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🏷️My Favourite Animal Cat
Essay. Cat Essay For Students In
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🏷️My Favourite Animal Cat Essay. Cat Essay For Students In English ... 🏷️My Favourite Animal Cat Essay. Cat
Essay For Students In English ...
The Approach to Nature of Descartes and White Essay
The Approach to Nature of Descartes and White The approach to nature which René Descartes takes is
distinct from that of Gilbert White. Descartes and White have similar key methods of examining
nature. It is mainly in Descartes deductive reasoning and beliefs that lead him to the method of
approaching nature internally (mind and body). Conversely, White s keen observances, inductive
reasoning, and appreciation for his surroundings lead him to the method of investigating the external
nature (Selborne). Although ... Show more content on ...
In this hierarchy, God stands as some more perfect being on which [humans] [depend] (Descartes, 26).
Humans are placed in the centre, because God grants us the ability to reason the ability to distinguish
what is true from what is false (Descartes, 22). Below us rest animals, having no reason. Truth in
nature therefore, must not come from animals since they are lesser beings, but rather, it must be found
within humans.
White finds appreciation for the external nature which Descartes considers to be less certain
(Descartes, 28). While Descartes takes a rational approach, White takes a scientific, yet literary means
toward nature. He observes nature ardently, noting animals modes of life housing, reproduction,
communications, transportation, and physical appearance. His ability to personify these animals
creates a meeting place for wild life and human feeling (White, xvii). In his recordings for example,
White observes the swallow s mode of life. It builds its nest, often within barns and out houses against
the rafters (White, 156). The swallow lays from four to six white eggs, dotted with red specks; and
brings about her first brood about the last week in June, or the first week of July (White, 157). The
swallow is a delicate songster, and in soft sunny weather sings
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Symphony Orchestra Concert Review Essay
I went to the Symphony Orchestra s classical concert that premiered Beethoven s Fifth . The event
provided a small pamphlet explaining in detail the course of the concert. The primary portion of the
show was presented by a short and vivacious development Rondo in D major of Mozart, and
proceeded with Bernstein s Symphony No. 2. The second half of the show was dedicated to the four
development work, Beethoven s Symphony No. 5 in C minor. As I was walking into the auditorium,
the orchestra were being to set up and even some musicians were doing a seris of exercises on their
instrument. There were such a large number of individuals there, and the lobby was substantially more
swarmed than I anticipated. Everyone dressed decent and talked discreetly amongst ... Show more
content on ...
People were very interested and intrigued by the music being played. The show host turned out and
gave a brief depiction of the piece that was going to be played. I was awed by the way the host took
care of a portion of the inquiries asked by the gathering of people. After the sneak peek the performers
turned out and tuned their instruments, signaled by the concertmaster. The symphony was situated on
the stage; the men wore tuxedos, the ladies wore dark dresses or jeans. There were three pieces that
were performed by a solo instrument but also accompanied by the rest of the orchestra. After the solo
piece was performed the host would respectively introduce the solo artist and give a brief description
of their background and who they are. The stage consisted of over maybe fifty instruments and
musicians each with a unique look of their own. Other than the performance piano, there were a
variety of instruments that I noticed in the orchestra that we went over in class. I struggled with
identifying each of the instruments since I didnt remember every one of them. Among the woodwinds
were the oboe, French horn, and trumpet. The strings consisted of played incorporated the violin,
viola, cello, and twofold
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The Effects Of Music Programs On Students
The Knowledge of reading music, and playing an instrument has proven to be beneficial to the
learning curb in students including those of little to no background in a literary education to students
in college. However, there are schools in America where music isn t offered. Having a music program
could create improved grades, memory, concentration, and quicken the learning process of literacy,
but it is believed that music isn t for everybody. Many parents and administrators believe that music is
just a waste of time and doesn t help a student academically. It has been stated and shown in media of
all sorts that music doesn t help kids academically and is only a distraction with potentially harmful
effects. For example, in John McDaniel s words on the negative effects of music in school,: Music
programs in school can promote competition and rivalry among peers. In most music programs,
students compete for certain positions and chairs, and they must practice and oust their peers in order
to climb the ranks in the section. This can lead to bad feelings and competitive values among young
children, which can be harmful to their future development.
It is understood why this has been stressed against music in schools. However, it is faulty. Other
beliefs are that it does more harm than good because it affects grades negatively . In the words of John
McDaniel, They claim that students will spend too much time on practicing, trips and performances,
which will affect
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What Is Brazil Economic Indicators
Brazil is a large country which located in South America and has the second largest economy in
America, after the United states. Brazil s capital city is Brasilia and it has the largest population in
South America. As we will present in this paper, the two economic indicators: Gross domestic product
(GDP) per capita and the unemployment rate. And the two investment incentives, which are two tax
incentives: repes and reporto.
A very important economic indicator to know the health of an economy is the GDP, which is an
economic term that indicates measurement of the total value of goods and services produced in a
particular territorial area (usually a country) during a given period (GDP,wikipedia,n.d). the GDP
(gross domestic product), which is
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Why Study Thucydides
It is important to study Thucydides because Thucydides can help us to understand the way politics
work in the world today.This should come later it is not an introduction to a whole paper always
assume your reader is not familiar with your topic In his book titled, The History of the Peloponnesian
War, Thucydides brings to light, some of the causes of the war, as well as some of the consequences of
the war. (This is a good opening sentence. It introduces the reader to the topic) Thucydides analyzed
the Peloponnesian War on a deeper level (what do you mean?) to help us understand why and how
things occur in the world. The world has a better understanding of war and politics in general because
of Thucydides. Thucydides account of The ... Show more content on ...
Good!! Empires can fall at any point. It has happened before, and it can happen again. Athens was a
very wealthy and powerful state in Greece, but after their defeat in the war at Syracuse, Athens was
completely destroyed (Thucydides Book VI, p.26). After the defeat of Athens by Syracuse,
Thucydides stated, They were beaten at all points and all together; all they suffered was great; they
were destroyed , as the saying is, with a total destruction, their fleet, their army, everything was
destroyed, and few of many returned home... (Thucydides Book VI, p. 26). Excellent quote. So,
essentially what we learn from the defeat of Athens is that countries are not inevitable to destruction.(I
do not understand this phrase) No matter how strong a country is, it can still collapse. Yes very good!!
History tends to repeat itself throughout the years, and Looking back on at past events can help us
understand why some things occur and how we can resolve certain issues. The Peloponnesian War
was a significant event that occurred in history, and a lot of the events that occurred throughout the
war have helped us to understand politics better. Thucydides documentation and interpretation of
some of the events of the war have helped us to understand why states make the decisions they do, and
some of the implications of those decisions. It is useful to know why states make the decisions that
they do because their decisions can impact the actions of other
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Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria And Antibiotics
Bacterial infections are becoming resistant to antibiotics due to people that are sick and receive an
antibiotic from their doctor; but as soon as they start to feel better they stop taking the antibiotic. If
you stop taking antibiotics before the treatment is over can cause the bacteria to return stronger and
this time resistant to that antibiotic. Another reason that certain bacteria s are becoming resistant to
antibiotics is due to patients expecting doctors to prescribe antibiotics to them even though they have a
viral infection not a bacterial one. Antibiotics are among the most commonly prescribed drugs used in
human medicine. However, up to 50% of all the antibiotics prescribed for people are not needed or are
not optimally effective as prescribed. ( Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria. ). Because of the large amount of
antibiotics we take we are killing off our normal flora, which helps us digest our food. Multi drug
resistance is when a bacterium has mutated due to the use of too many antibiotics or due to incorrect
use. When a bacterium is determined as resistant it means that even at a therapeutic level the antibiotic
is not breaking down the cell wall, which means the bacterium will continue to multiply and spread.
The largest cause of resistance is overuse and the incorrect use of antibiotics. Giving incorrect
amounts of antibiotics can cause the good bacteria in your body to become dangerous bacteria;
creating a dangerous multi drug resistant infection all
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Sacrifice and Identity Essay
Topic: Belonging to a group always involves sacrificing aspects of one s identity
Identity is the set of behavioral or personal characteristics by which an individual is recognizable as a
member of a group. Each people have their own personality, being different and unique from other
people. Even though it s different, each people have some similarity with others that connected them
together as a community or a group. However, these groups is not open for all people, some people
have to sacrifice their aspects of identity in order to belong to the group that they want to join.
For some groups, belonging does require sacrificing individual identity and this occurs when the
groups are the dominant and require the identity of the group to ... Show more content on ...
There are some groups that none of us has any choice in whether we belong to them or not. Factors
such as gender, ethnicity, family and even social status are at birth, groups that we belong to, yet
cannot choose, and many of these endure throughout life. Although family, religious beliefs and even
social status can be altered in later life, all of these groups are ones that are integral to an individual s
identity and in fact add it in life. However, as a child their influence is perhaps even more important as
in these formative years one s gender, culture, family and even religion actively create individual
As we grow as develop as individuals we begin to make choices about where we want to find
belonging. This can be seen in choices as minor as belonging to a football club or friendship group, to
more life altering choices such as being a member of a political party or protest group such as Green
peace. As individuals make such choices they do not sacrifice their identities, but rather work to
increase and from their ever changing sense of self. Such choices can also be made after life altering
circumstances, such as when people feel a need to join victim s group or support groups when they or
a loved one contract a chronic or terminal illness.
Statement of Intention: This essay is written in formal form with the topics of identity and belonging.
With this piece of writing, the audience that I m targeting is teenager until
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Engineering Performance-Based Fire Codes
Preliminary views on implementing Engineering Performance Based Fire Codes in Hong Kong: What
should be done? Abstract Engineering performance based fire codes (EPBFC) are to be developed in
Hong Kong. Before implementing EPBFC, or even writing down what should be done, such as the fire
safety objectives, current prescriptive fire codes should be understood. This will be a very big project
to be tackled step by step, certainly not regarded as a normal consultancy project which can be
completed within a short period of, say three years. Key points on suitability of implementing EPBFC
in Hong Kong, or preserving prescriptive codes but with active updating are discussed. Approaches
used overseas are ... Show more content on ...
In fact, before deciding whether to stick to prescriptive codes with active updating or to use EPBFC,
well planned long term investigational works should be carried out. This should also be a life long
research project for upgrading the code to solve new problems encountered. This was well recognized
by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). There, EPBFC has been studied since 1995 with
some support of Area of Strategic Development: Construction Industry Development Studies and
Research Centre. A journal [37] reporting the development, problems encountered, scientific
principles, engineering judgements and practical examples was established. It appears that if EPBFC
is applied properly by experts with good training in fire safety engineering such as those holding PhD
degrees, and with practical engineering experience up to Chartered Engineer status, the following can
be achieved as reported in the literature [13 34]: ← Better fire safety provisions than described in the
older versions of prescriptive codes for both passive and active fire safety measures [18]. ←
Regulations requiring systems that might not work in a fire or even give adverse effect can be pointed
out and updated. The requirements of installing sprinkler at high headroom atrium and in escape
staircases are obvious examples. This is similar to imposing the local speed limit of 50 km per hour in
downtown areas where almost all drivers will not pay attention to!
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Popular Song Controversy
The article , Don t get angry about a bunch of white girls singing n***as, blame Kanye and the rap
industry for putting it in their songs in the first place by PIER MORGAN FOR MAILONLINE is
about a video of a group of white sorority girls from the University of Hampshire . In this video the
girls are singing a song called Gold Digger by Kanye West. The song contains the word ni***a which
caused contreversy for the media. The girls decided to post the video on Snapchat then , the video
ended up going viral. This little situation turned into a huge debate about if white people have the right
to use the word ni**a. Even if the word is used in popular song. I agree with Morgan s argument. I
think that white people;non black people should
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Connector Class Analysis
This area discusses the NS parts, for the most part compound system segments. The foundation of the
pecking order is the Tcl Object class that is the super class of all Otcl library objects scheduler, system
parts, clocks and alternate articles including NAM related ones). As a predecessor class of Tcl object,
Ns object class is the super class of all fundamental system part questions that handle bundles, which
may form compound system protests, for example, hubs and connections. The fundamental system
parts are further isolated into two subclasses, Connector and Classifier, in light of the quantity of the
conceivable yield information ways. The essential system questions that have stand out yield
information way are under the Connector ... Show more content on ...
At last, the TTL item figures Time to Live parameters for every parcel got and overhauls the TTL field
of the bundle.
In NS, system exercises are followed around simplex connections. In the event that the test system is
administered to follow system exercises (tagged utilizing $ns follow all record or $ns namtrace all
document), the connections made after the summon will have the accompanying follow items
embedded as indicated in Figure 9. Clients can additionally particularly make a follow object of sort
between the given src and dst hubs utilizing the make follow {type document src dst} command.
At the point when each one embedded follow object (i.e. Enqt, Deqt, Drpt and Recvt) gets a bundle, it
keeps in touch with the determined follow record without expending any reproduction time, and
passes the parcel to the following system object. The follow configuration will be analyzed in the
General Analysis Example area.
queue Monitor
Essentially, following items are intended to record parcel entry time at which they are found. In spite
of the fact that a client gets enough data from the follow, he or she may be intrigued by what is
happening inside a particular yield line. For instance, a client intrigued by RED line conduct may need
to measure the flow of normal line size and current line size of a particular RED line (i.e. requirement
for line observing). Line checking might be accomplished utilizing line screen questions and
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Kelly Hunter Representation Of Autism
The millennial generation has seen the evolution of media representation. As our generation continues
to advance and take on careers in casting and media representation we are able to challenge every
previous ideal about what people want to see on stage and screen. The stages and screens are meant to
be a place for people to come view reflections of our society and societies spanning the globe. 2016 is
set to break previous boundaries for actors with autism. The representation of autism began its
development as a way for unknown actors such as to break into the limelight for performing as a
person with a lifelong development disability. Examples of this include Leonardo DiCaprio s
acclaimed performance in What s Eating Gilbert Grape and Eddie ... Show more content on ...
Shakespearean theatre has been brought to Prisons, violent neighborhoods, nurseries, and those with
speech impediments. People on the Autistic Spectrum thrive when they have a sense of control and
organization. There are specific conditions that need to be met for people on the spectrum to obtain
significant creative growth. Judith Aron Rubin, a well known art therapist defined one of these
conditions as order. There must be clarity and consistency in the work. (Rubin. P.33 34). Therefore,
Shakespeare s text comes to mind, as it is patterned and
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Alexis de Tocqueville s Democracy in America Essay example
Alexis de Tocqueville s visit to the United States in the early part of the nineteenth century prompted
his work Democracy in America, in which he expressed the ability to make democracy work.
Throughout his travels Tocqueville noted that private interest and personal gain motivated the actions
of most Americans, which in turn cultivated a strong sense of individualism. Tocqueville believed that
this individualism would soon sap the virtue of public life (395) and create a despotism of selfishness.
This growth of despotism would be created by citizens becoming too individualistic, and therefore not
bothering to fulfill their civic duties or exercise their freedom. Tocqueville feared that the political
order of America would soon become ... Show more content on ...
br br Another means by which Tocqueville believes it is possible to contest individualism is to form
associations and write newspapers. He believes that like local governments, associations help people
to realize their dependence on their fellow citizens and take interest in public affairs. It is crucial to
have institutions and civic duties which force people to look beyond their own interests and think
about the problems of the community. As soon as several of the inhabitants of the United States have
taken up an opinion or a feeling which they wish to promote to the world, they look out for mutual
assistance; and as soon as they have found one another out, they combine. From that moment they are
no longer isolated men, but a power seen from afar, whose actions serve for an example and whose
language is listened to (407). Seeing as citizens in democratic societies are independent and weak,
they need to form associations in order to have some influence. By bringing people together, new
thoughts and ideas are circulated with a stronger force behind them. br br Newspapers combat
individualism by allowing numerous readers to be exposed to the same thoughts and ideas. There is a
shared relationship between newspapers and associations: newspapers aid in the formation of
associations, and associations use newspapers as a means of communicating their thoughts and ideas.
When there is a notion shared by many individuals, but not
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Leonid Fridman s Essay America Needs Its Nerds
In his essay America Needs Its Nerds , author Leonid Fridman discusses the stigma against so called
nerds and how these nerds are essential to America in keeping up with other countries. He does this
providing several examples. However, this essay is ultimately weak because of the broadness of his
examples, as well as the overarching strawman he creates to represent society . By relying solely on
these examples, he creates a very simple one sided argument To begin the essay, Fridman states that
our society is one which has only derogatory terms like nerd and geek for the intellectually curious
and academically serious (lines 2 4). As a broad statement, this holds true. However, in the context of
having a living person with a brain being the audience, this crumbles. Nerd and geek defined by
Fridman ... Show more content on ...
If I recall correctly, this profession was one originating before or during the Renaissance. He claims
this is telling a fact about our language and culture , despite most people probably not knowing (or
caring) what the word means beforehand (One might say that not knowing or caring what nerd means
is a sign of being a non intelligent non nerd, but does knowing that definition really make you smarter
than/superior to anyone else?). Fridman then states that at Harvard University, an Ivy league
university known for its prestigiousness, that anti intellectualism is rampant . He provides an example
saying that most students are ashamed of how much they study, but his lack of concrete evidence for
this example makes it seem extremely unlikely. Some may say that the unlikeliness of it adds to the
essay, in the nuh uh no way! sort of way, but truthfully, it doesn t. It detracts from it by lessening his
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International Drug Trade. . Student’S Name. Institution
International Drug Trade Student s Name Institution Name Date The world is getting condensed into a
global village and this comes with opportunities and challenges. The global economy, for example
assumes greater importance to all countries as it affects them in one way or another. While the
condensation of the international market has benefited global business partners, it has also been
permeated and exploited by unscrupulous tradesmen. For example, the international drug trade has
fully optimized this opening and fixed its muscles to create a quenching demand and also created an
avenue for supplying. The international drug market is booming with new bases and cartels
established perennially. Local and international agencies ... Show more content on ...
The situation was further complicated because there was not a particular qualification identified for
doctors. Rival medical practitioners would taunt each other over what they termed as heroic treatments
and termed professional practitioners as obfuscators and inhumane. Amid this confusion, opiates
found their way into the market and could be consumed without proper prescriptions. While some
professionals opposed the use of opium as medication, some medical documents such as The Elements
of Materia Medica and Therapeutics embraced the use of opium terming it as the most valuable
remedy . The confusion and perception of the public with regards to the consumption of drugs is not
restricted to the opiates in the US. India has also had to deal with a drug menace because of the people
s perception of drugs. In India, the disharmony in the medical professional led the people to
consumption of cocaine. Members of the high class once consumed cocaine for medical reasons. The
habit was borne out of a need to relieve pain but soon engulfs the user and they get addicted.
Respectable men would also consume cocaine under medical prescriptions to improve virile power.
While people would perish as a result of cocaine consumption, especially in the early 1900s in
Calcutta, little was known about the
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Jazz and Classical Music
Jazz and Classical Music
Upon entering a modern record store, one is confronted with a wide variety of choices in recorded
music. These choices not only include a multitude of artists, but also a wide diversity of music
categories. These categories run the gamut from easy listening dance music to more complex art
music. On the complex side of the scale are the categories known as Jazz and Classical music. Some
of the most accomplished musicians of our time have devoted themselves to a life long study of Jazz
or Classical music, and a few exceptional musicians have actually mastered both. A comparison of
classical and Jazz music will yield some interesting results and could also lead to an appreciation of
the abilities needed to perform ... Show more content on ...
Throughout the history of Jazz, however, notation was more like a rough sketch.
This was because the syncopated rhythms of ragtime and the melodic riffs of the blues were not easily
notated. Also, early Jazz musicians were not formally trained; they usually learned by ear. Some songs
were transcribed and written down, but not in precise ways. Jazz music became more of a passed on
tradition that a musician learned through interaction with other players. In a similar way, the modern
Jazz musician must rely on previous recordings to get a feel for the style and technique which he
desires to learn from. But in classical music, one composer can learn from an older composer by
looking at and analyzing the music that the previous composer wrote down. Likewise, classical
musicians can master the parts they must play by practicing the music that has been written or
published beforehand. These two approaches to passing on tradition are both valid. However, without
the recording medium Jazz music might have developed much differently than it has.
The cohesive element that keeps a musical group together is also an interesting contrast. In Classical
music, the conductor uses a baton and plays the orchestra as if it were his instrument; he looks at a
complete score of all the events happening in the composition and interprets these events based on his
knowledge and intuition of what the composer intended. Jazz groups rarely utilize
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Footloose Essay
The 1984 version of Footloose stars young actor Kevin Bacon as he plays the role of Ren
McCormack, a city teen who moves to the small town of Bomont to live with his mom. Local
minister, Reverend Shaw Moore (John Lithgow), has put a ban on dancing and rock music because of
an incident that happened years ago. For most of the town this is not a big deal but for the new Ren
McCormack this is a big issue. Ren McCormack makes it his mission with the help of his friends
Willard (Chris Penn) and Ariel (Lori Singer) to shake things up. However, the set back is that Ariel is
the minister s daughter. Ariel shows very quickly that she is the average pastor s daughter by coming
in after curfew and playing many games of chicken. Footloose is a drama ... Show more content on ...
In his new town of Bomont, rock music and dancing is outlawed. When Ren McCormack attends
school he was quick to learn that there is no prom due to the no dancing rule. Ren McCormack is very
good with his dancing and shows in a few scenes that he has previously done gymnastics. However,
Kevin Bacon did not like the fact that a dancing double was needed but it made for some great scenes.
There are a variety of dances within the movie that can range from spinning on pipes in a very
gymnastic setting within a warehouse to a very formal dance. It is easy to see that the actors were in
rehearsal for many many hours per dance. Overall there were nine songs that were played. It was sure
to show that practice pays off when every beat spot
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Swift s Proposal
This essay starts by capturing the attention of the audience by surprises, that first shocks and then
causes the readers to think critically about what he is really saying. Not only about his morals and
values, but also about his motivations and policies explaining his proposal. Firstly, Swift persuades
and informs the reader with his attempt to find out a fair cheap, and easy method for taking the
starving children of Ireland and to make them sound and useful members of the commonwealth. Swift
argues, by using economic reasoning as well as a self righteous moral stance to find a way to turn this
problem into a solution. His proposal, in short, is to fatten up the undernourished children and feed
them to Ireland s wealth. Children of ... Show more content on ...
Including the specific data of the number of children to be sold an hundred and twenty thousand
children of poor parents annually born and their weight that a child just born will weigh 12 pounds,
and in a solar year, if tolerably nursed, encreaseth to 28 pounds. Also what the prices of these children
could be sold for an estimated consumption patterns. Furthermore, he anticipates that the selling and
consumption of children will have a positive effect on family morality. Because husbands will treat
their wives better with more respect, and parent will value their children more. during the time of their
pregnancy, as they are now of their mares in foal, their cows in calf, or sow when they are ready to
farrow; nor offer to beat or kick them (as is too frequent a practice) for fear of a miscarriage. Lastly,
his conclusion is that implementation of this project will help solve Irelands social, political, and
economic problems more so than any other proposals. This work is a satirical hyperbole which was
meant to mock the heartless attitudes toward the poor, as well as the British policies toward the Irish
in general. While Swift was an astute economic thinker, and the grim irony of this piece of his own
solution reveals his own personal
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Review Sheet Skeletal Muscles Essay
REVIEW SHEET EXERCISE 2 Skeletal Muscle Physiology NAME: Jasmine Young LAB
TIME/DATE: 1. Define each of the following terms: motor unit A motor unit consists of a motor
neuron and all of the muscle fibers it innervates. twitch Skeletal Muscle twitch is the mechanical
response to a single action potential. It has three phases known as the latent, contraction, and
relaxation phase. threshold the threshold is the minimal stimulus needed to cause a depolarization of
the muscle plasma membrane (sarcolemma.) The threshold is the point at which sodium ions start to
move into the cell (instead of out of the cell) to bring about the membrane depolarization. treppe the
progressive increase in force generated when a muscle is ... Show more content on ...
4. Describe the three phases of a muscle twitch. The latent phase is the period of time that elapses
between the generation of an action potential in a muscle cell and the start of muscle contraction. The
Concentration phases tarts at the end of the latent period and ends when the muscle tension peaks. The
relaxation phase is the period from peak tension until the end of the muscle contraction.
5. What could be a chemical cause of fatigue? It is suspected that fatigue is caused by an accumulation
of lactic acid, ADP, and P, in muscles. Another reason comes from Calcium levels decreasing from
muscle contractions.
6. In fatigue, what happens to force production over time? Force will fall because muscle cell s ATP is
used up faster than it s produced.
7. If you were lifting a dumbbell, would your muscles be contracting isometrically or isotonically?
8. What is the key variable in an isometric contraction? muscle length
9. Define the term maximal stimulus. the stimulus beyond which there are no further increase in force.
10. What has happened in the muscle when the maximal stimulus is achieved?
All the individual nerve fibers have been stimulated responding all or none.
11. What is the difference between stimulus intensity and stimulus frequency?
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Prostitution In Brazil Essay
If prostitution is legal in Brazil, why is prostitution legal if brothels are going to be illegal to operate?
Even though prostitution is legal in Brazil, it is illegal to operate or to employ prostitutes in any other
way. This is a big issue because there are still brothels that operate secretly in Brazil, but if the
Brazilian government s legalized brothels, they would help the Brazilian economy by they can help
lead to a chain effect that would significantly benefit Brazil s economy, primarily through tax revenue
which will bring in a lot of money for the government. More criminal activity is occurring while these
brothels main to be illegal. Many people would argue that legalizing a brothel would just be a gift to
pimps, traffickers, and the sex industry. If the brothels are government owned and run by a person they
would have to be guidelines and policies that the government has portrayed to them. According to a
reading we have covered in class, ... Show more content on ...
Article 230 of the Brazilian Penal Code states that the penalty for pimping if the victim is aged 14
through 18 years increases. The two articles corresponds with each other. Brothels may be illegal, but
night clubs are legal as long as the prostitutes are their freely and on their own will. Even though
brothels are illegal, they are not unusual in Brazil. Most of the brothels are full of corruption and
sexual exploitation. In Rio de Janeiro s Centarus, a high end brothel, are known as termas, which
mean they re ostensibly spas or night clubs. They are referred to as termas because termas are a
legitimate way of work, bringing in actual, legal, source of income giving the Brazilian law
enforcement a reason of not doing anything illegal. The first reason why brothels should be legalized
is because it will help decrease the criminal activity with sex workers in
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Causes Of Racism In Britain
Another, racist event that is happening in Britain is towards the polish community that live there
(Strybel, 2016). According to Strybel (2016), a man was killed and another three people resulted
injured this happened in attacks that took place in the town of Harlow, in the southeastern part of
England. There also have been other attacks that target polish people just because they are seen
speaking in polish and graffiti that says polish people need to go back home (Strybel, 2016). The most
common types of racism that polish people face in the United Kingdom are violence, hate crimes,
ethnicity, and not being a citizen (Strybel, 2016). In addition, Strybel (2016) states that although the
prime minister, Teresa May regrets the attacks that are occurring in the United Kingdom towards and
has said that authorities would secure the environment for polish people, this has not happened and it
is predicted that polish people might return home if this is keeps continuing. This is one of the
consequences that racism can have, polish people might return back home because they feel like they
do not belong and they are not welcomed.
Although, Britain has racist events that occur there are also some anti racist acts that are happening as
well. Andrews (2016), states that the Black Supplementary School Movement was created as a form of
anti racism which was funded by multiculturalism. The school which is in Britain, shows students
resistance towards racist acts and connect people who are
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The Lucky Strike Campaign
Chesterfield came up with a campaign that used the slogan, Blow some my way. And Lucky Strike hit
the jackpot by urging women to Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet. In other words, smoking Lucky
Strikes was a good way for women to avoid gaining weight.
This was back in the 1870 s and 80 s, when it wasn t considered right for women to smoke, so the
advertising was directed specifically at men and boys.
It examined the links between adolescent smoking behavior and cigarette advertising.
According to the researchers, the Lucky Strike campaign resulted in a rapid rise in sales, taking the
brand from sales of 13.7 billion cigarettes in 1925 to over 40 billion and market leadership by 1930.
But by the mid 1960 s it was no longer possible to hide the disastrous health effects of cigarette
As ... Show more content on ...
The cigarette girls at the Stork Club, the cranky chain smoking cabbies and the exhausted Bellevue
surgeons in scrubs on their butt breaks all defined a city that seemed to thrive in a seductive gauze of
Growing up in the East 90 s smoking surreptitiously in their Chapin kilts, Ms. Topping and her friends
would later hone their newly acquired smoking skills at places like Dorrian s Red Hand, Ryan s
Daughter or Three Guys and chastise one another for unladylike gestures.
It was the 1980 s in New York, and while everyone recognized smoking as a foolish pursuit, it was
still a necessary accouterment for homeboy wannabes, up and coming hipsters, wispy models and the
Wall Street grunts who prowled Manhattan s singles bars.
Jazz clubs, pool halls and Village cafes all welcomed the unapologetic smoker, as did newsrooms,
hospital waiting areas and the richly upholstered lounges of Broadway theaters.
You d walk through the office, and everyone was smoking, with all the windows closed, said Ms.
Paley, then a writer for Life
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Machine Gun Kelly Research Papers
Machine Gun Kelly Net Worth
Famous American rapper Machine Gun Kelly aka MGK aka Richard Colson Baker is very famous for
his rapping skills and mixtapes. His net worth right now is around $1.2 million.
Biography Wiki
MGK was born to missionary parents on 22nd April 1990. His family moved a lot during his
childhood. Finally, they settled in Denver but his mother left his father. His father was suffering from
unemployment and was very disappointed after her wife left. At that time MGK was bullied by other
children there. He attended Hamilton Middle School and started to listen to rap songs when he was in
6th grade only.
When MGK joined Denver s Thomas Jefferson High School, his father joined the military and left
him with his aunt alone. He got addicted to drugs and ... Show more content on ...
But before that, he was in news too as he was the first rapper to win an amateur night at Harlem s
Apollo Theater. Then he started releasing mixtapes. Some of the famous mixtapes which released in
that time are Lace Up , 100 Words and Running , and Rage Pack . He met with Sean Combs in 2011
and that changed his life.
Kelly was signed with Bad Boy imprint by Comb and he released his single Wild Boy with them. The
track has Waka Flocka Flame as a guest in it. His first album named Lace Up was released in 2012
and was a big success. His next venture, The Black Flag mixtape released on 2013 and it has
performances of French Montana, Wiz Khalifa, Pusha T, Kellin Quinn, and Meek Mill. His another
effort released in 2015 named General Admission . The album was a huge success too and helped in
getting MGK more fame.
Awards Achievements
He is just 27 and still will achieve a lot in career till now he has got two noteworthy awards. He got
the MTV Europe music award for Best US act in the year 2012 and the Radio Disney Music awards
for Best Music for Bad Things , this
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Twin Stereotypes
Splitting Up is Never Easy For most people they have the idea of twins being two peas in a pod or
have a bond that makes them as if they were one. The stereotype is very accurate most twins dress,
talk, and look the same. However if you were to meet my sister and I you would never guess we are
twins. Lauren, my sister does not resemble me at all. We have different facial features, hair, and
personality. When we were very little my mom would dress us alike everyday even our pajamas were
the same. I can still remember our mom dressing us for the first day of school. The overalls were a
charcoal grey with our favorite little mouse with a pretty bright red bow in her hair. Along with our
clothes matching we also had to have our hair fixed into
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United States Of Americ Questions
In Game Name: auv
Where are you from ? (E.g US or EU timezone): United States of America
Age: 14
(Male/Female): Male (shouldn t really matter)
Do you have Slack/Teamspeak/Skype?: I have TS3 and skype, my mic is $200 so I consider it good!
Please provide Skype: poppahns
Have you been staff on any other server?: Yes, I ran two servers with my friend and moderated a op
faction server called RedZoneCraft. The two servers I owned, which shut down because of financial, I
coded and administered on their. My other experiences as staff include running my own server with a
couple of friends for 2 summers in a row. 2013 and 2014. It went by the name of McAssault and was
not as big as a server as Warfine is. I managed the financial and hard ware side of the server, while my
friend Zeebra456 developed cool plugins and other features we used to reel in fresh players.
Can you record?: Yep, 500+ fps when recording (I use action)
Past Experience: Roughly 1 years ago I started my endeavors as a staff member. I played on a
relatively known pvp server that went by the name of MorosCraft. Many people on this server won t
know it because it was pertinent to the fast food pvp community. My duties as a staff included:
Monitoring chat for spammers/advertisements.
Warning/muting those who abused the chat system with vulgar and or racially un acceptable content.
Going into vanish and watching those who are X raying and or are suspected of using any other cheat
in order to gain an unfair
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The Most Influential Text is the Bible
The Bible is widely regarded as perhaps the most influential text in the record of human history. Both
Judaism and Christianity hold the Bible in high spiritual regard, due to its function as the basis for
these two respective religions. The Bible serves as a single divine anthology, comprised of a series of
books that have been meticulously composed by hundreds of authors over hundreds of years
(Armstrong, 2007). Over the course of human history, the stories, lessons, and parables found within
the Bible have had significant impact on societies all around the world. One of the most pertinent and
interesting topics found within the Bible is the concept of leprosy. The Bible mentions leprosy in a
variety of places, which include segments from both the Old Testament and the New Testament. From
the book of Exodus to the Holy Gospels of Jesus Christ, leprosy is an ever present aspect of biblical
society. The sufferers of leprosy in the Bible often fall under extreme social chastisement and are
commonly subject to segregation from society in accordance with ancient scripture (Leviticus 13.46
New Revised Standard Version). Due to the common mention of leprosy in the Bible, and the
somewhat opaque examination of the disease, a number of key concerns have arisen over the period of
the modern era. Through the analysis of what biblical leprosy constitutes, its prominence within the
Old Testament, and its appearances in the New Testament, readers can more fully understand how
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Rolly Cookies
Cookies At 4 In The Morning I m about 4 years old, I had super blonde piggy tails. I was the typical
little girl, I loved to color, play with barbies, and my little fake kitchen set. I especially loved cookies,
chocolate chip cookies to be exact, and my aunt always had chocolate chip cookies. She lived right
behind us, and I would always play with these little bugs called rolly pollies and then get cookies. Her
chocolate chip cookies were so delicious I wanted them all the time, and would go get them whenever
my heart desired. Sometimes my mom didn t even know that I would go over and get cookies till I
came back with a bag of cookies in my hand. It was approximately around 1 o clock in the afternoon. I
asked my mom, Mommy can I go ... Show more content on ...
Those were my favorite movies when I was little, I would watch them all the time. After I got done
watching Hercules my mom said, Alright babygirl it s time for bed. I said, Okay. She picked me up
and carried me upstairs to my room, helped me change into pajamas, then tucked me in. She said, I
love you goodnight , I said, I love you too mommy. , then I fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the
night, then remember that Aunt Shirley said that I could go get more cookies. I tip toed out of my
room, walked down the stairs. I looked over and my dog was still sleeping, now was my chance to get
out and get my cookies from Aunt Shirley. I slowly jogged over to the door and turned the door handle
slowly. Once I had the door open enough for me to get out I slowly shut the door behind me. I made
sure I was really quiet, I didn t want mom to hear me. I ran to Aunt Shirley s, they were still awake to
my surprise. I went inside and Aunt Shirley said, Mickey, why are you here so late? Does your mom
know you here? . I said, No she doesn t, but I wanted more cookies, you said to come back later. She
smiled then said to my great grandma, Call Laura so she knows that Mickey came here at 4. Then she
went and grabbed some cookies and put them in a bag. I heard my grandma say, Hi Laura, sorry to
wake you up, but Mikayla is over here for cookies. I grabbed my bag of cookies from Aunt Shirley
and said, Thank you. Then I heard
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A Summary Of The Lansdowne Athlete
December 6, 2017
Ancient sculptures bring on endless philosophical arguments regarding what is an appropriate form of
perfection, defined as a fit body guided by a keen mind. This paper will approach a visual essence of
the sculpture of The Lansdowne Athlete, by Lysippos, Rome 340 330 B.C. marble after a bronze
original, that I viewed at the LACMA. This sculpture is located in the left wing of Greek exhibition
Building, 3rd floor. I selected this sculpture as an example of an idealized body. Therefore, I will be
explaining the historical background of the sculpture and address why I think it would make a good
addition to our text. I will provide an analogy with other sculpture of idealized body from our
textbook chapter 12 on Mind and Body mainly. I will impart more information about the essence of
idealized human form as well as cultural ideals during this time period in Greece.
The Lansdowne Athlete at the LACMA is an example of a well developed ideal body and carefully
controlled proportions to all body parts. This sculpture is a Roman copy of an original by Lysippos
made in the 1st century. It is a marble statue of 75inches in height. The figure is in the contrapposto
stance common of the style at the time and is taking a step forward. The figure still has integrity even
though it has a few missing parts. Its face, which is important, is more or less intact and the standing
upright with its impression of movement still visible. The missing arms, if they were
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Analysis And Findings On Outdoor Activities
Analysis and findings We have four proposals as outcomes of the analysis. Detailed descriptions and
explanation are listed below: Proposal1:People having higher income prefer to outdoor activities.
According to the percentage of outdoorman in ascending order, we separate the areas into 5 intervals.
And based on the statistics of the average income in each area, we compute the average incomes in
five intervals to see if there is a tendency related to the proportion of outdoorman. Figure1 Positive
correlation between income and outdoorman proportion The line graph illustrates that the average
income experiences a similar tendency with the stable decrease of the ourdoorman proportion except
the last point. Finding the components of fifth ... Show more content on ...
The main reason for this distribution may be related to people s income and also balance between
work and life. The average wages, of the areas with high rate of outdoorsy people, are higher
especially within Mosman than the areas with low rate. This assumption already proofed in proposal1.
Furthermore, we can separate the map into 2 direction with 4 parts, as Figure3 shows below, to see if
there may be a potential relevance in the distribution. In the first quadrant, most of the areas are red
and orange which means over 30% of the people there prefer outdoor activities. In the second
quadrant, Fairfield becomes the center of outdoorsy people when its neighbors like Holroyd and
Penrith are also in a high rate. Move to the third quadrant, more areas are covered by green and
yellow, representing that the proportion for outdoorsy people here is about 20% in average. It is
strange that ratio of City of Sydney is at lowest level while in Waverley at highest level who are
actually neighbors. This phenomenon appeared in the proposal1 as we supposed that users in City are
busy in their career focusing on their work rather than outdoor activities. Figure3 Four quadrants
based on the map Proposal3:More than half users in Instagram prefer outdoor photos rather than
indoor photos. Figure4 the proportion of outdoor photos
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High School Weight Analysis
Try to imagine yourself on a typical day in high school. Compared to others, how did you feel about
your: Height: My height has always been an issue. I m 5 feet 5 inches and in high school I was even
smaller and was made fun off constantly. This was a constant self esteem issue. Weight: My weight
was appropriate to my height, but went to the gym to get bigger since I was small in height. Breasts:
People used to call me bird chest because my chest was flat, which made me hit the gym even harder
to prove them wrong. It got a little bigger but nothing crazy. Muscles: I felt like I was a strong person
but did not have any muscle definition, just skinny. Ears: I felt like my ears were a little bigger than
normal people and I still remember
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Religious And Spiritual Aspects Of Human Service Practice
In this paper, I will be writing about spirituality and religion. I will be referring to the textbook called,
Religious and Spiritual Aspects of Human Service Practice written by James W. Ellor, F. Ellen
Netting, and Jane M. Thibault (1999). This paper will include comparing and contrasting concepts of
spirituality and religion, summarizing the influence of religious groups in human service development,
and influence of religion on the historical development of clinical practice. Additionally, I will discuss
the relationship between public policy and religion in the United States. To conclude, I will reflect on
the implications of being a helping services professional. Even before recorded time, human beings
have naturally sought a connection with one in which is greater than they are. This includes the desire
to have a source of meaning. Prior to the Second World War, these connection needs were often met
with various religious traditions. Around 1960 there was a change in United States with people who
moved towards a more personal and spiritual expression of these connection needs. Regardless of
having religious traditions or a spiritual expression they are both part of the culture and human
experience for people. Since around the 1940s observers have revealed a smaller percentage of adults
in attendance at church. However, studies have reported that the need for spiritual experiences is
increasing (Ellor, Netting, and Thibault, 1999, pp. 1 3). Ellor et al. define
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Old Station Fly In Air Show Essay
Old station flying club has been hosting a legendary events from many years in Australia history. It
Old Station Fly In show is one of the very popular air shows held around the country and is the
display and portrayal of country Australia hospitality at its best. Fly In air show involves a number of
attractions over the weekend when it Is held. It used to be just a normal fly in show, but these days it
also involves heritage and antique trucks and machinery show along with it. There is another feature
known as tractor pulling as well which attracts quite a lot of visitors as well. The show in itself is a
magnetic attraction for those interested in watching and experiencing antique and unique aircrafts and
helicopters. Matt Hall, one of the ... Show more content on ...
These days competition is very tough among each kind of business and thus the pressure or the force
to satisfy the customer s needs and expectations are at the peak these days in events or shows like Old
Station Fly In. These days the economy that we live in has moved away from what usually used to be
known as normal service economy; but rather these days, the economy as well as the global mindset
of people who attend events or shows is moving more towards what is known as the experience
economy. Customers are happy to pay a better price but only on the leverage of getting a premium
service and special memorable experience for the price they are paying. These days customers demand
unique experiences and organisers need to provide them so as to have a regular clientele and more
marketing and business. E.g. If we take the example of Old station Fly In show, there was a dinner
organised for the patrons flying in and driving to the show; although the dinner had a very special
speaker Matt Hall ; it would have been much more attracting feature of the food was arranged by
someone famous such as any master chef celebrity or any famous cooking
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Canola Oil Research Paper
The list is as follows: Rapeseed: also known as Brassica napus, is commonly confused with canola oil,
the danger of rapeseed is that over 90% is genetically modified. The media proclaims that rapeseed is
a healthy heart safe oil. What most people don t know is the history of repressed, it kicked off during
the Industrial Revolution. Rapeseed oil was used as lubrication for ships and steam engines, this oil
was ideal for wet metal. In 1978, canola oil was created in Canada, I m 1995 a major breakthrough
technique altered the DNA in rapeseed allowing it to become resistant to toxic herbicide. The
monounsaturated fatty acids in rapeseed oil are erucic acid, this form of fat and acids are associated
with Keshan s disease, leading to the possible ... Show more content on ...
Shows that the rats who consumed the GM potatoes had exhibited signs of cell growth in their
digestive tract showing early stages of cancer. The consumption of GM potatoes inhibited
development of their brains, livers and testicles, partial atrophy of the liver, enlarged pancreases and
intestines and immune system damage. Gurian Sherman said the USDA had failed to guarantee a
rigorous analysis of the crop s possible consequences, and added: We simply don t know enough about
RNA interference technology to determine whether GE crops developed with it are safe for people and
the environment. Flax: GM flax that was all but forgotten, FP967 this strain of flax has assumed to be
found in 30 countries. This illegal form of GM flax was made in the late 1980s, by Crop Development
Center in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, the name was changed to Triffid. In the 1990s the crop was
approved for commercial usage in Canada and the U.S. Consumers were considered about the safety
of this modified flax, and the use in the commercial market died until now! FP967 has been found in
flax stock to this day, showing that it is virtually impossible to stop GMOs, once released into the
world causing lasting health and environmental
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The Pros And Cons Of The Holocaust Memorial
1.) Memorialization of any sort can be a tedious process, but those regarding Holocaust remembrance
were particularly challenging given the surrounding social and political controversies that ensued.
This is primarily seen through the issue of representation, which consistently played a key role in the
creation of both the Holocaust museum in Washington D.C., and the Dachau concentration camp
memorial. While the Dachau memorial s conception stages, the designers were contemplating which
victim groups to include. For instance, the mayor of Dachau stated, Please do not make the mistake of
thinking that only heroes died in Dachau. Many inmates were...there because they illegally opposed
the regime of the day....You have to remember there were many criminals and homosexuals in
Dachau. Do we want a memorial to such people? (Harold Maruse, Dachau, 151). With this quote, the
mayor implies that the memorial will only be dedicated to those he deems worthy of representation.
Likewise, the White House officials orchestrating the American Holocaust Museum also debated a
similar notion regarding the inclusion of ethic victim groups other than the Jews. However, Wiesel and
other Holocaust survivors believed that commemorating non Jews was an ...obscene incursion into the
boundaries of Holocaust memory by those whose country men had persecuted survivors (Edward T.
Linenthal, Preserving Memory, 53). For this reason, and in order to avoid the generation of false
memories, these groups
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Essay on The Double Helix
The Double Helix
The discovery of the structure by Crick and Watson, with all its biological implications, has been one
of the major scientific events of this century. (Bragg, The Double Helix, p1) In the story of The
Double Helix, James Watson tells of the road that led to the discovery of life s basic building block
DNA. This autobiography gives insight into science and the workings within a professional research
laboratory that few members of society will ever be able to experience. It also gives the reader an idea
of the reality of life for one scientist and how he struggled with the problem of DNA. However, the
author s style is marked by his lack of objectivity and inclusion of many biased opinions and personal
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Two people not in the Cavendish lab, but equally as involved in the discovery of the structure of DNA
were Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin, from King s College in London. While writing about
many of the afore mentioned individuals Watson emitted a constant attitude of indifference and his
actions toward Rosalind Franklin equally reflected that indifference.
The following excerpt is Watson s initial description of Rosalind, or Rosy as she was refered to when
not within earshot.
I suspect that in the beginning Maurice hoped that
Rosy would calm down. Yet mere inspection suggested
that she would not easily bend. By choice she did not
emphasize her feminine qualities. Though her features
were strong, she was not unattractive and might have
been quite stunning had she taken even a mild interest in
clothes. This she did not. There was never lipstick to
contrast her straight black hair, while at the age of thirty
one her dresses showed all the imagination of English
blue stocking adolescents. So it was quite easy to see her
the product of an unsatisfied mother who unduly stressed
the desirability of professional careers that could save
bright girls from marriages to dull men. But this was not
the case. Her dedicated, austere life could not be thus
explained she was the daughter of a solidly comfortable,
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Our Iceberg Is Melting, By John Kotter
Once upon a time a colony of penguins was living in the frozen Antarctic on an iceberg near what we
call today Cape Washington. From the first sentence of John Kotter s bestselling book, Our Iceberg Is
Melting, it is difficult to tell that one is about to read a great fable about how to manage change in
business as well as everyday life. ! The following summary will explain the key moments of the fable
and how they relate to our lives. First, let s introduce some of the more important penguins the
Leadership Council members. Louis, the head of the Leadership Council, could perhaps be considered
the CEO of the penguin colony. Alice is a smart, aggressive member of the council, and is Fred s loyal
confidant. Buddy is a young penguin council member who may not be the brightest bulb in the box,
but brings an element of trust among the council members. Fred is the most curious of all of the
penguins; although he was an unknown penguin in the beginning, he ultimately plays a very important
role in the change process. Jordan, also known as the Professor, was the brains of the council; he could
perhaps be considered the researcher of the group. Although the penguins start out simply as
individuals, in the end, they are a well working team capable of effectively managing change. Fred, a
quite curious penguin, studies the wonderful iceberg that the penguins consider home. He comes
across a problem which suggests that their beloved iceberg may be in danger of
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Masculinity In Bhagavad Gita
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna is transforming Arjuna masculinity through persuading him to follow
his dharmic duty, discovering the true meaning of his actions for the killing and displaying his divine
supreme being. According to Arjuna, the war was pointless; due to his false dharmic belief, which is
killing his family is not what a man does. Krishna confronts Arjuna by explaining his pure dharmic
duty; a wise man is untouched by the misperception of ideas and is united merely to do the right thing
without considering the consequences. Meaning a masculine character follows his dharmic duty
without thinking about the odds, this in a way penetrates Arjuna masculinity because it means that he
is not a man and is weak By saying this Krishna is not only showing Arjuna the path of dharma but is
also shaping his masculinity. ... Show more content on ...
Krishna says He who thinks that the Spirit kills, and he who thinks of it as killed, are both ignorant.
The Spirit kills not, nor is it killed (Shri Purohit Swami, pg. 5). Meaning one s atman is neither killed
nor can it kill, a body dies simply to move on to another body. Krishna also gave an example to
explain his point; a man discards old, worn out clothes just to put on new ones. So by killing his
family members, he is freeing them, and some can even go to heaven. By pointing this out, Krishna
eliminates any thoughts in Arjuna s mind about him killing his family. This builds up Arjuna s
masculinity because how he is more prepared to go forth and
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Informative Speech On Fast Fashion
Did any of you know that in 2013, the garment factory called Rana Plaza and Bangladesh
New York Times reports that this event killing nearly 1100 people, because the building was unstable
in their giant cracks in the foundation and walls.
The suppliers still want the workers to continue on their jobs, although they already knew the warning,
just because of the large demand for getting the clothes made.
This horrible event related to fast fashion because it reveals occupational health and safety (Yardley).
II. Over the past few years, fast fashion has been an extremely hot segment and source to help some
clothing companies increasing on their economic growth.
Fast fashion tends to be lower quality clothes, produced as cheaply, efficiently, quickly, and relatively
low tech production system as possible.
Move production to areas where production costs are relatively low.
Big brand design, friendly price, fast update.
Some brands can clarify fast fashion are H M, GAP, Forever 21, and Zara.
III. Today, I m going to persuade my audience that we should reduce clothing consumption.
IV. Reduce clothing consumption will be beneficial on environment and labor improvements.
Transition: Now that let s discuss how the fast fashion impacts and how it can be solved. Body
NEED I. Fast fashion brings outsize harmful environmental effects and unjust labor rights.
More waste is produced and accumulated as we purchase more clothes. 1. According to Elizabeth
Cline with the
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Cultural Values In The Odyssey
Thousands of peoples of thousands of cultures exist today. Each existing culture possesses customs
valuable to its people. One method of discovering the importance of certain customs to cultures is to
examine their literature. For example, Homer conveys many significant Greek customs throughout the
novel, The Odyssey. In his novel, he explains the importance of hospitality to the Greeks through the
actions of Circe, the goddess, when she takes care of Odysseus s men, and Maron when he provides a
gift of gratitude to Odysseus. A need for order and justification also exemplifies another important
custom of the Greeks.Author Homer utilizes examples of Odysseus s murdering of the suitors who
take over his home and Poseidon s punishment to Odysseus for hurting his son to convey the
importance of the importance of justice to the Greeks . Homer explains this importance through a
cause and effect punishment system from disobeying the gods orders. Piety models another cultural
value of the Greeks through Homer s book, which he explains through details of Odysseus sacrifices,
man s prayers to the gods, and mans humility to the gods power. Through the hospitality of Circe and
Polyphemus, the need for order and justification in obeying the gods, and piety for the gods orders,
Homer reflects important customs to the Greeks in The Odyssey.
To commence, Homer conveys the importance of Greek hospitality through a goddess, Circe, and a
giant Cyclops, Polyphemus. Looking at Circe s
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Exegetical Paper On The Abrahamic Covenant
Covenants or divine promises are made between individuals, groups, or nations that have binding
power. It is Jewish belief that God established a special covenant with the people of Israel in which he
would bless them above other peoples of the earth for which they were required to strictly obey his
law. The Abrahamic covenant is an unconditional covenant which was made between Abraham and
God, and ultimately God and Abraham s descendants. The Abrahamic Covenant is paramount to a
proper understanding of the kingdom concept and is foundational to Old Testament theology. There
are many elements that include promise of land, descendants, blessing, redemption, and a Messiah.
This covenant is thought to be a very critical part of the Judaic religion and also very critical to all the
things they believe in.
Judaism has its earliest genesis in the story of Abraham and Sarah in the book of Genesis in the bible.
Abraham was the first man to follow a monotheistic religion, meaning that he believed in only one
God. God reveals himself to Abraham saying: Go forth from your native land and from your father s
house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you (Genesis
12:1 2). This was God s first ... Show more content on ...
In Judaism, the messiah is a person who will be the Jews leader when they attain their goal of
universal peace on earth. The word Messiah is an English version of the Hebrew word Mashiach ,
describing a future anointed person to come. There are many passages in the Hebrew Bible that speak
of a descendant of King David who will rule Israel during the age of perfection.The Abrahamic
Covenant finds its ultimate fulfillment in connection with the return of Messiah. It is through Israel
that God promised in Genesis 12:1 3 to bless the nations of the world. That ultimate blessing will issue
in the forgiveness of sins and Messiah s reign on
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Impact Of Mahatma Gandhi On India s Freedom Movement
Mahatma Gandhi was a civil rights leader and the leader of India s independence movement that
inspired many generations even after he passed. In India, he is known as the father of the country. His
bold and courageous effort played a major role in India s freedom fight against Great Britain. Gandhi
became the inspiration for many young people in India and his clever method of nonviolent civil
disobedience became a major weapon in their freedom struggle. Mohandas Gandhi, also known as
Mahatma, led India s independence movement in the 1930s and 40s. He always spoke very soft and
taught the lessons of truth, Non violence, and peace. He defeated the British colonists through his non
violent protests and stirring speeches.
Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals such as social
change through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation,
satyagraha, or other methods while being nonviolent . The non violent protest led by Gandhi was used
to communicate the current issues in the country and his disagreements with the British government in
managing these issues. People from all over the world including great leaders like Martin Luther King
Jr., Nelson Mandela, Barak Obama and much more are inspired by Gandhi s belief in non violence.
This is, in essence, the principle of nonviolent cooperation. It follows therefore that it must have its
root in love. Its object should not be to punish the opponent
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Importance Of Communication In International Business
Cross culture communication is defined as the interaction between the team members who are coming
from the different countries or groups. All the team member is shared their own knowledge and ideas
to present their work in the way that other people can easily understand. In international business, we
have to communicate with the foreign people and we have to communicate the other party with their
own language to expand our business. It is important to know the intercultural communication in
business because to create an effectiveness between people from the diverse culture within a business,
to avoid misunderstanding and to improve the efficiency of the manpower and raise the productivity.
There are three main points that I am going to illustrate in this essay which is the importance of
language, religion, and social habits.
The first and most important topic is language in international business. Language plays a huge role in
cross culture communication. It is one of the huge problems in today s market which company faces
on the path of internationalism in the different natural language. For instance, as per the Ethnologue
website, the Chinese language is one of the most popular languages around the world. Over one
billion people are speaking Chinese all around the world. However English is at third as per the chart.
The difference in the language between workforce and marketing companies creates a huge
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Meditation On Meditation
Title: Meditation Apps to Beat Daily Stress and Rejuvenate Yourself
Meta Description: Meditation apps help you overcome your daily stress without succumbing to it by
offering various tools for beginners to experts, assisting in the meditation process.
In today s time and space, stress is a killer, both literally and figuratively. A number of people feel the
impact of stress no matter whether they are young or old. With the strain of various day to day
responsibilities of modern day living, almost everyone feels the cold, dark shadow of stress wreaking
havoc with their mental peace. There are ways around this ubiquitous villain of sorts. The usual
measures of exercising, music, yoga, meditation, etc. are always successful in giving you a measure of
control over stress.
Among the various methods, meditation is probably the most effective solution to calm and soothe
your mind. A simple body mind routine developed and practiced for thousands of years, meditation is
a single most powerful way to attain complete relaxation. In fact, many people have reaped immense
benefits in their personal and professional life just by following a regular meditative routine. However,
nowhere is the impact of meditation more obvious than in conquering your daily stress and relieving
your mind to be at ... Show more content on ...
The app has recorded Tibetan bells of highest quality that ring out in its entirety instead of simply
cutting off after some seconds. The sounds offer a serene calmness to the mind. The complete energy,
feel and design provide an unassuming and soothing sense. Other attractive features such as an
intuitive interface and the presence of a community to meditate along with other around the world
make this app unique. You can set the timer according to your need and track your progress. Guided
meditations are also provided along with different community groups that you can
... Get more on ...
The Impact Of Digital Technology On Our Society
As part of a generation whose oldest members were born when CD players were all the rage, and
whose youngest members consider anything older than the iPhone 6 to be outdated, I won t deny that
we ve grown up in a time of rapid change. We live in a world that would be unrecognizable to those
who came before us, and will likely be unrecognizable to us, by the time we die. In this world, the
only constant is change, and it stands to reason that when changing our world, we inevitably end up
changing ourselves. Digital technology happens to be one of the most rapidly changing aspects of our
culture. In fact, the changes we ve made in technology have been so staggering that for a while, we
had overlooked the ways that technology had been changing us. Advancements in technology have
revolutionized the way we work, learn, play, and communicate with one another. At first, it may seem
as though changes in digital technology have had mainly positive effects on our society, and to a
certain extent, that has rung true. However, when researchers noticed that young people were spending
an extraordinary time on devices, such as computers and smart phones, they began to question what
affect overuse of digital media could have certain aspects of a person s life. Eventually, it came to the
attention of researchers that some people, especially teenagers and young adults, had become more
depressed and seemingly introverted as digital technology and more specifically, social media,
... Get more on ...
Boo Radley Lessons
To kill A Mockingbird, the title itself is a literal sense, a mockingbird is one of the few birds that does
not bring harm or foul to any creature or crop but is a good natured creature. Harper Lee introduces
many lessons throughout the book and goes deep in the children s minds during the time period they
live in. The south in the 1930s is of course very racially driven, Harper Lee explores what it is like as
a child to grow up and through their innocent minds, the book explores their thoughts and feelings. As
for children, adults are represented and their attitude towards race and status which truly creates a
sophisticated piece of literature in thee end. In the beginning we learn the Atticus has a daughter
named scout. It is quickly learned ... Show more content on ...
Atticus said Jem bleakly.He turned in the doorway. What, son? How could they do it, how could they?
I don t know, but they did it. They ve done it before and they did it tonight and they ll do it again and
when they do it seems that only children weep. Good night (22.14 17). The children are obviously in
distress about the fate of Tom who eventually is shot 17 times all for being of a different color in the
south. The children are now developing their own point of view and they are starting to realize the
world is not at all as carefree as they have originally thought it to be. They begin to understand the the
world they live in is very racially divided, and not everyone is
... Get more on ...
Personal Narrative Mexico
During the summer my family and me went on vacation to mexico to see my grandma at her house it
took us 2 days to get to her town is mexico when we got there is was 11 at night my uncle opened the
garage door to let us in when we got off the car my grandma opened the door to let us in her house she
gave everyone a hug the her and my mom started to cook food for everyone. After everyone got their
suitcases out of the car and took them to there room my mom and dad slept in one room, my sister and
her daughter slept in another room and my nephew and me slept in the living room. The next day my
dad showed me around the town he grew up in where his other family members who lived there, and
his aunt who owns a store on the corner of the street. When
... Get more on ...

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My Favourite Animal Cat Essay. Cat Essay For Students In English

  • 1. 🏷️My Favourite Animal Cat Essay. Cat Essay For Students In English ... 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. 🏷️My Favourite Animal Cat Essay. Cat Essay For Students In English ... 🏷️My Favourite Animal Cat Essay. Cat Essay For Students In English ...
  • 2. The Approach to Nature of Descartes and White Essay The Approach to Nature of Descartes and White The approach to nature which René Descartes takes is distinct from that of Gilbert White. Descartes and White have similar key methods of examining nature. It is mainly in Descartes deductive reasoning and beliefs that lead him to the method of approaching nature internally (mind and body). Conversely, White s keen observances, inductive reasoning, and appreciation for his surroundings lead him to the method of investigating the external nature (Selborne). Although ... Show more content on ... In this hierarchy, God stands as some more perfect being on which [humans] [depend] (Descartes, 26). Humans are placed in the centre, because God grants us the ability to reason the ability to distinguish what is true from what is false (Descartes, 22). Below us rest animals, having no reason. Truth in nature therefore, must not come from animals since they are lesser beings, but rather, it must be found within humans. White finds appreciation for the external nature which Descartes considers to be less certain (Descartes, 28). While Descartes takes a rational approach, White takes a scientific, yet literary means toward nature. He observes nature ardently, noting animals modes of life housing, reproduction, communications, transportation, and physical appearance. His ability to personify these animals creates a meeting place for wild life and human feeling (White, xvii). In his recordings for example, White observes the swallow s mode of life. It builds its nest, often within barns and out houses against the rafters (White, 156). The swallow lays from four to six white eggs, dotted with red specks; and brings about her first brood about the last week in June, or the first week of July (White, 157). The swallow is a delicate songster, and in soft sunny weather sings ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Symphony Orchestra Concert Review Essay I went to the Symphony Orchestra s classical concert that premiered Beethoven s Fifth . The event provided a small pamphlet explaining in detail the course of the concert. The primary portion of the show was presented by a short and vivacious development Rondo in D major of Mozart, and proceeded with Bernstein s Symphony No. 2. The second half of the show was dedicated to the four development work, Beethoven s Symphony No. 5 in C minor. As I was walking into the auditorium, the orchestra were being to set up and even some musicians were doing a seris of exercises on their instrument. There were such a large number of individuals there, and the lobby was substantially more swarmed than I anticipated. Everyone dressed decent and talked discreetly amongst ... Show more content on ... People were very interested and intrigued by the music being played. The show host turned out and gave a brief depiction of the piece that was going to be played. I was awed by the way the host took care of a portion of the inquiries asked by the gathering of people. After the sneak peek the performers turned out and tuned their instruments, signaled by the concertmaster. The symphony was situated on the stage; the men wore tuxedos, the ladies wore dark dresses or jeans. There were three pieces that were performed by a solo instrument but also accompanied by the rest of the orchestra. After the solo piece was performed the host would respectively introduce the solo artist and give a brief description of their background and who they are. The stage consisted of over maybe fifty instruments and musicians each with a unique look of their own. Other than the performance piano, there were a variety of instruments that I noticed in the orchestra that we went over in class. I struggled with identifying each of the instruments since I didnt remember every one of them. Among the woodwinds were the oboe, French horn, and trumpet. The strings consisted of played incorporated the violin, viola, cello, and twofold ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Effects Of Music Programs On Students The Knowledge of reading music, and playing an instrument has proven to be beneficial to the learning curb in students including those of little to no background in a literary education to students in college. However, there are schools in America where music isn t offered. Having a music program could create improved grades, memory, concentration, and quicken the learning process of literacy, but it is believed that music isn t for everybody. Many parents and administrators believe that music is just a waste of time and doesn t help a student academically. It has been stated and shown in media of all sorts that music doesn t help kids academically and is only a distraction with potentially harmful effects. For example, in John McDaniel s words on the negative effects of music in school,: Music programs in school can promote competition and rivalry among peers. In most music programs, students compete for certain positions and chairs, and they must practice and oust their peers in order to climb the ranks in the section. This can lead to bad feelings and competitive values among young children, which can be harmful to their future development. It is understood why this has been stressed against music in schools. However, it is faulty. Other beliefs are that it does more harm than good because it affects grades negatively . In the words of John McDaniel, They claim that students will spend too much time on practicing, trips and performances, which will affect ... Get more on ...
  • 5. What Is Brazil Economic Indicators Brazil is a large country which located in South America and has the second largest economy in America, after the United states. Brazil s capital city is Brasilia and it has the largest population in South America. As we will present in this paper, the two economic indicators: Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and the unemployment rate. And the two investment incentives, which are two tax incentives: repes and reporto. A very important economic indicator to know the health of an economy is the GDP, which is an economic term that indicates measurement of the total value of goods and services produced in a particular territorial area (usually a country) during a given period (GDP,wikipedia,n.d). the GDP (gross domestic product), which is ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Why Study Thucydides It is important to study Thucydides because Thucydides can help us to understand the way politics work in the world today.This should come later it is not an introduction to a whole paper always assume your reader is not familiar with your topic In his book titled, The History of the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides brings to light, some of the causes of the war, as well as some of the consequences of the war. (This is a good opening sentence. It introduces the reader to the topic) Thucydides analyzed the Peloponnesian War on a deeper level (what do you mean?) to help us understand why and how things occur in the world. The world has a better understanding of war and politics in general because of Thucydides. Thucydides account of The ... Show more content on ... Good!! Empires can fall at any point. It has happened before, and it can happen again. Athens was a very wealthy and powerful state in Greece, but after their defeat in the war at Syracuse, Athens was completely destroyed (Thucydides Book VI, p.26). After the defeat of Athens by Syracuse, Thucydides stated, They were beaten at all points and all together; all they suffered was great; they were destroyed , as the saying is, with a total destruction, their fleet, their army, everything was destroyed, and few of many returned home... (Thucydides Book VI, p. 26). Excellent quote. So, essentially what we learn from the defeat of Athens is that countries are not inevitable to destruction.(I do not understand this phrase) No matter how strong a country is, it can still collapse. Yes very good!! History tends to repeat itself throughout the years, and Looking back on at past events can help us understand why some things occur and how we can resolve certain issues. The Peloponnesian War was a significant event that occurred in history, and a lot of the events that occurred throughout the war have helped us to understand politics better. Thucydides documentation and interpretation of some of the events of the war have helped us to understand why states make the decisions they do, and some of the implications of those decisions. It is useful to know why states make the decisions that they do because their decisions can impact the actions of other ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria And Antibiotics Bacterial infections are becoming resistant to antibiotics due to people that are sick and receive an antibiotic from their doctor; but as soon as they start to feel better they stop taking the antibiotic. If you stop taking antibiotics before the treatment is over can cause the bacteria to return stronger and this time resistant to that antibiotic. Another reason that certain bacteria s are becoming resistant to antibiotics is due to patients expecting doctors to prescribe antibiotics to them even though they have a viral infection not a bacterial one. Antibiotics are among the most commonly prescribed drugs used in human medicine. However, up to 50% of all the antibiotics prescribed for people are not needed or are not optimally effective as prescribed. ( Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria. ). Because of the large amount of antibiotics we take we are killing off our normal flora, which helps us digest our food. Multi drug resistance is when a bacterium has mutated due to the use of too many antibiotics or due to incorrect use. When a bacterium is determined as resistant it means that even at a therapeutic level the antibiotic is not breaking down the cell wall, which means the bacterium will continue to multiply and spread. The largest cause of resistance is overuse and the incorrect use of antibiotics. Giving incorrect amounts of antibiotics can cause the good bacteria in your body to become dangerous bacteria; creating a dangerous multi drug resistant infection all ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Sacrifice and Identity Essay Topic: Belonging to a group always involves sacrificing aspects of one s identity Identity is the set of behavioral or personal characteristics by which an individual is recognizable as a member of a group. Each people have their own personality, being different and unique from other people. Even though it s different, each people have some similarity with others that connected them together as a community or a group. However, these groups is not open for all people, some people have to sacrifice their aspects of identity in order to belong to the group that they want to join. For some groups, belonging does require sacrificing individual identity and this occurs when the groups are the dominant and require the identity of the group to ... Show more content on ... There are some groups that none of us has any choice in whether we belong to them or not. Factors such as gender, ethnicity, family and even social status are at birth, groups that we belong to, yet cannot choose, and many of these endure throughout life. Although family, religious beliefs and even social status can be altered in later life, all of these groups are ones that are integral to an individual s identity and in fact add it in life. However, as a child their influence is perhaps even more important as in these formative years one s gender, culture, family and even religion actively create individual identity. As we grow as develop as individuals we begin to make choices about where we want to find belonging. This can be seen in choices as minor as belonging to a football club or friendship group, to more life altering choices such as being a member of a political party or protest group such as Green peace. As individuals make such choices they do not sacrifice their identities, but rather work to increase and from their ever changing sense of self. Such choices can also be made after life altering circumstances, such as when people feel a need to join victim s group or support groups when they or a loved one contract a chronic or terminal illness. Statement of Intention: This essay is written in formal form with the topics of identity and belonging. With this piece of writing, the audience that I m targeting is teenager until ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Engineering Performance-Based Fire Codes Preliminary views on implementing Engineering Performance Based Fire Codes in Hong Kong: What should be done? Abstract Engineering performance based fire codes (EPBFC) are to be developed in Hong Kong. Before implementing EPBFC, or even writing down what should be done, such as the fire safety objectives, current prescriptive fire codes should be understood. This will be a very big project to be tackled step by step, certainly not regarded as a normal consultancy project which can be completed within a short period of, say three years. Key points on suitability of implementing EPBFC in Hong Kong, or preserving prescriptive codes but with active updating are discussed. Approaches used overseas are ... Show more content on ... In fact, before deciding whether to stick to prescriptive codes with active updating or to use EPBFC, well planned long term investigational works should be carried out. This should also be a life long research project for upgrading the code to solve new problems encountered. This was well recognized by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). There, EPBFC has been studied since 1995 with some support of Area of Strategic Development: Construction Industry Development Studies and Research Centre. A journal [37] reporting the development, problems encountered, scientific principles, engineering judgements and practical examples was established. It appears that if EPBFC is applied properly by experts with good training in fire safety engineering such as those holding PhD degrees, and with practical engineering experience up to Chartered Engineer status, the following can be achieved as reported in the literature [13 34]: ← Better fire safety provisions than described in the older versions of prescriptive codes for both passive and active fire safety measures [18]. ← Regulations requiring systems that might not work in a fire or even give adverse effect can be pointed out and updated. The requirements of installing sprinkler at high headroom atrium and in escape staircases are obvious examples. This is similar to imposing the local speed limit of 50 km per hour in downtown areas where almost all drivers will not pay attention to! ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Popular Song Controversy The article , Don t get angry about a bunch of white girls singing n***as, blame Kanye and the rap industry for putting it in their songs in the first place by PIER MORGAN FOR MAILONLINE is about a video of a group of white sorority girls from the University of Hampshire . In this video the girls are singing a song called Gold Digger by Kanye West. The song contains the word ni***a which caused contreversy for the media. The girls decided to post the video on Snapchat then , the video ended up going viral. This little situation turned into a huge debate about if white people have the right to use the word ni**a. Even if the word is used in popular song. I agree with Morgan s argument. I think that white people;non black people should ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Connector Class Analysis This area discusses the NS parts, for the most part compound system segments. The foundation of the pecking order is the Tcl Object class that is the super class of all Otcl library objects scheduler, system parts, clocks and alternate articles including NAM related ones). As a predecessor class of Tcl object, Ns object class is the super class of all fundamental system part questions that handle bundles, which may form compound system protests, for example, hubs and connections. The fundamental system parts are further isolated into two subclasses, Connector and Classifier, in light of the quantity of the conceivable yield information ways. The essential system questions that have stand out yield information way are under the Connector ... Show more content on ... At last, the TTL item figures Time to Live parameters for every parcel got and overhauls the TTL field of the bundle. In NS, system exercises are followed around simplex connections. In the event that the test system is administered to follow system exercises (tagged utilizing $ns follow all record or $ns namtrace all document), the connections made after the summon will have the accompanying follow items embedded as indicated in Figure 9. Clients can additionally particularly make a follow object of sort between the given src and dst hubs utilizing the make follow {type document src dst} command. At the point when each one embedded follow object (i.e. Enqt, Deqt, Drpt and Recvt) gets a bundle, it keeps in touch with the determined follow record without expending any reproduction time, and passes the parcel to the following system object. The follow configuration will be analyzed in the General Analysis Example area. queue Monitor Essentially, following items are intended to record parcel entry time at which they are found. In spite of the fact that a client gets enough data from the follow, he or she may be intrigued by what is happening inside a particular yield line. For instance, a client intrigued by RED line conduct may need to measure the flow of normal line size and current line size of a particular RED line (i.e. requirement for line observing). Line checking might be accomplished utilizing line screen questions and ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Kelly Hunter Representation Of Autism The millennial generation has seen the evolution of media representation. As our generation continues to advance and take on careers in casting and media representation we are able to challenge every previous ideal about what people want to see on stage and screen. The stages and screens are meant to be a place for people to come view reflections of our society and societies spanning the globe. 2016 is set to break previous boundaries for actors with autism. The representation of autism began its development as a way for unknown actors such as to break into the limelight for performing as a person with a lifelong development disability. Examples of this include Leonardo DiCaprio s acclaimed performance in What s Eating Gilbert Grape and Eddie ... Show more content on ... Shakespearean theatre has been brought to Prisons, violent neighborhoods, nurseries, and those with speech impediments. People on the Autistic Spectrum thrive when they have a sense of control and organization. There are specific conditions that need to be met for people on the spectrum to obtain significant creative growth. Judith Aron Rubin, a well known art therapist defined one of these conditions as order. There must be clarity and consistency in the work. (Rubin. P.33 34). Therefore, Shakespeare s text comes to mind, as it is patterned and ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Alexis de Tocqueville s Democracy in America Essay example Alexis de Tocqueville s visit to the United States in the early part of the nineteenth century prompted his work Democracy in America, in which he expressed the ability to make democracy work. Throughout his travels Tocqueville noted that private interest and personal gain motivated the actions of most Americans, which in turn cultivated a strong sense of individualism. Tocqueville believed that this individualism would soon sap the virtue of public life (395) and create a despotism of selfishness. This growth of despotism would be created by citizens becoming too individualistic, and therefore not bothering to fulfill their civic duties or exercise their freedom. Tocqueville feared that the political order of America would soon become ... Show more content on ... br br Another means by which Tocqueville believes it is possible to contest individualism is to form associations and write newspapers. He believes that like local governments, associations help people to realize their dependence on their fellow citizens and take interest in public affairs. It is crucial to have institutions and civic duties which force people to look beyond their own interests and think about the problems of the community. As soon as several of the inhabitants of the United States have taken up an opinion or a feeling which they wish to promote to the world, they look out for mutual assistance; and as soon as they have found one another out, they combine. From that moment they are no longer isolated men, but a power seen from afar, whose actions serve for an example and whose language is listened to (407). Seeing as citizens in democratic societies are independent and weak, they need to form associations in order to have some influence. By bringing people together, new thoughts and ideas are circulated with a stronger force behind them. br br Newspapers combat individualism by allowing numerous readers to be exposed to the same thoughts and ideas. There is a shared relationship between newspapers and associations: newspapers aid in the formation of associations, and associations use newspapers as a means of communicating their thoughts and ideas. When there is a notion shared by many individuals, but not ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Leonid Fridman s Essay America Needs Its Nerds In his essay America Needs Its Nerds , author Leonid Fridman discusses the stigma against so called nerds and how these nerds are essential to America in keeping up with other countries. He does this providing several examples. However, this essay is ultimately weak because of the broadness of his examples, as well as the overarching strawman he creates to represent society . By relying solely on these examples, he creates a very simple one sided argument To begin the essay, Fridman states that our society is one which has only derogatory terms like nerd and geek for the intellectually curious and academically serious (lines 2 4). As a broad statement, this holds true. However, in the context of having a living person with a brain being the audience, this crumbles. Nerd and geek defined by Fridman ... Show more content on ... If I recall correctly, this profession was one originating before or during the Renaissance. He claims this is telling a fact about our language and culture , despite most people probably not knowing (or caring) what the word means beforehand (One might say that not knowing or caring what nerd means is a sign of being a non intelligent non nerd, but does knowing that definition really make you smarter than/superior to anyone else?). Fridman then states that at Harvard University, an Ivy league university known for its prestigiousness, that anti intellectualism is rampant . He provides an example saying that most students are ashamed of how much they study, but his lack of concrete evidence for this example makes it seem extremely unlikely. Some may say that the unlikeliness of it adds to the essay, in the nuh uh no way! sort of way, but truthfully, it doesn t. It detracts from it by lessening his ... Get more on ...
  • 15. International Drug Trade. . Student’S Name. Institution International Drug Trade Student s Name Institution Name Date The world is getting condensed into a global village and this comes with opportunities and challenges. The global economy, for example assumes greater importance to all countries as it affects them in one way or another. While the condensation of the international market has benefited global business partners, it has also been permeated and exploited by unscrupulous tradesmen. For example, the international drug trade has fully optimized this opening and fixed its muscles to create a quenching demand and also created an avenue for supplying. The international drug market is booming with new bases and cartels established perennially. Local and international agencies ... Show more content on ... The situation was further complicated because there was not a particular qualification identified for doctors. Rival medical practitioners would taunt each other over what they termed as heroic treatments and termed professional practitioners as obfuscators and inhumane. Amid this confusion, opiates found their way into the market and could be consumed without proper prescriptions. While some professionals opposed the use of opium as medication, some medical documents such as The Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics embraced the use of opium terming it as the most valuable remedy . The confusion and perception of the public with regards to the consumption of drugs is not restricted to the opiates in the US. India has also had to deal with a drug menace because of the people s perception of drugs. In India, the disharmony in the medical professional led the people to consumption of cocaine. Members of the high class once consumed cocaine for medical reasons. The habit was borne out of a need to relieve pain but soon engulfs the user and they get addicted. Respectable men would also consume cocaine under medical prescriptions to improve virile power. While people would perish as a result of cocaine consumption, especially in the early 1900s in Calcutta, little was known about the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Jazz and Classical Music Jazz and Classical Music Upon entering a modern record store, one is confronted with a wide variety of choices in recorded music. These choices not only include a multitude of artists, but also a wide diversity of music categories. These categories run the gamut from easy listening dance music to more complex art music. On the complex side of the scale are the categories known as Jazz and Classical music. Some of the most accomplished musicians of our time have devoted themselves to a life long study of Jazz or Classical music, and a few exceptional musicians have actually mastered both. A comparison of classical and Jazz music will yield some interesting results and could also lead to an appreciation of the abilities needed to perform ... Show more content on ... Throughout the history of Jazz, however, notation was more like a rough sketch. This was because the syncopated rhythms of ragtime and the melodic riffs of the blues were not easily notated. Also, early Jazz musicians were not formally trained; they usually learned by ear. Some songs were transcribed and written down, but not in precise ways. Jazz music became more of a passed on tradition that a musician learned through interaction with other players. In a similar way, the modern Jazz musician must rely on previous recordings to get a feel for the style and technique which he desires to learn from. But in classical music, one composer can learn from an older composer by looking at and analyzing the music that the previous composer wrote down. Likewise, classical musicians can master the parts they must play by practicing the music that has been written or published beforehand. These two approaches to passing on tradition are both valid. However, without the recording medium Jazz music might have developed much differently than it has. The cohesive element that keeps a musical group together is also an interesting contrast. In Classical music, the conductor uses a baton and plays the orchestra as if it were his instrument; he looks at a complete score of all the events happening in the composition and interprets these events based on his knowledge and intuition of what the composer intended. Jazz groups rarely utilize ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Footloose Essay The 1984 version of Footloose stars young actor Kevin Bacon as he plays the role of Ren McCormack, a city teen who moves to the small town of Bomont to live with his mom. Local minister, Reverend Shaw Moore (John Lithgow), has put a ban on dancing and rock music because of an incident that happened years ago. For most of the town this is not a big deal but for the new Ren McCormack this is a big issue. Ren McCormack makes it his mission with the help of his friends Willard (Chris Penn) and Ariel (Lori Singer) to shake things up. However, the set back is that Ariel is the minister s daughter. Ariel shows very quickly that she is the average pastor s daughter by coming in after curfew and playing many games of chicken. Footloose is a drama ... Show more content on ... In his new town of Bomont, rock music and dancing is outlawed. When Ren McCormack attends school he was quick to learn that there is no prom due to the no dancing rule. Ren McCormack is very good with his dancing and shows in a few scenes that he has previously done gymnastics. However, Kevin Bacon did not like the fact that a dancing double was needed but it made for some great scenes. There are a variety of dances within the movie that can range from spinning on pipes in a very gymnastic setting within a warehouse to a very formal dance. It is easy to see that the actors were in rehearsal for many many hours per dance. Overall there were nine songs that were played. It was sure to show that practice pays off when every beat spot ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Swift s Proposal This essay starts by capturing the attention of the audience by surprises, that first shocks and then causes the readers to think critically about what he is really saying. Not only about his morals and values, but also about his motivations and policies explaining his proposal. Firstly, Swift persuades and informs the reader with his attempt to find out a fair cheap, and easy method for taking the starving children of Ireland and to make them sound and useful members of the commonwealth. Swift argues, by using economic reasoning as well as a self righteous moral stance to find a way to turn this problem into a solution. His proposal, in short, is to fatten up the undernourished children and feed them to Ireland s wealth. Children of ... Show more content on ... Including the specific data of the number of children to be sold an hundred and twenty thousand children of poor parents annually born and their weight that a child just born will weigh 12 pounds, and in a solar year, if tolerably nursed, encreaseth to 28 pounds. Also what the prices of these children could be sold for an estimated consumption patterns. Furthermore, he anticipates that the selling and consumption of children will have a positive effect on family morality. Because husbands will treat their wives better with more respect, and parent will value their children more. during the time of their pregnancy, as they are now of their mares in foal, their cows in calf, or sow when they are ready to farrow; nor offer to beat or kick them (as is too frequent a practice) for fear of a miscarriage. Lastly, his conclusion is that implementation of this project will help solve Irelands social, political, and economic problems more so than any other proposals. This work is a satirical hyperbole which was meant to mock the heartless attitudes toward the poor, as well as the British policies toward the Irish in general. While Swift was an astute economic thinker, and the grim irony of this piece of his own solution reveals his own personal ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Review Sheet Skeletal Muscles Essay REVIEW SHEET EXERCISE 2 Skeletal Muscle Physiology NAME: Jasmine Young LAB TIME/DATE: 1. Define each of the following terms: motor unit A motor unit consists of a motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it innervates. twitch Skeletal Muscle twitch is the mechanical response to a single action potential. It has three phases known as the latent, contraction, and relaxation phase. threshold the threshold is the minimal stimulus needed to cause a depolarization of the muscle plasma membrane (sarcolemma.) The threshold is the point at which sodium ions start to move into the cell (instead of out of the cell) to bring about the membrane depolarization. treppe the progressive increase in force generated when a muscle is ... Show more content on ... 4. Describe the three phases of a muscle twitch. The latent phase is the period of time that elapses between the generation of an action potential in a muscle cell and the start of muscle contraction. The Concentration phases tarts at the end of the latent period and ends when the muscle tension peaks. The relaxation phase is the period from peak tension until the end of the muscle contraction. 5. What could be a chemical cause of fatigue? It is suspected that fatigue is caused by an accumulation of lactic acid, ADP, and P, in muscles. Another reason comes from Calcium levels decreasing from muscle contractions. 6. In fatigue, what happens to force production over time? Force will fall because muscle cell s ATP is used up faster than it s produced. 7. If you were lifting a dumbbell, would your muscles be contracting isometrically or isotonically? isometrically 8. What is the key variable in an isometric contraction? muscle length 9. Define the term maximal stimulus. the stimulus beyond which there are no further increase in force. 10. What has happened in the muscle when the maximal stimulus is achieved? All the individual nerve fibers have been stimulated responding all or none. 11. What is the difference between stimulus intensity and stimulus frequency? ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Prostitution In Brazil Essay If prostitution is legal in Brazil, why is prostitution legal if brothels are going to be illegal to operate? Even though prostitution is legal in Brazil, it is illegal to operate or to employ prostitutes in any other way. This is a big issue because there are still brothels that operate secretly in Brazil, but if the Brazilian government s legalized brothels, they would help the Brazilian economy by they can help lead to a chain effect that would significantly benefit Brazil s economy, primarily through tax revenue which will bring in a lot of money for the government. More criminal activity is occurring while these brothels main to be illegal. Many people would argue that legalizing a brothel would just be a gift to pimps, traffickers, and the sex industry. If the brothels are government owned and run by a person they would have to be guidelines and policies that the government has portrayed to them. According to a reading we have covered in class, ... Show more content on ... Article 230 of the Brazilian Penal Code states that the penalty for pimping if the victim is aged 14 through 18 years increases. The two articles corresponds with each other. Brothels may be illegal, but night clubs are legal as long as the prostitutes are their freely and on their own will. Even though brothels are illegal, they are not unusual in Brazil. Most of the brothels are full of corruption and sexual exploitation. In Rio de Janeiro s Centarus, a high end brothel, are known as termas, which mean they re ostensibly spas or night clubs. They are referred to as termas because termas are a legitimate way of work, bringing in actual, legal, source of income giving the Brazilian law enforcement a reason of not doing anything illegal. The first reason why brothels should be legalized is because it will help decrease the criminal activity with sex workers in ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Causes Of Racism In Britain Another, racist event that is happening in Britain is towards the polish community that live there (Strybel, 2016). According to Strybel (2016), a man was killed and another three people resulted injured this happened in attacks that took place in the town of Harlow, in the southeastern part of England. There also have been other attacks that target polish people just because they are seen speaking in polish and graffiti that says polish people need to go back home (Strybel, 2016). The most common types of racism that polish people face in the United Kingdom are violence, hate crimes, ethnicity, and not being a citizen (Strybel, 2016). In addition, Strybel (2016) states that although the prime minister, Teresa May regrets the attacks that are occurring in the United Kingdom towards and has said that authorities would secure the environment for polish people, this has not happened and it is predicted that polish people might return home if this is keeps continuing. This is one of the consequences that racism can have, polish people might return back home because they feel like they do not belong and they are not welcomed. Although, Britain has racist events that occur there are also some anti racist acts that are happening as well. Andrews (2016), states that the Black Supplementary School Movement was created as a form of anti racism which was funded by multiculturalism. The school which is in Britain, shows students resistance towards racist acts and connect people who are ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Lucky Strike Campaign Chesterfield came up with a campaign that used the slogan, Blow some my way. And Lucky Strike hit the jackpot by urging women to Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet. In other words, smoking Lucky Strikes was a good way for women to avoid gaining weight. This was back in the 1870 s and 80 s, when it wasn t considered right for women to smoke, so the advertising was directed specifically at men and boys. It examined the links between adolescent smoking behavior and cigarette advertising. According to the researchers, the Lucky Strike campaign resulted in a rapid rise in sales, taking the brand from sales of 13.7 billion cigarettes in 1925 to over 40 billion and market leadership by 1930. But by the mid 1960 s it was no longer possible to hide the disastrous health effects of cigarette smoking. As ... Show more content on ... The cigarette girls at the Stork Club, the cranky chain smoking cabbies and the exhausted Bellevue surgeons in scrubs on their butt breaks all defined a city that seemed to thrive in a seductive gauze of smoke. Growing up in the East 90 s smoking surreptitiously in their Chapin kilts, Ms. Topping and her friends would later hone their newly acquired smoking skills at places like Dorrian s Red Hand, Ryan s Daughter or Three Guys and chastise one another for unladylike gestures. It was the 1980 s in New York, and while everyone recognized smoking as a foolish pursuit, it was still a necessary accouterment for homeboy wannabes, up and coming hipsters, wispy models and the Wall Street grunts who prowled Manhattan s singles bars. Jazz clubs, pool halls and Village cafes all welcomed the unapologetic smoker, as did newsrooms, hospital waiting areas and the richly upholstered lounges of Broadway theaters. You d walk through the office, and everyone was smoking, with all the windows closed, said Ms. Paley, then a writer for Life ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Machine Gun Kelly Research Papers Machine Gun Kelly Net Worth Introduction Famous American rapper Machine Gun Kelly aka MGK aka Richard Colson Baker is very famous for his rapping skills and mixtapes. His net worth right now is around $1.2 million. Biography Wiki MGK was born to missionary parents on 22nd April 1990. His family moved a lot during his childhood. Finally, they settled in Denver but his mother left his father. His father was suffering from unemployment and was very disappointed after her wife left. At that time MGK was bullied by other children there. He attended Hamilton Middle School and started to listen to rap songs when he was in 6th grade only. When MGK joined Denver s Thomas Jefferson High School, his father joined the military and left him with his aunt alone. He got addicted to drugs and ... Show more content on ... But before that, he was in news too as he was the first rapper to win an amateur night at Harlem s Apollo Theater. Then he started releasing mixtapes. Some of the famous mixtapes which released in that time are Lace Up , 100 Words and Running , and Rage Pack . He met with Sean Combs in 2011 and that changed his life. Kelly was signed with Bad Boy imprint by Comb and he released his single Wild Boy with them. The track has Waka Flocka Flame as a guest in it. His first album named Lace Up was released in 2012 and was a big success. His next venture, The Black Flag mixtape released on 2013 and it has performances of French Montana, Wiz Khalifa, Pusha T, Kellin Quinn, and Meek Mill. His another effort released in 2015 named General Admission . The album was a huge success too and helped in getting MGK more fame. Awards Achievements He is just 27 and still will achieve a lot in career till now he has got two noteworthy awards. He got the MTV Europe music award for Best US act in the year 2012 and the Radio Disney Music awards for Best Music for Bad Things , this ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Twin Stereotypes Splitting Up is Never Easy For most people they have the idea of twins being two peas in a pod or have a bond that makes them as if they were one. The stereotype is very accurate most twins dress, talk, and look the same. However if you were to meet my sister and I you would never guess we are twins. Lauren, my sister does not resemble me at all. We have different facial features, hair, and personality. When we were very little my mom would dress us alike everyday even our pajamas were the same. I can still remember our mom dressing us for the first day of school. The overalls were a charcoal grey with our favorite little mouse with a pretty bright red bow in her hair. Along with our clothes matching we also had to have our hair fixed into ... Get more on ...
  • 25. United States Of Americ Questions In Game Name: auv Where are you from ? (E.g US or EU timezone): United States of America Age: 14 (Male/Female): Male (shouldn t really matter) Do you have Slack/Teamspeak/Skype?: I have TS3 and skype, my mic is $200 so I consider it good! Please provide Skype: poppahns Have you been staff on any other server?: Yes, I ran two servers with my friend and moderated a op faction server called RedZoneCraft. The two servers I owned, which shut down because of financial, I coded and administered on their. My other experiences as staff include running my own server with a couple of friends for 2 summers in a row. 2013 and 2014. It went by the name of McAssault and was not as big as a server as Warfine is. I managed the financial and hard ware side of the server, while my friend Zeebra456 developed cool plugins and other features we used to reel in fresh players. Can you record?: Yep, 500+ fps when recording (I use action) Past Experience: Roughly 1 years ago I started my endeavors as a staff member. I played on a relatively known pvp server that went by the name of MorosCraft. Many people on this server won t know it because it was pertinent to the fast food pvp community. My duties as a staff included: Monitoring chat for spammers/advertisements. Warning/muting those who abused the chat system with vulgar and or racially un acceptable content. Going into vanish and watching those who are X raying and or are suspected of using any other cheat in order to gain an unfair ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Most Influential Text is the Bible The Bible is widely regarded as perhaps the most influential text in the record of human history. Both Judaism and Christianity hold the Bible in high spiritual regard, due to its function as the basis for these two respective religions. The Bible serves as a single divine anthology, comprised of a series of books that have been meticulously composed by hundreds of authors over hundreds of years (Armstrong, 2007). Over the course of human history, the stories, lessons, and parables found within the Bible have had significant impact on societies all around the world. One of the most pertinent and interesting topics found within the Bible is the concept of leprosy. The Bible mentions leprosy in a variety of places, which include segments from both the Old Testament and the New Testament. From the book of Exodus to the Holy Gospels of Jesus Christ, leprosy is an ever present aspect of biblical society. The sufferers of leprosy in the Bible often fall under extreme social chastisement and are commonly subject to segregation from society in accordance with ancient scripture (Leviticus 13.46 New Revised Standard Version). Due to the common mention of leprosy in the Bible, and the somewhat opaque examination of the disease, a number of key concerns have arisen over the period of the modern era. Through the analysis of what biblical leprosy constitutes, its prominence within the Old Testament, and its appearances in the New Testament, readers can more fully understand how biblical ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Rolly Cookies Cookies At 4 In The Morning I m about 4 years old, I had super blonde piggy tails. I was the typical little girl, I loved to color, play with barbies, and my little fake kitchen set. I especially loved cookies, chocolate chip cookies to be exact, and my aunt always had chocolate chip cookies. She lived right behind us, and I would always play with these little bugs called rolly pollies and then get cookies. Her chocolate chip cookies were so delicious I wanted them all the time, and would go get them whenever my heart desired. Sometimes my mom didn t even know that I would go over and get cookies till I came back with a bag of cookies in my hand. It was approximately around 1 o clock in the afternoon. I asked my mom, Mommy can I go ... Show more content on ... Those were my favorite movies when I was little, I would watch them all the time. After I got done watching Hercules my mom said, Alright babygirl it s time for bed. I said, Okay. She picked me up and carried me upstairs to my room, helped me change into pajamas, then tucked me in. She said, I love you goodnight , I said, I love you too mommy. , then I fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night, then remember that Aunt Shirley said that I could go get more cookies. I tip toed out of my room, walked down the stairs. I looked over and my dog was still sleeping, now was my chance to get out and get my cookies from Aunt Shirley. I slowly jogged over to the door and turned the door handle slowly. Once I had the door open enough for me to get out I slowly shut the door behind me. I made sure I was really quiet, I didn t want mom to hear me. I ran to Aunt Shirley s, they were still awake to my surprise. I went inside and Aunt Shirley said, Mickey, why are you here so late? Does your mom know you here? . I said, No she doesn t, but I wanted more cookies, you said to come back later. She smiled then said to my great grandma, Call Laura so she knows that Mickey came here at 4. Then she went and grabbed some cookies and put them in a bag. I heard my grandma say, Hi Laura, sorry to wake you up, but Mikayla is over here for cookies. I grabbed my bag of cookies from Aunt Shirley and said, Thank you. Then I heard ... Get more on ...
  • 28. A Summary Of The Lansdowne Athlete December 6, 2017 Ancient sculptures bring on endless philosophical arguments regarding what is an appropriate form of perfection, defined as a fit body guided by a keen mind. This paper will approach a visual essence of the sculpture of The Lansdowne Athlete, by Lysippos, Rome 340 330 B.C. marble after a bronze original, that I viewed at the LACMA. This sculpture is located in the left wing of Greek exhibition Building, 3rd floor. I selected this sculpture as an example of an idealized body. Therefore, I will be explaining the historical background of the sculpture and address why I think it would make a good addition to our text. I will provide an analogy with other sculpture of idealized body from our textbook chapter 12 on Mind and Body mainly. I will impart more information about the essence of idealized human form as well as cultural ideals during this time period in Greece. The Lansdowne Athlete at the LACMA is an example of a well developed ideal body and carefully controlled proportions to all body parts. This sculpture is a Roman copy of an original by Lysippos made in the 1st century. It is a marble statue of 75inches in height. The figure is in the contrapposto stance common of the style at the time and is taking a step forward. The figure still has integrity even though it has a few missing parts. Its face, which is important, is more or less intact and the standing upright with its impression of movement still visible. The missing arms, if they were ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Analysis And Findings On Outdoor Activities Analysis and findings We have four proposals as outcomes of the analysis. Detailed descriptions and explanation are listed below: Proposal1:People having higher income prefer to outdoor activities. According to the percentage of outdoorman in ascending order, we separate the areas into 5 intervals. And based on the statistics of the average income in each area, we compute the average incomes in five intervals to see if there is a tendency related to the proportion of outdoorman. Figure1 Positive correlation between income and outdoorman proportion The line graph illustrates that the average income experiences a similar tendency with the stable decrease of the ourdoorman proportion except the last point. Finding the components of fifth ... Show more content on ... The main reason for this distribution may be related to people s income and also balance between work and life. The average wages, of the areas with high rate of outdoorsy people, are higher especially within Mosman than the areas with low rate. This assumption already proofed in proposal1. Furthermore, we can separate the map into 2 direction with 4 parts, as Figure3 shows below, to see if there may be a potential relevance in the distribution. In the first quadrant, most of the areas are red and orange which means over 30% of the people there prefer outdoor activities. In the second quadrant, Fairfield becomes the center of outdoorsy people when its neighbors like Holroyd and Penrith are also in a high rate. Move to the third quadrant, more areas are covered by green and yellow, representing that the proportion for outdoorsy people here is about 20% in average. It is strange that ratio of City of Sydney is at lowest level while in Waverley at highest level who are actually neighbors. This phenomenon appeared in the proposal1 as we supposed that users in City are busy in their career focusing on their work rather than outdoor activities. Figure3 Four quadrants based on the map Proposal3:More than half users in Instagram prefer outdoor photos rather than indoor photos. Figure4 the proportion of outdoor photos ... Get more on ...
  • 30. High School Weight Analysis Try to imagine yourself on a typical day in high school. Compared to others, how did you feel about your: Height: My height has always been an issue. I m 5 feet 5 inches and in high school I was even smaller and was made fun off constantly. This was a constant self esteem issue. Weight: My weight was appropriate to my height, but went to the gym to get bigger since I was small in height. Breasts: People used to call me bird chest because my chest was flat, which made me hit the gym even harder to prove them wrong. It got a little bigger but nothing crazy. Muscles: I felt like I was a strong person but did not have any muscle definition, just skinny. Ears: I felt like my ears were a little bigger than normal people and I still remember ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Religious And Spiritual Aspects Of Human Service Practice In this paper, I will be writing about spirituality and religion. I will be referring to the textbook called, Religious and Spiritual Aspects of Human Service Practice written by James W. Ellor, F. Ellen Netting, and Jane M. Thibault (1999). This paper will include comparing and contrasting concepts of spirituality and religion, summarizing the influence of religious groups in human service development, and influence of religion on the historical development of clinical practice. Additionally, I will discuss the relationship between public policy and religion in the United States. To conclude, I will reflect on the implications of being a helping services professional. Even before recorded time, human beings have naturally sought a connection with one in which is greater than they are. This includes the desire to have a source of meaning. Prior to the Second World War, these connection needs were often met with various religious traditions. Around 1960 there was a change in United States with people who moved towards a more personal and spiritual expression of these connection needs. Regardless of having religious traditions or a spiritual expression they are both part of the culture and human experience for people. Since around the 1940s observers have revealed a smaller percentage of adults in attendance at church. However, studies have reported that the need for spiritual experiences is increasing (Ellor, Netting, and Thibault, 1999, pp. 1 3). Ellor et al. define ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Old Station Fly In Air Show Essay Old station flying club has been hosting a legendary events from many years in Australia history. It Old Station Fly In show is one of the very popular air shows held around the country and is the display and portrayal of country Australia hospitality at its best. Fly In air show involves a number of attractions over the weekend when it Is held. It used to be just a normal fly in show, but these days it also involves heritage and antique trucks and machinery show along with it. There is another feature known as tractor pulling as well which attracts quite a lot of visitors as well. The show in itself is a magnetic attraction for those interested in watching and experiencing antique and unique aircrafts and helicopters. Matt Hall, one of the ... Show more content on ... These days competition is very tough among each kind of business and thus the pressure or the force to satisfy the customer s needs and expectations are at the peak these days in events or shows like Old Station Fly In. These days the economy that we live in has moved away from what usually used to be known as normal service economy; but rather these days, the economy as well as the global mindset of people who attend events or shows is moving more towards what is known as the experience economy. Customers are happy to pay a better price but only on the leverage of getting a premium service and special memorable experience for the price they are paying. These days customers demand unique experiences and organisers need to provide them so as to have a regular clientele and more marketing and business. E.g. If we take the example of Old station Fly In show, there was a dinner organised for the patrons flying in and driving to the show; although the dinner had a very special speaker Matt Hall ; it would have been much more attracting feature of the food was arranged by someone famous such as any master chef celebrity or any famous cooking ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Canola Oil Research Paper The list is as follows: Rapeseed: also known as Brassica napus, is commonly confused with canola oil, the danger of rapeseed is that over 90% is genetically modified. The media proclaims that rapeseed is a healthy heart safe oil. What most people don t know is the history of repressed, it kicked off during the Industrial Revolution. Rapeseed oil was used as lubrication for ships and steam engines, this oil was ideal for wet metal. In 1978, canola oil was created in Canada, I m 1995 a major breakthrough technique altered the DNA in rapeseed allowing it to become resistant to toxic herbicide. The monounsaturated fatty acids in rapeseed oil are erucic acid, this form of fat and acids are associated with Keshan s disease, leading to the possible ... Show more content on ... Shows that the rats who consumed the GM potatoes had exhibited signs of cell growth in their digestive tract showing early stages of cancer. The consumption of GM potatoes inhibited development of their brains, livers and testicles, partial atrophy of the liver, enlarged pancreases and intestines and immune system damage. Gurian Sherman said the USDA had failed to guarantee a rigorous analysis of the crop s possible consequences, and added: We simply don t know enough about RNA interference technology to determine whether GE crops developed with it are safe for people and the environment. Flax: GM flax that was all but forgotten, FP967 this strain of flax has assumed to be found in 30 countries. This illegal form of GM flax was made in the late 1980s, by Crop Development Center in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, the name was changed to Triffid. In the 1990s the crop was approved for commercial usage in Canada and the U.S. Consumers were considered about the safety of this modified flax, and the use in the commercial market died until now! FP967 has been found in flax stock to this day, showing that it is virtually impossible to stop GMOs, once released into the world causing lasting health and environmental ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Pros And Cons Of The Holocaust Memorial 1.) Memorialization of any sort can be a tedious process, but those regarding Holocaust remembrance were particularly challenging given the surrounding social and political controversies that ensued. This is primarily seen through the issue of representation, which consistently played a key role in the creation of both the Holocaust museum in Washington D.C., and the Dachau concentration camp memorial. While the Dachau memorial s conception stages, the designers were contemplating which victim groups to include. For instance, the mayor of Dachau stated, Please do not make the mistake of thinking that only heroes died in Dachau. Many inmates were...there because they illegally opposed the regime of the day....You have to remember there were many criminals and homosexuals in Dachau. Do we want a memorial to such people? (Harold Maruse, Dachau, 151). With this quote, the mayor implies that the memorial will only be dedicated to those he deems worthy of representation. Likewise, the White House officials orchestrating the American Holocaust Museum also debated a similar notion regarding the inclusion of ethic victim groups other than the Jews. However, Wiesel and other Holocaust survivors believed that commemorating non Jews was an ...obscene incursion into the boundaries of Holocaust memory by those whose country men had persecuted survivors (Edward T. Linenthal, Preserving Memory, 53). For this reason, and in order to avoid the generation of false memories, these groups ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Essay on The Double Helix The Double Helix The discovery of the structure by Crick and Watson, with all its biological implications, has been one of the major scientific events of this century. (Bragg, The Double Helix, p1) In the story of The Double Helix, James Watson tells of the road that led to the discovery of life s basic building block DNA. This autobiography gives insight into science and the workings within a professional research laboratory that few members of society will ever be able to experience. It also gives the reader an idea of the reality of life for one scientist and how he struggled with the problem of DNA. However, the author s style is marked by his lack of objectivity and inclusion of many biased opinions and personal ... Show more content on ... Two people not in the Cavendish lab, but equally as involved in the discovery of the structure of DNA were Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin, from King s College in London. While writing about many of the afore mentioned individuals Watson emitted a constant attitude of indifference and his actions toward Rosalind Franklin equally reflected that indifference. The following excerpt is Watson s initial description of Rosalind, or Rosy as she was refered to when not within earshot. I suspect that in the beginning Maurice hoped that Rosy would calm down. Yet mere inspection suggested that she would not easily bend. By choice she did not emphasize her feminine qualities. Though her features were strong, she was not unattractive and might have been quite stunning had she taken even a mild interest in clothes. This she did not. There was never lipstick to contrast her straight black hair, while at the age of thirty one her dresses showed all the imagination of English blue stocking adolescents. So it was quite easy to see her the product of an unsatisfied mother who unduly stressed
  • 36. the desirability of professional careers that could save bright girls from marriages to dull men. But this was not the case. Her dedicated, austere life could not be thus explained she was the daughter of a solidly comfortable, erudite ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Our Iceberg Is Melting, By John Kotter Once upon a time a colony of penguins was living in the frozen Antarctic on an iceberg near what we call today Cape Washington. From the first sentence of John Kotter s bestselling book, Our Iceberg Is Melting, it is difficult to tell that one is about to read a great fable about how to manage change in business as well as everyday life. ! The following summary will explain the key moments of the fable and how they relate to our lives. First, let s introduce some of the more important penguins the Leadership Council members. Louis, the head of the Leadership Council, could perhaps be considered the CEO of the penguin colony. Alice is a smart, aggressive member of the council, and is Fred s loyal confidant. Buddy is a young penguin council member who may not be the brightest bulb in the box, but brings an element of trust among the council members. Fred is the most curious of all of the penguins; although he was an unknown penguin in the beginning, he ultimately plays a very important role in the change process. Jordan, also known as the Professor, was the brains of the council; he could perhaps be considered the researcher of the group. Although the penguins start out simply as individuals, in the end, they are a well working team capable of effectively managing change. Fred, a quite curious penguin, studies the wonderful iceberg that the penguins consider home. He comes across a problem which suggests that their beloved iceberg may be in danger of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Masculinity In Bhagavad Gita In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna is transforming Arjuna masculinity through persuading him to follow his dharmic duty, discovering the true meaning of his actions for the killing and displaying his divine supreme being. According to Arjuna, the war was pointless; due to his false dharmic belief, which is killing his family is not what a man does. Krishna confronts Arjuna by explaining his pure dharmic duty; a wise man is untouched by the misperception of ideas and is united merely to do the right thing without considering the consequences. Meaning a masculine character follows his dharmic duty without thinking about the odds, this in a way penetrates Arjuna masculinity because it means that he is not a man and is weak By saying this Krishna is not only showing Arjuna the path of dharma but is also shaping his masculinity. ... Show more content on ... Krishna says He who thinks that the Spirit kills, and he who thinks of it as killed, are both ignorant. The Spirit kills not, nor is it killed (Shri Purohit Swami, pg. 5). Meaning one s atman is neither killed nor can it kill, a body dies simply to move on to another body. Krishna also gave an example to explain his point; a man discards old, worn out clothes just to put on new ones. So by killing his family members, he is freeing them, and some can even go to heaven. By pointing this out, Krishna eliminates any thoughts in Arjuna s mind about him killing his family. This builds up Arjuna s masculinity because how he is more prepared to go forth and ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Informative Speech On Fast Fashion Did any of you know that in 2013, the garment factory called Rana Plaza and Bangladesh Collapsed? New York Times reports that this event killing nearly 1100 people, because the building was unstable in their giant cracks in the foundation and walls. The suppliers still want the workers to continue on their jobs, although they already knew the warning, just because of the large demand for getting the clothes made. This horrible event related to fast fashion because it reveals occupational health and safety (Yardley). II. Over the past few years, fast fashion has been an extremely hot segment and source to help some clothing companies increasing on their economic growth. Fast fashion tends to be lower quality clothes, produced as cheaply, efficiently, quickly, and relatively low tech production system as possible. Move production to areas where production costs are relatively low. Big brand design, friendly price, fast update. Some brands can clarify fast fashion are H M, GAP, Forever 21, and Zara. III. Today, I m going to persuade my audience that we should reduce clothing consumption. IV. Reduce clothing consumption will be beneficial on environment and labor improvements. Transition: Now that let s discuss how the fast fashion impacts and how it can be solved. Body NEED I. Fast fashion brings outsize harmful environmental effects and unjust labor rights. More waste is produced and accumulated as we purchase more clothes. 1. According to Elizabeth Cline with the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Cultural Values In The Odyssey Thousands of peoples of thousands of cultures exist today. Each existing culture possesses customs valuable to its people. One method of discovering the importance of certain customs to cultures is to examine their literature. For example, Homer conveys many significant Greek customs throughout the novel, The Odyssey. In his novel, he explains the importance of hospitality to the Greeks through the actions of Circe, the goddess, when she takes care of Odysseus s men, and Maron when he provides a gift of gratitude to Odysseus. A need for order and justification also exemplifies another important custom of the Greeks.Author Homer utilizes examples of Odysseus s murdering of the suitors who take over his home and Poseidon s punishment to Odysseus for hurting his son to convey the importance of the importance of justice to the Greeks . Homer explains this importance through a cause and effect punishment system from disobeying the gods orders. Piety models another cultural value of the Greeks through Homer s book, which he explains through details of Odysseus sacrifices, man s prayers to the gods, and mans humility to the gods power. Through the hospitality of Circe and Polyphemus, the need for order and justification in obeying the gods, and piety for the gods orders, Homer reflects important customs to the Greeks in The Odyssey. To commence, Homer conveys the importance of Greek hospitality through a goddess, Circe, and a giant Cyclops, Polyphemus. Looking at Circe s ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Exegetical Paper On The Abrahamic Covenant Covenants or divine promises are made between individuals, groups, or nations that have binding power. It is Jewish belief that God established a special covenant with the people of Israel in which he would bless them above other peoples of the earth for which they were required to strictly obey his law. The Abrahamic covenant is an unconditional covenant which was made between Abraham and God, and ultimately God and Abraham s descendants. The Abrahamic Covenant is paramount to a proper understanding of the kingdom concept and is foundational to Old Testament theology. There are many elements that include promise of land, descendants, blessing, redemption, and a Messiah. This covenant is thought to be a very critical part of the Judaic religion and also very critical to all the things they believe in. Judaism has its earliest genesis in the story of Abraham and Sarah in the book of Genesis in the bible. Abraham was the first man to follow a monotheistic religion, meaning that he believed in only one God. God reveals himself to Abraham saying: Go forth from your native land and from your father s house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you (Genesis 12:1 2). This was God s first ... Show more content on ... In Judaism, the messiah is a person who will be the Jews leader when they attain their goal of universal peace on earth. The word Messiah is an English version of the Hebrew word Mashiach , describing a future anointed person to come. There are many passages in the Hebrew Bible that speak of a descendant of King David who will rule Israel during the age of perfection.The Abrahamic Covenant finds its ultimate fulfillment in connection with the return of Messiah. It is through Israel that God promised in Genesis 12:1 3 to bless the nations of the world. That ultimate blessing will issue in the forgiveness of sins and Messiah s reign on ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Impact Of Mahatma Gandhi On India s Freedom Movement Mahatma Gandhi was a civil rights leader and the leader of India s independence movement that inspired many generations even after he passed. In India, he is known as the father of the country. His bold and courageous effort played a major role in India s freedom fight against Great Britain. Gandhi became the inspiration for many young people in India and his clever method of nonviolent civil disobedience became a major weapon in their freedom struggle. Mohandas Gandhi, also known as Mahatma, led India s independence movement in the 1930s and 40s. He always spoke very soft and taught the lessons of truth, Non violence, and peace. He defeated the British colonists through his non violent protests and stirring speeches. Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals such as social change through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, satyagraha, or other methods while being nonviolent . The non violent protest led by Gandhi was used to communicate the current issues in the country and his disagreements with the British government in managing these issues. People from all over the world including great leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Barak Obama and much more are inspired by Gandhi s belief in non violence. This is, in essence, the principle of nonviolent cooperation. It follows therefore that it must have its root in love. Its object should not be to punish the opponent ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Importance Of Communication In International Business IMPORTANCE OF CROSS CULTURE COMMUNICATION IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Cross culture communication is defined as the interaction between the team members who are coming from the different countries or groups. All the team member is shared their own knowledge and ideas to present their work in the way that other people can easily understand. In international business, we have to communicate with the foreign people and we have to communicate the other party with their own language to expand our business. It is important to know the intercultural communication in business because to create an effectiveness between people from the diverse culture within a business, to avoid misunderstanding and to improve the efficiency of the manpower and raise the productivity. There are three main points that I am going to illustrate in this essay which is the importance of language, religion, and social habits. The first and most important topic is language in international business. Language plays a huge role in cross culture communication. It is one of the huge problems in today s market which company faces on the path of internationalism in the different natural language. For instance, as per the Ethnologue website, the Chinese language is one of the most popular languages around the world. Over one billion people are speaking Chinese all around the world. However English is at third as per the chart. The difference in the language between workforce and marketing companies creates a huge ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Meditation On Meditation Title: Meditation Apps to Beat Daily Stress and Rejuvenate Yourself Meta Description: Meditation apps help you overcome your daily stress without succumbing to it by offering various tools for beginners to experts, assisting in the meditation process. In today s time and space, stress is a killer, both literally and figuratively. A number of people feel the impact of stress no matter whether they are young or old. With the strain of various day to day responsibilities of modern day living, almost everyone feels the cold, dark shadow of stress wreaking havoc with their mental peace. There are ways around this ubiquitous villain of sorts. The usual measures of exercising, music, yoga, meditation, etc. are always successful in giving you a measure of control over stress. Among the various methods, meditation is probably the most effective solution to calm and soothe your mind. A simple body mind routine developed and practiced for thousands of years, meditation is a single most powerful way to attain complete relaxation. In fact, many people have reaped immense benefits in their personal and professional life just by following a regular meditative routine. However, nowhere is the impact of meditation more obvious than in conquering your daily stress and relieving your mind to be at ... Show more content on ... The app has recorded Tibetan bells of highest quality that ring out in its entirety instead of simply cutting off after some seconds. The sounds offer a serene calmness to the mind. The complete energy, feel and design provide an unassuming and soothing sense. Other attractive features such as an intuitive interface and the presence of a community to meditate along with other around the world make this app unique. You can set the timer according to your need and track your progress. Guided meditations are also provided along with different community groups that you can ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The Impact Of Digital Technology On Our Society As part of a generation whose oldest members were born when CD players were all the rage, and whose youngest members consider anything older than the iPhone 6 to be outdated, I won t deny that we ve grown up in a time of rapid change. We live in a world that would be unrecognizable to those who came before us, and will likely be unrecognizable to us, by the time we die. In this world, the only constant is change, and it stands to reason that when changing our world, we inevitably end up changing ourselves. Digital technology happens to be one of the most rapidly changing aspects of our culture. In fact, the changes we ve made in technology have been so staggering that for a while, we had overlooked the ways that technology had been changing us. Advancements in technology have revolutionized the way we work, learn, play, and communicate with one another. At first, it may seem as though changes in digital technology have had mainly positive effects on our society, and to a certain extent, that has rung true. However, when researchers noticed that young people were spending an extraordinary time on devices, such as computers and smart phones, they began to question what affect overuse of digital media could have certain aspects of a person s life. Eventually, it came to the attention of researchers that some people, especially teenagers and young adults, had become more depressed and seemingly introverted as digital technology and more specifically, social media, ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Boo Radley Lessons To kill A Mockingbird, the title itself is a literal sense, a mockingbird is one of the few birds that does not bring harm or foul to any creature or crop but is a good natured creature. Harper Lee introduces many lessons throughout the book and goes deep in the children s minds during the time period they live in. The south in the 1930s is of course very racially driven, Harper Lee explores what it is like as a child to grow up and through their innocent minds, the book explores their thoughts and feelings. As for children, adults are represented and their attitude towards race and status which truly creates a sophisticated piece of literature in thee end. In the beginning we learn the Atticus has a daughter named scout. It is quickly learned ... Show more content on ... Atticus said Jem bleakly.He turned in the doorway. What, son? How could they do it, how could they? I don t know, but they did it. They ve done it before and they did it tonight and they ll do it again and when they do it seems that only children weep. Good night (22.14 17). The children are obviously in distress about the fate of Tom who eventually is shot 17 times all for being of a different color in the south. The children are now developing their own point of view and they are starting to realize the world is not at all as carefree as they have originally thought it to be. They begin to understand the the world they live in is very racially divided, and not everyone is ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Personal Narrative Mexico During the summer my family and me went on vacation to mexico to see my grandma at her house it took us 2 days to get to her town is mexico when we got there is was 11 at night my uncle opened the garage door to let us in when we got off the car my grandma opened the door to let us in her house she gave everyone a hug the her and my mom started to cook food for everyone. After everyone got their suitcases out of the car and took them to there room my mom and dad slept in one room, my sister and her daughter slept in another room and my nephew and me slept in the living room. The next day my dad showed me around the town he grew up in where his other family members who lived there, and his aunt who owns a store on the corner of the street. When ... Get more on ...