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Labor Day Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Labor Day" can be both challenging and rewarding. While the
subject may seem straightforward at first glance, delving into the complexities of the labor
movement, historical significance, and the evolving nature of work requires careful research and
thoughtful analysis.
One difficulty lies in striking the right balance between providing factual information and
expressing personal insights. Finding credible sources to support arguments and enhance the
essay's credibility adds another layer of complexity. Additionally, weaving together a coherent
narrative that captures the essence of Labor Day and its impact on society requires a nuanced
The challenge further intensifies when attempting to address the broader social, economic, and
political implications associated with the labor movement. Juggling multiple perspectives,
historical contexts, and contemporary viewpoints demands meticulous organization and a clear,
concise writing style.
Furthermore, crafting an engaging introduction that captivates the reader's attention and a
compelling conclusion that leaves a lasting impression can be daunting. Avoiding clichГ©s and
ensuring a fresh perspective on the subject matter adds an extra layer of difficulty to the writing
Despite these challenges, writing an essay on "Labor Day" provides an opportunity to explore
the dynamic interplay between labor, society, and progress. It invites reflection on the struggles
and achievements of the labor movement and their lasting impact on the modern workforce.
In conclusion, while composing an essay on the topic of "Labor Day" may present its share of
difficulties, the process is a valuable exercise in critical thinking and communication skills.
Navigating through the intricacies of the subject can lead to a more profound understanding of
the significance of labor in shaping societies. For those seeking assistance or looking for
professionally crafted essays, various services like offer a wide range of topics
and academic support to make the writing process more manageable.
Labor Day Essay Labor Day Essay
Epilogue Of Augustus s Mistake
As Augustus down walked the dusty old road he noticed something, most of the
shops that lined the edges of the road were closed. The food priced probably rose
again he thought. Whenever the food price rose, numerous shops close down.
Augustus considered himself lucky that he didn t have to move.
As he walked inside the bakery, the smell of fresh baked bread made his stomach
grumble with anticipation. When he walked into the back of the bakery he saw his
father cutting the dough into little squares and putting them in an oven.
Hey dad! He yelled across the deafening roar of the oven.
Augustus had been gone for about a month working at a factory that made clothes.
The clothes that they made were sent to the rich people and other countries. ... Show
more content on ...
Auggie was sent there to earn some money for the family. A good thing about the
factories is that they provide food and a living space. The money that Augustus made
was enough to support the family for about a week.
Augustus s job at the bakery was to get water, wood and buying supplies at the
market. His father kneaded the dough and made loafs of bread. His step mother
made the pastries and the cakes. His older step sister Caroline helped Augustus with
his work and put the frosting on the cakes. The whole family worked well together
like a well oiled machine.
Augustus always thought of his mother before he went to sleep. He always
dreamed of her. He could see her lying in the bed talking to her husband in hushed
tones. But this was 8 years ago when Augustus was only 4, how did he remember it
so vividly? He always woke up wanting to go back to sleep, not because he was tired
As the days dragged on, all of his dreams became more vivid. He once had a dream
that he was in a war and he got shot in the arm, he cried out in pain and woke up,
The dream had seemed so
The Violence Against Women Act Of 1994
Jafreicy Amparo
Professor Flanagan
POL 323: Public Policy Analysis
July 28, 2016
The Violence Against Women Act of 1994
John Kingdon s Garbage Can model argues that the policymaking process consists of
three streams problems, politics, and policies that flow independently from one
another. When these three streams meet it creates a window of opportunity and
public policy is a result. The Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) is an
example of the Kingdon Garbage Can model . The VAWA was passed as part of the
Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 in recognition of the
severity of crimes associated with domestic violence and sexual assault. It was the
first federal legislation that addressed violence uniquely targeted at women and their
The Violence Against Womens Act of 1994 provided $1.6 billion towards the
prosecution and investigation of violent crimes against women and it also did a
series of things that helped to improve criminal justice response to violence against
women. The act strengthened federal penalties for repeat sex offenders and created
rape shield laws that prevented offenders from using a victim past sexual experience
in a trial of sexual assault. The VAWA required that protection orders be enforced and
recognized everywhere in the United States. It increased the rates of prosecution,
conviction and sentencing of offenders and funded the training for 500,000 law
enforcement each year to ensure that the police who respond
Rhetorical Analysis Of The Politics Of Muscle By Gloria...
The essay, The Politics of Muscle, by Gloria Steinem, is successful in effectively
comparing and contrasting how society s standards imply that there is a difference
in strength between men and women. Through the use of different rhetorical claims,
such as pathos and ethos as well as a great deal of subjective claims, Steinem
establishes credibility which allows her to create a well crafted essay. Although, the
essay can be perceived as biased, since it does not include a great deal of information
on the perception of strength on men, its intended audience is women. Therefore, that
aspect does not affect the overall quality of Steinem s writing. In fact, it only
strengthens it, considering she expects her audience to share the same opinions...
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However, the presenting of bias is fitting and does not affect the overall quality of
the essay, seeing that her targeted audience is mostly women, she anticipate them to
share similar viewpoints on the topic as her. Irrefutably, she specifically state, That s
one of many reasons why I and other women of my generation grew up believing as
many girls still do that the most important thing about a female body is not what it
does but how it looks. The power lies not within us but in the gaze of the observer
(Steinem 340). The author is trying to explain that women everywhere can relate to
the fact that it is not about how good they are at something, it is more about their
body display, and if they do not have the right face or figure essentially, they do not
stand a chance between others who do. In other words, women understand the
predominating ideas that are placed on them regarding how they should look or act.
This helps the overall quality of the essay because since women already understand
the ceaseless cycle of changing their shape and figure, it is not hard to persuade them
to think differently about the perception of women s
Jews in the 19th Century Essays
Jews in the 19th Century During the 19th the status and position of European Jews
changed frequently as the rights they had and the way countries tried to gain
inequality changed dramatically.
At the start of the 19th in France and Germany there was a great deal of anti Semitism
between Jews and Christians, the French Christians could not accept Jews into their
community. They thought of Jews as aliens. In Germany Jews were persecuted. To
start with, the nazi s made laws to limit their freedom and encourage attacks on
Jewish homes and businesses. Gradually the persecution increased until the nazi s
started to send ... Show more content on ...
By 1914 90 anti semistism deputies had been elected into the Reichstag. This
reflected the fact that Jews had a dominant position on German banking which was
resented in German society. Right wing politicians felt insecure and hated the Jews.
Jewish physical type was a threat to the pure bred German nation.
In 1789 during the French revolution, the national assembly was trying to create a
better system of government for France. Wilhelm Dohm thought the rights that Jews
should have were to be treated as valuable citizens if all occupations and educational
institutions were open to them. He was a good Christian but he could see and
understand the inequality in France. Between 1789 1815 the Jews were granted the
rights of full citizenship and no one should be persecuted for their religious rights.
The government wanted a peaceful country and they thought that by making these
rights for Jews things would become to settle down.
The governments ideas might influence people if the majority of the public in the
France agreed with the point they were trying to make, they might also feel
threatened when they don t agree, they could be influenced by speeches and rumours.
The government could also use propaganda to promote inequality. Their ideas might
have no influence as people have their own views
The Pros And Cons Of Title IX
Title IX does not currently achieve the bill s original purpose of equal opportunity
between the sexes because the tests used to measure compliance are flawed, the
required balance of funding between male and female sports teams is skewed due to
revenue sports, and there is a vast amount of misinformation about the results of Title
IX hiding its failures.
Bentley, Eric (2005) Title IX: The Technical Knockout For Men s Non Revenue
Sports. Journal of Law Education, 33, 139 166.
This provides an argument that men s intercollegiate sports should not be dropped in
order to reach Title IX compliance. The article states that colleges should look to
increase women s sports to achieve substantial proportionality rather than the cheaper,
... Show more content on ...
In the second test he performs he shows that he does not want to actually achieve a
0.0 rating, but would rather a school have as high of a positive rating as possible
declaring a college with a rating of +6.24 as better than +0.54. This trend continues
throughout the paper. This source is credible because it is a peer reviewed paper
with relevant information regarding the way Title IX is viewed as an affirmative
action law.
Langton, Victoria (2009). Stop the Bleeding: Title IX and the Disappearance of Men
s Collegiate Athletic Teams. Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment Technology Law,
12, 183 207.
This note begins by stating: Circuit courts current interpretation of Title IX and its
progeny has led schools to believe that proportionality is the only safe path for
avoiding liability under Title IX, even if it means eliminating men s teams. (Langton,
It then proceeds to argue that that the wording of Title IX actually should prohibit
such actions and that eliminating male sports teams just achieve equality is actually
discrimination based on sex. The note continues saying that the Supreme Court should
grant certiorari making the removal of men s sports to achieve compliance under
Title IX illegal. This source is credible because it was published in the Vanderbilt
Journal of Entertainment Technology Law with relevant information regarding
Doubt in Hamlet
Her death was doubtful. Analyse the theme of doubt in Hamlet.
In Shakespeare s play Hamlet, doubt is one of the most important themes. In fact,
the whole play is based on the story of a ghost who claims to be Hamlet s father,
and nobody can be sure if what he says is the truth. In this essay, I am going to focus
on the theme of doubt throughout the play. I will first speak about the opening scene,
and then I will talk about the ghost, which is a supernatural element used by
Shakespeare to create doubt in the play. I will also analyse the passage in which
Hamlet declares his love to Ophelia. Finally, I will briefly discuss Hamlet s sanity.
What happens in the opening scene is very relevant and foreshadows the atmosphere
of the whole ... Show more content on ...
I think that the last scene of the first act is one of the most important ones because it
is when the ghost demands Hamlet to [r]evenge his [father] foul and most unnatural
murder (1.5.25). By asking revenge, the ghost introduces here the main plot of the
play, which is going to be based on that revelation. We do not know if Hamlet can
trust the phantom s accusations, if the ghost accuses Claudius because he has proof
of Claudius s guilt or just because he is deducing. Hamlet cannot be sure of any of
those questions, and I think that it is this doubt introduced by the ghost that makes
Hamlet incapable of action and revenge.
The plot of the play focuses on the one hand on the impossibility to know the truth,
and on the other hand on the necessity to know the truth to act with justice and with
honour. As D.G. James says in his essay, [c]onscience requires that we do is right;
but then, what is right or wrong in these circumstances? We can thus say that
Hamlet is right to hesitate. It is only in the second act that Hamlet begins to doubt,
and begins to think that [t]he spirit that [he] ha[s] seen/ May be the devil (2.2.575
6). When Hamlet realizes that it may be a deceiving spirit , he decides to stage that
play to trap Claudius. But when his guilt was proved beyond any doubt, Hamlet
still did not kill him; he left him alone, giving a reason, plausible enough in Hamlet
s eyes, in the eyes of his audience, and in our eyes [...] (Hattaway, p83). As I said
before, the
Nickel and Dimed Essay example
Somebody should research that. (Ehrenreich, 2001). During the final course of her
30.00 lunch with Louis Lapham, editor of Harpers, Barbara Ehrenreich wondered
how people could survive on minimum wage. She would soon be eating her words as
Lapham pointed to her and said, You .
Reluctant at first to be the one doing the research, Ehrenreich finally capitulates and
begins life as a minimum wage worker in America. The main idea of her experiment
was to spend one month in each place and make enough to pay the second month s
rent (p.5 6). She wonders if she will find some special techniques that the poor use to
get by. She finds that there are no secret economies, people just do the best they can
with what they have available. ... Show more content on ...
They also need to arrange their workdays around the bus schedule. Therefore, by
having access to a car at all times, Ehrenreich already has many benefits that others
might not.
Ehrenreich starts her experiment close to home in Key West, Florida where she
discovers that a dilapidated trailer close to work is out of her price range. She
comments, Trailer trash is now something to aspire to ( p.12). Eventually, she
moves into a trailer closer to work but for now, she finds a pleasant efficiency unit
about 45 minutes from work. After filling out over twenty applications in three
days, Ehrenreich has received no phone calls. She discovers that many companies
stockpile applications because of their high turnover rates, so help wanted ads are
not an indication of job availability. A short time later, Ehrenreich is hired as a
waitress at the Hearthside, a restaurant attached to a discount chain hotel.
Ehrenreich s account of her training with Gail, another waitress, is an entertaining
read. All food must be trayed, and the reason she s so tired today is she woke up in
a cold sweat thinking of her boyfriend, who was killed a few months ago scuffle in
an upstate prison. No refills on lemonade. And the reason he was in prison.... (p.17)
At the Hearthside, Ehrenreich realizes that she is not overqualified, as she had
feared, but incom petent. Gail s reassurances do not comfort her. She is determined to
fulfill the
The Lord s Preparing The First Generation
1.In section one of Numbers which is the Lord s Preparing the First Generation to
Enter the Promised Land covered in chapters one through ten there seems to a very
specific message that God desires to communicate to the original audience. Although
various opinions may exist regarding what this message may be the clearest
message that appears to be displayed is that God has various ordinances and rules
regarding the worship, day to day life, and travel of the Israelite nation which set
them apart from the nations around them and must be strictly followed and adhered
to. Chapter two of Numbers gives an account of the organization of the camp of the
Israelitesafter they had been numbered by tribe. Each tribe had a specific leader, a
specific head of each group of three thirds, and a specific location in which they
were supposed to camp relative to the tabernacle. The purpose for all of this was
set out by God in order to protect the ark and the tabernacle along with encampment
as a whole from the presence of God and invaders who sought to raid the
encampment. Chapters three and four along with seven, eight, nine, and ten all have
to do very specifically with the roles of the Levities and tabernacle worship and the
very strict guidelines that applied to both of these. The Kohathite clan of the Levities
which was to transport the sacred articles of the tabernacle was not permitted to ever
see the articles that they were carrying lest God strict them dead. In addition, in the
The Night By Elie Wiesel
In Night by Elie Wiesel, the author reflects on his own experience of being separated
from his family and eventually his own religion. This separation was not by any
means voluntary, they were forced apart during the Holocaust. Wiesel was a Jew
when the invasion of Hungary occurred and the Germans ripped members of his
religion away from their home in Sighet. A once peaceful community where Wiesel
learned to love the Kabbalah was now home to only dust and lost memories. Most
members of that Jewish community were never to return, hell greeted them with
open arms as they walked through the now rusty gates of Auschwitz. In order to
survive unimaginable circumstances that were enforced in these camps, a boy had to
hang on to his humanity. But by no means did humanity stay with the boy, being
subjected to the horror of concentration camps, Auschwitz and Buchenwald, Elie
Wieselsaw first hand how members of other communities attempt to silence
opposing voices. All of the pain that Wiesel saw inspired him to keep watch and
tell stories for people who wouldn t live on to tell them for their own families.
Stories are what keeps a person alive and through Eliezer s words that he puts down
many are able to get a sense of closure in knowing what occurred at these camps. One
story occurred on the first train ride away from home, a lady named Madame
Schächter was beaten up for crying out against imminent death, unseen by others.
She stayed like that all through the day, dumb, absent,
The Battle Of Long Island Essay
The Battle of Long Island The American Revolutionary War took place from 1775
to 1783. The war made the thirteen colonies of the United States of America
independent from Great Britain. One of the first major battles of the American
Revolution was The Battle of Long Island. The Battle of Long Island was the first
battle that took place after the United States declared its independence on July 4,
1776. The battle took place in August 1776 and proved to both sides that the
upcoming war would be long and arduous, not easily won by either side. The British
Army was victorious in this battle and forced the Continental Armyto retreat leaving
the entire state of New York under British control. This paper will provide insight and
valuable information into the reason behind the American Revolution, and The Battle
of Long Island, specifically details concerning the Continental and British Armies,
strategies employed during the battle, and an alternate outcome through addressing
failures in the American strategy. An alternate outcome to the battle would have a
significant impact on the American Revolutionary War.
The American Revolution The American Revolution began because of the resistance
of many Americans to pay taxes to the British government. Many Americans felt these
taxes were unjust. This led to eventual boycotts and conflicts with the British
government in December 1773. The British closed the port of Boston in retaliation to
the Boston Tea Party and took
Detecting Fetal Abnormalities Through Ultrasound
Detecting Fetal Abnormalities Through Ultrasound Birth defects can have life
threatening consequences for the fetus. Many birth defects can be detected during
pregnancy by an ultrasound. Some of these abnormalities include abdominal wall
defect, orofacial cleft, anencephaly, and down syndrome. Although at this time
ultrasound is the safest way to observe a fetus, risks are still associated with it.
An ultrasound is a test that sends sound waves into the woman s abdomen or vagina
in order to create an image to observe how the fetus is developing within the womb (
Pregnancy Ultrasound, n.d.). Some of the many names for an ultrasound include
pregnancy ultrasound, babi, obstetric ultrasonography, and an obstetric ... Show more
content on ...
Exomphalos can be linked to genetic abnormalities and it may occur with any age
of the mother ( Contact a Family, 2012). Gastroschisis is characterised by a defect
in the abdominal wall and it is positioned to one side of the umbilical cord,
typically the right side. In most cases the bowel will develop out of the abdomen.
The bowel will remain out of the abdomen for the remaining time of the pregnancy.
In some cases, the amniotic fluid irritates the bowel and makes it inflamed and
thick, so that it does not work properly. Sometimes the bowel becomes twisted as it
floats in the fluid and the blood supply is restricted. ( Contact a Family, 2012). At
birth, the bowel can become further irritated when it is exposed to the air.
Gastroschisis is associated with younger mothers; if the mother is under 20 years
old, the risk of her child having gastroschisis is twelve times more likely ( Contact a
Family, 2012). Gastroschisis is typically not linked with any other abnormality, which
means that is almost always an isolated abnormality ( Contact a Family, 2012).
After birth, both types of abdominal wall defects can be treated. The exposed
organs are typically wrapped in a surgical cling film, which helps prevent infection.
A primary repair surgery can be performed as soon as the baby is stable enough.
This surgery is performed if a small portion of the bowel was exposed. During this
surgery, the bowl is simply returned to the abdomen and the
Eric Schlosser s Fast Food Nation Exposes the High Cost of...
Many feel that the fast food industry is providing a valuable service by catering to
consumer needs; that it is inexpensive and easily accessible. For people who don t
have time to prepare meals, for households in which both parents work, there s no
question it provides a service. But what is the true cost of this convenience? In the
book, Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser reveals that the cost is the lives of the people
who work in the meat processing plants. Meat packingis now the most dangerous job
in the United States.
The men and women who work in the slaughterhouses are often low paid, poor
immigrants, who have not completely learned English and are practically illiterate.
These workers make a knife cut every two or three ... Show more content on ...
This manner that runs the lives of slaughterhouse workers is completely unethical. In
any business, stopping an employee from receiving due compensation for injuries is
unfair and unethical. It seems like that in any other business, if a worker is injured,
and does not receive fair compensation, they have the ability and drive to enforce the
law; but in the case of the slaughterhouse workers, that are often illiterate, this rarely
The fast food industry both feeds and prays off the young. Pioneers in developing
marketing strategies to target children, the fast food chains have even infiltrated the
nation s schools through lunchroom franchises and special advertising packages
that answer public education s need for funds; in every way possible, giving the
children a loyal friend to rely on. In many franchises, teenagers are perfect candidates
for low paying, low skilled, short term jobs and constitute a large part of the fast food
chains workforce; and often practically run individual locations, having more
responsibility than most adults.
The intense advertising and responsibilities is not the only thing we saw in Fast
Food Nation that effected children. The quality of the meat that is fed to children in
school and at the fast food restaurants is in some cases horrendous. Children are not
the only age group that eats this tainted food, but they are more greatly
The Dead of the Night
The best novels stand the test of time, providing the reader with an interesting story
as well as conveying important themes and ideas
In John Marsden s sequel to Tomorrow When the War Began , set in rural modern
day Australia, comes his second novel of seven The Dead of the Night . John
Marsden s TDOTN has stood the test of time, by providing the readers with an
interesting story as well as conveying important themes and ideas. The themes and
ideas of Death and Destruction , Relationships and Friendships and Warfare and
Survival , are used to convey important messages to the readers, by relating back to
the teenagers life, and teenage audience. Using narrative told in first person narration
by teenager Ellie, Marsden reinforces ... Show more content on ...
The teenagers before they attack the convoy of soldiers sit down and play their
tactics and discuss what will happen and the procedures if something goes terribly
wrong. Their dialogue and speech also shows their fear of the war and their
survival instincts. And suppose a patrol had jumped us? Suppose we d been
caught with sawn off shot guns? We d all be put up against a tree and shot and you
d have 5 peoples blood on your hands pg 92. Ellie is yelling at Homer, because he
had gone against the group and what they d agreed upon and brought the shot guns
anyway, this jeopardising their own survival. In addition to this Homer has broken
their trust and put their survival at stake, this relates back to teenagers for the reason
that friendships are built on trust. This is how Marsden uses the theme of Warfare
and Survival to convey important themes and ideas, and provide the readers, with an
interesting story, thus making TDOTN stand the test of time. In TDOTN Marsden
uses the narrative structure of first person narration to effectively provide the reader
with an interesting story, as well as allowing TDOTN to stand the test of time.
Marsden uses Ellie s own words and experiences to convey her feelings and
emotions to the readers by using the authentic voice of a seventeen year old female.
Ellie uses I, we and slang and colloquial languages, to tell her story. A good example
of this is when Ellie is bringing everything up to date at the end of the novel
Interpreting The Periodic Table Lab Report
Interpreting the Periodic Table Lab Report Name: Kelsey Cordero and Bruno
Canteros Lab Partners: Ashley Fernandez, Lab Experiment: Interpreting the Periodic
Table Date: January 15, 2015 Introduction: The periodic table is the most important
chemistry reference there is. It arranges all the known elements in an informative
array. Just like when entering a grocery store similar items are grouped together
which makes an item easier to find. Elements are arranged left to right and top to
bottom in order of increasing atomic number. The different rows of elements are
called periods. The period number of an element signifies the highest energy level an
electron in that element occupies. An element is a substance that is made... Show
more content on ...
Materials: (Activity 1) 1.Calcium2.Sulfur 3.Aluminum4.Silicon
5.Carbon6.Paper7.Copper8.Pencil 9.Iron 10.Magnesium (Activity 2) 1.Periodic
Table Element Cards Procedure: The whole procedure for Activity 1: 1.Provide
yourself with a pencil and paper. 2.As the teacher assigns you to a station, in that
station are two elements where you must describe the physical features of the
element. 3.As you rotate from station to station make sure to observe each and every
element clearly until you have completed all 8 elements. 4.Once you are done use
your notes to help you organize the elements into groups. The Procedure Activity 2:
1.Designate a group member to retrieve the periodic table cards. 2.Look for an open
space to work with your group. 3.Use the periodic table to arrange the elements in
order. 4.Once ordered observe the properties in the cards and try to find any and all
patterns. Table 1. Activity 1. ElementDescription Calciumrough, light gray, rocky
texture, solid, malleable, dull Aluminumshiny, smooth, crunchy, gray, solid,
malleable Carbonrough, black, chalky, squeaky like styrofoam, light weighted, solid
Coppershiny, light orange/peach, smooth, solid, malleable Ironsolid, shiny, gray, high
pitch, smooth, malleable Magnesiummalleable, solid, soft, smooth Sulfursoft,
powdery, yellow, dullish, solid Siliconshiny, metal, rough, gray, solid Table 2. Activity
Odo Of Chatillon-Sur-Marlon Research Paper
Pope Urban was born in the Champagne region of France and was given the birth
name of Odo of ChГўtillon sur Marne, or Odo of Lagery, or of Lagny in 1035, but
the exact date of his birth was not recorded. His father s name was Gui I de
Chatillon, but his mother was charged against her husband, and afterward, her
name was never released to public records, and there was no preexisting record of
her at that time, leaving no record of her name or who she was, today. There also
was practically nothing on his childhood, since he perused most of his most
memorable achievements at a later age. Odo studied in Soissons of Reims and after
finishing his studies, took over as the archdeacon in this Reims diocese. This was
The Student Digital Privacy And Parental Rights Act
Introduction Everyday businesses here at The Best Widget Incorporated involves
working with various types of data. The need to manage the data to ensure that it is
accurate while also ensuring that if follows and necessary laws is a requirement. To
assist in ensuring all data is accurate and properly collected the use of data capture
system will need to be deployed.
Data management/customer privacy laws When it comes to data management the
need to ensure that all laws that pertain to customer privacy are followed. There are
many different laws whether they be federal, state or local laws to ensure that the
data that is collected is protected. For example, H.R. 2092 the student digital privacy
and parental rights act helps protect ... Show more content on ...
One possible solution would be to hold the data in a different table in the database to
allow insure that the data is protected from accidently being included with non
student data. The data that is collected needs to be managed differently as we as
the need to provide parental access when necessary and insure that we do not
include it in any advertising promotion we may offer. The financial services
modernization act is geared towards financial institutions, if we offer any type of
financial servers here at The Best Widget Incorporated, we need to ensure that we
understand all laws dealing with the collection of said information. Under this act
there are regulation on the collection, how we intend to use the collected
information, and the disclosure of the information to anyone. Under this act we may
be require to provide a notice of our privacy practices while also ensuring the we
follow any necessary disposal rules should the situation arise (Jolly, 2015). As with
any financial information collected we need to ensure that the customers information
is kept safe and secure and the information we gather follow the proper collection
regulations. We need to disclose to the customer the ways we intend to use the
information, such as running credit checks or opening lines of credit. Prior to the
customer submitting any information we need to ensure that we disclose this
Aspects of Data Management The
Doris Day History Dbq Analysis
In the 1950s, postwar we saw a huge effort for the reconstruction of families. The
roles of each person in the family had a purpose. The roles were specific and to
stray from it would not have been good for the family image. Women were the
homemakers who waited on their families every need. While this trend was
growing another trend opposing it grew as well. We lived in a conservative time but
many women did not always fall into the homemaker category. Not all women were
married. Not all women had the family so new trends started to pop up. Beauty
pageants, Barbie s and Marilyn Monroewere some of the biggest and or sexiest
trends to come about. The sex appeal of women changed during this era but icons
made a huge difference. They have molded what we are today and what women have
evolved into. Doris Day was what an independent womanwas supposed to be like.
She gave that image but she was not married and she did have a sex appeal to her
that was not common. The other three icons broke that mold but Doris Day created
the gateway for these icons.
Beauty pageants were made to bring everyone together. Like the Super Bowl and
the Emmys, the contest has become part of America s mythological consciousness, a
point of pride and societal longing. (Ronnie D. Lankford, 1999 2005). The beauty of
the 51 individuals wasn t a bad thing either especially since the women were running
around practically naked. The process of beautiful women being judge purely on
looks during a time when
Theories Of Criminality And Delinquency
Crime has been around since the creation of man, and specifically, since the fall of
humanity in biblical times. Since then, people have been trying to explain what
causes an individual to commit a crime. Although the Bible explicitly confirms the
origin of crime is the sinful nature of man, many have argued as to the cause of
criminality. During the eighteenth century, the argument for criminality and
delinquency was the fall of man, as the Book of Genesis explains, after Eve ate
from the forbidden tree, in Chapter 3. The first criminal act follows the fall of man,
in Genesis 4:8 (NIV) where Now Cain said to his brother Abel, Let s go out to the
field. While they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.
Since then, human beings have committed atrocities against other human beings, and
continue to commit acts of violence against others to... Show more content on ...
Moore starts with the definition of criminology and then proceeds to discuss five
categories of psychological theories related to understanding criminality and
delinquency (Moore, 2011). The methods used by Moore include a database search
using keywords, and consultation with an expert in the field. The problem with the
method Moore used is the limited categories of psychological theories in her article.
Since there are so many different theories attempting to explain criminality and
delinquency, Moore excluded those theories addressing crime and delinquency from a
sociological perspective, and focused on the psychological theories because the
psychological theories tend to address crime and delinquency at the individual level,
primarily identifying individual differences that lead to criminal behavior (Moore,
2011, p. 228). The psychological theories Moore discusses are Learning Theories,
Intelligence Theories, Personality Trait Theories, Theories of Psychopathy, and
Cognitive and Social Development
A Brief Note On Susan Gray School Program
Literature Review
Participants A total of 60 children who are currently enrolled at the Susan Gray
School located in Nashville, Tennessee will take part in this study. 30 males and 30
females, ages ranging from 2 years of age to 4 years of age will be randomly
selected, from the seven available classes, for participation. Consent will be obtained
prior to observation from their legal guardian on file with the school. All the children
selected will be selected blindly, meaning that their demographics, such as
socioeconomic status, ethnicity, etc. will be unknown to the researchers. The only
key aspects of their personal information that is needed for this study is their age and
biological gender which will be provided to ... Show more content on
The specific toys that will be used are as follows: Male Typed Toys
Red Race Car
Blue Drum Set
Female Typed Toys
Pink Doll House
Baby Doll
Yellow Tea Set
Neutral Typed Toys
Plastic Box
Metal Bucket
Magnetic Balls
Two stopwatches will also be used to time the three 10 minute observation sessions,
as well as the amount of time each toy is played with during the observation session
(in seconds).
Data will be collected during 3 consecutive 10 minute observation sessions that will
be conducted over the course of a single day. Multiple subjects will be observed in
a single day, and the study will span over the course of multiple weeks. The same
two observers will observe all 60 participant observations to reduce any threat to the
validity of our results.
During the first observation, the child will play individually with the provided toys,
whereas during the second and third observation sessions the participant will engage
in two peer plays, one with a same sex partner, and one with a child of the opposite
sex. An example of the data sheet that will be used in this study can be found in
appendix A of this document.
During the first observation period, the subject of focus will be placed within the
observation room by him or herself. In the classroom, there will be a set of provided
toys. The toys will be gender specific, 3 male typed, 3 female typed, and 3 neutral
The Hydrocarbon Potential And Productivity Of The...
U.P 2 1Department of Geology, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
2 Department of Petroleum Engineering, Nigerian Agip Oil Company, Port
Harcourt ABSTRACT The quality of the reservoirs in terms of porosity,
permeability and transmissivity decreases down the depth. Therefore, it can be
concluded that the hydrocarbon potential and productivity of the reservoir sands
can be classified in decreasing order of arrangement as A, B and C. The reservoir
A in well Bonn 007, 009, 013, 015, 017 and 019 is the best in terms of hydrocarbon
production and hydrocarbon in such wells can easily migrate to the wellbore as
compared to other two reservoirs. (I) INTRODUCTION Reyment (1960 1965)
described the stratigraphy of the different depositional basins in Nigeria and
created a large number of lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic divisions. Murat
(1970) presented a paleogeographic description of the Cretaceous and Lower
Tertiary in Southern Nigeria based on major depositional cycles resulting from
three main tectonic episodes. Carter, Barber and Tait (1963), Jones (1964), Adeleye
and Dessavagie (1970), Kogbe (1972), Adegoke et al., (1978), Petters (1978), Alix
(1983), Popoff et al.(1983), Whiteman (1982), Benkhelil and Guiraud (1980),
Benkhelil (1982 1986), Allen (1963, 1964, 1965 1980) and others have described the
stratigraphy and
Effective Functional Behavioral Assessment Of Students
There is an increase in demand for behavioral services in various learning institutions,
which have been due to schools being required to conduct functional behavioral
This helps parties involved in a given sector of education, to understand and address
a given rising behavior change in students. Hence improving the standards of
education, by creating a good mind set and a positive behavioral culture in students.
Mr. White, the principal at New Light School requested for an intervention plan. He
has an 18yr old student, Tom who has mental retardation of which teachers have
become concern and described the situation as inappropriate. These aberrant actions
may be the reason why the student is provided with special education services as in
the case of students labeled as having emotional disturbance
However other students, for whom different impairments are the main concern, might
also display undesirable behaviors. These could include, among many others, refusals
to work on tasks viewed as too difficult, angry responses due to frustration of goals or
inability to communicate with words or irritating actions displayed in an attempt to
gain attention.
Tom was okay before and the change is a matter of concern to all the parties involved.
Anytime that the teachers have concern about the behavior of a student with
disability, they are required by the Individuals Disability Act (IDEA) to undertake the
functional behavioral assessment process in order to
Suicide Bombers Research Papers
Acts of terrorism come in many forms, using guns, bombs and even human beings
as weapons of mass destruction. This paper will focus on the last one, the use of
human beings as a weapon, otherwise known as suicide bombers. It will look into
who they are, why they are used, how they are trained and the devastation they can
cause by their actions. Everyone remembers September 11 and the massive
destruction and the tragic loss of so many lives that fateful day in New York city,
the Pentagon, and an empty field in Pennsylvania when three planes were taken
over by suicide bombers, as an act of terrorism on the American people. What are
suicide bombers? By definition a suicide bomber is, a person who has a bomb
hidden on his or her body and who kills himself or herself in the attempt to kill
others (Cambridge Dictionary, 2015). The events of September 11 brought to light
the devastating effects of what suicide bombers are capable of doing, showing that
human beings are being used as weapons of mass destruction. Men, women and
even children are used as human bombs and who are recruited, trained and willing
to give up their own lives for the cause , they are usually promised that they will be
remembered as a martyr or a hero to their organizations and communities and is what
makes suicide bombers so dangerous (Lewis, 2013). What makes suicide bombers so
dangerous is their ability to recognize the precise time and place to detonate their
weapons for maximum
The Lonesome Dove Saga, By Larry Mcmurtry
There are so many different concerns that a lot of women have today, and just like
there is today, in the past during the time of Larry McMurtry s writing of the
Lonesome Dove Saga, women had perhaps the same, or maybe even a little different,
concerns throughout this time period that you come to find. These fully formed
characters McMurtry introduces you to come to be; fun loving, strong minded, and
heart filled women.
Clara Allen and Captain August Gus McCrae was thought to be together forever.
Throughout years and years of their lives, Clara and Gus had a connection. A type
of connection that simply was one that could not compare to any other. They were
the type of people who knew what they wanted, but knew it was no good for the both
of them. As they both started to accept the fact that no matter how much they cared
for each other, it would never hold out in a permanent relationship. Gus goes on a
cattle drive from Lonesome Dove, Texas to Montana in hopes to find the one who
once turned him down, Clara and maybe have a chance to change her mind. Clara
was the type of women who could not marry Gus, for it was the fact that she
thought of him as someone to wild to try and settle down with. Clara knew what
she had to do and who she had to be with. For Clara, it may have been the fact of
she loved him enough to let him go, and perhaps he felt the same way. She felt for
Gus, but knew if she wanted to marry and start a family, he would not be the one
whom she would have a
Clifton Suspension Bridge
Kaylie Griffin and I chose to build the Clifton Suspension Bridge. The Clifton
Suspension Bridge is a suspension bridge located in Bristol, United Kingdom. A
suspension bridge is a type of bridge which the deck is supported by cables that
hang vertically off larger cables or hangers. Suspension bridges typically have two
towers and are anchored to abutments at their ends.The towers help to support much
of the weight that crosses the bridges deck, such as cars and people. The towers also
dissipate the load directly into the planet Earth. These features of a suspension
bridge are why they are strong therefore, one of the more popular designs for a
bridge. When building our popsicle bridge, we had to add x shaped joints and
brackets to help our... Show more content on ...
After completing this simulation, our bridge only had one string (cable line) untied
from the wire (hanger). Nothing else was damaged therefore, everything was intact.
During this test, our bridge was exposed to torsion because it was twisting and being
thrown around in the simulator. Our modifications helped my bridge withstand the
earthquake and hold a numerous amount of weight. Our bridge was very strong and
one of the top performers in the class although, it could have had more trusses and
modifications to make it even stronger. Our bridge weighed в…ћ lb. and it held 250
lb. therefore, it held 286 lb. for every 1 lb. As said before, we could have added
more joints and trusses to improve our bridge s performance. Compared to the rest
of the White Group, our bridge was the second strongest bridge. Our bridge also
performed very similar to everyone else s in the earthquake simulator. The
heaviest bridge was the Brooklyn Bridge, which also happened to be the strongest.
The tallest bridge was the Ben Franklin Bridge, coming in at 13 inches. In the
future, I think walking bridges could be made from glass, able to be looking down
on a river below you. Yes, I think a computer can help fix faults and help for better
design and performance of bridges. I learned many things from this bridge project,
some being, how to work as a team, patience, how bridges work, and different things
that help architects
Examples Of Pathos In Zeitoun
Best selling novelist, Dave Eggers, in his book Zeitoun, tells the story of a Muslim
family post 9/11 and during Hurricane Katrina. Eggers purpose is to change the way
people think towards Muslim Americans and to inform the public of the social
infringements that occur. He utilizes pathos, along with religious connotations and
powerful imagery to achieve his purpose.
Throughout the novel, Eggers uses pathos to show that the Zeitoun s do not conform
to America s idea of Muslims, but instead are a normal American family. He
highlights the strong bond Zeitoun has with his family. For example, on page 16,
while talking about Zeitoun s wife, he writes She and Zeitoun spoke on the phone
throughout every day, about everything...Neither of them could operate their home,
their company, their lives or days without each other. Eggers use of pathos contributes
to the reader s emotional connection with the character by ... Show more content on ...
When Zeitoun is speaking to the captain of his ship about religion he simply uses a
metaphor to convey his feelings toward religion and Islam. Without a captain the
ship cannot navigate... Without someone guiding us,... wouldn t the stars and moon
fall to earth, wouldn t the oceans overrun the land? Any vessel, any carrier of
humans needs a captain yes? The captain was taken with the beauty of the metaphor,
and let his silence imply surrender Zeitoun s subtle yet effective use of the ship
metaphor illustrates his feelings toward religion and God without forcing his opinion
onto anyone else. This approach towards a sensitive subject shows that Zeitoun is
wise and accepting. People won t be so quick to assume all Muslims are terrorists
after they read about this exchange between Zeitoun and the captain. If the audience
understands Zeitoun s approach toward the captain they will see that he is a
reasonable man and will put more trust into to
There Will Be Blood
There Will be Blood was released in 2007. The director and the screenwriter was
by Paul Thomas Anderson. Some of the tremendous actors in this movie are,
Daniel Day Lewis, Paul Dano, and Dillon Freasier. I would say this movie really
set the tone for the American dream, even though it wasn t really thought of during
the movie s time period. It really shows hard work, greed, lust, and trickery.
Overall this is a good movie, with a very slow start. It is filled with drama,
mystery, and action. If you are for those kinds of films this movie is right up your
alley. This movie is more of an action, drama, and mystery film. You never know
what will be happening next. The film is filled with small hints, to where you have to
pay very close attention
The Harsh Realities of War Illustrated in Dulce et
During the course of Dulce et Decorum Est, by Wilfred Owen, the Horatian image
of a glorified and idealized war is stripped away to reveal the bitter and vicious
nature of a new era in the history of conflict. Language and imagery are employed to
great effect in conveying this notion, in the rejection of the strong and patriotic
soldier stereotype, the description of the chlorinegas attack, the portrayal of the
agonized and dying soldier, and the final scathing invective against those who exalt
war, for example the intended target of the poem, Jessie Pope.
Stanza One of the poem uses depressing and pathetic language to convey an image
of a ragged band of soldiers forging on through a torn up battlefield. Owen describes
the soldiers ... Show more content on ...
The somewhat hyperbolic declaration that All went lame, all blind shows how the
men had lost sight of the objectives of the War as it descended into a bloody and
lawless conflict with both sides just caring about how much they hate the other. On a
more obvious level, this could also refer to the clouded senses and numbed bodies of
the soldiers, overcome by the sheer stress of the War. By emasculating the soldiers
and describing the enhancement of their weaknesses and faults, Owen conveys the
harsh reality of war to its proponents.
Stanzas Two and Three convey not only the panic and fear that overtakes men in
the heat of war, but the weight and devastating impact of a commander s
responsibility and the caustic guilt that ensues from perceived failure of one s
duties. The first four words of the second stanza, Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! are
disjointed, fractured and monosyllabic. They inject pace into the poem, forcing the
tempo up from the sluggish lethargy of the first verse, creating a sense of raw panic
and terror. The words seem almost incongruous, they do not belong in the poem,
they are frenzied orders shouted out in the midst of a war. This lends a sense of
gritty realism to the poem and is a scathing retort to the archaic concept of a refined,
calm and unruffled soldier. The soldiers are presented as clumsy, weak and pathetic,
unable to fulfil even simple tasks.
Symbolism in John Updike s A P
John Updike s short story A P recounts how an adolescent supermarket cashier
named Sammy has his life changed forever when three girls in bathing suits shop
in the store where he works. He is the first person narrator who shapes the tale with
his descriptions, attitudes and opinions. He is the protagonist who grows up
quickly in a single day and the only round, fully developed character in the tale. As
you proceed through the story and become acquainted with Sammy s opinions and
ideas, it becomes obvious that Sammy has made the only choice that affords the
possibility of real joy and fulfillment in his future. He is ready for a change. Sammy s
life revolves around his job at a local A P supermarket in a small Massachusetts town
... Show more content on ...
But he is smitten with the girl he calls Queenie who appears to be the leader of the
group. He talks of her long white prima donna legs (97), straps that are off her
shoulders looped loose around the cool tops of her arms (98) so that there was
nothing between the top of her suit and the top of her head except her... I mean, it
was more than just pretty (98) and with breasts like the two coolest scoops of
vanilla I had ever known were there (101). Age, physical characteristics and dress
aren t the only differences that he notices between the girls and the regular
customers. The girls also walk the store aisles against the usual traffic pattern and the
regular customers find that disconcerting. Obviously, these girls do not follow the
social conventions of the town. When the girls arrive at Sammy s check out counter
he learns Queenie is buying herring in sour cream for her mother. Lengel, the
manager, taking notice of them, comes over and tells them they are not at the beach
and the store wants them decently dressed when they come in here (100). While the
embarrassed girls defend themselves against Lengel s continued criticism, Sammy
imagines Queenie s house where the snacks will be eaten. He slid right down her
voice into her living room. Her father and the
Menorca Research Paper
Because I follow the life and career of Tammy Gillis so closely, I was well aware of
her current film, Menorca. Being the indie film champion that I am, I did my
homework and discovered who the writer and director was John Barnard. Recently, I
had the opportunity to ask him a few questions about how he got started in the
business, his notable works, and even a hint at his upcoming works.
Photo Credit: Steven K. Johnson
RH: What caused you to pursue a career in entertainment?
JB: For me, filmmaking began with picking up a friend s camcorder the first time
and simply starting to make movies. It was one Saturday a long time ago, I think I
was thirteen. From that moment on, I knew there was no other option, and aside
from some part time ... Show more content on ...
As one who has been devalued and ridiculed my entire life for not doing what my
peers deem as acceptable, I suppose I am consistently drawn to those who march to
the beat of a different drum. I admire John s outlook on film and the way he explores
stories in unique and unusual ways. Moreover, the fact that he recognizes the
value of being nice to everyone in the business and gleaning wisdom from the older
generation causes John to rise even higher in my estimation. For him, filmmaking
is a passion in which he tells a story in such a way that it causes the viewers to think
in an unconventional way. And in a society where conformity is king and cookie
cutter ideas are often lauded, his viewpoint is a breath of fresh air. While I have
not had the opportunity to view any of his works to date, this is one time when
reputation and what others say about a person carries a great deal of weight with
me. I say that if Tammy thinks he s a fantastic filmmaker, a stellar person, and a
true professional, that s enough of a recommendation for me. Furthermore, his
responses are authentic, humble, and certainly pragmatic. He has no grandiose
views of his self worth, and he comprehends the value of community and being a
team player. Therefore, I ask that all my readers consider visiting the links below
and even perchance following him on social media. Without indie filmmakers like
John, our movies choices would be quite limited in the cinema, and even if his films
are not necessarily your cup of tea, there is no denying that he is one of those
trailblazers who is continuing to find new ways of telling stories in the world of
entertainment. And for that, he has my eternal gratitude, and I hope that I will have
the opportunity to view one of his works very
Negative Effects Of Student Loans
A student loan is every other kind, but there are subtle differences that make it more
dangerous than most debt. Loans are borrowed money from banks, government
authorities, and they help pay for higher level education. Due to a fear of debt,
student loans affect college students destructively by driving them away from
dreams of success. There are a variety of ways to equip a loan, such as local banks,
online, or through credit unions. With an assortment of ways to get a loan, there are
also many loans to choose from. By examining how student borrowers fare financially
after graduation, we attempt to further the existing knowledge of the costs associated
with education debtand the manageability of the typical debt burden (Hershbein,
2014, p. 292). Unfortunately, loans are substandard to students who need financial
help, because in the end they only hurt your financial future. All student loans contain
different requirements and negative effects to various factors, some being the
unpredictable success of undergraduate, immigrants being unable to attain a loan,
and the government being piled with debt not being repaid; these are all elements
that demonstrate the negative effects loans display. Loans are difficult to choose
from, especially if it effects future financial status. As difficult as it may seem, many
students and adults are able to obtain a loan. One of the easier loans to get are
federal loans that are also known as Stafford or Perkins loans. Stafford
Native Civilizations And The United States
As I was sitting in a classroom learning about world history, I wondered how the
ancient civilizations responded to the immigration challenges that they had to face.
Since the early civilizations, people have immigrated from place to place to find a
better life for their families. The bad situations they live in obligated them to leave
their houses and immigrated to unknown places. Even today thousands of people
immigrate to another country looking for a better life. For example, throughout the
American history millions of people around the world have left their homelands for a
chance to start a new life in the United States. In the stories, Changing America 2001,
Letters from an American farmer, the Art of Happiness, and Silent Dancing, we can
see the most common problem that immigrants face in this country, finding their
identity. As an immigrant, I personally have experienced some of the challenges that
the immigrants in these stories share. I have gone through the process of adjusting to
living in a country where another language is spoken and has a different culture.
As humans, we start developing our identity since we are children. The living
situations that we face have a big impact in defining who we are. The story Silent
Dancing is an example of how culture shapes us in who we are. Culture refers to the
characteristics of a particular group of people, including their language, cuisine, social
habits, religion, music, and arts. It is a people s way of life.
IT in the New Future
A revolution is taking place. Information Technology has quickly emerged as a
significant field all over the world. Computers are extremely versatile and finding
their way into every business, industry and research activity today. The uses of
computers are diverse and encompass entertainment, education, communication,
problem solving, research, decision making and everything. The whole lot will be
merged to IT in the near future. The wired world of business, where technology,
human talent, and a new way of doing business make up to day s growing
worldwide economy. The backbone of this electronic commerce is the internet.
While it s rapidly spreading there are also rapid changes in every instance of time as
addition of new sophisticated technologies and new standards etc.
Though communication technology is currently undergoing a massive revolution,
these advances and the accompanying benefits have not yet filtered down to those in
developing nations with antiquated and outdated technology. This project attempts to
address this need by developing a system that harnesses the power of the Internet,
which is the most economical and yet most widely available and accessible global
network in existence.
1.1.1 Topic Overview
The Bank of Ceylon is one of the best business organizations in Sri Lanka. The Bank
is functioning as a multi body with branches all over the country. It has overseas
branches which have located Chennai, United Kingdom and Male as well as it
The British Renaissance Produced Many Types of
The British Renaissance Produced Many Types of Literature and Was Influenced By
Shakespeare, Marlow, and Spenser
The British Renaissance produced many types of literature for the world to see.
Shakespeare, Spenser, and Marlowe all contributed to the shaping of the time period.
Christopher Marlowe s quot;The Passionate Shepherd to His Love quot; portrays one
of the typical love poems that can be seen from the Renaissance. A man is in search
of the love of another girl, or woman. Sir Walter Raleighwrote a poem in response to
this passage of Marlowe s entitled quot;The Nymph s
Reply to the Shepherd. quot; Although the name of the girl is not stated anywhere in
the former poem, Raleigh decided to use a wood nymph as his subject. The ... Show
more content on ...
His age also brings up another very interesting view of Marlowe s. In the poem,
Marlowe expresses the idea that age has no influence upon love and a person s
The shallow rivers, waterfalls, birds singing, and flowers all personify the
Shepherd s feeling that age has nothing to do with love and his hopes of winning the
younger girl s heart. The scene that is created is highly discernible as
Spring, the time of year associated with love and light heartedness. The allusions to
these things also demonstrates the Shepherd s hollow sense of hope.
The Shepherd tries to lure the girl by offering her everything in the world.
This materialism clearly shows that Marlowe believes that only fancy trinkets and
beautiful possessions will win the heart of a girl. In virtually every stanza, there is a
reference to a nicety that the Shepherd offers the girl in pursuitof her love.
A belt of straw and ivy buds,
With coral clasps and amber studs;
Christopher Marlowe s Shepherd clearly believes that the only surefire way of
attaining love would be to offer as much as you can and lure your subject into a false
sense of being loved by giving her (or him) the world.
The world means nothing to Sir Walter Raleigh s Nymph, the girl Raleigh presumes
to be the object of the Shepherd s pleas, in his poem entitled quot;The
Nymph s Reply to the Shepherd quot; in direct response to Christopher Marlowe. The
beautiful forest creature is young compared to the elderly
Why I Want To Work In Political Science
My major is Government (Political Science) and of course I am going to get a job
that ties into my Political Science degree. Since Political Sciences is basically the
study of politics, I want to work in place where politics is the main focus. So that s
why I choose to work for CNN. And CNN is a company that employs people who
have great knowledge and understanding of politics. Cable News Network is basic
cable and satellite television news channel owned by turner broadcasting system.
CNN was founded in the year 1980 by American media proprietor Ted Turner as a
twenty four cable news channel.
CNN has numerous of affiliates, CNN primarily broadcasts from the Time Warner
Center in New York City, and studios in Washington, D.C. and Los... Show more
content on ...
The site is updated continuously throughout the day. I also want to work for CNN
because they are a company that knows how to experiment and try other things to
help the company grow to become better. CNN has launched two specialty news
channels for the American market which would later close amid competitive
pressure: the sports news channel CNNSI shut down in 2002, while business news
channel CNNfn shut down after nine years on the air in December 2004. CNN also
once had a partnership with Sports Illustrated through the sports website, but sold the domain name in May 2015. CNNfn s former website now
redirects to, a product of CNN s strategic partnership with Money
magazine. Money and Sports Illustrated were both Time Warner properties until
2014, when the company s magazine division was spun off into the separate Time
Inc. Also back in 2012 , CNN launched CNN Films which is a motion picture
division of CNN. CNN films mainly produced original feature length documentaries
that will examine an array of political, social, and economic subject matters.
And my final reason of why I want to work at cnn is biggest and arguably the most
most popular news network ever. According to adweekly, driven by live coverage of
the year s US presidential election, 2016 was CNN s most watched year in its history.
Analysis Of Loving V. Virginia
The movie Loving is based off of the court case Loving v. Virginia. Even after the
Civil Rights act of 1964 that outlawed discrimination based on race, origin, and
religion, had not yet edified the question of marriage. States, such as Virginia, still
imposed a ban on interracial marriages. The charges against the protagonists, Mildred
and Richard Loving, spiked my interest because of the enhanced step taken by
society as was taken in modern times during the same sex marriagecase Obergefell v.
Hodges. The court during the twentieth century was forced to question our evolving
standards of decency and define our Constitutional rights given to us by Equal
Protection and Due Process laws of the fifth and fourteenth amendment. The
prosecution in Loving v. Virginiahad to display their reasoning for their holding by
under the levels of scrutiny in the Equal Protection Clause. The defense had to prove
there was inconsistent levels of scrutiny, a lack of compelling governmental interest,
and that marriage was a fundamental right. Once proven, the institution of marriage,
licensing, and recognition of interracial couples was Constitutionally protected.
II. Plot Line: In 1958 Virginia residents Mildred Jeter and Richard Loving, a white
man and black woman, traveled to Washington D.C. and obtained a marriage license.
Upon returning to Virginia the Lovings established a homestead in Caroline County.
That same year, the county issued an indictment against the Lovings for
human resource
Chapters 9 12 Review
What is the tenet that China follows to ensure that Hong Kong s exuberant capitalism
is retained despite the communist leanings of mainland China?
Absolute plutocracy
Sovereignty of the provinces
Noninterventionist approach
One country, two systems
Which of the following is true of the CFTA?
It was designed to eliminate trade barriers between the United States, Canada, and
parts of Asia.
It created several, independent commercial markets for goods and services.
It was a customs union like the European Community.
It involved economic and political unions.
It provided only for the elimination of tariffs and other trade barriers ... Show more
content on ...
common market.
regional cooperation for development (RCD).
customs union.
free trade area (FTA).
Political explanations of Japan s crisis during the 1990s identified two villains. One
of them was the powerful Japanese bureaucracy. Which of the following is the other
Japan s trade policies with the United States.
Japan s refusal to join Asian trade blocs.
The powerful influence of the royalty in political issues.
The long entrenched Liberal Democratic political party.
The splintering of most of Japan s right wing political parties.
____ classifies a country s stage of economic development on the basis of its level of
industrialization into three categories and the three categories are MIDCs, LDCs,
and LLDCs.
The U.S. Department of Commerce
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
The International Organization for Standardization
The United Nations
The World Trade Organization
The _____ has reduced or eliminated internal tariffs and adds a common external
tariff on products imported from countries outside the group.
political union
common market
regional cooperation for development (RCD)
customs union
free trade area (FTA)
With respect to global marketing management, the argument for market
The Life Of The Party
The Life of the Party
In the wake of disappointing presidential candidates and Congress shutdowns, many
Americans are left unsatisfied with their government. It has become obvious that the
Republicans and Democrats will not and cannot work cooperatively. America s two
party system has become detrimental and must be opened to third party involvement.
This would restore political competitiveness, forcing candidates to prove themselves
even further. Furthermore, this reveal many more opinions and opportunities to the
eye of the American public, allowing for entirely educated decisions from a range of
choices. This is a change in the government of the United States of America that is
not only certainly feasible, but also necessary.
Recently, ... Show more content on ...
This statistic is, in fact, not a causation of increased negative opinions throughout all
Americans: it is actually focused in negativity within the Republican Party. Not
surprisingly, thirty six percent of independent voters felt dislike towards both parties.
However, twenty two percent of surveyed Republicans also felt this way, up from
only nine percent in January (Smith). This recent dissatisfaction has also been
reciprocated in independent voters. An astounding forty seven percent of Republican
leaning independent voters are displeased with both the Republican and Democratic
parties, the highest since 1992. Six months prior to this study, this figure was only at
thirty two percent. This marks a recent change in opinion. Previously, there had
always been more Democratic leaners unhappy with the Democratic Party than
Republican leaners unhappy with the Republican Party. However, with now only
twenty two percent of Democratic leaners unhappy with the Democrats, this statistic
has switched. This extreme rise in unhappiness at our major political parties have
left many wondering if our two party system is still working as it should be (Smith).
For many decades, the United States of America has been led by two political parties:
the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. However, there have been and are
currently many other parties that have attempted for political importance. These
political parties, which are known
Feminist Issues In Crime Fiction
Feminist Issues in Crime Fiction
Bronwen Levy discusses issues in women s crime fiction, written by women or for
women in her article Introduction to Marele Day: Reading Women s Crime Fiction,
Some Problems . She thoroughly discusses authors in the genre, such as Agatha
Christie (Levy В¶1) and cites other critics on the subject, such as Sherri Paris (В¶5).
By bringing in other authors and critics on the subject, she precisely provides
objectivity with other viewpoints. Levy did well in meeting the basic goals of
literary criticism.
Levy does use key terms from literary criticism accurately. In the first paragraph, she
introduces her thesis: a binary opposition has been in operation in both dominant
versions of the crime fiction genre and ... Show more content on ...
In doing so, she does use carefully worded claims to advance her argument. In her
second page, she begins with the claim we could usefully start by refusing the
orthodoxy, even among feminists, of seeing crime fiction as inherently, or even an
historically masculine form (Levy В¶4). This is the first real paragraph in which
she begins to advance her thesis. In later paragraphs she continues with this notion
and says, together with not seeing crime fiction as necessarily masculine, we could
also use the term genre more carefully and flexibly, particularly given the current
critical interest in genre theory (В¶5). This carries out the idea of crime fiction not
being specifically masculine, but it begins to change the discussion to the genre
itself, not whether it is masculine or feminine. The next paragraph begins with, while
a knowledge of the histories and literary possibilities of various genres is useful for
readers and for writers, it is important not to become victims of an inflexible,
ahistorical, understanding of these forms (В¶6). These three claims show that Levy
plainly advances her claims to advance her argument, subtly transitioning from one
topic to the
The Environmental Impact Of The Environmental
Environmental Movement Report
Before the 1960s, environmentalism mainly focused on conservation of resources
and the wilderness and was apparent through Theodore Roosevelt s creation of five
National Parks, one hundred fifty National Forests and about two hundred thirty acres
of land set aside for conservation. In the 1960s, the environmental movement was
really able to garner support as it was during many other movements such as Civil
Rights, Peace, and Women s. Many consider the spark for environmentalism to be
Rachel Carson s Silent Spring (1962), which exposed the harmful effects of pollutants
such as DDT on the environment and the public. While minute amounts of DDT
cause little to no harm to the organisms that are affected, as DDT moves up the food
chain, it becomes more and more concentrated. A generally accepted value is that for
each level up in the food chain, the concentration of pollutants increases by a
thousand times. The effects of Silent Spring cannot be overestimated. As people
began to become more informed about pollution, more people demanded that the
federal government take action. The environmental movement then grew to
encompass global warming, clean air, energy, the ozone layer, and also pollution.
These concerns were vocalized in the very first Earth Day that occurred on April 22,
1970 and was established by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson. A group of
twenty million Americans, all coming from vastly different backgrounds, celebrated
the holiday
My Philosophy Of Osteopathic Medicine
I was introduced to osteopathic medicine early on by my uncle, an osteopathic
physician. After hearing about my interest in becoming a physician following my
vesicoureteral reflux surgery, he wanted to ensure that I was aware becoming an
osteopathic physician is one of the options in achieving my goal. He mentioned that
the most notable differences from allopathic medicinewere a different philosophy that
the body has its own healing system and the use of osteopathic manipulative
medicine. However, I did not fully understand what all of that meant, but kept it in the
back of my mind.
At the health fairs hosted by APHC, I had the opportunity to observe nearby
osteopathic medical students treat patients. In addition, I shadowed multiple
physicians from various ... Show more content on ...
Out of all of them, Dr. Brian Loveless, a family practice physician who utilizes
osteopathic manipulative medicine, stood out the most. My time shadowing him
showed me to the philosophy of osteopathic medicine that I was not able to
comprehend before. Using osteopathic manipulative treatment techniques like high
velocity, low amplitude, he was able to relieve patients of their pains or aches during
the visit, without medications. It was these moments that taught me the effectiveness
about the philosophy of osteopathic medicine. As Dr. Loveless stated, regarding one
patient, he was, treating a patient with back pain and not the back pain itself . He was
restoring the proper structure and function of the body, so that the body could heal
itself. Ultimately with these techniques, Dr. Loveless and other osteopathic
physicians are equipped with an additional skill set
The Pros And Cons Of Eugenics
Eugenics is the science of improving the qualities of the human species or a human
population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable
characteristic traits and decrease the occurrence of undesirable characteristic traits or
genetical defects (Webster, 1828.) Eugenic sterilizationrefers to the involuntary
sterilizationof certain categories of individuals without their need for consent by
those subjected to the procedure (Pozgar, 2012, Pg. 411.) Individuals classified as
mentally deficient, feeble minded, epileptic, promiscuous, sexual deviants, or
persons classified as habitual criminals were mainly targeted (Pozgar, 2012, Pg.
411.) Eugenicists argued degenerate traits tainted society through the reproduction
of the lowest class and sterilization was to keep the handicapped from perpetuating
themselves (Kaelber, 2014.) In addition, eugenicists also argued that feeble minded
individuals were believed to be financial burdens to society by overcrowding
prisons, hospitals and living off welfare (Kaelber, 2014.) Sterilization was seen as a
way to prevent the spending of tax dollars on the feeble minded (Kaelber, 2014.)
These arguments allowed Eugenicsto become an acceptable practice. Advocates
believed that getting rid of the feeble minded and mentally deficient would decrease
the undesirable characteristic traits within the human gene pool and ultimately
improve the human population. The very first sterilization law was passed in
What in your view was the short term significance of...
What in your view, was the short term significance of Michael Collins?
Michael Collins played a major part in Ireland s History, in the years 1916 23. He
had a short but political life where he had increasingly been involved in events such
as the Easter Rising, Anglo Irish War, Treaty Negotiations and the Civil War.
Although he was only active over a relatively short period of time, his significance in
such events was profound. His public image changed throughout the years, from one
of the UKs most wanted men to a reasonable politician. In 1916 during the Easter
Rising his role was relatively low key, but by 1922 he ultimately gave his life in the
Civil War for what he believed in.
Michael Collins took part in the Easter Rising in ... Show more content on ...
The canteen staff in Frongoch described Collins as highly respected and when they
took problems to him he always listened logically 4. This helps us understand
Michael Collins short term significance because he learnt from the military
blunders made; such as the seizure of indefensible and very vulnerable positions
like St Stephen s Green5 and filled the vacuum made by the executions of the
leaders of the Rising. Likewise, Frongoch would have been different without
Collins as the internees wouldn t have been able to hold out and the Irish wouldn t
have developed such a fighting force. It s a useful source because they were
employed to work in the Frongoch canteens so they are indifferent to Collins, which
gives this source a high weight of argument which can be generalised to how others
must have seen him who weren t closely involved with him. Then again, as it is
written so long after, it can be doubted On the contrary, the source was wrote over
half a century later, so it s questionable how far someone can precisely remember
what the canteen staff thought about Collins.
Michael Collins had many responsibilities after leaving Frongoch. He was appointed
Finance Minister and is described as the unlikely Finance Minister who proved
himself an administrator par excellence. 6 Collins produced a Finance Ministry that
was able to organise a
Analysis Of Federalist 10 By James Madison
In Federalist 10 by James Madison, he addresses key issues like factions and
democracy, all while focusing on the usefulness of the Constitution and the necessity
of a strong central government, to defend his Federalist ideology. Personally, I agree
with the foundation of his arguments, especially on the topic of forms of government,
as well as the role of representation in our government.
Madison s primary focus throughout the beginning of this paper is factions. He holds
a deep disdain for them as he thinks that they solely focus on themselves, while
hurting other Americans, which is evident in this quote, ( ...united and actuated by
some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of other
citizens, or to the ... Show more content on ...
No matter what the government or its people try to implement to disable factions,
another will always rise due to the nature of man. Destroying liberty is the most
heinous crime imaginable for Madison and I agree, every citizen having their
liberty is what this country was founded on and it should therefore be untouchable.
Madison s idea of giving every citizen the same ideals and interests is blatant
sarcasm to illustrate how factions are unpreventable and simply part of human
nature. No matter what you may do to try and prevent it, there will always be new
movements and ideas that people rally behind and their freedom to do that is part of
what makes America special.
Another focus of Federalist 10 is the purpose of having a republican government,
which is personally the issue raised in Federalist 10 that resonates the most with
me. One of the main benefits of a republic in a large government per Madison, is
the lack of power given to factions. In a large and diverse republic, there are large
amounts of factions across the country, however, they have little power or influence.
While in a direct democracy, there is a small amount of factions, but each faction is
Slip In Nb Lab Report
Slip in bcc metals has a lot in common, although each material has its own
subtleties [70]. Investigation of slip in Nb dates to over 60 years ago, when several
researchers deformed single crystal Nb under different experimental conditions [80,
84, 89 91]. More attention has been put into Nb over the past few decades, as it
became the material of choice to build SRF cavities. The following paragraphs will
concentrate on slip in high purityNb at room temperature, which is the condition of
SRF cavity manufacturing.
Maddin and Chen used optical slip trace analyses and X ray Laue diffraction to
identify slip only on {110} planes in Nb at room temperature in both tension and
compression across the unit triangle [80]. In the work of ... Show more content on ...
Comparison using the {110} slip systems or a combination of both {110} and
{112} slip systems does not give the same correlation. The rotation of tensile axes
can also be explained by the dominance of {112} slip systems at yield [48].
A ratio between the shear stress of the two most stressed intersecting {112} slip
systems below 1.1 correlates well with hardening at yield, suggesting that the
combined twinning/anti twinning and non glide shear stress effects may only alter
the critical resolved shear stress by a small amount [48]. Thus, many of these details
may not be necessary for inclusion into practical models for the deformation of large
grain Nb. In fact, initial results from Mapar et al. suggest that non Schmid effects are
small in Nb, and surprisingly, the Schmid based model predicts the stress strain
behavior of the Ningxia tensile samples better than the non Schmid model in most
cases [92].
The dominance of {112} slip at yield followed by {110} slip for the rest of
deformation appears to comply with the theory of Seeger et al. [48, 85], which
suggests that the high purity screw dislocation core relaxation is on {112} planes, and
impurities change the core relaxation to {110} planes. This indicates that the total
The Warmth of Other Suns
Isabel Wilkerson is an African American Howard University journalism graduate
writer and the first black woman in the history of American Journalism to win a
Pulitzer Prize. Among her notable works is the novel The Warmth of Other Suns .
The novel The Warmth of Other Suns was about the Great Migration which occurred
between the years 1915 1970 and this was the movement of approximately seven
million Black people out of the Southern United States to the North, Midwest and
Western states from 1916 to 1970. Blacks migrated to escape widespread racism in
the South, to seek employment opportunities in industrial cities of the North, to get
better education for their children, and to pursue what was widely ... Show more
content on ...
But when he returned home, he found that he could not perform surgery or even
work in the hospital in his hometown of Monroe, Louisiana because of his color.
And so he set out from Louisiana to California in order to make a way for himself
and for his family in a new land.
The positive experience of Ida Mae Brandon Gladney is like the other two they has
more freedom and independence as black people compared to when they were in
the south. Also the Do s and Dont s published in The Defender and the fact that
people pointed out things she wasn t supposed to do in her opinion was a good
thing. Also the fact that she could vote whereas back home in Missisipi she wasn t
allowed to. A negative experience was the fact that they had to move from flat to
flat and the problem with finding housing because Chicago was trying to
discourage the migration of any more colored people from the south. Also the
outbreak of the riots and the shutdown of factories and the difficulty finding a job
and an increased cost of living. In the case of George Swanson Starling, I think the
fact that he was able to get away from Florida so he could not be lynched is a
positive experience. Also the fact that he was able to find a job right away upon his
arrival to New York was a positive thing despite the fact that he was overqualified and
overeducated for the job. Also the arrival of his wife Inez and their baby was a
An Application Of An Enterprise System
This paper will discuss what an enterprises system is and how it has evolved to an
integrated system to a piecemeal system. We will also discuss how an enterprise
system brings integration to of business processes and the role it plays for the
management team when it comes to the decision making process. After providing
this information, I will then draw conclusion and determine if I feel an Enterprise
System is critical to business success and why. Before one can understand the role
of an enterprise system, they must first have a basic understanding of what an
enterprise actually is. Well, let s first just define the term enterprise a little bit.
According to, an enterprise is simply a synonym for the
word company or business . When combined with systems, enterprise systems
become a synonym for company systems (Riley, J., n.d.). An enterprise system is a
group of services that work across an organization to combine and correlate
applications and services that are dependent upon each other for the efficiency of
several departments and the company (UNC Technology Source, n.d.). Now that we
understand what an enterprise system is, let s look at how they have evolved over
the years to become and staple in enterprises today. Initially, there were several
systems that were created in the 1990 s by their IT departments which created
scripted programs to meet specific needs of that one company. There was a significant
bridge between technology and
A Complicated Kindness Essay
Sexual Experimentation, Drug and Alcohol Abuse In The Virgin Suicides and A
Complicated Kindness, the restrictions that religion puts in place cause the youth to
rebel against that religious system. In A Complicated Kindness, it is made clear
from the beginning of the text that there is a ban on the media, dancing, smoking,
temperate climates, movies, drinking, rock n roll, having sex for fun, swimming,
make up, jewellery, playing pool, going to cities, or staying up past nine o clock
(Toews 5). These strict rules against what are considered standard activities lead
Nomi to rebel. For example, Nomi takes up smoking, drinking and has premarital sex
with her boyfriend Travis. Additionally, Nomi wears a bonnet for the Mennonite
church service,... Show more content on ...
From the beginning of the text, it is clear that Lux is sexually charged. The first
time sexuality is attributed to her is when Peter Sissen has dinner at the Lisbon
house. When Peter uses the bathroom, he finds a used tampon, which belongs to
Lux as she knocks on the door to get something private (Eugenides 8). In a sense,
Lux s rebellious behaviour and sexual awakenings have contributed to her
destruction of the self. As it has been established, her sexual actions with Trip after
the prom result in her entrapment in the house, including the remaining girls,
though they arrived home on time. As well as not being allowed to leave the
house, the girls are pulled out of school. Additionally, Mrs. Lisbon makes Lux
throw all her rock records into the fire (138 39), which further establishes her
control. One could argue that the records for Mrs. Lisbon promote rebellious
behaviour, connecting her daughter s to Satan. Additionally, it could be argued
that this event drives Lux to further rebel as the records were the one thing that
would keep her sanity as well as being a part of her identity. Her loss and
destruction of her identity is confirmed as she further goes against her mother s
strict rules. She does so by performing sexual favours for men on the roof of their
house. This allows Lux to escape her entrapment for a
Descriptives Of El Nino
El nino is a temporary change in climate in the pacific ocean,in the region around the
equator.You can see Typically,the ocean surface warms up by a few degrees celsius.
El NiГ±o is a climate cycle in the Pacific Ocean with a global impact on weather
patterns. The cycle begins when warm water in the western tropical Pacific Ocean
shifts eastward along the equator toward the coast of South America
Normally, this warm water pools near Indonesia and the Philippines. During an El
NiГ±o, the Pacific s warmest surface waters sit offshore of northwestern South
Forecasters declare an official El NiГ±o when they see both ocean temperatures
and rainfall from storms veer to the east. Experts also look for prevailing trade
winds to weaken and even reverse direction during the El NiГ±o climate
phenomenon. These changes set up a feedback loop between the atmosphere and the
ocean that boosts El NiГ±o conditions. The El NiГ±o forecast for 2015 is expected
to be one of the strongest on record, according to Mike Halpert, the deputy director of
the Climate Prediction Center, part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
We don t want to see just the warming in the ocean. We want to see the atmosphere
above the ocean respond to the changes, said Michelle L Heureux, a climate scientist
and lead for the El NiГ±o forecasting team at the Climate Prediction Center.
The location of tropical storms shifts eastward during an El NiГ±o because
atmospheric moisture is
The Demand For Fossil Fuels
With Earth s population continuing to grow, the demand for fossil fuels is
increasing every day. In 2014, the United States alone consumed over 19 million
barrels of oil a day. Not only is running out of these vital fuels a concern, but our
ferocious appetite for fossil fuels is heating our planet at an alarming rate. While
wind and solar power have been doing their part to cut back on the use of fossil
fuels, it may be biology that allows us to finally cut the cord to fossil fuels. Recent
studies into using biology as a renewable fuel have shown that an H2 producing
bacteria called, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, and biodiesel producing algae may be
the keys. R. palustris is unique in that it consumes electrons from iron and other
metallic... Show more content on ...
palustris produces H2 and uses and enzyme called nitrogenase to catalyze the
reaction. However, most bacteria actually live in nitrogen deprived environments.
The bacteria in those nitrogen deficient environments stop growing, while
producing more H2 than the bacteria who have access nitrogen. The increased H2
production is due to a metabolic process called the tricarboxylic acid cycle. This
cycle replaces the gyloxylate cycle that is used by R. palustris in nitrogen rich
environments. In addition, the bacteria use the electrons they collected via EET to
generate ATP in another process called cyclic photophosphorylation. When nitrogen
is not available as a catalyst for H2 production, R. palustris can use electrons
ingested from sources like iron to produce H2. The problem with using these
electrons is that the process of H2 production will be in constant competition with
the biosynthetic process of cyclic photophosphorylation, which also requires
electrons to function (Mckinlay et al. 2013). The energy created from algae for
biofuels is slightly less complicated than that of its bacterial cousin. Algae
composition, by weight, is half lipid oil. Scientists have been studying this oil for
decades to convert it into algae biodiesel this biodiesel burns cleaner and more
efficiently than any petroleum based fuel (Stefani Newman How Algae Biodiesel
Works 2008). The algae used in the production of diesel are grown in large open or
closed ponds, the most popular and
Essay on Pa230 Unit 2 Legal Memo
To: Supervising Attorney
From: Heather Leigh Bradley
Re: Security Protocols in the Law Office
Date: April 8, 2014
You have asked me to research the ethical rules about what is permissible for the
website that you plan to create for the law firm. I have conducted legal research on
the following issues and am presenting my findings, as follows:
1.Does the website have to list the state where s/he is licensed to practice?
Yes, the website does have to list the state or states where he/she is licensed to
practice law. In ABA Model Rule 5.5: Unauthorized Practice of Law;
Multijurisdictional Practice of Law, it states that a lawyer can not mislead, or
withhold their jurisdiction of legal practice to the public, or ... Show more content on ...
In order to list a legal specialty on the webpage, the attorney must be certified
according to ABA Model Rule 7.4.
Yes, she/he must be certified by an ABA accredit organization and she/he must state
the name of the organization that she/he received the certification from.
The attorney is allowed to state she/he is a certified personal injury litigator, as
long as she/he is certified by an ABA accredited organization and she/he must
acknowledge and list the organization they received this certification from on the
website, in order to state that she/he is specialized. Stating that you are specialized
in a particular field when your not, it is also misleading and misrepresentation of
your practice and education. It makes it seem as if she/he has received special
training in this type of law, when they haven t. Model Rule 7.1: Communications
concerning a lawyer s service also addresses this, and clear says that a lawyer must
not make false or misleading statements about him/herself or their practice. That all
communication must be made of fact and/or law, and it needs to be clearly stated and
not confusing or misleading. If she/he listed on their

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Labor Day Essay.pdfLabor Day Essay

  • 1. Labor Day Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of "Labor Day" can be both challenging and rewarding. While the subject may seem straightforward at first glance, delving into the complexities of the labor movement, historical significance, and the evolving nature of work requires careful research and thoughtful analysis. One difficulty lies in striking the right balance between providing factual information and expressing personal insights. Finding credible sources to support arguments and enhance the essay's credibility adds another layer of complexity. Additionally, weaving together a coherent narrative that captures the essence of Labor Day and its impact on society requires a nuanced approach. The challenge further intensifies when attempting to address the broader social, economic, and political implications associated with the labor movement. Juggling multiple perspectives, historical contexts, and contemporary viewpoints demands meticulous organization and a clear, concise writing style. Furthermore, crafting an engaging introduction that captivates the reader's attention and a compelling conclusion that leaves a lasting impression can be daunting. Avoiding clichГ©s and ensuring a fresh perspective on the subject matter adds an extra layer of difficulty to the writing process. Despite these challenges, writing an essay on "Labor Day" provides an opportunity to explore the dynamic interplay between labor, society, and progress. It invites reflection on the struggles and achievements of the labor movement and their lasting impact on the modern workforce. In conclusion, while composing an essay on the topic of "Labor Day" may present its share of difficulties, the process is a valuable exercise in critical thinking and communication skills. Navigating through the intricacies of the subject can lead to a more profound understanding of the significance of labor in shaping societies. For those seeking assistance or looking for professionally crafted essays, various services like offer a wide range of topics and academic support to make the writing process more manageable. Labor Day Essay Labor Day Essay
  • 2. Epilogue Of Augustus s Mistake As Augustus down walked the dusty old road he noticed something, most of the shops that lined the edges of the road were closed. The food priced probably rose again he thought. Whenever the food price rose, numerous shops close down. Augustus considered himself lucky that he didn t have to move. As he walked inside the bakery, the smell of fresh baked bread made his stomach grumble with anticipation. When he walked into the back of the bakery he saw his father cutting the dough into little squares and putting them in an oven. Hey dad! He yelled across the deafening roar of the oven. Auggie! Augustus had been gone for about a month working at a factory that made clothes. The clothes that they made were sent to the rich people and other countries. ... Show more content on ... Auggie was sent there to earn some money for the family. A good thing about the factories is that they provide food and a living space. The money that Augustus made was enough to support the family for about a week. Augustus s job at the bakery was to get water, wood and buying supplies at the market. His father kneaded the dough and made loafs of bread. His step mother made the pastries and the cakes. His older step sister Caroline helped Augustus with his work and put the frosting on the cakes. The whole family worked well together like a well oiled machine. Augustus always thought of his mother before he went to sleep. He always dreamed of her. He could see her lying in the bed talking to her husband in hushed tones. But this was 8 years ago when Augustus was only 4, how did he remember it so vividly? He always woke up wanting to go back to sleep, not because he was tired though. As the days dragged on, all of his dreams became more vivid. He once had a dream that he was in a war and he got shot in the arm, he cried out in pain and woke up, The dream had seemed so
  • 3. The Violence Against Women Act Of 1994 Jafreicy Amparo Professor Flanagan POL 323: Public Policy Analysis July 28, 2016 The Violence Against Women Act of 1994 John Kingdon s Garbage Can model argues that the policymaking process consists of three streams problems, politics, and policies that flow independently from one another. When these three streams meet it creates a window of opportunity and public policy is a result. The Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) is an example of the Kingdon Garbage Can model . The VAWA was passed as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 in recognition of the severity of crimes associated with domestic violence and sexual assault. It was the first federal legislation that addressed violence uniquely targeted at women and their children. The Violence Against Womens Act of 1994 provided $1.6 billion towards the prosecution and investigation of violent crimes against women and it also did a series of things that helped to improve criminal justice response to violence against women. The act strengthened federal penalties for repeat sex offenders and created rape shield laws that prevented offenders from using a victim past sexual experience in a trial of sexual assault. The VAWA required that protection orders be enforced and recognized everywhere in the United States. It increased the rates of prosecution, conviction and sentencing of offenders and funded the training for 500,000 law enforcement each year to ensure that the police who respond
  • 4. Rhetorical Analysis Of The Politics Of Muscle By Gloria... The essay, The Politics of Muscle, by Gloria Steinem, is successful in effectively comparing and contrasting how society s standards imply that there is a difference in strength between men and women. Through the use of different rhetorical claims, such as pathos and ethos as well as a great deal of subjective claims, Steinem establishes credibility which allows her to create a well crafted essay. Although, the essay can be perceived as biased, since it does not include a great deal of information on the perception of strength on men, its intended audience is women. Therefore, that aspect does not affect the overall quality of Steinem s writing. In fact, it only strengthens it, considering she expects her audience to share the same opinions... Show more content on ... However, the presenting of bias is fitting and does not affect the overall quality of the essay, seeing that her targeted audience is mostly women, she anticipate them to share similar viewpoints on the topic as her. Irrefutably, she specifically state, That s one of many reasons why I and other women of my generation grew up believing as many girls still do that the most important thing about a female body is not what it does but how it looks. The power lies not within us but in the gaze of the observer (Steinem 340). The author is trying to explain that women everywhere can relate to the fact that it is not about how good they are at something, it is more about their body display, and if they do not have the right face or figure essentially, they do not stand a chance between others who do. In other words, women understand the predominating ideas that are placed on them regarding how they should look or act. This helps the overall quality of the essay because since women already understand the ceaseless cycle of changing their shape and figure, it is not hard to persuade them to think differently about the perception of women s
  • 5. Jews in the 19th Century Essays Jews in the 19th Century During the 19th the status and position of European Jews changed frequently as the rights they had and the way countries tried to gain inequality changed dramatically. At the start of the 19th in France and Germany there was a great deal of anti Semitism between Jews and Christians, the French Christians could not accept Jews into their community. They thought of Jews as aliens. In Germany Jews were persecuted. To start with, the nazi s made laws to limit their freedom and encourage attacks on Jewish homes and businesses. Gradually the persecution increased until the nazi s started to send ... Show more content on ... By 1914 90 anti semistism deputies had been elected into the Reichstag. This reflected the fact that Jews had a dominant position on German banking which was resented in German society. Right wing politicians felt insecure and hated the Jews. Jewish physical type was a threat to the pure bred German nation. In 1789 during the French revolution, the national assembly was trying to create a better system of government for France. Wilhelm Dohm thought the rights that Jews should have were to be treated as valuable citizens if all occupations and educational institutions were open to them. He was a good Christian but he could see and understand the inequality in France. Between 1789 1815 the Jews were granted the rights of full citizenship and no one should be persecuted for their religious rights. The government wanted a peaceful country and they thought that by making these rights for Jews things would become to settle down. The governments ideas might influence people if the majority of the public in the France agreed with the point they were trying to make, they might also feel threatened when they don t agree, they could be influenced by speeches and rumours. The government could also use propaganda to promote inequality. Their ideas might have no influence as people have their own views
  • 6. The Pros And Cons Of Title IX Title IX does not currently achieve the bill s original purpose of equal opportunity between the sexes because the tests used to measure compliance are flawed, the required balance of funding between male and female sports teams is skewed due to revenue sports, and there is a vast amount of misinformation about the results of Title IX hiding its failures. Bentley, Eric (2005) Title IX: The Technical Knockout For Men s Non Revenue Sports. Journal of Law Education, 33, 139 166. This provides an argument that men s intercollegiate sports should not be dropped in order to reach Title IX compliance. The article states that colleges should look to increase women s sports to achieve substantial proportionality rather than the cheaper, ... Show more content on ... In the second test he performs he shows that he does not want to actually achieve a 0.0 rating, but would rather a school have as high of a positive rating as possible declaring a college with a rating of +6.24 as better than +0.54. This trend continues throughout the paper. This source is credible because it is a peer reviewed paper with relevant information regarding the way Title IX is viewed as an affirmative action law. Langton, Victoria (2009). Stop the Bleeding: Title IX and the Disappearance of Men s Collegiate Athletic Teams. Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment Technology Law, 12, 183 207. This note begins by stating: Circuit courts current interpretation of Title IX and its progeny has led schools to believe that proportionality is the only safe path for avoiding liability under Title IX, even if it means eliminating men s teams. (Langton, 2009). It then proceeds to argue that that the wording of Title IX actually should prohibit such actions and that eliminating male sports teams just achieve equality is actually discrimination based on sex. The note continues saying that the Supreme Court should grant certiorari making the removal of men s sports to achieve compliance under Title IX illegal. This source is credible because it was published in the Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment Technology Law with relevant information regarding different
  • 7. Doubt in Hamlet Her death was doubtful. Analyse the theme of doubt in Hamlet. In Shakespeare s play Hamlet, doubt is one of the most important themes. In fact, the whole play is based on the story of a ghost who claims to be Hamlet s father, and nobody can be sure if what he says is the truth. In this essay, I am going to focus on the theme of doubt throughout the play. I will first speak about the opening scene, and then I will talk about the ghost, which is a supernatural element used by Shakespeare to create doubt in the play. I will also analyse the passage in which Hamlet declares his love to Ophelia. Finally, I will briefly discuss Hamlet s sanity. What happens in the opening scene is very relevant and foreshadows the atmosphere of the whole ... Show more content on ... I think that the last scene of the first act is one of the most important ones because it is when the ghost demands Hamlet to [r]evenge his [father] foul and most unnatural murder (1.5.25). By asking revenge, the ghost introduces here the main plot of the play, which is going to be based on that revelation. We do not know if Hamlet can trust the phantom s accusations, if the ghost accuses Claudius because he has proof of Claudius s guilt or just because he is deducing. Hamlet cannot be sure of any of those questions, and I think that it is this doubt introduced by the ghost that makes Hamlet incapable of action and revenge. The plot of the play focuses on the one hand on the impossibility to know the truth, and on the other hand on the necessity to know the truth to act with justice and with honour. As D.G. James says in his essay, [c]onscience requires that we do is right; but then, what is right or wrong in these circumstances? We can thus say that Hamlet is right to hesitate. It is only in the second act that Hamlet begins to doubt, and begins to think that [t]he spirit that [he] ha[s] seen/ May be the devil (2.2.575 6). When Hamlet realizes that it may be a deceiving spirit , he decides to stage that play to trap Claudius. But when his guilt was proved beyond any doubt, Hamlet still did not kill him; he left him alone, giving a reason, plausible enough in Hamlet s eyes, in the eyes of his audience, and in our eyes [...] (Hattaway, p83). As I said before, the
  • 8. Nickel and Dimed Essay example Somebody should research that. (Ehrenreich, 2001). During the final course of her 30.00 lunch with Louis Lapham, editor of Harpers, Barbara Ehrenreich wondered how people could survive on minimum wage. She would soon be eating her words as Lapham pointed to her and said, You . Reluctant at first to be the one doing the research, Ehrenreich finally capitulates and begins life as a minimum wage worker in America. The main idea of her experiment was to spend one month in each place and make enough to pay the second month s rent (p.5 6). She wonders if she will find some special techniques that the poor use to get by. She finds that there are no secret economies, people just do the best they can with what they have available. ... Show more content on ... They also need to arrange their workdays around the bus schedule. Therefore, by having access to a car at all times, Ehrenreich already has many benefits that others might not. Ehrenreich starts her experiment close to home in Key West, Florida where she discovers that a dilapidated trailer close to work is out of her price range. She comments, Trailer trash is now something to aspire to ( p.12). Eventually, she moves into a trailer closer to work but for now, she finds a pleasant efficiency unit about 45 minutes from work. After filling out over twenty applications in three days, Ehrenreich has received no phone calls. She discovers that many companies stockpile applications because of their high turnover rates, so help wanted ads are not an indication of job availability. A short time later, Ehrenreich is hired as a waitress at the Hearthside, a restaurant attached to a discount chain hotel. Ehrenreich s account of her training with Gail, another waitress, is an entertaining read. All food must be trayed, and the reason she s so tired today is she woke up in a cold sweat thinking of her boyfriend, who was killed a few months ago scuffle in an upstate prison. No refills on lemonade. And the reason he was in prison.... (p.17) At the Hearthside, Ehrenreich realizes that she is not overqualified, as she had feared, but incom petent. Gail s reassurances do not comfort her. She is determined to fulfill the
  • 9. The Lord s Preparing The First Generation 1.In section one of Numbers which is the Lord s Preparing the First Generation to Enter the Promised Land covered in chapters one through ten there seems to a very specific message that God desires to communicate to the original audience. Although various opinions may exist regarding what this message may be the clearest message that appears to be displayed is that God has various ordinances and rules regarding the worship, day to day life, and travel of the Israelite nation which set them apart from the nations around them and must be strictly followed and adhered to. Chapter two of Numbers gives an account of the organization of the camp of the Israelitesafter they had been numbered by tribe. Each tribe had a specific leader, a specific head of each group of three thirds, and a specific location in which they were supposed to camp relative to the tabernacle. The purpose for all of this was set out by God in order to protect the ark and the tabernacle along with encampment as a whole from the presence of God and invaders who sought to raid the encampment. Chapters three and four along with seven, eight, nine, and ten all have to do very specifically with the roles of the Levities and tabernacle worship and the very strict guidelines that applied to both of these. The Kohathite clan of the Levities which was to transport the sacred articles of the tabernacle was not permitted to ever see the articles that they were carrying lest God strict them dead. In addition, in the
  • 10. The Night By Elie Wiesel In Night by Elie Wiesel, the author reflects on his own experience of being separated from his family and eventually his own religion. This separation was not by any means voluntary, they were forced apart during the Holocaust. Wiesel was a Jew when the invasion of Hungary occurred and the Germans ripped members of his religion away from their home in Sighet. A once peaceful community where Wiesel learned to love the Kabbalah was now home to only dust and lost memories. Most members of that Jewish community were never to return, hell greeted them with open arms as they walked through the now rusty gates of Auschwitz. In order to survive unimaginable circumstances that were enforced in these camps, a boy had to hang on to his humanity. But by no means did humanity stay with the boy, being subjected to the horror of concentration camps, Auschwitz and Buchenwald, Elie Wieselsaw first hand how members of other communities attempt to silence opposing voices. All of the pain that Wiesel saw inspired him to keep watch and tell stories for people who wouldn t live on to tell them for their own families. Stories are what keeps a person alive and through Eliezer s words that he puts down many are able to get a sense of closure in knowing what occurred at these camps. One story occurred on the first train ride away from home, a lady named Madame SchГ¤chter was beaten up for crying out against imminent death, unseen by others. She stayed like that all through the day, dumb, absent,
  • 11. The Battle Of Long Island Essay The Battle of Long Island The American Revolutionary War took place from 1775 to 1783. The war made the thirteen colonies of the United States of America independent from Great Britain. One of the first major battles of the American Revolution was The Battle of Long Island. The Battle of Long Island was the first battle that took place after the United States declared its independence on July 4, 1776. The battle took place in August 1776 and proved to both sides that the upcoming war would be long and arduous, not easily won by either side. The British Army was victorious in this battle and forced the Continental Armyto retreat leaving the entire state of New York under British control. This paper will provide insight and valuable information into the reason behind the American Revolution, and The Battle of Long Island, specifically details concerning the Continental and British Armies, strategies employed during the battle, and an alternate outcome through addressing failures in the American strategy. An alternate outcome to the battle would have a significant impact on the American Revolutionary War. The American Revolution The American Revolution began because of the resistance of many Americans to pay taxes to the British government. Many Americans felt these taxes were unjust. This led to eventual boycotts and conflicts with the British government in December 1773. The British closed the port of Boston in retaliation to the Boston Tea Party and took
  • 12. Detecting Fetal Abnormalities Through Ultrasound Detecting Fetal Abnormalities Through Ultrasound Birth defects can have life threatening consequences for the fetus. Many birth defects can be detected during pregnancy by an ultrasound. Some of these abnormalities include abdominal wall defect, orofacial cleft, anencephaly, and down syndrome. Although at this time ultrasound is the safest way to observe a fetus, risks are still associated with it. Ultrasound An ultrasound is a test that sends sound waves into the woman s abdomen or vagina in order to create an image to observe how the fetus is developing within the womb ( Pregnancy Ultrasound, n.d.). Some of the many names for an ultrasound include pregnancy ultrasound, babi, obstetric ultrasonography, and an obstetric ... Show more content on ... Exomphalos can be linked to genetic abnormalities and it may occur with any age of the mother ( Contact a Family, 2012). Gastroschisis is characterised by a defect in the abdominal wall and it is positioned to one side of the umbilical cord, typically the right side. In most cases the bowel will develop out of the abdomen. The bowel will remain out of the abdomen for the remaining time of the pregnancy. In some cases, the amniotic fluid irritates the bowel and makes it inflamed and thick, so that it does not work properly. Sometimes the bowel becomes twisted as it floats in the fluid and the blood supply is restricted. ( Contact a Family, 2012). At birth, the bowel can become further irritated when it is exposed to the air. Gastroschisis is associated with younger mothers; if the mother is under 20 years old, the risk of her child having gastroschisis is twelve times more likely ( Contact a Family, 2012). Gastroschisis is typically not linked with any other abnormality, which means that is almost always an isolated abnormality ( Contact a Family, 2012). After birth, both types of abdominal wall defects can be treated. The exposed organs are typically wrapped in a surgical cling film, which helps prevent infection. A primary repair surgery can be performed as soon as the baby is stable enough. This surgery is performed if a small portion of the bowel was exposed. During this surgery, the bowl is simply returned to the abdomen and the
  • 13. Eric Schlosser s Fast Food Nation Exposes the High Cost of... Many feel that the fast food industry is providing a valuable service by catering to consumer needs; that it is inexpensive and easily accessible. For people who don t have time to prepare meals, for households in which both parents work, there s no question it provides a service. But what is the true cost of this convenience? In the book, Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser reveals that the cost is the lives of the people who work in the meat processing plants. Meat packingis now the most dangerous job in the United States. The men and women who work in the slaughterhouses are often low paid, poor immigrants, who have not completely learned English and are practically illiterate. These workers make a knife cut every two or three ... Show more content on ... This manner that runs the lives of slaughterhouse workers is completely unethical. In any business, stopping an employee from receiving due compensation for injuries is unfair and unethical. It seems like that in any other business, if a worker is injured, and does not receive fair compensation, they have the ability and drive to enforce the law; but in the case of the slaughterhouse workers, that are often illiterate, this rarely happens. The fast food industry both feeds and prays off the young. Pioneers in developing marketing strategies to target children, the fast food chains have even infiltrated the nation s schools through lunchroom franchises and special advertising packages that answer public education s need for funds; in every way possible, giving the children a loyal friend to rely on. In many franchises, teenagers are perfect candidates for low paying, low skilled, short term jobs and constitute a large part of the fast food chains workforce; and often practically run individual locations, having more responsibility than most adults. The intense advertising and responsibilities is not the only thing we saw in Fast Food Nation that effected children. The quality of the meat that is fed to children in school and at the fast food restaurants is in some cases horrendous. Children are not the only age group that eats this tainted food, but they are more greatly
  • 14. The Dead of the Night The best novels stand the test of time, providing the reader with an interesting story as well as conveying important themes and ideas In John Marsden s sequel to Tomorrow When the War Began , set in rural modern day Australia, comes his second novel of seven The Dead of the Night . John Marsden s TDOTN has stood the test of time, by providing the readers with an interesting story as well as conveying important themes and ideas. The themes and ideas of Death and Destruction , Relationships and Friendships and Warfare and Survival , are used to convey important messages to the readers, by relating back to the teenagers life, and teenage audience. Using narrative told in first person narration by teenager Ellie, Marsden reinforces ... Show more content on ... The teenagers before they attack the convoy of soldiers sit down and play their tactics and discuss what will happen and the procedures if something goes terribly wrong. Their dialogue and speech also shows their fear of the war and their survival instincts. And suppose a patrol had jumped us? Suppose we d been caught with sawn off shot guns? We d all be put up against a tree and shot and you d have 5 peoples blood on your hands pg 92. Ellie is yelling at Homer, because he had gone against the group and what they d agreed upon and brought the shot guns anyway, this jeopardising their own survival. In addition to this Homer has broken their trust and put their survival at stake, this relates back to teenagers for the reason that friendships are built on trust. This is how Marsden uses the theme of Warfare and Survival to convey important themes and ideas, and provide the readers, with an interesting story, thus making TDOTN stand the test of time. In TDOTN Marsden uses the narrative structure of first person narration to effectively provide the reader with an interesting story, as well as allowing TDOTN to stand the test of time. Marsden uses Ellie s own words and experiences to convey her feelings and emotions to the readers by using the authentic voice of a seventeen year old female. Ellie uses I, we and slang and colloquial languages, to tell her story. A good example of this is when Ellie is bringing everything up to date at the end of the novel
  • 15. Interpreting The Periodic Table Lab Report Interpreting the Periodic Table Lab Report Name: Kelsey Cordero and Bruno Canteros Lab Partners: Ashley Fernandez, Lab Experiment: Interpreting the Periodic Table Date: January 15, 2015 Introduction: The periodic table is the most important chemistry reference there is. It arranges all the known elements in an informative array. Just like when entering a grocery store similar items are grouped together which makes an item easier to find. Elements are arranged left to right and top to bottom in order of increasing atomic number. The different rows of elements are called periods. The period number of an element signifies the highest energy level an electron in that element occupies. An element is a substance that is made... Show more content on ... Materials: (Activity 1) 1.Calcium2.Sulfur 3.Aluminum4.Silicon 5.Carbon6.Paper7.Copper8.Pencil 9.Iron 10.Magnesium (Activity 2) 1.Periodic Table Element Cards Procedure: The whole procedure for Activity 1: 1.Provide yourself with a pencil and paper. 2.As the teacher assigns you to a station, in that station are two elements where you must describe the physical features of the element. 3.As you rotate from station to station make sure to observe each and every element clearly until you have completed all 8 elements. 4.Once you are done use your notes to help you organize the elements into groups. The Procedure Activity 2: 1.Designate a group member to retrieve the periodic table cards. 2.Look for an open space to work with your group. 3.Use the periodic table to arrange the elements in order. 4.Once ordered observe the properties in the cards and try to find any and all patterns. Table 1. Activity 1. ElementDescription Calciumrough, light gray, rocky texture, solid, malleable, dull Aluminumshiny, smooth, crunchy, gray, solid, malleable Carbonrough, black, chalky, squeaky like styrofoam, light weighted, solid Coppershiny, light orange/peach, smooth, solid, malleable Ironsolid, shiny, gray, high pitch, smooth, malleable Magnesiummalleable, solid, soft, smooth Sulfursoft, powdery, yellow, dullish, solid Siliconshiny, metal, rough, gray, solid Table 2. Activity 1.
  • 16. Odo Of Chatillon-Sur-Marlon Research Paper Pope Urban was born in the Champagne region of France and was given the birth name of Odo of ChГўtillon sur Marne, or Odo of Lagery, or of Lagny in 1035, but the exact date of his birth was not recorded. His father s name was Gui I de Chatillon, but his mother was charged against her husband, and afterward, her name was never released to public records, and there was no preexisting record of her at that time, leaving no record of her name or who she was, today. There also was practically nothing on his childhood, since he perused most of his most memorable achievements at a later age. Odo studied in Soissons of Reims and after finishing his studies, took over as the archdeacon in this Reims diocese. This was considered
  • 17. The Student Digital Privacy And Parental Rights Act Introduction Everyday businesses here at The Best Widget Incorporated involves working with various types of data. The need to manage the data to ensure that it is accurate while also ensuring that if follows and necessary laws is a requirement. To assist in ensuring all data is accurate and properly collected the use of data capture system will need to be deployed. Data management/customer privacy laws When it comes to data management the need to ensure that all laws that pertain to customer privacy are followed. There are many different laws whether they be federal, state or local laws to ensure that the data that is collected is protected. For example, H.R. 2092 the student digital privacy and parental rights act helps protect ... Show more content on ... One possible solution would be to hold the data in a different table in the database to allow insure that the data is protected from accidently being included with non student data. The data that is collected needs to be managed differently as we as the need to provide parental access when necessary and insure that we do not include it in any advertising promotion we may offer. The financial services modernization act is geared towards financial institutions, if we offer any type of financial servers here at The Best Widget Incorporated, we need to ensure that we understand all laws dealing with the collection of said information. Under this act there are regulation on the collection, how we intend to use the collected information, and the disclosure of the information to anyone. Under this act we may be require to provide a notice of our privacy practices while also ensuring the we follow any necessary disposal rules should the situation arise (Jolly, 2015). As with any financial information collected we need to ensure that the customers information is kept safe and secure and the information we gather follow the proper collection regulations. We need to disclose to the customer the ways we intend to use the information, such as running credit checks or opening lines of credit. Prior to the customer submitting any information we need to ensure that we disclose this information. Aspects of Data Management The
  • 18. Doris Day History Dbq Analysis In the 1950s, postwar we saw a huge effort for the reconstruction of families. The roles of each person in the family had a purpose. The roles were specific and to stray from it would not have been good for the family image. Women were the homemakers who waited on their families every need. While this trend was growing another trend opposing it grew as well. We lived in a conservative time but many women did not always fall into the homemaker category. Not all women were married. Not all women had the family so new trends started to pop up. Beauty pageants, Barbie s and Marilyn Monroewere some of the biggest and or sexiest trends to come about. The sex appeal of women changed during this era but icons made a huge difference. They have molded what we are today and what women have evolved into. Doris Day was what an independent womanwas supposed to be like. She gave that image but she was not married and she did have a sex appeal to her that was not common. The other three icons broke that mold but Doris Day created the gateway for these icons. Beauty pageants were made to bring everyone together. Like the Super Bowl and the Emmys, the contest has become part of America s mythological consciousness, a point of pride and societal longing. (Ronnie D. Lankford, 1999 2005). The beauty of the 51 individuals wasn t a bad thing either especially since the women were running around practically naked. The process of beautiful women being judge purely on looks during a time when
  • 19. Theories Of Criminality And Delinquency Crime has been around since the creation of man, and specifically, since the fall of humanity in biblical times. Since then, people have been trying to explain what causes an individual to commit a crime. Although the Bible explicitly confirms the origin of crime is the sinful nature of man, many have argued as to the cause of criminality. During the eighteenth century, the argument for criminality and delinquency was the fall of man, as the Book of Genesis explains, after Eve ate from the forbidden tree, in Chapter 3. The first criminal act follows the fall of man, in Genesis 4:8 (NIV) where Now Cain said to his brother Abel, Let s go out to the field. While they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him. Since then, human beings have committed atrocities against other human beings, and continue to commit acts of violence against others to... Show more content on ... Moore starts with the definition of criminology and then proceeds to discuss five categories of psychological theories related to understanding criminality and delinquency (Moore, 2011). The methods used by Moore include a database search using keywords, and consultation with an expert in the field. The problem with the method Moore used is the limited categories of psychological theories in her article. Since there are so many different theories attempting to explain criminality and delinquency, Moore excluded those theories addressing crime and delinquency from a sociological perspective, and focused on the psychological theories because the psychological theories tend to address crime and delinquency at the individual level, primarily identifying individual differences that lead to criminal behavior (Moore, 2011, p. 228). The psychological theories Moore discusses are Learning Theories, Intelligence Theories, Personality Trait Theories, Theories of Psychopathy, and Cognitive and Social Development
  • 20. A Brief Note On Susan Gray School Program Literature Review Methods Participants A total of 60 children who are currently enrolled at the Susan Gray School located in Nashville, Tennessee will take part in this study. 30 males and 30 females, ages ranging from 2 years of age to 4 years of age will be randomly selected, from the seven available classes, for participation. Consent will be obtained prior to observation from their legal guardian on file with the school. All the children selected will be selected blindly, meaning that their demographics, such as socioeconomic status, ethnicity, etc. will be unknown to the researchers. The only key aspects of their personal information that is needed for this study is their age and biological gender which will be provided to ... Show more content on ... The specific toys that will be used are as follows: Male Typed Toys Red Race Car Transformer Blue Drum Set Female Typed Toys Pink Doll House Baby Doll Yellow Tea Set Neutral Typed Toys Plastic Box Metal Bucket Magnetic Balls Two stopwatches will also be used to time the three 10 minute observation sessions, as well as the amount of time each toy is played with during the observation session (in seconds). Procedure Data will be collected during 3 consecutive 10 minute observation sessions that will be conducted over the course of a single day. Multiple subjects will be observed in a single day, and the study will span over the course of multiple weeks. The same two observers will observe all 60 participant observations to reduce any threat to the validity of our results. During the first observation, the child will play individually with the provided toys, whereas during the second and third observation sessions the participant will engage in two peer plays, one with a same sex partner, and one with a child of the opposite sex. An example of the data sheet that will be used in this study can be found in appendix A of this document. During the first observation period, the subject of focus will be placed within the observation room by him or herself. In the classroom, there will be a set of provided toys. The toys will be gender specific, 3 male typed, 3 female typed, and 3 neutral typed.
  • 21. The Hydrocarbon Potential And Productivity Of The... TRANSMISSIVITY AND PETROPHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF DEEP WATER AREA, NIGER DELTA, NIGERIA AYODELE MOSES OYEWOLE1 ADIELA, U.P 2 1Department of Geology, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. 2 Department of Petroleum Engineering, Nigerian Agip Oil Company, Port Harcourt ABSTRACT The quality of the reservoirs in terms of porosity, permeability and transmissivity decreases down the depth. Therefore, it can be concluded that the hydrocarbon potential and productivity of the reservoir sands can be classified in decreasing order of arrangement as A, B and C. The reservoir A in well Bonn 007, 009, 013, 015, 017 and 019 is the best in terms of hydrocarbon production and hydrocarbon in such wells can easily migrate to the wellbore as compared to other two reservoirs. (I) INTRODUCTION Reyment (1960 1965) described the stratigraphy of the different depositional basins in Nigeria and created a large number of lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic divisions. Murat (1970) presented a paleogeographic description of the Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary in Southern Nigeria based on major depositional cycles resulting from three main tectonic episodes. Carter, Barber and Tait (1963), Jones (1964), Adeleye and Dessavagie (1970), Kogbe (1972), Adegoke et al., (1978), Petters (1978), Alix (1983), Popoff et al.(1983), Whiteman (1982), Benkhelil and Guiraud (1980), Benkhelil (1982 1986), Allen (1963, 1964, 1965 1980) and others have described the stratigraphy and
  • 22. Effective Functional Behavioral Assessment Of Students Introduction There is an increase in demand for behavioral services in various learning institutions, which have been due to schools being required to conduct functional behavioral assessment. This helps parties involved in a given sector of education, to understand and address a given rising behavior change in students. Hence improving the standards of education, by creating a good mind set and a positive behavioral culture in students. Mr. White, the principal at New Light School requested for an intervention plan. He has an 18yr old student, Tom who has mental retardation of which teachers have become concern and described the situation as inappropriate. These aberrant actions may be the reason why the student is provided with special education services as in the case of students labeled as having emotional disturbance However other students, for whom different impairments are the main concern, might also display undesirable behaviors. These could include, among many others, refusals to work on tasks viewed as too difficult, angry responses due to frustration of goals or inability to communicate with words or irritating actions displayed in an attempt to gain attention. Tom was okay before and the change is a matter of concern to all the parties involved. Anytime that the teachers have concern about the behavior of a student with disability, they are required by the Individuals Disability Act (IDEA) to undertake the functional behavioral assessment process in order to
  • 23. Suicide Bombers Research Papers Acts of terrorism come in many forms, using guns, bombs and even human beings as weapons of mass destruction. This paper will focus on the last one, the use of human beings as a weapon, otherwise known as suicide bombers. It will look into who they are, why they are used, how they are trained and the devastation they can cause by their actions. Everyone remembers September 11 and the massive destruction and the tragic loss of so many lives that fateful day in New York city, the Pentagon, and an empty field in Pennsylvania when three planes were taken over by suicide bombers, as an act of terrorism on the American people. What are suicide bombers? By definition a suicide bomber is, a person who has a bomb hidden on his or her body and who kills himself or herself in the attempt to kill others (Cambridge Dictionary, 2015). The events of September 11 brought to light the devastating effects of what suicide bombers are capable of doing, showing that human beings are being used as weapons of mass destruction. Men, women and even children are used as human bombs and who are recruited, trained and willing to give up their own lives for the cause , they are usually promised that they will be remembered as a martyr or a hero to their organizations and communities and is what makes suicide bombers so dangerous (Lewis, 2013). What makes suicide bombers so dangerous is their ability to recognize the precise time and place to detonate their weapons for maximum
  • 24. The Lonesome Dove Saga, By Larry Mcmurtry There are so many different concerns that a lot of women have today, and just like there is today, in the past during the time of Larry McMurtry s writing of the Lonesome Dove Saga, women had perhaps the same, or maybe even a little different, concerns throughout this time period that you come to find. These fully formed characters McMurtry introduces you to come to be; fun loving, strong minded, and heart filled women. Clara Allen and Captain August Gus McCrae was thought to be together forever. Throughout years and years of their lives, Clara and Gus had a connection. A type of connection that simply was one that could not compare to any other. They were the type of people who knew what they wanted, but knew it was no good for the both of them. As they both started to accept the fact that no matter how much they cared for each other, it would never hold out in a permanent relationship. Gus goes on a cattle drive from Lonesome Dove, Texas to Montana in hopes to find the one who once turned him down, Clara and maybe have a chance to change her mind. Clara was the type of women who could not marry Gus, for it was the fact that she thought of him as someone to wild to try and settle down with. Clara knew what she had to do and who she had to be with. For Clara, it may have been the fact of she loved him enough to let him go, and perhaps he felt the same way. She felt for Gus, but knew if she wanted to marry and start a family, he would not be the one whom she would have a
  • 25. Clifton Suspension Bridge Kaylie Griffin and I chose to build the Clifton Suspension Bridge. The Clifton Suspension Bridge is a suspension bridge located in Bristol, United Kingdom. A suspension bridge is a type of bridge which the deck is supported by cables that hang vertically off larger cables or hangers. Suspension bridges typically have two towers and are anchored to abutments at their ends.The towers help to support much of the weight that crosses the bridges deck, such as cars and people. The towers also dissipate the load directly into the planet Earth. These features of a suspension bridge are why they are strong therefore, one of the more popular designs for a bridge. When building our popsicle bridge, we had to add x shaped joints and brackets to help our... Show more content on ... After completing this simulation, our bridge only had one string (cable line) untied from the wire (hanger). Nothing else was damaged therefore, everything was intact. During this test, our bridge was exposed to torsion because it was twisting and being thrown around in the simulator. Our modifications helped my bridge withstand the earthquake and hold a numerous amount of weight. Our bridge was very strong and one of the top performers in the class although, it could have had more trusses and modifications to make it even stronger. Our bridge weighed в…ћ lb. and it held 250 lb. therefore, it held 286 lb. for every 1 lb. As said before, we could have added more joints and trusses to improve our bridge s performance. Compared to the rest of the White Group, our bridge was the second strongest bridge. Our bridge also performed very similar to everyone else s in the earthquake simulator. The heaviest bridge was the Brooklyn Bridge, which also happened to be the strongest. The tallest bridge was the Ben Franklin Bridge, coming in at 13 inches. In the future, I think walking bridges could be made from glass, able to be looking down on a river below you. Yes, I think a computer can help fix faults and help for better design and performance of bridges. I learned many things from this bridge project, some being, how to work as a team, patience, how bridges work, and different things that help architects
  • 26. Examples Of Pathos In Zeitoun Best selling novelist, Dave Eggers, in his book Zeitoun, tells the story of a Muslim family post 9/11 and during Hurricane Katrina. Eggers purpose is to change the way people think towards Muslim Americans and to inform the public of the social infringements that occur. He utilizes pathos, along with religious connotations and powerful imagery to achieve his purpose. Throughout the novel, Eggers uses pathos to show that the Zeitoun s do not conform to America s idea of Muslims, but instead are a normal American family. He highlights the strong bond Zeitoun has with his family. For example, on page 16, while talking about Zeitoun s wife, he writes She and Zeitoun spoke on the phone throughout every day, about everything...Neither of them could operate their home, their company, their lives or days without each other. Eggers use of pathos contributes to the reader s emotional connection with the character by ... Show more content on ... When Zeitoun is speaking to the captain of his ship about religion he simply uses a metaphor to convey his feelings toward religion and Islam. Without a captain the ship cannot navigate... Without someone guiding us,... wouldn t the stars and moon fall to earth, wouldn t the oceans overrun the land? Any vessel, any carrier of humans needs a captain yes? The captain was taken with the beauty of the metaphor, and let his silence imply surrender Zeitoun s subtle yet effective use of the ship metaphor illustrates his feelings toward religion and God without forcing his opinion onto anyone else. This approach towards a sensitive subject shows that Zeitoun is wise and accepting. People won t be so quick to assume all Muslims are terrorists after they read about this exchange between Zeitoun and the captain. If the audience understands Zeitoun s approach toward the captain they will see that he is a reasonable man and will put more trust into to
  • 27. There Will Be Blood There Will be Blood was released in 2007. The director and the screenwriter was by Paul Thomas Anderson. Some of the tremendous actors in this movie are, Daniel Day Lewis, Paul Dano, and Dillon Freasier. I would say this movie really set the tone for the American dream, even though it wasn t really thought of during the movie s time period. It really shows hard work, greed, lust, and trickery. Overall this is a good movie, with a very slow start. It is filled with drama, mystery, and action. If you are for those kinds of films this movie is right up your alley. This movie is more of an action, drama, and mystery film. You never know what will be happening next. The film is filled with small hints, to where you have to pay very close attention
  • 28. The Harsh Realities of War Illustrated in Dulce et Decorum... During the course of Dulce et Decorum Est, by Wilfred Owen, the Horatian image of a glorified and idealized war is stripped away to reveal the bitter and vicious nature of a new era in the history of conflict. Language and imagery are employed to great effect in conveying this notion, in the rejection of the strong and patriotic soldier stereotype, the description of the chlorinegas attack, the portrayal of the agonized and dying soldier, and the final scathing invective against those who exalt war, for example the intended target of the poem, Jessie Pope. Stanza One of the poem uses depressing and pathetic language to convey an image of a ragged band of soldiers forging on through a torn up battlefield. Owen describes the soldiers ... Show more content on ... The somewhat hyperbolic declaration that All went lame, all blind shows how the men had lost sight of the objectives of the War as it descended into a bloody and lawless conflict with both sides just caring about how much they hate the other. On a more obvious level, this could also refer to the clouded senses and numbed bodies of the soldiers, overcome by the sheer stress of the War. By emasculating the soldiers and describing the enhancement of their weaknesses and faults, Owen conveys the harsh reality of war to its proponents. Stanzas Two and Three convey not only the panic and fear that overtakes men in the heat of war, but the weight and devastating impact of a commander s responsibility and the caustic guilt that ensues from perceived failure of one s duties. The first four words of the second stanza, Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! are disjointed, fractured and monosyllabic. They inject pace into the poem, forcing the tempo up from the sluggish lethargy of the first verse, creating a sense of raw panic and terror. The words seem almost incongruous, they do not belong in the poem, they are frenzied orders shouted out in the midst of a war. This lends a sense of gritty realism to the poem and is a scathing retort to the archaic concept of a refined, calm and unruffled soldier. The soldiers are presented as clumsy, weak and pathetic, unable to fulfil even simple tasks.
  • 29. Symbolism in John Updike s A P John Updike s short story A P recounts how an adolescent supermarket cashier named Sammy has his life changed forever when three girls in bathing suits shop in the store where he works. He is the first person narrator who shapes the tale with his descriptions, attitudes and opinions. He is the protagonist who grows up quickly in a single day and the only round, fully developed character in the tale. As you proceed through the story and become acquainted with Sammy s opinions and ideas, it becomes obvious that Sammy has made the only choice that affords the possibility of real joy and fulfillment in his future. He is ready for a change. Sammy s life revolves around his job at a local A P supermarket in a small Massachusetts town ... Show more content on ... But he is smitten with the girl he calls Queenie who appears to be the leader of the group. He talks of her long white prima donna legs (97), straps that are off her shoulders looped loose around the cool tops of her arms (98) so that there was nothing between the top of her suit and the top of her head except her... I mean, it was more than just pretty (98) and with breasts like the two coolest scoops of vanilla I had ever known were there (101). Age, physical characteristics and dress aren t the only differences that he notices between the girls and the regular customers. The girls also walk the store aisles against the usual traffic pattern and the regular customers find that disconcerting. Obviously, these girls do not follow the social conventions of the town. When the girls arrive at Sammy s check out counter he learns Queenie is buying herring in sour cream for her mother. Lengel, the manager, taking notice of them, comes over and tells them they are not at the beach and the store wants them decently dressed when they come in here (100). While the embarrassed girls defend themselves against Lengel s continued criticism, Sammy imagines Queenie s house where the snacks will be eaten. He slid right down her voice into her living room. Her father and the
  • 30. Menorca Research Paper Because I follow the life and career of Tammy Gillis so closely, I was well aware of her current film, Menorca. Being the indie film champion that I am, I did my homework and discovered who the writer and director was John Barnard. Recently, I had the opportunity to ask him a few questions about how he got started in the business, his notable works, and even a hint at his upcoming works. Photo Credit: Steven K. Johnson RH: What caused you to pursue a career in entertainment? JB: For me, filmmaking began with picking up a friend s camcorder the first time and simply starting to make movies. It was one Saturday a long time ago, I think I was thirteen. From that moment on, I knew there was no other option, and aside from some part time ... Show more content on ... As one who has been devalued and ridiculed my entire life for not doing what my peers deem as acceptable, I suppose I am consistently drawn to those who march to the beat of a different drum. I admire John s outlook on film and the way he explores stories in unique and unusual ways. Moreover, the fact that he recognizes the value of being nice to everyone in the business and gleaning wisdom from the older generation causes John to rise even higher in my estimation. For him, filmmaking is a passion in which he tells a story in such a way that it causes the viewers to think in an unconventional way. And in a society where conformity is king and cookie cutter ideas are often lauded, his viewpoint is a breath of fresh air. While I have not had the opportunity to view any of his works to date, this is one time when reputation and what others say about a person carries a great deal of weight with me. I say that if Tammy thinks he s a fantastic filmmaker, a stellar person, and a true professional, that s enough of a recommendation for me. Furthermore, his responses are authentic, humble, and certainly pragmatic. He has no grandiose views of his self worth, and he comprehends the value of community and being a team player. Therefore, I ask that all my readers consider visiting the links below and even perchance following him on social media. Without indie filmmakers like John, our movies choices would be quite limited in the cinema, and even if his films are not necessarily your cup of tea, there is no denying that he is one of those trailblazers who is continuing to find new ways of telling stories in the world of entertainment. And for that, he has my eternal gratitude, and I hope that I will have the opportunity to view one of his works very
  • 31. Negative Effects Of Student Loans A student loan is every other kind, but there are subtle differences that make it more dangerous than most debt. Loans are borrowed money from banks, government authorities, and they help pay for higher level education. Due to a fear of debt, student loans affect college students destructively by driving them away from dreams of success. There are a variety of ways to equip a loan, such as local banks, online, or through credit unions. With an assortment of ways to get a loan, there are also many loans to choose from. By examining how student borrowers fare financially after graduation, we attempt to further the existing knowledge of the costs associated with education debtand the manageability of the typical debt burden (Hershbein, 2014, p. 292). Unfortunately, loans are substandard to students who need financial help, because in the end they only hurt your financial future. All student loans contain different requirements and negative effects to various factors, some being the unpredictable success of undergraduate, immigrants being unable to attain a loan, and the government being piled with debt not being repaid; these are all elements that demonstrate the negative effects loans display. Loans are difficult to choose from, especially if it effects future financial status. As difficult as it may seem, many students and adults are able to obtain a loan. One of the easier loans to get are federal loans that are also known as Stafford or Perkins loans. Stafford
  • 32. Native Civilizations And The United States As I was sitting in a classroom learning about world history, I wondered how the ancient civilizations responded to the immigration challenges that they had to face. Since the early civilizations, people have immigrated from place to place to find a better life for their families. The bad situations they live in obligated them to leave their houses and immigrated to unknown places. Even today thousands of people immigrate to another country looking for a better life. For example, throughout the American history millions of people around the world have left their homelands for a chance to start a new life in the United States. In the stories, Changing America 2001, Letters from an American farmer, the Art of Happiness, and Silent Dancing, we can see the most common problem that immigrants face in this country, finding their identity. As an immigrant, I personally have experienced some of the challenges that the immigrants in these stories share. I have gone through the process of adjusting to living in a country where another language is spoken and has a different culture. As humans, we start developing our identity since we are children. The living situations that we face have a big impact in defining who we are. The story Silent Dancing is an example of how culture shapes us in who we are. Culture refers to the characteristics of a particular group of people, including their language, cuisine, social habits, religion, music, and arts. It is a people s way of life.
  • 33. IT in the New Future 1.1Introduction A revolution is taking place. Information Technology has quickly emerged as a significant field all over the world. Computers are extremely versatile and finding their way into every business, industry and research activity today. The uses of computers are diverse and encompass entertainment, education, communication, problem solving, research, decision making and everything. The whole lot will be merged to IT in the near future. The wired world of business, where technology, human talent, and a new way of doing business make up to day s growing worldwide economy. The backbone of this electronic commerce is the internet. While it s rapidly spreading there are also rapid changes in every instance of time as addition of new sophisticated technologies and new standards etc. Though communication technology is currently undergoing a massive revolution, these advances and the accompanying benefits have not yet filtered down to those in developing nations with antiquated and outdated technology. This project attempts to address this need by developing a system that harnesses the power of the Internet, which is the most economical and yet most widely available and accessible global network in existence. 1.1.1 Topic Overview The Bank of Ceylon is one of the best business organizations in Sri Lanka. The Bank is functioning as a multi body with branches all over the country. It has overseas branches which have located Chennai, United Kingdom and Male as well as it
  • 34. The British Renaissance Produced Many Types of Literature... The British Renaissance Produced Many Types of Literature and Was Influenced By Shakespeare, Marlow, and Spenser The British Renaissance produced many types of literature for the world to see. Shakespeare, Spenser, and Marlowe all contributed to the shaping of the time period. Christopher Marlowe s quot;The Passionate Shepherd to His Love quot; portrays one of the typical love poems that can be seen from the Renaissance. A man is in search of the love of another girl, or woman. Sir Walter Raleighwrote a poem in response to this passage of Marlowe s entitled quot;The Nymph s Reply to the Shepherd. quot; Although the name of the girl is not stated anywhere in the former poem, Raleigh decided to use a wood nymph as his subject. The ... Show more content on ... His age also brings up another very interesting view of Marlowe s. In the poem, Marlowe expresses the idea that age has no influence upon love and a person s feelings. The shallow rivers, waterfalls, birds singing, and flowers all personify the Shepherd s feeling that age has nothing to do with love and his hopes of winning the younger girl s heart. The scene that is created is highly discernible as Spring, the time of year associated with love and light heartedness. The allusions to these things also demonstrates the Shepherd s hollow sense of hope. The Shepherd tries to lure the girl by offering her everything in the world. This materialism clearly shows that Marlowe believes that only fancy trinkets and beautiful possessions will win the heart of a girl. In virtually every stanza, there is a reference to a nicety that the Shepherd offers the girl in pursuitof her love. A belt of straw and ivy buds, With coral clasps and amber studs; Christopher Marlowe s Shepherd clearly believes that the only surefire way of attaining love would be to offer as much as you can and lure your subject into a false sense of being loved by giving her (or him) the world. The world means nothing to Sir Walter Raleigh s Nymph, the girl Raleigh presumes to be the object of the Shepherd s pleas, in his poem entitled quot;The Nymph s Reply to the Shepherd quot; in direct response to Christopher Marlowe. The beautiful forest creature is young compared to the elderly
  • 35. Why I Want To Work In Political Science My major is Government (Political Science) and of course I am going to get a job that ties into my Political Science degree. Since Political Sciences is basically the study of politics, I want to work in place where politics is the main focus. So that s why I choose to work for CNN. And CNN is a company that employs people who have great knowledge and understanding of politics. Cable News Network is basic cable and satellite television news channel owned by turner broadcasting system. CNN was founded in the year 1980 by American media proprietor Ted Turner as a twenty four cable news channel. CNN has numerous of affiliates, CNN primarily broadcasts from the Time Warner Center in New York City, and studios in Washington, D.C. and Los... Show more content on ... The site is updated continuously throughout the day. I also want to work for CNN because they are a company that knows how to experiment and try other things to help the company grow to become better. CNN has launched two specialty news channels for the American market which would later close amid competitive pressure: the sports news channel CNNSI shut down in 2002, while business news channel CNNfn shut down after nine years on the air in December 2004. CNN also once had a partnership with Sports Illustrated through the sports website, but sold the domain name in May 2015. CNNfn s former website now redirects to, a product of CNN s strategic partnership with Money magazine. Money and Sports Illustrated were both Time Warner properties until 2014, when the company s magazine division was spun off into the separate Time Inc. Also back in 2012 , CNN launched CNN Films which is a motion picture division of CNN. CNN films mainly produced original feature length documentaries that will examine an array of political, social, and economic subject matters. And my final reason of why I want to work at cnn is biggest and arguably the most most popular news network ever. According to adweekly, driven by live coverage of the year s US presidential election, 2016 was CNN s most watched year in its history.
  • 36. Analysis Of Loving V. Virginia The movie Loving is based off of the court case Loving v. Virginia. Even after the Civil Rights act of 1964 that outlawed discrimination based on race, origin, and religion, had not yet edified the question of marriage. States, such as Virginia, still imposed a ban on interracial marriages. The charges against the protagonists, Mildred and Richard Loving, spiked my interest because of the enhanced step taken by society as was taken in modern times during the same sex marriagecase Obergefell v. Hodges. The court during the twentieth century was forced to question our evolving standards of decency and define our Constitutional rights given to us by Equal Protection and Due Process laws of the fifth and fourteenth amendment. The prosecution in Loving v. Virginiahad to display their reasoning for their holding by under the levels of scrutiny in the Equal Protection Clause. The defense had to prove there was inconsistent levels of scrutiny, a lack of compelling governmental interest, and that marriage was a fundamental right. Once proven, the institution of marriage, licensing, and recognition of interracial couples was Constitutionally protected. II. Plot Line: In 1958 Virginia residents Mildred Jeter and Richard Loving, a white man and black woman, traveled to Washington D.C. and obtained a marriage license. Upon returning to Virginia the Lovings established a homestead in Caroline County. That same year, the county issued an indictment against the Lovings for
  • 37. human resource Chapters 9 12 Review What is the tenet that China follows to ensure that Hong Kong s exuberant capitalism is retained despite the communist leanings of mainland China? Answers Absolute plutocracy Sovereignty of the provinces Theocracy Noninterventionist approach One country, two systems Which of the following is true of the CFTA? Answers It was designed to eliminate trade barriers between the United States, Canada, and parts of Asia. It created several, independent commercial markets for goods and services. It was a customs union like the European Community. It involved economic and political unions. It provided only for the elimination of tariffs and other trade barriers ... Show more content on ... common market. regional cooperation for development (RCD). customs union. free trade area (FTA). Political explanations of Japan s crisis during the 1990s identified two villains. One of them was the powerful Japanese bureaucracy. Which of the following is the other one? Answers Japan s trade policies with the United States.
  • 38. Japan s refusal to join Asian trade blocs. The powerful influence of the royalty in political issues. The long entrenched Liberal Democratic political party. The splintering of most of Japan s right wing political parties. ____ classifies a country s stage of economic development on the basis of its level of industrialization into three categories and the three categories are MIDCs, LDCs, and LLDCs. Answers The U.S. Department of Commerce The North Atlantic Treaty Organization The International Organization for Standardization The United Nations The World Trade Organization The _____ has reduced or eliminated internal tariffs and adds a common external tariff on products imported from countries outside the group. Answers political union common market regional cooperation for development (RCD) customs union free trade area (FTA) With respect to global marketing management, the argument for market
  • 39. The Life Of The Party The Life of the Party In the wake of disappointing presidential candidates and Congress shutdowns, many Americans are left unsatisfied with their government. It has become obvious that the Republicans and Democrats will not and cannot work cooperatively. America s two party system has become detrimental and must be opened to third party involvement. This would restore political competitiveness, forcing candidates to prove themselves even further. Furthermore, this reveal many more opinions and opportunities to the eye of the American public, allowing for entirely educated decisions from a range of choices. This is a change in the government of the United States of America that is not only certainly feasible, but also necessary. Recently, ... Show more content on ... This statistic is, in fact, not a causation of increased negative opinions throughout all Americans: it is actually focused in negativity within the Republican Party. Not surprisingly, thirty six percent of independent voters felt dislike towards both parties. However, twenty two percent of surveyed Republicans also felt this way, up from only nine percent in January (Smith). This recent dissatisfaction has also been reciprocated in independent voters. An astounding forty seven percent of Republican leaning independent voters are displeased with both the Republican and Democratic parties, the highest since 1992. Six months prior to this study, this figure was only at thirty two percent. This marks a recent change in opinion. Previously, there had always been more Democratic leaners unhappy with the Democratic Party than Republican leaners unhappy with the Republican Party. However, with now only twenty two percent of Democratic leaners unhappy with the Democrats, this statistic has switched. This extreme rise in unhappiness at our major political parties have left many wondering if our two party system is still working as it should be (Smith). For many decades, the United States of America has been led by two political parties: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. However, there have been and are currently many other parties that have attempted for political importance. These political parties, which are known
  • 40. Feminist Issues In Crime Fiction Feminist Issues in Crime Fiction Bronwen Levy discusses issues in women s crime fiction, written by women or for women in her article Introduction to Marele Day: Reading Women s Crime Fiction, Some Problems . She thoroughly discusses authors in the genre, such as Agatha Christie (Levy В¶1) and cites other critics on the subject, such as Sherri Paris (В¶5). By bringing in other authors and critics on the subject, she precisely provides objectivity with other viewpoints. Levy did well in meeting the basic goals of literary criticism. Levy does use key terms from literary criticism accurately. In the first paragraph, she introduces her thesis: a binary opposition has been in operation in both dominant versions of the crime fiction genre and ... Show more content on ... In doing so, she does use carefully worded claims to advance her argument. In her second page, she begins with the claim we could usefully start by refusing the orthodoxy, even among feminists, of seeing crime fiction as inherently, or even an historically masculine form (Levy В¶4). This is the first real paragraph in which she begins to advance her thesis. In later paragraphs she continues with this notion and says, together with not seeing crime fiction as necessarily masculine, we could also use the term genre more carefully and flexibly, particularly given the current critical interest in genre theory (В¶5). This carries out the idea of crime fiction not being specifically masculine, but it begins to change the discussion to the genre itself, not whether it is masculine or feminine. The next paragraph begins with, while a knowledge of the histories and literary possibilities of various genres is useful for readers and for writers, it is important not to become victims of an inflexible, ahistorical, understanding of these forms (В¶6). These three claims show that Levy plainly advances her claims to advance her argument, subtly transitioning from one topic to the
  • 41. The Environmental Impact Of The Environmental Movement... Environmental Movement Report Before the 1960s, environmentalism mainly focused on conservation of resources and the wilderness and was apparent through Theodore Roosevelt s creation of five National Parks, one hundred fifty National Forests and about two hundred thirty acres of land set aside for conservation. In the 1960s, the environmental movement was really able to garner support as it was during many other movements such as Civil Rights, Peace, and Women s. Many consider the spark for environmentalism to be Rachel Carson s Silent Spring (1962), which exposed the harmful effects of pollutants such as DDT on the environment and the public. While minute amounts of DDT cause little to no harm to the organisms that are affected, as DDT moves up the food chain, it becomes more and more concentrated. A generally accepted value is that for each level up in the food chain, the concentration of pollutants increases by a thousand times. The effects of Silent Spring cannot be overestimated. As people began to become more informed about pollution, more people demanded that the federal government take action. The environmental movement then grew to encompass global warming, clean air, energy, the ozone layer, and also pollution. These concerns were vocalized in the very first Earth Day that occurred on April 22, 1970 and was established by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson. A group of twenty million Americans, all coming from vastly different backgrounds, celebrated the holiday
  • 42. My Philosophy Of Osteopathic Medicine I was introduced to osteopathic medicine early on by my uncle, an osteopathic physician. After hearing about my interest in becoming a physician following my vesicoureteral reflux surgery, he wanted to ensure that I was aware becoming an osteopathic physician is one of the options in achieving my goal. He mentioned that the most notable differences from allopathic medicinewere a different philosophy that the body has its own healing system and the use of osteopathic manipulative medicine. However, I did not fully understand what all of that meant, but kept it in the back of my mind. At the health fairs hosted by APHC, I had the opportunity to observe nearby osteopathic medical students treat patients. In addition, I shadowed multiple physicians from various ... Show more content on ... Out of all of them, Dr. Brian Loveless, a family practice physician who utilizes osteopathic manipulative medicine, stood out the most. My time shadowing him showed me to the philosophy of osteopathic medicine that I was not able to comprehend before. Using osteopathic manipulative treatment techniques like high velocity, low amplitude, he was able to relieve patients of their pains or aches during the visit, without medications. It was these moments that taught me the effectiveness about the philosophy of osteopathic medicine. As Dr. Loveless stated, regarding one patient, he was, treating a patient with back pain and not the back pain itself . He was restoring the proper structure and function of the body, so that the body could heal itself. Ultimately with these techniques, Dr. Loveless and other osteopathic physicians are equipped with an additional skill set
  • 43. The Pros And Cons Of Eugenics Eugenics is the science of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristic traits and decrease the occurrence of undesirable characteristic traits or genetical defects (Webster, 1828.) Eugenic sterilizationrefers to the involuntary sterilizationof certain categories of individuals without their need for consent by those subjected to the procedure (Pozgar, 2012, Pg. 411.) Individuals classified as mentally deficient, feeble minded, epileptic, promiscuous, sexual deviants, or persons classified as habitual criminals were mainly targeted (Pozgar, 2012, Pg. 411.) Eugenicists argued degenerate traits tainted society through the reproduction of the lowest class and sterilization was to keep the handicapped from perpetuating themselves (Kaelber, 2014.) In addition, eugenicists also argued that feeble minded individuals were believed to be financial burdens to society by overcrowding prisons, hospitals and living off welfare (Kaelber, 2014.) Sterilization was seen as a way to prevent the spending of tax dollars on the feeble minded (Kaelber, 2014.) These arguments allowed Eugenicsto become an acceptable practice. Advocates believed that getting rid of the feeble minded and mentally deficient would decrease the undesirable characteristic traits within the human gene pool and ultimately improve the human population. The very first sterilization law was passed in
  • 44. What in your view was the short term significance of... What in your view, was the short term significance of Michael Collins? Michael Collins played a major part in Ireland s History, in the years 1916 23. He had a short but political life where he had increasingly been involved in events such as the Easter Rising, Anglo Irish War, Treaty Negotiations and the Civil War. Although he was only active over a relatively short period of time, his significance in such events was profound. His public image changed throughout the years, from one of the UKs most wanted men to a reasonable politician. In 1916 during the Easter Rising his role was relatively low key, but by 1922 he ultimately gave his life in the Civil War for what he believed in. Michael Collins took part in the Easter Rising in ... Show more content on ... The canteen staff in Frongoch described Collins as highly respected and when they took problems to him he always listened logically 4. This helps us understand Michael Collins short term significance because he learnt from the military blunders made; such as the seizure of indefensible and very vulnerable positions like St Stephen s Green5 and filled the vacuum made by the executions of the leaders of the Rising. Likewise, Frongoch would have been different without Collins as the internees wouldn t have been able to hold out and the Irish wouldn t have developed such a fighting force. It s a useful source because they were employed to work in the Frongoch canteens so they are indifferent to Collins, which gives this source a high weight of argument which can be generalised to how others must have seen him who weren t closely involved with him. Then again, as it is written so long after, it can be doubted On the contrary, the source was wrote over half a century later, so it s questionable how far someone can precisely remember what the canteen staff thought about Collins. Michael Collins had many responsibilities after leaving Frongoch. He was appointed Finance Minister and is described as the unlikely Finance Minister who proved himself an administrator par excellence. 6 Collins produced a Finance Ministry that was able to organise a
  • 45. Analysis Of Federalist 10 By James Madison In Federalist 10 by James Madison, he addresses key issues like factions and democracy, all while focusing on the usefulness of the Constitution and the necessity of a strong central government, to defend his Federalist ideology. Personally, I agree with the foundation of his arguments, especially on the topic of forms of government, as well as the role of representation in our government. Madison s primary focus throughout the beginning of this paper is factions. He holds a deep disdain for them as he thinks that they solely focus on themselves, while hurting other Americans, which is evident in this quote, ( ...united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens, or to the ... Show more content on ... No matter what the government or its people try to implement to disable factions, another will always rise due to the nature of man. Destroying liberty is the most heinous crime imaginable for Madison and I agree, every citizen having their liberty is what this country was founded on and it should therefore be untouchable. Madison s idea of giving every citizen the same ideals and interests is blatant sarcasm to illustrate how factions are unpreventable and simply part of human nature. No matter what you may do to try and prevent it, there will always be new movements and ideas that people rally behind and their freedom to do that is part of what makes America special. Another focus of Federalist 10 is the purpose of having a republican government, which is personally the issue raised in Federalist 10 that resonates the most with me. One of the main benefits of a republic in a large government per Madison, is the lack of power given to factions. In a large and diverse republic, there are large amounts of factions across the country, however, they have little power or influence. While in a direct democracy, there is a small amount of factions, but each faction is
  • 46. Slip In Nb Lab Report Slip in bcc metals has a lot in common, although each material has its own subtleties [70]. Investigation of slip in Nb dates to over 60 years ago, when several researchers deformed single crystal Nb under different experimental conditions [80, 84, 89 91]. More attention has been put into Nb over the past few decades, as it became the material of choice to build SRF cavities. The following paragraphs will concentrate on slip in high purityNb at room temperature, which is the condition of SRF cavity manufacturing. Maddin and Chen used optical slip trace analyses and X ray Laue diffraction to identify slip only on {110} planes in Nb at room temperature in both tension and compression across the unit triangle [80]. In the work of ... Show more content on ... Comparison using the {110} slip systems or a combination of both {110} and {112} slip systems does not give the same correlation. The rotation of tensile axes can also be explained by the dominance of {112} slip systems at yield [48]. A ratio between the shear stress of the two most stressed intersecting {112} slip systems below 1.1 correlates well with hardening at yield, suggesting that the combined twinning/anti twinning and non glide shear stress effects may only alter the critical resolved shear stress by a small amount [48]. Thus, many of these details may not be necessary for inclusion into practical models for the deformation of large grain Nb. In fact, initial results from Mapar et al. suggest that non Schmid effects are small in Nb, and surprisingly, the Schmid based model predicts the stress strain behavior of the Ningxia tensile samples better than the non Schmid model in most cases [92]. The dominance of {112} slip at yield followed by {110} slip for the rest of deformation appears to comply with the theory of Seeger et al. [48, 85], which suggests that the high purity screw dislocation core relaxation is on {112} planes, and impurities change the core relaxation to {110} planes. This indicates that the total
  • 47. The Warmth of Other Suns THE WARMTH OF OTHER SUNS Isabel Wilkerson is an African American Howard University journalism graduate writer and the first black woman in the history of American Journalism to win a Pulitzer Prize. Among her notable works is the novel The Warmth of Other Suns . The novel The Warmth of Other Suns was about the Great Migration which occurred between the years 1915 1970 and this was the movement of approximately seven million Black people out of the Southern United States to the North, Midwest and Western states from 1916 to 1970. Blacks migrated to escape widespread racism in the South, to seek employment opportunities in industrial cities of the North, to get better education for their children, and to pursue what was widely ... Show more content on ... But when he returned home, he found that he could not perform surgery or even work in the hospital in his hometown of Monroe, Louisiana because of his color. And so he set out from Louisiana to California in order to make a way for himself and for his family in a new land. The positive experience of Ida Mae Brandon Gladney is like the other two they has more freedom and independence as black people compared to when they were in the south. Also the Do s and Dont s published in The Defender and the fact that people pointed out things she wasn t supposed to do in her opinion was a good thing. Also the fact that she could vote whereas back home in Missisipi she wasn t allowed to. A negative experience was the fact that they had to move from flat to flat and the problem with finding housing because Chicago was trying to discourage the migration of any more colored people from the south. Also the outbreak of the riots and the shutdown of factories and the difficulty finding a job and an increased cost of living. In the case of George Swanson Starling, I think the fact that he was able to get away from Florida so he could not be lynched is a positive experience. Also the fact that he was able to find a job right away upon his arrival to New York was a positive thing despite the fact that he was overqualified and overeducated for the job. Also the arrival of his wife Inez and their baby was a positive
  • 48. An Application Of An Enterprise System This paper will discuss what an enterprises system is and how it has evolved to an integrated system to a piecemeal system. We will also discuss how an enterprise system brings integration to of business processes and the role it plays for the management team when it comes to the decision making process. After providing this information, I will then draw conclusion and determine if I feel an Enterprise System is critical to business success and why. Before one can understand the role of an enterprise system, they must first have a basic understanding of what an enterprise actually is. Well, let s first just define the term enterprise a little bit. According to, an enterprise is simply a synonym for the word company or business . When combined with systems, enterprise systems become a synonym for company systems (Riley, J., n.d.). An enterprise system is a group of services that work across an organization to combine and correlate applications and services that are dependent upon each other for the efficiency of several departments and the company (UNC Technology Source, n.d.). Now that we understand what an enterprise system is, let s look at how they have evolved over the years to become and staple in enterprises today. Initially, there were several systems that were created in the 1990 s by their IT departments which created scripted programs to meet specific needs of that one company. There was a significant bridge between technology and
  • 49. A Complicated Kindness Essay Sexual Experimentation, Drug and Alcohol Abuse In The Virgin Suicides and A Complicated Kindness, the restrictions that religion puts in place cause the youth to rebel against that religious system. In A Complicated Kindness, it is made clear from the beginning of the text that there is a ban on the media, dancing, smoking, temperate climates, movies, drinking, rock n roll, having sex for fun, swimming, make up, jewellery, playing pool, going to cities, or staying up past nine o clock (Toews 5). These strict rules against what are considered standard activities lead Nomi to rebel. For example, Nomi takes up smoking, drinking and has premarital sex with her boyfriend Travis. Additionally, Nomi wears a bonnet for the Mennonite church service,... Show more content on ... From the beginning of the text, it is clear that Lux is sexually charged. The first time sexuality is attributed to her is when Peter Sissen has dinner at the Lisbon house. When Peter uses the bathroom, he finds a used tampon, which belongs to Lux as she knocks on the door to get something private (Eugenides 8). In a sense, Lux s rebellious behaviour and sexual awakenings have contributed to her destruction of the self. As it has been established, her sexual actions with Trip after the prom result in her entrapment in the house, including the remaining girls, though they arrived home on time. As well as not being allowed to leave the house, the girls are pulled out of school. Additionally, Mrs. Lisbon makes Lux throw all her rock records into the fire (138 39), which further establishes her control. One could argue that the records for Mrs. Lisbon promote rebellious behaviour, connecting her daughter s to Satan. Additionally, it could be argued that this event drives Lux to further rebel as the records were the one thing that would keep her sanity as well as being a part of her identity. Her loss and destruction of her identity is confirmed as she further goes against her mother s strict rules. She does so by performing sexual favours for men on the roof of their house. This allows Lux to escape her entrapment for a
  • 50. Descriptives Of El Nino El nino is a temporary change in climate in the pacific ocean,in the region around the equator.You can see Typically,the ocean surface warms up by a few degrees celsius. El NiГ±o is a climate cycle in the Pacific Ocean with a global impact on weather patterns. The cycle begins when warm water in the western tropical Pacific Ocean shifts eastward along the equator toward the coast of South America Normally, this warm water pools near Indonesia and the Philippines. During an El NiГ±o, the Pacific s warmest surface waters sit offshore of northwestern South America. Forecasters declare an official El NiГ±o when they see both ocean temperatures and rainfall from storms veer to the east. Experts also look for prevailing trade winds to weaken and even reverse direction during the El NiГ±o climate phenomenon. These changes set up a feedback loop between the atmosphere and the ocean that boosts El NiГ±o conditions. The El NiГ±o forecast for 2015 is expected to be one of the strongest on record, according to Mike Halpert, the deputy director of the Climate Prediction Center, part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. We don t want to see just the warming in the ocean. We want to see the atmosphere above the ocean respond to the changes, said Michelle L Heureux, a climate scientist and lead for the El NiГ±o forecasting team at the Climate Prediction Center. The location of tropical storms shifts eastward during an El NiГ±o because atmospheric moisture is
  • 51. The Demand For Fossil Fuels With Earth s population continuing to grow, the demand for fossil fuels is increasing every day. In 2014, the United States alone consumed over 19 million barrels of oil a day. Not only is running out of these vital fuels a concern, but our ferocious appetite for fossil fuels is heating our planet at an alarming rate. While wind and solar power have been doing their part to cut back on the use of fossil fuels, it may be biology that allows us to finally cut the cord to fossil fuels. Recent studies into using biology as a renewable fuel have shown that an H2 producing bacteria called, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, and biodiesel producing algae may be the keys. R. palustris is unique in that it consumes electrons from iron and other metallic... Show more content on ... palustris produces H2 and uses and enzyme called nitrogenase to catalyze the reaction. However, most bacteria actually live in nitrogen deprived environments. The bacteria in those nitrogen deficient environments stop growing, while producing more H2 than the bacteria who have access nitrogen. The increased H2 production is due to a metabolic process called the tricarboxylic acid cycle. This cycle replaces the gyloxylate cycle that is used by R. palustris in nitrogen rich environments. In addition, the bacteria use the electrons they collected via EET to generate ATP in another process called cyclic photophosphorylation. When nitrogen is not available as a catalyst for H2 production, R. palustris can use electrons ingested from sources like iron to produce H2. The problem with using these electrons is that the process of H2 production will be in constant competition with the biosynthetic process of cyclic photophosphorylation, which also requires electrons to function (Mckinlay et al. 2013). The energy created from algae for biofuels is slightly less complicated than that of its bacterial cousin. Algae composition, by weight, is half lipid oil. Scientists have been studying this oil for decades to convert it into algae biodiesel this biodiesel burns cleaner and more efficiently than any petroleum based fuel (Stefani Newman How Algae Biodiesel Works 2008). The algae used in the production of diesel are grown in large open or closed ponds, the most popular and
  • 52. Essay on Pa230 Unit 2 Legal Memo MEMO To: Supervising Attorney From: Heather Leigh Bradley Re: Security Protocols in the Law Office Date: April 8, 2014 You have asked me to research the ethical rules about what is permissible for the website that you plan to create for the law firm. I have conducted legal research on the following issues and am presenting my findings, as follows: 1.Does the website have to list the state where s/he is licensed to practice? Yes, the website does have to list the state or states where he/she is licensed to practice law. In ABA Model Rule 5.5: Unauthorized Practice of Law; Multijurisdictional Practice of Law, it states that a lawyer can not mislead, or withhold their jurisdiction of legal practice to the public, or ... Show more content on ... In order to list a legal specialty on the webpage, the attorney must be certified according to ABA Model Rule 7.4. Yes, she/he must be certified by an ABA accredit organization and she/he must state the name of the organization that she/he received the certification from. The attorney is allowed to state she/he is a certified personal injury litigator, as long as she/he is certified by an ABA accredited organization and she/he must acknowledge and list the organization they received this certification from on the website, in order to state that she/he is specialized. Stating that you are specialized in a particular field when your not, it is also misleading and misrepresentation of your practice and education. It makes it seem as if she/he has received special training in this type of law, when they haven t. Model Rule 7.1: Communications concerning a lawyer s service also addresses this, and clear says that a lawyer must not make false or misleading statements about him/herself or their practice. That all communication must be made of fact and/or law, and it needs to be clearly stated and not confusing or misleading. If she/he listed on their