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Oh, The Places You'Ll Go! - Dr.
Seuss | ABC Of Success
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Oh, The Places You'Ll Go! - Dr. Seuss | ABC Of Success Oh, The Places You'Ll Go! - Dr. Seuss | ABC Of Success
Advantages Of Proactive And Reactive Routing
Hybrid (both proactive and reactive) routing
This type of protocol combines the advantages of proactive and reactive routing. The routing is
initially established with some proactively prospected routes and then serves the demand from
additionally activated nodes through reactive flooding. The choice of one or the other method requires
predetermination for typical cases. The main disadvantages of such algorithms are:
1. Advantage depends on number of other nodes activated.
2. Reaction to traffic demand depends on gradient of traffic volume.
Examples of hybrid algorithms are:
ZRP (Zone Routing Protocol) ZRP uses IARP as pro active and IERP as reactive component.
ZHLS (Zone based Hierarchical Link State Routing Protocol)
Hierarchical routing ... Show more content on ...
Routes are established on demand, as they are needed. However, once established a route is
maintained as long as it is needed. Reactive (or on demand) routing protocols find a path between the
source and the destination only when the path is needed (i.e., if there are data to be exchanged
between the source and the destination). An advantage of this approach is that the routing overhead is
greatly reduced. A disadvantage is a possible large delay from the moment the route is needed (a
packet is ready to be sent) until the time the route is actually acquired. In AODV, the network is silent
until a connection is needed. At that point the network node that needs a connection broadcasts a
request for connection. Other AODV nodes forward this message, and record the node that they heard
it from, creating an explosion of temporary routes back to the needy node. When a node receives such
a message and already has a route to the desired node, it sends a message backwards through a
temporary route to the requesting node. The needy node then begins using the route that has the least
number of hops through other nodes. Unused entries in the routing tables are recycled after a
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The Importance Of Learning English In The United States
I was born in Vietnam. I left Vietnam to come to United State with my family when I was about 12
years old. I was really young at the time. It was a long time ago because I am 20 years old now. At that
time, life for me was simple. I didn t have to worry about anything. I stop going to school in Vietnam
at grade five and stay at home for two years. It was really fun while I was at home. When I was at
home, my parent wants me to learn English. So I learned English in Vietnam. When I got to United
State, I started middle school at United for Success in Oakland. I start school in Oakland at grades 7. It
was after Christmas when I started class. Over here, it really different than my home country. In my
country Vietnam, It was really hot. ... Show more content on ...
I was the only Vietnamese in my school. I felt like a fish out of the water. The English that I learned in
Vietnam didn t really help. It was different than the English over here. They pronounce different than
over here. I want to understand what my teachers and classmates saying, so I start to learn English
every day. After a while, I was able to understand and talk in English. This was a big change for me. It
was hard moving to a different country, where they speak a different language. At the end of middle
school, they gave me a trophy for an outstanding newcomer. I was having high GPA in middle school.
I then start high school in Skyline High School. When I get high school, my grades start to go down.
At one point of high school, I was having 0 GPA. I was cutting class a lot. On my senior year, I want
to graduate high school, so I start to get my classwork done. I changed high school to Oakland High
School. While I was at Oakland High School, I stop cutting class. My grades start to get better and
better. I take extra class after school. I also take summer school. Luckily, I graduate High School with
an average GAP of 2.0. I made up the classes that I as
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The Pharah s Secret By Clive Cussler
The author Clive Cussler was born on July 15th, 1931 and is an American adventure novelist, And the
real life founder of The National Underwater Marine Agency (NUMA). He enlisted in the United
States air force for two years. He is also the author of over 70 books, 20 of which have reached the
New York Times bestseller list. His real organisation NUMA also features as a fictional government
organisation of the same name in some of his books. In The Pharaoh s Secret (13th novel in the
NUMA files series) it is business as usual for kurt austin of NUMA as his team and him are on a
marine surveying expedition. when they receive a call for help from a nearby ship reporting a toxic
cloud enveloping a nearby island it is battle stations for the NUMA
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A Summary Of Truman Vote By Truman Capote
Although Truman Capote writes this narrative to tell about a murder, he must first describe and
enhance the victims to elaborate on their history; therefore, Capote enhances just how senseless crimes
can be.
Capotes tactic is driven by his empathy towards the event of the wronging that took place at the
Clutters house, he utilizes amplification to magnify how senseless the true crime was and to describe
the significance. Capote was much more focused on the development of the characters. He draws the
audience s attention to the Clutter family, specifically their positive characteristics especially Nancy
Clutter, Where she found the time, and still managed to practically run that big house and be a straight
A student, the president of her class, a leader in the 4 H program and the Young Methodists League, a
skilled rider, an excellent musician (piano, clarinet), an annual winner at the county fair (pastry,
preserves, needlework, flower arrangement) how a girl not yet seventeen could haul such a
wagonload, and do so without brag, with, rather, merely a radiant jauntiness, was an enigma the
community pondered... (Capote 18)
Amplifying Nancy Clutter in such way gives emphasis to the audience that the family was kind
hearted, they didn t deserve the senseless act of murder from the two strangers: Perry and Dick.
Capotes giving the description of Nancy s character through her actions gave a true message that she
helped others and was a leader, the Clutters were magnificent
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Wild Birds In A Mocking Bird
Mimicry is the superficial resemblance between two or more organisms which are not taxonomically
related. This resemblance may be in appearance, behavior, sound, scent and even location. Some sort
of vocalization is produced by most of the birds. Almost every species of bird produces some sort of
vocalization. Mockingbirds are those birds that mimic the call of other birds. Australia s amazing
Lyrebird is the world s greatest mimic which is capable of mimic natural and artificial sounds from
their environment. They imitate other bird calls, as well as human sounds such as car alarms and
camera shutters. cuckoos fool other birds they also mimic hawks. Parrots are renowned for their
deafening calls that can be heard for miles. Parrots ... Show more content on ...
Some can even mimic the sounds of other wild birds. *Most known for this behavior are myna birds,
the Australian Lyrebird, and the mockingbird. *A bird s ability to understand or speak another bird s
language can be very valuable in the wild. But what about those birds who learn to mimic human
speech? *A single species may change its mimicry depending on the context. When confronted with a
taxidermy owl placed on the ground, brown thorn bills mimic the alarm calls that other bird species
make in response to predators on the ground. *Although mimicry may have survival benefits in the
wild, in the safety and shelter of our homes, a pet bird learns to mimic our voice primarily because the
sound is interesting to him and it gets attention. Mimic birds *There are a variety of birds mimic
different songs and sounds. *Mimicking is widely found in a large number of birds, including the
corvids, parrots, bowerbirds and
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Arm Wrestling With My Father Rhetorical Analysis
The relationship between a father and their child is tremendously salient, and will influence the life of
both the parent and the adolescent in many ways. Often, it can be difficult for someone to share their
personal relationships that they had with their father, as it can be a very delicate subject. Despite this,
renowned authors Brad Manning and Sandra Cisneros are two people who chose to write about their
unique experiences and childhoods that they shared with their fathers. Both Brad and Sandra felt their
childhood relationships with their fathers were unorthodox. This was explicitly outlined in Brad s
freshman composition paper titled Arm Wrestling With My Father and Sandra s magazine article titled
Only Daughter. Through varying rhetorical strategies, the authors purpose and audience is clearly
portrayed in both selections. One of the most important components to any piece of writing is the
intended audience. In Arm Wrestling With My Father, Manning s intended audience is anyone who
may have had an abnormal or physical relationship with their father. He wanted his paper to be read
by individuals that grew up with a lack of emotional love and an abundance of physical contact with
their fathers. Although there was love between Manning and his father, it was clear that neither party
wanted to acknowledge it. He wrote this in his freshman composition course at Harvard, knowing that
although it was going to his professors, it was meant for anyone who may have experienced
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Imagery In Shawshank Redemption
In Shawshank Redemption, a lot is revealed about the characters quickly. Through Red s narration
names, occupations and personal details are revealed. In the novel the road it s completely different
they try not to reveal anything to keep it mysterious by only using a brief description of the setting. So
through the dialogue, Daramont is able to describe the characters well and as it is a film, the visual
element is there to further create imagery. In The road, McCarthy would have to depend purely upon
words to get the intended visualisation but due to the lack of description, the visualisation is very
broad and can be different for different people . In Shawshank Redemption, you can clearly see the
characterisation of Andy and Red which
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Factors That Affect The Treatment Of Tina Depression
The purpose of this paper is to examine important misconceptions of psychopathology which could
impact the treatment of Tina depression. Discuss her symptoms of depression, intake interview, and
why the counselor s own perception of psychopathology is extremely important in the diagnostic
process (GCU, 2015). Make sure her family member knows about medications, treatments, referrals,
and any other special instructions (Wolters, 1999).
MISCONCEPTIONS OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY We had a subject named Tina a 17 year old Navajo
female that is brought into a therapist s office for signs of depression; her family has included that she
is more quiet than normal she is frequently observed crying and chatting to herself. GCU (2015), ...
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ANALYZING ONE S OWN BELIEFS 2 Negative symptoms may cause Tina to neglect herself
physically it is likely that the inactivity that marks this symptom cluster contributes to the poor
physical health and decreased her life expectancy. Evidence for optimal treatments is scarce. The
significant developments in pharmacological and psychosocial treatments for positive symptoms
achieved in the past decade have not yet been matched by progress in negative symptom treatment
(Buchanan 2007), there are indications that researchers are focusing him or her attention on treatments
for the negative symptom cluster (Hilary, el al, 2013).
DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS The clinical picture for depression can be complicated because of the
subjectivity that is possible in reporting depressive symptoms. Reported symptoms are clear and
depressed mood is the only sign note, the diagnosis of a depressive disorder seems most appropriate
(Dziegielewski, 2014). Careful attention should be given to properly assess any recurrent thoughts of
suicide. One rule to remember is that Tina is more likely to harm herself not in the throes of a
depressive episode but rather when the feelings of depressive episode begin to lift. The return to
energy gives the client the initiative to act on thoughts and feelings expressed. There is suicidal
ideation, watching for the return to energy be
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Analysis Of Scott Momaday s Journey To Rainy Mountain
People come from different backgrounds and ancestral foundations. They are at times defined by these
beginnings, and some may end up wanting to know more. Most do not find their ancestral grounding
in their childhood but come to realize it later in life. Many have the advantage of being someone and
identifying with their culture as a basis of their personality. Maintaining proper and adequate
understanding is determined by what one handles and does on a personal, cultural and familial level.
Scott Momaday is a reflection of a person who has been born and lives within the culture. His book,
Journey to Rainy Mountain, is a collection of poems, memoirs and myths on the Kiowa culture.
On reading the book, one feels extremely ... Show more content on ...
Part 1 Al Momaday
Looking at the father s memoir and experiences, there is a lot to be discussed because he is a sign of
historical accuracy. He gives an account of how things were in terms of family, leadership and his
existence as a Kiowa man. It gives experiences on how his life was formed around the people of
Kiowa and his obligations to the tribe, nature and family (Momaday 20). His role as a Kiowa man
brings forth his understanding and shows a lot of offerings and activities that happened along ancestral
grounds. It demonstrates the kind of attitude and impression that Momaday had towards his father and
what he regarded him to be in terms of being the head of the family (Momaday 26). It presents the
responsibility that the father took up and other men had within the tribe. The mythical part is mostly
within the experiences and explanations of the father who sets the tone of showing the Kiowa life in a
balanced yet mystical way.
Part 2 Historical Information
The historical information regarding the Kiowa people reflects on the mythological and culture of the
Kiowa people. It sets the tone of identifying the strengths of the tribe, practices and ideas that
developed within the tribe. It also shows a relation of the Kiowa people to nature, other mythical
creatures and how the culture came into existence. It also shows what made the culture of so much
importance to those who practiced it and in what context they felt that they were able to
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Sustainable Income From Offshore Sustainable Agriculture
Here at International Coffee Farms we believe that owning sustainable offshore agriculture for a long
term sustainable income is the...
Opportunity of the Decade
For almost 3 years now we have been putting our money where our mouth is...since the summer of
2012 until April 2014 as consultants to a developing coffee farming enterprise in Colombia, and since
June of 2014 as Principals in our own specialty coffee farms here in Boquete, Panama.
The notion that investing in agricultural land is a very good way to diversify a risky, highly correlated
and often manipulated portfolio of paper assets in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETF s, etc. no surprise to us!
We have told our ... Show more content on ...
We also understand that the sustainability we talk about constantly is not only economic. Sure money
counts. But so does the environment and, very importantly, the people who are largely responsible for
growing and producing the specialty coffee we all desperately need every morning of our lives. These
are the people who produce our profits! Providing social sustainability is a critical pillar in any
business model that is going to last for generations to provide a legacy income for you and your heirs.
At International Coffee Farms we have set aside a full 20% of our coffee farm profits to ensure the
local indigenous Panamanian Indian farmers working for us are cared for properly.
That s true social sustainability!
Increased salaries, improved living and working conditions, new sanitary and laundry facilities and
helping with the kid s educational needs are but a few of the benefits we provide. This bonus pool
exists so that all workers can share in the value created by turning around poorly run existing
commercial coffee farms into professionally run specialty coffee farms. We invest in our people and
we believe they will return the favor by caring for our coffee.
Happy farmers = Happy coffee!
Our unique approach to Social Sustainability is a joint responsibility equally shared
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Heart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad Imperialism
The Heart of Imperialism Joseph Conrad s literary work The Heart of Darkness displays criticism
upon imperialism and even places valid points that arise in today s contemporary society. This piece of
literature has a valid standpoint due to the author s background. The author s upbringing gave birth to
the story with vivid life experiences that were incorporated into the text. Joseph Conrad was able to
capture the nature of imperialism within his writing due to the intimate nature he had with the subject.
Although the writing may not have been initially viewed as a critical review on imperialism, the
critique is evident throughout the text and event applies to modern occurrences.
According to, Joseph Conrad, also known as ... Show more content on
In placement of ivory is currency. Much of the wealth is held by the top percentage of the economy
while there is a massive fallout of those beneath. The pursuit of the acquiring of wealth leads to a
lower standard of morals especially when the circulation of such is quite limited. These false
perceptions of betterment of life and economic stability is a ruse and creates a perpetual downfall for
those that are not in proper lineage. The amount of currency and status, creates social barriers that
begin to separate the community. This ultimately leads to the views of a better or worse human beings
even though all the views are primarily based off of monetary
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TVI Values
These parameters are: tone value increase TVI, grey balance, solid tone optical ink density, relative
print contrast, color gamut and color difference. Shore durometer PCE DXA was used to measure
hardness all the four blankets, which came out as 82 shore A. Later to this, printing pressure between
blanket and impression cylinder was measured using a Nip Control Pressure Indicator. On each
printing unit, three different pressures between blanket cylinder and impression cylinder were applied
and three measurements were taken on different positions of each printing unit. Sheet fed offset
machine KBA Rapida 75 was used for printing with FUJIFILM Brillia printing plate. Using black,
cyan, magenta and yellow color sequence, 200 sheets of gloss ... Show more content on ...
24 different ink sequences are possible by using four process colors Cyan , Magenta , Yellow and
Black. Out of these, 5 sequences were selected. Two sequences, YMCK and MYCK were selected
based on an informal survey. Next two, CMYK and KCMY were selected because they are industry
standards. And last KYMC was selected based on a suggestion from expert. Printing units were
interchanged and press runs were conducted in sequence YMCK, MYCK, CMYK, KCMY and
KYMC. Dora offset printing machine was used to perform press runs in a pre specified pressroom
condition maintained at 280C temperature and 45% relative humidity. Art paper was used as substrate
for the study. With the help of spectrophotometer X Rite 528, LAB values, contrast of different
samples and density values were measured. Data was analyzed by suitable statistical, quantitative
methods and tools. It was found that value of LAB, contrast and density varied for different ink
sequence. Results were shown category wise for LAB values , density and contrast as follows: LAB
value: KCMY sequence is more suitable for Blue, Brown and Violet color. Whereas CMYK, MYCK,
YMCK, and KYMC sequence were appropriate for Orange, Green, Red and Purple color according to
delta E values. Density: It was found that maximum and minimum value for Red Green color was
obtained for sequences YMCK and MYCK at various density percentages. For Blue color, all the
sequence give same value
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No Need To Call Sherry Turkle Making USupid Analysis
People are always working on researches and developments that can bring humans better. Technology
is the product that appears under this kind of circumstance. After many people s dedication,
technology has become very advanced in modern days. From simply a cell phone to a complex
satellite, technology is making our everyday life more convenient. However, as the convenience that
technology brought began to blend into humans life, many negative effects that technology brought
also start to show up. Nicholas Carr, one of the writers that think technology has brought negative
effect to people, has shown in his article Is Google Making Us Stupid that how technology is making
people lose their ability to concentrate; thus, making people stupid. ... Show more content on ...
Surely, we can t deny how technology helps us contact each other, but there is one idea that they
overlooks, which is the addiction that people have on the cell phone. Whenever people congregate, the
action they do is stare on the phones. Audrey, sixteen, a Roosevelt junior, describes how her
relationship with her mother breaks up as her mother spent all her time on the phone every time they
were together. It could have been four days since I last spoke to her, then I sit in the car and wait
silently until she s done, said Audrey (377). In other words, Audrey is trying to express her feeling that
how the cell phone has estranged her and her mother. From these, we can tell that how technology has
been a drug that keeps us from interacting with each
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Examples Of Luck In Aladdin
Aladdin Lamp essay
Luck in Aladdin is very important thing. In my opinion luck can mean multiple things for example it
can mean something good happens by chance it can also mean good fortune. The reason the theme is
luck is because there were a lot of times were Alladin should have died or when all the tables were
turned. He somehow got through it. For example when Aladdin got tricked into taking a magical lamp
from a cave soon enough the cave started to shut in and he was trapped 2 days later when Aladdin was
on his last leg he prayed and out of nowhere a genie came and would grant any wish he desired this
shows his luck. Another example of luck when Aladdin wished to bring the princess to his house on
the day of the wedding so the sultan
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Effects Of Relocation On The Social Development
The Effect of Relocation on the Social Development of Adolescents in the United States
Ziyi Liu
Vanderbilt University
The Effect of Relocation on the Social Development of Adolescents in the United States Moving and
relocation is a fairly universal experience for those in the United States and in similarly developed
societies. According to the United States Census Bureau, an average adult moves approximately 11.7
times in their lifetime, making relocation an important factor to analyze when looking at the general
population. Movement is also common among adolescents as they follow their families in relocation
experiences. As a result, understanding the topic of relocation becomes important in providing context
to the greater issue of adolescent development. The primary question of the paper is to ask what the
effects of relocation are on the development of social skills of adolescents. While frequent relocation
in adolescents may not be the norm, it is certainly also not a rare experience and although specific data
is hard do pinpoint due to limitations in survey (census) data, it is important to look at how the
relocation experience can change an adolescent s experience and provide further topics for analysis.
There is a variety of research that looks at the effects of relocation on adolescents. The literature
suggests that those who relocate frequently are different from their non mobile peers in their
relationships in stress, psychological health, rates of
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La Savina Research Paper
Known as the gateway to the tiny Balearic Island of Formentera, La Savina is not only a working port
but also the home to multi million pound yachts. With a distinctly nautical flavour, the village is
centred on the harbour where you will find many bars and restaurants together with numerous
businesses offering bicycle and scooter rentals. With stunning white beaches and nude bathing almost
everywhere you look, Formentera is a popular day trip from the nearby neighbouring island of Ibiza.
Popular with hippies in the 1960 s and the location where Joni Mitchell composed her iconic album
Blue La Savina is today a popular base for people looking for a quiet beach holiday away from the
crowds. Playa Cavall d en Borras Perfect for watching sunsets, ... Show more content on ...
Ca Na Costa Megalithic Site Dating back to the Bronze Age, this site housed the oldest tomb ever
found in the Balearic Islands. DeepBoard Formentera The ultimate snorkelling activity to explore the
beautiful marine life that lives in the waters around Formentera. Navegar en Formentera Take a sunset
cruise aboard your very own private charter sailboat for unforgettable memories and stunning photos.
Cooltra Motos Rent a scooter from Cooltra Motos and explore the island at your own pace while
stumbling across your own private beach. Day Trip to Ibiza Take the ferry over to the neighbouring
island of Ibiza for a day of shopping and sightseeing in Ibiza Town. Ensalada Pagesa Ensalada Pagesa
is a traditional Formentera salad made with sliced tomatoes, bread, potatoes and locally caught dried
fish. Calamars A La Bruta Medium sized squid cooked in their own ink with, tomatoes, garlic, black
sausage and white wine. Frit de Bestier Olive oil fried lamb chops with garlic, potatoes, fresh
tomatoes, peppers, bay leaf, salt and pepper. Paella Given the islands close proximity to Valencia, it is
no surprise to see traditional paella served in most restaurants. Amore e
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Andrew Jackson Versus The Cherokee Nation, And Native...
The U.S. Government used treaties as a way to displace Native Americans from their tribal lands, a
mechanism that was strengthened with the Removal A ct of 1830. In cases where this strategy failed,
the government sometimes violated both treaties and Supreme Court rulings to ensure the spread of
Americans westward across the continent. As the 19th century began, many Americans poured into the
backcountry of the South and began moving toward and into what would later become the states of
Alabama and Mississippi. Since Indian tribes living there appeared to be the main obstacle to
westward expansion, white settlers motioned for the federal government to displace them. This
phenomenon was described by authors Robert V. Remini, in his article Andrew Jackson Versus the
Cherokee Nation , and Chief John Ross, in his letter To the Senate and House of Representatives .
They express the views of Andrew Jackson and the Cherokee Indians respectively.
Author Chief John Ross wrote a letter to the senate in protest of the treaty of New Echota. A group of
Cherokee claimed to be representatives of their people, agreeing to relocate past the Mississippi, even
though 15,000 citizens opposed moving. This occurred at the Red Clay Council Ground, Cherokee
Nation in 1836 and the Cherokee people didn t want to relocate, angry that the decision was made
without their input.
Chief John Ross espouses of the U.S Government s affairs with, and the call for removal of the
Cherokee Nation to west of
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Proper Strategy Implementation And Evaluation Of Dish Network
This essay will react to the proper strategy implementation and evaluation that should be adopted by
Dish Network. Dish is an American based corporation that provides broadcasting services to clients
via television and the internet. A strategic management plan such as that possessed by Dish can be
successfully implemented when a high focus is placed on measuring the level of performance and
commitment in the implementation and evaluation phases. The strategic plan should be evaluated
before, and after it is implemented. Some of Dish s past strategies have been unsuccessful, while some
were implemented successfully. Before a strategic plan is implemented at Dish Network, the
organization has always ensured that it has several parameters in check. The delivery process that is to
be utilized in the implementation of the specific strategy is usually aligned to the vision of the
Dish Corporation s strategy has in the past been successfully achieved based on correct timing in
merging policies, operations, and incorporating the required changes within the organization. In the
past, the company has ensured that its financial and administrative capabilities are matched to the
tasks to be executed within specified durations. The management also selects the projects that are most
likely to be achieved and contribute to the attaining of set goals and profits; in line with the
organization s short and long term strategies. All organizations have competing projects since
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Noble Samurai Research Paper
Who were the noble Samurai? These warriors were some of the best known in Japan. As they were
trained from a very young age, the Samurais were very loyal and very well armed with different
weapons and well made armor. The weapons the Samurai had included the Katana, bow and the
The Katana was the Samurai s main blade. The Katana was constructed to kill. The Katana was forged
with a double edged sword and was built to curve so it could slice deeper into their opponent, as well
as being an extension of the Samurai s soul.
The bow standing 7 to 10 feet tall was a vital weapon to the Samurai. They were trained to be
excellent archers. The bows were being constructed out of wood, bamboo and a leather wrap . The
arrows that were used
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Coral Bleaching In Australia
Coral reefs have one of the highest biodiversity of animals in one ecosystem than any others on the
entire planet. Coral reefs are colorful habitats in the ocean, some of which are not too far from the
shore. They are made from skeletons of calcium carbonate and animals, which make a rocky
substance known as coral. Coral reefs are a home to many different types of creatures that live under
the sea, some are unknown to a majority of the human species. Coral reefs are sometimes referred to
as the rainforest of the sea because they teem with life and abound in diversity (Agardy). Sadly, due to
the many factors of global warming, these natural treasures are dying from what is called bleaching .
Coral bleaching happens from the warming temperature ... Show more content on ...
Humans cause many of the signs that global warming is occurring daily towards different parts of the
world. Climate change is the main factor towards the rising sea levels, the temperature of the water,
and coral bleaching. The 2014 reports of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change describe coral reefs as the most vulnerable marine ecosystem on Earth, stressing that they
have very limited capacity to adapt to rising water temperatures and acidification (Dormer). Many of
the coral reefs and the sea creatures that habitat there cannot adapt to the temperature of the water, so
many of the creatures will migrate somewhere more suitable. Fish are an important detail towards
coral reefs due to the fact that they protect them from algae and other bacteria that can harm the rocky
substance. By changing the commonwealth of humans, the money can be spent to establish more ways
to support the environment instead of harming it by making things the society does not need in order
to live life. The government could fund more money to environment helping organizations, and ending
the pessimistic ideas that the society believes in. Commonwealth is an easy solution that can be
completed only if humans realizes how much that their precious planet is being harmed by their
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Psychodynamic Approach Analysis
Jones and Butman (2012) in chapter four point out that contemporary psychodynamic approaches,
although they originate from Freud s view of personality development, psychodynamic view are less
biological and mechanistic. Psychodynamic approaches focuses more on individuals cognitive and
interpersonal process. Jones and Butman argue that psychodynamic approaches are divided into three
views: ego Psychology, object relations and self psychology. These theories propose that caregivers or
parents should foster both independence, and protection and nurturance so as to deter personality
disturbances. The ego psychology model argues that personality development occurs across the life
span. The theory suggests that the ego strives for adaptability,
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America s Meat Industry Hides From The Consumer
America s meat industry hides from the consumer, according to Michael Pollan, author of The
Omnivore s Dilemma. The consumer, as well as corporations, have built walls instead of demanding
transparency. Journalists and the general public are not permitted to enter abattoirs of many
corporations, leaving the judgement of slaughtering methods to the businesses themselves. State and
federal regulations aren t always enforced, thus corporations decide what is humane . Profit
organisations find the most efficient and lucrative system, yet ignore the secondary costs to natural
systems. Pollan argues that in preventing abuse, only transparency holds businesses accountable to
regulations. He states in Omnivore s Dilemma, No other country raises and slaughters its food animals
quite as intensively or as brutally as we do . Many Americans would disagree because they are
ignorant of the system. We have chosen not to see what really happens to the animals we eat,
understandably, due to the unpleasant truths Pollan uncovers. As a summary, slaughterhouses kill a
steer by stunning it, hanging it upside down by its leg and bleeding it out by cutting its throat.
However, (according to McDonald s) they accept a five percent error rate, meaning when the first
stunning does not kill the animal, the steer continues along the conveyor belt for processing. Animal
rights group s accounts have revealed that live animals have been skinned alive and go through
immense suffering. Despite the
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Essay about Greco-Persian Navy War
During the Greco Persian war (500 B.C. 449 B.C), many battles took place in this bloody war. Battles
were fought on land and at sea. Sea battles played a major role during the war. The Athenian Fleet was
among the most sophisticated and powerful navies to date that time. The Persian Armada seemed
unbeatable with its vast number of ships and soldiers. The Athenian Navy had a higher kill ratio than
the massive Persian Fleet. The Persians and the Athenians both used that same type of ship for sea
battles, the trireme. A trireme was warship used in ancient civilizations. They were wooden ships
powered by mostly men with oars. The strucural integrity of these ships was remarkable. The average
trireme with a length of 120 ft. could hold ... Show more content on ...
Artemisia was the only commander in Xerxes s force to be female. Xerxes s brother Ariabignes
perished in the Battle of Salamis. The Persian s primary tactic for this battle was to overwhelm the
Athenian Navy with their massive armada. Xerxes wanted to end the conquest of Greece in a single
military campaign. The Persians were better sailors; they had experienced men and ships that had
fought before. The Greeks had unexperienced sailors and new ships. Statisticaly speaking, in an open
sea battle, the overwhelming number of Persian ships and experienced sailors should unquestionably
defeat the Athenian Navy. The Greeks without many choices had to defend the Island of Salamis. If
the Greeks wanted any chance in winning, they would have to bring the Persians someplace where the
number of ships would no longer be a variable. Themistocles sailed his navy to the narrow straits of
Salamis in order to constrict Xerxes s fleet. Once they came through the narrow path, the Spartan
Navy began attacking along with the Athenians. The battle was brutal and long. Persians sent wave
after wave of triremes to devastate the Greeks. Their efforts were futile for the Greeks had a better
tactical position, which was to defend the coast. Persian admiral Ariabignes had died early in the
battle. This caused much perplexity among the Persian ships. Confused and without their admiral,
their strategy began to fall apart. Artemisia, realizing defeat was imminent, attacked a
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Cattle Entrepreneur
Retirement for many means slowing down or having leisure time, but for this entrepreneur, it means
returning to his roots and fulfilling his longstanding post career of owning his own cattle business.
Greg Jones owns a small cattle operation consisting of 50 head in Floyd and Crosby counties. This
cattleman is a businessman, managing everything in Jones Cattle on his own¬¬¬ the land, water
management, range conditions, marketing, profits, expenses, financial planning, buyers, email, and of
course, all of his cattle.
The land that Jones Cattle is on has been in the family for 54 years, since Jones was two years old to
be exact. Jones became a partner in the business with his father, Wayland Jones, when he was 27. He
recently bought the other ... Show more content on ...
My kids showed some steers we raised, but we still bought a few from other sellers. Though being the
county extension agent had many other duties, I got to work with steers on a daily basis and still run
my cattle operation. I understand what it s like to buy and to sell.
Greg said as a county extension agent, the vast experience he had from supervising 4 H steer projects
and assisting beef cattle producers were beneficial to him and his business.
I also attended and provided training opportunities for ranchers, Greg said. The trainings dealt with
cattle genetics, health, ranch management, nutrition, wildlife management integration and selection of
breeding bulls and replacement females.
Greg said his day to day workflow is not always the same, but he enjoys the responsibilities.
There isn t necessarily a typical day, Greg said. Though every day I do a few of the same things, I
have two different locations within a 30 mile radius that are both 90 miles from my house. Different
situations come up that make my days differ, but I enjoy that
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Foxmayer Case Study
A Major Failed ERP Implementation FoxMeyer Drug Mohamed Mohamoud and Jing Lei Table of
Contents Case Study: FoxMeyer Drug o Background of FoxMeyer o Implementation of ERP and the
Selection of SAP R/3 o Bankruptcy Nightmare o What exactly went wrong? o Lessons from Failure o
Conclusion References Appendix Case Study: FoxMeyer Drug Background of FoxMeyer Business
FoxMeyer Drug, a holding company in the health care services industry, with 2700 employees in 23
union and non union locations throughout the US and Canada. In December 1995, FoxMeyer Drug
was a $5 billion a year company, one of the leaders among distributors of pharmaceuticals. The
business of FoxMeyer ... Show more content on ...
Consulting Company: Andersen Consulting Anderson Consulting (now Accenture) is a large and
diversified IT consulting company. In the area of enterprise business software it provides solutions to
clients on a global basis. Andersen had at that time over 15,000 IT consultants dedicated to help
clients improve their business result by implementing IT solutions. The strength of Andersen s global
capability with respect to SAP was embodied in the wide breadth of methodologies and tools offered
to their customers with their SAP implementation. Because their clients strategies vary widely,
Andersen actively investigates and evaluates both SAP tools and third party tools. Andersen also has
invented its own tools to fill specific SAP functionality gaps or to meet specific customer
requirements. Furthermore, Andersen tools are always consistent with SAP approach and
complementary to SAP tools. In other words, Andersen seemed to be a most trusted consultant for
implementing SAP systems. Implementation of SAP R/3 In September 1993, FoxMeyer contracted
with SAP, Andersen Consulting and Arthur Andersen Co. (AA), the parent company of Anderson
Consulting, to implement the R/3 software. This multi million dollar project covered the entire supply
chain warehouses, inventory control,
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Finance And Banking Industry Uses
DM solutions can be applied to different kinds of organisations, in diverse fields such as
biotechnology, finance, sports, manufacturing, retail and education. These solutions are mostly
integrated with decision support systems. The following are a few examples of DM solutions [84]: 
Finance The finance and banking industry uses DM solutions to determine customer loyalty and the
credit risk of customers. DMsolutions help the industry with money laundering investigations and
enable customised plans to be prepared suitable for customers requirements. Insurance companies also
use DM solutions to make customised plans suitable for customers requirements and to detect any
fraudulent claims by customers. Financial data collected by banks and financial institutes is usually
high quality data. DM solutions for Financial Data: 1. Loan payment prediction and customer credit
policy analysis 2. Classification and clustering of customers for targeted marketing 3. Detection of
money laundering and other financial crimes  Retail Businesses use retail analytics to understand
customer behaviour data and use this knowledge for direct marketing and, advertising purposes, or to
create marketing strategies to up sell or cross sell brands. Supermarkets use customer preferences to
stock items in the store. 2.5. APPLICATIONS OF DM METHODS 57 DM solutions for Retail
Analytics: 1. Multidimensional analysis of sales, customers, products, time and region 2. Design and
Analysis of campaigns 3.
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The Natural Hair Movement Essay
There has been a notable amount of conversation on the internet on the rebirth of the natural hair
movement. Cherise Luter (2014) states that despite afros and the natural hair movement not being a
new concept (i.e. the Black Power Movement), it has gone under what she calls a refreshing change .
Furthermore, what used to be I m black and I m proud , has been replaced with I m me and I m proud
(Luter 2016). So, what is the natural hair movement? It is defined as a movement where black women
decide to not conform to the social norms of chemically altering their hair and wearing it in its natural,
kinky, or curled state (Joignot 2015). The movement could also be considered as an outlet for black
women to display their racial and cultural pride or to articulate their political position (Brown
2014:297). However, simply the terminology movement is something that should be shocking to
many. There is a great amount of historical context behind the continuous influence Eurocentric
beauty ideals have had on black women for centuries. According to Nadia Brown (2014), Black
natural hair throughout history has proven to be recognized as either unintended or intended personal
and political statements (298). the beauty standard in Western society which praises European hair
textures, has influenced many black women to be critical of other black women who choose to
chemically straighten their hair, accusing them of being subservient to the dominant and pervasive
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James Weldon Johnson Essay
James Weldon Johnson James Weldon Johnson (1871 1938), was a highly talented and celebrated
African American writer. He was a poet, songwriter, novelist, literary critic, and essayist. Along with
his wide ranging literary accomplishments, Johnson also served as a school principal, professor of
literature at Fisk University, attorney, a diplomatic consul for the United States in Venezuelaand
Nicaragua, and secretary for the NAACP from 1920 1930. He is considered one of the founders of the
Harlem Renaissance and the first modern African American.
Johnson s primary concerns were with the black writer. This included what the black author needs to
know and what he must do in order to produce quality work. Johnson s ideas on blackness ... Show
more content on ...
Along with this viewpoint, he stessed black distinctiveness within notions of spirituality and creativity.
In much of his works, this idea of black distinctiveness was paralled with the legitimacy of black
literary independence, another concept of which he was a proponent.
While Johnson was a highly celebrated and versatile literary figure, his most well known work is The
Autobiography of an Ex Colored Man . Even though this title suggests that this work was his own
story, it was actually a novel, the first African American one to mask itself as an autobiography. In this
novel, the illegitimate son of a southern white man and his mulatto mistress struggles to find his
identity and place in the world. Being light skinned, he does not discover his black blood until he is
segregated from the white students in his school. As he ages, he leaves the south to discover his
identity. His travels lead him to New York City as well as Europe. The narrator, who is never named,
struggles with his mixed heritage and concludes that he must decide whether to embrace his African
American self and or pass for white and devote his life to accumulating wealth. His first attempt is to
be a proud black man and adopt the struggle for racial justice. After witnessing a devastating lynching,
however, he reverses his original course and focuses on passing for white. In doing so, he travels and
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Cultural Genocide Definition
Cultural Genocide
What is cultural genocide? Is it the destruction of a race, or the destruction of their history and
religion. But to discuss this first we need to know what the concept of what Cultural Genocide is, it
was made by a Jewish Polish lawyer named Raphael Lawkins, as a component of genocide. One
theory is that he made the definition of cultural genocide as: the systematic destruction of racial,
political, or cultural group . But the reason why it s, in theory, is because he made the word in
reference of the United Nations Bill of Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People when he was
working on it. Although because the word was scrapped and removed in the final draft and replaced
with the word genocide, it ended with the precise definition of cultural genocide unclear and vague.
Because of this, the word Ethnocide is used by Ethnologists instead of cultural genocide. But
regardless this word has become so powerful and useful when relating it to the horrible historic events
like the Nazis, vilifying and destroying Jewish culture, and Genghis Khan destroying the Baghdad
house of wisdom, with the residential schools in Canada, that was meant to Kill the Indian in the child
It s a well known fact, that Nazi Germany put the exact same effort into destroying Jewish culture as
they did into fighting world war two. Inside the literary masterpiece Anne Frank The Diary Of A
Young girl the start of the book showed how they were limiting and destroying Jewish culture with
laws and jurisdictions. In the book, anne stated that: Jews were required to do their shopping between
3 and 5 P.M.; Jews were required to frequent only Jewish owned barbershops and beauty parlors... .
Another good example is the night of broken glass, In terms, the night of broken glass was a response
to the death of Ernst vom Rath who was killed by Herschel Grynszpan a Jewish student. So in two
days, 1000 synagogues were burned, 7,500 Jewish businesses destroyed, with 91 Jews killed and
30,000 arrested. In the famous book The Book Thief , It did an excellent job of portraying the
horrifying events of the Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) but it also bring another piece of
cultural genocide into the spotlight, The
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Albert Fish And What Fueled This Gruesome Behavior
The Disturbed Life of Albert Fish and What Fueled This Gruesome Behavior Albert Fish was born and
raised in Washington, D.C. on May 19th, 1870, to his parents Randall, and Ellen. Fish s father was
American, and his mother was Irish American. His father was forty three years older than his mother,
and was seventy five at the time of fishes birth. Albert was the youngest child of three siblings: Annie,
Walter, and Edwin. He wanted to be named after a dead sibling to escape from the given nickname
Ham Eggs which was given to him at St. John Orphanage where, he spent most of his childhood. The
family had a history of mental illness. His mother suffered from visual hallucinations, his brother was
in a mental hospital, his sister was diagnosed with mental illness, and uncle suffered from mania. Fish
s father was a boat captain and a fertilizer manufacturer. He soon died of a heart attack in 1875 at the
Sixth Street Station of the Pennsylvania Railroad in Washington, D.C. ( Blanco, 2017) Once Ellen,
mother found out she put her son in Saint John s Orphanage in Washington, which he was constantly
mistreated and abused. He was so used to the frequent beatings he found pleasure in physical pain.
While living at the orphanage, Fish remarked, I was there til I was nearly nine, and that s where I got
started wrong (Montaldo, 2017). The brutality Fish experienced within St. John s Orphanage, and his
lack of a father figure growing up, and his marital issues
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James Baldwin s Fifth Avenue, Uptown Essay example
In his collection of essays in Nobody Knows My Name, James Baldwin uses Fifth Avenue, Uptown to
establish the focus that African Americans no matter where they are positioned would be judged just
by the color of their skin. Through his effective use of descriptive word choice, writing style and tone,
Baldwin helps the reader visualize his position on the subject. He argues that Negroes want to be
treated like men (Baldwin, 67). Baldwin gives a vivid sketch of the depressing conditions he grew up
on in Fifth Avenue, Uptown by using strong descriptive words. He makes use of such word choices in
his beginning sentences when he reflects back to his house which is now replaced by housing projects
and one of those stunted city trees is ... Show more content on ...
He goes on describing the poorly executed good intentions to rehabilitate the area, executions that
infer the lack of importance that the Whites have on the environment of African Americans.
Throughout his essay, Baldwin makes numerous use of italicize words or sentences to state a strong
fact that he agrees with or deems important to readers. By italicizing that Negroes want to be treated
like men , Baldwin clearly states his position. The extent, to which he uses this writing technique,
signifies that he not only speaks for himself but also for his Community, Harlem. Aside from using
italics Baldwin makes use of lengthy sentences, that are sustain with breaks such as hyphens and
dashes, and a tone of sarcasm to affirm his position in the matter. He goes into hesitations when
writing the lengthy sentences by including the dashes, which suggests that he is not only sustaining his
position but also indicating that he has an experienced idea of what he is expressing. Baldwin`s degree
of sarcasm in the opening paragraphs, is used to give an idea of how poorly their environment is but
more over to show the insignificance that their environment has on others and their lack of attempt to
rehabilitate it. James Baldwin argues that such Frustrations, so long endured, is driving many strong,
admirable men and women whose only crime is color
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Little Women Book Vs Movie
What bond is stronger than sisterhood? Although the movie, Little Women, shares many basic
components with the book by Louisa May Alcott, there are still many differences which set them
apart, such as directors choice, dramatic irony, feelings and much more. The director of the movie,
Little Women chose to keep mostly true to the book, while adding some scenes that helped the movie
show more emotions that made it a bit more like the book. For example, in the beginning, of the
movie the director had a scene where Laurie sitting at the window, watching the girls deliver food to
their neighbors, which wasn t a part of the book. I think the director did this because he wanted us to
know that he would be in the movie later on. Although this was a difference, one similarity was how
Jo and Laurie met. In both they met at a party, Laurie was standing behind a curtain because he was
shy, and Jo ended up behind that curtain because she was trying to get away from a guy that wanted to
ask her to dance. I think the director chose to keep this because it shows that Jo is more of a
mischievous person, which is described in the book, but is shown in the movie. The director did a
good job of keeping me just as hooked as I was when I read the book, he stayed true to the book while
adding some of his ... Show more content on ...
A part where the author and director both used dramatic irony was when Laurie and Jo both knew that
John liked Meg and they would talk about it together, I think the director decided to keep this in the
movie because it shows Laurie and Jo s relationship because they are sharing secrets. A part where it
was different was when Laurie called Mrs. March to come home early when Beth was sick, in the
book Mrs. March reached a day after Laurie told the sisters he called their mother, but in the movie,
Mrs. March showed up in a few hours. I think the director decided to change this because he
decreased the passage of time in the
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Blown In Insulation Research Paper
Blown In Insulation May Be The Solution For Staying Warmer In The Winter
If it seems like your power bill is higher in the winter than it used to be, it might be because you need
to add insulation to your attic. Insulation can compress over time, or it can get wet from attic leaks and
cease to work like it should. Adding insulation could improve the energy efficiency in your home and
that in turn will reduce your power bill. While you can choose from a few different types of insulation
to add, blown in insulation is often the best option. Here are a few things to know.
Apply It Over Existing Insulation
As long as your current insulation is not wet or moldy, you can have new insulation blown in over top
of it. This will save you from the labor of pulling up old insulation that could release fiberglass, mouse
droppings, or other dangers into the air that might circulate through your home. However, if you need
to pull out the existing insulation, you will be ... Show more content on ...
Fiberglass is one option. It can be blown into your attic, but there is the risk that tiny bits of fiberglass
will become airborne and float through your home. For that reason, the contractor might install a
netting system over the fiberglass to hold it in place. The advantage of using blown in fiberglass over
batts is that the blow in variety is able to settle itself evenly over the floor of your attic, and isn t
confined to the shape of the batts that might leave small gaps uninsulated.
Cellulose is the more common type of blown in insulation. It is made from recycled paper and
cardboard that is treated to be fire retardant. It is heavier than fiberglass, so it stays put once it is
blown in. Although it is heavy, it is manufactured to be fluffy. This allows for air circulation that
prevents mold. Plus, the trapping of air pockets improves insulating
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Sage Stoloone Case
In 2012 Sylvester Stallone son, Sage Stallone, died of a heart attack. According to medical records his
heart attack was caused by atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. Stollone was found dead by his
housekeeper in his Los Angeles home. Daniel Wayne Smith was the son of model and actress Anna
Nicole. In September of 2006, Smith died of an accidental overdosed while visiting his mother in the
hospital due to a lethal combination of methadone, Zoloft and Lexapro, three days after the birth to his
half sister, Dannielynn Hope Marshall. Smith was only 20 years old. Michael Blosil the son of Marie
Osmand committed suicided in 2010 by jumping of his apartment building. Osmand said that it was
one of the worst and most stressful times of her
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Essentials Of Progression
The Essentials of Progression Modern society is affected by technology in various ways as it
dominates and prevails in our everyday lives. Technology has had a greater impact on humankind
progression than anything we ve seen in mankind s existence. It has had both positive and negative
effects on humanity. With new innovations emerging everyday, it is certain that technology
advancements will continue to effect our future generations drastically. Some people believe
technology impedes society s progression by causing sedentary or laziness, isolation, concentration
problems, and eliminates certain jobs that were once done by humans. These negative effects may be
true, but according to Kevin Kelly s Better than Human: Why Robots Will and Must Take ... Show
more content on ...
Without technology there would be no economical growth, limited jobs, increased income inequality,
and decreased life expectancy. There is no way to totally eliminate the negative effects of technology,
but there are ways to improve our digital tools in order to help prevent further negative effects from
being created. We will never know what will affect us in the future, or which jobs will be taken over
by technological advancements, nor which jobs will be introduced to us until that time comes. The
future may be intimidating to some, but I believe the future holds incredible developments and
accomplishments that no human has ever dreamed
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Homework 3 Introduction to Project Management
92 (2) Let be the number of grade 9 oranges O.J. uses for bags, be the number of grade 9 oranges O.J.
uses for juice, be the number of grade 6 oranges O.J. uses for bags, and be the number of grade 6
oranges O.J. uses for juice. The objective is to maximize the profit. For juice, the profit will be
($1.50$1.05)*( + ), and for bags, the profit will be ($0.50 $0.20)*( + ). Thus, the total profit will be .
The objective function is: Maximize The constraints are: Constraint 1: The total number of grade 9
oranges is 100,000 lb. That is, Constraint 2: The total number of grade 6 oranges is 120,000 lb. That
is, Constraint 3: The average quality of juice is at least 8. That is, This gives us: Constraint 4: The
average quality of juice is at least ... Show more content on ...
That is, Or Constraint 3: The production of the third month must meet the requirement of demand.
That is, Or Constraint 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9: Each month each city has 420 hours of skilled labor
available. That is, Constraint 10: All variables must be nonnegative. That is, Using Excel, we can
compute the optimal numbers of cost (checking the box Make Unconstrained Variables Non Negative
to satisfy the Constraint 10): x11 100 x12 210 350 x13 210 350 x21 0 400 x22 200 400 x23 280 400
y1 0 100 y2 10 100 y3 0 100 Variables Coefficients 350 Objective Function 375000 Constraints
Constraint 1 Constraint 2 Constraint 3 Constraint 4 Constraint 5 Constraint 6 Constraint 7 Constraint 8
Constraint 9 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 Total 100 400 500 200 420 420 0 300 420 = =
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Professional Experiences Of A Professional Nurse
LPN nurse soon to be an RN with 10+ years of experience providing care in different settings from
developing countries to First world countries. Currently an LPN and soon to be an RN. Striving to use
my nursing experience to give excellent and quality care.
GENESIS March 2013 present North Andover, MA
Administering prescribed medications, starting intravenous fluids, recording intake and output
Observing patients, charting and reporting abnormal changes in patients conditions and any
medication reaction ... Show more content on ...
EMERSON REHAB September 2006 Mar 2013 Watertown, MA
Taking and recording patients vital signs, temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and respiration and
weight. Reporting any deviation
Preparing patients for examinations, tests, and treatments and explaining the procedures.
Team player, positively worked with fellow nurses and ancillary staff.
Recording and monitoring intake and output. Observing patients, charting and reporting abnormal
changes in patients conditions, and any medication reaction or treatment,
RN KENYATTA NATIONAL HOSPITAL KENYA January 1999 April 2006 Nairobi, Kenya
Took care of Med/surge, Burn ICU patients
Run prenatal
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Improving Employee Turnover In The Workplace
It has been evident that organizations face challenges of maintaining employees within their firms, and
the challenge has been in place for a considerable period. Turnover in firms has been associated with
different costs that include the process of training new employees, training of the same employees and
their selection which has been seen to seen to exceed 100% of the total cost on an annual basis which
is usually witnessed in filling the existing position. The quit rate in the United States as indicated by
Bureau of Labor Statistics is at 25% (Glebbeek Bax, 2004). The significant issues that are associated
with turnover include work disruptions, direct costs, loss of seasoned mentors and organizational
memory. The other concerns that ... Show more content on ...
Managers that are therefore in a position to obtain a shared understanding of issues to do with
employee turnover can be in a position to retain their employees and hence achieve a competitive
advantage. Turnover is also important for organizations so that they can r4place the old employees in
the process of them carrying out business processes (Glebbeek Bax, 2004). Organizations are in a
position to plan for employee replacement in the most convenient manner without necessarily
disturbing the existing equilibrium. Decisions about turnover made by the employees have also been
seen as an opportunity for employees to carry pout individual improvement. Employees are in a
position to carry out an assessment of the current job and bring into perspective the possible
alternatives that they can go for in the market.
EMPIRICAL TEST USING COMPANY RECORDS. Academy Of Management Journal, 47(2), 277
MAERTZ, C., WILEY, J., LeROUGE, C., CAMPION, M. (2010). Downsizing Effects on Survivors:
Layoffs, Offshoring, and Outsourcing. Industrial Relations: A Journal Of Economy And Society,
49(2), 275 285.
Sronce, R. McKinley, W. (2006). Perceptions of Organizational Downsizing. Journal Of Leadership
Amp; Organizational Studies, 12(4),
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Silent Manipulation Alex Proyas’ film I, Robot
From the moment humans are born, they are shaped by the world around them and chances are that
the media plays a huge role in shaping their identity. To the music they listen to, to fashion trends, to
their beliefs, the news outlets and television shows could be held responsible. In 2004, the media had a
much greater influence over American citizens because of the historical context of the time. Alex
Proyas film I, Robot had taken advantage of the fact that people had become so easily influenced by
the media. Set in the year 2035, a robotics company named US Robotics has engulfed American life to
the point where every household has a robot, and citizens have become dependent on their help.
Sonny, a robot programmed with the ability to think, feel and have dreams enables a robot fearing
detective named Del Spooner to see through the lies of the corporation. Through the use of Sonny s
character development, subtle advertisement sequences, and distinct film choices such as the context
of specific scenes, Proyas is able to portray the suppression of thought and individuality in a futuristic
society told what to think and feel through US Robotics media propaganda. Through this, Proyas is
indirectly criticizing the 2004 audience in which was being told what to think and how to feel through
the various media outlets that would report on the political campaigns happening at the time as well as
the fear of the ongoing war with Iraq. At one point, Sonny becomes captured by the police
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The Comparison of Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions
Running Head: The Comparison of Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions
The Comparison of
Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions
By Christa Dunwoody
The differences between Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions are many. The primary difference of
beliefs is that Abrahamic Religion believes that there is one God. Hinduism beliefs vary being
Pantheistic, monotheistic and polytheistic it is one of the most complex religions of the world. In the
comparison of Hinduism and Abrahamic Religion differ on their concept of God. Along with their
differences on the concept of God the Hindu s and Abrahamic Religions also differ on their concept of
man s destiny. Finally Hindu s and Abrahamic Religions also differ on their concept of Salvation. ...
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Hindus believe that ones circumstances in life are completely determined by his previous conduct,
either in this life or in previous lives. This is called karma. By doing good deeds in this life, therefore,
one can improve his circumstances in the future, especially in future reincarnations. (BG, p. 9,10) The
final goal is to escape or be released from the cycle of reincarnation. Hindus will seek in life to be set
free from birth, death, and rebirth, so that we exist in a state of pure impersonal being without a
physical body. Jews, Christians and Muslims believe that man has only one life to live. In
contradiction to the doctrine of karma, the Abrahamic religion believe that on earth, men often do not
receive fair or just rewards for their lives they get their reward on judgment day. God will judge all
men and declare our eternal rewards on the basis of our lives, whether we have lived it good or bad.
After judgment, men receive their eternal destinies. The righteous receive eternal life, a state of bliss,
in the presence of God. The wicked receive eternal punishment, suffering and sorrow, separated from
God. In the Abrahamic religion the gift of life is received after we leave the earth, not on the earth.
Finally Hindu s and Abrahamic religions also differ on their concept of Salvation. Hindu s goal is not
salvation but to escape the reincarnation cycle. There are several ways in which this can be done:
perform good deeds, withdraw from the pleasures
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How Does Arthur Conan Doyle Use The Observant Character Of...
The basis of detective fictions is a well developed and observant character that is able to walk the
audience and outside perspectives through the case. In this case, Arthur Conan Doyle utilizes the
observant perspective of Watson to describe the actions of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle characterizes
Sherlock through underscoring vocabulary and the first person understanding of Watson. A series of
analytical language and descriptive literary devices such as juxtaposition to portray the effects of Irene
Adler on the near perfect character of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle begins the passage by emphasizing
THE woman to Sherlock Holmes in order to introduce an impacting character within the selective and
closed off life of Sherlock. The emphasis on THE resembles her as an overbearing character that has
establish a lasting impact on Sherlock as even he does not mention her under any other name. The lack
of emphasis on her name, but rather her mark on Sherlock, is utilized to present an ambivalent feeling
within Sherlock in which he can t identify her as a flaw or test of himself. Doyle proceeds by
clarifying the idea of her overbearing image by characterizing her as the dominant image for the
whole of his sex in order to reemphasize her presence in Sherlock s highly selective and egoistic
memory. Furthermore, Doyle utilizes the close relationship of Watson to clarify that it was not any
emotion akin to love in order to introduce the idea of reason rather than emotion, specifically love. In
addition, this is the first time THE woman [ s] name is mentioned to slowly introduce the character
and ease into the rest of the story and flashback of their encounter. Further on, Doyle continues the
juxtaposition of emotion and reason within Sherlock s mind through a series of
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Youth Sports Injuries
In today s society, youth sports programs are heavily involved in the everyday lives of different
families and communities within different cities. These programs help provide our youth with positive
leadership skills along with physical and mental development. While these youth sports programs
should be fun and challenging, certain liability risks can become present and may result in lawsuits
against the organization that hosts these types of programs. Youth sports programs are becoming more
and more competitive and the risk of injuries is growing, which are raising concerns of liability issues
and more lawsuits being filed. This paper will examine a case involving a youth sports injury due to
negligence and also help layout preventative guidelines to help my business avoid these same issues.
While ... Show more content on ...
There was one case that was very interesting to me and in a way pertains to the type of business I am
pursing to open upon my degree completion. Here is a brief summary of the case of Leahy vs. The
School Board of Hernando County in 1984. Leahy a football player, who was a freshman at the time,
did not receive proper football equipment due to the school did not have enough equipment for all
participants of the football program. Without the required equipment, helmet and mouth guard, the
player was still expected to partake in what was called non aggressive quickness drills against other
players with the required equipment. There were other players that attempted the drill, but Leahy was
the first player to attempt the drill without protective equipment. The case reports that Leahy claimed
that there were no special instructions given to players that had equipment versus players that had no
equipment. As Leahy attempted the drill, he suffered facial injuries and shattered his front teeth. The
case reports that this was caused by the aggressiveness that had developed over time by all players
involved and also the impact of the
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Family Dynamics In The World
1. In the world there are many different family structures and dynamics that exist. The book uses a
circle to help readers understand the dynamic structure between parent and child, parent and marital
relationship, and child and marital relationship. Different cultures have different family dynamics,
along with changes in their environment. For example, during the great depression many people
moved from small farms to cities in hopes of better pay jobs; technology has also changed the family
dynamic because many parents are relying on television to help raise their kids than ever before. Adult
lifestyles have also changed drastically over the decades, leaving many adults single than ever before.
The book gives this rise in single adults to the fact that more and more adults are waiting to get
married. ... Show more content on ...
This simply means two individuals who are not married but leaving together in sin. This has also
drastically increased with 75 percent of adults live together before marriage (Santrock 447). This
lifestyle does not usually last long, with 1 out of 10 lasting longer than five years, but when there is a
break up it is not as messy as a divorce. I know when my husband and I were cohabiting we had both
parents nagging at us, his believed that it was not morally right to live together before marriage, while
my dad said that we should live in sin for a while before even thinking about marriage; and many
couples experience what my husband and I experienced. Cohabitating before marriage sounds like a
good idea because you can get a feel for how the person lives when no one is watching, but cohabiting
can actually be more harmful to your marriage than if you were to move in together after marriage. A
study conducted showed that cohabiters had a higher divorce rate and lower martial satisfaction. The
next adult life style is marriage. As previously stated, marriage is on the decline and divorce rates are
still on the
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Business Strategy About Samsung
Edexcel Level 5
Higher National Diploma in Business Human Resource Management
Higher National Diploma in Business Management
(Organizations and Behavior)
(unit 3/Organizations and Behavior)
(Uthum Milinda Gunawardana)
Human Resources Management Institute, 246, Nawala Rd, Nawala, Colombo Sri Lanka
Submitted on
Table of contents
1.Executive summary............................................................................ (page 3)
2.Introduction..................................................................................... (page 4) 2.1. MAS Holdings
2.2.St.Benedict s College
3.Leadership..................................................................................................... ... Show more content on ...
Summary of MAS holdings
|MAS Holdings |
|Type |Private |
|Industry |Apparel |
|Headquarters |Colombo, Sri Lanka |
|Key people |Deshamanya Mahesh Amalean, |
| |Ajay Amalean, |
| |Sharad Amalean, |
| |Dian Gomes, |
| |Timothy Speldewinde |
|Products |Intimate Wear, Active Wear, Fabric |
| |Production, Finance,Consulting |
|Revenue |$570m (2005)[1] |
|Employees |45,000+ |
|Website |Official Website
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Essay On Ergotism In Salem
Ergotism in Salem?
American history is filled with amazing events of settling and exploring new lands and frontiers while
forging a new nation that would be resilient when challenged. However, the year 1692 America
witnessed a tragedy when the new occupants and immigrants of Salem were faced with accusations of
witchcraft. The subject of the Salem witchcraft trials has been portrayed in contemporary fictional
works such as dramas and novels and even major motion pictures. This period of American history has
certainly stood the test of time and continues to gather interest and fascinate American history buffs.
In order to understand how ergot poisoning was responsible for the Salem witchcraft trials, one must
examine the growing conditions of ergot, the symptoms of ergot and the victims and examine the
colony and the trials.
First of all, to understand the ergot poisoning case in Salem one must understand the growing
conditions and what grains ergot can infect. Ergot can infect many cereal grains, most important is rye
because that is the main crop they grew in salem. The climates needed for ergot to grow are warm,
damp,rainy, and summer time (Caporael). Ergot invades the developing kernels of the grain that turn
the grain [to a] purplish black [color] (The ... Show more content on ...
Ergot is characterized by a number of symptoms like headaches, hallucinating and painful muscular
contractions . From these symptoms people of Salem believed that they were bewitched (Caporael).
The victims of being bewitched were all young girls. The oldest was only a teen. For example, in the
courthouse the girls claimed they all saw a yellow bird and that it was going to attack them but it was
only them hallucinating (The Crucible). There are two types of ergotism, gangrenous and convulsive.
The ergotism in the trials is convulsive ergotism because it has all the symptoms that the girls were
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Regal Lakeland Honda s Loyal Customers
Regal Lakeland Honda recognizes not only me but also my family as loyal customers. Presently, my
family owns four Honda s and I am in the process of purchasing the new Pilot Elite. Over the course
of years, we have owned eight Hondas and have developed a genuine emotional loyalty to the product
and the company. My interaction with Regal Lakeland Honda has always been positive and due to my
loyalty, they asked personally, what they could do to keep me as a premium customer. Due to my
hectic schedule, I asked if someone could call me and remind me when service is needed on my car
and make sure is done correctly. Mike the sale representative always calls, and schedules a priority
service appointment that accommodates my schedule, if though
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The Doctrine Of Judicial Law
Before critically analysing the extent to which the doctrine of judicial precedent affects judicial law
making, one must first contemplate what the doctrine of judicial precedent is. The doctrine is a rule
that all lower courts are to be bound by the decision or ratio decidendi of the higher courts. As a result
of this, cases that are alike are decided in a similar way . However, it is not this simple, as it will be
seen throughout this essay that wider circumstances are involved that affect the judicial law making
process. Judicial law making (otherwise known as common law) is judge made law rather than law set
out in statute. The relationship between the two will be evaluated. Firstly, it is important to outline the
types of decisions that are made in courts. Decisions made in the courts are the starting point of the
doctrine of judicial precedent because it is these decisions that binds the courts in subsequent cases.
This can help the courts but can also hinder them when creating common law principles. Two different
types of decision making should then be outlined, these being rule based and reason based decisions.
When a decision is made it can either be made on the strict rules that apply to the situation or on the
balance of all relevant reason. Due to the doctrine, lower courts must take the former approach being
bound by the rules established in the decisions of the higher courts. Rule based decisions are
supported by Sir William Blackstone who observed the
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Exodus Summary Sparknotes
Exodus Summary
Exodus is the second book of the Bible. Exodus follows after Jacob and his family arrived in Egypt
and after Joseph died. After Joseph died the new Egyptian pharaoh began to realize that the Israelite
population was on the rise and oppressed them by making them slaves. The story of Exodus follows
the oppression of the Israelites, Rise of Moses, The Exodus, and Mount Sinai. After Joseph died the
new Egyptian pharaoh began to realize that the Israelite population was on the rise and oppressed
them by making them slaves. As a result of being slaves and beginning to populate Egypt the
Egyptians decided to kill all the firstborn Israelite male babies. The only one to escape this massacre
was Moses who s mother put him in a basket and put him in the water. He was then found by Pharaoh
s daughter and she saved him and treated him as if he was her own son. As a result of the event of
having been enslaved and having their male children killed the Israelites cried out to God and he heard
them. God calls Moses to be the Israelites deliverer. This is a man who ran from Egypt because he
killed an Egyptian and was content to spend his life as a shepherd. But God had different plans for
Moses because the Lord uses the most imperfect people and empowers them to do his will. The Lord
met with Moses and called him to deliver his people but Moses wanted to argue with God because
Moses did not believe he was the right choice. Moses argued he was not the best choice because
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Oh, The Places YouLl Go - Dr. Seuss ABC Of Success

  • 1. Oh, The Places You'Ll Go! - Dr. Seuss | ABC Of Success 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Oh, The Places You'Ll Go! - Dr. Seuss | ABC Of Success Oh, The Places You'Ll Go! - Dr. Seuss | ABC Of Success
  • 2. Advantages Of Proactive And Reactive Routing Hybrid (both proactive and reactive) routing This type of protocol combines the advantages of proactive and reactive routing. The routing is initially established with some proactively prospected routes and then serves the demand from additionally activated nodes through reactive flooding. The choice of one or the other method requires predetermination for typical cases. The main disadvantages of such algorithms are: 1. Advantage depends on number of other nodes activated. 2. Reaction to traffic demand depends on gradient of traffic volume. Examples of hybrid algorithms are: ZRP (Zone Routing Protocol) ZRP uses IARP as pro active and IERP as reactive component. ZHLS (Zone based Hierarchical Link State Routing Protocol) Hierarchical routing ... Show more content on ... Routes are established on demand, as they are needed. However, once established a route is maintained as long as it is needed. Reactive (or on demand) routing protocols find a path between the source and the destination only when the path is needed (i.e., if there are data to be exchanged between the source and the destination). An advantage of this approach is that the routing overhead is greatly reduced. A disadvantage is a possible large delay from the moment the route is needed (a packet is ready to be sent) until the time the route is actually acquired. In AODV, the network is silent until a connection is needed. At that point the network node that needs a connection broadcasts a request for connection. Other AODV nodes forward this message, and record the node that they heard it from, creating an explosion of temporary routes back to the needy node. When a node receives such a message and already has a route to the desired node, it sends a message backwards through a temporary route to the requesting node. The needy node then begins using the route that has the least number of hops through other nodes. Unused entries in the routing tables are recycled after a ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Importance Of Learning English In The United States I was born in Vietnam. I left Vietnam to come to United State with my family when I was about 12 years old. I was really young at the time. It was a long time ago because I am 20 years old now. At that time, life for me was simple. I didn t have to worry about anything. I stop going to school in Vietnam at grade five and stay at home for two years. It was really fun while I was at home. When I was at home, my parent wants me to learn English. So I learned English in Vietnam. When I got to United State, I started middle school at United for Success in Oakland. I start school in Oakland at grades 7. It was after Christmas when I started class. Over here, it really different than my home country. In my country Vietnam, It was really hot. ... Show more content on ... I was the only Vietnamese in my school. I felt like a fish out of the water. The English that I learned in Vietnam didn t really help. It was different than the English over here. They pronounce different than over here. I want to understand what my teachers and classmates saying, so I start to learn English every day. After a while, I was able to understand and talk in English. This was a big change for me. It was hard moving to a different country, where they speak a different language. At the end of middle school, they gave me a trophy for an outstanding newcomer. I was having high GPA in middle school. I then start high school in Skyline High School. When I get high school, my grades start to go down. At one point of high school, I was having 0 GPA. I was cutting class a lot. On my senior year, I want to graduate high school, so I start to get my classwork done. I changed high school to Oakland High School. While I was at Oakland High School, I stop cutting class. My grades start to get better and better. I take extra class after school. I also take summer school. Luckily, I graduate High School with an average GAP of 2.0. I made up the classes that I as ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Pharah s Secret By Clive Cussler The author Clive Cussler was born on July 15th, 1931 and is an American adventure novelist, And the real life founder of The National Underwater Marine Agency (NUMA). He enlisted in the United States air force for two years. He is also the author of over 70 books, 20 of which have reached the New York Times bestseller list. His real organisation NUMA also features as a fictional government organisation of the same name in some of his books. In The Pharaoh s Secret (13th novel in the NUMA files series) it is business as usual for kurt austin of NUMA as his team and him are on a marine surveying expedition. when they receive a call for help from a nearby ship reporting a toxic cloud enveloping a nearby island it is battle stations for the NUMA ... Get more on ...
  • 5. A Summary Of Truman Vote By Truman Capote Although Truman Capote writes this narrative to tell about a murder, he must first describe and enhance the victims to elaborate on their history; therefore, Capote enhances just how senseless crimes can be. Capotes tactic is driven by his empathy towards the event of the wronging that took place at the Clutters house, he utilizes amplification to magnify how senseless the true crime was and to describe the significance. Capote was much more focused on the development of the characters. He draws the audience s attention to the Clutter family, specifically their positive characteristics especially Nancy Clutter, Where she found the time, and still managed to practically run that big house and be a straight A student, the president of her class, a leader in the 4 H program and the Young Methodists League, a skilled rider, an excellent musician (piano, clarinet), an annual winner at the county fair (pastry, preserves, needlework, flower arrangement) how a girl not yet seventeen could haul such a wagonload, and do so without brag, with, rather, merely a radiant jauntiness, was an enigma the community pondered... (Capote 18) Amplifying Nancy Clutter in such way gives emphasis to the audience that the family was kind hearted, they didn t deserve the senseless act of murder from the two strangers: Perry and Dick. Capotes giving the description of Nancy s character through her actions gave a true message that she helped others and was a leader, the Clutters were magnificent ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Wild Birds In A Mocking Bird D MIMICRY Mimicry is the superficial resemblance between two or more organisms which are not taxonomically related. This resemblance may be in appearance, behavior, sound, scent and even location. Some sort of vocalization is produced by most of the birds. Almost every species of bird produces some sort of vocalization. Mockingbirds are those birds that mimic the call of other birds. Australia s amazing Lyrebird is the world s greatest mimic which is capable of mimic natural and artificial sounds from their environment. They imitate other bird calls, as well as human sounds such as car alarms and camera shutters. cuckoos fool other birds they also mimic hawks. Parrots are renowned for their deafening calls that can be heard for miles. Parrots ... Show more content on ... Some can even mimic the sounds of other wild birds. *Most known for this behavior are myna birds, the Australian Lyrebird, and the mockingbird. *A bird s ability to understand or speak another bird s language can be very valuable in the wild. But what about those birds who learn to mimic human speech? *A single species may change its mimicry depending on the context. When confronted with a taxidermy owl placed on the ground, brown thorn bills mimic the alarm calls that other bird species make in response to predators on the ground. *Although mimicry may have survival benefits in the wild, in the safety and shelter of our homes, a pet bird learns to mimic our voice primarily because the sound is interesting to him and it gets attention. Mimic birds *There are a variety of birds mimic different songs and sounds. *Mimicking is widely found in a large number of birds, including the corvids, parrots, bowerbirds and ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Arm Wrestling With My Father Rhetorical Analysis The relationship between a father and their child is tremendously salient, and will influence the life of both the parent and the adolescent in many ways. Often, it can be difficult for someone to share their personal relationships that they had with their father, as it can be a very delicate subject. Despite this, renowned authors Brad Manning and Sandra Cisneros are two people who chose to write about their unique experiences and childhoods that they shared with their fathers. Both Brad and Sandra felt their childhood relationships with their fathers were unorthodox. This was explicitly outlined in Brad s freshman composition paper titled Arm Wrestling With My Father and Sandra s magazine article titled Only Daughter. Through varying rhetorical strategies, the authors purpose and audience is clearly portrayed in both selections. One of the most important components to any piece of writing is the intended audience. In Arm Wrestling With My Father, Manning s intended audience is anyone who may have had an abnormal or physical relationship with their father. He wanted his paper to be read by individuals that grew up with a lack of emotional love and an abundance of physical contact with their fathers. Although there was love between Manning and his father, it was clear that neither party wanted to acknowledge it. He wrote this in his freshman composition course at Harvard, knowing that although it was going to his professors, it was meant for anyone who may have experienced ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Imagery In Shawshank Redemption In Shawshank Redemption, a lot is revealed about the characters quickly. Through Red s narration names, occupations and personal details are revealed. In the novel the road it s completely different they try not to reveal anything to keep it mysterious by only using a brief description of the setting. So through the dialogue, Daramont is able to describe the characters well and as it is a film, the visual element is there to further create imagery. In The road, McCarthy would have to depend purely upon words to get the intended visualisation but due to the lack of description, the visualisation is very broad and can be different for different people . In Shawshank Redemption, you can clearly see the characterisation of Andy and Red which ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Factors That Affect The Treatment Of Tina Depression The purpose of this paper is to examine important misconceptions of psychopathology which could impact the treatment of Tina depression. Discuss her symptoms of depression, intake interview, and why the counselor s own perception of psychopathology is extremely important in the diagnostic process (GCU, 2015). Make sure her family member knows about medications, treatments, referrals, and any other special instructions (Wolters, 1999). MISCONCEPTIONS OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY We had a subject named Tina a 17 year old Navajo female that is brought into a therapist s office for signs of depression; her family has included that she is more quiet than normal she is frequently observed crying and chatting to herself. GCU (2015), ... Show more content on ... ANALYZING ONE S OWN BELIEFS 2 Negative symptoms may cause Tina to neglect herself physically it is likely that the inactivity that marks this symptom cluster contributes to the poor physical health and decreased her life expectancy. Evidence for optimal treatments is scarce. The significant developments in pharmacological and psychosocial treatments for positive symptoms achieved in the past decade have not yet been matched by progress in negative symptom treatment (Buchanan 2007), there are indications that researchers are focusing him or her attention on treatments for the negative symptom cluster (Hilary, el al, 2013). DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS The clinical picture for depression can be complicated because of the subjectivity that is possible in reporting depressive symptoms. Reported symptoms are clear and depressed mood is the only sign note, the diagnosis of a depressive disorder seems most appropriate (Dziegielewski, 2014). Careful attention should be given to properly assess any recurrent thoughts of suicide. One rule to remember is that Tina is more likely to harm herself not in the throes of a depressive episode but rather when the feelings of depressive episode begin to lift. The return to energy gives the client the initiative to act on thoughts and feelings expressed. There is suicidal ideation, watching for the return to energy be ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Analysis Of Scott Momaday s Journey To Rainy Mountain Introduction People come from different backgrounds and ancestral foundations. They are at times defined by these beginnings, and some may end up wanting to know more. Most do not find their ancestral grounding in their childhood but come to realize it later in life. Many have the advantage of being someone and identifying with their culture as a basis of their personality. Maintaining proper and adequate understanding is determined by what one handles and does on a personal, cultural and familial level. Scott Momaday is a reflection of a person who has been born and lives within the culture. His book, Journey to Rainy Mountain, is a collection of poems, memoirs and myths on the Kiowa culture. On reading the book, one feels extremely ... Show more content on ... Part 1 Al Momaday Looking at the father s memoir and experiences, there is a lot to be discussed because he is a sign of historical accuracy. He gives an account of how things were in terms of family, leadership and his existence as a Kiowa man. It gives experiences on how his life was formed around the people of Kiowa and his obligations to the tribe, nature and family (Momaday 20). His role as a Kiowa man brings forth his understanding and shows a lot of offerings and activities that happened along ancestral grounds. It demonstrates the kind of attitude and impression that Momaday had towards his father and what he regarded him to be in terms of being the head of the family (Momaday 26). It presents the responsibility that the father took up and other men had within the tribe. The mythical part is mostly within the experiences and explanations of the father who sets the tone of showing the Kiowa life in a balanced yet mystical way. Part 2 Historical Information The historical information regarding the Kiowa people reflects on the mythological and culture of the Kiowa people. It sets the tone of identifying the strengths of the tribe, practices and ideas that developed within the tribe. It also shows a relation of the Kiowa people to nature, other mythical creatures and how the culture came into existence. It also shows what made the culture of so much importance to those who practiced it and in what context they felt that they were able to ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Sustainable Income From Offshore Sustainable Agriculture SUSTAINABLE INCOME FROM OFFSHORE SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE Here at International Coffee Farms we believe that owning sustainable offshore agriculture for a long term sustainable income is the... Opportunity of the Decade For almost 3 years now we have been putting our money where our mouth is...since the summer of 2012 until April 2014 as consultants to a developing coffee farming enterprise in Colombia, and since June of 2014 as Principals in our own specialty coffee farms here in Boquete, Panama. The notion that investing in agricultural land is a very good way to diversify a risky, highly correlated and often manipulated portfolio of paper assets in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETF s, etc. no surprise to us! We have told our ... Show more content on ... We also understand that the sustainability we talk about constantly is not only economic. Sure money counts. But so does the environment and, very importantly, the people who are largely responsible for growing and producing the specialty coffee we all desperately need every morning of our lives. These are the people who produce our profits! Providing social sustainability is a critical pillar in any business model that is going to last for generations to provide a legacy income for you and your heirs. At International Coffee Farms we have set aside a full 20% of our coffee farm profits to ensure the local indigenous Panamanian Indian farmers working for us are cared for properly. That s true social sustainability! Increased salaries, improved living and working conditions, new sanitary and laundry facilities and helping with the kid s educational needs are but a few of the benefits we provide. This bonus pool exists so that all workers can share in the value created by turning around poorly run existing commercial coffee farms into professionally run specialty coffee farms. We invest in our people and we believe they will return the favor by caring for our coffee. Happy farmers = Happy coffee! Our unique approach to Social Sustainability is a joint responsibility equally shared ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Heart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad Imperialism The Heart of Imperialism Joseph Conrad s literary work The Heart of Darkness displays criticism upon imperialism and even places valid points that arise in today s contemporary society. This piece of literature has a valid standpoint due to the author s background. The author s upbringing gave birth to the story with vivid life experiences that were incorporated into the text. Joseph Conrad was able to capture the nature of imperialism within his writing due to the intimate nature he had with the subject. Although the writing may not have been initially viewed as a critical review on imperialism, the critique is evident throughout the text and event applies to modern occurrences. According to, Joseph Conrad, also known as ... Show more content on ... In placement of ivory is currency. Much of the wealth is held by the top percentage of the economy while there is a massive fallout of those beneath. The pursuit of the acquiring of wealth leads to a lower standard of morals especially when the circulation of such is quite limited. These false perceptions of betterment of life and economic stability is a ruse and creates a perpetual downfall for those that are not in proper lineage. The amount of currency and status, creates social barriers that begin to separate the community. This ultimately leads to the views of a better or worse human beings even though all the views are primarily based off of monetary ... Get more on ...
  • 13. TVI Values These parameters are: tone value increase TVI, grey balance, solid tone optical ink density, relative print contrast, color gamut and color difference. Shore durometer PCE DXA was used to measure hardness all the four blankets, which came out as 82 shore A. Later to this, printing pressure between blanket and impression cylinder was measured using a Nip Control Pressure Indicator. On each printing unit, three different pressures between blanket cylinder and impression cylinder were applied and three measurements were taken on different positions of each printing unit. Sheet fed offset machine KBA Rapida 75 was used for printing with FUJIFILM Brillia printing plate. Using black, cyan, magenta and yellow color sequence, 200 sheets of gloss ... Show more content on ... 24 different ink sequences are possible by using four process colors Cyan , Magenta , Yellow and Black. Out of these, 5 sequences were selected. Two sequences, YMCK and MYCK were selected based on an informal survey. Next two, CMYK and KCMY were selected because they are industry standards. And last KYMC was selected based on a suggestion from expert. Printing units were interchanged and press runs were conducted in sequence YMCK, MYCK, CMYK, KCMY and KYMC. Dora offset printing machine was used to perform press runs in a pre specified pressroom condition maintained at 280C temperature and 45% relative humidity. Art paper was used as substrate for the study. With the help of spectrophotometer X Rite 528, LAB values, contrast of different samples and density values were measured. Data was analyzed by suitable statistical, quantitative methods and tools. It was found that value of LAB, contrast and density varied for different ink sequence. Results were shown category wise for LAB values , density and contrast as follows: LAB value: KCMY sequence is more suitable for Blue, Brown and Violet color. Whereas CMYK, MYCK, YMCK, and KYMC sequence were appropriate for Orange, Green, Red and Purple color according to delta E values. Density: It was found that maximum and minimum value for Red Green color was obtained for sequences YMCK and MYCK at various density percentages. For Blue color, all the sequence give same value ... Get more on ...
  • 14. No Need To Call Sherry Turkle Making USupid Analysis People are always working on researches and developments that can bring humans better. Technology is the product that appears under this kind of circumstance. After many people s dedication, technology has become very advanced in modern days. From simply a cell phone to a complex satellite, technology is making our everyday life more convenient. However, as the convenience that technology brought began to blend into humans life, many negative effects that technology brought also start to show up. Nicholas Carr, one of the writers that think technology has brought negative effect to people, has shown in his article Is Google Making Us Stupid that how technology is making people lose their ability to concentrate; thus, making people stupid. ... Show more content on ... Surely, we can t deny how technology helps us contact each other, but there is one idea that they overlooks, which is the addiction that people have on the cell phone. Whenever people congregate, the action they do is stare on the phones. Audrey, sixteen, a Roosevelt junior, describes how her relationship with her mother breaks up as her mother spent all her time on the phone every time they were together. It could have been four days since I last spoke to her, then I sit in the car and wait silently until she s done, said Audrey (377). In other words, Audrey is trying to express her feeling that how the cell phone has estranged her and her mother. From these, we can tell that how technology has been a drug that keeps us from interacting with each ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Examples Of Luck In Aladdin Aladdin Lamp essay Luck in Aladdin is very important thing. In my opinion luck can mean multiple things for example it can mean something good happens by chance it can also mean good fortune. The reason the theme is luck is because there were a lot of times were Alladin should have died or when all the tables were turned. He somehow got through it. For example when Aladdin got tricked into taking a magical lamp from a cave soon enough the cave started to shut in and he was trapped 2 days later when Aladdin was on his last leg he prayed and out of nowhere a genie came and would grant any wish he desired this shows his luck. Another example of luck when Aladdin wished to bring the princess to his house on the day of the wedding so the sultan ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Effects Of Relocation On The Social Development The Effect of Relocation on the Social Development of Adolescents in the United States Ziyi Liu Vanderbilt University The Effect of Relocation on the Social Development of Adolescents in the United States Moving and relocation is a fairly universal experience for those in the United States and in similarly developed societies. According to the United States Census Bureau, an average adult moves approximately 11.7 times in their lifetime, making relocation an important factor to analyze when looking at the general population. Movement is also common among adolescents as they follow their families in relocation experiences. As a result, understanding the topic of relocation becomes important in providing context to the greater issue of adolescent development. The primary question of the paper is to ask what the effects of relocation are on the development of social skills of adolescents. While frequent relocation in adolescents may not be the norm, it is certainly also not a rare experience and although specific data is hard do pinpoint due to limitations in survey (census) data, it is important to look at how the relocation experience can change an adolescent s experience and provide further topics for analysis. There is a variety of research that looks at the effects of relocation on adolescents. The literature suggests that those who relocate frequently are different from their non mobile peers in their relationships in stress, psychological health, rates of ... Get more on ...
  • 17. La Savina Research Paper Known as the gateway to the tiny Balearic Island of Formentera, La Savina is not only a working port but also the home to multi million pound yachts. With a distinctly nautical flavour, the village is centred on the harbour where you will find many bars and restaurants together with numerous businesses offering bicycle and scooter rentals. With stunning white beaches and nude bathing almost everywhere you look, Formentera is a popular day trip from the nearby neighbouring island of Ibiza. Popular with hippies in the 1960 s and the location where Joni Mitchell composed her iconic album Blue La Savina is today a popular base for people looking for a quiet beach holiday away from the crowds. Playa Cavall d en Borras Perfect for watching sunsets, ... Show more content on ... Ca Na Costa Megalithic Site Dating back to the Bronze Age, this site housed the oldest tomb ever found in the Balearic Islands. DeepBoard Formentera The ultimate snorkelling activity to explore the beautiful marine life that lives in the waters around Formentera. Navegar en Formentera Take a sunset cruise aboard your very own private charter sailboat for unforgettable memories and stunning photos. Cooltra Motos Rent a scooter from Cooltra Motos and explore the island at your own pace while stumbling across your own private beach. Day Trip to Ibiza Take the ferry over to the neighbouring island of Ibiza for a day of shopping and sightseeing in Ibiza Town. Ensalada Pagesa Ensalada Pagesa is a traditional Formentera salad made with sliced tomatoes, bread, potatoes and locally caught dried fish. Calamars A La Bruta Medium sized squid cooked in their own ink with, tomatoes, garlic, black sausage and white wine. Frit de Bestier Olive oil fried lamb chops with garlic, potatoes, fresh tomatoes, peppers, bay leaf, salt and pepper. Paella Given the islands close proximity to Valencia, it is no surprise to see traditional paella served in most restaurants. Amore e ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Andrew Jackson Versus The Cherokee Nation, And Native... The U.S. Government used treaties as a way to displace Native Americans from their tribal lands, a mechanism that was strengthened with the Removal A ct of 1830. In cases where this strategy failed, the government sometimes violated both treaties and Supreme Court rulings to ensure the spread of Americans westward across the continent. As the 19th century began, many Americans poured into the backcountry of the South and began moving toward and into what would later become the states of Alabama and Mississippi. Since Indian tribes living there appeared to be the main obstacle to westward expansion, white settlers motioned for the federal government to displace them. This phenomenon was described by authors Robert V. Remini, in his article Andrew Jackson Versus the Cherokee Nation , and Chief John Ross, in his letter To the Senate and House of Representatives . They express the views of Andrew Jackson and the Cherokee Indians respectively. Author Chief John Ross wrote a letter to the senate in protest of the treaty of New Echota. A group of Cherokee claimed to be representatives of their people, agreeing to relocate past the Mississippi, even though 15,000 citizens opposed moving. This occurred at the Red Clay Council Ground, Cherokee Nation in 1836 and the Cherokee people didn t want to relocate, angry that the decision was made without their input. Chief John Ross espouses of the U.S Government s affairs with, and the call for removal of the Cherokee Nation to west of ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Proper Strategy Implementation And Evaluation Of Dish Network This essay will react to the proper strategy implementation and evaluation that should be adopted by Dish Network. Dish is an American based corporation that provides broadcasting services to clients via television and the internet. A strategic management plan such as that possessed by Dish can be successfully implemented when a high focus is placed on measuring the level of performance and commitment in the implementation and evaluation phases. The strategic plan should be evaluated before, and after it is implemented. Some of Dish s past strategies have been unsuccessful, while some were implemented successfully. Before a strategic plan is implemented at Dish Network, the organization has always ensured that it has several parameters in check. The delivery process that is to be utilized in the implementation of the specific strategy is usually aligned to the vision of the corporation. Dish Corporation s strategy has in the past been successfully achieved based on correct timing in merging policies, operations, and incorporating the required changes within the organization. In the past, the company has ensured that its financial and administrative capabilities are matched to the tasks to be executed within specified durations. The management also selects the projects that are most likely to be achieved and contribute to the attaining of set goals and profits; in line with the organization s short and long term strategies. All organizations have competing projects since ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Noble Samurai Research Paper Who were the noble Samurai? These warriors were some of the best known in Japan. As they were trained from a very young age, the Samurais were very loyal and very well armed with different weapons and well made armor. The weapons the Samurai had included the Katana, bow and the Tessen. The Katana was the Samurai s main blade. The Katana was constructed to kill. The Katana was forged with a double edged sword and was built to curve so it could slice deeper into their opponent, as well as being an extension of the Samurai s soul. The bow standing 7 to 10 feet tall was a vital weapon to the Samurai. They were trained to be excellent archers. The bows were being constructed out of wood, bamboo and a leather wrap . The arrows that were used ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Coral Bleaching In Australia Coral reefs have one of the highest biodiversity of animals in one ecosystem than any others on the entire planet. Coral reefs are colorful habitats in the ocean, some of which are not too far from the shore. They are made from skeletons of calcium carbonate and animals, which make a rocky substance known as coral. Coral reefs are a home to many different types of creatures that live under the sea, some are unknown to a majority of the human species. Coral reefs are sometimes referred to as the rainforest of the sea because they teem with life and abound in diversity (Agardy). Sadly, due to the many factors of global warming, these natural treasures are dying from what is called bleaching . Coral bleaching happens from the warming temperature ... Show more content on ... Humans cause many of the signs that global warming is occurring daily towards different parts of the world. Climate change is the main factor towards the rising sea levels, the temperature of the water, and coral bleaching. The 2014 reports of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change describe coral reefs as the most vulnerable marine ecosystem on Earth, stressing that they have very limited capacity to adapt to rising water temperatures and acidification (Dormer). Many of the coral reefs and the sea creatures that habitat there cannot adapt to the temperature of the water, so many of the creatures will migrate somewhere more suitable. Fish are an important detail towards coral reefs due to the fact that they protect them from algae and other bacteria that can harm the rocky substance. By changing the commonwealth of humans, the money can be spent to establish more ways to support the environment instead of harming it by making things the society does not need in order to live life. The government could fund more money to environment helping organizations, and ending the pessimistic ideas that the society believes in. Commonwealth is an easy solution that can be completed only if humans realizes how much that their precious planet is being harmed by their ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Psychodynamic Approach Analysis Jones and Butman (2012) in chapter four point out that contemporary psychodynamic approaches, although they originate from Freud s view of personality development, psychodynamic view are less biological and mechanistic. Psychodynamic approaches focuses more on individuals cognitive and interpersonal process. Jones and Butman argue that psychodynamic approaches are divided into three views: ego Psychology, object relations and self psychology. These theories propose that caregivers or parents should foster both independence, and protection and nurturance so as to deter personality disturbances. The ego psychology model argues that personality development occurs across the life span. The theory suggests that the ego strives for adaptability, ... Get more on ...
  • 23. America s Meat Industry Hides From The Consumer America s meat industry hides from the consumer, according to Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore s Dilemma. The consumer, as well as corporations, have built walls instead of demanding transparency. Journalists and the general public are not permitted to enter abattoirs of many corporations, leaving the judgement of slaughtering methods to the businesses themselves. State and federal regulations aren t always enforced, thus corporations decide what is humane . Profit organisations find the most efficient and lucrative system, yet ignore the secondary costs to natural systems. Pollan argues that in preventing abuse, only transparency holds businesses accountable to regulations. He states in Omnivore s Dilemma, No other country raises and slaughters its food animals quite as intensively or as brutally as we do . Many Americans would disagree because they are ignorant of the system. We have chosen not to see what really happens to the animals we eat, understandably, due to the unpleasant truths Pollan uncovers. As a summary, slaughterhouses kill a steer by stunning it, hanging it upside down by its leg and bleeding it out by cutting its throat. However, (according to McDonald s) they accept a five percent error rate, meaning when the first stunning does not kill the animal, the steer continues along the conveyor belt for processing. Animal rights group s accounts have revealed that live animals have been skinned alive and go through immense suffering. Despite the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Essay about Greco-Persian Navy War During the Greco Persian war (500 B.C. 449 B.C), many battles took place in this bloody war. Battles were fought on land and at sea. Sea battles played a major role during the war. The Athenian Fleet was among the most sophisticated and powerful navies to date that time. The Persian Armada seemed unbeatable with its vast number of ships and soldiers. The Athenian Navy had a higher kill ratio than the massive Persian Fleet. The Persians and the Athenians both used that same type of ship for sea battles, the trireme. A trireme was warship used in ancient civilizations. They were wooden ships powered by mostly men with oars. The strucural integrity of these ships was remarkable. The average trireme with a length of 120 ft. could hold ... Show more content on ... Artemisia was the only commander in Xerxes s force to be female. Xerxes s brother Ariabignes perished in the Battle of Salamis. The Persian s primary tactic for this battle was to overwhelm the Athenian Navy with their massive armada. Xerxes wanted to end the conquest of Greece in a single military campaign. The Persians were better sailors; they had experienced men and ships that had fought before. The Greeks had unexperienced sailors and new ships. Statisticaly speaking, in an open sea battle, the overwhelming number of Persian ships and experienced sailors should unquestionably defeat the Athenian Navy. The Greeks without many choices had to defend the Island of Salamis. If the Greeks wanted any chance in winning, they would have to bring the Persians someplace where the number of ships would no longer be a variable. Themistocles sailed his navy to the narrow straits of Salamis in order to constrict Xerxes s fleet. Once they came through the narrow path, the Spartan Navy began attacking along with the Athenians. The battle was brutal and long. Persians sent wave after wave of triremes to devastate the Greeks. Their efforts were futile for the Greeks had a better tactical position, which was to defend the coast. Persian admiral Ariabignes had died early in the battle. This caused much perplexity among the Persian ships. Confused and without their admiral, their strategy began to fall apart. Artemisia, realizing defeat was imminent, attacked a ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Cattle Entrepreneur Retirement for many means slowing down or having leisure time, but for this entrepreneur, it means returning to his roots and fulfilling his longstanding post career of owning his own cattle business. Greg Jones owns a small cattle operation consisting of 50 head in Floyd and Crosby counties. This cattleman is a businessman, managing everything in Jones Cattle on his own¬¬¬ the land, water management, range conditions, marketing, profits, expenses, financial planning, buyers, email, and of course, all of his cattle. The land that Jones Cattle is on has been in the family for 54 years, since Jones was two years old to be exact. Jones became a partner in the business with his father, Wayland Jones, when he was 27. He recently bought the other ... Show more content on ... My kids showed some steers we raised, but we still bought a few from other sellers. Though being the county extension agent had many other duties, I got to work with steers on a daily basis and still run my cattle operation. I understand what it s like to buy and to sell. Greg said as a county extension agent, the vast experience he had from supervising 4 H steer projects and assisting beef cattle producers were beneficial to him and his business. I also attended and provided training opportunities for ranchers, Greg said. The trainings dealt with cattle genetics, health, ranch management, nutrition, wildlife management integration and selection of breeding bulls and replacement females. Greg said his day to day workflow is not always the same, but he enjoys the responsibilities. There isn t necessarily a typical day, Greg said. Though every day I do a few of the same things, I have two different locations within a 30 mile radius that are both 90 miles from my house. Different situations come up that make my days differ, but I enjoy that ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Foxmayer Case Study A Major Failed ERP Implementation FoxMeyer Drug Mohamed Mohamoud and Jing Lei Table of Contents Case Study: FoxMeyer Drug o Background of FoxMeyer o Implementation of ERP and the Selection of SAP R/3 o Bankruptcy Nightmare o What exactly went wrong? o Lessons from Failure o Conclusion References Appendix Case Study: FoxMeyer Drug Background of FoxMeyer Business FoxMeyer Drug, a holding company in the health care services industry, with 2700 employees in 23 union and non union locations throughout the US and Canada. In December 1995, FoxMeyer Drug was a $5 billion a year company, one of the leaders among distributors of pharmaceuticals. The business of FoxMeyer ... Show more content on ... Consulting Company: Andersen Consulting Anderson Consulting (now Accenture) is a large and diversified IT consulting company. In the area of enterprise business software it provides solutions to clients on a global basis. Andersen had at that time over 15,000 IT consultants dedicated to help clients improve their business result by implementing IT solutions. The strength of Andersen s global capability with respect to SAP was embodied in the wide breadth of methodologies and tools offered to their customers with their SAP implementation. Because their clients strategies vary widely, Andersen actively investigates and evaluates both SAP tools and third party tools. Andersen also has invented its own tools to fill specific SAP functionality gaps or to meet specific customer requirements. Furthermore, Andersen tools are always consistent with SAP approach and complementary to SAP tools. In other words, Andersen seemed to be a most trusted consultant for implementing SAP systems. Implementation of SAP R/3 In September 1993, FoxMeyer contracted with SAP, Andersen Consulting and Arthur Andersen Co. (AA), the parent company of Anderson Consulting, to implement the R/3 software. This multi million dollar project covered the entire supply chain warehouses, inventory control, ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Finance And Banking Industry Uses DM solutions can be applied to different kinds of organisations, in diverse fields such as biotechnology, finance, sports, manufacturing, retail and education. These solutions are mostly integrated with decision support systems. The following are a few examples of DM solutions [84]: Finance The finance and banking industry uses DM solutions to determine customer loyalty and the credit risk of customers. DMsolutions help the industry with money laundering investigations and enable customised plans to be prepared suitable for customers requirements. Insurance companies also use DM solutions to make customised plans suitable for customers requirements and to detect any fraudulent claims by customers. Financial data collected by banks and financial institutes is usually high quality data. DM solutions for Financial Data: 1. Loan payment prediction and customer credit policy analysis 2. Classification and clustering of customers for targeted marketing 3. Detection of money laundering and other financial crimes Retail Businesses use retail analytics to understand customer behaviour data and use this knowledge for direct marketing and, advertising purposes, or to create marketing strategies to up sell or cross sell brands. Supermarkets use customer preferences to stock items in the store. 2.5. APPLICATIONS OF DM METHODS 57 DM solutions for Retail Analytics: 1. Multidimensional analysis of sales, customers, products, time and region 2. Design and Analysis of campaigns 3. ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Natural Hair Movement Essay There has been a notable amount of conversation on the internet on the rebirth of the natural hair movement. Cherise Luter (2014) states that despite afros and the natural hair movement not being a new concept (i.e. the Black Power Movement), it has gone under what she calls a refreshing change . Furthermore, what used to be I m black and I m proud , has been replaced with I m me and I m proud (Luter 2016). So, what is the natural hair movement? It is defined as a movement where black women decide to not conform to the social norms of chemically altering their hair and wearing it in its natural, kinky, or curled state (Joignot 2015). The movement could also be considered as an outlet for black women to display their racial and cultural pride or to articulate their political position (Brown 2014:297). However, simply the terminology movement is something that should be shocking to many. There is a great amount of historical context behind the continuous influence Eurocentric beauty ideals have had on black women for centuries. According to Nadia Brown (2014), Black natural hair throughout history has proven to be recognized as either unintended or intended personal and political statements (298). the beauty standard in Western society which praises European hair textures, has influenced many black women to be critical of other black women who choose to chemically straighten their hair, accusing them of being subservient to the dominant and pervasive racist ... Get more on ...
  • 29. James Weldon Johnson Essay James Weldon Johnson James Weldon Johnson (1871 1938), was a highly talented and celebrated African American writer. He was a poet, songwriter, novelist, literary critic, and essayist. Along with his wide ranging literary accomplishments, Johnson also served as a school principal, professor of literature at Fisk University, attorney, a diplomatic consul for the United States in Venezuelaand Nicaragua, and secretary for the NAACP from 1920 1930. He is considered one of the founders of the Harlem Renaissance and the first modern African American. Johnson s primary concerns were with the black writer. This included what the black author needs to know and what he must do in order to produce quality work. Johnson s ideas on blackness ... Show more content on ... Along with this viewpoint, he stessed black distinctiveness within notions of spirituality and creativity. In much of his works, this idea of black distinctiveness was paralled with the legitimacy of black literary independence, another concept of which he was a proponent. While Johnson was a highly celebrated and versatile literary figure, his most well known work is The Autobiography of an Ex Colored Man . Even though this title suggests that this work was his own story, it was actually a novel, the first African American one to mask itself as an autobiography. In this novel, the illegitimate son of a southern white man and his mulatto mistress struggles to find his identity and place in the world. Being light skinned, he does not discover his black blood until he is segregated from the white students in his school. As he ages, he leaves the south to discover his identity. His travels lead him to New York City as well as Europe. The narrator, who is never named, struggles with his mixed heritage and concludes that he must decide whether to embrace his African American self and or pass for white and devote his life to accumulating wealth. His first attempt is to be a proud black man and adopt the struggle for racial justice. After witnessing a devastating lynching, however, he reverses his original course and focuses on passing for white. In doing so, he travels and ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Cultural Genocide Definition Cultural Genocide What is cultural genocide? Is it the destruction of a race, or the destruction of their history and religion. But to discuss this first we need to know what the concept of what Cultural Genocide is, it was made by a Jewish Polish lawyer named Raphael Lawkins, as a component of genocide. One theory is that he made the definition of cultural genocide as: the systematic destruction of racial, political, or cultural group . But the reason why it s, in theory, is because he made the word in reference of the United Nations Bill of Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People when he was working on it. Although because the word was scrapped and removed in the final draft and replaced with the word genocide, it ended with the precise definition of cultural genocide unclear and vague. Because of this, the word Ethnocide is used by Ethnologists instead of cultural genocide. But regardless this word has become so powerful and useful when relating it to the horrible historic events like the Nazis, vilifying and destroying Jewish culture, and Genghis Khan destroying the Baghdad house of wisdom, with the residential schools in Canada, that was meant to Kill the Indian in the child . It s a well known fact, that Nazi Germany put the exact same effort into destroying Jewish culture as they did into fighting world war two. Inside the literary masterpiece Anne Frank The Diary Of A Young girl the start of the book showed how they were limiting and destroying Jewish culture with laws and jurisdictions. In the book, anne stated that: Jews were required to do their shopping between 3 and 5 P.M.; Jews were required to frequent only Jewish owned barbershops and beauty parlors... . Another good example is the night of broken glass, In terms, the night of broken glass was a response to the death of Ernst vom Rath who was killed by Herschel Grynszpan a Jewish student. So in two days, 1000 synagogues were burned, 7,500 Jewish businesses destroyed, with 91 Jews killed and 30,000 arrested. In the famous book The Book Thief , It did an excellent job of portraying the horrifying events of the Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) but it also bring another piece of cultural genocide into the spotlight, The ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Albert Fish And What Fueled This Gruesome Behavior The Disturbed Life of Albert Fish and What Fueled This Gruesome Behavior Albert Fish was born and raised in Washington, D.C. on May 19th, 1870, to his parents Randall, and Ellen. Fish s father was American, and his mother was Irish American. His father was forty three years older than his mother, and was seventy five at the time of fishes birth. Albert was the youngest child of three siblings: Annie, Walter, and Edwin. He wanted to be named after a dead sibling to escape from the given nickname Ham Eggs which was given to him at St. John Orphanage where, he spent most of his childhood. The family had a history of mental illness. His mother suffered from visual hallucinations, his brother was in a mental hospital, his sister was diagnosed with mental illness, and uncle suffered from mania. Fish s father was a boat captain and a fertilizer manufacturer. He soon died of a heart attack in 1875 at the Sixth Street Station of the Pennsylvania Railroad in Washington, D.C. ( Blanco, 2017) Once Ellen, mother found out she put her son in Saint John s Orphanage in Washington, which he was constantly mistreated and abused. He was so used to the frequent beatings he found pleasure in physical pain. While living at the orphanage, Fish remarked, I was there til I was nearly nine, and that s where I got started wrong (Montaldo, 2017). The brutality Fish experienced within St. John s Orphanage, and his lack of a father figure growing up, and his marital issues ... Get more on ...
  • 32. James Baldwin s Fifth Avenue, Uptown Essay example In his collection of essays in Nobody Knows My Name, James Baldwin uses Fifth Avenue, Uptown to establish the focus that African Americans no matter where they are positioned would be judged just by the color of their skin. Through his effective use of descriptive word choice, writing style and tone, Baldwin helps the reader visualize his position on the subject. He argues that Negroes want to be treated like men (Baldwin, 67). Baldwin gives a vivid sketch of the depressing conditions he grew up on in Fifth Avenue, Uptown by using strong descriptive words. He makes use of such word choices in his beginning sentences when he reflects back to his house which is now replaced by housing projects and one of those stunted city trees is ... Show more content on ... He goes on describing the poorly executed good intentions to rehabilitate the area, executions that infer the lack of importance that the Whites have on the environment of African Americans. Throughout his essay, Baldwin makes numerous use of italicize words or sentences to state a strong fact that he agrees with or deems important to readers. By italicizing that Negroes want to be treated like men , Baldwin clearly states his position. The extent, to which he uses this writing technique, signifies that he not only speaks for himself but also for his Community, Harlem. Aside from using italics Baldwin makes use of lengthy sentences, that are sustain with breaks such as hyphens and dashes, and a tone of sarcasm to affirm his position in the matter. He goes into hesitations when writing the lengthy sentences by including the dashes, which suggests that he is not only sustaining his position but also indicating that he has an experienced idea of what he is expressing. Baldwin`s degree of sarcasm in the opening paragraphs, is used to give an idea of how poorly their environment is but more over to show the insignificance that their environment has on others and their lack of attempt to rehabilitate it. James Baldwin argues that such Frustrations, so long endured, is driving many strong, admirable men and women whose only crime is color ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Little Women Book Vs Movie What bond is stronger than sisterhood? Although the movie, Little Women, shares many basic components with the book by Louisa May Alcott, there are still many differences which set them apart, such as directors choice, dramatic irony, feelings and much more. The director of the movie, Little Women chose to keep mostly true to the book, while adding some scenes that helped the movie show more emotions that made it a bit more like the book. For example, in the beginning, of the movie the director had a scene where Laurie sitting at the window, watching the girls deliver food to their neighbors, which wasn t a part of the book. I think the director did this because he wanted us to know that he would be in the movie later on. Although this was a difference, one similarity was how Jo and Laurie met. In both they met at a party, Laurie was standing behind a curtain because he was shy, and Jo ended up behind that curtain because she was trying to get away from a guy that wanted to ask her to dance. I think the director chose to keep this because it shows that Jo is more of a mischievous person, which is described in the book, but is shown in the movie. The director did a good job of keeping me just as hooked as I was when I read the book, he stayed true to the book while adding some of his ... Show more content on ... A part where the author and director both used dramatic irony was when Laurie and Jo both knew that John liked Meg and they would talk about it together, I think the director decided to keep this in the movie because it shows Laurie and Jo s relationship because they are sharing secrets. A part where it was different was when Laurie called Mrs. March to come home early when Beth was sick, in the book Mrs. March reached a day after Laurie told the sisters he called their mother, but in the movie, Mrs. March showed up in a few hours. I think the director decided to change this because he decreased the passage of time in the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Blown In Insulation Research Paper Blown In Insulation May Be The Solution For Staying Warmer In The Winter If it seems like your power bill is higher in the winter than it used to be, it might be because you need to add insulation to your attic. Insulation can compress over time, or it can get wet from attic leaks and cease to work like it should. Adding insulation could improve the energy efficiency in your home and that in turn will reduce your power bill. While you can choose from a few different types of insulation to add, blown in insulation is often the best option. Here are a few things to know. Apply It Over Existing Insulation As long as your current insulation is not wet or moldy, you can have new insulation blown in over top of it. This will save you from the labor of pulling up old insulation that could release fiberglass, mouse droppings, or other dangers into the air that might circulate through your home. However, if you need to pull out the existing insulation, you will be ... Show more content on ... Fiberglass is one option. It can be blown into your attic, but there is the risk that tiny bits of fiberglass will become airborne and float through your home. For that reason, the contractor might install a netting system over the fiberglass to hold it in place. The advantage of using blown in fiberglass over batts is that the blow in variety is able to settle itself evenly over the floor of your attic, and isn t confined to the shape of the batts that might leave small gaps uninsulated. Cellulose is the more common type of blown in insulation. It is made from recycled paper and cardboard that is treated to be fire retardant. It is heavier than fiberglass, so it stays put once it is blown in. Although it is heavy, it is manufactured to be fluffy. This allows for air circulation that prevents mold. Plus, the trapping of air pockets improves insulating ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Sage Stoloone Case In 2012 Sylvester Stallone son, Sage Stallone, died of a heart attack. According to medical records his heart attack was caused by atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. Stollone was found dead by his housekeeper in his Los Angeles home. Daniel Wayne Smith was the son of model and actress Anna Nicole. In September of 2006, Smith died of an accidental overdosed while visiting his mother in the hospital due to a lethal combination of methadone, Zoloft and Lexapro, three days after the birth to his half sister, Dannielynn Hope Marshall. Smith was only 20 years old. Michael Blosil the son of Marie Osmand committed suicided in 2010 by jumping of his apartment building. Osmand said that it was one of the worst and most stressful times of her ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Essentials Of Progression The Essentials of Progression Modern society is affected by technology in various ways as it dominates and prevails in our everyday lives. Technology has had a greater impact on humankind progression than anything we ve seen in mankind s existence. It has had both positive and negative effects on humanity. With new innovations emerging everyday, it is certain that technology advancements will continue to effect our future generations drastically. Some people believe technology impedes society s progression by causing sedentary or laziness, isolation, concentration problems, and eliminates certain jobs that were once done by humans. These negative effects may be true, but according to Kevin Kelly s Better than Human: Why Robots Will and Must Take ... Show more content on ... Without technology there would be no economical growth, limited jobs, increased income inequality, and decreased life expectancy. There is no way to totally eliminate the negative effects of technology, but there are ways to improve our digital tools in order to help prevent further negative effects from being created. We will never know what will affect us in the future, or which jobs will be taken over by technological advancements, nor which jobs will be introduced to us until that time comes. The future may be intimidating to some, but I believe the future holds incredible developments and accomplishments that no human has ever dreamed ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Homework 3 Introduction to Project Management 92 (2) Let be the number of grade 9 oranges O.J. uses for bags, be the number of grade 9 oranges O.J. uses for juice, be the number of grade 6 oranges O.J. uses for bags, and be the number of grade 6 oranges O.J. uses for juice. The objective is to maximize the profit. For juice, the profit will be ($1.50$1.05)*( + ), and for bags, the profit will be ($0.50 $0.20)*( + ). Thus, the total profit will be . The objective function is: Maximize The constraints are: Constraint 1: The total number of grade 9 oranges is 100,000 lb. That is, Constraint 2: The total number of grade 6 oranges is 120,000 lb. That is, Constraint 3: The average quality of juice is at least 8. That is, This gives us: Constraint 4: The average quality of juice is at least ... Show more content on ... That is, Or Constraint 3: The production of the third month must meet the requirement of demand. That is, Or Constraint 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9: Each month each city has 420 hours of skilled labor available. That is, Constraint 10: All variables must be nonnegative. That is, Using Excel, we can compute the optimal numbers of cost (checking the box Make Unconstrained Variables Non Negative to satisfy the Constraint 10): x11 100 x12 210 350 x13 210 350 x21 0 400 x22 200 400 x23 280 400 y1 0 100 y2 10 100 y3 0 100 Variables Coefficients 350 Objective Function 375000 Constraints Constraint 1 Constraint 2 Constraint 3 Constraint 4 Constraint 5 Constraint 6 Constraint 7 Constraint 8 Constraint 9 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 Total 100 400 500 200 420 420 0 300 420 = = ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Professional Experiences Of A Professional Nurse LPN nurse soon to be an RN with 10+ years of experience providing care in different settings from developing countries to First world countries. Currently an LPN and soon to be an RN. Striving to use my nursing experience to give excellent and quality care. Professional Experience________________________________________________________________ LPN GENESIS March 2013 present North Andover, MA Administering prescribed medications, starting intravenous fluids, recording intake and output Observing patients, charting and reporting abnormal changes in patients conditions and any medication reaction ... Show more content on ... LPN EMERSON REHAB September 2006 Mar 2013 Watertown, MA Taking and recording patients vital signs, temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and respiration and weight. Reporting any deviation Preparing patients for examinations, tests, and treatments and explaining the procedures. Team player, positively worked with fellow nurses and ancillary staff. Recording and monitoring intake and output. Observing patients, charting and reporting abnormal changes in patients conditions, and any medication reaction or treatment, RN KENYATTA NATIONAL HOSPITAL KENYA January 1999 April 2006 Nairobi, Kenya Took care of Med/surge, Burn ICU patients Run prenatal ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Improving Employee Turnover In The Workplace It has been evident that organizations face challenges of maintaining employees within their firms, and the challenge has been in place for a considerable period. Turnover in firms has been associated with different costs that include the process of training new employees, training of the same employees and their selection which has been seen to seen to exceed 100% of the total cost on an annual basis which is usually witnessed in filling the existing position. The quit rate in the United States as indicated by Bureau of Labor Statistics is at 25% (Glebbeek Bax, 2004). The significant issues that are associated with turnover include work disruptions, direct costs, loss of seasoned mentors and organizational memory. The other concerns that ... Show more content on ... Managers that are therefore in a position to obtain a shared understanding of issues to do with employee turnover can be in a position to retain their employees and hence achieve a competitive advantage. Turnover is also important for organizations so that they can r4place the old employees in the process of them carrying out business processes (Glebbeek Bax, 2004). Organizations are in a position to plan for employee replacement in the most convenient manner without necessarily disturbing the existing equilibrium. Decisions about turnover made by the employees have also been seen as an opportunity for employees to carry pout individual improvement. Employees are in a position to carry out an assessment of the current job and bring into perspective the possible alternatives that they can go for in the market. References Glebbeek, A. Bax, E. (2004). IS HIGH EMPLOYEE TURNOVER REALLY HARMFUL? AN EMPIRICAL TEST USING COMPANY RECORDS. Academy Of Management Journal, 47(2), 277 286. MAERTZ, C., WILEY, J., LeROUGE, C., CAMPION, M. (2010). Downsizing Effects on Survivors: Layoffs, Offshoring, and Outsourcing. Industrial Relations: A Journal Of Economy And Society, 49(2), 275 285. Sronce, R. McKinley, W. (2006). Perceptions of Organizational Downsizing. Journal Of Leadership Amp; Organizational Studies, 12(4), ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Silent Manipulation Alex Proyas’ film I, Robot From the moment humans are born, they are shaped by the world around them and chances are that the media plays a huge role in shaping their identity. To the music they listen to, to fashion trends, to their beliefs, the news outlets and television shows could be held responsible. In 2004, the media had a much greater influence over American citizens because of the historical context of the time. Alex Proyas film I, Robot had taken advantage of the fact that people had become so easily influenced by the media. Set in the year 2035, a robotics company named US Robotics has engulfed American life to the point where every household has a robot, and citizens have become dependent on their help. Sonny, a robot programmed with the ability to think, feel and have dreams enables a robot fearing detective named Del Spooner to see through the lies of the corporation. Through the use of Sonny s character development, subtle advertisement sequences, and distinct film choices such as the context of specific scenes, Proyas is able to portray the suppression of thought and individuality in a futuristic society told what to think and feel through US Robotics media propaganda. Through this, Proyas is indirectly criticizing the 2004 audience in which was being told what to think and how to feel through the various media outlets that would report on the political campaigns happening at the time as well as the fear of the ongoing war with Iraq. At one point, Sonny becomes captured by the police ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Comparison of Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions Running Head: The Comparison of Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions The Comparison of Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions By Christa Dunwoody Abstract The differences between Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions are many. The primary difference of beliefs is that Abrahamic Religion believes that there is one God. Hinduism beliefs vary being Pantheistic, monotheistic and polytheistic it is one of the most complex religions of the world. In the comparison of Hinduism and Abrahamic Religion differ on their concept of God. Along with their differences on the concept of God the Hindu s and Abrahamic Religions also differ on their concept of man s destiny. Finally Hindu s and Abrahamic Religions also differ on their concept of Salvation. ... Show more content on ... Hindus believe that ones circumstances in life are completely determined by his previous conduct, either in this life or in previous lives. This is called karma. By doing good deeds in this life, therefore, one can improve his circumstances in the future, especially in future reincarnations. (BG, p. 9,10) The final goal is to escape or be released from the cycle of reincarnation. Hindus will seek in life to be set free from birth, death, and rebirth, so that we exist in a state of pure impersonal being without a physical body. Jews, Christians and Muslims believe that man has only one life to live. In contradiction to the doctrine of karma, the Abrahamic religion believe that on earth, men often do not receive fair or just rewards for their lives they get their reward on judgment day. God will judge all men and declare our eternal rewards on the basis of our lives, whether we have lived it good or bad. After judgment, men receive their eternal destinies. The righteous receive eternal life, a state of bliss, in the presence of God. The wicked receive eternal punishment, suffering and sorrow, separated from God. In the Abrahamic religion the gift of life is received after we leave the earth, not on the earth. Finally Hindu s and Abrahamic religions also differ on their concept of Salvation. Hindu s goal is not salvation but to escape the reincarnation cycle. There are several ways in which this can be done: perform good deeds, withdraw from the pleasures ... Get more on ...
  • 42. How Does Arthur Conan Doyle Use The Observant Character Of... The basis of detective fictions is a well developed and observant character that is able to walk the audience and outside perspectives through the case. In this case, Arthur Conan Doyle utilizes the observant perspective of Watson to describe the actions of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle characterizes Sherlock through underscoring vocabulary and the first person understanding of Watson. A series of analytical language and descriptive literary devices such as juxtaposition to portray the effects of Irene Adler on the near perfect character of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle begins the passage by emphasizing THE woman to Sherlock Holmes in order to introduce an impacting character within the selective and closed off life of Sherlock. The emphasis on THE resembles her as an overbearing character that has establish a lasting impact on Sherlock as even he does not mention her under any other name. The lack of emphasis on her name, but rather her mark on Sherlock, is utilized to present an ambivalent feeling within Sherlock in which he can t identify her as a flaw or test of himself. Doyle proceeds by clarifying the idea of her overbearing image by characterizing her as the dominant image for the whole of his sex in order to reemphasize her presence in Sherlock s highly selective and egoistic memory. Furthermore, Doyle utilizes the close relationship of Watson to clarify that it was not any emotion akin to love in order to introduce the idea of reason rather than emotion, specifically love. In addition, this is the first time THE woman [ s] name is mentioned to slowly introduce the character and ease into the rest of the story and flashback of their encounter. Further on, Doyle continues the juxtaposition of emotion and reason within Sherlock s mind through a series of ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Youth Sports Injuries In today s society, youth sports programs are heavily involved in the everyday lives of different families and communities within different cities. These programs help provide our youth with positive leadership skills along with physical and mental development. While these youth sports programs should be fun and challenging, certain liability risks can become present and may result in lawsuits against the organization that hosts these types of programs. Youth sports programs are becoming more and more competitive and the risk of injuries is growing, which are raising concerns of liability issues and more lawsuits being filed. This paper will examine a case involving a youth sports injury due to negligence and also help layout preventative guidelines to help my business avoid these same issues. While ... Show more content on ... There was one case that was very interesting to me and in a way pertains to the type of business I am pursing to open upon my degree completion. Here is a brief summary of the case of Leahy vs. The School Board of Hernando County in 1984. Leahy a football player, who was a freshman at the time, did not receive proper football equipment due to the school did not have enough equipment for all participants of the football program. Without the required equipment, helmet and mouth guard, the player was still expected to partake in what was called non aggressive quickness drills against other players with the required equipment. There were other players that attempted the drill, but Leahy was the first player to attempt the drill without protective equipment. The case reports that Leahy claimed that there were no special instructions given to players that had equipment versus players that had no equipment. As Leahy attempted the drill, he suffered facial injuries and shattered his front teeth. The case reports that this was caused by the aggressiveness that had developed over time by all players involved and also the impact of the ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Family Dynamics In The World 1. In the world there are many different family structures and dynamics that exist. The book uses a circle to help readers understand the dynamic structure between parent and child, parent and marital relationship, and child and marital relationship. Different cultures have different family dynamics, along with changes in their environment. For example, during the great depression many people moved from small farms to cities in hopes of better pay jobs; technology has also changed the family dynamic because many parents are relying on television to help raise their kids than ever before. Adult lifestyles have also changed drastically over the decades, leaving many adults single than ever before. The book gives this rise in single adults to the fact that more and more adults are waiting to get married. ... Show more content on ... This simply means two individuals who are not married but leaving together in sin. This has also drastically increased with 75 percent of adults live together before marriage (Santrock 447). This lifestyle does not usually last long, with 1 out of 10 lasting longer than five years, but when there is a break up it is not as messy as a divorce. I know when my husband and I were cohabiting we had both parents nagging at us, his believed that it was not morally right to live together before marriage, while my dad said that we should live in sin for a while before even thinking about marriage; and many couples experience what my husband and I experienced. Cohabitating before marriage sounds like a good idea because you can get a feel for how the person lives when no one is watching, but cohabiting can actually be more harmful to your marriage than if you were to move in together after marriage. A study conducted showed that cohabiters had a higher divorce rate and lower martial satisfaction. The next adult life style is marriage. As previously stated, marriage is on the decline and divorce rates are still on the ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Business Strategy About Samsung Edexcel Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Business Human Resource Management Higher National Diploma in Business Management (Organizations and Behavior) on (unit 3/Organizations and Behavior) by (Uthum Milinda Gunawardana) Human Resources Management Institute, 246, Nawala Rd, Nawala, Colombo Sri Lanka Submitted on (02.12.2012) Table of contents 1.Executive summary............................................................................ (page 3) 2.Introduction..................................................................................... (page 4) 2.1. MAS Holdings 2.2.St.Benedict s College 3.Leadership..................................................................................................... ... Show more content on ... Summary of MAS holdings |MAS Holdings | |Type |Private | |Industry |Apparel | |Headquarters |Colombo, Sri Lanka | |Key people |Deshamanya Mahesh Amalean, | | |Ajay Amalean, | | |Sharad Amalean, | | |Dian Gomes, |
  • 46. | |Timothy Speldewinde | |Products |Intimate Wear, Active Wear, Fabric | | |Production, Finance,Consulting | |Revenue |$570m (2005)[1] | |Employees |45,000+ | |Website |Official Website ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Essay On Ergotism In Salem Ergotism in Salem? American history is filled with amazing events of settling and exploring new lands and frontiers while forging a new nation that would be resilient when challenged. However, the year 1692 America witnessed a tragedy when the new occupants and immigrants of Salem were faced with accusations of witchcraft. The subject of the Salem witchcraft trials has been portrayed in contemporary fictional works such as dramas and novels and even major motion pictures. This period of American history has certainly stood the test of time and continues to gather interest and fascinate American history buffs. In order to understand how ergot poisoning was responsible for the Salem witchcraft trials, one must examine the growing conditions of ergot, the symptoms of ergot and the victims and examine the colony and the trials. First of all, to understand the ergot poisoning case in Salem one must understand the growing conditions and what grains ergot can infect. Ergot can infect many cereal grains, most important is rye because that is the main crop they grew in salem. The climates needed for ergot to grow are warm, damp,rainy, and summer time (Caporael). Ergot invades the developing kernels of the grain that turn the grain [to a] purplish black [color] (The ... Show more content on ... Ergot is characterized by a number of symptoms like headaches, hallucinating and painful muscular contractions . From these symptoms people of Salem believed that they were bewitched (Caporael). The victims of being bewitched were all young girls. The oldest was only a teen. For example, in the courthouse the girls claimed they all saw a yellow bird and that it was going to attack them but it was only them hallucinating (The Crucible). There are two types of ergotism, gangrenous and convulsive. The ergotism in the trials is convulsive ergotism because it has all the symptoms that the girls were suffering ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Regal Lakeland Honda s Loyal Customers Regal Lakeland Honda recognizes not only me but also my family as loyal customers. Presently, my family owns four Honda s and I am in the process of purchasing the new Pilot Elite. Over the course of years, we have owned eight Hondas and have developed a genuine emotional loyalty to the product and the company. My interaction with Regal Lakeland Honda has always been positive and due to my loyalty, they asked personally, what they could do to keep me as a premium customer. Due to my hectic schedule, I asked if someone could call me and remind me when service is needed on my car and make sure is done correctly. Mike the sale representative always calls, and schedules a priority service appointment that accommodates my schedule, if though ... Get more on ...
  • 49. The Doctrine Of Judicial Law Before critically analysing the extent to which the doctrine of judicial precedent affects judicial law making, one must first contemplate what the doctrine of judicial precedent is. The doctrine is a rule that all lower courts are to be bound by the decision or ratio decidendi of the higher courts. As a result of this, cases that are alike are decided in a similar way . However, it is not this simple, as it will be seen throughout this essay that wider circumstances are involved that affect the judicial law making process. Judicial law making (otherwise known as common law) is judge made law rather than law set out in statute. The relationship between the two will be evaluated. Firstly, it is important to outline the types of decisions that are made in courts. Decisions made in the courts are the starting point of the doctrine of judicial precedent because it is these decisions that binds the courts in subsequent cases. This can help the courts but can also hinder them when creating common law principles. Two different types of decision making should then be outlined, these being rule based and reason based decisions. When a decision is made it can either be made on the strict rules that apply to the situation or on the balance of all relevant reason. Due to the doctrine, lower courts must take the former approach being bound by the rules established in the decisions of the higher courts. Rule based decisions are supported by Sir William Blackstone who observed the ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Exodus Summary Sparknotes Exodus Summary Exodus is the second book of the Bible. Exodus follows after Jacob and his family arrived in Egypt and after Joseph died. After Joseph died the new Egyptian pharaoh began to realize that the Israelite population was on the rise and oppressed them by making them slaves. The story of Exodus follows the oppression of the Israelites, Rise of Moses, The Exodus, and Mount Sinai. After Joseph died the new Egyptian pharaoh began to realize that the Israelite population was on the rise and oppressed them by making them slaves. As a result of being slaves and beginning to populate Egypt the Egyptians decided to kill all the firstborn Israelite male babies. The only one to escape this massacre was Moses who s mother put him in a basket and put him in the water. He was then found by Pharaoh s daughter and she saved him and treated him as if he was her own son. As a result of the event of having been enslaved and having their male children killed the Israelites cried out to God and he heard them. God calls Moses to be the Israelites deliverer. This is a man who ran from Egypt because he killed an Egyptian and was content to spend his life as a shepherd. But God had different plans for Moses because the Lord uses the most imperfect people and empowers them to do his will. The Lord met with Moses and called him to deliver his people but Moses wanted to argue with God because Moses did not believe he was the right choice. Moses argued he was not the best choice because ... Get more on ...