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It is what it is #flushyourmeds ... ;
By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ;
Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce ... ;
It is what it is #flushyourmeds ... ;
I think this will be the Header EOF of this Very Exact File ... ;
This manuscript will be in Fifteen Point Emily Font FTFHOI (98513) ;
Life on Earth = Uniform Commerical Code Cestui Que Vie GOYIM ;
Eat Kosher Products and Be a Chavous Goyim Cattle Slave LOL ;
I like to watch cows slowly bleed from the Jugular LOL Top KEK ;
Me and Wissam Hadad have Hated your Subnet Masking Technocracy
of Constant Noise and Sirens All Hours of the Day along with being
Burned with Directed Energy Weapons and Voice To Skull we Starseeds
have your fucking Jew Based Martain based UCC Cestui Que Vie Earth
and utilizing the Uniform Commercial Code to Hijack your System to
get even with you, take over the wings of Government Agencies and
Businesses Via Understanding of the Uniform Commercial Code just
go to Stopthepirates and Stopnoahide Blogspot on ArchiveTodayORG
and get used to the Slave Cestui Que Vie Fake System that King
James another Politician Started after he signed in the First
Charter of Virginia in 1606 AD plus Sixty is Cestui Que Vie
then in 1871 USA was a British Crown Colony CORP and always
was so to begin with Rights are Imaginary Jews OWN YOU GOYIM
Via the Talmud and Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion,
and David Duke's Book Jewish Supremacism and David Irving
has Hitler's War and Ernst Zundel Debunked the Holocaust and
the biggest proof of the Holocaust being a hoax is there
are Denial Laws in Sixteen Countries and Communism is and was
jewish as Karl Marx had Jewish Parents LOL Top Kek and you people
in the Truman Show that We Starseed One Mans See we come from
another planet and see the Truman Show for what it really is,
also you cannot see they are destroying entertainment, music,
everything including allowing Interacial Filth in Society,
Total Degeracy in all Hollywood Movies that Get History Wrong,
also, you people in the Truman Show Controlled by the Zionists
and Freemasons who only know how to gang stalk is what you do
is whell I think we hit the nail on the head that is all ... ;
Art, Music, Theatry, Literature, all Corrupted BY ZION ... ;
Strong Borders Corrupted BY ZION, James Wickerstorm LOL ... ;
And you people get this right don't you then you zionists put a
back-door in the Minix Microkernel of Intels Management Engine
so all X8664 and i686 Computers are Back-Doored along with
All Apple Products including the ARM AND M1 and even MIPS ... ;
You Zionist Put a back door in everything even the BIOS, so
we Goyim can be Cattle to you people, The UEFI is Back Doored,
and you Zionist Did that, Are the Processor Architectures were
a monopoly based on a Consolidate Bond Scam due to Jewish Usury
and in reality the Holocaust is a Hoax and Hitler Fixed Germany
and Got Germany out of a Banking debt aka His Real Crime ... ;
Moon Man is the Best 88NSM all way WP Records All The Way ... ;
The Truman Show is You are The One Man in The Show ... ;
Body Snatched Brain Worm Skin Suites THE WORD "NO" Plead Five ;
Post and Request an SF-24 Bid Bond aka The Dead Hand CULT ;
Formal Challange to the Twelve Presumtions of Law ... ;
Stopnoahidelaw Blogpsot Stopthepirates SatanicmissionORG ;
Lazy, Selfish, Insolunt, Lustful, Vain, and REFRAIN STOP ;
Martians Destroyed Earth Through The Talmud and UCC ... ;
Usury is the System of Bondage that Hitler Fixed Period ... ;
Hitler was the Good Guy who Fought the Communist SCUM ... ;
Zersetzung The Lives of Others ThePirateBAY Ktorrent ... ;
Using Kubuntu KDE Ubuntu Linux To Download Toorent ... ;
As of Choice the 720P Torrent had English Subtitles ... ;
Gaslight is another movie along with They Live ... ;
O9A-OTO-ATWAEARTH-Satanicmission-ArchiveTodayORGPermacc ;
Flushyourmeds-com-exblogjp-nethouseru-weeblycom-ALL ;
Solution to life on Earth is Suicide at AGE Seventy ;
Because Uniform Commercial Code has been Hijacked by The
TALMUD the Anti Non Jew Book you Weakly Goyim according
to the Protocols of ZION cannot run your house on a
Negative Resistor or Motionless Electromagnetic Generator
or even some sort of Cathode to Line Thing or even some
sort of Carbon Infinite Thing or Dig a Well for Clean
Primary Water that is not Polluted by Cloud Seeding
Programs or Water Treatment Plants or Fluoridation, you
cannot hunt with your Imaginary Second Amendment that
they took away from you Via Psychiatry and you cannot
even collect rain water and distill it or even think
about having your own Crops of Fricken Maglev Fly Wheel
and your stuck with Gold and Silver and the silver is
sometimes Fake Silver so Do your fucking Research the Jews
are Scamming you, The Jews Have Infiltrated Computers so
You're stuck with Unix BSD and Linux and SUDO whell DUH,
and you gotta back up to TEN Solid State Drives not Hard
Drives Not Flash Drives those have a Shitty Density Period ... ;
It is what it is, me being disowned by my family, kicked
out of Banking for good and unable to open a checking or
credit union account at any branch period whilst being
homeless, me trying really hard to ignore all passive
aggressive harassment from Gang Stalkers and trying real
hard not to give in to any of the gang stalking to plead
the fifth and not ever react to any of the narcissistic
passive aggressive harassment BS, and lastly the only OS
I can offord is Linux, not BSD, Not Windows or Mac, just
this Degoogled ANPW Netguard Phone and Ventoy Live OS, that
is my Go Kingston Datatraveler G3 is my Only Library Drive
to use, and My Family wants nothing to do with me, and I
have to just say, it is what it is, suicide as an option,
psychiatry as another option, other options are IDNKnow ... ;
Also The Jews Run The Press, Forced Brainwashed by Cult
People who are a part of my life who control what I read
even in print as Books, Forget Tech and Stupid Fucking
Subnet Masking Computers Physical Books are Censored and
Cult Ideologies are forced on me against my will for no
reason at all plus I am Harassed all day and night by
Freemason Gang Stalkers in the Sheriff's Department not
only that they have poisoned my coffee several times already
and all my stuff I am financially immobilized and have no
way to open a checking or credit union account plus no
shelter to live in, so I have nothing and live on the
streets and I might just give suicide a try, I am mobbed
in the city I finished HS in called Olympia WA, plus I
am doxxed, I have to go to Yakima or Portland to get away
from the stupid Freemasonic Government Gang Stalkers LOL
and all I have is shit in my life it is what it is LOL
and The Dollar Crashed on June Thirty from Usury QEasing
and of course The Martians, Jews, Kohens, Yids, Blacks,
and Lastly Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden I am stuck
now listening to The Fullerton Informer, Lisa Haven,
David Duke, Know More News, Brother Nathanael, Mark Collett,
Martinez Perspective, Styxhexenhammer666 Tarl Warwick,
Justus Knight, William Mount, Mkultra Now, invalid0,
other shit is what it is, IT IS WHAT IT IS LOL TOP KEK,
the Jews, Zionists, ADL, and Martians Destroyed Earth LOL,
and All we have now is shit crap and more garbage LOL,
also why be a part of Uniform Commercial Code or this
Shitty Planet called Earth Cestui Que Vie and then
have to go through a bunch of societal BS, when I could
just kill myself at Fourty Five or Fifty or Sixty or
Seventy or Eighty and become a Telepathic Psychic Ghost,
then be able to Remote View Telepathy almost any fucking
thing that possibly exists, The Tools of the Adepti are
all right here and we all have the Tools of the Adepti
and this system is an ARCON for Slaves and Peons as
the Jewish Zionist Kohen B'nai B'rith Martians who
created humans as a Genetic Experiment and we Humans are
obviously a mistake because some humans feel Empathy due
to a Defective Amygdala in the Human Brain and this is a
complex flaw that makes humans weak, stupid, docile,
Servile, Pliable and fragile, a normal person who does not
have the flawed Amygdala would be a dead hand plead the
fifth sf24 bid bond serial killer who would cremate
and plaster up every body they kill combined with lye and
this is what most Martians and Kohen Jews of B'nai B'rith
do in the first place since pure blood kohen Jews do human
blood sacrifice or libelling of children and put child
blood in matzo balls and fast food in the family matzo
ball recipe as Rabbi Finklestein has already shown along
with Kyle Odom that Martians run the Earth not Goyim
or Humans and the Martians and Kohen Pure Blood B'nai
B'rith ADL Jews all are running the Freemasons at the
bottum who do all the Gang Stalking and Satanic Ritual
Abuse as Karly Noel Franz and Katy Dylan Groves already
have pointed out in Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory and Mr.
Pickles Circus Snuff Factory along with all the PTHC
of Shotas and Lolitas Pizzahotdog Child Porn Shared
on Peer2Peer Computer Networks on Ze Internet LOL also
we have the Pedophiles Storing Child Porn on Veracrypt
and Truecrypt and LUKS partitions all on External Drives
this is nothing new Joe Biden's Son Hunter has a ton of
Veracrypt and TrueCrypt and LUKS Drives containting TiB
of Child Pornography or PTHC type Material for PEDOS, and
we all know this it's nothing new and we Whistleblowers
are Organized Stalked as TIS by Freemasons in GOV and
Corrupt Sheriff's Departments who are tied to the Jewish
Crime Network aka Mossad Shell Organization and they want
to cover up that Rite Aid Does Not Recycle and Israeli Mossad
did the September Eleven Two Thousand One Attacts to IMP
the Patriot Act which was escalated thanks to modern Subnet
Masking and IEEE Technologies such as WiFi and Bluetooth a
Global Surveillance State was Implemented to Spy on Everyone
and the point of Filming Random People in Public is to say
Modern IEEE Tech Combined with Subnet Masking Took away all
your privacy in the First Place and there are Cameras everywhere
Recording you to begin with, also your Home HOA has Static Thermal
Cameras in it going to a shielded embedded computer watching you
Masturbate in your house or do whatever or have sex with your
girlfriend or have a beer, they can use that on you thanks to the
patriot act and OH your Ground Wire and Windows in your House and
Air Ducts also serve as a Hidden Microphone and they all know this
and deepfake you with Modern Artificial Intelligence doing basically
Anything and it only takes Eleven Labs and some Adobe Shit to do it ... ;
The Freemason Sheriff's Departments have been known to Smoke Meth,
Distribute ilicit drugs such as Steriods and Meth to other people in
our society, I'm saying law enforcement is corrupt as whistle-blowers
have already exposed it and that Freemasons are tied to Pedophile
Trafficking Rings Globally From Country to Country and State to State
the Jews Control the HO low level CIA Controlled Freemasons of
course ... ;
The Martians get off on human suffering it's called a different amygdala,
you can look this stuff up and some pure blood Kohen Jews of B'nai B'rith
ADL who are Circumcised through Oral Suction which means they are
Jew and not Mixed Ashkenazi Jew then of course the Rothschild's are
Ashkenazi Jew, yet they use the Talmud and Protocols of Zion to Globalize
and The Talmud is the Globalist Tool of the Jew World Order System LOL,
also Look at Hard Drives RAQ of the 90's Crashed and Failed and we
all those JTAGS to Solid State Drives Later On, The Martains had Solid
Drives on Other Planets Before we did and made us loose backups by using
Hard Drives instead of Solid State Drives, because they get off on human
Suffering, that's why there's usury in the bank, that's why Hitler got
out of a banking debt, the holocaust is a Hoax, Communism is the Main
Problem, that's why Martians Started Religious Cults, that's why they run
it all,
That's why the Bank owns your House and Car and Jews can put a lein on
all your
stuff it's called Civil Asset Forefiture and Jews slash Martians get Six
Passports when Non Jews or Goyim have no right to travel and only Two
Passports and Holocaust Denial is Banned in Sixteen Countries so it must
a fucking hoax so David Irving, Ernst Zundel, Alfred Schaefer, David
Adam Green, Brother Nathanael, Know More News, Ken O'keefe, are all
spot on
with this one and some of them have bad optics that's why Kyle Odom
Points out all of the damn Problems LOL and IT IS WHAT IT IS LOL
KEK KEK ... ;
The Jew Only Country Clubs, the other thing, Maria Farmer Interviews
Webb Look it up, The Pedophilia in Colombus OHIO, Tel Aviv Israel,
That's IT,
and The Lame Pizzagate thing that is very old of course LOL KEK PTHC
CP CP ... ;
RAPE RAPE - Then you have the other things such as Jew Only Special
Private Schools
that Do Not Teach the Victor Version of World War Two or the Holocaust
Hoax and
Teach the Other KOHEN Circumcised Through Oral Suction Jews who
are part of a
Secret Society called B'nai B'rith ADL they are taught the Holocaust is a
and The Exact Non Victor Correct Version of World War Two History also
that too ... ;
I think this will be the Footer EOF of this Very Exact File ... ;

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Is what it is #flushyourmeds

  • 1. It is what it is #flushyourmeds ... ; By Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ... ; Scott Alan Barry is an Atheist Holocaust Denier Dunce ... ; It is what it is #flushyourmeds ... ; I think this will be the Header EOF of this Very Exact File ... ; This manuscript will be in Fifteen Point Emily Font FTFHOI (98513) ; Life on Earth = Uniform Commerical Code Cestui Que Vie GOYIM ; Eat Kosher Products and Be a Chavous Goyim Cattle Slave LOL ; I like to watch cows slowly bleed from the Jugular LOL Top KEK ; Me and Wissam Hadad have Hated your Subnet Masking Technocracy of Constant Noise and Sirens All Hours of the Day along with being Burned with Directed Energy Weapons and Voice To Skull we Starseeds have your fucking Jew Based Martain based UCC Cestui Que Vie Earth and utilizing the Uniform Commercial Code to Hijack your System to get even with you, take over the wings of Government Agencies and Businesses Via Understanding of the Uniform Commercial Code just go to Stopthepirates and Stopnoahide Blogspot on ArchiveTodayORG and get used to the Slave Cestui Que Vie Fake System that King James another Politician Started after he signed in the First Charter of Virginia in 1606 AD plus Sixty is Cestui Que Vie then in 1871 USA was a British Crown Colony CORP and always was so to begin with Rights are Imaginary Jews OWN YOU GOYIM Via the Talmud and Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion, and David Duke's Book Jewish Supremacism and David Irving has Hitler's War and Ernst Zundel Debunked the Holocaust and the biggest proof of the Holocaust being a hoax is there are Denial Laws in Sixteen Countries and Communism is and was jewish as Karl Marx had Jewish Parents LOL Top Kek and you people in the Truman Show that We Starseed One Mans See we come from another planet and see the Truman Show for what it really is, also you cannot see they are destroying entertainment, music, everything including allowing Interacial Filth in Society, Total Degeracy in all Hollywood Movies that Get History Wrong, also, you people in the Truman Show Controlled by the Zionists and Freemasons who only know how to gang stalk is what you do is whell I think we hit the nail on the head that is all ... ; Art, Music, Theatry, Literature, all Corrupted BY ZION ... ; Strong Borders Corrupted BY ZION, James Wickerstorm LOL ... ; And you people get this right don't you then you zionists put a back-door in the Minix Microkernel of Intels Management Engine so all X8664 and i686 Computers are Back-Doored along with All Apple Products including the ARM AND M1 and even MIPS ... ;
  • 2. You Zionist Put a back door in everything even the BIOS, so we Goyim can be Cattle to you people, The UEFI is Back Doored, and you Zionist Did that, Are the Processor Architectures were a monopoly based on a Consolidate Bond Scam due to Jewish Usury and in reality the Holocaust is a Hoax and Hitler Fixed Germany and Got Germany out of a Banking debt aka His Real Crime ... ; Moon Man is the Best 88NSM all way WP Records All The Way ... ; The Truman Show is You are The One Man in The Show ... ; Body Snatched Brain Worm Skin Suites THE WORD "NO" Plead Five ; Post and Request an SF-24 Bid Bond aka The Dead Hand CULT ; Formal Challange to the Twelve Presumtions of Law ... ; Stopnoahidelaw Blogpsot Stopthepirates SatanicmissionORG ; Lazy, Selfish, Insolunt, Lustful, Vain, and REFRAIN STOP ; Martians Destroyed Earth Through The Talmud and UCC ... ; Usury is the System of Bondage that Hitler Fixed Period ... ; Hitler was the Good Guy who Fought the Communist SCUM ... ; Zersetzung The Lives of Others ThePirateBAY Ktorrent ... ; Using Kubuntu KDE Ubuntu Linux To Download Toorent ... ; As of Choice the 720P Torrent had English Subtitles ... ; Gaslight is another movie along with They Live ... ; O9A-OTO-ATWAEARTH-Satanicmission-ArchiveTodayORGPermacc ; Flushyourmeds-com-exblogjp-nethouseru-weeblycom-ALL ; Solution to life on Earth is Suicide at AGE Seventy ; Because Uniform Commercial Code has been Hijacked by The TALMUD the Anti Non Jew Book you Weakly Goyim according to the Protocols of ZION cannot run your house on a Negative Resistor or Motionless Electromagnetic Generator or even some sort of Cathode to Line Thing or even some sort of Carbon Infinite Thing or Dig a Well for Clean Primary Water that is not Polluted by Cloud Seeding Programs or Water Treatment Plants or Fluoridation, you cannot hunt with your Imaginary Second Amendment that they took away from you Via Psychiatry and you cannot even collect rain water and distill it or even think about having your own Crops of Fricken Maglev Fly Wheel and your stuck with Gold and Silver and the silver is sometimes Fake Silver so Do your fucking Research the Jews are Scamming you, The Jews Have Infiltrated Computers so You're stuck with Unix BSD and Linux and SUDO whell DUH, and you gotta back up to TEN Solid State Drives not Hard Drives Not Flash Drives those have a Shitty Density Period ... ; It is what it is, me being disowned by my family, kicked
  • 3. out of Banking for good and unable to open a checking or credit union account at any branch period whilst being homeless, me trying really hard to ignore all passive aggressive harassment from Gang Stalkers and trying real hard not to give in to any of the gang stalking to plead the fifth and not ever react to any of the narcissistic passive aggressive harassment BS, and lastly the only OS I can offord is Linux, not BSD, Not Windows or Mac, just this Degoogled ANPW Netguard Phone and Ventoy Live OS, that is my Go Kingston Datatraveler G3 is my Only Library Drive to use, and My Family wants nothing to do with me, and I have to just say, it is what it is, suicide as an option, psychiatry as another option, other options are IDNKnow ... ; Also The Jews Run The Press, Forced Brainwashed by Cult People who are a part of my life who control what I read even in print as Books, Forget Tech and Stupid Fucking Subnet Masking Computers Physical Books are Censored and Cult Ideologies are forced on me against my will for no reason at all plus I am Harassed all day and night by Freemason Gang Stalkers in the Sheriff's Department not only that they have poisoned my coffee several times already and all my stuff I am financially immobilized and have no way to open a checking or credit union account plus no shelter to live in, so I have nothing and live on the streets and I might just give suicide a try, I am mobbed in the city I finished HS in called Olympia WA, plus I am doxxed, I have to go to Yakima or Portland to get away from the stupid Freemasonic Government Gang Stalkers LOL and all I have is shit in my life it is what it is LOL and The Dollar Crashed on June Thirty from Usury QEasing and of course The Martians, Jews, Kohens, Yids, Blacks, and Lastly Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden I am stuck now listening to The Fullerton Informer, Lisa Haven, David Duke, Know More News, Brother Nathanael, Mark Collett, Martinez Perspective, Styxhexenhammer666 Tarl Warwick, Justus Knight, William Mount, Mkultra Now, invalid0, other shit is what it is, IT IS WHAT IT IS LOL TOP KEK, the Jews, Zionists, ADL, and Martians Destroyed Earth LOL, and All we have now is shit crap and more garbage LOL, also why be a part of Uniform Commercial Code or this Shitty Planet called Earth Cestui Que Vie and then have to go through a bunch of societal BS, when I could
  • 4. just kill myself at Fourty Five or Fifty or Sixty or Seventy or Eighty and become a Telepathic Psychic Ghost, then be able to Remote View Telepathy almost any fucking thing that possibly exists, The Tools of the Adepti are all right here and we all have the Tools of the Adepti and this system is an ARCON for Slaves and Peons as the Jewish Zionist Kohen B'nai B'rith Martians who created humans as a Genetic Experiment and we Humans are obviously a mistake because some humans feel Empathy due to a Defective Amygdala in the Human Brain and this is a complex flaw that makes humans weak, stupid, docile, Servile, Pliable and fragile, a normal person who does not have the flawed Amygdala would be a dead hand plead the fifth sf24 bid bond serial killer who would cremate and plaster up every body they kill combined with lye and this is what most Martians and Kohen Jews of B'nai B'rith do in the first place since pure blood kohen Jews do human blood sacrifice or libelling of children and put child blood in matzo balls and fast food in the family matzo ball recipe as Rabbi Finklestein has already shown along with Kyle Odom that Martians run the Earth not Goyim or Humans and the Martians and Kohen Pure Blood B'nai B'rith ADL Jews all are running the Freemasons at the bottum who do all the Gang Stalking and Satanic Ritual Abuse as Karly Noel Franz and Katy Dylan Groves already have pointed out in Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory and Mr. Pickles Circus Snuff Factory along with all the PTHC of Shotas and Lolitas Pizzahotdog Child Porn Shared on Peer2Peer Computer Networks on Ze Internet LOL also we have the Pedophiles Storing Child Porn on Veracrypt and Truecrypt and LUKS partitions all on External Drives this is nothing new Joe Biden's Son Hunter has a ton of Veracrypt and TrueCrypt and LUKS Drives containting TiB of Child Pornography or PTHC type Material for PEDOS, and we all know this it's nothing new and we Whistleblowers are Organized Stalked as TIS by Freemasons in GOV and Corrupt Sheriff's Departments who are tied to the Jewish Crime Network aka Mossad Shell Organization and they want to cover up that Rite Aid Does Not Recycle and Israeli Mossad did the September Eleven Two Thousand One Attacts to IMP the Patriot Act which was escalated thanks to modern Subnet Masking and IEEE Technologies such as WiFi and Bluetooth a
  • 5. Global Surveillance State was Implemented to Spy on Everyone and the point of Filming Random People in Public is to say Modern IEEE Tech Combined with Subnet Masking Took away all your privacy in the First Place and there are Cameras everywhere Recording you to begin with, also your Home HOA has Static Thermal Cameras in it going to a shielded embedded computer watching you Masturbate in your house or do whatever or have sex with your girlfriend or have a beer, they can use that on you thanks to the patriot act and OH your Ground Wire and Windows in your House and Air Ducts also serve as a Hidden Microphone and they all know this and deepfake you with Modern Artificial Intelligence doing basically Anything and it only takes Eleven Labs and some Adobe Shit to do it ... ; The Freemason Sheriff's Departments have been known to Smoke Meth, and Distribute ilicit drugs such as Steriods and Meth to other people in our society, I'm saying law enforcement is corrupt as whistle-blowers have already exposed it and that Freemasons are tied to Pedophile Humnan Trafficking Rings Globally From Country to Country and State to State and the Jews Control the HO low level CIA Controlled Freemasons of course ... ; The Martians get off on human suffering it's called a different amygdala, you can look this stuff up and some pure blood Kohen Jews of B'nai B'rith ADL who are Circumcised through Oral Suction which means they are Pure Jew and not Mixed Ashkenazi Jew then of course the Rothschild's are Mixed Ashkenazi Jew, yet they use the Talmud and Protocols of Zion to Globalize and The Talmud is the Globalist Tool of the Jew World Order System LOL, also Look at Hard Drives RAQ of the 90's Crashed and Failed and we Converted all those JTAGS to Solid State Drives Later On, The Martains had Solid State Drives on Other Planets Before we did and made us loose backups by using Hard Drives instead of Solid State Drives, because they get off on human Suffering, that's why there's usury in the bank, that's why Hitler got Germany out of a banking debt, the holocaust is a Hoax, Communism is the Main Jewish Problem, that's why Martians Started Religious Cults, that's why they run it all,
  • 6. That's why the Bank owns your House and Car and Jews can put a lein on all your stuff it's called Civil Asset Forefiture and Jews slash Martians get Six Travel Passports when Non Jews or Goyim have no right to travel and only Two Travel Passports and Holocaust Denial is Banned in Sixteen Countries so it must be a fucking hoax so David Irving, Ernst Zundel, Alfred Schaefer, David Duke, Adam Green, Brother Nathanael, Know More News, Ken O'keefe, are all spot on with this one and some of them have bad optics that's why Kyle Odom Manifesto Points out all of the damn Problems LOL and IT IS WHAT IT IS LOL KEK KEK ... ; The Jew Only Country Clubs, the other thing, Maria Farmer Interviews Whitney Webb Look it up, The Pedophilia in Colombus OHIO, Tel Aviv Israel, That's IT, and The Lame Pizzagate thing that is very old of course LOL KEK PTHC CP CP ... ; RAPE RAPE - Then you have the other things such as Jew Only Special Private Schools that Do Not Teach the Victor Version of World War Two or the Holocaust Hoax and Teach the Other KOHEN Circumcised Through Oral Suction Jews who are part of a Secret Society called B'nai B'rith ADL they are taught the Holocaust is a Hoax and The Exact Non Victor Correct Version of World War Two History also that too ... ; I think this will be the Footer EOF of this Very Exact File ... ;