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Hunger, Malnutrition, And Malnutrition
Hunger and malnutrition in Africa has been on the increase, have affected many Africans in different
ways since 1900's. Children and adults both are facing devastating hunger and malnutrition crisis
across a south of Africa. Some of the regions that are strongly affected by hunger and malnutrition
issues includes Countries like Ethiopia, Kenya and Zambia. Commonness of malnourishment in
total populations of Kenya is 28% in Ethiopia 37% and in Zambia 45%. People in these populations
are suffering from hunger and malnutrition in large numbers. In some parts of Africa parents have
hard time providing nutritious food to their children due to crop failures, sky rocketing food prices
and insecurity. According to the Secretary of United States General Kofi Annan mentioned that
African leaders are mismanaging their abundant resources. He also stated that under use of their
resources abundant resources has become the very source of Africa's misery. The main reason for
hunger and malnutrition of their people is being the lack of resources in Africa on counties in Africa.
In some of the countries in Africa hunger and malnutrition have deadly effects on majority of the
population. There are lot of deficiency among millions of Africans which includes malnutrition
diseases like protein energy deficiency, anemia, and vitamin A deficiency, and which are effecting
and killing them especially children.
Africa is greatly affected by devastating epidemic called hungry, which causes of people
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Malnutrition Informative Speech
Cassidy Burkholder
Informative Paper
English Comp. 1
Mr. Broadfoot 20th of November 2012
Malnutrition Around the World For most us Americans, knowing when we're going to eat next is
something we very rarely think of, and when we do think about being hungry we still know where
our food is coming from. Three big meals a day, and a few snacks in between, is how most of us
live. It's hard for us to imagine what its like for those who go days eating very little or nothing at all.
But unfortunately that's how it is for most of the world and surprisingly it happens in the United
Sates as well. There are many reasons malnutrition can happen, and it happens to every age group.
Even though there are many ways to treat it, in the ... Show more content on ...
The ten states who felt it the most were Mississippi, New Mexico, Texas, South Carolina, Louisiana,
Oklahoma, Utah, Arkansas, Kentucky, and Arizona. (Haerens 36) While there are malnourished
people in America, it is much worse all around the world, mostly in third world countries. There are
three predominate reasons why third world countries are hit hard with malnutrition, 1) poor families
aren't given government help, 2) difficulties with economy and 3) higher food prices. ("2012 World
Hunger...") As stated in the website "2012 World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics," in the
world there are 925 million hungry people, most of them in Asia, the Pacific and Africa. These
people live on $1.25 or less a day. Minimum wage is $7.25 in the U.S., and most people work 8
hours a day, so that means they would be getting fifty–eight dollars a day. It would take someone in
a third world country about forty–seven days to make what someone makes in America in 8 hours.
And most of them spend that money on food and medical needs, but $1.25 is not enough. In the
United States if a family doesn't have enough money for medical help, they can still go see a doctor,
but in other countries it's very different. More than 30,000 children die per year from preventable
sickness because they can't go see a doctor. And as for food, Americans have access to food every
hour of the day. The wealthiest 5th of the world consumes 86% of all goods, as stated in "Child
Welfare League of
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Malnutrition Is The Most Terrible Poverty
"Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty,"
– Mother Teresa
When body does not get right amount of nutrients, condition arises called malnutrition. Malnutrition
itself is a broad term. According to World Health Organization, Malnutrition refers to deficiencies,
excesses or imbalances in a person's intake of energy and/or nutrients. It covers 2 broad groups of
conditions :– 'Under nutrition'–which includes stunting i:e low height for age, Wasting –low weight
for height, Underweight –low weight for age and Micronutrient deficiencies– lack of important
vitamins and minerals, others are overweight, obesity and diet–related non communicable diseases
(such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and ... Show more content on ...
This study is conducted by the team members of PVCHR to find the cause behind increasing rate of
malnutrition in a marginalised communities of Varanasi. Marginalised community that 's confined to
the lower or peripheral edge of the society. Such group is not mentally and physically allowed
involvement in mainstream activities in like economic, political, cultural and social.
Some of the target communities in this study are: – Musahar community, Schedule caste, Muslims
and other backward caste.
Above mentioned names are categories as marginalised community due to lack of equality for them.
Such communities are not aware with their primary basic needs and rights. Lack of awareness and
poverty are the two main reasons of malnutrition among their children. PVCHR, is keen to find
more factors behind this situation.
This study will help to rummage the outcome which are responsible for up surging malnutrition in
Target population is from five blocks of district Varanasi namely: – Harahua, Arajiline, Bajardiha,
Badagaon and Pindra, covering every villages from each blocks.
To assess malnutrition among the children under the age of five year of marginalised communities '
in villages of district Varanasi.
To find the cause behind increasing rate of malnutrition in marginalised communities.
To find out living condition of respective parents.
A major underlying factor in high level of under–five mortality and
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The Hunger Of Hunger And Malnutrition
Food security is said to be attained when all people are able to access enough safe and nutritious
food to meet their requirements for a healthy life. However, food security is challenged by various
factors across production and consumption. Food production, trade, the environmental impact of
agriculture, the threat of climate change, and the factors that affect food prices are all largely global
in nature – there is no single solution that any one country can enact to ensure access to affordable,
sustainable, safe and nutritious food for all.
Many countries are facing the burden of hunger and undernutrition/malnutrition. Tackling hunger is
one of the greatest challenges of the times. Hunger is triggered by multiple dimensions and causes,
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Climate change will only make things worse as elevated levels of CO2 reduce the nutritional content
of grains, tubers and legumes, affecting key nutrients such as zinc and iron. The estimated impact of
undernutrition on gross domestic product (GDP) is 11% every year – more than the annual
economic downturn caused by the global financial crisis. A growing population means more mouths
to feed.–and–solutions–to food security
About 2 billion of the global population of over 7 billion are food insecure because they fall short of
one or several of Food and Agriculture Organization's dimensions of food security. Enormous
geographic differences in the prevalence of hunger exist worldwide.
Globally, one in nine people in the world today (795 million) are undernourished. The clear majority
of the world's hungry people live in developing countries, where 12.9 per cent of the population is
undernourished. Asia is the continent with the most hungry people – two thirds of the total. The
percentage in southern Asia has fallen in recent years but in western Asia it has increased slightly.
Southern Asia faces the greatest hunger burden, with about 281 million undernourished people. In
sub–Saharan Africa, projections for the 2014–2016 period indicate a rate of undernourishment of
almost 23 per cent. Poor nutrition causes nearly half (45 per cent) of deaths in
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Malnutrition Is The Most Dangerous Form Of Malnutrition
Facing challenges is inevitable, but urgent when it comes to saving lives. One must surpass the
limitations placed and search for opportunity to strengthen others who have no control over
mortality. Giving up is old news. Hearing about child hunger and doing nothing is injustice. There
are victories to find cures and treatments for severe diseases, but one must go through the battle first
to achieve such satisfaction. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), malnutrition is
the most serious threat to global public health. Severe acute malnutrition is the most dangerous form
of malnutrition. Worldwide, it affects about 19 million children under the age of five years. This
disease expresses itself in two ways: wasting and oedema. Wasting is characterised as an extreme
loss of muscle, fat and tissue, forcing children to look elderly and skeletal. Oedema can spread
anywhere in a child, making him/her appear puffy, weak and lethargic. This condition can also cause
skin lesions, hepatomegaly, and alopecia. If severe acute malnutrition is left untreated, the outcome
is death. This organization took a stand to find a solution to this problem. To be able to understand
the results, one must overview the approach to this situation. The hope was to reach out to as many
malnourished children before any complications arise in the clinic. The study took place at four
health centers in the rural health district of Madarounfa, Niger. The study of the outpatient
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Malnutrition As Defined By Groark & Song
Malnutrition as defined by Groark & Song (2012) is a state of nutritional imbalance most often
related to undernutrition. They go on to explain that malnutrition is both when a child is eating too
little or too much and not getting essential nutrients in early childhood, which can lead to obesity
(Groark & Song, 2012). The short term effects of malnutrition are more noticeable in early
childhood education settings in the form of behavioral and mental health issues. A poorly nourished
child may become disruptive or extremely withdrawn in the school setting, which can negatively
affect their learning as well as the learning of their classmates (Groark & Song, 2012). Micronutrient
deficiency is a major effect of malnutrition. Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) is associated with poor
mental and motor development, poor cognition and school achievement (Prado, & Dewey, 2014).
The long term effects of malnutrition become more evident later on in childhood. These effects
manifest themselves more in the child's physical and cognitive development. One of the major
effects of malnutrition is childhood obesity. Obesity, if untreated, is known to lead to serious health
problem later in life affecting the physical, cognitive and affect development of children and adults.
Another significant effect of malnutrition is growth failure, as defined by Groark & Song (2012)
describes a growth pattern that is abnormal and is the result of taking in too few calories. Children
who suffer from growth
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Malnutrition And Human Development
In 1990 the very important first Human Development Reported a new proposal for promoting
human development. Human development is developing the richness of human life. Human
development focuses on developing people's lives rather than assuming the economical growth.
Opportunities about human development is all about giving individuals more independence to live
their lives to their full potential. For instance, teaching a young man would help build his skills, but
there would be no sense in doing that if he is denied access of getting a job opportunity. Human
development is about having more choices and more opportunities . The process is to help develop a
good environment for people and their families and to help develop them to their full potential.
Malnutrition contributes to undernutrition and overnutrition and is also a deficiency of nutrition.
Agents that cause malnutrition are poor diet and repeated infections which is particularly in
underprivileged populations. Inadequate diet and disease are linked in to your common guideline
living and environmental conditions, and are linked in with meeting the primary needs such as
housing, food, and health care. Malnutrition is a health outcome as well as a risk factor for diseases.
There are over two billion individuals in the world that suffer from many forms of malnutrition.
Malnutrition is an basic cause of death of over 2.5 million children each year. Undernutrition reports
for 12 percent of the global burden of disease
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Hunger, Malnutrition, And Famine
According to recent statistics from the United Nations World Food Program, 795 million people
across the globe, suffer from the effects of being undernourished ("Food Program," 2015, para. 1).
Both hunger and malnutrition serve to be the number one risk to health and well–being, more so
than Aids, Tuberculosis, and Malaria combined ("Food Program," 2015, para. 1). Although the
planet produces enough food to feed everyone (Wright & Boorse, 2014), hunger, malnutrition, and
famine continue to adversely affect people in both developed and developing nations. Children are
particularly susceptible to the ill effects of hunger and malnutrition as stunting or growth failure,
aside for disease, is the leading cause of abnormal growth development in children ("Stunting,"
In July of 2015, while serving as a health care provider, at a two–day medical clinic in the
impoverished town of Suscal, Ecuador, a fairly young woman sought my treatment for her 12–year–
old son who was suffering the consequences of chronic diarrhea from a parasitic infection
contracted by drinking contaminated water. Besides chronic diarrhea, the child also suffered the
after effects of the Hepatitis B virus, which was contracted by eating contaminated food. Most
stunning was the child's clinical presentation of being underdeveloped and underweight for a normal
12–year–old. Even more alarming was the fact that the child was missing both maxillary incisors.
Through an interpreter, the mother inquired as
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Malnutrition And Nutrition
"Approximately 3.1 million children die from hunger each year" ("World Child Hunger Facts").
Hunger for a long period of time results in malnutrition which is the lack of proper nutrition, caused
by not having enough to eat. Hunger and malnutrition is a serious problem faced by many children
across the globe. It is even more prevalent among the developing countries of Asia and Africa where
millions of children are underweight because they do not get enough to eat. Not only does the
malnutrition severely affect children's physical and mental health, it also affect their academics.
Malnutrition has several negative effects on a child's learning and school performance as it can lead
to lower attendance, unsatisfactory student behavior, and poor academic performance.
School plays a huge role in children's development as it teaches them to think differently and
provides them with the skills necessary for success. It also helps children get out of poverty and
encourages them to bring positive changes to their society. Identifying the effects of malnutrition on
academic performance is important because education is every child's right and not having enough
to eat prevents them from performing at their full potential.
Hunger and Malnutrition negatively affects school attendance. Malnutrition leads to more school
absences which affects children's academic performance. A study conducted in Southwest Ethiopia
by Tefera Belachew et al found that "food insecure adolescents were nearly
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Childhood Malnutrition Research Paper
Childhood Malnutrition Jonathan Sacks stated "Close to a billion people – one–eighth of the world's
population – still live in hunger. Each year 2 million children die through malnutrition. This is
happening at a time when doctors in Britain are warning of the spread of obesity. We are eating too
much while others starve." Severe acute malnutrition affects approximately 13 million children
under the age of 5 and is associated with 1–2 million preventable child deaths each year (Collins, S.
2007). This growing global problem needs to be brought to attention due to the fact that each year
many children become decease from not getting the proper medical attention they are in need of.
Child malnutrition is also considered a part of child abuse by neglect, which is illegal in the United
States of America. Child abuse by neglect is difficult to diagnose when it is not associated with
physical violence but, neglect is in fact involved with food restriction (Piercecchi–Marti, M., Louis–
Borrione, C., Bartoli, C., Sanvoisin, A., Panuel, M., Pelissier–Alicot, A., & Leonetti, G. 2006). By
definition, malnutrition is the lack of proper nutrition, caused by not having enough to eat, not
eating enough of the right things, or being unable to use the food that one does eat. Malnutrition is a
global economic problem and without solving, this ... Show more content on ...
Certain attributes such as ethnic or religious eating habits or economic necessity by the parents are
some of the main reasons we see that children in third world countries suffer from malnutrition
(Piercecchi–Marti, M. 2006). Many children in third world countries are born into lower class
families who's parents are not able to provide enough food for their children. Due to this, researchers
find that malnutrition is more prone to areas of
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Malnutrition And Its Impact On Health And Social Care
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
Undernutrition is an outcome of insufficient quantity and quality of food and frequent episodes of
infectious diseases.
Globally, 162 million under–five year olds are stunted and 56 percent of all stunted children live in
Asia and 36% in Africa while 99 million under–five year olds are underweight and 67 percent of all
underweight children live in Asia and 29% in Africa. Wasting stands at 51 million under–five year
olds are wasted and 17 million were severely wasted and approximately 71 percent of all severely
wasted children lived in Asia and 28 percent in Africa (WHO, 2006).
Malnutrition is still a problem in many developing countries particularly in Africa. It is estimated
that 47 million under five children ... Show more content on ...
This research intend to establish the association between dietary diversification of complementary
foods and the nutrition status of children. It will highlight the importance of a diversified diet of
complementary foods to improve the nutrition status of infants aged 6–23 months within a crucial
window of opportunity to prevent irreversible physical and cognitive damage caused by
undernutrition. Inappropriate feeding practices which include poor quality complementary foods and
their consequences are serious hindrances to sustained socioeconomic development and poverty
reduction (WHO,
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The Impact Of Malnutrition On Guatemala And Its Effects On...
The Impact of Malnutrition in Guatemala
Most children in Guatemala at the age of five begin to suffer from malnourishment while in other
countries such as the U.S. children suffer from obesity. In Guatemala, half of all the children under
the age of 5 suffer from chronic malnourishment. It is the largest economy in Central America and
also the most populous country in the region. Even so, many members of Guatemala remain
minimally active in the economy and live in poverty (Guatemala 's government 1). Guatemala is
rich in agricultural yet they don 't feed their own people.
According to the World Food Programme in 2009 Guatemala ranked 133 out of 187 countries in the
Human Development Index of 2012 (1). The HDI is a system used to rank countries on their overall
achievements economically and socially. Guatemala faces a food insecurity crisis due to droughts.
The global economic crisis has reduced exports, foreign investments, tourism revenues and access to
credit thereby increasing the government 's budget deficit and unemployment. The rise in the price
of agricultural inputs has reduced the availability of subsidized fertilizers (1). Farmers are affected
but not as much as families. Due to the crisis families are restricted to the access of food. In
comparison to the United States families are less likely to face these crisis because they receive help
from Welfare, Medicaid and Medicare.
Feed the Future reports that Guatemala has tremendous agricultural production, leading
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Malnutrition And Malnutrition
Redina and her family are refugees fleeing from ongoing conflict in their settlements. Unable to
receive an adequate diet, they remain in a state of constant hunger, and prone to diseases. These are
only a two of the effects malnutrition has on the human body. Malnutrition has been a lingering
issue in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) causing several issues to the economy, health
and wellbeing of the country. In spite of modern technology and conveniences, there are still
populations in the world that are affected by malnutrition, therefore more worldwide collaborative
efforts should be made, not only between the local groups, but the cooperative effort of international
Everywhere around the world, different ... Show more content on ...
It is estimated that two billion people worldwide suffer from malnutrition. Out of those people, "52
million children under 5 years of age are wasted, 17 million are severely wasted and 155 million are
stunted" (Malnutrition). 3 million of those children are from the Democratic Republic of Congo. EE:
There are several reasons for the concentration of malnutrition in the DRC. E: First of all, The
Democratic Republic of Congo has been in the middle of a civil war for nearly 10 years. So the
question is, how does this affect the dietary needs of citizens? Displaced settlements have trouble
receiving healthcare and they also face "alarming shortages of food, water, and shelter". Overall,
there have been 2.7 million displaced people and those rates are still going up. In addition, there are
120,000 refugees fleeing to these provinces, and in 5 of the eastern provinces alone, there are 6.7
million hungry people. (10 Facts). Settlements, such as Tanganyika, have seen nearly half a million
citizens displaced within a year (Democratic Republic of Congo). These provinces will soon see
these numbers climb if something is not done to stop this growing issue.
The effects that malnutrition has on the Democratic Republic of Congo are fairly severe. Not only is
malnutrition affecting the countrywide health, but it also heavily impacts the economy. Because
citizens are undernourished, they are at a higher risk of infections and diseases. This is due to a lack
of a balanced diet which
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Double burden of malnutrition in India
Double burden of malnutrition in India – Undernutrition and Overnutrition
The nutritional double burden, encompassing both undernutrition (stunting, underweight and
wasting) and overnutrition (overweight and obesity), has become an important public health
challenge in many developing countries. Globally, an estimated 99 million under–five year olds
were underweight in 2012, with the low– and –middle income countries of Asia accounting for more
than 70 percent of these undernourished children (WHO, 2012a). Although many developing
countries have achieved significant reductions in the prevalence of undernutrition during the past
two decades, the pace of decline was slow and insufficient to meet the Millennium Development
Goals ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, it is important that the issues of nutritional double burden in many developing countries
need to be addressed in the context of socioeconomic status. This could help identify the complex
interplay of social, economic, and political determinants of undernutrition and overnutrition.
Many developing countries are growing economically, and it can be expected that the prevalence of
undernutrition would decrease and obesity would become a problem among wealthy and privileged
classes. However, research has shown that obesity and associated non communicable
diseases(NCDs) are increasingly affecting all sectors of society, and the poor or disadvantaged are
more likely to be vulnerable to these health hazards (Khandelwal et al., 2013). Also, it can be seen
that many developing countries are still incapable of dealing with these health challenges of
nutritional double burden, therefore in order to minimize adverse nutritional outcomes, there need to
be a reconsideration of current policies and further understanding of these health challenges.
Prevalence and consequences of nutritional conditions in India
India is one of the developing countries which are experiencing multiple transitions in its nutritional
pattern along with a rapid socioeconomic development. The pace of poverty reduction in India has
been accelerating during the last ten years, but over 50 percent of the population in India is still
vulnerable to
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The Dangers Of Hunger And Malnutrition
Food security is said to be attained when "all people are able to access enough safe and nutritious
food to meet their requirements for a healthy life". However, food security is challenged by various
factors across production and consumption. Food production, trade, the environmental impact of
agriculture, the threat of climate change, and the factors that affect food prices are all largely global
in nature – there is no single solution that any one country can enact to ensure access to affordable,
sustainable, safe and nutritious food for all.
Various countries are facing the burden of hunger and undernutrition/malnutrition. Tackling hunger
is one of the greatest challenges of the times. Hunger is triggered by multiple ... Show more content
on ...
Climate change will only make things worse as elevated levels of CO2 reduce the nutritional content
of grains, tubers and legumes, affecting key nutrients such as zinc and iron. The estimated impact of
undernutrition on gross domestic product (GDP) is 11% every year – more than the annual
economic downturn caused by the global financial crisis. A growing population means more mouths
to feed.–and–solutions–to food security
About 2 billion of the global population of over 7 billion are food insecure because they fall short of
one or several of Food and Agriculture Organization's dimensions of food security. Enormous
geographic differences in the prevalence of hunger exist worldwide.
Globally, one in nine people in the world today (795 million) are undernourished. The clear majority
of the world's hungry people live in developing countries, where 12.9 per cent of the population is
undernourished. Asia is the continent with the most hungry people – two thirds of the total. The
percentage in southern Asia has fallen in recent years but in western Asia it has increased slightly.
Southern Asia faces the greatest hunger burden, with about 281 million undernourished people. In
sub–Saharan Africa, projections for the 2014–2016 period indicate a rate of undernourishment of
almost 23 per cent. Poor
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Nutrition : The Major Causes Of Malnutrition And Poverty
Malnutrition is the lack of proper nutrition, caused by an insufficient quantity or quality of food
being consumed. People in poverty are the most affected by malnutrition. In fact, "several studies
have reported that poverty, inadequate access to a balance diet and underlying diseases
(tuberculosis, malaria, diarrhea, etc.) contribute to high levels of malnutrition" (Juma). "Death and
disease in developing countries are often primarily a result of malnutrition," which
disproportionately harms those in poverty (Juma). Thus, malnutrition disproportionately harms
people in poverty but can be prevented through a conscious effort to offer nutritious food to these
Poverty is one of the major causes of malnutrition, as "several studies have shown malnutrition as a
reflection of poverty, with people not having enough income to buy food" (Arif). Because "[the]
availability and access to sufficient quantity and quality of affordable food is necessary but not
sufficient to ensure adequate nutrition" and people in poverty do not have access to sufficient quality
and quantity of food, they are not adequately nourished (Arif). A poor diet, with insufficient calories
and vitamins, causes people to become malnourished and ill. If children in a household are
malnourished, it "may reflect the lack of adequate calorie intake that may in turn affect the health
status of adults" (Arif). In the instance of Pakistan, as Arif writes, "the key weaknesses in Pakistan,
which hold back the
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Malnutrition : A Common Problem
Nepal Nutrition Section, CHD, DoHS, MoH&P. (2004,p.5 ). Malnutrition is a very common
problem in children under five years of age in Nepal and is a significant contributor to morbidity
and mortality– accounting for more than half of all child deaths. The process of stunting occurs
between conception and two years of age, and is an irreversible process. Furthermore, the
population of Nepal, especially women and children, are affected by major micronutrient
deficiencies. Malnutrition increases the risk of mortality in the early stages of infancy and
childhood, impairs cognitive function of those who survive, and hinders efforts to enhance national
social and economic development. Stunting, wasting, and underweight are among anthropometric
indicators are commonly used to measure malnutrition in a population of under five children.
Malnourished children have lowered resistance to infection; therefore, they are more likely to die
from common childhood. (Caulifield , Onis , Blossner,2009,p.193–198). In addition, malnourished
children that survive are likely to suffer from frequent illness. (Caulifield , Onis ,
Blossner,2009,p.193–198). Annually, Nepal loses nearly US$190 million to supplement vitamin and
mineral deficiencies. (World Bank, 2011,p.239). Nepal is still high ahead in the range of
malnutrition while comparing its neighboring country India, china, Pakistan, srilanka, Bhutan.In this
study, we will investigate the prevalence of malnutrition in different parts of Nepal
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Malnutrition : The Common Misconception
Greg Moore 218
AP Language
Ms. Kinnaman
The common misconception when it comes to malnutrition is that it only comes with starvation,
when it is actually just a lack of adequate nutrition resulting from insufficient food, unbalanced diet,
or defective assimilation . Malnutrition can be caused by starvation, medical conditions, an
unbalanced diet, or problems with digestion or absorption. Junk food is one of the leading causes of
malnutrition since most of its calories come from sugar and fat, not necessary vitamins or minerals,
so a junk food tax should be put into place. This tax would make junk food, and some other non–
nutritional food, more expensive than the produce that can give people needed vitamins and
minerals to live a better, happier life. If junk food is not being bought, then people will not get as
obese as they currently are since most sugar and fat calories are being knocked out of their diet.
Most who live in poverty, the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of
support, can not get the nutrients they need because fresh produce is too expensive or not available
to them whereas junk food, and other bad food is cheap, available, or easy to obtain. If junk food
had a tax on it, then the produce would not need to be as expensive since the money is going
somewhere else, and this would increase the amount of people that get the nutrition they need. For
the people who do live in poverty, junk
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Malnutrition And Malnutrition Among Children
Malnutrition Amongst Children in India
People who are malnourished lack nutrients the body needs for proper health and development.
"Malnutrition is the inadequate nutrition caused by the lack of a balanced diet or by disorders of the
digestive system in which the nutrients from food cannot be absorbed properly" (
Chronic malnutrition can cause severe health problems. In recent years, India has had an
unprecedented economic growth. It improved in education, agriculture, and technology, but it still
has the highest prevalence of underweight children in the world. Half of the children are
underweight in Bimaru states of India. ( There are many causes and consequences of
malnutrition. Since malnutrition is affecting a large population of children in India, it is important to
find solutions.
Maternal characteristics are a reason why children are malnourished. A study found that the
prevalence's of stunting, wasting and underweight were greater for children of illiterate mothers, and
lowest among children of mothers with an education of high school or more. Also, when mother's
consume tobacco and alcohol, the child has a greater risk of being malnourished ( S. Rajarm, Lisa
K. Zottarelli and T.S Sunil). Malnutrition starts even when a baby is not even born. Undernourished
mothers give birth to underweight babies, which affects the future physical and mental well being of
the child. " The child–rearing practices in India unfortunately are highly
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Malnutrition And Its Effects On Children
II. Background (Malnutrition) Malnutrition is when an individual is lacking proper nutrition.
Children throughout the world are affected by malnutrition from not receiving proper breast feeding
after birth to not receiving the correct nutritious food a child needs to grow. Malnutrition can stunt a
child's growth, cause defects to a child's immune system, making it more likely for the child to die
from a common flu or bug. Malnutrition has been affecting many individuals lives since the 1800s.
Malnutrition affected more people back then due to the lack of information on what food to eat to
maintain a healthy lifestyle. For example, we did not know about germs back then, so it was very
unsanitary making it easier for germs to be shared ... Show more content on ...
III. UN Involvement (Malnutrition)
Due to the fact that almost 13% of children in the world are affected by malnutrition, the UN has
taken many actions in attempting to prevent malnutrition in children around the world. The UN has
raised over 4 billion dollars and created UNICEF to help improve nutrition in children and mothers
all around the world. UNICEF has promised to keep on contributing large amounts of money to help
support countries with high rates of malnutrition. UNICEF and many other UN organizations
welcomed the "Global Nutrition for Growth Compact" and it's goal is to help improve nutrition
around the world. Also the FAO has been making many improvements to help increase nutrition in
children and mothers. Also the UN created the SUN (Scaling Up Nutrition) Movement has raised
lots of awareness about malnutrition. At the event, UNICEF pledged to continue its own investment
in strengthening nutrition in countries worst–affected by stunting and other forms of undernutrition
– an investment represented by more than 350 nutrition experts working with governments and local
communities in some 65 countries, backed by a financial contribution that has seen around $1
billion spent by UNICEF on improving nutrition over the last five years. UNICEF was among
several United Nations agencies welcoming the formal Global Nutrition for Growth Compact agreed
by participants that
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Causes Of Malnutrition In Developing Countries
World Food Programme
Russian Federation
Malnutrition in Developing Countries
Anger and Loneliness
Topic Background:
The ever–growing problem of malnutrition plagues our world in the nations that cannot handle such
a weight. Malnutrition is a dangerous state where a human is so deprived of the nutrients vital for
survival that they are subject to death. The most important factors of malnutrition in countries that
may be in a state of development are food insecurity water availability and food quality. For any
type of solution to work, it is a guarantee that at least one of these must be taken into consideration.
Currently 20 million people on the brink of starvation in the most undeveloped countries. In
Somalia, Yemen, South Sudan, and Nigeria this problem is most relevant and this problem is always
on the rise.1 A new report by the WFP shows that world hunger is on a large rise due to
internal/external conflicts and climate change.2 According to The State of Food Security and
Nutrition in the World Report 2017, some 155 million children aged under five are stunted or too
short. In addition to this, it seems that while 52 million suffer from wasting, meaning their weight is
too low for their height, an estimated 41 million children are now overweight.3 Anaemia among
women and adult obesity are also cause for concern. More factors that are a main cause of
malnutrition is big agricultural struggles, conflict leading to farming unproductivity, and improper
distribution of food
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Malnutrition And Its Effects On Children
In Nepal, malnutrition accounts for 60% of child deaths. More and more than 50,000 children die
each year from malnutrition. Side effects vary from child to adult. Malnutrition is most severe in
children, causing growth failure, irritability, muscle wasting, swelling of the abdomen and legs, and
skin becoming dry. There are two types of protein energy malnutrition (PEM) in children, Marasmus
and Kwashiorkor: .
Marasmus is linked to weight loss and muscle wasting. Fat beneath the skin disappears and the skin
appears pinched.
Kwashiorkor causes hair to change pigment, the face begins to swell and skin is dry and contains
stretch marks.
Hope is currently underway. The UNICEF and other agencies are aiding in shedding light ... Show
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When proper nutritious foods are not available, the entire family suffers.
Key Risk Factors
There are many risk factors that are associated with malnutrition, but low income, social isolation
and a poor diet are among the top factors. When families do not have a high income or money is not
assessable, nutritious foods are unable to be obtained. Healthier foods might not necessarily be more
expensive, but with chronic diseases money gets cut from the food bill to afford medications. Cost
for housing or transportation also need to be taken into consideration. Social isolation in a suburban
area may play a key role in malnutrition. If nutritious foods are not consumed in an everyday diet, a
poor diet occurs. Proper nutrition is needed for growth and learning.
Economic and Social Consequences
The consequences are numerous when addressing malnutrition in children. Proper nutrition is key in
living an active and healthy life. When children are undernourished they have a weaker immune
system and are more susceptible to illnesses and infections. A long–term lack of nutrition can cause
stunting, delayed development, cognitive and motor skills, pneumonia and diarrhea. According to
UNICEF, stunting in early life is linked to 0.7 grade loss in schooling, a 7–month delay in starting
school and between 22–45% reduction in lifetime earnings. When children are stunted,
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Malnutrition in Children
Admission number
May 2012
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I declare that this is my original work and has not been submitted in any other learning institution
for the award of degree or diploma.
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Contents iii
1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 ... Show more content on ...
The researcher will use purposive sampling method for selecting all parents with malnourished
children below 5years old. Data analysis will use both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Quantitative data will be analyzed using Microsoft excel and electronic calculator. Data will be
presented in percentages, frequency tables and graphs.
A M R E F Africa Medical Research Foundation
A N C Ante– Natal Care/ Clinic
C H W Community Health Worker
M C H Maternal Child Health
M U A C Mid– Upper Arm Circumference
P E M Protein Energy Malnutrition
R A P Rapid Assessment Procedure
U N United Nations
U N H C R United Nation High Commission for Refugees
W F P World Food Program
W H O World Health Organization
1.1 Background of the study Malnutrition can either be under nutrition or over nutrition. All these
are mentioned in the research but more attention is given to the latter. Under nutrition is a state
resulting from intake of inadequate amount of nutrients, the nutrients commonly affected are protein
and energy sources known as protein energy malnutrition (PEM),( AMREF training manual 1990).
World Health Organization (WHO) defines malnutrition as the cellular imbalance between supply of
nutrients and energy and the body demand for them to ensure growth, maintenance and functions.
Malnutrition is globally the most important
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Malnutrition Associated With Chronic Disease
Alexis Aaron
Case Study #3 Malnutrition Associated with Chronic Disease Chronic diseases are characterized as
a condition lasting longer than three months and an acute illness is of a shorter duration.
Malnutrition associated with chronic diseases can be due to the fact that many patients with chronic
diseases are physically handicapped and unable to perform activities of daily living such as eating
and driving themselves to the store. Chronic diseases that could physically cause malnutrition like
this include rheumatoid arthritis or neuromuscular diseases such as stroke. Another way that
malnutrition associated with chronic disease can happen is through inflammation of the organs that
can occur during organ failure or pancreatic cancer and cause certain nutrients to not be absorbed at
all. Malnutrition associated with acute illness and inflammation can be caused by traumatic injuries
such as severe burns and major infections of the body. The inflammatory response is a defense
mechanism triggered by invading bacteria or severe injury. People who have been victims of these
types of injuries can sustain pretty severe damage to their metabolism caused by the inflammatory
response and can interfere with the nutrition therapy the RD is attempting to provide this can lead to
unwanted weight loss and malnutrition.
A mechanical soft diet is used for patients who may not have the energy or the ability to chew all
kinds of food. The mechanical soft diet is meant to have easy to
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The Negative Effects Of Malnutrition In African Schools
"I start a fire, put a pot of water on it and tell the children I am in the middle of preparing something,
Maryam Sy, 37 and a mother of nine, says in a raspy voice. In reality, I have nothing" (qtd. in
Larson). Like Maryam's kids, several other African children go to bed before their mothers are
finished stirring the pots. Hunger and malnutrition is a serious problem faced by many African
countries. This issue affects children the most. Every year, millions of children die due to the lack of
proper nutrition. Besides the physical and psychological damage, malnutrition also affects
academics. Malnutrition has several negative effects on a child's learning and school performance as
it can lead to lower attendance, unsatisfactory student behavior, and poor academic performance.
As children do not get proper nutrition, Malnutrition makes students susceptible to illnesses which
lead to low school attendance. Being out of school for long periods of time due to illnesses makes
students unfamiliar with the concepts being taught upon return. They often do poorly on the tests
because of that. Malnutrition affects students' academic performance as well. Children who consume
adequate amounts of food perform better in school than the malnourished children. Food provides
many nutrients essential for mental and cognitive development. Not having enough food causes
deficiencies of proteins necessary for the development of brain tissue which prevents children from
understanding the material
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Severe Acute Malnutrition Management Of Children
Severe Acute Malnutrition Management of Children Under Five in Senegal, a Multi–Sectoral
Government Supported Approach
Keren Isaev
Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) is defined by a weight for height ratio below –3z scores of the
median WHO growth standards, through visible severe wasting or through the presence of
nutritional oedema 1 . SAM affects twenty million children under the age of five worldwide where
one million of these children die every year1. Senegal, a country in West Africa with an estimated
population of 13 million people experiences a 20% mortality rate in children affected by SAM 2.
This report will outline the current state of SAM in Senegal, programs and policies presented in
Senegal in efforts to reduce the prevalence of SAM, evident gaps in these programs with a
description of a suggested policy not currently employed and its implications.
In 2014, 2.25 million people in Senegal suffered from insecurity of food with 340,000 children
under five suffering from acute malnutrition and 79,000 experiencing severe acute malnutrition 2.
Senegal is divided into fourteen regions, further divided into forty five departments. Nine of these
departments experienced critical levels of SAM in 2013 with an additional five departments
experiencing threshold SAM levels in addition to diarrhea and respiratory illnesses. Thus, fourteen
departments continue to require immediate attention to treating SAM 2.
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Malnutrition In The United States
Malnutrition When people think about malnutrition, many think of the children who don't have food
to eat. Which is a huge problem, and a problem that can be prevented. "Malnutrition afflicts an
estimated 34 million children worldwide, and results in the loss of 1 million children under five
every year." However, in the US, malnutrition as a result of inadequate food intake is rare, although
it may occur if a child is neglected, living in poverty or being abused. Moreover, a lot of children
become malnourished because they are picky about what they eat, or refuse to eat due to issues with
body image. Social situations can also contribute to malnutrition. The elderly, abused, alcohol and/or
drug dependent, low income, and socially isolated
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The Effects Of Malnutrition On Educational Disparities
The Impact of Malnutrition on Educational Disparities in Africa
By: Merette Khalil and Blessing Kuebee, African Students Association At the start of the
millennium, various United Nations (UN) partners came together to tackle some of the world's
deadliest and most pressing social and economic problems, and in doing so, established the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In the past 15 years, the MDGs have been evaluated and
re–evaluated. This year the UN has declared a new set of 17 goals for the next 15 years called the
Sustainable Development Goals. The first issue on both agendas is the eradication of extreme
poverty and hunger, a problem that is specifically significant for the entire continent of Africa.
Clarifying a few terms based on the World Food Program's definition is essential to understanding
the scope of the problem.
Hunger is "not having enough to eat to meet energy requirements." It can lead to malnutrition,
which is a condition when one's diet "does not provide adequate nutrients for growth and
maintenance or when a person is not able to adequately utilize the food consumed due to illness."
Undernutrition, being nutrient deficient, being underweight and even being overweight are all
complications that result from hunger.
Undernourishment is when "a person is not able to acquire enough food to meet the daily minimum
dietary energy requirements, over a period of one year."
Wasting is "rapid weight loss or a failure to gain weight and is strongly related
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Malnutrition In The United States
The United States has many different nutrition problems. There are people living in food deserts,
people who don't have money to buy food, people who don't know what healthy foods look like, and
many others. These issues should be of concern to everyone in the country. The nutrition and health
of these people affects everyone. I think that two of the largest nutrition issues facing the country
and obesity and malnutrition. Obesity is defined by Merriam–Webster as, "a condition characterized
by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body." This is generally decided and defined
in medicine by the body mass index (BMI). BMI is a ratio of height (in meters) and weight (in
kilograms). There are many different causes of obesity, ... Show more content on ...
Malnutrition is defined, by Merriam–Webster, as, "faulty nutrition due to inadequate or unbalance
intake of nutrients or their impaired assimilation or utilization." Malnutrition can affect both those
who don't eat enough and those who eat too much. You can be obese and malnourished due to eating
only certain nutrients and not others. The body needs a balance of all nutrients. Prevention of
malnutrition starts simply with eating a well balance diet based on the MyPlate recommendations.
This helps will help a person eat the correct nutrients in the correct balance to avoid eating too many
or too few of any one nutrient. The amount of different types of nutrients depends on the type of
lifestyle someone leads. Someone who is more active will need more calories from carbohydrates
and protein as compared to a sedentary person. Another way to help prevent malnutrition is
education on what nutrients are and why you need them. There is a lot of misinformation out in the
world and correct information can help prevent malnutrition. Some misinformation states that
certain, necessary nutrients are bad for you, leading to people not eating them. Not eating these
nutrients can lead to malnutrition. Malnutrition can lead to wasting of muscles, heart problems, and
even death. Treatment depends on the cause of the malnutrition. For a person malnourished due to
under–nutrition, the treatment includes increasing calories with a balance of nutrients. If it is bad
enough, the nutrition may be supplied through an IV line or possible through a feeding tube
(Nordqvist). This ensures the nutrients needed are supplied, along with the calories needed. For a
person malnourished due to overconsumption, a diet with balanced nutrients and fewer calories is
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Taking a Look at Malnutrition
Malnutrition is defined as "lack of proper nutrition, caused by not having enough to eat, not eating
enough of the right things, or being unable to use the food that one does eat". Some may argue that
the main concept of malnutrition has to do with the amount of food and water that a certain group of
people consumes in a specific location. Others are more likely to argue that it has to do with the
bacteria and things that the food and water contain. It is both of these things. Malnutrition is a
serious problem worldwide, but there is particular concentration in certain areas in Latin America,
Africa, and Asia. Not only is malnutrition an issue with the general population of people, but it is the
biggest contributor to the deaths of children. There are political, economic, and cultural factors
about this issue that can be analyzed to further explain the global health issue of malnutrition in
children, and its international response. Malnutrition is a major topic, but what some people do not
know about it is that there are many different aspects to it, which causes it to be such a broad topic.
That can also leave one ignorant to a lot of the general information about all malnutrition is. Over 2
billion of the world's population suffer from malnutrition. It is also a hidden, yet prominent cause of
death in children, taking the lives of 2.6 million kids, which is a third of global child deaths. A
common misconception about malnutrition is that it is only a field in itself. What
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Malnutrition In Guatemala Essay
Guatemala does not make the top 50 list of the world's poorest countries, but somehow this country
has the fourth largest rate of malnutrition. Malnutrition is defined as the lack of proper nutrition,
cause by not having enough to eat. To truly understand the statistics one must first examine the diet
of the average Guatemalan family. In understanding the severity of this issue across the country, the
effect on the children, both long and short term, and the multi–generational effects of this epidemic,
a solution can be pinpointed to deal with this devastating problem. It is important to know what
these children are consuming on a daily bases in order to tell where the child is missing nutrients.
Many Guatemalan families survive on a diet consisting of tortillas and occasionally beans. This
intake ignores the recommended three daily servings of dairy products and five daily servings of
fruit and vegetables. If a family cannot afford beans for a week, the ... Show more content on ...
The issue is to a point where, "incidence of child malnutrition reaches 80%," over half of the
population of this country's children are not getting the proper nutrients to sustain their growing
bodies (Economist 1). The incredibly high number is likely due to the high cost of importing food
into the country, causing many families to live off the local food products in their cities. In a case
study in Antigua, Guatemala, a mother tells reporters she, "could not afford formula so she gave her
sugar water," a substance that will fill the child's belly but leave her without the vital nutrient her
body needs (Gowen). A small child cannot eat the large food provided by the United States
government, and still require the protein found in baby formula. Without a reliable source of food,
malnutrition will continue to appear in the children of the region. The regional spikes in the rate of
malnutrition are incredibly difficult to
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Food Security Is The Deadliest Category Of Malnutrition
Food Security Food security is defined as having access to sufficient amounts and safe food at all
times, in order to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Food security is often times looked upon as
just the availability of food, but safety and hygiene of food and food products gets overlooked. For
example, many developing countries don't have the specific education needed to know that certain
chemicals, such as pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides, should only be applied during certain
growth stages of crops. This causes the consumption of these crops to be very harmful to
individuals. Food insecurities are causing many problems, leading to malnourishment, famines, and
death in developing countries. Many countries within ... Show more content on ...
Another major task they need to incorporate into their government would be implementing
agricultural and food policies that will be effective and help the economy. Although, this may be
hard to accomplish due to the violence and corrupt government in Nigeria. Justice could be the
ethical argument behind this, because many people are suffering from unfairness from the jihadists.
They are stealing people's possessions, food, and animals that they live off from. They are unable to
make any money from the crops that they had grown, animals they raised, and are going hungry
from this, causing food insecurities and malnutrition throughout the country. Nigeria in not the only
country in Africa facing these problematic situations. Al Hudayah in Yemen is also suffering from
war and government conflicts. The Saudi jets have been attacking and bombing villages throughout
Yemen. This has caused a sudden decrease in many people's income, which is making it hard for
individuals to buy food for themselves and their families. Again, this hunger crisis with severe acute
malnutrition could lead to famine very shortly if no steps are taken to overcome the problem. The
ethical argument behind the situation that Yemen is currently facing could also be justice or rights.
This is because it is unfair for a country to be suffering due to conflict or war. A majority of the
individuals being bombed or killed from the war are innocent people that are just trying to
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Malnutrition And Crohn's Disease
Malnutrition is a condition in which a person is not getting the right amount of nutrients that they
need to remain healthy. It can range from being mild to being detrimental to both physical and
mental health. It can occur because a person is not eating a diet that provides enough nutrients the
body needs, or the person is not absorbing the nutrients that the body is receiving. Even lacking one
vitamin from your diet is considered malnutrition. Malnutrition can also be a result of Crohn's
disease, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, or persistent diarrhea or vomiting. Having anorexia is also a
cause of malnutrition because of the restrictive calorie intake. Drug addiction or being an alcoholic
can affect the body's ability to absorb the nutrients which will cause malnutrition as well. It is
possible to be obese and have malnutrition if they are not getting enough nutrients from all the food
they take in. ... Show more content on ...
However, some signs and symptoms associated with malnutrition include: weight loss, fatigue,
unable to carry out usual tasks, not being able to perform physical activity at the same level as
normally, changes in mood such as becoming depressed, dizziness, loss of appetite, and inability to
stay focused. They may also be sensitive to the cold and be more susceptible to becoming sick
because their immune system is weaker. If there has been any unintended weight loss in 3 to 6
months such as a loss of 5–10% weight loss, malnutrition may be suspected. Calculating the BMI or
body mass index is used to diagnose malnutrition. If the result is 17–18.5 this points toward mild
malnutrition. 15–17 points toward moderate malnutrition and any number below 16 is considered
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The Effects Of Malnutrition On Indi The Facts Essay
Critical Review
Child malnutrition in India – The Facts
Malnutrition in India is a silent emergency (Leadership Agenda for Action, 2009) India speaks the
language of growth and progress. Malnutrition however, continues to haunt the country. India is
home to 40 percent of malnourished children in the world. Every year 2.5 million children die in
India, accounting for one in five deaths in the world. More than half of these deaths could be
prevented if children were well nourished .
Malnutrition is a serious condition in which the body does not get the right balance of nutrients and
calories needed to sustain good health and development. It has two sides – undernutrition and
obesity/overweight. Undernutrition arises mainly as a result of inadequate or unbalanced diets, but is
also caused by poor nutrient absorption or a loss of nutrients due to illness (2000, Smith LC and
Haddad L). Undernutrition manifests in stunting, underweight, wasting and micronutrient
deficiencies. Micronutrients refer to vitamins and minerals. In this paper the term malnutrition refers
to undernutrition.
The prevalence of underweight children in India is among the highest in the world, and is nearly
double that of Sub–Saharan Africa (2012, UNICEF). According to the National Family Health
Survey – 3 (2006, NFHS–3) , 42.5 per cent of children under the age of five years are underweight
(low weight for age), 48 per cent are stunted (low height for age), 19.8 per cent are wasted (low
weight for
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Essay On Malnutrition In America
Mother of five, Cynthia, has a steady job at a nursing home as well as a supportive husband yet
struggles to feed her family on a daily basis. Like many other Americans she does not qualify for
government assistance because she makes too much; in her case thirty eight dollars too much. In
cases like Cynthia's, options seem incredibly limited and there is often no assistance for feeding her
family (abcnews). Over 12 million children under the age of eighteen in the United States are food
insecure. Meaning they are unable to consistently access adequate amounts of nutritious food
necessary for a healthy life. More than three million children under the age of five are food insecure
The consequences of malnutrition can be severe. ... Show more content on ...
Cooking Matters participants learn to shop strategically, use nutrition information to make healthier
food choices, and cook delicious, affordable meals. The No Kid Hungry campaign works to shine a
national spotlight on the crisis of childhood hunger in America, creating a powerful movement of
individuals committed to bold action. We build partnerships that enlist influential individuals in the
cause and advocate policy changes needed to achieve our goals
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Malnutrition Paper
Malnutrition associated with children under the age of 5 in Texas will be examined in an effort to
address and promote health and disease prevention by targeting the root of the problem in
conjunction with a decrease in the global burden of disease which results in morbidity and mortality.
The long term objective is to eradicate malnutrition. In order to do so it is essential to give special
attention to the trends and percentiles of low birth weight babies and low weight preschoolers. Body
mass index and growth stun will be taken into consideration as well. Within the city of Chicago
there are target neighborhoods that are in desperate need of assistance. It is important to follow the
resources that are available for the children and stay ... Show more content on ...
The program monitoring process will be reviewed and the participant expectations from the use of
the meal programs as well. The actual outcomes will be tracked and future evaluations will be
provided by the volunteer nurses. It is crucial to provide support and guidance to the children and
parents throughout the process; it will show vocation and commitment to the nourishment of the
community especially the children who cannot do it for themselves. Most children between the age
of 3 and 5 comprehend that some foods are good for them and others are
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Malnutrition In Guatemala Essay
Political turmoil in the United States is difficult to keep up with; however, it is important to pay
attention to foreign affairs as well. In the country of Guatemala fifty percent of children under the
age of five are severely malnourished, the fourth highest rate of malnutrition in the world.
Malnutrition is defined as the lack of proper nutrition, cause by not having enough to eat, causing
failure to thrive. Americans need to work together to stop the detrimental effects of malnutrition by
focusing on the agricultural, government involvement, and education. By looking at the food created
in Guatemala, we can see how these children get their energy.
Guatemala has beautifully warm tropical weather year round, making it the perfect location ... Show
more content on ...
Our whole job from age five to age eighteen is to learn as much as we can about the world.
However, the children in Guatemala are not as lucky as the children in the United States. Children
living without proper education on the importance of a balanced meal are doomed to make the same
mistake that lead Guatemala to have half its child population be malnourished. It is important to not
only know what to eat in order to stay healthy, but why those food combinations are better than just
eating the same foods everyday. Enrollment rates in primary school are almost 100 percent;
however, over 30 percent of first graders dropout (USAID). Schools need to offer incentive
programs, or feed students to help motivate the children to go to school. While you can have a
perfectly successful lives without formal education, but these are mostly rare cases of naturally
intelligent and extremely creative people. Incentive can also be important to families of children,
because each member of the family can serve as an vital source of income, no matter how young.
The future of Guatemala is in the hands of the children that inhabit the area, but if we are not
protecting the mental capacities of the children, how can we reasonable expect the future to get
better. In an interview taken by ABC News in 2010 a young girl, around nine years in age, explained
to reporters that she had to drop out of
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Child Malnutrition And A Lack Of Child Psycho Social
Child malnutrition and a lack of child psycho–social stimulation is a problem that faces many
nations. Some countries are more successful than others at solving this problem through social
programs. Social programs aimed at providing children with proper nutrition and psycho–social
stimulation should be a social and political priority.
Finance is all about the proper allocation of capital. Nations can sometimes make investments that
private firms cannot because the capital expenditures are just too vast. A few successful public
investments that come to mind are the interstate system and NASA. However, it could be argued
that people are our most valuable assets. We invest in our own people through our various education
systems, healthcare systems, along with other social programs. If we realize that proper investments
can be made into improving the quality of life of all people one would soon come across the idea
that our children are of the upmost priority. In particular, ensuring that all children have access to
adequate nutrition, enriching educational environments, and a loving social unit proves to be one of
the wisest investments that a nation can make. The current risks to our children and solutions for
how we can invest in our children's well–being and development will be analyzed. A case will be
made on why a shift in Western perspective is practical when approaching an implementation of
social programs.
Child malnutrition poses a myriad of
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Poverty, Education, Sanitation, Malnutrition, And Child...
There are been a consistent campaign to improve conditions around the world in regards to poverty,
education, sanitation, hunger, and child mortality. Several non–government organization (NGO),
charitable establishments, and non– profit corporations work to advance impoverished countries and
decrease disparities. These agencies partner with local, national, and international institutions to
promote their particular health or educational agenda. Although, these establishments face financial
shortfalls at times, they have managed to improve condition around the world in some areas. Bolivia
is a country with many complex cultures, geography obstacles, several indigenous populations, a
history of political turmoil, and poverty. It is one of the poorest countries in South America. Bolivia
faces many third world problems with poverty being the biggest factor for many of these issues.
There are alarming figures with ratios that vary from six out of ten to nine out of ten live in poverty
or extreme poverty in Bolivia (Castillo–Carniglia, Weisstaub, Aguiree, Aguilar, & Araya 2010).
The United Nations has developed Millennium goals to eliminate inequalities around the world. One
of the intentions is to improve quality of life by extinguishing hunger and poverty globally. The
purpose of this paper is to probe how poverty effects nutrition in the country of Bolivia and discuss
possible strategies to effect change for better outcomes.
Health Data Bolivia is a country with ten
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Hunger, Malnutrition, And Malnutrition

  • 1. Hunger, Malnutrition, And Malnutrition Hunger and malnutrition in Africa has been on the increase, have affected many Africans in different ways since 1900's. Children and adults both are facing devastating hunger and malnutrition crisis across a south of Africa. Some of the regions that are strongly affected by hunger and malnutrition issues includes Countries like Ethiopia, Kenya and Zambia. Commonness of malnourishment in total populations of Kenya is 28% in Ethiopia 37% and in Zambia 45%. People in these populations are suffering from hunger and malnutrition in large numbers. In some parts of Africa parents have hard time providing nutritious food to their children due to crop failures, sky rocketing food prices and insecurity. According to the Secretary of United States General Kofi Annan mentioned that African leaders are mismanaging their abundant resources. He also stated that under use of their resources abundant resources has become the very source of Africa's misery. The main reason for hunger and malnutrition of their people is being the lack of resources in Africa on counties in Africa. In some of the countries in Africa hunger and malnutrition have deadly effects on majority of the population. There are lot of deficiency among millions of Africans which includes malnutrition diseases like protein energy deficiency, anemia, and vitamin A deficiency, and which are effecting and killing them especially children. Africa is greatly affected by devastating epidemic called hungry, which causes of people ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Malnutrition Informative Speech Cassidy Burkholder Informative Paper English Comp. 1 Mr. Broadfoot 20th of November 2012 Malnutrition Around the World For most us Americans, knowing when we're going to eat next is something we very rarely think of, and when we do think about being hungry we still know where our food is coming from. Three big meals a day, and a few snacks in between, is how most of us live. It's hard for us to imagine what its like for those who go days eating very little or nothing at all. But unfortunately that's how it is for most of the world and surprisingly it happens in the United Sates as well. There are many reasons malnutrition can happen, and it happens to every age group. Even though there are many ways to treat it, in the ... Show more content on ... The ten states who felt it the most were Mississippi, New Mexico, Texas, South Carolina, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Arkansas, Kentucky, and Arizona. (Haerens 36) While there are malnourished people in America, it is much worse all around the world, mostly in third world countries. There are three predominate reasons why third world countries are hit hard with malnutrition, 1) poor families aren't given government help, 2) difficulties with economy and 3) higher food prices. ("2012 World Hunger...") As stated in the website "2012 World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics," in the world there are 925 million hungry people, most of them in Asia, the Pacific and Africa. These people live on $1.25 or less a day. Minimum wage is $7.25 in the U.S., and most people work 8 hours a day, so that means they would be getting fifty–eight dollars a day. It would take someone in a third world country about forty–seven days to make what someone makes in America in 8 hours. And most of them spend that money on food and medical needs, but $1.25 is not enough. In the United States if a family doesn't have enough money for medical help, they can still go see a doctor, but in other countries it's very different. More than 30,000 children die per year from preventable sickness because they can't go see a doctor. And as for food, Americans have access to food every hour of the day. The wealthiest 5th of the world consumes 86% of all goods, as stated in "Child Welfare League of ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Malnutrition Is The Most Terrible Poverty Introduction "Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty," – Mother Teresa When body does not get right amount of nutrients, condition arises called malnutrition. Malnutrition itself is a broad term. According to World Health Organization, Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in a person's intake of energy and/or nutrients. It covers 2 broad groups of conditions :– 'Under nutrition'–which includes stunting i:e low height for age, Wasting –low weight for height, Underweight –low weight for age and Micronutrient deficiencies– lack of important vitamins and minerals, others are overweight, obesity and diet–related non communicable diseases (such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and ... Show more content on ... This study is conducted by the team members of PVCHR to find the cause behind increasing rate of malnutrition in a marginalised communities of Varanasi. Marginalised community that 's confined to the lower or peripheral edge of the society. Such group is not mentally and physically allowed involvement in mainstream activities in like economic, political, cultural and social. Some of the target communities in this study are: – Musahar community, Schedule caste, Muslims and other backward caste. Above mentioned names are categories as marginalised community due to lack of equality for them. Such communities are not aware with their primary basic needs and rights. Lack of awareness and poverty are the two main reasons of malnutrition among their children. PVCHR, is keen to find more factors behind this situation. This study will help to rummage the outcome which are responsible for up surging malnutrition in Varanasi. Target population is from five blocks of district Varanasi namely: – Harahua, Arajiline, Bajardiha, Badagaon and Pindra, covering every villages from each blocks. Aim To assess malnutrition among the children under the age of five year of marginalised communities ' in villages of district Varanasi. Objective To find the cause behind increasing rate of malnutrition in marginalised communities. To find out living condition of respective parents.
  • 10. Background A major underlying factor in high level of under–five mortality and ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. The Hunger Of Hunger And Malnutrition Food security is said to be attained when all people are able to access enough safe and nutritious food to meet their requirements for a healthy life. However, food security is challenged by various factors across production and consumption. Food production, trade, the environmental impact of agriculture, the threat of climate change, and the factors that affect food prices are all largely global in nature – there is no single solution that any one country can enact to ensure access to affordable, sustainable, safe and nutritious food for all. Many countries are facing the burden of hunger and undernutrition/malnutrition. Tackling hunger is one of the greatest challenges of the times. Hunger is triggered by multiple dimensions and causes, ... Show more content on ... Climate change will only make things worse as elevated levels of CO2 reduce the nutritional content of grains, tubers and legumes, affecting key nutrients such as zinc and iron. The estimated impact of undernutrition on gross domestic product (GDP) is 11% every year – more than the annual economic downturn caused by the global financial crisis. A growing population means more mouths to feed.–and–solutions–to food security ANALYSIS: About 2 billion of the global population of over 7 billion are food insecure because they fall short of one or several of Food and Agriculture Organization's dimensions of food security. Enormous geographic differences in the prevalence of hunger exist worldwide. Globally, one in nine people in the world today (795 million) are undernourished. The clear majority of the world's hungry people live in developing countries, where 12.9 per cent of the population is undernourished. Asia is the continent with the most hungry people – two thirds of the total. The percentage in southern Asia has fallen in recent years but in western Asia it has increased slightly. Southern Asia faces the greatest hunger burden, with about 281 million undernourished people. In sub–Saharan Africa, projections for the 2014–2016 period indicate a rate of undernourishment of almost 23 per cent. Poor nutrition causes nearly half (45 per cent) of deaths in ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Malnutrition Is The Most Dangerous Form Of Malnutrition Facing challenges is inevitable, but urgent when it comes to saving lives. One must surpass the limitations placed and search for opportunity to strengthen others who have no control over mortality. Giving up is old news. Hearing about child hunger and doing nothing is injustice. There are victories to find cures and treatments for severe diseases, but one must go through the battle first to achieve such satisfaction. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), malnutrition is the most serious threat to global public health. Severe acute malnutrition is the most dangerous form of malnutrition. Worldwide, it affects about 19 million children under the age of five years. This disease expresses itself in two ways: wasting and oedema. Wasting is characterised as an extreme loss of muscle, fat and tissue, forcing children to look elderly and skeletal. Oedema can spread anywhere in a child, making him/her appear puffy, weak and lethargic. This condition can also cause skin lesions, hepatomegaly, and alopecia. If severe acute malnutrition is left untreated, the outcome is death. This organization took a stand to find a solution to this problem. To be able to understand the results, one must overview the approach to this situation. The hope was to reach out to as many malnourished children before any complications arise in the clinic. The study took place at four health centers in the rural health district of Madarounfa, Niger. The study of the outpatient ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Malnutrition As Defined By Groark & Song Malnutrition as defined by Groark & Song (2012) is a state of nutritional imbalance most often related to undernutrition. They go on to explain that malnutrition is both when a child is eating too little or too much and not getting essential nutrients in early childhood, which can lead to obesity (Groark & Song, 2012). The short term effects of malnutrition are more noticeable in early childhood education settings in the form of behavioral and mental health issues. A poorly nourished child may become disruptive or extremely withdrawn in the school setting, which can negatively affect their learning as well as the learning of their classmates (Groark & Song, 2012). Micronutrient deficiency is a major effect of malnutrition. Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) is associated with poor mental and motor development, poor cognition and school achievement (Prado, & Dewey, 2014). The long term effects of malnutrition become more evident later on in childhood. These effects manifest themselves more in the child's physical and cognitive development. One of the major effects of malnutrition is childhood obesity. Obesity, if untreated, is known to lead to serious health problem later in life affecting the physical, cognitive and affect development of children and adults. Another significant effect of malnutrition is growth failure, as defined by Groark & Song (2012) describes a growth pattern that is abnormal and is the result of taking in too few calories. Children who suffer from growth ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Malnutrition And Human Development In 1990 the very important first Human Development Reported a new proposal for promoting human development. Human development is developing the richness of human life. Human development focuses on developing people's lives rather than assuming the economical growth. Opportunities about human development is all about giving individuals more independence to live their lives to their full potential. For instance, teaching a young man would help build his skills, but there would be no sense in doing that if he is denied access of getting a job opportunity. Human development is about having more choices and more opportunities . The process is to help develop a good environment for people and their families and to help develop them to their full potential. Malnutrition contributes to undernutrition and overnutrition and is also a deficiency of nutrition. Agents that cause malnutrition are poor diet and repeated infections which is particularly in underprivileged populations. Inadequate diet and disease are linked in to your common guideline living and environmental conditions, and are linked in with meeting the primary needs such as housing, food, and health care. Malnutrition is a health outcome as well as a risk factor for diseases. There are over two billion individuals in the world that suffer from many forms of malnutrition. Malnutrition is an basic cause of death of over 2.5 million children each year. Undernutrition reports for 12 percent of the global burden of disease ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Hunger, Malnutrition, And Famine According to recent statistics from the United Nations World Food Program, 795 million people across the globe, suffer from the effects of being undernourished ("Food Program," 2015, para. 1). Both hunger and malnutrition serve to be the number one risk to health and well–being, more so than Aids, Tuberculosis, and Malaria combined ("Food Program," 2015, para. 1). Although the planet produces enough food to feed everyone (Wright & Boorse, 2014), hunger, malnutrition, and famine continue to adversely affect people in both developed and developing nations. Children are particularly susceptible to the ill effects of hunger and malnutrition as stunting or growth failure, aside for disease, is the leading cause of abnormal growth development in children ("Stunting," n.d.). In July of 2015, while serving as a health care provider, at a two–day medical clinic in the impoverished town of Suscal, Ecuador, a fairly young woman sought my treatment for her 12–year– old son who was suffering the consequences of chronic diarrhea from a parasitic infection contracted by drinking contaminated water. Besides chronic diarrhea, the child also suffered the after effects of the Hepatitis B virus, which was contracted by eating contaminated food. Most stunning was the child's clinical presentation of being underdeveloped and underweight for a normal 12–year–old. Even more alarming was the fact that the child was missing both maxillary incisors. Through an interpreter, the mother inquired as ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Malnutrition And Nutrition "Approximately 3.1 million children die from hunger each year" ("World Child Hunger Facts"). Hunger for a long period of time results in malnutrition which is the lack of proper nutrition, caused by not having enough to eat. Hunger and malnutrition is a serious problem faced by many children across the globe. It is even more prevalent among the developing countries of Asia and Africa where millions of children are underweight because they do not get enough to eat. Not only does the malnutrition severely affect children's physical and mental health, it also affect their academics. Malnutrition has several negative effects on a child's learning and school performance as it can lead to lower attendance, unsatisfactory student behavior, and poor academic performance. School plays a huge role in children's development as it teaches them to think differently and provides them with the skills necessary for success. It also helps children get out of poverty and encourages them to bring positive changes to their society. Identifying the effects of malnutrition on academic performance is important because education is every child's right and not having enough to eat prevents them from performing at their full potential. Hunger and Malnutrition negatively affects school attendance. Malnutrition leads to more school absences which affects children's academic performance. A study conducted in Southwest Ethiopia by Tefera Belachew et al found that "food insecure adolescents were nearly ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Childhood Malnutrition Research Paper Childhood Malnutrition Jonathan Sacks stated "Close to a billion people – one–eighth of the world's population – still live in hunger. Each year 2 million children die through malnutrition. This is happening at a time when doctors in Britain are warning of the spread of obesity. We are eating too much while others starve." Severe acute malnutrition affects approximately 13 million children under the age of 5 and is associated with 1–2 million preventable child deaths each year (Collins, S. 2007). This growing global problem needs to be brought to attention due to the fact that each year many children become decease from not getting the proper medical attention they are in need of. Child malnutrition is also considered a part of child abuse by neglect, which is illegal in the United States of America. Child abuse by neglect is difficult to diagnose when it is not associated with physical violence but, neglect is in fact involved with food restriction (Piercecchi–Marti, M., Louis– Borrione, C., Bartoli, C., Sanvoisin, A., Panuel, M., Pelissier–Alicot, A., & Leonetti, G. 2006). By definition, malnutrition is the lack of proper nutrition, caused by not having enough to eat, not eating enough of the right things, or being unable to use the food that one does eat. Malnutrition is a global economic problem and without solving, this ... Show more content on ... Certain attributes such as ethnic or religious eating habits or economic necessity by the parents are some of the main reasons we see that children in third world countries suffer from malnutrition (Piercecchi–Marti, M. 2006). Many children in third world countries are born into lower class families who's parents are not able to provide enough food for their children. Due to this, researchers find that malnutrition is more prone to areas of ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Malnutrition And Its Impact On Health And Social Care Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction Undernutrition is an outcome of insufficient quantity and quality of food and frequent episodes of infectious diseases. Globally, 162 million under–five year olds are stunted and 56 percent of all stunted children live in Asia and 36% in Africa while 99 million under–five year olds are underweight and 67 percent of all underweight children live in Asia and 29% in Africa. Wasting stands at 51 million under–five year olds are wasted and 17 million were severely wasted and approximately 71 percent of all severely wasted children lived in Asia and 28 percent in Africa (WHO, 2006). Malnutrition is still a problem in many developing countries particularly in Africa. It is estimated that 47 million under five children ... Show more content on ... This research intend to establish the association between dietary diversification of complementary foods and the nutrition status of children. It will highlight the importance of a diversified diet of complementary foods to improve the nutrition status of infants aged 6–23 months within a crucial window of opportunity to prevent irreversible physical and cognitive damage caused by undernutrition. Inappropriate feeding practices which include poor quality complementary foods and their consequences are serious hindrances to sustained socioeconomic development and poverty reduction (WHO, ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. The Impact Of Malnutrition On Guatemala And Its Effects On... The Impact of Malnutrition in Guatemala Most children in Guatemala at the age of five begin to suffer from malnourishment while in other countries such as the U.S. children suffer from obesity. In Guatemala, half of all the children under the age of 5 suffer from chronic malnourishment. It is the largest economy in Central America and also the most populous country in the region. Even so, many members of Guatemala remain minimally active in the economy and live in poverty (Guatemala 's government 1). Guatemala is rich in agricultural yet they don 't feed their own people. According to the World Food Programme in 2009 Guatemala ranked 133 out of 187 countries in the Human Development Index of 2012 (1). The HDI is a system used to rank countries on their overall achievements economically and socially. Guatemala faces a food insecurity crisis due to droughts. The global economic crisis has reduced exports, foreign investments, tourism revenues and access to credit thereby increasing the government 's budget deficit and unemployment. The rise in the price of agricultural inputs has reduced the availability of subsidized fertilizers (1). Farmers are affected but not as much as families. Due to the crisis families are restricted to the access of food. In comparison to the United States families are less likely to face these crisis because they receive help from Welfare, Medicaid and Medicare. Feed the Future reports that Guatemala has tremendous agricultural production, leading ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Malnutrition And Malnutrition Redina and her family are refugees fleeing from ongoing conflict in their settlements. Unable to receive an adequate diet, they remain in a state of constant hunger, and prone to diseases. These are only a two of the effects malnutrition has on the human body. Malnutrition has been a lingering issue in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) causing several issues to the economy, health and wellbeing of the country. In spite of modern technology and conveniences, there are still populations in the world that are affected by malnutrition, therefore more worldwide collaborative efforts should be made, not only between the local groups, but the cooperative effort of international communities. Everywhere around the world, different ... Show more content on ... It is estimated that two billion people worldwide suffer from malnutrition. Out of those people, "52 million children under 5 years of age are wasted, 17 million are severely wasted and 155 million are stunted" (Malnutrition). 3 million of those children are from the Democratic Republic of Congo. EE: There are several reasons for the concentration of malnutrition in the DRC. E: First of all, The Democratic Republic of Congo has been in the middle of a civil war for nearly 10 years. So the question is, how does this affect the dietary needs of citizens? Displaced settlements have trouble receiving healthcare and they also face "alarming shortages of food, water, and shelter". Overall, there have been 2.7 million displaced people and those rates are still going up. In addition, there are 120,000 refugees fleeing to these provinces, and in 5 of the eastern provinces alone, there are 6.7 million hungry people. (10 Facts). Settlements, such as Tanganyika, have seen nearly half a million citizens displaced within a year (Democratic Republic of Congo). These provinces will soon see these numbers climb if something is not done to stop this growing issue. The effects that malnutrition has on the Democratic Republic of Congo are fairly severe. Not only is malnutrition affecting the countrywide health, but it also heavily impacts the economy. Because citizens are undernourished, they are at a higher risk of infections and diseases. This is due to a lack of a balanced diet which ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Double burden of malnutrition in India Double burden of malnutrition in India – Undernutrition and Overnutrition Introduction The nutritional double burden, encompassing both undernutrition (stunting, underweight and wasting) and overnutrition (overweight and obesity), has become an important public health challenge in many developing countries. Globally, an estimated 99 million under–five year olds were underweight in 2012, with the low– and –middle income countries of Asia accounting for more than 70 percent of these undernourished children (WHO, 2012a). Although many developing countries have achieved significant reductions in the prevalence of undernutrition during the past two decades, the pace of decline was slow and insufficient to meet the Millennium Development Goals ... Show more content on ... Therefore, it is important that the issues of nutritional double burden in many developing countries need to be addressed in the context of socioeconomic status. This could help identify the complex interplay of social, economic, and political determinants of undernutrition and overnutrition. Many developing countries are growing economically, and it can be expected that the prevalence of undernutrition would decrease and obesity would become a problem among wealthy and privileged classes. However, research has shown that obesity and associated non communicable diseases(NCDs) are increasingly affecting all sectors of society, and the poor or disadvantaged are more likely to be vulnerable to these health hazards (Khandelwal et al., 2013). Also, it can be seen that many developing countries are still incapable of dealing with these health challenges of nutritional double burden, therefore in order to minimize adverse nutritional outcomes, there need to be a reconsideration of current policies and further understanding of these health challenges. Prevalence and consequences of nutritional conditions in India India is one of the developing countries which are experiencing multiple transitions in its nutritional pattern along with a rapid socioeconomic development. The pace of poverty reduction in India has been accelerating during the last ten years, but over 50 percent of the population in India is still vulnerable to ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The Dangers Of Hunger And Malnutrition PROBLEM: Food security is said to be attained when "all people are able to access enough safe and nutritious food to meet their requirements for a healthy life". However, food security is challenged by various factors across production and consumption. Food production, trade, the environmental impact of agriculture, the threat of climate change, and the factors that affect food prices are all largely global in nature – there is no single solution that any one country can enact to ensure access to affordable, sustainable, safe and nutritious food for all. Various countries are facing the burden of hunger and undernutrition/malnutrition. Tackling hunger is one of the greatest challenges of the times. Hunger is triggered by multiple ... Show more content on ... Climate change will only make things worse as elevated levels of CO2 reduce the nutritional content of grains, tubers and legumes, affecting key nutrients such as zinc and iron. The estimated impact of undernutrition on gross domestic product (GDP) is 11% every year – more than the annual economic downturn caused by the global financial crisis. A growing population means more mouths to feed.–and–solutions–to food security ANALYSIS: About 2 billion of the global population of over 7 billion are food insecure because they fall short of one or several of Food and Agriculture Organization's dimensions of food security. Enormous geographic differences in the prevalence of hunger exist worldwide. Globally, one in nine people in the world today (795 million) are undernourished. The clear majority of the world's hungry people live in developing countries, where 12.9 per cent of the population is undernourished. Asia is the continent with the most hungry people – two thirds of the total. The percentage in southern Asia has fallen in recent years but in western Asia it has increased slightly. Southern Asia faces the greatest hunger burden, with about 281 million undernourished people. In sub–Saharan Africa, projections for the 2014–2016 period indicate a rate of undernourishment of almost 23 per cent. Poor ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Nutrition : The Major Causes Of Malnutrition And Poverty Malnutrition is the lack of proper nutrition, caused by an insufficient quantity or quality of food being consumed. People in poverty are the most affected by malnutrition. In fact, "several studies have reported that poverty, inadequate access to a balance diet and underlying diseases (tuberculosis, malaria, diarrhea, etc.) contribute to high levels of malnutrition" (Juma). "Death and disease in developing countries are often primarily a result of malnutrition," which disproportionately harms those in poverty (Juma). Thus, malnutrition disproportionately harms people in poverty but can be prevented through a conscious effort to offer nutritious food to these people. Poverty is one of the major causes of malnutrition, as "several studies have shown malnutrition as a reflection of poverty, with people not having enough income to buy food" (Arif). Because "[the] availability and access to sufficient quantity and quality of affordable food is necessary but not sufficient to ensure adequate nutrition" and people in poverty do not have access to sufficient quality and quantity of food, they are not adequately nourished (Arif). A poor diet, with insufficient calories and vitamins, causes people to become malnourished and ill. If children in a household are malnourished, it "may reflect the lack of adequate calorie intake that may in turn affect the health status of adults" (Arif). In the instance of Pakistan, as Arif writes, "the key weaknesses in Pakistan, which hold back the ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Malnutrition : A Common Problem Nepal Nutrition Section, CHD, DoHS, MoH&P. (2004,p.5 ). Malnutrition is a very common problem in children under five years of age in Nepal and is a significant contributor to morbidity and mortality– accounting for more than half of all child deaths. The process of stunting occurs between conception and two years of age, and is an irreversible process. Furthermore, the population of Nepal, especially women and children, are affected by major micronutrient deficiencies. Malnutrition increases the risk of mortality in the early stages of infancy and childhood, impairs cognitive function of those who survive, and hinders efforts to enhance national social and economic development. Stunting, wasting, and underweight are among anthropometric indicators are commonly used to measure malnutrition in a population of under five children. Malnourished children have lowered resistance to infection; therefore, they are more likely to die from common childhood. (Caulifield , Onis , Blossner,2009,p.193–198). In addition, malnourished children that survive are likely to suffer from frequent illness. (Caulifield , Onis , Blossner,2009,p.193–198). Annually, Nepal loses nearly US$190 million to supplement vitamin and mineral deficiencies. (World Bank, 2011,p.239). Nepal is still high ahead in the range of malnutrition while comparing its neighboring country India, china, Pakistan, srilanka, Bhutan.In this study, we will investigate the prevalence of malnutrition in different parts of Nepal ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Malnutrition : The Common Misconception Greg Moore 218 AP Language Ms. Kinnaman 03–11–2015 Malnutrition The common misconception when it comes to malnutrition is that it only comes with starvation, when it is actually just a lack of adequate nutrition resulting from insufficient food, unbalanced diet, or defective assimilation . Malnutrition can be caused by starvation, medical conditions, an unbalanced diet, or problems with digestion or absorption. Junk food is one of the leading causes of malnutrition since most of its calories come from sugar and fat, not necessary vitamins or minerals, so a junk food tax should be put into place. This tax would make junk food, and some other non– nutritional food, more expensive than the produce that can give people needed vitamins and minerals to live a better, happier life. If junk food is not being bought, then people will not get as obese as they currently are since most sugar and fat calories are being knocked out of their diet. Most who live in poverty, the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support, can not get the nutrients they need because fresh produce is too expensive or not available to them whereas junk food, and other bad food is cheap, available, or easy to obtain. If junk food had a tax on it, then the produce would not need to be as expensive since the money is going somewhere else, and this would increase the amount of people that get the nutrition they need. For the people who do live in poverty, junk ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Malnutrition And Malnutrition Among Children Malnutrition Amongst Children in India People who are malnourished lack nutrients the body needs for proper health and development. "Malnutrition is the inadequate nutrition caused by the lack of a balanced diet or by disorders of the digestive system in which the nutrients from food cannot be absorbed properly" ( Chronic malnutrition can cause severe health problems. In recent years, India has had an unprecedented economic growth. It improved in education, agriculture, and technology, but it still has the highest prevalence of underweight children in the world. Half of the children are underweight in Bimaru states of India. ( There are many causes and consequences of malnutrition. Since malnutrition is affecting a large population of children in India, it is important to find solutions. Maternal characteristics are a reason why children are malnourished. A study found that the prevalence's of stunting, wasting and underweight were greater for children of illiterate mothers, and lowest among children of mothers with an education of high school or more. Also, when mother's consume tobacco and alcohol, the child has a greater risk of being malnourished ( S. Rajarm, Lisa K. Zottarelli and T.S Sunil). Malnutrition starts even when a baby is not even born. Undernourished mothers give birth to underweight babies, which affects the future physical and mental well being of the child. " The child–rearing practices in India unfortunately are highly ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Malnutrition And Its Effects On Children II. Background (Malnutrition) Malnutrition is when an individual is lacking proper nutrition. Children throughout the world are affected by malnutrition from not receiving proper breast feeding after birth to not receiving the correct nutritious food a child needs to grow. Malnutrition can stunt a child's growth, cause defects to a child's immune system, making it more likely for the child to die from a common flu or bug. Malnutrition has been affecting many individuals lives since the 1800s. Malnutrition affected more people back then due to the lack of information on what food to eat to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For example, we did not know about germs back then, so it was very unsanitary making it easier for germs to be shared ... Show more content on ... III. UN Involvement (Malnutrition) Due to the fact that almost 13% of children in the world are affected by malnutrition, the UN has taken many actions in attempting to prevent malnutrition in children around the world. The UN has raised over 4 billion dollars and created UNICEF to help improve nutrition in children and mothers all around the world. UNICEF has promised to keep on contributing large amounts of money to help support countries with high rates of malnutrition. UNICEF and many other UN organizations welcomed the "Global Nutrition for Growth Compact" and it's goal is to help improve nutrition around the world. Also the FAO has been making many improvements to help increase nutrition in children and mothers. Also the UN created the SUN (Scaling Up Nutrition) Movement has raised lots of awareness about malnutrition. At the event, UNICEF pledged to continue its own investment in strengthening nutrition in countries worst–affected by stunting and other forms of undernutrition – an investment represented by more than 350 nutrition experts working with governments and local communities in some 65 countries, backed by a financial contribution that has seen around $1 billion spent by UNICEF on improving nutrition over the last five years. UNICEF was among several United Nations agencies welcoming the formal Global Nutrition for Growth Compact agreed by participants that ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Causes Of Malnutrition In Developing Countries World Food Programme Russian Federation Malnutrition in Developing Countries Anger and Loneliness Topic Background: The ever–growing problem of malnutrition plagues our world in the nations that cannot handle such a weight. Malnutrition is a dangerous state where a human is so deprived of the nutrients vital for survival that they are subject to death. The most important factors of malnutrition in countries that may be in a state of development are food insecurity water availability and food quality. For any type of solution to work, it is a guarantee that at least one of these must be taken into consideration. Currently 20 million people on the brink of starvation in the most undeveloped countries. In Somalia, Yemen, South Sudan, and Nigeria this problem is most relevant and this problem is always on the rise.1 A new report by the WFP shows that world hunger is on a large rise due to internal/external conflicts and climate change.2 According to The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World Report 2017, some 155 million children aged under five are stunted or too short. In addition to this, it seems that while 52 million suffer from wasting, meaning their weight is too low for their height, an estimated 41 million children are now overweight.3 Anaemia among women and adult obesity are also cause for concern. More factors that are a main cause of malnutrition is big agricultural struggles, conflict leading to farming unproductivity, and improper distribution of food ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Malnutrition And Its Effects On Children Introduction In Nepal, malnutrition accounts for 60% of child deaths. More and more than 50,000 children die each year from malnutrition. Side effects vary from child to adult. Malnutrition is most severe in children, causing growth failure, irritability, muscle wasting, swelling of the abdomen and legs, and skin becoming dry. There are two types of protein energy malnutrition (PEM) in children, Marasmus and Kwashiorkor: . Marasmus is linked to weight loss and muscle wasting. Fat beneath the skin disappears and the skin appears pinched. Kwashiorkor causes hair to change pigment, the face begins to swell and skin is dry and contains stretch marks. Hope is currently underway. The UNICEF and other agencies are aiding in shedding light ... Show more content on ... When proper nutritious foods are not available, the entire family suffers. Key Risk Factors There are many risk factors that are associated with malnutrition, but low income, social isolation and a poor diet are among the top factors. When families do not have a high income or money is not assessable, nutritious foods are unable to be obtained. Healthier foods might not necessarily be more expensive, but with chronic diseases money gets cut from the food bill to afford medications. Cost for housing or transportation also need to be taken into consideration. Social isolation in a suburban area may play a key role in malnutrition. If nutritious foods are not consumed in an everyday diet, a poor diet occurs. Proper nutrition is needed for growth and learning. Economic and Social Consequences The consequences are numerous when addressing malnutrition in children. Proper nutrition is key in living an active and healthy life. When children are undernourished they have a weaker immune system and are more susceptible to illnesses and infections. A long–term lack of nutrition can cause stunting, delayed development, cognitive and motor skills, pneumonia and diarrhea. According to UNICEF, stunting in early life is linked to 0.7 grade loss in schooling, a 7–month delay in starting school and between 22–45% reduction in lifetime earnings. When children are stunted, ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Malnutrition in Children CAUSES OF MULNUTRITION IN CHILDREN UNDER FIVE YEAR OLD IN MATHARE SLUMS NAIROBI PRESENTED BY [Name] Admission number SUPERVISOR: A RESERCH PROPOSAL SUBMITED TO KENYA INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENTAL STUDIES IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF A DIPLOMA IN NUTRITION AND DIETETICS MANAGEMENT May 2012 DECLARATION Student's declaration I declare that this is my original work and has not been submitted in any other learning institution for the award of degree or diploma. Name Signature Date Supervisor declaration This proposal has been submitted with any approval as college supervisor Name Signature Date
  • 91. Contents DECLARATION ii Contents iii ACKNOWLEGMENT v ABSTRACT vi ABBREVIATIONS / ACRONYMS vii CHAPTER I 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 ... Show more content on ... The researcher will use purposive sampling method for selecting all parents with malnourished children below 5years old. Data analysis will use both qualitative and quantitative methods. Quantitative data will be analyzed using Microsoft excel and electronic calculator. Data will be presented in percentages, frequency tables and graphs. ABBREVIATIONS / ACRONYMS A M R E F Africa Medical Research Foundation A N C Ante– Natal Care/ Clinic C H W Community Health Worker M C H Maternal Child Health M U A C Mid– Upper Arm Circumference P E M Protein Energy Malnutrition R A P Rapid Assessment Procedure U N United Nations U N H C R United Nation High Commission for Refugees W F P World Food Program W H O World Health Organization CHAPTER I 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Malnutrition can either be under nutrition or over nutrition. All these are mentioned in the research but more attention is given to the latter. Under nutrition is a state resulting from intake of inadequate amount of nutrients, the nutrients commonly affected are protein and energy sources known as protein energy malnutrition (PEM),( AMREF training manual 1990). World Health Organization (WHO) defines malnutrition as the cellular imbalance between supply of nutrients and energy and the body demand for them to ensure growth, maintenance and functions. Malnutrition is globally the most important ... Get more on ...
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  • 95. Malnutrition Associated With Chronic Disease Alexis Aaron Case Study #3 Malnutrition Associated with Chronic Disease Chronic diseases are characterized as a condition lasting longer than three months and an acute illness is of a shorter duration. Malnutrition associated with chronic diseases can be due to the fact that many patients with chronic diseases are physically handicapped and unable to perform activities of daily living such as eating and driving themselves to the store. Chronic diseases that could physically cause malnutrition like this include rheumatoid arthritis or neuromuscular diseases such as stroke. Another way that malnutrition associated with chronic disease can happen is through inflammation of the organs that can occur during organ failure or pancreatic cancer and cause certain nutrients to not be absorbed at all. Malnutrition associated with acute illness and inflammation can be caused by traumatic injuries such as severe burns and major infections of the body. The inflammatory response is a defense mechanism triggered by invading bacteria or severe injury. People who have been victims of these types of injuries can sustain pretty severe damage to their metabolism caused by the inflammatory response and can interfere with the nutrition therapy the RD is attempting to provide this can lead to unwanted weight loss and malnutrition. A mechanical soft diet is used for patients who may not have the energy or the ability to chew all kinds of food. The mechanical soft diet is meant to have easy to ... Get more on ...
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  • 99. The Negative Effects Of Malnutrition In African Schools "I start a fire, put a pot of water on it and tell the children I am in the middle of preparing something, Maryam Sy, 37 and a mother of nine, says in a raspy voice. In reality, I have nothing" (qtd. in Larson). Like Maryam's kids, several other African children go to bed before their mothers are finished stirring the pots. Hunger and malnutrition is a serious problem faced by many African countries. This issue affects children the most. Every year, millions of children die due to the lack of proper nutrition. Besides the physical and psychological damage, malnutrition also affects academics. Malnutrition has several negative effects on a child's learning and school performance as it can lead to lower attendance, unsatisfactory student behavior, and poor academic performance. As children do not get proper nutrition, Malnutrition makes students susceptible to illnesses which lead to low school attendance. Being out of school for long periods of time due to illnesses makes students unfamiliar with the concepts being taught upon return. They often do poorly on the tests because of that. Malnutrition affects students' academic performance as well. Children who consume adequate amounts of food perform better in school than the malnourished children. Food provides many nutrients essential for mental and cognitive development. Not having enough food causes deficiencies of proteins necessary for the development of brain tissue which prevents children from understanding the material ... Get more on ...
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  • 103. Severe Acute Malnutrition Management Of Children Severe Acute Malnutrition Management of Children Under Five in Senegal, a Multi–Sectoral Government Supported Approach Keren Isaev 999548789 NFS490 1.Introduction: Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) is defined by a weight for height ratio below –3z scores of the median WHO growth standards, through visible severe wasting or through the presence of nutritional oedema 1 . SAM affects twenty million children under the age of five worldwide where one million of these children die every year1. Senegal, a country in West Africa with an estimated population of 13 million people experiences a 20% mortality rate in children affected by SAM 2. This report will outline the current state of SAM in Senegal, programs and policies presented in Senegal in efforts to reduce the prevalence of SAM, evident gaps in these programs with a description of a suggested policy not currently employed and its implications. Burden: In 2014, 2.25 million people in Senegal suffered from insecurity of food with 340,000 children under five suffering from acute malnutrition and 79,000 experiencing severe acute malnutrition 2. Senegal is divided into fourteen regions, further divided into forty five departments. Nine of these departments experienced critical levels of SAM in 2013 with an additional five departments experiencing threshold SAM levels in addition to diarrhea and respiratory illnesses. Thus, fourteen departments continue to require immediate attention to treating SAM 2. ... Get more on ...
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  • 107. Malnutrition In The United States Malnutrition When people think about malnutrition, many think of the children who don't have food to eat. Which is a huge problem, and a problem that can be prevented. "Malnutrition afflicts an estimated 34 million children worldwide, and results in the loss of 1 million children under five every year." However, in the US, malnutrition as a result of inadequate food intake is rare, although it may occur if a child is neglected, living in poverty or being abused. Moreover, a lot of children become malnourished because they are picky about what they eat, or refuse to eat due to issues with body image. Social situations can also contribute to malnutrition. The elderly, abused, alcohol and/or drug dependent, low income, and socially isolated ... Get more on ...
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  • 111. The Effects Of Malnutrition On Educational Disparities The Impact of Malnutrition on Educational Disparities in Africa By: Merette Khalil and Blessing Kuebee, African Students Association At the start of the millennium, various United Nations (UN) partners came together to tackle some of the world's deadliest and most pressing social and economic problems, and in doing so, established the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In the past 15 years, the MDGs have been evaluated and re–evaluated. This year the UN has declared a new set of 17 goals for the next 15 years called the Sustainable Development Goals. The first issue on both agendas is the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, a problem that is specifically significant for the entire continent of Africa. Clarifying a few terms based on the World Food Program's definition is essential to understanding the scope of the problem. Hunger is "not having enough to eat to meet energy requirements." It can lead to malnutrition, which is a condition when one's diet "does not provide adequate nutrients for growth and maintenance or when a person is not able to adequately utilize the food consumed due to illness." Undernutrition, being nutrient deficient, being underweight and even being overweight are all complications that result from hunger. Undernourishment is when "a person is not able to acquire enough food to meet the daily minimum dietary energy requirements, over a period of one year." Wasting is "rapid weight loss or a failure to gain weight and is strongly related ... Get more on ...
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  • 115. Malnutrition In The United States The United States has many different nutrition problems. There are people living in food deserts, people who don't have money to buy food, people who don't know what healthy foods look like, and many others. These issues should be of concern to everyone in the country. The nutrition and health of these people affects everyone. I think that two of the largest nutrition issues facing the country and obesity and malnutrition. Obesity is defined by Merriam–Webster as, "a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body." This is generally decided and defined in medicine by the body mass index (BMI). BMI is a ratio of height (in meters) and weight (in kilograms). There are many different causes of obesity, ... Show more content on ... Malnutrition is defined, by Merriam–Webster, as, "faulty nutrition due to inadequate or unbalance intake of nutrients or their impaired assimilation or utilization." Malnutrition can affect both those who don't eat enough and those who eat too much. You can be obese and malnourished due to eating only certain nutrients and not others. The body needs a balance of all nutrients. Prevention of malnutrition starts simply with eating a well balance diet based on the MyPlate recommendations. This helps will help a person eat the correct nutrients in the correct balance to avoid eating too many or too few of any one nutrient. The amount of different types of nutrients depends on the type of lifestyle someone leads. Someone who is more active will need more calories from carbohydrates and protein as compared to a sedentary person. Another way to help prevent malnutrition is education on what nutrients are and why you need them. There is a lot of misinformation out in the world and correct information can help prevent malnutrition. Some misinformation states that certain, necessary nutrients are bad for you, leading to people not eating them. Not eating these nutrients can lead to malnutrition. Malnutrition can lead to wasting of muscles, heart problems, and even death. Treatment depends on the cause of the malnutrition. For a person malnourished due to under–nutrition, the treatment includes increasing calories with a balance of nutrients. If it is bad enough, the nutrition may be supplied through an IV line or possible through a feeding tube (Nordqvist). This ensures the nutrients needed are supplied, along with the calories needed. For a person malnourished due to overconsumption, a diet with balanced nutrients and fewer calories is ... Get more on ...
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  • 119. Taking a Look at Malnutrition Malnutrition is defined as "lack of proper nutrition, caused by not having enough to eat, not eating enough of the right things, or being unable to use the food that one does eat". Some may argue that the main concept of malnutrition has to do with the amount of food and water that a certain group of people consumes in a specific location. Others are more likely to argue that it has to do with the bacteria and things that the food and water contain. It is both of these things. Malnutrition is a serious problem worldwide, but there is particular concentration in certain areas in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Not only is malnutrition an issue with the general population of people, but it is the biggest contributor to the deaths of children. There are political, economic, and cultural factors about this issue that can be analyzed to further explain the global health issue of malnutrition in children, and its international response. Malnutrition is a major topic, but what some people do not know about it is that there are many different aspects to it, which causes it to be such a broad topic. That can also leave one ignorant to a lot of the general information about all malnutrition is. Over 2 billion of the world's population suffer from malnutrition. It is also a hidden, yet prominent cause of death in children, taking the lives of 2.6 million kids, which is a third of global child deaths. A common misconception about malnutrition is that it is only a field in itself. What ... Get more on ...
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  • 123. Malnutrition In Guatemala Essay Guatemala does not make the top 50 list of the world's poorest countries, but somehow this country has the fourth largest rate of malnutrition. Malnutrition is defined as the lack of proper nutrition, cause by not having enough to eat. To truly understand the statistics one must first examine the diet of the average Guatemalan family. In understanding the severity of this issue across the country, the effect on the children, both long and short term, and the multi–generational effects of this epidemic, a solution can be pinpointed to deal with this devastating problem. It is important to know what these children are consuming on a daily bases in order to tell where the child is missing nutrients. Many Guatemalan families survive on a diet consisting of tortillas and occasionally beans. This intake ignores the recommended three daily servings of dairy products and five daily servings of fruit and vegetables. If a family cannot afford beans for a week, the ... Show more content on ... The issue is to a point where, "incidence of child malnutrition reaches 80%," over half of the population of this country's children are not getting the proper nutrients to sustain their growing bodies (Economist 1). The incredibly high number is likely due to the high cost of importing food into the country, causing many families to live off the local food products in their cities. In a case study in Antigua, Guatemala, a mother tells reporters she, "could not afford formula so she gave her sugar water," a substance that will fill the child's belly but leave her without the vital nutrient her body needs (Gowen). A small child cannot eat the large food provided by the United States government, and still require the protein found in baby formula. Without a reliable source of food, malnutrition will continue to appear in the children of the region. The regional spikes in the rate of malnutrition are incredibly difficult to ... Get more on ...
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  • 127. Food Security Is The Deadliest Category Of Malnutrition Food Security Food security is defined as having access to sufficient amounts and safe food at all times, in order to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Food security is often times looked upon as just the availability of food, but safety and hygiene of food and food products gets overlooked. For example, many developing countries don't have the specific education needed to know that certain chemicals, such as pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides, should only be applied during certain growth stages of crops. This causes the consumption of these crops to be very harmful to individuals. Food insecurities are causing many problems, leading to malnourishment, famines, and death in developing countries. Many countries within ... Show more content on ... Another major task they need to incorporate into their government would be implementing agricultural and food policies that will be effective and help the economy. Although, this may be hard to accomplish due to the violence and corrupt government in Nigeria. Justice could be the ethical argument behind this, because many people are suffering from unfairness from the jihadists. They are stealing people's possessions, food, and animals that they live off from. They are unable to make any money from the crops that they had grown, animals they raised, and are going hungry from this, causing food insecurities and malnutrition throughout the country. Nigeria in not the only country in Africa facing these problematic situations. Al Hudayah in Yemen is also suffering from war and government conflicts. The Saudi jets have been attacking and bombing villages throughout Yemen. This has caused a sudden decrease in many people's income, which is making it hard for individuals to buy food for themselves and their families. Again, this hunger crisis with severe acute malnutrition could lead to famine very shortly if no steps are taken to overcome the problem. The ethical argument behind the situation that Yemen is currently facing could also be justice or rights. This is because it is unfair for a country to be suffering due to conflict or war. A majority of the individuals being bombed or killed from the war are innocent people that are just trying to ... Get more on ...
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  • 131. Malnutrition And Crohn's Disease Malnutrition is a condition in which a person is not getting the right amount of nutrients that they need to remain healthy. It can range from being mild to being detrimental to both physical and mental health. It can occur because a person is not eating a diet that provides enough nutrients the body needs, or the person is not absorbing the nutrients that the body is receiving. Even lacking one vitamin from your diet is considered malnutrition. Malnutrition can also be a result of Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, or persistent diarrhea or vomiting. Having anorexia is also a cause of malnutrition because of the restrictive calorie intake. Drug addiction or being an alcoholic can affect the body's ability to absorb the nutrients which will cause malnutrition as well. It is possible to be obese and have malnutrition if they are not getting enough nutrients from all the food they take in. ... Show more content on ... However, some signs and symptoms associated with malnutrition include: weight loss, fatigue, unable to carry out usual tasks, not being able to perform physical activity at the same level as normally, changes in mood such as becoming depressed, dizziness, loss of appetite, and inability to stay focused. They may also be sensitive to the cold and be more susceptible to becoming sick because their immune system is weaker. If there has been any unintended weight loss in 3 to 6 months such as a loss of 5–10% weight loss, malnutrition may be suspected. Calculating the BMI or body mass index is used to diagnose malnutrition. If the result is 17–18.5 this points toward mild malnutrition. 15–17 points toward moderate malnutrition and any number below 16 is considered severe ... Get more on ...
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  • 135. The Effects Of Malnutrition On Indi The Facts Essay Critical Review Child malnutrition in India – The Facts Malnutrition in India is a silent emergency (Leadership Agenda for Action, 2009) India speaks the language of growth and progress. Malnutrition however, continues to haunt the country. India is home to 40 percent of malnourished children in the world. Every year 2.5 million children die in India, accounting for one in five deaths in the world. More than half of these deaths could be prevented if children were well nourished . Malnutrition is a serious condition in which the body does not get the right balance of nutrients and calories needed to sustain good health and development. It has two sides – undernutrition and obesity/overweight. Undernutrition arises mainly as a result of inadequate or unbalanced diets, but is also caused by poor nutrient absorption or a loss of nutrients due to illness (2000, Smith LC and Haddad L). Undernutrition manifests in stunting, underweight, wasting and micronutrient deficiencies. Micronutrients refer to vitamins and minerals. In this paper the term malnutrition refers to undernutrition. The prevalence of underweight children in India is among the highest in the world, and is nearly double that of Sub–Saharan Africa (2012, UNICEF). According to the National Family Health Survey – 3 (2006, NFHS–3) , 42.5 per cent of children under the age of five years are underweight (low weight for age), 48 per cent are stunted (low height for age), 19.8 per cent are wasted (low weight for ... Get more on ...
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  • 139. Essay On Malnutrition In America Mother of five, Cynthia, has a steady job at a nursing home as well as a supportive husband yet struggles to feed her family on a daily basis. Like many other Americans she does not qualify for government assistance because she makes too much; in her case thirty eight dollars too much. In cases like Cynthia's, options seem incredibly limited and there is often no assistance for feeding her family (abcnews). Over 12 million children under the age of eighteen in the United States are food insecure. Meaning they are unable to consistently access adequate amounts of nutritious food necessary for a healthy life. More than three million children under the age of five are food insecure (Insecurity2012). The consequences of malnutrition can be severe. ... Show more content on ... Cooking Matters participants learn to shop strategically, use nutrition information to make healthier food choices, and cook delicious, affordable meals. The No Kid Hungry campaign works to shine a national spotlight on the crisis of childhood hunger in America, creating a powerful movement of individuals committed to bold action. We build partnerships that enlist influential individuals in the cause and advocate policy changes needed to achieve our goals ... Get more on ...
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  • 143. Malnutrition Paper Malnutrition associated with children under the age of 5 in Texas will be examined in an effort to address and promote health and disease prevention by targeting the root of the problem in conjunction with a decrease in the global burden of disease which results in morbidity and mortality. The long term objective is to eradicate malnutrition. In order to do so it is essential to give special attention to the trends and percentiles of low birth weight babies and low weight preschoolers. Body mass index and growth stun will be taken into consideration as well. Within the city of Chicago there are target neighborhoods that are in desperate need of assistance. It is important to follow the resources that are available for the children and stay ... Show more content on ... The program monitoring process will be reviewed and the participant expectations from the use of the meal programs as well. The actual outcomes will be tracked and future evaluations will be provided by the volunteer nurses. It is crucial to provide support and guidance to the children and parents throughout the process; it will show vocation and commitment to the nourishment of the community especially the children who cannot do it for themselves. Most children between the age of 3 and 5 comprehend that some foods are good for them and others are ... Get more on ...
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  • 147. Malnutrition In Guatemala Essay Political turmoil in the United States is difficult to keep up with; however, it is important to pay attention to foreign affairs as well. In the country of Guatemala fifty percent of children under the age of five are severely malnourished, the fourth highest rate of malnutrition in the world. Malnutrition is defined as the lack of proper nutrition, cause by not having enough to eat, causing failure to thrive. Americans need to work together to stop the detrimental effects of malnutrition by focusing on the agricultural, government involvement, and education. By looking at the food created in Guatemala, we can see how these children get their energy. Guatemala has beautifully warm tropical weather year round, making it the perfect location ... Show more content on ... Our whole job from age five to age eighteen is to learn as much as we can about the world. However, the children in Guatemala are not as lucky as the children in the United States. Children living without proper education on the importance of a balanced meal are doomed to make the same mistake that lead Guatemala to have half its child population be malnourished. It is important to not only know what to eat in order to stay healthy, but why those food combinations are better than just eating the same foods everyday. Enrollment rates in primary school are almost 100 percent; however, over 30 percent of first graders dropout (USAID). Schools need to offer incentive programs, or feed students to help motivate the children to go to school. While you can have a perfectly successful lives without formal education, but these are mostly rare cases of naturally intelligent and extremely creative people. Incentive can also be important to families of children, because each member of the family can serve as an vital source of income, no matter how young. The future of Guatemala is in the hands of the children that inhabit the area, but if we are not protecting the mental capacities of the children, how can we reasonable expect the future to get better. In an interview taken by ABC News in 2010 a young girl, around nine years in age, explained to reporters that she had to drop out of ... Get more on ...
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  • 151. Child Malnutrition And A Lack Of Child Psycho Social Child malnutrition and a lack of child psycho–social stimulation is a problem that faces many nations. Some countries are more successful than others at solving this problem through social programs. Social programs aimed at providing children with proper nutrition and psycho–social stimulation should be a social and political priority. Introduction Finance is all about the proper allocation of capital. Nations can sometimes make investments that private firms cannot because the capital expenditures are just too vast. A few successful public investments that come to mind are the interstate system and NASA. However, it could be argued that people are our most valuable assets. We invest in our own people through our various education systems, healthcare systems, along with other social programs. If we realize that proper investments can be made into improving the quality of life of all people one would soon come across the idea that our children are of the upmost priority. In particular, ensuring that all children have access to adequate nutrition, enriching educational environments, and a loving social unit proves to be one of the wisest investments that a nation can make. The current risks to our children and solutions for how we can invest in our children's well–being and development will be analyzed. A case will be made on why a shift in Western perspective is practical when approaching an implementation of social programs. Risks Child malnutrition poses a myriad of ... Get more on ...
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  • 155. Poverty, Education, Sanitation, Malnutrition, And Child... There are been a consistent campaign to improve conditions around the world in regards to poverty, education, sanitation, hunger, and child mortality. Several non–government organization (NGO), charitable establishments, and non– profit corporations work to advance impoverished countries and decrease disparities. These agencies partner with local, national, and international institutions to promote their particular health or educational agenda. Although, these establishments face financial shortfalls at times, they have managed to improve condition around the world in some areas. Bolivia is a country with many complex cultures, geography obstacles, several indigenous populations, a history of political turmoil, and poverty. It is one of the poorest countries in South America. Bolivia faces many third world problems with poverty being the biggest factor for many of these issues. There are alarming figures with ratios that vary from six out of ten to nine out of ten live in poverty or extreme poverty in Bolivia (Castillo–Carniglia, Weisstaub, Aguiree, Aguilar, & Araya 2010). The United Nations has developed Millennium goals to eliminate inequalities around the world. One of the intentions is to improve quality of life by extinguishing hunger and poverty globally. The purpose of this paper is to probe how poverty effects nutrition in the country of Bolivia and discuss possible strategies to effect change for better outcomes. Health Data Bolivia is a country with ten ... Get more on ...