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Once More To The Lake Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic "Once More to the Lake" can be a challenging endeavor, requiring
a careful balance between personal reflection and literary analysis. The essay prompts readers to
delve into E.B. White's contemplative journey back to a familiar lake, navigating the intricate
layers of nostalgia, time, and the passage of generations.
The difficulty lies in capturing the essence of White's prose while infusing the essay with one's
own insights and interpretations. Striking the right chord between personal connection and
objective analysis is crucial. One must explore the evocative language, the thematic nuances, and
the underlying emotions embedded in White's narrative.
Interpreting the essay requires a deep understanding of the author's intentions, his use of sensory
details, and the subtle shifts in tone that mirror the complex interplay of memory and reality.
Balancing a critical perspective with a personal response adds an additional layer of intricacy to
the writing process.
Moreover, capturing the timeless and universal themes within "Once More to the Lake"
necessitates a keen awareness of the broader literary context and an ability to draw connections
to the human experience. It's not merely a recounting of events but a thoughtful exploration of
the human condition through the lens of White's introspection.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Once More to the Lake" demands a delicate dance between
personal reflection and scholarly analysis. It requires an appreciation for the nuances of White's
prose and the skill to articulate one's own interpretations effectively. Though challenging, the
process offers a rewarding opportunity to engage deeply with a timeless piece of literature.
For assistance with similar essays or other academic writing needs, one can explore resources like to access professional writing services and expert guidance.
Once More To The Lake EssayOnce More To The Lake Essay
Reproductive Rights Argument Essay
The argument about when life begins is nearly invalid in comparison to the
argument that there is a risen rate of unplanned pregnancies. Due to the raising rate
of pregnancy, present day America has turned abortions into a form of
contraception. When two individuals decide to have intercourse, they are
exercising their reproductive rights. If one has exercised a specific right, one must
also accept the responsibility of what comes after. For example, think about
speeding on the highway. One has the right to drive a car, as long as the set rules
are followed. Unlike most laws, rights, or rules in America where a fine may be
placed, the consequence of one s reproductive rights is not illegal and is another
human being. Thus, one must accept responsibility for what... Show more content on ...
Rape, of course, is an exception since a woman is not exercising her reproductive
rights, they are being exercised for her. If a woman cannot physically control what
has happened to her, she should have the ability to handle the outcome in whatever
way she feels fit. Many also argue that there are other ways to prevent pregnancy. For
example, there are multiple birth control options. Although birth control may not be
100%, this is much safer than not using it. In addition, birth control, like condoms,
prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. In that case, everyone wins.
There is no reason for two individuals who do not want a child to not use some from
contraception. There is also a grey area between whether or not birth control is a
form of abortion or if abortion is a form of birth control. Neither of these statements
are true. Birth control is taken to prevent pregnancy from happening at all. An
abortion takes place after pregnancy has already occurred and kills the living,
growing human being. One cannot argue against the idea that killing a human for
your own convenience is immoral. These ideas are simple, if one does not want a
child, one should not act in a way that will
My Memories That Changed My Mind
One of the memories that is more permeate in my mind is when my father had to
travel to China for business intentions. I remember when he leaves the country, but
not more than when he arrived home. Usually, when he came back home, he
usually bring with him some gifts for me and my mother, and he never forgets to
bring me my favorite gift which I still love when he give away to me. I like to call it
as the GodВґs dessert because of its curious shape of production, intense flavor, and
delightful meaning. Thinking in this product makes me want to have some of it. The
first impression people might have when they see this dessert is that it might be an
expensive and luxurious product because of its embellished packaging. It can be
identified by the cute design of the box due to the fact that on the left of the box there
is a sumptuous ribbon that its background color is a combination between dark
cinnamon and lightly caramel, furthermore, the ribbon has the brandВґs name
sketched all around it. The theme color of the whole box is pearly white what
makes the letters of the brand, written on the top of the box, stand out in a bright
gold. Moreover, bellow the ribbon there is a little description in French about the
glamorous product and next to it a small window made of transparent plastic where
the small pieces of the product are shown to the public. The most interesting thing
comes after its purchase. I start feeling the anxiety when it is time to open this fancy
box because as
Ignacio EllacurГa
Beatitudes in the Modern World: Ignacio EllacurГa, SJ Ignacio EllacurГa, a Jesuit
priest who dedicated his life to help liberate the poor and oppressed in Latin
America. He spent most of his life working in El Salvador. He was born on
November 9th, 1930 in Portugalete, Spain located in the Biscay province. He was
educated at the Jesuit school in Tudela, Navarra. 1 He began his novitiate to become
a Jesuit on September 14,1947, at the age of 17. 2 After the seminary Ignacio
EllacurГa was missioned to Santa Tecla, El Salvador. E l l a c u r Гa f u r t h e r e d
h i s e d u c a t i o n a n d s t u d i e d H u m a n i t i e s a n d P h i l o s o p h y a t Q
u i t o , E c u a d o r a n d T h e o l o g y a t I n n s b r u c k , A u s t r i... Show more
content on ...
They were murdered for many reasons. The general reason was because they were
outspoken on the injustices in the country. They were accused of being communists,
Marxists, and even atheists. There were also accused of being liberationists, an
accusation that was true for all and specifically true for EllacurГa who taught and
was a huge global leader in the ideas of liberation philosophy. All of this led to the
night when about thirty men dressed in military uniform, took three of the Jesuits out
into the garden and tortured and machineВgunned them there, and murdered the
others in the house. There were a total of six Jesuits murdered that night to
Judicial System In Texas
In the nineteen thirties, the people of Missouri would pick judges and eventually
politicians realized they could buy judges. They would buy votes especially an
American politician Tom Pendergast, would try to pack the court with those who
agreed with his political ideas. Until merit selection, the lawyers went against it
and wanted a better way for judicial selection. Both Democrats and Republicans
worked together and campaigned without financial interest. Leading to the
Missouri plan where the judge is now chosen by merit and qualifications. In the
Missouri Plan, seven people are on this commission. Three citizens appointed by
the governor, three lawyers elected by lawyers of a different part of the state and
the chief justice. Lawyers go through the judicial appellate commission and the
judicial appellate commission picks three. After this, the governor picks one to
become the judge. After a year serving then a ballot asks voters of Missouri if the
judge should be kept in office or not.... Show more content on ...
1. The commission nominates the qualified individuals. 2. The governor appoints a
nominee to a judicial position. 3 Retention election follows the initial term. A
benefit of the Missouri Plan is that it is based on qualification competition rather
than political affiliation competition and is now copied in thirty states. In Texas,
judges are elected usually by political party affiliation. Usually Republicans are
chosen in Texas with the straight ticket vote. The problem is that were taking away
from the different qualifications that people have by simply voting politically. I
prefer the Missouri plan over electing judges just by politics. It just seems like a
better way to pick judges. I think if political affiliation was removed the judges
would be best chosen by their history or quality as any other job usually
National Pressure Ulcer Prevention
Pressure Ulcer Prevention
Taylor Venema
University of Maine
Pressure Ulcer Prevention
The purpose of this paper is to discuss pressure ulcers (PUs) and their prevention.
The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP), European Pressure Ulcer
Advisory Panel (EPUAP), and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance (PPPIA) define
pressure ulcers as a localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue usually over
a bony prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear
(Brown, 2016, p. S6). Pressure ulcers are a healthcare problem that can have
detrimental effects on patients quality of life and can be regarded as an indicator of
poor nursing practice. Hospital acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs) result in costly
settlements ... Show more content on ...
Nurses can assess a patient s risk for pressure ulcers using the Braden scale. The
Braden scale determines pressure ulcer risk based off six categories: sensory
perception, moisture, activity, mobility, nutrition, and friction and shear. Scores can
range from one to four in each category and from six to twenty three overall, with
lower total scores indicating higher overall risk for developing alterations in skin
integrity (Hoffman Sullivan, 2017). Risk for pressure ulcer development is
indicated in scores eighteen or lower. The Braden scale is a useful tool, but simply
making it available will not produce satisfactory outcomes. It is necessary to use
clinical judgment in conjunction with provided tools. Cho and Noh (2009) observed
a weak correlation between Braden scale scores and nursing interventions applied to
patients deemed at risk for pressure ulcer development, which implies that nurses tend
to use the Braden scale just as a documentation aid. Additionally, their results showed
that nursing interventions were often limited to skin assessment and repositioning;
nutritional assessment was rarely applied in high risk patients (Cho Noh, 2009).
These results imply that there is a considerable area for improved care related to
pressure ulcer prevention and
The Burj Khalifa And The Tallest Building
The Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world, and has been since 2009. It is
a work place and a home to many people in Dubai. It was formally known as the
Burj Dubai but was changed in recognition to Sheik Khalifa who paid for the
majority of the building s construction. The Burj Khalifa is located in Dubai, United
Arab Emirates. The building cost 1.5 billion dollars to build. Construction started on
January 6th, 2004 and ended on December 31st, 2009. But 1,325 days after
construction started it was already the tallest freestanding structure in the world. At
the peak of construction, 12,000 workers worked on the building per day. Only three
workers died in the process. The building then opened on January 4th, 2010.
The first skyscrapers were built between 1884 1939. Chicago s Home Insurance
Building which opened in 1884 was considered the world s first skyscraper. It was
138 feet tall. In 1892 Chicago stopped building skyscrapers taller than 150 feet tall.
This allowed New York to start developing taller buildings. The economic boom of
the 1920 s led to the building of the Chrysler Building and the Empire State
Building. As the Great Depression hit, the building of skyscrapers stopped. Since the
end of the Great Depression buildings have become taller and taller until we get to
the Burj Khalifa at 2,722 feet. The Burj Khalifa is made of glass, steel, aluminum,
and reinforced concrete. So much rebar (a steel, reinforcing rod of concrete) was
used in the
Traditional Family In America
In America the concept of the traditional nuclear family is forced on the population
by means of the media, social media, and the educational systems. The idea or
concept of this is ideal family is a fallacy and no longer is a norm compared to the
1950 s. Only 48.4 percent of households have a married couple; 20 percent of all
households contain married couples who have children living with them (Caruso
Timmermann, 2013). This change means that the traditional familystructure has
evolved. America has a high divorcerate of an estimated 40 to 50 percent. Castelloe
states, that within the last 50 years there has been an increase in divorce, cohabitation
instead of marriage, blended families both gay and heterosexual, and children born out
... Show more content on ...
When children have issues at home, these issues affect other aspects of life, such as,
education, mental health, and social abilities. Tendencies that are different from
social norms, may manifest themselves in a student s education and grades. Parents
recklessly shove children into relationships, forcing them to assimilate. This may be
very problematic and detrimental to a child s mental and emotional health. Often,
parents do not admit to needing help with parenting and resolving issues. A common
belief is that problems will work themselves out and it is just a matter of adjustment,
this is usually false.
All individuals within a blended family, must contend with ethical, gender, economic,
cultural, and educational issues, for example. Deep seeded resentment, perceived
unfair treatment, and lack of attention, may create instability and affect the entire
family unit. These stresses can be too much to bare at times, increasing the risk for
divorce. To assist the family unit, alleviate some of these issues, family members
should spend more time together and increase communication. This helps create a
Software Systems Requirements Engineering
This paper presents an overview of software systems requirements engineering
(RE).The requirement engineering is the process of eliciting individual stakeholder
requirements and their needs and evolving them in depth. And then granted
requirements is documenting in a form that is responsive to analysis and
communication and specified that they can serve as the basis for all other system
development activities. This research paper provides a wide ranging and well
structured introduction to the fundamentals, principles, and techniques of
requirements engineering. In this paper they presents agreed techniques for eliciting,
negotiating and documenting as well as validating, and managing requirements for
software intensive systems. The various phases of the process and the techniques are
demonstrated using numerous examples and their work in industrial collaborations.
Their presentation aims at professionals, students, and lecturers in systems and
software engineeringdevelopment. The Professionals people such as software
architects, project managers, and software engineers will profit in their daily work
from the well presented mixture of validated measures and industrial experience.
Students and lecturers will appreciate the complete description of sound
fundamentals, principles, and techniques. It provides one of the clearest definitions
of RE: Requirements engineering is the branch of software engineering concerned
with the real world Goals for, functions of, and
Compare And Contrast The Scarlet Lir And The Sniper
The Sniper by Liam O Flaherty and The Scarlet Ibis by James Hurt are both alike
in many ways but also different in many ways. The Scarlet Ibis is about a boy with
a disabled little brother. The Sniper is about a man who is set on a mission to kill
his enemy, who was who he didn t want to be. Both stories share a brotherhood, war
and regret characteristic.
The Sniper takes place on a cold, dark, winter night in a city with a sniper set out on
a mission to kill his enemy but his enemy turns out to be who he never would of
expected. The story states, Here and there through the city, machine guns and rifles
broke the silence of the night, spasmodically, like dogs barking on lone farms. This
text supports the claim of how the city ... Show more content on ...
In the story, The Scarlet Ibis , the boy had a brother with a disability to where he
couldn t walk. Even though he did everything for his little brother, even teaching
him how to do the impossible of walking. He turned on him and left his brother
when he needed him the most. The story states, I began to run faster as he called
my name... . This text proves that the boy knew he was leaving his brother and
knew he needed him by the way he was screaming for him. The text also states,
limply he fell backward to the Earth... bleeding out of his mouth... This text proves
that he betrayed his brother and left him and came back to something he never
thought would of happened. The Sniper , the man was set out to kill his enemy
who turned out to be his own brother. By that he is betraying brotherhood by killing
his brother instead of looking out for him. The story states, The sniper turned over
the dead body and looked into his brother s face. This text proves that the man wasn
t expecting to turn over the dead body to come across his brother, but had a feeling
he knew the man he shot. Both stories tell about how the boy, and the man betrayed
their brothers and gained nothing from it but only lost part of
Essay on Happiness and Drought
It is interesting to think about why our ancestors decided to include the pursuit of
happiness as an American s unalienable right, as opposed to the previously
considered, right to land. To live a life without happiness, it seemed to them, is to
live a life without meaning. Edgar Lee Masters poems commonly reflect on the
quality, or lack thereof, of happiness in the afterlife of dead countrymen (and
women). The diction, word choice and imagery in Fiddler Jones by Masters
expresses the seemingly inherent joy of a lackadaisical man as well as the value of
perspectives and the ability to posit happiness over fortune and land.
As many of Master s poems in his Spoon River Anthology, the title Fiddler Jones
refers to a man who is not only a ... Show more content on ...
Although the poem begins by talking generally about the fundamental process of
life, lines 3 and 4 bring an individual to the stage in which the poem is set forth. This
is done by introducing the art of fiddle playing and the skill that such a feat requires.
A skill is a tenet that sets apart an individual from a general crowd. It is something
that one may seek pleasure from and it is here that the speaker of the poem creates
this separation the individual.
And if the people find you can fiddle,
Why, fiddle you must, for all your life. (ll. 3 4)
At this point we are being advised by the speaker that if we have a skill we must
use it for the rest of our lives. But it also says that if people find you can fiddle,
which suggests a communal aspect. This skill that sets one apart also makes them
a part of a community that cherishes the skill which one has acquired. This further
contributes to the meaning on the poem because this is the point in which we are
given insight into the speaker s philosophy. This belief being that if one is good at
something it should fully encompass their being for the duration of one s life, thus
rendering it a passion that becomes as a part of living as breathing itself. This leads
into the next lines where we are now required to consider value as a component in
distinguishing divergent perspectives. The point in which perspectives diverge
happens in lines 4 and 5, where Master s imagery is employed to depict the scene of a
Florida Panther Characteristics
To get an idea of the shape and characteristics of a mature Florida panther, picture a
large cat that has no spots and consist of mainly one color. Florida panthers all
consist of a solid tan body with a dark brown streak down their spine. The tip of the
tail, behind the ears, and side of nose are all black, giving the panther some key
characteristics to remember it by. Kittens of this species start of being grey with
an arrangement of brown or black spots. On the tip of the tail unlike the mature
panthers, they have five rings that fade and become invisible by the six months of
age. Male panthers usually have a weight range from 102 160, while females range
from 50 115 lbs. (U.S. Fish Wildlife Service, 2018). The difference of length from...
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The Florida Panther used to thrive throughout most of southeastern United States,
but today, they are little number of species in southern Florida. The habitat of
Florida panthers consists of pinelands, hardwood hammocks, and swamp terrain.
Living in these types of environments, you can tell that their body types are made
to hunt live prey. Their preferences for sources of food are: wild hogs, deer, rabbits,
and when limited resources they will eat raccoons and crocodiles. In the mind of a
panther, their strategy for hunting strategy is single out, stalk, ambush, while rarely
chasing their prey for long periods of time. Florida Panthers are mostly solitary
animals, not relying on a pack to help them hunt or thrive. They use their home
range to live, hunt, and raise their young. Males cover an area of 200 square miles
of land, while females range much lesser than the males at 70 80 square miles. While
covering such a vast majority of land, Florida panthers rarely fight over territory
(BCR,2016). The historical range of this species occurred throughout 7 states
consisting of southeastern United States. In the world today, the panther is limited to
less than five percent of their previous range, only having a single breeding
population located in southern
Essay on Trifling Justice
Move a little closer together Susan Glaspell s play, Trifles, was written in 1916,
reflects the author s concern with stereotypical concepts of gender and sex roles of
that time period. As the title of the play implies, the concerns of women are often
considered to be nothing more than unimportant issues that have little or no value to
the true work of society, which is being performed by men. The men who are in
charge of investigating the crime are unable to solve the mystery through their
supposed superior knowledge. Instead, two women are able decipher evidence that
the men overlook because all of the clues are entrenched in household items that are
familiar mainly to women during this era. Glaspell expertly uses gender... Show more
content on ...
There is no true regard on the part of the men for Mrs. Wright some of this may be
observed in part of the conversation between Hale and the county attorney, when
Hale states ...I said to Harry that I didn t know as what his wife wanted made much
difference to John. , and the attorney rebuts Let s talk about that later, Mr. Hale. I do
want to talk about that, but tell now just what happened when you got to the house.
(1386). It is clear the men have no interest in hearing about Minnie.
Glaspell creatively simplifies the setting in Trifles. The only scene is the Wright s
kitchen. The kitchen setting is critical in this drama in that this is the only place of
interaction and conversation within the play. The men survey the untidiness in the
kitchen and dismiss it as poor housekeeping. Meanwhile the ladies recognize and
empathize with Minnie as the know the amount of work that goes into running a
household and know that something had to happen for this to be left in such a state.
The playwright is nearly flawless in using symbolism to highlight the plight of
Minnie and women of the era. Mr. Hale declares dismissively declares, Well,
women are used to worrying over trifles (1387). The immediate response was [The
women move a little closer together] (1387). As they enter the home, the women
away from the men, huddled near the stove. The men easily converse as if they have
previously worked together and know one another. On the
The Lord Of Literature By. R. Tolkien
Caleb CassidyHonors English Literature 9/14/16 4th hour J.R.R Tolkien, The lord
of Literature Poet and author J.R.R. Tolkien is held by many as one of the greats
within English literature. He was a master of writing and teaching, and he showed
excellence in academia, prose, and poetry. He left an everlasting impact on the
world of literature by using his great understanding of language and his talent of
creating mythical lands of consistent excellence. Tolkien started his life in tragedy,
but used his circumstances to his advantage in his latter life and within his literary
career. A man of higher intellect than most was Tolkien, which is what contributed
to making him an amazing writer and poet. On January 3, 1892 John Ronald Reuel
Tolkien was born to Mabel and Arthur Tolkien in Bloemfontein, South Africa.
Arthur Tolkien was a bank clerk from the U.K. who left for South Africa in the
1890s for better chances of promotion (Doughan). Mabel Tolkien, maiden name
Suffield, was from the city of Birmingham in the West Midlands of Britain. At the
age of eighteen Mabel Suffield became engaged to Arthur Tolkien. The two were
destined for marriage, but Mabel s father forbade them from marrying for three
years. During their three year betrothal Mabel and Arthur exchanged letters to keep
in touch ( Mabel Tolkien ). When the three years were up Mabel sailed to Cape town
South Africa to marry Arthur, and so began the Tolkien family. Mabel and Arthur
were married on April 16,
Review Of Thomas Jefferson s Argumentative Essay
Thomas Jefferson wrote, Determine never to be idle... If is wonderful how much
may be done if we are always doing. I believe that always doing accomplishes more
than doing nothing. The reasons I believe this is because actions always produce
results. Also, you will always make progress no matter what you are doing. If we
always accomplish by doing, then what can be accomplished if you do nothing?
You can t achieve any sort of goal if you do nothing; therefore, I agree with Thomas
Jefferson. Firstly, any action we take will always produce some sort of result. When
you re taking action, no matter what for, it always opens up a new path. Whether or
not your actions are related to one another, you ll still achieve some goal. For
example, if you
Questions On Feminist Identity And Reactions Of Gender...
MCS*3500 Reflection 1 Threats to Feminist Identity and Reactions to Gender
Tyler Ciprietti 0786162
1. Describe the context (why it was done, the general interest and what the
researchers wanted to find out) of the research and research question (what is the
hypothesis). /10
The goal of the study was to identify factors that shape women s responses to in
group members who protest gender discrimination. The participants were all
undergraduate females that were all given the same information prior to the start of
the study. The one difference was the scenario (manipulation) in which the female
lawyer was being discriminated. The researchers told some participants of the study
that the lawyer ... Show more content on ...
To examine these hypotheses, the researchers had the female participant group read
about an unfair hiring decision in which a law firm chose not to grant the deserving
candidate a position, and hired a less experienced male candidate instead.
2. Describe dependent, independent, and moderating variables. How these variables
were measured and manipulated in this study. 10
Independent = Condition either protest or no protest
Dependent = many of them; Outcome measures in case.....(4) We are only replicating
the evaluation of target.
Moderating = Pervasiveness of gender discrimination.
The variables in the study helped to differentiate the participant s opinions on the
female lawyer. In this case, the researchers are only replicating a small part of the
There were 4 possible dependent variables that were measured. 1) Anger Toward the
Target this was measured through statements like I feel angry at Catherine . The
higher the score, the greater the amount of anger was expressed. 2) Evaluation of
Target participants evaluated the likeability of Catherine by measuring statements
like I admire Catherine, I would like to be friends with Catherine . 3) Evaluation of
Target s Response This measure addressed evaluations of the target s response to the
decision. Participants
Samarium Vs Neodymium
Many extraterrestrial objects present during the early years of our universe, including
Earth, have been shown to share similar levels of Neodymium 142, an isotope of
Neodymium. Neodymium 142, which is found throughout the Earth s crust, was
researched to be present alongside Samarium within the formation of our Solar
System. Researchers were previously hinted to this discovery in 2005, when 142Nd
was found in chondrites, which are meteorites considered to be the building blocks of
terrestrial rocks. Data collected from this research was used to detect differences
between the Earths interior layers and chondrites for its first 30 million years. The
introduction of isotopes brought into this speculation provide many answers to the
question... Show more content on ...
Anyone interested in cosmology or the origins of the Solar System should
definitely research into this topic. It provides good details with background and
evidence on its subject. I would have personally not have known much of this if it
was not for reading this article. I wasn t formerly aware of the stability, or lack
thereof, during our Solar System s formation and the creation of terrestrial objects.
Nor did I know of how much one small detail, such as similar levels of an element s
isotope, could change our point of view on a subject of this importance. This
information is potentially advantageous when it comes to conversations or debates
on this topic, or even for personal questioning of our general creation and existence in
our Solar
Tell Tale Heart Essay
In Tell Tale Heart, Edgar Allen Poe develops the plot and creates a mood through
the use of metaphors, symbolism, imagery, and foreshadowing. The unique use of
said literary devices enables the story to strongly entice the reader s interest and
spark high levels of curiosity. The vivid mental pieces of art are beautifully painted
with metaphors, symbolism, and imagery, the tools mastered by the painter, Edgar
Allen Poe.
The initial analysis will be that of the old man s eye. Mr. Poe uses very descriptive
technique to allow the reader to view the eye for themselves, there are no literal
pictures within the pages of the story, the pictures are therefore seen mentally, and the
description is one way that the author incorporates imagery ... Show more content on ...
The previous paragraph explained the eye symbolizes misconception, but the
structure of specific sentences implies that the eye can indeed see even the most
hidden of things. After the main character dismembers the old man, he proceeds by
removing three planks from the floor in order to store the corpse underneath the
floor, and in conclusion to this horrid act he states I then replaced the boards so
cleverly, so cunningly, that no human eye not even his could have detected anything
wrong (p.4, Angus). Such a statement implies that not only does the eye capable of
depleting vision and understanding, but the eye also has the ability to enhance
perception and amplify vision as well.
The eye is the center, the main attraction if u will, of this story. It is no wonder as
to why the eye symbolizes quite a handful of things. In addition to the symbols
analyzed prior to this paragraph, the symbolism of control is also used with the
eye. The eye displays the power of controlling the narrator s fluctuation in body
temperature which is a result of controlling the narrator s mood and level of fear.
Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees very gradually I
made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself
of the eye forever (p.1, Angus). I saw it with perfect distinctness all a dull blue, with
a hideous veil over it that chilled the very marrow in my bones... (p.3,
Aura In Art
To describe the feeling you get when looking at art, is difficult, and many theorists
struggle with how something so purely emotional, so unreal is ever present in the
world of art. How can something so fluid be grasped? In this essay we will explore
the word aura, and how it relates to art. I will argue that the connections we get when
looking at art is unreachable and cannot be related to either space or concept.
Fig. 1: Leonardo Da Vinci, ca 1503, Mona Lisa
Aura, according to Merriam Websters Dictionary(2016) is described as a special
quality or feeling that seems to come from a person, place, or thingВ». The concept
of Aura in art, originated from the German philosopher Walter Benjamin in 1935. It
is attached to the unique. Unique artwork is charged . They have authenticity. The
aura occurs through the special fascination we get when faced with a work of art
that is unique. The most obvious example here would be Mona Lisa (1503). The aura
is an artistic charisma or vibration of value and sublimity, of authenticity, a larger than
life status. It is an aesthetic mystery only ... Show more content on ...
Where you see it is related to the first glance experience, but is a questionable
factor when it comes to emotional response. There is a sense of greatness with art
exhibited in a museum or gallery. This is described as the Museum Effect, where
the place itself creates validity and importance to the object exhibited (Malraux,
1967). While I think artists should value the importance of placement and exhibition
venue in relation to concept, the place itself should not be an important factor
regarding aura. The artwork on its own is what gives us the uniqueness and felling
of awe, not the surroundings. You can feel a connection to art wether it is in the
galley, on the street or in a family album. In other words if an art piece can exist in
itself, an absolute, and still maintain an aura, it is in my opinion
Texas Tech And The College Of Human Sciences
Texas Tech is a large University located in Lubbock Texas and is home to many
faculty members. Because it is so big we, decided that focusing on one college, the
college for human sciences, for the semester is the best way to ensure we give our
best work out there, in hopes of in the future being able to help other colleges at
Texas Tech University. The college of Human Sciences has a total of one hundred
and twenty eight faculty members according the fall 2015 faculty census on the Texas
Tech website (Faculty Head Count). They also break this number down by ethnicity.
There majority of the faculty population is White Non Hispanic people accounting
for ninety nine out of the one hundred twenty eight people (Faculty Head Count). The
least was Black Non Hispanic, accounting for only two (Faculty Head Count). We
hope to get as many ethnicities to participate in this program to be able to study
trends in the specific ethnicity and then to compare and contrast with others (Faculty
Head Count). Now to further our knowledge we took to online resources. Reading
what other people thought effective time managementskills helped us design a plan
that could be formed to fit the needs of the individual. Being healthy does not just
mean that one is in shape and eats right. Being healthy is an all around healthy
body, as well as mind. We believe if the faculty is able to form a habit to better
scheduling their school schedule, they will be able to be more productive due to an
increase on
Wounded Warrior Leadership Challenges
The Wounded Warrior Leadership Challenges One of the most challenging
assignments that I experienced throughout my military career was working as a First
Sergeant in a Warrior Transition Unit (WTU) at Fort Hood, Texas. The central
mission of the Wounded Warrior Unit is to heal, recover, and rehabilitate Soldiers
back into the Force or civilian communities as Veterans. Placement in this
environment, or this kind of unit can be rewarding, but at the same time can be very
As a First Sergeant in WTU, my responsibilities/duties included the health and
welfare of Soldiers who were placed under the Commander s authority. One
question I asked myself when accepting this change of responsibility was... how am
I going to achieve the responsibilities of identifying the needs of a Wounded Warrior
without the proper training and knowledge? As a First Sergeant working for a
Warrior Transition Unit, I experienced many trials while trying to understand and
learn these triads of Care, and the Triad of Leadership techniques, followed by the
challenges in dealing and understanding each Soldier s needs.
Triad of Care
First and foremost, the Triad of Care element of the Warrior Transition Program is the
foundation of identifying the medical needs of a Wounded... Show more content on ...
Part of that Triad of Leadership duty for the First Sergeant was to ensure the cadre
positions were filled with the best and finest Soldiers available to take on the
challenge. This task allowed me to examine administration packages to include
NCOERs, individual essays on why the cadre member wanted to be part of the staff,
and administrative requirements for the position. I wanted all of my cadre members
to embrace the challenges and commitments to the Warrior Ethos; No Soldier Left
Behind. If I felt that my cadre did not meet the standards, the cadre was not selected
for the
Figurative Language In Jeanne Duprau s The City Of
In Jeanne DuPrau s book The City of Ember it takes place in a very dark city
without power or electricity and nobody s happy. And when two kids are presented
with the opportunity to help save their city and risk their lives, they are the ones
who want to do so. They go on this journey and hit many obstacles on the way but
they have the mindset to never give up and it may or may not help them. One theme
that can be supported throughout the book is that when someone risks their life for
others they can earn great respect from other people and other peers.
The theme in the story The City of Ember is shown early on in the book and it is
represented by using author s craft. The author s craft that is being used in the
book is figurative language, such as similes and metaphors. She uses figurative
language in many different ways that can support the theme. For example Fear had
settled over the city. Lina felt it like a cold chill (Duprau 85). This is a good
example of figurative language and it also supports the theme. This is a good
example, because it is describing how bad the city is and also how Lina realized
she needed to take charge in saving the city. Duprau also uses another good
example of figurative language towards the beginning also. For instance it states in
the book Once they are out the door, Lizzie said goodbye and scurried away as if
Linas bad luck were a disease that she might catch (Duprau 58). This is a good
representation because it is leading up to the
Orbital Fracture Essay
Orbital fractures are a semi common trauma where the eye bones are dislocated
from high impact. The composition of the orbital socket consist of seven flat bones
and four bony margins: the roof,floor, medial wall and the lateral wall. Orbital
fractures can include one or more of the eye bones or margins depending on the
severity of the fracture. The most common fracture is an isolated fracture where only
one margin of the eyeis dislocated. Isolated fractures are most common in the orbital
floor due to the orbital floor being the thinnest most fragile bone. The second most
common orbital fracture is the medial wall, which is the second thinnest bone
margin. Both orbital fractures require extensive care and can be treated if necessary.
This paper... Show more content on ...
Triple orbital fractures may also demonstrate malar flattening, inferior displacement of
the lateral canthal angle and telescoping, or gap deformities at the lateral orbital
Beyond the fracture itself however there are tale tale signs of orbital trauma. The
most obvious indicator of orbital trauma is a laceration to the eyelid usually from a
blunt or sharp trauma. Some laceration only involve the skin while others involve
deeper orbital socket structures. Those structures can include the orbital nerves
,blood vessels and soft tissue. Each of these areas show their own sign an
symptoms. Signs of soft tissue damage are: periorbital edema (puffy eyes)
,ecchymosis (discoloration due to bleeding), subcutaneous emphysema (trapped air
under skin, swollen), and avulsion of the canaliculus (proximal portion of the tear
duct drainage system ). Signs of eye displacement and nerve damage are: side
gazing, diplopia (double vision), severe nausea, increase vague tone (oculocardiac
reflex) and subconjuctival hemorrhage
(broken blood vessel of the eye causing a red patch). This is true because the
Human, Eukaryotic And Vitro Associations Of Murine Sec...
In eukaryotes, Usually the UGA acts as a stop codon in transcription but the
elongation factor, known as SELB, has a C terminal SECIS RNA binding domain
and N terminal Sec tRNA domain, inserts the selenocystiene at the stop codon. An
SECIS binding protein, known as SBP2 is found in mammals but it lacks EF
functionality. We will describe the in vivo and in vitro associations of murine SEC
specific EF (eEFSec) element with SBP2 and SECIS in order to correlate their
function in selenoprotein synthesis.
Extensive database search of EST revealed candidates for human, eukaryotic and
murine Sec specific EF. Murine EST indicates a 583 amino acid protein while the
eEF1A shows 462 amino acids. The protein is homologous to EF and also has
portions of eEFsec family. Similar to SELB, eEFsec lack insertions that are present
in eEF1A, responsible to GTP exchange factors interaction. Homology of c terminal
extends both to eukaryote and archeal proteins.
Murine tRNA binding, assessed by nitrocellulose filter binding assay showed high
binding with the two isoforms of Sec tRNA and lower levels of binding with seryl
tRNA, methionyl tRNA etc. A Kd of 0.11 ОјM was found by scatchard analysis for
GTP binding, 3 times less than for GDP binding, showing that GTP exchange factor
is not needed. These results show Sec tRNA specific EF.
Co immunoprecipitation studies were performed to check the hypothesis that binding
of SBP2 to SECIS resulted in recruitment of eEFsec tRNA. We
I Am My Am Mike
I am Mike. I am 15 years old and my parents just got divorced. My father didn t
want to claim me and my mom didn t want to take on the work of taking care of me
by herself. So my parents went to court and they got divorced. My mom moved to
California and my dad moved to New York. My grandparents claimed me and took
me to their home in England. Since I moved to the UK, I had to go to a new
school. My grandparents, Larry and Michelle, told me that I would go to an
academy 30 minutes away when there was one that was only five minutes away. I
felt a little vexed that I was forced to go to a school that was farther away when
there was one so close. But I followed their orders. Since I moved to my
grandparents house in September, school just started. My grandparents told me to
pack my luggage with clothes. I asked why and Larry said, The school you are
going to is a boarding school. When I heard him say this, I was shocked. I wasn t
expecting to live at my school that was only 30 minutes away from my
grandparents house. But again I didn t argue because I didn t know what they
would do and I didn t want to know. Therefore, I packed my belongings as I thought
about the boarding school. I had many thoughts like what if my grandparents don t
want to take care of me and they just wanted me to stay at school, and why does
their house look so ugly. The bedroom I was in had pictures of old people and the
bed sheets had blood stains on them... After I looked at the blood stains I became
Indian Steel Industry
Indian Steel Industry
India s economic growth is very much dependent upon the growth of the Indian steel
industry. One of the major indicator of economic development has always been the
consumption of steel. Steel is an essential element in sectors such as housing,
construction and land transportation, special steel s use is growing in engineering
industries such as power generation, petrochemicals and fertilizers. India is at the
central position on the global steel map, with the establishment of new steel mills,
continuous modernization and upgrading old plants, improving backward integration
and energy efficiency.
Steel production in India has increased by a compounded annual growth rate
(CAGR) of 8 % over the period 2002 03 to 2006 07. Growth in India is subjected to
be higher than the world average, as the per capita consumption of steel in India, at
around 46 kg, whereas the world average (150 kg) and that of developed countries
(400 kg). Indian demand is projected to rise to 200 million tonnes by 2015.
Considering the strong demand scenario, most global steel players are aiming for a
major expansion, either through Brownfield or Greenfield route. By 2020, steel
production capacity in India is expected to touch 275 million tones. Greenfield
projects and Brownfield projects are estimated to add 28.7 million tones and 40.5
million tones respectively to the existing capacity of 55 million tonnes.
The growing consolidation in the steel industry
William Penn Influence On American History
Many significant characters are in history, but in my opinion William Penn took a
big part. History is formed by people in order for these significant events to happen.
We live in a world today where many important people made changes to form how it
is. William Penn isn t just another guy in the crowd; he s made a bigger impact thank
you think. We need to appreciate what all the people in history did from their
accomplishments and impacts they had on others and not just their self.
William Penn was known as a founder of Pennsylvania. He was also an English real
estate entrepreneur, philosopher, early Quaker, and founder of other places other
than Pennsylvania. Penn was born October 14, 1644. He lived in the United
Kingdom most of his life. ... Show more content on ...
In 1677, two hundred settlers from Hertfordshire founded the town of Burlington.
Although this is a significant event, Penn wasn t with them. Instead he stayed in
England because he had a project. He drafted the charter of liberties, and he
guaranteed free and fair trial by Jury, Freedom of religion, freedom of unjust
imprisonment, and free elections. In my opinion William Penn sounded like a very
well successful, educated man. The king at the time was Charles II of England. The
king had a large loan with Penn s father that settled things after Penn s father died.
On March 4, 1681, Penn was given a large area West and South of New Jerseyby the
king. William called this place Sylvania. In Latin this word meant woods . I think
this king was very understand and chose to make others happy while doing his job
to make sure the people knew he cared. Charles changed the founded place to
Pennsylvania in honor of William s father, but before that happened, Penn was the
leading defender of religious toleration in England. Being religious was a law. The
king was glad to have discovered a place for religious outsiders could come to such
as other Quakers who wanted a different place to live away from England. Penn
wanted to do this to make peace with everyone so they re all welcomed and invited.
I think if a country went to war, we would be ok since we were trying to be allies
with other religious people from anywhere. Since the King was in England, William
made the first county Bucks County, named after Buckinghamshire in England. As
Pennsylvania grew most of Penn s family migrated there, and it was welcomed for
any other people to settle there. William wrote to the Indians to make peace between
them, but he didn t want to acknowledge them wrong. He has a quote that says Be
tender of offending the Indians...To soften them to me, and the people, let them know
you are come to sit down lovingly with them...Be grave, they
Columbine High School Shooting Research Papers
Columbine School Shooting
It s difficult to believe that two high school students could enter their school and
begin firing on classmates, but that s exactly what happened at Columbine. The
country was riveted by the news that something so evil could happen by two of their
own. Columbine High School, located in Littleton, Colorado, had an enrollment of
1,136 in April 1999. Eric Harris (seventeen) and Dylan Klebold (eighteen) entered
Columbine High School on April 19, 1999, at approximately 11:19 AM and began
shooting. Due to Klebold and Harris being bullied, the two boys planned an attack to
shoot students and staff.
//////. On April 19, 1999 at approximately 11:19am in Littleton Colorado Dylan
Klebold and Eric Harris, 17 and 18 years old, went to Columbine High School to
shoot students and staff. ... Show more content on ...
Bullying is a serious problem with the potential of lasting effects. The two boys
were planning an attack on the bullies that had made school miserable for them.
they were members of a group of social outcasts called the Trenchcoat Mafia that
was fascinated by Goth culture. ( Staff. Columbine High School
Shootings. A E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 20 Sept. 2017.)
Klebold and Harris initially carried out the shooting as a retaliation for the miserable
years in
All The Pretty Horses Analysis
Weir s message of perseverant hope most resonates with me due to The Martian s
ability to tie the story of the frontier to a modern scientific endeavor, rather than the
naГЇve dream of a young adolescent. All the Pretty Horses, to me, read more as a
cautionary tale of memorializing a nonexistent era and following this misconception
until disaster. McCarthy demonstrates John Grady Cole s growth throughout the novel
from believing in the mythic West to slowly realizing the harsh truth that such a
place never exists. The Martian, in contrast, tells a story of science, one which I can
better contextualize with my twenty first century worldview. The new frontier of the
modern world certainly still fall prey to misconceived notions and conventional
Evaluating Conflict Management Style
1.Purpose of assessment is to identify my preferred conflict management style.
2.Total = Yielding: 8 Compromisng: 13 Forcing: 16 Problem Solving: 15 Avoiding: 11
3.My assessment scores have my preferred conflict handling style as forcing.
Forcing tries to win the conflict at the other s expense. It includes hard influence
tactics, particularly assertiveness, to get one s own way (McShane Von Glinow,
2017, p. B 8). I also use problem solving as a conflict style to work together for
common ground on agreement that can counter the selfishness of forcing. Problem
solving tries to find a mutually beneficial solution for both parties (McShane Von
Glinow, 2017, p. B 8).
4.The workforce will always have some type of conflict, issues
Fallow Deer Research Paper
Fallow Deer
The Description
The Male summer coat is a reddish brown with white spots, with a long, black and
white striped tail. With palm, shaped antlers. The Female has a different colour coat
during the winter it loses its spots and goes grey.
The Normans released the fallow deer into Britain they have lived in wild herds for
centuries in areas like forest as Epping and Dean.
The habitats
The fallow deer likes grassy clearings in woodland to graze on. The Fallow deer
inhabits mature mixed woodland with dense undergrowth.
The life cycles
The fallow deer matting season know as ruts begins at October and last about the
month but it can take place in any time of September or February. But after a female
deer has been mating ... Show more content on ...
It is russet brown in the summer and it can be grey in the winter they also have a
wide tail on them. They are also having visible upper and they are a primitive species.
The habitats
Muntjac deer are found southern of England and their habitats are mostly found in
Wondaland are their preferred habitat, but they are increasingly found in gardens and
even walking down in street.
The life cycles
They reproduce continually throw out the year this small and exotic looking
Muntjac deer can be surprisingly hard sport, all thought a loud barking call could
indicate one is nearby. Muntjac male like to fight for the so thy wont bee low in
Roe Deer
The Description They have a small with the brown coat that turns grey in the winter
with a black nose, along with the white patches in the rump and chin.
The Habitat
Roe dear are found in a lot of Scotland and England, which are in the many areas,
that have a forest clearing. They are abundant the increasing them rang and south of
the borders which are Scottish, northwards also in Midlands and Kent. which are
also found in the open mixed areas and woodland and liked the tree and shrubs as
Reflection About Technology
Throughout my life and my career journey, technology has played a significant role.
At a very young age, I was introduced to programming by a math teacher in the
seventh grade. After being sentenced to twenty four hours of detention for making
jokes during class, I learned my first programming language, GW BASIC from that
same math teacher. One evening, during detention, this instructor saw that I had idle
time on my hands and decided to make me a deal. The instructor made a deal that,
once I finished all my homework; if I could write a computerprogram that made a
ball bounce across the screen, for every trick that I could make the ball do, he would
subtract one hour of detention off my time. This seemed like something I could not
refuse and I promptly accepted the offer.
However, little did I know that I would spend nearly twenty hours of my own time
learning BASIC and then another fifteen hours coding and debugging the program. I
quickly came to understand that, this really was not a good deal at all. Nonetheless, I
stuck with the agreement. By the end of the semester, not only did I write my first
computer program but also I had somehow managed to become a member of the
Gilmore Jr. High School Math Science Team. Eventually, I moved on to more
advanced systems and technology. The point I want to make is that, this experience
became the basis of how I would approach learning technology in the future.
I view learning new technology as fun, something that one
Conflict Between Male And Female Characters
Husband and wife may exchange roles but never escape the tyranny of roles
themselves. Theatrical narratives appear to promote the very ideology of difference
they expose as arbitrary. (B. Freedman)
In both tragedy and comedy, conflict between male and female characters can often
be found at the crux of the theatrical narrative. In plays that present on stage
opposition between men and women, it can be perceived that a typical set
narrative structure is followed: the actions performed by male characters incite
women to castoff the role of passivity and impose their presence on stage . As a
result of lapsing into a masculine mode of behaviour, the females traditional
archetype is then left to be fulfilled by the male characters. In comedy, such sexual
role reversals are found aplenty, emphasised and made comic by cross dressing
whilst in tragedy, it appears rarer. Furthermore, in tragedy the role reversal focuses
on the women s function as usurping the roles designated for male characters.
Euripides Medea and Aristophanes Women at Thesmophoria provide one with a
paradigm from each genre of how sexual role reversal can explore alternative
representations of gender and result in having a transgressive impact on dominating
gender ideology. Both playwrights present complex characters that conform to and
discard their traditional gender roles during the course of the play s narratives
Barbara Freedman s Frame up: Feminism, Psychoanalysis, Theatre provides an
Compare And Contrast Garfunkel Vs Durkheim
1A If I am Garfunkel I would say that compared to Durkheim I have some different
view on how I think social order happens and what people do in response to certain
things. Coming from my theories I see that people act the way they act because of
certain events. We are socialized to react a certain way when someone does
something or says something. The way we learn these things are through
background expectancies and reactions. When we as a person a question we are
able to see the way that they respond to the question. If they react in a positive
manner we know that we asked them something that was correct to be asking, but
if we ask them something we they seems distressed or confused we learn that it
might now have been the right things to ask. We can see that fro ever action there
is a reaction to what we do, being either good ro bad. I have studied
ethnomethodology which is the study of how people maintain the commonsense
world. In my studies I have seen that the way we act is basically just a replication of
what has been reinforced in our minds for years as we grow up .we know when to act
a certain way. Now if you... Show more content on ...
He says that they want to relive these moment that they love. When I look at this I
feel that people act this way because that is what they have learned to be the proper
way to act when they are with other members of this religious community. They
learn that this is going to be something more special and they are expecting to act
in a sense of awe to religion. The way we act is ingrained into our minds and we
just react to everything that is going on, we don t even have to think about it most
of the time. It is how we have been socialized. There will always be reacts and how
they reacts are portrayed will also show us what is normal and common to
Research Paper On Mary Mcleod
Mary McLeod Bethune Cookman
1. 140 years ago, in Maysville, South Carolina, Mary McLeod, a child of former
slaves was born. Coming up from very simple beginnings, would later in life
become a renowned educator and college founder, an advocate, for civil and human
rights, and a valued advisor to several United States presidents? As a young girl
toiling in the fields alongside of her parents, Ms. McLeod knew that education and
knowledge would eventually open her eyes to the world outside of South Carolina.
At the tender age of 10, Ms. McLeod, began her educational journey by entering
Trinity Presbyterian Mission School, followed by Scotia Seminary in North Carolina,
and Moody Bible Institute, in Chicago, Illinois. Ms. McLeod, at first wanted
The Big Bang
The universe is a magnificent place. There are thought to be more than 100 billion
galaxies, each, with 100 billion stars (Hawking 48). There are vast clouds of gas,
light years across, each taking on its own dazzling shape and color. In our solar
system alone, there are planets asteroids, comets and moons. For millennia, humans
have attributed the workings and beauty of the cosmos to the divine. Slowly, we
learned that laws governed the motion of these celestial bodies, laws which would
come to be known as the laws of physics. It was not a god that was making the planets
orbit the sun, but gravity. Through observations, mankind learned of new laws, and
discarded old ones that no longer matched the observations. Eventually, a prediction...
Show more content on ...
When infrared radiation becomes redshifted, it appears to be microwaves, which
have even longer wavelengths than infrared radiation. At around the same time
Dicke and Peebles were making this prediction, in 1965, two physicists at the Bell
Telephone Laboratories in New Jersey, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, were
receiving a lot of microwave interference with their equipment (Hawking 55). They
had a very sensitive microwave detector, and were receiving this interference no
matter where they pointed the detector. They eventually concluded that the
interference was everywhere, and from outside the atmosphere, and extremely
uniform. It was the same no matter what time of day, or year. This meant the
microwaves they were detecting were originating from outside of the solar system,
and even the galaxy (Hawking 55). It was eventually realized that this microwave
background was the same that Dicke, Peeples, and Gamow had predicted. Penzias
and Wilson had found the glow of the Big Bang. In 1992, COBE (Cosmic Background
Explorer satellite) was able to find slight variations in the microwave background.
This meant that the early universe was not completely even, allowing matter to
clump together and structures to form such as galaxies (Hawking 56). The amount
of evidence for the Big Bang was rising, and it was starting to seem like an
extremely probable theory. It was predicted that when the universe first started to
expand in the Big Bang, there were small
Frederick Research
March 16, 2014 English 104 Frederick Douglass Article Analysis
In the reading by Frederick Douglass, Learning to Read, he talks about how he
learned how to read. He grew up in Maryland and he talks about how his mistress,
his slave owners wife, taught him the alphabet and how to read. Eventually she
stopped, due to him being a slave he wasn t suppose to know how to read, and
Douglass had to continue to learn how to read by himself. One thing Frederick
Douglass could have done was to put some details about his family. He never
mentioned his mom, dad, siblings or if he had any. If he did it would have interesting
to know what they did or felt about him learning to read and write. It would have also
... Show more content on ...
How did he get away with gathering the books and finding the time to copy the
words? Douglass could have used some details in describing the scene when he
was able to find the time to do such things and how often was he able to do these
things? These are just some thoughts that aroused in my head while reading this
article. The overall article was well written but if Frederick Douglass would have
incorporated some details about his family, like their whereabouts and their
feeling or if they were being taught how to read as well, would have made the
article a little more interesting. Also if Frederick Douglass would have added
more details to his story in certain areas would have made the article fuller and
gave the readers a more vivid picture of how he was being taught how to read and
when he found the time to sneak books and copy the words to learn how to write.
These are just a couple things that could have made the article easier to read and
understand because when someone is writing a paper the author needs to make sure
that the audience can understand what the message is clearly and be able to create
an image of what is being said.
Douglass, Frederick. Learning to Read Reading the World Ideas that Matter. Ed.
Michael Austin. New York
World War 1 Vs Ww2
The World At War Two of most fierce wars on the planet were World War 1 and
World War 2 in which nearly 70 millon people were killed. War has dependably
been a part of human life and the development of each nation on the planet. It was
either war between two or more nations or war inside of the nation. Some battled to
pick up freedom, some battled to extend its energy and some just battled in light of
the fact that they were partners to the nation at war. Regardless of what the reason
was, war has left an incredible effect to how things are today. Like both World War
1 and World War 2 has a few likenesses and contrast in their causes, consequences and
effect on the economy of the... Show more content on ...
In actuality, World War 2 finished with substantially more nations dissolving and
more individuals executed for their atrocities. These wars also effect the
environment. When of world war 1 s end, an expected 1.3 million setbacks, including
100,000 260,000 regular citizens, and obscure quantities of soil disintegration,
deforestation, and water sullying in regions were created by substance weapons.
In second world war the nuculear encounter of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the
first and only use of atomic ammuntion in fighting and it had a impressive effect on
the construct environment and with respect to human life.The bombs killed
upwards of 2,20,000 people in japan before the end of 1945 by and large half on the
seasons of the bombings. Amongst these, 15 to 20% kicked the container from
wounds or sickness attributed to radiation hurting. From here on out, more have gone
on from leukemia and solid illnesses connected to prologue to radiation released by
the bombs. . In World War 1, officers battled in trenches which were extremely
shocking for the troopers to withstand. It was likewise the first run through, warriors
utilized automatic
Advantages Of Ipod
The huge popularity of the iPod has given rise to the emergence of iPod
accessories industries which offer a wide range of speakers help to turn your iPod
into a fantastic boom box. With the blessing of the advance communication
networks, we have entered the world of iPod with its flexible, hi tech, innovative
digital music system ever designed to deliver music in ways that we never done
before. Indeed, the audio designs give us the room filling thump that made our
favorite music available anytime and anywhere. So, now we can set our music free!
Anyone who has attempted to wade through the multimedia of iPod speakers on the
market knows that the options are difficult to distinguish. The speaker system today,
in the context of the more competitive that has emerged since then. The outward
appearance of the speaker system remains reasonably attractive, innovative and
impressive with their elegant and superb designs to ensure its pleased and satisfying
quality and features in order to match its price tag.
GriffinEvolve is a type of iPodDock sound system ... Show more content on ...
It comes in different color options to suit your needs, equipping with a couple of
satellite speakers that flank a 55 watt per channel amplifier, 8 ohms of impedance,
3 aluminum cone woofer, 1 titanium done tweeter, 100 20Khz frequency response
to better deliver your songs that you want to crank it up or sing along. This gizmo
will certainly add up unprecedented surprise particularly in enhancing the sound
performance of the PC or online games. This truly high fidelity playback allow you
either to connect the speakers and 55 watt per channel amplifier to your iPod dock,
or connect the compact Audio bytes to your PC for you to enjoy your favorite tunes
and music while your iPod
The Impact Of Employment Conditions On Occupation
The impacts of employment conditions on occupation fulfillment is that people
decide work fulfillment by looking at what they are getting from the occupation and
what they might want to or trust that they ought to get. For instance, if a worker is
accepting a yearly compensation of $35,000 and trusts that he or she ought to be
accepting a compensation of $30,000 than he or she will feel fulfillment; in any case,
if the worker trusts that he or she ought to get $40,000 than he or she will feel
dissatisfaction. This correlation would apply to every occupation aspect including:
aptitude level, position, limited time openings and supervision. The impacts of low
employment fulfillment can be extensive and this issue is of sympathy toward
independent company proprietors and also huge organizations. On the off chance that
workers are not content with their occupations, a few regions of their workare
influenced and their conduct can likewise influence different employees. When one
employee is hopeless doing their occupation, the majority of the other employees
they come into contact with will be influenced by their disposition. Unfortunately, if
you see somebody who is so clearly unhappy, it will have you wondering what is
wrong taking you away from what you need to be doing. Negative states of mind can
spread through a work environment like an out of control fire. Low occupation
fulfillment, combined with low representative assurance breaks even with an absence
of profitability
Serbia In Ww1
Otto von Bismarck, the chancellor of Germany, envisioned that One day the great
European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans. He
would later be proven right when the powder keg in the Balkans finally blew up and
affected all of Europe. The Slavic people in the Balkans wanted their own unified
nation. They tried to fight Austria Hungary to create a Pan Slavic nation, but the
Slavs were only given Serbiaand a few other Balkan territories. Bosnia and
Herzegovina, however, were annexed by Austria Hungary. This takeover by Austria
Hungary ultimately led to a nineteen year old Bosnian Serb firing two gunshots that
would end the lives of the Habsburg successor along with his wife, and change
European history forever. Serbia s role in World War I
included forming a deep rooted
rivalry with Austria Hungary, assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the Black
Hand, and allying with European power, Russia.... Show more content on ...
Serbia became a scapegoat for Austria Hungary in the years leading up to World
War I. A scapegoat is someone or something people place all of their blame upon.
Serbia was on the Balkan Peninsula alongside the occupied Austro Hungarian
territories, including Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia wanted to unite these
territories and create a united Slavic nation called Yugoslavia (Land of the South
Slavs). These feelings in the Balkans were the beginning of Serbian nationalism and
Pan Slavism. Serbian nationalism was the desire to build a united Serbian kingdom
separate from Austria Hungary, and bound by a common language and customs. Pan
Slavism was the idea that the Slavic people should be unified and help one another if
their bond was interrupted. Through these beliefs of Pan Slavism, Russian support
grew for
How Did The Democritus Make The Atomic Theory
460 BC: Democritus Philosopher
Democritus made the atomic theory widely known, which stated that the universe is
composed of two elements: the atoms and the void in which these atoms exist and
move. (More, 1646)
Democritus came up with the theories:
All materials were made up of many invisible particles called ATOMS.
Atoms are not able to be destroyed.
Atoms are solid but invisible to the human eye
Atoms are homogenous.
Atoms differ in size, shape and mass (zandrice, 2010)
1.Solids are made of small, pointy atoms.
2.Liquids are made of large, round atoms.
3.Oils are made of very fine, small atoms that can easily slip past each other
1804: John Dalton Chemist
Dalton believed that all matter is made of many tiny indestructible ... Show more
content on ...
(Lucas Wright, 2001)
Rutherford s understanding of the atom was that the protons were clustered together
in the nucleus. The nucleus is then surrounded by empty space occupied by electrons.
(Lucas Wright, 2001)
1897: James Johnson Thomson
Thomson discovered the electron. He used a cathode ray tube (an electron gun) with a
magnet and discovered that the green beam it emitted was made up of negatively
charged particles. Thomson then determined that these negatively charged electrons
needed something positive to balance them out. (Born, 2014)
From his experiments Thomson established that all electrons are identical and that
elements aren t different because of their electrons but because of how many
electrons are present and their formation. (Lucas Wright, 2001)
Thomson did many experiments and found that the mass of one of these electrons
was nearly 2000 times lighter than the element Hydrogen. Thomson then disproved
Dalton in stating that atoms cannot be divided into smaller pieces. (Born,
Drinking on College Campuses
Drinking on College Campuses Underage students drinking on college campuses has
been a problem for countless years. Parents and professors look over the problem of
students drinking and look at their college life in a positive way. They understand the
students to be studying, making new friends, or working. Instead, an abundance of
students are partying and drinking at these parties. The transformation from high
school to college causes stress to the students. Therefore, instead of the students
looking towards studying more, they start partying to solve their problems. Once they
start partying, it gets harder for them to stop and they become depressed. Students
drinking at college has become a provision for them, thinking it would help with their
stress and problems rather than causing other predicaments.
Parents would like to think that their children are doing what they re expected to do
while at college rather than drinking and partying. According to Lucy E. Napper who
wrote What Are Other Parents Saying? Perceived Parental Communication Norms
and the Relationship Between Alcohol Specific Parental Communication and College
Student Drinking, states parents perceive their children to be studying and making
new friends. The parents presume their children to be cramming in plenty of
studying for the upcoming classes (Napper 6, 7). According to Paul J. Gruenewald
who wrote A Dose Response Perspective on College Drinking and Related Problems,
states students should be
Belfast Of Canada
Smith s (2015) evaluation of the Toronto as the Belfast of Canada is important
because it defines the existence of a strong pro Ulster faction of Irish Protestant that
received large scale support from the British government to countermand the rise of
Irish Catholicism in the city. In this manner, the term, The Belfast of Canada , defines
the undercurrent of hostility and social barriers that created such political and social
tensions for Irish Catholics in Toronto in the 1860s. This posthumous term defined
the existing struggles between Protestant and Catholic Irish tat would be historically
compared to the struggles in Belfast:
To them, progress and societal standing could be achieved only if they could identify
and eradicate the political ... Show more content on ...
In this manner, Irish immigrants all understood the complexity of being in a foreign
land, which had different circumstances in relation to life in Canada. The comparison
of Toronto to Belfast has its limitations due to the far lesser scale of violence
experienced between Irish Protestants and Catholics, but it must also be
acknowledged that many Irish immigrants coming over during the Great Famine
endured poverty and similar economic conditions.
The majority of the Protestant emigrants of the Famine era appear not to have been
well off. Most of them spent a few years visiting relatives and working in Carleton or
Middlesex counties after arriving from Ireland in the 1850s (Elliot, 2014, p.111).
In this deeper analysis of Irish population arriving during the Famine, it is apparent
that protestant and Catholic both suffered from poverty after coming to Toronto.
Certainly, a majority of immigrants were of Catholic descent, but there were certainly
Protestant Irish being forced off their land in Ireland during the Famine. These are
important details that define why Toronto was not nearly as hostile as Belfast, since
the similar aspects of poverty, Irish nationalism, and Irish culture were shared values
in the overall disposition of Irish immigrants
Conflict Tactics
Family violence, I believe can mean different things to different people. Based on
what I read, family violence is an act of physical abuse, which causes injuries
between members who are related somehow. The violence can also be psychological
and mental. There has been great debate however on what constitutes family. It does
not necessarily mean related by marriage or blood. It can also be between partners
of any kind. I feel the term should be more classified as relationship or intimate as
the book states. Violenceis to give a broader variance to the subject. The most
accurate and reliable way to measure family violence is by using the Conflict
Tactic Scale (CTS). This method measures 3 variables: use of rational discussion
and agreement, use of verbal/nonverbal expressions of hostility, and use of
physical force or violence. The CTS is deemed to be more reliable due to the
sampling procedure, the expansive numbers The CTS is deemed to be more reliable
due to the sampling procedure, the expansive number of respondents and the validity
of the CTS as a measuring device. The theory that offers the most hope of
understanding family violence in my opinion is the social learning... Show more
content on ...
The most accurate method to measure the incidence of family violence would be by
using the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS). This method is more reliable than others
because it measures three variables: use of rational discussion and agreement, use of
verbal and nonverbal expressions of hostility, and use of physical force or violence.
(Wallace, 2011). This study was surveyed from the 50 states and it measured from
parent to child, child to parent, wife to husband, husband to wife, and any other
sibling interactions. By measuring these particular relationships, it can collect any
information pertaining to child abuse, wife abuse, husband abuse, or any other sibling
abuse within the
Essay about PHILOSOPHY
With such great minds and an awesome influence that seems boundless, how can
there not be references to the works of Thomas Hobbes and Immanuel Kant. The
Fundamental Principles in the Metaphysics of Morality is used by the minority
dissenting opinion to reiterate the concepts of the intrinsic dignity of man. While the
majority uses the literary workthe Leviathanto support their own opinions.
Transforming and uplifting the case of Gregg v. Georgia into an arena for a debate
of Hobbian and Kant philosophies.
The majority claims that the death penalty serves two purposes, restitution and
deterrence. Quoting the prior case of Fruman v. Georgia, that The instinct for
retribution ... Show more content on ...
Once this merger is completed then the work begins. Work toward the distribution of
common goods and peace. All Efforts to ensure that those laws perform there
intended good. Death may be the only option to guarantee that all members of
society prosper. There may be a moral outrage at the particular offensiveness of the
conduct, but still, there would be more of an outrage from the chaos that would be
sure to follow. The decision that capital punishment may be appropriate sanction in
the extreme cases is an expression of the community s belief that certain crimes are
themselves so grievous an affront to humanity that the only adequate response may
be the penalty of death.
The courts state that this majority of the population (thirty five states) allow and
approve of such extreme measures. In the commonwealth, the entirety of the
governed population agrees with their leader on what best to do. Bath parties need
the willingness of the population to accept such radical opinions and sanctions.
On the dissenting opinion, Justice Brennan and Marshall give their thoughts. Their
words not only show a concern and a different interpretation of the constitution as
well as showing that Kants s words may be old but his ideas are forever young.
Immanuel Kant formulates that morality is an end within itself, an equal to that of
dignity. This paired
Selecting Trade Banker
Case Study #3: Selecting a Trade Banker
Banking on relationship
Technon International is a Canadian high technology development firm, focused on
emerging technologies in wireless communications. Technon sources components in
China and has offshore programming activities in India covering certain functionality
in its new wristwatch PDA with MP3 and cellular capabilities.
Technon has several Canadian and international patents to protect its proprietary
technology, and has developed some strong non disclosure agreements for use with
its various suppliers and business partners.
A small company established in Saskatchewan, Canada, Technon had been doing
most of its commercial banking through a local credit union (small, local ... Show
more content on ...
UIB recognizes that it is a foreign institution operating in Canada, and does not expect
Technon to terminate its existing banking relationship.
First Trade Bank USA (FTB)
First Trade Bank, USA, is a regional financial institution and mid tier US bank with
trade finance operations and capabilities centered around the US Midwest, and no
Canadian presence to date. FTB has had good success as a niche provider of trade
services, and has strong relationships with several Canadian businesses seeking to
establish operations in the US. FTB offers an adequate range of trade products,
though Technon perceives that its advisory capabilities are limited.
The Need
Technon has identified several major needs and expectations in terms of international
and trade finance banking products and services. In addition to extending additional
credit in support of planned international expansion, the Company seeks to establish a
relationship with a financial institution that understands the challenges of a SME
expanding its international reach.
The company expects to deal in both import and export transactions, in a combination
of documentary letter of credit and open account transactions. Its primary markets
will be the United States, China, India and possibly a foray into the European Union
through Ireland.
Technon requires significant support in terms of advisory services and transactional
hand holding , and wishes to control overall banking costs, while
Summary Of The Simpsons And Their Mathematical Secrets
The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets by Simon Singh is a trade book that
talks about the history of The Simpsons and Futurama and how mathematics is
embedded into numerous episodes in each series. Along the way Singh, in addition to
the other main writers for The Simpsons, talk about many of the subtle math jokes
that are present. These jokes range from very simple jokes that students in
elementary school could understand to jokes that not even some mathematics
professors with doctorate degrees can decipher. Singh said that everything that
happens to us has some effect on us, and I do suppose that the time I spent in grad
school made me a better writer at the end of the book. He recalls when he was
younger and he was working on numerous projects in mathematics. In addition to
being a bright student, he had the ability to make jokes. Eventually, several famous
people in television such as Johnny Carson and David Letterman noticed this and
gave him an in in the entertainment business.... Show more content on
Over time, Fox wanted a spin off show and Futurama was born. Futurama extends the
jokes that were used in the Simpsons to a higher dimension. Many of the jokes in
Futurama involve sophisticated relationships learned in multivariable calculus such as
surface integrals and Mobius strips among other topics. The second half of the book
focuses on these more advanced topics as portrayed in
Teen Violence Prevention
Nearly every year countless young adults are murdered, beaten, and assaulted on a
daily basis. These abused teenagers sadly become part of a growing statistic that is
only growing by the year. Unfortunately Young victims of violence are more than
twice as likely to experience violence As adults. Although preventative measures are
becoming standard violenceis simply up on rise. Due to the violence many prevention
programs have ramped up their sessions. These programs aim to teach young people
nonviolent techniques, and conflict resolution skills. However to ultimately reduce
adolescent violence these techniques along with other prevention methods should be
taught to children at a young age. It is vitally important that youth can deal... Show
more content on ...
These newly adopted programs are teaching children at a young age how to be
mediators and to find their own solutions to pressure. Studies show conflict resolution
is the most effective when taught at a young age. Studies also show that students
should be taught healthy coping techniques before they enter middle school. Over
the past two years school violence has reported to drop since more prevention
courses have began. These programs have also taught students new attitudes and
better people skills which will empower them and serve them for a lifetime. Although
these programs cannot entirely solve teen violence they are A good start. Underlying
issues such as: poverty, trouble families, and drugs will continue to stew violence.
The larger social issues must be addressed and dealt with. In the end it will take more
than violence education, and school programs to solve. Although school violence
seems to be everywhere conflict resolution programs are our best bet. are proven to
help people Protect themselves from violence in conflict. However training needs to
begin early and consistent throughout puberty. Although it is just One solution among
many this solution truly tops into a greater powerAnd has changed the character of
the many young
The Popularity of Gangster Films in the Early...
The Popularity of Gangster Films in the Early Nineteen Thirties The late 1920s in
America was a particularly tumultuous period of time for the country. The Wall
Street Crash in 1929 had led to high levels of unemployment and dissatisfaction
within the country. The Depression (1929 1934), which was a direct result of The
Wall Street Crash, led to a breakdown of industry and commerce within the country
and weakened its global position as a superpower. People began to realise that the
ideal which had been frequently promoted by governmental propaganda of The
American Dream which suggested that success, in the democratic and classless
society guaranteed by the... Show more content on ...
During this period the rise of urban gang rule and mobsters was unprecedented,
mainly emerging from minority immigrant groups (Jewish/Italian/Irish). Initially the
gangsters of the period were seen as high achievers as they were associated with the
proletariat and seemed to be capable of rising above there roots, even during hard
times in America, and achieve wealth. When considering the socio economic factors
it is easy to understand why such men were considered as gangster heroes [3] who
represented the people, however the only way that gangsters could achieve this
wealth, subsequently fulfilling the American Dream, was by stealing it. Accruing
capital meant accruing power over others [4]. Therefore it could be argued that the
success gangsters exemplified was a perverse form of the American dream as it
disregarded some of the key elements of the ideal. The fact that at this stage in
America gangsters were the only group within society who could make upward
mobility believable, tells much about how legitimate institutions had failed but that
mobility was still at the core of what Americans held to be the American dream [5].
In the early 1930 s productions began within Hollywood of what were commonly
described as social problem pictures [6], these films dealt specifically with the social
difficulties of the period such as unemployment/labour struggles ( Black
Kearns Sayre Syndrome Case Studies
The patient was diagnosed with Kearns Sayre syndrome due to the finding that
confirm the diagnose which are the early onset of the disease, external
ophthalmoplasia with ptosis, heart block and furthermore the muscle biopsy was
done to confirm the diagnose of this syndrome which showed a high concentration of
mitochondria with size abnormality.
For the management of this patient with KS syndrome supportive care for the
symptoms, in which providing Coenzyme Q10 for improving heart and muscle
function since the patient has only a low grade of heart block.
For the ophthalmic manifestation that present in this patient the doctor suggesting a
surgery for treating the ptosis ,but he highlight that the recurrence of the ptosis
Welen Glen Essay
Willow Glen was first founded in 1950. The juniors and seniors were able to bring
one color from their former schools to make the classic colors of red and gold for
Willow Glen. The San Jose High School students brought the color red and the
Lincoln High School students brought the color gold. In the year 2005 Willow
Glen installed an all weather track. Before it had been a dirt track. John Owens,
who was a teacher at Willow Glen, became the Willow Glen Track coach. He began
that journey in 1982, and to this day still continues to coach track athletes. He has
mentored over one thousand athletes in his time at Willow Glen. The track for
some is a place to workout, while for others it s a place for victory. This place is
significant to me... Show more content on ...
The runners who were naturally gifted often did not work hard, did not go the
extra mile, and when faced with hardships would often quit. The ones who worked
hard were dedicated and stronger runners as individuals. I fell in the place of the
hardworking group. I became more dedicated than most with my practice, diet, and
workouts. Coach would look to dedicate himself to the strongest from the talented
and hardworking individuals. When I stayed back with the few other dedicated
runners, it became rewarding knowing that I was going the extra mile. I slowly
began to learn that in order to keep up with my competitors I would have to work
twice as hard as them to only get half of their talent. I taught myself that practice
doesn t make perfect and perfect practice doesn t make perfect. I knew I would have
to practice until I could not get it wrong and that stuck with me during all my
practices and meets.
Laying down in bed the night before the meet was always nerve wracking,
wondering who was going to show up to the meet the next day. The drive over to the
track was often long and silent. Often thinking of every outcome of each race could
drive a runner insane. Finally arriving and seeing all the athletes, spectators, and the
crowd. The roar of the announcer echoing through the stadium. I stepped on the track
hoping to see a few familiar faces. The cold breeze blowing against my tracksuit. I
began to warm up and tuned out
Corinthians 1 Colossian Religion
The Church We teach that all who place their faith in Jesus Christ are immediately
placed by the Holy Spirit into one united spiritual Body, the church (1 Corinthians
12:12 13), the bride of Christ (2 Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:23 32; Revelation
19:7 8), of which Christ is the Head (Ephesians 1:22; 4:15; Colossians 1:18). We
teach that the formation of the church, the Body of Christ, began on the Day of
Pentecost (Acts 2:1 21, 38 47) and will be completed at the coming of Christ for
His own at the rapture (1 Corinthians 15:51 52; 1 Thessalonians 4:13 18). We teach
that the church is thus a unique spiritual organism designed by Christ, made up of
all born again believers in this present age (Ephesians 2:11 3:6). The church is
distinct from Israel (1 Corinthians 10:32), a mystery not revealed until this age
(Ephesians 3:1 6; 5:32). We teach that the establishment and continuity of local
churches is clearly taught and defined in the New Testament Scriptures (Acts 14:23,
27; 20:17, 28; Galatians 1:2; Philippians 1:1; 1 Thessalonians 1:1; 2 Thessalonians
1:1) and that the members of the one spiritual Body are directed to associate
themselves together in local assemblies (1 Corinthians 11:18 20; Hebrews 10:25). We
teach that the one supreme authority for the church is Christ (1... Show more content
on ...
We teach that it is scriptural for true churches to cooperate with each other for the
presentation and propagation of the faith. Each local church, however, through its
elders and their interpretation and application of Scripture, should be the sole judge
of the measure and method of its cooperation. The elders should determine all other
matters of membership, policy, discipline, benevolence, and government as well
(Acts 15:19 31; 20:28; 1 Corinthians 5:4 7, 13; 1 Peter
Media And Government Surveillance And Privacy Issues
Q4: It is getting ever easier to record anything, or everything, that you see. This opens
fascinating possibilities and alarming ones . The Economist, Nov. 16, 2013.
Media and government surveillance and privacy issues
With everybody having a smartphone, access to Internet everywhere and frequently
using other technologies to communication, there is easier to record anything and
everything you see and share it. In some ways this is a positive thing, but it could
also have severe consequences in a bad way. Wherever you go there are security
cameras recording you, e mails are under surveillance, your phone calls are being
listened to, it s said that the web camera on your PC is recording you, your bank
account are being watched. No matter what you do somebody is watching
(Overbeck, W., Belmas, G, 2014). Is it violating your privacyrights? The right to
privacy is human rights, and restrains both government and other actions to threat
the privacy of individuals (Right of Privacy, n.d.). In 2013 the global surveillance
disclosure of NSA and CIA amongst others have been a debate internationally. With
these companies watching your every move, and save important and private data
about you in their systems they are violating your right to privacy. After the USA
Freedom of Act was rejected this year in November, the U.N takes action to protect
the human right to privacy (The U.N. Acts to Protect the Human Right to Privacy,
2014, November 25). On the other hand they are
Mcdonald s Cruelty
A horrific video has surfaced showing chickens in a farm being used by McDonald
s being beaten to death or living in despicable conditions. The said video, which
was taken by a hidden camera at a Tyson Foods farm in Dukedom, Tennessee,
shows one chicken being beaten to death using a stick. Others can be seen limping
with their broken legs in a very crowded pen, according to Metro. An undercover
PETA investigator filmed the horrific scene at the farm. The campaign organization
Mercy for Animals publicized the video on Wednesday and called the chicken
cruelty the disgusting secret behind the giant fast food chain s Chicken McNuggets,
The Huffington Post reports. The release of the footage comes in the wake of
McDonald s vow to be more transparent

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Once More To The Lake Essay

  • 1. Once More To The Lake Essay Crafting an essay on the topic "Once More to the Lake" can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a careful balance between personal reflection and literary analysis. The essay prompts readers to delve into E.B. White's contemplative journey back to a familiar lake, navigating the intricate layers of nostalgia, time, and the passage of generations. The difficulty lies in capturing the essence of White's prose while infusing the essay with one's own insights and interpretations. Striking the right chord between personal connection and objective analysis is crucial. One must explore the evocative language, the thematic nuances, and the underlying emotions embedded in White's narrative. Interpreting the essay requires a deep understanding of the author's intentions, his use of sensory details, and the subtle shifts in tone that mirror the complex interplay of memory and reality. Balancing a critical perspective with a personal response adds an additional layer of intricacy to the writing process. Moreover, capturing the timeless and universal themes within "Once More to the Lake" necessitates a keen awareness of the broader literary context and an ability to draw connections to the human experience. It's not merely a recounting of events but a thoughtful exploration of the human condition through the lens of White's introspection. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Once More to the Lake" demands a delicate dance between personal reflection and scholarly analysis. It requires an appreciation for the nuances of White's prose and the skill to articulate one's own interpretations effectively. Though challenging, the process offers a rewarding opportunity to engage deeply with a timeless piece of literature. For assistance with similar essays or other academic writing needs, one can explore resources like to access professional writing services and expert guidance. Once More To The Lake EssayOnce More To The Lake Essay
  • 2. Reproductive Rights Argument Essay The argument about when life begins is nearly invalid in comparison to the argument that there is a risen rate of unplanned pregnancies. Due to the raising rate of pregnancy, present day America has turned abortions into a form of contraception. When two individuals decide to have intercourse, they are exercising their reproductive rights. If one has exercised a specific right, one must also accept the responsibility of what comes after. For example, think about speeding on the highway. One has the right to drive a car, as long as the set rules are followed. Unlike most laws, rights, or rules in America where a fine may be placed, the consequence of one s reproductive rights is not illegal and is another human being. Thus, one must accept responsibility for what... Show more content on ... Rape, of course, is an exception since a woman is not exercising her reproductive rights, they are being exercised for her. If a woman cannot physically control what has happened to her, she should have the ability to handle the outcome in whatever way she feels fit. Many also argue that there are other ways to prevent pregnancy. For example, there are multiple birth control options. Although birth control may not be 100%, this is much safer than not using it. In addition, birth control, like condoms, prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. In that case, everyone wins. There is no reason for two individuals who do not want a child to not use some from contraception. There is also a grey area between whether or not birth control is a form of abortion or if abortion is a form of birth control. Neither of these statements are true. Birth control is taken to prevent pregnancy from happening at all. An abortion takes place after pregnancy has already occurred and kills the living, growing human being. One cannot argue against the idea that killing a human for your own convenience is immoral. These ideas are simple, if one does not want a child, one should not act in a way that will
  • 3. My Memories That Changed My Mind One of the memories that is more permeate in my mind is when my father had to travel to China for business intentions. I remember when he leaves the country, but not more than when he arrived home. Usually, when he came back home, he usually bring with him some gifts for me and my mother, and he never forgets to bring me my favorite gift which I still love when he give away to me. I like to call it as the GodВґs dessert because of its curious shape of production, intense flavor, and delightful meaning. Thinking in this product makes me want to have some of it. The first impression people might have when they see this dessert is that it might be an expensive and luxurious product because of its embellished packaging. It can be identified by the cute design of the box due to the fact that on the left of the box there is a sumptuous ribbon that its background color is a combination between dark cinnamon and lightly caramel, furthermore, the ribbon has the brandВґs name sketched all around it. The theme color of the whole box is pearly white what makes the letters of the brand, written on the top of the box, stand out in a bright gold. Moreover, bellow the ribbon there is a little description in French about the glamorous product and next to it a small window made of transparent plastic where the small pieces of the product are shown to the public. The most interesting thing comes after its purchase. I start feeling the anxiety when it is time to open this fancy box because as
  • 4. Ignacio EllacurГa Beatitudes in the Modern World: Ignacio EllacurГa, SJ Ignacio EllacurГa, a Jesuit priest who dedicated his life to help liberate the poor and oppressed in Latin America. He spent most of his life working in El Salvador. He was born on November 9th, 1930 in Portugalete, Spain located in the Biscay province. He was educated at the Jesuit school in Tudela, Navarra. 1 He began his novitiate to become a Jesuit on September 14,1947, at the age of 17. 2 After the seminary Ignacio EllacurГa was missioned to Santa Tecla, El Salvador. E l l a c u r Гa f u r t h e r e d h i s e d u c a t i o n a n d s t u d i e d H u m a n i t i e s a n d P h i l o s o p h y a t Q u i t o , E c u a d o r a n d T h e o l o g y a t I n n s b r u c k , A u s t r i... Show more content on ... They were murdered for many reasons. The general reason was because they were outspoken on the injustices in the country. They were accused of being communists, Marxists, and even atheists. There were also accused of being liberationists, an accusation that was true for all and specifically true for EllacurГa who taught and was a huge global leader in the ideas of liberation philosophy. All of this led to the night when about thirty men dressed in military uniform, took three of the Jesuits out into the garden and tortured and machineВgunned them there, and murdered the others in the house. There were a total of six Jesuits murdered that night to
  • 5. Judicial System In Texas In the nineteen thirties, the people of Missouri would pick judges and eventually politicians realized they could buy judges. They would buy votes especially an American politician Tom Pendergast, would try to pack the court with those who agreed with his political ideas. Until merit selection, the lawyers went against it and wanted a better way for judicial selection. Both Democrats and Republicans worked together and campaigned without financial interest. Leading to the Missouri plan where the judge is now chosen by merit and qualifications. In the Missouri Plan, seven people are on this commission. Three citizens appointed by the governor, three lawyers elected by lawyers of a different part of the state and the chief justice. Lawyers go through the judicial appellate commission and the judicial appellate commission picks three. After this, the governor picks one to become the judge. After a year serving then a ballot asks voters of Missouri if the judge should be kept in office or not.... Show more content on ... 1. The commission nominates the qualified individuals. 2. The governor appoints a nominee to a judicial position. 3 Retention election follows the initial term. A benefit of the Missouri Plan is that it is based on qualification competition rather than political affiliation competition and is now copied in thirty states. In Texas, judges are elected usually by political party affiliation. Usually Republicans are chosen in Texas with the straight ticket vote. The problem is that were taking away from the different qualifications that people have by simply voting politically. I prefer the Missouri plan over electing judges just by politics. It just seems like a better way to pick judges. I think if political affiliation was removed the judges would be best chosen by their history or quality as any other job usually
  • 6. National Pressure Ulcer Prevention Pressure Ulcer Prevention Taylor Venema University of Maine Pressure Ulcer Prevention The purpose of this paper is to discuss pressure ulcers (PUs) and their prevention. The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP), European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance (PPPIA) define pressure ulcers as a localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear (Brown, 2016, p. S6). Pressure ulcers are a healthcare problem that can have detrimental effects on patients quality of life and can be regarded as an indicator of poor nursing practice. Hospital acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs) result in costly settlements ... Show more content on ... Nurses can assess a patient s risk for pressure ulcers using the Braden scale. The Braden scale determines pressure ulcer risk based off six categories: sensory perception, moisture, activity, mobility, nutrition, and friction and shear. Scores can range from one to four in each category and from six to twenty three overall, with lower total scores indicating higher overall risk for developing alterations in skin integrity (Hoffman Sullivan, 2017). Risk for pressure ulcer development is indicated in scores eighteen or lower. The Braden scale is a useful tool, but simply making it available will not produce satisfactory outcomes. It is necessary to use clinical judgment in conjunction with provided tools. Cho and Noh (2009) observed a weak correlation between Braden scale scores and nursing interventions applied to patients deemed at risk for pressure ulcer development, which implies that nurses tend to use the Braden scale just as a documentation aid. Additionally, their results showed that nursing interventions were often limited to skin assessment and repositioning; nutritional assessment was rarely applied in high risk patients (Cho Noh, 2009). These results imply that there is a considerable area for improved care related to pressure ulcer prevention and
  • 7. The Burj Khalifa And The Tallest Building The Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world, and has been since 2009. It is a work place and a home to many people in Dubai. It was formally known as the Burj Dubai but was changed in recognition to Sheik Khalifa who paid for the majority of the building s construction. The Burj Khalifa is located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The building cost 1.5 billion dollars to build. Construction started on January 6th, 2004 and ended on December 31st, 2009. But 1,325 days after construction started it was already the tallest freestanding structure in the world. At the peak of construction, 12,000 workers worked on the building per day. Only three workers died in the process. The building then opened on January 4th, 2010. The first skyscrapers were built between 1884 1939. Chicago s Home Insurance Building which opened in 1884 was considered the world s first skyscraper. It was 138 feet tall. In 1892 Chicago stopped building skyscrapers taller than 150 feet tall. This allowed New York to start developing taller buildings. The economic boom of the 1920 s led to the building of the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building. As the Great Depression hit, the building of skyscrapers stopped. Since the end of the Great Depression buildings have become taller and taller until we get to the Burj Khalifa at 2,722 feet. The Burj Khalifa is made of glass, steel, aluminum, and reinforced concrete. So much rebar (a steel, reinforcing rod of concrete) was used in the
  • 8. Traditional Family In America In America the concept of the traditional nuclear family is forced on the population by means of the media, social media, and the educational systems. The idea or concept of this is ideal family is a fallacy and no longer is a norm compared to the 1950 s. Only 48.4 percent of households have a married couple; 20 percent of all households contain married couples who have children living with them (Caruso Timmermann, 2013). This change means that the traditional familystructure has evolved. America has a high divorcerate of an estimated 40 to 50 percent. Castelloe states, that within the last 50 years there has been an increase in divorce, cohabitation instead of marriage, blended families both gay and heterosexual, and children born out ... Show more content on ... When children have issues at home, these issues affect other aspects of life, such as, education, mental health, and social abilities. Tendencies that are different from social norms, may manifest themselves in a student s education and grades. Parents recklessly shove children into relationships, forcing them to assimilate. This may be very problematic and detrimental to a child s mental and emotional health. Often, parents do not admit to needing help with parenting and resolving issues. A common belief is that problems will work themselves out and it is just a matter of adjustment, this is usually false. All individuals within a blended family, must contend with ethical, gender, economic, cultural, and educational issues, for example. Deep seeded resentment, perceived unfair treatment, and lack of attention, may create instability and affect the entire family unit. These stresses can be too much to bare at times, increasing the risk for divorce. To assist the family unit, alleviate some of these issues, family members should spend more time together and increase communication. This helps create a solid
  • 9. Software Systems Requirements Engineering This paper presents an overview of software systems requirements engineering (RE).The requirement engineering is the process of eliciting individual stakeholder requirements and their needs and evolving them in depth. And then granted requirements is documenting in a form that is responsive to analysis and communication and specified that they can serve as the basis for all other system development activities. This research paper provides a wide ranging and well structured introduction to the fundamentals, principles, and techniques of requirements engineering. In this paper they presents agreed techniques for eliciting, negotiating and documenting as well as validating, and managing requirements for software intensive systems. The various phases of the process and the techniques are demonstrated using numerous examples and their work in industrial collaborations. Their presentation aims at professionals, students, and lecturers in systems and software engineeringdevelopment. The Professionals people such as software architects, project managers, and software engineers will profit in their daily work from the well presented mixture of validated measures and industrial experience. Students and lecturers will appreciate the complete description of sound fundamentals, principles, and techniques. It provides one of the clearest definitions of RE: Requirements engineering is the branch of software engineering concerned with the real world Goals for, functions of, and
  • 10. Compare And Contrast The Scarlet Lir And The Sniper The Sniper by Liam O Flaherty and The Scarlet Ibis by James Hurt are both alike in many ways but also different in many ways. The Scarlet Ibis is about a boy with a disabled little brother. The Sniper is about a man who is set on a mission to kill his enemy, who was who he didn t want to be. Both stories share a brotherhood, war and regret characteristic. The Sniper takes place on a cold, dark, winter night in a city with a sniper set out on a mission to kill his enemy but his enemy turns out to be who he never would of expected. The story states, Here and there through the city, machine guns and rifles broke the silence of the night, spasmodically, like dogs barking on lone farms. This text supports the claim of how the city ... Show more content on ... In the story, The Scarlet Ibis , the boy had a brother with a disability to where he couldn t walk. Even though he did everything for his little brother, even teaching him how to do the impossible of walking. He turned on him and left his brother when he needed him the most. The story states, I began to run faster as he called my name... . This text proves that the boy knew he was leaving his brother and knew he needed him by the way he was screaming for him. The text also states, limply he fell backward to the Earth... bleeding out of his mouth... This text proves that he betrayed his brother and left him and came back to something he never thought would of happened. The Sniper , the man was set out to kill his enemy who turned out to be his own brother. By that he is betraying brotherhood by killing his brother instead of looking out for him. The story states, The sniper turned over the dead body and looked into his brother s face. This text proves that the man wasn t expecting to turn over the dead body to come across his brother, but had a feeling he knew the man he shot. Both stories tell about how the boy, and the man betrayed their brothers and gained nothing from it but only lost part of
  • 11. Essay on Happiness and Drought It is interesting to think about why our ancestors decided to include the pursuit of happiness as an American s unalienable right, as opposed to the previously considered, right to land. To live a life without happiness, it seemed to them, is to live a life without meaning. Edgar Lee Masters poems commonly reflect on the quality, or lack thereof, of happiness in the afterlife of dead countrymen (and women). The diction, word choice and imagery in Fiddler Jones by Masters expresses the seemingly inherent joy of a lackadaisical man as well as the value of perspectives and the ability to posit happiness over fortune and land. As many of Master s poems in his Spoon River Anthology, the title Fiddler Jones refers to a man who is not only a ... Show more content on ... Although the poem begins by talking generally about the fundamental process of life, lines 3 and 4 bring an individual to the stage in which the poem is set forth. This is done by introducing the art of fiddle playing and the skill that such a feat requires. A skill is a tenet that sets apart an individual from a general crowd. It is something that one may seek pleasure from and it is here that the speaker of the poem creates this separation the individual. And if the people find you can fiddle, Why, fiddle you must, for all your life. (ll. 3 4) At this point we are being advised by the speaker that if we have a skill we must use it for the rest of our lives. But it also says that if people find you can fiddle, which suggests a communal aspect. This skill that sets one apart also makes them a part of a community that cherishes the skill which one has acquired. This further contributes to the meaning on the poem because this is the point in which we are given insight into the speaker s philosophy. This belief being that if one is good at something it should fully encompass their being for the duration of one s life, thus rendering it a passion that becomes as a part of living as breathing itself. This leads into the next lines where we are now required to consider value as a component in distinguishing divergent perspectives. The point in which perspectives diverge happens in lines 4 and 5, where Master s imagery is employed to depict the scene of a
  • 12. Florida Panther Characteristics To get an idea of the shape and characteristics of a mature Florida panther, picture a large cat that has no spots and consist of mainly one color. Florida panthers all consist of a solid tan body with a dark brown streak down their spine. The tip of the tail, behind the ears, and side of nose are all black, giving the panther some key characteristics to remember it by. Kittens of this species start of being grey with an arrangement of brown or black spots. On the tip of the tail unlike the mature panthers, they have five rings that fade and become invisible by the six months of age. Male panthers usually have a weight range from 102 160, while females range from 50 115 lbs. (U.S. Fish Wildlife Service, 2018). The difference of length from... Show more content on ... The Florida Panther used to thrive throughout most of southeastern United States, but today, they are little number of species in southern Florida. The habitat of Florida panthers consists of pinelands, hardwood hammocks, and swamp terrain. Living in these types of environments, you can tell that their body types are made to hunt live prey. Their preferences for sources of food are: wild hogs, deer, rabbits, and when limited resources they will eat raccoons and crocodiles. In the mind of a panther, their strategy for hunting strategy is single out, stalk, ambush, while rarely chasing their prey for long periods of time. Florida Panthers are mostly solitary animals, not relying on a pack to help them hunt or thrive. They use their home range to live, hunt, and raise their young. Males cover an area of 200 square miles of land, while females range much lesser than the males at 70 80 square miles. While covering such a vast majority of land, Florida panthers rarely fight over territory (BCR,2016). The historical range of this species occurred throughout 7 states consisting of southeastern United States. In the world today, the panther is limited to less than five percent of their previous range, only having a single breeding population located in southern
  • 13. Essay on Trifling Justice Move a little closer together Susan Glaspell s play, Trifles, was written in 1916, reflects the author s concern with stereotypical concepts of gender and sex roles of that time period. As the title of the play implies, the concerns of women are often considered to be nothing more than unimportant issues that have little or no value to the true work of society, which is being performed by men. The men who are in charge of investigating the crime are unable to solve the mystery through their supposed superior knowledge. Instead, two women are able decipher evidence that the men overlook because all of the clues are entrenched in household items that are familiar mainly to women during this era. Glaspell expertly uses gender... Show more content on ... There is no true regard on the part of the men for Mrs. Wright some of this may be observed in part of the conversation between Hale and the county attorney, when Hale states ...I said to Harry that I didn t know as what his wife wanted made much difference to John. , and the attorney rebuts Let s talk about that later, Mr. Hale. I do want to talk about that, but tell now just what happened when you got to the house. (1386). It is clear the men have no interest in hearing about Minnie. Glaspell creatively simplifies the setting in Trifles. The only scene is the Wright s kitchen. The kitchen setting is critical in this drama in that this is the only place of interaction and conversation within the play. The men survey the untidiness in the kitchen and dismiss it as poor housekeeping. Meanwhile the ladies recognize and empathize with Minnie as the know the amount of work that goes into running a household and know that something had to happen for this to be left in such a state. The playwright is nearly flawless in using symbolism to highlight the plight of Minnie and women of the era. Mr. Hale declares dismissively declares, Well, women are used to worrying over trifles (1387). The immediate response was [The women move a little closer together] (1387). As they enter the home, the women away from the men, huddled near the stove. The men easily converse as if they have previously worked together and know one another. On the
  • 14. The Lord Of Literature By. R. Tolkien Caleb CassidyHonors English Literature 9/14/16 4th hour J.R.R Tolkien, The lord of Literature Poet and author J.R.R. Tolkien is held by many as one of the greats within English literature. He was a master of writing and teaching, and he showed excellence in academia, prose, and poetry. He left an everlasting impact on the world of literature by using his great understanding of language and his talent of creating mythical lands of consistent excellence. Tolkien started his life in tragedy, but used his circumstances to his advantage in his latter life and within his literary career. A man of higher intellect than most was Tolkien, which is what contributed to making him an amazing writer and poet. On January 3, 1892 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born to Mabel and Arthur Tolkien in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Arthur Tolkien was a bank clerk from the U.K. who left for South Africa in the 1890s for better chances of promotion (Doughan). Mabel Tolkien, maiden name Suffield, was from the city of Birmingham in the West Midlands of Britain. At the age of eighteen Mabel Suffield became engaged to Arthur Tolkien. The two were destined for marriage, but Mabel s father forbade them from marrying for three years. During their three year betrothal Mabel and Arthur exchanged letters to keep in touch ( Mabel Tolkien ). When the three years were up Mabel sailed to Cape town South Africa to marry Arthur, and so began the Tolkien family. Mabel and Arthur were married on April 16,
  • 15. Review Of Thomas Jefferson s Argumentative Essay Thomas Jefferson wrote, Determine never to be idle... If is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing. I believe that always doing accomplishes more than doing nothing. The reasons I believe this is because actions always produce results. Also, you will always make progress no matter what you are doing. If we always accomplish by doing, then what can be accomplished if you do nothing? You can t achieve any sort of goal if you do nothing; therefore, I agree with Thomas Jefferson. Firstly, any action we take will always produce some sort of result. When you re taking action, no matter what for, it always opens up a new path. Whether or not your actions are related to one another, you ll still achieve some goal. For example, if you
  • 16. Questions On Feminist Identity And Reactions Of Gender... MCS*3500 Reflection 1 Threats to Feminist Identity and Reactions to Gender Discrimination Tyler Ciprietti 0786162 1. Describe the context (why it was done, the general interest and what the researchers wanted to find out) of the research and research question (what is the hypothesis). /10 The goal of the study was to identify factors that shape women s responses to in group members who protest gender discrimination. The participants were all undergraduate females that were all given the same information prior to the start of the study. The one difference was the scenario (manipulation) in which the female lawyer was being discriminated. The researchers told some participants of the study that the lawyer ... Show more content on ... To examine these hypotheses, the researchers had the female participant group read about an unfair hiring decision in which a law firm chose not to grant the deserving candidate a position, and hired a less experienced male candidate instead. 2. Describe dependent, independent, and moderating variables. How these variables were measured and manipulated in this study. 10 Independent = Condition either protest or no protest Dependent = many of them; Outcome measures in case.....(4) We are only replicating the evaluation of target.
Moderating = Pervasiveness of gender discrimination. The variables in the study helped to differentiate the participant s opinions on the female lawyer. In this case, the researchers are only replicating a small part of the study. There were 4 possible dependent variables that were measured. 1) Anger Toward the Target this was measured through statements like I feel angry at Catherine . The higher the score, the greater the amount of anger was expressed. 2) Evaluation of Target participants evaluated the likeability of Catherine by measuring statements like I admire Catherine, I would like to be friends with Catherine . 3) Evaluation of Target s Response This measure addressed evaluations of the target s response to the decision. Participants
  • 17. Samarium Vs Neodymium Many extraterrestrial objects present during the early years of our universe, including Earth, have been shown to share similar levels of Neodymium 142, an isotope of Neodymium. Neodymium 142, which is found throughout the Earth s crust, was researched to be present alongside Samarium within the formation of our Solar System. Researchers were previously hinted to this discovery in 2005, when 142Nd was found in chondrites, which are meteorites considered to be the building blocks of terrestrial rocks. Data collected from this research was used to detect differences between the Earths interior layers and chondrites for its first 30 million years. The introduction of isotopes brought into this speculation provide many answers to the question... Show more content on ... Anyone interested in cosmology or the origins of the Solar System should definitely research into this topic. It provides good details with background and evidence on its subject. I would have personally not have known much of this if it was not for reading this article. I wasn t formerly aware of the stability, or lack thereof, during our Solar System s formation and the creation of terrestrial objects. Nor did I know of how much one small detail, such as similar levels of an element s isotope, could change our point of view on a subject of this importance. This information is potentially advantageous when it comes to conversations or debates on this topic, or even for personal questioning of our general creation and existence in our Solar
  • 18. Tell Tale Heart Essay In Tell Tale Heart, Edgar Allen Poe develops the plot and creates a mood through the use of metaphors, symbolism, imagery, and foreshadowing. The unique use of said literary devices enables the story to strongly entice the reader s interest and spark high levels of curiosity. The vivid mental pieces of art are beautifully painted with metaphors, symbolism, and imagery, the tools mastered by the painter, Edgar Allen Poe. The initial analysis will be that of the old man s eye. Mr. Poe uses very descriptive technique to allow the reader to view the eye for themselves, there are no literal pictures within the pages of the story, the pictures are therefore seen mentally, and the description is one way that the author incorporates imagery ... Show more content on ... The previous paragraph explained the eye symbolizes misconception, but the structure of specific sentences implies that the eye can indeed see even the most hidden of things. After the main character dismembers the old man, he proceeds by removing three planks from the floor in order to store the corpse underneath the floor, and in conclusion to this horrid act he states I then replaced the boards so cleverly, so cunningly, that no human eye not even his could have detected anything wrong (p.4, Angus). Such a statement implies that not only does the eye capable of depleting vision and understanding, but the eye also has the ability to enhance perception and amplify vision as well. The eye is the center, the main attraction if u will, of this story. It is no wonder as to why the eye symbolizes quite a handful of things. In addition to the symbols analyzed prior to this paragraph, the symbolism of control is also used with the eye. The eye displays the power of controlling the narrator s fluctuation in body temperature which is a result of controlling the narrator s mood and level of fear. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees very gradually I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever (p.1, Angus). I saw it with perfect distinctness all a dull blue, with a hideous veil over it that chilled the very marrow in my bones... (p.3,
  • 19. Aura In Art To describe the feeling you get when looking at art, is difficult, and many theorists struggle with how something so purely emotional, so unreal is ever present in the world of art. How can something so fluid be grasped? In this essay we will explore the word aura, and how it relates to art. I will argue that the connections we get when looking at art is unreachable and cannot be related to either space or concept. Fig. 1: Leonardo Da Vinci, ca 1503, Mona Lisa Aura, according to Merriam Websters Dictionary(2016) is described as a special quality or feeling that seems to come from a person, place, or thingВ». The concept of Aura in art, originated from the German philosopher Walter Benjamin in 1935. It is attached to the unique. Unique artwork is charged . They have authenticity. The aura occurs through the special fascination we get when faced with a work of art that is unique. The most obvious example here would be Mona Lisa (1503). The aura is an artistic charisma or vibration of value and sublimity, of authenticity, a larger than life status. It is an aesthetic mystery only ... Show more content on ... Where you see it is related to the first glance experience, but is a questionable factor when it comes to emotional response. There is a sense of greatness with art exhibited in a museum or gallery. This is described as the Museum Effect, where the place itself creates validity and importance to the object exhibited (Malraux, 1967). While I think artists should value the importance of placement and exhibition venue in relation to concept, the place itself should not be an important factor regarding aura. The artwork on its own is what gives us the uniqueness and felling of awe, not the surroundings. You can feel a connection to art wether it is in the galley, on the street or in a family album. In other words if an art piece can exist in itself, an absolute, and still maintain an aura, it is in my opinion
  • 20. Texas Tech And The College Of Human Sciences Texas Tech is a large University located in Lubbock Texas and is home to many faculty members. Because it is so big we, decided that focusing on one college, the college for human sciences, for the semester is the best way to ensure we give our best work out there, in hopes of in the future being able to help other colleges at Texas Tech University. The college of Human Sciences has a total of one hundred and twenty eight faculty members according the fall 2015 faculty census on the Texas Tech website (Faculty Head Count). They also break this number down by ethnicity. There majority of the faculty population is White Non Hispanic people accounting for ninety nine out of the one hundred twenty eight people (Faculty Head Count). The least was Black Non Hispanic, accounting for only two (Faculty Head Count). We hope to get as many ethnicities to participate in this program to be able to study trends in the specific ethnicity and then to compare and contrast with others (Faculty Head Count). Now to further our knowledge we took to online resources. Reading what other people thought effective time managementskills helped us design a plan that could be formed to fit the needs of the individual. Being healthy does not just mean that one is in shape and eats right. Being healthy is an all around healthy body, as well as mind. We believe if the faculty is able to form a habit to better scheduling their school schedule, they will be able to be more productive due to an increase on
  • 21. Wounded Warrior Leadership Challenges The Wounded Warrior Leadership Challenges One of the most challenging assignments that I experienced throughout my military career was working as a First Sergeant in a Warrior Transition Unit (WTU) at Fort Hood, Texas. The central mission of the Wounded Warrior Unit is to heal, recover, and rehabilitate Soldiers back into the Force or civilian communities as Veterans. Placement in this environment, or this kind of unit can be rewarding, but at the same time can be very challenging. As a First Sergeant in WTU, my responsibilities/duties included the health and welfare of Soldiers who were placed under the Commander s authority. One question I asked myself when accepting this change of responsibility was... how am I going to achieve the responsibilities of identifying the needs of a Wounded Warrior without the proper training and knowledge? As a First Sergeant working for a Warrior Transition Unit, I experienced many trials while trying to understand and learn these triads of Care, and the Triad of Leadership techniques, followed by the challenges in dealing and understanding each Soldier s needs. Triad of Care First and foremost, the Triad of Care element of the Warrior Transition Program is the foundation of identifying the medical needs of a Wounded... Show more content on ... Part of that Triad of Leadership duty for the First Sergeant was to ensure the cadre positions were filled with the best and finest Soldiers available to take on the challenge. This task allowed me to examine administration packages to include NCOERs, individual essays on why the cadre member wanted to be part of the staff, and administrative requirements for the position. I wanted all of my cadre members to embrace the challenges and commitments to the Warrior Ethos; No Soldier Left Behind. If I felt that my cadre did not meet the standards, the cadre was not selected for the
  • 22. Figurative Language In Jeanne Duprau s The City Of Ember In Jeanne DuPrau s book The City of Ember it takes place in a very dark city without power or electricity and nobody s happy. And when two kids are presented with the opportunity to help save their city and risk their lives, they are the ones who want to do so. They go on this journey and hit many obstacles on the way but they have the mindset to never give up and it may or may not help them. One theme that can be supported throughout the book is that when someone risks their life for others they can earn great respect from other people and other peers. The theme in the story The City of Ember is shown early on in the book and it is represented by using author s craft. The author s craft that is being used in the book is figurative language, such as similes and metaphors. She uses figurative language in many different ways that can support the theme. For example Fear had settled over the city. Lina felt it like a cold chill (Duprau 85). This is a good example of figurative language and it also supports the theme. This is a good example, because it is describing how bad the city is and also how Lina realized she needed to take charge in saving the city. Duprau also uses another good example of figurative language towards the beginning also. For instance it states in the book Once they are out the door, Lizzie said goodbye and scurried away as if Linas bad luck were a disease that she might catch (Duprau 58). This is a good representation because it is leading up to the
  • 23. Orbital Fracture Essay Orbital fractures are a semi common trauma where the eye bones are dislocated from high impact. The composition of the orbital socket consist of seven flat bones and four bony margins: the roof,floor, medial wall and the lateral wall. Orbital fractures can include one or more of the eye bones or margins depending on the severity of the fracture. The most common fracture is an isolated fracture where only one margin of the eyeis dislocated. Isolated fractures are most common in the orbital floor due to the orbital floor being the thinnest most fragile bone. The second most common orbital fracture is the medial wall, which is the second thinnest bone margin. Both orbital fractures require extensive care and can be treated if necessary. This paper... Show more content on ... Triple orbital fractures may also demonstrate malar flattening, inferior displacement of the lateral canthal angle and telescoping, or gap deformities at the lateral orbital rim(6). Beyond the fracture itself however there are tale tale signs of orbital trauma. The most obvious indicator of orbital trauma is a laceration to the eyelid usually from a blunt or sharp trauma. Some laceration only involve the skin while others involve deeper orbital socket structures. Those structures can include the orbital nerves ,blood vessels and soft tissue. Each of these areas show their own sign an symptoms. Signs of soft tissue damage are: periorbital edema (puffy eyes) ,ecchymosis (discoloration due to bleeding), subcutaneous emphysema (trapped air under skin, swollen), and avulsion of the canaliculus (proximal portion of the tear duct drainage system ). Signs of eye displacement and nerve damage are: side gazing, diplopia (double vision), severe nausea, increase vague tone (oculocardiac reflex) and subconjuctival hemorrhage (broken blood vessel of the eye causing a red patch). This is true because the
  • 24. Human, Eukaryotic And Vitro Associations Of Murine Sec... INTRODUCTION In eukaryotes, Usually the UGA acts as a stop codon in transcription but the elongation factor, known as SELB, has a C terminal SECIS RNA binding domain and N terminal Sec tRNA domain, inserts the selenocystiene at the stop codon. An SECIS binding protein, known as SBP2 is found in mammals but it lacks EF functionality. We will describe the in vivo and in vitro associations of murine SEC specific EF (eEFSec) element with SBP2 and SECIS in order to correlate their function in selenoprotein synthesis. RESULTS Extensive database search of EST revealed candidates for human, eukaryotic and murine Sec specific EF. Murine EST indicates a 583 amino acid protein while the eEF1A shows 462 amino acids. The protein is homologous to EF and also has portions of eEFsec family. Similar to SELB, eEFsec lack insertions that are present in eEF1A, responsible to GTP exchange factors interaction. Homology of c terminal extends both to eukaryote and archeal proteins. Murine tRNA binding, assessed by nitrocellulose filter binding assay showed high binding with the two isoforms of Sec tRNA and lower levels of binding with seryl tRNA, methionyl tRNA etc. A Kd of 0.11 ОјM was found by scatchard analysis for GTP binding, 3 times less than for GDP binding, showing that GTP exchange factor is not needed. These results show Sec tRNA specific EF. Co immunoprecipitation studies were performed to check the hypothesis that binding of SBP2 to SECIS resulted in recruitment of eEFsec tRNA. We
  • 25. I Am My Am Mike I am Mike. I am 15 years old and my parents just got divorced. My father didn t want to claim me and my mom didn t want to take on the work of taking care of me by herself. So my parents went to court and they got divorced. My mom moved to California and my dad moved to New York. My grandparents claimed me and took me to their home in England. Since I moved to the UK, I had to go to a new school. My grandparents, Larry and Michelle, told me that I would go to an academy 30 minutes away when there was one that was only five minutes away. I felt a little vexed that I was forced to go to a school that was farther away when there was one so close. But I followed their orders. Since I moved to my grandparents house in September, school just started. My grandparents told me to pack my luggage with clothes. I asked why and Larry said, The school you are going to is a boarding school. When I heard him say this, I was shocked. I wasn t expecting to live at my school that was only 30 minutes away from my grandparents house. But again I didn t argue because I didn t know what they would do and I didn t want to know. Therefore, I packed my belongings as I thought about the boarding school. I had many thoughts like what if my grandparents don t want to take care of me and they just wanted me to stay at school, and why does their house look so ugly. The bedroom I was in had pictures of old people and the bed sheets had blood stains on them... After I looked at the blood stains I became
  • 26. Indian Steel Industry INTRODUCTION Indian Steel Industry India s economic growth is very much dependent upon the growth of the Indian steel industry. One of the major indicator of economic development has always been the consumption of steel. Steel is an essential element in sectors such as housing, construction and land transportation, special steel s use is growing in engineering industries such as power generation, petrochemicals and fertilizers. India is at the central position on the global steel map, with the establishment of new steel mills, continuous modernization and upgrading old plants, improving backward integration and energy efficiency. Steel production in India has increased by a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8 % over the period 2002 03 to 2006 07. Growth in India is subjected to be higher than the world average, as the per capita consumption of steel in India, at around 46 kg, whereas the world average (150 kg) and that of developed countries (400 kg). Indian demand is projected to rise to 200 million tonnes by 2015. Considering the strong demand scenario, most global steel players are aiming for a major expansion, either through Brownfield or Greenfield route. By 2020, steel production capacity in India is expected to touch 275 million tones. Greenfield projects and Brownfield projects are estimated to add 28.7 million tones and 40.5 million tones respectively to the existing capacity of 55 million tonnes. The growing consolidation in the steel industry
  • 27. William Penn Influence On American History Many significant characters are in history, but in my opinion William Penn took a big part. History is formed by people in order for these significant events to happen. We live in a world today where many important people made changes to form how it is. William Penn isn t just another guy in the crowd; he s made a bigger impact thank you think. We need to appreciate what all the people in history did from their accomplishments and impacts they had on others and not just their self. William Penn was known as a founder of Pennsylvania. He was also an English real estate entrepreneur, philosopher, early Quaker, and founder of other places other than Pennsylvania. Penn was born October 14, 1644. He lived in the United Kingdom most of his life. ... Show more content on ... In 1677, two hundred settlers from Hertfordshire founded the town of Burlington. Although this is a significant event, Penn wasn t with them. Instead he stayed in England because he had a project. He drafted the charter of liberties, and he guaranteed free and fair trial by Jury, Freedom of religion, freedom of unjust imprisonment, and free elections. In my opinion William Penn sounded like a very well successful, educated man. The king at the time was Charles II of England. The king had a large loan with Penn s father that settled things after Penn s father died. On March 4, 1681, Penn was given a large area West and South of New Jerseyby the king. William called this place Sylvania. In Latin this word meant woods . I think this king was very understand and chose to make others happy while doing his job to make sure the people knew he cared. Charles changed the founded place to Pennsylvania in honor of William s father, but before that happened, Penn was the leading defender of religious toleration in England. Being religious was a law. The king was glad to have discovered a place for religious outsiders could come to such as other Quakers who wanted a different place to live away from England. Penn wanted to do this to make peace with everyone so they re all welcomed and invited. I think if a country went to war, we would be ok since we were trying to be allies with other religious people from anywhere. Since the King was in England, William made the first county Bucks County, named after Buckinghamshire in England. As Pennsylvania grew most of Penn s family migrated there, and it was welcomed for any other people to settle there. William wrote to the Indians to make peace between them, but he didn t want to acknowledge them wrong. He has a quote that says Be tender of offending the Indians...To soften them to me, and the people, let them know you are come to sit down lovingly with them...Be grave, they
  • 28. Columbine High School Shooting Research Papers Columbine School Shooting It s difficult to believe that two high school students could enter their school and begin firing on classmates, but that s exactly what happened at Columbine. The country was riveted by the news that something so evil could happen by two of their own. Columbine High School, located in Littleton, Colorado, had an enrollment of 1,136 in April 1999. Eric Harris (seventeen) and Dylan Klebold (eighteen) entered Columbine High School on April 19, 1999, at approximately 11:19 AM and began shooting. Due to Klebold and Harris being bullied, the two boys planned an attack to shoot students and staff. //////. On April 19, 1999 at approximately 11:19am in Littleton Colorado Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, 17 and 18 years old, went to Columbine High School to shoot students and staff. ... Show more content on ... Bullying is a serious problem with the potential of lasting effects. The two boys were planning an attack on the bullies that had made school miserable for them. they were members of a group of social outcasts called the Trenchcoat Mafia that was fascinated by Goth culture. ( Staff. Columbine High School Shootings. A E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 20 Sept. 2017.) Klebold and Harris initially carried out the shooting as a retaliation for the miserable years in
  • 29. All The Pretty Horses Analysis Weir s message of perseverant hope most resonates with me due to The Martian s ability to tie the story of the frontier to a modern scientific endeavor, rather than the naГЇve dream of a young adolescent. All the Pretty Horses, to me, read more as a cautionary tale of memorializing a nonexistent era and following this misconception until disaster. McCarthy demonstrates John Grady Cole s growth throughout the novel from believing in the mythic West to slowly realizing the harsh truth that such a place never exists. The Martian, in contrast, tells a story of science, one which I can better contextualize with my twenty first century worldview. The new frontier of the modern world certainly still fall prey to misconceived notions and conventional
  • 30. Evaluating Conflict Management Style 1.Purpose of assessment is to identify my preferred conflict management style. 2.Total = Yielding: 8 Compromisng: 13 Forcing: 16 Problem Solving: 15 Avoiding: 11 3.My assessment scores have my preferred conflict handling style as forcing. Forcing tries to win the conflict at the other s expense. It includes hard influence tactics, particularly assertiveness, to get one s own way (McShane Von Glinow, 2017, p. B 8). I also use problem solving as a conflict style to work together for common ground on agreement that can counter the selfishness of forcing. Problem solving tries to find a mutually beneficial solution for both parties (McShane Von Glinow, 2017, p. B 8). 4.The workforce will always have some type of conflict, issues
  • 31. Fallow Deer Research Paper Fallow Deer The Description The Male summer coat is a reddish brown with white spots, with a long, black and white striped tail. With palm, shaped antlers. The Female has a different colour coat during the winter it loses its spots and goes grey. The Normans released the fallow deer into Britain they have lived in wild herds for centuries in areas like forest as Epping and Dean. The habitats The fallow deer likes grassy clearings in woodland to graze on. The Fallow deer inhabits mature mixed woodland with dense undergrowth. The life cycles The fallow deer matting season know as ruts begins at October and last about the month but it can take place in any time of September or February. But after a female deer has been mating ... Show more content on ... It is russet brown in the summer and it can be grey in the winter they also have a wide tail on them. They are also having visible upper and they are a primitive species. The habitats Muntjac deer are found southern of England and their habitats are mostly found in Wondaland are their preferred habitat, but they are increasingly found in gardens and even walking down in street. The life cycles They reproduce continually throw out the year this small and exotic looking Muntjac deer can be surprisingly hard sport, all thought a loud barking call could indicate one is nearby. Muntjac male like to fight for the so thy wont bee low in power. Roe Deer The Description They have a small with the brown coat that turns grey in the winter with a black nose, along with the white patches in the rump and chin. The Habitat Roe dear are found in a lot of Scotland and England, which are in the many areas, that have a forest clearing. They are abundant the increasing them rang and south of the borders which are Scottish, northwards also in Midlands and Kent. which are also found in the open mixed areas and woodland and liked the tree and shrubs as
  • 32. Reflection About Technology Throughout my life and my career journey, technology has played a significant role. At a very young age, I was introduced to programming by a math teacher in the seventh grade. After being sentenced to twenty four hours of detention for making jokes during class, I learned my first programming language, GW BASIC from that same math teacher. One evening, during detention, this instructor saw that I had idle time on my hands and decided to make me a deal. The instructor made a deal that, once I finished all my homework; if I could write a computerprogram that made a ball bounce across the screen, for every trick that I could make the ball do, he would subtract one hour of detention off my time. This seemed like something I could not refuse and I promptly accepted the offer. However, little did I know that I would spend nearly twenty hours of my own time learning BASIC and then another fifteen hours coding and debugging the program. I quickly came to understand that, this really was not a good deal at all. Nonetheless, I stuck with the agreement. By the end of the semester, not only did I write my first computer program but also I had somehow managed to become a member of the Gilmore Jr. High School Math Science Team. Eventually, I moved on to more advanced systems and technology. The point I want to make is that, this experience became the basis of how I would approach learning technology in the future. I view learning new technology as fun, something that one
  • 33. Conflict Between Male And Female Characters Husband and wife may exchange roles but never escape the tyranny of roles themselves. Theatrical narratives appear to promote the very ideology of difference they expose as arbitrary. (B. Freedman) In both tragedy and comedy, conflict between male and female characters can often be found at the crux of the theatrical narrative. In plays that present on stage opposition between men and women, it can be perceived that a typical set narrative structure is followed: the actions performed by male characters incite women to castoff the role of passivity and impose their presence on stage . As a result of lapsing into a masculine mode of behaviour, the females traditional archetype is then left to be fulfilled by the male characters. In comedy, such sexual role reversals are found aplenty, emphasised and made comic by cross dressing whilst in tragedy, it appears rarer. Furthermore, in tragedy the role reversal focuses on the women s function as usurping the roles designated for male characters. Euripides Medea and Aristophanes Women at Thesmophoria provide one with a paradigm from each genre of how sexual role reversal can explore alternative representations of gender and result in having a transgressive impact on dominating gender ideology. Both playwrights present complex characters that conform to and discard their traditional gender roles during the course of the play s narratives Barbara Freedman s Frame up: Feminism, Psychoanalysis, Theatre provides an appropriate
  • 34. Compare And Contrast Garfunkel Vs Durkheim 1A If I am Garfunkel I would say that compared to Durkheim I have some different view on how I think social order happens and what people do in response to certain things. Coming from my theories I see that people act the way they act because of certain events. We are socialized to react a certain way when someone does something or says something. The way we learn these things are through background expectancies and reactions. When we as a person a question we are able to see the way that they respond to the question. If they react in a positive manner we know that we asked them something that was correct to be asking, but if we ask them something we they seems distressed or confused we learn that it might now have been the right things to ask. We can see that fro ever action there is a reaction to what we do, being either good ro bad. I have studied ethnomethodology which is the study of how people maintain the commonsense world. In my studies I have seen that the way we act is basically just a replication of what has been reinforced in our minds for years as we grow up .we know when to act a certain way. Now if you... Show more content on ... He says that they want to relive these moment that they love. When I look at this I feel that people act this way because that is what they have learned to be the proper way to act when they are with other members of this religious community. They learn that this is going to be something more special and they are expecting to act in a sense of awe to religion. The way we act is ingrained into our minds and we just react to everything that is going on, we don t even have to think about it most of the time. It is how we have been socialized. There will always be reacts and how they reacts are portrayed will also show us what is normal and common to
  • 35. Research Paper On Mary Mcleod Mary McLeod Bethune Cookman 1. 140 years ago, in Maysville, South Carolina, Mary McLeod, a child of former slaves was born. Coming up from very simple beginnings, would later in life become a renowned educator and college founder, an advocate, for civil and human rights, and a valued advisor to several United States presidents? As a young girl toiling in the fields alongside of her parents, Ms. McLeod knew that education and knowledge would eventually open her eyes to the world outside of South Carolina. At the tender age of 10, Ms. McLeod, began her educational journey by entering Trinity Presbyterian Mission School, followed by Scotia Seminary in North Carolina, and Moody Bible Institute, in Chicago, Illinois. Ms. McLeod, at first wanted
  • 36. The Big Bang The universe is a magnificent place. There are thought to be more than 100 billion galaxies, each, with 100 billion stars (Hawking 48). There are vast clouds of gas, light years across, each taking on its own dazzling shape and color. In our solar system alone, there are planets asteroids, comets and moons. For millennia, humans have attributed the workings and beauty of the cosmos to the divine. Slowly, we learned that laws governed the motion of these celestial bodies, laws which would come to be known as the laws of physics. It was not a god that was making the planets orbit the sun, but gravity. Through observations, mankind learned of new laws, and discarded old ones that no longer matched the observations. Eventually, a prediction... Show more content on ... When infrared radiation becomes redshifted, it appears to be microwaves, which have even longer wavelengths than infrared radiation. At around the same time Dicke and Peebles were making this prediction, in 1965, two physicists at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in New Jersey, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, were receiving a lot of microwave interference with their equipment (Hawking 55). They had a very sensitive microwave detector, and were receiving this interference no matter where they pointed the detector. They eventually concluded that the interference was everywhere, and from outside the atmosphere, and extremely uniform. It was the same no matter what time of day, or year. This meant the microwaves they were detecting were originating from outside of the solar system, and even the galaxy (Hawking 55). It was eventually realized that this microwave background was the same that Dicke, Peeples, and Gamow had predicted. Penzias and Wilson had found the glow of the Big Bang. In 1992, COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer satellite) was able to find slight variations in the microwave background. This meant that the early universe was not completely even, allowing matter to clump together and structures to form such as galaxies (Hawking 56). The amount of evidence for the Big Bang was rising, and it was starting to seem like an extremely probable theory. It was predicted that when the universe first started to expand in the Big Bang, there were small
  • 37. Frederick Research March 16, 2014 English 104 Frederick Douglass Article Analysis In the reading by Frederick Douglass, Learning to Read, he talks about how he learned how to read. He grew up in Maryland and he talks about how his mistress, his slave owners wife, taught him the alphabet and how to read. Eventually she stopped, due to him being a slave he wasn t suppose to know how to read, and Douglass had to continue to learn how to read by himself. One thing Frederick Douglass could have done was to put some details about his family. He never mentioned his mom, dad, siblings or if he had any. If he did it would have interesting to know what they did or felt about him learning to read and write. It would have also ... Show more content on ... How did he get away with gathering the books and finding the time to copy the words? Douglass could have used some details in describing the scene when he was able to find the time to do such things and how often was he able to do these things? These are just some thoughts that aroused in my head while reading this article. The overall article was well written but if Frederick Douglass would have incorporated some details about his family, like their whereabouts and their feeling or if they were being taught how to read as well, would have made the article a little more interesting. Also if Frederick Douglass would have added more details to his story in certain areas would have made the article fuller and gave the readers a more vivid picture of how he was being taught how to read and when he found the time to sneak books and copy the words to learn how to write. These are just a couple things that could have made the article easier to read and understand because when someone is writing a paper the author needs to make sure that the audience can understand what the message is clearly and be able to create an image of what is being said. WORKS CITED PAGE Douglass, Frederick. Learning to Read Reading the World Ideas that Matter. Ed. Michael Austin. New York
  • 38. World War 1 Vs Ww2 The World At War Two of most fierce wars on the planet were World War 1 and World War 2 in which nearly 70 millon people were killed. War has dependably been a part of human life and the development of each nation on the planet. It was either war between two or more nations or war inside of the nation. Some battled to pick up freedom, some battled to extend its energy and some just battled in light of the fact that they were partners to the nation at war. Regardless of what the reason was, war has left an incredible effect to how things are today. Like both World War 1 and World War 2 has a few likenesses and contrast in their causes, consequences and effect on the economy of the... Show more content on ... In actuality, World War 2 finished with substantially more nations dissolving and more individuals executed for their atrocities. These wars also effect the environment. When of world war 1 s end, an expected 1.3 million setbacks, including 100,000 260,000 regular citizens, and obscure quantities of soil disintegration, deforestation, and water sullying in regions were created by substance weapons. In second world war the nuculear encounter of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the first and only use of atomic ammuntion in fighting and it had a impressive effect on the construct environment and with respect to human life.The bombs killed upwards of 2,20,000 people in japan before the end of 1945 by and large half on the seasons of the bombings. Amongst these, 15 to 20% kicked the container from wounds or sickness attributed to radiation hurting. From here on out, more have gone on from leukemia and solid illnesses connected to prologue to radiation released by the bombs. . In World War 1, officers battled in trenches which were extremely shocking for the troopers to withstand. It was likewise the first run through, warriors utilized automatic
  • 39. Advantages Of Ipod The huge popularity of the iPod has given rise to the emergence of iPod accessories industries which offer a wide range of speakers help to turn your iPod into a fantastic boom box. With the blessing of the advance communication networks, we have entered the world of iPod with its flexible, hi tech, innovative digital music system ever designed to deliver music in ways that we never done before. Indeed, the audio designs give us the room filling thump that made our favorite music available anytime and anywhere. So, now we can set our music free! Anyone who has attempted to wade through the multimedia of iPod speakers on the market knows that the options are difficult to distinguish. The speaker system today, in the context of the more competitive that has emerged since then. The outward appearance of the speaker system remains reasonably attractive, innovative and impressive with their elegant and superb designs to ensure its pleased and satisfying quality and features in order to match its price tag. GriffinEvolve GriffinEvolve is a type of iPodDock sound system ... Show more content on ... It comes in different color options to suit your needs, equipping with a couple of satellite speakers that flank a 55 watt per channel amplifier, 8 ohms of impedance, 3 aluminum cone woofer, 1 titanium done tweeter, 100 20Khz frequency response to better deliver your songs that you want to crank it up or sing along. This gizmo will certainly add up unprecedented surprise particularly in enhancing the sound performance of the PC or online games. This truly high fidelity playback allow you either to connect the speakers and 55 watt per channel amplifier to your iPod dock, or connect the compact Audio bytes to your PC for you to enjoy your favorite tunes and music while your iPod
  • 40. The Impact Of Employment Conditions On Occupation The impacts of employment conditions on occupation fulfillment is that people decide work fulfillment by looking at what they are getting from the occupation and what they might want to or trust that they ought to get. For instance, if a worker is accepting a yearly compensation of $35,000 and trusts that he or she ought to be accepting a compensation of $30,000 than he or she will feel fulfillment; in any case, if the worker trusts that he or she ought to get $40,000 than he or she will feel dissatisfaction. This correlation would apply to every occupation aspect including: aptitude level, position, limited time openings and supervision. The impacts of low employment fulfillment can be extensive and this issue is of sympathy toward independent company proprietors and also huge organizations. On the off chance that workers are not content with their occupations, a few regions of their workare influenced and their conduct can likewise influence different employees. When one employee is hopeless doing their occupation, the majority of the other employees they come into contact with will be influenced by their disposition. Unfortunately, if you see somebody who is so clearly unhappy, it will have you wondering what is wrong taking you away from what you need to be doing. Negative states of mind can spread through a work environment like an out of control fire. Low occupation fulfillment, combined with low representative assurance breaks even with an absence of profitability
  • 41. Serbia In Ww1 Otto von Bismarck, the chancellor of Germany, envisioned that One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans. He would later be proven right when the powder keg in the Balkans finally blew up and affected all of Europe. The Slavic people in the Balkans wanted their own unified nation. They tried to fight Austria Hungary to create a Pan Slavic nation, but the Slavs were only given Serbiaand a few other Balkan territories. Bosnia and Herzegovina, however, were annexed by Austria Hungary. This takeover by Austria Hungary ultimately led to a nineteen year old Bosnian Serb firing two gunshots that would end the lives of the Habsburg successor along with his wife, and change European history forever. Serbia s role in World War I included forming a deep rooted rivalry with Austria Hungary, assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the Black Hand, and allying with European power, Russia.... Show more content on ... Serbia became a scapegoat for Austria Hungary in the years leading up to World War I. A scapegoat is someone or something people place all of their blame upon. Serbia was on the Balkan Peninsula alongside the occupied Austro Hungarian territories, including Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia wanted to unite these territories and create a united Slavic nation called Yugoslavia (Land of the South Slavs). These feelings in the Balkans were the beginning of Serbian nationalism and Pan Slavism. Serbian nationalism was the desire to build a united Serbian kingdom separate from Austria Hungary, and bound by a common language and customs. Pan Slavism was the idea that the Slavic people should be unified and help one another if their bond was interrupted. Through these beliefs of Pan Slavism, Russian support grew for
  • 42. How Did The Democritus Make The Atomic Theory 460 BC: Democritus Philosopher Democritus made the atomic theory widely known, which stated that the universe is composed of two elements: the atoms and the void in which these atoms exist and move. (More, 1646) Democritus came up with the theories: All materials were made up of many invisible particles called ATOMS. Atoms are not able to be destroyed. Atoms are solid but invisible to the human eye Atoms are homogenous. Atoms differ in size, shape and mass (zandrice, 2010) 1.Solids are made of small, pointy atoms. 2.Liquids are made of large, round atoms. 3.Oils are made of very fine, small atoms that can easily slip past each other 1804: John Dalton Chemist Dalton believed that all matter is made of many tiny indestructible ... Show more content on ... (Lucas Wright, 2001) Rutherford s understanding of the atom was that the protons were clustered together in the nucleus. The nucleus is then surrounded by empty space occupied by electrons. (Lucas Wright, 2001) 1897: James Johnson Thomson Thomson discovered the electron. He used a cathode ray tube (an electron gun) with a magnet and discovered that the green beam it emitted was made up of negatively charged particles. Thomson then determined that these negatively charged electrons needed something positive to balance them out. (Born, 2014) From his experiments Thomson established that all electrons are identical and that elements aren t different because of their electrons but because of how many electrons are present and their formation. (Lucas Wright, 2001) Thomson did many experiments and found that the mass of one of these electrons was nearly 2000 times lighter than the element Hydrogen. Thomson then disproved Dalton in stating that atoms cannot be divided into smaller pieces. (Born,
  • 43. Drinking on College Campuses Drinking on College Campuses Underage students drinking on college campuses has been a problem for countless years. Parents and professors look over the problem of students drinking and look at their college life in a positive way. They understand the students to be studying, making new friends, or working. Instead, an abundance of students are partying and drinking at these parties. The transformation from high school to college causes stress to the students. Therefore, instead of the students looking towards studying more, they start partying to solve their problems. Once they start partying, it gets harder for them to stop and they become depressed. Students drinking at college has become a provision for them, thinking it would help with their stress and problems rather than causing other predicaments. Parents would like to think that their children are doing what they re expected to do while at college rather than drinking and partying. According to Lucy E. Napper who wrote What Are Other Parents Saying? Perceived Parental Communication Norms and the Relationship Between Alcohol Specific Parental Communication and College Student Drinking, states parents perceive their children to be studying and making new friends. The parents presume their children to be cramming in plenty of studying for the upcoming classes (Napper 6, 7). According to Paul J. Gruenewald who wrote A Dose Response Perspective on College Drinking and Related Problems, states students should be
  • 44. Belfast Of Canada Smith s (2015) evaluation of the Toronto as the Belfast of Canada is important because it defines the existence of a strong pro Ulster faction of Irish Protestant that received large scale support from the British government to countermand the rise of Irish Catholicism in the city. In this manner, the term, The Belfast of Canada , defines the undercurrent of hostility and social barriers that created such political and social tensions for Irish Catholics in Toronto in the 1860s. This posthumous term defined the existing struggles between Protestant and Catholic Irish tat would be historically compared to the struggles in Belfast: To them, progress and societal standing could be achieved only if they could identify and eradicate the political ... Show more content on ... In this manner, Irish immigrants all understood the complexity of being in a foreign land, which had different circumstances in relation to life in Canada. The comparison of Toronto to Belfast has its limitations due to the far lesser scale of violence experienced between Irish Protestants and Catholics, but it must also be acknowledged that many Irish immigrants coming over during the Great Famine endured poverty and similar economic conditions. The majority of the Protestant emigrants of the Famine era appear not to have been well off. Most of them spent a few years visiting relatives and working in Carleton or Middlesex counties after arriving from Ireland in the 1850s (Elliot, 2014, p.111). In this deeper analysis of Irish population arriving during the Famine, it is apparent that protestant and Catholic both suffered from poverty after coming to Toronto. Certainly, a majority of immigrants were of Catholic descent, but there were certainly Protestant Irish being forced off their land in Ireland during the Famine. These are important details that define why Toronto was not nearly as hostile as Belfast, since the similar aspects of poverty, Irish nationalism, and Irish culture were shared values in the overall disposition of Irish immigrants
  • 45. Conflict Tactics Family violence, I believe can mean different things to different people. Based on what I read, family violence is an act of physical abuse, which causes injuries between members who are related somehow. The violence can also be psychological and mental. There has been great debate however on what constitutes family. It does not necessarily mean related by marriage or blood. It can also be between partners of any kind. I feel the term should be more classified as relationship or intimate as the book states. Violenceis to give a broader variance to the subject. The most accurate and reliable way to measure family violence is by using the Conflict Tactic Scale (CTS). This method measures 3 variables: use of rational discussion and agreement, use of verbal/nonverbal expressions of hostility, and use of physical force or violence. The CTS is deemed to be more reliable due to the sampling procedure, the expansive numbers The CTS is deemed to be more reliable due to the sampling procedure, the expansive number of respondents and the validity of the CTS as a measuring device. The theory that offers the most hope of understanding family violence in my opinion is the social learning... Show more content on ... The most accurate method to measure the incidence of family violence would be by using the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS). This method is more reliable than others because it measures three variables: use of rational discussion and agreement, use of verbal and nonverbal expressions of hostility, and use of physical force or violence. (Wallace, 2011). This study was surveyed from the 50 states and it measured from parent to child, child to parent, wife to husband, husband to wife, and any other sibling interactions. By measuring these particular relationships, it can collect any information pertaining to child abuse, wife abuse, husband abuse, or any other sibling abuse within the
  • 46. Essay about PHILOSOPHY With such great minds and an awesome influence that seems boundless, how can there not be references to the works of Thomas Hobbes and Immanuel Kant. The Fundamental Principles in the Metaphysics of Morality is used by the minority dissenting opinion to reiterate the concepts of the intrinsic dignity of man. While the majority uses the literary workthe Leviathanto support their own opinions. Transforming and uplifting the case of Gregg v. Georgia into an arena for a debate of Hobbian and Kant philosophies. The majority claims that the death penalty serves two purposes, restitution and deterrence. Quoting the prior case of Fruman v. Georgia, that The instinct for retribution ... Show more content on ... Once this merger is completed then the work begins. Work toward the distribution of common goods and peace. All Efforts to ensure that those laws perform there intended good. Death may be the only option to guarantee that all members of society prosper. There may be a moral outrage at the particular offensiveness of the conduct, but still, there would be more of an outrage from the chaos that would be sure to follow. The decision that capital punishment may be appropriate sanction in the extreme cases is an expression of the community s belief that certain crimes are themselves so grievous an affront to humanity that the only adequate response may be the penalty of death. The courts state that this majority of the population (thirty five states) allow and approve of such extreme measures. In the commonwealth, the entirety of the governed population agrees with their leader on what best to do. Bath parties need the willingness of the population to accept such radical opinions and sanctions. On the dissenting opinion, Justice Brennan and Marshall give their thoughts. Their words not only show a concern and a different interpretation of the constitution as well as showing that Kants s words may be old but his ideas are forever young. Immanuel Kant formulates that morality is an end within itself, an equal to that of dignity. This paired
  • 47. Selecting Trade Banker Case Study #3: Selecting a Trade Banker Banking on relationship Technon International is a Canadian high technology development firm, focused on emerging technologies in wireless communications. Technon sources components in China and has offshore programming activities in India covering certain functionality in its new wristwatch PDA with MP3 and cellular capabilities. Technon has several Canadian and international patents to protect its proprietary technology, and has developed some strong non disclosure agreements for use with its various suppliers and business partners. A small company established in Saskatchewan, Canada, Technon had been doing most of its commercial banking through a local credit union (small, local ... Show more content on ... UIB recognizes that it is a foreign institution operating in Canada, and does not expect Technon to terminate its existing banking relationship. First Trade Bank USA (FTB) First Trade Bank, USA, is a regional financial institution and mid tier US bank with trade finance operations and capabilities centered around the US Midwest, and no Canadian presence to date. FTB has had good success as a niche provider of trade services, and has strong relationships with several Canadian businesses seeking to establish operations in the US. FTB offers an adequate range of trade products, though Technon perceives that its advisory capabilities are limited. The Need Technon has identified several major needs and expectations in terms of international and trade finance banking products and services. In addition to extending additional credit in support of planned international expansion, the Company seeks to establish a relationship with a financial institution that understands the challenges of a SME expanding its international reach. The company expects to deal in both import and export transactions, in a combination of documentary letter of credit and open account transactions. Its primary markets will be the United States, China, India and possibly a foray into the European Union through Ireland. Technon requires significant support in terms of advisory services and transactional hand holding , and wishes to control overall banking costs, while
  • 48. Summary Of The Simpsons And Their Mathematical Secrets By... The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets by Simon Singh is a trade book that talks about the history of The Simpsons and Futurama and how mathematics is embedded into numerous episodes in each series. Along the way Singh, in addition to the other main writers for The Simpsons, talk about many of the subtle math jokes that are present. These jokes range from very simple jokes that students in elementary school could understand to jokes that not even some mathematics professors with doctorate degrees can decipher. Singh said that everything that happens to us has some effect on us, and I do suppose that the time I spent in grad school made me a better writer at the end of the book. He recalls when he was younger and he was working on numerous projects in mathematics. In addition to being a bright student, he had the ability to make jokes. Eventually, several famous people in television such as Johnny Carson and David Letterman noticed this and gave him an in in the entertainment business.... Show more content on ... Over time, Fox wanted a spin off show and Futurama was born. Futurama extends the jokes that were used in the Simpsons to a higher dimension. Many of the jokes in Futurama involve sophisticated relationships learned in multivariable calculus such as surface integrals and Mobius strips among other topics. The second half of the book focuses on these more advanced topics as portrayed in
  • 49. Teen Violence Prevention Nearly every year countless young adults are murdered, beaten, and assaulted on a daily basis. These abused teenagers sadly become part of a growing statistic that is only growing by the year. Unfortunately Young victims of violence are more than twice as likely to experience violence As adults. Although preventative measures are becoming standard violenceis simply up on rise. Due to the violence many prevention programs have ramped up their sessions. These programs aim to teach young people nonviolent techniques, and conflict resolution skills. However to ultimately reduce adolescent violence these techniques along with other prevention methods should be taught to children at a young age. It is vitally important that youth can deal... Show more content on ... These newly adopted programs are teaching children at a young age how to be mediators and to find their own solutions to pressure. Studies show conflict resolution is the most effective when taught at a young age. Studies also show that students should be taught healthy coping techniques before they enter middle school. Over the past two years school violence has reported to drop since more prevention courses have began. These programs have also taught students new attitudes and better people skills which will empower them and serve them for a lifetime. Although these programs cannot entirely solve teen violence they are A good start. Underlying issues such as: poverty, trouble families, and drugs will continue to stew violence. The larger social issues must be addressed and dealt with. In the end it will take more than violence education, and school programs to solve. Although school violence seems to be everywhere conflict resolution programs are our best bet. are proven to help people Protect themselves from violence in conflict. However training needs to begin early and consistent throughout puberty. Although it is just One solution among many this solution truly tops into a greater powerAnd has changed the character of the many young
  • 50. The Popularity of Gangster Films in the Early... The Popularity of Gangster Films in the Early Nineteen Thirties The late 1920s in America was a particularly tumultuous period of time for the country. The Wall Street Crash in 1929 had led to high levels of unemployment and dissatisfaction within the country. The Depression (1929 1934), which was a direct result of The Wall Street Crash, led to a breakdown of industry and commerce within the country and weakened its global position as a superpower. People began to realise that the ideal which had been frequently promoted by governmental propaganda of The American Dream which suggested that success, in the democratic and classless society guaranteed by the... Show more content on ... During this period the rise of urban gang rule and mobsters was unprecedented, mainly emerging from minority immigrant groups (Jewish/Italian/Irish). Initially the gangsters of the period were seen as high achievers as they were associated with the proletariat and seemed to be capable of rising above there roots, even during hard times in America, and achieve wealth. When considering the socio economic factors it is easy to understand why such men were considered as gangster heroes [3] who represented the people, however the only way that gangsters could achieve this wealth, subsequently fulfilling the American Dream, was by stealing it. Accruing capital meant accruing power over others [4]. Therefore it could be argued that the success gangsters exemplified was a perverse form of the American dream as it disregarded some of the key elements of the ideal. The fact that at this stage in America gangsters were the only group within society who could make upward mobility believable, tells much about how legitimate institutions had failed but that mobility was still at the core of what Americans held to be the American dream [5]. In the early 1930 s productions began within Hollywood of what were commonly described as social problem pictures [6], these films dealt specifically with the social difficulties of the period such as unemployment/labour struggles ( Black
  • 51. Kearns Sayre Syndrome Case Studies The patient was diagnosed with Kearns Sayre syndrome due to the finding that confirm the diagnose which are the early onset of the disease, external ophthalmoplasia with ptosis, heart block and furthermore the muscle biopsy was done to confirm the diagnose of this syndrome which showed a high concentration of mitochondria with size abnormality. For the management of this patient with KS syndrome supportive care for the symptoms, in which providing Coenzyme Q10 for improving heart and muscle function since the patient has only a low grade of heart block. For the ophthalmic manifestation that present in this patient the doctor suggesting a surgery for treating the ptosis ,but he highlight that the recurrence of the ptosis
  • 52. Welen Glen Essay Willow Glen was first founded in 1950. The juniors and seniors were able to bring one color from their former schools to make the classic colors of red and gold for Willow Glen. The San Jose High School students brought the color red and the Lincoln High School students brought the color gold. In the year 2005 Willow Glen installed an all weather track. Before it had been a dirt track. John Owens, who was a teacher at Willow Glen, became the Willow Glen Track coach. He began that journey in 1982, and to this day still continues to coach track athletes. He has mentored over one thousand athletes in his time at Willow Glen. The track for some is a place to workout, while for others it s a place for victory. This place is significant to me... Show more content on ... The runners who were naturally gifted often did not work hard, did not go the extra mile, and when faced with hardships would often quit. The ones who worked hard were dedicated and stronger runners as individuals. I fell in the place of the hardworking group. I became more dedicated than most with my practice, diet, and workouts. Coach would look to dedicate himself to the strongest from the talented and hardworking individuals. When I stayed back with the few other dedicated runners, it became rewarding knowing that I was going the extra mile. I slowly began to learn that in order to keep up with my competitors I would have to work twice as hard as them to only get half of their talent. I taught myself that practice doesn t make perfect and perfect practice doesn t make perfect. I knew I would have to practice until I could not get it wrong and that stuck with me during all my practices and meets. Laying down in bed the night before the meet was always nerve wracking, wondering who was going to show up to the meet the next day. The drive over to the track was often long and silent. Often thinking of every outcome of each race could drive a runner insane. Finally arriving and seeing all the athletes, spectators, and the crowd. The roar of the announcer echoing through the stadium. I stepped on the track hoping to see a few familiar faces. The cold breeze blowing against my tracksuit. I began to warm up and tuned out
  • 53. Corinthians 1 Colossian Religion The Church We teach that all who place their faith in Jesus Christ are immediately placed by the Holy Spirit into one united spiritual Body, the church (1 Corinthians 12:12 13), the bride of Christ (2 Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:23 32; Revelation 19:7 8), of which Christ is the Head (Ephesians 1:22; 4:15; Colossians 1:18). We teach that the formation of the church, the Body of Christ, began on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1 21, 38 47) and will be completed at the coming of Christ for His own at the rapture (1 Corinthians 15:51 52; 1 Thessalonians 4:13 18). We teach that the church is thus a unique spiritual organism designed by Christ, made up of all born again believers in this present age (Ephesians 2:11 3:6). The church is distinct from Israel (1 Corinthians 10:32), a mystery not revealed until this age (Ephesians 3:1 6; 5:32). We teach that the establishment and continuity of local churches is clearly taught and defined in the New Testament Scriptures (Acts 14:23, 27; 20:17, 28; Galatians 1:2; Philippians 1:1; 1 Thessalonians 1:1; 2 Thessalonians 1:1) and that the members of the one spiritual Body are directed to associate themselves together in local assemblies (1 Corinthians 11:18 20; Hebrews 10:25). We teach that the one supreme authority for the church is Christ (1... Show more content on ... We teach that it is scriptural for true churches to cooperate with each other for the presentation and propagation of the faith. Each local church, however, through its elders and their interpretation and application of Scripture, should be the sole judge of the measure and method of its cooperation. The elders should determine all other matters of membership, policy, discipline, benevolence, and government as well (Acts 15:19 31; 20:28; 1 Corinthians 5:4 7, 13; 1 Peter
  • 54. Media And Government Surveillance And Privacy Issues Q4: It is getting ever easier to record anything, or everything, that you see. This opens fascinating possibilities and alarming ones . The Economist, Nov. 16, 2013. Media and government surveillance and privacy issues With everybody having a smartphone, access to Internet everywhere and frequently using other technologies to communication, there is easier to record anything and everything you see and share it. In some ways this is a positive thing, but it could also have severe consequences in a bad way. Wherever you go there are security cameras recording you, e mails are under surveillance, your phone calls are being listened to, it s said that the web camera on your PC is recording you, your bank account are being watched. No matter what you do somebody is watching (Overbeck, W., Belmas, G, 2014). Is it violating your privacyrights? The right to privacy is human rights, and restrains both government and other actions to threat the privacy of individuals (Right of Privacy, n.d.). In 2013 the global surveillance disclosure of NSA and CIA amongst others have been a debate internationally. With these companies watching your every move, and save important and private data about you in their systems they are violating your right to privacy. After the USA Freedom of Act was rejected this year in November, the U.N takes action to protect the human right to privacy (The U.N. Acts to Protect the Human Right to Privacy, 2014, November 25). On the other hand they are
  • 55. Mcdonald s Cruelty A horrific video has surfaced showing chickens in a farm being used by McDonald s being beaten to death or living in despicable conditions. The said video, which was taken by a hidden camera at a Tyson Foods farm in Dukedom, Tennessee, shows one chicken being beaten to death using a stick. Others can be seen limping with their broken legs in a very crowded pen, according to Metro. An undercover PETA investigator filmed the horrific scene at the farm. The campaign organization Mercy for Animals publicized the video on Wednesday and called the chicken cruelty the disgusting secret behind the giant fast food chain s Chicken McNuggets, The Huffington Post reports. The release of the footage comes in the wake of McDonald s vow to be more transparent