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Informational Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of "Informational Essay" is no easy feat. It requires a delicate
balance of research, analysis, and the ability to present information in a clear and concise manner.
The challenge lies in sifting through vast amounts of information to find relevant and credible
sources, synthesizing that information into coherent arguments, and organizing it in a logical
Crafting an effective informational essay demands critical thinking skills to evaluate the
credibility of sources and discern which information is most pertinent to the topic at hand.
Additionally, it requires the writer to consider the needs and background knowledge of the
audience, ensuring that the information provided is accessible and understandable.
Moreover, the process of writing such an essay involves meticulous attention to detail, from
properly citing sources to adhering to formatting guidelines. Each section of the essay must flow
seamlessly into the next, guiding the reader through the information in a logical progression.
Despite its challenges, writing an informational essay can also be a rewarding endeavor. It
provides an opportunity to explore a topic in depth, gain new insights, and effectively
communicate knowledge to others.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on the topic of "Informational Essay" presents its
difficulties, it also offers a chance to engage with ideas and information in a meaningful way,
shaping understanding and facilitating learning.
For assistance with similar essays and much more, consider
Informational Essay Informational Essay
Catherine The Great Impact
Over the period of 67 years, Catherine the Great a former Empress of Russia in the
1700 s used various methods in order to implement foreign policy unto her nation and
the nations around her. Her accomplishments in foreign policy not only caused
drastic changes in her own country for her own people, but also in surrounding
countries and their people. The most impressive and life altering achievement of
Catherine the Great, was the way in which she intelligently and manipulatively went
about her way in seizing control over one third of Poland.
Catherine II first began her rule in the year 1762, with the help and advocacy of
multiple allies, some of which included the supportive countries of; Austria, England,
and France. (Erikson 187) The ... Show more content on ...
This incredible win, made Catherine II out to be an international heroine. (Erikson
277) In foreign affairs, mid July in 1774, Catherine was pleased to learn that
problems with the Turks had finally ceased, for her envoys had informed her of the
fact that both sides had declared peace. Catherine II was finally able to focus not
only on the welfare of her country, but also on expanding its borders even more
than had been done so before. (Erikson 312) Meanwhile, amongst the totality of
European politics as a result of the help from the Empress and her advisors, Russia
was about to play a large and meaningful role in the new order. It was prime time
for Russia to advance herself territorially, therefore, a second annexation of Poland
was quickly ensured. (The first annexation of Poland occurred in 1772, courtesy of
Germany, in an attempt to prevent Austria from going to war against Prussia). In
order to swiftly and smoothly start absorbing the land of Poland, Catherine II
joined Frederick II, as well as the Austrian co ruler Joseph II, in dividing roughly
one third of the vast kingdom between themselves. Russia was able to collect lands
upon lands, and over a million and a half new subjects. After winning miles of land,
Russia seemed almost invincible, especially in comparison to Poland, who was
practically in a state
Why I Want For A Pharmacist
Just because you graduated from a university doesn t mean your days of studying
are over says a woman named Rosemary Killeen. Throughout my life I have been
divulged with many different questions on what I want to be when I get older. I
always had vacillated between I am not really sure yet and I wantto be a professional
athlete . But now that I have sat down to think about it I realized that I would like to
be a pharmacist. A pharmacist is a person who is professionally qualified to prepare
and dispense medical drugs. I think that being a pharmacist would be good for me
because I would like to be in the health field but working as a surgeon is not my
type of thing. As you read on you soon will find out the history of a pharmacist,
what you need to obtain being a pharmacist, a description of being a pharmacist, and
why this job is for me. Pharmacycan be traced far back into history. According to
Pharmacy, the first known production of medicine substance was around 6th
century BC, however the earliest text of pharmacy can be dated back to the 3rd or
4th AD. Ancient Egyptian s knowledge on pharmacy was originally written on
papyrus. The earliest known complete filling of medicine was done by the Hindu.
One famous pharmacist named John Pemberton was actually the man that invented
Coca Cola. I really think it is bizarre that a pharmacist to be the person that would
invent a kind of pop let alone Coca Cola. Coca Cola is one of the most popular drinks
in not only the US
Relay For Life
I believe what people decide to do with their spare time says a lot about who they
are and what motivates them. There is many hobbies people choose to engage in,
a couple I enjoy are reading and participating in relay for life. I love reading
because it allows me to be taken to another place. Also Relay for Life is important
to me because of all of the amazing things the American Cancer Society does for
patients. There is many more reasons that I choose to spend a lot of my timedoing
these two activities.
Reading has became one of my favorite ways to pass time. It allows for you to see
others perspective on things or take you to an entirely new place altogether. When
I was younger I hated reading until one of my friends suggested I read the uglies
series. Which sparked my interest in reading. One of my all time favorite books I
have read is Castaway Kid by R.B. Mitchell. This book continues ... Show more
content on ...
Last year I developed my own team and participated in Midland county s Relay for
Life. Being a team captain brings on other responsibilities. We have long monthly
meetings to discuss progress and upcoming events. As a team throughout the year
we have fundraising events such as rummage for relay ,which is a garage sale, and
other events like a car wash or bake sale. In late July is the main event the 24 hour
relay at the Midland fairgrounds. This is where all of our teams set up sites to sell
things to raise money for The American Cancer Society. This is my favorite part
about the whole experience it is very emotional and inspirational to be there. The
most memorable moments through the whole thing are the survivor lap and the
luminary ceremony. I was motivated to help in the fight against cancer after
loosing a young cousin to lukemia. I believe it is always a good to be a part of
something that helps others because no matter how bad you think your life may be
someone else may be worse
Essay on Reading The Book of Revelation
The Book of Revelation, the final book of the Christian biblical canon, is perhaps
one of the most complex and polyvalent biblical texts accessible to modern readers,
and has been the source of many differing and divergent interpretations and readings.
This is due in large part to the richly detailed language and imagery the author has
placed within the book as well as the vast array of content. Both of these features
function within the text to produce a book that is extremely difficult to describe
within the traditional literary conceptions of genre and structure, which, as we shall
see, feed into the complexity and multiple interpretations that can be drawn from it.
With all this in mind, it will be the purpose of this essay to... Show more content on ...
In contrast to this theory, a structure based on the series of seven visions is another
prominent understanding. Argued especially by Farrar and Collins, this theory lays
out a structure split into eight segments , viewing number seven, used by the author
of Revelation very strongly, as the key to understanding the structure. Critics,
however, point out the unnumbered sections as a dubious aspect of this theory. As
such, the structure of Revelation is a complex matter that is still debated widely
within scholarship, with no solution offered thoroughly without difficulty.
Closely related to the structure of the Book of Revelation, and one of the primary
causes behind the difficulty in determining structure, the content of the text is
multifarious and deep in meaning and imagery. Primarily, content centres around the
letters sent to seven churches, the extrapolation of John s visions of Heaven, the
remainder of the series of seven , and finally the defeat of Babylon and
establishment of the New Jerusalem. At a deeper level, however, and functioning
within the genre that modern scholarship has come to call apocalyptic , the book of
Revelation primarily mediates visions of heavenly truth. Within this purpose, we see
in Revelation a great deal of highly symbolic language, often borrowed from the
Hebrew Scriptures and particularly the prophetic
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Barclays
6.Option Opportunities
From the previous strategic frameworks, the company should increment their
offerings into the financial options to their clients. There are five options in this field
with their respectively advantages and disadvantages: CREDIT
Unsecured Trade Credit*Autonomy in the trade credit decision.
*Stonger relationship with clients. * Increment account receivables and working
capital needs.
* No financial revenue within the customer credit term.
* Increment the back office staff or technology to support volumetry. * Increment
credit risk.
Secured loans* Collateral asset to secure debt.
* Autonomy in the credit decision.
*Increment credit risk.
*Administrative costs on the claim process ... Show more content on
POS Point of sales system has to accept this new credit card and Travis Perkins
webpage will have a link that redirects the customer request to the banks platform.
Travis Perkins will be benefit from the banks platform then it does not have to
develop any major technology interfaces.
Staff Skills
The employees that are customer face and customer service needs to receive a
training on how to support, sell and do the post selling on the credit card. Besides, in
the launching process the company should have an incentive scheme for number of
subscriptions on the credit card.
Regarding that the new offering is a white label credit card the marketing strategy
should point to increment brand awareness.
Shared Vision
Increment sales giving an additional finance option to Travis Perkins customers
where any competitor offers it without increment the credit risk or working capital
7.2Key Actions and
Narrative Essay About The First Day Of School
Ahh , Ronnie yawns, as he gets up for his first day of school. The door creeks open
as his mom peeks inside to check if Ronnie is awake.
His mom in her calm soothing voice asks, Are you excited for your first day of
school? Ronnie sees in his mother s eyes that she herself was excited for him to start
middle school.
Ronnie replies, Not really. He was, however, excited to see his friends that he hasn t
seen since summer break. Ronnie gets up and dresses up in the best outfit he could
find to impress his friends. While walking down stairs Ronnie smells the air. Mmm
blueberry pancakes, my favorite Ronnie says as he sniffs the air with delightment.
His mom rarely makes blueberry pancakes, so Ronnie takes full advantage of this
and devours the squishy dough with the juicy blueberries until he was satisfied.
Ronnie s dad comes downstairs and asked in his very low voice Are you ready to go
to school?
Trying to chew the last of the pancakes, he replied, Yeah . So he grabs his backpack
from the seat next to him.
But before they leave his mom kisses him on the cheek and says Have a good day
sweetie! They opened the door, Ronnie waved bye to his mom and off to school they
During the car ride his dad asks him loads of question such as, Are you excited or
Do you have all of your stuff so Ronnie just played along and answered his
questions.When they arrived, Ronnie scanned the campus for his friends. As he s
scanning, his friends Joseph and Eddie sneaks
The Relationship Between Energy And Energy Security Risk
The Relationship between energy independence, in the form of Energy Security Risk
points, and Shale Gas Production in the United States.
By Md Akram Hossain
Fracking is a type of drilling technique that has been used commercially for almost
65 years. Hydraulic fracking is also being used to stimulate new production from
older wells. The combination of advanced hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling,
utilizing state of the art technology, is mostly responsible for todays booming US oil
and natural gas production. This paper investigates the relationship between energy
independence in the form of Energy Security Risk (ESR) points and Shale gas
production in the US. The regression showed that there was a positive relationship
between shale gas production and ESR, contrary to theory suggested in the paper.
This research paper aims to find out the relationship between energy independence,
The research question is based upon the widely discussed topic of shale fracking
through hydraulic methods. Shale fracking is a complicated process, where
hydraulic pipes are inserted deep under the ground and then chemicals are released
to crack the rocks in order to obtain natural gas. In this process, harmful chemicals
are released, and the ecosystem gets negatively affected from surface spill off of
toxic wastes. Although this process is a bit controversial, there are a number of
people who actually support this methodology. A major reason for supporting
Fear In Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo (2003) is a very touching animated film about a father s journey to
find his son. Marlin, the father, is known as overprotective and wary of all dangers
of the sea. Nemo is his only son, and after a near death experience, Marlin spends
his days mostly confined to his sea anemone home avoiding all possible dangers of
the world. Nemo is a very curious and sheltered fishwho wants to experience the
world. When this curiosity gets him kidnapped by a sea diver, Marlin s worst fear is
now his reality. Finding Nemois a heartwarming tale with a strong theme of facing
and conquering your fears. The first scene in Finding Nemo, the audience sees
Marlin and his wife admiring their soon to be babies when suddenly the scene
turns dark. The music in the film stops, along with all sounds of ocean life. Dark
shadows are created in the film to fill the audience with fear and dread. The fish
are then attacked by a larger hungry fish leaving Marlin s wife and all but one of
their babies dead. The fear and sadness is apparent when Marlin sheds a tear whilst
holding the quivering egg that would soon be his son.... Show more content on ...
The audience is easily able to identify moments during the film where danger is
imminent by studying the patterns. Before every dangerous scene, there is a
pause a stop, of all activity going on around the characters. The makers of the film
tried to create a realistic oceanic scene while still adding a little fantasy as well.
Realism is a natural style of acting used to make the movie seem 100% possible
and real in the eyes of the audience, (Goodykoontz Jacobs, 2014). The use of
underwater sound effects, fish activity, and bright, scientifically accurate color
schemes pulls the audience in and begs them to stretch their imagination to accept
this new reality. Before every scene, all activity ceases, all music ends, and the colors
become dull or even dark
The Failure Of Russia
History has proven the inferiority of the economic systems that are not free market
oriented. People starved all over Europe due to lack of food produced before the
Industrial Revolution and the application of capitalism. Governments practicing
socialism and communism like China, Russia, and North Korea ended up starving
their citizens because their economies were so awful. Look at Russiaas an example.
Russia is rich in natural resources and is the largest country in the world, yet many
Russians have starved in the last century. Andrew Bernstein has some information
about the failure of Russia s economy. Bernstein has taught philosophy at universities
all over New York and has a Ph.D. in philosophy. He lectures regularly and has
spoken... Show more content on ...
While the total amount of economic aid sent to the Soviet Union is unknown, ... it is
known that America alone donated 700,000 tons of foodstuff (Bernstein). Even with
all of the aid, the U.S.S.R. could not keep itself together or support its failing system.
Poverty could have been avoided, but Russia would not implement capitalism.
Another example of economic potential wasted by socialism is Venezuela.
Venezuela has the largest oil reserves on Earth, yet their economy is failing because
of their socialist policies. Many Venezuelans can not even afford food. Venezuelan
money has become worthless due to skyrocketing inflation rates. At one point, it was
actually worth less than virtual coins in the game World of Warcraft, and these coins
spawn infinitely. If a currency is created infinitely, that means it is barely worth
anything. Hyperinflation like that is never good for an economy, let alone hundreds
or thousands of percent inflation. A good inflation rate for economic growth is about
one to three percent. At least countries that existed before the implementation of
capitalism could not have avoided starvation like Venezuela and Russia could.
Europe has utilized capitalism and opened up markets some, and has improved
reasonably. Europe had a lot of
Technology And Its Impact On The Business
Founded in Taiwan in 1972, today CX technology is a leading supplier in cold
forging and plastic injection components and parts. Originally, CX technology
produced bullets and bicycle parts, however, this had changed due to shift in
consumer demand towards speakers and component parts exclusively. CX
Technology had the ability to deliver specific products on time, which earned the
firm very significant recognition over the years. They had earned a name for
themselves based on their reliability and high quality products, most of their sales
revenue came from satisfied repeat customers. In 2007, Chairman Albert Ting had
determined that changes needed to be made at CX Technology. He had determined
that revenue was reasonably stable, however, the rate of attaining new businesses
was not reassuring. CX was a leading supplier in cold forged components for
speakers, however, these were a commodity product, and furthermore the supply
chain was capable of possibly being consolidated. Ting needed a plan in order to
secure CX Technology s future, he needed to diversify and determine a way to
develop the business.
Despite CX Technology blossoming in the speaker production, the company needed a
contingency plan. The growth of countries like China and United States in the
technology field would lead to the CX sales revenue. CX Technology needed another
plan as an added advantage in case the company s demand reduces. This contingency
plan may include the production of new products that
Analysis Of The Shack
Counting On star Ben Seewald has warned his Christian followers on social media
that The Shack movie, in which Octavia Spencer portrays God the Father, presents a
false concept of God which could be planted into viewers minds.
In a video posted on Instagram, Seewald urged his followers to click on a certain link
which leads to Dr. Michael Youssef s article on The Leading Way ministry website.
The 21 year old reality star proceeded to talk about the false God presented in The
Shack, which he said is not aligned with the God revealed in the Bible, The Christian
Post relays.
There is a God presented to us in The Shack a false god. A god of human
imagination that directly contradicts this idea of God directly contradicts a God who
Freedom, And Freedom In The Shawshank Redemption
The Shawshank Redemption is a high quality film with many themes, that are going
to be explored. There are themes in any form of entertainment. But, the Shawshank
Redemption is much different, in that is so packed full of them, that there is no good
place to start looking for them. For that matter, there also is no right answer in which
themes are the most important. Therefore, the Shawshank Redemptions most
important themes are freedom and confinement, transformation, and hope. Freedom
and confinement is the third most important theme in the movie, the Shawshank
Redemption. There are many aspects of the inmates talking about what freedom is
like, and how they are confined to Shawshank prison for a long time. In
Shawshank they quite literally cannot do anything they want, they have to ask for
everything. This can be no better seen than when Captain Byron Hadley said, You
eat when we say you eat! You s*** when we say you s***! You p*** when we say
you p***! Not only is this line of thought present in a fictional prison, but also in
real life. There are TV shows out there that follow the cops of real life prisons, and
real life prisoners do not have much more freedom. Then again, all things considered,
prisoners have some freedoms, mainly in what they do during their yard times. The
people who have it the worst, the one s who have it like the quote, are the people who
live under complete dictatorships. They cannot do anything, and I mean anything
without the consent of
Essay On Afro-Black Slavery
The South was in desperate need of workers in the time before the mid seventeenth
century; however their help arrived in the mid seventeenth century in the form of
black workers. There once was an idea that the Afro Black race was the only eligible
people that should populate the system of slavery in America. Afro Black slaveryin
the United States of America has been argued in two ways by historians and
researchers. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the two points that one side
asking if slavery was the result of white racism and the other side asking if white
racism was a result of slavery. The second point was rather or not white racism was
a result of slavery. In the year of 1950, an influential article was published by Oscar
and Mary Handlin. Their article compared slavery to the other ways of bondage, by
discussing that what separated slavery from other ideals and ways of service was
that it was only limited to the African people, it was a permanent ordeal, and that it
was inherited from one generation to another. The Handlins believe that the
backbone of slavery was orchestrated by colonial governors to increase the able...
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He argues for the first point. Jordan says in his book White Over Black (1968) as
well as other works that Europeans had viewed people of color as inferior people
for a very long time way before their current time in history. He believed that those
thoughts and attitudes travelled with the white Europeans to the New World.
Therefore according to this statement it could be said that white racism molded the
relationship and treatment of the Africans since the origins of their arrival in
America. Jordan goes on to conclude that the Whites would have oppressed the
Blacks in the New World regardless if there was an apparent economic incentive or
Kevin Mourby Singing Saw Analysis
If there is one thing about Kevin Morby s latest LP, City Music, that immediately
leaps out, it s the sense of playfulness. The album is not light and fluffy by any
means, but there is this unflappable feeling of spontaneity and glee that instantly
hooks your attention. This is the fourth solo outing from the Babies frontman. Like
his 2016 effort, Singing Saw, the album is a mixture of folk quiet intensity and some
rollicking good rock music. While it never becomes a great disc, it is one of the
more thoroughly and consistently pleasant and enjoyable releases of the year. As
mentioned previously, the eclecticism of his music is inarguably Kevin s greatest
success. Over forty eight minutes, the man dips his toes into bitter country music,
spoken word poetry, fuzz driven indie, and even an excursion into Lorde like
minimalism. Each of these songs has their own identity. 1234 is the unashamed four
to the floor throwback to garage rock from days of yore. It s noisy and messy with
these hypnotic looping vocal tics which culminate in... Show more content on ...
It moves in these strange, unpredictable patterns that are disorientating at first, but
eventually fits together like a beautiful mosaic. Every street you head down, there s
a different story, a different world, and a different mind. That mood is reflected in
the tracks themselves. It s no surprise that the centerpiece of the album, the seven
minute titular mini epic. The piece is preceded by this little nugget of a spoken
narrative. The tales deals with a young boy s inability to recognize the cityscape. It s
a tiny trifle of an idea, but it s one that contextualizes the title track. City Music is a
real treat. It begins with this slow, minimalist beat that builds and builds to these
hyperkinetic guitar solos and a multitude of additional instruments colliding. It
attempts to encapsulate the magic of a city s culture as well as its homogeneity and it
succeeds in its
Nurse Technician Research Paper
Although some Physicians are knowledgeable about radiation safety, others have
little or no knowledge about radiation safety and does not consider this factor when
ordering imaging examinations. Furthermore, non physician health care providers
may be granted the authority to order imaging studies, and their ordering patterns are
likely to reflect the behavior of their supervising Physicians (American College of
Radiology). Examples of non physicianhealth care providers include Physician
Assistants and Nurse Practitioners. Today, radiography is widely used in the
operating rooms within hospitals. Physicians, Physician Assistants, and others will
use a manually operated foot switch, which is attached to the C arm. This allows the
Surgeon to... Show more content on ...
For example, intermittent fluoroscopy, last image hold and pulsed fluoroscopy.
These principles that are listed are involved with dose reduction. Intermittent
fluoroscopy is known as keeping the x rays on for a few seconds, to only view
what they are looking at. This can help reduce the total fluoroscopy time used for a
procedure. Last image hold is when the last image taken is held on the monitor after
the x ray is terminated. According to Mahadevappa, Last image hold is a dose saving
feature, since it allows physicians to contemplate the last image and plan the next
move without additional radiation exposure in an interventional procedure. Pulsed
fluoroscopy is when the fluoroscopy machine can emit x rays in short pulses rather
Case Study-Hubbard Foods-Fake Company
Hubbard Foods Ltd started up in mid 1988 and a private limited company. The
company was originally named Winner Foods Ltd and only 4 employees at that
moment, now currently has staff about 150.
In 1990, DickВЎВ¦s decision was made to introduce the Hubbard brand as the main
brand for breakfast cereal products. The companyВЎВ¦s products set the price at both
the high price range and low end of the cereal market.
HubbardВЎВ¦s has consistently built a culture around caring for others, creating
employment and being socially responsible. In 2000, the company increased pay and
allowances, and increased communication between management, the union and
In 2000/2001, the company exported 14.4 per cent of its production ... Show more
content on ...
In fact, it doesnВЎВ¦t have enough power to do the acquisition. Licensing is one of
the good way also because it is both low in cost and risk, it only license out the
production way is enough. However, the consideration is the returns are not high.
Actually, exporting rate is low; it have to see the internal strategic and external
strategic position first if they analysis this problem. There has a major change in
internal strategic position from no production line to a systematic production way,
this would be the significant change. In an external way, the extension of the
production would let to export product to the world wide where is an untapped
market. It should be a major change because it is only export to Australia, U.K.,
Singapore and Hong Kong only if it is not have a systematic production line. Now,
which way should take if enter into a new market. Using exporting way; itВЎВ¦s a
high cost and low control method because they need to spend a lot of marketing and
distributing expense to form the channel for them to export, however, ВЎВ§no pain,
no gainВЎВЁ. (Hanson, 2005)
A strategic alliance is a good way for the company because it allows sharing the
risks and the resources with the alliance that mean does not have to bear all the risk
of the exporting. In addition, the alliance can help it to develop the new competencies
maybe the new product or
Summary Of The Wayzata High School Auditorium
The Wayzata High School auditorium had been transformed into an art museum
full of Caleb s paintings. There was a long table covered with hundreds of candles
and matchbooks. An adjacent table displayed a guest book where friends and
family wrote down messages and prayers. The pastor from the Miller s church
distributed flyers about Caleb and suggested prayers to help him and his family
through this difficult time. Dr. Reynolds opened the pamphlet and scanned down
the back of the front page. As his eyes glanced over, he was surprised to see the last
section dedicated entirely to Becca and her struggle. He read every word. The
Coopers and the Millers were quietly conversing with the Davenports in a small
circle far across the auditorium. Cathy was gushing to Mrs. Miller about what a
wonderful and brave son she had and how much their family owed him and Matt
for saving Ashley. Matt, Miranda, Ashley and George congregated with twenty
other friends discussing the added weight they all felt when hearing about Becca s
condition. Paige stood fifteen feet away with a group of friends, sobbing
uncontrollably in Marcy s arms. The auditorium was already packed, and people
were still pouring in. Dr. Reynolds main objective for the evening was to appear
concerned. There were plenty of other doctors and nurses from Methodist in
attendance and to cast suspicion away from himself, he needed to be amongst them.
Making sure to stop and shake hands with many of his colleagues along the
Essay on The Black Panther Party for Self Defense
The Black Panther Party for Self Defense was the most significant activist group
during the Civil Rights Movement Era. It was founded in Oakland, California by
Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in October of 1966. The Black Panthers Party was
founded to fight for and protect the rights of African Americans. Believing that the
approach Martin Luther King Jr. was expressing would take too long, the approach
Black Panther Partytook was more along the lines of Malcolm X more aggressive
theories rather than Martin Luther King Jr. s more peaceful strategy. Although it
gained a lot of support quickly it was ineffective in its main agenda s due to,
government actions against them, disorganization within the BPP, and the loss and
shortcomings of its... Show more content on ...
4. We want decent housing, fit for shelter of human beings.
. 5. We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decadent
American society. We want education that teaches us our true history and our role in
present day society.
6. We want all Black men to be exempt from military service.
7. We want an immediate end to police brutality and murder of Black people.
8. We want freedom for all Black men held in federal state, county and city prisons
and jails.
9. We want all Black people when brought to trial to be tried in court by a jury of
their peer group or people from their Black communities, as defined by the
constitution of the United States.
10. We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace. And as our
major political objective, a United Nations supervised plebiscite to be held
throughout the Black colony in which only Black colonial subjects will be allowed
to participate, for the purpose of determining the will of Black people as to their
national destiny.
Many people believe that the Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in America,
this is only partially true. This document was passed during a time of war, the Civil
war and only affected the states controlled by the Confederates. President Lincoln
knew that he had no power to issues this as a general law without it going through
legislation so it was done as a war powers action
Gangs in Oklahoma
Gangs have been around for a long time and have caused many problems in society.
When people think of gangs they might think Los Angeles or Chicago, but
Oklahoma s gang violence has been at the same level as most major cities are
dealing with. Gangs are a major problem in Oklahoma.
Gang members continue to increase in the state of Oklahoma. The main age group
that joins these gangs are teenagers and pre teens. Kids without enough attention or
not having a father figure in their life tend to join gangs. Kids want comfort and
security and some feel they can find that in gangs. And those are the kids we really
need to focus on if we want to help prevent gangs in our society.
Crips are a major gang affiliation that was formed in the year of ... Show more content
on ...
Anyone convicted under the proposed law would face an automatic increase in prison
sentence, and some homicides would become death penalty eligible(Journal Record,
Staff). I believe this method might not be successful due to many homicides
committed by gang members which would cause many young men to face the death
penalty. A series of recommendations from various subcommittees were brought
together wednesday during a meeting of two panels working on gang violence issues,
but the element of time was also a key issue discussed by those in attendance at the
state capitol (Packham). State Sen. Constace Johnson, believes that we should focus
more on education programs to help prevent gang affiliation(Packham).
Subcommittees suggested to train neighborhood associations on how to identify and
control different gangs and their activities (Packham). Atwood feels that more
funding sources are being diverted to other priority areas(Packham). There has been
plenty of recommendations we should use for gang prevention that are great ideas
and can work. But I feel they need to be executed better. The Oklahoma Arts Council
and the Oklahoma City Police Department may seem unlikely partners in gang
prevention, but their work together has been promising. since 2007, the police
department has operated the F.A.C.T. program (Family Awareness and Community
Teamwork), which aims to step into the lives of youths who are walking a tightrope
between falling into gang
Essay on Resisting Negative Peer Pressure
Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself. Bruce Lee
People! Come on! All of us are cutting history. Who wants to go take that stupid
exam? We re going to BreadSticks instead. Let s go! says the coolest kid in your
class. Do you do what you know is right and go take the history exam? Or do you
give in and go with the crowd? As you grow older, you ll be faced with some
challenging decisions. Some don t have a clear right or wrong answer should you
practice the piano or text your girlfriend? Other decisions involve serious moral
questions should you cut class, should you lie to your parents? Making decisions on
your own is hard enough, but when other people get involved and pressure you to
make a certain ... Show more content on ...
However, sometimes peers influence each other in negative ways. For example, a
few kids in school might try to get you to cut class with them or a kid in the
neighborhood might want you to vandalize with him. A powerful negative peer
influence can motivate a teen to make choices and engage in behavior that his or
her values might otherwise reject. Teens who feel isolated or rejected by their peers
or in their family are more likely to engage in risky behaviors in order to fit in with a
But why do kids give in to peer pressure? Some kids give in to peer pressure because
they want to be liked, to fit in, or because they worry that other kids may make fun
of them if they don t go along with the group. The need for acceptance, approval, and
belonging is vital during the teen years. Others may go along because they are
curious to try something new that others are doing. The idea that everyone s doing it
may influence some kids to leave their better judgment, or their common sense,
Anyway, nearly everyone ends up in a sticky peer pressure situation at some point.
No matter how wisely you choose your friends, or how well you think you know
them, sooner or later you ll have to make decisions that are difficult and could be
unpopular. But these situations can be opportunities to figure out what are right for
you. There is no magic for standing up to peer pressure, but it does take courage,
YOURS! Here are some
Mineral Soft Inventory
In the months that we have had Mineral Soft, I have logged over way 100 hours
linking, tying and correcting the data that is in Mineral Soft. That s not including the
time it took me to create the spreadsheets required for the upload.
In the time, it took me to build out the spreadsheets plus the time it took for the
folks at Mineral Soft to upload our data, I could have created all the data that is in
Mineral Soft with the correct ties. It has taken more than 2.5 weeks to create all of
the tract allocations for the wells in OEP and OMR, so that we can see the revenue
associated with each acquisition. It was my understanding that things like this were
being done when I sent over the spreadsheets.
For every single entry in Mineral Soft ... Show more content on ...
Not to mention, the random wells that OEP or OMR doesn t even own. Wells like the
one below (Mandaree 4 15H) were peppered throughout both entities. And I couldn t
find them on the Asset Tracker. Nor in the county records could I find where we
bought the interest in that Section, Township and Range combination. Did you know
there is no function to mark a well as Sold? My current work around is adding z to
the first part of well name. As the wells usually sort by name, adding the z to the
beginning pushes the sold wells to end of the list.
As for the Acquisitions, the tracts had to be tied and add the location information
needed to be entered. If the Notes field was on the upload, the adding of the location
information would have been done at the time of upload, saving me many hours.
Instead of having to input the information in Notes field; actually, having some of the
legal description as fields in the Acquisition tab would be wonderful. At least, having
the County and State as a field in the Acquisition area would be helpful.
Deeds called for adding the files and the lands covered, in the Notes field, for each
and every deed associated with OMR and OEP. Again, having at least the County
State for where the deed is recorded would be a great help. As it stands, the full legal
description for every deed is being entered in the Notes field. Which is quite time
The only function I didn t spend massive
Patricia Glintons
Patricia Glinton Meicholas is a career driven Bahamian satirist, poet, storyteller and
novelist who use detailed and graphical techniques. In the text An Evening in
Guanima, two stories that best illustrate the idea Each one helping one leaving none
behind are Jack and the Schoolmaster and Jack and the Magic Eggs . Patricia Glinton
Meicholas illustrates these two stories for me, through her powerful use of character s
action, leading to plotevents, imagery and theme. In the two stories that have been
mentioned, the writer creates plot events to sir come the actions of Jack and other
characters. In Jack and the Magic Eggs , Ber Debbil insisted on deceiving Jack s
sister, Zerona. Now, Ber Debbil was demon with evil intentions... Show more content
on ...
My opinion of this story is Never allow your talent to cage you . I say this because;
Zerona was very crafty when it came to making okra soup and plaiting fathoms.
Quite interesting was that Ber Debbil had a fondness for okra soup. Furthermore,
he basically serenaded her for one purpose. But it wasn t her beauty that caught
Ber Debbil s attention . She didn t realize it, since her beauty took all the credit
most of the time. What I found so ironic was ... he immediately shut the poor girl
up in his kitchen and ordered her to prepare her best okra soup in his biggest
cooking pot. Understanding Ber Debbil s intention, I then came to the conclusion
that Zerona s talent actually got her in a trap. This comes back to my idea of the
tale, Never allow your talent to cage you . Ber Debbil caged her, because she was
good for one thing he loved and that was okra soup. In addition to the theme,
Patricia indulges me in the thought of understanding the concept of the story. Jack
and the Schoolmaster was also a good example to imply of a theme. My opinion of
this story is There are many benefits for standing up for something that is right . I
can infer to this, as a result of what took place in this particular story. Ber Debbil is
utterly mischievous and cunning. The residents on that settlement were very gullible
and not used to such brought upsy. They cling on quickly to whatever Ber Debbil
said. Jack felt and knew something was suspicious about him.
Paris Opera Ballet
Dance has been around since the earliest of human times. However, the formalization
of dance came long after humans were dancing. As cultures became more developed,
people could focus on other things such as rituals, dances, costumes, and
entertainment (Hooper). This led to entertainment not only for the royalty and
leaders of a society, but also entertainment for the commoner. Kassing notes that as
the Renaissancearrived, performances in court became much more common as a form
of entertainment to please the ruling class. Catherine de Medici is known for
bringing balletto France, where it became quite popular, according to Kassing s
report. The Paris Opera (originally the AcadГ©mie Royale de Musique) was founded
by Louis XIV and its ballet... Show more content on ...
When the Paris Opera Ballet was formed, it was meant to entertain royalty,
requiring manners, etiquette, and protocol directed toward the royals, according
to Professor Suggs. Manners, etiquette, and protocol dictate how one is to behave
and act. This led to performances at the Paris Opera Ballet to be very formal
affairs as evidenced today. Many dances end with bows that would have shown
respect to the royalty present according to Anderson. However, today it is shown
to thank the entire audience. Also, there was a decorum practiced by the audience,
which can still be seen today. According to the San Francisco Ballet Company
website, they suggest propriety such as avoiding tardiness, making sure electronic
devices are off, no candy wrappers, no talking, and no snuggling with your
significant other. These are enforced out of respect for the performer and guests
around. Dress codes are another legacy left by the Paris Opera Ballet. Since the
performances were first staged for King Louis XIV, Anderson suggests that they
were a formal affair. This can be seen today: while most theaters do not have formal
dress codes, they provide suggestions on dress. Trip Advisor advises that guests
should be clean, use small amounts of perfume or collogue, and to dress the part.
Trip Advisor says that this is because there is a large amount of money put in such as
ticket costs,
History Of Aparthied as It Refers To Cry the Beloved
Hope. It is the one thing that people have survived on for centuries. Without hope,
the African Americans of the early 1800 s would have just succumbed to the will of
the slave owners. This is why Mandela is considered such a great leader. Nelson
Mandela s message through his speeches was one of hope, which is the only thing the
people of Ndotshemi have to thrive on (Chokshi). Alan Paton, the author of Cry the
Beloved Country, also believed in hope bringing together the land of South Africa.
There are many similarities between the novel and the real lifeoccurrencesof the
South African Apartheid. In the book or in the real life Apartheid, someone came
into the scene that was willing to help by assuming a leadership role, whether it is...
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With him came a sense of hope, which is just what Mandela brought to the South
Africans in their severe time of need (US Congress 1996).
Mandela really seems to believe that if the youth of the nation don t realize their
power, ground will ever be made in the unification of the whites and Afrikaners. The
grandson is learning to speak Zulu, so as to unite the two worlds, which are thus
intertwined. Nelson Mandela states in one of his many speeches, I pay tribute to the
endless heroism of youth, you, the young lions. You, the young lions, have energized
our entire struggle. (Mandela 1996) In the court where Absalom is sentenced, the one
to help Kumalo is the young white man from the reformatory, breaking the racial
which had otherwise segregated the room. As the novel depicts, the youth of the area
seem to be the only ones able to put aside their differences.
They can accomplish this because the differences between the two divisions are
getting blurrier with each generation. As shown in the book, people of different races
can now seem to get along if they try hard enough, such as the case between Steven
Kumalo and James Jarvis.(Paton Cry...)
And so it has come to pass, that South Africa today undergoes her rebirth, cleansed of
a horrible past, matured from a tentative beginning, and reaching out to the future
with confidence, (Mandela 1994) Nelson Mandela predicts. They
Bilbo Coming Of Age Essay
The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien is a perfect example of a coming of age story. Bilbo,
the main protagonist, started his journey as a sheltered hobbit. It was clear that he
had potential to do something great, but his own insecurities and his fear to stand
out crippled his progression in life. He didn t leave his house often, and he hardly
took any risks. He failed to grow as an individual. Bilbo throughout the book he
experienced personal growth through his encounter with the goblins he, he became
confident through the events that happened at Mirkwood, and when he returned
home at the end of the journey, he was filled with self love and pride. At the
beginning of the book, Bilbo told Gandalf that he did not want anything to do with
the journey. He feared for his safety, and he had nightmares the night before the
journey started. However, throughout his journey, he bonded and learned a lot from
the dwarves. He found out who he really... Show more content on ...
One night while traveling through the Mirkwood forest, they saw a flicker of light
and decided to go towards it. Born and Gandalf did warn them about this, and told
them not to follow the light. After Bilbo gets captured by the giant spider, his will
and perseverance is tested. Not only does he escape from the spider s trap, but he
also defeats the spider and saves the party. He gains even more experience, and
becomes a leader in the group. Before he returned home, he was assumed dead and
his items were auctioned off to the members of his community. When he finally
arrived, he was treated as an outcast because adventures are looked frowned upon in
the hobbit community. Without the friends and companions Bilbo made on the
journey, Bilbo would have been completely alone. However, he didn t really care of
how his peers perceived him. Bilbo was not only proud of himself, but he knew he
was happy and comfortable with the path he took, and the life he
Security Standards And Security Safety Standards
Government Security Standards
The government and organizations are to comply with security laws and regulations
in order to fully operate and maintain protection of information systems. Some of
these security laws and regulations may vary for every industry and with some
organizations; however, implementing security standards with a broad in scope
provides reliable reasonable security. In many cases reasonable security implemented
throughout the information system can include a high level of protection in the
operation of government and organization systems. There are best practices and risk
management frameworks tools to consider when providing a higher level of security
in the performance and protection of information systems. It s key to maintain
effective security policies that are fulfilled by security standards and tools to help
manage the protection of the information systems.
Security standards are required to carry out the details of an effective security policy.
One common standard in security standards is to ensure ethics are maintained in a
lawful way. The difference between government and commercial security standards is
government security standards focus on compliance with security policies that deal
with national security; whereas, health organizations maintain security standards that
focus on compliance with security policy that ensure the privacy of health records.
The security policy provides the rules of protection for the information system and
Raft Of The Medusa Essay
when GГ©ricault was 27 years old, painted The Raft of the Medusa. Which is
considered a classic of the Romantic Movement.In its brutality, realism, and raw
emotion it captures the essence of a historic event that shocked the French public.
The story behind the painting is as devastating as shown on the canvas.The
Medusa was a French naval vessel that was on course off the coast of Africa before
running aground on a sandbar near Mauritania around July 1816. After few days
of trying to pry the ship free, the crew and passengers took to the ship s six small
lifeboats. There was a problem, there were 400 people on board, while the boats only
had the capacity to carry approximately 250. As a result, 146 men and one woman
were loaded onto a wooden
Dr. Steven Nickman s Losses In Adoption
Parents should indeed tell a child that they are adopted and they should do soon as
soon as possible. Parents should tell the child as early as they are able to understand,
that they are adopted. Adoption can definitely impact a child s life in various ways
and keeping the adoption a secret from the child could foster many emotions of
mistrust and negativity towards the adoptive parents. The word adoptionshould be
introduced as early as possible so that it becomes a comfortable part of the child s
vocabulary, according to Dr. Steven Nickman, author of Losses in
Adoption: The Need for Dialogue, makes the suggestion that the ideal time for telling
children about their adoption appears to be between the ages of 6 and 8. Nickman...
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Although it may hurt the adoptive parents to let the child know that he or she isn t
theirs biologically, a child should always know where they come from so that they
are able to establish their own identity whether it be the identity of the biological or
adoptive parents or even both. If the child knows at an early age that they are
adopted, it is likely they will be able to deal with it better once they reach the
adolescent age. In Adoption History: Telling , Ellen Herman gives the story of how
adoption was never disclosed to the child, but not at the sake of the child. Telling has
been a chronic dilemma in the history of adoption because it highlights the problem
of making adoptive kinship real while also acknowledging its distinctiveness. During
the twentieth century, adoption professional maintained a firm consensus that
children placed in infancy should be told of their adopted status early in life, but
adopted parents did not always agree, and anecdotal evidence suggests that many
children were told in adolescence, on the eve of marriage, or even later in life. The
reason adoptees were told had less to do with honesty than it did with emotional
inoculation against stigma. Parents would be wise to tell children about their
adoptions with kindness and love before they learned the truth from unfeeling
relatives, nosy neighbors, or cruel
Personal Narrative-State Sports
One last out, runners only 60 feet away from crushing dreams. A place that is
usually filled cheering fans, coaches calling plays, and girls calling the ball is now
completely silent. Everyone wondering who was going to own the title and the
chance to move on to the state games. As the pitcher got ready to pitch the ball you
could hear everyone s heart start to beat like a drum. As she pushed off the mound
and threw the ball they all held their breaths in hopes of the win. The batter hit the
ball and they made the final out to take their team onto the state games for the first
time in school history. Everyone on the team was so excited to have the chance to
represent their school. Nothing in the world could bring them down from this perfect
... Show more content on ...
Liz was the starting centerfielder, who embraced every opportunity she had to but
herself out there for her team. Liz was a very important piece to the team success
throughout the season. As the team got closer and closer to the state games the
girls worked harder longer days to prepare for the competition ahead. As the
practices got longer she began to feel drained. She had a hard time focusing in
class, always felt tired, and couldn t get rid the every lasting cough. After a week of
being sick she decided it was time to see a doctor before her and her team left for
states. Two days before the team left for Syracuse NY for the state games Liz was
diagnosed with Mono. Liz said I was way too upset to call my coaches at first, but I
knew they had to know as soon as possible. Liz knew her teammates and coaches
would understand and be behind her one hundred percent. She could not help to
feel upset and defeated there was nothing she could do in this situation. The look
of sadness came over her face you could tell how much she wanted to play with her
team. In sports losing a player that contributes so much to the team is hard to
replace. For a young Eden team the loss of a key player two days before leaving is
a situation no one team wants to be in. Liz s team knew the challenge just got
harder. On the day for departure for states Liz knew she still had to go to cheer on
her team. Even if she couldn t play she could still be there to support them in any
way she physically could. The day of the games approached. Liz said It was so
frustrating knowing that I have worked so hard to help my team get this far and now
I can t contribute to the final two
Realistic Fiction Book
The genre of the book is realistic fiction. What made this book a good quality
realistic fiction book is. That the things going on in the book could actually happen,
focus on relationships, and the characters were realistic. The book is for advanced
reader, I felt that it was apposite for the age group. Since the text was much more
advanced, it had storylines that younger children could not understand. The book
talked about controversial issues such as race. Which was a big theme in the book
since Dess is white and living in a black foster family. This book would be
something that children who are living in mixed families, foster care, or step
families. Would be interested in and would appeal to them more. Not saying that
other children would
The Paintings On The Ceiling Of The Sistine Chapel
One of the most famous painter and sculptors of the Italian Renaissance, the age of
renewal and cultural achievement circa 1500, was the artistic genius Michelangelo
Buonarroti. The man that desired nothing but perfection often reached it in his work.
He captured the motion of the human figure and the anatomy of muscles in a way
that was increasingly beautiful and startlingly realistic. Whether because of one of
the most famous sculptures in history, the David or the paintings on the ceiling of the
Sistine Chapel, that became the textbook examples for the art period of High
Renaissance, Michelango s art changed the world and he will continue to be studied
with awe throughout history.
Michelangelo s era, the Renaissance was not a time of great social or economic
change, only cultural and ideological development because it only affected a small
portion of the population, which were the rich and powerful scholars that had more
surplus money to spend on luxury goods like art and architecture. One of these
families the Medicis rose to prominence and held the position of the Florence s
leading family for three centuries. The Medici family controlled the republican
government and were the unquestioned leaders, Lorenzo the Magnificent the last to
hold power and first Medici to be educated in the humanist tradition and was known
as an important patron of the arts; Lorenzo gave Michelangelo the chance to become
the magnificent artist he was. The humanist movement, one that
The Pros And Cons Of Razor Burn
There is a common misconception among people around the world about razor
burn and razor bumps being the same. However, the truth is they are separate
conditions with remarkably similar properties. They are closely tied to each as one
condition may lead to other condition. Razor burn if infected further leads to razor
bumps which is a more complicated case than former. Using an improper technique
or a blunt blade would result in minor cut known as razor burn. Generally it appears a
few minutes after completion of shavingand stings with noticeable pain.
Regular razor burns disappear and can be neglected. Nonetheless, in case of deep
cuts and where there are chances of ingrown hair they must be treated carefully for
avoidance of further infection. ... Show more content on ...
These ingrown hairs can be removed by carefully de layering the skin without any
harm done. To remove layers of skin is a tedious task and importantly impossible to
do manually. Glycolic acid helps remove the epidermal layers which enables the
ingrown hair to find its way out above the skin layer. In addition, glycolic acid has
antibacterial properties preventing any further infections due to pathogenic bacteria.
Glycolic peels are also available to enable treatment of razor bumps on legs. It is a
convenient way to get rid of razor burns as the application is simple and the results
are swift. In addition, a glycolic acid peel will enhance the tone of the skin.
пЃ¶Salicylic acid Exfoliation is an important aspect in removing ingrown hair or
when tackling razor bumps. Removal of dead cells will facilitate the hair to grow
in its normal condition. The layers shed will be advantageous for quick relief from
razor burn, razor bumps and ingrown hairs. Creams or lotions containing either
glycolic acid or salicylic acid are available in the market. However, care must be
taken to avoid high concentration substance as it can rupture skin cells causing
unintended damage.
It is optimal to avoid salicylic acid beyond the concentration of 20% as such high
concentrated chemical compounds can leave a mark on the skin permanently.
However, hair bump removal is best done through these two chemical
The Discovery Of The Chemical And Biomedical
Qian Hongyan lost both of her legs due to a car accident she was in when she was
four years old. She grew up in Luilang county, Southwestern China. For numerous
years she learned to walk by balancing herself using wooden stilts and a basketball.
After several years she received prosthetic limbs from the China Rehabilitation
Research Center. Chemical and biomedical engineering have given a multitude of
people a second chance at living such as Qian. Throughout history, many instances
such as the discovery of x rays, amputation procedures, and the mass killings of
malariaand smallpox have caused the need for the medical, chemical, and
biomedical fields to grow in order to solve these problems. Through many doctors,
physicians, engineers, and scientists working together, they have created a safer
world for many by discovering new innovative tools, procedures, and medicines. The
need for newer medical tools, safer medical procedures, and more effective
medicines have caused a growth in the chemical and biomedical fields.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statics, the fields of chemical and biomedical
engineering will be growing from 2014 2024. Biomedical engineering is expected
to grow 23%. The Bureau of Labor Statistics claims, In addition, the integration of
chemical and biological sciences and rapid advances in innovation will create new
areas in biotechnology and in medical and pharmaceutical fields for them to work in.
Thus, those with a background in biology
Personal Narrative-Home In High School
The Lab The cool, brisk wind blew against the two story, brick walled office and,
the smell of Fall, containing the smell of orange, ripe pumpkin, surrounded the air.
Dry, Fall colored leaves from the two hazel birch trees, rooted in the front lawn,
funneled down to the lower, empty parking lot of the property; the work week
ended. Surprisingly, the cloudy, gloomy Saturday afternoon contained many fun
activities for my Dad, Annie, and I.1 Annie, my blonde, blue eyed, older sister and
I would hop into our Dad s black Infiniti. My tall, brown haired Dad would drive us
to his lab. His dental office, Ordont, housed the activities of creating dental
appliances, ranging from invisible retainers to braces and resided off Smizer
Station road in Fenton, Missouri. When we reached the parking lot, Annie and I
would leap out of the car and skip down the cracked cement path to the wooden,
chestnut door, waiting for our Dad to unlock the entrance. When we reached the
door, Annie and I were greeted by the soft purr of Jinxy, sitting on the welcome mat.
Jinxy was a calm black cat with white fur paws and... Show more content on ...
I walked into the large, grey reception area and heard the sound of the phone
ringing and the printer s choppy buzz. A strong, acidic smell of acrylic lingered
from the work week. After entering, I received a cozy but uncertain feeling about
this place because the office was a big part of my family, but I had no clue how the
equipment worked like the enormous blue machine that took up one room. The
apparatus amazed me by the mechanics of it s complexity; my dad would scan our
fingers and then put the scanning in the machine. Then the machine would turn
from a soft, low hum into a loud, rough noise. After a few hours or so, a model of
Annie s finger and my finger would come out in a blue transparent material. I was
amazed and left curious by this process and wanted to know
Pursuing A Career As A Personal Athletic Trainer
The Oxford Dictionary defines passion as a strong emotion or strong love for
something. Well then, I would say I am passionate about sports. To turn a passion
into a career you must take certain steps in education and to develop special skills
that are needed. I love to play sports, and I would like to pursue a career that lets
me have the opportunity to become anything from a player to a coach. As there are
many careers in the world, there is a career for anyone who has a passion. My
passion for sports gives me many opportunities to pursue a career. For example, I
can become a personal athletic trainer. I would have to focus on skills and abilities
that are safe and effective to improve athletics. I could also become a collegescouter. I
would have to travel to watch athletes play and evaluate their talents. Another career
having to do with sports would be a coach. I would teach the athletes plays or
special moves . I would also the option of becoming a sports writer. I would deliver
engaging and informative news about the event to blogs, newspapers...etc. Last but
not least, I could be a physical therapist, who teaches... Show more content on ...
You must have an educationand skills to get the job or career you want. To become a
personal athletic trainer you must have a high school diploma but no degree is
needed. Special skills need for this job include: demonstrations of exercises and
encouragement. If I were to become a college scouter, I would mostly need a
Bachelor s Degree. But surprisingly, you must have experience playing. If you were
looking to be a coach, you would need a Bachelor s Degree, as well. Some skills
needed include: leadership and encouragement to accomplish all tasks. To become a
sports writer, a Bachelor s Degree is required as well as journalism and verbal
communication. And to become a physical therapist, you must have a Doctoral
Degree. Skills needed include: special plans to help patients improve their
Fetus Removal Pros And Cons
The subject of fetus removal will dependably be begging to be proven wrong on
whether it is ethically, lawfully, ormedically the correct thing to do. In the mid 70 s
the situation of Roe v. Wade left a mark on the world by overthrowing the Texas law
that made premature birth unlawful not withstanding when it jeopardized the
women.When the Supreme Court decided for Roe ladies could have a fetusremoval
amid their first trimester and it was viewed as moral in light of the fact that it was
their own particular right. To guard thistopic I must take a gander at what it involves,
first is the most imperative and that is the risk to themother. Another reason is the
considered bringing an existence into the world that you aren t prepared toprovide...
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Ifthere was a law against fetus removal ladies that were either not fiscally
sufficiently stable to takecare of a tyke or only level out not prepared we would
simply be adding to the issue. More andmore families would rely on upon state and
government help that could be utilized somewhere else. Duringthe first trimester the
ladies decision ought to be the main thing that matters.When fetus removal was
unlawful for all reasons even ladies that had been assaulted needed to suffer with
conceiving a kid that would do only help them to remember most likely the most
exceedingly awful time in their life. In the terms of assault sexually transmitted
infections should likewise be a point of discussion.Why a tyke ought to be gotten to
this world that may be bound to an existence of torment on the grounds that ofHIV
or Aids is a ghastly thought. Indeed, even in the present a few ladies don t need
anybody to now they were assaulted and would rather get a fetus removal and
proceed onward with their life.Abortion will dependably be a theme of exchange and
the Supreme Court s decision in Roe v.Wade was a
Michael Myers Personality
As I grew older my views on what I fear changed. As a child, I developed a fear of
little things such as ghosts, the dark, etc. Once I grow into an adult I developed a
of things observed on a daily. Americans between the age group of children and
adolescents introduce themselves to bigger fears by watching movies that replay
on the already experienced fears. For example: Freddy Krueger, Jason, Vampires,
Werewolves, etc. Many people in society watch these horror movies and are
brought to an assumption that directors based the movies on serial killers, who
become glorified for the crimes committed and made into huge stars that we love.
In the film Halloween, a little boy name Michael Myers kills his sister at the age of
six. Twenty years later Michael return s to his home town Haddonfield, Illinois to kill
a group of teenagers that appear around his deceased sister age. Halloween
identifies as one of those gruesome films that you question, because he was a six
year old when he first killed. To society Michael exemplify monster qualities
because at that age, how can some one so young stab his sister or anyone to death.
Michael Myers poses as a Monster in America, he demonstrates traits of the devil in
him and express his hate by killing his family, by existing in a dysfunctional family.
Michael watches his sister over sexualize herself which leads him to kill his sister.
During the 1970 s movies concentrated on punishing women who sexualized
themselves by killing and
The Looking Glass Wars Conflict Analysis
In The Looking Glass Wars, Frank Beddor uses conflict to transform Alyss from an
ingenuous, troublesome, and captivating little girl into an imaginative, disciplined,
and confident young woman so that she can lead the Alyssians in an attack to
defeat Redd and take back her queendom. Alyss was given a challenge, a big
challenge: she was to defeat her Aunt Redd and take control of Wonderland. Alyss
didn t think she was able to or powerful enough to defeat her, but that wasn t the
case. In the beginning of the novel, Princess Alyss is characterized as mischievous,
endearing, and naive. Alyss loves to play pranks such as dropping jollybellies from
an open window and watching them splat on the guards below (Beddor 11). Instead
of behaving like... Show more content on ...
Queen Redd has Bibwit in Queendon Speramus. The cat and his card assassins
crash Alyss s wedding, and then Dodge and Alyss return to Wonderland. Alyss
goes to the caterpillars, then goes through the Looking Glass Maze, passes through
once, yet she failed. She then went through and gained all power. Alyss may have
had gained full power and was queen, but she still wanted to be treated as an equal
to everyone else. It was an Alyssian uniform, makeshift of all things Alyssian had to
be in the the Redd controlled queendom (Beddor 231 232). Alyss was scared to
fight Redd and didn t know what to expect. It was a brutal fight but Alyss won,
causing Redd to be trapped in the Heart Crystal. Alyss Heart, a 7 year old girl who
is characterized as an ingenuous, troublesome, and a captivating little girl,not
anymore. Alyss Heart is now an artful, straightforward, and powerful woman. She is
the queen of Wonderland who has fought for her world and protected her people.
She was scared at first and didn t think she was capable of defeating Redd, but she
tried her best and fought for Wonderland, and
A Brief Note On The Country Of Miami, Florida Of The...
Username: Pims Past Usernames: Pims 6/16/2016 @ 7:47:44 PM togglinqStaff 5/17
/2016 @ 4:16:10 PM Bardbuffed 1/25/2016 @ 7:28:49 PM 64BitOfJava 12/25/2015
@ 10:38:13 AM Prestige_gravity 11/25/2015 @ 8:01:21 AM MomAndDad 10/25
/2015 @ 9:31:21 AM Announces 9/6/2015 @ 9:52:25 PM Applyinq 7/22/2015 @
12:13:57 PM Wettty 6/20/2015 @ 9:10:34 PM iPingGod 5/11/2015 @ 3:52:52 PM
NodusTheHax 4/2/2015 @ 8:59:09 PM thekillinglizard Age: 15 Timezone + Country:
I currently live in Miami, Florida of the United States of America and my timezone is
EST or Eastern timezone. Previous bans (Don t lie): No I ve never been punished on
Oxpvp... not even back on SimplyHCF which is quiet odd but yeah I m a very
respectful, honest and loyal player. I don t look for attention nor do I start problem s.
Do you have a working mic: Yes, I have an amazing microphone for PC games and
for audio purposes as well. I treat my microphone like a baby so I m constantly
upgrading the headsets and mic piece so it won t have any problems. Any experience
of being staff?: Yes I ve been staff on plenty of huge networks. How long have you
been playing OxPvP?: Well since it ever came out back in the days when it was
called SimplyHCF . Yes I am an OG player I ve been playing every single map for the
past year, I was also staff on their. Time usually spent on the server(s): I spend
around 25% 40% of my time on the server which is a huge amount just playing on a
video game. What time will
Why Did Jim And Huck Meet The King And Duke
1. How did Jim and Huck meet the king and duke? Huck went ashore to look for
berries. He ran into the king and duke while they were running away from people
and dogs 2. Does Huck believe their story? At first Huck believed the story of the
Duke and the King but soon he figured it out but he lets them continue with their
lie 3. Give two examples of the cleverness of the king and duke. At the Pokeville
camp meeting, the King got up and convinced the preacher to let him speak to the
people. He told them he was a pirate, now poor and reformed who wanted to return
to the Indian Ocean to reform other pirates. He asked for money for his cause and
the people gave him some. The Duke printed up handbills describing Jim as a
runaway slave and offering a reward. He decided they... Show more content on ...
Why did the people return to the show? People came to the show the first night to
see what ladies and children were not supposed to see. After seeing the show, they
didn t want to admit that they had been tricked, so they told the other people in
town what a great show it was. The second shows audience was a result of the great
reviews. People came back the third night to get even with the King and the Duke,
but the King and Duke left early. 5. What s the point of the incident of the shooting
of Boggs? The incident with Boggs points out many weaknesses in the human
character Boggs was foolish in his drunkenness to push Sherburn s patience.
Sherburn was foolish to pay any attention to Boggs. The townspeople, all rushed to
see the murder of Boggs and almost immediately enjoyed playing the scene again.
Then the townspeople, following the lead of Buck Harkness, all decided to lynch
the colonel. The colonel speech is Twain s voice about the justice system of his
time. In this section it shows the worst of human nature. 6. Why do we hear about
Jim s daughter Lizabeth ? Jim s story about Lizabeth shows us how he s a
compassionate man and he felt bad about the way he treated his
The Cultural Conflicts Existing Within The Discipline Of...
Question # 1: Leaving aside assignment 6 (Gibson/Key) what reading(s) did you find
most compelling this week, and why?
This week, singling out one compelling piece was hard, as I now see how all the
pieces are linked. For example, I liked how Perestroika informs us of the trends
existing within the discipline of political science, particularly the overrated focus on
methods and techniques in political inquiry. I also liked how Perestroika highlights
the cultural conflicts existing within the discipline, which is demonstrated by the
behavior of APSR and various administrations and departments of the discipline.
Perestroika dictates that the discipline needs to resolve its existing epistemological
differences through tolerance and increase the understanding of these differences.
Gregory Bateson s proposal for innovative thinking shows us new ways of dealing
with knowledge and generating ideas. He speaks of what he calls the ecology of
mind that is the aggregates of ideas. Bateson stipulates that the world we see is the
world we perceive not necessarily because it exists, but because we edit the reality
we see. This idea speaks to the scientific mode of inquiry, as Perestroika puts it:
causality vs. meaning, objective vs. subjective, and certainty vs. skepticism. Bates
suggests that the scientific research must be interactive and inclusive of the various
methods of inquiry. While Bent Flyvbjerg starts with the question of whether theory
is possible in
Evolution of Medical Practice Essay
Fall, 2005
Professor Paul A. Lombardo
Center for Biomedical Ethics
Office: University Hospital, Davis 5337
Phone: 982 4227 Texts
1) Great Cases in Bioethics, compiled edited by Paul A. Lombardo (2005) [available
at the law school copy center]
2) Limits: The Role of Law in Bioethical Decisionmaking, by Roger B. Dworkin
(Indiana, 1996) Strangers at the Bedside: A History of How Law and Bioethics
Transformed the Practice of Medicine, by David J. Rothman (Harper Collins, 1991).
[These are available for background material. on reserve at the Law Library the
Center for Bioethics]
The field of Bioethics has developed over the past thirty years as a product of ... Show
more content on ...
A bibliograpy (1 2 pages) of sources must accompany the materials.
The second hour will involve
A discussion with assistance from other students and the Professor, to place the case
in the current ethical and legal context. What are the contemporary ethical issues
with which the case is now associated? What current cases need to be examined in
reference to the Great Case? Where does the debate stand today? What is at stake
ethically in the debate and what is your position on the issues?
Seminar Paper
Each student will be required to write a research paper of significant size and
substance on a topic that expands on or relates to the case presented in class. The
paper will provide an in depth exploration of issues raised during the class discussion
or in conference with the Professor, and will incorporate reference material
discovered during research. The paper should be no less than 25 pages, and should
demonstrate familiarity with the scholarly literature in the relevant areas.
1) Introduction; The Rule of Consent
Schloendorff v. Society of New York Hospital (1914)
2)Eugenic Sterilization
Buck v. Bell (1927)
3)Access to Contraception
Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)
Roe v. Wade (1973)
Tuition Reimbursement Implementation Report
Tuition Reimbursement Implementation Report
Ronald Ahrens
XCOM/285 Essentials of Managerial Communication
University of Phoenix
The following report was helping us explore why we should expanding employee
benefits with in this he company. We had a good year but without a good year it
would benefit the company so adding tuition reimbursement as an employee benefit
would be great. It would help the employees working on their degree in business or
communication as they are working for us so this can be a positive in more than
one way showing we care about their interest expand their career by going back to
school. The company is in the perfect position to proceed with the education
reimbursement employee benefit due to the fact that ... Show more content on ...
The employees will value their company and their place in the company. We will
have to develop a policy for the new employee where they have to wait two years
being with the company before we start paying for their college to make sure
people do not come here to get a degree and then leave us. Continuing education
and providing educational assistance to employees could be important benefits to
add as a perk for working for this company. It should be our company goal to assist
in the education, professional and personal growth of our employees. Doing this
and Establishing and following through with a tuition reimbursement for our
employee will be beneficial to us as a company and our employees. That the
company is in the perfect position to start this employee benefit, I would like you to
recommended it and get the management to move forward with further exploration
of the logistics. The good from this program out weights are cost that comes up
because it gives us good and educated employees in the long run. We also we not
have to look outside but we can save cost in looking and just promote within the
company. With them working on their bachelor s degree in business can be a positive
and helpful in more than one way. Expanding the employee benefits to have tuition
reimbursement will increase the level professional opportunities, increase their career
options, and improve their earning potential, and increase keeping employee rather
than losing them. In all
The Political Background Of Hobby
Well first off, I d like to say that having never really been all that interested in
politics, analyzing the life of a politician wasn t exactly something I felt too
enthusiastic to delve into. Having said all that, my intrigue in understanding the
political background of Hobby picked up right from page #1 in the book. Being a
first generation American in my family with direct roots to the small fairly new
nation of Bangladesh and being a New York native myself, I ve never really
thought of how much a connection one such as Hobby must have with a state or a
land to truly become immersed in its realm of politics. Dating back to the Civil
War, Hobby s ancestors both provided service to the Texan republic from Major
Alfred Marmaduke Hobby of the Eighth TexasConfederate Infantry Regiment to
Captain of Company D Edwin E. Hobby. The Marmaduke s have made a great
impact on Texas ever since, with Major Marmaduke rejecting Union Lt. Kittredge s
demand to inspect government buildings as well as retaliating against the Union ship
USS Arthur itself through open fire and Edwin Hobby going onto becoming a
district judge within the Livingston and Polk counties respectively. Bill Hobby s very
own father; Will Hobby went from being the president of the Houston Post to
Lieutenant Governor of Texas.
Another thing I noticed was how far a single implementation of a law or an
amendment can so drastically change the political culture even if it takes a few
generations to sink in. On pages
Olaudah Equiano And Thomas Jefferson
Plenty of early American authors used religious content or ideas for political
purposes. These authors wanted to change the political world around them through
publishing works with religious content. Two of these writers were Olaudah Equiano
and Thomas Jefferson. Equiano and Jefferson crafted letters and stories that shaped
then political climate during early American times that eventually helped to build a
great nation. In the biography of Thomas Jeffersonit states that he wished to be
remembered for only three things; drafting the Declaration of Independence, writing
and supporting the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (1786), and founding the
University of Virginia. Fortunate for him that is what he remembered for to this day.
As for Olaudah Equiano, he has caused a great deal of debate as to where he grew
up. There has been evidence to support him growing up in the Carolinas and there
has also been evidence to support him coming from Africa. One thing is certain
that he has produced high quality written material that is read to this day. Thomas
Jefferson, born 1743 in Virginia, was a self made man. He had many activities,
such as law, and politics in addition to running a 5,000 acre plantation that he
inherited from his father. Jefferson graduated from William and Mary College, and
was a talented lawyer. Jefferson was an awful public speaker, but he was a great
diplomat, which he proved throughout his life. He then went on as a member,
Secretary of State, of
Henry David Thoreau s Life And Accomplishments
Henry David Thoreau was born in mid July of 1817, in Concord, Massachusetts.
Henry s family was rather modest and his father was employed as a pencil maker.
Henry David Thoreau was born with a legal name David Henry Thoreau, in memory
of his recently deceased uncle, David Thoreau. Although Henry never legally
petitioned to change his name, he began referring to himself as Henry after he had
finished college.
Henry David Thoreau was enrolled in the Harvard College from 1833 to 1837. Henry
studied various courses in rhetoric, classics, philosophy, mathematics and science.
However, in 1835, Henry took a hiatus from Harvard College, and taught school in
Canton, Massachusetts. After his return to Harvard and sequential graduation, Henry
and his ... Show more content on ...
He bagan reading works of botanists such as William Bartram and Charles Darwin.
Thoreau began dabbling with in observational science, and recorded various
information on the ripening of fruit, migration of birds, and the depths of Walden
Pond. It was throughout his work as a land surveyor that he emerged as a
philosopher and ecological analyst. Thoreau travelled to Cape Cod, Massachusetts
on multiple occasions, as well as to the forestry of Maine (Britannica, 2018). These
landscapes acted as inspiration for his writing and philosophy. Furthermore, Thoreau
would travel to Philadelphia, New York City, Niagara Falls, Detroit, and Chicago to
fulfill his wanderlust, and endless curiosity about foreign people s, cultures, religions,
and natural history of the
Persuasive Speech Topics Study Guide
3.2.Good Topics for Persuasive Speeches
A good persuasive speech topic should contain not only a good quality content but
also have enough information that it delivers the purpose well, i.e. clearly
supporting your stance while convincing the listeners to agree to your point of view.
Given below is a list of good persuasive topics to develop and deliver great speeches:
1.Should there be a limit to freedom of press?
2.Working women should be offered special privileges.
3.Financial education needs to be an essential part of every curriculum.
4.Risks of using steroids.
5.Do using surveillance cameras over public places violate privacy rights?
6.Spending more time on social networks have made the youth isolated.
7.Do newspapers form an ... Show more content on ...
Ethical implications of arms trading and control.
25.Is government morally right for spying under the label of providing public safety?
3.4.College Persuasive Speech Topics
College students get assignment to deliver persuasive speeches as a part of their
degree programs. Every student wants to prepare and make speech on a unique and
different topic that would be appreciated by every listener including their
instructors. Before choosing any topic, you must keep in mind that the subject area
of the topic should be the one you are well informed about and can research it more
to cover every dimension of it. You can also use light stories, illustrations, related
examples and quotes as tools to make your speech more effective. A few of the
topics that you can select for making persuasive speeches in college may include:
1.Is online education equally beneficial like traditional classroom mode of learning?
2.The use of advanced technological devices has made education easier.
3.Replacing text books with online educational tools and resources.
4.Using filters in college networks to prevent students from accessing inappropriate
5.Colleges should introduce their own social networks to enhance learning
experience of
Why Costco Is A Wholesale Club Business
In 1982, Jeff Broman and Jim Sinegal plan to start a wholesale club business. One
year later, the first Costco warehouse was open in Settle, Washington (Costco). In
the following years, Costco crossed into national market, it expand their market to
United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and the United Kingdom
(Costco Wholesale Corporation). Internal strengths Costco provide good welfare
to the employees. According to the video, Costco has the highest average wage in
the industry, employees have 20 dollars per hour and the company also offers
health care coverage. The good welfare in Costco can satisfied the need of
employees, they can get the highest income in Costco than in other supermarket.
More than that, employees can work as hard as they can for Costco because they
have the health care coverage. For Costco, they do not need to worry about the
problem of recruiting and they can make sure the quality of service to the customers.
Costco understands the customers and they have fewer items in each category for
customers to choose. Sometimes, too much items make customers confused because
it is hard for them to make decisions among a lot of brands. At that time, some
consumers may give up buying those items and it will be a loss for a company.
However, Costco lists less items on the shelves and consumers can make decisions
easily. For example, the manager introduced that they sale HEINZ tomato ketchup for
customers to choose and help them to make decisions.
Prisoner s Dilemma Examples
For the purpose of this discussion, I will discuss situations like the prisoner
dilemma, in which rational self interested people all do worse by independently
pursuing self interest. The prisoner s dilemma refers to a conflict in doing what is
best for one s own interest over what is in the best interest of the group; therefore,
doing what is needed to receive the least amount of jail time for oneself. In the end,
each of the prisoners does better by failing to cooperate, but not as good if they had
just cooperated with their agreement between each other and stayed silent. This type
of dilemma happens throughout all of society between individuals, groups,
companies, and countries. An example includes groups over fishing, thereby,
depleting... Show more content on ...
To help you understand the impact, I live in a very small, rural community where
everyone knows everyone, and do not have large companies to help provide
community support through community outreach or give back programs. The wife
holds a board member position for soccer, and football for the husband. The soccer
board is choosing to slander football and advertise that football is to expensive, so
choose soccer. Knowing, that the overhead cost of the two sports are not even in
the same ballpark, and the football board members have participated in community
fundraising to help support the soccer team in the past several years. The husband
provided proof to the football board; leaving the football board refusing to help
support the community fundraising that supports the soccer league. Instead of
cooperating, to support each other, and leaving the decision to which sport to the
player and their parents; both organizations will receive less support from each
other and possibly loose respect from the parents, players, and the community. The
actions of the soccer board may be have enrolled a few more kids by slandering the
football organization, but the overall season financial income would have been
greater if they would have just cooperated with
Misconception Of Heroism
What comes across our minds when we think of a hero? A man with incredible
physical strength? We often have a misconception of heroism from fictional
characters with supernatural powers. But a hero is highly more than these
qualities. I used to believe that heroes did not exist in reality because mankind was
made to be ordinary. As I began to realize, heroes are surrounding in our daily lives
and have the same objectives in those in my fantasy. Without heroes in this world, it
would be filled with darkness and evil, without a light of hope. Heroes are anyone
who chooses the road of evolving for greater, helping others, and overcoming
challenges despite fears.
More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren t so busy denying ... Show
more content on ...
Strength doesn t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things
you thought you couldn t. Rikki Rogers. Frequently, when one is comfortable, they
stay in their comfort zone, and stop going further. When a storm hits, their whole life
will come tumbling down, leaving them broken. They mourn and abandon hope in
themselves, but a hero takes this as an opportunity to become stronger than ever.
While fighting for his country, he lost an arm. And was suddenly afraid; From now
on, I shall only be able to do things by halves. This man was anxious about this
sudden change in his life, but he knew how to handle this with a positive mindset.
From that moment on, he set himself to do everything with twice as much
enthusiasm. And where the arm had been torn away, a wing grew. Nina Cassian.
This man is considered as a hero because he did not let this obstacle define himself
and control the remaining of his life. As many of us are struggling, the story of this
man could be a motivation for us to have perseverance. In addition, a more general
situation would be beginning a new hobby, such as, playing a sport or an instrument.
Beginning a new journey is always exciting but frustrating due to the difficulties that
arises, however, nothing comes without hard work. In the end, the taste of victory is
worth it in the long
The Pros And Cons Of Northridge High Schools
Northridge High School provides a very diverse student population. Overall,
students come from different backgrounds and incomes. There are 1,159 students
total in this high school. The school has 60% black, 35% white, 3% asian, and 2%
hispanic students. This school is a Title 1 school and 35% of the students are eligible
for free lunch. The high schoolhas accommodations for students with any special
needs. Their policy on ELL students is strictly classroom based, the classroom
teacher is also the ELL teacher, which they have found creates positive results. They
are also becoming more technology driven, which is very important in our society
As for how the community and how it impacts my students, I think that it is still very
separated ... Show more content on ...
This seems to be a more balanced class out of all of the population. One thing that
lacks within Northridge, is the understanding of respect. Where I went to school, and
at my other placements, students always knew what was right and wrong, when to
stop talking, and how to respect authority. These students lack in most of those
categories, which is something that I had to keep in mind when planning my unit.
For my standard kids, we had about two parents show up to parent night out of the
50 students that we have. Yet, when the honors parents were scheduled to come, we
had about 12 parents show up. I think that most of these students that struggle with
behavior problems and lack of respect in the classroom do not have a stable home
life. When Mr. Cooper tries to reach out to parents, most of the phone lines have
been disconnected, and when he does get in touch with someone, it seems to be a
grandparent. I m sure these grandparents are exhausted because they have already
raised children and now they re having to do it again for whatever the reason may be.
I have students that wear the same three outfits every week but I also have students
that have never worn the same
What Happens During The Flame Test
1. Identify each of the unknown samples(use specific data to justify your answers
for A and B). Unknown A was NaCI because when looking at this unknown
solutions flame and NaCI s flame they both had this very strong orange color when
they were burning they both looked very similar. The photons seemed to emit the
same light. Unknown B was SrCI2 because once against they both showed the very
strong red flame. When looking at the different flames one can conclude that these
two flames were very similar. The photons seemed to emit the same amount of light
and this is why these two looked the same. Unknown Mixture was SrCI2 and CuCI2
because looking at the different flames of all the salt solutions the two flames that
had the same colors as the unknown mixture did. The colorof a vibrant red was from
the SrCI2 and the Green blue colors came from the CuCI2. Since the... Show more
content on ...
3. The metallic atoms change from a liquid state to a gas state during the flame test.
Is this a physical or a chemical change? Explain. This is a chemical change because
a new color is created and it is exciting the electrons. Burning is a chemical reaction
because there is a new substance being created. There is also a color change and
that is another way to tell that it was a chemical reaction. A new substance was
made this is why it was a chemical change. If you take ice for example and melt it
turns into a liquid. This is not a chemical change because it is still water just in a
different form nothing new is created. Unlike when the salt solutions are burned and
something totally new is created/
4. Why does the flame color change back to orange, after the metallic solution has
been turned completely into a gas
How Does Steinbeck Present Madness In Of Mice And Men
Essay Prompt #1 Madness can consume people s mind and blind them from reality.
In the novella Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck uses George to express madness in the
novella. George is the most fitting character to illustrate the madness shown in the
book, his madness can be used to encompass the overall idea of madness throughout
the novella, which Steinbeck uses to emphasize the effect of madness in human
beings; his madness is displayed by his decision to bring Lennie to the ranch when
George was fully aware of his mental condition, which may seem reasonable because
of the adamantine bond he shares with Lennie, and by his impossible dream of
having a farm with Lennie.
George s madness is very apparent in the novel; he continuously makes a man, who
does not have the mental capacity to work, to work a job. He tries to ... Show more
content on ...
This delusion is explained by George many times in the story; he explains to
Lennie that they will get a little place for themselves, a place with a little shack...
[and] a chicken run... [and] a kitchen and a little house [with] a room [for]
[them]selves ; by doing this, he instills false hope upon himself and tries to cope
with the harsh reality by having an elaborate and eccentric dream of his salvation
(Steinbeck 57 8). He reminds the audience throughout the story of his dream he has
with Lennie; from this we can conclude that he is trying to delude himself in a
false sense of security and hope. His hypocrisy of believing in this impossible
dream is concrete evidence of madness. The paradisal dream that George has is a
mere idiosyncratic belief created by his ambitions and aspirations. With George,
Steinbeck illustrates the significance of madness to the novella; he illustrates to the
audience how madness in all of the characters blind themselves from the real truth.
Steinbeck conveys to us how the dreams of these dreamers propels them to become
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Informational Essay

  • 1. Informational Essay Writing an essay on the topic of "Informational Essay" is no easy feat. It requires a delicate balance of research, analysis, and the ability to present information in a clear and concise manner. The challenge lies in sifting through vast amounts of information to find relevant and credible sources, synthesizing that information into coherent arguments, and organizing it in a logical structure. Crafting an effective informational essay demands critical thinking skills to evaluate the credibility of sources and discern which information is most pertinent to the topic at hand. Additionally, it requires the writer to consider the needs and background knowledge of the audience, ensuring that the information provided is accessible and understandable. Moreover, the process of writing such an essay involves meticulous attention to detail, from properly citing sources to adhering to formatting guidelines. Each section of the essay must flow seamlessly into the next, guiding the reader through the information in a logical progression. Despite its challenges, writing an informational essay can also be a rewarding endeavor. It provides an opportunity to explore a topic in depth, gain new insights, and effectively communicate knowledge to others. In conclusion, while writing an essay on the topic of "Informational Essay" presents its difficulties, it also offers a chance to engage with ideas and information in a meaningful way, shaping understanding and facilitating learning. For assistance with similar essays and much more, consider Informational Essay Informational Essay
  • 2. Catherine The Great Impact Over the period of 67 years, Catherine the Great a former Empress of Russia in the 1700 s used various methods in order to implement foreign policy unto her nation and the nations around her. Her accomplishments in foreign policy not only caused drastic changes in her own country for her own people, but also in surrounding countries and their people. The most impressive and life altering achievement of Catherine the Great, was the way in which she intelligently and manipulatively went about her way in seizing control over one third of Poland. Catherine II first began her rule in the year 1762, with the help and advocacy of multiple allies, some of which included the supportive countries of; Austria, England, and France. (Erikson 187) The ... Show more content on ... This incredible win, made Catherine II out to be an international heroine. (Erikson 277) In foreign affairs, mid July in 1774, Catherine was pleased to learn that problems with the Turks had finally ceased, for her envoys had informed her of the fact that both sides had declared peace. Catherine II was finally able to focus not only on the welfare of her country, but also on expanding its borders even more than had been done so before. (Erikson 312) Meanwhile, amongst the totality of European politics as a result of the help from the Empress and her advisors, Russia was about to play a large and meaningful role in the new order. It was prime time for Russia to advance herself territorially, therefore, a second annexation of Poland was quickly ensured. (The first annexation of Poland occurred in 1772, courtesy of Germany, in an attempt to prevent Austria from going to war against Prussia). In order to swiftly and smoothly start absorbing the land of Poland, Catherine II joined Frederick II, as well as the Austrian co ruler Joseph II, in dividing roughly one third of the vast kingdom between themselves. Russia was able to collect lands upon lands, and over a million and a half new subjects. After winning miles of land, Russia seemed almost invincible, especially in comparison to Poland, who was practically in a state
  • 3. Why I Want For A Pharmacist Just because you graduated from a university doesn t mean your days of studying are over says a woman named Rosemary Killeen. Throughout my life I have been divulged with many different questions on what I want to be when I get older. I always had vacillated between I am not really sure yet and I wantto be a professional athlete . But now that I have sat down to think about it I realized that I would like to be a pharmacist. A pharmacist is a person who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medical drugs. I think that being a pharmacist would be good for me because I would like to be in the health field but working as a surgeon is not my type of thing. As you read on you soon will find out the history of a pharmacist, what you need to obtain being a pharmacist, a description of being a pharmacist, and why this job is for me. Pharmacycan be traced far back into history. According to Pharmacy, the first known production of medicine substance was around 6th century BC, however the earliest text of pharmacy can be dated back to the 3rd or 4th AD. Ancient Egyptian s knowledge on pharmacy was originally written on papyrus. The earliest known complete filling of medicine was done by the Hindu. One famous pharmacist named John Pemberton was actually the man that invented Coca Cola. I really think it is bizarre that a pharmacist to be the person that would invent a kind of pop let alone Coca Cola. Coca Cola is one of the most popular drinks in not only the US
  • 4. Relay For Life I believe what people decide to do with their spare time says a lot about who they are and what motivates them. There is many hobbies people choose to engage in, a couple I enjoy are reading and participating in relay for life. I love reading because it allows me to be taken to another place. Also Relay for Life is important to me because of all of the amazing things the American Cancer Society does for patients. There is many more reasons that I choose to spend a lot of my timedoing these two activities. Reading has became one of my favorite ways to pass time. It allows for you to see others perspective on things or take you to an entirely new place altogether. When I was younger I hated reading until one of my friends suggested I read the uglies series. Which sparked my interest in reading. One of my all time favorite books I have read is Castaway Kid by R.B. Mitchell. This book continues ... Show more content on ... Last year I developed my own team and participated in Midland county s Relay for Life. Being a team captain brings on other responsibilities. We have long monthly meetings to discuss progress and upcoming events. As a team throughout the year we have fundraising events such as rummage for relay ,which is a garage sale, and other events like a car wash or bake sale. In late July is the main event the 24 hour relay at the Midland fairgrounds. This is where all of our teams set up sites to sell things to raise money for The American Cancer Society. This is my favorite part about the whole experience it is very emotional and inspirational to be there. The most memorable moments through the whole thing are the survivor lap and the luminary ceremony. I was motivated to help in the fight against cancer after loosing a young cousin to lukemia. I believe it is always a good to be a part of something that helps others because no matter how bad you think your life may be someone else may be worse
  • 5. Essay on Reading The Book of Revelation The Book of Revelation, the final book of the Christian biblical canon, is perhaps one of the most complex and polyvalent biblical texts accessible to modern readers, and has been the source of many differing and divergent interpretations and readings. This is due in large part to the richly detailed language and imagery the author has placed within the book as well as the vast array of content. Both of these features function within the text to produce a book that is extremely difficult to describe within the traditional literary conceptions of genre and structure, which, as we shall see, feed into the complexity and multiple interpretations that can be drawn from it. With all this in mind, it will be the purpose of this essay to... Show more content on ... In contrast to this theory, a structure based on the series of seven visions is another prominent understanding. Argued especially by Farrar and Collins, this theory lays out a structure split into eight segments , viewing number seven, used by the author of Revelation very strongly, as the key to understanding the structure. Critics, however, point out the unnumbered sections as a dubious aspect of this theory. As such, the structure of Revelation is a complex matter that is still debated widely within scholarship, with no solution offered thoroughly without difficulty. Closely related to the structure of the Book of Revelation, and one of the primary causes behind the difficulty in determining structure, the content of the text is multifarious and deep in meaning and imagery. Primarily, content centres around the letters sent to seven churches, the extrapolation of John s visions of Heaven, the remainder of the series of seven , and finally the defeat of Babylon and establishment of the New Jerusalem. At a deeper level, however, and functioning within the genre that modern scholarship has come to call apocalyptic , the book of Revelation primarily mediates visions of heavenly truth. Within this purpose, we see in Revelation a great deal of highly symbolic language, often borrowed from the Hebrew Scriptures and particularly the prophetic
  • 6. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Barclays 6.Option Opportunities From the previous strategic frameworks, the company should increment their offerings into the financial options to their clients. There are five options in this field with their respectively advantages and disadvantages: CREDIT OPTIONADVANTAGESDISADVANTAGES Unsecured Trade Credit*Autonomy in the trade credit decision. *Stonger relationship with clients. * Increment account receivables and working capital needs. * No financial revenue within the customer credit term. * Increment the back office staff or technology to support volumetry. * Increment credit risk. Secured loans* Collateral asset to secure debt. * Autonomy in the credit decision. *Increment credit risk. *Administrative costs on the claim process ... Show more content on ... Systems POS Point of sales system has to accept this new credit card and Travis Perkins webpage will have a link that redirects the customer request to the banks platform. Travis Perkins will be benefit from the banks platform then it does not have to develop any major technology interfaces. Staff Skills The employees that are customer face and customer service needs to receive a training on how to support, sell and do the post selling on the credit card. Besides, in the launching process the company should have an incentive scheme for number of subscriptions on the credit card. Style Regarding that the new offering is a white label credit card the marketing strategy should point to increment brand awareness. Shared Vision Increment sales giving an additional finance option to Travis Perkins customers where any competitor offers it without increment the credit risk or working capital needs. 7.2Key Actions and
  • 7. Narrative Essay About The First Day Of School Ahh , Ronnie yawns, as he gets up for his first day of school. The door creeks open as his mom peeks inside to check if Ronnie is awake. His mom in her calm soothing voice asks, Are you excited for your first day of school? Ronnie sees in his mother s eyes that she herself was excited for him to start middle school. Ronnie replies, Not really. He was, however, excited to see his friends that he hasn t seen since summer break. Ronnie gets up and dresses up in the best outfit he could find to impress his friends. While walking down stairs Ronnie smells the air. Mmm blueberry pancakes, my favorite Ronnie says as he sniffs the air with delightment. His mom rarely makes blueberry pancakes, so Ronnie takes full advantage of this and devours the squishy dough with the juicy blueberries until he was satisfied. Ronnie s dad comes downstairs and asked in his very low voice Are you ready to go to school? Trying to chew the last of the pancakes, he replied, Yeah . So he grabs his backpack from the seat next to him. But before they leave his mom kisses him on the cheek and says Have a good day sweetie! They opened the door, Ronnie waved bye to his mom and off to school they went. During the car ride his dad asks him loads of question such as, Are you excited or Do you have all of your stuff so Ronnie just played along and answered his questions.When they arrived, Ronnie scanned the campus for his friends. As he s scanning, his friends Joseph and Eddie sneaks
  • 8. The Relationship Between Energy And Energy Security Risk The Relationship between energy independence, in the form of Energy Security Risk points, and Shale Gas Production in the United States. By Md Akram Hossain Abstract Fracking is a type of drilling technique that has been used commercially for almost 65 years. Hydraulic fracking is also being used to stimulate new production from older wells. The combination of advanced hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, utilizing state of the art technology, is mostly responsible for todays booming US oil and natural gas production. This paper investigates the relationship between energy independence in the form of Energy Security Risk (ESR) points and Shale gas production in the US. The regression showed that there was a positive relationship between shale gas production and ESR, contrary to theory suggested in the paper. Introduction: This research paper aims to find out the relationship between energy independence, The research question is based upon the widely discussed topic of shale fracking through hydraulic methods. Shale fracking is a complicated process, where hydraulic pipes are inserted deep under the ground and then chemicals are released to crack the rocks in order to obtain natural gas. In this process, harmful chemicals are released, and the ecosystem gets negatively affected from surface spill off of toxic wastes. Although this process is a bit controversial, there are a number of people who actually support this methodology. A major reason for supporting
  • 9. Fear In Finding Nemo Finding Nemo (2003) is a very touching animated film about a father s journey to find his son. Marlin, the father, is known as overprotective and wary of all dangers of the sea. Nemo is his only son, and after a near death experience, Marlin spends his days mostly confined to his sea anemone home avoiding all possible dangers of the world. Nemo is a very curious and sheltered fishwho wants to experience the world. When this curiosity gets him kidnapped by a sea diver, Marlin s worst fear is now his reality. Finding Nemois a heartwarming tale with a strong theme of facing and conquering your fears. The first scene in Finding Nemo, the audience sees Marlin and his wife admiring their soon to be babies when suddenly the scene turns dark. The music in the film stops, along with all sounds of ocean life. Dark shadows are created in the film to fill the audience with fear and dread. The fish are then attacked by a larger hungry fish leaving Marlin s wife and all but one of their babies dead. The fear and sadness is apparent when Marlin sheds a tear whilst holding the quivering egg that would soon be his son.... Show more content on ... The audience is easily able to identify moments during the film where danger is imminent by studying the patterns. Before every dangerous scene, there is a pause a stop, of all activity going on around the characters. The makers of the film tried to create a realistic oceanic scene while still adding a little fantasy as well. Realism is a natural style of acting used to make the movie seem 100% possible and real in the eyes of the audience, (Goodykoontz Jacobs, 2014). The use of underwater sound effects, fish activity, and bright, scientifically accurate color schemes pulls the audience in and begs them to stretch their imagination to accept this new reality. Before every scene, all activity ceases, all music ends, and the colors become dull or even dark
  • 10. The Failure Of Russia History has proven the inferiority of the economic systems that are not free market oriented. People starved all over Europe due to lack of food produced before the Industrial Revolution and the application of capitalism. Governments practicing socialism and communism like China, Russia, and North Korea ended up starving their citizens because their economies were so awful. Look at Russiaas an example. Russia is rich in natural resources and is the largest country in the world, yet many Russians have starved in the last century. Andrew Bernstein has some information about the failure of Russia s economy. Bernstein has taught philosophy at universities all over New York and has a Ph.D. in philosophy. He lectures regularly and has spoken... Show more content on ... While the total amount of economic aid sent to the Soviet Union is unknown, ... it is known that America alone donated 700,000 tons of foodstuff (Bernstein). Even with all of the aid, the U.S.S.R. could not keep itself together or support its failing system. Poverty could have been avoided, but Russia would not implement capitalism. Another example of economic potential wasted by socialism is Venezuela. Venezuela has the largest oil reserves on Earth, yet their economy is failing because of their socialist policies. Many Venezuelans can not even afford food. Venezuelan money has become worthless due to skyrocketing inflation rates. At one point, it was actually worth less than virtual coins in the game World of Warcraft, and these coins spawn infinitely. If a currency is created infinitely, that means it is barely worth anything. Hyperinflation like that is never good for an economy, let alone hundreds or thousands of percent inflation. A good inflation rate for economic growth is about one to three percent. At least countries that existed before the implementation of capitalism could not have avoided starvation like Venezuela and Russia could. Europe has utilized capitalism and opened up markets some, and has improved reasonably. Europe had a lot of
  • 11. Technology And Its Impact On The Business Founded in Taiwan in 1972, today CX technology is a leading supplier in cold forging and plastic injection components and parts. Originally, CX technology produced bullets and bicycle parts, however, this had changed due to shift in consumer demand towards speakers and component parts exclusively. CX Technology had the ability to deliver specific products on time, which earned the firm very significant recognition over the years. They had earned a name for themselves based on their reliability and high quality products, most of their sales revenue came from satisfied repeat customers. In 2007, Chairman Albert Ting had determined that changes needed to be made at CX Technology. He had determined that revenue was reasonably stable, however, the rate of attaining new businesses was not reassuring. CX was a leading supplier in cold forged components for speakers, however, these were a commodity product, and furthermore the supply chain was capable of possibly being consolidated. Ting needed a plan in order to secure CX Technology s future, he needed to diversify and determine a way to develop the business. Despite CX Technology blossoming in the speaker production, the company needed a contingency plan. The growth of countries like China and United States in the technology field would lead to the CX sales revenue. CX Technology needed another plan as an added advantage in case the company s demand reduces. This contingency plan may include the production of new products that
  • 12. Analysis Of The Shack Counting On star Ben Seewald has warned his Christian followers on social media that The Shack movie, in which Octavia Spencer portrays God the Father, presents a false concept of God which could be planted into viewers minds. In a video posted on Instagram, Seewald urged his followers to click on a certain link which leads to Dr. Michael Youssef s article on The Leading Way ministry website. The 21 year old reality star proceeded to talk about the false God presented in The Shack, which he said is not aligned with the God revealed in the Bible, The Christian Post relays. There is a God presented to us in The Shack a false god. A god of human imagination that directly contradicts this idea of God directly contradicts a God who
  • 13. Freedom, And Freedom In The Shawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption is a high quality film with many themes, that are going to be explored. There are themes in any form of entertainment. But, the Shawshank Redemption is much different, in that is so packed full of them, that there is no good place to start looking for them. For that matter, there also is no right answer in which themes are the most important. Therefore, the Shawshank Redemptions most important themes are freedom and confinement, transformation, and hope. Freedom and confinement is the third most important theme in the movie, the Shawshank Redemption. There are many aspects of the inmates talking about what freedom is like, and how they are confined to Shawshank prison for a long time. In Shawshank they quite literally cannot do anything they want, they have to ask for everything. This can be no better seen than when Captain Byron Hadley said, You eat when we say you eat! You s*** when we say you s***! You p*** when we say you p***! Not only is this line of thought present in a fictional prison, but also in real life. There are TV shows out there that follow the cops of real life prisons, and real life prisoners do not have much more freedom. Then again, all things considered, prisoners have some freedoms, mainly in what they do during their yard times. The people who have it the worst, the one s who have it like the quote, are the people who live under complete dictatorships. They cannot do anything, and I mean anything without the consent of
  • 14. Essay On Afro-Black Slavery The South was in desperate need of workers in the time before the mid seventeenth century; however their help arrived in the mid seventeenth century in the form of black workers. There once was an idea that the Afro Black race was the only eligible people that should populate the system of slavery in America. Afro Black slaveryin the United States of America has been argued in two ways by historians and researchers. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the two points that one side asking if slavery was the result of white racism and the other side asking if white racism was a result of slavery. The second point was rather or not white racism was a result of slavery. In the year of 1950, an influential article was published by Oscar and Mary Handlin. Their article compared slavery to the other ways of bondage, by discussing that what separated slavery from other ideals and ways of service was that it was only limited to the African people, it was a permanent ordeal, and that it was inherited from one generation to another. The Handlins believe that the backbone of slavery was orchestrated by colonial governors to increase the able... Show more content on ... He argues for the first point. Jordan says in his book White Over Black (1968) as well as other works that Europeans had viewed people of color as inferior people for a very long time way before their current time in history. He believed that those thoughts and attitudes travelled with the white Europeans to the New World. Therefore according to this statement it could be said that white racism molded the relationship and treatment of the Africans since the origins of their arrival in America. Jordan goes on to conclude that the Whites would have oppressed the Blacks in the New World regardless if there was an apparent economic incentive or
  • 15. Kevin Mourby Singing Saw Analysis If there is one thing about Kevin Morby s latest LP, City Music, that immediately leaps out, it s the sense of playfulness. The album is not light and fluffy by any means, but there is this unflappable feeling of spontaneity and glee that instantly hooks your attention. This is the fourth solo outing from the Babies frontman. Like his 2016 effort, Singing Saw, the album is a mixture of folk quiet intensity and some rollicking good rock music. While it never becomes a great disc, it is one of the more thoroughly and consistently pleasant and enjoyable releases of the year. As mentioned previously, the eclecticism of his music is inarguably Kevin s greatest success. Over forty eight minutes, the man dips his toes into bitter country music, spoken word poetry, fuzz driven indie, and even an excursion into Lorde like minimalism. Each of these songs has their own identity. 1234 is the unashamed four to the floor throwback to garage rock from days of yore. It s noisy and messy with these hypnotic looping vocal tics which culminate in... Show more content on ... It moves in these strange, unpredictable patterns that are disorientating at first, but eventually fits together like a beautiful mosaic. Every street you head down, there s a different story, a different world, and a different mind. That mood is reflected in the tracks themselves. It s no surprise that the centerpiece of the album, the seven minute titular mini epic. The piece is preceded by this little nugget of a spoken narrative. The tales deals with a young boy s inability to recognize the cityscape. It s a tiny trifle of an idea, but it s one that contextualizes the title track. City Music is a real treat. It begins with this slow, minimalist beat that builds and builds to these hyperkinetic guitar solos and a multitude of additional instruments colliding. It attempts to encapsulate the magic of a city s culture as well as its homogeneity and it succeeds in its
  • 16. Nurse Technician Research Paper Although some Physicians are knowledgeable about radiation safety, others have little or no knowledge about radiation safety and does not consider this factor when ordering imaging examinations. Furthermore, non physician health care providers may be granted the authority to order imaging studies, and their ordering patterns are likely to reflect the behavior of their supervising Physicians (American College of Radiology). Examples of non physicianhealth care providers include Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners. Today, radiography is widely used in the operating rooms within hospitals. Physicians, Physician Assistants, and others will use a manually operated foot switch, which is attached to the C arm. This allows the Surgeon to... Show more content on ... For example, intermittent fluoroscopy, last image hold and pulsed fluoroscopy. These principles that are listed are involved with dose reduction. Intermittent fluoroscopy is known as keeping the x rays on for a few seconds, to only view what they are looking at. This can help reduce the total fluoroscopy time used for a procedure. Last image hold is when the last image taken is held on the monitor after the x ray is terminated. According to Mahadevappa, Last image hold is a dose saving feature, since it allows physicians to contemplate the last image and plan the next move without additional radiation exposure in an interventional procedure. Pulsed fluoroscopy is when the fluoroscopy machine can emit x rays in short pulses rather than
  • 17. Case Study-Hubbard Foods-Fake Company COMPANY BACKGROUND Hubbard Foods Ltd started up in mid 1988 and a private limited company. The company was originally named Winner Foods Ltd and only 4 employees at that moment, now currently has staff about 150. In 1990, DickВЎВ¦s decision was made to introduce the Hubbard brand as the main brand for breakfast cereal products. The companyВЎВ¦s products set the price at both the high price range and low end of the cereal market. HubbardВЎВ¦s has consistently built a culture around caring for others, creating employment and being socially responsible. In 2000, the company increased pay and allowances, and increased communication between management, the union and employees. In 2000/2001, the company exported 14.4 per cent of its production ... Show more content on ... In fact, it doesnВЎВ¦t have enough power to do the acquisition. Licensing is one of the good way also because it is both low in cost and risk, it only license out the production way is enough. However, the consideration is the returns are not high. Actually, exporting rate is low; it have to see the internal strategic and external strategic position first if they analysis this problem. There has a major change in internal strategic position from no production line to a systematic production way, this would be the significant change. In an external way, the extension of the production would let to export product to the world wide where is an untapped market. It should be a major change because it is only export to Australia, U.K., Singapore and Hong Kong only if it is not have a systematic production line. Now, which way should take if enter into a new market. Using exporting way; itВЎВ¦s a high cost and low control method because they need to spend a lot of marketing and distributing expense to form the channel for them to export, however, ВЎВ§no pain, no gainВЎВЁ. (Hanson, 2005) A strategic alliance is a good way for the company because it allows sharing the risks and the resources with the alliance that mean does not have to bear all the risk of the exporting. In addition, the alliance can help it to develop the new competencies maybe the new product or
  • 18. Summary Of The Wayzata High School Auditorium The Wayzata High School auditorium had been transformed into an art museum full of Caleb s paintings. There was a long table covered with hundreds of candles and matchbooks. An adjacent table displayed a guest book where friends and family wrote down messages and prayers. The pastor from the Miller s church distributed flyers about Caleb and suggested prayers to help him and his family through this difficult time. Dr. Reynolds opened the pamphlet and scanned down the back of the front page. As his eyes glanced over, he was surprised to see the last section dedicated entirely to Becca and her struggle. He read every word. The Coopers and the Millers were quietly conversing with the Davenports in a small circle far across the auditorium. Cathy was gushing to Mrs. Miller about what a wonderful and brave son she had and how much their family owed him and Matt for saving Ashley. Matt, Miranda, Ashley and George congregated with twenty other friends discussing the added weight they all felt when hearing about Becca s condition. Paige stood fifteen feet away with a group of friends, sobbing uncontrollably in Marcy s arms. The auditorium was already packed, and people were still pouring in. Dr. Reynolds main objective for the evening was to appear concerned. There were plenty of other doctors and nurses from Methodist in attendance and to cast suspicion away from himself, he needed to be amongst them. Making sure to stop and shake hands with many of his colleagues along the
  • 19. Essay on The Black Panther Party for Self Defense The Black Panther Party for Self Defense was the most significant activist group during the Civil Rights Movement Era. It was founded in Oakland, California by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in October of 1966. The Black Panthers Party was founded to fight for and protect the rights of African Americans. Believing that the approach Martin Luther King Jr. was expressing would take too long, the approach Black Panther Partytook was more along the lines of Malcolm X more aggressive theories rather than Martin Luther King Jr. s more peaceful strategy. Although it gained a lot of support quickly it was ineffective in its main agenda s due to, government actions against them, disorganization within the BPP, and the loss and shortcomings of its... Show more content on ... 4. We want decent housing, fit for shelter of human beings. . 5. We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decadent American society. We want education that teaches us our true history and our role in present day society. 6. We want all Black men to be exempt from military service. 7. We want an immediate end to police brutality and murder of Black people. 8. We want freedom for all Black men held in federal state, county and city prisons and jails. 9. We want all Black people when brought to trial to be tried in court by a jury of their peer group or people from their Black communities, as defined by the constitution of the United States. 10. We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace. And as our major political objective, a United Nations supervised plebiscite to be held throughout the Black colony in which only Black colonial subjects will be allowed to participate, for the purpose of determining the will of Black people as to their national destiny. Many people believe that the Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in America, this is only partially true. This document was passed during a time of war, the Civil war and only affected the states controlled by the Confederates. President Lincoln knew that he had no power to issues this as a general law without it going through legislation so it was done as a war powers action
  • 20. Gangs in Oklahoma Gangs have been around for a long time and have caused many problems in society. When people think of gangs they might think Los Angeles or Chicago, but Oklahoma s gang violence has been at the same level as most major cities are dealing with. Gangs are a major problem in Oklahoma. Gang members continue to increase in the state of Oklahoma. The main age group that joins these gangs are teenagers and pre teens. Kids without enough attention or not having a father figure in their life tend to join gangs. Kids want comfort and security and some feel they can find that in gangs. And those are the kids we really need to focus on if we want to help prevent gangs in our society. Crips are a major gang affiliation that was formed in the year of ... Show more content on ... Anyone convicted under the proposed law would face an automatic increase in prison sentence, and some homicides would become death penalty eligible(Journal Record, Staff). I believe this method might not be successful due to many homicides committed by gang members which would cause many young men to face the death penalty. A series of recommendations from various subcommittees were brought together wednesday during a meeting of two panels working on gang violence issues, but the element of time was also a key issue discussed by those in attendance at the state capitol (Packham). State Sen. Constace Johnson, believes that we should focus more on education programs to help prevent gang affiliation(Packham). Subcommittees suggested to train neighborhood associations on how to identify and control different gangs and their activities (Packham). Atwood feels that more funding sources are being diverted to other priority areas(Packham). There has been plenty of recommendations we should use for gang prevention that are great ideas and can work. But I feel they need to be executed better. The Oklahoma Arts Council and the Oklahoma City Police Department may seem unlikely partners in gang prevention, but their work together has been promising. since 2007, the police department has operated the F.A.C.T. program (Family Awareness and Community Teamwork), which aims to step into the lives of youths who are walking a tightrope between falling into gang
  • 21. Essay on Resisting Negative Peer Pressure Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself. Bruce Lee People! Come on! All of us are cutting history. Who wants to go take that stupid exam? We re going to BreadSticks instead. Let s go! says the coolest kid in your class. Do you do what you know is right and go take the history exam? Or do you give in and go with the crowd? As you grow older, you ll be faced with some challenging decisions. Some don t have a clear right or wrong answer should you practice the piano or text your girlfriend? Other decisions involve serious moral questions should you cut class, should you lie to your parents? Making decisions on your own is hard enough, but when other people get involved and pressure you to make a certain ... Show more content on ... However, sometimes peers influence each other in negative ways. For example, a few kids in school might try to get you to cut class with them or a kid in the neighborhood might want you to vandalize with him. A powerful negative peer influence can motivate a teen to make choices and engage in behavior that his or her values might otherwise reject. Teens who feel isolated or rejected by their peers or in their family are more likely to engage in risky behaviors in order to fit in with a group. But why do kids give in to peer pressure? Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked, to fit in, or because they worry that other kids may make fun of them if they don t go along with the group. The need for acceptance, approval, and belonging is vital during the teen years. Others may go along because they are curious to try something new that others are doing. The idea that everyone s doing it may influence some kids to leave their better judgment, or their common sense, behind. Anyway, nearly everyone ends up in a sticky peer pressure situation at some point. No matter how wisely you choose your friends, or how well you think you know them, sooner or later you ll have to make decisions that are difficult and could be unpopular. But these situations can be opportunities to figure out what are right for you. There is no magic for standing up to peer pressure, but it does take courage, YOURS! Here are some
  • 22. Mineral Soft Inventory In the months that we have had Mineral Soft, I have logged over way 100 hours linking, tying and correcting the data that is in Mineral Soft. That s not including the time it took me to create the spreadsheets required for the upload. In the time, it took me to build out the spreadsheets plus the time it took for the folks at Mineral Soft to upload our data, I could have created all the data that is in Mineral Soft with the correct ties. It has taken more than 2.5 weeks to create all of the tract allocations for the wells in OEP and OMR, so that we can see the revenue associated with each acquisition. It was my understanding that things like this were being done when I sent over the spreadsheets. For every single entry in Mineral Soft ... Show more content on ... Not to mention, the random wells that OEP or OMR doesn t even own. Wells like the one below (Mandaree 4 15H) were peppered throughout both entities. And I couldn t find them on the Asset Tracker. Nor in the county records could I find where we bought the interest in that Section, Township and Range combination. Did you know there is no function to mark a well as Sold? My current work around is adding z to the first part of well name. As the wells usually sort by name, adding the z to the beginning pushes the sold wells to end of the list. As for the Acquisitions, the tracts had to be tied and add the location information needed to be entered. If the Notes field was on the upload, the adding of the location information would have been done at the time of upload, saving me many hours. Instead of having to input the information in Notes field; actually, having some of the legal description as fields in the Acquisition tab would be wonderful. At least, having the County and State as a field in the Acquisition area would be helpful. Deeds called for adding the files and the lands covered, in the Notes field, for each and every deed associated with OMR and OEP. Again, having at least the County State for where the deed is recorded would be a great help. As it stands, the full legal description for every deed is being entered in the Notes field. Which is quite time consuming. The only function I didn t spend massive
  • 23. Patricia Glintons Patricia Glinton Meicholas is a career driven Bahamian satirist, poet, storyteller and novelist who use detailed and graphical techniques. In the text An Evening in Guanima, two stories that best illustrate the idea Each one helping one leaving none behind are Jack and the Schoolmaster and Jack and the Magic Eggs . Patricia Glinton Meicholas illustrates these two stories for me, through her powerful use of character s action, leading to plotevents, imagery and theme. In the two stories that have been mentioned, the writer creates plot events to sir come the actions of Jack and other characters. In Jack and the Magic Eggs , Ber Debbil insisted on deceiving Jack s sister, Zerona. Now, Ber Debbil was demon with evil intentions... Show more content on ... My opinion of this story is Never allow your talent to cage you . I say this because; Zerona was very crafty when it came to making okra soup and plaiting fathoms. Quite interesting was that Ber Debbil had a fondness for okra soup. Furthermore, he basically serenaded her for one purpose. But it wasn t her beauty that caught Ber Debbil s attention . She didn t realize it, since her beauty took all the credit most of the time. What I found so ironic was ... he immediately shut the poor girl up in his kitchen and ordered her to prepare her best okra soup in his biggest cooking pot. Understanding Ber Debbil s intention, I then came to the conclusion that Zerona s talent actually got her in a trap. This comes back to my idea of the tale, Never allow your talent to cage you . Ber Debbil caged her, because she was good for one thing he loved and that was okra soup. In addition to the theme, Patricia indulges me in the thought of understanding the concept of the story. Jack and the Schoolmaster was also a good example to imply of a theme. My opinion of this story is There are many benefits for standing up for something that is right . I can infer to this, as a result of what took place in this particular story. Ber Debbil is utterly mischievous and cunning. The residents on that settlement were very gullible and not used to such brought upsy. They cling on quickly to whatever Ber Debbil said. Jack felt and knew something was suspicious about him.
  • 24. Paris Opera Ballet Dance has been around since the earliest of human times. However, the formalization of dance came long after humans were dancing. As cultures became more developed, people could focus on other things such as rituals, dances, costumes, and entertainment (Hooper). This led to entertainment not only for the royalty and leaders of a society, but also entertainment for the commoner. Kassing notes that as the Renaissancearrived, performances in court became much more common as a form of entertainment to please the ruling class. Catherine de Medici is known for bringing balletto France, where it became quite popular, according to Kassing s report. The Paris Opera (originally the AcadГ©mie Royale de Musique) was founded by Louis XIV and its ballet... Show more content on ... When the Paris Opera Ballet was formed, it was meant to entertain royalty, requiring manners, etiquette, and protocol directed toward the royals, according to Professor Suggs. Manners, etiquette, and protocol dictate how one is to behave and act. This led to performances at the Paris Opera Ballet to be very formal affairs as evidenced today. Many dances end with bows that would have shown respect to the royalty present according to Anderson. However, today it is shown to thank the entire audience. Also, there was a decorum practiced by the audience, which can still be seen today. According to the San Francisco Ballet Company website, they suggest propriety such as avoiding tardiness, making sure electronic devices are off, no candy wrappers, no talking, and no snuggling with your significant other. These are enforced out of respect for the performer and guests around. Dress codes are another legacy left by the Paris Opera Ballet. Since the performances were first staged for King Louis XIV, Anderson suggests that they were a formal affair. This can be seen today: while most theaters do not have formal dress codes, they provide suggestions on dress. Trip Advisor advises that guests should be clean, use small amounts of perfume or collogue, and to dress the part. Trip Advisor says that this is because there is a large amount of money put in such as ticket costs,
  • 25. History Of Aparthied as It Refers To Cry the Beloved Country Hope. It is the one thing that people have survived on for centuries. Without hope, the African Americans of the early 1800 s would have just succumbed to the will of the slave owners. This is why Mandela is considered such a great leader. Nelson Mandela s message through his speeches was one of hope, which is the only thing the people of Ndotshemi have to thrive on (Chokshi). Alan Paton, the author of Cry the Beloved Country, also believed in hope bringing together the land of South Africa. There are many similarities between the novel and the real lifeoccurrencesof the South African Apartheid. In the book or in the real life Apartheid, someone came into the scene that was willing to help by assuming a leadership role, whether it is... Show more content on ... With him came a sense of hope, which is just what Mandela brought to the South Africans in their severe time of need (US Congress 1996). Mandela really seems to believe that if the youth of the nation don t realize their power, ground will ever be made in the unification of the whites and Afrikaners. The grandson is learning to speak Zulu, so as to unite the two worlds, which are thus intertwined. Nelson Mandela states in one of his many speeches, I pay tribute to the endless heroism of youth, you, the young lions. You, the young lions, have energized our entire struggle. (Mandela 1996) In the court where Absalom is sentenced, the one to help Kumalo is the young white man from the reformatory, breaking the racial divide, which had otherwise segregated the room. As the novel depicts, the youth of the area seem to be the only ones able to put aside their differences. They can accomplish this because the differences between the two divisions are getting blurrier with each generation. As shown in the book, people of different races can now seem to get along if they try hard enough, such as the case between Steven Kumalo and James Jarvis.(Paton Cry...) And so it has come to pass, that South Africa today undergoes her rebirth, cleansed of a horrible past, matured from a tentative beginning, and reaching out to the future with confidence, (Mandela 1994) Nelson Mandela predicts. They
  • 26. Bilbo Coming Of Age Essay The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien is a perfect example of a coming of age story. Bilbo, the main protagonist, started his journey as a sheltered hobbit. It was clear that he had potential to do something great, but his own insecurities and his fear to stand out crippled his progression in life. He didn t leave his house often, and he hardly took any risks. He failed to grow as an individual. Bilbo throughout the book he experienced personal growth through his encounter with the goblins he, he became confident through the events that happened at Mirkwood, and when he returned home at the end of the journey, he was filled with self love and pride. At the beginning of the book, Bilbo told Gandalf that he did not want anything to do with the journey. He feared for his safety, and he had nightmares the night before the journey started. However, throughout his journey, he bonded and learned a lot from the dwarves. He found out who he really... Show more content on ... One night while traveling through the Mirkwood forest, they saw a flicker of light and decided to go towards it. Born and Gandalf did warn them about this, and told them not to follow the light. After Bilbo gets captured by the giant spider, his will and perseverance is tested. Not only does he escape from the spider s trap, but he also defeats the spider and saves the party. He gains even more experience, and becomes a leader in the group. Before he returned home, he was assumed dead and his items were auctioned off to the members of his community. When he finally arrived, he was treated as an outcast because adventures are looked frowned upon in the hobbit community. Without the friends and companions Bilbo made on the journey, Bilbo would have been completely alone. However, he didn t really care of how his peers perceived him. Bilbo was not only proud of himself, but he knew he was happy and comfortable with the path he took, and the life he
  • 27. Security Standards And Security Safety Standards Government Security Standards The government and organizations are to comply with security laws and regulations in order to fully operate and maintain protection of information systems. Some of these security laws and regulations may vary for every industry and with some organizations; however, implementing security standards with a broad in scope provides reliable reasonable security. In many cases reasonable security implemented throughout the information system can include a high level of protection in the operation of government and organization systems. There are best practices and risk management frameworks tools to consider when providing a higher level of security in the performance and protection of information systems. It s key to maintain effective security policies that are fulfilled by security standards and tools to help manage the protection of the information systems. Security standards are required to carry out the details of an effective security policy. One common standard in security standards is to ensure ethics are maintained in a lawful way. The difference between government and commercial security standards is government security standards focus on compliance with security policies that deal with national security; whereas, health organizations maintain security standards that focus on compliance with security policy that ensure the privacy of health records. The security policy provides the rules of protection for the information system and
  • 28. Raft Of The Medusa Essay when GГ©ricault was 27 years old, painted The Raft of the Medusa. Which is considered a classic of the Romantic Movement.In its brutality, realism, and raw emotion it captures the essence of a historic event that shocked the French public. The story behind the painting is as devastating as shown on the canvas.The Medusa was a French naval vessel that was on course off the coast of Africa before running aground on a sandbar near Mauritania around July 1816. After few days of trying to pry the ship free, the crew and passengers took to the ship s six small lifeboats. There was a problem, there were 400 people on board, while the boats only had the capacity to carry approximately 250. As a result, 146 men and one woman were loaded onto a wooden
  • 29. Dr. Steven Nickman s Losses In Adoption Parents should indeed tell a child that they are adopted and they should do soon as soon as possible. Parents should tell the child as early as they are able to understand, that they are adopted. Adoption can definitely impact a child s life in various ways and keeping the adoption a secret from the child could foster many emotions of mistrust and negativity towards the adoptive parents. The word adoptionshould be introduced as early as possible so that it becomes a comfortable part of the child s vocabulary, according to Dr. Steven Nickman, author of Losses in Adoption: The Need for Dialogue, makes the suggestion that the ideal time for telling children about their adoption appears to be between the ages of 6 and 8. Nickman... Show more content on ... Although it may hurt the adoptive parents to let the child know that he or she isn t theirs biologically, a child should always know where they come from so that they are able to establish their own identity whether it be the identity of the biological or adoptive parents or even both. If the child knows at an early age that they are adopted, it is likely they will be able to deal with it better once they reach the adolescent age. In Adoption History: Telling , Ellen Herman gives the story of how adoption was never disclosed to the child, but not at the sake of the child. Telling has been a chronic dilemma in the history of adoption because it highlights the problem of making adoptive kinship real while also acknowledging its distinctiveness. During the twentieth century, adoption professional maintained a firm consensus that children placed in infancy should be told of their adopted status early in life, but adopted parents did not always agree, and anecdotal evidence suggests that many children were told in adolescence, on the eve of marriage, or even later in life. The reason adoptees were told had less to do with honesty than it did with emotional inoculation against stigma. Parents would be wise to tell children about their adoptions with kindness and love before they learned the truth from unfeeling relatives, nosy neighbors, or cruel
  • 30. Personal Narrative-State Sports One last out, runners only 60 feet away from crushing dreams. A place that is usually filled cheering fans, coaches calling plays, and girls calling the ball is now completely silent. Everyone wondering who was going to own the title and the chance to move on to the state games. As the pitcher got ready to pitch the ball you could hear everyone s heart start to beat like a drum. As she pushed off the mound and threw the ball they all held their breaths in hopes of the win. The batter hit the ball and they made the final out to take their team onto the state games for the first time in school history. Everyone on the team was so excited to have the chance to represent their school. Nothing in the world could bring them down from this perfect ... Show more content on ... Liz was the starting centerfielder, who embraced every opportunity she had to but herself out there for her team. Liz was a very important piece to the team success throughout the season. As the team got closer and closer to the state games the girls worked harder longer days to prepare for the competition ahead. As the practices got longer she began to feel drained. She had a hard time focusing in class, always felt tired, and couldn t get rid the every lasting cough. After a week of being sick she decided it was time to see a doctor before her and her team left for states. Two days before the team left for Syracuse NY for the state games Liz was diagnosed with Mono. Liz said I was way too upset to call my coaches at first, but I knew they had to know as soon as possible. Liz knew her teammates and coaches would understand and be behind her one hundred percent. She could not help to feel upset and defeated there was nothing she could do in this situation. The look of sadness came over her face you could tell how much she wanted to play with her team. In sports losing a player that contributes so much to the team is hard to replace. For a young Eden team the loss of a key player two days before leaving is a situation no one team wants to be in. Liz s team knew the challenge just got harder. On the day for departure for states Liz knew she still had to go to cheer on her team. Even if she couldn t play she could still be there to support them in any way she physically could. The day of the games approached. Liz said It was so frustrating knowing that I have worked so hard to help my team get this far and now I can t contribute to the final two
  • 31. Realistic Fiction Book The genre of the book is realistic fiction. What made this book a good quality realistic fiction book is. That the things going on in the book could actually happen, focus on relationships, and the characters were realistic. The book is for advanced reader, I felt that it was apposite for the age group. Since the text was much more advanced, it had storylines that younger children could not understand. The book talked about controversial issues such as race. Which was a big theme in the book since Dess is white and living in a black foster family. This book would be something that children who are living in mixed families, foster care, or step families. Would be interested in and would appeal to them more. Not saying that other children would
  • 32. The Paintings On The Ceiling Of The Sistine Chapel One of the most famous painter and sculptors of the Italian Renaissance, the age of renewal and cultural achievement circa 1500, was the artistic genius Michelangelo Buonarroti. The man that desired nothing but perfection often reached it in his work. He captured the motion of the human figure and the anatomy of muscles in a way that was increasingly beautiful and startlingly realistic. Whether because of one of the most famous sculptures in history, the David or the paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, that became the textbook examples for the art period of High Renaissance, Michelango s art changed the world and he will continue to be studied with awe throughout history. Michelangelo s era, the Renaissance was not a time of great social or economic change, only cultural and ideological development because it only affected a small portion of the population, which were the rich and powerful scholars that had more surplus money to spend on luxury goods like art and architecture. One of these families the Medicis rose to prominence and held the position of the Florence s leading family for three centuries. The Medici family controlled the republican government and were the unquestioned leaders, Lorenzo the Magnificent the last to hold power and first Medici to be educated in the humanist tradition and was known as an important patron of the arts; Lorenzo gave Michelangelo the chance to become the magnificent artist he was. The humanist movement, one that
  • 33. The Pros And Cons Of Razor Burn There is a common misconception among people around the world about razor burn and razor bumps being the same. However, the truth is they are separate conditions with remarkably similar properties. They are closely tied to each as one condition may lead to other condition. Razor burn if infected further leads to razor bumps which is a more complicated case than former. Using an improper technique or a blunt blade would result in minor cut known as razor burn. Generally it appears a few minutes after completion of shavingand stings with noticeable pain. Regular razor burns disappear and can be neglected. Nonetheless, in case of deep cuts and where there are chances of ingrown hair they must be treated carefully for avoidance of further infection. ... Show more content on ... These ingrown hairs can be removed by carefully de layering the skin without any harm done. To remove layers of skin is a tedious task and importantly impossible to do manually. Glycolic acid helps remove the epidermal layers which enables the ingrown hair to find its way out above the skin layer. In addition, glycolic acid has antibacterial properties preventing any further infections due to pathogenic bacteria. Glycolic peels are also available to enable treatment of razor bumps on legs. It is a convenient way to get rid of razor burns as the application is simple and the results are swift. In addition, a glycolic acid peel will enhance the tone of the skin. пЃ¶Salicylic acid Exfoliation is an important aspect in removing ingrown hair or when tackling razor bumps. Removal of dead cells will facilitate the hair to grow in its normal condition. The layers shed will be advantageous for quick relief from razor burn, razor bumps and ingrown hairs. Creams or lotions containing either glycolic acid or salicylic acid are available in the market. However, care must be taken to avoid high concentration substance as it can rupture skin cells causing unintended damage. It is optimal to avoid salicylic acid beyond the concentration of 20% as such high concentrated chemical compounds can leave a mark on the skin permanently. However, hair bump removal is best done through these two chemical
  • 34. The Discovery Of The Chemical And Biomedical Engineering Qian Hongyan lost both of her legs due to a car accident she was in when she was four years old. She grew up in Luilang county, Southwestern China. For numerous years she learned to walk by balancing herself using wooden stilts and a basketball. After several years she received prosthetic limbs from the China Rehabilitation Research Center. Chemical and biomedical engineering have given a multitude of people a second chance at living such as Qian. Throughout history, many instances such as the discovery of x rays, amputation procedures, and the mass killings of malariaand smallpox have caused the need for the medical, chemical, and biomedical fields to grow in order to solve these problems. Through many doctors, physicians, engineers, and scientists working together, they have created a safer world for many by discovering new innovative tools, procedures, and medicines. The need for newer medical tools, safer medical procedures, and more effective medicines have caused a growth in the chemical and biomedical fields. Background According to the Bureau of Labor Statics, the fields of chemical and biomedical engineering will be growing from 2014 2024. Biomedical engineering is expected to grow 23%. The Bureau of Labor Statistics claims, In addition, the integration of chemical and biological sciences and rapid advances in innovation will create new areas in biotechnology and in medical and pharmaceutical fields for them to work in. Thus, those with a background in biology
  • 35. Personal Narrative-Home In High School The Lab The cool, brisk wind blew against the two story, brick walled office and, the smell of Fall, containing the smell of orange, ripe pumpkin, surrounded the air. Dry, Fall colored leaves from the two hazel birch trees, rooted in the front lawn, funneled down to the lower, empty parking lot of the property; the work week ended. Surprisingly, the cloudy, gloomy Saturday afternoon contained many fun activities for my Dad, Annie, and I.1 Annie, my blonde, blue eyed, older sister and I would hop into our Dad s black Infiniti. My tall, brown haired Dad would drive us to his lab. His dental office, Ordont, housed the activities of creating dental appliances, ranging from invisible retainers to braces and resided off Smizer Station road in Fenton, Missouri. When we reached the parking lot, Annie and I would leap out of the car and skip down the cracked cement path to the wooden, chestnut door, waiting for our Dad to unlock the entrance. When we reached the door, Annie and I were greeted by the soft purr of Jinxy, sitting on the welcome mat. Jinxy was a calm black cat with white fur paws and... Show more content on ... I walked into the large, grey reception area and heard the sound of the phone ringing and the printer s choppy buzz. A strong, acidic smell of acrylic lingered from the work week. After entering, I received a cozy but uncertain feeling about this place because the office was a big part of my family, but I had no clue how the equipment worked like the enormous blue machine that took up one room. The apparatus amazed me by the mechanics of it s complexity; my dad would scan our fingers and then put the scanning in the machine. Then the machine would turn from a soft, low hum into a loud, rough noise. After a few hours or so, a model of Annie s finger and my finger would come out in a blue transparent material. I was amazed and left curious by this process and wanted to know
  • 36. Pursuing A Career As A Personal Athletic Trainer The Oxford Dictionary defines passion as a strong emotion or strong love for something. Well then, I would say I am passionate about sports. To turn a passion into a career you must take certain steps in education and to develop special skills that are needed. I love to play sports, and I would like to pursue a career that lets me have the opportunity to become anything from a player to a coach. As there are many careers in the world, there is a career for anyone who has a passion. My passion for sports gives me many opportunities to pursue a career. For example, I can become a personal athletic trainer. I would have to focus on skills and abilities that are safe and effective to improve athletics. I could also become a collegescouter. I would have to travel to watch athletes play and evaluate their talents. Another career having to do with sports would be a coach. I would teach the athletes plays or special moves . I would also the option of becoming a sports writer. I would deliver engaging and informative news about the event to blogs, newspapers...etc. Last but not least, I could be a physical therapist, who teaches... Show more content on ... You must have an educationand skills to get the job or career you want. To become a personal athletic trainer you must have a high school diploma but no degree is needed. Special skills need for this job include: demonstrations of exercises and encouragement. If I were to become a college scouter, I would mostly need a Bachelor s Degree. But surprisingly, you must have experience playing. If you were looking to be a coach, you would need a Bachelor s Degree, as well. Some skills needed include: leadership and encouragement to accomplish all tasks. To become a sports writer, a Bachelor s Degree is required as well as journalism and verbal communication. And to become a physical therapist, you must have a Doctoral Degree. Skills needed include: special plans to help patients improve their
  • 37. Fetus Removal Pros And Cons The subject of fetus removal will dependably be begging to be proven wrong on whether it is ethically, lawfully, ormedically the correct thing to do. In the mid 70 s the situation of Roe v. Wade left a mark on the world by overthrowing the Texas law that made premature birth unlawful not withstanding when it jeopardized the women.When the Supreme Court decided for Roe ladies could have a fetusremoval amid their first trimester and it was viewed as moral in light of the fact that it was their own particular right. To guard thistopic I must take a gander at what it involves, first is the most imperative and that is the risk to themother. Another reason is the considered bringing an existence into the world that you aren t prepared toprovide... Show more content on ... Ifthere was a law against fetus removal ladies that were either not fiscally sufficiently stable to takecare of a tyke or only level out not prepared we would simply be adding to the issue. More andmore families would rely on upon state and government help that could be utilized somewhere else. Duringthe first trimester the ladies decision ought to be the main thing that matters.When fetus removal was unlawful for all reasons even ladies that had been assaulted needed to suffer with conceiving a kid that would do only help them to remember most likely the most exceedingly awful time in their life. In the terms of assault sexually transmitted infections should likewise be a point of discussion.Why a tyke ought to be gotten to this world that may be bound to an existence of torment on the grounds that ofHIV or Aids is a ghastly thought. Indeed, even in the present a few ladies don t need anybody to now they were assaulted and would rather get a fetus removal and proceed onward with their life.Abortion will dependably be a theme of exchange and the Supreme Court s decision in Roe v.Wade was a
  • 38. Michael Myers Personality As I grew older my views on what I fear changed. As a child, I developed a fear of little things such as ghosts, the dark, etc. Once I grow into an adult I developed a of things observed on a daily. Americans between the age group of children and adolescents introduce themselves to bigger fears by watching movies that replay on the already experienced fears. For example: Freddy Krueger, Jason, Vampires, Werewolves, etc. Many people in society watch these horror movies and are brought to an assumption that directors based the movies on serial killers, who become glorified for the crimes committed and made into huge stars that we love. In the film Halloween, a little boy name Michael Myers kills his sister at the age of six. Twenty years later Michael return s to his home town Haddonfield, Illinois to kill a group of teenagers that appear around his deceased sister age. Halloween identifies as one of those gruesome films that you question, because he was a six year old when he first killed. To society Michael exemplify monster qualities because at that age, how can some one so young stab his sister or anyone to death. Michael Myers poses as a Monster in America, he demonstrates traits of the devil in him and express his hate by killing his family, by existing in a dysfunctional family. Michael watches his sister over sexualize herself which leads him to kill his sister. During the 1970 s movies concentrated on punishing women who sexualized themselves by killing and
  • 39. The Looking Glass Wars Conflict Analysis In The Looking Glass Wars, Frank Beddor uses conflict to transform Alyss from an ingenuous, troublesome, and captivating little girl into an imaginative, disciplined, and confident young woman so that she can lead the Alyssians in an attack to defeat Redd and take back her queendom. Alyss was given a challenge, a big challenge: she was to defeat her Aunt Redd and take control of Wonderland. Alyss didn t think she was able to or powerful enough to defeat her, but that wasn t the case. In the beginning of the novel, Princess Alyss is characterized as mischievous, endearing, and naive. Alyss loves to play pranks such as dropping jollybellies from an open window and watching them splat on the guards below (Beddor 11). Instead of behaving like... Show more content on ... Queen Redd has Bibwit in Queendon Speramus. The cat and his card assassins crash Alyss s wedding, and then Dodge and Alyss return to Wonderland. Alyss goes to the caterpillars, then goes through the Looking Glass Maze, passes through once, yet she failed. She then went through and gained all power. Alyss may have had gained full power and was queen, but she still wanted to be treated as an equal to everyone else. It was an Alyssian uniform, makeshift of all things Alyssian had to be in the the Redd controlled queendom (Beddor 231 232). Alyss was scared to fight Redd and didn t know what to expect. It was a brutal fight but Alyss won, causing Redd to be trapped in the Heart Crystal. Alyss Heart, a 7 year old girl who is characterized as an ingenuous, troublesome, and a captivating little girl,not anymore. Alyss Heart is now an artful, straightforward, and powerful woman. She is the queen of Wonderland who has fought for her world and protected her people. She was scared at first and didn t think she was capable of defeating Redd, but she tried her best and fought for Wonderland, and
  • 40. A Brief Note On The Country Of Miami, Florida Of The... Username: Pims Past Usernames: Pims 6/16/2016 @ 7:47:44 PM togglinqStaff 5/17 /2016 @ 4:16:10 PM Bardbuffed 1/25/2016 @ 7:28:49 PM 64BitOfJava 12/25/2015 @ 10:38:13 AM Prestige_gravity 11/25/2015 @ 8:01:21 AM MomAndDad 10/25 /2015 @ 9:31:21 AM Announces 9/6/2015 @ 9:52:25 PM Applyinq 7/22/2015 @ 12:13:57 PM Wettty 6/20/2015 @ 9:10:34 PM iPingGod 5/11/2015 @ 3:52:52 PM NodusTheHax 4/2/2015 @ 8:59:09 PM thekillinglizard Age: 15 Timezone + Country: I currently live in Miami, Florida of the United States of America and my timezone is EST or Eastern timezone. Previous bans (Don t lie): No I ve never been punished on Oxpvp... not even back on SimplyHCF which is quiet odd but yeah I m a very respectful, honest and loyal player. I don t look for attention nor do I start problem s. Do you have a working mic: Yes, I have an amazing microphone for PC games and for audio purposes as well. I treat my microphone like a baby so I m constantly upgrading the headsets and mic piece so it won t have any problems. Any experience of being staff?: Yes I ve been staff on plenty of huge networks. How long have you been playing OxPvP?: Well since it ever came out back in the days when it was called SimplyHCF . Yes I am an OG player I ve been playing every single map for the past year, I was also staff on their. Time usually spent on the server(s): I spend around 25% 40% of my time on the server which is a huge amount just playing on a video game. What time will
  • 41. Why Did Jim And Huck Meet The King And Duke 1. How did Jim and Huck meet the king and duke? Huck went ashore to look for berries. He ran into the king and duke while they were running away from people and dogs 2. Does Huck believe their story? At first Huck believed the story of the Duke and the King but soon he figured it out but he lets them continue with their lie 3. Give two examples of the cleverness of the king and duke. At the Pokeville camp meeting, the King got up and convinced the preacher to let him speak to the people. He told them he was a pirate, now poor and reformed who wanted to return to the Indian Ocean to reform other pirates. He asked for money for his cause and the people gave him some. The Duke printed up handbills describing Jim as a runaway slave and offering a reward. He decided they... Show more content on ... Why did the people return to the show? People came to the show the first night to see what ladies and children were not supposed to see. After seeing the show, they didn t want to admit that they had been tricked, so they told the other people in town what a great show it was. The second shows audience was a result of the great reviews. People came back the third night to get even with the King and the Duke, but the King and Duke left early. 5. What s the point of the incident of the shooting of Boggs? The incident with Boggs points out many weaknesses in the human character Boggs was foolish in his drunkenness to push Sherburn s patience. Sherburn was foolish to pay any attention to Boggs. The townspeople, all rushed to see the murder of Boggs and almost immediately enjoyed playing the scene again. Then the townspeople, following the lead of Buck Harkness, all decided to lynch the colonel. The colonel speech is Twain s voice about the justice system of his time. In this section it shows the worst of human nature. 6. Why do we hear about Jim s daughter Lizabeth ? Jim s story about Lizabeth shows us how he s a compassionate man and he felt bad about the way he treated his
  • 42. The Cultural Conflicts Existing Within The Discipline Of... Question # 1: Leaving aside assignment 6 (Gibson/Key) what reading(s) did you find most compelling this week, and why? This week, singling out one compelling piece was hard, as I now see how all the pieces are linked. For example, I liked how Perestroika informs us of the trends existing within the discipline of political science, particularly the overrated focus on methods and techniques in political inquiry. I also liked how Perestroika highlights the cultural conflicts existing within the discipline, which is demonstrated by the behavior of APSR and various administrations and departments of the discipline. Perestroika dictates that the discipline needs to resolve its existing epistemological differences through tolerance and increase the understanding of these differences. Gregory Bateson s proposal for innovative thinking shows us new ways of dealing with knowledge and generating ideas. He speaks of what he calls the ecology of mind that is the aggregates of ideas. Bateson stipulates that the world we see is the world we perceive not necessarily because it exists, but because we edit the reality we see. This idea speaks to the scientific mode of inquiry, as Perestroika puts it: causality vs. meaning, objective vs. subjective, and certainty vs. skepticism. Bates suggests that the scientific research must be interactive and inclusive of the various methods of inquiry. While Bent Flyvbjerg starts with the question of whether theory is possible in
  • 43. Evolution of Medical Practice Essay Great Cases IN BIOETHICS Fall, 2005 Professor Paul A. Lombardo Center for Biomedical Ethics Office: University Hospital, Davis 5337 Phone: 982 4227 Texts 1) Great Cases in Bioethics, compiled edited by Paul A. Lombardo (2005) [available at the law school copy center] 2) Limits: The Role of Law in Bioethical Decisionmaking, by Roger B. Dworkin (Indiana, 1996) Strangers at the Bedside: A History of How Law and Bioethics Transformed the Practice of Medicine, by David J. Rothman (Harper Collins, 1991). [These are available for background material. on reserve at the Law Library the Center for Bioethics] The field of Bioethics has developed over the past thirty years as a product of ... Show more content on ... A bibliograpy (1 2 pages) of sources must accompany the materials. The second hour will involve A discussion with assistance from other students and the Professor, to place the case in the current ethical and legal context. What are the contemporary ethical issues with which the case is now associated? What current cases need to be examined in reference to the Great Case? Where does the debate stand today? What is at stake ethically in the debate and what is your position on the issues? Seminar Paper Each student will be required to write a research paper of significant size and substance on a topic that expands on or relates to the case presented in class. The paper will provide an in depth exploration of issues raised during the class discussion or in conference with the Professor, and will incorporate reference material discovered during research. The paper should be no less than 25 pages, and should demonstrate familiarity with the scholarly literature in the relevant areas. CASE SEQUENCE: 1) Introduction; The Rule of Consent
  • 44. Schloendorff v. Society of New York Hospital (1914) 2)Eugenic Sterilization Buck v. Bell (1927) 3)Access to Contraception Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) 4)Abortion Roe v. Wade (1973) 5)Medical
  • 45. Tuition Reimbursement Implementation Report Tuition Reimbursement Implementation Report Ronald Ahrens XCOM/285 Essentials of Managerial Communication University of Phoenix The following report was helping us explore why we should expanding employee benefits with in this he company. We had a good year but without a good year it would benefit the company so adding tuition reimbursement as an employee benefit would be great. It would help the employees working on their degree in business or communication as they are working for us so this can be a positive in more than one way showing we care about their interest expand their career by going back to school. The company is in the perfect position to proceed with the education reimbursement employee benefit due to the fact that ... Show more content on ... The employees will value their company and their place in the company. We will have to develop a policy for the new employee where they have to wait two years being with the company before we start paying for their college to make sure people do not come here to get a degree and then leave us. Continuing education and providing educational assistance to employees could be important benefits to add as a perk for working for this company. It should be our company goal to assist in the education, professional and personal growth of our employees. Doing this and Establishing and following through with a tuition reimbursement for our employee will be beneficial to us as a company and our employees. That the company is in the perfect position to start this employee benefit, I would like you to recommended it and get the management to move forward with further exploration of the logistics. The good from this program out weights are cost that comes up because it gives us good and educated employees in the long run. We also we not have to look outside but we can save cost in looking and just promote within the company. With them working on their bachelor s degree in business can be a positive and helpful in more than one way. Expanding the employee benefits to have tuition reimbursement will increase the level professional opportunities, increase their career options, and improve their earning potential, and increase keeping employee rather than losing them. In all
  • 46. The Political Background Of Hobby Well first off, I d like to say that having never really been all that interested in politics, analyzing the life of a politician wasn t exactly something I felt too enthusiastic to delve into. Having said all that, my intrigue in understanding the political background of Hobby picked up right from page #1 in the book. Being a first generation American in my family with direct roots to the small fairly new nation of Bangladesh and being a New York native myself, I ve never really thought of how much a connection one such as Hobby must have with a state or a land to truly become immersed in its realm of politics. Dating back to the Civil War, Hobby s ancestors both provided service to the Texan republic from Major Alfred Marmaduke Hobby of the Eighth TexasConfederate Infantry Regiment to Captain of Company D Edwin E. Hobby. The Marmaduke s have made a great impact on Texas ever since, with Major Marmaduke rejecting Union Lt. Kittredge s demand to inspect government buildings as well as retaliating against the Union ship USS Arthur itself through open fire and Edwin Hobby going onto becoming a district judge within the Livingston and Polk counties respectively. Bill Hobby s very own father; Will Hobby went from being the president of the Houston Post to Lieutenant Governor of Texas. Another thing I noticed was how far a single implementation of a law or an amendment can so drastically change the political culture even if it takes a few generations to sink in. On pages
  • 47. Olaudah Equiano And Thomas Jefferson Plenty of early American authors used religious content or ideas for political purposes. These authors wanted to change the political world around them through publishing works with religious content. Two of these writers were Olaudah Equiano and Thomas Jefferson. Equiano and Jefferson crafted letters and stories that shaped then political climate during early American times that eventually helped to build a great nation. In the biography of Thomas Jeffersonit states that he wished to be remembered for only three things; drafting the Declaration of Independence, writing and supporting the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (1786), and founding the University of Virginia. Fortunate for him that is what he remembered for to this day. As for Olaudah Equiano, he has caused a great deal of debate as to where he grew up. There has been evidence to support him growing up in the Carolinas and there has also been evidence to support him coming from Africa. One thing is certain that he has produced high quality written material that is read to this day. Thomas Jefferson, born 1743 in Virginia, was a self made man. He had many activities, such as law, and politics in addition to running a 5,000 acre plantation that he inherited from his father. Jefferson graduated from William and Mary College, and was a talented lawyer. Jefferson was an awful public speaker, but he was a great diplomat, which he proved throughout his life. He then went on as a member, Secretary of State, of
  • 48. Henry David Thoreau s Life And Accomplishments Henry David Thoreau was born in mid July of 1817, in Concord, Massachusetts. Henry s family was rather modest and his father was employed as a pencil maker. Henry David Thoreau was born with a legal name David Henry Thoreau, in memory of his recently deceased uncle, David Thoreau. Although Henry never legally petitioned to change his name, he began referring to himself as Henry after he had finished college. Henry David Thoreau was enrolled in the Harvard College from 1833 to 1837. Henry studied various courses in rhetoric, classics, philosophy, mathematics and science. However, in 1835, Henry took a hiatus from Harvard College, and taught school in Canton, Massachusetts. After his return to Harvard and sequential graduation, Henry and his ... Show more content on ... He bagan reading works of botanists such as William Bartram and Charles Darwin. Thoreau began dabbling with in observational science, and recorded various information on the ripening of fruit, migration of birds, and the depths of Walden Pond. It was throughout his work as a land surveyor that he emerged as a philosopher and ecological analyst. Thoreau travelled to Cape Cod, Massachusetts on multiple occasions, as well as to the forestry of Maine (Britannica, 2018). These landscapes acted as inspiration for his writing and philosophy. Furthermore, Thoreau would travel to Philadelphia, New York City, Niagara Falls, Detroit, and Chicago to fulfill his wanderlust, and endless curiosity about foreign people s, cultures, religions, and natural history of the
  • 49. Persuasive Speech Topics Study Guide 3.2.Good Topics for Persuasive Speeches A good persuasive speech topic should contain not only a good quality content but also have enough information that it delivers the purpose well, i.e. clearly supporting your stance while convincing the listeners to agree to your point of view. Given below is a list of good persuasive topics to develop and deliver great speeches: 1.Should there be a limit to freedom of press? 2.Working women should be offered special privileges. 3.Financial education needs to be an essential part of every curriculum. 4.Risks of using steroids. 5.Do using surveillance cameras over public places violate privacy rights? 6.Spending more time on social networks have made the youth isolated. 7.Do newspapers form an ... Show more content on ... Ethical implications of arms trading and control. 25.Is government morally right for spying under the label of providing public safety? 3.4.College Persuasive Speech Topics College students get assignment to deliver persuasive speeches as a part of their degree programs. Every student wants to prepare and make speech on a unique and different topic that would be appreciated by every listener including their instructors. Before choosing any topic, you must keep in mind that the subject area of the topic should be the one you are well informed about and can research it more to cover every dimension of it. You can also use light stories, illustrations, related examples and quotes as tools to make your speech more effective. A few of the topics that you can select for making persuasive speeches in college may include: 1.Is online education equally beneficial like traditional classroom mode of learning? 2.The use of advanced technological devices has made education easier. 3.Replacing text books with online educational tools and resources. 4.Using filters in college networks to prevent students from accessing inappropriate material. 5.Colleges should introduce their own social networks to enhance learning experience of
  • 50. Why Costco Is A Wholesale Club Business In 1982, Jeff Broman and Jim Sinegal plan to start a wholesale club business. One year later, the first Costco warehouse was open in Settle, Washington (Costco). In the following years, Costco crossed into national market, it expand their market to United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and the United Kingdom (Costco Wholesale Corporation). Internal strengths Costco provide good welfare to the employees. According to the video, Costco has the highest average wage in the industry, employees have 20 dollars per hour and the company also offers health care coverage. The good welfare in Costco can satisfied the need of employees, they can get the highest income in Costco than in other supermarket. More than that, employees can work as hard as they can for Costco because they have the health care coverage. For Costco, they do not need to worry about the problem of recruiting and they can make sure the quality of service to the customers. Costco understands the customers and they have fewer items in each category for customers to choose. Sometimes, too much items make customers confused because it is hard for them to make decisions among a lot of brands. At that time, some consumers may give up buying those items and it will be a loss for a company. However, Costco lists less items on the shelves and consumers can make decisions easily. For example, the manager introduced that they sale HEINZ tomato ketchup for customers to choose and help them to make decisions.
  • 51. Prisoner s Dilemma Examples For the purpose of this discussion, I will discuss situations like the prisoner dilemma, in which rational self interested people all do worse by independently pursuing self interest. The prisoner s dilemma refers to a conflict in doing what is best for one s own interest over what is in the best interest of the group; therefore, doing what is needed to receive the least amount of jail time for oneself. In the end, each of the prisoners does better by failing to cooperate, but not as good if they had just cooperated with their agreement between each other and stayed silent. This type of dilemma happens throughout all of society between individuals, groups, companies, and countries. An example includes groups over fishing, thereby, depleting... Show more content on ... To help you understand the impact, I live in a very small, rural community where everyone knows everyone, and do not have large companies to help provide community support through community outreach or give back programs. The wife holds a board member position for soccer, and football for the husband. The soccer board is choosing to slander football and advertise that football is to expensive, so choose soccer. Knowing, that the overhead cost of the two sports are not even in the same ballpark, and the football board members have participated in community fundraising to help support the soccer team in the past several years. The husband provided proof to the football board; leaving the football board refusing to help support the community fundraising that supports the soccer league. Instead of cooperating, to support each other, and leaving the decision to which sport to the player and their parents; both organizations will receive less support from each other and possibly loose respect from the parents, players, and the community. The actions of the soccer board may be have enrolled a few more kids by slandering the football organization, but the overall season financial income would have been greater if they would have just cooperated with
  • 52. Misconception Of Heroism What comes across our minds when we think of a hero? A man with incredible physical strength? We often have a misconception of heroism from fictional characters with supernatural powers. But a hero is highly more than these qualities. I used to believe that heroes did not exist in reality because mankind was made to be ordinary. As I began to realize, heroes are surrounding in our daily lives and have the same objectives in those in my fantasy. Without heroes in this world, it would be filled with darkness and evil, without a light of hope. Heroes are anyone who chooses the road of evolving for greater, helping others, and overcoming challenges despite fears. More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren t so busy denying ... Show more content on ... Strength doesn t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you thought you couldn t. Rikki Rogers. Frequently, when one is comfortable, they stay in their comfort zone, and stop going further. When a storm hits, their whole life will come tumbling down, leaving them broken. They mourn and abandon hope in themselves, but a hero takes this as an opportunity to become stronger than ever. While fighting for his country, he lost an arm. And was suddenly afraid; From now on, I shall only be able to do things by halves. This man was anxious about this sudden change in his life, but he knew how to handle this with a positive mindset. From that moment on, he set himself to do everything with twice as much enthusiasm. And where the arm had been torn away, a wing grew. Nina Cassian. This man is considered as a hero because he did not let this obstacle define himself and control the remaining of his life. As many of us are struggling, the story of this man could be a motivation for us to have perseverance. In addition, a more general situation would be beginning a new hobby, such as, playing a sport or an instrument. Beginning a new journey is always exciting but frustrating due to the difficulties that arises, however, nothing comes without hard work. In the end, the taste of victory is worth it in the long
  • 53. The Pros And Cons Of Northridge High Schools Northridge High School provides a very diverse student population. Overall, students come from different backgrounds and incomes. There are 1,159 students total in this high school. The school has 60% black, 35% white, 3% asian, and 2% hispanic students. This school is a Title 1 school and 35% of the students are eligible for free lunch. The high schoolhas accommodations for students with any special needs. Their policy on ELL students is strictly classroom based, the classroom teacher is also the ELL teacher, which they have found creates positive results. They are also becoming more technology driven, which is very important in our society today. As for how the community and how it impacts my students, I think that it is still very separated ... Show more content on ... This seems to be a more balanced class out of all of the population. One thing that lacks within Northridge, is the understanding of respect. Where I went to school, and at my other placements, students always knew what was right and wrong, when to stop talking, and how to respect authority. These students lack in most of those categories, which is something that I had to keep in mind when planning my unit. For my standard kids, we had about two parents show up to parent night out of the 50 students that we have. Yet, when the honors parents were scheduled to come, we had about 12 parents show up. I think that most of these students that struggle with behavior problems and lack of respect in the classroom do not have a stable home life. When Mr. Cooper tries to reach out to parents, most of the phone lines have been disconnected, and when he does get in touch with someone, it seems to be a grandparent. I m sure these grandparents are exhausted because they have already raised children and now they re having to do it again for whatever the reason may be. I have students that wear the same three outfits every week but I also have students that have never worn the same
  • 54. What Happens During The Flame Test 1. Identify each of the unknown samples(use specific data to justify your answers for A and B). Unknown A was NaCI because when looking at this unknown solutions flame and NaCI s flame they both had this very strong orange color when they were burning they both looked very similar. The photons seemed to emit the same light. Unknown B was SrCI2 because once against they both showed the very strong red flame. When looking at the different flames one can conclude that these two flames were very similar. The photons seemed to emit the same amount of light and this is why these two looked the same. Unknown Mixture was SrCI2 and CuCI2 because looking at the different flames of all the salt solutions the two flames that had the same colors as the unknown mixture did. The colorof a vibrant red was from the SrCI2 and the Green blue colors came from the CuCI2. Since the... Show more content on ... 3. The metallic atoms change from a liquid state to a gas state during the flame test. Is this a physical or a chemical change? Explain. This is a chemical change because a new color is created and it is exciting the electrons. Burning is a chemical reaction because there is a new substance being created. There is also a color change and that is another way to tell that it was a chemical reaction. A new substance was made this is why it was a chemical change. If you take ice for example and melt it turns into a liquid. This is not a chemical change because it is still water just in a different form nothing new is created. Unlike when the salt solutions are burned and something totally new is created/ 4. Why does the flame color change back to orange, after the metallic solution has been turned completely into a gas
  • 55. How Does Steinbeck Present Madness In Of Mice And Men Essay Prompt #1 Madness can consume people s mind and blind them from reality. In the novella Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck uses George to express madness in the novella. George is the most fitting character to illustrate the madness shown in the book, his madness can be used to encompass the overall idea of madness throughout the novella, which Steinbeck uses to emphasize the effect of madness in human beings; his madness is displayed by his decision to bring Lennie to the ranch when George was fully aware of his mental condition, which may seem reasonable because of the adamantine bond he shares with Lennie, and by his impossible dream of having a farm with Lennie. George s madness is very apparent in the novel; he continuously makes a man, who does not have the mental capacity to work, to work a job. He tries to ... Show more content on ... This delusion is explained by George many times in the story; he explains to Lennie that they will get a little place for themselves, a place with a little shack... [and] a chicken run... [and] a kitchen and a little house [with] a room [for] [them]selves ; by doing this, he instills false hope upon himself and tries to cope with the harsh reality by having an elaborate and eccentric dream of his salvation (Steinbeck 57 8). He reminds the audience throughout the story of his dream he has with Lennie; from this we can conclude that he is trying to delude himself in a false sense of security and hope. His hypocrisy of believing in this impossible dream is concrete evidence of madness. The paradisal dream that George has is a mere idiosyncratic belief created by his ambitions and aspirations. With George, Steinbeck illustrates the significance of madness to the novella; he illustrates to the audience how madness in all of the characters blind themselves from the real truth. Steinbeck conveys to us how the dreams of these dreamers propels them to become