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Mobile Phone Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of mobile phones presents a unique set of challenges. Firstly, the
ubiquitous nature of mobile phones makes it a broad and multifaceted topic, requiring careful
consideration of the specific aspects to be covered. Striking the right balance between technical
details, societal impacts, and personal perspectives can be challenging, as each of these elements
adds complexity to the narrative.
Moreover, the rapid evolution of mobile phone technology demands a thorough understanding of
current trends and innovations. Staying abreast of the latest developments is crucial to provide
readers with up-to-date information and insights. Balancing the historical context with
contemporary issues also adds a layer of intricacy to the essay, necessitating a nuanced approach
to ensure a comprehensive and insightful discussion.
Navigating through the vast amount of information available on this subject is another obstacle.
It requires sifting through research papers, news articles, and expert opinions to extract relevant
and credible information. Properly citing sources and maintaining a coherent flow of ideas
further contribute to the overall complexity.
Additionally, addressing the diverse perspectives on mobile phones, such as their impact on
communication, privacy concerns, and their role in daily life, requires a delicate touch.
Acknowledging the potential positive and negative aspects while presenting a well-argued and
balanced viewpoint is crucial to creating a compelling essay.
In conclusion, writing an essay on mobile phones demands a thorough understanding of the
technological landscape, a nuanced approach to societal implications, and effective
communication skills. It requires the ability to synthesize information, critically analyze various
perspectives, and present a cohesive and engaging narrative.
For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic tasks, platforms like offer professional writing services. These services can provide tailored essays
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Mobile Phone Essay Mobile Phone Essay
Ralph Waldo Emerson s Definition Of Success
S for Success
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have
succeeded (____) . This quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson captures his paradigm of
success. People strive to achieve success and create goals to obtain it; however, a
single minded interpretation of success leads to missing out on opportunities. The
presence of challenges provides the opportunity for success and success comes with
the determination to overcome the challenges.
Early in the fifteenth century, the word success first appeared. Developing from
Latin word successus , it was first defined as the fortune (good or bad) befalling
anyone in a particular situation . In the mid 1600 s, the definition of success a
prosperous achievement of something attempted was altered and fits the current use
of the word. Appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1978, the latest entry of
the definition of success is defined as an instance of an achievement ( Success ). The
broadness of the term achievement ... Show more content on ...
Jordan, known for his impressive basketball career, explains that success does not
come without failure. As a sophomore in high school, Jordan was cut from the
varsity basketball team and his disappointment drove him to working tirelessly to
become a better player. His relentless drive caused him to break numerous collegiate
records and become one of the most decorated athletes in history ( Michael Jordan
Biography ). His athletic career, from being cut from his varsity team to becoming
one of the greatest basketball players, demonstrates the importance of learning from
personal failures and creating success out of these
Jill Browne Essay
Jill Conner Browne and St Patrick s Day Parade
Jill Conner Browne was born in Tupelo, Mississippi in 1952; however, she Ms.
Browne spent her childhood in Jackson, Mississippi. She has a sister named Judy.
Ms. Browne is a mother of one child whose name is Bailey.
In 1982, after the death of her father and a divorce from her husband, Ms. Browne
felt a void in her life. She looked for something to make her whole and happy, and
she met a man named Malcom White. He was putting on the very first St. Patrick
Day s Parade. Browne said, It s not like there s a whole bunch of Irish people here;
I happen to be one, but purely coincidental. I think it was more of an excuse to
drink and drive. Ms. Browne said that one of her many talents were to smile and
wave. Browne said, Daddy told us that there s not many things in life you really and
truly cannot change, but when you do encounter one, you got to figure out either how
to make fun out of it or make fun of it.
Having a friend whose father had a sweet potato farm in Vardaman, Mississippi,
Ms. Browne told her friend she was going to enter the St. Patrick Day s Parade as
the Sweet Potato Queen not knowing that her friend was also entering the parade as a
Sweet Potato Queen, therefore they were called the Sweet Potato Queens. They wore
outfits from the Goodwill cast offs. Ms. Browne wore her sister s 1964 prom dress,
and a tiny tiara she purchased from Hancock Fabrics.
Ms. Browne and her friend rode on the back of a
The Problem of Media and Violence
Violence has become a serious problem in America. From Sandy Hook Elementary to
the Aurora Colorado shootings, terrorism has crept deeper into the culture. From
1982 1992 there were eight incidences of terrorism. From 2002 2012 there have been
seventeen (Geigner). The growth at which these events are spreading is exponential.
Modern terrorismdid not begin until approximately the 1950s when it changed from
guerrilla tactics used by a nation to the to the type common today, non state
terrorism. These assailants fight for no flag, have no rules, and will do whatever they
feel like at any given moment (Zalman). The violencethese radicals produce is
cataclysmic. However, instead of being distressed by this violence, citizens latch
onto the offenders. They give the assailant the fame and popularity that he or she
desires. For example, within hours of Boston Bombings, the faces of the two
assassins were broadcasted everywhere in the media, and rightly so. The police
needed the help of the public to find and capture these criminals. But constant media
coverage three weeks after the event was unnecessary. Many say that sensationalist
media, not gun control is the reason for attacks of violence. Those who terrorize the
nation are held up almost as heroes. Their names are plastered on every news station
around the world. Assailants will always find ways to kill even with the extreme
control of guns. But, without the publicity and the fame, psychopaths would not need
to kill innocent
The Pros And Cons Of Zero-Tolerance Policy
Zero Tolerance Policy is the leading cause of most disobedient students, the reason
why most students drop out of school and the cause of insubordination among
students. The Zero Tolerance Policy is a policy that, like the name states, has zero
tolerance for anything. Anything seen as a threat or anything that sends an
inappropriate message towards the community is considered bad and the student
could get arrested, suspended and/or expelled. The Zero Tolerance policy applies to
any student, regardless if a student has any health problems and falls to any student
between the ages of 4 18. It could also apply to a student who could have the lowest
amount of infractions possible. They say that removing students is necessary for
learning, but, in doing that, they hurt the student as well. Some places don t provide
alternative places for students to learn at, really taking away their education. If it
really ensures a safe and orderly environment for children, then there should be proof.
There is no actual proof that it makes students feel safer (Wahl, SchoolZero Tolerance
Policies Do Harm par. 1). It alienates the student and makes the student feel as if they
are the odd one out . Due to the injustices that this creates, the Zero Tolerance Policy
is ineffective, because it teaches students injustice, lowers students academic rates
and minor offences are punished.
Zero Tolerance doesn t make students feel safe. In fact, it makes them afraid. Thus, it
teaches them about the
Twilight Term Papers
R. D. Laing made the statement, Life is a sexually transmitted disease and the
mortality rate is one hundred percent. This becomes apparent in Stephenie Meyer s
bestselling series Twilight. Twilight is about a teenage girl, a vampire, and a
werewolf. Isabella Swan moved to a small town in the state of Washington and while
there she fell in love with some supernatural beings. What Laing is saying about the
mortality of humans is thrown out the window when vampires are involved, but the
mortality of humans is still a major plot point in these books. Edward Cullen, Jacob
Black, and Bella Swanare perceived as metaphors for the darker parts of mankind s
Even though he is one of the protagonists, Edward is a stalker. Herold explains, He
sneaks into Bella s bedroom at night to watch her sleep. He follows Bella; some
even state Edward actually stalks Bella. He has a difficult time controlling his
urge to drink her blood and to kill her (Herold). Edward s obsession for Isabella
Swan is being mistaken for overwhelming love. He wants their relationship to be
chaste until they are married because does not want her to get hurt. In Lev
Grossman s article he mentions that, It s never quite clear whether he wants to
sleep with Bella or rip her throat out (TIME). In the end he does have sex with her
and kills her. Edward does, however, refrain from acting on his desires until after
marriage. His impulses are seen as acceptable ones because he is a dominant
Social Norms In Society
We live in a society of expectations. These expectations subconsciously shape our
mannerisms on a day to day basis. Stemming from these controlled mannerisms are
social norms. Social norms are the traits that have come to be typical over time
because they have been shaped by our surroundings and our everyday interactions.
When a norm is broken, society reacts by entering into shock. In a social
experiment, I tested the reaction of society when I broke a social norm. For my
experiment, I violated a folkway. I went to get my hair cut at my normal salon.
This salon is an upscale, boutique blow dry bar and salon. There were many
women in there who were getting their hair done. I have been going to that salon
for years, and have come to know all of the employees and stylists. I had an
appointment with my regular stylist who has cut my hair ever since I was little. I
usually always go for a trim of about an inch and a blow dry after. This time, when
my stylist asked me what I wanted, I looked her in the eye and said, take it all off.
I was asking her to shave my head completely. The reaction of the people in the
salon was one of shock. My hairdresser at first, looked at me and laughed as if I was
joking. I then had to say, no really, take it all off. This is when she started to look
panicked. She then began to question me, are you sure that is what you want? Why
don t you give yourself some time to think about it? I reassured her that that was what
I really wanted,
Techniques Used by Law Enforcement Officers to Catch...
Law enforcement officers have used multiple techniques over the years to try to
catch criminals in the act. One such technique is the use of undercover officers,
who work in the field to gain information under a false persona. This tactic is often
used to catch child predators in online chat rooms. These men and women of the
law pose as young boys and girls in an effort to catch a predator before they can
harm another child. In the course of the transcript we were to read for class, the
officer posed as a 12 year old girl. To convince the predator jazzeman04 that he was
talking to a 12 year old girl the officer placed a deceptive picture on her profile. The
officer was also keen on the current chat lingo, and communicated in the same...
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This officer did a remarkable job in their attempt to catch this online predator. The
strategies of using common chat room jargon, leaving the conversation gap for a few
minutes at a time, and pretending to speak to her mother multiple times would lead
many to believe they are truly speaking to a young girl. Leaving the conversation
gap from time to time allows the officer to prove that the other individual was leading
the conversation, and wanted to speak to her .
The only thing I could see in this conversation that may appear as entrapment is when
the officer is asking if jazzeman04 is being serious on meeting her . These questions
could be seen in either light of the argument. Defense could argue that it is
entrapment, trying to make sure his client shows up at the sting. Prosecution could
argue that those kinds of questions would be normal for anyone young girl that wants
to meet her new friend.
I personally would stand with the prosecution on the matter because the officer in
no way had led the conversation up to this point. The officer also posing, as a
young girl that had been groomed to meeting the individual would want to make
sure that meeting was going to happen. In multiple places of the textbook, the
authors give the guidelines of what an office is and is not allowed to do during the
course of an
Bowel Cancer Issues
A current health issue which I encountered in my placement was bowel cancer. This
essay will provide an overview of the research process, explanation of the client and
their health issue and relate the care that the client received to two of the Nursing
Council of New Zealand s Competencies, within domain two (NCNZ, 2012b, p.14).
To locate my resources for this essay I used the EBSCOhost database and the
Nursing Reference Center, both of which were accessed through the WINTEC
website. From there I refined my search by full text articles and articles between
2012 and 2017. This created a narrower search window for my research. I entered
search words such as: bowel cancer , bowel cancer screening , bowel cancer
treatment and bowel cancer ... Show more content on ...
If the FIT comes back positive the client is then offered further diagnostic testing,
which is usually a colonoscopy (MOH, 2017). The FIT is particularly important for
the detection of colorectal cancer as 80% of patients with this test positive ( Fecal
occult blood tests , 2016). A colonoscopy involves a doctor inserting a flexible scope
into the anus, to visualise the interior walls of the rectum and colon ( Colonoscopy,
assisting , 2016). During the colonoscopy, the doctor is able to remove any polyps in
the colonic or rectal wall and/or take samples as required ( Colonoscopy, assisting ,
2016; MOH, 2017). Any samples that are taken are sent to the laboratory where a
diagnosis can be made, usually within a period of two weeks (Davis at al., 2016,
Boswell, Cannon and Miller (2013) describe holistic nursing care as care which
encompasses the whole person: the physical, spiritual, family and mental health
(p.303). In practice, I found it useful to integrate the Te Whare Tapa Wha health
model. Although this model was more specifically created for Maori clients I
discovered that it can be incorporated into the care for everyone. The Te Whare Tapa
Wha model involves caring for the whole patient, tending to all aspects of their
health; suggesting
Essay on Biography of St Thomas Becket
St Thomas Becket (December 21, 1118 December 29, 1170) was Archbishop of
Canterbury from 1162 to 1170. He engaged in a conflict with King Henry II over the
rights and privileges of the Church and was assassinated by followers of the king in
Canterbury Cathedral.
Life before his consecration
Thomas Becket (also known as Thomas Г Becket, although many people consider
this incorrect)[1] was born in London sometime between 1115 and 1120, though
most authorities agree that he was born December 21, 1118, at Cheapside, to
Gilbert of Thierceville, Normandy, and Rosea or Matilda of Caen. His parents were
of the upper middle class near Rouen, and Thomas never knew hardship as a child.
One of Thomas s father s rich friends, Richer de ... Show more content on ...
This created both a hardship and a resentment of Becket among the English
Churchmen. To further implicate Becket as a secular man, he became an
accomplished and extravagant courtier and a cheerful companion to the king s
pleasures. Young Thomas was devoted to his master s interests with such a firm and
yet diplomatic thoroughness that scarcely anyone, except perhaps John of Salisbury,
doubted his allegiance to English royalty.
King Henry even sent his son Henry, later the Young King , to live in Becket s
household, it being the custom then for noble children to be fostered out to other
noble houses. Later that would be one of the reasons his son would turn against him,
having formed an emotional attachment to Becket as a foster father. Henry the
Young King was reported to have said Becket showed him more fatherly love in a
day than his father did his entire life.
Archbishop Theobald died April 18, 1161, and the chapter learned with some
indignation that the king expected them to choose Thomas his successor. That
election took place in May, and Thomas was consecrated on June 3, 1162, in
accordance with the king s wishes.
Archbishop, 1162
At once there took place before the eyes of the astonished king and country an
unexpected transformation in the character of the new archbishop. Having previously
The Struggle in Shiloh by Bobbie Ann Mason Essay
Leroy and Norma Jean in the short story, Shiloh by Bobbie Ann Mason, are a
married couple, and they experience a series of events, which shapes them and
determines there future. The final setting, Shiloh, works well to highlight the battles
of war to the battles between Norma Jean and Leroy. Throughout the story Mason is
focused on the persistency of grief, the instability of gender roles, along with the
distance and lack of communication separating Leroy and Norma Jean from each
other. Mason illustrates how marriagecan be a struggle striving to work out to the
very end. The struggle to battle with the persistent grief of self blame and lack of
identity is a constant reminder to the barriers in relationships. Leroy grieves... Show
more content on ...
There are many instances where Leroy shows his submissive role of the marriage,
such as, when Mason writes, he is doing needlepoint, macramГ©, and concerning
himself with the state of marriage (Mason 219), because of societies standards he
should be concerned with providing for his family. On the other hand, Norma Jean
is a more dominant character of the household. While Leroy is injured Norma Jean
feels the need to take on his duties by getting an education, having a job, and
focusing on fitness, which Leroy is now learning about her. For instance, Mason
states, Norma Jean and Leroy used to have fun when he came back from work,
eating dinner that she made, playing cards and watching television (Mason 224).
This shows that Leroy does not know his wife is anymore. Leroy recognizes the
change in the roles and the changes he sees in his wife and becomes concerned
about his marriage. Lack of obligations and selfish acts cause conflicts in their
marriage when the characters do not fulfill expectations based on gender. By avoiding
communication the characters seem as if they are doing the best for their
relationship, but in fact it contributes to the dissolution of their marriage. Although
Randy s death occurred years before the story takes place, it continues to pass
through the consciousnesses of Leroy and Norma Jean.
Studying in the Arena of Information and Communication...
The technological marvel of enabling a connectivity grid globally is now an
indispensable tool of almost every sphere of life and subject to constant innovations.
The magnetism of which has been the incentive for me to plot my future trajectory in
Communications and Signal Processing and tapping into its phenomenal potential of
enhancing the ease and efficacy of life.
The inclination towards the technical arena took root early with a penchant for the
play of numbers, mathematics being my pet subject through schooling. My
outstanding merit secured me the admission in ECE under Osmania University,
which has been the gateway to an infrastructural learning experience along with
multiple outlets to channel and polish my aptitude.
Consistent ... Show more content on ...
Working on Optical fibre splicing, OTDR, Signal analysis for ss7, GSM and GRPRS
networks, Cellular RF planning and IP Networking on Cisco routers has honed my
skills in the aspect of Cellular Planning. Am also acquainted with the courses in
Cisco Certifications which include Cisco Wireless Network Associate and Operating
Systems like UNIX and LINUX.
Translating the lines from the books into a practical frame in projects such as Bough
Woolley Multiplier using Tanner Tools, Number Keypad for Door locking system
(using Atmel ATMega8 AVR Microcontroller
) and GSM based SMS controlled Robot
have been efficacious in tempering my groundwork and refining the finesse. The
Gsm Based SMS controlled Robot Project employed designing a robot interfaced with
a GSM module (RS232 communications) using Atmel ATMega8 AVR
microcontroller. The remotely accessible, battery operated robo device performs the
corresponding output in accordance to the command given through SMS. Its marked
utility is for surveillance in critical conditions wherein a human life is subjected to
Recruiting precise execution, task oriented approach and fluid adaptability I have
received commendation on competitive levels: winning the first prize at Robolympia
09, second position in two categories at the technical fest SPAC 09 and being one of
the top 10 contenders at Roboveda 08. I have functioned in the capacity of a steering
committee member in the Robotics Club.
I find the arena
Mexican Trafficking And Drug Trafficking
Did you know that Mexico has a history with many brutal crimes? Crimes such as
kidnapping, money laundering, murders, prostitution, drug dealing, extortion,
human trafficking, gun trafficking, drug trafficking, car thief, and cartels wars.
Have you ever been a victim of any of this crimes listed above in Mexico? Sadly
most people who lived in Mexico tend to be victims of a crime. In Mexico 1 out of
every 8,300 people are violently murdered. Most murder rates are in the borders
near the United States. However the murder rate has gone down in most places. In
the other hand drug trafficking and kidnapping has risen in the past five years, which
has been a major critical problem coming from many cartel and wars between them
Drug trafficking .The Mexican drug trafficking rings play a major role in the flow of
heroin, cocaine, and marijuana transiting between United Sates and Latin America.
JoaquГn Archivaldo GuzmГЎn Loera known as El Chapo is well known in Mexico.
A majority of people have heard about him or know about him in other countries as
well .The reason why he is well known is because he became Mexico s top drug
leader in 2003 and the first drug lord to use aircraft to smuggle to the United States.
He was in charge of the world s largest and most powerful drug trafficking
organization referred to as Sinaloa Cartel. The Sinaloa Cartel smuggles multi ton
cocaine shipments from Colombia through Mexico to the United States and Europe,
and has distribution cells
Crimes Involving The Use Of Firearms
Crimes involving the use of firearms consist of around 0.4 percent of all
documented offences in England and Wales, doubling since the mid to late 1990 s
(Povey and Kaiza 2006). This is due to the ever more restrictive legislation and
public policy responses. A small number of high profile firearm homicides have
significantly increased the public s apprehensions about the problem of illegal
firearms. Police, politicians and media reports have illustrated the emergence of a
criminal gunculture , predominantly in the inner city areas of England (Bennett and
Holloway 2004). Comparatively little is known on the other hand, regarding criminal
attitudes towards and within the market in illegal firearms therefore limiting the
progression of policy, policing practice and an understanding of the impact of
firearms legislation (Bryan 2001).
Gun Crime is a general term used when including all circumstances, when firearms
including shotguns, air guns and imitation firearms are illegally utilised (HMIC
2004). This is inclusive of all illegal possession offences whilst no other crime has
been committed. The presence or absence of a gun does not impinge on the
likelihood that crime will be committed (NCIS 2003). Criminals will be able to use
other weapons as opposed to firearms in order to commit crime and accomplish their
negative intention, as the missing presence of firearms does not mean that crimes
involving guns are easily avoided (Hoskin 2011). Gun control and ownership does not
Essay On Neurological Gait Disorders
At this point in time neurological gait disorders, which according to Driscoll and
Skinner (2008) include: central nervous system disorders such as cerebral palsy and
spinal cord injury (spina bifida); motor neuron disorders such as spinal muscular
atrophy; peripheral nerve disorders such as Charcot Marie Tooth disease;
neuromuscular junction disorders such as congenital myasthenia gravis; and muscle
fiber disorders such as Duchenne s muscular dystrophy currently have no known
definitive treatments or cures (p. 163). Additionally, several of these large
heterogeneous diseases are known as being genetic. Gormley (2001) stated that these
disorders can have many neurological deficits that interfere with function, cares,
comfort, or positioning that associate with mobility... Show more content on ...
A child with neuromuscular and musculoskeletal problems should be treated if
these impairments are interfering with some level of functioning. Gormley (2001)
indicated that these impairments should not be treated because of their mere
presence, but treated if treatment improves some aspect of a child s quality of life
or helps prevent future problems that may be caused by that impairment. This
research study examines the use of several treatments as they affect a particular
impairment caused by a both a neurological gait or musculoskeletal disorder, and
how they aim to improve a child s quality of life. Primary treatments being discussed
are virtual reality (VR) technology, pediatric Gait, Arms, Legs, Spine (pGALS) tool,
aquatic training, novel robotic walker, and power wheelchairs. The scope of the
study, a description of the participants, and the methodological approach is explained,
followed by discussion of the results and an overall conclusion related to the
A Comparison of Dulce Et Decorum Est and Exposure Essay
A Comparison of Dulce Et Decorum Est and Exposure
Traditional war poetry gives the idea of patriotic idealism of war. This style of
poetry implies that war is patriotic and that people who fight for their country are
But many of the poets do not portray war as it really is, by glossing over the gory
details with attractive images. Many traditional war poems were written before the
war to persuade and encourage young boys to become loyal soldiers. Many of the
soldiers were taught to believe that they were the chosen few and they were delighted
to take part. They even thanked God, Now, God be thanked, Who had matched us
His hour . The capital H on His implies the importance; meaning that His hour is God
s ... Show more content on ...
As the war was developing the pressure to take part in conflict grew increasingly.
After training , Owen was labeled a second lieutenant. All his romantic notions was
destroyed by the reality of war, water logged trenches, barbed wire, bombardments
and machine guns. After a near death experience
Owen was transported to a hospital with concussion. But he still had the images of
his many brothers and conrades laying motionless around him. Owen didn t escape
unharmed he was diagnosed with shell shock. He was then posted to
Craiglockhart War Hospital for observation where he quickly came the editor of The
Hydra , the hospital magazine.
Whilst Owen was in the hospital, Siegfried Sassoon arrived.
Owen made a good impression on Sassoon and he recognized the potential in his
poetry. Encouraged by Sassoon, Owen wrote some of his finest, most angry and
compassionate poems at that time. When he left Craiglockhart he furthered his poetry
career when he was introduced to the London literary society. Although Owens future
seemed promising Owen decided to leave this safe predictable home and return to
France to fight. He fought on the Beaurevoir fousomme line and was awarded the
military cross. But during his time in France he fell under machine fire.
The two poems I have chosen to analyse are Exposure and
Dulce Et Decorum Est . Both of these were written by
Wilfred Owen
Plato’s Theory of Forms
Term paper Plato s theory of forms
Everything which exist in this world and all things that we see around us are not as
they appear to us this is the core idea behind plato s theory of forms.From this idea
only he moves towards explaining his world of forms or ideas.
In his book called THE REPUBLIC he tell us that the Good is the end of all
endeavour,it is the object on which every heart is set,so this good according to him
has a form,infact all the abstract ideas like good, justice ,beauty ,love etc has an ideal
form according to plato.This form exist outside of space and time.This form remains
permanent and is real.All that we see around us ... Show more content on ...
In a way it solves the problem of permanence and a way it solves the
problem of being and becoming which has existed in the greek philosophy since
long.plato s divided line is a perfect answer to this problem.It combines both being
and becoming and tell us that from becoming we have to reach upto the being that is
We perceive a different world through our mind than we do through the senses. It is
the material world, perceived through the senses and this world changing. It is the
realm of forms,which one sees through the mind, this world is permanent. It is this
world that is more real; the world of change is merely an imperfect image of this
world. A form is an abstract property or quality. Take any property of an object and
separate it from that object and consider it by itself, this is a form.For
instance,when we talk of a triangle we say that it is a three sided enclosed figure
and the sum of whose all sides is 180degrees,but have we ever seen a perfect
triangle what we have seen is just a close approximation of an ideal triangle but not
an ideal triangle.
Now I want to bring in plato s Parmenides
The Multiethnicity Of Venice
While walking in Venice the multiethnicity of the city is everywhere. It s in the
language and in the languages; it s in the structure itself of the city; it s in the many
cultural events and it s of course in the people. Venice is a seaside town, and like
many other popular port cities it has a long history of contacts, trades, relations and
exchanges with other cultures and populations. The ones looking out to the
Mediterranean sea, like the Balkans but also the Orients such as the Ottoman and
Abbasid Empires were some of the favourite trade partner of Venice. In the city itself,
almost since its foundation, there were many other communities, like Jews , Greeks
and Armenians and later on, also small groups of Turks, Persians and Arabs... Show
more content on ...
Venice is also the privileged location of the Venice film festival
, the Venice biennale
of arts and architecture; but also concerts, dance performance from all over the world
and so on.
The people of Venice
Comparing the statistics over the years, it appears clear that there is a problem
related to the residents of Venice. In fact, in the Venice centre in the 1951 the
inhabitants used to be 174 808 while in the 2014 they appeared to be 56 311.
But if the number of inhabitants is dramatically decreasing, the number of the
students and tourists are constantly increasing .
Even if the impact on the city is directly proportional to the duration of stay, and so
the tourist hiself only stays for a short period of time, the tourism phenomenon itself
is constant and deeply shape the city; so as they do the medium term residents (e.g.
students, professors, artists) who modify the city and the long term residents who
modify the bones of the city and the urban
International Asset And Current Asset
3.Difference between non current asset and current asset
Non current asset can be named as Fixed asset as well. While current asset is
named as non fixed asset. Non current asset generally consist of net property, plant
and equipment intangible assets such as goodwill and other asset. (Business
Analysis and Valuation: Text and Cases By Krishna G. Palepu, Paul M. Healy,
Victor Lewis Bernard)For current asset, it is an asset that is likely to be realized in,
or is intended for sale or consumption in, entity s normal operating cycle; it is held
primarily for the purposed of being traded; it is expected to be realized within 12
months after the reporting period; it is cash or cash equivalent. Current assets are
held with the intention ... Show more content on ...
5. Prudence concept
Prudence is the normal accounting practice to fully recognize losses as soon as they
become apparent but not to recognize revenues until they are certain. In more recent
times the prudence concept has become known as the realizations principle in that
only gains that have been realised . Unrealised gains would not be recognized until
the value is realized through its sale. (Financial and Accounting for business by Bob
Ryan p.108)
Furthermore, it also prevails over the matching concept if the two conflict. For
instance, the value of the prudence should be valued for the net realizable value
instead of the market price. Where NRV is above cost, the profit likely to arise in
the near future is ignored and stock remains in the accounts at the lower figure until
the sale occurs. On the other hand, where NRV is below cost, stock must be
immediately restated at the lower figure so that full provision is made for the
foreseeable future loss.( Introduction to Accounting By Pru Marriott, J R Edwards,
Howard J Mellett)
In addition, prudence is also the ethic duty that an accountant should obey and follow,
where they should abbreviate, identify and induce the main facts of a business or an
organisation. For instance, he/she should not overstate the asset figure by using
market value or sales value in the balance sheet. He should provide the accumulated
Management Of Savagery
Apocalyptic View of ISIS in practice: Understanding ISIS apocalyptic views
provides the understanding of how the group is set apart from those who have come
before, but it is important to understand what beliefs they built on from their past
when they were known as AQI, Al Qaeda in Iraq. In 2004, Abu Bakr Naji published
the book, Management of Savagery: The Most Critical Stage Through Which the
Islamic Nation Will Pass (translated from: ШҐШЇШ§Ш±Ш© Ш§Щ„ШЄЩ€Ш
Ш§Щ„ШЈЩ…Ш©), which sought to establish an actual strategy for Al Qaeda and
other radical terrorist organizations with the collective goal of reestablishing the
Caliphate. The book discusses how organizations, like Al Qaeda and ISIS, should
create propaganda that uses religious and... Show more content on ...
In this fatwa, al Fahd argued that the West only banned the use of weapons of mass
destruction not to protect humanity but to protect themselves and monopolize such
weapons. He then continues to say that Thus the situation in this regard is that if
those engaged in jihad establish that the evil of the infidels can be repelled only by
attacking them at night with weapons of mass destruction, they may be used even
if they annihilate all the infidels . Thus, using WMD was able to become permitted
in a state of jihad against infidels and the mass killing of civilians was also
permissible. While al Fahd was arrest in 2003, his fatwa on WMD s remains one of
the most used fatwas for justification of Jihadis acquiring and using
Invictus Poem Analysis
Imagine someone dying from a sickness. They know that they are on their last leg.
They can either fight to stay alive, or they can give up hope and pass away. People
control their own fate. Controlling their own fate means that they decide when it is
time for them to die, and don t just lay down and accept death. This idea can be seen
in in many pieces of text including the following poems. Invictus by William Ernest
Henley and Do not go gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas. Both authors
express the theme of people control their own fate.
Through Invictus, Henley conveys that people decide their own fate. The use of
imagery expresses this theme because Henley uses strong words that convey an
image in the reader s mind to help them create an image of someone who is dying,
but not hanging their head and getting up to fight. This is expressed in the text
through the quote, My head is bloody, but unbowed (Henley 8). This imagery is
used to to show how he is very close to death but his head is unbowed. This evidence
supports the theme because by not bowing his head he is overcoming his near death
experience. If he were to bow his head it would mean he would die, and he has
decided he doesn t want to die yet. By bowing his head, he is succumbing to death,
and he makes the decision to keep up. Another device Henley uses is diction. He
uses diction because it expresses how he acts differently than other people. When
other people bow their head and get conquered, his head remains unbowed and
unconquered. For example, Under the bludgeonings of chance/ My head is bloody,
but unbowed (Henley 7 8). This quote uses the word unbowed. It explains how in his
situation other people would bow their head and give up, but he isn t going to just
bow his head and succumb to death. This evidence supports the theme because
everybody goes through a hardship at some point, and they have multiple different
ways of dealing with it. They can either sit there and let it ruin them, or they can keep
fighting it and do something about it.
Similarly, in Do not go gentle into that good night, Dylan Thomas conveys that
People decide when it is their time to go. The use of repetition is used to express this
theme because it
PMI Southern Alberta Case Study
PMI Southern Alberta is an incredibly active Project Management Institute network
that currently holds the title of being the 3rd largest in Canada with a base of over
2,400 active members. The focus of this organization is to encourage the project
management principles within its jurisdiction to communities, local business, and
specialists (PMI Southern Chapter, 2017). Members can expect to receive numerous
tangible and intangible benefits by joining. These benefits are listed under an
umbrella that contains areas such as professionalism, mastery, and involvement. For
professionalism, members can expect monthly dinner meetings at a discounted price,
involvement in the company ambassador program, and a Toastmaster club. Also in
mastery,... Show more content on ...
Courses have been carefully designed to ensure that students have practical hands on
knowledge with Partnerships between business and government, project management,
writing business plans and project proposals, and communication skills (SAIT, 2017).
On account of, students will cultivate the proper skills that are required in rural and
urban communities for economic development. In addition to receiving a certificate
from SAIT, the classes taken can be a bridge into the SAIT Business Administration
diploma and other economic agencies such as Economic Development Alberta,
Canadian Economic Developers Association, and Council for the Development of
Native Development Officers (SAIT, 2017). In conclusion, students who graduate
will be able to launch into careers that contain positions such as an economic
development officer, liaison officer, community developmentofficer, planning
officer and the ability to work within a wide spectrum of organizations in both the
private and public sector (SAIT, 2017). The designers of this certification and
program are asked to be responsible for building a presentation that generates
awareness of the career and the importance of the certification for an economic
development professional.
The opportunity that can be seized is cultivating the relationships with business
certification agencies and
Barack Obama s Presidential Election Essay
Context Card: Subject: 2016 presidential race Audience: Voters of Hillary Clinton
Writing Situation: Why Hillary is not the candidate you want to be the next
president. Thesis: Hillary Clinton is a horrible choice for president and Trump is
a much better choice when compared to Hillary. Tone: Persuasive and showing
why Donald Trump is the better candidate for the presidential election than Hillary
Clinton. Presidential Persuasion The 2016 presidential election is said to be, one
of the most controversial elections in recent history, with the two main party
nominee s being Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Many people would say that
they don t like the two main choices for the presidency, further proving this, a poll
conducted by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News that was taken in mid
summer 2016 showed that Hillary supporters voted for her because They did not
like Trump. While Trump supporters voted for Trump because They did not like
Hillary. So It is easy to identify that voters are voting for their respective candidate
choice due to the factor being, they do not like the other candidate. According to
psychology; Emotion is stronger than logic when it comes to the mental process, so
it is safe to assume people are ignoring the facts and solely voting based on their
emotions. Some main topics of the Presidential Debate according to the people are
that: Trump supporters believe that Hillary wants to restrict gun laws, while Hillary
Boost Juice Essay
A.Introduction of company
Founded by Janine Allis, formed in the 00s with the first store based in Adelaide,
South Australia and specializing in selling fruit juices and smoothies, Boost Juice
Bars (Boost Juice, n.d.). According to Boost Juice (n.d.), Boost Juice offers an array
of healthy products mainly juices and smoothies that are free of preservatives,
artificial flavours, and colours. Besides, Boost Juice also sells a range of healthy
snacks which includes wraps, fresh yogurt, muesli bars and soups (Boost Juice, n.d.).
Back in 1999, Janine Allis took a trip to the United States and something caught her
eye (Boost Juice, n.d.). Everyone in the U.S. was into healthy smoothies and fresh
juices while in Australia, the fast food market was ... Show more content on ...
the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s or on a global scale e.g. the global
financial crisis in the late 2000s (Employment, 2018). The main features of an
economic downturn include rising unemployment, falling share and house prices,
low consumer confidence and declining investment (Employment, 2018). If China
is facing an economic downturn, the Chinese citizens (consumers) will be less
likely to buy Boost Juice s products even if the prices are marked down which will
cause a decrease in sales and profit of Boost Juice. The consumer s income will also
decrease which effects the discretionary income of the consumer. Discretionary
income is what remains after expenses for basics such as food, clothing, shelter,
utilities and prior commitments such as school fees and loans are deducted from the
disposable income (what is discretionary income? definition and meaning, n.d.). Even
if they have discretionary income, they wouldn t spend much on products as they are
not confident with the economy as it is unstable. Boost Juice s sales and profits will
decrease if China faces an economic
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Essay
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
While the first seasons of Buffy are structured around an external threat seeking to
corrupt the order of the world, later the source of the threat becomes increasingly
internal, and the characters must embrace a side of themselves which is evil,
irrational, or dangerous. When Giles kills an arguably innocent Ben, he does not
suffer the moral ambiguity that Willow encounters when she kills a guilty Warren.
Willow has to deal with an evil internal to her in a way Giles does not, and this
apparent discrepancy is the result of a general evolution of the series, rather than a
double standard.
The murder of Ben is comparable to the murder of Warren, even though Ben is mostly
innocent and Warren is mostly... Show more content on ...
But the Scooby gang doesn t know about any of these things and, even though Dawn
obviously knows that Ben is a weak and, by virtue of the circumstances, treacherous
human being because of his weakness, Giles certainly has no knowledge of any of
Ben s immoral actions when he kills him. Giles is acting on the assumption that Ben
is completely innocent but powerless to stop Glory, should she ever wish to return
for purposes of payback. Giles realizes that something needs to be done and that
whoever does it will be incurring feelings of guilt otherwise he would have left
Buffy to do it. By saving her from the act of murder, Giles acknowledges the moral
ambiguity of the act itself, the (apparent) innocence of Ben, and the inevitability of
guilt for whoever happens to do what, in Giles view, has to be done. (Similarly, he
would have killed Dawn, if he had to). But, we notice, feelings of guilt never come,
and the ambiguity of this act never surfaces (script directions describe Giles during
/after the murder this way: Giles expression never changes ). Giles objectifies the
evil it is not in him, but he is merely the carrier, the means for an act which must be
done, one way or another.
In contrast, when Willow kills Warren, a situation uncannily similar (i.e., a Scooby
killing a human) results in entirely different moral consequences. Warren also,
presumably, deserves to be killed, and, one way
Local Church Formal System Of Power And Authority
Any organizations including church congregations are unique in its context and
understanding of how to function as an organization. One thing not so unique is the
system of power and authority. Each congregation has a set structure of how the
organization will operate and distribute power and authority. Surprisingly to some,
there also is an informal system of power and authority that often carries more control
than the written plan. The nearly 170 year old Coalbush United Methodist Churchhas
both an informal and formal organizational structural system.
The local church formal system has a very structured system that is designed by the
Book of Discipline: the procedure guidelines of the United Methodist Church. The
guideline for ordering the church provides a construction of checks and balances
between the laity and clergy. The pastor has a voice on every committee, but no vote
with the exception of the committee that nominates persons to serve on every
committee on the congregation. Each church must have a board of trustees, finance
team, a personnel committee, and an administrative council. The administrative
council is the central deciding board of the church consisting of a representative from
every committee of the church and a few at large members.
I was appointed to Coalbush beginning July 1, 2016. I have been observing and
serving as I attempt to discover the unique context and setting for this local church in
this season of their very long history. The
The Negative Effects Of Plastic Pollution On Sea Turtles
DA VINICI PROJECT How does plastic pollution effect marine turtles and what can
we do to prevent this environmental issue.
With society s increasing reliance on non biodegradable plastics, our oceans are
being filled with more and more harmful products. This thesis will be discussing the
negative impact that plastic products have on our oceans sea turtles, and proposes a
number of solutions that need immediately to be put in place.
Plastic pollution has been identified as a major, global scale threat to sea turtles for
decades, and the oceans are now experiencing a relatively novel and dangerous throw
of pollution and highly persistent plastic. Over the past 65 years, the global annual
production of plastic has grown from 1.5 million to 299 million metric tons
( Of this, it is estimated that between 4 million and 12 million metric
tons enter the oceans every year threatening sea turtles in extremely harmful ways.
Hundreds of thousands of sea turtles and other marine mammals, and more than 1
million seabirds die each year from ocean pollution and ingestion or entanglement in
marine debris. Plastic resources in our everyday life has a become a so called
necessity which unfortunately is having devastating effects to our marine life world
wide. This is why we need to come up with a new and innovative idea to create
alternative products to combat this environmental issue.
It takes 450 years for a plastic bottle to break down and at least 10 to 20 years for a
single use plastic bag. (U.S National Park Services) By this scary statistic it shows
that once these so called convent items are produced, they don t go away for a long
time.This means for all the marine animals homes that are being affected, it is going
to stick around for a extremely long time. A new study conducted by the university
of Queensland and the journal conservation biology show that green turtles are
significantly more likely to swallow plastic today than they were in the 1980 s. The
study found that the likelihood of a green turtle injecting man made rubbish jumped
from 30% to 50% in 2012.(University of Queensland) The reason why plastic
pollution has such a large effect on turtles is because it is extremely lethal to any
Yosemite Falls Analysis
This painting is for the falls of Yosemite which looks very amazing with the water
of the falls coming down and the two men enjoying the view. The colors are very
attractive; the artist did a good job matching the colors to create a real picture.
Yosemite Falls considered the earliest falls and it ranks one of the highest and the
best falls known as water spectacles in the world at that time. The vertical format has
been used for this picture to show the height of the falls instead the horizontal format.
Therefore, many artists adopt this kind of art to create the same view and that makes
him very special artist.
The composition is simply made of rocks, water, trees, men, and the blue sky. The
picture is asymmetrical, it made from enough
Comparison of How Shusaku Endo in Wonderful Fool and...
Comparison of how Shusaku Endo in Wonderful Fool and Albert Camus in The
Outsider have used moral issues to develop their works
It is debatable whether morality is a code of conduct that is considered right by
society or whether it is a code unilaterally decided upon by an individual. When we
consider morality as a tool used by both Shusaku Endo in Wonderful Fool and Albert
Camus in The Outsider, this debate holds immense relevance. Wonderful Fool,
heavily influenced by Christian doctrine, addresses the degeneration of Japanese
society and the way moral issues are presented in the novel reflects this. In
Wonderful Fool Shusaku Endo looks upon morality as the value system defined by
the Bible, where Jesus Christ is regarded as the epitome ... Show more content on ...
During the trial his lawyer asks, Is he being accused of burying his mother or of
killing a man? (Camus 93). This question showing how the court or society was
judging him based on exposing the dark workings of this criminal soul (Camus
96), as opposed to the arbitrary shooting. The murder was not malicious. He only
killed the man as a response to a red hot blade gnawing at [his] eyelashes (Camus
60). Although Meursault speaks the truth he is judged by a system which does not
recognise his moral code. This system views murder as immoral regardless of the
intention, whilst Meursault sees no shame in his action as it wasn t borne from
malice. In effect he is convicted for not conforming. In the Afterword Camus says
the hero of the book is condemned because he doesn t play the game (Camus 118).
Meursault pulled the trigger out of tension from the heat and was not out of revenge
or hatred towards the Arab.
If morality is an individual s set code of conduct, independent of society, a society s
morals could then be called ethics . Camus creates a character that is moral as he is
true to his own beliefs, whilst at the same time the character is unethical. It was the
skill involved in playing a character s private beliefs against those of a society that
made me enjoy these texts. In each text, a character s personality conflicts with a
society s personality and to me this was a most effective way of exploring the
society s flaws. Both writers utilize
Ambivalence In Hitchcock s 1946 Notorious
Hitchcock s 1946 Notorious takes place in the morally ambiguous world in the
midst of post World War Two where the questioning of alliances and moralities have
reached a breaking point. Alicia, the daughter to an incarcerated Nazi supporter, finds
herself in the midst of a purgatory world stuck in between loveand hate, in other
words one of ambivalence. In this state of conflicting feelings of hatred and like
for the same individual that results in a state of uncertainty or irrationality, alcohol,
which is the driving force of the story line aims to showcase the extremes of this
transference. This glitch, meaning this a flaw in our thinking, most predominantly
affects ideas of who or what is defined as love, hate and their differences. Although
Alicia is the only one seen as an alcoholic in Notorious, all the characters have a
relationship to this reoccurring theme that results in their undoing. These ideas of
emotional extremes, ambivalence, are always reinforcing and surrounded the idea
of alcohol, seeing it as a destroying force as it is the initiating quality of the story
lines and is present throughout. Poe s Black Cat aims to showcase the existing
parallels of this alcoholic glitch as well as the relationships to alcohol leading to
many are the deceivers . Humanities introduces an idea of ambivalence that
accompanies this irrational undoing and reinforces the existence of hate and love as
a destroyer in the film taking the form of alcohol.... Show more content on ...
Definition of Glitch: o The glitch is defined as a flaw in our thinking most
predominantly our ideas of who or what is defined as positive and
Ethical Principles In Nursing
Ethical principles has always been is an essential element in the professional conduct
of behavior for the healthcare practitioners. It shows how one s commitment is to act
in extreme circumstances in regards to moral and how to deal with the choices that
we make and action related to it. (Avasthi, A., Ghosh, A., Sarkar, S., Grover, S. 2013).
The nurse is most of the time that acts as an advocate and resource to the patient. As
part of the nursing world and as the practitioner for this patient an ethical decision
process is needed in this situation. As the medical provider for the 15 year old teen
mom and the 18 month old baby, my primary responsibility and commitment is with
these two patients and not their family. The 15 year old patient... Show more content
on ...
And to avoid any harm to the patient. These principles go hand in hand together.
Which, mean that I have to do my best in order to protect my patient. I would
definitely questions, my Nurse Manager on why was the police called? Even if she
is a ran away, contacting the parents may suffice. As calling the police, might do
harm with my patient , as she can be scared and it can also be a traumatic
experience for her. I would also let the team know, to have the police and the patient s
mother to be in another room and I would talk to the patient and the mother separately.
My patient has the right to receive fairness in all the medical decisions for herself
and her baby. And being a runaway is not an exception. I would be fair and use
justice in regards to the mother and my patient. I will also find out the reason on why
she would run away.
As a nurse practitioner, I would promote, advocate and make an effort for my patient
s rights and safety. (Bhanji, S. 2013). Situations like these, needs critical analysis of
the risks and benefits with choosing the best option, that each of the healthcare
professional will make. The consequences that can happen should be taken into
account. Ultimately, a plan that can benefit and will do no harm for the patient and
her baby should always be the best
Hester Prynne Conflict
Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle Napoleon
Hill. The novel The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne takes place in Boston
1642, a religious puritan town with firm rules set in place. The conflict of the novel is
focused between the character s sense of morality and the emotions they hold for the
ones around them. The main protagonist, Hester Prynneis a humble but strong
headed woman who kept her strength throughout the novel when faced with
adversity. She was bound by the letter A for adulteress as she had borne an
illegitimate child; the purpose of the scarlet symbol was to mark the possessor with
shame. However, Hester wore the excessively embroidered symbol on her heart with
pride. Hester Prynne showed... Show more content on ...
A mother s love for her child compares to no other. Hester Prynne s mothering
abilities were challenged in the chapter, The Elf Child and the Minister, but she
did not let that deter her from fighting for her child. Mr. Wilson, a venerable pastor,
cried out to Pearl ...who art thou, and what has ailed thy mother to bedizen thee in
this strange fashion? Art thou a Christian child ha? Dost know thy catechism? Or
art thou one of those naughty elfs or fairies whom we thought to have left behind
us... . Mr. Wilson s interest in the child lead Governor Bellingham, an elderly
gentleman, to inquire about her religious upbringing. Canst thou tell me, my child,
who made thee? said the Governor. Even though the girl had been informed about
her heavenly father, Pearl replied that she had not been made at all, but had been
plucked by her mother off the bush of wild roses that grew by the prison door .
The Governor was astonished and quickly implied that the child should be
immediately released into the control of the Puritan Magistrate. Hester, a force to
be reckoned with, confronted the Governor and yelled, God gave me the child! He
gave her in requital of all things else, which ye had taken from me. She is my
happiness...Pearl keeps me here in life! ... Ye shall not take her! I will die first! Her
passion for the child seeped through every word spoken by herself and Mr.
Dimmesdale who also defended her. Hester faced many difficulties throughout the
novel but she remained strong through everything, even when her daughter was
threatened to be taken from her. It takes immense strength to continue living
somewhere when everything you love is imperiled and you are constantly being
Superheros Research Paper
Many people love superheros, they make movies, books, and many more things
based on these characters. Superheros have been around for hundreds of years, but
how do they better ourselves?. Todays heros inspires us to be our better selves
because they us to help us to help people no matter what they look like. They help
us to help people no matter what they look like because when, Thor try to save his
brother even when his brother betrayed him. We are reminded of the power of
forgiveness. Superheros inspires us to stand up for what s right even if some
people think it s wrong or they just don t agree. In the book Into The Maze Of
Doom every nine years they send fourteen teenagers to crete to get killed by the
minotaur because King Minos s
Tootsie Roll Case Study Essay
1. Strategy Assessment
Tootsie Roll s simple strategy is to be (and remain) a top quality producer and
distributor of Tootsie Rolls and other candy products, in an industry where it
currently has 2 to 3 percent of market share. Specifically, the company has
determined to specialize, almost entirely, in hard candies (such as Tootsie Pops and
Blow Pops) and chewy candies (such as Tootsie Roll, Frooties and Flavor Roll), and
it currently maintains a 50 percent market share in this unique segment. The success
of Tootsie Roll in the U.S. for the past 19 years is attributable to the strong consumer
awareness of the company s brand name and brand loyalty. Over time, Tootsie Roll
has neither diluted the quality of its products nor failed to ... Show more content on ...
In addition to these objectives, some of the competitive advantages that help the
company maintain its leading position in the marketplace are highlighted in Exhibit II.
2. Key Strategic Issue
Tootsie Roll faces a number of key issues concerning its strategy. One of such
strategic issues relates to how it can maintain its marketplace success and sustain its
competitive advantages, in light of (i) the company s growth prospects in U.S. and
foreign markets, (ii) intensity of the competition, and (iii) the fact that the two key
leaders of the company are not getting any younger.
3. Options for Resolving Key Strategic Issue
To resolve this key issue, we recommend the following options:
(i)Because leadership is a key force in determining an organization s success or lack
thereof, the Gordons should consider putting a succession plan in place as soon as
possible and should start grooming the would be successor(s).
(ii)Extend Tootsie Roll s vertically integrated structure to include product packaging
facility, to be consistent with the company s current structure. This could directly
reduce costs, in addition to the time and energy saved in negotiating fixed price
contracts with packaging suppliers. Tootsie Roll would also be able to control the
production of tamper proof packaging in a manner that did not compromise its brand
(iii)Rather than reduce its spending on advertising
Ancient Egypt Research Paper
Ancient Egypt Egypt is located on the northeast corner of Africa. Egyptians are the
population who lived in Egypt. They created an advanced civilization, with cutting
edge systems such as medicine, writing, farming and irrigation. The Egyptian
priests knew a lot about anatomy. Priests cut open the Pharaoh s body and took out
the organs, four of the organs were put in Canopic Jars, each jar has a different
head of gods shown on it: Imsety, Duamutef, Hapy, Qebehsenuef. The heart,
however, was taken out of the body, covered with spices and wrapped with linen.
The Egyptians believed that, in the afterworld, the heart was going to be weighed
by the god Osiris. A heavy heart was full of sin and a monster would eat it, but a
light heart meant it was good and it s owner could keep on going with the journey
in happiness. The body was put in coffins and brought to the pyramids, where it was
buried in a stone sarcophagus which contained two more coffins in it. Egyptians had
tools for making the pyramids, they used chisels, mallets, drills, saws, and plumb
rules. The Great Pyramid took twenty years to build; The other pyramids took five
ten years to build because those pyramids were smaller than the Great Pyramid....
Show more content on ...
They made measurements of the body and other living things and objects. They
solved algebra equations, and they did multiplication problems, they used fractions
too. There are still papyruses with medicine and math systems in
The Importance Of The Honor Code In Schools
There are always going to be those being, who abuse a system that is created for
trusted people, for a good reason. At South Portland a system called The Honor Code
which is intended for students in the building to get the privilege of getting some
freedom. Including the use of phones and iPads at the appropriate times, leaving the
classroom without a hall pass, and more. The schoolmakes sure, that for the students
who do not follow the Honor Code can easily have their privileges taken away from
The South Portland high school community will exhibit trust and openness. (Red
riots honor code) The biggest part of the honor code is trust. The teachers must have
trust in students,to do what is told of them, and that student are doing ... Show more
content on ...
Just due to as mentioned earlier, those who take advantage of a good thing meant
for all, and essentially ruin it for all. Thankfully we have students in this school who
fight hard to make sure the code can stay standing for those who do deserve it and
follow it, without those certain students who made their voices heard, there would
not still be a code. South Portland is lucky to have such have
Jimmy Cross Character Analysis Essay
In this short story by Tim O Brien, Lieutenant Jimmy cross leads a platoon of men in
the Vietnam War. Unable to keep his thoughts from his unrequited love interested,
Martha, Cross allowed his platoon to become lax in their duties and mentally
removed from the war. The conflict arises when one of his men, Ted Lavender, is
killed on a mission. The conflict is resolved when LieutenantCross abandons his
youthful fantasy world for the reality of the war he is living in. Cross finds new
purpose in the vigilant leadership of his men. O Brien carefully listed and weighted
items, both physical and mental, that individual soldiers carried, which served as a
link in developing his character s personality traits. Henry Dobbins is a machine...
Show more content on ...
Norman Bowker, otherwise a very gentle person (9), carried a diary and a human
thumb that Mitchel Sanders gifted to him. The diary is representative of his gentle
or even compassionate nature. Whereas, the severed finger of the sixteen year old
boy represents his need to toughen up in the reality he was living in where innocent
looking sixteen year old kids carry rifles and ammunition. Rat Kiley is the medic and
carried comic books, brandy, and a medical supply satchel with morphine, plasma,
malaria tablets, surgical tape and M Ms. Kiley s youth is captured in his desire for
comic books and candy. Kiowa is an American Indian steeped in tradition. A devout
Baptist, Kiowa carried an illustrated New Testament from his father, a feathered
hunting hatchet from his grandfather, moccasins, and his grandmother s distrust of
white men. Lee Strunk s slingshot and tanning lotion are representative of an
outdoorsy, adventurous boy. This is further shown when he comes out of the dreaded
tunnel grinning (8). Finally, protagonist Jimmy Cross is the platoon leader and carried
a compass, maps, code books, binoculars, a .45 caliber pistol that weighs almost
three pounds, strobe light, two photographs of Martha, a good luck pebble, and the
responsibility for the lives of his men. Jimmy Cross is sentimental and his love for
Martha, whom he hoped was a virgin, represented Cross youthful innocence. The
themes of The
Economic Inequality And The Consequences Of Poverty
Furthermore, the consequences of inequality are pretty broad and common sense.
There will always be a gap between the rich and the poor. Also known as economic
inequality setting boundaries within a society. Some consequences of this inequality
are stifling growth, increases in political inequality and increases in crime. Stifles
growth meaning if the high level of inequality is high it will increase poverty, which
will lead to escalation of crime. This will set burdens on the economy and will
perhaps cause an increase in food expenses and a decrease in society s incomes. Then
the growth of the government starts to drop, which doe not affect the rich because
they maintain their position. However, it greatly affects the poor. This ties to
increasing economic political instability.
Political instability is crucial to our government s well being. As mentioned in the
book, The Golden Rule : He who makes the gold makes the rules (Mooney 192).
When wealth is brought together by individuals who are well off they tend to
influence political decisions so it plays out in their favor. This is also known as
plutocracy. An example would be oil companies funding a politician s campaign to
favor them in the long run. It s a shame that this is how our politicians are given
into legal and corrupt decisions. Leaving the middle class and poor without a say
about their political views. The blue collar workers are less likely to participate in
politics because they lack education while
Life and Business in the Galapagos Islands
Business in the Galapagos Islands takes place mainly during lunch hour, as many
people are out at midday eating. Restaurants may even be closed at night in rural
areas. This is because some serve local food or cater for tourists in larger cities. In
more recent decades, fast food restaurants common in America have been drifting
over to Ecuador, such as McDonalds. There is also a Chinese community that
originated back in the 19th century here. This familiarizes the locals with dishes
like fried rich with chicken, which goes by the name chaulafan de pollo. When
touring, one may find a variety of fritters and fried dough s like buhuelos, and
other pastries, as street foods are a popular choice. Ecuadorians in the higher
valleys of the Andes reply on potatoes as staples in their diets. To spices these
potatoes, and other dishes, they use a very hot Andean chili. A sauce seasoned with
aji, also containing milk or water is also very common. Varieties on banana are
numerous in this country. This allows bananas to be used in many recipes. Other
common ingredients include peanuts, peppers, and almonds. A lot of raw fish is also
eaten, as well as tamales, soups, and filled pies When touring the islands, one might
notice that the food is as unique and varied as the people inhabiting the lands. The
culinary traditions are influenced by both the Inea and Spanish conquers of the
territory. As the landscapes change, the dishes also change. Many popular lunches
include; Ceviche, which is
The War Of The Palestine
Many Americans are not aware of the genocide that is occurring between Palestine
and Israel or the fact that their tax money is feeding Israeli war crimes. What many
fail to understand is what s occurring is not a war, it s mass murder. Innocent
Palestinians are being killed, beaten, kidnapped, and tortured on a daily basis. Israel
has been occupying Palestinian and pushing the Palestinians out of their homeland,
where they have lived for centuries. The Jews, who are Khazar blood (in present day
Israel), migrated to Palestinein order to reclaim their ancestral homeland (If
Americans Knew: What every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine,
2015). The Question is, did their ancestors really originate from Palestine, or is
this only an excuse to invade and occupy Palestine in order to turn it into a Jewish
State? Does Israel really have the right to exist and defend itself? Looking back at
the history of Palestine before the war of 1940; it s been stated that Muslims, Jews,
and Christians lived in Palestine in harmony. During the 19th century there was 86
percent Muslims, 10 percent Christians, and 4 percent Jewish residents who settled
in Palestine. Many claim that Palestine never existed. This is false, Palestine
existed before 1948. Below is a coin during the year 1927 which was worth 10
Mils. If you take a closer look at the coin, you ll notice the word Palestine is written
in English, Arabic, and Hebrew. This in fact proves that not only did Palestine exist
Summary Of The Les Standiford s Twin Biography Of
O Neaka Rendon History 1302 Standiford, Les. Meet You in Hell: Andrew
Carnegie, Henry clay Frick, and the bitter partnership that transformed America.
New York: Crown Publishers, 2005. Meet You in Hell is the Les Standiford s twin
biography of both Henry Clay Frick and Andrew Carnegie. As highlighted by
Standiford, both had a similar background. Both of them began their lives as clerks,
but to begin amassing riches, they made use of the business connections they had
made during their lowly clerk jobs. According to Standiford, the two men embodied
the worst and the worst of American capitalism. The book provides an argument of
the relationship that existed between the two founders of the American industry.
Standiford raises up the danger and majesty of steel manufacturing, the rough and
tumbles of the 19th century s big business, and the tense relationship between the
ruthless coke magnate and the world s richest man. The dramatic centerpiece of the
dual biography is the bloody clash which exists between imported Pinkerton
(detectives) and striking steel workers at the homestead of Carnegie s, in July 1892.
During the battle, fourteen people died, and much more were injured. The story of
Andrew and Henry is one of the most fascinating stories about relationships; the man
who endowed many libraries, and the man who created one of the greatest museums
who turn out to be jerks in very different ways as discussed in the essay. According to
Standiford, the two pulled
Hernan Cortes And Francisco Pizarro
Spanish Explorers
Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro were explorers from Spain that sailed to the
Americas and made many interesting voyages.They both faced separate challenges
and difficulties along the way. During their difficulties Cortes and Pizarro acquired
allies to help them on their expeditions. Cortez and Pizarro were both very fierce and
conquered many areas.
Hernan Cortes was a fierce conquistador from Spain that grew up in a noble family.
In 1504, he headed out for Hispaniola but ended up in Cuba in 1511. Cortes
convinced the Cuban governor to let him be the leader and general of an expedition
to Mexico. He then established Veracruz, and was elected official General. Cortes
scorched his ships. His men were skeptical about ... Show more content on ...
They all learned from each other and grew to be a very powerful force and
advanced Cortes s conquest greatly. Cortez and his force arrived in Tenochtitlan on
November 8th, 1519. Tenochtitlan was the capital of what we know today as
Mexico. Tenochtitlan was one of the largest cities in the world at that time.
Tenochtitlan was run by the Aztecs. Cortes then met Montezuma, the Aztecs s
emperor. Montezuma and the Aztecs thought Hernan Cortes was a god. They
thought he was Quetzalcoatl. Cortez was there at the right time because the god was
supposed to arrive the same year Cortes was there. Since they thought he was a god
they would do anything for his command. Later on Montezuma suspected Cortez not
to be the god. He gave him gold and jewels to try and get him to leave. It had the
opposite affect and increased the Spaniards greed. Cortez then captured Montezuma
as hostage to prevent the Aztecs attacking.
Cortez temporarily left the city leaving Pedro De Alvarado in charge. Pedro ended
up murdering several priests and religious leaders which caused the Aztecs to revolt.
Cortez then arrived back in the middle of the revolt. He had Montezuma talk to them
and made them calm down, but the Aztecs still considered him a traitor. Montezuma
was killed by the protesters throwing stones.
Now Cortez was in Tenochtitlan and conquering Mexico, the Cuban governor sent a
force to kill Cortez and take over what he accomplished. Cortez took the Cuban
commander hostage and
Laertes in the Play and Movie Version of Hamlet Essay
Laertes in the Play and Movie Version of Hamlet
In the 1990 version of Hamlet starring Mel Gibson, Laertes is portrayed in a very
poor light. He seems to have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. At certain points
during the written play, Laertes s actions may be taken entirely differently than they
are conveyed in the movie. In the film version of Hamlet, all of Laertes s negative
aspects are much more pronounced.
As presented in the movie, Laertes is a sore loser. The text version of the play has
Laertes simply say No after Hamlet scores his first hit. In the movie, Laertes shows
much more emotion. His anger at Hamlet is obvious, and his frustration at being hit is
evident, as he screams in protest to the mediator s ... Show more content on ...
However, in the movie, Laertes struck Hamlet during a break when Hamlet neither
expected it nor could defend himself from it. In this way, the movie version of the
play makes Laertes out to be more cowardly than the text. Further, the text does not
designate how Laertes wounds Hamlet, so from only reading the text one could
presume that Laertes wounded Hamlet severely as an extension of the strength of
his anger. But, the film version has Laertes inflict what looks like only a superficial
or minor cut on Hamlet s arm a far cry from a mortal wound. In this instance,
Laertes is made out to be even more of a coward in the movie because he counts on
the poison to kill Hamlet rather than depending on himself, his strength, to produce a
wound on his own that is severe enough to kill Hamlet.
Another difference between the text and movie versions of the play which make
Laertes appear more villainous in the movie is his unwillingness to accept blame
for his wrongdoing. In the text, Laertes asks forgiveness after he has blamed
Claudius for everything, and after Hamlet has killed Claudius. In contrast, in the
film version Laertes reveals Claudius s plan to Hamlet right after the queen dies.
Because of this, Laertes appears in the film to be a coward and unwilling to take
blame for Gertrude s death by telling Hamlet about the poison on the blade
Muted Group Theory
Muted group theory is a critical theory concerned with how gender, power, and
communication relate to one another. It focuses on the ways the communication
practices of a dominant groups suppress, mute, or devalue the words, ideas, and
discourses of subordinate groups (Kramarae, 2009). The theory focuses on people
with various social status and how they communicate. For example, it emphasizes
how much these people speak, when and where they speak, with what words and
concepts, in what modes or channels, and with what repercussions (Kramarae,
2018). The muted group theory also brings to light the ways that language structure
and customs are not equal for all speakers. The theory suggests that an important
way that a social group creates and maintains its dominance is by stifling the speech
and ideas of those the dominant group has labeled as outside the privileged circle
(Kramarae, 2009). The muted group theory has been extensively used by researchers
in diverse fields of study. Some of these fields of study include communication
studies, media studies, philosophy, athletics, business, literacy, political science,...
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Many of the strengths of the muted group theory have to do with the information it
provides. For example, the muted group theory has given a new way of understanding
how the majority group and the minorities group communicate within society. Muted
group theory explains some problems women experience in speaking out in many
settings (West, 2010). Additionally, the theory has caused society to think about how
gender, power, and communication relate to one another. Furthermore, the theory has
also caused society to reconsider and reform the ways and methods in which
communication occurs. Moreover, the theory brings to light the biases within
language and how these biases affect the minority groups. Finally, the muted group
theory can be applied to various groups not only men and
Wild Whitewater Research Papers
Wild Whitewater: A First Timer s Guide for a Multi day Rafting Trip
If you re like me, then you enjoy the outdoors and the adrenaline rush that comes with
trying new things. Yet, base jumping off the Perrine Bridge or skydiving out of a
plane without a parachute remain on your list of, No... not happening.
I ll admit, for quite some time, I struggled to find a middle ground too. The porridge
was too hot or too cold, the adventure was too extreme or way too boring. But then a
close friend turned me on to whitewater rafting and (hallelujah) I saw the light. Now
after multiple excursions through Idaho s twisting rapids I can safely say I ve found
that bowl of porridge that s juuust right.
(Insert image of salmon river/or whitewater rafting ... Show more content on ...
This makes the entire journey kid friendly (ages 6+) and fun for the whole family.
Other amenities included in the trip:
Meals (Dutch Oven entrees, salads, salmon, omelets, fruit, yogurt, and granola)
Beverages (coffee, water, soda, beer, wine, and juices)
Camping essentials (river mattress , beach chairs, sleeping bags, canopies, and tents)
To learn more about the tours offered visit Rocky Mountain River Tours online or
call (208) 345 2400.
7 Things You ll Need Before Rafting:
Much of these essentials will be provided by Rocky Mountain River Tours, but
before you strike out on your adventure, review this checklist to make sure you are
ready for your wicked good time:
Experienced whitewater rafter/instructor/guide.
Good physical health.
Great swimming skills.
A clear understanding of water safety skills.
An understanding of how to navigate
Hate And Personal Freedom
Hate is a simple four letters word with an extreme impact that could destroy the
whole universe. It is the weapon that has been used since ages until this moment,
and people still falling under his mercy. We were not born hating anything, but hate
is a culture that we acquired because of many factors that shape our personalities
such as community, friends and family. Do we learn how to hate?, is hate a personal
freedom? and the most critical question is will it still be hate if we are living in the
same world but with different names?, these are the question that I am going to
answer on this paper. Throughout the ages, hate has found it place to take the lead of
people judgements and emotions it was the motive in whatever they are doing. Who
taught people that... Show more content on ...
What if western called African, Arab called Indian, Latinos called Asian, and what
if Islam called Christianity or Judaism, what if gays called straight and vice versa,
what is woman called men well there still be sexism, will it still be hate in that case
will the new Africans be slaves or the new Indian be pathetic, will it be still a class
system in the world and judge depending on it. will Christians be called terrorists
will it be the same like. Why not putting yourself on their shoes and see how they
feel, why not thinking what makes you better than them or God just grant heaven to
you and your nation, we do not know who is right and who is wrong so why not
living in peace and respect each other s beliefs why making these little unnecessary
name determine your relationships with people and ruining their life why looting
their right to live and make them grow the feeling of surviving instead. Spread love
instead of
Tourmaline Strengths
One of the most popular, besides colorful types of beads you can wear are tourmaline
beads. These eye catching beads can be designed into many types of jewelry,
including earrings, rings, pendants and bracelets. Most of tourmaline are faceted,
meaning they have a smooth cut. If you re in the market for tourmaline beads, here
are some of their benefits, besides some buying considerations. Benefits of Wearing
Tourmaline Necklaces, Bracelets and Wristbands Tourmaline beads are known for
their unique beauty. These stunning, bright gemstones make attractive jewelry and
made from fine quality materials that most buyers can afford. . Besides being
beautiful, tourmaline beads are also considered therapeutic with several natural
healing properties.... Show more content on ...
Red, yellow or orange tourmalines appear better when seen under iridescent lighting.
There are some types of red tourmalines that even appear brown when seen in natural
sunlight, which may look unattractive to some buyers. On the other hand, blue, green
and violet tourmalines appear considerably better against natural sunlight. Therefore,
when shopping for a stone, examine it uner both artificial and natural lighting.
Hardness on the Mohn Scale The Mohs scale is used to measure mineral and gem
hardness. Tourmaline falls between 7.0 to 7.5. The numbers of the Mohn scale are
determined on how difficult or easy it is for a mineral or gem to be scratched.
Numbers range from 1 to 10 with the higher the number, the softer is the mineral.
Additional Considerations and Warnings Consider transparency as tourmaline beads
range from transparent to opaque. Keep tourmaline stored away from hard materials
and harder gemstones to prevent them from damaging it. Protect these gemstones
from exposure to large changes in temperature as this can result in the crystal
fracturing. For instance, don t leave your tourmaline jewelry in a hot vehicle or next
to a
ASD Intervention Essay
Another method that is commonly used as an intervention for students with ASD is
the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM). ESDM is an inclusive behavioral
intervention for infants to preschool aged children (Dawson et al., 2009; Vivanti et
al., 2014). The learning objectives are based on individual strengths and weaknesses,
with a focus on developmental fields that are foundational to social and social
cognitive learning and development (Vivanti et al., 2014). The students with ASD
work to enhance their verbal and nonverbal communication, emotion sharing,
imitation, joint attention, play, social orienting, and attention (Rogers et al., 2012).
The ESDM program outlines the skills taught at certain times and the teaching
interventions used to deliver the material. This early intervention is often
performed in the child s natural environment such as the home with trained
professionals and parents, but is also performed in group settings (Dawson et al.,
2009; Vismara Rogers, 2008; Vivanti et al., 2014). ESDM is often performed in a
1:1 setting, but it has also been performed in larger group settings with a 1:3 ratio
(Dawson et al., 2009; Vismara Rogers, 2008; Vivanti et al., 2014). This intervention
incorporates ABA with developmental and relationship based approaches (Dawson et
al., 2009).
ESDM employs strategies that involve interpersonal ... Show more content on ...
Social stories often are simple stories explaining how to do something (i.e., sitting on
the rug) without disruptions (Agosta et al., 2004). Social stories should have four
basic types of sentences: descriptive, directive, perspective, and affirmative (Delano
Snell, 2006). A reinforcement system can be initially introduced as well to encourage
the positive behaviors. Research suggests that when the reinforcement is removed
while the social story remains, the disruptive behaviors continue to diminish (Agosta
et al.,
Returning Home Alive Creative Writing
It has been quite some time since I have last seen you. If all goes well, hopefully I
will be able to see you again! People are dying all around me and I fear I may be
next. I thought that I would write to let you know that I am fortunately well but
there are many things that have been troubling me. On the first day of battle, many
soldiers were sent in to the area between our land and our enemy s land, what we
call no man s land . It was muddy and the tanks were unable to make it through,
leaving our men vulnerable. So many men died that I began to lose hope that I
could ever return back home alive. Although the weather is beginning to clear up
now, a few days back the rain came down on us as if it was our enemy. The revolting
... Show more content on ...
It is the gunfire, machine guns and bombs. They keep me awake at night as the
shots fired echo through these smelly tunnels and ring through my ears. The only
place to rest is the uncomfortable dirt dugouts which is the same place we can
jump in to avoid any bombs. This whole place is unwelcoming. How I wish I had
some of your delicious meals to eat, as the food here is tasteless, disgustingly
chewy and simply awful. I receive little food and it is always chunks of fatty meat
and vegetables in thin gravy. It has been forever since I have had a hot meal or
even a clean shower. A month has not yet passed and already I cannot stand these
trenches. These trenches are filled with the unexpected and the diseases are
beginning to take power. Sadly, my friend Parker, fell ill and died yesterday. I did
not realise how deadly trench fever caused by the lice could be until yesterday.
Also, day after day, countless soldiers fall and these fat disgusting rats eat away at
the dead remains of my brave fellow soldiers. These dirty, wet trenches near the
Somme River in France are a true nightmare. They are full of awful things I fear may
lead to my downfall. Mother, should I not return, please carry
Reasons For European Expansion Into The New World
The Europeans, battling the pains of growing into nations, looked west to find the
riches of the East only to find an even greater treasure. The Americas would be
forever changed by the colonization of Europe. The three main motivations for
European expansion into the New World, which include economics, religion, and
politics, would combine to shape the colonies and eventually the nations of North and
South America.
In 1381, King Henry VII England defeated the French at Agincourt, essentially
signaling the end of the age of chivalry and the feudal organization of Western Europe
. Over the next two centuries of nearly constant strife, Europe would consolidate the
feudal powers into monarchies, creating new nation states. National characters
developed, often forged in contrast to other nations. Rivalries abounded, with a
constant shifting of allies and enemies. The character of these foreign relations would
carry over into the new world.
Politics, both internal and foreign, played a huge role in the timing and type of
colonial expansion into the New World. Because of her competition with Portugal s
naval power, Spain was able to quickly expand west once it was realized what
Christopher Columbus had found was valuable. Spanish internal politics also
conspired to allow quick colonization. Queen Isabella married well to consolidate
her power, and in defeating the Moors in Granada in 1492, secured her legitimacy
and gave Spain a sense of nationalism. In contrast, England was
My Lifestyle Management Health Risk Inventory
Right now, I think my current strengths are exercising regularly and being willing
to make a change in my life. My Body Mass Index is also in a healthy range. As for
my weaknesses, I have a lot to work on. I know I need to start eating a healthier
diet. I also must work on better stress management, especially because I am both in
school and have a part time job. I could already tell in my day to day life that I
needed better sleep habits as well. The LifeStyle Management HealthRisk Inventory
has given me some suggestions on how to improve my health. The inventory gave
me strategies to avoid slips in my exercise routine, such as thinking of the benefits of
exercise and reminding myself that I have committed to a healthy lifestyle. As
Linguistic Features and Translation of Financial English
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Linguistic Features and Translation of Financial English
A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Arts
Ruan Chao
Under the Supervision of
Bai Jingxuan
School of Foreign Languages
Tianjin University of Science and Technology
May 2011
With increasingly closer communications on business domestically and
internationally, financial English has been playing a more and more prominent role
in the economic activities in recent years. It is of vital concern to grasp the linguistic
features of financial English and the skills of its ... Show more content on ...
The better people master the financial English, the more comprehensive they can
understand the operations of economy. Financial English is a kind of ESP (English
for Special Purpose) which enjoys a style of its own. However, the research on
translation of financial English is till in its starting phase. Although there are abundant
books and works concerning financial English, most of them have been designed to
meet the needs of finance learners. A further exploration is needed to learn more
about the features and translation of financial English. Firstly, the thesis reviews the
current situation of financial English studies and its significance. And then, linguistic
features of financial English are discussed from three facets of lexis, syntax and text.
It includes the use of technical terms, initialism, hot words , common words, complex
sentences, declarative sentences and passive sentences. Furthermore, the financial
English is characterized by formal style, logical style and precise style. Thirdly, the
study on the translation of financial English is involved. It is divided into two parts:
words and phrases sentences. The last part is conclusion which highlights the
significance of this research again.
2. Situation Review: Significance and Study Results
2.1 Significance of Financial English
Since China has entered WTO and carried out the
Working Out Research Paper
Are you one who wonders about working out and health? Would you like to know
how does working out affect your mental, physical and emotional health? For your
mental health, working out can cause behavior problems. For your physical health,
working out can benefit your health. Lastly, for emotional health, working out can
cause negative emotional behaviors.
Working out affects your mental health and can cause behavior problems because In
Exercise and mental health. by John S. Raglin it tells me, if you over exercise, you
may get a bad health condition that leads to behavior problems and clinical
depression. Clinical depression is a disorder which makes you feel dull when
performing fun activities and has you continuously being sad. In ... Show more
content on ...
Also, when you over exercise, or do nothing but exercise all day every day, it may
cause bad things to happen to your health and increase bad moods or mood swings.
To add on to that, you develop a health condition called staleness syndrome which
can lead to behavior problems and clinical depression. What I learned about
physical health, exercising enhances health in your body even when you re
playing a sport. When you exercise, your body produces more health benefits by
doing simple things. When you re at home being inactive for several years it can
cause diabetes, body diseases and premature mortality. Even if you re inactive for
a short time period, you still need to get out and go exercise to prevent these
illnesses. Exercise can treat and prevent many illnesses and diseases. If you
exercise, your less immune to diseases. Lastly, what I learned about emotional
health is that exercising can cause stress and negative emotional behaviors. Also,
exercise can cause healthy individuals to have bad health. People who exercise
have a higher heart rate than people who don t. So get out there and go work out!
Exercising can cause stress between both gender groups. The gender group did
differ between emotional responses. People who regularly exercise have exhibited
less of a decline in a
Tattoos In Western Culture
Tattoos in Western Culture The art of tattooing has changed in modern times quite
drastically. It is slowly becoming more acceptable to own and display tattoos on one
s body. In more conservative times, those with tattoos were looked on as social
outcast, turned down for jobs and seen as strange outsiders. However, within the past
half century, tattoos have steadily become more acceptable. Millions of people in
America now proudly tattoo their skin, with everything from religious symbols to
naked women. There is a whole industry based around tattoos, tattoo care, and
basically everything tattoo. There are now expensive clothing lines that base their
imagery on tattoo art, such as the Ed Hardy brand (no matter how stupid the clothes...
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With that high of a percentage, the popularity of memorial tattoos obviously has a
direct impact on the overall popularity and acceptance of tattoos in general. All of
these are possible reasons as to why tattoos have become more popular in recent
years. However, the most likely reason for the spike in popularity is not one, but
all of these reasons. They all increase the number of people willing to go out and
get tattoos, and all of them are responsible for making tattoos more acceptable by
society. The rise in popularity has created a community for those associated with the
art form. There are conventions, shows, magazines, and websites dedicated solely to
the art of tattooing. Not only is there a community for those who adorn tattoos, but
that community is broken up into different classes. There are three separate sub
classes of this tattoo community. The first is the biker/working class. These people
are often poorer and have cheaper tattoos. They are looked down upon by the highest
class as being losers and outsiders, and the high class in the tattoo community feels no
connection with them. The next class is the young punks. This young class is
obviously made up of young members, a lot of them involved in some other sub
culture, music, MMA fighting, etc. There is some overlap between this class and the
other classes, since some of them are richer and some are poorer. At the
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  • 1. Mobile Phone Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of mobile phones presents a unique set of challenges. Firstly, the ubiquitous nature of mobile phones makes it a broad and multifaceted topic, requiring careful consideration of the specific aspects to be covered. Striking the right balance between technical details, societal impacts, and personal perspectives can be challenging, as each of these elements adds complexity to the narrative. Moreover, the rapid evolution of mobile phone technology demands a thorough understanding of current trends and innovations. Staying abreast of the latest developments is crucial to provide readers with up-to-date information and insights. Balancing the historical context with contemporary issues also adds a layer of intricacy to the essay, necessitating a nuanced approach to ensure a comprehensive and insightful discussion. Navigating through the vast amount of information available on this subject is another obstacle. It requires sifting through research papers, news articles, and expert opinions to extract relevant and credible information. Properly citing sources and maintaining a coherent flow of ideas further contribute to the overall complexity. Additionally, addressing the diverse perspectives on mobile phones, such as their impact on communication, privacy concerns, and their role in daily life, requires a delicate touch. Acknowledging the potential positive and negative aspects while presenting a well-argued and balanced viewpoint is crucial to creating a compelling essay. In conclusion, writing an essay on mobile phones demands a thorough understanding of the technological landscape, a nuanced approach to societal implications, and effective communication skills. It requires the ability to synthesize information, critically analyze various perspectives, and present a cohesive and engaging narrative. For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic tasks, platforms like offer professional writing services. These services can provide tailored essays on a variety of topics, ensuring that students and professionals alike receive high-quality, well- researched content to meet their academic or professional needs. Mobile Phone Essay Mobile Phone Essay
  • 2. Ralph Waldo Emerson s Definition Of Success S for Success To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded (____) . This quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson captures his paradigm of success. People strive to achieve success and create goals to obtain it; however, a single minded interpretation of success leads to missing out on opportunities. The presence of challenges provides the opportunity for success and success comes with the determination to overcome the challenges. Early in the fifteenth century, the word success first appeared. Developing from Latin word successus , it was first defined as the fortune (good or bad) befalling anyone in a particular situation . In the mid 1600 s, the definition of success a prosperous achievement of something attempted was altered and fits the current use of the word. Appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1978, the latest entry of the definition of success is defined as an instance of an achievement ( Success ). The broadness of the term achievement ... Show more content on ... Jordan, known for his impressive basketball career, explains that success does not come without failure. As a sophomore in high school, Jordan was cut from the varsity basketball team and his disappointment drove him to working tirelessly to become a better player. His relentless drive caused him to break numerous collegiate records and become one of the most decorated athletes in history ( Michael Jordan Biography ). His athletic career, from being cut from his varsity team to becoming one of the greatest basketball players, demonstrates the importance of learning from personal failures and creating success out of these
  • 3. Jill Browne Essay Jill Conner Browne and St Patrick s Day Parade Jill Conner Browne was born in Tupelo, Mississippi in 1952; however, she Ms. Browne spent her childhood in Jackson, Mississippi. She has a sister named Judy. Ms. Browne is a mother of one child whose name is Bailey. In 1982, after the death of her father and a divorce from her husband, Ms. Browne felt a void in her life. She looked for something to make her whole and happy, and she met a man named Malcom White. He was putting on the very first St. Patrick Day s Parade. Browne said, It s not like there s a whole bunch of Irish people here; I happen to be one, but purely coincidental. I think it was more of an excuse to drink and drive. Ms. Browne said that one of her many talents were to smile and wave. Browne said, Daddy told us that there s not many things in life you really and truly cannot change, but when you do encounter one, you got to figure out either how to make fun out of it or make fun of it. Having a friend whose father had a sweet potato farm in Vardaman, Mississippi, Ms. Browne told her friend she was going to enter the St. Patrick Day s Parade as the Sweet Potato Queen not knowing that her friend was also entering the parade as a Sweet Potato Queen, therefore they were called the Sweet Potato Queens. They wore outfits from the Goodwill cast offs. Ms. Browne wore her sister s 1964 prom dress, and a tiny tiara she purchased from Hancock Fabrics. Ms. Browne and her friend rode on the back of a
  • 4. The Problem of Media and Violence Violence has become a serious problem in America. From Sandy Hook Elementary to the Aurora Colorado shootings, terrorism has crept deeper into the culture. From 1982 1992 there were eight incidences of terrorism. From 2002 2012 there have been seventeen (Geigner). The growth at which these events are spreading is exponential. Modern terrorismdid not begin until approximately the 1950s when it changed from guerrilla tactics used by a nation to the to the type common today, non state terrorism. These assailants fight for no flag, have no rules, and will do whatever they feel like at any given moment (Zalman). The violencethese radicals produce is cataclysmic. However, instead of being distressed by this violence, citizens latch onto the offenders. They give the assailant the fame and popularity that he or she desires. For example, within hours of Boston Bombings, the faces of the two assassins were broadcasted everywhere in the media, and rightly so. The police needed the help of the public to find and capture these criminals. But constant media coverage three weeks after the event was unnecessary. Many say that sensationalist media, not gun control is the reason for attacks of violence. Those who terrorize the nation are held up almost as heroes. Their names are plastered on every news station around the world. Assailants will always find ways to kill even with the extreme control of guns. But, without the publicity and the fame, psychopaths would not need to kill innocent
  • 5. The Pros And Cons Of Zero-Tolerance Policy Zero Tolerance Policy is the leading cause of most disobedient students, the reason why most students drop out of school and the cause of insubordination among students. The Zero Tolerance Policy is a policy that, like the name states, has zero tolerance for anything. Anything seen as a threat or anything that sends an inappropriate message towards the community is considered bad and the student could get arrested, suspended and/or expelled. The Zero Tolerance policy applies to any student, regardless if a student has any health problems and falls to any student between the ages of 4 18. It could also apply to a student who could have the lowest amount of infractions possible. They say that removing students is necessary for learning, but, in doing that, they hurt the student as well. Some places don t provide alternative places for students to learn at, really taking away their education. If it really ensures a safe and orderly environment for children, then there should be proof. There is no actual proof that it makes students feel safer (Wahl, SchoolZero Tolerance Policies Do Harm par. 1). It alienates the student and makes the student feel as if they are the odd one out . Due to the injustices that this creates, the Zero Tolerance Policy is ineffective, because it teaches students injustice, lowers students academic rates and minor offences are punished. Zero Tolerance doesn t make students feel safe. In fact, it makes them afraid. Thus, it teaches them about the
  • 6. Twilight Term Papers R. D. Laing made the statement, Life is a sexually transmitted disease and the mortality rate is one hundred percent. This becomes apparent in Stephenie Meyer s bestselling series Twilight. Twilight is about a teenage girl, a vampire, and a werewolf. Isabella Swan moved to a small town in the state of Washington and while there she fell in love with some supernatural beings. What Laing is saying about the mortality of humans is thrown out the window when vampires are involved, but the mortality of humans is still a major plot point in these books. Edward Cullen, Jacob Black, and Bella Swanare perceived as metaphors for the darker parts of mankind s existence. Even though he is one of the protagonists, Edward is a stalker. Herold explains, He sneaks into Bella s bedroom at night to watch her sleep. He follows Bella; some even state Edward actually stalks Bella. He has a difficult time controlling his urge to drink her blood and to kill her (Herold). Edward s obsession for Isabella Swan is being mistaken for overwhelming love. He wants their relationship to be chaste until they are married because does not want her to get hurt. In Lev Grossman s article he mentions that, It s never quite clear whether he wants to sleep with Bella or rip her throat out (TIME). In the end he does have sex with her and kills her. Edward does, however, refrain from acting on his desires until after marriage. His impulses are seen as acceptable ones because he is a dominant
  • 7. Social Norms In Society We live in a society of expectations. These expectations subconsciously shape our mannerisms on a day to day basis. Stemming from these controlled mannerisms are social norms. Social norms are the traits that have come to be typical over time because they have been shaped by our surroundings and our everyday interactions. When a norm is broken, society reacts by entering into shock. In a social experiment, I tested the reaction of society when I broke a social norm. For my experiment, I violated a folkway. I went to get my hair cut at my normal salon. This salon is an upscale, boutique blow dry bar and salon. There were many women in there who were getting their hair done. I have been going to that salon for years, and have come to know all of the employees and stylists. I had an appointment with my regular stylist who has cut my hair ever since I was little. I usually always go for a trim of about an inch and a blow dry after. This time, when my stylist asked me what I wanted, I looked her in the eye and said, take it all off. I was asking her to shave my head completely. The reaction of the people in the salon was one of shock. My hairdresser at first, looked at me and laughed as if I was joking. I then had to say, no really, take it all off. This is when she started to look panicked. She then began to question me, are you sure that is what you want? Why don t you give yourself some time to think about it? I reassured her that that was what I really wanted,
  • 8. Techniques Used by Law Enforcement Officers to Catch... Law enforcement officers have used multiple techniques over the years to try to catch criminals in the act. One such technique is the use of undercover officers, who work in the field to gain information under a false persona. This tactic is often used to catch child predators in online chat rooms. These men and women of the law pose as young boys and girls in an effort to catch a predator before they can harm another child. In the course of the transcript we were to read for class, the officer posed as a 12 year old girl. To convince the predator jazzeman04 that he was talking to a 12 year old girl the officer placed a deceptive picture on her profile. The officer was also keen on the current chat lingo, and communicated in the same... Show more content on ... This officer did a remarkable job in their attempt to catch this online predator. The strategies of using common chat room jargon, leaving the conversation gap for a few minutes at a time, and pretending to speak to her mother multiple times would lead many to believe they are truly speaking to a young girl. Leaving the conversation gap from time to time allows the officer to prove that the other individual was leading the conversation, and wanted to speak to her . The only thing I could see in this conversation that may appear as entrapment is when the officer is asking if jazzeman04 is being serious on meeting her . These questions could be seen in either light of the argument. Defense could argue that it is entrapment, trying to make sure his client shows up at the sting. Prosecution could argue that those kinds of questions would be normal for anyone young girl that wants to meet her new friend. I personally would stand with the prosecution on the matter because the officer in no way had led the conversation up to this point. The officer also posing, as a young girl that had been groomed to meeting the individual would want to make sure that meeting was going to happen. In multiple places of the textbook, the authors give the guidelines of what an office is and is not allowed to do during the course of an
  • 9. Bowel Cancer Issues A current health issue which I encountered in my placement was bowel cancer. This essay will provide an overview of the research process, explanation of the client and their health issue and relate the care that the client received to two of the Nursing Council of New Zealand s Competencies, within domain two (NCNZ, 2012b, p.14). To locate my resources for this essay I used the EBSCOhost database and the Nursing Reference Center, both of which were accessed through the WINTEC website. From there I refined my search by full text articles and articles between 2012 and 2017. This created a narrower search window for my research. I entered search words such as: bowel cancer , bowel cancer screening , bowel cancer treatment and bowel cancer ... Show more content on ... If the FIT comes back positive the client is then offered further diagnostic testing, which is usually a colonoscopy (MOH, 2017). The FIT is particularly important for the detection of colorectal cancer as 80% of patients with this test positive ( Fecal occult blood tests , 2016). A colonoscopy involves a doctor inserting a flexible scope into the anus, to visualise the interior walls of the rectum and colon ( Colonoscopy, assisting , 2016). During the colonoscopy, the doctor is able to remove any polyps in the colonic or rectal wall and/or take samples as required ( Colonoscopy, assisting , 2016; MOH, 2017). Any samples that are taken are sent to the laboratory where a diagnosis can be made, usually within a period of two weeks (Davis at al., 2016, p.305). Boswell, Cannon and Miller (2013) describe holistic nursing care as care which encompasses the whole person: the physical, spiritual, family and mental health (p.303). In practice, I found it useful to integrate the Te Whare Tapa Wha health model. Although this model was more specifically created for Maori clients I discovered that it can be incorporated into the care for everyone. The Te Whare Tapa Wha model involves caring for the whole patient, tending to all aspects of their health; suggesting
  • 10. Essay on Biography of St Thomas Becket St Thomas Becket (December 21, 1118 December 29, 1170) was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 to 1170. He engaged in a conflict with King Henry II over the rights and privileges of the Church and was assassinated by followers of the king in Canterbury Cathedral. Life before his consecration Thomas Becket (also known as Thomas Г Becket, although many people consider this incorrect)[1] was born in London sometime between 1115 and 1120, though most authorities agree that he was born December 21, 1118, at Cheapside, to Gilbert of Thierceville, Normandy, and Rosea or Matilda of Caen. His parents were of the upper middle class near Rouen, and Thomas never knew hardship as a child. One of Thomas s father s rich friends, Richer de ... Show more content on ... This created both a hardship and a resentment of Becket among the English Churchmen. To further implicate Becket as a secular man, he became an accomplished and extravagant courtier and a cheerful companion to the king s pleasures. Young Thomas was devoted to his master s interests with such a firm and yet diplomatic thoroughness that scarcely anyone, except perhaps John of Salisbury, doubted his allegiance to English royalty. King Henry even sent his son Henry, later the Young King , to live in Becket s household, it being the custom then for noble children to be fostered out to other noble houses. Later that would be one of the reasons his son would turn against him, having formed an emotional attachment to Becket as a foster father. Henry the Young King was reported to have said Becket showed him more fatherly love in a day than his father did his entire life. Archbishop Theobald died April 18, 1161, and the chapter learned with some indignation that the king expected them to choose Thomas his successor. That election took place in May, and Thomas was consecrated on June 3, 1162, in accordance with the king s wishes. Archbishop, 1162 At once there took place before the eyes of the astonished king and country an unexpected transformation in the character of the new archbishop. Having previously
  • 11. The Struggle in Shiloh by Bobbie Ann Mason Essay Leroy and Norma Jean in the short story, Shiloh by Bobbie Ann Mason, are a married couple, and they experience a series of events, which shapes them and determines there future. The final setting, Shiloh, works well to highlight the battles of war to the battles between Norma Jean and Leroy. Throughout the story Mason is focused on the persistency of grief, the instability of gender roles, along with the distance and lack of communication separating Leroy and Norma Jean from each other. Mason illustrates how marriagecan be a struggle striving to work out to the very end. The struggle to battle with the persistent grief of self blame and lack of identity is a constant reminder to the barriers in relationships. Leroy grieves... Show more content on ... There are many instances where Leroy shows his submissive role of the marriage, such as, when Mason writes, he is doing needlepoint, macramГ©, and concerning himself with the state of marriage (Mason 219), because of societies standards he should be concerned with providing for his family. On the other hand, Norma Jean is a more dominant character of the household. While Leroy is injured Norma Jean feels the need to take on his duties by getting an education, having a job, and focusing on fitness, which Leroy is now learning about her. For instance, Mason states, Norma Jean and Leroy used to have fun when he came back from work, eating dinner that she made, playing cards and watching television (Mason 224). This shows that Leroy does not know his wife is anymore. Leroy recognizes the change in the roles and the changes he sees in his wife and becomes concerned about his marriage. Lack of obligations and selfish acts cause conflicts in their marriage when the characters do not fulfill expectations based on gender. By avoiding communication the characters seem as if they are doing the best for their relationship, but in fact it contributes to the dissolution of their marriage. Although Randy s death occurred years before the story takes place, it continues to pass through the consciousnesses of Leroy and Norma Jean.
  • 12. Studying in the Arena of Information and Communication... The technological marvel of enabling a connectivity grid globally is now an indispensable tool of almost every sphere of life and subject to constant innovations. The magnetism of which has been the incentive for me to plot my future trajectory in Communications and Signal Processing and tapping into its phenomenal potential of enhancing the ease and efficacy of life. The inclination towards the technical arena took root early with a penchant for the play of numbers, mathematics being my pet subject through schooling. My outstanding merit secured me the admission in ECE under Osmania University, which has been the gateway to an infrastructural learning experience along with multiple outlets to channel and polish my aptitude. Consistent ... Show more content on ... Working on Optical fibre splicing, OTDR, Signal analysis for ss7, GSM and GRPRS networks, Cellular RF planning and IP Networking on Cisco routers has honed my skills in the aspect of Cellular Planning. Am also acquainted with the courses in Cisco Certifications which include Cisco Wireless Network Associate and Operating Systems like UNIX and LINUX. Translating the lines from the books into a practical frame in projects such as Bough Woolley Multiplier using Tanner Tools, Number Keypad for Door locking system (using Atmel ATMega8 AVR Microcontroller ) and GSM based SMS controlled Robot have been efficacious in tempering my groundwork and refining the finesse. The Gsm Based SMS controlled Robot Project employed designing a robot interfaced with a GSM module (RS232 communications) using Atmel ATMega8 AVR microcontroller. The remotely accessible, battery operated robo device performs the corresponding output in accordance to the command given through SMS. Its marked utility is for surveillance in critical conditions wherein a human life is subjected to risks. Recruiting precise execution, task oriented approach and fluid adaptability I have received commendation on competitive levels: winning the first prize at Robolympia 09, second position in two categories at the technical fest SPAC 09 and being one of the top 10 contenders at Roboveda 08. I have functioned in the capacity of a steering committee member in the Robotics Club. I find the arena
  • 13. Mexican Trafficking And Drug Trafficking Did you know that Mexico has a history with many brutal crimes? Crimes such as kidnapping, money laundering, murders, prostitution, drug dealing, extortion, human trafficking, gun trafficking, drug trafficking, car thief, and cartels wars. Have you ever been a victim of any of this crimes listed above in Mexico? Sadly most people who lived in Mexico tend to be victims of a crime. In Mexico 1 out of every 8,300 people are violently murdered. Most murder rates are in the borders near the United States. However the murder rate has gone down in most places. In the other hand drug trafficking and kidnapping has risen in the past five years, which has been a major critical problem coming from many cartel and wars between them Drug trafficking .The Mexican drug trafficking rings play a major role in the flow of heroin, cocaine, and marijuana transiting between United Sates and Latin America. JoaquГn Archivaldo GuzmГЎn Loera known as El Chapo is well known in Mexico. A majority of people have heard about him or know about him in other countries as well .The reason why he is well known is because he became Mexico s top drug leader in 2003 and the first drug lord to use aircraft to smuggle to the United States. He was in charge of the world s largest and most powerful drug trafficking organization referred to as Sinaloa Cartel. The Sinaloa Cartel smuggles multi ton cocaine shipments from Colombia through Mexico to the United States and Europe, and has distribution cells
  • 14. Crimes Involving The Use Of Firearms Crimes involving the use of firearms consist of around 0.4 percent of all documented offences in England and Wales, doubling since the mid to late 1990 s (Povey and Kaiza 2006). This is due to the ever more restrictive legislation and public policy responses. A small number of high profile firearm homicides have significantly increased the public s apprehensions about the problem of illegal firearms. Police, politicians and media reports have illustrated the emergence of a criminal gunculture , predominantly in the inner city areas of England (Bennett and Holloway 2004). Comparatively little is known on the other hand, regarding criminal attitudes towards and within the market in illegal firearms therefore limiting the progression of policy, policing practice and an understanding of the impact of firearms legislation (Bryan 2001). Gun Crime is a general term used when including all circumstances, when firearms including shotguns, air guns and imitation firearms are illegally utilised (HMIC 2004). This is inclusive of all illegal possession offences whilst no other crime has been committed. The presence or absence of a gun does not impinge on the likelihood that crime will be committed (NCIS 2003). Criminals will be able to use other weapons as opposed to firearms in order to commit crime and accomplish their negative intention, as the missing presence of firearms does not mean that crimes involving guns are easily avoided (Hoskin 2011). Gun control and ownership does not
  • 15. Essay On Neurological Gait Disorders At this point in time neurological gait disorders, which according to Driscoll and Skinner (2008) include: central nervous system disorders such as cerebral palsy and spinal cord injury (spina bifida); motor neuron disorders such as spinal muscular atrophy; peripheral nerve disorders such as Charcot Marie Tooth disease; neuromuscular junction disorders such as congenital myasthenia gravis; and muscle fiber disorders such as Duchenne s muscular dystrophy currently have no known definitive treatments or cures (p. 163). Additionally, several of these large heterogeneous diseases are known as being genetic. Gormley (2001) stated that these disorders can have many neurological deficits that interfere with function, cares, comfort, or positioning that associate with mobility... Show more content on ... A child with neuromuscular and musculoskeletal problems should be treated if these impairments are interfering with some level of functioning. Gormley (2001) indicated that these impairments should not be treated because of their mere presence, but treated if treatment improves some aspect of a child s quality of life or helps prevent future problems that may be caused by that impairment. This research study examines the use of several treatments as they affect a particular impairment caused by a both a neurological gait or musculoskeletal disorder, and how they aim to improve a child s quality of life. Primary treatments being discussed are virtual reality (VR) technology, pediatric Gait, Arms, Legs, Spine (pGALS) tool, aquatic training, novel robotic walker, and power wheelchairs. The scope of the study, a description of the participants, and the methodological approach is explained, followed by discussion of the results and an overall conclusion related to the
  • 16. A Comparison of Dulce Et Decorum Est and Exposure Essay A Comparison of Dulce Et Decorum Est and Exposure Traditional war poetry gives the idea of patriotic idealism of war. This style of poetry implies that war is patriotic and that people who fight for their country are honorable. But many of the poets do not portray war as it really is, by glossing over the gory details with attractive images. Many traditional war poems were written before the war to persuade and encourage young boys to become loyal soldiers. Many of the soldiers were taught to believe that they were the chosen few and they were delighted to take part. They even thanked God, Now, God be thanked, Who had matched us with His hour . The capital H on His implies the importance; meaning that His hour is God s ... Show more content on ... As the war was developing the pressure to take part in conflict grew increasingly. After training , Owen was labeled a second lieutenant. All his romantic notions was destroyed by the reality of war, water logged trenches, barbed wire, bombardments and machine guns. After a near death experience Owen was transported to a hospital with concussion. But he still had the images of his many brothers and conrades laying motionless around him. Owen didn t escape unharmed he was diagnosed with shell shock. He was then posted to Craiglockhart War Hospital for observation where he quickly came the editor of The Hydra , the hospital magazine. Whilst Owen was in the hospital, Siegfried Sassoon arrived. Owen made a good impression on Sassoon and he recognized the potential in his poetry. Encouraged by Sassoon, Owen wrote some of his finest, most angry and compassionate poems at that time. When he left Craiglockhart he furthered his poetry career when he was introduced to the London literary society. Although Owens future seemed promising Owen decided to leave this safe predictable home and return to France to fight. He fought on the Beaurevoir fousomme line and was awarded the military cross. But during his time in France he fell under machine fire. The two poems I have chosen to analyse are Exposure and Dulce Et Decorum Est . Both of these were written by Wilfred Owen
  • 17. Plato’s Theory of Forms Term paper Plato s theory of forms Everything which exist in this world and all things that we see around us are not as they appear to us this is the core idea behind plato s theory of forms.From this idea only he moves towards explaining his world of forms or ideas. In his book called THE REPUBLIC he tell us that the Good is the end of all endeavour,it is the object on which every heart is set,so this good according to him has a form,infact all the abstract ideas like good, justice ,beauty ,love etc has an ideal form according to plato.This form exist outside of space and time.This form remains permanent and is real.All that we see around us ... Show more content on ... In a way it solves the problem of permanence and a way it solves the problem of being and becoming which has existed in the greek philosophy since long.plato s divided line is a perfect answer to this problem.It combines both being and becoming and tell us that from becoming we have to reach upto the being that is real. We perceive a different world through our mind than we do through the senses. It is the material world, perceived through the senses and this world changing. It is the realm of forms,which one sees through the mind, this world is permanent. It is this world that is more real; the world of change is merely an imperfect image of this world. A form is an abstract property or quality. Take any property of an object and separate it from that object and consider it by itself, this is a form.For instance,when we talk of a triangle we say that it is a three sided enclosed figure and the sum of whose all sides is 180degrees,but have we ever seen a perfect triangle what we have seen is just a close approximation of an ideal triangle but not an ideal triangle. Now I want to bring in plato s Parmenides
  • 18. The Multiethnicity Of Venice While walking in Venice the multiethnicity of the city is everywhere. It s in the language and in the languages; it s in the structure itself of the city; it s in the many cultural events and it s of course in the people. Venice is a seaside town, and like many other popular port cities it has a long history of contacts, trades, relations and exchanges with other cultures and populations. The ones looking out to the Mediterranean sea, like the Balkans but also the Orients such as the Ottoman and Abbasid Empires were some of the favourite trade partner of Venice. In the city itself, almost since its foundation, there were many other communities, like Jews , Greeks and Armenians and later on, also small groups of Turks, Persians and Arabs... Show more content on ... Venice is also the privileged location of the Venice film festival , the Venice biennale of arts and architecture; but also concerts, dance performance from all over the world and so on. The people of Venice Comparing the statistics over the years, it appears clear that there is a problem related to the residents of Venice. In fact, in the Venice centre in the 1951 the inhabitants used to be 174 808 while in the 2014 they appeared to be 56 311. But if the number of inhabitants is dramatically decreasing, the number of the students and tourists are constantly increasing . Even if the impact on the city is directly proportional to the duration of stay, and so the tourist hiself only stays for a short period of time, the tourism phenomenon itself is constant and deeply shape the city; so as they do the medium term residents (e.g. students, professors, artists) who modify the city and the long term residents who modify the bones of the city and the urban
  • 19. International Asset And Current Asset 3.Difference between non current asset and current asset Non current asset can be named as Fixed asset as well. While current asset is named as non fixed asset. Non current asset generally consist of net property, plant and equipment intangible assets such as goodwill and other asset. (Business Analysis and Valuation: Text and Cases By Krishna G. Palepu, Paul M. Healy, Victor Lewis Bernard)For current asset, it is an asset that is likely to be realized in, or is intended for sale or consumption in, entity s normal operating cycle; it is held primarily for the purposed of being traded; it is expected to be realized within 12 months after the reporting period; it is cash or cash equivalent. Current assets are held with the intention ... Show more content on ... 5. Prudence concept Prudence is the normal accounting practice to fully recognize losses as soon as they become apparent but not to recognize revenues until they are certain. In more recent times the prudence concept has become known as the realizations principle in that only gains that have been realised . Unrealised gains would not be recognized until the value is realized through its sale. (Financial and Accounting for business by Bob Ryan p.108) Furthermore, it also prevails over the matching concept if the two conflict. For instance, the value of the prudence should be valued for the net realizable value instead of the market price. Where NRV is above cost, the profit likely to arise in the near future is ignored and stock remains in the accounts at the lower figure until the sale occurs. On the other hand, where NRV is below cost, stock must be immediately restated at the lower figure so that full provision is made for the foreseeable future loss.( Introduction to Accounting By Pru Marriott, J R Edwards, Howard J Mellett) In addition, prudence is also the ethic duty that an accountant should obey and follow, where they should abbreviate, identify and induce the main facts of a business or an organisation. For instance, he/she should not overstate the asset figure by using market value or sales value in the balance sheet. He should provide the accumulated
  • 20. Management Of Savagery Apocalyptic View of ISIS in practice: Understanding ISIS apocalyptic views provides the understanding of how the group is set apart from those who have come before, but it is important to understand what beliefs they built on from their past when they were known as AQI, Al Qaeda in Iraq. In 2004, Abu Bakr Naji published the book, Management of Savagery: The Most Critical Stage Through Which the Islamic Nation Will Pass (translated from: ШҐШЇШ§Ш±Ш© Ш§Щ„ШЄЩ€Ш Шґ: ШЈШ®Ш·Ш± Щ…Ш±ШЩ„Ш© ШіШЄЩ…Ш± ШЁЩ‡Ш§ Ш§Щ„ШЈЩ…Ш©), which sought to establish an actual strategy for Al Qaeda and other radical terrorist organizations with the collective goal of reestablishing the Caliphate. The book discusses how organizations, like Al Qaeda and ISIS, should create propaganda that uses religious and... Show more content on ... In this fatwa, al Fahd argued that the West only banned the use of weapons of mass destruction not to protect humanity but to protect themselves and monopolize such weapons. He then continues to say that Thus the situation in this regard is that if those engaged in jihad establish that the evil of the infidels can be repelled only by attacking them at night with weapons of mass destruction, they may be used even if they annihilate all the infidels . Thus, using WMD was able to become permitted in a state of jihad against infidels and the mass killing of civilians was also permissible. While al Fahd was arrest in 2003, his fatwa on WMD s remains one of the most used fatwas for justification of Jihadis acquiring and using
  • 21. Invictus Poem Analysis Imagine someone dying from a sickness. They know that they are on their last leg. They can either fight to stay alive, or they can give up hope and pass away. People control their own fate. Controlling their own fate means that they decide when it is time for them to die, and don t just lay down and accept death. This idea can be seen in in many pieces of text including the following poems. Invictus by William Ernest Henley and Do not go gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas. Both authors express the theme of people control their own fate. Through Invictus, Henley conveys that people decide their own fate. The use of imagery expresses this theme because Henley uses strong words that convey an image in the reader s mind to help them create an image of someone who is dying, but not hanging their head and getting up to fight. This is expressed in the text through the quote, My head is bloody, but unbowed (Henley 8). This imagery is used to to show how he is very close to death but his head is unbowed. This evidence supports the theme because by not bowing his head he is overcoming his near death experience. If he were to bow his head it would mean he would die, and he has decided he doesn t want to die yet. By bowing his head, he is succumbing to death, and he makes the decision to keep up. Another device Henley uses is diction. He uses diction because it expresses how he acts differently than other people. When other people bow their head and get conquered, his head remains unbowed and unconquered. For example, Under the bludgeonings of chance/ My head is bloody, but unbowed (Henley 7 8). This quote uses the word unbowed. It explains how in his situation other people would bow their head and give up, but he isn t going to just bow his head and succumb to death. This evidence supports the theme because everybody goes through a hardship at some point, and they have multiple different ways of dealing with it. They can either sit there and let it ruin them, or they can keep fighting it and do something about it. Similarly, in Do not go gentle into that good night, Dylan Thomas conveys that People decide when it is their time to go. The use of repetition is used to express this theme because it
  • 22. PMI Southern Alberta Case Study PMI Southern Alberta is an incredibly active Project Management Institute network that currently holds the title of being the 3rd largest in Canada with a base of over 2,400 active members. The focus of this organization is to encourage the project management principles within its jurisdiction to communities, local business, and specialists (PMI Southern Chapter, 2017). Members can expect to receive numerous tangible and intangible benefits by joining. These benefits are listed under an umbrella that contains areas such as professionalism, mastery, and involvement. For professionalism, members can expect monthly dinner meetings at a discounted price, involvement in the company ambassador program, and a Toastmaster club. Also in mastery,... Show more content on ... Courses have been carefully designed to ensure that students have practical hands on knowledge with Partnerships between business and government, project management, writing business plans and project proposals, and communication skills (SAIT, 2017). On account of, students will cultivate the proper skills that are required in rural and urban communities for economic development. In addition to receiving a certificate from SAIT, the classes taken can be a bridge into the SAIT Business Administration diploma and other economic agencies such as Economic Development Alberta, Canadian Economic Developers Association, and Council for the Development of Native Development Officers (SAIT, 2017). In conclusion, students who graduate will be able to launch into careers that contain positions such as an economic development officer, liaison officer, community developmentofficer, planning officer and the ability to work within a wide spectrum of organizations in both the private and public sector (SAIT, 2017). The designers of this certification and program are asked to be responsible for building a presentation that generates awareness of the career and the importance of the certification for an economic development professional. The opportunity that can be seized is cultivating the relationships with business certification agencies and
  • 23. Barack Obama s Presidential Election Essay Context Card: Subject: 2016 presidential race Audience: Voters of Hillary Clinton Writing Situation: Why Hillary is not the candidate you want to be the next president. Thesis: Hillary Clinton is a horrible choice for president and Trump is a much better choice when compared to Hillary. Tone: Persuasive and showing why Donald Trump is the better candidate for the presidential election than Hillary Clinton. Presidential Persuasion The 2016 presidential election is said to be, one of the most controversial elections in recent history, with the two main party nominee s being Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Many people would say that they don t like the two main choices for the presidency, further proving this, a poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News that was taken in mid summer 2016 showed that Hillary supporters voted for her because They did not like Trump. While Trump supporters voted for Trump because They did not like Hillary. So It is easy to identify that voters are voting for their respective candidate choice due to the factor being, they do not like the other candidate. According to psychology; Emotion is stronger than logic when it comes to the mental process, so it is safe to assume people are ignoring the facts and solely voting based on their emotions. Some main topics of the Presidential Debate according to the people are that: Trump supporters believe that Hillary wants to restrict gun laws, while Hillary supporters
  • 24. Boost Juice Essay A.Introduction of company Founded by Janine Allis, formed in the 00s with the first store based in Adelaide, South Australia and specializing in selling fruit juices and smoothies, Boost Juice Bars (Boost Juice, n.d.). According to Boost Juice (n.d.), Boost Juice offers an array of healthy products mainly juices and smoothies that are free of preservatives, artificial flavours, and colours. Besides, Boost Juice also sells a range of healthy snacks which includes wraps, fresh yogurt, muesli bars and soups (Boost Juice, n.d.). Back in 1999, Janine Allis took a trip to the United States and something caught her eye (Boost Juice, n.d.). Everyone in the U.S. was into healthy smoothies and fresh juices while in Australia, the fast food market was ... Show more content on ... the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s or on a global scale e.g. the global financial crisis in the late 2000s (Employment, 2018). The main features of an economic downturn include rising unemployment, falling share and house prices, low consumer confidence and declining investment (Employment, 2018). If China is facing an economic downturn, the Chinese citizens (consumers) will be less likely to buy Boost Juice s products even if the prices are marked down which will cause a decrease in sales and profit of Boost Juice. The consumer s income will also decrease which effects the discretionary income of the consumer. Discretionary income is what remains after expenses for basics such as food, clothing, shelter, utilities and prior commitments such as school fees and loans are deducted from the disposable income (what is discretionary income? definition and meaning, n.d.). Even if they have discretionary income, they wouldn t spend much on products as they are not confident with the economy as it is unstable. Boost Juice s sales and profits will decrease if China faces an economic
  • 25. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Essay Buffy the Vampire Slayer While the first seasons of Buffy are structured around an external threat seeking to corrupt the order of the world, later the source of the threat becomes increasingly internal, and the characters must embrace a side of themselves which is evil, irrational, or dangerous. When Giles kills an arguably innocent Ben, he does not suffer the moral ambiguity that Willow encounters when she kills a guilty Warren. Willow has to deal with an evil internal to her in a way Giles does not, and this apparent discrepancy is the result of a general evolution of the series, rather than a double standard. The murder of Ben is comparable to the murder of Warren, even though Ben is mostly innocent and Warren is mostly... Show more content on ... But the Scooby gang doesn t know about any of these things and, even though Dawn obviously knows that Ben is a weak and, by virtue of the circumstances, treacherous human being because of his weakness, Giles certainly has no knowledge of any of Ben s immoral actions when he kills him. Giles is acting on the assumption that Ben is completely innocent but powerless to stop Glory, should she ever wish to return for purposes of payback. Giles realizes that something needs to be done and that whoever does it will be incurring feelings of guilt otherwise he would have left Buffy to do it. By saving her from the act of murder, Giles acknowledges the moral ambiguity of the act itself, the (apparent) innocence of Ben, and the inevitability of guilt for whoever happens to do what, in Giles view, has to be done. (Similarly, he would have killed Dawn, if he had to). But, we notice, feelings of guilt never come, and the ambiguity of this act never surfaces (script directions describe Giles during /after the murder this way: Giles expression never changes ). Giles objectifies the evil it is not in him, but he is merely the carrier, the means for an act which must be done, one way or another. In contrast, when Willow kills Warren, a situation uncannily similar (i.e., a Scooby killing a human) results in entirely different moral consequences. Warren also, presumably, deserves to be killed, and, one way
  • 26. Local Church Formal System Of Power And Authority Any organizations including church congregations are unique in its context and understanding of how to function as an organization. One thing not so unique is the system of power and authority. Each congregation has a set structure of how the organization will operate and distribute power and authority. Surprisingly to some, there also is an informal system of power and authority that often carries more control than the written plan. The nearly 170 year old Coalbush United Methodist Churchhas both an informal and formal organizational structural system. The local church formal system has a very structured system that is designed by the Book of Discipline: the procedure guidelines of the United Methodist Church. The guideline for ordering the church provides a construction of checks and balances between the laity and clergy. The pastor has a voice on every committee, but no vote with the exception of the committee that nominates persons to serve on every committee on the congregation. Each church must have a board of trustees, finance team, a personnel committee, and an administrative council. The administrative council is the central deciding board of the church consisting of a representative from every committee of the church and a few at large members. I was appointed to Coalbush beginning July 1, 2016. I have been observing and serving as I attempt to discover the unique context and setting for this local church in this season of their very long history. The
  • 27. The Negative Effects Of Plastic Pollution On Sea Turtles DA VINICI PROJECT How does plastic pollution effect marine turtles and what can we do to prevent this environmental issue. With society s increasing reliance on non biodegradable plastics, our oceans are being filled with more and more harmful products. This thesis will be discussing the negative impact that plastic products have on our oceans sea turtles, and proposes a number of solutions that need immediately to be put in place. Plastic pollution has been identified as a major, global scale threat to sea turtles for decades, and the oceans are now experiencing a relatively novel and dangerous throw of pollution and highly persistent plastic. Over the past 65 years, the global annual production of plastic has grown from 1.5 million to 299 million metric tons ( Of this, it is estimated that between 4 million and 12 million metric tons enter the oceans every year threatening sea turtles in extremely harmful ways. Hundreds of thousands of sea turtles and other marine mammals, and more than 1 million seabirds die each year from ocean pollution and ingestion or entanglement in marine debris. Plastic resources in our everyday life has a become a so called necessity which unfortunately is having devastating effects to our marine life world wide. This is why we need to come up with a new and innovative idea to create alternative products to combat this environmental issue. It takes 450 years for a plastic bottle to break down and at least 10 to 20 years for a single use plastic bag. (U.S National Park Services) By this scary statistic it shows that once these so called convent items are produced, they don t go away for a long time.This means for all the marine animals homes that are being affected, it is going to stick around for a extremely long time. A new study conducted by the university of Queensland and the journal conservation biology show that green turtles are significantly more likely to swallow plastic today than they were in the 1980 s. The study found that the likelihood of a green turtle injecting man made rubbish jumped from 30% to 50% in 2012.(University of Queensland) The reason why plastic pollution has such a large effect on turtles is because it is extremely lethal to any
  • 28. Yosemite Falls Analysis This painting is for the falls of Yosemite which looks very amazing with the water of the falls coming down and the two men enjoying the view. The colors are very attractive; the artist did a good job matching the colors to create a real picture. Yosemite Falls considered the earliest falls and it ranks one of the highest and the best falls known as water spectacles in the world at that time. The vertical format has been used for this picture to show the height of the falls instead the horizontal format. Therefore, many artists adopt this kind of art to create the same view and that makes him very special artist. The composition is simply made of rocks, water, trees, men, and the blue sky. The picture is asymmetrical, it made from enough
  • 29. Comparison of How Shusaku Endo in Wonderful Fool and... Comparison of how Shusaku Endo in Wonderful Fool and Albert Camus in The Outsider have used moral issues to develop their works It is debatable whether morality is a code of conduct that is considered right by society or whether it is a code unilaterally decided upon by an individual. When we consider morality as a tool used by both Shusaku Endo in Wonderful Fool and Albert Camus in The Outsider, this debate holds immense relevance. Wonderful Fool, heavily influenced by Christian doctrine, addresses the degeneration of Japanese society and the way moral issues are presented in the novel reflects this. In Wonderful Fool Shusaku Endo looks upon morality as the value system defined by the Bible, where Jesus Christ is regarded as the epitome ... Show more content on ... During the trial his lawyer asks, Is he being accused of burying his mother or of killing a man? (Camus 93). This question showing how the court or society was judging him based on exposing the dark workings of this criminal soul (Camus 96), as opposed to the arbitrary shooting. The murder was not malicious. He only killed the man as a response to a red hot blade gnawing at [his] eyelashes (Camus 60). Although Meursault speaks the truth he is judged by a system which does not recognise his moral code. This system views murder as immoral regardless of the intention, whilst Meursault sees no shame in his action as it wasn t borne from malice. In effect he is convicted for not conforming. In the Afterword Camus says the hero of the book is condemned because he doesn t play the game (Camus 118). Meursault pulled the trigger out of tension from the heat and was not out of revenge or hatred towards the Arab. If morality is an individual s set code of conduct, independent of society, a society s morals could then be called ethics . Camus creates a character that is moral as he is true to his own beliefs, whilst at the same time the character is unethical. It was the skill involved in playing a character s private beliefs against those of a society that made me enjoy these texts. In each text, a character s personality conflicts with a society s personality and to me this was a most effective way of exploring the society s flaws. Both writers utilize
  • 30. Ambivalence In Hitchcock s 1946 Notorious Hitchcock s 1946 Notorious takes place in the morally ambiguous world in the midst of post World War Two where the questioning of alliances and moralities have reached a breaking point. Alicia, the daughter to an incarcerated Nazi supporter, finds herself in the midst of a purgatory world stuck in between loveand hate, in other words one of ambivalence. In this state of conflicting feelings of hatred and like for the same individual that results in a state of uncertainty or irrationality, alcohol, which is the driving force of the story line aims to showcase the extremes of this transference. This glitch, meaning this a flaw in our thinking, most predominantly affects ideas of who or what is defined as love, hate and their differences. Although Alicia is the only one seen as an alcoholic in Notorious, all the characters have a relationship to this reoccurring theme that results in their undoing. These ideas of emotional extremes, ambivalence, are always reinforcing and surrounded the idea of alcohol, seeing it as a destroying force as it is the initiating quality of the story lines and is present throughout. Poe s Black Cat aims to showcase the existing parallels of this alcoholic glitch as well as the relationships to alcohol leading to many are the deceivers . Humanities introduces an idea of ambivalence that accompanies this irrational undoing and reinforces the existence of hate and love as a destroyer in the film taking the form of alcohol.... Show more content on ... Definition of Glitch: o The glitch is defined as a flaw in our thinking most predominantly our ideas of who or what is defined as positive and
  • 31. Ethical Principles In Nursing Ethical principles has always been is an essential element in the professional conduct of behavior for the healthcare practitioners. It shows how one s commitment is to act in extreme circumstances in regards to moral and how to deal with the choices that we make and action related to it. (Avasthi, A., Ghosh, A., Sarkar, S., Grover, S. 2013). The nurse is most of the time that acts as an advocate and resource to the patient. As part of the nursing world and as the practitioner for this patient an ethical decision process is needed in this situation. As the medical provider for the 15 year old teen mom and the 18 month old baby, my primary responsibility and commitment is with these two patients and not their family. The 15 year old patient... Show more content on ... And to avoid any harm to the patient. These principles go hand in hand together. Which, mean that I have to do my best in order to protect my patient. I would definitely questions, my Nurse Manager on why was the police called? Even if she is a ran away, contacting the parents may suffice. As calling the police, might do harm with my patient , as she can be scared and it can also be a traumatic experience for her. I would also let the team know, to have the police and the patient s mother to be in another room and I would talk to the patient and the mother separately. My patient has the right to receive fairness in all the medical decisions for herself and her baby. And being a runaway is not an exception. I would be fair and use justice in regards to the mother and my patient. I will also find out the reason on why she would run away. As a nurse practitioner, I would promote, advocate and make an effort for my patient s rights and safety. (Bhanji, S. 2013). Situations like these, needs critical analysis of the risks and benefits with choosing the best option, that each of the healthcare professional will make. The consequences that can happen should be taken into account. Ultimately, a plan that can benefit and will do no harm for the patient and her baby should always be the best
  • 32. Hester Prynne Conflict Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle Napoleon Hill. The novel The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne takes place in Boston 1642, a religious puritan town with firm rules set in place. The conflict of the novel is focused between the character s sense of morality and the emotions they hold for the ones around them. The main protagonist, Hester Prynneis a humble but strong headed woman who kept her strength throughout the novel when faced with adversity. She was bound by the letter A for adulteress as she had borne an illegitimate child; the purpose of the scarlet symbol was to mark the possessor with shame. However, Hester wore the excessively embroidered symbol on her heart with pride. Hester Prynne showed... Show more content on ... A mother s love for her child compares to no other. Hester Prynne s mothering abilities were challenged in the chapter, The Elf Child and the Minister, but she did not let that deter her from fighting for her child. Mr. Wilson, a venerable pastor, cried out to Pearl ...who art thou, and what has ailed thy mother to bedizen thee in this strange fashion? Art thou a Christian child ha? Dost know thy catechism? Or art thou one of those naughty elfs or fairies whom we thought to have left behind us... . Mr. Wilson s interest in the child lead Governor Bellingham, an elderly gentleman, to inquire about her religious upbringing. Canst thou tell me, my child, who made thee? said the Governor. Even though the girl had been informed about her heavenly father, Pearl replied that she had not been made at all, but had been plucked by her mother off the bush of wild roses that grew by the prison door . The Governor was astonished and quickly implied that the child should be immediately released into the control of the Puritan Magistrate. Hester, a force to be reckoned with, confronted the Governor and yelled, God gave me the child! He gave her in requital of all things else, which ye had taken from me. She is my happiness...Pearl keeps me here in life! ... Ye shall not take her! I will die first! Her passion for the child seeped through every word spoken by herself and Mr. Dimmesdale who also defended her. Hester faced many difficulties throughout the novel but she remained strong through everything, even when her daughter was threatened to be taken from her. It takes immense strength to continue living somewhere when everything you love is imperiled and you are constantly being
  • 33. Superheros Research Paper Many people love superheros, they make movies, books, and many more things based on these characters. Superheros have been around for hundreds of years, but how do they better ourselves?. Todays heros inspires us to be our better selves because they us to help us to help people no matter what they look like. They help us to help people no matter what they look like because when, Thor try to save his brother even when his brother betrayed him. We are reminded of the power of forgiveness. Superheros inspires us to stand up for what s right even if some people think it s wrong or they just don t agree. In the book Into The Maze Of Doom every nine years they send fourteen teenagers to crete to get killed by the minotaur because King Minos s
  • 34. Tootsie Roll Case Study Essay 1. Strategy Assessment Tootsie Roll s simple strategy is to be (and remain) a top quality producer and distributor of Tootsie Rolls and other candy products, in an industry where it currently has 2 to 3 percent of market share. Specifically, the company has determined to specialize, almost entirely, in hard candies (such as Tootsie Pops and Blow Pops) and chewy candies (such as Tootsie Roll, Frooties and Flavor Roll), and it currently maintains a 50 percent market share in this unique segment. The success of Tootsie Roll in the U.S. for the past 19 years is attributable to the strong consumer awareness of the company s brand name and brand loyalty. Over time, Tootsie Roll has neither diluted the quality of its products nor failed to ... Show more content on ... In addition to these objectives, some of the competitive advantages that help the company maintain its leading position in the marketplace are highlighted in Exhibit II. 2. Key Strategic Issue Tootsie Roll faces a number of key issues concerning its strategy. One of such strategic issues relates to how it can maintain its marketplace success and sustain its competitive advantages, in light of (i) the company s growth prospects in U.S. and foreign markets, (ii) intensity of the competition, and (iii) the fact that the two key leaders of the company are not getting any younger. 3. Options for Resolving Key Strategic Issue To resolve this key issue, we recommend the following options: (i)Because leadership is a key force in determining an organization s success or lack thereof, the Gordons should consider putting a succession plan in place as soon as possible and should start grooming the would be successor(s). (ii)Extend Tootsie Roll s vertically integrated structure to include product packaging facility, to be consistent with the company s current structure. This could directly reduce costs, in addition to the time and energy saved in negotiating fixed price contracts with packaging suppliers. Tootsie Roll would also be able to control the production of tamper proof packaging in a manner that did not compromise its brand image. (iii)Rather than reduce its spending on advertising
  • 35. Ancient Egypt Research Paper Ancient Egypt Egypt is located on the northeast corner of Africa. Egyptians are the population who lived in Egypt. They created an advanced civilization, with cutting edge systems such as medicine, writing, farming and irrigation. The Egyptian priests knew a lot about anatomy. Priests cut open the Pharaoh s body and took out the organs, four of the organs were put in Canopic Jars, each jar has a different head of gods shown on it: Imsety, Duamutef, Hapy, Qebehsenuef. The heart, however, was taken out of the body, covered with spices and wrapped with linen. The Egyptians believed that, in the afterworld, the heart was going to be weighed by the god Osiris. A heavy heart was full of sin and a monster would eat it, but a light heart meant it was good and it s owner could keep on going with the journey in happiness. The body was put in coffins and brought to the pyramids, where it was buried in a stone sarcophagus which contained two more coffins in it. Egyptians had tools for making the pyramids, they used chisels, mallets, drills, saws, and plumb rules. The Great Pyramid took twenty years to build; The other pyramids took five ten years to build because those pyramids were smaller than the Great Pyramid.... Show more content on ... They made measurements of the body and other living things and objects. They solved algebra equations, and they did multiplication problems, they used fractions too. There are still papyruses with medicine and math systems in
  • 36. The Importance Of The Honor Code In Schools There are always going to be those being, who abuse a system that is created for trusted people, for a good reason. At South Portland a system called The Honor Code which is intended for students in the building to get the privilege of getting some freedom. Including the use of phones and iPads at the appropriate times, leaving the classroom without a hall pass, and more. The schoolmakes sure, that for the students who do not follow the Honor Code can easily have their privileges taken away from them. The South Portland high school community will exhibit trust and openness. (Red riots honor code) The biggest part of the honor code is trust. The teachers must have trust in students,to do what is told of them, and that student are doing ... Show more content on ... Just due to as mentioned earlier, those who take advantage of a good thing meant for all, and essentially ruin it for all. Thankfully we have students in this school who fight hard to make sure the code can stay standing for those who do deserve it and follow it, without those certain students who made their voices heard, there would not still be a code. South Portland is lucky to have such have
  • 37. Jimmy Cross Character Analysis Essay In this short story by Tim O Brien, Lieutenant Jimmy cross leads a platoon of men in the Vietnam War. Unable to keep his thoughts from his unrequited love interested, Martha, Cross allowed his platoon to become lax in their duties and mentally removed from the war. The conflict arises when one of his men, Ted Lavender, is killed on a mission. The conflict is resolved when LieutenantCross abandons his youthful fantasy world for the reality of the war he is living in. Cross finds new purpose in the vigilant leadership of his men. O Brien carefully listed and weighted items, both physical and mental, that individual soldiers carried, which served as a link in developing his character s personality traits. Henry Dobbins is a machine... Show more content on ... Norman Bowker, otherwise a very gentle person (9), carried a diary and a human thumb that Mitchel Sanders gifted to him. The diary is representative of his gentle or even compassionate nature. Whereas, the severed finger of the sixteen year old boy represents his need to toughen up in the reality he was living in where innocent looking sixteen year old kids carry rifles and ammunition. Rat Kiley is the medic and carried comic books, brandy, and a medical supply satchel with morphine, plasma, malaria tablets, surgical tape and M Ms. Kiley s youth is captured in his desire for comic books and candy. Kiowa is an American Indian steeped in tradition. A devout Baptist, Kiowa carried an illustrated New Testament from his father, a feathered hunting hatchet from his grandfather, moccasins, and his grandmother s distrust of white men. Lee Strunk s slingshot and tanning lotion are representative of an outdoorsy, adventurous boy. This is further shown when he comes out of the dreaded tunnel grinning (8). Finally, protagonist Jimmy Cross is the platoon leader and carried a compass, maps, code books, binoculars, a .45 caliber pistol that weighs almost three pounds, strobe light, two photographs of Martha, a good luck pebble, and the responsibility for the lives of his men. Jimmy Cross is sentimental and his love for Martha, whom he hoped was a virgin, represented Cross youthful innocence. The themes of The
  • 38. Economic Inequality And The Consequences Of Poverty Furthermore, the consequences of inequality are pretty broad and common sense. There will always be a gap between the rich and the poor. Also known as economic inequality setting boundaries within a society. Some consequences of this inequality are stifling growth, increases in political inequality and increases in crime. Stifles growth meaning if the high level of inequality is high it will increase poverty, which will lead to escalation of crime. This will set burdens on the economy and will perhaps cause an increase in food expenses and a decrease in society s incomes. Then the growth of the government starts to drop, which doe not affect the rich because they maintain their position. However, it greatly affects the poor. This ties to increasing economic political instability. Political instability is crucial to our government s well being. As mentioned in the book, The Golden Rule : He who makes the gold makes the rules (Mooney 192). When wealth is brought together by individuals who are well off they tend to influence political decisions so it plays out in their favor. This is also known as plutocracy. An example would be oil companies funding a politician s campaign to favor them in the long run. It s a shame that this is how our politicians are given into legal and corrupt decisions. Leaving the middle class and poor without a say about their political views. The blue collar workers are less likely to participate in politics because they lack education while
  • 39. Life and Business in the Galapagos Islands Business in the Galapagos Islands takes place mainly during lunch hour, as many people are out at midday eating. Restaurants may even be closed at night in rural areas. This is because some serve local food or cater for tourists in larger cities. In more recent decades, fast food restaurants common in America have been drifting over to Ecuador, such as McDonalds. There is also a Chinese community that originated back in the 19th century here. This familiarizes the locals with dishes like fried rich with chicken, which goes by the name chaulafan de pollo. When touring, one may find a variety of fritters and fried dough s like buhuelos, and other pastries, as street foods are a popular choice. Ecuadorians in the higher valleys of the Andes reply on potatoes as staples in their diets. To spices these potatoes, and other dishes, they use a very hot Andean chili. A sauce seasoned with aji, also containing milk or water is also very common. Varieties on banana are numerous in this country. This allows bananas to be used in many recipes. Other common ingredients include peanuts, peppers, and almonds. A lot of raw fish is also eaten, as well as tamales, soups, and filled pies When touring the islands, one might notice that the food is as unique and varied as the people inhabiting the lands. The culinary traditions are influenced by both the Inea and Spanish conquers of the territory. As the landscapes change, the dishes also change. Many popular lunches include; Ceviche, which is
  • 40. The War Of The Palestine Many Americans are not aware of the genocide that is occurring between Palestine and Israel or the fact that their tax money is feeding Israeli war crimes. What many fail to understand is what s occurring is not a war, it s mass murder. Innocent Palestinians are being killed, beaten, kidnapped, and tortured on a daily basis. Israel has been occupying Palestinian and pushing the Palestinians out of their homeland, where they have lived for centuries. The Jews, who are Khazar blood (in present day Israel), migrated to Palestinein order to reclaim their ancestral homeland (If Americans Knew: What every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine, 2015). The Question is, did their ancestors really originate from Palestine, or is this only an excuse to invade and occupy Palestine in order to turn it into a Jewish State? Does Israel really have the right to exist and defend itself? Looking back at the history of Palestine before the war of 1940; it s been stated that Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived in Palestine in harmony. During the 19th century there was 86 percent Muslims, 10 percent Christians, and 4 percent Jewish residents who settled in Palestine. Many claim that Palestine never existed. This is false, Palestine existed before 1948. Below is a coin during the year 1927 which was worth 10 Mils. If you take a closer look at the coin, you ll notice the word Palestine is written in English, Arabic, and Hebrew. This in fact proves that not only did Palestine exist and
  • 41. Summary Of The Les Standiford s Twin Biography Of Both... O Neaka Rendon History 1302 Standiford, Les. Meet You in Hell: Andrew Carnegie, Henry clay Frick, and the bitter partnership that transformed America. New York: Crown Publishers, 2005. Meet You in Hell is the Les Standiford s twin biography of both Henry Clay Frick and Andrew Carnegie. As highlighted by Standiford, both had a similar background. Both of them began their lives as clerks, but to begin amassing riches, they made use of the business connections they had made during their lowly clerk jobs. According to Standiford, the two men embodied the worst and the worst of American capitalism. The book provides an argument of the relationship that existed between the two founders of the American industry. Standiford raises up the danger and majesty of steel manufacturing, the rough and tumbles of the 19th century s big business, and the tense relationship between the ruthless coke magnate and the world s richest man. The dramatic centerpiece of the dual biography is the bloody clash which exists between imported Pinkerton (detectives) and striking steel workers at the homestead of Carnegie s, in July 1892. During the battle, fourteen people died, and much more were injured. The story of Andrew and Henry is one of the most fascinating stories about relationships; the man who endowed many libraries, and the man who created one of the greatest museums who turn out to be jerks in very different ways as discussed in the essay. According to Standiford, the two pulled
  • 42. Hernan Cortes And Francisco Pizarro Spanish Explorers Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro were explorers from Spain that sailed to the Americas and made many interesting voyages.They both faced separate challenges and difficulties along the way. During their difficulties Cortes and Pizarro acquired allies to help them on their expeditions. Cortez and Pizarro were both very fierce and conquered many areas. Hernan Cortes was a fierce conquistador from Spain that grew up in a noble family. In 1504, he headed out for Hispaniola but ended up in Cuba in 1511. Cortes convinced the Cuban governor to let him be the leader and general of an expedition to Mexico. He then established Veracruz, and was elected official General. Cortes scorched his ships. His men were skeptical about ... Show more content on ... They all learned from each other and grew to be a very powerful force and advanced Cortes s conquest greatly. Cortez and his force arrived in Tenochtitlan on November 8th, 1519. Tenochtitlan was the capital of what we know today as Mexico. Tenochtitlan was one of the largest cities in the world at that time. Tenochtitlan was run by the Aztecs. Cortes then met Montezuma, the Aztecs s emperor. Montezuma and the Aztecs thought Hernan Cortes was a god. They thought he was Quetzalcoatl. Cortez was there at the right time because the god was supposed to arrive the same year Cortes was there. Since they thought he was a god they would do anything for his command. Later on Montezuma suspected Cortez not to be the god. He gave him gold and jewels to try and get him to leave. It had the opposite affect and increased the Spaniards greed. Cortez then captured Montezuma as hostage to prevent the Aztecs attacking. Cortez temporarily left the city leaving Pedro De Alvarado in charge. Pedro ended up murdering several priests and religious leaders which caused the Aztecs to revolt. Cortez then arrived back in the middle of the revolt. He had Montezuma talk to them and made them calm down, but the Aztecs still considered him a traitor. Montezuma was killed by the protesters throwing stones. Now Cortez was in Tenochtitlan and conquering Mexico, the Cuban governor sent a force to kill Cortez and take over what he accomplished. Cortez took the Cuban commander hostage and
  • 43. Laertes in the Play and Movie Version of Hamlet Essay Laertes in the Play and Movie Version of Hamlet In the 1990 version of Hamlet starring Mel Gibson, Laertes is portrayed in a very poor light. He seems to have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. At certain points during the written play, Laertes s actions may be taken entirely differently than they are conveyed in the movie. In the film version of Hamlet, all of Laertes s negative aspects are much more pronounced. As presented in the movie, Laertes is a sore loser. The text version of the play has Laertes simply say No after Hamlet scores his first hit. In the movie, Laertes shows much more emotion. His anger at Hamlet is obvious, and his frustration at being hit is evident, as he screams in protest to the mediator s ... Show more content on ... However, in the movie, Laertes struck Hamlet during a break when Hamlet neither expected it nor could defend himself from it. In this way, the movie version of the play makes Laertes out to be more cowardly than the text. Further, the text does not designate how Laertes wounds Hamlet, so from only reading the text one could presume that Laertes wounded Hamlet severely as an extension of the strength of his anger. But, the film version has Laertes inflict what looks like only a superficial or minor cut on Hamlet s arm a far cry from a mortal wound. In this instance, Laertes is made out to be even more of a coward in the movie because he counts on the poison to kill Hamlet rather than depending on himself, his strength, to produce a wound on his own that is severe enough to kill Hamlet. Another difference between the text and movie versions of the play which make Laertes appear more villainous in the movie is his unwillingness to accept blame for his wrongdoing. In the text, Laertes asks forgiveness after he has blamed Claudius for everything, and after Hamlet has killed Claudius. In contrast, in the film version Laertes reveals Claudius s plan to Hamlet right after the queen dies. Because of this, Laertes appears in the film to be a coward and unwilling to take blame for Gertrude s death by telling Hamlet about the poison on the blade
  • 44. Muted Group Theory Muted group theory is a critical theory concerned with how gender, power, and communication relate to one another. It focuses on the ways the communication practices of a dominant groups suppress, mute, or devalue the words, ideas, and discourses of subordinate groups (Kramarae, 2009). The theory focuses on people with various social status and how they communicate. For example, it emphasizes how much these people speak, when and where they speak, with what words and concepts, in what modes or channels, and with what repercussions (Kramarae, 2018). The muted group theory also brings to light the ways that language structure and customs are not equal for all speakers. The theory suggests that an important way that a social group creates and maintains its dominance is by stifling the speech and ideas of those the dominant group has labeled as outside the privileged circle (Kramarae, 2009). The muted group theory has been extensively used by researchers in diverse fields of study. Some of these fields of study include communication studies, media studies, philosophy, athletics, business, literacy, political science,... Show more content on ... Many of the strengths of the muted group theory have to do with the information it provides. For example, the muted group theory has given a new way of understanding how the majority group and the minorities group communicate within society. Muted group theory explains some problems women experience in speaking out in many settings (West, 2010). Additionally, the theory has caused society to think about how gender, power, and communication relate to one another. Furthermore, the theory has also caused society to reconsider and reform the ways and methods in which communication occurs. Moreover, the theory brings to light the biases within language and how these biases affect the minority groups. Finally, the muted group theory can be applied to various groups not only men and
  • 45. Wild Whitewater Research Papers Wild Whitewater: A First Timer s Guide for a Multi day Rafting Trip If you re like me, then you enjoy the outdoors and the adrenaline rush that comes with trying new things. Yet, base jumping off the Perrine Bridge or skydiving out of a plane without a parachute remain on your list of, No... not happening. I ll admit, for quite some time, I struggled to find a middle ground too. The porridge was too hot or too cold, the adventure was too extreme or way too boring. But then a close friend turned me on to whitewater rafting and (hallelujah) I saw the light. Now after multiple excursions through Idaho s twisting rapids I can safely say I ve found that bowl of porridge that s juuust right. (Insert image of salmon river/or whitewater rafting ... Show more content on ... This makes the entire journey kid friendly (ages 6+) and fun for the whole family. Other amenities included in the trip: Meals (Dutch Oven entrees, salads, salmon, omelets, fruit, yogurt, and granola) Beverages (coffee, water, soda, beer, wine, and juices) Camping essentials (river mattress , beach chairs, sleeping bags, canopies, and tents) To learn more about the tours offered visit Rocky Mountain River Tours online or call (208) 345 2400. 7 Things You ll Need Before Rafting: Much of these essentials will be provided by Rocky Mountain River Tours, but before you strike out on your adventure, review this checklist to make sure you are ready for your wicked good time: Experienced whitewater rafter/instructor/guide. Good physical health. Great swimming skills. A clear understanding of water safety skills. An understanding of how to navigate
  • 46. Hate And Personal Freedom Hate is a simple four letters word with an extreme impact that could destroy the whole universe. It is the weapon that has been used since ages until this moment, and people still falling under his mercy. We were not born hating anything, but hate is a culture that we acquired because of many factors that shape our personalities such as community, friends and family. Do we learn how to hate?, is hate a personal freedom? and the most critical question is will it still be hate if we are living in the same world but with different names?, these are the question that I am going to answer on this paper. Throughout the ages, hate has found it place to take the lead of people judgements and emotions it was the motive in whatever they are doing. Who taught people that... Show more content on ... What if western called African, Arab called Indian, Latinos called Asian, and what if Islam called Christianity or Judaism, what if gays called straight and vice versa, what is woman called men well there still be sexism, will it still be hate in that case will the new Africans be slaves or the new Indian be pathetic, will it be still a class system in the world and judge depending on it. will Christians be called terrorists will it be the same like. Why not putting yourself on their shoes and see how they feel, why not thinking what makes you better than them or God just grant heaven to you and your nation, we do not know who is right and who is wrong so why not living in peace and respect each other s beliefs why making these little unnecessary name determine your relationships with people and ruining their life why looting their right to live and make them grow the feeling of surviving instead. Spread love instead of
  • 47. Tourmaline Strengths One of the most popular, besides colorful types of beads you can wear are tourmaline beads. These eye catching beads can be designed into many types of jewelry, including earrings, rings, pendants and bracelets. Most of tourmaline are faceted, meaning they have a smooth cut. If you re in the market for tourmaline beads, here are some of their benefits, besides some buying considerations. Benefits of Wearing Tourmaline Necklaces, Bracelets and Wristbands Tourmaline beads are known for their unique beauty. These stunning, bright gemstones make attractive jewelry and made from fine quality materials that most buyers can afford. . Besides being beautiful, tourmaline beads are also considered therapeutic with several natural healing properties.... Show more content on ... Red, yellow or orange tourmalines appear better when seen under iridescent lighting. There are some types of red tourmalines that even appear brown when seen in natural sunlight, which may look unattractive to some buyers. On the other hand, blue, green and violet tourmalines appear considerably better against natural sunlight. Therefore, when shopping for a stone, examine it uner both artificial and natural lighting. Hardness on the Mohn Scale The Mohs scale is used to measure mineral and gem hardness. Tourmaline falls between 7.0 to 7.5. The numbers of the Mohn scale are determined on how difficult or easy it is for a mineral or gem to be scratched. Numbers range from 1 to 10 with the higher the number, the softer is the mineral. Additional Considerations and Warnings Consider transparency as tourmaline beads range from transparent to opaque. Keep tourmaline stored away from hard materials and harder gemstones to prevent them from damaging it. Protect these gemstones from exposure to large changes in temperature as this can result in the crystal fracturing. For instance, don t leave your tourmaline jewelry in a hot vehicle or next to a
  • 48. ASD Intervention Essay Another method that is commonly used as an intervention for students with ASD is the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM). ESDM is an inclusive behavioral intervention for infants to preschool aged children (Dawson et al., 2009; Vivanti et al., 2014). The learning objectives are based on individual strengths and weaknesses, with a focus on developmental fields that are foundational to social and social cognitive learning and development (Vivanti et al., 2014). The students with ASD work to enhance their verbal and nonverbal communication, emotion sharing, imitation, joint attention, play, social orienting, and attention (Rogers et al., 2012). The ESDM program outlines the skills taught at certain times and the teaching interventions used to deliver the material. This early intervention is often performed in the child s natural environment such as the home with trained professionals and parents, but is also performed in group settings (Dawson et al., 2009; Vismara Rogers, 2008; Vivanti et al., 2014). ESDM is often performed in a 1:1 setting, but it has also been performed in larger group settings with a 1:3 ratio (Dawson et al., 2009; Vismara Rogers, 2008; Vivanti et al., 2014). This intervention incorporates ABA with developmental and relationship based approaches (Dawson et al., 2009). ESDM employs strategies that involve interpersonal ... Show more content on ... Social stories often are simple stories explaining how to do something (i.e., sitting on the rug) without disruptions (Agosta et al., 2004). Social stories should have four basic types of sentences: descriptive, directive, perspective, and affirmative (Delano Snell, 2006). A reinforcement system can be initially introduced as well to encourage the positive behaviors. Research suggests that when the reinforcement is removed while the social story remains, the disruptive behaviors continue to diminish (Agosta et al.,
  • 49. Returning Home Alive Creative Writing It has been quite some time since I have last seen you. If all goes well, hopefully I will be able to see you again! People are dying all around me and I fear I may be next. I thought that I would write to let you know that I am fortunately well but there are many things that have been troubling me. On the first day of battle, many soldiers were sent in to the area between our land and our enemy s land, what we call no man s land . It was muddy and the tanks were unable to make it through, leaving our men vulnerable. So many men died that I began to lose hope that I could ever return back home alive. Although the weather is beginning to clear up now, a few days back the rain came down on us as if it was our enemy. The revolting ... Show more content on ... It is the gunfire, machine guns and bombs. They keep me awake at night as the shots fired echo through these smelly tunnels and ring through my ears. The only place to rest is the uncomfortable dirt dugouts which is the same place we can jump in to avoid any bombs. This whole place is unwelcoming. How I wish I had some of your delicious meals to eat, as the food here is tasteless, disgustingly chewy and simply awful. I receive little food and it is always chunks of fatty meat and vegetables in thin gravy. It has been forever since I have had a hot meal or even a clean shower. A month has not yet passed and already I cannot stand these trenches. These trenches are filled with the unexpected and the diseases are beginning to take power. Sadly, my friend Parker, fell ill and died yesterday. I did not realise how deadly trench fever caused by the lice could be until yesterday. Also, day after day, countless soldiers fall and these fat disgusting rats eat away at the dead remains of my brave fellow soldiers. These dirty, wet trenches near the Somme River in France are a true nightmare. They are full of awful things I fear may lead to my downfall. Mother, should I not return, please carry
  • 50. Reasons For European Expansion Into The New World The Europeans, battling the pains of growing into nations, looked west to find the riches of the East only to find an even greater treasure. The Americas would be forever changed by the colonization of Europe. The three main motivations for European expansion into the New World, which include economics, religion, and politics, would combine to shape the colonies and eventually the nations of North and South America. In 1381, King Henry VII England defeated the French at Agincourt, essentially signaling the end of the age of chivalry and the feudal organization of Western Europe . Over the next two centuries of nearly constant strife, Europe would consolidate the feudal powers into monarchies, creating new nation states. National characters developed, often forged in contrast to other nations. Rivalries abounded, with a constant shifting of allies and enemies. The character of these foreign relations would carry over into the new world. Politics, both internal and foreign, played a huge role in the timing and type of colonial expansion into the New World. Because of her competition with Portugal s naval power, Spain was able to quickly expand west once it was realized what Christopher Columbus had found was valuable. Spanish internal politics also conspired to allow quick colonization. Queen Isabella married well to consolidate her power, and in defeating the Moors in Granada in 1492, secured her legitimacy and gave Spain a sense of nationalism. In contrast, England was
  • 51. My Lifestyle Management Health Risk Inventory Right now, I think my current strengths are exercising regularly and being willing to make a change in my life. My Body Mass Index is also in a healthy range. As for my weaknesses, I have a lot to work on. I know I need to start eating a healthier diet. I also must work on better stress management, especially because I am both in school and have a part time job. I could already tell in my day to day life that I needed better sleep habits as well. The LifeStyle Management HealthRisk Inventory has given me some suggestions on how to improve my health. The inventory gave me strategies to avoid slips in my exercise routine, such as thinking of the benefits of exercise and reminding myself that I have committed to a healthy lifestyle. As
  • 52. Linguistic Features and Translation of Financial English 金融英иЇзљ„иЇиЁЂз‰№еѕЃеЏЉе…¶зї»иЇ‘ дё“ дёљпјљи‹±иЇ е¦ еЏ·пјљ07121115 姓 еђЌпјљй ®и¶… жЊ‡еЇјж•™её€е§“е ђЌпјљз™Ѕж•¬иђ± з”іиЇ·е¦дЅЌзє§е€«п јље¦еЈ« и®єж–‡жЏђдє¤ж—Ґжњџпјљ2011年5жњ€ е¦дЅЌжЋ€ дє€ еЌ•дЅЌпјље¤©жґҐз§‘жЉЂе¤§е¦ Linguistic Features and Translation of Financial English A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts by Ruan Chao Under the Supervision of Bai Jingxuan School of Foreign Languages Tianjin University of Science and Technology May 2011 ABSTRACT With increasingly closer communications on business domestically and internationally, financial English has been playing a more and more prominent role in the economic activities in recent years. It is of vital concern to grasp the linguistic features of financial English and the skills of its ... Show more content on ... The better people master the financial English, the more comprehensive they can understand the operations of economy. Financial English is a kind of ESP (English for Special Purpose) which enjoys a style of its own. However, the research on translation of financial English is till in its starting phase. Although there are abundant books and works concerning financial English, most of them have been designed to meet the needs of finance learners. A further exploration is needed to learn more about the features and translation of financial English. Firstly, the thesis reviews the current situation of financial English studies and its significance. And then, linguistic features of financial English are discussed from three facets of lexis, syntax and text. It includes the use of technical terms, initialism, hot words , common words, complex sentences, declarative sentences and passive sentences. Furthermore, the financial English is characterized by formal style, logical style and precise style. Thirdly, the study on the translation of financial English is involved. It is divided into two parts: words and phrases sentences. The last part is conclusion which highlights the
  • 53. significance of this research again. 2. Situation Review: Significance and Study Results 2.1 Significance of Financial English Since China has entered WTO and carried out the
  • 54. Working Out Research Paper Are you one who wonders about working out and health? Would you like to know how does working out affect your mental, physical and emotional health? For your mental health, working out can cause behavior problems. For your physical health, working out can benefit your health. Lastly, for emotional health, working out can cause negative emotional behaviors. Working out affects your mental health and can cause behavior problems because In Exercise and mental health. by John S. Raglin it tells me, if you over exercise, you may get a bad health condition that leads to behavior problems and clinical depression. Clinical depression is a disorder which makes you feel dull when performing fun activities and has you continuously being sad. In ... Show more content on ... Also, when you over exercise, or do nothing but exercise all day every day, it may cause bad things to happen to your health and increase bad moods or mood swings. To add on to that, you develop a health condition called staleness syndrome which can lead to behavior problems and clinical depression. What I learned about physical health, exercising enhances health in your body even when you re playing a sport. When you exercise, your body produces more health benefits by doing simple things. When you re at home being inactive for several years it can cause diabetes, body diseases and premature mortality. Even if you re inactive for a short time period, you still need to get out and go exercise to prevent these illnesses. Exercise can treat and prevent many illnesses and diseases. If you exercise, your less immune to diseases. Lastly, what I learned about emotional health is that exercising can cause stress and negative emotional behaviors. Also, exercise can cause healthy individuals to have bad health. People who exercise have a higher heart rate than people who don t. So get out there and go work out! Exercising can cause stress between both gender groups. The gender group did differ between emotional responses. People who regularly exercise have exhibited less of a decline in a
  • 55. Tattoos In Western Culture Tattoos in Western Culture The art of tattooing has changed in modern times quite drastically. It is slowly becoming more acceptable to own and display tattoos on one s body. In more conservative times, those with tattoos were looked on as social outcast, turned down for jobs and seen as strange outsiders. However, within the past half century, tattoos have steadily become more acceptable. Millions of people in America now proudly tattoo their skin, with everything from religious symbols to naked women. There is a whole industry based around tattoos, tattoo care, and basically everything tattoo. There are now expensive clothing lines that base their imagery on tattoo art, such as the Ed Hardy brand (no matter how stupid the clothes... Show more content on ... With that high of a percentage, the popularity of memorial tattoos obviously has a direct impact on the overall popularity and acceptance of tattoos in general. All of these are possible reasons as to why tattoos have become more popular in recent years. However, the most likely reason for the spike in popularity is not one, but all of these reasons. They all increase the number of people willing to go out and get tattoos, and all of them are responsible for making tattoos more acceptable by society. The rise in popularity has created a community for those associated with the art form. There are conventions, shows, magazines, and websites dedicated solely to the art of tattooing. Not only is there a community for those who adorn tattoos, but that community is broken up into different classes. There are three separate sub classes of this tattoo community. The first is the biker/working class. These people are often poorer and have cheaper tattoos. They are looked down upon by the highest class as being losers and outsiders, and the high class in the tattoo community feels no connection with them. The next class is the young punks. This young class is obviously made up of young members, a lot of them involved in some other sub culture, music, MMA fighting, etc. There is some overlap between this class and the other classes, since some of them are richer and some are poorer. At the