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Nursing Essay Sample On Pantone Canvas Gallery Nursing Essay Sample On Pantone Canvas Gallery
My Writing As A Writer
I may not be the best writer there is out there but I do put all of me into each piece I develop. I believe
in giving it your all at all times. If your giving it anything less why try at all. I m huge on that theory
and I believe it means a lot more than I believe it to be. I hope that each piece I submit this semester is
nothing less than my best and I hope to take in all the criticism and use it to my advantage. I can create
my most creative writings in a peaceful enviroment. I m easily distracted and as soon as I hear another
noise my mind instantly steers off track. So when it s time to begin a paper I have the television off,
kids in another room, and even the fan on low so I don t hear the ticking. This is my main reason for
taking this class online because the sound of other key boards clicking is a huge distraction for me. I
also keep a cold beverage and a junk food item on the table next to me to make the situation exciting.
... Show more content on ...
Sometimes I think I have to many ideas and it needs to be controlled to a minimum. My main interest
is creative writing. I feel free at that point to take my ideas and expand them to my likings. It allows
me to use my imagination and not be blocked from going above and beyond. My flaws would be using
the proper punctuation, MLA format and spelling. I blame my spelling and incorrect punctuation on
my fast typing and my excitement to hurry and get my idea down on paper. My MLA flaw is coming
from not being enforced to use it growing up and now trying to focus mainly on the correct format to
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Ancient East Asian Art From Gandhara
Ancient East Asian Art from Gandhara The Asian Art Museum located at 200 Larkin St San Francisco,
CA 94102 is filled with antiquities through the ages of Asian culture. Within the museum, in gallery
one, the showroom is filled with ancient art from East India. Particularly, ancient art from Gandhara,
strikes the audience immediately upon entry into the gallery. The Seated Buddha, dated approximately
300 500 CE, was found in the northwest area of modern day Pakistan within the Peshawar valley, once
known as the ancient region of Gandhara. (Wall Label) Images of Buddha that have been found were
all dated at least 500 years after the death of Buddha, who lived around 400 BC. Interestingly, the first
few images of Buddha all have him shown in an enlightened state of being, seated in his lotus
position, and wearing simple monk robes with one of his hands held at the chest while his fingers
turning an invisible wheel symbolizing setting in motion the wheel of the doctrine that is, preaching.
(Wall Label) The Seated Buddha sculpture has Buddha sitting on a throne with a scene depicted on the
bottom. The scene shows a princely figure in the middle with all his devotees surrounding him. This
scene depicts the Gods urging Buddha to start his path towards enlightenment. The Seated Buddha
was made with Schist, a form of dense stone that the region of Gandhara explicitly used for statues of
Buddha and religious works of art. The Seated Buddha is half human size and seated on top
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Okonkwo as Classic Greek Hero in Chinua Achebe s Things...
Okonkwo as Classic Greek Hero in Things Fall Apart
A sense of foreboding envelops us from the first. We sense all will not end well for Umuofia. The chill
of fear grips us as the world of Okonkwo and his clan truly falls apart. Okonkwo will need all of his
power to fight the forces against his world, but tragically he is crippled by the most destructive malady
of all, fear of himself. Achebe employs the form of classical Greek tragedy to tell his African tale of
the rise and fall of Okonkwo.
This most fearsome warrior has proven himself from the youngest age as worthy of honor and respect.
He is driven by his father s legacy of shame and has no use for unsuccessful men. But as he projects
his image of strength, we ... Show more content on ...
He is victorious in wrestling, providing wealth for his family, and achieving honorary titles. We
recognize his ambition, his drive to be the best his implied excellence. In these introductory chapters,
we understand the problem for the hero and his society change is coming, but the hatred of his father
and the resulting anger and fear have afflicted Okonkwo. His flaw will be his downfall in coping with
the changes to come.
Okonkwo fears for his disturbingly weak son, Nyowe, and teaches him with his stories masculine
stories of violence and bloodshed. (p. 53) But Nyowe prefers the stories of his mother stories which
teach wisdom rather than action. Nyowe knows that it pleases his father to listen to his stories, but it is
apparent that Nyowe is a thinking person. As Nyowe absorbs the shock of Ikemefuna s death, we feel
the first break in the solidarity of the clan. . Nyowe knew that Ikemefuna had been killed, and
something seemed to give way inside him, like the snapping of a tightened bow. (p. 61) Nyowe is
forming his own impressions of the rituals of his society.
We sense that the death of Ikemefuna has been a turning point in the story. The sense of foreboding
grows. We know the inevitability of disaster now; the crisis is developing. Okonkwo has ignored the
advice of Ezeudu, the wise man inserted in the tale in traditional Greek form. Although he was
warned, Okonkwo kills the boy to show his strength, his bravery,
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DNA Profiling Essay example
From cases such as OJ Simpson to Chandra Levy, DNA profiling also called DNA fingerprinting or
DNA typing has played a major role in the criminal justice system. The law enforcement community
uses DNA profiling to rule out or identify suspects. Unlike hair microscopy, bite mark comparisons,
shoe print comparisons, and firearm tool mark analysis, DNA typing has been developed through
massive scientific research and has undergone meticulous scientific evaluation (Innocence Project).
DNA is a foolproof method of identifying a perpetrator of a crime.
Like fingerprints, DNA is unique, with the exception of identical twins; no two people have the same
DNA. DNA profiling is a technique that can identify the person responsible of a violent ... Show more
content on ...
With over three million base pairs in the human gene, forensic scientists are able to distinguish a
person s genetic makeup.
. DNA profiling was first introduced to the criminal justice field in the mid 1980 s (DNA Initiative).
DNA profiling was first described in 1984 by Alec Jeffreys, a geneticist at the University of Leicester
in Britain (Aronson, 7). Dr. Jeffreys found that the genes that have no function, called junk DNA is
where most of the variation is used for DNA profiling (Aronson 9). This region contains DNA
sequences that repeat over and over again. Alec Jeffreys determined that the number of repeated
sections at different locations vary from individual to individual (DNA Initiative). Consequently these
repetitive regions became known as variable number of tandem repeats or VNTR s.
RFLP or restriction fragment length polymorphisms became the first scientifically accepted DNA
analysis method in the United States (Jones). The repeat segments are cut out of the DNA strand by a
restrictive enzyme that acts like scissors and the resulting fragments are sorted out by electrophoresis
(Saferstein 391). However, there are some drawbacks using the RFLP method in the forensic science
community. The RFLP technique requires a large amount of DNA and must be of high quality and
cannot be degraded (Jones). Forensic scientists and the law enforcement community
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What Are Ohls And Beebout Food Stamp System
Ohls and Beebout talk about the food stamp system and its inner workings in their book. Covering
everything from how it works and how it was started to trade offs of the program. I think the authors
purpose for this book is to provide a more in depth look at the food stamp system. Oh and Beebout
intended audience for their book is people that have want to take a look at the food stamp system and
want to try and understand more than they knew before. The authors assume that the audience has
minimal to no knowledge about the food stamp system and want to further their knowledge about food
stamps. They might even be a recipient of the program and want to figure out what is being provided
to them. Ohls and Beebout take an emphasis on the whole
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Questions On The Chinese Room
In Minds, Brains, and Programs John Searle objects to Computational Theory of Mind (CTM),
particularly that running a program on a computer and manipulating symbols does not mean that the
computer has understanding, or more generally a mind. In this paper I will first explain Searle s
Chinese Room, then I will explain CTM and how it relates to the Chinese Room. Following this I will
describe how the Chinese Room attacks the CTM. Next I will explain the Systems Reply to the
Chinese Room and how the Systems Reply actually undermines Searle s conclusion in the Chinese
Room. Then I will describe Searle s response to the Systems Reply and how that response undermines
the Systems Reply. Lastly, I will evaluate Searle s reply to the Systems Reply and defend the Systems
Reply against the points Searle raises against the Systems Reply. To explain the Chinese Room I will
first explain the instructions in the Chinese room; then I will explain how the man inside the room
manipulates these instructions. Finally, given that the man only operates the instructions, Searle s
conclusion is that the man does not understand Chinese. Therefore, the whole system does not
understand Chinese. The instructions in the room are a complex set of rules that guide the man inside
to receive inputs and produce outputs all written in Chinese. The instructions, written in English, tell
the man if you see this Chinese symbol paired with this Chinese symbol put down these Chinese
symbols, or if
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Complications Of Cancer And Treatments
Complications of Cancer and Available Treatments
Cancer complications and treatments are dependent on patient s health conditions and stage of the
cancer. Common complications caused by cancer include pain, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, dyspnea
(breathlessness), and metastasis (cancer that spreads) (Mayo Clinic Complications, 2016). Pain is one
of the main physical complications, as the nerves surrounding the tissues feel the pressure due to
growing tumor. Pain medications and alternate therapies like massage, yoga, and acupuncture can help
patients to cope up with the pain (Mayo Clinic Complications, 2016). Fatigue can be caused by the
side effects of treatments as well and physical and mental distress. Fatigue can be managed through
balanced diet and managing stress and medication side effects (Cancer.Net, 2016). Certain tumors and
malignancy medications can bring about nausea and vomiting. It causes much inconveniences to the
patient. Nausea and vomiting can be controlled by medications. Dyspnea which is a feeling of
breathlessness can be caused by tumor or other related conditions, which can be managed by
medications and relaxation techniques (Cancer.Net, 2016). Treating these complications by
medications and other approaches can improve the patient s general wellbeing, and survival chance.
Cancer treatment will vary depending on the cancer type and staging of the cancer. Many treatment
options are available, and the patient and the doctor can evaluate the benefits
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Western Influence on Japan Essays
The new Meiji Period was the starting point for Japan s isolation from foreign countries. During the
end of Edo period, Matthew C. Perry came to Japan and established the Nichi Bei Washin Joyaku, the
Japan US Treaty of Amity and Friendship, allowing Japan to be fully open to the United States of
America. Soon after, foreign officials from other countries came to Japan to make similar friendship
treaties, changing Japan to be one of the global nations. From the treaty, Foreigners started to build
homes and live in one of the ports opened to them, creating cultural influence on the people who had
never seen foreigners. Through the opening of Japan during the Meiji Period, Westerners were able to
enter and create a positive influence on ... Show more content on ...
Soon after, the new government publicly allowed consumption of meat for the first time in the history.
Even though the law allowed the consumption of meat, it did not become instantly a part of Japanese
cuisine until the people knew the nutritional benefit of it. For several hundred years, Buddhism had
forbidden people to eat four legged animals so the people were not familiar with eating meat.
However, due to the lack of beef in the Japanese diet, many people suffered from illnesses such as
Beriberi and a sickness called Nihonbyo. Fish provides high protein and healthy nutrition, but meat
provides different type of nutrition essential for stronger body that prevents from these illnesses. With
the promotional effort by the educator, Fukuzawa Yukichi, the nutrition benefits of meat spread and
the myths surrounding the impurity of beef were cleared. New recipes that included meat needed to
accommodate Japanese diet in order to naturalize Western food in Japan. The introduction of Western
food dramatically changed how most Japanese household ate with an introduction of meat. In Japan,
Western food is commonly known as Yoshoku, a shortened form of Sei Yoshoku. One of the first
Yoshoku introduced was curry. Curry is originally from India, but the curry introduced in Japan was
British style. When Japan was looking for a new naval system to improve their military power, the
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The National Organization For Women
The National Organization for Women (NOW) is an American organization that works for women s
rights. It is made up of a variety of smaller organizations that are all banded together under a main
structure. It has been around for a while, and has done many important things. It works on both
political and social levels to achieve its goals, and though it s not very well known, the National
Organization for Women is a great organization that has done much to further women s rights and
NOW is a women s rights organization working to take political and social action to ensure equal
rights between women and men. NOW is a feminist group, which means that it believes that men and
women should have equal rights and opportunities. Because of these beliefs, NOW is unafraid to have
men as its members and welcomes them, since it recognizes men and women as equals (NOW, 2016).
To work for its beliefs NOW uses electoral and lobbying work, as well as mass marches, rallies,
pickets, and nonviolent civil disobedience. It is working for the rights of others as well. NOW fights
for LGBTQ rights in employment and housing, as well as in other problem areas. NOW is trying to
pass the Constitutional Equality Amendment as well, which ensure women s rights politically. Overall
NOW has a variety of goals that it is working to achieve to further equality.
NOW has six main issues it works for. NOW supports access to safe and legal abortion, effective birth
control and reproductive health
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My Mother who Came from China, She Never Saw the Snow
Every person in the world has struggles, but some have more than others. Some people work for
multiple hours for very little pay. Immigrant factory workers rarely get the chance to enjoy the better
qualities in life. In the poem, My Mother, Who Came from China Where She Never Saw Snow ,
Laureen Mar tells about an Immigrant mother from china works in a factory for very little pay. She
had worked for twenty five years and never gotten a raise. In the poem Laureen Mar uses imagery,
irony, and punctuation to demonstrate the harshness that immigrant factory workers are put through.
The description of the factory and workers helps demonstrate what kind of working conditions there
were. Laureen s description details the factory to show the dark and gloomy environment they work in
every day. The narrator describes the room as a standard factory, In the huge, rectangular room, the
ceiling / A machinery of pipes and fluorescent lights (lines 1 2).
Not only is the environment depressing, but the workers also have poor working conditions.
Consequently the workers have adapted to the environment, but also adapted to the relentless work.
The female workers day in and day out work constantly, conditioned to do the same thing over and
over. Laureen describes, Ten rows of women hunch over machines, / their knees pressing against
pedals / and pushing the shiny fabric thick as tongues / through metal and thread (3 5). Repeatedly the
women work on a part of the coat as if they were
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Sustainability Of Interment
Literature Review
So as to better prepare and accommodate for future demands in the funerary sector, this literature
review has been conducted as a means to consolidate information on necrogeography, its associated
fields, and interment processes which for the purposes of this essay will be defined as any method by
which people dispose of their dead, while interment grounds will be defined as the resting place of
human remains. The following overview is to provide sufficient context of the influences on, and the
effects of, the American funerary industry.
The Sustainability of Interment
With the rapidly increasing population, discussions on the importance and need for proper, detailed,
planning for the integration of the dead have become ... Show more content on ...
Depending on the cultural landscape surrounding a place of interment, mourners may handle the
arrival of unorthodox disposal methods in a negative fashion (Seong Lee, Young Kim, Choi, 2014, p.
534), since they act as an emotional landscape (Woodthorpe, 2011, p. 264). Woodthorpe claims that
this emotional landscape of the dead must also compete against the commercial and communal
implications of a place of interment. In the case of CLCC s Open Day, conflict ensued between the
visitors attending the site for education and recreation and those of the bereaved consumer who had
purchased aspects of the cemetery service (2011, p. 268). This clash between the sustainability of the
interment grounds themselves and the delicate nature of these sites raises questions of how to generate
income and promote a cemetery, while also ensuring it is amenable to the bereaved visitor advocating
on behalf of the
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Database Administrators
1 Introduction
Database is any collection of data or information, that is specially organized for rapid search and
retrieval by a computer. Databases are structured to facilitate the storage, retrieval, modification, and
deletion of data in conjunction with various data processing operations.
A database consists of a file or a set of files. The information in these files may be broken down into
records, each of which consists of one or more fields. Fields are the basic units of data storage, and
each field typically contains information pertaining to one aspect or attribute of the entity described by
the database. Using keywords and various sorting commands, users can rapidly search, rearrange,
group, and select the fields in many ... Show more content on ...
Recoverability is the DBA #8217;s most important concern.
Recoverability, also sometimes called disaster recovery, takes two primary forms. First the backup,
then recovery tests.
The backup of the database consists of data with timestamps combined with database logs to change
the data to be consistent to a particular moment in time. It is possible to make a backup of the database
containing only data without timestamps or logs, but the DBA must take the database offline to do
such a backup.
The recovery tests of the database consist of restoring the data, then applying logs against that data to
bring the database backup to consistency at a particular point in time up to the last transaction in the
logs. Alternatively, an offline database backup can be restored simply by placing the data in place on
another copy of the database.
If a DBA (or any administrator) attempts to implement a recoverability plan without the recovery
tests, there is no guarantee that the backups are at all valid. In practice, in all but the most mature
RDBMS packages, backups rarely are valid without extensive testing to be sure that no bugs or human
error have corrupted the backups.
2.5 Integrity
Integrity means that the database, or the programs that create its content, embody
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The Great Epics And Tales
Mythology is one of the most interesting parts of a culture. It reveals customs, history and traditions
like no other. Above all it defines the way of living and reflects the mentality of an entire civilization.
Almost every society in this world has faced sexism in one form or the other. Some societies chose to
fight it and bring a change. On the other hand there are a few societies where sexism became a way of
life. It is instilled in the minds of the people and passed from one generation to another. It is not
questioned. Instead, It is accepted. Can mythology have a role in this acceptance of sexism in a
society? Like everything, blind faith in the great mythological epics also comes with a price. We fail
to realize that the great epics ... Show more content on ...
It is disheartening that on one hand India is coming forward as one of the most progressive nations
when it comes to science and technology while on the other hand choice is still a luxury for the
women of this society.
Sexism in the modern Indian society is a result of centuries of acceptance and ignorance. Particularly
in this society Sexism takes its roots from mythology and ancient tales of the kings and the queens.
The two of the most powerful mythological tales of all time, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, aid
in the heightened levels of sexism.
When I was a kid, Amar Chitra Katha was my only source of mythological knowledge except some
short and inspiring stories by my grandmother. I never looked at these tales from a point of view as
different as this. But when I come to think of it now, I believe I am enlightened and I feel empowered.
I believe Mahabharata is one of the greatest stories ever told.It is the tale of the five Pandavas and the
one hundred Kauravas , two groups of cousins who fought each other in war to rule the Bharata
kingdom with its capital as the City of the Elephants, Hastinapura , which lies along the shore of the
Ganga river in north central India.
After losing his kingdom and all his wealth in the game of dice against the kauravas ,Yudhishtira, the
eldest of the Pandavas gambled himself, his brothers and finally their wife, Draupadhi.( Can you
believe it!). Shakuni (maternal
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Trafficking and Prostitution in Thailand Essay
In a small village consumed by poverty a man in a business suit shows up. He goes from family to
family offering to buy children for a year s worth of pay. He gets to one family with a young girl
whose father sells her to feed his addiction for heroine. Scared and confused the girl is now forced into
a brothel, sexually pleasing more than 20 men a day. Nearly five years later she is rescued only to lose
her life to AIDS from unprotected sex. The human trafficking industry in Thailand has long been
overlooked both internally and externally. Corruption, greed, foreign relations, economic pressure, and
overall demand have fueled the trafficking industry in Thailand. Until the world and the Thai
government make serious changes to the way they ... Show more content on ...
The children are enslaved as free labor and are of the victims of sexual abuse as well. According to
Andrea Bertone and Christina Arnold, founders of the organization Prevent Human Trafficking, Work
for trafficked victims consists of exploitation, debt bondage, low to no wages, excessive hours, unsafe
conditions. Often victims see themselves as being no worse off than if they had stayed home (Arnold
31). Despite the horrible conditions most victims don t even realize the gravity of their situation and
fall into a sense of appeasement.
The state of social and economic disarray that plagues villages surrounding Thailand makes them easy
prey for trafficking. According to Toward Freedom, and organization dedicated to advancement of
human rights, peace, justice, enlightenment, and freedom from oppression, Brothel owners have
networks of agents combing the villages for troubled families with daughters, making tempting offers
of good jobs in the big cities and resort areas ( Toward ). The most common scenario for troubled
families is that they are in debt and are without proper paying jobs. Families are offered up to an entire
year s salary and are also told their children will be going to a better life. Many families know they
can t support their children and see this as their only option. The economic issue prevalent is not
unique to Thailand. According to Asia Times, an organization designed to report on Asian political,
economic and business
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“Arbeit Macht Frei”(Work Will Set You Free) replayed in...
Arbeit Macht Frei (Work Will Set You Free) replayed in many of the Holocaust victims minds as they
saw it posted on the fence of the death camps they entered. The biggest camp was known as
Auschwitz. People still wonder at this point today as to why the Germans did not help when they saw
the surrounding people being captured. Catch this though! How do we know the Germans were even
aware of the massacre that transpired? Who was Hitler and the SS and could we have stopped them?
Could the Germans have stopped it? What would be different? Lastly, Could we, the world, have
stopped this event from happening at all?
11 17 million people killed altogether (11 Facts). 6 million Jews brutally killed in this massacre
(People Killed in Holocaust). ... Show more content on ...
At first in these Ghettos the Jews were allowed to leave the Ghettos if they chose too. The only catch
was that they had to return by curfew. It was not until the Nuremberg Law began on September 15,
1935 where the Jews were excluded from public life, ignored, forgotten, and were forced to live in the
Ghettos at all times (Rossel 55). In 1938, the persecution of Jews began and the Jews were sent from
the Ghettos to the concentration and death camps. (33 Facts).
So who was the power behind this? Mentioned before is a man named of Adolf Hitler and he was the
brain power behind this tragic event. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 and believe it or not he
was born in Austria (33 Facts). He had five siblings total but four of them died during childhood (33
Facts). Hitler was always interested in art when he was a child. When he got older he decided to apply
for the Vienna Art Academy and was denied, and shortly after he applied again and was denied again
(33 Facts). In 1908 Adolf Hitlers mom died a very tragic death from breast cancer (33 Facts). After his
mom s death, Hitler decided to go live on the streets and this went on for four years (33 Facts). He
finally tried to pull himself together, and he volunteered for the German army during World War 1 (33
Facts). Hitler acquired two injuries during World War 1 and once the war ended he was determined to
study politics (33 Facts). In 1919 Hitler decided to join a small political party and soon
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A Rhetorical Analysis Of Green Day Working Class Hero
Ilian Garcia Gautam Emani ENGL 111G M06 September 22, 2014 Rhetorical Analysis Green Day:
Working Class Hero Green Day released a John Lennon cover song Working Class Hero the album
was used to control the power of Lennon s music to inspire a new generation of activists to stand up
for human rights. Through the lyrics Green Day communicates how members of the working class
brought up and processed by the government. In this way the song is done to agree with the change of
generation, definitely they had a large portion of his audience positively respond to his message. In the
lyrics of Working Class Hero Green Day represents having full knowledge as to what the working
class must encounter throughout their lives. This aspect makes him seem more relatable and gains
ethos as they make it seem like they know firsthand. The members of Green Day are proud to come
from a background of laborers and from low income communities. By putting people in the video that
express there own difficulties conveys that message across. This song builds a connection between
them and their audience due to seeming relatable and ... Show more content on ...
An example would be They hurt you at home and they hit you at school, they hate you if you re clever
and they despise a fool, till you re so fucking crazy you can t follow their rules this intense wording
caused the listener to personally fell these emotions by expressing pathos in the sense of being crazy,
or minimally picture the scenes like someone being hit. Green Day keeps up with the pathos values,
but also sounds like they believes they are enlightening the audience and opening our eyes to an
overlooked issue. The lack of instrumental affects in the tone of the song, are as there is nothing in
between the singer and his audience to distract form the message. This makes the actual lyrics and
word choice more powerful and
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Examples Of Corruption In The Man Of The People
Man of the People Corruption comes primarily in two forms evil and political in most cases when
discussing a government or person. Corruption in the government is typically due to money and the
desires of the people who or person who creates the government system. Corruption is viewed as evil
because a person with bad intentions or personal interest that only benefits him or she is considered
corrupt. In the Man of the People, Chief Nanga is considered corrupt in many ways, but in the African
society, he was not considered corrupt as the book may allude to. The people of the African society
were accustomed to such behavior and treatment. Ultimately the concepts of corruption are viewed
differently depending on what that society may view as corrupt and what is the norm. In the Man of
the People, it discusses an African society were Odili and Nanga have a personal feud over Edna, who
leads to Odili quest to overthrow Nanga as the chief who is considered corrupt. In the Man of the
People, Odili threatened to have him in Nanga in the newspaper, but Nanga asked Odili did he have a
feeling for Edna (Man of the People, p.g. 72). In addition, to Odili personal feud with Nanga, he also
had a feud with him politically. Odili is one of the characters who recognizes Nanga corrupt ways and
tries to rise up against his rule. Odili faces tough obstacles gaining the people s trust because they
were accustomed to the society in which they lived in. Whether you asked in the city or the village
Nanga was a man of the people (Man of the People, p.g. 1). The people in the society did not view the
government as corrupt because they have endured corruption for so long and breaking societal norms
are very difficult in a society. Thus, the function corruption in the book serves as a small idea in the
mind as the reader may connect corruption to them as evil, while the corruption is a norm. Thus, the
idea of corruption does not really relate towards Nanga if his own people as a whole, do not view him
as corrupt. Chief Nanga tactics are legitimate tactics because he was more than likely accustomed to
ruling and having as he, please. Nanga is used to having any women he desires and anything that is
within his reach. Nanga is a chief,
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Essay about Babe Ruth
On February 6, 1895, Kate Schamberger Ruth gave birth to her first child. George Herman Ruth, Jr.
was born in Baltimore, Maryland. He was the first of eight children born to Kate and George Herman
Ruth. Ruth s father worked as a bartender and ultimately opened his own tavern. Many believe that
George was an orphan all his life, but for the first seven years of his life he was with his parents, but
he survived without guidance on the dirty, crowded streets of the Baltimore riverfront.
On June 13, 1902, George Herman Ruth took his seven year old to St. Mary s Industrial School for
Boys. Not only did he place young George in the school, but he also signed over custody of the boy to
the Xaverian Brothers, a Catholic Order of Jesuit ... Show more content on ...
When George Ruth, Jr., appeared with Dunn at the ballpark the other players started cracking jokes,
and one of the players quipped, quot;Well, here s Jack s newest Babe. quot; The rest of the players
also started referring to young George as quot;Babe quot; and the name stuck. Thus began the storied
career of Babe Ruth.
In the mornings, Ruth would go into Landers Coffee Shop in Boston, and it is here that he met Helen
Woodford, a seventeen year old waitress. They married on October 17, 1914 in Ellicott City,
In December of 1919 Babe was sold to the New York Yankees. Prior to Ruth s arrival in New York,
the team had never won a pennant. With quot;The Babe quot; as part of their team they became a
dominant force in major league baseball, winning seven pennants and four World Championships
from 1920 to 1933. In 1921, the couple adopted a baby girl, Dorothy.
On January 11, 1929, at the age of 31, Helen died of suffocation in a fire. Dorothy, who was eight at
the time, was away at boarding school.
Babe met and became seriously interested in a young widow, Claire Hodgson. Claire had come to
New York from Georgia with her young daughter Julia in 1920 and worked as a model and actress. On
April 17, 1929, the two were married in New York. In October 1930, Babe adopted Claire s daughter
Julia, while Claire did the same with Dorothy.
He had a passion for hunting and fishing, boxing, and bowling. But perhaps one of his biggest athletic
... Get more on ...
Li Ning Essay
Li Ning Anything is Possible
Sharing Zhang s belief that a superior level of category leadership was within reach if the Li Ning
brand could somehow acquire elements of brand strength equivalent to those associated with the Nike
and Adidas names, vice president of marketing Abel Wu was pursuing a marketing strategy aimed at
establishing in people s minds, just in time for the Olympics, a uniquely differentiated position for the
Li Ning brand. Chief among Zhang s concerns at this point was how to integrate Li Ning s decision
making to ensure that new opportunities could be seized while making the most of the company s
current competitive advantages.
1 Li Ning 2005 Annual Report, p. 18. ... Show more content on ...
In 2001, the company announced a conscious decision to become more customer focused, and
increased the resources allocated to consumer research and marketing. In June 2004, in preparation for
its initial public offering on the Hong Kong stock exchange, Li Ning intensified its efforts to achieve
transparency and adopt a coherent vision and system of company values. Brand internationalization
was incorporated in the business strategy. Company growth was driven by overall growth in the
domestic economy and supported by investments in R D and a stream of new product launches. With
significant improvements in design, especially in footwear, it became possible to extract a price
premium, and footwear gained increasing importance in Li Ning s product mix (Exhibit 3).
Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. or 617 783 7860.
No tC
The foundation period was followed by one of high speed development from 1995 to 1997, during
which Li Ning became the dominant domestic sports brand. Over time, the product mix was
consolidated and distinct organizations were established around the major product categories of
sportswear, leisurewear, and sports footwear. Company headquarters was moved from Guangdong to
Beijing. Sports sponsorship remained the main vehicle of marketing communications, and distribution
was expanded continuously throughout the PRC via the company s system of franchised outlets.
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Emancipation Proclamation Significance
The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by president Lincoln on September twenty second, 1862.
Its primary significance was to grant freedom to the African American slaves in the confederate states.
The only way for the owners to keep their slaves was if they returned to the union by the following
January first, 1863. Lincoln did not want to share his thoughts on slavery before this point because he
was afraid the northern Democratic Party along with border slave states would turn against the Union
if he made a move against slavery beforehand 1862. Lincoln s ideals on slavery starts to take a strong
stance letting the people know he is against it and issues this proclamation, Lincoln thought that
abolition had become a sound military strategy.
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Stereotypes In Horror Movies
More than any other genre of film, horror is perhaps the one ridiculed almost as often as it is revered.
This is because, as the medium continues mellowing, audiences are able to pick up and acknowledge
the common situations and stereotypes that have populated it for decades. There also able to make
metal representations .While these circumstances were once idiosyncratic and able to shock, now we
€™ve seen so many flunctuations of the same storys that filmmakers are forced to find new ways to
make people shake with fear. So what rules will you need to know to survive in the horror movies
nowadays . As our ancestors recognized long ago, man does not survive alone, yet it is common for
characters in horror films to go against this logic and bifurcate when staying together is the safer way
to go. When going up against the main antagonist your odds of survival rise substantially when you
have the help of others to rely on. Horror movie characters appear to life in an alternate universe
where going out into the creepy forest to investigate a noise by yourself is a good idea, and the results
are almost always fatal. These characters might as well slap a €œ Kill Me€ sign on their back and
rub themselves in some blood. In horror situations, strength comes from numbers, so if you want to
survive, bring friends just be careful ... Show more content on ...
Why is it that every time the main character is being chased [which is most often the girl]they are
always tripping and falling? How often do you really trip and fall when you are running? Just run
straight ahead.If u think about it most of the antagonist in the film are at a slight disadvantage. For
example, leather face, from the texas chainsaw massacre.He was wearing a funeral outfit the whole
time which limited his ability to move around not to mention the chainsaw he was caring. Plus he had
a mask on which limited his vision but yet the victim was still the one tripping and
... Get more on ...
Cause And Effects Of The Columbian Exchange
The Columbian Exchange began after the voyage of Christopher Columbus to the Western
Hemisphere across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492. The Columbian exchange is the exchange of people,
animal, plants, and diseases between the Old World and New world. Many of those things went to the
Old World which was Europe conversely many things came to the New World, the Americas, as well.
Although both worlds benefitted from the Columbus Exchange, in reality the Old world benefitted
more. When the European travelers came to America they brought over may diseases including small
pox, influenza, measles, and Scarlett fever. The Native Americans had never been exposed to these
diseases before consequently they did not have antibodies to fight of these diseases which meant that
many people would die from the exposure to the various diseases. The introduction of these diseases
created a high death toll in the Native American population, killing more than half of the original
population. In addition, Europeans introduced horses and livestock to the environment of the new
world. The horses were effective form of transportation that enabled many Indians to improve their
lifestyles. The introduction of horses to plains Indianas, for example, enabled them to hunt bison with
far better results, they were able to hunt more bison with the use of horses. Horses also enabled them
to be more nomadic, the Indians were able to carry more items far further distances and able to move
around more. The addition of livestock such as cattle in the Americas added to the food supply of the
Americas. The livestock provided more food containing protein and other minerals. The introduction
of horses and livestock mainly benefited the Indians lives. Along with the introduction of livestock,
rice and sugar were also brought to the New World from the Old world. Rice and sugar created a
better food supply similar to the livestock. The sugar and rice added a variety to the food already in
the New world. The introduction of rice in the New World enabled many farmers to grow it in the
New World and transport it back to the Old World, creating a great profit. Additionally weapons and
guns were traded with the Native Americans. The Native Americans had
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The Process of the Western Expansion into South East Asia
The process of the Western Expansion into South East Asia occurred in two phases. These two phases
can be characterized by their unique features, which differentiated them from one another. Historical
records have shown that, the expansion was facilitated by the major Western Imperial powers, as
known as: The United States of America, Holland, Britain, and France. In addition, historical doctrine
have shown that, there were certain economic and social factors that facilitated the occurrence of the
differences between their first and the second phase of the expansion into the South East Asia
(Schoppa, pg.23, 2008). This discussion will focus on the differences between the first and the second
phases of the expansion, as well as the factors that facilitated the occurrence of these differences.
The first phase of Western expansion into South East Asia was when the Western Imperialists invaded
the South East Asia and facilitated a division of the region in relation to territories; this was compared
to their division of Africa into various nations. As Professor Giebel mentioned in his lecture: The
British took complete control of the Indonesian Islands while the French took control of Indochina
(Giebel, 4/23). However, a scenario characterized this period where, the French, the Dutch and the
British took control of the South East Asia region (Schoppa, pg. 29, 2008). On the other hand, during
the second phase of the expansion, the United States of America was involved in the act
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U.s. Imposes Tariffs On Chinese Solar Panels
This article discusses how the U.S. imposes tariffs on Chinese solar panels due to the fact that China
was dumping solar panels to the U.S market, it also considers the possible impact of these changes and
attempts to assess the relative merits/drawbacks of the policy. Dumping is the selling of goods and
services on foreign markets below their cost of production[
in economics definition effects.html]. A tariff is defined as taxation on imported goods.
Dumping of Chinese solar panels on the U.S market
Chinese companies were selling products below the cost of manufacture also benefiting from unfair
subsidies from their government this results the domestic quantity supply of solar panels to decrease
as the price of domestic supplied solar panels is higher than ones imported from China. But U.S
consumers are paying a lower price when solar panels are exported to the U.S from China and
consumers get more variety of choices when buying. Even if America s solar market contained no
trade barriers before this, the domestic quantity supplied would still decrease from Q2 to Q1 because
most domestic solar companies cannot compete with the subsidized Chinese producers. Inexpensive
Chinese solar products pushed many American manufacturers out of business , causing structural
unemployment in America and this will be difficult for the U.S government to deal with because this
will require retraining or other initiatives which can sometimes be
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Stages Of Health Policy Analysis
The political decision making process is so irrational that a completely rational approach to health
policy making can hardly be achieved. Support, debunk or provide alternative paradigms or
approaches to this statement, focusing on the development of a particular policy area you are familiar
with, and using analytic tools and frameworks in health policy analysis.
This paper will begin by briefly examining the role of the state in health and how the state or political
system is structured to meet this obligation. It will then describe the types of policy, the stages of
policy making, and the uniqueness of health policy making. Having provided a solid foundation for
understanding the political and policy making system, in the context of ... Show more content on ...
While the more obvious internal political structure of a nation can facilitate or hinder participation in
the policy making process, exogenous factors are a major yet less discernible factor. Therefore, it is
dependent on the particular aspect of control that policy health actors are faced with, will direct the
type of policy development processes undertaken. If the policy is within the control of Health,
involves input to cross portfolio policy development, or involves input to intergovernmental policy
Amongst the many structures used to describe the policy processes Walt (1994) describes the most
commonly used framework as a four step continuous cycle that moves through (1) problem
identification and issue recognition/definition, (2) Policy formulation with clarification of policy
issues and preferred options, (3) policy implementation (4) policy evaluation and review. Consultation
occurs throughout this cycle. This was expanded upon in the NSW Health Department State Health
Publication (1998) to include; a release of formal discussion paper and the development of final policy
paper, as two separate activities coming after policy formation. These two additional steps have
become necessary, as the intended policy must be available to the general public and special interest
groups, to illicit their views before it is adopted and sent before cabinet for approval.
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Video and Sony
Introduction Sony was founded in 1945 by partners Masaru Ibuka, (an engineer), and Akio Morita, (a
physicist),and was originally named Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo (Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering).
The firm was launched in Nihonbashi, Tokyo. Four years later the company developed and produced
Japans first magnetite coated, paper based recording tape, called Soni Tape. In 1955, the firm began
using Sony logo on Totsuko products. The group also launched Japan s first transistor radio, the TR
55, during the same time. In 1958, the group changed its name to Sony. Today Sony has developed
TransferJet , a proximity wireless transfer technology enabling the high speed transfer of large data
files between electronic devices such as mobile ... Show more content on ...
Examples of this strategy include the introduction of BRAVIA, ZX1, a thin, lightest LCD TV
featuring LED edge lighting; The VAIO P Series notebook computer (the world s lightest 8 inch
notebook PC) and the Cyber shot HX1 compact digital camera (which allows users to capture wide
angle of 224 degrees views). * Sony operates from a philosophy it labels uniquely Sony . The
company seeks to facilitate the development of its staff but spurs employees to manage their own
career and but to avoid pigeon holing. This is a microcosm of the company s desire to foster
adaptability. The company s broad outlook extends to its corporate responsibility. * The desire to make
its hardware and interfaces that are easy to use was a catalyst behind recent reorganization of
electronics into Personal and Home categories. The company has reaffirmed its commitment to make
the Home category more user friendly. * Sony has adopted a Company of Committees governance
system in order to go beyond minimum compliance with legal requirements and to add additional
transparency. To accomplish this, the company has revised some Directors functions to facilitate the
proper functions of statutory committees. * Sony has a recently reorganized in order to further
improve responsiveness and customer service. It has established a network of services tailored to the
needs of local customers. The move acknowledges the growing complexity
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John Steinbeck s The Last Of The Mohicans
The book Last of the Mohicans is about a group of Native Americans called the Mohicans. The
characters are Hawkeye, his adopted father Chingachgook, and his adopted brother Uncas. They re are
the last of the Mohicans, the last of the bloodline. The story takes place in the 18th century during a
seven year war between Britain and France. Hawkeye and the Mohicans try to save the daughter of a
British colonel when a conflict arises. Magua of the Hurons attempts to kill the Mohicans and kidnap
the two girls. Magua is the trouble maker and wants revenge against Col. Munro by trying to marry
one of the daughters and hurt his pride. There was a lot of racial conflict between white and Indian
race at a time when racism was at its height. The relationship between Chingachgook and Uncas is a
bit complicated. Their love for each other isn t portrayed well in the story. It s a distant love that
parents and children have endured throughout time. He s very protective of his daughter. She doesn t
like how restricting he can be. At times, they re both stubborn toward one another. She gets so mad
she wishes she could explode at him. Although she s deeply angry at her father, she loves him more
then life itself. Being her wise father, and a child never fully understanding the depths of love from a
father; he ... Show more content on ...
He completes her sentences. They instinctively do many of the same things. But then there are times
when she refuses to bend, and him being the old mule; he won t budge. Then there s silence,
emptiness and despair. They both know the importance of family and tradition. No one who loves
someone would never behave in a hurtful way. I know it, my father means the world to me. I m
positive he d defend my life at all times. This is why I like the book, it shows you unconditional love
from another perspective. You can t tell exactly how hard they love one another. It all depends on them
and how the reader identifies with
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Synopsis Of Kathy s Short Story
Prologue Kathy is your normal everyday teenager who just happened to have a football captain
boyfriend named Jason. She lives in Cape Cod, and keeps up to date with social media, Along with
getting straight A s in school. Kathy has blond hair and green eyes with tanned skin. Kathy s mom
died when she was 3 so Kathy knows nothing about her. But her dad, Dan and her sister Lacy are
living normal lives where as on the inside Kathy is in chaos. Kathy has turned into a recluse as she has
gotten older. Growing up without her mom has hurt Kathy emotionally. She stays in her room all day
she talks to no one and she just gets on her phone and checks Instagram, Snapchat, and Vine. Her
sister, Lacy always comes to check on her, but Kathy just pushes her away and says I m busy. But
Lacy always makes sure she eats, sleeps, and stays healthy since Kathy s the only other girl in the
house since their mom died. Lacy is also a teenager who just got her license and she is full of
happiness and love. She plays for the school volleyball team and does community service in Cape
Cod. She had brown hair and green eyes.She is the best sister anyone could ever ask for she helps out
anyone and everyone. But she thinks something is wrong with Kathy, because ever since she could
remember Kathy would always try to be alone and sometimes would even go so far as to lock her
door. But their dad, Dan is no help he is hurting too, but doesn t show it, he understands there is
nothing he can do now
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Meditation History
There is limited knowledge concerning the history of meditation, but some researchers think that
meditation could have been discovered when people sat at campsite fires thousands of years ago and
looked at the flames. This theory goes well with the known fact that staring at a candle flame can
induce one type of meditation. As time passed different forms of it were developed. Books from India
called tantras speak of this type of prayer as far back as five thousand years ago. Archaeologists
discovered a statue of a yogi in the Indus Valley Civilization and this shows that meditation in the
practice of yoga could be as ancient as the first Indian civilization.
Buddha was a big advocate of meditation. He became established as a teacher about 500 B.C. His
ideas were stretched into various Asian countries and in other places people created different forms of
meditation based on his teachings. In Islam the Sufi tradition of meditation was purported and the
leaders (Sufis) think that when Mohamed began Islam that is when meditation started with that
religion. Meditation is part of Christianity, Jainism, Judaism, and aboriginal religions. ... Show more
content on ...
Zen came from Buddhism and it has spawned Taoism, Confucianism, and Indian spiritualism. Taoism
basically means the way. It began as a philosophy but ended up as a religion. Taoist meditation
concentrates on stopping outward sensory information from coming into your mind. It utilizes
breathing techniques. It has ideas that are like those of Hindu and Buddhist kinds of meditative
thought. But it isn t abstract like those types of meditation. The Confucian form of meditation is aimed
at realizing virtue and it is meant to prevent disease and encourage health. Indian spiritualism involves
yoga and
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Working Memory Inattentional Blindness
In the second phase of the experiment, the task and stimuli were the same, but following this phase, all
of the subjects reported having seen the patterns. ERPs recorded over the occipital pole differed in
amplitude from 220 to 260 msec for the pattern stimuli compared with the random arrays regardless of
whether subjects were aware of the patterns. At subsequent latencies (300 340 msec) however, ERPs
over bilateral occipital parietal areas differed between patterns and random arrays only when subjects
were aware of the patterns. Finally, in a third phase of the experiment, subjects viewed the same
stimuli, but the task was altered so that the patterns became task relevant. Here, the same two
difference components were evident but were followed by a series of additional components that were
absent in the first two phases of the experiment. We hypothesize that the ERP difference at 220 260
msec reflects neural activity associated with automatic contour integration whereas the difference at
300 340 msec reflects visual awareness, both of which are dissociable from ... Show more content on ...
The article was about; individual differences in working memory predict many aspects of cognitive
performance, especially for tasks that demand focused attention. One negative consequence of focused
attention is inattentional blindness, the failure to notice unexpected objects when attention is engaged
elsewhere. Yet, the relationship between individual differences in working memory and inattentional
blindness is unclear; some studies have found that higher working memory capacity is associated with
greater noticing, but others have found no direct association. Given the theoretical and practical
significance of such individual differences, more definitive tests are needed. In two studies with large
samples, we tested the relationship between multiple working memory measures and inattentional
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Personal Financial Planning Essay
Personal Finance Planning Introduction Personal Finance is the financial management which an
person or a family unit performs to spending plan, spare, and invest fiscal assets over time,
considering different monetary risks and future life events (Salohalla, 2011). Like many people, you
have seeks and dreams and life objectives after yourself and your crew. These might incorporate
purchasing a home or business, putting something aside for school instruction for your youngsters,
taking a fantasy get away, decreasing duties and taxes, retiring serenely. Financial planning is the
procedure of astutely dealing with your funds so you can accomplish your fantasies and objectives
while in the meantime offering you some assistance with negotiating the budgetary boundaries that
definitely emerge in each phase of life (Finke, 2011). As sound financial prosperity and better way of
life is picking up need amongst people, the individual financial planning is progressively turning into
a decent practice if not as of now a need. Truth be told, a sound individual financial arrangement
permits individual to be aware of courses in which they manage financial matters. It is a way to
manage an individual s financial choices and highlight the consequences of such choices on different
territories of one s accounts. An average way to deal with individual financial planning includes
compelling usage of investment funds to aggregate riches, trailed via watchful protection of such
riches against
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Is College Worth It Essay
When college pops up in the mind of a high school graduate they sometimes ask themselves, is it
really worth it . Well the answer is yes! College is very much worth it. Many times people have
debated on wether to go to college or just stay as a high school graduate.
But i m here to prove that college is worth it because you get paid more, earn responsibility, and you
get health insurance and retirement plans.
First, college is more valuable because you get paid more. According to Pro Con Arguments it states,
on average, a college graduate with a bachelor degree earned $30,000 more per year than a high
school graduate, over $500,000 more over an year. This shows that high school graduates don t make
a lot of money, that s why it s important to get an education and money. Getting an education gets you
money and it s important to go to college because if you don t go to college you are more likely to
never gain responsibility for anything you do in life. Most people agree with going to college to make
money but others just think that college is just a waste and you only go there to go to school but
actually going to college gets you in the idea of making your own decisions and also taking
responsibility for many things.Which takes me to my next reason why ... Show more content on ...
10 ways why you should go to college says that A lot of high school graduates have never worked,
paid a bill, or learned anything about personal finance. Even as parents teach kids about money
management. They can help kids ease into responsibility by going to college. Responsibility can help
kids think and make decisions. Kids who go to college also end up learning about maturity and
thinking about their future. People also believe that without going to college and gaining
responsibility, kids become sloppy and irresponsible and would never think about the future and
would most likely almost procrastinate everything in their everyday
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  • 2. My Writing As A Writer I may not be the best writer there is out there but I do put all of me into each piece I develop. I believe in giving it your all at all times. If your giving it anything less why try at all. I m huge on that theory and I believe it means a lot more than I believe it to be. I hope that each piece I submit this semester is nothing less than my best and I hope to take in all the criticism and use it to my advantage. I can create my most creative writings in a peaceful enviroment. I m easily distracted and as soon as I hear another noise my mind instantly steers off track. So when it s time to begin a paper I have the television off, kids in another room, and even the fan on low so I don t hear the ticking. This is my main reason for taking this class online because the sound of other key boards clicking is a huge distraction for me. I also keep a cold beverage and a junk food item on the table next to me to make the situation exciting. ... Show more content on ... Sometimes I think I have to many ideas and it needs to be controlled to a minimum. My main interest is creative writing. I feel free at that point to take my ideas and expand them to my likings. It allows me to use my imagination and not be blocked from going above and beyond. My flaws would be using the proper punctuation, MLA format and spelling. I blame my spelling and incorrect punctuation on my fast typing and my excitement to hurry and get my idea down on paper. My MLA flaw is coming from not being enforced to use it growing up and now trying to focus mainly on the correct format to ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Ancient East Asian Art From Gandhara Ancient East Asian Art from Gandhara The Asian Art Museum located at 200 Larkin St San Francisco, CA 94102 is filled with antiquities through the ages of Asian culture. Within the museum, in gallery one, the showroom is filled with ancient art from East India. Particularly, ancient art from Gandhara, strikes the audience immediately upon entry into the gallery. The Seated Buddha, dated approximately 300 500 CE, was found in the northwest area of modern day Pakistan within the Peshawar valley, once known as the ancient region of Gandhara. (Wall Label) Images of Buddha that have been found were all dated at least 500 years after the death of Buddha, who lived around 400 BC. Interestingly, the first few images of Buddha all have him shown in an enlightened state of being, seated in his lotus position, and wearing simple monk robes with one of his hands held at the chest while his fingers turning an invisible wheel symbolizing setting in motion the wheel of the doctrine that is, preaching. (Wall Label) The Seated Buddha sculpture has Buddha sitting on a throne with a scene depicted on the bottom. The scene shows a princely figure in the middle with all his devotees surrounding him. This scene depicts the Gods urging Buddha to start his path towards enlightenment. The Seated Buddha was made with Schist, a form of dense stone that the region of Gandhara explicitly used for statues of Buddha and religious works of art. The Seated Buddha is half human size and seated on top ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Okonkwo as Classic Greek Hero in Chinua Achebe s Things... Okonkwo as Classic Greek Hero in Things Fall Apart A sense of foreboding envelops us from the first. We sense all will not end well for Umuofia. The chill of fear grips us as the world of Okonkwo and his clan truly falls apart. Okonkwo will need all of his power to fight the forces against his world, but tragically he is crippled by the most destructive malady of all, fear of himself. Achebe employs the form of classical Greek tragedy to tell his African tale of the rise and fall of Okonkwo. This most fearsome warrior has proven himself from the youngest age as worthy of honor and respect. He is driven by his father s legacy of shame and has no use for unsuccessful men. But as he projects his image of strength, we ... Show more content on ... He is victorious in wrestling, providing wealth for his family, and achieving honorary titles. We recognize his ambition, his drive to be the best his implied excellence. In these introductory chapters, we understand the problem for the hero and his society change is coming, but the hatred of his father and the resulting anger and fear have afflicted Okonkwo. His flaw will be his downfall in coping with the changes to come. Okonkwo fears for his disturbingly weak son, Nyowe, and teaches him with his stories masculine stories of violence and bloodshed. (p. 53) But Nyowe prefers the stories of his mother stories which teach wisdom rather than action. Nyowe knows that it pleases his father to listen to his stories, but it is apparent that Nyowe is a thinking person. As Nyowe absorbs the shock of Ikemefuna s death, we feel the first break in the solidarity of the clan. . Nyowe knew that Ikemefuna had been killed, and something seemed to give way inside him, like the snapping of a tightened bow. (p. 61) Nyowe is forming his own impressions of the rituals of his society. We sense that the death of Ikemefuna has been a turning point in the story. The sense of foreboding grows. We know the inevitability of disaster now; the crisis is developing. Okonkwo has ignored the advice of Ezeudu, the wise man inserted in the tale in traditional Greek form. Although he was warned, Okonkwo kills the boy to show his strength, his bravery, ... Get more on ...
  • 5. DNA Profiling Essay example From cases such as OJ Simpson to Chandra Levy, DNA profiling also called DNA fingerprinting or DNA typing has played a major role in the criminal justice system. The law enforcement community uses DNA profiling to rule out or identify suspects. Unlike hair microscopy, bite mark comparisons, shoe print comparisons, and firearm tool mark analysis, DNA typing has been developed through massive scientific research and has undergone meticulous scientific evaluation (Innocence Project). DNA is a foolproof method of identifying a perpetrator of a crime. Like fingerprints, DNA is unique, with the exception of identical twins; no two people have the same DNA. DNA profiling is a technique that can identify the person responsible of a violent ... Show more content on ... With over three million base pairs in the human gene, forensic scientists are able to distinguish a person s genetic makeup. . DNA profiling was first introduced to the criminal justice field in the mid 1980 s (DNA Initiative). DNA profiling was first described in 1984 by Alec Jeffreys, a geneticist at the University of Leicester in Britain (Aronson, 7). Dr. Jeffreys found that the genes that have no function, called junk DNA is where most of the variation is used for DNA profiling (Aronson 9). This region contains DNA sequences that repeat over and over again. Alec Jeffreys determined that the number of repeated sections at different locations vary from individual to individual (DNA Initiative). Consequently these repetitive regions became known as variable number of tandem repeats or VNTR s. RFLP or restriction fragment length polymorphisms became the first scientifically accepted DNA analysis method in the United States (Jones). The repeat segments are cut out of the DNA strand by a restrictive enzyme that acts like scissors and the resulting fragments are sorted out by electrophoresis (Saferstein 391). However, there are some drawbacks using the RFLP method in the forensic science community. The RFLP technique requires a large amount of DNA and must be of high quality and cannot be degraded (Jones). Forensic scientists and the law enforcement community ... Get more on ...
  • 6. What Are Ohls And Beebout Food Stamp System Ohls and Beebout talk about the food stamp system and its inner workings in their book. Covering everything from how it works and how it was started to trade offs of the program. I think the authors purpose for this book is to provide a more in depth look at the food stamp system. Oh and Beebout intended audience for their book is people that have want to take a look at the food stamp system and want to try and understand more than they knew before. The authors assume that the audience has minimal to no knowledge about the food stamp system and want to further their knowledge about food stamps. They might even be a recipient of the program and want to figure out what is being provided to them. Ohls and Beebout take an emphasis on the whole ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Questions On The Chinese Room In Minds, Brains, and Programs John Searle objects to Computational Theory of Mind (CTM), particularly that running a program on a computer and manipulating symbols does not mean that the computer has understanding, or more generally a mind. In this paper I will first explain Searle s Chinese Room, then I will explain CTM and how it relates to the Chinese Room. Following this I will describe how the Chinese Room attacks the CTM. Next I will explain the Systems Reply to the Chinese Room and how the Systems Reply actually undermines Searle s conclusion in the Chinese Room. Then I will describe Searle s response to the Systems Reply and how that response undermines the Systems Reply. Lastly, I will evaluate Searle s reply to the Systems Reply and defend the Systems Reply against the points Searle raises against the Systems Reply. To explain the Chinese Room I will first explain the instructions in the Chinese room; then I will explain how the man inside the room manipulates these instructions. Finally, given that the man only operates the instructions, Searle s conclusion is that the man does not understand Chinese. Therefore, the whole system does not understand Chinese. The instructions in the room are a complex set of rules that guide the man inside to receive inputs and produce outputs all written in Chinese. The instructions, written in English, tell the man if you see this Chinese symbol paired with this Chinese symbol put down these Chinese symbols, or if ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Complications Of Cancer And Treatments Complications of Cancer and Available Treatments Cancer complications and treatments are dependent on patient s health conditions and stage of the cancer. Common complications caused by cancer include pain, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, dyspnea (breathlessness), and metastasis (cancer that spreads) (Mayo Clinic Complications, 2016). Pain is one of the main physical complications, as the nerves surrounding the tissues feel the pressure due to growing tumor. Pain medications and alternate therapies like massage, yoga, and acupuncture can help patients to cope up with the pain (Mayo Clinic Complications, 2016). Fatigue can be caused by the side effects of treatments as well and physical and mental distress. Fatigue can be managed through balanced diet and managing stress and medication side effects (Cancer.Net, 2016). Certain tumors and malignancy medications can bring about nausea and vomiting. It causes much inconveniences to the patient. Nausea and vomiting can be controlled by medications. Dyspnea which is a feeling of breathlessness can be caused by tumor or other related conditions, which can be managed by medications and relaxation techniques (Cancer.Net, 2016). Treating these complications by medications and other approaches can improve the patient s general wellbeing, and survival chance. Cancer treatment will vary depending on the cancer type and staging of the cancer. Many treatment options are available, and the patient and the doctor can evaluate the benefits ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Western Influence on Japan Essays The new Meiji Period was the starting point for Japan s isolation from foreign countries. During the end of Edo period, Matthew C. Perry came to Japan and established the Nichi Bei Washin Joyaku, the Japan US Treaty of Amity and Friendship, allowing Japan to be fully open to the United States of America. Soon after, foreign officials from other countries came to Japan to make similar friendship treaties, changing Japan to be one of the global nations. From the treaty, Foreigners started to build homes and live in one of the ports opened to them, creating cultural influence on the people who had never seen foreigners. Through the opening of Japan during the Meiji Period, Westerners were able to enter and create a positive influence on ... Show more content on ... Soon after, the new government publicly allowed consumption of meat for the first time in the history. Even though the law allowed the consumption of meat, it did not become instantly a part of Japanese cuisine until the people knew the nutritional benefit of it. For several hundred years, Buddhism had forbidden people to eat four legged animals so the people were not familiar with eating meat. However, due to the lack of beef in the Japanese diet, many people suffered from illnesses such as Beriberi and a sickness called Nihonbyo. Fish provides high protein and healthy nutrition, but meat provides different type of nutrition essential for stronger body that prevents from these illnesses. With the promotional effort by the educator, Fukuzawa Yukichi, the nutrition benefits of meat spread and the myths surrounding the impurity of beef were cleared. New recipes that included meat needed to accommodate Japanese diet in order to naturalize Western food in Japan. The introduction of Western food dramatically changed how most Japanese household ate with an introduction of meat. In Japan, Western food is commonly known as Yoshoku, a shortened form of Sei Yoshoku. One of the first Yoshoku introduced was curry. Curry is originally from India, but the curry introduced in Japan was British style. When Japan was looking for a new naval system to improve their military power, the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The National Organization For Women The National Organization for Women (NOW) is an American organization that works for women s rights. It is made up of a variety of smaller organizations that are all banded together under a main structure. It has been around for a while, and has done many important things. It works on both political and social levels to achieve its goals, and though it s not very well known, the National Organization for Women is a great organization that has done much to further women s rights and equality. NOW is a women s rights organization working to take political and social action to ensure equal rights between women and men. NOW is a feminist group, which means that it believes that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. Because of these beliefs, NOW is unafraid to have men as its members and welcomes them, since it recognizes men and women as equals (NOW, 2016). To work for its beliefs NOW uses electoral and lobbying work, as well as mass marches, rallies, pickets, and nonviolent civil disobedience. It is working for the rights of others as well. NOW fights for LGBTQ rights in employment and housing, as well as in other problem areas. NOW is trying to pass the Constitutional Equality Amendment as well, which ensure women s rights politically. Overall NOW has a variety of goals that it is working to achieve to further equality. NOW has six main issues it works for. NOW supports access to safe and legal abortion, effective birth control and reproductive health ... Get more on ...
  • 11. My Mother who Came from China, She Never Saw the Snow Every person in the world has struggles, but some have more than others. Some people work for multiple hours for very little pay. Immigrant factory workers rarely get the chance to enjoy the better qualities in life. In the poem, My Mother, Who Came from China Where She Never Saw Snow , Laureen Mar tells about an Immigrant mother from china works in a factory for very little pay. She had worked for twenty five years and never gotten a raise. In the poem Laureen Mar uses imagery, irony, and punctuation to demonstrate the harshness that immigrant factory workers are put through. The description of the factory and workers helps demonstrate what kind of working conditions there were. Laureen s description details the factory to show the dark and gloomy environment they work in every day. The narrator describes the room as a standard factory, In the huge, rectangular room, the ceiling / A machinery of pipes and fluorescent lights (lines 1 2). Not only is the environment depressing, but the workers also have poor working conditions. Consequently the workers have adapted to the environment, but also adapted to the relentless work. The female workers day in and day out work constantly, conditioned to do the same thing over and over. Laureen describes, Ten rows of women hunch over machines, / their knees pressing against pedals / and pushing the shiny fabric thick as tongues / through metal and thread (3 5). Repeatedly the women work on a part of the coat as if they were ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Sustainability Of Interment Literature Review So as to better prepare and accommodate for future demands in the funerary sector, this literature review has been conducted as a means to consolidate information on necrogeography, its associated fields, and interment processes which for the purposes of this essay will be defined as any method by which people dispose of their dead, while interment grounds will be defined as the resting place of human remains. The following overview is to provide sufficient context of the influences on, and the effects of, the American funerary industry. The Sustainability of Interment With the rapidly increasing population, discussions on the importance and need for proper, detailed, planning for the integration of the dead have become ... Show more content on ... Depending on the cultural landscape surrounding a place of interment, mourners may handle the arrival of unorthodox disposal methods in a negative fashion (Seong Lee, Young Kim, Choi, 2014, p. 534), since they act as an emotional landscape (Woodthorpe, 2011, p. 264). Woodthorpe claims that this emotional landscape of the dead must also compete against the commercial and communal implications of a place of interment. In the case of CLCC s Open Day, conflict ensued between the visitors attending the site for education and recreation and those of the bereaved consumer who had purchased aspects of the cemetery service (2011, p. 268). This clash between the sustainability of the interment grounds themselves and the delicate nature of these sites raises questions of how to generate income and promote a cemetery, while also ensuring it is amenable to the bereaved visitor advocating on behalf of the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Database Administrators 1 Introduction Database is any collection of data or information, that is specially organized for rapid search and retrieval by a computer. Databases are structured to facilitate the storage, retrieval, modification, and deletion of data in conjunction with various data processing operations. A database consists of a file or a set of files. The information in these files may be broken down into records, each of which consists of one or more fields. Fields are the basic units of data storage, and each field typically contains information pertaining to one aspect or attribute of the entity described by the database. Using keywords and various sorting commands, users can rapidly search, rearrange, group, and select the fields in many ... Show more content on ... Recoverability is the DBA #8217;s most important concern. Recoverability, also sometimes called disaster recovery, takes two primary forms. First the backup, then recovery tests. The backup of the database consists of data with timestamps combined with database logs to change the data to be consistent to a particular moment in time. It is possible to make a backup of the database containing only data without timestamps or logs, but the DBA must take the database offline to do such a backup. The recovery tests of the database consist of restoring the data, then applying logs against that data to bring the database backup to consistency at a particular point in time up to the last transaction in the logs. Alternatively, an offline database backup can be restored simply by placing the data in place on another copy of the database. If a DBA (or any administrator) attempts to implement a recoverability plan without the recovery tests, there is no guarantee that the backups are at all valid. In practice, in all but the most mature RDBMS packages, backups rarely are valid without extensive testing to be sure that no bugs or human error have corrupted the backups. 2.5 Integrity Integrity means that the database, or the programs that create its content, embody ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Great Epics And Tales Mythology is one of the most interesting parts of a culture. It reveals customs, history and traditions like no other. Above all it defines the way of living and reflects the mentality of an entire civilization. Almost every society in this world has faced sexism in one form or the other. Some societies chose to fight it and bring a change. On the other hand there are a few societies where sexism became a way of life. It is instilled in the minds of the people and passed from one generation to another. It is not questioned. Instead, It is accepted. Can mythology have a role in this acceptance of sexism in a society? Like everything, blind faith in the great mythological epics also comes with a price. We fail to realize that the great epics ... Show more content on ... It is disheartening that on one hand India is coming forward as one of the most progressive nations when it comes to science and technology while on the other hand choice is still a luxury for the women of this society. Sexism in the modern Indian society is a result of centuries of acceptance and ignorance. Particularly in this society Sexism takes its roots from mythology and ancient tales of the kings and the queens. The two of the most powerful mythological tales of all time, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, aid in the heightened levels of sexism. When I was a kid, Amar Chitra Katha was my only source of mythological knowledge except some short and inspiring stories by my grandmother. I never looked at these tales from a point of view as different as this. But when I come to think of it now, I believe I am enlightened and I feel empowered. I believe Mahabharata is one of the greatest stories ever told.It is the tale of the five Pandavas and the one hundred Kauravas , two groups of cousins who fought each other in war to rule the Bharata kingdom with its capital as the City of the Elephants, Hastinapura , which lies along the shore of the Ganga river in north central India. After losing his kingdom and all his wealth in the game of dice against the kauravas ,Yudhishtira, the eldest of the Pandavas gambled himself, his brothers and finally their wife, Draupadhi.( Can you believe it!). Shakuni (maternal ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Trafficking and Prostitution in Thailand Essay In a small village consumed by poverty a man in a business suit shows up. He goes from family to family offering to buy children for a year s worth of pay. He gets to one family with a young girl whose father sells her to feed his addiction for heroine. Scared and confused the girl is now forced into a brothel, sexually pleasing more than 20 men a day. Nearly five years later she is rescued only to lose her life to AIDS from unprotected sex. The human trafficking industry in Thailand has long been overlooked both internally and externally. Corruption, greed, foreign relations, economic pressure, and overall demand have fueled the trafficking industry in Thailand. Until the world and the Thai government make serious changes to the way they ... Show more content on ... The children are enslaved as free labor and are of the victims of sexual abuse as well. According to Andrea Bertone and Christina Arnold, founders of the organization Prevent Human Trafficking, Work for trafficked victims consists of exploitation, debt bondage, low to no wages, excessive hours, unsafe conditions. Often victims see themselves as being no worse off than if they had stayed home (Arnold 31). Despite the horrible conditions most victims don t even realize the gravity of their situation and fall into a sense of appeasement. The state of social and economic disarray that plagues villages surrounding Thailand makes them easy prey for trafficking. According to Toward Freedom, and organization dedicated to advancement of human rights, peace, justice, enlightenment, and freedom from oppression, Brothel owners have networks of agents combing the villages for troubled families with daughters, making tempting offers of good jobs in the big cities and resort areas ( Toward ). The most common scenario for troubled families is that they are in debt and are without proper paying jobs. Families are offered up to an entire year s salary and are also told their children will be going to a better life. Many families know they can t support their children and see this as their only option. The economic issue prevalent is not unique to Thailand. According to Asia Times, an organization designed to report on Asian political, economic and business ... Get more on ...
  • 16. “Arbeit Macht Frei”(Work Will Set You Free) replayed in... Arbeit Macht Frei (Work Will Set You Free) replayed in many of the Holocaust victims minds as they saw it posted on the fence of the death camps they entered. The biggest camp was known as Auschwitz. People still wonder at this point today as to why the Germans did not help when they saw the surrounding people being captured. Catch this though! How do we know the Germans were even aware of the massacre that transpired? Who was Hitler and the SS and could we have stopped them? Could the Germans have stopped it? What would be different? Lastly, Could we, the world, have stopped this event from happening at all? 11 17 million people killed altogether (11 Facts). 6 million Jews brutally killed in this massacre (People Killed in Holocaust). ... Show more content on ... At first in these Ghettos the Jews were allowed to leave the Ghettos if they chose too. The only catch was that they had to return by curfew. It was not until the Nuremberg Law began on September 15, 1935 where the Jews were excluded from public life, ignored, forgotten, and were forced to live in the Ghettos at all times (Rossel 55). In 1938, the persecution of Jews began and the Jews were sent from the Ghettos to the concentration and death camps. (33 Facts). So who was the power behind this? Mentioned before is a man named of Adolf Hitler and he was the brain power behind this tragic event. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 and believe it or not he was born in Austria (33 Facts). He had five siblings total but four of them died during childhood (33 Facts). Hitler was always interested in art when he was a child. When he got older he decided to apply for the Vienna Art Academy and was denied, and shortly after he applied again and was denied again (33 Facts). In 1908 Adolf Hitlers mom died a very tragic death from breast cancer (33 Facts). After his mom s death, Hitler decided to go live on the streets and this went on for four years (33 Facts). He finally tried to pull himself together, and he volunteered for the German army during World War 1 (33 Facts). Hitler acquired two injuries during World War 1 and once the war ended he was determined to study politics (33 Facts). In 1919 Hitler decided to join a small political party and soon ... Get more on ...
  • 17. A Rhetorical Analysis Of Green Day Working Class Hero Ilian Garcia Gautam Emani ENGL 111G M06 September 22, 2014 Rhetorical Analysis Green Day: Working Class Hero Green Day released a John Lennon cover song Working Class Hero the album was used to control the power of Lennon s music to inspire a new generation of activists to stand up for human rights. Through the lyrics Green Day communicates how members of the working class brought up and processed by the government. In this way the song is done to agree with the change of generation, definitely they had a large portion of his audience positively respond to his message. In the lyrics of Working Class Hero Green Day represents having full knowledge as to what the working class must encounter throughout their lives. This aspect makes him seem more relatable and gains ethos as they make it seem like they know firsthand. The members of Green Day are proud to come from a background of laborers and from low income communities. By putting people in the video that express there own difficulties conveys that message across. This song builds a connection between them and their audience due to seeming relatable and ... Show more content on ... An example would be They hurt you at home and they hit you at school, they hate you if you re clever and they despise a fool, till you re so fucking crazy you can t follow their rules this intense wording caused the listener to personally fell these emotions by expressing pathos in the sense of being crazy, or minimally picture the scenes like someone being hit. Green Day keeps up with the pathos values, but also sounds like they believes they are enlightening the audience and opening our eyes to an overlooked issue. The lack of instrumental affects in the tone of the song, are as there is nothing in between the singer and his audience to distract form the message. This makes the actual lyrics and word choice more powerful and ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Examples Of Corruption In The Man Of The People Man of the People Corruption comes primarily in two forms evil and political in most cases when discussing a government or person. Corruption in the government is typically due to money and the desires of the people who or person who creates the government system. Corruption is viewed as evil because a person with bad intentions or personal interest that only benefits him or she is considered corrupt. In the Man of the People, Chief Nanga is considered corrupt in many ways, but in the African society, he was not considered corrupt as the book may allude to. The people of the African society were accustomed to such behavior and treatment. Ultimately the concepts of corruption are viewed differently depending on what that society may view as corrupt and what is the norm. In the Man of the People, it discusses an African society were Odili and Nanga have a personal feud over Edna, who leads to Odili quest to overthrow Nanga as the chief who is considered corrupt. In the Man of the People, Odili threatened to have him in Nanga in the newspaper, but Nanga asked Odili did he have a feeling for Edna (Man of the People, p.g. 72). In addition, to Odili personal feud with Nanga, he also had a feud with him politically. Odili is one of the characters who recognizes Nanga corrupt ways and tries to rise up against his rule. Odili faces tough obstacles gaining the people s trust because they were accustomed to the society in which they lived in. Whether you asked in the city or the village Nanga was a man of the people (Man of the People, p.g. 1). The people in the society did not view the government as corrupt because they have endured corruption for so long and breaking societal norms are very difficult in a society. Thus, the function corruption in the book serves as a small idea in the mind as the reader may connect corruption to them as evil, while the corruption is a norm. Thus, the idea of corruption does not really relate towards Nanga if his own people as a whole, do not view him as corrupt. Chief Nanga tactics are legitimate tactics because he was more than likely accustomed to ruling and having as he, please. Nanga is used to having any women he desires and anything that is within his reach. Nanga is a chief, ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Essay about Babe Ruth On February 6, 1895, Kate Schamberger Ruth gave birth to her first child. George Herman Ruth, Jr. was born in Baltimore, Maryland. He was the first of eight children born to Kate and George Herman Ruth. Ruth s father worked as a bartender and ultimately opened his own tavern. Many believe that George was an orphan all his life, but for the first seven years of his life he was with his parents, but he survived without guidance on the dirty, crowded streets of the Baltimore riverfront. On June 13, 1902, George Herman Ruth took his seven year old to St. Mary s Industrial School for Boys. Not only did he place young George in the school, but he also signed over custody of the boy to the Xaverian Brothers, a Catholic Order of Jesuit ... Show more content on ... When George Ruth, Jr., appeared with Dunn at the ballpark the other players started cracking jokes, and one of the players quipped, quot;Well, here s Jack s newest Babe. quot; The rest of the players also started referring to young George as quot;Babe quot; and the name stuck. Thus began the storied career of Babe Ruth. In the mornings, Ruth would go into Landers Coffee Shop in Boston, and it is here that he met Helen Woodford, a seventeen year old waitress. They married on October 17, 1914 in Ellicott City, Maryland. In December of 1919 Babe was sold to the New York Yankees. Prior to Ruth s arrival in New York, the team had never won a pennant. With quot;The Babe quot; as part of their team they became a dominant force in major league baseball, winning seven pennants and four World Championships from 1920 to 1933. In 1921, the couple adopted a baby girl, Dorothy. On January 11, 1929, at the age of 31, Helen died of suffocation in a fire. Dorothy, who was eight at the time, was away at boarding school. Babe met and became seriously interested in a young widow, Claire Hodgson. Claire had come to New York from Georgia with her young daughter Julia in 1920 and worked as a model and actress. On April 17, 1929, the two were married in New York. In October 1930, Babe adopted Claire s daughter Julia, while Claire did the same with Dorothy. He had a passion for hunting and fishing, boxing, and bowling. But perhaps one of his biggest athletic ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Li Ning Essay LUC WATHIEU GAO WANG MEDHA SAMANT Li Ning Anything is Possible Sharing Zhang s belief that a superior level of category leadership was within reach if the Li Ning brand could somehow acquire elements of brand strength equivalent to those associated with the Nike and Adidas names, vice president of marketing Abel Wu was pursuing a marketing strategy aimed at establishing in people s minds, just in time for the Olympics, a uniquely differentiated position for the Li Ning brand. Chief among Zhang s concerns at this point was how to integrate Li Ning s decision making to ensure that new opportunities could be seized while making the most of the company s current competitive advantages. Do 1 Li Ning 2005 Annual Report, p. 18. ... Show more content on ... In 2001, the company announced a conscious decision to become more customer focused, and increased the resources allocated to consumer research and marketing. In June 2004, in preparation for its initial public offering on the Hong Kong stock exchange, Li Ning intensified its efforts to achieve transparency and adopt a coherent vision and system of company values. Brand internationalization was incorporated in the business strategy. Company growth was driven by overall growth in the domestic economy and supported by investments in R D and a stream of new product launches. With significant improvements in design, especially in footwear, it became possible to extract a price premium, and footwear gained increasing importance in Li Ning s product mix (Exhibit 3). Do 2 Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. or 617 783 7860. No tC The foundation period was followed by one of high speed development from 1995 to 1997, during which Li Ning became the dominant domestic sports brand. Over time, the product mix was consolidated and distinct organizations were established around the major product categories of sportswear, leisurewear, and sports footwear. Company headquarters was moved from Guangdong to Beijing. Sports sponsorship remained the main vehicle of marketing communications, and distribution was expanded continuously throughout the PRC via the company s system of franchised outlets.
  • 21. op ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Emancipation Proclamation Significance The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by president Lincoln on September twenty second, 1862. Its primary significance was to grant freedom to the African American slaves in the confederate states. The only way for the owners to keep their slaves was if they returned to the union by the following January first, 1863. Lincoln did not want to share his thoughts on slavery before this point because he was afraid the northern Democratic Party along with border slave states would turn against the Union if he made a move against slavery beforehand 1862. Lincoln s ideals on slavery starts to take a strong stance letting the people know he is against it and issues this proclamation, Lincoln thought that abolition had become a sound military strategy. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Stereotypes In Horror Movies More than any other genre of film, horror is perhaps the one ridiculed almost as often as it is revered. This is because, as the medium continues mellowing, audiences are able to pick up and acknowledge the common situations and stereotypes that have populated it for decades. There also able to make metal representations .While these circumstances were once idiosyncratic and able to shock, now we €™ve seen so many flunctuations of the same storys that filmmakers are forced to find new ways to make people shake with fear. So what rules will you need to know to survive in the horror movies nowadays . As our ancestors recognized long ago, man does not survive alone, yet it is common for characters in horror films to go against this logic and bifurcate when staying together is the safer way to go. When going up against the main antagonist your odds of survival rise substantially when you have the help of others to rely on. Horror movie characters appear to life in an alternate universe where going out into the creepy forest to investigate a noise by yourself is a good idea, and the results are almost always fatal. These characters might as well slap a €œ Kill Me€ sign on their back and rub themselves in some blood. In horror situations, strength comes from numbers, so if you want to survive, bring friends just be careful ... Show more content on ... Why is it that every time the main character is being chased [which is most often the girl]they are always tripping and falling? How often do you really trip and fall when you are running? Just run straight ahead.If u think about it most of the antagonist in the film are at a slight disadvantage. For example, leather face, from the texas chainsaw massacre.He was wearing a funeral outfit the whole time which limited his ability to move around not to mention the chainsaw he was caring. Plus he had a mask on which limited his vision but yet the victim was still the one tripping and ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Cause And Effects Of The Columbian Exchange The Columbian Exchange began after the voyage of Christopher Columbus to the Western Hemisphere across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492. The Columbian exchange is the exchange of people, animal, plants, and diseases between the Old World and New world. Many of those things went to the Old World which was Europe conversely many things came to the New World, the Americas, as well. Although both worlds benefitted from the Columbus Exchange, in reality the Old world benefitted more. When the European travelers came to America they brought over may diseases including small pox, influenza, measles, and Scarlett fever. The Native Americans had never been exposed to these diseases before consequently they did not have antibodies to fight of these diseases which meant that many people would die from the exposure to the various diseases. The introduction of these diseases created a high death toll in the Native American population, killing more than half of the original population. In addition, Europeans introduced horses and livestock to the environment of the new world. The horses were effective form of transportation that enabled many Indians to improve their lifestyles. The introduction of horses to plains Indianas, for example, enabled them to hunt bison with far better results, they were able to hunt more bison with the use of horses. Horses also enabled them to be more nomadic, the Indians were able to carry more items far further distances and able to move around more. The addition of livestock such as cattle in the Americas added to the food supply of the Americas. The livestock provided more food containing protein and other minerals. The introduction of horses and livestock mainly benefited the Indians lives. Along with the introduction of livestock, rice and sugar were also brought to the New World from the Old world. Rice and sugar created a better food supply similar to the livestock. The sugar and rice added a variety to the food already in the New world. The introduction of rice in the New World enabled many farmers to grow it in the New World and transport it back to the Old World, creating a great profit. Additionally weapons and guns were traded with the Native Americans. The Native Americans had ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Process of the Western Expansion into South East Asia The process of the Western Expansion into South East Asia occurred in two phases. These two phases can be characterized by their unique features, which differentiated them from one another. Historical records have shown that, the expansion was facilitated by the major Western Imperial powers, as known as: The United States of America, Holland, Britain, and France. In addition, historical doctrine have shown that, there were certain economic and social factors that facilitated the occurrence of the differences between their first and the second phase of the expansion into the South East Asia (Schoppa, pg.23, 2008). This discussion will focus on the differences between the first and the second phases of the expansion, as well as the factors that facilitated the occurrence of these differences. The first phase of Western expansion into South East Asia was when the Western Imperialists invaded the South East Asia and facilitated a division of the region in relation to territories; this was compared to their division of Africa into various nations. As Professor Giebel mentioned in his lecture: The British took complete control of the Indonesian Islands while the French took control of Indochina (Giebel, 4/23). However, a scenario characterized this period where, the French, the Dutch and the British took control of the South East Asia region (Schoppa, pg. 29, 2008). On the other hand, during the second phase of the expansion, the United States of America was involved in the act ... Get more on ...
  • 26. U.s. Imposes Tariffs On Chinese Solar Panels This article discusses how the U.S. imposes tariffs on Chinese solar panels due to the fact that China was dumping solar panels to the U.S market, it also considers the possible impact of these changes and attempts to assess the relative merits/drawbacks of the policy. Dumping is the selling of goods and services on foreign markets below their cost of production[ in economics definition effects.html]. A tariff is defined as taxation on imported goods. Dumping of Chinese solar panels on the U.S market Chinese companies were selling products below the cost of manufacture also benefiting from unfair subsidies from their government this results the domestic quantity supply of solar panels to decrease as the price of domestic supplied solar panels is higher than ones imported from China. But U.S consumers are paying a lower price when solar panels are exported to the U.S from China and consumers get more variety of choices when buying. Even if America s solar market contained no trade barriers before this, the domestic quantity supplied would still decrease from Q2 to Q1 because most domestic solar companies cannot compete with the subsidized Chinese producers. Inexpensive Chinese solar products pushed many American manufacturers out of business , causing structural unemployment in America and this will be difficult for the U.S government to deal with because this will require retraining or other initiatives which can sometimes be ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Stages Of Health Policy Analysis The political decision making process is so irrational that a completely rational approach to health policy making can hardly be achieved. Support, debunk or provide alternative paradigms or approaches to this statement, focusing on the development of a particular policy area you are familiar with, and using analytic tools and frameworks in health policy analysis. This paper will begin by briefly examining the role of the state in health and how the state or political system is structured to meet this obligation. It will then describe the types of policy, the stages of policy making, and the uniqueness of health policy making. Having provided a solid foundation for understanding the political and policy making system, in the context of ... Show more content on ... While the more obvious internal political structure of a nation can facilitate or hinder participation in the policy making process, exogenous factors are a major yet less discernible factor. Therefore, it is dependent on the particular aspect of control that policy health actors are faced with, will direct the type of policy development processes undertaken. If the policy is within the control of Health, involves input to cross portfolio policy development, or involves input to intergovernmental policy development. Amongst the many structures used to describe the policy processes Walt (1994) describes the most commonly used framework as a four step continuous cycle that moves through (1) problem identification and issue recognition/definition, (2) Policy formulation with clarification of policy issues and preferred options, (3) policy implementation (4) policy evaluation and review. Consultation occurs throughout this cycle. This was expanded upon in the NSW Health Department State Health Publication (1998) to include; a release of formal discussion paper and the development of final policy paper, as two separate activities coming after policy formation. These two additional steps have become necessary, as the intended policy must be available to the general public and special interest groups, to illicit their views before it is adopted and sent before cabinet for approval. NSW ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Video and Sony Introduction Sony was founded in 1945 by partners Masaru Ibuka, (an engineer), and Akio Morita, (a physicist),and was originally named Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo (Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering). The firm was launched in Nihonbashi, Tokyo. Four years later the company developed and produced Japans first magnetite coated, paper based recording tape, called Soni Tape. In 1955, the firm began using Sony logo on Totsuko products. The group also launched Japan s first transistor radio, the TR 55, during the same time. In 1958, the group changed its name to Sony. Today Sony has developed TransferJet , a proximity wireless transfer technology enabling the high speed transfer of large data files between electronic devices such as mobile ... Show more content on ... Examples of this strategy include the introduction of BRAVIA, ZX1, a thin, lightest LCD TV featuring LED edge lighting; The VAIO P Series notebook computer (the world s lightest 8 inch notebook PC) and the Cyber shot HX1 compact digital camera (which allows users to capture wide angle of 224 degrees views). * Sony operates from a philosophy it labels uniquely Sony . The company seeks to facilitate the development of its staff but spurs employees to manage their own career and but to avoid pigeon holing. This is a microcosm of the company s desire to foster adaptability. The company s broad outlook extends to its corporate responsibility. * The desire to make its hardware and interfaces that are easy to use was a catalyst behind recent reorganization of electronics into Personal and Home categories. The company has reaffirmed its commitment to make the Home category more user friendly. * Sony has adopted a Company of Committees governance system in order to go beyond minimum compliance with legal requirements and to add additional transparency. To accomplish this, the company has revised some Directors functions to facilitate the proper functions of statutory committees. * Sony has a recently reorganized in order to further improve responsiveness and customer service. It has established a network of services tailored to the needs of local customers. The move acknowledges the growing complexity ... Get more on ...
  • 29. John Steinbeck s The Last Of The Mohicans The book Last of the Mohicans is about a group of Native Americans called the Mohicans. The characters are Hawkeye, his adopted father Chingachgook, and his adopted brother Uncas. They re are the last of the Mohicans, the last of the bloodline. The story takes place in the 18th century during a seven year war between Britain and France. Hawkeye and the Mohicans try to save the daughter of a British colonel when a conflict arises. Magua of the Hurons attempts to kill the Mohicans and kidnap the two girls. Magua is the trouble maker and wants revenge against Col. Munro by trying to marry one of the daughters and hurt his pride. There was a lot of racial conflict between white and Indian race at a time when racism was at its height. The relationship between Chingachgook and Uncas is a bit complicated. Their love for each other isn t portrayed well in the story. It s a distant love that parents and children have endured throughout time. He s very protective of his daughter. She doesn t like how restricting he can be. At times, they re both stubborn toward one another. She gets so mad she wishes she could explode at him. Although she s deeply angry at her father, she loves him more then life itself. Being her wise father, and a child never fully understanding the depths of love from a father; he ... Show more content on ... He completes her sentences. They instinctively do many of the same things. But then there are times when she refuses to bend, and him being the old mule; he won t budge. Then there s silence, emptiness and despair. They both know the importance of family and tradition. No one who loves someone would never behave in a hurtful way. I know it, my father means the world to me. I m positive he d defend my life at all times. This is why I like the book, it shows you unconditional love from another perspective. You can t tell exactly how hard they love one another. It all depends on them and how the reader identifies with ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Synopsis Of Kathy s Short Story Prologue Kathy is your normal everyday teenager who just happened to have a football captain boyfriend named Jason. She lives in Cape Cod, and keeps up to date with social media, Along with getting straight A s in school. Kathy has blond hair and green eyes with tanned skin. Kathy s mom died when she was 3 so Kathy knows nothing about her. But her dad, Dan and her sister Lacy are living normal lives where as on the inside Kathy is in chaos. Kathy has turned into a recluse as she has gotten older. Growing up without her mom has hurt Kathy emotionally. She stays in her room all day she talks to no one and she just gets on her phone and checks Instagram, Snapchat, and Vine. Her sister, Lacy always comes to check on her, but Kathy just pushes her away and says I m busy. But Lacy always makes sure she eats, sleeps, and stays healthy since Kathy s the only other girl in the house since their mom died. Lacy is also a teenager who just got her license and she is full of happiness and love. She plays for the school volleyball team and does community service in Cape Cod. She had brown hair and green eyes.She is the best sister anyone could ever ask for she helps out anyone and everyone. But she thinks something is wrong with Kathy, because ever since she could remember Kathy would always try to be alone and sometimes would even go so far as to lock her door. But their dad, Dan is no help he is hurting too, but doesn t show it, he understands there is nothing he can do now ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Meditation History There is limited knowledge concerning the history of meditation, but some researchers think that meditation could have been discovered when people sat at campsite fires thousands of years ago and looked at the flames. This theory goes well with the known fact that staring at a candle flame can induce one type of meditation. As time passed different forms of it were developed. Books from India called tantras speak of this type of prayer as far back as five thousand years ago. Archaeologists discovered a statue of a yogi in the Indus Valley Civilization and this shows that meditation in the practice of yoga could be as ancient as the first Indian civilization. Buddha was a big advocate of meditation. He became established as a teacher about 500 B.C. His ideas were stretched into various Asian countries and in other places people created different forms of meditation based on his teachings. In Islam the Sufi tradition of meditation was purported and the leaders (Sufis) think that when Mohamed began Islam that is when meditation started with that religion. Meditation is part of Christianity, Jainism, Judaism, and aboriginal religions. ... Show more content on ... Zen came from Buddhism and it has spawned Taoism, Confucianism, and Indian spiritualism. Taoism basically means the way. It began as a philosophy but ended up as a religion. Taoist meditation concentrates on stopping outward sensory information from coming into your mind. It utilizes breathing techniques. It has ideas that are like those of Hindu and Buddhist kinds of meditative thought. But it isn t abstract like those types of meditation. The Confucian form of meditation is aimed at realizing virtue and it is meant to prevent disease and encourage health. Indian spiritualism involves yoga and ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Working Memory Inattentional Blindness In the second phase of the experiment, the task and stimuli were the same, but following this phase, all of the subjects reported having seen the patterns. ERPs recorded over the occipital pole differed in amplitude from 220 to 260 msec for the pattern stimuli compared with the random arrays regardless of whether subjects were aware of the patterns. At subsequent latencies (300 340 msec) however, ERPs over bilateral occipital parietal areas differed between patterns and random arrays only when subjects were aware of the patterns. Finally, in a third phase of the experiment, subjects viewed the same stimuli, but the task was altered so that the patterns became task relevant. Here, the same two difference components were evident but were followed by a series of additional components that were absent in the first two phases of the experiment. We hypothesize that the ERP difference at 220 260 msec reflects neural activity associated with automatic contour integration whereas the difference at 300 340 msec reflects visual awareness, both of which are dissociable from ... Show more content on ... The article was about; individual differences in working memory predict many aspects of cognitive performance, especially for tasks that demand focused attention. One negative consequence of focused attention is inattentional blindness, the failure to notice unexpected objects when attention is engaged elsewhere. Yet, the relationship between individual differences in working memory and inattentional blindness is unclear; some studies have found that higher working memory capacity is associated with greater noticing, but others have found no direct association. Given the theoretical and practical significance of such individual differences, more definitive tests are needed. In two studies with large samples, we tested the relationship between multiple working memory measures and inattentional ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Personal Financial Planning Essay Personal Finance Planning Introduction Personal Finance is the financial management which an person or a family unit performs to spending plan, spare, and invest fiscal assets over time, considering different monetary risks and future life events (Salohalla, 2011). Like many people, you have seeks and dreams and life objectives after yourself and your crew. These might incorporate purchasing a home or business, putting something aside for school instruction for your youngsters, taking a fantasy get away, decreasing duties and taxes, retiring serenely. Financial planning is the procedure of astutely dealing with your funds so you can accomplish your fantasies and objectives while in the meantime offering you some assistance with negotiating the budgetary boundaries that definitely emerge in each phase of life (Finke, 2011). As sound financial prosperity and better way of life is picking up need amongst people, the individual financial planning is progressively turning into a decent practice if not as of now a need. Truth be told, a sound individual financial arrangement permits individual to be aware of courses in which they manage financial matters. It is a way to manage an individual s financial choices and highlight the consequences of such choices on different territories of one s accounts. An average way to deal with individual financial planning includes compelling usage of investment funds to aggregate riches, trailed via watchful protection of such riches against ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Is College Worth It Essay When college pops up in the mind of a high school graduate they sometimes ask themselves, is it really worth it . Well the answer is yes! College is very much worth it. Many times people have debated on wether to go to college or just stay as a high school graduate. But i m here to prove that college is worth it because you get paid more, earn responsibility, and you get health insurance and retirement plans. First, college is more valuable because you get paid more. According to Pro Con Arguments it states, on average, a college graduate with a bachelor degree earned $30,000 more per year than a high school graduate, over $500,000 more over an year. This shows that high school graduates don t make a lot of money, that s why it s important to get an education and money. Getting an education gets you money and it s important to go to college because if you don t go to college you are more likely to never gain responsibility for anything you do in life. Most people agree with going to college to make money but others just think that college is just a waste and you only go there to go to school but actually going to college gets you in the idea of making your own decisions and also taking responsibility for many things.Which takes me to my next reason why ... Show more content on ... 10 ways why you should go to college says that A lot of high school graduates have never worked, paid a bill, or learned anything about personal finance. Even as parents teach kids about money management. They can help kids ease into responsibility by going to college. Responsibility can help kids think and make decisions. Kids who go to college also end up learning about maturity and thinking about their future. People also believe that without going to college and gaining responsibility, kids become sloppy and irresponsible and would never think about the future and would most likely almost procrastinate everything in their everyday ... Get more on ...