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Patriotism Essay
Embarking on the task of crafting an essay on the subject of patriotism can be a challenging
endeavor, as the topic is laden with complex emotions, diverse perspectives, and a multitude of
historical and contemporary dimensions. The difficulty lies not only in presenting a coherent and
well-structured argument but also in navigating the sensitive nature of patriotism, which can
evoke strong sentiments and differing interpretations.
To begin with, defining patriotism in a way that captures its essence without oversimplification
or idealization can be a daunting task. The concept itself is multifaceted, encompassing love for
one's country, loyalty to its ideals, and a sense of duty towards its well-being. Balancing these
elements while avoiding clichГ©s and platitudes requires a nuanced approach that demands both
critical thinking and creativity.
Furthermore, the historical context adds another layer of complexity. Addressing the evolution of
patriotism over time, its manifestations in different cultures, and the intersectionality with other
socio-political factors necessitates thorough research and a comprehensive understanding of
global perspectives. Juggling these aspects while maintaining coherence in the narrative can be
intellectually demanding.
The potential for controversy is another hurdle to overcome. Patriotism, for some, may represent
a virtuous and unifying force, while for others, it may evoke concerns about nationalism,
exclusion, or even blind allegiance. Navigating this minefield of diverse opinions requires a
delicate balance, requiring the essayist to acknowledge varying viewpoints without sacrificing
the integrity of their argument.
Moreover, the emotional component of patriotism can be challenging to convey in writing.
Striking the right chord to elicit empathy and connection with the reader while avoiding
sentimentality or manipulation requires a keen awareness of language and tone. Crafting an
essay that resonates emotionally without sacrificing intellectual rigor is a delicate art.
In conclusion, composing an essay on patriotism demands a skillful blend of historical insight,
critical analysis, emotional intelligence, and linguistic finesse. The intricacies involved in
presenting a comprehensive and compelling exploration of the topic make it a challenging but
ultimately rewarding task for those willing to invest the time and effort.
For those seeking assistance with such endeavors, it's worth exploring the services available on
platforms like, where a wealth of resources and expert guidance can be
accessed to navigate the complexities of essay writing.
Patriotism Essay Patriotism Essay
The Dialectic Of Enlightenment, And The Culture Industry
This essay will compare and contrast the view of authentic art with the account of
The Culture Industry laid out in Chapter One of the Dialectic of Enlightenment By
Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno. The implications of which will be explored
for a critical theory in society. The objective aim of the Dialectic of Enlightenmentis
to criticize the social and cultural conditions of society by drawing out the insidious
psychological messages from media and The Culture Industry (Film, Radio, Music
etc.) Adorno and Horkheimer notice a pattern, or system of domination being
imposed on us through seemingly innocent consumerist messages. They hoped to
highlight the extent that which the products we consume are imposed on us from the
industry rather... Show more content on ...
Both Horkheimer and Adorno take such a radical approach to autonomous art
because they believe that art has been overhauled by The Culture Industry. Using art
as a means of mass deception, coercion and control though the radical standardisation
of arts form. The implications of The Culture Industry on all aspects of life are vast. I
believe that the capitalist system of domination is an insidious machine that
Horkheimer and Adorno have very accurately fleshed out in relation to the conditions
of capitalist society. They hoped to highlight the extent that which the products we
consume are imposed on us from the industry rather than arising spontaneously from
the masses disguised as demand and I believe they do so very well. However, the
conclusion of the disillusion with enlightenment, the exact purpose of the fragments
is misguided. The conclusion that enlightenment itself has fallen into this extreme
state of standardisation and that the enlightenment becomes the wholesale deception
of the masses) (DoE, 42) is over emphasising the importance of the culture industry
and suppresses
Muhammad Ali Film Analysis
Before watching this documentary I definitely knew who Muhammad Ali was, but
I had never heard of Larry Holmes. It was actually ironic to hear some people in
the documentary say that many people do not know who he is although he was
just as talented as Ali. In discussing the fight between Ali and Holmes, I do not
think it was the best idea for Ali to agree to fight in the condition he was in. He
should not have listened to the people around him who were mostly in it for the
money. Just based off of what the doctor said, Ali was not fit to fight Holmes, who
happened to be 8 years younger and stronger than him. Ali had come out of
retirement in an attempt to become the first four time world heavyweight champion
and already had slurred speech and slow reflexes. With his thyroid condition and all
of the medication he was on, winning that fight was just not possible as sad as it
may be. I believe that all of the hits that Ali took over his boxingcareer actually
played a role in him later developing Parkinson s syndrome. He should of put his
well being and health first, but at the end of the day I do believe he was following
his heart and fought because he needed the money. Although he may have lost to
Holmes due to being in denial of it being time to put his gloves down, he will always
be remembered as a boxing legend... Show more content on ...
He was a gifted boxer who represented strength, endurance, confidence, kindness, and
black power. Even if you were not a boxing fan growing up, you knew who
Muhammad Ali was and to me that is powerful. He is definitely one of the best to
ever step foot in a boxing rink and his fearless saying float like a butterfly, sting like
a bee will always be words that people hold close to their hearts. I truly hope that
there are more people who will walk in his footsteps and that no one ever forgets the
many amazing things he showed the
Oropharyngeal Airway
Respiratory emergencies can be caused by obstructions, inflammations, trauma, and
several different disease processes. The most common obstruction of the airway is
the tongue. This usually occurs when the patient has become unconscious secondary
to another cause such as intoxication, low blood sugar, or trauma. While tongue
obstruction of the airway can have deadly results, it can be easily solved by re
positioning the airway using the either the jaw thrust maneuver if trauma is
suspected, or the head tilt chin lift if no trauma is suspected. Also if the patient is
unconscious and has no gag reflex you can use an oropharyngeal airway to hold the
tongue up and out of the airway. However, using an oropharyngeal airway does not
mean that you can... Show more content on ...
Other times severe trauma can cause pulmonary edema such as blood in the lungs.
Patients who are unresponsive for various reasons such as cardiac arrest, alcohol
intoxication, or low blood sugar can aspirate stomach contents due to the loss of
their ability to protect their own airway. Aspiration can severely impede the
alveoli s ability to exchange gases. The patient can suffocate if action is not taken
promptly. The aspiration may also cause pneumonia or other types of infections
that can be potentially deadly for the patient. This is one of the reasons why
managing and controlling n unconscious patient s airway is so crucial during pre
hospital care. Another critical respiratory emergency is a pulmonary embolism. A
pulmonary embolism can be caused by a blood clot, by an air bubble, by a large
foreign body in the circulatory system such as a catheter shear, or in rare cases by
amniotic fluid in pregnant females. Whatever the cause of the embolism, the results
can have the same deadly consequences. Most blood clots that become pulmonary
embolisms originate in the legs of patients with poor circulation of some type of leg
Analysis Of Good Readers And Good Writers By Vladimir
The assigned reading of Good Readers and Good Writers by Vladimir Nabokov
probes the subject that is the necessary attributes an individual must have in order
for them to be successful readers and writers of literature. A list of ten rules is then
stated in the essay and sets them as the baseline commandments that an individual
must follow in order to be some kind of a devoted good reader . While the criteria
sets the standard for a good reader it aligns with that of a good analyzer and can be
applied to that sense. For example one of the first pieces of advice states If one
begins with a readymade generalization, one begins at the wrong end and travels
away from the book before one has started to understand it (Nabokov 1). If a... Show
more content on ...
In order to make this reflection as honest as I can, I m going to have to reveal that
my beliefs and idea on reading do not synchronize with those of Perrine and thus it
is difficult to incorporate her advice and provide an unbiased reflection that does
not conflict with the author s analytical interpretations. What is perhaps the
punchline of the text states, Immature readers seek only escape. Even when they
think they are reading for interpretation or some useful moral, they insist that what
they read return them always some pleasant or exciting image of the world or
some flattering image of themselves (Perrine 2). While the previous quote may not
be completely applicable to me because the text was assigned, I can see myself
getting lost within the text and with that, my interpretations. Had I perhaps
distanced myself and not been allowed to get lost in the text then I would have
provided an interpretation for the assigned novels with less emotional bias in it.
Perrine then goes onto say an immature reader tends to make fixed demands of
every story and feel frustrated and disappointed unless these demands are satisfied.
Often they stick to one type of subject matter (Perrine 3). While I cannot see any
educated individual following this, perhaps to some extent I may have allowed an
untidy ending to fix my feelings toward a novel to be relatively
Physical And Emotional Abuse Explored The Color Purple
Both physical and emotional abuse explored The Colour Purple and The Help
helps to create awareness of the central issues. Both are novels that carry a lot of
similarities, where the female characters are portrayed as invisible , servants and
child carers . However, after reading carefully into the biographical work of both
authors the critical difference I observed was that The Colour Purple is written by
an African American woman who may have truly experienced the harshness of
what she was writing about; on the other hand The Help by a white woman who
had servants at an early age of her life, who would help her has enabled me to
consider not only if the novellacks authenticity but if Kathryn s reason to writing the
novel was to catch the readers mind about such harsh conditions of to actually affect
the audience with the physical and emotional abuse. Walker was born in 1944,
Georgia, USA, a life rooted in the hardship of the racial terror and the wisdom of the
African American life and culture of that time. On the other hand, Kathryn Stockett
was born 1969, Jackson, Mississippi, USA, after the uproar of the civil rights
movement; she is an English/Creative Writing graduate of the University of Alabama.
Through further reading of Kathryn Stocketts upbringing in multiple articles,
growing up in Mississippi, Stockett had a much pampered lifestyle; she had a maid
working in her house, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of her. She believed the
story of the Black maids
Improving Communication Skills
Improving Communication Skills Action Plan
Aim: The aim of this experiment is to develop a better degree of communication
skills. This purpose will be met by using different communication skill management
strategies. Communication is targeted at conveying your message to others clearly
and without any ambiguity. According to Wikipedia Communicationa process
whereby information is enclosed in a package and is channeled and imparted by a
sender to a receiver via some medium. The receiver then decodes the message and
gives the sender a feedback. Communication is the basic need of a society and being
unable to communicate properly may not only curb all progress, as it is paramount
to all progress, but also cause ... Show more content on ...
It s a matter of real luck that unlike many other skills it can be learned with little
efforts. I intend to make all possible efforts within this short span of time I have.
Pre and Post Test Measures: For exact and true assessment and evaluation of my
efforts I will keep a record of my activities of week 1 and deduce the level of
productivity of my efforts. It will let me know my existing proficiency and the
pace of my learning and I will be able to decide how much and in which way do I
need to continue my mission of managing and improving my communicative skills.
I will carry on my work consistently and will make another journal of my newly
acquired level of efficiency in communicating in week 6, after the test time is over.
This analysis will help me in knowing my own standing and I will assess the success
of my action plan by judging if I have got the optimum benefit out of my action plan
or not. Action Steps: This action plan demands me to concentrate on communication
skills in perspective of literature available on the topic and then implement the given
guidance in my day to day plan solemnly with the honest objective of meeting my
goals. Step| Week| Key Concept| Associated Action Step| Expected Outcome| Actual
Outcome| 1| 1| Reflecting and planning.| Sort out the level of communication skills I
wish to achieve.|
Clostridium Difficile
Prevention of Relapse Following Clostridium difficile Infection
Using Probiotic Lactobacillus casei Shirota This article, which was submitted for
review in 2013, was written by Lennard YW Lee, Ramez Golmohamad, and George
MacFaul of the Department of Gastroenterology, Milton Keynes NHS Foundation
Trust, Standing Way, Milton Keynes MK65LD, United Kingdom. The paper was
accepted for publication August 25, 2013. Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is an
anaerobic, Gram positive, bacillus shaped bacterium that causes the disease
Clostridium Difficile Infection (CDI). One of the reasons this particular species is
so successful and disease causing is because it possesses the ability to form spores,
which makes it very difficult to eradicate, as these spores are able to survive
extreme conditions. C. difficile flourishes in the gastrointestinal tracts of individuals
who have been prescribed broad spectrum antibiotics, as these tend to disrupt the
normal microbiota. If an individual has previously contracted CDI, the likelihood of
future infection(s) is more likely than if it were never contracted, at a rate of ~35%.
The aim of this study, which is actually the first of its kind, is to utilize the probiotic
Lactobacillus casei Shirota (L. casei Shirota) to attempt to suppress the recurrence of
CDI after an initial infection. Probiotics contain a live strain(s) of healthy bacteria
that help rather than harm an individual, and they work by competing with C.
difficile s
Thomas Green Case Questions On Business Relations
Thomas Green Case Questions
Question 1 Thomas Green is a creative and ambitious executive with impeccable
marketing skills. He is a go getter who goes out of his way to meet potential clients
and pitch ideas on how to improve business relations between airlines, hotels and
taxi services. His work styles involve an adept and calculated approach to
marketing that is pegged on increasing customer satisfaction and amassing a high
clientele (Sasser, 2011). He is also revolutionary and change oriented. On the other
hand, Frank Davis is an experienced marketing strategist who is quite rigid to
change. Being in the business for 20 years, Frank possesses the necessary experience
and expertise to land clients. However, he adopts an authoritarian form of leadership
that entails imposing of ideas on his subordinates (Sasser, 2011). He seeks to tell his
subordinates what to do and expects them to follow without question.
Question 2 Thomas Green seeks to challenge authority whenever he feels that his
bosses are on the wrong or are taking an unfavorable approach in business. He is
quick to challenge his boss in public and highlights the flaws in Frank s approach
(Sasser, 2011). He also does not respect his boss enough to update him on his travels
and projects in addition to failing to process reports on time. Additionally, he goes
over Frank s head and corresponds directly to his sponsor, Shannon McDonald. Frank
s expectations on the other hand are that Tom follows his directions and
Video Games Cause Violent Tendencies Essay
Recently the debate on whether or not violent video games cause violent
tendencies in children and young adults has been spread around. With this widely
known debate dating back from the early days of Asteroid in the late 1970 s, we
have to really think about how long this issue has been going on without a break.
Movies, books, newspapers, basically all things that have to do with either the
media or entertainment have gone through this argument phase and passed it, but
video games are still being targeted 40 years later, still going hot, and shows no
sign of slowing down. Now let me ask you, have you watched any violent movies?
Have they made you contemplate murders or any other violent actions? The
answer is probably no. So, what makes video games so much more viable as a
target? The simple fact would be they re everywhere now days. With video games
being is almost every home around the world and an even larger growing part of the
coming generations, people have cold feet about how young children are being
introduced to violence. From an Uncle s stand point I feel their concern. I don t
believe my 8 year old nephew should play something like Gears of War at that early
stage in life, but playing something with violence will not make him a murderer.
The ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) is set in place and funded for
only one reason, to regulate the way games are sold. This rating system clearly
defines the age group that is best suited to play a certain game, now
Case Study Of Avast
2.1. Product life cycle The product life cycle consists of six stages, these stages are;
planning, defining, designing, building, testing and deployment. Planning: In the
planning stage the requirements for the product are analysed. This is mostly seen as
the most important part of the cycle, since it is use to research the needs and
viability of the product and is therefore mostly done by senior employees who have
the most experience. They usually do market surveys and look at the comments made
by customers and the sales department. Furthermore it is a good idea to look at an
industry expert. With this information a plan is made for the economic and technical
and operation parts of the product Part of the planning... Show more content on ...
Positioning strategy The advantages that Avast has compared to the competition are
that they were the first to market. Avast was the first since they anticipated the need
of the product. Avast was the one company to do research about privacy regarding
mobile phones and when to found out that there was room for improvement, they
came to public with their findings and created the need for a better way to remove
data from mobile phones. Avast had anticipated this and soon came with a product to
fulfil this need. When looking what kind of strategy is best suited for Avast Anti
Theft. It is best to focus on the product leadership and the customer intimacy. Avast
is the biggest Company to market anti theft software after the release of the
previously mentioned research, also it is a company know by a lot of people that
already use a product made by Avast. In order to keep their product leadership it is
important that Avast keeps track on the responses of the product users. It is suggested
that Avast asks product users about their expectations and they functioning of the
product regarding their expectations. It is important to create and maintaining a user
base using the fact that they are the first to actually market the product. Making sure
that current users are happy will ensure the usage of the product in the
How A Musical Machine As The Exemplification Of An...
I propose to add to a musical machine as the exemplification of an intelligent
music framework. A standout amongst the most difficult ranges inside of PC music
is genuine
time execution, and inside of this, joining machine listening systems to
incorporate some intuitiveness in the middle of client and framework. Whilst the
generative perspectives
of an intuitive framework can take into account more prominent comprehension of
human innovativeness
(Boden 1990), the logical perspectives can reveal insight into the intricate operation of
human discernment. This zone envelops such an extensive variety of computational,
subjective and social issues that the degree for exploration and study is verging on
Further, the part of the robot in today s general public is quick moving from that of
minimal human connection, to right on the bleeding edge as visit aides, household
helps for tele presence and progressively as a major aspect of our stimulation
frameworks (Xie
Advancement of intuitive musical robots would test individuals
biases and limits concerning the situations in which we associate
with innovation and its advancement and level of contribution inside of our lives.
The prizes are clear when working with musical apply autonomy, as you can typify
all the upsides of advanced music whilst keeping up the lavishness of
acoustic sounds (Weinberg et al 2005). A musical accomplice not
Analysis Of Adolf Loos s Ornament And Crime
In his publication about western culture in the journal Das Andere, Adolf Loos
tells a story about a master saddler. In this story, the saddler hears about the rise of
the Secession in the city, and how they praise the creation of a modern style.
Showing one of his saddles to one of the leaders of the movement, a professor, he
finds that his saddles aren t modern. Despite his best attempts, the saddler couldn t
create a saddlethat would meet the high expectations of the professor. This professor
finally tells the saddler that he simply lacks the imagination needed, and that the
professor will make designs for a modern saddle for him. The next morning, the
master saddler returns to find the professor with 49 designs for saddles (one from each
... Show more content on ...
Repeatedly he praises unornamented design, such as in the suits worn by what
Loos would describe as a civilised man , as opposed to a savage who decorates
whatever he can lay his hands on. In his essay Ornament and Crime , Loos goes at
length about how a truly modern man wears a humble suit, one that is neat and
made of decent material. He would not clad himself in fancy, frilly pants or golden
buttons, as it is distasteful to try to stand out so much with what you wear. He
often returns to his example regarding cigarette cases, and how his wife had
chosen a simple, plain case, even after having been offered an ornamented,
decorated case as an alternative. Loos appropriates this lack of orientation in his
design for the façade of the Goldman and Salatsch building, many Viennese
describing it as a woman with no eyebrows. It was a façade lacking just about any
detail, and drew what character it had from its materiality. Loos had opted for
cipollino marble for the entrance to the store itself, and a plain wall for the upper
residential floors, carving the windows into the
Cvs Pharmacy Case Study
CVS pharmacy is a retail and health care industry that focuses on selling
prescriptions, grocery, dairy products and beverages, over the counter medications,
beauty products, processing photos, canvas, mugs, calendars, among many other
things. The photo lab kiosk is a service that is widely used at all CVS pharmacies.
Many customers rely on this service on a daily basis. This manual will focus on
making various prints because this is the only self service option currently offered
at the pharmacy. The photo lab kiosk enables the customers to make in store or
online prints, however the majority of customers prefers to use the in store service
in case they run into any problems. It is also easy to make prints in store because
they are processed... Show more content on ...
Select make prints option 3.Select to make prints in seconds or minutes 4.Select
whether you would like to have border on the print or no border 5.Agree to terms
and conditions of use 6.Select the pictures you would like to print 7.On the right
side of the screen, zoom in and out or crop the print if necessary. 8.Select the
number of sheets you would like to make per print 9.Look at the order summary to
see the total cost of prints 10.Place the order, proceed to checkout and wait for the
pictures to print Software and Hardware Used Software and hardware compatibility
is very crucial to make the prints. The current photo lab computer has the following
requirements: пѓ If you are using an android phone you need to download the
Kodak kiosk application or use the memory card from the phone. USB cables do not
work for Android phones пѓ If you are using an iPhone, you can use the USB cable
or the Kodak kiosk application пѓ A memory card from the camera can be used
пѓ A flash drive or thumb drive works as well пѓ USB cables пѓ iPad
пѓ compact disc пѓ Tablets пѓ Video cassette Making Different Sizes of Prints
Sizes of Prints
Inside An At T Organization
INSIDE AN AT T ORGANIZATION 1 Abstract In this paper I will discuss some of
the organizational structures, the culture, the leadership, the human nature and
motivation, decision making, strategy, goals and objectives within one of AT T s
many organizations. INSIDE AN AT T ORGANIZATION 2 It all started back in
1876 when a man named Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Now
centuries later and undergoing various changes, his invention has grown into
brand mogul. AT T is a great company to work for. This global brand mogul giant
has well over 200,000 employees and the combined services offered such as
wireless, u verse, digital life, and businesses, AT T has over 120,000,000 customers.
However, one of the unique things about the company is that some of the entities
has their own mission statement. For example, ATT Labs is: our mission is to
exploit technical innovations for the benefit of AT T and its customers by
implementing next generation technologies and network advancements in AT T s
services and operations. Their vision statement is: The AT T global network was
born of the ingenuity of AT T Labs networking specialists who made disparate
systems work together. Being the world s fastest and most reliable global network,
our network is the standard against which all others are measured. To maintain our
leadership in this arena, we focus on the future and aggressively pursue innovations.
Our vision is to design and create in this decade the new global network,
Kate Chopin s The Storm
Two Friends Do The Hokey Pokey With Positive Results
In this short story The Storm , by Kate Chopin, a woman is waiting for her husband
and son to return home during a storm. Unannounced, her previous lover, AlcГ©e,
shows up at her gate in need of shelter from the rain. Calixta allows him inside her
home. As they begin to talk to each other, it starts to become intimate and eventually
leads to intercourse. Afterwards, the storm has cleared and Alice bids farewell to
Calixta. When Calixta s husband and son return, Calixta is joyful of their return, a
contrast to what her husband was expecting. The central idea of the story is how
humans needs and desires need to be fulfilled, even if it s through taboo practices.
BobinГґt maturity appears to be more childish than middle aged. He s attitude and
behavior are not mature and disappointing for a fully grown man. In the beginning of
the story, BobinГґt and his son are waiting for the storm to pass. While the storm is
shaking the the store, Bibi, the son, gives support to his father by placing his hand on
his knee. ... Show more content on ...
When they start to make love, Calixta s elastic flesh was experiencing its birthright
for the first time. The term birthright symbolizes calista s right to fulfill her sexual
necessity that has been dismayed by her marriage. Calixta also provided AlcГ©e
satisfaction he had yet to achieve with his own marriage. The white flame of Calixta s
passion pierced through AlcГ©e s soul to awaken his sensuous nature . The white
flame symbolizes the highest/hottest level of passion. The chemistry of both
characters was powerful enough to simulate feelings that have been dormant. The
reason for their strong chemistry is unknown. The border of life s mystery symbolizes
the enigma of why someone may have incredible attraction to a certain individual
without any explanation. This attraction is non existent in either of their
Rein Evans. Mr. Jennings. World Geography (H) 3Rd Hour
Rein Evans
Mr. Jennings
World Geography (H) 3rd Hour
11 April 2017
Chapter 30 Summary
Brittan ruled over India calling it the British raj which is the Hindu word for empire.
Through the peaceful nonviolent protest of the Indian people led by Mohandas K
Gandhi India won its independence in 1947. Brian divided the country into Hindu
India and Muslim Pakistan. Buddhist monks fleeing Tibet in 800 AD. Were the first
recorded ruling elite in the region of Bhutan. The lama or highest level of monks rule.
Bhutan has largely been an isolationist country. Today Bhutan is a constitutional
monarchy and held its first elections in 2008. Modern Nepal was founded in 1769,
with the Narayan dynasty which isolated the country from the world. Nepal s ... Show
more content on ...
At the foot of the Himalaya lies the Gangetic Plain which is the longest Alluvial
Plain in the world. This is also India s most densely populated area. Cyclones are a
storm with heavy rains and high winds that blow in a circular pattern around an
area of low atmospheric pressure. Cyclones are much like hurricanes of the Atlantic
and bring torrential rains and winds up to 100 mph. Also tsunamis which is
originally a Japanese teems, is a huge sea wave caused by an undersea earthquake.
One fourth of India is forest but depending on the amount of rain fall the vegetation
type varies. In the heartland is the humid subtropical zone the receives up to 80
inches of rainfall a year. Generally this zone has topical evergreen and mixed
evergreen deciduous forests. Northwest India receives less than 20 inches of rain in
desert areas. The Vindhya and Satpura rnages divide India into northern and Southern
region. Pakistan lies to the northwestern edge of the Indian subcontinent. To the North
of Pakistan lies the Hindu Kush and the Kara koram ranges. Within the Karakoram
range lies K2 which towers at 28,250 feet high making it the second tallest mountain
in the world. The only place to pass through these mountains is the Kyber Pass in
northwest pakistan along the border of Afganistan. In the eastern portion of the
country of Pakistan is th Indus river and the subsequent Indus river valley which
forms two alluvial plains, the Punjab in the north and the Sind in
Stryker Case
The power of suppliers can have a significant impact on most organizations. Mainly
because they have the power to determine the cost of goods and the amount of
profit an organization can earn. However, for Stryker the power of suppliers was
more on the lower side. Not only did Stryker produce medical tools and devices, but
they also manufactured their own materials. In other words, Stryker is their own
supplier. Therefore, Stryker dictated the prices of their products and services.
Suppliers can potentially have great power over organizations, for Stryker, the power
was theirs. This is definitely an advantage for Stryker.
Power of Buyers The power of buyers in the medical technology industry is relatively
high. Stryker s buyers have the ... Show more content on ...
Since Stryker acquires companies they are acquiring a brand that is recognized in that
country. This assists with the culture barrier of coming in with a brand not known in
that area. In addition their website does adjust depending on which country is
viewing it. Even the format in which it is viewed is changed slightly to match the
culture it is accustomed to.
Staff Regulator affair managers to ensure that the company is within regulations
internationally. Their responsibilities include Represent Stryker in interactions with
external organizations including the FDA and other global health authorities,
sponsors, and other organizations; serve as a primary Regulatory contact during all
premarket activities and work with Stryker organizations to support the regulatory
approval and commercialization efforts in global markets .
Stryker has many manufacturing locations that make it easier to give out products
around the world. This decreases the cost to ship products from the US to for
example China. They are consistently opening more locations in order to fill a
demand and a lower cost.
Colin Powell Analysis
Colin Luther Powell an American statesman and a retired four star general once
uttered this quote Surround yourself with people who take their work seriously, but
not themselves, those who work hard and play hard. It was in 10th grade when I first
came across this quote and at that time it completely changed my life. Throughout the
first two years of high school, I was not concerned on my educationto say the least. I
am ashamed to admit this, but I was more focused on fitting in with a particular
group of individuals then go to class and learn. This all changed when I read Colin
Powells wise words; it struck me that the only reason on why I was not taking
school seriously was because of my so called friends. All throughout my scholastic
year s teachers have always... Show more content on ...
To my astonishment, my new friends welcomed me with open arms, for the first
time in my life I felt this was the place where I belonged. The group thrived on each
other s willingness to succeed. We competed with each other, motivated each other
and helped each other. Fast forward to graduation I was ranked in the top 15 of the
class, graduating with honors, and looking forward to attending a college that
gave me an academic scholarship. As I entered my first day of classes, my mind
was excited to absorb the new information I was about to learn and be with
individuals who wanted to accomplish as much as I did. However, my dreams
were crushed as quickly as they started. In the following months, I began to realize
that students were not focused on taking advantages of these opportunities. I
shrugged it off thinking to myself it was their fault. The feeling of a fish out of the
water slowly crept back in; it seemed I was the only one that didn t find drinking
excessively till emergency services stepped in as fun. I tried to find a group of like
minded students, but most did not want to put in the work for a long term
The Assault Of Gun Control
Gun control has become a hot topic in the United States as of now. There will be
those who are for guns and those who are against guns. Those who are for guns,
assert that it is our right to bear arms according to the 2nd amendment and those who
are against guns, believe that guns are unnecessary and cause more violence. Assault
weapons, in particular, have caused too many deaths and the government needs to
put a ban on assault weapons. First and foremost, assault weapons have claimed the
lives of too many people in the world. Take a look at the Umpqua Community
College, Colorado movie theater and Sandy Hook shootings. What all of those
shootings have in common, is that an assault weaponwas used by the perpetrator.
Mass shootings like these, just show how powerful and dangerous assault weapons
are. These assault weapons are claiming the lives of people ranging from children to
elderly. Mass shootings are examples of how assault weapons provoke more harm
and violence. However, some may notice that all of these mass shootings happened in
gunfree zones. Gun free zones were introduced by the Gun Free School Zones Act
of 1990. The act prohibits anyone from conceal carrying a gun in the area. Two of
the examples of gun free zones were Umpqua Community College and Sandy Hook
Elementary. Shootings are most likely to occur in areas where people will not shoot
back at the perpetrator. The Colorado movie theater shooting happened in an area
where guns were banned. If these places
Renaissance Influence On Art
The Renaissance, a time defined as the rebirth, occurred in Italy between 1350 and
1600. Spreading quickly throughout Europe, with the innovation of the printing
press, it caused rippling effects. The Renaissance ultimately altered the aged
education of the Dark Ages and renewed it with studies of the more classic works
instead of theology. Classic art and literature grew extremely popular, contrasting the
lack of interest in them before. Many artists became prominent advocates for the
revival of the ideals of the classical past. The artists, using their masterpieces,
tremendously determined modern historians view the era. While several aspects of
the Renaissancecontributed and influenced the time, artists like Michelangelo, da
Vinci, and... Show more content on ...
Born March 6, 1475, Michelangelo Buonarroti is considered [to be] one of the most
famous artists of the Italian Renaissance. ( Editors) As a child,
Michelangelo had a greater interest in artwork and its production rather than
schooling, so at the age of 13 his father allowed him to become Domenico
Ghirlandaio s apprentice in Florence. During his teenage years, Michelangelo
studied classic sculpture in the Florentine gardens of the Medici family, who were
wealthy and allowed him access to the elite of Florence. After studying there for a
few years, he eventually moved to Rome, where he would work until he died.
Known for his sculptures the Pieta and David, and for his paintings on the ceiling
of the Sistine Chapel and the Last Judgement Michelangelo had many other works.
Michelangelo s innovated artistry was believed to have achieved a whole new
depth over the timespan. Like da Vinci, Michelangelo is said to have influenced
Raphael, an artist who actually was his arch rival. This is an example of how
Michelangelo was influential during the Renaissance. His artwork depicted scenes
from the bible and were painted in the Sistine Chapel which is a major contribution to
the culture and beliefs of the time.
Raffaello Sanzio, famously known as Raphael, was an artist and architect born April
6, 1493, in Italy. When Raphael reached the age of 11, his father, Giovanni, passed
away and he quickly took over his
Research Paper On Bingo
Fancy Eight Hours Of Bingo? Win Real Prizes At A Charity Event On The 24th Of
September Julia s House is a local charity in Westbury that is dedicated to helping
children that have had a rough start in life, which is why a charity fundraiser is
now being planned for Saturday the 24th of September. The bingo session will go
on for a whopping eight hours from 10am in the morning until 6pm in the evening.
The legendary bingo marathon will take place in the Westbury players club.
Participants are allowed to play bingo as long as they like, which means players may
join games at their leisure. Sheila Harris has organized three marathon Bingo sessions
in the past and they have been a ringing success. The first two marathons were for the
Essay on Moral Dilemma
Moral Dilemma
Everyday we are tested as individuals to make the right choice. How we view
ourselves as individuals and how others view us are directly correlated to our
moral decision making. But morals are somewhat misleading. What might be a
wrong decision for one person might be a solution to another. So how do we define
morals? Do we follow Gods moral rules because to do so would increase out
likelihood of obtaining salvation in the afterlife? Or is it simpler than that. Is God
going to deny our entrance into heaven because we have run a stop sign here and
there? No. I believe our moral values are much simpler than that. I believe that our
moral decision making comes from our upbringing of what is right or wrong. Our
parents and ... Show more content on ...
It was about 13 degrees out and the sun had just started to peek over the mountains
behind our house. It was a magnificent morning. It was one of those crisp, cold
mornings with no wind and I could hear for miles and miles. I remember hearing
my neighbor s dog, Orvis, barking two miles away. I kept walking for about a
quarter mile until I came upon a field that was always a hot spot for deer in the
morning. It was an exciting feeling to be out in the woods with the deer, yet at the
same time, a terrifying feeling. Was I going to fail yet another year of not bagging
my buck? I was anxious as to what my family and friends would think of me. I
needed to get a deer in the worst way.
As the morning wore on I began to get anxious and fidgety feeling that no deer
were going to come. As I was contemplating whether to leave my stand in the field,
I recognized two deer grazing peacefully in the middle of the field. I quickly pulled
up and looked through my scope and saw nothing but green fuzz. I was so nervous
that I had forgotten to readjust the focus on my scope. As I did, the deer saw me
move and began to trot away from me and into the protection of the forest. I
managed to get my scope in focus in time to see that there was a buck and a doe.
My chance had finally come. I was going to get my first Vermont buck. I
immediately stood up from my stand and jogged over to where they had entered the
woods. Once in the woods, I evaluated the surroundings and had a good
My Crown Princess Short Story
You look gorgeous, My Lady! Absolutely beautiful! I have never seen such beauty
like you in all the Seven Kingdoms, Lady Kang. Perfectly fitting for the next Crown
Princess. My Crown Princess Seulgi broke out of her trance blanking out into the
distance as the plump, cheeky seamstress claps her clammy hands excitedly in
childish giggles.
Glancing at her reflection in the silver plated mirror on her wall, she is dolled up in
an off the shoulder lilac lace and tulle gown that was tightened up by a applique
corset around her waist before it expanded into an organza ball gown that made her
nothing but enchanting and the belle of the ball.
Twirling around, the gown s sparkling embroidered beads gleamed against the light,
giving the illusion that the auroral, beaming stars in the sky shone against the dark,
late evening horizon in her gown.
Crumpling her willowy fingers into the thin layer of taffeta on her gown, Seulgi
cannot help but frown in discomfort and uneasiness as much as she had loved
dressing up for the role she had prepared and desired for all her life, it all felt wrong.
You look unhappy, dear cousin. That is not usually you when it comes to these
The teasing tone of her cousin, Min Yoongi, instantly prompts her to roll her eyes at
him as she steps down the timbered platform that elevated her up for her dress
fitting. He appears from the shadows of her decorated room, with his hands tucked
in his pockets in a black and white floral coat
Essay on Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Summary and
The book, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, provides an alternative approach to how a
person achieves success. This book does not focus on the conventional determinant of
success, such as formal education and training, experience, and intelligence level
(IQ). Although all these components contribute greatly to ones achievement of
success, these factors are not the only factors to be considered in whether a person
will be successful or not. This book focuses on the concept that it refers to as
emotional intelligence(EQ), which is one s ability to recognize and effectively
understand his/her emotions in a productive and rational manner.
The objective of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 is to educate people on suppressing their
natural willingness ... Show more content on ...
The author states, Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand
emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage
your behavior and relationships (p. 17). EQ lays the foundation for many skills, such
as, time management, communication, assertiveness, customer service, anger
management, stress tolerance, and many other aspects of our life each day. Although
our emotions will play an eminent role in our daily life, improved EQ skills will
teach us to better control our emotions and keep our emotions from controlling our
actions or behaviors. Additionally, we will learn how to better interact with others
and build better and stronger relationships.
While emotional intelligence is vital to human behavior, it only accounts for a
portion of a person as a whole. The author states, IQ, personality, and EQ are
distinct qualities we all possess. Together, they determine how we think and act. It
is impossible to predict one based upon another. People may be intelligent but not
emotionally intelligent, and people of all types of personalities can be high in EQ
and/or IQ. Of the three, EQ is the only quality that is flexible and able to change (p.
19). There is no know
Reader s Workshop Pedagogical Process
If awarded the Rogers Educational Innovation Grant, we will begin a project at
Gildersleeve Elementary School in Portland, Connecticut that combines elements of
the Teacher s College Reader s Workshop approach to literacy instruction with a
character development programming designed to promote understanding and
empathy called Changing Perspective.
The primary instructional goal of this endeavor involves leading students through the
process of learning to read and reading to learn. Our goal is to ensure that all
students are provided an individualized program of reading instruction using the
pedagogical process inherent in the Reader s Workshop program developed by
Teacher s College. The Reader s Workshop pedagogical approach focuses on
Relational Database For Relational Databases
A simple, unpopular family owned store has just created a website. On this
website, they give their customers the ability to create accounts, shop, buy products
and have products shipped directly to their homes. Every customer s personal,
shipping and payment information as well as every product s price, description and
/or picture is needed to be stored and organized somewhere where it could be easily
processed. All this necessary data could most likely be found in a relational database
that the store uses to efficiently run all the necessary transactions. In this database, all
the data is collected and grouped into different pockets or tables that better categorize
the information. Through the relationships created between the tables,... Show more
content on ...
It has become hard to scale relational databases in the direction and to the degree
needed to manage big data in a successful and less expensive way. Instead, a new
system, known as NoSQL or Not Only SQL , has been created that makes the
processing of terabytes and even petabytes of data possible (Paghy, RDBMS to
NoSQL ).
Many social networking and/or big data companies like Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo,
Google and Amazon are now known for using NoSQL databases. This is because
NoSQL systems are non relational and do not structure their data in tables or
typically manipulate or process the data with SQL. Having less restrictions than a
relational database, NoSQL has the ability to better handle huge quantities of data in
a more efficient way (Moniruzzaman, NoSQL Database... ). This paper will dig
deeper in the several characteristics of NoSQL database systems that separate them
from the relational ones. It will also introduce the different models that make up the
system as well and a few examples that are currently being used and becoming
popular today.
1.Characteristics of NoSQL
NoSQL is best known for typically being non relational , meaning that it can store
and link data without any structured restrictions (Paghy, RDBMS to NoSQL ). This
gives NoSQL databases the ability to do so much more than a simple relational
database could. It makes them scalable
Mean Girls Is A Teen Comedy Film
Deciding what is most important in life is often a struggle, especially during high
school. Mean Girls is a teen comedy film loosely based on the self help book titled
Queen Bees and Wannabes. The main character is a high school student named
Cady that just moved from Africa and has been homeschooled her whole life. The
American culture and society she is introduced to is embodied by the Plastics, who
are the most popular girls at North Shore High: Regina, Gretchen, and Karen. The
pressure put on Cady by society causes her to struggle to decide what her priorities
should be. Mean Girls criticizes the traditional notions of femininitythat are expected
of women, as they are not required for them to be successful and accomplished.
Consider the scene when Cady first goes to Regina s house, closer to the beginning
of the movie. During this scene, the Plastics collectively walk up to a mirror and
start stating what they dislike about their bodies. The fact that the Plastics, who are
supposed to be the most popular and attractive characters in the film, are pointing
out flaws on themselves induces feelings of superiority, because even they aren t
perfect. The superiority theory as described by Rappoport suggests that this is
humorous because feeling superior to someone, even subconsciously, causes
pleasure and laughter. Putting down the supposedly perfect characters causes the
viewer to feel gratification as it may cause a boost of their ego. This scene is also
incongruous for a
Ethics and Licensed Professional Counselor
PCN 505 Scenario Analysis Assignment Directions: Read the scenarios below. For
each scenario, provide a 75 150 word response to each question. Use the ACA and
NAADAC Codes of Ethics and other scholarly resources to support your responses.
You must provide at least one citation to support your response for each scenario.
Though APA format is not required for your answers, citations and references
should be presented in accordance with APA guidelines. 1. Barbara is a licensed
professional counselor (LPC) working for a nonprofit social service agency. Many
of the clients in the agency are female domestic violence victims. The director of the
agency has asked Barbara to develop a counseling group to serve the needs of these
individuals. a.... Show more content on ...
(2005 CA Code of Ethics, Standard A.5.e.) b. What special issues of confidentiality
may arise in the case? How should David address these issues? Even though David
most recently been in a counseling relationship with the husband, he stills have a
legal duty to the husband, who was originally client..In most circumstances, he can
release the husband s individual counseling records to her upon his written request.
However, he may be compromising his ethics and breaching confidentiality by
releasing information to the wife that he obtained from the husband or learned
during a joint counseling session unless he have written authorization of both or a
court order (2005 ACA Code of Ethics, Section B.2.c.) ) c. How might differences
in personal values and gender/cultural issues create ethical dilemmas in this case? It
s an ongoing balance to decide how David going to view the cultural differences.
There isn t a simple answer. The principal rule supporting ethical obligations is that
the counselor must act with full recognition of the importance of client s rights, the
ethics of the profession.(National Association of Social Workers 1999). 3. Stephanie
is a licensed professional counselor (LPC) who has decided to start a private
practice. As she makes her plans, there are many ethical issues she must
Software Requirement Means A Condition Or Capability
Software Requirement means a condition or capability that must be met or possess
by a system to satisfy a contract, standard, specification or other formally imposed
document. In this we come across with three types of requirements:
User requirements: It provides the details of services required under which the system
must operate smoothly.
Functional Requirements: It describes an interaction between the system and its
environment. In which the functional requirements must correct, complete, consistent
and unambiguous.
Non Functional Requirements: It refers to the constraints or restrictions on the
system. It contain many requirements such as resource usage, availability, cost and
delivery data, and technology to be used, etc.
3.1 Users This block gives who all are users involving in the Web Based GIS Platform
for Jamshedpur Town.
3.1.1 Admin
Admin is the main person of this system.
Admin can have all the privileges/facility to do anything in this system.
Admin can get the information regarding Survey Mapping, Road and Rail Network,
Traffic Management, electrical Utilities, public buildings, land use, Water Resource
Management, Public utilities, Ward Wise population, Transport Network, Geo
3.2 Functional Requirements Functional requirements is the technical details, data
manipulation and processing and other specific functionality that define what a
system is supposed to accomplish.
3.2.1 Land Use
In land use we construct the
Automatic Irrigation System Using Wsn
Automatic Irrigation System Using WSN
Akshay U. Mankar
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
R. M. D. Sinhgad School of Engineering and Technology
Pune, India Prof. Mrs. Snehal Bhosale
Assistance Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
R. M. D. Sinhgad School of Engineering and Technology
Pune, India Abstract An automated irrigationsystem is
developed to optimize water use for agriculture crops. The system has a distributed
wireless sensor node network of soil moisture, temperature sensors and humidity
sensor placed in the soil. Energy conservation is a very critical issue in wireless
sensor networks. In this paper a TDMA based MAC protocols are used to conserve
the energy in wireless sensor networks which is used in an irrigation system. An
algorithm is developed with threshold values of moisture level, temperature of the
soil and humidity sensor that are programmed into microcontroller based gateway to
control irrigation in a field. Also two methods based on TDMA scheduling are used.
The first one is direct communication method, in which each node transmitted the
data directly to the sink node and other one is data aggregation method in which
nodes are grouped into clusters to save energy.
Keywords TDMA scheduling, Wireless sensor networks, Energy efficiency,
Automatic irrigation
In India agriculture uses 85% of available freshwater
Essay about Hindenburg
Within seconds, 35 people were dead and many fled for their lives. This was the case
with the Hindenburg catastrophe. The three most significant topics that are of
significance in this tragedy will be about the arrival , the escaping and confusion as
the ship ignited, and the statistical fact upon Hindenburgs inflation with hydrogen.
The first important focus on the Hindenburg tragedy is the arrival in
Lakehurst, New Jersey. Commander Rosendahl, who was head commander of the
ship s arrival, was an anxious man the day of his ship s arrival. He frequently paced
his spartan office that day hoping to see his airship safely moored to the mast and
passengers disembarked unharmed. ... Show more content on ...
From the arrival, the next focal point is the tragic explosions and the escape of the
passengers aboard the Hindenburg airship. The first explosion occurred
approximately four minutes after the first bow rope had dropped to the field.
Rosendahl remembered this moment and exclaimed, It seemed as if the whole
world was holding its breath. One heard no command, no call, no cry. (Archbold,
181) A man by the name of Helmut Lau, was walking on a catwalk keeping an eye
on the mooring cable when he heard a muffled detonation. He thought the
combustion originated near the center of the cell by a walkway, but everything
happened so fast he couldn t be sure. Another cell men by the name of Hans Freund
was closest to the faint explosion as it occurred, yet his back was turned and had no
clue where the fire actually started. As the Hindenburg, which was inflated with
hydrogen, was being engulfed with flames the head captain ,Max Pruss, was at the
head of the ship with other captains and none of the officers yet understood what was
happening. Seconds later however,
Captain Sammt, who was leaning out a port window along with Pruss remarked,
The ship s on fire! (Archbold,183) The ground crew retreated as the fire roared
toward the bow as
Gait Variability And Fall Risk
Gait Variability and Fall Risk in Older Adults
Abdulrahman M. Aldahmashi University of Pittsburgh Motor Learning and Control
of Movement
Dr. Susan Whitney November 2, 2014
Falling is described as resting on the ground or the floor accidently without being
caused by intrinsic incident or tremendous hazard (Ayoubi Launay, 2014; Tuunainen,
Rasku, Jäntti, Pyykkö, 2014). It is also defined as unexpected, unintended,
unprovoked alteration in body position causing an individual to be in an inferior level
and not resulted from internal disturbance (Menant, Schoene, Sarofim, Lord, 2014).
Background Information
Fall is the major cause of injury in the elderly, which places more load on the
health care system (Krasovsky, Lamontagne, Feldman, Levin, 2014). Samuel D.
Towne Jr. and his colleagues conducted a study to calculate the cost of
hospitalizing older people as a result of falling in Texas Hospital. 77,086 fallers
were hospitalized, costing around 3.1 billion dollars in 2011, which is an increase
of around 2 billion dollars since 2007 (Towne, Ory, Smith, 2014). Moreover, fall
directly causes 21,649 deaths and indirectly causes 5,402 deaths in the United
States in 2010 (Stevens Rudd, 2014). Also, 420,000 individuals around the world
die yearly because of falling (Mignardot et al., 2014). Most falls in older adults take
place during walking (Lee, Verghese, Holtzer, Mahoney, Oh Park, 2014). Therefore,
falls are related to gait variability
Wal Mart
Is Wal Mart good for communities, or is Wal Mart a wolf in sheep s clothing?
With a gross annual sales of over $67 billion and more than 2,000 stores, Wal Mart
is one of the biggest corporations in the United States. Wal Mart opens a new store
once every two days in small communities and cities across the United States,
however, are these stores good for these communities, or are they wrecking havok?
When you look down at the fine print Wal Mart doesn t earn it s money it steals it
money from other businesses. Choking other smaller businesses by offering wider
varity of products at a more competitive price. This is actually a very simple
business tactic if you want to sell a lot of something cut your profit margin to beat the
... Show more content on ...
According to Albert Norman in his article Eight Ways to Stop the Store quot;,Wal
Mart Mathematicians only know how to add. They never talk about the jobs they
destroy, the vacant retail space they create or their impact on commercial property
values. quot; This is very true Wal Mart s officers always talk about the jobs and
opportunities they create ,however, are 250 minium wage jobs worth 150 $6 10
jobs? Wal Mart also talks about how they benefit, but except for one scholarship they
do little of nothing to fulfill that statement.
Raise money to stop Wal Mart to influence the public to become active in keeping
Wal Mart out of the community. Wal Mart will spend money trying to persuade
people to want Wal Mart in their community. Fight this these are your friends,
family, and fellow townsfolk, who do you think they are going to listen to? Someone
who they have known all their life and who they know only has the towns best
interests in mind, or a bumbling fool from New York City who knows nothing of
your town people or their situation.
Start a petition influence people to vote, stake out the supermarkets and hardware
stores. Get as many signatures as you can. The more signatures the easier it will be to
keep Wal Mart out of the community. If Wal Mart was being truthful about staying
where they were wanted and not where they weren t, then it is the communities
responsibility to let Wal Mart know that they aren t wanted.
Look at the facts Wal Mart
Digging Seamus Heaney was born on April 13, 1939, on a...
Digging Seamus Heaney was born on April 13, 1939, on a farm in
Castledawson, County Derry, Northern
Seamus Heaney was born on April 13, 1939, on a farm in Castledawson,
County Derry, Northern Ireland, the eldest of eight children. In 1963, he began
teaching at St. Joseph s College in Belfast.
The first poem I ll be looking at is digging it was written in
The poem consists of 9 stanzas that vary between two lines and five lines in length.
There is no pattern to the stanzas, perhaps to reflect the idea that there is no pattern
or predictability to our memories. In the poem there is quite a variation in the
language e.g. the title is blunt. It is only when we have read the poem carefully that
we ... Show more content on ...
He was also proud of his grandfather, who was so keen to work that he hardly
stopped when Heaney brought him some milk. To drink it, and then fell to right
away this show how hard he worked. His work was precise nicking and slicing neatly
and he was strong heaving sods over his shoulder.
Heaney does not explain exactly why he has no spade to follow men like them .
Does he think he is not physically strong enough for the work? Or does he think his
father and grandfather may not approve of him cultivating the land.
There is quite a lot of alliteration in digging e.g. curd cuts digging down and down
and the squelch and slap of soggy peat this gives the poem life it makes it more
interesting to read. The opening simile is striking Heaney s pen is snug as a gun . It
shows how perfectly the pen fits his hand, this shows how well suited Heaney is to
write. (In the fourth stanza, Heaney describes how perfectly his father s body is in
tune with the spade, showing how well suited he is to dig.) The gun image also
suggests the strength of the pen, it is a weapon for writing.
There is a writing technique called enjambment which means lines in a poem that run
on from on to another without a punctuation or pause.
There is an example of this between the second and third stanza. My father, digging.
I look down Till his straining rump among the flowerbeds Bends low, comes up
twenty years away,
marijuana legalization
Martin Torrijos
Mr. Fontenot
English 104 401
October 28, 2013
Marijuana Legalization
The legalization of marijuana has been a heated topic of debate for many years. In
1937, the United Sates of America passed the Marijuana Tax Act, which made
transfer or possession of cannabis (marijuana plant) illegal throughout the US under
federal law. Studies conducted throughout the years have proven that cannabis can be
utilized as a medical supplement. In fact 20, states and the District of Columbia have
passed laws to legalize marijuana under certain medical conditions. According to the
White House, it is the most commonly used recreational drug in the United States. It
has been proven to be less harmful than alcohol, which is currently ... Show more
content on ...
One interpretation of this phenomenon is that people which use marijuana as a
recreational drug rather than a medical drug, seek treatment not to deal with a
substance abuse but to manage a legal problem (Kilmer,etc.).
Even though marijuana can be used as a medical supplement, this does not mean it
do not have secondary effects on human`s bodies. Marijuana can also get to be
harmful. In fact, THC (The major component in cannabis that gets you high ) by
binding to receptors in the basal ganglia and cerebellum can disrupt coordination and
balance of the body. Therefore doing complicated tasks such as driving, participation
in sports, or learning is affected. One of the long lasting effects cannabis can produce
on you is psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia. This illness alters a person s
ability to make good judgments, understand reality, communicate or think clearly.
Memory can also be affected by marijuana consumers, studies has proven that THC
alters how information is processed in the hippocampus, a brain area responsible for
memory information (National drug Institute).
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, marijuana also affects your
cardiovascular system. After a few minutes of inhaling marijuana smoke, the heart
rate, which is normally between 70 to 80 beats per minute, may increase by 20 to 50
beats or even double in some cases. Mixing marihuana with other drugs can amplify
this effect.
Greek Culture, And Its Impact On Ancient Greece
History Research Paper Ancient Greece was one of the most successful and
monumental ancient civilizations. From the Mycenaean s all the way to Alexander
the Great, the Greek civilizations thrived. The Greek civilizations were a major
time period in history that have been studied extensively. Therefore, it is essential
to study the historical figures that greatly impacted the Greeks way of life. Greek
government, philosophy, and military initiatives were greatly impacted by historical
figures such as Socrates, Pericles, and Alexander the Great. Socrates made a
profound impact on the study of philosophy by his teachings. Pericles and his ideas
of imperialism and democracy were unheard of for this time period. Lastly,
Alexander the Great built a massive empire from his powerful military skills.
Studying these historical figures will reveal the profound impact on Greek culture,
success, and ideas still appreciated today.
Socrates, a world renowned philosopher, influenced ancient Greece by creating
western philosophy, the Socratic Method, and teaching the philosopher Plato.
Socrates defining achievement was the creation of western philosophy. Western
philosophy is defined as the philosophical thought and work of the western portion
of the ancient world. He encouraged students to find the truth by asking a myriad of
questions. This became known as the Socratic Method. The philosophical ideology
he believed in was centered on basic principles. The first principle was that no man
enjoys doing immoral deeds and if he acts immorally, this is because he is unaware
of the moral thing. Socrates moral values and thoughts about honesty and justice
were not popular and others viewed him in a negative light. Even though Socrates
was sentenced to death because of his ideas, these ideas were still used and passed
down through his students and teachings. Students such as Plato and Aristotle
expanded upon his teachings and helped to spread them worldwide. For example,
Alexander the Great used and shared Socrates ideas with Europe and Asia and
eventually these ideas made it around the whole western portion of the world.
Therefore, his teachings and ideas brought Socrates onto the international stage. His
ideas and teachings are
Shark Attacks
Someone at the beach is swimming out in the deeper water, and all of a sudden, a
dorsal fin pops out. For everyone on the beach who sees it, music from Jaws starts
playing in their heads. The swimmer does not even notice it, and in a few seconds, a
great white shark veraciously attacks him. This is what comes to mind when most
people think of sharks, but they are not really just man eating monsters of the sea.
Sharks are a fascinating group of fishes that strike fear into the minds of humans,
but they are nothing to be afraid of. There are over 475 different species of sharks,
but only a few of these are considered to be dangerous to people. These include Great
White Sharks, Tiger Sharks, and Bull Sharks. Most species of sharks do... Show more
content on ...
The more people are educated about sharks, the safer they will be, because they can
prevent behaving in ways that might incline sharks to attack them. Also, learning
more about sharks will help to remove the violent image of sharks that most people
have engrained in their head. Sharks are not anything to be worried about, and they
are amazing creatures that greatly contribute to the environment in the
Pope Alexander II Research Paper
During the Middle Ages the Islamic faith was on the rise since its beginning in the
7th century. There were many conflicts in Spain that caused Pope Alexander II to
give his blessing in their fight against the Muslims. The first call for an army was in
A.D. 846 against an Arab army in Sicily that sacked St. Peters in Rome. Leo IV
offered a heavenly reward to those who joined the call to action and died in battle. Al
Hakim bi Amr Allah destroyed the Church of the Holy Selpulchre in Jerusalem in
A.D. 1009, fueling the fire of the Christians and continuing the flame of hatred
amongst the Christians toward the Muslims. The papacy thought it to be in their
authority to fight the enemy because of the spiritual nature of the aggressor. These...
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This was evident in his writing to King Henry IV for help in sending armed forces
to fight the enemies of God. Pope Gregory struggled with the church getting
involved in military battles due to his doctrinal beliefs. Pope Gregory s successor
Pope Urban II had different ideas. Pope Urban felt it was up to the papacy and the
Church to fight the evil that has been plaguing the Byzantine Empire along with
places such as Spain. Emperor Alexius I requested help from Pope Urban to fight the
Muslims in the Byzantine Empire. Pope Urban appealed this military might in his
speech at Clermont. During his speech, the pope made no mention of conquering
Jerusalem and in fact, his goal during his speech was to convert Muslims to
Christianity and reunite the Eastern Church with the West. The Pope needed an army
and therefore had to raise one through the church. The men were given a promise of
full repentance of their sins if they fought for the Church. The young Knights were
typically young men with no inheritance and they were offered land if they fought for
the Church. The Knights were also told that they would be given the red cross on
their uniform if they reached the city of Jerusalem. Evangelist such as Peter the
Hermit would ride his donkey through the small towns and excite the young men to
leave their homes and join the conquest to
Hustler Vs Falwell Case Study
I. Hustler v. Falwell II.485 U.S. 46 (1988)III. Facts: In Hustler v. Falwell a dispute
arose when Hustler Magazine, a a magazine that circulates nationwide featured a
parody of an advertisement for Campari Liqueur. The inside front cover of the
magazine presented interviews with celebrities who described their first time.
One of the parodies belonged to Jerry Falwell, a nationally acclaimed minister who
was featured as describing his first time with his mother when they were both
intoxicated from drinking Campari Liqueur. While the interviews with the
celebrities contained a double sexual reference, it was evident in the end that the
ads were referring to the first time the celebrities had tried Campari Liqueur.
However, after the magazine was accessible to the public, Jerry Falwell sued
Hustler Magazine and its publisher for libel, invasion of privacy, and intentional
infliction of emotional distress. At trial court the judge dismissed the invasion of
privacy claim and then sent the case to the jury where they ruled Hustler Magazine
on the claim of intentional infliction of emotional distress and awarded Jerry
Falwell $150,000. The case was then taken to the Supreme Court level on appeal by
the petitioner, Jerry Falwell. IV. Issues: (1) Does the First Amendment s freedom of
speech prohibit public figures from recovering damages for intentional infliction of
emotional distress? V. Decision and Action: (1) No. Reversed. VI. Reasoning: Per
Characterization In Bao Ninh s The Sorrow Of War
How a work of literature is organized affects the deeper meaning of the work. HoГ ng
бє¤u PhЖ°ЖЎng is a Northern Vietnamese veteran of the Vietnam War. Under the
pen name Bao Ninh, he is the author of The Sorrow Of War. In his fictional memoir,
there is no chronological order and the memoir transitions from event to event based
on what triggers the next memories. Ninh recounts the hardships of the war and life
after as a catharsis for the trauma he is inflicted during the war. As the memoir is a
reflection of Ninh s traumatized mind, Ninh utilizes an intended fragmented and non
linear narrativestructure to illustrate the chaotic and emotional experiences of war. As
all works of literature that are translated from one language to another... Show more
content on ...
The difference between the English and Vietnamese versions of The Sorrow Of War
and The Destiny of Love is that those with the English edition do not possess the
original work that Bao Ninh intended to be read. The narrative structure that Bao
Ninh purposely imposed onto his memoir is conjoined together with a narrative
structure born from multiple translations and retellings of the same story. Although
Bao Ninh incorporates an unorthodox format for his memoir, the english version
manipulates Ninh s original narrative structure. The structure originally composed by
Ninh is meant to compliment the memoir s purpose as a metaphor for the mind of the
protagonist, Kien and by extension Ninh. The linear format is intentionally
interrupted so that the stream of consciousness created by the memoir reflects their
damaged minds due to the Vietnam War. As the memoir was written as a catharsis to
Ninh s experiences in the Vietnam War, the narrative structure of the memoir is
made to mimic the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The symptoms
of PTSD involve vividly recounting trauma through flashbacks and nightmares, as
well as attempting to avoid prompts that would trigger a victim s memory of the
trauma they faced. The flashbacks can occur at anytime and often immerse the
victim as if the recollections are reality (NIMH). As PTSD was not yet recognized as
a mental health
Search Engine Globalization
Blog [law firm seo] The internet is a powerful marketing tool that can do much
more than complement the traditional marketing strategies. Statistics indicate that
about 70% of people seeking legal information turn to search engines like Google
for help. In addition, consumers in the US visit an average of 4 websites before
making a choice of which lawyer to pick. This simply means appearing on the first
page of Google, Bing or Yahoo searches will easily get you client and an edge over
your competition. Lawyers have to undergo rigorous training in order to obtain the
educational pre requisites of becoming lawyers. For starters one must pass the regular
bar exam and the fitness, character and ethics screening to obtain a license. In the...
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For example when discussing the hierarchy of personal injury, the title should be
structured with subsets like motor vehicle accidents, orthopedic injuries and
spinal cord injuries. Under the motor vehicle injuries we may have sub titles such
as ATV accident, motorcycles accident and auto accidents while under spinal cord
injury, we may have sub titles such as neck injuries, back injuries and whiplash
injury. The services should be listed based on priority and the keywords placed
strategically on key areas such as home page and practice area pages. Some of the
top SEO strategies that can help a law firm s website appear high on Goggle search
results include: Creating mobile optimized website In 2013, Google took notice of
the growing web traffic emanating from mobile devices. Like tablet and smart
phones. The move saw changes in the algorithms, which mean websites that are not
mobile friendly, are penalized. Some of the strategies to ensure your website is
responsive include having the website content fit in a screen. The website should be
fully visible on mobile phone or tablet browsers. Taking advantage of lawyer
directories this is a great strategy to promote your law firm is by listing the site on
relevant online directories that attract many visitors. Focusing on specific keywords
Osteopathic Physician Personal Statement
Sunny days were filled with tropical weather adventures and blissful curiosity,
satisfied through exploration. Being raised in Haiti, gave me the chance to interact
within a diverse culture. This has shape my optimistic outlook on the future.
Growing up in a deprived community, tough times existed, so it was easy to become
discouraged, but with a closer look, I soon realized that tougher people existed there
too. The caring heart and resilient characteristic that I exude serves as a testament to
the values that were carved from a diverse background. I intend to use these qualities
to guide me to the realization of my dream, which is practicing medicineas an
Osteopathic physician. My family and I later moved to the United States. While
adjusting... Show more content on ...
My decision to practice osteopathic medicine comes from the love that have
developed for the philosophy of this type of medicine. I understand that given the
opportunity to study medicine will also give me a chance to develop formal medical
knowledge and expand my medical leadership abilities. This will help me accomplish
my overall goal of expanding the medical organization operation that is involved in
treating patients in underserved communities around the
Workplace Wellness
Another of the wellness fundamentals that we have previously highlighted is
environment. That is making work a great environment to be in and work in.
This is different to occupational health and safety because that has an overwhelming
emphasis on safety. It s great and something we should all be concerned with,
however we re talking about ways to tap into the human spirit, rather than giving
them a special mouse or armrest.
For example, sunlight, we all know that sunlight wakes people up. Sunlight helps to
not only wake you up it provides you with vitamin D that you and we all need.
Fluorescent lights do not.
Not every office can afford, nor is it practical, to smash down walls and create more
windows. However this is just one example. There are other things that can be down
that would ... Show more content on ...
If you do not have a coffee machine at work, or a water cooler, or perhaps some
plants, then try this little experiment: Get one/some.
The immediate reaction will be ooo s and arrrr s from staff and they can be a
talking point at lunch, or throughout the day. They provide the ability for staff to
have a brief rest whilst they fetch some water, a coffee or water the plants. Rest is
important (see our article on rest).
You have managed to generate positive morale, discussion, an improved working
environment and all for just the cost of a plant ($17) or something similar.
These small tinkers and tweaks to your work environment can make huge impacts.
Many people actually have difficulty communicating at work. Its common for people
to find communicating with others in a professional environment hard, what to talk
about? How to start a conversation? This can lead to a lack of or total loss of a
community environment feel in the workplace which is essential for staff to feel
Project Based Incentive Payment System ( Mips ) And Its
Reports of MU death was premature
Shortly before I attended the Nevada Academy of Family Physicians winter
meeting in January, news had just broke over the demise of Meaningful Use (MU).
Many AAFP members in attendance were eager to know about what to do next as
these onerous MU measures were destined to end in 2016. Do they still have to
report these numbers? Are they going to continue to be penalized if they don t report
these measures? What is going to happen to Merit based Incentive Payment System
(MIPS) and its MU metrics? There were so many questions, and so few answers
from the man in charge.
The truth is that when CMS Acting Administrator Slavitt made his announcement,
he channeled the ghost of Mark Twain, who famously said that the reports of my
death is greatly exaggerated. Sure enough, Mr. Slavitt, in the CMS blog a week
later, did a complete one eighty and took back his words. Unfortunately, MU
remains alive and well which means that if left as is, the penalty for not meeting MU
stage 3 (MU3) will be catastrophic to many family medicine practices. Even though
MIPS won t kick into high gear until 2019, with up to 4 percent penalty and higher
in subsequent years, for all intents and purposes, these practices will need to meet
these requirements by the end of 2017 since data reporting will be mandatory for all
providers in 2018. For low margin family medicine practices, essentially what Mr.
Slavitt had done was to subtitle the MU3 final rules with Alan
Romeo And Juliet s Death Essay
Romeo and Juliet is a story that takes place in a small town in Italy named Verona.
In this story, Romeo and Juliet s families constantly fight with each other. Romeo
accidentally gets invited to a Capulet party and attends it in hopes of seeing his
love, Rosaline. Instead, Romeo goes and spots Juliet and forgets about Rosaline
and falls in love with how beautiful Juliet was. I believe fate is what caused Romeo
and Juliet s death. I believe this because it was fate the way Romeo was drawn to
Juliet, it was fate how they fell in love on rival sides of the family, and it was fate
that Romeo got invited to that party. First, I think it was fate that caused Romeo
and Juliet s death because of the way Romeo was drawn to Juliet the first time he
saw her. I think this because the story states, Beauty too rich for use, for earth too
dear! (Shakespeare 1.5.51) I picked this quote from the story because it shows... Show
more content on ...
I know think this because the story states, I know not how to tell thee who I am
/My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself/Because it is an enemy to thee.
(Shakespeare 2.2.58) I chose this quote because it shows how Romeo was even
ashamed of his name for their love. Third, I think it was fate that caused Romeo
and Juliet s death because it wasn t Romeo s choice to get an invitation because it
was brought to him. I think this because the story states, Direct my sail/On, lusty
gentlemen! (Shakespeare 1.4.113) I chose this quote from the story because I
think it explains very well how Romeo was excided to go to the party he accidently
got invited to. I understand why others may think free will is what caused Romeo
and Juliet s death because of how they didn t have much of a choice on most things
that happened. But, I feel it was fate all the way because the party that he accidently
got invited to, was what started his love for
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Netsuite
14. So what you re saying right now is that your business is too busy for you to
look into switching CRM systems? If you are in your busy season, then right now is
the perfect time to start exploring a CRM system that can keep up with your fast
pace season that you are having. Does that sound intriguing to you?
15. So the last wrap just gave you all the information on NetSuite and did not tailor
his presentation to aim at your needs? I do apologize for that if you have the time I
would love to sit down and do this properly by tailoring The advantages NetSuite
offers to your company. Would that be alright with you?
16. So when you say competitors do you mean CRM systems as a whole or just
cloud based systems that offer CRM? If you would like a list of all available CRMs
that list will be very lengthy. NetSuite does have the ... Show more content on ...
You are worried about your employees not using the CRM once you sign up with
us? The advantages of signing up the NetSuite is that we will train your employees
how to use the CRM to their advantage so that it will increase their sales and in turn
make them more money. The training we offer will help your employees see the
value of a CRM. Does that lift some of the worry off of your shoulders?
23. What you re saying is that you feel that you will not be able to fully grasp all of
the benefits of NetSuite in a 30 day period? NetSuite is very easy to use and quick to
learn with the training we offer as well as the videos on our website. So you should
be able to get a full grasp of all the benefits that it offers within the 30 day trial
period. How does that sound to you?
24. You are worried that this will take a long time for your employees to learn? We
offer training to the employees with a representative that will come to the office and
training employees, as well as online videos for the employees to refresh their
knowledge on NetSuite whenever they need it. Does NetSuite still sound like it will
take a long time for your employees to
Adult Service Functional Assessment Deals With Ruth
Public information release is due to kids begin under the age of 18 at the time, you
will need consent from the mother or legal parent in guardian to conduct the
interview with the child. The mother have to filled out the form saying she give you
or anybody permission to speak with her child. When the mother filled out the form,
you have make sure there is a witness available to see the mother sign the form. I feel
out the family/social history form off the mother information because I want to get
more information about the mother and her background. I wanted to know how
many siblings she had, where is her father and why she not living with her mother.
This paper also inform that mother is unemployed at the time and never really had
a job, she don t even have a high school diploma. However the paper also show me
that if Ms. James every been abused by anybody. Adult Service Functional
Assessment deals with Ruth James and grandma, the reason I choose both of them
because Ruth lives with her grandma when she not out running the streets. This
form will help me understand how the neighborhood is, history of the family, what
are the family weakness and monthly expenses. I spent most of my time focusing
on James because I wanted to know do she have money to buy clothes, food and
water for her kids. When I return back to the office I realize that grandma left me a
message on my phone, the grandma stated that she had no more diapers and not
enough food to feed the
Katherine Johnson Biography
I counted everything. I counted the steps to the road, the steps up to church, the
number of dishes and silverware I washed ... anything that could be counted, I did,
( These words, spoken by Katherine Johnson, reveal her love for math
as a child that would continue through her adult life. Born in 1918 in White Sulfur
Springs, West Virginia, Katherine loved anything to do with math for as long as
she could remember. She was eager to go to school and start learning, and she
ended up advancing straight into second grade. In addition to this amazing feat, she
started high school at age 10 and college at age 15. This in itself is an incredible
accomplishment considering her age, but it s even more incredible when taken into
account that most black children at the time didn t go beyond 8th grade. She studied
at West Virginia State College to become a mathematician and graduated when she
was 18, an age... Show more content on ...
She was not seen as a person but as a computer, who spent all day calculating the
engineers problems. However, Katherine challenged this treatment and broke the
stereotypes and gender roles placed on her. She began asking questions and, because
she had such an intelligent mind, wanted to know the reasoning behind the work she
was doing. She was the first women to attend the NASA briefings, which were
thought to be for men only, however, there was no law that stated this. She continued
to advance herself by using her mathematician status to teach the men at NASA
geometry and began leading them. Before, Katherine was the human computer doing
the calculations for her leader, but now, she was the leader. All of this advancement
for a black woman at the time, wouldn t be possible without her intelligence, hard
work, and
The Factors That Disrupt My Dream Of Earning Higher
Since, it is not very long ago, a young refugee, living in a refugee camp for more
than two decades of my life. I never have a big and many dreams because dreaming
is not among the things that the refugees typically think about it. However, I have
one dream to earn a higher education. Spending exiled life, there are several different
factors that disrupt me to chase my dream of earning higher education. For example,
financial difficulties, health problems, opportunity, and daily needs. Suddenly, a big
change comes to me, when I got the opportunity to come United States in September
2011 with the help of the International Organization for Migration. My first place that
I came to the United States is SyracuseNew York. As I arrived in Syracuse I got an
opportunity to go to school, and I start at Onondaga Community Collegefor my
higher education in spring 2012 and I graduated from Onondaga Community College
in Spring 2014. After I graduate from Onondaga Community College, I attended
Whitman School Of Management at Syracuse University for my Bachelors where I
studied double major as Finance and Accounting. Now, this is my final term at the
Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University. I want to pursue masters of
Science in nursing at University of Rochester because the masters program at
University of Rochester perfectly fits my dream of earning higher education and
being health professional. After my degree I want to serve in my own community,
which has a very
The Life of Steve Jobs
On October 5, 2011, a famous personality Steve Jobs left his technology. He was a
technologist, businessman and a scientist. He passed away due to his Metastatic
Insulinoma cancer. Jobs worked and co founded Apple Incorporation. He was fond of
working as Apple CEO. Jobs kept his position as a CEO and worked till the last day
to keep his company motivated: I have always said if there ever came a day when I
could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple s CEO, I would be the
first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come. ( Steve Jobs).
Jobs was born in San Francisco, California on February 24, 1955, to his father,
Abdul Fattah and mother Joanne Carole. His biological parents family objected to
his birth, so later he was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. Since his childhood, Jobs
was interested in electronics and technologies because his father worked as a
mechanic. He kept Jobs busy rebuilding electronics. Later, Jobs and his family
moved to Mountain View, California to attend school. He attended Homestead High
School in Cupertino, California. Steve Jobs was never interested in studies and
dropped out from the school ( Steve Jobs ).
People still miss Job because he was a visionary. He had the vision to see new
technology. He changed the technologies of the world. He came up with a new
operating system Macintosh (MAC) in 1976. Later, he came up with the iPhone in
June 2007. Everyone was amazed by this new technology of the phone. This genius
Cheryl s Lesbianism
Nevertheless, Cheryl, unlike Celie, is oblivious to the fact the Diana desires her
because of her colour. Here, the legacy of slavery is reinforced into Cheryl s mind
as she feels undesirable to the white woman. As their relationship progressed, she
realises that dating Diana will expose her to becoming fetishized as an object of
white desire. It becomes apparent that Cheryl was just a sexual experiment when
Diana talks about having several black lovers in the past. Namely, this scene takes
on the power principle that Cheryl has no identity apart from satisfying her white
lover s sexual needs. This goes back to slavery where black women bodies were
used by their white slave masters. On the contrary, Celie s lesbianism is not inherent
European Union ( Eu ) Action
2.2 European Union (EU) action
The EU was developing a particular system to mitigate CO2 and other GHG
emissions. In 2005, the EU establishes an effective system, which is EU Emissions
Trading Scheme (EU ETS) (European Communities, 2013). The EU ETS considers as
effective system to combat climate change and tool to reduce CO2 and other GHG
(European Communities, 2015).
The EU ETS has biggest and first main emissions trading in the world. This system
includes 28 countries from the EU as well Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. This
trading scheme puts price on each ton of carbon emissions. As the CO2 emissions
prices are high, thus encouraging to increase investment with clean energy that
reduce CO2 and GHG emissions. Beside, this system ... Show more content on ...
The EU ETS cap allowance gives the owner of company to emit one tone of CO2
(each allowance can used only one time). Moreover, cap gives EU companies
chance to buy or receive emissions allowance if they want to trade. In addition,
from 2013, the cap will be making change by reduce emission about 1.74% every
year from power plants and installations. That means GHG emission in 2020 will be
reduce around 21% compared to 2005 (European Communities, 2013).
2.3 local responses
In light to local response for UK to mitigate CO2 emission and other GHG, it has
established Climate Change Act on 26 November 2008. These act aims to several
legislation that helps to manage and address climate change (GOV.UK, 2013 a).
Therefore, the act works to achieve aims as the following: First, make certain
economic way to reduce emissions and reduce about 80% of GHG by 2050 compared
to 1990 (HM Government, 2011 GOV.UK, 2013 a). Second, providing clear plan for
industry to work effective in reduce emission by the act (GOV.UK, 2013 a).
Third, use EU ETS policy to provide large proportion to reducing emissions in the
UK between the 2013 and 2020. Fourth, use 2050 Calculator by public and policy
makers to choosing the appropriate options to reduce emission and achieve the
target of 2050 (GOV.UK, 2014). The 2050 Calculator is model that help policy
makers and public to choose the appropriate way for reducing emissions
Internal Conflict In The Hunger Games
Katniss Internal Conflicts
In life there always seems to be some sort of violence and there always seems to be
a good and a bad side. Directed by Gary Ross, The Hunger Games is a movie about
24 tributes fighting to the death for the Hunger Games crown and freedom from
ever having to physically fight in the arena again. It is a game of violence, ferocity,
and blood, and only one tribute can win. Even though stories often have a Battle
between Good and Evil, it is Katniss s internal conflict confronting her own good and
evil that portrays humanity with a longing for destruction, violent inclination, and
sense of separation. When one loves a person or something dearly, then they have
the tendency to do almost anything they can to protect and save them from whatever
harm they come across. Katniss volunteered for the games knowing she was saving
her sister from a terrible fate. She made a promise that she would try her best to win
the Hunger Games, but her confidence in her own ability to kill another person was
minimal. She did not want to get any blood on her hands but knew that in order to
win she would be forced to. Crispin Sartwell recognized situations like these when he
said, your goodness, like mine, has little to do with who you are and everything to do
with the social conditions you find yourself in (Sartwell). The circumstance Katniss
found herself in was full of violence, pain, and ruthlessness which further contributed
to the tainting of her humanity
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
It is difficult enough to go to the emergency ward with a family member and speak
the same language as the staff. The admitting nurse wants all insurance information,
another nurse/secretary asks for injury/illness history and, meanwhile, the person who
needs to see the doctor is waiting in pain. The stress mounts and communication
becomes harder. Now, take that same scenario when someone in the ER does not
speak the language or know the culture of the patient. It not only severely
complicates the process, but endangers the person needing the care. The Spirit
Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman is the tragedy about three month
old Lia Lee, from Laos, who unfortunately was one of these ... Show more content on ...
It appears that the California educational system understands the need for enhancing
cultural understanding. This is a positive sign in education. Interest in the subject of
cultural and linguistic competency is beginning to reach the tipping point (Gladwell,
2002). Over the past two decades, there has been an explosion of interest in
developing programs that meet the general, mental and oral health, as well as social
service needs of the country s increasingly diverse population. Cultural and linguistic
competence initiatives are underway at the systems, organizational, and clinical
levels in a variety of institutions. A growing number of federal agencies, foundations,
and private organizations are supporting innovative educational, research, and
service delivery services. The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration
(HRSA), for example, has Centers for Excellence (COEs) that use a curriculum
guide for integrating cultural and linguistic competency content, methods and
evaluation into existing academic programs (HRSA, 2005). However, changes in
the medical field are going more slowly. According to an article by Metzyl and
Poirier (2004), medical humanities programs now promote awareness of the social
aspects of medicine, and the Association of American Medical Colleges instituted
cultural competencies for clinical interaction for the training of medical students.
However, these authors say, current efforts to impart understandings of the
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Patriotism Essay. Definition essay of patriotism

  • 1. Patriotism Essay Embarking on the task of crafting an essay on the subject of patriotism can be a challenging endeavor, as the topic is laden with complex emotions, diverse perspectives, and a multitude of historical and contemporary dimensions. The difficulty lies not only in presenting a coherent and well-structured argument but also in navigating the sensitive nature of patriotism, which can evoke strong sentiments and differing interpretations. To begin with, defining patriotism in a way that captures its essence without oversimplification or idealization can be a daunting task. The concept itself is multifaceted, encompassing love for one's country, loyalty to its ideals, and a sense of duty towards its well-being. Balancing these elements while avoiding clichГ©s and platitudes requires a nuanced approach that demands both critical thinking and creativity. Furthermore, the historical context adds another layer of complexity. Addressing the evolution of patriotism over time, its manifestations in different cultures, and the intersectionality with other socio-political factors necessitates thorough research and a comprehensive understanding of global perspectives. Juggling these aspects while maintaining coherence in the narrative can be intellectually demanding. The potential for controversy is another hurdle to overcome. Patriotism, for some, may represent a virtuous and unifying force, while for others, it may evoke concerns about nationalism, exclusion, or even blind allegiance. Navigating this minefield of diverse opinions requires a delicate balance, requiring the essayist to acknowledge varying viewpoints without sacrificing the integrity of their argument. Moreover, the emotional component of patriotism can be challenging to convey in writing. Striking the right chord to elicit empathy and connection with the reader while avoiding sentimentality or manipulation requires a keen awareness of language and tone. Crafting an essay that resonates emotionally without sacrificing intellectual rigor is a delicate art. In conclusion, composing an essay on patriotism demands a skillful blend of historical insight, critical analysis, emotional intelligence, and linguistic finesse. The intricacies involved in presenting a comprehensive and compelling exploration of the topic make it a challenging but ultimately rewarding task for those willing to invest the time and effort. For those seeking assistance with such endeavors, it's worth exploring the services available on platforms like, where a wealth of resources and expert guidance can be accessed to navigate the complexities of essay writing. Patriotism Essay Patriotism Essay
  • 2. The Dialectic Of Enlightenment, And The Culture Industry This essay will compare and contrast the view of authentic art with the account of The Culture Industry laid out in Chapter One of the Dialectic of Enlightenment By Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno. The implications of which will be explored for a critical theory in society. The objective aim of the Dialectic of Enlightenmentis to criticize the social and cultural conditions of society by drawing out the insidious psychological messages from media and The Culture Industry (Film, Radio, Music etc.) Adorno and Horkheimer notice a pattern, or system of domination being imposed on us through seemingly innocent consumerist messages. They hoped to highlight the extent that which the products we consume are imposed on us from the industry rather... Show more content on ... Both Horkheimer and Adorno take such a radical approach to autonomous art because they believe that art has been overhauled by The Culture Industry. Using art as a means of mass deception, coercion and control though the radical standardisation of arts form. The implications of The Culture Industry on all aspects of life are vast. I believe that the capitalist system of domination is an insidious machine that Horkheimer and Adorno have very accurately fleshed out in relation to the conditions of capitalist society. They hoped to highlight the extent that which the products we consume are imposed on us from the industry rather than arising spontaneously from the masses disguised as demand and I believe they do so very well. However, the conclusion of the disillusion with enlightenment, the exact purpose of the fragments is misguided. The conclusion that enlightenment itself has fallen into this extreme state of standardisation and that the enlightenment becomes the wholesale deception of the masses) (DoE, 42) is over emphasising the importance of the culture industry and suppresses
  • 3. Muhammad Ali Film Analysis Before watching this documentary I definitely knew who Muhammad Ali was, but I had never heard of Larry Holmes. It was actually ironic to hear some people in the documentary say that many people do not know who he is although he was just as talented as Ali. In discussing the fight between Ali and Holmes, I do not think it was the best idea for Ali to agree to fight in the condition he was in. He should not have listened to the people around him who were mostly in it for the money. Just based off of what the doctor said, Ali was not fit to fight Holmes, who happened to be 8 years younger and stronger than him. Ali had come out of retirement in an attempt to become the first four time world heavyweight champion and already had slurred speech and slow reflexes. With his thyroid condition and all of the medication he was on, winning that fight was just not possible as sad as it may be. I believe that all of the hits that Ali took over his boxingcareer actually played a role in him later developing Parkinson s syndrome. He should of put his well being and health first, but at the end of the day I do believe he was following his heart and fought because he needed the money. Although he may have lost to Holmes due to being in denial of it being time to put his gloves down, he will always be remembered as a boxing legend... Show more content on ... He was a gifted boxer who represented strength, endurance, confidence, kindness, and black power. Even if you were not a boxing fan growing up, you knew who Muhammad Ali was and to me that is powerful. He is definitely one of the best to ever step foot in a boxing rink and his fearless saying float like a butterfly, sting like a bee will always be words that people hold close to their hearts. I truly hope that there are more people who will walk in his footsteps and that no one ever forgets the many amazing things he showed the
  • 4. Oropharyngeal Airway Respiratory emergencies can be caused by obstructions, inflammations, trauma, and several different disease processes. The most common obstruction of the airway is the tongue. This usually occurs when the patient has become unconscious secondary to another cause such as intoxication, low blood sugar, or trauma. While tongue obstruction of the airway can have deadly results, it can be easily solved by re positioning the airway using the either the jaw thrust maneuver if trauma is suspected, or the head tilt chin lift if no trauma is suspected. Also if the patient is unconscious and has no gag reflex you can use an oropharyngeal airway to hold the tongue up and out of the airway. However, using an oropharyngeal airway does not mean that you can... Show more content on ... Other times severe trauma can cause pulmonary edema such as blood in the lungs. Patients who are unresponsive for various reasons such as cardiac arrest, alcohol intoxication, or low blood sugar can aspirate stomach contents due to the loss of their ability to protect their own airway. Aspiration can severely impede the alveoli s ability to exchange gases. The patient can suffocate if action is not taken promptly. The aspiration may also cause pneumonia or other types of infections that can be potentially deadly for the patient. This is one of the reasons why managing and controlling n unconscious patient s airway is so crucial during pre hospital care. Another critical respiratory emergency is a pulmonary embolism. A pulmonary embolism can be caused by a blood clot, by an air bubble, by a large foreign body in the circulatory system such as a catheter shear, or in rare cases by amniotic fluid in pregnant females. Whatever the cause of the embolism, the results can have the same deadly consequences. Most blood clots that become pulmonary embolisms originate in the legs of patients with poor circulation of some type of leg
  • 5. Analysis Of Good Readers And Good Writers By Vladimir Nabokov The assigned reading of Good Readers and Good Writers by Vladimir Nabokov probes the subject that is the necessary attributes an individual must have in order for them to be successful readers and writers of literature. A list of ten rules is then stated in the essay and sets them as the baseline commandments that an individual must follow in order to be some kind of a devoted good reader . While the criteria sets the standard for a good reader it aligns with that of a good analyzer and can be applied to that sense. For example one of the first pieces of advice states If one begins with a readymade generalization, one begins at the wrong end and travels away from the book before one has started to understand it (Nabokov 1). If a... Show more content on ... In order to make this reflection as honest as I can, I m going to have to reveal that my beliefs and idea on reading do not synchronize with those of Perrine and thus it is difficult to incorporate her advice and provide an unbiased reflection that does not conflict with the author s analytical interpretations. What is perhaps the punchline of the text states, Immature readers seek only escape. Even when they think they are reading for interpretation or some useful moral, they insist that what they read return them always some pleasant or exciting image of the world or some flattering image of themselves (Perrine 2). While the previous quote may not be completely applicable to me because the text was assigned, I can see myself getting lost within the text and with that, my interpretations. Had I perhaps distanced myself and not been allowed to get lost in the text then I would have provided an interpretation for the assigned novels with less emotional bias in it. Perrine then goes onto say an immature reader tends to make fixed demands of every story and feel frustrated and disappointed unless these demands are satisfied. Often they stick to one type of subject matter (Perrine 3). While I cannot see any educated individual following this, perhaps to some extent I may have allowed an untidy ending to fix my feelings toward a novel to be relatively
  • 6. Physical And Emotional Abuse Explored The Color Purple Both physical and emotional abuse explored The Colour Purple and The Help helps to create awareness of the central issues. Both are novels that carry a lot of similarities, where the female characters are portrayed as invisible , servants and child carers . However, after reading carefully into the biographical work of both authors the critical difference I observed was that The Colour Purple is written by an African American woman who may have truly experienced the harshness of what she was writing about; on the other hand The Help by a white woman who had servants at an early age of her life, who would help her has enabled me to consider not only if the novellacks authenticity but if Kathryn s reason to writing the novel was to catch the readers mind about such harsh conditions of to actually affect the audience with the physical and emotional abuse. Walker was born in 1944, Georgia, USA, a life rooted in the hardship of the racial terror and the wisdom of the African American life and culture of that time. On the other hand, Kathryn Stockett was born 1969, Jackson, Mississippi, USA, after the uproar of the civil rights movement; she is an English/Creative Writing graduate of the University of Alabama. Through further reading of Kathryn Stocketts upbringing in multiple articles, growing up in Mississippi, Stockett had a much pampered lifestyle; she had a maid working in her house, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of her. She believed the story of the Black maids
  • 7. Improving Communication Skills Improving Communication Skills Action Plan Aim: The aim of this experiment is to develop a better degree of communication skills. This purpose will be met by using different communication skill management strategies. Communication is targeted at conveying your message to others clearly and without any ambiguity. According to Wikipedia Communicationa process whereby information is enclosed in a package and is channeled and imparted by a sender to a receiver via some medium. The receiver then decodes the message and gives the sender a feedback. Communication is the basic need of a society and being unable to communicate properly may not only curb all progress, as it is paramount to all progress, but also cause ... Show more content on ... It s a matter of real luck that unlike many other skills it can be learned with little efforts. I intend to make all possible efforts within this short span of time I have. Pre and Post Test Measures: For exact and true assessment and evaluation of my efforts I will keep a record of my activities of week 1 and deduce the level of productivity of my efforts. It will let me know my existing proficiency and the pace of my learning and I will be able to decide how much and in which way do I need to continue my mission of managing and improving my communicative skills. I will carry on my work consistently and will make another journal of my newly acquired level of efficiency in communicating in week 6, after the test time is over. This analysis will help me in knowing my own standing and I will assess the success of my action plan by judging if I have got the optimum benefit out of my action plan or not. Action Steps: This action plan demands me to concentrate on communication skills in perspective of literature available on the topic and then implement the given guidance in my day to day plan solemnly with the honest objective of meeting my goals. Step| Week| Key Concept| Associated Action Step| Expected Outcome| Actual Outcome| 1| 1| Reflecting and planning.| Sort out the level of communication skills I wish to achieve.|
  • 8. Clostridium Difficile Prevention of Relapse Following Clostridium difficile Infection Using Probiotic Lactobacillus casei Shirota This article, which was submitted for review in 2013, was written by Lennard YW Lee, Ramez Golmohamad, and George MacFaul of the Department of Gastroenterology, Milton Keynes NHS Foundation Trust, Standing Way, Milton Keynes MK65LD, United Kingdom. The paper was accepted for publication August 25, 2013. Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is an anaerobic, Gram positive, bacillus shaped bacterium that causes the disease Clostridium Difficile Infection (CDI). One of the reasons this particular species is so successful and disease causing is because it possesses the ability to form spores, which makes it very difficult to eradicate, as these spores are able to survive extreme conditions. C. difficile flourishes in the gastrointestinal tracts of individuals who have been prescribed broad spectrum antibiotics, as these tend to disrupt the normal microbiota. If an individual has previously contracted CDI, the likelihood of future infection(s) is more likely than if it were never contracted, at a rate of ~35%. The aim of this study, which is actually the first of its kind, is to utilize the probiotic Lactobacillus casei Shirota (L. casei Shirota) to attempt to suppress the recurrence of CDI after an initial infection. Probiotics contain a live strain(s) of healthy bacteria that help rather than harm an individual, and they work by competing with C. difficile s
  • 9. Thomas Green Case Questions On Business Relations Thomas Green Case Questions Question 1 Thomas Green is a creative and ambitious executive with impeccable marketing skills. He is a go getter who goes out of his way to meet potential clients and pitch ideas on how to improve business relations between airlines, hotels and taxi services. His work styles involve an adept and calculated approach to marketing that is pegged on increasing customer satisfaction and amassing a high clientele (Sasser, 2011). He is also revolutionary and change oriented. On the other hand, Frank Davis is an experienced marketing strategist who is quite rigid to change. Being in the business for 20 years, Frank possesses the necessary experience and expertise to land clients. However, he adopts an authoritarian form of leadership that entails imposing of ideas on his subordinates (Sasser, 2011). He seeks to tell his subordinates what to do and expects them to follow without question. Question 2 Thomas Green seeks to challenge authority whenever he feels that his bosses are on the wrong or are taking an unfavorable approach in business. He is quick to challenge his boss in public and highlights the flaws in Frank s approach (Sasser, 2011). He also does not respect his boss enough to update him on his travels and projects in addition to failing to process reports on time. Additionally, he goes over Frank s head and corresponds directly to his sponsor, Shannon McDonald. Frank s expectations on the other hand are that Tom follows his directions and
  • 10. Video Games Cause Violent Tendencies Essay Recently the debate on whether or not violent video games cause violent tendencies in children and young adults has been spread around. With this widely known debate dating back from the early days of Asteroid in the late 1970 s, we have to really think about how long this issue has been going on without a break. Movies, books, newspapers, basically all things that have to do with either the media or entertainment have gone through this argument phase and passed it, but video games are still being targeted 40 years later, still going hot, and shows no sign of slowing down. Now let me ask you, have you watched any violent movies? Have they made you contemplate murders or any other violent actions? The answer is probably no. So, what makes video games so much more viable as a target? The simple fact would be they re everywhere now days. With video games being is almost every home around the world and an even larger growing part of the coming generations, people have cold feet about how young children are being introduced to violence. From an Uncle s stand point I feel their concern. I don t believe my 8 year old nephew should play something like Gears of War at that early stage in life, but playing something with violence will not make him a murderer. The ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) is set in place and funded for only one reason, to regulate the way games are sold. This rating system clearly defines the age group that is best suited to play a certain game, now
  • 11. Case Study Of Avast 2.1. Product life cycle The product life cycle consists of six stages, these stages are; planning, defining, designing, building, testing and deployment. Planning: In the planning stage the requirements for the product are analysed. This is mostly seen as the most important part of the cycle, since it is use to research the needs and viability of the product and is therefore mostly done by senior employees who have the most experience. They usually do market surveys and look at the comments made by customers and the sales department. Furthermore it is a good idea to look at an industry expert. With this information a plan is made for the economic and technical and operation parts of the product Part of the planning... Show more content on ... Positioning strategy The advantages that Avast has compared to the competition are that they were the first to market. Avast was the first since they anticipated the need of the product. Avast was the one company to do research about privacy regarding mobile phones and when to found out that there was room for improvement, they came to public with their findings and created the need for a better way to remove data from mobile phones. Avast had anticipated this and soon came with a product to fulfil this need. When looking what kind of strategy is best suited for Avast Anti Theft. It is best to focus on the product leadership and the customer intimacy. Avast is the biggest Company to market anti theft software after the release of the previously mentioned research, also it is a company know by a lot of people that already use a product made by Avast. In order to keep their product leadership it is important that Avast keeps track on the responses of the product users. It is suggested that Avast asks product users about their expectations and they functioning of the product regarding their expectations. It is important to create and maintaining a user base using the fact that they are the first to actually market the product. Making sure that current users are happy will ensure the usage of the product in the
  • 12. How A Musical Machine As The Exemplification Of An... Presentation I propose to add to a musical machine as the exemplification of an intelligent music framework. A standout amongst the most difficult ranges inside of PC music is genuine time execution, and inside of this, joining machine listening systems to incorporate some intuitiveness in the middle of client and framework. Whilst the generative perspectives of an intuitive framework can take into account more prominent comprehension of human innovativeness (Boden 1990), the logical perspectives can reveal insight into the intricate operation of human discernment. This zone envelops such an extensive variety of computational, subjective and social issues that the degree for exploration and study is verging on unbounded. Further, the part of the robot in today s general public is quick moving from that of exceptionally minimal human connection, to right on the bleeding edge as visit aides, household partners, helps for tele presence and progressively as a major aspect of our stimulation frameworks (Xie 2003). Advancement of intuitive musical robots would test individuals biases and limits concerning the situations in which we associate with innovation and its advancement and level of contribution inside of our lives. The prizes are clear when working with musical apply autonomy, as you can typify all the upsides of advanced music whilst keeping up the lavishness of acoustic sounds (Weinberg et al 2005). A musical accomplice not
  • 13. Analysis Of Adolf Loos s Ornament And Crime In his publication about western culture in the journal Das Andere, Adolf Loos tells a story about a master saddler. In this story, the saddler hears about the rise of the Secession in the city, and how they praise the creation of a modern style. Showing one of his saddles to one of the leaders of the movement, a professor, he finds that his saddles aren t modern. Despite his best attempts, the saddler couldn t create a saddlethat would meet the high expectations of the professor. This professor finally tells the saddler that he simply lacks the imagination needed, and that the professor will make designs for a modern saddle for him. The next morning, the master saddler returns to find the professor with 49 designs for saddles (one from each ... Show more content on ... Repeatedly he praises unornamented design, such as in the suits worn by what Loos would describe as a civilised man , as opposed to a savage who decorates whatever he can lay his hands on. In his essay Ornament and Crime , Loos goes at length about how a truly modern man wears a humble suit, one that is neat and made of decent material. He would not clad himself in fancy, frilly pants or golden buttons, as it is distasteful to try to stand out so much with what you wear. He often returns to his example regarding cigarette cases, and how his wife had chosen a simple, plain case, even after having been offered an ornamented, decorated case as an alternative. Loos appropriates this lack of orientation in his design for the faГ§ade of the Goldman and Salatsch building, many Viennese describing it as a woman with no eyebrows. It was a faГ§ade lacking just about any detail, and drew what character it had from its materiality. Loos had opted for cipollino marble for the entrance to the store itself, and a plain wall for the upper residential floors, carving the windows into the
  • 14. Cvs Pharmacy Case Study CVS pharmacy is a retail and health care industry that focuses on selling prescriptions, grocery, dairy products and beverages, over the counter medications, beauty products, processing photos, canvas, mugs, calendars, among many other things. The photo lab kiosk is a service that is widely used at all CVS pharmacies. Many customers rely on this service on a daily basis. This manual will focus on making various prints because this is the only self service option currently offered at the pharmacy. The photo lab kiosk enables the customers to make in store or online prints, however the majority of customers prefers to use the in store service in case they run into any problems. It is also easy to make prints in store because they are processed... Show more content on ... Select make prints option 3.Select to make prints in seconds or minutes 4.Select whether you would like to have border on the print or no border 5.Agree to terms and conditions of use 6.Select the pictures you would like to print 7.On the right side of the screen, zoom in and out or crop the print if necessary. 8.Select the number of sheets you would like to make per print 9.Look at the order summary to see the total cost of prints 10.Place the order, proceed to checkout and wait for the pictures to print Software and Hardware Used Software and hardware compatibility is very crucial to make the prints. The current photo lab computer has the following requirements: пѓ If you are using an android phone you need to download the Kodak kiosk application or use the memory card from the phone. USB cables do not work for Android phones пѓ If you are using an iPhone, you can use the USB cable or the Kodak kiosk application пѓ A memory card from the camera can be used пѓ A flash drive or thumb drive works as well пѓ USB cables пѓ iPad пѓ compact disc пѓ Tablets пѓ Video cassette Making Different Sizes of Prints Sizes of Prints
  • 15. Inside An At T Organization INSIDE AN AT T ORGANIZATION 1 Abstract In this paper I will discuss some of the organizational structures, the culture, the leadership, the human nature and motivation, decision making, strategy, goals and objectives within one of AT T s many organizations. INSIDE AN AT T ORGANIZATION 2 It all started back in 1876 when a man named Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Now centuries later and undergoing various changes, his invention has grown into brand mogul. AT T is a great company to work for. This global brand mogul giant has well over 200,000 employees and the combined services offered such as wireless, u verse, digital life, and businesses, AT T has over 120,000,000 customers. However, one of the unique things about the company is that some of the entities has their own mission statement. For example, ATT Labs is: our mission is to exploit technical innovations for the benefit of AT T and its customers by implementing next generation technologies and network advancements in AT T s services and operations. Their vision statement is: The AT T global network was born of the ingenuity of AT T Labs networking specialists who made disparate systems work together. Being the world s fastest and most reliable global network, our network is the standard against which all others are measured. To maintain our leadership in this arena, we focus on the future and aggressively pursue innovations. Our vision is to design and create in this decade the new global network,
  • 16. Kate Chopin s The Storm Two Friends Do The Hokey Pokey With Positive Results In this short story The Storm , by Kate Chopin, a woman is waiting for her husband and son to return home during a storm. Unannounced, her previous lover, AlcГ©e, shows up at her gate in need of shelter from the rain. Calixta allows him inside her home. As they begin to talk to each other, it starts to become intimate and eventually leads to intercourse. Afterwards, the storm has cleared and Alice bids farewell to Calixta. When Calixta s husband and son return, Calixta is joyful of their return, a contrast to what her husband was expecting. The central idea of the story is how humans needs and desires need to be fulfilled, even if it s through taboo practices. BobinГґt maturity appears to be more childish than middle aged. He s attitude and behavior are not mature and disappointing for a fully grown man. In the beginning of the story, BobinГґt and his son are waiting for the storm to pass. While the storm is shaking the the store, Bibi, the son, gives support to his father by placing his hand on his knee. ... Show more content on ... When they start to make love, Calixta s elastic flesh was experiencing its birthright for the first time. The term birthright symbolizes calista s right to fulfill her sexual necessity that has been dismayed by her marriage. Calixta also provided AlcГ©e satisfaction he had yet to achieve with his own marriage. The white flame of Calixta s passion pierced through AlcГ©e s soul to awaken his sensuous nature . The white flame symbolizes the highest/hottest level of passion. The chemistry of both characters was powerful enough to simulate feelings that have been dormant. The reason for their strong chemistry is unknown. The border of life s mystery symbolizes the enigma of why someone may have incredible attraction to a certain individual without any explanation. This attraction is non existent in either of their
  • 17. Rein Evans. Mr. Jennings. World Geography (H) 3Rd Hour Rein Evans Mr. Jennings World Geography (H) 3rd Hour 11 April 2017 Chapter 30 Summary Brittan ruled over India calling it the British raj which is the Hindu word for empire. Through the peaceful nonviolent protest of the Indian people led by Mohandas K Gandhi India won its independence in 1947. Brian divided the country into Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan. Buddhist monks fleeing Tibet in 800 AD. Were the first recorded ruling elite in the region of Bhutan. The lama or highest level of monks rule. Bhutan has largely been an isolationist country. Today Bhutan is a constitutional monarchy and held its first elections in 2008. Modern Nepal was founded in 1769, with the Narayan dynasty which isolated the country from the world. Nepal s ... Show more content on ... At the foot of the Himalaya lies the Gangetic Plain which is the longest Alluvial Plain in the world. This is also India s most densely populated area. Cyclones are a storm with heavy rains and high winds that blow in a circular pattern around an area of low atmospheric pressure. Cyclones are much like hurricanes of the Atlantic and bring torrential rains and winds up to 100 mph. Also tsunamis which is originally a Japanese teems, is a huge sea wave caused by an undersea earthquake. One fourth of India is forest but depending on the amount of rain fall the vegetation type varies. In the heartland is the humid subtropical zone the receives up to 80 inches of rainfall a year. Generally this zone has topical evergreen and mixed evergreen deciduous forests. Northwest India receives less than 20 inches of rain in desert areas. The Vindhya and Satpura rnages divide India into northern and Southern region. Pakistan lies to the northwestern edge of the Indian subcontinent. To the North of Pakistan lies the Hindu Kush and the Kara koram ranges. Within the Karakoram range lies K2 which towers at 28,250 feet high making it the second tallest mountain in the world. The only place to pass through these mountains is the Kyber Pass in northwest pakistan along the border of Afganistan. In the eastern portion of the country of Pakistan is th Indus river and the subsequent Indus river valley which forms two alluvial plains, the Punjab in the north and the Sind in
  • 18. Stryker Case The power of suppliers can have a significant impact on most organizations. Mainly because they have the power to determine the cost of goods and the amount of profit an organization can earn. However, for Stryker the power of suppliers was more on the lower side. Not only did Stryker produce medical tools and devices, but they also manufactured their own materials. In other words, Stryker is their own supplier. Therefore, Stryker dictated the prices of their products and services. Suppliers can potentially have great power over organizations, for Stryker, the power was theirs. This is definitely an advantage for Stryker. Power of Buyers The power of buyers in the medical technology industry is relatively high. Stryker s buyers have the ... Show more content on ... Since Stryker acquires companies they are acquiring a brand that is recognized in that country. This assists with the culture barrier of coming in with a brand not known in that area. In addition their website does adjust depending on which country is viewing it. Even the format in which it is viewed is changed slightly to match the culture it is accustomed to. Administrative Staff Regulator affair managers to ensure that the company is within regulations internationally. Their responsibilities include Represent Stryker in interactions with external organizations including the FDA and other global health authorities, sponsors, and other organizations; serve as a primary Regulatory contact during all premarket activities and work with Stryker organizations to support the regulatory approval and commercialization efforts in global markets . Geographical Stryker has many manufacturing locations that make it easier to give out products around the world. This decreases the cost to ship products from the US to for example China. They are consistently opening more locations in order to fill a demand and a lower cost.
  • 19. Colin Powell Analysis Colin Luther Powell an American statesman and a retired four star general once uttered this quote Surround yourself with people who take their work seriously, but not themselves, those who work hard and play hard. It was in 10th grade when I first came across this quote and at that time it completely changed my life. Throughout the first two years of high school, I was not concerned on my educationto say the least. I am ashamed to admit this, but I was more focused on fitting in with a particular group of individuals then go to class and learn. This all changed when I read Colin Powells wise words; it struck me that the only reason on why I was not taking school seriously was because of my so called friends. All throughout my scholastic year s teachers have always... Show more content on ... To my astonishment, my new friends welcomed me with open arms, for the first time in my life I felt this was the place where I belonged. The group thrived on each other s willingness to succeed. We competed with each other, motivated each other and helped each other. Fast forward to graduation I was ranked in the top 15 of the class, graduating with honors, and looking forward to attending a college that gave me an academic scholarship. As I entered my first day of classes, my mind was excited to absorb the new information I was about to learn and be with individuals who wanted to accomplish as much as I did. However, my dreams were crushed as quickly as they started. In the following months, I began to realize that students were not focused on taking advantages of these opportunities. I shrugged it off thinking to myself it was their fault. The feeling of a fish out of the water slowly crept back in; it seemed I was the only one that didn t find drinking excessively till emergency services stepped in as fun. I tried to find a group of like minded students, but most did not want to put in the work for a long term
  • 20. The Assault Of Gun Control Gun control has become a hot topic in the United States as of now. There will be those who are for guns and those who are against guns. Those who are for guns, assert that it is our right to bear arms according to the 2nd amendment and those who are against guns, believe that guns are unnecessary and cause more violence. Assault weapons, in particular, have caused too many deaths and the government needs to put a ban on assault weapons. First and foremost, assault weapons have claimed the lives of too many people in the world. Take a look at the Umpqua Community College, Colorado movie theater and Sandy Hook shootings. What all of those shootings have in common, is that an assault weaponwas used by the perpetrator. Mass shootings like these, just show how powerful and dangerous assault weapons are. These assault weapons are claiming the lives of people ranging from children to elderly. Mass shootings are examples of how assault weapons provoke more harm and violence. However, some may notice that all of these mass shootings happened in gunfree zones. Gun free zones were introduced by the Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990. The act prohibits anyone from conceal carrying a gun in the area. Two of the examples of gun free zones were Umpqua Community College and Sandy Hook Elementary. Shootings are most likely to occur in areas where people will not shoot back at the perpetrator. The Colorado movie theater shooting happened in an area where guns were banned. If these places
  • 21. Renaissance Influence On Art The Renaissance, a time defined as the rebirth, occurred in Italy between 1350 and 1600. Spreading quickly throughout Europe, with the innovation of the printing press, it caused rippling effects. The Renaissance ultimately altered the aged education of the Dark Ages and renewed it with studies of the more classic works instead of theology. Classic art and literature grew extremely popular, contrasting the lack of interest in them before. Many artists became prominent advocates for the revival of the ideals of the classical past. The artists, using their masterpieces, tremendously determined modern historians view the era. While several aspects of the Renaissancecontributed and influenced the time, artists like Michelangelo, da Vinci, and... Show more content on ... Born March 6, 1475, Michelangelo Buonarroti is considered [to be] one of the most famous artists of the Italian Renaissance. ( Editors) As a child, Michelangelo had a greater interest in artwork and its production rather than schooling, so at the age of 13 his father allowed him to become Domenico Ghirlandaio s apprentice in Florence. During his teenage years, Michelangelo studied classic sculpture in the Florentine gardens of the Medici family, who were wealthy and allowed him access to the elite of Florence. After studying there for a few years, he eventually moved to Rome, where he would work until he died. Known for his sculptures the Pieta and David, and for his paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and the Last Judgement Michelangelo had many other works. Michelangelo s innovated artistry was believed to have achieved a whole new depth over the timespan. Like da Vinci, Michelangelo is said to have influenced Raphael, an artist who actually was his arch rival. This is an example of how Michelangelo was influential during the Renaissance. His artwork depicted scenes from the bible and were painted in the Sistine Chapel which is a major contribution to the culture and beliefs of the time. Raffaello Sanzio, famously known as Raphael, was an artist and architect born April 6, 1493, in Italy. When Raphael reached the age of 11, his father, Giovanni, passed away and he quickly took over his
  • 22. Research Paper On Bingo Fancy Eight Hours Of Bingo? Win Real Prizes At A Charity Event On The 24th Of September Julia s House is a local charity in Westbury that is dedicated to helping children that have had a rough start in life, which is why a charity fundraiser is now being planned for Saturday the 24th of September. The bingo session will go on for a whopping eight hours from 10am in the morning until 6pm in the evening. The legendary bingo marathon will take place in the Westbury players club. Participants are allowed to play bingo as long as they like, which means players may join games at their leisure. Sheila Harris has organized three marathon Bingo sessions in the past and they have been a ringing success. The first two marathons were for the Wiltshire
  • 23. Essay on Moral Dilemma Moral Dilemma Everyday we are tested as individuals to make the right choice. How we view ourselves as individuals and how others view us are directly correlated to our moral decision making. But morals are somewhat misleading. What might be a wrong decision for one person might be a solution to another. So how do we define morals? Do we follow Gods moral rules because to do so would increase out likelihood of obtaining salvation in the afterlife? Or is it simpler than that. Is God going to deny our entrance into heaven because we have run a stop sign here and there? No. I believe our moral values are much simpler than that. I believe that our moral decision making comes from our upbringing of what is right or wrong. Our parents and ... Show more content on ... It was about 13 degrees out and the sun had just started to peek over the mountains behind our house. It was a magnificent morning. It was one of those crisp, cold mornings with no wind and I could hear for miles and miles. I remember hearing my neighbor s dog, Orvis, barking two miles away. I kept walking for about a quarter mile until I came upon a field that was always a hot spot for deer in the morning. It was an exciting feeling to be out in the woods with the deer, yet at the same time, a terrifying feeling. Was I going to fail yet another year of not bagging my buck? I was anxious as to what my family and friends would think of me. I needed to get a deer in the worst way. As the morning wore on I began to get anxious and fidgety feeling that no deer were going to come. As I was contemplating whether to leave my stand in the field, I recognized two deer grazing peacefully in the middle of the field. I quickly pulled up and looked through my scope and saw nothing but green fuzz. I was so nervous that I had forgotten to readjust the focus on my scope. As I did, the deer saw me move and began to trot away from me and into the protection of the forest. I managed to get my scope in focus in time to see that there was a buck and a doe. My chance had finally come. I was going to get my first Vermont buck. I immediately stood up from my stand and jogged over to where they had entered the woods. Once in the woods, I evaluated the surroundings and had a good
  • 24. My Crown Princess Short Story You look gorgeous, My Lady! Absolutely beautiful! I have never seen such beauty like you in all the Seven Kingdoms, Lady Kang. Perfectly fitting for the next Crown Princess. My Crown Princess Seulgi broke out of her trance blanking out into the distance as the plump, cheeky seamstress claps her clammy hands excitedly in childish giggles. Glancing at her reflection in the silver plated mirror on her wall, she is dolled up in an off the shoulder lilac lace and tulle gown that was tightened up by a applique corset around her waist before it expanded into an organza ball gown that made her nothing but enchanting and the belle of the ball. Twirling around, the gown s sparkling embroidered beads gleamed against the light, giving the illusion that the auroral, beaming stars in the sky shone against the dark, late evening horizon in her gown. Crumpling her willowy fingers into the thin layer of taffeta on her gown, Seulgi cannot help but frown in discomfort and uneasiness as much as she had loved dressing up for the role she had prepared and desired for all her life, it all felt wrong. You look unhappy, dear cousin. That is not usually you when it comes to these matters. The teasing tone of her cousin, Min Yoongi, instantly prompts her to roll her eyes at him as she steps down the timbered platform that elevated her up for her dress fitting. He appears from the shadows of her decorated room, with his hands tucked in his pockets in a black and white floral coat
  • 25. Essay on Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Summary and Assessment The book, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, provides an alternative approach to how a person achieves success. This book does not focus on the conventional determinant of success, such as formal education and training, experience, and intelligence level (IQ). Although all these components contribute greatly to ones achievement of success, these factors are not the only factors to be considered in whether a person will be successful or not. This book focuses on the concept that it refers to as emotional intelligence(EQ), which is one s ability to recognize and effectively understand his/her emotions in a productive and rational manner. The objective of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 is to educate people on suppressing their natural willingness ... Show more content on ... The author states, Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships (p. 17). EQ lays the foundation for many skills, such as, time management, communication, assertiveness, customer service, anger management, stress tolerance, and many other aspects of our life each day. Although our emotions will play an eminent role in our daily life, improved EQ skills will teach us to better control our emotions and keep our emotions from controlling our actions or behaviors. Additionally, we will learn how to better interact with others and build better and stronger relationships. While emotional intelligence is vital to human behavior, it only accounts for a portion of a person as a whole. The author states, IQ, personality, and EQ are distinct qualities we all possess. Together, they determine how we think and act. It is impossible to predict one based upon another. People may be intelligent but not emotionally intelligent, and people of all types of personalities can be high in EQ and/or IQ. Of the three, EQ is the only quality that is flexible and able to change (p. 19). There is no know
  • 26. Reader s Workshop Pedagogical Process If awarded the Rogers Educational Innovation Grant, we will begin a project at Gildersleeve Elementary School in Portland, Connecticut that combines elements of the Teacher s College Reader s Workshop approach to literacy instruction with a character development programming designed to promote understanding and empathy called Changing Perspective. The primary instructional goal of this endeavor involves leading students through the process of learning to read and reading to learn. Our goal is to ensure that all students are provided an individualized program of reading instruction using the pedagogical process inherent in the Reader s Workshop program developed by Teacher s College. The Reader s Workshop pedagogical approach focuses on pinpointing
  • 27. Relational Database For Relational Databases A simple, unpopular family owned store has just created a website. On this website, they give their customers the ability to create accounts, shop, buy products and have products shipped directly to their homes. Every customer s personal, shipping and payment information as well as every product s price, description and /or picture is needed to be stored and organized somewhere where it could be easily processed. All this necessary data could most likely be found in a relational database that the store uses to efficiently run all the necessary transactions. In this database, all the data is collected and grouped into different pockets or tables that better categorize the information. Through the relationships created between the tables,... Show more content on ... It has become hard to scale relational databases in the direction and to the degree needed to manage big data in a successful and less expensive way. Instead, a new system, known as NoSQL or Not Only SQL , has been created that makes the processing of terabytes and even petabytes of data possible (Paghy, RDBMS to NoSQL ). Many social networking and/or big data companies like Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Google and Amazon are now known for using NoSQL databases. This is because NoSQL systems are non relational and do not structure their data in tables or typically manipulate or process the data with SQL. Having less restrictions than a relational database, NoSQL has the ability to better handle huge quantities of data in a more efficient way (Moniruzzaman, NoSQL Database... ). This paper will dig deeper in the several characteristics of NoSQL database systems that separate them from the relational ones. It will also introduce the different models that make up the system as well and a few examples that are currently being used and becoming popular today. 1.Characteristics of NoSQL NoSQL is best known for typically being non relational , meaning that it can store and link data without any structured restrictions (Paghy, RDBMS to NoSQL ). This gives NoSQL databases the ability to do so much more than a simple relational database could. It makes them scalable
  • 28. Mean Girls Is A Teen Comedy Film Deciding what is most important in life is often a struggle, especially during high school. Mean Girls is a teen comedy film loosely based on the self help book titled Queen Bees and Wannabes. The main character is a high school student named Cady that just moved from Africa and has been homeschooled her whole life. The American culture and society she is introduced to is embodied by the Plastics, who are the most popular girls at North Shore High: Regina, Gretchen, and Karen. The pressure put on Cady by society causes her to struggle to decide what her priorities should be. Mean Girls criticizes the traditional notions of femininitythat are expected of women, as they are not required for them to be successful and accomplished. Consider the scene when Cady first goes to Regina s house, closer to the beginning of the movie. During this scene, the Plastics collectively walk up to a mirror and start stating what they dislike about their bodies. The fact that the Plastics, who are supposed to be the most popular and attractive characters in the film, are pointing out flaws on themselves induces feelings of superiority, because even they aren t perfect. The superiority theory as described by Rappoport suggests that this is humorous because feeling superior to someone, even subconsciously, causes pleasure and laughter. Putting down the supposedly perfect characters causes the viewer to feel gratification as it may cause a boost of their ego. This scene is also incongruous for a
  • 29. Ethics and Licensed Professional Counselor PCN 505 Scenario Analysis Assignment Directions: Read the scenarios below. For each scenario, provide a 75 150 word response to each question. Use the ACA and NAADAC Codes of Ethics and other scholarly resources to support your responses. You must provide at least one citation to support your response for each scenario. Though APA format is not required for your answers, citations and references should be presented in accordance with APA guidelines. 1. Barbara is a licensed professional counselor (LPC) working for a nonprofit social service agency. Many of the clients in the agency are female domestic violence victims. The director of the agency has asked Barbara to develop a counseling group to serve the needs of these individuals. a.... Show more content on ... (2005 CA Code of Ethics, Standard A.5.e.) b. What special issues of confidentiality may arise in the case? How should David address these issues? Even though David most recently been in a counseling relationship with the husband, he stills have a legal duty to the husband, who was originally client..In most circumstances, he can release the husband s individual counseling records to her upon his written request. However, he may be compromising his ethics and breaching confidentiality by releasing information to the wife that he obtained from the husband or learned during a joint counseling session unless he have written authorization of both or a court order (2005 ACA Code of Ethics, Section B.2.c.) ) c. How might differences in personal values and gender/cultural issues create ethical dilemmas in this case? It s an ongoing balance to decide how David going to view the cultural differences. There isn t a simple answer. The principal rule supporting ethical obligations is that the counselor must act with full recognition of the importance of client s rights, the ethics of the profession.(National Association of Social Workers 1999). 3. Stephanie is a licensed professional counselor (LPC) who has decided to start a private practice. As she makes her plans, there are many ethical issues she must
  • 30. Software Requirement Means A Condition Or Capability Essay Software Requirement means a condition or capability that must be met or possess by a system to satisfy a contract, standard, specification or other formally imposed document. In this we come across with three types of requirements: User requirements: It provides the details of services required under which the system must operate smoothly. Functional Requirements: It describes an interaction between the system and its environment. In which the functional requirements must correct, complete, consistent and unambiguous. Non Functional Requirements: It refers to the constraints or restrictions on the system. It contain many requirements such as resource usage, availability, cost and delivery data, and technology to be used, etc. 3.1 Users This block gives who all are users involving in the Web Based GIS Platform for Jamshedpur Town. 3.1.1 Admin Admin is the main person of this system. Admin can have all the privileges/facility to do anything in this system. Admin can get the information regarding Survey Mapping, Road and Rail Network, Traffic Management, electrical Utilities, public buildings, land use, Water Resource Management, Public utilities, Ward Wise population, Transport Network, Geo morphological. 3.2 Functional Requirements Functional requirements is the technical details, data manipulation and processing and other specific functionality that define what a system is supposed to accomplish. 3.2.1 Land Use In land use we construct the
  • 31. Automatic Irrigation System Using Wsn Automatic Irrigation System Using WSN Akshay U. Mankar Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering R. M. D. Sinhgad School of Engineering and Technology Pune, India Prof. Mrs. Snehal Bhosale Assistance Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering R. M. D. Sinhgad School of Engineering and Technology Pune, India Abstract An automated irrigationsystem is developed to optimize water use for agriculture crops. The system has a distributed wireless sensor node network of soil moisture, temperature sensors and humidity sensor placed in the soil. Energy conservation is a very critical issue in wireless sensor networks. In this paper a TDMA based MAC protocols are used to conserve the energy in wireless sensor networks which is used in an irrigation system. An algorithm is developed with threshold values of moisture level, temperature of the soil and humidity sensor that are programmed into microcontroller based gateway to control irrigation in a field. Also two methods based on TDMA scheduling are used. The first one is direct communication method, in which each node transmitted the data directly to the sink node and other one is data aggregation method in which nodes are grouped into clusters to save energy. Keywords TDMA scheduling, Wireless sensor networks, Energy efficiency, Automatic irrigation I. INTRODUCTION In India agriculture uses 85% of available freshwater
  • 32. Essay about Hindenburg Hindenburg Within seconds, 35 people were dead and many fled for their lives. This was the case with the Hindenburg catastrophe. The three most significant topics that are of significance in this tragedy will be about the arrival , the escaping and confusion as the ship ignited, and the statistical fact upon Hindenburgs inflation with hydrogen. The first important focus on the Hindenburg tragedy is the arrival in Lakehurst, New Jersey. Commander Rosendahl, who was head commander of the ship s arrival, was an anxious man the day of his ship s arrival. He frequently paced his spartan office that day hoping to see his airship safely moored to the mast and passengers disembarked unharmed. ... Show more content on ... From the arrival, the next focal point is the tragic explosions and the escape of the passengers aboard the Hindenburg airship. The first explosion occurred approximately four minutes after the first bow rope had dropped to the field. Rosendahl remembered this moment and exclaimed, It seemed as if the whole world was holding its breath. One heard no command, no call, no cry. (Archbold, 181) A man by the name of Helmut Lau, was walking on a catwalk keeping an eye on the mooring cable when he heard a muffled detonation. He thought the combustion originated near the center of the cell by a walkway, but everything happened so fast he couldn t be sure. Another cell men by the name of Hans Freund was closest to the faint explosion as it occurred, yet his back was turned and had no clue where the fire actually started. As the Hindenburg, which was inflated with hydrogen, was being engulfed with flames the head captain ,Max Pruss, was at the head of the ship with other captains and none of the officers yet understood what was happening. Seconds later however, Captain Sammt, who was leaning out a port window along with Pruss remarked, The ship s on fire! (Archbold,183) The ground crew retreated as the fire roared toward the bow as
  • 33. Gait Variability And Fall Risk Gait Variability and Fall Risk in Older Adults Abdulrahman M. Aldahmashi University of Pittsburgh Motor Learning and Control of Movement Dr. Susan Whitney November 2, 2014 Introduction Falling is described as resting on the ground or the floor accidently without being caused by intrinsic incident or tremendous hazard (Ayoubi Launay, 2014; Tuunainen, Rasku, JГ¤ntti, PyykkГ¶, 2014). It is also defined as unexpected, unintended, unprovoked alteration in body position causing an individual to be in an inferior level and not resulted from internal disturbance (Menant, Schoene, Sarofim, Lord, 2014). Background Information Fall is the major cause of injury in the elderly, which places more load on the health care system (Krasovsky, Lamontagne, Feldman, Levin, 2014). Samuel D. Towne Jr. and his colleagues conducted a study to calculate the cost of hospitalizing older people as a result of falling in Texas Hospital. 77,086 fallers were hospitalized, costing around 3.1 billion dollars in 2011, which is an increase of around 2 billion dollars since 2007 (Towne, Ory, Smith, 2014). Moreover, fall directly causes 21,649 deaths and indirectly causes 5,402 deaths in the United States in 2010 (Stevens Rudd, 2014). Also, 420,000 individuals around the world die yearly because of falling (Mignardot et al., 2014). Most falls in older adults take place during walking (Lee, Verghese, Holtzer, Mahoney, Oh Park, 2014). Therefore, falls are related to gait variability
  • 34. WAL-MART Essays Wal Mart Is Wal Mart good for communities, or is Wal Mart a wolf in sheep s clothing? With a gross annual sales of over $67 billion and more than 2,000 stores, Wal Mart is one of the biggest corporations in the United States. Wal Mart opens a new store once every two days in small communities and cities across the United States, however, are these stores good for these communities, or are they wrecking havok? When you look down at the fine print Wal Mart doesn t earn it s money it steals it money from other businesses. Choking other smaller businesses by offering wider varity of products at a more competitive price. This is actually a very simple business tactic if you want to sell a lot of something cut your profit margin to beat the ... Show more content on ... According to Albert Norman in his article Eight Ways to Stop the Store quot;,Wal Mart Mathematicians only know how to add. They never talk about the jobs they destroy, the vacant retail space they create or their impact on commercial property values. quot; This is very true Wal Mart s officers always talk about the jobs and opportunities they create ,however, are 250 minium wage jobs worth 150 $6 10 jobs? Wal Mart also talks about how they benefit, but except for one scholarship they do little of nothing to fulfill that statement. Raise money to stop Wal Mart to influence the public to become active in keeping Wal Mart out of the community. Wal Mart will spend money trying to persuade people to want Wal Mart in their community. Fight this these are your friends, family, and fellow townsfolk, who do you think they are going to listen to? Someone who they have known all their life and who they know only has the towns best interests in mind, or a bumbling fool from New York City who knows nothing of your town people or their situation. Start a petition influence people to vote, stake out the supermarkets and hardware stores. Get as many signatures as you can. The more signatures the easier it will be to keep Wal Mart out of the community. If Wal Mart was being truthful about staying where they were wanted and not where they weren t, then it is the communities responsibility to let Wal Mart know that they aren t wanted. Look at the facts Wal Mart
  • 35. Digging Seamus Heaney was born on April 13, 1939, on a... Digging Seamus Heaney was born on April 13, 1939, on a farm in Castledawson, County Derry, Northern Digging Seamus Heaney was born on April 13, 1939, on a farm in Castledawson, County Derry, Northern Ireland, the eldest of eight children. In 1963, he began teaching at St. Joseph s College in Belfast. The first poem I ll be looking at is digging it was written in 1966. The poem consists of 9 stanzas that vary between two lines and five lines in length. There is no pattern to the stanzas, perhaps to reflect the idea that there is no pattern or predictability to our memories. In the poem there is quite a variation in the language e.g. the title is blunt. It is only when we have read the poem carefully that we ... Show more content on ... He was also proud of his grandfather, who was so keen to work that he hardly stopped when Heaney brought him some milk. To drink it, and then fell to right away this show how hard he worked. His work was precise nicking and slicing neatly and he was strong heaving sods over his shoulder. Heaney does not explain exactly why he has no spade to follow men like them . Does he think he is not physically strong enough for the work? Or does he think his father and grandfather may not approve of him cultivating the land. There is quite a lot of alliteration in digging e.g. curd cuts digging down and down and the squelch and slap of soggy peat this gives the poem life it makes it more interesting to read. The opening simile is striking Heaney s pen is snug as a gun . It shows how perfectly the pen fits his hand, this shows how well suited Heaney is to write. (In the fourth stanza, Heaney describes how perfectly his father s body is in tune with the spade, showing how well suited he is to dig.) The gun image also suggests the strength of the pen, it is a weapon for writing. There is a writing technique called enjambment which means lines in a poem that run on from on to another without a punctuation or pause. There is an example of this between the second and third stanza. My father, digging. I look down Till his straining rump among the flowerbeds Bends low, comes up twenty years away,
  • 36. marijuana legalization Martin Torrijos Mr. Fontenot English 104 401 October 28, 2013 Marijuana Legalization The legalization of marijuana has been a heated topic of debate for many years. In 1937, the United Sates of America passed the Marijuana Tax Act, which made transfer or possession of cannabis (marijuana plant) illegal throughout the US under federal law. Studies conducted throughout the years have proven that cannabis can be utilized as a medical supplement. In fact 20, states and the District of Columbia have passed laws to legalize marijuana under certain medical conditions. According to the White House, it is the most commonly used recreational drug in the United States. It has been proven to be less harmful than alcohol, which is currently ... Show more content on ... One interpretation of this phenomenon is that people which use marijuana as a recreational drug rather than a medical drug, seek treatment not to deal with a substance abuse but to manage a legal problem (Kilmer,etc.). Even though marijuana can be used as a medical supplement, this does not mean it do not have secondary effects on human`s bodies. Marijuana can also get to be harmful. In fact, THC (The major component in cannabis that gets you high ) by binding to receptors in the basal ganglia and cerebellum can disrupt coordination and balance of the body. Therefore doing complicated tasks such as driving, participation in sports, or learning is affected. One of the long lasting effects cannabis can produce on you is psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia. This illness alters a person s ability to make good judgments, understand reality, communicate or think clearly. Memory can also be affected by marijuana consumers, studies has proven that THC alters how information is processed in the hippocampus, a brain area responsible for memory information (National drug Institute). According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, marijuana also affects your cardiovascular system. After a few minutes of inhaling marijuana smoke, the heart rate, which is normally between 70 to 80 beats per minute, may increase by 20 to 50 beats or even double in some cases. Mixing marihuana with other drugs can amplify this effect.
  • 37. Greek Culture, And Its Impact On Ancient Greece History Research Paper Ancient Greece was one of the most successful and monumental ancient civilizations. From the Mycenaean s all the way to Alexander the Great, the Greek civilizations thrived. The Greek civilizations were a major time period in history that have been studied extensively. Therefore, it is essential to study the historical figures that greatly impacted the Greeks way of life. Greek government, philosophy, and military initiatives were greatly impacted by historical figures such as Socrates, Pericles, and Alexander the Great. Socrates made a profound impact on the study of philosophy by his teachings. Pericles and his ideas of imperialism and democracy were unheard of for this time period. Lastly, Alexander the Great built a massive empire from his powerful military skills. Studying these historical figures will reveal the profound impact on Greek culture, success, and ideas still appreciated today. Socrates, a world renowned philosopher, influenced ancient Greece by creating western philosophy, the Socratic Method, and teaching the philosopher Plato. Socrates defining achievement was the creation of western philosophy. Western philosophy is defined as the philosophical thought and work of the western portion of the ancient world. He encouraged students to find the truth by asking a myriad of questions. This became known as the Socratic Method. The philosophical ideology he believed in was centered on basic principles. The first principle was that no man enjoys doing immoral deeds and if he acts immorally, this is because he is unaware of the moral thing. Socrates moral values and thoughts about honesty and justice were not popular and others viewed him in a negative light. Even though Socrates was sentenced to death because of his ideas, these ideas were still used and passed down through his students and teachings. Students such as Plato and Aristotle expanded upon his teachings and helped to spread them worldwide. For example, Alexander the Great used and shared Socrates ideas with Europe and Asia and eventually these ideas made it around the whole western portion of the world. Therefore, his teachings and ideas brought Socrates onto the international stage. His ideas and teachings are
  • 38. Shark Attacks Someone at the beach is swimming out in the deeper water, and all of a sudden, a dorsal fin pops out. For everyone on the beach who sees it, music from Jaws starts playing in their heads. The swimmer does not even notice it, and in a few seconds, a great white shark veraciously attacks him. This is what comes to mind when most people think of sharks, but they are not really just man eating monsters of the sea. Sharks are a fascinating group of fishes that strike fear into the minds of humans, but they are nothing to be afraid of. There are over 475 different species of sharks, but only a few of these are considered to be dangerous to people. These include Great White Sharks, Tiger Sharks, and Bull Sharks. Most species of sharks do... Show more content on ... The more people are educated about sharks, the safer they will be, because they can prevent behaving in ways that might incline sharks to attack them. Also, learning more about sharks will help to remove the violent image of sharks that most people have engrained in their head. Sharks are not anything to be worried about, and they are amazing creatures that greatly contribute to the environment in the
  • 39. Pope Alexander II Research Paper During the Middle Ages the Islamic faith was on the rise since its beginning in the 7th century. There were many conflicts in Spain that caused Pope Alexander II to give his blessing in their fight against the Muslims. The first call for an army was in A.D. 846 against an Arab army in Sicily that sacked St. Peters in Rome. Leo IV offered a heavenly reward to those who joined the call to action and died in battle. Al Hakim bi Amr Allah destroyed the Church of the Holy Selpulchre in Jerusalem in A.D. 1009, fueling the fire of the Christians and continuing the flame of hatred amongst the Christians toward the Muslims. The papacy thought it to be in their authority to fight the enemy because of the spiritual nature of the aggressor. These... Show more content on ... This was evident in his writing to King Henry IV for help in sending armed forces to fight the enemies of God. Pope Gregory struggled with the church getting involved in military battles due to his doctrinal beliefs. Pope Gregory s successor Pope Urban II had different ideas. Pope Urban felt it was up to the papacy and the Church to fight the evil that has been plaguing the Byzantine Empire along with places such as Spain. Emperor Alexius I requested help from Pope Urban to fight the Muslims in the Byzantine Empire. Pope Urban appealed this military might in his speech at Clermont. During his speech, the pope made no mention of conquering Jerusalem and in fact, his goal during his speech was to convert Muslims to Christianity and reunite the Eastern Church with the West. The Pope needed an army and therefore had to raise one through the church. The men were given a promise of full repentance of their sins if they fought for the Church. The young Knights were typically young men with no inheritance and they were offered land if they fought for the Church. The Knights were also told that they would be given the red cross on their uniform if they reached the city of Jerusalem. Evangelist such as Peter the Hermit would ride his donkey through the small towns and excite the young men to leave their homes and join the conquest to
  • 40. Hustler Vs Falwell Case Study I. Hustler v. Falwell II.485 U.S. 46 (1988)III. Facts: In Hustler v. Falwell a dispute arose when Hustler Magazine, a a magazine that circulates nationwide featured a parody of an advertisement for Campari Liqueur. The inside front cover of the magazine presented interviews with celebrities who described their first time. One of the parodies belonged to Jerry Falwell, a nationally acclaimed minister who was featured as describing his first time with his mother when they were both intoxicated from drinking Campari Liqueur. While the interviews with the celebrities contained a double sexual reference, it was evident in the end that the ads were referring to the first time the celebrities had tried Campari Liqueur. However, after the magazine was accessible to the public, Jerry Falwell sued Hustler Magazine and its publisher for libel, invasion of privacy, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. At trial court the judge dismissed the invasion of privacy claim and then sent the case to the jury where they ruled Hustler Magazine on the claim of intentional infliction of emotional distress and awarded Jerry Falwell $150,000. The case was then taken to the Supreme Court level on appeal by the petitioner, Jerry Falwell. IV. Issues: (1) Does the First Amendment s freedom of speech prohibit public figures from recovering damages for intentional infliction of emotional distress? V. Decision and Action: (1) No. Reversed. VI. Reasoning: Per
  • 41. Characterization In Bao Ninh s The Sorrow Of War How a work of literature is organized affects the deeper meaning of the work. HoГ ng бє¤u PhЖ°ЖЎng is a Northern Vietnamese veteran of the Vietnam War. Under the pen name Bao Ninh, he is the author of The Sorrow Of War. In his fictional memoir, there is no chronological order and the memoir transitions from event to event based on what triggers the next memories. Ninh recounts the hardships of the war and life after as a catharsis for the trauma he is inflicted during the war. As the memoir is a reflection of Ninh s traumatized mind, Ninh utilizes an intended fragmented and non linear narrativestructure to illustrate the chaotic and emotional experiences of war. As all works of literature that are translated from one language to another... Show more content on ... The difference between the English and Vietnamese versions of The Sorrow Of War and The Destiny of Love is that those with the English edition do not possess the original work that Bao Ninh intended to be read. The narrative structure that Bao Ninh purposely imposed onto his memoir is conjoined together with a narrative structure born from multiple translations and retellings of the same story. Although Bao Ninh incorporates an unorthodox format for his memoir, the english version manipulates Ninh s original narrative structure. The structure originally composed by Ninh is meant to compliment the memoir s purpose as a metaphor for the mind of the protagonist, Kien and by extension Ninh. The linear format is intentionally interrupted so that the stream of consciousness created by the memoir reflects their damaged minds due to the Vietnam War. As the memoir was written as a catharsis to Ninh s experiences in the Vietnam War, the narrative structure of the memoir is made to mimic the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The symptoms of PTSD involve vividly recounting trauma through flashbacks and nightmares, as well as attempting to avoid prompts that would trigger a victim s memory of the trauma they faced. The flashbacks can occur at anytime and often immerse the victim as if the recollections are reality (NIMH). As PTSD was not yet recognized as a mental health
  • 42. Search Engine Globalization Blog [law firm seo] The internet is a powerful marketing tool that can do much more than complement the traditional marketing strategies. Statistics indicate that about 70% of people seeking legal information turn to search engines like Google for help. In addition, consumers in the US visit an average of 4 websites before making a choice of which lawyer to pick. This simply means appearing on the first page of Google, Bing or Yahoo searches will easily get you client and an edge over your competition. Lawyers have to undergo rigorous training in order to obtain the educational pre requisites of becoming lawyers. For starters one must pass the regular bar exam and the fitness, character and ethics screening to obtain a license. In the... Show more content on ... For example when discussing the hierarchy of personal injury, the title should be structured with subsets like motor vehicle accidents, orthopedic injuries and spinal cord injuries. Under the motor vehicle injuries we may have sub titles such as ATV accident, motorcycles accident and auto accidents while under spinal cord injury, we may have sub titles such as neck injuries, back injuries and whiplash injury. The services should be listed based on priority and the keywords placed strategically on key areas such as home page and practice area pages. Some of the top SEO strategies that can help a law firm s website appear high on Goggle search results include: Creating mobile optimized website In 2013, Google took notice of the growing web traffic emanating from mobile devices. Like tablet and smart phones. The move saw changes in the algorithms, which mean websites that are not mobile friendly, are penalized. Some of the strategies to ensure your website is responsive include having the website content fit in a screen. The website should be fully visible on mobile phone or tablet browsers. Taking advantage of lawyer directories this is a great strategy to promote your law firm is by listing the site on relevant online directories that attract many visitors. Focusing on specific keywords
  • 43. Osteopathic Physician Personal Statement Sunny days were filled with tropical weather adventures and blissful curiosity, satisfied through exploration. Being raised in Haiti, gave me the chance to interact within a diverse culture. This has shape my optimistic outlook on the future. Growing up in a deprived community, tough times existed, so it was easy to become discouraged, but with a closer look, I soon realized that tougher people existed there too. The caring heart and resilient characteristic that I exude serves as a testament to the values that were carved from a diverse background. I intend to use these qualities to guide me to the realization of my dream, which is practicing medicineas an Osteopathic physician. My family and I later moved to the United States. While adjusting... Show more content on ... My decision to practice osteopathic medicine comes from the love that have developed for the philosophy of this type of medicine. I understand that given the opportunity to study medicine will also give me a chance to develop formal medical knowledge and expand my medical leadership abilities. This will help me accomplish my overall goal of expanding the medical organization operation that is involved in treating patients in underserved communities around the
  • 44. Workplace Wellness Another of the wellness fundamentals that we have previously highlighted is environment. That is making work a great environment to be in and work in. This is different to occupational health and safety because that has an overwhelming emphasis on safety. It s great and something we should all be concerned with, however we re talking about ways to tap into the human spirit, rather than giving them a special mouse or armrest. For example, sunlight, we all know that sunlight wakes people up. Sunlight helps to not only wake you up it provides you with vitamin D that you and we all need. Fluorescent lights do not. Not every office can afford, nor is it practical, to smash down walls and create more windows. However this is just one example. There are other things that can be down that would ... Show more content on ... If you do not have a coffee machine at work, or a water cooler, or perhaps some plants, then try this little experiment: Get one/some. The immediate reaction will be ooo s and arrrr s from staff and they can be a talking point at lunch, or throughout the day. They provide the ability for staff to have a brief rest whilst they fetch some water, a coffee or water the plants. Rest is important (see our article on rest). You have managed to generate positive morale, discussion, an improved working environment and all for just the cost of a plant ($17) or something similar. These small tinkers and tweaks to your work environment can make huge impacts. Many people actually have difficulty communicating at work. Its common for people to find communicating with others in a professional environment hard, what to talk about? How to start a conversation? This can lead to a lack of or total loss of a community environment feel in the workplace which is essential for staff to feel
  • 45. Project Based Incentive Payment System ( Mips ) And Its Mu... Reports of MU death was premature Shortly before I attended the Nevada Academy of Family Physicians winter meeting in January, news had just broke over the demise of Meaningful Use (MU). Many AAFP members in attendance were eager to know about what to do next as these onerous MU measures were destined to end in 2016. Do they still have to report these numbers? Are they going to continue to be penalized if they don t report these measures? What is going to happen to Merit based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and its MU metrics? There were so many questions, and so few answers from the man in charge. The truth is that when CMS Acting Administrator Slavitt made his announcement, he channeled the ghost of Mark Twain, who famously said that the reports of my death is greatly exaggerated. Sure enough, Mr. Slavitt, in the CMS blog a week later, did a complete one eighty and took back his words. Unfortunately, MU remains alive and well which means that if left as is, the penalty for not meeting MU stage 3 (MU3) will be catastrophic to many family medicine practices. Even though MIPS won t kick into high gear until 2019, with up to 4 percent penalty and higher in subsequent years, for all intents and purposes, these practices will need to meet these requirements by the end of 2017 since data reporting will be mandatory for all providers in 2018. For low margin family medicine practices, essentially what Mr. Slavitt had done was to subtitle the MU3 final rules with Alan
  • 46. Romeo And Juliet s Death Essay Romeo and Juliet is a story that takes place in a small town in Italy named Verona. In this story, Romeo and Juliet s families constantly fight with each other. Romeo accidentally gets invited to a Capulet party and attends it in hopes of seeing his love, Rosaline. Instead, Romeo goes and spots Juliet and forgets about Rosaline and falls in love with how beautiful Juliet was. I believe fate is what caused Romeo and Juliet s death. I believe this because it was fate the way Romeo was drawn to Juliet, it was fate how they fell in love on rival sides of the family, and it was fate that Romeo got invited to that party. First, I think it was fate that caused Romeo and Juliet s death because of the way Romeo was drawn to Juliet the first time he saw her. I think this because the story states, Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear! (Shakespeare 1.5.51) I picked this quote from the story because it shows... Show more content on ... I know think this because the story states, I know not how to tell thee who I am /My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself/Because it is an enemy to thee. (Shakespeare 2.2.58) I chose this quote because it shows how Romeo was even ashamed of his name for their love. Third, I think it was fate that caused Romeo and Juliet s death because it wasn t Romeo s choice to get an invitation because it was brought to him. I think this because the story states, Direct my sail/On, lusty gentlemen! (Shakespeare 1.4.113) I chose this quote from the story because I think it explains very well how Romeo was excided to go to the party he accidently got invited to. I understand why others may think free will is what caused Romeo and Juliet s death because of how they didn t have much of a choice on most things that happened. But, I feel it was fate all the way because the party that he accidently got invited to, was what started his love for
  • 47. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Netsuite 14. So what you re saying right now is that your business is too busy for you to look into switching CRM systems? If you are in your busy season, then right now is the perfect time to start exploring a CRM system that can keep up with your fast pace season that you are having. Does that sound intriguing to you? 15. So the last wrap just gave you all the information on NetSuite and did not tailor his presentation to aim at your needs? I do apologize for that if you have the time I would love to sit down and do this properly by tailoring The advantages NetSuite offers to your company. Would that be alright with you? 16. So when you say competitors do you mean CRM systems as a whole or just cloud based systems that offer CRM? If you would like a list of all available CRMs that list will be very lengthy. NetSuite does have the ... Show more content on ... You are worried about your employees not using the CRM once you sign up with us? The advantages of signing up the NetSuite is that we will train your employees how to use the CRM to their advantage so that it will increase their sales and in turn make them more money. The training we offer will help your employees see the value of a CRM. Does that lift some of the worry off of your shoulders? 23. What you re saying is that you feel that you will not be able to fully grasp all of the benefits of NetSuite in a 30 day period? NetSuite is very easy to use and quick to learn with the training we offer as well as the videos on our website. So you should be able to get a full grasp of all the benefits that it offers within the 30 day trial period. How does that sound to you? 24. You are worried that this will take a long time for your employees to learn? We offer training to the employees with a representative that will come to the office and training employees, as well as online videos for the employees to refresh their knowledge on NetSuite whenever they need it. Does NetSuite still sound like it will take a long time for your employees to
  • 48. Adult Service Functional Assessment Deals With Ruth James... Public information release is due to kids begin under the age of 18 at the time, you will need consent from the mother or legal parent in guardian to conduct the interview with the child. The mother have to filled out the form saying she give you or anybody permission to speak with her child. When the mother filled out the form, you have make sure there is a witness available to see the mother sign the form. I feel out the family/social history form off the mother information because I want to get more information about the mother and her background. I wanted to know how many siblings she had, where is her father and why she not living with her mother. This paper also inform that mother is unemployed at the time and never really had a job, she don t even have a high school diploma. However the paper also show me that if Ms. James every been abused by anybody. Adult Service Functional Assessment deals with Ruth James and grandma, the reason I choose both of them because Ruth lives with her grandma when she not out running the streets. This form will help me understand how the neighborhood is, history of the family, what are the family weakness and monthly expenses. I spent most of my time focusing on James because I wanted to know do she have money to buy clothes, food and water for her kids. When I return back to the office I realize that grandma left me a message on my phone, the grandma stated that she had no more diapers and not enough food to feed the
  • 49. Katherine Johnson Biography I counted everything. I counted the steps to the road, the steps up to church, the number of dishes and silverware I washed ... anything that could be counted, I did, ( These words, spoken by Katherine Johnson, reveal her love for math as a child that would continue through her adult life. Born in 1918 in White Sulfur Springs, West Virginia, Katherine loved anything to do with math for as long as she could remember. She was eager to go to school and start learning, and she ended up advancing straight into second grade. In addition to this amazing feat, she started high school at age 10 and college at age 15. This in itself is an incredible accomplishment considering her age, but it s even more incredible when taken into account that most black children at the time didn t go beyond 8th grade. She studied at West Virginia State College to become a mathematician and graduated when she was 18, an age... Show more content on ... She was not seen as a person but as a computer, who spent all day calculating the engineers problems. However, Katherine challenged this treatment and broke the stereotypes and gender roles placed on her. She began asking questions and, because she had such an intelligent mind, wanted to know the reasoning behind the work she was doing. She was the first women to attend the NASA briefings, which were thought to be for men only, however, there was no law that stated this. She continued to advance herself by using her mathematician status to teach the men at NASA geometry and began leading them. Before, Katherine was the human computer doing the calculations for her leader, but now, she was the leader. All of this advancement for a black woman at the time, wouldn t be possible without her intelligence, hard work, and
  • 50. The Factors That Disrupt My Dream Of Earning Higher Education Since, it is not very long ago, a young refugee, living in a refugee camp for more than two decades of my life. I never have a big and many dreams because dreaming is not among the things that the refugees typically think about it. However, I have one dream to earn a higher education. Spending exiled life, there are several different factors that disrupt me to chase my dream of earning higher education. For example, financial difficulties, health problems, opportunity, and daily needs. Suddenly, a big change comes to me, when I got the opportunity to come United States in September 2011 with the help of the International Organization for Migration. My first place that I came to the United States is SyracuseNew York. As I arrived in Syracuse I got an opportunity to go to school, and I start at Onondaga Community Collegefor my higher education in spring 2012 and I graduated from Onondaga Community College in Spring 2014. After I graduate from Onondaga Community College, I attended Whitman School Of Management at Syracuse University for my Bachelors where I studied double major as Finance and Accounting. Now, this is my final term at the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University. I want to pursue masters of Science in nursing at University of Rochester because the masters program at University of Rochester perfectly fits my dream of earning higher education and being health professional. After my degree I want to serve in my own community, which has a very
  • 51. The Life of Steve Jobs On October 5, 2011, a famous personality Steve Jobs left his technology. He was a technologist, businessman and a scientist. He passed away due to his Metastatic Insulinoma cancer. Jobs worked and co founded Apple Incorporation. He was fond of working as Apple CEO. Jobs kept his position as a CEO and worked till the last day to keep his company motivated: I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come. ( Steve Jobs). Jobs was born in San Francisco, California on February 24, 1955, to his father, Abdul Fattah and mother Joanne Carole. His biological parents family objected to his birth, so later he was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. Since his childhood, Jobs was interested in electronics and technologies because his father worked as a mechanic. He kept Jobs busy rebuilding electronics. Later, Jobs and his family moved to Mountain View, California to attend school. He attended Homestead High School in Cupertino, California. Steve Jobs was never interested in studies and dropped out from the school ( Steve Jobs ). People still miss Job because he was a visionary. He had the vision to see new technology. He changed the technologies of the world. He came up with a new operating system Macintosh (MAC) in 1976. Later, he came up with the iPhone in June 2007. Everyone was amazed by this new technology of the phone. This genius raised
  • 52. Cheryl s Lesbianism Nevertheless, Cheryl, unlike Celie, is oblivious to the fact the Diana desires her because of her colour. Here, the legacy of slavery is reinforced into Cheryl s mind as she feels undesirable to the white woman. As their relationship progressed, she realises that dating Diana will expose her to becoming fetishized as an object of white desire. It becomes apparent that Cheryl was just a sexual experiment when Diana talks about having several black lovers in the past. Namely, this scene takes on the power principle that Cheryl has no identity apart from satisfying her white lover s sexual needs. This goes back to slavery where black women bodies were used by their white slave masters. On the contrary, Celie s lesbianism is not inherent because
  • 53. European Union ( Eu ) Action 2.2 European Union (EU) action The EU was developing a particular system to mitigate CO2 and other GHG emissions. In 2005, the EU establishes an effective system, which is EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) (European Communities, 2013). The EU ETS considers as effective system to combat climate change and tool to reduce CO2 and other GHG (European Communities, 2015). The EU ETS has biggest and first main emissions trading in the world. This system includes 28 countries from the EU as well Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. This trading scheme puts price on each ton of carbon emissions. As the CO2 emissions prices are high, thus encouraging to increase investment with clean energy that reduce CO2 and GHG emissions. Beside, this system ... Show more content on ... The EU ETS cap allowance gives the owner of company to emit one tone of CO2 (each allowance can used only one time). Moreover, cap gives EU companies chance to buy or receive emissions allowance if they want to trade. In addition, from 2013, the cap will be making change by reduce emission about 1.74% every year from power plants and installations. That means GHG emission in 2020 will be reduce around 21% compared to 2005 (European Communities, 2013). 2.3 local responses In light to local response for UK to mitigate CO2 emission and other GHG, it has established Climate Change Act on 26 November 2008. These act aims to several legislation that helps to manage and address climate change (GOV.UK, 2013 a). Therefore, the act works to achieve aims as the following: First, make certain economic way to reduce emissions and reduce about 80% of GHG by 2050 compared to 1990 (HM Government, 2011 GOV.UK, 2013 a). Second, providing clear plan for industry to work effective in reduce emission by the act (GOV.UK, 2013 a). Third, use EU ETS policy to provide large proportion to reducing emissions in the UK between the 2013 and 2020. Fourth, use 2050 Calculator by public and policy makers to choosing the appropriate options to reduce emission and achieve the target of 2050 (GOV.UK, 2014). The 2050 Calculator is model that help policy makers and public to choose the appropriate way for reducing emissions
  • 54. Internal Conflict In The Hunger Games Katniss Internal Conflicts In life there always seems to be some sort of violence and there always seems to be a good and a bad side. Directed by Gary Ross, The Hunger Games is a movie about 24 tributes fighting to the death for the Hunger Games crown and freedom from ever having to physically fight in the arena again. It is a game of violence, ferocity, and blood, and only one tribute can win. Even though stories often have a Battle between Good and Evil, it is Katniss s internal conflict confronting her own good and evil that portrays humanity with a longing for destruction, violent inclination, and sense of separation. When one loves a person or something dearly, then they have the tendency to do almost anything they can to protect and save them from whatever harm they come across. Katniss volunteered for the games knowing she was saving her sister from a terrible fate. She made a promise that she would try her best to win the Hunger Games, but her confidence in her own ability to kill another person was minimal. She did not want to get any blood on her hands but knew that in order to win she would be forced to. Crispin Sartwell recognized situations like these when he said, your goodness, like mine, has little to do with who you are and everything to do with the social conditions you find yourself in (Sartwell). The circumstance Katniss found herself in was full of violence, pain, and ruthlessness which further contributed to the tainting of her humanity
  • 55. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down It is difficult enough to go to the emergency ward with a family member and speak the same language as the staff. The admitting nurse wants all insurance information, another nurse/secretary asks for injury/illness history and, meanwhile, the person who needs to see the doctor is waiting in pain. The stress mounts and communication becomes harder. Now, take that same scenario when someone in the ER does not speak the language or know the culture of the patient. It not only severely complicates the process, but endangers the person needing the care. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman is the tragedy about three month old Lia Lee, from Laos, who unfortunately was one of these ... Show more content on ... It appears that the California educational system understands the need for enhancing cultural understanding. This is a positive sign in education. Interest in the subject of cultural and linguistic competency is beginning to reach the tipping point (Gladwell, 2002). Over the past two decades, there has been an explosion of interest in developing programs that meet the general, mental and oral health, as well as social service needs of the country s increasingly diverse population. Cultural and linguistic competence initiatives are underway at the systems, organizational, and clinical levels in a variety of institutions. A growing number of federal agencies, foundations, and private organizations are supporting innovative educational, research, and service delivery services. The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), for example, has Centers for Excellence (COEs) that use a curriculum guide for integrating cultural and linguistic competency content, methods and evaluation into existing academic programs (HRSA, 2005). However, changes in the medical field are going more slowly. According to an article by Metzyl and Poirier (2004), medical humanities programs now promote awareness of the social aspects of medicine, and the Association of American Medical Colleges instituted cultural competencies for clinical interaction for the training of medical students. However, these authors say, current efforts to impart understandings of the