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Indian Independence Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of Indian Independence can be both challenging and rewarding.
The difficulty arises not from a lack of information, but rather from the vastness and complexity
of the subject. Indian Independence is a multifaceted historical event that involves a deep
exploration of political, social, and cultural dimensions.
To begin with, extensive research is essential to grasp the intricate details of the struggle for
independence, which spanned several decades and involved numerous leaders, movements, and
ideologies. Delving into historical archives, analyzing primary sources, and understanding the
socio-economic conditions of the time is crucial for presenting a comprehensive and accurate
Furthermore, the essay should not merely be a chronological retelling of events but must also
delve into the underlying causes and consequences of India's struggle for independence. This
requires a nuanced understanding of the political dynamics, the role of key leaders such as
Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, and the impact of various movements like the Non-
Cooperation Movement and Civil Disobedience Movement.
In addition to historical aspects, an effective essay on Indian Independence should explore the
cultural and social ramifications of the independence movement. The diversity of India's
population, the partition, and the subsequent challenges faced by the newly independent nation
add layers of complexity to the narrative. Analyzing the cultural shifts and societal changes that
accompanied independence adds depth to the essay.
Moreover, crafting a well-structured essay demands the ability to synthesize information
coherently, weaving together various threads into a seamless narrative. The introduction should
be engaging, the body should present a logical progression of ideas, and the conclusion should
leave a lasting impact. Balancing depth and conciseness is a constant challenge, as one must
cover a vast historical canvas without becoming overly verbose.
In conclusion, writing an essay on Indian Independence requires meticulous research, a nuanced
understanding of historical events, and the ability to synthesize information effectively.
However, overcoming these challenges can result in a rich and insightful exploration of a pivotal
moment in history.
If you find the task daunting or time-consuming, assistance is available. Various services, such as, provide support in crafting essays on a wide range of topics. Whether you
need help with research, structuring your essay, or polishing the final draft, such services can be
valuable resources for students and writers alike.
Indian Independence Essay Indian Independence Essay
Investigating The Water Retention Capacity Of Different...
2. Project Objectives
The project objective is to determine the water retention capacity of different growing
substrates and whether the substrate has an effect on the quality of runoff, under the
climate conditions of Western Australia.
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Substrate Mixes and Plant
Cynodon dactylon (Couch Grass) was selected as the model plant for the
experiment, which was purchased from a local nursery. This is due to its ability to
survive on low amounts of water because of its extensive root system (BioNET
EAFRINET 2016). In order to reduce the effects of other growing media on the
testing substrate, the Cynodon dactylon (couch) roll was washed with water before
planting onto planting pots.
For the present study, substrate preparation was based on an extensive green roof
system, which has a shallower layer (6 20cm) of growing medium (IGRA 2014).
Therefore, in this case, the depth of substrate was fixed at 14 cm with inorganic and
organic composition. The materials used for the preparation of green roof substrate
include vermiculite, perlite, sand and organic mulch. Vermiculite is a kind of
materials which are aluminium iron magnesium silicates, resembling mica in
appearance(DuprГ© Minerals Ltd. 2016). These materials were brought from the
local stores and used in their original form in experiments.
The physical properties of each substrate component were tested and listed in Table
1. Bulk density (at maximum water holding capacity) was measured as per FLL
Design And Comparative Performance Analysis
Design and Comparative Performance Analysis of Shift Register Using Pulse
Triggered Flip Flops and Pulsed Latches
K.Rajesh1, Mr. R.Bapannadora2, Dr.V.S.R Kumari3
1M.Tech Scholar, Dept. of Electronics Communication, Sri Mittapalli College Of
Engineering, Guntur Email:
2Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics Communication, Sri Mittapalli College Of
Engineering, Guntur Email:
3Professor HOD, Dept. of ECE, Sri Mittapalli College Of Engineering, Guntur, A.P,
India Email:
Abstract: Nowadays for each and every designing in VLSI era the power
consumption plays a vital role. Low power has emerged as a principal theme in
today s electronics industry. The low power VLSI design has important role in
designing of many electronic design systems. On designing any combinational or
sequential circuits, the power consumption, implementation area, voltage leakage,
and efficiency of the circuit are the important parameters to be considered initially.
This paper proposes a low power and area efficient shift register using pulsed latches.
The area and power consumption are reduced by replacing flip flops with pulsed
latches. This method solves the timing problem between pulsed latches through the
use of multiple non overlap delayed pulsed clock signals instead of the conventional
single pulsed clock signal. The shift register uses a small number of the pulsed clock
signals by grouping the latches to several sub
Plains Indians And Their Equine Companions
Plains Indians and Their Equine Companions Most history classes teach children
about how the Spanish brought horses to America and introduced them to Native
Americans. That s usually the end of the story. What s not talked about is the
Native peoples reactions to these beasts of nature. How did they feel about horses?
What did they think of them? How did Native people become some of the best
riders? How did they tame wild horses? How were horses incorporated into their
culture? How much of an impact did horses really have on Native American culture?
These are the questions that aren t answered in textbooks in schools. What I wish to
explore is the bond between Native people and their equine companions. I want to
explore how their world... Show more content on ...
The differences between these two classifications of tribes is that the nomadic
groups followed the buffalo as they migrated. With the semi sedentary groups, they
too hunted for buffalo, but they also engaged in building villages and participating
more in agriculture (New World Encyclopedia). Life was livable in the plains, but it
wasn t always the easiest. It wasn t until the arrival of the horse that life and culture
among the Plains Indians truly flourished. The story of how horses came to present
day USA has always been a very short story. The most we get is that the Spanish
brought them, and that was usually the end of it. How did Native people react
when they first saw horses? How would we react today if a brand new animal was
introduced into America, and we knew nothing about it? Some people may fear the
animal or even try to destroy it out of fear. Just as we would be afraid today, the
same feelings of terror swept through the Native people of the Great Plains. In the
islands of the Caribbean, TaГno people were the first to see the horse, and the sight
inspired fear animal fused to sword wielding conquistador the legs of the rider
blending with the galloping extremities of his mount as it rode down Native people,
while the metal of rein and bit and stirrup clanged with the fury of war JosГ©
Barreiro (TaГno), NMAI, 2009 Tribe by tribe, the horse was introduced, but each
tribe tells
Diels Alder Reaction
The Diels Alder Reaction is an addition reaction between a 1,3 diene and a
dienophile. In this reaction, furan, the diene, reacted with maleic anhydride, the
dienophile, to form exo 7 oxabicyclo[2.2.1]hept anhydride, the adduct. The adduct
was recovered via vacuum filtration, and the melting point, 1H NMR and 12C NMR
Spectroscopywas obtained. This Diels Alder Reaction yielded an exo adduct as
opposed to an endo product.
In more detail, the Diels Alder reaction is the reaction in which the dienophile adds
to the alkenes on the diene. The reaction forms a new 6 membered ring and new C
C sigma bonds. The reaction involves breaking 3 pi bonds, and forming 2 new C C
sigma bonds and one new C=C double bond. The reaction is concerted, meaning all ...
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The 13C NMR Spectrum reveals the chemical environments of the C H bonds. In
this experiment, the carbons were assigned a number, from C1 to C4. C4 appeared
the most downfield because it was the most deshielded because it is double bonded
directly to an O and thus the O pulls the most on electron density. C3 is the most
upfield because it is not bonded directly to any electron withdrawing groups or
electronegative atom. C1 is the second most deshielded because this carbon is
involved in a double bond which draws electron density. C2 appears second most
upfield because this carbon is single bonded to an oxygen, but it is not as electron
pulling as C4 or C1 that is double
Ethical Issues And Risks Of Organ Donation
Organ Transplantation is the surgical approach to replacing failing, diseased or
infected organs from one person, with healthier biological tissues or organs from a
donor whose structures function well.
Many people agree that to take and use organs from another source is justifiable
within certain ethical boundaries. However it is when the need for organ transplants
becomes overwhelming that these initial boundaries are questioned and challenged.
This would result in the death of many patients as well as harm to the donors.
Cadaveric organ donation
Consent must have been given before the death of the donor for the use of their
organs and body parts.
Living organ donation.
For cadaveric organ donation, there is a waiting list that has so far foreseen the death
of many patients due to long periods of waiting time.
Ethical issues and risks for the donor:
Pain, discomfort, infection, bleeding and future problems are plausible.
Pressure from, peers, the patient, family or themselves where guilt is often involved
may eventually damage the individual s mental and spiritual states. Resentment and
forms of negative connotations may arise e.g. depression. If the patient is also of
close relation to the donor, they may feel obligated or pressured into giving the other
person one of their structures. Donors are not provided an advocate unlike the patient.
This may cause discomfort and stress due to the surgery.
Medical and ethical debates:
Living donors are faced
Benir V. Alba
Legal Opinion on the Benir v. Alba Case
On the present case being addressed to the International Court of Justice in dealing
with the matter of sovereignty over the Island of Manca, the issue of legality
belonging to which side of the parties at dispute is put forward. The problem
however, lies in, the period at which the dispute took place, for International law has
not evolved at that time unlike in this day and age.
The Statement of fact is as follows:
The Island of Manca, small in size and blessed by temperature vegetation, has been
discovered by the Albanese State in 1560, when it was inhabited by a native tribe, the
Mancans. The Albanese state put a flag, appointed a non permanent governor and
occasionally sent ... Show more content on ...
Also, no objection to the form of Berniri government took place. Thus, this fulfills the
Self determination of the Peoples condition and guarantees a peaceful atmosphere.
2.After clarifying the former point to the court, the second and most crucial element
to shed light on is Territorial Acquisition. As demonstrated before in the Island of
Palmas Case before, there must be evidence as to a peaceful and continuous display
of sovereignty on the territory; it should also be a public and enduring practice. In
the case of Benir, there is enough evidence to prove a peaceful and continuous
display of its sovereignty existed and still does, it established state control, managed
good relations with the natives (through intermarriage), as they coexisted peacefully,
and it was willing to protect the rights of other states in peace and in war, as well as
offer for the safeguarding of the rights of non nationals residing in it, however this is
an infrequent happening since the island is small in size. Thus, a peaceful
atmosphere was provided for continuously by the Beniris, with only one exception at
the time of the attack put forward by
Turning Points In Medieval Music
There are many categories of turning points we can discover and value, but looking at
the intervalic relationships in the harmony throughout these 1,650 years makes it
much easier to determine the definitive turning points. This advantage comes from
the notion that harmony can be studied in a very scientific manner. Composers
undoubtedly use specific intervals for specific reasons in a period of history, which
provides clear evidence of actual changes in music. For example, the medieval
harmony from the middle ages contains mostly intervals of the perfect fifth, the
perfect fourth, octave, and unison (typically on the final note). At the time, these
intervals dominated the harmonic and melodic structures because of the musicians
natural ability... Show more content on ...
About a minute and a half into it, the harmony moves in full triads and thirds,
particularly on the words virginem ornare. To achieve this, Dufay had a bass pedal
tone with two voices on top in a combination of fourths and thirds (and sixths) above
the bass. In doing this, he gains control of the direction of the harmony, simply
because there are more options. Although the third was considered dissonant in the
middle ages, gradually over time the interval was accepted as consonant on a cultural
level. Eventually, composers began to realize that they could expand their creativity
and control exponentially with the implementation of the third. Just as the original
superparticular ratios in the medieval music opened the doors for thirds to be
incorporated into the melodies and harmonies, these harmonic practices could have
theoretically lead to any other
Unrealistic Elements Of Disney Movies
You can t marry a man you just met! (00:26:38 00:26:40). The quote from the movie
Frozen highlights how unrealistic Disney movies are, by showing the idea of true
love at first sight. Movies such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, where Snow
White hides from her evil step mother to stay alive, contains many unrealistic
elements. Although many may say that Disney films are just for entertainment, these
movies are viewed by all age groups, and can influence what they think about the
world. In the film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, along with many other movies,
unrealistic ideas are very prevalent. Disney films are inaccurate in that, they depict
characters and settings unrealistically, they use impossible and impractical events that
affect the plot, and they often show the most unreal and rare idea, loveat first sight.
Disney movies contain many unrealistic ideas and events that contribute to the plot
of the story. A very unrealistic idea that is shown in multiple Disney movies is the
complete changing of a person. This exact event happens in movies like Snow
White and the Seven Dwarfs where the queen completely morphs her body into an
old witch (00:50:45 00:51:21), or in Beauty and the Beast where the prince is
turned into the Beast (00:01:26 00:2:28). These are even more unrealistic because
they are caused by witches, curses, and potions, which are not real. Disney movies
also depict nature in a very unrealistic way. This is shown very clearly in films such as
Victoria Heavy Equipment Case Essay
Victoria Heavy Equipment s most recent organization has been lacking effective
communication practices amongst all of its divisions. The company has been
suffering from lack of clear goals in measurable terms, for its divisions. The idea of
each division functioning as an independent unit, whether it being cost or profit
center, is a remarkable beginning. However, cleargoals and key measurable need to
be set for each center, which in our case have been overlooked. As a result, many of
these centers have over spent, resulting in over expenditures, something we can
definitely not afford with anticipated slower market.
Brian Walter Jr. had a great vision of not turning into bureaucratic, quantitatively, grey
suited manager ... , yet the ... Show more content on ...
This clearly indicates miscommunication between R D and Finance.
In addition, better communication was required at time of design of LTM 1000
between marketing and ultimately our customers to first of all build what our
customers wanted. Rather than creating a monster that was assumed was what our
customers would buy. Second, should there existed an effective communication
guidelines between finance, marketing and R D at the time, we possibly could have
convinced LTM 1000 s target customer to foot the bill for some of development and
prototype costs. I am quite aware that LTM 1000 was on Brian s Want List which
could not have been disregarded but with better consultation with other departments,
it could have turned into a more sellable product rather than a successful crowd
First step is to set, agree and emphasize on our hard goals as a team. These goals are
not expected to be too different form the ones set by Brian for V.H.E. After that, each
division is expected to present their SWOT or a similar analysis for their individual
center. Once these tasks have been completed, each individual center manager and
I can set and agree on hard goals for that division along with a specific strategy to
reach those goals. For example, the goal of reducing waste, including, high level
inventory will be on the hard goals list for all profit centers. Profit sharing plan will
be re written to reward
Betty Friedan s The Feminine Mystique and Sue Kaufman
Betty Friedan s The Feminine Mystique and Sue Kaufman s Diary of a Mad
Bettina Balser, the narrator of Sue Kaufman s Diary of a Mad Housewife, is an
attractive, intelligent woman living in an affluent community of New York City with
her successful husband and her two charming children. She is also on the verge of
insanity. Her various mental disorders, her wavering physical health, and her sexual
promiscuity permeate her diary entries, and are interwoven among descriptions of the
seemingly normal and easy routine of a housewife.
Betty Friedan, in writing the Feminine Mystique, describes the plight of millions of
American women directly parallel to that of Bettina s. Through her exhaustive
research and ... Show more content on ...
Outside this bedroom (20 x 15, two windows overlooking the park) there are seven
large, airy, high ceilinged rooms filled with light and colors and textures and objects
that dazzle the eye... (Kaufman, 45)
Many of the women interviewed by Friedan could speak of their own lives in the
same way. They have successful husbands, beautiful children, and all the cleaning
supplies, home furnishings, and cooking materials they would ever need. But these
same women suffer from feelings of shame and guilt. They develop nervous tics,
insomnia, depression, and anxiety. They are listless and lifeless. The strange
emergence of physiological and psychological disorders among housewives is only
part of what Friedan calls the problem that has no name. She explains the title of her
groundbreaking book:
The feminine mystique says that the highest value and the only commitment for
women is the fulfillment of their own femininity... The mistake, says the mystique,
the root of women s troubles in the past, is that women envied men, women tried to
be like men, instead of accepting their own nature, which can find fulfillment only in
sexual passivity, male domination, and nurturing maternal love. (Friedan, 43)
This idea increased the amount of teenage pregnancies and marriages in America
during the 1950 s. This idea was the force behind the mass amounts of women
dropping out of or not attending college. This idea explained the haunting absence of
women in the
The Relation Between Economic Freedom And Political...
George Pippin Professor Hays HMXP 201 29 July 2015 An Ideal Society
Throughout history, we have seen many societies come and go regardless of how
powerful or stable they were at one point. Is it possible to have a society which is
ideal for all of it s members, or is society only capable of being beneficial to some
and not to everyone? I do believe an ideal society could be achieved, but our
current society would have to undertake a substantial overhaul. In today s society,
there are more opinions and beliefs about the way it should be ran than there have
ever been. An ideal society could be achieved through it s members treating their
neighbors in a more religious way, a change in the way our current economy is
operated, and by improving... Show more content on ...
In Milton Friedman s story, The Relation Between Economic Freedom and
Political Freedom, he speaks about what a free society should consist of, One
feature of a free society is surely the freedom of individuals to advocate and
propagandize openly for a radical change in the structure of the society so long as
the advocacy is restricted to persuasion and does not include force or other forms
of coercion. (Friedman 63). The American democracy system revolutionized
politics into what we know it to be today. A government of the people, by the
people, for the people, was never made imaginable before America; but like all
good things, overtime it can become corrupted. An ideal society would truly be
what the people wanted. Democracy is by far the best political system that could
be implemented, but there could be improvements. I do not believe being a
politician should be a career choice, but it should be more of a duty to your
country. We place trust in our governments to decide such things as going to war,
healthcare, and overall the decisions that affect our lives. In order to make a proper
decision on sending troops to war, I believe the decision makers should have had
military experience. It is impossible to ask someone to go risk their lives when you
have no idea the feeling or sacrifice they could possibly make. All members of the
legislative branch, and the President, should be required to have served their
country. Moreover, in an ideal society it s politicians would be held accountable
for their actions. For example, during a review at your workplace, if your
employer tells you that your satisfaction or approval rating is less than fifty percent
by your peers, what do you think would happen to you? More than likely you
would be fired, but why doesn t this same philosophy apply to the men and women
who run a society? In order to keep politicians working for the
Essay On Balibar
Balibar questions the concept of neo racism insofar as there remains the possibility
that the event of naming a neo racism is a tactical adaptation or strategy to artfully
disguise hegemonic (Balibar, 20) maneuvers that have always been present. The neo
racism hypothesis (Balibar, 17) is an iteration of strategies of the dominant that
rationalize the cultivation of politics, discourses, and logics that exclude and relegate
othered bodies to conditions in which they are dispossessed, captured, and
subjugated. These strategies may arise out of what may possibly be natural anxieties
about insurmountable cultural difference (Balibar, 22) and the fear of the
disappearance of tradition and culture with the introduction of the other. However,
Balibar points to the way in which these anxieties are used to justify the
natural(ization)... of racist conduct (Balibar, 22); they use P. A. Taguieff s term,
differentialist racism (Balibar, 21), to describe this justification.
Balibar proposes that this presently ... Show more content on ...
Mothering sustains stability for the fleshly creation of her Affected Flesh, and
hegemony seizes it. Mothering nurtures a growth that may manifest abusively
colonization for example but mothering is an impossibility, especially as it manifests
on this page as a word that draws upon a legacy of exploitation and patriarchal
imagination. To Mother may be to be invested in hegemony.
Irigaray poses both the Darwinian and Pavlovian model for behavior as two variants
that are seemingly inescapable (Irigaray, 37). Bodies are ordered and misordered into
(dis)organization and so naturally forced to look toward established behavioral
survival models in almost fatal repetition. Irigaray questions whether the
classifications of sexual identity and female identity, two unresolved phenomena
make room for escape from this violent misordering and
Andrew Carnegie A Captain Of Industry
Captains of Industry Captains of Industry were very important in the reconstruction
of America after the Civil War. These people s fortunes impacted the country very
positively in its time of need. One of these Captains is named Andrew Carnegie.
Carnegie emigrated from Scotland to Pennsylvania at the young age of thirteen.
After his father failing multiple times to start a handloom business, Carnegie, like
many commoners, worked as a labourer earning only $1.20 a week. Surprisingly, a
game of chequers between his uncle and manager of a local telegraph office is what
led Carnegie on the road to wealth and fortune. Andrew was known as a robber
baron, or wartime profiteers who would manipulate the stocks and bonds. Carnegie
became the first
Lgbt LGBT Rights
Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender (LGBT) issues have continuously
triggered debates and controversies among various individual s across the globe. The
rising concerns leading to the differences in opinions regarding LGBT emanate from
the point of perceptions, cultural beliefs, religious values and political basis. Due to
the dynamics of not accepting the existence of the LGBT peop le by some individuals
in their communities, the LGBTs have found it hard to express themselves freely and
enjoy equal rights just like a regular citizen should
(Dolan, 2013). For instance, in the United States, the LGBT patients did not have
visitation rights until a directive from the Whitehouse was issued. In some
communities, extreme measures have been taken against individuals suspected to be
lesbians or gays. Because of the way the public view the LGBT people, it is
disheartening and traumatizing for most of them to come out and express themselves
openly. Some have been forced to lead double standards. However, the situation has
changed in different nations and states in America where laws and policies have been
developed to support and protect the LGB
T community. As a minority group, the LGBT community has struggled over the
years to have their rights respected.
Despite the existing disagreements surrounding the LGBT rights, several states in the
United States of America and Brazil among others have demonstrated
Water Leaks In Residential Homes
Having water leaks can be a constant hazard for residential homes. It does not have
to be a big leak because a small leak can lead to a mold problem that can be harmful
and cause significant damage. Leak detection can be a long, expensive process.
Some leaks do produce water damage that is visible on floor or drywall but others
are only noticeable when the homeowner gets a higher than usual water bill.
When checking for water leaks you should first check the areas where the water
pipes run through the floors and walls for water damage signs and then examine the
water fixtures themselves where the fixtures may feel wet or have some water
collected there. Check to see if any of the faucets are dripping, which can mean you
need to change the ... Show more content on ...
One place that you may have water leaking is your toilet. Each time you flush the
toilet you think it will automatically stop when the tank is full but in some
instances, it quietly continues to run slowly into the toilet. To see if this is the
problem you can stand there until it fills and see if you see a slow stream of water
going down the inside of the toilet bowl. If you see that you should replace the
fixtures in the toilet reservoir. You can check with a plumbingstore and they can help
you with what you need to replace. You could also place a little food coloring into
the reservoir tank and check in thirty minutes to see if there is any dye in the toilet
bowl. If there is, this indicates a leaking flapper that will need to be replaced.
If you are not able to find the leak, you can call plumbing companies and have a
plumber that specializes in leak detection. They have professional equipment that
can help to find any leaks under the floors or in the walls where you cannot see
them without tearing out the floors or walls. Some of the leaks are a simple fix
that you can do yourself while others may be expensive and require a plumber to
fix the leak. If there is a water leak detection it needs to be fixed immediately before
other problems
What Is Andrew Jackson Necessary Evil
This paper will account for the saga of the American President Andrew Jackson and
his battles with the United States banking industry, most notably the Second Bank of
the United States, and how President Jackson s actions were a justified necessary
evil. This paper will illustrate the specific battle President Jackson had with the
second National Bank of America and how, like many battles President Jackson had
as a general, was chosen wisely. To understand the saga of President Jackson and his
battles with the national banking industry, it is wise to understand the man that was
Andrew Jacksonleading up to his major battle. It was no secret that President Jackson
was not a fan of government, regardless of what title came before his name.... Show
more content on ...
Knowing that President Jackson was an opponent, Nicholas Biddle actively
sought to renew the Second National Bank s charter. This would require
congressional approval and President Jackson s executive approval. With a
presidential election coming up, President Jackson s congressional rival Henry
Clay wanted this to be a central issue of the presidential election of 1832. Senator
Clay believed that with the pressures of President Jackson seeking reelection,
Jackson would be more inclined to re charter the Second National Bank; whereas,
if President Jackson was reelected, Jackson would not have anything to lose and
decide to veto the re chartering of the bank in 1836 when the charter was
scheduled to end. Writing Nicholas Biddle, Senator Clay expressed this belief
saying that the President, in the event of the passage of a bill, seems to be a matter
of doubt and speculation. My own belief is that, if now called upon he (Jackson)
would not negative the bill, but that if he should be re elected the event might and
probably would be different. Nicholas Biddle took the powerful senator s words
seriously, and applied for a re charter in 1832. The bill passed the House of
Representatives and the Senate and was sent to President Andrew Jackson s desk
for approval or a veto. Turning to his cabinet for advice, President Jackson relied on
the advice of Attorney General Roger Taney. Taney wrote President Jackson, I
understand the application at the present time, it means in plain English this the
Bank says to the President, your next election is at hand if you charter us, well if
not, beware of your power. President Jackson accepted Taney s interpretation of the
bank s attempted re chartering as a direct challenge to his presidency, and decided
How Does Jane Austen Create A Minor Character In Sense
Margaret Dashwood is the mysteriously fascinating sister who skulks in the
background of Sense and Sensibility. The discourse of the novel offers her little
representation as the story is not centralized around her. She is a minor character but
her power and influence do not end there. Throughout the narrative, Margaret is
overshadowed by her two older sisters, whom the story revolves around. However,
this does not mean that Margaret does not have a story. In fact, this is where my
fascination with Margaret comes from. Of all the minor characters in Sense and
Sensibility, Margaret holds the greatest potential for the reader to engage their own
construction. She is the blank page for us to write our analysis of the novelon.
The power of Margaret and her potential stems from the uniqueness of her minor
character. As sister to the two most central characters, her character space receives a
special position within the character system. Margaret s character space is established
on the opening page when Austen implicates her in the ... Show more content on ...
Why did Austen create the character of Margaret Dashwood? Considering the
theories of Wolloch, why would Austen risk disrupting the narrative by including
another minor character that could compete for attention? I argue that there is a
method to Austen s madness. That not only does Austen overdelimit Margaret s
character space to continue the narrative, but also that this overdelimiting strengthens
Margaret as an implied human being. I believe that the strange significance of
Margaret is that she serves as a vessel for us to place our thoughts in. The novel
follows the trials of sense and sensibility through Elinor and Marianne. We follow
along, judging the merits of sense and sensibility, forming the ideal balance between
these two qualities. And finally, Margaret is presented as the moldable implied
human being from which we can develop the ideal human
The Dynamics Of The Pacific Ocean Essay
The grand expanse of the Pacific Ocean possesses a very extensive, and often debated
history of human expansion into the thousands of islands that exist within the region.
There exists a range of fields that are interested in the voyaging of what is called
Remote Oceania, or the parts of the Pacific that would require advanced navigation
techniques due to the fact that the next island is either out of sight or simply
unknown. Biologists study the movement and development of the humanrace while
linguists study the development of the Austronesian language family that can be
found in this region. Archaeologists are interested in the existence of elaborate Lapita
pottery and anthropologists wish to understand the cultural traditions and dynamics
of the past and current populations of these Pacific islands. Due to the shared interest
in this region from many fields, it is important for an understanding of the movement
of the populations over time throughout Remote Oceaniato be understood. In this
paper I will discuss some of the dynamics of the oral traditions of the region regarding
ocean travel, investigate the scale of the task that these navigators were up against,
explain the variety of canoe types along with the navigational techniques that were
used to maneuver them, and discuss the current standings among scholars on the path
of expansion in this region.
The pacific islands are the last places on earth to have been reached by human beings
in the story of story of
Strategic Pathway For Nexus 6 Smartphone
This two year marketing plan has been created to analyze, understand the Smartphone
industry and provide the strategic pathway for Nexus 6 Smartphone. The Nexus 6
was launched On October 15th, 2014 (Gunther, 2014). Google has experienced great
success with its previous models and hopes to repeat results with this launch. The
company is looking to completely change its strategy with the new Nexus 6
smartphone. The market environment is more receptive to high end smartphones, with
great product features, high prices, and the latest technology. Over the next two
years, Google can streamline distribution, easily promote to millions of targeted
audience, charge a high price and win over new customers.
Google is a web search engine that lets users find websites. Larry page and Sergey
Brin, Stanford university students founded Google Inc. in September of 1998. Its
simple design and effectiveness made it a success and within two years it was the
world s largest search engine. The Company expanded to include a very vast
portfolio of products and services, including the Nexus 6 smartphone.
Google Inc. s, mission is to organize the world s information and make it universally
accessible and useful (Google Inc., 2015). In regards to the smartphone industry
Google is developing their product line with bigger, more expensive phones and
tablet to attract affluent consumer who buy each generation of Apple s iPhone and
Russian Vladimir Putin Addressed The World Concerning
March 18, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the world regarding the
annexation of Crimea. A referendum that took place only days before resulted in an
82% turnout rate, with over 90% of the ballots casting in favor of Crimea s
reunification with Russia ( History: What does Crimea, 2014). Many questioned the
reasoning behind Russias sudden need to reestablish its hold on Crimea; legally a
Ukrainian territory. The Russian Ukrainian relationship dates back to the ninth to the
mid thirteenth century in the Eastern Slavic state of Kievan Rus; an area that
expanded from the Baltic to the Black Sea (Bates, 2014). The two countries have
been linked to each other for centuries; they share a similar culture and sense of
nationalism... Show more content on ...
By losing Ukraine to its independence, Russia lost thousands of armed forces and
military equipment; this coupled with the effect the separation had on Russia s trade
agreements with Europe meant that Russia was left weak, and economically
unstable. It was one of the biggest partitioned nations in the world. After the collapse
of the Soviet Union in December of 1991, Russia was left in a fragile state,
especially after getting accustomed to being treated as a world superpower; its
sphere of influence significantly declined. Russians see this as a time of economic
and political instability leaving them vulnerable to the West (Larrabee, 2010), one of
its biggest reservations being the potential for a Western stronghold along its
international border. Because of its weakened state, much of Russia s distress
towards Western policies was noticeably dismissed.
Despite having unwaveringly opposed NATO s expansion to include previously
Russian territories such as Ukraine and Georgia (Mearsheimer, 2014), in the mid
1990s, the Clinton administration openly disregarded Russia s concerns by pushing
for NATO s expansion towards previous members of the Soviet Union. By 2004,
Latvia, Romania, Estonia, Poland, Hungary and many more were admitted to NATO
(Mearsheimer, 2014). This raised numerous concerns in Moscow as Putin had made it
clear that Russia would not tolerate NATO s enlargement into Russia s most
The Interview Session That I Had With Pastor
This paper will discuss my reflection to the interview session that I had with Pastor
Stephen Paulsen. Stephen Paulsen is the high school Pastor at Venture Christian
Church. He has been a high school Pastor for about 13 years. Stephen has started his
ministry at Venture Christian Church since August 2014. Before working at Venture,
He began his first ministry in serving the high schoolstudents in South Carolina. He
has four kids (three boys and one daughter) and a beautiful wife. This paper will
reflect on the answers that I got during the interview, according to his experience in
his ministry.
The Next Generation Ministry Stephen s tasks for his ministry at Venture is to lead
and pastoring the high school students that come to this church. He started to
respond to God s calling in his life by taking seminary in Moody Bible Institute,
Chicago. He noticed the calling of God in his life since he was young. Another task
in being the high school student Pastor at Venture is to be involved in the outreach
ministry on the weekdays. His vision for the ministry is to see these students grew in
their relationship with Jesus since they were little. Stephen believes in the power of a
healthy community. That is why, besides the regular service on Sunday at 11 am,
they also have a small group meeting for the students every Tuesday. The meeting will
focus more on building a deeper relationship with the students by spending the time
with them, to have a fellowship, and get to
Art Within Cave Dwellings Dating
One of the earliest evidences of the belief in a higher power comes from deep
within the Lascaux Labyrinth , a deep cave decorated by our Paleolithic ancestors
in the stone age, seventeen thousand years ago (Armstrong 2). The great numbers
and locations of art within the Lascaux and surrounding region gives evidence that
these were sacred places for the purpose of rituals, and some have compared these
dwellings to temples (Armstrong 3). Whether art within cave dwellings dating back
to the Paleolithic era, to magnificent churches rising to great heights around the
world, the wondrous temples of the Mayans, a mountain that appears to seamlessly
morph into the city of Machu Picchu, to trailers, tents and fortified compounds,
belief in a power higher than one s self has been deeply ingrained throughout
centuries and a multitude of cultures. These different places are what many refer to
as a church, a place to record and follow the rituals specific to their belief and to
worship. Through the generations of the development of the human psyche, belief in
a higher power is taught young and ingrained for many, yet meaningless for some.
Furthermore, throughout the evolution of many centuries, it is inevitable that
branches of these religions will follow a different path, create new churches to
better practice their views of religion, and for some, belief in a higher power can be
contorted to the preaching s and worship of hate. There is a fine line between
preaching scriptures and
Dunstan Ramsay Fifth Business Quotes
Dunstan Ramsay is Fifth Business The novel Fifth Business by Robertson Davies is a
fictional autobiography of the narrator, Dunstan Ramsay. Dunstan outlines his life
experiences and pays special attention to saints and religion, both of which interest
him. Although the story is about Dunstan, he seems to have a supporting role in the
lives of others. In this book, Dunstan Ramsay is referred to as:
Fifth Business because he is the one who knows the secret of the hero s birth, or
comes to the assistance of the heroine when she thinks all is lost, or keeps the
hermitess in her cell, or may even be the cause of somebody s death if that is part of
the plot. (Davies, 227)
The Fifth Business is an important character in a story because they aid in completing
a story. Dunstan Ramsay is successfully portrayed as Fifth Business through
accepting his role as the odd man out while facilitating events in the lives of others
(227). ... Show more content on ...
Boy Staunton and Dunstan Ramsay are the only characters who know the truth
about Paul s birth, which is the cause of so much that [follows] (13). As a young
child, Boy throws a snowball at Dunstan that misses and hits Mary Dempster in the
head, causing brain damage and the premature birth of Paul Dempster. This is the
initial conflict of the novel, that casts Dunstan into the role of Fifth Business
because he keeps his knowledge of the accident a secret for most of his life. Paul is
considered the hero in Fifth Business because he is the product of this incident that
causes the rest of the story to occur. Shortly after Paul s birth, Dunstan approaches
Boy about his
Benadryl Case Study Nursing
A.H. is a 15 year old female, who was diagnosed with beta thalassemia major at 2
weeks of age. She presented today to the Pediatric Comprehensive Hemoglobinopathy
clinic at the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children s Hospital on 3/8/2017 for a
scheduled chronic blood transfusion accompanied by her sister. However, she
presented with headache, cough and sore throat symptoms. Therefore, the infusion
nurse contacted us to evealuate her condtion prior to transfusion intiation. A.H.
reports 10 days history of sore throat and intermitted productive cough. She stated that
the cough is She states that sore throat pain score is 5/10; which increases with
swallowing and sometimes mildly alleviate with drinking warm fluids. She denies
earache and... Show more content on ...
According to the sister they did not measure A.H. temperature but she felt slightly
warm yesterday upon touch couple of times. A.H. confirmed the sister clamis and
stated that she was feeling warms occtionally for short periods of time yesterday.
The sister reports treating the symptoms with Benadryl, but she cannot recall the
dose or frequency. Last dose of Benadryl was given at bedtime. As A.H. indicated
that Benadryl helped only with reducing the cough and no other medications out
of the couter or prescribed was given. A.H. complains of fatigue, decrease level of
energy, poor appetite and headache since 3 days. Her headache has the same
characteristics of the usual intermitted sharp headache that often presents a couple
of days before the transfusion session date. She also has a decreased oral intake of
solid food due to pain, but adequate fluid intake of three cups of water in the last 5
hours. A.H. reports that she has not had urine output for 4 hours since she went to
the bathroom this morning at 0700 before the visit. Urine output characteristics
clear, light yellowish, odorless, without signs of cloudiness or foul smell as
described by A.H. She has a history of positive HSV mouth sores two months ago
which she was previously treated with oral Acyclovir of 400 mg one tablet, 3 times
Jacques Louis David Essay
David was the virtual art dictator of France for a generation. Extending beyond
painting, his influence determined the course of fashion, furniture design, and
interior decoration and was reflected in the development of moral philosophy. His art
was a sudden and decisive break with tradition, and from this break modern artis
David studied with Vien, and after winning the Prix de Rome (which had been
refused him four times, causing him to attempt suicide by starvation) he accompanied
Vien to Italy in 1775. His pursuit of the antique, nurtured by his time in Rome,
directed the classical revival in French art. He borrowed classical forms and motifs,
predominantly from sculpture, to illustrate a sense of virtue he mistakenly ... Show
more content on ...
During the Restoration David spent his last years in Brussels. As a portraitist he was
at his most distinguished, although he belittled this painting genre. Using living,
rather than sculptured models, he allowed his spontaneous sentiment to be revealed.
In these last years his portraits, such as Antoine Mongez and His Wife Angelica
(1812; Lille) and Bernard (1820; Louvre) are enormously vital and in them the seeds
of the new romanticism are clearly discernible.
Jacques Louis David was born into a prosperous middle class family in Paris on
August 30, 1748. In 1757 his mother left him to be raised by his uncles after his
father was killed.
He was never a good student in school in his own words, I was always hiding behind
the instructors chair, drawing for the duration of the class .
When David was 16 he began studying art at the Acad eacute;mie Royale under the
rococo painter J. M. Vien. After many unsuccessful attempts, he finally won the Prix
de Rome in 1774, and on the ensuing trip to Italy he was strongly influenced by
classical art and by the classically inspired work of the 17th century painter Nicolas
Poussin. David quickly evolved his own individual neoclassical style, drawing subject
matter from ancient sources and basing form and gesture on Roman sculpture. His
famous Oath of the Horatii was consciously intended as a proclamation of the new
neoclassical style in which
Exploring the Dark Side of Human Nature in The Killers
Exploring the Dark Side of Human Nature in The Killers
Hemingway s The Killers illustrates that unexplained violence is an integrated part
of society. To acknowledge the cruelties of life is to come to terms with horrifying
events that can not be denied. A person may lack the maturity to cope with everyday
life if they do not realize that evil can exist in any given society.
The story is told in the objective point of view. Hemingway s approach to his story
is different; he approaches it as a journalist approaches a news story, from a focal
point somewhere outside of his characters (Jaffe, 209). The author tells the story only
as an observer. He does not tell the reader what the characters are thinking, ... Show
more content on ...
As one re reads the story, it is evident that Hemingway has chosen this style for a
particular reason. Hemingway did not have Ole executed, because in doing so the
reader would focus all the attention to his tragic death. The murder does not occur,
and the reader is forced to focus on the reaction of Nick, Sam and George, and the
nonchalant attitude of The Killers. One has to read it two or three times before he
realizes that Nick Adams is the central figure (Walcutt, 305). The story can be
broken into four scenes; first, The Killers are introduced; second, Nick warns Ole;
third, Nick speaks to Mrs. Bell; fourth, Nick returns to the cafe. Nick is the only
character present in each scene, and in returning to the cafe his final statement to
George is, I can t stand to think about him waiting in the room and knowing he s
going to get it. It s too damned awful. George replies, You better not think about it
(Hemingway, 252). It is obvious Nick is unwilling to accept defeat, and give up his
delusion of a world without evil. To maintain his delusion, he is willing to escape
the reality that is presented to him. So, of the two boys, it is obviously Nick on
whom the impression has been made. George has managed to come to terms with
the situation. By this line of reasoning, it is Nick s story (Brooks, 195). Nick is the
only character that evolves; Nick is a round character. The other
The Future Of Business And Clinical Intelligence Essay
Clinical and Business Intelligence
A Case Study: The Future of Business and Clinical Intelligence in the U.S. Provider
Market Prerana Dave
Healthcare environment is growing exponentially. Health care industry is incredibly
complex and data management can be overwhelming. A business intelligence
platform is required to guide the BI approach and handling of the massive amount of
data that is being generated. Executives and analysts were spending hours in
designing and development of reports and charts and how to integrate information
flowing from various sources. To address relevant issues and challenges, BI
deployment in the healthcare industry can provide solution that will impact the
organizational capabilities. Passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act in 2010 (PPACA), has dramatically changed the U.S. healthcare system. The
purpose of this reform is to make healthcare available to a greater range of
population. There are many components of this act, accessible and affordable
healthcare of all, incorporating technology and coordinated healthcare with in a group
of providers.
Healthcare quality, safety and efficiency have become an economic and national
concern. It has been an area of interest for providers to understand the role of
technology to ensure healthcare quality and control cost. One of the rapidly growing
fields with the focus on medical and health data is business
A Brief Note On The Pollution Control Programme
1.1.1Extra fuel consumption
Due to traffic jam, extra fuel consumption is a big problem for a developing country
like India. The government is buying this extra amount of fuel with hard cash. This is
considered a national loss.
1.1.2Vehicle operating cost
Vehicle operating cost is directly proportionate to the traffic jam. A vehicleoperator
applies more breaks and accelerates again and again. So, the lifetime of vehicle
parts and fuel consumption will be more in road jams. Traffic jam actually increases
VOC. Figure 8: Mapping of congestion cost
1.2Impact on pollution level
According to the report on (Status of the vehicular pollution control programme in
India) released in march 2010 by Central Pollution control Board, Ministry ... Show
more content on ...
Residents following laws with the intention of development of town can reduce
traffic jam in Samalkha town up to great extent. In order to provide training to drivers
of motor vehicles, four Institutes of Driving Training and Traffic Research (IDTRs)
are being established in the districts of the State such as Rohtak, Bahadurgarh,
Bhiwani, Kaithal with a total budget of about 100 Crore Rupees, but few people s
approaching to these institutes in state. Table 2 shows charges for training in these
institutes is quite low but still not many people coming to these institutions.
Table 2: represents the charges in above mentioned institutes for drivers training.
HMV/LMV commercial1 day400
Hazardous1 day400
Hazardous1 day400
HMV/LMV commercial1 day400
HMV/LMV1 day400
Conductor License1 day300
Badge Training1 day300
Skill TestHalf day350
Competency testHalf day350
2.2Strict traffic law implementation
Most people think that traffic jam in Samalkha town can be reduced by restricting
heavily loaded trucks. It can be done by implementing traffic law strictly. If each and
every traffic policeman perform his duty then it will be easy to implement rules.
2.3Increasing pedestrian facilities
As per the survey results, most of the people like to travel on foot for shopping and
other administrative works in Samalkha
What Does Yellow Symbolize In The Great Gatsby
In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald there are several symbols that appear all
throughout the book. The symbols are things such as the green light, weather, eyes,
but the one that stands out the most is color. Specifically, the color yellow pops up
in many situations, and appears on different objects to give insight to how the
characters will be affected at that time. Yellow has many meanings some main ones
are: how money can affect people, to caution characters that danger is afoot, and to
protect certain characters.
During the 1920s money was the revolving factor of everyone s lifestyle whether
an individual has money or not he/she always desired more. At Gatsby s party
Nick sat down at a table with two girls in yellow (43). Having the girls in yellow
shows how people want to fit in with the wealthy part of society. The women
especially want someone who is rich in order to fulfill their materialism. Still, when
people did have money they would put one facade to give others the idea they were
happy and perfect even if that wasn t the case. ... Show more content on ...
When Tom Buchanan went to town in Jay Gatsby s vehicle Myrtle Wilson was
peering down at the [yellow] car (124). Myrtle is like a deer that is blinded by the
bright lights, which in her case is Tom s wealth, and she doesn t realize how
dangerous it can be. The color is used to give insight that Myrtle should stay away
from Tom because everytime she tries to get closer to him the outcome becomes
worse. Every time a character, not just Myrtle, encounters the color yellow the end
result becomes even more severe. Regardless of the circumstances yellow is used as
a precaution to warn characters to stay away, and that money can dangerous if not
Grignard Limiting Reagent Using Bromobenzene
In Experiment 13B we generated a Grignard reagent using bromobenzene (the
limiting reagent) and magnesium in an ether solvent. This Grignard reagent was then
reacted with benzophenone, followed by an acidic workup, to produce
triphenylmethanol. The ether solvent was used in this experiment because is helped
to stabilize the Grignard reagent by coordinating its lone pair electrons, therefore
donating electron density to a electron deficient magnesium molecule. Anhydrous
conditions were required because the Grignard reagent is a reactive nucleophile and
a strong base. The anhydrous conditions prevent the Grignard reagent from
deprotonating water to form benzene. We ensured anhydrous conditions by flame
drying all of our glassware. The reaction began with the insertion of magnesium into
the carbon bromine bond to generate the Grignard reagent. 96 mg of magnesium
turnings were ground up with a mortar and pestle in order to remove any surface
oxides and contaminations that may preclude magnesium s ability to react with
unreactive alkyl halides. The magnesium turnings, along with a small crystal of
iodine and a drop of 1,2 dibromoethane were added to a round bottom flask. The 1,2
dibromoethane is necessary to activate the alkyl halide. In a conical vial 2mL of
anhydrous ether... Show more content on ...
The remaining organic layer was washed with sodium bisulfite and brine. The sodium
bisulfite was used to wash away MgOH and neutralize the acid. The solution was
dried using anhydrous sodium sulfate and heated until the solvent evaporated.
Anhydrous sodium sulfate is a drying agent used to remove water from the mixture.
The crude mixture was triturated in petroleum ether. Trituration broke down the
crude mixture into a desirable compound that remained insoluble, and impurities,
which were soluble in the liquid. Therefore, the impurities were filtered out using
petroleum ether. This rinsed away the non polar byproduct,
Unmanned Railway Gate
INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION 2. EMBEDDED SYSTEM 2.1 Definitions 2. Examples
Of Embedded Systems 3. Microprocessor and Microcontroller 4. Microprocessor
verses Microcontroller 3. BLOCK DIAGRAM 3.1.1 Block Diagram Description
3.1.2 555 Timers 3.1.3 Infrared Sensor 3.1.4 Microcontroller (89S52) 3.1.5 Power
Supply 4. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4.1.1 555 Timers 4.1.2 InfraredEmitted
Diode(TSAL 6200) 4.1.3 IR Receiver(TSOP) 4. DTMF generator
5. COMPONENTS THEIR 5.1.1Microcontroller 5.1.2 Description Of 8952
Microcontroller 5.1.3 Features Of Microcontroller 5.1.4 Block Diagram Of
Microcontroller 5.1.5 Pin Configurations 5.1.6 ... Show more content on ...
The project is simple to implement and subject to further improvement.
2.1 DEFINITIONS: Embedded system is a combination of hardware and software, it
is also named as Firm ware . An embedded system is a special purpose computer
system, which is completely encapsulated by the device it controls. It is a computer
controlled system. An embedded system is a specialized system that is a part of a
larger system or machine. As a part of a larger system it largely determines its
functionality. Embedded systems are electronic devices that incorporate
microprocessors with in their implementations. The main purpose of the
microprocessors are simplify the system design and improve flexibility. In the
embedded systems, the software is often stored in a read only memory (RAM) chip.
Embedded systems provide several major functions including monitoring of the
analog environment by reading data from sensors and controlling actuators.
2.2 EXAMPLES OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS: Embedded systems are found in
wide range of application areas. Originally they were used only for expensive
industrial control applications, but as technology brought down the cost of dedicated
processors, they began to appear in moderately expensive applications such as
automobiles, communication and office equipments and television Today s
embedded systems are so inexpensive that they
Concrete Response Essay
The manual also suggests places to hide away from the public view such as caves,
rocky areas, or nest boxes. It is suggested that a disinfectant and fungicide is used
when cleaning the holdings and exhibits, with frequent hosing or timer set sprinklers
used to prevent accumulation of fecal on the substrate. The substrate needs to be
variable to avoid foot issues. They suggest a variety of substrates throughout the
exhibit and holding areas like concrete and pebbles. Concrete can be abrasive and
promote bumblefoot, so placing mats down has been shown to help. No matter the
substrate chosen, it needs to be easily cleaned and disinfected. For the safety of the
penguins, a fence barrier should be placed two feet into the ground in an L shape
inwards to prevent them from digging or burrowing out. A barrier of glass or acrylic
between the penguins and guests should also be maintained at all times.
AZA Penguin Taxon Advisory Group (2014) recommends an identification system
such as a color coded ... Show more content on ...
This will also help reintroduction back into the colony as it is recommended that it
be done as group. A howdy cage can be used at first, followed be gradually allowing
them to have supervised time together.
AZA Penguin Taxon Advisory Group (2014) suggests a complex exhibit with lots
of features such as water jets, wave machines, and bubbles in the water. Land
features should include rocks that have ledges, alcoves, or caves. Other
enrichment suggested included a sprinkler, keeper play, relocation of food pans,
ice cubes, and boomer balls. Browse can also be offered as long as it is a species that
is safe in case of ingestion. Operant training can be used as a form of enrichment as
they respond to routines.
James K. Polk Dbq
During the 1844 presidential election Whig party signs boldly asked the question
Who is James K. Polk? (Miller 2015) in reference to the supposed unknown status of
the democratic candidate. The same question if often still asked today as he is an
often overlooked president. While not as popular as Washington, Lincoln, or either of
the Roosevelt s, President James K. Polk nonetheless deserves a place among those
considered the most successful presidents of the United States. By the end of his term
the United States had grown by more than a million square miles, tariffs had been
lowered, the country had come successfully through a war, and a new federal
depository system had been established (Pletcher 2015). Due to all of these aspects of
... Show more content on ...
He had lowered tariffs, acquired Mexico and California, reestablished the
Independent banking system, and settled the dispute over Oregon with Britain. Part
of his success came from his establishment of clear cut goals. However, another part
of his success came from his management and relations to his cabinet, congress, and
party. While by most accounts Polk was very reserved, intense, introverted, and often
seen as severe and humorless, he at the same time was extremely determined,
hardworking, honest, and meet matters with a degree of caution that was tempered
by the ability to make decisions when needed. He chose his cabinet with care with
half coming from congress and all being spread out geographically.
Polk managed to fully utilize the experience and advice of his cabinet while
keeping it under complete control. He held cabinet meetings twice a week where
he opened all subjects to discussion (Pletcher 2015). Members were encouraged to
call frequently at the White House to present departmental problems, and some
made almost daily visits. Polk even referred to his cabinet as his official family , and
while he was a serious, and often demanding leader, he was one that would take
advice and weigh it in order to make a decision that he felt was the best for the
Why Doctors Commit Malpractice And Does Obama Care
What Are The Reasons Doctors Commit Malpractice And Does Obama Care Lead
Into This ?
A Review of Literature
Amir Haji
Edina Highschool
Authors Note this paper was prepared for Pre AP english 10 Period 1 taught by ms
Today if you were to say doctor to someone, the first thing that pops into their heads
is life savers. Although that is true some can be killing innocent or guilty people by
their malpractice When I became able to read I started to notice how sloppy my
doctor s handwriting was. I thought to myself how can anyone read that. I became
scared that I would get the wrong medication. In this study of misdiagnosis conducted
by An Institute of Medical Report Committee on Quality of Health Care in America
Institute of Medicine National Academy Press Washington, D.C. (2014) said that
42% that believed that an error occurred only 40% of them had been misdiagnosed
this is a serious problem that could allow someone to die .By examining evidence
and background information about the reasons doctors commit malpractice the
causes and effects from obamacare and and discussing current actions being taken
to address the problem, this essay will explore the problem with why doctors
commit malpractice and the causes and effects of obamacare in order to enact
change, I will send a survey to my local hospital with this essay.
Background information and evidence of the
The Epistolary Form Of Writing
The epistle in its most basic form is simply a letter, with the epistolary form in the
Eighteenth Century being a published letter often from one writer to another. This
mode of writing was extremely popular in the Eighteenth Century, taking on
different contexts for different purposes. An epistle can be a complex genre of
writing. The Epistle can be a collection of poems, a satirical essay, a response to an
author s works or a raging sparring of words. Although quite constraining in format,
an epistle addressed to someone, be it explicit or not can capture the minds of many.
The epistle is notably an ancient form of writing, originating in Egypt as early as
1292 BC. However, the scholars of Ancient Greece and Rome made the formulae of
... Show more content on ...
Horace s work does indeed showcase his view of literary culture of that time,
highlighting the change that is occurring and setting rules and boundaries of writing
From Ancient Greece to Eighteenth Century England the epistle s importance still
remains. With the Ancients vs Moderns argument being in full effect, this added
leverage to the use of the epistle in satire, reproducing the epistolary form as Greats
before them had also used. The difference between Modern thinkers were in stark
contrast to the Neo Classical thinkers of the time. The Neo Classical Aesthetic
embodied a group of attitudes towards art and human existence. That of order, logic,
restraint, accuracy, decorum and correctness was favoured over the Renaissance
thinkers that believed imagination, invention, experimentation and mysticism was
more important to feature in Literature. The Augustan Age in which Pope, being a
central poetic figure at that time had the most famous and well recognised modern
epistles written both by him and also aimed at him.
Criticism was increasingly popular in the 18th Century, with enjoyment coming from
both the original text and the opinions and responses to the text by others. Of course,
Pope perceived some criticism as incorrect and a personal attack on his own being
rather than input on his actual body of work. These attacks, however, motivate
Alexander Pope further, giving him more material
Essay Comparing Pleasantville And Fahrenheit 451
Although rebels are looked at as agitators, eventually, people in the book and novel
aid society into evolving for the better. In Pleasantville and Fahrenheit 451 there are
certain people who go against society. These revolutionists are dominated by society
for their personal perspectives. Both the book and film seem to have a common
theme consisting of outsiders. Being a social outcast in the film and or movie
eventually brought a new perspective for the society.
These two particular worlds have different attitudes and ideas of a flawless and
excellent life. An example is when David and Jennifer arrived in Pleasantville which
then they evolved into Bud and Mary sue. Both were examined negatively because
they knew something that the people ... Show more content on ...
In Fahrenheit 451 the rebels consisted of Clarisse, Montag, Faber, and Granger,
which challenged their current life and wanted an adjustment to happen. The
change the rebels wanted in the book was to read books. These Characters were
are all radiant, smart, and wanted to create down to earth ideas that nobody had
ever thought of. One common theme the book and film had was wisdom and
knowledge are acquired through experience and erudition. This theme applies as
Pleasantville changed to color. The people in Pleasantville learned that
adjustments engenders different perspectives like Skip finding the colored rose.
In Fahrenheit 451 they learned that books show how to care and love for each
other, for example when Montag read a poem to Mrs. Phelps and she started to cry
because it made her feel sympathy for her dead husband she had never felt before.
Both the film and novel take place in a very strict time period. In Fahrenheit 451
books are illegal, mental reflections are banned, and also reading books. In
Pleasantville, color is prohibited and any other thoughts other than the script is
prohibited as well as they go through the same routine everyday. Another common
theme both the film and book have is
How To Write An Essay About A Trip To Lithgow
Travelling less than 2 hours by car, The Blue Mountains is a perfect place for
people to visit. This is one of Australia s most amazing parks. When visiting Scenic
World, you can enjoy the wildlife, phenomenal waterfalls, and beautiful valleys. In
October, you will be invited for an exploration in the Lithgow and Oberon regions .
Every year, there is a music festivalwhich is held in middle of March. People in
Lithgow celebrates Yulefest from June 1st to August 31st.
Blue Mountain attracts tourists to the mountains by its magnificent cliffs, gorges and
mysterious dark sandstone valley a cool green forests of eucalyptus. About 1100 m
climb, the air appeared to Katoomba cool and fresh, from here you can also enjoy the
stunning beauty of the ... Show more content on ...
But because the climate here is mild, summer is not too hot, not too cold winters,
suitable for year round tourism Newcastle
Travelling 162km to northeast from Sydney, Newcastle is a metropolitan area is the
second busiest in New South Wales and is the most developed city of the Hunter
region. It is the perfect choice for those who want to enjoy art activities and
entertainment: jazz festival from Newcastle to events and new media art This Is Not
Art Festival Electro fringe sound, Contact Festival national younger writers (national
young Writers Festival). Youth music culture that dynamic centre of Newcastle
became inspirations.
Newcastle is also known as Steel City because it has a steel production plant of the
group BHP, but it really still is a vibrant city and is worth living with cafГ©s and
fine cuisine peak fall. Three beautiful beaches, from north to Nobbys Merewether in
the south, which are linked together by a walkway named three hours Bathers Way.
Whether you plan to stay a day or a month, Newcastle was always inspiring for
everyone to
Lake Winnipeg
Lake Winnipeg, the last remains of glacial Lake Agassiz, is the 10th largest lake in
the world by surface area. It lies on the boundary between the Interior Plains and the
Southwestern Canadian Shield. Up to five and a half million people rely on the
health of Lake Winnipeg. The lake is an economic powerhouse that supports a $100
million a year tourism industry and a $25 million a year fishing industry (Halter,
2007). Furthermore, more than 23,000 permanent residents live in 30 communities
along the shores of Lake Winnipeg, including 11 First Nations communities. Seven
ManitobaProvincial Parks are located on the south basin of LakeWinnipeg including
Hecla/Grindstone, Beaver Creek, Camp Morton, Winnipeg Beach, Elk Island, and
Grand Beach. Lake Winnipeg consists of a shallow, southern basin and larger, deeper
north basin. The two... Show more content on ...
This ratio makes Lake Winnipeg more susceptible to excessive nutrient levels,
leading to massive algal blooms and lake wide eutrophication. Nutrient entry points
include the Winnipeg River from the east, The Saskatchewan River from the west,
the Red River from the south, and precipitation. The largest source of total
phosphorus (68% total phosphorus load) and nitrogen (34% total nitrogen load) to
Lake Winnipeg is the Red River, followed by the Winnipeg River as second largest.
Approximately 60% of phosphorus and 54% of nitrogen that enters the lake through
these tributaries and precipitation is retained. The only major outflow point is the
Nelson River from the northeast. The Nelson River allows approximately 2500
tonnes of phosphorus to flow out of the lake, and has been used for electric power
generation since 1976 (LWF, 2011). Elevated nutrient concentrations at the southern
end of Lake Winnipeg are most likely a result of the nutrient rich inflow of the Red
River, with phosphorus concentrations being almost three times higher in the south
Qlt4 Task 1
Identification of Community
The state of Kansas is in the Midwestern United States. The state of Kansas is
renowned for its agriculture. It ranks number seven in regard to agriculture
production in the United States (Nelson Staggers, 2014). Wyandotte County is
located in Kansas City . Wyandotte County seats west of Kansas City, Missouri. The
county of Wyandotte consists of a total population of 163,369 people according to
the latest census. The majority of inhabitants are whites, black Americans and
Hispanic making up 95,048 46,233 and 26,139 persons respectively. The rest of the
population is from other races. The county population spread out as follow with
28.5% under the age of 18, 10% from 18 to 24, 29.5% from 25 to 44, 19.90% from
45 to 64, and 11.70% is older adult 65 years of age or older. The leading cause of
mortality ... Show more content on ...
This percentage varies within the counties whilst some county record a higher
percentage than others. According to demographers, the older population within
Wyandotte County will double in the next 30 years. This population is expected to
experience challenges regarding access to healthcare and is expected to highly
rely on Medicare (McGovern, Lambert Harris, Gotham, Claus Xie, 2014). The
level of poverty rose from 12.5 percent to 16.5 percent from year 2000 to year
2012. This means that growth in poverty was experienced in the last decade (with
75% growth levels experienced to the population below 100% FPL, 52 percent to
those below 200% FPL). Wyandotte County registered 669 deaths. The main cause
of these deaths was heart disease, cancer, stroke, accidents, unintentional injuries and
Diabetes Mellitus (Cook, Nelson Lillis, 2013). The county unemployment rate
decrease from 10 percent to 8.5 percent in 2011. In the year 2009, teen pregnancy
varied from 19.8 teen births to a higher value of 84.6 teen births i.e. per 1000 female
teens in Wyandotte
Change Of Heart About Animals By Jeremy Rifkin
In the assert of ВЁA Change Of Heart about AnimalsВЁ by Jeremy Rifkin, the author
strongly supports animals rights and has been working to prove animal intelligences
and emotions can see understand through science. Rifkin include pigВґs studies at
Purdue University, where scientists found the animal can feel depressed under
isolated conditions or health problems. Even Dr Arthur Saniotis, fellow with the
University s School of Medical Sciences stated, ВЁscience tells us that animals can
have cognitive faculties that are superior to human beings. Due to the rise of the
agriculture evolution, people going to consume animals as property and began
viewing human as superiority for our exclusive aptitude in reasoning. Human began
to break themselves from the nature when technology and standard language imply in
everyday life in the world.... Show more content on ...
Animals are much more complex and innovative that should be given more credit
than it should be. Now learned about the animal feelings exist, human could be too
cruel in using their survivor coat, fur, for expensive souvenirs or fashion runway.
The Born Free USA organization expounds in 50 million violently killed animals for
fashion every year. Fur is believed to get from meat production, but ВЁfur comes
from animals who are factory farmed or trapped purely for fashion.ВЁ Animal furs
are obtained through gassing, electrocution, or neck breaking in traps. Imagined a full
house of fully coated species trap in a cramp factory house, the animal of intelligence
are thought to be under humane treatment, but the fashion factories say differently.
Rifkin support of animal is simply a moral principle that every human should have
instead of thinking as a superior intelligent
Employee Information And Non Confidential Information
Employee information is a form of personal data which the employer can keep
about all of their employees, it should be kept secure and up to date. It should
usually be kept within the HR department or within a locked lab office, this
confidential information should be put onto the PC yet other non confidential
information should be put on paper so that it s readily available to others. It s
usually used less frequently as its only needed when there s been a change in
someone s personal data, and its essential to keep it so that people may be aware of
employee s education/training and general information about an individual is
required when starting a job so it should be kept safe and updated. Non confidential
information is usually... Show more content on ... data my employer can keep about me Work
schedules include information about tasks which need to be completed weekly
routines for an individual, responsibilities for staff and which deadlines must be
met. Work schedules should be kept within the staff room so that employees can
regularly read them, lab office or it could be kept on a secure website so that all
staff members could access it at home. This day to day information could be kept
on a clipboard within a lab or on a noticeboard within the staff room as employees
will be aware of schedules and deadlines. These will need to be updated frequently
as rotas and to do activities will change on a weekly basis, yet bigger tasks which
occur termly, for example cleaning glassware and washing safety equipment will
need doing at certain times and other daily activities will be placed around these
more important tasks. The reason for keeping work schedules is that everyone is
aware of their responsibilities, staff can stick to a routine and employers will be
aware of what to pay staff depending on how many hours they ve worked. This type
of information is kept as a paper copy as it s usually kept within a communal area
so all members can understand their weekly schedule, all staff members will be
allowed to access this information as it includes all staff members, it may be pinned
up to a board on the office as its non confidential yet
The Pros And Cons Of Vegetarianism
Every time we sit at a table to enjoy the fruits and grain and vegetables from our
good earth, remember that they come from the work of men and women and children
who have been exploited for generations. These words of Cesar Chavez, co founder
of the United Farm Workers, perfectly describe the injustice farm workers face in
producing our food and including humans when talking about cruelty free.
Conversations surrounding notions of vegetarianismas inherently cruelty free
seldom incorporate the advocacy of more rights for farm workers. As a conflicted
meat eater, I can concede that the fight for vegetarianism is honorable and
consuming fewer animal products would be beneficial for our society, however,
promoting meat free meals and products as cruelty free mistakenly limits the cruelty
of the food production system to animals. Comparatively, our food production system
also exploits factory farm workers, a point also overlooked in conversations regarding
ethical eating. Ultimately, the fundamental problem with vegetarianism is the cruelty
free platform, that too often ignores the inhumane working conditions of farm
workers. That being so, not eating meat does not place you above everyone else on
the moral scale or mean you practice cruelty free when exploited laborers in our food
production system, most of whom are undocumented, do not have their liberation.
The unfortunate reality is that the majority of things we consume have harmful
effects whether you are vegetarian
The Assumptions Of Ability Grouping, Student Tracking
This paper will dive into four common unwarranted assumptions made from ability
grouping (student tracking) and attempt to debunk the ideas. Ability grouping is the
common educational practice of separating students based on actual or purported
ability in the same grade into different instructional groups with differing levels of
aptitude or achievement (Ainsworth 2013). The four assumptions that will follow
were researched by the former presidential professor in equity in the graduate school
of education and information studies at UCLA, Jeannie Oakes. Ability grouping or
student tracking is in fact illegal in the state of California but, institutions still find
alternative ways to implement the method.
Keywords: Ability Grouping, Students Tracking
Debunking the False Assumptions of Ability Grouping The four ability grouping
assumptions are as follow: (1) Students learn better when they are grouped with other
students who have similar academic skills or prior levels of achievement, (2) slower
students develop more positive attitudes about themselves and their education when
they are not in daily classroom contact with those who are brighter, (3) track
placements are part of a meritocratic system with assignments earned by students and
accorded through fair and accurate means, and (4) teaching is easier when students
are grouped homogeneously, and teaching is better when there are no slower students
to lower the common denominator in the classroom
Portrayal Of Soldiers In Movies Essay
Even though a soldier is made for war they are still human on the inside so if they
start to feel a range of different emotions it is not odd, I have chosen to explore the
portrayal of soldiers the movies I will focus on are: Pearl Habour by Michael Bay,
American Sniper by Clint Eastwood, Black Hawk Down by Ridley Scott and the
song Hero Of War performed by Rise Against to see if there are any similarities in the
emotions of soldiers whether it be a sense of pride or a feeling of depression.
At the start of the movie Pearl Habour directed by Michael Bay shows two young
boys Danny and Reef who are pretending to fly an old aeroplane. The two boys
then go on to being pilots in the U.S.A navy. The pilots show a sense of pen when
the Japanese chose to bomb Pearl Harbour and they courageously decided to get in
two planes and ended up shooting down seven Japanese aeroplanes. Towards the end
Reef begins to display signs of depression as Danny is shot by a Japanese soldier. An
indicator that ... Show more content on ...
Throughout the movie, it showed a lot of mixed emotions. The main emotion I noticed
was a sense of courage, mainly because the U.S soldiers that were fighting in
Somalia were fighting a war that they did not need to be apart of. They couragesly
left there homes in America to fight in Somalia not to stop the Somalian terrorists
but to make a difference for the ones who did not want war. But when an American
squad of soldiers get pinned down and one of their soldiers gets seriously injuired,
the emotional devastation shown on a couple of soldiers faces when they decide to
get the bullet out of the wound and failed, I personally thought that the courage of the
soldiers to go and fight another countries war was pretty outstanding. I believe that
the emotions that would have been running through the soldiers would have been
pretty hard to control as they are making life and death decisions on a daily
1984 Similarities Between 1984 And 1984
1984 is based in a dystopian world that is controlled by the supreme leader, Big
Brother. Big Brother and other members of the inner party have the ability to watch
every move a citizen makes, hear every conversation, and read every thought. The
country of Oceania is controlled by 4 ministries that maintain the jobs in the
government. The ministry of peace controls all war for Oceania. The ministry of
plenty deals with all the economics for Oceania. The ministry of love handles law and
order for Oceania. The ministry of truth controls all news articles, entertainment,
education, and art. Winston Smith, being the protagonist, works in the ministry of
truth. He secretly hates Big Brother and the rest of the party.
The Hunger Games is also based in a dystopian world which is controlled by The
Capitol. The country is split into 13 districts. Each district is numbered 1 13. The
richer districts are 1 9 and the poorest districts are 10 13. The country is controlled by
one party who decides all and every year they have a hunger games, where two
people from each district ... Show more content on ...
Both have an overall ruler, Big Brother being the one for 1984 and The Capitol
being the leaders for The Hunger Games. Both governments have government branch
stations. For example, the ministries are the substations or organizations for the
inner party in 1984. For Hunger Games, the first 9 districts handle all the
government affairs while 10 13 handle more agriculture. As security exists in both
books, 1984 has the thought police and members of the ministry of love to handle
their traitors and criminals. The Copital in the Hunger Games uses the military to
handle all criminals. Each government has their own strategy for keeping an eye on
their citizens. Telescreens, small microphones secretly placed everywhere, and the
thought police are strategies used in 1984. In The Hunger Games, simple cameras
placed strategically all over the districts are
Questions On Financial Concepts On Valuation
Financial concepts on Valuation Student Name Course Name Prof Name 12/9
/2015 1.Explain the use of strategic option in valuation. Explain how strategic
options are often abused in valuation. Firm s value maximization managers must
have check on internal capabilities for external opportunities. Managers can get real
option value by doing decisions on time and flexible about firm s opportunities and
capabilities. There are four main parts in the manager s work box for investment
valuation opportunities. В¬Net Present Values В¬Accounting rated of return
В¬Real Options В¬Payback rules NPV implement require estimates of appropriate
discount rate and expected cash flows. And there s the rub. This is only of use of
information at the time of assessment. NPV method was first time developed for
bonds value. Little investors in bonds can do it for alternative the final principal
paid or yield rate and coupon they receive. Business most over, is not inactive
investors: managers have flexibility invest further, sell assets, see and wait for
project completely. Accounting rate of return mean a ration of the forecasted profit
average over to project life to investment book value average. Also has to compare
with limit rate is required prior to investment goes forward. It is accurately the
method in which real options transaction with risk and flexibility which can create its
value. Real option is not just to get number it is also give a useful structure for
strategic decision

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Indian Independence Essay. Essay on Independence Day Independence Day essay in Englishwriting ...

  • 1. Indian Independence Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of Indian Independence can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty arises not from a lack of information, but rather from the vastness and complexity of the subject. Indian Independence is a multifaceted historical event that involves a deep exploration of political, social, and cultural dimensions. To begin with, extensive research is essential to grasp the intricate details of the struggle for independence, which spanned several decades and involved numerous leaders, movements, and ideologies. Delving into historical archives, analyzing primary sources, and understanding the socio-economic conditions of the time is crucial for presenting a comprehensive and accurate account. Furthermore, the essay should not merely be a chronological retelling of events but must also delve into the underlying causes and consequences of India's struggle for independence. This requires a nuanced understanding of the political dynamics, the role of key leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, and the impact of various movements like the Non- Cooperation Movement and Civil Disobedience Movement. In addition to historical aspects, an effective essay on Indian Independence should explore the cultural and social ramifications of the independence movement. The diversity of India's population, the partition, and the subsequent challenges faced by the newly independent nation add layers of complexity to the narrative. Analyzing the cultural shifts and societal changes that accompanied independence adds depth to the essay. Moreover, crafting a well-structured essay demands the ability to synthesize information coherently, weaving together various threads into a seamless narrative. The introduction should be engaging, the body should present a logical progression of ideas, and the conclusion should leave a lasting impact. Balancing depth and conciseness is a constant challenge, as one must cover a vast historical canvas without becoming overly verbose. In conclusion, writing an essay on Indian Independence requires meticulous research, a nuanced understanding of historical events, and the ability to synthesize information effectively. However, overcoming these challenges can result in a rich and insightful exploration of a pivotal moment in history. If you find the task daunting or time-consuming, assistance is available. Various services, such as, provide support in crafting essays on a wide range of topics. Whether you need help with research, structuring your essay, or polishing the final draft, such services can be valuable resources for students and writers alike. Indian Independence Essay Indian Independence Essay
  • 2. Investigating The Water Retention Capacity Of Different... 2. Project Objectives The project objective is to determine the water retention capacity of different growing substrates and whether the substrate has an effect on the quality of runoff, under the climate conditions of Western Australia. 3. Materials and Methods 3.1. Substrate Mixes and Plant Cynodon dactylon (Couch Grass) was selected as the model plant for the experiment, which was purchased from a local nursery. This is due to its ability to survive on low amounts of water because of its extensive root system (BioNET EAFRINET 2016). In order to reduce the effects of other growing media on the testing substrate, the Cynodon dactylon (couch) roll was washed with water before planting onto planting pots. For the present study, substrate preparation was based on an extensive green roof system, which has a shallower layer (6 20cm) of growing medium (IGRA 2014). Therefore, in this case, the depth of substrate was fixed at 14 cm with inorganic and organic composition. The materials used for the preparation of green roof substrate include vermiculite, perlite, sand and organic mulch. Vermiculite is a kind of materials which are aluminium iron magnesium silicates, resembling mica in appearance(DuprГ© Minerals Ltd. 2016). These materials were brought from the local stores and used in their original form in experiments. The physical properties of each substrate component were tested and listed in Table 1. Bulk density (at maximum water holding capacity) was measured as per FLL
  • 3. Design And Comparative Performance Analysis Design and Comparative Performance Analysis of Shift Register Using Pulse Triggered Flip Flops and Pulsed Latches K.Rajesh1, Mr. R.Bapannadora2, Dr.V.S.R Kumari3 1M.Tech Scholar, Dept. of Electronics Communication, Sri Mittapalli College Of Engineering, Guntur Email: 2Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics Communication, Sri Mittapalli College Of Engineering, Guntur Email: 3Professor HOD, Dept. of ECE, Sri Mittapalli College Of Engineering, Guntur, A.P, India Email: Abstract: Nowadays for each and every designing in VLSI era the power consumption plays a vital role. Low power has emerged as a principal theme in today s electronics industry. The low power VLSI design has important role in designing of many electronic design systems. On designing any combinational or sequential circuits, the power consumption, implementation area, voltage leakage, and efficiency of the circuit are the important parameters to be considered initially. This paper proposes a low power and area efficient shift register using pulsed latches. The area and power consumption are reduced by replacing flip flops with pulsed latches. This method solves the timing problem between pulsed latches through the use of multiple non overlap delayed pulsed clock signals instead of the conventional single pulsed clock signal. The shift register uses a small number of the pulsed clock signals by grouping the latches to several sub
  • 4. Plains Indians And Their Equine Companions Plains Indians and Their Equine Companions Most history classes teach children about how the Spanish brought horses to America and introduced them to Native Americans. That s usually the end of the story. What s not talked about is the Native peoples reactions to these beasts of nature. How did they feel about horses? What did they think of them? How did Native people become some of the best riders? How did they tame wild horses? How were horses incorporated into their culture? How much of an impact did horses really have on Native American culture? These are the questions that aren t answered in textbooks in schools. What I wish to explore is the bond between Native people and their equine companions. I want to explore how their world... Show more content on ... The differences between these two classifications of tribes is that the nomadic groups followed the buffalo as they migrated. With the semi sedentary groups, they too hunted for buffalo, but they also engaged in building villages and participating more in agriculture (New World Encyclopedia). Life was livable in the plains, but it wasn t always the easiest. It wasn t until the arrival of the horse that life and culture among the Plains Indians truly flourished. The story of how horses came to present day USA has always been a very short story. The most we get is that the Spanish brought them, and that was usually the end of it. How did Native people react when they first saw horses? How would we react today if a brand new animal was introduced into America, and we knew nothing about it? Some people may fear the animal or even try to destroy it out of fear. Just as we would be afraid today, the same feelings of terror swept through the Native people of the Great Plains. In the islands of the Caribbean, TaГno people were the first to see the horse, and the sight inspired fear animal fused to sword wielding conquistador the legs of the rider blending with the galloping extremities of his mount as it rode down Native people, while the metal of rein and bit and stirrup clanged with the fury of war JosГ© Barreiro (TaГno), NMAI, 2009 Tribe by tribe, the horse was introduced, but each tribe tells
  • 5. Diels Alder Reaction The Diels Alder Reaction is an addition reaction between a 1,3 diene and a dienophile. In this reaction, furan, the diene, reacted with maleic anhydride, the dienophile, to form exo 7 oxabicyclo[2.2.1]hept anhydride, the adduct. The adduct was recovered via vacuum filtration, and the melting point, 1H NMR and 12C NMR Spectroscopywas obtained. This Diels Alder Reaction yielded an exo adduct as opposed to an endo product. In more detail, the Diels Alder reaction is the reaction in which the dienophile adds to the alkenes on the diene. The reaction forms a new 6 membered ring and new C C sigma bonds. The reaction involves breaking 3 pi bonds, and forming 2 new C C sigma bonds and one new C=C double bond. The reaction is concerted, meaning all ... Show more content on ... The 13C NMR Spectrum reveals the chemical environments of the C H bonds. In this experiment, the carbons were assigned a number, from C1 to C4. C4 appeared the most downfield because it was the most deshielded because it is double bonded directly to an O and thus the O pulls the most on electron density. C3 is the most upfield because it is not bonded directly to any electron withdrawing groups or electronegative atom. C1 is the second most deshielded because this carbon is involved in a double bond which draws electron density. C2 appears second most upfield because this carbon is single bonded to an oxygen, but it is not as electron pulling as C4 or C1 that is double
  • 6. Ethical Issues And Risks Of Organ Donation Organ Transplantation is the surgical approach to replacing failing, diseased or infected organs from one person, with healthier biological tissues or organs from a donor whose structures function well. Many people agree that to take and use organs from another source is justifiable within certain ethical boundaries. However it is when the need for organ transplants becomes overwhelming that these initial boundaries are questioned and challenged. This would result in the death of many patients as well as harm to the donors. Cadaveric organ donation Consent must have been given before the death of the donor for the use of their organs and body parts. Living organ donation. For cadaveric organ donation, there is a waiting list that has so far foreseen the death of many patients due to long periods of waiting time. Ethical issues and risks for the donor: Health Pain, discomfort, infection, bleeding and future problems are plausible. Psychological Pressure from, peers, the patient, family or themselves where guilt is often involved may eventually damage the individual s mental and spiritual states. Resentment and forms of negative connotations may arise e.g. depression. If the patient is also of close relation to the donor, they may feel obligated or pressured into giving the other person one of their structures. Donors are not provided an advocate unlike the patient. This may cause discomfort and stress due to the surgery. Medical and ethical debates: Living donors are faced
  • 7. Benir V. Alba Legal Opinion on the Benir v. Alba Case (Benir) On the present case being addressed to the International Court of Justice in dealing with the matter of sovereignty over the Island of Manca, the issue of legality belonging to which side of the parties at dispute is put forward. The problem however, lies in, the period at which the dispute took place, for International law has not evolved at that time unlike in this day and age. The Statement of fact is as follows: The Island of Manca, small in size and blessed by temperature vegetation, has been discovered by the Albanese State in 1560, when it was inhabited by a native tribe, the Mancans. The Albanese state put a flag, appointed a non permanent governor and occasionally sent ... Show more content on ... Also, no objection to the form of Berniri government took place. Thus, this fulfills the Self determination of the Peoples condition and guarantees a peaceful atmosphere. 2.After clarifying the former point to the court, the second and most crucial element to shed light on is Territorial Acquisition. As demonstrated before in the Island of Palmas Case before, there must be evidence as to a peaceful and continuous display of sovereignty on the territory; it should also be a public and enduring practice. In the case of Benir, there is enough evidence to prove a peaceful and continuous display of its sovereignty existed and still does, it established state control, managed good relations with the natives (through intermarriage), as they coexisted peacefully, and it was willing to protect the rights of other states in peace and in war, as well as offer for the safeguarding of the rights of non nationals residing in it, however this is an infrequent happening since the island is small in size. Thus, a peaceful atmosphere was provided for continuously by the Beniris, with only one exception at the time of the attack put forward by
  • 8. Turning Points In Medieval Music There are many categories of turning points we can discover and value, but looking at the intervalic relationships in the harmony throughout these 1,650 years makes it much easier to determine the definitive turning points. This advantage comes from the notion that harmony can be studied in a very scientific manner. Composers undoubtedly use specific intervals for specific reasons in a period of history, which provides clear evidence of actual changes in music. For example, the medieval harmony from the middle ages contains mostly intervals of the perfect fifth, the perfect fourth, octave, and unison (typically on the final note). At the time, these intervals dominated the harmonic and melodic structures because of the musicians natural ability... Show more content on ... About a minute and a half into it, the harmony moves in full triads and thirds, particularly on the words virginem ornare. To achieve this, Dufay had a bass pedal tone with two voices on top in a combination of fourths and thirds (and sixths) above the bass. In doing this, he gains control of the direction of the harmony, simply because there are more options. Although the third was considered dissonant in the middle ages, gradually over time the interval was accepted as consonant on a cultural level. Eventually, composers began to realize that they could expand their creativity and control exponentially with the implementation of the third. Just as the original superparticular ratios in the medieval music opened the doors for thirds to be incorporated into the melodies and harmonies, these harmonic practices could have theoretically lead to any other
  • 9. Unrealistic Elements Of Disney Movies You can t marry a man you just met! (00:26:38 00:26:40). The quote from the movie Frozen highlights how unrealistic Disney movies are, by showing the idea of true love at first sight. Movies such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, where Snow White hides from her evil step mother to stay alive, contains many unrealistic elements. Although many may say that Disney films are just for entertainment, these movies are viewed by all age groups, and can influence what they think about the world. In the film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, along with many other movies, unrealistic ideas are very prevalent. Disney films are inaccurate in that, they depict characters and settings unrealistically, they use impossible and impractical events that affect the plot, and they often show the most unreal and rare idea, loveat first sight. Disney movies contain many unrealistic ideas and events that contribute to the plot of the story. A very unrealistic idea that is shown in multiple Disney movies is the complete changing of a person. This exact event happens in movies like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs where the queen completely morphs her body into an old witch (00:50:45 00:51:21), or in Beauty and the Beast where the prince is turned into the Beast (00:01:26 00:2:28). These are even more unrealistic because they are caused by witches, curses, and potions, which are not real. Disney movies also depict nature in a very unrealistic way. This is shown very clearly in films such as
  • 10. Victoria Heavy Equipment Case Essay Victoria Heavy Equipment s most recent organization has been lacking effective communication practices amongst all of its divisions. The company has been suffering from lack of clear goals in measurable terms, for its divisions. The idea of each division functioning as an independent unit, whether it being cost or profit center, is a remarkable beginning. However, cleargoals and key measurable need to be set for each center, which in our case have been overlooked. As a result, many of these centers have over spent, resulting in over expenditures, something we can definitely not afford with anticipated slower market. Brian Walter Jr. had a great vision of not turning into bureaucratic, quantitatively, grey suited manager ... , yet the ... Show more content on ... This clearly indicates miscommunication between R D and Finance. In addition, better communication was required at time of design of LTM 1000 between marketing and ultimately our customers to first of all build what our customers wanted. Rather than creating a monster that was assumed was what our customers would buy. Second, should there existed an effective communication guidelines between finance, marketing and R D at the time, we possibly could have convinced LTM 1000 s target customer to foot the bill for some of development and prototype costs. I am quite aware that LTM 1000 was on Brian s Want List which could not have been disregarded but with better consultation with other departments, it could have turned into a more sellable product rather than a successful crowd magnet. First step is to set, agree and emphasize on our hard goals as a team. These goals are not expected to be too different form the ones set by Brian for V.H.E. After that, each division is expected to present their SWOT or a similar analysis for their individual center. Once these tasks have been completed, each individual center manager and I can set and agree on hard goals for that division along with a specific strategy to reach those goals. For example, the goal of reducing waste, including, high level inventory will be on the hard goals list for all profit centers. Profit sharing plan will be re written to reward
  • 11. Betty Friedan s The Feminine Mystique and Sue Kaufman s... Betty Friedan s The Feminine Mystique and Sue Kaufman s Diary of a Mad Housewife Bettina Balser, the narrator of Sue Kaufman s Diary of a Mad Housewife, is an attractive, intelligent woman living in an affluent community of New York City with her successful husband and her two charming children. She is also on the verge of insanity. Her various mental disorders, her wavering physical health, and her sexual promiscuity permeate her diary entries, and are interwoven among descriptions of the seemingly normal and easy routine of a housewife. Betty Friedan, in writing the Feminine Mystique, describes the plight of millions of American women directly parallel to that of Bettina s. Through her exhaustive research and ... Show more content on ... Outside this bedroom (20 x 15, two windows overlooking the park) there are seven large, airy, high ceilinged rooms filled with light and colors and textures and objects that dazzle the eye... (Kaufman, 45) Many of the women interviewed by Friedan could speak of their own lives in the same way. They have successful husbands, beautiful children, and all the cleaning supplies, home furnishings, and cooking materials they would ever need. But these same women suffer from feelings of shame and guilt. They develop nervous tics, insomnia, depression, and anxiety. They are listless and lifeless. The strange emergence of physiological and psychological disorders among housewives is only part of what Friedan calls the problem that has no name. She explains the title of her groundbreaking book: The feminine mystique says that the highest value and the only commitment for women is the fulfillment of their own femininity... The mistake, says the mystique, the root of women s troubles in the past, is that women envied men, women tried to be like men, instead of accepting their own nature, which can find fulfillment only in sexual passivity, male domination, and nurturing maternal love. (Friedan, 43) This idea increased the amount of teenage pregnancies and marriages in America during the 1950 s. This idea was the force behind the mass amounts of women dropping out of or not attending college. This idea explained the haunting absence of women in the
  • 12. The Relation Between Economic Freedom And Political... George Pippin Professor Hays HMXP 201 29 July 2015 An Ideal Society Throughout history, we have seen many societies come and go regardless of how powerful or stable they were at one point. Is it possible to have a society which is ideal for all of it s members, or is society only capable of being beneficial to some and not to everyone? I do believe an ideal society could be achieved, but our current society would have to undertake a substantial overhaul. In today s society, there are more opinions and beliefs about the way it should be ran than there have ever been. An ideal society could be achieved through it s members treating their neighbors in a more religious way, a change in the way our current economy is operated, and by improving... Show more content on ... In Milton Friedman s story, The Relation Between Economic Freedom and Political Freedom, he speaks about what a free society should consist of, One feature of a free society is surely the freedom of individuals to advocate and propagandize openly for a radical change in the structure of the society so long as the advocacy is restricted to persuasion and does not include force or other forms of coercion. (Friedman 63). The American democracy system revolutionized politics into what we know it to be today. A government of the people, by the people, for the people, was never made imaginable before America; but like all good things, overtime it can become corrupted. An ideal society would truly be what the people wanted. Democracy is by far the best political system that could be implemented, but there could be improvements. I do not believe being a politician should be a career choice, but it should be more of a duty to your country. We place trust in our governments to decide such things as going to war, healthcare, and overall the decisions that affect our lives. In order to make a proper decision on sending troops to war, I believe the decision makers should have had military experience. It is impossible to ask someone to go risk their lives when you have no idea the feeling or sacrifice they could possibly make. All members of the legislative branch, and the President, should be required to have served their country. Moreover, in an ideal society it s politicians would be held accountable for their actions. For example, during a review at your workplace, if your employer tells you that your satisfaction or approval rating is less than fifty percent by your peers, what do you think would happen to you? More than likely you would be fired, but why doesn t this same philosophy apply to the men and women who run a society? In order to keep politicians working for the
  • 13. Essay On Balibar Balibar questions the concept of neo racism insofar as there remains the possibility that the event of naming a neo racism is a tactical adaptation or strategy to artfully disguise hegemonic (Balibar, 20) maneuvers that have always been present. The neo racism hypothesis (Balibar, 17) is an iteration of strategies of the dominant that rationalize the cultivation of politics, discourses, and logics that exclude and relegate othered bodies to conditions in which they are dispossessed, captured, and subjugated. These strategies may arise out of what may possibly be natural anxieties about insurmountable cultural difference (Balibar, 22) and the fear of the disappearance of tradition and culture with the introduction of the other. However, Balibar points to the way in which these anxieties are used to justify the natural(ization)... of racist conduct (Balibar, 22); they use P. A. Taguieff s term, differentialist racism (Balibar, 21), to describe this justification. Balibar proposes that this presently ... Show more content on ... Mothering sustains stability for the fleshly creation of her Affected Flesh, and hegemony seizes it. Mothering nurtures a growth that may manifest abusively colonization for example but mothering is an impossibility, especially as it manifests on this page as a word that draws upon a legacy of exploitation and patriarchal imagination. To Mother may be to be invested in hegemony. Irigaray poses both the Darwinian and Pavlovian model for behavior as two variants that are seemingly inescapable (Irigaray, 37). Bodies are ordered and misordered into (dis)organization and so naturally forced to look toward established behavioral survival models in almost fatal repetition. Irigaray questions whether the classifications of sexual identity and female identity, two unresolved phenomena make room for escape from this violent misordering and
  • 14. Andrew Carnegie A Captain Of Industry Captains of Industry Captains of Industry were very important in the reconstruction of America after the Civil War. These people s fortunes impacted the country very positively in its time of need. One of these Captains is named Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie emigrated from Scotland to Pennsylvania at the young age of thirteen. After his father failing multiple times to start a handloom business, Carnegie, like many commoners, worked as a labourer earning only $1.20 a week. Surprisingly, a game of chequers between his uncle and manager of a local telegraph office is what led Carnegie on the road to wealth and fortune. Andrew was known as a robber baron, or wartime profiteers who would manipulate the stocks and bonds. Carnegie became the first
  • 15. Lgbt LGBT Rights LGBT RIGHTS: ON THE USA AND BRAZIL 2 Introduction Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender (LGBT) issues have continuously triggered debates and controversies among various individual s across the globe. The rising concerns leading to the differences in opinions regarding LGBT emanate from the point of perceptions, cultural beliefs, religious values and political basis. Due to the dynamics of not accepting the existence of the LGBT peop le by some individuals in their communities, the LGBTs have found it hard to express themselves freely and enjoy equal rights just like a regular citizen should (Dolan, 2013). For instance, in the United States, the LGBT patients did not have visitation rights until a directive from the Whitehouse was issued. In some communities, extreme measures have been taken against individuals suspected to be lesbians or gays. Because of the way the public view the LGBT people, it is disheartening and traumatizing for most of them to come out and express themselves openly. Some have been forced to lead double standards. However, the situation has changed in different nations and states in America where laws and policies have been developed to support and protect the LGB T community. As a minority group, the LGBT community has struggled over the years to have their rights respected. Despite the existing disagreements surrounding the LGBT rights, several states in the United States of America and Brazil among others have demonstrated
  • 16. Water Leaks In Residential Homes Having water leaks can be a constant hazard for residential homes. It does not have to be a big leak because a small leak can lead to a mold problem that can be harmful and cause significant damage. Leak detection can be a long, expensive process. Some leaks do produce water damage that is visible on floor or drywall but others are only noticeable when the homeowner gets a higher than usual water bill. When checking for water leaks you should first check the areas where the water pipes run through the floors and walls for water damage signs and then examine the water fixtures themselves where the fixtures may feel wet or have some water collected there. Check to see if any of the faucets are dripping, which can mean you need to change the ... Show more content on ... One place that you may have water leaking is your toilet. Each time you flush the toilet you think it will automatically stop when the tank is full but in some instances, it quietly continues to run slowly into the toilet. To see if this is the problem you can stand there until it fills and see if you see a slow stream of water going down the inside of the toilet bowl. If you see that you should replace the fixtures in the toilet reservoir. You can check with a plumbingstore and they can help you with what you need to replace. You could also place a little food coloring into the reservoir tank and check in thirty minutes to see if there is any dye in the toilet bowl. If there is, this indicates a leaking flapper that will need to be replaced. If you are not able to find the leak, you can call plumbing companies and have a plumber that specializes in leak detection. They have professional equipment that can help to find any leaks under the floors or in the walls where you cannot see them without tearing out the floors or walls. Some of the leaks are a simple fix that you can do yourself while others may be expensive and require a plumber to fix the leak. If there is a water leak detection it needs to be fixed immediately before other problems
  • 17. What Is Andrew Jackson Necessary Evil This paper will account for the saga of the American President Andrew Jackson and his battles with the United States banking industry, most notably the Second Bank of the United States, and how President Jackson s actions were a justified necessary evil. This paper will illustrate the specific battle President Jackson had with the second National Bank of America and how, like many battles President Jackson had as a general, was chosen wisely. To understand the saga of President Jackson and his battles with the national banking industry, it is wise to understand the man that was Andrew Jacksonleading up to his major battle. It was no secret that President Jackson was not a fan of government, regardless of what title came before his name.... Show more content on ... Knowing that President Jackson was an opponent, Nicholas Biddle actively sought to renew the Second National Bank s charter. This would require congressional approval and President Jackson s executive approval. With a presidential election coming up, President Jackson s congressional rival Henry Clay wanted this to be a central issue of the presidential election of 1832. Senator Clay believed that with the pressures of President Jackson seeking reelection, Jackson would be more inclined to re charter the Second National Bank; whereas, if President Jackson was reelected, Jackson would not have anything to lose and decide to veto the re chartering of the bank in 1836 when the charter was scheduled to end. Writing Nicholas Biddle, Senator Clay expressed this belief saying that the President, in the event of the passage of a bill, seems to be a matter of doubt and speculation. My own belief is that, if now called upon he (Jackson) would not negative the bill, but that if he should be re elected the event might and probably would be different. Nicholas Biddle took the powerful senator s words seriously, and applied for a re charter in 1832. The bill passed the House of Representatives and the Senate and was sent to President Andrew Jackson s desk for approval or a veto. Turning to his cabinet for advice, President Jackson relied on the advice of Attorney General Roger Taney. Taney wrote President Jackson, I understand the application at the present time, it means in plain English this the Bank says to the President, your next election is at hand if you charter us, well if not, beware of your power. President Jackson accepted Taney s interpretation of the bank s attempted re chartering as a direct challenge to his presidency, and decided
  • 18. How Does Jane Austen Create A Minor Character In Sense And... Margaret Dashwood is the mysteriously fascinating sister who skulks in the background of Sense and Sensibility. The discourse of the novel offers her little representation as the story is not centralized around her. She is a minor character but her power and influence do not end there. Throughout the narrative, Margaret is overshadowed by her two older sisters, whom the story revolves around. However, this does not mean that Margaret does not have a story. In fact, this is where my fascination with Margaret comes from. Of all the minor characters in Sense and Sensibility, Margaret holds the greatest potential for the reader to engage their own construction. She is the blank page for us to write our analysis of the novelon. The power of Margaret and her potential stems from the uniqueness of her minor character. As sister to the two most central characters, her character space receives a special position within the character system. Margaret s character space is established on the opening page when Austen implicates her in the ... Show more content on ... Why did Austen create the character of Margaret Dashwood? Considering the theories of Wolloch, why would Austen risk disrupting the narrative by including another minor character that could compete for attention? I argue that there is a method to Austen s madness. That not only does Austen overdelimit Margaret s character space to continue the narrative, but also that this overdelimiting strengthens Margaret as an implied human being. I believe that the strange significance of Margaret is that she serves as a vessel for us to place our thoughts in. The novel follows the trials of sense and sensibility through Elinor and Marianne. We follow along, judging the merits of sense and sensibility, forming the ideal balance between these two qualities. And finally, Margaret is presented as the moldable implied human being from which we can develop the ideal human
  • 19. The Dynamics Of The Pacific Ocean Essay The grand expanse of the Pacific Ocean possesses a very extensive, and often debated history of human expansion into the thousands of islands that exist within the region. There exists a range of fields that are interested in the voyaging of what is called Remote Oceania, or the parts of the Pacific that would require advanced navigation techniques due to the fact that the next island is either out of sight or simply unknown. Biologists study the movement and development of the humanrace while linguists study the development of the Austronesian language family that can be found in this region. Archaeologists are interested in the existence of elaborate Lapita pottery and anthropologists wish to understand the cultural traditions and dynamics of the past and current populations of these Pacific islands. Due to the shared interest in this region from many fields, it is important for an understanding of the movement of the populations over time throughout Remote Oceaniato be understood. In this paper I will discuss some of the dynamics of the oral traditions of the region regarding ocean travel, investigate the scale of the task that these navigators were up against, explain the variety of canoe types along with the navigational techniques that were used to maneuver them, and discuss the current standings among scholars on the path of expansion in this region. The pacific islands are the last places on earth to have been reached by human beings in the story of story of
  • 20. Strategic Pathway For Nexus 6 Smartphone EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This two year marketing plan has been created to analyze, understand the Smartphone industry and provide the strategic pathway for Nexus 6 Smartphone. The Nexus 6 was launched On October 15th, 2014 (Gunther, 2014). Google has experienced great success with its previous models and hopes to repeat results with this launch. The company is looking to completely change its strategy with the new Nexus 6 smartphone. The market environment is more receptive to high end smartphones, with great product features, high prices, and the latest technology. Over the next two years, Google can streamline distribution, easily promote to millions of targeted audience, charge a high price and win over new customers. COMPANY DESCRIPTION Google is a web search engine that lets users find websites. Larry page and Sergey Brin, Stanford university students founded Google Inc. in September of 1998. Its simple design and effectiveness made it a success and within two years it was the world s largest search engine. The Company expanded to include a very vast portfolio of products and services, including the Nexus 6 smartphone. COMPANY MISSION AND GOALS Google Inc. s, mission is to organize the world s information and make it universally accessible and useful (Google Inc., 2015). In regards to the smartphone industry Google is developing their product line with bigger, more expensive phones and tablet to attract affluent consumer who buy each generation of Apple s iPhone and
  • 21. Russian Vladimir Putin Addressed The World Concerning The... March 18, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the world regarding the annexation of Crimea. A referendum that took place only days before resulted in an 82% turnout rate, with over 90% of the ballots casting in favor of Crimea s reunification with Russia ( History: What does Crimea, 2014). Many questioned the reasoning behind Russias sudden need to reestablish its hold on Crimea; legally a Ukrainian territory. The Russian Ukrainian relationship dates back to the ninth to the mid thirteenth century in the Eastern Slavic state of Kievan Rus; an area that expanded from the Baltic to the Black Sea (Bates, 2014). The two countries have been linked to each other for centuries; they share a similar culture and sense of nationalism... Show more content on ... By losing Ukraine to its independence, Russia lost thousands of armed forces and military equipment; this coupled with the effect the separation had on Russia s trade agreements with Europe meant that Russia was left weak, and economically unstable. It was one of the biggest partitioned nations in the world. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in December of 1991, Russia was left in a fragile state, especially after getting accustomed to being treated as a world superpower; its sphere of influence significantly declined. Russians see this as a time of economic and political instability leaving them vulnerable to the West (Larrabee, 2010), one of its biggest reservations being the potential for a Western stronghold along its international border. Because of its weakened state, much of Russia s distress towards Western policies was noticeably dismissed. Despite having unwaveringly opposed NATO s expansion to include previously Russian territories such as Ukraine and Georgia (Mearsheimer, 2014), in the mid 1990s, the Clinton administration openly disregarded Russia s concerns by pushing for NATO s expansion towards previous members of the Soviet Union. By 2004, Latvia, Romania, Estonia, Poland, Hungary and many more were admitted to NATO (Mearsheimer, 2014). This raised numerous concerns in Moscow as Putin had made it clear that Russia would not tolerate NATO s enlargement into Russia s most
  • 22. The Interview Session That I Had With Pastor This paper will discuss my reflection to the interview session that I had with Pastor Stephen Paulsen. Stephen Paulsen is the high school Pastor at Venture Christian Church. He has been a high school Pastor for about 13 years. Stephen has started his ministry at Venture Christian Church since August 2014. Before working at Venture, He began his first ministry in serving the high schoolstudents in South Carolina. He has four kids (three boys and one daughter) and a beautiful wife. This paper will reflect on the answers that I got during the interview, according to his experience in his ministry. The Next Generation Ministry Stephen s tasks for his ministry at Venture is to lead and pastoring the high school students that come to this church. He started to respond to God s calling in his life by taking seminary in Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. He noticed the calling of God in his life since he was young. Another task in being the high school student Pastor at Venture is to be involved in the outreach ministry on the weekdays. His vision for the ministry is to see these students grew in their relationship with Jesus since they were little. Stephen believes in the power of a healthy community. That is why, besides the regular service on Sunday at 11 am, they also have a small group meeting for the students every Tuesday. The meeting will focus more on building a deeper relationship with the students by spending the time with them, to have a fellowship, and get to
  • 23. Art Within Cave Dwellings Dating One of the earliest evidences of the belief in a higher power comes from deep within the Lascaux Labyrinth , a deep cave decorated by our Paleolithic ancestors in the stone age, seventeen thousand years ago (Armstrong 2). The great numbers and locations of art within the Lascaux and surrounding region gives evidence that these were sacred places for the purpose of rituals, and some have compared these dwellings to temples (Armstrong 3). Whether art within cave dwellings dating back to the Paleolithic era, to magnificent churches rising to great heights around the world, the wondrous temples of the Mayans, a mountain that appears to seamlessly morph into the city of Machu Picchu, to trailers, tents and fortified compounds, belief in a power higher than one s self has been deeply ingrained throughout centuries and a multitude of cultures. These different places are what many refer to as a church, a place to record and follow the rituals specific to their belief and to worship. Through the generations of the development of the human psyche, belief in a higher power is taught young and ingrained for many, yet meaningless for some. Furthermore, throughout the evolution of many centuries, it is inevitable that branches of these religions will follow a different path, create new churches to better practice their views of religion, and for some, belief in a higher power can be contorted to the preaching s and worship of hate. There is a fine line between preaching scriptures and
  • 24. Dunstan Ramsay Fifth Business Quotes Dunstan Ramsay is Fifth Business The novel Fifth Business by Robertson Davies is a fictional autobiography of the narrator, Dunstan Ramsay. Dunstan outlines his life experiences and pays special attention to saints and religion, both of which interest him. Although the story is about Dunstan, he seems to have a supporting role in the lives of others. In this book, Dunstan Ramsay is referred to as: Fifth Business because he is the one who knows the secret of the hero s birth, or comes to the assistance of the heroine when she thinks all is lost, or keeps the hermitess in her cell, or may even be the cause of somebody s death if that is part of the plot. (Davies, 227) The Fifth Business is an important character in a story because they aid in completing a story. Dunstan Ramsay is successfully portrayed as Fifth Business through accepting his role as the odd man out while facilitating events in the lives of others (227). ... Show more content on ... Boy Staunton and Dunstan Ramsay are the only characters who know the truth about Paul s birth, which is the cause of so much that [follows] (13). As a young child, Boy throws a snowball at Dunstan that misses and hits Mary Dempster in the head, causing brain damage and the premature birth of Paul Dempster. This is the initial conflict of the novel, that casts Dunstan into the role of Fifth Business because he keeps his knowledge of the accident a secret for most of his life. Paul is considered the hero in Fifth Business because he is the product of this incident that causes the rest of the story to occur. Shortly after Paul s birth, Dunstan approaches Boy about his
  • 25. Benadryl Case Study Nursing A.H. is a 15 year old female, who was diagnosed with beta thalassemia major at 2 weeks of age. She presented today to the Pediatric Comprehensive Hemoglobinopathy clinic at the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children s Hospital on 3/8/2017 for a scheduled chronic blood transfusion accompanied by her sister. However, she presented with headache, cough and sore throat symptoms. Therefore, the infusion nurse contacted us to evealuate her condtion prior to transfusion intiation. A.H. reports 10 days history of sore throat and intermitted productive cough. She stated that the cough is She states that sore throat pain score is 5/10; which increases with swallowing and sometimes mildly alleviate with drinking warm fluids. She denies earache and... Show more content on ... According to the sister they did not measure A.H. temperature but she felt slightly warm yesterday upon touch couple of times. A.H. confirmed the sister clamis and stated that she was feeling warms occtionally for short periods of time yesterday. The sister reports treating the symptoms with Benadryl, but she cannot recall the dose or frequency. Last dose of Benadryl was given at bedtime. As A.H. indicated that Benadryl helped only with reducing the cough and no other medications out of the couter or prescribed was given. A.H. complains of fatigue, decrease level of energy, poor appetite and headache since 3 days. Her headache has the same characteristics of the usual intermitted sharp headache that often presents a couple of days before the transfusion session date. She also has a decreased oral intake of solid food due to pain, but adequate fluid intake of three cups of water in the last 5 hours. A.H. reports that she has not had urine output for 4 hours since she went to the bathroom this morning at 0700 before the visit. Urine output characteristics clear, light yellowish, odorless, without signs of cloudiness or foul smell as described by A.H. She has a history of positive HSV mouth sores two months ago which she was previously treated with oral Acyclovir of 400 mg one tablet, 3 times daily
  • 26. Jacques Louis David Essay David was the virtual art dictator of France for a generation. Extending beyond painting, his influence determined the course of fashion, furniture design, and interior decoration and was reflected in the development of moral philosophy. His art was a sudden and decisive break with tradition, and from this break modern artis dated. David studied with Vien, and after winning the Prix de Rome (which had been refused him four times, causing him to attempt suicide by starvation) he accompanied Vien to Italy in 1775. His pursuit of the antique, nurtured by his time in Rome, directed the classical revival in French art. He borrowed classical forms and motifs, predominantly from sculpture, to illustrate a sense of virtue he mistakenly ... Show more content on ... During the Restoration David spent his last years in Brussels. As a portraitist he was at his most distinguished, although he belittled this painting genre. Using living, rather than sculptured models, he allowed his spontaneous sentiment to be revealed. In these last years his portraits, such as Antoine Mongez and His Wife Angelica (1812; Lille) and Bernard (1820; Louvre) are enormously vital and in them the seeds of the new romanticism are clearly discernible. Jacques Louis David was born into a prosperous middle class family in Paris on August 30, 1748. In 1757 his mother left him to be raised by his uncles after his father was killed. He was never a good student in school in his own words, I was always hiding behind the instructors chair, drawing for the duration of the class . When David was 16 he began studying art at the Acad eacute;mie Royale under the rococo painter J. M. Vien. After many unsuccessful attempts, he finally won the Prix de Rome in 1774, and on the ensuing trip to Italy he was strongly influenced by classical art and by the classically inspired work of the 17th century painter Nicolas Poussin. David quickly evolved his own individual neoclassical style, drawing subject matter from ancient sources and basing form and gesture on Roman sculpture. His famous Oath of the Horatii was consciously intended as a proclamation of the new neoclassical style in which
  • 27. Exploring the Dark Side of Human Nature in The Killers Essay Exploring the Dark Side of Human Nature in The Killers Hemingway s The Killers illustrates that unexplained violence is an integrated part of society. To acknowledge the cruelties of life is to come to terms with horrifying events that can not be denied. A person may lack the maturity to cope with everyday life if they do not realize that evil can exist in any given society. The story is told in the objective point of view. Hemingway s approach to his story is different; he approaches it as a journalist approaches a news story, from a focal point somewhere outside of his characters (Jaffe, 209). The author tells the story only as an observer. He does not tell the reader what the characters are thinking, ... Show more content on ... As one re reads the story, it is evident that Hemingway has chosen this style for a particular reason. Hemingway did not have Ole executed, because in doing so the reader would focus all the attention to his tragic death. The murder does not occur, and the reader is forced to focus on the reaction of Nick, Sam and George, and the nonchalant attitude of The Killers. One has to read it two or three times before he realizes that Nick Adams is the central figure (Walcutt, 305). The story can be broken into four scenes; first, The Killers are introduced; second, Nick warns Ole; third, Nick speaks to Mrs. Bell; fourth, Nick returns to the cafe. Nick is the only character present in each scene, and in returning to the cafe his final statement to George is, I can t stand to think about him waiting in the room and knowing he s going to get it. It s too damned awful. George replies, You better not think about it (Hemingway, 252). It is obvious Nick is unwilling to accept defeat, and give up his delusion of a world without evil. To maintain his delusion, he is willing to escape the reality that is presented to him. So, of the two boys, it is obviously Nick on whom the impression has been made. George has managed to come to terms with the situation. By this line of reasoning, it is Nick s story (Brooks, 195). Nick is the only character that evolves; Nick is a round character. The other
  • 28. The Future Of Business And Clinical Intelligence Essay Clinical and Business Intelligence A Case Study: The Future of Business and Clinical Intelligence in the U.S. Provider Market Prerana Dave Abstract Healthcare environment is growing exponentially. Health care industry is incredibly complex and data management can be overwhelming. A business intelligence platform is required to guide the BI approach and handling of the massive amount of data that is being generated. Executives and analysts were spending hours in designing and development of reports and charts and how to integrate information flowing from various sources. To address relevant issues and challenges, BI deployment in the healthcare industry can provide solution that will impact the organizational capabilities. Passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010 (PPACA), has dramatically changed the U.S. healthcare system. The purpose of this reform is to make healthcare available to a greater range of population. There are many components of this act, accessible and affordable healthcare of all, incorporating technology and coordinated healthcare with in a group of providers. Introduction. Healthcare quality, safety and efficiency have become an economic and national concern. It has been an area of interest for providers to understand the role of technology to ensure healthcare quality and control cost. One of the rapidly growing fields with the focus on medical and health data is business
  • 29. A Brief Note On The Pollution Control Programme 1.1.1Extra fuel consumption Due to traffic jam, extra fuel consumption is a big problem for a developing country like India. The government is buying this extra amount of fuel with hard cash. This is considered a national loss. 1.1.2Vehicle operating cost Vehicle operating cost is directly proportionate to the traffic jam. A vehicleoperator applies more breaks and accelerates again and again. So, the lifetime of vehicle parts and fuel consumption will be more in road jams. Traffic jam actually increases VOC. Figure 8: Mapping of congestion cost 1.2Impact on pollution level According to the report on (Status of the vehicular pollution control programme in India) released in march 2010 by Central Pollution control Board, Ministry ... Show more content on ... Residents following laws with the intention of development of town can reduce traffic jam in Samalkha town up to great extent. In order to provide training to drivers of motor vehicles, four Institutes of Driving Training and Traffic Research (IDTRs) are being established in the districts of the State such as Rohtak, Bahadurgarh, Bhiwani, Kaithal with a total budget of about 100 Crore Rupees, but few people s approaching to these institutes in state. Table 2 shows charges for training in these institutes is quite low but still not many people coming to these institutions. Table 2: represents the charges in above mentioned institutes for drivers training. COURSEDURATIONCHARGES IN RUPEES HMV/LMV commercial1 day400 Hazardous1 day400 Hazardous1 day400 HMV/LMV commercial1 day400 HMV/LMV1 day400 Conductor License1 day300 Badge Training1 day300 Skill TestHalf day350 Competency testHalf day350 2.2Strict traffic law implementation Most people think that traffic jam in Samalkha town can be reduced by restricting heavily loaded trucks. It can be done by implementing traffic law strictly. If each and every traffic policeman perform his duty then it will be easy to implement rules. 2.3Increasing pedestrian facilities As per the survey results, most of the people like to travel on foot for shopping and other administrative works in Samalkha
  • 30. What Does Yellow Symbolize In The Great Gatsby In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald there are several symbols that appear all throughout the book. The symbols are things such as the green light, weather, eyes, but the one that stands out the most is color. Specifically, the color yellow pops up in many situations, and appears on different objects to give insight to how the characters will be affected at that time. Yellow has many meanings some main ones are: how money can affect people, to caution characters that danger is afoot, and to protect certain characters. During the 1920s money was the revolving factor of everyone s lifestyle whether an individual has money or not he/she always desired more. At Gatsby s party Nick sat down at a table with two girls in yellow (43). Having the girls in yellow shows how people want to fit in with the wealthy part of society. The women especially want someone who is rich in order to fulfill their materialism. Still, when people did have money they would put one facade to give others the idea they were happy and perfect even if that wasn t the case. ... Show more content on ... When Tom Buchanan went to town in Jay Gatsby s vehicle Myrtle Wilson was peering down at the [yellow] car (124). Myrtle is like a deer that is blinded by the bright lights, which in her case is Tom s wealth, and she doesn t realize how dangerous it can be. The color is used to give insight that Myrtle should stay away from Tom because everytime she tries to get closer to him the outcome becomes worse. Every time a character, not just Myrtle, encounters the color yellow the end result becomes even more severe. Regardless of the circumstances yellow is used as a precaution to warn characters to stay away, and that money can dangerous if not handled
  • 31. Grignard Limiting Reagent Using Bromobenzene In Experiment 13B we generated a Grignard reagent using bromobenzene (the limiting reagent) and magnesium in an ether solvent. This Grignard reagent was then reacted with benzophenone, followed by an acidic workup, to produce triphenylmethanol. The ether solvent was used in this experiment because is helped to stabilize the Grignard reagent by coordinating its lone pair electrons, therefore donating electron density to a electron deficient magnesium molecule. Anhydrous conditions were required because the Grignard reagent is a reactive nucleophile and a strong base. The anhydrous conditions prevent the Grignard reagent from deprotonating water to form benzene. We ensured anhydrous conditions by flame drying all of our glassware. The reaction began with the insertion of magnesium into the carbon bromine bond to generate the Grignard reagent. 96 mg of magnesium turnings were ground up with a mortar and pestle in order to remove any surface oxides and contaminations that may preclude magnesium s ability to react with unreactive alkyl halides. The magnesium turnings, along with a small crystal of iodine and a drop of 1,2 dibromoethane were added to a round bottom flask. The 1,2 dibromoethane is necessary to activate the alkyl halide. In a conical vial 2mL of anhydrous ether... Show more content on ... The remaining organic layer was washed with sodium bisulfite and brine. The sodium bisulfite was used to wash away MgOH and neutralize the acid. The solution was dried using anhydrous sodium sulfate and heated until the solvent evaporated. Anhydrous sodium sulfate is a drying agent used to remove water from the mixture. The crude mixture was triturated in petroleum ether. Trituration broke down the crude mixture into a desirable compound that remained insoluble, and impurities, which were soluble in the liquid. Therefore, the impurities were filtered out using petroleum ether. This rinsed away the non polar byproduct,
  • 32. Unmanned Railway Gate INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION 2. EMBEDDED SYSTEM 2.1 Definitions 2. Examples Of Embedded Systems 3. Microprocessor and Microcontroller 4. Microprocessor verses Microcontroller 3. BLOCK DIAGRAM 3.1.1 Block Diagram Description 3.1.2 555 Timers 3.1.3 Infrared Sensor 3.1.4 Microcontroller (89S52) 3.1.5 Power Supply 4. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4.1.1 555 Timers 4.1.2 InfraredEmitted Diode(TSAL 6200) 4.1.3 IR Receiver(TSOP) 4. DTMF generator 5. COMPONENTS THEIR 5.1.1Microcontroller 5.1.2 Description Of 8952 Microcontroller 5.1.3 Features Of Microcontroller 5.1.4 Block Diagram Of Microcontroller 5.1.5 Pin Configurations 5.1.6 ... Show more content on ... The project is simple to implement and subject to further improvement. [pic] [pic] 2 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS: 2.1 DEFINITIONS: Embedded system is a combination of hardware and software, it is also named as Firm ware . An embedded system is a special purpose computer system, which is completely encapsulated by the device it controls. It is a computer controlled system. An embedded system is a specialized system that is a part of a larger system or machine. As a part of a larger system it largely determines its functionality. Embedded systems are electronic devices that incorporate microprocessors with in their implementations. The main purpose of the microprocessors are simplify the system design and improve flexibility. In the embedded systems, the software is often stored in a read only memory (RAM) chip. Embedded systems provide several major functions including monitoring of the analog environment by reading data from sensors and controlling actuators. 2.2 EXAMPLES OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS: Embedded systems are found in wide range of application areas. Originally they were used only for expensive industrial control applications, but as technology brought down the cost of dedicated processors, they began to appear in moderately expensive applications such as automobiles, communication and office equipments and television Today s embedded systems are so inexpensive that they
  • 33. Concrete Response Essay The manual also suggests places to hide away from the public view such as caves, rocky areas, or nest boxes. It is suggested that a disinfectant and fungicide is used when cleaning the holdings and exhibits, with frequent hosing or timer set sprinklers used to prevent accumulation of fecal on the substrate. The substrate needs to be variable to avoid foot issues. They suggest a variety of substrates throughout the exhibit and holding areas like concrete and pebbles. Concrete can be abrasive and promote bumblefoot, so placing mats down has been shown to help. No matter the substrate chosen, it needs to be easily cleaned and disinfected. For the safety of the penguins, a fence barrier should be placed two feet into the ground in an L shape inwards to prevent them from digging or burrowing out. A barrier of glass or acrylic between the penguins and guests should also be maintained at all times. Banding/Identification AZA Penguin Taxon Advisory Group (2014) recommends an identification system such as a color coded ... Show more content on ... This will also help reintroduction back into the colony as it is recommended that it be done as group. A howdy cage can be used at first, followed be gradually allowing them to have supervised time together. Enrichment AZA Penguin Taxon Advisory Group (2014) suggests a complex exhibit with lots of features such as water jets, wave machines, and bubbles in the water. Land features should include rocks that have ledges, alcoves, or caves. Other enrichment suggested included a sprinkler, keeper play, relocation of food pans, ice cubes, and boomer balls. Browse can also be offered as long as it is a species that is safe in case of ingestion. Operant training can be used as a form of enrichment as they respond to routines.
  • 34. James K. Polk Dbq During the 1844 presidential election Whig party signs boldly asked the question Who is James K. Polk? (Miller 2015) in reference to the supposed unknown status of the democratic candidate. The same question if often still asked today as he is an often overlooked president. While not as popular as Washington, Lincoln, or either of the Roosevelt s, President James K. Polk nonetheless deserves a place among those considered the most successful presidents of the United States. By the end of his term the United States had grown by more than a million square miles, tariffs had been lowered, the country had come successfully through a war, and a new federal depository system had been established (Pletcher 2015). Due to all of these aspects of ... Show more content on ... He had lowered tariffs, acquired Mexico and California, reestablished the Independent banking system, and settled the dispute over Oregon with Britain. Part of his success came from his establishment of clear cut goals. However, another part of his success came from his management and relations to his cabinet, congress, and party. While by most accounts Polk was very reserved, intense, introverted, and often seen as severe and humorless, he at the same time was extremely determined, hardworking, honest, and meet matters with a degree of caution that was tempered by the ability to make decisions when needed. He chose his cabinet with care with half coming from congress and all being spread out geographically. Polk managed to fully utilize the experience and advice of his cabinet while keeping it under complete control. He held cabinet meetings twice a week where he opened all subjects to discussion (Pletcher 2015). Members were encouraged to call frequently at the White House to present departmental problems, and some made almost daily visits. Polk even referred to his cabinet as his official family , and while he was a serious, and often demanding leader, he was one that would take advice and weigh it in order to make a decision that he felt was the best for the
  • 35. Why Doctors Commit Malpractice And Does Obama Care Lead... What Are The Reasons Doctors Commit Malpractice And Does Obama Care Lead Into This ? A Review of Literature Amir Haji Edina Highschool Authors Note this paper was prepared for Pre AP english 10 Period 1 taught by ms Benson Introduction Today if you were to say doctor to someone, the first thing that pops into their heads is life savers. Although that is true some can be killing innocent or guilty people by their malpractice When I became able to read I started to notice how sloppy my doctor s handwriting was. I thought to myself how can anyone read that. I became scared that I would get the wrong medication. In this study of misdiagnosis conducted by An Institute of Medical Report Committee on Quality of Health Care in America Institute of Medicine National Academy Press Washington, D.C. (2014) said that 42% that believed that an error occurred only 40% of them had been misdiagnosed this is a serious problem that could allow someone to die .By examining evidence and background information about the reasons doctors commit malpractice the causes and effects from obamacare and and discussing current actions being taken to address the problem, this essay will explore the problem with why doctors commit malpractice and the causes and effects of obamacare in order to enact change, I will send a survey to my local hospital with this essay. Background information and evidence of the
  • 36. The Epistolary Form Of Writing The epistle in its most basic form is simply a letter, with the epistolary form in the Eighteenth Century being a published letter often from one writer to another. This mode of writing was extremely popular in the Eighteenth Century, taking on different contexts for different purposes. An epistle can be a complex genre of writing. The Epistle can be a collection of poems, a satirical essay, a response to an author s works or a raging sparring of words. Although quite constraining in format, an epistle addressed to someone, be it explicit or not can capture the minds of many. The epistle is notably an ancient form of writing, originating in Egypt as early as 1292 BC. However, the scholars of Ancient Greece and Rome made the formulae of ... Show more content on ... Horace s work does indeed showcase his view of literary culture of that time, highlighting the change that is occurring and setting rules and boundaries of writing poetry. From Ancient Greece to Eighteenth Century England the epistle s importance still remains. With the Ancients vs Moderns argument being in full effect, this added leverage to the use of the epistle in satire, reproducing the epistolary form as Greats before them had also used. The difference between Modern thinkers were in stark contrast to the Neo Classical thinkers of the time. The Neo Classical Aesthetic embodied a group of attitudes towards art and human existence. That of order, logic, restraint, accuracy, decorum and correctness was favoured over the Renaissance thinkers that believed imagination, invention, experimentation and mysticism was more important to feature in Literature. The Augustan Age in which Pope, being a central poetic figure at that time had the most famous and well recognised modern epistles written both by him and also aimed at him. Criticism was increasingly popular in the 18th Century, with enjoyment coming from both the original text and the opinions and responses to the text by others. Of course, Pope perceived some criticism as incorrect and a personal attack on his own being rather than input on his actual body of work. These attacks, however, motivate Alexander Pope further, giving him more material
  • 37. Essay Comparing Pleasantville And Fahrenheit 451 Although rebels are looked at as agitators, eventually, people in the book and novel aid society into evolving for the better. In Pleasantville and Fahrenheit 451 there are certain people who go against society. These revolutionists are dominated by society for their personal perspectives. Both the book and film seem to have a common theme consisting of outsiders. Being a social outcast in the film and or movie eventually brought a new perspective for the society. These two particular worlds have different attitudes and ideas of a flawless and excellent life. An example is when David and Jennifer arrived in Pleasantville which then they evolved into Bud and Mary sue. Both were examined negatively because they knew something that the people ... Show more content on ... In Fahrenheit 451 the rebels consisted of Clarisse, Montag, Faber, and Granger, which challenged their current life and wanted an adjustment to happen. The change the rebels wanted in the book was to read books. These Characters were are all radiant, smart, and wanted to create down to earth ideas that nobody had ever thought of. One common theme the book and film had was wisdom and knowledge are acquired through experience and erudition. This theme applies as Pleasantville changed to color. The people in Pleasantville learned that adjustments engenders different perspectives like Skip finding the colored rose. In Fahrenheit 451 they learned that books show how to care and love for each other, for example when Montag read a poem to Mrs. Phelps and she started to cry because it made her feel sympathy for her dead husband she had never felt before. Both the film and novel take place in a very strict time period. In Fahrenheit 451 books are illegal, mental reflections are banned, and also reading books. In Pleasantville, color is prohibited and any other thoughts other than the script is prohibited as well as they go through the same routine everyday. Another common theme both the film and book have is
  • 38. How To Write An Essay About A Trip To Lithgow Travelling less than 2 hours by car, The Blue Mountains is a perfect place for people to visit. This is one of Australia s most amazing parks. When visiting Scenic World, you can enjoy the wildlife, phenomenal waterfalls, and beautiful valleys. In October, you will be invited for an exploration in the Lithgow and Oberon regions . Every year, there is a music festivalwhich is held in middle of March. People in Lithgow celebrates Yulefest from June 1st to August 31st. Blue Mountain attracts tourists to the mountains by its magnificent cliffs, gorges and mysterious dark sandstone valley a cool green forests of eucalyptus. About 1100 m climb, the air appeared to Katoomba cool and fresh, from here you can also enjoy the stunning beauty of the ... Show more content on ... But because the climate here is mild, summer is not too hot, not too cold winters, suitable for year round tourism Newcastle Travelling 162km to northeast from Sydney, Newcastle is a metropolitan area is the second busiest in New South Wales and is the most developed city of the Hunter region. It is the perfect choice for those who want to enjoy art activities and entertainment: jazz festival from Newcastle to events and new media art This Is Not Art Festival Electro fringe sound, Contact Festival national younger writers (national young Writers Festival). Youth music culture that dynamic centre of Newcastle became inspirations. Newcastle is also known as Steel City because it has a steel production plant of the group BHP, but it really still is a vibrant city and is worth living with cafГ©s and fine cuisine peak fall. Three beautiful beaches, from north to Nobbys Merewether in the south, which are linked together by a walkway named three hours Bathers Way. Whether you plan to stay a day or a month, Newcastle was always inspiring for everyone to
  • 39. Lake Winnipeg Lake Winnipeg, the last remains of glacial Lake Agassiz, is the 10th largest lake in the world by surface area. It lies on the boundary between the Interior Plains and the Southwestern Canadian Shield. Up to five and a half million people rely on the health of Lake Winnipeg. The lake is an economic powerhouse that supports a $100 million a year tourism industry and a $25 million a year fishing industry (Halter, 2007). Furthermore, more than 23,000 permanent residents live in 30 communities along the shores of Lake Winnipeg, including 11 First Nations communities. Seven ManitobaProvincial Parks are located on the south basin of LakeWinnipeg including Hecla/Grindstone, Beaver Creek, Camp Morton, Winnipeg Beach, Elk Island, and Grand Beach. Lake Winnipeg consists of a shallow, southern basin and larger, deeper north basin. The two... Show more content on ... This ratio makes Lake Winnipeg more susceptible to excessive nutrient levels, leading to massive algal blooms and lake wide eutrophication. Nutrient entry points include the Winnipeg River from the east, The Saskatchewan River from the west, the Red River from the south, and precipitation. The largest source of total phosphorus (68% total phosphorus load) and nitrogen (34% total nitrogen load) to Lake Winnipeg is the Red River, followed by the Winnipeg River as second largest. Approximately 60% of phosphorus and 54% of nitrogen that enters the lake through these tributaries and precipitation is retained. The only major outflow point is the Nelson River from the northeast. The Nelson River allows approximately 2500 tonnes of phosphorus to flow out of the lake, and has been used for electric power generation since 1976 (LWF, 2011). Elevated nutrient concentrations at the southern end of Lake Winnipeg are most likely a result of the nutrient rich inflow of the Red River, with phosphorus concentrations being almost three times higher in the south
  • 40. Qlt4 Task 1 Identification of Community The state of Kansas is in the Midwestern United States. The state of Kansas is renowned for its agriculture. It ranks number seven in regard to agriculture production in the United States (Nelson Staggers, 2014). Wyandotte County is located in Kansas City . Wyandotte County seats west of Kansas City, Missouri. The county of Wyandotte consists of a total population of 163,369 people according to the latest census. The majority of inhabitants are whites, black Americans and Hispanic making up 95,048 46,233 and 26,139 persons respectively. The rest of the population is from other races. The county population spread out as follow with 28.5% under the age of 18, 10% from 18 to 24, 29.5% from 25 to 44, 19.90% from 45 to 64, and 11.70% is older adult 65 years of age or older. The leading cause of mortality ... Show more content on ... This percentage varies within the counties whilst some county record a higher percentage than others. According to demographers, the older population within Wyandotte County will double in the next 30 years. This population is expected to experience challenges regarding access to healthcare and is expected to highly rely on Medicare (McGovern, Lambert Harris, Gotham, Claus Xie, 2014). The level of poverty rose from 12.5 percent to 16.5 percent from year 2000 to year 2012. This means that growth in poverty was experienced in the last decade (with 75% growth levels experienced to the population below 100% FPL, 52 percent to those below 200% FPL). Wyandotte County registered 669 deaths. The main cause of these deaths was heart disease, cancer, stroke, accidents, unintentional injuries and Diabetes Mellitus (Cook, Nelson Lillis, 2013). The county unemployment rate decrease from 10 percent to 8.5 percent in 2011. In the year 2009, teen pregnancy varied from 19.8 teen births to a higher value of 84.6 teen births i.e. per 1000 female teens in Wyandotte
  • 41. Change Of Heart About Animals By Jeremy Rifkin Summary In the assert of ВЁA Change Of Heart about AnimalsВЁ by Jeremy Rifkin, the author strongly supports animals rights and has been working to prove animal intelligences and emotions can see understand through science. Rifkin include pigВґs studies at Purdue University, where scientists found the animal can feel depressed under isolated conditions or health problems. Even Dr Arthur Saniotis, fellow with the University s School of Medical Sciences stated, ВЁscience tells us that animals can have cognitive faculties that are superior to human beings. Due to the rise of the agriculture evolution, people going to consume animals as property and began viewing human as superiority for our exclusive aptitude in reasoning. Human began to break themselves from the nature when technology and standard language imply in everyday life in the world.... Show more content on ... Animals are much more complex and innovative that should be given more credit than it should be. Now learned about the animal feelings exist, human could be too cruel in using their survivor coat, fur, for expensive souvenirs or fashion runway. The Born Free USA organization expounds in 50 million violently killed animals for fashion every year. Fur is believed to get from meat production, but ВЁfur comes from animals who are factory farmed or trapped purely for fashion.ВЁ Animal furs are obtained through gassing, electrocution, or neck breaking in traps. Imagined a full house of fully coated species trap in a cramp factory house, the animal of intelligence are thought to be under humane treatment, but the fashion factories say differently. Rifkin support of animal is simply a moral principle that every human should have instead of thinking as a superior intelligent
  • 42. Employee Information And Non Confidential Information Employee information is a form of personal data which the employer can keep about all of their employees, it should be kept secure and up to date. It should usually be kept within the HR department or within a locked lab office, this confidential information should be put onto the PC yet other non confidential information should be put on paper so that it s readily available to others. It s usually used less frequently as its only needed when there s been a change in someone s personal data, and its essential to keep it so that people may be aware of employee s education/training and general information about an individual is required when starting a job so it should be kept safe and updated. Non confidential information is usually... Show more content on ... data my employer can keep about me Work schedules include information about tasks which need to be completed weekly routines for an individual, responsibilities for staff and which deadlines must be met. Work schedules should be kept within the staff room so that employees can regularly read them, lab office or it could be kept on a secure website so that all staff members could access it at home. This day to day information could be kept on a clipboard within a lab or on a noticeboard within the staff room as employees will be aware of schedules and deadlines. These will need to be updated frequently as rotas and to do activities will change on a weekly basis, yet bigger tasks which occur termly, for example cleaning glassware and washing safety equipment will need doing at certain times and other daily activities will be placed around these more important tasks. The reason for keeping work schedules is that everyone is aware of their responsibilities, staff can stick to a routine and employers will be aware of what to pay staff depending on how many hours they ve worked. This type of information is kept as a paper copy as it s usually kept within a communal area so all members can understand their weekly schedule, all staff members will be allowed to access this information as it includes all staff members, it may be pinned up to a board on the office as its non confidential yet
  • 43. The Pros And Cons Of Vegetarianism Every time we sit at a table to enjoy the fruits and grain and vegetables from our good earth, remember that they come from the work of men and women and children who have been exploited for generations. These words of Cesar Chavez, co founder of the United Farm Workers, perfectly describe the injustice farm workers face in producing our food and including humans when talking about cruelty free. Conversations surrounding notions of vegetarianismas inherently cruelty free seldom incorporate the advocacy of more rights for farm workers. As a conflicted meat eater, I can concede that the fight for vegetarianism is honorable and consuming fewer animal products would be beneficial for our society, however, promoting meat free meals and products as cruelty free mistakenly limits the cruelty of the food production system to animals. Comparatively, our food production system also exploits factory farm workers, a point also overlooked in conversations regarding ethical eating. Ultimately, the fundamental problem with vegetarianism is the cruelty free platform, that too often ignores the inhumane working conditions of farm workers. That being so, not eating meat does not place you above everyone else on the moral scale or mean you practice cruelty free when exploited laborers in our food production system, most of whom are undocumented, do not have their liberation. The unfortunate reality is that the majority of things we consume have harmful effects whether you are vegetarian
  • 44. The Assumptions Of Ability Grouping, Student Tracking And... Abstract This paper will dive into four common unwarranted assumptions made from ability grouping (student tracking) and attempt to debunk the ideas. Ability grouping is the common educational practice of separating students based on actual or purported ability in the same grade into different instructional groups with differing levels of aptitude or achievement (Ainsworth 2013). The four assumptions that will follow were researched by the former presidential professor in equity in the graduate school of education and information studies at UCLA, Jeannie Oakes. Ability grouping or student tracking is in fact illegal in the state of California but, institutions still find alternative ways to implement the method. Keywords: Ability Grouping, Students Tracking Debunking the False Assumptions of Ability Grouping The four ability grouping assumptions are as follow: (1) Students learn better when they are grouped with other students who have similar academic skills or prior levels of achievement, (2) slower students develop more positive attitudes about themselves and their education when they are not in daily classroom contact with those who are brighter, (3) track placements are part of a meritocratic system with assignments earned by students and accorded through fair and accurate means, and (4) teaching is easier when students are grouped homogeneously, and teaching is better when there are no slower students to lower the common denominator in the classroom
  • 45. Portrayal Of Soldiers In Movies Essay Even though a soldier is made for war they are still human on the inside so if they start to feel a range of different emotions it is not odd, I have chosen to explore the portrayal of soldiers the movies I will focus on are: Pearl Habour by Michael Bay, American Sniper by Clint Eastwood, Black Hawk Down by Ridley Scott and the song Hero Of War performed by Rise Against to see if there are any similarities in the emotions of soldiers whether it be a sense of pride or a feeling of depression. At the start of the movie Pearl Habour directed by Michael Bay shows two young boys Danny and Reef who are pretending to fly an old aeroplane. The two boys then go on to being pilots in the U.S.A navy. The pilots show a sense of pen when the Japanese chose to bomb Pearl Harbour and they courageously decided to get in two planes and ended up shooting down seven Japanese aeroplanes. Towards the end Reef begins to display signs of depression as Danny is shot by a Japanese soldier. An indicator that ... Show more content on ... Throughout the movie, it showed a lot of mixed emotions. The main emotion I noticed was a sense of courage, mainly because the U.S soldiers that were fighting in Somalia were fighting a war that they did not need to be apart of. They couragesly left there homes in America to fight in Somalia not to stop the Somalian terrorists but to make a difference for the ones who did not want war. But when an American squad of soldiers get pinned down and one of their soldiers gets seriously injuired, the emotional devastation shown on a couple of soldiers faces when they decide to get the bullet out of the wound and failed, I personally thought that the courage of the soldiers to go and fight another countries war was pretty outstanding. I believe that the emotions that would have been running through the soldiers would have been pretty hard to control as they are making life and death decisions on a daily
  • 46. 1984 Similarities Between 1984 And 1984 1984 is based in a dystopian world that is controlled by the supreme leader, Big Brother. Big Brother and other members of the inner party have the ability to watch every move a citizen makes, hear every conversation, and read every thought. The country of Oceania is controlled by 4 ministries that maintain the jobs in the government. The ministry of peace controls all war for Oceania. The ministry of plenty deals with all the economics for Oceania. The ministry of love handles law and order for Oceania. The ministry of truth controls all news articles, entertainment, education, and art. Winston Smith, being the protagonist, works in the ministry of truth. He secretly hates Big Brother and the rest of the party. The Hunger Games is also based in a dystopian world which is controlled by The Capitol. The country is split into 13 districts. Each district is numbered 1 13. The richer districts are 1 9 and the poorest districts are 10 13. The country is controlled by one party who decides all and every year they have a hunger games, where two people from each district ... Show more content on ... Both have an overall ruler, Big Brother being the one for 1984 and The Capitol being the leaders for The Hunger Games. Both governments have government branch stations. For example, the ministries are the substations or organizations for the inner party in 1984. For Hunger Games, the first 9 districts handle all the government affairs while 10 13 handle more agriculture. As security exists in both books, 1984 has the thought police and members of the ministry of love to handle their traitors and criminals. The Copital in the Hunger Games uses the military to handle all criminals. Each government has their own strategy for keeping an eye on their citizens. Telescreens, small microphones secretly placed everywhere, and the thought police are strategies used in 1984. In The Hunger Games, simple cameras placed strategically all over the districts are
  • 47. Questions On Financial Concepts On Valuation Financial concepts on Valuation Student Name Course Name Prof Name 12/9 /2015 1.Explain the use of strategic option in valuation. Explain how strategic options are often abused in valuation. Firm s value maximization managers must have check on internal capabilities for external opportunities. Managers can get real option value by doing decisions on time and flexible about firm s opportunities and capabilities. There are four main parts in the manager s work box for investment valuation opportunities. В¬Net Present Values В¬Accounting rated of return В¬Real Options В¬Payback rules NPV implement require estimates of appropriate discount rate and expected cash flows. And there s the rub. This is only of use of information at the time of assessment. NPV method was first time developed for bonds value. Little investors in bonds can do it for alternative the final principal paid or yield rate and coupon they receive. Business most over, is not inactive investors: managers have flexibility invest further, sell assets, see and wait for project completely. Accounting rate of return mean a ration of the forecasted profit average over to project life to investment book value average. Also has to compare with limit rate is required prior to investment goes forward. It is accurately the method in which real options transaction with risk and flexibility which can create its value. Real option is not just to get number it is also give a useful structure for strategic decision