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Othello Essay Conclusion
Crafting an essay conclusion on the topic of "Othello" can pose a significant challenge, requiring
a nuanced understanding of the play's complex themes, characters, and the intricacies of
Shakespearean tragedy. The conclusion serves as the final opportunity to leave a lasting
impression on the reader, making it imperative to synthesize key insights while avoiding mere
The difficulty lies in encapsulating the essence of the entire essay, seamlessly tying together
various threads, and offering a thought-provoking perspective. One must navigate the
treacherous waters of Othello's tragic downfall, Iago's malevolence, Desdemona's innocence, and
the broader societal implications woven into the play's fabric.
To do justice to such a profound work, the conclusion must transcend summarization and delve
into the broader implications of the characters' actions. It necessitates an exploration of the
universal themes that make "Othello" a timeless masterpiece, connecting the dots between
jealousy, betrayal, and the human condition.
Moreover, the challenge is heightened by the need to strike a delicate balance between
originality and academic rigor. A trite conclusion risks diluting the impact of the essay, while an
overly complex one may leave the reader perplexed. Achieving the perfect synthesis of insight
and eloquence requires finesse and a deep appreciation for the nuances of Shakespearean
In conclusion, crafting an effective essay conclusion on "Othello" demands intellectual rigor,
literary finesse, and an acute understanding of the play's multifaceted layers. It is an intellectual
endeavor that challenges writers to distill the essence of their analysis into a closing statement
that resonates with the reader.
For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic endeavors, various resources are
available. Services like offer support in composing essays on a wide array of
topics, providing expertly crafted pieces that can serve as valuable guides or references for
further academic pursuits.
Othello Essay Conclusion Othello Essay Conclusion
Analysis Of Community Media
This dissertation takes a step forward from prior research projects that conducted
surveys to gauge a person s willingness to comment or submit UGC through the use
of content analysis in an attempt to gauge how much UGC community newspaper
websites actually publish. In addition, the survey of community newspapers website
managers offered some context to what choices might occur behind the scenes
including the percentage of content submitted by the audience community media
actually publishes. The expectation was that the percentage of UGC published would
be high based past research that community media would make the gatekeeping
choice to use UGC as a way of interacting with the public (Rennie, 2007). However,
the results indicated that... Show more content on ...
In addition, the survey results pointed toward a lack of interest among those
managing community journalism websites in engaging in any form gatewatching.
For example, the survey respondents suggested through their survey responses that
they considered it unimportant to help guide their audience to other reliable
sources. The focus for community media seems heavily focused on print. The web
appears to be less a concern to community newspaper website managers. However,
print does have a seemingly limited future with the millennial generation (Meyer,
Speakman Garud, 2016), and the audience is moving online (Abernathy, 2014).
Community journalism as both a business and a public service should determine a
manner to survive online while making a profit. There is research suggesting that
young people age into subscribing to print, however, those numbers have been
steeply declining among all age groups (Pew, 2016), and Poindexter (2012) predicts
that millennials are unlikely to resemble past media habits of increasingly reading
print as they become older. The role of community media More community news
publications have the ability to take advantage of the additional capabilities of the
web for telling stories as a manner of drawing a new and different audience to
supplement existing print subscribers. The boundaries between print, broadcast, and
online journalism erode online, and the audience appropriated a more
Comanche Indians Essay
The Comanches, exceptional horsemen who dominated the Southern Plains, played a
prominent role in Texas frontier history throughout much of the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries. Anthropological evidence indicates that they were originally a
mountain tribe, a branch of the Northern Shoshones, who roamed the Great Basin
region of the western United States as crudely equipped hunters and gatherers. Both
cultural and linguistic similarities confirm the Comanches Shoshone origins. The
Comanche language is derived from the Uto Aztecan linguistic family and is virtually
identical to the language of the Northern Shoshones. Sometime during the late
seventeenth century, the Comanches acquired horses, and that acquisition ... Show
more content on ...
As many as thirteen different, Comanche bands were identified during the historic
period, and most probably there were others that were never identified. However, five
major bands played important roles in recorded Comanche history.
The southernmost band was called Penateka, or quot;Honey Eaters. quot; Their
range extended from the Edwards Plateau to the headwaters of the Central Texas
rivers. Because of their location, the Penatekas played the most prominent role in
Texas history. North Of Penateka, country was the habitat of the band called
Nokoni, or quot;Those Who Turn Back. quot; The Nokonis roamed from the Cross
Timbers region of North Texas to the mountains of New Mexico. Two smaller bands,
the Tanima ( quot;Liver Eaters quot;) and the Tenawa ( quot;Those Who Stay
Downstream quot;), shared the range of the Nokonis. These three divisions are
sometimes referred to collectively as Middle Comanches. Still farther north was the
range of the Kotsotekas, or quot;Buffalo Eaters. quot; Their territory covered what is
now western Oklahoma, where they often camped along the Canadian River. The
northernmost band was known as the Yamparikas, or quot;Yap Eaters, quot; a name
derived from that of an edible root. Their range extended north to the Arkansas River.
The fifth major band, known as Quahadis ( Antelopes ), roamed the high plains of the
Llano Estacado.
Comparing Dostoevsky s Crime And Punishment
Quite possibly one of Dostoevsky s most popular and iconic works, Crime and
Punishment is easily read as a chilling crime thriller a drama concerning a young
man suffering the guilt and fear brought on by a brutal murder. Indeed, this is often
how the work is viewed, accompanied, perhaps, with an emphasis on religion, or
suffering, or love. Yet to read Crime and Punishmentin this manner would be to lose
a large portion of who Raskolnikov is, his motives, and how Dostoevsky wrote the
character. While it is possible to read Dostoevsky s Crime and Punishment as a simple
crime thriller with a religious theme, its is impossible to fully understand the story of
Raskolnikov, that being the murder, his confession, and his redemption, without
understanding... Show more content on ...
Even on the first page of Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov demonstrates his
guilt. Indebted to his landlady, he fears meeting her, slinking from his apartment
out into a world that he views with all the charity of an impoverished misanthrope.
The question is: where did this guilt come from? The answer lies with his poverty.
In an attempt to rebel against his mother, to whom Raskolnikov is [her]
everything, all [her] wishes and all [her] hope (Dostoevsky 28), Raskolnikov
intentionally abandons his studies and refuses to work. Ironically, far from being
independent from his mother, little Rodia endes up accepting a portion of his
mother s pension to support himself. This dynamic between dependence and
independence accentuates his failure both to satisfy his mother and to be free of
his mother s expectations. In the words of Ilham Dilman, Professor Emeritus in the
Department of Philosophy at the University of Wales Swansea, he thus complies
with his mother s wishes and defies her at the same time; he accepts her offer of a
dependent relationship to spite her (Dilman 194). In Raskolnikov s mind, he can
never live up to the Rodia that his mother has conjured up. The end result is a
remarkably negative and stressful maternal relationship that is first and for most a
source of guilt. Raskolnikov dreads meeting his landlady partially because he owes
her money, but also because she reminds of his mother. She provides him with food
and shelter, but, because of his actions, he cannot satisfy her expectations (Breger 6).
Yet, Raskolnikov s landlady is not the only individual on whom raskolnikov projects
his guilt. Alyona Ivanova elicits similar feelings as Raskolnikov turns to her
unscrupulous and cut throat business for money. Alyona, however, lacks the maternal
care that Raskolnikov
The Tea Of Tea Master
When I first entered the tea house, the aroma of many tea leaves struck me in my
nose. I was deeply welcomed by many people. The atmosphere was very lively. The
first thing I realized when sitting down at the tea gathering table was the amount of
utensils there were to make a cup of tea and the traditional clothing TeaMaster
Michael Fung was wearing. This made me feel like Tea Master Michael Fung was
deeply passionate and interested in the art of tea. As more students came, I
realized that it was very cramped. It reminded me of a quote when Dr. Jack said
that it was best to drink tea with only two people and the more we have the more it
feels uncomfortable. During the beginning of the ceremony, Tea Master Michael
Fung, owner of The Best Tea House Co. , took many aged Pu er tea cakes for us to
experiment and observe. Many students and I, saw many differences such as how it
smells and how the colour changes over time. Tea Master Michael Fung also talked
about the history and the origins of tea and why it is drank and how it is developed.
He also mentioned that the waxing paper determines the tea s quality. Pu er tea is an
aged dark tea produced in Yunnanprovince of China under the process of
fermentation and Tea Master Michael Fung showed us the difference between
Sheng and Shu Cha and its health benefits. Since Pu er tea can be stored to mature,
I observed that there was a year and the region of production on each packaging.
There was also many shapes such as a
Marxist Theory And Psychoanalytic Theories
Marxist and Psychoanalytic Literary Theories in Action Marxist/Materialist Theory
and Psychoanalytic Theory are important theories in understanding individuals and
societies. They allow readers to understand how societies and individuals function and
their motives. Marxist/Materialist Theory mostly focuses on societies and different
classes and the relationships between the two. Psychoanalytic Theory focuses on the
characters wants, needs, actions, and process of thought that sometimes correlate
with the author. While both have their flaws, they allow readers to explore the
deeper meanings in a text as well as connect the readers to their personal lives and
societies and fully gain greater understanding and knowledge. Marxist theory... Show
more content on ...
Lastly, Marxist theory would be beneficial to western/ historical novels that show the
disputes between people who are different socially which is what Marxist theory is
meant to discover.Psychoanalytic theory would be helpful in explicating melodramas
such as Dracula because they explore the emotions. Freud would also agree that
Psychoanalytic theory is helpful in explicating romance novels because Freud main
foundation for Psychoanalytic theory is on sex. Psychoanalytic theory is useful in
dystopian novels as well and almost any genre when a reader or theorist uses it to
understand the characters minds and motives when they, [apply] psychoanalytic
techniques to texts to uncover the author s hidden motivations repressed desires, and
wishes (Bressler 130). Beyond Marxist elements in Anthem, Anthem also
demonstrates Psychoanalysis and much of Sigmund Freud beliefs and Psychoanalysis
as a whole. Anthem is written in first person but the character Equality 7 2521 uses
we instead of I . The reader later learns that he never uses I because it was a
forbidden word in the society and he didn t even know what it meant until he
eventually leaves the society at the end of the novel. Equality 7 2521 and the other
characters existed under the super ego. Besides Equality rebelling and finding
himself at the end, all of the other characters
Essay on Expanding the Literary Canon
Expanding the Literary Canon
While this essay can in no way claim to contain a fully representative sampling of
what various scholars have contributed relative to the ongoing debate over the
literary canon, I will attempt to highlight three distinct positions which are all
informed by John Guillory s critical contributions to the canonical debate. First, I
will discuss the concept of ideology and canon formation as Guillory first articulated
it in his 1983 essay, The Ideology of Canon Formation: T. S. Eliotand Cleanth
Brooks, and which he subsequently thoroughly revised and included in his 1993 book
on canon formation, Cultural Capital: The Problem of literary Canon Formation This
essay on the ways ideology and cultural politics ... Show more content on ...
Of course the marginal elite he is referring to here is the literary culture within the
academy. He goes on to posit that while it is unlikely that the formations of canons
can ever be removed from ideological conflicts, that in essence, this is not really
saying much at all (145)! While the marriage ofideology and canon formation may
be self evident, Guillory still goes on in the essay to carefUlly delineate how the
ideological concerns of T. S. Eliot culminated in Eliot s creation ofa revisionist canon
which operated as somewhat of a shadow canon along side the established literary
canon by elevating the importance of the Metaphysical poets at the expense ofthe
established poets ofthe traditional canon Milton, Shakespeare, Keats, Shelley, Yeats,
etc. According to Guillory, the recipients of Eliot s canon (scholars, academics) the
marginal elite , act as the clergy ofthe orthodoxy ofthe literary culture, occupying, as
Guillory points out, a perch not unlike that of Eliot s preferred poets: Its real status
is precisely that of Donne s poetry, which circulated among a coterie of admirers, or
a marginal elite (151).
Guillory maintains that it is Cleanth Brooks who is left with the task of translating
Eliot s many ideological concerns; the doctrine ofimpersonality relative creative
invention as articulated in Tradition and the Individual Talent , the monumental and
Analysis Of Electrospinning Nannofibers
The main technique that will be used during this project is electrospinning
nanofibers. The goal of electrospinning is to produce polymer fibers so that their
diameters are much smaller, on a nano scale size. Electrospinning fibers is a
relatively cost effective and simple set up (Pham, 2006) as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Shows an example set up that contains a syringe, a collector and designates
the controlled variables of applied voltage (V), distance between the tip and the
collector, and the flow rate/charge density, Q (Pham, 2006).
As the name and figure implies, the polymers are exposed to conditions in which
charge and voltage are applied that propel the fiber from the tip and Taylor cone to
the collector in a circular motion. ... Show more content on ...
This input is relevant as it is the driver for the jet propulsion system that creates the
fibers. Voltage and the presence of beads has been found to have a proportional
relationship in the sense that if the voltage applied to the system is increased, there
is an increase in the presence of beads (Pham, 2006). The mechanics that cause this
relationship is when the voltage is altered, the jet generated from the tip has a
change in volume that causes a change in the of the Taylor cone (Pham, 2006).
Recall that the Taylor cone is the result of the difference of charges between the
applied electric field charge and the surface charges that causes the shape of the
fluid to become a cone as seen in Fig. 2 (Garg, 2011). Furthermore, the flow of the
jet is important so that the jet has the proper amount of time to travel from the tip to
the collector. Studies have found that a slower flow generates thinner diameter fiber
as well as less beading (Pham, 2006). Other parameters such as design of the
different components of the system play a role in the quality of fibers created. These
include the characteristics and location of the needle tip and jet collector. Our goal is
to optimize all of the different parameters that are inputted into the system so that the
the presence of the beads will be minimized, so that the integrity of the scaffolds are
Specific Aims 1: Assessing scaffold sufficiency for nerve
How Did Alexander The Great Influence Hellenism
Hello, my name is Kavauri Mckinnon. Today i will be writing a report on
Alexander the Great. More specifically, his influence on Hellenism. To give a brief
insight on what Hellenism is, it is the culture of ancient Greece. This term can be
traced back to the Hellenistic period. The Hellenistic period is a the time between
the death of Alexander the Great and the annexation of the classical Greek
heartlands by Rome. Speaking of Alexander the Great, I believe I should start this
off by describing exactly who he was. Alexander the Great was born on July 20, 356
B.C., in Pella, in the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia. During his reign as king,
from 336 to 323 B.C., he united the Greek city states and led the Corinthian League.
He also became... Show more content on ...
Lysimachus had the areas of Thrace and much of Asia Minor, Cassander received
Macedonia and Greece, Ptolemy seized Egypt, Palestine, Cilicia, Petra, and Cyprus,
and Seleucus took control of the rest of Asia. Hellenic influence continued to spread
throughout the lands ruled by the generals and Greek dedications, statues,
architecture and inscriptions have been found in abundance in every locale. Greek
language introduced Greek literature into the former Persian Empire, thereby
influencing the philosophical thought and writing of the region. The Great Library at
Alexandria, Egypt, which is said to have been started by Ptolemy I, became the most
important center for learning in the ancient world. Greek theater flourished
throughout the lands conquered by Alexander and the amphitheaters built during the
Hellenistic Period show markedly Greek features no matter the nationality of the
architect nor the country of construction. The spread of Greek influence and
language is also shown through coinage. Portraits became more realistic, and the
obverse of the coin was often used to display a propaganda image, commemorating
an event or displaying the image of a favored
Sunset Boulevard Movie Analysis
Nuntida Nuampatom
Mr. Kastor
AMH 2020 US History II
04 September 2016
Sunset Boulevard (1950)
Sunset Boulevard, a classic black and white movie that displays what Hollywood
actually consists of. Directed by Billy Wilder an Austrian born, American filmmaker
of sixty films. The movie is almost 67 years old and when it was first released the
movie was nominated for eleven Academy Awards, ranked number twelve on the
American Film Institutes list of the 100 best American films in 1998, and
worshipped by many critics. Although the movie was not released in my time, this
classic has definitely got me interested in movies similar to this love story with a
crazed ending. Billy Wilder always wondered what happened to most of the former
stars from the ... Show more content on ...
Most actors do not continue making films one after another until they die but
Norma could not get this into her head. She spent years writing her script to return
to the big screen and was set on that dream. Since Norma was obsessed with the
goal of filming again it led her to become foolish about how famous she actually was
and her terrible script. Also a scary realization of having a chance of ending up
demented like Norma. The directors wanted to show us a alarming visual of what life
could be like for actors after their acting days were over.
I recommend this film for anybody that is interested in movies with the genre
drama. The film refers to many references to past Hollywood and screenwriters, so
it would help if you know a little bit of that background to have a better
understanding to what the actors are saying. But I enjoyed the plot twists,
astounding acting, and shocking ending. I actually asked my friend to watch the
film by herself since the film was available on Netflix. I wanted to see a persons
opinion on the
The Problem Solving And Decision Making Process
There are many problem solving and decision making processes employed by
many consultants all over the world in coming up with decisions of renting or
buying house. We all make decisions of varying importance every day, so the idea
that decision making be a rather complicated task may at first seem strange.
However, in reality, some people are much poorer at decision making than they
think (Thomas Maurice, 2008). Making a decision implies that there is more than
one choice to be considered. More importantly, he or she should select the option
that has the highest probability of success or effectiveness as well as best fits with
his goals, desires, lifestyle, or values. No business process, such as buying or
renting, can be approached by structuring of all the tasks that need to be done in
order for this process to work (Malthus, 1826). When making the decision either to
rent or buy a place to live, financial factors must be considered. The first step in the
decision making process is to determine whether or not the individual can afford to
purchase a home. These costs substantially exceed the initial payment and security
deposit that would be required if a person were renting instead of buying (Walsh,
2007). Before deciding to buy a home, the amount of monthly payments against the
income should be considered. Homeowners insurance and property tax expenditures
also should be taken in consideration. Expenses on home maintenance such as carpet
or a new roof also should be
The Literary Aspects Of Science Fiction And Detective
The literary genres of science fiction and detective fiction offer differing approaches
when addressing a contextual fear of the unknown, as the former poses the question
of what if? rather than answering these fears as the latter does. Exemplars of this
include Ray Bradbury s A Sound of Thunder and Conan Doyle s The Adventures of
the Dancing Men as their societal context necessitated a narrative to address the
notion of foreign. These short stories employ various conventions as they both
alleviate and build upon the public s fearthrough notions such as justice, help and
Both science and detective fiction possess inherent conventions that allow them to
contextually address society s fear of foreignness contrarily. Science fiction, as a
genre, asks what if? , providing alternative possibilities of reality, a concept
emphatically prevalent in time travel. The fantastic elements of time travel are
considered in direct contrast to known reality (Burton 106) in order to address
contextual fears by asking, rather than answering, the question of what if? . This
ability to view and change the past and future thus encourages the genre to address
contextual fears by providing alternatives to reality (NГ Fhlainn 180). Detective
fiction takes the opposite approach however, as its inherent desire to solve
consequently requires answering society s fears. This genre provides a process of
question and answer in regards to addressing fears and ultimately engages in a
Essay On How To Add Time
Areas to Add Time
One can add time to just about anything done with magic. The secret is to know
when and where to do it. The ending key is to know how much time to plan for. I
will take a couple old standards and work with. I will describe basic routines and try
to give you an idea of the use of time.
CRYSTAL CYLINDER (Clear cylinder, three different color silks are inserted and
they are blown out appearing to be tied together).
As you talk about the cylinder mentioning it as being clear you take a little TIME to
show it to the audience. Setting the cylinder down you pick up a silk and take the
short TIME to show it as blank front and back.
You insert the silk into the cylinder and take a small amount of TIME to show the...
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The silks are tied together. TIME is used to show them tied together. Then the knot
of the red silks is hidden. For this narration, I will say the knot is tucked inside a
coffee cup.
A yellow silk is show to the audience. Enough TIME is taken to show both sides to
the audience. A change bag is shown and turned inside out to show it is empty. A
short period of TIME is taken so the audience can see and comprehend the bag is
The yellow silk is placed inside the change bag and a small amount of TIME is used
as magic gestures or the wand waved over it. The wand is set down, the change bag
manipulated, and the empty chamber is turned inside out. TIME is used to show the
entire audience that the yellow silk has vanished.
The magician uses TIME as needed for magic motions, story line, or using the
magic wand over the coffee cup. The red silks are removed showing the yellow silk
tied in the middle. The magician assumes applause position and TIME is allowed for
the audience reaction.
There is no harsh rule on time. Timing is something you must teach yourself. And, it
is personal. The use of time for one magician may be completely different than that of
another. The unit of measure will be your audience.
In the Crystal Cylinder the intervals of time showing the silks and insertions will not
be as long as the initial introduction of the cylinder. The element of time while the
motions are made pretending to tie them before they are
Alan Turing Psychology
Psychology Throughout The Imitation Game Ostracism is very dangerous to a
person s health and can cause detrimental damage to themselves. Throughout the
movie The Imitation Game Alan Turing has been ostracized all of his life from in
school to even as an adult. Since he was much brighter than his peers in school and
enjoyed subjects like cryptography they considered him to be different from them
and did not acknowledge him except for Christopher Morcom who became his only
friend and first love. As an adult at work Turing was still ostracized because since he
was so used to being alone he didn t know how to properly socialize with people or
how to work in a group like he was supposed to working for Bletchley trying to solve
the Enigma coding... Show more content on ...
Being excluded or ignored by a group of people can be harmful to a person. It can
make someone feel that they are alone; that they do not have anyone to care for
them or to lean on it times of need. Being ostracized can make someone believe that
they do not belong or that no one cares about them, which can lead to low self
esteem and depression causing one to often question taking their own life.
Ostracism can cause one to go to extreme measures to gain attention such as;
bullying, becoming violent, self harm, homicidal, or suicidal. Everyone strives for
attention and is a basic need for living. People need to feel that they are loved and
that they belong. People are often ostracized for being different and not fitting in
with the crowd; however, instead of praised for being unique and different they are
excluded to feel worthless. This forces people to believe that they ought to conform
to society s standard in order to fit in and gain worth. People can be ostracized for
their religion, sexual orientation, sexuality, personality, brains, social class, and even
how they look. Like Alan Turing, many people are faced with ostracism because they
are different forcing them to feel like they have no option but to commit
Women in The 16th Century Essay
The belief that women were inherently inferior in intelligence, strength, and
character was so persuasive that for men like Knox, a woman ruler was almost a
contradiction in terms ( Documents for Chapters 5 6 ). In the 16th century, women
were looked upon as a gender that should stay in the house and work, not have
power and rule over a country. Discussing the govern of Queens during the 16th
century, such as Mary Tudor, Lady Jane Grey, Mary, Queen of Scots, and Elizabeth I,
allowed prejudices to be lessened but never completely be erased. No matter how
these four notable ladies came into power, the accomplishments they overcame,
achieved and wrote about proved to be great and substantial in making history as it is
written today.... Show more content on ...
As a leader and decider of many people, she had to uphold a brave and confident
stance to allow the followers to have faith in her ability. To her family, she was still
a woman with responsibilities to be an obedient daughter. The epitome of Mary is
as stated, And now, good subjects, pluck up your hearts, and like true men stand
fast against these rebels, both our enemies and yours, and fear them not; for I
assure you, I fear them nothing at all ( Women in Power , 668). Mary showed no
fear and upheld a very manly position in this statement to keep the people strong.
On the other hand, Lady Jane was not as bold to lead others during her short reign.
Lady Jane Grey only held power for a few days before meeting her demise along
with her husband. As a woman in power, Lady Jane had a promising outlook to
being Queen, but Mary I held this opportunity back because she was to inherit the
position, not Lady Jane. Although, through Lady Jane s writings, she was a very
strong willed person that was firm on what she believed, but this was not all she
needed to become queen. Lady Jane wrote in a prayer, O Lord, thou God and
Father of my life, hear me, poor and desolate woman, which flieth unto thee only, in
all troubles and miseries ( Women in Power , 673). This was a sign that she was
admitting defeat in her reign of power and
Neeley 3 could no longer go on. She believed in her faith and religion more than
anything and
Who Is Frederick Taylor
Report Title:
Describe and critique the Scientific Management approach pioneered by Frederick
Content Page Executive Summary2 Who Is Frederick W. Taylor?3 Scientific
Management4 Fordism5 Criticisms of Scientific Management6 Neo Taylorism7
Conclusion8 Reference List9
Executive Summary
This study aims to analyze and discuss both industrial benefits and social implications
of Frederick Taylor s scientific management approach. A brief biography of the
Father of Efficiency will be outlined, followed by an overview of Frederick Taylor s
framework for Scientific Management. Discussions within will focus on positive
effects of production with the aid of scientific management and the negative social ...
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However, an interview with employees of the company suggests that they had lost
the meaning of working amidst the repetitive work flow in the assembly lines. This,
among other conditions led to a series of employee suicides that took place in the
vicinity of Foxconn, creating much controversy on management practices and work
flow processes.
Neo Taylorism
Scientific management practices can still be observed in companies everywhere,
from performance standards, to job descriptions and key performance indicators.
Neo Taylorism, as it is more commonly known today has evolved into a more
flexible framework with a balance of standardization and welfare for the employee.
Scientific management practices have been creeping into service sectors in the
form of automated replies and standard operation procedures. In McDonalds, job
fragmentation, specialization can be observed in the workplace and aims to
standardize and routinize products and work processes.
Taylorism is nothing more than a skeleton for a more sophisticated and an ever
growing framework of management. Although it led to the growing of the middle
class workers and has indirectly led to a comfortable life for most people, it is also
the foundation of capitalism and mass consumption, a problem that is ever growing.
Efficiency of workmen must be balanced with proper welfare and social interactions
between management and
Death On The Pale Horse
This paper can analyze the context within which the work of art, Death on the Pale
Horse was created. The discussion also will determine the medium that the creator
selected still as highlight a number of the additional fascinating aspects of this
Benjamin West painting.
Two copies of the painting, each of that are exhibited and reproduced as authentic
works by Benjamin West, square measure within the urban center deposit of Art.
However, in articles written by a former director for that deposit, Fiske Kimball, the
previous director queries whether or not these 2 paintings are literally copies. The
articles were revealed in 1931 and 1932, and art historians currently believe that the 2
originals currently suspend elsewhere (Von Erffa,... Show more content on ...
Thus, some art historians believe that he selected, instead, to comment through his
design (Keyes, 3 6).
There square measure many variations between the wash and also the oil on canvas
works. West created vital changes, all thought of enhancements, to his pen and ink
wash study. within the study, a figure kneels with extended arms within the lower
left corner. But, within the oil on canvas painting, this little figure has been replaced
by a person holding a spear. Also, there s a family fleeing the scene within the study,
however within the painting the fleeing family was replaced by a youth United
Nations agency is being smitten by lightning. There square measure varied additions
within the painting. One figure currently holds Associate in Nursing empty cup. The
sky currently bears figures that represent the Demons of Discord and Envy (Carey,
17), and 2 eagles that attacked a heron within the study ne er created it into the oil
painting. all the same, the sketch continues to be thought of one in all West s
masterpieces, and this reality was even recognized throughout his period of time (Von
Erffa, 145).
Like the painting, the sketch exhibits a number of West s finest imaging and clearly
and convincingly depicts all of the feeling of a frightful scene. The larger oil on
canvas work isn t one portrait, but rather, a
Voltaire s Use Of Optimism In Candide
In Voltaire s famous eighteenth century text, Candide, the topic of optimism is
prevalent. In fact, an alternative name for the piece is L Optimisme, or The Optimist.
Specifically, Voltaire examines and satirizes Leibnizian optimism, or the notion that
humans inhabit the best of all possible worlds, as Gottfried Leibniz phrased it in his
early Enlightenment era work, ThГ©odicГ©e. Throughout Candide, the readers are
introduced to some characters who hold very optimistic outlooks out about life and
their current situations, namely Candide himself and Pangloss, Candide s mentor. In
the end, Voltaireridicules those who subscribe to the conception that this universe is
the best possibility and claims that a balance between optimistic and pessimistic
views provides a more accurate perspective.... Show more content on
She describes that she and her mother were strip searched and raped by pirates, she
witnessed the deaths of her family and friends in Morocco, she was sold to a
governor as a concubine, caught the plague, had one of her buttock s eaten by guards,
and then was ultimately mistreated by a Russian nobleman until she escaped to
become a servant. Despite all this, the old lady continues to hold a positive attitude. In
addition, Voltaire describes an actual historical event, the Lisbon earthquake of 1755,
through the eyes of Candide. The earthquake, which, ironically enough, occurred on
All Saints Day, one of the holiest days in the Christian calendar, resulted in the deaths
of over 100,000 people who were mostly attending church services throughout the day.
While not described in Candide, the devastating earthquake triggered a subsequent
tsunami which furthered the loss of life and destruction throughout Lisbon and the
Portuguese coast. In response to the disaster, Pangloss tells a group of victims, For
all this is for the best, since if there is a volcano at Lisbon, it cannot be somewhere
else, since it is unthinkable that things should not be
Catherine Casey Biography
Jacqueline Casey was born in 1927 in Quincy, Massachusetts where she attended
the Massachusetts College of Art (MassArt). In 1949 she graduated from MassArt
with a Bachelor s Degree in Fine Arts and was selected by alumna of MassArt,
Muriel Cooper, to work at the Office of Publications for the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (MIT). In 1972 she became the Design Director for the Office of
Publications at MIT. While serving as Design Director, she became known for
creating posters for MIT s campus events. In her designs, she used noticeable images,
bold text, and small passages of text that contained information about the event. This
design technique was influenced by the International Typographic Style recently
developed in Switzerland, particularly designers such as Karl Gerstner, Armin
Hofmann and Josef... Show more content on ...
Casey s work is displayed in the Library of Congress, the Museum of Modern Art,
and the Cooper Hewitt Museum. Casey has received awards for her work
including: The William J. Gunn Award in 1988 from the Creative Club of Boston,
and an Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts in 1990 from the Massachusetts College of
Art. Casey died in 1992 leaving a collection of 99 posters in the hands of the
Rochester Institute of Technology....donated posthumously at the her request (History
of Graphic Design). The art movement I believe Jacqueline Casey s designs most
closely represent is Constructivism. Constructivism art is very bold and loud. Casey
s work was not loud but she did use bold text and large images in her designs.
Constructivism art also uses text in its compositions to provide information; though
much larger and more transformed than Casey s they both mainly used the same
elements in their designs; images, bold text, and informational text. Overall Casey s
designs were noticed because they were contemporary and simple but also because
even though they didn t have much to them, she got her point
Chanel s Influence On American Culture
If an individual were to walk the streets of Paris, they would find an abundance of
cultural beauties just waiting to be explored. As this wayfarer walks, they absorb the
Gothic architecture, with arches and some stain glass window. A prominent travel
destination, Paris services all vacation needs. Included in this list are modern hotels,
classic dining, and an immense amount of shopping. Exploration can take the place
of many scheduled activities on a trip. Parisian culture revolves around historic
architecture, modern fashion, and the Catacombs.
One of the most interesting and symbolic structures in Paris is the Eiffel Tower. The
Eiffel Tower was finished by Alexandre Gustave Eiffelin March of 1889 (Green 64
65). Alexander started the modern, ... Show more content on ...
Vuitton was born on August 4, 1821, to a farmer and a milliner (Louis Vuitton
N.P.). Vuitton was never considered special in his childhood, however he became
someone that the whole world knew. When he was ten, his mother died and his
father remarried a horrid woman who forced Louis to run away to Paris (Louis
Vuitton N.P.). Vuitton s childhood was such a Cinderella story; he was always
treated badly and was neglected. He ran away at age 13 in 1835, and traveled 292
miles, stopping for odd jobs along the way, and he arrived in the spring of 1837,
when he was 16 (Louis Vuitton N.P.). He was smart enough to earn money along the
way so that he was presentable and well fed when he reached Paris. Vuitton was
innovative and imaginative on his way to becoming world
Unreliable Narrator In Annabel Lee By Edgar Allen Poe
Unreliable Narrators Out of all writers, one stands out above the rest. Edgar Allen
Poe is considered America s literary genius with his Gothic romantic poems and
stories. Poe writes twisted, mysterious stories that shock the reader. He is
considered to be a pioneer of many genres of literature. He is the father of gothic
fiction to science fiction, with his creative plots and shifts in his stories. In most
of Poe s stories and poems he uses unreliable or untrustworthy narrators to tell his
stories. This was very different from the stories of this time, as Poe gave readers a
break from romance stories that always had a happy ending. His use of unreliable
narrators is what draws readers into his unique genre. One way Poe uses unreliable...
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In the story his narrator is untrustworthy because he is old. After the narrator
committed the crime, he confesses to it 50 years later. As the narrator states, For the
half century no mortal has disturbed than (66). The problem with this is he may be
saying misleading details since it happened so many year earlier. The narrator
probably can not remember exactly what happened so he can not be trusted. This is
another way Poe used unreliable narrators.
All and all Poe s use of unreliable narrators adds a brilliant twist to his will though
out stories and poems. Poe s stories will always be intriguing and will continue to
entertain readers for generations to come. Poe s use of unreliable narrators is what
sets him apart from other writers and people in the future will continue to appreciate
his amazing work through the perspective of his untrustworthy
Seeing Through The Wall Analysis
Xiaoxiao Bao
Prof. Trever
Art History of Latin America
September 18, 2016
Seeing Through the Wall The de Young museum visit was definitely a retreat which
allowed me to escape from daily coursework for several hours; most importantly, it is
a decent place to explore Latin American artworks, especially the Teotihuacan mural
fragments, that we discussed in lectures. Both the elaborate setting and authentic
displays in the gallery have contributed to create a satisfactory space for viewers to
think and to observe the Teotihuacan cultural context. Crossing a mid sized gallery
that exhibits native American artworks, a dark hollow rectangle entrance appears
indistinct by the end of the wall. Wagner s collection of Teotihuacan mural fragments
... Show more content on ...
Larger interactive wall projection will be another good idea to engage the audience. If
the super nature figures depicted in mural paintings can be interpreted into animation,
where they can shake their hands and move their bodies, cooperating with a sound
system may bring them into life. Converging modern technique into displaying
Teotihuacan murals may enhance the efficiency of visual communication as the time
has changed. While establishing some suitable interactive programs can help people
understanding the artworks easier, the gallery has established a pleasant space to
showcase the Teotihuacan mural fragments overall through considerate settings and
The Life Of Ancient Egyptian Religion
The concept of the eternal life in traditional Egypt is associated with the sun that
always rose up to give renewal and vigor on a daily basis. Ancient Egyptians
considered the afterlife as an ideal dimension in its peace, delight, and bliss. There
were no hardships, rivalry or any negative emotions in the spiritual realm. The
dimension was referred to commonly as the Field of Offerings or the Field of
Rushes. The heavenly place was complete with its own version of the river Nile
and was composed of two fields. The Egyptians society saw it possible to attain the
peace given in the afterlife if they led an earthly religious life. The next life was
eternal in nature. Ancient Egyptians employed two religious criteria to structure
their belief in the afterlife. The beliefs were centered on godly myths and the
spiritual connection between the body and the soul. One of the major elements in
traditional Egyptian religion was their worship and belief in a variety of gods and
goddesses. Each of the deities had their particular power, relevance and function in
the ancient religion. The spirit world was associated with the god Ra, who was the
deity with the duty of ruling the dimension. According to McKay, Ra was
responsible for choosing individuals who were eligible for traveling in his boat
across the spirit river Nile into the land of the two fields . According to the religion,
only Pharaohs had automatic passage to Ra s boat ride into the land of the two
fields. God Osiris, one
Change in Population of the Bahamas 1775-1789
Between 1775 and 1789 the population of the Bahamas increased substantially.
During this period the Treaty of Versailles returned the Bahamas territory to British
rule and Florida to Spanish rule. These events created an exodus of loyalists, seeking
sanctuary in the Bahamas as they evacuated Florida. Thus the majority of immigrants
to the Bahamascame from Florida, however this reduced in March 1785. New York
also provided Bahamas with 1000 refuges. Which is reflected in the instance where,
Sir Guy Carleton (Commander in chief of British forces in America) was notified that
four hundred New York refugees wanted to settle on Abaco. Another reason for
immigrationwas Advertisements published in gazettes repeatedly to lure migrants
to the Bahamas As of June 1788 the population of the Bahamas had reached 9300.
It has been predicted that 5000 7000 loyalists and slave refugees came to the
Bahamas during this time. From 1784 to early 1785 refugees arrived to the Bahamas
in an overwhelming scale. As of June 1788 the population of the Bahamas had
reached 9300.
Within this population increase Negros made up nearly two thirds of the population,
representing a majority on the Bahamas. This is illustrated in population of 11,300 in
1798 where Negros accounted for 8,000 of that statistic. Along with the immigration
of loyalists migrating to Barbados there was a significant amount of Negro
immigrants, many of who were free . In once instance, out of eight eight blacks
Essay on Othello as a Black Man in a White Society
Othello as a Black Man in a White Society
Shakespeare s play,Othello, explores themes of love and passion, otherness ,
jealousy, revenge and order vs. Chaos, which all revolve mainly around the
protagonist, Othello. Surrounded by Venetians within a white society, Othello begins
to realise his otherness thus his insecurities as an outside and a Moor increase. The
deceptive Iago uses these dangerous blemishes in Othello s personality to manipulate
the moral Othello, using his one fatal flaw, jealousy.
During the 16th Century, the Elizabethan audiences attentiveness and familiarity of
the thin line between order and chaos would have added to the tragic story of
Othello. This was due to the ... Show more content on ...
What he meant by this is that Othello is a foreigner to all, because of his blackness
he can never fit in. However, this is ironic as the people of Venice accepted Othello
as a righteous and valiant general in the army, due to his brave act of protecting the
Venetians from the evil grasp of the Turkish people.
Interestingly enough, these Venetians don t compare Othello to the supposedly
iniquitous Turks because he had defeated them, so they placed him higher up in
the hierarchy of racial and social class. Iago expresses his own opinion that Othello
is an erring barbarian which is very ironic as Othello has the status of a shielding
warrior, a generous being that is a strong part of the army. Roderigo calls him the
lascivious Moor and tends to see Othello s black colour as a sign of dirtiness and
obscenity. The characters in Othello may possible have felt that Othello was a threat
due to his otherness in his appearance, such as his thick lips .
Othello s character is overtly and crudely sexualised, which is also a disadvantage to
Othello as other characters begin to believe that he is aggressive and sadistic. Black
people, during the time of Shakespeare, were mysterious to the white society.
Venetians were not used to seeing and living with people of other races and feared
them because they were not familiar with
Internet Addiction Essay examples
Research Paper Theme: Social Impact of the Internet 8 October 1997 ABSTRACT
The Internet is the largest source of information in the world today. With its web
sites and chat rooms, it is a means of communicating with people in places all over
the face of the earth. Since its conception in 1973, the Internet has grown at a
whirlwind rate. 51 million adults, were on line as of the second quarter 1997 in the
United States alone. Some say that the Internet is so enjoyable that it is almost
addictive. The problem is that researchers are beginning to agree with them. Studies
are revealing that there may be an actual form of addictioninvolved with over use of
the Internet. Identifying which category of addiction the Internet falls into is the...
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They argue that the chemicals in marijuana activate the same stimuli as the
Internet.5 Most researchers to this date do, however, agree that this is some type
of behavioral addiction. People can become addicted to activities even when there
is no physiological dependence or physiological addiction. Overeating, sex, work,
exercise and gambling can be addictive if done to excess.6 Behavioral addiction
means (2) that the activity alters your emotional state in some way. The main way
to determine if an activity is addictive is if it is having a negative impact on some
other important area of your life. The questions to be answered now are, if there is
such a thing as Internet addiction, what are the effects of this addiction and why
are people falling into this trap? According to Dr. Maressa Orzack of the Computer
Addiction Services at Harvard University s McClean Hospital in Boston, The single
greatest factor in becoming an addict is boredom. They re lonely, and the Internet,
with its chat rooms and endless information, fills a need. 7 The chat rooms, whether
they are used for sexual and romantic encounters or just to talk to other people
around the world, seem to be the number one temptation. Others include fantasy
games and the ability to create false identities of oneself. Although this ability to
create a false identity is not one of the main lures, it does play a major role when
looking at the
My Statement Of Purpose For Computer Science
Education is a companion which no future can depress, no crime can destroy, no
enemy can alienate it and no nepotism can enslave. It is this maxim that urged me
to adhere to my interests and think higher right from my young age. Being
innovative and combining it with the knowledge gained from education has helped
me face challenges in life. That is the sole reason why I intend to pursue my
Masters at this juncture of my life. Education has always been the topmost priority
in my life. I finished my schooling under Karnataka Secondary Education
Examination Board and passed out with an excellent result of 89.60%. As I was
fascinated with mathematics and science concepts I decided to take up science
stream at the pre university level. I passed out with a result of... Show more content
on ...
With the advanced facilities, qualified faculty, I am confident that I will be
exposed to the best concepts and industry insights. This will help broaden my
perspective and induce a sense of inquiry in me. Coupled with genuine interest and
an insatiable desire for computer software development and programming, I am
willing to dedicate myself towards the graduate program. My in depth research on
the US universities led me to (univ___name)__________ .Through various forums,
brochures , and the department website I have a definitive understanding about the
courses offered like _______________, _______________ and
_________________ and undergoing research which matches my area of interest. I
have been especially impressed by the research being carried out by renowned
faculty members Dr. _____________ in _________ and Dr. ______________in
_____________. All of the above reasons have encouraged me to submit my
application to your university and get all the guidance and infrastructure to pursue my
graduate studies and gain incisive
The Second Sex By Simone De Beauvoir Summary
The Second Sex was written by Simone de Beauvoir in 1949. Her introduction
Woman as Other opens with her discussing how she is not fond of writing about the
subject of women but she is choosing to because she is defined as a woman and is
tired of hearing about the subject. She later in the essay talks about how she disagrees
with different pieces written about women, which is another reason she could have
decided to write about this subject. At her time of writing this, prominent female
figures were scarce, famous writers were mostly men, and some women even
wrote under the guise of a man so their work would be accepted. Though this piece
was translated from French, the English reader is able to tell that Beauvoir is a very
intelligent and well spoken person; so who better to write a piece about women than
her? Simone de Beauvoirs main argument in this paper is that man and society have
defined women as Other since humans gained a conscience, and this definition has
oppressed and continues to oppress women. She backs this up by offering historical
background from various texts, and although her thoughts may seem disorganized,
she presents this argument with comparisons to other oppressed peoples as well as
examples of how women are treated today. Womanare described in biology as having
female genitalia such as a vagina and a uterus.
Beauvoir states this in her essay and then says [b]ut in speaking of certain women,
connoisseurs declare that they are not
Why Self-Directed Learning Is Important For
Using evidence from the literature; critically discuss why self directed learning is
important for undergraduate students Self directed learning (SDL) is defined as
any form of studying whereby individuals take the primary responsibility and
initiative to plan, implement and evaluate their own work. However, SDL does
not necessarily mean that all learning takes place in isolation from others; it can
consist of participation in study groups, internships, and self guided reading. This
essay will give an overview of why self directed learning is important, in particular
for the success of undergraduate students by helping them become more
independent learners. SDL has existed from classical antiquity (400 BC) and has
therefore been an important aspect of the lives of Greek philosophers such as
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. However, it was not until around 150 years ago that
scholarly efforts took place in order to understand SDL. One of the first documented
efforts concerning SDL was by Craik (1840) who celebrated self educationefforts of
several people. In addition, the book Self Help was published by Smiles (1859)
applauding the value of personal development. Nevertheless, it did not become a
major research area until the last three decades. Observations by Houle (1961)
(University of Chicago, Illinois) introduced the concept of SDL; whereby he
interviewed 22 adult learners and categorised them into three groups based upon the
reasoning for participation in learning
Difference Between Civil Liberties And Civil Rights
Gautam 6
Kriti Gautam Professor Sherry Sharifian Federal Government 2305 71433 7 October
2017 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Fundamentals to the US Constitution Civil
liberties are The fundamental individual rights of a free society, such as freedom of
speech and the right to a jury trial, which in the United States are protected by the Bill
of Rights (Patterson 126). 1 Civil rights are rights for freedom and equality. The main
difference between civil liberties and civil rights is that civil rights pertain to how
people treat others, and civil liberties pertain to the actual freedom that individuals
enjoy. They are similar in that they both promote the protection of freedom in the
constitution. Civil rights have had more influence on my life, because, as a minority,
life would have been so different without civil rights. Also, if not everyone can enjoy
civil liberties through civil rights, then there might as well be no Bill of Rights to
protect the fundamental human rights.
The courts weigh in any time there is a dispute regarding civil rights or liberties;
for example, the civil liberties court case, Byrd v. United States, deals with the
Third Amendment, which is in the Bill of Rights. 2 This court case raises the
question about whether a driver should expect privacy in a rental car that he/she has
permission to drive, but is not an authorized driver on the rental agreement ( Byrd v.
United States 1). The court ruled that a person who has permission to drive a rental
`` Piano `` By D. H. Lawrence And Traveling Through The
D. H. Lawrence, and English writer, and William Stafford, an American writer lived
and wrote at different times but their subject matter is often similar. Piano written by
D. H. Lawrence and Traveling through the Dark by William Stafford demonstrate
remarkable similarity, each written about experiences that describe emotions,
however in very different ways. Although Lawrence and Stafford are both respected
poets, their writing styles, and expectations for readers differ significantly. While
Lawrence maintains a feeling of nostalgia and remembrances to keep the readers
attention, Stafford s structure includes a bit of darkness and suspense for his readers.
These astute writers are similar in many ways, but they have one significant difference
. The authors messages and delivery set them apart. Lawrence and Stafford were
kind of rebels in the literary field. One of Lawrence s most famous novels, Lady
Chatterly s Lover defied censorship and was banned from America until the late
1950 s. Piano does not fit into the same mold, it is a sentimental and loving poem.
Critics often refer to Stafford as a pacifist and a conscientious objector during the
war. Traveling through the Dark follows the general style used in his poetry. He often
delivers messages that are direct and bold. Both poets were teachers at one point in
their lives. Each one wrote using deceptively simple language and ideas. Upon
looking at these two poems, the reader automatically sees
Intent to Live
The intent to live, Achieving your true potential as an actor , By Larry Moss
The book is referred to as intent to live because most of the great actors who
perform the acting seem not to be acting but living. This is depicted on how they
portray their act; very real from the eyes of the audience. Larry moss has described
these instances in this book on how the actors can achieve this level of acting by
sharing out the techniques he has developed for over thirty years. As per Larry Moss
description, the techniques highlighted can help actors in setting their imagination,
emotions and behaviors on fire. These shows how hard work of preparation is
helpful in performances that will yield good fruits. This ... Show more content on ...
As an actor, it is therefore very useful to differentiate between different kinds of
stress that can interfere with your performance. Tension is a normal thing to all
human beings but we should develop a way of overcoming it. As per Larry Moss,
physical tension in our body often begins in childhood. When we try to hold back
our joy, anger, tears and humor, we interfere with our different body muscles that
tend to stop our natural body impulse. Emotions also have an impact on the actor s
performance in a way that; when actors are emotionally stressed they may tend to
swallow these emotions which may affect their throat or other body parts. This
context portrays how emotional feelings can lead to physical consequences that
will affect the actors performance. Some of the physical consequences that are
brought by emotions can be headache, stomach and some which cannot be ignored.
As an actor, you should also be aware of your physical image you are representing
to the audience since your physical embodiment plays a big role on stage. The
audiences are always carried by the actors facial expression and physical energy
they portray on stage. Therefore as an actor, you have to consider these factors while
on stage. As per this context, an actor should keep breathing while on stage so that to
release the tension.
Voice, accents and blood memory is also another element that is discussed by
Red Wolf Research Paper
The red wolves are an endangered species. Right now they are only 45 60 left the
wild. If people don t do something soon they might become completely extinct.
Red wolves are very similar to the coyotes. As their name name suggests the have
red coat but also a little brown mixed into it. They are the smaller and leaner
version of their cousin, the grey wolf. They are native to the southeast region of
North America. Red wolves are mostly found in forest and swamps but can survive
mostly anywhere in the southeast. They are a carnivorous species and their diet
ranges from small rodents to white tailed deer. If they can not find anything else they
have been to eat berries and insects to survive. Red wolves breed once a year during
January through February. They... Show more content on ...
They can also breed with coyotes because their DNA is so similar. Both of the
parents care for their young after they are born. The pups leave the den by the time
they are 6 weeks old, they reach full size by the time they are one and can reproduce
by the time they are two. Red wolves have many different adaptations. During the
summer they lose their coats and during the winter they grow them back. By doing
this so they can keep cool during the summer and be warm in the winter. They have
sharp teeth that help them catch and eat their prey. Another adaptation of the red
wolves is that they can survive having heartworms. To help them thrive in their
habitats they stay in packed. This aids them in hunting, defensing, and surviving.
Red wolves in the wild face many challenges such as over hunting and loss of
habitat. During the 1960 many hunter thought red wolves were dangerous and over
hunted them. The wolves habitat have also been destroyed leaving very few left in
the wild today. After being declared endangered in the 1970s, recovery programs
have been created to help save the red wolves. Today, the red wolf
Sociological Issues On Social Issues
When thinking about sociological issues taking place in our society today, issues
concerning our environment commonly are not ones we put on the top of the list,
however they should be. It is not that any of the other social issues do not matter, but
without a world to live on, or an environment to live off of those other issues would
not even be taking place. Our environmenthas been something that we neglect and
carelessly use for our own personal economic growth because it is what has been
done for many years. We are destroying our world s land and using up its natural
resources and are even wasting them without concern about what consequences are
resulting from doing so. There are ways that we could fix and eliminate problems
that we have caused to our environment, but in order to do so we will have come
together and put in the effort to make the change and become more environmentally
conscious in the aspects of our everyday lifestyles.
Much of our world s land is destroyed to provide for our growing population
through the occurrence of deforestation which causes loss of biodiversity and soil
depletion. There are natural causes of deforestation such as wildfires, but most of it
occurs through urban development and most notably agricultural development. We
destroy acres of forests in order to have more land for cattle and other farm animals
to graze upon, but also to have land to produce grain that won t be fed to us, but to
the animals. It is also seen that a majority of
Unreliable Narrator In The Tell Tale Heart
John Green once said, It s quite rare to find someone who sees the same world you
see, a fitting quote to define the works of American author, Edgar Allen Poe,
known for his short stories written in the 1800 s. Famous works include The Black
Cat , The Tell Tale Heart , and Berenice before his untimely death in 1849. Often
ridiculed for his absurd stories, Poe was fueled by his many losses in his childhood,
including his mother and wife, and alcoholism. Many of his stories are that of the
horror genre and often uses an unreliable character. Just as some of his most famous
characters, Poe was seen as a mentally unstable man who was burdened by the
hardships of his life. Through unreliable narratives, Poe emphasizes fear in the thin
line... Show more content on ...
Berenice follows Egaeus who is a man about to marry his cousin, Berenice. Egaeus
often finds himself lost in thought and succumbed to a trance like state where he
looks over many qualities of Berenice. As she is deteriorating from a disease which
is unknown to the reader, we see her teeth as the only part of her to remain intact.
Egaeus, in a fit of unconsciousness, pulls her teeth from her mouth and finds them in
a box next to him when he comes to reality again. Although there is no time shown
where he committed the horrendous act, the narrator awakes from his haze by the
sounds of a woman s shriek. The teeth were hers, and the narrator was petrified by
his actions he had no memory of doing. Poe uses the narrators gaps in memory to
emphasize the lack of control he has, and in doing so, proves further that he is an
unreliable narrator. Teeth has the symbolic meaning of health and beauty; the
narrator saw the love of his life slowly begin to die and decided to keep what he most
admired as a symbol of his love, something that would never die. Evil is a
consequence of good and the loved shared between Egaeus and Berenice was the
literary example of love which was doomed from the
Comparison of Theories of Attachment
This essay will firstly explain the different stage that is associated with
development of young people socially in the early years of their life, with examples
of Schaffer and Emerson s theory of stages of attachment. Next the essay will
evaluate the theories of attachment between a child and their parents/guardians,
evaluating Bowlby s theory of attachment, and using examples from Freud s
cupboard love theories and behavioural and psychoanalytic perspectives in
comparison to Bowlby. Next it will look at any contributing factors that make a
difference to individuals during attachment and looking at way fear and anxiety play
a part during separation for children from their primary carer. After which the essay
will respond to Bowlby s... Show more content on ...
father, grandparents etc. With the strongest attachment still with the mother, the
fear of stranger s response weakens. A Criticism of cupboard love theory , were
Harlow s study involving rhesus monkeys (1959). He separated new born monkeys
from their mothers and raised them in a cage each containing a blanket, he noticed
the monkeys became attached to the blanket but were concerned when the blanket
was removed. But to determine whether it was food or close comfort was more
important, Harlow placed a monkey with two different mothers , one being a
mother made of wire but with a bottle attached and the other being a mother made
of a soft blanket but with no bottle attached. Harlow found that the monkey spent
most time with the clothed mother, and concluded that monkeys have an unlearned
need for contact comfort which is as essential as the need for food. He also found
that the clothed mother served as a secure environment for the monkey. When
Harlow placed a fear stimuli in the cage the monkey would explore it before
retreating back to clothed mother for security, however when the clothed mother
was removed the monkey would cower in fear and freeze. Ainsworth (1967)
conducted a Ganda project , which looked into the individual differences in children
s attachment to their mothers/primary carer. She used babies ranging from ages
between 15 weeks 2 years old; they were studied every 2 weeks for 2 hours a time
over a nine months. Ainsworth
Kevin Plank Under Armour Essay
Under Armour
1. Under Armour was founded in 1995 by Kevin Plank. Kevin played football at the
University of Maryland and noticed how often he and he s teammates had to change
their undershirts because of all of the sweat they absorbed. The sweat the shirts
absorbed made the shirts much heavier and more uncomfortable. He then noticed that
the compressions shorts he was wearing were not nearing as heavy and didn t absorb
the sweat the shirt did. This one simple observation kick started his experimentation
to develop a t shirt for athletes. He experimented with different fabrics in his
grandmothers basements until he thought he created the perfect shirt. He sent the
shirts to friends that played in the NFL. After receiving feedback, he perfected the
design and made his first deal with Georgia Tech, from there the company took off....
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Kevin Plank is currently the CEO and Chairman of Under Armour. He also owns over
28,000,000 shares of the company s stock.
4. Kevin Plank places a huge emphasis on his companies culture. He compares
running a company to being on a team, and has installed that into his company. Plank
has installed a very open culture that emphasizes the importance of everyone in the
company. He is constantly asking for the opinions managers and supervisor about
how to improve and evolve the company for their point of view. He places a big
emphasis on making his employees happy and turning them into life long Under
Armour employees.
5. I am currently an Accounting Intern at Elmcroft and their organizations culture is
very supportive. The company has a very team orientated approach. Communication
and respect for one another are expected. Elmcroft is successful in implying this
approaching because they place a big focus on hiring the right people, they focus on
the person as much as they focus on the professional. Overall, I believe is positive, in
the time I ve been there everything runs well and the relationships in the office are
great among
Factors That Influence Rainfall in the United States
Factors that Influence Rainfall in the United States
A type of precipitation is rainfall and it develops when water vapor condenses into
droplets in the atmosphere thus becoming too heavy to stay suspended in the air so
gravity causes them to fall. The pattern or occurrence of rainfall in the United States
or basically anywhere in the world depends on several factors such as ground
elevation, wind directions, location within a continental mass, areas of low pressure,
cool fronts, jet streams and even mountain ranges. For instance mountains have an
influence on wind and wind is an important feature in rainfall, The windward sides of
mountainous islands in the trade wind regime are among the rainiest places on earth,
where rains exceed ... Show more content on ...
When the pressure is high it means that the air s pressure is higher than the
pressure of the surrounding air in the area. A low is where it is lower. This means
that where the air is slowly descending the pressure is high and vice versa. So, as
air descends, it warms, which inhibits the formation of clouds. This means that the
air that descends in high pressure area has to get to high altitudes in some way
which is why air actually rises in low pressure areas. Winds tend to blow into low
pressure areas because are moves from higher pressure areas into lower pressure
areas. When the wind moves into a low area the air moves up and eventually cools
and rainfall comes about. Also the low pressure that causes the air to rise has to do
with the Criolis Effect, which is the force caused by the Earth s spin that redirects
moving air to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern
Hemisphere. According to meteorologist Tony Pann, who works with Coriolis Effect
stated, With the Coriolis effect, air circulates in patterns that depend on latitude. At
the mid latitudes of the USA, most weather systems move from west to east.
However, systems tend to move from east to west near the poles and in the tropic
(Pann). The upslope flow is also related low pressure areas which is basically the
result of air rising and cooling while being forced to ascend to higher terrain.
Rhetorical Analysis Of Winston Churchill s We Shall Never...
European land was annihilated and the European countries were all in dispute. Men
from all around stepped up and fought for their country, risking and generally losing
their lives to save their loved ones. This fatal war was known as World War 2, the
deadliest war in history. The war took a devastating toll on many people worldwide,
while they watched a majority of their loved ones pass; many felt defeated, until one
man stepped up, Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill pronounced his We Shall
Never Surrender speech on June 4, 1940 at the House of Commons, in the United
Kingdom. He delivered his speech in the aftermath of a successful evacuation of the
British forces at Dunkirk, following the German Army attack. Churchill s uplifting
words gave the nation hope and a sense of pride, which had been lost during the brutal
war. Through imagery and repetition, Winston Churchill delivered his theme in his
speech, We Shall Never Surrender , that no matter the hardships and defeats that a
nation might experience, to not lose hope and to unite together in order to gain
strength. Winston Churchill incorporates imagery... Show more content on ...
Churchill begins We Shall Never Surrender by providing vivid descriptions of the
life and environment of war to describe the hardships, then follows up with showing
that the strength that the troops had together helped them overcome specific events.
He continues to use repetition to emphasize the importance of staying together and
not losing hope in order to provide small victories, one at a time. Churchill s courage
to speak up during such a disturbing time helped assist the nations morality by
providing hope and encouragement in the bloodshed time of war. When a nation felt
defeated Winston Churchill used his powerful voice in We Shall Never Surrender to
lift the nation s spirits
Central Educational Effect Of Primary Education
Learning to read is the central educational effect of primary education. Reading is an
intricate progression that takes shape beginning with oral language capacity, and
incorporates both explicit proficiency development (phonemic as well as decoding
strategies) and the use of comprehension strategies. The exact means in which these
processes blend needs to be understood if educators are to identify their students
needs and teach most effectively. Over the past forty years, many large scale
evaluations of inquiries into the effective teaching of readinghave occurred
worldwide in an effort to provide definitive and evidence based guidelines for
education systems (Adams, 1990).
This paper will bring together a framework containing the six major components of
reading. While it is rather risky to diminish a multifaceted behavior such as reading
into a small quantity of components, for the purposes of clarity and understanding,
the framework is offered here as one way of manufacturing the major results of a
vast number of empirical studies into the components of an effective reading
program. Each of the following six components will be expanded and should provide
key messages and strategies for classroom application.
Oral Language The first component of Reading that we will examine will be Oral
Language. Oral language provides the basis for learning to read, and is related to the
students overall reading achievement during primary and secondary education. From
birth, a child
Executive Profile Of Executive Dashboard
Executive dashboard is a powerful, customizable, efficient useful, web based
Executive information system that provides a consolidated insight of a firm or
organization s actions and performances. Executive dashboard as a management tool,
setting expectation for the organization behaviors at each level, with clear board
information expression and easily understandable report of the status of organization.
Measure and understand organization s key performance indicators and metrics, data
of that. Executives want few things more than a dashboard, and they hate few things
more than a dashboard. This paradox exists primarily because dashboards tend to
become catchalls full of pies, graphs, and tiny text. Analysts have tried everything to
make dashboards better. We have hired expensive consultants. We have purchased
expensive software. We have replaced numbers with fancy visualizations
(thermometers, anyone?). We have even tried to stuff as many tabs and metrics as
we can into an excel spreadsheet. But still the dashboards we send are put on auto
The reasons that dashboard helps to make decision: Dashboards leave the
interpretation to the executive. This is a fatal flaw because most dashboards are
highly aggregated views of a KPI; they miss the nuance and analysis that only the
analysis ninja can give, yet it s rarely shared. Most executives want insights and
actionable recommendations, but they don t trust their analysis ninjas. Instead,
Driving Forces Behind The Progressive Movement
I believe the driving forces behind the progressive movement were women of the
era. Women such as Jane Addams, Margaret Sanger, and Alice Stone Blackwell
devoted their lives to reforming the world and creating change in the political
sphere. The beginnings of the progressive movement in the United States had its
start in the early 1800 s, but didn t really start gaining ground until the late 19th
century when a new middle class tired of the excesses of the Gilded Age. This era
brought about fortunes and extreme poverty, labor clashes between working class
and companies, large scale immigration, and other events that made the middle class
nervous. Herbert Croly wrote the millionaire and the trust have appropriated too
many of the economic opportunities formerly enjoyed by the people. (The Promise
of American Life) The progressives had many goals: votes for women, labor
improvement laws, prohibition, and many others. Women stood at the forefront of
change in the earliest parts of the 20th century, pushing back against societal restraints
and expectations of family and marriage. The reform movement was ideal for these...
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She was excited to be in the states, hopeful for a better future, saying we, too,
Helena and I, would find a place in the generous heart of America. (Emma
Goldman, remembering her arrival) She found work in the factories, and quickly
became a part of the movement to change the inequality and inhumane working
conditions. Inspired by the group who bombed Chicago s Haymarket square in
1886, she became a part of the anarchists society. Implicated in the assassination of
President William McKinley in 1901, she withdrew from the public eye due to
harassment. She emerged later and wrote on subjects such as free speech and birth
control. Emma also mentored Margaret Sanger, as Emma believed that birth control
was a key to women s
Strength Of Symbolic Frame At Delta Airlines
industry. An industry with a fast pace environment can easily deplete its resources
and it has to be ready to cushion any potential blow that can hit it when resources
are low. Lastly on the organizational frames is the symbolic frame. Symbolic frame
represents the image of the organization to the outside world. The core value of an
organization is communicated clearly through its symbol. This value is the culture
which are related to the vision, history, rituals, ceremonies that is attached to an
organization. Many organization has symbols that depicts the nature of the service
they provide and some symbols are inspired by situations or tales that led to the
founding of the organization. The strengths of Symbolic frame at Delta Airlines
date back to the early years of the organization. In the words of an aviation pioneer,
CE Woolman, one of the four founders of Delta, he said we believe that an airline
has a responsibility to the public over and above the price of ticket. This is a
symbolic fundamentals that has reflects the foundation of the organization. CE
Woolman believed people should treat their customers the way they want to be
treated. It has reflected the slogan of the Delta Airline A service and hospitality from
the heart through team work. This are major strengths that has driven the company
dating back to the early years of the organization. A weakness to the symbolic frame
is the ever changing airline industry of the twenty first century that alter the
Different Types Of Conflict In Shakespeare s Romeo And
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, / Where civil blood makes civil hands
unclean. / From forth the fatal loins of these two foes / A pair of star crossed
lovers take their life; ( Prologue). Those are the words involved in a play called
Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare. That quote explains how two
families can cause a tremendous problem for not being allies. Shakespeare believes
that different types of conflict can create more conflict.
The very first common type of conflict is fighting with enemies. In Act 3 Scene 1
Mercutio starts fighting Tybalt. Romeo is trying to break up the fight and when he
gets between them, Tybalt quickly stabs Mercutio and Mercutio slowly dies. Romeo
with angrily starts a quarrel with Tybalt, ... Show more content on ...
In Romeo and Juliet,both families have a beastly family history. At the end of Act
5 we know that Romeo and Juliet both die for love. They killed themselves because
of their family s conflict not wanting to get along. With their families being
enemies it was hard for them to be together, but when Romeo and Juliet both past
away it affected their families. At the end, both families decide that they should
stop their feud because their feud cost them their own kid. A movie of today that
represents that example is Our Family Wedding. Our Family Wedding is a movie
where a couple is in love with each other and want to get married, but the two
families don t like each other and argue all the time. With so much disagreement
between the families the couple decide to break away, which makes the families
both upset that they gave up their marriage over them arguing. They decide to get
along and the couple gets back together and have their dream wedding. Things that
are similar in the examples are that the families break up the lovers apart because
of their feud. Romeo and Juliet die because of their family feuds and the couple
breaks up because of their families arguing all the time. Some difference is that the
end of the play it was too late for Montague and Capulet to make things right and
letting Romeo and Juliet be with each other. Another difference is the movie is about
a wedding and the lovers getting stress

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Othello Essay Conclusion

  • 1. Othello Essay Conclusion Crafting an essay conclusion on the topic of "Othello" can pose a significant challenge, requiring a nuanced understanding of the play's complex themes, characters, and the intricacies of Shakespearean tragedy. The conclusion serves as the final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the reader, making it imperative to synthesize key insights while avoiding mere repetition. The difficulty lies in encapsulating the essence of the entire essay, seamlessly tying together various threads, and offering a thought-provoking perspective. One must navigate the treacherous waters of Othello's tragic downfall, Iago's malevolence, Desdemona's innocence, and the broader societal implications woven into the play's fabric. To do justice to such a profound work, the conclusion must transcend summarization and delve into the broader implications of the characters' actions. It necessitates an exploration of the universal themes that make "Othello" a timeless masterpiece, connecting the dots between jealousy, betrayal, and the human condition. Moreover, the challenge is heightened by the need to strike a delicate balance between originality and academic rigor. A trite conclusion risks diluting the impact of the essay, while an overly complex one may leave the reader perplexed. Achieving the perfect synthesis of insight and eloquence requires finesse and a deep appreciation for the nuances of Shakespearean literature. In conclusion, crafting an effective essay conclusion on "Othello" demands intellectual rigor, literary finesse, and an acute understanding of the play's multifaceted layers. It is an intellectual endeavor that challenges writers to distill the essence of their analysis into a closing statement that resonates with the reader. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic endeavors, various resources are available. Services like offer support in composing essays on a wide array of topics, providing expertly crafted pieces that can serve as valuable guides or references for further academic pursuits. Othello Essay Conclusion Othello Essay Conclusion
  • 2. Analysis Of Community Media This dissertation takes a step forward from prior research projects that conducted surveys to gauge a person s willingness to comment or submit UGC through the use of content analysis in an attempt to gauge how much UGC community newspaper websites actually publish. In addition, the survey of community newspapers website managers offered some context to what choices might occur behind the scenes including the percentage of content submitted by the audience community media actually publishes. The expectation was that the percentage of UGC published would be high based past research that community media would make the gatekeeping choice to use UGC as a way of interacting with the public (Rennie, 2007). However, the results indicated that... Show more content on ... In addition, the survey results pointed toward a lack of interest among those managing community journalism websites in engaging in any form gatewatching. For example, the survey respondents suggested through their survey responses that they considered it unimportant to help guide their audience to other reliable sources. The focus for community media seems heavily focused on print. The web appears to be less a concern to community newspaper website managers. However, print does have a seemingly limited future with the millennial generation (Meyer, Speakman Garud, 2016), and the audience is moving online (Abernathy, 2014). Community journalism as both a business and a public service should determine a manner to survive online while making a profit. There is research suggesting that young people age into subscribing to print, however, those numbers have been steeply declining among all age groups (Pew, 2016), and Poindexter (2012) predicts that millennials are unlikely to resemble past media habits of increasingly reading print as they become older. The role of community media More community news publications have the ability to take advantage of the additional capabilities of the web for telling stories as a manner of drawing a new and different audience to supplement existing print subscribers. The boundaries between print, broadcast, and online journalism erode online, and the audience appropriated a more
  • 3. Comanche Indians Essay COMANCHE INDIANS The Comanches, exceptional horsemen who dominated the Southern Plains, played a prominent role in Texas frontier history throughout much of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Anthropological evidence indicates that they were originally a mountain tribe, a branch of the Northern Shoshones, who roamed the Great Basin region of the western United States as crudely equipped hunters and gatherers. Both cultural and linguistic similarities confirm the Comanches Shoshone origins. The Comanche language is derived from the Uto Aztecan linguistic family and is virtually identical to the language of the Northern Shoshones. Sometime during the late seventeenth century, the Comanches acquired horses, and that acquisition ... Show more content on ... As many as thirteen different, Comanche bands were identified during the historic period, and most probably there were others that were never identified. However, five major bands played important roles in recorded Comanche history. The southernmost band was called Penateka, or quot;Honey Eaters. quot; Their range extended from the Edwards Plateau to the headwaters of the Central Texas rivers. Because of their location, the Penatekas played the most prominent role in Texas history. North Of Penateka, country was the habitat of the band called Nokoni, or quot;Those Who Turn Back. quot; The Nokonis roamed from the Cross Timbers region of North Texas to the mountains of New Mexico. Two smaller bands, the Tanima ( quot;Liver Eaters quot;) and the Tenawa ( quot;Those Who Stay Downstream quot;), shared the range of the Nokonis. These three divisions are sometimes referred to collectively as Middle Comanches. Still farther north was the range of the Kotsotekas, or quot;Buffalo Eaters. quot; Their territory covered what is now western Oklahoma, where they often camped along the Canadian River. The northernmost band was known as the Yamparikas, or quot;Yap Eaters, quot; a name derived from that of an edible root. Their range extended north to the Arkansas River. The fifth major band, known as Quahadis ( Antelopes ), roamed the high plains of the Llano Estacado. FOODS
  • 4. Comparing Dostoevsky s Crime And Punishment Quite possibly one of Dostoevsky s most popular and iconic works, Crime and Punishment is easily read as a chilling crime thriller a drama concerning a young man suffering the guilt and fear brought on by a brutal murder. Indeed, this is often how the work is viewed, accompanied, perhaps, with an emphasis on religion, or suffering, or love. Yet to read Crime and Punishmentin this manner would be to lose a large portion of who Raskolnikov is, his motives, and how Dostoevsky wrote the character. While it is possible to read Dostoevsky s Crime and Punishment as a simple crime thriller with a religious theme, its is impossible to fully understand the story of Raskolnikov, that being the murder, his confession, and his redemption, without understanding... Show more content on ... Even on the first page of Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov demonstrates his guilt. Indebted to his landlady, he fears meeting her, slinking from his apartment out into a world that he views with all the charity of an impoverished misanthrope. The question is: where did this guilt come from? The answer lies with his poverty. In an attempt to rebel against his mother, to whom Raskolnikov is [her] everything, all [her] wishes and all [her] hope (Dostoevsky 28), Raskolnikov intentionally abandons his studies and refuses to work. Ironically, far from being independent from his mother, little Rodia endes up accepting a portion of his mother s pension to support himself. This dynamic between dependence and independence accentuates his failure both to satisfy his mother and to be free of his mother s expectations. In the words of Ilham Dilman, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Wales Swansea, he thus complies with his mother s wishes and defies her at the same time; he accepts her offer of a dependent relationship to spite her (Dilman 194). In Raskolnikov s mind, he can never live up to the Rodia that his mother has conjured up. The end result is a remarkably negative and stressful maternal relationship that is first and for most a source of guilt. Raskolnikov dreads meeting his landlady partially because he owes her money, but also because she reminds of his mother. She provides him with food and shelter, but, because of his actions, he cannot satisfy her expectations (Breger 6). Yet, Raskolnikov s landlady is not the only individual on whom raskolnikov projects his guilt. Alyona Ivanova elicits similar feelings as Raskolnikov turns to her unscrupulous and cut throat business for money. Alyona, however, lacks the maternal care that Raskolnikov
  • 5. The Tea Of Tea Master When I first entered the tea house, the aroma of many tea leaves struck me in my nose. I was deeply welcomed by many people. The atmosphere was very lively. The first thing I realized when sitting down at the tea gathering table was the amount of utensils there were to make a cup of tea and the traditional clothing TeaMaster Michael Fung was wearing. This made me feel like Tea Master Michael Fung was deeply passionate and interested in the art of tea. As more students came, I realized that it was very cramped. It reminded me of a quote when Dr. Jack said that it was best to drink tea with only two people and the more we have the more it feels uncomfortable. During the beginning of the ceremony, Tea Master Michael Fung, owner of The Best Tea House Co. , took many aged Pu er tea cakes for us to experiment and observe. Many students and I, saw many differences such as how it smells and how the colour changes over time. Tea Master Michael Fung also talked about the history and the origins of tea and why it is drank and how it is developed. He also mentioned that the waxing paper determines the tea s quality. Pu er tea is an aged dark tea produced in Yunnanprovince of China under the process of fermentation and Tea Master Michael Fung showed us the difference between Sheng and Shu Cha and its health benefits. Since Pu er tea can be stored to mature, I observed that there was a year and the region of production on each packaging. There was also many shapes such as a
  • 6. Marxist Theory And Psychoanalytic Theories Marxist and Psychoanalytic Literary Theories in Action Marxist/Materialist Theory and Psychoanalytic Theory are important theories in understanding individuals and societies. They allow readers to understand how societies and individuals function and their motives. Marxist/Materialist Theory mostly focuses on societies and different classes and the relationships between the two. Psychoanalytic Theory focuses on the characters wants, needs, actions, and process of thought that sometimes correlate with the author. While both have their flaws, they allow readers to explore the deeper meanings in a text as well as connect the readers to their personal lives and societies and fully gain greater understanding and knowledge. Marxist theory... Show more content on ... Lastly, Marxist theory would be beneficial to western/ historical novels that show the disputes between people who are different socially which is what Marxist theory is meant to discover.Psychoanalytic theory would be helpful in explicating melodramas such as Dracula because they explore the emotions. Freud would also agree that Psychoanalytic theory is helpful in explicating romance novels because Freud main foundation for Psychoanalytic theory is on sex. Psychoanalytic theory is useful in dystopian novels as well and almost any genre when a reader or theorist uses it to understand the characters minds and motives when they, [apply] psychoanalytic techniques to texts to uncover the author s hidden motivations repressed desires, and wishes (Bressler 130). Beyond Marxist elements in Anthem, Anthem also demonstrates Psychoanalysis and much of Sigmund Freud beliefs and Psychoanalysis as a whole. Anthem is written in first person but the character Equality 7 2521 uses we instead of I . The reader later learns that he never uses I because it was a forbidden word in the society and he didn t even know what it meant until he eventually leaves the society at the end of the novel. Equality 7 2521 and the other characters existed under the super ego. Besides Equality rebelling and finding himself at the end, all of the other characters
  • 7. Essay on Expanding the Literary Canon Expanding the Literary Canon While this essay can in no way claim to contain a fully representative sampling of what various scholars have contributed relative to the ongoing debate over the literary canon, I will attempt to highlight three distinct positions which are all informed by John Guillory s critical contributions to the canonical debate. First, I will discuss the concept of ideology and canon formation as Guillory first articulated it in his 1983 essay, The Ideology of Canon Formation: T. S. Eliotand Cleanth Brooks, and which he subsequently thoroughly revised and included in his 1993 book on canon formation, Cultural Capital: The Problem of literary Canon Formation This essay on the ways ideology and cultural politics ... Show more content on ... Of course the marginal elite he is referring to here is the literary culture within the academy. He goes on to posit that while it is unlikely that the formations of canons can ever be removed from ideological conflicts, that in essence, this is not really saying much at all (145)! While the marriage ofideology and canon formation may be self evident, Guillory still goes on in the essay to carefUlly delineate how the ideological concerns of T. S. Eliot culminated in Eliot s creation ofa revisionist canon which operated as somewhat of a shadow canon along side the established literary canon by elevating the importance of the Metaphysical poets at the expense ofthe established poets ofthe traditional canon Milton, Shakespeare, Keats, Shelley, Yeats, etc. According to Guillory, the recipients of Eliot s canon (scholars, academics) the marginal elite , act as the clergy ofthe orthodoxy ofthe literary culture, occupying, as Guillory points out, a perch not unlike that of Eliot s preferred poets: Its real status is precisely that of Donne s poetry, which circulated among a coterie of admirers, or a marginal elite (151). Guillory maintains that it is Cleanth Brooks who is left with the task of translating Eliot s many ideological concerns; the doctrine ofimpersonality relative creative invention as articulated in Tradition and the Individual Talent , the monumental and closed
  • 8. Analysis Of Electrospinning Nannofibers The main technique that will be used during this project is electrospinning nanofibers. The goal of electrospinning is to produce polymer fibers so that their diameters are much smaller, on a nano scale size. Electrospinning fibers is a relatively cost effective and simple set up (Pham, 2006) as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Shows an example set up that contains a syringe, a collector and designates the controlled variables of applied voltage (V), distance between the tip and the collector, and the flow rate/charge density, Q (Pham, 2006). As the name and figure implies, the polymers are exposed to conditions in which charge and voltage are applied that propel the fiber from the tip and Taylor cone to the collector in a circular motion. ... Show more content on ... This input is relevant as it is the driver for the jet propulsion system that creates the fibers. Voltage and the presence of beads has been found to have a proportional relationship in the sense that if the voltage applied to the system is increased, there is an increase in the presence of beads (Pham, 2006). The mechanics that cause this relationship is when the voltage is altered, the jet generated from the tip has a change in volume that causes a change in the of the Taylor cone (Pham, 2006). Recall that the Taylor cone is the result of the difference of charges between the applied electric field charge and the surface charges that causes the shape of the fluid to become a cone as seen in Fig. 2 (Garg, 2011). Furthermore, the flow of the jet is important so that the jet has the proper amount of time to travel from the tip to the collector. Studies have found that a slower flow generates thinner diameter fiber as well as less beading (Pham, 2006). Other parameters such as design of the different components of the system play a role in the quality of fibers created. These include the characteristics and location of the needle tip and jet collector. Our goal is to optimize all of the different parameters that are inputted into the system so that the the presence of the beads will be minimized, so that the integrity of the scaffolds are maintained. Specific Aims 1: Assessing scaffold sufficiency for nerve
  • 9. How Did Alexander The Great Influence Hellenism Hello, my name is Kavauri Mckinnon. Today i will be writing a report on Alexander the Great. More specifically, his influence on Hellenism. To give a brief insight on what Hellenism is, it is the culture of ancient Greece. This term can be traced back to the Hellenistic period. The Hellenistic period is a the time between the death of Alexander the Great and the annexation of the classical Greek heartlands by Rome. Speaking of Alexander the Great, I believe I should start this off by describing exactly who he was. Alexander the Great was born on July 20, 356 B.C., in Pella, in the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia. During his reign as king, from 336 to 323 B.C., he united the Greek city states and led the Corinthian League. He also became... Show more content on ... Lysimachus had the areas of Thrace and much of Asia Minor, Cassander received Macedonia and Greece, Ptolemy seized Egypt, Palestine, Cilicia, Petra, and Cyprus, and Seleucus took control of the rest of Asia. Hellenic influence continued to spread throughout the lands ruled by the generals and Greek dedications, statues, architecture and inscriptions have been found in abundance in every locale. Greek language introduced Greek literature into the former Persian Empire, thereby influencing the philosophical thought and writing of the region. The Great Library at Alexandria, Egypt, which is said to have been started by Ptolemy I, became the most important center for learning in the ancient world. Greek theater flourished throughout the lands conquered by Alexander and the amphitheaters built during the Hellenistic Period show markedly Greek features no matter the nationality of the architect nor the country of construction. The spread of Greek influence and language is also shown through coinage. Portraits became more realistic, and the obverse of the coin was often used to display a propaganda image, commemorating an event or displaying the image of a favored
  • 10. Sunset Boulevard Movie Analysis Nuntida Nuampatom Mr. Kastor AMH 2020 US History II 04 September 2016 Sunset Boulevard (1950) Sunset Boulevard, a classic black and white movie that displays what Hollywood actually consists of. Directed by Billy Wilder an Austrian born, American filmmaker of sixty films. The movie is almost 67 years old and when it was first released the movie was nominated for eleven Academy Awards, ranked number twelve on the American Film Institutes list of the 100 best American films in 1998, and worshipped by many critics. Although the movie was not released in my time, this classic has definitely got me interested in movies similar to this love story with a crazed ending. Billy Wilder always wondered what happened to most of the former stars from the ... Show more content on ... Most actors do not continue making films one after another until they die but Norma could not get this into her head. She spent years writing her script to return to the big screen and was set on that dream. Since Norma was obsessed with the goal of filming again it led her to become foolish about how famous she actually was and her terrible script. Also a scary realization of having a chance of ending up demented like Norma. The directors wanted to show us a alarming visual of what life could be like for actors after their acting days were over. I recommend this film for anybody that is interested in movies with the genre drama. The film refers to many references to past Hollywood and screenwriters, so it would help if you know a little bit of that background to have a better understanding to what the actors are saying. But I enjoyed the plot twists, astounding acting, and shocking ending. I actually asked my friend to watch the film by herself since the film was available on Netflix. I wanted to see a persons opinion on the
  • 11. The Problem Solving And Decision Making Process There are many problem solving and decision making processes employed by many consultants all over the world in coming up with decisions of renting or buying house. We all make decisions of varying importance every day, so the idea that decision making be a rather complicated task may at first seem strange. However, in reality, some people are much poorer at decision making than they think (Thomas Maurice, 2008). Making a decision implies that there is more than one choice to be considered. More importantly, he or she should select the option that has the highest probability of success or effectiveness as well as best fits with his goals, desires, lifestyle, or values. No business process, such as buying or renting, can be approached by structuring of all the tasks that need to be done in order for this process to work (Malthus, 1826). When making the decision either to rent or buy a place to live, financial factors must be considered. The first step in the decision making process is to determine whether or not the individual can afford to purchase a home. These costs substantially exceed the initial payment and security deposit that would be required if a person were renting instead of buying (Walsh, 2007). Before deciding to buy a home, the amount of monthly payments against the income should be considered. Homeowners insurance and property tax expenditures also should be taken in consideration. Expenses on home maintenance such as carpet or a new roof also should be
  • 12. The Literary Aspects Of Science Fiction And Detective Fiction The literary genres of science fiction and detective fiction offer differing approaches when addressing a contextual fear of the unknown, as the former poses the question of what if? rather than answering these fears as the latter does. Exemplars of this include Ray Bradbury s A Sound of Thunder and Conan Doyle s The Adventures of the Dancing Men as their societal context necessitated a narrative to address the notion of foreign. These short stories employ various conventions as they both alleviate and build upon the public s fearthrough notions such as justice, help and control. Both science and detective fiction possess inherent conventions that allow them to contextually address society s fear of foreignness contrarily. Science fiction, as a genre, asks what if? , providing alternative possibilities of reality, a concept emphatically prevalent in time travel. The fantastic elements of time travel are considered in direct contrast to known reality (Burton 106) in order to address contextual fears by asking, rather than answering, the question of what if? . This ability to view and change the past and future thus encourages the genre to address contextual fears by providing alternatives to reality (NГ Fhlainn 180). Detective fiction takes the opposite approach however, as its inherent desire to solve consequently requires answering society s fears. This genre provides a process of question and answer in regards to addressing fears and ultimately engages in a
  • 13. Essay On How To Add Time Areas to Add Time One can add time to just about anything done with magic. The secret is to know when and where to do it. The ending key is to know how much time to plan for. I will take a couple old standards and work with. I will describe basic routines and try to give you an idea of the use of time. CRYSTAL CYLINDER (Clear cylinder, three different color silks are inserted and they are blown out appearing to be tied together). As you talk about the cylinder mentioning it as being clear you take a little TIME to show it to the audience. Setting the cylinder down you pick up a silk and take the short TIME to show it as blank front and back. You insert the silk into the cylinder and take a small amount of TIME to show the... Show more content on ... The silks are tied together. TIME is used to show them tied together. Then the knot of the red silks is hidden. For this narration, I will say the knot is tucked inside a coffee cup. A yellow silk is show to the audience. Enough TIME is taken to show both sides to the audience. A change bag is shown and turned inside out to show it is empty. A short period of TIME is taken so the audience can see and comprehend the bag is empty. The yellow silk is placed inside the change bag and a small amount of TIME is used as magic gestures or the wand waved over it. The wand is set down, the change bag manipulated, and the empty chamber is turned inside out. TIME is used to show the entire audience that the yellow silk has vanished. The magician uses TIME as needed for magic motions, story line, or using the magic wand over the coffee cup. The red silks are removed showing the yellow silk tied in the middle. The magician assumes applause position and TIME is allowed for the audience reaction. There is no harsh rule on time. Timing is something you must teach yourself. And, it is personal. The use of time for one magician may be completely different than that of another. The unit of measure will be your audience. In the Crystal Cylinder the intervals of time showing the silks and insertions will not be as long as the initial introduction of the cylinder. The element of time while the motions are made pretending to tie them before they are
  • 14. Alan Turing Psychology Psychology Throughout The Imitation Game Ostracism is very dangerous to a person s health and can cause detrimental damage to themselves. Throughout the movie The Imitation Game Alan Turing has been ostracized all of his life from in school to even as an adult. Since he was much brighter than his peers in school and enjoyed subjects like cryptography they considered him to be different from them and did not acknowledge him except for Christopher Morcom who became his only friend and first love. As an adult at work Turing was still ostracized because since he was so used to being alone he didn t know how to properly socialize with people or how to work in a group like he was supposed to working for Bletchley trying to solve the Enigma coding... Show more content on ... Being excluded or ignored by a group of people can be harmful to a person. It can make someone feel that they are alone; that they do not have anyone to care for them or to lean on it times of need. Being ostracized can make someone believe that they do not belong or that no one cares about them, which can lead to low self esteem and depression causing one to often question taking their own life. Ostracism can cause one to go to extreme measures to gain attention such as; bullying, becoming violent, self harm, homicidal, or suicidal. Everyone strives for attention and is a basic need for living. People need to feel that they are loved and that they belong. People are often ostracized for being different and not fitting in with the crowd; however, instead of praised for being unique and different they are excluded to feel worthless. This forces people to believe that they ought to conform to society s standard in order to fit in and gain worth. People can be ostracized for their religion, sexual orientation, sexuality, personality, brains, social class, and even how they look. Like Alan Turing, many people are faced with ostracism because they are different forcing them to feel like they have no option but to commit
  • 15. Women in The 16th Century Essay The belief that women were inherently inferior in intelligence, strength, and character was so persuasive that for men like Knox, a woman ruler was almost a contradiction in terms ( Documents for Chapters 5 6 ). In the 16th century, women were looked upon as a gender that should stay in the house and work, not have power and rule over a country. Discussing the govern of Queens during the 16th century, such as Mary Tudor, Lady Jane Grey, Mary, Queen of Scots, and Elizabeth I, allowed prejudices to be lessened but never completely be erased. No matter how these four notable ladies came into power, the accomplishments they overcame, achieved and wrote about proved to be great and substantial in making history as it is written today.... Show more content on ... As a leader and decider of many people, she had to uphold a brave and confident stance to allow the followers to have faith in her ability. To her family, she was still a woman with responsibilities to be an obedient daughter. The epitome of Mary is as stated, And now, good subjects, pluck up your hearts, and like true men stand fast against these rebels, both our enemies and yours, and fear them not; for I assure you, I fear them nothing at all ( Women in Power , 668). Mary showed no fear and upheld a very manly position in this statement to keep the people strong. On the other hand, Lady Jane was not as bold to lead others during her short reign. Lady Jane Grey only held power for a few days before meeting her demise along with her husband. As a woman in power, Lady Jane had a promising outlook to being Queen, but Mary I held this opportunity back because she was to inherit the position, not Lady Jane. Although, through Lady Jane s writings, she was a very strong willed person that was firm on what she believed, but this was not all she needed to become queen. Lady Jane wrote in a prayer, O Lord, thou God and Father of my life, hear me, poor and desolate woman, which flieth unto thee only, in all troubles and miseries ( Women in Power , 673). This was a sign that she was admitting defeat in her reign of power and Neeley 3 could no longer go on. She believed in her faith and religion more than anything and
  • 16. Who Is Frederick Taylor Report Title: Describe and critique the Scientific Management approach pioneered by Frederick Taylor Content Page Executive Summary2 Who Is Frederick W. Taylor?3 Scientific Management4 Fordism5 Criticisms of Scientific Management6 Neo Taylorism7 Conclusion8 Reference List9 Executive Summary This study aims to analyze and discuss both industrial benefits and social implications of Frederick Taylor s scientific management approach. A brief biography of the Father of Efficiency will be outlined, followed by an overview of Frederick Taylor s framework for Scientific Management. Discussions within will focus on positive effects of production with the aid of scientific management and the negative social ... Show more content on ... However, an interview with employees of the company suggests that they had lost the meaning of working amidst the repetitive work flow in the assembly lines. This, among other conditions led to a series of employee suicides that took place in the vicinity of Foxconn, creating much controversy on management practices and work flow processes. Neo Taylorism Scientific management practices can still be observed in companies everywhere, from performance standards, to job descriptions and key performance indicators. Neo Taylorism, as it is more commonly known today has evolved into a more flexible framework with a balance of standardization and welfare for the employee. Scientific management practices have been creeping into service sectors in the form of automated replies and standard operation procedures. In McDonalds, job fragmentation, specialization can be observed in the workplace and aims to standardize and routinize products and work processes. Conclusion Taylorism is nothing more than a skeleton for a more sophisticated and an ever growing framework of management. Although it led to the growing of the middle class workers and has indirectly led to a comfortable life for most people, it is also the foundation of capitalism and mass consumption, a problem that is ever growing. Efficiency of workmen must be balanced with proper welfare and social interactions between management and
  • 17. Death On The Pale Horse This paper can analyze the context within which the work of art, Death on the Pale Horse was created. The discussion also will determine the medium that the creator selected still as highlight a number of the additional fascinating aspects of this Benjamin West painting. Two copies of the painting, each of that are exhibited and reproduced as authentic works by Benjamin West, square measure within the urban center deposit of Art. However, in articles written by a former director for that deposit, Fiske Kimball, the previous director queries whether or not these 2 paintings are literally copies. The articles were revealed in 1931 and 1932, and art historians currently believe that the 2 originals currently suspend elsewhere (Von Erffa,... Show more content on ... Thus, some art historians believe that he selected, instead, to comment through his design (Keyes, 3 6). There square measure many variations between the wash and also the oil on canvas works. West created vital changes, all thought of enhancements, to his pen and ink wash study. within the study, a figure kneels with extended arms within the lower left corner. But, within the oil on canvas painting, this little figure has been replaced by a person holding a spear. Also, there s a family fleeing the scene within the study, however within the painting the fleeing family was replaced by a youth United Nations agency is being smitten by lightning. There square measure varied additions within the painting. One figure currently holds Associate in Nursing empty cup. The sky currently bears figures that represent the Demons of Discord and Envy (Carey, 17), and 2 eagles that attacked a heron within the study ne er created it into the oil painting. all the same, the sketch continues to be thought of one in all West s masterpieces, and this reality was even recognized throughout his period of time (Von Erffa, 145). Like the painting, the sketch exhibits a number of West s finest imaging and clearly and convincingly depicts all of the feeling of a frightful scene. The larger oil on canvas work isn t one portrait, but rather, a
  • 18. Voltaire s Use Of Optimism In Candide In Voltaire s famous eighteenth century text, Candide, the topic of optimism is prevalent. In fact, an alternative name for the piece is L Optimisme, or The Optimist. Specifically, Voltaire examines and satirizes Leibnizian optimism, or the notion that humans inhabit the best of all possible worlds, as Gottfried Leibniz phrased it in his early Enlightenment era work, ThГ©odicГ©e. Throughout Candide, the readers are introduced to some characters who hold very optimistic outlooks out about life and their current situations, namely Candide himself and Pangloss, Candide s mentor. In the end, Voltaireridicules those who subscribe to the conception that this universe is the best possibility and claims that a balance between optimistic and pessimistic views provides a more accurate perspective.... Show more content on ... She describes that she and her mother were strip searched and raped by pirates, she witnessed the deaths of her family and friends in Morocco, she was sold to a governor as a concubine, caught the plague, had one of her buttock s eaten by guards, and then was ultimately mistreated by a Russian nobleman until she escaped to become a servant. Despite all this, the old lady continues to hold a positive attitude. In addition, Voltaire describes an actual historical event, the Lisbon earthquake of 1755, through the eyes of Candide. The earthquake, which, ironically enough, occurred on All Saints Day, one of the holiest days in the Christian calendar, resulted in the deaths of over 100,000 people who were mostly attending church services throughout the day. While not described in Candide, the devastating earthquake triggered a subsequent tsunami which furthered the loss of life and destruction throughout Lisbon and the Portuguese coast. In response to the disaster, Pangloss tells a group of victims, For all this is for the best, since if there is a volcano at Lisbon, it cannot be somewhere else, since it is unthinkable that things should not be
  • 19. Catherine Casey Biography Jacqueline Casey was born in 1927 in Quincy, Massachusetts where she attended the Massachusetts College of Art (MassArt). In 1949 she graduated from MassArt with a Bachelor s Degree in Fine Arts and was selected by alumna of MassArt, Muriel Cooper, to work at the Office of Publications for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In 1972 she became the Design Director for the Office of Publications at MIT. While serving as Design Director, she became known for creating posters for MIT s campus events. In her designs, she used noticeable images, bold text, and small passages of text that contained information about the event. This design technique was influenced by the International Typographic Style recently developed in Switzerland, particularly designers such as Karl Gerstner, Armin Hofmann and Josef... Show more content on ... Casey s work is displayed in the Library of Congress, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Cooper Hewitt Museum. Casey has received awards for her work including: The William J. Gunn Award in 1988 from the Creative Club of Boston, and an Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts in 1990 from the Massachusetts College of Art. Casey died in 1992 leaving a collection of 99 posters in the hands of the Rochester Institute of Technology....donated posthumously at the her request (History of Graphic Design). The art movement I believe Jacqueline Casey s designs most closely represent is Constructivism. Constructivism art is very bold and loud. Casey s work was not loud but she did use bold text and large images in her designs. Constructivism art also uses text in its compositions to provide information; though much larger and more transformed than Casey s they both mainly used the same elements in their designs; images, bold text, and informational text. Overall Casey s designs were noticed because they were contemporary and simple but also because even though they didn t have much to them, she got her point
  • 20. Chanel s Influence On American Culture If an individual were to walk the streets of Paris, they would find an abundance of cultural beauties just waiting to be explored. As this wayfarer walks, they absorb the Gothic architecture, with arches and some stain glass window. A prominent travel destination, Paris services all vacation needs. Included in this list are modern hotels, classic dining, and an immense amount of shopping. Exploration can take the place of many scheduled activities on a trip. Parisian culture revolves around historic architecture, modern fashion, and the Catacombs. One of the most interesting and symbolic structures in Paris is the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower was finished by Alexandre Gustave Eiffelin March of 1889 (Green 64 65). Alexander started the modern, ... Show more content on ... Vuitton was born on August 4, 1821, to a farmer and a milliner (Louis Vuitton N.P.). Vuitton was never considered special in his childhood, however he became someone that the whole world knew. When he was ten, his mother died and his father remarried a horrid woman who forced Louis to run away to Paris (Louis Vuitton N.P.). Vuitton s childhood was such a Cinderella story; he was always treated badly and was neglected. He ran away at age 13 in 1835, and traveled 292 miles, stopping for odd jobs along the way, and he arrived in the spring of 1837, when he was 16 (Louis Vuitton N.P.). He was smart enough to earn money along the way so that he was presentable and well fed when he reached Paris. Vuitton was innovative and imaginative on his way to becoming world
  • 21. Unreliable Narrator In Annabel Lee By Edgar Allen Poe Unreliable Narrators Out of all writers, one stands out above the rest. Edgar Allen Poe is considered America s literary genius with his Gothic romantic poems and stories. Poe writes twisted, mysterious stories that shock the reader. He is considered to be a pioneer of many genres of literature. He is the father of gothic fiction to science fiction, with his creative plots and shifts in his stories. In most of Poe s stories and poems he uses unreliable or untrustworthy narrators to tell his stories. This was very different from the stories of this time, as Poe gave readers a break from romance stories that always had a happy ending. His use of unreliable narrators is what draws readers into his unique genre. One way Poe uses unreliable... Show more content on ... In the story his narrator is untrustworthy because he is old. After the narrator committed the crime, he confesses to it 50 years later. As the narrator states, For the half century no mortal has disturbed than (66). The problem with this is he may be saying misleading details since it happened so many year earlier. The narrator probably can not remember exactly what happened so he can not be trusted. This is another way Poe used unreliable narrators. All and all Poe s use of unreliable narrators adds a brilliant twist to his will though out stories and poems. Poe s stories will always be intriguing and will continue to entertain readers for generations to come. Poe s use of unreliable narrators is what sets him apart from other writers and people in the future will continue to appreciate his amazing work through the perspective of his untrustworthy
  • 22. Seeing Through The Wall Analysis Xiaoxiao Bao Prof. Trever Art History of Latin America September 18, 2016 Seeing Through the Wall The de Young museum visit was definitely a retreat which allowed me to escape from daily coursework for several hours; most importantly, it is a decent place to explore Latin American artworks, especially the Teotihuacan mural fragments, that we discussed in lectures. Both the elaborate setting and authentic displays in the gallery have contributed to create a satisfactory space for viewers to think and to observe the Teotihuacan cultural context. Crossing a mid sized gallery that exhibits native American artworks, a dark hollow rectangle entrance appears indistinct by the end of the wall. Wagner s collection of Teotihuacan mural fragments ... Show more content on ... Larger interactive wall projection will be another good idea to engage the audience. If the super nature figures depicted in mural paintings can be interpreted into animation, where they can shake their hands and move their bodies, cooperating with a sound system may bring them into life. Converging modern technique into displaying Teotihuacan murals may enhance the efficiency of visual communication as the time has changed. While establishing some suitable interactive programs can help people understanding the artworks easier, the gallery has established a pleasant space to showcase the Teotihuacan mural fragments overall through considerate settings and authentic
  • 23. The Life Of Ancient Egyptian Religion The concept of the eternal life in traditional Egypt is associated with the sun that always rose up to give renewal and vigor on a daily basis. Ancient Egyptians considered the afterlife as an ideal dimension in its peace, delight, and bliss. There were no hardships, rivalry or any negative emotions in the spiritual realm. The dimension was referred to commonly as the Field of Offerings or the Field of Rushes. The heavenly place was complete with its own version of the river Nile and was composed of two fields. The Egyptians society saw it possible to attain the peace given in the afterlife if they led an earthly religious life. The next life was eternal in nature. Ancient Egyptians employed two religious criteria to structure their belief in the afterlife. The beliefs were centered on godly myths and the spiritual connection between the body and the soul. One of the major elements in traditional Egyptian religion was their worship and belief in a variety of gods and goddesses. Each of the deities had their particular power, relevance and function in the ancient religion. The spirit world was associated with the god Ra, who was the deity with the duty of ruling the dimension. According to McKay, Ra was responsible for choosing individuals who were eligible for traveling in his boat across the spirit river Nile into the land of the two fields . According to the religion, only Pharaohs had automatic passage to Ra s boat ride into the land of the two fields. God Osiris, one
  • 24. Change in Population of the Bahamas 1775-1789 Between 1775 and 1789 the population of the Bahamas increased substantially. During this period the Treaty of Versailles returned the Bahamas territory to British rule and Florida to Spanish rule. These events created an exodus of loyalists, seeking sanctuary in the Bahamas as they evacuated Florida. Thus the majority of immigrants to the Bahamascame from Florida, however this reduced in March 1785. New York also provided Bahamas with 1000 refuges. Which is reflected in the instance where, Sir Guy Carleton (Commander in chief of British forces in America) was notified that four hundred New York refugees wanted to settle on Abaco. Another reason for immigrationwas Advertisements published in gazettes repeatedly to lure migrants to the Bahamas As of June 1788 the population of the Bahamas had reached 9300. It has been predicted that 5000 7000 loyalists and slave refugees came to the Bahamas during this time. From 1784 to early 1785 refugees arrived to the Bahamas in an overwhelming scale. As of June 1788 the population of the Bahamas had reached 9300. Within this population increase Negros made up nearly two thirds of the population, representing a majority on the Bahamas. This is illustrated in population of 11,300 in 1798 where Negros accounted for 8,000 of that statistic. Along with the immigration of loyalists migrating to Barbados there was a significant amount of Negro immigrants, many of who were free . In once instance, out of eight eight blacks immigrating
  • 25. Essay on Othello as a Black Man in a White Society Othello as a Black Man in a White Society Shakespeare s play,Othello, explores themes of love and passion, otherness , jealousy, revenge and order vs. Chaos, which all revolve mainly around the protagonist, Othello. Surrounded by Venetians within a white society, Othello begins to realise his otherness thus his insecurities as an outside and a Moor increase. The deceptive Iago uses these dangerous blemishes in Othello s personality to manipulate the moral Othello, using his one fatal flaw, jealousy. During the 16th Century, the Elizabethan audiences attentiveness and familiarity of the thin line between order and chaos would have added to the tragic story of Othello. This was due to the ... Show more content on ... What he meant by this is that Othello is a foreigner to all, because of his blackness he can never fit in. However, this is ironic as the people of Venice accepted Othello as a righteous and valiant general in the army, due to his brave act of protecting the Venetians from the evil grasp of the Turkish people. Interestingly enough, these Venetians don t compare Othello to the supposedly iniquitous Turks because he had defeated them, so they placed him higher up in the hierarchy of racial and social class. Iago expresses his own opinion that Othello is an erring barbarian which is very ironic as Othello has the status of a shielding warrior, a generous being that is a strong part of the army. Roderigo calls him the lascivious Moor and tends to see Othello s black colour as a sign of dirtiness and obscenity. The characters in Othello may possible have felt that Othello was a threat due to his otherness in his appearance, such as his thick lips . Othello s character is overtly and crudely sexualised, which is also a disadvantage to Othello as other characters begin to believe that he is aggressive and sadistic. Black people, during the time of Shakespeare, were mysterious to the white society. Venetians were not used to seeing and living with people of other races and feared them because they were not familiar with
  • 26. Internet Addiction Essay examples Research Paper Theme: Social Impact of the Internet 8 October 1997 ABSTRACT The Internet is the largest source of information in the world today. With its web sites and chat rooms, it is a means of communicating with people in places all over the face of the earth. Since its conception in 1973, the Internet has grown at a whirlwind rate. 51 million adults, were on line as of the second quarter 1997 in the United States alone. Some say that the Internet is so enjoyable that it is almost addictive. The problem is that researchers are beginning to agree with them. Studies are revealing that there may be an actual form of addictioninvolved with over use of the Internet. Identifying which category of addiction the Internet falls into is the... Show more content on ... They argue that the chemicals in marijuana activate the same stimuli as the Internet.5 Most researchers to this date do, however, agree that this is some type of behavioral addiction. People can become addicted to activities even when there is no physiological dependence or physiological addiction. Overeating, sex, work, exercise and gambling can be addictive if done to excess.6 Behavioral addiction means (2) that the activity alters your emotional state in some way. The main way to determine if an activity is addictive is if it is having a negative impact on some other important area of your life. The questions to be answered now are, if there is such a thing as Internet addiction, what are the effects of this addiction and why are people falling into this trap? According to Dr. Maressa Orzack of the Computer Addiction Services at Harvard University s McClean Hospital in Boston, The single greatest factor in becoming an addict is boredom. They re lonely, and the Internet, with its chat rooms and endless information, fills a need. 7 The chat rooms, whether they are used for sexual and romantic encounters or just to talk to other people around the world, seem to be the number one temptation. Others include fantasy games and the ability to create false identities of oneself. Although this ability to create a false identity is not one of the main lures, it does play a major role when looking at the
  • 27. My Statement Of Purpose For Computer Science Education is a companion which no future can depress, no crime can destroy, no enemy can alienate it and no nepotism can enslave. It is this maxim that urged me to adhere to my interests and think higher right from my young age. Being innovative and combining it with the knowledge gained from education has helped me face challenges in life. That is the sole reason why I intend to pursue my Masters at this juncture of my life. Education has always been the topmost priority in my life. I finished my schooling under Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board and passed out with an excellent result of 89.60%. As I was fascinated with mathematics and science concepts I decided to take up science stream at the pre university level. I passed out with a result of... Show more content on ... With the advanced facilities, qualified faculty, I am confident that I will be exposed to the best concepts and industry insights. This will help broaden my perspective and induce a sense of inquiry in me. Coupled with genuine interest and an insatiable desire for computer software development and programming, I am willing to dedicate myself towards the graduate program. My in depth research on the US universities led me to (univ___name)__________ .Through various forums, brochures , and the department website I have a definitive understanding about the courses offered like _______________, _______________ and _________________ and undergoing research which matches my area of interest. I have been especially impressed by the research being carried out by renowned faculty members Dr. _____________ in _________ and Dr. ______________in _____________. All of the above reasons have encouraged me to submit my application to your university and get all the guidance and infrastructure to pursue my graduate studies and gain incisive
  • 28. The Second Sex By Simone De Beauvoir Summary The Second Sex was written by Simone de Beauvoir in 1949. Her introduction Woman as Other opens with her discussing how she is not fond of writing about the subject of women but she is choosing to because she is defined as a woman and is tired of hearing about the subject. She later in the essay talks about how she disagrees with different pieces written about women, which is another reason she could have decided to write about this subject. At her time of writing this, prominent female figures were scarce, famous writers were mostly men, and some women even wrote under the guise of a man so their work would be accepted. Though this piece was translated from French, the English reader is able to tell that Beauvoir is a very intelligent and well spoken person; so who better to write a piece about women than her? Simone de Beauvoirs main argument in this paper is that man and society have defined women as Other since humans gained a conscience, and this definition has oppressed and continues to oppress women. She backs this up by offering historical background from various texts, and although her thoughts may seem disorganized, she presents this argument with comparisons to other oppressed peoples as well as examples of how women are treated today. Womanare described in biology as having female genitalia such as a vagina and a uterus. Beauvoir states this in her essay and then says [b]ut in speaking of certain women, connoisseurs declare that they are not
  • 29. Why Self-Directed Learning Is Important For Undergraduate... Using evidence from the literature; critically discuss why self directed learning is important for undergraduate students Self directed learning (SDL) is defined as any form of studying whereby individuals take the primary responsibility and initiative to plan, implement and evaluate their own work. However, SDL does not necessarily mean that all learning takes place in isolation from others; it can consist of participation in study groups, internships, and self guided reading. This essay will give an overview of why self directed learning is important, in particular for the success of undergraduate students by helping them become more independent learners. SDL has existed from classical antiquity (400 BC) and has therefore been an important aspect of the lives of Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. However, it was not until around 150 years ago that scholarly efforts took place in order to understand SDL. One of the first documented efforts concerning SDL was by Craik (1840) who celebrated self educationefforts of several people. In addition, the book Self Help was published by Smiles (1859) applauding the value of personal development. Nevertheless, it did not become a major research area until the last three decades. Observations by Houle (1961) (University of Chicago, Illinois) introduced the concept of SDL; whereby he interviewed 22 adult learners and categorised them into three groups based upon the reasoning for participation in learning
  • 30. Difference Between Civil Liberties And Civil Rights Gautam 6 Kriti Gautam Professor Sherry Sharifian Federal Government 2305 71433 7 October 2017 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Fundamentals to the US Constitution Civil liberties are The fundamental individual rights of a free society, such as freedom of speech and the right to a jury trial, which in the United States are protected by the Bill of Rights (Patterson 126). 1 Civil rights are rights for freedom and equality. The main difference between civil liberties and civil rights is that civil rights pertain to how people treat others, and civil liberties pertain to the actual freedom that individuals enjoy. They are similar in that they both promote the protection of freedom in the constitution. Civil rights have had more influence on my life, because, as a minority, life would have been so different without civil rights. Also, if not everyone can enjoy civil liberties through civil rights, then there might as well be no Bill of Rights to protect the fundamental human rights. The courts weigh in any time there is a dispute regarding civil rights or liberties; for example, the civil liberties court case, Byrd v. United States, deals with the Third Amendment, which is in the Bill of Rights. 2 This court case raises the question about whether a driver should expect privacy in a rental car that he/she has permission to drive, but is not an authorized driver on the rental agreement ( Byrd v. United States 1). The court ruled that a person who has permission to drive a rental
  • 31. `` Piano `` By D. H. Lawrence And Traveling Through The Dark D. H. Lawrence, and English writer, and William Stafford, an American writer lived and wrote at different times but their subject matter is often similar. Piano written by D. H. Lawrence and Traveling through the Dark by William Stafford demonstrate remarkable similarity, each written about experiences that describe emotions, however in very different ways. Although Lawrence and Stafford are both respected poets, their writing styles, and expectations for readers differ significantly. While Lawrence maintains a feeling of nostalgia and remembrances to keep the readers attention, Stafford s structure includes a bit of darkness and suspense for his readers. These astute writers are similar in many ways, but they have one significant difference . The authors messages and delivery set them apart. Lawrence and Stafford were kind of rebels in the literary field. One of Lawrence s most famous novels, Lady Chatterly s Lover defied censorship and was banned from America until the late 1950 s. Piano does not fit into the same mold, it is a sentimental and loving poem. Critics often refer to Stafford as a pacifist and a conscientious objector during the war. Traveling through the Dark follows the general style used in his poetry. He often delivers messages that are direct and bold. Both poets were teachers at one point in their lives. Each one wrote using deceptively simple language and ideas. Upon looking at these two poems, the reader automatically sees
  • 32. Intent to Live Name Instructor Course Date The intent to live, Achieving your true potential as an actor , By Larry Moss The book is referred to as intent to live because most of the great actors who perform the acting seem not to be acting but living. This is depicted on how they portray their act; very real from the eyes of the audience. Larry moss has described these instances in this book on how the actors can achieve this level of acting by sharing out the techniques he has developed for over thirty years. As per Larry Moss description, the techniques highlighted can help actors in setting their imagination, emotions and behaviors on fire. These shows how hard work of preparation is helpful in performances that will yield good fruits. This ... Show more content on ... As an actor, it is therefore very useful to differentiate between different kinds of stress that can interfere with your performance. Tension is a normal thing to all human beings but we should develop a way of overcoming it. As per Larry Moss, physical tension in our body often begins in childhood. When we try to hold back our joy, anger, tears and humor, we interfere with our different body muscles that tend to stop our natural body impulse. Emotions also have an impact on the actor s performance in a way that; when actors are emotionally stressed they may tend to swallow these emotions which may affect their throat or other body parts. This context portrays how emotional feelings can lead to physical consequences that will affect the actors performance. Some of the physical consequences that are brought by emotions can be headache, stomach and some which cannot be ignored. As an actor, you should also be aware of your physical image you are representing to the audience since your physical embodiment plays a big role on stage. The audiences are always carried by the actors facial expression and physical energy they portray on stage. Therefore as an actor, you have to consider these factors while on stage. As per this context, an actor should keep breathing while on stage so that to release the tension. Voice, accents and blood memory is also another element that is discussed by
  • 33. Red Wolf Research Paper The red wolves are an endangered species. Right now they are only 45 60 left the wild. If people don t do something soon they might become completely extinct. Red wolves are very similar to the coyotes. As their name name suggests the have red coat but also a little brown mixed into it. They are the smaller and leaner version of their cousin, the grey wolf. They are native to the southeast region of North America. Red wolves are mostly found in forest and swamps but can survive mostly anywhere in the southeast. They are a carnivorous species and their diet ranges from small rodents to white tailed deer. If they can not find anything else they have been to eat berries and insects to survive. Red wolves breed once a year during January through February. They... Show more content on ... They can also breed with coyotes because their DNA is so similar. Both of the parents care for their young after they are born. The pups leave the den by the time they are 6 weeks old, they reach full size by the time they are one and can reproduce by the time they are two. Red wolves have many different adaptations. During the summer they lose their coats and during the winter they grow them back. By doing this so they can keep cool during the summer and be warm in the winter. They have sharp teeth that help them catch and eat their prey. Another adaptation of the red wolves is that they can survive having heartworms. To help them thrive in their habitats they stay in packed. This aids them in hunting, defensing, and surviving. Red wolves in the wild face many challenges such as over hunting and loss of habitat. During the 1960 many hunter thought red wolves were dangerous and over hunted them. The wolves habitat have also been destroyed leaving very few left in the wild today. After being declared endangered in the 1970s, recovery programs have been created to help save the red wolves. Today, the red wolf
  • 34. Sociological Issues On Social Issues When thinking about sociological issues taking place in our society today, issues concerning our environment commonly are not ones we put on the top of the list, however they should be. It is not that any of the other social issues do not matter, but without a world to live on, or an environment to live off of those other issues would not even be taking place. Our environmenthas been something that we neglect and carelessly use for our own personal economic growth because it is what has been done for many years. We are destroying our world s land and using up its natural resources and are even wasting them without concern about what consequences are resulting from doing so. There are ways that we could fix and eliminate problems that we have caused to our environment, but in order to do so we will have come together and put in the effort to make the change and become more environmentally conscious in the aspects of our everyday lifestyles. Much of our world s land is destroyed to provide for our growing population through the occurrence of deforestation which causes loss of biodiversity and soil depletion. There are natural causes of deforestation such as wildfires, but most of it occurs through urban development and most notably agricultural development. We destroy acres of forests in order to have more land for cattle and other farm animals to graze upon, but also to have land to produce grain that won t be fed to us, but to the animals. It is also seen that a majority of
  • 35. Unreliable Narrator In The Tell Tale Heart John Green once said, It s quite rare to find someone who sees the same world you see, a fitting quote to define the works of American author, Edgar Allen Poe, known for his short stories written in the 1800 s. Famous works include The Black Cat , The Tell Tale Heart , and Berenice before his untimely death in 1849. Often ridiculed for his absurd stories, Poe was fueled by his many losses in his childhood, including his mother and wife, and alcoholism. Many of his stories are that of the horror genre and often uses an unreliable character. Just as some of his most famous characters, Poe was seen as a mentally unstable man who was burdened by the hardships of his life. Through unreliable narratives, Poe emphasizes fear in the thin line... Show more content on ... Berenice follows Egaeus who is a man about to marry his cousin, Berenice. Egaeus often finds himself lost in thought and succumbed to a trance like state where he looks over many qualities of Berenice. As she is deteriorating from a disease which is unknown to the reader, we see her teeth as the only part of her to remain intact. Egaeus, in a fit of unconsciousness, pulls her teeth from her mouth and finds them in a box next to him when he comes to reality again. Although there is no time shown where he committed the horrendous act, the narrator awakes from his haze by the sounds of a woman s shriek. The teeth were hers, and the narrator was petrified by his actions he had no memory of doing. Poe uses the narrators gaps in memory to emphasize the lack of control he has, and in doing so, proves further that he is an unreliable narrator. Teeth has the symbolic meaning of health and beauty; the narrator saw the love of his life slowly begin to die and decided to keep what he most admired as a symbol of his love, something that would never die. Evil is a consequence of good and the loved shared between Egaeus and Berenice was the literary example of love which was doomed from the
  • 36. Comparison of Theories of Attachment This essay will firstly explain the different stage that is associated with development of young people socially in the early years of their life, with examples of Schaffer and Emerson s theory of stages of attachment. Next the essay will evaluate the theories of attachment between a child and their parents/guardians, evaluating Bowlby s theory of attachment, and using examples from Freud s cupboard love theories and behavioural and psychoanalytic perspectives in comparison to Bowlby. Next it will look at any contributing factors that make a difference to individuals during attachment and looking at way fear and anxiety play a part during separation for children from their primary carer. After which the essay will respond to Bowlby s... Show more content on ... father, grandparents etc. With the strongest attachment still with the mother, the fear of stranger s response weakens. A Criticism of cupboard love theory , were Harlow s study involving rhesus monkeys (1959). He separated new born monkeys from their mothers and raised them in a cage each containing a blanket, he noticed the monkeys became attached to the blanket but were concerned when the blanket was removed. But to determine whether it was food or close comfort was more important, Harlow placed a monkey with two different mothers , one being a mother made of wire but with a bottle attached and the other being a mother made of a soft blanket but with no bottle attached. Harlow found that the monkey spent most time with the clothed mother, and concluded that monkeys have an unlearned need for contact comfort which is as essential as the need for food. He also found that the clothed mother served as a secure environment for the monkey. When Harlow placed a fear stimuli in the cage the monkey would explore it before retreating back to clothed mother for security, however when the clothed mother was removed the monkey would cower in fear and freeze. Ainsworth (1967) conducted a Ganda project , which looked into the individual differences in children s attachment to their mothers/primary carer. She used babies ranging from ages between 15 weeks 2 years old; they were studied every 2 weeks for 2 hours a time over a nine months. Ainsworth
  • 37. Kevin Plank Under Armour Essay Under Armour 1. Under Armour was founded in 1995 by Kevin Plank. Kevin played football at the University of Maryland and noticed how often he and he s teammates had to change their undershirts because of all of the sweat they absorbed. The sweat the shirts absorbed made the shirts much heavier and more uncomfortable. He then noticed that the compressions shorts he was wearing were not nearing as heavy and didn t absorb the sweat the shirt did. This one simple observation kick started his experimentation to develop a t shirt for athletes. He experimented with different fabrics in his grandmothers basements until he thought he created the perfect shirt. He sent the shirts to friends that played in the NFL. After receiving feedback, he perfected the design and made his first deal with Georgia Tech, from there the company took off.... Show more content on ... Kevin Plank is currently the CEO and Chairman of Under Armour. He also owns over 28,000,000 shares of the company s stock. 4. Kevin Plank places a huge emphasis on his companies culture. He compares running a company to being on a team, and has installed that into his company. Plank has installed a very open culture that emphasizes the importance of everyone in the company. He is constantly asking for the opinions managers and supervisor about how to improve and evolve the company for their point of view. He places a big emphasis on making his employees happy and turning them into life long Under Armour employees. 5. I am currently an Accounting Intern at Elmcroft and their organizations culture is very supportive. The company has a very team orientated approach. Communication and respect for one another are expected. Elmcroft is successful in implying this approaching because they place a big focus on hiring the right people, they focus on the person as much as they focus on the professional. Overall, I believe is positive, in the time I ve been there everything runs well and the relationships in the office are great among
  • 38. Factors That Influence Rainfall in the United States Factors that Influence Rainfall in the United States A type of precipitation is rainfall and it develops when water vapor condenses into droplets in the atmosphere thus becoming too heavy to stay suspended in the air so gravity causes them to fall. The pattern or occurrence of rainfall in the United States or basically anywhere in the world depends on several factors such as ground elevation, wind directions, location within a continental mass, areas of low pressure, cool fronts, jet streams and even mountain ranges. For instance mountains have an influence on wind and wind is an important feature in rainfall, The windward sides of mountainous islands in the trade wind regime are among the rainiest places on earth, where rains exceed ... Show more content on ... When the pressure is high it means that the air s pressure is higher than the pressure of the surrounding air in the area. A low is where it is lower. This means that where the air is slowly descending the pressure is high and vice versa. So, as air descends, it warms, which inhibits the formation of clouds. This means that the air that descends in high pressure area has to get to high altitudes in some way which is why air actually rises in low pressure areas. Winds tend to blow into low pressure areas because are moves from higher pressure areas into lower pressure areas. When the wind moves into a low area the air moves up and eventually cools and rainfall comes about. Also the low pressure that causes the air to rise has to do with the Criolis Effect, which is the force caused by the Earth s spin that redirects moving air to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. According to meteorologist Tony Pann, who works with Coriolis Effect stated, With the Coriolis effect, air circulates in patterns that depend on latitude. At the mid latitudes of the USA, most weather systems move from west to east. However, systems tend to move from east to west near the poles and in the tropic (Pann). The upslope flow is also related low pressure areas which is basically the result of air rising and cooling while being forced to ascend to higher terrain.
  • 39. Rhetorical Analysis Of Winston Churchill s We Shall Never... European land was annihilated and the European countries were all in dispute. Men from all around stepped up and fought for their country, risking and generally losing their lives to save their loved ones. This fatal war was known as World War 2, the deadliest war in history. The war took a devastating toll on many people worldwide, while they watched a majority of their loved ones pass; many felt defeated, until one man stepped up, Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill pronounced his We Shall Never Surrender speech on June 4, 1940 at the House of Commons, in the United Kingdom. He delivered his speech in the aftermath of a successful evacuation of the British forces at Dunkirk, following the German Army attack. Churchill s uplifting words gave the nation hope and a sense of pride, which had been lost during the brutal war. Through imagery and repetition, Winston Churchill delivered his theme in his speech, We Shall Never Surrender , that no matter the hardships and defeats that a nation might experience, to not lose hope and to unite together in order to gain strength. Winston Churchill incorporates imagery... Show more content on ... Churchill begins We Shall Never Surrender by providing vivid descriptions of the life and environment of war to describe the hardships, then follows up with showing that the strength that the troops had together helped them overcome specific events. He continues to use repetition to emphasize the importance of staying together and not losing hope in order to provide small victories, one at a time. Churchill s courage to speak up during such a disturbing time helped assist the nations morality by providing hope and encouragement in the bloodshed time of war. When a nation felt defeated Winston Churchill used his powerful voice in We Shall Never Surrender to lift the nation s spirits
  • 40. Central Educational Effect Of Primary Education Learning to read is the central educational effect of primary education. Reading is an intricate progression that takes shape beginning with oral language capacity, and incorporates both explicit proficiency development (phonemic as well as decoding strategies) and the use of comprehension strategies. The exact means in which these processes blend needs to be understood if educators are to identify their students needs and teach most effectively. Over the past forty years, many large scale evaluations of inquiries into the effective teaching of readinghave occurred worldwide in an effort to provide definitive and evidence based guidelines for education systems (Adams, 1990). This paper will bring together a framework containing the six major components of reading. While it is rather risky to diminish a multifaceted behavior such as reading into a small quantity of components, for the purposes of clarity and understanding, the framework is offered here as one way of manufacturing the major results of a vast number of empirical studies into the components of an effective reading program. Each of the following six components will be expanded and should provide key messages and strategies for classroom application. Oral Language The first component of Reading that we will examine will be Oral Language. Oral language provides the basis for learning to read, and is related to the students overall reading achievement during primary and secondary education. From birth, a child
  • 41. Executive Profile Of Executive Dashboard Executive dashboard is a powerful, customizable, efficient useful, web based Executive information system that provides a consolidated insight of a firm or organization s actions and performances. Executive dashboard as a management tool, setting expectation for the organization behaviors at each level, with clear board information expression and easily understandable report of the status of organization. Measure and understand organization s key performance indicators and metrics, data of that. Executives want few things more than a dashboard, and they hate few things more than a dashboard. This paradox exists primarily because dashboards tend to become catchalls full of pies, graphs, and tiny text. Analysts have tried everything to make dashboards better. We have hired expensive consultants. We have purchased expensive software. We have replaced numbers with fancy visualizations (thermometers, anyone?). We have even tried to stuff as many tabs and metrics as we can into an excel spreadsheet. But still the dashboards we send are put on auto delete. The reasons that dashboard helps to make decision: Dashboards leave the interpretation to the executive. This is a fatal flaw because most dashboards are highly aggregated views of a KPI; they miss the nuance and analysis that only the analysis ninja can give, yet it s rarely shared. Most executives want insights and actionable recommendations, but they don t trust their analysis ninjas. Instead,
  • 42. Driving Forces Behind The Progressive Movement I believe the driving forces behind the progressive movement were women of the era. Women such as Jane Addams, Margaret Sanger, and Alice Stone Blackwell devoted their lives to reforming the world and creating change in the political sphere. The beginnings of the progressive movement in the United States had its start in the early 1800 s, but didn t really start gaining ground until the late 19th century when a new middle class tired of the excesses of the Gilded Age. This era brought about fortunes and extreme poverty, labor clashes between working class and companies, large scale immigration, and other events that made the middle class nervous. Herbert Croly wrote the millionaire and the trust have appropriated too many of the economic opportunities formerly enjoyed by the people. (The Promise of American Life) The progressives had many goals: votes for women, labor improvement laws, prohibition, and many others. Women stood at the forefront of change in the earliest parts of the 20th century, pushing back against societal restraints and expectations of family and marriage. The reform movement was ideal for these... Show more content on ... She was excited to be in the states, hopeful for a better future, saying we, too, Helena and I, would find a place in the generous heart of America. (Emma Goldman, remembering her arrival) She found work in the factories, and quickly became a part of the movement to change the inequality and inhumane working conditions. Inspired by the group who bombed Chicago s Haymarket square in 1886, she became a part of the anarchists society. Implicated in the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901, she withdrew from the public eye due to harassment. She emerged later and wrote on subjects such as free speech and birth control. Emma also mentored Margaret Sanger, as Emma believed that birth control was a key to women s
  • 43. Strength Of Symbolic Frame At Delta Airlines industry. An industry with a fast pace environment can easily deplete its resources and it has to be ready to cushion any potential blow that can hit it when resources are low. Lastly on the organizational frames is the symbolic frame. Symbolic frame represents the image of the organization to the outside world. The core value of an organization is communicated clearly through its symbol. This value is the culture which are related to the vision, history, rituals, ceremonies that is attached to an organization. Many organization has symbols that depicts the nature of the service they provide and some symbols are inspired by situations or tales that led to the founding of the organization. The strengths of Symbolic frame at Delta Airlines date back to the early years of the organization. In the words of an aviation pioneer, CE Woolman, one of the four founders of Delta, he said we believe that an airline has a responsibility to the public over and above the price of ticket. This is a symbolic fundamentals that has reflects the foundation of the organization. CE Woolman believed people should treat their customers the way they want to be treated. It has reflected the slogan of the Delta Airline A service and hospitality from the heart through team work. This are major strengths that has driven the company dating back to the early years of the organization. A weakness to the symbolic frame is the ever changing airline industry of the twenty first century that alter the
  • 44. Different Types Of Conflict In Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, / Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. / From forth the fatal loins of these two foes / A pair of star crossed lovers take their life; ( Prologue). Those are the words involved in a play called Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare. That quote explains how two families can cause a tremendous problem for not being allies. Shakespeare believes that different types of conflict can create more conflict. The very first common type of conflict is fighting with enemies. In Act 3 Scene 1 Mercutio starts fighting Tybalt. Romeo is trying to break up the fight and when he gets between them, Tybalt quickly stabs Mercutio and Mercutio slowly dies. Romeo with angrily starts a quarrel with Tybalt, ... Show more content on ... In Romeo and Juliet,both families have a beastly family history. At the end of Act 5 we know that Romeo and Juliet both die for love. They killed themselves because of their family s conflict not wanting to get along. With their families being enemies it was hard for them to be together, but when Romeo and Juliet both past away it affected their families. At the end, both families decide that they should stop their feud because their feud cost them their own kid. A movie of today that represents that example is Our Family Wedding. Our Family Wedding is a movie where a couple is in love with each other and want to get married, but the two families don t like each other and argue all the time. With so much disagreement between the families the couple decide to break away, which makes the families both upset that they gave up their marriage over them arguing. They decide to get along and the couple gets back together and have their dream wedding. Things that are similar in the examples are that the families break up the lovers apart because of their feud. Romeo and Juliet die because of their family feuds and the couple breaks up because of their families arguing all the time. Some difference is that the end of the play it was too late for Montague and Capulet to make things right and letting Romeo and Juliet be with each other. Another difference is the movie is about a wedding and the lovers getting stress