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Memory Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Memory" can prove to be a formidable task, as it involves
delving into a complex and multifaceted subject that intertwines with various aspects of
psychology, neuroscience, and even philosophy. The challenge lies not only in presenting a
comprehensive overview of the scientific understanding of memory but also in capturing the
subjective and personal dimensions of this intricate mental process.
To begin with, tackling the scientific aspects requires a meticulous exploration of the different
types of memory, ranging from short-term to long-term and encompassing episodic, semantic,
and procedural memory. Juggling these concepts demands a careful synthesis of research
findings, theoretical frameworks, and real-life examples to provide a nuanced understanding.
Simultaneously, the essay must navigate the labyrinth of philosophical inquiries surrounding
memory. Questions about the nature of memory, its reliability, and its role in shaping identity
and consciousness add layers of complexity. Balancing the empirical with the speculative, while
maintaining clarity and coherence, requires a writer to navigate through diverse intellectual
The personal dimension of memory further complicates the writing process. Incorporating
individual experiences, anecdotes, or reflections adds a subjective layer to the essay, making it
challenging to strike the right balance between objectivity and personal engagement.
Furthermore, weaving a narrative that resonates universally while remaining unique can be an
intricate task.
Researching and organizing the plethora of information available on memory demands time and
dedication. The synthesis of diverse perspectives, academic rigor, and the ability to communicate
complex ideas to a broader audience pose additional challenges. The process of drafting and
revising becomes a crucial aspect, requiring constant refinement to ensure clarity and coherence
in presenting arguments.
In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of "Memory" involves a demanding synthesis of
scientific knowledge, philosophical inquiries, and personal reflections. Navigating through these
diverse elements necessitates a careful and thoughtful approach to strike the right balance. For
those who find this task overwhelming, there are resources available to provide assistance.
Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, offering support in
navigating the complexities of academic writing.
Memory Essay Memory Essay
Rose Water Basil Analysis
Position the paper in the cauldron, and light it, burning mostly the paper. While the
paper burns, say:
With the power of fire and my words,
Bring me the love, the love I deserve.
Repeat until the paper is fully burned Stir the ashes in with the herbs, and pour them
into the pink bag. Tie the bag closed, and carry it with you.
Love Spell Bottle
Things you will need:
Handful dried rose petals
Pinch dried lavender
Pinch sandalwood
2 oz. bottle with cap or cork
Hold the rose petals in your hands and empower them with love. Place herbs in the
bottle. Slowly fill the bottle with rose water. Seal bottle with cap or cork. Hold bottle
to your heart saying these words:
Flowers drenched with love
Drench me with love
Keep the love spell bottle in your bedroom.
To Be Seen More Attractively... Show more content on ...
Wiccan Full Moon Love Spell
Things you will need:
Red candle
Pink candle
Dried basil
Ground cinnamon
Two apple seeds
A moonstone crystal
A rose quartz crystal
A red fabric or cloth
Pink cord
Gather ingredients in a sacred space beneath a full moon, casting your circle. Light
both candles, and laying the red material in front of you. Pass the moonstone over
the fires of both candles, and then lay on the cloth. Repeat with the rose quartz. Get
the two apple seeds, and declare:
In the bright of this full moon,
I plant the seeds of our love.
Visualize a pink energy emitting from the crystals as you place the seeds on the
fabric as it feeds the seeds with energy of love. Scatter the seeds and stones with the
cinnamon and basil. Pull the corners of the red fabric together, keeping the herbs,
stones, and seeds inside. Wrap the pink cord three times around the bag, before tying
it with three knots. Afterward, say:
As my will, so mote it be.
Keep your charm bag near to you at all times in order to attract love into your life.
Love Spell (1)
Things you will
Salem, Massachusetts Is A Coastal City First Settled By...
Salem, massachusetts is a coastal city first settled by Europeans in 1626. The
village was a swift growing farming area with a flourishing trading and urban
area.As usual in history, as the population grew, so did the wants of the
townspeople. Many wanted separate churches, which prompted the idea that there
was somewhat of a divide between citizens. Granted, a separate church was
provided which caused a divide between classes in Salem and Salem Village was
created. The village was given the freedom to elect a committee for the new
church. And the divide of the one area and a second committee also spurred a
divide between families. The most significant of conflicts between households was
amid the Putnam family versus the Porter family. It all began when the Porter
family took control of the village committee from the Putnams on October 16,
1991. The Porters decision to not vote for a tax levy that would have resulted in a
pay raise of Reverend Parris, the Puritan minister of Salem, angered Thomas
Putnam as well as his followers. The minister, Samuel Parris felt that the refusal of
the tax levy was because of a conspiracy going on within the village. He believed
that the Devil had taken possession of some of the villagers. The enemies of the
Putnams were not only the Porters, but instead a long list: The Howes, Hobbs,
Townes, the Wildes, and also friends of the Porters, Daniel Andrews and Philip
English. Another enemy to the Putnams was John Proctor, a tavern keeper who
Fruitvale Station Essay
Fruitvale Station is a 2013 American drama film written and directed by Ryan
Coogler. It is based on the true story of the events leading up to the death of Oscar
Grant, a young man who was wrongfully shot at the Fruitvale Bay area train station
in Oakland, California. The plot and the writing dramatizes all the things that he
did before he died. It shows that before he was a black male, he was also a human
being. He impacted a lot of peoples lives, and his death would leave a hole in a lot
of peoples hearts. The movie begins with Oscar, and his girlfriend dropping of their
daughter, Tatiana at daycare. Oscar s mom s birthday is that day, and they are going
to a family party later that night. Oscar goes to the grocery store to pick up... Show
more content on ...
I love the progression of the plot, it showed the life of Oscar and all that he did. I
like that they showed his compassion and love for others. For example, accepting to
pay for his sisters rent, even though he had no job, or staying with the dog until he
died. All that showed how he wasn t just some bum on the street, or somebody who
has no future. He is a father, he pays his rent, he is a son. We know that he doesn t
want to go to prison again, because that would take him away from his daughter and
girlfriend. The cop shot him without a second thought, proving that his life did not
have an importance to
Table of Contents Introduction1 Issue Identification2 Issue Analysis3
Recommendation4 Conclusion5 Reference List:6 1.0 Introduction Situation analysis
Introduction to the case study Technology has brought us into significant level of
interface computing life. Mobile phone is one of the classic examples to prove that
member of society has been influenced by the advance of high technology. Generally,
people are demanding extensive technology within the mobile phone in term of the
operating system which the manufacturers offer. Handset users are seeking for the
software which provide them with most simplified use but yet still high tech. In
2001, Microsoft made a move by producing Windows CE Pocket PC OS which...
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They create Windows CE Pocket PC OS as a new innovation to the consumers. They
might also create the standard for development of the smartphone. What are the main
strategies behind it? 2.4 Issue Analysis Microsoft has a strong culture whereby all the
employees perceive in the same beliefs and norms of innovation. Ahmed amp;
Shepherd (2010) asserted that the value of strong cultures carries beliefs and
assumptions that the organisation is able to facilitate behaviours according to
organizational principles. The success from Microsoft is due to the careful
management of the organisation culture. They facilitate the employees to feel
comfortable working in the organisation. Therefore, it enhances the creativity of the
employees themselves. In addition, according to competing values model of
organisational culture, Microsoft is presumed to adopt adhocracy and market culture.
The characteristic of adhocracy organisation is they are trying to be the leader of the
market. Microsoft is indeed the leader for software market. Another thing is
adhocracy organisation tends to emphasize on the creativity, innovation and
opportunities growth (Lund, 2003). When Microsoft saw the opportunity of
diversifying their product into mobile phone, they took the opportunity to expand
their market with creativity and innovation. On a same page, Microsoft also adopts
the market culture in the organisation. The market culture is more toward
productivity and
mass commication and how it affects todays youth Essay
From Eminem s hardcore explicit lyrics, to Lil Kim s outrageous outfits to the late
Tupac Shakur s thug life image, the rap subculture has been under a lot of
speculation. Many rappers lyrics contain violent messages that parents fear are
encouraging youth to become violent. The media has a field day covering protests
against rappers, such as Eminem about their explicit lyricstowards gays, women and
their promotion of violence. The main concern is how rap is influencing today,
particularly towards the youth community, and the answer can be found in the media.
There are a lot of articles, books, movies and documentaries written and produced
each year with hip hop being the main subject. This great plethora of media not only
affects the... Show more content on ...
The dance known as breaking, which was influenced by earlier dances know as
locking and popping (these dances required a lot of body control, mainly in the arms,
legs, and torso) were established in L.A. The dances received national exposure on
the hit show Soul Train, and ultimately swept the rap subculture (George, 133).
The next big wave in the subculture behind rap music itself was DJing. The ability
to mix music on a machine and scratch records was a phenomenon in itself. Rap
music in the industry was nothing without a beat, and in order for the song to be a
hit, the beat must carry the lyrics. Many of the beats at the time were fast pounding
bah bum bah rhythms. DJing led to another culture in rap, which was beat boxing.
Beat boxing was when a person made their voice sound like the beat in the song.
Rhazzel, is not only famous for being a DJ, but also for beat boxing. Many times
during a concert, he would just stop the music and beat box the melody. As a result of
this influx of energy towards the rap subculture and its birth of many other cultures,
Tricia Rose quotes:
It was not long before similarly marginalized
Black and Hispanic communities in other cities picked up on the t tenor and energy
in New York hip hop. Within a decade, Los Angles
County (especially Compton), Oakland, Detroit, Chicago, Houston
Descriptive Essay About The Fair
I hate riding on the Fireball. At the fair there is this ride, the Fireball, which swings
you round and round way up into the air and then back down with your legs flaying
around like a person that can t dance. My feelings of dread ensue as I imagine
going, Splat! , into the pavement. This carnival ride feels like it holds the end of
my life, but the fair holds and is the rest of my life. At the beginning of the day
when I buy my tickets, I realized just how expensive the fair is and how low my
family s finances are. To distract me my from this, my dad supplied me with the
magazine, The Economist, at an early age which kept my fervent mind away from
our problems. My family was never poor. Lower middle class? Yes! Post divorce I
regularly hear my dad mention that we can t buy groceries until his next paycheck
while I drive my nonexistent car. Spikes of jealousy have raised through me when
I see my friends drive their brand new cars. It s not fun to see your friends drive
around in their cars when you get spotty coverage of when you can buy haircut.
Turns out going to an expensive private school left me feeling sidelined from my
peers. I have felt lost has I wondered alone at the fair with little in my pockets. This
loneliness at school has left me feeling contempt. Despite my contempt for school, I
am eternally thankful for my parents shelling out money that they can t spare. Sadly,
I still can t stand the Catholic part of my school. One thing I didn t want to talk
Policy Making Case Study
Ramona continues to meet most expectations of her position by maintaining a
working knowledge of policy and procedure. If Ramona is not familiar with a policy
she will independently research that policy until she has a better understanding of it.
Ramona consults with me about her investigations if there are things that she is
unsure of. Ramona has demonstrated a working knowledge of policy and procedure
by being able to incorporate those policies and procedures into her investigations.
Ramona has continued to be able to recognize vulnerable adults and their unmet
needs. Ramona goes out of her way to assist our clients with filling out Medicaid
applications and ensuring that the application is turned in to the proper dept. Ramona
is able to explain our program requirements and their criteria to our clients in the
community. With explaining our HCBS programs comes notice of confidentiality and
... Show more content on ...
Ramona doesn t request OT unless she has 20+ cases. I can rely on Ramona to
complete cases in a timely manner and if she has an overdue case she provides me
with a reason why it is overdue and the expected close date of the case. Ramona
maintains good attendance, she rarely requests leave. Ramona shows up for work
on time as scheduled and is always prepared to perform her job duties within the
realms of policy. If Ramona does need to take leave, she does so in a manner where
she gives an advance notice and makes sure that her cases are stable before she
goes out on leave. Ramona utilizes her outlook calendar to organize her day and
keep up with timeframes such as plans of action, case closings, and exceptions.
Ramona comes to her conferences prepared with pen and paper as to write down
any feedback that I give or to keep up with what cases are okay to close. Ramona
struggles with her DELTA sometimes and I have to send an email reminding her of
when to submit. Ramona submits her expense reports before the 5th of every
Symbolism In The Masque Of The Red Death
Nobody Escapes Death
Edgar Allan Poe s story, Masque of the Red Death , is about a selfish prince who
partied every day for about six months. He sealed off his castle against his people
and the horrible disease that had been spread throughout the kingdom which was the
Plague. He does not care about anyone other than himself. The hidden message in
Edgar Allen Poe s story is you can not avoid death no matter what.
In the story it illustrated examples of how Prince Prospero attempted to avoid death
and failed. For example in the beginning of the story there was a quote that said, All
these and security were within, without was Red Death . What Edgar Allan Poe
meant in this quote was that the Red Death was a horrible way to die. The people
inside the abbey had assumed they were protected because the disease was on the
outside. They were wrong because death was surrounding them, it was just getting
closer and closer to the inside of the abbey. ... Show more content on
Another example is , It was in this apartment, also, that there stood against the
western wall, a gigantic clock of ebony, Its pendulum swung to and fro with a dull
heavy, monotonous clang, and then, after the lapse of sixty minutes (which
embrace three thousands and six hundred seconds of the Time that flies) there
came yet another chiming of the clock. The clock is symbolizing time and that its
chiming every hour but chiming in the creepy and mysterious way because its a
gigantic ebony clock in the seventh room and the color is black room. The color
black symbolizes death and his whole room is black and also the windows are blood
red. The clock is signing that time is passing by fast and it brings death closer
worrying people.It is hard for people to not notive the clock because its big and its
chime every hour and knowing your probably going to die
Summary Of The Synthesis Of Eugenol From Cloves
The main objective of the lab work done was the extraction of eugenol from cloves,
after which a calculation of the the percentage recovery of it is researched, and to
the running of an IR in order to analyze the purity of the lab sample. Eugenol is the
byproduct of the oil extract from cloves. This produced oil consists of mostly
eugenol and acetyleugenol. In medical purposes, the oil could be used as a dental
anesthetic. It is also one of the best over the counter cure for a toothache. (Kluger,
2016) Dentists use it as an antiseptic and anti inflammatory weapon agains dental
pain for patients, as well as to kill germs. Because some research shows that eugenol
is a good weapon against bacteriaand other harmful dental threats, Eugenol is often
The Role Of Innovation For Firm Growth
The role of innovation for firm growth
The aim of this report is to explore the role of Innovation for firm growth. This will
be carried out by examining the current literature surrounding innovation and firm
growth and choosing articles from relevant journals which are appropriate to the aim.
Rather than conducting a brief analysis of several articles, this report will instead
make one highly relevant article the focus and will contrast its findings and methods
with other research papers in an attempt to add to or challenge the article.
The article in question is titled Firm growth and innovation: Towards a typology of
innovation strategy by Vasco Eiriz, Ana Faria and NatГ
Ўlia BarBosa and was
published in Innovation: Management, Policy Practice on Volume 15, Issue 1, March
201398. This article was chosen because the authors are prolific writers on innovation
and entrepreneurship with over twenty articles between them and have been cited
hundreds of times. Additionally, the article in question is recent and covers many of
the traditional and emerging theories of innovation and firm growth and so serves as
a review on the current state of literature on the topic. Furthermore the article
proposes a novel idea, that the stage of the firm in the growth cycle is a highly
relevant factor in determining what type of innovation should be used.
The aim of this article is to increase insight of how a firm s innovation strategy
explore different innovations strategies In firms of
Standardized Testing In The Simpsons
Standardized testing is at cross purposes with many of the most important purposes
of public education. It doesn t measure big picture learning, critical thinking,
perseverance, problem solving, creativity or curiosity, yet those are the qualities
great teaching brings out in a student. Randi Weingarten. The standardized testing
system doesn t show how good you are at work based qualities like looking at the
big picture and critical thinking and all of these can be taught. As shown in the
Simpsons episode Separate Vocations by George Meyer, Bart becomes a police
officer; in reality, this job doesn t fit him, but this is what the testing suggested. The
episode starts out with the students taking the standardized testat Springfield High...
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Furthermore, Bart: Police officer!? Well I ll be jiggered! Dr.J: Heh heh heh. If you d
like to learn more, I could arrange for you to ride along in a police car for a night.
Bart: Hey, I don t need you to get me in the back of a police car. Bart reads his
scientifically selected career, ``Separate Vocations Dr. Pryor admits that he had
Bart pegged as a drifter. Bart daydreams a bit on that. (``Cool. ) This is a lot of
situational ironies because if you know Bart he is a drifter and he doesn t fit into the
police officer mold but the test recommended him to become a police officer and
even though it doesn t show that s not the type of person he is. This also shows
how biased the test can be, everybody works different everybody should have a
different test based on how they think and how they were raised. Bart uses the
word jiggered which is another way to say I am damned because he knows himself
that he didn t expect that cause he himself is a troublemaker. This is biased because
they used the test to tell a person what they have to be and not what they can be and
excel in and the way they
One-Dimensional Man
The introduction of Herbert Marcuse s book, One dimensional Man, shows us the
problem that a democratic society creates. Though this book was written back in
1964, many can agree that what he says is true in today s society. Different scenarios
are also brought up to show us how things will be affected due to the advancements
of technology. Marcuse wants us to see what will happen and what has happened to
society through a series of changes.
Marcuse talked a lot about the necessities and luxuries of life. He called these the
true needs and the repressive needs. He makes it a point to show us that the changes
in society cause us to think differently. Most people are beginning to mistaken the
true needs with the repressive needs. ... Show more content on ...
By this he wants us to realize that humans will soon be replaced by technology.
There would be no need for people to be around factories anymore because
everything can be done much faster and much more efficient with machines. This is
the type of society that we are heading into. This is all due to the people that own
these factories. The uses of machines have proven to be much more efficient and
much more productive. Humans just can t perform certain tasks that are needed to
mass produce products. They just may be able to but the quality of the work wouldn
t compare to that of a machine s work.
Today political power asserts itself through its power over machine process and over
the technical organization.... (3). We can all agree that this statement still holds true
today. The executive decisions, which are made in today s society, are all made by
those who own major companies or corporations. They have the most power because
they have the most money. Their factories are mainly machines that create their
product. Though they still require some manpower to run their system, they mainly
rely on their machines, These select few people utilize the full potential use of
technical, scientific and mechanical productivity (3).
Marcuse makes a good point in saying ... economic freedom would mean freedom
from the economy... (4). Those who have utilized the full potential of
Ethics Paper--Bailout
Bailout Ethics
Americans are outraged. Billions of taxpayer dollars were committed last year to
rescuing firms such as Citigroup and the American International Group (AIG).
Earlier this year, several companies who received Troubled Asset Relief Program
(TARP) assistance were awarding top executives with extravagant bonuses.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. government lent $238 billion in
TARP taxpayer funds to almost 700 banks; 44 of these banks have repaid a $71
billion (Johnston, para 6). There remains $167 billion invested in banks. Some critics
argue that a mere $167 billion is not significant to warrant public indignation against
bonuses. However, the issue is not about specific bonus amounts but the principle of
... Show more content on ...
In another example of applying the Rights Approach to bailout bonuses, AIG tells a
different story. In March 2010, AIG is scheduled to distribute yet another $198
million in bonuses to its financial products employees largely seen as responsible for
the firm s failure (Collins, para 11). This will result in almost $400 million in bonus
payments since receiving government assistance (Collins, para 11). As mentioned
previously, AIG does not have a moral right to these bonuses. It would be similar to
someone taking an elaborate vacation just before filing for bankruptcy and expecting
the government to finance his unnecessary expense.
Common Good Approach: Definition and Analysis
In a globalized world, the Common Good Approach has increased in relevance for
judging ethical behavior. It presents a vision of society as a community whose
members are joined in the shared pursuit of values and goals they hold in common
(Markkula, para 12). This Approach calls attention to the conditions that are important
to the common welfare of everyone. The principle states: What is ethical is what
advances the common good (Markkula, para 12). The common goal when
considering the bailout is a stable economy. What remains unanswered is why some
financial institutions, such as JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs, were helped with
TARP funds while other banks, such as Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, were
allowed to
How does Alan Bennett express conflicting views about...
How does Alan Bennett express conflicting views about education through his
portrayal of the four teachers in В« The History Boys В»?
In this play, the author Alan Bennett wants to convince the audience that education
can be approached in many different ways. In fact, through the characters of Hector,
Irwin, Dorothy Lintott and the headmaster, he shows us that there is no right or
wrong way of teaching.
The first educator properly introduced to the audience is Hector, a rather unusual
teacher. The first scene starts in French, which is quite unexpected since Hector is a
literature teacher. In this scene, we also understand Hector s opinion about renowned
universities: for him, going to Oxford or Cambridge is the same as going to ... Show
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What is history? History is women following behind... with a bucket. Her way of
teaching is traditional, and she is a realistic woman.
Finally, Irwin is, from my point of view, the main and the most important character
of this play, since he is the narrator of this story. He has a completely different view
of education than Hector, we could almost say they are opposite. One of the first
thing we learn about him is that he studied in Oxford, which is probably one of the
reasons why the headmaster hired him as the new history teacher for the boys. He
seems very intelligent and cultivated despite his very young age since when being
introduced to the students during their French improvisation, he uses a French word
that even Hector doesn t know: Il est commotionnГ©, peut ГЄtre? . Unlike Hector, he
really prepares his pupils for their exam, and teaches the boys to approach history
in a way which can be seen as a game taking an original approach by simply arguing
the opposite to what the normal belief is. They take it as a game, seeing an
opportunity to show off the facts which Mrs Lintott has taught them. But Irwin
believes it can lead to greater truth, in that it forces them to think more deeply.
During the lesson he shares with Hector, we really see the contrast between the two
characters. For Hector, the Holocaust is a subject that cannot be argued, but Irwin
sees there an opportunity to, once more, see history from a
Compromised Data In Sony
Compromised Data (Series of Leakage): The attackers have claimed that they have
purloin a tremendous heap of important information from Sony, perhaps as
expansive as 100 terabytes of information, which they are gradually revealing in
groups. According to sources the attackers have released online so far this
incorporates, in extra the usernames, passwords and delicate data about its system
engineering, a large group of records uncovering individual data about workers. The
revealed reports incorporate a menu specifying of worker pay rates and rewards;
Social Security numbers and birth dates; HR representative execution audits, criminal
individual verifications and end records; correspondence about worker restorative
conditions;... Show more content on ...
The popular website had detailed that Sony recently got breached, doxed,
and close down as Sony went into freeze mode over the break.
November 26
After few days of hack again the series of leaks were started and that series
included these movies, which were actually supposed to be released in the near
future by the sony pictures and the movies include the names as follows: Annie,
Mr.Turner, My lover her arms were few of them that were likely to be realesed on
December 19.
December 1
GOP began distributing the full reserve of information records brought from Sony s
servers with the primary lump totaling a respectable 24.87gigs of compacted
documents. Shockingly enough, the GOP seems to have utilized bargained servers
on Sony s system to transfer and seed the deluge for the spilled information, and also
transferring it to MEGA and RapidGator. Inside hours of the transfer, MEGA
expelled all connects to the information. resulting investigation by Mario Greenly
proposes Sony isn t seeding/transferring information, just downloading it, likely
trying to moderate advance for different downloaders.
December 3:
Sony pictures too drastic measures to mitigate the affects of this attack and despite the
efforts made by them. At this instance, Sony administrators had affirmed the revealed
information was credible. The press was dealing with the difficulty, investigating
thoughts on the implications, and the subsequent aftermath. The Guardians
The Freedom Of Speech By The Bill Of Rights
While reading the chapter, The Law, I learned more about the amendments and what
the ones mainly pertaining to criminal justice actually meant. The First, Fourth,
Fifth,Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendment all provide a foundation for our
criminal justice system. There are also many particular protections in The Bill of
Rights. The First Amendment has many different clauses that make it up and I would
say that it is the most important out of the Amendments in regards to the criminal
justicesystem. First of all, the Establishment Clause ensures the individuals from
the administration so they can practice free decision of religion. It keeps the
United States from creating a national religion furthermore keeps the administration
from advertising one religion over an alternate(Fagin, 2014). The Free Exercise
Clause denies the government from meddling with the act of any religion,
including particular ceremonies, requests to God, practices, and convictions(Fagin,
2014). The Freedom of Speech says we are allowed to say or compose whatever
we wish, the length of we don t make an outlandish hazard or place others in harm s
way. Flexibility of discourse augments past verbal and composed correspondence to
different types of declaration like symbolic speech. Mottos on crusade catches,
challenge signs, guard stickers, and even boards are viewed as an authoritative
document of statement which is protected under our Constitution. The importance of
a free press an energetic and
My Summer Vacation
My Summer in Chicago
I couldn t help but to feel anxious and excited. It was my first time being in such a
vast city and I couldn t wait to explore it. The time was near the end of July, this is
when my dad usually enjoys taking our summer vacations, primarily outside of our
state to somewhere else new and exciting. That summer my dad decided to take a
week long road trip and visit, Wisconsin Dells, Chicago, St. Louis, and Madison. My
dad said he wanted to show my sisters and I all the adventures he did in Chicago
when he was my age. I had felt joyful about the trip, I could not wait to see all the
buildings and walk down the Navy Pier. To tell the truth, I was more excited to visit
Chicago a little more since it was such an extensive city and I had wanted to visit
there ever since I was younger.
A few days before the trip, my dad, my sister Nina, and I, had done some research
and added up the cost of the trip and looked for hotels and restaurants to visit
during the time we were there and on our road trip. After about an hour of research
on Chicago, we had our plan of what to do for our time in Chicago. That night, It
was difficult to fall asleep, although I wasn t surprised I usually didn t fall asleep
right away before a vacation, I m usually too excited.
Morning soon came and my dad, my younger sister Niomi, my sister Nina, and I
were all ready to leave and finally begin the drive to Chicago. Not to mention, it
would be about six hours to arrive there. Finally, after
Walmart and Corporate Image
Corporate Image
Corporate image is under attack. After recent reports of accounting fraud, executive
misconduct, and other questionable activities in corporate America the consumers
have lost faith. To manage this loss of faith companies must rebuild consumer
sentiment. To accomplish this, reputation management needs to be reassessed. The
Harris Fombrun Reputation Quotient assists in corporate image management by
providing companies with an established approach to measure reputation and
corporate image. Reputation is measured through: emotional appeal, products and
services, financial performance, social responsibility, workplace environment, and
vision and leadership. According to Harris Interactive, your stakeholders reputation is
... Show more content on ...
The difference between a good place to work and a great place to work can be seen
in business results. Great places to work realize increased customer loyalty and
profitability. Costs are down as seen in measures of turnover, resistance to change,
and healthcare costs. (Stopper)
Management should always foster an environment that embraces diversity through
diversity training. Management should also create a non hostile atmosphere where
employees can feel safe. Employees of the organization should always be treated with
honesty, fairness, and respect. Management also has the responsibility to not
manipulate, misrepresent, abuse or conceal information regarding employees.
Management should always avoid conflicts of interest between work and personal
affairs and has a responsibility to never act or ask anyone to act unethically.
The appeal for others to want to work for your organization is also an essential
aspect of the work environment. The main question asked here is Is this a good
company to work for? This can encompass the physical working conditions,
established relationships, and also additional benefits of working for the specific
organization. The physical environment can vary between actual safety issues to
adequacy of pay or even the availability of additional benefits. The appearance of
good working conditions and good jobs makes organizations attractive to the
slavery and sectional attitudes
DBQ #5: Slavery and Sectional Attitudes, 1830 1860
During the mid 1800 s many Americans began to have mix feelings over the issue
of slavery. Many northern Americans believed that slavery was morally wrong and
that it was an evil. Southerners on the other hand believed it was a good for the
economy as well as for commerce. This great split of attitudes between the north and
the south eventually led to threat of the civil war. The North saw the issue of slavery
as an evil. They believed that slavery was an impurity that became accustomed to life
in America, in which made other systems of commerce forgotten. In a nation where
freedom and equality is given, the property owning of people is wrong. In Hinton
Helper s The Impending ... Show more content on ...
Most southerners believed that they were doing a favor for slaves since slaves
were uneducated people. They believed that by clothing them, feeding them, and
putting a roof over their head they were creating a good for these people. Pro
Slavery South believed if these uncivilized people went off into the world, they
wouldn t survive, so for them to be
Symptoms And Treatment Of Auto Immune Disorders
A rare disorder characterized by the presence of reversible precipitation of
immunoglobulins in the blood upon exposure to decreased temperature 1
Cryoglobulins, which precipitate when blood temperature is cooled below 37В°C,
are occasionally present in the blood in low levels without any symptoms, especially
with advancing age or in the presence of auto immune disorders; in cryoglobulinemia,
circulating cryoglobulins in serum can cause a systemic inflammatory syndrome
characterized by fatigue, arthralgia, purpura, neuropathy and glomerulonephritis. At
other times, they are a purely laboratory phenomenae detected when the test tube is
cooled down under laboratory conditions but no of clinical significance import. 3, 2
... Show more content on ...
в—‹ Ulcerated lesions of the lip, mucosa membranes or palate and cutaneous lesions
of the head or neck are common in Type
I cryoglobulinemia
в—‹ Raynaud s phenomenon (blood vessel spasms cause change of color of hands
and/or feet with cold temperatures or strong emotions) and acrocyanosis may also be
seen in some patients
в—‹ Edema may be present, especially in the ankles or legs
в—‹ Hepatomegaly or splenomegaly may be apparent on palpation
в—‹ Other possible clinical signs
в—‹ It can be idiopathic or caused by certain conditions
Infection hepatitis C virus is the most common
Cancers of the blood or the immune
Social Actors And Organizations As One Working Unit
Blumer lastly notes that although many methodologies observe large social actors
and organizations as one working unit, this does not allow the understanding of how
the organization functions. Researchers should look at the individuals within the
organization to see how those individuals fit together and how they interact. The
interactions of the people within the organization paint a picture of how the
organization functions and makes its decisions. Blumer sums up his essay perfectly
by saying respect the empirical world and organize a methodological stance to reflect
that respect (Blumer 1986, p. 60). Criticisms of Symbolic Interactionism As with any
theory there are critics of symbolic interactionism. One weakness of symbolic... Show
more content on ...
His reasoning behind why he believes this is a bit confusing and does not fully
explain why this data is unreliable. He does explain that data created from a
recreated world is not useable which is understandable because it is not being
taken from the real world, but he does not fully explain why quantitative data taken
from the real world is inherently wrong. He dismisses any validity it may hold.
This is also confusing for the reader because he is very vocal about testability. He
sees testability as important but throws out research types with clear testability.
Many believe that Blumer s symbolic interactionism lacks hard evidence and
testability. A person interprets a symbol and acts how they choose to act. This lacks
the ability to be tested incorrect. Because this theory allows for the actor to respond
in any way they want, then the theory can never be proven wrong meaning there is
no testability (Melzer, Petros, and Reynolds 1975). Skidmore (1975) points out that
Blumer s theory does not account for why an actor will make the same choice in a
given situation. This paper allows for the assumption that every time an actor faces a
situation they consciously interpret it and then make a choice on how to respond.
This does not account for the unconscious acts and feelings that go into an action.
Some actions are made without a full understanding of why
Essay for Final 2
Buyer Behavior Final Exam Essays Part 2: Short Essays (3 points) Please answer
ALL 3 essay questions below. Each essay is worth 1 point. 1. Assuming an
American retailer is considering opening an electronics store. Based on the
information below, would you recommend Mexico or Ireland as a more attractive
foreign market? Why? Be sure to explain the benefits of each country, and then why
you ultimately chose one over the other. | Power Distance| Individualism|
Masculinity| Uncertainty Avoidance| Total Cultural Distance from US| USA| 40|
91| 62| 46| | Mexico| 81| 30| 69| 92| 86| Ireland| 28| 70| 68| 35| 37| Based on the above
information, I would recommend Ireland as a more attractive foreign... Show more
content on ...
Cultural distance countries with low CD scores are more similar and tend to
value the same type of consumption experience so for this reason the low CD
score of Ireland against the US, makes it a more appealing market. 2. In class we
discussed the relationship between expectations and satisfaction. Using the
expectancy/disconfirmation theory , please answer the following questions:
What were your expectations for this CB course? (e.g. Did you enter class
expecting an A?) W hat were the sources for these expectations? Based on the
expectancy/disconfirmation theory, explain how your expectations affected your
overall satisfaction with this class. I honestly was expecting to get an A on this
class as it seemed an easy one. I have been able to keep a perfect score since I
started school a couple of years ago but unfortunately my life got complicated
when I accepted the job I have, which recently demanded a lot more traveling, not
to mention that I am in the process of start a new business after purchasing a retail
store a couple of months ago. The sources of my expectations were based on my
previous semester experience and the open communication with my professors. I had
certain flexibility and the due dates were always in accordance with my traveling
schedule but this time things didn t go as smooth as they did in the past. I had a
The Influence Of Democracy In Ancient Rome
The early communications and developments within ancient cities and societies have
inspired and calculated present day interactions within the world. Rome s political
structure of democracy and assurance of no absolute power has influenced and
shaped modern democracy. The Roman culture has also impacted the current culture
of architect and art through the implementation of a common Forum for political and
social interaction. The endeavors and trials of ancient cities continue to impact the
world s future by example and destruction. Early political structures created by the
Phoenicians, Romans, and Greeks display the characteristics and differences of
present day governments around the world. In 18th century B.C., the Phoenicians
(the seafaring people) established independent city states (17). In addition, the Greeks
circa 590 B.C., accepted the independent city state system to address the whole
population in public meetings (18). The independent city state system includes direct
representation between the citizens approaching the law. In contrast, present day
democracy incorporates indirect representation through elected representatives
approving the country s laws. In 59 B.C., Julius Caesar was elected to the Senate of
the... Show more content on ...
Settled people in Roman cities had the opportunity to accumulate material goods to
represent their social status. In particular, the Roman elite was educated and literate
which provided them skills and opportunities to serve on the Roman government or
commit to business or trade (22). In present day society, the gap between rich and
poor is distinct in societies all around the modern world. Furthermore, the lack of
education provided for the poor and less fortunate is the true cause of this alerting
gap. For Roman societies and modern societies alike, social class has become a
hurtful and crucial way to succeed in
Keys to Win the Cola War with Innovative Marketing
Product Mix: Key to Winning the Cola War Pepsi and Coca Cola have stood the
test of time through one of the strongest competition rivalries ever seen in the
business world. Each time that one of these beverage giants makes an innovative
move to conquer a new or existing beverage market, the other is quick to respond
with even better innovations or products. Through the years, each of these
companies have heralded fabulous discoveries and absolute flops as they continued
their endless search for the right mix of products that might someday give them the
largest market share in an ever growing and ever needed market. The results so far
have been increased competitiveness and long product lines for both companies. In
this essay, I... Show more content on ...
Pepsi and Coke have also been targeting this growing consumer market in their
soda lines with new innovations of low or no carb drinks such as Pepsi Edge3 and
Coke s C24, as well as reinvigorations of their already no carb diet drinks. So where
do the sports drinks fit into this low carb craze? The answer is they don t. Each of
these sports drinks is packed with enough carbohydrates to equal a liquid potato,
making them nothing but a memory for people whose daily carb intake is down to
20 60 grams.5 Thus, we have a void in the beverage market that is not being filled.
Further deepening this void is the fact that people losing weight tend to be more
active, craving something besides water or diet soda after their workouts. This is
a perfect example of how a shift in product mix for either company could give them
distinct competitive advantage. By simply creating a no carb line of Gatorade or
PowerAde sports drinks, the company will have altered its product mix and filled
the market void with brand loyal users, adding to the overall market resiliency and
strength of the parent company.6 Further analysis of this product line could also
reveal strong needs for having different strengths of sports drinks for different
levels of activity (i.e. zero carbs for slightly active, 15 grams of carbs for moderately
active, and up to 120 grams for marathon runners) enabling a kind of mass
customization to ensure that the product line can suit any and all
Teleological Argument for the Existence of God Essay
This paper will examine the argument put forward by William Paley in 1802, in his
Natural Theology. Paley offers an argument from design that purports to show a
clear and distinct reason why one should hold a belief in God, due to the inherent
features of the world. It is attempted in this paper to firstly: show that the argument
should be rejected on the grounds of lacking a rationally flowing set of premises and
conclusions; and secondly: that the criticisms made by David Humeconcerning the
argument hold more weight than is generally granted by other philosophers, and
should have convinced one even before the advent of Darwinian theory. Added to
this, it will be considered as to whether or not Darwin actually did destroy... Show
more content on ...
Roughly speaking, teleological arguments are those that appeal to the special
features, or aspects, of the world that appear to be designed and purposive,
analogous to the cases of human design. For example, one might consider complex
biological systems such as eyes, digestive or reproductive structures, and so on.
They are usually put probabilistically, arguing that the most plausible explanation is
that of a world designer and creator one with intelligence and purposes. It is not
clear that Paley s argument was intended to be just so, but more on this at a later
stage. Paley s argument is quite simple in essence and is presented in a somewhat
poetic and rather imaginative way. Paley first imagines what sort of thoughts one
would have stumbling across a rock. He concludes that no one should be surprised
at the presence of the rock, and that it hardly requires a specific explanation: it would
be quite plausible to assume that the rock just was, and had always been.
The discovery of the rock is then compared to the finding of a watch. Paley claims
that one should immediately recognise it as the work of an intelligent designer, even
if one had never seen a watch before. He makes the claim that by the watch s very
intrinsic make up it could clearly be concluded the intentional construction of an
intelligent designer: the various
Summary Of Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior By Amy
Amy Chua, a professor at Yale, is the author of an article called Why Chinese
Mothers are Superior . In this article, she addresses being a Tiger Mom. A Tiger
Mom is described as a mother who is very strict when it comes to raising their
children. They are known for having straightforward rules that many Westerners
would find shocking. These Tiger Moms raise their children to be the best in
everything that they do, and they will not let their children come in second place to
anybody. Typically these Tiger Moms are Chinese; and therefore, she refers to the
style as a Chinese way of parenting. Amy Chua does not make a good argument
because of her use of logical fallacies and her invalid information. In her article, Amy
Chua mentions a few of the many strict rules that she has set forth for her children. To
Chua, her demanding parenting style is the reason that her children have become so
successful. These rules restrict her children from participating in drama related
activities at school, being ranked second in their classes, and socializing with friends
outside of school. She also makes a comparison between Western mothers and
Chinese mothers. She states that no mothercould ever be more strict than a Tiger
Mom and that being a Chinese mother is as strict as it gets. In her article, Chua
mentions that Chinese mothers believe that, what might not be fun now, will become
fun once you have practiced enough to get good at it. If you practice enough, people
will start to
Way Of The Peaceful Warrior Character Analysis
That Was No Accident
In the book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Dan experiences an accident on his
motorcycle at his home in Los Angeles. However, that accident was not accidental, it
was part of a larger plan and was going to happen whether he thought he could
prevent it or not.
During Dan s training to become a warrior Socrates often gave Dan advice that
either did not make sense at the time or Dan did not take seriously. On a particular
day as Dan was saying good bye to Socrates for a couple days when he told Socrates
of his plans Socrates offered piece of advice that was frightening to him. Socrates
had said many things to him at that time and one of them was You ll be tested
severely before you re done. Part of Dan s plans while he was in Los Angeles was
to buy a motorcycle that he could ride back to San Francisco. One evening after
Dan had bought his motorcycle he was riding down an avenue as he approached an
intersection he saw a car facing him that was trying to turn left. As he slowed down
the car started to turn right in front of him. The motorcycle and Dan collided right
into the car, ... Show more content on ...
A parable that Joy told Dan while he was in the hospital was about a man having a
troubles on his farm, but he would never say whether he thought that it was good
luck or bad luck. Each of the situations that happened to the old man could have
been taken either way. Dan s accident could have been looked at the same way;
either it was good luck or bad luck, which apply to the reasons why he may have had
the accident. One reason that Dan may have had the accident was that he was not
supposed to attend the World Gymnastics Championships in Yugoslavia. It may have
been that Socrates new of something that was bound to happen when he was there
that could have been more damaging physically or mentally to his warrior training. A
further reason that Dan may have had the accident was so that he could take time and
Essay Gentlemen, Your Verdict
Gentlemen, Your Verdict
Michael Bruce
1. From what perspective is the story told? (1 mark)
This story is told in limited omniscient third person perspective. This is because the
narrating voice enters the minds of most characters, excluding the radio telephone
scenes. You can only hear Lieutenant Commander Oram s voice, not the character on
the other end of the radio.
2. Through which literary device does Michael Bruce tell his story? (1 mark) The
literary device used was flashback with a cliff hanger ending. Michael Bruce started
the setting in a courtroom, where the five surviving characters recalled the details of
the past event. This is where the flashback took place to present the actual event.
Once we see the events ... Show more content on ...
They soon discovered the submarines bow planes were buried; the bow tanks full of
sand. The propellers were torn off, steering gear ruined, stern tanks flooded, and all
the hatches were desperately jammed.
5. Identify a conflict within the short story. (1 mark)
I believe the conflict in Gentlemen, Your Verdict, is human against self.
B) State whether it is internal or external. (1 mark)
The conflict in this story is internal struggle concerning emotion and decision.
6. In your own words, explain the term moral dilemma. (1 mark)
Moral Dilemma to me, means having to make an ethical decision between what is
considered right and what is considered wrong.
B) What is Lieutenant Commander Oram s moral dilemma? (1 mark)
Lieutenant Commander Oram s moral dilemma is deciding whether or not to kill
fifteen of his men, so five with families can live, as there is not enough oxygen for
all twenty to survive until help arrives.
7. How does the author create a sense of urgency in his writing? (2 marks)
The author creates a sense of urgency through his ability to place the reader into the
Lieutenant s point of view during the accident. The Lieutenant is taking quick action,
yet the reader is unclear what the true nature of the danger is. The situation gets
seemingly worse as the story goes on until finally a gruesome resolution is found.
8. Did the Captain make a good decision? Was it right? (2 marks) * Support your
Characteristics And Differences Of Anton Chekov And...
Anton Chekov and Bertolt Brecht are two theatre practitioners whose work has had a
significant impact on the development of modern theatrical practices. Both of these
men s contributions revolutionised the nature of theatre at their time and their work
has greatly shaped modern acting techniques and theatreconventions. However,
Brecht and Chekhov share more differences than similarities in the way they
approached theatre. These differences are strikingly evident while examining their
plays. This essay will identify these key differences between Brecht and Chekov and
will examine how the different approaches affect each practitioners work.
Firstly, one of the most notable differences between Chekhov and Brecht is the aims
that they wished to fulfil through theatre. Brecht viewed theatre as a vehicle to
critique the society in which he lived in order to inspire his audience to enact social
and political change. However, Chekhov s work focused on the creation of an
authentic reality which highlights the nature of human behaviour. Highly influenced
by living in Germany at the time of World War II, Brecht was troubled by... Show
more content on ...
The orchard is only relevant due to each individual s relationship with it, again
directing the attention of the audience onto the characters. We see the cherry
orchard through the lens of different characters and the significance that it holds
for them. For example, in the case of Renveskaya, the cherry orchard is the key to
her past, her childhood and is terrified at the thought of losing it. For Lopakhin, the
orchard represents opportunity, a chance for him to finally prove himself and
distance himself from his past life as a lower class citizen. From Anya s point of
view, it the change in her life; after returning from Paris her life is completely
different and the cherry orchard doesn t embody the same importance for her as it
once did. She
North American Colonists
After the Seven Year War between Britain and France, Britain had to find new ways
to finance its massive empire after obtaining territories from France. However, this
caused tensions between the colonies in the North America and Britain began to
rise. One of the measures that the British employed was the Writs of Assistance
which was meant to stop American merchants from trading goods with France. Then
the Sugar Act was enforced in 1764 to raise revenue to protect, defend and secure
North America. Then by 1765, the Stamp Act was passed in order to make the
colonists pay as much taxes as the British to help them get out of their financial
crisis. Through 1766 1770 the colonists began to resist the British Empirebecause of
how they
Spanish In Equatorial Guinea
Equatorial Guinea is a nation on the central coast of sub Saharan Africa. It was
formerly known as Spanish Guinea when it was under Spanish colonial control until
the nation gained its independence on October 12, 1968. Spain was the colonial
ruler for over two hundred years. The official languages of Equatorial Guineaare
Spanish and French. However, only a small percentage of the population actually
speak these languages. Most people speak the languages of their tribes, such as
Fang, Bubi, or Ibo. Some might assume that Guinean Spanish would have similar
characteristics commonly attributed to Afro Hispanic languages. However, Spanish
in Equatorial Guinea has no real presence with the general public because of its
minimal usage. Spanish is mostly used as a political symbol by privileged elites to
show higher social status (Lipski). Greetings between people are generally lengthy
interactions. People stand close together when speaking with each other, and often
touch or hold hands (Stanford). Unlike in the United States where direct eye contact
is expected regardless of who you are speaking with; Equatorial Guineans reserve eye
contact for established acquaintances and friends. Elders should not be subjected to
direct eye contact unless a firm relationship has been previously established (Society
and Culture). Like many other African nations, Equatorial Guinea has a number of
different ethnic groups with their own distinctive languages. In the capital of Malabo,
there are
Definition Of Applied Behavior Analysis Essay
Autism is a disease that is being diagnosed today more than ever before. In fact, as of
2014 the statistics for diagnosis of autism are one in sixty eight children, with
diagnosis being much more common in boys (Autism Speaks, 2016a). While there
are many theories about what causes autism, there is currently not any proven
predictor of what will cause this disease to develop (Landrigan, 2010). Since
prevention is not possible at this time, it is extremely beneficial and important to
research understanding and treatment of those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD). There are many avenues of treatment for ASD, but one method that
has received significant attention is applied behavior analysis (ABA). The goal of this
research article is to explore the definition of applied behavior analysis, its
development over time, and its application to real life. Some questions that will be
explored are when and where did ABA originate, how has it developed over time,
and what researchers contributed new findings to this intervention. Additionally, the
methods that have been developed over time to implement ABA will be discussed,
specifically with their application to autism and individuals diagnosed with ASD.
Finally, there will be a discussion of how skills that individuals with ASD gain from
applied behavioral analysis can be applied to a classroom setting.
Applied behavior analysis has origins in the research done by behaviorist
Describe The Number Of Protons And Nuetrons
The copper atom is constructed from three kinds of particles: protons, neutrons, and
electrons. The protons and neutrons are located in a very small spherical volume at
the exact center of the atom called the nucleus. Protons have a +1 charge, and
nuetrons have no charge, so the nucleus has an overall positive charge. The electrons,
which have a 1 charge, are located in a relatively large spherical volume around and
centered on the nucleus.
The nucleus of all copper atoms contains exactly 29 protons. However, atoms with
two different numbers of neutrons, called isotopes, are to be constructed. One
isotope contains 34 neutrons (copper 63) and the other isotope contains 36 neutrons
(copper 65). For every 100 atoms made, there are 69 copper 63 atoms and 31 copper
65 atoms. ... Show more content on ...
These electrons, as is the case with the electrons of all atoms, are arranged in a
series of shells and subshells. Copper atoms may be described by the symbolic
notation, 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d9, where each leading number denotes the shell,
the lower case letter denotes the subshell, and the superscript specifies the number
of electrons in the subshell. Within the s , p , and d subshells, there are 1, 3, and 5
orbitals respectively. Each orbital may contain a maximum of 2 electrons. Thus, all
orbitals in all the subshells occupied by electrons in the copper atom are full except
for one orbital in the d subshell in the third shell that has just one electron in it. Note
that the highest shell containing electrons in the copper atom is the fourth
Like Water For Chocolate Symbolism
Love is always fun, something that s usually between two people, but what happens
when someone or something doesn t agree with this love and tries to get between it?
This is something seen in the novel Like Water For Chocolate by the author Laura
Esquivel. The novel is about an all women mexican family with strict traditions in a
world of magical realism. Throughout the story, the main character Tita and her future
niece struggle with a specific tradition that prevent them from being with the person
they love. The magical realism in the book helps to further understand the symbolism
used by the author. Laura esquiveluses symbolism to comment on the nature of true
love and how it will overcome any obstacle to ignite happiness.
A really big ... Show more content on ...
Laura Esquivel, through this book makes us realize what true love is and what it
feels like. Through symbols makes us see that true love will always have barriers
to break through. Also how true love will survive anything trying to get in its way
if it actually brings happiness and will give off more of it. Laura Esquivel s
comment on the nature of true love just models what it s like to have true love being
attacked to made not work but overcoming that to
First Appearance Bias Essay
One of the biases that I have is judging people by their first appearance. I like the
term that Dr. Zubin Damania (aka ZDoggMD) uses, shitty first draft , because the
word shit probably should not be used in the professional world and our first
thought is usually incorrect and needs to be revised. The way people dress and
speak usually determines my first thought about them. If a man is wearing sagging
pants and using a lot of slang, for example, my first thought is going to be different
than if the same man is wearing a suit and tie while speaking proper English. While I
know judging someone by the way they appear is wrong, I cannot change my
thoughts. But I can change the way that those thoughts affect my behavior. Because I
am aware
Credit Card Crisis For Students And Small Business Owners
Name: Muhammad Shakeel
Class : ENGL 109M
Prof: Blair Overby
Audience: Consumer/Students and small business owners.
Credit Card Crisis for students and small business owners.
In the modern era, credit card is being the efficient and secured form of payment
which is becoming a necessity for every individual rather than a choice. Especially in
United States of America, credit card is being considered as an essential part of life.
Since the introduction of Credit cards back in 1920s, the payment system has been
revolutionized and there has been a major transformation in the American economy.
However, the excessive use of the credit card has resulted in a crisis which is
affecting not only the individuals but whole of the country s economy.... Show more
content on ...
Further, credit card allows an individual to borrow someone else s i.e. Credit Card
issuer s money to make payments. The scheme of the credit card is that the
consumer making the purchase through credit card is actually borrowing money
from the Card issuer instead of using his own money from his bank account, while
the money borrowed can be considered a type of loan. Credit card issuer allows you
to pay back the money wholly or partially. After each month, the consumer receives
the bill from the Credit Card issuance company which comprises of list of
purchases made by the individual, the minimum payment due, the total amount and
any other fees if added by the Issuer. However, the issue arises when the consumers
/individuals choose to make the partial payment of their dues i.e. the minimum
payment due on the credit card, the Issuer will start charging interest on the
remaining balance and the individual in such condition will had to struggle hard in
order to clear all the outstanding dues. For example, if a consumer receive a total
bill of $500 and opt to pay the bill in a span of one year while being charged 18
percent interest, at the end when consumer will clear the total amount he ll be paying
almost an extra $100 to the issuer as an interest. (Jennifer Barrett, 2009)
School Counselor Philosophy Statement
As a school counselor in practice, my philosophy of the role of the school
counselor is that school counselors play a tremendous role in the life of their
student and is very important for us, school counselors to be aware of our role in
the students life. We play a big role in their development of different areas such as
personal development, career/academic development, and social development.
Therefore, what guide me to this career is that I want to be able to advocate for my
students, and to help student succeed not only academically but also mentally,
socially and to provide them with the tools that they need to be successful in life. In
terms of my approach to counseling the theoretical approach that I see myself using
as a... Show more content on ...
So furthermore, the significant early events that I had with my HS counselors have
influenced the decision that I had taken of becoming a professional school counselor
in order for me to provide students with the support they need as my HS counselors
did with me. Also one counseling moment that have educated my teaching
philosophy is that one time at my internship site we had one student who is very
brilliant and had all the requirements to apply to any college out of state but she
decided not to do. At first she said that he didn t wanted too because he loves NYC
and that she doesn t see herself living on another state, but this was very strange
because I had previous one to one sessions with her where she had expresses how
she would love to have the opportunity to study whether in upstate or she was even
planning on moving to Miami to gain new experiences. While she was giving my
site supervisor different types of reason why she wants to stay here in NYC, I
decided to be quiet and just to listen to what the student had t say. Later on during
our one to one session I asked her why she said all this, when previously she had
explained her interest on studying in a different state. The student stated that even
though she would like to have the opportunity to study in other State, she doesn t
want to do this because there was a time when she had to go to Mexico because her
mother couldn t take care of her, therefore she went to live
Joining The Chorus
One of the greatest spectacles of Ancient Greek history was the art of the Tragedy.
Audiences from all over the world would gather in search of theatricality and
intellectual expression. This form of theatre held an element that allowed the
audience experiencing it, to do so on an entirely new level. The incorporation and
creation of the chorus had a tremendous effect on the overall experience of audiences
everywhere. The Chorus remains onstage throughout the action of the play to show
common emotion that the audience can relate to when the spectacle is being
experienced. Their voices overlap, their stories heighten, and the physicality proceeds
to compile to the overall escapade that is the chorus.
The first point is that what the ... Show more content on ...
Especially considering how fast the plot can develop at times. Thus, it is crucial to
have an external element that oversees the play, yet is no more external than the
audience itself. Schiller discusses how art can often excite, move, and provide
insight, but poetics does not always deliver this as clearly as an audience member
may feel necessary. (The Bride of, pg. 80)
On these grounds I might safely leave the chorus to be its own advocate, if we had
ever seen it presented in an appropriate manner. But it must be remembered that a
dramatic composition п¬Ѓrst assumes the character of a whole by means of
representation on the stage. The poet supplies only the words, to which, in a lyrical
tragedy, music and rhythmical motion are essential accessories. It follows, then, that
if the chorus is deprived of accompaniments appealing so powerfully to the senses, it
will appear a superfluity in the economy of the drama a mere hinderance to the
development of the plot destructive to the illusion of the scene, and wearisome to the
spectators. (The Bride of, 79)
The chorus is a translucent tool of the Greek Tragedy, allowing the audience to peer
through them to see a heightened version of the playwright s poetry. Schiller felt that
using these metaphysical principles would bring the audience closest to the
realization that the play itself called for. (Martinson, 59) These elements
The King And Queen Of Monsters
Your fingers flew across the keyboard of your laptop, so a crisp clicking noise
echoed through the quiet cafГ©. You stopped for a second to skim your eyes over
the text you just wrote. You were documenting your opinion about the recent
meeting that the King and Queen of monsters had with the officials. It hadn t
turned out well. The officials were stiff and stubborn. Refusing to even listen to
their requests. You heaved a heavy sigh and picked up your coffee cup, turning it
in your hands as you allowed your mind to wander. It had been just a few months
since the monsters moved to the surface, and as suspected, some people weren t
taking very well. Except for a group called the MRO. It stood for the Monster
Rights Organization, it was a small group started by the Human Ambassador of the
monsters (and the King and Queen) in hopes of getting more rights and supporters
for the monsters. Not many people had joined, but you were one of the exceptions.
Hoping to keep a low profile (but still be a help), you started an anonymous blog
where you spread the word about monster rights and helped to encourage people to
take a stand. You were brought out of your thoughts by the ringing of a bell. You
turned to see two monsters walk into the cafГ©. You almost dropped your coffee.
They were skeletons. Moving (alive?) skeletons. This was your first time actually
seeing a monster in person. Normally you kept your distance and watched the events
and meetings on TV. You tried to act casual
Cruelty, By Stanley Milgram
Mohammad Asif Mohammad Prof: S.Bridges Essay 5 April 19, 2016 Cruelty The
amount of cruelty one possess varies individually depending on the situations an
individual has experienced throughout their life. This is why Milgram received
such shocking results in his obedience experiment and why only a few reacted in
Darley and Latane s studies. Although cruelty is within from birth, the test subjects
in Milgram s, Darley and Latane s experiment had no intentions of being cruel
because they believed they were simply following orders and still fighting a
personal conflict which is to respond or not to a situation, while still conforming to
the norms of social etiquette. Cruelty is something that is innate. It is not something
we learn but rather something that is nurtured into existence. Individually, cruelty
levels differ from one to another as each being may have experienced different
situations causing them to react differently. In the experiment conducted by Stanley
Milgram, a psychologist who wanted to test the level of cruelty a normal citizen
would go to when instructed by a person of authority. He brought in many different
people as the test subjects and as we see from the results how each persons
obedience to inflict pain on someone else differed amongst the subjects, we
understand this is the results of their cruelty that is within. This experiment was set
up in a room where there was a teacher who was the test subject and a learner who
was an
Stanford Prison Experiment Unethical
Imagine a world without adults or authority. Where there is no guidance to save
people from turning into barbaric beasts. In the Lord of the Flies by William Golding,
the story begins with kids being stranded on an island without anything and drifting
away from human nurture to human nature, where there is deep chaos and ends up
with two big children dead. Even though, this storyline seems unrealistic and out of
this world, it happened in a real life experiment under the supervision of Philip G.
Zimbardo. The Stanford Prison Experiment is known as the most unethical study in
history, due to the events that occurred that resulted in complete change of people s
behavior. By learning about the Stanford Prison Experiment, one can learn about the
... Show more content on ...
In this book, we see the good person is Simon, he tries to maintain the peace and
then when he is killed all peace is gone, and the island goes into anarchy. Likewise,
in the prison experiment, the good guards who did favors for the prisoners but also
were fair and listened to the other guards were the peacemakers, which lost their
mind and conformed like the other guards. In addition, we see a request for
guidance before the state of nature. In the Lord of the Flies, Ralph and piggy
requested a sign from the grown up[s] (Golding 92). In the prison experiment, the
guards asked what do we do and were responded to by it s your prison , while given
a warning about physical abuse (Dreifus 1). The guards then went to do
psychological punishment followed by physical abuse as punishments. In the end,
after the anarchy is stopped there is regret that occurs. In the Lord of the Flies, the
kids cried in front of the British officer, for the fact that they killed Simon and Piggy.
In the prison experiment, the guards were disappointed in their behavior, but still
were sad that they lost all the
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, By John
I believe what we can touch has to be real. We as humans can argue on and on,
even coming to conclusion that everything in our realm is a complete illusion, that
in fact we are all completely somewhere else in time. We may not be physically
able to touch as our advancement in technology has not gone nearly far enough for
us to reach something, for example, such as Mars or Pluto, but if its a possibility
that we predict one day we can physically touch the soils of these far planets, then it
can be established that these planets must be real.
He believes that species and the genera of things are real, but what can be confusing
is how he defines the real. In December of 1689 John Locke wrote, An Essay
Concerning Human Understanding in which he defines the technical term of real
essence. A real essence is... Show more content on ...
Something has always existed, he states that the fact that we exist and are conscience
thinkers is a proof that a higher being is there. Something exists now; if nothing else,
each person can be sure that he himself exists. We intuitively believe that it is
impossible for something to come from that is, to be temporally preceded by nothing.
Therefore, since something exists now, there never was a time when nothing at all
existed. Something has always existed
As we presented earlier in the year, I believe that we can only perceive reality as
they come to us through our senses. Every person experiences different experiences
through different senses in our sensory systems. God is different, I chose to see the
proofs of God through small acts, possibly miracles.
As an Empiricist, Locke was committed to the idea that there were no such things as
innate ideas and that the best, indeed the only way, to come to know objective truth
was via sensory experience.The only way to come to know the world is through
sensory experience. He would agree with St. Thomas Aquinas that, nothing is in the
mind without first having been in the
Curie And Curie s Law
ABSTRACT. Curie s law, first proposed by a French physicist, Pierre Curie, states
that the magnetization of paramagnetic materials varies directly with the applied
magnetic field and inversely with the absolute temperature of the substance. This
paper presents prerequisite definitions and a detailed explanation of Curie s law
along with a brief historical account.
KEYWORDS. Curie s law, Pierre Curie, Magnetic susceptibility.
Curie s law is an empirical law of physics (that is, derived by curve fitting on the
basis of experiments) discovered by a French physicist, Pierre Curie. The law states
that the magnetization of the paramagnetic substance is directly proportional to the
magnetic field and inversely proportional to the ... Show more content on ...
In 1898, they discovered of radium and polonium and described the properties of
radium and its products. It is noteworthy that the couple achieved these
breakthroughs despite not having access to adequate laboratory facilities and having
a stressful teaching schedule. Their work formed the basis for much of the
following research in nuclear physics and chemistry. For their study into the
spontaneous radioactive decay, they received a half share of the Nobel Prize for
Physics in 1903.
Pierre died in Paris on April 19, 1906.
History of Curie s law:
Curie s law was first published in Annales de Chimie et de Physique in 1895 by
Pierre Curie. It is found to be followed by certain gases (like O_2 and NO), dilute
solutions of paramagnetic salts of rare earth and some other crystalline salts and
alkali metal vapors. In general, it is applicable for paramagnetic materials with weak
externally applied magnetic fields or high temperatures as the magnetization saturates
in the case of strong magnetic fields or low temperatures.
Statistical analysis can be used to derive Curie s law as resulting from the properties
of a system of feebly interacting particles possessing magnetic dipole moments. When
there is no externally applied magnetic field, these magnetic moments of the particles
point in random directions. However, when the field is switched on, the magnetic
moments of the particles are aligned in the direction of the externally applied field
resisting the thermal motion which
Examples Of The Hammurabi Code Of Laws
Hammurabi s Code Of Laws The Hammurabi Code of Laws is a set of rules
enacted by the Babylonian King whose name was Hammurabi. The Babylonian
King created a total of two hundred eighty two punishments that the citizens will
receive if they do not abide by the laws that were given to them. The king ruled
from 1792 BC to 1750 BC. The Hammurabi Code of Laws is very violent in terms
of punishments. For example, one of the laws are If anyone breaks into a house to
steal, he will be put to death before that point of entry and be buried there (walled
into the house) . This is a clear example of how violent and inhumane the
punishments of the Babylonians were, to us at least. This essay will be explaining
a set of laws from the Hammurabi s Code of Laws. Laws that are related to crime
usually end up with a very brutal, violent, and inhumane punishment. An example
of these laws that have a brutal, violent, and inhumane consequent is law 22. If fire
breaks out in a house, and someone who comes to help put it out casts his eye
about the property of the owner of the house and then steals the property of the
master of the house (looting), he shall be thrown in the that self same fire . This
law means that if a person comes to help extinguish the fire ends up stealing from
the burning home, then that same man who came with good intentions of
extinguishing the fire will be thrown into that same fire that he/she came to help
put out. As you can see, the consequence for looting a house that is on fire is very
violent. Another law that has a very brutal, violent, and inhumane consequence is
law 109. If a holy woman opens a tavern door or enters a tavern for a drink, she
shall be burned to death. In this law, it means that if a religious woman drinks
alcohol then she will be burned to death for it is seen as a taboo in their religion.
This law has a very violent, brutal, and inhumane punishment, as you can see. In
the Hammurabi Code of Laws, there are laws in which a body part of the suspect s
body is severed or decapitated from their body as a result of their wrongdoings.
These laws are usually related to the limbs used to commit the wrongdoings. For
example, law 195 If a son strikes his father, his hands shall be
The Use of Literary Devices, Imagery, and Tone in
The Imagery Tone of a Play:
The Use of Literary Devices Imagery Tone in Krapp s Last Tape
In the play Krapp s Last Tape, there is one protagonist who is described as sitting at
a small table, listening to tapes. Krapp is an impaired and broken down elderly
man who spends his time listening to his younger voice on tapes. He is egotistical
and subjective towards his younger self and critiques the way he acted in a certain
place or time. He is lonely, but okay with it as he would rather focus on things that
he has already experienced, rather then engage in new ones. He is essentially stuck
in the past. The essay written below disputes the literary devices of imagery and tone
in order to provide background and symbolism in ... Show more content on ...
Imagery plays a big part in describing the character s appearance and actions in
order to show what a character is like and how they respond to differing situations.
It can also shape the story and reveal to the reader the background of a person, place,
or thing. In Krapp s Last Tape, the only character is given much detail and description
in order to start the play at a point where the reader already knows some information
about this elderly man. The literary convention of imagery provides insight into the
character that will lead the play.
Krapp, the main protagonist in Krapp s Last Tape is given a good amount of
description, leading into the beginning of dialogue. His raggedy grey hair,
disheveled clothes, and death ridden face give the reader an image of a character
that has lived through many years. It is as if he has given up on life and is
preparing for what is to come. The fact that he is also hard of hearing and has a
cracked voice, seems to have intensified the distaste towards his character. Krapp s
descriptive appearance helps to foreshadow his cynical and confined personality.
Krapp also remains motionless for most of the play. The only actions that do take
place are of him eating a banana in the very beginning and the loading of the three
tapes that Krapp focuses on in the dialogue. This imagery of him loading the tapes
and sitting at his table depicts
Post-Cooperative Nursing Research Papers
What is Post operative Nurse?
When a patient leaves the care of the anesthetist after an operation, they wake up
under the supervision of a post operative nurse. These health care professionals work
in recovery rooms to ensure that post operative patients, who often wake up in
physiologically fragile states, will be expertly and continuously supervised.
Basic Responsibilities
Post operative nurses have two basic responsibilities: transfer and monitor patients
after surgeries. After surgeries, post operative nurses assess the patient s condition
and determine if they are able to be moved to the post anesthesia care unit (PACU).
If the vital signs are instable or if the surgical team encounters problems, the patient
may need to remain in the operating room. Once the doctor determines that the
patient can safely be moved, they will be transferred to the PACU for continued care
under the watchful eyes of a post operative nurse. There, patients will be carefully
monitored when they wake up, so they will know what is going on. Post operative
nurses ensure that patients stay comfortable while they monitor their vitals and
deliver pain medications.
Registered Nurse PACU Job Description
Most post operative nurses are actually RN s who work in PACU s, which may refer
to either post anesthesia care units ... Show more content on ...
Most employers usually require a minimum of two years experience in an ICU or
PACU setting such as an ambulatory surgery center. An active state RN license and
valid BCLS and ACLS certifications are recommended. Post operative nurses need
knowledge of operative care standards and post anesthesia techniques. They also need
a strong attention to detail because they must ensure that all medical documentation
is legible, accurate and complete. Knowledge of applicable regulations, compliance
standards and accreditation requirements should make a difference during job
Mary and Max
Mary and Max It is 1976, an 8 year old Mary Daisy Dinkle (Bethany Whitmore) is a
lonely little girl living in Mount Waverley, Melbourne, Australia. Her relatively
poor family cannot afford to buy her toys or nice clothing, and she is teased by
children at her school due to an unfortunate birthmark on her forehead. Her father
is distant and her alcoholic, kleptomaniac mother provides no support. The closest
thing she has to a friend is the man for whom Mary collects mail, Len Hislop, a
World War II veteran who lost his legs as a prisoner of war and has developed
One day, she decides to write a letter to someone living in New York City: by pure
chance she chooses Max Jerry Horowitz (Philip Seymour Hoffman) from a telephone
... Show more content on ...
Seeing how much Max valued their friendship and how happy it made him, Mary is
moved to tears of joy as the film closes.
The film is sublime. It s funny and insightful as it creates very different worlds for
its two characters, and yet it doesn t shy away from the harsher aspects of the lives of
Mary and Max.
BARRY HUMPHRIES narrates and he does it beautifully. The animationperfectly
suits the story, it was five years in the making and it s worth every minute.
Comment: I found this film very tough going it is undoubtedly a well made film and
has some clever and quirky moments. However I lost interest around halfway
through the film and could not engage with the film and its clunky style. A lighter
touch would have made a huge difference to the viewing experience. Perhaps as an
artistic statement it deserves more than three stars but as a movie going experience it
was only a little bit better than average.
The clay only gave the story more credibility, others might differ in their opinion
about that, but I think if it were played by real actors it would be less believable,
(saying the tale itself was based on a true story).
Love this movie. I cried a much needed cry that I wasn t able to do for
The Modernist Movement And The International Style
Throughout the Villa Dall ava, 1991, Rem Koolhaas ideologies have been
deconstructed, reconstructed and reproduced such as it complies with Le Corbusier
s five ideas of modernism, where it employs the use of pilotes , roof terrace, the
open floor plan, the free façade and the horizontal window to his design. These
major elements are key to the modernist movement and the international style
movement. Rem Koolhaas has made conflict with these key ideas such as the slanted
columns as Le Corbusiers idea was to use simple forms discussed by the early
modernist. In a sense it holds these elements of deconstruction such an alien form
within it design.
Le Corbusier s Villa Savoye, 1929, has very similar links to the Villa Dall ava as
Rem Koolhaas and his client wanted the Villa Dall ava to be a modern version of
the Villa Savoye. These links are obvious as they are the five points of architecture
which Le Corbusier had set as his architectural principles. They consist of pilotis,
free designing of the ground plan, free design of the façade, the horizontal
windows and a roof garden. One main connection that sticks out is the pilotis as Le
Courbusier had used it as geometric lines around the Villa Savoye, Rem Koolhaas
had used pilotis with his own alien twist on them swaying them off center, putting
them where ever need be.
Koolhaas s own architecture, it need hardly be said, does nothing of the kind. And yet
Koolhaas s modernism, brilliantly inventive, nonetheless does not
Organizational and Professional Development
Organizational and Professional Development Introduction Social intelligence has
been defined as the ability to understand and manage other people, and to engage in
adaptive social interactions like making them to get along with you. Social
intelligence entails a person s awareness to a situation and the social dynamics that
accompany the situation and the knowledge of the strategies and interaction style,
that, he/she can use to achieve the desired objective while dealing with others (Bob,
2008). Social intelligence has gained popularity because initially a person s potential
in life was measured using a single number which is his/her IQ score but since the
introduction and accreditation of social intelligence, a person s potential in life can
now be viewed with a multidimensional approach and it is said that each of the given
key approaches of social intelligence can continue to broaden with time given the
appropriate challenges, experiences and growth opportunities (Goleman, 2006).
Social intelligence uses a set of skills which enables people to interact successfully
with them. These skills are linked to communication in various ways. The skills are;
situational radar, presence, authenticity, clarity and empathy. Situational radar relies
on one s ability to read situation, understands the social aspect that affects the
behavior of another person within the organization s society, and through gaining that
understanding, the individual can decide to choose the most
The Nymph s Reply To Raleigh Was Right
In 1600, Sir Walter Raleigh wrote The Nymph s Reply to the Shepherd, in response
to Christopher Marlowe s The Passionate Shepherd to His Love. In his response
poem, Raleigh takes on the perspective of the woman being spoken to in Marlowe
s poem and uses his language against him as a way of rejecting the romanticized
proposal to run away to the countryside and be his love. Through his poem, Raleigh
uses a more realistic tone than Marlowe, expressing that the ideal rustic life he
describes will change with time and no longer be able to please them. In response
to both Marlowe and Raleigh, William Carlos Williams wrote a poem of his own in
1944 called Raleigh Was Right, which expanded upon Raleigh s rebuttal. Through his
poem, Williams use of... Show more content on ...
Williams begins his poem by agreeing with Raleigh that we cannot go to the
country for the country will bring us no peace (1 3). By using the first person
pronouns, I and we, Williams is directly addressing Raleigh, proving to his readers
that his poem is in fact a response poem if they have not concluded that already
from the title of the poem. His first three lines also support Raleigh s claim that as
time goes on all things are subject to change, and the countryside is no exception.
As explained by Raleigh in his rebuttal, the flowers do fade and thy gowns, thy
shoes, thy bed of roses...soon break, soon wither, soon [are] forgotten (9 15).
Williams expresses that nature in the countryside cannot provide humans with the
harmony, and life long happiness they are longing for. He conveys this message his
logical and realistic tone carried on throughout the pome, similar to the tone of
Raleigh s poem. The tone of Williams and Raleigh s poems call on Marlowe, and
other poets who have wrote pastoral poems, to realize that the country life they wrote
about existed only long ago when country people would plow and sow with
The Necessity of Legalizing Wolf Hunting in Wisconsin
Over the past several years, the gray wolf, native to the Wisconsin area, has been
listed federally as an endangered species due to the graphic and horrific treatment
they had received during the industrialization periods of America, when they were
frowned upon and hated because they are predatory creatures and did, on occasion,
attack livestock and pets. Because the government was encouraging the hunting,
including bounties for the animals, the wolves were hunted to near extinction.
However, now Wisconsinfaces a new problem. With the reintroduction of the wolves
to the state, and their continued endangered status federally, the population has
increased well beyond expectations, reaching what could be considered a problematic
state. A... Show more content on ...
Also, the government wanted to step in and help the economy, so bounties were
set in order to encourage the hunting of the creatures. Communities began to see
the bounty hunters as heroes, and these men felt as such. The attitude towards
wolves spiraled out of control, causing hunts based on vengeance and hatred, and
inhumane practices of poisoning, trapping, and torturing began. Even a former
governor of Alaska, Jay Hammond, felt that flying in a plane and shooting down
hundreds of wolves was necessary to protect the citizens of the state. Wolf furs
were coveted, the animals were loathed, and the image of the wolf as a cowardly
murderer stuck based on old fashioned beliefs and legend based fears. Nothing was
done to stop the practices, and the hunts continued to be encouraged, until there
were basically no wolves left to hunt (Lopez 139 145). It was nearly too late once
the problem was noticed, but the government finally stepped in to address the
problem. The wolves were going extinct, and it became clear that the animals were
an important part of the ecosystem. The timber (gray) wolf was placed on the
endangered species list, and severe consequences were put into action for anyone
who hunted the animals illegally. The Wisconsin DNR began a very carefully
regulated action plan to reintroduce the wolf to the state, which included radio
collars and careful tracking of the animals in order to monitor their progress, as well
as make sure they stay in

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Memory Essay

  • 1. Memory Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of "Memory" can prove to be a formidable task, as it involves delving into a complex and multifaceted subject that intertwines with various aspects of psychology, neuroscience, and even philosophy. The challenge lies not only in presenting a comprehensive overview of the scientific understanding of memory but also in capturing the subjective and personal dimensions of this intricate mental process. To begin with, tackling the scientific aspects requires a meticulous exploration of the different types of memory, ranging from short-term to long-term and encompassing episodic, semantic, and procedural memory. Juggling these concepts demands a careful synthesis of research findings, theoretical frameworks, and real-life examples to provide a nuanced understanding. Simultaneously, the essay must navigate the labyrinth of philosophical inquiries surrounding memory. Questions about the nature of memory, its reliability, and its role in shaping identity and consciousness add layers of complexity. Balancing the empirical with the speculative, while maintaining clarity and coherence, requires a writer to navigate through diverse intellectual territories. The personal dimension of memory further complicates the writing process. Incorporating individual experiences, anecdotes, or reflections adds a subjective layer to the essay, making it challenging to strike the right balance between objectivity and personal engagement. Furthermore, weaving a narrative that resonates universally while remaining unique can be an intricate task. Researching and organizing the plethora of information available on memory demands time and dedication. The synthesis of diverse perspectives, academic rigor, and the ability to communicate complex ideas to a broader audience pose additional challenges. The process of drafting and revising becomes a crucial aspect, requiring constant refinement to ensure clarity and coherence in presenting arguments. In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of "Memory" involves a demanding synthesis of scientific knowledge, philosophical inquiries, and personal reflections. Navigating through these diverse elements necessitates a careful and thoughtful approach to strike the right balance. For those who find this task overwhelming, there are resources available to provide assistance. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, offering support in navigating the complexities of academic writing. Memory Essay Memory Essay
  • 2. Rose Water Basil Analysis Position the paper in the cauldron, and light it, burning mostly the paper. While the paper burns, say: With the power of fire and my words, Bring me the love, the love I deserve. Repeat until the paper is fully burned Stir the ashes in with the herbs, and pour them into the pink bag. Tie the bag closed, and carry it with you. Love Spell Bottle Things you will need: Rosewater Handful dried rose petals Pinch dried lavender Pinch sandalwood 2 oz. bottle with cap or cork Hold the rose petals in your hands and empower them with love. Place herbs in the bottle. Slowly fill the bottle with rose water. Seal bottle with cap or cork. Hold bottle to your heart saying these words: Flowers drenched with love Drench me with love Keep the love spell bottle in your bedroom. To Be Seen More Attractively... Show more content on ... Wiccan Full Moon Love Spell Things you will need: Red candle Pink candle Dried basil Ground cinnamon Two apple seeds A moonstone crystal A rose quartz crystal A red fabric or cloth Pink cord Gather ingredients in a sacred space beneath a full moon, casting your circle. Light both candles, and laying the red material in front of you. Pass the moonstone over the fires of both candles, and then lay on the cloth. Repeat with the rose quartz. Get the two apple seeds, and declare: In the bright of this full moon, I plant the seeds of our love. Visualize a pink energy emitting from the crystals as you place the seeds on the fabric as it feeds the seeds with energy of love. Scatter the seeds and stones with the cinnamon and basil. Pull the corners of the red fabric together, keeping the herbs, stones, and seeds inside. Wrap the pink cord three times around the bag, before tying it with three knots. Afterward, say: As my will, so mote it be. Keep your charm bag near to you at all times in order to attract love into your life.
  • 4. Salem, Massachusetts Is A Coastal City First Settled By... Salem, massachusetts is a coastal city first settled by Europeans in 1626. The village was a swift growing farming area with a flourishing trading and urban area.As usual in history, as the population grew, so did the wants of the townspeople. Many wanted separate churches, which prompted the idea that there was somewhat of a divide between citizens. Granted, a separate church was provided which caused a divide between classes in Salem and Salem Village was created. The village was given the freedom to elect a committee for the new church. And the divide of the one area and a second committee also spurred a divide between families. The most significant of conflicts between households was amid the Putnam family versus the Porter family. It all began when the Porter family took control of the village committee from the Putnams on October 16, 1991. The Porters decision to not vote for a tax levy that would have resulted in a pay raise of Reverend Parris, the Puritan minister of Salem, angered Thomas Putnam as well as his followers. The minister, Samuel Parris felt that the refusal of the tax levy was because of a conspiracy going on within the village. He believed that the Devil had taken possession of some of the villagers. The enemies of the Putnams were not only the Porters, but instead a long list: The Howes, Hobbs, Townes, the Wildes, and also friends of the Porters, Daniel Andrews and Philip English. Another enemy to the Putnams was John Proctor, a tavern keeper who
  • 5. Fruitvale Station Essay Fruitvale Station is a 2013 American drama film written and directed by Ryan Coogler. It is based on the true story of the events leading up to the death of Oscar Grant, a young man who was wrongfully shot at the Fruitvale Bay area train station in Oakland, California. The plot and the writing dramatizes all the things that he did before he died. It shows that before he was a black male, he was also a human being. He impacted a lot of peoples lives, and his death would leave a hole in a lot of peoples hearts. The movie begins with Oscar, and his girlfriend dropping of their daughter, Tatiana at daycare. Oscar s mom s birthday is that day, and they are going to a family party later that night. Oscar goes to the grocery store to pick up... Show more content on ... I love the progression of the plot, it showed the life of Oscar and all that he did. I like that they showed his compassion and love for others. For example, accepting to pay for his sisters rent, even though he had no job, or staying with the dog until he died. All that showed how he wasn t just some bum on the street, or somebody who has no future. He is a father, he pays his rent, he is a son. We know that he doesn t want to go to prison again, because that would take him away from his daughter and girlfriend. The cop shot him without a second thought, proving that his life did not have an importance to
  • 6. Abdfnnsdnj Table of Contents Introduction1 Issue Identification2 Issue Analysis3 Recommendation4 Conclusion5 Reference List:6 1.0 Introduction Situation analysis Introduction to the case study Technology has brought us into significant level of interface computing life. Mobile phone is one of the classic examples to prove that member of society has been influenced by the advance of high technology. Generally, people are demanding extensive technology within the mobile phone in term of the operating system which the manufacturers offer. Handset users are seeking for the software which provide them with most simplified use but yet still high tech. In 2001, Microsoft made a move by producing Windows CE Pocket PC OS which... Show more content on ... They create Windows CE Pocket PC OS as a new innovation to the consumers. They might also create the standard for development of the smartphone. What are the main strategies behind it? 2.4 Issue Analysis Microsoft has a strong culture whereby all the employees perceive in the same beliefs and norms of innovation. Ahmed amp; Shepherd (2010) asserted that the value of strong cultures carries beliefs and assumptions that the organisation is able to facilitate behaviours according to organizational principles. The success from Microsoft is due to the careful management of the organisation culture. They facilitate the employees to feel comfortable working in the organisation. Therefore, it enhances the creativity of the employees themselves. In addition, according to competing values model of organisational culture, Microsoft is presumed to adopt adhocracy and market culture. The characteristic of adhocracy organisation is they are trying to be the leader of the market. Microsoft is indeed the leader for software market. Another thing is adhocracy organisation tends to emphasize on the creativity, innovation and opportunities growth (Lund, 2003). When Microsoft saw the opportunity of diversifying their product into mobile phone, they took the opportunity to expand their market with creativity and innovation. On a same page, Microsoft also adopts the market culture in the organisation. The market culture is more toward productivity and
  • 7. mass commication and how it affects todays youth Essay From Eminem s hardcore explicit lyrics, to Lil Kim s outrageous outfits to the late Tupac Shakur s thug life image, the rap subculture has been under a lot of speculation. Many rappers lyrics contain violent messages that parents fear are encouraging youth to become violent. The media has a field day covering protests against rappers, such as Eminem about their explicit lyricstowards gays, women and their promotion of violence. The main concern is how rap is influencing today, particularly towards the youth community, and the answer can be found in the media. There are a lot of articles, books, movies and documentaries written and produced each year with hip hop being the main subject. This great plethora of media not only affects the... Show more content on ... The dance known as breaking, which was influenced by earlier dances know as locking and popping (these dances required a lot of body control, mainly in the arms, legs, and torso) were established in L.A. The dances received national exposure on the hit show Soul Train, and ultimately swept the rap subculture (George, 133). The next big wave in the subculture behind rap music itself was DJing. The ability to mix music on a machine and scratch records was a phenomenon in itself. Rap music in the industry was nothing without a beat, and in order for the song to be a hit, the beat must carry the lyrics. Many of the beats at the time were fast pounding bah bum bah rhythms. DJing led to another culture in rap, which was beat boxing. Beat boxing was when a person made their voice sound like the beat in the song. Rhazzel, is not only famous for being a DJ, but also for beat boxing. Many times during a concert, he would just stop the music and beat box the melody. As a result of this influx of energy towards the rap subculture and its birth of many other cultures, Tricia Rose quotes: It was not long before similarly marginalized Black and Hispanic communities in other cities picked up on the t tenor and energy in New York hip hop. Within a decade, Los Angles County (especially Compton), Oakland, Detroit, Chicago, Houston Atlanta,
  • 8. Descriptive Essay About The Fair I hate riding on the Fireball. At the fair there is this ride, the Fireball, which swings you round and round way up into the air and then back down with your legs flaying around like a person that can t dance. My feelings of dread ensue as I imagine going, Splat! , into the pavement. This carnival ride feels like it holds the end of my life, but the fair holds and is the rest of my life. At the beginning of the day when I buy my tickets, I realized just how expensive the fair is and how low my family s finances are. To distract me my from this, my dad supplied me with the magazine, The Economist, at an early age which kept my fervent mind away from our problems. My family was never poor. Lower middle class? Yes! Post divorce I regularly hear my dad mention that we can t buy groceries until his next paycheck while I drive my nonexistent car. Spikes of jealousy have raised through me when I see my friends drive their brand new cars. It s not fun to see your friends drive around in their cars when you get spotty coverage of when you can buy haircut. Turns out going to an expensive private school left me feeling sidelined from my peers. I have felt lost has I wondered alone at the fair with little in my pockets. This loneliness at school has left me feeling contempt. Despite my contempt for school, I am eternally thankful for my parents shelling out money that they can t spare. Sadly, I still can t stand the Catholic part of my school. One thing I didn t want to talk
  • 9. Policy Making Case Study Ramona continues to meet most expectations of her position by maintaining a working knowledge of policy and procedure. If Ramona is not familiar with a policy she will independently research that policy until she has a better understanding of it. Ramona consults with me about her investigations if there are things that she is unsure of. Ramona has demonstrated a working knowledge of policy and procedure by being able to incorporate those policies and procedures into her investigations. Ramona has continued to be able to recognize vulnerable adults and their unmet needs. Ramona goes out of her way to assist our clients with filling out Medicaid applications and ensuring that the application is turned in to the proper dept. Ramona is able to explain our program requirements and their criteria to our clients in the community. With explaining our HCBS programs comes notice of confidentiality and ... Show more content on ... Ramona doesn t request OT unless she has 20+ cases. I can rely on Ramona to complete cases in a timely manner and if she has an overdue case she provides me with a reason why it is overdue and the expected close date of the case. Ramona maintains good attendance, she rarely requests leave. Ramona shows up for work on time as scheduled and is always prepared to perform her job duties within the realms of policy. If Ramona does need to take leave, she does so in a manner where she gives an advance notice and makes sure that her cases are stable before she goes out on leave. Ramona utilizes her outlook calendar to organize her day and keep up with timeframes such as plans of action, case closings, and exceptions. Ramona comes to her conferences prepared with pen and paper as to write down any feedback that I give or to keep up with what cases are okay to close. Ramona struggles with her DELTA sometimes and I have to send an email reminding her of when to submit. Ramona submits her expense reports before the 5th of every
  • 10. Symbolism In The Masque Of The Red Death Nobody Escapes Death Edgar Allan Poe s story, Masque of the Red Death , is about a selfish prince who partied every day for about six months. He sealed off his castle against his people and the horrible disease that had been spread throughout the kingdom which was the Plague. He does not care about anyone other than himself. The hidden message in Edgar Allen Poe s story is you can not avoid death no matter what. In the story it illustrated examples of how Prince Prospero attempted to avoid death and failed. For example in the beginning of the story there was a quote that said, All these and security were within, without was Red Death . What Edgar Allan Poe meant in this quote was that the Red Death was a horrible way to die. The people inside the abbey had assumed they were protected because the disease was on the outside. They were wrong because death was surrounding them, it was just getting closer and closer to the inside of the abbey. ... Show more content on ... Another example is , It was in this apartment, also, that there stood against the western wall, a gigantic clock of ebony, Its pendulum swung to and fro with a dull heavy, monotonous clang, and then, after the lapse of sixty minutes (which embrace three thousands and six hundred seconds of the Time that flies) there came yet another chiming of the clock. The clock is symbolizing time and that its chiming every hour but chiming in the creepy and mysterious way because its a gigantic ebony clock in the seventh room and the color is black room. The color black symbolizes death and his whole room is black and also the windows are blood red. The clock is signing that time is passing by fast and it brings death closer worrying people.It is hard for people to not notive the clock because its big and its chime every hour and knowing your probably going to die
  • 11. Summary Of The Synthesis Of Eugenol From Cloves The main objective of the lab work done was the extraction of eugenol from cloves, after which a calculation of the the percentage recovery of it is researched, and to the running of an IR in order to analyze the purity of the lab sample. Eugenol is the byproduct of the oil extract from cloves. This produced oil consists of mostly eugenol and acetyleugenol. In medical purposes, the oil could be used as a dental anesthetic. It is also one of the best over the counter cure for a toothache. (Kluger, 2016) Dentists use it as an antiseptic and anti inflammatory weapon agains dental pain for patients, as well as to kill germs. Because some research shows that eugenol is a good weapon against bacteriaand other harmful dental threats, Eugenol is often
  • 12. The Role Of Innovation For Firm Growth The role of innovation for firm growth The aim of this report is to explore the role of Innovation for firm growth. This will be carried out by examining the current literature surrounding innovation and firm growth and choosing articles from relevant journals which are appropriate to the aim. Rather than conducting a brief analysis of several articles, this report will instead make one highly relevant article the focus and will contrast its findings and methods with other research papers in an attempt to add to or challenge the article. The article in question is titled Firm growth and innovation: Towards a typology of innovation strategy by Vasco Eiriz, Ana Faria and NatГ Ўlia BarBosa and was published in Innovation: Management, Policy Practice on Volume 15, Issue 1, March 201398. This article was chosen because the authors are prolific writers on innovation and entrepreneurship with over twenty articles between them and have been cited hundreds of times. Additionally, the article in question is recent and covers many of the traditional and emerging theories of innovation and firm growth and so serves as a review on the current state of literature on the topic. Furthermore the article proposes a novel idea, that the stage of the firm in the growth cycle is a highly relevant factor in determining what type of innovation should be used. The aim of this article is to increase insight of how a firm s innovation strategy explore different innovations strategies In firms of
  • 13. Standardized Testing In The Simpsons Standardized testing is at cross purposes with many of the most important purposes of public education. It doesn t measure big picture learning, critical thinking, perseverance, problem solving, creativity or curiosity, yet those are the qualities great teaching brings out in a student. Randi Weingarten. The standardized testing system doesn t show how good you are at work based qualities like looking at the big picture and critical thinking and all of these can be taught. As shown in the Simpsons episode Separate Vocations by George Meyer, Bart becomes a police officer; in reality, this job doesn t fit him, but this is what the testing suggested. The episode starts out with the students taking the standardized testat Springfield High... Show more content on ... Furthermore, Bart: Police officer!? Well I ll be jiggered! Dr.J: Heh heh heh. If you d like to learn more, I could arrange for you to ride along in a police car for a night. Bart: Hey, I don t need you to get me in the back of a police car. Bart reads his scientifically selected career, ``Separate Vocations Dr. Pryor admits that he had Bart pegged as a drifter. Bart daydreams a bit on that. (``Cool. ) This is a lot of situational ironies because if you know Bart he is a drifter and he doesn t fit into the police officer mold but the test recommended him to become a police officer and even though it doesn t show that s not the type of person he is. This also shows how biased the test can be, everybody works different everybody should have a different test based on how they think and how they were raised. Bart uses the word jiggered which is another way to say I am damned because he knows himself that he didn t expect that cause he himself is a troublemaker. This is biased because they used the test to tell a person what they have to be and not what they can be and excel in and the way they
  • 14. One-Dimensional Man The introduction of Herbert Marcuse s book, One dimensional Man, shows us the problem that a democratic society creates. Though this book was written back in 1964, many can agree that what he says is true in today s society. Different scenarios are also brought up to show us how things will be affected due to the advancements of technology. Marcuse wants us to see what will happen and what has happened to society through a series of changes. Marcuse talked a lot about the necessities and luxuries of life. He called these the true needs and the repressive needs. He makes it a point to show us that the changes in society cause us to think differently. Most people are beginning to mistaken the true needs with the repressive needs. ... Show more content on ... By this he wants us to realize that humans will soon be replaced by technology. There would be no need for people to be around factories anymore because everything can be done much faster and much more efficient with machines. This is the type of society that we are heading into. This is all due to the people that own these factories. The uses of machines have proven to be much more efficient and much more productive. Humans just can t perform certain tasks that are needed to mass produce products. They just may be able to but the quality of the work wouldn t compare to that of a machine s work. Today political power asserts itself through its power over machine process and over the technical organization.... (3). We can all agree that this statement still holds true today. The executive decisions, which are made in today s society, are all made by those who own major companies or corporations. They have the most power because they have the most money. Their factories are mainly machines that create their product. Though they still require some manpower to run their system, they mainly rely on their machines, These select few people utilize the full potential use of technical, scientific and mechanical productivity (3). Marcuse makes a good point in saying ... economic freedom would mean freedom from the economy... (4). Those who have utilized the full potential of
  • 15. Ethics Paper--Bailout Bailout Ethics Americans are outraged. Billions of taxpayer dollars were committed last year to rescuing firms such as Citigroup and the American International Group (AIG). Earlier this year, several companies who received Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) assistance were awarding top executives with extravagant bonuses. According to the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. government lent $238 billion in TARP taxpayer funds to almost 700 banks; 44 of these banks have repaid a $71 billion (Johnston, para 6). There remains $167 billion invested in banks. Some critics argue that a mere $167 billion is not significant to warrant public indignation against bonuses. However, the issue is not about specific bonus amounts but the principle of ... Show more content on ... In another example of applying the Rights Approach to bailout bonuses, AIG tells a different story. In March 2010, AIG is scheduled to distribute yet another $198 million in bonuses to its financial products employees largely seen as responsible for the firm s failure (Collins, para 11). This will result in almost $400 million in bonus payments since receiving government assistance (Collins, para 11). As mentioned previously, AIG does not have a moral right to these bonuses. It would be similar to someone taking an elaborate vacation just before filing for bankruptcy and expecting the government to finance his unnecessary expense. Common Good Approach: Definition and Analysis In a globalized world, the Common Good Approach has increased in relevance for judging ethical behavior. It presents a vision of society as a community whose members are joined in the shared pursuit of values and goals they hold in common (Markkula, para 12). This Approach calls attention to the conditions that are important to the common welfare of everyone. The principle states: What is ethical is what advances the common good (Markkula, para 12). The common goal when considering the bailout is a stable economy. What remains unanswered is why some financial institutions, such as JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs, were helped with TARP funds while other banks, such as Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, were allowed to
  • 16. How does Alan Bennett express conflicting views about... How does Alan Bennett express conflicting views about education through his portrayal of the four teachers in В« The History Boys В»? In this play, the author Alan Bennett wants to convince the audience that education can be approached in many different ways. In fact, through the characters of Hector, Irwin, Dorothy Lintott and the headmaster, he shows us that there is no right or wrong way of teaching. The first educator properly introduced to the audience is Hector, a rather unusual teacher. The first scene starts in French, which is quite unexpected since Hector is a literature teacher. In this scene, we also understand Hector s opinion about renowned universities: for him, going to Oxford or Cambridge is the same as going to ... Show more content on ... What is history? History is women following behind... with a bucket. Her way of teaching is traditional, and she is a realistic woman. Finally, Irwin is, from my point of view, the main and the most important character of this play, since he is the narrator of this story. He has a completely different view of education than Hector, we could almost say they are opposite. One of the first thing we learn about him is that he studied in Oxford, which is probably one of the reasons why the headmaster hired him as the new history teacher for the boys. He seems very intelligent and cultivated despite his very young age since when being introduced to the students during their French improvisation, he uses a French word that even Hector doesn t know: Il est commotionnГ©, peut ГЄtre? . Unlike Hector, he really prepares his pupils for their exam, and teaches the boys to approach history in a way which can be seen as a game taking an original approach by simply arguing the opposite to what the normal belief is. They take it as a game, seeing an opportunity to show off the facts which Mrs Lintott has taught them. But Irwin believes it can lead to greater truth, in that it forces them to think more deeply. During the lesson he shares with Hector, we really see the contrast between the two characters. For Hector, the Holocaust is a subject that cannot be argued, but Irwin sees there an opportunity to, once more, see history from a
  • 17. Compromised Data In Sony Compromised Data (Series of Leakage): The attackers have claimed that they have purloin a tremendous heap of important information from Sony, perhaps as expansive as 100 terabytes of information, which they are gradually revealing in groups. According to sources the attackers have released online so far this incorporates, in extra the usernames, passwords and delicate data about its system engineering, a large group of records uncovering individual data about workers. The revealed reports incorporate a menu specifying of worker pay rates and rewards; Social Security numbers and birth dates; HR representative execution audits, criminal individual verifications and end records; correspondence about worker restorative conditions;... Show more content on ... The popular website had detailed that Sony recently got breached, doxed, and close down as Sony went into freeze mode over the break. November 26 After few days of hack again the series of leaks were started and that series included these movies, which were actually supposed to be released in the near future by the sony pictures and the movies include the names as follows: Annie, Mr.Turner, My lover her arms were few of them that were likely to be realesed on December 19. December 1 GOP began distributing the full reserve of information records brought from Sony s servers with the primary lump totaling a respectable 24.87gigs of compacted documents. Shockingly enough, the GOP seems to have utilized bargained servers on Sony s system to transfer and seed the deluge for the spilled information, and also transferring it to MEGA and RapidGator. Inside hours of the transfer, MEGA expelled all connects to the information. resulting investigation by Mario Greenly proposes Sony isn t seeding/transferring information, just downloading it, likely trying to moderate advance for different downloaders. December 3: Sony pictures too drastic measures to mitigate the affects of this attack and despite the efforts made by them. At this instance, Sony administrators had affirmed the revealed information was credible. The press was dealing with the difficulty, investigating thoughts on the implications, and the subsequent aftermath. The Guardians
  • 18. The Freedom Of Speech By The Bill Of Rights While reading the chapter, The Law, I learned more about the amendments and what the ones mainly pertaining to criminal justice actually meant. The First, Fourth, Fifth,Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendment all provide a foundation for our criminal justice system. There are also many particular protections in The Bill of Rights. The First Amendment has many different clauses that make it up and I would say that it is the most important out of the Amendments in regards to the criminal justicesystem. First of all, the Establishment Clause ensures the individuals from the administration so they can practice free decision of religion. It keeps the United States from creating a national religion furthermore keeps the administration from advertising one religion over an alternate(Fagin, 2014). The Free Exercise Clause denies the government from meddling with the act of any religion, including particular ceremonies, requests to God, practices, and convictions(Fagin, 2014). The Freedom of Speech says we are allowed to say or compose whatever we wish, the length of we don t make an outlandish hazard or place others in harm s way. Flexibility of discourse augments past verbal and composed correspondence to different types of declaration like symbolic speech. Mottos on crusade catches, challenge signs, guard stickers, and even boards are viewed as an authoritative document of statement which is protected under our Constitution. The importance of a free press an energetic and
  • 19. My Summer Vacation My Summer in Chicago I couldn t help but to feel anxious and excited. It was my first time being in such a vast city and I couldn t wait to explore it. The time was near the end of July, this is when my dad usually enjoys taking our summer vacations, primarily outside of our state to somewhere else new and exciting. That summer my dad decided to take a week long road trip and visit, Wisconsin Dells, Chicago, St. Louis, and Madison. My dad said he wanted to show my sisters and I all the adventures he did in Chicago when he was my age. I had felt joyful about the trip, I could not wait to see all the buildings and walk down the Navy Pier. To tell the truth, I was more excited to visit Chicago a little more since it was such an extensive city and I had wanted to visit there ever since I was younger. A few days before the trip, my dad, my sister Nina, and I, had done some research and added up the cost of the trip and looked for hotels and restaurants to visit during the time we were there and on our road trip. After about an hour of research on Chicago, we had our plan of what to do for our time in Chicago. That night, It was difficult to fall asleep, although I wasn t surprised I usually didn t fall asleep right away before a vacation, I m usually too excited. Morning soon came and my dad, my younger sister Niomi, my sister Nina, and I were all ready to leave and finally begin the drive to Chicago. Not to mention, it would be about six hours to arrive there. Finally, after
  • 20. Walmart and Corporate Image Corporate Image Corporate image is under attack. After recent reports of accounting fraud, executive misconduct, and other questionable activities in corporate America the consumers have lost faith. To manage this loss of faith companies must rebuild consumer sentiment. To accomplish this, reputation management needs to be reassessed. The Harris Fombrun Reputation Quotient assists in corporate image management by providing companies with an established approach to measure reputation and corporate image. Reputation is measured through: emotional appeal, products and services, financial performance, social responsibility, workplace environment, and vision and leadership. According to Harris Interactive, your stakeholders reputation is ... Show more content on ... The difference between a good place to work and a great place to work can be seen in business results. Great places to work realize increased customer loyalty and profitability. Costs are down as seen in measures of turnover, resistance to change, and healthcare costs. (Stopper) Management should always foster an environment that embraces diversity through diversity training. Management should also create a non hostile atmosphere where employees can feel safe. Employees of the organization should always be treated with honesty, fairness, and respect. Management also has the responsibility to not manipulate, misrepresent, abuse or conceal information regarding employees. Management should always avoid conflicts of interest between work and personal affairs and has a responsibility to never act or ask anyone to act unethically. The appeal for others to want to work for your organization is also an essential aspect of the work environment. The main question asked here is Is this a good company to work for? This can encompass the physical working conditions, established relationships, and also additional benefits of working for the specific organization. The physical environment can vary between actual safety issues to adequacy of pay or even the availability of additional benefits. The appearance of good working conditions and good jobs makes organizations attractive to the
  • 21. slavery and sectional attitudes DBQ #5: Slavery and Sectional Attitudes, 1830 1860 During the mid 1800 s many Americans began to have mix feelings over the issue of slavery. Many northern Americans believed that slavery was morally wrong and that it was an evil. Southerners on the other hand believed it was a good for the economy as well as for commerce. This great split of attitudes between the north and the south eventually led to threat of the civil war. The North saw the issue of slavery as an evil. They believed that slavery was an impurity that became accustomed to life in America, in which made other systems of commerce forgotten. In a nation where freedom and equality is given, the property owning of people is wrong. In Hinton Helper s The Impending ... Show more content on ... Most southerners believed that they were doing a favor for slaves since slaves were uneducated people. They believed that by clothing them, feeding them, and putting a roof over their head they were creating a good for these people. Pro Slavery South believed if these uncivilized people went off into the world, they wouldn t survive, so for them to be
  • 22. Symptoms And Treatment Of Auto Immune Disorders A rare disorder characterized by the presence of reversible precipitation of immunoglobulins in the blood upon exposure to decreased temperature 1 Cryoglobulins, which precipitate when blood temperature is cooled below 37В°C, are occasionally present in the blood in low levels without any symptoms, especially with advancing age or in the presence of auto immune disorders; in cryoglobulinemia, circulating cryoglobulins in serum can cause a systemic inflammatory syndrome characterized by fatigue, arthralgia, purpura, neuropathy and glomerulonephritis. At other times, they are a purely laboratory phenomenae detected when the test tube is cooled down under laboratory conditions but no of clinical significance import. 3, 2 CLASSIFICATION ... Show more content on ... в—‹ Ulcerated lesions of the lip, mucosa membranes or palate and cutaneous lesions of the head or neck are common in Type I cryoglobulinemia в—‹ Raynaud s phenomenon (blood vessel spasms cause change of color of hands and/or feet with cold temperatures or strong emotions) and acrocyanosis may also be seen in some patients в—‹ Edema may be present, especially in the ankles or legs в—‹ Hepatomegaly or splenomegaly may be apparent on palpation в—‹ Other possible clinical signs Hypertension Fever CAUSES AND RISK FACTORS Causes Cryoglobinemia в—‹ It can be idiopathic or caused by certain conditions Infection hepatitis C virus is the most common Cancers of the blood or the immune
  • 23. Social Actors And Organizations As One Working Unit Blumer lastly notes that although many methodologies observe large social actors and organizations as one working unit, this does not allow the understanding of how the organization functions. Researchers should look at the individuals within the organization to see how those individuals fit together and how they interact. The interactions of the people within the organization paint a picture of how the organization functions and makes its decisions. Blumer sums up his essay perfectly by saying respect the empirical world and organize a methodological stance to reflect that respect (Blumer 1986, p. 60). Criticisms of Symbolic Interactionism As with any theory there are critics of symbolic interactionism. One weakness of symbolic... Show more content on ... His reasoning behind why he believes this is a bit confusing and does not fully explain why this data is unreliable. He does explain that data created from a recreated world is not useable which is understandable because it is not being taken from the real world, but he does not fully explain why quantitative data taken from the real world is inherently wrong. He dismisses any validity it may hold. This is also confusing for the reader because he is very vocal about testability. He sees testability as important but throws out research types with clear testability. Many believe that Blumer s symbolic interactionism lacks hard evidence and testability. A person interprets a symbol and acts how they choose to act. This lacks the ability to be tested incorrect. Because this theory allows for the actor to respond in any way they want, then the theory can never be proven wrong meaning there is no testability (Melzer, Petros, and Reynolds 1975). Skidmore (1975) points out that Blumer s theory does not account for why an actor will make the same choice in a given situation. This paper allows for the assumption that every time an actor faces a situation they consciously interpret it and then make a choice on how to respond. This does not account for the unconscious acts and feelings that go into an action. Some actions are made without a full understanding of why
  • 24. Essay for Final 2 Buyer Behavior Final Exam Essays Part 2: Short Essays (3 points) Please answer ALL 3 essay questions below. Each essay is worth 1 point. 1. Assuming an American retailer is considering opening an electronics store. Based on the information below, would you recommend Mexico or Ireland as a more attractive foreign market? Why? Be sure to explain the benefits of each country, and then why you ultimately chose one over the other. | Power Distance| Individualism| Masculinity| Uncertainty Avoidance| Total Cultural Distance from US| USA| 40| 91| 62| 46| | Mexico| 81| 30| 69| 92| 86| Ireland| 28| 70| 68| 35| 37| Based on the above information, I would recommend Ireland as a more attractive foreign... Show more content on ... Cultural distance countries with low CD scores are more similar and tend to value the same type of consumption experience so for this reason the low CD score of Ireland against the US, makes it a more appealing market. 2. In class we discussed the relationship between expectations and satisfaction. Using the expectancy/disconfirmation theory , please answer the following questions: What were your expectations for this CB course? (e.g. Did you enter class expecting an A?) W hat were the sources for these expectations? Based on the expectancy/disconfirmation theory, explain how your expectations affected your overall satisfaction with this class. I honestly was expecting to get an A on this class as it seemed an easy one. I have been able to keep a perfect score since I started school a couple of years ago but unfortunately my life got complicated when I accepted the job I have, which recently demanded a lot more traveling, not to mention that I am in the process of start a new business after purchasing a retail store a couple of months ago. The sources of my expectations were based on my previous semester experience and the open communication with my professors. I had certain flexibility and the due dates were always in accordance with my traveling schedule but this time things didn t go as smooth as they did in the past. I had a perfectly
  • 25. The Influence Of Democracy In Ancient Rome The early communications and developments within ancient cities and societies have inspired and calculated present day interactions within the world. Rome s political structure of democracy and assurance of no absolute power has influenced and shaped modern democracy. The Roman culture has also impacted the current culture of architect and art through the implementation of a common Forum for political and social interaction. The endeavors and trials of ancient cities continue to impact the world s future by example and destruction. Early political structures created by the Phoenicians, Romans, and Greeks display the characteristics and differences of present day governments around the world. In 18th century B.C., the Phoenicians (the seafaring people) established independent city states (17). In addition, the Greeks circa 590 B.C., accepted the independent city state system to address the whole population in public meetings (18). The independent city state system includes direct representation between the citizens approaching the law. In contrast, present day democracy incorporates indirect representation through elected representatives approving the country s laws. In 59 B.C., Julius Caesar was elected to the Senate of the... Show more content on ... Settled people in Roman cities had the opportunity to accumulate material goods to represent their social status. In particular, the Roman elite was educated and literate which provided them skills and opportunities to serve on the Roman government or commit to business or trade (22). In present day society, the gap between rich and poor is distinct in societies all around the modern world. Furthermore, the lack of education provided for the poor and less fortunate is the true cause of this alerting gap. For Roman societies and modern societies alike, social class has become a hurtful and crucial way to succeed in
  • 26. Keys to Win the Cola War with Innovative Marketing Strategies Product Mix: Key to Winning the Cola War Pepsi and Coca Cola have stood the test of time through one of the strongest competition rivalries ever seen in the business world. Each time that one of these beverage giants makes an innovative move to conquer a new or existing beverage market, the other is quick to respond with even better innovations or products. Through the years, each of these companies have heralded fabulous discoveries and absolute flops as they continued their endless search for the right mix of products that might someday give them the largest market share in an ever growing and ever needed market. The results so far have been increased competitiveness and long product lines for both companies. In this essay, I... Show more content on ... Pepsi and Coke have also been targeting this growing consumer market in their soda lines with new innovations of low or no carb drinks such as Pepsi Edge3 and Coke s C24, as well as reinvigorations of their already no carb diet drinks. So where do the sports drinks fit into this low carb craze? The answer is they don t. Each of these sports drinks is packed with enough carbohydrates to equal a liquid potato, making them nothing but a memory for people whose daily carb intake is down to 20 60 grams.5 Thus, we have a void in the beverage market that is not being filled. Further deepening this void is the fact that people losing weight tend to be more active, craving something besides water or diet soda after their workouts. This is a perfect example of how a shift in product mix for either company could give them distinct competitive advantage. By simply creating a no carb line of Gatorade or PowerAde sports drinks, the company will have altered its product mix and filled the market void with brand loyal users, adding to the overall market resiliency and strength of the parent company.6 Further analysis of this product line could also reveal strong needs for having different strengths of sports drinks for different levels of activity (i.e. zero carbs for slightly active, 15 grams of carbs for moderately active, and up to 120 grams for marathon runners) enabling a kind of mass customization to ensure that the product line can suit any and all
  • 27. Teleological Argument for the Existence of God Essay This paper will examine the argument put forward by William Paley in 1802, in his Natural Theology. Paley offers an argument from design that purports to show a clear and distinct reason why one should hold a belief in God, due to the inherent features of the world. It is attempted in this paper to firstly: show that the argument should be rejected on the grounds of lacking a rationally flowing set of premises and conclusions; and secondly: that the criticisms made by David Humeconcerning the argument hold more weight than is generally granted by other philosophers, and should have convinced one even before the advent of Darwinian theory. Added to this, it will be considered as to whether or not Darwin actually did destroy... Show more content on ... Roughly speaking, teleological arguments are those that appeal to the special features, or aspects, of the world that appear to be designed and purposive, analogous to the cases of human design. For example, one might consider complex biological systems such as eyes, digestive or reproductive structures, and so on. They are usually put probabilistically, arguing that the most plausible explanation is that of a world designer and creator one with intelligence and purposes. It is not clear that Paley s argument was intended to be just so, but more on this at a later stage. Paley s argument is quite simple in essence and is presented in a somewhat poetic and rather imaginative way. Paley first imagines what sort of thoughts one would have stumbling across a rock. He concludes that no one should be surprised at the presence of the rock, and that it hardly requires a specific explanation: it would be quite plausible to assume that the rock just was, and had always been. The discovery of the rock is then compared to the finding of a watch. Paley claims that one should immediately recognise it as the work of an intelligent designer, even if one had never seen a watch before. He makes the claim that by the watch s very intrinsic make up it could clearly be concluded the intentional construction of an intelligent designer: the various
  • 28. Summary Of Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior By Amy Cha Amy Chua, a professor at Yale, is the author of an article called Why Chinese Mothers are Superior . In this article, she addresses being a Tiger Mom. A Tiger Mom is described as a mother who is very strict when it comes to raising their children. They are known for having straightforward rules that many Westerners would find shocking. These Tiger Moms raise their children to be the best in everything that they do, and they will not let their children come in second place to anybody. Typically these Tiger Moms are Chinese; and therefore, she refers to the style as a Chinese way of parenting. Amy Chua does not make a good argument because of her use of logical fallacies and her invalid information. In her article, Amy Chua mentions a few of the many strict rules that she has set forth for her children. To Chua, her demanding parenting style is the reason that her children have become so successful. These rules restrict her children from participating in drama related activities at school, being ranked second in their classes, and socializing with friends outside of school. She also makes a comparison between Western mothers and Chinese mothers. She states that no mothercould ever be more strict than a Tiger Mom and that being a Chinese mother is as strict as it gets. In her article, Chua mentions that Chinese mothers believe that, what might not be fun now, will become fun once you have practiced enough to get good at it. If you practice enough, people will start to
  • 29. Way Of The Peaceful Warrior Character Analysis That Was No Accident In the book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Dan experiences an accident on his motorcycle at his home in Los Angeles. However, that accident was not accidental, it was part of a larger plan and was going to happen whether he thought he could prevent it or not. During Dan s training to become a warrior Socrates often gave Dan advice that either did not make sense at the time or Dan did not take seriously. On a particular day as Dan was saying good bye to Socrates for a couple days when he told Socrates of his plans Socrates offered piece of advice that was frightening to him. Socrates had said many things to him at that time and one of them was You ll be tested severely before you re done. Part of Dan s plans while he was in Los Angeles was to buy a motorcycle that he could ride back to San Francisco. One evening after Dan had bought his motorcycle he was riding down an avenue as he approached an intersection he saw a car facing him that was trying to turn left. As he slowed down the car started to turn right in front of him. The motorcycle and Dan collided right into the car, ... Show more content on ... A parable that Joy told Dan while he was in the hospital was about a man having a troubles on his farm, but he would never say whether he thought that it was good luck or bad luck. Each of the situations that happened to the old man could have been taken either way. Dan s accident could have been looked at the same way; either it was good luck or bad luck, which apply to the reasons why he may have had the accident. One reason that Dan may have had the accident was that he was not supposed to attend the World Gymnastics Championships in Yugoslavia. It may have been that Socrates new of something that was bound to happen when he was there that could have been more damaging physically or mentally to his warrior training. A further reason that Dan may have had the accident was so that he could take time and
  • 30. Essay Gentlemen, Your Verdict Gentlemen, Your Verdict Michael Bruce 1. From what perspective is the story told? (1 mark) This story is told in limited omniscient third person perspective. This is because the narrating voice enters the minds of most characters, excluding the radio telephone scenes. You can only hear Lieutenant Commander Oram s voice, not the character on the other end of the radio. 2. Through which literary device does Michael Bruce tell his story? (1 mark) The literary device used was flashback with a cliff hanger ending. Michael Bruce started the setting in a courtroom, where the five surviving characters recalled the details of the past event. This is where the flashback took place to present the actual event. Once we see the events ... Show more content on ... They soon discovered the submarines bow planes were buried; the bow tanks full of sand. The propellers were torn off, steering gear ruined, stern tanks flooded, and all the hatches were desperately jammed. 5. Identify a conflict within the short story. (1 mark) I believe the conflict in Gentlemen, Your Verdict, is human against self. B) State whether it is internal or external. (1 mark) The conflict in this story is internal struggle concerning emotion and decision. 6. In your own words, explain the term moral dilemma. (1 mark) Moral Dilemma to me, means having to make an ethical decision between what is considered right and what is considered wrong. B) What is Lieutenant Commander Oram s moral dilemma? (1 mark) Lieutenant Commander Oram s moral dilemma is deciding whether or not to kill fifteen of his men, so five with families can live, as there is not enough oxygen for all twenty to survive until help arrives. 7. How does the author create a sense of urgency in his writing? (2 marks) The author creates a sense of urgency through his ability to place the reader into the Lieutenant s point of view during the accident. The Lieutenant is taking quick action, yet the reader is unclear what the true nature of the danger is. The situation gets seemingly worse as the story goes on until finally a gruesome resolution is found.
  • 31. 8. Did the Captain make a good decision? Was it right? (2 marks) * Support your
  • 32. Characteristics And Differences Of Anton Chekov And... Anton Chekov and Bertolt Brecht are two theatre practitioners whose work has had a significant impact on the development of modern theatrical practices. Both of these men s contributions revolutionised the nature of theatre at their time and their work has greatly shaped modern acting techniques and theatreconventions. However, Brecht and Chekhov share more differences than similarities in the way they approached theatre. These differences are strikingly evident while examining their plays. This essay will identify these key differences between Brecht and Chekov and will examine how the different approaches affect each practitioners work. Firstly, one of the most notable differences between Chekhov and Brecht is the aims that they wished to fulfil through theatre. Brecht viewed theatre as a vehicle to critique the society in which he lived in order to inspire his audience to enact social and political change. However, Chekhov s work focused on the creation of an authentic reality which highlights the nature of human behaviour. Highly influenced by living in Germany at the time of World War II, Brecht was troubled by... Show more content on ... The orchard is only relevant due to each individual s relationship with it, again directing the attention of the audience onto the characters. We see the cherry orchard through the lens of different characters and the significance that it holds for them. For example, in the case of Renveskaya, the cherry orchard is the key to her past, her childhood and is terrified at the thought of losing it. For Lopakhin, the orchard represents opportunity, a chance for him to finally prove himself and distance himself from his past life as a lower class citizen. From Anya s point of view, it the change in her life; after returning from Paris her life is completely different and the cherry orchard doesn t embody the same importance for her as it once did. She
  • 33. North American Colonists After the Seven Year War between Britain and France, Britain had to find new ways to finance its massive empire after obtaining territories from France. However, this caused tensions between the colonies in the North America and Britain began to rise. One of the measures that the British employed was the Writs of Assistance which was meant to stop American merchants from trading goods with France. Then the Sugar Act was enforced in 1764 to raise revenue to protect, defend and secure North America. Then by 1765, the Stamp Act was passed in order to make the colonists pay as much taxes as the British to help them get out of their financial crisis. Through 1766 1770 the colonists began to resist the British Empirebecause of how they
  • 34. Spanish In Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea is a nation on the central coast of sub Saharan Africa. It was formerly known as Spanish Guinea when it was under Spanish colonial control until the nation gained its independence on October 12, 1968. Spain was the colonial ruler for over two hundred years. The official languages of Equatorial Guineaare Spanish and French. However, only a small percentage of the population actually speak these languages. Most people speak the languages of their tribes, such as Fang, Bubi, or Ibo. Some might assume that Guinean Spanish would have similar characteristics commonly attributed to Afro Hispanic languages. However, Spanish in Equatorial Guinea has no real presence with the general public because of its minimal usage. Spanish is mostly used as a political symbol by privileged elites to show higher social status (Lipski). Greetings between people are generally lengthy interactions. People stand close together when speaking with each other, and often touch or hold hands (Stanford). Unlike in the United States where direct eye contact is expected regardless of who you are speaking with; Equatorial Guineans reserve eye contact for established acquaintances and friends. Elders should not be subjected to direct eye contact unless a firm relationship has been previously established (Society and Culture). Like many other African nations, Equatorial Guinea has a number of different ethnic groups with their own distinctive languages. In the capital of Malabo, there are
  • 35. Definition Of Applied Behavior Analysis Essay Introduction Autism is a disease that is being diagnosed today more than ever before. In fact, as of 2014 the statistics for diagnosis of autism are one in sixty eight children, with diagnosis being much more common in boys (Autism Speaks, 2016a). While there are many theories about what causes autism, there is currently not any proven predictor of what will cause this disease to develop (Landrigan, 2010). Since prevention is not possible at this time, it is extremely beneficial and important to research understanding and treatment of those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). There are many avenues of treatment for ASD, but one method that has received significant attention is applied behavior analysis (ABA). The goal of this research article is to explore the definition of applied behavior analysis, its development over time, and its application to real life. Some questions that will be explored are when and where did ABA originate, how has it developed over time, and what researchers contributed new findings to this intervention. Additionally, the methods that have been developed over time to implement ABA will be discussed, specifically with their application to autism and individuals diagnosed with ASD. Finally, there will be a discussion of how skills that individuals with ASD gain from applied behavioral analysis can be applied to a classroom setting. History Applied behavior analysis has origins in the research done by behaviorist psychologists
  • 36. Describe The Number Of Protons And Nuetrons The copper atom is constructed from three kinds of particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. The protons and neutrons are located in a very small spherical volume at the exact center of the atom called the nucleus. Protons have a +1 charge, and nuetrons have no charge, so the nucleus has an overall positive charge. The electrons, which have a 1 charge, are located in a relatively large spherical volume around and centered on the nucleus. The nucleus of all copper atoms contains exactly 29 protons. However, atoms with two different numbers of neutrons, called isotopes, are to be constructed. One isotope contains 34 neutrons (copper 63) and the other isotope contains 36 neutrons (copper 65). For every 100 atoms made, there are 69 copper 63 atoms and 31 copper 65 atoms. ... Show more content on ... These electrons, as is the case with the electrons of all atoms, are arranged in a series of shells and subshells. Copper atoms may be described by the symbolic notation, 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d9, where each leading number denotes the shell, the lower case letter denotes the subshell, and the superscript specifies the number of electrons in the subshell. Within the s , p , and d subshells, there are 1, 3, and 5 orbitals respectively. Each orbital may contain a maximum of 2 electrons. Thus, all orbitals in all the subshells occupied by electrons in the copper atom are full except for one orbital in the d subshell in the third shell that has just one electron in it. Note that the highest shell containing electrons in the copper atom is the fourth
  • 37. Like Water For Chocolate Symbolism Love is always fun, something that s usually between two people, but what happens when someone or something doesn t agree with this love and tries to get between it? This is something seen in the novel Like Water For Chocolate by the author Laura Esquivel. The novel is about an all women mexican family with strict traditions in a world of magical realism. Throughout the story, the main character Tita and her future niece struggle with a specific tradition that prevent them from being with the person they love. The magical realism in the book helps to further understand the symbolism used by the author. Laura esquiveluses symbolism to comment on the nature of true love and how it will overcome any obstacle to ignite happiness. A really big ... Show more content on ... Laura Esquivel, through this book makes us realize what true love is and what it feels like. Through symbols makes us see that true love will always have barriers to break through. Also how true love will survive anything trying to get in its way if it actually brings happiness and will give off more of it. Laura Esquivel s comment on the nature of true love just models what it s like to have true love being attacked to made not work but overcoming that to
  • 38. First Appearance Bias Essay One of the biases that I have is judging people by their first appearance. I like the term that Dr. Zubin Damania (aka ZDoggMD) uses, shitty first draft , because the word shit probably should not be used in the professional world and our first thought is usually incorrect and needs to be revised. The way people dress and speak usually determines my first thought about them. If a man is wearing sagging pants and using a lot of slang, for example, my first thought is going to be different than if the same man is wearing a suit and tie while speaking proper English. While I know judging someone by the way they appear is wrong, I cannot change my thoughts. But I can change the way that those thoughts affect my behavior. Because I am aware
  • 39. Credit Card Crisis For Students And Small Business Owners Name: Muhammad Shakeel Class : ENGL 109M Prof: Blair Overby Audience: Consumer/Students and small business owners. Credit Card Crisis for students and small business owners. In the modern era, credit card is being the efficient and secured form of payment which is becoming a necessity for every individual rather than a choice. Especially in United States of America, credit card is being considered as an essential part of life. Since the introduction of Credit cards back in 1920s, the payment system has been revolutionized and there has been a major transformation in the American economy. However, the excessive use of the credit card has resulted in a crisis which is affecting not only the individuals but whole of the country s economy.... Show more content on ... Further, credit card allows an individual to borrow someone else s i.e. Credit Card issuer s money to make payments. The scheme of the credit card is that the consumer making the purchase through credit card is actually borrowing money from the Card issuer instead of using his own money from his bank account, while the money borrowed can be considered a type of loan. Credit card issuer allows you to pay back the money wholly or partially. After each month, the consumer receives the bill from the Credit Card issuance company which comprises of list of purchases made by the individual, the minimum payment due, the total amount and any other fees if added by the Issuer. However, the issue arises when the consumers /individuals choose to make the partial payment of their dues i.e. the minimum payment due on the credit card, the Issuer will start charging interest on the remaining balance and the individual in such condition will had to struggle hard in order to clear all the outstanding dues. For example, if a consumer receive a total bill of $500 and opt to pay the bill in a span of one year while being charged 18 percent interest, at the end when consumer will clear the total amount he ll be paying almost an extra $100 to the issuer as an interest. (Jennifer Barrett, 2009)
  • 40. School Counselor Philosophy Statement As a school counselor in practice, my philosophy of the role of the school counselor is that school counselors play a tremendous role in the life of their student and is very important for us, school counselors to be aware of our role in the students life. We play a big role in their development of different areas such as personal development, career/academic development, and social development. Therefore, what guide me to this career is that I want to be able to advocate for my students, and to help student succeed not only academically but also mentally, socially and to provide them with the tools that they need to be successful in life. In terms of my approach to counseling the theoretical approach that I see myself using as a... Show more content on ... So furthermore, the significant early events that I had with my HS counselors have influenced the decision that I had taken of becoming a professional school counselor in order for me to provide students with the support they need as my HS counselors did with me. Also one counseling moment that have educated my teaching philosophy is that one time at my internship site we had one student who is very brilliant and had all the requirements to apply to any college out of state but she decided not to do. At first she said that he didn t wanted too because he loves NYC and that she doesn t see herself living on another state, but this was very strange because I had previous one to one sessions with her where she had expresses how she would love to have the opportunity to study whether in upstate or she was even planning on moving to Miami to gain new experiences. While she was giving my site supervisor different types of reason why she wants to stay here in NYC, I decided to be quiet and just to listen to what the student had t say. Later on during our one to one session I asked her why she said all this, when previously she had explained her interest on studying in a different state. The student stated that even though she would like to have the opportunity to study in other State, she doesn t want to do this because there was a time when she had to go to Mexico because her mother couldn t take care of her, therefore she went to live
  • 41. Joining The Chorus One of the greatest spectacles of Ancient Greek history was the art of the Tragedy. Audiences from all over the world would gather in search of theatricality and intellectual expression. This form of theatre held an element that allowed the audience experiencing it, to do so on an entirely new level. The incorporation and creation of the chorus had a tremendous effect on the overall experience of audiences everywhere. The Chorus remains onstage throughout the action of the play to show common emotion that the audience can relate to when the spectacle is being experienced. Their voices overlap, their stories heighten, and the physicality proceeds to compile to the overall escapade that is the chorus. The first point is that what the ... Show more content on ... Especially considering how fast the plot can develop at times. Thus, it is crucial to have an external element that oversees the play, yet is no more external than the audience itself. Schiller discusses how art can often excite, move, and provide insight, but poetics does not always deliver this as clearly as an audience member may feel necessary. (The Bride of, pg. 80) On these grounds I might safely leave the chorus to be its own advocate, if we had ever seen it presented in an appropriate manner. But it must be remembered that a dramatic composition п¬Ѓrst assumes the character of a whole by means of representation on the stage. The poet supplies only the words, to which, in a lyrical tragedy, music and rhythmical motion are essential accessories. It follows, then, that if the chorus is deprived of accompaniments appealing so powerfully to the senses, it will appear a superfluity in the economy of the drama a mere hinderance to the development of the plot destructive to the illusion of the scene, and wearisome to the spectators. (The Bride of, 79) The chorus is a translucent tool of the Greek Tragedy, allowing the audience to peer through them to see a heightened version of the playwright s poetry. Schiller felt that using these metaphysical principles would bring the audience closest to the realization that the play itself called for. (Martinson, 59) These elements
  • 42. The King And Queen Of Monsters Your fingers flew across the keyboard of your laptop, so a crisp clicking noise echoed through the quiet cafГ©. You stopped for a second to skim your eyes over the text you just wrote. You were documenting your opinion about the recent meeting that the King and Queen of monsters had with the officials. It hadn t turned out well. The officials were stiff and stubborn. Refusing to even listen to their requests. You heaved a heavy sigh and picked up your coffee cup, turning it in your hands as you allowed your mind to wander. It had been just a few months since the monsters moved to the surface, and as suspected, some people weren t taking very well. Except for a group called the MRO. It stood for the Monster Rights Organization, it was a small group started by the Human Ambassador of the monsters (and the King and Queen) in hopes of getting more rights and supporters for the monsters. Not many people had joined, but you were one of the exceptions. Hoping to keep a low profile (but still be a help), you started an anonymous blog where you spread the word about monster rights and helped to encourage people to take a stand. You were brought out of your thoughts by the ringing of a bell. You turned to see two monsters walk into the cafГ©. You almost dropped your coffee. They were skeletons. Moving (alive?) skeletons. This was your first time actually seeing a monster in person. Normally you kept your distance and watched the events and meetings on TV. You tried to act casual
  • 43. Cruelty, By Stanley Milgram Mohammad Asif Mohammad Prof: S.Bridges Essay 5 April 19, 2016 Cruelty The amount of cruelty one possess varies individually depending on the situations an individual has experienced throughout their life. This is why Milgram received such shocking results in his obedience experiment and why only a few reacted in Darley and Latane s studies. Although cruelty is within from birth, the test subjects in Milgram s, Darley and Latane s experiment had no intentions of being cruel because they believed they were simply following orders and still fighting a personal conflict which is to respond or not to a situation, while still conforming to the norms of social etiquette. Cruelty is something that is innate. It is not something we learn but rather something that is nurtured into existence. Individually, cruelty levels differ from one to another as each being may have experienced different situations causing them to react differently. In the experiment conducted by Stanley Milgram, a psychologist who wanted to test the level of cruelty a normal citizen would go to when instructed by a person of authority. He brought in many different people as the test subjects and as we see from the results how each persons obedience to inflict pain on someone else differed amongst the subjects, we understand this is the results of their cruelty that is within. This experiment was set up in a room where there was a teacher who was the test subject and a learner who was an
  • 44. Stanford Prison Experiment Unethical Imagine a world without adults or authority. Where there is no guidance to save people from turning into barbaric beasts. In the Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the story begins with kids being stranded on an island without anything and drifting away from human nurture to human nature, where there is deep chaos and ends up with two big children dead. Even though, this storyline seems unrealistic and out of this world, it happened in a real life experiment under the supervision of Philip G. Zimbardo. The Stanford Prison Experiment is known as the most unethical study in history, due to the events that occurred that resulted in complete change of people s behavior. By learning about the Stanford Prison Experiment, one can learn about the ... Show more content on ... In this book, we see the good person is Simon, he tries to maintain the peace and then when he is killed all peace is gone, and the island goes into anarchy. Likewise, in the prison experiment, the good guards who did favors for the prisoners but also were fair and listened to the other guards were the peacemakers, which lost their mind and conformed like the other guards. In addition, we see a request for guidance before the state of nature. In the Lord of the Flies, Ralph and piggy requested a sign from the grown up[s] (Golding 92). In the prison experiment, the guards asked what do we do and were responded to by it s your prison , while given a warning about physical abuse (Dreifus 1). The guards then went to do psychological punishment followed by physical abuse as punishments. In the end, after the anarchy is stopped there is regret that occurs. In the Lord of the Flies, the kids cried in front of the British officer, for the fact that they killed Simon and Piggy. In the prison experiment, the guards were disappointed in their behavior, but still were sad that they lost all the
  • 45. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, By John Locke I believe what we can touch has to be real. We as humans can argue on and on, even coming to conclusion that everything in our realm is a complete illusion, that in fact we are all completely somewhere else in time. We may not be physically able to touch as our advancement in technology has not gone nearly far enough for us to reach something, for example, such as Mars or Pluto, but if its a possibility that we predict one day we can physically touch the soils of these far planets, then it can be established that these planets must be real. He believes that species and the genera of things are real, but what can be confusing is how he defines the real. In December of 1689 John Locke wrote, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding in which he defines the technical term of real essence. A real essence is... Show more content on ... Something has always existed, he states that the fact that we exist and are conscience thinkers is a proof that a higher being is there. Something exists now; if nothing else, each person can be sure that he himself exists. We intuitively believe that it is impossible for something to come from that is, to be temporally preceded by nothing. Therefore, since something exists now, there never was a time when nothing at all existed. Something has always existed As we presented earlier in the year, I believe that we can only perceive reality as they come to us through our senses. Every person experiences different experiences through different senses in our sensory systems. God is different, I chose to see the proofs of God through small acts, possibly miracles. As an Empiricist, Locke was committed to the idea that there were no such things as innate ideas and that the best, indeed the only way, to come to know objective truth was via sensory experience.The only way to come to know the world is through sensory experience. He would agree with St. Thomas Aquinas that, nothing is in the mind without first having been in the
  • 46. Curie And Curie s Law ABSTRACT. Curie s law, first proposed by a French physicist, Pierre Curie, states that the magnetization of paramagnetic materials varies directly with the applied magnetic field and inversely with the absolute temperature of the substance. This paper presents prerequisite definitions and a detailed explanation of Curie s law along with a brief historical account. KEYWORDS. Curie s law, Pierre Curie, Magnetic susceptibility. Introduction Curie s law is an empirical law of physics (that is, derived by curve fitting on the basis of experiments) discovered by a French physicist, Pierre Curie. The law states that the magnetization of the paramagnetic substance is directly proportional to the magnetic field and inversely proportional to the ... Show more content on ... In 1898, they discovered of radium and polonium and described the properties of radium and its products. It is noteworthy that the couple achieved these breakthroughs despite not having access to adequate laboratory facilities and having a stressful teaching schedule. Their work formed the basis for much of the following research in nuclear physics and chemistry. For their study into the spontaneous radioactive decay, they received a half share of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903. Pierre died in Paris on April 19, 1906. History of Curie s law: Curie s law was first published in Annales de Chimie et de Physique in 1895 by Pierre Curie. It is found to be followed by certain gases (like O_2 and NO), dilute solutions of paramagnetic salts of rare earth and some other crystalline salts and alkali metal vapors. In general, it is applicable for paramagnetic materials with weak externally applied magnetic fields or high temperatures as the magnetization saturates in the case of strong magnetic fields or low temperatures. Statistical analysis can be used to derive Curie s law as resulting from the properties of a system of feebly interacting particles possessing magnetic dipole moments. When there is no externally applied magnetic field, these magnetic moments of the particles point in random directions. However, when the field is switched on, the magnetic moments of the particles are aligned in the direction of the externally applied field resisting the thermal motion which
  • 47. Examples Of The Hammurabi Code Of Laws Hammurabi s Code Of Laws The Hammurabi Code of Laws is a set of rules enacted by the Babylonian King whose name was Hammurabi. The Babylonian King created a total of two hundred eighty two punishments that the citizens will receive if they do not abide by the laws that were given to them. The king ruled from 1792 BC to 1750 BC. The Hammurabi Code of Laws is very violent in terms of punishments. For example, one of the laws are If anyone breaks into a house to steal, he will be put to death before that point of entry and be buried there (walled into the house) . This is a clear example of how violent and inhumane the punishments of the Babylonians were, to us at least. This essay will be explaining a set of laws from the Hammurabi s Code of Laws. Laws that are related to crime usually end up with a very brutal, violent, and inhumane punishment. An example of these laws that have a brutal, violent, and inhumane consequent is law 22. If fire breaks out in a house, and someone who comes to help put it out casts his eye about the property of the owner of the house and then steals the property of the master of the house (looting), he shall be thrown in the that self same fire . This law means that if a person comes to help extinguish the fire ends up stealing from the burning home, then that same man who came with good intentions of extinguishing the fire will be thrown into that same fire that he/she came to help put out. As you can see, the consequence for looting a house that is on fire is very violent. Another law that has a very brutal, violent, and inhumane consequence is law 109. If a holy woman opens a tavern door or enters a tavern for a drink, she shall be burned to death. In this law, it means that if a religious woman drinks alcohol then she will be burned to death for it is seen as a taboo in their religion. This law has a very violent, brutal, and inhumane punishment, as you can see. In the Hammurabi Code of Laws, there are laws in which a body part of the suspect s body is severed or decapitated from their body as a result of their wrongdoings. These laws are usually related to the limbs used to commit the wrongdoings. For example, law 195 If a son strikes his father, his hands shall be
  • 48. The Use of Literary Devices, Imagery, and Tone in Krapp’s... The Imagery Tone of a Play: The Use of Literary Devices Imagery Tone in Krapp s Last Tape In the play Krapp s Last Tape, there is one protagonist who is described as sitting at a small table, listening to tapes. Krapp is an impaired and broken down elderly man who spends his time listening to his younger voice on tapes. He is egotistical and subjective towards his younger self and critiques the way he acted in a certain place or time. He is lonely, but okay with it as he would rather focus on things that he has already experienced, rather then engage in new ones. He is essentially stuck in the past. The essay written below disputes the literary devices of imagery and tone in order to provide background and symbolism in ... Show more content on ... Imagery plays a big part in describing the character s appearance and actions in order to show what a character is like and how they respond to differing situations. It can also shape the story and reveal to the reader the background of a person, place, or thing. In Krapp s Last Tape, the only character is given much detail and description in order to start the play at a point where the reader already knows some information about this elderly man. The literary convention of imagery provides insight into the character that will lead the play. Krapp, the main protagonist in Krapp s Last Tape is given a good amount of description, leading into the beginning of dialogue. His raggedy grey hair, disheveled clothes, and death ridden face give the reader an image of a character that has lived through many years. It is as if he has given up on life and is preparing for what is to come. The fact that he is also hard of hearing and has a cracked voice, seems to have intensified the distaste towards his character. Krapp s descriptive appearance helps to foreshadow his cynical and confined personality. Krapp also remains motionless for most of the play. The only actions that do take place are of him eating a banana in the very beginning and the loading of the three tapes that Krapp focuses on in the dialogue. This imagery of him loading the tapes and sitting at his table depicts
  • 49. Post-Cooperative Nursing Research Papers What is Post operative Nurse? When a patient leaves the care of the anesthetist after an operation, they wake up under the supervision of a post operative nurse. These health care professionals work in recovery rooms to ensure that post operative patients, who often wake up in physiologically fragile states, will be expertly and continuously supervised. Basic Responsibilities Post operative nurses have two basic responsibilities: transfer and monitor patients after surgeries. After surgeries, post operative nurses assess the patient s condition and determine if they are able to be moved to the post anesthesia care unit (PACU). If the vital signs are instable or if the surgical team encounters problems, the patient may need to remain in the operating room. Once the doctor determines that the patient can safely be moved, they will be transferred to the PACU for continued care under the watchful eyes of a post operative nurse. There, patients will be carefully monitored when they wake up, so they will know what is going on. Post operative nurses ensure that patients stay comfortable while they monitor their vitals and deliver pain medications. Registered Nurse PACU Job Description Most post operative nurses are actually RN s who work in PACU s, which may refer to either post anesthesia care units ... Show more content on ... Most employers usually require a minimum of two years experience in an ICU or PACU setting such as an ambulatory surgery center. An active state RN license and valid BCLS and ACLS certifications are recommended. Post operative nurses need knowledge of operative care standards and post anesthesia techniques. They also need a strong attention to detail because they must ensure that all medical documentation is legible, accurate and complete. Knowledge of applicable regulations, compliance standards and accreditation requirements should make a difference during job
  • 50. Mary and Max Mary and Max It is 1976, an 8 year old Mary Daisy Dinkle (Bethany Whitmore) is a lonely little girl living in Mount Waverley, Melbourne, Australia. Her relatively poor family cannot afford to buy her toys or nice clothing, and she is teased by children at her school due to an unfortunate birthmark on her forehead. Her father is distant and her alcoholic, kleptomaniac mother provides no support. The closest thing she has to a friend is the man for whom Mary collects mail, Len Hislop, a World War II veteran who lost his legs as a prisoner of war and has developed agoraphobia. One day, she decides to write a letter to someone living in New York City: by pure chance she chooses Max Jerry Horowitz (Philip Seymour Hoffman) from a telephone ... Show more content on ... Seeing how much Max valued their friendship and how happy it made him, Mary is moved to tears of joy as the film closes. The film is sublime. It s funny and insightful as it creates very different worlds for its two characters, and yet it doesn t shy away from the harsher aspects of the lives of Mary and Max. BARRY HUMPHRIES narrates and he does it beautifully. The animationperfectly suits the story, it was five years in the making and it s worth every minute. Comment: I found this film very tough going it is undoubtedly a well made film and has some clever and quirky moments. However I lost interest around halfway through the film and could not engage with the film and its clunky style. A lighter touch would have made a huge difference to the viewing experience. Perhaps as an artistic statement it deserves more than three stars but as a movie going experience it was only a little bit better than average. The clay only gave the story more credibility, others might differ in their opinion about that, but I think if it were played by real actors it would be less believable, (saying the tale itself was based on a true story). Love this movie. I cried a much needed cry that I wasn t able to do for
  • 51. The Modernist Movement And The International Style Movement Throughout the Villa Dall ava, 1991, Rem Koolhaas ideologies have been deconstructed, reconstructed and reproduced such as it complies with Le Corbusier s five ideas of modernism, where it employs the use of pilotes , roof terrace, the open floor plan, the free faГ§ade and the horizontal window to his design. These major elements are key to the modernist movement and the international style movement. Rem Koolhaas has made conflict with these key ideas such as the slanted columns as Le Corbusiers idea was to use simple forms discussed by the early modernist. In a sense it holds these elements of deconstruction such an alien form within it design. Le Corbusier s Villa Savoye, 1929, has very similar links to the Villa Dall ava as Rem Koolhaas and his client wanted the Villa Dall ava to be a modern version of the Villa Savoye. These links are obvious as they are the five points of architecture which Le Corbusier had set as his architectural principles. They consist of pilotis, free designing of the ground plan, free design of the faГ§ade, the horizontal windows and a roof garden. One main connection that sticks out is the pilotis as Le Courbusier had used it as geometric lines around the Villa Savoye, Rem Koolhaas had used pilotis with his own alien twist on them swaying them off center, putting them where ever need be. Koolhaas s own architecture, it need hardly be said, does nothing of the kind. And yet Koolhaas s modernism, brilliantly inventive, nonetheless does not
  • 52. Organizational and Professional Development Organizational and Professional Development Introduction Social intelligence has been defined as the ability to understand and manage other people, and to engage in adaptive social interactions like making them to get along with you. Social intelligence entails a person s awareness to a situation and the social dynamics that accompany the situation and the knowledge of the strategies and interaction style, that, he/she can use to achieve the desired objective while dealing with others (Bob, 2008). Social intelligence has gained popularity because initially a person s potential in life was measured using a single number which is his/her IQ score but since the introduction and accreditation of social intelligence, a person s potential in life can now be viewed with a multidimensional approach and it is said that each of the given key approaches of social intelligence can continue to broaden with time given the appropriate challenges, experiences and growth opportunities (Goleman, 2006). Social intelligence uses a set of skills which enables people to interact successfully with them. These skills are linked to communication in various ways. The skills are; situational radar, presence, authenticity, clarity and empathy. Situational radar relies on one s ability to read situation, understands the social aspect that affects the behavior of another person within the organization s society, and through gaining that understanding, the individual can decide to choose the most
  • 53. The Nymph s Reply To Raleigh Was Right In 1600, Sir Walter Raleigh wrote The Nymph s Reply to the Shepherd, in response to Christopher Marlowe s The Passionate Shepherd to His Love. In his response poem, Raleigh takes on the perspective of the woman being spoken to in Marlowe s poem and uses his language against him as a way of rejecting the romanticized proposal to run away to the countryside and be his love. Through his poem, Raleigh uses a more realistic tone than Marlowe, expressing that the ideal rustic life he describes will change with time and no longer be able to please them. In response to both Marlowe and Raleigh, William Carlos Williams wrote a poem of his own in 1944 called Raleigh Was Right, which expanded upon Raleigh s rebuttal. Through his poem, Williams use of... Show more content on ... Williams begins his poem by agreeing with Raleigh that we cannot go to the country for the country will bring us no peace (1 3). By using the first person pronouns, I and we, Williams is directly addressing Raleigh, proving to his readers that his poem is in fact a response poem if they have not concluded that already from the title of the poem. His first three lines also support Raleigh s claim that as time goes on all things are subject to change, and the countryside is no exception. As explained by Raleigh in his rebuttal, the flowers do fade and thy gowns, thy shoes, thy bed of roses...soon break, soon wither, soon [are] forgotten (9 15). Williams expresses that nature in the countryside cannot provide humans with the harmony, and life long happiness they are longing for. He conveys this message his logical and realistic tone carried on throughout the pome, similar to the tone of Raleigh s poem. The tone of Williams and Raleigh s poems call on Marlowe, and other poets who have wrote pastoral poems, to realize that the country life they wrote about existed only long ago when country people would plow and sow with
  • 54. The Necessity of Legalizing Wolf Hunting in Wisconsin Essay Over the past several years, the gray wolf, native to the Wisconsin area, has been listed federally as an endangered species due to the graphic and horrific treatment they had received during the industrialization periods of America, when they were frowned upon and hated because they are predatory creatures and did, on occasion, attack livestock and pets. Because the government was encouraging the hunting, including bounties for the animals, the wolves were hunted to near extinction. However, now Wisconsinfaces a new problem. With the reintroduction of the wolves to the state, and their continued endangered status federally, the population has increased well beyond expectations, reaching what could be considered a problematic state. A... Show more content on ... Also, the government wanted to step in and help the economy, so bounties were set in order to encourage the hunting of the creatures. Communities began to see the bounty hunters as heroes, and these men felt as such. The attitude towards wolves spiraled out of control, causing hunts based on vengeance and hatred, and inhumane practices of poisoning, trapping, and torturing began. Even a former governor of Alaska, Jay Hammond, felt that flying in a plane and shooting down hundreds of wolves was necessary to protect the citizens of the state. Wolf furs were coveted, the animals were loathed, and the image of the wolf as a cowardly murderer stuck based on old fashioned beliefs and legend based fears. Nothing was done to stop the practices, and the hunts continued to be encouraged, until there were basically no wolves left to hunt (Lopez 139 145). It was nearly too late once the problem was noticed, but the government finally stepped in to address the problem. The wolves were going extinct, and it became clear that the animals were an important part of the ecosystem. The timber (gray) wolf was placed on the endangered species list, and severe consequences were put into action for anyone who hunted the animals illegally. The Wisconsin DNR began a very carefully regulated action plan to reintroduce the wolf to the state, which included radio collars and careful tracking of the animals in order to monitor their progress, as well as make sure they stay in