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Ideas For Personal Essays
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Ideas For Personal Essays" can be both a challenging and
rewarding endeavor. The difficulty lies in the very nature of the subject – personal essays
demand a profound exploration of one's thoughts, experiences, and emotions. Unlike more
objective topics, where facts and data take precedence, delving into personal territory requires a
delicate balance of introspection and effective communication.
The challenge arises from the need to navigate the fine line between self-expression and
relatability. While the essay is inherently personal, it should still resonate with a broader
audience, inviting readers to connect with the writer's experiences on a universal level. Selecting
compelling ideas that are both unique to the individual and universally relevant can be a
formidable task.
Furthermore, crafting a personal essay demands a high level of vulnerability. Writers must be
willing to open up about their fears, joys, and vulnerabilities, exposing themselves to potential
judgment. This emotional exposure can be mentally taxing, requiring careful self-reflection and a
willingness to confront uncomfortable truths.
On a structural level, organizing personal thoughts into a coherent and engaging narrative poses
its own set of challenges. Striking the right balance between chronological storytelling, reflective
analysis, and thematic coherence is crucial. The essay must flow seamlessly, guiding the reader
through the author's journey while maintaining a clear focus on the central theme.
However, despite these challenges, writing a personal essay can also be an immensely gratifying
process. It allows individuals to explore their own thoughts and experiences in depth, gaining
new insights into their lives. Moreover, successfully connecting with an audience through
personal storytelling can create a powerful impact, fostering empathy and understanding.
For those who find the process daunting, seeking assistance from platforms like can be a valuable option. Similar essays, expertly crafted to address personal
topics, can be ordered, providing a model for effective self-expression. Such services can
alleviate the pressure of producing a compelling personal essay, allowing individuals to focus on
the unique aspects of their experiences without being overwhelmed by the intricacies of the
writing process.
Ideas For Personal Essays Ideas For Personal Essays
The Impacts Of The New Deal And The Great Depression
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was persistent and determined to help the
people of his country. He believed that nothing should be prioritized more than the
wellbeing of the citizens of the United States. The New Deal was a series of
programs created to help the United States economy and to help reverse the effects of
the Great Depression. It was the first time that the government played a large role in
the American economy and society. The New Dealprograms and their effects created
optimism and hope into the minds of the American people. President Roosevelt was
always hopeful for the prosperity of the United States. After putting into effect the
many acts that made up the New Deal to assist the unemployed, about five million
unemployed people went back to work. In addition the New Deal helped to support
the prices of commodities such as agricultural products. The economy as a whole for
the country had stabilized. The philosophy behind the New Deal included the three
R s: relief, recovery, and reform. Although the relief and recovery were not fully
solved by the New Deal programs, almost eight million people were still unemployed,
they definitely made a great impact. The New Deal helped give opportunities to
women, African Americans, and as a result it reduced the amount of unemployment.
The New Deal programs assisted many Americans by providing them jobs and
income throughout the Great Depression. There were many legislative Acts made
during the New Deal, including
Why I Hate Being Complacent Essay
I hate being complacent. I try to fight complacency in all aspects of my life from
academics to my sport of ultimate. Academically, complacency is the difference
between putting in the time and effort to study for a test and shrugging it off with
a simple it ll be fine. Playing ultimate complacency looks like not doing another set
of dead lifts or accepting a poor decision as acceptable just because it happened to
result in a goal because it ll work itself out. One of my main goals for this school
year is to rid my life of these complacencies. And, honoring this commitment, I have
been doing my work more thoroughly and not just at the last minute and have been
pushing myself to become faster and smarter as an ultimate player. But even with
this resolution to be better I am still complacent in those aspects of my life and will
continue to be imperfect as long as I continue to be human. But, as I have learned
throughout my time at Carleton, more specifically this term (and even more
specifically the second half of this term) I am complacent in the way I view justice in
this country. There are powerful forces that shape our criminal justicesystem that I
have always vaguely known existed and have always vaguely understood that they
are inherently and systematically racist. And even hearing the facts and numbers, my
favorite things, on how racist our country is I chose to be indifferent. I knew that one
in three black men will be incarcerated during their life time while
Children s Act Of 1984 And The Children Act
In recent times safeguarding of children has once again come under spotlight with
cases such as Madline McKan and the horrific murders of Jessica Chapman and
Holly Wells. Prior to this the Children s act of 1984 and updated 2004 version
highlighted that all professionals have an obligation to report suspected abuse.
There was a public inquiry in 2000 to address the failure of the law which was not
upholding the protection of vulnerable children. There was changes to the legislation
and the government set up The Every Child Maters (ECM) initiative. This works in
line with current legislation Working Together to Safeguard Children 2006 Act. This
Act authorised guidance on how organisations and individuals should work together
to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people in accordance
with the Children Act 1989 and the Children Act 2004. All organisations must have
the succeeding policies and procedures: Child protection Health and safety Risk
assessment In each workplace there are child protection policy and procedures that
set out the settings Safe working practices. As one of the past critics according to
Laming inquiry is that professionals do not understand each other s roles and did not
work together in a multi disciplinary manner. This term makes reference to how
practitioners work to protect children and to protect themselves from accusations of
abuse. Top responsibilities of settings consist of: Choosing a named senior member
of staff to
Dirt Track Racing Research Paper
The particular community I consider to be affiliated with is the local dirt track
race car community. Dirt track racing is a sport in which race cars perform on a
dirt or clay surfaced oval track. There are various race car classes that range from
Hornets which are considered the least expensive all the way up to the Modified,
which is the most expensive class of race car to run on the race track. I personally
identify myself to be included in such a community due to the fact that ever since I
was the age of four, my father took up the sport of racing Modified s every
weekend from March to October, and this is ultimately how I was introduced to the
race track family (community). At the age of six my brother was very intrigued by
the sport of racing and convinced my father to allow him to follow in his footsteps,
and also pursue the love and dedication for the sport. When my father and brother
took up the sport of racing it gave me... Show more content on ...
From the second you pull up to the race track you catch a glimpse of the oval
shaped, quarter mile clay track that contains four sharp turns. As soon as you exit
your vehicle, you are faced with a distinct odor of the sweet smell of cherry race
fuel that is burning off of the race cars preparing to go out onto the race track from
the pit area. The pit area is the location of the race track where all the racer car
drivers and pit crew members park, fine tune, and tweak their set ups on their race
cars for the particular track. The adjustments and set ups of the races cars are vital
due to the fact that every set up is unique to each and every track due to the
different shapes. Another factor that the race car drivers and pit crew members have
to take into consideration are the condition of the track, this is due to the fact that a
dry track utilizes a different set up than a tacky track, which is a track that is sticky
due to the abundance of
Juan Ponce Dummon Research Paper
Juan Ponce de LeГіn
Born in SantervГЎs de Campos, Spain, in 1460, Juan Ponce de LeГіn had sailed on
expeditions with Christopher Columbus, and then sailed to the New World on
expeditions of his own later on. Although most commonly known for his exploration
for the Fountain of Youth, Ponce de LeГіn proved to be a great explorer for having
resolved the rebellion that had erupted in Hispaniola, but also discovering Puerto
Rico and Florida to add to his legacy and story.
In the early 1500 s, a rebellion occurred in the New World land of Hispaniola, Ponce
de LeГіn was on his second expedition to the New World with Columbus. The revolt
that had occurred on the island was by the slaves that had inhabited the island island
when discovered. Ponce de LeГіn had participated in the calming of the rebellion; in
return for his efforts he was promoted to a military commander, and received a large
portion of the western part of the island to govern.
Juan Ponce had explored the idea of traveling to Puerto Rico when the natives, Taino
Indians, of a neighboring island had told him that the island had contained much
gold, treasures, and fertile lands. In 1508, Ponce de LeГіn had gained permission
from Ferdinand II of Aragon to set sail to the island. Later ... Show more content on ...
He was guided by the Taino Indians to search for safe and suitable settlement
locations on the island. They would find gold, and a bay that would be well suited
for settlement and would eventually become the capital of Puerto Rico, San Juan.
Ponce de LeГіn would return to Puerto Rico as governor of the island to mine for the
gold that remained on the island. When word got back to Spain that Ponce de LeГіn
had settled on the island, he received the title of Adelanto, or governor of Puerto
Rico. He was the island s governor for two years until the king replaced him with
How Did Aristotle Influence Alexander The Great
Aristotle seems to have bequeathed an especially large number of words and
phrases to English. Aristotle 384 322 BCE) was a pupil of Plato, whom succeeded
as head of the Academy in Athens. Aristotle seems to have bequeathed an especially
large number of words and phrases to English for the following reasons: he was a
personal tutor to Alexander the Great; he established his own school in Athens; and
he wrote a vast array of political, biological and botanical studies. Aristotles writings
have influenced a vast array of human knowledge throughout the world.
Aristotle spent several years as a personal tutor to Alexander the Great. Aristotle has
had a great influence on Alexander the Great s ability to act skillfully and tactfully
when resolving
Unless You Try To Do Something Analysis
The Statement Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already
mastered, you will never grow. pretty much means what it says. You need to try
new things in order to understand some of the things you are good at. For
example; you could have never tried mountain climbing and you don t think you ll
be good at it, but you don t know that. You could have never tried something and
still be good at it. When people try new things, it helps to make them figure out
news things, understand new things, and learn new things about themselves. It also
means that the more you learn, the more you ll grow. If you don t do a lot of
things in you re everyday life, you ll never understand what other things are like.
Example; you could have never tried skydiving and you think it might be really
scary so you don t want to do it.... Show more content on ...
The author wants people to be more active with the worlds activities. Once you
master something, you need to move on and try to master other things. It doesn t
mean stop doing the thing that you ve already mastered, it means try to be good at
many things and not just one simple thing in life, even if you try to master
something else that is almost the same thing. Example; you are really good and
Hockey and then you go one to try and master something like soccer. They are
similar but different, one has you on ice with Hockey sticks, the other has you on
grass using you re feet. You should not do something if you are afraid of things
involving an activity. Example; if you are afraid of heights you shouldn t go
skydiving or mountain climbing. If you are afraid of deep water then you shouldn t
go swimming to far out at a beach. If you are afraid of the wilderness then you
shouldn t go camping or hunting. But you should still try something if you haven t
Adhesive Capsulitis Research Paper
Low Level Laser Therapy on Adhesive Capsulitis Adhesive capsulitis is a problem
that therapeutic ultrasound, low level laser therapy, inferential current, TENS, and
pulsed electromagnetic field therapy have not been researched enough to see if it
works. This study was done to see if low level laser treatment and exercise
improved patients pain, functional impairment, and active shoulder abduction
versus a placebo and exercise. The study was set up by the Cochrane Library. They
researched all the recent articles on electrotherapy modalities on adhesive capsulitis
and then formed their study. It was a randomized control test, using clinical trials
using a quasi randomized method of allocation. There were nineteen trials and
1,249 participants and their average age was fifty five, sixty one percent were
women. Participants had adhesive capsulitis for an average of 5.5 months, and the
average duration of low laser treatment was four weeks. No one was excluded from
the study and the only criterion for the study was that participants needed to have
adhesive capsulitis.... Show more content on ...
Participants pain with low laser therapy and exercise was a 32 out of a 0 100 pain
scale. Participants pain with placebo and exercise was a 51 out of a 0 100 pain
scale. The study also did a functional impairment test (the higher the score means
the worse functioning) the low laser therapy and exercise scored a 36 out of a 0
100 scale. The placebo and exercise scored 48 out of 0 100 on the functional
impairment test. The study also tested the motion of active shoulder abduction; the
low laser therapy and exercise ranged at 79 degrees and placebo and exercise ranged
at 70 degrees. There were some imitations to the study; they had very low quality of
American Revolution Vs Russian Revolution
The American Revolution, lasting from 1765 to 1783, was a war between Great
Britain and its thirteen colonies in North America. The colonies overthrew British
authority and established the United States of America. Despite containing the word
revolution in its name, the societal structure created after the war was not so
fundamentally different from the one before, even though it contained numerous
changes and advancements. As a result, the movement was more reformist than
revolutionary. America s new society after the war was not so intrinsically different
from what it was before. The Russian Revolution converted a Czarist rule to a
Communist rule and the French Revolution ended the Old Regime and created a
temporary legislature. The American
Niccolo Machiavelli Essay
Niccolo Machiavelli Around 1513 Niccolo Machiavelli while writing The Prince
would not be considered a theologian. When thinking of Machiavelli many people
confuse him together with the names of rulers who have abused his writings. It also
seems other people confuse Machiavelli with the rapper who took his name. Either
way people confuse Machiavelli it seems they fail to look at his true message,
bettering the state and the greater good. Machiavelli may seem evil to some but his
political theory properly applied is optimal for founding a state, establishing and then
maintaining order. Machiavelli being a consequentialist believed actions should be
judged by their consequences. Machiavelli because of the way he thought believed...
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When thinking of right and wrong would it not be right to save more even though
you have to hurt some? Machiavelli is not against all that is good. Machiavelli,
although thought to be, is not against religion. Machiavelli believes religion is a
great unifier. A fact many have overlooked in his philosophy. Also it seems there is
a hint of belief or acknowledgement in God in his passage Although one should not
reason about Moses, since he merely executed what God Commanded, yet he must
be praised for the grace that made him worthy of speaking with God. But let us
consider Cyrus and the others who acquired great kingdoms: they were all
praiseworthy, and their actions and institutions, when examined, do not seem to
differ from Moses, who had such a mighty teacher. This quote too could be
Machiavelli simply covering his tracks so he does not seem blasphemous and the
punishment that would come with being blasphemous. It is interesting though why
he would even mention Moses when he could have been as easily left out?
Machiavelli believed for a prince to be successful he must found a state that will
not need a prince once he dies. This belief was stretched over The Prince and The
Discourses. The question though is how can a prince make himself obsolete or
should he make himself completely obsolete? The answer is no he can not make
himself completely obsolete. A Prince should establish a republic but still
French Revolution Essay
The French Revolution was a time for expansion in human freedom. It was a way for
the French to re invent their government to give some sort of equality for their
people. There were many successes the French Revolution made, such as creating
public schools for children and making it mandatory for them to attend. The French
Revolutionhad the intentions to create a better government and lifestyle for their
people, such as Jacobins who believed in the poor having their turn to rule. Though,
others opposed the ideas of the revolution. Those people did not go unpunished by
their beliefs. This was known as the Reign of Terror, which was not completely
necessary for their society.
The French Revolution was held in order to stop ... Show more content on ...
Part I: All children will attend school, boys between the ages of 5 and 12, girls
between the ages of 5 and 11. (Draft of Law on Public Education, by Citizen
Robespierre) This showed how the government was serious in making sure all
people in France had some education. This was a great success because every
person could at least read and write. Lastly, women were finally given the freedom
of equality. Woman had always been oppressed by men because of physical
capability, they were not as physically strong as men. But, they were finally able to
pass a law of equality in a written declaration. Article 1: Woman is born free and
lives equal to man in her rights. Social distinctions can be based only on the common
utility. (Declaration of the Rights of Women, by Olympe de Gouge) This clearly
shows that the French Revolution aided women in the right of equality with men.
These successes clearly show how the French Revolution helped to expand human
The people who supported the Revolution were known as Jacobins. They were
people who believed that the poor should have the turn to rule, they represented the
lower class people. This group was made up of anyone who believed in their ideas,
even women. Two men who were part of the Jacobins were Georges Dantonand Jean
Paul Marat. They highly believed in the poor being in control. Danton once stated
The Rich used to rule Paris. Now we cry: Make way for the
The American Dream of Warren Buffett
Georgia Agrapidis
English 3 CPE
Period 1
Research Paper
Warren Buffett The popular American capitalist, Warren Buffett, has set the standard
for many people by reaching the American Dream for most; from the moment young
Warren Buffett was born in Omaha, Nebraska, he had always targeted high and
worked harder than anyone, to reach those infinite goals. Many people have different
perspectives on what the American Dream really means. To some people, being rich,
having fame, a happy family, or a healthy lifestyle is what people consider being the
American Dream. However, someone like Warren Buffettappears to define the
American Dream as having fun with making money rather then the rewarding results
that comes from it. Warren Buffett... Show more content on ...
He felt as though he already knew a lot about business and that college would be a
waste of time for him. His theory was supported when he decided to attend the
Wharton School of Finance. The professors were stunned at his ingenious
entrepreneurial mind. Buffett knew more then many of his professors and
transferred to the University of Nebraska for a better education. (Smith 4)
Unfortunately, that university was not that much better. He had achieved good
grades in all of his classes at the University of Nebraska and managed to administer
50 newspaper delivery boys simultaneously. After he realized that the University of
Nebraska was not helping him much, he decided to drop out and transfer again. He
first tried to transfer to Harvard but was not accepted. That decision would later
haunt the Harvard administration committee. Warren Buffett then applied to
Columbia University and was accepted in 1950. This was an experience that would
forever change his life, and direct him on the right road to reach the American Dream
of Success. (Ryan 37) One of the most successful and intelligent investors, along with
Warren Buffett, was a professor at Columbia named Ben Graham. He viewed the
stock market in ways that nobody would ever imagine. Through bear markets and
bull markets, no matter what the circumstances were, Ben Graham was making
money. Ben Graham wrote a book called The Intelligent Investor, which Buffett refers
to as the
Julius Caesar Betrayal In Othello Essay
The greatest enemy of the trusting and the loyal, betrayal is friend only to the
greedy and ostentatious. Historically, betrayal has brought about some of the most
significant changes the world has ever seen. Julius Caesar was betrayed by not only
his fellow senators but his own adopted son Marcus Brutus as well. This would lead
to the tyrant s death and as a result, Rome would suffer. In Othello by William
Shakespeare, a powerful man is brought down by those he believed trustworthy.
Betrayal is the only truth that sticks a quote by Arthur Miller that applies quite well
to this literature in that ultimately Iago s deeds to mislead Othello led to the many
untimely deaths of many characters. Within the play, it quickly becomes clear the
most... Show more content on ...
Iago and Roderigo both travel to Brabantio to inform him of his own daughter s
marriage to Othello. This is a blatant betrayal of her own father s trust but he is
unable to come to terms with its reality. Going as far to attempt to convince
himself these two do not know of what they speak What tell st thou me of robbing?
This is Venice. My house is not a grange. (1, 1,118) While this does serve as a
means to further the plot it also sheds light upon the theme of appearance vs.
reality. Brabantio could not accept Desdemona s love for Othello and this is all he
could see. He could not wade past the difference in skin colors to their love. Even
going as far as to claim that That thou hast practiced on her with foul charms
/Abused her delicate youth with drugs or minerals (1, 1, 92) becoming drunk on the
idea that the only way his daughter would betray him would be if she were under
some spell. This appearance drives him so far in his sadness that he can no longer
handle it anymore, echoing the idea that even when the truth can seem so clear
reaching it can be unsurmountable. While an unintentional betrayal, Desdemona
went against the wishes of her father not only reinforcing the plot but also creating a
basis for the theme within the first scene of the
Planned Parenthood Case Study
The recent controversy over the pro choice group The Center for Medical Progress
alleging that Planned Parenthood is involved in the sale of aborted fetal tissue has
catalyzed legislation to defund Planned Parenthood all across the nation. In the
United States, abortion rights are a rather polarizing issue. This being the case,
various media sources are prone toward writing biased articles reporting on the
current Planned Parenthood controversy. The articles either had a mostly left leaning
or right leaning view toward the issue. Only one article that I chose, from the BBC
News, gave a largely neutral account of the controversy over these videos. The weight
of the implications of defunding Planned Parenthood is significant because it affects...
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This accusation was first made by CMP, a pro life organization, on the basis of
footage secretly shot by members of the group who met with representatives of
Planned Parenthood, posing as members of the fake business organization BioMax
representing themselves as a company that purchased fetal tissue. They offered the
representative copious amounts of money for the tissue, which the Planned
Parenthood representatives seemed to be interested in. This footage was used by the
organization to accuse Planned Parenthood of selling fetal tissue. However, it was
later found that the footage was heavily edited to support their accusation. The Center
for Medical Progress filed a criminal investigation against Planned Parenthood in a
Texas court based on their recordings in 2015, but in a turn of events, a Texas grand
jury found Planned Parenthood committed no wrongdoing, and instead the jury
indicted those responsible for the videos, anti abortion activists Daniel Daleidan and
Sandra Merritt on tampering with government documents. Daleidan was also indicted
based on a statute against the sale or purchasing of fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood is
seeking money in restitution for damages. (Reddin,
The Winner Of The Pulitzer s Prize
Have you ever seen the Winner of the Pulitzer Prize on the cover of a book before?
It is one the most prestigious awards to have in American Journalism. Writers
would dream to have this award on their writings because it is such a big
achievement to them. This award is given out in twenty one categories, one for
each category. Two thousand papers and counting are submitted each year for this
award. Joseph Pulitzer is the founder of one of the most achievable awards for
writers, which is the Pulitzer Award. His Father, Philip Pulitzer, which was a
wealthy grain merchant that was Magyar Jewish. His Mother, Louise Berger, was a
German who was Roman Catholic. Joseph wasn t an only child, he had a brother
named Albert. Albert was trained for
Minor Characters In Animal Farm By George Orwell
George Orwell s Animal Farm, is a novella about the rebellion of the animals in the
Manor Farm, which is actually an analogy to the Russian Revolution in 1917. In
order to reveal the reality of the Russian Revolution, Orwell establishes the
characters based on historical figures that were involved in the revolution; even
the minor characters such as, Old Major, Mollie, and Benjamin, represent someone
in the history. Orwell utilizes these minor characters to demonstrate and even
criticize their historical counterparts through the characters thoughts, and reactions
to various events in the novel. Old Major, the wise old boar that is well respected
by other animals, is arguably one of the most important characters in the novel
regardless of being a minor character. In the beginning of the novel, he knows that
he will die soon, therefore, he gives a speech to the animals. In his speech, he
expresses that man is the only real enemy we have. Remove man from the scene,
and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished for ever. (Orwell p.29) His
speech persuades the animals to believe that man is the only reason for the
unsatisfactory living condition they are in. Not long after he dies, his words prompt
the animals to take action; they rebel against the farm owner, Mr Jones. Old Major
being the starting point of the rebellion represents Vladimir Leninwho led the Russian
Revolution. Aside from Lenin, Old Major is also reminiscent of Karl Marx. He
reminds the animals that
Guided Meditation Script
When you re looking to use a guided meditation script, there are a few things you
can use to really give it an edge. It doesn t have to be much, but a few minutes of
extra effort can make a huge difference in effectiveness.
Let s step back for a moment, and remember that the idea is to get the recipient (or
meditator) to focus on the meditation, not anything and everything else. By providing
a good environment, you not only prevent distractions, but you can actually enhance
and reinforce the effectiveness of your guided meditation script.
Let s start with music. While working with the meditation in silence can work, I find
that it tends to work better with some gentle music in the background. I have a few
rules I use when I m selecting such ... Show more content on ...
Make sure that the room is not to hot or cold, and you might consider putting a scent
in the air.
There s a lot of different ways to go for adding a scent in the air. You can go with
sprays, candles, heated essential oil, incense, or any combination of the above tin
order to get the desired effect. As with the sound background, I have a few guidelines
to offer here:
Make sure that it is pleasant and accessible. Those of us who are used to incense
can handle more exotic scents, but you want the focus to be determined by what s
in your guided meditation script, not by watering eyes and coughing. On the same
note, don t overdo it. A little goes a long way. Avoid artificial scents. It may be less
expensive, but quite often the scent just winds up being cloying instead of relaxing.
Again, we want to focus the attention inward. Match the type of scent with the
individual. If they react to incense (and some people do), use candles or heat up
some essential oils instead.
When you bring all of these together, the person meditating is almost instantly
relaxed, and your guided meditation script is that much more effective. There is a bit
of an art to this, so keep testing and see what works best for
genocide Essay
Genocide is an extremely broad subject with various different definitions. Genocide
could be one or more leaders trying to get rid of a large group of people by killings or
attacks, or it can be against a smaller group of people in a less violent manner.
Genocide has been a very extreme problem in society and various reports of
genocidal events have been recorded in history, but how does one go about finding
the precise and accurate definition of a genocide ? Genocidal acts are placed into
different categories and are defined in different degrees. The Commission on Human
Rights has set up seven treaties that describe acts of genocide. Regardless of
committees attempts to limit or abolish acts of genocide, genocide was a very
important... Show more content on ...
Once they have the items deemed necessary, it is more likely for these acts to become
more violent and more destructive, depending on the amount of items palpable. This
being said, weapons being more prevalent in the twentieth century have lead to an
increase of genocidal acts in society.
Genocide is an important human rights issue. When a person or persons take it into
their hands to violate someone s given rights, it should be considered an act
punishable. For people to understand the severity of their actions, their actions must
have serious consequences. These consequences must be so extreme to the relevance
to the act punishable that those who are planning on partaking in a similar act are
made well aware of the possible punishments. If people are better educated on the
subject of genocide, the reports of genocidal cases might decrease, making genocide
a less extreme problem not only in the United States, but the entire world.
The world organization that concerns itself with issues parallel to genocide is the
Commission on Human Rights. It is the commission s duty to meet once a genocidal
act occurred and was reported. Then the commission must develop different ways to
mend the problem at task in a fair and just way. By doing so, the commission helps to
fix this human right s issue with the seven treaties.
The Commission On Human Rights has set up seven treaties that
Tori Kodatsuke Hachigaeshi s Shakuhachi
In the Japanese Shakuchachi Honkyoku piece, the Tori Kodatsuke Hachigaeshi, is
an interesting piece that represent one of the Japanese cultural music. Tori
Kodatsuke Hachigaeshi, or also known as Street Corner Begging that emphasis
begging. Little that we know, begging have a huge effect at the Fuke sect in Japan
which lead to hokyuku. Moreover, the piece that is played on a jinashi shakuhachi,
a piece of bamboo without an added bone mouthpiece, had effected the way of the
sound is produce which is a windy and squeaky sound. In my opinion, the tone
/timbre of the piece is slow, deep, empty, and not well develop (raw) as to compare
to the western flute. The western flute have an accurate and more fluent tone.
Western flute is also have a higher
Edgar Degas And Western Realism In Hokusai s
Edgar Degas appears to have never accommodated himself to the name of
impressionist, wanting to call himself a realist, independent, or free. Like the
impressionists, he looked to catch transient minutes in the stream of present day
life, yet he demonstrated little enthusiasm for painting plein air scenes, favoring
scenes in theaters and bistros lit up by fake light, which he used to illuminate the
forms of his figures, complying to his training. Degas s choice of subject matter
mirrors his modern cutting edge approach. He best liked scenes of ballet dancers.
His concentration to ballet dancers increased strongly in the late 1800s, and
eventually he composed nearly 2,000 works on the area. They address the way the
human body moves, investigating the physicality and train of the ballet dancers
using distorted stances and abrupt vantage points. Without the Japanese printmaker
Hokusai, Impressionism may never have happened. He is a father figure of Western
Modernism. In Japan, Hokusai was viewed as crude, underneath the thought of the
magnificent literati. In the West, his outline of space with color and line, as
opposed to by means of one point perspective, would have a revolutionary effect.
Most artist were influenced by his landscapes but Degas, he was influenced by
Hokusai s rendering of human forms. You can truly see how he was influence by
Hokusai in his bathers artwork. Degas was uncommonly interested in women s
private, rather than public, appearances. Degas
High Schools Are Not Preparing Their Graduates For
High Schools are not Preparing Their Graduates for College
Three out of four graduates are not fully prepared for college, because of this they
are almost certain to take remedial classes in which they can prepare to be
freshman, in their second semester of college. ACT s have tested 50% of these
graduates, and it was measured that only 25% of that was actually prepared in all
three areas of testing. So what is wrong with this picture? The problem is American
high schools are not preparing their students for a college environment, and college
work. Students aren t receiving the key work and lessons needed for college. With all
the method that teachers have, which aren t working to the extent they should be,
they are honestly forced to help these students out when they should have been
prepared to begin with. With that said, High School teachers are not preparing their
students academically for college. Colleges are forced to do studies in consideration
of improving the United States Academic reputation, and the overall education for
America. High School teaching techniques are not preparing their students for
College. Its believed that new case studies have found that U.S. High Schools are
teaching their core College preparatory courses and what colleges want incoming
students to know in order for them to succeed in Freshmen courses. (Higher
Education, 2007) A large role in this is that High School teachers are preparing their
students for more broad skills, ideas,
Public Shunning Research Paper
Jared Fogle Public shunning is the act of persistently rejecting and ostracizing
someone for their actions. It was a common occurrence during the Puritan times,
and it affected the outcasts and the loved ones of the outcasts. Public shunning is a
way to punish those who have sinned and have violated a community s values. It
has not always been as lenient as it is now. In the Puritan times, people were
publicly humiliated in many ways. Some were branded, displayed on the scaffold,
or simply paraded in front ot the town. The worse case for public shunning were
executions in front of the whole town. In today s world, public shunning is not as
harsh. It is now done by parading an outcasts face and sins everywhere in the world
by the news and articles. One of the most recent broadcasted Shunnings is Jared
Fogle. November 19, 2015, Jared Fogle pleaded guilty in court for statutory rape
and child pornography. He was found guilty for receiving and distributing child
pornography, for paying children for sex, and for having sex with at least two
minors. He engaged in these acts with minors from 2007 until June 2015. Russell...
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It ruined their lives, and the lives of the people who loved them. Hester committed
infidelity in a puritan society. Jared molested minors while he was married to
someone else. Jared Fogle and Hester both committed adultery in different ways, and
they were both shunned for it. They both received their punishments by becoming
outcasts. Hester was considered an outcast because she was named unholy and
unfaithful by her community, and the puritans did not want her unfaithfulness to
spread. Fogle is an outcast because he went against the modern value of children and
the laws against such actions. To further his humiliation, he was fired and sentenced
to jail. Fogle is currently, receiving more retribution through the prisoners who beat
him for his actions (Rough and
Juvenile Criminal Justice Is Much Like The Art Of
Retribution and Rehabilitation in Hopes for Reintegration The topic of juvenile
criminal justice is much like the art of parenting. The main concern is figuring out
how to deter the child from the same action without letting them get away with too
much and not crushing their spirits. SUCH AS when a child goes beyond the set
boundaries for him while playing outside which leads to hurting another child, the
child should be disciplined to be deterred from crossing those boundaries again, but
that discipline shouldn t scare them away from ever going outside or playing again.
There is a large range of beliefs on what types of punishmentshould be given to
juvenile criminals depending on their age and crime. The requirements of retribution
are different across the United States but that doesn t mean it s not a big issue.
{Maybe a statistic here? This paper is an accumulation of various sources that revolve
around rehabilitating juvenile criminals and adjusting the juvenile justice system and
prevention programs through researcher, Richard A. Mendal s five suggestions.
Juvenile criminals should be responsibly punished for their crime but be able to go
through rehabilitation with the goal to reintegrate into society again.
{This paragraph is basically a summary of the whole paper, is that okay to keep?}
Rehabilitation is a complex issue that must involve thought through, analyzed,
practical goals, techniques, and responsibilities within the juvenile justice system,
Differences Between Smalltalk And Python
Type systems
Both Smalltalk and Python are dynamically typed languages. These languages will
leave the type check until run time, in contrast with statically typed languages that
enforce types at compile time. The method lookup also happens at run time allowing
more flexibility in manipulating objects. The two languages have dynamically
dispatched, which is message is evaluated depending on the receiver object at runtime
(section 3 Code lists).
Smalltalk uses untyped variables and they must be declared before using. The
reason why variables should be declared is that we can inform the compiler to leave
some memory space for variables. Python also in the same case that it has untyped
variables but those do not need to be explicitly declared. Whenever assignment
happens for variables, the declaration also occurs. Since no type checks happen at
compile time, the responsibility is of programmers to ensure that variables will
receive the correct kind of values. The two languages provide type conversions that
will return the new objects represent converted values.
Another small difference between Python and Smalltalk is that the former provides
multimethods, functions with same name and different types of argument. This is
saying that Python ... Show more content on ...
Python provides some built in functions for doing introspection such as type(),
isinstance(), callable(), and getattr(). The dir() function is one of the most important
function when doing introspection since it gives a list of attributes and methods in
the inspected object. However, Python also allows programmers to modify the inner
structure of objects at runtime. The inner structure of an object can be changed due
to the fact that in its dictionary the pointers to a field can be reassigned at runtime.
For example (section 5 Code lists), we can add new function intro() to ref, can
modify the method message(), and delete an attribute at
Marrakech Rhetorical Analysis
Posts #9 What is Orwell s point in the essay Marrakech, and where does he make it
explicit to the reader? Why do you think he wrote this essay? R/ Orwell highlights
number of important social and moral issues. With the use of words, vivid
imagery, and rhetorical questions he describes the scenario Marrakech s life due to
the white colonialisms effects. The essay sends an important message: poverty,
racial discrimination, and the subjugation of nation by force can have bad
repercussions for the live of ordinary people (Morocco). He makes his claims clear
when he says This kind of things makes one s blood boil, whereas on the whole the
plight of the human beings does not. I am not commenting, merely pointing to a fact.
People with brown... Show more content on ...
He uses them as an artistic technique to picture the situation and the circumstances
he lives in. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a minister, and his speech given on the
capital mall during the march on Washington is more suited to a sermon than a
written essay. For this reason, I suggest that you listen to the audio file of the link.
What differences can you hear from the speech as delivered that are not conveyed
in the written essay? What elements of a speech or sermon do you find? R/ The
audio file give the impression that every word and sentences that comes out of his
mouth he is living it with passion. I could hear his indignation and sorrow in his
voice because many of his people, including himself were in a shameful condition:
without liberty. The inflection and tone of his voice give more emphasis to the
message he wanted to convey, that all menare created equal. I think it is more
memorable the words spoken than just the mere essay. When you read any kind of
document many interpretations could come to mind, but when it is expressed in
words by the author our perspective is completely shifted because the author knows
what are the main ideas he wants to emphasize; transforming completely the meaning
of the
Teaching Came From Someone Else
Many people say teachers teach differently in their classroom. Many teachers
follow a guideline for teaching children, but many of the students don t learn as
fast as others. Children don t always raise their hands when they have a question or
when they don t understand and that s not always a good idea. They have to be
able to open up to the teacher, and the teacher has to open up to all of the students
in the classroom. By opening up the teacher will be able to see what the child is
having a problem with and can try different strategies to help them. Being an
effective teacher helps children in a classroom to learn, be active, and show
confidence in their work. The history of teaching can be said by many different
people. Some think... Show more content on ...
The teacher improves the children s learning skills, communication skills and so
much more. Many children learn from supportive techniques and additional
resources in the classroom. If any child in the classroom is struggling they can put
them in an inclusion classroom where the teachers try and meet the needs of the
children. By having an inclusion classroom will help any kind of student with
special needs or a child that has a problem learning. The inclusion classroom is
another great way for the children to get more one on one time with their teacher,
because they will understand the work better than they did before. This can be a great
way for children that need that private education get what they need to move on to the
next grade with the same knowledge the other children have. (Peg Rosen) Many
teachers have a hard time keeping up with teaching children and trying to keep them
focused at all times in the classroom. Participation helps the students stay focused, get
them to think, and to get them motivated in the classroom. Teachers likes getting
feedback from the students so they know that they are listening and they are
answering the questions the teacher asked them. The teacher likes how the children
communicate with each other to find out the answer. That improves their speaking
skills, and they are trying to do the work the teacher wanted them to do.By improving
their speaking
Universal Pictures Piracy Essay
Hollywood s Big Six, a few long standing American film studios but out of the six,
the oldest is Universal Pictures. Universal Pictures is owned by Comcast, through
their subsidiary NBCUniversal. Prior to the contemporary state of affairs
Universal Pictures was founded in 1912 as the Universal Film Manufacturing
Company. Over the century thus far the company has produced quite a few
movies that will go down as classics, and countless more that were major box office
success stories ( About ). High sales numbers will always be a priority of the
studio; therefore, it is within their best interest to be strongly opposed to piracy.
Piracy especially in the case of films are an ever growing concern. Whilst major film
studios like Universal Pictures... Show more content on ...
This campaign was originally run in Brazil, starting out in Sao Paolo, however the
internet has made it widely available to the public. The content of the image is
undoubtedly an attempt to garner the attention of not just the intended audience,
but anyone who may happen to glance at it. The image exhibits a dismembered
finger, still grotesquely covered in blood, with the likely intent of instilling a
feeling of disgust. There is some accompanying text to the advertisement as well,
Stop Destroying the band you like. Say no to music piracy (Image 2). The only
support provided to give some sort of credibility and legitimacy to the image is the
Universal logo add following the text. Nonetheless, the advertisement holds no
context to explain the content of the image. For example, why is the image of a
severed body part what relation is there between that and piracy. Is the claim being
made that music piracy can lead to you losing a finger, or maybe a member of your
favorite band? This advertisement was expressly released in Brazil, in an attempt
to combat music piracy in that region. There may have been a preconceived plan to
later release the image in other regions as well depending on how well it was
received. At first glance, most viewers of the second image may feel a deep disgust
towards the image, due to its content. With continued viewing, one may come to the
relation that this is a consequence of music
gods and generals Essay
Gods and Generals, 2003, Colonel Joshua Chamberlain (JEFF DANIELS),
Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee (ROBERT DUVALL), Thomas quot;Stonewall
quot; Jackson (STEPHEN LANG), Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker (MAC BUTLER), and
Capt. Alexander Sandie Pendleton (JEREMY LONDON).
The movie Gods and Generals is a portrayal of the actions that were illustrated very
eloquently and captivatingly in the book Gods and Generals, written by Jeff Shaara.
The movie even though was less than mediocre in its appeal was full of accurate
historic facts. All of the battles, Manassas Junction, Antietam, and Chancellorsville,
all occurred. The battle at Manassas shows the Federal troops clearly running from
the Confederates, although it ... Show more content on ...
The Northern men are not shown much. Only Capt. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
is portrayed, leaving out General Hancock, a major player in the beginning of the
Civil War. This causes questions about there importance and if they were fighting
for the proper reasons. A lot is left to the imagination about the North. The
Southerners are all represented well and thoroughly throughout the film. Lee is
portrayed as a very kind hearted religious old man who has the respect of his troops
and is out to win this war. Jackson is given the most glory as this film includes him
in almost every other scene. He is also given a great light of respect from his troops
and all around him. Even Jeb Stuart, who in real life was pompous and egotistical of
himself and his troops, was given a light of respect by all including Lee which was
not seen at all in real life (Gods and Generals the book.) In all the Southerners were
surrounded in this great white light while the Northerners were not even given there
few shining moments in fame during the beginning of the Civil War.
This movie held a great bias to the Southerners. There was one major Northern
character, Chamberlain, comparing to the numerous southern gentleman. Stonewall
Jackson was the main character in this movie and the movie seemed to be trying to
make the movie a biography of Jackson during the Civil War.
The purpose of this film was to make a movie out of
Analysis Of The Article Your Mother Is Your Bones ...
Critical Responses to the Novel Orville Schell wrote the article Your Mother is in
Your Bones about The Joy Luck Club. Schell starts out by giving some historical
background information on China, about those emigrating in order to escape
Communism and how Asian immigrants didn t fit in America as easily as Europeans
did. He also talks about Chinatowns and other struggles immigrants faced. He talks
about the strange phenomena where Chinese Americans were bound to China by
heritage, but they had never even been there. He then summarizes the events of the
novel, focusing on June and her dynamic with her motherand the rest of the Joy Luck
Club. He talks about the stories told by each of the mothers, describing them as
surreal and magical. He says that the formatting of the novel using all the different
stories places the reader into the shoes of a Chinese immigrant trying to navigate
their way to becoming more Americanized. He says that the novel could ve been
written in a patronizing way or could ve been clichГ©, but because of Amy Tan s
skills it was written beautifully (Schell). In John Mullan s article John Mullan on The
Joy Luck Club, Mullan starts by discussing the similarities between the game mah
jong and the structure of the novel. He talks about the divisions of four, the four
players, and he talks about which characters narrated which sections. He talks more
about the narrators, mentioning that June is kind of the bridge between these two
generations. He says
Death Is Inevitable And Death
Death is a part of life no matter which way you look at it. With death, there is a lot
to consider. Death is not inevitable but in a way it is a sort of burden on the loved
ones left behind. There is grief and a ton of planning involved which only leads to
extra stress. One of the most important parts of the deathritual is for most people the
obituary. When looking at obituaries and the styles and formats that they are in, you
can compare and contrast the traditions and values of both newspaper and memorial
website obituaries.
Like mentioned before, death is inevitable and death is also a heartache and
disaster for the loved ones left behind. Not only do your loved ones have to grieve
over the decease, but during this time, they also have to plan a wake, funeral, and
some type of resting place. The resting place can be in a cemetery in a coffin, or it
can be cremation. With death comes a lot of burdens especially if the deceased was
not prepared to die. Even today with the all technology we have people still die and
we still have a conventional way of dealing with it.
During the grieving process and preparing everything, it is also customary for the
person who is still here to write an obituary for the deceased. In an obituary, people
can write a story about the person, describe their accomplishments, or in some cases,
just have the announcement of the death. Obituaries are usually written so that
people who were close to the deceased can know what this person died from,
Atlantic Seal Hunt History
The History of the Atlantic Seal Hunt and the Future of Sustainability Every year in
the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the Northern Atlantic Ocean, three Canadian seal
populations are opened for commercial hunting. Since the 1750s, hooded seals, grey
seals and iconic harp seals have been hunted for their valuable pelts and omega 3 rich
oil. After being nearly hunted to extinction in the 1800s and a period of extensive anti
hunt activism in the 1960s and 70s, the hunt has become strictly regulated. Now,
activism has forced the Atlantic Seal Hunt to support and maintain standards of
sustainable resource harvesting and humaneness, and this hunt now has the potential
to be a role model in these areas for other similar hunts worldwide. The seal hunt...
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In a comprehensive series of studies addressing concerns that seals might be
conscious when they were skinned found that, in most cases, they were not. The
issues lies in the fact that when a seal is killed by blunt force trauma, it sometimes
continues to move as if it was alive. In a 1999 study, 2 out of every 5 seals were
found to experience this for as long as 45 seconds. Postmortem examinations
proved that these seals were certainly dead at the time, as their skulls were
completely crushed. In a separate part of the same study, seal skulls were
examined to determine whether the skull was adequately crushed to ensure death.
98.2% of seals were labeled as certainly dead , with only 1.8% labelled as possibly
dead or unconscious based on the level of skull damage. By 2001, the rifle had
become a popular seal hunting weapon. Another study was conducted to ensure the
hunt was still humane. It was found that 85% of the time, a sealer would have
delivered a blow by club in under a minute after the seal was shot to ensure death,
whether or not it displayed signs of life. All seals examined in this study were found
to be dead by the time they were brought aboard the vessel for bleeding. None
exhibited a blinking reflex at that point despite other reflex movement being
observed, meaning their eyes didn t blink when
Prophecy In The Aeneid
The function of prophecy manifests itself in many ways in the Aeneid. Throughout
the epic, prophecies and omens act as the agents behind Aeneas fulfilling his destiny
as well as providing clear social commentary on the dawn of the Roman Empire
under Emperor Augustus. Even though not all of the prophecies and omens included
in the epic come to pass in literary terms, Virgils inclusion of prophecy is of
paramount importance for driving the plot forward. In this essay I will discuss the
function of both internal and external prophecy and the effect these prophecies have
on both the characters in the epic and the enjoyment of the reader from The Roman
Empire until the present day.
It is clear that internal prophecies are of integral importance ... Show more content on ...
In Book Four, Virgil describes how Dido, utterly heartbroken by Aeneas desertion,
prays to the gods to curse him (TA: 12.973 4):
... let him be plagued in war by a nation proud in arms, torn from his borders,
wrenched from Iulus embrace, let him grovel for help and watch his people die a
shameful death... may he never enjoy his realm... let him die before his day, unburied
on some desolate beach.
In this instance, Dido s prophecy does not come to pass in the epic although there
is an anxiety created for the reader that this fate is a possibility for Aeneas.
However The Punic Wars , which broke out between Rome and Carthage in the 3rd
and 2nd Centuries B.C. (Lazenby, 1996: XV) would seem to be the fulfillment of
the curse Dido places on Aeneas and his future when he abandons her and sails to
Italy to fulfill his fate. The internal failure of Dido s curse reminds us however that
Aeneas is a slave to an altogether more important and powerful prophecy: the
prophecy of Rome. Additionally, as an oriental queen, we must remember how
Dido along with the other women from the old world, held little to no place in the
vision of the new Rome. I believe the way in which Aeneas treats those who are not
directly included in his prophecy; particularly in this scene, raises interesting ideas
about Aeneas character. It is easy for the reader to forget that he is not born a hero
like the epic heroes who came before him like Odysseus, rather he becomes one as
the story progresses. He is therefore forgiven any human errors of judgement,
including deserting Dido in favour of fulfilling his
A Rhetorical Analysis Of The Collective Wisdom By
In The Collective Wisdom , Herbert Spencer passionately refutes several of the
House of Commons reasons to oppose the Cheltenham Water Bill. Spencer makes
clear points concerning the logical fallacies that the House of Commons based their
decision on. This fully convinced the audience of the logic behind his position.
Spencer first points out the logical fallacies in the Times paragraph. This paragraph
stated, such a measure, if carried out, will diminish the water of that noble river a
million gallons per day. At first glance, this is quite an alarming statement to the
public and the members of the House of Commons. However, Spencer clarifies this
statement through a comparison. He states that, The simple fact is that the current of
the Thames, above the point at which the tides influence it, discharge in twenty ...
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It was stated in the House of Commons that, the proportion of sewage to pure water
would be seriously increased if surrounding towns were allowed to tap into the
springs. Spencer clarifies this claim through his use of an additional logical
comparison. Spencer states, Taking a minute out of twelve hours would be taking
as large a proportion as the Cheltenham people with to take from the Thames. This
time comparison puts the lack of a problem into perspective. Moreover, Spencer is
able to look at the situation with a logical view instead of only stating direct facts. A
further error pointed out and corrected by Spencer is this quote from the House of
Commons, stating that to let the Cheltenham have this quantity would be to rob the
towns along the banks of the Thames of their rights. Spencer is able to refute this
assertion by pointing out that 999 parts of the Thames out of 1,000 pass by unused.
Therefore, it is clear that the proportion of sewage in the Thames is minuscule.
Finally, Spencer is able to display that the report falsely exhibits
The Correlation Between The Value Of Time Series Of...
Autocorrelation is defined as the correlation between the value of time series at a
specific time and previous values of the same series (Reference). In other words,
with time series what happens in time t contains information about what will happen
at time t+1. Autocorrelation plots are a commonly used tool for checking
randomness in a data set. This randomness is ascertained by computing
autocorrelations for data values at varying time lags. If random, such
autocorrelations should be near zero for any and all time lag separations. If non
random, then one or more of the autocorrelations will be significantly non zero. The
autocorrelation plots can provide answers to questions such as are the data random?
Is an observation related to an adjacent observation? Is the observed time series white
noise, sinusoidal or autoregressive? They help in understanding the underlying
relationship between the data points. The autocorrelation plots of 4 time series of
heating operating system are as follows :
a. Supply temperature setpoint : The plot starts with a high correlation at lag 1 which
is slightly less than 1 and slowly declines. It continues to decrease until it becomes
negative and starts showing an increasing negative correlation. The decreasing
autocorrelation is generally linear with little noise. Such a pattern in the
autocorrelation plot is a signature of strong autocorrelation , which in turn provides
high predictability if modeled properly. b. System
The Marine Corps
[Credibility] Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce Gunnery
Sergeant Kristi Bagley to speak with you about the Montford Point Marines. Gunnery
Sergeant Bagley has done extensive research on the Montford Point Marines, and had
the privilege of attending the Montford Marines Congressional Gold Medal ceremony
in June 2012. Ladies and gentlemen, Gunny Sergeant Bagley.
[Attention] On display at the Montford Point Marine Museum at Camp Johnson,
North Carolina is a Marine Corps dress blues uniform. The uniform is identical to
any other set of dress blues worn by Marines through the mid 1940s. Just like any
other set of dress blues, the Marine who wore them went through a grueling period of
training to earn the right to wear this uniform. However, this particular dress uniform
bears a different legacy of hardships and endurance than that of Marines who had
come before.
[Motivation] These blues belonged to Edgar Huff, the first African American to
reach the rank of Sergeant Major in the Marine Corps and one of the first African
Americans to be allowed to enlist in the Marine Corps. Sergeant Major Huff and
nearly twenty thousand other African Americans began a new legacy of service in
the United States Marine Corps.
[Purpose and Thesis] Despite the Marines Corps acceptance of African American
enlistees within its ranks, the newly installed Marines experienced a great deal of
opposition and racism from both the leadership of the Marine Corps, their
Similarities Between Celia Foote And Boo Radley
The Help and To Kill a Mockingbird share many themes between characters and
their problems, while also telling to diverse stories. A good example would be Celia
Foote and Boo Radley, who desire friendship because they re seen differently, but
go about getting friends in different ways. Celia Foote from The Help and Boo
Radley from To Kill a Mockingbirdshare the ostracization from their peers and
wrongful accusations. Although they have many similarities, Celia is more open
and willing to become friends and part of the group and has a husband, while Boo
stays rather shy and has no one but his harsh brother. Celia Foote and Boo Radley
are both ostracized by peers and the community and are faced with wrongful
accusations. Celia is ignored... Show more content on ...
During the help, Celia continues to try and get back Hilly s friendship like in the
scene where she brings a pie to Hilly s get together, Hilly! Minny told me why you
hate me, you think I stole Johnny but that s not what happened. I brought you a
pie! (The Help). This is one of the many times she tries to be friends with Hilly.
Even when the girls ignored her, she had her husband and Minny who she could go
back to. Boo on the other hand doesn t reach out to anyone. Although he leaves
gifts for the kids at first, once the tree is filled with cement, he quits trying. This
quote shows what he gave the children during his attempt to reach out to them, Boo
was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of
good luck pennies, and our lives. (Lee 279). He gave gifts to Scout and Jem to win
their affection, but soon gave up. At home, Boo only had his harsh brother to go to.
The two quotes show the differences in the two characters personalities. While they
both wanted some sort of friendship, Celia is more outgoing and constant when she
tries, while Boo is shy and doesn t continue reaching out when he reaches a bump in
The Movie Pulp Fiction By Quentin Tarantino
The movie Pulp Fiction(1994) was directed by Quentin Tarantino is regarded as
one of the best movies ever made and especially for the gangster film genre it is
quite unique. It can be argued that Pulp fiction is or isn t a gangster movie but
there are enough signs to prove that it s definitely is a gangster film. This movie
focuses rather on the morality of decisions and about the character s internal
conflict and the karma that the character s receive. Not only is there karam
associated with their actions but a chance for redemption . All of these things add
for a wonderful gangster movie but it is missing some very conventional aspects of
the genre that definitely set it apart from the rest. The first time that the characters
are seen with the questioning of morality is in the very beginning of the film with
Vincent Vega(John Travolta) and Jules(Samuel L. Jackson). The conversation starts
out about their bosses new wife Mia Wallace(Uma Thurman) and how was laying
her hands on her in familial way and gave her a foot massage. This caused
Marcellus Wallace(Ving Rhames) to throw Antwone out the window four stories and
give him permanent nerve damage. Jules thinks that reaction that Marcellus has was
too far and that it was just foot massage, while Vincent says I ve given a million
ladies a million foot massages and they all meant something and we act like they don
t but they do, and that s what so fucking cool about them . This already shows that the
two characters
What Is The Purpose Of Michael Crichton s The Great
When thinking about the book, The Great Train Robbery by Michael Crichton,
readers often wonder what the purpose of Edward Peirce robbing the train was. He
did get a lot of money, but he was already rich since before he robbed the train, so
what was his motive? The author, Michael Crichton, does not answer this question
in his book, so it is left up to the readers to interpret the motive behind Edward
Peirce s robbery. In The Great Train Robbery by Michael Crichton, Edward Peirce s
motive for committing the crime of the century could be that he never got the
feeling of adrenaline, and he was bored playing as a sophisticated rich man. Living
as a rich man in England, life can get pretty dull. Any hard work or challenge is done
by a servant
Is Online Learning As Good
Is Online Learning as Good as Face to Face Learning? Technological advancement has
brought up new ways of doing things. Traditionally, the manufacturing industry had to
employ hundreds of workers to ensure that work was done in the right manner. They
had to lift heavy machinery or use forklifts to ensure the heavy machineries were
fixed in the correct place. Technological advancement brought about the principle of
robotics. Companies are happy in the modern times to use robotics in manufacturing,
thus eliminating the need for many workers and professionals. Once the robot has
been computerized or programmed, it is able to perform all machinery work with
minimal or no supervision and still produces the same results compared to human
factor that produces varying results with the same input. Likewise, education has
taken advantage of technological advancement; not only are books being bought and
rented, they are read online. Online learning is a modern time invention that was
necessitated by the need from the many people who finance education for their own
benefit, the working class, the international students and the marginalized class. With
online education, one is able to learn more conveniently and undertake other
responsibilities with ease (Coates et al 4 7). One does not have to hurry to attend
classes since online classes can be conducted from the convenience of home or any
other location. Face to face learning allows the instructor to get individual attention
The Contribution Of French Music During The Decades
Francis Poulenc was born Jan. 7, 1899 in Paris. France. Poulenc, a composer who
made an important contribution to French music in the decades after World War I,
remains one of the best composers of the 20th century. Throughout his career Poulenc
composed orchestral, chamber music, ballets, concertos, film scores, and opera, as
well as powerful choral and sacred music, but only three works for piano and
Poulenc grew up in a wealthy family whom intended Poulenc for a business career
and did not allow him to enrol at a music college. Therefore, he was largely self
educated musically although he study for a time with pianist Ricardo ViГ±es.
Compositionally, Poulenc soon came under the influence of Erik Satie, under whose
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Wasn t that the case with Mozart Schubert? Poulenc s music was driven by a passion
to create melodic variations, against tradition, using old fashioned harmonies. During
this time he was particularly interested in religious music and composed some works
in 1936 and onwards.
In addition to composing, Poulenc was an accomplished pianist. He was particularly
praised for his partnerships with the baritone Pierre Bernac, his performing friend and
vocal writing tutor. The group toured in Europe and America, making recordings at
most performances. Coincidentally, he was among the first composers to see the
importance of the gramophone, and he recorded extensively from 1928 onwards.
In his later years, and for decades after his death, Poulenc had a reputation as a
humorous, lightweight composer. This perception often left his religious music
overlooked. Personally, he suffered fits of manic depression, characterized by deep
sadness and doubt followed by maniacal states of optimism. French critic Claude
Rostand remarked that: In Poulenc there is something of the monk and something of
the rascal .
The Trio is one of Poulenc s most popular chamber works for winds. While
composing the Trio in Cannes in 1926, Poulenc took the advice of Ravel, his
Unit 19- Developing Teams in Business (D1)
Unit 19 Developing Teams in Business (D1)
An evaluation of your own performance what you did well/what you could have done
Throughout all of the tasks that I took part in, I believe that I performed well in
some of them but then in others I could have performed much better. Throughout
all of the tasks I believe that I participated as much as possible in order to get the
tasks completed, participation was important for the team because of the limited
numbers within the team, if I didn t participate as much as possible then the team
may have struggled to complete all of the tasks. I always try to participate as much
as possible within all of the tasks, if I don t then I feel like I have let the team down
and could have done better ... Show more content on ...
Another strength of the team was our ability to come up with a range of different
ideas and then working as a team to improve on the ideas, this strength was important
to use because we needed to come up with a range of ideas for all of the tasks that we
were involved in. if we were unable to come up with a lot of ideas for each task then
we may have struggled to complete some of the tasks that we had been set, most of
the tasks involved us to work as a team to discuss the ideas that each of us had, we
made sure that everyone was listening and participating during each part of the task
in which we had to discuss the ideas. The final strength of the team was the overall
participation of the team, within all of the tasks every team members made sure
that they were participating as much as possible with the role in which they had
been set, if all the team members were not participating as much as possible then it
could result us in failing some of the tasks that we had been set because in each
task we didn t have a big time limit in which we had to come up with ideas, put
these ideas into practice and then come up with any alternative ideas that may be
needed in order for us to complete the task.
As well as the strengths of the team we had our weaknesses as well, the first
weakness of the group was we sometimes struggled to agree on the ideas that had
been put forward, this was because other team members thought that
Censorship Debate
Banning books gives us silence when we need speech. It closes our ears when we
need to listen. It makes us blind when we need sight (Stephen Chbosky). When we
think of censorship, we picture Big Brother staring at us through our televisions. The
Thought Police tracking everything we do. We picture books burning at 451 degrees.
However, censorshipdoes not merely live in our imagination, nor does it live in the
distant past. It is something we still see today. Time and time again, whether it be
through laws banning hate speech, conservative speakers being kicked off campus,
or death threats being made against those who dare challenge commonly held social
and political views, censorship rears its ugly head. Though it is paraded as... Show
more content on ...
Hate speech , a term often thrown around to label any idea that is considered
offensive or dangerous to the feelings of others, is growing extremely prevalent in our
world. In many countries, including Canada and France, there are laws specifically
banning this hate speech. Saying something, anything, that can be interpreted as
offensive or hateful is illegal in these countries. As Americans who enjoy freedom of
speech, shouldn t we be disturbed by this and fight against it? Yes, we should, but
unfortunately that is not what is happening. In fact, many people are pushing for
these same laws in the United States. Though they currently do not exist, the
censorship still does. We still see riots in the streets over something that was
deemed offensive, or triggering ; hate speech. We still see conservative or
libertarian speakers banned from universities, supposedly centers of learning, for
having unpopular ideas, so called hate speech. We still see the government itself
trying to stop people or groups who hold unpopular, offensive ideas, or hate speech.
We even see people receive death threats for sharing their opinions, so long as the
public deems them hate speech. If this does not horrify you, simply replace hate
speech , with free speech . As said by Salman Rushdie, What is freedom of
expression? Without the freedom to offend,
The Outer Ear
One afternoon in the library, a college student was studying hard for his Hearing
Science exam. He removed his earplugs when he overheard a loud conversation
behind him. The sound waves traveled around the library and began to swirl
around his head. The sound wave, named Sam, became amplified and reflected
down towards the student s left concha. The Outer Ear has many structures that help
to guide sound waves into the External Auditory Canal. The concha is the deepest
groove and funnels the sound wave down the s shaped ear canal. Sam was
fascinated at how the Outer Ear was shaped in order to localize sounds and push
them down to the External Acoustic Canal. As acoustic energy, Sam traveled down
the canal observing all the earwax trapping foreign objects like bugs and dirt. He
immediately noticed how his sound seemed louder as the External Acoustic Canal
enhances sounds. The External Auditory Canal is a Вј wavelength resonator. It is a
tube open at one end, the opening to the external auditory canal, and closed at the
other, the tympanic membrane. This resonator has the ability to boost sounds at a
frequency of nearly 2800 Hz. This resonance feature increases pressure to help
transform acoustic energy into mechanical energy. Disgusted by the buildup of
earwax, Sam was relieved when he reached the osseous portion at the end of the
External Auditory Canal, which was just a thin layer of skin. No hair or wax to be
found. Sam was amazed at the monstrous Tympanic Membrane that
The Cooper-JACOB Time-Jacob Method
The transmissivity and storativity was estimated using the Cooper Jacob (1965) time
drawdown and Theis (1935) recovery methods. The field data was uploaded into the
FC program for Aquifer Test Analysis (2014 version) which calculated the values for
each method manually.
Using the Cooper Jacob method the T and S value had been estimated for early and
late time, respectively, by plotting the best fitted straight line on the time drawdown
plot (figure 18). The T and S values are tabulated in table X. Borehole B2017 has
been excluded from the plots as no drawdowns have been measured. It should also
be noted that UO 13 plot should be ignored as the data obtained was ... Show more
content on ...
UP 16 and UO 25 falls outside this range. The T during late time is very consistent,
ranging between 6.1 and 7.2 m2/d, for four of the six boreholes. UP 15 and UO 23
have high T value indicating water influx from the matrix as well as fractures. The
existences of fractures are supported by EC profiling and flow characteristics.
1.1.2THEIS RECOVERY (1935)
The transmissivity of the eight boreholes was estimated by plotting the best fitted
line on the Theis plot. This was done using the FC program for Aquifer Test
Analysis (2014 version) which produced the plots in figure 19. The transmissivity
is tabulated in table. By comparing the transmissivity estimated by Theis method to
the transmissivity estimated by Cooper Jacob method, the transmissivity
corresponds moderately. According to Thies method the T ranges from 22.4 to
54.8 m2/d with B2017 to have an exceptional high T of 111.0 m2/d. According
Cooper Jacob method the T ranges from 23.0 to 53.5 m2/d for early time and 6.1 to
28.0 m2/d for late time. By applying the transmissivity standards (Gheorghe, 1978)
six of the eight boreholes are classified as low potential and two boreholes as
moderate potential.
Since the test was done in a well in the Karoo Supergroup, it should be noted that the
Theis method tent to measure errors during the drawdown observed during the
constant rate test, specifically when the drawdown is measured manually (van Tonder
et al., 2001a).
The Taboo Of Silence
The metaphor of life as a tapestry in strands and collections of a unique handcrafted
piece can be found to be disrupted in all three texts due to the presence of religion
and mental illness. Within Kesey s Cuckoo s Nest (1962) it is the dominant imagery
of the combine which causes the reader to question what is sanity and the process in
which people with mental illnessare cured in order for them to take responsibility and
become active members of society. Highlighted in the breakdown of the taboo of
silence surrounding mental illness seen in the Community Mental illness Centers Act
of 1963 which called for more community services instead of institutionalisation.
Similarly in Plath s Ariel (1966) collection it is the brutality of the reoccurring
Holocaust metaphor and pastiche to confessional poets such Anne Sexton that asserts
the argument of both faith and mental illness being a personal relationship with the
self and effectively a struggle with identity, effecting relationships with others which
is expressed both in Plath s own poetry such as The Applicant and in Ted Hughes
Birthday Letters in poems such as Fever . Within McEwan s Enduring Love (1997) it
is the overarching motif, drawn from the secular society of the 90s, being both
unrequited and enduring , that presents the destructive nature of both mental illness
and religion, paired together in the embodiment of Jed Parry and by the intertextuality
of the novelwhich offers an argument that
Analysis Of Albert Camus s Speech
People choose every day in different circumstances and degrees either small
imperceptible one, such as the color of the shirt that they will wear, or huge
emotional and moral dilemmas like an abort or a high risk surgery. Nonetheless,
there is always a decision made that has its consequences (want or not). Albert
Camus uses characterization to address the importance of choices. The author uses
the character of Balducci to show what happens when people follow the rules
without hesitation. For example, when Balducci arrives into the school to leave
the Arab with Daru, and Daru shows himself discontent with that unforeseen
problem, he says, Those are the orders (Camus). Balducci as a man of law must
follow whatever thing is said to him, and he will do it for sure without dubiety; in
addition, Balducci remarks, [Y]ou must sign, that s the rule (Camus). He has to
obey all the requisites and commandments that his work dictates, and he can t
avoid doing this because he will break all the goodness that justice represents.
Nevertheless, Camus tries to point out if a person who only follow a guide or
manual for every decision he or she made. That person is, in fact, making no
choices, and he or she does not have to face and think about what is right or wrong
because that person will search and do whatever is said in that guide. Particularly, in
this story, Balducci notes, You don t get used to putting a rope on a man even after
years of it... (Camus). Even though he does not
Archetype Symbolism In The Birth-Mark By Nathaniel
We are flawed creatures, all of us. Some of us think that means we should fix our
flaws. But get rid of my flaws and there would be no one left. Sarah Vowel s quote is
precisely what Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Birth Mark Symbolism means.
Hawthorne uses Archetype symbolism in his short story when he talks about
Georgiana s birthmark. Symbolism is very important in the story because that is what
it is essentially about. In Hawthorne s short storyThe Birth markhe uses Georgiana s
birthmark as a symbol of mortality since it is impossible for mortals to be created
perfect . An example he uses to show that Georgiana is not perfect is You came so
nearly perfect from the hand of nature, that is the slightest possible defect that
visible mark of earthly imperfection (Mays 341). I know not what may be the cost
to both of us to rid me of this fatal birth mark (Mays 343), this quotes is used to
demonstrate that if the birthmark is removed, it may cause death. Also Georgiana s
birthmark is the shape of a hand, which could symbolize the hand of God.... Show
more content on ...
In this short story Georgiana passes away because her birthmark is inseparable
from her body, In the same way as the soul s human experience is inseparable from
the soul itself. To be perfect is to be non human , which is why Georgiana passes
away in the end, because a human cannot go on living without a soul, or in
Georgiana s case without her birthmark (her imperfection, to demonstrate she is a
mortal). It may be the stain goes as deep as life itself. (Mays
Kale Smoothie-Personal Narrative
I woke up to kids pushing and shoving to get off the bus.
The bus driver turned and scream, SIT DOWN I HAVEN T EVEN OPENED THE
DOOR YET! The bus door popped open. I stood up and grabbed my bag, my hair had
started to harden, it felt like I had a pile of crap on top of my head. I stepped into
the aisle just to be shoved into another row of seats. My face hit the side of the bus,
I felt blood dripping on my face. I make a quick move to cover the blood. People
thought I was weird enough, I didn t need unexplained bloody noses on the bus, to
add to the odd things about me.
Make way freak! Me and my lady are coming through! I looked and saw Brad, Alice s
boyfriend, doing a small bow to seem classy. When he bowed, he looked like one of
the ballerina ... Show more content on ...
Blake nodded and started to color in his kid s menu. I held Alice s hand trying to
get her to smile. Once I got Alice s beautiful smile to show I noticed Blake looked
What s wrong champ? I asked. He pointed to under the table at a red crayon he had
Don t cry, I ll grab it, I said as I let go of Alice s hand. I lowered myself onto the
ground grabbed the crayon. When I tried to get back up I hit my head on the table. I
fell back onto the ground, my head had already been throbbing in pain, but I couldn t
remember why.
Then in less than half a second I was in the ER. Alice was standing over me fear in
her eyes, I look around and see blake isn t here. I also notice that I am hooked up to
an IV tube. Seems like a bit much for hitting your head on a table in a restaurant, I
thought to myself. I see a tray with a bloody knife on it. What in the world
happened with that?! I started getting scared, Alice was crying. I tried to look around
the room again but my head wouldn t move the time. I tried to speak but started
choking on water.
♪ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♬
♫ ♬ ♫ ♬
Pensacola Research Paper
The community of Pensacola, Florida has one inspiring tight group of people who
care as much as they do for each other as much as they do for the outside world.
The people of the Pensacola community all have big hearts, big personalities, a
great deal of southern class, sass, and plenty of charitable souls. Considering the
diminutive size of our town, we pretty much all know each other. Whether you re
out for a night on the town in our historic Downtown Pensacola or just getting your
weekly groceries, there s a great likelihood that you ll see some familiar faces, always
greeting you with a polite smile and wave.
Our welcoming attitudes aren t a recent analysis, Pensacola has actually just been
discovered to be the oldest established European settlement in the United States. Our
city has been nicknamed the City of Five Flags because of the the five national
governments who have ruled over our area at various times. Celebrating the roots of
our ... Show more content on ...
They were actually just seen flying over the Super Bowl this February. Pensacola
loves their Blue Angels and are hefty supporters. Everybody just thoroughly enjoys
going out during the summer to watch the flying aerobics. Some people even go out
of there way to go and watch them practice. The people of Pensacola are just natural
supporters and love to see people and teams achieve greatly.
Pensacola s community is full of outgoing crowds and everyone offering an
overwhelming amount of support to whoever may need it. This has really been put to
the test because recently our community has been hit by two tornados ( which is
pretty unusual for Florida). The next morning people were swarming over to the
damage sites and volunteering their own time to help their family and neighbors.
We really all do love each other, even if we don t really know someone, we still have
the power to turn a smile into a
The Abortion Of The Fetus
I am going to argue that its is right to claim that, even if a fetus is a person, abortion
is still permissible when one s risk in health/stability/happiness is threatened. I believe
that any woman, who houses the fetus inside her body for estimated nine months
have the right and the choice to abortion when it is for one s health, stability and
happiness for both the mother and the unborn fetus. Thomson s argument is entitled
as Defense to Abortion. I agree to Thomson and her argument when it comes to
aborting a fetus, even if a fetus is a person. Yes, it has it s own DNA, and it s own
life but when it threatens the house that it stays in, which in this case would be the
woman/mother s womb, I believe the abortion of the fetus, is permissible.
Thomson states it cannot be seriously thought to be murder if the mother performs
an abortion on herself to save her life. (Thomson, Defense on Abortion, pg6)
Thomson gives an example of a violinist being plugged into another human, using
their blood in high hopes of survival by that person s kidneys extracting the poison
from the violinist s blood. The person never agreed to do such, being that it was
decided by the Society of Music Lovers; but did not go against it by detaching
himself from the violinist knowing that it can cause death. This explains that there
are events where we don t have much of a freedom of choice when there is a
conscious person/life involved meaning, when there is a conscious life in our hands,
Essay On Negative Body Image
Body image is something that can appear in one s everyday life, whether they are
trying to lose weight, gain weight, or just happen to walk by a mirror and check
themselves out. Young children, even as young as 3 years old, show signs of
recognizing body image. Many people do not think about young children when
they think of body image. Teens are constantly confronted with having a perfect
body. Teens have pressure from friends, family, and many other outside variables.
Middle aged women even show signs of being concerned with how their bodies
look. Although middle aged women may not be as vocal, the way they see their
body is becoming more of a talked about subject. Some may argue that teens are the
only age group that is concerned with their body image but I will argue that
negative body image affects all age groups. Young children have been showing
more and more of an interest in how their bodies look as well as the bodies of their
peers. A study done by Janet M. Liechty shows that the primary caregivers of these
children can be clueless to negative body image in their young children and just how
young these children can be affected. The children learn a lot from the actions of
their parents in terms of body image. This starts to be a problem because most
parents of these preschool aged children are misinformed on body image. Body image
is a broad concept and can mean many different things. An interesting table in the
study showed an interview question and the number
Domestic Bias Of Domestic Violence
Domestic Bias in Violence Unprovoked battering. Over the years the term domestic
violence has been given mass popularity in society. This is due to the many highly
publicized events ranging from the Ray Rice s abuse charges all the way to the
murder trial of O.J. Simpson. The term domestic violence has emerged from a vow of
silence in households to a prevalent discussion that has flourished throughout society.
Or has it? Yes, domestic violencehas been recognized as an issue in society. This has
resulted in numerous campaigns to prevent and stop domestic violencefrom occurring
around the world. Due to society s perception and gender roles within, however, the
defining principle of domestic violence has been altered from general violent or
aggressive behavior committed against ones partner, to violence committed by males
against females. Over the past forty years, studies and research have constantly found
that women and men engage in violence at similar rates. Family Violence Surveys
suggest that The phenomenon of husband battering (1977) is as, if not more,
common than wife abuse. However, despite the plentiful evidence and studies that
support this fact, violence committed by females is largely ignored throughout the
areas of literature and media. These areas, instead, choose to consistently suggest that
domestic violence is only committed by males. Through this action, or inaction, to
recognize the general topic within the discussion, the occurrence of female
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Since the introduction of plastics in the early 20th century, waste production inland
has accumulated at an ever increasing rate. Improperly disposing of waste washes
through inland waterways, which eventually carries the waste into the ocean. The
north pacific garbage gyre spans the majority of the area. The physical gyre stretches
from the coast of Japan to California. Four different currents maintain the circular
motion of the gyre, which encapsulates large amounts of debris in the center of the
gyre, known as the convergence zone. All of these components lead to the term most
call as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The unfortunate locations of the world s
oceans, downhill and downstream of humans, allow plastics, chemicals and any form
of pollution to follow natural transportation directly into our oceans.
In 1869, John Wesley invented the celluloid, the first plastic product to be given a
name. In 1909, Bakelite is introduced to the chemist club in New York as the first
thermoset plastic , meaning that once the plastic mold was set it was set for life.
Everywhere we look there are plastics, we have become so accustomed to their
presence that we can hardly remember a time when they did not serve our needs.
Remember, there used to be a time where our cars, plates, furniture, and airplanes
were not made almost entirely of plastic. Roughly 100 billion pounds of plastic
pellets are used every year by the United States, and current figures from India and
China are
Descriptive Essay About Coffee Shop
I walk down Hillsborough Street on a windy, brisk day, passing many people on
the sidewalk. I approach the store entrance, noticing the large, hand painted sign in
their front window. Opening the door, I walk in and instantly feel warm and
comfortable. The store is dimly lit with soft jazz playing in the background. Many
tables and booths line the store and most are filled with students working and
people socializing. I approach the counter and order my regular, an iced mint
mocha. As I order, the employee and I make small talk, asking each other about our
days. After I order, I step to the side to wait for my drink. As I wait, I look around
the store, seeing the shelves of art and cultural pieces in the front and posters
advertising their locally roasted coffeeand the fair trade practice. An employee calls
out my drink and I take it from the counter, thanking the employee as I walk away. I
walk back toward the front, open the door and exit; warm and happy from getting my
favorite coffee and the welcoming store environment.
Global Village is a local coffee shop on Hillsborough Street and is very popular
among both NC state students and the local Raleigh community. Global Village is a
unique and vibrant place with an inviting, warm environment. I gravitated toward
Global Village for this project due to the uniqueness of the shop. As I began to
explore what made the shop unique, I realized that there are specific values that sets
Global Village apart from other coffee
Reflection About Utopia
returning to their ancestral father s lands, and I m afraid I don t see that activity
being performed. All anyone is doing is talking about it. We cannot have that, can
we? If I were to let a few countries do what they want, the rest would follow suit.
Being in a position of leadership, I know you understand. Fire and brimstone will
destroy what is left of all three nations. Then I m sure we can have another little talk
about reinstating you into Utopia s good graces. I ll be leaving your country shortly,
Mr. President. I am glad we had this little chat, and feel free to phone my brother in
BogotГЎ any time you feel obliged to my offer. Goodbye, Mr. President. The
president did not hang up immediately, but sat numb in disbelief all this... Show more
content on ...
Then again, my coming here is not a total disappointment. At least there is hope
for your country. Your people and church can still come into Utopia s good graces
and receive my brother s blessings. What kind of hope? It s the kind that rises from
ashes when everything is destroyed. I say ashes because fire and brimstone will be
summoned. When nothing remains, Utopia will be there waiting for your
allegiance. What do you mean by fire and brimstone? Don t you mean a nuclear
bomb or more of your chemical warfare? If I told you fire and brimstone, that s
what I meant. I go where the spirit leads me. This is what I leave with you. I came
to offer a healing service. I came to heal people I don t know. I came to show you
how to end this plight of hunger and death. Regardless of my concern for you,
everyone treats me with the contempt each has in reserve for the devil. Therefore, I
am leaving. I bid you farewell. No hard feelings, but I will take my gospel
somewhere else. He picked up his bags and twisted through them toward waiting
limousines. His entourage followed and formed a stream of traffic jamming together
as they went out the door. An awaiting crowd of jeering Christians who stood vigil
outside the hotel saw what they believed was their opportunity and pressed their
weight against a fence that kept them at bay. Soon, their anger worked them into a
frenzy. Bottles, rocks,
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  • 1. Ideas For Personal Essays Crafting an essay on the topic of "Ideas For Personal Essays" can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. The difficulty lies in the very nature of the subject – personal essays demand a profound exploration of one's thoughts, experiences, and emotions. Unlike more objective topics, where facts and data take precedence, delving into personal territory requires a delicate balance of introspection and effective communication. The challenge arises from the need to navigate the fine line between self-expression and relatability. While the essay is inherently personal, it should still resonate with a broader audience, inviting readers to connect with the writer's experiences on a universal level. Selecting compelling ideas that are both unique to the individual and universally relevant can be a formidable task. Furthermore, crafting a personal essay demands a high level of vulnerability. Writers must be willing to open up about their fears, joys, and vulnerabilities, exposing themselves to potential judgment. This emotional exposure can be mentally taxing, requiring careful self-reflection and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths. On a structural level, organizing personal thoughts into a coherent and engaging narrative poses its own set of challenges. Striking the right balance between chronological storytelling, reflective analysis, and thematic coherence is crucial. The essay must flow seamlessly, guiding the reader through the author's journey while maintaining a clear focus on the central theme. However, despite these challenges, writing a personal essay can also be an immensely gratifying process. It allows individuals to explore their own thoughts and experiences in depth, gaining new insights into their lives. Moreover, successfully connecting with an audience through personal storytelling can create a powerful impact, fostering empathy and understanding. For those who find the process daunting, seeking assistance from platforms like can be a valuable option. Similar essays, expertly crafted to address personal topics, can be ordered, providing a model for effective self-expression. Such services can alleviate the pressure of producing a compelling personal essay, allowing individuals to focus on the unique aspects of their experiences without being overwhelmed by the intricacies of the writing process. Ideas For Personal Essays Ideas For Personal Essays
  • 2. The Impacts Of The New Deal And The Great Depression President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was persistent and determined to help the people of his country. He believed that nothing should be prioritized more than the wellbeing of the citizens of the United States. The New Deal was a series of programs created to help the United States economy and to help reverse the effects of the Great Depression. It was the first time that the government played a large role in the American economy and society. The New Dealprograms and their effects created optimism and hope into the minds of the American people. President Roosevelt was always hopeful for the prosperity of the United States. After putting into effect the many acts that made up the New Deal to assist the unemployed, about five million unemployed people went back to work. In addition the New Deal helped to support the prices of commodities such as agricultural products. The economy as a whole for the country had stabilized. The philosophy behind the New Deal included the three R s: relief, recovery, and reform. Although the relief and recovery were not fully solved by the New Deal programs, almost eight million people were still unemployed, they definitely made a great impact. The New Deal helped give opportunities to women, African Americans, and as a result it reduced the amount of unemployment. The New Deal programs assisted many Americans by providing them jobs and income throughout the Great Depression. There were many legislative Acts made during the New Deal, including
  • 3. Why I Hate Being Complacent Essay I hate being complacent. I try to fight complacency in all aspects of my life from academics to my sport of ultimate. Academically, complacency is the difference between putting in the time and effort to study for a test and shrugging it off with a simple it ll be fine. Playing ultimate complacency looks like not doing another set of dead lifts or accepting a poor decision as acceptable just because it happened to result in a goal because it ll work itself out. One of my main goals for this school year is to rid my life of these complacencies. And, honoring this commitment, I have been doing my work more thoroughly and not just at the last minute and have been pushing myself to become faster and smarter as an ultimate player. But even with this resolution to be better I am still complacent in those aspects of my life and will continue to be imperfect as long as I continue to be human. But, as I have learned throughout my time at Carleton, more specifically this term (and even more specifically the second half of this term) I am complacent in the way I view justice in this country. There are powerful forces that shape our criminal justicesystem that I have always vaguely known existed and have always vaguely understood that they are inherently and systematically racist. And even hearing the facts and numbers, my favorite things, on how racist our country is I chose to be indifferent. I knew that one in three black men will be incarcerated during their life time while
  • 4. Children s Act Of 1984 And The Children Act In recent times safeguarding of children has once again come under spotlight with cases such as Madline McKan and the horrific murders of Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells. Prior to this the Children s act of 1984 and updated 2004 version highlighted that all professionals have an obligation to report suspected abuse. There was a public inquiry in 2000 to address the failure of the law which was not upholding the protection of vulnerable children. There was changes to the legislation and the government set up The Every Child Maters (ECM) initiative. This works in line with current legislation Working Together to Safeguard Children 2006 Act. This Act authorised guidance on how organisations and individuals should work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people in accordance with the Children Act 1989 and the Children Act 2004. All organisations must have the succeeding policies and procedures: Child protection Health and safety Risk assessment In each workplace there are child protection policy and procedures that set out the settings Safe working practices. As one of the past critics according to Laming inquiry is that professionals do not understand each other s roles and did not work together in a multi disciplinary manner. This term makes reference to how practitioners work to protect children and to protect themselves from accusations of abuse. Top responsibilities of settings consist of: Choosing a named senior member of staff to
  • 5. Dirt Track Racing Research Paper The particular community I consider to be affiliated with is the local dirt track race car community. Dirt track racing is a sport in which race cars perform on a dirt or clay surfaced oval track. There are various race car classes that range from Hornets which are considered the least expensive all the way up to the Modified, which is the most expensive class of race car to run on the race track. I personally identify myself to be included in such a community due to the fact that ever since I was the age of four, my father took up the sport of racing Modified s every weekend from March to October, and this is ultimately how I was introduced to the race track family (community). At the age of six my brother was very intrigued by the sport of racing and convinced my father to allow him to follow in his footsteps, and also pursue the love and dedication for the sport. When my father and brother took up the sport of racing it gave me... Show more content on ... From the second you pull up to the race track you catch a glimpse of the oval shaped, quarter mile clay track that contains four sharp turns. As soon as you exit your vehicle, you are faced with a distinct odor of the sweet smell of cherry race fuel that is burning off of the race cars preparing to go out onto the race track from the pit area. The pit area is the location of the race track where all the racer car drivers and pit crew members park, fine tune, and tweak their set ups on their race cars for the particular track. The adjustments and set ups of the races cars are vital due to the fact that every set up is unique to each and every track due to the different shapes. Another factor that the race car drivers and pit crew members have to take into consideration are the condition of the track, this is due to the fact that a dry track utilizes a different set up than a tacky track, which is a track that is sticky due to the abundance of
  • 6. Juan Ponce Dummon Research Paper Juan Ponce de LeГіn Born in SantervГЎs de Campos, Spain, in 1460, Juan Ponce de LeГіn had sailed on expeditions with Christopher Columbus, and then sailed to the New World on expeditions of his own later on. Although most commonly known for his exploration for the Fountain of Youth, Ponce de LeГіn proved to be a great explorer for having resolved the rebellion that had erupted in Hispaniola, but also discovering Puerto Rico and Florida to add to his legacy and story. In the early 1500 s, a rebellion occurred in the New World land of Hispaniola, Ponce de LeГіn was on his second expedition to the New World with Columbus. The revolt that had occurred on the island was by the slaves that had inhabited the island island when discovered. Ponce de LeГіn had participated in the calming of the rebellion; in return for his efforts he was promoted to a military commander, and received a large portion of the western part of the island to govern. Juan Ponce had explored the idea of traveling to Puerto Rico when the natives, Taino Indians, of a neighboring island had told him that the island had contained much gold, treasures, and fertile lands. In 1508, Ponce de LeГіn had gained permission from Ferdinand II of Aragon to set sail to the island. Later ... Show more content on ... He was guided by the Taino Indians to search for safe and suitable settlement locations on the island. They would find gold, and a bay that would be well suited for settlement and would eventually become the capital of Puerto Rico, San Juan. Ponce de LeГіn would return to Puerto Rico as governor of the island to mine for the gold that remained on the island. When word got back to Spain that Ponce de LeГіn had settled on the island, he received the title of Adelanto, or governor of Puerto Rico. He was the island s governor for two years until the king replaced him with Columbus
  • 7. How Did Aristotle Influence Alexander The Great Aristotle seems to have bequeathed an especially large number of words and phrases to English. Aristotle 384 322 BCE) was a pupil of Plato, whom succeeded as head of the Academy in Athens. Aristotle seems to have bequeathed an especially large number of words and phrases to English for the following reasons: he was a personal tutor to Alexander the Great; he established his own school in Athens; and he wrote a vast array of political, biological and botanical studies. Aristotles writings have influenced a vast array of human knowledge throughout the world. Aristotle spent several years as a personal tutor to Alexander the Great. Aristotle has had a great influence on Alexander the Great s ability to act skillfully and tactfully when resolving
  • 8. Unless You Try To Do Something Analysis The Statement Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow. pretty much means what it says. You need to try new things in order to understand some of the things you are good at. For example; you could have never tried mountain climbing and you don t think you ll be good at it, but you don t know that. You could have never tried something and still be good at it. When people try new things, it helps to make them figure out news things, understand new things, and learn new things about themselves. It also means that the more you learn, the more you ll grow. If you don t do a lot of things in you re everyday life, you ll never understand what other things are like. Example; you could have never tried skydiving and you think it might be really scary so you don t want to do it.... Show more content on ... The author wants people to be more active with the worlds activities. Once you master something, you need to move on and try to master other things. It doesn t mean stop doing the thing that you ve already mastered, it means try to be good at many things and not just one simple thing in life, even if you try to master something else that is almost the same thing. Example; you are really good and Hockey and then you go one to try and master something like soccer. They are similar but different, one has you on ice with Hockey sticks, the other has you on grass using you re feet. You should not do something if you are afraid of things involving an activity. Example; if you are afraid of heights you shouldn t go skydiving or mountain climbing. If you are afraid of deep water then you shouldn t go swimming to far out at a beach. If you are afraid of the wilderness then you shouldn t go camping or hunting. But you should still try something if you haven t
  • 9. Adhesive Capsulitis Research Paper Low Level Laser Therapy on Adhesive Capsulitis Adhesive capsulitis is a problem that therapeutic ultrasound, low level laser therapy, inferential current, TENS, and pulsed electromagnetic field therapy have not been researched enough to see if it works. This study was done to see if low level laser treatment and exercise improved patients pain, functional impairment, and active shoulder abduction versus a placebo and exercise. The study was set up by the Cochrane Library. They researched all the recent articles on electrotherapy modalities on adhesive capsulitis and then formed their study. It was a randomized control test, using clinical trials using a quasi randomized method of allocation. There were nineteen trials and 1,249 participants and their average age was fifty five, sixty one percent were women. Participants had adhesive capsulitis for an average of 5.5 months, and the average duration of low laser treatment was four weeks. No one was excluded from the study and the only criterion for the study was that participants needed to have adhesive capsulitis.... Show more content on ... Participants pain with low laser therapy and exercise was a 32 out of a 0 100 pain scale. Participants pain with placebo and exercise was a 51 out of a 0 100 pain scale. The study also did a functional impairment test (the higher the score means the worse functioning) the low laser therapy and exercise scored a 36 out of a 0 100 scale. The placebo and exercise scored 48 out of 0 100 on the functional impairment test. The study also tested the motion of active shoulder abduction; the low laser therapy and exercise ranged at 79 degrees and placebo and exercise ranged at 70 degrees. There were some imitations to the study; they had very low quality of
  • 10. American Revolution Vs Russian Revolution The American Revolution, lasting from 1765 to 1783, was a war between Great Britain and its thirteen colonies in North America. The colonies overthrew British authority and established the United States of America. Despite containing the word revolution in its name, the societal structure created after the war was not so fundamentally different from the one before, even though it contained numerous changes and advancements. As a result, the movement was more reformist than revolutionary. America s new society after the war was not so intrinsically different from what it was before. The Russian Revolution converted a Czarist rule to a Communist rule and the French Revolution ended the Old Regime and created a temporary legislature. The American
  • 11. Niccolo Machiavelli Essay Niccolo Machiavelli Around 1513 Niccolo Machiavelli while writing The Prince would not be considered a theologian. When thinking of Machiavelli many people confuse him together with the names of rulers who have abused his writings. It also seems other people confuse Machiavelli with the rapper who took his name. Either way people confuse Machiavelli it seems they fail to look at his true message, bettering the state and the greater good. Machiavelli may seem evil to some but his political theory properly applied is optimal for founding a state, establishing and then maintaining order. Machiavelli being a consequentialist believed actions should be judged by their consequences. Machiavelli because of the way he thought believed... Show more content on ... When thinking of right and wrong would it not be right to save more even though you have to hurt some? Machiavelli is not against all that is good. Machiavelli, although thought to be, is not against religion. Machiavelli believes religion is a great unifier. A fact many have overlooked in his philosophy. Also it seems there is a hint of belief or acknowledgement in God in his passage Although one should not reason about Moses, since he merely executed what God Commanded, yet he must be praised for the grace that made him worthy of speaking with God. But let us consider Cyrus and the others who acquired great kingdoms: they were all praiseworthy, and their actions and institutions, when examined, do not seem to differ from Moses, who had such a mighty teacher. This quote too could be Machiavelli simply covering his tracks so he does not seem blasphemous and the punishment that would come with being blasphemous. It is interesting though why he would even mention Moses when he could have been as easily left out? Machiavelli believed for a prince to be successful he must found a state that will not need a prince once he dies. This belief was stretched over The Prince and The Discourses. The question though is how can a prince make himself obsolete or should he make himself completely obsolete? The answer is no he can not make himself completely obsolete. A Prince should establish a republic but still
  • 12. French Revolution Essay The French Revolution was a time for expansion in human freedom. It was a way for the French to re invent their government to give some sort of equality for their people. There were many successes the French Revolution made, such as creating public schools for children and making it mandatory for them to attend. The French Revolutionhad the intentions to create a better government and lifestyle for their people, such as Jacobins who believed in the poor having their turn to rule. Though, others opposed the ideas of the revolution. Those people did not go unpunished by their beliefs. This was known as the Reign of Terror, which was not completely necessary for their society. The French Revolution was held in order to stop ... Show more content on ... Part I: All children will attend school, boys between the ages of 5 and 12, girls between the ages of 5 and 11. (Draft of Law on Public Education, by Citizen Robespierre) This showed how the government was serious in making sure all people in France had some education. This was a great success because every person could at least read and write. Lastly, women were finally given the freedom of equality. Woman had always been oppressed by men because of physical capability, they were not as physically strong as men. But, they were finally able to pass a law of equality in a written declaration. Article 1: Woman is born free and lives equal to man in her rights. Social distinctions can be based only on the common utility. (Declaration of the Rights of Women, by Olympe de Gouge) This clearly shows that the French Revolution aided women in the right of equality with men. These successes clearly show how the French Revolution helped to expand human freedom. The people who supported the Revolution were known as Jacobins. They were people who believed that the poor should have the turn to rule, they represented the lower class people. This group was made up of anyone who believed in their ideas, even women. Two men who were part of the Jacobins were Georges Dantonand Jean Paul Marat. They highly believed in the poor being in control. Danton once stated The Rich used to rule Paris. Now we cry: Make way for the
  • 13. The American Dream of Warren Buffett Georgia Agrapidis English 3 CPE Period 1 Research Paper Warren Buffett The popular American capitalist, Warren Buffett, has set the standard for many people by reaching the American Dream for most; from the moment young Warren Buffett was born in Omaha, Nebraska, he had always targeted high and worked harder than anyone, to reach those infinite goals. Many people have different perspectives on what the American Dream really means. To some people, being rich, having fame, a happy family, or a healthy lifestyle is what people consider being the American Dream. However, someone like Warren Buffettappears to define the American Dream as having fun with making money rather then the rewarding results that comes from it. Warren Buffett... Show more content on ... He felt as though he already knew a lot about business and that college would be a waste of time for him. His theory was supported when he decided to attend the Wharton School of Finance. The professors were stunned at his ingenious entrepreneurial mind. Buffett knew more then many of his professors and transferred to the University of Nebraska for a better education. (Smith 4) Unfortunately, that university was not that much better. He had achieved good grades in all of his classes at the University of Nebraska and managed to administer 50 newspaper delivery boys simultaneously. After he realized that the University of Nebraska was not helping him much, he decided to drop out and transfer again. He first tried to transfer to Harvard but was not accepted. That decision would later haunt the Harvard administration committee. Warren Buffett then applied to Columbia University and was accepted in 1950. This was an experience that would forever change his life, and direct him on the right road to reach the American Dream of Success. (Ryan 37) One of the most successful and intelligent investors, along with Warren Buffett, was a professor at Columbia named Ben Graham. He viewed the stock market in ways that nobody would ever imagine. Through bear markets and bull markets, no matter what the circumstances were, Ben Graham was making money. Ben Graham wrote a book called The Intelligent Investor, which Buffett refers to as the
  • 14. Julius Caesar Betrayal In Othello Essay The greatest enemy of the trusting and the loyal, betrayal is friend only to the greedy and ostentatious. Historically, betrayal has brought about some of the most significant changes the world has ever seen. Julius Caesar was betrayed by not only his fellow senators but his own adopted son Marcus Brutus as well. This would lead to the tyrant s death and as a result, Rome would suffer. In Othello by William Shakespeare, a powerful man is brought down by those he believed trustworthy. Betrayal is the only truth that sticks a quote by Arthur Miller that applies quite well to this literature in that ultimately Iago s deeds to mislead Othello led to the many untimely deaths of many characters. Within the play, it quickly becomes clear the most... Show more content on ... Iago and Roderigo both travel to Brabantio to inform him of his own daughter s marriage to Othello. This is a blatant betrayal of her own father s trust but he is unable to come to terms with its reality. Going as far to attempt to convince himself these two do not know of what they speak What tell st thou me of robbing? This is Venice. My house is not a grange. (1, 1,118) While this does serve as a means to further the plot it also sheds light upon the theme of appearance vs. reality. Brabantio could not accept Desdemona s love for Othello and this is all he could see. He could not wade past the difference in skin colors to their love. Even going as far as to claim that That thou hast practiced on her with foul charms /Abused her delicate youth with drugs or minerals (1, 1, 92) becoming drunk on the idea that the only way his daughter would betray him would be if she were under some spell. This appearance drives him so far in his sadness that he can no longer handle it anymore, echoing the idea that even when the truth can seem so clear reaching it can be unsurmountable. While an unintentional betrayal, Desdemona went against the wishes of her father not only reinforcing the plot but also creating a basis for the theme within the first scene of the
  • 15. Planned Parenthood Case Study The recent controversy over the pro choice group The Center for Medical Progress alleging that Planned Parenthood is involved in the sale of aborted fetal tissue has catalyzed legislation to defund Planned Parenthood all across the nation. In the United States, abortion rights are a rather polarizing issue. This being the case, various media sources are prone toward writing biased articles reporting on the current Planned Parenthood controversy. The articles either had a mostly left leaning or right leaning view toward the issue. Only one article that I chose, from the BBC News, gave a largely neutral account of the controversy over these videos. The weight of the implications of defunding Planned Parenthood is significant because it affects... Show more content on ... This accusation was first made by CMP, a pro life organization, on the basis of footage secretly shot by members of the group who met with representatives of Planned Parenthood, posing as members of the fake business organization BioMax representing themselves as a company that purchased fetal tissue. They offered the representative copious amounts of money for the tissue, which the Planned Parenthood representatives seemed to be interested in. This footage was used by the organization to accuse Planned Parenthood of selling fetal tissue. However, it was later found that the footage was heavily edited to support their accusation. The Center for Medical Progress filed a criminal investigation against Planned Parenthood in a Texas court based on their recordings in 2015, but in a turn of events, a Texas grand jury found Planned Parenthood committed no wrongdoing, and instead the jury indicted those responsible for the videos, anti abortion activists Daniel Daleidan and Sandra Merritt on tampering with government documents. Daleidan was also indicted based on a statute against the sale or purchasing of fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood is seeking money in restitution for damages. (Reddin,
  • 16. The Winner Of The Pulitzer s Prize Have you ever seen the Winner of the Pulitzer Prize on the cover of a book before? It is one the most prestigious awards to have in American Journalism. Writers would dream to have this award on their writings because it is such a big achievement to them. This award is given out in twenty one categories, one for each category. Two thousand papers and counting are submitted each year for this award. Joseph Pulitzer is the founder of one of the most achievable awards for writers, which is the Pulitzer Award. His Father, Philip Pulitzer, which was a wealthy grain merchant that was Magyar Jewish. His Mother, Louise Berger, was a German who was Roman Catholic. Joseph wasn t an only child, he had a brother named Albert. Albert was trained for
  • 17. Minor Characters In Animal Farm By George Orwell George Orwell s Animal Farm, is a novella about the rebellion of the animals in the Manor Farm, which is actually an analogy to the Russian Revolution in 1917. In order to reveal the reality of the Russian Revolution, Orwell establishes the characters based on historical figures that were involved in the revolution; even the minor characters such as, Old Major, Mollie, and Benjamin, represent someone in the history. Orwell utilizes these minor characters to demonstrate and even criticize their historical counterparts through the characters thoughts, and reactions to various events in the novel. Old Major, the wise old boar that is well respected by other animals, is arguably one of the most important characters in the novel regardless of being a minor character. In the beginning of the novel, he knows that he will die soon, therefore, he gives a speech to the animals. In his speech, he expresses that man is the only real enemy we have. Remove man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished for ever. (Orwell p.29) His speech persuades the animals to believe that man is the only reason for the unsatisfactory living condition they are in. Not long after he dies, his words prompt the animals to take action; they rebel against the farm owner, Mr Jones. Old Major being the starting point of the rebellion represents Vladimir Leninwho led the Russian Revolution. Aside from Lenin, Old Major is also reminiscent of Karl Marx. He reminds the animals that
  • 18. Guided Meditation Script When you re looking to use a guided meditation script, there are a few things you can use to really give it an edge. It doesn t have to be much, but a few minutes of extra effort can make a huge difference in effectiveness. Let s step back for a moment, and remember that the idea is to get the recipient (or meditator) to focus on the meditation, not anything and everything else. By providing a good environment, you not only prevent distractions, but you can actually enhance and reinforce the effectiveness of your guided meditation script. Let s start with music. While working with the meditation in silence can work, I find that it tends to work better with some gentle music in the background. I have a few rules I use when I m selecting such ... Show more content on ... Make sure that the room is not to hot or cold, and you might consider putting a scent in the air. There s a lot of different ways to go for adding a scent in the air. You can go with sprays, candles, heated essential oil, incense, or any combination of the above tin order to get the desired effect. As with the sound background, I have a few guidelines to offer here: Make sure that it is pleasant and accessible. Those of us who are used to incense can handle more exotic scents, but you want the focus to be determined by what s in your guided meditation script, not by watering eyes and coughing. On the same note, don t overdo it. A little goes a long way. Avoid artificial scents. It may be less expensive, but quite often the scent just winds up being cloying instead of relaxing. Again, we want to focus the attention inward. Match the type of scent with the individual. If they react to incense (and some people do), use candles or heat up some essential oils instead. When you bring all of these together, the person meditating is almost instantly relaxed, and your guided meditation script is that much more effective. There is a bit of an art to this, so keep testing and see what works best for
  • 19. genocide Essay Genocide is an extremely broad subject with various different definitions. Genocide could be one or more leaders trying to get rid of a large group of people by killings or attacks, or it can be against a smaller group of people in a less violent manner. Genocide has been a very extreme problem in society and various reports of genocidal events have been recorded in history, but how does one go about finding the precise and accurate definition of a genocide ? Genocidal acts are placed into different categories and are defined in different degrees. The Commission on Human Rights has set up seven treaties that describe acts of genocide. Regardless of committees attempts to limit or abolish acts of genocide, genocide was a very important... Show more content on ... Once they have the items deemed necessary, it is more likely for these acts to become more violent and more destructive, depending on the amount of items palpable. This being said, weapons being more prevalent in the twentieth century have lead to an increase of genocidal acts in society. Genocide is an important human rights issue. When a person or persons take it into their hands to violate someone s given rights, it should be considered an act punishable. For people to understand the severity of their actions, their actions must have serious consequences. These consequences must be so extreme to the relevance to the act punishable that those who are planning on partaking in a similar act are made well aware of the possible punishments. If people are better educated on the subject of genocide, the reports of genocidal cases might decrease, making genocide a less extreme problem not only in the United States, but the entire world. The world organization that concerns itself with issues parallel to genocide is the Commission on Human Rights. It is the commission s duty to meet once a genocidal act occurred and was reported. Then the commission must develop different ways to mend the problem at task in a fair and just way. By doing so, the commission helps to fix this human right s issue with the seven treaties. The Commission On Human Rights has set up seven treaties that
  • 20. Tori Kodatsuke Hachigaeshi s Shakuhachi In the Japanese Shakuchachi Honkyoku piece, the Tori Kodatsuke Hachigaeshi, is an interesting piece that represent one of the Japanese cultural music. Tori Kodatsuke Hachigaeshi, or also known as Street Corner Begging that emphasis begging. Little that we know, begging have a huge effect at the Fuke sect in Japan which lead to hokyuku. Moreover, the piece that is played on a jinashi shakuhachi, a piece of bamboo without an added bone mouthpiece, had effected the way of the sound is produce which is a windy and squeaky sound. In my opinion, the tone /timbre of the piece is slow, deep, empty, and not well develop (raw) as to compare to the western flute. The western flute have an accurate and more fluent tone. Western flute is also have a higher
  • 21. Edgar Degas And Western Realism In Hokusai s Impressionism Edgar Degas appears to have never accommodated himself to the name of impressionist, wanting to call himself a realist, independent, or free. Like the impressionists, he looked to catch transient minutes in the stream of present day life, yet he demonstrated little enthusiasm for painting plein air scenes, favoring scenes in theaters and bistros lit up by fake light, which he used to illuminate the forms of his figures, complying to his training. Degas s choice of subject matter mirrors his modern cutting edge approach. He best liked scenes of ballet dancers. His concentration to ballet dancers increased strongly in the late 1800s, and eventually he composed nearly 2,000 works on the area. They address the way the human body moves, investigating the physicality and train of the ballet dancers using distorted stances and abrupt vantage points. Without the Japanese printmaker Hokusai, Impressionism may never have happened. He is a father figure of Western Modernism. In Japan, Hokusai was viewed as crude, underneath the thought of the magnificent literati. In the West, his outline of space with color and line, as opposed to by means of one point perspective, would have a revolutionary effect. Most artist were influenced by his landscapes but Degas, he was influenced by Hokusai s rendering of human forms. You can truly see how he was influence by Hokusai in his bathers artwork. Degas was uncommonly interested in women s private, rather than public, appearances. Degas
  • 22. High Schools Are Not Preparing Their Graduates For College High Schools are not Preparing Their Graduates for College Three out of four graduates are not fully prepared for college, because of this they are almost certain to take remedial classes in which they can prepare to be freshman, in their second semester of college. ACT s have tested 50% of these graduates, and it was measured that only 25% of that was actually prepared in all three areas of testing. So what is wrong with this picture? The problem is American high schools are not preparing their students for a college environment, and college work. Students aren t receiving the key work and lessons needed for college. With all the method that teachers have, which aren t working to the extent they should be, they are honestly forced to help these students out when they should have been prepared to begin with. With that said, High School teachers are not preparing their students academically for college. Colleges are forced to do studies in consideration of improving the United States Academic reputation, and the overall education for America. High School teaching techniques are not preparing their students for College. Its believed that new case studies have found that U.S. High Schools are teaching their core College preparatory courses and what colleges want incoming students to know in order for them to succeed in Freshmen courses. (Higher Education, 2007) A large role in this is that High School teachers are preparing their students for more broad skills, ideas,
  • 23. Public Shunning Research Paper Jared Fogle Public shunning is the act of persistently rejecting and ostracizing someone for their actions. It was a common occurrence during the Puritan times, and it affected the outcasts and the loved ones of the outcasts. Public shunning is a way to punish those who have sinned and have violated a community s values. It has not always been as lenient as it is now. In the Puritan times, people were publicly humiliated in many ways. Some were branded, displayed on the scaffold, or simply paraded in front ot the town. The worse case for public shunning were executions in front of the whole town. In today s world, public shunning is not as harsh. It is now done by parading an outcasts face and sins everywhere in the world by the news and articles. One of the most recent broadcasted Shunnings is Jared Fogle. November 19, 2015, Jared Fogle pleaded guilty in court for statutory rape and child pornography. He was found guilty for receiving and distributing child pornography, for paying children for sex, and for having sex with at least two minors. He engaged in these acts with minors from 2007 until June 2015. Russell... Show more content on ... It ruined their lives, and the lives of the people who loved them. Hester committed infidelity in a puritan society. Jared molested minors while he was married to someone else. Jared Fogle and Hester both committed adultery in different ways, and they were both shunned for it. They both received their punishments by becoming outcasts. Hester was considered an outcast because she was named unholy and unfaithful by her community, and the puritans did not want her unfaithfulness to spread. Fogle is an outcast because he went against the modern value of children and the laws against such actions. To further his humiliation, he was fired and sentenced to jail. Fogle is currently, receiving more retribution through the prisoners who beat him for his actions (Rough and
  • 24. Juvenile Criminal Justice Is Much Like The Art Of Parenting Retribution and Rehabilitation in Hopes for Reintegration The topic of juvenile criminal justice is much like the art of parenting. The main concern is figuring out how to deter the child from the same action without letting them get away with too much and not crushing their spirits. SUCH AS when a child goes beyond the set boundaries for him while playing outside which leads to hurting another child, the child should be disciplined to be deterred from crossing those boundaries again, but that discipline shouldn t scare them away from ever going outside or playing again. There is a large range of beliefs on what types of punishmentshould be given to juvenile criminals depending on their age and crime. The requirements of retribution are different across the United States but that doesn t mean it s not a big issue. {Maybe a statistic here? This paper is an accumulation of various sources that revolve around rehabilitating juvenile criminals and adjusting the juvenile justice system and prevention programs through researcher, Richard A. Mendal s five suggestions. Juvenile criminals should be responsibly punished for their crime but be able to go through rehabilitation with the goal to reintegrate into society again. {This paragraph is basically a summary of the whole paper, is that okay to keep?} Rehabilitation is a complex issue that must involve thought through, analyzed, practical goals, techniques, and responsibilities within the juvenile justice system, community,
  • 25. Differences Between Smalltalk And Python Type systems Both Smalltalk and Python are dynamically typed languages. These languages will leave the type check until run time, in contrast with statically typed languages that enforce types at compile time. The method lookup also happens at run time allowing more flexibility in manipulating objects. The two languages have dynamically dispatched, which is message is evaluated depending on the receiver object at runtime (section 3 Code lists). Smalltalk uses untyped variables and they must be declared before using. The reason why variables should be declared is that we can inform the compiler to leave some memory space for variables. Python also in the same case that it has untyped variables but those do not need to be explicitly declared. Whenever assignment happens for variables, the declaration also occurs. Since no type checks happen at compile time, the responsibility is of programmers to ensure that variables will receive the correct kind of values. The two languages provide type conversions that will return the new objects represent converted values. Another small difference between Python and Smalltalk is that the former provides multimethods, functions with same name and different types of argument. This is saying that Python ... Show more content on ... Python provides some built in functions for doing introspection such as type(), isinstance(), callable(), and getattr(). The dir() function is one of the most important function when doing introspection since it gives a list of attributes and methods in the inspected object. However, Python also allows programmers to modify the inner structure of objects at runtime. The inner structure of an object can be changed due to the fact that in its dictionary the pointers to a field can be reassigned at runtime. For example (section 5 Code lists), we can add new function intro() to ref, can modify the method message(), and delete an attribute at
  • 26. Marrakech Rhetorical Analysis Posts #9 What is Orwell s point in the essay Marrakech, and where does he make it explicit to the reader? Why do you think he wrote this essay? R/ Orwell highlights number of important social and moral issues. With the use of words, vivid imagery, and rhetorical questions he describes the scenario Marrakech s life due to the white colonialisms effects. The essay sends an important message: poverty, racial discrimination, and the subjugation of nation by force can have bad repercussions for the live of ordinary people (Morocco). He makes his claims clear when he says This kind of things makes one s blood boil, whereas on the whole the plight of the human beings does not. I am not commenting, merely pointing to a fact. People with brown... Show more content on ... He uses them as an artistic technique to picture the situation and the circumstances he lives in. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a minister, and his speech given on the capital mall during the march on Washington is more suited to a sermon than a written essay. For this reason, I suggest that you listen to the audio file of the link. What differences can you hear from the speech as delivered that are not conveyed in the written essay? What elements of a speech or sermon do you find? R/ The audio file give the impression that every word and sentences that comes out of his mouth he is living it with passion. I could hear his indignation and sorrow in his voice because many of his people, including himself were in a shameful condition: without liberty. The inflection and tone of his voice give more emphasis to the message he wanted to convey, that all menare created equal. I think it is more memorable the words spoken than just the mere essay. When you read any kind of document many interpretations could come to mind, but when it is expressed in words by the author our perspective is completely shifted because the author knows what are the main ideas he wants to emphasize; transforming completely the meaning of the
  • 27. Teaching Came From Someone Else Many people say teachers teach differently in their classroom. Many teachers follow a guideline for teaching children, but many of the students don t learn as fast as others. Children don t always raise their hands when they have a question or when they don t understand and that s not always a good idea. They have to be able to open up to the teacher, and the teacher has to open up to all of the students in the classroom. By opening up the teacher will be able to see what the child is having a problem with and can try different strategies to help them. Being an effective teacher helps children in a classroom to learn, be active, and show confidence in their work. The history of teaching can be said by many different people. Some think... Show more content on ... The teacher improves the children s learning skills, communication skills and so much more. Many children learn from supportive techniques and additional resources in the classroom. If any child in the classroom is struggling they can put them in an inclusion classroom where the teachers try and meet the needs of the children. By having an inclusion classroom will help any kind of student with special needs or a child that has a problem learning. The inclusion classroom is another great way for the children to get more one on one time with their teacher, because they will understand the work better than they did before. This can be a great way for children that need that private education get what they need to move on to the next grade with the same knowledge the other children have. (Peg Rosen) Many teachers have a hard time keeping up with teaching children and trying to keep them focused at all times in the classroom. Participation helps the students stay focused, get them to think, and to get them motivated in the classroom. Teachers likes getting feedback from the students so they know that they are listening and they are answering the questions the teacher asked them. The teacher likes how the children communicate with each other to find out the answer. That improves their speaking skills, and they are trying to do the work the teacher wanted them to do.By improving their speaking
  • 28. Universal Pictures Piracy Essay Hollywood s Big Six, a few long standing American film studios but out of the six, the oldest is Universal Pictures. Universal Pictures is owned by Comcast, through their subsidiary NBCUniversal. Prior to the contemporary state of affairs Universal Pictures was founded in 1912 as the Universal Film Manufacturing Company. Over the century thus far the company has produced quite a few movies that will go down as classics, and countless more that were major box office success stories ( About ). High sales numbers will always be a priority of the studio; therefore, it is within their best interest to be strongly opposed to piracy. Piracy especially in the case of films are an ever growing concern. Whilst major film studios like Universal Pictures... Show more content on ... This campaign was originally run in Brazil, starting out in Sao Paolo, however the internet has made it widely available to the public. The content of the image is undoubtedly an attempt to garner the attention of not just the intended audience, but anyone who may happen to glance at it. The image exhibits a dismembered finger, still grotesquely covered in blood, with the likely intent of instilling a feeling of disgust. There is some accompanying text to the advertisement as well, Stop Destroying the band you like. Say no to music piracy (Image 2). The only support provided to give some sort of credibility and legitimacy to the image is the Universal logo add following the text. Nonetheless, the advertisement holds no context to explain the content of the image. For example, why is the image of a severed body part what relation is there between that and piracy. Is the claim being made that music piracy can lead to you losing a finger, or maybe a member of your favorite band? This advertisement was expressly released in Brazil, in an attempt to combat music piracy in that region. There may have been a preconceived plan to later release the image in other regions as well depending on how well it was received. At first glance, most viewers of the second image may feel a deep disgust towards the image, due to its content. With continued viewing, one may come to the relation that this is a consequence of music
  • 29. gods and generals Essay Gods and Generals, 2003, Colonel Joshua Chamberlain (JEFF DANIELS), Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee (ROBERT DUVALL), Thomas quot;Stonewall quot; Jackson (STEPHEN LANG), Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker (MAC BUTLER), and Capt. Alexander Sandie Pendleton (JEREMY LONDON). The movie Gods and Generals is a portrayal of the actions that were illustrated very eloquently and captivatingly in the book Gods and Generals, written by Jeff Shaara. The movie even though was less than mediocre in its appeal was full of accurate historic facts. All of the battles, Manassas Junction, Antietam, and Chancellorsville, all occurred. The battle at Manassas shows the Federal troops clearly running from the Confederates, although it ... Show more content on ... The Northern men are not shown much. Only Capt. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain is portrayed, leaving out General Hancock, a major player in the beginning of the Civil War. This causes questions about there importance and if they were fighting for the proper reasons. A lot is left to the imagination about the North. The Southerners are all represented well and thoroughly throughout the film. Lee is portrayed as a very kind hearted religious old man who has the respect of his troops and is out to win this war. Jackson is given the most glory as this film includes him in almost every other scene. He is also given a great light of respect from his troops and all around him. Even Jeb Stuart, who in real life was pompous and egotistical of himself and his troops, was given a light of respect by all including Lee which was not seen at all in real life (Gods and Generals the book.) In all the Southerners were surrounded in this great white light while the Northerners were not even given there few shining moments in fame during the beginning of the Civil War. This movie held a great bias to the Southerners. There was one major Northern character, Chamberlain, comparing to the numerous southern gentleman. Stonewall Jackson was the main character in this movie and the movie seemed to be trying to make the movie a biography of Jackson during the Civil War. The purpose of this film was to make a movie out of
  • 30. Analysis Of The Article Your Mother Is Your Bones ... Critical Responses to the Novel Orville Schell wrote the article Your Mother is in Your Bones about The Joy Luck Club. Schell starts out by giving some historical background information on China, about those emigrating in order to escape Communism and how Asian immigrants didn t fit in America as easily as Europeans did. He also talks about Chinatowns and other struggles immigrants faced. He talks about the strange phenomena where Chinese Americans were bound to China by heritage, but they had never even been there. He then summarizes the events of the novel, focusing on June and her dynamic with her motherand the rest of the Joy Luck Club. He talks about the stories told by each of the mothers, describing them as surreal and magical. He says that the formatting of the novel using all the different stories places the reader into the shoes of a Chinese immigrant trying to navigate their way to becoming more Americanized. He says that the novel could ve been written in a patronizing way or could ve been clichГ©, but because of Amy Tan s skills it was written beautifully (Schell). In John Mullan s article John Mullan on The Joy Luck Club, Mullan starts by discussing the similarities between the game mah jong and the structure of the novel. He talks about the divisions of four, the four players, and he talks about which characters narrated which sections. He talks more about the narrators, mentioning that June is kind of the bridge between these two generations. He says
  • 31. Death Is Inevitable And Death Death is a part of life no matter which way you look at it. With death, there is a lot to consider. Death is not inevitable but in a way it is a sort of burden on the loved ones left behind. There is grief and a ton of planning involved which only leads to extra stress. One of the most important parts of the deathritual is for most people the obituary. When looking at obituaries and the styles and formats that they are in, you can compare and contrast the traditions and values of both newspaper and memorial website obituaries. Like mentioned before, death is inevitable and death is also a heartache and disaster for the loved ones left behind. Not only do your loved ones have to grieve over the decease, but during this time, they also have to plan a wake, funeral, and some type of resting place. The resting place can be in a cemetery in a coffin, or it can be cremation. With death comes a lot of burdens especially if the deceased was not prepared to die. Even today with the all technology we have people still die and we still have a conventional way of dealing with it. During the grieving process and preparing everything, it is also customary for the person who is still here to write an obituary for the deceased. In an obituary, people can write a story about the person, describe their accomplishments, or in some cases, just have the announcement of the death. Obituaries are usually written so that people who were close to the deceased can know what this person died from,
  • 32. Atlantic Seal Hunt History The History of the Atlantic Seal Hunt and the Future of Sustainability Every year in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the Northern Atlantic Ocean, three Canadian seal populations are opened for commercial hunting. Since the 1750s, hooded seals, grey seals and iconic harp seals have been hunted for their valuable pelts and omega 3 rich oil. After being nearly hunted to extinction in the 1800s and a period of extensive anti hunt activism in the 1960s and 70s, the hunt has become strictly regulated. Now, activism has forced the Atlantic Seal Hunt to support and maintain standards of sustainable resource harvesting and humaneness, and this hunt now has the potential to be a role model in these areas for other similar hunts worldwide. The seal hunt... Show more content on ... In a comprehensive series of studies addressing concerns that seals might be conscious when they were skinned found that, in most cases, they were not. The issues lies in the fact that when a seal is killed by blunt force trauma, it sometimes continues to move as if it was alive. In a 1999 study, 2 out of every 5 seals were found to experience this for as long as 45 seconds. Postmortem examinations proved that these seals were certainly dead at the time, as their skulls were completely crushed. In a separate part of the same study, seal skulls were examined to determine whether the skull was adequately crushed to ensure death. 98.2% of seals were labeled as certainly dead , with only 1.8% labelled as possibly dead or unconscious based on the level of skull damage. By 2001, the rifle had become a popular seal hunting weapon. Another study was conducted to ensure the hunt was still humane. It was found that 85% of the time, a sealer would have delivered a blow by club in under a minute after the seal was shot to ensure death, whether or not it displayed signs of life. All seals examined in this study were found to be dead by the time they were brought aboard the vessel for bleeding. None exhibited a blinking reflex at that point despite other reflex movement being observed, meaning their eyes didn t blink when
  • 33. Prophecy In The Aeneid The function of prophecy manifests itself in many ways in the Aeneid. Throughout the epic, prophecies and omens act as the agents behind Aeneas fulfilling his destiny as well as providing clear social commentary on the dawn of the Roman Empire under Emperor Augustus. Even though not all of the prophecies and omens included in the epic come to pass in literary terms, Virgils inclusion of prophecy is of paramount importance for driving the plot forward. In this essay I will discuss the function of both internal and external prophecy and the effect these prophecies have on both the characters in the epic and the enjoyment of the reader from The Roman Empire until the present day. It is clear that internal prophecies are of integral importance ... Show more content on ... In Book Four, Virgil describes how Dido, utterly heartbroken by Aeneas desertion, prays to the gods to curse him (TA: 12.973 4): ... let him be plagued in war by a nation proud in arms, torn from his borders, wrenched from Iulus embrace, let him grovel for help and watch his people die a shameful death... may he never enjoy his realm... let him die before his day, unburied on some desolate beach. In this instance, Dido s prophecy does not come to pass in the epic although there is an anxiety created for the reader that this fate is a possibility for Aeneas. However The Punic Wars , which broke out between Rome and Carthage in the 3rd and 2nd Centuries B.C. (Lazenby, 1996: XV) would seem to be the fulfillment of the curse Dido places on Aeneas and his future when he abandons her and sails to Italy to fulfill his fate. The internal failure of Dido s curse reminds us however that Aeneas is a slave to an altogether more important and powerful prophecy: the prophecy of Rome. Additionally, as an oriental queen, we must remember how Dido along with the other women from the old world, held little to no place in the vision of the new Rome. I believe the way in which Aeneas treats those who are not directly included in his prophecy; particularly in this scene, raises interesting ideas about Aeneas character. It is easy for the reader to forget that he is not born a hero like the epic heroes who came before him like Odysseus, rather he becomes one as the story progresses. He is therefore forgiven any human errors of judgement, including deserting Dido in favour of fulfilling his
  • 34. A Rhetorical Analysis Of The Collective Wisdom By Herbert... In The Collective Wisdom , Herbert Spencer passionately refutes several of the House of Commons reasons to oppose the Cheltenham Water Bill. Spencer makes clear points concerning the logical fallacies that the House of Commons based their decision on. This fully convinced the audience of the logic behind his position. Spencer first points out the logical fallacies in the Times paragraph. This paragraph stated, such a measure, if carried out, will diminish the water of that noble river a million gallons per day. At first glance, this is quite an alarming statement to the public and the members of the House of Commons. However, Spencer clarifies this statement through a comparison. He states that, The simple fact is that the current of the Thames, above the point at which the tides influence it, discharge in twenty ... Show more content on ... It was stated in the House of Commons that, the proportion of sewage to pure water would be seriously increased if surrounding towns were allowed to tap into the springs. Spencer clarifies this claim through his use of an additional logical comparison. Spencer states, Taking a minute out of twelve hours would be taking as large a proportion as the Cheltenham people with to take from the Thames. This time comparison puts the lack of a problem into perspective. Moreover, Spencer is able to look at the situation with a logical view instead of only stating direct facts. A further error pointed out and corrected by Spencer is this quote from the House of Commons, stating that to let the Cheltenham have this quantity would be to rob the towns along the banks of the Thames of their rights. Spencer is able to refute this assertion by pointing out that 999 parts of the Thames out of 1,000 pass by unused. Therefore, it is clear that the proportion of sewage in the Thames is minuscule. Finally, Spencer is able to display that the report falsely exhibits
  • 35. The Correlation Between The Value Of Time Series Of... Autocorrelation Autocorrelation is defined as the correlation between the value of time series at a specific time and previous values of the same series (Reference). In other words, with time series what happens in time t contains information about what will happen at time t+1. Autocorrelation plots are a commonly used tool for checking randomness in a data set. This randomness is ascertained by computing autocorrelations for data values at varying time lags. If random, such autocorrelations should be near zero for any and all time lag separations. If non random, then one or more of the autocorrelations will be significantly non zero. The autocorrelation plots can provide answers to questions such as are the data random? Is an observation related to an adjacent observation? Is the observed time series white noise, sinusoidal or autoregressive? They help in understanding the underlying relationship between the data points. The autocorrelation plots of 4 time series of heating operating system are as follows : a. Supply temperature setpoint : The plot starts with a high correlation at lag 1 which is slightly less than 1 and slowly declines. It continues to decrease until it becomes negative and starts showing an increasing negative correlation. The decreasing autocorrelation is generally linear with little noise. Such a pattern in the autocorrelation plot is a signature of strong autocorrelation , which in turn provides high predictability if modeled properly. b. System
  • 36. The Marine Corps [Credibility] Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce Gunnery Sergeant Kristi Bagley to speak with you about the Montford Point Marines. Gunnery Sergeant Bagley has done extensive research on the Montford Point Marines, and had the privilege of attending the Montford Marines Congressional Gold Medal ceremony in June 2012. Ladies and gentlemen, Gunny Sergeant Bagley. [Attention] On display at the Montford Point Marine Museum at Camp Johnson, North Carolina is a Marine Corps dress blues uniform. The uniform is identical to any other set of dress blues worn by Marines through the mid 1940s. Just like any other set of dress blues, the Marine who wore them went through a grueling period of training to earn the right to wear this uniform. However, this particular dress uniform bears a different legacy of hardships and endurance than that of Marines who had come before. [Motivation] These blues belonged to Edgar Huff, the first African American to reach the rank of Sergeant Major in the Marine Corps and one of the first African Americans to be allowed to enlist in the Marine Corps. Sergeant Major Huff and nearly twenty thousand other African Americans began a new legacy of service in the United States Marine Corps. [Purpose and Thesis] Despite the Marines Corps acceptance of African American enlistees within its ranks, the newly installed Marines experienced a great deal of opposition and racism from both the leadership of the Marine Corps, their
  • 37. Similarities Between Celia Foote And Boo Radley The Help and To Kill a Mockingbird share many themes between characters and their problems, while also telling to diverse stories. A good example would be Celia Foote and Boo Radley, who desire friendship because they re seen differently, but go about getting friends in different ways. Celia Foote from The Help and Boo Radley from To Kill a Mockingbirdshare the ostracization from their peers and wrongful accusations. Although they have many similarities, Celia is more open and willing to become friends and part of the group and has a husband, while Boo stays rather shy and has no one but his harsh brother. Celia Foote and Boo Radley are both ostracized by peers and the community and are faced with wrongful accusations. Celia is ignored... Show more content on ... During the help, Celia continues to try and get back Hilly s friendship like in the scene where she brings a pie to Hilly s get together, Hilly! Minny told me why you hate me, you think I stole Johnny but that s not what happened. I brought you a pie! (The Help). This is one of the many times she tries to be friends with Hilly. Even when the girls ignored her, she had her husband and Minny who she could go back to. Boo on the other hand doesn t reach out to anyone. Although he leaves gifts for the kids at first, once the tree is filled with cement, he quits trying. This quote shows what he gave the children during his attempt to reach out to them, Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good luck pennies, and our lives. (Lee 279). He gave gifts to Scout and Jem to win their affection, but soon gave up. At home, Boo only had his harsh brother to go to. The two quotes show the differences in the two characters personalities. While they both wanted some sort of friendship, Celia is more outgoing and constant when she tries, while Boo is shy and doesn t continue reaching out when he reaches a bump in the
  • 38. The Movie Pulp Fiction By Quentin Tarantino The movie Pulp Fiction(1994) was directed by Quentin Tarantino is regarded as one of the best movies ever made and especially for the gangster film genre it is quite unique. It can be argued that Pulp fiction is or isn t a gangster movie but there are enough signs to prove that it s definitely is a gangster film. This movie focuses rather on the morality of decisions and about the character s internal conflict and the karma that the character s receive. Not only is there karam associated with their actions but a chance for redemption . All of these things add for a wonderful gangster movie but it is missing some very conventional aspects of the genre that definitely set it apart from the rest. The first time that the characters are seen with the questioning of morality is in the very beginning of the film with Vincent Vega(John Travolta) and Jules(Samuel L. Jackson). The conversation starts out about their bosses new wife Mia Wallace(Uma Thurman) and how was laying her hands on her in familial way and gave her a foot massage. This caused Marcellus Wallace(Ving Rhames) to throw Antwone out the window four stories and give him permanent nerve damage. Jules thinks that reaction that Marcellus has was too far and that it was just foot massage, while Vincent says I ve given a million ladies a million foot massages and they all meant something and we act like they don t but they do, and that s what so fucking cool about them . This already shows that the two characters
  • 39. What Is The Purpose Of Michael Crichton s The Great Train... When thinking about the book, The Great Train Robbery by Michael Crichton, readers often wonder what the purpose of Edward Peirce robbing the train was. He did get a lot of money, but he was already rich since before he robbed the train, so what was his motive? The author, Michael Crichton, does not answer this question in his book, so it is left up to the readers to interpret the motive behind Edward Peirce s robbery. In The Great Train Robbery by Michael Crichton, Edward Peirce s motive for committing the crime of the century could be that he never got the feeling of adrenaline, and he was bored playing as a sophisticated rich man. Living as a rich man in England, life can get pretty dull. Any hard work or challenge is done by a servant
  • 40. Is Online Learning As Good Is Online Learning as Good as Face to Face Learning? Technological advancement has brought up new ways of doing things. Traditionally, the manufacturing industry had to employ hundreds of workers to ensure that work was done in the right manner. They had to lift heavy machinery or use forklifts to ensure the heavy machineries were fixed in the correct place. Technological advancement brought about the principle of robotics. Companies are happy in the modern times to use robotics in manufacturing, thus eliminating the need for many workers and professionals. Once the robot has been computerized or programmed, it is able to perform all machinery work with minimal or no supervision and still produces the same results compared to human factor that produces varying results with the same input. Likewise, education has taken advantage of technological advancement; not only are books being bought and rented, they are read online. Online learning is a modern time invention that was necessitated by the need from the many people who finance education for their own benefit, the working class, the international students and the marginalized class. With online education, one is able to learn more conveniently and undertake other responsibilities with ease (Coates et al 4 7). One does not have to hurry to attend classes since online classes can be conducted from the convenience of home or any other location. Face to face learning allows the instructor to get individual attention from
  • 41. The Contribution Of French Music During The Decades After... Francis Poulenc was born Jan. 7, 1899 in Paris. France. Poulenc, a composer who made an important contribution to French music in the decades after World War I, remains one of the best composers of the 20th century. Throughout his career Poulenc composed orchestral, chamber music, ballets, concertos, film scores, and opera, as well as powerful choral and sacred music, but only three works for piano and woodwinds. Poulenc grew up in a wealthy family whom intended Poulenc for a business career and did not allow him to enrol at a music college. Therefore, he was largely self educated musically although he study for a time with pianist Ricardo ViГ±es. Compositionally, Poulenc soon came under the influence of Erik Satie, under whose ... Show more content on ... Wasn t that the case with Mozart Schubert? Poulenc s music was driven by a passion to create melodic variations, against tradition, using old fashioned harmonies. During this time he was particularly interested in religious music and composed some works in 1936 and onwards. In addition to composing, Poulenc was an accomplished pianist. He was particularly praised for his partnerships with the baritone Pierre Bernac, his performing friend and vocal writing tutor. The group toured in Europe and America, making recordings at most performances. Coincidentally, he was among the first composers to see the importance of the gramophone, and he recorded extensively from 1928 onwards. In his later years, and for decades after his death, Poulenc had a reputation as a humorous, lightweight composer. This perception often left his religious music overlooked. Personally, he suffered fits of manic depression, characterized by deep sadness and doubt followed by maniacal states of optimism. French critic Claude Rostand remarked that: In Poulenc there is something of the monk and something of the rascal . The Trio is one of Poulenc s most popular chamber works for winds. While composing the Trio in Cannes in 1926, Poulenc took the advice of Ravel, his
  • 42. Unit 19- Developing Teams in Business (D1) Unit 19 Developing Teams in Business (D1) An evaluation of your own performance what you did well/what you could have done better? Throughout all of the tasks that I took part in, I believe that I performed well in some of them but then in others I could have performed much better. Throughout all of the tasks I believe that I participated as much as possible in order to get the tasks completed, participation was important for the team because of the limited numbers within the team, if I didn t participate as much as possible then the team may have struggled to complete all of the tasks. I always try to participate as much as possible within all of the tasks, if I don t then I feel like I have let the team down and could have done better ... Show more content on ... Another strength of the team was our ability to come up with a range of different ideas and then working as a team to improve on the ideas, this strength was important to use because we needed to come up with a range of ideas for all of the tasks that we were involved in. if we were unable to come up with a lot of ideas for each task then we may have struggled to complete some of the tasks that we had been set, most of the tasks involved us to work as a team to discuss the ideas that each of us had, we made sure that everyone was listening and participating during each part of the task in which we had to discuss the ideas. The final strength of the team was the overall participation of the team, within all of the tasks every team members made sure that they were participating as much as possible with the role in which they had been set, if all the team members were not participating as much as possible then it could result us in failing some of the tasks that we had been set because in each task we didn t have a big time limit in which we had to come up with ideas, put these ideas into practice and then come up with any alternative ideas that may be needed in order for us to complete the task. As well as the strengths of the team we had our weaknesses as well, the first weakness of the group was we sometimes struggled to agree on the ideas that had been put forward, this was because other team members thought that
  • 43. Censorship Debate Banning books gives us silence when we need speech. It closes our ears when we need to listen. It makes us blind when we need sight (Stephen Chbosky). When we think of censorship, we picture Big Brother staring at us through our televisions. The Thought Police tracking everything we do. We picture books burning at 451 degrees. However, censorshipdoes not merely live in our imagination, nor does it live in the distant past. It is something we still see today. Time and time again, whether it be through laws banning hate speech, conservative speakers being kicked off campus, or death threats being made against those who dare challenge commonly held social and political views, censorship rears its ugly head. Though it is paraded as... Show more content on ... Hate speech , a term often thrown around to label any idea that is considered offensive or dangerous to the feelings of others, is growing extremely prevalent in our world. In many countries, including Canada and France, there are laws specifically banning this hate speech. Saying something, anything, that can be interpreted as offensive or hateful is illegal in these countries. As Americans who enjoy freedom of speech, shouldn t we be disturbed by this and fight against it? Yes, we should, but unfortunately that is not what is happening. In fact, many people are pushing for these same laws in the United States. Though they currently do not exist, the censorship still does. We still see riots in the streets over something that was deemed offensive, or triggering ; hate speech. We still see conservative or libertarian speakers banned from universities, supposedly centers of learning, for having unpopular ideas, so called hate speech. We still see the government itself trying to stop people or groups who hold unpopular, offensive ideas, or hate speech. We even see people receive death threats for sharing their opinions, so long as the public deems them hate speech. If this does not horrify you, simply replace hate speech , with free speech . As said by Salman Rushdie, What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend,
  • 44. The Outer Ear One afternoon in the library, a college student was studying hard for his Hearing Science exam. He removed his earplugs when he overheard a loud conversation behind him. The sound waves traveled around the library and began to swirl around his head. The sound wave, named Sam, became amplified and reflected down towards the student s left concha. The Outer Ear has many structures that help to guide sound waves into the External Auditory Canal. The concha is the deepest groove and funnels the sound wave down the s shaped ear canal. Sam was fascinated at how the Outer Ear was shaped in order to localize sounds and push them down to the External Acoustic Canal. As acoustic energy, Sam traveled down the canal observing all the earwax trapping foreign objects like bugs and dirt. He immediately noticed how his sound seemed louder as the External Acoustic Canal enhances sounds. The External Auditory Canal is a Вј wavelength resonator. It is a tube open at one end, the opening to the external auditory canal, and closed at the other, the tympanic membrane. This resonator has the ability to boost sounds at a frequency of nearly 2800 Hz. This resonance feature increases pressure to help transform acoustic energy into mechanical energy. Disgusted by the buildup of earwax, Sam was relieved when he reached the osseous portion at the end of the External Auditory Canal, which was just a thin layer of skin. No hair or wax to be found. Sam was amazed at the monstrous Tympanic Membrane that
  • 45. The Cooper-JACOB Time-Jacob Method 1.1AQUIFER PAREMETER ESTIMATION The transmissivity and storativity was estimated using the Cooper Jacob (1965) time drawdown and Theis (1935) recovery methods. The field data was uploaded into the FC program for Aquifer Test Analysis (2014 version) which calculated the values for each method manually. 1.1.1COOPER JACOB TIME DRAWDOWN (1965) Using the Cooper Jacob method the T and S value had been estimated for early and late time, respectively, by plotting the best fitted straight line on the time drawdown plot (figure 18). The T and S values are tabulated in table X. Borehole B2017 has been excluded from the plots as no drawdowns have been measured. It should also be noted that UO 13 plot should be ignored as the data obtained was ... Show more content on ... UP 16 and UO 25 falls outside this range. The T during late time is very consistent, ranging between 6.1 and 7.2 m2/d, for four of the six boreholes. UP 15 and UO 23 have high T value indicating water influx from the matrix as well as fractures. The existences of fractures are supported by EC profiling and flow characteristics. 1.1.2THEIS RECOVERY (1935) The transmissivity of the eight boreholes was estimated by plotting the best fitted line on the Theis plot. This was done using the FC program for Aquifer Test Analysis (2014 version) which produced the plots in figure 19. The transmissivity is tabulated in table. By comparing the transmissivity estimated by Theis method to the transmissivity estimated by Cooper Jacob method, the transmissivity corresponds moderately. According to Thies method the T ranges from 22.4 to 54.8 m2/d with B2017 to have an exceptional high T of 111.0 m2/d. According Cooper Jacob method the T ranges from 23.0 to 53.5 m2/d for early time and 6.1 to 28.0 m2/d for late time. By applying the transmissivity standards (Gheorghe, 1978) six of the eight boreholes are classified as low potential and two boreholes as moderate potential. Since the test was done in a well in the Karoo Supergroup, it should be noted that the Theis method tent to measure errors during the drawdown observed during the constant rate test, specifically when the drawdown is measured manually (van Tonder et al., 2001a). 1.1.3COOPER JACOB
  • 46. The Taboo Of Silence The metaphor of life as a tapestry in strands and collections of a unique handcrafted piece can be found to be disrupted in all three texts due to the presence of religion and mental illness. Within Kesey s Cuckoo s Nest (1962) it is the dominant imagery of the combine which causes the reader to question what is sanity and the process in which people with mental illnessare cured in order for them to take responsibility and become active members of society. Highlighted in the breakdown of the taboo of silence surrounding mental illness seen in the Community Mental illness Centers Act of 1963 which called for more community services instead of institutionalisation. Similarly in Plath s Ariel (1966) collection it is the brutality of the reoccurring Holocaust metaphor and pastiche to confessional poets such Anne Sexton that asserts the argument of both faith and mental illness being a personal relationship with the self and effectively a struggle with identity, effecting relationships with others which is expressed both in Plath s own poetry such as The Applicant and in Ted Hughes Birthday Letters in poems such as Fever . Within McEwan s Enduring Love (1997) it is the overarching motif, drawn from the secular society of the 90s, being both unrequited and enduring , that presents the destructive nature of both mental illness and religion, paired together in the embodiment of Jed Parry and by the intertextuality of the novelwhich offers an argument that
  • 47. Analysis Of Albert Camus s Speech People choose every day in different circumstances and degrees either small imperceptible one, such as the color of the shirt that they will wear, or huge emotional and moral dilemmas like an abort or a high risk surgery. Nonetheless, there is always a decision made that has its consequences (want or not). Albert Camus uses characterization to address the importance of choices. The author uses the character of Balducci to show what happens when people follow the rules without hesitation. For example, when Balducci arrives into the school to leave the Arab with Daru, and Daru shows himself discontent with that unforeseen problem, he says, Those are the orders (Camus). Balducci as a man of law must follow whatever thing is said to him, and he will do it for sure without dubiety; in addition, Balducci remarks, [Y]ou must sign, that s the rule (Camus). He has to obey all the requisites and commandments that his work dictates, and he can t avoid doing this because he will break all the goodness that justice represents. Nevertheless, Camus tries to point out if a person who only follow a guide or manual for every decision he or she made. That person is, in fact, making no choices, and he or she does not have to face and think about what is right or wrong because that person will search and do whatever is said in that guide. Particularly, in this story, Balducci notes, You don t get used to putting a rope on a man even after years of it... (Camus). Even though he does not
  • 48. Archetype Symbolism In The Birth-Mark By Nathaniel Hawthorne We are flawed creatures, all of us. Some of us think that means we should fix our flaws. But get rid of my flaws and there would be no one left. Sarah Vowel s quote is precisely what Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Birth Mark Symbolism means. Hawthorne uses Archetype symbolism in his short story when he talks about Georgiana s birthmark. Symbolism is very important in the story because that is what it is essentially about. In Hawthorne s short storyThe Birth markhe uses Georgiana s birthmark as a symbol of mortality since it is impossible for mortals to be created perfect . An example he uses to show that Georgiana is not perfect is You came so nearly perfect from the hand of nature, that is the slightest possible defect that visible mark of earthly imperfection (Mays 341). I know not what may be the cost to both of us to rid me of this fatal birth mark (Mays 343), this quotes is used to demonstrate that if the birthmark is removed, it may cause death. Also Georgiana s birthmark is the shape of a hand, which could symbolize the hand of God.... Show more content on ... In this short story Georgiana passes away because her birthmark is inseparable from her body, In the same way as the soul s human experience is inseparable from the soul itself. To be perfect is to be non human , which is why Georgiana passes away in the end, because a human cannot go on living without a soul, or in Georgiana s case without her birthmark (her imperfection, to demonstrate she is a mortal). It may be the stain goes as deep as life itself. (Mays
  • 49. Kale Smoothie-Personal Narrative I woke up to kids pushing and shoving to get off the bus. The bus driver turned and scream, SIT DOWN I HAVEN T EVEN OPENED THE DOOR YET! The bus door popped open. I stood up and grabbed my bag, my hair had started to harden, it felt like I had a pile of crap on top of my head. I stepped into the aisle just to be shoved into another row of seats. My face hit the side of the bus, I felt blood dripping on my face. I make a quick move to cover the blood. People thought I was weird enough, I didn t need unexplained bloody noses on the bus, to add to the odd things about me. Make way freak! Me and my lady are coming through! I looked and saw Brad, Alice s boyfriend, doing a small bow to seem classy. When he bowed, he looked like one of the ballerina ... Show more content on ... Blake nodded and started to color in his kid s menu. I held Alice s hand trying to get her to smile. Once I got Alice s beautiful smile to show I noticed Blake looked upset. What s wrong champ? I asked. He pointed to under the table at a red crayon he had dropped. Don t cry, I ll grab it, I said as I let go of Alice s hand. I lowered myself onto the ground grabbed the crayon. When I tried to get back up I hit my head on the table. I fell back onto the ground, my head had already been throbbing in pain, but I couldn t remember why. Then in less than half a second I was in the ER. Alice was standing over me fear in her eyes, I look around and see blake isn t here. I also notice that I am hooked up to an IV tube. Seems like a bit much for hitting your head on a table in a restaurant, I thought to myself. I see a tray with a bloody knife on it. What in the world happened with that?! I started getting scared, Alice was crying. I tried to look around the room again but my head wouldn t move the time. I tried to speak but started choking on water. в™Є в™« ♬ в™« ♬ в™« ♬ в™« ♬ в™« ♬ в™« ♬ в™« ♬ в™« ♬ в™« ♬
  • 50. Pensacola Research Paper The community of Pensacola, Florida has one inspiring tight group of people who care as much as they do for each other as much as they do for the outside world. The people of the Pensacola community all have big hearts, big personalities, a great deal of southern class, sass, and plenty of charitable souls. Considering the diminutive size of our town, we pretty much all know each other. Whether you re out for a night on the town in our historic Downtown Pensacola or just getting your weekly groceries, there s a great likelihood that you ll see some familiar faces, always greeting you with a polite smile and wave. Our welcoming attitudes aren t a recent analysis, Pensacola has actually just been discovered to be the oldest established European settlement in the United States. Our city has been nicknamed the City of Five Flags because of the the five national governments who have ruled over our area at various times. Celebrating the roots of our ... Show more content on ... They were actually just seen flying over the Super Bowl this February. Pensacola loves their Blue Angels and are hefty supporters. Everybody just thoroughly enjoys going out during the summer to watch the flying aerobics. Some people even go out of there way to go and watch them practice. The people of Pensacola are just natural supporters and love to see people and teams achieve greatly. Pensacola s community is full of outgoing crowds and everyone offering an overwhelming amount of support to whoever may need it. This has really been put to the test because recently our community has been hit by two tornados ( which is pretty unusual for Florida). The next morning people were swarming over to the damage sites and volunteering their own time to help their family and neighbors. We really all do love each other, even if we don t really know someone, we still have the power to turn a smile into a
  • 51. The Abortion Of The Fetus I am going to argue that its is right to claim that, even if a fetus is a person, abortion is still permissible when one s risk in health/stability/happiness is threatened. I believe that any woman, who houses the fetus inside her body for estimated nine months have the right and the choice to abortion when it is for one s health, stability and happiness for both the mother and the unborn fetus. Thomson s argument is entitled as Defense to Abortion. I agree to Thomson and her argument when it comes to aborting a fetus, even if a fetus is a person. Yes, it has it s own DNA, and it s own life but when it threatens the house that it stays in, which in this case would be the woman/mother s womb, I believe the abortion of the fetus, is permissible. Thomson states it cannot be seriously thought to be murder if the mother performs an abortion on herself to save her life. (Thomson, Defense on Abortion, pg6) Thomson gives an example of a violinist being plugged into another human, using their blood in high hopes of survival by that person s kidneys extracting the poison from the violinist s blood. The person never agreed to do such, being that it was decided by the Society of Music Lovers; but did not go against it by detaching himself from the violinist knowing that it can cause death. This explains that there are events where we don t have much of a freedom of choice when there is a conscious person/life involved meaning, when there is a conscious life in our hands,
  • 52. Essay On Negative Body Image Body image is something that can appear in one s everyday life, whether they are trying to lose weight, gain weight, or just happen to walk by a mirror and check themselves out. Young children, even as young as 3 years old, show signs of recognizing body image. Many people do not think about young children when they think of body image. Teens are constantly confronted with having a perfect body. Teens have pressure from friends, family, and many other outside variables. Middle aged women even show signs of being concerned with how their bodies look. Although middle aged women may not be as vocal, the way they see their body is becoming more of a talked about subject. Some may argue that teens are the only age group that is concerned with their body image but I will argue that negative body image affects all age groups. Young children have been showing more and more of an interest in how their bodies look as well as the bodies of their peers. A study done by Janet M. Liechty shows that the primary caregivers of these children can be clueless to negative body image in their young children and just how young these children can be affected. The children learn a lot from the actions of their parents in terms of body image. This starts to be a problem because most parents of these preschool aged children are misinformed on body image. Body image is a broad concept and can mean many different things. An interesting table in the study showed an interview question and the number
  • 53. Domestic Bias Of Domestic Violence Domestic Bias in Violence Unprovoked battering. Over the years the term domestic violence has been given mass popularity in society. This is due to the many highly publicized events ranging from the Ray Rice s abuse charges all the way to the murder trial of O.J. Simpson. The term domestic violence has emerged from a vow of silence in households to a prevalent discussion that has flourished throughout society. Or has it? Yes, domestic violencehas been recognized as an issue in society. This has resulted in numerous campaigns to prevent and stop domestic violencefrom occurring around the world. Due to society s perception and gender roles within, however, the defining principle of domestic violence has been altered from general violent or aggressive behavior committed against ones partner, to violence committed by males against females. Over the past forty years, studies and research have constantly found that women and men engage in violence at similar rates. Family Violence Surveys suggest that The phenomenon of husband battering (1977) is as, if not more, common than wife abuse. However, despite the plentiful evidence and studies that support this fact, violence committed by females is largely ignored throughout the areas of literature and media. These areas, instead, choose to consistently suggest that domestic violence is only committed by males. Through this action, or inaction, to recognize the general topic within the discussion, the occurrence of female
  • 54. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Since the introduction of plastics in the early 20th century, waste production inland has accumulated at an ever increasing rate. Improperly disposing of waste washes through inland waterways, which eventually carries the waste into the ocean. The north pacific garbage gyre spans the majority of the area. The physical gyre stretches from the coast of Japan to California. Four different currents maintain the circular motion of the gyre, which encapsulates large amounts of debris in the center of the gyre, known as the convergence zone. All of these components lead to the term most call as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The unfortunate locations of the world s oceans, downhill and downstream of humans, allow plastics, chemicals and any form of pollution to follow natural transportation directly into our oceans. In 1869, John Wesley invented the celluloid, the first plastic product to be given a name. In 1909, Bakelite is introduced to the chemist club in New York as the first thermoset plastic , meaning that once the plastic mold was set it was set for life. Everywhere we look there are plastics, we have become so accustomed to their presence that we can hardly remember a time when they did not serve our needs. Remember, there used to be a time where our cars, plates, furniture, and airplanes were not made almost entirely of plastic. Roughly 100 billion pounds of plastic pellets are used every year by the United States, and current figures from India and China are
  • 55. Descriptive Essay About Coffee Shop I walk down Hillsborough Street on a windy, brisk day, passing many people on the sidewalk. I approach the store entrance, noticing the large, hand painted sign in their front window. Opening the door, I walk in and instantly feel warm and comfortable. The store is dimly lit with soft jazz playing in the background. Many tables and booths line the store and most are filled with students working and people socializing. I approach the counter and order my regular, an iced mint mocha. As I order, the employee and I make small talk, asking each other about our days. After I order, I step to the side to wait for my drink. As I wait, I look around the store, seeing the shelves of art and cultural pieces in the front and posters advertising their locally roasted coffeeand the fair trade practice. An employee calls out my drink and I take it from the counter, thanking the employee as I walk away. I walk back toward the front, open the door and exit; warm and happy from getting my favorite coffee and the welcoming store environment. Global Village is a local coffee shop on Hillsborough Street and is very popular among both NC state students and the local Raleigh community. Global Village is a unique and vibrant place with an inviting, warm environment. I gravitated toward Global Village for this project due to the uniqueness of the shop. As I began to explore what made the shop unique, I realized that there are specific values that sets Global Village apart from other coffee
  • 56. Reflection About Utopia returning to their ancestral father s lands, and I m afraid I don t see that activity being performed. All anyone is doing is talking about it. We cannot have that, can we? If I were to let a few countries do what they want, the rest would follow suit. Being in a position of leadership, I know you understand. Fire and brimstone will destroy what is left of all three nations. Then I m sure we can have another little talk about reinstating you into Utopia s good graces. I ll be leaving your country shortly, Mr. President. I am glad we had this little chat, and feel free to phone my brother in BogotГЎ any time you feel obliged to my offer. Goodbye, Mr. President. The president did not hang up immediately, but sat numb in disbelief all this... Show more content on ... Then again, my coming here is not a total disappointment. At least there is hope for your country. Your people and church can still come into Utopia s good graces and receive my brother s blessings. What kind of hope? It s the kind that rises from ashes when everything is destroyed. I say ashes because fire and brimstone will be summoned. When nothing remains, Utopia will be there waiting for your allegiance. What do you mean by fire and brimstone? Don t you mean a nuclear bomb or more of your chemical warfare? If I told you fire and brimstone, that s what I meant. I go where the spirit leads me. This is what I leave with you. I came to offer a healing service. I came to heal people I don t know. I came to show you how to end this plight of hunger and death. Regardless of my concern for you, everyone treats me with the contempt each has in reserve for the devil. Therefore, I am leaving. I bid you farewell. No hard feelings, but I will take my gospel somewhere else. He picked up his bags and twisted through them toward waiting limousines. His entourage followed and formed a stream of traffic jamming together as they went out the door. An awaiting crowd of jeering Christians who stood vigil outside the hotel saw what they believed was their opportunity and pressed their weight against a fence that kept them at bay. Soon, their anger worked them into a frenzy. Bottles, rocks,