this vision reality Kumon must implement the strategy through the use of marketing and advertising campaign that will build awareness of Kumon, appeal to it s target consumer. In addition, they should focus on gaining the respect of local teachers so that they can assist in word of mouth campaign. With that in mind, I ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Controversy About Celebrities Celebrities Celebrities are misunderstood in several ways, people view celebrities as being snobby, rude to fans, all that matters is being recognized by persons and having attention, also not caring about the fans. People see celebrities as being rude and stuck up because on social media there is persons that are rude and make up rumors about celebrities because the person might not like this actor or actress. People make assumptions of celebrities because of rumors seen on the internet and on magazines. These individuals always care about which celebrityis dating another celebrity and what happens in the celebrity s personal life. When people view celebrities as being rude it is because some are rude only because these stars want privacy,... Show more content on ... Actor, actresses, music artist can be seen as being rich, rude, and wanting fame because of the money being paid. Celebrities can dress with designer clothes that is really expensive, but does not mean that because the clothes that is worn is fancy these celebrities are rude and only care about the attention. On the internet there are videos of celebrities greeting fans and are actually nice and outgoing when meeting the fans. Although, not all celebrities are nice, do not like meeting fans, or looks like they do not care about the fans, can sometimes not be intentional, but it is still rude when celebrities ignore a fan that wants to take a picture or sign something. Some famous persons act this way because of bad timing or might not want to give all the attention to one person and make the other fans feel left out or can be because sometimes the celebrity is in a hurry or being protected by the security guards. Celebrities can be as nice as a kitten, be respectful to all the fans, and give at least a little attention by greeting or giving a smile to the fans. The characteristics given to celebrities by persons that have never met these people are different when actually personally meeting the famous person that has inspired and is loved by many people around the world. Fans most of the time do not just like the actor, actress, or artist because they are really big in the fame industry but because these celebrities give persons reasons to love them. Celebrities surprise fans because these stars like seeing the fans happy and see the excitement they have when meeting them. Fans like celebrities because at times these famous people inspire people to do big things in life and also because fans might think that the actor or actress are good at ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Great Betrayal By Modi And The Bjp The Great Betrayal Act by Modi and the BJP is slowly but steadily unfolding. Credibility is rapidly diminishing amongst majority of his followers, admirers, supporters and sympathizers. By aggressive speech making during poll campaigning, Modi had endeared himself to the Aam Aadmi , particularly sections of the Middle Class, by raising Great Expectations and hopes among them by Ache Din Aane Wale Hain slogan. Modi s high decibel campaign promises included: Good Governance Simple and Smart governance through transparency ; stemming the rot corruption, particularly in high places; controlling price rise and inflation; upholding dignity and self respect of women; countering LoC violations and terror acts firmly; and many others like One Rank One Pension etc., reduced to print in the BJPs 2014 Election manifesto. A brief review of happenings during the last two months of Modi s governance provide clear signals on what to expect in posterity. Transparency is the foremost pre requisite for Good Governance Simple and Smart governance. Modi has also retracted into what was derisively hailed during the UPA rule as Man Mohan Singh silent mode. After becoming PM, Modi has insulated himself from the media glare. Even on the social media network, he is no longer as aggressive and communicative on key issues as he was during the pre election orchestra. Why is Modi sulking away from media glare? Is he afraid to face the media and answer questions on various key issues? ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Financial Statements And Evaluating A Corporation Essay Using Financial Statements to evaluate a corporation The basic financial statements are the primary means for providing information of the company and are prepared from the balances of the accounting records of the company at a given date. Classification and summary of accounting data are properly structured financial statements. These are Income Statement, Accounting Profit, Economic Profit, and Balance sheet. The main objectives of financial statements are to help managers of an organization to determine whether decisions about funding were most appropriate, and thus determine the future of investments. Understand the elements that can be used to compare financial ratios and different analysis techniques that can be applied within a company. Describe some of the measures that should be considered for decision making and alternative solutions to the various problems affecting the company, and help planning the direction of investments made by the organization. Using the most common reasons to analyze liquidity and activity of a company. Analyze the relationship between debt and financial leverage presenting the financial statements. Assess profitability. Determine the position held by the company in the competitive market in which it operates. Provide employees with enough information they need to keep them informed about the situation under which the company works. Financial statements are very useful to compare the current status of different companies in the market. By ... Get more on ...
  • 11. A World Of Books By Borges Disorder In A World of Books In Borges s Ficciones, it is evident that Borges knew a lot about science and scientific writing and writers. How we as readers know that, is by way of his writing. In his writing he demonstrates that scientific knowledge by incorporating some aspects in his stories. One of the biggest scientific ideas that are seen throughout his stories is the idea of entropy. Entropy, in its simplest definition is defined as, disorder whether it is in society or anywhere else in the universe. This concept of entropy plays a huge role in many of the stories; it is a critical concept, without it many of those stories would no longer have their intended meaning. So in this essay we are going to go in more depth and find out what entropy it really is, as well as look at how it is used as a basis for some of the stories by Borges. As expressed before, Borges makes this vast knowledge of scientific knowledge known in his writing. In his stories Borges also demonstrates his understanding of the laws of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is the branch of physical science that deals with the relationship between heat and other forms of energy such as mechanical, electrical, or chemical energy. In physics, according to the second law of thermodynamics, the total amount of entropy system will never decrease because the system will try to strike a balance of Thermal equilibrium or in other words, it will always find a way to go back to order/peace. The systems that ... Get more on ...
  • 12. An Analysis Of Ernest Hemingway s The Short Happy Life... Ernest Hemingway has long been known for his two heroes in his writing. The hero who is a weak, pathetic individual who is often lost physically and mentally, and the code hero who usually shows grace under pressure and helps the Hemingway hero find his place. These two heroes often come together in a relationship where the code hero is the teacher who initiates the Hemingway hero into the code. Ernest Hemingways short story, The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber, is the quintessential example of Hemingway s heroes. In The Short Happy life of Francis Macomber, Macomber has flown to Africa for his most recent hunting endeavor. He is accompanied by his wife, Margot Macomber. The Macombers are staying with Robert Wilson, a... Show more content on ... She simply doesn t care what her husband thinks because she knows he will not leave her. This can clearly be seen when she returns home to the tent and is simply too tired to talk to Francis about the night. The repeated used of the words too tired is an indication that the manly Wilson did a good job with Margot. All of Francis Macomber s cowardice would disappear however; on the buffalo hunt. The morning of the hunt had arrived and Macomber was ready. The minutes of the actual attack were over before Macomber knew it. The car saw the buffalo, he and Wilson got out, and the shooting began. Once the three buffalo were down Macomber felt a drunken elation. He immediately said to Wilson, Let s go to the car, I want a drink. This is the climax in Macomber s becoming a man. Early on in the story Macomber was satisfied with a gimlet, but now he wants to celebrate with whisky, a true man s drink. Macomber repeatedly says, let s have a drink, lets have a drink. He had never felt so good in his entire life. True symbolism occurs when the men find out that the first buffalo, the one Macomber shot, isn t actually dead. I think Hemingway did this as a second chance for the lion incident. Now; however, ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Social Inequality In Australia Essay Colonisation, social inequality and healthy lives Aside from unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and substance use are also parts of unhealthy lives in aboriginal Australians that predominantly leading to increased disease burden (PГ©loquin, Doering, Alley Rebar, 2017). In 2012 2013, only 38% of Aboriginal adults in urban area had sufficient physical activity that met the health guideline recommendation (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2014). Factors that impact physical activity include colonisation and low socio economic status caused by colonisation among aboriginal Australians (Macniven et al., 2016). As mentioned previously, aboriginal Australians lived in hunter gatherer lifestyles that required them to have sufficient physical activity, nevertheless, with the process of colonisation and urbanisation, most aboriginal people are grown in urban area where the traditional activity of hunting and gathering are disrupted (Nelson, Abbott Macdonald,... Show more content on ... Aboriginal Australians are socially excluded and experience racism, restricted access to social, educational and economic resources due to colonisation and disadvantaged policies, which significantly impact their capability of living healthy lives (Shepherd, Li, Cooper, Hopkins Farrant, 2017). In 2017, the study of investigating the barriers of physical activity among Aboriginal Australians concluded that the safe neighbourhood is an influential factor of physical activity (PГ©loquin et al., 2017). Many Aboriginal Australians who have low socio economic status live in unsafe and inconvenient community; or some of them live in the neighbourhood that discriminates aboriginal people tend to have lower level of physical activity (Hunt, Marshall Jenkins, 2008; PГ©loquin et al., ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Trademark Infringement Essay Trademark infringement is a growing concern to businesses that has caused disruptions in both local and international trade. Infringement is the violation of intellectual property rights in which violators take organizations/individuals ideas (trademark) and market them as their own. Another form of intellectual propertyis copyrightthat protects people s creating expressions. In the case of infringement and copyrights, the accuser can file a claim against the alleged group/individual for using their trademarkor ideas. If they are convicted then they ll be required to pay reimbursements for damages caused or losses incurred, prohibit further infringement actions, and recall all products that were produced, but there is a loop hole in this... Show more content on ... The other way would be excluded to claim of unintentional action has a liable excuse all together. The issues concerning infringement and copyright isn t just a problem here in the U.S., but international as well. The only difference being that it is harder to enforce these rules and regulations and to resolve these issues when each country has their own. Although there are standards that are enforced by most industrialized nations there are no fully international property rights and countries don t always interpret and enforce intellectual property right with the same standards. This problem could be addressed by setting international rules and regulations that could be used to address more of specific issues then the basics that are covered in the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Also, the establishment of an international system for protecting intellectual property that would manage and enforce these regulations in each ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Due Dilligence Executive Summary The purpose of this report, commissioned by Mr Jim Dickie, is to analyse and answer all discussion questions relating to the case New Modes of Trade Finance , which describes the current position of Palate Able Delights (PAD), a niche retailer of various high end food products, who plans to begin assessing various markets for the commencement of exporting its food products, which it has no experience in. Consideration was to be given to the applicability of non traditional online and offline payment and trade finance methods (such as those offered by PayPal and UPS), open account terms and more stringent, traditional finance methods such as documentary letters of credit. After careful analysis of the circumstances ... Show more content on ... Although PAD is interested in trading on open account terms by far the riskiest for exporters (FITT, 2008), presumably for the potential of greater sales, the risks are somewhat difficult to justify. Specifically, PAD s a niche business offering high end, gourmet products not a commodity type product attempting to enter a saturated market. As such, while open terms, given their prevalence, may be necessary in markets where competition is high and entry to them is deemed strategically significant, PAD likely commands some level of market pull (demand) in most markets. This suggests that PAD s assumption of the substantial risks associated with open account terms is somewhat unnecessary and, given its high margins and assumed ability to absorb some additional costs, it should opt for a greater level of security. This is especially so for small, perhaps one time customers, with order values of say, under $2,000. Here, non traditional payment systems such as PayPal or credit card facilities are more appropriate than the complex and time consuming traditional payment types. Furthermore, these methods would typically involve payment in advance, providing PAD with a high level of ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Piaget Observation Paper The purpose of this paper is to use the habituation technique in young infants to evaluate one hypothesis derived from Piaget s theory of cognitive development. I will compare 5 months old s in a task that involves possible and impossible outcomes. Piaget s theory specifies the cognitive competencies of children of this age. 1a. During the sensorimotor stage children experience the world around them differently than how older people do, this of course this can be seen by observing the way in which children gather and process new information that is within their grasp. What the sensorimotor stage does is bring about the five senses into play, children that are just below the age of two years would use most of their five senses. These children... Show more content on ... 2a. Habituation is the way in which people respond to things are after constant repetition. What this means is the way in which people respond is the exact same way in which people get over a new hit single, or trend. After constant simulating repetition of the response of a person to said thing would decrease, meaning they pay less mind to what is being shown, told or given. Dishabituation is basically the opposite of habituation in the sense that instead of unable to not have a decrease in response to a stimulation that repeats, it is when after the person has undergone habituation he/she would come to go back to the way they were. What this means is that if a person goes through habituation, they would revert back as if they had never gone through habituation in the first place, and in turn would come to have the same response that they had undergone when they were first stimulated by whatever they were shown or given. Habituation helps researchers study the cognitive process in infants by allowing them to monitor and measure exactly at what age is an infant able to thoroughly process information and how fast is said infant able to learn it. Which in turn allows these researchers to know exactly how the child would learn to respond after constant stimulation. Take into mind for instance a 5 month old child, the child would be playing peek a boo with his/her mother, at first glance the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Preventive Maintenance When an individual purchases a new car the person is encouraged to have regular checkups done on the car. Regular checkups is recommended so one can save money down the line but more importantly keep the car running good for as long as you have it. The instructions they are possibly given tells them when the car should be serviced. When you hit 3000 miles make sure the oil is changed and when you reach 10,000 miles you should bring the car in to be full serviced. During the full service they will check things such as the brakes, wipers, oil, and tires. These checkups are known as preventive maintenance. The preventive maintenance can help prevent any major problems on the car. Like a car it is important for an up and coming minister to conduct... Show more content on ... Sandra Comerie Smith lectured on Pastoral and Spiritual formation in global setting. During the lecture she gave several key points. There was one particular one that stood out to me. Rev. Smith said, Sometimes as Christians we are not ready to face the full impact of what is happening in the world. To be mental fit for ministry in a global setting one must possess a healthy and strong mind that allows us to handle the challenges and opportunities that life puts in from of you. With the new administration in place in Washington D.C. we are facing many challenges. The challenges of discrimination, the challenge of seeing a family separated as a result of deportation, and the challenge of individuals losing health coverage. With the new issues arising people will look to the church for direction. When this happens we must be mentally prepared to minister to the fear people are experiencing. Ronald E, Peters says, Urban ministry must also reflect the potential love as the most effective alternative to fear. As leaders we must demonstrate the heart of compassion to show the love people need in such a time as this. The best way we can be mentally fit to demonstrate the love of God is through self care. As leaders we need to manage our situation better to prevent possible burn out. When we don t take time out to equip ourselves mentally it would be difficult to help others through their ordeal. The plenary reminded me the importance of self care to help keep me prepared for my Jonah ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Middle Adulthood Essay quot;Middle age is when your classmates are so old and wrinkled and bald, they don t recognize you quot;. Bennett Cerf nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Middle adulthood begins at the age of 40 60. This is a time when you can t believe where the time went. It seems like just yesterday you were graduating from college, got married, and had children. Your children are now approaching young adulthood, pushing you into the next stage of life, middle adulthood. You look in the mirror and all the signs of middle age are starting to set in. You notice wrinkles, gray hair, flabby skin and you re having trouble reading the menu. You begin to reassess you life. Are you happy with what you have accomplished in life so far? Do you have good family... Show more content on ... Particularly women, begin to interpret these changes in a negative way. Some view themselves as sexually unattractive. Men, on the other hand, don t seem to be as concerned about their physical appearance, since society has placed much of the physical importance on the women. This is a time where we need to accept these failings and move towards more important issues. This is also a time when men and women become more health conscious. We all know of the major diseases that cause premature deaths during middle adulthood, such as cancer and heart disease. When you re a young adult, you don t think about these health issues as you would during middle adulthood. There is more of a concern to take better care of our health, such as heathy diets, cardiovascular activity, resistance training, and not smoking. We might be better prepared for later adulthood, if we lead a healthy lifestyle. We start to realize our mortality. As most people live to be about 85, we realize that at 40, we re almost half way there. nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;During this time, there may be turmoil in the family, marital distress, and general dissatisfaction with our lives. Many people during this time go through what we call the quot;mid life crisis quot;. A mid life crisis may be caused by many different issues. During the early 30 s, the woman s primary duty is child rearing and may also be pursuing a career. Most men focus on ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Contributions Of The Renaissance Period In The 14th... During the 14th century, Europe experienced famine, disease, death and major changes within the church and papacy. Kingdoms consolidated and the influence the Pope held over politics waned. Amid these crises, the people galvanized and made major advancements in what would come to be known as the Renaissance period. In 1301 King Philip IV ruled the Holy Roman empire in southern France. He employed civil servants rather than barons to govern, breaking away from the feudal system that had been in place and leading the county towards centralized administration. A feud between Phillip and Pope Boniface VII would lead to the French control of the papacy when the seat of power was moved to Avignon. After the conviction of a papal legate at the beginning of the century, Pope Boniface VII urged Phillip to give the Papacy jurisdiction over spiritual rule, espousing the notion that the papacy was meant to govern kings and that churchmen were to be held accountable to church courts rather than the royal court. Boniface also asserted that church funds were not to be used for state purposes. This began a running conflict between the King, who wanted total control, and the pope. After the death of Boniface s successor, French pope Clement V was elected. Clement decided to remain in France and held court in Avignon. Seven French popesreigned there until pope Gregory XI finally returned to Rome. The tension between the papacy and the kings of England and France was a recurrent theme ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Baseball History Essay Smith 1 Smith, Drew Mrs. Finkenbinder 7th grade english 12 May 2017 Baseball is a very fascinating sport; it has evolved over the past 150 years! Baseball is fascinating in many ways like the history, the rules of the game, the World Series, MLB draft and baseball heroes! The history is very interesting! The game was invented in 1839 by Doubleday! He invented it in New York! He made a diamond and made up positions and rules! When it was first invented they would catch of the bounce and that s how they could get out! The rules of the game are simple if you don t over think them! The pitcher throws the ball to the catcher. If the batter hits the ball he can run as far as he wants to without him getting out! If someone on defense catches the ... Show more content on ... The New York Yankees are a very good team with 10,100 games that they have won and they hold the most World Series wins with 26 wins under their franchise! Now many people may not think that s a lot of wins in the World Series, but that s Smith 3 a lot considering it s the 2 best teams out of 30 teams! The Oakland Athletics manager ( Bob Melvin) has a total of 3,755 career wins under his belt! A very good pitcher by the name of Nolan Ryan has played 27 seasons in the MLB with a career total of 5,714 home runs and 18 no hitters in those 27 seasons! Some awards are the MVP, it is awarded to the best player the M stands for most and the V stands for Valuable and the P stands for player, The Most Valuable Player! Some others are the Cy Young award which is awarded to the best pitcher in the MLB! Roger Clemens has the Cy Young awards with a total of 7 awards! The Hall Of Fame is a very hard thing to get into! There is one in all sports! Some modern day players are going to be in it one day! Mike Trout, Madison Bumgarner is another astonishing player! C Thurmon ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Love and Rob Essays Remembering Rumblefish Rob Sheffield is former radio D. J., as well as an editor and columnist for the Rolling Stones magazine. He stumbled upon a mix tape titled Rumblefish with no songs written on it. At first he referred to it as just another piece of useless junk that Renee left behind (Sheffield 643). Renee was his wife whom passed away after they were married for only five years. So as he listens through the tape, he finds himself re living and relieving the memory of his life with his much loved wife; and each song is related with bittersweet memories. And so he drowns and looses himself into the mix tape. Thinking back, there were many where I did just that. I would spend hours composing remix tapes and much thoughts ... Show more content on ... Rob has been a music journalist for over twenty years; his writing career began back in the days with Renee. He referred to them as we were rock critics, freelancing for the Village Voice and Spin Option. (Sheffield 648). They also DJ for their independent radio station and when they are not working they would flip through vinyl records in music stores, listened to a lot of new songs and wrote about them as fast as they could to meet the demand of the music mainstream. Since then, Rob continues to write about music, TV and pop culture. Love is a MIX Tape: Life and Loss, One Song at a Time, is the national bestseller that was he published in 2007 and has been translated into more than 7 different languages. Rumblefish is an excerpt from that book and you can listen to all the tracks he referred to in the essay at (Sheffield). He recently just finished his newest book, titled Talking to Girls about Duran Duran, which is also a memoir about music. Rumblefish mix tape was composed back in 1993, when the 90 s was exploding with pop culture. Bands that was too weird, too feminist, too rough for the mainstream a year earlier was suddenly were the mainstream (Sheffield 648). Nirvana, John Travolta, 90210, R.E.M., Whitney Houston, Pearl Jam, Pavement; punk music and the alternatives were the new ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Pros And Cons Of High School Athletes Athletes Yes or No There has been many occasions where high school teachers have to make a hard decision when an athlete is failing, what should they do. I believe that no high school athlete deserves any help from their teachers in order to play. They should be able to complete the circumstances needed in school if they truly wanted to play the sport these athletes are in. If this idea was allowed in high schoolwhat will happen to these kids later on in life like in college, will they be able to accomplish the goals at that point when it matters most? Many high schools and teachers don t realize the damage they can do to these athletes if they do give them those couple extra points to play. According to a website, Any student should have good grades to play sports. Even if you are a great athlete, you will probably not get a full athletic scholarship. Having good grades can lessen your stress about affording college ( ). In this case, what teachers don t know is not only are they making that athlete happy to play, but at the same time you are hurting that person for future references, when later in their future college sees the kind of grades that athlete is getting he may not be the kind of fit for whichever school that may be. Overall any student that has failed a class and is not able to play that athlete shouldn t be able to play at all. If an athlete is not able to be responsible to keep his grades up what makes a coach think that he can be ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Theme Of Phony In Catcher In The Rye In the novel The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger shows through Holden Caulfield how people cannot help being phony and fake, no matter how diligently they try. Phoniness cannot be overcome by any man, including Holden, even though he loathes people who are phony and do not speak their true mind. In search for a solution, Holden hid from the real world and felt extreme loneliness, and he broke down because he wanted the impossible. J.D. Salinger shows the lack of connection between people, especially during times of trauma and depression through Holden s obsession with the phoniness of the world, which leads Holden down a dark path because there is no way to keep the world or people in general in a state of innocence. In the novel, phoniness is recounted as when things are fake and unrealistic and when people do not speak their true mind. Holden believes that everyone and most things, but himself, are phony. Holden thought that at his old school, Elkton Hills, he was, Surrounded by phonies, (pg 17). He remembered Mr. Haas, a man who worked at Elkton Hills, as, The phoniest bastard [he] ever met in [his] life, (pg 17) because he, Went around shaking hands with everybody s parents [...] except if some boy had old funny looking parents [...] then old Haas would just shake hands with them and give them a phony smile and then he d go talk [...] with somebody else s parents, (pg 17). It drove [him] crazy, (pg 17) and he wished that Elkton Hills did not have as much ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Family Medicine And Family Practice There are many misunderstandings where people mistakenly think that family medicine and family practice are the same thing, but they are undoubtedly wrong. According to Brown, family medicine is the academic discipline, composed of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Family practice is the application of that knowledge in a system of medical care (Brown, 1979). Dr. Lynn Carmichael also stated that, an important component in the definition of the family physicianis that he has a tenured relationship in which the doctor and the family members have mutually agreed upon obligations. No other physician has this unwritten contract with patients of all ages and with the whole family (Brown, 1979). In other words, family practice consists of family medicine, but family medicine does not consists of family practice. This is what makes family physicians unique from other physicians. They have their own bond with the patients without having to having to have some kind of written contract. It gives the patients time to understand and get to know the physician and have an actual conversation. Whereas for other physicians there is a tendency where the physician is having a one way conversation where the physician is only talking to the patient and the patient is just listening. Family physicians are distinctively educated to care for you as a whole person, apart from age or sex. They diagnose and treat critical and chronic diseases and illnesses and provide patients with monotonous ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Icr Department Case Study The process of ordering at the Bruce W. Carter Veterans Administration Hospital Affairs (VA) begins with the Purchasing Agent (PA). The PA places orders on the approved vendor website (, based on the needs stated by the Ingredient Control Room (ICR) Worker on the ingredient log. There currently is no forecast tool used, the ICR worker does have par levels that need to be fulfilled. Orders are place on Wednesday to be received on Friday and on Fridays to be received on Monday. The ICR worker twice a week accounts for items needed on the days the orders will be placed and the days after as well. The inventory of the items are placed in a log and a full department inventory is done at the end of every month. (In person communication, E. Aponte, January 30th, 2017) The order usually arrives on the loading dock from 5:30 am to 7:00 am, if the driver is gonna be any later than that the driver must notify the ICR worker. The Driver brings the item from the loading dock to the second floor where they are received by the ICR worker. As this is happening the ICR worker is taking recently arrived items either to the tray line or the prepping station as needed. Before the driver heads out the ICR worker does a... Show more content on ... All items must be labeled with item name and date received. First in and First out is the expectation and that is how items must be stocked at all times. The ICR has a maximum of 4 hours to stock all items, however it is prefered that items are stocked before 2 hours to preserve composition of items. Items that go in first are the freezer items this items are stored at a maximum of 10F. The second items will be the refrigerator items which are stored at a maximum of 41F. Lastly the dry goods are stored and must be stored in the dry storage area of the ICR at a maximum of 70F and a minimum of 50F. (Proper Storage Temperatures for USDA Commodities, ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Animal Adoption Research Paper Almost everyone wants to own their own pets, but not everyone goes the right way to own one. Millions of pets around the world in shelters are being put down due to no one wanting to adopt them. Over the years, adoption has been promoted as a better option instead of buying pets, nevertheless, people still buys over adoption. The reason is probably because people do not the benefits of adoption and the harm it causes to buying pets. Sheltered animals are those who have been either abandoned or abused. In some shelters, pets have a time limit on their life and they get euthanized when they do not get adopted in a specific time frame. The reason for euthanizing the animals was because space issues. This issue could easily be solved by adoption. ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Proposed Changes Of Leases And Their Recognition On The... The proposed changes regarding leases and their recognition on the balance sheet, has been released in an exposure draft ED 242 by Australian Accounting Standards Board, otherwise referred to as AASB. The purpose of these proposed changes aims to bring transparency and accountability to these reports prepared by Australian companies. Leasing is a means of gaining access to assets, of obtaining finance, and of reducing an entity s exposure to the risks of asset ownership. (AASB Exposure Draft, 2013). This means provides investors with a clearer insight into the overall picture of a company s assets and liabilities. Originally the standards set out by the AASB, were criticized as they failed in providing investors with a faithful... Show more content on ... These factors are insuring that companies are accountable and that the information they provide to their investors is accurate and transparent. Accountability is the obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent manner. It also includes the responsibility for money or other entrusted property. (, 2015). A company is obligated to provide accurate information to their investors, as they are shareholders in the company and thus hold an interest. This information is provided to these investors by these companies preparing General Purpose Financial Reporting (GPFR). These reports contain information such as Profit and Loss Statement, and the Balance Sheet. This Balance sheet depicts the company s assets and liabilities, which determine the liquidity of a company for that period in time. Transparency is needed when it comes to the interaction between investors and these companies. The information contained in these GPFR must be in a form that investors can simply understand. The information presented must disclose all relevant details regarding the companies financial position. Transparency is minimum degree of disclosure to which agreements, dealings, practices, and transactions are open to all for verification. (, 2015). In the old standards ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Summary Of The Night Room Of Mirrors He tried to remain calm, but a panic was taking hold of Jim at his very core. Susan and her safety played on his mind, regardless of the danger he was currently facing. Jim shook his head back and forth as a means of clearing away the mental fog. He refused to remain trapped in an inescapable room of mirrors. Looking up to the mirror he happened to be facing, Jim took a moment to steel himself. A few deep breaths prepared him for his next move, which was sure to be a smashing one. He jumped up and down on the spot a few times and then barreled forward with one shoulder out front in a football tackle stance. The collision with the mirror was harder than he expected it to be, but the twinkling sound of smashed glass was exactly as he imagined. He felt a few small shards cut his exposed face and neck, but nothing serious enough to end his search. Having made it through the glass, Jim dragged his heels to slow his momentum and come to a complete stop. There was another long hallway behind the smashed mirror as though a door was meant to be in place of the mirror all along. It did not take long for Jim to decide between staying in the hall of mirrors or chancing the contents of the hallway extended before him. He was soon jogging down a carpeted corridor toward the next room of carnage and oddities. Susan... I can ignore everything else so long as I focus on Susan... Suddenly, a giant black form swooped down in front of Jim and connected with his face. No! Jim screamed ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Opioid Agonists Effects of opioids on the gastrointestinal tract Dona Pham1, Annie Hua1 and Cindy Kaing1 1 BP311 B, School of Medical Sciences, RMIT University. Background and Aims: Opioid agonists, such as morphine and codeine, causes a reduction in acetylcholine (ACh) release from presynaptic ganglionic nerves. It is reported that tolerance develops following prolonged exposure to these drugs. The aim was to compare two opiate agonists and investigate the effects of opioid antagonist (naloxone) on morphine. This study also examines whether or not prolonged exposure to morphine results in the development of tolerance. Methods: A guinea pig ileum was suspended in an organ bath and superfused with oxygenated, physiological salt solution. The twitch height changes were recorded using LabChart. Cumulative concentration response curves (CRC) were constructed for codeine and morphine using bath concentrations between 10 6 M to 10 4 M and between 10 8 M to 10 5 M, respectively. Naloxone (10 7 M) was added before the experiment and after the first morphine CRC. Tissue desensitisation was performed for morphine (5x10 6 M) while the effects of naloxone (10 7 M) on morphine were observed. ... Show more content on ... The twitch responses for codeine ( 21.16% at 10 5 M) were lower than those in morphine ( 89.08% at 10 5 M). The electrically induced ACh release decreased in both opioid agonists, thus decreases twitch responses. Following tissue desensitisation with morphine, the twitch responses decreased with increasing concentrations, from 18.66% at 10 8 M to 8.33% M at 10 5 M. The change in twitch height of naloxone decreased from the beginning of the experiment ( 5.16%) to the end of the morphine CRC ( 4.25%). In the presence of naloxone, however, there is no twitch height change detected as morphine concentration ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Key Factors Of Employee Engagement 1 INTRODUCTION A key factor of an organization is its employees. Human resource professionals are facing problems in retaining employees for long period in attaining organization growth and success. HR professionals are in search of secrets on what and how to make employees commit themselves to their work and organization mentally, physically and emotionally in achieving long termgoals. Engaged is the term, used when employees dedicate themselves mentally, physically and emotionally to their work and organization in achieving long term goals. Engaged employees are assets to an organization. Employee engagement concept has been found in all organizations in present scenario and it plays a vital role in organization performance. Employee engagement is the mode by which an organization can develop a strong relationship between the organization and its employees. Employees should fully ... Show more content on ... Author has given some selected definitions of employee engagement as below. William kahn(1990), in his much cited paper, described an employee s personal engagement as the harnessing of organization members selves to their work roles; in engagement, people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during role performances . N.P.Rothbard (2001) defined engagement as a psychological presence with two key mechanism, attention and absorption . Gallup Organization (2004), Gallup organization defined engaged employees as those who, work with a passion and feel a profound connection to their company and drive innovation and move the organization forward in his book First, Break all the rules . Gallup also described that Employee engagement is the involvement with enthusiasm for ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Climate Change Climate change: Climate change is one of a larger set of large scale environmental changes occurring in today s world. Climate change affects the social and environmental determinants of health clean air, safe drinking water, sufficient food and secure shelter. Over the last 50 years, Human activities particularly the burning fossil fuels have released sufficient quantities of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to trap additional heat in the lower atmosphere and affect the global climate. Sea levels are rising, glaciers are melting and precipitation patterns are changing Extreme weather events are becoming more intense and frequent. climate change, together with other characteristic and human made health stressors, impacts human health and sickness from various perspectives. Some current health dangers will strengthen and new health dangers will develop. Not every person is similarly in danger. Vital consideration incorporate age, monetary assets, and area. In the U.S., general health can be influenced by interruptions of physical, natural, and biological frameworks, including unsettling influences beginning here and somewhere else. The health impacts of these interruptions incorporate expanded respiratory and cardiovascular ailment, wounds and unexpected losses identified with outrageous climate occasions, changes in the commonness and topographical conveyance of nourishment and water borne ailments and different irresistible maladies, and dangers to emotional ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave tells the story of Frederick Douglass and his journey to freedom. Throughout the narrative Douglass presents his experiences through the eyes of a slave and how these experiences were the main reason for his acquired freedom. Each part of his transformation into a free, educated man always involved a set of opportunities that allowed him to ultimately be able to write this historical narrative. In the narrative, Douglass never fails to mention the great impact that getting an education had on his life and tributes his education to everything other great thing that happened after he became educated. However, being educated included going through several trials that allowed Douglass to reach his ultimate goal of being a free man. Even though Douglass attributes his success to his education, he also mentions that under slightly different circumstances, he would have never achieved what he did. This means that the education he strived for and eventually received, would be worthless without the steps he took to acquire it. Each of the events and situations that Douglass came upon had their own special purpose in helping him become the prominent writer and orator he is known for being. Born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, Douglass begins the narrative by telling us what he does not know. I have no accurate knowledge of my age, he writes. He does not know his father s ... Get more on ...
  • 33. My First Time Driving Out Of The City Of Denver As I slept I hear my alarm going off and I excitedly jump out of bed. It is only 4:00 am and the sky is still dark. It is August 20, 2015 and I am double checking everything. This is my first time driving out of the city of Dallas by myself. I am on my way to a new journey, I am moving to Houston. I had only been to Houstontwice and both times I was there only for a day so I never got to see the city. That was about to change because now I will be living there. I did one big sweep of my house to make sure I had everything I would need for my drive. Only thing I could think about was This is it Brianna, you will be in Houston in a few hours . I typed in my destination in my GPS and I pulled out my mother s drive way. As I started driving thoughts enter my mind as this is a very big deal. I could not stop smiling. Not only was this my first big drive, it was my first big move on my own. I was moving to Houston for graduate, where I would be staying in my first apartment. I could not believe it was happening, it seem as if I have waited forever for this moment. As I was driving down the highway in the dark not knowing really where I was going, I was still at peace because I knew this was something wonderful. I could not even think about the fact that I had only got three hours of sleep the night before. Normally I would have been tired and drained but today I was full of life and energy. The excitement had taking over me. Driving down the highway with the windows rolled ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Bear s Game Analysis Bear s fans starts to get excited every year around this time, but this year is different. Chicago has put together an offense with several threats at every skilled position. The receivers have an excellent opportunity to put together a duo, if not a trio that could easily lead the NFC. The back field is shaping up like it will be a force of its own to be dealt with by opposing defenses. And at quarterback, well, let s just say Cutler will have no excuses this year. Before you go on a rant commenting about reading a similar article to this each of the previous two summers, let me explain just why this season is different. Chicago s got good glue this year. Everyone knows that the offensive line is what holds the offense together and the Bears ... Show more content on ... He says that he has never had this much confidence in his ability to make a difference in every play that he is a part of. He has invested both time and effort increasing his speed and improving his footwork which will provide him a second step down field to drive back anyone on the other side of the line. Each week, we has put his focus and attention on a single aspect, which will lead to him being an all around more productive member of the line. He has also spent hours every day in both the kitchen and weight room gaining over 20 pounds. In an effort to create more competition at every spot on the line, Chicago has made some moves this year, including signing Ted Larson. He brings a lot of experience with him, starting in all 16 games 4 of his 6 seasons. He has spent quality time at each of the three interior line positions, adding strength wherever the Bears will need it most. Bobby Massie will also be playing his first season in Chicago. He has started in 46 games over the last 4 seasons, all of which were at the right tackle position. Last season he played a huge role on an offensive line which only allowed 27 sacks and accumulated well over 4,000 yards through the air. Chicago has also acquired several rookies through the draft, all giving whatever it takes, trying to be an ingredient of this year s offensive ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Du Dubois Analysis As a post civil rights baby, Chance the Rapper s political consciousness and the has been framed in various ways, largely contributing to his artistic works and approach to social activism. As a recipient of the labor gains made after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, his middle class upbringing created a political framework for him to assess the conditions of black Chicagoans who are marginalized. Specifically, as the son of Ken Williams Bennett, deputy chief of staff to current mayor of the city, Rahm Emmanuel. Additionally, as a part of the second wave of the Hip Hop generation, the sociopolitical and rebellious nature of the rap music, particularly Chicago based artists, Brother Mike Hawkins and his now mentor Kanye West, proved the power of... Show more content on ... 557). Although Chance is not a poet in rigid terms, rap music is a direct extension of poetic traditions; a craft that he mastered while attending art programs, which educated him on the power of the written word. This training helped him to become a respected lyricist, proven by the request for him to eulogize the late boxing legend, Muhammad Ali; an invite that most rappers will never receive (Austen). He has also been hailed as the most celebrated rapper of 2016 and heir to Kanye West and Kendrick Lamar (Austen). This confirms the care and preparation (he spent five hours recording a verse) that goes into Chance s lyrical contributions and the high level he operates on(Austen). More importantly, his nonprofit, SocialWorks, which empowers youth through arts, education and civic engagement uses the OpenMike imitative, to offer an opportunity for youth to craft their lyrical skills (SocialWorks). Named in memory of his mentor, Mike Hawkins, this resource conjures up the emotional wealth that DuBois speaks of because it allows for minority youth, who come from the most blighted neighborhoods in Chicago, to express their experiences openly. These young people have suffered through the death of friends, racism, sexual trauma and various other challenges that youth in harsh inner cities face. Therefore, Chance uses his career to recognize the strength within his narrative, but his young supporters, allowing them to share their stories through music, bringing forth a louder voice to the most vulnerably ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Mission Elements Of Mission Command Essay Reflection of Mission Command Mission Command is one of the foundations of Unified Land Operations that uses a philosophy, a methodology executed throughout the authority and direction of the commander using mission command warfighting functions that incorporated mutually supported task that is enable by a mission command systems. This paper will provide my reflection about mission command, and how I will incorporate principles of mission command such as build cohesive teams through mutual trust, create share understanding, provide guidance of Commander s intent which will inspire self discipline, produce mission order, accept prudent risk, and exercise discipline initiative in my philosophy in future assignments as a Sergeant Major. Build Cohesive Team/s What better way to motivated troops, what better way to get cooperation, mutual respect, and sense of pride than creating cohesive teams. As their Senior Enlisted Advisor, I need to consider a key ingredient that it is essential to have a good cohesive team and that is trust. Without trust, anything else related to mission command or look for cooperation to support the commander s intent will be irrelevant. To earn the troops trust I must realize that everybody is human and it is ok to make mistakes, and that is how we grow and learn, I must give all the troops the tools to succeed, and to understand that there will be challenges and blockages that might prevent to meet the Commander s intent. By being a ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Greene Jewelry s Jewelry For Wrongful Termination,... Issue: Greene Jewelry is suing former employee Jennifer Lawson, a junior executive secretary for three years, assigned to work within the research and development department, for breach of confidentiality agreement. Jennifer Lawson is countersuing Greene s Jewelry for wrongful termination, pregnancy and gender discrimination and breach of contract. Facts: Greene s Jewelry primary asset is its patented process for creating a material called Ever Gold, which is used in the making of jewelry. The company is based in Derry, New Hampshire, which currently owns a warehouse and two storefronts and employs 502 personnel. Jennifer Lawson was deemed as a professional, articulate, diligent and skilled worker; with the exception of routine tardiness, receives high marks on annual reviews. Jennifer Lawson as well as other junior executive secretaries are terminated due to downsizing. In a wrongful termination case, the terminated employee must prove more than having been treated unfairly, s/he must be able to prove one or more of his/her legal rights were violated (Wrongful Termination Website, 2011). Employees in many states are at a disadvantage, possessing few rights, because of the employment at will rule, meaning employers can fire employees at any time and for no reason at all, just like employees can quit any time and for any reason. This makes the definition of wrongful termination extremely narrow. The majority of terminated employees have no wrongful termination ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Critical Review on the Effets of Mass Media on Violent... CRITICAL REVIEW ON THE EFFECTS OF MASS MEDIA ON VIOLENT BEHAVIOUR TABLE OF CONTENT Cover PagePg 1 Table of Content Pg 2 Introduction Pg 3 Definitions Studies Aimed at Validating the Existence of a Correlation The Social Learning Theory The Narrative Theory Studies Aimed at Refuting Correlation Reciprocal Determinism Case Studies 4.1 Norway Massacre 4.2 Aurora Colorado Theatre Shooting 4.3 Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Conclusion References INTRODUCTION With the invention of television sets (TV s), came the invention of films and television programs to be shown on TV as well as the opportunity to broadcast live news stories. In modern day society, ... Show more content on ... The children in the first group displayed highly imitative behaviour (Artino 2006). The results of the Bobo Doll Experiment created a surge of interest into the possible correlation between media violence and violent behaviour. Meyers (2002) conducted a study on the effects of violent video games and violent television (T.V) programs on primary school boys. The school boys were divided into non violent and violent conditions; watching a violent or non violent T.V program, playing a violent or non violent video game or playing a game and watching a T.V program thereafter (Meyers 2002). The children then had to answer a questionnaire ,whereby they had to finish a sentence using a violent or non violent word, for example; I want to ___ the book (tear/read) (Meyers 2002, p. 17). The second test of violent behaviour was the placement of the children in identical conditions to the Bobo Doll Experiment . According to Meyers (2002), the children in the violent conditions portrayed more aggressive behaviour patterns than the boys in the non violent condition, the boys in the combined condition (playing a video game and watching a violent television program) had significantly higher aggression levels than those in any other condition. Research conducted by Saleem, Anderson and Gentile (2012), Bushman (1995) as well as Huesmann and Talyor (2006) focused on the effect ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Organ Donation Case Study Essay Organ Allocation Case Study: Correctional Healthcare Healthcare workers and the ethics board make tough decisions that impact the patient s future, especially related to organ allocation. Organ transplantation is extremely important in order to save lives, prolong survival, and increase the quality of life (Beyar, 2017). Each year the number of people on the waiting list continues to rise at an alarming rate. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, organ donation statistics show that more than 116,000 people are awaiting organs. The number has risen significantly every year (Health Resources Services Administration {HRSA}, 2016). In 2016, it was reported that approximately 41,335 organ donations were made, and ... Show more content on ... Mr. Rodriquez s health history is limited to hypertension. The second candidate, Mr. Smith, is an uninsured 59 year old on disability who has severe ischemic cardiomyopathy (causing systemic failure). His other medical history includes hypertension, renal insufficiency, alcohol abuse, and coronary artery disease that caused two previous myocardial infarctions. A person s age and their lifestyle can impact overall organ transplant success. Physiologic age impacts major organ systems such as the kidneys and other underlying medical problems (Eisen, 2017). Mr. Smith is 26 years older with declining health. On the other hand, Mr. Rodriquez is a healthy individual with mild hypertension. Physical inactivity can be associated with an increased risk of morbidity or worsening chronic disease and health conditions such as cardiovascular disease and congestive heart failure (Warren et al., 2010). According to the article from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), alcohol consumption plays a role in the development of heart failure. Excessive drinking leads to alcoholic cardiomyopathy (DjoussГ© Gaziano, 2008). Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is characterized by left ventricular dilation, increased left ventricular mass, and reduced or normal left ventricular wall thickness (DjoussГ© Gaziano, 2008). Mr. Smith s heavy consumption of alcohol may become detrimental to his heart, liver, and kidney function. His comorbidities and ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Floor Trading Floor trading is described as where traders or stockbrokers meet at a specific venue referred to as a trading floor or pit to buy and sell financial instruments using open outcry method to communicate with each other. These venues are typically stock or futures exchanges, where transactions are executed by members of the latter financial products using specific language or hand signals. During the 1980s and 1990s phone and electronic tradingreplaced physical floor trading in most exchanges around the world. Technologies for recording, displaying, and memorizing price data opened up ways of monitoring and analyzing market behavior which otherwise would not have been possible. The accelerated expansion of computer technologies was preceded and encouraged by regulatory involvement with data recording, generally understood as the continuation of a longer process of definitional transformations. This essay aims to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of ECN platform compared with the traditional, face to face... Show more content on ... By displaying only the price and size of an order, ECNs provide trader anonymity. Anonymity is potentially important for informed institutional investors, because less informed traders may attempt to copy their strategy. In addition, if other market participants can obtain prior or contemporaneous knowledge of transactions, they may attempt to trade before the institutional investors can complete their trades, a practice known as front running. In financial markets, any sort of front running or information leakage is a serious concern.Other, however, argue that this is one of the principal benefits of open outcry that traders can observe the behavior of other traders on the floor. For example, by noting whether other traders have large buy or sell positions, a trader can infer the future trading behavior of ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Organizational Culture and National Culture in... Abstract Multinational organizations are combinations of multicultural employees. Multicultural environments cause cultural shock among leaderships and employees. Organizational culture and national culture are significantly important in current marketing environment. Organizational culture mainly shows the value and the roles inside the organization. However, national culture is the directing of organizational culture and influence both leadership and employees deeply from their personal values. Furthermore, the relationship between organizational culture and national culture has impacts on leaderships, employees, job satisfaction as well as the commitment of employees to the organizations. This essay will discuss the issues above, and ... Show more content on ... For instance, Wallach (1983) viewes three perspectives of organizational culture, that is, innovative, supportive and bureaucratic. Martin (1992) identified three forms of organizational culture, including fragmentation, differentiation and integration. Goffee and Jones (1998) define four types of organizational cultures, which is communal, fragmented, mercenary and networked. However, in a company, individuals have personal values and beliefs as well as personal desires. On that account, the attitude of employees and commitment to the companies may result in diversity of achievements. National cultures also have some effects on the values, beliefs and personal desires. A variety of countries have multifarious national cultures, giving rise to a culture shock in multinational companies. Cross cultural research shows that significant differences exist in national culture characteristic between western and eastern cultures (Hofstede, 1980, 1991; El Kahal, 2001; Chen, 2001). For instance, it is widely known that bureaucratic traditional deep rooted culture and high power distance exist in Chinese companies (Pye, 1985; Chen, 2001). The management of firms in the west and east makes a world of difference. The reason for that is the distinction between the impact of national culture on individual worth and how individual worth adapts to the organizational culture. Furthermore, after organizations in Hong Kong are mostly in power by ethnic Chinese, the Chinese style high ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Unit 4 Health And Social Care Essay From many years caring industry suffers from many factors which providers, as well as managers, must challenge to run services smoothly and meet all current legislations. Especially to be on top of current requirements, everything must be recorded and documented which take lots of time for managers and put a strain on the care workers. Problems with funding which are cutting each year for care homes and community support reflect on staffing levels in the care homes. This lead that in some of the care homes there is no sufficient member of staff to provide safe care for residents. This information can be found in CQC reports. Not enough staff in care home also put the strain on carers with the workload. They need to provide safe and holistic care but also writes lots of reports about that like (daily logs, food and fluid chart, observation charts, behaviours chat and many others relevant documents. Where there is no sufficient staff employed the recording also suffer. This lead to not complying with CQC legislation. There is lots of information ... Show more content on ... I found that there are lots of companies offering electronic recording system like Care Docs Management System , Nourish . I spent lots of time to compare the systems to find out which one will be the best. I use a demo trial for some of them or arrange the meeting with the sale representative. I choose one of the systems which I thought will be perfect for our setting. I spoke with members of staff at the team meeting about to implement electronic system recording. We held a discussion about it and staff express their cons and pros. After the discussion I found that electronic system would be not beneficial for staff and us and in fact could even extend the time of recording rather than simplify all the process. The reason for not using the electronic system ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Sick Leave Scenarios A manager of a Human resources department should be able to approach this situation in a professional and caring manner. Since the situation of the probation and the ill infant is affecting the performance of the employee, the human resources manager could recommend the employee to request sick leave. It is important to know that the case is difficult since there is not medical provide that the child is ill since the family do not believe in those services, however, there could be a flexibility between the company and the employee since the company was aware of the religious situation. The employee will be able to take up to 13 days (104 hours) of sick leave for general family care and bereavement each leave year or up to 12 weeks (480 hours) of sick leave to care for a family member with a serious health condition each leave year . If the situation continues after the sick leave, the company could take another actions in the process of intervention. In the aspect of preventing issues like this as an organization, the company should have good information about their ... Show more content on ... The manager should be able to perform a management counseling that it is the process of giving employees feedback so they realize that a problem is affecting their job performance and referring employees to the employee assistance program . The employee assistance program should be able to educate provide some feedback legal advocacy of to get professional assistance in solving the problems ; some time off from work with or without pay, depending on the situation, often helps the employee deal with the problem . At the same time, the EAP could be able to recommend and refer the employee to a medical professional that meet the requirements of his/her ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Why Was Chopin Considered A Music Composer In The 19th... Music becomes a part in our daily life. We often hear music on radios, in the stores, or with our smartphone. I love music and want to investigate it more. Therefore, I chose a music composer in the 19th century, FrГ©dГ©ric FranГ§ois Chopin, in order to analyze the development or incarceration of ideologies to the current century. FrГ©dГ©ric FranГ§ois Chopin, who was born in 1810, was a Polish composer on the Romantic era. His talent appeared very early, which on the age of seven Chopin already composed two polonaises. Chopin then went abroad to Europe to learn about musical life and wanted to be renown. People acclaimed him as pianogenius and great composer due to his extremely success performances. Chopin existed in Romanticism, which is an era ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Bandura s Social Learning Theory Some of the things we overlook at times are the things that make the most sense in the world. Something like the social learning theory was overlooked. But it has provided such great insight as to why we do certainly in our lives. Bandura s theory has paved the way to many studies and has open our minds to the possibility that we affect each other in a way we would not imagine. I believe that this theory can shape a lot of people s lives. I agree with Albert Banduras social learning theory by modeling and in this paper, I will present an argument that outlines the reasons why. I like Bandura s social learning theory. The social learning theory states that learned of other people...people who deviate from cultural norms have learned their behavior in the same way. (Schultz Schultz, 2009, p.403 404). This theory can bring a lot of awareness to the families who feel that their action or behaviors won t have any effect on the child. This theory also holds a lot of substance. My cousin who is five years old is cursing and that is because of his father who has no filter especially with the kids. He believes that they are too young and they won t understand what he is telling them but in actuality, my cousin is modeling his behavior. I feel if this theory is well known parents and another role model will understand how much power they have over people. I agree with the social learning theory because I find that it holds some truth to it. we may ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Advantages Of Limousine Luxury Cars World Wide most Expensive Limousines Luxury Cars Limousine luxury car models are the top of all luxury cars but it can be very pricey investment. Within the range of $1 million to $14 million AUD, all the limousine luxury vehicles have finest features. It gives comfort to riders to sit back and enjoy the luxury road travel. On the other hand, some people do not think that the everyday limo is sufficient to please their desires. Some would have a preference something gradually luxurious and are keen to spend a much bigger stack of cash to get it. The many limo cars in top list cost at least $1 million to buy. They are certainly not your daily limousines. They are highly custom made or total top of the line types. If they may be not unique they ... Show more content on ... The all luxury features of this Phantom Limo include full size office, bulletproof armor, and capability of pushing out 432 horsepower with 6.8 liter V12 engine. Stretch Limo / Lamborghini Aventador Cars for Stars Limousine Company designed the concept of this luxury Stretch Limo Lamborghini Aventador in 2013. Price is not specific but its features include 6.5 liter V12 engine which pushes up to 700 horsepower, custom fitted interior, designed for up to 7 people, L shaped couch, iPod hookups, Plasma TV, with the expensive champagne bar. It is not a reality so far, and without any doubt steep price tag attached to such a manufacture might guarantee that it never does become one, but we felt it go on this list out of pure awesomeness. The Beast Custom made Beast Limo was designed specially to carry US president in 2009 with the cost of $3 million. The Beast is fixed with sufficient armor to survive an RPG attack. As The Beast is off the record for the purpose of national security it is anonymous to the public what the exact competences of the car are. Features include firefighting equipment, tear gas, oxygen tanks and masks, and shotguns. Conversely, it is highly rumored that The Beast has built in grenade launchers as ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Ventilation Strategies For Acute Respiratory Distress... The purpose of this assessment is to critique a related pair of published papers surrounding the ventilation strategies for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) within the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). My role as an Advanced Critical Care Practitioner (ACCP) involves me working with patients with multi organ failure and more often respiratory failure following prolonged periods of ventilation and lung insult. ARDS has been studied in a variety of settings since it was first introduced by Dr Ashbaugh (Ashbaugh et al, 1967), at which time mortality was between 60% and 70%, however, the most effective way to ventilate patients with ARDS is still being researched. Despite this ongoing research into the management of ARDS, mortality remains at 35 40%. It is thought this is linked to lack of knowledge and evidence regarding the pathological process of ARDS. ARDS can be defined as an acute decrease in the ratio of arterial oxygen partial pressure to fractional inspired oxygen (P/F) 30% surface area burns or any other condition which had a 50% 6 month mortality. Although there are significant differences in each of these papers exclusion criteria they are clearly identified, which is good practice and not always done (Van Spall et al, 2007). However, these extensive exclusion criteria can impair generalisability of the trial results in the ICU. Sample sizes required to show Critique the sample sizes look at sample size representivity. INTERVENTIONS drafted and critique ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Obesity Essay Introduction Obesity is defined as the condition of having excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in proportion to lean body mass (2), and it has been recognised as one of the main preventable risk factors for the osteoarthritis (OA) of the large joints in the lower extremities (1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12). The excess body weight caused increased biomechanical load to weight bearing joints (4, 8). This will eventually contribute to increased prevalence of and severity of musculoskeletal disorder and orthopaedic impairments (1, 2, 10). Resulting in reduce ability of the individual to perform simple daily activities (1, 4, 5). The limitations are usually noticeable during weight bearing tasks including walking, stair climbing, and rising from a ... Show more content on ... During the single limb support phase, the pelvis has rotated on its vertical axis. As the centre of gravity shifts, the femur rotates internally, and advances in a semi circular arc during the swing phase. The internal rotation of the femur forces the knee to adduct during the single limb support phase. From the initial contact to the loading response, there is limited dorsiflexion of the ankle. When there is reduced degree of ankle dorsiflexion during the initial contact, the time required for the foot to move between initial contact and loading response has been shorten. Hence the subject appears to be slapping the foot into the ground as it approaches the loading response. A small degree of out toeing was also present during the swing phase. Sagittal Plane Throughout the whole gait cycle, kyphosis and anterior tilt of the hip is observed. As the result of anterior pelvic tilt, the hip is flexed and lumbar is extended during the weight acceptance stage. There is reduced hip flexion during the weight acceptance stage, and reduced hip extension throughout the stance phase. From the terminal stance to pre swing, there is inadequate knee flexion where the ankle remained in neutral position resulting in prolonged heel contact. As the knee flexion has reduced from the terminal stance to pre swing, the ability of the ankle to dorsiflex has decline. During the loading response, the ankle moves from ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Anne Frank s Diary In the following paragraph I will introduce my essay. In this essay I will talk about four topics over the book Diary of Anne Frank. One topic is where is the book located that is where I will give three locations that are important.The second topic is who are the main characters and I will describe each character.the third topic is How does the setting change or how the plot develops.The last topic is Where did i read this book. In this paragraph I will talk about three important locations in my book of diary of Anne Frank. The most important is Amsterdam,Netherlands this is where Anne Frank wrote her diary. The second most important is Auschwitz concentration camp this is where Anne Frank was Kept till she was dead. The third most important ... Get more on ...
  • 50. The Keirsey Temperament Sorter And The Big Five... Personality is defined as the unique way in which each individual thinks, acts, and feels throughout life (Ciccarelli, 2014). Numerous individuals are curious in regards to their actions and how their mind works, thus leading companies to create personality tests, in order to provide individuals with some perspective on their personality. While individuals can take personality tests for leisure, personality tests are often utilized in situations such as job interviews, diagnosing mental disorders, and educational purposes. Two popular personality tests are the Keirsey Temperament Sorter and the Big Five Personality test. After taking both tests, I analyzed them using my knowledge of general psychologyand of my own actions. I found the... Show more content on ... Artisans tend to be fun loving, optimistic, realistic, bold, spontaneous, and troubleshooting leaders. While the Keirsey website provides detailed, lengthy descriptions of each temperament, some individuals may have characteristics which fit into two temperaments. For instance, I have always been independent, nearly since birth. I have always loathed asking for assistance when performing a demanding task, feeling I can manage best when working without assistance. However, I am optimistic when unfortunate events take place, and I have a strong background in the arts. With that said, can personality realistically be given one category, or do others have characteristics which fit more than one temperament? Moreover, what is personality testing designed to measure? The Myers Briggs Type Indicator, used in the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, bases personality on four dimensions: extraversion or introversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, and judging or perceiving (Ford Martin, 2015). Extroverts are those more focused on others and the outside world, while introverts tend to keep to themselves. The dimension of sensing or intuition measures whether the individual perceives the world more efficiently using the five senses, or if they tend to lean on their intuition (Ciccarelli, 2014). The dimension of thinking or feeling measures whether individuals prefer to ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Olympic Pride Does Not Permit Sexual Discriminaiton It matter not who you love, where you love, why you love, when you love or how you love, it matters only that you love (John Lennon). LGBTQ; a growing cause that has been heard by many people across the globe, Gay marriage and equality is no longer just a farfetched idea but has become a reality for many nations across the world who have accepted and legalized the acceptance of LGBTQ community members within society. Some have accepted while other fought against this notion of legalization, though many citizens have come to terms with this new ideology that has been incorporated within modern society. Although members of the LGBTQ society and the thousands that accept the community have protested and gathered together to fight for the equality of all nations there is still some that do not agree with this notion. Protestors yelling, news reporters capturing the seen for people millions of miles away, and discrimination could be found at the 2014 Winter Olympic Gameslocated in Sochi, Russia. This year s Olympic Games were on the bounds of discrimination against the LGBTQ community not just from Russia s own citizens but discrimination towards many visiting athletes from the 200 nations that participated in the games. The LGBTQ community has fought many battles over the past few decades, fighting for their right for equality, their right to liberty and their right to even be allowed to love the person they want to love. The Olympics is the time where countries put ... Get more on ...
  • 52. The Poetry Of Langston Hughes As An African American Poet with the universe of jazz and the impact it had on his composition, as in his book length sonnet Montage of a Dream Deferred (Holt, 1951). His life and work were tremendously vital Life is for the living. Demise is for the dead. Give life a chance to resemble music. Also, demise a note inferred. Langston Hughesis known as an artist of musicality and music. As an African American, he composed much about the way of life and encounters of his race. In spite of the fact that he endured monetarily, Hughes distributed many works that later turned out to be extremely renowned. Subsequent to defeating a troublesome youth, Langston started composing verse in secondary school. He without a doubt left his blemish on the workmanship and culture of America Hughes was an American Poet. He began to write poetry when one of his teachers introduces him to the poetry of Carl Sand burg and Walt Whitman. He showed some of his poems to Lindsay, which started from there. He also wrote poems that were important to the African American literature that made in impact on others. Langston Hughes was born on February 1, 1902, in Joplin, Missouri, as James mercer Langston Hughes. During his life Hughes was separated soon after his birth and was raise by his grandmother until her death in his early teens. Langston Hughes was one of the primary dark men to express the soul of blues and jazz into words. An African American Hughes turned into an outstanding writer, ... Get more on ...
  • 53. The Breakfast Club And Teen Identity 1 Ethan Wynne English 101 Sam Lackey October 2, 2014 The Breakfast Club and Teen Identity The movie The Breakfast Club takes viewers on a comedic tour of the ups and downs of adolescence. The Breakfast Club, directed by John Hughes, focuses on the events that unfold between five very different high school students during a Saturday detention. Even though the movie was shot in the 1980 s the characters portrayal is still relatable in a way to a lot of people today. Director John Hughes takes us on a comedic ride with what seems like another typical teen movie while still portraying a few life lessons along the way and exposing some truths behind stereotyping. Anyone who has ever been a high school student can probably find some way to relate to the characters in the film. The movie revolves around 5 students who for various reasons have been sent to Saturday detention by principle Vernon. The principle asks each of the students to write a one page paper on who they think they are. As the day progresses, we see the teens begin to bond with each other and find out about each other and themselves. The film begins by introducing each of the five characters. John Hughes gives us five common archetypes with each of his characters including: a jock, a popular princess, a geek, a criminal, and basket case. These generic characters make it easier for the audience to relate to one of the characters in the film. Andy, the jock, is the generic high school athlete, or so it seems. ... Get more on ...