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How To Write An Mla Essay
Writing an essay on the topic "How To Write An MLA Essay" may initially seem
straightforward, but as one delves into the intricacies of the MLA (Modern Language
Association) format, the complexity becomes apparent. The MLA style encompasses various
guidelines regarding formatting, citation, and bibliography, and mastering these nuances is
crucial for crafting a well-structured and academically sound essay.
Starting with the basics, writers must understand the proper structure of an MLA essay,
including the title page, header, and margins. The meticulous attention to detail, such as font size
and line spacing, can be a challenge for those unfamiliar with the MLA style.
Citations pose another layer of difficulty. Accurately citing sources in the text and creating a
comprehensive Works Cited page demands a thorough understanding of the MLA citation rules.
The correct format for citing books, articles, websites, and other sources can be overwhelming,
requiring writers to navigate through various rules and exceptions.
Furthermore, the challenge extends to integrating quotations and paraphrased information
seamlessly into the essay while adhering to MLA guidelines. Striking a balance between
incorporating sources and maintaining the originality of one's voice requires careful consideration.
The importance of detail in MLA essays extends to punctuation and grammar. Following the
specific punctuation rules of the MLA style, including proper use of commas, colons, and
periods, adds an additional layer of complexity to the writing process. This level of precision is
necessary to meet the high academic standards associated with MLA essays.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "How To Write An MLA Essay" demands not only an
understanding of the MLA format but also a commitment to precision and detail. Navigating
through the intricacies of formatting, citations, and grammar can be challenging, especially for
those unfamiliar with the MLA style. However, with dedicated effort and attention to detail,
writers can overcome these challenges and produce a well-crafted MLA essay.
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How To Write An Mla EssayHow To Write An Mla Essay
Knights Vs Samurai Dbq Essay
Nearly a thousand years ago, knights and samurai were the military forces in Europe
and Japan. During the time period 1066 to 1868, knights and samurai formed the
military society in both Japan and Europe (Doc. 2). Although it seems like they are
similar, the differences between knights and samurai outweigh the similarities, such
as the codes, armor, and their training. In the first place, the codes for both samurai
and knights were distinct from each other in various ways. For instance, the
knights code of Chivalry involves mercy, and the samurai code of Bushido
involves the Way , which is when the samurai punishes anyone who transgresses
against the moral principles (Doc. E). As well as that, the code of Chivalry includes
being courteous and helpful to ladies, being loyal to the king, and the vowing of
true knighthood (Doc. E). On the other hand, the code of Bushido is involved in
obligations, physical readiness, and keeping their weapons ready for defense (Doc.
E). In addition, the samurai code has a ceremony called genpuku and the knightcode
had no ceremonies. Based on this information, the codes of both Bushido and
Chivalry had many differences between each other during this time... Show more
content on ...
For both military combatants, they both had ceremonies to get a higher rank at
age 14 (Doc. C). However, for a samurai, it was age 14 to become a samurai at the
ceremony of Genpuku (Doc. C). On the other hand, at age 14 for a knights training,
a trainee is eligible to become a squire, then later at age 21, you can become a knight.
Also, another difference is that women received the same martial arts training in
Japan as samurai. In contrast to this, knights training consisted of only men. Women
were not allowed to participate in knights training whatsoever (OI). To sum up, the
differences between the soldiers training was the ages and the allowing of men and
women for
Red Convertible Criticism
Aaron Stanfield
Mrs. Guerin
English 102 109
21 October 2014
The Red Convertible Criticism s In Laura Kryhoski s critical analysis of The Red
Convertible, she points out several elements often overlooked when reading the
short story for the first time. At first glance, the story appears definably tragic
(Kryhoski). Kryhoski claims that if the reader were to investigate author Louise
Erdrich s background, the story would seem less of a tragedy and more of a
reflection of her upbringing. As the narrator in The Red Convertible, Lyman seems to
be recalling the tale from his memories rather than telling the events as they occur.
Lyman focuses more on the distinct detail of each moment than he does on the bigger
picture. This invokes the image ... Show more content on ...
The first journey is the trip he and his brother, Lyman, took to purchase the red
convertible. The second is his journey to Vietnam to fight in the war. Finally, the
third journey is the trip he and Lyman took to the Red River where he ultimately
committed suicide. Korb suggests that while Lyman has a natural talent for
making money on the reservation, he still experienced his share of difficulties
(Korb ). These difficulties are potentially the reasons behind Henry and Lyman
feeling the need to escape by means of the red convertible. The red convertible is
the brothers ticket to a life off the reservation and a way for them to experience joy,
peace, and adventure different to what they are accustomed. Korb specifically puts
emphasis on Henry and Lyman s trip to Alaska by stating that this particular trip
was idyllic and felt as though it was a pleasant dream world (Korb). After a
pleasurable time spent in Alaska, the brothers head back south when winter
begins. After he has completed his first journey, Henry embarks on his second to
Vietnam. The Henry that leaves the reservation to fight in the war is not the same
Henry who returns three years later. Even the red convertible brings no life to
Henry, Korb claims. The author focuses on Lyman s attempts to bring his brother
around to his old self, including the destruction of the red convertible. On the final
journey, the trip to the Red River, Lyman is hopeful and believes that his brother is
finally turning a new leaf. However, Henry is still just as haunted and troubled as
before. Korb reinforces that losing the red convertible is losing the ability to
experience freedom and joy, which explains why Lyman refuses to accept the car
when Henry offers it to him. Lyman tries to beat feelings of hope back into his brother
Queensland Supreme Court
Introduction: The report that we have been studying and learning about is the
magistrates court and how there system works so that people pay the price for
what they have done. Meaning different consequences given for how bad the
situation is. Research Method: To gather our information to help us finish our
report we did a series of different methods such as going on a class excursion where
we went to the court house to see it first hand, we also went to the police station
where they gave us a tour of what goes on in the police station and how crimes are
dealt with and also information given to us during classes. Police procedures: The
procedures that police follow when they arrest someone is that has done something
wrong or they believe they have done something. The police tell them that they are
under arrest and tell the victim to put their hands behind there... Show more content
on ...
The district court is Queensland s State intermediate court, it hears criminal cases
such as rape and armed robbery. The Magistrates Court of Queensland is the state s
third level court, It deals with less serious offences such as traffic infringements and
burglary. The Children s Court of Queensland deals with offences committed by
young people under the age of 17 years who commit criminal offences, unless the
court orders that the matter be dealt with in an adult court. Most criminal cases are
heard, in some form, in the Magistrates court. The Magistrates Court also deals with:
some minor family law matters (although most go to the Family Court) some other
Commonwealth matters, such as those covered by the Customs Act 1901, the Social
Security Act 1991 and the Taxation Act 1953 most domestic violence matters
applications for child protection orders Court
Generational Identification Analysis
Although there is no one single fingerprint that defines the psychological makeup
of a terrorist, there are several broad characteristics that indicate a person s
vulnerability toward radicalization. Terrorists willing to carrying out a suicide
operation, as a subset of the larger radicalized group, are certainly no exception.
Indeed, dedication to the point of self extermination requires a deeper degree of
radicalization than to merely fight for one s chosen cause. The first indicator of this
form of radicalization is what Jerrold M. Post referred to as generational
transmission of a set of extreme beliefs (Kershaw). This transmission of rigid beliefs
at an early stage in childhood development can create a psychological state
Henry Ford Turning Points In American History
Henry ford
Henry ford was born in 1863, on July 30, near Dearborn, Michigan, on his family s
farm. His father gave henry a pocket watch when henry was thirteen years old.
Henry took the watch a part and put it back together. Many people were amazed and
ask henry to work on their watches. Henry Ford s model T. and the assembly line are
important turning points in American history. Before 1908 automobiles were a
luxury item that only the rich could afford. Henry ford devised a cheaper and faster
way to manufacture cars. The model T. was assembled on an assembly line which
produced more cars in the less time.
Henry worked on the family farm for several years. However, he did not like that
type of work. He left the farm at the age of 16 to work in Detroit as an apprentice as
a machinist. During this time, henry ford learned to service and operate
machinery. He also studied bookkeeping during the time period. Ford married
Clara Ala Bryant in 1888. He then went back to farming in order to support her and
their son, Edsel. Three years after returning to farming he went to work for Edison
illuminating company as an engineer. It was not long until he was promoted to
chief of engineer which occurred in 1893. During this time period, Ford worked on
plans for a horseless carriage. He built his first model in 1896 ... Show more content
on ...
It all started with his interest in taking apart watches and fixing them. His first
vision was to mass produce watches and sells them really cheap. He realized that,
at that time, he did not have the means to do so however, he never gave up on his
dream, which changed the way we live. The impact of his vision of mass production
is still with the world today as it was in his lifetime. Henry ford lived in a middle
class and ethic style of living as a result of henry ford s
Causes Of Haiti Earthquake
Despite the fact that the 2010 Haiti Earthquake had a magnitude of 7.0, it caused
316000 deaths, destroyed over 105000 buildings and left the whole country in rubble.
Human contribution contributed greatly to the casualties and the severity of the
A social factor that influenced the severity of the earthquake was where people chose
to live. Haiti is located on fault lines, where the epicentre of the earthquake is and
where the earthquake is most severe. The earthquake s epicentre was estimated to be
around a mere 25 km away from the Port au prince, the capital of Haiti and home to
Вј of the population. The closer the area was to the epicentre, the more intense the
earthquake was and the greater the destruction. The area was also urbanised with
many buildings, due to the great number of people who resided there which meant
that many buildings were destroyed and many people were killed.
Poverty was an economic factor that greatly influenced how the earthquake affected
the population. In Haiti, 80% of the population was under the poverty line. в…” of
Labor force employees relied on agriculture and due to high unemployment levels,
many did not have a job and the population owned an average of under $2 a day.
During the earthquake, Haiti s agricultural industries were destroyed, leaving most of
the county unemployed and unable to produce its main exports. This further
exacerbated the problem of poverty and left the population without resources, food
and water.
A Dozen Reasons To Exercise Analysis
Every single person, including kids, should exercise every day for at least thirty
minutes to an hour. Therefore, the more you exercise the superior. Exercising may
embrace of walking, running, doing a sport, and even going to the gym. However,
if a person does not work out at all, that s an immense problem. In fact, people even
convey that not exercising is as defective as it is smoking a cigarette. The article, A
Dozen Reasons to Exercise, (Source 3) by the author, Rosie Alvarado Martin,
essentially gives the audience 12 significant reasons on why people should consider
exercising if they want to avoid having a higher chance of having a heart disease.
Generally speaking, there are 12 reasons, but I m only going to give further
information... Show more content on ...
Yet, if you re also a person who works in an office 5 days a week, and you re just
sitting down, I endorse you to get up during your break and go walk at least around
the building. And, if you re just sitting down, procrastinating, you re going to end
up getting gallstones. Now, when it comes to men, the article expresses that Men
who walked two to three hours a week had a 25 percent lower risk of benign
prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate) than men who seldom walked. In my
opinion, the remarkably appropriate reason for why exercising is suitable for you
is because it can benefit both, men and women, reduce stress and help them with
depression. Let s proclaim that you re stressed about something, just give yourself
15 min of your time and go for a walk. and if you really don t want to go for a walk
or run, you could literally just do some aerobics, and that will help you release all
that awful energy that you have stored inside of
1257, Life as a Villein Essay
1257, Life as a Villein
My name is Katie Longhair. I am twenty one years old and I am a villein, that s
with an e not an a , I m no criminal you know. I live as a tenant on Lord Richard s
land. That means that I have to pay him rent to live there. However, I can not pay
him in pennies because I haven t got enough, instead I pay him with whatever I can
spare off the farm.
I can see you re not from round these parts so let me tell you how life goes in this
village. Villein is just another word for peasant, and peasant life really is tough. All
we seem to do is work. Us peasants are an important part of feudalism. The King gave
Lord Richard a share of his land and in return Lord Richard ... Show more content on ...
Next year the crops will all move round one field. The Lord keeps most of the land
for himself but all the villagers are allowed some strips of land in each field. They are
spread around the field so that we get a share of the best and the poorest land.
There s John the priest, He s a kind, caring man if ever there were one. He helps the
sick or needy if he can, not like some priests you hear of who drink too much and
ignore their duties. We have to give the priest a tithe that s what the barn over there
is for. It can be hard having to give the priest one tenth of all our crops each year, but
I know he s not a selfish man so I don t mind.
That s my husband Alf, he hardly has the time to look after our own land and grow
food for our family. William Reeve has just told him to ploughhalf an acre of the
Lord s fields this week. As well as that he has his week work, to hoe weeds every
Monday, but I think we re going to get little Alfie doing that soon, he s nearly six
now and it s about time he started pitching in. Alf s boon work was three days in
June hay making, and three times a year he has to cart grain to another Manor and
the Lord can make him do as much extra work as he wants at seed sowing time and
harvest time. All we get for all this work is our cottage and just 6 strips of land in the
fields and if we annoy the Lord in any way we could loose it all and
Report Assignment
This report comprises the Emissions Inventory of Stationary Sources for the United
States Army Garrison Kwajalein Atoll (USAG KA). The report was prepared
according to Section 3 1.11.3 of the USAKA Environmental Standards (UES) to
update the inventory of stationary sources of air pollutants following issuance of a
DEP 13 002.0, Construction and Operation of Space Fence Radar System. As
appropriate for the additional new sources this update contains the appropriate
information as required by Section 3 1.11.3. This update also reflects reductions in
the USAG KA stationary source inventory since the last issuance of the inventory in
2013. 1.2Inventory of Stationary Source Emissions Section 3 1.11.3 of the UES
establishes requirements for... Show more content on ...
1.3Methods and Assumptions Emission rates were estimated using either an
emission factor or mass balance technique. Emission factors were primarily taken
from USEPA s Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP 42), Fifth Edition.
Actual annual emission rates in tons per year are calculated using the best available
information such as annual throughput or hours of operation, as appropriate for the
source. Annualized hourly emission rates in pounds per hour are generally calculated
by dividing the actual annual emission rates by the number of hours in one year
(8,760). This provides the average hourly emission rate during the entire year,
regardless of whether the source was in operation. In general, maximum hourly
emission rates are calculated as a function of predetermined peak operational
parameters, such as the maximum hourly charging rate and maximum hourly fuel
throughput for incinerators. For other sources, where maximum hourly operational
parameters are unknown, maximum hourly emission rates are generally calculated by
dividing the actual annual emission rates by the number of operating hours during
the calendar year. This provides the maximum emission rate for a one hour operating
period, though the rate is effectively averaged over the operational time frame.
Maximum allowable hourly and annual emissions are calculated by determining the
maximum emission rate of a pollutant that can occur at a source when operated at its
The Western Civilization
The study also revealed a corollary finding. Chapter 1 divulged that the Western
Civilization is displaying a bias for oppositional responses. Since Antiquity, the West
seems to see strategy as competitive in nature and often consider that the military is
an inescapable means to resolve international issues. This bias contributes to
explaining the surprising proposition that neither the European Unionnor NATO
seems willing to acknowledge that it develops a grand strategy. One can advance
that the EU and NATO do so because they project their biases onto other actors and,
therefore, fear that opponents as well as partners might interpret such
acknowledgment as a move towards power politics. This bias deserves further
scrutiny and substantiation and presents a potential lead to elaborate on this study.
It might also offer an opportunity for rejuvenating the field of strategy. Indeed, this
bias is the occasion for strategists to broaden their analytical spectrum as well as the
variety of tools at their disposal. In particular, they have to acknowledge that the use
of force or the threat of it might not be the only ways to coerce a third party, be it
with a design of deterring or compelling it. For instance, in an international regime
favoring cooperative relations, the threat of diminishing economic cooperation or of
diplomatic sanctions, which can range from minor actions to complete isolation,
might procure similar effects. The works of Robert Axelrod are remarkably
Self Service
Nadi A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the
Degree Doctor of Philosophy Capella University May, 2005 Gregory Opara Nadi,
by Gregory E. Opara Nadi has been approved May 2005 APPROVED: JIM
MIRABELLA, D.B.A., Faculty Mentor and Chair ALISA MOSLEY, Ph.D,
Committee Member NORBERTO CRUZ, Ed.D., Independent Reviewer DAL
DIDIA, Ph.D, Visiting Professor DELLROY BIRCH, Peer Learner ACCEPTED
AND SIGNED: JIM MIRABELLA, D.B.A. Kurt Linberg, Ph.D. Executive Director,
School... Show more content on ...
Methods of Managing Queues Queuing Theory and the Psychological Cost of
Waiting Customer Relationship Factors That Influence Managerial Decision
Making Processes Self Checkout System in Retail Stores Retail Hardware Self
checkout in Retail POS Consumer s Experience with Self Checkout Systems The
Future of Checkout Systems 14 16 19 22 24 27 28 31 31 33 34 35 37 38 40 46 47 47
49 50 54 vi Fujitsu s Self Checkout System Reduces Costs and Increases Shoppers
Convenience Managerial Decisions on POS Equipment Summary of Literature
Review CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY Sample Design Research Design
Research Instrument Research Hypothesis Sub Research Hypotheses Data
PRESENTATION OF FINDINGS Analysis and Presentation of Findings Sub
Research Hypothesis Data Collection Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Findings
Sub Hypothesis One Sub Hypothesis Two Sub Hypothesis Three 55 56 59 61 61 63
64 64 64 65 66 66 67 67 68 69 70 71 72 74 vii Sub Hypothesis Four Sub Hypothesis
Five Sub Hypothesis Six Research Hypothesis CHAPTER V: SUMMARY,
for further research Appendices Table A 1: Contingency Table on Error Rates Table
A 2: Customer Affective Response Percentage of Preference Table A 3: Managers
Affective Response Supper Market Supplemental Survey Questionnaire Responses
Pilot Study Survey Instrument References 75 75 76 77 79 81 84 86 86 86
Rhetorical Analysis Of Patrick Henry s Speech To The...
A Rhetorical Analysis of Patrick Henry s Speech To The Virginia Convention
The prominent patriot Patrick Henry once said, I know not what course others may
take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! (Henry 7) implying that a life
without liberty is not a righteous life. Henry s quote is included in his popular
oratory Speech to the VirginiaConvention. While discussing with the colonists,
Henry lists all of the discrepancies the thirteen colonies had with Great Britain,
concluding that there is no other option, but to retaliate instantaneously. In Patrick
Henry s Speech to the Virginia Convention, he utilizes amplifying loaded words and
coherent parallelism in order to influence the assembly to unify and reciprocate.
Throughout the entirety of his speech, Henry presents amplifyingamplifyling loaded
words to bring to attention the predicament between the two opposing sides. The
purpose of loaded words are terms to influence by utilizing positive or negative
connotations. For example, Henry claims in paragraph five, We have petitioned; we
have remonstrated; we have supplicated... (Henry 5). He particularly targets the verb
of the sentences by altering their meaning, to add a kick to the phrase. Rather than
state, We have asked; we have protested, we have begged, Henry offers more potent
terms, such as petitioned, remonstrated and supplicated, to emphasize how perilous
the situation between the two countries is, compelling them to take action. He
continues to go forth near the end in the paragraph seven stating It is in vain, sir, to
extenuate the matter (Henry 7). Again he focuses on the verb, in this case, extenuate
to accentuate the seriousness of the dilemma by pleading to the audience that now
is the time to act, rather than wait or else matters will only get more grave. Henry
uses amplifying loaded words in his declamation to his advantage to persuade,
almost deceive, in order to oblige his audience to take matters into their own hands.
Patrick Henry displays coherent parallelism in order to highlight the hardships the
colonies had to endure while fusing balance and technique in doing so. Parallelism,
or parallel structure, is a literary method defined as the
The Prairies By William Cullen Bryant
Does nature really disappear or is it a cycle that repeats itself due to the wonders of
God? Throughout the poem, The Prairies by William Cullen Bryant, many try to
depict if Bryant is describing the nature of life or the essence of nature. He clearly
states his theme of the poem by saying nature never changes, it simply repeats
itself. Through this he is referring to God s wondrous works. According to the
Webster Dictionary, prairies are defined as a large open area of grassland. Also, one
could say that a prairie may represent a place of beauty and freedom. Prairies are a
natural environmentfilled with potential to expand or remain the same. Bryant uses
naturein his poem to praise the unfamiliar surroundings and the discovery of the new
... Show more content on ...
Thus arise / Races of living things, glorious in strength, / And perish, as the
quickening breath of God / Fills them, or is withdrawn (Bryant 86 89). He was
bringing the reader back to the ultimate theme of the poem and reiterating that God
is the creator of all existence. Bryant now informs the audience that along with
everything else in the cycle of life, the red man has also disappeared. The red man
too / Has left the blooming wilds he ranged for so long, / And, nearer to the Rocky
Mountains, sought / A wider hunting ground (Bryant 89 92). Now the prairies are
at still, yet not deprived of life, still full of insects, flowers, birds, reptiles, deer, and
other glorious animals. Myriads of insects over, gaudy as the flowers / They flutter
over, gentle quadrupeds, / And birds, that scarce have learned the fear of man, and
sliding reptiles of the ground, / Startlingly beautiful (Bryant 103 107). While
listening to the humming of a bee, the speaker reminiscences being a colonist man
discovering the eastern deep (Bryant 111). Bryant is visioning the American dream
of manifest destiny. He now hears approaching people. From the ground / Comes
up the laugh of children, the soft voice / Of maidens, and the sweet and solemn
hymn / Of Sabbath worshippers (Bryant 116 118). Now a fresh wind breaks his
dream and he finds himself alone in the
The Linux Network Name Space Essay
Linux Network Name Spaces2
Linux Name Spaces2
Linux Network Name Space2
Network Name Space Use Cases2
Network Name Space Example2
Linux Network Name Spaces
In this paper we will discuss the Linux Network Name Space. First, the concept of
namespaces will be described along with an overview of the default name spaces
available in the Linux operating system. The Linux Network Name Space is a key
enabler for some high profile virtualization technologies including OpenStack and
Linux Name Spaces
Linux consists of the following six namespaces:
Network Network Namespace
PID Process Namespace
Mount Filesystem Namespace
User User Namespace
IPC Interprocess Communication Namespace
UTS Host and NIS Namespace
Linux namespaces can be traced back to early UNIX technologies called chroot,
process jails controlled where access is controlled with cgroups. The concept of a
namespace is to isolate processes from other processes on the system. This concept
evolved into namespaces that are created with clone() system call and manipulated
with the setns() and unshare() system calls. The clone() system call is used when
creating child namespace from a parent or root namespace. As the name would
suggest this creates a clone of an existing stack. The setns() system call is used to
join a namespace. The unshare() system call is used for moving processes into a
namespace, as the name suggests the process
The American Election System
As for each public office election, we are reminded that elections are both highly
charged symbolic rituals of democracy and key procedural parts of our political
institutions. Both components of elections, symbolic and procedural, serve vital
functions at all levels of our political system.
As with any election, both parties (republican and democratic) campaign across the
state in hope to gain additional support and votes to gain the office that they desire.
When voting most voters arrive at polling stations to vote. There are alternative
ways for a Texas citizen to vote, for example they will be given a paper ballot on
which they will select their choices and which will be counted by hand; they will
be given a paper ballot on which they will select their choices with the help of a
voting machine; or they will be given a slip of paper with a numerical access code.
Texans share many of the same basic needs of voting and nonvoting as other
Americans. The republican party remains dominant after a decade that saw battles
over legislature redistricting, intense and typically bitter campaigning among
candidates both within and between the parties, progressively costly campaigning up
and down the ballot. In 2002, Republican candidates swept all statewide races and
took control of both houses of the Texas legislature, effectively taking on the
institutions of authorities. the subsequent year the legislative assembly revisited the
distribution of districts for the U.S. House of
Essay on Internet
The Ethics of Online Medical Records
Abstract: This paper describes the ethical implications of developing a national online
medical database. Such a database would contain the lifetime health records of every
U.S. resident by combining information from a variety of sources. The advantages of
such a system are many, but in the end, the question remains whether patients want to
trade privacy for better healthcare.
A lonely ninety year old Chinese woman walks into a clinic. Without any medical
records, the physicians diagnose her with stroke, and she is immediately hospitalized.
Two days later, her son arrives at the hospital, apparently quite angry with the doctors.
He informs the physicians that her mother has ... Show more content on ...
Today, the medical records of most Americans are scattered across multiple clinics
and hospitals, possibly across several states. The task of piecing together a patient
s medical history can become quite time consuming and laborious, as the files first
need to be located and then faxed [5]. The possibility of combining medical records
into a central medical database would solve many of these problems, as well as
bring new benefits. With a shared medical database, doctors would have vital
information about a patient at their fingertips. Very little time would be lost in
looking for a patient s medical records and piecing the data together.
A shared medical database would save lives by providing accurate and complete
information to doctors, especially those not familiar with their patients. For instance,
if a person had a serious accident while vacationing in a different state, the doctors
there would have instant access to his medical records in his home state. Locating the
patient s family doctor and faxing the patient s medical history would be unnecessary.
If the patient has allergies to certain drugs, the doctors would be aware of it, thus
avoiding further complications [6]. With more complete information, doctors would
be given the power to treat an unfamiliar, out of state patients in a timely and effective
Sharing medical data would also enormously benefit organizations
Effects Of Martial Law In The Philippines
On September 21, 1972, President Ferdinand Marcos issued Proclamation 1081,
declaring martial law over the Philippines. It has been 44 years since that dreadful
day, but the scars still remain in the heart of every Filipino citizen. Martial Law
proclaims that an area is placed under the control of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines. It is usually imposed when the government or civilian authorities fail to
function effectively. The reason behind the declaration of Martial Law in the
Philippines was to suppress a series of bombings, threat of a communist takeover,
and an assassination attempt on Secretary of Defense Juan Ponce Enrile in
Mandaluyong. This was also imposed to save the republic and to improve the social,
economic, and political... Show more content on ...
However, these good gains did not last long. Basic human rights were not attained
during the Martial Law. People at that time did not practice being disciplined at
that time, but instead, they followed orders because they feared the authorities
who had the power to arrest civilians who would disobey the rules. With power
given to the military to save democracy, they committed a number of human rights
violations. An estimate of 7,000 victims of torture, 2,000 people salvaged, and
1,000 people disappeared. (Malanes, 1999) Statistics are not just numbers. This
was a serious case of human rights violation wherein thousands of lives were lost
and thousands of families destroyed. Thus, the Martial Law is considered as the
darkest days of democracy. Human rights violations is the best evidence that there
was no democracy in the Philippines during Ferdinand Marcos regime. Additionally,
the economic crisis and debt crisis caused by the Martial Law made the country
suffer. Unemployment rates were high and poverty in the Philippines only grew
larger. A lot of people remember fondly the peace and order brought by the Martial
Law, but the brutal side of the Marcos regime brought us Filipinos into hardships,
sufferings, and
The Loch Ness Monster Myth
While reading my book I learned that the loch ness monster myth was more popular
than I thought it was back when it was on newspapers for the first time. I found out
that the loch ness monster has been seen but no one has taken a clear picture of the
monster yet which raises suspicions if it is real or not. The Loch Nessis 754 feet deep
and is 24 miles long but only 1 mile wide. People usually see the loch ness monsteras
a large shadow under water, a long neck poking out of the water, or huge ripples
going through the water. The myth of the water horse was a surprise to learn about
that it was a myth originally from Scotland and were originally called kelpie. It
surprised me that people believed that the loch ness monster is a plesiosaurs
Against Grand Canyon National Park
I am going to write against the federal government making the grand canyon
national park. They should not put park in the grand canyon because there is
wildlife, and other things that are special to the world. The animals will run off
and you should not hurt wildlife like that. That s a fact jack. People around come
out to this park and help make the owners richer and run out wildlife. Alright I m
bout to tell you about why there should not be park in Grand Canyon. All the
wildlife there is very important to everyone who explores it not to get rid of all of the
wildlife. People these days donВґt care about things like that they just want to make
money. I think people are plane stupid to get rid of all wildlife, then build park to
Miss Tilburg
CASE 6.1 G IANT M OTOR C OMPANY T his case deals with strategic planning
issues for a large company. The main issue is planning the company s production
capacity for the coming year. At issue is the overall level of capacity and the type
of capacity for example, the degree of flexibility in the manufacturing system.
The main tool used to aid the company s planning process is a mixed integer linear
programming (MILP) model. A mixed integer program has both integer and
continuous variables. Problem Statement The Giant Motor Company (GMC)
produces three lines of cars for the domestic (U.S.) market: Lyras, Libras, and
Hydras. The Lyra is a relatively inexpensive subcompact car that appeals mainly to
п¬Ѓrst time car owners and to... Show more content on ...
Similarly, if the demand for Libras is 1,220,000 cars (1,100,000 original demand plus
120,000 demand diverted from Lyras), then the unsatisfied demand for Lyras
would be 420,000 if no capacity is added. Out of this unsatisfied demand, 42,000 (
420,000 0.1) will materialize as demand for Hydras. All other unsatisfied demand
is lost to competitors. The pattern of demand diversion is summarized in Table 6.18.
A quick comparison of plant capacities and demands in Table 6.16 and Table 6.17
indicates that GMC is faced with insufficient capacity. Partially offsetting the lack
of capacity is the phenomenon of demand diversion. If a potential car buyer walks
into a GMC dealer showroom wanting to buy a Lyra but the dealer is out of stock,
frequently the salesperson can convince the customer to purchase the better Libra car,
which is in stock. Unsatisfied demand for the Lyra is said to be diverted to the
Libra. Only rarely in this situation can the salesperson convince the customer to
switch to the luxury Hydra model. From past experience, GMC estimates that 30% of
unsatisfied demand for Lyras is diverted to Table 6.18 Lyra Libra Hydra Demand
Diversion Matrix Lyra NA 0 0 Libra 0.3 NA 0.0 Hydra 0.05 0.10 NA Question
GMC wants to decide whether to retool the Lyra and Libra plants. In addition, GMC
wants to determine its production plan at each plant in the coming year. Based on the
previous data,
Nursing Leadership Styles Paper
Leadership is a skill some are born with the other can learn. There are many styles
of leadership. This paper will focus on three main styles of leadership including
autocratic, democratic and laissez faire. Transformational leadership is a type a
leadership that is very difficult to teach and we will explore the great effects of this
type of leadership. Wells and Wells (2010) explain several aspects of leadership that
leaders should portray, no matter what style they use. These including :articulating a
vision, explaining what is expected of himself or herself as leader as well as what is
expected of staff members, providing guidance and mentoring, developing staff
members by coaching them one on one, understanding the importance of teamwork,...
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Many people are involved in this team including the lactation consultants, labor and
delivery and postpartum staff, all NICU nurses, obstetricians and neonatologists.
Whitehead, Weiss and Tappen (2009) suggested that democratic leaders have less
control than autocratic leaders, because they provide guidance to their followers
rather than controlling them. They ask questions and make suggestions, rather than
issuing orders. This can work well if followers have adequate knowledge and skills,
and they work well with each other (Giltinane 2013). This style of leadership should
not be used if there is a short time restraint on a
Elephant Population As A Tragedy
Elephant Population As a Tragedy
Of the many problems that Pascaland faces, one that is becoming a major concern is
the elephant population. As the new bureaucrat in charge of preserving and
protecting wildlife within Pascaland, it has become my duty to enlist the elephant
species as endangered due to the fact of the lack of restrictions on how to kill them.
Big game hunters have made of a sport to hunt and kill them, poachers trap and
capture them for their ivory tusks and nearby farmers kill them in order to protect
their crops from being trampled. In order to maintain the elephant population, we
need to create more government policies and regulations that work to preserve the
elephants and uphold a balanced ecosystem. I will first begin to explain how this
issue has become a type of Hardin s commons tragedy, then after using his solutions, I
will analyze and formulate a plausible solution, while also using arguments from
other people.
As Garrett Hardin refers to it, a commons tragedy is a problem that occurs when
individuals exploit a shared resource to an extent that it will start to decline and
will take away the privilege of others to use it. The elephants in Pascaland have now
become a tragedy of the commons. Many people have long enjoyed and even took
long journeys in order to see and interact with these large beasts. However, this
enjoyment is declining, and soon, future generations will not get a chance to even see
these creatures as their population is being
Briony s Mature Into Adults In Atonement
Through life we all have to grow and mature into adults. Throughout Atonement the
kids and young adults are maturing and learning from their decisions. Briony, for
example was so excited when she was reading the letter from Robbie that was
meant for Cecilia because she believed that she was apart of the adults world. Now
this letter causes a lot of trouble in the book because Briony misinterprets it. Of
course she learns from her mistake in the end and feels very horrible and guilty for
blaming Robbie for something he didn t do. So we see that Briony has grown up
towards the end of the book because she sees her mistake as a child. During all of this
Robbie and Cecilia are both still only 17. They are trying to figure out how they feel
The Environment And Governance Of Modern Cities
The topic of ecological sustainability can be complex or simple, depending on the
many factors that take place. In living systems, being sustainable means to produce
more than to waste. By creating something sustainable, it assures that the resources
can be recycled and will be available for people in the future to meet their needs. In
terms of modern cities, the sustainabilitydepends on how much minerals and energy
we bring into the city(water, energy), and how we use them effectively for our
health and community, while keeping the available resources from depleting. Not
only that, the sustainability also depends on the cities form and infrastructure to
support an average citizen s daily needs. With the politics and governance of
modern cities, how viable are plans of creating a sustainable city now? Is it
possible? Many nations have already agreed that it is an important and influential
issue, with harsh consequences if not tackled. The situation of a city and its flaws
also depends on if the cities are in the third world, or in a rich nation. A sustainable
city needs to be environmentally worthy, have a suitable infrastructure for all and
should be well run. These characteristics can only be achieved by proper governance
and the collective effort of the citizens. The essay discusses the importance of
environmental sustainability and some of the widely known issues of urban and rural
sustainability around the globe and possible solutions and preventions.
Improving the
A Short Note On Intensive Care And The Elderly Essay
1.Horn J. Intensive care and the elderly. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics.
1997;25(1):101 110.
2.Angus DC, Barnato AE, Linde Zwirble WT, et al. Use of intensive care at the end
of life in the United States: an epidemiologic study. Crit Care Med. 2004;32(3):638
3.Bagshaw SM, Webb SA, Delaney A, et al. Very old patients admitted to intensive
care in Australia and New Zealand: a multi centre cohort analysis. Critical Care.
4.Kim PK, Kauder DR, Schwab CW. Acute Care Surgeryand the Elderly. Acute Care
Surgery: Springer; 2007:187 193.
5.Levkoff SE, Cleary PD, Wetle T, Besdine RW. Illness behavior in the aged. Journal
of the American Geriatrics Society. 1988;36(7):622 629.
6.Watters JM, Blakslee JM, March RJ, Redmond ML. The influence of age on the
severity of peritonitis. Canadian journal of surgery. 1996;39(2):142.
7.Radtke F, Franck M, Hagemann L, Seeling M, Wernecke K, Spies C. Risk factors
for inadequate emergence after anesthesia: emergence delirium and hypoactive
emergence. Minerva anestesiologica. 2010;76(6):394 403.
8.Young J, Inouye SK. Delirium in older people. BMJ: British Medical Journal.
9.Ansaloni L, Catena F, Chattat R, et al. Risk factors and incidence of postoperative
delirium in elderly patients after elective and emergency surgery. British Journal of
Surgery. 2010;97(2):273 280.
10.Lagoo Deenadayalan SA, Newell MA, Pofahl WE. Common perioperative
complications in older patients. Principles
Analysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, there are many symbols throughout the poem.
The hunting scenes are told in great detail throughout the poem. The unknown author
writes these scenes to add meaning to the poem. The scenes depicts the hunting of the
three different prey Lord Bertilak is after. Each scene contains symbolism and
importance and helps to develop and improve the plot. One may wonder why the
author might include the huntingscenes at all. According to critic, Donald Howard,
the hunted animals convey connotations of evil. (85). This viewpoint could be a
due to his religious beliefs. In the poem, the animals are not described as evil. The
fox is described as cunning, Carefully he creeps by the edge of a copse, / convinced
that his cunning has conned those canines (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight1710 11).
The fox is not seen as evil as Howard thinks that it is. Howard believes that the
animals are wicked but the in the poem there is no implication that they are evil in
any way. Each animal has their own skill levels of escaping the hunt, the fox being
the best. In medieval times animals were given human qualities and emotions. The
three animals in the poem are described as having human qualities. First, Henry
Savage states, Certain facts about the animals which formed the quarry of the
medieval huntsman, to be found in the hunting treatises of the time, and certain
popular beliefs about their habits and tempers that were promulgated by the practices
Horse Body Structure
This week relates horses body structure to some equipments like saddle and bridle.
By analyzing the structure of horse s mouth, the lecture explains why the bridle was
designed in that way. Saddle and bridle are fundamental equipments when riding the
horse. The long history of saddle s evolution reveals that horsemanship is not a
simple work. As horses trainer, the rider plays the essential role in horsemanship,
which requires a lot from the rider.
Rider holds the bridle and controls the horse, which means that rider needs to learn
how to successfully use the bridle. For example, everyone knows that bridle is
indispensable when riding a horse. But as the person with higher riding level, rider
must be acquaint with the equipment that is being
When I Kill My Dog
I am sylvester s dad i am not proud of sylvester all he does at school is get in trouble
he never pays attention in school he s always fighting with his classmates. I always
tell him he s never going to make it to be a movie star because of the way he looks
and his actions in school, his grades everything he bothered everyone. I seriously
think that sylvester is going to be one of those people that ask for money in the
streets. Sylvester just stole jewelry from his wife a few days ago. He got so broke in
just a few days. It hurts to see my son in the streets as a homeless he does not have
money at all what is he going to eat how is he going to feed his dog ? why am i
worrying? I told him so many times he did not wanna listen i m not going... Show
more content on ...
I automatically start writing the movie it took me 20 hours to write this movie script
i know it s going to be worth the 20 hours I am planning to name this movie rocky
yes that is going to be the name of the movie. Tomorrow I m going to give my movie
script let s see if they like it. I am one of the workers that is trying to look for a good
movie script for a boxing movie and we loved the movie script I will give you 100,00
dollars for it. You ll give me 100,00 dollars for it and I ll be the main actor of the
movie. They don t want a actor like you they want a professional actor. Then I will it
give you my script. They came back 2 times until they actually let me be the main
actor of the movie. The first thing I did was get my dog back for whatever price I got
my dog back. My life is so much better now. I am now a star actor of the movie i
wrote. I have my dog back. I m proud of you son I regret all those times I have
doubted you. Your looks don t matter it s all about your skills. Sorry for all the times
i made your life worse. I am now going to be
Daniel 4
This project, primarily intends to poetically reconstruct events from the story of the
life of Daniel, a God fearing man, extremely knowledgeable, wise, from a royal
bloodline who faced extreme difficulties and immensely dire circumstances because
of his faith. Under the continually changing kings, who had overthrown his
homeland, Daniel, unexpectedly became among the most powerful people in the
entire land, after the Kings made use of his God given gift of interpreting dreams. In
the face of radical change, Daniel thrived when thought humanly impossible
considering his odds. In the midst of his troubles, he trusted God, never shrinking,
even while in a den of lions, despite every logical reason to fear and doubt that God
would rescue him.... Show more content on ...
Through the use of repetition of God s own words, from the beginning through to
the end, the theme of God, the only constant in Daniel s life will develop. Through
inclusion and exclusion of certain words, lapses in Daniel s trust in God will
appear, as well as some of his weaknesses. In certain verses, which will appear in the
form of visions, God confides in Daniel through visions of future happenings, some
of which deeply disturb Daniel s spirit. In others, Daniel expresses physical weakness,
doubting his ability to even function, all the while knowing that God will renew his
strength, notwithstanding continual contrasting evidence. For example, Daniel
laments, I am overcome with anguish, because of your vision, my Lord , and have
become very weak. (Daniel 10.16). In some verses, God s angels sent words of
encouragement from God, which, as mentioned previously will appear multiple times
throughout the
Online Dating Site Analysis
Dating websites seem to be everywhere. This can leave one wondering which is
best for their needs. Adult Friend Finder is a popular site that has been around for
quite a while. The site was founded in 1996. This is a long time for an Internet
dating site. That should be taken as a good sign. They know what works or people
wouldn t keep coming back, and they know how to run a business or customers
would run away. Read on for a truthful review of the adult datingsite adultfriendfinder.
Getting started is pretty easy. The site is pretty straightforward. You ll fill out your
profile, letting others know who you are and what you re looking for. You ll then
be able to check around for what you re looking for, and you ll also receive
suggested matches. You ll be able to choose your gender, and whether you re
looking for a man, woman, or transgendered person. As you search for matches you
can choose from hookups, casual sex, threesomes, or even cybersex if you don t
want to meet in person. This is a nice feature, you can have fun, but at a safe
distance. However, those who do want to meet someone are in luck as matches are
arranged according to geographic location. This helps prevent the disappointment of
meeting and not being able to get together due to distance. ... Show more content on ...
However, that s not to say that you won t meet the person of your dreams. Sexual
compatibility is pretty important in a relationship. One thing that this site does
extremely well is match up sexually compatible people. So, while a lot of those on
the site seem to be looking for something casual, there is still the chance to find true
Life Of Pi Where During Pi s Journey
Discoveries referring to people and places can lead an individual to new values and
understandings but also ramifications. These discoveries being on a large or small
scale can lead to positive outcomes such as new understandings and values or
negative outcomes being ramification or consequences brought from a discovery. This
is evident in Ang Lee s film Life of Piwhere during Pi s journey and hardships lead to
his new understandingof faith contrasted to his discovery to survive on his journey,
seen through his relationship with Richard Parker and his belief that animals have
souls, lead to vast ramifications. Similarly, in Julian Barnes short story Marriage
Lines the return to the Island bring new understandings of his past memories... Show
more content on ...
Pi s understanding of faith is further developed in the face of adversity during his
time stranded in the pacific. This is conveyed through Lee s use of magic realism
in the daybreak scene, where through Lee use of the wide shot of the horizon
meeting the ocean, emphasising the hue colours of orange which contrast s to Pi s
message about God and placing his faith in him, God I give myself to you. I am
your vessel. Whatever comes I want to know. Show me . Through Pi s actions of
losing hope in the message in the bottle, emphasised in Lee s close up camera work
and stagnated water, but also in the rational world, he demonstrates his discovery of
religion and faith being tested, linking back to the quote of the older Pi. Pi s ultimate
test of faith is demonstrated through the Storm and the Carnivorous Island both
considered forces of nature where Pi s faith and submission to his faith are tested
through both situations appearing to be less violent and dangerous in nature than
they truly are. Lee demonstrates this new understanding by again using the
experienced older Pi narrating the lessons learned in adversity, If I hadn t discovered
the tooth, I would have been lost, alone forever. Even when God seemed to abandon
me he was watching... . This final step ultimately displays how Pi found new
understanding to his faith through the experiences on his journey. Therefore, through
Pi s journey leads him to the discovery of the new understanding
Persuasive Speech Outline On Autism
Vaccines do not Cause Autism
Thesis Statement:
Autism a neurological disorder not related to bad behavior and by researching the
controversial topic, disproving the myth that vaccines can cause autism.
1.What is autism?
a.Definition Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental
disorder defined by persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction,
accompanied by restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities
(What Is Autism, n.d.).
b.Rate of incidence Results from the CDC 1 in 69children has been identified with
ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder, 2018).
c.Boys vs. Girls Results from the CDC Autism is 4.5 times more common in boys (1
in 42) than girls (1 in 189) (Autism ... Show more content on ...
Symptoms Intellectual disability with is attributed to social deficits, language
impairment and repetitive behaviors. Can also suffer from one or more of the
following: seizures, GI disorders, immune dysfunction, sleep disorders, mood
disorders, anxiety disorders and ADHD (Symptoms, 2013).
a.Vaccines Are the children receiving too many vaccines at once? How separating
into multiple visits may ease the minds of parents. Some who feel vaccines cause
autism choose not to vaccinate at all causing other issues (Do Vaccines Cause
Autism?, n.d. and VaccineMyths Debunked, 2017).
b.MMR VaccineWhy the MMR vaccine does not cause autism (Rename, 2017).
Studies that have proved vaccines are safe and protect against other diseases.
c.Thimerosal and Mercury Why thimerosal and mercury are not causes of autism
(Normand, 2007). Thimerosal and mercury were taken out of vaccines in 1999 and
yet the autism rate continues to climb.
a.Individual with autism Beside the obvious communication and social deficits,
individuals face discrimination and bullying. In some extreme cases, they may be
taken advantage of financially or sexually (Bullying and Youth with Disabilities and
Special Health Needs, n.d.). Special needs individuals are also faced with local and
federal budget cuts to the developmentally disabled community and are lacking
proper day services, transportation and
Batgirl Research Paper
Name: Katherine Katie Walsh Alias: Alloy Age: 16 Height: 5 5 Weight: 180 lbs
(with arm), 130 lbs (without). Species: Human (Unnatural meta) Costume: Katie is
short, and very fair. She has long brown hair that she usually keeps in a braid to
keep her hair from interfering with her arm. She isn t fat per say, and she isn t
muscular either, she s a in the middle, bordering the muscular side more than the
fat side. Her right arm is a chrome color and reflects light. Her costume is much
akin to that of Batgirl, except she wears a bulletproof vest and her undershirt is a
thin, dark grey one. She wears black pants and boots. There is no right sleeve on her
undershirt, because the fabric can get in the arm when it s in combat mode.
Personality:... Show more content on ...
She accepted the offer, and she was saved. Instead of keeping her against her will,
and turning her into a weapon, she was released, to live a more normal life. She
was recruited by Superman for the Young Justice hero program, and she accepted.
Powers: Cadmus gave her a new arm, which can lift at max, two thousand pounds.
It joins her body at her collarbone, meaning that they removed her shoulder joint
and replaced it with a bionic one. To equalize her strength and weight on her right
side, she was made a metahuman. Her entire body has enhanced strength and
durability her right arm can lift about four hundred pounds and she can kick with
up to eight hundred pounds of force. She s weighed down on her right side, so it
looks like she s limping, or walking with a swagger, but she doesn t mean to, she s
just heavier on the one side. Her arm had many modes it can go into, and it can be
taken off, though it s difficult to take off and she doesn t do it often. Precision
mode: This mode sacrifices sixty percent of arm strength to having better precision
and can be upped to seventy five percent of strength to precision if
Wedding Day Book Report
Here is you new baby boy! Said the doctor at 7:46 P.M., April 19, 2001. Melanie
Burns and Bernard Burns Jr. had their first child. They had a baby that weighed 8
lbs and 6 oz. And they name him Jonah Khalil Burns. He was born in Sinai
Hospital. Oh yeah, by the way that Jonah Burns kid, is me. And I m now 14 years
old about to turn 15 in a few months. So, I know you re probably wondering What
happened in the past 14 years. Well, let s dive into the book of me. I m going to tell
you this straight forward. I don t have the best memory. So when you ask me the
question, What s your earliest memories/experiences, I most likely will mix things
up and what age I was so bare with me. But moving on, I always remember being in
love with Hot Wheels.... Show more content on ...
October to be exact. This was the month that my family and I lost one of the most
influential people. Her name was Ethel Rean King, we called her Granny King.
She nicknamed every single one of her grandchildren. One of my cousin s
nickname was Pie Face. Another one s was You Baby. My sister s was Queen. The
thing that sticks out to me the most is the fact that my nickname was King. I didn t
understand the context behind the name until my father told me what was the
reasoning behind her calling my sister and I royalty names. This is because my
father was such a successful man, she sees us to be very talented and high level.
Just like a king and queen are high level. It s been about months since she has passed
and I still kind of miss her because of how big of a part she was in my life. Now it is
the week of February 28, 2016. I am finishing this paper on the 29th at around 6:10
p.m. And this is how far and how much I can tell you about my life. This book is
not ending it is just beginning. The Book of Jonah Burns won t end for a long time.
So, instead of saying The End, I m just going to say see you next
Literature Review On Blended Language Learning
Literature Review
This section discusses the fundamental concepts of blended language learning. It
highlights basic issues such as constructivism, eLearning, blended learning and
Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS) definitions, purposes, and
advantages. It also reviews previous research that relevant to the use of Blackboard in
blended language environment in higher education.
Constructivism is a theory of knowing and a way of examining how humans learn
(Fosnot, 1996). Constructivist learning theory pertains to the engendering and
constructing of knowledge based on one s experience (Vygotsky 1978). The
Constructivist theory of Jerome Bruner (1996) provides the learner with opportunities
to reflect on their experiences. ... Show more content on ...
The limited time and the expanded classes usually hamper the effectiveness of
learning and teaching of language. The result is an increase in the demand to
construct a learning environment for language in both the traditional and non
traditional modes that foster autonomous learning in an out of classroom setting. The
presumption with this notion is that traditional classroom teaching is inadequate in
making students hone their independent skills for language learning. Technology
based language learning firmly adheres to the ideology that asserts that learners must
develop their goals throughout their learning process and to be capable of planning
and reflecting, as well as directing, their respective learning experiences (Chang,
Nt1310 Unit 1 Term Paper
3.8) Scheduler: Scheduler in an operating system selects the next process to be
admitted into the system and next process to run. The three schedulers and their
differences are as follows:
Long Term Scheduler: Long term scheduler also known as job scheduler, selects the
process or jobs which are to be allowed to the ready queue in the main memory for
execution. It decides what processes are to be run on the system. Long term
scheduling has much less frequency of execution. The long term scheduler is
responsible for controlling the degree of multiprogramming. Because of longer
periods between the executions, long term scheduler has an ability to take time in
selecting the process for execution. It is important to select an appropriate process.
Generally processes can be described as I/O bound or CPU bound. I/O bound spends
more time in doing I/O operations rather than other computations. CPU bound is
contrast to I/O bound, which spends time doing all other ... Show more content on ...
It has a thread ID, a program counter, a register set, and a stack. Thread is smaller
than a process so thread creation needs only some resources when with a process
creation. In creating a process, it requires to allocate the process control block
(PCB).The PCB includes a memory map and list of open files. A process creation
makes memory being allocated for program instructions and data.
4.11) Concurrency: A condition that exists when at least two threads are in progress.
Parallelism: A condition that exists when two threads are executing in parallel. Yes
it is possible to have concurrency but not parallelism. This can be explained as: If
there are 4 threads and they are executed on a single computing or multiple
computing system, the threads will be in progress even though they do not execute in
parallel way. This condition satisfies concurrency but no parallelism. But it is not
possible to have parallelism without
Writing For Our English Class
Some Clamor Louder
Life is a small, spinning oyster, and it is one that I do not wish to eat. Emily s
proclamations often situate themselves between the abstruse and the overwrought,
and tonight, at this booth, in this sleek little Asian fusion restaurant, she has welded
both worlds. Em, I sigh, there s more on the menu than just seafood. Well, maybe I
don t want any of it. Maybe I want to starve. Fine, then starve. In the eleventh grade,
Emily presented an original poem for our English class not to be graded, but out of
creative expression. Before she began, she held her notebook page in front of us
and fanned it around the room. Her words appeared as sharp streaks of red on an
otherwise pale piece of paper. I wanted to make it look like blood, she prefaced, to
which a few students sneered. I shot a glance at Ms. Ward, who was not doing a
good job hiding her unease; one of her hands was prodding at her temple, a nervous
habit that I had come to notice. Emily cleared her throat.
In the South Pacific, I dream of beaches I dream of leeches sucking my skin.
Sometimes I wish they would suck me dry and other times I want to go home. In
the Mid Atlantic, I raise my hand, I wait politely to be called. I m never called, I m
never called. My mom says, one day, it will work; I sneak Prozac from her purse. For
now, I sit, I wait, I wish, for what, you ask? I ll tell you now. I want to ride the
greatest tide into the darkest pits of hell, I want to never want again, that
Foes of the Revolution
History records the events chronicled in Why We Can t Wait as the Civil Rights
Movement. However, if we take to heart the words of the author, Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr., we should view these events as the Civil Rights Revolution. Dr. King states,
A social movement that only changes people is merely a revolt. A movement that
changes both people and institutions is a revolution (142). Through the method of
nonviolent direct action the black citizens of the United States, specifically in
Birmingham, Alabama, achieved more in the summer of 1963 than any other time
in American history. To appreciate this revolution we must realize it battled against
three foes; the white power structure, moderates, and the church. First, the battle
against the white power structure was twofold, economic and political (49). These
forces had been in place since Reconstruction to keep the black citizen in slavery.
Economics came into play when black workers were denied jobs and promotion
due to the color of their skin, not on their skill or performance (46). They came in
the form of Jim Crow lawswhich segregated the black citizen from attending the
same schools, playing in the same parks, or even drinking water from the same
fountain to name a few (44 47). To understand how engrained these laws were
enforced we need only to learn of a United States senator being arrested because he
walked through a door marked Colored (48). Perhaps the greatest display of contempt
toward the black
The Invention Of Television Has Impacted American Society
I. Introduction:
The first commercial to ever air in America was a 10 second ad for Bulova clocks
and watches. This commercial cost nine dollars. Today, a typical commercial costs
around two hundred dollars to a thousand dollars (Luckin). Both society and
television have drastically changed from when television was first invented to today.
Few inventions have had as big of an impact on American society as the television
has. The invention of television has impacted American society positively, because it
helps spread information faster and influences the way people think about important
social issues, it provides cultural experiences and can help broaden viewer s
perspectives, and it entertains and brings communities together.
II. Background:
The invention of television did not happen overnight. Different experiments by
various inventors and scholars immersed in the fields of electricity and rado
resulted in the development of the basic technologies and ideas that later became
the groundwork for the invention of television ( The History Of Television ). Paul
Nipkow was one of the first inventors that had a huge impact on the future invention
of television. Paul discovered television s scanning principle, which is when the
light intensities of small portions of an image are analyzed and transmitted. In
1884, Nipkow invented a rotating disk, with one or more spirals of openings that
passed across a picture, called the Nipkow disk ( Paul Gottlieb Nipkow ). This
Ministry of Sound Case Study Essay
Ministry Of Sound 1.From the offset Ministry of sound has had to deal with
numerous environmental factors that has fashioned the club in the early stages and
in the later years. Weather it has hindered its development or accelerated it is up for
analysis. During the early stages logistically they had to deal with the issue of the
clubs location being in a high crime rate borough of Southwark situated in Elephant
Castle. Also with Acid House derived music, the nightclub inherited the underground
rave culture that is synonymous with the designer drugs of the 90 s such as ecstasy.
The national drug offences crime rate is at 4.5 were as Southwark council is 18.6 far
exceeding national average, this is shown in appendix 1. These... Show more content
on ...
3.To identify the main stakeholders we have to differentiate the qualities and
recognise the levels of significance they hold to the organisation. We can do this by
analysing stakeholders by categorising them, such as internal and external
stakeholders and by using the power interest matrix as shown in appendix 2. There
are 4 categories within the power interest matrix that we can apply to Ministry of
sound. The fist being A minimal effort which is low power and low interest, they do
not have any authority they can exert onto the organisation. Then there is B keep
informed these stakeholders have high interest and limited ability to influence
directly, for example those who visit the nightclubs and events and retail customers.
However they do expect a high quality service or product, whilst expecting a
euphoric experience. Category C keep satisfied are stakeholders that have low level
interest but can exert change relatively easily, such as government bodies or local
authorities. Their expectations seem to be generic to all other organisations, follow
laws and regulations and act coherently within society. Lastly being arguably the most
important stakeholders are D key players these are employees and investors like
venture capitalists 3i, who are key players in ministry of sound organisation.
Expecting good return on investment and dividends, whilst expanding creating
growth and longevity for the company. 4.
Cultural Diversity in London
The phrase British culture is often used carelessly, as if it completely and
comprehensively defines all of the 63 million people living in Great Britain as well
as their culture. People who use terms such as this either willingly or unconsciously
forget the fact that Great Britain is a culturally diverse country, the biggest
representative of this being its largest and most populated city London. In order to
understand things better, we should take a few steps backwards and attempt to
define these two important terms (1) culture and (2) cultural diversity. According to
Longman s Dictionary of Contemporary English , culture is primarily defined as the
beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by people... Show
more content on ...
What is also interesting is that in most London boroughs, the majority of pupils
speak a language other than English at home. For example, in Tower Hamlets,
Newham, Westminster and Brent this amounts to more than 60%. Richmond
upon Thames, Sutton, Bexley, Bromley and Havering, where the rate is less than
20 per cent, are exceptions to this rule. The biggest contributor to such a huge level
of diversity in all major cultural aspects is without doubt immigration. London had
been the trade capitol of the world for a long time, and its numerous colonies
provided it with abundant workforce in the past. Even today, when this is not the
case, London is the city with the second largest immigrant population (after New
York) , as no less than 36.7% of its population are foreign born people. LIFE IN
THE MELTING POT It is now perfectly clear why London is often reffered to as
the melting pot of nations . However, it is necessary to say that this term is also
wrongly used, as melting pot suggests a homogyny in culture, i.e. a common culture
for all people in a society, which does not apply to London. But how do exactly all
these nations, with all their personal beliefs and traditions, get along in this so called
pot ? The capitol s culture has been shaped over time by the many nationalities and
their cultures into a highly heterogenous yet progressive environment. Testament to
this are the numerous annual
A History Of The World
In A History of the World in Six Glasses, Standage discusses how beer and wine are
made in terms of the ingredients and how each beverage is related to each social
class. The ingredients are what differentiate one beverage from another beverage.
An Ingredient is the main component that makes the beverage unique and gives it
an identity. An ingredient is what makes people to choose a beverage from wide
range of options. An ingredient gives the color, the texture and the taste to a
beverage which makes it unique from other beverages. When it comes to the social
classes, beer and wine played a huge role to set up the structure of the social
classes. Both beer and wine made each stage of social class devote to a certain
beverage that would represent their social class. This essay, I will describe how
Tom Standage s text, A History of the World in Six Glasses, discusses the
relationship and the differences between ingredients of the beer and wine and the
social classes with regard to beer and wine. This synthesis will explain how the
beer and wine were viewed in the in terms of ingredients and how each social class
was devoted to a certain beverage. To start off, ingredients differ from each
beverage and they give a specialty to each drink. Wine and Beer have a lot of
common qualities in terms of their ingredients and how they are made. For example,
Standage states, Beer on the other hand, could be made from cerealcrops, which were
abundant and could be
Mindfulness Training For Carers Of People With Dementia
Mindfulness training for carers of people with dementia; impact on carers wellbeing
This essay explores explores evidence of how caring for people with dementia (PwD)
might have detrimental effects on a carers physiological and psychological wellbeing.
It describes reviews the practice of mindfulness, and its potential health benefits,; and
examines considers literature which argues which evaluates the impact of
mindfulness training has a positive, therapeutic impact on the wellbeing of carers .
According to the Alzheimer s Society (2014) there are approximately 850,000
people with dementiaPwD in the UK, which will increase to one million people by
2025. One in six people aged 80 and over have dementia. The word dementia ... Show
more content on ...
Dementia can have a detrimental impact on takes a devastating toll on carers,
affecting both their physiological and psychological wellbeing. According to the a
poll, administered by the Alzheimer s Association (2016) in the US, which
questioned 3,102 adults in America about their attitudes, knowledge and experiences
related to Alzheimer s disease , about 60 percent of carers of people with dementia
carers rated their emotional stress of caring as high or very high, nearly 40 percent
said they suffer from depression Aand approximately 74 percent said they are
somewhat to very concerned about maintaining their own health .
Many studies have taken place over the last twenty years, which have brought to light
the negative consequences caring for people with dementiaPwD has on the wellbeing
of carers , most notably . A study by Schultz, et al., (1995) noted that the most
frequent clinical conditions examined are depression and anxiety .; O other
symptoms may include sleep deprivation, negative changes in immune function and
hypertension. In a review of 37 publications, which evaluated differences between
caregivers and non caregivers health and cognition, Fonareva et al (2014: 725 726)
suggest report that familial carers, in particular, suffer from chronic stress,
exacerbated by excessive time constraints, increased chores, and behavioural
management issues of the PwD, together with anticipatory grieving ; often
The People Believe About Rastafarians
Despite what many people believe about Rastafarians, there are many
misunderstandings. Many are set on calling any person that has dreadlocks, or
anyone who lives away from the Rasta society. Reggae musicians, weed smokers
and Jamaican lingo talkers are in the make beliefs of the Rastafarians. Clearly those
exterior references only create a more confusing understanding of Rastafarians. For
anyone to call themselves Rasta, one must know everything about their culture.
Unlike other religions where all one has to do is accept whatever that religion says
without study, one must study the doctrine, the diet, the laws and the strict codes that
obey to the Rasta faith. It is seen as a way of life rather than just another religion.
Since each... Show more content on ...
Garvey s dream of a return to Africa became the Rastafarian dream as well, and
some Rastafarians have indeed settled in Ethiopia, Ghana, and Zaire. One of the
early impacts who paved the way for the rise of this cult was Marcus Garvey.
Garvey lived in New York City, and believed that the black man would never
receive fair treatment in a white man s world. He then organized a back to Africa
movement that attracted thousands. Which were followers among the poor
blacks of certain large city urban areas. Garvey was convicted of mail fraud, and
spent time in prison. When he finally returned to his native Jamaica in 1927,
Garvey allegedly prophesied that a black king would be crowned in Africa. He
also stated through that monarch freedom for dark skin people would be realized
eventually. Garvey himself never joined the succeeding religious movement that
became known as Rastafarianism. Garvey was even critical of Haile Selassie for
leaving Ethiopia during the time of the Italian Fascist occupation. Entirely too
many people are caught up on the concept of whether Tafari Makonnen, also known
as His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, was Christ, and whether he was or was not
the returning Messiah in the flesh. To many people, it is necessary to belittle King
Selessie s role and
Summary Of Nzinga Mbemba s Letters To The King
During the 15th century, Christopher Columbus along with several of his men went
in search of finding a direct water route (Europe to Asia). Instead, Columbus and his
men stumbled upon the Americas, thus marking the beginning of European
intervention and globalization. While this intervention brought together several
diverse cultures, the Europeans dominating nature encouraged several conflicts
between countries. Nzinga Mbemba, a 16th century ruler of the Kingdom of Kongo,
urged the King of Portugal to respect their alliance and to exert control onto his
subjects as expressed in his writing Letters to the King of Portugal (1562). While in
the work Commentary on Foreigners (ca. 1420) He Ao, a Ming official, suggested
that Europeshould be put under strict government control. Letters to the King of
Portugal (1562) opened with Mbemba urgently requesting the King of Portugal to
exert control onto his subjects and to respect their existing alliance. Mbemba initially
idealized the lifestyle and religion of the Portuguese people as it was something that
bonded the two countries together in the first place. However, the people of Portugal
soon developed a trade center and... Show more content on ...
He perceived Portuguese merchants as untrustworthy, cruel, and a threat to the
security of his country. When they arrived armed with cannons and weapons, Ao saw
that the merchants had no regard for the existing law. He strongly felt that misfortune
would be bestowed upon China if he fostered trade with the people of Portugal.
Furthermore, he thought that foreigners should be forced to leave and that the
private intercourse be prohibited and that [their] strategical defence be close (Chang
449). Ultimately, Ao wanted peace for his country and felt the Europeans wreaked
havoc on his once untroubled
The Last Space Lord
I am number 69, the last of my kind. We were the space lords and there were 70 of
us on earth. We came because the Virus Fang destroyed our planet. We came here
in individual transport no two space lords came together. The way that I made it
here is by a Legof. A Legof is the name of our spaceships back on my planet that
can travel in any atmosphere and disguise itself as anything. The Legof is as living
as I am. Most of us traveled that way, but there were a few of us who knew how to
teleport. Now I am the last one left to save the world from the Virus Fang. I have
been hiding from the monsters that killed most of my brothers. The Virus Fang
search to destroy all life from space lords to humans.
The scars of my dead brethren are split between my two legs. Each of the scars is
engraved with a small picture of which of my brethren it represents, leaving a
memory of those who I have lost in battle. The scars hurt every once in a while. It s
almost like they are still living as a part of me. Some mornings I wake up and the
pain is so unbearable that I actually believe that my brethren are crawling out of the
scars on my leg and coming back to life.
It s morning. It seems almost impossible to get out of my warm, cozy confortable bed
on this seemingly normal morning. But the warm smell of hot cocoa in the air
awakens me filling with happiness and joy. All of my childhood memories of my
mom s delicious hot cocoa. It is almost like I m in one of those human children
Successful Online Dating
For many newcomers taking the first step into online dating may be daunting. With
all the online dating services that are available now, how do you choose which is
best for you? How do you get started? What s the best approach for messaging?
What do you put in a profile? How do you guarantee your own safety? What are the
best strategies for successful online dating? These are just a few of the questions new
online daters face all the time. But with a bit of advice, practically everyone can find
success in online dating. Here are a few brief tips:
One of the most important things for newcomers to dating online is which service
to use. The first step in making this decision is to determine the specific needs that
should be met by the dating service, and find websites that cater to those needs. For
example, while some dating services cater specifically to casual encounters, some
are designed to make matches for serious relationships only, while a few target
people who are looking specifically for someone to start an affair with. Other
important things to look for are price. For many people just starting out, free sites
can be a good introduction to the online dating world that doesn t involve a financial
commitment. It s also a good idea to browse around and see if the members who are
already signed up for the site share similar tastes and interests. ... Show more content
on ...
Needless to say, profiles are a very important part of online dating. Members of
online dating services find out about each other, and decide if they want to introduce
themselves, based on the information in a profile. Because of this, its important to
make a positive, truthful impression by keeping the information light and inviting. A
good rule of thumb is to avoid any negative information in a profile whatsoever. The
most important thing to include in a profile is a clear, smiling picture that focuses on
the member s
A Glass Of Wine A Day Keeps The Doctor Away Essay
A glass of wine a day keeps the doctor away. Is it enough to just say this without any
real evidence to support it? Is just wanting it to be true enough to convince you? The
answer to these two questions could be the difference between acknowledging
accurate information presented in a scientific article and accepting insufficient
information presented in a lay article. Lay articles provide brief summaries on the
concepts in documented researchstudies. Scientific articles thoroughly describe and
report findings in research studies. In order for either article to be believable,
important information should be included. This information includes the population
of interest and the sample in the study, the independent and dependent variables and
their levels, scale of measurement for each variable, the null and research hypothesis,
the test statistic used and its significance level (p value or О± value), results of the
study, research errors, and the assumptions for the specific test statistic. According to
Nolan and Heinzen (2011), authors of Essentials of Statisticsfor the Behavioral
Sciences, assumptions are, Characteristics that we ideally require the population
from which we are sampling to have (scaled DV, randomly selected, normally
distributed) so that we can make accurate inferences (Nolan Heinzen, 154).
Comparing a lay article to a scientific article can aid in one s perception of which
type of article most effectively presents all of the necessary information
Analysis Of The Walking Dead
Analysis Essay
The Walking Dead is a television show that leaves its audience terrified and
apprehension at 9 pm on Sunday nights. While members in the audiences are chewing
on popcorn, The Walking Dead provides a taste for human cannibalism. The walkers,
Zombies , feed on human flesh and have no thought of mortality. The atmosphere of
The Walking Deadleaves all its characters with a dreary future until Rick Grimes
just waking up from a comma in a hospital shows up with bringing leadership into
the group with authority; and leaves the apocalyptic world less dull and grim also
bringing hope for the group for surviving. Rick in the episode Guts just being
introduced into the group hears a commotion of gunshots being fired from the top
of the building. The whole group rushes upstairs to see Merle Dixon firing away at
zombies attracting more and more until T Dog confronts Merle. Merle terrifies the
whole group impelling T Dog to the concrete demanding leadership until Rick
knocks Merle to ground handcuffing him to the roof. This brings hope into the
group in which the group without rick the group was too weak to fend for their
self and couldn t of stop Merle from killing T Dog and hurting them. People started
looking up to Rick more as a leader. Later on in that episode, Andrea was eyeballing a
piece of jewelry wanting that some sort of approval form Rick to take it. Rick Why
don t you take it . Andrea Because there is a cop staring at me . She didn t want to
take it
Sex Education And Sexual Education
According to U.S center for disease control and prevention, last year only 34 out of
1,000 teen females gave birth which it the lowest since 1946. The reason behind this
decline is comprehensive sex education taught in schools. One the other hand, the
opponents believe that the reason for this decline is the sex educationclasses that teach
about not having sex. Even when most schools are teaching abstinences only sex
educationabout sixty six percent of high school students says they are sexually active.
Which concludes that the abstinences only sex education is not working and is not
the proper way of teaching sex education in schools. Not teaching proper sex
education may result in teen pregnancyor sexually transmitted diseases. According to,
Center of disease control and prevention, last year, 26% people diagnosed with HIV
were teens aged thirteen to nineteen. Even though supports of abstinences only sex
education have a delusional thinking that comprehensive sex education will increase
students to have sex more often, it should still be taught in schools as research show
it declines teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease in teens. The survey done
by Centers of disease control concludes that nearly about 10 million sexually
transmitted disease are contracted every year in the U.S.
Even though there is some decline the teen pregnancy over time, last year 273,105
babies were born to females aged thirteen to nineteen. There are many consequences
of giving birth
Racism in the Sports Pages Essay
September 1, 1955: The African American Absence
The 1950 s saw the birth of rock and roll and the explosion of television sitcoms.
The decade was also marked by the influx of African American athletes into the
sporting world following Jackie Robinson s debut for the Brooklyn Dodgers in
1947. However, one would not realize the significance of African Americans in
athletics by reading sports pages during the 1950 s. The athletic achievements of
African Americans were often doomed to the latter pages of sports sections in favor
of advertisements and routine sports articles. The San Francisco Chronicle is guilty of
hiding the impact of African Americans in sports, reflecting a lack of racial tolerance.
It can be said that ... Show more content on ...
The school missed the boat the first time around, as Jackie Robinson, himself, lettered
in football for the Bruins. He was a star on the team as a running back and from all
reports was a man of great character, yet was passed over when it came time to elect
the captain of the team.
Hardiman Cureton, a decade later, had more luck than Robinson. He must have
been ecstatic to be elected captain. However, to be called a Negro in the headline
of an article written about an honor bestowed upon him must have felt like a slap
in the face. Or maybe it didn t. Maybe he expected to be called a Negro because it
was commonplace in 1950 s American society. The San Francisco Chronicle certainly
portrayed it as such.
The fact that this article even needed to be written says a lot about American
society as a whole. Nowadays, it is fairly uncommon to find a college football team
without a black captain. Back in 1955, the naming of a black captain was news.
Maybe it was not news that people had an interest in reading, as evidenced by the
article s short length and less than ideal page placement. If it truly meant a great
amount to the readers or writers of the San Francisco Chronicle, the sports editor
probably would have placed it on the front page of his section. Although this story
might not have been deemed front page material like articles on
Analysis Of The Play Murder At The Mic
When an arrogant musician is killed on stage everyone becomes a suspect.
MURDER AT THE MIC presents as a classic murder mystery with the ultimate
question: who did it? Everyone loves a good mystery. The goal is clear and the
stakes are fairly high. The play offers a cast of offbeat characters, betrayal, secrets, a
twist, and a very ironic and delightful ending.
There s definitely a lot to like about the play, but with that said, there s room for
additional development.
The opening introduces most of the core characters. Greg is clearly the main character
that the play centers on. Greg s first words shitty nicely conveys his personality.
Essentially, Greg is supposed to be a shitty guy. He seems to have little... Show more
content on ...
The idea of the video camera works well too. There s a nice cat and mouse exchange
between the detective and the usual suspects.
The reveal that the detective is really the video guy makes for a good twist that the
audience doesn t see coming. However, consider the idea that once his wig falls off
and they realize who the detective really he, that they try to turn the tables on
Hickman and accuse him of being the person sabotaging the switch and killing Greg.
Thus, it s at this point that he makes the reveal that Greg is still alive.
When Greg is revealed to be alive make sure he s condensing to each of the other
characters to make the delightful ending twist work even more effectively when they
all conspire to kill him.
The ending is a lot of fun, but with that said, the overall humor could be elevated. It
s not the type of play that has laugh out loud moments. The tone is a bit ambiguous.
Prior to the death, the tone feels dramatic. However, as the play progresses, it feels
more like a dark comedy, which is very fitting for this type of mystery. While humor
is subjective, stronger dark comedy with wittier lines of dialogue would really make
this play shine.
Greg feels cocky and entitled. As mentioned, there s room to enhance this. His
motivation for the ruse feels a bit unclear. He says it s for a music video.
This doesn t feel like a strong enough motivation. One wonders if he should tell the
Withdrawal Of The Syrian Refugee Crisis
This policy memo addresses the current possible U.S. options to the Syrian refugee
crisis. I have identified three different options: Increase Syrian refugee resettlement
commitments, establish safe zones in northern Syria, or seal the Syrian border. As
conditions continue to deteriorate in Syria and the number of refugees continues to
increase, it is critical that you strengthen the U.S. position in the country of Syria.
The establishment of safe zones would align our moral, strategic, and diplomatic
interests more than any other possible policy. Half of the electorate or more wants
refugees to establish safe homelands near or in their country, if possible, reducing the
perceived risk of increasing potential terrorism in the United States, the notion
grounded in reality or not. Also, historically, refugees have been allowed safe harbor
in United States and we could continue in such tradition, in the safest possible way.
The conflict in Syria between the government of Bashar al Assad and various other
forces, which started in the spring of 2011, continues to cause displacement within
the country and across the region. By the end of 2014, approximately 7.6 million
people were internally displaced and 3.7 million Syrians had fled the country since
the start of the conflict. Over 21.5 million people, or half of the country s pre war
population, have been displaced. The refugee situation is urgent, and it has placed an
enormous burden on
Essay on American Consumer Culture
As a country, Americans love to shop. Whether in malls, grocery stores, on the
Internet, or elsewhere, the culture of buying is deeply ingrained in American culture.
Fueled largely by advertising and the current credit system, America s consumer
culture is depleting our planet s finite natural resources and polluting our
environment. Consumerismhas instilled in Americans an artificial, ongoing, and
insatiable desire for mass produced and marketed products, and the money with which
to buy them, with little regard to their actual usefulness or necessity. This constant
desire to acquire more possessions is poisoning the planet, as it can never be sated
and thus results in the never ending exploitation of the Earth s natural resources, and
... Show more content on ...
One of his famous expressions is, The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the
opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. It is the
intelligent minorities which need to make use of propaganda continuously and
systematically ( ). The idea behind this statement has been widely used ever since for
commercial profits, through the manipulation of public opinion and the power of
mass marketing.
Consumerism often causes people to identify with a product or brand on a personal
level. Certain products have come to represent different levels of society, with
swankier products like muscle cars indicating high class and such products as generic
store brand shampoo indicating low class. People feel that they have relationships
with their favorite brands and products and define themselves by what they buy and
own. The mass production of cheap products uses precious fossil fuels at an alarming
rate. This has an obvious negative impact on the environment.
In her biography of North Carolinian mountain man Eustace Conway, Elizabeth
Gilbert explains ways in which Conway rejects consumerism. He lives self
sufficiently off of his Appalachian mountain land making his own clothes, hunting
and gathering his food, starting fires by rubbing sticks together, bathing in icy
streams, living in a

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How To Write An Mla Essay. . Mla Essay Examples - EMILYJTUMER

  • 1. How To Write An Mla Essay Writing an essay on the topic "How To Write An MLA Essay" may initially seem straightforward, but as one delves into the intricacies of the MLA (Modern Language Association) format, the complexity becomes apparent. The MLA style encompasses various guidelines regarding formatting, citation, and bibliography, and mastering these nuances is crucial for crafting a well-structured and academically sound essay. Starting with the basics, writers must understand the proper structure of an MLA essay, including the title page, header, and margins. The meticulous attention to detail, such as font size and line spacing, can be a challenge for those unfamiliar with the MLA style. Citations pose another layer of difficulty. Accurately citing sources in the text and creating a comprehensive Works Cited page demands a thorough understanding of the MLA citation rules. The correct format for citing books, articles, websites, and other sources can be overwhelming, requiring writers to navigate through various rules and exceptions. Furthermore, the challenge extends to integrating quotations and paraphrased information seamlessly into the essay while adhering to MLA guidelines. Striking a balance between incorporating sources and maintaining the originality of one's voice requires careful consideration. The importance of detail in MLA essays extends to punctuation and grammar. Following the specific punctuation rules of the MLA style, including proper use of commas, colons, and periods, adds an additional layer of complexity to the writing process. This level of precision is necessary to meet the high academic standards associated with MLA essays. In conclusion, writing an essay on "How To Write An MLA Essay" demands not only an understanding of the MLA format but also a commitment to precision and detail. Navigating through the intricacies of formatting, citations, and grammar can be challenging, especially for those unfamiliar with the MLA style. However, with dedicated effort and attention to detail, writers can overcome these challenges and produce a well-crafted MLA essay. For further assistance or to explore similar essays and more, one may consider visiting, where expert guidance and custom-written essays are readily available. How To Write An Mla EssayHow To Write An Mla Essay
  • 2. Knights Vs Samurai Dbq Essay Nearly a thousand years ago, knights and samurai were the military forces in Europe and Japan. During the time period 1066 to 1868, knights and samurai formed the military society in both Japan and Europe (Doc. 2). Although it seems like they are similar, the differences between knights and samurai outweigh the similarities, such as the codes, armor, and their training. In the first place, the codes for both samurai and knights were distinct from each other in various ways. For instance, the knights code of Chivalry involves mercy, and the samurai code of Bushido involves the Way , which is when the samurai punishes anyone who transgresses against the moral principles (Doc. E). As well as that, the code of Chivalry includes being courteous and helpful to ladies, being loyal to the king, and the vowing of true knighthood (Doc. E). On the other hand, the code of Bushido is involved in obligations, physical readiness, and keeping their weapons ready for defense (Doc. E). In addition, the samurai code has a ceremony called genpuku and the knightcode had no ceremonies. Based on this information, the codes of both Bushido and Chivalry had many differences between each other during this time... Show more content on ... For both military combatants, they both had ceremonies to get a higher rank at age 14 (Doc. C). However, for a samurai, it was age 14 to become a samurai at the ceremony of Genpuku (Doc. C). On the other hand, at age 14 for a knights training, a trainee is eligible to become a squire, then later at age 21, you can become a knight. Also, another difference is that women received the same martial arts training in Japan as samurai. In contrast to this, knights training consisted of only men. Women were not allowed to participate in knights training whatsoever (OI). To sum up, the differences between the soldiers training was the ages and the allowing of men and women for
  • 3. Red Convertible Criticism Aaron Stanfield Mrs. Guerin English 102 109 21 October 2014 The Red Convertible Criticism s In Laura Kryhoski s critical analysis of The Red Convertible, she points out several elements often overlooked when reading the short story for the first time. At first glance, the story appears definably tragic (Kryhoski). Kryhoski claims that if the reader were to investigate author Louise Erdrich s background, the story would seem less of a tragedy and more of a reflection of her upbringing. As the narrator in The Red Convertible, Lyman seems to be recalling the tale from his memories rather than telling the events as they occur. Lyman focuses more on the distinct detail of each moment than he does on the bigger picture. This invokes the image ... Show more content on ... The first journey is the trip he and his brother, Lyman, took to purchase the red convertible. The second is his journey to Vietnam to fight in the war. Finally, the third journey is the trip he and Lyman took to the Red River where he ultimately committed suicide. Korb suggests that while Lyman has a natural talent for making money on the reservation, he still experienced his share of difficulties (Korb ). These difficulties are potentially the reasons behind Henry and Lyman feeling the need to escape by means of the red convertible. The red convertible is the brothers ticket to a life off the reservation and a way for them to experience joy, peace, and adventure different to what they are accustomed. Korb specifically puts emphasis on Henry and Lyman s trip to Alaska by stating that this particular trip was idyllic and felt as though it was a pleasant dream world (Korb). After a pleasurable time spent in Alaska, the brothers head back south when winter begins. After he has completed his first journey, Henry embarks on his second to Vietnam. The Henry that leaves the reservation to fight in the war is not the same Henry who returns three years later. Even the red convertible brings no life to Henry, Korb claims. The author focuses on Lyman s attempts to bring his brother around to his old self, including the destruction of the red convertible. On the final journey, the trip to the Red River, Lyman is hopeful and believes that his brother is finally turning a new leaf. However, Henry is still just as haunted and troubled as before. Korb reinforces that losing the red convertible is losing the ability to experience freedom and joy, which explains why Lyman refuses to accept the car when Henry offers it to him. Lyman tries to beat feelings of hope back into his brother
  • 4. Queensland Supreme Court Introduction: The report that we have been studying and learning about is the magistrates court and how there system works so that people pay the price for what they have done. Meaning different consequences given for how bad the situation is. Research Method: To gather our information to help us finish our report we did a series of different methods such as going on a class excursion where we went to the court house to see it first hand, we also went to the police station where they gave us a tour of what goes on in the police station and how crimes are dealt with and also information given to us during classes. Police procedures: The procedures that police follow when they arrest someone is that has done something wrong or they believe they have done something. The police tell them that they are under arrest and tell the victim to put their hands behind there... Show more content on ... The district court is Queensland s State intermediate court, it hears criminal cases such as rape and armed robbery. The Magistrates Court of Queensland is the state s third level court, It deals with less serious offences such as traffic infringements and burglary. The Children s Court of Queensland deals with offences committed by young people under the age of 17 years who commit criminal offences, unless the court orders that the matter be dealt with in an adult court. Most criminal cases are heard, in some form, in the Magistrates court. The Magistrates Court also deals with: some minor family law matters (although most go to the Family Court) some other Commonwealth matters, such as those covered by the Customs Act 1901, the Social Security Act 1991 and the Taxation Act 1953 most domestic violence matters applications for child protection orders Court
  • 5. Generational Identification Analysis Although there is no one single fingerprint that defines the psychological makeup of a terrorist, there are several broad characteristics that indicate a person s vulnerability toward radicalization. Terrorists willing to carrying out a suicide operation, as a subset of the larger radicalized group, are certainly no exception. Indeed, dedication to the point of self extermination requires a deeper degree of radicalization than to merely fight for one s chosen cause. The first indicator of this form of radicalization is what Jerrold M. Post referred to as generational transmission of a set of extreme beliefs (Kershaw). This transmission of rigid beliefs at an early stage in childhood development can create a psychological state
  • 6. Henry Ford Turning Points In American History Henry ford Henry ford was born in 1863, on July 30, near Dearborn, Michigan, on his family s farm. His father gave henry a pocket watch when henry was thirteen years old. Henry took the watch a part and put it back together. Many people were amazed and ask henry to work on their watches. Henry Ford s model T. and the assembly line are important turning points in American history. Before 1908 automobiles were a luxury item that only the rich could afford. Henry ford devised a cheaper and faster way to manufacture cars. The model T. was assembled on an assembly line which produced more cars in the less time. Henry worked on the family farm for several years. However, he did not like that type of work. He left the farm at the age of 16 to work in Detroit as an apprentice as a machinist. During this time, henry ford learned to service and operate machinery. He also studied bookkeeping during the time period. Ford married Clara Ala Bryant in 1888. He then went back to farming in order to support her and their son, Edsel. Three years after returning to farming he went to work for Edison illuminating company as an engineer. It was not long until he was promoted to chief of engineer which occurred in 1893. During this time period, Ford worked on plans for a horseless carriage. He built his first model in 1896 ... Show more content on ... It all started with his interest in taking apart watches and fixing them. His first vision was to mass produce watches and sells them really cheap. He realized that, at that time, he did not have the means to do so however, he never gave up on his dream, which changed the way we live. The impact of his vision of mass production is still with the world today as it was in his lifetime. Henry ford lived in a middle class and ethic style of living as a result of henry ford s
  • 7. Causes Of Haiti Earthquake Despite the fact that the 2010 Haiti Earthquake had a magnitude of 7.0, it caused 316000 deaths, destroyed over 105000 buildings and left the whole country in rubble. Human contribution contributed greatly to the casualties and the severity of the earthquake. A social factor that influenced the severity of the earthquake was where people chose to live. Haiti is located on fault lines, where the epicentre of the earthquake is and where the earthquake is most severe. The earthquake s epicentre was estimated to be around a mere 25 km away from the Port au prince, the capital of Haiti and home to Вј of the population. The closer the area was to the epicentre, the more intense the earthquake was and the greater the destruction. The area was also urbanised with many buildings, due to the great number of people who resided there which meant that many buildings were destroyed and many people were killed. Poverty was an economic factor that greatly influenced how the earthquake affected the population. In Haiti, 80% of the population was under the poverty line. в…” of Labor force employees relied on agriculture and due to high unemployment levels, many did not have a job and the population owned an average of under $2 a day. During the earthquake, Haiti s agricultural industries were destroyed, leaving most of the county unemployed and unable to produce its main exports. This further exacerbated the problem of poverty and left the population without resources, food and water. Lack
  • 8. A Dozen Reasons To Exercise Analysis Every single person, including kids, should exercise every day for at least thirty minutes to an hour. Therefore, the more you exercise the superior. Exercising may embrace of walking, running, doing a sport, and even going to the gym. However, if a person does not work out at all, that s an immense problem. In fact, people even convey that not exercising is as defective as it is smoking a cigarette. The article, A Dozen Reasons to Exercise, (Source 3) by the author, Rosie Alvarado Martin, essentially gives the audience 12 significant reasons on why people should consider exercising if they want to avoid having a higher chance of having a heart disease. Generally speaking, there are 12 reasons, but I m only going to give further information... Show more content on ... Yet, if you re also a person who works in an office 5 days a week, and you re just sitting down, I endorse you to get up during your break and go walk at least around the building. And, if you re just sitting down, procrastinating, you re going to end up getting gallstones. Now, when it comes to men, the article expresses that Men who walked two to three hours a week had a 25 percent lower risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate) than men who seldom walked. In my opinion, the remarkably appropriate reason for why exercising is suitable for you is because it can benefit both, men and women, reduce stress and help them with depression. Let s proclaim that you re stressed about something, just give yourself 15 min of your time and go for a walk. and if you really don t want to go for a walk or run, you could literally just do some aerobics, and that will help you release all that awful energy that you have stored inside of
  • 9. 1257, Life as a Villein Essay 1257, Life as a Villein My name is Katie Longhair. I am twenty one years old and I am a villein, that s with an e not an a , I m no criminal you know. I live as a tenant on Lord Richard s land. That means that I have to pay him rent to live there. However, I can not pay him in pennies because I haven t got enough, instead I pay him with whatever I can spare off the farm. I can see you re not from round these parts so let me tell you how life goes in this village. Villein is just another word for peasant, and peasant life really is tough. All we seem to do is work. Us peasants are an important part of feudalism. The King gave Lord Richard a share of his land and in return Lord Richard ... Show more content on ... Next year the crops will all move round one field. The Lord keeps most of the land for himself but all the villagers are allowed some strips of land in each field. They are spread around the field so that we get a share of the best and the poorest land. There s John the priest, He s a kind, caring man if ever there were one. He helps the sick or needy if he can, not like some priests you hear of who drink too much and ignore their duties. We have to give the priest a tithe that s what the barn over there is for. It can be hard having to give the priest one tenth of all our crops each year, but I know he s not a selfish man so I don t mind. That s my husband Alf, he hardly has the time to look after our own land and grow food for our family. William Reeve has just told him to ploughhalf an acre of the Lord s fields this week. As well as that he has his week work, to hoe weeds every Monday, but I think we re going to get little Alfie doing that soon, he s nearly six now and it s about time he started pitching in. Alf s boon work was three days in June hay making, and three times a year he has to cart grain to another Manor and the Lord can make him do as much extra work as he wants at seed sowing time and harvest time. All we get for all this work is our cottage and just 6 strips of land in the fields and if we annoy the Lord in any way we could loose it all and
  • 10. Report Assignment This report comprises the Emissions Inventory of Stationary Sources for the United States Army Garrison Kwajalein Atoll (USAG KA). The report was prepared according to Section 3 1.11.3 of the USAKA Environmental Standards (UES) to update the inventory of stationary sources of air pollutants following issuance of a DEP 13 002.0, Construction and Operation of Space Fence Radar System. As appropriate for the additional new sources this update contains the appropriate information as required by Section 3 1.11.3. This update also reflects reductions in the USAG KA stationary source inventory since the last issuance of the inventory in 2013. 1.2Inventory of Stationary Source Emissions Section 3 1.11.3 of the UES establishes requirements for... Show more content on ... 1.3Methods and Assumptions Emission rates were estimated using either an emission factor or mass balance technique. Emission factors were primarily taken from USEPA s Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP 42), Fifth Edition. Actual annual emission rates in tons per year are calculated using the best available information such as annual throughput or hours of operation, as appropriate for the source. Annualized hourly emission rates in pounds per hour are generally calculated by dividing the actual annual emission rates by the number of hours in one year (8,760). This provides the average hourly emission rate during the entire year, regardless of whether the source was in operation. In general, maximum hourly emission rates are calculated as a function of predetermined peak operational parameters, such as the maximum hourly charging rate and maximum hourly fuel throughput for incinerators. For other sources, where maximum hourly operational parameters are unknown, maximum hourly emission rates are generally calculated by dividing the actual annual emission rates by the number of operating hours during the calendar year. This provides the maximum emission rate for a one hour operating period, though the rate is effectively averaged over the operational time frame. Maximum allowable hourly and annual emissions are calculated by determining the maximum emission rate of a pollutant that can occur at a source when operated at its
  • 11. The Western Civilization The study also revealed a corollary finding. Chapter 1 divulged that the Western Civilization is displaying a bias for oppositional responses. Since Antiquity, the West seems to see strategy as competitive in nature and often consider that the military is an inescapable means to resolve international issues. This bias contributes to explaining the surprising proposition that neither the European Unionnor NATO seems willing to acknowledge that it develops a grand strategy. One can advance that the EU and NATO do so because they project their biases onto other actors and, therefore, fear that opponents as well as partners might interpret such acknowledgment as a move towards power politics. This bias deserves further scrutiny and substantiation and presents a potential lead to elaborate on this study. It might also offer an opportunity for rejuvenating the field of strategy. Indeed, this bias is the occasion for strategists to broaden their analytical spectrum as well as the variety of tools at their disposal. In particular, they have to acknowledge that the use of force or the threat of it might not be the only ways to coerce a third party, be it with a design of deterring or compelling it. For instance, in an international regime favoring cooperative relations, the threat of diminishing economic cooperation or of diplomatic sanctions, which can range from minor actions to complete isolation, might procure similar effects. The works of Robert Axelrod are remarkably
  • 12. Self Service ELECTRONIC SELF CHECKOUT SYSTEM VS CASHIER OPERATED SYSTEM: A PERFORMANCE BASED COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS by Gregory E. Opara Nadi A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy Capella University May, 2005 Gregory Opara Nadi, 2005 ELECTRONIC SELF CHECKOUT SYSTEM VERSUS CASHIER OPERATED SYSTEM: A PERFORMANCE BASED COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS by Gregory E. Opara Nadi has been approved May 2005 APPROVED: JIM MIRABELLA, D.B.A., Faculty Mentor and Chair ALISA MOSLEY, Ph.D, Committee Member NORBERTO CRUZ, Ed.D., Independent Reviewer DAL DIDIA, Ph.D, Visiting Professor DELLROY BIRCH, Peer Learner ACCEPTED AND SIGNED: JIM MIRABELLA, D.B.A. Kurt Linberg, Ph.D. Executive Director, School... Show more content on ... Methods of Managing Queues Queuing Theory and the Psychological Cost of Waiting Customer Relationship Factors That Influence Managerial Decision Making Processes Self Checkout System in Retail Stores Retail Hardware Self checkout in Retail POS Consumer s Experience with Self Checkout Systems The Future of Checkout Systems 14 16 19 22 24 27 28 31 31 33 34 35 37 38 40 46 47 47 49 50 54 vi Fujitsu s Self Checkout System Reduces Costs and Increases Shoppers Convenience Managerial Decisions on POS Equipment Summary of Literature Review CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY Sample Design Research Design Research Instrument Research Hypothesis Sub Research Hypotheses Data Collection Data Analysis CHAPTER IV: DATA COLLECTION, ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION OF FINDINGS Analysis and Presentation of Findings Sub Research Hypothesis Data Collection Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Findings Sub Hypothesis One Sub Hypothesis Two Sub Hypothesis Three 55 56 59 61 61 63 64 64 64 65 66 66 67 67 68 69 70 71 72 74 vii Sub Hypothesis Four Sub Hypothesis Five Sub Hypothesis Six Research Hypothesis CHAPTER V: SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS Research Findings Suggestions for further research Appendices Table A 1: Contingency Table on Error Rates Table A 2: Customer Affective Response Percentage of Preference Table A 3: Managers Affective Response Supper Market Supplemental Survey Questionnaire Responses Pilot Study Survey Instrument References 75 75 76 77 79 81 84 86 86 86
  • 13. Rhetorical Analysis Of Patrick Henry s Speech To The... A Rhetorical Analysis of Patrick Henry s Speech To The Virginia Convention The prominent patriot Patrick Henry once said, I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! (Henry 7) implying that a life without liberty is not a righteous life. Henry s quote is included in his popular oratory Speech to the VirginiaConvention. While discussing with the colonists, Henry lists all of the discrepancies the thirteen colonies had with Great Britain, concluding that there is no other option, but to retaliate instantaneously. In Patrick Henry s Speech to the Virginia Convention, he utilizes amplifying loaded words and coherent parallelism in order to influence the assembly to unify and reciprocate. Throughout the entirety of his speech, Henry presents amplifyingamplifyling loaded words to bring to attention the predicament between the two opposing sides. The purpose of loaded words are terms to influence by utilizing positive or negative connotations. For example, Henry claims in paragraph five, We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated... (Henry 5). He particularly targets the verb of the sentences by altering their meaning, to add a kick to the phrase. Rather than state, We have asked; we have protested, we have begged, Henry offers more potent terms, such as petitioned, remonstrated and supplicated, to emphasize how perilous the situation between the two countries is, compelling them to take action. He continues to go forth near the end in the paragraph seven stating It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter (Henry 7). Again he focuses on the verb, in this case, extenuate to accentuate the seriousness of the dilemma by pleading to the audience that now is the time to act, rather than wait or else matters will only get more grave. Henry uses amplifying loaded words in his declamation to his advantage to persuade, almost deceive, in order to oblige his audience to take matters into their own hands. Patrick Henry displays coherent parallelism in order to highlight the hardships the colonies had to endure while fusing balance and technique in doing so. Parallelism, or parallel structure, is a literary method defined as the
  • 14. The Prairies By William Cullen Bryant Does nature really disappear or is it a cycle that repeats itself due to the wonders of God? Throughout the poem, The Prairies by William Cullen Bryant, many try to depict if Bryant is describing the nature of life or the essence of nature. He clearly states his theme of the poem by saying nature never changes, it simply repeats itself. Through this he is referring to God s wondrous works. According to the Webster Dictionary, prairies are defined as a large open area of grassland. Also, one could say that a prairie may represent a place of beauty and freedom. Prairies are a natural environmentfilled with potential to expand or remain the same. Bryant uses naturein his poem to praise the unfamiliar surroundings and the discovery of the new ... Show more content on ... Thus arise / Races of living things, glorious in strength, / And perish, as the quickening breath of God / Fills them, or is withdrawn (Bryant 86 89). He was bringing the reader back to the ultimate theme of the poem and reiterating that God is the creator of all existence. Bryant now informs the audience that along with everything else in the cycle of life, the red man has also disappeared. The red man too / Has left the blooming wilds he ranged for so long, / And, nearer to the Rocky Mountains, sought / A wider hunting ground (Bryant 89 92). Now the prairies are at still, yet not deprived of life, still full of insects, flowers, birds, reptiles, deer, and other glorious animals. Myriads of insects over, gaudy as the flowers / They flutter over, gentle quadrupeds, / And birds, that scarce have learned the fear of man, and sliding reptiles of the ground, / Startlingly beautiful (Bryant 103 107). While listening to the humming of a bee, the speaker reminiscences being a colonist man discovering the eastern deep (Bryant 111). Bryant is visioning the American dream of manifest destiny. He now hears approaching people. From the ground / Comes up the laugh of children, the soft voice / Of maidens, and the sweet and solemn hymn / Of Sabbath worshippers (Bryant 116 118). Now a fresh wind breaks his dream and he finds himself alone in the
  • 15. The Linux Network Name Space Essay Contents Linux Network Name Spaces2 Overview2 Linux Name Spaces2 Linux Network Name Space2 Network Name Space Use Cases2 Network Name Space Example2 Summary2 References3 Linux Network Name Spaces Overview In this paper we will discuss the Linux Network Name Space. First, the concept of namespaces will be described along with an overview of the default name spaces available in the Linux operating system. The Linux Network Name Space is a key enabler for some high profile virtualization technologies including OpenStack and Docker. Linux Name Spaces Linux consists of the following six namespaces: Network Network Namespace PID Process Namespace Mount Filesystem Namespace User User Namespace IPC Interprocess Communication Namespace UTS Host and NIS Namespace Linux namespaces can be traced back to early UNIX technologies called chroot, process jails controlled where access is controlled with cgroups. The concept of a namespace is to isolate processes from other processes on the system. This concept evolved into namespaces that are created with clone() system call and manipulated with the setns() and unshare() system calls. The clone() system call is used when creating child namespace from a parent or root namespace. As the name would suggest this creates a clone of an existing stack. The setns() system call is used to join a namespace. The unshare() system call is used for moving processes into a namespace, as the name suggests the process
  • 16. The American Election System As for each public office election, we are reminded that elections are both highly charged symbolic rituals of democracy and key procedural parts of our political institutions. Both components of elections, symbolic and procedural, serve vital functions at all levels of our political system. As with any election, both parties (republican and democratic) campaign across the state in hope to gain additional support and votes to gain the office that they desire. When voting most voters arrive at polling stations to vote. There are alternative ways for a Texas citizen to vote, for example they will be given a paper ballot on which they will select their choices and which will be counted by hand; they will be given a paper ballot on which they will select their choices with the help of a voting machine; or they will be given a slip of paper with a numerical access code. Texans share many of the same basic needs of voting and nonvoting as other Americans. The republican party remains dominant after a decade that saw battles over legislature redistricting, intense and typically bitter campaigning among candidates both within and between the parties, progressively costly campaigning up and down the ballot. In 2002, Republican candidates swept all statewide races and took control of both houses of the Texas legislature, effectively taking on the institutions of authorities. the subsequent year the legislative assembly revisited the distribution of districts for the U.S. House of
  • 17. Essay on Internet The Ethics of Online Medical Records Abstract: This paper describes the ethical implications of developing a national online medical database. Such a database would contain the lifetime health records of every U.S. resident by combining information from a variety of sources. The advantages of such a system are many, but in the end, the question remains whether patients want to trade privacy for better healthcare. A lonely ninety year old Chinese woman walks into a clinic. Without any medical records, the physicians diagnose her with stroke, and she is immediately hospitalized. Two days later, her son arrives at the hospital, apparently quite angry with the doctors. He informs the physicians that her mother has ... Show more content on ... Today, the medical records of most Americans are scattered across multiple clinics and hospitals, possibly across several states. The task of piecing together a patient s medical history can become quite time consuming and laborious, as the files first need to be located and then faxed [5]. The possibility of combining medical records into a central medical database would solve many of these problems, as well as bring new benefits. With a shared medical database, doctors would have vital information about a patient at their fingertips. Very little time would be lost in looking for a patient s medical records and piecing the data together. A shared medical database would save lives by providing accurate and complete information to doctors, especially those not familiar with their patients. For instance, if a person had a serious accident while vacationing in a different state, the doctors there would have instant access to his medical records in his home state. Locating the patient s family doctor and faxing the patient s medical history would be unnecessary. If the patient has allergies to certain drugs, the doctors would be aware of it, thus avoiding further complications [6]. With more complete information, doctors would be given the power to treat an unfamiliar, out of state patients in a timely and effective manner. Sharing medical data would also enormously benefit organizations
  • 18. Effects Of Martial Law In The Philippines On September 21, 1972, President Ferdinand Marcos issued Proclamation 1081, declaring martial law over the Philippines. It has been 44 years since that dreadful day, but the scars still remain in the heart of every Filipino citizen. Martial Law proclaims that an area is placed under the control of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. It is usually imposed when the government or civilian authorities fail to function effectively. The reason behind the declaration of Martial Law in the Philippines was to suppress a series of bombings, threat of a communist takeover, and an assassination attempt on Secretary of Defense Juan Ponce Enrile in Mandaluyong. This was also imposed to save the republic and to improve the social, economic, and political... Show more content on ... However, these good gains did not last long. Basic human rights were not attained during the Martial Law. People at that time did not practice being disciplined at that time, but instead, they followed orders because they feared the authorities who had the power to arrest civilians who would disobey the rules. With power given to the military to save democracy, they committed a number of human rights violations. An estimate of 7,000 victims of torture, 2,000 people salvaged, and 1,000 people disappeared. (Malanes, 1999) Statistics are not just numbers. This was a serious case of human rights violation wherein thousands of lives were lost and thousands of families destroyed. Thus, the Martial Law is considered as the darkest days of democracy. Human rights violations is the best evidence that there was no democracy in the Philippines during Ferdinand Marcos regime. Additionally, the economic crisis and debt crisis caused by the Martial Law made the country suffer. Unemployment rates were high and poverty in the Philippines only grew larger. A lot of people remember fondly the peace and order brought by the Martial Law, but the brutal side of the Marcos regime brought us Filipinos into hardships, sufferings, and
  • 19. The Loch Ness Monster Myth While reading my book I learned that the loch ness monster myth was more popular than I thought it was back when it was on newspapers for the first time. I found out that the loch ness monster has been seen but no one has taken a clear picture of the monster yet which raises suspicions if it is real or not. The Loch Nessis 754 feet deep and is 24 miles long but only 1 mile wide. People usually see the loch ness monsteras a large shadow under water, a long neck poking out of the water, or huge ripples going through the water. The myth of the water horse was a surprise to learn about that it was a myth originally from Scotland and were originally called kelpie. It surprised me that people believed that the loch ness monster is a plesiosaurs
  • 20. Against Grand Canyon National Park I am going to write against the federal government making the grand canyon national park. They should not put park in the grand canyon because there is wildlife, and other things that are special to the world. The animals will run off and you should not hurt wildlife like that. That s a fact jack. People around come out to this park and help make the owners richer and run out wildlife. Alright I m bout to tell you about why there should not be park in Grand Canyon. All the wildlife there is very important to everyone who explores it not to get rid of all of the wildlife. People these days donВґt care about things like that they just want to make money. I think people are plane stupid to get rid of all wildlife, then build park to make
  • 21. Miss Tilburg CASE 6.1 G IANT M OTOR C OMPANY T his case deals with strategic planning issues for a large company. The main issue is planning the company s production capacity for the coming year. At issue is the overall level of capacity and the type of capacity for example, the degree of flexibility in the manufacturing system. The main tool used to aid the company s planning process is a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model. A mixed integer program has both integer and continuous variables. Problem Statement The Giant Motor Company (GMC) produces three lines of cars for the domestic (U.S.) market: Lyras, Libras, and Hydras. The Lyra is a relatively inexpensive subcompact car that appeals mainly to п¬Ѓrst time car owners and to... Show more content on ... Similarly, if the demand for Libras is 1,220,000 cars (1,100,000 original demand plus 120,000 demand diverted from Lyras), then the unsatisп¬Ѓed demand for Lyras would be 420,000 if no capacity is added. Out of this unsatisп¬Ѓed demand, 42,000 ( 420,000 0.1) will materialize as demand for Hydras. All other unsatisп¬Ѓed demand is lost to competitors. The pattern of demand diversion is summarized in Table 6.18. A quick comparison of plant capacities and demands in Table 6.16 and Table 6.17 indicates that GMC is faced with insufп¬Ѓcient capacity. Partially offsetting the lack of capacity is the phenomenon of demand diversion. If a potential car buyer walks into a GMC dealer showroom wanting to buy a Lyra but the dealer is out of stock, frequently the salesperson can convince the customer to purchase the better Libra car, which is in stock. Unsatisп¬Ѓed demand for the Lyra is said to be diverted to the Libra. Only rarely in this situation can the salesperson convince the customer to switch to the luxury Hydra model. From past experience, GMC estimates that 30% of unsatisп¬Ѓed demand for Lyras is diverted to Table 6.18 Lyra Libra Hydra Demand Diversion Matrix Lyra NA 0 0 Libra 0.3 NA 0.0 Hydra 0.05 0.10 NA Question GMC wants to decide whether to retool the Lyra and Libra plants. In addition, GMC wants to determine its production plan at each plant in the coming year. Based on the previous data,
  • 22. Nursing Leadership Styles Paper Leadership is a skill some are born with the other can learn. There are many styles of leadership. This paper will focus on three main styles of leadership including autocratic, democratic and laissez faire. Transformational leadership is a type a leadership that is very difficult to teach and we will explore the great effects of this type of leadership. Wells and Wells (2010) explain several aspects of leadership that leaders should portray, no matter what style they use. These including :articulating a vision, explaining what is expected of himself or herself as leader as well as what is expected of staff members, providing guidance and mentoring, developing staff members by coaching them one on one, understanding the importance of teamwork,... Show more content on ... Many people are involved in this team including the lactation consultants, labor and delivery and postpartum staff, all NICU nurses, obstetricians and neonatologists. Whitehead, Weiss and Tappen (2009) suggested that democratic leaders have less control than autocratic leaders, because they provide guidance to their followers rather than controlling them. They ask questions and make suggestions, rather than issuing orders. This can work well if followers have adequate knowledge and skills, and they work well with each other (Giltinane 2013). This style of leadership should not be used if there is a short time restraint on a
  • 23. Elephant Population As A Tragedy Elephant Population As a Tragedy Of the many problems that Pascaland faces, one that is becoming a major concern is the elephant population. As the new bureaucrat in charge of preserving and protecting wildlife within Pascaland, it has become my duty to enlist the elephant species as endangered due to the fact of the lack of restrictions on how to kill them. Big game hunters have made of a sport to hunt and kill them, poachers trap and capture them for their ivory tusks and nearby farmers kill them in order to protect their crops from being trampled. In order to maintain the elephant population, we need to create more government policies and regulations that work to preserve the elephants and uphold a balanced ecosystem. I will first begin to explain how this issue has become a type of Hardin s commons tragedy, then after using his solutions, I will analyze and formulate a plausible solution, while also using arguments from other people. As Garrett Hardin refers to it, a commons tragedy is a problem that occurs when individuals exploit a shared resource to an extent that it will start to decline and will take away the privilege of others to use it. The elephants in Pascaland have now become a tragedy of the commons. Many people have long enjoyed and even took long journeys in order to see and interact with these large beasts. However, this enjoyment is declining, and soon, future generations will not get a chance to even see these creatures as their population is being
  • 24. Briony s Mature Into Adults In Atonement Through life we all have to grow and mature into adults. Throughout Atonement the kids and young adults are maturing and learning from their decisions. Briony, for example was so excited when she was reading the letter from Robbie that was meant for Cecilia because she believed that she was apart of the adults world. Now this letter causes a lot of trouble in the book because Briony misinterprets it. Of course she learns from her mistake in the end and feels very horrible and guilty for blaming Robbie for something he didn t do. So we see that Briony has grown up towards the end of the book because she sees her mistake as a child. During all of this Robbie and Cecilia are both still only 17. They are trying to figure out how they feel
  • 25. The Environment And Governance Of Modern Cities The topic of ecological sustainability can be complex or simple, depending on the many factors that take place. In living systems, being sustainable means to produce more than to waste. By creating something sustainable, it assures that the resources can be recycled and will be available for people in the future to meet their needs. In terms of modern cities, the sustainabilitydepends on how much minerals and energy we bring into the city(water, energy), and how we use them effectively for our health and community, while keeping the available resources from depleting. Not only that, the sustainability also depends on the cities form and infrastructure to support an average citizen s daily needs. With the politics and governance of modern cities, how viable are plans of creating a sustainable city now? Is it possible? Many nations have already agreed that it is an important and influential issue, with harsh consequences if not tackled. The situation of a city and its flaws also depends on if the cities are in the third world, or in a rich nation. A sustainable city needs to be environmentally worthy, have a suitable infrastructure for all and should be well run. These characteristics can only be achieved by proper governance and the collective effort of the citizens. The essay discusses the importance of environmental sustainability and some of the widely known issues of urban and rural sustainability around the globe and possible solutions and preventions. Improving the
  • 26. A Short Note On Intensive Care And The Elderly Essay References: 1.Horn J. Intensive care and the elderly. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics. 1997;25(1):101 110. 2.Angus DC, Barnato AE, Linde Zwirble WT, et al. Use of intensive care at the end of life in the United States: an epidemiologic study. Crit Care Med. 2004;32(3):638 643. 3.Bagshaw SM, Webb SA, Delaney A, et al. Very old patients admitted to intensive care in Australia and New Zealand: a multi centre cohort analysis. Critical Care. 2009;13(2):R45. 4.Kim PK, Kauder DR, Schwab CW. Acute Care Surgeryand the Elderly. Acute Care Surgery: Springer; 2007:187 193. 5.Levkoff SE, Cleary PD, Wetle T, Besdine RW. Illness behavior in the aged. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 1988;36(7):622 629. 6.Watters JM, Blakslee JM, March RJ, Redmond ML. The influence of age on the severity of peritonitis. Canadian journal of surgery. 1996;39(2):142. 7.Radtke F, Franck M, Hagemann L, Seeling M, Wernecke K, Spies C. Risk factors for inadequate emergence after anesthesia: emergence delirium and hypoactive emergence. Minerva anestesiologica. 2010;76(6):394 403. 8.Young J, Inouye SK. Delirium in older people. BMJ: British Medical Journal. 2007;334(7598):842. 9.Ansaloni L, Catena F, Chattat R, et al. Risk factors and incidence of postoperative delirium in elderly patients after elective and emergency surgery. British Journal of Surgery. 2010;97(2):273 280. 10.Lagoo Deenadayalan SA, Newell MA, Pofahl WE. Common perioperative complications in older patients. Principles
  • 27. Analysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, there are many symbols throughout the poem. The hunting scenes are told in great detail throughout the poem. The unknown author writes these scenes to add meaning to the poem. The scenes depicts the hunting of the three different prey Lord Bertilak is after. Each scene contains symbolism and importance and helps to develop and improve the plot. One may wonder why the author might include the huntingscenes at all. According to critic, Donald Howard, the hunted animals convey connotations of evil. (85). This viewpoint could be a due to his religious beliefs. In the poem, the animals are not described as evil. The fox is described as cunning, Carefully he creeps by the edge of a copse, / convinced that his cunning has conned those canines (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight1710 11). The fox is not seen as evil as Howard thinks that it is. Howard believes that the animals are wicked but the in the poem there is no implication that they are evil in any way. Each animal has their own skill levels of escaping the hunt, the fox being the best. In medieval times animals were given human qualities and emotions. The three animals in the poem are described as having human qualities. First, Henry Savage states, Certain facts about the animals which formed the quarry of the medieval huntsman, to be found in the hunting treatises of the time, and certain popular beliefs about their habits and tempers that were promulgated by the practices and
  • 28. Horse Body Structure This week relates horses body structure to some equipments like saddle and bridle. By analyzing the structure of horse s mouth, the lecture explains why the bridle was designed in that way. Saddle and bridle are fundamental equipments when riding the horse. The long history of saddle s evolution reveals that horsemanship is not a simple work. As horses trainer, the rider plays the essential role in horsemanship, which requires a lot from the rider. Rider holds the bridle and controls the horse, which means that rider needs to learn how to successfully use the bridle. For example, everyone knows that bridle is indispensable when riding a horse. But as the person with higher riding level, rider must be acquaint with the equipment that is being
  • 29. When I Kill My Dog I am sylvester s dad i am not proud of sylvester all he does at school is get in trouble he never pays attention in school he s always fighting with his classmates. I always tell him he s never going to make it to be a movie star because of the way he looks and his actions in school, his grades everything he bothered everyone. I seriously think that sylvester is going to be one of those people that ask for money in the streets. Sylvester just stole jewelry from his wife a few days ago. He got so broke in just a few days. It hurts to see my son in the streets as a homeless he does not have money at all what is he going to eat how is he going to feed his dog ? why am i worrying? I told him so many times he did not wanna listen i m not going... Show more content on ... I automatically start writing the movie it took me 20 hours to write this movie script i know it s going to be worth the 20 hours I am planning to name this movie rocky yes that is going to be the name of the movie. Tomorrow I m going to give my movie script let s see if they like it. I am one of the workers that is trying to look for a good movie script for a boxing movie and we loved the movie script I will give you 100,00 dollars for it. You ll give me 100,00 dollars for it and I ll be the main actor of the movie. They don t want a actor like you they want a professional actor. Then I will it give you my script. They came back 2 times until they actually let me be the main actor of the movie. The first thing I did was get my dog back for whatever price I got my dog back. My life is so much better now. I am now a star actor of the movie i wrote. I have my dog back. I m proud of you son I regret all those times I have doubted you. Your looks don t matter it s all about your skills. Sorry for all the times i made your life worse. I am now going to be
  • 30. Daniel 4 This project, primarily intends to poetically reconstruct events from the story of the life of Daniel, a God fearing man, extremely knowledgeable, wise, from a royal bloodline who faced extreme difficulties and immensely dire circumstances because of his faith. Under the continually changing kings, who had overthrown his homeland, Daniel, unexpectedly became among the most powerful people in the entire land, after the Kings made use of his God given gift of interpreting dreams. In the face of radical change, Daniel thrived when thought humanly impossible considering his odds. In the midst of his troubles, he trusted God, never shrinking, even while in a den of lions, despite every logical reason to fear and doubt that God would rescue him.... Show more content on ... Through the use of repetition of God s own words, from the beginning through to the end, the theme of God, the only constant in Daniel s life will develop. Through inclusion and exclusion of certain words, lapses in Daniel s trust in God will appear, as well as some of his weaknesses. In certain verses, which will appear in the form of visions, God confides in Daniel through visions of future happenings, some of which deeply disturb Daniel s spirit. In others, Daniel expresses physical weakness, doubting his ability to even function, all the while knowing that God will renew his strength, notwithstanding continual contrasting evidence. For example, Daniel laments, I am overcome with anguish, because of your vision, my Lord , and have become very weak. (Daniel 10.16). In some verses, God s angels sent words of encouragement from God, which, as mentioned previously will appear multiple times throughout the
  • 31. Online Dating Site Analysis Dating websites seem to be everywhere. This can leave one wondering which is best for their needs. Adult Friend Finder is a popular site that has been around for quite a while. The site was founded in 1996. This is a long time for an Internet dating site. That should be taken as a good sign. They know what works or people wouldn t keep coming back, and they know how to run a business or customers would run away. Read on for a truthful review of the adult datingsite adultfriendfinder. Getting started is pretty easy. The site is pretty straightforward. You ll fill out your profile, letting others know who you are and what you re looking for. You ll then be able to check around for what you re looking for, and you ll also receive suggested matches. You ll be able to choose your gender, and whether you re looking for a man, woman, or transgendered person. As you search for matches you can choose from hookups, casual sex, threesomes, or even cybersex if you don t want to meet in person. This is a nice feature, you can have fun, but at a safe distance. However, those who do want to meet someone are in luck as matches are arranged according to geographic location. This helps prevent the disappointment of meeting and not being able to get together due to distance. ... Show more content on ... However, that s not to say that you won t meet the person of your dreams. Sexual compatibility is pretty important in a relationship. One thing that this site does extremely well is match up sexually compatible people. So, while a lot of those on the site seem to be looking for something casual, there is still the chance to find true
  • 32. Life Of Pi Where During Pi s Journey Discoveries referring to people and places can lead an individual to new values and understandings but also ramifications. These discoveries being on a large or small scale can lead to positive outcomes such as new understandings and values or negative outcomes being ramification or consequences brought from a discovery. This is evident in Ang Lee s film Life of Piwhere during Pi s journey and hardships lead to his new understandingof faith contrasted to his discovery to survive on his journey, seen through his relationship with Richard Parker and his belief that animals have souls, lead to vast ramifications. Similarly, in Julian Barnes short story Marriage Lines the return to the Island bring new understandings of his past memories... Show more content on ... Pi s understanding of faith is further developed in the face of adversity during his time stranded in the pacific. This is conveyed through Lee s use of magic realism in the daybreak scene, where through Lee use of the wide shot of the horizon meeting the ocean, emphasising the hue colours of orange which contrast s to Pi s message about God and placing his faith in him, God I give myself to you. I am your vessel. Whatever comes I want to know. Show me . Through Pi s actions of losing hope in the message in the bottle, emphasised in Lee s close up camera work and stagnated water, but also in the rational world, he demonstrates his discovery of religion and faith being tested, linking back to the quote of the older Pi. Pi s ultimate test of faith is demonstrated through the Storm and the Carnivorous Island both considered forces of nature where Pi s faith and submission to his faith are tested through both situations appearing to be less violent and dangerous in nature than they truly are. Lee demonstrates this new understanding by again using the experienced older Pi narrating the lessons learned in adversity, If I hadn t discovered the tooth, I would have been lost, alone forever. Even when God seemed to abandon me he was watching... . This final step ultimately displays how Pi found new understanding to his faith through the experiences on his journey. Therefore, through Pi s journey leads him to the discovery of the new understanding
  • 33. Persuasive Speech Outline On Autism Vaccines do not Cause Autism Outline Thesis Statement: Autism a neurological disorder not related to bad behavior and by researching the controversial topic, disproving the myth that vaccines can cause autism. 1.What is autism? a.Definition Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder defined by persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction, accompanied by restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities (What Is Autism, n.d.). b.Rate of incidence Results from the CDC 1 in 69children has been identified with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder, 2018). c.Boys vs. Girls Results from the CDC Autism is 4.5 times more common in boys (1 in 42) than girls (1 in 189) (Autism ... Show more content on ... Symptoms Intellectual disability with is attributed to social deficits, language impairment and repetitive behaviors. Can also suffer from one or more of the following: seizures, GI disorders, immune dysfunction, sleep disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders and ADHD (Symptoms, 2013). 2.Causes a.Vaccines Are the children receiving too many vaccines at once? How separating into multiple visits may ease the minds of parents. Some who feel vaccines cause autism choose not to vaccinate at all causing other issues (Do Vaccines Cause Autism?, n.d. and VaccineMyths Debunked, 2017). b.MMR VaccineWhy the MMR vaccine does not cause autism (Rename, 2017). Studies that have proved vaccines are safe and protect against other diseases. c.Thimerosal and Mercury Why thimerosal and mercury are not causes of autism (Normand, 2007). Thimerosal and mercury were taken out of vaccines in 1999 and yet the autism rate continues to climb. 3.Challenges a.Individual with autism Beside the obvious communication and social deficits, individuals face discrimination and bullying. In some extreme cases, they may be taken advantage of financially or sexually (Bullying and Youth with Disabilities and Special Health Needs, n.d.). Special needs individuals are also faced with local and federal budget cuts to the developmentally disabled community and are lacking proper day services, transportation and
  • 34. Batgirl Research Paper Name: Katherine Katie Walsh Alias: Alloy Age: 16 Height: 5 5 Weight: 180 lbs (with arm), 130 lbs (without). Species: Human (Unnatural meta) Costume: Katie is short, and very fair. She has long brown hair that she usually keeps in a braid to keep her hair from interfering with her arm. She isn t fat per say, and she isn t muscular either, she s a in the middle, bordering the muscular side more than the fat side. Her right arm is a chrome color and reflects light. Her costume is much akin to that of Batgirl, except she wears a bulletproof vest and her undershirt is a thin, dark grey one. She wears black pants and boots. There is no right sleeve on her undershirt, because the fabric can get in the arm when it s in combat mode. Personality:... Show more content on ... She accepted the offer, and she was saved. Instead of keeping her against her will, and turning her into a weapon, she was released, to live a more normal life. She was recruited by Superman for the Young Justice hero program, and she accepted. Powers: Cadmus gave her a new arm, which can lift at max, two thousand pounds. It joins her body at her collarbone, meaning that they removed her shoulder joint and replaced it with a bionic one. To equalize her strength and weight on her right side, she was made a metahuman. Her entire body has enhanced strength and durability her right arm can lift about four hundred pounds and she can kick with up to eight hundred pounds of force. She s weighed down on her right side, so it looks like she s limping, or walking with a swagger, but she doesn t mean to, she s just heavier on the one side. Her arm had many modes it can go into, and it can be taken off, though it s difficult to take off and she doesn t do it often. Precision mode: This mode sacrifices sixty percent of arm strength to having better precision and can be upped to seventy five percent of strength to precision if
  • 35. Wedding Day Book Report Here is you new baby boy! Said the doctor at 7:46 P.M., April 19, 2001. Melanie Burns and Bernard Burns Jr. had their first child. They had a baby that weighed 8 lbs and 6 oz. And they name him Jonah Khalil Burns. He was born in Sinai Hospital. Oh yeah, by the way that Jonah Burns kid, is me. And I m now 14 years old about to turn 15 in a few months. So, I know you re probably wondering What happened in the past 14 years. Well, let s dive into the book of me. I m going to tell you this straight forward. I don t have the best memory. So when you ask me the question, What s your earliest memories/experiences, I most likely will mix things up and what age I was so bare with me. But moving on, I always remember being in love with Hot Wheels.... Show more content on ... October to be exact. This was the month that my family and I lost one of the most influential people. Her name was Ethel Rean King, we called her Granny King. She nicknamed every single one of her grandchildren. One of my cousin s nickname was Pie Face. Another one s was You Baby. My sister s was Queen. The thing that sticks out to me the most is the fact that my nickname was King. I didn t understand the context behind the name until my father told me what was the reasoning behind her calling my sister and I royalty names. This is because my father was such a successful man, she sees us to be very talented and high level. Just like a king and queen are high level. It s been about months since she has passed and I still kind of miss her because of how big of a part she was in my life. Now it is the week of February 28, 2016. I am finishing this paper on the 29th at around 6:10 p.m. And this is how far and how much I can tell you about my life. This book is not ending it is just beginning. The Book of Jonah Burns won t end for a long time. So, instead of saying The End, I m just going to say see you next
  • 36. Literature Review On Blended Language Learning Literature Review This section discusses the fundamental concepts of blended language learning. It highlights basic issues such as constructivism, eLearning, blended learning and Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS) definitions, purposes, and advantages. It also reviews previous research that relevant to the use of Blackboard in blended language environment in higher education. Introduction Constructivism is a theory of knowing and a way of examining how humans learn (Fosnot, 1996). Constructivist learning theory pertains to the engendering and constructing of knowledge based on one s experience (Vygotsky 1978). The Constructivist theory of Jerome Bruner (1996) provides the learner with opportunities to reflect on their experiences. ... Show more content on ... The limited time and the expanded classes usually hamper the effectiveness of learning and teaching of language. The result is an increase in the demand to construct a learning environment for language in both the traditional and non traditional modes that foster autonomous learning in an out of classroom setting. The presumption with this notion is that traditional classroom teaching is inadequate in making students hone their independent skills for language learning. Technology based language learning firmly adheres to the ideology that asserts that learners must develop their goals throughout their learning process and to be capable of planning and reflecting, as well as directing, their respective learning experiences (Chang,
  • 37. Nt1310 Unit 1 Term Paper 3.8) Scheduler: Scheduler in an operating system selects the next process to be admitted into the system and next process to run. The three schedulers and their differences are as follows: Long Term Scheduler: Long term scheduler also known as job scheduler, selects the process or jobs which are to be allowed to the ready queue in the main memory for execution. It decides what processes are to be run on the system. Long term scheduling has much less frequency of execution. The long term scheduler is responsible for controlling the degree of multiprogramming. Because of longer periods between the executions, long term scheduler has an ability to take time in selecting the process for execution. It is important to select an appropriate process. Generally processes can be described as I/O bound or CPU bound. I/O bound spends more time in doing I/O operations rather than other computations. CPU bound is contrast to I/O bound, which spends time doing all other ... Show more content on ... It has a thread ID, a program counter, a register set, and a stack. Thread is smaller than a process so thread creation needs only some resources when with a process creation. In creating a process, it requires to allocate the process control block (PCB).The PCB includes a memory map and list of open files. A process creation makes memory being allocated for program instructions and data. 4.11) Concurrency: A condition that exists when at least two threads are in progress. Parallelism: A condition that exists when two threads are executing in parallel. Yes it is possible to have concurrency but not parallelism. This can be explained as: If there are 4 threads and they are executed on a single computing or multiple computing system, the threads will be in progress even though they do not execute in parallel way. This condition satisfies concurrency but no parallelism. But it is not possible to have parallelism without
  • 38. Writing For Our English Class Some Clamor Louder Life is a small, spinning oyster, and it is one that I do not wish to eat. Emily s proclamations often situate themselves between the abstruse and the overwrought, and tonight, at this booth, in this sleek little Asian fusion restaurant, she has welded both worlds. Em, I sigh, there s more on the menu than just seafood. Well, maybe I don t want any of it. Maybe I want to starve. Fine, then starve. In the eleventh grade, Emily presented an original poem for our English class not to be graded, but out of creative expression. Before she began, she held her notebook page in front of us and fanned it around the room. Her words appeared as sharp streaks of red on an otherwise pale piece of paper. I wanted to make it look like blood, she prefaced, to which a few students sneered. I shot a glance at Ms. Ward, who was not doing a good job hiding her unease; one of her hands was prodding at her temple, a nervous habit that I had come to notice. Emily cleared her throat. In the South Pacific, I dream of beaches I dream of leeches sucking my skin. Sometimes I wish they would suck me dry and other times I want to go home. In the Mid Atlantic, I raise my hand, I wait politely to be called. I m never called, I m never called. My mom says, one day, it will work; I sneak Prozac from her purse. For now, I sit, I wait, I wish, for what, you ask? I ll tell you now. I want to ride the greatest tide into the darkest pits of hell, I want to never want again, that
  • 39. Foes of the Revolution History records the events chronicled in Why We Can t Wait as the Civil Rights Movement. However, if we take to heart the words of the author, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we should view these events as the Civil Rights Revolution. Dr. King states, A social movement that only changes people is merely a revolt. A movement that changes both people and institutions is a revolution (142). Through the method of nonviolent direct action the black citizens of the United States, specifically in Birmingham, Alabama, achieved more in the summer of 1963 than any other time in American history. To appreciate this revolution we must realize it battled against three foes; the white power structure, moderates, and the church. First, the battle against the white power structure was twofold, economic and political (49). These forces had been in place since Reconstruction to keep the black citizen in slavery. Economics came into play when black workers were denied jobs and promotion due to the color of their skin, not on their skill or performance (46). They came in the form of Jim Crow lawswhich segregated the black citizen from attending the same schools, playing in the same parks, or even drinking water from the same fountain to name a few (44 47). To understand how engrained these laws were enforced we need only to learn of a United States senator being arrested because he walked through a door marked Colored (48). Perhaps the greatest display of contempt toward the black
  • 40. The Invention Of Television Has Impacted American Society I. Introduction: The first commercial to ever air in America was a 10 second ad for Bulova clocks and watches. This commercial cost nine dollars. Today, a typical commercial costs around two hundred dollars to a thousand dollars (Luckin). Both society and television have drastically changed from when television was first invented to today. Few inventions have had as big of an impact on American society as the television has. The invention of television has impacted American society positively, because it helps spread information faster and influences the way people think about important social issues, it provides cultural experiences and can help broaden viewer s perspectives, and it entertains and brings communities together. II. Background: The invention of television did not happen overnight. Different experiments by various inventors and scholars immersed in the fields of electricity and rado resulted in the development of the basic technologies and ideas that later became the groundwork for the invention of television ( The History Of Television ). Paul Nipkow was one of the first inventors that had a huge impact on the future invention of television. Paul discovered television s scanning principle, which is when the light intensities of small portions of an image are analyzed and transmitted. In 1884, Nipkow invented a rotating disk, with one or more spirals of openings that passed across a picture, called the Nipkow disk ( Paul Gottlieb Nipkow ). This invention
  • 41. Ministry of Sound Case Study Essay Ministry Of Sound 1.From the offset Ministry of sound has had to deal with numerous environmental factors that has fashioned the club in the early stages and in the later years. Weather it has hindered its development or accelerated it is up for analysis. During the early stages logistically they had to deal with the issue of the clubs location being in a high crime rate borough of Southwark situated in Elephant Castle. Also with Acid House derived music, the nightclub inherited the underground rave culture that is synonymous with the designer drugs of the 90 s such as ecstasy. The national drug offences crime rate is at 4.5 were as Southwark council is 18.6 far exceeding national average, this is shown in appendix 1. These... Show more content on ... 3.To identify the main stakeholders we have to differentiate the qualities and recognise the levels of significance they hold to the organisation. We can do this by analysing stakeholders by categorising them, such as internal and external stakeholders and by using the power interest matrix as shown in appendix 2. There are 4 categories within the power interest matrix that we can apply to Ministry of sound. The fist being A minimal effort which is low power and low interest, they do not have any authority they can exert onto the organisation. Then there is B keep informed these stakeholders have high interest and limited ability to influence directly, for example those who visit the nightclubs and events and retail customers. However they do expect a high quality service or product, whilst expecting a euphoric experience. Category C keep satisfied are stakeholders that have low level interest but can exert change relatively easily, such as government bodies or local authorities. Their expectations seem to be generic to all other organisations, follow laws and regulations and act coherently within society. Lastly being arguably the most important stakeholders are D key players these are employees and investors like venture capitalists 3i, who are key players in ministry of sound organisation. Expecting good return on investment and dividends, whilst expanding creating growth and longevity for the company. 4.
  • 42. Cultural Diversity in London The phrase British culture is often used carelessly, as if it completely and comprehensively defines all of the 63 million people living in Great Britain as well as their culture. People who use terms such as this either willingly or unconsciously forget the fact that Great Britain is a culturally diverse country, the biggest representative of this being its largest and most populated city London. In order to understand things better, we should take a few steps backwards and attempt to define these two important terms (1) culture and (2) cultural diversity. According to Longman s Dictionary of Contemporary English , culture is primarily defined as the beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by people... Show more content on ... What is also interesting is that in most London boroughs, the majority of pupils speak a language other than English at home. For example, in Tower Hamlets, Newham, Westminster and Brent this amounts to more than 60%. Richmond upon Thames, Sutton, Bexley, Bromley and Havering, where the rate is less than 20 per cent, are exceptions to this rule. The biggest contributor to such a huge level of diversity in all major cultural aspects is without doubt immigration. London had been the trade capitol of the world for a long time, and its numerous colonies provided it with abundant workforce in the past. Even today, when this is not the case, London is the city with the second largest immigrant population (after New York) , as no less than 36.7% of its population are foreign born people. LIFE IN THE MELTING POT It is now perfectly clear why London is often reffered to as the melting pot of nations . However, it is necessary to say that this term is also wrongly used, as melting pot suggests a homogyny in culture, i.e. a common culture for all people in a society, which does not apply to London. But how do exactly all these nations, with all their personal beliefs and traditions, get along in this so called pot ? The capitol s culture has been shaped over time by the many nationalities and their cultures into a highly heterogenous yet progressive environment. Testament to this are the numerous annual
  • 43. A History Of The World In A History of the World in Six Glasses, Standage discusses how beer and wine are made in terms of the ingredients and how each beverage is related to each social class. The ingredients are what differentiate one beverage from another beverage. An Ingredient is the main component that makes the beverage unique and gives it an identity. An ingredient is what makes people to choose a beverage from wide range of options. An ingredient gives the color, the texture and the taste to a beverage which makes it unique from other beverages. When it comes to the social classes, beer and wine played a huge role to set up the structure of the social classes. Both beer and wine made each stage of social class devote to a certain beverage that would represent their social class. This essay, I will describe how Tom Standage s text, A History of the World in Six Glasses, discusses the relationship and the differences between ingredients of the beer and wine and the social classes with regard to beer and wine. This synthesis will explain how the beer and wine were viewed in the in terms of ingredients and how each social class was devoted to a certain beverage. To start off, ingredients differ from each beverage and they give a specialty to each drink. Wine and Beer have a lot of common qualities in terms of their ingredients and how they are made. For example, Standage states, Beer on the other hand, could be made from cerealcrops, which were abundant and could be
  • 44. Mindfulness Training For Carers Of People With Dementia Mindfulness training for carers of people with dementia; impact on carers wellbeing Introduction This essay explores explores evidence of how caring for people with dementia (PwD) might have detrimental effects on a carers physiological and psychological wellbeing. It describes reviews the practice of mindfulness, and its potential health benefits,; and examines considers literature which argues which evaluates the impact of mindfulness training has a positive, therapeutic impact on the wellbeing of carers . According to the Alzheimer s Society (2014) there are approximately 850,000 people with dementiaPwD in the UK, which will increase to one million people by 2025. One in six people aged 80 and over have dementia. The word dementia ... Show more content on ... Dementia can have a detrimental impact on takes a devastating toll on carers, affecting both their physiological and psychological wellbeing. According to the a poll, administered by the Alzheimer s Association (2016) in the US, which questioned 3,102 adults in America about their attitudes, knowledge and experiences related to Alzheimer s disease , about 60 percent of carers of people with dementia carers rated their emotional stress of caring as high or very high, nearly 40 percent said they suffer from depression Aand approximately 74 percent said they are somewhat to very concerned about maintaining their own health . Many studies have taken place over the last twenty years, which have brought to light the negative consequences caring for people with dementiaPwD has on the wellbeing of carers , most notably . A study by Schultz, et al., (1995) noted that the most frequent clinical conditions examined are depression and anxiety .; O other symptoms may include sleep deprivation, negative changes in immune function and hypertension. In a review of 37 publications, which evaluated differences between caregivers and non caregivers health and cognition, Fonareva et al (2014: 725 726) suggest report that familial carers, in particular, suffer from chronic stress, exacerbated by excessive time constraints, increased chores, and behavioural management issues of the PwD, together with anticipatory grieving ; often
  • 45. The People Believe About Rastafarians Despite what many people believe about Rastafarians, there are many misunderstandings. Many are set on calling any person that has dreadlocks, or anyone who lives away from the Rasta society. Reggae musicians, weed smokers and Jamaican lingo talkers are in the make beliefs of the Rastafarians. Clearly those exterior references only create a more confusing understanding of Rastafarians. For anyone to call themselves Rasta, one must know everything about their culture. Unlike other religions where all one has to do is accept whatever that religion says without study, one must study the doctrine, the diet, the laws and the strict codes that obey to the Rasta faith. It is seen as a way of life rather than just another religion. Since each... Show more content on ... Garvey s dream of a return to Africa became the Rastafarian dream as well, and some Rastafarians have indeed settled in Ethiopia, Ghana, and Zaire. One of the early impacts who paved the way for the rise of this cult was Marcus Garvey. Garvey lived in New York City, and believed that the black man would never receive fair treatment in a white man s world. He then organized a back to Africa movement that attracted thousands. Which were followers among the poor blacks of certain large city urban areas. Garvey was convicted of mail fraud, and spent time in prison. When he finally returned to his native Jamaica in 1927, Garvey allegedly prophesied that a black king would be crowned in Africa. He also stated through that monarch freedom for dark skin people would be realized eventually. Garvey himself never joined the succeeding religious movement that became known as Rastafarianism. Garvey was even critical of Haile Selassie for leaving Ethiopia during the time of the Italian Fascist occupation. Entirely too many people are caught up on the concept of whether Tafari Makonnen, also known as His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, was Christ, and whether he was or was not the returning Messiah in the flesh. To many people, it is necessary to belittle King Selessie s role and
  • 46. Summary Of Nzinga Mbemba s Letters To The King During the 15th century, Christopher Columbus along with several of his men went in search of finding a direct water route (Europe to Asia). Instead, Columbus and his men stumbled upon the Americas, thus marking the beginning of European intervention and globalization. While this intervention brought together several diverse cultures, the Europeans dominating nature encouraged several conflicts between countries. Nzinga Mbemba, a 16th century ruler of the Kingdom of Kongo, urged the King of Portugal to respect their alliance and to exert control onto his subjects as expressed in his writing Letters to the King of Portugal (1562). While in the work Commentary on Foreigners (ca. 1420) He Ao, a Ming official, suggested that Europeshould be put under strict government control. Letters to the King of Portugal (1562) opened with Mbemba urgently requesting the King of Portugal to exert control onto his subjects and to respect their existing alliance. Mbemba initially idealized the lifestyle and religion of the Portuguese people as it was something that bonded the two countries together in the first place. However, the people of Portugal soon developed a trade center and... Show more content on ... He perceived Portuguese merchants as untrustworthy, cruel, and a threat to the security of his country. When they arrived armed with cannons and weapons, Ao saw that the merchants had no regard for the existing law. He strongly felt that misfortune would be bestowed upon China if he fostered trade with the people of Portugal. Furthermore, he thought that foreigners should be forced to leave and that the private intercourse be prohibited and that [their] strategical defence be close (Chang 449). Ultimately, Ao wanted peace for his country and felt the Europeans wreaked havoc on his once untroubled
  • 47. The Last Space Lord I am number 69, the last of my kind. We were the space lords and there were 70 of us on earth. We came because the Virus Fang destroyed our planet. We came here in individual transport no two space lords came together. The way that I made it here is by a Legof. A Legof is the name of our spaceships back on my planet that can travel in any atmosphere and disguise itself as anything. The Legof is as living as I am. Most of us traveled that way, but there were a few of us who knew how to teleport. Now I am the last one left to save the world from the Virus Fang. I have been hiding from the monsters that killed most of my brothers. The Virus Fang search to destroy all life from space lords to humans. The scars of my dead brethren are split between my two legs. Each of the scars is engraved with a small picture of which of my brethren it represents, leaving a memory of those who I have lost in battle. The scars hurt every once in a while. It s almost like they are still living as a part of me. Some mornings I wake up and the pain is so unbearable that I actually believe that my brethren are crawling out of the scars on my leg and coming back to life. It s morning. It seems almost impossible to get out of my warm, cozy confortable bed on this seemingly normal morning. But the warm smell of hot cocoa in the air awakens me filling with happiness and joy. All of my childhood memories of my mom s delicious hot cocoa. It is almost like I m in one of those human children cartoons,
  • 48. Successful Online Dating For many newcomers taking the first step into online dating may be daunting. With all the online dating services that are available now, how do you choose which is best for you? How do you get started? What s the best approach for messaging? What do you put in a profile? How do you guarantee your own safety? What are the best strategies for successful online dating? These are just a few of the questions new online daters face all the time. But with a bit of advice, practically everyone can find success in online dating. Here are a few brief tips: One of the most important things for newcomers to dating online is which service to use. The first step in making this decision is to determine the specific needs that should be met by the dating service, and find websites that cater to those needs. For example, while some dating services cater specifically to casual encounters, some are designed to make matches for serious relationships only, while a few target people who are looking specifically for someone to start an affair with. Other important things to look for are price. For many people just starting out, free sites can be a good introduction to the online dating world that doesn t involve a financial commitment. It s also a good idea to browse around and see if the members who are already signed up for the site share similar tastes and interests. ... Show more content on ... Needless to say, profiles are a very important part of online dating. Members of online dating services find out about each other, and decide if they want to introduce themselves, based on the information in a profile. Because of this, its important to make a positive, truthful impression by keeping the information light and inviting. A good rule of thumb is to avoid any negative information in a profile whatsoever. The most important thing to include in a profile is a clear, smiling picture that focuses on the member s
  • 49. A Glass Of Wine A Day Keeps The Doctor Away Essay A glass of wine a day keeps the doctor away. Is it enough to just say this without any real evidence to support it? Is just wanting it to be true enough to convince you? The answer to these two questions could be the difference between acknowledging accurate information presented in a scientific article and accepting insufficient information presented in a lay article. Lay articles provide brief summaries on the concepts in documented researchstudies. Scientific articles thoroughly describe and report findings in research studies. In order for either article to be believable, important information should be included. This information includes the population of interest and the sample in the study, the independent and dependent variables and their levels, scale of measurement for each variable, the null and research hypothesis, the test statistic used and its significance level (p value or О± value), results of the study, research errors, and the assumptions for the specific test statistic. According to Nolan and Heinzen (2011), authors of Essentials of Statisticsfor the Behavioral Sciences, assumptions are, Characteristics that we ideally require the population from which we are sampling to have (scaled DV, randomly selected, normally distributed) so that we can make accurate inferences (Nolan Heinzen, 154). Comparing a lay article to a scientific article can aid in one s perception of which type of article most effectively presents all of the necessary information
  • 50. Analysis Of The Walking Dead Analysis Essay The Walking Dead is a television show that leaves its audience terrified and apprehension at 9 pm on Sunday nights. While members in the audiences are chewing on popcorn, The Walking Dead provides a taste for human cannibalism. The walkers, Zombies , feed on human flesh and have no thought of mortality. The atmosphere of The Walking Deadleaves all its characters with a dreary future until Rick Grimes just waking up from a comma in a hospital shows up with bringing leadership into the group with authority; and leaves the apocalyptic world less dull and grim also bringing hope for the group for surviving. Rick in the episode Guts just being introduced into the group hears a commotion of gunshots being fired from the top of the building. The whole group rushes upstairs to see Merle Dixon firing away at zombies attracting more and more until T Dog confronts Merle. Merle terrifies the whole group impelling T Dog to the concrete demanding leadership until Rick knocks Merle to ground handcuffing him to the roof. This brings hope into the group in which the group without rick the group was too weak to fend for their self and couldn t of stop Merle from killing T Dog and hurting them. People started looking up to Rick more as a leader. Later on in that episode, Andrea was eyeballing a piece of jewelry wanting that some sort of approval form Rick to take it. Rick Why don t you take it . Andrea Because there is a cop staring at me . She didn t want to take it
  • 51. Sex Education And Sexual Education According to U.S center for disease control and prevention, last year only 34 out of 1,000 teen females gave birth which it the lowest since 1946. The reason behind this decline is comprehensive sex education taught in schools. One the other hand, the opponents believe that the reason for this decline is the sex educationclasses that teach about not having sex. Even when most schools are teaching abstinences only sex educationabout sixty six percent of high school students says they are sexually active. Which concludes that the abstinences only sex education is not working and is not the proper way of teaching sex education in schools. Not teaching proper sex education may result in teen pregnancyor sexually transmitted diseases. According to, Center of disease control and prevention, last year, 26% people diagnosed with HIV were teens aged thirteen to nineteen. Even though supports of abstinences only sex education have a delusional thinking that comprehensive sex education will increase students to have sex more often, it should still be taught in schools as research show it declines teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease in teens. The survey done by Centers of disease control concludes that nearly about 10 million sexually transmitted disease are contracted every year in the U.S. Even though there is some decline the teen pregnancy over time, last year 273,105 babies were born to females aged thirteen to nineteen. There are many consequences of giving birth
  • 52. Racism in the Sports Pages Essay September 1, 1955: The African American Absence The 1950 s saw the birth of rock and roll and the explosion of television sitcoms. The decade was also marked by the influx of African American athletes into the sporting world following Jackie Robinson s debut for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947. However, one would not realize the significance of African Americans in athletics by reading sports pages during the 1950 s. The athletic achievements of African Americans were often doomed to the latter pages of sports sections in favor of advertisements and routine sports articles. The San Francisco Chronicle is guilty of hiding the impact of African Americans in sports, reflecting a lack of racial tolerance. It can be said that ... Show more content on ... The school missed the boat the first time around, as Jackie Robinson, himself, lettered in football for the Bruins. He was a star on the team as a running back and from all reports was a man of great character, yet was passed over when it came time to elect the captain of the team. Hardiman Cureton, a decade later, had more luck than Robinson. He must have been ecstatic to be elected captain. However, to be called a Negro in the headline of an article written about an honor bestowed upon him must have felt like a slap in the face. Or maybe it didn t. Maybe he expected to be called a Negro because it was commonplace in 1950 s American society. The San Francisco Chronicle certainly portrayed it as such. The fact that this article even needed to be written says a lot about American society as a whole. Nowadays, it is fairly uncommon to find a college football team without a black captain. Back in 1955, the naming of a black captain was news. Maybe it was not news that people had an interest in reading, as evidenced by the article s short length and less than ideal page placement. If it truly meant a great amount to the readers or writers of the San Francisco Chronicle, the sports editor probably would have placed it on the front page of his section. Although this story might not have been deemed front page material like articles on
  • 53. Analysis Of The Play Murder At The Mic When an arrogant musician is killed on stage everyone becomes a suspect. STORY COMMENTS MURDER AT THE MIC presents as a classic murder mystery with the ultimate question: who did it? Everyone loves a good mystery. The goal is clear and the stakes are fairly high. The play offers a cast of offbeat characters, betrayal, secrets, a twist, and a very ironic and delightful ending. There s definitely a lot to like about the play, but with that said, there s room for additional development. The opening introduces most of the core characters. Greg is clearly the main character that the play centers on. Greg s first words shitty nicely conveys his personality. Essentially, Greg is supposed to be a shitty guy. He seems to have little... Show more content on ... The idea of the video camera works well too. There s a nice cat and mouse exchange between the detective and the usual suspects. The reveal that the detective is really the video guy makes for a good twist that the audience doesn t see coming. However, consider the idea that once his wig falls off and they realize who the detective really he, that they try to turn the tables on Hickman and accuse him of being the person sabotaging the switch and killing Greg. Thus, it s at this point that he makes the reveal that Greg is still alive. When Greg is revealed to be alive make sure he s condensing to each of the other characters to make the delightful ending twist work even more effectively when they all conspire to kill him. The ending is a lot of fun, but with that said, the overall humor could be elevated. It s not the type of play that has laugh out loud moments. The tone is a bit ambiguous. Prior to the death, the tone feels dramatic. However, as the play progresses, it feels more like a dark comedy, which is very fitting for this type of mystery. While humor is subjective, stronger dark comedy with wittier lines of dialogue would really make this play shine. Greg feels cocky and entitled. As mentioned, there s room to enhance this. His motivation for the ruse feels a bit unclear. He says it s for a music video. This doesn t feel like a strong enough motivation. One wonders if he should tell the
  • 54. Withdrawal Of The Syrian Refugee Crisis EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This policy memo addresses the current possible U.S. options to the Syrian refugee crisis. I have identified three different options: Increase Syrian refugee resettlement commitments, establish safe zones in northern Syria, or seal the Syrian border. As conditions continue to deteriorate in Syria and the number of refugees continues to increase, it is critical that you strengthen the U.S. position in the country of Syria. The establishment of safe zones would align our moral, strategic, and diplomatic interests more than any other possible policy. Half of the electorate or more wants refugees to establish safe homelands near or in their country, if possible, reducing the perceived risk of increasing potential terrorism in the United States, the notion grounded in reality or not. Also, historically, refugees have been allowed safe harbor in United States and we could continue in such tradition, in the safest possible way. BACKGROUND The conflict in Syria between the government of Bashar al Assad and various other forces, which started in the spring of 2011, continues to cause displacement within the country and across the region. By the end of 2014, approximately 7.6 million people were internally displaced and 3.7 million Syrians had fled the country since the start of the conflict. Over 21.5 million people, or half of the country s pre war population, have been displaced. The refugee situation is urgent, and it has placed an enormous burden on
  • 55. Essay on American Consumer Culture As a country, Americans love to shop. Whether in malls, grocery stores, on the Internet, or elsewhere, the culture of buying is deeply ingrained in American culture. Fueled largely by advertising and the current credit system, America s consumer culture is depleting our planet s finite natural resources and polluting our environment. Consumerismhas instilled in Americans an artificial, ongoing, and insatiable desire for mass produced and marketed products, and the money with which to buy them, with little regard to their actual usefulness or necessity. This constant desire to acquire more possessions is poisoning the planet, as it can never be sated and thus results in the never ending exploitation of the Earth s natural resources, and ... Show more content on ... One of his famous expressions is, The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. It is the intelligent minorities which need to make use of propaganda continuously and systematically ( ). The idea behind this statement has been widely used ever since for commercial profits, through the manipulation of public opinion and the power of mass marketing. Consumerism often causes people to identify with a product or brand on a personal level. Certain products have come to represent different levels of society, with swankier products like muscle cars indicating high class and such products as generic store brand shampoo indicating low class. People feel that they have relationships with their favorite brands and products and define themselves by what they buy and own. The mass production of cheap products uses precious fossil fuels at an alarming rate. This has an obvious negative impact on the environment. In her biography of North Carolinian mountain man Eustace Conway, Elizabeth Gilbert explains ways in which Conway rejects consumerism. He lives self sufficiently off of his Appalachian mountain land making his own clothes, hunting and gathering his food, starting fires by rubbing sticks together, bathing in icy streams, living in a