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Narrative Essay For College
Crafting a narrative essay for college can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. The
difficulty arises not only from the academic expectations but also from the personal nature of the
task. Unlike more straightforward assignments, a narrative essay requires you to delve into your
own experiences, emotions, and reflections, making it a unique challenge.
The process begins with selecting a compelling and meaningful topic, one that not only captures
your personal journey but also resonates with your intended audience – college admissions
officers. Identifying the right story that encapsulates your character, values, and aspirations can
be a daunting task in itself.
Once you have your topic, the challenge continues as you must navigate the delicate balance
between self-expression and adhering to the conventions of academic writing. Crafting a
narrative that is both engaging and well-structured requires honing your storytelling skills while
maintaining a coherent and logical flow.
Moreover, the reflective aspect of a narrative essay demands introspection and self-awareness.
Unearthing the deeper meanings behind your experiences and articulating them effectively can
be a formidable undertaking. It involves not only recounting events but also analyzing their
impact on your personal growth and development.
Beyond the creative process, the essay also needs to meet the standards of college-level writing.
This involves meticulous attention to grammar, syntax, and overall composition. Balancing
creativity with academic rigor is no small feat, and it requires careful editing and revision to
ensure that your narrative not only captivates but also meets the expected standards of clarity
and coherence.
In conclusion, crafting a narrative essay for college is a multifaceted challenge that demands
creativity, self-reflection, and attention to academic conventions. It is an opportunity to
showcase not only your writing skills but also your unique personal journey. While the difficulty
may be substantial, the satisfaction that comes from successfully conveying your story and
leaving a lasting impression on your readers can make the effort worthwhile.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing challenges,
professional help is available. Various services, such, offer support in
crafting compelling narratives and other academic content.
Narrative Essay For CollegeNarrative Essay For College
Pediatric Oncology Career
Deciding on a career path is quite difficult, even I have not been able to decide on
a career path yet. However, I am bearing in mind pediatric oncology, culinary, and
cosmetology. The only cause of my second guessing in pediatric oncology is due to
the amount of education needed, It will take a total of 14 years to major in pediatric
oncology. Once I have completed those 14 years it will have been well worth it.
The first career, I am looking into is pediatric oncology, Pediatric oncology is what
I am considering because it is one of the most inspiring jobs in my opinion. There
are also a lot more pros than cons, I want to become a pediatric oncologist because
of numerous reasons and that is one of them. A couple reasons are that I have... Show
more content on ...
I am still not even sure how many years of education are required to specialize in
culinary arts, also in comparison to the professional chefs I am still a beginner, yet
some may even consider me inexperienced. Some reasons I want to get a degree in
culinary arts is because I am creative I like food and I think cooking is fun. Also,
because I do a decent job at it and some of the smells are wonderful. Creativity is a
good skill to have in culinary, It is a good skill to have because, you want to put
your own twist on things and make things your own by adding a pinch of this or a
pinch of that.
Some advantages include doing things you like, running your own business, and
just flat out the skill itself, the skill itself is an advantage because when you get
married you want to be able to cook for your husband and your kids when you have
them. Food is also a basic necessity you need to eat to live and you do not want to
depend on friends, family, and fast food restaurants your whole life to cook for you.
Some disadvantages include burning yourself and the food, some unpleasant smells,
and customers with bad
Inflation and United States Economy
Economic Forecasting: An Internet WebQuest [pic] INTRODUCTION Economics
is often called the science of decision making. The decisions that economists analyze
range from personal decisions such as how big a pizza to order or whether to buy or
lease a new car to the decisions the federal government makes about things like the
size of our military. Economists use information about these, and other decisions, to
develop indicators that can be used to determine the health of our economy. Just as a
physician relies on indicators such as temperature, blood pressure and heart rate to
determine the health of a patient, economists use indicators like gross domestic
product growth, the unemployment rate and the rate of inflation to predict our... Show
more content on ...
2001 2.83 %2002 1.59 %2003 2.27 %2004 2.68 % 2005 3.39 % 20063.24 %
20072.85 %2008 3.85 %2009 0.34 %2010 1.64 % 2011 3.16 % When is the last
time we experienced deflation (prices actually dropped you will have to go back a
few decades)? Since 1970, what year had the highest inflation rate? What was the
rate? Compile these pieces into a coherent recommendation to Ms. Jones. Should
she bring her guava jelly business to the United States? What is the outlook for the
economic health of the nation? Type a Word document incorporating the leading
economic indicators and the information Ms. Jones is interested in. Prepare a report
or powerpoint for your client that includes: at least one graph/chart for each of the
three indicators. a brief explanation of the status of that indicator. a prediction for
the health of the United States economy over the next 12 months. Components of
GDP Determine if each of the items listed below should be included in GDP and
under which component or components: Consumption, Investment, Government,
Exports or Imports. Circle ones that are counted, determine category on the left.
Catogory 1. A stereo produced and sold in the US by a Japanese company _____ 2.
College tuition _____ 3. Social Security payments _____ 4. Microsoft stock
purchased from Microsoft _____ 5. A space shuttle launch _____ 6. The purchase of
a plane ticket to
Research Paper On Sally Ride
Have you ever wondered how people can get the courage and talent to revolutionize
the career they are in? Sally Ride has definitely had that experience. She started this
adventure when she went to Stanford University, majoring in physics in her home
state, California. She took a chance for a NASA job and got accepted in. With
determination and hardwork, she managed to be the first American woman into
space. She changed women s reputations and the way women were looked at for
having hardworking careers. She started several organizations and inspiration to
fellow girls and women. Sally ridewas an inspirational, determined, astronaut. She is
best known for being the first American woman to fly in space. She applied to be
an astronaut in 1977 in Nasa s astronaut program. It was an ad in an advertisement.
It was the first time that women were invited to apply to the astronaut program.
(Dunbar). The first time inviting women was a very big deal, so getting in was
even bigger. So she began to apply with courage and a dream of going into space.
Ride ended up beating 1,000 other people for the job in the program. Through this
job, she had tons of training for robotic arms and the equipment. The training was
very constant throughout her time there because of the big responsibility of going
and deploying satellites through space. She was chosen to be a mission specialist
and was in charge of the robotic arm. The robotic arm is the position to deploy
satellites across space. She
Essay about Character, Values and Morals in Huckleberry
Character, Values and Morals in Huckleberry Finn
Mark Twain s Huckleberry Finn is perhaps one of the most controversial novels the
North American Continent has ever produced. Since its publication more than a
hundred years ago controversy has surrounded the book. The most basic debate
surrounding Twain s masterpiece is whether the book s language and the character of
Jim are presented in a racist manner. Many have called for the book to be banned
from our nation s schools and libraries. Mark Twain s novel is about a young boywho
was raised in the south before slavery was abolished, a place where racism and
bigotry were the fabric of every day life. The novel is the account of how Huck Finn,
who is a product of these ... Show more content on ...
Huck s father is absent until he finds out that Huck has found some money. Pap is
an outcast full of hate for blacks and pretty much for all of society. Huck, as a
product of his society, speaks the language of his society. By choosing as his point of
view a young boy from the slave south, Twain is able to present and challenge the
values and assumptions of this time. Among the assumptions and values of the time
that the reader encounters in the book are the strict definitions pertaining to Huck s
world and the people who inhabit it:
The world of Huckleberry Finn presents a curious mixture of Calvinist principles
and aristocratic ideals. . . . We meet most of the fundamentalist Christian sects from
their Sunday schools to their Methodist and Presbyterian churches; from Revivalist
camp meetings to lay preachers (like brother Phelps) and ministers (like the Wilks
brothers). We meet representatives of all three classes from upper and lower orders
of the ruling Whites to Blacks. For that is the first division: Whites (who are people
) and Blacks (just niggers ). People , in their turn are further divided into two castes:
the quality and plain folks.
(Beaver 64 5)
In order for Huck to challenge any of the values and assumptions of the time he must
first be acquainted with them. And he is not only intimately acquainted with the
values of his society but he holds many of its beliefs himself. But Huck longs for
freedom away
Pros And Cons Of Integrated Marketing Communications
Integrated Marketing Communications
As online presence has advanced, there are more and more business minded people
turning to the Internet as a way to make a living. There are plenty of pros and cons
to go around with the online community, but the savvy business person can overcome
the cons and become quite successful. It all begins with a strategy. What is the best
way to get your message out there where customers will find it? For the successful
business person integrated marketing communications is the key to online success.
Integrated marketing communications applies messaging about your brand using
traditional and non traditional marketing strategies. Each method of communication is
used to build up other forms of communication. In ... Show more content on ...
While some strategies are very strong, others are very weak. When combined, each
strategy works effectively for the betterment of the other. This allows the business to
reach a broader customer base and to provide a greater impact.
Modern day marketing
In 1989 there were not many people thinking about Internet marketing. Most people
went to a brick and mortar store to do their shopping. Sometimes they had to use
mail order, but rarely did they think of any other way to purchase the products and
items they wanted. Today is an entirely different world. Social media has taken the
Internet by storm, allowing people to communicate around the world. By utilizing
social media, business are able to reach more people who are looking for what they
have to sell.
Along with social media, search engines are geared to lead people to a certain site.
Successful search engines use search engine optimization, or key words that are used
to find a site. The more often the key words are placed in a promotional piece, the
easier it is for the search engine to locate the proper site. For example, if you are
looking for kitchen utensils, the phrase kitchen utensils should be used in the title of
the communication, and it should be used several times through the remaining
To The Virgins, To Make Much Of Time By Robert Herrick
Little did I know at the age of fourteen as I laced up my basketball shoes the game I
was about to participate in would forever change my life. Nor did I realize that
game would be the last time I would ever step foot onto a basketball court. Even
simple tasks such as walking would soon almost be impossible to complete.
Following the game I soon proceeded to have a multitude of knee surgeries and
numerous years of physical therapy. Looking back, if I would have grasped what
was about to happen, I would have absorbed every second. Through this experience I
learned nothing is ever guaranteed and that I must utilize the opportunities that have
been laid in front of me. This is where I became familiar with the term Carpe diem.
After my injury I... Show more content on ...
In the first poem a statement that is being implied is how slow he could love her with
if time was not an issue. The Ganges River is grimy and the rubies are absent. He
would spend a lifetime searching for these rubies, even though he would never
discover any. A second example is his vegetable love implies that his love is an
unconscious growth. Another example is times winged chariot and it represents that
time is quickly creeping up on them. The implication is that life is short and those
tasks would be impossible with the transience of time. The second poem suggests
that one day she could be buoyant and then tomorrow death transpires. The next
example is when he indicates once they have reached the peak they are now on the
verge of death. He uses these implications to try and persuade the woman to seize the
A Comparison of the Decline of Han China and the Roman
A Comparison of the Decline of Han China and the Roman Empire The decline of
China and Rome both shared similar economic strife in that they were both subject
to barbarian and nomadic invasions, therefore having to spend large amounts of
money on frontier defense; however, they differed in that the Han Empire
collapsed in part due to the high taxes imposed on the peasant class resulting in a
large peasant rebellion, such as the Yellow Turbans, while in Rome tax collections
was in danger of abandonment as residents of the empire were few in number and in
financial difficulty. In addition, the two empires were similar socially because of
large epidemics, diseases, and plagues that caused a population decrease. Also, both
experienced a... Show more content on ...
The Han Empire chose to overtax the overwhelmingly large peasant class which
instigated an enormous peasant rebellion led by the Yellow Turbans, a Daoist
religious sect who opposed the over taxation of peasantry and attempted to form a
Golden Age . In the Roman Empire, taxation slowly became a thing of the past, as the
Romans decreasing population failed to pay taxes at all during hard times. As the
Roman population decreased due to famine, disease, and the upper classes producing
less offspring due to their quest for a pleasure seeking life, soldiers were becoming
scarcer, and the overall economy declined. Factors such as taxing and nomadic
invasions weakened both societies economically, though both civilizations dealt with
taxing differently, causing different effects. In both civilizations, epidemics broke out
within the population. Public baths, sewage systems, and human animal contact
caused diseases such as malaria, smallpox, measles, and the bubonic plague to wipe
out entire populations. In addition, both suffered a cultural decay intellectually.
Roman scholars wrote textbooks summarizing already discovered information instead
of developing new ideas. During that time, Romans became increasingly focused on
pleasure seeking, turning away from political and economic ideas that once shaped
their civilization. Confucian scholars in Han China became less creative and centered
also, causing social and political decline in Confucian philosophies. However; when
How Fiction Ruined Love Summary
Alain de Botton in How Fiction Ruined Love says that our culture s infatuation on
over climatic, romanticized love stories has a shock on our actual lives. In modern
culture, few stories manage to convey the complications of a long lasting relationship.
Namely, people often go into relationships with unrealistic and high expectations.
Few examples of this are when the going gets tough, couples often clamp under the
pressure of everyday life. Ultimately, Alain de Botton argues that loveis so much more
that just sexual feeling and passion that romantic novels and movies portray it to be.
Romance movies ignore such crucial component involved with love such as a career.
One of the points De Botton makes is that romantic films and novels tend
Delphos Research Paper
The world of transportation is constantly evolving. Innovators all over the world are
trying to find to create new forms of transportation that is fast and efficient. One
innovator, Elon Musk, has created the Hyperloop; a new idea for transportation of
passengers and cargo. The Hyperloop travels the country within tubes allowing
passengers and cargo to enter and exit at specific locations throughout the country. It
travels faster than the speed of an airplane at the price of a bus ticket. The one
million dollar donation provided by the Board of Education should fund the creation
of a Hyperloop station in Delphos.
As awareness of pollution and global warming increases, an environmentally safe
form of transportation is needed. Almost all forms ... Show more content on ...
Centers of transportation tend to be popular spots for business. A popular phrase
used by the Hyperloop team is, When cities become metro stops, regions will
flourish. Since businesses would have quick and easy access to the rest of the
nation, they would be able to buy/sell products and services easily with anyone in
the nation. This will encourage many businesses to move to Delphos creating a
large amount of jobs for people in the area. Also, with a large amount of
businesses, the people of Delphos will have an increase in their income due to
businesses competing for skilled workers in the area. Not only will the station help
new business and factories, it will also help the many farmers sell their crops to new
markets across the nation. When a break from work is needed, anyone who can
afford a bus ticket can get on the Hyperloop and be almost anywhere in the nation
within hours.
One of the concerns with spending money on this project are the Hyperloop has
not come into to full design yet. While this may be true, many tests have been
performed in order to bring the project to reality. The motor system has already
undergone successful tests and full system tests are to be conducted within the next
few weeks. The Hyperloop is expected to become fully active in 2021; the scale of
the Hyperloop system is then expected to grow rapidly throughout the rest of the
country. With the project projected to be very successful, the Hyperloop system
should span nationwide by the year of
Spatial Mismatch
As I have mentioned above, the origin of spatial mismatch phenomenon was found
through the empirical test. However, the theoretical conception is still unclear. There
was no literature which provides the micro foundations for this hypothesis until
Brueckner Martin (1997) develop a theoretical model to directly address the welfare
effect of spatial mismatch hypothesis. The authors adopted a fixed wage model with
a setup of the linear city. Besides taking the traditional assumption of the hypothesis,
the authors also take two spatial elements into account, that is, job decentralization
and a restriction of non white housing relocation to the suburbs. Under the analyses,
Brueckner Martin indicated that spatial mismatch has caused the non white inner city
workers to pay higher rent at a certain commuting distance and thus obtain lower real
wage. This was translated as a welfare loss for non white. While Brueckner Martin s
findings put more discussion on the welfare effect of spatial mismatch hypothesis, a
paper by (Arnott, 1998) provides an extensive analysis on the cause of spatial
mismatch. Arnott agreed that housing discrimination, combine with job
suburbanization, has brought worse situation for non white inner city workers, but
the job suburbanization does not necessarily... Show more content on
The authors adopted minimum wage model and efficiency wage model to investigate
the impact of housing discrimination on the unemployment rate of non white workers
as well as their wages. The advantage of the latter model is the unemployment and
wages can be endogenized. Under both models, the authors showed that housing
discrimination has resulted in increasing unemployment rate and lower wages for non
white in inner city. Therefore, they suggest that these models can provide a
theoretical link between unemployment and racial discrimination in the housing
Lifestyle Magazine As An Example
Using Lifestyle magazine as an example, explore how media texts target specific
Lifestyle magazine are magazines that tells the audience about the lifestyle they live
and can have an impact on their lives as their views can be subverted by the
ideology of the magazine. This ideology comes from the creators of the magazine;
they put what they think instead of what the public thinks about a certain topic. In
this writing i am going to talk about what the lifestyle magazines do in order to attract
specific audience and how they achieve in targeting specific audience.
The two lifestyle magazines that i am going to talk about are FHM and Cosmopolitan
magazine. These magazines were released on november 2013 and the target audience
between the two has links and oppositions. On both magazines, the central image is
the image of females; which suggests that these magazines are targeted at female. But,
on the front of these magazines it is a picture of seductive females which implies that
the audience is different and possibly males as they would get attracted.
I am going to start by analysing how FHM targets their audience and keep their
loyalty so that they would not look for another magazine to replace the FHM
magazine they currently hold. This magazine is promoting anti feminism as the main
central image is of a woman with a seductive look which is representing woman in a
negative manner. Also, further connotes objectification of woman as the clothes
signifiers shows
Drug Court Reflection
I when up to my local court house in Woodhaven Michigan. I was told that for legal
reason I was unable to attend a actual drug court, but was able to sit in on a sobriety
court. However I was able to talk to a probation officer and the manger to obtain
information on drug court itself. In this short essay I will go over, what I learned in
about drug court, what I have learn and observed in drug court, and well as what I
have reached. Drug court was first started in 1989 in Miami, Florida. Drug court
came about due to the link between crimeand drug abuse. This drug related crimes
caused the jails to become over populated. Drug court became the solution to aid in
the recovery of SUD as well as weed out petite drug related crimes and hard
criminals. This is in intensive program with court supervision, case management for
prosecution and/or incarceration. As well as a team of professional that assist the
client in with the court, probation, treatment and police. These professional meet up
with the client to discuss the program and how they are doing in it. This is a
abstinence base program that help with rapid treatment entry, integrated treatment
and court service, drug testing, and a sanctions and reward system (Miller,2015)...
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Once I was got there I was directed to the probation office, I sat waiting for at least
twenty minutes before I was asked if I needed help. If I was a client I would have
signed in on a touch screen monitor, that has two opinions just out of court and
already have a probation officer . I was told that in most case drug court last six
months to three years. I was told that most people stay in the program for one or
two years. In this program is the indiviual would go to the courts twice a week for
drug testing. The clients are required to go to AA and or NA meeting. If the
individual successful completes drug court the original charge will be taking off of
there record (2018, drug
Rim-Internal Analysis
An International Management Applications Paper Research in Motion (RIM) Title
of Article:Time to Pick BlackBerry Again? Source and Date:The Wall Street
JournalNOVEMBER 9, 2010, 1:44 P.M. ET Author:MARTIN PEERS Summary of
Article: This article talks about why Blackberry maker RIM may still have hope in
the smartphone industry; meanwhile acknowledging that there is no longer any
debate that BlackBerry is yesterday s technology. According to the article, RIM s
once irrefutable position among business and government customers shows signs of
eroding, as rivals like iPhone maker Apple make inroads. Competitive pressure in the
U.S. is likely to increase if, as expected, Verizon Communications... Show more
content on ...
and they are pitted against a lot of bigger and more powerful competitors such as
Apple, Microsoft, Motorola, and Google. They need to be nimble and execute
perfectly, and going off and building a iPad clone shows they do not have the laser
like focus on their core competency they will need to succeed long term in this
space. They will hang on for a while at this rate because Blackberry users seem to
hold their reservations when it comes to adopting new platforms, but unfortunately
I don t see any basis for them being a serious player in this space in 5 years at this
rate. RIM needs to respond with smarter pricing and marketing strategies very soon
like the article mentions. Ideally, RIM should aim to price and package its products
for different categories of workers as well as for different segments of the market as
it does
Cohabitation- Wiki
Cohabitation is an arrangement where two people who are not married live together
in an intimate relationship, particularly an emotionally and/or sexually intimate one,
on a long term or permanent basis
Reasons for cohabitation
When people have more personal freedoms, they seem to forget traditional morals
one of which is not living together until they get married. Through press, we know
that more and more young people cohabit nowadays, especially among students and
industrial workers. Why do they do that?
The first reason is free relationship. Usually, cohabitants are those who come to city
from provinces, so they are free to make their own choices. When asked, they say
thay they are not bound by their parents ... Show more content on ...
When a couple is in love, love is wonderful. However, when they live together, they
will interact each other more and more and discover many bad habits of their partner
such as smoking, snoring, laziness, or speaking impolitely. It is easy to make them
feel disappointed with their love heart. In addition, when a couple live together
without marriage, they are usually dishonest. Both men and woman in cohabiting
relationships are more likely to be unfaithful to their partner than married people.
(Civitas)2. They will be unfaithful about their inner feelings or their finance.
Therefore, they usually argue and then find a new lover easily.
Another serious consequence is that cohabitation causes a lot of social evil. The most
social evil is abortion. Rate of abortion in Vietnam is very high in the world.
According to Family Planning Association, our country has about 1.2 to 1.6 million
abortions each year, of which 20 percent of adolescent ages. There are many young
girls who are in cohabiting relationship must abort because they do not have good
methods of birth control (TT GD) 3. Abortion affects the women s health seriously.
Many women who abort with unsafe conditions are usually infertility, even death.
Broken cohabiting relationship and abortion not only affect women heath but also
hurt women hearts. In naturally, they can not keep balance and focus on their work
in their lives. As a result, many young
Hillary Clinton Achievements
Hillary Clinton
President of the United States, the highest office in our nation. A respected title, a
praiseworthy title, an honorable title, but some may ask why anyone would want to
be President. For the fame or power? Well, that is how most people think the
candidate, Hillary Clinton, thinks of it. Trump, Cruz, Kasich, Clinton, and Sanders
are the remaining candidates still in the race for the presidency. All candidates have
their faults, but Hillary s biggest fault is how she is campaigning. When people listen
to her presidential campaigns, they are not hearing politics or how she is going to
improve our country; what they hear, is Hillary attacking her fellow candidates,
trying to make them appear weak. Our President should not conduct ... Show more
content on ...
Both, Obama and Clinton were against same sex marriage until voting
commenced; as a result, people considered the sudden change of mind to be a
political move. She was interviewed by Terry Gross, who wanted to find out if her
ideas had evolved since she last ran in the 90 s. However, Clinton never gave
detailed answers, she stated, We have all evolved, and became angry when Gross
repetitively asked. She complained, stating Terry was, playing with my words. She
also went on to say how proud of herself she was for what she has done for this
issue, however, Mrs. Clinton never quite specified what she did ( Hillary Clinton
). In another interview, Clinton answered questions from various women and
indicated she wanted to focus on children and education, however, throughout the
interview she spoke about her hair style and a new brand of milk she found. The
women also asked her why she desired to be President, yet she did not give an
answer ( Hillary Talks ). Clinton believes after having an African American
President in office for two consecutive terms, we now want a female President.
However, voters call her a clumsy campaigner because of the questions her staff gave
the audience before a speaking event in her last Presidential run, hence, some voters
believe this could happen again (Malcolm Andrew). Clinton continues to be baffled
by how little her voters know about her and that it
Essay on The Dream
The Dream
In the early twentieth century, film maker and producer Adolph Zukor met Jesse
Lasky, owner of Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Company. The two men admired each
others previous work and, in 1916, decided to combine forces. They created
Paramount pictures and had one of the most familiar slogans in the film industry, If it
s a Paramount Picture it s the Best Show in Town . Proving their slogan true they
started turning out more than two pictures per week. During it s peak in the silent
film making era, Paramount was making 5 million dollars a year more than other
production companies such as Warner, Fox, and Universal.(Paramount)
Paramount Pictures has come a long way ... Show more content on ...
This group has provided households all over the world with the classics and the box
office hits, and even Nickelodeon shows like Blues Clues and Rugrats. Another fun
experience Paramount has provided for their viewers is theme parks. Paramount has
theme parks all over the United States, including a Star Trek theme park in Las
Entertainment is not all Paramount has provided for the telecommunications and film
industry. Since the company began, the decisions it has made have influenced others
in the industry. Even though they may not have always been the most profitable
movie making company, they have always been interested in broadening their
horizons, and the sky was the limit. Not long after Paramount was created Zukor
decided to maintain his company s supremacy in the industry. He began a theater
buying campaign that amassed single houses and entire circuits... By 1930, the firm s
movie house division had grown to include almost 2,000 units and was named Publix
Theaters (Huettig). Paramount helped establish the neighborhood movie theater,
along with providing hundreds of award winning quality movies to view. Paramount
has also contributed to the competitive aspect of the movie industry, forcing actors
and directors to do their best work. Stated by Joseph Youngerman in his book My
Seventy Years at Paramount Studios and the
Why Are Zoos Bad For Animals
Are the zoos good for the animals or are they bad for the animals?
For many years people have debated the topic whether the zoos are good or bad for
the animals. Have you ever wonder what the animals felt like when they are in the
zoos do they feel happy or do they feel sad? Have you ever walked around in the zoos
and you seen the animals locked up in small cages?Have you ever seen an animal
treated with disrespect? Are the animals treated as equal to the people? While
more zoos become better at helping the animals people want to know are the zoos
good or are they bad for the animals. Zoos are bad for the animals. First reason why
zoos are bad for the animals. The zoos are bad for the animals because the zoos teach
the kids that humans
Exploring The Negative Effects Of Maternal Obesity
Nusrat Jahan
Nicole Garret
WRT 102
Exploring the Negative Effects of Maternal Obesity Obesity in pregnant women is a
global concern. In The United States, obesity is a critical public health issue one in
every three women is obese (Masho, et al). This issue becomes crucial in the context
that 36% of pregnant women in the United States are obese (Shub, et al). Studies
show a strong association between maternal obesity and health risks during pregnancy
and labor. In addition, a disconnect in perception and awareness exists such that
most obese pregnant women who gain weight during pregnancy underestimate
their Body Mass Index (BMI); and also have poor knowledge about the risk
associated with obesity. In our time period, there is a significant increase in the
average body index in all age groups and most commonly with the women who are
entering their reproduction age. According to the article, Weight Gain During
Pregnancy , a normal weighted gravida, or pregnant woman, has BMI of 18.5 24.9
Kg/m2, over weight gravida has BMI of 25 29.9 Kg/m2, and obese gravida has
BMI of 30 and greater Kg/m2. Obese pregnant women face many critical health
risks compare to normal weight pregnant women. In the study Maternal Obesity a
Global Health Problem and Its Implications on Maternal and Fetal Health , by
Hashmi and his colleagues, they aimed to find out if obese women were at greater
risk of having adverse reproductive outcomes compared to women with a normal
BMI. By using
Essay about African Slave Trade
The impact on the African slave trade during 16th centuries to 19th centuries was
huge. The economy of those countries which allowed African slave trade grew
bigger and bigger. For instance, America, a huge land that had nothing before the
trade, started to gain some profit out of farming and increased hugely on
population. They used a big amount of African slaves to farm and work. And this
created the economy better in America. Also Europeans, which were only one
million people brought up 5.5 million African slaves (men, women, children) to the
Western Hemisphere. 80 % out of 5.5 million slaves were enslaved as a field
worker (sugar). With all of those slaves working in the West Hemisphere, Europeans
gained huge profits and were able to... Show more content on ...
It was very common for the slaves to have scars on the back or blood all over the
body. Slaves lives did not matter to anyone. They were treated just like items that
can easily sold or bought. Some of the owners treated their slaves well because
they were expensive but the inexpensive ones were treated badly. Men and women
planted, harvested, and removed weeds and other unwanted plants from the land.
Young men had to work in their fields as well. For children, they had to pull out
weeds, pick insects off of the crops, and took water (supplies) to other workers.
There were several different plantation types. Most of the plantations were rice,
sugar, and tobacco. Each had a difficult or dangerous way during the work for the
slaves. For instance, in South Carolina rice plantation, the danger of the job
provided the unhealthy swamps that were needed to make up the rice field and
poisonous snakes that lived inside the swamp. Also even the mud and the swamp
that made up the rice field exhausted the slaves immensely. The sugar cane
plantations were also painfully worked out because of the danger from the tools
used and the natural hazards. At the harvest times, many slaves were ill or died just
because of the hard work that they did at the fields. Most of the houses of the
African slaves were simple wooden huts with some basic
Disadvantages Of A Total Institution
Total institutions regulate all aspects of life. They have single authority with total
control and are isolated from the rest of society. A few examples of total institutions
would be prison, mental hospitals, and the military. There are four features that
total institutions have in common. The first trait is that all aspects of life in a total
institution are controlled in the same place and under the control of an
administrative staff. The second feature is that activities are conducted in the
company of others under the same, or similar, circumstances. These activities are
done in close proximity and everyone is subject to the same treatment. The next
feature is that the authority will conceive the rules and schedule the activities.
They will have the slightest rewards given to those who abide by the rules. The last
feature of total institutions is that all aspects of life are meant to fulfill the total
institution s goals of resocialization. Now prisons will be used as an example to go
over the advantages and disadvantages of total institutions. A major disadvantage to
total institutions is the loss of individuality. A loss of identity occurs as managers in
jail only care to know of their name, court date, and charge bail (Irwin 273). Also,
the prisoners have their personal effects taken away and have a difficult time keeping
up with their appearance. Upon arrival, they are forced to change from their clothes
into ill fitting, conspicuous jail uniforms (Irwin 273).
Remember The Titans Racism
The world is combined in many different skin colours people. Each people should
have their freedom and respect. We can not deny and reject a person who is strange
because of skin. In Remember the Titans, there are important moments in which
characters learn from those who are different than they are. Two characters are Gary
and Julius.These characters were very different from one another in many ways. They
learned from one another was the relationship between brothers. This shows viewer
that the unity and brotherhood.
In 1971, at TC williams High School.The city this takes places in Alexandria
Virginia. This is the first high school in the city to integrated both African American
and white students together. A black head coach, Herman Boone... Show more
content on ...
Personally, racism is very hard to control it. It depends on your own opinion about
different skin colours people. Any law and regulations can not control the
thoughts of others. There is one incident I remember clearly not only it happened
recently but also it carries big meaning to me. On 11th April 2017, a passenger was
forcefully removed from the plane because he refused to give up his seat. He was
dragged off brutally and violently. Blood is visible on his face and body. The
passenger explained that he is a doctor and he is on his way to see his patients thus
he cannot reschedule his flight. This resulted in him being forcefully dragged off
the plane and the force deployed caused him to bleed.This passenger is an Asian. If
this person is white, would they do that? Everyone has right to defend their dignity.
The world is multicultural, If you want to learn more culture and make friends with
all over the world, you must accept different people. A lot of international students
are very lonely and hopeless, they leave their motherland, parents, acquainted
environment. They do not know how to blend in new place. In my opinion, If you
try to know more friends who are different than you are, you will feel surprised. I
have best friend and she is the black people.I learned a lot about her
Little Mermaid Comparison
So strong, it can lift the spirit. So gentle, it can touch the heart. It is the magic that
begins the happily ever after, said Walt Disney, entrepreneur, animator, voice actor,
and film producer. In many modern fairy tales, a happy ever after ending is to be
expected, especially in versions depicted by Disney. Original fairy tales aimed to
teach lessons, veering away from hopeful endings and steering toward conclusions
that progressed from bad to worse. For example, in Disney s version of The Little
Mermaid, the audience is pleased with the anticipated ending, while in Hans Christian
Andersen s version, the conclusion comes off as twisted and unexpected. The themes
Happy Ever After versus Bad to Worse are reflected throughout both... Show more
content on ...
Both stories begin exceptionally different from each other in terms of their play
on emotions. Disney s tale begins with an exciting scenery including, An ocean.
Birds are flying and porpoises are swimming happily. From the fog a ship appears
crashing through the waves (The Little Mermaid). Contrary to Disney, Andersen
illustrated his opening segment in a more descriptive way. He explained that the
ocean, very, very deep; so deep, indeed, that no cable could fathom it: many
church steeples, piled one upon another, would not reach from the ground beneath
to the surface of the water above (Andersen). This thought could almost be
frightening to some members of the audience, especially those who already fear
the ocean. Both fairytales, have set a mood before the first person has even spoke,
Andersen s having a sense of eeriness, while Disney s demonstrates pure bliss.
Throughout Disney s version of The Little Mermaid, numerous upbeat songs are
played. For example, while the little mermaid is spending time with the prince, her
friend sebastian, in an attempt to make the prince kiss her, begins to sing, Sha la la
la la la, my oh my, look like the boy too shy, ain t gonna kiss the girl (The Little
Mermaid). In Andersen s tale, the little mermaid does not receive a kiss from the
prince, but is presented with her death instead when the prince
Changing Structure of Watch Industry
In 1970s the Swiss industry produced around 75 million units per year as compared
to 25 million units in 1940s.
Since 1966, when the Swiss Government s restriction on sale and acquisition of
watch companies lapsed, the industry experienced a crescendo of mergers, bringing
down the number of firms to around 1000.
In 1971, ASUAG , the super trust combined the assembling firms selling seven
different brands into the General WatchHolding Company. This move forged
important new financial and managerial links between the component manufacturing
and assembling sectors of the watch industry.
By 1971 almost three quarters of all Swiss watch exports were accounted for by eight
watch making groups.
But the industry ... Show more content on ...
manufacturing industry. In fact, only two U.S. watch companies, Bulova and Timex,
were involved in any domestic watch production.
Since the beginning, U.S. companies have struggled to cope with the labour
requirements of watchmaking.
Some U.S. watch sellers never tried; from the start imported finished watches or
movements and simply put them in watch cases here. Other firms tackled the
problem by locating at least part of their production overseas. Bulova and Gruen, for
example, established their own manufacturing plants in Switzerland in the early years
of the 1980s.
After the Second World, jeweled lever watches dominated the U.S. market.
Then during the 1950s and early 1960s the situation changed drastically. Timex first
stormed the low price end of the watch market and later moved up into the middle
price range. At the same time marginal Swiss producers flooded the U.S. market
with inexpensive pin lever and jeweled lever watches making price competition all
the more severe.
In 1960s the Japanese began to carve out their piece of the U.S. market. On top of
this, the mass merchandising revolution of the 1950s threw the traditional watch
distribution system, sales through jewelers and fine department stores, into chaos. To
survive in a market dominated by price competition, one after another U.S. watch
company gave up on domestic watch manufacturing until, by 1970 there were only
two survivors Bulova and Timex.
Throughout the 1960s and into
The Effects Of Fire On Different Types Of Vegetation
Throughout the history of the world, fire has been a common phenomenon. It has
been a constant companion of humans ever since it was discovered by our
ancestors. Wildfires can cause serious damage, both to property and human life, but
can also have various beneficial effects on wilderness areas. Some plant ecosystems
depend on the effects of fire for growth and reproduction, while large wildfire can
possibly have negative ecological effects. The irony is that fire can both be
beneficial to our survival and it can be a destructive force in its nature, which can
threaten our very existence as living organisms.
In South Africa, people have burnt and cleared vegetation resulting in the disturbance
of the natural succession of ... Show more content on ...
The type of vegetation that is burned will classify the type of wildfire. Bush Fire,
Brush Fire, Forest Fire, Veld Fire, Desert Fire, Grass Fire, Hill Fire, Peat Fire and
Vegetation Fire, are the main different types of wildfires.
A wildfire differs in comparison to other fires by its extensive size, the rate at
which it can spread from its original source, its potential to redirect its direction
unexpectedly, and its ability to jump across roads, rivers and firebreaks. Wildfires
are characterised by their physical properties such as speed of propagation , the cause
of ignition, the material that is combustible, and the effect of weather on that specific
Causes of Wildfires
Wildfires are not entirely natural features, hence, are quasi natural hazards. This
means that they are also caused by humans. The four most significant natural causes
of wildfire ignitions are lighting, volcanic eruption, sparks from rock falls and
spontaneous combustions (A type of combustion that occurs by self heating, followed
by thermal runaway and finally, ignition occurs). The most frequent human sources
of wildfires are arson, thrown away cigarettes, sparks from working equipment and
power line arcs.
Fuel types for Wildfire
Wildfires spread based on the flammable material that is present, and its vertical
arrangement. An example of this would be, fuels uphill from a fire are more easily
Analysis Of Katherine Mansfield s Miss Brill Essay
5.Analyse how the writer(s) use(s) language techniques for a particular purpose in a
written text or texts you have studied. Katherine Mansfield uses an extensive range
of language techniques to portray the lonely and slightly delusional spinster; Miss
Brill. The story of Miss Brill is an extremely good example of how a writer can use
different language techniques to reveal a variety of aspects of the character.
The author uses characterisation through the language techniques to reveal a variety
of truths to the reader about Miss Brill s personality. Mansfield uses the language
techniques to express the theme of connectedness throughout the story. Mansfield
also uses symbolism, setting and point of views by the different characters in her
story to create a clear scene and atmosphere for the readers. Symbolism is very
important throughout the short story as it illustrates a vivid understanding of who
Miss Brill is, which is easily expressed through the relationship between Miss Brill
and her fox fur. BODY PARAGRAPH #1
Miss Brill s fur is an extension of herself. The fox fur throughout the novel
thoroughly symbolises Miss Brill and her life in a variety of ways. Miss Brill
whom has lost all sense of connectedness throughout the story is able to strongly
connect to the fox fur on a very ominous level. Mansfield makes it clear that Miss
Brill lives her life through the fox fur; by links of characteristics between the fur and
Miss Brill, which are fairly similar.
An Example of a Narrative Essay
1Crystal D. Dozier Narrative Essay November 13, 2007 Word count: 809 My
Little Blessings Children have a tendency to bring out the very best in people. I
can say I have been fortunate to have four little blessings of my own. I consider
each of them as a blessing and each day I am reminded of how much they mean to
me. My children have brought out the best in me parts that I never knew existed.
As children grow, so do parents. I have evolved into a better person with the
courage to overcome all obstacles because of the love that I have for my children.
At the age of twenty, my life was full of constant turmoil and instability. I had a plan,
and children were not a part of it. I never imagined that I would ever have children....
Show more content on ...
Through the love for my son, I developed the ability to remain positive even during
the most difficult times in life. Although I gained the knowledge to be a more
stable and positive individual, something was still missing in my life. The missing
piece soon fell into place upon the birth of my twin boys, Irijah and Isaac. A
multiple birth was a miracle within itself. It seemed unreal because no one in my
family was ever blessed with two babies. Although it took a lot of adjustment, we
made it through the baby period. The hard part did not come until they became
toddlers. (During this time), I noticed complications (in the development) (of the
twins). I soon learned that although they were perfect on the outside my boys were
suffering with autism. Irijah is severely autistic while Isaac s is mild. I knew that
in order to conquer this obstacle, changes would have to be made. In the beginning
I was unaware of what needed to be done, but I never gave up. I continue to fight
for my boys and struggle to keep my sanity. This has been the toughest fight of my
life because it involves a series of changes. These changes dealt with acceptance,
transition, and adaptation. These were necessary steps because it gives the boys a
chance to lead a somewhat normal life. Through the love of my sons, I have learned
to adapt to change and have gained strength and perseverance that is necessary in life.
Child Marriage Is A Growing Problem
Most girls dream of their wedding from a very young age, from meticulously
planning each detail to fantasizing about walking down the aisle. But, for many girls
across the world, their wedding day is something to dread. In many cases, these girls
are forced to marry men much older than themselves, sometimes even by three or four
decades. The International Center for Research on Women defines child marriageas, a
formal marriage or informal union before age 18 (np), and although rarely
mentioned, child marriage is a growing problem worldwide. The United Nations
Populations Fund states, In developing countries, one in every three girls is
married before reaching age 18. One in nine is married under age 15 (
Young brides who are put in this terrible situation face tremendous mental and
physical risks and often die from the abuse they receive from their husband. The
following paper will highlight the oppression young brides face including first hand
stories, female genital mutilation, and health consequences across the Middle East
and Eastern Asia. To begin with, child marriages are very common in impoverished
countries where most girls are viewed as an unneeded expense and parents often
desire to get them out of the house as soon as possible. In which case, many girls do
not receive an education, which is very beneficial. Many parents also believe that
marrying their daughters young is profitable to them, as it prevents rape from
unmarried men and will
Aol Time Warner Merger
A decade ago, America has witnessed its biggest merger of their history when AOL
and Time Warner merged for an all stock deal with a combine value of $ 350
billion which also created the world s largest media and Communication Company,
but today I want to re examine this ill fated deal and try to explore what went wrong.
In an initial statement about this merger and probabilities of new company it was
stated that this merger will lead to a speedy development and growth for all its
businesses. It will not only provide AOL a new broadband interactive platform, but
the companies can also grow their revenue through cross marketing from movies,
music, and internet to telephone.
Unfortunately, instead of delivering according to the promises ... Show more content
on ...
History of AOL (America online)
AOL was founded in 1985, at first it was Quantum Computer Systems, which was a
popular interactive service providing Company served with content and its dial up
modems services to the residential customers. This internet service provider
Company was the first company which does not required a terminal standard
program but only needed use of proprietary software. It was an easy service for even
those customers who were almost unfamiliar with the computer or internet use. ;
Where as its main competitor CompuServe was only focused to the technical
community. In 1991 Quantum Computer Systems changed its name into American
Online Inc (AOL)and start providing its service to World Wide Web. In late 1990 s,
its simple and spontaneous interface and the forceful marketing strategy made it a
fast growing company, which afterward made huge acquisitions and geographical
expansion. AOL made an aggressive marketing strategy to create its appearance more
attractive and more desired.
Market situation before Merger
When AOL got merger with Time Warnerit was capturing 40% US online subscribers
which means 27million subscribers. AOL got this height in just 8 years. In its
beginning it was not a big company but was competing with comparatively big
companies at that time. The internet growth and revenue journey were soon diverted
into the advertising and e commerce deals from the subscription
Venus Of Urbino And Female Nudes
Female nudes are a favorite reoccurring subject matter through art history that offers
symbolic significance from simplistic anatomy of the female body. Venus of Urbino
by Titian and Olympia by Edouard Manet are great representation that illustrates the
difference in the portrayer of female nude. Hence, both artworks are intriguing as it
reflects the importance of cultural reformation between both periods. Titian painted
Venus of Urbinoduring the Venetian Renaissance in 1538, measuring 46 by 64 in the
medium of oil painting ( Titian, Venus Of Urbino ). Venus of Urbino was
commissioned by the Duke of Urbino in conjunction with the celebration of his
marriage ( Academy of Art University ). The female figure in the painting is
unidentified... Show more content on ...
Iconographies like the black cat symbolize promiscuity, while orchid symbolizes
eroticism, exoticness and sexuality. Manet s color patch technique reflects a pasty
skin instead of a marble like skin, not only is Olympia s body flat, her hands are the
only area that is evident of any shadows that places emphasis on the surface ( Manet,
Olympia ). Hence, sexuality became the subject matter with enhanced nakedness
from Olympia s ribbon around her neck and slipper. Therefore, critics are shocked
when they saw the painting, from the iconography to the identity and posture of the
female nude it is obvious who Olympia is. Olympia was Manet s way of conveying
the honesty in materials, subject, motives and desires; it is merely a reflection of the
cultural and political aspects of the 19th
Characteristics Of Jimmy Carter
Why do we hear so much about the bad leaders, but so little about the good ones?
That s because none of our leaders are perfect, but what makes a good leader? A
good leader is someone who is honest, decisive under pressure, and can give
confidence in times of distress. Many leaders in our world, or in fictional worlds,
show that these qualities prove most important. An honest person is someone who
does not lie, and is not afraid of telling people the whole truth. As said by Michael
Bunting, Honesty is a leader s most valuable leadership quality; it serves as the
gateway for trust and inspiration ( Journal of business ethics, 113). This is very
true, if a leader is dishonest it is very hard to trust anything they say or do. Of real
world leaders, we don t honesty a lot, but US President Jimmy Carterdefinitely had
honest qualities. Jimmy Carter was arguably the most honest US president. While
his honesty cost him his 2nd term in office, it also saved us from a war in Iran
(Frank). Many lives and lots money would ve gone into a war, and so this shows
that honesty was truly the best thing in this situation. Another example of honesty
would be how the main character of Zootopia, Judy Hopps, wasn t afraid of telling
people off. When Nick touched the sheep s wool, which was referencing to
something that black women and men famously deal with all the time (Kois), Judy
was quick to tell him that what he was doing was considered rude. Another trait I find
necessary in a worthy
Analysis Of Ray Bradbury s Dandelion Wine
As aging occurs within humans, not only do physical changes occur, but changes in
the mind occur as well. Changes that change the way the brain thinks and influences
decision making, as well as reactions to certain situations that occur. These changes
are apparent as the brain and body ages and can clearly be seen when those of
varying ages interact with each other. In Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury, one of
the main themes appears to be the accustomed act of maturing, or growing up,
specifically, how comprehension is different in people of different ages. Bradbury s
novel includes characters of various ages ranging from little kids to elders whose
time has almost come to an end. These characters interact with one another
throughout the... Show more content on ...
As the two brothers continue to go about their day throughout this section, their
interactions reveal not only their personalities, but how they think differently from
each other due to their age differences. Tom, being the younger sibling, still has hope
for things that Doug knows are scientifically not going to happen, like snowflakes
lasting until summer. Doug also seems to view things more cogently than Tom since
he doesn t find as much wonder in a sandwichВґs taste being more flavorful when
eaten outside. DougВґs disagreements with Tom show how his way of thinking leans
more towards realism when compared to Tom, although he still has a childlike fear
of a ВЁThingВЁ, which he sees as this monster like being, coming after him.
Therefore, it can be concluded from the brothersВґ different views that even a small
age difference can cause someoneВґs way of thinking to change. Despite their
contrasting views, Bradbury also reveals that Doug still falls into the common little
kid belief in monsters to show that DougВґs thinking still had some similarities with
TomВґs thinking, but overall Doug had a more realistic view than his younger
brother. The theme of humanВґs thinking changing with age starts to emerge through
interactions between just kids at first, but youthsВґ interactions with the elderly
appear later on and show a more drastic contrast between people of different agesВґ
ways of comprehending. In the midst of
Skinner s View On Psychology And The Contrasting Views
This essay will explore B. F. Skinner s view on the focus of psychology and the
contrasting view of the mentalists. It will then go on to consider the benefits of
Skinners way of seeing psychology and thus how he was able to turn psychology into
a science with measurable outcomes and bring evidence into a subject that had
become subjective and unquantifiable.
Purpose of Psychology
Skinner stated that the purpose of psychology should be the study of behaviour. He
had come to this conclusion whilst performing studies on rats. (Skinner, 1938).
Mentatlistic approach
Prior to skinner the pervading view of behaviour within psychology was concerned
with thoughts and inner feelings that were thought to directly cause
behaviour.(Cooper, Heron, Heward, 2007)
Skinner thought that the study of psychology had remained unchanged for centauries
and that the subject had made virtually no progress.(Skinner, 1973)
He believed that behaviour should be studied in a scientific way rather than an
introspective way.
Natural Science
Behaviour Psychology or Biology D M (1)
(Blackman, 1991) puts the case forward that the study of behaviour should come
under the subject of biology rather than psychology on the grounds that behaviour
occurs naturally when consequences are applied. Skinner had said a similar thing
himself in (1963) when he considered the choice of the placement of behaviour in the
scheme of things. He said that if the mind was going to be the subject
How Analytics Helps An Organization Optimize Their...
Analytics is defined, according to online, as the process of obtaining
an optimal or realistic decision based on existing data. [1]. Davenport and Harris
(2007), defined analytics, as the extensive use of data, statistical and quantitative
analysis, explanatory and predictive models, and fact based management to drive
decisions and actions. [2]. An article titled Outsmart the Competition by Jackie Zack
in Teradata Online magazine states that analytics can help an organization optimize
their business processes to make them effective as possible. [3]. It is a proven fact
that proper use of analytics can lead an organizations to success, providing them with
that distinctive advantage over their competitors. In this essay, details will be
provided on how analytics has helped my organization to compete in their business
segment. Ability to compete on analytics Digicel Group is a total communications
and entertainment company. The company s objective is to bring our customers
never ending possibilities and change the world around us by offering affordable and
innovative mobile services, enterprise solutions, cloud computing, cable TV,
broadband and engaging content. [4]. The company was founded on a commitment
to providing the best networks, services, values and to giving back to the community.
[4]. The company is currently present in 31 markets across the Caribbean, Central
America and Asia Pacific and employs around 6,000 people. Digicel Group currently
Autumn Epilogue
Epilogue The trail in the woods that Roxas and Xion took every morning was
peaceful and quiet, with the exception of songbirds chirping in the trees, and the
delightful crunch of dried leaves under their shoes. Leaves of the surrounding trees
were starting to turn into different shades of red, yellow and brown; a sign of an
early autumn. Xion Zayas adjusted the scarf she was wearing, making sure to cover
up her neck as much as possible; she could feel the autumn breeze nipping at her
skin. She and Roxas were walking hand in hand, towards their school like they did
every morning. They ve been officially dating after the singing competition and there
was never a day that either one of them wakes up without a content smile on their
face.... Show more content on ...
I m sure Axel would totally tag along, and he ll invite Larxene too. Xion simply
replied. They re still going strong? Of course they are! I already told you and the
others that Axel and Larxene have liked each other since 5 years ago. I know
Larxene looks terrifying and likes to hit Axel a lot, but I can see that he s truly
happy; he s serious about this relationship. All we need to do now is wait for the
marriage~ The ravenette grinned, happy to know her brother had also found his
true love. Then comes a baby in the baby carriage. Roxas chuckled at the mental
image of a confused Axel changing baby diapers, but he knew the red haired man
would be a great dad. The couple continued their walk to town in a comfortable
silence before Roxas requested, Hey, Xion. Can you write me another song? Xion
gave her boyfriend a puzzled look. Oh? Why all of a sudden? It s nothing. I guess I
just miss you singing for me, that s all. The blond grinned when he noticed the girl s
cheeks flushed pink. Well~ Xion uttered before releasing her hand from his. Roxas
pouted at the sudden loss of her warmth but said nothing as he watched
The Benefits Of Experiential Learning
i.Using relevant literature discuss the benefits of experiential learning
When I first started this module, I believed that my CV was satisfactory and that my
interview ability was of a very high standard, however from my lessons I understood
ii.Reflection on ACCA workshop
My first impressions on the ACCA work shop, were that they were there to, try to
recruit students into the ACCA program over organisations such as the ICAEW,
however true this maybe, the ACCA workshop was actually a very helpful experience.
The learning outcomes from the work shop to maximise our strengths aiding us on
our route to long term success. With this in mind we were shown about a tool called
Johari s window, this tool is supposed to improve self awareness in regards to our
strengths and weaknesses. We were told to separate into pairs as our strengths and
weaknesses may not always be apparent to us. I thought this to be a great idea
however for myself, nobody in the room knew me well enough, so I decided to take
this concept home to ask people who knew me well to get a better understanding of
my strengths and weaknesses. Before I thought I was very self aware of my
strengths and weaknesses. However there was a lot I learned about myself from my
My strengths, I am genuinely quite aware of, however I didn t realise how apparent
it was to my friends how forward thinking I was, mainly strategically and how
personable I am, with being open, relatable and understanding
Analysis Of Tickits By Paul Milenski
The short fiction story Tickits, written by Paul Milenski is about Toby Heckler
giving tickets to all those he finds doing wrong especially his mother. How can I
help all those around me someone like Tobey can ask himself? I can shed light to
the troubles one may cause others like a superheroes providing safety to the citizens
around them. My cloak and armor is my sharp appearance with not even a smudge
on my pearly white sneakers. There are many imperfections when it comes to people
behaviorin a sense to not caring about others.
This story describes Toby as if he was a police officer handing out citations until the
reason behind the citation was written. The tickets consist of a car parking in two
parking spots being inconsiderate of others that may need to park and two elderly
women standing in the middle of the sidewalk taking up the space of others that are
walking on the sidewalk. Toby had also written a ticket for a man who was
considering crossing the street when the sign read DON T WALK (Milenski 155).
The reason for the ticket was clearly that the man considers disregarding the sign
and walking across the street. The ticket read ALLMOST WALKD (155). He did
this while maintaining a polish appearance especially when it came to his shoes. He
compared himself to patrolman McVee in appearance and even wipe the smudge of
his shoe. Toby carries his job to be very important despite the way others looked or
may treat him.
The author Milenski demonstrated an
Research Paper On Atticus Finch Parenting
Parenting at its Finest
Parenting is something almost everyone goes through. Parenting can happen when
your young or a bit older it can turn you crazy are make you wake up and realize
your life has got to change. Atticus was the best Father known to man. Atticus Finch
was always showing his kids how to be great as they slowly turn into adults. Atticus
Finch must of have raised his children right because of the fact that the defended
him when people were talking bad about him behind his back to his own
kids.Atticus sets great examples to his children they might of thought he was doing
something mean when he made Jem go back to ms.maudie. He also doesn t act
overprotective which is great because if the parents put leashes on their kids they
must be a bad parent. Atticus Finch was a good father, he treated his children with
respect and taught them how to be honorable people. ... Show more content on ...
Many parts of the story Atticus tells Jem and Scout stuff that would make them
respect other people in life. For instance in How do you affect your child , they say
Children are very prone to imitate the actions of those around them, especially
adults (Martin Hite). What this means is that Atticus shows respect to all people
and that his children will follow his footsteps. He also teaches his kids to look into
a person for who he is, not what color they are. You just hold your head high and be
a gentleman. Whatever she says to you, it s your job not to let her make you mad
(Lee 133). Atticus does a great job of parenting in this part of the book by saying
this. Even though Jem did not understand because all he was doing was looking out
for his dad Atticus still made sure she doesn t upset him and that he respects the
Kpmg Diversity
KPMG, LLC is a U. S. corporation that specializes in corporate accounting, taxes
and financial advisory. They are one of the Big Four accounting firms in the United
States. According KPMG s home page of their website, the parent company KMPG
International operates in countries around the world and has 162,000 staff, with
average annual salaries of $153,000, and total annual revenues of $24.8 billion. This
level of success does not happen randomly. As an international company, KMPG is
dedicated to diversity and recognizes the benefits of diverse staff, partners, suppliers,
and clients. KMPG s diversity and inclusion plan has an infrastructure that includes a
Diversity Advisory Board, Diversity Networks and Councils, and meaningful metrics.
... Show more content on ...
Paid internships are offered annually each winter and summer. These internships are
recruitments through college site based events and through an on line application
process and include a strong training program to prepare them for permanent
positions. KPMG has partnered with Howard University, a nationally ranked college
primarily African American, to create a Student Business Executive Leadership
Honors Program committed to developing leadership skills in highly motivated
minority undergraduates. They are also sponsors of the Out for Undergraduate
Business, which is a conference where KPMG representatives are able to network
with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender business students. These recruitment
outreach programs work. In 2014, nearly a third of all full time hires were
ethnically diverse employees and women were more than 45% of all full time hires
(KPMG Diversity and Inclusion Facts, April
Financial Statement Analysis Essay
Financial Statement Analysis
MBA 6150
Financial Statement Analysis Verizon Communications
Abstract The process of developing financial statements for a business is to provide
supporting documentation to what has been reported as annual or quarterly income.
Within the financial statement analysis strengths and weaknesses are identified
through the comparison of data from the balance sheet. There are many different ways
to interpret the data that is utilized for the analysis; those include but are not limited
to comparative statements, schedule of changes in working capital, common size
percentages, and ratio analysis. The following paper will be reviewing the financial
data from Verizon Communications (VZ). Through the... Show more content on ...
However, with the increasingly tough economic times there is a risk that employees
will feel that the implementation of a union will help their cause.
2.2009 was Verizon (Wireless ) first attack on the competition through advertising. As
a result of the advertising the competitor (AT T) filed an injunction to stop the ads.
To date the cease and desist request was denied; however, with this new advertising
the company is at a greater risk for litigation.
3.In an attempt to increase profitability the company has implemented the
requirement for certain cellular devices to have data plans. This new requirement
could potentially cause frustration to consumers and increase the level of churn that
the company sees.
4.Verizon Communications has also built bundles to provide a suite of services,
voice, Internet and television. In the event that licenses cannot be obtained to provide
wireline services in all areas, this launch could be potentially catastrophic.
5.In addition to the wireline service availability the decision to work with FiOS also
places the company in a precarious situation. Should consumers sign up for the
relatively new service, and there be problems or system hiccups, the consumer will
become jaded about the experience and it could potentially destroy the success of the
FiOS line.
6.The wireless side launching another new product that fails. In early 2008, Verizon
Wireless launched the HUB, and there were too many problems to make the
McKinsey s 7S frame work
This diagram shows about the functional head and their different function.
In this above diagram, CEO has overall control over the different action taken by the
company within the nation and international. CEO has the direct control over the
head finance, head business department, head supply chain, head purchase and head
quality assurance. And dotted line indicates that the CEO has the indirect control
over the other functional head.
This diagram states about the organisation structure
Organisational hierarchy Here the CMD appoints the head of different departments
like finance, business development, quality assurance, supply chain, purchase. ...
Show more content on ...
During fiscal 2003 and 2004, we supplied 24 WTGs with 22.80 MW of nominal
output for a wind farm project developed by DanMar and Associates Inc. in the state
of Minnesota in the United States.
They have opened a representative office in Beijing, which employed four people in
sales and marketing as of March 31, 2005. As of December 31, 2004, China was
among the top ten nations in terms of installed 69 wind power capacity according to
the March 2005 report of BTM Consult Aps. The Chinese government is encouraging
development of renewable energy sources and has declared its intention to get 10%
of its electricity from renewable energy sources by2020. They have planned to
incorporate a local subsidiary by the end of calendar 2005, through which suzlon plan
to construct a fully integrated WTG manufacturing facility in China. As the energy
market in China is currently dominated by state owned utilities.
The Company differentiates itself as an integrated solution provider of production to
service related to wind energy and it includes after sales services in the Indian as
well as foreign market.
Besides manufacturing WTGs (wind turbine generation),
Why Is Jim Crow Wrong
Jim Crow is a law where it would keep the blacks segregated from the whites. The
person who made up this famously name was an American. His name was James
D. Rice, he would blackened his skin by applying burnt cork, and would go out and
do a performance and act like Jim Crow . He would do acts and he would dance to
Jump Jim Crow . After He was dancing to the song Rice became a sensation all
around America and England also. The word became so famous that is was a new
nickname for African Americans. Simple all this Jim Crow thing was to make the
African Americans different from the rest. Dividing them from the white Americans
. Jim Crow was rooted for the black American culture, also legends. This seems to
be tide in kind of with the book of The Secret Life of Bees . Cause they both try to
make the African Americans seem like... Show more content on ...
Also when Rosaleen was going to vote some white men stopped her and told her
where was her was going calling her all these type of names. Well to put it like this
they were violating her. When Rosaleen grabbed her spit cup and she threw it at
his shoes, that when all those three men grabbed her and started beating her. Yeah
maybe they both did bad Rosaleen could have kept walking ignoring them, but she
didn t. Police later came took both Lily and Rosaleen, she was beaten and well of
course nothing happened to the White Americans. Since they saw Rosaleen as a
negro they immediately grabbed her as the criminal. When they got to the police
office the officer hit her in the head with the flashlight the police men hold.
Because she wouldn t go down to her knees or apologize to the men she threw the
spit bucket too. He was being so rude and violating her, just because of her skin
color. Which was not far at all that they have to see her different just because of her
Causes Of Crime
What causes crime? In a society, there are different views and opinions on what
some people believe to be a crime. Although, there are crimes that everyone agrees
is a crime. A definition of crime is something that is punishable by law. There are
many instances where a crime may also be deviant so they overlap, while some
actions may only be deviant and not a crimeat all. Reading into this, there are times
where society may have gray areas and are unsure of what constitutes as a crime.
What does the biggest reasons people commit crimes consist of?
Peer influence is a very big reason of why people commit crimes. Some teenagers will
do whatever it takes to fit it in. They want to be accepted by many people to feel
better about who they are as a person. This is generally saw in the middle school to
high school age rank. If your friend does something illegal, the other person may feel
obligated to do the same thing to keep their friendship. This is to not speak for all
people, because everyone has different beliefs and views. Teenagers are willing to go
the extra mile to fit in and be accepted by their own age group or possibly that of
acceptance of older kids.
Another reason after reading Vold s Theoretical Criminologyis that of parental
disciplinary efforts may lead a child to commit crimes. Harsh discipline conveys
anger rather than love, and increases the chances that the child will rebel. (Bernard,
2010, p. 5) With this being said, if parents are harder on their child
To What Extent Is Miss Temple To Jane The Importance Of
Miss Temple displayed to Jane the importance of trust. Jane has had an unfortunate
childhood. Between the emotional abuse she has endured from her aunt and the
brutality of her cousins. When her aunt sends her to a boarding school called
Lowood, Jane meets Miss Temple, the superintendent, whom is very nice to Jane.
The reason why Jane was sent to Lowood was because her aunt, Mrs. Reed, accused
her of lying. When Jane tells Miss Temple about how she has been falsely accused,
Miss Temple believes Jane. Jane recounts it as the following: Exhausted by emotion,
my language was more subdued than it generally was when it developed that sad
theme; and mindful of Helen s warnings against the indulgence of resentment, I
infused into the narrative far
Holden Caulfield Loss Of Innocence Analysis
The author J.D. Salinger was able to represent the theme: the loss of childhood
innocence, by describing the internal as well as the external characteristics of the
main protagonist Holden Caulfield. Holden is portrayed as innocent due to his lousy
vocabulary and also his childish mannerisms. His constant use of the term boy is
ironic when Holden himself is a boy at heart. While internally Holden Caulfieldmay
appear to be naive; this representation contrasts with his external appearance. Holden
is struggling internally to be himself and is clinging on to his innocence, at a time
where his body is continuing to become more mature and transitioning out of
adolescence. The reader is able to note his struggle because of Holden Caulfield s...
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In this excerpt Salinger was able to highlight the loss of innocence as Holden
Caulfield struggled with the realization that his roommate Stradlater may have
taken away the innocence of his long term childhood friend, Jean Gallagher.
Holden is in a mindset believing that he can remain innocent indefinitely as well as
allow his childhood friends, if they continue to be behave similarly to children. He
is unwilling to accept the fact that he must one day reach adulthood which
contradicts from Stradlater s ideology. Stradlater is more than willing to advance
into adulthood and uses women as tools to gain experience; in hopes of reaching it
sooner. This is supported by Holden s comments to Stradlater I told him he thought
he could give the time to anybody he felt like. I told him he didn t even care if a
girl kept all her kings in the back row or not, (....) You don t even know if her first
name is Jane or Jean, ya goddam moron! , showing that Stradlater valued a woman
s body rather than her name or ethics and values. Holden believed that Jean was a
girl that kept all her kings in the back row meaning that she preferred the security of
playing safe. Thus, Holden is shocked and even nervous by the possibilities that
could have occurred within Ed Banky s car making him hostile to Stradlater. He is
unwilling to comprehend that Jane Gallagher, the girl who always played it safe, may
have transitioned into
A Summary Of Dennis s Life
Playing soccer on his current soccer team has been the most significant event in
Dennis life. Five years ago, Dennis was a victim to his malicious allergies.
Exposure to outdoor activities were difficult for him as he constantly had extreme
reactions. At that time, we decided that Dennis would have to combat his allergies
rather than temporarily subside them through medicine. Then, we found a soccer
team. At first, Dennis seemed curious and ready to play, but the team he played for
was unstable and new with a constant losing streak. With his allergies only getting
worse, he faced the decision of quitting. However, friends and family prevented him
from taking the easy way out. Now he has been playing for five years on the exact
same team.
Financial Aid Worksheet
As I ve already been accepted into your online program, it has been made aware to
me that to complete my financial aid process I must provide for you legal
documentation of my parents inability to provide any financial assistance for me.
Like most students when I graduated high school I left home to pursue individuality
and my own personal goals though me and my parents were in contact and though
they were listed on my financial aid worksheet they divided no financial means for
me. I transferred to another community collegeshortly after my first year of
attendance at Navarro College, I had moved in with my estranged mother, not only
did this volatile relationship put a heavy toll on me mentally but physically as well
as I became sick quite
Exploratory Research Philosophy Paper
With the understanding of the research philosophy and the selection of the
appropriate approach made above, now it is much easier to strategize the type of
research to solve the research problem and its sub problems. There are many
strategies in research. The most common ones are experimenting, survey, case study,
action research, grounded theory, ethnography and archival research.
Before deciding the strategy for the research, it is important to understand the
purpose of this research. Is it intended to explore or describe or explain the
phenomena? The exploratory research is intended to gain the base information about
the problem by defining the terms, explore the root of the problem, testing hypothesis
and provide a solution to the problem.
Thomas Kuhn s Theory Of Scientific Discovery
The reason someone writes is in order to try and get a message or an idea across.
For some topics its easier than others, but when you re trying and prove the whole
idea of discovery wrong it may be more difficult. Thomas Kuhn writes Historical
Structure of Scientific Discovery in an attempt to try and convey his message that the
timeline role of discoveryis wrong. He denies the idea about how some discoveries
are misleading and make it seem they were found in a single moment. When you
write you must assume that anyone can read it, so you have to keep your audience
in mind. Different articles of science will bring in all kinds of readers. Not only was
he writing to historians and scientists, but to the general public, so he needed to
structurehis writing to appeal his audience. Kuhn starts his project by letting readers
know his purpose, he denies the idea of how an individual made a discovery at any
moment. He opens up the reading to show what he finds wrong, so the readercan
begin to paint a picture in their head. He gives his opinion on discovery and writes
what he believes to be true. He makes an attempt to put the reader in his place and
see things from his input. When a writer is able to put a reader in their shoes it
becomes easier to perused them. What s different about Kuhn s writing is the way
he structures it. He breaks up topics into different subcategories each having a
subtitle. He lists off examples of discoveries that help to prove his point such as:
Iron Jawed Angels
Title: Summary, Reaction, and Analysis Paper #1: Iron Jawed Angels Iron Jawed
Angels is a story of two women fighting for women s rights. They led the struggle for
the passage of the 19th amendment to the constitution which gave women the right to
vote. These two women along with others petitioned, campaigned, and picketed to
publicize the issue. After being arrested for traffic violations a group of women spent
time in Occoquan Workhouse. Here they went on a hunger strike to protest being
imprisoned for demanding equal voting rights. After not eating the prisoners had to
be force fed, here they earned the nickname iron jawed angels. This became a
headline in the news and ultimately forced Woodrow Wilson, the president, to... Show
more content on ...
By women achieving more freedom and rights their views, their opinions, and
ideas can be expressed. It is more acceptable for women to in general have an
opinion after the 19th amendment was passed. Iron Jawed Angels, an inspirational
story that withholds perhaps one of the most important movements in time. Until I
viewed this movie I did not fully comprehend the depths of the struggles of the
woman s suffrage movement. This movie contains a powerful message about what
women can do using their rights and skills in organizational leadership.
Determination which one woman carried, and many supported allowed a national
change to take place. Before watching this movie I had heard of Susan B. Anthony,
but never of Alice Paul or the other suffragists. I also never realized how hard it
was for a woman to get ready; we take our pre bought makeup for much granted.
The parade that takes place is an extremely important event. It shows the many
different types of women and how far they ve come. It also shows how many
people were interested in the topic that no one showed up to the see Woodrow
Wilson, because everyone was at the parade. Not alone his lack of knowledge of the
subject, since he himself did not attend. It shows the intense anger that people felt
against this issue, and how the government failed to offer protection during the
parade; that men were
To Kill A Mockingbird Scout s Point Of View
The novel To Kill A Mockingbird, is told from the point of view of a nine year old
girl name Scout. Scout is an important character of the novel; Since everything that
happens throughout the novel she sees through her own eyes.However, unlike most
first person narratives,she does not confine the narrative to things she has directly
experienced .Scout only hears the things that happens around her and repeats what
she sees and hears but, she does not actually understand that there is racism around
at this time period, and the trial held for Tom Robinson s case, is for false accused
rape of two white women, and that there is a possibility he could be lynched.Scout
being the narrator of the novel changes the whole story since she has a different...
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Throughout the novel, the setting and other characters symbolizes the point of
view of Scout and limits what the reader knows about the novel;For example, In
the novel it mentions It s right hard to say, she said. Suppose you and Scout talked
colored folks talk at home it d be out of place, wouldn t it? Now what if I talked
white folks talk at church, and with my neighbors? They d think I was puttin on
airs to beat Moses. (Harper Lee Page 138) This quote limits what the reader knows
because based on the setting in the church it shows that there is racism going on
and Calpurnia explains to Scout and Jem that it would be out of character to speak
to white folks the way colored folks speaks since white people talk more
proper.Scout experiences that the colored people can not speak as a white person
would because they are not as educated as most of the whites;This symbolizes
racism,and this limits what the reader knows ;Since Scout finds out that colored
folks would be out of character to speak to a white person like that,Which shows the
reader that there is racism
Examples Of Salutary Neglect
Britain was a dominant power in the early 17th century and colonized America in
1607. Unlike the majority of the colonies the British governed, America was given
salutary neglect due to the arduous journey between America and Britain. Salutary
neglect is the process of self governing, within colonies, away from the command of
the motherland. The Americans cherished the neglect by the British as they
established their own law and taxation system. However, this neglect soon ended
when the colonists along with the British went to war against the French and Native
Americans. The war French and Indian War resulted with the British restricting
freedom of the colonists. This infuriated the thirteen colonies as in May 3rd of 1775,
popular newspaper... Show more content on ...
However, the few restrictions Great Britain placed upon the Americans were the
deciding factors on revolution. The first restriction was established quickly after
the French and Indian War, the Proclamation of 1763. The Proclamation of 1763
denied the colonists privilege to venture west. This was to avoid more conflict with
the Native Americans and also so the British could keep a close eye on the colonies.
The Americans, however, wished to reap benefits from the west, and faced this act
with anger and defiance. This first law was the first spark toward the fire of
revolution.Even after the first restriction, the Americans already despised their lack
of freedom, and as John Adams, the second president of the United States, once stated
The revolution was effected before the war commenced. The revolution was in the
mind and hearts of the people. . This idea of revolution began to take form after the
final restriction was placed upon the colonists. The Coercive Act, a law that closed
the port of Boston and banned all meetings not approved by the Governor, severed
all ties between the Americans and the British. The closing of the port of Boston
meant economic disaster for a city that relied heavily on its costal trading. He has
plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts.... and destroyed the lives of our people. this
line from
The Six Tips For Experienced Mac Users
6 Tips for Experienced Mac Users
There are numerous features in Mac operating system. But you should know the six
tips as an experienced Mac users to work smarter at the workplace or at home.
Tip Number 1 Update the Software timely
It is important to keep the latest version of OS in order to have the optimal
performance, stability and security. Software updation can be done easily through
Apple menu and be choosing the software update and install the latest version to run
your OS smoothly. Reboot the system and you re ready to use the software.
Tip Number 2 Installing and Uninstalling the Apps
Updating Apps timely is crucial so that Mac OS always have the new version of the
apps having the latest features and fixing the bug issues. You... Show more content
on ...
It can be easily done by connecting the external hard drive with the huge capacity. By
connecting the hard drive with Mac, the backup can be done within minutes.
2. Cloud Backups Using Cloud back up with the time machine can be beneficial for
having saved the important files with two copies. You can use CrashPlan which is
paid service for taking the backups. Dropbox and Amazon S3 can be the free
alternatives to save the important files and folders.
Tip Number 5 Improve the Speed
The speed matters a lot in the operating system. There are many Mac speed up tips
to boost the performance of an operating system. First is the activity monitoring to
check all the processes that are running. This will help you to see the memory usage,
disk and network processes using the most of the energy from the battery. Second is
the managing the startup items. You can check this by System Preferences User
Groups. The third way is the turning of the visual effects by clicking the System
Preferences Dock. The fourth way is the updating your software. The fifth and most
important way is cleaning your hard drive and deleting the junk files for boosting the
Tip Number 6 Security Precautions
It is important to have the proper security and you can set it within few minutes and
have the peace of mind. You should set the passwords and prevent the access from
the unauthorized person. Lock the screen when you go away from the laptop or
Post Antibiotic Future
Since the introduction of penicillin to the public in 1942, antibiotics have gained
widespread use throughout the world. The drug has allowed society to make
advancements in medicine, increase an individual s personal well being, extend life
expectancies, and stop and prevent infections. Antibiotics are one of the largest
backbones to maintaining personal health in society today, yet there may be a day
when we are no longer able to depend on antibiotics to fight infections. In the essay
Imagining the post antibioticfuture , Maryn McKenna establishes the importance of
antibiotics to juxtapose how devastating life would be without them. McKenna first
introduces the origin of penicillinand antibiotics. The first known antibiotic,... Show
more content on ...
By weight, eighty percent of antibiotics are used in agriculture to fatten animals and
protect them from the conditions in which they are raised (McKenna). Animals are
given micro doses of antibiotics, that is, a small amount of antibiotics to prevent
diseases from occurring. This micro dosage amount allows for mutation that Fleming
described. The routine use of antibiotics in agriculture has led to [sixty five] percent
of chicken breasts and [forty four] percent of ground beef to house bacteria resistant
to tetracycline . Additionally, [eleven] percent of pork chops carried bacteria
resistant to five classes of drugs (McKenna). These bacteria then spread from
animals to the humans who eat them, causing humans to get infections which
cannot be treated. The issue isn t as simple as ceasing to give antibiotics to
animals. Most animals raised for consumption live in an environment ripe for
infections and diseases to spread. Instead of giving the animals more room to live,
the majority of farmers opt to give the animals antibiotics. For cattle, This prevents
diseases and death to the immature weaned calves and cattle which saves the
rancher both time and money passing on the savings to the consumers. In a free
market society higher prices tend to not go well. However, if antibiotics became
useless farmers would have to [enlarge] barns, [cut] down on crowding, and [delay]
weaning , which ultimately would increase the costs of raising livestock
Experiment 1 and 2
Korleyfah Mouth
Chem 331 Thursday 2:00pm
Dr. Lijuan Li
20A Preparation of CuCl2~2DMSO
20B Preparation of RuCl2~4DMSO
Abstract In order to synthesize our metal complexes, we were able to make both
Copper and Ruthenium metals. From this, we combined each metal complex with
DMSO by refluxing the compound. The metal complexes were analyzed through
their melting point and IR spectroscopy to determine whether the metal bonded to a
Sulfur atom or an Oxygen atom of the DMSO. After analyzing the IR spectrum, it was
determined that S=O shifted to a lower wavenumber in CuCl2~2DMSO and that S=O
shifted to a higher wavenumber in RuCl2~4DMSO.
Introduction Depending on the metal, it will bond to DMSO through its oxygen or
sulfur atom. This ... Show more content on ...
IR spectroscopy was used to analyze the product and an emission spectrum was
Results and Discussion Product
Theoretical yield
Actual yield
Percent yield
Melting point В°C
0.189 grams
0.082 grams
43.38 %
203.4 204.6
Frequency (cmв€’1)
Bond responsible
(DMSO) 1017.65
S=O stretching
(RuCl2~4DMSO) 1105.54
S=O stretching
When analyzing the IR spectrum of Ruthenium complex with DMSO, the prominent
peak is presented at 1105.54 cmв€’1. This peak indicates that S=O bonded in
DMSO. For DMSO, the frequency is around 1050 cmв€’1. From our spectra
obtained for DMSO where the S=O peak is at 1017.65 cmв€’1. Since the bond
appears at a higher frequency, this shows that the bond is strengthened by the
reaction. This indicates that when the copper metal was combined with DMSO, it
bonded with the Sulfur atom. Combining ruthenium with sulfur atom caused it to
donate a pi electron as a back donation.
Conclusions From both experiments, we were able to detect which Sulfur and
Oxygen atom bonded to the metal. Copper metal was added to DMSO to bond with
the oxygen by weakening the S=O therefore lowering the IR spectrum. As for
Ruthenium metal, it was added to DMSO to bond with the sulfur compound,
strengthening the S=O therefore increasing the IR spectrum. Based on the IR
spectrums and melting points, my product for both metal were pure. References
Boschmann, E; Wollaston, G.J. Chem. Edu. 1982, 59,57
Ebsworth, E. A. V.; Ranking, D.W.H.; Cradock,

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Narrative Essay For College

  • 1. Narrative Essay For College Crafting a narrative essay for college can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. The difficulty arises not only from the academic expectations but also from the personal nature of the task. Unlike more straightforward assignments, a narrative essay requires you to delve into your own experiences, emotions, and reflections, making it a unique challenge. The process begins with selecting a compelling and meaningful topic, one that not only captures your personal journey but also resonates with your intended audience – college admissions officers. Identifying the right story that encapsulates your character, values, and aspirations can be a daunting task in itself. Once you have your topic, the challenge continues as you must navigate the delicate balance between self-expression and adhering to the conventions of academic writing. Crafting a narrative that is both engaging and well-structured requires honing your storytelling skills while maintaining a coherent and logical flow. Moreover, the reflective aspect of a narrative essay demands introspection and self-awareness. Unearthing the deeper meanings behind your experiences and articulating them effectively can be a formidable undertaking. It involves not only recounting events but also analyzing their impact on your personal growth and development. Beyond the creative process, the essay also needs to meet the standards of college-level writing. This involves meticulous attention to grammar, syntax, and overall composition. Balancing creativity with academic rigor is no small feat, and it requires careful editing and revision to ensure that your narrative not only captivates but also meets the expected standards of clarity and coherence. In conclusion, crafting a narrative essay for college is a multifaceted challenge that demands creativity, self-reflection, and attention to academic conventions. It is an opportunity to showcase not only your writing skills but also your unique personal journey. While the difficulty may be substantial, the satisfaction that comes from successfully conveying your story and leaving a lasting impression on your readers can make the effort worthwhile. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing challenges, professional help is available. Various services, such, offer support in crafting compelling narratives and other academic content. Narrative Essay For CollegeNarrative Essay For College
  • 2. Pediatric Oncology Career Deciding on a career path is quite difficult, even I have not been able to decide on a career path yet. However, I am bearing in mind pediatric oncology, culinary, and cosmetology. The only cause of my second guessing in pediatric oncology is due to the amount of education needed, It will take a total of 14 years to major in pediatric oncology. Once I have completed those 14 years it will have been well worth it. The first career, I am looking into is pediatric oncology, Pediatric oncology is what I am considering because it is one of the most inspiring jobs in my opinion. There are also a lot more pros than cons, I want to become a pediatric oncologist because of numerous reasons and that is one of them. A couple reasons are that I have... Show more content on ... I am still not even sure how many years of education are required to specialize in culinary arts, also in comparison to the professional chefs I am still a beginner, yet some may even consider me inexperienced. Some reasons I want to get a degree in culinary arts is because I am creative I like food and I think cooking is fun. Also, because I do a decent job at it and some of the smells are wonderful. Creativity is a good skill to have in culinary, It is a good skill to have because, you want to put your own twist on things and make things your own by adding a pinch of this or a pinch of that. Some advantages include doing things you like, running your own business, and just flat out the skill itself, the skill itself is an advantage because when you get married you want to be able to cook for your husband and your kids when you have them. Food is also a basic necessity you need to eat to live and you do not want to depend on friends, family, and fast food restaurants your whole life to cook for you. Some disadvantages include burning yourself and the food, some unpleasant smells, and customers with bad
  • 3. Inflation and United States Economy Economic Forecasting: An Internet WebQuest [pic] INTRODUCTION Economics is often called the science of decision making. The decisions that economists analyze range from personal decisions such as how big a pizza to order or whether to buy or lease a new car to the decisions the federal government makes about things like the size of our military. Economists use information about these, and other decisions, to develop indicators that can be used to determine the health of our economy. Just as a physician relies on indicators such as temperature, blood pressure and heart rate to determine the health of a patient, economists use indicators like gross domestic product growth, the unemployment rate and the rate of inflation to predict our... Show more content on ... 2001 2.83 %2002 1.59 %2003 2.27 %2004 2.68 % 2005 3.39 % 20063.24 % 20072.85 %2008 3.85 %2009 0.34 %2010 1.64 % 2011 3.16 % When is the last time we experienced deflation (prices actually dropped you will have to go back a few decades)? Since 1970, what year had the highest inflation rate? What was the rate? Compile these pieces into a coherent recommendation to Ms. Jones. Should she bring her guava jelly business to the United States? What is the outlook for the economic health of the nation? Type a Word document incorporating the leading economic indicators and the information Ms. Jones is interested in. Prepare a report or powerpoint for your client that includes: at least one graph/chart for each of the three indicators. a brief explanation of the status of that indicator. a prediction for the health of the United States economy over the next 12 months. Components of GDP Determine if each of the items listed below should be included in GDP and under which component or components: Consumption, Investment, Government, Exports or Imports. Circle ones that are counted, determine category on the left. Catogory 1. A stereo produced and sold in the US by a Japanese company _____ 2. College tuition _____ 3. Social Security payments _____ 4. Microsoft stock purchased from Microsoft _____ 5. A space shuttle launch _____ 6. The purchase of a plane ticket to
  • 4. Research Paper On Sally Ride Have you ever wondered how people can get the courage and talent to revolutionize the career they are in? Sally Ride has definitely had that experience. She started this adventure when she went to Stanford University, majoring in physics in her home state, California. She took a chance for a NASA job and got accepted in. With determination and hardwork, she managed to be the first American woman into space. She changed women s reputations and the way women were looked at for having hardworking careers. She started several organizations and inspiration to fellow girls and women. Sally ridewas an inspirational, determined, astronaut. She is best known for being the first American woman to fly in space. She applied to be an astronaut in 1977 in Nasa s astronaut program. It was an ad in an advertisement. It was the first time that women were invited to apply to the astronaut program. (Dunbar). The first time inviting women was a very big deal, so getting in was even bigger. So she began to apply with courage and a dream of going into space. Ride ended up beating 1,000 other people for the job in the program. Through this job, she had tons of training for robotic arms and the equipment. The training was very constant throughout her time there because of the big responsibility of going and deploying satellites through space. She was chosen to be a mission specialist and was in charge of the robotic arm. The robotic arm is the position to deploy satellites across space. She
  • 5. Essay about Character, Values and Morals in Huckleberry Finn Character, Values and Morals in Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain s Huckleberry Finn is perhaps one of the most controversial novels the North American Continent has ever produced. Since its publication more than a hundred years ago controversy has surrounded the book. The most basic debate surrounding Twain s masterpiece is whether the book s language and the character of Jim are presented in a racist manner. Many have called for the book to be banned from our nation s schools and libraries. Mark Twain s novel is about a young boywho was raised in the south before slavery was abolished, a place where racism and bigotry were the fabric of every day life. The novel is the account of how Huck Finn, who is a product of these ... Show more content on ... Huck s father is absent until he finds out that Huck has found some money. Pap is an outcast full of hate for blacks and pretty much for all of society. Huck, as a product of his society, speaks the language of his society. By choosing as his point of view a young boy from the slave south, Twain is able to present and challenge the values and assumptions of this time. Among the assumptions and values of the time that the reader encounters in the book are the strict definitions pertaining to Huck s world and the people who inhabit it: The world of Huckleberry Finn presents a curious mixture of Calvinist principles and aristocratic ideals. . . . We meet most of the fundamentalist Christian sects from their Sunday schools to their Methodist and Presbyterian churches; from Revivalist camp meetings to lay preachers (like brother Phelps) and ministers (like the Wilks brothers). We meet representatives of all three classes from upper and lower orders of the ruling Whites to Blacks. For that is the first division: Whites (who are people ) and Blacks (just niggers ). People , in their turn are further divided into two castes: the quality and plain folks. (Beaver 64 5) In order for Huck to challenge any of the values and assumptions of the time he must first be acquainted with them. And he is not only intimately acquainted with the values of his society but he holds many of its beliefs himself. But Huck longs for freedom away
  • 6. Pros And Cons Of Integrated Marketing Communications Integrated Marketing Communications As online presence has advanced, there are more and more business minded people turning to the Internet as a way to make a living. There are plenty of pros and cons to go around with the online community, but the savvy business person can overcome the cons and become quite successful. It all begins with a strategy. What is the best way to get your message out there where customers will find it? For the successful business person integrated marketing communications is the key to online success. Integrated marketing communications applies messaging about your brand using traditional and non traditional marketing strategies. Each method of communication is used to build up other forms of communication. In ... Show more content on ... While some strategies are very strong, others are very weak. When combined, each strategy works effectively for the betterment of the other. This allows the business to reach a broader customer base and to provide a greater impact. Modern day marketing In 1989 there were not many people thinking about Internet marketing. Most people went to a brick and mortar store to do their shopping. Sometimes they had to use mail order, but rarely did they think of any other way to purchase the products and items they wanted. Today is an entirely different world. Social media has taken the Internet by storm, allowing people to communicate around the world. By utilizing social media, business are able to reach more people who are looking for what they have to sell. Along with social media, search engines are geared to lead people to a certain site. Successful search engines use search engine optimization, or key words that are used to find a site. The more often the key words are placed in a promotional piece, the easier it is for the search engine to locate the proper site. For example, if you are looking for kitchen utensils, the phrase kitchen utensils should be used in the title of the communication, and it should be used several times through the remaining
  • 7. To The Virgins, To Make Much Of Time By Robert Herrick Little did I know at the age of fourteen as I laced up my basketball shoes the game I was about to participate in would forever change my life. Nor did I realize that game would be the last time I would ever step foot onto a basketball court. Even simple tasks such as walking would soon almost be impossible to complete. Following the game I soon proceeded to have a multitude of knee surgeries and numerous years of physical therapy. Looking back, if I would have grasped what was about to happen, I would have absorbed every second. Through this experience I learned nothing is ever guaranteed and that I must utilize the opportunities that have been laid in front of me. This is where I became familiar with the term Carpe diem. After my injury I... Show more content on ... In the first poem a statement that is being implied is how slow he could love her with if time was not an issue. The Ganges River is grimy and the rubies are absent. He would spend a lifetime searching for these rubies, even though he would never discover any. A second example is his vegetable love implies that his love is an unconscious growth. Another example is times winged chariot and it represents that time is quickly creeping up on them. The implication is that life is short and those tasks would be impossible with the transience of time. The second poem suggests that one day she could be buoyant and then tomorrow death transpires. The next example is when he indicates once they have reached the peak they are now on the verge of death. He uses these implications to try and persuade the woman to seize the
  • 8. A Comparison of the Decline of Han China and the Roman Empire A Comparison of the Decline of Han China and the Roman Empire The decline of China and Rome both shared similar economic strife in that they were both subject to barbarian and nomadic invasions, therefore having to spend large amounts of money on frontier defense; however, they differed in that the Han Empire collapsed in part due to the high taxes imposed on the peasant class resulting in a large peasant rebellion, such as the Yellow Turbans, while in Rome tax collections was in danger of abandonment as residents of the empire were few in number and in financial difficulty. In addition, the two empires were similar socially because of large epidemics, diseases, and plagues that caused a population decrease. Also, both experienced a... Show more content on ... The Han Empire chose to overtax the overwhelmingly large peasant class which instigated an enormous peasant rebellion led by the Yellow Turbans, a Daoist religious sect who opposed the over taxation of peasantry and attempted to form a Golden Age . In the Roman Empire, taxation slowly became a thing of the past, as the Romans decreasing population failed to pay taxes at all during hard times. As the Roman population decreased due to famine, disease, and the upper classes producing less offspring due to their quest for a pleasure seeking life, soldiers were becoming scarcer, and the overall economy declined. Factors such as taxing and nomadic invasions weakened both societies economically, though both civilizations dealt with taxing differently, causing different effects. In both civilizations, epidemics broke out within the population. Public baths, sewage systems, and human animal contact caused diseases such as malaria, smallpox, measles, and the bubonic plague to wipe out entire populations. In addition, both suffered a cultural decay intellectually. Roman scholars wrote textbooks summarizing already discovered information instead of developing new ideas. During that time, Romans became increasingly focused on pleasure seeking, turning away from political and economic ideas that once shaped their civilization. Confucian scholars in Han China became less creative and centered also, causing social and political decline in Confucian philosophies. However; when
  • 9. How Fiction Ruined Love Summary Alain de Botton in How Fiction Ruined Love says that our culture s infatuation on over climatic, romanticized love stories has a shock on our actual lives. In modern culture, few stories manage to convey the complications of a long lasting relationship. Namely, people often go into relationships with unrealistic and high expectations. Few examples of this are when the going gets tough, couples often clamp under the pressure of everyday life. Ultimately, Alain de Botton argues that loveis so much more that just sexual feeling and passion that romantic novels and movies portray it to be. Romance movies ignore such crucial component involved with love such as a career. One of the points De Botton makes is that romantic films and novels tend
  • 10. Delphos Research Paper The world of transportation is constantly evolving. Innovators all over the world are trying to find to create new forms of transportation that is fast and efficient. One innovator, Elon Musk, has created the Hyperloop; a new idea for transportation of passengers and cargo. The Hyperloop travels the country within tubes allowing passengers and cargo to enter and exit at specific locations throughout the country. It travels faster than the speed of an airplane at the price of a bus ticket. The one million dollar donation provided by the Board of Education should fund the creation of a Hyperloop station in Delphos. As awareness of pollution and global warming increases, an environmentally safe form of transportation is needed. Almost all forms ... Show more content on ... Centers of transportation tend to be popular spots for business. A popular phrase used by the Hyperloop team is, When cities become metro stops, regions will flourish. Since businesses would have quick and easy access to the rest of the nation, they would be able to buy/sell products and services easily with anyone in the nation. This will encourage many businesses to move to Delphos creating a large amount of jobs for people in the area. Also, with a large amount of businesses, the people of Delphos will have an increase in their income due to businesses competing for skilled workers in the area. Not only will the station help new business and factories, it will also help the many farmers sell their crops to new markets across the nation. When a break from work is needed, anyone who can afford a bus ticket can get on the Hyperloop and be almost anywhere in the nation within hours. One of the concerns with spending money on this project are the Hyperloop has not come into to full design yet. While this may be true, many tests have been performed in order to bring the project to reality. The motor system has already undergone successful tests and full system tests are to be conducted within the next few weeks. The Hyperloop is expected to become fully active in 2021; the scale of the Hyperloop system is then expected to grow rapidly throughout the rest of the country. With the project projected to be very successful, the Hyperloop system should span nationwide by the year of
  • 11. Spatial Mismatch As I have mentioned above, the origin of spatial mismatch phenomenon was found through the empirical test. However, the theoretical conception is still unclear. There was no literature which provides the micro foundations for this hypothesis until Brueckner Martin (1997) develop a theoretical model to directly address the welfare effect of spatial mismatch hypothesis. The authors adopted a fixed wage model with a setup of the linear city. Besides taking the traditional assumption of the hypothesis, the authors also take two spatial elements into account, that is, job decentralization and a restriction of non white housing relocation to the suburbs. Under the analyses, Brueckner Martin indicated that spatial mismatch has caused the non white inner city workers to pay higher rent at a certain commuting distance and thus obtain lower real wage. This was translated as a welfare loss for non white. While Brueckner Martin s findings put more discussion on the welfare effect of spatial mismatch hypothesis, a paper by (Arnott, 1998) provides an extensive analysis on the cause of spatial mismatch. Arnott agreed that housing discrimination, combine with job suburbanization, has brought worse situation for non white inner city workers, but the job suburbanization does not necessarily... Show more content on ... The authors adopted minimum wage model and efficiency wage model to investigate the impact of housing discrimination on the unemployment rate of non white workers as well as their wages. The advantage of the latter model is the unemployment and wages can be endogenized. Under both models, the authors showed that housing discrimination has resulted in increasing unemployment rate and lower wages for non white in inner city. Therefore, they suggest that these models can provide a theoretical link between unemployment and racial discrimination in the housing
  • 12. Lifestyle Magazine As An Example Using Lifestyle magazine as an example, explore how media texts target specific audience. Lifestyle magazine are magazines that tells the audience about the lifestyle they live and can have an impact on their lives as their views can be subverted by the ideology of the magazine. This ideology comes from the creators of the magazine; they put what they think instead of what the public thinks about a certain topic. In this writing i am going to talk about what the lifestyle magazines do in order to attract specific audience and how they achieve in targeting specific audience. The two lifestyle magazines that i am going to talk about are FHM and Cosmopolitan magazine. These magazines were released on november 2013 and the target audience between the two has links and oppositions. On both magazines, the central image is the image of females; which suggests that these magazines are targeted at female. But, on the front of these magazines it is a picture of seductive females which implies that the audience is different and possibly males as they would get attracted. I am going to start by analysing how FHM targets their audience and keep their loyalty so that they would not look for another magazine to replace the FHM magazine they currently hold. This magazine is promoting anti feminism as the main central image is of a woman with a seductive look which is representing woman in a negative manner. Also, further connotes objectification of woman as the clothes signifiers shows
  • 13. Drug Court Reflection I when up to my local court house in Woodhaven Michigan. I was told that for legal reason I was unable to attend a actual drug court, but was able to sit in on a sobriety court. However I was able to talk to a probation officer and the manger to obtain information on drug court itself. In this short essay I will go over, what I learned in about drug court, what I have learn and observed in drug court, and well as what I have reached. Drug court was first started in 1989 in Miami, Florida. Drug court came about due to the link between crimeand drug abuse. This drug related crimes caused the jails to become over populated. Drug court became the solution to aid in the recovery of SUD as well as weed out petite drug related crimes and hard criminals. This is in intensive program with court supervision, case management for prosecution and/or incarceration. As well as a team of professional that assist the client in with the court, probation, treatment and police. These professional meet up with the client to discuss the program and how they are doing in it. This is a abstinence base program that help with rapid treatment entry, integrated treatment and court service, drug testing, and a sanctions and reward system (Miller,2015)... Show more content on ... Once I was got there I was directed to the probation office, I sat waiting for at least twenty minutes before I was asked if I needed help. If I was a client I would have signed in on a touch screen monitor, that has two opinions just out of court and already have a probation officer . I was told that in most case drug court last six months to three years. I was told that most people stay in the program for one or two years. In this program is the indiviual would go to the courts twice a week for drug testing. The clients are required to go to AA and or NA meeting. If the individual successful completes drug court the original charge will be taking off of there record (2018, drug
  • 14. Rim-Internal Analysis An International Management Applications Paper Research in Motion (RIM) Title of Article:Time to Pick BlackBerry Again? Source and Date:The Wall Street JournalNOVEMBER 9, 2010, 1:44 P.M. ET Author:MARTIN PEERS Summary of Article: This article talks about why Blackberry maker RIM may still have hope in the smartphone industry; meanwhile acknowledging that there is no longer any debate that BlackBerry is yesterday s technology. According to the article, RIM s once irrefutable position among business and government customers shows signs of eroding, as rivals like iPhone maker Apple make inroads. Competitive pressure in the U.S. is likely to increase if, as expected, Verizon Communications... Show more content on ... and they are pitted against a lot of bigger and more powerful competitors such as Apple, Microsoft, Motorola, and Google. They need to be nimble and execute perfectly, and going off and building a iPad clone shows they do not have the laser like focus on their core competency they will need to succeed long term in this space. They will hang on for a while at this rate because Blackberry users seem to hold their reservations when it comes to adopting new platforms, but unfortunately I don t see any basis for them being a serious player in this space in 5 years at this rate. RIM needs to respond with smarter pricing and marketing strategies very soon like the article mentions. Ideally, RIM should aim to price and package its products for different categories of workers as well as for different segments of the market as it does
  • 15. Cohabitation- Wiki Cohabitation is an arrangement where two people who are not married live together in an intimate relationship, particularly an emotionally and/or sexually intimate one, on a long term or permanent basis Reasons for cohabitation When people have more personal freedoms, they seem to forget traditional morals one of which is not living together until they get married. Through press, we know that more and more young people cohabit nowadays, especially among students and industrial workers. Why do they do that? The first reason is free relationship. Usually, cohabitants are those who come to city from provinces, so they are free to make their own choices. When asked, they say thay they are not bound by their parents ... Show more content on ... When a couple is in love, love is wonderful. However, when they live together, they will interact each other more and more and discover many bad habits of their partner such as smoking, snoring, laziness, or speaking impolitely. It is easy to make them feel disappointed with their love heart. In addition, when a couple live together without marriage, they are usually dishonest. Both men and woman in cohabiting relationships are more likely to be unfaithful to their partner than married people. (Civitas)2. They will be unfaithful about their inner feelings or their finance. Therefore, they usually argue and then find a new lover easily. Another serious consequence is that cohabitation causes a lot of social evil. The most social evil is abortion. Rate of abortion in Vietnam is very high in the world. According to Family Planning Association, our country has about 1.2 to 1.6 million abortions each year, of which 20 percent of adolescent ages. There are many young girls who are in cohabiting relationship must abort because they do not have good methods of birth control (TT GD) 3. Abortion affects the women s health seriously. Many women who abort with unsafe conditions are usually infertility, even death. Broken cohabiting relationship and abortion not only affect women heath but also hurt women hearts. In naturally, they can not keep balance and focus on their work in their lives. As a result, many young
  • 16. Hillary Clinton Achievements Hillary Clinton President of the United States, the highest office in our nation. A respected title, a praiseworthy title, an honorable title, but some may ask why anyone would want to be President. For the fame or power? Well, that is how most people think the candidate, Hillary Clinton, thinks of it. Trump, Cruz, Kasich, Clinton, and Sanders are the remaining candidates still in the race for the presidency. All candidates have their faults, but Hillary s biggest fault is how she is campaigning. When people listen to her presidential campaigns, they are not hearing politics or how she is going to improve our country; what they hear, is Hillary attacking her fellow candidates, trying to make them appear weak. Our President should not conduct ... Show more content on ... Both, Obama and Clinton were against same sex marriage until voting commenced; as a result, people considered the sudden change of mind to be a political move. She was interviewed by Terry Gross, who wanted to find out if her ideas had evolved since she last ran in the 90 s. However, Clinton never gave detailed answers, she stated, We have all evolved, and became angry when Gross repetitively asked. She complained, stating Terry was, playing with my words. She also went on to say how proud of herself she was for what she has done for this issue, however, Mrs. Clinton never quite specified what she did ( Hillary Clinton ). In another interview, Clinton answered questions from various women and indicated she wanted to focus on children and education, however, throughout the interview she spoke about her hair style and a new brand of milk she found. The women also asked her why she desired to be President, yet she did not give an answer ( Hillary Talks ). Clinton believes after having an African American President in office for two consecutive terms, we now want a female President. However, voters call her a clumsy campaigner because of the questions her staff gave the audience before a speaking event in her last Presidential run, hence, some voters believe this could happen again (Malcolm Andrew). Clinton continues to be baffled by how little her voters know about her and that it
  • 17. Essay on The Dream The Dream In the early twentieth century, film maker and producer Adolph Zukor met Jesse Lasky, owner of Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Company. The two men admired each others previous work and, in 1916, decided to combine forces. They created Paramount pictures and had one of the most familiar slogans in the film industry, If it s a Paramount Picture it s the Best Show in Town . Proving their slogan true they started turning out more than two pictures per week. During it s peak in the silent film making era, Paramount was making 5 million dollars a year more than other production companies such as Warner, Fox, and Universal.(Paramount) Paramount Pictures has come a long way ... Show more content on ... This group has provided households all over the world with the classics and the box office hits, and even Nickelodeon shows like Blues Clues and Rugrats. Another fun experience Paramount has provided for their viewers is theme parks. Paramount has theme parks all over the United States, including a Star Trek theme park in Las Vegas.(Viacom) Entertainment is not all Paramount has provided for the telecommunications and film industry. Since the company began, the decisions it has made have influenced others in the industry. Even though they may not have always been the most profitable movie making company, they have always been interested in broadening their horizons, and the sky was the limit. Not long after Paramount was created Zukor decided to maintain his company s supremacy in the industry. He began a theater buying campaign that amassed single houses and entire circuits... By 1930, the firm s movie house division had grown to include almost 2,000 units and was named Publix Theaters (Huettig). Paramount helped establish the neighborhood movie theater, along with providing hundreds of award winning quality movies to view. Paramount has also contributed to the competitive aspect of the movie industry, forcing actors and directors to do their best work. Stated by Joseph Youngerman in his book My Seventy Years at Paramount Studios and the
  • 18. Why Are Zoos Bad For Animals Are the zoos good for the animals or are they bad for the animals? For many years people have debated the topic whether the zoos are good or bad for the animals. Have you ever wonder what the animals felt like when they are in the zoos do they feel happy or do they feel sad? Have you ever walked around in the zoos and you seen the animals locked up in small cages?Have you ever seen an animal treated with disrespect? Are the animals treated as equal to the people? While more zoos become better at helping the animals people want to know are the zoos good or are they bad for the animals. Zoos are bad for the animals. First reason why zoos are bad for the animals. The zoos are bad for the animals because the zoos teach the kids that humans
  • 19. Exploring The Negative Effects Of Maternal Obesity Nusrat Jahan Nicole Garret WRT 102 10/21/2015 Exploring the Negative Effects of Maternal Obesity Obesity in pregnant women is a global concern. In The United States, obesity is a critical public health issue one in every three women is obese (Masho, et al). This issue becomes crucial in the context that 36% of pregnant women in the United States are obese (Shub, et al). Studies show a strong association between maternal obesity and health risks during pregnancy and labor. In addition, a disconnect in perception and awareness exists such that most obese pregnant women who gain weight during pregnancy underestimate their Body Mass Index (BMI); and also have poor knowledge about the risk associated with obesity. In our time period, there is a significant increase in the average body index in all age groups and most commonly with the women who are entering their reproduction age. According to the article, Weight Gain During Pregnancy , a normal weighted gravida, or pregnant woman, has BMI of 18.5 24.9 Kg/m2, over weight gravida has BMI of 25 29.9 Kg/m2, and obese gravida has BMI of 30 and greater Kg/m2. Obese pregnant women face many critical health risks compare to normal weight pregnant women. In the study Maternal Obesity a Global Health Problem and Its Implications on Maternal and Fetal Health , by Hashmi and his colleagues, they aimed to find out if obese women were at greater risk of having adverse reproductive outcomes compared to women with a normal BMI. By using
  • 20. Essay about African Slave Trade The impact on the African slave trade during 16th centuries to 19th centuries was huge. The economy of those countries which allowed African slave trade grew bigger and bigger. For instance, America, a huge land that had nothing before the trade, started to gain some profit out of farming and increased hugely on population. They used a big amount of African slaves to farm and work. And this created the economy better in America. Also Europeans, which were only one million people brought up 5.5 million African slaves (men, women, children) to the Western Hemisphere. 80 % out of 5.5 million slaves were enslaved as a field worker (sugar). With all of those slaves working in the West Hemisphere, Europeans gained huge profits and were able to... Show more content on ... It was very common for the slaves to have scars on the back or blood all over the body. Slaves lives did not matter to anyone. They were treated just like items that can easily sold or bought. Some of the owners treated their slaves well because they were expensive but the inexpensive ones were treated badly. Men and women planted, harvested, and removed weeds and other unwanted plants from the land. Young men had to work in their fields as well. For children, they had to pull out weeds, pick insects off of the crops, and took water (supplies) to other workers. There were several different plantation types. Most of the plantations were rice, sugar, and tobacco. Each had a difficult or dangerous way during the work for the slaves. For instance, in South Carolina rice plantation, the danger of the job provided the unhealthy swamps that were needed to make up the rice field and poisonous snakes that lived inside the swamp. Also even the mud and the swamp that made up the rice field exhausted the slaves immensely. The sugar cane plantations were also painfully worked out because of the danger from the tools used and the natural hazards. At the harvest times, many slaves were ill or died just because of the hard work that they did at the fields. Most of the houses of the African slaves were simple wooden huts with some basic
  • 21. Disadvantages Of A Total Institution Total institutions regulate all aspects of life. They have single authority with total control and are isolated from the rest of society. A few examples of total institutions would be prison, mental hospitals, and the military. There are four features that total institutions have in common. The first trait is that all aspects of life in a total institution are controlled in the same place and under the control of an administrative staff. The second feature is that activities are conducted in the company of others under the same, or similar, circumstances. These activities are done in close proximity and everyone is subject to the same treatment. The next feature is that the authority will conceive the rules and schedule the activities. They will have the slightest rewards given to those who abide by the rules. The last feature of total institutions is that all aspects of life are meant to fulfill the total institution s goals of resocialization. Now prisons will be used as an example to go over the advantages and disadvantages of total institutions. A major disadvantage to total institutions is the loss of individuality. A loss of identity occurs as managers in jail only care to know of their name, court date, and charge bail (Irwin 273). Also, the prisoners have their personal effects taken away and have a difficult time keeping up with their appearance. Upon arrival, they are forced to change from their clothes into ill fitting, conspicuous jail uniforms (Irwin 273).
  • 22. Remember The Titans Racism The world is combined in many different skin colours people. Each people should have their freedom and respect. We can not deny and reject a person who is strange because of skin. In Remember the Titans, there are important moments in which characters learn from those who are different than they are. Two characters are Gary and Julius.These characters were very different from one another in many ways. They learned from one another was the relationship between brothers. This shows viewer that the unity and brotherhood. In 1971, at TC williams High School.The city this takes places in Alexandria Virginia. This is the first high school in the city to integrated both African American and white students together. A black head coach, Herman Boone... Show more content on ... Personally, racism is very hard to control it. It depends on your own opinion about different skin colours people. Any law and regulations can not control the thoughts of others. There is one incident I remember clearly not only it happened recently but also it carries big meaning to me. On 11th April 2017, a passenger was forcefully removed from the plane because he refused to give up his seat. He was dragged off brutally and violently. Blood is visible on his face and body. The passenger explained that he is a doctor and he is on his way to see his patients thus he cannot reschedule his flight. This resulted in him being forcefully dragged off the plane and the force deployed caused him to bleed.This passenger is an Asian. If this person is white, would they do that? Everyone has right to defend their dignity. The world is multicultural, If you want to learn more culture and make friends with all over the world, you must accept different people. A lot of international students are very lonely and hopeless, they leave their motherland, parents, acquainted environment. They do not know how to blend in new place. In my opinion, If you try to know more friends who are different than you are, you will feel surprised. I have best friend and she is the black people.I learned a lot about her
  • 23. Little Mermaid Comparison So strong, it can lift the spirit. So gentle, it can touch the heart. It is the magic that begins the happily ever after, said Walt Disney, entrepreneur, animator, voice actor, and film producer. In many modern fairy tales, a happy ever after ending is to be expected, especially in versions depicted by Disney. Original fairy tales aimed to teach lessons, veering away from hopeful endings and steering toward conclusions that progressed from bad to worse. For example, in Disney s version of The Little Mermaid, the audience is pleased with the anticipated ending, while in Hans Christian Andersen s version, the conclusion comes off as twisted and unexpected. The themes Happy Ever After versus Bad to Worse are reflected throughout both... Show more content on ... Both stories begin exceptionally different from each other in terms of their play on emotions. Disney s tale begins with an exciting scenery including, An ocean. Birds are flying and porpoises are swimming happily. From the fog a ship appears crashing through the waves (The Little Mermaid). Contrary to Disney, Andersen illustrated his opening segment in a more descriptive way. He explained that the ocean, very, very deep; so deep, indeed, that no cable could fathom it: many church steeples, piled one upon another, would not reach from the ground beneath to the surface of the water above (Andersen). This thought could almost be frightening to some members of the audience, especially those who already fear the ocean. Both fairytales, have set a mood before the first person has even spoke, Andersen s having a sense of eeriness, while Disney s demonstrates pure bliss. Throughout Disney s version of The Little Mermaid, numerous upbeat songs are played. For example, while the little mermaid is spending time with the prince, her friend sebastian, in an attempt to make the prince kiss her, begins to sing, Sha la la la la la, my oh my, look like the boy too shy, ain t gonna kiss the girl (The Little Mermaid). In Andersen s tale, the little mermaid does not receive a kiss from the prince, but is presented with her death instead when the prince
  • 24. Changing Structure of Watch Industry SWISS WATCH MARKET In 1970s the Swiss industry produced around 75 million units per year as compared to 25 million units in 1940s. Since 1966, when the Swiss Government s restriction on sale and acquisition of watch companies lapsed, the industry experienced a crescendo of mergers, bringing down the number of firms to around 1000. In 1971, ASUAG , the super trust combined the assembling firms selling seven different brands into the General WatchHolding Company. This move forged important new financial and managerial links between the component manufacturing and assembling sectors of the watch industry. By 1971 almost three quarters of all Swiss watch exports were accounted for by eight watch making groups. But the industry ... Show more content on ... manufacturing industry. In fact, only two U.S. watch companies, Bulova and Timex, were involved in any domestic watch production. Since the beginning, U.S. companies have struggled to cope with the labour requirements of watchmaking. Some U.S. watch sellers never tried; from the start imported finished watches or movements and simply put them in watch cases here. Other firms tackled the problem by locating at least part of their production overseas. Bulova and Gruen, for example, established their own manufacturing plants in Switzerland in the early years of the 1980s. After the Second World, jeweled lever watches dominated the U.S. market. Then during the 1950s and early 1960s the situation changed drastically. Timex first stormed the low price end of the watch market and later moved up into the middle price range. At the same time marginal Swiss producers flooded the U.S. market with inexpensive pin lever and jeweled lever watches making price competition all the more severe. In 1960s the Japanese began to carve out their piece of the U.S. market. On top of this, the mass merchandising revolution of the 1950s threw the traditional watch distribution system, sales through jewelers and fine department stores, into chaos. To survive in a market dominated by price competition, one after another U.S. watch company gave up on domestic watch manufacturing until, by 1970 there were only two survivors Bulova and Timex. Throughout the 1960s and into
  • 25. The Effects Of Fire On Different Types Of Vegetation Introduction Throughout the history of the world, fire has been a common phenomenon. It has been a constant companion of humans ever since it was discovered by our ancestors. Wildfires can cause serious damage, both to property and human life, but can also have various beneficial effects on wilderness areas. Some plant ecosystems depend on the effects of fire for growth and reproduction, while large wildfire can possibly have negative ecological effects. The irony is that fire can both be beneficial to our survival and it can be a destructive force in its nature, which can threaten our very existence as living organisms. In South Africa, people have burnt and cleared vegetation resulting in the disturbance of the natural succession of ... Show more content on ... The type of vegetation that is burned will classify the type of wildfire. Bush Fire, Brush Fire, Forest Fire, Veld Fire, Desert Fire, Grass Fire, Hill Fire, Peat Fire and Vegetation Fire, are the main different types of wildfires. A wildfire differs in comparison to other fires by its extensive size, the rate at which it can spread from its original source, its potential to redirect its direction unexpectedly, and its ability to jump across roads, rivers and firebreaks. Wildfires are characterised by their physical properties such as speed of propagation , the cause of ignition, the material that is combustible, and the effect of weather on that specific fire. Causes of Wildfires Wildfires are not entirely natural features, hence, are quasi natural hazards. This means that they are also caused by humans. The four most significant natural causes of wildfire ignitions are lighting, volcanic eruption, sparks from rock falls and spontaneous combustions (A type of combustion that occurs by self heating, followed by thermal runaway and finally, ignition occurs). The most frequent human sources of wildfires are arson, thrown away cigarettes, sparks from working equipment and power line arcs. Fuel types for Wildfire Wildfires spread based on the flammable material that is present, and its vertical arrangement. An example of this would be, fuels uphill from a fire are more easily
  • 26. Analysis Of Katherine Mansfield s Miss Brill Essay 5.Analyse how the writer(s) use(s) language techniques for a particular purpose in a written text or texts you have studied. Katherine Mansfield uses an extensive range of language techniques to portray the lonely and slightly delusional spinster; Miss Brill. The story of Miss Brill is an extremely good example of how a writer can use different language techniques to reveal a variety of aspects of the character. The author uses characterisation through the language techniques to reveal a variety of truths to the reader about Miss Brill s personality. Mansfield uses the language techniques to express the theme of connectedness throughout the story. Mansfield also uses symbolism, setting and point of views by the different characters in her story to create a clear scene and atmosphere for the readers. Symbolism is very important throughout the short story as it illustrates a vivid understanding of who Miss Brill is, which is easily expressed through the relationship between Miss Brill and her fox fur. BODY PARAGRAPH #1 Miss Brill s fur is an extension of herself. The fox fur throughout the novel thoroughly symbolises Miss Brill and her life in a variety of ways. Miss Brill whom has lost all sense of connectedness throughout the story is able to strongly connect to the fox fur on a very ominous level. Mansfield makes it clear that Miss Brill lives her life through the fox fur; by links of characteristics between the fur and Miss Brill, which are fairly similar.
  • 27. An Example of a Narrative Essay 1Crystal D. Dozier Narrative Essay November 13, 2007 Word count: 809 My Little Blessings Children have a tendency to bring out the very best in people. I can say I have been fortunate to have four little blessings of my own. I consider each of them as a blessing and each day I am reminded of how much they mean to me. My children have brought out the best in me parts that I never knew existed. As children grow, so do parents. I have evolved into a better person with the courage to overcome all obstacles because of the love that I have for my children. At the age of twenty, my life was full of constant turmoil and instability. I had a plan, and children were not a part of it. I never imagined that I would ever have children.... Show more content on ... Through the love for my son, I developed the ability to remain positive even during the most difficult times in life. Although I gained the knowledge to be a more stable and positive individual, something was still missing in my life. The missing piece soon fell into place upon the birth of my twin boys, Irijah and Isaac. A multiple birth was a miracle within itself. It seemed unreal because no one in my family was ever blessed with two babies. Although it took a lot of adjustment, we made it through the baby period. The hard part did not come until they became toddlers. (During this time), I noticed complications (in the development) (of the twins). I soon learned that although they were perfect on the outside my boys were suffering with autism. Irijah is severely autistic while Isaac s is mild. I knew that in order to conquer this obstacle, changes would have to be made. In the beginning I was unaware of what needed to be done, but I never gave up. I continue to fight for my boys and struggle to keep my sanity. This has been the toughest fight of my life because it involves a series of changes. These changes dealt with acceptance, transition, and adaptation. These were necessary steps because it gives the boys a chance to lead a somewhat normal life. Through the love of my sons, I have learned to adapt to change and have gained strength and perseverance that is necessary in life.
  • 28. Child Marriage Is A Growing Problem Most girls dream of their wedding from a very young age, from meticulously planning each detail to fantasizing about walking down the aisle. But, for many girls across the world, their wedding day is something to dread. In many cases, these girls are forced to marry men much older than themselves, sometimes even by three or four decades. The International Center for Research on Women defines child marriageas, a formal marriage or informal union before age 18 (np), and although rarely mentioned, child marriage is a growing problem worldwide. The United Nations Populations Fund states, In developing countries, one in every three girls is married before reaching age 18. One in nine is married under age 15 ( Young brides who are put in this terrible situation face tremendous mental and physical risks and often die from the abuse they receive from their husband. The following paper will highlight the oppression young brides face including first hand stories, female genital mutilation, and health consequences across the Middle East and Eastern Asia. To begin with, child marriages are very common in impoverished countries where most girls are viewed as an unneeded expense and parents often desire to get them out of the house as soon as possible. In which case, many girls do not receive an education, which is very beneficial. Many parents also believe that marrying their daughters young is profitable to them, as it prevents rape from unmarried men and will
  • 29. Aol Time Warner Merger A decade ago, America has witnessed its biggest merger of their history when AOL and Time Warner merged for an all stock deal with a combine value of $ 350 billion which also created the world s largest media and Communication Company, but today I want to re examine this ill fated deal and try to explore what went wrong. In an initial statement about this merger and probabilities of new company it was stated that this merger will lead to a speedy development and growth for all its businesses. It will not only provide AOL a new broadband interactive platform, but the companies can also grow their revenue through cross marketing from movies, music, and internet to telephone. Unfortunately, instead of delivering according to the promises ... Show more content on ... History of AOL (America online) AOL was founded in 1985, at first it was Quantum Computer Systems, which was a popular interactive service providing Company served with content and its dial up modems services to the residential customers. This internet service provider Company was the first company which does not required a terminal standard program but only needed use of proprietary software. It was an easy service for even those customers who were almost unfamiliar with the computer or internet use. ; Where as its main competitor CompuServe was only focused to the technical community. In 1991 Quantum Computer Systems changed its name into American Online Inc (AOL)and start providing its service to World Wide Web. In late 1990 s, its simple and spontaneous interface and the forceful marketing strategy made it a fast growing company, which afterward made huge acquisitions and geographical expansion. AOL made an aggressive marketing strategy to create its appearance more attractive and more desired. Market situation before Merger When AOL got merger with Time Warnerit was capturing 40% US online subscribers which means 27million subscribers. AOL got this height in just 8 years. In its beginning it was not a big company but was competing with comparatively big companies at that time. The internet growth and revenue journey were soon diverted into the advertising and e commerce deals from the subscription
  • 30. Venus Of Urbino And Female Nudes Female nudes are a favorite reoccurring subject matter through art history that offers symbolic significance from simplistic anatomy of the female body. Venus of Urbino by Titian and Olympia by Edouard Manet are great representation that illustrates the difference in the portrayer of female nude. Hence, both artworks are intriguing as it reflects the importance of cultural reformation between both periods. Titian painted Venus of Urbinoduring the Venetian Renaissance in 1538, measuring 46 by 64 in the medium of oil painting ( Titian, Venus Of Urbino ). Venus of Urbino was commissioned by the Duke of Urbino in conjunction with the celebration of his marriage ( Academy of Art University ). The female figure in the painting is unidentified... Show more content on ... Iconographies like the black cat symbolize promiscuity, while orchid symbolizes eroticism, exoticness and sexuality. Manet s color patch technique reflects a pasty skin instead of a marble like skin, not only is Olympia s body flat, her hands are the only area that is evident of any shadows that places emphasis on the surface ( Manet, Olympia ). Hence, sexuality became the subject matter with enhanced nakedness from Olympia s ribbon around her neck and slipper. Therefore, critics are shocked when they saw the painting, from the iconography to the identity and posture of the female nude it is obvious who Olympia is. Olympia was Manet s way of conveying the honesty in materials, subject, motives and desires; it is merely a reflection of the cultural and political aspects of the 19th
  • 31. Characteristics Of Jimmy Carter Why do we hear so much about the bad leaders, but so little about the good ones? That s because none of our leaders are perfect, but what makes a good leader? A good leader is someone who is honest, decisive under pressure, and can give confidence in times of distress. Many leaders in our world, or in fictional worlds, show that these qualities prove most important. An honest person is someone who does not lie, and is not afraid of telling people the whole truth. As said by Michael Bunting, Honesty is a leader s most valuable leadership quality; it serves as the gateway for trust and inspiration ( Journal of business ethics, 113). This is very true, if a leader is dishonest it is very hard to trust anything they say or do. Of real world leaders, we don t honesty a lot, but US President Jimmy Carterdefinitely had honest qualities. Jimmy Carter was arguably the most honest US president. While his honesty cost him his 2nd term in office, it also saved us from a war in Iran (Frank). Many lives and lots money would ve gone into a war, and so this shows that honesty was truly the best thing in this situation. Another example of honesty would be how the main character of Zootopia, Judy Hopps, wasn t afraid of telling people off. When Nick touched the sheep s wool, which was referencing to something that black women and men famously deal with all the time (Kois), Judy was quick to tell him that what he was doing was considered rude. Another trait I find necessary in a worthy
  • 32. Analysis Of Ray Bradbury s Dandelion Wine As aging occurs within humans, not only do physical changes occur, but changes in the mind occur as well. Changes that change the way the brain thinks and influences decision making, as well as reactions to certain situations that occur. These changes are apparent as the brain and body ages and can clearly be seen when those of varying ages interact with each other. In Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury, one of the main themes appears to be the accustomed act of maturing, or growing up, specifically, how comprehension is different in people of different ages. Bradbury s novel includes characters of various ages ranging from little kids to elders whose time has almost come to an end. These characters interact with one another throughout the... Show more content on ... As the two brothers continue to go about their day throughout this section, their interactions reveal not only their personalities, but how they think differently from each other due to their age differences. Tom, being the younger sibling, still has hope for things that Doug knows are scientifically not going to happen, like snowflakes lasting until summer. Doug also seems to view things more cogently than Tom since he doesn t find as much wonder in a sandwichВґs taste being more flavorful when eaten outside. DougВґs disagreements with Tom show how his way of thinking leans more towards realism when compared to Tom, although he still has a childlike fear of a ВЁThingВЁ, which he sees as this monster like being, coming after him. Therefore, it can be concluded from the brothersВґ different views that even a small age difference can cause someoneВґs way of thinking to change. Despite their contrasting views, Bradbury also reveals that Doug still falls into the common little kid belief in monsters to show that DougВґs thinking still had some similarities with TomВґs thinking, but overall Doug had a more realistic view than his younger brother. The theme of humanВґs thinking changing with age starts to emerge through interactions between just kids at first, but youthsВґ interactions with the elderly appear later on and show a more drastic contrast between people of different agesВґ ways of comprehending. In the midst of
  • 33. Skinner s View On Psychology And The Contrasting Views Of... Introduction This essay will explore B. F. Skinner s view on the focus of psychology and the contrasting view of the mentalists. It will then go on to consider the benefits of Skinners way of seeing psychology and thus how he was able to turn psychology into a science with measurable outcomes and bring evidence into a subject that had become subjective and unquantifiable. Purpose of Psychology Skinner stated that the purpose of psychology should be the study of behaviour. He had come to this conclusion whilst performing studies on rats. (Skinner, 1938). Mentatlistic approach Prior to skinner the pervading view of behaviour within psychology was concerned with thoughts and inner feelings that were thought to directly cause behaviour.(Cooper, Heron, Heward, 2007) Skinner thought that the study of psychology had remained unchanged for centauries and that the subject had made virtually no progress.(Skinner, 1973) He believed that behaviour should be studied in a scientific way rather than an introspective way. Natural Science Behaviour Psychology or Biology D M (1) (Blackman, 1991) puts the case forward that the study of behaviour should come under the subject of biology rather than psychology on the grounds that behaviour occurs naturally when consequences are applied. Skinner had said a similar thing himself in (1963) when he considered the choice of the placement of behaviour in the scheme of things. He said that if the mind was going to be the subject
  • 34. How Analytics Helps An Organization Optimize Their... Analytics is defined, according to online, as the process of obtaining an optimal or realistic decision based on existing data. [1]. Davenport and Harris (2007), defined analytics, as the extensive use of data, statistical and quantitative analysis, explanatory and predictive models, and fact based management to drive decisions and actions. [2]. An article titled Outsmart the Competition by Jackie Zack in Teradata Online magazine states that analytics can help an organization optimize their business processes to make them effective as possible. [3]. It is a proven fact that proper use of analytics can lead an organizations to success, providing them with that distinctive advantage over their competitors. In this essay, details will be provided on how analytics has helped my organization to compete in their business segment. Ability to compete on analytics Digicel Group is a total communications and entertainment company. The company s objective is to bring our customers never ending possibilities and change the world around us by offering affordable and innovative mobile services, enterprise solutions, cloud computing, cable TV, broadband and engaging content. [4]. The company was founded on a commitment to providing the best networks, services, values and to giving back to the community. [4]. The company is currently present in 31 markets across the Caribbean, Central America and Asia Pacific and employs around 6,000 people. Digicel Group currently has
  • 35. Autumn Epilogue Epilogue The trail in the woods that Roxas and Xion took every morning was peaceful and quiet, with the exception of songbirds chirping in the trees, and the delightful crunch of dried leaves under their shoes. Leaves of the surrounding trees were starting to turn into different shades of red, yellow and brown; a sign of an early autumn. Xion Zayas adjusted the scarf she was wearing, making sure to cover up her neck as much as possible; she could feel the autumn breeze nipping at her skin. She and Roxas were walking hand in hand, towards their school like they did every morning. They ve been officially dating after the singing competition and there was never a day that either one of them wakes up without a content smile on their face.... Show more content on ... I m sure Axel would totally tag along, and he ll invite Larxene too. Xion simply replied. They re still going strong? Of course they are! I already told you and the others that Axel and Larxene have liked each other since 5 years ago. I know Larxene looks terrifying and likes to hit Axel a lot, but I can see that he s truly happy; he s serious about this relationship. All we need to do now is wait for the marriage~ The ravenette grinned, happy to know her brother had also found his true love. Then comes a baby in the baby carriage. Roxas chuckled at the mental image of a confused Axel changing baby diapers, but he knew the red haired man would be a great dad. The couple continued their walk to town in a comfortable silence before Roxas requested, Hey, Xion. Can you write me another song? Xion gave her boyfriend a puzzled look. Oh? Why all of a sudden? It s nothing. I guess I just miss you singing for me, that s all. The blond grinned when he noticed the girl s cheeks flushed pink. Well~ Xion uttered before releasing her hand from his. Roxas pouted at the sudden loss of her warmth but said nothing as he watched
  • 36. The Benefits Of Experiential Learning i.Using relevant literature discuss the benefits of experiential learning When I first started this module, I believed that my CV was satisfactory and that my interview ability was of a very high standard, however from my lessons I understood ii.Reflection on ACCA workshop My first impressions on the ACCA work shop, were that they were there to, try to recruit students into the ACCA program over organisations such as the ICAEW, however true this maybe, the ACCA workshop was actually a very helpful experience. The learning outcomes from the work shop to maximise our strengths aiding us on our route to long term success. With this in mind we were shown about a tool called Johari s window, this tool is supposed to improve self awareness in regards to our strengths and weaknesses. We were told to separate into pairs as our strengths and weaknesses may not always be apparent to us. I thought this to be a great idea however for myself, nobody in the room knew me well enough, so I decided to take this concept home to ask people who knew me well to get a better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses. Before I thought I was very self aware of my strengths and weaknesses. However there was a lot I learned about myself from my inquisition. My strengths, I am genuinely quite aware of, however I didn t realise how apparent it was to my friends how forward thinking I was, mainly strategically and how personable I am, with being open, relatable and understanding
  • 37. Analysis Of Tickits By Paul Milenski The short fiction story Tickits, written by Paul Milenski is about Toby Heckler giving tickets to all those he finds doing wrong especially his mother. How can I help all those around me someone like Tobey can ask himself? I can shed light to the troubles one may cause others like a superheroes providing safety to the citizens around them. My cloak and armor is my sharp appearance with not even a smudge on my pearly white sneakers. There are many imperfections when it comes to people behaviorin a sense to not caring about others. This story describes Toby as if he was a police officer handing out citations until the reason behind the citation was written. The tickets consist of a car parking in two parking spots being inconsiderate of others that may need to park and two elderly women standing in the middle of the sidewalk taking up the space of others that are walking on the sidewalk. Toby had also written a ticket for a man who was considering crossing the street when the sign read DON T WALK (Milenski 155). The reason for the ticket was clearly that the man considers disregarding the sign and walking across the street. The ticket read ALLMOST WALKD (155). He did this while maintaining a polish appearance especially when it came to his shoes. He compared himself to patrolman McVee in appearance and even wipe the smudge of his shoe. Toby carries his job to be very important despite the way others looked or may treat him. The author Milenski demonstrated an
  • 38. Research Paper On Atticus Finch Parenting Parenting at its Finest Parenting is something almost everyone goes through. Parenting can happen when your young or a bit older it can turn you crazy are make you wake up and realize your life has got to change. Atticus was the best Father known to man. Atticus Finch was always showing his kids how to be great as they slowly turn into adults. Atticus Finch must of have raised his children right because of the fact that the defended him when people were talking bad about him behind his back to his own kids.Atticus sets great examples to his children they might of thought he was doing something mean when he made Jem go back to ms.maudie. He also doesn t act overprotective which is great because if the parents put leashes on their kids they must be a bad parent. Atticus Finch was a good father, he treated his children with respect and taught them how to be honorable people. ... Show more content on ... Many parts of the story Atticus tells Jem and Scout stuff that would make them respect other people in life. For instance in How do you affect your child , they say Children are very prone to imitate the actions of those around them, especially adults (Martin Hite). What this means is that Atticus shows respect to all people and that his children will follow his footsteps. He also teaches his kids to look into a person for who he is, not what color they are. You just hold your head high and be a gentleman. Whatever she says to you, it s your job not to let her make you mad (Lee 133). Atticus does a great job of parenting in this part of the book by saying this. Even though Jem did not understand because all he was doing was looking out for his dad Atticus still made sure she doesn t upset him and that he respects the
  • 39. Kpmg Diversity KPMG, LLC is a U. S. corporation that specializes in corporate accounting, taxes and financial advisory. They are one of the Big Four accounting firms in the United States. According KPMG s home page of their website, the parent company KMPG International operates in countries around the world and has 162,000 staff, with average annual salaries of $153,000, and total annual revenues of $24.8 billion. This level of success does not happen randomly. As an international company, KMPG is dedicated to diversity and recognizes the benefits of diverse staff, partners, suppliers, and clients. KMPG s diversity and inclusion plan has an infrastructure that includes a Diversity Advisory Board, Diversity Networks and Councils, and meaningful metrics. ... Show more content on ... Paid internships are offered annually each winter and summer. These internships are recruitments through college site based events and through an on line application process and include a strong training program to prepare them for permanent positions. KPMG has partnered with Howard University, a nationally ranked college primarily African American, to create a Student Business Executive Leadership Honors Program committed to developing leadership skills in highly motivated minority undergraduates. They are also sponsors of the Out for Undergraduate Business, which is a conference where KPMG representatives are able to network with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender business students. These recruitment outreach programs work. In 2014, nearly a third of all full time hires were ethnically diverse employees and women were more than 45% of all full time hires (KPMG Diversity and Inclusion Facts, April
  • 40. Financial Statement Analysis Essay Financial Statement Analysis MBA 6150 Financial Statement Analysis Verizon Communications Abstract The process of developing financial statements for a business is to provide supporting documentation to what has been reported as annual or quarterly income. Within the financial statement analysis strengths and weaknesses are identified through the comparison of data from the balance sheet. There are many different ways to interpret the data that is utilized for the analysis; those include but are not limited to comparative statements, schedule of changes in working capital, common size percentages, and ratio analysis. The following paper will be reviewing the financial data from Verizon Communications (VZ). Through the... Show more content on ... However, with the increasingly tough economic times there is a risk that employees will feel that the implementation of a union will help their cause. 2.2009 was Verizon (Wireless ) first attack on the competition through advertising. As a result of the advertising the competitor (AT T) filed an injunction to stop the ads. To date the cease and desist request was denied; however, with this new advertising the company is at a greater risk for litigation. 3.In an attempt to increase profitability the company has implemented the requirement for certain cellular devices to have data plans. This new requirement could potentially cause frustration to consumers and increase the level of churn that the company sees. 4.Verizon Communications has also built bundles to provide a suite of services, voice, Internet and television. In the event that licenses cannot be obtained to provide wireline services in all areas, this launch could be potentially catastrophic. 5.In addition to the wireline service availability the decision to work with FiOS also places the company in a precarious situation. Should consumers sign up for the relatively new service, and there be problems or system hiccups, the consumer will become jaded about the experience and it could potentially destroy the success of the FiOS line. 6.The wireless side launching another new product that fails. In early 2008, Verizon Wireless launched the HUB, and there were too many problems to make the
  • 41. Suzlon McKinsey s 7S frame work STRUCTURE This diagram shows about the functional head and their different function. In this above diagram, CEO has overall control over the different action taken by the company within the nation and international. CEO has the direct control over the head finance, head business department, head supply chain, head purchase and head quality assurance. And dotted line indicates that the CEO has the indirect control over the other functional head. This diagram states about the organisation structure Organisational hierarchy Here the CMD appoints the head of different departments like finance, business development, quality assurance, supply chain, purchase. ... Show more content on ... During fiscal 2003 and 2004, we supplied 24 WTGs with 22.80 MW of nominal output for a wind farm project developed by DanMar and Associates Inc. in the state of Minnesota in the United States. China They have opened a representative office in Beijing, which employed four people in sales and marketing as of March 31, 2005. As of December 31, 2004, China was among the top ten nations in terms of installed 69 wind power capacity according to the March 2005 report of BTM Consult Aps. The Chinese government is encouraging development of renewable energy sources and has declared its intention to get 10% of its electricity from renewable energy sources by2020. They have planned to incorporate a local subsidiary by the end of calendar 2005, through which suzlon plan to construct a fully integrated WTG manufacturing facility in China. As the energy market in China is currently dominated by state owned utilities. Strength: The Company differentiates itself as an integrated solution provider of production to service related to wind energy and it includes after sales services in the Indian as well as foreign market. Besides manufacturing WTGs (wind turbine generation),
  • 42. Why Is Jim Crow Wrong Jim Crow is a law where it would keep the blacks segregated from the whites. The person who made up this famously name was an American. His name was James D. Rice, he would blackened his skin by applying burnt cork, and would go out and do a performance and act like Jim Crow . He would do acts and he would dance to Jump Jim Crow . After He was dancing to the song Rice became a sensation all around America and England also. The word became so famous that is was a new nickname for African Americans. Simple all this Jim Crow thing was to make the African Americans different from the rest. Dividing them from the white Americans . Jim Crow was rooted for the black American culture, also legends. This seems to be tide in kind of with the book of The Secret Life of Bees . Cause they both try to make the African Americans seem like... Show more content on ... Also when Rosaleen was going to vote some white men stopped her and told her where was her was going calling her all these type of names. Well to put it like this they were violating her. When Rosaleen grabbed her spit cup and she threw it at his shoes, that when all those three men grabbed her and started beating her. Yeah maybe they both did bad Rosaleen could have kept walking ignoring them, but she didn t. Police later came took both Lily and Rosaleen, she was beaten and well of course nothing happened to the White Americans. Since they saw Rosaleen as a negro they immediately grabbed her as the criminal. When they got to the police office the officer hit her in the head with the flashlight the police men hold. Because she wouldn t go down to her knees or apologize to the men she threw the spit bucket too. He was being so rude and violating her, just because of her skin color. Which was not far at all that they have to see her different just because of her skin
  • 43. Causes Of Crime What causes crime? In a society, there are different views and opinions on what some people believe to be a crime. Although, there are crimes that everyone agrees is a crime. A definition of crime is something that is punishable by law. There are many instances where a crime may also be deviant so they overlap, while some actions may only be deviant and not a crimeat all. Reading into this, there are times where society may have gray areas and are unsure of what constitutes as a crime. What does the biggest reasons people commit crimes consist of? Peer influence is a very big reason of why people commit crimes. Some teenagers will do whatever it takes to fit it in. They want to be accepted by many people to feel better about who they are as a person. This is generally saw in the middle school to high school age rank. If your friend does something illegal, the other person may feel obligated to do the same thing to keep their friendship. This is to not speak for all people, because everyone has different beliefs and views. Teenagers are willing to go the extra mile to fit in and be accepted by their own age group or possibly that of acceptance of older kids. Another reason after reading Vold s Theoretical Criminologyis that of parental disciplinary efforts may lead a child to commit crimes. Harsh discipline conveys anger rather than love, and increases the chances that the child will rebel. (Bernard, 2010, p. 5) With this being said, if parents are harder on their child
  • 44. To What Extent Is Miss Temple To Jane The Importance Of Trust Miss Temple displayed to Jane the importance of trust. Jane has had an unfortunate childhood. Between the emotional abuse she has endured from her aunt and the brutality of her cousins. When her aunt sends her to a boarding school called Lowood, Jane meets Miss Temple, the superintendent, whom is very nice to Jane. The reason why Jane was sent to Lowood was because her aunt, Mrs. Reed, accused her of lying. When Jane tells Miss Temple about how she has been falsely accused, Miss Temple believes Jane. Jane recounts it as the following: Exhausted by emotion, my language was more subdued than it generally was when it developed that sad theme; and mindful of Helen s warnings against the indulgence of resentment, I infused into the narrative far
  • 45. Holden Caulfield Loss Of Innocence Analysis The author J.D. Salinger was able to represent the theme: the loss of childhood innocence, by describing the internal as well as the external characteristics of the main protagonist Holden Caulfield. Holden is portrayed as innocent due to his lousy vocabulary and also his childish mannerisms. His constant use of the term boy is ironic when Holden himself is a boy at heart. While internally Holden Caulfieldmay appear to be naive; this representation contrasts with his external appearance. Holden is struggling internally to be himself and is clinging on to his innocence, at a time where his body is continuing to become more mature and transitioning out of adolescence. The reader is able to note his struggle because of Holden Caulfield s... Show more content on ... In this excerpt Salinger was able to highlight the loss of innocence as Holden Caulfield struggled with the realization that his roommate Stradlater may have taken away the innocence of his long term childhood friend, Jean Gallagher. Holden is in a mindset believing that he can remain innocent indefinitely as well as allow his childhood friends, if they continue to be behave similarly to children. He is unwilling to accept the fact that he must one day reach adulthood which contradicts from Stradlater s ideology. Stradlater is more than willing to advance into adulthood and uses women as tools to gain experience; in hopes of reaching it sooner. This is supported by Holden s comments to Stradlater I told him he thought he could give the time to anybody he felt like. I told him he didn t even care if a girl kept all her kings in the back row or not, (....) You don t even know if her first name is Jane or Jean, ya goddam moron! , showing that Stradlater valued a woman s body rather than her name or ethics and values. Holden believed that Jean was a girl that kept all her kings in the back row meaning that she preferred the security of playing safe. Thus, Holden is shocked and even nervous by the possibilities that could have occurred within Ed Banky s car making him hostile to Stradlater. He is unwilling to comprehend that Jane Gallagher, the girl who always played it safe, may have transitioned into
  • 46. A Summary Of Dennis s Life Playing soccer on his current soccer team has been the most significant event in Dennis life. Five years ago, Dennis was a victim to his malicious allergies. Exposure to outdoor activities were difficult for him as he constantly had extreme reactions. At that time, we decided that Dennis would have to combat his allergies rather than temporarily subside them through medicine. Then, we found a soccer team. At first, Dennis seemed curious and ready to play, but the team he played for was unstable and new with a constant losing streak. With his allergies only getting worse, he faced the decision of quitting. However, friends and family prevented him from taking the easy way out. Now he has been playing for five years on the exact same team.
  • 47. Financial Aid Worksheet As I ve already been accepted into your online program, it has been made aware to me that to complete my financial aid process I must provide for you legal documentation of my parents inability to provide any financial assistance for me. Like most students when I graduated high school I left home to pursue individuality and my own personal goals though me and my parents were in contact and though they were listed on my financial aid worksheet they divided no financial means for me. I transferred to another community collegeshortly after my first year of attendance at Navarro College, I had moved in with my estranged mother, not only did this volatile relationship put a heavy toll on me mentally but physically as well as I became sick quite
  • 48. Exploratory Research Philosophy Paper With the understanding of the research philosophy and the selection of the appropriate approach made above, now it is much easier to strategize the type of research to solve the research problem and its sub problems. There are many strategies in research. The most common ones are experimenting, survey, case study, action research, grounded theory, ethnography and archival research. Before deciding the strategy for the research, it is important to understand the purpose of this research. Is it intended to explore or describe or explain the phenomena? The exploratory research is intended to gain the base information about the problem by defining the terms, explore the root of the problem, testing hypothesis and provide a solution to the problem.
  • 49. Thomas Kuhn s Theory Of Scientific Discovery The reason someone writes is in order to try and get a message or an idea across. For some topics its easier than others, but when you re trying and prove the whole idea of discovery wrong it may be more difficult. Thomas Kuhn writes Historical Structure of Scientific Discovery in an attempt to try and convey his message that the timeline role of discoveryis wrong. He denies the idea about how some discoveries are misleading and make it seem they were found in a single moment. When you write you must assume that anyone can read it, so you have to keep your audience in mind. Different articles of science will bring in all kinds of readers. Not only was he writing to historians and scientists, but to the general public, so he needed to structurehis writing to appeal his audience. Kuhn starts his project by letting readers know his purpose, he denies the idea of how an individual made a discovery at any moment. He opens up the reading to show what he finds wrong, so the readercan begin to paint a picture in their head. He gives his opinion on discovery and writes what he believes to be true. He makes an attempt to put the reader in his place and see things from his input. When a writer is able to put a reader in their shoes it becomes easier to perused them. What s different about Kuhn s writing is the way he structures it. He breaks up topics into different subcategories each having a subtitle. He lists off examples of discoveries that help to prove his point such as:
  • 50. Iron Jawed Angels Title: Summary, Reaction, and Analysis Paper #1: Iron Jawed Angels Iron Jawed Angels is a story of two women fighting for women s rights. They led the struggle for the passage of the 19th amendment to the constitution which gave women the right to vote. These two women along with others petitioned, campaigned, and picketed to publicize the issue. After being arrested for traffic violations a group of women spent time in Occoquan Workhouse. Here they went on a hunger strike to protest being imprisoned for demanding equal voting rights. After not eating the prisoners had to be force fed, here they earned the nickname iron jawed angels. This became a headline in the news and ultimately forced Woodrow Wilson, the president, to... Show more content on ... By women achieving more freedom and rights their views, their opinions, and ideas can be expressed. It is more acceptable for women to in general have an opinion after the 19th amendment was passed. Iron Jawed Angels, an inspirational story that withholds perhaps one of the most important movements in time. Until I viewed this movie I did not fully comprehend the depths of the struggles of the woman s suffrage movement. This movie contains a powerful message about what women can do using their rights and skills in organizational leadership. Determination which one woman carried, and many supported allowed a national change to take place. Before watching this movie I had heard of Susan B. Anthony, but never of Alice Paul or the other suffragists. I also never realized how hard it was for a woman to get ready; we take our pre bought makeup for much granted. The parade that takes place is an extremely important event. It shows the many different types of women and how far they ve come. It also shows how many people were interested in the topic that no one showed up to the see Woodrow Wilson, because everyone was at the parade. Not alone his lack of knowledge of the subject, since he himself did not attend. It shows the intense anger that people felt against this issue, and how the government failed to offer protection during the parade; that men were
  • 51. To Kill A Mockingbird Scout s Point Of View The novel To Kill A Mockingbird, is told from the point of view of a nine year old girl name Scout. Scout is an important character of the novel; Since everything that happens throughout the novel she sees through her own eyes.However, unlike most first person narratives,she does not confine the narrative to things she has directly experienced .Scout only hears the things that happens around her and repeats what she sees and hears but, she does not actually understand that there is racism around at this time period, and the trial held for Tom Robinson s case, is for false accused rape of two white women, and that there is a possibility he could be lynched.Scout being the narrator of the novel changes the whole story since she has a different... Show more content on ... Throughout the novel, the setting and other characters symbolizes the point of view of Scout and limits what the reader knows about the novel;For example, In the novel it mentions It s right hard to say, she said. Suppose you and Scout talked colored folks talk at home it d be out of place, wouldn t it? Now what if I talked white folks talk at church, and with my neighbors? They d think I was puttin on airs to beat Moses. (Harper Lee Page 138) This quote limits what the reader knows because based on the setting in the church it shows that there is racism going on and Calpurnia explains to Scout and Jem that it would be out of character to speak to white folks the way colored folks speaks since white people talk more proper.Scout experiences that the colored people can not speak as a white person would because they are not as educated as most of the whites;This symbolizes racism,and this limits what the reader knows ;Since Scout finds out that colored folks would be out of character to speak to a white person like that,Which shows the reader that there is racism
  • 52. Examples Of Salutary Neglect Britain was a dominant power in the early 17th century and colonized America in 1607. Unlike the majority of the colonies the British governed, America was given salutary neglect due to the arduous journey between America and Britain. Salutary neglect is the process of self governing, within colonies, away from the command of the motherland. The Americans cherished the neglect by the British as they established their own law and taxation system. However, this neglect soon ended when the colonists along with the British went to war against the French and Native Americans. The war French and Indian War resulted with the British restricting freedom of the colonists. This infuriated the thirteen colonies as in May 3rd of 1775, popular newspaper... Show more content on ... However, the few restrictions Great Britain placed upon the Americans were the deciding factors on revolution. The first restriction was established quickly after the French and Indian War, the Proclamation of 1763. The Proclamation of 1763 denied the colonists privilege to venture west. This was to avoid more conflict with the Native Americans and also so the British could keep a close eye on the colonies. The Americans, however, wished to reap benefits from the west, and faced this act with anger and defiance. This first law was the first spark toward the fire of revolution.Even after the first restriction, the Americans already despised their lack of freedom, and as John Adams, the second president of the United States, once stated The revolution was effected before the war commenced. The revolution was in the mind and hearts of the people. . This idea of revolution began to take form after the final restriction was placed upon the colonists. The Coercive Act, a law that closed the port of Boston and banned all meetings not approved by the Governor, severed all ties between the Americans and the British. The closing of the port of Boston meant economic disaster for a city that relied heavily on its costal trading. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts.... and destroyed the lives of our people. this line from
  • 53. The Six Tips For Experienced Mac Users 6 Tips for Experienced Mac Users There are numerous features in Mac operating system. But you should know the six tips as an experienced Mac users to work smarter at the workplace or at home. Tip Number 1 Update the Software timely It is important to keep the latest version of OS in order to have the optimal performance, stability and security. Software updation can be done easily through Apple menu and be choosing the software update and install the latest version to run your OS smoothly. Reboot the system and you re ready to use the software. Tip Number 2 Installing and Uninstalling the Apps Updating Apps timely is crucial so that Mac OS always have the new version of the apps having the latest features and fixing the bug issues. You... Show more content on ... It can be easily done by connecting the external hard drive with the huge capacity. By connecting the hard drive with Mac, the backup can be done within minutes. 2. Cloud Backups Using Cloud back up with the time machine can be beneficial for having saved the important files with two copies. You can use CrashPlan which is paid service for taking the backups. Dropbox and Amazon S3 can be the free alternatives to save the important files and folders. Tip Number 5 Improve the Speed The speed matters a lot in the operating system. There are many Mac speed up tips to boost the performance of an operating system. First is the activity monitoring to check all the processes that are running. This will help you to see the memory usage, disk and network processes using the most of the energy from the battery. Second is the managing the startup items. You can check this by System Preferences User Groups. The third way is the turning of the visual effects by clicking the System Preferences Dock. The fourth way is the updating your software. The fifth and most important way is cleaning your hard drive and deleting the junk files for boosting the speed. Tip Number 6 Security Precautions It is important to have the proper security and you can set it within few minutes and have the peace of mind. You should set the passwords and prevent the access from the unauthorized person. Lock the screen when you go away from the laptop or
  • 54. Post Antibiotic Future Since the introduction of penicillin to the public in 1942, antibiotics have gained widespread use throughout the world. The drug has allowed society to make advancements in medicine, increase an individual s personal well being, extend life expectancies, and stop and prevent infections. Antibiotics are one of the largest backbones to maintaining personal health in society today, yet there may be a day when we are no longer able to depend on antibiotics to fight infections. In the essay Imagining the post antibioticfuture , Maryn McKenna establishes the importance of antibiotics to juxtapose how devastating life would be without them. McKenna first introduces the origin of penicillinand antibiotics. The first known antibiotic,... Show more content on ... By weight, eighty percent of antibiotics are used in agriculture to fatten animals and protect them from the conditions in which they are raised (McKenna). Animals are given micro doses of antibiotics, that is, a small amount of antibiotics to prevent diseases from occurring. This micro dosage amount allows for mutation that Fleming described. The routine use of antibiotics in agriculture has led to [sixty five] percent of chicken breasts and [forty four] percent of ground beef to house bacteria resistant to tetracycline . Additionally, [eleven] percent of pork chops carried bacteria resistant to five classes of drugs (McKenna). These bacteria then spread from animals to the humans who eat them, causing humans to get infections which cannot be treated. The issue isn t as simple as ceasing to give antibiotics to animals. Most animals raised for consumption live in an environment ripe for infections and diseases to spread. Instead of giving the animals more room to live, the majority of farmers opt to give the animals antibiotics. For cattle, This prevents diseases and death to the immature weaned calves and cattle which saves the rancher both time and money passing on the savings to the consumers. In a free market society higher prices tend to not go well. However, if antibiotics became useless farmers would have to [enlarge] barns, [cut] down on crowding, and [delay] weaning , which ultimately would increase the costs of raising livestock
  • 55. Experiment 1 and 2 Korleyfah Mouth Chem 331 Thursday 2:00pm Dr. Lijuan Li 20A Preparation of CuCl2~2DMSO 20B Preparation of RuCl2~4DMSO Abstract In order to synthesize our metal complexes, we were able to make both Copper and Ruthenium metals. From this, we combined each metal complex with DMSO by refluxing the compound. The metal complexes were analyzed through their melting point and IR spectroscopy to determine whether the metal bonded to a Sulfur atom or an Oxygen atom of the DMSO. After analyzing the IR spectrum, it was determined that S=O shifted to a lower wavenumber in CuCl2~2DMSO and that S=O shifted to a higher wavenumber in RuCl2~4DMSO. Introduction Depending on the metal, it will bond to DMSO through its oxygen or sulfur atom. This ... Show more content on ... IR spectroscopy was used to analyze the product and an emission spectrum was obtained. Results and Discussion Product Theoretical yield Actual yield Percent yield Melting point В°C RuCl2~4DMSO 0.189 grams 0.082 grams 43.38 % 203.4 204.6 Frequency (cmв€’1) Bond responsible (DMSO) 1017.65 S=O stretching (RuCl2~4DMSO) 1105.54 S=O stretching When analyzing the IR spectrum of Ruthenium complex with DMSO, the prominent peak is presented at 1105.54 cmв€’1. This peak indicates that S=O bonded in DMSO. For DMSO, the frequency is around 1050 cmв€’1. From our spectra obtained for DMSO where the S=O peak is at 1017.65 cmв€’1. Since the bond appears at a higher frequency, this shows that the bond is strengthened by the reaction. This indicates that when the copper metal was combined with DMSO, it bonded with the Sulfur atom. Combining ruthenium with sulfur atom caused it to donate a pi electron as a back donation.
  • 56. Conclusions From both experiments, we were able to detect which Sulfur and Oxygen atom bonded to the metal. Copper metal was added to DMSO to bond with the oxygen by weakening the S=O therefore lowering the IR spectrum. As for Ruthenium metal, it was added to DMSO to bond with the sulfur compound, strengthening the S=O therefore increasing the IR spectrum. Based on the IR spectrums and melting points, my product for both metal were pure. References Boschmann, E; Wollaston, G.J. Chem. Edu. 1982, 59,57 Ebsworth, E. A. V.; Ranking, D.W.H.; Cradock,