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👋 I'm Victor Rentea 🇷🇴 Java Champion, PhD(CS)
18 years of coding
10 years of training & consul2ng at 130+ companies on:
❤ Refactoring, Architecture, Unit Tes4ng
🛠 Java: Spring, Hibernate, Performance, ReacIve
Lead of European So8ware Cra8ers (7K developers)
Join for free monthly online meeIngs from 1700 CET
Life += 👰 + 👧 + 🙇 + 🐈 @victorrentea
past events
Legacy Monolith?
What's faster to build from scratch?
One Monolith or 3 Microservices
... to release in 6-12 months?
What's faster to build from scratch?
One Monolith or 3 Microservices
... to release in 6-12 months?
Big Ball of Mud
(BBoM Pattern)
= a sprawling, sloppy,
spaghetti-code jungle,
showing signs of unregulated growth,
and repeated expedient repair.
In desperate need of refactoring, but lacking tests.
☢ nano-services
Autonomy of microservices
outweighs their overhead
Development Velocity
☢ BBoM
Monolith My system will be complex,
so, let's start with microservices!
(Next-Ne)lix Syndrome)
Project Age
Early Late
produc3vity drops due to
high complexity & coupling
1-2 years or ≥ 7 dev
You should NOT start a new project with microservices,
even if you're sure your application will be big enough
to make it worthwhile. - Martin Fowler
principal microservice evangelist
h5ps:// (2015)
Instead: start simple (KISS) and
address the system's natural bottlenecks as they occur
( bugs, delays, dev pain )
😔 😔 😔
Meanwhile: "If we don't start with microservices, THEY (the bosses) won't
give us the .me we need to break it into microservices later" = WASTE
Architecture is
the art of deferring decisions
Pain-Driven Architecture
Protect core logic vs ugly API call with an Adapter
Split Complexity by Layers of Abstraction (ie. Facade)
Isolate Persistence if Shared/Legacy storage
Grow a Rich Model in Complex Domains
Refactor to Modulith when team grows
Use Events for cleaner 1:N Decoupling
Go to Microservices to meet NFRs
Monolith to Microservices
1) Big-Bang Rewrite of a 12y-old, 3M LOC codebase
- Re-gather all requirements and start from scratch
- Any changes to the old system you (a) reject, (b) delay, or (b) cost x2 (old+new)
- 20-30% success rate & likely to turn into a Distributed Monolith
2) Strangler-Fig Pa4ern (outside-in) ✅
- Rewrite decoupled parts as microservices behind a proxy protecIng clients
3) Refactor to Modules > Extract (inside-out) ✅
- Progressively decouple logic and data in the monolithic codebase
From a BBoM to Microservices
Refactor to Modules
Can prove the best
in some domains
Development Velocity
Project Age
Early Late
Easy to extract
a microservice
Can we have the best of both?
Deployment architecture of a Monolith
Logical decoupling of Microservices
+ Easy to extract a Microservice
Modul ith
ar Monol
Big Ball of Mud Microservices
XXL Database
Catalog DB
Orders DB
Payment DB
Goal of Modulith
independent teams managing decoupled modules
Example #1 (e-health)
each team {4-5 DEV+FE+PO+QA} owns ~4 modules
x 8 teams
+ 2 x FuncIonal Architects
+ 3 x Core Pladorm Team
total = 60 people
CI build ≤ 15 minutes (tuned)
1 prod deploy /week on 10 instances
Example #2 (pharmacy): 30 people
Example #3 (loan approval): 24 people
How to start?
Code Decoupling
Code Par))oning
top-level packages per...
* h$ps://
Code Partitioning
top-level packages per...
= a stand-alone logical applicaEon, having its own:
§business features (user value)
§private implementaIon: domain model + logic
§public API:
- internal, for other modules: via method calls or events
- external, for other systems: via REST, Rabbit, KaOa...
§private tables in database
§micro-frontend: screens & shared components (monorepo)
What is a Module?
Internal API
for other modules
External API
for other systems
not accessible
by other modules
<< plugin >>
§Publisher should NOT expect any effect ⚠
§Publisher is unaware of listeners (poten;ally mul;ple) J
§The order of listeners should not ma>er. If it does: chain a new event ⚠
§Events can carry state to avoid a call back to publisher 🤔
§All listeners run sequen1ally in the publisher's thread and transac;on (if any)
§Listeners can be @Async
§Events can be persisted if sent over KaJa/Rabbit..
- Spring-modulith @Applica3onModuleListener persist events in DB un3l processed
⚠ Events are harder to navigate than method calls è use only between modules
Events 101
Eventual Consistency
↙ Generated by spring-modulith
§ArchUnit @Test + ported to most languages
§Spring Modulith @Test
§Build Modules (Maven/Gradle)
Enforce Code Boundaries
@Test !// unit test running on CI
public void encapsulatedModules() {
var classes = new ClassFileImporter().importPackages("com.myapp");
var sliceRule = slices().matching("!..myapp.(*)!..*")
.ignoreDependency(resideInAnyPackage("!..shared!..", "!..api!.."));
sliceRule.check(classes); !// #1 fail on any deviation
List<String> violations = sliceRule.evaluate(classes)!!...;
assertThat(violations).hasSizeLessThan(33); !// #2 fitness function
void verifyModularity() { !// uses ArchUnit rules under the hood
⚠ Only a'er boundaries are clear AND the team is about to split
✅ Stronger separa2on
- Impossible to add excep:ons/@Disable to the ArchUnit @Tests 😏
- Impossible to have cycles è
- BeAer IDE sugges:ons (eg: imagine 2 classes named 'Product' in different modules)
✅ Selec2ve dependencies
- A module can decide to use jasperreports, use reactor, or refuse lombok
- ⚠ All modules share the SAME library VERSIONS in the final binary
✅ Par2al release
- Client customiza:ons: invoicing-nhs.jar
- Purchased features: payment-exports.jar
From Packages to Build Modules
Cyclic Dependencies
« module »
« module »
= Tight Coupling (they oEen change together)
⚠ Build fails if modules are separate build units (eg maven/gradle)
Pull OrchestraIon Up
Allow the call cycle,
just fix the code cycle
A-impl B-impl
A-api B-api
Extract API out
run5me calls
keep a coarse-grained API,
for a monolithic client/site
Strategical Dependencies between Modules
microservices: shared lib
microservices: events on queue
microservices: interdependent microservices + client.jar
microservices: api gateway/bff/saga microservices: shared lib/3rd service microservices: merge or break
Merge Modules
Tight Coupling
(eg dozens of links)
Dependency Inversion
B allows A to implement logic,
without depending on A
ç event
Publish Events (in-mem)
Push Shared Down
(code dep) implements è
Dependency Inversion
runtime call
Module A must react to changes in B
- StringUQls
- Logging/Audit
- Country list
Wrong boundaries.
Try others? 🤔
The 'Shared' Module
§If large => BBoM ☢
- Possible starIng point coming from BBoM
§Extract business logic
§Extract complex concerns: common-security, common-kaOa..
§Contain internal API of all modules: api.catalog|.inventory 🤔
- ✅ Pros: simple fix to cyclic dependencies
- ⚠ Cons: risk of coupling internal APIs (write an ArchUnit rule)
§Contain staEc reference data: Country, Region, DiagnosEc...
- Be'er than dozens of nano-modules
* the same applies for "Microservice"
Smaller! Nano!
Post-BBoM PTSD ?
How small should modules be?
or microservices
The Fallacy of Nano-Services
The microservices honeymoon is over.
Uber is refactoring thousands of microservices into a more manageable solution;
Kelsey Hightower is predicting monoliths are the future;
Sam Newman is declaring that microservices should never be the default choice,
but rather a last resort.
Monolith can be cheaper (Amazon) and faster (
Smaller pieces
=> more coupling
order product
place order
cancel order
Split by
Data Concept
(aka En*ty Service)
Bu$in€ss Capability / User Value
(aka Feature Service)
Data Decoupling
Modules should not
share tables
Allows to keep in sync:
Problem Domain ó Domain Model ó DB
or Microservices
Split Domain Models
class InventoryItem {
Product product;
Long productId;
String productName;
class Product {
Data Decoupling Levels
1. No IsolaGon (BBoM): everyone freely reads/writes any table
⚠ Data CorrupIon: a module could write valid data in a table, but later read bad data.
2. Write IsolaGon: one module writes into a table, but any other can read
🧠 Might require spliong a table (in separate schemas)
⚠ Frozen Table Structure: an ALTER TABLE can break the readers
3. Exclusive Access🤩💖: modules have private schemas
😏 Trick: except read-only VIEWS exposed for others to JOIN : INVENTORY.V_STOCK(id, items)
4. Consistency per Module - tables of two modules:
(a) do NOT share any Foreign Key, and
(b) are NOT updated in the same Transac4on
Defer unIl microservice
extrac4on is imminent
Strong Consistency
Eventual Consistency
(vs a tradiJonal Monolith)?
1. Complexity EncapsulaIon behind clear Module APIs
- Autonomy & Less cogniJve load per module
2. Smaller Domain Model gets specialized, thus more useful
- catalog.Product vs inventory.InventoryItem
3. Module owns its Persistence
- Easy to keep tables in sync with evolving Domain Model
What makes a Modulith maintainable
Modulith Challenges
Finding Boundaries 🔄
EncapsulaEng Code
Decoupling Data
Speed of Build & Test
§End-to-end tests are slow and fragile
- Prefer Module-scoped tests ✅ over fragile unit-tests ❌
§"Always ready to ship" using Feature Flags
- ⚠ Constantly remove unneeded flags
§Parallel Build 😎
§A Monorepo can build mulEple arEfacts:
- Modulith + Frontend + 2 Microservices 🤔
Unified Build
§Shared TransacIons
- An excepIon in a module you call/noIfy can roll back your transacIon
§Resource starvaIon
- Modules share thread/DB connec4on pool è Monitoring ⚠
- In-process or out- (DB, Redis)
§Single instance of DI container
- Global seongs, rogue aspects, bean name collision
§Unified OpenAPI
- Single version? Type name collisions?
DifficulFes of "Running Together"
Next Step?
Benefits of Microservices
They are cool
Benefits of Microservices
Benefits of Microservices
ü Faster Time-to-Market => 😁 Business
if independently deployable by autonomous teams
ü Lower CogniGve Load => 😁 Developers
if small & aligned with business
ü Scalability for the hot🔥 parts that require it
ü Availability: fault-tolerance to parBal failures
ü Technology Freedom vs language/library version
ü Security / Privacy (GDPR) / Compliance
Modulith also
provides these
Drawbacks of Microservices
§Complex to Develop & Deploy
§Network Latency & Reliability
§Asynchronous CommunicaGon (messages/events)
§Eventual Consistency
§Hard to Monitor, Trace & Debug
$M1 premium
§Separate persistence
- No cross-schema SELECT. 🤔 Think...
- Drop all Foreign Keys to ó from other modules' schemas 🤔
- Stop sharing transac4ons with other modules 🤔
§Separate threads
- Turn method calls into REST localhost:8080 calls 🤔 (+propagate TraceId!)
- Events: @Async, @ApplicaIonModuleListener, or via Rabbit, Kawa 🤔
§Separate build & deploy 🎉
- Extract module X internal API as a standalone library (x-api.jar)
- Then separate Git repo 🤔
Steps to Extract a Module as a Microservice
if a step makes
business panic
undo, and rethink
§The safest & cheapest way to split a Monolith
- To experiment with boundaries & gradually enforce them
§A valid alternaEve to Microservices
- For complex domains with decent NFRs
Modular Monolith
Are you sure you need
Think again!
I was Victor Rentea,
trainer & coach for experienced teams.
Git: h'ps://
Branch: devoxx-uk-24
Meet me online at:

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Modular Monolith - a Practical Alternative to Microservices @ Devoxx UK 2024

  • 2. 👋 I'm Victor Rentea 🇷🇴 Java Champion, PhD(CS) 18 years of coding 10 years of training & consul2ng at 130+ companies on: ❤ Refactoring, Architecture, Unit Tes4ng 🛠 Java: Spring, Hibernate, Performance, ReacIve Lead of European So8ware Cra8ers (7K developers) Join for free monthly online meeIngs from 1700 CET Channel: Life += 👰 + 👧 + 🙇 + 🐈 @victorrentea 🇷🇴 past events
  • 4. 4 What's faster to build from scratch? One Monolith or 3 Microservices ... to release in 6-12 months?
  • 5. 5 What's faster to build from scratch? One Monolith or 3 Microservices ... to release in 6-12 months?
  • 6. 6 Big Ball of Mud (BBoM Pattern) = a sprawling, sloppy, duct-tape, spaghetti-code jungle, showing signs of unregulated growth, and repeated expedient repair. In desperate need of refactoring, but lacking tests.
  • 7. 7 ☢ nano-services Velocity ⏩ FAST 🐌 SLOW Microservices Autonomy of microservices outweighs their overhead Development Velocity ☢ BBoM Monolith My system will be complex, so, let's start with microservices! (Next-Ne)lix Syndrome) Project Age Early Late produc3vity drops due to high complexity & coupling 1-2 years or ≥ 7 dev
  • 8. 8 You should NOT start a new project with microservices, even if you're sure your application will be big enough to make it worthwhile. - Martin Fowler principal microservice evangelist h5ps:// (2015) Instead: start simple (KISS) and address the system's natural bottlenecks as they occur ( bugs, delays, dev pain ) 😔 😔 😔 Meanwhile: "If we don't start with microservices, THEY (the bosses) won't give us the .me we need to break it into microservices later" = WASTE
  • 9. 9 Architecture is the art of deferring decisions
  • 10. 10 Pain-Driven Architecture Protect core logic vs ugly API call with an Adapter Split Complexity by Layers of Abstraction (ie. Facade) Isolate Persistence if Shared/Legacy storage Grow a Rich Model in Complex Domains Refactor to Modulith when team grows Use Events for cleaner 1:N Decoupling Go to Microservices to meet NFRs
  • 12. 12 1) Big-Bang Rewrite of a 12y-old, 3M LOC codebase - Re-gather all requirements and start from scratch - Any changes to the old system you (a) reject, (b) delay, or (b) cost x2 (old+new) - 20-30% success rate & likely to turn into a Distributed Monolith 2) Strangler-Fig Pa4ern (outside-in) ✅ - Rewrite decoupled parts as microservices behind a proxy protecIng clients 3) Refactor to Modules > Extract (inside-out) ✅ - Progressively decouple logic and data in the monolithic codebase From a BBoM to Microservices
  • 13. 13 Refactor to Modules Modulith Can prove the best in some domains Velocity ⏩ FAST 🐌 SLOW Microservices Development Velocity Monolith Project Age Early Late Easy to extract a microservice
  • 14. 14 Can we have the best of both? Deployment architecture of a Monolith Logical decoupling of Microservices + Easy to extract a Microservice
  • 17. 17 Big Ball of Mud Microservices XXL Database eShop Application Catalog Microservice Catalog DB Orders Microservice Orders DB REST REST/MQ Payment Microservice Payment DB
  • 19. 19 Goal of Modulith independent teams managing decoupled modules Example #1 (e-health) each team {4-5 DEV+FE+PO+QA} owns ~4 modules x 8 teams + 2 x FuncIonal Architects + 3 x Core Pladorm Team total = 60 people CI build ≤ 15 minutes (tuned) 1 prod deploy /week on 10 instances Example #2 (pharmacy): 30 people Example #3 (loan approval): 24 people
  • 24. 24 = a stand-alone logical applicaEon, having its own: §business features (user value) §private implementaIon: domain model + logic §public API: - internal, for other modules: via method calls or events - external, for other systems: via REST, Rabbit, KaOa... §private tables in database §micro-frontend: screens & shared components (monorepo) What is a Module?
  • 25. 25 Internal API for other modules External API for other systems MQ RPC implementa4on not accessible by other modules Events publish << plugin >> B listen Methods Interface
  • 26. 26 §Publisher should NOT expect any effect ⚠ §Publisher is unaware of listeners (poten;ally mul;ple) J §The order of listeners should not ma>er. If it does: chain a new event ⚠ §Events can carry state to avoid a call back to publisher 🤔 §All listeners run sequen1ally in the publisher's thread and transac;on (if any) §Listeners can be @Async §Events can be persisted if sent over KaJa/Rabbit.. - Spring-modulith @Applica3onModuleListener persist events in DB un3l processed ⚠ Events are harder to navigate than method calls è use only between modules Events 101 Eventual Consistency
  • 28. 28 ↙ Generated by spring-modulith h5ps://
  • 29. 29 §ArchUnit @Test + ported to most languages §Spring Modulith @Test §Build Modules (Maven/Gradle) Enforce Code Boundaries @Test !// unit test running on CI public void encapsulatedModules() { var classes = new ClassFileImporter().importPackages("com.myapp"); var sliceRule = slices().matching("!..myapp.(*)!..*") .should().notDependOnEachOther() .ignoreDependency(resideInAnyPackage("!..shared!..", "!..api!..")); sliceRule.check(classes); !// #1 fail on any deviation List<String> violations = sliceRule.evaluate(classes)!!...; assertThat(violations).hasSizeLessThan(33); !// #2 fitness function } @Test void verifyModularity() { !// uses ArchUnit rules under the hood ApplicationModules.of(ModulithApp.class).verify(); }
  • 30. 30 ⚠ Only a'er boundaries are clear AND the team is about to split ✅ Stronger separa2on - Impossible to add excep:ons/@Disable to the ArchUnit @Tests 😏 - Impossible to have cycles è - BeAer IDE sugges:ons (eg: imagine 2 classes named 'Product' in different modules) ✅ Selec2ve dependencies - A module can decide to use jasperreports, use reactor, or refuse lombok - ⚠ All modules share the SAME library VERSIONS in the final binary ✅ Par2al release - Client customiza:ons: invoicing-nhs.jar - Purchased features: payment-exports.jar From Packages to Build Modules (Maven/Gradle)
  • 31. 31 Cyclic Dependencies « module » A « module » B = Tight Coupling (they oEen change together) ⚠ Build fails if modules are separate build units (eg maven/gradle) use use
  • 32. 32 ? ? A B O orchestrator "facade" Pull OrchestraIon Up ? ? ? ? Allow the call cycle, just fix the code cycle shared A-impl B-impl A-api B-api Extract API out run5me calls keep a coarse-grained API, for a monolithic client/site Strategical Dependencies between Modules microservices: shared lib microservices: events on queue microservices: interdependent microservices + client.jar microservices: api gateway/bff/saga microservices: shared lib/3rd service microservices: merge or break ❤ AB Merge Modules Tight Coupling (eg dozens of links) Dependency Inversion B allows A to implement logic, without depending on A A B ç event call Publish Events (in-mem) ⭐Decoupled A B S Push Shared Down A B (code dep) implements è call Dependency Inversion ⭐Decoupled AProviderImpl runtime call «interface» AProvider Module A must react to changes in B "shared" Module: - StringUQls - Logging/Audit - Country list Wrong boundaries. Try others? 🤔
  • 33. 33 The 'Shared' Module §If large => BBoM ☢ - Possible starIng point coming from BBoM §Extract business logic §Extract complex concerns: common-security, common-kaOa.. §Contain internal API of all modules: api.catalog|.inventory 🤔 - ✅ Pros: simple fix to cyclic dependencies - ⚠ Cons: risk of coupling internal APIs (write an ArchUnit rule) §Contain staEc reference data: Country, Region, DiagnosEc... - Be'er than dozens of nano-modules
  • 34. 34 * the same applies for "Microservice" Smaller! Nano! Post-BBoM PTSD ? How small should modules be? or microservices
  • 35. 35 The Fallacy of Nano-Services The microservices honeymoon is over. Uber is refactoring thousands of microservices into a more manageable solution; Kelsey Hightower is predicting monoliths are the future; Sam Newman is declaring that microservices should never be the default choice, but rather a last resort. Monolith can be cheaper (Amazon) and faster ( Smaller pieces => more coupling
  • 36. 36 order product fulfillment place order cancel order return catalog search filter display compare stock inventory stock warehouse supply-chain hEps:// Scales Be'er Split by Data Concept (aka En*ty Service) Bu$in€ss Capability / User Value (aka Feature Service)
  • 38. 38 Modules should not share tables Allows to keep in sync: Problem Domain ó Domain Model ó DB or Microservices
  • 39. inventory catalog Split Domain Models class InventoryItem { Product product; Long productId; String productName; ... } class Product { id name ... }
  • 40. 40 Data Decoupling Levels 1. No IsolaGon (BBoM): everyone freely reads/writes any table ⚠ Data CorrupIon: a module could write valid data in a table, but later read bad data. 2. Write IsolaGon: one module writes into a table, but any other can read 🧠 Might require spliong a table (in separate schemas) INVENTORY.ITEMS vs CATALOG.PRODUCTS, CATALOG.PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTES ⚠ Frozen Table Structure: an ALTER TABLE can break the readers 3. Exclusive Access🤩💖: modules have private schemas 😏 Trick: except read-only VIEWS exposed for others to JOIN : INVENTORY.V_STOCK(id, items) 4. Consistency per Module - tables of two modules: (a) do NOT share any Foreign Key, and (b) are NOT updated in the same Transac4on Defer unIl microservice extrac4on is imminent Strong Consistency Eventual Consistency
  • 41. 41 (vs a tradiJonal Monolith)? 1. Complexity EncapsulaIon behind clear Module APIs - Autonomy & Less cogniJve load per module 2. Smaller Domain Model gets specialized, thus more useful - catalog.Product vs inventory.InventoryItem 3. Module owns its Persistence - Easy to keep tables in sync with evolving Domain Model What makes a Modulith maintainable
  • 42. 42 Modulith Challenges Finding Boundaries 🔄 EncapsulaEng Code Decoupling Data Speed of Build & Test OperaEon
  • 43. 45 §End-to-end tests are slow and fragile - Prefer Module-scoped tests ✅ over fragile unit-tests ❌ §"Always ready to ship" using Feature Flags - ⚠ Constantly remove unneeded flags §Parallel Build 😎 §A Monorepo can build mulEple arEfacts: - Modulith + Frontend + 2 Microservices 🤔 Unified Build
  • 44. 46 §Shared TransacIons - An excepIon in a module you call/noIfy can roll back your transacIon §Resource starvaIon - Modules share thread/DB connec4on pool è Monitoring ⚠ §Deadlocks - In-process or out- (DB, Redis) §Single instance of DI container - Global seongs, rogue aspects, bean name collision §Unified OpenAPI - Single version? Type name collisions? DifficulFes of "Running Together"
  • 47. 49 They are cool 😎 Benefits of Microservices
  • 48. 50 Benefits of Microservices ü Faster Time-to-Market => 😁 Business if independently deployable by autonomous teams ü Lower CogniGve Load => 😁 Developers if small & aligned with business ü Scalability for the hot🔥 parts that require it ü Availability: fault-tolerance to parBal failures ü Technology Freedom vs language/library version ü Security / Privacy (GDPR) / Compliance Modulith also provides these
  • 49. 51 Drawbacks of Microservices §Complex to Develop & Deploy §Network Latency & Reliability §Asynchronous CommunicaGon (messages/events) §Eventual Consistency §Hard to Monitor, Trace & Debug $M1 premium
  • 50. 52 §Separate persistence - No cross-schema SELECT. 🤔 Think... - Drop all Foreign Keys to ó from other modules' schemas 🤔 - Stop sharing transac4ons with other modules 🤔 §Separate threads - Turn method calls into REST localhost:8080 calls 🤔 (+propagate TraceId!) - Events: @Async, @ApplicaIonModuleListener, or via Rabbit, Kawa 🤔 §Separate build & deploy 🎉 - Extract module X internal API as a standalone library (x-api.jar) - Then separate Git repo 🤔 Steps to Extract a Module as a Microservice POSTPONE UNTIL EXTRACTING A MICROSERVICE IS PLANNED IN NEAR-FUTURE if a step makes business panic STOP undo, and rethink extracQon
  • 51. 54 §The safest & cheapest way to split a Monolith - To experiment with boundaries & gradually enforce them §A valid alternaEve to Microservices - For complex domains with decent NFRs Modular Monolith is
  • 52. 55 Are you sure you need Microservices? Think again!
  • 53. I was Victor Rentea, trainer & coach for experienced teams. Git: h'ps:// Branch: devoxx-uk-24 Meet me online at: