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Book 7
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
HPA Press
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
People Born In July
Translated by Kate Bazilevsky
All images are in the public domain.
© 2017 Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
Translation © 2017 Kate Bazilevsky
© 2017 HPA Press
All rights reserved.
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
Table of Contents
Introduction. Your Soul Is Not Where You Think It Is
Part 1. Briefly About The Discovery Of The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 1. Shan Hai Jing: Knowledge About You Personally That Comes From
The Depths Of Centuries
Chapter 2. The Catalog Of Human Population Is Not What It Seems
Part 2. Demos Of Natural Programs Of People Born In July From The
Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 1. How To Use Demos Of Natural Programs Of Homo Sapiens
Chapter 2. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 4th Of
Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 3. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 5th Of
Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 4. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 5th Of
Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 5. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 6th Of
Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 6. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 6th Of
Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 7. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 7th Of
Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 8. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 10th Of
Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 9. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Men Born On July 10th Of
Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 10. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 11th
Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 11. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Men Born On July 11th Of
Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
Chapter 12. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 11th Of
Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 13. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Men Born On July 11th Of
Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 14. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 12th
Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 15. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Men Born On July 12th Of
Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 16. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Men Born On July 13th Of
Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 17. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 14th
Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 18. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Men Born On July 14th Of
Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 19. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 15th
Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 20. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Boys (1-7 Years Old) Born
On July 23rd Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 21. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Boys (1-7 Years Old) Born
On July 24th Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 22. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Boys (1-7 Years Old) Born
On July 24th Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 23. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 25th
Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 24. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Boys (1-7 Years Old) Born
On July 25th Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 25. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 26th
Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 26. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 26th
Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 27. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 27th
Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 28. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 30th
Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 29. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 31st
Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 30. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 31st
Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
Part 3: More Ancient than the Zodiac
Chapter 1. Spirits-Totems From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 2. A Dragon with a Human Face—Spirit-Totem Of People Born In July
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Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
A husband came home upset and told his wife: "I went to the doctor and he said that
what we considered orgasms for thirty years are asthma attacks."
As always, let's begin with some news. You were majorly fooled: like in the above-
mentioned anecdote, self-knowledge is not at all that what you think it is. The process
that you are used to calling "looking for yourself" is idiocy because you can open up a
book and find out everything about what you are like in great detail (more than you can
find out about some animal from any encyclopedia). However, this book is not your
favorite horoscope. Sorry if we disappointed you, but as one Russian saying goes:
"Oranges do not grow on aspens."
We understand that your take on horoscopes is lenient. Even though they contain
complete nonsense—they are inoffensive, simple and amusing like children's books.
And, most importantly, they are not about you, what you are like real, without masks
and permanent self-presentations in an attempt to appear better. Plus, it is nice to feel
smart against the background of astrologers-charlatans, who were unable to figure you
out, right? Who likes to see themselves as dissected frogs, and especially on public
display? You do so much in order to ensure that no one ever finds about your "skeletons
in the closet," passions, weaknesses, and vices! Apparently, this is what horoscopes are
needed for—to hide the truth; this is their "practical value."
You might say that there is some truth in horoscopes. Well, well. Do you know that if a
person is provided with any psychological portrait, any program of behavior, then he
will be able to implement it more or less well? This is explainable because Homo sapiens
are bio-robots. A different matter is the price that will have to be paid for an
impersonation. For example, professional actors pay with their health and life itself for a
place "among the stars." As it is known, mental disorders and breakdowns, drugs,
alcoholism, suicides and the like are their usual companions.
As the saying goes: “Seppuku is a private matter of each samurai.” If you like to pretend
that you are someone else—do it. Just remember that you never know whether alien
"software" will do well or not with natural "software" given to you from birth. It might
be a conflict, and then someone’s "tail will fall off," so to speak... This is the price for
embodiment of personality traits from a horoscope, which by nature an actor does not
have... However, let's come back to this a bit later.
It is known that people are different. Some eat a toast with some cheese for breakfast,
others—a bowl of cereal with milk, while some people dream of having a piece of steak
in the morning. Some go to work every day, and others prefer "to create in free flight."
For some family is most important, and others run away from it like the devil that
caught a whiff of incense, while, as some jokingly say, "losing women and children."
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
Some live according to moral values, while others have none. Some are fine with
working, and others prefer to rob banks. Some like rap, while others prefer Mozart and
Bach. Some take showers or clean their ears several times a day, and for others—once a
week is enough. Information theory for some, and news or soccer on the television for
others... At the same time, there is one thing in the world that every person desperately
needs: information about who he is, what he is like by nature, for what he appeared in
this world and how he should live. However, do people look for this information in the
right place? ...
For us, this is a rhetorical question. We do not think—we know that people are looking
for themselves in all the wrong places and in the wrong way. Proof of this is the
following result: they are still looking for themselves; even those, who deny this process.
Why? Because they did find, but not themselves! And, somewhere deep down they know
this perfectly well! This means that the search continues "in secret." People do not know
their true, natural selves. And, as it turned out, they cannot know when an objective
source of this knowledge is not available to them. This is a fact. This book explains why
we state this and provides proof of this.
Why did we name this series Anti-Horoscope? Those people, who are really looking for
themselves are long tired of lack of specificity and uselessness of horoscopes. Moreover,
the principle of "horoscopism" itself hinders more than it helps. We consider
"horoscopism" not only horoscopes as such, but also any nonworking methods in
general: psychological tests, mystical nonsense like numerology and "meditation," use of
drugs supposedly in order to look "deep within"; religious and philosophical
masturbation a la "the truth is somewhere there" with a hint that human soul cannot be
uncovered, and so on.
Everything listed above is great stupidity and blatant lies. Human soul is knowable
because the "soul" (or psyche, if we use the scientific term) of any person (who lived in
the past, lives today or was not born yet) is described in the most detailed manner in the
ancient source, which turned out to be the Catalog of Human Population! It is only
necessary to open up the book and learn everything about yourself from this
Encyclopedia of Homo Sapiens.
In this "encyclopedia," which we called the Catalog of Human Population, the biological
type "human" is described as divided into two hundred and ninety three subtypes, each
of which is endemic and categorically different from others. Human soul is a program
given to a person from birth and implanted at the genetic level. Depending on the time
of birth, each person belongs to one of these two hundred and ninety three subtypes,
detailed descriptions of which are provided in the Catalog of Human Population. Hence,
the possibility to uncover the so-called "unknowable" soul; and, in detail on six factors:
intellectual, physical, nutritional (dietological), emotional, sexual and environmental.
As you can see, thanks to the Catalog of Human Population, self-knowledge moves to
the "there is nothing easier" category. Moreover, there is nothing unusual in such
approach to solving the problem of "finding yourself." On the contrary, it is standard.
After all, a human is first of all a natural object, and only then—social. You learn about
animals, plants, planets and all other natural objects from encyclopedias, do you not?
Or, do you personally find out about, for example, animals using intuition or, even
worse, by experimenting (for example, by pulling a tiger by its tail)? Or, perhaps,
following the principles of "horoscopism," in order to find out what a real tiger is like
you watch cartoons about tigers or go to a toy store? ...
Do not worry—you will still have something to do. The time you would use to "look for
yourself" can instead be spent on something more practical; for example, to become a
human... After all, you were misled in this as well because one is not born a human—one
becomes a human. Shan Hai Jing includes direct indications of this in the form of
detailed descriptions of six more levels of development of Homo sapiens (in addition to
the level of primary programs, with which people are born), and only at the top of this
pyramid there is a "human." However, we will discuss this some other time.
This book is for those people, who are fed up with "horoscopism," who are tired of
listening to nonsense about themselves from psychologists or their "all-knowing"
relatives, friends and acquaintances. It is for those people, who are bothered by that
instead of getting the answer to the question "Who am I and what am I like?" are offered
to find themselves independently in numerous directions of "self-knowledge:"
psychological, mystical, religious, martial arts schools, etc. This book series will help you
save not just some time in your life, but your whole life because otherwise your entire
life will be spent on that what is a priori impossible.
And, impossible not because you are idiots, but because, as it turned out during the
course of our research (over forty years)—Homo sapiens cannot know themselves
without an external (and, most importantly, objective) source. Psychological theories
and various "-isms" never fell under this category since they all belong to the category of
not objective, but subjective. Perhaps this is the reason why very long time ago someone
left humanity "factory instructions" to each one of us—the Catalog of Human
It is unlikely that this book will be interesting to convinced fans of horoscopes and other
"masturbatory" methods of self-knowledge, as well as to those people, who are ready to
sacrifice their lives in order to continue living in belief that they already know
themselves (that is, living in their fantasies). Today, there is television and internet, so
one can live in fantasies without any books at all. However, who said that life in
fantasies (that is, inside your cranium instead of reality) is life? ...
In case you did not know, intellect is given to a human to comprehend their natural
"software" and for subsequent communication with it. And, if you really want to
masturbate—it is possible to do it without involving your intellect. You will get at least
some reward for your work in the form of a dose of dopamine. Just be careful with this;
one lab rat died after constantly pressing a pedal, wires from which went straight to the
pleasure center in its brain. At the same time, to tell the truth, keenness on intellectual
masturbation eventually leads to the same.
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
For those people, who will dare to get acquainted with the alternative way to self-
knowledge and self-perfection (that is, with our scientific research related to
development of the Catalog of Human Population), below is an overview of topics
covered in this book.
In the first part, we briefly tell about the discovery of the Catalog of Human Population
on the basis of decryption of the ancient source—Shan Hai Jing. Also, we briefly
describe how human psyche is arranged. It does not make sense to go into more detail
on this in this book because five books in the series titled Catalog of Human Souls are
fully devoted to this topic.
In the second part, we provide proof of that this Catalog, Encyclopedia of Homo Sapiens
really does exist and that we learned to decrypt ancient writings (that is, translate the
language of images, by which human "software" is described in Shan Hai Jing, into the
language of modern psychological descriptions). For this purpose, we included several
demos in the form of very brief descriptions of human programs from the Catalog of
Human Population for specific birth dates. Perhaps among them you will find a
description of yourself or people you know.
If you are unsatisfied with such short descriptions—complete descriptions (thirty to fifty
pages of text) are also available. You can easily order them on our website at
Note that this book is not the only one in the series titled Anti-Horoscope: Human
"Software." There are eleven more analogues books in this series for each month of the
year. Therefore, if you do not find descriptions of people who interest you in this book,
then look in others or contact us for this information (our contact information is
provided at the end of this book).
However, since neither this book nor other books in this series offer even short
descriptions of natural programs of all two hundred and ninety three subtypes of Homo
sapiens—we included some general information as a so-called "consolation prize." You
will find out what this information is from the third part of this book.
And, if astrology fans decide to stay with us, then probably they will be quite interested
to find out from where, so to speak, "legs grow" in some astrological notions about
similarity in characters of people born within certain periods of the annual cycle, and
about that what is much older than the Zodiac.
Olga Skorbatyuk and Kate Bazilevsky
San Francisco, California
May 2017
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
By nature Homo sapiens differ from animals. A human needs to know what he is like by
nature in order to integrate his psychophysiology into the surrounding world in the best
possible way, in order to "find his place under the sun." And, it is desirable to know the
answer to the question of what all this is for and, of course, how he should live in detail.
For example: "I got up at 6 o'clock in the morning..." and what? What exactly does a
person need to do in order to be rich, healthy and happy? As it is known, the answer to
the question "Who am I and what am I like?" is directly related to the previous question.
After all, probably no one will argue with the statement that we are all different, which
means that way of life of one person might not suit another person at all. And, paths to
happiness and success are different for everyone. Nature arranged it so that only birds-
fish-cats-dogs know who they are and how they should live from birth, while Homo,
even though they are "sapiens," do not. Of course, one can forget about self-knowledge,
join the ranks of zombies, "social animals," and listen to what society says about what he
should be like and how he should live, but the question is whether or not you personally
want to be a zombie.
However, jumping a bit ahead, things are not as difficult and bad as you think; since, as
it turns out, the one (or those), who created us, made sure in advance to leave humans
detailed instructions on what they are like, what their abilities are and how they need to
live in order to be happy. However, let’s get back to these "instructions" later on.
Moreover, they were lost for dozens of centuries, humanity did not have access to them
and has long gotten accustomed to living on the off-chance, "as it feels like;" even
though this is where troubles and problems (with which, unfortunately, every person is
familiar) come from.
Troubles, problems and sufferings haunt humanity not because Atlantis allegedly
submerged into the ocean, Kali Yuga stage began and so on, but simply because those,
who were not competent in questions like "Who am I? What am I like? What is my
purpose?" (or did not wish humanity well) came "to help" humanity after those
"instructions" were lost. This is how numerous philosophical and psychological theories
about who a human is, what the human soul is, how people should live, what their
purpose is and so on appeared. As for religions—exploiting the natural desire to go
beyond the "everyday life" into the space of spirit, goodness, self-perfection and amazing
abilities (which is inherent in every person), the human population was offered to
believe in some Santa Clauses under different names and in different numbers. And,
humanity had nothing left to do, but to accept these absurd, delusional philosophical-
religious ideas and supposedly scientific theories from psychology. At the same time,
serious scientists do not consider psychology a science and most guess that "a man with
a beard made out of cotton" is nothing other than someone's unsuccessful fable.
Lacking other options, what else was humanity to do? Imagine the following situation:
you were given a super advanced "device" with many interesting functions, but you were
not given instructions. All you can do is fumble with this technological miracle since you
cannot even turn it on without instructions on how to use it. The same thing happened
with the modern model of Homo sapiens. By nature, they are bio-machines, bio-robots.
And, this means that without instructions and, using computer terminology, programs
of what he should be like and how he should live a person simply cannot function like a
human. Figuratively speaking, he fumbled with himself like with that "device" (along
with a stone ax), got tired of doing it and went on to compose fairytales. And, these
fairytales were told to other people: a fairytale called "religion," a fairy tale called
"psychology," and many others. What were people to do? They needed to live somehow.
Hence fairytales of evolution from an ape, of that supposedly a human is just a
meaningless small fry—"servant of God"—and a lot of other nonsense. However, this
nonsense is clearly not harmless since for some reason the term of human life has
suddenly decreased by a lot, the quality of life greatly worsened, people really began to
resemble animals (that is, they stopped engaging in and being interested in anything
other than the way of life of animals—hunting for food, ensuring a "warm nest,"
copulating, raising their offspring, defending their territory, etc. all day every day), while
super-abilities, which our distant ancestors had and which are described in ancient
legends, also "miraculously evaporated..."
Of course, ideologists (that is—composers of those fairytales) did not lose their heads
and made up many others fairytales, explaining why this happened to humanity—
fairytales about expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise, due to which people
supposedly lost happy life in close contact with the Higher powers, immortality and so
on. There was nothing for people to do, but to believe in all this nonsense. So, as they
say, everything worked out.
However, the main "merit" of these storytellers with their religions and philosophies is
that they "helped" humanity; that is—they forced Homo sapiens to "fall" very deep into
their fantasies and, most importantly, confuse them with the most important thing that
every person has—with the soul...
Any more or less educated person knows from psychology that all human beings have a
psychical function called "imagination." A lot of psychological and psychiatric works
have been written about this function. However, even those, who have not studied
sciences and are not familiar with these works, know that they have fantasies.
This is the same thing as dreams. People like fantasies and probably there is no need to
explain why. And, as the saying goes, why suffer? Do you have problems? Do you dislike
something outside, within yourself or in the world around you? Are you frightened or
worried? Are you tired? Tired of everything and everyone? Bored? No worries—there is
always a place where you can go. And, you do not need money or a special permission to
go there. Figuratively speaking, you enter your "virtual room," close the door behind you
and you can sit and watch "a movie;" that is—dream. There is even no need to hide from
everyone in the bathroom because you can "fall" into your imagination anywhere, even
behind a wheel while driving on a highway. However, the main value of this "gift of
nature" given only to Homo sapiens (it is difficult to even suggest that birds or fish have
imagination because they simply would not survive in nature) is that in your fantasies
everything is always possible in a way that you want! And, what is particularly valuable
is that there it is not necessary to make any effort unlike it is in real life.
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
However, it is possible to get very much carried away because on the inside a "virtual
room" has many real traps. Once you come across a trap at full speed, you can
"accidentally" crash into oncoming vehicles, and not only bruise your knee (or forehead)
when you "accidentally" bump into some object in the surrounding space, but much
worse. And, this "worse" will not necessarily be from the category of psychiatry; even
though, of course, from psychiatry as well since according to all scientific medical
standards, a subject, who constantly lives in the space of his fantasies is qualified as
mentally ill, insane. In other words, schematically—the deeper a person is in his
fantasies, the closer he is to death. After all, as it is known, modern psychiatry does not
know how to cure mental illnesses, insanity. However, it succeeded in "treating," which
first turns a patient into "a vegetable," and then utilizes him. Moreover, not only does a
person get utilized as an individual, but also he gets driven to an early grave in the most
direct sense.
However, even this is not the worst thing for a person, who is keen on sitting in his
"virtual movie theater" because in some cases it is better to die than to become a
complete moron, a monster, a freak; is it not? It is very simple to become that: dream
more often. The recipe for transformation of a normal person into a complete
oligophrenic patient or a monster is very simple, even though, of course, few people
know about it: fantasize completely uncontrollably about who you are and what you
need in this life. That is all. "Virtual space" (meaning, the space of fantasies, "a virtual
movie theater") is given by nature for something completely different, and not for
thinking up god knows what. However, we will discuss this in more detail some other
time. Here, the point is that either way a person will have to pay for infatuation with
uncontrollable fantasies, dreams and imaginings.
However, what to do? After all, people were told that the space of their imagination is
the "holy of holies"–the soul...
It was impossible not to believe this because people do not know what human soul is
and about their natural arrangement! And, with this belief it seems that the soul is right
here. After all, where if not deep down inside can a person be real? Where else is he
always happy, satisfied and feels completely safe? Where else does he see such
fascinating and magnificent images? Where else does he hear that unique "inner voice"
that tells him how to live, what to do, answers all of his numerous questions, and
provides clues on how to act? And, one can always talk with this voice about anything
and everything frankly, without hiding, without being shy... A person thinks that if this
gets taken a way, then his life will become a living hell. Therefore, he thinks, those, who
say that his inner world, his soul is there "in the virtual space" are right...
Wake up! The soul is not a virtual world in your head at all! And, it is not at all in your
You were cruelly deceived and "framed" in a big way by being forced to confuse the soul
with the space of your imagination! And, your habit of being in your fantasies from
morning till night ("watching movies," talking to yourself, hearing voices and so on) has
long been described in textbooks on psychiatry!! And, believe it or not, you are all very
close to complete coincidence of descriptions of your behavior with real examples from
psychiatric practice. After all, there is only one step from constant conversation "with
yourself" within yourself to exactly the same conversation out loud! One not very
wonderful moment your "wonderful visions" will turn into nothing other than visual
hallucinations, and your invaluable adviser called "my inner voice" (which, by the way,
has nothing to do with inner) will turn into auditory hallucinations. As the saying goes:
you have arrived! And, you arrived not to that wonderful paradise, which you drew for
yourself in your fantasies, but to a psychiatric institution together with all the
unpleasant (to put it mildly) consequences.
...That is right, everyone would like to know what bastard instilled the idea in people
that the space of human imagination is his real soul, but... this "hero" (or, more likely,
"heroes") is hardly burning with desire to meet you. What for? His (their) goal is
achieved—you are a zombie. A zombie because the sphere of human imagination, his
fantasies is precisely the most cherished "door" for a skillful manipulator of human
consciousness. And, he (they) managed to open this "cherished door" in you!
How? Very simple! Human imagination needs food. Images are this food: visual,
acoustic, etc. Hence, the widespread distribution of all kinds of supposedly
"informative-entertainment" industry: movies, computer gadgets and other kinds of
"cultivation of the masses." Do you think a sudden breakthrough into new technologies
in the early 20th century happened by accident?!?
The thing is that images presented by cinema, internet sources, fiction books, mass
media, songs, theatrical productions and other means of influencing the five known
senses (for those, who are particularly curious we recommend studying religious cults
organizations, for example) go straight to... Guess where? That is right—to your personal
"virtual space!"
And, they do not just go there and get stored somewhere—they live in the literal sense of
the word! These images literally transform you into that object, which "an ideologist" or
"ideologists," who created them (and, supposedly created "accidentally", "during a
moment of creative inspiration") had in mind...
In other words, you turn exactly into what they want to turn you into. And, this occurs
from engaging in very innocent (from your point of view) activities and hobbies:
watching movies or television programs, visiting various internet sources, viewing
advertising on the streets, listening to songs, and so on and so forth. Images surround us
everywhere. At one time, someone very observant managed to notice the special and
very powerful influence of any image on the entire psychophysiology of Homo sapiens
and use this phenomenon to solve his personal problems. Let’s applaud the genius!!!
Also, it should be noted that an image as a phenomenon is not described well even in
psychology; or rather it is not described at all. Strange, is it not? Psychologists stuck
their noses everywhere, even, like "grandfather Freud" in underpants, but... "they did
not notice the elephant." Whether such things happen by a coincidence is a big question;
or rather, there is no question at all. This does not happen! There is not even a mention
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
of that an image as a phenomenon exists, but we (as people engaged in science, like to
say) do not know anything about it yet! It is as if this phenomenon does not exist at all,
even though it is used everywhere: by filmmakers and artists, marketers and computer
programmers, etc. There is even a profession called image-maker. It is like a joke; an
image does not exist, but it is quietly being used by everyone and everywhere, where
someone understands at least something about how human psyche works.
Why? Well, because in reality an image is a very serious thing. An image specifically is
the general, who orders the cells in our body what they should be, how they should live
and with what result! A cell does not have its own will; it is only an ordinary soldier, who
unquestioningly carries out any order of the image-general. And, a cell specifically turns
you into that what is encoded in the image that someone threw into your personal
"virtual space." And, note that is gets thrown there without your permission, without
your consent, without your knowledge.
Do not even hope that you can somehow track or control the process of your
zombification. Do not even dream of it! In your case, this is absolutely unrealistic. All
that you can do in this process is "open your mouth," so to speak. "Mommy" in the form
of television, mass media, internet, etc. will put in it that what "she" considers necessary
without asking you.
It is not necessary to do anything with you in order to get full control over you and turn
you into any creature that by nature you are not. And, there is no need to cut you up into
pieces or torture you in order to do this. You are only being intimidated by various
horror stories, which say something like that one day some bastards will put some chips
or other terrible devices under your skin, which will turn you into a zombie. Who needs
to do that when there are much easier ways to make a zombie out of you? It is enough
just to arrange an 8-hour work day for you, organize a system of commodity-money
relations, write (for example, in the Bible) something like "in the sweat of thy face shalt
thou eat bread..." (Gen. 3:19), and then, when you are exhausted from doing work y ou
do not like—simply turn on the television (or a computer) in front of you! Then, a
miracle will happen: once you finally relax in front of a screen, they will show you that
what they need, and ... zombification is done!
Wait, you were never told that in a state of tiredness you are most vulnerable to any
psychical influence, right? We think so because, for example, in the USA saying
something like "I’m tired" is considered a super-result of a working day, almost heroism.
Whereas any specialist, who is more or less familiar with the principles of work of
psychophysiology of "Homo sapiens," knows perfectly well that when brought to the
state of tiredness and exhaustion a subject becomes weak, inattentive, uncritical, etc. It
is not for nothing that people are put in such a state in order to instill something in
them. And, if to tiredness after a workday one adds alcohol, calming pills or drains the
last vitality while "performing the marital obligations" (you were taught to pursue only
orgasm during sex, right?), then there is no better candidate for a zombie!
After that everything is even simpler: information gets poured through eyes and ears (or
both) of a tired, de-energized, deprived of vital energy "carcass" (because at this point it
is very difficult to call this subject a person). And, information is always images
regardless of what form it gets transmitted in. You already know how images influence
from within. And, images, consumed (or better said: "eaten") in a state of extreme
uncriticality due to tiredness, turn you into that what ideologists ordered even faster.
Or, do you still believe that fame, popularity (of writers, actors, artists, etc.) comes to
people as a result of their special talents, abilities, hard work or simply good luck???
That is children's fairy-tales because in reality this is not the case. Ideologists FULLY
control all information processes in this civilization. Therefore, no actor or film, or book,
or scientific discovery will ever "leak" to the general masses without approval of these
ideologists. Not a single one. Never.
So, you sit down in front of a television or radio, pick up a book, open an album or look
at a design of something, and at that moment those images are getting fed to your
analyzers. And, with that the process of turning you into something that is beneficial to
ideologists began! You cannot use your will to stop it, it happens automatically. As a
result, a person does not know what happened to him. He only wonders why he then did
something in his life that was absolutely unbeneficial to him and, perhaps, harmful. A
person, who does not know what an image is, how it influences his psychophysiology
and through which mechanisms can only guess why he did something that he absolutely
did not need to do, why he was stupid in a particular situation, why he suddenly listened
to someone’s persuasions, why he carried out actions absolutely unusual for him, and so
Of course, a person asks himself about this, and often even reproaches. But, what is the
use? As the saying goes: "We cannot understand this." Psychologists and psychiatrists
will not help here. Naturally, clever and more professional ones might ask: "What did
you eat in the intellectual factor?" (Meaning, which literary works and films are you
keen on?) However, they will ask this only in order to understand what "buttons" to
push, so that you remain a client, as the saying goes, "until death."
However, let’s get back to getting acquainted with mechanisms of influence of an image
on human psyche. Sometimes it so happens that on a purely physical level, a person
suddenly begins to turn into (for a period of time or forever) some character from a
movie, a theatrical performance, a work of art, etc. And, these transformations are
visible in the mirror! Do you want some examples? There are plenty. Consider, for
example, a Barbie doll. More than one generation of girls all over the world grew up
similar in appearance to that doll; not to mention that psychologically they became just
as dumb, insensitive and useless as a plastic doll. And, what about Barbie’s "husband"
Ken? Every second man in the USA looks more or less like him... There are millions of
such examples. As the saying goes, "one who has eyes (or rather opens them) will see."
In short that is all about images and their relationship with the space of human
fantasies. We think that it will be enough for the initial acquaintance. Enjoy watching
movies and television shows!
...Enjoy songs, fresh press and other "miracles" of scientific and technological progress!
Like dogs, you have been trained for a long time that pleasure is the main thing that you
need to seek in life. Right? And, who cares that long ago some scientists described an
experiment, in which a rat that was given direct access to the zone of obtaining pleasure
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
by pressing a pedal, died very quickly. You think that after all it is a rat and that you are
safe from this danger... Right? Sweet dreams!
To those people, who do not like the prospect of continuing to be a zombie against their
will, below we will tell about what the soul really is. And, most importantly, you will
finally learn how to stop allowing yourself to be zombified at every step and how to
finally start using your own mind and living your own life.
Оf course, if you need that. After all, life of a zombie also has its advantages: just live
your life, there is no need to think, make decisions, learn, get new information so on.
Live and enjoy, like some "walking steak" on a fresh meadow: a cow, a bull, a ram, or a
goat, for example. After all, they also enjoy life, have everything they need and live
without worries, like you. However, they live like this only until the moment when they
are taken to the slaughterhouse, but still.
Perhaps euthanasia is fascinating and exciting, but the outcome of this event is death.
And, for you personally death (regardless of what you imagined about reincarnation and
afterlife) means cessation of absolutely everything, including pleasure. Therefore, it is a
question whether or not to prefer euthanasia to a stormy orgasm and enjoyment from
many different things that one can experience only when he is alive... However, this is a
question not for us, but for you. After all, we are using the Catalog of Human
Population. What about you?
You might ask: what is this Catalog? We will briefly tell about it below. However, to
those, who are particularly impatient, we can recommend searching the internet for
"Catalog of Human Souls" and satisfying your curiosity about these "Instructions for
humanity" without waiting for an explanation.
You Are A Zombie? “Good For You?!”
So, you learned that you were a bit deceived, to put it mildly, about the whereabouts of
your soul; and, deceived about what "a soul" (same as psyche) is.
The result of this, perhaps, the most widespread fraud in our civilization is very sad—as
individuals you do not exist. Instead of individuals, every one of you represents only a
sum of qualities given to you by your parents and caregivers and those that the society
continues to implant in you throughout your life. Unfortunately, you are a zombie.
Where is the proof? No problem. Answer the following question—have you never in your
life followed at least one social standard from the category: "boys must be ...", "women
are ...", "a real man is ...", "a husband (a wife) must ...", "a person of your social stratum
is usually ...", "a representative of your profession must ...", "people of your age usually
...", "good parents are ...", etc.? What is your answer? You have never ever followed any
of these standards? Well, then things are even worse in your case because, sorry, but it is
already a diagnosis! You are absolutely inadequate...
We will explain below why we posed this question and why there simply cannot be any
other answer to this question besides the answer "yes."
So, zombification as a process of depriving a person of his natural, true essence, as well
as self-identification with his real self and replacing it all with artificial guidelines,
standards of life and behavior is obvious. You are not the only zombie. The entire
human population was turned into zombies. And, as we mentioned before, this was
done under an "innocent sauce": "It's not harmful to dream, it's harmful not to dream."
And, you were taught to consider the place of your dreams, the space of your fantasies
(which we called a "virtual room" or "virtual space") your soul. Brilliant deceit!
Making a person confuse a "movie theater" in his head (which, by the way, was created
by nature for completely other things than fantasies and not for fantasizing about "who I
am and what I am") with his true essence—that is impressive! After that everything is
very simple: all that is necessary is to throw a bunch of that what if beneficial into this
"soul." And, a zombie is ready! Moreover, African voodoo with their resurrected dead
can rest—they are just children in comparison with the organizers of this civilization, the
"programmers!" The latter make the living dead fully controllable and without any
nonsense like digging up graves, scary eyes and cadaverous stains. Take a look at
yourself in the mirror. Do you notice that you are a zombie?
Of course, note that the process of total zombification of humanity is not that obvious to
each representative. Actually, it is not noticed by 99.9% of humanity. As ordered, people
live and "chew grass." Do you know why? Because all this is carefully camouflaged and,
curiously, this process occurs within close collaboration between "programmers" and
you-zombies. After all, who among you will admit (even to himself) that he is a zombie?
The correct answer is: no one and never. Hence, your fantasies on topics like "I know
myself", "I'm like this by nature", "I made myself", "no one orders me" and your
fairytales about "infinitely long corridors" of yours soul, at the end of which allegedly
there sparkles a diamond of your unclouded consciousness and there reigns harmony of
your unique individuality, which still develops and evolves. Sounds familiar?
Well, for people like us, those who are, so to speak, specialists in the field of human
"software," it would be naïve to assume that you think something different about
yourself. Why? Because it is part of the program that turns you into a zombie! The
general principle is approximately the same as if a woman was raped, if one person
cheated the other in a big way, if victims did not turn to law enforcement agencies or
anyone at all simply because they are ashamed to present themselves to other people
"not in the best light." The same is true about you.
You might ask: why is it so easy to turn any person into a zombie? After all, as we were
told, a human being is "the peak of evolution", "the King of nature." Indeed, it would
seem that Homo sapiens have everything necessary to live reasonably, consciously and
freely. Yes, Homo sapiens do have it, but only with one small correction, which
"programmers" allegedly forgot to tell you: they have it in potential. In case of a human
in this civilization, these qualities are either not used enough or not used at all.
According to our research, reason and consciousness begin to turn on and function only
under normal psychical development of a person.
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
... However, please, do not turn to your "virtual space" now to fantasize that your
psychical development was normal–it is not true. Why this is so, you will understand
yourself once you read a bit further.
Now, please allow a few words in simple popular language about how human psyche
As it is known, a bird, a fish, a flower or any other natural object come into the world
with full knowledge of who they are. That is, what qualities, abilities and needs they
were given by nature, what they can and cannot do, what they must and must not do,
how to live and what to do. They do not go to schools or universities, do not read books,
do not visit psychologists, coaches or priests, and do not turn to the internet in order to
know everything they need to know for survival and be able to solve any problem that
arises in their lives. However, they also have a lot of problems in their lives... Homo
sapiens are born with complete lack of such knowledge. In order for a human to simply
survive, he needs many years of upbringing and education, and then, practically
throughout his life, he needs information, advice, consultations on various issues. This
is nonsense from the point of view of those, thanks to whom a being called "a human"
was classified as "the peak of evolution."
However, let’s not get distracted by nonsense; who knows what was thought up during
many years of history of humanity. More importantly, the result was a known
misconception that a human’s baby is a Tabula rasa ("blank slate," according to
Aristotle). Even though this is not the case (as to why we will discuss later on), if we
consider the matter from the point of view of knowledge that exists in civilization about
how a human is arranged, then it is really not difficult, so to speak, "to confuse soft with
warm" and a baby with a fence, on which you can write whatever you want. However, on
the other hand, in a sense it is true. An example of this is the following fact: if wild
animals care for a human baby from birth—in the end we will get Mowgli; that is—an
animal in human form, but not a human.
This is the function of natural human arrangement that the organizers of our civilization
used. They decided that since there is "a fence" and "you can write whatever you want"
on it, then why not write that what is beneficial to them? And so, they wrote things
which, so to speak, can "neither be told in a fairytale, nor uttered aloud." However,
despite all the monstrosity of what modern humanity turned into thanks to "writings on
a fence," it is necessary to hand it to "programmers"—they get an "A" for carrying out
their task. Judge for yourself: transformation of a potentially incredibly powerful being
called "a human" into a helpless, dumb and obedient member of a single "herd" has
successfully taken place and a long time ago. This herd (already without quotes) is
successfully exploited in all corners of our globe, regardless of race, nationality,
education level, social status and so on. And, it is exploited however the "founding
fathers" want; as the saying goes, "a step to the left, a step to the right is considered to be
an escape attempt."
By introducing a system called "money", "programmers" quickly put everyone behind a
conveyor belt called "just keep pedaling." And, people are pedaling: everyone from a
janitor to a president of any country or a monarch. However, they work "for the uncle"
and not for themselves, but earn enough for bread and butter (sometimes even with
caviar). Meanwhile, their own lives "go down the drain;" but, what to do? Even though
this process can hardly be called life, all "non-humans of this civilization" were
persuaded not to pay attention to that. Since everything is ruled by money, then selling
yourself, selling the most valuable thing that you have (that is—yourself and your life) is
considered normal. And, for those people, who are firmly opposed to such "values" and
prefer the position called "money is not the main thing," or "money simply burns their
thighs"—a number of alternatives were organized for every taste: volunteering,
donations, so-called "spiritual life" (which, as it is believed, for some reason must
necessarily occur outside of the sphere of commodity-money relations). Most important
is that you work for society; for money or for free. Therefore, some work for money,
others out of interest, and some for the sake of "feeling different," or so that everyone
around would admire their unselfishness and anti-mercantile spirit. However, without
knowing it, all of them are laboring away for society and not for themselves personally
(that is—not for the sake of providing for their own psychophysiology, not for the sake of
their own development and evolution).
With this approach, it became clear over time that slave plantations and concentration
camps are no longer needed; it sounds too archaic, plus there is no need to provide food
and water for the herd when it is possible to program them in a way that they will pay
for all this themselves. In addition, as it is known, reproduction is not very frequent in
concentration camps, while regular addition of slaves is necessary. All that needs to be
done is to write on "a clean fence," then at the bottom add "do not kill, do not rob, do
not commit adultery" (because these privileges are only for the "programmers") and
write the cherished "go forth and multiply!" People think: "Hooray! "This" is allowed!"
And, with the help of some "programming secrets," all women were turned into free
appendixes to their vaginas, and men into perpetual laborers "in some fields" (only not
in the fields of themselves—meaning, as individuals). Women are engaged with men,
men with women and work, and there is no time to engage with themselves, to develop
their natural potentials. After all, once you have a family, it must be fed and children
must be brought up. Note that this must be done at your own expense, even though
children are not brought up for parents; they are brought up for society. Super-business,
is it not? As a result, the ranks of slaves are regularly replenished and parents get
nothing or almost nothing from this in comparison with benefits that "programmers"
get from such a system.
If you were "born a freak" and you have some other interests in life besides "working for
your uncle" and reproducing like a rabbit, then you are welcome to become homeless,
crazy, a drug addict or an alcoholic. (After all, drug addicts and alcoholics are people,
who are initially creative, ambitious, who do not want to "dance to someone else's
guitar" and often did not lose the urge to get to know the world around them and
themselves; a different matter is that they usually do not understand that this requires
doing something.) In such cases, the organizers of this civilization have a firm stand:
"No, we don’t need this! Your task is not to self-realize, but to live the way we tell you
and work for us. And, if you are so independent and original, then go live under a bridge
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
or on a bench in some park, and self-realize there all you want. We will provide you with
drugs, alcohol and haloperidol. At the same time, this will teach others."
As a rule, for the majority of those, who "are not like this," the whole struggle with
society ends with death. However, the most interesting thing is that for "good boys and
girls" in this civilization the end is the same, and often it comes even faster. Constant
tiredness, cancer and other diseases associated with that a member of the society, who
works and "leads right way of life" never has time for himself; his psychophysiological
needs simply do not get satisfied or get satisfied based on the "Good for you" principle
(in the absence of critical, analytical and logical types of thought processes, in response
to this an individual does not ask himself how an advisor can advise him something if he
does not know him, does not know what is good or bad for him since even he himself
does not know this). The result is stresses, depressions and mental illnesses. People
were told that they should not think about themselves, take care of themselves,
supposedly it is selfish and bad, and if you get sick—doctors will take care of you. It
would be very funny if it were not so sad. As a result of such "life," a slave-zombie (who
himself ensures the process of "working on foreign plantations" his entire life) presses a
button called "self-utilization" himself...
And so on and so forth. In principle, it is possible to write a multi-volume encyclopedia
on "artificial software" describing the life of this "blessed society" and how exactly
people are turned into zombies for exploitation. However, we think that several
examples are enough for at least some of you to try to think about this. And, you might
realize that even such primitive artificial programs are very beneficial for
And, the cost of this is not significant. Who needs "universal chipping?" In the 21 st
century it is very easy to program any volume of the human masses with anything. The
recipe is simple: advance scientific and technological progress in certain directions, raise
it to incredible heights using the forces of slaves-sheep, and then transmit artificial
images to the herd through mass media, literature, movies, songs, advertisements and
so on "right into the soul." And, there is no need to make psychology a science, let it
remain at the level of medieval ignorance—Aristotle’s treatise On the Soul and theory of
four temperaments. "Sheep" do not need to know themselves, they must be what they
are told to be and live as they are told to live "from above." Moreover, by introducing
such ingenious tools of deception and mass fooling as faith and religion, it is always
possible to blame everything on god—the herd "will buy it."
Free higher education for all is also not necessary for "sheep." As it is known, it is much
easier to control ignoramuses and blockheads. Why read books? You can read names of
streets, price tags in stores and bills that you receive; you can add two plus two on a
calculator—and, already you are a genius! The main thing is to convince "sheep" that
they already know everything! This way they are pleased, and you feel good. Education
is superfluous, better let them work. Television and other "means of mass
endarkenment" will tell them "Good for you" and how they should live. So, there is no
need for them to think, learn anything, test anything, doubt, or, in other words—strain
So what if someone is making an idiot out of you for life? They will include many
pleasant things with the zombie program; for example, how valuable, unique and
original you are, how many things you are supposedly doing well and right in your life,
etc. After all, such fairytales are much needed during breaks between "working on a
plantation" for eight or more hours per day and other "socially useful works" like family!
Especially when you are finally left alone with yourself, the following immediately starts
"knocking" in your head: that you do not understand why you need this damn life...
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
Purchase an eBook or an AudioBook.
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
Monographic Series
Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis.
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Ed.). Anonymous (Trans.).
Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis: Vol. 1. From
Carl Gustav Jung’s Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious to Individual Archetypal
Patterns. (Composed 2005. Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN
9781301447688.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311820082
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Archetypal Pattern.
Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis: Vol. 2. Can Archetypal Images
Contain Chimeras? (Composed 2005. Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN
978130184859.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310658570
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). Arkhetipicheskiy Pattern. Osnovy
Netraditsionnogo Psikhoanaliza [Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional
Psychoanalysis]: Vol. 3. Archetype Semantics: How This Corresponds to the Concept of
an ‘Image’. How Archetypal Are Images? (Composed 2005.). Marina Del Rey, CA:
Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301337309
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Archetypal Pattern.
Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis: Vol. 4. Society As A Community Of
Manipulators And Their Subjects. (Composed 2005. Original work published 2013 in
Russian, ISBN 9781301399901.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311809353
Catalog of Human Population - Non-Fiction Series
Individual (Subtype) Human Programs
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Katalog Chelovecheskikh Dush: Programmnoye
Obespecheniye Dushi Muzhchin/Zhenshchin, Rodivshikhsya <Data> [Catalog of
Human Souls: Software of Soul of Men/Women Born On <Date>] (Vols. 1-218. In
Russian. Composed 2005-2013.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP.
[Available at in all languages].
Human Manipulation Modes
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013-2014). Katalog Chelovecheskikh Dush: Kak
Podchinit' Muzhchin/Zhenshchin, Rozhdonnykh <Data>. Zhenskiy/Muzhskoy
Мanipulyativnyy Сtsenariy. [Catalog of Human Souls: How To Subdue Men/Women
Born On <Date>. Female/Male Manipulation Scenario.] (Vols. 1-39. In Russian.
Composed 2005-2013.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. [Available at in all languages].
Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Terrorism: A Concept For The ATC (The
Commonwealth Of Independent States Anti-Terrorism Center). (Composed 2001.
Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311277848.). San Diego, CA: HPA
Press. ISBN 9781310032189
Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Ideology Of Monarchy. For Office Of The
Head Of The Russian Imperial House, Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Maria
Vladimirovna. (Composed 2003. Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN
9781310150340.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311970152
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Ideology Of Religions.
Scientific Proof Of Existence Of “God”: The Catalog Of Human Population. (Original
work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311946690.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press.
ISBN 9781311413932 ISBN 9780988648593
Political Science
Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Essence Of Political Ideologies And Their
Role In The Historical Process (Political History Of Russia). (Composed 2003. Original
work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310199929.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press.
ISBN 9781310199929
Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Influence Of Psychophysiological Specifics
Of A Leader On The Style Of Political Decision-Making. (Composed 2003. Original
work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310037832). San Diego, CA: HPA Press.
ISBN 9781310104558
Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Elitist Political Concepts. (Composed 2005.
Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310223228). San Diego, CA: HPA
Press. ISBN 9781310822858
General Non-Fiction
Bazilevsky, K. (2012). Human Population Academy: Laws of Human Nature Based on
Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A. Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. San Diego, CA:
HPA Press. ISBN 9781301986781 ISBN 9780988648500
Davydov, A. (2013). Shan Khay Tszin: Mify Ili Struktura Psikhiki? [Shan Hai Jing:
Myths Or Structure Of Psyche?] (Composed 1999. Originally pub. 1999 in Russian in
Moscow: Power Of Spirit, 32-35.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP.
ISBN 9781301590391
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
Davydov, A. (2013). “Shan Khay Tszin” i “I Tszin” – Karta Psikhofiziologicheskoy
Struktury Cheloveka? [Shan Hai Jing and I Ching – Map of Human Psychophysiological
Structure?] (Composed 2002.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). AHNENERBE: Your
Killer Is Under Your Skin (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN
9781311356741.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311266682
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2016). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Connection Of The
Ancient Mystical Traditions Of The Indigenous Peoples Of The Americas With The
Catalog Of Human Population. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310139352
Catalog of Human Souls – Non-Fiction Series
Book 1
Skorbatyuk, O., & Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 1. Homo Sapiens
Are Bio-Robots. Human “Software.” (Original work published 2015 in Russian, ISBN
9781310973109.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310865893 ISBN
Book 2
Skorbatyuk, O., & Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 2. Hack anyone’s
soul. 100 Demos Of Human Programs From The Catalog Of Human Population.
(Original work published 2015 in Russian, ISBN 9781311815101.). San Diego, CA: HPA
Press. ISBN 9781310984785 ISBN 9780996731218
Book 3
Skorbatyuk, O., & Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 3. Human
Manipulation Modes. Either You Are Manipulating Or You Are Being Manipulated.
(Original work published 2015 in Russian, ISBN 9781310250521.). San Diego, CA: HPA
Press. ISBN 9781311918598 ISBN 9780996731225
Book 4
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2015). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Catalog of Human Souls:
Vol. 4. Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis. Sеlected Scientific Articles And Presentations
At Conferences. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310498299.). San
Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310750373 ISBN 9780996731232
Book 5
Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 5. Shan Hai Jing—A Book Covered
With Blood. The Story Of Developers Of The Catalog Of Human Population. (Original
work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310149979.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press.
ISBN 9781310766732 ISBN 9780996731249
A Man And A Woman
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2016). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). 21 Female Clichés. San
Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310096686
Non-Fiction Series
A Log With Legs Spread Wide
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). A Log With Legs Spread
Wide: Vol. 1. How Men Turn Women Into Nothing. (Original work published 2014 in
Russian, ISBN 9781310388125.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311155771
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). A Log With Legs Spread
Wide: Vol. 2. How Goddesses Are Turned Into Logs. World History Of Turning Women
Into Mats. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311238894.). San
Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311915603
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). A Log With Legs Spread Wide: Vol. 3. Women’s
Thirst For Power Over Men Is The Pathway To Become A Garbage. (Original work
published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 9781301553075.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of
Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301435500
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). A Log With Legs Spread Wide: Vol. 4. The Head
– In The Underpants. (Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN
9781301051281.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP.
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
Manipulative Games For Women
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya
Zhenshchin [Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 1. March 23: Instruction for
Exploitation of Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow:
SNIALTotems. ISBN 9785716101333). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls
GP. ISBN 9781301803521
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin
[Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 2. April 6: Instruction for Exploitation of Men
(2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN
9785716101302). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin
[Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 3. October 13: Instruction for Exploitation of
Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN
9785716101326). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin
[Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 4. December 7: Instruction for Exploitation of
Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN
9785716101319). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN
Secret Sexual Desires
Bazilevsky, K. (2013). How To Seduce Men/Women Born On <Date> Or Secret Sexual
Desires of 10 Million People: Demo From Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A.
Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. (Vols. 1-10). San Diego, CA: HPA Press.
Bazilevsky, K. (2013). How To Seduce Men & Women Born On March 5 Or Secret
Sexual Desires of 20 Million People: Demo From Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries
by A. Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781301087204
Bazilevsky, K. (2013). Secret Sexual Desires of 100 Million People—Seduction Recipes
For Men & Women: Demos From Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A. Davydov
& O. Skorbatyuk. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9780988648579 ISBN
9781301135035 ISBN 9780988648586
A list of all publications related to our scientific research can be found at
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls was
founded by Andrey Davydov. The laboratory is engaged in research and decryption of
the ancient Chinese monument Shan Hai Jing, as well as other ancient texts, and
creation of the Catalog of Human Population. The technology of uncovering individual
structures of psyche of Homo sapiens for this Catalog was developed by Andrey
Davydov; it is not based on any existing domestic or foreign research, methods or
theoretical concepts. The laboratory is a partner with the Human Population Academy.
Human Population Academy was founded by Kate Bazilevsky. The Academy‘s
mission is to inform all of over 7 billion humans living on Earth about the discovery of
the Catalog of Human Population. The Academy educates about the Catalog of Human
Population (Catalog of Human Souls) and provides access to informational materials
from this Catalog to the public.
Research Supervisor of the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—
Catalog of Human Souls
Andrey Davydov is a sinologist, researcher of ancient texts, the author of scientific
discovery of the Catalog of Human Population and the technology of decryption of the
ancient Chinese monument Shan Hai Jing as the Catalog of Human Population. He
authored over 300 published books, including scientific monographs and ideologies. In
2012, he was granted political asylum in the USA due to persecution by a group of
employees of the Federal Security Service of Russian Federation (FSB, formerly KGB),
who decided to expropriate his research product—the Catalog of Human Population.
Senior Analyst at the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog
of Human Souls
Olga Skorbatyuk is a professional psychologist, researcher, one of the developers of the
Catalog of Human Population, the founder of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis, and co-
author of over 300 books and scientific articles. She was granted political asylum in the
USA together with A. Davydov.
Founder of the Human Population Academy, Junior Analyst at the Special
Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Soul
Kate Bazilevsky is a psychologist, researcher, director of the Human Population
Academy, author and translator of books about the Catalog of Human Population. She
founded the Human Population Academy in 2011 and a publishing company called HPA
Press in 2012.
Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
1. Visit our official website.
Human Population Academy:
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You can also contact us by leaving a message on our website (at the bottom of any page, where Leave a
Reply form exists; for example, on the Contacts page). You can also try to contact us
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People Born In July (Anti-Horoscope: Human “Software” - Book 7)

  • 1.
  • 2. ANTI-HOROSCOPE: HUMAN “SOFTWARE” Book 7 PEOPLE BORN IN JULY Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky HPA Press
  • 3. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 3 Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky People Born In July Translated by Kate Bazilevsky All images are in the public domain. © 2017 Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky Translation © 2017 Kate Bazilevsky © 2017 HPA Press All rights reserved.
  • 4. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 4 Table of Contents Preface Introduction. Your Soul Is Not Where You Think It Is Part 1. Briefly About The Discovery Of The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 1. Shan Hai Jing: Knowledge About You Personally That Comes From The Depths Of Centuries Chapter 2. The Catalog Of Human Population Is Not What It Seems Part 2. Demos Of Natural Programs Of People Born In July From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 1. How To Use Demos Of Natural Programs Of Homo Sapiens Chapter 2. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 4th Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 3. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 5th Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 4. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 5th Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 5. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 6th Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 6. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 6th Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 7. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 7th Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 8. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 10th Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 9. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Men Born On July 10th Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 10. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 11th Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 11. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Men Born On July 11th Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
  • 5. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 5 Chapter 12. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 11th Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 13. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Men Born On July 11th Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 14. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 12th Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 15. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Men Born On July 12th Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 16. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Men Born On July 13th Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 17. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 14th Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 18. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Men Born On July 14th Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 19. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 15th Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 20. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Boys (1-7 Years Old) Born On July 23rd Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 21. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Boys (1-7 Years Old) Born On July 24th Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 22. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Boys (1-7 Years Old) Born On July 24th Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 23. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 25th Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 24. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Boys (1-7 Years Old) Born On July 25th Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 25. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 26th Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 26. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 26th Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 27. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 27th Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 28. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 30th Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population
  • 6. PEOPLE BORN IN JULY 6 Chapter 29. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 31st Of Leap Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 30. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women Born On July 31st Of Common Years From The Catalog Of Human Population Part 3: More Ancient than the Zodiac Chapter 1. Spirits-Totems From The Catalog Of Human Population Chapter 2. A Dragon with a Human Face—Spirit-Totem Of People Born In July Other Books Related To Our Scientific Research About Us Connect With Us
  • 7. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 7 PREFACE
  • 8. PEOPLE BORN IN JULY 8 A husband came home upset and told his wife: "I went to the doctor and he said that what we considered orgasms for thirty years are asthma attacks." (Anecdote) As always, let's begin with some news. You were majorly fooled: like in the above- mentioned anecdote, self-knowledge is not at all that what you think it is. The process that you are used to calling "looking for yourself" is idiocy because you can open up a book and find out everything about what you are like in great detail (more than you can find out about some animal from any encyclopedia). However, this book is not your favorite horoscope. Sorry if we disappointed you, but as one Russian saying goes: "Oranges do not grow on aspens." We understand that your take on horoscopes is lenient. Even though they contain complete nonsense—they are inoffensive, simple and amusing like children's books. And, most importantly, they are not about you, what you are like real, without masks and permanent self-presentations in an attempt to appear better. Plus, it is nice to feel smart against the background of astrologers-charlatans, who were unable to figure you out, right? Who likes to see themselves as dissected frogs, and especially on public display? You do so much in order to ensure that no one ever finds about your "skeletons in the closet," passions, weaknesses, and vices! Apparently, this is what horoscopes are needed for—to hide the truth; this is their "practical value." You might say that there is some truth in horoscopes. Well, well. Do you know that if a person is provided with any psychological portrait, any program of behavior, then he will be able to implement it more or less well? This is explainable because Homo sapiens are bio-robots. A different matter is the price that will have to be paid for an impersonation. For example, professional actors pay with their health and life itself for a place "among the stars." As it is known, mental disorders and breakdowns, drugs, alcoholism, suicides and the like are their usual companions. As the saying goes: “Seppuku is a private matter of each samurai.” If you like to pretend that you are someone else—do it. Just remember that you never know whether alien "software" will do well or not with natural "software" given to you from birth. It might be a conflict, and then someone’s "tail will fall off," so to speak... This is the price for embodiment of personality traits from a horoscope, which by nature an actor does not have... However, let's come back to this a bit later. ***** It is known that people are different. Some eat a toast with some cheese for breakfast, others—a bowl of cereal with milk, while some people dream of having a piece of steak in the morning. Some go to work every day, and others prefer "to create in free flight." For some family is most important, and others run away from it like the devil that caught a whiff of incense, while, as some jokingly say, "losing women and children."
  • 9. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 9 Some live according to moral values, while others have none. Some are fine with working, and others prefer to rob banks. Some like rap, while others prefer Mozart and Bach. Some take showers or clean their ears several times a day, and for others—once a week is enough. Information theory for some, and news or soccer on the television for others... At the same time, there is one thing in the world that every person desperately needs: information about who he is, what he is like by nature, for what he appeared in this world and how he should live. However, do people look for this information in the right place? ... For us, this is a rhetorical question. We do not think—we know that people are looking for themselves in all the wrong places and in the wrong way. Proof of this is the following result: they are still looking for themselves; even those, who deny this process. Why? Because they did find, but not themselves! And, somewhere deep down they know this perfectly well! This means that the search continues "in secret." People do not know their true, natural selves. And, as it turned out, they cannot know when an objective source of this knowledge is not available to them. This is a fact. This book explains why we state this and provides proof of this. Why did we name this series Anti-Horoscope? Those people, who are really looking for themselves are long tired of lack of specificity and uselessness of horoscopes. Moreover, the principle of "horoscopism" itself hinders more than it helps. We consider "horoscopism" not only horoscopes as such, but also any nonworking methods in general: psychological tests, mystical nonsense like numerology and "meditation," use of drugs supposedly in order to look "deep within"; religious and philosophical masturbation a la "the truth is somewhere there" with a hint that human soul cannot be uncovered, and so on. Everything listed above is great stupidity and blatant lies. Human soul is knowable because the "soul" (or psyche, if we use the scientific term) of any person (who lived in the past, lives today or was not born yet) is described in the most detailed manner in the ancient source, which turned out to be the Catalog of Human Population! It is only necessary to open up the book and learn everything about yourself from this Encyclopedia of Homo Sapiens. In this "encyclopedia," which we called the Catalog of Human Population, the biological type "human" is described as divided into two hundred and ninety three subtypes, each of which is endemic and categorically different from others. Human soul is a program given to a person from birth and implanted at the genetic level. Depending on the time of birth, each person belongs to one of these two hundred and ninety three subtypes, detailed descriptions of which are provided in the Catalog of Human Population. Hence, the possibility to uncover the so-called "unknowable" soul; and, in detail on six factors: intellectual, physical, nutritional (dietological), emotional, sexual and environmental. As you can see, thanks to the Catalog of Human Population, self-knowledge moves to the "there is nothing easier" category. Moreover, there is nothing unusual in such approach to solving the problem of "finding yourself." On the contrary, it is standard. After all, a human is first of all a natural object, and only then—social. You learn about animals, plants, planets and all other natural objects from encyclopedias, do you not?
  • 10. PEOPLE BORN IN JULY 10 Or, do you personally find out about, for example, animals using intuition or, even worse, by experimenting (for example, by pulling a tiger by its tail)? Or, perhaps, following the principles of "horoscopism," in order to find out what a real tiger is like you watch cartoons about tigers or go to a toy store? ... Do not worry—you will still have something to do. The time you would use to "look for yourself" can instead be spent on something more practical; for example, to become a human... After all, you were misled in this as well because one is not born a human—one becomes a human. Shan Hai Jing includes direct indications of this in the form of detailed descriptions of six more levels of development of Homo sapiens (in addition to the level of primary programs, with which people are born), and only at the top of this pyramid there is a "human." However, we will discuss this some other time. This book is for those people, who are fed up with "horoscopism," who are tired of listening to nonsense about themselves from psychologists or their "all-knowing" relatives, friends and acquaintances. It is for those people, who are bothered by that instead of getting the answer to the question "Who am I and what am I like?" are offered to find themselves independently in numerous directions of "self-knowledge:" psychological, mystical, religious, martial arts schools, etc. This book series will help you save not just some time in your life, but your whole life because otherwise your entire life will be spent on that what is a priori impossible. And, impossible not because you are idiots, but because, as it turned out during the course of our research (over forty years)—Homo sapiens cannot know themselves without an external (and, most importantly, objective) source. Psychological theories and various "-isms" never fell under this category since they all belong to the category of not objective, but subjective. Perhaps this is the reason why very long time ago someone left humanity "factory instructions" to each one of us—the Catalog of Human Population? ***** It is unlikely that this book will be interesting to convinced fans of horoscopes and other "masturbatory" methods of self-knowledge, as well as to those people, who are ready to sacrifice their lives in order to continue living in belief that they already know themselves (that is, living in their fantasies). Today, there is television and internet, so one can live in fantasies without any books at all. However, who said that life in fantasies (that is, inside your cranium instead of reality) is life? ... In case you did not know, intellect is given to a human to comprehend their natural "software" and for subsequent communication with it. And, if you really want to masturbate—it is possible to do it without involving your intellect. You will get at least some reward for your work in the form of a dose of dopamine. Just be careful with this; one lab rat died after constantly pressing a pedal, wires from which went straight to the pleasure center in its brain. At the same time, to tell the truth, keenness on intellectual masturbation eventually leads to the same.
  • 11. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 11 For those people, who will dare to get acquainted with the alternative way to self- knowledge and self-perfection (that is, with our scientific research related to development of the Catalog of Human Population), below is an overview of topics covered in this book. In the first part, we briefly tell about the discovery of the Catalog of Human Population on the basis of decryption of the ancient source—Shan Hai Jing. Also, we briefly describe how human psyche is arranged. It does not make sense to go into more detail on this in this book because five books in the series titled Catalog of Human Souls are fully devoted to this topic. In the second part, we provide proof of that this Catalog, Encyclopedia of Homo Sapiens really does exist and that we learned to decrypt ancient writings (that is, translate the language of images, by which human "software" is described in Shan Hai Jing, into the language of modern psychological descriptions). For this purpose, we included several demos in the form of very brief descriptions of human programs from the Catalog of Human Population for specific birth dates. Perhaps among them you will find a description of yourself or people you know. If you are unsatisfied with such short descriptions—complete descriptions (thirty to fifty pages of text) are also available. You can easily order them on our website at Note that this book is not the only one in the series titled Anti-Horoscope: Human "Software." There are eleven more analogues books in this series for each month of the year. Therefore, if you do not find descriptions of people who interest you in this book, then look in others or contact us for this information (our contact information is provided at the end of this book). However, since neither this book nor other books in this series offer even short descriptions of natural programs of all two hundred and ninety three subtypes of Homo sapiens—we included some general information as a so-called "consolation prize." You will find out what this information is from the third part of this book. And, if astrology fans decide to stay with us, then probably they will be quite interested to find out from where, so to speak, "legs grow" in some astrological notions about similarity in characters of people born within certain periods of the annual cycle, and about that what is much older than the Zodiac. Olga Skorbatyuk and Kate Bazilevsky San Francisco, California May 2017
  • 13. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 13 By nature Homo sapiens differ from animals. A human needs to know what he is like by nature in order to integrate his psychophysiology into the surrounding world in the best possible way, in order to "find his place under the sun." And, it is desirable to know the answer to the question of what all this is for and, of course, how he should live in detail. For example: "I got up at 6 o'clock in the morning..." and what? What exactly does a person need to do in order to be rich, healthy and happy? As it is known, the answer to the question "Who am I and what am I like?" is directly related to the previous question. After all, probably no one will argue with the statement that we are all different, which means that way of life of one person might not suit another person at all. And, paths to happiness and success are different for everyone. Nature arranged it so that only birds- fish-cats-dogs know who they are and how they should live from birth, while Homo, even though they are "sapiens," do not. Of course, one can forget about self-knowledge, join the ranks of zombies, "social animals," and listen to what society says about what he should be like and how he should live, but the question is whether or not you personally want to be a zombie. However, jumping a bit ahead, things are not as difficult and bad as you think; since, as it turns out, the one (or those), who created us, made sure in advance to leave humans detailed instructions on what they are like, what their abilities are and how they need to live in order to be happy. However, let’s get back to these "instructions" later on. Moreover, they were lost for dozens of centuries, humanity did not have access to them and has long gotten accustomed to living on the off-chance, "as it feels like;" even though this is where troubles and problems (with which, unfortunately, every person is familiar) come from. Troubles, problems and sufferings haunt humanity not because Atlantis allegedly submerged into the ocean, Kali Yuga stage began and so on, but simply because those, who were not competent in questions like "Who am I? What am I like? What is my purpose?" (or did not wish humanity well) came "to help" humanity after those "instructions" were lost. This is how numerous philosophical and psychological theories about who a human is, what the human soul is, how people should live, what their purpose is and so on appeared. As for religions—exploiting the natural desire to go beyond the "everyday life" into the space of spirit, goodness, self-perfection and amazing abilities (which is inherent in every person), the human population was offered to believe in some Santa Clauses under different names and in different numbers. And, humanity had nothing left to do, but to accept these absurd, delusional philosophical- religious ideas and supposedly scientific theories from psychology. At the same time, serious scientists do not consider psychology a science and most guess that "a man with a beard made out of cotton" is nothing other than someone's unsuccessful fable. Lacking other options, what else was humanity to do? Imagine the following situation: you were given a super advanced "device" with many interesting functions, but you were not given instructions. All you can do is fumble with this technological miracle since you cannot even turn it on without instructions on how to use it. The same thing happened with the modern model of Homo sapiens. By nature, they are bio-machines, bio-robots. And, this means that without instructions and, using computer terminology, programs of what he should be like and how he should live a person simply cannot function like a human. Figuratively speaking, he fumbled with himself like with that "device" (along
  • 14. PEOPLE BORN IN JULY 14 with a stone ax), got tired of doing it and went on to compose fairytales. And, these fairytales were told to other people: a fairytale called "religion," a fairy tale called "psychology," and many others. What were people to do? They needed to live somehow. Hence fairytales of evolution from an ape, of that supposedly a human is just a meaningless small fry—"servant of God"—and a lot of other nonsense. However, this nonsense is clearly not harmless since for some reason the term of human life has suddenly decreased by a lot, the quality of life greatly worsened, people really began to resemble animals (that is, they stopped engaging in and being interested in anything other than the way of life of animals—hunting for food, ensuring a "warm nest," copulating, raising their offspring, defending their territory, etc. all day every day), while super-abilities, which our distant ancestors had and which are described in ancient legends, also "miraculously evaporated..." Of course, ideologists (that is—composers of those fairytales) did not lose their heads and made up many others fairytales, explaining why this happened to humanity— fairytales about expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise, due to which people supposedly lost happy life in close contact with the Higher powers, immortality and so on. There was nothing for people to do, but to believe in all this nonsense. So, as they say, everything worked out. However, the main "merit" of these storytellers with their religions and philosophies is that they "helped" humanity; that is—they forced Homo sapiens to "fall" very deep into their fantasies and, most importantly, confuse them with the most important thing that every person has—with the soul... ***** Any more or less educated person knows from psychology that all human beings have a psychical function called "imagination." A lot of psychological and psychiatric works have been written about this function. However, even those, who have not studied sciences and are not familiar with these works, know that they have fantasies. This is the same thing as dreams. People like fantasies and probably there is no need to explain why. And, as the saying goes, why suffer? Do you have problems? Do you dislike something outside, within yourself or in the world around you? Are you frightened or worried? Are you tired? Tired of everything and everyone? Bored? No worries—there is always a place where you can go. And, you do not need money or a special permission to go there. Figuratively speaking, you enter your "virtual room," close the door behind you and you can sit and watch "a movie;" that is—dream. There is even no need to hide from everyone in the bathroom because you can "fall" into your imagination anywhere, even behind a wheel while driving on a highway. However, the main value of this "gift of nature" given only to Homo sapiens (it is difficult to even suggest that birds or fish have imagination because they simply would not survive in nature) is that in your fantasies everything is always possible in a way that you want! And, what is particularly valuable is that there it is not necessary to make any effort unlike it is in real life.
  • 15. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 15 However, it is possible to get very much carried away because on the inside a "virtual room" has many real traps. Once you come across a trap at full speed, you can "accidentally" crash into oncoming vehicles, and not only bruise your knee (or forehead) when you "accidentally" bump into some object in the surrounding space, but much worse. And, this "worse" will not necessarily be from the category of psychiatry; even though, of course, from psychiatry as well since according to all scientific medical standards, a subject, who constantly lives in the space of his fantasies is qualified as mentally ill, insane. In other words, schematically—the deeper a person is in his fantasies, the closer he is to death. After all, as it is known, modern psychiatry does not know how to cure mental illnesses, insanity. However, it succeeded in "treating," which first turns a patient into "a vegetable," and then utilizes him. Moreover, not only does a person get utilized as an individual, but also he gets driven to an early grave in the most direct sense. However, even this is not the worst thing for a person, who is keen on sitting in his "virtual movie theater" because in some cases it is better to die than to become a complete moron, a monster, a freak; is it not? It is very simple to become that: dream more often. The recipe for transformation of a normal person into a complete oligophrenic patient or a monster is very simple, even though, of course, few people know about it: fantasize completely uncontrollably about who you are and what you need in this life. That is all. "Virtual space" (meaning, the space of fantasies, "a virtual movie theater") is given by nature for something completely different, and not for thinking up god knows what. However, we will discuss this in more detail some other time. Here, the point is that either way a person will have to pay for infatuation with uncontrollable fantasies, dreams and imaginings. However, what to do? After all, people were told that the space of their imagination is the "holy of holies"–the soul... It was impossible not to believe this because people do not know what human soul is and about their natural arrangement! And, with this belief it seems that the soul is right here. After all, where if not deep down inside can a person be real? Where else is he always happy, satisfied and feels completely safe? Where else does he see such fascinating and magnificent images? Where else does he hear that unique "inner voice" that tells him how to live, what to do, answers all of his numerous questions, and provides clues on how to act? And, one can always talk with this voice about anything and everything frankly, without hiding, without being shy... A person thinks that if this gets taken a way, then his life will become a living hell. Therefore, he thinks, those, who say that his inner world, his soul is there "in the virtual space" are right... ***** Wake up! The soul is not a virtual world in your head at all! And, it is not at all in your head!... You were cruelly deceived and "framed" in a big way by being forced to confuse the soul with the space of your imagination! And, your habit of being in your fantasies from
  • 16. PEOPLE BORN IN JULY 16 morning till night ("watching movies," talking to yourself, hearing voices and so on) has long been described in textbooks on psychiatry!! And, believe it or not, you are all very close to complete coincidence of descriptions of your behavior with real examples from psychiatric practice. After all, there is only one step from constant conversation "with yourself" within yourself to exactly the same conversation out loud! One not very wonderful moment your "wonderful visions" will turn into nothing other than visual hallucinations, and your invaluable adviser called "my inner voice" (which, by the way, has nothing to do with inner) will turn into auditory hallucinations. As the saying goes: you have arrived! And, you arrived not to that wonderful paradise, which you drew for yourself in your fantasies, but to a psychiatric institution together with all the unpleasant (to put it mildly) consequences. ...That is right, everyone would like to know what bastard instilled the idea in people that the space of human imagination is his real soul, but... this "hero" (or, more likely, "heroes") is hardly burning with desire to meet you. What for? His (their) goal is achieved—you are a zombie. A zombie because the sphere of human imagination, his fantasies is precisely the most cherished "door" for a skillful manipulator of human consciousness. And, he (they) managed to open this "cherished door" in you! How? Very simple! Human imagination needs food. Images are this food: visual, acoustic, etc. Hence, the widespread distribution of all kinds of supposedly "informative-entertainment" industry: movies, computer gadgets and other kinds of "cultivation of the masses." Do you think a sudden breakthrough into new technologies in the early 20th century happened by accident?!? The thing is that images presented by cinema, internet sources, fiction books, mass media, songs, theatrical productions and other means of influencing the five known senses (for those, who are particularly curious we recommend studying religious cults organizations, for example) go straight to... Guess where? That is right—to your personal "virtual space!" And, they do not just go there and get stored somewhere—they live in the literal sense of the word! These images literally transform you into that object, which "an ideologist" or "ideologists," who created them (and, supposedly created "accidentally", "during a moment of creative inspiration") had in mind... In other words, you turn exactly into what they want to turn you into. And, this occurs from engaging in very innocent (from your point of view) activities and hobbies: watching movies or television programs, visiting various internet sources, viewing advertising on the streets, listening to songs, and so on and so forth. Images surround us everywhere. At one time, someone very observant managed to notice the special and very powerful influence of any image on the entire psychophysiology of Homo sapiens and use this phenomenon to solve his personal problems. Let’s applaud the genius!!! Also, it should be noted that an image as a phenomenon is not described well even in psychology; or rather it is not described at all. Strange, is it not? Psychologists stuck their noses everywhere, even, like "grandfather Freud" in underpants, but... "they did not notice the elephant." Whether such things happen by a coincidence is a big question; or rather, there is no question at all. This does not happen! There is not even a mention
  • 17. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 17 of that an image as a phenomenon exists, but we (as people engaged in science, like to say) do not know anything about it yet! It is as if this phenomenon does not exist at all, even though it is used everywhere: by filmmakers and artists, marketers and computer programmers, etc. There is even a profession called image-maker. It is like a joke; an image does not exist, but it is quietly being used by everyone and everywhere, where someone understands at least something about how human psyche works. Why? Well, because in reality an image is a very serious thing. An image specifically is the general, who orders the cells in our body what they should be, how they should live and with what result! A cell does not have its own will; it is only an ordinary soldier, who unquestioningly carries out any order of the image-general. And, a cell specifically turns you into that what is encoded in the image that someone threw into your personal "virtual space." And, note that is gets thrown there without your permission, without your consent, without your knowledge. Do not even hope that you can somehow track or control the process of your zombification. Do not even dream of it! In your case, this is absolutely unrealistic. All that you can do in this process is "open your mouth," so to speak. "Mommy" in the form of television, mass media, internet, etc. will put in it that what "she" considers necessary without asking you. It is not necessary to do anything with you in order to get full control over you and turn you into any creature that by nature you are not. And, there is no need to cut you up into pieces or torture you in order to do this. You are only being intimidated by various horror stories, which say something like that one day some bastards will put some chips or other terrible devices under your skin, which will turn you into a zombie. Who needs to do that when there are much easier ways to make a zombie out of you? It is enough just to arrange an 8-hour work day for you, organize a system of commodity-money relations, write (for example, in the Bible) something like "in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread..." (Gen. 3:19), and then, when you are exhausted from doing work y ou do not like—simply turn on the television (or a computer) in front of you! Then, a miracle will happen: once you finally relax in front of a screen, they will show you that what they need, and ... zombification is done! Wait, you were never told that in a state of tiredness you are most vulnerable to any psychical influence, right? We think so because, for example, in the USA saying something like "I’m tired" is considered a super-result of a working day, almost heroism. Whereas any specialist, who is more or less familiar with the principles of work of psychophysiology of "Homo sapiens," knows perfectly well that when brought to the state of tiredness and exhaustion a subject becomes weak, inattentive, uncritical, etc. It is not for nothing that people are put in such a state in order to instill something in them. And, if to tiredness after a workday one adds alcohol, calming pills or drains the last vitality while "performing the marital obligations" (you were taught to pursue only orgasm during sex, right?), then there is no better candidate for a zombie! After that everything is even simpler: information gets poured through eyes and ears (or both) of a tired, de-energized, deprived of vital energy "carcass" (because at this point it is very difficult to call this subject a person). And, information is always images
  • 18. PEOPLE BORN IN JULY 18 regardless of what form it gets transmitted in. You already know how images influence from within. And, images, consumed (or better said: "eaten") in a state of extreme uncriticality due to tiredness, turn you into that what ideologists ordered even faster. Or, do you still believe that fame, popularity (of writers, actors, artists, etc.) comes to people as a result of their special talents, abilities, hard work or simply good luck??? That is children's fairy-tales because in reality this is not the case. Ideologists FULLY control all information processes in this civilization. Therefore, no actor or film, or book, or scientific discovery will ever "leak" to the general masses without approval of these ideologists. Not a single one. Never. So, you sit down in front of a television or radio, pick up a book, open an album or look at a design of something, and at that moment those images are getting fed to your analyzers. And, with that the process of turning you into something that is beneficial to ideologists began! You cannot use your will to stop it, it happens automatically. As a result, a person does not know what happened to him. He only wonders why he then did something in his life that was absolutely unbeneficial to him and, perhaps, harmful. A person, who does not know what an image is, how it influences his psychophysiology and through which mechanisms can only guess why he did something that he absolutely did not need to do, why he was stupid in a particular situation, why he suddenly listened to someone’s persuasions, why he carried out actions absolutely unusual for him, and so on. Of course, a person asks himself about this, and often even reproaches. But, what is the use? As the saying goes: "We cannot understand this." Psychologists and psychiatrists will not help here. Naturally, clever and more professional ones might ask: "What did you eat in the intellectual factor?" (Meaning, which literary works and films are you keen on?) However, they will ask this only in order to understand what "buttons" to push, so that you remain a client, as the saying goes, "until death." However, let’s get back to getting acquainted with mechanisms of influence of an image on human psyche. Sometimes it so happens that on a purely physical level, a person suddenly begins to turn into (for a period of time or forever) some character from a movie, a theatrical performance, a work of art, etc. And, these transformations are visible in the mirror! Do you want some examples? There are plenty. Consider, for example, a Barbie doll. More than one generation of girls all over the world grew up similar in appearance to that doll; not to mention that psychologically they became just as dumb, insensitive and useless as a plastic doll. And, what about Barbie’s "husband" Ken? Every second man in the USA looks more or less like him... There are millions of such examples. As the saying goes, "one who has eyes (or rather opens them) will see." In short that is all about images and their relationship with the space of human fantasies. We think that it will be enough for the initial acquaintance. Enjoy watching movies and television shows! ...Enjoy songs, fresh press and other "miracles" of scientific and technological progress! Like dogs, you have been trained for a long time that pleasure is the main thing that you need to seek in life. Right? And, who cares that long ago some scientists described an experiment, in which a rat that was given direct access to the zone of obtaining pleasure
  • 19. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 19 by pressing a pedal, died very quickly. You think that after all it is a rat and that you are safe from this danger... Right? Sweet dreams! To those people, who do not like the prospect of continuing to be a zombie against their will, below we will tell about what the soul really is. And, most importantly, you will finally learn how to stop allowing yourself to be zombified at every step and how to finally start using your own mind and living your own life. Оf course, if you need that. After all, life of a zombie also has its advantages: just live your life, there is no need to think, make decisions, learn, get new information so on. Live and enjoy, like some "walking steak" on a fresh meadow: a cow, a bull, a ram, or a goat, for example. After all, they also enjoy life, have everything they need and live without worries, like you. However, they live like this only until the moment when they are taken to the slaughterhouse, but still. Perhaps euthanasia is fascinating and exciting, but the outcome of this event is death. And, for you personally death (regardless of what you imagined about reincarnation and afterlife) means cessation of absolutely everything, including pleasure. Therefore, it is a question whether or not to prefer euthanasia to a stormy orgasm and enjoyment from many different things that one can experience only when he is alive... However, this is a question not for us, but for you. After all, we are using the Catalog of Human Population. What about you? You might ask: what is this Catalog? We will briefly tell about it below. However, to those, who are particularly impatient, we can recommend searching the internet for "Catalog of Human Souls" and satisfying your curiosity about these "Instructions for humanity" without waiting for an explanation. You Are A Zombie? “Good For You?!” So, you learned that you were a bit deceived, to put it mildly, about the whereabouts of your soul; and, deceived about what "a soul" (same as psyche) is. The result of this, perhaps, the most widespread fraud in our civilization is very sad—as individuals you do not exist. Instead of individuals, every one of you represents only a sum of qualities given to you by your parents and caregivers and those that the society continues to implant in you throughout your life. Unfortunately, you are a zombie. Where is the proof? No problem. Answer the following question—have you never in your life followed at least one social standard from the category: "boys must be ...", "women are ...", "a real man is ...", "a husband (a wife) must ...", "a person of your social stratum is usually ...", "a representative of your profession must ...", "people of your age usually ...", "good parents are ...", etc.? What is your answer? You have never ever followed any of these standards? Well, then things are even worse in your case because, sorry, but it is already a diagnosis! You are absolutely inadequate... We will explain below why we posed this question and why there simply cannot be any other answer to this question besides the answer "yes."
  • 20. PEOPLE BORN IN JULY 20 ***** So, zombification as a process of depriving a person of his natural, true essence, as well as self-identification with his real self and replacing it all with artificial guidelines, standards of life and behavior is obvious. You are not the only zombie. The entire human population was turned into zombies. And, as we mentioned before, this was done under an "innocent sauce": "It's not harmful to dream, it's harmful not to dream." And, you were taught to consider the place of your dreams, the space of your fantasies (which we called a "virtual room" or "virtual space") your soul. Brilliant deceit! Making a person confuse a "movie theater" in his head (which, by the way, was created by nature for completely other things than fantasies and not for fantasizing about "who I am and what I am") with his true essence—that is impressive! After that everything is very simple: all that is necessary is to throw a bunch of that what if beneficial into this "soul." And, a zombie is ready! Moreover, African voodoo with their resurrected dead can rest—they are just children in comparison with the organizers of this civilization, the "programmers!" The latter make the living dead fully controllable and without any nonsense like digging up graves, scary eyes and cadaverous stains. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Do you notice that you are a zombie? Of course, note that the process of total zombification of humanity is not that obvious to each representative. Actually, it is not noticed by 99.9% of humanity. As ordered, people live and "chew grass." Do you know why? Because all this is carefully camouflaged and, curiously, this process occurs within close collaboration between "programmers" and you-zombies. After all, who among you will admit (even to himself) that he is a zombie? The correct answer is: no one and never. Hence, your fantasies on topics like "I know myself", "I'm like this by nature", "I made myself", "no one orders me" and your fairytales about "infinitely long corridors" of yours soul, at the end of which allegedly there sparkles a diamond of your unclouded consciousness and there reigns harmony of your unique individuality, which still develops and evolves. Sounds familiar? Well, for people like us, those who are, so to speak, specialists in the field of human "software," it would be naïve to assume that you think something different about yourself. Why? Because it is part of the program that turns you into a zombie! The general principle is approximately the same as if a woman was raped, if one person cheated the other in a big way, if victims did not turn to law enforcement agencies or anyone at all simply because they are ashamed to present themselves to other people "not in the best light." The same is true about you. You might ask: why is it so easy to turn any person into a zombie? After all, as we were told, a human being is "the peak of evolution", "the King of nature." Indeed, it would seem that Homo sapiens have everything necessary to live reasonably, consciously and freely. Yes, Homo sapiens do have it, but only with one small correction, which "programmers" allegedly forgot to tell you: they have it in potential. In case of a human in this civilization, these qualities are either not used enough or not used at all. According to our research, reason and consciousness begin to turn on and function only under normal psychical development of a person.
  • 21. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 21 ... However, please, do not turn to your "virtual space" now to fantasize that your psychical development was normal–it is not true. Why this is so, you will understand yourself once you read a bit further. ***** Now, please allow a few words in simple popular language about how human psyche functions. As it is known, a bird, a fish, a flower or any other natural object come into the world with full knowledge of who they are. That is, what qualities, abilities and needs they were given by nature, what they can and cannot do, what they must and must not do, how to live and what to do. They do not go to schools or universities, do not read books, do not visit psychologists, coaches or priests, and do not turn to the internet in order to know everything they need to know for survival and be able to solve any problem that arises in their lives. However, they also have a lot of problems in their lives... Homo sapiens are born with complete lack of such knowledge. In order for a human to simply survive, he needs many years of upbringing and education, and then, practically throughout his life, he needs information, advice, consultations on various issues. This is nonsense from the point of view of those, thanks to whom a being called "a human" was classified as "the peak of evolution." However, let’s not get distracted by nonsense; who knows what was thought up during many years of history of humanity. More importantly, the result was a known misconception that a human’s baby is a Tabula rasa ("blank slate," according to Aristotle). Even though this is not the case (as to why we will discuss later on), if we consider the matter from the point of view of knowledge that exists in civilization about how a human is arranged, then it is really not difficult, so to speak, "to confuse soft with warm" and a baby with a fence, on which you can write whatever you want. However, on the other hand, in a sense it is true. An example of this is the following fact: if wild animals care for a human baby from birth—in the end we will get Mowgli; that is—an animal in human form, but not a human. This is the function of natural human arrangement that the organizers of our civilization used. They decided that since there is "a fence" and "you can write whatever you want" on it, then why not write that what is beneficial to them? And so, they wrote things which, so to speak, can "neither be told in a fairytale, nor uttered aloud." However, despite all the monstrosity of what modern humanity turned into thanks to "writings on a fence," it is necessary to hand it to "programmers"—they get an "A" for carrying out their task. Judge for yourself: transformation of a potentially incredibly powerful being called "a human" into a helpless, dumb and obedient member of a single "herd" has successfully taken place and a long time ago. This herd (already without quotes) is successfully exploited in all corners of our globe, regardless of race, nationality, education level, social status and so on. And, it is exploited however the "founding fathers" want; as the saying goes, "a step to the left, a step to the right is considered to be an escape attempt."
  • 22. PEOPLE BORN IN JULY 22 By introducing a system called "money", "programmers" quickly put everyone behind a conveyor belt called "just keep pedaling." And, people are pedaling: everyone from a janitor to a president of any country or a monarch. However, they work "for the uncle" and not for themselves, but earn enough for bread and butter (sometimes even with caviar). Meanwhile, their own lives "go down the drain;" but, what to do? Even though this process can hardly be called life, all "non-humans of this civilization" were persuaded not to pay attention to that. Since everything is ruled by money, then selling yourself, selling the most valuable thing that you have (that is—yourself and your life) is considered normal. And, for those people, who are firmly opposed to such "values" and prefer the position called "money is not the main thing," or "money simply burns their thighs"—a number of alternatives were organized for every taste: volunteering, donations, so-called "spiritual life" (which, as it is believed, for some reason must necessarily occur outside of the sphere of commodity-money relations). Most important is that you work for society; for money or for free. Therefore, some work for money, others out of interest, and some for the sake of "feeling different," or so that everyone around would admire their unselfishness and anti-mercantile spirit. However, without knowing it, all of them are laboring away for society and not for themselves personally (that is—not for the sake of providing for their own psychophysiology, not for the sake of their own development and evolution). With this approach, it became clear over time that slave plantations and concentration camps are no longer needed; it sounds too archaic, plus there is no need to provide food and water for the herd when it is possible to program them in a way that they will pay for all this themselves. In addition, as it is known, reproduction is not very frequent in concentration camps, while regular addition of slaves is necessary. All that needs to be done is to write on "a clean fence," then at the bottom add "do not kill, do not rob, do not commit adultery" (because these privileges are only for the "programmers") and write the cherished "go forth and multiply!" People think: "Hooray! "This" is allowed!" And, with the help of some "programming secrets," all women were turned into free appendixes to their vaginas, and men into perpetual laborers "in some fields" (only not in the fields of themselves—meaning, as individuals). Women are engaged with men, men with women and work, and there is no time to engage with themselves, to develop their natural potentials. After all, once you have a family, it must be fed and children must be brought up. Note that this must be done at your own expense, even though children are not brought up for parents; they are brought up for society. Super-business, is it not? As a result, the ranks of slaves are regularly replenished and parents get nothing or almost nothing from this in comparison with benefits that "programmers" get from such a system. If you were "born a freak" and you have some other interests in life besides "working for your uncle" and reproducing like a rabbit, then you are welcome to become homeless, crazy, a drug addict or an alcoholic. (After all, drug addicts and alcoholics are people, who are initially creative, ambitious, who do not want to "dance to someone else's guitar" and often did not lose the urge to get to know the world around them and themselves; a different matter is that they usually do not understand that this requires doing something.) In such cases, the organizers of this civilization have a firm stand: "No, we don’t need this! Your task is not to self-realize, but to live the way we tell you and work for us. And, if you are so independent and original, then go live under a bridge
  • 23. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 23 or on a bench in some park, and self-realize there all you want. We will provide you with drugs, alcohol and haloperidol. At the same time, this will teach others." As a rule, for the majority of those, who "are not like this," the whole struggle with society ends with death. However, the most interesting thing is that for "good boys and girls" in this civilization the end is the same, and often it comes even faster. Constant tiredness, cancer and other diseases associated with that a member of the society, who works and "leads right way of life" never has time for himself; his psychophysiological needs simply do not get satisfied or get satisfied based on the "Good for you" principle (in the absence of critical, analytical and logical types of thought processes, in response to this an individual does not ask himself how an advisor can advise him something if he does not know him, does not know what is good or bad for him since even he himself does not know this). The result is stresses, depressions and mental illnesses. People were told that they should not think about themselves, take care of themselves, supposedly it is selfish and bad, and if you get sick—doctors will take care of you. It would be very funny if it were not so sad. As a result of such "life," a slave-zombie (who himself ensures the process of "working on foreign plantations" his entire life) presses a button called "self-utilization" himself... And so on and so forth. In principle, it is possible to write a multi-volume encyclopedia on "artificial software" describing the life of this "blessed society" and how exactly people are turned into zombies for exploitation. However, we think that several examples are enough for at least some of you to try to think about this. And, you might realize that even such primitive artificial programs are very beneficial for "programmers." And, the cost of this is not significant. Who needs "universal chipping?" In the 21 st century it is very easy to program any volume of the human masses with anything. The recipe is simple: advance scientific and technological progress in certain directions, raise it to incredible heights using the forces of slaves-sheep, and then transmit artificial images to the herd through mass media, literature, movies, songs, advertisements and so on "right into the soul." And, there is no need to make psychology a science, let it remain at the level of medieval ignorance—Aristotle’s treatise On the Soul and theory of four temperaments. "Sheep" do not need to know themselves, they must be what they are told to be and live as they are told to live "from above." Moreover, by introducing such ingenious tools of deception and mass fooling as faith and religion, it is always possible to blame everything on god—the herd "will buy it." Free higher education for all is also not necessary for "sheep." As it is known, it is much easier to control ignoramuses and blockheads. Why read books? You can read names of streets, price tags in stores and bills that you receive; you can add two plus two on a calculator—and, already you are a genius! The main thing is to convince "sheep" that they already know everything! This way they are pleased, and you feel good. Education is superfluous, better let them work. Television and other "means of mass endarkenment" will tell them "Good for you" and how they should live. So, there is no need for them to think, learn anything, test anything, doubt, or, in other words—strain themselves.
  • 24. PEOPLE BORN IN JULY 24 So what if someone is making an idiot out of you for life? They will include many pleasant things with the zombie program; for example, how valuable, unique and original you are, how many things you are supposedly doing well and right in your life, etc. After all, such fairytales are much needed during breaks between "working on a plantation" for eight or more hours per day and other "socially useful works" like family! Especially when you are finally left alone with yourself, the following immediately starts "knocking" in your head: that you do not understand why you need this damn life...
  • 25. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 25 PART 1 BRIEFLY ABOUT THE DISCOVERY OF THE CATALOG OF HUMAN POPULATION
  • 27. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 27 Purchase an eBook or an AudioBook.
  • 29. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 29 Monographic Series Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis. Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Ed.). Anonymous (Trans.). Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis: Vol. 1. From Carl Gustav Jung’s Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious to Individual Archetypal Patterns. (Composed 2005. Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 9781301447688.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311820082 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis: Vol. 2. Can Archetypal Images Contain Chimeras? (Composed 2005. Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 978130184859.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310658570 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). Arkhetipicheskiy Pattern. Osnovy Netraditsionnogo Psikhoanaliza [Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis]: Vol. 3. Archetype Semantics: How This Corresponds to the Concept of an ‘Image’. How Archetypal Are Images? (Composed 2005.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301337309 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Archetypal Pattern. Fundamentals of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis: Vol. 4. Society As A Community Of Manipulators And Their Subjects. (Composed 2005. Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 9781301399901.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311809353 Catalog of Human Population - Non-Fiction Series Individual (Subtype) Human Programs Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Katalog Chelovecheskikh Dush: Programmnoye Obespecheniye Dushi Muzhchin/Zhenshchin, Rodivshikhsya <Data> [Catalog of Human Souls: Software of Soul of Men/Women Born On <Date>] (Vols. 1-218. In Russian. Composed 2005-2013.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. [Available at in all languages]. Human Manipulation Modes Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013-2014). Katalog Chelovecheskikh Dush: Kak Podchinit' Muzhchin/Zhenshchin, Rozhdonnykh <Data>. Zhenskiy/Muzhskoy Мanipulyativnyy Сtsenariy. [Catalog of Human Souls: How To Subdue Men/Women Born On <Date>. Female/Male Manipulation Scenario.] (Vols. 1-39. In Russian. Composed 2005-2013.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. [Available at in all languages].
  • 30. PEOPLE BORN IN JULY 30 Ideologies Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Terrorism: A Concept For The ATC (The Commonwealth Of Independent States Anti-Terrorism Center). (Composed 2001. Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311277848.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310032189 Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Ideology Of Monarchy. For Office Of The Head Of The Russian Imperial House, Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. (Composed 2003. Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310150340.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311970152 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Ideology Of Religions. Scientific Proof Of Existence Of “God”: The Catalog Of Human Population. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311946690.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311413932 ISBN 9780988648593 Political Science Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Essence Of Political Ideologies And Their Role In The Historical Process (Political History Of Russia). (Composed 2003. Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310199929.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310199929 Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Influence Of Psychophysiological Specifics Of A Leader On The Style Of Political Decision-Making. (Composed 2003. Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310037832). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310104558 Davydov, A. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Elitist Political Concepts. (Composed 2005. Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310223228). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310822858 General Non-Fiction Bazilevsky, K. (2012). Human Population Academy: Laws of Human Nature Based on Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A. Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781301986781 ISBN 9780988648500 Davydov, A. (2013). Shan Khay Tszin: Mify Ili Struktura Psikhiki? [Shan Hai Jing: Myths Or Structure Of Psyche?] (Composed 1999. Originally pub. 1999 in Russian in Moscow: Power Of Spirit, 32-35.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301590391
  • 31. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 31 Davydov, A. (2013). “Shan Khay Tszin” i “I Tszin” – Karta Psikhofiziologicheskoy Struktury Cheloveka? [Shan Hai Jing and I Ching – Map of Human Psychophysiological Structure?] (Composed 2002.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301510009 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). AHNENERBE: Your Killer Is Under Your Skin (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311356741.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311266682 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2016). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Connection Of The Ancient Mystical Traditions Of The Indigenous Peoples Of The Americas With The Catalog Of Human Population. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310139352 Catalog of Human Souls – Non-Fiction Series Book 1 Skorbatyuk, O., & Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 1. Homo Sapiens Are Bio-Robots. Human “Software.” (Original work published 2015 in Russian, ISBN 9781310973109.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310865893 ISBN 9780996731201 Book 2 Skorbatyuk, O., & Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 2. Hack anyone’s soul. 100 Demos Of Human Programs From The Catalog Of Human Population. (Original work published 2015 in Russian, ISBN 9781311815101.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310984785 ISBN 9780996731218 Book 3 Skorbatyuk, O., & Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 3. Human Manipulation Modes. Either You Are Manipulating Or You Are Being Manipulated. (Original work published 2015 in Russian, ISBN 9781310250521.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311918598 ISBN 9780996731225
  • 32. PEOPLE BORN IN JULY 32 Book 4 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2015). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 4. Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis. Sеlected Scientific Articles And Presentations At Conferences. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310498299.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310750373 ISBN 9780996731232 Book 5 Bazilevsky, K. (2015). Catalog of Human Souls: Vol. 5. Shan Hai Jing—A Book Covered With Blood. The Story Of Developers Of The Catalog Of Human Population. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310149979.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310766732 ISBN 9780996731249 A Man And A Woman Non-Fiction Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2016). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). 21 Female Clichés. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781310096686 Non-Fiction Series A Log With Legs Spread Wide Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). A Log With Legs Spread Wide: Vol. 1. How Men Turn Women Into Nothing. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781310388125.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311155771 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). A Log With Legs Spread Wide: Vol. 2. How Goddesses Are Turned Into Logs. World History Of Turning Women Into Mats. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311238894.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311915603 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). A Log With Legs Spread Wide: Vol. 3. Women’s Thirst For Power Over Men Is The Pathway To Become A Garbage. (Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 9781301553075.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301435500 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). A Log With Legs Spread Wide: Vol. 4. The Head – In The Underpants. (Original work published 2013 in Russian, ISBN 9781301051281.). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP.
  • 33. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 33 Manipulative Games For Women Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin [Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 1. March 23: Instruction for Exploitation of Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN 9785716101333). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301803521 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin [Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 2. April 6: Instruction for Exploitation of Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN 9785716101302). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301069286 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin [Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 3. October 13: Instruction for Exploitation of Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN 9785716101326). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301900824 Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2013). Manipulyativnyye Igry Dlya Zhenshchin [Manipulative Games For Women]: Vol. 4. December 7: Instruction for Exploitation of Men (2nd ed., in Russian. Original work published 2005, Moscow: SNIALTotems. ISBN 9785716101319). Marina Del Rey, CA: Catalog Of Human Souls GP. ISBN 9781301413065 Secret Sexual Desires Bazilevsky, K. (2013). How To Seduce Men/Women Born On <Date> Or Secret Sexual Desires of 10 Million People: Demo From Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A. Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. (Vols. 1-10). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. Bazilevsky, K. (2013). How To Seduce Men & Women Born On March 5 Or Secret Sexual Desires of 20 Million People: Demo From Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A. Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781301087204 Bazilevsky, K. (2013). Secret Sexual Desires of 100 Million People—Seduction Recipes For Men & Women: Demos From Shan Hai Jing Research Discoveries by A. Davydov & O. Skorbatyuk. San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9780988648579 ISBN 9781301135035 ISBN 9780988648586 A list of all publications related to our scientific research can be found at
  • 35. Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky 35 Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls was founded by Andrey Davydov. The laboratory is engaged in research and decryption of the ancient Chinese monument Shan Hai Jing, as well as other ancient texts, and creation of the Catalog of Human Population. The technology of uncovering individual structures of psyche of Homo sapiens for this Catalog was developed by Andrey Davydov; it is not based on any existing domestic or foreign research, methods or theoretical concepts. The laboratory is a partner with the Human Population Academy. Human Population Academy was founded by Kate Bazilevsky. The Academy‘s mission is to inform all of over 7 billion humans living on Earth about the discovery of the Catalog of Human Population. The Academy educates about the Catalog of Human Population (Catalog of Human Souls) and provides access to informational materials from this Catalog to the public. LEADERSHIP ANDREY DAVYDOV Research Supervisor of the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory— Catalog of Human Souls Andrey Davydov is a sinologist, researcher of ancient texts, the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of Human Population and the technology of decryption of the ancient Chinese monument Shan Hai Jing as the Catalog of Human Population. He authored over 300 published books, including scientific monographs and ideologies. In 2012, he was granted political asylum in the USA due to persecution by a group of employees of the Federal Security Service of Russian Federation (FSB, formerly KGB), who decided to expropriate his research product—the Catalog of Human Population.
  • 36. PEOPLE BORN IN JULY 36 OLGA SKORBATYUK Senior Analyst at the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls Olga Skorbatyuk is a professional psychologist, researcher, one of the developers of the Catalog of Human Population, the founder of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis, and co- author of over 300 books and scientific articles. She was granted political asylum in the USA together with A. Davydov. KATE BAZILEVSKY Founder of the Human Population Academy, Junior Analyst at the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Soul Kate Bazilevsky is a psychologist, researcher, director of the Human Population Academy, author and translator of books about the Catalog of Human Population. She founded the Human Population Academy in 2011 and a publishing company called HPA Press in 2012.
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