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Love My Mom Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic "Love My Mom" might initially seem like a straightforward and
heartwarming task. After all, expressing affection and gratitude for one's mother should come
naturally. However, as one delves into the intricacies of the subject, the challenge becomes
apparent. The difficulty lies not in the abundance of feelings but in encapsulating the profound
depth of emotions and experiences into a coherent and concise piece.
The struggle begins with the overwhelming urge to pour one's heart out, narrating countless
instances of maternal care, sacrifice, and unconditional love. It becomes a balancing act between
being comprehensive and avoiding overwhelming the reader with a flood of sentimental
anecdotes. Each word must be carefully chosen to evoke the intended emotions without
succumbing to clichГ©s or sounding overly sentimental.
Additionally, the challenge extends to finding a unique angle or perspective that sets the essay
apart from generic tributes to mothers. The desire to convey the essence of the relationship while
maintaining a fresh and engaging narrative can be mentally taxing.
Moreover, the writer may grapple with the fear of inadequacy – the persistent concern that
words might fall short in capturing the profound bond shared with one's mother. It is a task akin
to capturing the vastness of the ocean in a mere cup.
In essence, composing a "Love My Mom" essay is a delicate dance between sentimentality and
precision. It involves navigating through a sea of emotions, memories, and appreciation while
adhering to the constraints of structure and coherence.
And so, the difficulty lies not in the scarcity of content, but in the challenge of distilling a
lifetime of love and gratitude into a few pages. Despite the inherent complexity, the endeavor is
undoubtedly worthwhile, as the final result is a heartfelt tribute to one of the most cherished
relationships in life.
For those who find themselves grappling with the intricacies of expressing their feelings in
writing, assistance is available. Similar essays and a plethora of other writing services can be
accessed at, offering support for those seeking to articulate their emotions
and experiences with the eloquence they deserve.
Love My Mom Essay Love My Mom Essay
Stars, I Heard The Learn D Astronomer
Art comes in many different forms, and there are similarities and differences in all
forms of art. While Stars, I Have Seen Them Fall by A.E. Housman, When I Heard
the Learn d Astronomer by Walt Whitman, and Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh
have some obvious similarities, they have striking differences as well. While the
poems and painting may seem like innocent pieces of work, they all share a similar
theme and tone. Stars, I Have Seen Them Fall just sounds like a more pessimistic
poem just by the title, but when if someone were to actually read the poem, they
would come across But no star is lost at all / From all the star sown sky (Housman 3
4). These lines are expressing that even though a star may fall and die, it does not
make... Show more content on ...
First, the two poems have the most obvious difference between all three, as
Whitman s poem has an unclear and optimistic ending by saying Till rising and
gliding out I wander d off by myself, / In the mystical moist night air, and from time
to time, / Look d up in perfect silence at the stars (6 8), while Housman s poem is
pessimistic the entire poem. Stars, I Have Seen Them Fall ends by saying It rains
into the sea, / And still the sea is salt (7 8), which is more the author seemingly
accepting the fact that human life is meaningless, so Housman s poem does not
have a resolution. Both poems can speak to different people depending on their
views on life and how they are emotionally at that point in time. Starry Night
contrasts more to Housman s poem, because while it is uncertain as to what Van
Gogh s piece real meaning is, the meaning can be inferred, and with the possibility
of yellow representing hope, then it is different from Housman s which is more
acceptance that life has no meaning. As Van Gogh was mentally unstable for the
majority of his life, he was put in a mental health asylum, where he made Starry
Night, and the artwork itself was the view he saw from his window. Van Gogh felt
isolation for the majority of his life as most people did not appreciate his art when he
was alive, so Starry Night s dark colors can express how he felt, and the yellow could
Intracranial Sinusitis
Discussion Intracranial infections are rare, but they are a very serious complication
of sinusitis. Diagnosis and treatment of complications of intracranial sinusitis is a
challenge and requires close cooperation between otolaryngology, neurosurgery,
infectious diseases, neurology and rehabilitation. Fortunately, their incidence has
decreased considerably over the last decades due to improved diagnosis and
treatment of paroxysmal sinusitis [1]. Many data suggest that the prognosis is more
favorable in children with rapid diagnosis and aggressive treatment. Typically
hospital stay lasts from 15 to 30 days [3.8 10], while hospitalization of our patient is
47 days. No patient usually has a history of sinusitis or any serious co morbidity.
What is more, sinus symptoms (such as purulent sputum) are usually rare. Both
observations are consistent with other pediatric reports (3,8,10) and our case. When
evaluating an intracranial infection in a child, the possibility of sinusitis should be
considered, even in the absence of history in this direction. For many decades the
most common complications of intracranial sinusitis were subdural and intracerebral
... Show more content on ...
Orbital complications are predominant in most children with intracranial infection
asymptomatic and thus induce patients to seek faster medical care, which in turn
leads to earlier diagnosis of ICS. Similarly, Singh et al. Outpatient complications have
been reported in more than half of patients (59%) with meningitis, 37% of patients
with subcapsular abscess, 26% of patients with intracerebral abscesses and over 80%
of patients with epidural abscesses. When evaluating children with swollen eyelids or
with edema and sinusitis, the physician should consider the possibility of
simultaneous intracranial infection, even in the absence of neurological
Plagiarism And The Culture Of Multilingual Students
Concerning the issue of how the cultural conditioning plays in the regard of
plagiarism, I will be analyzing Plagiarism and the culture of multilingual students in
higher education abroad by Colin Sowden alongside with Plagiarism in ESOL
students: Is cultural conditioning truly the major culprit? by Dilin Liu.
Plagiarism in writing, which could be defined as borrowing a creator s original
ideas and/or words without attributing credits where it s due, is considered a big
concern in higher education level. The difference in ways of writing among regions
and countries baffled me, thus resulted in my interest in the topic. One of the ethical
issue concerns the role cultural background plays in forming students way of
writing: some believe that plagiarism is acceptable in Asian countries, claiming
plagiarism is a concept produced and mainly employed into practice in the Western
nations, while other counter plagiarism is perceived the same way everywhere in the
world to be frowned upon. This essay will mainly explore the notion of whether
culture shapes the way students perceive plagiarism, and if the previous statement
stands true, should it be appreciated as one s tradition.
Plagiarism and the culture of multilingual students in higher education abroad by
Colin Sowden is printed in ELT Journal Volume 59, Issue 3, July 2005, from pages
226 to 233; it is published by Oxford University Press. The article acknowledges how
the culture factor plays in the way multilingual students
The Importance Of Paying College Athletes
Of the nearly 8 million students currently participating in high school athletics in
the United States, only 480,000 of them will compete at NCAA schools (NCAA).
Playing a college sport is the gateway to build up to competing at the highest level.
Even playing for a full time job. As of today, the official NCAA rules state that no
salary is allowed for participating in athletics and benefits from an agent or
prospective agent is not permitted. The real question is, since the system of not
paying collegeathletes has been in place and not to mention, has worked very
efficiently, why would it have to change now?
First, the proceeding of paying athletes would ruin the tradition and culture of
collegiate sports. The first ever intercollegiate
The Theme Of Deceived Love In Gabrielle Roy s The Tin
French canadian author Gabrielle Roy dedicated her work to the illustration of the
working class in its daily whereabouts. Her novels show a raw reality combined
with great sensibility. Her first book, The Tin Flute is set in Montreal, in St Henri s
neighbourhood where we follow the tribulations of young waitress Florentine
Lacasse. The story takes place during the Second World War. One of the main themes
of The Tin Fluteis love, deceived love. Around this main theme revolve other motives
such as family, dispossession, war, loneliness and many more. This love that was
deceived is exploited throughout the novelby its descriptions, various dialogs and it s
incarnation in the characters themselves. The original French title, Bonheur d
occasion,... Show more content on ...
For example, Jean tells Florentine that he is not her boyfriend and implies that
marriage is not something he would commit to. He could not provide Florentine
what he himself was deprived from all his life. She symbolizes the life he has
struggled to escape from: Florentine s image might fade in his memory, [...] never
would he forget the horrid poverty that had been the setting of their moment of
love. (211). Emmanuel s feeling for Florentine alters his perception of her and he
grows confused between his idealisation of her and the real life Florentine; Had he
been wrong about all those evenings when he had, in his fancy, danced with her,
chatted with her, [...]. Did she correspond to his dreams, [...] or was she quite
different, and he would have to teach her to love him? (293). The protagonist,
Florentine is herself this deceived love. She is cheated and in order to amend her
heart, she deceives the heart of Emmanuel. Another character, whose feelings are in
a certain way deceived, is Yvonne. Indeed, the heroine s little sister offers to
dedicate her life to God in exchange for him to cure Daniel. Each character of The
Tin Flute embodies love in their own
My Tribe Beliefs
My Tribe and Their Beliefs and Their Consents
It would be devastating if my tribe was to find out years later that they were involved
in a scientific study that they knew nothing about. For most tribal communities, it is
important to respect their culture and their beliefs. Scientists do not have the right to
offend a tribal community, even if it was unintentional and due to ignorance
regarding the taboo topics within the tribe from the researchers. For many reasons, it
is important to inform the tribe and the individuals who donate their DNA samples
exactly what their samples will be used for. Tribal communities are unlike many
modern communities. Tribal communities carry much pride in their history, their
culture, and their beliefs. Offending ... Show more content on ...
What their samples were actually used for, well that was completely different.
Without their permission, the DNA samples were used to study topics that are
considered taboo within the Havasupai tribe such as mental illness, migration, and
inbreeding. There were many issues raised in the Havasupai case. To begin with,
informed consent is an issue because samples were used without complete consent.
Researchers only received consent for using the samples to study diabetes, or that is
what the tribe members were told. Another issue raised in this case was migration
studies, which is a topic that concerns may tribes because the scientific evidence
based on their genetic research may go against certain tribal beliefs. Each tribe has
their own beliefs based on their origin and migration studies may cause these tribes
trouble. Scientists may be messing around with tribal history in the name of
science. This would, without a doubt, raise ethical concerns. Stigmatism of the tribe
was another issue raised in this case. Measuring the interbreeding coefficient
causes harm and distress to the tribal community. During this study, researchers
gained illegal access to medical records. Researchers did not have permission to
access the medical records from the tribal officials or the clinical administrators.
This is an invasion of privacy. It is also important to note that even though
individuals within the study were not named, naming the tribe risked the
identification of these individuals. In a small community, it is not hard to figure out
who someone is based on genetic information that was released. The final issue that
was raised in the Havasupai case was how to control their samples. When a tribe
decides to enter a study, they must first decide if they ate going to enforce their
control over the samples and how they are used. If they decide to
Making A Happy And Successful Life For Yourself
Conventional wisdom says that in order to create a happy and successful life for
yourself, you need to go to school, get good grades, and obtain a college education.
Only then will you be financially secure and have a high quality lifestyle. This is a
common misconception many people have, but it s only because this is the belief
they were taught growing up. Yes, collage can be a great vehicle to help you pursue
the career you want, but if collegeisn t a necessitate for you, there s no need to pay
thousands of dollars, get into serious debt, and have a career that you re not happy
with. Life is way too short to spend your time working at a job you don t enjoy.
People usually find what career they want, then they learn how to pursue... Show
more content on ...
Today, we have the ability to learn anything that we wish to gain knowledge and
expertise on through the internet, the library, seminars, and influential people.
College is not the only avenue to success here. People should never stop learning
and growing regardless if college is in the picture or not. What should one do with
all this new information and knowledge? You have to apply what you know and go
get experience. Gaining experience is key to scoring the job and lifestyle that you
want! So many people expect to land career opportunities after college because
they now have a degree. In theory, they should because they have spent thousands
of dollars and a lot of their time dedicated to college so that they can get well paid
successful jobs. Unfortunately, according to a study done in 2015, only 14% of
college graduates get a job in the field they studied for in school. Why can t students
find work after college? They have zero experience. Without skills and experience, it
s extremely hard to land a job with just a degree. College is made to seem like it will
provide secure well paying jobs for people who attend, but this is not the case
nowadays. Get a job that s in demand, like a doctor or a teacher or nurse, because
then you ll always have work. We hear this from everyone, but how true is it really?
Doctors are being paid less, and nurses and teachers are being laid off
Analysis Of Ethical Decision And Scandal
Analysis of ethical reaction to scandal Introduction The reputation of an
organization is crucial. Therefore, being a leader of an organization has to be able
to react efficiently and effectively when there is a threat to organization s
reputation. Occasionally, a leader has to face a dilemma, whereby one has to decide
how to deal with the scandals in the organizations. On one hand, some organizations
treat their customers as a mean to gather the profits. On the other hand, other
organizations regard their customers as an end, whereby the organizations really
consider about customers interests as an ultimate goal of their services.
Nonetheless, only the companies that mad the ethical actions survived. Lacking a
focus on the welfare of their customers, some propaganda techniques, aiming to
cover up the scandals, usually don t work well. Instead, successful public
relationship management techniques generally treat their customers welfare as an
end not just a mean. For example, a successful crisis management usually contains
the honesty and quick reaction. Enron Corporation is a great example to illustrate
how damaging it is if company leaders try to hide up the scandals and lie to the
public. From Kant s perspective, customers, who are human beings objected to the
service provided by organizations, should be treated with dignity, as every rational
being exists as an end in himself and not merely as a means to be arbitrarily used by
this or that will (Kant 428). Indeed,
Retention Strategies in Post Consolidation Banking...
The Nigerian banking industry is one of the most dynamic and competitive industries
in the Country. The banking industry has transformed rapidly in the last ten years,
shifting from transactional and customer service oriented to an increasingly
aggressive environment in which competition for revenue is top priority.
The Nigerian Bank can now fit into the global definition of bank. Consolidation of
the Nigerian Banking sector is one of many reforms of the Gen. Obasanjo s
administration that Nigerians have to embrace happily. (Victor E, 2007)
Prior to the reforms, the industry was highly fragmented, with many banks having
very small and undiversified capitalisation. With a much higher capitalisation base, ...
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The regression in the nation s economy has taken its toll on both the private and
public sectors. Employee retention has therefore become one of the biggest problems
in these sectors. As such, many companies or organisation have had to downsize or
reduce their staff strength by laying off some. (Toluwani O, 2008)
The Consolidation in the banking industry has also given rise to competiton among
banks for skilled labour .Competition for talent is on the increase, and many
companies are going to great lengths to retain their best employees. This has further
put pressure on these institutions to retain their staff
1.3 Research Questions
This research aims at providing answers to the following questions:
пЃ¶What are the employee turnover costs
пЃ¶What are the employee turnover pre and post consolidation era
пЃ¶What are the constraints faced by employers
пЃ¶What is the employee retention rate in pre and post consolidation era
пЃ¶Profer various retention strategies solutions
пЃ¶Identify reasons why people leave
пЃ¶Identify reasons why people stay
пЃ¶What are the factors contributing to retention
пЃ¶What are the factors affecting employee turnover
пЃ¶What are the role of managers in employee retention
пЃ¶What are the relationship between recruitment and employee retention
1.4 Research Hypothesis
Ho: There is no significant difference between employee turnover pre banking
consolidation era and post consolidation era.
Ho: There is no significant difference
Manual Time Systems And Sheets Heavily Depend On
Manual time systems and sheets heavily depend on skilled Human resource
performing tedious calculations based on clock cards or difficult to decipher
handwritten paper records. It is worth noting that these time cards display the finish
and start times for workers and let them informed about when they were off, but
without indicating why (Kim Y. N, 2015). These types of time stamping machines
have been used for many decades. However, there is a modern and most effective
alternative that most companies should consider to adopt. Initially produced for a
business to ascertain finance, timesheets can likewise be utilized for administration
bookkeeping. Timesheets might record the beginning and end time of undertakings,
or simply the length... Show more content on ...
We now live in an innovative world where dull assignments can be performed with
no sweat. PCs and programming can do the majority of our work, whether it s
documenting our charges or requesting basic needs (Devereux Cardinia Care (Vic.)
(Firm), 2014). The advantages picked up; in particular, additional time and less
room for mistakes, make this sort of innovation speaking to organizations also. There
are a few routes in which a mechanized framework for time following can help firms
turn out to be more profitable.
Disadvantages to maintaining a manual timesheet system
With a manual procedure, human asset administration implies keeping monstrous
measures of paper based job and timesheet information documents on each of your
workers (McClure Croft, 2012). Keeping up these sorts of records can be both
tedious and wasteful and turns out to be particularly awkward when key job data is
asked for by chiefs or finance staff. The HR individual dealing with the documents of
the greater part of the dynamic and nonnative workers in the association turns into a
bottleneck to other divisions entrance to data that ought to have the capacity to be
safely shared over the association (McClure Croft, 2012).
When it s an ideal opportunity to run finance toward the end of a payroll interval, in
case you re utilizing a manual process, the gathering of time cards, reentry of
information into your finance arrangement, and time important
The Effect Of Compression Over Bioimpedance Of
The present study determines the effect of compression over bioimpedance of healthy
soft tissue (in vitro and in vivo). Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a
promising tissue characterization and tumor detection technique that uses tissue
impedance or admittance to characterize tissue and identify tissue properties as well
as cell structure. Variation in EIS measurements while applying pressure suggests that
compression tends to affect soft tissue bioimpedance. Moreover, the displacements in
tissue caused by applied compression may provide useful information about the
structure and state of the tissue. Thus combining the changes to the electrical
properties of tissue resulted by applied compression, with the changes in tissue
displacements caused by applied compression, and consequently measuring the effect
that electrical and mechanical properties have on each other, can be useful to identify
tissue structure. In this study, multifrequency bioimpedance measurements were
performed on in vitro and in vivo soft tissue at different pressure levels. Increasing
compression on the in vitro tissue results in an increase in both extracellular
resistance and membrane capacitance while it causes a reduction in the intracellular
resistance. However, as the compression over the in vivo samples increases, the
intracellular and extracellular resistance increase and the membrane capacitance
decreases. The in vivo measurements on human body are also tested on contra lateral
Summary Of Owen Meany s The Foul Ball
1.Chapter 1: The Foul Ball Owen was so tiny, we loved to pick him up; in truth, we
[the boys at Sunday school] couldn t resist picking him up. We thought it was a
miracle: how little he weighted. This was also incongruous because Owen came
from a family in the granite business. [...] But the only the aura of the granite quarry
that clung to Owen was the granular dust [...] He was the color of a gravestone; light
was absorbed and reflected by his skin, as with a pearl, so that he appeared
translucent at times (4 5). In the beginning of the novel, Owen Meany evidently
demonstrates transcendent and spiritual qualities, which include his physical
weightlessness and peculiar yet stentorian voice. Ironically, in contrast to his small
stature, Owen Meany works in the granite quarry and learns to carve and... Show
more content on ...
Owen quickly establishes himself as THE VOICE of the student body in
Gravesend Academy, which draws contrast with his shrilly voice and small
demeanor. As the highly respected member of the Gravesend community, Owen
takes on the role as the leader of the students, which parallels with Jesus redemption
of humanity in an unworthy world. Headmaster Randy White, the antagonist,
resents THE VOICE because Owen has great influence over the academy and its
students. In a sense, the Gravesend Academy is a microcosm of outside world
where the United States is engaged in a bloody conflict in Vietnam. Therefore,
Randy White represents an authority figure that abuses power and seeks to oppress
the student body, and Owen is the martyr who eventually saves the boys from evil.
Although the headmaster manages to expel Owen, Mr. White fails to win in the
battle between good vs. evil, since Owen seeks retribution. Even though Owen has
become THE VOICE, he still remembers of the bigger purpose of his life and the
nature of his death on July 8,
What Was The Role Of American Broadcasting In The 1920
1The 1920s was an exciting time for broadcasting technology in the west; the
possibilities of all that this era had to offer were infinite and with it came much
needed regulatory policies. Radio and television broadcasting were at their infancy
and no one knew how big this idea of instant, national connection would become.
Soon after this, it became apparent that Canadians prominently turned their attention
to American broadcastingand, in turn, overlooked their own. This piece of
information sparked the birth of regulatory policies and the Canadian Broadcasting
Act which would control percentages of original Canadian and foreign content to
see to it that Canadians would not lose sight of their culture and that the Canadian
broadcasting industries could stay in business. Then again, why should the
government have say over what their people are allowed and not allowed to watch,
listen to, or enjoy? As it is, times are changing and more and more people are able
to download or stream movies to which the government has very little control over.
Is the idea that the Canadian Broadcasting Act was originally implemented for, even
still necessary? New media has taken over the world, social media is a constant, and
even if attempted, people would not be able to get away from the hundreds of
advertisements that they see each and every day. The essential control needed to keep
Canadian content, culture, and industry thriving is found in the Canadian
Broadcasting Act (CBA) to which
The Main Goal for a Pitcher
Former Major League Baseball (MLB) pitcher Randy Johnson once said, Tiger
Woods, Larry Bird, Wayne Gretzky, as a pitcher just before a game, I would
imagine they all have nervous energy. But as you perform, the nervous energy
dissipates and you start to relax and you start to do what you do best. Being a
professional baseballpitcheris like a work of art, but no easy task. It s important that
you have complete control of your emotions and mechanics to have modest
success as a pitcher. There are successful pitchers like Cy Young who still hold the
record for most wins in MLB history at 511, and guys like Nolan The Express Ryan
who regularly threw pitches above 100 miles per hour. There are also pitchers such
as Justin Verlander who are completely dominant and considered to be one of the
best pitchers of our generation, and then you have your submarine pitchers like
Chadwick Lee Chad Bradford who have unorthodox way to pitchthe baseball.
Although these guys display different mechanics before each pitch, they still share
the basic five steps of pitching that explain the Biomechanical Analysis of the
Baseball Pitch. These five steps include: the wind up, stride, arm cocking, arm
acceleration, arm deceleration with follow through. Pitching in itself is a science and
this paper will provide a thorough biomechanical analysis of the baseball pitch
following all the six steps.
The Wind Up Pitchers throw off of a mound that is 10 inches in height. This is where
the baseball
A Brief Look at Mary Magdalene
As an influential biblical figure, Mary Magdalene has been the subject of numerous
works of art. She has been represented in a variety of tropes and styles; which were
subject to the religious, political, and social standards of the time. Giacomo Galli s
Saint Mary Magdalene was painted in the early seventeenth century in Italy, at the
beginning of the Baroqueera. By contorting Magdalene s body, bathing her in light
and encompassing her in darkness, Galli was able to present the viewer with an
image representative of her divided identity.
Galli likely chose to paint the Magdalene because she was one of the most popular
saints in Baroque Italy. As Susan Haskins (author of Mary Magdalen: Myth and
Metaphor) notes, from the thirteenth century, the penitent Magdalene became the
most popular image of the saint in Italy, as the perfect example of a reformed sinner.
Magdalene s ______ demonstrated a realistic path of personal improvement. Her
reputation, at the time, revolved around her supposed past as a prostitute.
Historically, this meant that she was cured of a physical ailment and not of
prostitution. However, as it was believed that Magdalene s transformation from
prostitute to apostle made her accessible to the Catholic community, the church
exemplified this notion in order to make Magdalene a suitable role model for
Religiously charged Baroque paintings of the seventeenth century, such as Galli s
Saint Mary Magdalene, were created by two distinctly
John Steinbeck Research Paper
Evan King
Professor Brent Kendrick
English 242
3 July 2015
John Steinbeck John Steinbeck, the author of 26 novels, was one of the most prolific
and popular American writers of the twentieth century. Steinbeck was the first and
only western American novelist to both win the Nobel Prize and top the bestseller
list. The peak of his career came with the publication of his masterpiece, The
Grapes of Wrath (1939). The novel won the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book
Award and also generated controversy over its portrayal of California s sometimes
merciless agricultural world, as well as its so called vulgar language and socialist
bias. A novel that encouraged the ideas of realism and called for social protest, The
Grapes of Wrath highlights ... Show more content on ...
This last would remain an influence throughout his life, with many of his stories
displaying Arthurian parallels and influences; the work that occupied much of his
time in the last years of his life was a translation or redaction of the Arthurian stories,
unfinished at his death. Steinbeck also showed signs of Realism, a prominent
literary movement of the late 19th century. This movement is closely tied to Charles
Darwin, author of The Origin of Species, and backer of the theory of evolution. This
theory caused Steinbeck as well as other realist, to disregard the highly symbolic,
idealistic, or even supernatural treatment of its subjects the way it is commonly
depicted in
Isabel Allene s Phantom Palace
Chile holds an intriguing and eventful past, as well as a promising and developing
future. The country itself has gone through many recent changes, that continue to
improve it as well as improve the lives of the Chilean people. Isabel Allende writes
about Chile in her short story Phantom Palace , as she highlights the country s
economy, history and government, as well the culture of Chile. Chile s diverse and
rich history has led to a unique blending of cultures and traditions throughout the
country. Chile has the traditional Latin American history in the sense that the country
was once controlled by the spanish, it later gained independance and economically
advanced with the deportation of most of its natural resources such as copper,
saltpeter,... Show more content on ...
Throughout the story Allende makes many different reference to the Chilean way
of life, highlighting the culture, traditions, history and economy of Chile. On page
796, she states that Europe consumed more coffee, cocoa, and bananas then we as
a nation could produce, but all that demand was no bonanza for us: we continued
to be as poor as ever. She is discussing the exploitation of the natural resources that
Chile had to offer, by the Spanish. When the spanish conquered Chile, they
exploited the people and the land, forcing them to export all of the natural
resources, yet the Chilean people did not earn anything in return, and they
continued to live in poverty. Allende then goes on to discuss how after oil was
discovered, many thought that the hard times were over, yet this was not the case.
Toward the end of the Great War there was a widely held notion that ours was a
prosperous country, when in truth most of the inhabitants still squished mud beneath
their toes (Allende, p. 796). When dictator Pinochet was in charge, the country was
indeed very wealthy, yet only the top 1% of the country saw any of this wealth at
all. The vast majority of the citizens of Chile still live in extreme poverty and
suffered. Allende later discusses the culture and the advances that are being made in
Chile. In the capital there signs of progress: motorcars, movie houses, ice cream
parlors, a hippodrome, and a theatre
Character Analysis Of Interstellar
Interstellar Character Development: Cooper
Interstellar is more than the average science fiction movie. This cinematic
masterpiece deals with real life issues that we are facing today, such as world hunger
across different parts of our world, and pollution across our individual nation.
The storyline is simple, but so complex, all at the same time. According to All
Movie, a site often used for the analyzation of cinematic treasures, Interstellar begins
on Earth in the distant future, as Mother Nature is waging war on humanity. Famine
is widespread, and all of mankind s resources are now dedicated to farming in a
desperate fight for survival. The main character, an educated farmer with a love for
space travel, has a complex within himself and thus he presents a great opportunity
to analyze and discuss character development. Cooper, the name of one of the most
natural, human characters in the entire plot line of Interstellar, goes on a journey of
ups and downs to be a hero once again. (Buchanan, Jason. Synopsis, Characteristics,
Moods, Themes and Related. ) Cooper goes from a simple farmer with a care free
lifestyle, wishing the best for his children, to now leading a group of astronauts into
space on mankind s last chance for survival.
After doing research there are many things about Cooper s character and personality,
on can clearly see that his personal development as a man and as a father has truly
set him apart from all the other characters in the movie. Many of the
Action In Judaism
Many people inherit their religion from their parents and usually die in it; however,
there are some questions that need to be asked before choosing a religion. The most
important choice should be between believe or action. Action should have more
emphasis than belief in a religion. Therefore, Judaism is the perfect religionto
accommodate right action due to its orthopraxy nature, due diligence to society, not
forcing others to convert, and knowing what each individual is destined to
accomplish while incorporating belief; in which it is hard to find the right
combination of action and belief in other religions.
One of the interesting aspect of Judaism is that Jews are more concerned with the
book of Torah (Jews Bible). Being a Jew is intertwined in doing the right thing and...
Show more content on ...
Jews carry out their due diligence with in their society and at home. A woman is
treated as the queen of her house. Kids grow up in the appropriate love and nurture
from their mothers. Everyone in the Jew family has roles. The wife takes care of
her family. Husband most of the time is the bread winner and helps the
community. Even kids take their religion after their mother. Wives after divorce
must receive a get to finalize a divorce. Manning describes the rule of divorce as it
prohibited a husband from divorcing his wife from without her consent. (103)
Judaism acknowledges and dictates relationship between friends. Eastman explains
friendship by referring the last Ten commandments in which it [P]rohibits against
coveting , the blessing of a neighbor . Therefore, it is tempting to convert to
Judaism because Jews display a great respect, love and tolerance among each other.
In addition, wives are treated with a great respect and have values. Hence, it can be
observed that there is a strong support for the society in good and bad times;
Therefore, it makes Judaism attractive and difficult life to be a
Conspiracy Theories Of The Rugrats
Jezabel Hernandez
Thursday: 8am 12noon
Conspiracy theory
Midterm Paper
Rugrats The topic I chose for my paper is about the conspiracy theory about the
show in 90s called Rugrats. The Rugrats premiered on August 11, 1991 and it ended
in June 4, 2004. The names of the creators of Rugrats are Arlene Klasky, and Gabor
Csupo. In the show of the Rugrat s, one of the babies in show named Tommy.
Tommy has parents named Didi and Stu Pickles are based on the creators.
Personally I think its really interesting the creator s made Rugrats based on there
lives as parents.The Pickles house in Rugrats are based on original address of klasky
s Csupo animation production studio in California. The 1258 north highland, Los
Angeles is the original address ... Show more content on ...
When it came down to Character Chuckie or Tommy best friend in the show its said
to be similar to Composer Mark Mothersbaugh. In the show there a bully known as
Angelica, she based on memory of Paul s the producer of Rugrats, of his childhood
bully. Each person that made a impact on there lives have such influence on them,
they made characters that are based on there actions. Angelica is a bully, yet you
come to understand her crazy ideas and outcomes toward the other characters in
Rugrats. With these characters in Rugrats in mind, you can t help but feel a
connection to them.
The conspiracy theory I found is darker twist in realm of Rugrats. In this theory is
based on character Angelica imaginations. Apparently Angelica was not only
having all Rugrats in her head but she is a paranoid schizophrenic(loses based of
reality). Chuckie died along with his mother, that the reason why chuckie s father
Chaz is a wreak and tends breakdown with his nerves over whelming him. Then
there is Tommy he is actual a stillborn, or son that didn t get to be born. Due to the
fact of Tommy, his father Stu pickles he couldn t help be depressed and obsessed
on making toys in basement where for son he will never have. When it came down
to Deville s known as friends to pickles, they had a abortion, since Angelica found
about it, she did not know the gender of the baby, so she thought of about the twins
Phil and lil. Angelica get into the
Al Gazali
Al Ghazali was a Sunni and Sufi philosopher of the 11th and 12th century, during
the Golden Age, a period of great economic growth and stability and a time when
both knowledge and power was at its peak. He was born in 1058 AD in Tus, Persia
and impacted greatly upon the Islamic faith, particularly toward Sunni and Sufi
members; they know him as the Proof of Islam. Al Ghazali provided a positive
impact upon the Islamic faith and its million of devotees and still continues to do so
today through his many works.
Al Ghazali was educated in Tus, Persia, at the Nishapur School as well as at the
Nizamayyah School in Baghdad. Here, he excelled in Islamic sciences. In 1095, Al
Ghazali experienced a personal crisis and had many questions about ... Show more
content on ...
These allow Sufi members to experience a deeper connection to Allahs divine light
through acts of meditation, deep thought and personal prayer to Allah. The proof of
this claim is evident throughout Al Ghazali s work the Deliverance from Error , an
autobiography written by Ghazali shortly before his death in which he discovers the
value of mystical experiences within Sufism.
Al Ghazali continues to have a strong influence over the Islamic faith today. His
judgements are still widely commented upon, for example throughout Fiqh council
Another example of his continuing influence is through his inspiration of not only
Islamic, but also Western philosophical schools. The opening of Montessori schools
by Thomas Aquinas, which focus on self directed activity through learning show that
people from all over the world have taken to Al Ghazali s approaches and acted upon
them to fulfil the lives of others.
Many different works and writings by Al Ghazali are still readily available in a range
of different languages as well as countries. This shows that the knowledge of Al
Ghazali has impacted upon the religious tradition of Islam and is useful in still
fulfilling and educating practising Muslims throughout the world today. His works
have continuing relevance throughout the world and continue to teach positivism in
being a good Muslim, particularly to Sunni and Sufi members.
The Sunni and Shi a split still exists throughout
South Carolina Dbq Questions And Answers
Why Was Charles Town Impenetrable to Settle OnSouth Carolina is a triven state in
the United States, it has a lot of history to it like having a lot to do in the
revolutionary war. It has some of the outstanding neighborhood in America. It seems
to be a good vacation spot, well it would surprise people to know that South Carolina
was once a place where some settlers were trying to settle on the land, but a couple of
things kept the settlers from settling on the rich land. Geography, resources, and
One of the reasons Charles Town was tough to settle on was because of geography,
the early maps made it challenging for settles because of the fear of abduction or
being taken prisoner from Natives Americans or pirates. The early ... Show more
content on ...
When the first settlers landed on south carolina they were limited with resources.
When settlers came they described the land as flat and woody which means
covered in trees as it is stated in Document B, James Glen, A Description of south
Carolina, 1761, the land of South Carolina for a hundred or a hundred and fifty
miles back is flat and woody; intersected with many large rivers, some of which rise
out of the out of the Cherokee Mountains. The land made finding a place to settle
hard because it was hard to reach. After they settled or somewhat of settled the
diversity of the soil made it tough to grow food, soil like clay,loam, and marl were
hard to distinguish. Clay is a type of soil that does not help plants grow or can
grow plant, loam is like clay but with sand and silt, but silt is like a fertilizer that
helps plants grow .The diversity of the lands soil made it difficult for the settlers to
identify the type of soil like clay, loam, and marl. The lands of savannah was also
cleared by indians and did not produce any trees. The land they wanted to settle on
was filled with dangerous creatures of nature. These creatures include Panthers,
Tigers,wolves, and other dangerous animals, which in a cause of this became
dangerous at night, and day.
There was another reason South Carolina was hard to settle on, it s because to
diseases. Diseases like the small poxs were what damaged the population and
reduced it to not that much people. Then the settlers decided to settle in South
carolina, they were mat with a violent kind of small pox rages in Charles Town. As
it is stated in Document E The Letterbook of Eliza Lucas Pinckney 1739 1762 a
violent kind of small pox rages in Charles Town that most puts a stop to all business
. The small pox are one of the reasons South Carolina was tough to settle
Clothing In The 1920s Essay
During the 1920 s the clothing began to become more modernized and moved away
from the fashion of the later decades. The 1920 s had various clothing styles that
would depend on many aspects. Depending on the time of day, who was there, the
type of outing, and the type of party there would be many different looks that could
be presented. Men and Women could change into multiple outfits a day to fit the
occasion. The clothingworn also depended on the persons age, occupation, and social
class. There were many guidelines for clothing in the 1920 s.
Woman in particular began to abandon the more restricting clothing and started to
dress in more comfortable clothing. Iconic fashion staples for the 1920 s would be
the Cloche hat and the Flapper dress. ... Show more content on ...
After woman were done with the chores around the house such as vacuuming,
laundry, and dishes, they would go run arrans while their husbands were at work.
Before going out to do the arrans they had for the day they would change into a
walking suit. A walking suit would be higher quality than than the casual clothes
paired with surdy low heels. For a walking suit it was also appropriate/ accable to
wear a tailored dress. In the afternoon the most common thing women would do is
have tea with their friends, and would be semi formal or formal. Women would
wear lighter or bright colored clothing with more trim. The shoes and accessories
for tea parties were more elegant as well compared to casual clothing. Shoe lengths
would be medium to high, with sheer tights to match the color of the women s
dress, and gloves to match the color of the dress or white. Their hats would be
anything to assinchuate the dress such as feathers or a sun hat. The host of the
party would be required to wear a long more elegant dress than her guests and is to
wear no hat. Working women who had jobs suited for women such as teachers or
secretaries wore day dress or skirt and blouse set for their work attire. For the lower
class the cotton dress that would be considered a simple dress that was only
appropriate for at home with just their family might be there only dress that they wore
the whole
Personal Statement Of Educational Goals And Philosophy
I believe each student deserves the right to feel safe and comfortable mentally,
physically, and emotionally in the school environment; especially in my own
I believe it is my responsibility to create a space where each and every student feels
comfortable to share their ideas, thoughts, and questions.
I believe in helping my students to develop a strong work ethic. I want to motivate
students to take ownership of their learning (Goal 9).
I believe good teachers are enthusiastic and capable of conveying their enthusiasm to
students; constantly look for ways of improving their teaching and trying to keep
abreast of developments in their subjects; and are sufficiently mindful and self aware
to be able to laugh at themselves.
I believe
Orange Is The New Black Sociology Essay
Orange is the New Black is a perfect example of different sociological concepts we ve
discussed in class. The show is streamed on Netflix. It s takes place in an all girls
prison, Litchfield Penitentiary. The premises of the show is Piper Chapman s life in
prison for money laundering. However, in this paper I will be talking and using
examples of sex, gender, race, religion, groups, and organization, all of which are
found in Orange is the New Black. First up is sex and gender. In the show it s mostly
an all female prison with male guards. Since it s all females, some act more
masculine than what a typical lady should act like. For example, Boo, Vause,
Nichols, and Red. Whereas others act more delicate like a lady, like Chapman,
Morello, Maritza, and Flaca. They don t all follow the typical stereotypes of being a
women. Some of the inmates have tattoos, like Alex Vause and Boo. One of the
inmates, Sophia Burset is transgender. She s in prison for stealing credit cards from
houses that have been burned down. She uses the money to finance her transitioning
surgeries. (season one, episode... Show more content on ...
There are many different religious groups here. The majority of the inmates are
Christians. One inmate in particular, Pennsatucky, thinks the Lord gifted her with
special healing powers. (season one, episode ten) This causes problems for
Chapman who is an atheist. Pennsatucky then proceeds to try to kill Chapman for
not believing in the same things. (season one, episode thirteen) In season three the
inmates are introduced to a new inmate, Lolly Whitehill who asks for a Kosher
lunch. The food was so bad everyone started asking for a Kosher lunch. This lead
one inmate in particular to convert to Judaism. Cindy converts to Judaism with the
help of two other inmates, Ginsberg and Boyle. At the end of the season, Cindy is
immersed in lake water to fully convert to
Fantasy In C. S. Lewis The Magician s Nephew
Fantasy is a genre that uses supernatural situations as a main plot setting. Fantasy is
a measure by which responders can be introduced to important notions in texts. C.S.
Lewis novel, The Magician s Nephew explores the creation of Narnia. Lewis
explores friendship through the characters of Polly and Digory. The notion of Good
vs. Evil and magic are also used throughout the novel and helps us understand the
need for fantasyin our own lives.
The notion of magic is explored throughout the novel. This is shown early in the
book when Polly touches the magic rings and vanishes out of Uncle Andrew s study
without a flash or a noise of any sort, there was no Polly. This happens at the
complication of the novel, this abnormal incident intrigues ... Show more content on ...
Lewis explores this through the characters of Polly and Digory. An example of
their friendship is part of the resolution of the story when Lewis stated that Polly
and Digory were always great friends after that. The final narration explores the
everlasting between the two protagonists in the story. Friendship is also shown
when Aslan has just finished the creation of when he tells the creatures I give you
Narnia, I give you the stars and I give you myself. This is the characterisation of
Aslan. The author uses Aslan s words to further the allegory of the creation of the
world, God s gift to us in friendship. Also in the resolution friendship is explored
when time is passing and Polly and Digory are getting older saying If ever they
were sad, They thought of that golden goodness and all was well Alliteration is used
in this statement. The words golden goodness is associated with the final memory
Polly and Digory had shared with Aslan showing readers what a true friendship they
shared with each other and
Essay about New Englanders vs Cheasapeakers
Alex Boyette
Mr. Ford
18 September 2013
New Englanders vs. Chesapeakers (there is no such thing a a Chesapeaker) The
people of the New England region were focused more on families and God. Most of
the settlers had left England to be free from religious control of The Church of
England. Many of the religious people left because they sought God in a different
way and were being repressed by the Christians (how?) because of it. The New
Englanders were also more of a neighboring settlement than the Chesapeake region.
On board, (name of ship and date) John Winthrop wrote, We must delight in each
other, make others conditions our own, rejoice together, mourn together, labor and
suffer together, always having before our eyes our ... Show more content on ...
The colonists did not want shop owners to increase prices so high that they would
become poor trying to buy essential items to live. The shop owners and towns
people agreed to this regulation in 1676 and made fair trade in Connecticut. The
shopkeepers, under the regulation, were told that, they do not enrich themselves
suddenly and inordinately (by opposing prices and wages to the impoverishing
[of] their neighbors... (Doc E). They held up this end and the regulation was a
success. The colonies in the Chesapeake region were not so in touch with family,
fair trade, and neighborly love. The people of the Chesapeake region were there
for one reason to get rich quick. They did not move to the New World for freedom
of religion or to get in touch more with their family. In fact may of the people that
moved to the New World came over alone and without families. Document C shows
that there were many more men than women that came over and these men most
likely did not come over with wives because most might not of had one (Doc C).
These colonists had no interest in family life, only in making money. They even got
off to a rough start when they would die in (die of what?)the first winter and would
not try to obtain food, but only look for gold. A young Captain named John Smith
got the town of Jamestown into action by his moto, He who shall not work, shall
The Importance Of Love In The Novel Between Shades Of
William Sloane Coffin once said, The world is too dangerous for anything but truth
and too small for anything but love. (good connection) Within the novel Between
Shades of Gray, written by Ruta Sepetys, the main character, Lina, gets transported to
labor camps with her whole family besides her father. Lina then spends most of her
time at these labor camps being starved and searching for her father. Throughout the
whole experience of the labor camp, love is what keeps Lina moving and stops her
from giving up. The novel, Between Shades of Gray, written by Ruta Sepetys,
demonstrates love overcomes fear and suffering.
First of all, in the beginning of the novel, Lina finds love in her relationships which
helps her defeat all pain. As she suffers traumatic events, Lina finds hope through her
friends and family, allowing her to survive horrendous labor camps. Additionally,
expressing their strong connection, Lina also learns to cling onto her friends and
family mentally when they physically aren t there. When Lina gets seperated from
her boyfriend, Andrius, he gives Lina a stone to remember him by. While feeling
alone one night, Lina says, I will see you...I will. I reached into my pocket and
squeezed the stone (336). This stone symbolizes their love and hope to just see each
other again. Without this stone to hold onto, Lina would probably give up. Then,
soon after Lina found out her father died in prison, which built onto all the stress and
suffering in her life. Before
Military Technology And Its Impact Today
Connor Aitken English 8 CP 2/23/15 Burke Military Technology and Its Impact
Today The True Impact of Technology Bill was in the hills of Afghanistan,
approaching an enemy compound that held a high value target. This target was a
rebel leader attempting to spread radical Sunni beliefs on the infidels. As a definite
threat to his region and a potential threat to America he had to be taken out. This
could be accomplished by Bill s squadron. If Bill s team of four have to enter the
compound and eliminate the target how many of them would make it out alive?
Were there unforeseen dangers that they would not be able to overcome? Did they
have to enter and eliminate the target themselves? Fortunately due to military
drones, they did not. Bill radioed command and had an unmanned Reaper drone
strike the compound. This drone strike removes the possibility of friendly
casualties. To put the power and effectiveness of drones in perspective, Bill s
presence was not necessary and this could have occurred with one surveillance and
one Reaper drone. Unmanned aircrafts allocation for defence to be carried out from
a distance is a pinnacle of American security. The military s correlation with
technology is linear because it opens the possible doorways of advancement. Military
Technology Isn t Only For The Military From drones to microwaves, useful
technology has all originated o the military. The fact that microwaves and gps, two
extremely widely used civilian technologies originated
Essay on Womens Roles in Society
Women s roles have changed so much within the last couple of centuries. In the
older years, women were the sole responsibility of taking care of the children,
doing housework, and pretty much taking care of their husbands. The Story of an
Hour, by Kate Chopin, A Doll s House, Henrik Ibsen, and The Yellow Wallpaper, by
Charlotte Gilman are all literature pieces talking about the roles women have in
society. In The story of an Hour, the main character is not happy in her marriage, and
she finds out that her husband got killed, and she felt very free. In A Doll s House,
the main character is not happy with her marriage, because she feels that she is
being treated like a childish, playful doll, and does not get any respect from her...
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Mallard having heart trouble, and how they had to be very careful telling her the
news of her husband s death. After her sister told her about her husband getting
killed in a railroad accident, Mrs. Mallard ran off into her room, with no one
following her. She sat in a chair staring outside through the open window. She
started seeing everything outside come to life, and all of a sudden she felt
something come across her. She told herself that she was free. She was happy to
be able to live on her own and only be responsible for herself. Josephine was outside
her door telling Mrs. Mallard to come out, because Josephine thought she was
making herself ill. Mrs. Mallard came out of the room with her arms opened wide
and put her hands around her sister s waist. They both started going to the stairs,
and Richards was waiting for them at the bottom. All of a sudden, someone was
opening the door, and their stood Brently Mallard, who did not even know about the
accident or there had even been one. Mrs. Mallard saw her husband, and the doctors
said she died of a heart disease (cited in DiYanni, 2007).
The conflict in the story is that Mrs. Mallard is way too happy about her husband
dying. After going into the room and closing the door, she started looking outside
and could see the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life
(DiYanni 2007, p. 39). She is finally seeing the life to things now that her husband is
dead. She did not stop to ask
“Not Rounding Off, but Opening Out.”
Comment Upon the...
Not rounding off, but opening out. Comment upon the way the writers of the novel
and short story deal with the ending in relation to the whole. In your answer you
should refer to two or three novels or short stories you have studied. The end of a
short story is as important as the start. Some short stories end abruptly, leaving it
open for the readers to interpret while others have a moral. In the short storyHoliday
by Rabindranath Tagore the end is interlinked to the title, Holiday . In face after
reading the story we finally understand why it was given such a title. At the end of
the story Phatik has reached his breaking point and he cannot take in anymore. He
has been neglected all along and he acts like a stray dog . The end... Show more
content on ...
Johnsy one of the protagonists is suffering from pneumonia and equates her life
cycle with the life of a leaf on a vine outside her window. At the end of the story we
see, despite all the characters thoughts as well as the readers the leaf has endured
everything and has reinforced Johnsy s spirit. The doctor says to Sue She s out of
danger. You ve won. Nutrition and care now that s all . Now because of her
optimism Johnsy is going to live. The most unexpected twist comes at the end with
correlates the story to the title. Ah, darling, its Behrman s masterpiece he painted it
there the night the last leaf fell. This ending takes everyone by shock as nothing in
the story leads us to think such an end would occur. Mr. Behrman dies of pneumonia
to save Johnsy s spirit. This end has a deep impact on readers and it gives a lot more
momentum to the entire story. The theme of sacrifice is finally achieved through this
unexpected ending. The title has gained more meaning. In this story the ending has
more of an impact than the start and such an ending highlights the characters, title as
well as the theme even further.
The short story The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poeis a story about a murderer.
This story is unusual because of the unreliable narration and start but also because of
the ending. At the end of this short story, the narrator is having a panic attack and we
finally see the
Factors that Contribute to Global Warming, Such as
Over the recent years, global warming has become a hot topic, due to the melting of
polar ice caps and extreme temperature changes across the globe. Since 1960, the
percentage of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has increased by 20%, which is the
highest recorded in 800,000 years. The true question though is whether this is due to
natural causes or whether it s the impact humans have on the earths delicate
The main signs that global warming is currently affecting our world is the rapid
temperature changes in certain areas causing wild weather such as tropical storms
and floods. Sea levels are rising as an effect of melting of the polar icecaps which are
effectively increasing the levels of water in our oceans and rivers. There is no doubt
that global warming is currently happening on our precious planet, but there are many
that argue it is the environments natural lifecycle rather than a contribution to
greenhouse gases that humans have caused recently.
Although there are many biological factors that could affect the process of global
warming, it can be argued that humans are the primary cause. The amount of waste
produced by humans each year has increased due to our rapidly growing population,
which pollutes our natural environment with waste products such as plastic bags,
bottles or even metal cans. Because of our dumping of waste into our countrysides, it
is debatable that dumping is another main polluter that releases carbon dioxide into
our precious
What Happens When Toasted Lab Report
Experiment Question:
What happens to bread as it is being toasted? and is there any change in results when
toasted in a variety of different ways? for example; toaster, grill, oven and microwave.
Explanation of Question:
What are the chemical changes that take place when a piece of bread is toasted using a
heating supply. Bread can be heated using many different appliances, In this
experiment I will use a microwave, oven, grill and toaster, keeping the bread in the
certain heat for a controlled time of three minutes.
Why does toast go browner quicker using toaster rather than an oven? What causes
toast to turn black when burning? Which appliance is best, and do different types of
breads toast differently and at different rates? I will explore each of these aspects in
How am I going to do this? : ... Show more content on ...
Heating the surface of the bread turns the starch into dextrin. Dextrins are a group of
low molecular weight carbohydrates produced by the hydrolysis of starch or
glycogen. Dextrin has a sweet taste, hence why toasted bread tastes nicer. Iodine
can be used to test for starch and goes a dark purple colour if starch is present. If
there is no starch present, there will be no colour change. If your test has enough
dextrin present, it might turn a darker reddish
Rabbit-Proof Fence
Rabbit Proof Fence is the name of the film directed by Philip Noyce. This movie is
about three girls, Molly, Daisy and Gracie, who are taken away from their families
to a camp in Moore River where they bring up the Aboriginal kids as white kids.
The girls then go on a nine week journey back home and this movie showcases the
journey and the obstacles the girls had to face before coming back home. A
particular scene from this movie, Stolen , is about the three girls enjoying their day
when a white man comes and takes them away to the campgrounds away from their
families. There are many techniques used in the scene Stolen . One being close up.
In this scene a man is shown ringing the triangle then from the distance we can see a
man looking through the window and we can see the camera... Show more content on ...
This technique helps us understand the emotions Constable Riggs is feeling. With
this technique, we can see that he is waiting for the right time to make his move.
This shows us that he is determined about what he is going to do and is feeling
confident about his plan as we can see his eyes fixed on the girls. The director
wanted to show us that Constable Riggs is a cunning person since before he made
his move he was quite close with the Aboriginal people and they trusted him and
respected him. However, with this technique, the director wanted the viewers to see
the other side of Constable Riggs with the confidence and determined shown from
his facial expressions. The director also wanted to show us that nothing will be able
to stop him from capturing the girls. He also wanted to show us that Aboriginals
respect the white and white people are more powerful from them as we saw
Constable Riggs showing the documents that the mothers of the girls have no say on
the situation. This is relevant to anyone as from this scene it is shown not to trust
others easily. This is relevant because like Constable Riggs we can
Chem 112 Technical Abstract
Determination of Cations and Anions through Elimination and Confirmation Tests
By: Symantha Resendiz Introduction A topic of great importance to all scientists is
the identification of compounds, which is relevant in all aspects of their work in
some way shape or form. Weather it may be determining what is causing sickness or
what is polluting the air, it is very prevalent in the science world. In project 2,
identification of cations and anions was preformed through a series of confirmation
and elimination tests that ultimately led to identifying an unknown ionic compound
made of cations and anions. Materials and Methods Part 1 Cation Tests To begin, 5
centrifuge tubes were added 10 drops of one cation and labeled... Show more content
on ...
The mixture was then transferred to a clean centrifuge tube via pipet, carefully not
wetting the upper walls of the tube. Zinc granules were then added and the tube
was immediately plugged with cotton 1/3 of the way into the tube. The tube was
then warmed in a hot water bath for about 5 minutes, the folded red litmus paper
was inserted at the top of the tube with a wet crease. After a few minutes, nitrate is
indicated on the wet crease of the litmus paper, turning it blue. For the Carbonate
test, 25 mg of carbonate sample was added to a centrifuge tube and 3 drops of 6 M
H2SO4 was added. A disposable pipet was used to transfer a drop of Ba(OH)2, that
hung directly from the pipet over the carbonate solution, and the observations of
the drop were recorded. Part 3 Cation and Anion Analysis For the cation analysis,
0.566 g of an unknown compound was dissolved completely in 5mL of distilled
water in a centrifuge tube, thus confirming this solution as a stock solution. A
flame test was performed on the stock solution to give a general idea of what test
was to e preformed on the stock solution deriving the information from our logic
trees in part 1. The logic tree from part 1 and the flame test confirmed that we
needed to conduct an ammonia test on the stock solution. To being the ammonia
test, 15 M NH4OH was added drop wise (about 20 drops) to the stock and the color
of the solution and the color of the solution was recorded. 10 more drops of 15 M
Project Report on Power Plant at Tanda
WITH REGARDS, ... Show more content on ...
Water for cooling tower 45.0 cusecs
Transportation facility: Power station is on Tanda Faizabad also connected to
Akbarpur Faizabad. Nearest railway station 13km far (surapur). Akbarpur is situated
on Lucknow mughalsarai Railway track. The distance of plant from Akbarpur is
30km. Tanda town is about 8km far from plant. Production Transmission: The
4*110MW power electricity is produced at the station using four different units. Each
unit generates 110MW power. The arrangement of each unit is same. Since it is a
thermal power plant, coal is used as the main source of energy. This coal is mainly
supplied from the Dhanbad(Bihar) and other places.Generated electricity is supplied
to following station:
1. Sultanpur 1 3. Gorakhpur 2. sultanpur 2 4. Basti
Since this power plant had been undertaken by NTPC in 2000 its performance in
terms of power factor load(PLF) is improved in a great manner and can be observed
from the given graph:
Coal to Electricity
Generating steam from coal
Conversion of thermal energy to mechanical energy
Generation and load dispatch of electric power.
Coal to Electricity
NTPC, Tanda is a thermal power station which produces electricity by using a non
renewable source of energy i.e. coal. Coal is converted into pulverised form to
enhance easy
Analysis Of The Book Missing People And Others
groups and communities. Othering divides and separates instead of encouraging
harmony, equity and commonality. Arturo Madrid in his essay entitled, Missing
People and Others in the book, Race, Class and Gender, speaks about his form of
otherness that he experienced in schools. Madrid has a Latino ethnicity and is a
citizen of the United States as are his parents, grandparents and great grandparents.
However, he learned about othering before he knew of the concept. Though his
school tried to erase otherness through denial, it only amplified the issue. He
viewed his educational experience as a socialization process where you learned to
become American (Race, Class and Gender, 2010, p. 18). Instead of viewing his
educational experience as an academic journey, due to othering it become more of a
social journey. Madrid realized early on that otherness was built into the American
system by the society around in every facet. Therefore, he saw this systemic rationale
of othering permeate into the school system. The denial almost seemed like a
dismissal of the person s culture and ethnicity. The implicit denial existed in many
facets such as economic, political, cultural and social through the absences of the
others (Race, Class and Gender, 2010, p. 18). However, schools is where it was felt
the most severely. The experiences of othering continued through activities in the
school, but the most pronounce was the language evolution from Spanish to English.
Though Madrid did not
The Government Should Be Allowed To Monitor On A
The government should be allowed to monitor on a national level, but only the
government should be able to monitor this data. Your use of the internet should be
private, but there has to be a way to measure the extent of someone breaking the law.
Also, private information should remain private and if you do not want people
around you to know, that is okay. There has to be a way to sort out the criminals from
the normal person. If someone is harming another through social media or any form
of internet communication, and the situation is reported, local law enforcement
should be able to investigate in that person’s data. On account of the prompt
on the President s tweets, I believe he should be able to say whatever he wants to
just like everyone else, but also there shouldn t be any exceptions for him.... Show
more content on ...
If he tweets something confidential or disrespectful, he should do the right thing and
delete it and face the rightful, unbiased consequences. I think that with the current
standard of Net Neutrality that the Internet will be a worse place for everyone across
the board except for the 1%. In this case, I think that government intervention is
necessary. This bill allows every piece of the Internet to be treated as equal, so
Netflix is streamed at the same speed as Google. This intervention should be allowed
and if this goes away this could be a big invasion of privacy. Now companies can see
which websites you want to buy into to get better internet speeds over the other. For
this topic, government intervention is needed to keep a safe, free and open
Employer 401 Case Study
We often ask the question, How does our 401(k) plan stack up? When you are an
employee, you will consider items such as the investment choices, administration
fees, or loan terms. However, if you are an owner, the most important thing to think
about may be how to contribute the highest amount you can under Section 415. For
2016, the defined contribution plan annual addition limit without catch up is
$53,000, and will rise to $54,000 next year.
The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) subjects qualified employer plans to compliance
testing. Employer 401(k) plans must pass the actual deferral percentage (ADP) test,
and if there are employer match contributions, the actual contribution percentage
(ACP) test. However, safe harbor plans are not subject to discrimination testing if the
plan sponsor contributes a pre approved safe harbor employer contribution.
Safe harbor plans guarantee that the Highly Compensated Employees (HCEs) will be
able to contribute the maximum deferral amount of $18,000, but not necessarily the
maximum annual addition under Code Section 415. In those cases, the triple stack
match formula may be the solution, as follows:
Stack One: 100% of the first 3% of deferrals, plus 50% on the next 2% of deferrals.
That means that if an employee defers 5%, they will receive the maximum 4% of
compensation match on the first ... Show more content on ...
In addition to the requirements discussed above, it is important to remember that
none of the stacked matches can require a 1,000 hour of work or employment at
year end. Stack One also cannot be subject to vesting, as it must be fully vested to
qualify as safe harbor. Provisions for the triple stack match must be in place before
the start of the plan year in which they are
Explain The Meaning Effect And Effectiveness Of The...
Part 1: AnalysisExplain in two to three sentences each the meaning, effect, and
effectiveness of the following chiasmus examples:
I wasted time, and now time doth waste me, William Shakespeare, Richard IIThe
meaning is that, what should have been done, was not, and now there is nothing to
do but let time pass. The effect created is that time is being wasted, but it should not
be. This is effective in getting the point across.
Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind. John F.
Kennedy, speech to the United Nations General AssemblyThe meaning is that, if
war does not stop, it will destroy us all/kill us. The effect is to encourage the end of
war, and is effective in its meaning.
Bad men live that they may eat and drink, whereas good men eat and drink that they
may live. SocratesThis means that mean who eat to live, live for a cause. The effect
is to discourage gluttonous acts, orat least explain the difference in pleasure and
survival. This is effective in reaching the point ... Show more content on ...
The effect is to create the war scene, and the anaphora is effective in doing
The Presidency Of Richard Nixon
During the 1970s, under President Richard Nixon, the people felt the first serious
inflation since after World War II. Also under Nixon, a scandal of political sabotage
caused fear and mistrust towards the government. The crises in the 1970s represented
the first time in American history when the public perceived their government had
fail them and it did through mistrust in the government, foreign crises, and a strong
decline in the economy. Under the presidency of Richard Nixon, a wide spread of fear
within the public prevailed. From the reporters point of view many people
working in the White House or having high standing political jobs in the
government, many of them were afraid to tell the horrors they saw, and worked
with. During the re election time of Nixon, his men would do anything to get what
they needed: Following members of Democratic candidates families; assembling
dossier of their personal lives; forging letters and distributing them under the
candidates letterheads (Bernstein 143). Stayin Alive by Bee Gees, a trio of
brothers who wrote and produced six consecutive Number One hits, and stayed on
the top charts for six months (Eells). They describe how the people acted during
the whole Watergate scandal. The lines: I ll live to see another day. We can try to
understand. The New York Times effect on man, they tell of how people are literally
just trying to stay alive during this time, and The New York Times revealed some of
the dirty work
Analysis Of The Film Joan Of Arc
The movie, Joan of Arc, that stars Leelee Sobieski is about a 15th century teenage
girl hears voices from god who tells her what she needs to do. She ends up leading
the French forces against the English. Although Joan really did hear the voices,
this movie is not completely historically accurate. The first inaccurate part of the
movie is it shows Joan first hearing the voices in Church. Throughout the movie,
almost every scene has something inaccurate about it. The movie starts off in
1412 in the village of Domremy, which is the year and place Joan was born. The
village of Domremy was right in the war zone of France. This made is so all the
villagers would have to take cover and hide from the soldiers when they came to
attack and burn down their village and destroy it. One of the scenes that was
inaccurate was during the final assault on Les Tourelles. Joan ordered Glasdale to
be killed by archers after she said to him, I will send you to hell . This is not
historically accurate because it was not correct with the form of the real events
that happened. The real event that happened was Glasdale had drowned while
trying to escape from a burning drawbridge. The drawbridge collapsed from the
weight of all the men in armor and the horses. Glasdale and many other English
lords drowned and sank to the bottom. In real life, Joan would have never want to
send someone to hell . She was compassionate to her God (Archive). The original
Tv series of this movie had hardly mentioned the retrial that was done towards the
end of the war. There was mention of the support that was given to Joan from the
Church scholars at Poitiers. They did not mention the support that was also given to
her from the trial (Archive). In the movie, it shows how Charles VII betrayed Joan.
Although, there is no real evidence that Charles did so. In fact, there are many
documents that prove that he didn t. The group that put Joan on trial, which was the
pro English University of Paris, sent a letter to John of Luxemburg. They were
complaining that the people from John s faction were trying to do everything in their
power to save her by extraordinary means . This was also talked about in a entry at
the archives of Venetian merchants who
The International Bill That Threatens Online Privacy
Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) were big
bills recently in the EU and America that caught the attention of nearly every internet
user. It was hard to not notice these two bills. These legislations would have pushed
copyright infringement on many sites and much of the internetas it is known would
have been shut down. On January 18, big sites such as Wikipedia, and Google
blacked out their site for a day. This sent a loud and clear message to the creators
of this bill and they put it on indefinite hold. While this was happening another bill
decided to raise its ugly head. It had been lurking in the shadows of the other two
bills and would prove to be a much more immense monster to face. Much like... Show
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The bill was put on a supposed indefinite hold. ACTA was finally brought to the
attention by the general public. Much like SOPA and PIPA it would cause
unnecessary jailing, for crimes that would prove meager to most of the crime in the
world today. ACTA is made not only for online copyright problems, but also to work
against smuggling, and piracy. There is nothing wrong with a well written bill that
would work against fighting those crimes and shutting down illegal pirating sites.
The way ACTA is written, it would put copyright infringement on many sites that
people use on a daily basis. A clip of a little kid singing a Hannah Montana song
could possibly land some unsuspecting adolescent in jail.
Despite that fact that ACTA was poorly written it does raise some pros and cons.
Any Pro ACTA individual will claim that by instigating the bill, it will create more
jobs, thus work towards fixing the economy. The bill would also help prevent people
from illegally downloading copyrighted material, smuggling, and counterfeiting.
There is no major disagreement that Artists should have better protection for their
work, but there is a fine line between protecting rights, and being beyond ridiculous.
As for creating jobs, this sounds like another case of working with the Upper Class,
and ignoring the majority of people in Middle and Lower Class. The way the bill is
written it threatens
Volkswagen Logo History
The Volkswagen logo is a household image that is known on an international level.
In over seventy years, the logo has not changed a great deal and has stood the test
of time. What most people do not know how ever is it s lush history dating back to
Hitler s reign to current day with law suits debating the original creator of the logo. In
short, the Volkswagenlogo is memorable, scalable, and effective without color. In
addition to discussing the evolution of its design, what makes a good logo, and my
opinions on it, I will also discuss the historical background of the logo and the
company itself. Although the design itself is very recognizable, I would say the
history behind it is more intriguing.
Brief Volkswagen History
The ... Show more content on ...
A successful logo should work both with and without color. This is important
because a lot of the time, the logo will be used across all mediums. For example, it
could be carved in wood or made with metal. Scalability is another great attribute in
a successful logo. Whether the logo is on a tag under an inch in size, or on a
billboard, it should be legible. Lastly, the logo should obviously be relevant to the
industry the company is involved in. This might seem like common sense to most,
but a lot of ineffective logos out there really don t fit the current trend or design
sense for said industry. With that being said, all these points are just my personal
opinion and will come up later when I start discussing the evolution if the Volkswagen
The First Design
The very first Volkswagen logo was developed in 1938 and was actually the result
of an office competition. Franz Xavier Reimspiess, an employee of Porsche,
created the first logo during the logo design competition within the company. He
was given a one time payment of 100 Reichsmarks (about $400). Reimspiess was
also the engineer who perfected the actual engine for the first Beetle s in the 1930
s. The initial design done by Reimspiess and the current 3D design they use today
really is not that different for having so much time go by. The initial logo indeed
contain the V sitting on top of the W in a bold sans serif font that is still used today.
Essay On Afro-American Leadership
Through history, we can lecture about an enormous quantity of world leader who
have had the opportunity to make important contributions to the humanity by
spreading their brand new ideas.
Numerous people have work together to manage a change in racism. Centuries ago,
any Afro American didn t have the opportunity to attend to school or college. In
addition, it was unlikely to hire an Afro American as a manager of an enterprise.
Previously, the Afro American were captives who had no right to choose what they
fancied doing. As a result, to the influence of a few men, this situation has been
evolving. For instance, we can lecture about Nelson Mandela, who fought to obtain
equal rights for Afro Americans and aided to achieve a change in the world. Even
though we still have racism in our cultures. Now, it is probable to meet a CEO of a
company who is Afro American. Furthermore, we can mention Barack Obama,...
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Earlier, women had no right to study, to work or do anything outside of their
houses. Even in the last century, women had no opportunity to participate in the
election of the president. To illustrate, one of the first woman recognized for her
labor not only in gender equality, but also in the scientific field is Marie Curie.
Even though most women did not have the opportunity to study, she won two Nobel
prizes. In addition, she was the first woman who became a teacher in the University
of Paris. Besides, we can discuss about Margaret Thatcher, who became the first and
only women to become a prime minister of the United Kingdom. She had the
occasion to quarrel in behalf of women rights, when she was prime minister.
In conclusion, numerous world leader have influenced the world to evolve into an
improved place. Not all of the modifications were good. Nevertheless, we should
fight for our rights; we must study, work and endure to change our environment for a
positive cause and improve it for the generations to
Mercedes Benz Aav Essay
Mercedes Benz AAV 1. What is the competitive environment faced by MB? The
competitive environment faced by Mercedes Benz is one filled with many different
car manufactures and car models. Mercedes has several competitors in terms of price
and quality on all of their product platforms. Historically, Mercedes biggest
competitors have been Lexus, BMW, Audi, and Cadillac. The economic downturn
coupled with the restructuring of domestic auto manufactures has shifted Mercedes
competition. In recent years there is gaining popularity in domestic vehicles. Rather
than just competing with luxury automobiles, Mercedes is now competing with
newly designed domestic automobiles, including those manufactured by Jeep and
Ford. These vehicles are... Show more content on ...
In 2007, Mercedes showed dramatic improvement in quality surpassing the quality
leader Toyota. In 2011, J.D. Powers ranked Mercedes Benz above average in
quality (ahead of BMW and Audi) but behind Lexus. Price Mid Upper Range
Mercedes offers most of its products at a price similar to other luxury car models,
with the exception of a few specialty high priced products within each of their
platforms. The Mercedes SUV platform is an example of this. Mercedes currently
offers two SUVs, the G class and the GL class. The GL class is priced
competitively with Lexus, BMW, and Cadillac at $85k. In contrast, the Mercedes
G class is currently the most expensive SUV on the market priced at $107k, which
competes with upper range priced SUVs such as the Porsche Cayenne and Land
Rover Range Rover. Mercedes follows the same pricing strategy for the sedan
platform as they do in the SUV platform offer most of their vehicles priced similarly
to other large luxury auto manufactures such as Lexus and Audi, but also offer a
product that exceeds the competitor s normal pricing within that platform. Mercedes
offers several sedans that are priced similarly to Lexus, Cadillac, and Audi, which
includes the E class and S Class lines, but they also offer something else. With the
introduction of the Maybach in 2002, Mercedes Benz became the manufacturer of the
highest priced luxury sedan vehicle in the world. The Maybach is currently the most
expensive luxury sedan
The Physics Of Quantum Computers
My topic is quantum computing. We can say that quantum computers are likely to
move out of science fiction and research labs and into practical applications. A
quantum computing is way faster than a normal pc. Google already have one and
make many test online. A quantum computer is a new complex technology. This
computeris not available for us yet. This new engine represent a lot of new
possibility for us. Some person tell that the teleportation would be available, but this
is too far. Old computers can t afford all what a quantum computercan do, and that
mean one day they will disappear. Quantum computing has a lot of benefice, for
example, it uses superposition, help to improve the actual technic by solving
problems that are too complex for today s computational systems, and are have a lot
of requirement to work properly.
Quantum computer are fascinating. Even better, a quantum computer is a computer
design which uses the principles of quantum physics to increase the computational
power. A traditional computer can t reach the same level of power or operations. A
quantum physics is the study of matter and energy at the molecular, atomic, nuclear,
and even smaller microscopic level. Also, thanks to superposition and entanglement, a
quantum computer can process a vast number of calculations simultaneously. Where
a classical computer works with ones and zeros. Superposition is essentially the
ability of a quantum system to be in multiple states at the same time (IQC,
Business Skills For A New Home
The job requirements are straight forward and do not ask for much. Some of the
duties consists of promoting property through ads, open houses and listing services.
Advertising is key to attract potential buyers and spread your business name around.
Advising clients on prices of homes, current market conditions and other market
information also come into play. Taking prospective buyers to view properties and
persuading them to consider investing in a new home. As well as bringing together
negotiations between the buyerand seller. These are just a few things that the real
estate business will ask for.
I believe I have all the personal characteristics and skills needed to be a sales agent or
broker. I plan to go to college to learn all the necessary business skills to be
successful. Most sales agents and brokers are self employed. This means they have
to maintain a functional business without wasting money and losing valuable
time. Great business skills come in handy when you run everything on your own.
Problems will pop up eventually which will require quick thinking and reaction
time. Problem solving skills aren t going to be frequently used but nevertheless,
you can never over prepare for the worst. Organizations skills can help have your
work space clean and keep you on track during the day. Always being able to have
yourself on the ball can lead to more jobs or goals being completed. Lastly, the
income you make depends on your sales which means you need to have
American Technological Advancements
The United States has utilized innovations and technological advancements to
solidify its position as a global superpower. One of the greatest accomplishments the
United States can claim is to have put a man on the moon in 1969. In describing the
impact of the moon landing, historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. notes, The one thing
for which this century will be remembered 500 years from now was: This was the
century when we began the exploration of space (Launius, 2006). In the 47 years
since the moonlanding, no other nation has been able to land on the moon marking
this as a lasting legacy to American perseverance in the exploration of space. The
completion of the Panama Canal in 1914 also showcased American resolve and
engineering superiority. Providing maritime access between the Atlantic and the
Pacific, the Canal stands today as one of seven wonders of the modern world.... Show
more content on ...
From the progression of the machine gun to the development of the atomic bomb and
further still to today and stealth aircraft technology, the United States has consistently
pushed the envelope on innovation in order to say one step ahead as a military
superpower. With this being an online course, one would be remiss to not note the
great American accomplishment of creating a computer communication network
through the collaboration between the Department of Defense, engineers and
scientists during the Cold War.
The flare for thinking outside of the box in the United States could easily be traced
back to the founding of the nation. The Founding Fathers were nation building
innovators as they wrote the Constitution. American technological innovations have
opened the doors to discovery, which has allowed the United States to continue to be
a global

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Love My Mom Essay

  • 1. Love My Mom Essay Crafting an essay on the topic "Love My Mom" might initially seem like a straightforward and heartwarming task. After all, expressing affection and gratitude for one's mother should come naturally. However, as one delves into the intricacies of the subject, the challenge becomes apparent. The difficulty lies not in the abundance of feelings but in encapsulating the profound depth of emotions and experiences into a coherent and concise piece. The struggle begins with the overwhelming urge to pour one's heart out, narrating countless instances of maternal care, sacrifice, and unconditional love. It becomes a balancing act between being comprehensive and avoiding overwhelming the reader with a flood of sentimental anecdotes. Each word must be carefully chosen to evoke the intended emotions without succumbing to clichГ©s or sounding overly sentimental. Additionally, the challenge extends to finding a unique angle or perspective that sets the essay apart from generic tributes to mothers. The desire to convey the essence of the relationship while maintaining a fresh and engaging narrative can be mentally taxing. Moreover, the writer may grapple with the fear of inadequacy – the persistent concern that words might fall short in capturing the profound bond shared with one's mother. It is a task akin to capturing the vastness of the ocean in a mere cup. In essence, composing a "Love My Mom" essay is a delicate dance between sentimentality and precision. It involves navigating through a sea of emotions, memories, and appreciation while adhering to the constraints of structure and coherence. And so, the difficulty lies not in the scarcity of content, but in the challenge of distilling a lifetime of love and gratitude into a few pages. Despite the inherent complexity, the endeavor is undoubtedly worthwhile, as the final result is a heartfelt tribute to one of the most cherished relationships in life. For those who find themselves grappling with the intricacies of expressing their feelings in writing, assistance is available. Similar essays and a plethora of other writing services can be accessed at, offering support for those seeking to articulate their emotions and experiences with the eloquence they deserve. Love My Mom Essay Love My Mom Essay
  • 2. Stars, I Heard The Learn D Astronomer Art comes in many different forms, and there are similarities and differences in all forms of art. While Stars, I Have Seen Them Fall by A.E. Housman, When I Heard the Learn d Astronomer by Walt Whitman, and Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh have some obvious similarities, they have striking differences as well. While the poems and painting may seem like innocent pieces of work, they all share a similar theme and tone. Stars, I Have Seen Them Fall just sounds like a more pessimistic poem just by the title, but when if someone were to actually read the poem, they would come across But no star is lost at all / From all the star sown sky (Housman 3 4). These lines are expressing that even though a star may fall and die, it does not make... Show more content on ... First, the two poems have the most obvious difference between all three, as Whitman s poem has an unclear and optimistic ending by saying Till rising and gliding out I wander d off by myself, / In the mystical moist night air, and from time to time, / Look d up in perfect silence at the stars (6 8), while Housman s poem is pessimistic the entire poem. Stars, I Have Seen Them Fall ends by saying It rains into the sea, / And still the sea is salt (7 8), which is more the author seemingly accepting the fact that human life is meaningless, so Housman s poem does not have a resolution. Both poems can speak to different people depending on their views on life and how they are emotionally at that point in time. Starry Night contrasts more to Housman s poem, because while it is uncertain as to what Van Gogh s piece real meaning is, the meaning can be inferred, and with the possibility of yellow representing hope, then it is different from Housman s which is more acceptance that life has no meaning. As Van Gogh was mentally unstable for the majority of his life, he was put in a mental health asylum, where he made Starry Night, and the artwork itself was the view he saw from his window. Van Gogh felt isolation for the majority of his life as most people did not appreciate his art when he was alive, so Starry Night s dark colors can express how he felt, and the yellow could
  • 3. Intracranial Sinusitis Discussion Intracranial infections are rare, but they are a very serious complication of sinusitis. Diagnosis and treatment of complications of intracranial sinusitis is a challenge and requires close cooperation between otolaryngology, neurosurgery, infectious diseases, neurology and rehabilitation. Fortunately, their incidence has decreased considerably over the last decades due to improved diagnosis and treatment of paroxysmal sinusitis [1]. Many data suggest that the prognosis is more favorable in children with rapid diagnosis and aggressive treatment. Typically hospital stay lasts from 15 to 30 days [3.8 10], while hospitalization of our patient is 47 days. No patient usually has a history of sinusitis or any serious co morbidity. What is more, sinus symptoms (such as purulent sputum) are usually rare. Both observations are consistent with other pediatric reports (3,8,10) and our case. When evaluating an intracranial infection in a child, the possibility of sinusitis should be considered, even in the absence of history in this direction. For many decades the most common complications of intracranial sinusitis were subdural and intracerebral ... Show more content on ... Orbital complications are predominant in most children with intracranial infection asymptomatic and thus induce patients to seek faster medical care, which in turn leads to earlier diagnosis of ICS. Similarly, Singh et al. Outpatient complications have been reported in more than half of patients (59%) with meningitis, 37% of patients with subcapsular abscess, 26% of patients with intracerebral abscesses and over 80% of patients with epidural abscesses. When evaluating children with swollen eyelids or with edema and sinusitis, the physician should consider the possibility of simultaneous intracranial infection, even in the absence of neurological
  • 4. Plagiarism And The Culture Of Multilingual Students Concerning the issue of how the cultural conditioning plays in the regard of plagiarism, I will be analyzing Plagiarism and the culture of multilingual students in higher education abroad by Colin Sowden alongside with Plagiarism in ESOL students: Is cultural conditioning truly the major culprit? by Dilin Liu. Plagiarism in writing, which could be defined as borrowing a creator s original ideas and/or words without attributing credits where it s due, is considered a big concern in higher education level. The difference in ways of writing among regions and countries baffled me, thus resulted in my interest in the topic. One of the ethical issue concerns the role cultural background plays in forming students way of writing: some believe that plagiarism is acceptable in Asian countries, claiming plagiarism is a concept produced and mainly employed into practice in the Western nations, while other counter plagiarism is perceived the same way everywhere in the world to be frowned upon. This essay will mainly explore the notion of whether culture shapes the way students perceive plagiarism, and if the previous statement stands true, should it be appreciated as one s tradition. Plagiarism and the culture of multilingual students in higher education abroad by Colin Sowden is printed in ELT Journal Volume 59, Issue 3, July 2005, from pages 226 to 233; it is published by Oxford University Press. The article acknowledges how the culture factor plays in the way multilingual students
  • 5. The Importance Of Paying College Athletes Of the nearly 8 million students currently participating in high school athletics in the United States, only 480,000 of them will compete at NCAA schools (NCAA). Playing a college sport is the gateway to build up to competing at the highest level. Even playing for a full time job. As of today, the official NCAA rules state that no salary is allowed for participating in athletics and benefits from an agent or prospective agent is not permitted. The real question is, since the system of not paying collegeathletes has been in place and not to mention, has worked very efficiently, why would it have to change now? First, the proceeding of paying athletes would ruin the tradition and culture of collegiate sports. The first ever intercollegiate
  • 6. The Theme Of Deceived Love In Gabrielle Roy s The Tin Flute French canadian author Gabrielle Roy dedicated her work to the illustration of the working class in its daily whereabouts. Her novels show a raw reality combined with great sensibility. Her first book, The Tin Flute is set in Montreal, in St Henri s neighbourhood where we follow the tribulations of young waitress Florentine Lacasse. The story takes place during the Second World War. One of the main themes of The Tin Fluteis love, deceived love. Around this main theme revolve other motives such as family, dispossession, war, loneliness and many more. This love that was deceived is exploited throughout the novelby its descriptions, various dialogs and it s incarnation in the characters themselves. The original French title, Bonheur d occasion,... Show more content on ... For example, Jean tells Florentine that he is not her boyfriend and implies that marriage is not something he would commit to. He could not provide Florentine what he himself was deprived from all his life. She symbolizes the life he has struggled to escape from: Florentine s image might fade in his memory, [...] never would he forget the horrid poverty that had been the setting of their moment of love. (211). Emmanuel s feeling for Florentine alters his perception of her and he grows confused between his idealisation of her and the real life Florentine; Had he been wrong about all those evenings when he had, in his fancy, danced with her, chatted with her, [...]. Did she correspond to his dreams, [...] or was she quite different, and he would have to teach her to love him? (293). The protagonist, Florentine is herself this deceived love. She is cheated and in order to amend her heart, she deceives the heart of Emmanuel. Another character, whose feelings are in a certain way deceived, is Yvonne. Indeed, the heroine s little sister offers to dedicate her life to God in exchange for him to cure Daniel. Each character of The Tin Flute embodies love in their own
  • 7. My Tribe Beliefs My Tribe and Their Beliefs and Their Consents It would be devastating if my tribe was to find out years later that they were involved in a scientific study that they knew nothing about. For most tribal communities, it is important to respect their culture and their beliefs. Scientists do not have the right to offend a tribal community, even if it was unintentional and due to ignorance regarding the taboo topics within the tribe from the researchers. For many reasons, it is important to inform the tribe and the individuals who donate their DNA samples exactly what their samples will be used for. Tribal communities are unlike many modern communities. Tribal communities carry much pride in their history, their culture, and their beliefs. Offending ... Show more content on ... What their samples were actually used for, well that was completely different. Without their permission, the DNA samples were used to study topics that are considered taboo within the Havasupai tribe such as mental illness, migration, and inbreeding. There were many issues raised in the Havasupai case. To begin with, informed consent is an issue because samples were used without complete consent. Researchers only received consent for using the samples to study diabetes, or that is what the tribe members were told. Another issue raised in this case was migration studies, which is a topic that concerns may tribes because the scientific evidence based on their genetic research may go against certain tribal beliefs. Each tribe has their own beliefs based on their origin and migration studies may cause these tribes trouble. Scientists may be messing around with tribal history in the name of science. This would, without a doubt, raise ethical concerns. Stigmatism of the tribe was another issue raised in this case. Measuring the interbreeding coefficient causes harm and distress to the tribal community. During this study, researchers gained illegal access to medical records. Researchers did not have permission to access the medical records from the tribal officials or the clinical administrators. This is an invasion of privacy. It is also important to note that even though individuals within the study were not named, naming the tribe risked the identification of these individuals. In a small community, it is not hard to figure out who someone is based on genetic information that was released. The final issue that was raised in the Havasupai case was how to control their samples. When a tribe decides to enter a study, they must first decide if they ate going to enforce their control over the samples and how they are used. If they decide to
  • 8. Making A Happy And Successful Life For Yourself Conventional wisdom says that in order to create a happy and successful life for yourself, you need to go to school, get good grades, and obtain a college education. Only then will you be financially secure and have a high quality lifestyle. This is a common misconception many people have, but it s only because this is the belief they were taught growing up. Yes, collage can be a great vehicle to help you pursue the career you want, but if collegeisn t a necessitate for you, there s no need to pay thousands of dollars, get into serious debt, and have a career that you re not happy with. Life is way too short to spend your time working at a job you don t enjoy. People usually find what career they want, then they learn how to pursue... Show more content on ... Today, we have the ability to learn anything that we wish to gain knowledge and expertise on through the internet, the library, seminars, and influential people. College is not the only avenue to success here. People should never stop learning and growing regardless if college is in the picture or not. What should one do with all this new information and knowledge? You have to apply what you know and go get experience. Gaining experience is key to scoring the job and lifestyle that you want! So many people expect to land career opportunities after college because they now have a degree. In theory, they should because they have spent thousands of dollars and a lot of their time dedicated to college so that they can get well paid successful jobs. Unfortunately, according to a study done in 2015, only 14% of college graduates get a job in the field they studied for in school. Why can t students find work after college? They have zero experience. Without skills and experience, it s extremely hard to land a job with just a degree. College is made to seem like it will provide secure well paying jobs for people who attend, but this is not the case nowadays. Get a job that s in demand, like a doctor or a teacher or nurse, because then you ll always have work. We hear this from everyone, but how true is it really? Doctors are being paid less, and nurses and teachers are being laid off
  • 9. Analysis Of Ethical Decision And Scandal Analysis of ethical reaction to scandal Introduction The reputation of an organization is crucial. Therefore, being a leader of an organization has to be able to react efficiently and effectively when there is a threat to organization s reputation. Occasionally, a leader has to face a dilemma, whereby one has to decide how to deal with the scandals in the organizations. On one hand, some organizations treat their customers as a mean to gather the profits. On the other hand, other organizations regard their customers as an end, whereby the organizations really consider about customers interests as an ultimate goal of their services. Nonetheless, only the companies that mad the ethical actions survived. Lacking a focus on the welfare of their customers, some propaganda techniques, aiming to cover up the scandals, usually don t work well. Instead, successful public relationship management techniques generally treat their customers welfare as an end not just a mean. For example, a successful crisis management usually contains the honesty and quick reaction. Enron Corporation is a great example to illustrate how damaging it is if company leaders try to hide up the scandals and lie to the public. From Kant s perspective, customers, who are human beings objected to the service provided by organizations, should be treated with dignity, as every rational being exists as an end in himself and not merely as a means to be arbitrarily used by this or that will (Kant 428). Indeed,
  • 10. Retention Strategies in Post Consolidation Banking... CHAPTER ONE Introduction The Nigerian banking industry is one of the most dynamic and competitive industries in the Country. The banking industry has transformed rapidly in the last ten years, shifting from transactional and customer service oriented to an increasingly aggressive environment in which competition for revenue is top priority. The Nigerian Bank can now fit into the global definition of bank. Consolidation of the Nigerian Banking sector is one of many reforms of the Gen. Obasanjo s administration that Nigerians have to embrace happily. (Victor E, 2007) Prior to the reforms, the industry was highly fragmented, with many banks having very small and undiversified capitalisation. With a much higher capitalisation base, ... Show more content on ... The regression in the nation s economy has taken its toll on both the private and public sectors. Employee retention has therefore become one of the biggest problems in these sectors. As such, many companies or organisation have had to downsize or reduce their staff strength by laying off some. (Toluwani O, 2008) The Consolidation in the banking industry has also given rise to competiton among banks for skilled labour .Competition for talent is on the increase, and many companies are going to great lengths to retain their best employees. This has further put pressure on these institutions to retain their staff 1.3 Research Questions This research aims at providing answers to the following questions: пЃ¶What are the employee turnover costs пЃ¶What are the employee turnover pre and post consolidation era пЃ¶What are the constraints faced by employers пЃ¶What is the employee retention rate in pre and post consolidation era пЃ¶Profer various retention strategies solutions пЃ¶Identify reasons why people leave пЃ¶Identify reasons why people stay пЃ¶What are the factors contributing to retention пЃ¶What are the factors affecting employee turnover пЃ¶What are the role of managers in employee retention пЃ¶What are the relationship between recruitment and employee retention 1.4 Research Hypothesis Ho: There is no significant difference between employee turnover pre banking consolidation era and post consolidation era.
  • 11. Ho: There is no significant difference
  • 12. Manual Time Systems And Sheets Heavily Depend On Skilled... Manual time systems and sheets heavily depend on skilled Human resource performing tedious calculations based on clock cards or difficult to decipher handwritten paper records. It is worth noting that these time cards display the finish and start times for workers and let them informed about when they were off, but without indicating why (Kim Y. N, 2015). These types of time stamping machines have been used for many decades. However, there is a modern and most effective alternative that most companies should consider to adopt. Initially produced for a business to ascertain finance, timesheets can likewise be utilized for administration bookkeeping. Timesheets might record the beginning and end time of undertakings, or simply the length... Show more content on ... We now live in an innovative world where dull assignments can be performed with no sweat. PCs and programming can do the majority of our work, whether it s documenting our charges or requesting basic needs (Devereux Cardinia Care (Vic.) (Firm), 2014). The advantages picked up; in particular, additional time and less room for mistakes, make this sort of innovation speaking to organizations also. There are a few routes in which a mechanized framework for time following can help firms turn out to be more profitable. Disadvantages to maintaining a manual timesheet system With a manual procedure, human asset administration implies keeping monstrous measures of paper based job and timesheet information documents on each of your workers (McClure Croft, 2012). Keeping up these sorts of records can be both tedious and wasteful and turns out to be particularly awkward when key job data is asked for by chiefs or finance staff. The HR individual dealing with the documents of the greater part of the dynamic and nonnative workers in the association turns into a bottleneck to other divisions entrance to data that ought to have the capacity to be safely shared over the association (McClure Croft, 2012). When it s an ideal opportunity to run finance toward the end of a payroll interval, in case you re utilizing a manual process, the gathering of time cards, reentry of information into your finance arrangement, and time important
  • 13. The Effect Of Compression Over Bioimpedance Of Healthy... The present study determines the effect of compression over bioimpedance of healthy soft tissue (in vitro and in vivo). Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a promising tissue characterization and tumor detection technique that uses tissue impedance or admittance to characterize tissue and identify tissue properties as well as cell structure. Variation in EIS measurements while applying pressure suggests that compression tends to affect soft tissue bioimpedance. Moreover, the displacements in tissue caused by applied compression may provide useful information about the structure and state of the tissue. Thus combining the changes to the electrical properties of tissue resulted by applied compression, with the changes in tissue displacements caused by applied compression, and consequently measuring the effect that electrical and mechanical properties have on each other, can be useful to identify tissue structure. In this study, multifrequency bioimpedance measurements were performed on in vitro and in vivo soft tissue at different pressure levels. Increasing compression on the in vitro tissue results in an increase in both extracellular resistance and membrane capacitance while it causes a reduction in the intracellular resistance. However, as the compression over the in vivo samples increases, the intracellular and extracellular resistance increase and the membrane capacitance decreases. The in vivo measurements on human body are also tested on contra lateral tissue
  • 14. Summary Of Owen Meany s The Foul Ball 1.Chapter 1: The Foul Ball Owen was so tiny, we loved to pick him up; in truth, we [the boys at Sunday school] couldn t resist picking him up. We thought it was a miracle: how little he weighted. This was also incongruous because Owen came from a family in the granite business. [...] But the only the aura of the granite quarry that clung to Owen was the granular dust [...] He was the color of a gravestone; light was absorbed and reflected by his skin, as with a pearl, so that he appeared translucent at times (4 5). In the beginning of the novel, Owen Meany evidently demonstrates transcendent and spiritual qualities, which include his physical weightlessness and peculiar yet stentorian voice. Ironically, in contrast to his small stature, Owen Meany works in the granite quarry and learns to carve and... Show more content on ... Owen quickly establishes himself as THE VOICE of the student body in Gravesend Academy, which draws contrast with his shrilly voice and small demeanor. As the highly respected member of the Gravesend community, Owen takes on the role as the leader of the students, which parallels with Jesus redemption of humanity in an unworthy world. Headmaster Randy White, the antagonist, resents THE VOICE because Owen has great influence over the academy and its students. In a sense, the Gravesend Academy is a microcosm of outside world where the United States is engaged in a bloody conflict in Vietnam. Therefore, Randy White represents an authority figure that abuses power and seeks to oppress the student body, and Owen is the martyr who eventually saves the boys from evil. Although the headmaster manages to expel Owen, Mr. White fails to win in the battle between good vs. evil, since Owen seeks retribution. Even though Owen has become THE VOICE, he still remembers of the bigger purpose of his life and the nature of his death on July 8,
  • 15. What Was The Role Of American Broadcasting In The 1920 s 1The 1920s was an exciting time for broadcasting technology in the west; the possibilities of all that this era had to offer were infinite and with it came much needed regulatory policies. Radio and television broadcasting were at their infancy and no one knew how big this idea of instant, national connection would become. Soon after this, it became apparent that Canadians prominently turned their attention to American broadcastingand, in turn, overlooked their own. This piece of information sparked the birth of regulatory policies and the Canadian Broadcasting Act which would control percentages of original Canadian and foreign content to see to it that Canadians would not lose sight of their culture and that the Canadian broadcasting industries could stay in business. Then again, why should the government have say over what their people are allowed and not allowed to watch, listen to, or enjoy? As it is, times are changing and more and more people are able to download or stream movies to which the government has very little control over. Is the idea that the Canadian Broadcasting Act was originally implemented for, even still necessary? New media has taken over the world, social media is a constant, and even if attempted, people would not be able to get away from the hundreds of advertisements that they see each and every day. The essential control needed to keep Canadian content, culture, and industry thriving is found in the Canadian Broadcasting Act (CBA) to which
  • 16. The Main Goal for a Pitcher Former Major League Baseball (MLB) pitcher Randy Johnson once said, Tiger Woods, Larry Bird, Wayne Gretzky, as a pitcher just before a game, I would imagine they all have nervous energy. But as you perform, the nervous energy dissipates and you start to relax and you start to do what you do best. Being a professional baseballpitcheris like a work of art, but no easy task. It s important that you have complete control of your emotions and mechanics to have modest success as a pitcher. There are successful pitchers like Cy Young who still hold the record for most wins in MLB history at 511, and guys like Nolan The Express Ryan who regularly threw pitches above 100 miles per hour. There are also pitchers such as Justin Verlander who are completely dominant and considered to be one of the best pitchers of our generation, and then you have your submarine pitchers like Chadwick Lee Chad Bradford who have unorthodox way to pitchthe baseball. Although these guys display different mechanics before each pitch, they still share the basic five steps of pitching that explain the Biomechanical Analysis of the Baseball Pitch. These five steps include: the wind up, stride, arm cocking, arm acceleration, arm deceleration with follow through. Pitching in itself is a science and this paper will provide a thorough biomechanical analysis of the baseball pitch following all the six steps. The Wind Up Pitchers throw off of a mound that is 10 inches in height. This is where the baseball
  • 17. A Brief Look at Mary Magdalene As an influential biblical figure, Mary Magdalene has been the subject of numerous works of art. She has been represented in a variety of tropes and styles; which were subject to the religious, political, and social standards of the time. Giacomo Galli s Saint Mary Magdalene was painted in the early seventeenth century in Italy, at the beginning of the Baroqueera. By contorting Magdalene s body, bathing her in light and encompassing her in darkness, Galli was able to present the viewer with an image representative of her divided identity. Galli likely chose to paint the Magdalene because she was one of the most popular saints in Baroque Italy. As Susan Haskins (author of Mary Magdalen: Myth and Metaphor) notes, from the thirteenth century, the penitent Magdalene became the most popular image of the saint in Italy, as the perfect example of a reformed sinner. Magdalene s ______ demonstrated a realistic path of personal improvement. Her reputation, at the time, revolved around her supposed past as a prostitute. Historically, this meant that she was cured of a physical ailment and not of prostitution. However, as it was believed that Magdalene s transformation from prostitute to apostle made her accessible to the Catholic community, the church exemplified this notion in order to make Magdalene a suitable role model for repentance. Religiously charged Baroque paintings of the seventeenth century, such as Galli s Saint Mary Magdalene, were created by two distinctly
  • 18. John Steinbeck Research Paper Evan King Professor Brent Kendrick English 242 3 July 2015 John Steinbeck John Steinbeck, the author of 26 novels, was one of the most prolific and popular American writers of the twentieth century. Steinbeck was the first and only western American novelist to both win the Nobel Prize and top the bestseller list. The peak of his career came with the publication of his masterpiece, The Grapes of Wrath (1939). The novel won the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award and also generated controversy over its portrayal of California s sometimes merciless agricultural world, as well as its so called vulgar language and socialist bias. A novel that encouraged the ideas of realism and called for social protest, The Grapes of Wrath highlights ... Show more content on ... This last would remain an influence throughout his life, with many of his stories displaying Arthurian parallels and influences; the work that occupied much of his time in the last years of his life was a translation or redaction of the Arthurian stories, unfinished at his death. Steinbeck also showed signs of Realism, a prominent literary movement of the late 19th century. This movement is closely tied to Charles Darwin, author of The Origin of Species, and backer of the theory of evolution. This theory caused Steinbeck as well as other realist, to disregard the highly symbolic, idealistic, or even supernatural treatment of its subjects the way it is commonly depicted in
  • 19. Isabel Allene s Phantom Palace Chile holds an intriguing and eventful past, as well as a promising and developing future. The country itself has gone through many recent changes, that continue to improve it as well as improve the lives of the Chilean people. Isabel Allende writes about Chile in her short story Phantom Palace , as she highlights the country s economy, history and government, as well the culture of Chile. Chile s diverse and rich history has led to a unique blending of cultures and traditions throughout the country. Chile has the traditional Latin American history in the sense that the country was once controlled by the spanish, it later gained independance and economically advanced with the deportation of most of its natural resources such as copper, saltpeter,... Show more content on ... Throughout the story Allende makes many different reference to the Chilean way of life, highlighting the culture, traditions, history and economy of Chile. On page 796, she states that Europe consumed more coffee, cocoa, and bananas then we as a nation could produce, but all that demand was no bonanza for us: we continued to be as poor as ever. She is discussing the exploitation of the natural resources that Chile had to offer, by the Spanish. When the spanish conquered Chile, they exploited the people and the land, forcing them to export all of the natural resources, yet the Chilean people did not earn anything in return, and they continued to live in poverty. Allende then goes on to discuss how after oil was discovered, many thought that the hard times were over, yet this was not the case. Toward the end of the Great War there was a widely held notion that ours was a prosperous country, when in truth most of the inhabitants still squished mud beneath their toes (Allende, p. 796). When dictator Pinochet was in charge, the country was indeed very wealthy, yet only the top 1% of the country saw any of this wealth at all. The vast majority of the citizens of Chile still live in extreme poverty and suffered. Allende later discusses the culture and the advances that are being made in Chile. In the capital there signs of progress: motorcars, movie houses, ice cream parlors, a hippodrome, and a theatre
  • 20. Character Analysis Of Interstellar Interstellar Character Development: Cooper Interstellar is more than the average science fiction movie. This cinematic masterpiece deals with real life issues that we are facing today, such as world hunger across different parts of our world, and pollution across our individual nation. The storyline is simple, but so complex, all at the same time. According to All Movie, a site often used for the analyzation of cinematic treasures, Interstellar begins on Earth in the distant future, as Mother Nature is waging war on humanity. Famine is widespread, and all of mankind s resources are now dedicated to farming in a desperate fight for survival. The main character, an educated farmer with a love for space travel, has a complex within himself and thus he presents a great opportunity to analyze and discuss character development. Cooper, the name of one of the most natural, human characters in the entire plot line of Interstellar, goes on a journey of ups and downs to be a hero once again. (Buchanan, Jason. Synopsis, Characteristics, Moods, Themes and Related. ) Cooper goes from a simple farmer with a care free lifestyle, wishing the best for his children, to now leading a group of astronauts into space on mankind s last chance for survival. After doing research there are many things about Cooper s character and personality, on can clearly see that his personal development as a man and as a father has truly set him apart from all the other characters in the movie. Many of the
  • 21. Action In Judaism Many people inherit their religion from their parents and usually die in it; however, there are some questions that need to be asked before choosing a religion. The most important choice should be between believe or action. Action should have more emphasis than belief in a religion. Therefore, Judaism is the perfect religionto accommodate right action due to its orthopraxy nature, due diligence to society, not forcing others to convert, and knowing what each individual is destined to accomplish while incorporating belief; in which it is hard to find the right combination of action and belief in other religions. One of the interesting aspect of Judaism is that Jews are more concerned with the book of Torah (Jews Bible). Being a Jew is intertwined in doing the right thing and... Show more content on ... Jews carry out their due diligence with in their society and at home. A woman is treated as the queen of her house. Kids grow up in the appropriate love and nurture from their mothers. Everyone in the Jew family has roles. The wife takes care of her family. Husband most of the time is the bread winner and helps the community. Even kids take their religion after their mother. Wives after divorce must receive a get to finalize a divorce. Manning describes the rule of divorce as it prohibited a husband from divorcing his wife from without her consent. (103) Judaism acknowledges and dictates relationship between friends. Eastman explains friendship by referring the last Ten commandments in which it [P]rohibits against coveting , the blessing of a neighbor . Therefore, it is tempting to convert to Judaism because Jews display a great respect, love and tolerance among each other. In addition, wives are treated with a great respect and have values. Hence, it can be observed that there is a strong support for the society in good and bad times; Therefore, it makes Judaism attractive and difficult life to be a
  • 22. Conspiracy Theories Of The Rugrats Jezabel Hernandez Thursday: 8am 12noon Conspiracy theory Midterm Paper Rugrats The topic I chose for my paper is about the conspiracy theory about the show in 90s called Rugrats. The Rugrats premiered on August 11, 1991 and it ended in June 4, 2004. The names of the creators of Rugrats are Arlene Klasky, and Gabor Csupo. In the show of the Rugrat s, one of the babies in show named Tommy. Tommy has parents named Didi and Stu Pickles are based on the creators. Personally I think its really interesting the creator s made Rugrats based on there lives as parents.The Pickles house in Rugrats are based on original address of klasky s Csupo animation production studio in California. The 1258 north highland, Los Angeles is the original address ... Show more content on ... When it came down to Character Chuckie or Tommy best friend in the show its said to be similar to Composer Mark Mothersbaugh. In the show there a bully known as Angelica, she based on memory of Paul s the producer of Rugrats, of his childhood bully. Each person that made a impact on there lives have such influence on them, they made characters that are based on there actions. Angelica is a bully, yet you come to understand her crazy ideas and outcomes toward the other characters in Rugrats. With these characters in Rugrats in mind, you can t help but feel a connection to them. The conspiracy theory I found is darker twist in realm of Rugrats. In this theory is based on character Angelica imaginations. Apparently Angelica was not only having all Rugrats in her head but she is a paranoid schizophrenic(loses based of reality). Chuckie died along with his mother, that the reason why chuckie s father Chaz is a wreak and tends breakdown with his nerves over whelming him. Then there is Tommy he is actual a stillborn, or son that didn t get to be born. Due to the fact of Tommy, his father Stu pickles he couldn t help be depressed and obsessed on making toys in basement where for son he will never have. When it came down to Deville s known as friends to pickles, they had a abortion, since Angelica found about it, she did not know the gender of the baby, so she thought of about the twins Phil and lil. Angelica get into the
  • 23. Al Gazali Al Ghazali was a Sunni and Sufi philosopher of the 11th and 12th century, during the Golden Age, a period of great economic growth and stability and a time when both knowledge and power was at its peak. He was born in 1058 AD in Tus, Persia and impacted greatly upon the Islamic faith, particularly toward Sunni and Sufi members; they know him as the Proof of Islam. Al Ghazali provided a positive impact upon the Islamic faith and its million of devotees and still continues to do so today through his many works. Al Ghazali was educated in Tus, Persia, at the Nishapur School as well as at the Nizamayyah School in Baghdad. Here, he excelled in Islamic sciences. In 1095, Al Ghazali experienced a personal crisis and had many questions about ... Show more content on ... These allow Sufi members to experience a deeper connection to Allahs divine light through acts of meditation, deep thought and personal prayer to Allah. The proof of this claim is evident throughout Al Ghazali s work the Deliverance from Error , an autobiography written by Ghazali shortly before his death in which he discovers the value of mystical experiences within Sufism. Al Ghazali continues to have a strong influence over the Islamic faith today. His judgements are still widely commented upon, for example throughout Fiqh council meetings. Another example of his continuing influence is through his inspiration of not only Islamic, but also Western philosophical schools. The opening of Montessori schools by Thomas Aquinas, which focus on self directed activity through learning show that people from all over the world have taken to Al Ghazali s approaches and acted upon them to fulfil the lives of others. Many different works and writings by Al Ghazali are still readily available in a range of different languages as well as countries. This shows that the knowledge of Al Ghazali has impacted upon the religious tradition of Islam and is useful in still fulfilling and educating practising Muslims throughout the world today. His works have continuing relevance throughout the world and continue to teach positivism in being a good Muslim, particularly to Sunni and Sufi members. The Sunni and Shi a split still exists throughout
  • 24. South Carolina Dbq Questions And Answers Why Was Charles Town Impenetrable to Settle OnSouth Carolina is a triven state in the United States, it has a lot of history to it like having a lot to do in the revolutionary war. It has some of the outstanding neighborhood in America. It seems to be a good vacation spot, well it would surprise people to know that South Carolina was once a place where some settlers were trying to settle on the land, but a couple of things kept the settlers from settling on the rich land. Geography, resources, and diseases. One of the reasons Charles Town was tough to settle on was because of geography, the early maps made it challenging for settles because of the fear of abduction or being taken prisoner from Natives Americans or pirates. The early ... Show more content on ... When the first settlers landed on south carolina they were limited with resources. When settlers came they described the land as flat and woody which means covered in trees as it is stated in Document B, James Glen, A Description of south Carolina, 1761, the land of South Carolina for a hundred or a hundred and fifty miles back is flat and woody; intersected with many large rivers, some of which rise out of the out of the Cherokee Mountains. The land made finding a place to settle hard because it was hard to reach. After they settled or somewhat of settled the diversity of the soil made it tough to grow food, soil like clay,loam, and marl were hard to distinguish. Clay is a type of soil that does not help plants grow or can grow plant, loam is like clay but with sand and silt, but silt is like a fertilizer that helps plants grow .The diversity of the lands soil made it difficult for the settlers to identify the type of soil like clay, loam, and marl. The lands of savannah was also cleared by indians and did not produce any trees. The land they wanted to settle on was filled with dangerous creatures of nature. These creatures include Panthers, Tigers,wolves, and other dangerous animals, which in a cause of this became dangerous at night, and day. There was another reason South Carolina was hard to settle on, it s because to diseases. Diseases like the small poxs were what damaged the population and reduced it to not that much people. Then the settlers decided to settle in South carolina, they were mat with a violent kind of small pox rages in Charles Town. As it is stated in Document E The Letterbook of Eliza Lucas Pinckney 1739 1762 a violent kind of small pox rages in Charles Town that most puts a stop to all business . The small pox are one of the reasons South Carolina was tough to settle
  • 25. Clothing In The 1920s Essay During the 1920 s the clothing began to become more modernized and moved away from the fashion of the later decades. The 1920 s had various clothing styles that would depend on many aspects. Depending on the time of day, who was there, the type of outing, and the type of party there would be many different looks that could be presented. Men and Women could change into multiple outfits a day to fit the occasion. The clothingworn also depended on the persons age, occupation, and social class. There were many guidelines for clothing in the 1920 s. Woman in particular began to abandon the more restricting clothing and started to dress in more comfortable clothing. Iconic fashion staples for the 1920 s would be the Cloche hat and the Flapper dress. ... Show more content on ... After woman were done with the chores around the house such as vacuuming, laundry, and dishes, they would go run arrans while their husbands were at work. Before going out to do the arrans they had for the day they would change into a walking suit. A walking suit would be higher quality than than the casual clothes paired with surdy low heels. For a walking suit it was also appropriate/ accable to wear a tailored dress. In the afternoon the most common thing women would do is have tea with their friends, and would be semi formal or formal. Women would wear lighter or bright colored clothing with more trim. The shoes and accessories for tea parties were more elegant as well compared to casual clothing. Shoe lengths would be medium to high, with sheer tights to match the color of the women s dress, and gloves to match the color of the dress or white. Their hats would be anything to assinchuate the dress such as feathers or a sun hat. The host of the party would be required to wear a long more elegant dress than her guests and is to wear no hat. Working women who had jobs suited for women such as teachers or secretaries wore day dress or skirt and blouse set for their work attire. For the lower class the cotton dress that would be considered a simple dress that was only appropriate for at home with just their family might be there only dress that they wore the whole
  • 26. Personal Statement Of Educational Goals And Philosophy I believe each student deserves the right to feel safe and comfortable mentally, physically, and emotionally in the school environment; especially in my own classroom. I believe it is my responsibility to create a space where each and every student feels comfortable to share their ideas, thoughts, and questions. I believe in helping my students to develop a strong work ethic. I want to motivate students to take ownership of their learning (Goal 9). I believe good teachers are enthusiastic and capable of conveying their enthusiasm to students; constantly look for ways of improving their teaching and trying to keep abreast of developments in their subjects; and are sufficiently mindful and self aware to be able to laugh at themselves. I believe
  • 27. Orange Is The New Black Sociology Essay Orange is the New Black is a perfect example of different sociological concepts we ve discussed in class. The show is streamed on Netflix. It s takes place in an all girls prison, Litchfield Penitentiary. The premises of the show is Piper Chapman s life in prison for money laundering. However, in this paper I will be talking and using examples of sex, gender, race, religion, groups, and organization, all of which are found in Orange is the New Black. First up is sex and gender. In the show it s mostly an all female prison with male guards. Since it s all females, some act more masculine than what a typical lady should act like. For example, Boo, Vause, Nichols, and Red. Whereas others act more delicate like a lady, like Chapman, Morello, Maritza, and Flaca. They don t all follow the typical stereotypes of being a women. Some of the inmates have tattoos, like Alex Vause and Boo. One of the inmates, Sophia Burset is transgender. She s in prison for stealing credit cards from houses that have been burned down. She uses the money to finance her transitioning surgeries. (season one, episode... Show more content on ... There are many different religious groups here. The majority of the inmates are Christians. One inmate in particular, Pennsatucky, thinks the Lord gifted her with special healing powers. (season one, episode ten) This causes problems for Chapman who is an atheist. Pennsatucky then proceeds to try to kill Chapman for not believing in the same things. (season one, episode thirteen) In season three the inmates are introduced to a new inmate, Lolly Whitehill who asks for a Kosher lunch. The food was so bad everyone started asking for a Kosher lunch. This lead one inmate in particular to convert to Judaism. Cindy converts to Judaism with the help of two other inmates, Ginsberg and Boyle. At the end of the season, Cindy is immersed in lake water to fully convert to
  • 28. Fantasy In C. S. Lewis The Magician s Nephew Fantasy is a genre that uses supernatural situations as a main plot setting. Fantasy is a measure by which responders can be introduced to important notions in texts. C.S. Lewis novel, The Magician s Nephew explores the creation of Narnia. Lewis explores friendship through the characters of Polly and Digory. The notion of Good vs. Evil and magic are also used throughout the novel and helps us understand the need for fantasyin our own lives. The notion of magic is explored throughout the novel. This is shown early in the book when Polly touches the magic rings and vanishes out of Uncle Andrew s study without a flash or a noise of any sort, there was no Polly. This happens at the complication of the novel, this abnormal incident intrigues ... Show more content on ... Lewis explores this through the characters of Polly and Digory. An example of their friendship is part of the resolution of the story when Lewis stated that Polly and Digory were always great friends after that. The final narration explores the everlasting between the two protagonists in the story. Friendship is also shown when Aslan has just finished the creation of when he tells the creatures I give you Narnia, I give you the stars and I give you myself. This is the characterisation of Aslan. The author uses Aslan s words to further the allegory of the creation of the world, God s gift to us in friendship. Also in the resolution friendship is explored when time is passing and Polly and Digory are getting older saying If ever they were sad, They thought of that golden goodness and all was well Alliteration is used in this statement. The words golden goodness is associated with the final memory Polly and Digory had shared with Aslan showing readers what a true friendship they shared with each other and
  • 29. Essay about New Englanders vs Cheasapeakers Alex Boyette Mr. Ford APUSH 18 September 2013 New Englanders vs. Chesapeakers (there is no such thing a a Chesapeaker) The people of the New England region were focused more on families and God. Most of the settlers had left England to be free from religious control of The Church of England. Many of the religious people left because they sought God in a different way and were being repressed by the Christians (how?) because of it. The New Englanders were also more of a neighboring settlement than the Chesapeake region. On board, (name of ship and date) John Winthrop wrote, We must delight in each other, make others conditions our own, rejoice together, mourn together, labor and suffer together, always having before our eyes our ... Show more content on ... The colonists did not want shop owners to increase prices so high that they would become poor trying to buy essential items to live. The shop owners and towns people agreed to this regulation in 1676 and made fair trade in Connecticut. The shopkeepers, under the regulation, were told that, they do not enrich themselves suddenly and inordinately (by opposing prices and wages to the impoverishing [of] their neighbors... (Doc E). They held up this end and the regulation was a success. The colonies in the Chesapeake region were not so in touch with family, fair trade, and neighborly love. The people of the Chesapeake region were there for one reason to get rich quick. They did not move to the New World for freedom of religion or to get in touch more with their family. In fact may of the people that moved to the New World came over alone and without families. Document C shows that there were many more men than women that came over and these men most likely did not come over with wives because most might not of had one (Doc C). These colonists had no interest in family life, only in making money. They even got off to a rough start when they would die in (die of what?)the first winter and would not try to obtain food, but only look for gold. A young Captain named John Smith got the town of Jamestown into action by his moto, He who shall not work, shall
  • 30. The Importance Of Love In The Novel Between Shades Of Gray William Sloane Coffin once said, The world is too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but love. (good connection) Within the novel Between Shades of Gray, written by Ruta Sepetys, the main character, Lina, gets transported to labor camps with her whole family besides her father. Lina then spends most of her time at these labor camps being starved and searching for her father. Throughout the whole experience of the labor camp, love is what keeps Lina moving and stops her from giving up. The novel, Between Shades of Gray, written by Ruta Sepetys, demonstrates love overcomes fear and suffering. First of all, in the beginning of the novel, Lina finds love in her relationships which helps her defeat all pain. As she suffers traumatic events, Lina finds hope through her friends and family, allowing her to survive horrendous labor camps. Additionally, expressing their strong connection, Lina also learns to cling onto her friends and family mentally when they physically aren t there. When Lina gets seperated from her boyfriend, Andrius, he gives Lina a stone to remember him by. While feeling alone one night, Lina says, I will see you...I will. I reached into my pocket and squeezed the stone (336). This stone symbolizes their love and hope to just see each other again. Without this stone to hold onto, Lina would probably give up. Then, soon after Lina found out her father died in prison, which built onto all the stress and suffering in her life. Before
  • 31. Military Technology And Its Impact Today Connor Aitken English 8 CP 2/23/15 Burke Military Technology and Its Impact Today The True Impact of Technology Bill was in the hills of Afghanistan, approaching an enemy compound that held a high value target. This target was a rebel leader attempting to spread radical Sunni beliefs on the infidels. As a definite threat to his region and a potential threat to America he had to be taken out. This could be accomplished by Bill s squadron. If Bill s team of four have to enter the compound and eliminate the target how many of them would make it out alive? Were there unforeseen dangers that they would not be able to overcome? Did they have to enter and eliminate the target themselves? Fortunately due to military drones, they did not. Bill radioed command and had an unmanned Reaper drone strike the compound. This drone strike removes the possibility of friendly casualties. To put the power and effectiveness of drones in perspective, Bill s presence was not necessary and this could have occurred with one surveillance and one Reaper drone. Unmanned aircrafts allocation for defence to be carried out from a distance is a pinnacle of American security. The military s correlation with technology is linear because it opens the possible doorways of advancement. Military Technology Isn t Only For The Military From drones to microwaves, useful technology has all originated o the military. The fact that microwaves and gps, two extremely widely used civilian technologies originated
  • 32. Essay on Womens Roles in Society Women s roles have changed so much within the last couple of centuries. In the older years, women were the sole responsibility of taking care of the children, doing housework, and pretty much taking care of their husbands. The Story of an Hour, by Kate Chopin, A Doll s House, Henrik Ibsen, and The Yellow Wallpaper, by Charlotte Gilman are all literature pieces talking about the roles women have in society. In The story of an Hour, the main character is not happy in her marriage, and she finds out that her husband got killed, and she felt very free. In A Doll s House, the main character is not happy with her marriage, because she feels that she is being treated like a childish, playful doll, and does not get any respect from her... Show more content on ... Mallard having heart trouble, and how they had to be very careful telling her the news of her husband s death. After her sister told her about her husband getting killed in a railroad accident, Mrs. Mallard ran off into her room, with no one following her. She sat in a chair staring outside through the open window. She started seeing everything outside come to life, and all of a sudden she felt something come across her. She told herself that she was free. She was happy to be able to live on her own and only be responsible for herself. Josephine was outside her door telling Mrs. Mallard to come out, because Josephine thought she was making herself ill. Mrs. Mallard came out of the room with her arms opened wide and put her hands around her sister s waist. They both started going to the stairs, and Richards was waiting for them at the bottom. All of a sudden, someone was opening the door, and their stood Brently Mallard, who did not even know about the accident or there had even been one. Mrs. Mallard saw her husband, and the doctors said she died of a heart disease (cited in DiYanni, 2007). The conflict in the story is that Mrs. Mallard is way too happy about her husband dying. After going into the room and closing the door, she started looking outside and could see the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life (DiYanni 2007, p. 39). She is finally seeing the life to things now that her husband is dead. She did not stop to ask
  • 33. “Not Rounding Off, but Opening Out.” Comment Upon the... Not rounding off, but opening out. Comment upon the way the writers of the novel and short story deal with the ending in relation to the whole. In your answer you should refer to two or three novels or short stories you have studied. The end of a short story is as important as the start. Some short stories end abruptly, leaving it open for the readers to interpret while others have a moral. In the short storyHoliday by Rabindranath Tagore the end is interlinked to the title, Holiday . In face after reading the story we finally understand why it was given such a title. At the end of the story Phatik has reached his breaking point and he cannot take in anymore. He has been neglected all along and he acts like a stray dog . The end... Show more content on ... Johnsy one of the protagonists is suffering from pneumonia and equates her life cycle with the life of a leaf on a vine outside her window. At the end of the story we see, despite all the characters thoughts as well as the readers the leaf has endured everything and has reinforced Johnsy s spirit. The doctor says to Sue She s out of danger. You ve won. Nutrition and care now that s all . Now because of her optimism Johnsy is going to live. The most unexpected twist comes at the end with correlates the story to the title. Ah, darling, its Behrman s masterpiece he painted it there the night the last leaf fell. This ending takes everyone by shock as nothing in the story leads us to think such an end would occur. Mr. Behrman dies of pneumonia to save Johnsy s spirit. This end has a deep impact on readers and it gives a lot more momentum to the entire story. The theme of sacrifice is finally achieved through this unexpected ending. The title has gained more meaning. In this story the ending has more of an impact than the start and such an ending highlights the characters, title as well as the theme even further. The short story The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poeis a story about a murderer. This story is unusual because of the unreliable narration and start but also because of the ending. At the end of this short story, the narrator is having a panic attack and we finally see the
  • 34. Factors that Contribute to Global Warming, Such as Carbon... Over the recent years, global warming has become a hot topic, due to the melting of polar ice caps and extreme temperature changes across the globe. Since 1960, the percentage of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has increased by 20%, which is the highest recorded in 800,000 years. The true question though is whether this is due to natural causes or whether it s the impact humans have on the earths delicate ecosystem. The main signs that global warming is currently affecting our world is the rapid temperature changes in certain areas causing wild weather such as tropical storms and floods. Sea levels are rising as an effect of melting of the polar icecaps which are effectively increasing the levels of water in our oceans and rivers. There is no doubt that global warming is currently happening on our precious planet, but there are many that argue it is the environments natural lifecycle rather than a contribution to greenhouse gases that humans have caused recently. Although there are many biological factors that could affect the process of global warming, it can be argued that humans are the primary cause. The amount of waste produced by humans each year has increased due to our rapidly growing population, which pollutes our natural environment with waste products such as plastic bags, bottles or even metal cans. Because of our dumping of waste into our countrysides, it is debatable that dumping is another main polluter that releases carbon dioxide into our precious
  • 35. What Happens When Toasted Lab Report Experiment Question: What happens to bread as it is being toasted? and is there any change in results when toasted in a variety of different ways? for example; toaster, grill, oven and microwave. Explanation of Question: What are the chemical changes that take place when a piece of bread is toasted using a heating supply. Bread can be heated using many different appliances, In this experiment I will use a microwave, oven, grill and toaster, keeping the bread in the certain heat for a controlled time of three minutes. Why does toast go browner quicker using toaster rather than an oven? What causes toast to turn black when burning? Which appliance is best, and do different types of breads toast differently and at different rates? I will explore each of these aspects in depth. How am I going to do this? : ... Show more content on ... Heating the surface of the bread turns the starch into dextrin. Dextrins are a group of low molecular weight carbohydrates produced by the hydrolysis of starch or glycogen. Dextrin has a sweet taste, hence why toasted bread tastes nicer. Iodine can be used to test for starch and goes a dark purple colour if starch is present. If there is no starch present, there will be no colour change. If your test has enough dextrin present, it might turn a darker reddish
  • 36. Rabbit-Proof Fence Rabbit Proof Fence is the name of the film directed by Philip Noyce. This movie is about three girls, Molly, Daisy and Gracie, who are taken away from their families to a camp in Moore River where they bring up the Aboriginal kids as white kids. The girls then go on a nine week journey back home and this movie showcases the journey and the obstacles the girls had to face before coming back home. A particular scene from this movie, Stolen , is about the three girls enjoying their day when a white man comes and takes them away to the campgrounds away from their families. There are many techniques used in the scene Stolen . One being close up. In this scene a man is shown ringing the triangle then from the distance we can see a man looking through the window and we can see the camera... Show more content on ... This technique helps us understand the emotions Constable Riggs is feeling. With this technique, we can see that he is waiting for the right time to make his move. This shows us that he is determined about what he is going to do and is feeling confident about his plan as we can see his eyes fixed on the girls. The director wanted to show us that Constable Riggs is a cunning person since before he made his move he was quite close with the Aboriginal people and they trusted him and respected him. However, with this technique, the director wanted the viewers to see the other side of Constable Riggs with the confidence and determined shown from his facial expressions. The director also wanted to show us that nothing will be able to stop him from capturing the girls. He also wanted to show us that Aboriginals respect the white and white people are more powerful from them as we saw Constable Riggs showing the documents that the mothers of the girls have no say on the situation. This is relevant to anyone as from this scene it is shown not to trust others easily. This is relevant because like Constable Riggs we can
  • 37. Chem 112 Technical Abstract Determination of Cations and Anions through Elimination and Confirmation Tests By: Symantha Resendiz Introduction A topic of great importance to all scientists is the identification of compounds, which is relevant in all aspects of their work in some way shape or form. Weather it may be determining what is causing sickness or what is polluting the air, it is very prevalent in the science world. In project 2, identification of cations and anions was preformed through a series of confirmation and elimination tests that ultimately led to identifying an unknown ionic compound made of cations and anions. Materials and Methods Part 1 Cation Tests To begin, 5 centrifuge tubes were added 10 drops of one cation and labeled... Show more content on ... The mixture was then transferred to a clean centrifuge tube via pipet, carefully not wetting the upper walls of the tube. Zinc granules were then added and the tube was immediately plugged with cotton 1/3 of the way into the tube. The tube was then warmed in a hot water bath for about 5 minutes, the folded red litmus paper was inserted at the top of the tube with a wet crease. After a few minutes, nitrate is indicated on the wet crease of the litmus paper, turning it blue. For the Carbonate test, 25 mg of carbonate sample was added to a centrifuge tube and 3 drops of 6 M H2SO4 was added. A disposable pipet was used to transfer a drop of Ba(OH)2, that hung directly from the pipet over the carbonate solution, and the observations of the drop were recorded. Part 3 Cation and Anion Analysis For the cation analysis, 0.566 g of an unknown compound was dissolved completely in 5mL of distilled water in a centrifuge tube, thus confirming this solution as a stock solution. A flame test was performed on the stock solution to give a general idea of what test was to e preformed on the stock solution deriving the information from our logic trees in part 1. The logic tree from part 1 and the flame test confirmed that we needed to conduct an ammonia test on the stock solution. To being the ammonia test, 15 M NH4OH was added drop wise (about 20 drops) to the stock and the color of the solution and the color of the solution was recorded. 10 more drops of 15 M NH4OH
  • 38. Project Report on Power Plant at Tanda ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WE HEREBY TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK NTPC LTD. TANDA FOR GIVING US THIS OPPORTUNITY TO CONDUCT OUR TRAINING IN NTPC LTD., TANDA. WE ARE GRATEFUL TO MR. D.N. TIWARI(DGM,C I) FOR ALLOWING US TO CONDUCT OUR TRAINING IN THE CONTROL INSTRUMENTATION DEPARTMENT.WE ARE HEARTLY INDEBTED TO OUR PROJECT GUIDE Mr. LALIT KUMAR SINGH (Dy.SUPT,C I)FOR PROVIDING US WITH DETAILED IN DEPTH KNOWLEDGE AND VERY USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROCESSES AND SYSTEMS USED IN THE PLANT.HIS SUPPORT WAS INSTRUMENTAL IN OUR TRAINING BEING FRUITFULL.WE ARE ALSO VERY TANKFUL TO ALL THE OFFICERS AND STAFF OF NTPC LTD., TANDA FOR EXTENDING A HELPING HAND WHENEVER WE NEEDED IT. WITH REGARDS, ... Show more content on ... Water for cooling tower 45.0 cusecs Transportation facility: Power station is on Tanda Faizabad also connected to Akbarpur Faizabad. Nearest railway station 13km far (surapur). Akbarpur is situated on Lucknow mughalsarai Railway track. The distance of plant from Akbarpur is 30km. Tanda town is about 8km far from plant. Production Transmission: The 4*110MW power electricity is produced at the station using four different units. Each unit generates 110MW power. The arrangement of each unit is same. Since it is a thermal power plant, coal is used as the main source of energy. This coal is mainly supplied from the Dhanbad(Bihar) and other places.Generated electricity is supplied to following station: 1. Sultanpur 1 3. Gorakhpur 2. sultanpur 2 4. Basti Since this power plant had been undertaken by NTPC in 2000 its performance in terms of power factor load(PLF) is improved in a great manner and can be observed from the given graph: FAMILIARIZATION OF THE POWER PLANT BASIC OPERATIONS OF A POWER PLANT Coal to Electricity Generating steam from coal Conversion of thermal energy to mechanical energy Generation and load dispatch of electric power. Coal to Electricity NTPC, Tanda is a thermal power station which produces electricity by using a non renewable source of energy i.e. coal. Coal is converted into pulverised form to enhance easy
  • 39. Analysis Of The Book Missing People And Others groups and communities. Othering divides and separates instead of encouraging harmony, equity and commonality. Arturo Madrid in his essay entitled, Missing People and Others in the book, Race, Class and Gender, speaks about his form of otherness that he experienced in schools. Madrid has a Latino ethnicity and is a citizen of the United States as are his parents, grandparents and great grandparents. However, he learned about othering before he knew of the concept. Though his school tried to erase otherness through denial, it only amplified the issue. He viewed his educational experience as a socialization process where you learned to become American (Race, Class and Gender, 2010, p. 18). Instead of viewing his educational experience as an academic journey, due to othering it become more of a social journey. Madrid realized early on that otherness was built into the American system by the society around in every facet. Therefore, he saw this systemic rationale of othering permeate into the school system. The denial almost seemed like a dismissal of the person s culture and ethnicity. The implicit denial existed in many facets such as economic, political, cultural and social through the absences of the others (Race, Class and Gender, 2010, p. 18). However, schools is where it was felt the most severely. The experiences of othering continued through activities in the school, but the most pronounce was the language evolution from Spanish to English. Though Madrid did not
  • 40. The Government Should Be Allowed To Monitor On A National... The government should be allowed to monitor on a national level, but only the government should be able to monitor this data. Your use of the internet should be private, but there has to be a way to measure the extent of someone breaking the law. Also, private information should remain private and if you do not want people around you to know, that is okay. There has to be a way to sort out the criminals from the normal person. If someone is harming another through social media or any form of internet communication, and the situation is reported, local law enforcement should be able to investigate in that person’s data. On account of the prompt on the President s tweets, I believe he should be able to say whatever he wants to just like everyone else, but also there shouldn t be any exceptions for him.... Show more content on ... If he tweets something confidential or disrespectful, he should do the right thing and delete it and face the rightful, unbiased consequences. I think that with the current standard of Net Neutrality that the Internet will be a worse place for everyone across the board except for the 1%. In this case, I think that government intervention is necessary. This bill allows every piece of the Internet to be treated as equal, so Netflix is streamed at the same speed as Google. This intervention should be allowed and if this goes away this could be a big invasion of privacy. Now companies can see which websites you want to buy into to get better internet speeds over the other. For this topic, government intervention is needed to keep a safe, free and open
  • 41. Employer 401 Case Study We often ask the question, How does our 401(k) plan stack up? When you are an employee, you will consider items such as the investment choices, administration fees, or loan terms. However, if you are an owner, the most important thing to think about may be how to contribute the highest amount you can under Section 415. For 2016, the defined contribution plan annual addition limit without catch up is $53,000, and will rise to $54,000 next year. The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) subjects qualified employer plans to compliance testing. Employer 401(k) plans must pass the actual deferral percentage (ADP) test, and if there are employer match contributions, the actual contribution percentage (ACP) test. However, safe harbor plans are not subject to discrimination testing if the plan sponsor contributes a pre approved safe harbor employer contribution. Safe harbor plans guarantee that the Highly Compensated Employees (HCEs) will be able to contribute the maximum deferral amount of $18,000, but not necessarily the maximum annual addition under Code Section 415. In those cases, the triple stack match formula may be the solution, as follows: Stack One: 100% of the first 3% of deferrals, plus 50% on the next 2% of deferrals. That means that if an employee defers 5%, they will receive the maximum 4% of compensation match on the first ... Show more content on ... In addition to the requirements discussed above, it is important to remember that none of the stacked matches can require a 1,000 hour of work or employment at year end. Stack One also cannot be subject to vesting, as it must be fully vested to qualify as safe harbor. Provisions for the triple stack match must be in place before the start of the plan year in which they are
  • 42. Explain The Meaning Effect And Effectiveness Of The... Part 1: AnalysisExplain in two to three sentences each the meaning, effect, and effectiveness of the following chiasmus examples: I wasted time, and now time doth waste me, William Shakespeare, Richard IIThe meaning is that, what should have been done, was not, and now there is nothing to do but let time pass. The effect created is that time is being wasted, but it should not be. This is effective in getting the point across. Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind. John F. Kennedy, speech to the United Nations General AssemblyThe meaning is that, if war does not stop, it will destroy us all/kill us. The effect is to encourage the end of war, and is effective in its meaning. Bad men live that they may eat and drink, whereas good men eat and drink that they may live. SocratesThis means that mean who eat to live, live for a cause. The effect is to discourage gluttonous acts, orat least explain the difference in pleasure and survival. This is effective in reaching the point ... Show more content on ... The effect is to create the war scene, and the anaphora is effective in doing
  • 43. The Presidency Of Richard Nixon During the 1970s, under President Richard Nixon, the people felt the first serious inflation since after World War II. Also under Nixon, a scandal of political sabotage caused fear and mistrust towards the government. The crises in the 1970s represented the first time in American history when the public perceived their government had fail them and it did through mistrust in the government, foreign crises, and a strong decline in the economy. Under the presidency of Richard Nixon, a wide spread of fear within the public prevailed. From the reporters point of view many people working in the White House or having high standing political jobs in the government, many of them were afraid to tell the horrors they saw, and worked with. During the re election time of Nixon, his men would do anything to get what they needed: Following members of Democratic candidates families; assembling dossier of their personal lives; forging letters and distributing them under the candidates letterheads (Bernstein 143). Stayin Alive by Bee Gees, a trio of brothers who wrote and produced six consecutive Number One hits, and stayed on the top charts for six months (Eells). They describe how the people acted during the whole Watergate scandal. The lines: I ll live to see another day. We can try to understand. The New York Times effect on man, they tell of how people are literally just trying to stay alive during this time, and The New York Times revealed some of the dirty work
  • 44. Analysis Of The Film Joan Of Arc The movie, Joan of Arc, that stars Leelee Sobieski is about a 15th century teenage girl hears voices from god who tells her what she needs to do. She ends up leading the French forces against the English. Although Joan really did hear the voices, this movie is not completely historically accurate. The first inaccurate part of the movie is it shows Joan first hearing the voices in Church. Throughout the movie, almost every scene has something inaccurate about it. The movie starts off in 1412 in the village of Domremy, which is the year and place Joan was born. The village of Domremy was right in the war zone of France. This made is so all the villagers would have to take cover and hide from the soldiers when they came to attack and burn down their village and destroy it. One of the scenes that was inaccurate was during the final assault on Les Tourelles. Joan ordered Glasdale to be killed by archers after she said to him, I will send you to hell . This is not historically accurate because it was not correct with the form of the real events that happened. The real event that happened was Glasdale had drowned while trying to escape from a burning drawbridge. The drawbridge collapsed from the weight of all the men in armor and the horses. Glasdale and many other English lords drowned and sank to the bottom. In real life, Joan would have never want to send someone to hell . She was compassionate to her God (Archive). The original Tv series of this movie had hardly mentioned the retrial that was done towards the end of the war. There was mention of the support that was given to Joan from the Church scholars at Poitiers. They did not mention the support that was also given to her from the trial (Archive). In the movie, it shows how Charles VII betrayed Joan. Although, there is no real evidence that Charles did so. In fact, there are many documents that prove that he didn t. The group that put Joan on trial, which was the pro English University of Paris, sent a letter to John of Luxemburg. They were complaining that the people from John s faction were trying to do everything in their power to save her by extraordinary means . This was also talked about in a entry at the archives of Venetian merchants who
  • 45. The International Bill That Threatens Online Privacy Essay... Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) were big bills recently in the EU and America that caught the attention of nearly every internet user. It was hard to not notice these two bills. These legislations would have pushed copyright infringement on many sites and much of the internetas it is known would have been shut down. On January 18, big sites such as Wikipedia, and Google blacked out their site for a day. This sent a loud and clear message to the creators of this bill and they put it on indefinite hold. While this was happening another bill decided to raise its ugly head. It had been lurking in the shadows of the other two bills and would prove to be a much more immense monster to face. Much like... Show more content on ... The bill was put on a supposed indefinite hold. ACTA was finally brought to the attention by the general public. Much like SOPA and PIPA it would cause unnecessary jailing, for crimes that would prove meager to most of the crime in the world today. ACTA is made not only for online copyright problems, but also to work against smuggling, and piracy. There is nothing wrong with a well written bill that would work against fighting those crimes and shutting down illegal pirating sites. The way ACTA is written, it would put copyright infringement on many sites that people use on a daily basis. A clip of a little kid singing a Hannah Montana song could possibly land some unsuspecting adolescent in jail. Despite that fact that ACTA was poorly written it does raise some pros and cons. Any Pro ACTA individual will claim that by instigating the bill, it will create more jobs, thus work towards fixing the economy. The bill would also help prevent people from illegally downloading copyrighted material, smuggling, and counterfeiting. There is no major disagreement that Artists should have better protection for their work, but there is a fine line between protecting rights, and being beyond ridiculous. As for creating jobs, this sounds like another case of working with the Upper Class, and ignoring the majority of people in Middle and Lower Class. The way the bill is written it threatens
  • 46. Volkswagen Logo History The Volkswagen logo is a household image that is known on an international level. In over seventy years, the logo has not changed a great deal and has stood the test of time. What most people do not know how ever is it s lush history dating back to Hitler s reign to current day with law suits debating the original creator of the logo. In short, the Volkswagenlogo is memorable, scalable, and effective without color. In addition to discussing the evolution of its design, what makes a good logo, and my opinions on it, I will also discuss the historical background of the logo and the company itself. Although the design itself is very recognizable, I would say the history behind it is more intriguing. Brief Volkswagen History The ... Show more content on ... A successful logo should work both with and without color. This is important because a lot of the time, the logo will be used across all mediums. For example, it could be carved in wood or made with metal. Scalability is another great attribute in a successful logo. Whether the logo is on a tag under an inch in size, or on a billboard, it should be legible. Lastly, the logo should obviously be relevant to the industry the company is involved in. This might seem like common sense to most, but a lot of ineffective logos out there really don t fit the current trend or design sense for said industry. With that being said, all these points are just my personal opinion and will come up later when I start discussing the evolution if the Volkswagen logo. The First Design The very first Volkswagen logo was developed in 1938 and was actually the result of an office competition. Franz Xavier Reimspiess, an employee of Porsche, created the first logo during the logo design competition within the company. He was given a one time payment of 100 Reichsmarks (about $400). Reimspiess was also the engineer who perfected the actual engine for the first Beetle s in the 1930 s. The initial design done by Reimspiess and the current 3D design they use today really is not that different for having so much time go by. The initial logo indeed contain the V sitting on top of the W in a bold sans serif font that is still used today.
  • 47. Essay On Afro-American Leadership Through history, we can lecture about an enormous quantity of world leader who have had the opportunity to make important contributions to the humanity by spreading their brand new ideas. Numerous people have work together to manage a change in racism. Centuries ago, any Afro American didn t have the opportunity to attend to school or college. In addition, it was unlikely to hire an Afro American as a manager of an enterprise. Previously, the Afro American were captives who had no right to choose what they fancied doing. As a result, to the influence of a few men, this situation has been evolving. For instance, we can lecture about Nelson Mandela, who fought to obtain equal rights for Afro Americans and aided to achieve a change in the world. Even though we still have racism in our cultures. Now, it is probable to meet a CEO of a company who is Afro American. Furthermore, we can mention Barack Obama,... Show more content on ... Earlier, women had no right to study, to work or do anything outside of their houses. Even in the last century, women had no opportunity to participate in the election of the president. To illustrate, one of the first woman recognized for her labor not only in gender equality, but also in the scientific field is Marie Curie. Even though most women did not have the opportunity to study, she won two Nobel prizes. In addition, she was the first woman who became a teacher in the University of Paris. Besides, we can discuss about Margaret Thatcher, who became the first and only women to become a prime minister of the United Kingdom. She had the occasion to quarrel in behalf of women rights, when she was prime minister. In conclusion, numerous world leader have influenced the world to evolve into an improved place. Not all of the modifications were good. Nevertheless, we should fight for our rights; we must study, work and endure to change our environment for a positive cause and improve it for the generations to
  • 48. Mercedes Benz Aav Essay Mercedes Benz AAV 1. What is the competitive environment faced by MB? The competitive environment faced by Mercedes Benz is one filled with many different car manufactures and car models. Mercedes has several competitors in terms of price and quality on all of their product platforms. Historically, Mercedes biggest competitors have been Lexus, BMW, Audi, and Cadillac. The economic downturn coupled with the restructuring of domestic auto manufactures has shifted Mercedes competition. In recent years there is gaining popularity in domestic vehicles. Rather than just competing with luxury automobiles, Mercedes is now competing with newly designed domestic automobiles, including those manufactured by Jeep and Ford. These vehicles are... Show more content on ... In 2007, Mercedes showed dramatic improvement in quality surpassing the quality leader Toyota. In 2011, J.D. Powers ranked Mercedes Benz above average in quality (ahead of BMW and Audi) but behind Lexus. Price Mid Upper Range Mercedes offers most of its products at a price similar to other luxury car models, with the exception of a few specialty high priced products within each of their platforms. The Mercedes SUV platform is an example of this. Mercedes currently offers two SUVs, the G class and the GL class. The GL class is priced competitively with Lexus, BMW, and Cadillac at $85k. In contrast, the Mercedes G class is currently the most expensive SUV on the market priced at $107k, which competes with upper range priced SUVs such as the Porsche Cayenne and Land Rover Range Rover. Mercedes follows the same pricing strategy for the sedan platform as they do in the SUV platform offer most of their vehicles priced similarly to other large luxury auto manufactures such as Lexus and Audi, but also offer a product that exceeds the competitor s normal pricing within that platform. Mercedes offers several sedans that are priced similarly to Lexus, Cadillac, and Audi, which includes the E class and S Class lines, but they also offer something else. With the introduction of the Maybach in 2002, Mercedes Benz became the manufacturer of the highest priced luxury sedan vehicle in the world. The Maybach is currently the most expensive luxury sedan
  • 49. The Physics Of Quantum Computers My topic is quantum computing. We can say that quantum computers are likely to move out of science fiction and research labs and into practical applications. A quantum computing is way faster than a normal pc. Google already have one and make many test online. A quantum computer is a new complex technology. This computeris not available for us yet. This new engine represent a lot of new possibility for us. Some person tell that the teleportation would be available, but this is too far. Old computers can t afford all what a quantum computercan do, and that mean one day they will disappear. Quantum computing has a lot of benefice, for example, it uses superposition, help to improve the actual technic by solving problems that are too complex for today s computational systems, and are have a lot of requirement to work properly. Quantum computer are fascinating. Even better, a quantum computer is a computer design which uses the principles of quantum physics to increase the computational power. A traditional computer can t reach the same level of power or operations. A quantum physics is the study of matter and energy at the molecular, atomic, nuclear, and even smaller microscopic level. Also, thanks to superposition and entanglement, a quantum computer can process a vast number of calculations simultaneously. Where a classical computer works with ones and zeros. Superposition is essentially the ability of a quantum system to be in multiple states at the same time (IQC,
  • 50. Business Skills For A New Home The job requirements are straight forward and do not ask for much. Some of the duties consists of promoting property through ads, open houses and listing services. Advertising is key to attract potential buyers and spread your business name around. Advising clients on prices of homes, current market conditions and other market information also come into play. Taking prospective buyers to view properties and persuading them to consider investing in a new home. As well as bringing together negotiations between the buyerand seller. These are just a few things that the real estate business will ask for. I believe I have all the personal characteristics and skills needed to be a sales agent or broker. I plan to go to college to learn all the necessary business skills to be successful. Most sales agents and brokers are self employed. This means they have to maintain a functional business without wasting money and losing valuable time. Great business skills come in handy when you run everything on your own. Problems will pop up eventually which will require quick thinking and reaction time. Problem solving skills aren t going to be frequently used but nevertheless, you can never over prepare for the worst. Organizations skills can help have your work space clean and keep you on track during the day. Always being able to have yourself on the ball can lead to more jobs or goals being completed. Lastly, the income you make depends on your sales which means you need to have
  • 51. American Technological Advancements The United States has utilized innovations and technological advancements to solidify its position as a global superpower. One of the greatest accomplishments the United States can claim is to have put a man on the moon in 1969. In describing the impact of the moon landing, historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. notes, The one thing for which this century will be remembered 500 years from now was: This was the century when we began the exploration of space (Launius, 2006). In the 47 years since the moonlanding, no other nation has been able to land on the moon marking this as a lasting legacy to American perseverance in the exploration of space. The completion of the Panama Canal in 1914 also showcased American resolve and engineering superiority. Providing maritime access between the Atlantic and the Pacific, the Canal stands today as one of seven wonders of the modern world.... Show more content on ... From the progression of the machine gun to the development of the atomic bomb and further still to today and stealth aircraft technology, the United States has consistently pushed the envelope on innovation in order to say one step ahead as a military superpower. With this being an online course, one would be remiss to not note the great American accomplishment of creating a computer communication network through the collaboration between the Department of Defense, engineers and scientists during the Cold War. The flare for thinking outside of the box in the United States could easily be traced back to the founding of the nation. The Founding Fathers were nation building innovators as they wrote the Constitution. American technological innovations have opened the doors to discovery, which has allowed the United States to continue to be a global