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Borderlands And Identity Essay
Kinjal Patel Professor Gearhart American Literature February 12, 2017 Reflection paper 2 The
materials that impacted me the most were race and borderlands and identity. Like I had mentioned in
my discussion blog, being different from others had a tremendous affect on me as a child. Being a
different race wasn t much of a deal when we were kids, but as we started to grow up and gaining
knowledge, everything changed. My classmate started to realize that I m different from them and
started to treat me differently based on that. At the time we were all facing a challenge when it came to
being a different race because of certain events like 9/11. When something goes wrong, it s always so
easy to blame those who are different. For example, today s
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Presidency as an Institution
The Presidency as an institution
Both the administration of Carter and Reagan were shaped by the Cold War in the aftermath of
Watergate. Watergate created cynicism of the government, which in turn made governing difficult both
intentionally as well as improvisational because the institution of the President was seen as acting in
the best interest of itself. President Jimmy Carter and President Ronald Reagan both had their
difficulties as President. Carter had terrible problems with economics as our country underwent high
unemployment as well as many other economic problems. Reagan was one of the unfortunate
Presidents that had to deal with assassination attempts. Both Presidents had great accomplishments
both foreign and domestic. Carter ... Show more content on ...
Reagan was good at the institutional end of the Presidency because of his belief in limited government
and his ability to communicate. He was President when America was under economic hardship.
Reagan s Presidential plans were to cut taxes to try and help the lagging economy, as well fight
communism. His plans however, were overshadowed by the fact that an attempt to take his life had
put his health at risk. Reagan got approval from congress for his tax plan to restructure America and
help regain some sort of economic base. Reagan had a very acute leadership and historical impact
during his Presidency.
Page 4
He had strong general convictions, he set his administrations overall priorities early on. He obviously
placed his defensive buildup and his economic programs a head of everything else. He was very
tactically flexible; he often showed no regret when he had to adjust to political opposition or to
changed circumstances. He was also a great negotiator, setting his demands higher than the minimum,
and accepting what he could get, making his decisions easily and promptly. His intentions were to
increase military spending, knowing that the Soviet Union was slowly falling apart, especially on the
eastern front. He took the Cold War into space, by setting up a system that he thought
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The University Of North Florida
According to the Gallup Purdue Index Report, only 39% of the over 30,000 college graduates
surveyed had experienced elements of well being as well as felt engaged in their work (Great Lives 7).
Interestingly, the study also found there was no difference if they attended a public, private, non
selective, or a highly selective institution (7). Therefore, graduates of the University of North Florida (
UNF ) are doing the same in job engagement and well being as graduates from all other colleges.
Thus, less than half the graduates from UNF enjoy overall good lives; UNF must do better. UNF must
revise its education policy with the goal of having all of its graduates enjoy good jobs and good lives.
Amazingly, based upon my research this is not a Herculean task; the Gallup Purdue Index Report
found that if a graduate had a professor who captivated and mentored the graduate, then that graduate
had more than a 200% likelihood of having job engagement (7). Additionally, graduates were also
shown to have more than a 200% likelihood of being engaged in their job if they had experiential and
deep learning, which was having an internship, a job related to their major, a long term project, or
extracurricular activities while attending college (10 11). Therefore, the jobs and lives of UNF
graduates can be improved if they had been captivated and engaged in learning as students.
Almost 200 years ago, a French pedagogue, Joseph Jacotot, articulated a way for students to be
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Tiananmen Square Protests 1989
In the year of 1989, the People s Republic of China remains under a communist regime. As the world
is moving forward with new technologies and innovations empowering new beliefs, democracy is
becoming the next big government. China s economy is slowly flourishing and their traditions still
hang on. But with the increasing amount of western influences pouring into China through foreign
trade, people are beginning to notice the wrong in communism. Citizens of China gradually learn
more and more of the values and benefits of democracy and a small spark of change for a better
government soon turns into a blazing inferno seen across the globe. The Tiananmen Square Protests of
1989 is related to this year s theme of standing up because it sent shock ... Show more content on ...
Tiananmen has had very little effect on China in 2017, but in the years following 1989, China was in
turmoil. As factions began to rise within the CCP and the thought of their lost loved ones are still fresh
in people s minds, a threat of yet another movement was growing. Fueled by their fear of revolution,
China s government unifies its members under a single mission, to eliminate and destroy all
information on Tiananmen. A purge begins of all documents and articles of Tiananmen. Over the
decades, China has hidden and censored many articles, websites, media, etc about Tiananmen from its
people and has killed many who dared to talk of the June Fourth Incident and anything else the CCP
sees as undesirable. For example, in 1996 Falun Gong, a popular buddhist practice that embodies the
ideals of peace, balance and harmony, grew extremely popular. Falun Gong was mainly practiced
through meditation and involved peaceful practices, but the CCP feared that it would grow too popular
and eventually turn into a political rival. To prevent being overthrown, the CCP punished anyone who
dare to practice Falun Gong within the People s Republic of China (PRC) by beating them and
torturing them. The photos of the victims of this brutal persecution caused fear to spark in the country
and as a result of this terror, not one person of the 1.381 billion people that inhabit Chinese soil talk
about the protests or anything that the CCP dislikes as the sword of death is always hanging
precariously above their
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I Speak Through My Clothes
I speak through my clothes. (Hebdige, 1993: 100, quoting Eco, 1973) Fashion is one of the ways that
one creates identity. In particular, since the rise of youth culture in the 1960s fashion has become... a
way of defining one s identity or else a way of avoiding such definition . (Gonzalez Bovone, 2012: 23)
The 1960s saw a rise in mass production of consumerism fashion, and has been used as a form of
expressing ones identity; whether it be inspired or interpreted from religion, social status, habitus,
gender, cultural icons, or subcultures (such as punk, pastel goth, hipster, etc.) Crane states in Fashion
and its Social Agendas, that due to the availability of inexpensive clothing... that those with limited
resources can find or create personal styles that express their perceptions of their identities (Crane,
2000: 6); the consumer is expected to construct an individualised appearance from a variety of
options. (Crane, 2000: 155) However, Polhemus argues that Fashion is an arbitrary language system
where things are really what they appear to be (Polhemus, 2011: 49), suggesting that fashion is a tool
used for illusion. Bovone contributes, stating that On the stage of everyday life, the performer declares
what he is... his image is at stake and he is involved in a continuous negotiation with his fellow
performers and the audience. (Gonzalez Bovone, 2012: 72) Polhemus and Bovone both illustrate that
whilst fashion helps to create identity, it is not a reliable
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Red Bull Case
Red Bull Gives You Wings:
Red Bull s promotional efforts are unique in a variety of ways when compared to it s mainstream
competitors. Instead of promoting the quality of Red Bull s taste, they emphasized the effect it had on
the drinker such as increased performance, concentration, reaction time, speed, vigilance, and
emotional status (428). The company gained brand recognition by giving away free samples from a
fleet of logo bearing off roaders operated by young attractive operators and word of mouth (429). The
company also agreed not to say anything in response to the rumors that flourished about the product
ingredient taurine which was said to be a derivative of bull testicles or even bull semen. Instead of
trying to put out ... Show more content on ...
According to an article written by Natalie Burg, Red Bull appeals to action sports, and they ve
attached themselves to the audience by speaking in the language and formats they are used to, such as
digital videos and media (Burg, N.). They speak to their audience through the new app
which covers action sports, music, e sports, and lifestyle stories; and Red Bull associates itself with all
of these action pact events as a means of conveying that they played a part in it s success (Burg, N.).
The Red Bull marketing team also chose an unlikely promotional program that thrived off of word of
mouth after giving away free cans. Besides using traditional marketing techniques like television
advertising, Red Bull s marketer s primary promotional tactics include engaging customers through
activities so meaningful that deep relationships form. Overall Red Bull s promotional techniques
match the unique and extremely active lifestyle of their audience by being interactive in the careers of
many professional or aspiring athletes across all sports, as well as bands and musicians in the
entertainment industry. Red Bull verbally asserts they want to help their sponsored athletes in
achieving their dreams, which is consistent with their promotional tactic of offering consumers
meaning in their lives and their work.
Given Red Bull s success, it is unlikely that a change in the target market will be needed. Red Bull
will thrive if they remain compliant and
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Christianity in Shakespear s Hamlet
Faith plays a large role in how one lives their life. Christianity plays a strong role throughout Hamlet
by William Shakespeare. When reading the play one must think of the controversies of the time when
Shakespeare writes the play. Reformation and Renaissance opinions are reflected throughout.
Shakespeare deals with very controversial attitudes and religious questions dealing with death, the
existence of purgatory, morality, murder, suicide and marriage in his play Hamlet. It is obvious
throughout the play that Hamlet s life is guided by his faith and his religious beliefs. At first, Hamlet
sees the ghost of his dead father and vows to avenge his death. Christianity forbids followers to seek
out spirits for advice or ... Show more content on ...
To be, or not to be? That is the question whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows
of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And, by opposing, end them? To die,
to sleep No more and by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh
is heir to tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished! (Shakespeare 53). At this point Hamlet is
questioning whether he should live or die and whether it would be better to live his life in agony or
end it and in turn end the pain. He is troubled that if he were to take his own life he would end up not
in purgatory but in hell because taking one s life was considered to be an unforgiveable sin. It is
unfortunate that Hamlet is in a place in his life where he thinks killing himself would perhaps be more
of an option than living under the circumstances, which surround him. Hamlet decides that he does not
want to risk eternal peace in heaven for peace he may find while on earth in a difficult situation.
Hamlet also uses his Christian ideals when struggling with the idea of killing his step father. He has
several opportunities to do so the primary one is when he walks in on Claudius praying. Hamlet can t
commit murder when the person is praying because then that would send the person straight to
heaven. Hamlet does not want Claudius to end up living in heaven but rather he wants to make sure
that Claudius is sent to Hell. Hamlet
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Metal Fencing Pros And Cons
If you re looking to install a new fence, it s important to weigh the pros and cons of each type of
fencing material. Each type of fencing offers unique benefits to homeowners. Two of the most popular
types of fencing materials are metal, which includes aluminum, wrought iron, and steel, and different
types of wood. The metal fencing experts at Creative Iron Arts, located in Oakland, CA, explain the
benefits of choosing a metal fence. Consider these three compelling benefits to choosing metal
fencing: Adds Flair to Your Yard: Metal fences add a look of elegance to the landscape of a home. The
dark metallic finishes of these types of fences look visually appealing against porches, decks, or
around a garden. Wrought iron ornamental fences give a Victorian feel to your property. An expertly
crafted fence might even increase your property value. ... Show more content on ...
Metal fencing does not need any type of maintenance, staying rust free and maintaining its luster for
many years. It also doesn t need to be stained or sealed and will maintain its shape without warping.
Deters Crime: Metal fencing also works as an effective crime deterrent. You can choose a tall fence
with pointed barbs to make it difficult to climb, and you can even tie the fence in with security
systems to keep criminals off of your property. The metal fabricators at Creative Iron Arts can help
you choose the custom metal fence you want for your yard. Give them a call at (510) 910 2175 to
speak to an expert metal fabricator about your fencing ideas, or visit their website to view their
portfolio of custom fences and
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Freedom Summer Research Paper
In the Summer of 1964, the Mississippi Summer Project, also known as Freedom Summer, was
organized by several Civil Rights organizations such as the Student Nonviolent Coordination
Committee and the Congress on Racial Equality. The event that caused the start of Freedom Summer
were that many African Americans were not registered to vote, this was because the southern states
had implemented literacy tests that were unfair and could be interpreted differently, and Poll Taxes
which were ridiculous amounts to pay ( Freedom Summer ). Other causes include the case of Plessy
Vs. Ferguson, which stated the Separate but Equal clause, and also Racial segregation. Freedom
Summer Volunteers included White Northerners, and the organization was made to focus on the
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, Voter Registration, Freedom Schools, and Community Centers
( Timeline: Freedom Summer ). There was a need for the Freedom Summer because Many African
American People in the south were being oppressed by Literacy Tests and Poll Taxes. ... Show more
content on ...
They refused to move to the segregated spots on the bus once they arrived in a segregated state. The
events that caused the Freedom Riders was the segregation on public transportation. Some groups that
were involved in the Freedom Riders were the Congress on Racial Equality, since the organization
recruited the Freedom Riders, and also the Interstate Commerce Commission, because that
organization was the one to prohibit segregation on busses and trains throughout America in
September 1961( Freedom Riders ). There was a need for the formation of the freedom Riders because
it was clear to many people that segregation on public transportation was not only an outdated
practice, but also racist, it needed to be stopped once and for
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A Short Note On The De La Obra
¿de qué trata la obra en concreto?
¿Qué apreciación tiene usted de la obra?
¿Cuál es la estructura de la obra?
Serpiente con plumas
El primer capítulo trata de como era la personalidad o como era Quetzalcoalt de que era un niño muy
tímido y que era muy observador, también habla de que la fiesta de nacimiento de Quetzalcoalt fue
mucho mejor ala de Inti Lo Coalt, también se narra en la obra que para escogerle nombre a
Quetzalcoalt se tuvo que pasar varias montañas muy sufridas de coronar pero la última montaña había
una grieta o cueva y que al entrar gritaron a ver quién estaba en la cueva y salió una vieja muy fea con
pelo desengranado y con una cara de muy pocos amigos y al entra la señora se lo llevo al pie de una
fogata pero el niño asustado no pudo hacer nada pero al fin la vieja salió de la cueva y le puso el
nombre de Quetzalcoalt serpiente con plumas, el agraciado , el de la gran fortuna.
Después una muchacha muy bonita muy diferente a las demás le dijo que iba a pasar algo malo, que
iban a atacar el imperio entonces Quetzalcoalt estuvo conversando con su hermano de la mala noticia
y pensaron que si en verdad iban a hacer eso lo harían por la noche
Capitulo ii El desafío
El segundo capítulo trata de la batalla que una mujer o chica le advirtió donde
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Universal Design, Construction, And Remodeling Of Spaces
Universal Design is a newer building principle that was introduced into the world of design in late
20th century. The concept of universal design is similar to the ADAAccessibility Guidelines, however
the difference is that universal design works for everyone. Therefore, ensuring that the elderly, able
bodied, and disabled individuals are all able to use and access buildings and products equally.
However, many of the universal design components that are implemented in buildings today, are the
principles that which apply to the ADA requirements, benefitting only the disabled. At one point or
another in life, all people experience a time of discomfort. Universal design strives to make daily
living in both residential and commercial spaces ... Show more content on ...
History and background of Universal Design. Universal design is a term that was created by Ronald L.
Mace: a renowned architect, designer, and educator. The term Universal Design expresses the concept
of designing all products and the built environment to be aesthetic and usable to the greatest extent
possible by everyone, regardless of their age, ability, or status in life (Universal Design Universal
Design). As a strong advocate of the disabled s rights, Mace became a key player and supporter of the
American Disabilities Act. His work in accessible design was influential in the passage of The
American with Disabilities Act, which was passed in 1990 (Universal Design Universal Design).
Universal Design is based on 7 core principles which are: equitable use, flexibility in use, simple and
intuitive use, perceptible information, tolerance for error, low physical effort, and size and pace for
approach and use ( The 7 Principles. ). These principals promote accessibility, ease of movement, and
safety for everyone. The concept of universal design ensures that every individual will have the ability
to work within a space or use a product. Universal design can be applied to everything from interior
design to home products. Applying the seven principals of Universal Design allows designers and
builders to ensure that no matter a person s ability, they will be able to move freely and efficiently use
a product.
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Lab Report On Projectile
What is a projectile? In what is a projectile (Physics Classroom, 2015), a projectile is a moving object
and the only force acting upon it is gravity. The actual path of a projectile could vary according to the
position and direction of the launch of the projectile. The image types of projectiles (2015) shows
three types of projectiles. P1 is the projectile which has the movement only in vertical direction while
P2 has more vertical and a little horizontal motion thus moving in two dimensions. P3 has both
motions almost equal. Projectile has the characteristic of being under influence the force of gravity
only. If the path of a moving object is affected significantly by some air resistance, the object is not a
projectile any more. It is also not a projectile while at the source or when it hits something during its
flight. A ball shown in the diagram below is not a projectile till the ball leaves the hands of the person
dropping it or throwing it. The air resistance can be ignored at this point because the effect is not
significant. It again seizes to be a projectile when it is in contact with the ground because the force of
the reaction from the ground and the force of friction has come into action. P1 P2 P3 Diagram 1
Assumptions: Several examples of projectiles will be under discussion during the following study, so
it is
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A Brief Note On Human Value Through The Effect Of...
Kyra Li
Professor Chappelow
WRIT 150
2 February 2017
Demoralization of Human Value through the Effect of Globalization on Coal In the city of Los
Angeles, it is rather easy to turn on the light or charge a laptop. I never thought much about where this
energy and electricity come from, because they can all come from a simple action like flipping a
switch. These little movements became my daily habits, as I need the light and the charger. Coal is an
important supply for fuel, power generation and steel production. Everything it fabricates goes into
our daily life big and small. The charger and light are small examples. Globalization is the big
example. Globalizing forces like modern transportation and transaction technology allow the coal ...
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The new transaction method helps with the rise of the coal industry. In the past, recording banking and
financial activities of different countries could be difficult, but with new technology these activities
can be done easily and efficiently. Besides new technology that allows for quicker transactions and
calculations, new systems also quickens the process of trade. For instance, letter of credit can be
issued quickly. It can be delivered based of with export contract and the bank can give a guaranteed
payment to the exporter till the transaction goes through upon delivery. This is beneficial, as the
international delivery of coal can take more than a week with long distance (Rodrigue). The laws and
regulations for coal transaction are also less strict due to the economic benefit coal production brings
to many countries. The decrease of transactional cost further decreases price for coal and increases
demand for coal. The transport and transaction sector made international connection possible and
made the coal industry flourish. The increase of consumption of coal brings convenience to the vibrant
world. Coal exerts great influence on globalizing force like the transport sector. Looking at
transportation mediums like cars and airplanes, they run because of fuel. Many people think that fuel
comes from gasoline, which is true, but the liquid fuel coal is also used in airplanes and cars. The
liquid fuel combines with natural gas and creates
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Frankenstein And The Oppression By Mary Wollstonecraft
Frankenstein and the Oppression
Frankenstein is a novel written by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, which sets the story on a scientist
named Victor Frankenstein who pursues the goal of creating life. Frankenstein accomplishes the
creation of a monster, but becomes disgusted by him and abandons him later on in the story. The
monster goes on his own path to find the meaning of humankind, but gets his revenge because of the
abandonment of Victor. He then kills Victor s family and his future wife. Some people would say that
Frankenstein s creation had no purpose for living because of all the killings that the monster had done.
Some could say that the monster was more of an antihero. The monster s actions were misinterpreted
by many people because they believed that the monster was a malicious monster. Although he was
fighting against the oppression of humankind justifiably. Frankenstein s monster received an
exceedingly amount of hatred by people that were disgusted because they had never seen a monster
before, but no one cared to think that perhaps the monster was not evil and all it just wanted was
compassion from a person and to understand what it meant to live like a human being. The oppression
that was perhaps being used onto the monster was perchance that the humans may have never seen a
monster before and no one took their time to understand what the monster was and how it was created.
This caused many individuals to fear the monster and attack or scare the monster away
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Β-Galactosidase Lab Report
With both the stock substrate and varying enzyme solutions prepared, the Spec20 spectrophotometer
was used to investigate the enzymatic activity of β Galactosidase through an absorbance based assay.
Using LoggerPro software on the computer to analyze the absorption data, the Spec20 was calibrated
before each run with 0.5 mL of the tested enzyme concentration at an absorbance of 420 nm. Data
collection was then started, instantly followed by the addition of 0.5 mL of the stock 2.5 mM substrate
solution, topping off the 1 mL cuvettes. Each of the nine varying enzyme concentrations were split
between the team and run for a total of 10 minutes. Upon completion, data from each varying enzyme
concentration was copied to a single Excel sheet and used ... Show more content on ...
From the stock substrate solution of 2.5 mM, each group serially diluted at least one different
substrate concentration for a total of four different substrate concentrations to be investigated: 1.25
mM, 1.0 mM, 0.75 mM, 0.25 mM. The enzyme concentration was kept constant at 2.0 mM while
experimenting on the affect of varying enzyme concentration on the rate and product formation of
ONP. Enough 2.0 mM enzyme solution was prepared in the previous part of the project to supply this
assay. Using similar procedure to collect absorbance data as the first part, 0.5 mL of 2.0 mM enzyme
concentration was placed into the cuvette and used to calibrate the spectrometer at 420 nm. Data was
then started, with the immediate addition of 0.5 mL of varying substrate concentrations. Each varying
substrate concentration was split between the team and run for a total of 10 minutes, with the
exception of the 1.25 mM run. Upon completion, data from each varying substrate concentration was
copied to a single Excel sheet and used to produce an absorbance vs. time graph, product formation
vs. time graph, Michaelis Menten plot, and Lineweaver Birk plot. This analysis was used to calculate
the V0,Vmax, and Km for β Galactosidase
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Special Education In The 1890s
In order to have a good understanding of Special Educational Needs and how the education system
accommodates for children with SEN, it is important to know how it has developed over the past
hundred or so years.
In 1886, the Egerton Commission was set up to view the educational provision of children who were
deaf, blind or dumb. By 1888, the Egerton Commission had begun including the education of those
from ‘exceptional circumstances’ who would appear to need ‘exceptional methods of
educationâ€events which unfolded around this time had a large impact on how special needs was
viewed and still affects special education needs provision now. Around this time the idea of segregated
education was formed and this is the basis for the ‘special’ ... Show more content on ...
In 1889 it was suggested that children who were considered to be feeble minded children were to
continue to be educated within the mainstream system but within education classes and children
considered to be educable imbeciles were to be educated in special institutions. These
recommendations led to the opening of of special schools in the 1890s.
In 1898, the government expressed a lack of defining criteria for these groups and therefore the
difficulty in defining labels and correct education for children with special education needs. This led
to the Departmental Committee on Defective and Epileptic Children to create the subgroup ‘the
ability to earn a living’. Children who were considered as able to earn a living were children
previously labeled as feeble minded whereas children who were imbeciles or idiots were considered as
unable to earn a living.
By 1913, the Board of Education’s Chief Medical Officer decided to group children into five
categories: the mentally normal child, the dull or backward child, the feeble minded child, the
imbecile child, the idiot. This shows that educators were beginning to have a greater understanding of
different abilities. the Board of Educators was also beginning to understand that the lack
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Commission Junction Affiliate Marketing
One of the best ways to sell products, as well as services is through Commission Junction affiliate
marketing. It is considered as the largest marketplace of tangible products in the online business world
and a great way for you to earn a lot of money. It is very much comfortable in selling products as well
as services through this program because he is sure to get paid well and promptly.
For a Commission Junction affiliate or any other affiliate marketer in the business, it is very important
that their work is given due credit by the businesses they advertise products for. This is why
Commission Junction is a very popular payment processor for the compensation of affiliates who are
producing well and good.
It is good to know for a Comission Junction affiliate that the benefits of the program outweighs greatly
the negative ramifications ... Show more content on ...
It is always better to start with those that you are familiar with so you can give the right information as
well as the proper amount of expertise regarding the merchandise. Potential buyers are very much
interested to know the benefits of the merchandise they are interested in and you have to be able to
provide them with truthful and convincing information.
The truth about it or any other kind of affiliate program is that all the tools you need for success is
right at your fingertips. You do not have to be a whiz to figure out and master the formula that will
allow you to rake in a lot of cash in such a short period of time.
The success in affiliate marketing is founded on a strong willed affiliate who will go to extraordinary
lengths to effectively sell products and services. The income opportunity that Commission Junction
affiliate marketing presents can be for anyone who is willing to learn the ropes of selling in its most
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Involvement In Gangs
This paper will examine the factors that contribute youth to involve in criminal gangs. It aims to look
at social disorganization theory as well as rational choice theory to understand youth and their
involvement in gangs. Three main factors that this paper will be focusing on and studying thoroughly
are the effects of parental supervision, the community the youth is raised in and peer influence.
Despite many programs that are instilled to ensure that youth are helped with delinquency, there are
still many influences such as parental supervision, community and peer influence that can sway youth
and their decision to join a gang. Based on this discussion, this paper will argue that the ways that
children are educated and raised at a young age
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The Coastal Plains Of Texas
The Coastal Plains of Texas is a large area that extends from the Atlantic Ocean to beyond the Rio
Grande. This region can be divided into 5 distinct areas.
It extends 75 to 125 miles into Texas from the east and from north to south from the Red River to
about 25 miles of the Gulf Coast. The Pine Belt is practically the source of all Texas timber
production. Lumber is the principle industry. The climate is good for a variety of fruits and vegetables.
A great oil field discovered in 1931 contributed to the economic growth of the area.
This area stretches from the Rio Grande to the Red River. This area runs through the DFW
metropolitan area. This area is also the most populated with the strongest diversified manufacturing
industry of the state.
This area extends along the Gulf of Mexico, from the Sabine River to the lower Rio Grande Valley.
Cattle ranching is the largest and strongest agriculture industry. Along with cattle ranching, rice is also
a very strong crop in the agriculture industry. More principle crops include cotton, grains, vegetables,
and citrus fruits.
This low valley is also known as The Valley. It has the greatest citrus and winter vegetables in Texas
due to the lack of freezing weather. It is ranked very high among the nation s fruit and truck farming
This massive plain lies south of San Antonio between the Rio Grande and the Gulf Coast. The
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The Top Competitors Of Drucker And Falk
Zakch, M. H. (1999) says that always building on the latest knowledge, rather than reinventing the
wheel gives competitors a chance to catch up. This is especially true when a firm is trying to get an
advantage over the competition. Knowledge is certainly power, and the more knowledge that a firm
has, the more they are able to bring to the table. Not only do the customers put more trust into them
for the knowledge that they possess, but the confidence of the firm truly blossoms as well. Drucker
and Falk is especially receptive to this belief. They use knowledge as a lead and an advantage over the
heavily populated competition of property management companies in the surrounding areas. The top
competitors of Drucker and Falk include ... Show more content on ...
This class places the marketing director or the property management coordinator right there face to
face with the employee and they are able to pour all the knowledge that they possess onto the new
employee in a bulk form one or two day session.
After the leasing class is over and complete, the new employee has further training to get acclimated
to his or her new position. This includes a lot of online training in areas such as fair housing, sexual
harassment, more leasing, etc. This is where Drucker and Falk excels over the competition. The
training software that the company utilizes is top of the line software and includes nothing but the
newest content available to the property management industry. They are very adamant about training
deadlines as well. Each employee of Drucker and Falk has some type of training to have completed on
a yearly and semi annual basis. This ongoing training keeps all of the employees up to date with the
most current information available in order to keep our skills and knowledge sharpened.
One top of introductory training and ongoing training, Drucker and Falk invests in sending its
employees to get their official certifications. This brings even more knowledge to the company. Most
of the property managers employed with Drucker and Falk
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Tinker Case Summary
The students in Tinker were wearing black armbands in school to protest the Vietnam War. Tinker v.
Des Moines Indep. Cmty. Sch. Dist., 393 U.S. 503, 504 (1969). School officials suspended students
when they refused to remove the bands because they believed they would provoke classroom
disruptions and violence, though none had occurred at that point. Id. The Supreme Court held in
Tinker that the schools could not prohibit the expression of an unpopular opinion unless such
prohibition is necessary to avoid substantial interference with schoolwork or discipline. Id. at 511. The
students in Tailor by contrast were protesting the United States response to 9/11 and began throwing
paper and water bottles around the classroom during their protest.
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Histrionic Personality Disorder
We have all met a person who always has to be the center of attention and engages in inappropriate
sexually seductive or provocative behavior. It may be obvious that something is off or not quite
normal but many do not realize this behavior could be the result of a disorder known as Histrionic
Personality Disorder (HPD). According to Paul Rasmussen of Furman University, an individual with a
histrionic orientation displays an active dependency characterized by a strong need for external
validation in the form of interpersonal attention, support, and reassurance . This paper will explore the
causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment as well as risk factors of Histrionic Personality Disorder. The
American Psychiatric ... Show more content on ...
According to Harper, the most obvious characteristic of histrionic patients is their use of denial or
dissociative mental operations, which can rewrite history to conform to a more favorable presentation
of events, discarding negative and conflictual experiences and feelings in the process (2004). Another
common symptom displayed among those with HPD is being overly concerned with physical
appearance and frequently shows self dramatizations, theatrical behavior, and exaggerated emotions.
Those diagnosed with HPD tend to shift emotions rapidly, constantly seek reassurance, are excessively
sensitive to criticism or disapproval as well as consider relationships to be more intimate than they
really are. Without being aware of it, persons with HPD often act out a roll in their relationships with
others. They may seek to control their partner through emotional manipulation or seductiveness on
one level, whereas displaying a marked dependency on them at another level (Bornstein, 1998). A
person with HPD may avoid a social encounter when he/she knows that they might be upstaged by
another individual out of fear of not being the center of attention. An article published by the
American Psychological Association, titled, The Histrionic Prototype, states individuals with HPD
maintain a relative balance on enhancement and preservation that reflects their need for attention and
approval (Rasmussen, 2005). In addition, they are
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The Scout Guide
KKG Key article by Mary Miley Theobald
A Lifestyle Guide to the Hidden Gems of Your City
New in town? Check out The Scout Guide. Longtime resident? Check out The Scout Guide. Just
passing through? Check out The Scout Guide and find the best local businesses in your city.
Anyone bored with cookie cutter malls, chain restaurants, and the same old retail stores will appreciate
this guide to the best of local a curated collection of unique, locally owned businesses that too often
are elbowed aside by national chain giants. It s an insider s perspective of the town you love, says
Susie Matheson, Denison. In 2010, Susie founded a lifestyle media company, The Scout Guide (TSG
for short) with her friend Christy Ford, starting with the publication ... Show more content on ...
The free books, distributed through boutiques, doctors offices, antique shops, art galleries, and
realtors, are updated every year. Each city s guide is different, of course, but a typical example would
include special restaurants, clothing boutiques, kitchen renovators, interior designers, realtors, artists,
salons, home builders, wealth managers, doctors, garden designers, photographers, caterers, and
maybe a private school or preschool. So many small businesses are owned by women the latest figures
show that women own 30 percent of all enterprises, a number that is increasing at a rate 1 ½ times the
national average that it is no surprise to find many of the businesses featured are female owned.
But, The Scout Guide is just the printed side of the business model. Equally important is the social
media aspect the blog that promotes each enterprise and the messages and photos sent out on Twitter
and Instagram to readers who want to keep up with their favorite shops, restaurants, and designers.
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Immune To Reality Daniel Gilbert Analysis
Humans are complex beings. We have different motivations, goals, and aspirations, but what
influences us to having these goals and what motivates us to strive for them. Daniel Gilbert, in his
essay immune to Reality states we have unconscious processes that influence our behavior, and also
that we heavily rely on the acceptance of others. Our goals coincided with others because human have
an instinctual drive to be accepted and to be happy, willing to do everything in their power to gain that
Our unconscious is constantly trying to make us feel better. Blurring the lines of reality if need be.
Think of a situation where your crush is talking to you. You swear that he/she is giving you all these
signs to take it a step further. I m so ... Show more content on ...
They need to learn, have to answer to any questions or odd situation they are presented with. Its just in
our nature to seek the answer to everything, but its the curiosity keeping us interested, not the answers
themselves. A deeper connection is formed with a question than to an answer. You ll never find
someone obsessing over a solution once they have it, testing it a couple times making sure that it
work. Once an explanation is formed the spark is no longer there. Thought, having an unanswered
question, give us something to ponder, something to figure out. If humans were omniscient, we
wouldn t know how to entertain ourselves, wouldn t know what to strive for. Therefore, having an
explanation or an answer to a situation or questions makes it loses its luster, its in the past once the
explanation is clear and complete with further reason to continue questioning. Gilbert says The second
reason why unexplained events have a disproportionate emotional impact is that we are especially
likely to keep thinking about them . The bigger the unexplination the bigger the thoughts the stem
from them. However, maybe we shouldn t want find the answers. Finding the answer means losing the
fun of thinking about it, thought not knowing could drive one crazy, due to the deep connection to it.
We could very well be happier with constantly wondering, however, our own selfishness to learn
wouldn t allow us to
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The Psychological Factors Of Sports Psychology Essay
Sports psychology is the scientific study of the psychological factors associated with the participation
and performance in sport (Dahlkoetter, 2002). A sports psychologist s main focus is on using
psychological skills to improve an athlete s performance and understanding how the participation in
sports can improve health (Beyond performance: Training sport psychologists in Australia, 2012).
Psychological Skills training (PST), although often neglected due to perceived unimportance, makes
up a high percentage of sports training (Weinberg Gould, 2007). Techniques used to improve health
and sport performance includes goal setting, imagery and motivation training, stress management and
peak performance training (Cohn, n.d.). These techniques can be used to help an athlete with
performance anxiety to overcome it.
What is CBT?
The cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that challenges negative thought
patterns in order to improve a persons mind set (Better health Channel, 2014). This type of therapy is
made up of two main therapies: Cognitive and behaviour. The behaviour therapy looks at how the
situation effects the reaction to the situation (Hemmings Holder, 2009). The cognitive therapy further
details this by analysing what a person thinks about the situation, how they talk to themselves about
the situation and what images are at play in their minds for the situation (O Donoghue, 2016). This
will then effect the emotions that are
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Afghanistan Women Essay
United States humanitarian relief efforts have recently focused much of their efforts on involving the
livelihood of Afghanistan women. For decades, these women have been frequent victims of abuse,
despite some success by authorities in prosecuting rape cases, forced marriages and domestic violence.
Child marriage, selling and buying women to settle disputes, assault and more than a dozen other acts
of violence and abuse against women are a common norm in Afghan society. About 87% of women
experience physical, psychological or sexual violence. Incidents of violence against women remain
largely under reported because of cultural restraints, social norms and religious beliefs. Because of
widespread discrimination, fears of social stigma ... Show more content on ...
Women advocacy groups are concerned that restrictions would be placed on women s ability to work
and are calling on key allies to continue to support women s rights through non profit funding. The
Afghan people are largely opposed to the influence of western nations and want to see Afghans
carrying out changes themselves. It is reported that Imams use their sermons to portray a strong anti
Western sentiment. Americans burning Qur ans and videos negatively displaying the Prophet
Muhammad are used to fuel anti Western sentiment and initiate protests. With the widespread anti
Western sentiment, it will be a challenge for Western workers to train Afghan women. All too often,
women of all ages are discriminated against in health, education and the labor market resulting in
negative effects on their freedoms. While women here in the U.S. are far better off than those in other
countries, and by and large don t experience what women face in developing countries, we simply can
t turn our backs on the struggles women face elsewhere. It s a critical challenge that the entire world
must work together to address. By observing the gender disparities in Somalia and Afghanistan, the
U.S. can find specific ways to invest in gender equality and women s rights in developing nations.
Gender inequality is an international concern, because women empowerment allows for social,
economic and political growth. In the
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Steve Jobs The Importance Of A Heartbeat Essay
McKenna Avery English12 ERWC 04/18/17 Period 5 The Importance of a Heartbeat The subtle
palpitations that speed up during a scary movie or slow down while asleep, that rhythm that can be
altered with something as simple as a kiss or bad news, that background noise people have become so
acquired to is worth more than any mansion, yacht, or company... or at least it should be. Without a
pulse, one is capable of nothing. For this reason, Steve Jobs reflected on his imminent death and
realized, No one wants to die...yet death... is very likely the single best invention of life, (Jobs). Jobs s
reflection on life and death is confirmed by the mere fact that people cannot seem to realize the
paramount aspects of life without it. Primarily, when death is not being ... Show more content on ...
His epitome of physical health blurs the true importance of life; he has the power to change the course
of a whole city but chooses to debate over his own worth proving that the human race is sometimes in
need of some obstacles in life in order to appreciate their current situations.. While the blessing of a
healthy life can disguise itself as a curse on occasion, once someone realizes the value of a life, their
world is transformed. In the article, What Is the Value of a Human Life? , Kenneth Feinberg refers to
the time when his legal argument could not stand up against the reasoning of families who had lost
everything. He recalled, I was basing my decision on the law, just as juries did every day. But this
explanation fell on deaf ears. Grieving families couldn t hear it. And I didn t believe it myself,
(Feinberg). An attorney whose whole career depended upon the words of a law book altered his way
of thinking after being forced to face the aftermath of death on the remaining family members. It is
easy to regurgitate the phrases from the law but it is more difficult to apply those standards of human
value after observing death s true
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Hobbes And The State Of Nature
1. According to Hobbes the state of nature leads to a war of all against all. What Hobbes refers to
when he discusses the state of nature is a state in which there are no civil powers. To reach his
conclusion about how the world would be in the state of nature, Hobbes first explains what human
nature is and then explains the relationship between man and civil government.
As Hobbes sees it men are naturally in conflict. Hobbes sees three reasons for this. They are
competition, diffidence, and glory. Following from the right of nature, which states that all men have
the liberty to promote their own life, men naturally desire to obtain resources so as to promote their
own life and obtain some form of the good. Yet there are only so many resources, and so men enter
into conflict over competition of who will be able to have the limited resources, since only one person
can own each resource. .
Diffidence follows from this competition. Since all men are equal in terms of mind and body, meaning
that any man could kill any other man, men constantly feel threatened by other men. So, as a way
promote their own self preservation, men seek out their enemies, which is every other person, and
attempt to get rid of the threat they possess rather than let themselves be harmed by the threat. So, men
are proactive in defeating their enemies. Finally, men enter into conflict via glory. Men value their
honor and desire to be treated in a certain way. When this honor is damaged men lash out so
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Retail Is A Fast Paced Environment
Retail is a fast paced environment that is always changing and adapting to new trends and styles. This
is why we see fast fashion stores such as H M, Gap, Zara, Forever 21 and Uniqlo, cycling through the
clothing they have in their stores very quickly. Because of the constant change in fashion trends, such
stores are in an extremely competitive battle to be the most successful in their field.
Competitiveness in this industry is broken down into five forces, a theory invented by acclaimed
Harvard business professor Michael Porter. First is the threat of new entrants, which is a high threat
considering that anyone can make a brand and try to enter the industry. But, as for fast fashion stores
this is a low threat because unless someone was to enter the industry with a huge amount of capital,
there is no possible way they could even come close to the magnitude of already established stores.
So, given these circumstances I would say the overall threat level is a medium, and this level is going
to stay the same. The next force is power of suppliers. This is a low risk because of the abundance of
global raw material suppliers and the purchase of materials with low levels of differentiation in terms
of price and quality. Most of these companies control their suppliers as well, so that in it self makes
the power of the suppliers almost none existent. The only time where the supplier could put the
company at risk is if the quality of the products is subpar to expectation, and
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Isaac Barrow Research Paper
Shemal Reuben 801
Math Project Isaac Barrow
The Reverend
Isaac Barrow Born October 1630 in
London, England and Died 4 May 1677 at age 46.
London, England Nationality English Fields Mathematiconstitutions Trinity College,
Cambridge,Gresham College Almamater Trinity College, Cambridge Academic advisors James
Duport Notable students Isaac Newton Known for Fundamental theorem of calculus
Optics Influences Gilles Personne de Roberval
Vincenzo Viviani Influenced Isaac Newton.
His mentor was James Duport who was a classicist, but Barrow really learned his mathematics by
working under Gilles Personne de Roberval in Paris and Vincenzo Viviani in Florence.
Isaac Barrow (October 1630 4 May 1677) was an English Christian theologian and mathematician
who is generally given credit for his early role in the development of infinitesimal calculus; in
particular, for the discovery of the fundamental theorem of calculus. His work centered on the
properties of the tangent; Barrow was the first to calculate the tangents of the kappa curve.Isaac
Newton was a student of Barrow s, and Newton went on to develop calculus in a modern form. The
lunar crater Barrow is named after him.
Lectiones habitae in scholis publicis academiae Cantabrigiensis AD 1664 ... Show more content on ...
He was the son of Thomas Barrow, a linen draper by trade. In 1624, Thomas married Ann, daughter of
William Buggin of North Cray, Kent and their son Isaac was born in 1630. It appears that Barrow was
the only child of this union certainly the only child to survive infancy. Ann died around 1634, and the
widowed father sent the lad to his grandfather, Isaac, the Cambridgeshire J.P., who resided at Spinney
Abbey. Within two years, however, Thomas remarried; the new wife was Katherine Oxinden, sister of
Henry Oxinden of Maydelin, Kent. From this marriage, he had at least one daughter, Elizabeth (born
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Library System Thesis
San Juan, Taytay Rizal
Object Oriented Systems Analysis and Design:
A case in Library System
By: John Michael P. Concepcion
Submitted to: Mr. Dominic Sales
This research project would not have been possible without the support of many people.
First and foremost I offer my sincerest gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Dominic Sales who has
supported me thoughout my thesis with his patience and knowledge. And for allowing the use of
Computer Laboratory.
In my daily work I have been blessed with a friendly and cheerful cousins and friends who helped me
in the field of data collection and programming my system.
Special thanks to my cousin and uncle Ms. ... Show more content on ...
And Nygaard (1996) said In object oriented programming, an information process is regarded as a
system developing through transformation of its state. The substance of the process is organized as the
system components, called objects. A measurable property of the substance is a property of an object.
Transformation of state is regarded as actions by objects.
Mathiasen et el. (2000) gave the following description In many traditional Analysis and design
methods, functions, data, and data flows are the key concepts (5). The concepts are suitable for
describing phenomena in offices and computerized systems. Objects, states, and behavior on the other
hand, are more general concepts and are suitable for describing most phenomena that can be expressed
in natural language.
Object oriented programming (OOP) and object oriented design (OOD) refer to a particular way of
organizing programs, one which is rapidly emerging as the preferred approach for building complex
software systems (Morelli, R, 2000 pg. 5). Sommerville (2001) gave the following definitions: Object
oriented analysis is concerned with developing an object oriented model of the application domain.
The identified objects reflect entities and operations that are associated with the problem to be solved.
Object oriented
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Paintballing-Personal Narrative
On bright a sunny day, on Saturday morning me and my family and friends were going paintballing.
Mom, Karson, Makana, Brittany, Jasie, Amanda, and I all get up and get all of our gear on, father said
that he would take a little longer since he had to go to the chicken house, so we all went to the course
and started playing. It was almost 10:00 in the morning, before he got back, but we had already started
playing a few rounds, before he actually got there. Accordingly, we were going to play for a little
while, then go back to the house, after that, go play some more. Playing another what felt like hour
long games, I got hungry, so I told everyone we should just go ahead and go eat. All agreeing, we
went back up to the house and changed clothes.
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The Car Ride At Ohio State University
The car ride was quiet for the first time in 18 years, it was a bittersweet taste but more on the bitter
side. All I could hear was my car slowly gliding, rolling over the bumps of the highway. I kept
thinking to myself that I must not to cry, but I could not stop the flow of sadness How could I not cry
after dropping my youngest daughter, Julie, off at Ohio State. The number of applicants at The Ohio
State University in 1989 was 15,748 (Ohio State enrollment Services). I would now be referred to as
an empty nester. I kept thinking about the lonely quiet nights that I would have for the next two
months until both of my children would come home from college. All the empty seats at the dinner
table, and that only two will be occupied by my ... Show more content on ...
Johnny came rumbling down the stairs after his shower where I addressed him about his room. After
addressing him, Johnny decided to show his most dominant trait by expressing himself under a
premise of disrespect. Johnny will you please go and clean that room of yours No mom, I need to
catch the bus The bus doesn t leave for another 15 minutes you have time Why don t you clean you
are not doing anything Nothing made me more mad then when my kids mouthed off after all that I had
done for them. After Johnny mouthed off I was so infuriated I felt as if there was steam about to come
out of my ears. Johnny noticed this anger building up inside me and busted out the front door. One
would have thought a rabid dog was chasing him, but I wasn t rabid. He ran and got on the bus before
I could get to him. On average a young adolescent runs a mile in 7 minutes(Let s Run). I looked down
and noticed that I still had on my nightgown. This is perfect, I said to myself, deciding that I would
show up to school in my nightgown and embarrass Johnny like never before. I pulled up to the school,
just as the bus was rolling up, and I started to get out of the car when I saw a broom in the back seat. I
decided I would use that as a fear factor prop to convey my message. I saw Johnny sitting in the back
of the bus when he glanced out of the window and saw me standing there. He came over to me after
getting off the bus. Mom, what are you doing here? he
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Industrialization Of America
What factors led to Industrialization of America? Industrialization is growing or development of
industries and factories in a country or region. The United States were far behind most countries in the
1700a 1800s. The US was a young nation and they had no loyalty or respect given to them by any
country at this time. The people of the US wanted change, they wanted respect, and they wanted to be
independent form all of the surrounding countries and civilizations. One of the main things that lead to
the Industrialization of America, was the Embargo Act of 1807. In 1807, Britain began to blockade all
of the United States ports. This infuriated the people of the US because there was no way for the them
to get the things they needed. All ... Show more content on ...
After the war was over, it was time for change. The US couldn t get any of the things they needed
because of the Embargo Act of 1807, which stop mostly all of the trade with foreign nations. This
meant the United States needed things such as tools, parts for newly advanced transportation, and
many other items that people needed to make a living. Samuel Salter saw that the US was needing
change, so he constructed in first British style textile factory in the United States, which was in Rhode
Island. This was booming thing in America because it opened up many jobs. Not only did it open up
jobs, these jobs paid at least two times the amount as a farming job. The formation of the factory and
Industrialization in the United States created something new and far between, the Middling class. The
middle class were the people that were neither rich nor poor. Though the Embargo Act and the War of
1812 were mainly focused on in this essay, there are many other things that caused the Industrial
Revolution. The Embargo Act of 1807 sparked the War of 1812, which sparked the beginning of a
period that would change the world forever. The period of Industrialization in the United States of
America was the greatest thing the country has ever seen. The Industrial revolution worked toward
and even created many new ways of transportation. Many different forms of technology were created
to make the working man s life easier.
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Antony And Cleopatra Research Paper
In the year 51 B.C. Cleopatra became queen when she was 18 years old. She ruled with her brother
Ptolemy XIII, who was only 10 years old and not old enough to rule by himself. She also became his
wife, which was a formality because of his age. Cleopatra was strong willed and ambitious. She
wanted to bring her county to the glory of its former days. However Ptolemy s advisers drove
Cleopatra out of Egypt by the time she was 20 years old.
Cleopatra was determined to fight for the throne, so she made an army in Syria and prepared to go to
war against her brother. However, before the battle could begin it was interrupted by the arrival of
Julius Caesar the most powerful man in all of Rome. He was pursuing his defeated rival in a Roman
Civil war. ... Show more content on ...
Some time later one of Octavian s men came to the door to speak with the queen, trying to persuade
her to come out. While she was distracted by this conversation, Octavian s men brought a ladder
around to the very window through which Antony had been carried. Once inside, they rushed down
the stairs and took her captive.
Octavian allowed Cleopatra to give Antony a lavish funeral, as befitted a king. Then he ordered her to
make ready for a voyage to Rome. She knew what would happen to her there. Cleopatra would be the
highlight of Octavian s triumphal parade. She would be led in chains through the streets of Rome
where the crowd would mock and curse her.
She returned to her room and washed up after she enjoyed a sumptuous meal. It was her last. A
peasant arrived with a basket of figs for the queen. The guard commented agreeably on how large and
fine the figs were the man laughed and offered him some, but they declined, so he took them to
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Hatchet By Gary Paulsen Character Analysis
Have you ever wondered what it is like to survive in the wilderness? If you have read the book
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen then you would know how to do some of the basics in survival like to get
food and shelter. Some things Brian had to do was to gather food and in the next few paragraphs I will
get deeper into that topic. He had some Aha Moments that helped him get more food options to
survive. This paragraph will be about how Brian was able to get his first food option besides berries.
He has figured out how to get some more tools using the hatchet and that finally let him be able to
capture fish. In chapter 11 it says Fish. Of course he thought. There were fish in the lake and they were
food. And if a bird could do it... Brian realizes that there are fish in the lake and they are food. He
needs to make a weapon to be able to capture them so that way he can have more food. He does that
by making a fish spear that sometimes works. After that he ... Show more content on
Brian realizes that there are birds in the woods and he has to figure out how to see them. When he
does this in chapter 15 it says And that had been the secret. He had been looking for feathers, for the
color of the bird, for a bird sitting there. He had to look for the outline instead, had to see the shape
instead of the feathers or color, had to train his eyes to see the shape... it was like turning on a
television. Suddenly he could see things he never saw before. In just moments it seemed, he saw three
birds before they flew, saw them sitting and got close to one of them, moving slowly, got close enough
to try a shot with his bow. Brian realizes there are birds in the forest and he might be able to shoot one
with his bow to get more food. He wants to use some of his fish arrows to get a bird. It might not work
but he knows there are birds and he knows how to see them before they fly away. He can use that
against them and he might one day catch one and eat
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The Waubano Disaster
Many ships plied the Great Lakes treacherous waters through the 19th century and without surprise
there were many sinkings and many lives lost. Parry Sound got its first full dose in November 1879
when the Waubano mysteriously sank. It was a side wheeled ship often carrying goods and people
between the Sound and Collingwood. Auspiciously a bride had a dream days before portending the
disaster. The weather had been bad, typical for so late in the season, but the last sighting had it doing
well. When it sank, all 24 passengers and crew went down with her including the bride and her groom.
On the occasion in question involved the midnight of September 13 1882 with slightly larger
steamship, The Asia. It left for Collingwood headed for Owen Sound ... Show more content on ...
With Bob she had Ethel May (b April 22, 1902) and Robert Arthur (b November 29, 1904). Her eldest
son John Cecil enlisted in World War I on October 29, 1917, just as he became 21.
From 1910 and for many years after, the Armstrongs, became a good place for winter fun with
dancing and violin playing till dawn the next day. The ice in the nearby bay of Blackstone Lake was
cleared using a plough with a team of horses, then smoothened out by pouring water on top for an ice
skating party. People from Otter Lake, Foley and even the British diplomat Wilfred Powell who
sometimes wintered over down on the south end of the lake would come with their wooden skates and
enjoy Rosa s hot chocolate and cookies.
A set of tragic events plagued Rosa s life. On top of loosing Matthew in the prime of life, she outlived
all but one of her five children. Between Alberta and Cecil she had Henry Edwin born in 1894 and
dying a year later. Her eldest, Alberta just after a few years of marriage herself succumbed to
meningitis in 1911 at the age of 21 and her youngest Arthur died of the same illness at age 28 refusing
treatment. The last tragedy for Rosa was the passing of her eldest son John Cecil in February 1949
from a long battle with cancer. Rosa, along with Ethel,
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Speech About My Journey
My journey I am very humbled to be in front of you today.The Philip from 3 years ago would have
never imagined himself on the Principia Ridgeway stage giving a senior speech in front of such an
assembly, not even in his wildest dreams. Unlike everyone else, i didn t have that much time to think
about senior speeches, these were just things that I heard of and saw only in the movies, so you can
imagine how much of a movie celebrity I feel right now. How much I wish my friends back home
could see me now, they wouldn t believe that I finally got to put on a suit that fits me. Even though at
that time i wasn t able to see this day, having to stand in front of you giving you an insight of my
journey to Principia is such an honour and privilege. Ever since an aunt of mine told my mother about
Christian Science and introduced part of my family to, it turned out to be the answer to the life
questions that most of my family members had. It was later on that i came to find out about it at
church that not a day ever passed that i didn t badger about it to my mum until she finally gave in to
actually putting in an application for me. I was in the boy s dorm in school when i got the call from
my mum telling me that she had put in my application to be accepted to attend principa. I told to
repeat this statement then i put the phone speaker that everyone around me could hear it. At first the
room was filled with silence but then someone broke out with a low tone sheepishly saying
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The Differences Of Alexander Hamilton And Thomas Jeffersons
Like many in their time, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were friends and on the same side
to absolve colonial ties with Great Britain. But once the war was over and independence was
documented in the Treaty of Paris, the new business of creating a new nation was at hand. During this
time, it became apparent that those who shared the same side during the revolution would now find
themselves at odds with one another. Both men had visions and desires for the new nation. However,
nearly one hundred years later and following the civil war, one vision in particular, was closer to
reality than the other. Both of these men were fundamental in the birth of this nation, but their views
on government, economics, and politics differ substantially. Economically speaking, Hamilton wanted
a growing and thriving society based on trade and large manufacturing companies. In contrast,
Jefferson envisioned a society that was based mainly on the presence of many small farmers. Jefferson
particularly did not want large amounts of manufacturing to be done in the US. He argued that
manufactured goods could be imported from Europe, while the US could remain primarily agrarian.
During the Reconstruction period, the South went through a major reconstruction and rebuilding
phase. Although farming was still a large part of the economy, large manufacturing facilities emerged
as well. The increase in large manufacturing facilities and international trade mirrored the vision of
Hamilton much more so than Jefferson s. Jefferson and Hamilton differed widely in their views of
politics and the structure of society. Jefferson envisioned an egalitarian country vs Hamilton s
aspirations of a more stratified society. Jefferson wanted pure equality for everyone regardless of
social, economic, or background. In contrast, Hamilton wanted a growing manufacturing society were
owners of factories and large industries were politically more powerful than the people that worked
for them. Although the Reconstruction was designed to create a perfect equal rights society, other than
freeing the slaves, it failed miserably and was unlike Jefferson s vision of an egalitarian society.
Although the slaves were free, they still didn t receive equal
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  • 2. Borderlands And Identity Essay Kinjal Patel Professor Gearhart American Literature February 12, 2017 Reflection paper 2 The materials that impacted me the most were race and borderlands and identity. Like I had mentioned in my discussion blog, being different from others had a tremendous affect on me as a child. Being a different race wasn t much of a deal when we were kids, but as we started to grow up and gaining knowledge, everything changed. My classmate started to realize that I m different from them and started to treat me differently based on that. At the time we were all facing a challenge when it came to being a different race because of certain events like 9/11. When something goes wrong, it s always so easy to blame those who are different. For example, today s ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Presidency as an Institution The Presidency as an institution Both the administration of Carter and Reagan were shaped by the Cold War in the aftermath of Watergate. Watergate created cynicism of the government, which in turn made governing difficult both intentionally as well as improvisational because the institution of the President was seen as acting in the best interest of itself. President Jimmy Carter and President Ronald Reagan both had their difficulties as President. Carter had terrible problems with economics as our country underwent high unemployment as well as many other economic problems. Reagan was one of the unfortunate Presidents that had to deal with assassination attempts. Both Presidents had great accomplishments both foreign and domestic. Carter ... Show more content on ... Reagan was good at the institutional end of the Presidency because of his belief in limited government and his ability to communicate. He was President when America was under economic hardship. Reagan s Presidential plans were to cut taxes to try and help the lagging economy, as well fight communism. His plans however, were overshadowed by the fact that an attempt to take his life had put his health at risk. Reagan got approval from congress for his tax plan to restructure America and help regain some sort of economic base. Reagan had a very acute leadership and historical impact during his Presidency. Page 4 He had strong general convictions, he set his administrations overall priorities early on. He obviously placed his defensive buildup and his economic programs a head of everything else. He was very tactically flexible; he often showed no regret when he had to adjust to political opposition or to changed circumstances. He was also a great negotiator, setting his demands higher than the minimum, and accepting what he could get, making his decisions easily and promptly. His intentions were to increase military spending, knowing that the Soviet Union was slowly falling apart, especially on the eastern front. He took the Cold War into space, by setting up a system that he thought ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The University Of North Florida According to the Gallup Purdue Index Report, only 39% of the over 30,000 college graduates surveyed had experienced elements of well being as well as felt engaged in their work (Great Lives 7). Interestingly, the study also found there was no difference if they attended a public, private, non selective, or a highly selective institution (7). Therefore, graduates of the University of North Florida ( UNF ) are doing the same in job engagement and well being as graduates from all other colleges. Thus, less than half the graduates from UNF enjoy overall good lives; UNF must do better. UNF must revise its education policy with the goal of having all of its graduates enjoy good jobs and good lives. Amazingly, based upon my research this is not a Herculean task; the Gallup Purdue Index Report found that if a graduate had a professor who captivated and mentored the graduate, then that graduate had more than a 200% likelihood of having job engagement (7). Additionally, graduates were also shown to have more than a 200% likelihood of being engaged in their job if they had experiential and deep learning, which was having an internship, a job related to their major, a long term project, or extracurricular activities while attending college (10 11). Therefore, the jobs and lives of UNF graduates can be improved if they had been captivated and engaged in learning as students. Almost 200 years ago, a French pedagogue, Joseph Jacotot, articulated a way for students to be ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Tiananmen Square Protests 1989 In the year of 1989, the People s Republic of China remains under a communist regime. As the world is moving forward with new technologies and innovations empowering new beliefs, democracy is becoming the next big government. China s economy is slowly flourishing and their traditions still hang on. But with the increasing amount of western influences pouring into China through foreign trade, people are beginning to notice the wrong in communism. Citizens of China gradually learn more and more of the values and benefits of democracy and a small spark of change for a better government soon turns into a blazing inferno seen across the globe. The Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 is related to this year s theme of standing up because it sent shock ... Show more content on ... Tiananmen has had very little effect on China in 2017, but in the years following 1989, China was in turmoil. As factions began to rise within the CCP and the thought of their lost loved ones are still fresh in people s minds, a threat of yet another movement was growing. Fueled by their fear of revolution, China s government unifies its members under a single mission, to eliminate and destroy all information on Tiananmen. A purge begins of all documents and articles of Tiananmen. Over the decades, China has hidden and censored many articles, websites, media, etc about Tiananmen from its people and has killed many who dared to talk of the June Fourth Incident and anything else the CCP sees as undesirable. For example, in 1996 Falun Gong, a popular buddhist practice that embodies the ideals of peace, balance and harmony, grew extremely popular. Falun Gong was mainly practiced through meditation and involved peaceful practices, but the CCP feared that it would grow too popular and eventually turn into a political rival. To prevent being overthrown, the CCP punished anyone who dare to practice Falun Gong within the People s Republic of China (PRC) by beating them and torturing them. The photos of the victims of this brutal persecution caused fear to spark in the country and as a result of this terror, not one person of the 1.381 billion people that inhabit Chinese soil talk about the protests or anything that the CCP dislikes as the sword of death is always hanging precariously above their ... Get more on ...
  • 6. I Speak Through My Clothes I speak through my clothes. (Hebdige, 1993: 100, quoting Eco, 1973) Fashion is one of the ways that one creates identity. In particular, since the rise of youth culture in the 1960s fashion has become... a way of defining one s identity or else a way of avoiding such definition . (Gonzalez Bovone, 2012: 23) The 1960s saw a rise in mass production of consumerism fashion, and has been used as a form of expressing ones identity; whether it be inspired or interpreted from religion, social status, habitus, gender, cultural icons, or subcultures (such as punk, pastel goth, hipster, etc.) Crane states in Fashion and its Social Agendas, that due to the availability of inexpensive clothing... that those with limited resources can find or create personal styles that express their perceptions of their identities (Crane, 2000: 6); the consumer is expected to construct an individualised appearance from a variety of options. (Crane, 2000: 155) However, Polhemus argues that Fashion is an arbitrary language system where things are really what they appear to be (Polhemus, 2011: 49), suggesting that fashion is a tool used for illusion. Bovone contributes, stating that On the stage of everyday life, the performer declares what he is... his image is at stake and he is involved in a continuous negotiation with his fellow performers and the audience. (Gonzalez Bovone, 2012: 72) Polhemus and Bovone both illustrate that whilst fashion helps to create identity, it is not a reliable ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Red Bull Case Red Bull Gives You Wings: Red Bull s promotional efforts are unique in a variety of ways when compared to it s mainstream competitors. Instead of promoting the quality of Red Bull s taste, they emphasized the effect it had on the drinker such as increased performance, concentration, reaction time, speed, vigilance, and emotional status (428). The company gained brand recognition by giving away free samples from a fleet of logo bearing off roaders operated by young attractive operators and word of mouth (429). The company also agreed not to say anything in response to the rumors that flourished about the product ingredient taurine which was said to be a derivative of bull testicles or even bull semen. Instead of trying to put out ... Show more content on ... According to an article written by Natalie Burg, Red Bull appeals to action sports, and they ve attached themselves to the audience by speaking in the language and formats they are used to, such as digital videos and media (Burg, N.). They speak to their audience through the new app which covers action sports, music, e sports, and lifestyle stories; and Red Bull associates itself with all of these action pact events as a means of conveying that they played a part in it s success (Burg, N.). The Red Bull marketing team also chose an unlikely promotional program that thrived off of word of mouth after giving away free cans. Besides using traditional marketing techniques like television advertising, Red Bull s marketer s primary promotional tactics include engaging customers through activities so meaningful that deep relationships form. Overall Red Bull s promotional techniques match the unique and extremely active lifestyle of their audience by being interactive in the careers of many professional or aspiring athletes across all sports, as well as bands and musicians in the entertainment industry. Red Bull verbally asserts they want to help their sponsored athletes in achieving their dreams, which is consistent with their promotional tactic of offering consumers meaning in their lives and their work. Given Red Bull s success, it is unlikely that a change in the target market will be needed. Red Bull will thrive if they remain compliant and ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Christianity in Shakespear s Hamlet Faith plays a large role in how one lives their life. Christianity plays a strong role throughout Hamlet by William Shakespeare. When reading the play one must think of the controversies of the time when Shakespeare writes the play. Reformation and Renaissance opinions are reflected throughout. Shakespeare deals with very controversial attitudes and religious questions dealing with death, the existence of purgatory, morality, murder, suicide and marriage in his play Hamlet. It is obvious throughout the play that Hamlet s life is guided by his faith and his religious beliefs. At first, Hamlet sees the ghost of his dead father and vows to avenge his death. Christianity forbids followers to seek out spirits for advice or ... Show more content on ... To be, or not to be? That is the question whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And, by opposing, end them? To die, to sleep No more and by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished! (Shakespeare 53). At this point Hamlet is questioning whether he should live or die and whether it would be better to live his life in agony or end it and in turn end the pain. He is troubled that if he were to take his own life he would end up not in purgatory but in hell because taking one s life was considered to be an unforgiveable sin. It is unfortunate that Hamlet is in a place in his life where he thinks killing himself would perhaps be more of an option than living under the circumstances, which surround him. Hamlet decides that he does not want to risk eternal peace in heaven for peace he may find while on earth in a difficult situation. Hamlet also uses his Christian ideals when struggling with the idea of killing his step father. He has several opportunities to do so the primary one is when he walks in on Claudius praying. Hamlet can t commit murder when the person is praying because then that would send the person straight to heaven. Hamlet does not want Claudius to end up living in heaven but rather he wants to make sure that Claudius is sent to Hell. Hamlet ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Metal Fencing Pros And Cons If you re looking to install a new fence, it s important to weigh the pros and cons of each type of fencing material. Each type of fencing offers unique benefits to homeowners. Two of the most popular types of fencing materials are metal, which includes aluminum, wrought iron, and steel, and different types of wood. The metal fencing experts at Creative Iron Arts, located in Oakland, CA, explain the benefits of choosing a metal fence. Consider these three compelling benefits to choosing metal fencing: Adds Flair to Your Yard: Metal fences add a look of elegance to the landscape of a home. The dark metallic finishes of these types of fences look visually appealing against porches, decks, or around a garden. Wrought iron ornamental fences give a Victorian feel to your property. An expertly crafted fence might even increase your property value. ... Show more content on ... Metal fencing does not need any type of maintenance, staying rust free and maintaining its luster for many years. It also doesn t need to be stained or sealed and will maintain its shape without warping. Deters Crime: Metal fencing also works as an effective crime deterrent. You can choose a tall fence with pointed barbs to make it difficult to climb, and you can even tie the fence in with security systems to keep criminals off of your property. The metal fabricators at Creative Iron Arts can help you choose the custom metal fence you want for your yard. Give them a call at (510) 910 2175 to speak to an expert metal fabricator about your fencing ideas, or visit their website to view their portfolio of custom fences and ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Freedom Summer Research Paper In the Summer of 1964, the Mississippi Summer Project, also known as Freedom Summer, was organized by several Civil Rights organizations such as the Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee and the Congress on Racial Equality. The event that caused the start of Freedom Summer were that many African Americans were not registered to vote, this was because the southern states had implemented literacy tests that were unfair and could be interpreted differently, and Poll Taxes which were ridiculous amounts to pay ( Freedom Summer ). Other causes include the case of Plessy Vs. Ferguson, which stated the Separate but Equal clause, and also Racial segregation. Freedom Summer Volunteers included White Northerners, and the organization was made to focus on the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, Voter Registration, Freedom Schools, and Community Centers ( Timeline: Freedom Summer ). There was a need for the Freedom Summer because Many African American People in the south were being oppressed by Literacy Tests and Poll Taxes. ... Show more content on ... They refused to move to the segregated spots on the bus once they arrived in a segregated state. The events that caused the Freedom Riders was the segregation on public transportation. Some groups that were involved in the Freedom Riders were the Congress on Racial Equality, since the organization recruited the Freedom Riders, and also the Interstate Commerce Commission, because that organization was the one to prohibit segregation on busses and trains throughout America in September 1961( Freedom Riders ). There was a need for the formation of the freedom Riders because it was clear to many people that segregation on public transportation was not only an outdated practice, but also racist, it needed to be stopped once and for ... Get more on ...
  • 11. A Short Note On The De La Obra INFORME DE LA OBRA SERPIENTE CON PLUMAS CARLOS ANDRES VALDERRAMA GAMEZ NUESTRA SEÑORA DE FATIMA 2015 ESPAÑOL ¿DE QUE TRATA CADA CAPITULO? ¿de qué trata la obra en concreto? ¿Qué apreciación tiene usted de la obra? ¿Cuál es la estructura de la obra? Serpiente con plumas CAPITULO I EL ORACULO El primer capítulo trata de como era la personalidad o como era Quetzalcoalt de que era un niño muy tímido y que era muy observador, también habla de que la fiesta de nacimiento de Quetzalcoalt fue mucho mejor ala de Inti Lo Coalt, también se narra en la obra que para escogerle nombre a Quetzalcoalt se tuvo que pasar varias montañas muy sufridas de coronar pero la última montaña había una grieta o cueva y que al entrar gritaron a ver quién estaba en la cueva y salió una vieja muy fea con pelo desengranado y con una cara de muy pocos amigos y al entra la señora se lo llevo al pie de una fogata pero el niño asustado no pudo hacer nada pero al fin la vieja salió de la cueva y le puso el nombre de Quetzalcoalt serpiente con plumas, el agraciado , el de la gran fortuna. Después una muchacha muy bonita muy diferente a las demás le dijo que iba a pasar algo malo, que iban a atacar el imperio entonces Quetzalcoalt estuvo conversando con su hermano de la mala noticia y pensaron que si en verdad iban a hacer eso lo harían por la noche Capitulo ii El desafío El segundo capítulo trata de la batalla que una mujer o chica le advirtió donde
  • 12. ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Universal Design, Construction, And Remodeling Of Spaces Universal Design is a newer building principle that was introduced into the world of design in late 20th century. The concept of universal design is similar to the ADAAccessibility Guidelines, however the difference is that universal design works for everyone. Therefore, ensuring that the elderly, able bodied, and disabled individuals are all able to use and access buildings and products equally. However, many of the universal design components that are implemented in buildings today, are the principles that which apply to the ADA requirements, benefitting only the disabled. At one point or another in life, all people experience a time of discomfort. Universal design strives to make daily living in both residential and commercial spaces ... Show more content on ... History and background of Universal Design. Universal design is a term that was created by Ronald L. Mace: a renowned architect, designer, and educator. The term Universal Design expresses the concept of designing all products and the built environment to be aesthetic and usable to the greatest extent possible by everyone, regardless of their age, ability, or status in life (Universal Design Universal Design). As a strong advocate of the disabled s rights, Mace became a key player and supporter of the American Disabilities Act. His work in accessible design was influential in the passage of The American with Disabilities Act, which was passed in 1990 (Universal Design Universal Design). Universal Design is based on 7 core principles which are: equitable use, flexibility in use, simple and intuitive use, perceptible information, tolerance for error, low physical effort, and size and pace for approach and use ( The 7 Principles. ). These principals promote accessibility, ease of movement, and safety for everyone. The concept of universal design ensures that every individual will have the ability to work within a space or use a product. Universal design can be applied to everything from interior design to home products. Applying the seven principals of Universal Design allows designers and builders to ensure that no matter a person s ability, they will be able to move freely and efficiently use a product. ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Lab Report On Projectile What is a projectile? In what is a projectile (Physics Classroom, 2015), a projectile is a moving object and the only force acting upon it is gravity. The actual path of a projectile could vary according to the position and direction of the launch of the projectile. The image types of projectiles (2015) shows three types of projectiles. P1 is the projectile which has the movement only in vertical direction while P2 has more vertical and a little horizontal motion thus moving in two dimensions. P3 has both motions almost equal. Projectile has the characteristic of being under influence the force of gravity only. If the path of a moving object is affected significantly by some air resistance, the object is not a projectile any more. It is also not a projectile while at the source or when it hits something during its flight. A ball shown in the diagram below is not a projectile till the ball leaves the hands of the person dropping it or throwing it. The air resistance can be ignored at this point because the effect is not significant. It again seizes to be a projectile when it is in contact with the ground because the force of the reaction from the ground and the force of friction has come into action. P1 P2 P3 Diagram 1 Assumptions: Several examples of projectiles will be under discussion during the following study, so it is ... Get more on ...
  • 15. A Brief Note On Human Value Through The Effect Of... Kyra Li Professor Chappelow WRIT 150 2 February 2017 Demoralization of Human Value through the Effect of Globalization on Coal In the city of Los Angeles, it is rather easy to turn on the light or charge a laptop. I never thought much about where this energy and electricity come from, because they can all come from a simple action like flipping a switch. These little movements became my daily habits, as I need the light and the charger. Coal is an important supply for fuel, power generation and steel production. Everything it fabricates goes into our daily life big and small. The charger and light are small examples. Globalization is the big example. Globalizing forces like modern transportation and transaction technology allow the coal ... Show more content on ... The new transaction method helps with the rise of the coal industry. In the past, recording banking and financial activities of different countries could be difficult, but with new technology these activities can be done easily and efficiently. Besides new technology that allows for quicker transactions and calculations, new systems also quickens the process of trade. For instance, letter of credit can be issued quickly. It can be delivered based of with export contract and the bank can give a guaranteed payment to the exporter till the transaction goes through upon delivery. This is beneficial, as the international delivery of coal can take more than a week with long distance (Rodrigue). The laws and regulations for coal transaction are also less strict due to the economic benefit coal production brings to many countries. The decrease of transactional cost further decreases price for coal and increases demand for coal. The transport and transaction sector made international connection possible and made the coal industry flourish. The increase of consumption of coal brings convenience to the vibrant world. Coal exerts great influence on globalizing force like the transport sector. Looking at transportation mediums like cars and airplanes, they run because of fuel. Many people think that fuel comes from gasoline, which is true, but the liquid fuel coal is also used in airplanes and cars. The liquid fuel combines with natural gas and creates ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Frankenstein And The Oppression By Mary Wollstonecraft Frankenstein and the Oppression Frankenstein is a novel written by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, which sets the story on a scientist named Victor Frankenstein who pursues the goal of creating life. Frankenstein accomplishes the creation of a monster, but becomes disgusted by him and abandons him later on in the story. The monster goes on his own path to find the meaning of humankind, but gets his revenge because of the abandonment of Victor. He then kills Victor s family and his future wife. Some people would say that Frankenstein s creation had no purpose for living because of all the killings that the monster had done. Some could say that the monster was more of an antihero. The monster s actions were misinterpreted by many people because they believed that the monster was a malicious monster. Although he was fighting against the oppression of humankind justifiably. Frankenstein s monster received an exceedingly amount of hatred by people that were disgusted because they had never seen a monster before, but no one cared to think that perhaps the monster was not evil and all it just wanted was compassion from a person and to understand what it meant to live like a human being. The oppression that was perhaps being used onto the monster was perchance that the humans may have never seen a monster before and no one took their time to understand what the monster was and how it was created. This caused many individuals to fear the monster and attack or scare the monster away ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Β-Galactosidase Lab Report With both the stock substrate and varying enzyme solutions prepared, the Spec20 spectrophotometer was used to investigate the enzymatic activity of β Galactosidase through an absorbance based assay. Using LoggerPro software on the computer to analyze the absorption data, the Spec20 was calibrated before each run with 0.5 mL of the tested enzyme concentration at an absorbance of 420 nm. Data collection was then started, instantly followed by the addition of 0.5 mL of the stock 2.5 mM substrate solution, topping off the 1 mL cuvettes. Each of the nine varying enzyme concentrations were split between the team and run for a total of 10 minutes. Upon completion, data from each varying enzyme concentration was copied to a single Excel sheet and used ... Show more content on ... From the stock substrate solution of 2.5 mM, each group serially diluted at least one different substrate concentration for a total of four different substrate concentrations to be investigated: 1.25 mM, 1.0 mM, 0.75 mM, 0.25 mM. The enzyme concentration was kept constant at 2.0 mM while experimenting on the affect of varying enzyme concentration on the rate and product formation of ONP. Enough 2.0 mM enzyme solution was prepared in the previous part of the project to supply this assay. Using similar procedure to collect absorbance data as the first part, 0.5 mL of 2.0 mM enzyme concentration was placed into the cuvette and used to calibrate the spectrometer at 420 nm. Data was then started, with the immediate addition of 0.5 mL of varying substrate concentrations. Each varying substrate concentration was split between the team and run for a total of 10 minutes, with the exception of the 1.25 mM run. Upon completion, data from each varying substrate concentration was copied to a single Excel sheet and used to produce an absorbance vs. time graph, product formation vs. time graph, Michaelis Menten plot, and Lineweaver Birk plot. This analysis was used to calculate the V0,Vmax, and Km for β Galactosidase ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Special Education In The 1890s In order to have a good understanding of Special Educational Needs and how the education system accommodates for children with SEN, it is important to know how it has developed over the past hundred or so years. In 1886, the Egerton Commission was set up to view the educational provision of children who were deaf, blind or dumb. By 1888, the Egerton Commission had begun including the education of those from ‘exceptional circumstances’ who would appear to need ‘exceptional methods of educationâ€events which unfolded around this time had a large impact on how special needs was viewed and still affects special education needs provision now. Around this time the idea of segregated education was formed and this is the basis for the ‘special’ ... Show more content on ... In 1889 it was suggested that children who were considered to be feeble minded children were to continue to be educated within the mainstream system but within education classes and children considered to be educable imbeciles were to be educated in special institutions. These recommendations led to the opening of of special schools in the 1890s. In 1898, the government expressed a lack of defining criteria for these groups and therefore the difficulty in defining labels and correct education for children with special education needs. This led to the Departmental Committee on Defective and Epileptic Children to create the subgroup ‘the ability to earn a living’. Children who were considered as able to earn a living were children previously labeled as feeble minded whereas children who were imbeciles or idiots were considered as unable to earn a living. By 1913, the Board of Education’s Chief Medical Officer decided to group children into five categories: the mentally normal child, the dull or backward child, the feeble minded child, the imbecile child, the idiot. This shows that educators were beginning to have a greater understanding of different abilities. the Board of Educators was also beginning to understand that the lack ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Commission Junction Affiliate Marketing One of the best ways to sell products, as well as services is through Commission Junction affiliate marketing. It is considered as the largest marketplace of tangible products in the online business world and a great way for you to earn a lot of money. It is very much comfortable in selling products as well as services through this program because he is sure to get paid well and promptly. For a Commission Junction affiliate or any other affiliate marketer in the business, it is very important that their work is given due credit by the businesses they advertise products for. This is why Commission Junction is a very popular payment processor for the compensation of affiliates who are producing well and good. It is good to know for a Comission Junction affiliate that the benefits of the program outweighs greatly the negative ramifications ... Show more content on ... It is always better to start with those that you are familiar with so you can give the right information as well as the proper amount of expertise regarding the merchandise. Potential buyers are very much interested to know the benefits of the merchandise they are interested in and you have to be able to provide them with truthful and convincing information. The truth about it or any other kind of affiliate program is that all the tools you need for success is right at your fingertips. You do not have to be a whiz to figure out and master the formula that will allow you to rake in a lot of cash in such a short period of time. The success in affiliate marketing is founded on a strong willed affiliate who will go to extraordinary lengths to effectively sell products and services. The income opportunity that Commission Junction affiliate marketing presents can be for anyone who is willing to learn the ropes of selling in its most pragmatic ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Involvement In Gangs This paper will examine the factors that contribute youth to involve in criminal gangs. It aims to look at social disorganization theory as well as rational choice theory to understand youth and their involvement in gangs. Three main factors that this paper will be focusing on and studying thoroughly are the effects of parental supervision, the community the youth is raised in and peer influence. Despite many programs that are instilled to ensure that youth are helped with delinquency, there are still many influences such as parental supervision, community and peer influence that can sway youth and their decision to join a gang. Based on this discussion, this paper will argue that the ways that children are educated and raised at a young age ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Coastal Plains Of Texas The Coastal Plains of Texas is a large area that extends from the Atlantic Ocean to beyond the Rio Grande. This region can be divided into 5 distinct areas. PINE BELT: It extends 75 to 125 miles into Texas from the east and from north to south from the Red River to about 25 miles of the Gulf Coast. The Pine Belt is practically the source of all Texas timber production. Lumber is the principle industry. The climate is good for a variety of fruits and vegetables. A great oil field discovered in 1931 contributed to the economic growth of the area. BLACKLAND BELT: This area stretches from the Rio Grande to the Red River. This area runs through the DFW metropolitan area. This area is also the most populated with the strongest diversified manufacturing industry of the state. COASTAL PRAIRIES: This area extends along the Gulf of Mexico, from the Sabine River to the lower Rio Grande Valley. Cattle ranching is the largest and strongest agriculture industry. Along with cattle ranching, rice is also a very strong crop in the agriculture industry. More principle crops include cotton, grains, vegetables, and citrus fruits. LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY: This low valley is also known as The Valley. It has the greatest citrus and winter vegetables in Texas due to the lack of freezing weather. It is ranked very high among the nation s fruit and truck farming regions. RIO GRANDE PLAIN: This massive plain lies south of San Antonio between the Rio Grande and the Gulf Coast. The ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Top Competitors Of Drucker And Falk Zakch, M. H. (1999) says that always building on the latest knowledge, rather than reinventing the wheel gives competitors a chance to catch up. This is especially true when a firm is trying to get an advantage over the competition. Knowledge is certainly power, and the more knowledge that a firm has, the more they are able to bring to the table. Not only do the customers put more trust into them for the knowledge that they possess, but the confidence of the firm truly blossoms as well. Drucker and Falk is especially receptive to this belief. They use knowledge as a lead and an advantage over the heavily populated competition of property management companies in the surrounding areas. The top competitors of Drucker and Falk include ... Show more content on ... This class places the marketing director or the property management coordinator right there face to face with the employee and they are able to pour all the knowledge that they possess onto the new employee in a bulk form one or two day session. After the leasing class is over and complete, the new employee has further training to get acclimated to his or her new position. This includes a lot of online training in areas such as fair housing, sexual harassment, more leasing, etc. This is where Drucker and Falk excels over the competition. The training software that the company utilizes is top of the line software and includes nothing but the newest content available to the property management industry. They are very adamant about training deadlines as well. Each employee of Drucker and Falk has some type of training to have completed on a yearly and semi annual basis. This ongoing training keeps all of the employees up to date with the most current information available in order to keep our skills and knowledge sharpened. One top of introductory training and ongoing training, Drucker and Falk invests in sending its employees to get their official certifications. This brings even more knowledge to the company. Most of the property managers employed with Drucker and Falk ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Tinker Case Summary The students in Tinker were wearing black armbands in school to protest the Vietnam War. Tinker v. Des Moines Indep. Cmty. Sch. Dist., 393 U.S. 503, 504 (1969). School officials suspended students when they refused to remove the bands because they believed they would provoke classroom disruptions and violence, though none had occurred at that point. Id. The Supreme Court held in Tinker that the schools could not prohibit the expression of an unpopular opinion unless such prohibition is necessary to avoid substantial interference with schoolwork or discipline. Id. at 511. The students in Tailor by contrast were protesting the United States response to 9/11 and began throwing paper and water bottles around the classroom during their protest. ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Histrionic Personality Disorder We have all met a person who always has to be the center of attention and engages in inappropriate sexually seductive or provocative behavior. It may be obvious that something is off or not quite normal but many do not realize this behavior could be the result of a disorder known as Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD). According to Paul Rasmussen of Furman University, an individual with a histrionic orientation displays an active dependency characterized by a strong need for external validation in the form of interpersonal attention, support, and reassurance . This paper will explore the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment as well as risk factors of Histrionic Personality Disorder. The American Psychiatric ... Show more content on ... According to Harper, the most obvious characteristic of histrionic patients is their use of denial or dissociative mental operations, which can rewrite history to conform to a more favorable presentation of events, discarding negative and conflictual experiences and feelings in the process (2004). Another common symptom displayed among those with HPD is being overly concerned with physical appearance and frequently shows self dramatizations, theatrical behavior, and exaggerated emotions. Those diagnosed with HPD tend to shift emotions rapidly, constantly seek reassurance, are excessively sensitive to criticism or disapproval as well as consider relationships to be more intimate than they really are. Without being aware of it, persons with HPD often act out a roll in their relationships with others. They may seek to control their partner through emotional manipulation or seductiveness on one level, whereas displaying a marked dependency on them at another level (Bornstein, 1998). A person with HPD may avoid a social encounter when he/she knows that they might be upstaged by another individual out of fear of not being the center of attention. An article published by the American Psychological Association, titled, The Histrionic Prototype, states individuals with HPD maintain a relative balance on enhancement and preservation that reflects their need for attention and approval (Rasmussen, 2005). In addition, they are ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Scout Guide KKG Key article by Mary Miley Theobald A Lifestyle Guide to the Hidden Gems of Your City New in town? Check out The Scout Guide. Longtime resident? Check out The Scout Guide. Just passing through? Check out The Scout Guide and find the best local businesses in your city. Anyone bored with cookie cutter malls, chain restaurants, and the same old retail stores will appreciate this guide to the best of local a curated collection of unique, locally owned businesses that too often are elbowed aside by national chain giants. It s an insider s perspective of the town you love, says Susie Matheson, Denison. In 2010, Susie founded a lifestyle media company, The Scout Guide (TSG for short) with her friend Christy Ford, starting with the publication ... Show more content on ... The free books, distributed through boutiques, doctors offices, antique shops, art galleries, and realtors, are updated every year. Each city s guide is different, of course, but a typical example would include special restaurants, clothing boutiques, kitchen renovators, interior designers, realtors, artists, salons, home builders, wealth managers, doctors, garden designers, photographers, caterers, and maybe a private school or preschool. So many small businesses are owned by women the latest figures show that women own 30 percent of all enterprises, a number that is increasing at a rate 1 ½ times the national average that it is no surprise to find many of the businesses featured are female owned. But, The Scout Guide is just the printed side of the business model. Equally important is the social media aspect the blog that promotes each enterprise and the messages and photos sent out on Twitter and Instagram to readers who want to keep up with their favorite shops, restaurants, and designers. ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Immune To Reality Daniel Gilbert Analysis Humans are complex beings. We have different motivations, goals, and aspirations, but what influences us to having these goals and what motivates us to strive for them. Daniel Gilbert, in his essay immune to Reality states we have unconscious processes that influence our behavior, and also that we heavily rely on the acceptance of others. Our goals coincided with others because human have an instinctual drive to be accepted and to be happy, willing to do everything in their power to gain that Our unconscious is constantly trying to make us feel better. Blurring the lines of reality if need be. Think of a situation where your crush is talking to you. You swear that he/she is giving you all these signs to take it a step further. I m so ... Show more content on ... They need to learn, have to answer to any questions or odd situation they are presented with. Its just in our nature to seek the answer to everything, but its the curiosity keeping us interested, not the answers themselves. A deeper connection is formed with a question than to an answer. You ll never find someone obsessing over a solution once they have it, testing it a couple times making sure that it work. Once an explanation is formed the spark is no longer there. Thought, having an unanswered question, give us something to ponder, something to figure out. If humans were omniscient, we wouldn t know how to entertain ourselves, wouldn t know what to strive for. Therefore, having an explanation or an answer to a situation or questions makes it loses its luster, its in the past once the explanation is clear and complete with further reason to continue questioning. Gilbert says The second reason why unexplained events have a disproportionate emotional impact is that we are especially likely to keep thinking about them . The bigger the unexplination the bigger the thoughts the stem from them. However, maybe we shouldn t want find the answers. Finding the answer means losing the fun of thinking about it, thought not knowing could drive one crazy, due to the deep connection to it. We could very well be happier with constantly wondering, however, our own selfishness to learn wouldn t allow us to ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Psychological Factors Of Sports Psychology Essay Introduction Sports psychology is the scientific study of the psychological factors associated with the participation and performance in sport (Dahlkoetter, 2002). A sports psychologist s main focus is on using psychological skills to improve an athlete s performance and understanding how the participation in sports can improve health (Beyond performance: Training sport psychologists in Australia, 2012). Psychological Skills training (PST), although often neglected due to perceived unimportance, makes up a high percentage of sports training (Weinberg Gould, 2007). Techniques used to improve health and sport performance includes goal setting, imagery and motivation training, stress management and peak performance training (Cohn, n.d.). These techniques can be used to help an athlete with performance anxiety to overcome it. What is CBT? The cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that challenges negative thought patterns in order to improve a persons mind set (Better health Channel, 2014). This type of therapy is made up of two main therapies: Cognitive and behaviour. The behaviour therapy looks at how the situation effects the reaction to the situation (Hemmings Holder, 2009). The cognitive therapy further details this by analysing what a person thinks about the situation, how they talk to themselves about the situation and what images are at play in their minds for the situation (O Donoghue, 2016). This will then effect the emotions that are ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Afghanistan Women Essay United States humanitarian relief efforts have recently focused much of their efforts on involving the livelihood of Afghanistan women. For decades, these women have been frequent victims of abuse, despite some success by authorities in prosecuting rape cases, forced marriages and domestic violence. Child marriage, selling and buying women to settle disputes, assault and more than a dozen other acts of violence and abuse against women are a common norm in Afghan society. About 87% of women experience physical, psychological or sexual violence. Incidents of violence against women remain largely under reported because of cultural restraints, social norms and religious beliefs. Because of widespread discrimination, fears of social stigma ... Show more content on ... Women advocacy groups are concerned that restrictions would be placed on women s ability to work and are calling on key allies to continue to support women s rights through non profit funding. The Afghan people are largely opposed to the influence of western nations and want to see Afghans carrying out changes themselves. It is reported that Imams use their sermons to portray a strong anti Western sentiment. Americans burning Qur ans and videos negatively displaying the Prophet Muhammad are used to fuel anti Western sentiment and initiate protests. With the widespread anti Western sentiment, it will be a challenge for Western workers to train Afghan women. All too often, women of all ages are discriminated against in health, education and the labor market resulting in negative effects on their freedoms. While women here in the U.S. are far better off than those in other countries, and by and large don t experience what women face in developing countries, we simply can t turn our backs on the struggles women face elsewhere. It s a critical challenge that the entire world must work together to address. By observing the gender disparities in Somalia and Afghanistan, the U.S. can find specific ways to invest in gender equality and women s rights in developing nations. Gender inequality is an international concern, because women empowerment allows for social, economic and political growth. In the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Steve Jobs The Importance Of A Heartbeat Essay McKenna Avery English12 ERWC 04/18/17 Period 5 The Importance of a Heartbeat The subtle palpitations that speed up during a scary movie or slow down while asleep, that rhythm that can be altered with something as simple as a kiss or bad news, that background noise people have become so acquired to is worth more than any mansion, yacht, or company... or at least it should be. Without a pulse, one is capable of nothing. For this reason, Steve Jobs reflected on his imminent death and realized, No one wants to die...yet death... is very likely the single best invention of life, (Jobs). Jobs s reflection on life and death is confirmed by the mere fact that people cannot seem to realize the paramount aspects of life without it. Primarily, when death is not being ... Show more content on ... His epitome of physical health blurs the true importance of life; he has the power to change the course of a whole city but chooses to debate over his own worth proving that the human race is sometimes in need of some obstacles in life in order to appreciate their current situations.. While the blessing of a healthy life can disguise itself as a curse on occasion, once someone realizes the value of a life, their world is transformed. In the article, What Is the Value of a Human Life? , Kenneth Feinberg refers to the time when his legal argument could not stand up against the reasoning of families who had lost everything. He recalled, I was basing my decision on the law, just as juries did every day. But this explanation fell on deaf ears. Grieving families couldn t hear it. And I didn t believe it myself, (Feinberg). An attorney whose whole career depended upon the words of a law book altered his way of thinking after being forced to face the aftermath of death on the remaining family members. It is easy to regurgitate the phrases from the law but it is more difficult to apply those standards of human value after observing death s true ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Hobbes And The State Of Nature 1. According to Hobbes the state of nature leads to a war of all against all. What Hobbes refers to when he discusses the state of nature is a state in which there are no civil powers. To reach his conclusion about how the world would be in the state of nature, Hobbes first explains what human nature is and then explains the relationship between man and civil government. As Hobbes sees it men are naturally in conflict. Hobbes sees three reasons for this. They are competition, diffidence, and glory. Following from the right of nature, which states that all men have the liberty to promote their own life, men naturally desire to obtain resources so as to promote their own life and obtain some form of the good. Yet there are only so many resources, and so men enter into conflict over competition of who will be able to have the limited resources, since only one person can own each resource. . Diffidence follows from this competition. Since all men are equal in terms of mind and body, meaning that any man could kill any other man, men constantly feel threatened by other men. So, as a way promote their own self preservation, men seek out their enemies, which is every other person, and attempt to get rid of the threat they possess rather than let themselves be harmed by the threat. So, men are proactive in defeating their enemies. Finally, men enter into conflict via glory. Men value their honor and desire to be treated in a certain way. When this honor is damaged men lash out so ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Retail Is A Fast Paced Environment Retail is a fast paced environment that is always changing and adapting to new trends and styles. This is why we see fast fashion stores such as H M, Gap, Zara, Forever 21 and Uniqlo, cycling through the clothing they have in their stores very quickly. Because of the constant change in fashion trends, such stores are in an extremely competitive battle to be the most successful in their field. Competitiveness in this industry is broken down into five forces, a theory invented by acclaimed Harvard business professor Michael Porter. First is the threat of new entrants, which is a high threat considering that anyone can make a brand and try to enter the industry. But, as for fast fashion stores this is a low threat because unless someone was to enter the industry with a huge amount of capital, there is no possible way they could even come close to the magnitude of already established stores. So, given these circumstances I would say the overall threat level is a medium, and this level is going to stay the same. The next force is power of suppliers. This is a low risk because of the abundance of global raw material suppliers and the purchase of materials with low levels of differentiation in terms of price and quality. Most of these companies control their suppliers as well, so that in it self makes the power of the suppliers almost none existent. The only time where the supplier could put the company at risk is if the quality of the products is subpar to expectation, and ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Isaac Barrow Research Paper Shemal Reuben 801 Math Project Isaac Barrow The Reverend Isaac Barrow Born October 1630 in London, England and Died 4 May 1677 at age 46. London, England Nationality English Fields Mathematiconstitutions Trinity College, Cambridge,Gresham College Almamater Trinity College, Cambridge Academic advisors James Duport Notable students Isaac Newton Known for Fundamental theorem of calculus Optics Influences Gilles Personne de Roberval Vincenzo Viviani Influenced Isaac Newton. His mentor was James Duport who was a classicist, but Barrow really learned his mathematics by working under Gilles Personne de Roberval in Paris and Vincenzo Viviani in Florence. Isaac Barrow (October 1630 4 May 1677) was an English Christian theologian and mathematician who is generally given credit for his early role in the development of infinitesimal calculus; in particular, for the discovery of the fundamental theorem of calculus. His work centered on the properties of the tangent; Barrow was the first to calculate the tangents of the kappa curve.Isaac Newton was a student of Barrow s, and Newton went on to develop calculus in a modern form. The lunar crater Barrow is named after him. Lectiones habitae in scholis publicis academiae Cantabrigiensis AD 1664 ... Show more content on ... He was the son of Thomas Barrow, a linen draper by trade. In 1624, Thomas married Ann, daughter of William Buggin of North Cray, Kent and their son Isaac was born in 1630. It appears that Barrow was the only child of this union certainly the only child to survive infancy. Ann died around 1634, and the widowed father sent the lad to his grandfather, Isaac, the Cambridgeshire J.P., who resided at Spinney Abbey. Within two years, however, Thomas remarried; the new wife was Katherine Oxinden, sister of Henry Oxinden of Maydelin, Kent. From this marriage, he had at least one daughter, Elizabeth (born ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Library System Thesis LibraTRENT INFORMATION FIRST TECHNICAL CAREER INSTITUTE San Juan, Taytay Rizal Object Oriented Systems Analysis and Design: A case in Library System By: John Michael P. Concepcion Submitted to: Mr. Dominic Sales i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research project would not have been possible without the support of many people. First and foremost I offer my sincerest gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Dominic Sales who has supported me thoughout my thesis with his patience and knowledge. And for allowing the use of Computer Laboratory. In my daily work I have been blessed with a friendly and cheerful cousins and friends who helped me in the field of data collection and programming my system. Special thanks to my cousin and uncle Ms. ... Show more content on ... And Nygaard (1996) said In object oriented programming, an information process is regarded as a system developing through transformation of its state. The substance of the process is organized as the system components, called objects. A measurable property of the substance is a property of an object. Transformation of state is regarded as actions by objects. Mathiasen et el. (2000) gave the following description In many traditional Analysis and design methods, functions, data, and data flows are the key concepts (5). The concepts are suitable for describing phenomena in offices and computerized systems. Objects, states, and behavior on the other hand, are more general concepts and are suitable for describing most phenomena that can be expressed in natural language. Object oriented programming (OOP) and object oriented design (OOD) refer to a particular way of organizing programs, one which is rapidly emerging as the preferred approach for building complex software systems (Morelli, R, 2000 pg. 5). Sommerville (2001) gave the following definitions: Object oriented analysis is concerned with developing an object oriented model of the application domain. The identified objects reflect entities and operations that are associated with the problem to be solved. Object oriented
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  • 35. Paintballing-Personal Narrative On bright a sunny day, on Saturday morning me and my family and friends were going paintballing. Mom, Karson, Makana, Brittany, Jasie, Amanda, and I all get up and get all of our gear on, father said that he would take a little longer since he had to go to the chicken house, so we all went to the course and started playing. It was almost 10:00 in the morning, before he got back, but we had already started playing a few rounds, before he actually got there. Accordingly, we were going to play for a little while, then go back to the house, after that, go play some more. Playing another what felt like hour long games, I got hungry, so I told everyone we should just go ahead and go eat. All agreeing, we went back up to the house and changed clothes. ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Car Ride At Ohio State University The car ride was quiet for the first time in 18 years, it was a bittersweet taste but more on the bitter side. All I could hear was my car slowly gliding, rolling over the bumps of the highway. I kept thinking to myself that I must not to cry, but I could not stop the flow of sadness How could I not cry after dropping my youngest daughter, Julie, off at Ohio State. The number of applicants at The Ohio State University in 1989 was 15,748 (Ohio State enrollment Services). I would now be referred to as an empty nester. I kept thinking about the lonely quiet nights that I would have for the next two months until both of my children would come home from college. All the empty seats at the dinner table, and that only two will be occupied by my ... Show more content on ... Johnny came rumbling down the stairs after his shower where I addressed him about his room. After addressing him, Johnny decided to show his most dominant trait by expressing himself under a premise of disrespect. Johnny will you please go and clean that room of yours No mom, I need to catch the bus The bus doesn t leave for another 15 minutes you have time Why don t you clean you are not doing anything Nothing made me more mad then when my kids mouthed off after all that I had done for them. After Johnny mouthed off I was so infuriated I felt as if there was steam about to come out of my ears. Johnny noticed this anger building up inside me and busted out the front door. One would have thought a rabid dog was chasing him, but I wasn t rabid. He ran and got on the bus before I could get to him. On average a young adolescent runs a mile in 7 minutes(Let s Run). I looked down and noticed that I still had on my nightgown. This is perfect, I said to myself, deciding that I would show up to school in my nightgown and embarrass Johnny like never before. I pulled up to the school, just as the bus was rolling up, and I started to get out of the car when I saw a broom in the back seat. I decided I would use that as a fear factor prop to convey my message. I saw Johnny sitting in the back of the bus when he glanced out of the window and saw me standing there. He came over to me after getting off the bus. Mom, what are you doing here? he ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Industrialization Of America What factors led to Industrialization of America? Industrialization is growing or development of industries and factories in a country or region. The United States were far behind most countries in the 1700a 1800s. The US was a young nation and they had no loyalty or respect given to them by any country at this time. The people of the US wanted change, they wanted respect, and they wanted to be independent form all of the surrounding countries and civilizations. One of the main things that lead to the Industrialization of America, was the Embargo Act of 1807. In 1807, Britain began to blockade all of the United States ports. This infuriated the people of the US because there was no way for the them to get the things they needed. All ... Show more content on ... After the war was over, it was time for change. The US couldn t get any of the things they needed because of the Embargo Act of 1807, which stop mostly all of the trade with foreign nations. This meant the United States needed things such as tools, parts for newly advanced transportation, and many other items that people needed to make a living. Samuel Salter saw that the US was needing change, so he constructed in first British style textile factory in the United States, which was in Rhode Island. This was booming thing in America because it opened up many jobs. Not only did it open up jobs, these jobs paid at least two times the amount as a farming job. The formation of the factory and Industrialization in the United States created something new and far between, the Middling class. The middle class were the people that were neither rich nor poor. Though the Embargo Act and the War of 1812 were mainly focused on in this essay, there are many other things that caused the Industrial Revolution. The Embargo Act of 1807 sparked the War of 1812, which sparked the beginning of a period that would change the world forever. The period of Industrialization in the United States of America was the greatest thing the country has ever seen. The Industrial revolution worked toward and even created many new ways of transportation. Many different forms of technology were created to make the working man s life easier. ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Antony And Cleopatra Research Paper In the year 51 B.C. Cleopatra became queen when she was 18 years old. She ruled with her brother Ptolemy XIII, who was only 10 years old and not old enough to rule by himself. She also became his wife, which was a formality because of his age. Cleopatra was strong willed and ambitious. She wanted to bring her county to the glory of its former days. However Ptolemy s advisers drove Cleopatra out of Egypt by the time she was 20 years old. Cleopatra was determined to fight for the throne, so she made an army in Syria and prepared to go to war against her brother. However, before the battle could begin it was interrupted by the arrival of Julius Caesar the most powerful man in all of Rome. He was pursuing his defeated rival in a Roman Civil war. ... Show more content on ... Some time later one of Octavian s men came to the door to speak with the queen, trying to persuade her to come out. While she was distracted by this conversation, Octavian s men brought a ladder around to the very window through which Antony had been carried. Once inside, they rushed down the stairs and took her captive. Octavian allowed Cleopatra to give Antony a lavish funeral, as befitted a king. Then he ordered her to make ready for a voyage to Rome. She knew what would happen to her there. Cleopatra would be the highlight of Octavian s triumphal parade. She would be led in chains through the streets of Rome where the crowd would mock and curse her. She returned to her room and washed up after she enjoyed a sumptuous meal. It was her last. A peasant arrived with a basket of figs for the queen. The guard commented agreeably on how large and fine the figs were the man laughed and offered him some, but they declined, so he took them to ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Hatchet By Gary Paulsen Character Analysis Have you ever wondered what it is like to survive in the wilderness? If you have read the book Hatchet by Gary Paulsen then you would know how to do some of the basics in survival like to get food and shelter. Some things Brian had to do was to gather food and in the next few paragraphs I will get deeper into that topic. He had some Aha Moments that helped him get more food options to survive. This paragraph will be about how Brian was able to get his first food option besides berries. He has figured out how to get some more tools using the hatchet and that finally let him be able to capture fish. In chapter 11 it says Fish. Of course he thought. There were fish in the lake and they were food. And if a bird could do it... Brian realizes that there are fish in the lake and they are food. He needs to make a weapon to be able to capture them so that way he can have more food. He does that by making a fish spear that sometimes works. After that he ... Show more content on ... Brian realizes that there are birds in the woods and he has to figure out how to see them. When he does this in chapter 15 it says And that had been the secret. He had been looking for feathers, for the color of the bird, for a bird sitting there. He had to look for the outline instead, had to see the shape instead of the feathers or color, had to train his eyes to see the shape... it was like turning on a television. Suddenly he could see things he never saw before. In just moments it seemed, he saw three birds before they flew, saw them sitting and got close to one of them, moving slowly, got close enough to try a shot with his bow. Brian realizes there are birds in the forest and he might be able to shoot one with his bow to get more food. He wants to use some of his fish arrows to get a bird. It might not work but he knows there are birds and he knows how to see them before they fly away. He can use that against them and he might one day catch one and eat ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Waubano Disaster Many ships plied the Great Lakes treacherous waters through the 19th century and without surprise there were many sinkings and many lives lost. Parry Sound got its first full dose in November 1879 when the Waubano mysteriously sank. It was a side wheeled ship often carrying goods and people between the Sound and Collingwood. Auspiciously a bride had a dream days before portending the disaster. The weather had been bad, typical for so late in the season, but the last sighting had it doing well. When it sank, all 24 passengers and crew went down with her including the bride and her groom. On the occasion in question involved the midnight of September 13 1882 with slightly larger steamship, The Asia. It left for Collingwood headed for Owen Sound ... Show more content on ... With Bob she had Ethel May (b April 22, 1902) and Robert Arthur (b November 29, 1904). Her eldest son John Cecil enlisted in World War I on October 29, 1917, just as he became 21. From 1910 and for many years after, the Armstrongs, became a good place for winter fun with dancing and violin playing till dawn the next day. The ice in the nearby bay of Blackstone Lake was cleared using a plough with a team of horses, then smoothened out by pouring water on top for an ice skating party. People from Otter Lake, Foley and even the British diplomat Wilfred Powell who sometimes wintered over down on the south end of the lake would come with their wooden skates and enjoy Rosa s hot chocolate and cookies. A set of tragic events plagued Rosa s life. On top of loosing Matthew in the prime of life, she outlived all but one of her five children. Between Alberta and Cecil she had Henry Edwin born in 1894 and dying a year later. Her eldest, Alberta just after a few years of marriage herself succumbed to meningitis in 1911 at the age of 21 and her youngest Arthur died of the same illness at age 28 refusing treatment. The last tragedy for Rosa was the passing of her eldest son John Cecil in February 1949 from a long battle with cancer. Rosa, along with Ethel, ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Speech About My Journey My journey I am very humbled to be in front of you today.The Philip from 3 years ago would have never imagined himself on the Principia Ridgeway stage giving a senior speech in front of such an assembly, not even in his wildest dreams. Unlike everyone else, i didn t have that much time to think about senior speeches, these were just things that I heard of and saw only in the movies, so you can imagine how much of a movie celebrity I feel right now. How much I wish my friends back home could see me now, they wouldn t believe that I finally got to put on a suit that fits me. Even though at that time i wasn t able to see this day, having to stand in front of you giving you an insight of my journey to Principia is such an honour and privilege. Ever since an aunt of mine told my mother about Christian Science and introduced part of my family to, it turned out to be the answer to the life questions that most of my family members had. It was later on that i came to find out about it at church that not a day ever passed that i didn t badger about it to my mum until she finally gave in to actually putting in an application for me. I was in the boy s dorm in school when i got the call from my mum telling me that she had put in my application to be accepted to attend principa. I told to repeat this statement then i put the phone speaker that everyone around me could hear it. At first the room was filled with silence but then someone broke out with a low tone sheepishly saying ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Differences Of Alexander Hamilton And Thomas Jeffersons Like many in their time, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were friends and on the same side to absolve colonial ties with Great Britain. But once the war was over and independence was documented in the Treaty of Paris, the new business of creating a new nation was at hand. During this time, it became apparent that those who shared the same side during the revolution would now find themselves at odds with one another. Both men had visions and desires for the new nation. However, nearly one hundred years later and following the civil war, one vision in particular, was closer to reality than the other. Both of these men were fundamental in the birth of this nation, but their views on government, economics, and politics differ substantially. Economically speaking, Hamilton wanted a growing and thriving society based on trade and large manufacturing companies. In contrast, Jefferson envisioned a society that was based mainly on the presence of many small farmers. Jefferson particularly did not want large amounts of manufacturing to be done in the US. He argued that manufactured goods could be imported from Europe, while the US could remain primarily agrarian. During the Reconstruction period, the South went through a major reconstruction and rebuilding phase. Although farming was still a large part of the economy, large manufacturing facilities emerged as well. The increase in large manufacturing facilities and international trade mirrored the vision of Hamilton much more so than Jefferson s. Jefferson and Hamilton differed widely in their views of politics and the structure of society. Jefferson envisioned an egalitarian country vs Hamilton s aspirations of a more stratified society. Jefferson wanted pure equality for everyone regardless of social, economic, or background. In contrast, Hamilton wanted a growing manufacturing society were owners of factories and large industries were politically more powerful than the people that worked for them. Although the Reconstruction was designed to create a perfect equal rights society, other than freeing the slaves, it failed miserably and was unlike Jefferson s vision of an egalitarian society. Although the slaves were free, they still didn t receive equal ... Get more on ...